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TKP IX 2016 73-83 Kohutek

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Teka Kom. Praw.

– OL PAN, 2016, 73–83



Miloš Kohútek
Academy of Canon Law in Brno

Summary. Ratum et non consummatum is an administrative process which aim is to achieve the
extraordinary grace of abolition of a valid and sacramental, but not consummated marriage. The
process consists of two phases. The first phase takes place at the diocesan ecclesiastical tribunal.
In this phase, the process consists of hearings of the claimant and the witnesses, and usually also
includes creation of an expert report. The second phase takes place in the Roman Rota.
Key words: non-consummated marriage, Church, dispensation, administrative process

The article treats about the ratum et non consummatum which is an administra-
tive process. The process consists of two phases. The first one takes place at the
diocesan ecclesiastical tribunal and the second – in the Roman Rota.


A possibility of dissolution of a ratified but non-consummated marriage is

a fruit of gradual doctrinal and normative process which has been evolving in
the Church since the Late Middle Ages. The expression “non-consummated
marriage” helped to recognize the value of essential accomplishment of fullness
and perfection at which the marriage aims, namely that the husband and wife
become one flesh, as well as it undoubtedly contributed at the legislative level
of the Church to the awakening of awareness that the Church herself was en-
trusted with a supreme authority which is to be used for the good of God’s peo-
ple. The Teaching of the Church holds in these matters abiding conviction that it
is the Pope who has this supreme authority and who exercises it regarding mar-
riages between 2 baptized people or between a baptized and a non-baptized par-
ty. In the sentence 16/12/1972 n° 299 of the diocese: Florentina was preserved
the historical review of the praxis of granting a dispensation from a non-
consummated marriage1.

1III – De dispensatione matrimonii rati et non consummati: 29. – In iure. – Statuit Codex:
«Matrimonium non consummatum inter baptizatos... dissolvitur... per dispensationem a Sede
Apostolica ex iusta causa concessam, utraque parte rogante vel alterutra, etsi altera sit invita» (can.
74 Miloš Kohútek

The canonical norm dealing with a dissolution of a ratified but non-

consummated marriage is included in these documents in the Code of Canon
Law of 1983, can. 1697–17062 and in other documents that were issued by the

1119). Ita definitur Romani Pontificis potestas solvendi – improprie «dispensandi» – matrimonium
ratum non vero consummatum. Profecto difficultas maxima a theologis opponebatur de matrimonii
indissolubilitate, quae ipso naturali iure fundata «in matrimonio christiano potiorem obtinet firmi-
tatem ratione sacramenti» (can. 1013, § 2). At propter istinctionem repetitam inde a schola Bono-
niensi, ab ipso Gratiano scilicet, inter matrimonium initiatum et matrimoniumperfectum, quod
unice uti absolute indissolubile tenendum est, inde ab initio saec. XIII admissa est praefata
potestas. Immo non deest qui tenet iam Alexandrum III usum fuisse hac potestate in decretali
quadam episcopo Ambianensi missa (cfr. J. Dauvillier, Pierre le Chantre et la dispense de mariage
non consommé: Etudes ... Pierre Petot, Paris 1959, pp. 5 ss.). Sed praesertim inde a Martino V
usus in praxim deducitur, etsi fateantur octores principalem rationem non inveniri nisi in ipsa
Romanorum Pontificum praxi propter utilitatem idelium, dum, admissa potestate Papae in dispen-
satione voti solemnis religionis, quod fortius adhuc vinculum inducit, nihil impedire videatur
quominus pontifex et in casu matrimonii rati et non onsummati ipsum obligationis fundamentum
tollat. Ita statuit Commissio a Clemente VIII constituta ad difficultatem solvendam, et Benedictus
XIV resumpsit conclusiones eius definiens: «Cessat indissolubilitas matrimonii in aliis omnibus
casibus extra professionem religiosam, in quibus Summus Pontifex iustis et gravissimis de causis
censet eius dissolutioni esse locum, ita suadente Traditione, ita exposcente observantia, ita demum
convincente continuata plurium saeculorum praxi Sedis Apostolicae, e quibus interpretatio iuris
divini optime colligi potest» (Quaestiones canonicae, Qu. 546, n. 36; cfr. adhuc qu. 24, 108). Patet
revera Pontificem interpretem infallibilem in rebus fidei et morum errare non potuisse tum in
exercitio potestatis quaesibinon competeret, tum in authentica interpretatione propriae auctoritatis,
et quidem per multa saecula, agnoscendo uti legitimas uniones quae revera non essent nisi po-
lygamicae, tum denique in ipsa organisatione officiali talis instituti (cfr. H. I. Feye, De impedimen-
tis et 802 dispensationibus matrimonialibus, Lovanii 1893, n. 601). Ita praerequisitum exigitur ad
dispensationem impetrandam. 30. – Profecto, haec potestas solvendi matrimonium non est potestas
ordinaria iuris mere ecclesiastici, sed potestas ministerialis seu vicaria Dei, ex quo requiritur ad
eius usum validum causa iusta.
2 Codex Iuris Canonici auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgatus (25 Jan 1983), AAS 75

