1 s2.0 S0023643818306005 Main
1 s2.0 S0023643818306005 Main
1 s2.0 S0023643818306005 Main
Keywords: The aim of this study was to evaluate the combination of ultrasound and vacuum on papaya drying kinetics and
Drying some quality parameters. Drying was performed at 60 °C and four techniques were used: ultrasound and vacuum
Carotenoids assisted drying (USVD), vacuum drying (VD), ultrasound assisted drying (USD) and control (without ultrasound
Texture and vacuum) drying (CD). Fresh and dried samples were evaluated in terms of color, texture, total carotenoid
and ascorbic acid contents. USVD papaya had lower processing time, requiring 270 min to reach the dynamic
equilibrium condition, while CD papaya required 450 min. The samples that presented the lowest loss of ascorbic
acid (41.3%) were those dried with the aid of ultrasound and vacuum, while USD samples showed lower car-
otenoid loss after processing (9.7%). All dried samples had a reduced luminosity and yellow color and an in-
crease in red tone. In relation to texture, CD sample had the highest hardness value, while USVD dried sample
presented the lowest value. Ultrasonic treatment accelerated the vacuum drying process for papaya and mini-
mized the loss of the bioactive compounds studied and products' color.
1. Introduction heat sensitive materials, such as fruits (Chen, Guo, & Wu, 2016). It has
the advantage of obtaining lower drying time, using low temperature
Papaya is a fruit with high nutritional value. In addition to the and less energy, and reducing the oxidation of food compounds by the
consumption of the fresh fruit, it is also being widely used as a valuable removal of oxygen during drying (Aghbashlo, Mobli, Rafiee, &
raw material in the processing industry in formulating more elaborated Madadlou, 2013; Başlar, Kiliçli, & Yalinkiliç, 2015). Therefore, the
foods (Nuns, Emond, & Brecht, 2006). Despite its high demand on the sensory and nutritional qualities of food can be maintained. Another
market, papaya is a fruit that has a very fast ripening cycle and high drying technology is ultrasonic assisted dehydration, where the ultra-
perishability, which makes it difficult to preserve and commercialize. sonic waves are used to create microscopic channels that can facilitate
An old and widely used technology by the food industry is dehydration. the removal of water. Furthermore, the ultrasound produces a cavity
It increases the durability of the fruit, guarantees its offer in the na- that can aid in the removal of the tightly bound water presented in the
tional and international markets and adds value to the product material (Fuente-Blanco, Sarabia, Acosta-Aparicio, Blanco-Blanco, &
(Machado, Souza, & Novaes, 2015). Gallego-Juarez, 2006).
There are many current methods for food dehydration, but con- The combination of techniques to optimize drying process is not
vective drying is still the most used. Although it is easy to apply, con- new. However, there are no studies on the use of ultrasonic assisted
vective drying can present some disadvantages such as shrinkage and vacuum drying for fruits. The literature reports only the studies with
deformations in the solid matrix, pigment oxidation, loss of vitamins salmon and trout fillets (Başlar, Kiliçh, & Yalinkiliç, 2015), with beef
and minerals, reduction of sensory and nutritional values, low rehy- and chicken (Başlar, Kiliçh, Toker, Sağdiç, & Arici, 2014), with carrot
dration capacity of the final product, among others (Mujumdar, 2015). (Chen et al., 2016) and with green beans (Tekin, Başlar, Karasu, &
Thus, an alternative to conventional drying process that can improve Kilicli, 2017). This technique was initially reported by Başlar et al.
dried product quality is very important for the food industry. (2014) and is based on ultrasonic treatment combined with vacuum
Vacuum drying is an alternative dehydration method suitable for drying to reduce processing time. In this technique, vacuum drying
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: pazoubel@gmail.com (P.M. Azoubel).
