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Current Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences, 2014

Source: Isis , Vol. 105, No. S1, 2014 Current Bibliography (December 2014), pp. i-301
Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/680345

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Isis Current Bibliography




EMANUELA APPETITI, Smithsonian Institution
MÁRCIA H. M. FERRAZ, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paolo
DANIEL GOLDSTEIN, University of California, Davis
JOY HARVEY, Somerville, Massachusetts
RICHARD L. KREMER, Dartmouth College
HENRY LOWOOD, Stanford University Libraries
BIRUTE RAILIENE, Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
KAREN REEDS, Princeton Research Forum
ROBIN E. RIDER, University of Wisconsin—Madison

DUAN YAOYONG, Chinese People's Armed Police Force Academy, PRC
JONATHON ERLEN, University of Pittsburgh, USA

PHONE: 405-255-5187
FAX: 405-325-2363
EMAIL: isiscb@ou.edu
WEBSITE: http://isisbibliography.org/

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The HSS Bibliographer’s Fund
Contributors to this fund, through 31 July 2014

Sarton Circle ($2,500 and Above)

Joan Cadden* Charles C. Gillispie* Robert E. Kohler River Branch Foundation Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Richard Creath & In Honor and Memory John A. Neu David Rockefeller Charlene & Michael M. Sokal^*+
Jane Maienschein* of David Dibner Margaret J. Osler* Laurence S. Rockefeller Fund Thomas R. Williams
Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation John C. Greene* John A. Popplestone Edward G. Ruestow
The Furumoto Research Foundation Frances Coulborn Kohler Lisbet Rausing Trust M. Virginia & John W. Servos*

Council of Friends of the Society ($1,000 – $ 2,499)

Michele L. Aldrich Virginia P. Dawson+ Dong-Won Kim Susan Lindee H. Gunther Rudenberg Spencer Weart
Anonymous Paul Forman Shinzo Kohjiya Legacy of R.L. Moore Project Michael Shank Joella & William Yoder
Ann Blair Joseph Fruton Sally Gregory Kohlstedt* Robert Multhauf* Nancy G. Siraisi Kristen Zacharias
Angela N. H. Creager Frederick Gregory* Richard Kremer & Jane Carroll Mary Jo & Robert Nye* Heinrich & Eve von Staden
Lorraine J. Daston Gerald Holton* Bernard Lightman* Rhoda Rappaport Arnold W. Thackray*

Sustaining Members ($500 – $999)

Douglas Allchin Clark A. Elliott+ Pamela Henson Steven Livesey Robert J. Richards Laurence D. Smith
Garland Allen Bernard S. Finn Erwin Hiebert* James E. McClellan III Alan Rocke Scott Spear
Anonymous Judith & David Goodstein Karl & Sally Hufbauer John Michel James Ruffner Emily Thompson
Janet Browne Loren Graham John Krige William Montgomery Robert & Mary-Peale Schofield Frederick Weinstein
Stephen G. Brush* Sara S. Gronim Ann LaBerge Ronald L. & Karen S. Numbers James Secord Karin E. Wetmore
Allen G. Debus John L. Heilbron Carmen Lee F. Jamil & Sally Palchick Ragep Rivers Singleton Roger L. Williams

Contributors (Up to $499)

Renato Acampora John Bush Gary Fouty and Thomas A. Carey J. Majeski John K. Pribram Ida Stamhuis
Amy Ackerberg-Hastings Ronald Calinger James Francis Horrocks^ Robert J. Malone* Alan Pritchard Donald E. Stanley
William Adler Lino Camprubiº Robert Freidel John Howard Ben Marsden Stephen P. Push Darwin H. Stapleton
Hanne Andersen Ken Caneva Robert Marc Friedman Danian Hu Craig Martin Mary Quinlan-McGrath Bruce Stephenson
Katharine Anderson Geoffrey Cantor W. Bruce Fye Jennifer Hubbard Michael Massouh+ Sheila Rabin Peter F. Stevens
Rachel Ankeny* Toni V. Carey Elizabeth Garber+ Bruce J. Hunt Stephen C. McCluskey Karen Rader James E. Strick·
Peder Anker John Carson Janet Bell Garber Melanie Hunter-Kevin W. Patrick McCray Gregory Radick Frank Sulloway
Anonymous David Cassidy Margaret Garber Hajime Inaba Victor K. McElhemy Nicolas Rasmussen James Sumner
Anonymous Tamara Caulkins Lucille Garmon Mentz Indergaard Sylvia McGrath Sylwester Ratowt Sherman Suter
Toby Appel^ Ranes Chakravorty Hannah Gay Margaret Jacob John L. McKnight Karen & James Reeds Kara Swansonº
Wilbur Applebaum James Challey Clayton Gearhart Derek Jensen Donna Mehos Barbara Reeves Loyd Swenson
Adam J. Apt Peggy Champlin Patsy Gerstner+ Wolfgang Jochle Everett I. Mendelsohn Lynette Regouby Edith D. Sylla*
Aharon Armon Hasok Chang Neal Gillespie Ann Johnson Minakshi Menonº Joan L. Richards Liba Taub
Mitchell Ash David Channell+ Patrick Girard Jeffrey Johnson Margaret O. Meredith Marsha Richmond Hunter Taylor
William Ashworth Raz Chen-Morris Mary Louise Gleason* Matthew Jones Michal Meyerº Robin E. Rider Kenneth L. Taylor
Jean-Francois Auger Bella Chiu Maurice Glicksman Susan Jones Ronald E. Mickens Harriet Ritvo David Topper+
Jose Bach Terry Christensen Marie Glitz David Joravsky Erika Milam Peder Roberts Lisa Torres
Lawrence Badash Constance Clark Andre Goddu John Jungck Sara Joan Miles Michael Robinson Roger D. Turnerº
Peter Barker H. Floris Cohen Jan Golinski David Kaiser Jill Morawski Nils Roll-Hansen Fran Ula
Grant Barkley N.G. Coley Graeme Gooday Victor J. Katz Thomas Mougey L. de Rooy Conevery Valencius
Lydia Barnett Erik Conway Kenneth Goodman Gwen Kay Joseph A. Moyzis Barbara G. Rosenkrantz Klaas Van Berkel
Megan Barnhart Alix Cooper Edward Gosselin Joel Kaye Staffan Mueller-Wille George Rosenstein A. Bowdoin Van Riper &
James Bartholomew Jonathan Coopersmith John Gould Irving Kelter Nancy J. Nersessian Margaret Rossiter^ Julie Newell
Michael Barton Albert Costa Monica Green Daniel & Bettyann Kevles Michael Neufeld Marc Rothenberg* Sharon Vaughn-Lahman
Ross Bassett Matthew Cottrell Elizabeth Green Musselman Peggy Kidwell Sally Newcomb David Rowe Linda Voigts
Harold Bauman Matthew Crawfordº James Griesemer Mi Gyung Kim Sheila Counce Nicklas Helen Rozwadowski Andreas Vourtsis
Francesca Bavuso Paul J. Croce Anita Guerrini & William Kimler Tsunehiko Nomura Martin Rudwick Michael Wade
Donald deB. Beaver Michael & Michelle Michael Osborne˜ Vernon N. Kisling Lynn K. Nyhart Gina Rumore Jessica Wang
Jean Beetschen Cunningham Stanley Guralnick Martin Klein Brian W. Ogilvie Andrea Rusnock & Joan Warnow-Blewett
Riccardo Belle Joseph W. Dauben Martin Gutzwiller David Kohn Marilyn Ogilvie Paul Lucier Ruth Wattenberg
Elizabeth Bennett Derek Davenport Elizabeth Hachten Shigehisa Kuriyama Robert Olby H. Darrel Rutkin Eleanor Webster
Jon Bergstrom John Dawson Beth HaGath Sachiko Kusukawa Allan Olley Ken Saito Marjorie K. Webster
Alan Beyerchen Antonio De Andrade Ernst Hamm Marcel LaFollette Ynez O’Neill Todd Savitt Charles Weiner+
Nikhil Bhattacharya Peter R. Dear Roger Hahn David Larrabee Naomi Oreskes Morton L. Schagrin Stephen Weininger
Amy Sue Bix Luke Demaitre Orit Halpern Shoshi Lavinghouse Takushi Otani Stefan Scherer Robert Weinstock
John Blackmore Michael Dennis Thomas Hankins Jack Lesch Laura Christine Otis Judith Johns Schloegel Stephen Weldon
Elizabeth Bennett Dennis Des Chene Caroline Hannaway Bruce V. Lewenstein Dorinda Outram Joop Schopman Kentwood Wells
Patrick Boner David Devorkin Bert Hansen Albert C. Lewis Brian Page Christoph Scriba Robert Westman
James J. Bono Ronald Doel Katherine Haramundanis Eric Liefaard Louise Y. Palmer Robert W. Seidel Matthew White
Kennard B. Bork Arthur Donovan Jon M. Harkness & David Lindberg* Leonello Paoloni Jole R. Shackelford Maurice Whitten
Michael Borut Michael Dow Jean Storlie Joshua Lipton Giuliano Pancaldi Alan E. Shapiro Keren Wick
Daniel Boukº Richard Duschl Joseph E. Harmon Richard Littman Katherine Pandora April Shelford Elizabeth Williams
Mary Ellen Bowden William Eamon Benjamin Harris Pamela Long John Parascandola Kate Sheppard L. Pearce &
William Brice John H. Eddy Patricia Harris William & Marie Longton Katharine Park Ann Shteir Sylvia I. Williams
David Brock M. Eddy Joy Harvey Phillip Loring Reno Parker Robert Silliman Thomas Williams
William Brock T. Edis Bill Hassinger Alan Love Karen Parshall Ruth Lewin Sime Thomas Word
Thomas H. Broman Paul Edison Elizabeth Hatchen Sarah Lowengard Diane B. Paul Patrick Slaney Eri Yagi
Eve E. Buckley Guy Emery Kenneth Hellyar Henry Lowood Philip J. Pauly Angela Smith Toshihiro Yamada
Joshua Buhs Judith & Jonathon Erlen Javier Herrero Fernandez Arthur M. Lucas Sharrona Pearl Gerard Smith John J. Zernel
Juliet Burba Raymond E. Fancher Bruce Hevly Kenneth M. Ludmerer Peter Pesic Hilary A. Smith Qiong Zhang
Joe D. Burchfield Paul Farber Hunter Heyck Elizabeth Lunbeck Stuart Peterfreund Merritt Roe Smith Katie Zimmerman
Frederick Burkhardt Anne Fausto-Sterling Anne Hiskes Monica MacCallum Christine Petto Pamela H. Smith
Richard Burkhardt Tom & Uma Ferrell Bronwyn Holland Pamela E. Mack* James A. Pittman David Soderberg
Leslie J. Burlingame Paula Findlen David A. Hollinger Gregory L. Macklem Jefferson Pooley Miriam Solomon
John C. Burnham Mark Finlay Roderick Home Kerry Magruder Theodore Porter Otto Sonntag
Harold Burstyn Klaus Fischer Elizabeth Carroll-Horrocks Clifford Maier Joan Pratt Larry Spencer

+ In honor of Robert E. Schofield · In memory of Gerald L. Geison

* Officers’ Incentive Fund ˜ In honor of John Neu ^ In honor of Clark Elliott º Graduate Student Challenge
Please send corrections to info@hssonline.org .

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Introduction vii 140 Social sciences, general . . . . . . 25

142 Cultural anthropology . . . . . . . 25
Appendix: Specialized Journals in the History 143 Economics . . . . . . . . . . 25
of Science and Related Fields x 144 Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . 25
145 Archaeology . . . . . . . . . . 25
Journal List xii
150 Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 26
A. Tools for Historians of Science 1 151 Psychiatry; medical psychology . . . . 27
1 General histories of science . . . . . 1 152 Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 27
2 National contexts . . . . . . . . 1 153 Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3 Reference works and repositories . . . 1
5 Historiography & historical methods . . 2 160 Technology, general . . . . . . . 28
6 History of science as a profession . . . 4 161 Communication & computer technology . 29
7 Historians of science . . . . . . . 4 163 Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 29
164 Air & space technology . . . . . . 29
B. Theoretical Approaches to Understanding
Science 7 F. Classification by Geographical Area and
10 Philosophy & methods of science . . . 7 Cultural Influence 30
11 Sociological & psychological analysis . . 8
12 Rhetorical & visual analysis of science . 9 200 Cultural & cross-cultural contexts . . 30
1. General histories of science . . . . . 30
C. Thematic Approaches to the Study of Sci- 5. Historiography & historical methods . . 30
ence 11 20. Science & society, general . . . . . 30
20 Science & society, general . . . . . 11 28. Science & religion . . . . . . . 30
21 Science & ethics . . . . . . . . 11 40. Scientific institutions . . . . . . . 30
22 Science & politics, law, economics . . . 11 110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 30
23 Science & the arts and literature . . . . 12 150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 30
26 Science & race and ethnicity . . . . . 12 152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 31
27 Science & gender . . . . . . . . 12 160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 31
28 Science & religion . . . . . . . . 12 163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 31

D. Aspects of Scientific Practice and Organiza- 210 Arabic-Islamic contexts . . . . . . 31

tion 14 1. General histories of science . . . . . 31
40 Scientific institutions . . . . . . . 14 3. Reference works and repositories . . . 31
41 Scientific instruments . . . . . . . 14 20. Science & society, general . . . . . 31
42 Scientific education; educational institutions 14 102. History of philosophy . . . . . . 31
43 Professional activities of scientists . . . 15 103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 31
110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 32
E. Disciplinary Classification 16 111. Astrology . . . . . . . . . . 32
112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 32
101 Occultism & natural magic . . . . . 16 114. Alchemy . . . . . . . . . . 32
102 History of philosophy . . . . . . . 16 131. Botany . . . . . . . . . . . 32
103 Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 16 132. Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 32
104 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 135. Physical anthropology . . . . . . 32
137. Psychology; comparative psychology . 33
110 Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . . 17 150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 33
111 Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . 18 152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 33
112 Physics; physical sciences, general . . . 18 153. Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . 33
113 Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . 18 163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 33
114 Alchemy . . . . . . . . . . . 18
220 Medieval Byzantine contexts . . . . 33
120 Earth & atmospheric sciences . . . . 18 103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 33
121 Geography; cartography; exploration . . 19
122 Natural history . . . . . . . . . 20 230 Asian contexts . . . . . . . . . 33
123 Environmental sciences . . . . . . 20 1. General histories of science . . . . . 33
5. Historiography & historical methods . . 33
130 Biological sciences, general . . . . . 23 20. Science & society, general . . . . . 33
131 Botany . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23. Science & the arts and literature . . . 33
132 Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 23 27. Science & gender . . . . . . . . 33
133 Heredity; evolution; genetics . . . . . 23 28. Science & religion . . . . . . . 34
136 Neurosciences . . . . . . . . . 24 101. Occultism & natural magic . . . . . 34
137 Psychology; comparative psychology . . 24 102. History of philosophy . . . . . . 34

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103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 34 311 Ancient Near Eastern contexts . . . 43

104. Music . . . . . . . . . . . 34 1. General histories of science . . . . . 43
110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 34 20. Science & society, general . . . . . 43
112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 35 22. Science & politics, law, economics . . 43
121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 35 103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 44
123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 35 110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 44
135. Physical anthropology . . . . . . 35 112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 44
137. Psychology; comparative psychology . 35 122. Natural history . . . . . . . . . 44
142. Cultural anthropology . . . . . . 35 132. Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 44
150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 35 150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 44
152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 37 160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 44
160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 37 163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 45
163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 38
312 Ancient Greek and Roman contexts . . 45
240 Indian contexts . . . . . . . . . 38 5. Historiography & historical methods . . 45
23. Science & the arts and literature . . . 38 10. Philosophy & methods of science . . . 45
40. Scientific institutions . . . . . . . 38 20. Science & society, general . . . . . 45
103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 38 22. Science & politics, law, economics . . 45
110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 38 23. Science & the arts and literature . . . 45
112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 39 27. Science & gender . . . . . . . . 45
120. Earth & atmospheric sciences . . . . 39 101. Occultism & natural magic . . . . . 45
122. Natural history . . . . . . . . . 39 102. History of philosophy . . . . . . 45
123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 39 103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 46
104. Music . . . . . . . . . . . 46
130. Biological sciences, general . . . . 39
110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 46
131. Botany . . . . . . . . . . . 39
111. Astrology . . . . . . . . . . 47
150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 39
112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 47
152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 39 114. Alchemy . . . . . . . . . . 47
153. Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . 39 121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 47
160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 40 130. Biological sciences, general . . . . 47
161. Communication & computer technology 40 131. Botany . . . . . . . . . . . 48
163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 40 132. Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 48
135. Physical anthropology . . . . . . 48
250 Jewish contexts . . . . . . . . . 40 136. Neurosciences . . . . . . . . . 48
22. Science & politics, law, economics . . 40 137. Psychology; comparative psychology . 48
110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 40 140. Social sciences, general . . . . . . 48
121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 41 143. Economics . . . . . . . . . . 48
123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 41 144. Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . 48
150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 41 150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 48
152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 41 151. Psychiatry; medical psychology . . . 49
160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 49
260 Native American contexts . . . . . 41 163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 49
1. General histories of science . . . . . 41
20. Science & society, general . . . . . 41 320 Medieval Western European contexts . 49
28. Science & religion . . . . . . . 41 1. General histories of science . . . . . 49
110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 41 5. Historiography & historical methods . . 50
121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 41 20. Science & society, general . . . . . 50
142. Cultural anthropology . . . . . . 41 22. Science & politics, law, economics . . 50
150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 41 23. Science & the arts and literature . . . 50
27. Science & gender . . . . . . . . 50
270 African, Australian, and traditional cul- 28. Science & religion . . . . . . . 50
tural contexts . . . . . . . . . 42 29. Science & war . . . . . . . . . 51
110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 42 41. Scientific instruments . . . . . . 51
121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 42 101. Occultism & natural magic . . . . . 51
123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 42 102. History of philosophy . . . . . . 51
142. Cultural anthropology . . . . . . 42 103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 53
160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 42 104. Music . . . . . . . . . . . 53
110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 53
G. Chronological Classification 43 111. Astrology . . . . . . . . . . 54
112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 54
300 Prehistory . . . . . . . . . . 43 114. Alchemy . . . . . . . . . . 54
110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 43 120. Earth & atmospheric sciences . . . . 54
113. Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . 43 121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 54
123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 43 122. Natural history . . . . . . . . . 55
132. Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 43 123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 55
150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 43 130. Biological sciences, general . . . . 55
160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 43 131. Botany . . . . . . . . . . . 55
163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 43 132. Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 55

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133. Heredity; evolution; genetics . . . . 55 104. Music . . . . . . . . . . . 76

135. Physical anthropology . . . . . . 55 110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 76
137. Psychology; comparative psychology . 56 111. Astrology . . . . . . . . . . 77
142. Cultural anthropology . . . . . . 57 112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 77
144. Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . 57 113. Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . 78
150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 57 114. Alchemy . . . . . . . . . . 78
152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 58 121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 79
153. Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . 58 122. Natural history . . . . . . . . . 79
160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 58 123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 79
163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 58 124. Paleontology . . . . . . . . . 79
130. Biological sciences, general . . . . 79
330 Renaissance Western European contexts 59 131. Botany . . . . . . . . . . . 80
1. General histories of science . . . . . 59 132. Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 80
12. Rhetorical & visual analysis of science . 59 134. Microbiology; molecular biology . . . 80
20. Science & society, general . . . . . 59 135. Physical anthropology . . . . . . 80
22. Science & politics, law, economics . . 60 137. Psychology; comparative psychology . 80
23. Science & the arts and literature . . . 60 140. Social sciences, general . . . . . . 80
27. Science & gender . . . . . . . . 60 141. Sociology . . . . . . . . . . 81
28. Science & religion . . . . . . . 60 143. Economics . . . . . . . . . . 81
29. Science & war . . . . . . . . . 60 144. Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . 81
41. Scientific instruments . . . . . . 61 150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 81
42. Scientific education; educational institutions 61 151. Psychiatry; medical psychology . . . 82
101. Occultism & natural magic . . . . . 61 152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 82
102. History of philosophy . . . . . . 61 160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 83
103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 62 163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 83
104. Music . . . . . . . . . . . 62
110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 62 350 18th century . . . . . . . . . 83
111. Astrology . . . . . . . . . . 65 1. General histories of science . . . . . 83
112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 65 2. National contexts . . . . . . . . 83
113. Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . 65 10. Philosophy & methods of science . . . 83
114. Alchemy . . . . . . . . . . 65 12. Rhetorical & visual analysis of science . 84
120. Earth & atmospheric sciences . . . . 66 20. Science & society, general . . . . . 84
121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 67 21. Science & ethics . . . . . . . . 84
122. Natural history . . . . . . . . . 68 22. Science & politics, law, economics . . 84
123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 68 23. Science & the arts and literature . . . 84
131. Botany . . . . . . . . . . . 68 26. Science & race and ethnicity . . . . 85
132. Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 68 27. Science & gender . . . . . . . . 85
135. Physical anthropology . . . . . . 68 28. Science & religion . . . . . . . 85
137. Psychology; comparative psychology . 69 40. Scientific institutions . . . . . . . 85
142. Cultural anthropology . . . . . . 69 41. Scientific instruments . . . . . . 86
143. Economics . . . . . . . . . . 69 42. Scientific education; educational institutions 86
144. Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . 69 43. Professional activities of scientists . . 86
150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 69 101. Occultism & natural magic . . . . . 86
151. Psychiatry; medical psychology . . . 70 102. History of philosophy . . . . . . 86
152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 70 103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 86
153. Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . 71 110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 87
160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 71 112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 87
161. Communication & computer technology 71 113. Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . 87
163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 71 114. Alchemy . . . . . . . . . . 88
120. Earth & atmospheric sciences . . . . 88
340 17th century . . . . . . . . . 72 121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 88
1. General histories of science . . . . . 72 122. Natural history . . . . . . . . . 89
11. Sociological & psychological analysis . 72 123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 90
12. Rhetorical & visual analysis of science . 72 124. Paleontology . . . . . . . . . 90
20. Science & society, general . . . . . 72 130. Biological sciences, general . . . . 90
21. Science & ethics . . . . . . . . 72 131. Botany . . . . . . . . . . . 90
22. Science & politics, law, economics . . 72 132. Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 91
23. Science & the arts and literature . . . 72 133. Heredity; evolution; genetics . . . . 91
26. Science & race and ethnicity . . . . 73 136. Neurosciences . . . . . . . . . 91
28. Science & religion . . . . . . . 73 137. Psychology; comparative psychology . 91
29. Science & war . . . . . . . . . 73 140. Social sciences, general . . . . . . 91
40. Scientific institutions . . . . . . . 74 142. Cultural anthropology . . . . . . 91
41. Scientific instruments . . . . . . 74 143. Economics . . . . . . . . . . 91
42. Scientific education; educational institutions 74 144. Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . 91
43. Professional activities of scientists . . 74 145. Archaeology . . . . . . . . . 91
101. Occultism & natural magic . . . . . 74 150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 92
102. History of philosophy . . . . . . 74 151. Psychiatry; medical psychology . . . 92
103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 75 152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 92

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160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 93 22. Science & politics, law, economics . . 131
161. Communication & computer technology 94 23. Science & the arts and literature . . . 132
163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 95 26. Science & race and ethnicity . . . . 133
27. Science & gender . . . . . . . . 133
360 19th century . . . . . . . . . 95 28. Science & religion . . . . . . . 134
1. General histories of science . . . . . 95 29. Science & war . . . . . . . . . 134
2. National contexts . . . . . . . . 96 40. Scientific institutions . . . . . . . 134
3. Reference works and repositories . . . 96 41. Scientific instruments . . . . . . 135
5. Historiography & historical methods . . 96 42. Scientific education; educational institutions135
10. Philosophy & methods of science . . . 96 43. Professional activities of scientists . . 135
12. Rhetorical & visual analysis of science . 96 101. Occultism & natural magic . . . . . 136
20. Science & society, general . . . . . 96 102. History of philosophy . . . . . . 136
21. Science & ethics . . . . . . . . 97 103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 136
22. Science & politics, law, economics . . 97 104. Music . . . . . . . . . . . 137
23. Science & the arts and literature . . . 98 110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 137
26. Science & race and ethnicity . . . . 99 111. Astrology . . . . . . . . . . 137
27. Science & gender . . . . . . . . 99 112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 138
28. Science & religion . . . . . . . 99 113. Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . 139
29. Science & war . . . . . . . . . 100 114. Alchemy . . . . . . . . . . 140
40. Scientific institutions . . . . . . . 100 120. Earth & atmospheric sciences . . . . 140
41. Scientific instruments . . . . . . 100 121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 141
42. Scientific education; educational institutions101 122. Natural history . . . . . . . . . 141
43. Professional activities of scientists . . 101 123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 142
101. Occultism & natural magic . . . . . 101 124. Paleontology . . . . . . . . . 143
102. History of philosophy . . . . . . 102 130. Biological sciences, general . . . . 144
103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 102 131. Botany . . . . . . . . . . . 144
104. Music . . . . . . . . . . . 103 132. Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 145
110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 103 133. Heredity; evolution; genetics . . . . 145
112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 104 134. Microbiology; molecular biology . . . 147
113. Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . 105 135. Physical anthropology . . . . . . 147
120. Earth & atmospheric sciences . . . . 106 136. Neurosciences . . . . . . . . . 148
121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 106 137. Psychology; comparative psychology . 149
122. Natural history . . . . . . . . . 108 140. Social sciences, general . . . . . . 151
123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 108 141. Sociology . . . . . . . . . . 153
124. Paleontology . . . . . . . . . 110 142. Cultural anthropology . . . . . . 153
130. Biological sciences, general . . . . 110 143. Economics . . . . . . . . . . 154
131. Botany . . . . . . . . . . . 110 144. Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . 154
132. Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 111 145. Archaeology . . . . . . . . . 154
133. Heredity; evolution; genetics . . . . 111 146. History as a discipline . . . . . . 155
134. Microbiology; molecular biology . . . 113 150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 155
135. Physical anthropology . . . . . . 113 151. Psychiatry; medical psychology . . . 157
136. Neurosciences . . . . . . . . . 114 152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 159
137. Psychology; comparative psychology . 115 153. Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . 166
140. Social sciences, general . . . . . . 116 160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 166
141. Sociology . . . . . . . . . . 116 161. Communication & computer technology 169
142. Cultural anthropology . . . . . . 117 163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 170
143. Economics . . . . . . . . . . 117 164. Air & space technology . . . . . . 172
144. Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . 117
145. Archaeology . . . . . . . . . 118 375 20th century, late, and 21st century . . 173
146. History as a discipline . . . . . . 118 2. National contexts . . . . . . . . 173
150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 118 6. History of science as a profession . . . 173
151. Psychiatry; medical psychology . . . 121 10. Philosophy & methods of science . . . 173
152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 123 11. Sociological & psychological analysis . 173
153. Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . 125 20. Science & society, general . . . . . 173
160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 125 21. Science & ethics . . . . . . . . 174
161. Communication & computer technology 128 22. Science & politics, law, economics . . 174
163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 128 23. Science & the arts and literature . . . 175
164. Air & space technology . . . . . . 130 26. Science & race and ethnicity . . . . 175
27. Science & gender . . . . . . . . 175
370 20th century . . . . . . . . . 130 28. Science & religion . . . . . . . 175
1. General histories of science . . . . . 130 29. Science & war . . . . . . . . . 176
2. National contexts . . . . . . . . 130 40. Scientific institutions . . . . . . . 176
5. Historiography & historical methods . . 130 41. Scientific instruments . . . . . . 176
6. History of science as a profession . . . 130 42. Scientific education; educational institutions176
11. Sociological & psychological analysis . 130 43. Professional activities of scientists . . 176
12. Rhetorical & visual analysis of science . 130 101. Occultism & natural magic . . . . . 177
20. Science & society, general . . . . . 130 102. History of philosophy . . . . . . 177
21. Science & ethics . . . . . . . . 131 103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 177

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104. Music . . . . . . . . . . . 177

110. Astronomy & cosmology . . . . . 177
112. Physics; physical sciences, general . . 178
113. Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . 179
120. Earth & atmospheric sciences . . . . 179
121. Geography; cartography; exploration . . 179
122. Natural history . . . . . . . . . 179
123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 180
124. Paleontology . . . . . . . . . 181
130. Biological sciences, general . . . . 181
132. Zoology; anatomy; physiology . . . . 181
133. Heredity; evolution; genetics . . . . 181
134. Microbiology; molecular biology . . . 182
135. Physical anthropology . . . . . . 182
136. Neurosciences . . . . . . . . . 183
137. Psychology; comparative psychology . 183
140. Social sciences, general . . . . . . 184
141. Sociology . . . . . . . . . . 184
142. Cultural anthropology . . . . . . 184
143. Economics . . . . . . . . . . 185
144. Linguistics . . . . . . . . . . 185
145. Archaeology . . . . . . . . . 185
146. History as a discipline . . . . . . 185
150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 185
151. Psychiatry; medical psychology . . . 186
152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 186
153. Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . 189
160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 189
161. Communication & computer technology 191
163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 193
164. Air & space technology . . . . . . 194

380 21st century . . . . . . . . . . 195

6. History of science as a profession . . . 195
20. Science & society, general . . . . . 195
21. Science & ethics . . . . . . . . 195
22. Science & politics, law, economics . . 195
23. Science & the arts and literature . . . 195
28. Science & religion . . . . . . . 196
41. Scientific instruments . . . . . . 196
42. Scientific education; educational institutions196
43. Professional activities of scientists . . 196
103. Mathematics . . . . . . . . . 196
120. Earth & atmospheric sciences . . . . 196
122. Natural history . . . . . . . . . 196
123. Environmental sciences . . . . . . 196
130. Biological sciences, general . . . . 197
133. Heredity; evolution; genetics . . . . 197
134. Microbiology; molecular biology . . . 197
135. Physical anthropology . . . . . . 197
143. Economics . . . . . . . . . . 197
150. Medicine, general . . . . . . . . 197
151. Psychiatry; medical psychology . . . 198
152. Public health; nutrition; health . . . . 198
153. Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . 198
160. Technology, general . . . . . . . 198
161. Communication & computer technology 199
163. Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . 199
164. Air & space technology . . . . . . 199

Book Reviews 200

Author Index 235

Subject Index 263

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The Isis Current Bibliography of the History Subject index. The terminology used in the
of Science was begun in 1913 by the historian of subject index corresponds as closely as possi-
science George Sarton as part of his new journal ble to terminology already in use either in the
Isis. It seeks to provide, each year, a compre- old Isis classification system or in one of the
hensive survey of the most recent work done in companion bibliographies in the History of Sci-
the history of science and allied fields. It covers ence, Technology, and Medicine database (see
all time periods and all disciplines and strives to below). New subject index terms are drawn
be truly international in scope. Below, readers from the Library of Congress where possible.
will find information on the use and structure Entirely new terminology is added at the dis-
of the bibliography as well as directions for ac- cretion of the bibliographer.
cess to the History of Science, Technology, and Book reviews. In the book review section,
Medicine database, which includes this bibliog- reviews are listed alphabetically by author or
raphy, and to other bibliographic sources in the editor of the book. In the author index, they are
history of science and related fields. listed under the author of the review, but not
author of the book.
Dedication Dissertations. Dissertations cited from Dis-
sertation Abstracts International have been en-
I dedicate this year’s bibliography to Clark tered from the information in the electronic
Elliott, who passed away earlier this year. I database UMI ProQuest Dissertation and The-
invited Clark to serve on the Advisory Board ses, which is a subscription database accessible
for the Isis Bibliography when I began as editor through Proquest. Theses and dissertations
in 2002. With his long experience as archivist, from this database can also be found on World-
bibliographer, and scholar in history of science, Cat.org. (For more on this database, see below
he had a deep understanding of our discipline— under the section on Open Access.)
both its methods and its materials. The Isis
Bibliography benefitted much from his wise General Note on Classification
The current Isis classification system for
Usage Notes works in the history of science is a two-level
hierarchy. It emphasizes time period and dis-
Naming conventions. Family names are in cipline, and the bulk of the bibliography is
small caps throughout the bibliography. Ar- found in section G. Section F deals with ge-
ticles such as von, de, and della are usually ographically based cultural traditions. It is
not considered to be part of the last name, but designed for subjects that are either not part
this varies by person, country, and language. of the Western scientific tradition or, as in the
Asian names in Asian publications are often case of Islamic science, often studied apart
given in reverse Western order. Alphabetization from the Western historical tradition. Section E
is by last name of the individual with primary holds items classified by discipline that do not
responsibility for the text. fit into the narrower chronological or cultural
Cross-referencing. Cross-references are sections. Sections A through D accommodate
indicated with [ref.] throughout. Cross- works either that are very general, that focus on
references to book reviews are identified by an non-disciplinary topics, or that have a specific
R before the number, and refer to items in the analytical framework.
book review section that follows the classified Items whose subjects are confined to a partic-
listing. ular chronological period in the Western scien-
Indexing of author names. In some instances tific tradition will be found in that time period.
an item will appear twice, once alone and once Where a subject stretches between two periods,
as part of an encompassing work (such as a the item will be in the earlier period. Where
chapter in an edited volume). In those instances, a subject encompasses more than two chrono-
the author index lists only the independent cita- logical periods, the item will be placed in the
tion. topical or disciplinary category in the first part

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viii Introduction

of the bibliography. and indexing can be accessed and downloaded

Where an item covers two disciplinary fields, online as well through the Isis CB website
it will probably be classified in one of the two http://isisbibliography.org/.
fields. Items covering three or more widely
disparate fields will usually be classified in a Open Access to the Isis Bibliography
non-disciplinary category.
All items are entered only once. Because The Isis Bibliography is freely available over
most works could easily be classified in more the Internet through the University of Chicago
than one subject area, it is impossible for each Press website. All bibliographies are avail-
classification division to contain a comprehen- able without a subscription. PDF files of these
sive list of all works relevant to that subject. print bibliographies can be found at http:
Users should consult the subject index for a //www.journals.uchicago.edu/loi/isis.
thorough coverage of topics. These PDF files are searchable and are identical
For a more detailed description of this sys- to the hard copy versions.
tem, see the introduction to this bibliogra- In addition, all Isis data is accessible without
phy in volume 93 (2002): pp. vii–viii. You subscription through the WorldCat.org search
can also find my history of the Isis clas- engine hosted by OCLC: all you need to do is to
sification system in Circumscribere volume go to http://www.worldcat.org/ and enter
6 (2009), which can be accessed online at your search terms along with the text ”xisi2”
http://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/ and your results list will be limited to the Isis
circumhc/article/view/1942. Bibliography dataset.

