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French 10 12 Nov 2

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GRADES 10 – 12

Prepared by:
Curriculum Development Centre
P.O. Box 50092



Preface ................................................................................................................................................................................................... i

Acknowledgement .................................................................................................................................................................................. ii

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................ iii

General Aims .......................................................................................................................................................................................... v

General Outcomes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. v

Grade 10 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Grade 11 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Grade 12 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Assessment ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23


© Curriculum Development Centre, 2011

All rights are reserved. No part of this syllabus may be produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior consent of the copyright owner.



In 1999, the first comprehensive French syllabus for High School was produced since the subject was introduced in Zambia before
Independence. This is a revised copy of the 1999 syllabus. Before this syllabus was developed in 1999, the Zambia Association of French
Teachers (ZAFT) produced a number of booklets intended to help the teacher in day to day performance of his/her duties. These materials on
grammar and exercises were quite popular and much used at High School, but they were not a guide in the real sense of the syllabus, hence the
need to have had this copy now.

This is the second ever French syllabus for the High School in Zambia. It has been produced to address the concerns of all those that have
contributed in whatever capacity to the teaching of French and more especially the teachers. It is the product of the combined efforts of
pedagogues drawn from the University of Zambia, Nkrumah University College, the Examinations Council of Zambia, the Curriculum
Development Centre, the Standards Officers and the classroom teachers. It is the result of a long history in the methodology of French
beginning from the Grammar-Translation Approach, the Centre of Interest Approach, the Situational Approach to the NOTIONSal/Functional
Approach. The views of all stakeholders to the Zambia Education Curriculum Framework, regarding French at High School have been included
in this syllabus so as to continue searching for quality education delivery.

The High School French syllabus is based on the NOTIONSal/Functional Approach and lays emphasis on the communicative function (both oral
and written) of the language. This syllabus is quite unique in that:
- It reflects the philosophy of the country as stipulated in the National Policy on Education “Educating Our Future” and the Zambia Education
Curriculum Framework for 2011 in the sense that it highlights life skills and problem solving concepts.
- The knowledge, skills, values and positive attitudes have been indicated to help the teachers get more focused on the holistic approach of
moulding the learners.

Nkosha C.
Permanent Secretary


The development of the French High School syllabus has become a reality at long last as a result of efforts and dedication of many people and
we wish to thank them all. We are grateful to the government for the allocation of funds which enabled the existence of the senior syllabus in
French. We also extend our thanks to all government departments and institutions of learning who have made valuable contributions to the
development of the senior syllabus for French.

Sakala C.N. M. (Mrs.)

Director - Standards and Curriculum



To our knowledge, this is the first syllabus that has ever been produced for teaching and learning of French at High School level in Zambia.

In preparing this syllabus, the authors carefully examined the French Upper Basic School Syllabus, expanded it and used it as the basis for
developing new skills. Being a Notional Syllabus, the teaching of French is based on and organized by the functions that utterances can have and
the phenomenal categories that such elements relate to.

The authors, have tried in this syllabus, to give the learner what is linguistically worthwhile. However, the teacher should treat this document as
a mere guide and as such, he/she should not feel inhibited from delving into other sources of language teaching/learning because, there is no
“methode passepartout”. What is being demanded of the teacher here, is simply creativity, flexibility and resourcefulness.

Finally, while designing this syllabus, the authors also took into consideration new concepts which have already been incorporated in other
school syllabuses such as; HIV/AIDS, Democracy, Family and Population, Environment etc. In this view it has become necessary to request the
teacher of French to work very closely with his/her colleagues in other departments when preparing his/her lessons. After all, language embraces
all other disciplines.



1. At the end of 2 years of Basic Education and 3 years of High School, the learner will have been exposed to varying levels of linguistic
and communicative aspects one is expected to acquire in order to widen, reinforce and strengthen one’s ability to understand and express
oneself clearly and distinctly in simple French.

2. The approach of new NOTIONS, practices and experiences the learner will be exposed to will in many respects assist one to acquire
those necessary linguistic skills they need to know in order to meet their new challenges.