Received 15 March 2018; Received in revised form 8 July 2018; Accepted 10 July 2018
Available online 12 July 2018
0023-6438/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Vieira da Silva Júnior et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 97 (2018) 317–322
creates a pressure in the environment lower than the atmospheric one, texturometer (Brookfield, model CT3, USA) at room temperature.
and thus the water evaporates at a lower temperature. In addition, the Penetration tests were conducted with a 12.7 mm flat cylinder probe
use of vacuum also increases the drying rate by accelerating the transfer (TA10). The operational parameters were as follows: trigger force was
of water. Ultrasonic treatment, which is the other component of the 5 g, constant speed of 1 mm/s and deformation ratio of 90%. All tests
technique, simultaneously assists heat transfer and accelerates the were carried out in each sample, penetration tests were made at four
transfer of water from the interior to the surface of the material using points.
mechanical waves. Thus, this new technique is then composed of va- The total carotenoid content was determined based in the metho-
cuum drying, which reduces environmental pressure and promotes a dology of Rodriguez-Amaya (1999). In brief, there was an acetone ex-
higher drying rate, and an ultrasonic process that accelerates heat and traction, followed by a separation and a dilution in petroleum ether,
mass transfer (Başlar et al., 2015). finally measuring absorbance at 470 nm. Some precautions against
Therefore, studies are needed to ascertain the efficacy of this drying pigment degradation or alteration were taken, such as protection from
method, by combining ultrasound and vacuum drying, applied to fruits. light and high temperatures, and the use of a short analysis time. Total
In addition, it is necessary to verify if this method can influence the carotenoids were expressed as μg per g of DM (dry matter).
conservation of some physical-chemical and nutritional qualities of The ascorbic acid content was determined according to AOAC
dehydrated fruits in relation to the conventional methods of dehydra- (2002). Samples of 5 g each were diluted to 100 mL with 0.5 g/100 mL
tion. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the use of ultra- oxalic acid at 4 °C in volumetric flask. An aliquot of 5 mL filtrate was
sound and vacuum on papaya drying. The quality of the dried fruit in titrated with 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) indicator to the
terms of color, texture, total carotenoid and ascorbic acid contents was end point. Ascorbic acid content was expressed in mg/100 g of DM.
examined. For the physicochemical characteristics evaluated, an analysis of
variance (ANOVA) was applied to analyze the results in order to de-
2. Material and methods termine if there were significant differences among samples. Means
were compared by Tukey's test at p < 0.01. Data were averaged from
2.1. Raw material three treatment replicates and reported as mean ± standard deviation.
Papayas (Carica papaya) of Formosa variety were purchased at a 3. Results and discussion
local market (Recife, PE, Brazil). The fruits were washed, hand peeled
and the seeds were removed. The pulp was cut into slices 3.1. Drying
(5.0 × 3.0 cm) with 0.4 cm of thickness, weighed (nearly 30 g per
study) and submitted to drying. The initial moisture content was de- Changes in papaya moisture content with drying time for the four
termined according to AOAC (2002). techniques tested are shown in Fig. 1. Some differences in process rates
were observed according to the methodology used. However, in each
2.2. Drying case there is a decreasing drying curve divided into two phases: a near
constant first phase of rapid water loss, and a second phase character-
Drying was performed at 60 °C (Azoubel, Amorim, Oliveira, Maciel, ized by a slope in the curve, which shows a reduction in the drying rate
& Rodrigues, 2015; Kumar, Madhumathi, Sadarunnisa, & Latha, 2017; to the end of processing.
Kurozawa, Terng, Hubinger, & Park, 2014; Silva et al., 2016; Silva When drying was performed with the use of ultrasound and/or
et al., 2016) using four techniques: ultrasound assisted vacuum drying vacuum, higher drying rates were verified, that is, when comparing
(USVD), vacuum drying (VD), ultrasound assisted drying (USD) and these samples with those of the control (without ultrasound and va-
control (without ultrasound and vacuum) drying (CD). cuum) drying, it was observed that the latter reached the same moisture
The design of the processing set was based in Başlar et al. (2015). content of the previous ones in a longer process time (Fig. 1). For ex-
Samples were placed in a flask that was connected to a vacuum pump. ample, to obtain papaya with a moisture content of 0.19 kg H2O/kg dry
Ultrasonic was transmitted in an ultrasonic bath with a thermostat mass (16%, wet basis), a value below the maximum allowed by the
(Unique, model USC-2850A, Brazil), without mechanical agitation. The
ultrasound frequency was 25 kHz and the intensity was 4870 W/m2.