(1983), pars II, p. 1–317 [henceforth quoted as CIC/83]. Can. 1697. Only the spouses, or one of
them even if the other is unwilling, have the right to petition for the favor of a dispensation from
a marriage ratum et non consummatum. Can. 1698 § 1. Only the Apostolic See adjudicates the fact
of the non-consummation of a marriage and the existence of a just cause to grant a dispensation.
§ 2. Only the Roman Pontiff, however, grants the dispensation. Can. 1699 § 1. The person compe-
tent to accept a libellus seeking a dispensation is the diocesan bishop of the domicile or quasi-
domicile of the petitioner, who must arrange for the instruction of the process if the petition is well
founded. § 2. If the proposed case has special difficulties of the juridical or moral order, however,
the diocesan bishop is to consult the Apostolic See. § 3. Recourse to the Apostolic See is available
against a decree by which a bishop rejects a libellus. Can. 1700 § 1. Without prejudice to the
prescript of can. 1681, the bishop is to entrust the instruction of these processes either in a stable
manner or in individual cases to his tribunal, that of another diocese, or a suitable priest. § 2. If
a judicial petition to declare the nullity of the same marriage has been introduced, however, the
instruction is to be entrusted to the same tribunal. Can. 1701 § 1. The defender of the bond must
always intervene in these processes. § 2. A legal representative is not admitted, but because of the
difficulty of a case, a bishop can permit the petitioner or the respondent to have the assistance of
a legal expert. Can. 1702. In the instruction each spouse is to be heard, and the canons on the
collection of proofs in the ordinary contentious trial and in cases of the nullity of marriage are to
be observed insofar as possible, provided that they can be reconciled with the character of these

Congregation for Sacraments (for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacra-
ments). Some of them can be found in the sentence Sentenza 22/04/1975 n° 603.
The procedure “super rato” is generally considered to be an administrative
process because the foundation of the process is not a protection of some right
(law) but a request to be granted a certain pardon (grace). In order to obtain
a dispensation one cannot implement the law; it is solely the matter of having a
possibility to ask for pardon in order to obtain the dispensation from a ratified
but non-consummated marriage4. It is the Pope who grants this pardon on
ground of His supreme authority and after his consideration.

processes. Can. 1703 § 1. There is no publication of the acts. If the judge perceives that the proofs
brought forward seriously hinder the request of the petitioner or the exception of the respondent,
however, he is prudently to inform the interested party. § 2. The judge can show a document intro-
duced or a testimony received to a party who requests it and set a time to present observations.
Can. 1704 § 1. When the instruction has been completed, the instructor is to give all the acts along
with a suitable report to the bishop, who is to prepare a votum on the veracity of the fact of the
non-consummation, the just cause for the dispensation, and the suitability of the favor. § 2. If the
instruction of the process has been entrusted to another tribunal according to the norm of can.
1700, the observations in favor of the bond are to be made in the same forum; the votum men-
tioned in §1, however, pertains to the entrusting bishop, to whom the instructor is to hand over
a suitable report together with the acts. Can. 1705 § 1. The bishop is to transmit to the Apostolic
See all the acts together with his votum and the observations of the defender of the bond. § 2. If
supplemental instruction is required in the judgment of the Apostolic See, this requirement will be
communicated to the bishop with an indication of the points on which the instruction must be
completed. § 3. If the Apostolic See replies that non-consummation has not been established from
the materials presented, then the legal expert mentioned in can. 1701, § 2 can inspect the acts of
the process, though not the votum of the bishop, at the tribunal to consider whether any grave
reason can be brought forth in order to resubmit the petition. Can. 1706. The Apostolic See trans-
mits the rescript of the dispensation to the bishop who will notify the parties about the rescript and
also as soon as possible will order the pastor both of the place where the marriage was contracted
and of the place of baptism to note the granting of the dispensation in the marriage and baptismal
3 29. – In iure. – Iuridicae disciplinae, qua N. S. A., ex habituali potetate, a Summo Pontifice,