3. The exposure of the learner to different levels of French culture and civilisation will stimulate the desire to learn and subsequently enrich
knowledge in the spoken and in the written language.

4. French as a modern language, is an important functional tool in modern society and will, as such, be seen as a basis for knowledge
acquisition and cognitive development.

5. Learners should use the French language skills, values and knowledge, both as an art and a trade to promote entrepreneurship.

The learner should:
1. practise a basic conversation in French.
2. express himself/herself (communicate) in a day to day conversation.
3. write narratively, expositionally, creatively, argumentatively or situationally to describe a given situation.
4. write in acceptable French personal and official letters.
5. identify and name main grammatical/linguistic components.
6. identify and interpret basic French cultural aspects.



Knowledge Skills Values
1 10.1.0 Banking 10.1.1 open and close an account. • Vocabulaire et expressions - critical thinking. - calmness
10.1.2 deposit and withdraw money. je voudrais, j’aimerais, je veux, - problem solving. - devotion
10.1.3 raise and cash a cheque. désire, gagner de l’argent, rapporter - self actualisation. - discipline
10.1.4 change one currency to another. des intérêts, la caisse, le guichet, le - creativity - diligence
10.1.5 obtain travellers cheques. comptoir la comptabilité - analysing - thrift
10.1.6 send and receive money. - literacy - empathy
• Verbes - attentiveness - honesty
ouvrir, fermer, déposer, retirer, - accuracy - financial
obtenir, changer, recevoir, envoyer, - self-esteem independence
épargner, compter - prudence
- reliability
- resourcefulness
- trust
- watchfulness
• Verbs - sensitivity
10.2.0 Police 10.2.1 call the police and give a verbal - voler, tuer, crier, déclarer, voir,
account of such incidents as dire, écraser, arrêter, mettre en - critical thinking.
theft, fights, accidents, death ... prison, témoigner, raconter, - problem solving. - courage
10.2.2 make a written account of such répéter - analysing - discipline
incidents as thefts, accidents, - (au présent, passé composé et - attentiveness - diligence
deaths ... in simple French future proche) - accuracy - empathy
10.2.3 state correctly information verbally - negotiation - honesty
or in writing as required by the law • Vocabulaire et expressions - self-confidence - prudence
(police, courts). - qu’est-ce qui se passe ? - effective - reliability
- s’est passé? communication - trust
- est arrivé? - assertiveness - watchfulness
- à l’aide! au secours! au - self-awareness - sensitivity
voleur! au voleur! le - stress
commissariat, agent de police, management

un crime, un accident, le vol, la
Knowledge Skills Values
1 10.3.0 Possession 10.3.1 enquire and state both verbally and • Révision (adjectives): - correct - sincerity
in writing that something belongs mon, ton, son, ma, ta, sa notre, application of - privacy
to them or to somebody else. votre, leur, mes, tes, ses, nos, vos, language - order
10.3.2 apply correctly both in orally and in leurs - articulation - dignity
writing French words pertaining to - effective - correctness
possession. Pronoms: communication - accuracy
le mien, le tien, le sien, la mienne, - assertiveness - carefulness
la tienne, la sienne, les miens, les - self-confidence - clarity
tiens, les siens, le nôtre, le votre, - emphatic - confidence
le leur, les nôtres, les vôtre(s), les behaviour - respect
leurs - modesty

• Prépositions:
à, pour, de
- appartenir à + nom/pronoms:
moi, toi, lui(elle)
+ nom propre: Pierre
+ nom: à maman
- A qui est ....? Il/elle est à ...
- A qui sont ...? Ils/elles sont ... à
- C’est à …
- C’est le livre de …
- Ce livre est pour …