The vacuum was supplied from a vacuum pump (Marconi, model MA-
2057, Brazil) with 24 L/min pump speed. The vacuum degree was
maintained between 0.02 and 0.03 MPa. For VD, only the vacuum
pump was used, for USD only the ultrasound was used and for USVD
both devices were used. However, for the control group, both devices
(vacuum and ultrasound) were switched off. All samples were weighed
every 15 min until the equilibrium was reached (constant weight).
The water temperature of the ultrasonic bath was controlled and
fluctuations of this temperature were avoided by the water circulation.
E. Vieira da Silva Júnior et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 97 (2018) 317–322
Brazilian legislation for dried fruits, it was observed that the samples The samples that presented lower losses were those dried with the
submitted to ultrasound assisted vacuum drying (USVD) resulted in the use of vacuum (VD and USVD), not differing significantly among them.
shorter processing time. The vacuum employed prevented the contact of the ascorbic acid from
The papaya dried without the use of ultrasound and/or vacuum the sample with the free oxygen, thus preventing its oxidation (Tu,
(CD) had the longer processing time, being necessary about 450 min for Njus, & Schlegel, 2017). Dried samples with vacuum and ultrasound
reaching the dynamic equilibrium condition. Villamiel, Garcia-Perez, assisted vacuum had a loss of 42.2% and 41.3%, respectively. Chen
Montilla, Carcel, and Benedito (2017) reported that in convective et al. (2016) reported that vacuum dried carrots lost 64.5% of its as-
drying, plant tissue continues to present turgid cells with a defined and corbic acid content, while ultrasound assisted vacuum dried carrots lost
organized cell wall, which makes water diffusivity difficult. For the approximately 51% of their ascorbic acid content, which demonstrates
papaya samples submitted to ultrasound assisted drying (USD), vacuum that this last methodology was even more effective in the retention of
drying and ultrasound assisted vacuum drying (USVD), the time re- ascorbic acid in the case of carrots.
quired reaching the dynamic equilibrium condition was 360, 300 and There was a great loss of ascorbic acid in the ultrasound assisted
270 min, respectively. Thus, the drying methodology that proved to be drying (68.2%), followed by the control group, the latter being the least
the most effective for the reduction of process duration was the one that effective in vitamin C retention, with a loss of 72.8%. In both cases
used vacuum coupled with ultrasound. These results are attributed to samples had contact with air (oxygen). However, ultrasound assisted
the possible formation of microscopic channels, caused by the appli- drying was faster, thus reducing the time of contact of the sample with
cation of ultrasound, arising from cavitation phenomena and from the the circulating oxygen. The thermal damage suffered by a product
sponge effect (series of compressions and expansions of the sample) during drying is also directly proportional to the process time
which results in pressure changes in the solid that facilitates the re- (Kurozawa et al., 2014). Therefore, the control group, which required
moval of moisture and, when combined to vacuum, increases the drying more time for its complete drying, obtained a greater degradation of
rate by acceleration of water transfer (Başlar et al., 2014). this nutrient.