HistSciTechMed Database Other Bibliographic Sources

Online access to the Isis Current Bibli- There exist numerous specialized bibliogra-
ography data is through the History of Sci- phies dealing with the history of science. To
ence, Technology, and Medicine database find them, search this and previous issues of
(HistSciTechMed, or HSTM). It is hosted by the Isis Current Bibliography. In addition to
EBSCO. HistSciTechMed contains all of the these singly published bibliographies, there are
data from the Isis bibliographies from 1974 to annual publications in various fields that read-
the present. In addition, it contains data from ers should consult, many of which are available
three other bibliographies: the Current Bibliog- through the internet. Below is a short and in-
raphy in the History of Technology, containing complete list.
entries starting in 1987; the Bibliografia Ital- The Bibliografia Italiana di Storia della
iana di Storia della Scienza (BISS) with entries Scienza (1982-2011) has special strengths
from 1982 to 2011; and data from the Wellcome in Italian language sources. Their web
Bibliography for the History of Medicine from site gives access to a searchable version
1991 to 2004, supplemented regularly with of their database in either Italian or En-
monograph citations supplied by the Wellcome glish, and has links to other useful re-
Library for the History and Understanding of sources. (See http://www.museogalileo.
Medicine. it/en/explore/libraries/library/
HistSciTechMed can be accessed through italianbibliographyhistoryscience.
libraries or institutions with a subscription to html.)
the service or by individuals who are members There are bibliographical lists on Islamic
of the History of Science Society. For indi- science at the website of the Commission on
vidual member access, go to the HSS web the History of Science and Technology in Is-
site http://hssonline.org/resources/ lamic Societies (see http://www.islamsci.
hstm-database/ and follow the instructions org/). The Scientific Instrument Commis-
for access. sion has an online bibliography of over
Searching the HistSciTechMed database. 3,000 works at http://www.sic.iuhps.org/
Because HistSciTechMed contains data com- bibliography/index.shtml. As of this writ-
piled by several independent bibliographers, ing, these lists seem to cover works up to about
no rigid terminological standard for indexing 2009 or 2010.
exists—only a loose set of conventions. Re- There are also two serially published bibli-
searchers using the HistSciTechMed database ographies of note: The “Abstracts” section in
might find it useful to use the subject index in each issue of Historia Mathematica by Duncan
this volume to help them with their searches; in J. Melville, Laura Martini, and Kim Plofker is
addition they should try variations of terms and an excellent annotated bibliography for the his-
alternatives. Information about classification tory of mathematics. Also, the “Bibliography

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Introduction ix

of the History of Australian Science” compiled corresponded with me over the past year. If you
by Helen M. Cohn in each volume of Historical don’t see all of the citations that you sent to me,
Records of Australian Science provides impor- it may be that we have not yet had a chance
tant references to Australian scientific history. to fully proofread the entries. In most cases,
In addition, readers should be aware of the these entries will appear next year. Emanuela
Encyclopedia of Australian Science website Appetiti, Rienk Vermij, and Lindy Divarci all
(http://www.eoas.info/), which includes helped with foreign language proofing. Steven
biographical information as well as refer- Livesey annually provides help in locating hard-
ences to archival and bibliographical materi- to-find medieval citations. I am fortunate to
als for Australians involved in the develop- have an active panel of contributors and an ex-
ment of the sciences, technology, and medicine. tremely helpful advisory board. The graduate
Those interested in American science should students in the History of Science Department
also be aware of the blog for the Forum for at the University of Oklahoma provide the daily
the History of Science in America blog at support for this project. This year my assistants
http://americanscience.blogspot.com/. on the Isis Current Bibliography have been
The Isis Bibliography website (http: Kirsty Lawson, Carolyn Scearce, and Nathan
//isisbibliography.org/) has links to these Kapoor.
online resources and provides general informa- This bibliography would not be possible
tion about the bibliography, its purpose, history, without the twin support of the History of Sci-
and ways of contributing to the project. The ence Society and the University of Oklahoma.
bibliographer welcomes comments and sugges- Especially important to mention are the many
tions as well as notice of new publications for people who have given generously to financially
inclusion in future issues. support this project, and their contributions are
recognized in the HSS Bibliographer’s Fund
announcement at the front of this volume.
Stephen P. Weldon
I want to thank those individuals who have Norman, Oklahoma

Information for Contributors

Scholars publishing or knowing of articles pertinent to the scope of the CB should notify the Isis
Current Bibliography office: Send all contributions to Stephen P. Weldon, Department of History of
Science, 601 Elm St., Room 618, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019–3106; email:
isiscb@ou.edu; web page: http://isisbibliography.org/. For those wishing to contribute an
entry or entries, please send as much information about the items as possible. Use the entries in
this bibliography to guide you. Descriptive remarks are encouraged but should be kept to about fifty

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Appendix: Specialized Journals in the History of Science and Related

This list focuses on currently published journals in the history of science, but it also includes journals
in related fields, such as the history of technology and medicine as well as the philosophy and
social studies of science, technology, and medicine. These journals represent major peer-reviewed
publications of record in this field.

Acta Historiae Rerum Naturalium necnon Endeavour

Technicarum Environmental History
Aestimatio Foundations of Chemistry
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies
Ambix Gesnerus
Analecta: Studia i Materialy z Dziejów Nauki Gewina
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing History and Technology
Annals of Science History of the Human Sciences
Apeiron Historia Mathematica
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Archive for History of Exact Sciences History of Psychiatry
Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences History of Psychology
Archives of Natural History Historical Records of Australian Science
Archaeoastronomy: The Journal of Astronomy in History of Science
Culture Histoire des Sciences Médicales
Asclepio Historia Scientiarum
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Azogue HOST: Journal of History of Science and Technology
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Geophysik und Imago Mundi
Kosmischen Physik Indian Journal of History of Science
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Isis
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
British Journal for the History of Science Journal for the History of Astronomy
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
British Society for the History of Mathematics
Bulletin Journal of the History of Biology
Bulletin of the History of Archaeology Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Kagakushi Kenkyu (History of Chemistry)
Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society Kagakusi Kenkyu (History of Science)
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society Korot
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki
Canadien d’Histoire de la Medecine Llull
Centaurus Lychnos
Chemical Heritage História, Ciências, Saúde—Manguinhos
Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Medizin, Gesellschaft, und Geschichte
Technology Medical History
Circumscribere: International Journal for the History Medizinhistorisches Journal
of Science
Configurations MHNH (Revista Internacional de Investigación sobre
Cronos Magia y Astrologı́a Antiguas)
Culture and Cosmos Micrologus
Dynamis Mitteilungen
Early Science and Medicine Monografie z Dziejow Nauki i Techniki
Earth Sciences History Neusis
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An Noesis
International Journal Notes and Records of the Royal Society
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine NTM

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Appendix: History of Science Journals xi

Nuncius Sciamvs
Organon Social History of Medicine
Osiris Social Studies of Science
Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari: Studies in Ottoman Studies in History of Medicine and Science
Science Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C:
Perspectives on Science Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological
Pharmacy in History and Biomedical Sciences
Philosophia Naturalis Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B:
Physics in Perspective Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern
Physis Physics
Polhem Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science
Public Understanding of Science Sudhoffs Archiv
Quaderns d’Història de l’Enginyeria Suhayl
Revue d’histoire des mathématiques Technology and Culture
Revue d’Histoire de la Pharmacie Technikgeschichte
Revue d’Histoire des Sciences Transactions of the Newcomen Society
Revue des Questions Scientifiques Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
Rittenhouse Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen
Saber y Tiempo Wissenschaften
Scientia Canadensis Zhongguo Keji Shiliao (China Historical Materials of
Science in Context Science and Technology)
Science as Culture Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu (Studies in the History of
Science, Technology and Human Values Natural Sciences)

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Journal List

The list of journal abbreviations below is a cumulative list that includes journals cited in past
volumes of this bibliography. The asterisks indicate that a journal is cited this year.

1650-1850 1650–1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Amer. J. Math. American Journal of Mathematics
Inquiries in the Early Modern Era (1065-3112) (0002-9327)
*Abaco Abaco (0213-6252) Amer. J. Med. Genet. American Journal of Medical
Achad. Leonardi Vinci Achademia Leonardi Vinci Genetics
Act. Acad. Nat. Sci. Belles-Lettres Arts Bordeaux Amer. J. Philol. American Journal of Philology
Actes de l’Académie nationale des Sciences, (0002-9475)
Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux *Amer. J. Phys. American Journal of Physics
Act. Hist. Leopold. Acta Historica Leopoldina (0002-9505)
Acta Astronutica Acta Astronautica Amer. J. Psychol. American Journal of Psychology
Acta Bot. Neerlandica Acta Botanica Neerlaudica Amer. J. Sociol. American Journal of Sociology
Acta Carsologica Acta Carsologica (0583-6050)
Amer. J. Theol. Phil. American Journal of Theology
Acta Comeniana Acta Comeniana: Archiv pro and Philosophy (2156-4795)
Bádáni o Zivote dı́le Jana Amose Komenského Amer. Jewish Hist. American Jewish History
Acta Geod. Geophys. Hung. Acta Geodaetica et (0164-0178)
Geophysica Hungarica (1217-8977) Amer. Lit. Hist. American Literary History
Acta Hist. Astron. Acta Historica Astronomiae (0896-7148)
(1422-8521) Amer. Math. Mon. American Mathematical Monthly
Acta Hist. Rerum Nat. Tech. Acta Historiae Rerum Amer. Neptune American Neptune (0003-0155)
Naturalium necnon Technicarum (1211-958X) Amer. Paleon. American Paleontologist (1066-8772)
Acta Histriae Acta Histriae (1318-0185) Amer. Periodicals American Periodicals: A Journal
Acta Musei Morav. Supp. Acta Musei Moraviae. of History, Criticism, and Bibliography
Supplementum: Folai Mendeliana (0085-0748) (1548-4238)
Acta Phil. Acta Philosophica (1121-2179) Amer. Phil. Quart. American Philosophical Quarterly
Actes Hist. Cièn. Tèc. Actes d’Història de la Ciència Amer. Psychol. American Psychologist
i de la Tècnica (2013-1666) *Amer. Quart. American Quarterly (1080-6490)
*Aestimatio Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the Amer. Sch. American Scholar
History of Science (1549-4497) *Amer. Scient. American Scientist (0003-0996)
Africa Africa: The Journal of the International Amer. Sociol. American Sociologist
African Institute (0001-9720) Amer. Sociol. Rev. American Sociological Review
*Agr. Hist. Agricultural History (0002-1482) Amer. Stud. American Studies
*Air Power Hist. Air Power History (1044-016X) Amer. Stud. Internat. American Studies International
al-Qant.ara al-Qant.ara (0211-3589) Americas Americas (0003-1615)
Alabama Rev. Alabama Review Anal. Real Soc. Españ. Quı́m. Anales de la Real
Albion Albion (0095-1390) Sociedad Española de Quı́mica (1575-3417)
*Aleph Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Analec. Music. Analecta Musicologica (0569-9827)
Judaism (1565-1525) Analecta Analecta: Studia i Materia y z Dziejów
Allg. Z. Phil. Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie Nauki (1230-1159)
Ancient Phil. Ancient Philosophy (0740-2007)
*Almagest Almagest (1792-2593)
Ancient World Ancient World
*Ambix Ambix: Journal of the Society for the
Angewan. Chem. Angewandte Chemie (0044-8249)
History of Alchemy and Chemistry (0002-6980)
Angewan. Chem. Int. Ed. Angewandte Chemie
Amer. Anthropol. American Anthropologist International Edition (0721-4227)
Anglo-Saxon Engl. Anglo-Saxon England
Amer. Antiq. American Antiquity (0002-7316) Ann. Amer. Acad. Polit. Soc. Sci. Annals of the
Amer. Behav. Sci. American Behavioral Scientist American Academy of Political and Social
*Amer. Cath. Phil. Quart. American Catholic Science (0002-7162)
Philosophical Quarterly (1051-3558) Ann. Assoc. Amer. Geogr. Annals of the Association
*Amer. Hist. Rev. American Historical Review of American Geographers
(0002-8762) Ann. Bourgogne Annales de Bourgogne
Amer. Imago American Imago (0065-860X) Ann. Carnegie Mus. Annals of Carnegie Museum
Amer. Ind. Cult. Res. J. American Indian Culture and (0097-4463)
Research Journal (0161-6463) Ann. Démogr. Hist. Annales de Démographie
Amer. Ind. Quart. American Indian Quarterly Historique
Amer. J. Archaeol. American Journal of Archaeology Ann. Hist. Élect. Annales Historiques de l’Électricité

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Journal List xiii

Ann. Hist. Phil. Biol. Annals of the History and Arch. Hist. Doct. Litt. Moyen Age Archives
Philosophy of Biology (0944-3266) d’Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge
Ann. Hist. Revol. Fran. Annales historiques de la (0373-5478)
Révolution française (0003-4436) *Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. Archive for History of Exact
Ann. Hum. Gen. Annals of Human Genetics Sciences (0003-9519)
(0003-4800) Arch. Hist. Filozof. Myśli Społechnej Archiwum
Ann. Iowa Annals of Iowa Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społechnej (0066-6874)
Ann. Ist. Ital. Stud. Stor. Annali dell’Istituto Italiano Arch. Int. Hist. Sci. Archives Internationales
per gli Studi Storici d’Histoire des Sciences (0003-9810)
Ann. Midi Annales du Midi (0003-4398) Arch. Kulturgesch. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. Annals of the New York Arch. Mitt. Phil. Kultur Archiv für Mittelalterliche
Academy of Sciences (0077-8923) Philosophie und Kultur
Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien Annalen des *Arch. Natur. Hist. Archives of Natural History
Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien (0260-9541)
*Ann. Physik Annalen der Physik (0003-3804) Arch. Phil. (Paris) Archives de Philosophie
Ann. Psychol. Année Psychologique (0003-5033) Arch. Reformationsgesch. Archiv für
*Ann. Sci. Annals of Science: The History of
Science and Technology (0003-3790) Arch. Sci. Archives des Sciences (Geneva)
Arch. Sci. Comp. Rendu Seances Soc. Phys. Hist.
Ann. Sociol. L’Année Sociologique
Nat. Geneve Archives des Sciences et Compte
Ann. Stor. Univ. Ital. Annali di storia delle università Rendu des Séances de la Société de Physique et
italiane (1127-8250) d’Histoire Naturelle de Genève (0252-9289)
Ann. Univ. Ferrara Fil. Annali dell’Università di Arch. Sci. Soc. Relig. Archives de Sciences Sociales
Ferrara. Sezione 3, Filosofia. Discussion papers des Religions
Annal. Sci. École Norm. Sup. Annales scientifiques Arch. Sozialgesch. Archiv für Sozialgeschichte
de l’École normale supérieure (0012-9593) Arch. Stor. Province Napoletane Archivio Storico per
Annales Annales. Histoire, sciences sociales le Province Napoletane (0392-0267)
(0395-2649) Arch. Trentino Archivio Trentino
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. Annual Review of Archaeoastronomy J. Astro. Cult.
Anthropology Archaeoastronomy: The Journal of Astronomy in
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. Annual Review of Culture (0190-9940)
Phytopathology *Archaeometry Archaeometry (0003-813X)
Annu. Rev. Sociol. Annual Review of Sociology Archief Archief: Mededelingen van het Koninklijk
Anthropos Anthropos: Revista de Documentación Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen
Cientifica de la Cultura Architect. Hist. Architectural History (0066-622X)
*Anthropozoologica Anthropozoologica (0761-3032) Archiwum Hist. Filozofii Med. Archiwum Historii i
Antike Naturwiss. Rezept. Antike Naturwissenschaft Filozofii Medycyny
und Ihre Rezeption (0942-0398) Arctos Arctos: Acta Philologica Fennica
Antilia Antilia: Revista Española de Historia de las Aries Aries: Journal for the Study of Western
Ciencias de la Naturaleza y de la Tecnologı́a Esotericism
(1136-2049) Arizona Quart. Arizona Quarterly
Antiq. Horology Antiquarian Horology and the Arkansas Hist. Quart. Arkansas Historical Quarterly
Proceedings of the Antiquarian Horological Arms Arm. Soc. J. Arms and Armour Society Journal
Society (0003-5785) (0004-2439)
Antiquité Cl. Antiquité Classique Art Bull. Art Bulletin
*Antiquity Antiquity (0003-598X) Arte Medievale Arte Medievale (0393-7267)
Anuari Filo. Anuari de Filologia. Secció D, Studia Arxiu Text. Catalans Antics Arxiu de Textos Catalans
Graeca et Latina (1131-6896) Antics (0211-9811)
*Asclepio Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de
ANZ J. Surg. ANZ Journal of Surgery
Historia de la Medicina (0210-4466)
*Apeiron Apeiron: Journal for Ancient Philosophy *Asian Med. Asian Medicine: Tradition and
and Science (0003-6390) Modernity (1573-420X)
Appl. Spectro. Applied Spectroscopy (0003-7028) Astron. Nachricht. Astronomische Nachrichten
APS News APS News (1058-8132) (0004-6337)
*Arab. Sci. Phil. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy Astrophy. & Space Sci. Astrophysics and Space
(0957-4239) Science (0004-640X)
Aramaic Stud. Aramaic Studies: A Journal for the Atene Roma Atene e Roma: Rassegna Trimestrale
Aramaic Bible and More (1477-8351) dell’Associazione ltaliana di Cultura Classica
Arbor Arbor: Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura ATQ ATQ (1078-3377)
Arch. Begriffsgesch. Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte Atti Accad. Rover. Agiati Contr. Cl. Sci. Mat. Fis.
Arch. Eur. Sociol. Archives Européennes de Nat. Atti della Accademia Roveretana degli
Sociologie Agiati, Contributi della Classe di Scienze
Arch. Franciscanum Hist. Archivum Franciscanum Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali
Historicum (0004-0665) Atti Accad. Rover. Agiati Fasc. A Accademia
Arch. Gesch. Phil. Archiv für Geschichte der Roveretana degli Agiati. Atti. Fasc. A: Classe di
Philosophie (0003-9101) Scienze Umane, Lettere ed Arti (1122-6064)

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xiv Journal List

Atti Accad. Sci. Torino Cl. Sci. Mor. Stor. Filol. Atti BMGN Bijdragen en Mededelingen Betreffende de
della Accademia delle Scienza di Torino, Classe di Geschiedenis der Nederlanden
Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche Boch. Phil. Jahr. Bochumer Philosophisches
Atti Ist. Veneto Sci. Lett. Arti Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. Jahrbuch fur Antike und Mittelalter (1384-6663)
Atti dell’ Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Bol. Inst. Libre Enseñ. Boletı́n de la Institución Libre
Atti, Classe di Scienze Fische, Matematiche e de Enseñanza (0214-1302)
Naturali Boll. Soc. Stud. Fiorentini Bollettino della Società di
Atti mem. Accad. Galilei. (Pt. 2 ... sci. mat. nat.) Atti Studi Fiorentini
e memorie dell’Accademia Galileiana (Pt. 2, Boll. Stor. Sci. Mat. Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze
Memorie della classe di scienze matematiche e Matematiche (0392-4432)
naturali) (0392-0755) *Book Hist. Book History (1098-7371)
Atti Mem. Accad. Naz. Sci. Lett. Arti Modena Atti e Boston Stud. Phil. Sci. Boston Studies in the
Memorie, Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Philosophy of Science
Lettere e Arti, Modena Bot. J. Linn. Soc. Botanical Journal of the Linnean
Atti Mem. Accad. Patavina Sci. Lett. Arti Cl. Sci. Society (1095-8339)
Mat. Natur. Atti e Memorie dell’Accademia Bot. Rev. Botanical Review
Patavina di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Classe di Brentano Stud. Brentano Studien (0935-7009)
Scienze Matematiche e Naturali *Brit. J. Hist. Phil. British Journal for the History of
Aurora Aurora: Jahrbuch der Philosophy (0960-8788)
Eichendorff-Gesellschaft *Brit. J. Hist. Sci. British Journal for the History of
*Aust. J. Pol. Hist. Australian Journal of Politics and Science (0007-0874)
History (0004-9522) Brit. J. Mid. East Stud. British Journal of Middle
*Austral. Hist. Stud. Australian Historical Studies Eastern Studies
(1031-461X) *Brit. J. Phil. Sci. British Journal for the Philosophy
Austral. J. Bot. Australian Journal of Botany of Science (0007-0882)
(0067-1924) Brit. J. Sociol British Journal of Sociology
Australas. J. Australasian Journal of Philosophy Brit. Schol. British Scholar (1941-6105)
Australian Heritage Australian Heritage (1832-8091) *Brit. Soc. Hist. Math. Bull. British Society for the
Australian Physics Australian Physics (1036-3831) History of Mathematics Bulletin (1749-8430)
Auto/Biogr. Studies Auto/Biography Studies Britannia Britannia: Journal of Romano-British and
Aviat. Quart. Aviation Quarterly (0360-8670) Kindred Studies
*Azogue Azogue: Revista Electrónica Dedicada al Bruniana & Campanelliana Bruniana &
Estudio Histórico-Crı́tico de la Alquimia Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali
(1575-8184) Storico-testuali
Bacteriophage Bacteriophage (2159-7073) Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. Bulletin of the American
Mathematical Society
Behavior. Behaviorology (1047-8663)
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. Bulletin of the American
Beit. Gesch. Geophy. Kos. Phys. Beiträge zur
Meteorological Society (0003-0007)
Geschichte der Geophysik und Kosmischen Physik
(1615-2628) Bull. Ass. Guillaume Budé Bulletin de l’Association
Guillaume Budé
Ber. Abhandlungen Berichte und Abhandlungen /
Bull. Atom. Sci. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der
Wissenschaften Bull. Ecol. Soc. Amer. Bulletin of the Ecological
Society of America (0012-9623)
*Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch. Berichte zur
Wissenschaftsgeschichte (0170-6233) Bull. École Franç. Extrême-Orient Bulletin de
Bibl. École Chartes Bibliothèque de l’École des l’École Française d’Extrême-Orient
Chartes (0373-6237) *Bull. Hist. Archaeol. Bulletin of the History of
Bibl. Hum. Renaiss. Bibliothèque d’humanisme et Archaeology (2047-6930)
renaissance. Travaux et documents (0006-1999) Bull. Hist. Chem. Bulletin for the History of
Chemistry (1053-4385)
Bibliofilia La Bibliofilia: Rivista di Storia del Libro e
di Bibliografia *Bull. Hist. Med. Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Biogr. Mem. Fellows Royal Soc. Biographical
Bull. Hist. Polit. Bulletin d’Histoire Politique
Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society
(0080-4606) Bull. Latin Amer. Res. Bulletin of Latin American
Biogr. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci. Biographical Memoirs
of the National Academy of Sciences Bull. Mém. Soc. Anthropol. Paris Bulletins et
Mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris
Biography Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly
Bull. Menninger Clin. Bulletin of the Menninger
*Biol. & Phil. Biology and Philosophy (0169-3867) Clinic
Biol. Rev. Publ. Cambridge Phil. Sci. Biological Bull. Pacif. Circle Bulletin of the Pacific Circle
Reviews Published for the Cambridge (1520-3581)
Philosophical Society Bull. Phil. Médiév. Bulletin de Philosophie
Biol. Theory Biological Theory (1555-5542) Médiévale (0068-4023)
Biometrika Biometrika Bull. Philol. Hist. Bulletin Philologique et Historique
BioSocieties BioSocieties du Comité des Travaux Historiques et
BKI Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde Scientifiques

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Journal List xv

Bull. Sch. Orient. Afr. Stud. Bulletin of the School of Chirality Chirality: The Pharmacological,
Oriental and African Studies [London University] Biological, and Chemical Consequences of
*Bull. Sci. Instr. Soc. Bulletin of the Scientific Molecular Asymmetry (0899-0042)
Instrument Society (0956-8271) Chron. Okla. Chronicles of Oklahoma (0009-6024)
*Bull. Sci. Tech. Soc. Bulletin of Science, Chrysopoeia Chrysopoeia (0984-7340)
Technology & Society (0270-4676) *Church Hist. Church History (0009-6407)
Bull. SHESVIE Bulletin d’histoire et d’èpistémologie Churchill Rev. Churchill Review
des sciences de la vie (?) Cien. Hoje Ciência Hoje (0101-8515)
Bull. Soc. Amis Biblio. École Polytech. Bulletin de la Circumscribere Circumscribere: International
Société des Amis de la Bibliothèque de l’École Journal for the History of Science (1980-7651)
Polytechnique Cl. Antiq. Classical Antiquity
Bull. Soc. Etud. Sci. Archeol. Draguignan Du Var Cl. J. Classical Journal
Bulletin de la Société d’Etudes Scientifiques et Cl. Philol. Classical Philology
Archeologiques de Draguignan et Du Var Cl. Quart. Classical Quarterly
Bus. Econ. Hist. Business and Economic History Cl. Rev. Classical Review
Bus. Hist. Business History Cl. World Classical World
*Bus. Hist. Rev. Business History Review Clin. Chem. Clinical Chemistry (0009-9147)
(0007-6805) Clio Clio: Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature,
Byzantinische Z. Byzantinische Zeitschrift History, and the Philosophy of History
Cadernos Pagu Cadernos Pagu (0104-8333) Col. Latin Amer. Rev. Colonial Latin American
Caduceus Caduceus (0882-6447)
Coleopt. bull. The Coleopterists Bulletin
Cah. Civilisation Médiévale Cahiers de Civilisation (0010-065X)
College Math. J. College Mathematics Journal
Cah. Hist. Tech. Cahier d’Histoire des techniques (0746-8342)
(1158-8403) Colorado Rev. Hispanic Stud. Colorado Review of
Cah. Inst. Moyen-Âge Grec Latin Cahiers de Hispanic Studies (1545-2905)
l’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec et Latin Comm. ACM Communications of the Association for
Cah. Monde Russe Cahiers du monde russe Computing Machinery (ACM)
(1252-6576) Common Knowl. Common Knowledge (0961-754X)
Cah. Sci. Vie Les Cahiers de Science et Vie Common-Place Common-Place (1544-824X)
Cahiers Hist. Phil. Sci. Cahiers d’Histoire et de *Comp. Stud. Soc. Hist. Comparative Studies in
Philosophie des Sciences. Nouvelle Serie Society and History (0010-4175)
(0221-3664) Comp. Tech. Transf. Soc. Comparative Technology
*Can. Bull. Med. Hist. Canadian Bulletin of Medical Transfer and Society (1543-3404)
History/Bulletin Canadien d’Histoire de la Compass The Compass: The Earth-Science Journal
Medecine (0823-2105) of Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Can. Hist. Rev. Canadian Historical Review Compendium Compendium
*Can. J. Hist. Canadian Journal of History Compt. Rend. Acad. Inscriptions Belles Lett.
(0008-4107) Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Inscriptions
Can. J. Phil. Canadian Journal of Philosophy et Belles-Lettres
Can. Rev. Amer. Stud. Canadian Review of American Compt. Rend. Biol. Comptes Rendus Biologies
Studies (1631-0691)
Can.-Amer. Slav. Stud. Canadian-American Slavic Comptes Rend. Congr. Nat. Soc. Savant. Sect. Sci.
Studies (0090-8290) Comptes Rendus du Congrès National des
Carib. Stud. Caribbean Studies Sociétés Savantes, Section des Sciences
Cartographica Cartographica Comunicações Geol. Comunicações Geológicas
Cartographica Helvetica Cartographica Helvetica
Conecta Conecta: Boletin de Noticias de Historia de
la Ciencia, la Medicina y la Tecnologia
Cath. Hist. Rev. The Catholic Historical Review (1576-4826)
(0008-8080) Conf. Soc. Philomath. Paris Les Conférences de la
Cauda Pavonis Cauda Pavonis: The Hermetic Text Société Philomathique de Paris
Society Newsletter *Configurations Configurations: A Journal of
*Cent. Eur. Hist. Central European History Literature, Science, and Technology (1063-1801)
(0008-9389) Construc. Hist. Construction History
*Centaurus Centaurus: International Magazine of the *Cont. Europ. Hist. Contemporary European History
History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology (0960-7773)
(0008-8994) *Contin. & Change Continuity and Change
Centennial Rev. Centennial Review (0268-4160)
*Chem. Educ. The Chemical Educator (1430-4171) Coord. Online J. Map Geog. Round Table
*Chem. Heritage Chemical Heritage (0736-4555) Coordinates: Online Journal of the Map and
ChemPhysChem ChemPhysChem Geography Round Table, American Library
China Quart. China Quarterly Association. (1553-3247)
*Chinese J. Hist. Sci. Tech. Chinese Journal for the Corpus Corpus: Revue de Philosophie
History of Science and Technology (1673-1441) Cortex Cortex (0010-9452)