Knowledge Skills Values
10.4.0 • Révision: présentation d’une - accuracy - sincerity
Communication 10.4.1 write a short letter (50 words) to lettre amicale - syntactic - maturity
friends, parents, relatives ... • Présentation d’une lettre - audibility - order
10.4.2 write an official letter, an officielle, - literacy - fluency
application for employment ... - d’une demande d’emploi: début - cohesiveness - dignity
et conclusion - coherence - correctness
• Vocabulaire et expressions - problem solving - accuracy
10.4.3 make and respond to a telephone - Cher (ère) + nom - expressiveness
call. - Cher (ère) + nom propre - carefulness
- Cher (ère) Monsieur/Madame - clarity
10.4.4 identify and name the following - Ton ami… - humility
means of communications: - Mes salutations les plus… - confidence
- letter writing, telephone, e-mail, - gratitude
internet, fax ... - respect
- modesty
10.4.5 identify and name the following
means of communications:
- letter writing, telephone, e-mail,
internet, fax ...

Knowledge Skills Values
10.5.0 10.5.1 express their feelings about • Vocabulaire et expressions: - creative thinking - brilliance
Expressing one’s someone or something else. - Je t’aime, je n’aime pas, je - emphatic - fluency
opinion 10.5.2 express their personal opinions. déteste… behaviour - efficiency
10.5.3 agree or disagree. - Je crois/pense/trouve + que - analysing - cordiality
10.5.4 ask about someone’s opinion. - à mon avis/d’après moi/pour - critical thinking - service
10.5.5 produce and recite poems in moi/selon moi ... - creativity - reliability
French. - comment tu le trouves? - self-esteem - organisation
- vous trouvez que ...? - innovativeness - neatness
- qu’est-ce que vous en pensez? - synthesizing - loyalty
- quel est votre avis? - evaluating - logic
- quelle est votre opinion? - thoughtfulness
- qu’en pensez-vous?
- tu es belle/jolie !
• Poèmes africains et français.

Vocabulaire et expressions:
10.6.0 10.6.1 ask and give practical information - pardon! - accuracy - honesty
Information verbally and in writing. - excusez-moi monsieur/madame/ - problem solving - clarity
10.6.2 decline to give information to mademoiselle. - analyzing - secrecy
someone orally and in writing. - J’accuse reception…pourriez- - critical thinking - loyalty
10.6.3 correcting information given vous… ? veuillez m’envoyer, je - synthesizing - dignity
wrongly. regrette, avec plaisir,s’il vous - risk taking - integrity
10.6.4 acknowledge receiving or stating plait! où est ...? à quelle heure ...? - effective - truthfulness
non-receipt of information. comment? quand? je cherche ... communication - attentiveness
• Donner des informations sur: - summarizing - concentration
- l'heure, le prix, les locaux, la - directing -
direction à prendre/suivre, les

Knowledge Skills Values
3 10.7.0 Invitations 10.7.1 invite someone. • Vocabulaire et expressions: - effective - clarity
10.7.2 accept an invitation. - inviter, répondre, envoyer, communication - decisiveness
10.7.3 turn down an invitation. remettre, - analysing - honesty
10.7.4 publicise invitations - je vous invite à ... - precision - fearlessness
10.7.5 direct the invited guests - vous voulez + infinitif + avec - accuracy - politeness
10.7.6 cancel or postpone an invitation. + pronom? - summarising - interpersonal
- ça te/vous plairait? de infinitif? relationship
- ça te/vous dirait de + infinitif? -
- avec plaisir
- c’est sympa/sympathique/une
bonne idée
- d’accord…, oui, je veux bien…
volontiers…, C’est (très) gentil,
mais ..., je suis (vraiment)
désolé(e) ..., je regrette ...
- merci, mais ..., non!
10.8.0 Future plans 10.8.1 talk and write about wishes. • Vocabulaire et expressions: - analysing - decisiveness
10.8.2 discuss things they do not want - Je voudrais/je ne voudrais pas ... - correct choices - fearlessness
in future. - j'aimerais/je n’aimerais pas ... - literacy - honesty
10.8.3 present orally and in writing on - j’ai l’intention de/je n’ai pas - analysis - fitness
things they will do in future. l’intention de... - problem solving - growth
10.8.4 ask for advice about things they - je pense + infinitif/je ne pense - creativity - hopefulness
should do/not do in future. pas + infinitif - critical thinking - intelligence
- je compte + infinitif/je ne - self-awareness - vision
compte pas + infinitif - stability
- je veux + infinitif/je ne veux - success
pas + infinitive - reason
- Le présent (je pars demain) - sense of planning
- Le futur proche (je vais
partir demain)
- Le futur simple (je partirai demain)