This new drying technology using vacuum coupled with ultrasound
was tested by Tekin et al. (2017), which obtained a higher green beans
drying rate as compared to vacuum drying alone under the same pro- 3.2.2. Total carotenoids
cessing conditions. In addition, when tested with beef and chicken meat Papaya of the Formosa variety has a very pronounced reddish or-
and salmon and trout fillets, it was also achieved positive results, in ange color, characteristic of the fruit, indicating the presence of car-
which the ultrasound with the vacuum produced a higher drying rate otenoids. Lycopene, β-cryptoxanthin and β-carotene were identified as
compared to the vacuum and oven drying (Başlar et al., 2014, 2015). the main carotenoids in papaya, with lycopene being the most prevalent
Chen et al. (2016) reported a shorter drying period for carrots with the (Udomkun et al., 2015). In our study, the fresh fruit showed a quantity
use of ultrasound and vacuum when drying at 65 °C, which was ap- of total carotenoids of 3.24 mg/100 g of dry matter (Table 1). This
proximately 1.8 times faster than drying techniques under vacuum. result was similar to that found by Lyu et al. (2017) and Yi, Lyu, Bi,
Zhou, and Zhou (2017). Some differences can be attributed to agri-
cultural practices, sun exposure, production area, maturation stage,
3.2. Quality analysis post-harvest handling and methodology used for analysis.
When dried, the samples showed reduction of their carotenoid
Papaya samples were dried up to a moisture content of 0.19 kg H2O/ content (Table 1). This was due to exposure to high temperature and
kg dry mass (16%, wet basis) and then submitted to some quality processing time, as these pigments are highly unstable and susceptible
analysis. to degradation or isomerization (Goula & Adamopoulos, 2010). The
treatment that resulted in the higher total carotenoid content reduction
3.2.1. Ascorbic acid was the control, which had a loss of 41%. This result can be attributed
In the present study, samples of fresh papaya presented ascorbic to the longer processing time of these samples. Kumar et al. (2017), also
acid values of approximately 71.30 mg/100 g wet sample (593.19 mg/ using a temperature of 60 °C to produce dried papaya, obtained similar
100 g dry sample), which is consistent with the literature (Kelebek, total carotenoid contents (1.59 mg/100 g), while Yi et al. (2017) re-
Selli, Gubbuk, & Gunes, 2015). Table 1 shows the values of the ascorbic ported a greater loss of carotenoids - about 63% - when using con-
acid content of the fresh and processed samples. There is a considerable ventional drying for papaya chip production.
reduction on its content with processing. According to Mercali, The amount of carotenoids extracted from the vacuum dried sam-
Schwartz, Marczak, Tessaro, and Sastry (2014), the degradation of as- ples was greater than the amount extracted from the control samples.
corbic acid is strongly influenced by the characteristics of the drying With vacuum drying, the reduction in the total carotenoids content was
process, much of it being lost by the heat used and by the presence of 27.6%. There was a higher retention of these pigments probably due to
oxygen during the drying process. This degradation was confirmed by their limited amount of oxygen and their short drying time compared to
the large loss after drying, since the ascorbic acid content of all samples the drying of the control group. Chen et al. (2016) obtained approxi-
differed significantly from the content obtained for the unprocessed mately 33% loss of carotenoids for vacuum dried carrots at 65 °C.
(fresh) sample. The cavitation produced by the ultrasonic waves leads to the
Table 1
Quality parameters for fresh (unprocessed) and control (CD), vacuum (VD), ultrasound (USD) and ultrasound assisted vacuum dried (USVD) papayas.
Sample Ascorbic acid (mg/100 g DM) Total carotenoids (mg/100 g DM) Hardness (N) Color
La aa ba
Fresh 593.19 ± 15.43a 3.24 ± 0.06a 6.19 ± 0.32a 62.57 ± 1.95a 20.21 ± 0.88d 42.48 ± 2.19a
VD 343.02 ± 4.24b 2.35 ± 0.02c 40.05 ± 0.92c 48.24 ± 0.37b 26.64 ± 0.37b 24.24 ± 1.62b
USVD 348.14 ± 5.17b 2.88 ± 0.05b 35.91 ± 0.92b 49.09 ± 0.51b 28.34 ± 1.18a 24.77 ± 1.59b
USD 188.95 ± 6.79c 2.93 ± 0.06b 35.34 ± 1.07b 46.09 ± 0.62c 28.34 ± 1.18a 24.39 ± 1.56b
CD 161.26 ± 6.83d 1.89 ± 0.03d 42.89 ± 1.52d 45.81 ± 0.61c 25.33 ± 0.33c 25.60 ± 1.11b
Samples with the same letter within the same column showed no statistically significant difference for their mean values at 99% confidence level.