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xvi Journal List

Crit. Inq. Critical Inquiry (0093-1896) Diss. Abstr. Int. B Dissertation Abstracts
CRM CRM: Cultural Resources Management International. B (0419-4217)
(1068-4999) Diss. Abstr. Int. C Dissertation Abstracts
Cromohs Cromohs (1123-7023) International. C (1042-7279)
Cronos Cronos: Cuadernos Valencianos de Historia Diwinyddiaeth Diwinyddiaeth: cylchgrawn
de la Medicina y de la Ciencia (1139-711X) blynyddol a gyhoeddir dan nawdd Adran
Cryptologia Cryptologia Diwinyddiaeth Urdd Graddedigion Prifysgol
Cuad. Dieciochistas Cuadernos Dieciochistas:
Dix-huit. Siècle Dix-huitième siècle (0070-6760)
revista consagrada al estudio de la historia, el
pensamiento, la literatura, el arte y la ciencia del Docum. Stud. Trad. Fil. Mediev. Documenti e Studi
siglo XVIII (1576-7914) Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale
Dong Bang Hak Chi Dong Bang Hak Chi (The
Cuad. Hist. Med. Españ. Cuadernos de História de la
Journal of Korean Studies)
Medicina Española
Dubrovnik Ann. Dubrovnik Annals (1331-3878)
Cuadern. Hist. Contemp. Cuadernos de Historia
Dumbarton Oaks Pap. Dumbarton Oaks Papers
Contemporánea (0214-400X)
Cult. & Cosmos Culture and Cosmos (1368-6534) Durham Univ. J. Durham University Journal
Cult. Anthropol. Cultural Anthropology (0012-7280)
Cult. Critique Cultural Critique Durkheim. Stud. Durkheimian Studies (1362-024X)
Cult. Dynam. Cultural Dynamics (0921-3740) *Dynamis Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae
Cult. Machine Culture Machine (1465-4121) Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
Cult. Med. Psychiat. Culture, Medicine and (0211-9536)
Psychiatry E.I.A.L. Estudios Interdisciplinarios de America
Cult. Psychol. Culture and Psychology Latina y el Caribe (07927061)
Cult. Scu. Cultura e Scuola Early Amer. Stud. Early American Studies
Cult. Stud. Cultural Studies *Early Mediev. Eur. Early Medieval Europe
Cultura (Rome) Cultura: Rivista Trimestrale
*Early Sci. & Med. Early Science and Medicine: A
Curr. Anthropol. Current Anthropology Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and
Czech Hist. Rev. Ceský casopis historický Medicine in the Pre-modern Period (1383-7427)
(0862-6111) *Earth Sci. Hist. Earth Sciences History: Journal of
Dae-Dong-Mun-Hwa-Yongu the History of the Earth Sciences Society
Dae-Dong-Mun-Hwa-Yongu (The Journal of (0736-623X)
Eastern Studies) *East Asian STS East Asian Science, Technology and
Dædalus Dædalus (0011-5266) Society: An International Journal (1875-2160)
Dahlemer Archivgespr. Dahlemer Archivgespräche East Eur. Quart. East European Quarterly
(1431-6641) *EASTM East Asian Science, Technology, and
Dalhousie Rev. Dalhousie Review Medicine (1562-918X)
Danish Yearbk. Phil. Danish Yearbook of Philosophy Ecol. Econ. Ecological Economics: The Journal of
Daphnis Daphnis: Zeitschrift für Mittlerc Deutsche the International Society for Ecological
Literatur Economics (0921-8009)
Deut. Arch. Erforschung Mittel. Deutsches Archiv Ecology Ecology (0012-9658)
für Erforschung des Mittelalters (0012-1223) Econ. & Soc. Economy and Society
Deut. Vierteljahrsschr. Literaturwiss. Geistesgesch. *Econ. Bot. Economic Botany (0013-0001)
Deutsch Vierteljahrsschrift für Econ. Hist. Rev. Economic History Review
Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte Ecosystems Ecosystems (1432-9840)
Deut. Z. Phil. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Ecozon@ Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature,
Dialectica Dialectica: International Review of Culture and Environment (2171-9594)
Philosophy of Knowledge *Eighteenth Cent. Theory Interpr. Eighteenth
Century: Theory and Interpretation (0193-5380)
Dialogue Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review
*Eighteenth-Cent. Life Eighteenth-Century Life
Dianoia Dianoia: Annali di storia della filosofia (0098-2601)
*Eighteenth-Cent. Stud. Eighteenth-Century Studies
Diderot Stud. Diderot Studies (0013-2586)
Differences Differences: A Journal of Feminist ELH ELH: English Literary History (0013-8304)
Cultural Studies Emerg. Infect. Dis. Emerging Infectious Diseases
Dilthey-Jahrb. Dilthey-Jahrbuch für Philosophic und (1080-6040)
Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften *Endeavour Endeavour: Review of the Progress of
DIO DIO Science (0160-9327)
Diogenes Diogenes (0392-1921) Éndoxa Éndoxa (1133-5351)
Diplomatic Hist. Diplomatic History Eng. Design Graph. J. Engineering Design Graphics
Discourse Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Journal (0046-2012)
Philosophical and Religious Studies (1741-4164) *Eng. Stud. Engineering Studies (1937-8629)
Discurso Discurso (0188-1825) Engl. Hist. Rev. The English Historical Review
Diss. Abstr. Int. A Dissertation Abstracts Engl. Lang. Notes English Language Notes
International. A (0419-4209) Engl. Stud. English Studies

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Journal List xvii

Enlight. & Dissent Enlightenment and Dissent Feministische Stud. Feministische Studien
(0262-7612) Fifteenth-Cent. Stud. Fifteenth-Century Studies
Environ. & Hist. Environment and History *Fil. Hist. Biol. Filosofia e História da Biologia
*Environ. Hist. Environmental History (1084-5453) (1983-053X)
Eos Eos: Transactions, American Geophysical Union Film & Hist. Film & History (1548-9922)
(0096-3941) Film Hist. Film History (0892-2160)
Episodes Episodes: Journal of International Filo. Medio. Filologia mediolatina: rivista della
Geoscience (0705-3797) Fondazione Ezio Franceschini. (1124-0008)
Episteme Episteme: Filosofia e História da Ciência Filozofski Vest. Filozofski Vestnik (0353-4510)
em Revista (1413 - 5736) Filson Club Hist. Quart. Filson Club History
Epistemologia Epistemologia (0392-9760) Quarterly
Épistémologiques Épistémologiques: Philosophie, Focus Law Stud. Focus on Law Studies (1932-2518)
Sciences, Histoire: Revue Internationale Folia Mendel. Folia Mendeliana Musei Moravia
(1517-7823) Fortschr. Neurol. Psychiat. Fortschritte der
Eranos Eranos: Acta Philologica Suecana Neurologie, Psychiatrie
Erkenntnis Erkenntnis: International Journal of *Found. Chem. Foundations of Chemistry
Analytic Philosophy (1386-4238)
Eso Esoterica (1523-1224) Found. Phys. Foundations of Physics (0015-9018)
Espan. Med. En la España Medieval (0214-3038) *Found. Sci. Foundations of Science (1233-1821)
Franciscan Stud. Franciscan Studies (0080-5459)
Essays Arts Sci. Essays in Arts and Sciences
Franciscana Franciscana: bollettino della Società
Essays Med. Stud. Essays in Medieval Studies internazionale di studi francescani (1129-230X)
Freiburger Z. Phil. Theol. Freiburger Zeitschrift für
Estud. Cl. Estudios Clásicos, Órgano de la Sociedad Philosophie und Theologie (0016-0725)
Española de Estudios Clásicos (0014-1453) French Col. History French Colonial History
Estud. Hist. Ciencias Téc. Estudios de Historia das (1539-3402)
Ciencias e das Técnicas French Forum French Forum (0098-9355)
Ethics Place Environ. Ethics, Place and Environment *French Hist. French History (0269-1191)
(1366-879X) French Hist. Stud. French Historical Studies
Ethik Med. Ethik in der Medizin (0016-1071)
Ethnic Racial Stud. Ethnic and Racial Studies Frühmittelalt. Stud. Frühmittelalterliche Studien
Ethnohist. Ethnohistory: Journal of the American (0071-9706)
Society for Ethnohistory Futuribles Futuribles
Étud. Phil. Études Philosophiques (0014-2166) Galenos Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi
Étud. Renan. Études Renaniennes Medici Antichi (1973-5049)
Étud. XVIII Siècle Études sur le XVIIIe Siècle *Galilæana Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies
Euphrosyne Euphrosyne: Revista de Filologia
Clássica Garden Hist. Garden History
Eur. Astron. Soc. News. European Astronomical Gaz. Arch. La Gazette des Archives
Society Newsletter Gen. Mole. Bio. Genetics and Molecular Biology
Eur. Hist. Quart. European History Quarterly
*Gend. & Hist. Gender and History (0953-5233)
Eur. J. Phys. European Journal of Physics
Gender Forum Gender Forum: An Internet Journal
*Eur. Legacy European Legacy (1084-8770) for Gender Studies
*Eur. Phys. J. H European Physical Journal H Genders Genders (1936-3249)
(2102-6459) Genèses Genèses: Sciences Sociales et Histoire
Eur. Rev. European Review Genet. Resourc. Crop Evol. Genetic Resources and
Eur. Romantic Rev. European Romantic Review Crop Evolution (0925-9864)
*Eur.-Asia Stud. Europe-Asia Studies (0966-8136) Geof. Internat. Geofı́sica Internacional (0016-7169)
Eurasian Soil Sci. Eurasian Soil Science (1064-2293) Geog. Rev. Geographische Revue: Zeitschrift für
Europhys. News Europhysics News (0531-7479) Literatur und Diskussion (1438-3039)
Evidence-Based Complem. Alt. Med. Geogr. J. Geographical Journal
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Geogr. Rev. Geographical Review
Medicine (1741-4288) Geogr. Z. Geographische Zeitschrift (0016-7479)
Evol. Develop. Evolution and Development Geohist. Bl. Geohistorische Blätter (1436-3135)
(1525-142X) Geol. Today Geology Today (0266-6979)
Evolution: Educ. Outr. Evolution: Education and Geologische Bundesanstalt. Abhandlungen
Outreach (1936-6434) Geologische Bundesanstalt. Abhandlungen
Exemplaria Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in (0378-0864)
Medieval and Renaissance Studies Geology Geology (0091-7613)
Explor. Econ. Hist. Explorations in Economic Georgia Hist. Quart. Georgia Historical Quarterly
History Georgia J. Sci. Georgia Journal of Science
Farhang Farhang (1017-4117) *Germ. Hist. German History (0266-3554)
FASEB J. The FASEB Journal Germ. Hist. Instit. Bull. German Historical Institute
*Feminist Stud. Feminist Studies (0046-3663) Bulletin (1048-9134)

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xviii Journal List

Germ. Rev. The Germanic Review Hist. & Mem. History and Memory: Studies in
*Germ. Stud. Rev. German Studies Review Representation of the Past (0935-560X)
(2164-8646) *Hist. & Tech. History and Technology (0734-1512)
Gesch. Bergheim Geschichte in Bergheim *Hist. & Theory History and Theory (0018-2656)
Gesch. Gesell. Geschichte und Gesellschaft Hist. Africa History in Africa (0361-5413)
(0340-613X) Hist. Anthropol. Newslett. History of Anthropology
*Gesnerus Gesnerus (0016-9161) Newsletter (0362-9074)
Hist. Biol. Historical Biology: An International
Giorn. Crit. Fil. Ital. Giornale Critico della Filosofia
Journal of Paleobiology (0891-2963)
Hist. Childhood Quart. History of Childhood
Global Spiral The Global Spiral (1937-268X) Quarterly
Globusfreund Der Globusfreund: Wissenschaftliche Hist. Comp. History Compass (1478-0542)
Zeitschrift für Globen- und Instrumentenkunde
(0436-0664) Hist. Écon. Soc. Histoire, Économie et Société
*Hist. Educ. History of Education (0046-760X)
Glotta Glotta: Zeitschrift griechische und lateinische
*Hist. Educ. Quart. History of Education Quarterly
Goethe Jahrb. Goethe Jahrbuch Hist. Educ. Rev. History of Education Review
Grad. Fac. Phil. J. Graduate Faculty Philosophy (0819-8691)
Journal (0093-4240) *Hist. Europ. Ideas History of European Ideas
Gradhiva Gradhiva (Département Archives et (0191-6599)
d’Ethnographie du Musée de l’Homme, Paris) Hist. High. Educ. Ann. History of Higher Education
Great Ideas Today Great Ideas Today Annual (0737-2698)
Greece & Rome Greece and Rome *Hist. Hum. Sci. History of the Human Sciences
*Greek Roman Byzantine Stud. Greek, Roman, and (0952-6951)
Byzantine Studies (2159-3159) *Hist. J. Historical Journal (0018-246X)
Groundwater Groundwater (1745-6584) Hist. Litt. France Histoire Littéraire de la France
GSA Memoirs Geological Society of America *Hist. Math. Historia Mathematica (0315-0860)
Memoirs (0072-1069) Hist. Meteor. History of Meteorology (1555-5763)
Guangxi Minzu Xueyuan Xuebao Guangxi Minzu Hist. Mex. Historia Mexicana
Xueyuan Xuebao *Hist. Phil. Life Sci. History and Philosophy of the
Gutenberg Jahrb. Gutenberg Jahrbuch (0072-9094) Life Sciences (0391-9714)
*Hist. Phil. Logic History and Philosophy of Logic
Han’guk Kwahak-sa Hakhoe-ji Han’guk Kwahak-sa (0144-5340)
Hakhoe-ji (Journal of the Korean History of
Hist. Phil. Psych. History & Philosophy of
Science Society) (1229-7895)
Psychology (1469-283X)
Han’guk Munhwa Han’guk Munhwa (Korean Hist. Phil. Quart. History of Philosophy Quarterly
Culture) (0740-0675)
Han-gook-sa Yeon-goo Han-gook-sa Yeon-goo *Hist. Phys. History of Physics Newsletter
(Journal of Korean History) (1048-1338)
Han-kuk-sasangsahak Han-kuk-sasangsahak (The Hist. Pol. Thought History of Political Thought
Study of Korean History of Thoughts) (0143-781X)
Hanxue yanjiu Hanxue yanjiu (Chinese Studies) Hist. Polit. Econ. History of Political Economy
(02544466) *Hist. Psychiat. History of Psychiatry (0957-154X)
Harvard J. Asia. Stud. Harvard Journal of Asiatic *Hist. Psychol. History of Psychology (1093-4510)
Studies *Hist. Rec. Aust. Sci. Historical Records of
Harvard Libr. Bull. Harvard Library Bulletin Australian Science (0727-3061)
(0017-8136) Hist. Reflect. Historical Reflections/Réflexions
Health Affairs Health Affairs (0278-2715) Historiques
Health Hist. Health and History *Hist. Relig. History of Religions (0018-2710)
Hegel Jahrb. Hegel Jahrbuch *Hist. Res. Historical Research: The Bulletin of the
Helv. Chim. Acta Helvetica Chimica Acta Institute of Historical Research (0950-3471)
(0018-019X (print), 1522-2675 (online)) *Hist. Rev. New Bks. History: Reviews of New
Books (0361-2759)
Hermes Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische
*Hist. Sci. History of Science (0073-2753)
Hist. Sci. Médicales Histoire des Sciences Médicales
Heroic Age The Heroic Age: A Journal of Early (0440-8888)
Medieval Northwestern Europe (1526-1867) *Hist. Scientiarum Historia Scientiarum:
Himal. Res. Bull. Himalayan Research Bulletin International Journal of the History of Science
Hirundo Hirundo: The McGill Journal of Classical Society of Japan (0285-4821)
Studies (1718-8296) Hist. Soc./Soc. Hist. Histoire Sociale/Social History
*Hispanic Amer. Hist. Rev. Hispanic American (0018-2257)
Historical Review (0018-2168) *Hist. Stud. Nat. Sci. Historical Studies in the
Hispanic Rev. Hispanic Review Natural Sciences (1939-1811)
*Hist. & Anthro. History and Anthropology *Hist. Teach. History Teacher (0018-2745)
(0275-7206) Hist. Tech. History of Technology (0307-5451)
Hist. & Meas. Histoire & Mesure Hist. Today History Today

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Journal List xix

Hist. Univ. History of Universities (0144-5138) Int. J. Impact Eng. International Journal of Impact
*Hist. Workshop J. History Workshop Journal Engineering (0734-743X)
(1363-3554) Int. J. Mid. East Stud. International Journal of
Hist. Z. Historische Zeitschrift (0018-2613) Middle East Studies
Histoire Educ. Histoire de l’Education (0221-6280) Int. J. Phil. Stud. International Journal of
Historia Historia (0018-2311) Philosophical Studies
Int. J. Psychiat. International Journal of Psychiatry
Historian Historian: Journal of History
Int. J. Psychoanal. International Journal of
*Historiograph. Linguist. Historiographia Psychoanalysis
Linguistica: International Journal for the History Int. Phil. Quart. International Philosophical
of the Language Sciences (0302-5160) Quarterly
History History (0018-2648) Int. Rev. Soc. Hist. International Review of Social
Holocaust Genocide Stud. Holocaust and Genocide History
Studies Int. Stat. Rev. International Statistical Review
Homme Homme: Revue Française d’Anthropologie *Int. Stud Phil Sci. International Studies in the
Homme Société Homme et la Société Philosophy of Science (0269-8595)
*HOPOS HOPOS (2152-5188) Int. Z. Phil. Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie
*HOST HOST: Journal of History of Science and *Intel. Hist. Rev. Intellectual History Review
Technology (1646-7752) (1749-6977)
Hsin-shih-hsueh Hsin-shih-hsueh (New History) Interchange Interchange: The Ontario Institute for
(1023-2249) Studies in Education
Hugoye Hugoye *Interdiscipl. Sci. Rev. Interdisciplinary Science
Reviews (0308-0188)
Hum. Reproduction Human Reproduction Internat. J. Devel. Biol. International Journal of
(0268-1161) Developmental Biology (0214-6282)
*Hum. Tech. Rev. Humanities and Technology Internat. Soc. Sci. J. International Social Science
Review (1076-7908) Journal (0020-8701)
Humboldt Humboldt (Internationales Nationes) Interpretation Interpretation: A Journal of Political
Humor & Health J. Humor and Health Journal Philosophy
Huntia Huntia (0073-4071) Intersezioni Intersezioni: Rivista di Storia delle ldee
Huntington Libr. Quart. Huntington Library Intertexts lntertexts
Quarterly Invest. Cienc. Investigación y Ciencia (0210-136X)
Hydro Rev. Hydro Review (0884-0385) Iran. Stud. Iranian Studies
Hyeondae Bukhan Yeonku Hyeondae Bukhan Irish Astron. J. The Irish Astronomical Journal
Yeonku (North Korean Studies Review) Irish Hist. Stud. Irish Historical Studies: Joint
Hygiea Int. Hygiea Internationalis Journal of the Irish Historical Society and the
*HYLE Hyle (1433-5158) Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies
Hymn The Hymn: A Journal of Congregational Song *Isis Isis: International Review Devoted to the
(0018-8271) History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
*I Tatti Stud. I Tatti Studies: Essays in the (0021-1753)
Renaissance (0393-5949) Islam. Sci. Newslett. Islamic Science Newsletter
*Icon Icon: Journal of the International Committee Israel Stud. Israel Studies (1084-9513)
for the History of Technology (1361-8113) *Issues Sci. Tech. Issues in Science and Technology
Ideal. Stud. Idealistic Studies (0748-5492)
Ideas Hist. Ideas in History (1890-1832) Issues Writing Issues in Writing
*IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput. IEEE Annals of the Ist. Ark. Istoricheskii arkhiv (0869-6322)
History of Computing (1058-6180) Ist.-biol. Issledovaniia Istoriko-biologicheskie
IJCT International Journal of the Classical Tradition issledovaniia (2076-8176)
(1073-0508) Istor. Astron Issled. Istoriko-Astronomicheskie
*Imago Mundi Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Issledovaniia
Cartography (0308-5694) Istor. Metodol. Estestv. Nauk Istoriia i Metodologiia
*Indian J. Hist. Sci. Indian Journal of History of Estestvennykh Nauk
Science (0019-5235) Ital. Med. Umanistica Italia Medioevale e Umanistica
Indiana Mag. Hist. Indiana Magazine of History Iz. Ist. Biol. lz lstorii Biologii
J. 18th-Cent. Stud. Journal for Eighteenth-Century
Indust. Archaeol. Industrial Archaeology
J. Aesthet. Art Crit. Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Indust. Corp. Change Industrial and Corporate Criticism
Change J. Amer. Acad. Relig. Journal of the American
Int. J. African Hist. Stud. International Journal of Academy of Religion (0002-7189)
African Historical Studies *J. Amer. Cult. Journal of American Culture
Int. J. Earth Sci. International Journal of Earth (1542-734X)
Sciences *J. Amer. Hist. Journal of American History
*Int. J. Hist. Eng. Tech. International Journal for the (0021-8723)
History of Engineering and Technology J. Amer. Med. Assoc. Journal of the American
(1758-1206) Medical Association

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xx Journal List

*J. Amer. Orient. Soc. Journal of the American J. Geoph. Res. Journal of Geophysical Research
Oriental Society (0003-0279) (0148-0227)
J. Amer. Res. Cent. Egypt Journal of the American J. Glob. Hist. Journal of Global History (1740-0236)
Research Center in Egypt J. Guild. Age Prog. Era Journal of the Guilded Age
J. Anthropol. Soc. Oxford Journal of the and Progressive Era
Anthropological Society of Oxford J. Hellen. Stud. Journal of Hellenic Studies
J. Arch. Org. Journal of Archival Organization J. Hist. Arabic Sci. Journal for the History of Arabic
(1533-2748) Science (0379-2927)
J. Asia. Journal Asiatique *J. Hist. Astron. Journal for the History of
Astronomy (0021-8286)
*J. Asian Stud. Journal of Asian Studies (0021-9118)
*J. Hist. Behav. Sci. Journal of the History of the
*J. Astron. Hist. Herit. Journal of Astronomical Behavioral Sciences (0022-5061)
History and Heritage (1440-2507) *J. Hist. Biol. Journal of the History of Biology
J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys. Journal of Atmospheric (0022-5010)
and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (1364-6826) *J. Hist. Collect. Journal of the History of
J. Balt. Stud. Journal of Baltic Studies (0162-9778) Collections (0954-6650)
J. Biogeogr. Journal of Biogeography J. Hist. Dent. Journal of the History of Dentistry
J. Biosci. Journal of Biosciences (1089-6287)
J. Black Stud. Journal of Black Studies J. Hist. Econ. Thought Journal of the History of
*J. Brit. Stud. Journal of British Studies (0021-9371) Economic Thought
*J. Hist. Geogr. Journal of Historical Geography
J. Burma Stud. Journal of Burma Studies
J. Cambridge Stud. Journal of Cambridge Studies *J. Hist. Ideas Journal of the History of Ideas
(1747-5384) (0022-5037)
J. Can. Stud. Journal of Canadian Studies *J. Hist. Med. Allied Sci. Journal of the History of
J. Chem Educ. Journal of Chemical Education Medicine and Allied Sciences (0022-5045)
(0021-9584) J. Hist. Metall. Soc. Journal of the Historical
J. Civil War Era The Journal of the Civil War Era Metallurgy Society
*J. Classic. Soc. Journal of Classical Sociology *J. Hist. Neurosci. Journal of the History of the
(1468-795X) Neurosciences (0964-704X)
*J. Cold War Stud. Journal of Cold War Studies *J. Hist. Phil. Journal of the History of Philosophy
(1520-3972) (0022-5053)
J. Colonialism Col. Hist. Journal of Colonialism and J. Hist. Sexual. Journal of the History of Sexuality
Colonial History (1532-5768) J. Hist. Sociol. Journal of Historical Sociology
J. Comm. Net. Journal of the Communications J. Illinois Hist. Journal of Illinois History
Network (1477-4739) J. Indian Phil. Journal of Indian Philosophy
J. Contemp. Hist. Journal of Contemporary History J. Indo-Euro. Stud. Journal of Indo-European Studies
(0022-0094) (0092-2323)
J. Indo-Judaic Stud. Journal of Indo-Judaic Studies
J. Cult. Econ. Journal of Cultural Economy (1206-9930)
J. Indust. Hist Journal of Industrial History
*J. Dial. Natur. Journal of Dialectics of Nature (1463-6174)
(1000-0763) J. Inst. Romance Stud. Journal of the Institute of
J. Document. Journal of Documentation (0022-0418) Romance Studies
J. Early Mod. Cult. Stud. Journal for Early Modern *J. Interdis. Hist. Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Cultural Studies (1531-0485) (0022-1953)
J. Early Mod. Hist. Journal of Early Modern History J. Japan. Stud. Journal of Japanese Studies
J. Early Repub. Journal of the Early Republic J. Latin Amer. Stud. Journal of Latin American
J. Econ. Behav. Org. Journal of Economic Behavior Studies
and Organization (2002-238999) J. Med. & Phil. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
*J. Econ. Hist. Journal of Economic History (0360-5310)
(0022-0507) J. Med. Biogr. Journal of Medical Biography
J. Egypt. Archaeol. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (0967-7720)
*J. Med. Latin Journal of Medieval Latin
*J. Elec. Hist. Prob. Stat. Journal Electronique (0778-9750)
d’Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique
J. Med. Primat. Journal of Medical Primatology
J. Med. Relig. Cult. The Journal of Medieval
J. Eur. Econ. Hist. Journal of European Economic Religious Cultures (1947-6566)
History *J. Medieval Early Mod. Stud. Journal of Medieval
J. Eur. Stud. Journal of European Studies and Early Modern Studies (1082-9636)
(0047-2441) *J. Medieval Hist. Journal of Medieval History
J. Exp. Zool. B Mol. Dev. Evol. Journal of (0304-4181)
Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and *J. Mil. Hist. Journal of Military History
Developmental Evolution (1552-5007) (0899-3718)
J. Film Video Journal of Film and Video (0742-4671) J. Miss. Hist. Journal of Mississippi History
J. Gen. Phil. Sci. Journal for General Philosophy of (0022-2771)
Science (0925-4560) J. Mod. Hist. Journal of Modern History (0022-2801)

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Journal List xxi

J. Music Theory Journal of Music Theory Jahrb. Freien Deut. Hochstifts Jahrbuch des Freien
J. Nat. Med. Assoc. Journal of the National Medical Deutschen Hochstifts
Association (0027-9684) Jahrb. Gesch. Mittel- Ostdeut. Jahrbuch für die
J. Near East. Stud. Journal of Near Eastern Studies Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutchlands
*J. Neurol. Journal of Neurology (1432-1459) Jahrb. Gesch. Osteur. Jahrbücher für Geschichte
J. Nietzsche Stud. Journal of Nietzsche Studies Osteuropas (0021-4019)
(0968-8005) Jahrb. Kommunikationsgesch. Jahrbuch für
J. Pac. Hist. Journal of Pacific History (0022-3344) Kommunikationsgeschichte (1438-4485)
J. Phil. Journal of Philosophy Jahrb. Lit. Med. Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin
J. Phil. Res. Journal of Philosophical Research Jahrb. Soziologiegesch. Jahrbuch für
J. Policy Hist. Journal of Policy History
Jahrb. Universitatsgesch. Jahrbuch für
J. Pop. Cult. Journal of Popular Culture (0022-3840) Universitätsgeschichte (1435-1358)
J. Psychohist. Journal of Psychohistory Jahrb. Wiener Goethe Ver. Jahrbuch des Wiener
J. Relig. Journal of Religion Goethe-Verein
J. Renaiss. Journal de la Renaissance (1630-4586) Jahresber. Deut. Math. Ver. Jahresberichte der
J. Roman Archaeol. Journal of Roman Archaeology Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
J. Roman Stud. Journal of Roman Studies JAMA JAMA (0098-7484)
J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Can. Journal of the Royal James Joyce Quart. James Joyce Quarterly
Astronomical Society of Canada (0021-4183)
J. Roy. Austral. Hist. Soc. Journal of the Royal JASIST Journal of the American Society for
Australian Historical Society Information Science and Technology (0002-8231)
J. Roy. Coll. Gen. Pract. Journal of the Royal JEMH Journal of Early Modern History (1385-3783)
College of General Practitioners Jewish Cult. Hist. Jewish Culture and History
J. Roy. Coll. Phys. London Journal of the Royal (1462-169X)
College of Physicians of London Jewish Hist. Jewish History
J. Roy. Soc. Antiquar. Ireland Journal of the Royal Jewish Quart. Rev. The Jewish Quarterly Review
Society of Antiquaries of Ireland Jewish Soc. Stud. Jewish Social Studies: History,
J. Savants Journal des Savants Culture, and Society
J. Siam Soc. Journal of the Siam Society Jindaishi yanjiuso jikan Jindaishi yanjiuso jikan
J. Soc. Architect. Hist. Journal of the Society of (Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History,
Architectural Historians Academia Sinica) (1029-4740)
*J. Soc. Hist. Journal of Social History (0022-4529) Jour. Folk. Res. Journal of Folklore Research
J. South. African Stud. Journal of Southern African (0737-7037)
Studies Journal for Maritime Research Journal for Maritime
Research: Britian, the Sea and Global History
*J. South. Hist. Journal of Southern History
Journal of Visual Art Practice Journal of Visual Art
J. Southeast Asian Stud. Journal of Southeast Asian
Practice (1470-2029)
Journal x Journal x: A Journal in Culture and
J. Stat. Phys. Journal of Statistical Physics Criticism
J. Stud. Radic. Journal for the Study of Radicalism JSSE Japan Society for Science Education
(1930-1189) (0386-4553)
J. Transdisc. Res. South. Africa The Journal for Kagakugijutsushi Kagakugijutsushi (The Japanese
Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa Journal for the History of Science and Technology)
(1817-4434) Kagakushi Ken. (Chem.) Kagakushi Kenkyu (History
J. Transp. Hist. Journal of Transport History of Chemistry) (0386-9512)
J. Urban Hist. Journal of Urban History Kagakusi Ken. (Hist. Sci.) Kagakusi Kenkyu
J. Victorian Cult. Journal of Victorian Culture (History of Science) (0022-7692)
J. War Cult. Stud. Journal of War and Cultural Kairós Revista Kairós (1516-2567)
Studies (1752-6272) Kansas Hist. Kansas History: A Journal of the
J. Warburg Courtauld Inst. Journal of the Warburg Central Plains
and Courtauld Institutes (0075-4390) Kant Stud. Kant-Studien
J. Washington Acad. Sci. Journal of the Washington Keji yiliao yu shihui Keji yiliao yu shihui (Taiwanese
Academy of Sciences (0043-0439) Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and
*J. Women’s Hist. Journal of Women’s History Medicine)
(1527-2036) Kexue Jishu yu Bianzhengfa Kexue Jishu yu
*J. World Hist. Journal of World History Bianzhengfa (Science, Technology, and Dialectics)
(1045-6007) (1003-5680)
Jaarb. Vooraziat.-Egypt. Genootsch. Jaarbericht van Kexue Jishu Zhexue Yanjiu Kexue Jishu Zhexue
het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschaap “Ex Yanjiu (Studies in Philosophy of Science and
Oriente Lux” Technology) (1003-5680.)
Jahr. österreichischen Byzant. Jahrbuch der Khimiya Khimiya/Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of
österreichischen Byzantinistik (0378-8660) Chemical Education (0861-9255)
Jahrb. Eur. Wissenschaftskult. Jahrbuch für Kiva Kiva: The Journal of Southwestern
Europäische Wissenschaftskultur (1860-7837) Anthropology and History