Knowledge Skills Values
1 11.1.0 Permission 11.1.1 ask for permission to do something. • Révision (Grade 9 Term 1, - critical analysis - firmness
and Notion 2) - problem solving - frankness
Prohibition 11.1.2 give someone permission to do - responsible - harmony
something. • Vocabulaire et expressions action - confidence
11.1.3 deny someone permission to do - je vous conseille de.../je vous - leadership - control
something. déconseille de... - empathy in - boldness
- si j’étais à ta place, je... action - carefulness
11.1.4 identify and interpret prohibitive - moi, à ta place, je... - creativity - inquisitiveness
and non-prohibitive signs. - tu ferais mieux de ... - integrity
- il ne faut pas ... - responsibility
11.1.5 advise someone against doing - faites attention! - hopefulness
something. - ce n’est pas la peine de ...
- veuillez ne pas.../n’essaie pas
11.1.6 develop a list of do’s and dont’s in de...
given situations. - est ce que ...?
- pouvoir, vouloir, pouvoir,
devoir + infinitif
- interdire
- impérative
- négation:

Knowledge Skills Values
1 11.2.0 Obligation 11.2.1 express the necessity to do things. • Vocabulaire et expressions: - cooperating - respect
11.2.2 advise someone on the need to do - falloir, devoir, ordonner, - controlling - humility
something. commander, obliger… others - empathy
11.2.3 explain the advantages and - je dois/je devrais + infinitif - analysing - control
disadvantages of carrying out given - je suis obligé de + infinitif - effective - sympathy
tasks. - il faut que + subjonctif communication - compliance
- il est/c’est nécessaire de + - self-confidence - obedience
infinitif - assertiveness - certainty
- il est/c’est nécessaire que +

11.3.0 Likes and 11.3.1 express likes and dislikes for • Vocabulaire et expressions: - affection for - responsibility
dislikes people’s objects and ideas. - admirer, adorer, déplaire, others - happiness
11.3.2 consider other people’s views dégouter, détester, rejeter ... - advise correctly - humour
- je trouve ça, je ne trouve pas ça - controlling - joy
+ adjectif magnifique, chouette, others
formidable, bien, mal, agréable, - discussing
amusant ...) - judging
- c’est, ce n’est pas merveilleux, - giving opinion
superbe -
- génial, sensationnel, terrible,
- qu’est-ce que c’est beau/bien
- comme c’est beau!/bien!
- j’aime ça/j’aime bien (ça)
- j’admire + nom propre ou de
- j’ai de l’admiration
- j’aime bien + quelqu’un

Knowledge Skills Values
2 11.4.0 11.4.1 identify and name different types • Vocabulaire et expressions: - describing - hospitality
Accommodation of accommodation. - louer, loger, régler, habiter, évincer - analysing - dependability
11.4.2 discuss the types of déménager - appreciating - care
accommodation - la maison, l’auberge, l’immeuble, - accepting - attractiveness
11.4.3 correctly identify and name the l’appartement, la villa, l’hôtel, la - sharing speech - security
different parts of a building and pension...le, la concierge, la, le - negotiating - sharing
their use. locataire, le porteur, propriétaire.., - practicality
11.4.4 make an oral or written gardien ... - self-sufficiency
presentation about the purchase, - la vente, l’achat, louer une chambre, - support
sale, or renting of a property payer le loyer
(house, flat, hotel)