DM: dry matter.
E. Vieira da Silva Júnior et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 97 (2018) 317–322
formation of micro channels in the USD papaya. These micro channels Samples that were dried with the use of vacuum (ie, vacuum or
allow the passage of sample compounds, such as carotenoids, to the ultrasound assisted vacuum dried) presented a lighter color (L* sig-
extraction solvent used in the analysis (Corbin et al., 2015). In addition, nificantly larger) than the non-vacuum dried ones (control and ultra-
such cycles of expansion and contraction cause rupture in the cell wall sound assisted dried). Even being a product with low water activity and
of the plant matrix, favoring solvent penetration and transfer of com- acidic pH, there is still the action of the darkening enzymes (mainly
pounds, allowing the intracellular content to be released more effi- polyphenol oxidase, in the case of papayas), as reported by Udomkun
ciently (Toma, Vinatoru, Paniwnyk, & Mason, 2001). Thus, dried et al. (2015). The vacuum apparently helped to prevent the action of
samples using ultrasound showed lower percentages of carotenoid loss these enzymes by the lack of oxygen required for the enzymatic dar-
after drying (9.7% loss for USD and 11% for USVD) not differing sig- kening reactions to occur. The lack of oxygen provided by the appli-
nificantly each other. cation of vacuum did not allow the degradation of ascorbic acid to
Other studies using ultrasound proved their efficacy on carotenoid hydroxyfurfural and hydroxymethylfufural, which are the substances
retention. Azoubel et al. (2015), studying the osmotic dehydration of responsible for the darkening of foods rich in vitamin C (Eskin, Ho, &
pretreated papaya submitted to 20 min of ultrasound obtained a loss of Shahidi, 2013; Levi, Gacel, & Juven, 1985). In addition, the reduction
only 35.1% on the fruit total carotenoids. Chen et al. (2016), using in the drying time caused by the methodologies that used vacuum
ultrasound assisted vacuum drying, observed a total carotenoid loss of contributed to the color preservation, since the control samples and the
approximately 21% for carrots. Silva et al. (2016), studying the effi- one dried using ultrasound had a longer drying time, which contributed
ciency of the osmotic dehydration of melon using ultrasonic pretreat- to their darkening.
ment and vacuum, also observed smaller losses of carotenoids when the Corroborating with the presented data, Udomkun et al. (2016a),
fruits were submitted to pretreatment. The authors reported that the studying dried papaya storage in different packages, verified that the
association of ultrasound with vacuum allowed a greater conservation oxygen shortage avoids the enzymatic darkening and consequently the
of carotenoids possibly by increasing their extraction by the use of these darkening of the samples. In a similar study using ultrasound assisted
techniques, which act by reducing the available oxygen for the for- vacuum drying, Tekin et al. (2017) reported that vacuum-dried samples
mation of free radicals, since the mechanism of action of carotenoids is were brighter than vacuum-assisted ultrasonic vacuum.
to chelate the singlet oxygen and its degradation kinetics is favored by In relation to the values of a* and b*, there were also significant
the presence of oxygen and high elevated temperature. changes with drying (Table 1). The value a* tended to increase, while
the value b* decreased with processing. Similar data were also found in
3.2.3. Color the studies of Udomkun et al. (2017) and Tekin et al. (2017) for papaya
The color results for fresh and dehydrated papaya are presented in and green beans, respectively. Koca, Burdurlu, and Karadeniz (2007)
Table 1. The dried products differed significantly from the fresh sample reported that changes in a* and b* values in dehydrated carrot slices
in relation to the parameters of luminosity (L*), red color (a*) and were correlated with the reduction of β-carotene content. However,
yellow color (b*). Silva et al. (2016) also reported that drying is asso- unlike carrots, papaya is richer in lycopene, which has an intensely red
ciated with changes in values referring to color parameters (a*, b* and tonality and represents about 65% of the carotenoids of the fruit, so the
L*) and, according to Ahmed, Shivhare, and Kaur (2002), any changes most modified parameter by the alteration of carotenoid content is the
observed in the values of a* and b* will reflect changes in L* values. In parameter a* (Gayosso-Garcia Sancho, Yahia, & González-Aguilar,
this case, the increase in red color (a*) and decrease in yellow color (b*) 2011).