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xxii Journal List

*KJMH Korean Journal of Medical History Lychnos Lychnos (0076-1648)

(1225-505X) Majallat Kulliyat al-Adab wa-al-’Ulum al-Insaniyah
KLIO Klio (0075-6334) Majallat Kulliyat al-Adab wa-al-’Ulum
Knowl. & Soc. Knowledge and Society: The al-Insaniyah (0258-1132)
Anthropology of Science and Technology Manchester Reg. Hist. Rev. Manchester Region
Knowl. Tech. Policy Knowledge, Technology, and History Review (0952-4320)
Policy (0897-1986) *Manguinhos História, Ciências,
Knowledge Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Saúde—Manguinhos (0104-5970)
Utilization Mankind Quart. Mankind Quarterly
Korea J. Korea Journal Manuscripta Manuscripta
Korea Obser. Korea Observer Manuscripta Orient. Manuscripta Orientalia
Korot Korot: The Israel Journal of the History of (1238-5018)
Medicine and Science (0023-4109) Mariner’s Mirror Mariner’s Mirror
Krankenhauspsychiat. Krankenhauspsychiatrie Maryland Hist. Maryland Historian
(0937-289X) Maryland Hist. Mag. Maryland Historical Magazine
Kritika Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Massachusetts Hist. Rev. Massachusetts Historical
Eurasian History Review
Kritiki Kritiki: Critical Science & Education Mat. Disc. Anal. Testi Class. Materiali e Discussioni
Kronos Kronos (0259-0190) per l’Analisi dei Testi Classici
Kult. Tech. Kultur & Technik: Zeitschrift des Math. Intell. Mathematical Intelligencer
Deutschen Museums Math. Mag. Mathematics Magazine
Kwart. Hist. Nauk. Tech. Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Math. Semesterber. Mathematische Semesterberichte
Techniki (0023-589X) Math. Teach. Mathematics Teacher
Lancet The Lancet (0140-6736) Mathesis Mathesis: Filosofı́a e Historia de las
Late Imperial China Late Imperial China Matemáticas (0185-6200)
Latin Amer. Res. Rev. Latin American Research Meas. Sci Tech. Measurement Science and
Review Technology (0957-0233)
Latomus Latomus: Revue d’Études Latines Med. & Hist. Medicina & historia: Revista de
Laval Théol. Phil. Laval Théologique et estudios históricos de las ciencias médicas
Philosophique Med. Encounters Medieval Encounters
Le Moy. Age Le Moyen âge (0027-2841) Med. Fem. For. Medieval Feminist Forum
*Leonardo Leonardo (0024-094X) (1536-8742)
Les études philosophiques Les études philosophiques *Med. Gesell. Gesch. Medizin, Gesellschaft, und
(0395-7632) Geschichte (0939-351X)
Lessing Yearbk. Lessing Yearbook *Med. Hist. Medical History (0025-7273)
Lett. Inform. Lettre d’informations. Médecine Med. J. Australia Medical Journal of Australia
antique et médievale (0995-5887) Med. Rev. The Medieval Review (1096-746X)
Lett. Ital. Lettere Italiane Med. secoli Medicina nei secoli
Leviathan Leviathan: Zeitschrift für *Med. Stud. Medicine Studies (1876-4533)
Sozialwissenschaft Mediaeval Stud. Mediaeval Studies
Lex. Phil. Lexicon Philosophicum: Quaderni di Mediaevalia Mediaevalia: A Journal of Mediaeval
Terminologia Filosofica e Storia delle ldee Studies
Lias Lias: Sources and Documents Relating to the Mediaevalia Phil. Polonorum Mediaevalia
Early Modern History of Ideas Philosophica Polonorum
Library Library: Transactions of the Bibliographical Medieval Phil. & Theol. Medieval Philosophy and
Society, London Theology (1057-0608)
Lichtenberg-Jahrb. Lichtenberg-Jahrbuch Medieval Prosopogr. Medieval Prosopography
Linnean The Linnean: Newsletter and Proceedings of Médiévales Médiévales
the Linnean Society of London Medievalia Hum. Medievalia et Humanistica:
Lishi yuyan yanjiuso jikan Lishi yuyan yanjiuso jikan Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture
(Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Medioevo Medioevo: Saggi e Rassegne
Academia Sinica) (1012-4195) Medizinhist. J. Medizinhistorisches Journal
Listy Filolog. Listy filologické (0024-4457) (0025-8431)
*Llull Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Melbourne Hist. J. Melbourne Historical Journal
Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas Mém. Acad. Sci. Arts Belles-Lett. Dijon Mémoires de
(0210-8615) l’Académie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres de
Local Hist. The Local Historian Dijon
Locke Newslett. The Locke Newsletter Mem. Accad. Sci Torino Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur.
Logos Logos (0868-7692) Memorie della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino,
London J. London Journal Classe di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali
Louisiana Hist. Louisiana History Mém. Cl. Sci. Mémoires de la Classe des sciences.
Ludus Vitalis Ludus Vitalis: Revista de Filosofı́a de Académie Royale de Belgique (0365-0936)
las Ciencias de la Vida Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc. Lond. Memoirs of the Royal
Luftfahrt Luftfahrt Astronomical Society of London

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Journal List xxiii

Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital. Memorie della Società Mod. Schoolman Modern Schoolman
Astronomica Italiana Mod. Theol. Modern Theology (0266-7177)
Memorandum Memorandum (1676-1669) Modernism/Modernity Modernism/Modernity
Mendel Newslett. Mendel Newsletter (0025-9241) (1080-6601; 1071-6068)
Mercury Mercury (0047-6773) Mon. Nipp. Monumenta Nipponica
Metabasis Metabasis (1828-1567) Monatsber. Deut. Akad. Wiss. Berlin Monatsberichte
Metascience Metascience: An International Review der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Berlin
Studies of Science (0815-0796) Monatshefte Monatshefte
Meteor. Planet. Sci. Meteoritics and Planetary Monist Monist: An International Quarterly Journal of
Science General Philosophical Inquiry
Mex. Stud. Mexican Studies Monograf. Dziejow Nauki Tech. Monografie z
Dziejow Nauki i Techniki (0077-054X)
MHNH MHNH (Revista Internacional de
Mosaic Mosaic: Journal for the Comparative Study
Investigación sobre Magia y Astrologı́a Antiguas)
of Literature and Ideas
Mouvement Soc. Le mouvement social (1961-8646)
Mich. Acad. Michigan Academician: Papers of the Museum Hist. Journ. Museum History Journal
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters (1936-9816)
Museums Soc. Issues Museums and Social Issues
Mich. Hist. Michigan History (0026-2196) N. Y. Hist. New York History (0146-437X)
Mich. Hist. Rev. Michigan Historical Review N. Y. Rev. Bks. New York Review of Books
(0890-1686) (0028-7504)
Michael Quart. Michael Quarterly (1504-0658) N. Zeal. Geogr. New Zealand Geographer
*Micrologus Micrologus: Natura, Scienze e Società (1745-7939)
Medievali (1123-2560) Nagoya Kogyo Daigaku gakuho Nagoya Kogyo
Mid. East Stud. Middle Eastern Studies Daigaku gakuho (0369-3171)
Mid. East Stud. Assoc. Bull. Middle East Studies Nat. Gen. Nature Genetics (1061-4036)
Association Bulletin (0026-3184) Nat. Rev. Genet. Nature Reviews Genetics
Middle East Q. Middle East Quarterly (1471-0056)
*Minerva Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning Natur. Soc. Thought Nature, Society, and Thought: A
and Policy (0026-4695) Journal of Dialectical and Historical Materialism
Ming Stud. Ming Studies Nature Nature (0028-0836)
Mining Hist. J. Mining History Journal Nature Meth. Nature Methods
Minn. Archaeol. The Minnesota Archaeologist Naturwiss. Rundsch. Naturwissenschaftliche
Misc. Bibl. Apostol. Vat. Miscellanea Bibliothecae Rundschau (0028-1050)
Apostolicae Vaticanae Naturwissen. Naturwissenschaften (0028-1042)
Misc. Marciana Miscellanea Marciana Naukov. Naukovedenie
Missouri Hist. Rev. Missouri Historical Review Near East. Archaeol. Near Eastern Archaeology
Mitt. Berliner Gesell. Anthro. Ethn. Urgesch.
Nei Menggu Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue
Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für
Ban) Nei Menggu Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran
Anthropologie Ethnologie und Urgeschichte
Kexue Ban)
Nervenarzt Der Nervenarzt (0028-2804)
Mitt. Deutsch. Math.-Vereinig. Mitteilungen der
Neuphilolog. Mitteil. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen
Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung
Neuroscientist The Neuroscientist
Mitt. Forschungsbeitr. Cusanus Ges. Mitteilungen Neusis Neusis: The Greek Journal for the History
und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus- Gesellschaft and Philosophy of Science and Technology
Mitt. Gauss Ges. Mitteilungen, Gauss- Gesellschaft New Engl. Quart. New England Quarterly
E.V. Göttingen (0435-1452) New Hibernia Rev. New Hibernia Review
Mitt. Ges. Deut. Chem. Fachgr. Gesch. Chem. (1092-3977)
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher New Ideas Psychol. New Ideas in Psychology
Chemiker, Fachgruppe Geschichte der Chemie New Phil. New Philosophy (0028-6443)
New Scientist New Scientist (0262-4079)
Mitt. Naturforsclt Ges. Bern Mitteilungen der New Vico Stud. New Vico Studies
Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern
News HOPOS Newsletter of HOPOS (1544-9912
Mitteilungen und Forschungsbeiträge der (formerly 1527-9332))
Cusanus-Gesellschaft Mitteilungen und Nineteen 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long
Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft Nineteenth Century (1755-1560)
Nineteenth-Cent. Contexts Nineteenth-Century
Mittellatein. Jahrb. Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch: Contexts
Internationale Zeitschrift für Mediavistik Nineteenth-Cent. Prose Nineteenth-Century Prose
MLN Modern Language Notes Nineteenth-Cent. Stud. Nineteenth-Century Studies
Mnemosyne Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca Philologica (0893-7931)
Classica Batava *Noesis Noesis: Travaux du Comité Roumain
Mod. Int. Hist. Modern Intellectual History d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences
*Mod. Philol. Modern Philology (0026-8232) (1223-4249)

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xxiv Journal List

Non Fiktion Non Fiktion: Arsenal der anderen Panacea Panacea

Gattungen (1862-9563) Pap. Brit. School Rome Papers of the British School
Nord. Mat. Tidsskr. Nordisk Matematisk Tidsskrift at Rome
Nordic Psychol. Nordic Psychology Parergon Parergon: Bulletin of the Australian and
Normat Normat: Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift New Zealand Association for Medieval and
North Carolina Hist. Rev. North Carolina Historical Renaissance Studies
Review (0029-2494) Partisan Rev. Partisan Review
North. Hist. Northern History (0078-172X) *Past & Present Past and Present (0031-2746)
Northeast. Geol. Northeastern Geology Peace Change Peace and Change: A Journal of
Not. Am. Math. Soc. Notices of the American Peace Research (1468-0130)
Mathematical Society (0002-9920) Pecia Pecia: Ressources en Médiévistique
*Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. Notes and Records of *Penn. Hist. Pennsylvania History: A Journal of
the Royal Society (0035-9149) Mid-Atlantic Studies (0031-4528)
Notre Dame Phil. Rev. Notre Dame Philosophical *Penn. Mag. Hist. Biogr. Pennsylvania Magazine of
Reviews (1538-1617) History and Biography (0031-4578)
Nous Nous Pensée (Paris) Pensée: Recherches Marxistes,
Sciences, Société, Philosophie
Nouv. Républ. Lett. Nouvelles de la République des
Lettres Peritia Peritia: Journal of the Medieval Academy of
Nova Acta Paracelsica Nova Acta Paracelsica:
*Perspect. Biol. Med. Perspectives in Biology and
Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen
Medicine (0031-5982)
*Perspect. Sci. Perspectives on Science (1063-6145)
Nova Vetera Nova et vetera (0029-5027)
*Perspect. Sci. Christ. Faith Perspectives on Science
Novaia Noveish. Ist. Novaia i noveishaia istoriia and Christian Faith (0892-2675)
*NTM NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Pesquisa Pesquisa
Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
Pharm. Hist. Pharmacy in History (0031-7047)
Phil Soc. Sci. Philosophy of the Social Sciences
*Nuncius Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza (0048-3931)
Phil. & Geog. Philosophy and Geography
Occas. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci. Occasional Papers of (1090-3771)
the California Academy of Sciences (0068-5461)
Phil. Forum Philosophical Forum
Ohio Val. Hist. Ohio Valley History Phil. J. Philosophical Journal: Transactions of the
Oil-Indust. Hist. Oil-Industry History Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow
Ontario Hist. Ontario History (0030-2953) Phil. Jahrb. Philosophisches Jahrbuch
Oregon Hist. Quart. Oregon Historical Quarterly *Phil. Natur. Philosophia Naturalis (0031-8027)
Organ Yearbk. The Organ Yearbook (0920-3192) Phil. Psychiat. Psychol. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and
Organon Organon: International Review Psychology
(0078-6500) Phil. Psychol. Philosophical Psychology
Orientalia Orientalia (Pontificum Institutum Phil. Quart. Philosophical Quarterly
Biblicum) Phil. Rev. Philosophical Review
Osiris Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the *Phil. Sci. Philosophy of Science (0031-8248)
History of Science and Its Cultural Influences Phil. Soc. Crit. Philosophy and Social Criticism
(0369-7827) Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London Royal Society of
*Osmanli Bilimi Arast. Osmanli Bilimi London. Philosophical Transactions.
Arastirmalari: Studies in Ottoman Science Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
(1303-3123) (1364-503X)
Österreich. Z. Geschichtswiss. Österreichische Phil. Writings Philosophical Writings (1361-9365)
Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften Philol. Quart. Philological Quarterly
Osteuropa Osteuropa (0030-6428) Philologus Philologus: Zeitschrift für das Klassische
Otechest. Ist. Otechestvennaia istoriia Altertum
Oumei Yenjiu Oumei Yenjiu (Euro-American Philosophia Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of
Studies) Israel
Ox. Stud. Ear. Mod. Phil. Oxford Studies on Early Philosophy Philosophy: Journal of the British
Modern Philosophy (1754-7873) Institute of Philosophy
Oxford Stud. Ancient Phil. Oxford Studies in Ancient Phlogiston Phlogiston: Journal of the History of
Philosophy Science [Belgrade]
Pacific Hist. Rev. Pacific Historical Review Phronesis Phronesis: A Journal of Ancient
Pacific Northwest Quart. Pacific Northwest Philosophy
Quarterly (0030-8803) Phys. Bl. Physikalische Blätter
Pacific Sci. Pacific Science *Phys. Persp. Physics in Perspective (1422-6944)
Pacific. Phil. Quart. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly *Phys. Teacher Physics Teacher (0031-921X)
Paedagogica Hist. Paedagogica Historica: Phys. Today Physics Today (0031-9228)
International Journal of the History of Education Phys. Unserer Zeit Physik in Unserer Zeit
Pagine Stor. Med. Pagine di Storia della Medicina (0031-9252)
Pales. Explor. Quart. Palestine Exploration Quarterly Phys. World Physics World (0953-8585)

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Journal List xxv

Physik Physik Journal (1617-9439) *Quad. Hist. Engin. Quaderns d’Història de

Physis Physis: Rivista Intemazionale di Storia della l’Enginyeria (1135-934X)
Scienza (0031-9414) Quad. Stor. Quaderni Storici
Planet. Space Sci. Planetary and Space Science Quad. Stor. Univ. Padova Quaderni per la Storia
Platinum Metals Rev. Platinum Metals Review dell’Università di Padova
Poetica Poetica: Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Quad. Stud. Arab. Quaderni di Studi Arabi
Literaturwissenschaft (1121-2306)
Poetics Today Poetics Today: International Journal Quaestio Quaestio: annuario di storia della
for Theory and Analysis of Literature and metafisica (1379-2547)
Communication Quart. J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Quarterly Journal of the
Polhem Polhem: Tidskrift för Teknikhistoria Royal Astronomical Society
(0281-2142) Quart. Rev. Biol. Quarterly Review of Biology
Polit. Life Sci. Politics and the Life Sciences (0033-5770)
Polity Polity: The Journal of the Northeastern Quekett J. Microsc. Quekett Journal of Microscopy
Political Science Association (0969-3823)
Postcolon. Stud. Postcolonial Studies (1368-8790) Quim. Nova Quimica Nova (0100-4042)
Practitioner Practitioner Rac. Vinciana Raccolta Vinciana
Prilozi Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske Radic. Hist. Rev. Radical History Review
baštine (0350-2791) (0163-6545)
Probl. Post Comm. Problems of Post Communism Radic. Sci. Radical Science Journal
Raison Présente Raison Présente
Proc. Amer Cath. Phil. Assoc. Proceedings of the
American Catholic Philosophical Association Raritan Raritan
Proc. Amer. Antiq. Soc. Proceedings of the American Reading Room Reading Room
Antiquarian Society Rech. Diderot Encyclo. Recherches sur Diderot et sur
l’ Encyclopédie
*Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Proceedings of the American
Philosophical Society (0003-049X) *Rech. Théol. Phil. Médiév. Recherches de
Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales (1370-7493)
Proc. Brit. Acad. Proceedings of the British
Academy Reinardus Reinardus: Yearbook of the International
Reynard Society (0925-4757)
Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. Proceedings of the California
Academy of Sciences (0068-547X) Rel. Amer. Cult. Jour. Inter. Religion and American
Culture: A Journal of Interpretation (1052-1151)
Proc. Cumberland Geol. Soc. Proceedings of the
Renaiss. & Reform. Renaissance and Reformation
Cumberland Geological Society
*Renaiss. Quart. Renaissance Quarterly (0034-4338)
Proc. Roy. Inst. Proceedings of the Royal Institution
of Great Britain *Renaiss. Stud. Renaissance Studies (0269-1213)
Rend. Circ. Matemat. Palermo Rendiconti del
Proc. Roy. Microsc. Soc. Proceedings of the Royal
Circolo Matematico di Palermo (0009-725X)
Microscopical Society
Rep. Nat. Cent. Sci. Ed. Reports of the National
Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. Proceedings of the Royal
Center for Science Education
Society of Medicine
Rep. Trans. Devonshire Assoc. Report and
Prog. Quantum Elec. Progress in Quantum
Transactions; Devonshire Association for the
Electronics (0079-6727)
Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art
Prog. Surf. Sci. Progress in Surface Science *Representations Representations (0734-6018)
Res Res: Anthropology and Aesthetics (0277-1322)
Prometheus Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di
Res. Law Econ. Research in Law and Economics: A
Studi Classici
Journal of Policy (0193-5895)
ProQuest Diss. & Thes. ProQuest Dissertations and *Res. Phil. Tech. Research in Philosophy and
Theses Technology (0161-7249)
Prospects Prospects: An Annual of American Res. Policy Research Policy (0048-7333)
Cultural Studies (0361-2333)
Res. Socio. Knowl. Sci. Art Research in Sociology of
Protist Protist (1434-4610) Knowledge, Sciences, and Art
PSA PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of Rethink. Hist. Rethinking History
the Philosophy of Science Association Rev. Amer. Hist. Reviews in American History
PsycCritiques PsycCritiques (1554-0138) (0048-7511)
Psychoanal. & Contemp. Thought Psychoanalysis Rev. Anthro. Reviews in Anthropology (0093-8157)
and Contemporary Thought Rev. Belge Philol. Hist. Revue Belge de Philologie et
Psychoanal. & Hist. Psychoanalysis and History d’Histoire
(1460-8235) Rev. Biol. Rivista di Biologia (0035-6050)
Psychoanal. Quart. Psychoanalytic Quarterly Rev. Brasil. Hist. Revista Brasileira de Historia
Psychoanal. Rev. Psychoanalytic Review (1806-9347)
Psychol. Gesch. Psychologie und Geschichte Rev. Brasil. Hist. Ciên. Soc. Revista Brasileira de
Psychol. Med. Psychological Medicine História & Ciências Sociais (2175-3423)
Psychol. Rec. Psychological Record Rev. Catalana Soc. Revista Catalana de Sociologia
Public Hist. Public Historian (1136-8527)
*Public Underst. Sci. Public Understanding of Rev. Cien. Mat. Revista Ciencias Matematicas
Science (0963-6625) Rev. Engl. Stud. Review of English Studies

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xxvi Journal List

Rev. Españ. Fil. Mediev. Revista española de filosofı́a Rev. Univ. Coimbra Revista da Universidade de
medieval Coimbra
Rev. Étud. Grec. Revue des Études Grecques Rheinisch-Westfäl. Z. Volkskunde Rheinisch-
Rev. Étud. Juives Revue des Études Juives Westfälische Zeitschrift für Volkskunde
(0484-8616) Rheinisches Mus. Philol. Rheinisches Museum für
Rev. Étud. Latines Revue des Études Latines
Ric. Folklor. Ricerca Folklorica
Rev. Eur. Est. Latin Amer. Carib. Revista Europea de Rinascimento Rinascimento: Rivista dell’Istituto
Estudios Latino Americanos y del Caribe Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento (0080-3073)
Rev. Eur. Sci. Soc . Revue Européenne des Sciences Rittenhouse Rittenhouse: Journal of the American
Sociales Scientific Instrument Enterprise
Rev. Fernand Braudel Center Review Fernand Riv. Fil. Rivista di Filosofia
Braudel Center (0147-9032) Riv. Stor. Fil. Rivista di Storia della Filosofia
Rev. Fil. Revista de Filosofı́a Riv. Stor. Ital. Rivista storica italiana (0035-7073)
Rev. Fr. Hist. Livre Revue Française d’Histoire du Romanticism Romanticism
Livre Romantisme Romantisme: Revue du 19e Siècle
Rev. Fr. Sociol. Revue Française de Sociologie Ross. Istor. Zh. Rossiiskii Istoricheskii Zhurnal
Rev. Gen. Psych. Review of General Pyschology Royal Hist. Soc. Trans. Royal Historical Society.
(1089-2680) Transactions (0080-4401)
Rev. Hist. Revue Historique RSC Historical Group Newsletter Royal Society of
*Rev. Hist. Math. Revue d’Histoire des Chemistry Historical Group Newsletter
Mathématiques (1262-022X) RSC Historical Group Occasional Papers Royal
Rev. Hist. Mod. Contemp. Revue d’Histoire Moderne Society of Chemistry Historical Group Occasional
et Contemporaine Papers (2050-0424)
Rev. Hist. Pharm. Revue d’Histoire de la Pharmacie Rural Hist. Rural History
Rev. Hist. Phil. Relig. Revue d’histoire et de Russ. Hist. Russian History (0094-288X)
philosophie religieuses *Russ. Rev. Russian Review (0036-0341)
Rev. Hist. Relig. Revue d’Histoire des Religions Russ. Stud. Hist. Russian Studies in History
*Rev. Hist. Sci. Revue d’Histoire des Sciences (1061-1983)
(0151-4105) Russell Russell: The Journal of the Bertrand Russell
Rev. Hist. Sci. Hum. Revue d’Histoire des Sciences Archives
Humaines (1622-468X) Rutherford J. Rutherford Journal: The New Zealand
Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science
Rev. Hist. Textes Revue d’Histoire des Textes
and Technology
Rev. in Hist. Reviews in History (1749-8155) S. Afr. J. Phil. South African Journal of Philosophy
Rev. Indias Revista de Indias (0258 0136)
Rev. Int. Phil. Revue International de Philosophie S. Atl. Quart. South Atlantic Quarterly
Rev. Maison Franç. Oxford Revue de la Maison Saber Tiempo Saber y Tiempo: Revista de Historia
Française d’Oxford (1477-3082) de la Ciencia (0328-6584)
Rev. Metaphys. Review of Metaphysics Saeculum Saeculum: Jahrbuch für
Rev. Métaphys. Morale Revue de Métaphysique et de Universalgeschichte
Morale Sao Paulo Perspec. São Paulo em Perspectiva
Rev. Metaphysics The Review of Metaphysics (0102-8839)
Rev. Mod. Astron. Reviews in Modern Astronomy Sapientia Sapientia: Organo de la Facultad de
Rev. Mod. Phys. Reviews of Modern Physics Filosofia (Univ. Catholica Argentina)
Rev. Palais Découv. Revue du Palais de la Sartoniana Sartoniana
Découverte Scandinavian J. Immun. Scandinavian Journal of
Rev. Phil. Fr. Étrang. Revue Philosophique de la Immunology
Schede Mediev. Schede Medievali
France et de l’ Étranger
Schede Umanistiche Schede Umanistiche
Rev. Phil. Louvain Revue Philosophique de Louvain (1122-6323)
Rev. Philol. Lit. Hist. Ancien. Revue de Philologie, Schweiz. Z. Gesch. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für
de Littérature et d’Histoire Anciennes Geschichte
Rev. Psiq. Clin. Revista de Psiquiatria Clı́nica Sci. & Educ. Science and Education (0926-7220)
(0101-6083) Sci. & Soc. Science and Society (0036-8237)
Rev. Quest. Sci. Revue des Questions Scientifiques Sci. Amer. Scientific American
(0035-2160) Sci. Canadensis Scientia Canadensis: Journal of the
Rev. roum. phil. Revue roumaine de philosophie History of Canadian Science, Technology, and
(1220-5400) Medicine (0829-2507)
Rev. Sci. et Tech. Déf. Revue Scientifique et Sci. Christ. Belief Science and Christian Belief
Technique de la Défense (0994-155X) *Sci. Commun. Science Communication
Rev. Sci. Phil. Théol. Revue des sciences (1075-5470)
philosophiques et théologiques (0035-2209) *Sci. Context Science in Context (0269-8897)
Rev. Soc. Brasil. Hist. Ciên. Revista da Sociedade *Sci. Cult. Science as Culture (0950-5431)
Brasileira de Historia de Ciência (0103-7188) Sci. Fict. Film & Telev. Science Fiction Film and
Rev. Syn. Revue de Synthèse (0035-1776) Television (1754-3770)

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Journal List xxvii

Sci. Hist. Scientiarum Historia *Soc. Hist. Med. Social History of Medicine
Sci. Poetica Scientia Poetica: Jahrbuch für (0951-631X)
Geschichte der Literatur und der Wissenschaften Soc. Politics Social Politics
Sci. Pub. Pol. Science and Public Policy (0302-3427) Soc. Res. Social Research (0037-783X)
Sci. Stor. Scienze e Storia: Bollettino del Centro Soc. Sci. & Med. Social Science and Medicine
Internazionale di Storia dello Spazio e del Tempo (0277-9536)
Sci. Stud. Science Studies (0786-3012) Soc. Sci. Hist. Social Science History
*Sci. Tech. & Soc. Science Technology and Society Soc. Sci. Inform. Social Science Information
(0971-7218) Soc. Sci. Yearbk. Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook
*Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. Science, Technology and (0167-2320)
Human Values (0162-2439) Soc. Stor. Società e Storia
Sci. Tech. Persp. Sciences et Techniques en *Soc. Stud. Sci. Social Studies of Science
Perspective (0306-3127)
Sci.-Fict. Stud. Science-Fiction Studies Sociol. Quart. Sociological Quarterly
*Sciamvs Sciamvs: Sources and Commentaries in Sociol. Theory Sociological Theory
Exact Sciences (1345-4617) Sociology Sociology (0038-0385)
*Science Science (0036-8075) Šolska kronika Šolska kronika: zbornik za zgodovino
Scientomet. Scientometrics (0138-9130) solstva in vzgoje : glasilo Slovenskega solskega
muzeja (1318-6728)
Scot. Geogr. Mag. Scottish Geographical Magazine
South African J. Sci. South African Journal of
Scripta Nova Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Science
Geografı́a y Ciencias Sociales (1138-9788)
South Asia Res. South Asia Research
Scriptorium Scriptorium: Revue International des South Carolina Hist. Mag. South Carolina Historical
Études Relatives aux Manuscrits (0036-9772) Magazine
Selbstorganisation Selbstorganisation: Jahrbuch für Southeast Rev. Asian Stud. Southeast Review of
Komplexität in den Natur-, Sozial- und Asian Studies (1083-074X)
Geisteswissenschaften Southern Hist. Southern History: A Review of the
Semiotica Semiotica (0037-1998) History of Southern England
Senses Soc. The Senses and Society (1745-8927) Southwest. Hist. Quart. Southwestern Historical
*Seventeenth Cent. Seventeenth Century Quarterly (0038-478X)
(0268-117X) Soviet Phys. Soviet Physics: Uspeki
Seventeenth-Century News Seventeenth-Century Space Defense Space and Defense
News (0037-3028) Space Policy Space Policy (0265-9646)
*Signs Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Spectro. acta Spectrochimica acta
Society (0097-9740) Speculum Speculum: Journal of Mediaeval Studies
Signum Signum (0347-0423) *Spontan. Gen. Spontaneous Generations
Signum ABREM Signum: revista da ABREM (1913-0465)
(1516-6295) St. John’s Rev. St. John’s Review (0277-4720)
SIHSPAI SIHSPAI (1026-3977) Stati inu obstati Stati inu obstati: revija za vprašanja
Singapore J. Trop. Geogr. Singapore Journal of protestantizma (1408-8363)
Tropical Geography (0129-7619) Statist. Sci. Statistical Science
Sino-Jap. Stud. Sino-Japanese Studies (1041-8830) Sterne Weltraum Sterne und Weltraum (0039-1263)
Sitzungsber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Math. Naturwiss. Kl. Stor. Storiogr. Storia della Storiografia
Sitzungsberichte der Bayerische Akademie der STS Net. Jap. Yearbk. STS Network Japan Yearbook
Wissenschaften, STTH Science, Technology, and the Humanities
Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Stud. 18th-Cent. Cult. Studies in Eighteenth-Century
Sitzungsber. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin Culture
Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Stud. Achtzehn. Jahrh. Studien zum Achtzehnten
Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin Jahrhundert
Sixteenth Cent. J. Sixteenth Century Journal Stud. Church Hist. Studies in Church History
(0361-0160) (0424-2084)
Skep. Inq. Skeptical Inquirer (0194-6730) Stud. Copernicana Studia Copernicana (0081-6701)
Skeptic Skeptic (1063-9330) Stud. Dial. Natur. Studies in Dialectics of Nature
Sky & Telescope Sky and Telescope (0037-6604) Stud. East Eur. Thought Studies in East European
Slagmark Slagmark (0108-8084) Thought
*Slav. East Europ. Rev. Slavonic and East European *Stud. Hist. Gardens Design. Landsc. Studies in the
Review (0037-6795) History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes: An
International Quarterly (1460-1176)
*Slav. Rev. Slavic Review (0037-6779)
Stud. Hist. Mod. Math. Studies in the History of
Slavery Abolition Slavery and Abolition: A Journal Modern Mathematics: Supplemento di Rendiconti
of Slave and Post-Slave Studies (0144-039X) del Circolo Matematico di Palermo
*Soc. Epistem. Social Epistemology (0269-1728) *Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. Studies in
*Soc. Hist. Social History (0307-1022) History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies
Soc. Hist. Alcohol Drugs The Social History of in History and Philosophy of Biological and
Alcohol and Drugs (1930-8418) Biomedical Sciences (1369-8486)