11.5.0 Sports 11.5.1 name, talk and write about • Vocabulaire et expressions: - discussing - health
different types of sporting - jouer au football, basket, rugby, tennis - analysing - strength
activities (ball games, - jouer aux + cartes, échecs, boules... - practicing sport - satisfaction
track and field events, cycling, - faire de la natation - critical - popularity
swimming, car racing, boxing, - faire du catch, cyclisme, ski, cheval.. thinking - recreation
wrestling...) - faire de la plongée sous-marine, boxe, - demonstrating - obedience
11.5.2 discuss the benefits of sports to lutte games - loyalty
the human being. - faire de l’équitation, alpinisme... - following rules - knowledge
11.5.3 research on sporting activities not - faire (nombre) ...métres, (saut en - jumping - liveliness
common in Zambia hauteur, longeur) - organising - refinement
- faire la course others - courage
- lancement du poids, du javelot, du
- faire le relais 4 x 100, 4 x 4000, le
- participer, prendre part à…

Knowledge Skills Values
2 11.6.0 Shopping 11.6.1 enquire about and tell the prices of • Vocabulaire et expressions - literacy - contentment
goods. - Rappel : unités monétaires (le - composing - decisiveness
kwacha, le dollar, le franc) - listing - fashion
11.6.2 express admiration of or - les prix, poids et mesures - orderliness in - thought
disappointment over quality of - vendeur, vendeuse budgeting - satisfaction
goods. - monsieur, madame, - critical thinking - order
mademoiselle …vous désirez, - note taking - extravagance
11.6.3 bargain for the price of goods. voulez, cherchez...? - summary - recognition
11.6.4 name and write down goods they - qu’est-ce que vous désirez?, - numeracy - simplicity
want to buy in any of the following voulez?, - identifying - uniqueness
shops: butchery, grocery, bakery, cherchez...? - elegance
confectionery, market, supermarket, - client(e): - honesty
bookshop... - un kilo, litre de..., s’il vous plaît - discipline
- un, une + marchandise, s’il vous
- donnez-moi..., s’il vous plaît?
- il me faut...s’il vous plaît
- je veux, voundrais, désire,
s’il vous plaît.
- Est-ce que vous avez..., s’il vous
- je vous dois combien?
- c’est combien?
- ça fait combien?...


Knowledge Skills Values
3 11.7.0 Tourism 11.8.1 give information verbally and in • Vocabulaire et expressions - conservation - adventure
writing on tourist attractions and - musées, chutes, rivières, parcs - defending - amusement
wonders in Zambia. nationaux, artisanat, peinture, - critical thinking - appreciation
monuments, sites historiques… - analysis - challenge
11.8.2 give and receive information on - les sept merveilles du monde. - narrating - courage
some touristic attractions and - cordiality
wonders in France and the world at - industry
large. - gratitude
- fluency
11.8.3 State the economic benefit of - intelligence
tourism to Zambia - pleasure

11.8.0 Music 11.8.1 identify and name different types of • Vocabulaire et expressions - analysis - industrious
musical instruments. - Chanter, danser, s’amuser, - playing an - gratitude
apprécier, écouter instrument - fluency
11.8.2 talk and write about Zambian and - guitare, piano, violon, flute, - organising - intelligence
French music. harmonica, accordéon, tambour, - memorising - pleasure
tam-tam, cymbals, trompette... - presentations - application
11.8.3 sing in French. - jouer, de la guitare, du violon... - assimilation
chansons, poèmes africains
11.8.4 produce and recite poems in French. et français

Knowledge Skills Values
1 12.1.0 Narrations 12.1.1 narrate verbally and in writing, • Expressions:
present, past and future events. - Qui?, Quoi, Où?, Quand? - Calmness
- De quel but?, ...
- à, à l’, à la, au, aux - Creativity
- imparfait
- les jours de la semaine, les mois de
l’année - Literacy - Consistency
- les nobres et les chiffres, les - Enthusiasm
saisons - Expressiveness
- l‘heure (heures, minutes, seconds) - Precision - Fluency
- l’opposition, passé composé, - Focus
- les repetitions: - une fois par
mois.tous les jours, toujours
- souvent ... - Briefing - Honesty
- quand, au moment où... correctly - Intelligence
- en + participle present - Liveliness
- Reporting - Maturity
- plus-que-parfait
- être sur le point de...être en train
de ... + infinitif ... - Order
- concordance des temps - Self-control
- Truth