caused a darkening of the samples that had been dried and, thus, a The increase in red color values (a*) in the dried samples was
reduction of the values of the parameter L*. probably related to the increase in the concentration of the natural
The fresh samples showed significantly higher brightness than the papaya pigments. Samples that lost less carotenoids during drying
dried samples. Significant reductions in the L* parameter were also (ultrasound assisted drying and ultrasound assisted vacuum drying) had
found in the convective drying of papaya at 80 °C by Udomkun et al. the highest values of a*, while the one that lost more carotenoids
(2017). The integrity of the pigments in the food - not yet degraded by (control sample) obtained the lowest values of a*. Pê et al. (2015), in
the high temperatures - and the large amount of water presented in the their study of the osmohydration of papaya followed by drying, found
fresh samples, provides turgidity to the cells (thus reflect more light) that the samples changed from a* values of 22.3 for fresh fruit to 28.2
and solubilizes and disperses the pigments which provide color, making for osmotic pretreated and dried at 50 °C papaya. They justified the
it lighter (Udomkun, Nagle, Argyropoulos, Mahayothee, & Muller, increased red enhancement results also because of the increased con-
2016b). Ahmed et al. (2002) reported that the concentration of com- centration of carotenoids in dehydrated samples.
pounds and reduction of water content is also associated with the for- The values of yellow color (b*) did not differ among the drying
mation of dark compounds from browning reactions. techniques used, but were significantly smaller than that of the fresh
Drying changes the characteristics of foods, so their color, re- sample. This suggested that the fresh sample was more yellow and
flectance and pigments such as chlorophyll and carotenoids undergo concomitantly lighter (higher L* values) than the dried samples. Similar
chemical modifications because of heat and exposure to air (Lozano, behavior was found by Tekin et al. (2017), where the dried green beans
2006, pp. 163–182). The reduced brightness value of the dried samples samples did not differ significantly when subjected to ultrasound as-
may be related to many darkening factors of dehydrated materials. The sisted vacuum drying, control drying or vacuum drying. The reduction
enzymatic oxidation, the Maillard reaction, caramelization, vitamin C of yellow color values in dried papaya samples were also found by Yi
oxidation and carotenoid degradation are usually considered as the et al. (2017). They reported that this decrease can be attributed to the
main factors contributing to color changes during thermal processing presence of dark compounds derived from the degradation of phenolic
(Zou, Teng, Huang, Dai & Wei., 2013). However, in the present study, compounds and vitamin C, which would disrupt the refraction of the
the water loss and concentration of the solids and pigments from food weak yellow color. They also observed that there may be isomeration or
may have drastically affected the luminosity of the papaya, which, due greater retention of some types of carotenoids over others, which ex-
to the shrinkage of the sample, increased light absorption and, conse- plains the increase of a* values and reduction of b* values.
quently, decreased their clarity. This fact was also observed by
Udomkun et al. (2016b) with dried papaya samples, where there was a 3.2.4. Texture
decrease in reflected and diffused light due to the reduction of moisture The hardness of fresh and dried samples was evaluated by calcu-
during drying. In addition, contraction and structural deformation lating the maximum penetration force and expressed in Newton
during drying may have diverted the photons or absolved more (Table 1). The fresh papayas presented hardness values of approxi-
brightness, thereby reducing the L* value. mately 6 N, a value slightly larger than that found by Addai, Abdullah,
E. Vieira da Silva Júnior et al. LWT - Food Science and Technology 97 (2018) 317–322
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