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xxviii Journal List

Stud. Hist. Phil. Mod. Phys. Studies in History and Tel Aviv Jahrb. Deut. Gesch. Tel Aviv Jahrbuch für
Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History Deutsche Geschichte
and Philosophy of Modern Physics (1355-2198) Tenn. Med. Tennessee Medicine (1088-6222)
*Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. Studies in History and Tennessee Hist. Quart. Tennessee Historical
Philosophy of Science (0039-3681) Quarterly
Stud. Hist. Sci. Tech. Med. Studies in the History of Terrae Incog. Terrae lncognitae Philosophy and the
Science, Technology and Medicine (1024-8048) Intellectual Life of the Middle Ages
Stud. Leibnitiana Studia Leibnitiana Theol. Stud. Theological Studies (0040-5639)
Stud. Lessico. Ital. Studi di Lessicografia Italiana Theor. Med. Bioethics Theoretical Medicine and
Bioethics (1386-7415)
Stud. Lit. Imag. Studies in the Literary Imagination Theoria (0040-5825) Theoria (0040-5825)
Stud. Mater. Dziej. Nauk. Pol. Ser. E Studia i (0040-5825)
Materialy z Dziejów Nauki Polskiej. Seria E: *Theoria (0495-4548) Theoria (0495-4548)
Zagadnienia Ogólne (0495-4548)
Stud. Mediev. Renais. Hist. Studies in Medieval and Theoria Hist. Sci. Theoria et Historia Scientiarum
Renaissance History (0081-8224) (0867-4159)
Stud. Medievali Studi Medievali (0391-8467) Theory Biosci. Theory in Biosciences (1431-7613)
Stud. Philol. Studies in Philology Theory Cult. Soc. Theory, Culture, and Society:
Stud. Renaiss. Studies in the Renaissance Explorations in Critical Social Science
Stud. Romant. Studies in Romanticism Theory Event Theory & Event (1092-311X)
Stud. Sci. Educ. Studies in Science Education Thomist Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review
Stud. Secent. Studi Secenteschi
Tidsskrift kultur. Tidsskrift for kulturforskning
Stud. Settecent. Studi Settecenteschi (1502-7473)
Stud. Stor. Studi Storici: Rivista Trimestrale Tijdschr. Filosofie Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
dell’Istituto Gramsci (0039-3037) (0040-750X)
Stud. Voltaire 18th Cent. Studies on Voltaire and the Tijdschr. Gesch. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis
Eighteenth Century Tijdschr. Stud. Verlichting Tijdschrift voor de Studie
Stud. Wien. Gesch. Studien zur Wiener Geschichte: van de Verlichting
Jahrbuch des Vereins für Geschichte der Stadt TLS TLS: Times Literary Supplement (0307-661X)
Wien Topoi Topoi: An International Review of Philosophy
Studi Musicali Studi Musicali (0391-7789) Trabajo Soc. Salud Trabajo Social y Salud
*Studium Studium: Tijdschrift voor Wetenschaps- en (1130-2976)
Universiteitgeschiedenis (0928-303X-new) Traditio Traditio: Studies in Ancient and Medieval
Sudhoffs Arch. Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer History, Thought, and Religion
Wissenschaftsgeschichte (0039-4564) Trans. Amer. Philol. Assoc. Transactions of the
*Suhayl Suhayl: Journal for the History of the Exact American Philological Association
and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation Trans. C. S. Peirce Soc. Transactions of the Charles
(1576-9372) S. Peirce Society
Surv. Opthalmol. Survey of Ophthalmology Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. Transactions of the
(0039-6257) Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences
*Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogr. Transactions of the
Svenska Linnésällsk. Årssk. Svenska Institute of British Geographers (1475-5661)
Linnésällskapets Årsskrift Trans. Int. Congr. Enlightenment Transactions of the
Synthese Synthese (0039-7857) International Congress on the Enlightenment
Ta-lu ts’a-chih Ta-lu ts’a-chih Trans. Newcomen Soc. Transactions of the
Taida lishi xuebao Taida lishi xuebao Newcomen Society (0372-0187)
Taiwan shehui yanjiu jikan Taiwan shehui yanjiu Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. Transactions of the Royal
jikan (Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Society of South Australia (0372-1426)
Studies) Trans. Roy. Hist. Soc. Transactions of the Royal
Taiwan Wenxue Yanjiu Jikan Taiwan Wenxue Yanjiu Historical Society
Jikan Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh Earth Sci. Transactions
*Taiwan. J. Stud. Sci. Tech. Med. Taiwanese Journal of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Earth Science)
for Studies of Science, Technology, and Medicine (0263-5933)
(1022-4874) Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. Arts Lett. Transactions
Taiwanese J. Phil. Hist. Sci. Taiwanese Journal for of the Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts, and
the Philosophy and History of Science Letters
Traverse Traverse (1420-4355)
Taiwanshi yenjiu Taiwanshi yenjiu (Taiwan
Trends Neurosci. Trends in Neurosciences
Historical Research)
Tsafon Tsafon: Revue d’Etudes Juives du Nord
Tasanhak Tasanhak (Journal of Tasan Studies) (1149-6630)
(1598-8856(45)) Tsing-hua hsueh-pao Tsing-hua hsueh-pao (Journal
Taxon Taxon (0040-0262) of Tsing-hua University)
*Tech. & Cult. Technology and Culture (0040-165X) Tsinghua xuebao Tsinghua xuebao
Tech. Soc. Technology in Society (0160-791X) Twent.-Cent. Brit. Hist. Twentieth-Century British
Technikgeschichte Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur History (0955-2359)
Geschichte der Technik und Industrie (0040-117X) Twent.-Cent. China Twentieth-Century China

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Journal List xxix

Ugeskrift Læger Ugeskrift for Læger Wisc. Acad. Rev. Wisconsin Academy Review
Ugglan Ugglan (1102-4313) WJS William James Studies (1933-8295)
Utilitas Utilitas: A Journal of Utilitarian Studies Wolfenbütteler Renaiss. Mitt. Wolfenbütteler
(0953-8208) Renaissance Mitteilungen
Variants Variants (1573-3084) Wolfenbütteler Stud. Aufklärung Wolfenbütteler
Variations Variations: Literaturzeitschrift der Studien zur Aufklärung
Universität Zürich (1424-7631) Women Women: A Cultural Review
Vermont Hist. Vermont History: Proceedings of the Women’s Hist. Rev. Women’s History Review
Vermont Historical Society Working Papers Nat. Evidence Working Papers on
Vesalius Vesalius The Nature of Evidence: How Well Do “Facts”
VEST VEST: Tidskrift för Vetenskapsstudier Travel
(0283-6025) *Worldviews Worldviews (1363-5247)
Vest. San.-Peter. Univ. Vestnik Würzburger Medizin. Mitt. Würzburger
Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta (0132-4624) Medizinhistorische Mitteilungen (0177-5227)
Vestnik Arkhiv. Vestnik Arkhivista WZGS Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit
Viator Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies Xinshixue Xinshixue (New History)
*Vict. Lit. Cult. Victorian Literature and Culture
XVIIe Siècle XVIIe Siècle
Victorian Newsletter Victorian Newsletter Y Traethodydd Y Traethodydd
*Victorian Stud. Victorian Studies (0042-5222) Yale J. Biol. Med. Yale Journal of Biology and
Medicine (0044-0086)
Vie Sci. La Vie des Sciences: Comptes Rendus de
l’Académie des Sciences Yearbk. Res. Cent. Germ. Austrian Exile Stud.
Vierteljahrshef. Zeitgesch. Vierteljahrshefte für Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and
Zeitgeschichte Austrian Exile Studies (1388-3720)
VIET VIET: Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Yeoksa Bipyeong Yeoksa Bipyeong
Tekhniki (0205-9606) Yoksa Hakbo Yoksa Hakbo (The Korean Historical
Vigiliae Christianae Vigiliae Christianae Review)
(0042-6032) Z. Kirchenges. Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte
Virginia Mag. Hist. Biogr. Virginia Magazine of (0044-2925)
History and Biography (0042-6636) Z. Allg. Wissenschaftstheor. Zeitschrift für
Vivarium Vivarium: Journal for Mediaeval Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie
Philosophy and the Intellectual Life of the Middle Z. Bayer. Landesges. Zeitschrift für Bayerische
Ages (0042-7543) Landesgeschichte
Vop. Fil. Voprosy filosofii (0042-8744) Z. Deut. Morgenldnd. Ges. Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Vop. Ist. Voprosy istorii (0042-8779) Morgenländischen Gesellschaft
Vormen Vuur Vormen uit vuur: Mededelingenblad Z. Gesam. Versicherungswis. Zeitschrift für die
Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrienden van gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft
Ceramiek en Glas (0927-748X) Z. Gesch. Arab.-Islam. Wiss. Zeitschrift für
Voz Coleg. Miguel Cervantes La voz del Colegio Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen
Miguel de Cervantes Wissenschaften (0179-4639)
War & Soc. War and Society Z. Geschichtswiss. Zeitschrift für
War Lit. Arts War, Literature, and the Arts Geschichtswissenschaft (0044-2828)
(1046-6967) Z. Idee. Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte (1863-8937)
Wash. Hist. Washington History (1042-9719) Z. Ostmitteleuropa-Forsch. Zeitschrift für
Welfengarten Welfengarten: Jahrbuch für Essayismus Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung (0948-8294)
Wellcome Hist. Wellcome History Z. Phil. Forsch. Zeitschrift für Philosophische
West. Hist. Quart. Western Historical Quarterly Forschung
(0043-3810) Z. Relig. Geistesgesch. Zeitschrift für Religions- und
White House Stud. White House Studies (1535-4768) Geistesgeschichte
Wiener Goethe Ver. Jahrb. Wiener - Goethe - Verein. Z. Unternehmensgescht. Zeitschrift für
Jahrbuch (0250-443X) Unternehmensgeschichte
Wiener Klin. Wochenschr. Wiener Klinische Zhongguo Keji Shiliao Zhongguo Keji Shiliao (China
Wochenschrift Historical Materials of Science and Technology)
Wiener Stud. Wiener Studien (1000-0798)
*William Mary Quart. William and Mary Quarterly Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu
(0043-5597) (Studies in the History of Natural Sciences)
WIRE: Climate Change Wiley Interdisciplinary (1000-0224)
Reviews: Climate Change (1757-7799) *Zygon Zygon (0591-2385)

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xxx Journal List

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A. Tools for Historians of Science

WORKS ardo B OLADO O CHOA. La Ciencia Española: Estu-
dios. Ediciones del centenario de Menéndez Pelayo.
1. A PPLEBY, Joyce Oldham. Shores of Knowledge: (348 pp.) Santander: Universidad de Cantabria, 2011.
New World Discoveries and the Scientific Imagina- ISBN : 9788481026160.
tion. (308 pp.; ill.) New York: W. W. Norton & Reviews: [ref. R646]
Company, Inc., 2013. ISBN: 9780393239515.
Reviews: [ref. R34]
12. T EODORO, Leandro Alves. “Apontamentos
sobre a publicação de História da vida privada em
2. C OLLINS, H. M. Are We All Scientific Experts Portugal: entrevista com José Mattoso.” Manguinhos
Now? New Human Frontiers Series. (vi + 144 pp.; 19, no. 3 (2012): 1041–1048.
ill.) Cambridge, UK; Malden, MA: Polity, 2014.
ISBN : 9780745682037.
3. F INDLEN, Paula. (Ed.) Early Modern Things: REPOSITORIES
Objects and Their Histories, 1500–1800. (xxiv +
389 pp.; ill.) New York: Routledge, 2013. ISBN: 13. F OCACCIA, Miriam. (Ed.) Dizionario biografico
9780415520508. delle scienziate italiane (secoli XVIII–XX). Volume 1:
Reviews: [ref. R316] Architette, chimiche, fisiche, dottoresse. (303 pp.; ill.;
bibl.; index.) Bologna: Edizioni Pendragon, 2012.
ISBN : 9788865981054.
4. F ROEHLICH, José Marcos, and Celso Reni Reviews: [ref. R323]
B RAIDA. “Antinomias pós-modernas sobre a na-
tureza.” Manguinhos 17, no. 3 (2010): 627–641.
14. H EYMANN, Luciana Quillet. “O arquivo utópico
de Darcy Ribeiro.” Manguinhos 19, no. 1 (2012):
5. S CHAUZ, Désirée. “What is Basic Research? 261–282.
Insights from Historical Semantics.” Minerva 52, no.
3 (2014): 273–328.
15. K ÖPTCKE, Luciana Sepúlveda, and Marcele
Regina Nogueira P EREIRA. “Museus e seus arqui-
6. S CH ÖTTLER, Peter. “Szientismus.” NTM 20, no. vos: em busca de fontes para estudar os públicos.”
4 (2012): 245–269. Manguinhos 17, no. 3 (2010): 809–828.

7. S IMPSON, Thomas K. Newton, Maxwell, Marx: 16. L INGUERRI, Sandra. (Ed.) Dizionario biografico
Spirit, Freedom, and the Scientific Vision. (vii + 303 delle scienziate italiane (secoli XVIII–XX). Volume 2:
pp.; ill.) Santa Fe, N.M.: Green Lion Press, 2012. Matematiche, astronome, naturaliste. (365 pp.; bibl.;
ISBN : 9781888009378. index.) Bologna: Edizioni Pendragon, 2012. ISBN:
Reviews: [ref. R943] 9788865981054.
Reviews: [ref. R617]
8. Z HANG Butian. “Commments on the Translation
Series on the Origins and Developments of Science.” 17. M ITCHELL, Eleanor, Peggy S EIDEN, and Suzy
[Translated title.] In Chinese. Chinese J. Hist. Sci. TARABA. (Eds.) Past or Portal? Enhancing Under-
Tech. 34, no. 1 (2013): 102–107. graduate Learning through Special Collections and
Archives. (xiii + 320 pp.; ill.) Chicago: Associa-
tion of College and Research Libraries, 2012. ISBN:
2. NATIONAL CONTEXTS Contents: Steve L AWSON and Jessy R ANDALL,
9. C ASSATA, Francesco, and Claudio P OGLIANO. “The History and Future of the Book, a Half-Block
(Eds.) Scienze e cultura dell’Italia unita. Sto- Course at Colorado College,” 3–7 [ref. 417]; Robin
ria d’Italia. Annali; 26. (xxv + 1082 pp.; ill.; E. R IDER, “ ‘Science Circa 1859: On the Eve
bibl.; index.) Torino: G. Einaudi, 2011. ISBN: of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species’: A Class-
9788806195380. Curated Exhibit,” 304–310 [ref. 1749].

10. K RIK ŠTOPAITIS, Juozas Algimantas. “Historical 18. R AILIEN Ė, Birutė. “Bibliographic Control for
and Cultural Experience: Intellectual Wealth of the History of Science: Commission on Bibliography
Baltic Countries.” Acta Baltica 2, no. 1 (2014): and Documentation of the IUHPST/DHST.” Acta
130–136. Baltica 1, no. 2 (2013): 91–96.
Plenary speech at the 25th International Baltic
Conference on the History of Science 19. “Samuel A. Goudsmit Papers are Avail-
able Online.” http://www.aip.org/history/

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2 5. Historiography & historical methods

newsletter/summer2011/goudsmit_online. “Analyzes the configuration of biology, anthropol-

html. Hist. Phys. 43, no. 1 (2011): 2. ogy, and history over the last generation by taking
On the Samuel Goudsmit Papers (1921–1979), the sub-field of the ‘history of sexuality’ as a case
digitized by the Niels Bohr Library & Archives study.” (from the abstract)
and made available online at: http://www.aip.
30. H ORVATH, Agnes, and Arpad S ZAKOLCZAI.
“The Gravity of Eros in the Contemporary: Introduc-
20. S ANTOS, Paulo Roberto Elian dos. “Uma abor- tion to the Special Section.” Introduction to a special
dagem arquivı́stica: os documentos de um laboratório section, “The Gravity of Eros in the Contemporary.”
das ciências biomédicas.” Manguinhos 19, no. 1 Hist. Hum. Sci. 26, no. 5 (2013): 69–78.
(2012): 303–323. Contents: Agnes H ORVATH, “The Fascination with
Eros: The Role of Passionate Interests under Com-
21. S APPOL, Michael, Laura L INDGREN, and Arne munism,” 79–97 [ref. 3492]; Arpad S ZAKOLCZAI,
S VENSON. Hidden Treasure: The National Library “In Liminal Tension towards Giving Birth: Eros,
of Medicine. (239 pp.; ill.) New York, NY: Blast the Educator,” 98–113 [ref. 811]; Kieran B ONNER,
Books, 2012. ISBN: 9780922233427. “Eros and Ironic Intoxication: Profound Longing,
Reviews: [ref. R885] Madness and Discipleship in Plato’s Symposium
and in Modern Life,” 114–131 [ref. 346]; John
von H EYKING, “Hermes as Eros in Plato’s Lysis,”
22. S HELL, Hanna Rose. “Films in the Archive: 132–154 [ref. 735].
Hollywood in Detroit.” Tech. & Cult. 55, no. 3
(2014): 711–715.
31. H UDSON, Wayne. “Philosophy, Theology, and
the Humanities.” Hist. Europ. Ideas 40 (2014): 50–
5. HISTORIOGRAPHY AND HISTORICAL “This paper addresses the relation between the
METHODS natural sciences and the humanities with reference
23. A MIR, Sulfikar, and Yanuar N UGROHO. “Be- to the work of Ian Hunter” (from the abstract).
yond the Triple Helix: Framing STS in the Devel-
opmental Context.” Bull. Sci. Tech. Soc. 33, no. 1 32. J UNGHANS, Miriam. “Traduzindo Fleck: entre-
(2013): 115–126. vista com Georg Otte e Mariana Camilo de Oliveira.”
Manguinhos 18, no. 4 (2011): 1151–1158.
24. B ROWN, Cynthia Stokes. Big History: From the
Big Bang to the Present. (xvi + 288 pp.; ill.; maps; 33. L ECA -T SIOMIS, Marie. “The Use and Abuse of
bibl.; index.) New York: New Press, 2007. ISBN: the Digital Humanities in the History of Ideas: How
9781595581969. to Study the Encyclopédie.” Hist. Europ. Ideas 39
Reviews: [ref. 54] (2013): 467–476.

25. C HRISTIAN, David. Maps of Time: An Intro- 34. M ARTIN, Shawn. “The ‘Marriage’ of Technol-
duction to Big History. (xxii + 642 pp.; maps; bibl.; ogy and History.” http://hdl.handle.net/2027/
index.) Berkeley: University of California Press, spo.3310410.0013.101. J. Assoc. Hist. Comp. 13
2004. ISBN: 0520235002. (2010).

26. C OOTER, Roger. “Neural Veils and the Will to 35. M ASSARD -G UILBAUD, Geneviève, and Stephen
Historical Critique: Why Historians of Science Need M OSLEY. “Breaking Down Borders: Integrating
to Take the Neuro-Turn Seriously.” Part of a focus the Social and Environmental in History.” In Com-
section on “Neurohistory and History of Science” mon Ground, edited by M ASSARD -G UILBAUD and
[ref. 335]. Isis 105 (2014): 145–154. M OSLEY (2011) [ref. 296], 1–15.

27. D ESCARRIES, Francine. “Language Is Not Neu- 36. M ATTHEWMAN, Steve. “Michel Foucault, Tech-
tral: The Construction of Knowledge in the Social nology, and Actor-Network Theory.” Res. Phil. Tech.
Sciences and Humanities.” Signs 39, no. 3 (2014): 17, no. 2 (2013): 274–292.
On “the question of the hegemony of English-
speaking feminist scholarship and the marginaliza- 37. M AYORAL, Juan Vicente. “Five Decades of
tion of large segments of feminist thought world- Structure: A Retrospective View.” First Article in
wide.” (from the abstract) a Series. Theoria (0495-4548) 27, no. 3 (2012):
Contents: Paul H OYNINGEN -H UENE, “Philosoph-
28. G OTO, Kunio. “STS and Marxist Study: Where
ical Elements in Thomas Kuhn’s Historiography
Are We Standing Now?” Soc. Epistem. 27, no. 2
of Science,” 281–292 [ref. 127]; Alexander B IRD,
(2013): 125–129.
“What Can Cognitive Science Tell Us about Sci-
entific Revolutions?” 293–321 [ref. 141]; George
29. H ARPER, Kyle. “Culture, Nature, and History: R EISCH, “The Paranoid Style in American History
The Case of Ancient Sexuality.” Comp. Stud. Soc. of Science,” 323–342 [ref. 46].
Hist. 55 (2013): 986–1016.

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5. Historiography & historical methods 3

38. M C C OOK, Stuart. “Introduction.” Introduction Essay review of Cristobal S ILVA, Miraculous
to the focus section “Global Currents in National Plagues (2011).
Histories of Science: The ‘Global Turn’ and the
History of Science in Latin America.” Isis 104 (2013):
44. N EEDHAM, Paul. “Questioning the Justification
of Past Science.” Int. Stud Phil Sci. 27 (2013): 85–93.
Contents: Regina Horta D UARTE, “Between the Essay review of Hasok C HANG, Is Water H2O?
National and the Universal: Natural History Net- Evidence, Realism and Pluralism (2012).
works in Latin America in the Nineteenth and
Twentieth Centuries,” 777–787 [ref. 2037]; Leida
Fernández P RIETO, “Islands of Knowledge: Sci- 45. PATINIOTIS, Manolis. “Between the Local and
ence and Agriculture in the History of Latin Amer- the Global: History of Science in the European Pe-
ica and the Caribbean,” 788–797 [ref. 2528]; riphery Meets Post-Colonial Studies.” Centaurus 55,
Mariola E SPINOSA, “Globalizing the History of no. 4 (2013): 361–384.
Disease, Medicine, and Public Health in Latin
America,” 798–806 [ref. 440]; Julia RODRIGUEZ, 46. R EISCH, George. “The Paranoid Style in Amer-
“Beyond Prejudice and Pride: The Human Sci- ican History of Science.” Theoria (0495-4548) 27.3
ences in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Latin (2012): 323–342.
America,” 807–817 [ref. 2222].

47. S HAFER, Glenn. “The Historian as Unifier of

39. M ENIN, Marco. “ ‘Who Will Write the History Probability’s Diversity.” J. Elec. Hist. Prob. Stat. 9
of Tears?’ History of Ideas and History of Emotions (2013): Approx. 1000 Words.
from Eighteenth-Century France to the Present.” Hist.
Europ. Ideas 40 (2014): 516–532.
“On the methodological relationship between the 48. Š PELDA, Daniel. “Anachronisms in the History
history of ideas and the history of emotions.” (from of Science: An Attempt at a Typology.” Almagest 3,
the abstract) no. 2 (2012): 90–119.

40. M ÉTRAUX, Alexandre. “The History of Science 49. S TADLER, Max. “Neurohistory Is Bunk?: The
as Unending Steeplechase: A Dialogue.” Article in Not-So-Deep History of the Postclassical Mind.” Part
a special issue, “Approaches, Styles, and Narratives: of a focus section on “Neurohistory and History of
Reflections on Doing History of Science” [ref. 65]. Science” [ref. 335]. Isis 105 (2014): 133–144.
Sci. Context 26, no. 4 (2013): 649–664.
50. T IMMINS, Adam. “Why Was Kuhn’s Structure
41. M ICHEL, Andreas. “Postmodernity, Transhu- More Successful than Polanyi’s Personal Knowl-
manism, and the Spirit of the Enlightenment.” Hum. edge?” HOPOS 3 (2013): 306–317.
Tech. Rev. 32 (2013): 1–28.
51. W ELDON, Stephen P. “Introduction.” Introduc-
42. M OH ÁCSI, Gergely, and Atsuro M ORITA. “Trav- tion to the focus section: “Ordering the Discipline:
eling Comparisons: Ethnographic Reflections on Classification in the History of Science.” Isis 104
Science and Technology.” Introduction to a special (2013): 537–539.
issue, “Traveling Comparisons: Ethnographic Reflec- Contents: Stephen P. W ELDON, “Bibliography Is
tions on Science and Technology.” East Asian STS 7, Social: Organizing Knowledge in the Isis Bib-
no. 2 (2013): 175–183. liography from Sarton to the Early Twenty-First
Century,” 540–550 [ref. 2546]; Ana M. A LFONSO -
Contents: Anders B LOK, “Comparative Globali-
G OLDFARB, Silvia WAISSE and Márcia H. M.
ties: Actor-Network Theory and the Topologies of
F ERRAZ, “From Shelves to Cyberspace: Orga-
Japanese ‘Research’ Whales,” 185–204 [ref. 3610];
nization of Knowledge and the Complex Identity
Akinori K UBO, “Plastic Comparison: The Case of
of History of Science,” 551–560 [ref. 3470]; R.
Engineering and Living with Pet-Type Robots in
Joseph A NDERSON, “The Organization and De-
Japan,” 205–220 [ref. 4048]; Atsuro M ORITA,
scription of Science Archives in America,” 561–
“Traveling Engineers, Machines, and Compar-
572 [ref. 3471]; Colin A LLEN and The InPhO
isons: Intersecting Imaginations and Journeys in
Group, “Cross-Cutting Categorization Schemes in
the Thai Local Engineering Industry,” 221–241
the Digital Humanities,” 573–583 [ref. 3975].
[ref. 3870]; Goro YAMAZAKI, “From Cure to Gov-
ernance: The Biopolitical Scene after the Brain
Death Controversy in Japan,” 243–259 [ref. 3501]; 52. W ILLIAMS, Robert Chadwell. The Forensic
Gergely M OH ÁCSI, “The Adiponectin Assem- Historian: Using Science to Reexamine the Past. (xiii
blage: An Anthropological Perspective on Pharma- + 142 pp.; ill.; bibl.) New York: M. E. Sharpe, 2013.
cogenomics in Japan,” 261–281 [ref. 3743]; Philip ISBN : 9780765636621.
S. C HO, Nathan B ULLOCK and Dionna A LI, “The Reviews: [ref. R1081]
Bioinformatic Basis of Pan-Asianism,” 283–309
[ref. 4013].
53. W ILLIAMS, Rosalind. “The Lantern-Bearers of
the History of Technology.” Hist. & Tech. 29, no. 3
43. M URISON, Justine S. “Anachronism, Literary (2013): 262–277.
Historicism, and Miraculous Plagues.” William Mary “Historians of technology need to focus more
Quart. 70 (2013): 821–823. on studying human experiences of technological

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4 7. Historians of science

change rather than technological objects.” (from 65. H ARMAN, Oren. “Introduction: ‘Right as Di-
the abstract) verse Pathes Leden.’ ” Introduction to a special issue,
“Approaches, Styles, and Narratives: Reflections on
Doing History of Science.” Sci. Context 26, no. 4
54. Z AKARIYA, Nasser. “Is History Still a Fraud?” (2013): 553–555.
Hist. Stud. Nat. Sci. 43 (2013): 631–641. Contents: Eva JABLONKA and Marion J. L AMB,
Essay review of Edmund RUSSELL, Evolutionary “Disturbing Dogmas: Biologists and the History of
History (2011); Daniel Lord S MAIL, On Deep Biology,” 557–571 [ref. 319]; Menachem F ISCH,
History and the Brain (2008); Cynthia Stokes “How and Why I Write History of Science,” 573–
B ROWN, Big History (2007) [ref. 24]. 585 [ref. 60]; Naomi O RESKES, “Why I Am a
Presentist,” 595–609 [ref. 263]; Roger S MITH,
“Why and How Do I Write the History of Science?”
6. HISTORY OF SCIENCE AS A 611–625 [ref. 70]; Daniel J. K EVLES, “Why and
How: Reflections in an Autobiographical Key,”
627–638 [ref. 92]; Hans-Jörg R HEINBERGER, “My
55. A LBERTS, Gerard, and Danny B ECKERS. “Tus- Road to History of Science,” 639–648 [ref. 99];
sen Tannery en Klein: polariteit in de geschiedschri- Alexandre M ÉTRAUX, “The History of Science
jving van wiskunde in Belgiē en Nederland.” Studium as Unending Steeplechase: A Dialogue,” 649–664
6, no. 3/4 (2013): 173–186. [ref. 40].

56. BANEKE, David. “De rol van een genootschap. 66. H ESS, David J. “Neoliberalism and the History
Honderd jaar Gewina in het wetenschapshistorische of STS Theory: Toward a Reflexive Sociology.” Soc.
landschap.” Studium 6, no. 3/4 (2013): 132–148. Epistem. 27 (2013): 177–193.

57. B IRCH, Kean. “The Political Economy of 67. K IHARA, Hidetoshi. “The Neoliberal Transfor-
Technoscience: An Emerging Research Agenda.” mation of STS in Japan.” Soc. Epistem. 27 (2013):
Part of the focus section “Economic Aspects of Sci- 145–162.
ence” [ref. 178]. Spontan. Gen. 7 (2013): 49–61.
68. NAKAJIMA, Hideto. “Depoliticization or Amer-
58. C OHEN, Floris. “Honderd jaar wetenschaps- icanization of Japanese Science Studies.” Soc. Epis-
geschiedenis in Nederland. Een persoonlijk getinte tem. 27 (2013): 163–176.
schets.” Studium 6, no. 3/4 (2013): 187–196.
69. Q UET, Mathieu, and Marianne N OEL. “From
Politics to Academics: Political Activism and the
59. D OMINGUES, Heloisa Maria Bertol. “Carlos
Emergence of Science and Technology Studies in
Chagas Filho: um articulador da história das ciências
South Korea.” East Asian STS 8, no. 2 (2014):
do Brasil.” Manguinhos 19, no. 2 (2012): 637–652.

60. F ISCH, Menachem. “How and Why I Write 70. S MITH, Roger. “Why and How Do I Write
History of Science.” Article in a special issue, “Ap- the History of Science?” Article in a special issue,
proaches, Styles, and Narratives: Reflections on “Approaches, Styles, and Narratives: Reflections on
Doing History of Science” [ref. 65]. Sci. Context 26, Doing History of Science” [ref. 65]. Sci. Context 26,
no. 4 (2013): 573–585. no. 4 (2013): 611–625.

61. F UJITA, Yasumoto. “The Rise, Decline, and 71. VANPAEMEL, Geert. “Versnippering of diver-
Revitalization of the Marxist Tradition in Japanese siteit? De Belgische wetenschapsgeschiedenis na de
Science and Technology Studies.” Soc. Epistem. 27 Tweede Wereldoorlog.” Studium 6, no. 3/4 (2013):
(2013): 130–144. 149–158.