Knowledge Skills Values
1 12.2.0 Encounter 12.2.1 introduce themselves and other • Rappel: les solutions, prendre - Confidence in - Calmness
people when congé, donner son opinion, ... speech - Charm
- Composure
12.2.2 initiate, uphold and end a • Expressions: dis donc + nom - Courtesy
conversation. propre
12.2.3 use appropriate language register - alors, au fait, à propos, tiens, - Initiative
with different people in different ça me rapelle, attends, laisse- - Fluency
situations. moi, terminer, ... - Accuracy - Care
- tu permets que je termine, ... - Appropriateness
- tu me permets de teminer
- excuse-moi, je dois m’en aller,
je suis obligé de partir, on se
téléphone, on se revoir, ...

• Rappel: types de transport - Analysing

- Critical
thinking - Experience
12.3.0 Transport 12.3.1 identify and name various types of - Flexibility
transport used in Zambia and • Expressions: prendre + nom - Giving
abroad. de moyen de transport
- voyager: - par vion, bâteau, - Problem
12.3.2 ask and give information pertaining train, solving - Integrity
to ticket sales and other relevant moto, camion, - Creativity - Knowledge
operations at airports, bus stations, - en voiture, en autobus, ... - Professionalism
railway stations sea ports... - à vélo, à pied, à cheval, ... - Trust

 Knowledge Skills Values

1 12.3.3 read and give information pertaining - Literacy - Timeliness

to time schedules. - Analysing - Sincerity

2 12.4.0 Employment 12.4.1 discuss verbally and in writing • Rappel (voir professions)
future careers stating advantages
and disadvantages.
12.4.2 apply for employment. • Vocabulaire: - - Planning - Resourcefulness
embaucher, limoger, - Critical - Prudence
12.4.3 express themselves during • Expressions:
interviews for employment. - mettre à la porte, offre d’emploi,
12.4.4 read and understand job offers être au chômage, chomeur, - Knowledge
(advertisements). syndicat, salaire, emploi, boulot, - Clarity - Obedience
travail, allocation chômage, - Self-esteem - Solidarity
grève, être en grève, se mettre en
grève, ...

12.5.0 Democracy • Vocabulaire: droits de - Leadership

12.5.1 express their opinions on matters l’homme égalité, liberté, fraternité, - Critical - Loyalty
pertaining to democracy and other - constitution, emancipation, thinking
similar concepts such as human prejudges, voter, suffrage - Problem
rights, gender, property grabbing universel, scrutin, elections, solving
child abuse ... bulletin de vote, assemblée
12.5.2 discuss and write on political, social, nationale, député, Sénat, conseil
economic and religious issues with municipal,... - Justice
a view to finding solutions. - Assertiveness - Impartiality
- Empathy - Freedom
- Appreciation



Knowledge Skills Values
2 12.6.0 Education 12.6.1 discuss verbally and in writing the • Expressions: - Critical - Achievement
general structures of the Zambian - relations – pourtant thinking - Assurance
and French education systems. - pendant – pendant que - Reflectiveness - Brilliance
- à mon avis – néaumoins - Capability
- cependant
- c’est dommage
- c’est regrettable – c’est
regrettable que
- Cooperation
12.6.2 discuss and inform other people • Vocabulaire: - Clarity in - Creativity
about the importance of education - structure (système scolaire): la speech - Devotion
in life. maternelle - Critical
12.6.3 identify, debate and discuss - le primaire, le college, le lycée, thinking
problems in education with a view institute, l’école normale, - Synthesising - Exploration
to finding solutions. l’univesité - Evaluating
- unemployment - emplui - Problem
- over enrolment - tolérance, tolérer, tolérant solving - Hopefulness
- ouverture d’esprit - Knowledge
- girl, boy ratio in schools - chômage. - Motivation
- insufficient teaching, learning - Service
- school infrastructure