sui Pontificatus exordio, Exc.mo N. O. Decano delegata, de inconsummatione subordinate videt,

memoria nostra praesunt, praeter Codicis I. C. praescripta et «Normas» S.R. Rotae proprias (A. A. S.,
XXVI, pp. 449–491) eiusque iurisprudentia, etiam quae sequuntur documenta, a S. Congregatione
de disciplina Sacramentorum, ex exclusivo quo pollet iure (cann. 249, § 3; 1962; et 1963, § 1),
ordine promulgata: a) Decretum Catholica doctrina, diei 7 maii 1923, ubi continentur «Regulae
servandae in processibus super matrimonio rato et non consummato», necnon «Praecipuorum
actorum formulae, quae utiliter et opportune adhibentur in his causis» (A. A. S., XV, pp. 389–
436); b) «Normae» diei 27 martii 1929 «ad praecavendam dolosam personarum substitutionem»
(A. A. S., XXI, pp. 490–493); c) Instructio Provida Mater diei 15 augusti 1936 pro «Tribunalibus
Dioecesanis in pertractandis causis de nullitate matrimoniorum», in qua iterum urgentur «Normae»
diei 27 martii 1929 (A. A. S., XXVIII, 347 pp. 313–361); d) demum Instructio diei 7 martii 1972
«de quibusdam emendationibus circa normas in processu super matrimonio rato et non consumma-
to servandas»; quae emendationes inductae fuerunt, ita in eius prooemio, «ad magis animarum
bono favendum per sollecitiorem huiusmodi processum instructionem et definitionem» (A. A. S., LXIV,
pp. 244–252).
4 CIC/83, can. 1697.
76 Miloš Kohútek

The interrogation is open on ground of a request sent by one or both parties

of the marriage. The request must be addressed to the Holy Father, sent through
the diocesan bishop and singed by hand.
It is necessary to describe in a brief manner the history of the marriage and
to mention in detail all reasons which have prevented the marriage to become
consummated and which ultimately lead to the request for granting this dispen-
sation. The request should contain general information, such as: the date, the
place, the diocese, the address, paper documents: baptism certificate, marriage
certificate, baptism certificates of children born before the marriage, documen-
tation of a divorce procedure, documentation dealing with separation process or
nullity of marriage as well as other useful documentation of physical, moral or
medical character, police statements, private letters.
It is very important to be very attentive during gathering of testimonies,
events or documentation in order to verify the truth, but it is allowed to use oth-
er helpful means as well.
The right to open the interrogation has the bishop of the diocese, to which
belongs the prosecutor according to his or her canonical or temporary address.
In rare cases it is possible to ask the Chancellot of Roman Rota for moving the
competence of the court to the place where it would be possible to gather more
evidence and documentation providing the bishop into whose competence the
case belongs, agrees with it.
Before the interrogation takes place the bishop shall verify his competence
for the process and shall use the extrajudicial instruments to make sure that the
request is legitimate. This part of the process is very important since it allows to
find out if the case doesn’t belong to complicated cases.
If the instructor finds out that the request contains no evidence, he or she
will deny the request by a formal decree and will mention the valid reasons for
such a decision. One can issue an appellation against such a decision addressed
to the Apostolic See5..
Complicated cases6, objective difficulties of moral or legal characteristic
which might appear in these circumstances might demand from a bishop to ad-
dress first The Apostolic See.
The interrogation might be led by the bishop himself on authority of his office.
He can also appoint the diocesan court or an appropriate priest. The proper choice of
an instructor is of a great importance since the good results depend on his abilities
and experience. The delegation can be issued permanently or ad actum.
The rightful process in case of a non-consummated marriage does not re-
quire presence and the office of a legal representative as it is in other cases of
dispensation of marriage. The help of a legal expert is used if necessary.

See CIC/83, can. 1699 § 3.


Can 1699 – § 2. If the proposed case has special difficulties of the juridical or moral order,

however, the diocesan bishop is to consult the Apostolic See.


The presence of the defender of the bond is obligatory.

The diocesan phase finishes by issuing three documents: 1) the statement
of the advocate of the marriage; 2) the account of the instructor; 3) the votum of
the bishop.
The defender of the bond: he or she has to follow strictly the results of the
interrogation, has to examine the legitimacy of the whole procedure as well as to
value the evidence. He or she may conclude the annotation by asking for com-
pleting the interrogation.
The instructor: after receiving the annotations from the advocate of the
marriage, he or she will write a detailed account about the whole interrogation
and will attach whole documentation gathered before. His or her task is to pre-
sent the whole documentation to the bishop so that the latter one will be able to
prepare his votum.
The votum of the bishop: has to contain evidence of the non-consummated
marriage which would allow to grant the pardon and dispensation. After a short
description of the non-consummated marriage, the bishop has to present in de-
tail all the reasons on which grounds the dispensation should be granted.