62. G OOD, Greg. “A Federation of History- 72. W ELDON, Stephen P. “The World History of
Minded Scientists and Science-Minded Historians Science Online: A Project of the Commission on
and Archivists.” Hist. Phys. 42, no. 1 (2010): 11–13. Bibliography and Documentation.” Acta Baltica 1,
Names and describes numerous member and affil- no. 2 (2013): 97–101.
iated socieities devoted to the study of the history
of science and the preservation of related archives.
63. G OOD, Greg. “Building the Community of His- 73. A LBERTS, Gerard, and Danny B ECKERS. “Dirk
torians of Physics.” Hist. Phys. 42, no. 1 (2010): Jan Struik (1894–2000).” Studium 6 (2013): 271–275.
74. A NELLIS, Irving. “Guest Editor’s Introduction:
64. G OOD, Greg. “Disciplinary History Centers’ JvH100.” Introduction to a special issue, “Perspec-
Success in Capturing the History of Science.” Hist. tives on the History and Philosophy of Modern Logic:
Phys. 43, no. 1 (2011): 3. Van Heijenoort Centenary.” Logic. Univers. 6 (2012):

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7. Historians of science 5

Irving Anellis introduces his late mentor, the his- het wereldbeeld.” Studium 6 (2013): 267–270.
torian of logic Jean van Heijenoort. Contents:
Irving A NELLIS, “Scholarly Publications of Jean
79. B IERMAN, Annette I. “Dirk Arnold Wittop Ko-
van Heijenoort Compiled by Irving H. Anellis,”
ning (1911–2001).” Studium 6 (2013): 304–306.
269–276 [ref. 75]; Anita Burdman F EFERMAN,
“Jean van Heijenoort: Kaleidoscope,” 277–291
[ref. 85]; John W. DAWSON, Jr., “Jean van Hei- 80. B RASSLEY, Paul. “Joan Thirsk (1922–2013):
jenoort and the Gödel Editorial Project,” 293–299 An Obituary.” Agr. Hist. 88 (2014): 130–132.
[ref. 2661]; Irving A NELLIS, “Editor’s Introduc- Argues that Thirsk was influential in her use of a
tion to Jean van Heijenoort, Historical Develop- wider range of documentation to look at farming
ment of Modern Logic,” 301–326 [ref. 2683]; and rural communities in context.
Jean VAN H EIJENOORT, “Historical Development
of Modern Logic,” 327–337 [ref. 1895]; Irving
81. B RU, Bernard. “Marc Barbut the Historian.” Part
A NELLIS, “Jean van Heijenoort’s Conception of
of a series [ref. 76]. J. Elec. Hist. Prob. Stat. 9 (2013):
Modern Logic, in Historical Perspective,” 339–409
Approx. 6000 Words.
[ref. 212]; Irving A NELLIS, “Jean van Heijenoort’s
Contributions to Proof Theory and Its History,”
411–458 [ref. 2684]; Jaakko H INTIKKA, “Which 82. “Charles Irwin Weiner (1931–2012).”
Mathematical Logic is the Logic of Mathemat- http://www.aip.org/history/newsletter/
ics?” 459–475 [ref. 224]; Ignacio A NGELELLI, summer2012/charles-irwin-weiner.html. Hist.
“Frege’s Ancestral and Its Circularities,” 477–483 Phys. 44, no. 1 (2012): 5.
[ref. 1898]; Francine F. A BELES, “Toward A Vi- On Weiner’s contributions to the Oral History
sual Proof System: Lewis Carroll’s Method of Collection in the Niels Bohr Library. Includes part
Trees,” 521–534 [ref. 1897]; Solomon F EFERMAN, of a transcript of Weiner’s interviews with Richard
“On Rereading van Heijenoort’s Selected Essays,” Feynman.
535–552 [ref. 2668]; Philippe DE ROUILHAN, “In
Defense of Logical Universalism: Taking Issue 83. D ORSMAN, Leen. “Ernst Cohen (1869–1944):
with Jean van Heijenoort,” 553–586 [ref. 213]; chemicus, bestuurder, geschiedschrijver.” Studium 6,
Anssi KORHONEN, “Logic as a Science and Logic no. 3/4 (2013): 237–240.
as a Theory: Remarks on Frege, Russell and the
Logocentric Predicament,” 597–613 [ref. 1911].
84. E MDE B OAS, Peter van. “Evert Marie Bruins
(1909–1990): intelligent, productief en controversie-
75. A NELLIS, Irving. “Scholarly Publications of el.” Studium 6 (2013): 296–299.
Jean van Heijenoort Compiled by Irving H. Anellis.”
Part of a special issue, “Perspectives on the History
and Philosophy of Modern Logic: Van Heijenoort 85. F EFERMAN, Anita Burdman. “Jean van Hei-
Centenary” [ref. 74]. Logic. Univers. 6 (2012): 269– jenoort: Kaleidoscope.” Part of a special issue, “Per-
276. spectives on the History and Philosophy of Modern
Logic: Van Heijenoort Centenary” [ref. 74]. Logic.
Univers. 6 (2012): 277–291.
76. A RMATTE, Michel. “Marc Barbut (February 23, “Leitmotifs in the life of Jean van Heijenoort,”
1928–December 12, 2011).” Introduction to a series. (from the abstract).
J. Elec. Hist. Prob. Stat. 9 (2013): Approx. 600
See also Michel Armatte, “Hommage à Marc 86. F LIPSE, Ab. “Reijer Hooykaas (1906–1994).”
Barbut” in Mathématiques & sciences humaines Studium 6 (2013): 287–291.
200 (2012) http://msh.revues.org/. Series
includes: Bruno L ECLERC and Pierre ROSEN - 87. F OURNIER, Marian. “Maria Rooseboom (1909–
STIEHL , “Marc Barbut, le formateur universel,” 1978).” Studium 6 (2013): 300–303.
Approx. 2000 Words [ref. 3528]; José Maria A R -
RIBAS, “Marc Barbut et la statistique sociale en Es-
pagne,” Approx. 5000 Words [ref. 3722]; Michel 88. H EEFFER, Albrecht. “Henri Bosmans S. J.
A RMATTE, “Marc Barbut pédagogue: comment (1852–1928)—grondlegger van de geschiedenis van
enseigner les probabilités aux étudiants en SHS?” de wiskunde in België.” Studium 6, no. 3/4 (2013):
Approx. 6000 Words [ref. 3543]; Jesús BASULTO 224–227.
and José Marı́a A RRIBAS, “Les recherches de Marc
Barbut sur la mesure des inégalités,” Approx. 6000 89. H ENNEPE, Mieneke te. “Jan Gerard de Lint
Words [ref. 3545]; Bernard B RU, “Marc Barbut (1867–1936): medische geschiedenis voor iedereen.”
the Historian,” Approx. 6000 Words [ref. 81]; Studium 6, no. 3/4 (2013): 232–236.
Bernard M ONJARDET, “Marc Barbut au pays des
médianes,” Approx. 6000 Words [ref. 3549].
90. H OMBURG, Ernst. “Robert James Forbes (1900–
1973)—chemicus-archeoloog, techniekhistoricus,
77. AUSEJO, Elena. “Mario H. Otero in memoriam.” wetenschapshistoricus.” Studium 6 (2013): 276–281.
Llull 37 (2014): 155.
91. H UIJNEN, Pim. “Evert Cornelis van Leersum
78. B ERKEL, Klaas van. “Aan de tijd ontstegen: E.J. (1862–1938): pionier van de geschiedenis van de
Dijksterhuis (1892–1965) en De mechanisering van geneeskunde.” Studium 6, no. 3/4 (2013): 228–231.

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6 7. Historians of science

92. K EVLES, Daniel J. “Why and How: Reflections 105. V ERMIJ, Rienk. “H.A.M. (Harry) Snelders
in an Autobiographical Key.” Article in a special is- (*1930).” Studium 6 (2013): 314–317.
sue, “Approaches, Styles, and Narratives: Reflections
on Doing History of Science” [ref. 65]. Sci. Context
106. V IGARELLO, Georges. “Un Itinéraire de Re-
26, no. 4 (2013): 627–638.
cherche sur l’Histoire du Corps.” Gesnerus 70, no. 1
(2013): 7–16.
93. K HEIRANDISH, Elaheh. “Eloge A.I. Sabra (8
June 1924–18 December 2013).” Early Sci. & Med. 107. WANG Zuoyue and H U Danian. “Historian of
19, no. 3 (2014): 281–286. Science Xu Liangying: A Short Biography.” [Trans-
lated title.] In Chinese. Chinese J. Hist. Sci. Tech. 35,
94. K NECHT-VAN E EKELEN, Annemarie de. “Da- no. 1 (2014): 49–61.
niël de Moulin (1919–2002).” Studium 6 (2013):
307–310. 108. YAO Licheng. “Reminiscences of Mentor Yan
Kangnian.” [Translated title.] In Chinese. Chinese J.
95. L IEBURG, Mart J. van. “Gerrit A. Lindeboom Hist. Sci. Tech. 34, no. 2 (2013): 245–251.
(1905–1986) en de medische geschiedenis.” Studium
6 (2013): 282–286. 109. Z HOU Jianping, L UO Guihuan, and Z HOU
Jianhe. “The Brief Biography of Shipbuilding His-
96. L UNTEREN, Frans van. “Casper Hakfoort (1955– torian Zhou Shide.” [Translated title.] In Chinese.
1999).” Studium 6 (2013): 318–321. Chinese J. Hist. Sci. Tech. 34, no. 2 (2013): 240–244.

97. M C N EILL, J. R. “President’s Address: Toynbee 110. Z UIDERVAART, Huib. “Dirk Schoute (1873–
as Environmental Historian.” Environ. Hist. 19, no. 3 1963), chirurg, gedreven organisator, medisch-
(2014): 434–453. historisch onderzoeker en ontvanger van Gewina’s
eerste erepenning.” Studium 6, no. 3/4 (2013): 241–
98. M EYERSON, Émile. Mélanges : Petites Pieces
Inédites. Edited by Eva T ELKES and Bernadette
B ENSAUDE -V INCENT. Bibliothèque d’études juives.
Histoire, 43. (254 pp.) Paris: H. Champion, 2011.
ISBN : 9782745321053.
Reviews: [ref. R688]

99. R HEINBERGER, Hans-Jörg. “My Road to His-

tory of Science.” Article in a special issue, “Ap-
proaches, Styles, and Narratives: Reflections on
Doing History of Science” [ref. 65]. Sci. Context 26,
no. 4 (2013): 639–648.

100. S NELDERS, Stephen. “Martinus Antonie van

Andel (1878–1941) en de volksgeneeskunde: ‘Lost in
Translation’?” Studium 6 (2013): 251–254.

101. S OUFFRIN, Pierre, and Michel B LAY. Écrits

Choisis d’Histoire des Sciences. Edited by Francesco
F URLAN and Michela M ALPANGOTTO. (497 pp.;
ill.) Paris: Les Belles Lettres, Impr. Laballery, 2012.
ISBN : 9782251420479.
Reviews: [ref. R965]

102. T HEUNISSEN, Bert. “Frans Verdoorn (1906–

1984)—Biohistorie.” Studium 6 (2013): 292–295.

103. T ORRENS, Hugh S. “Michael Denis Crane

(1946–2013).” Arch. Natur. Hist. 41 (2014): 154–

104. VANPAEMEL, Geert. “ ‘Beginnen is de allere-

erste voorwaarde om iets te verwezenlijken’. Paul
Bockstaele (1920–2009) en de academisering van
de wetenschapsgeschiedenis in België.” Studium 6
(2013): 311–313.

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B. Theoretical Approaches to Understanding Science

10. PHILOSOPHY AND METHODS OF 120. D I ÉGUEZ, Antonio. “When do Models Provide
SCIENCE Genuine Understanding, and Why Does It Matter?”
Hist. Phil. Life Sci. 35, no. 4 (2013): 599–620.
111. ACHINSTEIN, Peter. Evidence and Method:
Scientific Strategies of Isaac Newton and James Clerk
121. E STRADA O LGU ÍN, Roberto. “La problemática
Maxwell. (177 pp.) Oxford: Oxford University Press,
de la racionalidad y la bioética.” Noesis 21, no. 42
2013. ISBN: 9780199921850.
(2012): 145–180.
Reviews: [ref. R5]
122. F LECK, Ludwik. Denkstile und Tatsachen—
112. A RANA, Juan. Los sótanos del Universo: La Gesammelte Schriften und Zeugnisse. Edited by
determinación natural y sus mecanismos ocultos. C. Z ITTEL, S. W ERNER, and F.W. S TAHNISCH.
Manuales universidad. (400 pp.) Madrid: Editorial (682 pp.) Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2011. ISBN:
Biblioteca Nueva, 2012. ISBN: 9788499404790. 9783518295533.
Reviews: [ref. R35]
123. F REDERICK, Danny. “Popper, Rationality and
113. BASTOS, Francisco Inácio. “ ‘Anything goes’?: the Possibility of Social Science.” Theoria (0495-
o diálogo implı́cito de Paul Feyerabend com dois 4548) 28, no. 1 (2012): 61–75.
pesquisadores brasileiros, Maurı́cio da Rocha e Silva
e Newton Freire-Maia.” Manguinhos 17, no. 1 124. G ERVAIS, Raoul. “Non-Cognitive Values and
(2010): 141–152. Objectivity in Scientific Explanation: Egalitarianism
and the Case of the Movius Line.” Perspect. Sci. 21
114. B OYCE, Kenneth. “On the Equivalence of (2013): 429–452.
Goodman’s and Hempel’s Paradoxes.” Stud. Hist.
Phil. Sci. 45 (2014): 32–42. 125. G ÓMEZ M ART ÍNEZ, Marı́a del Carmen. “Un
fundamento filosófico para un modelo de sociedad
115. B ROWN, James Robert. “Explaining, Seeing, culturalmente diversa.” Noesis 21, no. 42 (2012):
and Understanding in Thought Experiments.” Article 41–59.
in a special issue, “Simulation, Visualization, and
Scientific Understanding” [ref. 3050]. Perspect. Sci. 126. H OPP, Walter. “Experiments in Thought.”
22, no. 3 (2014): 357–376. Article in a special issue, “Thought Experiments”
[ref. 1559]. Perspect. Sci. 22, no. 2 (2014): 242–263.
116. C ALVER, Neil. “Sir Peter Medawar: Science,
Creativity and the Popularization of Karl Popper.” 127. H OYNINGEN -H UENE, Paul. “Philosophical
Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 67, no. 4 (2013): 301– Elements in Thomas Kuhn’s Historiography of Sci-
314. ence.” Theoria (0495-4548) 27, no. 3 (2012): 281–
117. C APONI, Gustavo. “El 18 Brumario de Michael
Behe: La teorı́a del diseño inteligente en perspectiva 128. H UARTE C U ÉLLAR, Renato. “El concepto de
histórico-epistemológica.” Part of a special section, ‘tradición’ en la filosofı́a de las ciencias sociales y
“Evolucionismo e Criacionismo.” Fil. Hist. Biol. 8, humanas.” First Article in a Series. Noesis 21, no. 42
no. 2 (2013): 253–278. (2012): 19–39.
Contents: Nelio Marco Vincenzo B IZZO, “Criacio- Contents: Marı́a del Carmen G ÓMEZ M ART ÍNEZ,
nismo versus evolucionismo: literalismo religioso “Un fundamento filosófico para un modelo de
e materialismo darwiniano em questão,” 301–339 sociedad culturalmente diversa,” 41–59 [ref. 125].
[ref. 2122]; Vicente Claramonte S ANZ, “La evo-
lución del creacionismo: del mito cosmogónico a
129. I ERODIAKONOU, Katerina, and Sophie ROUX.
la pseudociencia biológica,” 361–379 [ref. 2143].
(Eds.) Thought Experiments in Methodological and
Historical Contexts. History of Science and Medicine
118. C ARRIER, Martin. Wissenschaftstheorie zur Library, v. 19: Medieval and Early Modern Science,
Einführung. Zur Einführung, 353. (191 pp.; ill.) v. 15. (vi + 233 pp.; bibl.; index.) Boston: Brill,
Hamburg: Junius, 2011. ISBN: 9783885066538. 2011. ISBN: 9789004201767.
Reviews: [ref. R166] Contents: Sophie ROUX, “Introduction: The Emer-
gence of the Notion of Thought Experiments,”
1–36; Katerina I ERODIAKONOU, “Remarks on
119. DASTON, Lorraine. “The Naturalistic Fallacy Is the History of an Ancient Thought Experiment,”
Modern.” Isis 105, no. 3 (2014): 579–587. 37–50 [ref. 750]; Peter L AUTNER, “Thought Ex-
periments in the De Anima Commentaries,” 51–64

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8 11. Sociological & psychological analysis

[ref. 891]; Christope G RELLARD, “Thought Ex- From Logical Empiricism to Postpositivism,” 325–
periments in Late Medieval Debates on Atomism,” 346 [ref. 2672].
65–82 [ref. 928]; Simo K NUUTILA and Taneli
K UKKONEN, “Thought Experiments and Indirect
134. R AVEN, Diederick. “Artisanal Knowledge.”
Proofs in Averroes, Aquinas, and Buridan,” 83–
Acta Baltica 1, no. 1 (2013): 5–34.
100 [ref. 889]; Carla Rita PALMERINO, “Galileo’s
Use of Medieval Thought Experiments,” 101–126
[ref. 1116]; Stelios V IRVIDAKIS, “On Kant’s Cri- 135. T HAGARD, Paul. “Thought Experiments Con-
tique of Thought Experiments in Early Modern sidered Harmful.” Article in a special issue, “Thought
Philosophy,” 127–144 [ref. 1564]; Pascal E NGEL, Experiments” [ref. 1559]. Perspect. Sci. 22, no. 2
“Philosophical Thought Experiments: In or Out of (2014): 288–305.
the Armchair?” 145–164; Jean-Yves G OFFI and
Sophie ROUX, “On the Very Idea of a Thought Ex- 136. T OADER, Iulian D. “Concept Formation and
periment,” 165–192; John Z EIMBEKIS, “Thought Scientific Objectivity: Weyl’s Turn against Husserl.”
Experiments and Mental Simulations,” 193–216. HOPOS 3 (2013): 281–305.

130. K RAGH, Helge. “ ‘The Most Philosophically 137. V IOLA, Enrico. “The Specificity of Logical
Important of All the Sciences’: Karl Popper and Empiricism in the Twentieth-Century History of Sci-
Physical Cosmology.” Perspect. Sci. 21, no. 3 entific Philosophy.” HOPOS 3 (2013): 191–209.
(2013): 325–357.

131. L UDWIG, David. “Hysteria, Race, and Phlo- 11. SOCIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL
giston. A Model of Ontological Elimination in the ANALYSIS OF SCIENCE
Human Sciences.” Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci.
45 (2014): 68–77. 138. A LEXANDER, Sally, and Barbara TAYLOR.
On arguments about whether some concepts should (Eds.) History and Psyche: Culture, Psychoanalysis
be eliminated from the list of respectable entities in and the Past. Palgrave Studies in Cultural and In-
the human sciences. tellectual History. (vii + 347 pp.; bibl.; index.) NY:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. ISBN: 9780230113367.
Contents: Michael ROTH, “The Psychoanalytic
132. M ILAM, Erika Lorraine. “Focus: The Peculiar Corner: Notes on a Conversation with Peter Gay,”
Persistence of the Naturalistic Fallacy.” Introduction 13–26; T. G. A SHPLANT, “Freud, Fin-de-siecle
to Focus Section. Isis 105, no. 3 (2014): 564–568. Politics, and the Making of Psychoanalysis,” 27–
Contents: Brooke H OLMES, “Greco-Roman Ethics 48 [ref. 3693]; Elizabeth L UNBECK, “The Nar-
and the Naturalistic Fantasy,” 569–578 [ref. 730]; cissistic Homosexual: Genealogy of a Myth,”
Lorraine DASTON, “The Naturalistic Fallacy Is 49–70 [ref. 3503]; John F ORRESTER, “The En-
Modern,” 579–587 [ref. 119]; Matthew S TANLEY, glish Freud: W. H. R. Rivers, Dreaming, and the
“From Ought to Is: Physics and the Naturalis- Early Twentieth-Century Human Sciences,” 71–
tic Fallacy,” 588–595 [ref. 2751]; Erika Lorraine 104 [ref. 3017]; Laura M ARCUS, “European Wit-
M ILAM, “A Field Study of Con Games,” 596–605 ness: Analysands Abroad in the 1920s and 1930s,”
[ref. 2896]; Warwick A NDERSON, “Getting Ahead 105–128 [ref. 2985]; Michael ROPER, “Beyond
of One’s Self?: The Common Culture of Immunol- Containing: The First World War and the Psy-
ogy and Philosophy,” 606–616 [ref. 3473]. choanalytic Theories of Wilfred Bion,” 129–148
[ref. 3176]; Sally A LEXANDER, “Primary Mater-
nal Pre-Occupation: D. W. Winnicott and Social
133. PARRINI, Paolo, Wesley C. S ALMON, and Mer- Democracy in Mid-20th Century Britain,” 149–
rilee H. S ALMON. (Eds.) Logical Empiricism: His- 172 [ref. 3191]; Pam T HURSCHWELL, “Freud’s
torical and Contemporary Perspectives. (ix + 396 Stepchild: Adolescent Subjectivity and Psycho-
pp.) Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003. analysis,” 173–194 [ref. 2997]; Barbara TAY-
ISBN : 9780822941941.
LOR , “Historical Subjectivity,” 195–210 [ref. 157];
Partial contents: Michael F RIEDMAN, “A Turning Adam P HILLIPS, “Keeping Our Distance,” 211–
Point in Philosophy: Carnap-Cassirer-Heidegger,” 218 [ref. 154]; Lyndal ROPER, “The Seven-
13–29 [ref. 2669]; Gottfried G ABRIEL, “Carnap’s Headed Monster: Luther And Psychology,” 219–
‘Elimination of Metaphysics through Logical Anal- 240 [ref. 3986]; Katharine H ODGKIN, “Eliza-
ysis of Language’: A Retrospective Consideration beth Isham’s Everlasting Library: Memory and
of the Relationship between Continental and Ana- Self in Early Modern Autobiography,” 241–264
lytic Philosophy,” 30–42 [ref. 2670]; S. AWODEY, [ref. 1249]; Alex P OTTS, “Postwar Art and the
“Carnap vs. Gödel on Syntax and Tolerance,” 57– Psychoanalytic Imaginary,” 265–282 [ref. 3474];
64 [ref. 2686]; T. A. RYCKMAN, “Two Roads from Rhodri H AYWARD, “The Pursuit of Serenity: Psy-
Kant: Cassirer, Reichenbach, and General Rela- chological Knowledge and the Making of the
tivity,” 159–193 [ref. 2747]; Michael S T ÖLTZNER, British Welfare State,” 283–304 [ref. 173]; Luisa
“Vienna Indeterminism II: From Exner’s Synthe- PASSERIN, “An Eclectic Ego-Histoire,” 305–324
sis to Frank and von Mises,” 194–229 [ref. 2752]; [ref. 3702]; Peter B URKE, “Afterword,” 325–332.
Maria Carla G ALAVOTTI, “Kinds of Probabilism,”
Reviews: [ref. R21]
281–303 [ref. 2671]; Martin C ARRIER, “Smooth
Lines in Confirmation Theory: Carnap, Hempel,
and the Moderns,” 304–324 [ref. 2667]; Irzik 139. BAUER, Julian. “ ‘Gerichtetes Wahrnehmen’,
G ÜRAL, “Changing Conceptions of Rationality: ‘Stimmung’, ‘soziale Verstärkung.’ ” Article in a

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12. Rhetorical & visual analysis of science 9

special issue, “Gestalt – Ritus – Kollektiv. Ludwik sitions théoriques.” Manguinhos 18, no. 4 (2011):
Fleck im Kontext der Ethnologie, Gestaltpsychologie 1159–1168.
und Soziologie seiner Zeit” [ref. 3007]. NTM 22, no.
1-2 (2014): 87–109.
150. L EAHEY, Erin, and Cindy L C AIN. “Straight
from the Source: Accounting for Scientific Success.”
140. B ERGSTRAND, Kelly. “Cognitive Shocks: Sci- Soc. Stud. Sci. 43, no. 6 (2013): 927–951.
entific Discovery and Mobilization.” Sci. Cult. 23,
no. 3 (2014): 320–343.
151. M AYORAL DE L UCAS, Juan Vicente. “Hacia
una reinterpretación de la ciencia normal: Kuhn y la
141. B IRD, Alexander. “What Can Cognitive Sci- fı́sica de su tiempo (1940–1951).” Asclepio 63, no. 1
ence Tell Us about Scientific Revolutions?” Theoria (2011): 221–248.
(0495-4548) 27, no. 3 (2012): 293–321.
152. M ONTIEL, Luis. “Proles sine matre creata: el
142. B LUME, Stuart, Vasilis G ALIS, and Andrés anhelo prometeico en la historia del cuerpo humano
Valderrama P INEDA. “Introduction: STS and Dis- en Occidente.” Asclepio 65, no. 1 (2012): 1–11.
ability.” First article in a special section: “STS and
Disability.” Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 1 (2014):
98–104. 153. M ORITA, Atsuro. “The Ethnographic Ma-
Contents: Gaby A DMON -R ICK, “Impaired En- chine: Experimenting with Context and Comparison
coding: Calculating, Ordering, and the ‘Disabil- in Strathernian Ethnography.” Sci. Tech. Hum. Val.
ity Percentages’ Classification System,” 105–129 39, no. 2 (2014): 214–235.
[ref. 2566]; Laura M AULDIN, “Precarious Plas-
ticity: Neuropolitics, Cochlear Implants, and the
154. P HILLIPS, Adam. “Keeping Our Distance.”
Redefinition of Deafness,” 130–153 [ref. 3867];
In History and Psyche, edited by A LEXANDER and
Vasilis G ALIS and Francis L EE, “A Sociology of
TAYLOR (2012) [ref. 138], 211–218.
Treason: The Construction of Weakness,” 154–179
[ref. 2547].
155. R IBEIRO, Guilherme. “Fernand Braudel e a
143. B LUTE, Marion. “The Evolutionary Economics geo-história das civilizações.” Manguinhos 18, no. 1
of Science.” Part of the focus section “Economic (2011): 67–83.
Aspects of Science” [ref. 178]. Spontan. Gen. 7
(2013): 62–68. 156. S AYES, Edwin. “Actor–Network Theory and
Methodology: Just What Does It Mean to Say That
144. E GLOFF, Rainer. “Gedankenverkehr, Kreuzung Nonhumans Have Agency?” Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 1
und Verdichtung.” Article in a special issue, “Gestalt (2014): 134–149.
– Ritus – Kollektiv. Ludwik Fleck im Kontext der
Ethnologie, Gestaltpsychologie und Soziologie seiner 157. TAYLOR, Barbara. “Historical Subjectivity.”
Zeit” [ref. 3007]. NTM 22, no. 1-2 (2014): 69–85. In History and Psyche, edited by A LEXANDER and
TAYLOR (2012) [ref. 138], 195–210.
145. E IGI, Jaana. “ ‘Knowing Things in Common’:
Sheila Jasanoff and Helen Longino on the Social
158. W EINTRAUB, Ana Cecı́lia Andrade de Moraes,
Nature of Knowledge.” Acta Baltica 1, no. 2 (2013):
and Maria da Penha Costa VASCONCELLOS.
“Contribuições do pensamento de Didier Fassin para
uma análise crı́tica das polı́ticas de saúde dirigidas
146. E NGDAHL, Emma, and Rolf L IDSKOG. “Risk, a populações vulneráveis.” Manguinhos 20, no. 3
Communication and Trust: Towards an Emotional (2013): 1041–1055.
Understanding of Trust.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no.
6 (2014): 703–717.
159. W ERNER, Sylwia. “Wissenschaft und Magie.”
“The implications of this conception of trust for
Article in a special issue, “Gestalt – Ritus – Kollektiv.
public understandings of science and for risk com-
Ludwik Fleck im Kontext der Ethnologie, Gestaltpsy-
munication are discussed.”
chologie und Soziologie seiner Zeit” [ref. 3007].
NTM 22, no. 1-2 (2014): 31–48.
147. H OFFMANN, Beata. “Scent in Science and On Ludwik Fleck’s social theory of science.
Culture.” Hist. Hum. Sci. 26, no. 5 (2013): 31–47.

148. J OHACH, Eva. “Was denkt im Individuum?”

Article in a special issue, “Gestalt – Ritus – Kollektiv. 12. RHETORICAL AND VISUAL ANALYSIS
Ludwik Fleck im Kontext der Ethnologie, Gestaltpsy- OF SCIENCE
chologie und Soziologie seiner Zeit” [ref. 3007].
NTM 22, 1-2 (2014): 111–132. 160. C OOPMANS, Catelijne. Representation in Sci-
entific Practice Revisited. Inside Technology. (ix +
366 pp.) Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press,
149. L AMY, Jérôme, and Arnaud S AINT-M ARTIN. 2014. ISBN: 9780262525381.
“Sciences et État : note critique sur quelques propo-

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10 12. Rhetorical & visual analysis of science

161. FAY, Isla, and Nicholas JARDINE. “Introduc-

tion: New Light on Visual Forms in the Early-Modern
Arts and Sciences.” In Observing the World through
Images, edited by JARDINE (2013) [ref. 1007], 1–8.

162. H EUMANN, Ina, and Axel C. H ÜNTEL -

MANN . “Einleitung: Bildtatsachen. Visuelle Prak-
tiken der Wissenschaften.” Introduction to a special
issue, “Bildtatsachen. Visuelle Praktiken der Wis-
senschaften.” Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch. 36, no. 4
(2013): 283–293.
Contents: Anja S ATTELMACHER, “Geordnete
Verhältnisse. Mathematische Anschauungsmodelle
im frühen 20. Jahrhundert,” 294–312 [ref. 2696];
Ina H EUMANN, “Linus Pauling, Roger Hayward
und der Wert von Sichtbarmachungen,” 313–333
[ref. 2766]; Benjamin M IRWALD, “Auflösung der
Nebel—Leben in Sicht!” 334–353 [ref. 1938];
Axel C. H ÜNTELMANN, “ ‘Ehrlich färbt am
längsten’. Sichtbarmachung bei Paul Ehrlich,”
354–380 [ref. 2293].

163. ROSENBAUM, Alexander. “Titelbilder in Kalen-

dern der Altenburger Sammlung.” In Astronomie—
Literatur—Volksaufklärung, edited by H ERBST
(2012) [ref. 1083], 151–182.

164. T ORRENS, Erica, and Ana BARAHONA. “The

‘Tree of Life’ in Textbooks and Museums.” Almagest
3, no. 2 (2012): 66–89.