Knowledge Skills Values
3 12.7.0 Health 12.7.1 discuss verbally and in writing the • Vocabulaire, Expression: - Analysis - Awareness
general structures of the Zambian a) structures des systèmes - Evaluating - Care
and French health systems. sanitaires. - Discovery
12.7.2 discuss the causes of terminal - Energy
diseases such as HIV, AIDS, b) malpropreté (manque - Creative - Fitness
malaria, yellow fever, polio, d’hygiène), ignorance, thinking - Health
tuberculosis... immoralité, négligence,
12.7.3 identify and discuss problems in croyances traditionnelles. - Critical - Hygiene
health with a view to finding c) insuffisance de médicaments, thinking - Recreation
solutions. infrastructures, conditions de - Variety
12.7.4 discuss advantages and travail travail (infirières et
disadvantages of traditional médecins...).
medicine. d) éducation...
12.7.5 identify and discuss different ways e) pauvreté, conflicts syndicaux, - Problem - Zeal
of preventing the transmission of deforestations, migrations, solving - Traditionalism
HIV, AIDS and other STDs. création de bidonvilles, manque - Thoughtfulness
12.7.6 give information to other people on d’emplois, crimes, épidémies... - Indefying
basic and prevention of diseases. - Distinguishing
12.7.7 discuss verbally and in writing - Evaluating
advantages and disadvantages of
Family Planning and its impact on
economy, society, environment and

Knowledge Skills Values
3 12.8.0 Environment 12.8.1 discuss environmental issues such as • Vocabulaire: sensibilisation, - Critical - Abundance
charcoal burning, soil erosion, écologie, dégraation écologique, thinking - Appreciation
pollution, bush fires, “chitemene”, preservation de la nature, (forêt, - Interpreting - Nature
poaching, mining, fishing, solid flore, faune, vie maritime...). - Carefulness
waste dumping, littering. - Analysing - Challenge
12.8.2 identify and discuss the causes and - Communicating
effect of environment degradation. effectively - Thoughtfulness
12.8.3 give information to others on the - Evaluation
importance of environmental - Education
preservation. - Extravagance
- Imagination
- Self-reliance
- Vision


1. Paper 1: ECRIT: 60 points – durée totale: 2 heures
A. Comprêhension écrite : 20 points
Forme: 10 questions (5 de type vrai, faux, oui, non, etc... et 5 items de QCM: 2 points par question).
Instrument: documents originaux de même type que ceux proposés par le’examen de Cambridge de 1992 (ex-Paper II)


B. Grammaire et structure : 20 points

Forme: a. exercices de transformations: 10 points.
b. exercices à trous : 10 points

Instrument: a. phrase d’un texte permettant d’évaluer un ensemble de points grammaticauz (5 points).
b. texte structure où 5 mots grammaticaux ou d’artculation auront été supprimeés.

C. Expression écrite (redaction):

Une seule rédaction guide (réponse à une lettre, résumé de texte, compte-rendu, etc...)
- un sujet à choisir par l’élève parmi 3 sujets proposés.
- Longueur : environ 120 mots.

2. Paper II : ORAL : 40points
A. Expressions orale: 20 points
Forme: a. Lecture (10 points)
b. Conversation (10 points) dirigée par les questions du professeur examinateur.

Instrument: un texte choisi par l’élève parmi 4 textes proposés.

Durée : 20 minutes (10 points de préparation et 10 d’examen)

B. Compréhension orale : 20 points

Forme: répondre à 10 questions écrites (2 points chacune), 5 questions de type vrai, faux et 5 items de QCM.
Instrument: un texte d’une demi-page que le progresseur lira 3 fois aux élèves qui disposeront du questionnaire.
Durée: 40 minutes

C. Project: Literary work de journal: 30 points.


1. Contacts M.J. Capelle et G. Achard-Bayle Hatier 1983

2. Échange Comité de français CDC 1989

3. Pierre et Seydou Jacques David & Damoiseau Robert et al. Hachette 1967

4. Tricolore Sylvia Honor & Heather Mascie-Taylor Wheaton and Company Ltd. 1982

5. Sans Frontiére Dominique PH. et. al. Cle International 1984

6. Enseigner à comminiquer en Sophie Moirand Hachette 1982

français langue étrangère

7. Commiquer en français Francine Cicurel et. al. Hatier 1987


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