A ratified and consummated marriage cannot be unbind by any human

power and for no reason, except for death7. But a non-consummated marriage
between two baptized people or one baptized and another non-baptized party
might be unbind by the Roman High Priest out of legitimate reasons if requested
so by both or just one party, even if the other party does not agree8.
Legislation recognizes a ratified and non-consummated marriage and a rati-
fied and consummated marriage where the condition for proclaiming a marriage
for consummated is performing in a fully human way a sexual intercourse which
in itself enables to conceive a child, towards which the marriage is naturally
oriented and through which husband and wife become one flesh9.
A marital act which makes the marriage consummated is the first sexual in-
tercourse if it fulfills these conditions: 1) a sexual act between husband and wife
must be performed after a legal conclusion of the marriage; 2) which means
after a legal church ceremony of conclusion of a marriage; 3) the sexual act
between husband and wife must be a “marital act”; 4) the sexual act between
husband and wife must be performed in a human way.
A marital act is, according to can. 1061 § 1 an act between husband and
wife which enables a conception of a child and in which both become one flesh.

7 CIC/83, can. 1141.

8 CIC/83, can. 1142.
9 CIC/83, can. 1061, § 1.
78 Miloš Kohútek

To express this reality there is a traditional scheme in CIC/83 though it is less

“gentle” in comparison to the formulation of canon mentioned before10.
According to this scheme, the man has to do: 1) “erectio”; 2) “penetratio
activa in vaginam”; 3) “eiaculatio seminis in vagina”. The woman has to do:
1) “penetratio passive”; 2) “receptio seminis in vagina”11.
There are two main problems in this area.
On one hand there is a problem with the anticonception and on the other
hand the problem of IVF. And so there is a question if the marriage is consum-
mated after using anticonception or after performing IVF.
Regarding the anticonception, it all depends on what exactly is being used.
A marriage is not consummated if there has been used a condom (there is no
“penetration” nor “eiaculatio in vagina”) or if the sexual intercourse has been
interrupted by husband who would detach from his wife before orgasm in order
to ejaculate „extra vagina”. In other cases a marriage has been consummated.
Regarding the IVF a marriage is not consummated when it comes to a di-
rect IVF12.
In other cases is the sexual intercourse between husband and wife regarded
as a marital act and so a marriage is regarded as consummated.
Possible sexual intercourses and cohabitations which had place before the
conclusion of a marriage have no influence on the actuality of consummation of
a marriage.
The term a consummated marriage is a bond in a human way – humano
modo, not only on a physical level, but on a moral and a psychological too.

10 J.F. Castańo, Il Sacramento del Matrimonio 3rd ed., Tipolitografia Pioda, Roma 1994,
vol. I, p. 150.
11 Sentenza 20/06/1970 n° 141: 5. – Quod demum spectat subordinatam tractationem incon-
summationis 701 matrimonii, si disceptatur de inconsummatione propter defectum eiaculationis
veri seminis, causa huius defectus determinanda et probanda est. Quoties, uti in praesenti causa,
defectus eiaculationis non tribuitur inhabilitati viri producendi verum semen testiculare, sed usui
onanistico matrimonii, per se matrimonium esset inconsummatum, si reapse probetur numquam
inseminationem intra vaginam mulieris accidisse. Sed attenta certa penetratione veretri maris in
vaginam, cum difficile sit, aut fere impossibile ostendere ne minimam quidem partem seminis
fuisse tali usu pravo in organum femineum depositam, dubium prudens superari nequit. Praeterea,
cum non deceat quasi in praemium tanti criminis dispensationem pontificiam impetrare, tale mat-
rimonium consummatum censetur. Quin immo, art. 11 Regularum servandarum a S. C. de Sacra-
mentis die 7 maii 1923 datarum, in paragrapho prima statuit causam non posse institui si con-
stiterit coniuges devitasse matrimonii consummationem ex detestabili onanismi vitio. Providetur
exceptioni in paragrapho secunda citati art. 11, si nempe «orator significet se criminis nullimode
fuisse participem, sed depravatos alterius coniugis mores passum esse».
12 The following cases are considered to be direct artificial insemination: 1) before orgasm the

husband pulls out and the ejaculation happens “extra vagina” after which physicians, with their
devices, insert semen “in vaginam”; 2) a conjugal act is modified by condom, in which semen is
captured which physicians then insert “in vagina”; 3) physicians obtain semen by puncture, it
means without a conjugal act, and then they insert it “in vagina”. J.F. Castańo, Il sacramento...,
vol. I, p. 155.