165. V INCENT, Bernadette Bensaude. “The Politics

of Buzzwords at the Interface of Technoscience,
Market and Society: The Case of ‘Public Engagement
in Science.’ ” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 3 (2014):

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C. Thematic Approaches to the Study of Science

20. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, GENERAL Reviews: [ref. R174]

166. S TILGOE, Jack, Simon J. L OCK, and James 170. DA S ILVA ROSA, Teresa, and Maria José
W ILSDON. “Why Should We Promote Public En- C ARNEIRO. “O acesso livre à produção acadêmica
gagement with Science?” First article in a special como subsı́dio para polı́ticas públicas: um exercı́cio
issue, “Public Engagement in Science.” Public Un- sobre o Banco de Teses da Capes.” Manguinhos 17,
derst. Sci. 23, no. 1 (2014): 4–15. no. 4 (2010): 955–974.
Contents: Helga N OWOTNY, “Engaging with the “Offers a critical view of access to the information
Political Imaginaries of Science: Near Misses available through the Capes database on Brazilian
and Future Targets,” 16–20 [ref. 3494]; Sheila theses and dissertations.” (from the abstract)
JASANOFF, “A Mirror for Science,” 21–26; Richard
A. L. J ONES, “Reflecting on Public Engagement
and Science Policy,” 27–31 [ref. 3856]; Hepeng J IA 171. F ULLER, Steve. “On Commodification and the
and Li L IU, “Unbalanced Progress: The Hard Road Progress of Knowledge in Society: A Defence.” Part
from Science Popularisation to Public Engagement of the focus section “Economic Aspects of Science”
with Science in China,” 32–37 [ref. 3465]; Patrick [ref. 178]. Spontan. Gen. 7 (2013): 12–20.
S TURGIS, “On the Limits of Public Engagement
for the Governance of Emerging Technologies,” 172. H AGNER, Michael. (Ed.) Wissenschaft und
38–42; Maja H ORST, “On the Weakness of Strong Demokratie. (284 pp.; ill.) Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2012.
Ties,” 43–47 [ref. 3981]; Michael M. B URGESS, ISBN : 9783518260470.
“From ‘Trust Us’ to Participatory Governance:
Reviews: [ref. R410]
Deliberative Publics and Science Policy,” 48–52
[ref. 3485]; David H. G USTON, “Building the Ca-
pacity for Public Engagement with Science in the 173. H AYWARD, Rhodri. “The Pursuit of Serenity:
United States,” 53–59 [ref. 4045]; Brian W YNNE, Psychological Knowledge and the Making of the
“Further Disorientation in the Hall of Mirrors,” British Welfare State.” In History and Psyche, edited
60–70; Alan I RWIN, “From Deficit to Democracy by A LEXANDER and TAYLOR (2012) [ref. 138], 283–
(Re-Visited),” 71–76; Pat J. G EHRKE, “Ecologi- 304.
cal Validity and the Study of Publics: The Case
for Organic Public Engagement Methods,” 77–91;
Benjamin K. H AYWOOD and John C. B ESLEY, 174. H ILAIRE -P ÉREZ, Liliane, Christine
“Education, Outreach, and Inclusive Engagement: M AC L EOD, and Alessandro N UVOLARI. “Innova-
Towards Integrated Indicators of Successful Pro- tion without Patents: An Introduction.” Introduction
gram Outcomes in Participatory Science,” 92–106; to a special issue on the relationship between patents,
Hauke R IESCH and Clive P OTTER, “Citizen Sci- economics and innovation. Rev. Écon. 64 (2013):
ence as Seen by Scientists: Methodological, Epis- 5–8.
temological and Ethical Dimensions,” 107–120. Contents: Berris C HARNLEY, “Seeds Without
Patents: Science and Morality in British Plant
Breeding in the Long Nineteenth-Century,” 69–87
21. SCIENCE AND ETHICS [ref. 2090]; B. Zorina K HAN, “Going for Gold:
Industrial Fairs and Innovation in the Nineteenth-
167. S PERLING, Stefan. Reasons of Conscience: The Century United States,” 89–113 [ref. 2469]; Peter
Bioethics Debate in Germany. (333 pp.) Chicago; B. M EYER, “The Airplane as an Open-Source
London: The University of Chicago Press, 2013. Invention,” 115–132 [ref. 3459]; Nicoletta C OR -
ISBN : 9780226924311. ROCHER, “The Development of Short Message
Reviews: [ref. R968] Services: Standard Organizations as Engines of
Innovations,” 149–163 [ref. 3889].

LAW, AND ECONOMICS Wiebe E B IJKER. Vulnerability in Technological Cul-
168. A SHWORTH, William J. “The British Industrial tures: New Directions in Research and Governance.
Revolution and the Ideological Revolution: Science, (xi + 382 pp.) Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT
Neoliberalism and History.” Hist. Sci. 52, no. 2 Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780262027106.
(2014): 178–199.
176. P ESTRE, Dominique. À contre-science : Po-
169. C AUDILL, David Stanley. Stories about Science litiques et savoirs des sociétés contemporaines. La
in Law: Literary and Historical Images of Acquired couleur des idées. (250 pp.) Paris: Éd. du Seuil,
Expertise. Law, language and communication. (viii + 2013. ISBN: 9782021079203.
156 pp.) Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub., 2011. ISBN: Reviews: [ref. R789]

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12 28. Science & religion

177. P OPPLOW, Marcus. “Kommentar: 184. M ÜLLER -W ILLE, Staffan. “Race and History:
‘Ökonomische Kalküle um Ressourcen’— Comments from an Epistemological Point of View.”
Überlegungen zur Kontextualisierung der Beiträge Article in a special issue, “Technologies of Belong-
des Themenheftes aus frühneuzeitlicher Perspektive.” ing” [ref. 3678]. Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 4
Part of a special issue, “Ressourcen” [ref. 291]. Ber. (2014): 597–606.
Wissenschaftsgesch. 37, no. 1 (2014): 78–84.
185. V ÁZQUEZ G ARC ÍA, Francisco. La invención
178. T HICKE, Mike. “Economic Aspects of Science: del racismo: nacimiento de la biopolı́tica en España,
Editor’s Introduction.” Introduction to the focus 1600–1940. Akal Universitaria. Interdisciplinar; 286.
section “Economic Apects of Science.” Spontan. (255 pp.) Madrid: Akal Ediciones, 2009. ISBN:
Gen. 7 (2013): 1–5. 9788446027348.
Contents: Esther-Mirjam S ENT, “The Economics Reviews: [ref. R1039]
of Science in Historical and Disciplinary Perspec-
tive,” 6–11 [ref. 3498]; Steve F ULLER, “On Com-
modification and the Progress of Knowledge in
Society: A Defence,” 12–20 [ref. 171]; Mark B. 27. SCIENCE AND GENDER
B ROWN, “Public University Funding and the Pri- 186. D INGES, Martin. “Die Gesundheit von Jungen
vatization of Politics,” 21–28 [ref. 3525]; David und männlichen Jugendlichen in historischer Perspek-
T YFIELD, “Transition to Science 2.0: ‘Remoraliz- tive (1780–2010).” Med. Gesell. Gesch. 29 (2011):
ing’ the Economy of Science,” 29–48 [ref. 3982]; 97–122.
Kean B IRCH, “The Political Economy of Techno-
science: An Emerging Research Agenda,” 49–61
[ref. 57]; Marion B LUTE, “The Evolutionary Eco- 187. P ÉREZ -B USTOS, Tania. “Of Caring Practices
nomics of Science,” 62–68 [ref. 143]. in the Public Communication of Science: Seeing
through Trans Women Scientists’ Experiences.” Signs
39, no. 4 (2014): 857–866.
179. W EBER, Christian P. “Particular Universals—
Universal Particulars: Biopolitical Metaphors and the
Emergence of Nationalism in Europe (1650–1815).”
Hist. Europ. Ideas 39 (2013): 426–448. 28. SCIENCE AND RELIGION
188. C ARNEIRO, Ana, Ana S IMOES, Maria Paula
D IOGO, and Teresa Salomé M OTA. “Geology and
23. SCIENCE AND CULTURE: LITERATURE Religion in Portugal.” Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 67,
AND THE ARTS no. 4 (2013): 331–354.
180. E LSTON, M. Melissa. “Subverting Visual Dis-
courses of Gender and Geography: Kent Monkman’s 189. D UDINK, Ad. “Biblical Chronology and the
Revised Iconography of the American West.” J. Amer. Transmission of the Theory of Six “World Ages”
Cult. 35 (2012): 181–190. to China: Gezhi Aolüe (Outline of the Mystery
[Revealed through] Natural Science; before 1723).”
EASTM 35 (2012): 89–138.
181. KOSTIHOVA, Marcela. “Richard Recast: Re-
naissance Disability in a Postcommunist Culture.”
In Recovering Disability in Early Modern England, 190. H ILDERING, Peter, Luca C ONSOLI, and Riyan
edited by H OBGOOD and W OOD (2013) [ref. 1221], van den B ORN. “Denying Darwin: Views on Science
136–149. in the Rejection of Evolution by Dutch Protestants.”
On the staging of Shakespeare’s Richard III in the Public Underst. Sci. 22 (2013): 988–998.
Czech Republic and the modern interpretation of An analysis of interviews with ten Dutch Protes-
Richard’s deformity, tants.

182. S ABERNIG, Katharina Anna. “On the History 191. H ORST, Steven. “Miracles and Two Accounts
of the Murals in the Medical College at Labrang of Scientific Laws.” Zygon 49 (2014): 323–347.
Monastery.” Part of a special issue: Diversity of
Medicine in China and Chinese Medicine in Europe 192. I SHAK, Mohd. Shuhaimi Bin, and Sayed Sikan-
[ref. 554]. Asian Med. 7, no. 2 (2014): 358–383. dar Shah H ANEEF. “Reproductive Technology: A
Critical Analysis of Theological Responses in Chris-
tianity and Islam.” Zygon 49 (2014): 396–413.
ETHNICITY 193. M EER, Jitse van der. “Background Beliefs,
Ideology, and Science.” Perspect. Sci. Christ. Faith
183. G OMES, Flávio. “A demografia atlântica dos
65, no. 2 (2013): 87–103.
africanos no Rio de Janeiro, séculos XVII, XVIII e
XIX: algumas configurações a partir dos registros
eclesiásticos.” Article in a supplementary issue, 194. N UMMEDAL, Tara. “Alchemy and Religion in
“Health and Slavery” [ref. 2373]. Manguinhos 19, Christian Europe.” Introduction to a special issue,
suppl. 1 (2012): 81–106. “Alchemy and Religion in Christian Europe.” Ambix
60, no. 4 (2013): 311–322.

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28. Science & religion 13

Contents: Zachary M ATUS, “Resurrected Bodies

and Roger Bacon’s Elixir,” 323–340 [ref. 931];
Georgiana D. H EDESAN, “Reproducing the Tree
of Life: Radical Prolongation of Life and Bibli-
cal Interpretation in Seventeenth-Century Medical
Alchemy,” 341–360 [ref. 1404]; Peter J. F OR -
SHAW , “Cabala Chymica or Chemia Cabalistica—
Early Modern Alchemists and Cabala,” 361–389
[ref. 1119]; Donna B ILAK, “Alchemy and the
End Times: Revelations from the Laboratory and
Library of John Allin, Puritan Alchemist (1623–
1683),” 390–414 [ref. 1403].

195. W OUDENBERG, René van. “Limits of Science

and the Christian Faith.” Perspect. Sci. Christ. Faith
65, no. 1 (2013): 24–36.

196. YOUNG, Francis. English Catholics and the

Supernatural, 1553–1829. Catholic Christendom,
1300–1700. (xii + 308 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Burling-
ton, VT: Ashgate, 2013. ISBN: 9781472401625.
Reviews: [ref. R1106]

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D. Aspects of Scientific Practice and Organization

40. SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS the Late-Eighteenth Century,” 79–100 [ref. 1575];

Isabel M ALAQUIAS, “Instruments in Transit: The
197. D ELFT, Dirk van. “Museum Boerhaave en het
Santo Ildefonso Treaty and the Brazilian Border
primaat van de collectie.” Studium 6, no. 3/4 (2013):
Demarcations,” 101–116 [ref. 1029]; Richard L.
K REMER, “Talk, Tariffs and Trade: Restricting
the Global Circulation of Scientific Instruments
198. H OULTZ, Anders. “Displaying the Polar Na- in Britain after the First World War,” 117–142
tion: Nordic Museum Exhibits and Polar Ambitions.” [ref. 1859]; Bruno C APIL É and Moema de Resende
In Science, Geopolitics and Culture in the Polar Re- V ERGARA, “The Development of the Lausse-
gion, edited by S ÖRLIN (2013) [ref. 2800], 293–327. dat Phototheodolite and Its Use on the Brazil-
Argentina Border,” 143–158 [ref. 2791]; Valeria
F REITAS and Marcio R ANGEL, “The Trajectory
199. K AISERFELD, Thomas. “Why New Hybrid
of Chromatography in Brazil: The Case of the
Organizations Are Formed: Historical Perspectives
Gas Chromatograph,” 161–172 [ref. 2764]; Adri-
on Epistemic and Academic Drift.” Minerva 51, no.
ana Mortara A LMEIDA, “Instituto Butantan’s First
2 (2013): 171–194.
Electron Microscope,” 173–184 [ref. 2370]; Adri-
ana M INOR, “Shaping ‘Good Neighbor’ Practices
in Science: Mobility of Physics Instruments be-
41. SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS tween the United States and Mexico, 1932–1951,”
200. ACKERMANN, Silke, Richard L. K REMER, 185–206 [ref. 2739]; Marcus G RANATO et al.,
and Mara M INIATI. (Eds.) Scientific Instruments “Scientific Heritage in Brazil: Surveying Collec-
on Display. Scientific Instruments and Collections, tions and Groups of Artefacts from the ‘Exact’
Volume 4. (280 pp.; ill.) Boston: Brill, 2014. ISBN: Sciences and Engineering,” 207–227 [ref. 202];
9789004264397. Marcus G RANATO and Liliane Bispo dos S ANTOS,
Partial contents: Richard L. K REMER, “Looking “The Physics Teaching Instruments at Colégio
at scientific instruments on display at the United Pedro Ii, Rio De Janeiro: Study and Prelimi-
States Centennial Exhibition of 1876,” 109–131. nary Results,” 231–246 [ref. 2644]; Reginaldo
Alberto M ELONI, “Tools for Teaching Physics
and Chemistry in Secondary Schools: The Case
201. F IGUEIR ÔA, Silvia F. de M. “Uses and Circu- of the Colégio Culto à Ciência, Brazil, 1899–
lation of Historical Scientific Instruments.” In Scien- 1902,” 247–258 [ref. 1868]; Maria Cristina de
tific Instruments in the History of Science, edited by Senzi Z ANCUL and Elton de Oliveira BARRETO,
G RANATO and L OURENÇO (2014) [ref. 203], 15–32. “Scientific Instruments for Physics Teaching in
Brazilian Secondary Schools, 1931–1961,” 259–
202. G RANATO, Marcus, Marta C. L OURENÇO, 276 [ref. 2659]; Katya Mitsuko Zuquim B RAGH -
Elias da Silva M AIA, Fernanda Pires S ANTOS, Gloria INI , “The Collection of Scientific Instruments of
Gelmini de C ASTRO, and Mariana S. DAMASCENO. the Colégio Marista Arquidiocesano Museum, São
“Scientific Heritage in Brazil: Surveying Collections Paulo: Origins, Context and Significance,” 277–
and Groups of Artefacts from the ‘Exact’ Sciences 296 [ref. 1864]; Maria Estela JARDIM and Marı́lia
and Engineering.” In Scientific Instruments in the His- P ERES, “Photographing Microscopic Preparations
tory of Science, edited by G RANATO and L OURENÇO in the Nineteenth Century: Techniques and Instru-
(2014) [ref. 203], 207–227. mentation,” 299–318 [ref. 1858]; Télio C RAVO,
“Scientific Instruments, Booksellers and Engineers
in Imperial Brazil: Building Bridges and Roads in
203. G RANATO, Marcus, and Marta C. L OURENÇO.
Minas Gerais, 1835–1889,” 319–343 [ref. 2451];
(Eds.) Scientific Instruments in the History of Sci-
Pedro Paulo S OARES and Inês Santos N OGUEIRA,
ence: Studies in Transfer, Use and Preservation. (393
“Health Collections in Museums: The Case of the
pp.; e-book.) Rio de Janeiro: Museu de Astronomia e
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation,” 345–353 [ref. 3128].
Ciências Afins, 2014. ISBN: 9788560069576.
Contents: Silvia F. de M. F IGUEIR ÔA, “Uses
and Circulation of Historical Scientific Instru- 204. PASACHOFF, Jay M. “A History of Telescopes.”
ments,” 15–32 [ref. 201]; Oscar T. M ATSUURA J. Hist. Astron. 45, no. 2 (2014): 256–258.
and Huib J. Z UIDERVAART, “America’s Earli- Essay review of Bernhard R. B RANDL, Remko
est (European-Style) Astronomical Observatory, S TUIK, and J. K. K ATGERT-M ERKELIJN (eds.),
Founded and Used by Georg Marggrafe in Dutch 400 Years of Astronomical Telescopes (2010).
Colonial Brazil, 1638–1643,” 33–52 [ref. 1582];
Samuel G ESSNER, “The Use of Useless Instru-
ments: The Gnomonic Inventions by V. Estancel
(S. J.) in Transit through the Portuguese Empire 42. SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION; EDUCATIONAL
(1650–1680),” 53–68 [ref. 1287]; Sara J. S CHECH - INSTITUTIONS
NER , “How Telescopes Came to New England,
1620–1740,” 69–78 [ref. 1290]; Richard D UNN, 205. ROCHA, Vânia, Evelyse dos Santos L EMOS,
“Heaving a Little Ballast: Seaborne Astronomy in and Virginia S CHALL. “Avaliação da aprendizagem

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43. Professional activities of scientists 15

sobre saúde, em visita ao Museu da Vida.” Manguin-

hos 17, no. 2 (2010): 357–378.


206. B ODENMANN, Siegfried, and Anne-Lise R EY.
“La guerre en lettres : La controverse scientifique dans
les correspondances des Lumières.” Introduction to
a special issue, “La guerre en lettres: La controverse
scientifique dans les correspondances des Lumières.”
Rev. Hist. Sci. 66, no. 2 (2013): 233–248.
Contents: Catherine G OLDSTEIN, “Routine
Controversies : Mathematical Challenges in Mer-
senne’s Correspondence,” 249–273 [ref. 1250];
Anne-Lise R EY, “L’expérience de pensée au péril
de la fiction : Le cas de la correspondance entre
Leibniz et Papin,” 275–298 [ref. 1251]; Hubert
S TEINKE, “Albrecht von Haller, patron dans son
réseau : le rôle de la correspondance dans les
controverses scientifiques,” 325–359 [ref. 1511];
Siegfried B ODENMANN, “Faux accords et vrais
désaccords : Rhétoriques et stratégies de la contro-
verse dans le réseau de correspondance de Leon-
hard Euler,” 361–394 [ref. 1509].

207. V ERTESI, Janet. “Seamful Spaces: Heteroge-

neous Infrastructures in Interaction.” Sci. Tech. Hum.
Val. 39, no. 2 (2014): 264–284.
On contemporary environments in the laboratory
and their “multiple, coexisting, nonconforming

208. VOORHOEVE, Jutta. Welten schaffen: Zeichnen

und Schreiben als Verfahren der Konstruktion. Wissen
im Entwurf, 4. (208 pp.; ill.) Zurich: Diaphanes,
2011. ISBN: 9783037340547.
Reviews: [ref. R1045]

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E. Disciplinary Classification

101. OCCULTISM AND NATURAL MAGIC 216. S CHUMANN, Andrew. (Ed.) Logic in Central
and Eastern Europe: History, Science, and Discourse.
209. M C C ORRISTINE, Shane. Spectres of the Self: (xxviii + 730 pp.) Lanham, MD: University Press of
Thinking about Ghosts and Ghost-Seeing in England, America, 2013. ISBN: 9780761858911.
1750–1920. (x + 275 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Cam- Reviews: [ref. R911]
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. ISBN:
Reviews: [ref. R670] 217. VOLLMER, Gerhard. “Gretchenfragen an den
Naturalisten.” Phil. Natur. 49, no. 2 (2012): 239–291.
210. S EMETSKY, Inna. Re-Symbolization of the Self:
Human Development and Tarot Hermeneutic. Trans- 218. WARD, Ann. (Ed.) Matter and Form: From
gressions. (vii + 189 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Boston: Natural Science to Political Philosophy. (xxvi + 241
Sense Publishers, 2011. ISBN: 9789460914218. pp.; ill.; index.) Lanham, MD: Lexington Books,
Includes a history of Tarot as it relates to human 2009. ISBN: 9780739135686.
experience and health as well as personal stories. Contents: Douglas A L -M AINI, “The Polis Philoso-
Reviews: [ref. R926] phers,” 3–18 [ref. 739]; Ann WARD, “The Im-
mortality of the Soul and the Origin of the
Cosmos in Plato’s Phaedo,” 19–34 [ref. 760];
211. S TUCKRAD, Kocku von. Locations of Knowl- Coleen Z OLLER, “Plato’s Science of Living Well,”
edge in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Esoteric 35–44 [ref. 829]; Mostafa YOUNESIE, “Under-
Discourse and Western Identities. Brill’s Studies in standing Aristotle’s Politics through Form and
Intellectual History. (xiv + 242 pp.; bibl.; index.) Matter,” 45–54 [ref. 792]; Michael W EINMAN,
Boston: Brill, 2010. ISBN: 9789004184220. “Making ‘Men See Clearly’: Physical Imperfec-
Includes chapters on neoplatonism and theurgy, tion and Mathematical Order in Ptolemy’s Syn-
experiential knowledge in Suhraward, humanistic taxis,” 57–70 [ref. 770]; Ahmed El-Sayed Ab-
philology and cosmology, Arabic and Christian as- del M EGUID, “Realism and Liberalism in the
trology, and occult science and natural philosophy. Naturalistic-Psychological Roots of Averroēs Cri-
Reviews: [ref. R992] tique of Plato’s Republic,” 71–84 [ref. 465]; David
Lewis S CHAEFER, “Skepticism, Science, and Pol-
itics in Montaigne’s Essays,” 87–102 [ref. 1012];
Dwayne R AYMOND, “Parmenidean Intuitions in
102. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Descartes’ Theory of the Heart’s Motion,” 103–
118 [ref. 1471]; Paul U LRICH, “Hobbe’s Natural
212. A NELLIS, Irving. “Jean van Heijenoort’s Con- Condition and his Natural Science of the Mind in
ception of Modern Logic, in Historical Perspective.” Leviathan,” 119–132 [ref. 1321]; Juhana L EMETTI,
Part of a special issue, “Perspectives on the History “From Metaphysics to Ethics and Beyond: Hobbe’s
and Philosophy of Modern Logic: Van Heijenoort Reaction to Aristotelian Essentialism,” 147–162
Centenary” [ref. 74]. Logic. Univers. 6 (2012): 339– [ref. 1307]; Ingrid M AKUS, “Hobbes and Aristotle
409. on Biology, Reason and Reproduction,” 163–176
[ref. 1432]; Lee WARD, “Locke and the Prob-
lematic Relation between Natural Science and
213. DE ROUILHAN, Philippe. “In Defense of Log- Moral Philosophy,” 179–194 [ref. 1255]; Leonard
ical Universalism: Taking Issue with Jean van Hei- R. S ORENSON, “Rousseau’s Botanical-Political
jenoort.” Part of a special issue, “Perspectives on Problem: On the Nature of Nature and Political
the History and Philosophy of Modern Logic: Van Philosophy,” 195–210 [ref. 1658]; Steven ROBIN -
Heijenoort Centenary” [ref. 74]. Logic. Univers. 6 SON , “Contrasting Biological and Humanistic Ap-
(2012): 553–586. proaches to the Evolution of Political Morality,”
Part of this article is on the historiography of 211–228 [ref. 1518].
modern logic presented by Jean van Heijenoort.
Reviews: [ref. R1054]

214. L OTT, Micah. “Does Human Nature Conflict

with Itself?: Human Form and the Harmony of the
Virtues.” Amer. Cath. Phil. Quart. 87 (2013): 657– 103. MATHEMATICS
219. B RUNO, Giuseppe, Andrea G ENOVESE, and
Gennaro I MPROTA. “A Historical Perspective on
215. M ILLER, Franklin G. “Two Philosophical Location Problems.” Brit. Soc. Hist. Math. Bull. 29,
Deaths: Hume and Hitchens.” Perspect. Biol. Med. no. 2 (2014): 83–97.
56 (2013): 251–258. On the evolution of this class of optimization prob-
On how terminal illnesses impacted both philoso- lems in the field of logistics since the work of
phers’ views on medicine. Pierre de Fermat.

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110. Astronomy & cosmology 17

220. D’A LESSANDRO, Paolo, Pier Daniele NAPOLI - 229. S TEDALL, Jacqueline A. The History of Math-
TANI , Cremonensis JACOBUS, and A RCHIMEDES . ematics: A Very Short Introduction. (xvii + 123 pp.;
Archimede latino: Iacopo da San Cassiano e il Cor- ill.) Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press,
pus archimedeo alla metà del Quattrocento: con 2012. ISBN: 9780199599684.
edizione della Circuli dimensio e della Quadratura Reviews: [ref. R977]
parabolae. Sciences et savoirs. Bibliothèque de sci-
ence, tradition et savoirs humanistes. (xviii + 371
pp.; ill.) Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2012. ISBN: 230. VAN B RUMMELEN, Glen. Heavenly Mathe-
9782251220017. matics: The Forgotten Art of Spherical Trigonometry.
Reviews: [ref. R226] (xvi + 192 pp.; ill.) Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780691148922.
Reviews: [ref. R1035]
221. D ESPEAUX, Sloan Evans. “Questions/ réponses
dans les périodiques britanniques des XVIIIe et XIXe
siècles : un genre éditorial à la croisée de deux pra- 231. V ITTORI, Thomas De. “History in Mathematics
tiques mathématiques.” Rev. Hist. Math. 20 (2014): Teaching: Current Problems and New Proposals.”
5–71. Almagest 3, no. 1 (2012): 62–77.

222. G ERBINO, Anthony. Geometrical Objects: 232. WAGNER, Roy. “A Historically and Philo-
Architecture and the Mathematical Sciences 1400– sophically Informed Approach to Mathematical
1800. Archimedes: new studies in the history and Metaphors.” Int. Stud Phil Sci. 27 (2013): 109–135.
philosophy of science and technology; volume 38.
(xiv + 318 pp.; ill.) Cham: Springer, 2014. ISBN:
104. MUSIC
223. G RIFFIN, David. “Ut Pictura Poesis: Drawing 233. S PARROW, Victor. “Harvey Hubbard and
into Space.” Leonardo 46 (2013): 353–359. the Acoustical Society of America Oral Histories
Project.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 135 (2014).
224. H INTIKKA, Jaakko. “Which Mathematical
Logic is the Logic of Mathematics?” Part of a special
issue, “Perspectives on the History and Philosophy of
Modern Logic: Van Heijenoort Centenary” [ref. 74]. 110. ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY
Logic. Univers. 6 (2012): 459–475.
234. B OBIS, Laurence, and James L EQUEUX. (Eds.)
L’Observatoire de Paris : 350 ans de science.
225. JANKVIST, Uffe Thomas. “A Historical Teach- (176 pp.; ill.) Paris: Gallimard, 2012. ISBN:
ing Module on ‘The Unreasonable Effectiveness of 9782070138067.
Mathematics’: Boolean Algebra and Shannon Cir- Reviews: [ref. R97]
cuits.” Brit. Soc. Hist. Math. Bull. 29, no. 2 (2014):
235. D ICK, Steven J. Discovery and Classification in
Astronomy: Controversy and Consensus. (xvi + 458
226. K ATZ, Mikhail G. “Almost Equal: The Method pp.; ill.) New york, NY: Cambridge University Press,
of Adequality from Diophantus to Fermat and Be- 2013. ISBN: 9781107033610.
yond.” Perspect. Sci. 21, no. 3 (2013): 283–324.
Reviews: [ref. R258]

227. L UPACCHINI, Rossella. “Hilbert’s Axiomatics

as ‘Symbolic Form’?” Introduction to a special issue, 236. H ORSK Ý, Zdenek. Historické vedecké prı́stroje
“Hilbert’s Axiomatics—Geometry, Physics, Logic.” v mikulovských sbı́rkách: katalog vedeckých prı́stroju
Perspect. Sci. 22, no. 1 (2014): 1–34. z 16. az 19. stoletı́ ve sbı́rkách Regionálnı́ho muzea
Contents: John S TILLWELL, “Ideal Elements in v Mikulove. (165 pp.; ill.) Mikulov: Regionálnı́
Hilbert’s Geometry,” 35–55 [ref. 1917]; Ulrich muzeum v Mikulove, 2011. ISBN: 9788085088397.
M AJER, “The ‘Axiomatic Method’ and Its Consti- Reviews: [ref. R466]
tutive Role in Physics,” 56–79 [ref. 248]; Miklós
R ÉDEI, “Hilbert’s 6th Problem and Axiomatic 237. KOSSO, Peter. “Void Points, Rosettes, and a
Quantum Field Theory,” 80–97 [ref. 2742]; V. Brief History of Planetary Astronomy.” Phys. Persp.
Michele A BRUSCI, “On Hilbert’s Axiomatics of 15 (2013): 373–390.
Propositional Logic,” 115–132 [ref. 2681]; Wil-
fried S IEG, “The Ways of Hilbert’s Axiomatics:
Structural and Formal,” 133–157 [ref. 2697]. 238. L EIT ÃO, Henrique de Sousa. Estrelas de Papel:
Livros De Astronomia Dos Séculos XIV a XVIII.
Catálogos. (197 pp.; ill.) Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional
228. R ASHED, Roshdi. D’al-Khwārizmı̄ à Des- de Portugal, 2009. ISBN: 9789725654422.
cartes : études sur l’histoire des mathématiques clas-
siques. (795 pp.) Paris: Hermann, 2011. ISBN:
9782705681913. 239. MPA. “Contact Sheet of Nike Missiles for a
Reviews: [ref. 907] Moon Calendar.” Women’s Stud. 41 (2013): 31–37.

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18 120. Earth & atmospheric sciences

240. R ICHTER, Peter H. “Gedanken zur Zeit.” Phil. 250. T UNIZ, Claudio. Radioactivity: A Very Short
Natur. 49, no. 2 (2012): 175–206. Introduction. Very short introductions; 324. (xx +
Explores the history of thinking about time, cal- 154 pp.; ill.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
endars, and celestial phenomena and discusses the ISBN : 9780199692422.
nature of time philosophically. Reviews: [ref. R1020]

241. T OBIN, William. “Transits of Venus and Mer-

cury as Muses.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 16, no. 3 113. CHEMISTRY
(2013): 224–249. 251. A POTHEKER, Jan, and Livia Simon S ARKADI.
(Eds.) European Women in Chemistry. Forward by
Nicole J. M OREAU. (239 pp.; ill.) Wiley-VCH:
111. ASTROLOGY Weinheim, 2011. ISBN: 9783527329564.
From the 16th to the 21st centuries.
242. S MITH, Kelly M. “Astrologie und Natur- Reviews: [ref. R32]
philosophie in den Kalendern.” In Astronomie—
Literatur—Volksaufklärung, edited by H ERBST
(2012) [ref. 1083], 469–476. 252. ATKINS, P. W. Physical Chemistry: A Very
Short Introduction. Very short introductions; 385.
(xvii + 128 pp.; ill.) Oxford: Oxford University
112. PHYSICS; PHYSICAL SCIENCES, Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780199689095.
253. C AUS Á, Mauro, Andreas S AVIN, and Bernard
243. A NDRADE, Elaine Maria Paiva de, Jean FABER, S ILVI. “Atoms and Bonds in Molecules and Chemical
and Luiz Pinguelli ROSA. “A Spontaneous Physics Explanations.” Found. Chem. 16 (2014): 3–26.
Philosophy on the Concept of Ether Throughout the
History of Science: Birth, Death and Revival.” Found.
Sci. 18 (2013): 559–577. 254. C RESSY, David. Saltpeter: The Mother of
Gunpowder. (xii + 237 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Oxford:
Oxford University Pres, 2013. ISBN: 978019969575.
244. C APECCHI, Danilo. History of Virtual Work Reviews: [ref. R218]
Laws: A History of Mechanics Prospective. Science
networks historical studies; 42. (xii + 492 pp.; ill.)
Milan; New York: Birkhäuser/Springer, 2012. ISBN: 255. M ARQUES, Carlos Alberto, and Adélio A. S. C.
9788847020559. M ACHADO. “Environmental Sustainability: Implica-
Reviews: [ref. R161] tions and Limitations to Green Chemistry.” Found.
Chem. 16, no. 2 (2014): 125–147.
245. F OLSE, Henry. Essay review. Ann. Sci. 71
(2014): 123–127. 256. M ENTEN, Pierre de. Dictionnaire de chi-
Essay review of Helge K RAGH, Higher Specula- mie : une approche étymologique et historique.
tions (2011). (395 pp.; ill.) Bruxelles: De Boeck, 2013. ISBN:
Reviews: [ref. R684]
246. G ARCIA, Sarah, April H ANKINS, and Homeyra
S ADAGHIANI. “The Impact of the History of Physics
on Student Attitude and Conceptual Understanding 114. ALCHEMY
of Physics.” AIP Conf. Proc. 1289; no.1 (2010):
141–144. 257. P ÉREZ PARIENTE, Joaquı́n. “La alquimia y su
Part of the 2010 Physics Education Research Con- relación con la ciencia.” Abaco 63 (2010): 23–31.