To make a marriage consummated the marital sexual intercourse must be

perfomed in a human way (humano modo) (can. 1061 § 1). It is a formulation
which the Second Vatican Council used in the Pastoral Constitution of the
Church in the Modern World Gaudium et spes (no 49)13. It says that the marital
act is supposed to be wanted, which means free and conscious 14. Namely in the
past, there was a conviction in the jurisprudence and in the teaching of legal
science that a marriage becomes consummated even if the marital sexual inter-
course was performed: 1) by violence, which means against the will of one of
the party; 2) under the influence of drugs or narcotics; 3) while intoxicated by
This opinion was even approved as valid by the Decree of the Sacred Officium
issued on the 2nd of February 194916. The second Vatican Council issued changes in

13 Sacrosanctum Concilium Oecumenicum Vaticanum II, Constitutio pastoralis de Ecclesia in

mundo huius temporis Gaudium et spes (7 Dec 1965), AAS 58 (1966), p. 1025–1115. The biblical
Word of God several times urges the betrothed and the married to nourish and develop their wed-
lock by pure conjugal love and undivided affection. Many men of our own age also highly regard
true love between husband and wife as it manifests itself in a variety of ways depending on the
worthy customs of various peoples and times. This love is an eminently human one since it is
directed from one person to another through an affection of the will; it involves the good of the
whole person, and therefore can enrich the expressions of body and mind with a unique dignity,
ennobling these expressions as special ingredients and signs of the friendship distinctive of mar-
riage. This love God has judged worthy of special gifts, healing, perfecting and exalting gifts of
grace and of charity. Such love, merging the human with the divine, leads the spouses to a free and
mutual gift of themselves, a gift providing itself by gentle affection and by deed, such love per-
vades the whole of their lives: indeed by its busy generosity it grows better and grows greater.
Therefore it far excels mere erotic inclination, which, selfishly pursued, soon enough fades
wretchedly away. This love is uniquely expressed and perfected through the appropriate enterprise
of matrimony. The actions within marriage by which the couple are united intimately and chastely
are noble and worthy ones. Expressed in a manner which is truly human, these actions promote
that mutual self-giving by which spouses enrich each other with a joyful and a ready will. Sealed
by mutual faithfulness and hallowed above all by Christ's sacrament, this love remains steadfastly
true in body and in mind, in bright days or dark. It will never be profaned by adultery or divorce.
Firmly established by the Lord, the unity of marriage will radiate from the equal personal dignity
of wife and husband, a dignity acknowledged by mutual and total love. The constant fulfillment of
the duties of this Christian vocation demands notable virtue. For this reason, strengthened by grace
for holiness of life, the couple will painstakingly cultivate and pray for steadiness of love, large
heartedness and the spirit of sacrifice.
14 F. Bersini, Il nuovo diritto canonico matrimoniale, LDC, Torino–Leumann 1985, p. 24.
15 May the aforesaid approach of the Pre-council canonical teaching and jurisprudence does

not astonish the reader, because an opinion was in force that in marriage a marital party acquires
“ius in corpus” of the other marital party; therefore if the party is taking part in a conjugal act, he
or she is doing nothing else, only taking, what belongs to him or her. Nowadays this approach is
complemented by the “personalistic” understanding of the marriage and also by the “sacramental”
understanding of the marital bond. Therefore if a marital bond is to be an image of the relationship
of Christ and the Church, it is necessary that a conjugal act is done consciously and voluntarily.
16 The mentioned Decree was not published in “Acta Apostolicae Sedis”. Its text, however, can

be found in Periodica 38 (1949), p. 220.

80 Miloš Kohútek

this matter and today one can be certain that a marriage becomes consummated
when the marital sexual act was performed consciously and freely17.
The evidence of no consummation in a marriage can’t be based only on the
proclamation of both, husband and wife, but it is necessary to confirm it by cer-
tain criteria – arguments. These arguments are set by The Congregation of Sac-
raments and are as follows: a moral argument, a physical argument, an argument
per coartata tempora and a random argument18.
A moral argument is an indirect evidence and all its power lays in the decla-
ration on oath of both parties who as the only ones have a direct experience with
the matter of their non-consummated marriage. Their declarations ought to be
taken as an evidence providing that there are no doubts about their credibility.
Testimonies are important in order to support the declarations of both parties.
Witnesses are asked questions not only about the matter of non-
consummated marriage but also from whom, when and in which circumstances
were they given the information. In this matter references on credibility, on
moral qualities and practising of faith of both parties and witnesses are of a spe-
cial importance. Those references must be requested beforehand from parish
priests, or other priests, religious and active believers who know those persons
well. Allegations, testimonies and the interrogation are conducted according to
the regulations of a legal process. After making the oath judges are asked ques-
tions. These questions are formulated in a way to allow answering easily and
exactly according to can. 1564 CIC/83. Presence of a medical doctor during the

17It is important to note that if conjugal act was carried out in fear, the marriage is considered
to be consummated. Bersini, Il nuovo diritto, p. 24.
18 Sentenza 20/02/1973 n° 31: 11. – C) De pontificia dispensatione super matrimonio rato et

non consummato. – Ut evulgati iuris est, dum matrimonium ratum et consummatum morte dumta-
xat dissolvitur (can. 1118), matrimonium, contra, non consummatum frui potest Sedis Apostolicae
dispensatione, dummodo iusta intercedat causa (can. 1119). Pro eiusmodi itaque gratia impetranda
duo omnino in comperto sint oportet: factum scil. inconsummationis, iuridice probatum, et iusta
causa. 12. – Quoad factum inconsummationis seu incapacitatis consummandi matrimonium ex
parte viri, recolere praestat illud in eo consistere quod vir naturali modo copulam, una simul im-
missivam (non vero appositivam) et, partialiter saltem, seminativam, perficere non valuerit. Nam,
iuxta pernotum S. O. decretum, die 12 februarii 1941 latum, inconsummatio est a limine ex-
cludenda, si «vir aliquo saltem modo, etsi imperfecte, vaginam penetret, atque immediate in ea
seminationem saltem partialem naturali modo peragat». Iuridica vero inconsummationis probatio
apud Nos tripliciter adstruitur, videlicet: a) argumento ex coarctatis temporibus, si scil. constet
coniugibus possibilitatem defuisse copulam canonicam instituendi (can. 1015, § 2); b) argumento
physico, si nempe constet de physica mulieris integritate vel de physica viri incapacitate ad copu-
lam perfectam perficiendam; c) argumento demum morali, si scil. moraliter constet, actis et adi-
unctis ad unum conspirantibus, copulam inter coniuges reapse defuisse.
Nostris in causis tertium hoc argumentum haud semel unicum manet. 13. – Iusta autem causa
multiplex esse potest: probabilis impotentia viri, impossibilitas reconciliationis, dissociatio ani-
morum, aversio, transitus ad alias nuptias et his similia. Si tamen constet de impotentia viri, sed
dubium tantum superest de eius perpetuitate, N. S. A. alienum non est a consilio SS.mo praestando
pro dispensatione.

interrogation of a woman, who is either the one issuing the request or the invited
party to the interrogation, is not obligatory but is highly recommended.
A physical argument is based on an expert’s report about a physical con-
struction of genitals, above all of a woman, but in some cases of a man too.
A medical examination of a woman states the integrity of her genitals or the fact
of vaginal defloration, the examination of a man checks his possible impotance19
which would not allow a marriage to be consummated20.

19 Sentenza 26/01/1988 n° 8: B) De Inconsummatione: 8. – Si autem, impotentiae probatio, ex

actis et probatis, impossibilis sit, Tribunal Apostolicum Romanae Rotae, ex concessione Summi
Pontificis, subordinate de inconsummatione inquirere potest ad diiudicandum utrum, nempe,
SS.mo consilium praestandum sit pro gratia super matrimonio rato et non consummato conceden-
da (cf. can. 1697 et can 1698 § 2; Instr. Provida Mater, art. 206 § 1; Instr. S. C. de Sacramentis diei
7 maii 1923, in AAS, vol. XV [1923], 380–413; diei 27 martii 1929, ibid., vol. XXI, [1929], 490–
493; diei 3 martii 1972, ibid., vol. LXIV, [1972], 244–252; B. Marchetta, Scioglimento del matri-
monio canonico per inconsumazione e clausole proibitive di nuove nozze, ed. CEDAM, Padova
1981, pp. 332 et 342–344; cf. etiam ARRT Dec., vol. LVI [1964], 834–836, coram De Jorio;
vol. LXIII [1971] 857, n. 5 coram Bejan; et pp. 941–942 coram Lefebvre). 9. – Matrimonium
ratum et consummatum inter baptizatos nulla auctoritate humana solvi potest (cf. can. 1141), eo
quod indissolubilitate gaudet absoluta tam intrinseca quam extrinseca. Matrimonium vero ratum et
non consummatum etiam inter baptizatos, etsi indissolubilitate intrinseca polleat, non est absolute
indissolubile et, potestate ministeriali, a Summo Pontifice solvi poterit si requisitae adsunt condi-
tiones. Huiusmodi matrimonia, docet Pius PP. XII, «sebbene intrinsecamente siano indissolubili,
non hanno perň una indissolubilitŕ estrinseca assoluta, ma, dati certi necessari presupposti, pos-
sono... essere sciolti, oltre che in forza del privilegio Paolino, dal Romano Pontefice in virtů della
sua potestŕ ministeriale» (cf. Allocutio ad Tribunal Apostolicum Romanae Rotae, diei 3 octobris
1941, in Discorsi e Radiomessaggi di Sua Santitŕ Pio XII, III, Tip. Pol. Vat., p. 213). 10. – Licet
concessio dispensationis super matrimonio rato et non consummato sit actus administrativus
(cf. Litt. SCS diei 15 iunii 1952, in B. Marchetta, Op. cit., p. 342), «nihilominus propter rei gravi-
tatem, factum a quo pendet potestas Romani Pontificis iubetur explorari formis processualibus
adhibitis proinde ac in causis iudicialibus» (cf. Wernz –Vidal, Ius Canonicum, T.V: Ius matrimo-
niale, ed. altera, Romae 1928, p. 739, nota 41). 11. – Quod capacitatem iuridicam petendi dispen-
sationem spectat, can. 1697 statuit: «Soli coniuges, vel alteruter, quamvis altero invito, ius habent
petendi gratiam dispensationis super matrimonio rato et non consummato». Celebrato autem mat-
rimonio «si coniuges cohabitaverint, praesumitur 19 consummatio, donec contrarium probetur»
(cf. can. 1061 § 2). Cum, igitur, in casu cohabitationis coniugum, consummatio polleat, ut ita
dicamus, favore iuris, inconsummatio probanda est certis atque invictis argumentis ac documentis.
Ast, non requiritur, ut argumenta et documenta illa sint decretoria. Sufficit, ut de inconsummatione
constet morali saltem cum certitudine, quae nempe excludit omne rationabile dubium. Inconsum-
matio probari potest triplici argumento, videlicet: a) per coarctata tempora (si partes umquam
insimul fuerunt post nuptias aut defuit tempus aptum ad consummandum matrimonium); b) argu-
mento physico (ex peritiis medicorum); et, tandem; c) argumento morali (ex confessione coni-
ugum, attestatione testium, documentis, circumstantiis ceterisque praesumptionibus, ad mentem
can. 1679 collato cum can. 1536 § 2). 12. – elementum necessarium ad gratiam seu dispensa-
tionem elargiendam, praeter factum inconsummationis, est iusta causa. Etenim, «Ut Apostolica
Sedes dispensationem largiatur, duo sibi constare necesse est: matrimonium revera non fuisse
consummatum et iustam exstare causam pro dispensatione concedenda» (cf. Decr. Catholica Doc-
trina, diei 7 maii 1923, in AAS, vol. XV, [1923], 389, et vide can. 1142). Notetur etiam, testifica-
tionem «septimae manus», uti aiunt, non amplius requiri. Numerus testium discretioni iudicis
relinquitur. Argumentum morale permagni ponderis est ad certitudinem moralem de inconsumma-
82 Miloš Kohútek

Regarding a physical argument work of one or more legal experts – according

to each case – is of a fundamental importance and is always done based on the
instructor’s conduct according to can. 1576.
A legal expert is to bring veracious evidence based on a medical examina-
tion stating if a marriage has been consummated on a physical level. A request
to undergo a medical examination must be issued accordingly and with a great
sensitivity. This examination takes place only in those cases where this kind of
evidence is really inevitable. If there is a moral evidence overcoming any
doubts, according to his own consideration the instructor might proclaim a med-
ical examination for unnecessary.
An argument per coarcata tempora is called after its root word and implies a fact
of physical and moral inability of the married couple to perform a sexual intercourse.
It happens in cases as follows: when husband and wife after the wedding
do not live together in one household; presence of other people; lack of time,
inappropriate environment, or when the wedding was done in haste or in prison
or through a proxy.
An argument of a silent condition – in this case there is no full and auton-
omous evidence; it is rather an argumentation about evidence and postulates
which can be used for strenghtening or completing the evidence. These could be
events, documentation or circumstances from a life of the married couple which
would support the postulation about non-consummated marriage.
In the sentence of Roman Rota coram Di Felice (RRD LXXI, the 4th of
April 1979, the sentence No 54, p. 161, art. 4) it is written that it is possible to
state appropriately a fact of a non-consummated marriage on grounds of a moral
evidence taken from the interrogation of both parties, from their credibility at-
tested by credible witnesses. The fact that the woman is no longer in state of
integrity which was caused by an action of another man is no impediment.
A physical evidence has an important role to support the statements of both par-
ties because it is an evidence which “aims to complete the evidence by legal
statements of both parties, by statements of the witnesses of the seventh hand
and other witnesses”21. “Other evidence and ancillary evidence are used as well,

tione adipiscendam (cf. Instr. diei 3 martii 1972, supra citatam, ad II, b). 13. – Iustam causam quod
respicit, non requiritur ut sit gravis, quippe quae in generali principio «salutis animarum» breviter
contrahi potest (cf. Pius XII, loc. cit., p. 215). De cetero, ipse Summus Pontifex de sufficientia
causae iudicat. Ast, inter causas, quae communiter recipiuntur, sequentes enumerari solent, nempe:
a) «animorum dissociatio quin effulgeat futurae reconciliationis spes; b) si quis aliud matrimonium
equidem nullum deinde inierit a quo se aliter liberare nequeat, v.g. matrimonium civile; c) proba-
bilis impotentia cum periculo incontinentiae» (cf. B. Marchetta, op. cit., pp. 17–18).
20 Sentenza 23/04/1970 n° 84, DE INCONSUMMATIONE: 11. – In iure. – Cum de impotentiae

perpetuitate non constat, sed moraliter constat de facto inconsummationis matrimonii, ex iusta
causa vinculum a Sede postolica solvi potest, utraque parte rogante vel alterutra (can. 1119).
21 Instructio S. Congregationis de disciplina Sacramentorum, the 7th of May 1923, point 65.

such as: documentation as other evidence and indications and presumptions as

ancillary evidence”22. These tools serve to prove credibility of parties.
On grounds of can. 1701 § 1 an intervention of the advocate of marriage is
always necessary in order to be granted the dispensation from a ratified but non-
consummated marriage. The legislator in can. 1701 § 1 requires from the inter-
rogator, after the interrogation is concluded, to present the whole documentation
with an appropriate report to the bishop. The bishop shall issue a verdict – ac-
cording to objective truth – about the fact of non-consummating a marriage as
well as about a lawful cause for the dispensation and granting the pardon.
The presumption of the marital act (can. 1061 § 2).
The legal establishment of the presumption is regulated by Canons of the
procedural law (can. 1584–1586). In the process a presumption is taken as evi-
dence. On ground of can. 1061 § 2, if it is possible to prove “cohabitation” be-
tween husband and wife, it will be taken as evidence that between them there
was performed a marital act which would make their marriage consummated
(can. 1584).
Who will be able to prove in the marital process “cohabitation” of the mar-
ried couple after the conclusion of the marriage, is not obliged to prove that
such a marriage has been consummated.
However, who states that a marriage between a married couple living in
“cohabitation” has not been consummated by performing a marital act must
prove such a statement (can. 1585).


Bersini, Francesco. 1985. Il nuovo diritto canonico matrimoniale. Torino–Leumann: LDC.

Bunge, Alejandro, W. 2014. “Proceso sobre rato y no consumado: fase inicial diocesana.” Anuario
Argentino de Derecho Canónico, XX:333–346.
Castańo, Jose F. 1994. Il Sacrammento del Matrimonio. Ed. 3. Roma: Tipolitografia Pioda.
Duda, Ján. 2007. Katolícke manželské parvo. Ružomberok: Pedagogická fakulta Katolíckej
univerzity v Ružomberku.
Llobell, Joaquín. 2012. “Il m.p. “Quaerit semper” sulla dispensa dal matrimonio non consumato
e le cause di nullità della sacra ordinazione.” Periodica 24:1–52.


Streszczenie. Ratum et non consummatum to proces administracyjny, którego celem jest uzyska-
nie nadzwyczajnej łaski od małżeństwa ważnie zawartego a niedopełnionego. Proces składa się
z dwóch faz. W pierwszej – w trybunale diecezjalnym – ma miejsce przesłuchanie stron i świad-
ków oraz sporządzenie ekspertyzy. Druga faza zachodzi w Rocie Rzymskiej.
Słowa kluczowe: małżeństwo niedopełnione, Kościół, dyspensa, proces administracyjny
84 Miloš Kohútek

22 Ibidem.

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