247. L E G ARS, Stéphane. Une histoire de la
lumière : la spectroscopie. (iv + 154 pp.; ill.; index.) 258. B ÜNTGEN, Ulf, and Lena H ELLMANN. “The
Paris: Adapt, 2010. ISBN: 9782311008593. Little Ice Age in Scientific Perspective: Cold Spells
Reviews: [ref. R593] and Caveats.” J. Interdis. Hist. 44 (2014): 353–368.

248. M AJER, Ulrich. “The ‘Axiomatic Method’ and 259. K R ÜGER, Tobias. Discovering the Ice Ages:
Its Constitutive Role in Physics.” Part of a special International Reception and Consequences for a
issue, “Hilbert’s Axiomatics—Geometry, Physics, Historical Understanding of Climate. (xix + 534 pp.;
Logic” [ref. 227]. Perspect. Sci. 22, no. 1 (2014): ill.) Leiden: Brill, 2013. ISBN: 9789004241695.
260. M ONTGOMERY, David R. The Rocks Don’t Lie:
249. ROCA -ROSELL, Antoni, and Xavier ROQU É. A Geologist Investigates Noah’s Flood. (xiv + 302
“Physical Science in Barcelona.” Phys. Persp. 15 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) New York: W. W. Norton,
(2013): 470–498. 2012. ISBN: 9780393082395.
A description of the sites of historical importance On flood accounts from Nicholas Steno’s time to
for the history of physics in Spain. the present.
Reviews: [ref. R704]

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121. Geography; cartography; exploration 19

261. M ORGAN, Ruth A. “Histories for an Uncertain 269. M C C ARTHY, Michael. “Who Do You Trust?
Future: Environmental History and Climate Change.” Discrepancies Between the ‘Official and Unofficial’
Austral. Hist. Stud. 44 (2013): 350–360. Sources Recording Explorers’ Perceptions of Places
On weather measurement and change since the and Their People.” In European Perceptions of Terra
British colonisation of Australia. Australis, edited by S COTT et al. (2011) [ref. 276],
262. O RESKES, Naomi. “Scaling Up Our Vision.”
Part of a focus section on: “Focus: Knowing the 270. M C C ONNELL, Anita, Jean-Pierre M ARTIN, and
Ocean: A Role for the History of Science” [ref. 264]. Suzanne D ÉBARBAT. Méridien, méridienne : textes,
Isis 105, no. 2 (2014): 379–391. enjeux, débats et passions autour des méridiens
de Paris et de Greenwich (1783–2000). (165 pp;
ill.) Cherbourg: Editions Isoète, 2013. ISBN:
263. O RESKES, Naomi. “Why I Am a Presentist.” 9782357760592.
Article in a special issue, “Approaches, Styles, and Reviews: [ref. R668]
Narratives: Reflections on Doing History of Science”
[ref. 65]. Sci. Context 26, no. 4 (2013): 595–609.
On the difference between geologists’ and histori- 271. OTTAVIANI, Alessandro. “Le mappe del
ans’ views of the past. tempo.” Galilæana 10 (2013): 245–255.
Essay review of Daniel ROSENBERG and An-
thony G RAFTON, Cartografie del tempo (2012)
264. ROZWADOWSKI, Helen M. “Knowing the [ref. 273].
Ocean: A Role for the History of Science.” Lead
article in a focus section on: “Focus: Knowing the
Ocean: A Role for the History of Science.” Isis 105, 272. P ENMAN, Leigh T. I. “The Wicked and the Fair:
no. 2 (2014): 335–337. Changing Perceptions of Terra Australis through the
Contents: Michael S. R EIDY and Helen M. Prism of the Batavia Shipreck (1629).” In European
ROZWADOWSKI, “The Spaces in Between: Sci- Perceptions of Terra Australis, edited by S COTT et al.
ence, Ocean, Empire,” 338–351 [ref. 2024]; Jacob (2011) [ref. 276], 247–272.
Darwin H AMBLIN, “Seeing the Oceans in the
Shadow of Bergen Values,” 352–363 [ref. 2794]; 273. ROSENBERG, Daniel, and Anthony G RAFTON.
Jennifer H UBBARD, “In the Wake of Politics: The Cartografie del tempo: una storia della linea del
Political and Economic Construction of Fisheries tempo. (xx + 322 pp.) Torino: Einaudi, 2012. ISBN:
Biology, 1860–1970,” 364–378 [ref. 2522]; Naomi 9788806209476.
O RESKES, “Scaling Up Our Vision,” 379–391 Reviews: [ref. 271]
[ref. 262].
274. S AUNDERS, Ian. Printed Maps of Lancashire:
265. S ANZ, José Ubaldo Benados, Francisco Javier The First Two Hundred Years. New Series of Re-
Hernando O RTEGA, Gonzalo Madrazo G ARC ÍA DE source Papers, No. 6. (120 pp.; ill.; maps.) , 2013.
L OMANA, and José Antolı́n Nieto S ÁNCHEZ. “En- ISBN : 9781862203075.
ergy Consumpstion in Madrid, 1561 to c. 1860.” In From the mid-16th to late 18th centuries.
Common Ground, edited by M ASSARD -G UILBAUD
and M OSLEY (2011) [ref. 296], 316–339. Reviews: [ref. R889]

266. U D ÍAS, Agustı́n. “Development of Seismology 275. S CAFI, Alessandro. Maps of Paradise. (176
in Spain in the Context of the Three Large Earth- pp.; ill.; maps.) Chicago: The University of Chicago
quakes of 1755, 1884 and 1954.” Earth Sci. Hist. 32, Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780226082615.
no. 2 (2013): 186–203. On ideas about the location of the Garden of Eden.
Reviews: [ref. R894]

121. GEOGRAPHY; CARTOGRAPHY; 276. S COTT, Anne M, Alfred H IATT, Claire M C I L -

EXPLORATION ROY, and Christopher W ORTHAM . (Eds.) European
Perceptions of Terra Australis. (xviii + 314 pp.; ill.;
267. C OURCELLES, Dominique de. (Ed.) Parcourir bibl.; index.) Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2011. ISBN:
le monde. Voyages d’Orient. Études et rencontres de 9781409439417.
l’école des chartes, 40. (234 pp.; ill.) Paris: École des Contents: Anne M. S COTT, “Preceptions,” 1–8;
chartes, 2013. ISBN: 9782357230323. Alfred H IATT, “Terra Australis and the Idea of
Reviews: [ref. R211] Antipodes,” 9–44 [ref. 1610]; Bill L EADBETTER,
“The Roman South,” 45–60 [ref. 795]; Christopher
W ORTHAM, “Meanings of the South: From the
268. F OURNIER -A NTONINI, Guenièvre. Barcelone, Mappaemundi to Shakespeare’s Othello,” 61–82
Gênes et Marseille : Cartographies et images, XVIe- [ref. 278]; W. A. R. (Bill) R ICHARDSON, “Terra
XIXe siècle. Terrarum Orbis: History of the Rep- Australis, Jave la Grande and Australia: Identity
resentation of Space in Text and Image. (863 pp.; Problems and Fiction,” 83–110 [ref. 1154]; Mar-
ill.; bibl.; index.) Turnhout: Brepols, 2012. ISBN: garet S ANKEY, “Mapping Terra Australis in the
9782503544922. French Seventeenth Century: The Mémoires of the
Reviews: [ref. R329] Abbé Jean Paulmier,” 111–134 [ref. 1414]; Mer-
cedes Maroto C AMINO, “Ceremonial Encounters:

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20 123. Environmental sciences

Spanish Perceptions of the South Pacific, 1567– 284. S HAW, David Gary. “A Way with Animals.”
1794,” 135–164 [ref. 1140]; Jean F ORNASIERO Special Issue: Does History Need Animals? Hist. &
and John W EST-S OOBY, “Naming and Sham- Theory 52, no. 4 (2013): 1–12.
ing: The Baudin Expedition and the Politics of Contents: Erica F UDGE, “Milking Other Men’s
Nomenclature in the Terres Australes,” 165–184 Beasts,” 13–28 [ref. 1493]; Vinciane D ESPRET,
[ref. 1609]; Michael M C C ARTHY, “Who Do You “From Secret Agents to Interagency,” 29–44
Trust? Discrepancies Between the ‘Official and [ref. 2083]; Thierry H OQUET, “Animal Individ-
Unofficial’ Sources Recording Explorers’ Per- uals: A Plea for a Nominalistic Turn in Animal
ceptions of Places and Their People,” 185–210 Studies?” 68–90 [ref. 1647]; Susan P EARSON,
[ref. 269]; Katrina O’L OUGHLIN, “ ‘My Own “Speaking Bodies, Speaking Minds: Animals,
Slender Remarks’: Global Networks of Slavery and Language, History,” 91–108 [ref. 2252]; Mahesh
Sociability in Mary Ann Parker’s Voyage to New R ANGARAJAN, “Animals with Rich Histories: The
South Wales (1795),” 211–232 [ref. 2023]; Norman Case of the Lions of Gir Forest, Gujarat, India,”
E THERINGTON, “Recovering the Imperial Context 109–127 [ref. 625]; Chris P EARSON, “Dogs, His-
of the Mid-Victorian Exploration of Northern Aus- tory, and Agency,” 128–145 [ref. 2856].
tralia, 1855–57,” 233–246 [ref. 2011]; Leigh T. I.
P ENMAN, “The Wicked and the Fair: Changing
Perceptions of Terra Australis through the Prism of 123. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
the Batavia Shipreck (1629),” 247–272 [ref. 272].
Reviews: [ref. R918] 285. AVANGO, Dag, Louwrens H ACQUEBORD, and
Urban W R ÅKBERG. “Industrial Extraction of Arc-
tic Natural Resources since the Sixteenth Century:
277. VAN DEN H OONAARD, Will C. Map Worlds: A Technoscience and Geo-Economics in the History of
History of Women in Cartography. (xv + 377 pp.; ill.; Northern Whaling and Mining.” J. Hist. Geogr. 44
maps.) Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University (2014): 15–30.
Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781554589326.
Reviews: [ref. R1036]
286. B LACK, Brian C. Crude Reality: Petroleum in
World History. Exploring World History. (x + 277
278. W ORTHAM, Christopher. “Meanings of the pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Lanham, Md.: Rowman and
South: From the Mappaemundi to Shakespeare’s Littlefield, 2012. ISBN: 9780742556546.
Othello.” In European Perceptions of Terra Australis, Reviews: [ref. R83]
edited by S COTT et al. (2011) [ref. 276], 61–82.
287. B OOKER, Matthew Morse. Down by the Bay:
279. W YATT, John, and Paul F OSTER. Use of Imagi- San Francisco’s History between the Tides. (294
nary, Historical, and Actual Maps in Literature: How pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) Berkeley: University of
British and Irish Authors Created Imaginary Worlds California Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780520273207.
to Tell Their Stories (Defoe, Swift, Wordsworth, Reviews: [ref. R105]
Kipling, Joyce, Tolkien). (448 pp.; ill.; maps.) Lewis-
ton: Edwin Mellen, 2013. ISBN: 9780773445475.
288. C ABEZUDO, Diego. “Bioconstrucción: La casa
Reviews: [ref. R1102] sana.” Abaco 63 (2010): 47–53.

289. C USHMAN, Gregory T. Guano and the Opening

122. NATURAL HISTORY of the Pacific World: A Global Ecological History.
280. A NDERSON, John G. T. Deep Things out of Studies in Environment and History. (xxii + 392
Darkness: A History of Natural History. (xvi + 346 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) New York: Cambridge
pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) Berkeley: University of University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781107004139.
California Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780520273764. Reviews: [ref. R224]
Reviews: [ref. R28]
290. DA ROCHA B RANDO, Fernanda, Mariana
Aparecida Bologna Soares de A NDRADE, Fernanda
281. C OOPEY, Richard, and Tim S HAKESHEFF.
Aparecida M EGLIORATTI, and Ana Maria de An-
“Angling and Nature: Environment, Leisure, Class
drade C ALDEIRA. “Contribuições da epistemologia
and Culture in Britain 1750–1975.” In Common
e da história da ecologia para a formação de pro-
Ground, edited by M ASSARD -G UILBAUD and
fessores e pesquisadores.” Fil. Hist. Biol. 7, no. 2
M OSLEY (2011) [ref. 296], 16–41.
(2012): 181–200.

282. G ELDER, Esther van. “Friedrich Wilhelm To- 291. H ALLER, Lea, Sabine H ÖHLER, and Andrea
bias Hunger (1874–1952). Biograaf van botanische W ESTERMANN. “Einleitung: Rechnen mit der Natur:
helden en ‘anti-vaderlander.’ ” Studium 6 (2013):
246–250. Ökonomische Kalküle um Ressourcen.” Introduction
to a special issue, “Ressourcen.” Ber. Wissenschafts-
gesch. 37, no. 1 (2014): 8–19.
283. R EITZ, Elizabeth J., and Martha A. Z IER - Contents: Andrea W ESTERMANN, “Inventu-
DEN . “Wildlife in Urban Charleston, South Carolina, ren der Erde. Vorratsschätzungen für minerali-
USA.” Anthropozoologica 49, no. 1 (2014): 33–46. sche Rohstoffe und die Etablierung der Ressour-
cenökonomie,” 20–40 [ref. 2586]; Lea H ALLER

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123. Environmental sciences 21

and Monika G ISLER, “Lösung für das Knappheits- Future Urban Nature,” 212–224 [ref. 2838].
problem oder nationales Risiko? Auf Erdölsuche in Reviews: [ref. R512]
der Schweiz,” 41–59 [ref. 2577]; Sabine H ÖHLER,
“Von Biodiversität zu Biodiversifizierung: Eine
Neue Ökonomie der Natur?” 60–77 [ref. 3628]; 294. J OSEPHSON, Paul R. An Environmental History
Marcus P OPPLOW, “Kommentar: ‘Ökonomische of Russia. Studies in Environment and History. (vii +
Kalküle um Ressourcen’—Überlegungen zur Kon- 340 pp.; ill.) New York: Cambridge University Press,
textualisierung der Beiträge des Themenheftes aus 2013. ISBN: 9780521869584.
frühneuzeitlicher Perspektive,” 78–84 [ref. 177]. Reviews: [ref. R516]

292. JAS, Nathalie. “Chemicals and Environmental 295. K ILCUP, Karen L. Fallen Forests: Emotion,
History.” Ambix 61, no. 2 (2014): 194–198. Embodiment, and Ethics in American Women’s En-
Essay review of Gwen OTTINGER and Ben- vironmental Writing, 1781–1924. (xv + 504 pp.; ill.;
jamin R. C OHEN (eds.), Technoscience and En- bibl.; index.) Athens, GA: University of Georgia
vironmental Justice (2011); Benjamin ROSS and Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780820332864.
Steven A MTER, The Polluters (2010); David Reviews: [ref. R539]
K INKELA, DDT and the American Century
(2011); Edwin A. M ARTINI, Agent Orange (2012)
296. M ASSARD -G UILBAUD, Geneviève, and
[ref. 3517]; Geneviève M ASSARD -G UILBAUD and
Stephen M OSLEY. (Eds.) Common Ground: Inte-
Stephen M OSLEY (eds.), Common Ground (2011)
grating The Social and Environmental in History.
[ref. 296].
(vii + 404 pp.; ill.; maps.) Newcastle upon Tyne:
Cambridge Scholars, 2011. ISBN: 9781443825498.
293. J ØRGENSEN, Dolly, Finn Arne J ØRGENSEN, Contents: Geneviève M ASSARD -G UILBAUD and
and Sara B P RITCHARD. (Eds.) New Natures: Join- Stephen M OSLEY, “Breaking Down Borders: In-
ing Environmental History with Science and Tech- tegrating the Social and Environmental in His-
nology Studies. (viii + 292 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) tory,” 1–15 [ref. 35]; Richard C OOPEY and Tim
Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013. S HAKESHEFF, “Angling and Nature: Environment,
ISBN : 9780822962427. Leisure, Class and Culture in Britain 1750–1975,”
Contents: Sara B. P RITCHARD, “Joining Envi- 16–41 [ref. 281]; Jean-Francois M ALANGE, “Les
ronmental History with Science and Technology pratiques de pêche à la ligne en France (c. 1870–c.
Studies: Promises, Challenges, and Contributions,” 1930): aux origines d’une conscience environ-
1–18; Anya Z ILBERSTEIN, “The Natural His- nementale,” 42–65 [ref. 2059]; John K. WALTON,
tory of Early Northeastern America: An Inexact “Seaside Tourism and Environmental History,”
Science,” 21–36 [ref. 1423]; Frank U EKOTTER, 66–87 [ref. 311]; Philippe C REMIEU -A LCAN,
“Farming and Not Knowing: Agnotology Meets “Le village et le bois: La perception de la na-
Environmental History,” 37–50 [ref. 2534]; Dolly ture et de la forêt à travers les délits forestiers en
J ØRGENSEN, “Environmentalists on Both Sides: Guyenne au XVIIIe siècle,” 88–105 [ref. 1738];
Enactments in the California Rigs-to-Reefs De- Charles-Francois M ATHIS, “ ‘One to Sit among
bate,” 51–68 [ref. 3630]; Finn Arne J ØRGENSEN, the Dandelions, the Other to Organize the Docks’:
“The Backbone of Everyday Environmentalism: La question de l’union l’environnemental et du
Cultural Scripting and Technological Systems,” social en Angleterre au XIXe siècle,” 106–124
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Doctor: Hugh Hammond Bennett, Soil Conserva- vation and the German Labour Movement: The
tion, and the Search for a Democratic Science,” 87– Touristenverein Die Naturfreunde as a Bridge be-
102 [ref. 3416]; Michael E GAN, “Communicating tween Social and Environmental History,” 125–
Knowledge: The Swedish Mercury Group and Ver- 149 [ref. 1790]; Lucienne N ÉRAUD, “Main-
nacular Science, 1965–1972,” 103–117 [ref. 2554]; d’œvre agricole et produits toxiques aux États-
Eunice B LAVASCUNAS, “Signals in the Forest: Unis: la mobilisation des campesinos mexicains
Cultural Boundaries of Science in Białowieża, et mexicains-américains au Texas (1966–1986),”
Poland,” 118–132 [ref. 2809]; Tiago S ARAIVA, 150–174 [ref. 3939]; Robert G IOIELLI, “ ‘How
“The Production and Circulation of Standard- Can Any Community Be Expected to Accept Such
ized Karakul Sheep and Frontier Settlement in a Scar?’: The Movement Against Destruction and
the Empires of Hitler, Mussolini, and Salazar,” Environmental Activism in Postwar Baltimore,”
135–150 [ref. 3441]; Thomas D. F INGER, “Trad- 175–197 [ref. 2590]; Richard H ÖLZL, “Forests
ing Spaces: Transferring Energy and Organizing in Conflict: Rural Populations and the Advent
Power in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Grain of Modern Forestry in Pre-industrial Germany,
Trade,” 151–163 [ref. 2519]; Stephen B OCKING, 1760–1860,” 198–223 [ref. 1739]; Karen B ROWN,
“Situated yet Mobile: Examining the Environmen- “Livestock Diseases, Racial Politics and Veterinary
tal History of Arctic Ecological Science,” 164– Medicine in South Africa c. 1870–1920,” 224–245
178 [ref. 2850]; David T OMBLIN, “White Moun- [ref. 2512]; Stephen B OCKING, “Farming Salmon
tain Apache Boundary-Work as an Instrument of in a Crowded Wilderness: Exploring the History of
Ecopolitical Liberation and Landscape Change,” Aquaculture Science in British Columbia, Canada,”
179–194 [ref. 2606]; Valerie A. O LSON, “NEOe- 246–269 [ref. 420]; Don G ARDEN, “The Federa-
cology: The Solar System’s Emerging Environ- tion Drought of 1895–1903, El Niño and Society
mental History and Politics,” 195–211 [ref. 1940]; in Australia,” 270–292 [ref. 2055]; Simon P OO -
Sverker S ÖRLIN, “Epilogue: Preservation in the LEY , “Histories of Fire on South Africa’s Cape
Age of Entanglement: STS and the History of Peninsula,” 293–315 [ref. 302]; José Ubaldo Bena-

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22 130. Environmental sciences

dos S ANZ et al., “Energy Consumpstion in Madrid, 305. S AMOJLIK, Tomasz. “Quantifying Historic
1561 to c. 1860,” 316–339 [ref. 265]; Jean-Baptiste Human Impacts on Forest Environments: A Case
F RESSOZ and Thomas L E ROUX, “Protecting Study in Bia¡l/¿owieża Forest, Poland.” Environ.
Industry and Commodifying the Environment: Hist. 18, no. 3 (2013): 576–602.
The Great Transformation of French Pollution
Regulation, 1700–1840,” 340–366 [ref. 1636];
Stéphane F RIOUX, “Le rôle du social dans le 306. S ARKAR, Sahotra. “Environmental Philosophy:
développement de l’assainissement des villes de From Theory to Practice Original Research Article.”
province françaises fin XIXe–milieu XXe siècle,” First article in a special section, “Natural Values and
367–389 [ref. 2394]. Cultural Decisions: A Symposium on Environmental
Reviews: [ref. 292] Philosophy: From Theory to Practice.” Stud. Hist.
Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 45 (2014): 89–91.
Contents: Jay O DENBAUGH, “Environmental Phi-
297. M C N EILL, John Robert, and Erin Stewart losophy 2.0: Ethics and Conservation Biology for
M AULDIN. (Eds.) A Companion to Global Environ- the 21st Century,” 92–96; Justin G ARSON, “What
mental History. (568 pp.; maps.) Hoboken: Wiley, Is the Value of Historical Fidelity in Restoration?”
2012. ISBN: 9781118279533. 97–100; David F RANK, “Biodiversity, Conser-
Reviews: [ref. R679] vation Biology, and Rational Choice,” 101–104;
Sahotra S ARKAR, “Environmental Philosophy:
298. N EER, Wim Van, and Anton E RVYNCK. Response to Critics,” 105–109.
“Defining ‘Natural’ Fish Communities for Fish-
ery Management Purposes: Biological, Historical,
and Archaeological Approaches.” In Ecologies and 307. S AYRE, Robert F. Fire Island Past, Present,
Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, and Future: The Environmental History of a Bar-
edited by B RUCE (2010) [ref. 943], 193–223. rier Beach. (vii + 83 pp.; ill.; maps.) Iowa City:
Oystercatcher Books, 2013. ISBN: 9780615794594.
299. N OSS, Reed F. Forgotten Grasslands of the Reviews: [ref. R893]
South: Natural History and Conservation. (xviii +
317 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) Washington: Island 308. S ÖRLIN, Sverker, and Dolly J ØRGENSEN.
Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781610912259. Northscapes: History, Technology, and the Making
Reviews: [ref. R741] of Northern Environments. (307 pp.; ill.) Vancouver;
Toronto: UBC Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780774825726.
300. O RENSTEIN, Daniel E., Alon TAL, and Char Reviews: [ref. R963]
M ILLER. (Eds.) Between Ruin and Restoration:
An Environmental History of Israel. (xv + 400 pp.;
ill.) PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013. ISBN: 309. T RIMBLE, Stanley Wayne. Historical Agricul-
9780822962229. ture and Soil Erosion in the Upper Mississippi Valley
Reviews: [ref. R759] Hill Country. (xlviii + 242 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Boca
Raton: CRC Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781466555747.
301. OTTINGER, Gwen. Refining Expertise: How Reviews: [ref. R1018]
Responsible Engineers Subvert Environmental Justice
Challenges. (xi + 223 pp.) New York: New York
University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780814762370. 310. U NGER, Nancy C. Beyond Nature’s Housekeep-
Reviews: [ref. R765] ers: American Women in Environmental History. (xvi
+ 319 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) New York: Oxford
University Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780199735068.
302. P OOLEY, Simon. “Histories of Fire on South
Reviews: [ref. R1025]
Africa’s Cape Peninsula.” In Common Ground, edited
[ref. 296], 293–315. 311. WALTON, John K. “Seaside Tourism and En-
vironmental History.” In Common Ground, edited
303. R ÁCZ, Lajos. The Steppe to Europe: An Envi- by M ASSARD -G UILBAUD and M OSLEY (2011)
ronmental History of Hungary in the Traditional Age. [ref. 296], 66–87.
Alan Campbell (Translator). (257 pp.; ill.; maps;
bibl.; index.) Cambridge: White Horse Press, 2013.
ISBN : 9781874267768. 312. W LASIUK, Jonathan. “A Company Town on
Augmented translation of a book orginially pub- Common Waters: Standard Oil in the Calumet.”
lished in Hungarian. Environ. Hist. 19, no. 4 (2014): 687–713.
Reviews: [ref. R823]
313. W OHL, Ellen. A World of Rivers: Environmen-
304. R ADKAU, Joachim. Die Ära der Ökologie. Eine tal Change on Ten of the World’s Greatest Rivers. (viii
Weltgeschichte. (782 pp.; ill.) München: Beck, 2011. + 359 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) Chicago: Univer-
ISBN : 9783406619021. sity of Chicago Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780226904788.
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WORKS JAIME L ÓREN. (Eds.) Historia de la Apicul-
tura Española: Desde 1492 hasta 1808. Volume
314. C ALLEBAUT, Werner, Gerd B. M ÜLLER, and 2. (455 pp.; ill.) Teruel: Calamocha, 2002. ISBN:
Stuart A. N EWMAN. “The Organismic Systems Ap- 8493163740.
proach: Evo-Devo and the Streamlining of the Natu-
ralistic Agenda.” In Integrating Evolution and Devel-
opment, edited by S ANSOM and B RANDON (2007) 325. DE JAIME G ÓMEZ, José, and José Marı́a DE
[ref. 2901], 25–92. JAIME L ÓREN. (Eds.) Historia de la Apicultura
Española: Desde los orı́genes hasta 1492. Volume
1. (338 pp.; ill.) Teruel: Calamocha, 2001. ISBN:
315. D ONAGHY, Josephine. “Autonomous Mathe- 8493163732.
matical Models: Constructing Theories of Metabolic See also: José DE JAIME G ÓMEZ and José Maria
Control.” Hist. Phil. Life Sci. 35, no. 4 (2013): DE JAIME L ÓREN (eds.), Historia de la Apicultura
533–552. Española (2002) [ref. 324]; José DE JAIME G ÓMEZ
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de la Apicultura Española (2013) [ref. 2109]
316. F ERN ÁNDEZ M EDINA, Rita Daniela. “Algunas
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vivos.” Manguinhos 19, no. 3 (2012): 883–898.
326. E LIAS, Scott A. “A Brief History of the Chang-
317. G ARC ÍA -S ANCHO, Miguel, Matiana ing Occupations and Demographics of Coleopterists
G ONZ ÁLEZ -S ILVA, and Marı́a Jesús S ANTESMASES. from the 18th Through the 20th Century.” J. Hist.
“Shaping Biomedical Objects across History and Biol. 47, no. 2 (2014): 213–242.
Philosophy: A Conversation with Hans-Jörg Rhein-
berger.” Dynamis 34, no. 1 (2014): 193–209.
318. G REEN, Sara, and Olaf W OLKENHAUER. 327. BARAVALLE, Lorenzo. “Potencialidades e li-
“Tracing Organizing Principles: Learning from the mites das explicaçães evolutivas da cultura: um en-
History of Systems Biology.” Hist. Phil. Life Sci. 35, foque diacrônico.” Manguinhos 21, no. 2 (2014):
no. 4 (2013): 553–576. 439–456.

319. JABLONKA, Eva, and Marion J. L AMB. “Dis- 328. B ERGANDI, Donato. “Natural Selection among
turbing Dogmas: Biologists and the History of Biol- Replicators, Interactors and Transactors.” Hist. Phil.
ogy.” Article in a special issue, “Approaches, Styles, Life Sci. 35, no. 2 (2013): 213–239.
and Narratives: Reflections on Doing History of “Using the transactional perspective proposed orig-
Science” [ref. 65]. Sci. Context 26, no. 4 (2013): inally by John Dewey and Arthur Fisher Bentley,
557–571. a new ontological and methodological category is
proposed here.”

320. N ICHOLSON, Daniel J., and Richard G AWNE. 329. C ALCOTT, Brett. “Engineering and Evolvabil-
“Rethinking Woodger’s Legacy in the Philosophy of ity.” Biol. & Phil. 29, no. 3 (2014): 293–313.
Biology.” J. Hist. Biol. 47, no. 2 (2014): 243–292. On the shift in evolutionary thinking from adapta-
tionism to evolvability.

131. BOTANY 330. D ILLEY, Stephen. (Ed.) Darwinian Evolution

and Classical Liberalism: Theories in Tension. (ix
321. S AUNDERS, Nicholas J. The Poppy: A Cultural + 331 pp.; bibl.; index.) Lanham: Lexington Books,
History from Ancient Egypt to Flanders Fields to 2013. ISBN: 9780739181065.
Afghanistan. (x + 301 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) London: Contents: Stephen D ILLEY, “Pax vel Bellum?
Oneworld, 2013. ISBN: 9781851687053. Evolutionary Biology and Classical Liberalism:
Reviews: [ref. R890] An Introduction to the Volume,” 1–30; Benjamin
W IKER, “Is Darwinism Compatible with Classical
322. WANGCHUK, Phurpa, and Annette O LSEN. Liberalism’s View of Morality?” 31–48; Peter Au-
“Risk Factors for the Sustainability of Medicinal gustine L AWLER, “Locke, Darwin, and America’s
Plants in Bhutan.” Asian Med. 6, no. 1 (2010): Future,” 49–68; Jay W. R ICHARDS, “On Invisi-
123–136. ble Hands and Intelligent Design: Must Classical
Liberals also Embrace Darwinian Theory?” 69–
92; Angus M ENUGE, “Darwinian Conservatism
and Free Will,” 93–112; John G. W EST, “Darwin-
132. ZOOLOGY; ANATOMY AND ism, Economic Liberty, and Limited Government,”
PHYSIOLOGY 113–134; Logan Paul G AGE, “Darwin Knows
Best: Can Evolution Support the Classical Liberal
323. A NDERSON, Gemma. “Endangered: A Study Vision of the Family?” 135–156; Bruce G ORDON,
of Morphological Drawing in Zoological Taxonomy.” “Losing Our Religion: Darwinism, Secularism,
Leonardo 47 (2014): 232–239. and the Decline of the West,” 157–196; Richard
W EIKART, “A History of the Impact of Darwinism

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24 137. Psychology; comparative psychology

on Natural Rights and Bioethics,” 197–216; Roger 338. K R ÄMER, Günter. Kleines Lexikon der Epilep-
M ASTERS, “On the Relationship between Liberal- tologie. (ix + 321 pp.) Stuttgart: Thieme, 2005. ISBN:
ism and Darwinism,” 217–236; Shawn E. K LEIN, 3131338318 9783131338310.
“Volitional Consciousness and Evolution: At the Reviews: [ref. R559]
Foundations of Classical Liberalism,” 237–254;
Timothy S ANDEFUR, “Evolution and Classical
Liberalism,” 255–270; Michael J. W HITE, “An 339. S MITH, Christopher Upham Murray, and Harry
Historical Afterward,” 271–292. W HITAKER. (Eds.) Brain, Mind and Consciousness
in the History of Neuroscience. History, Philosophy
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work within which important fundamental ideas in pressed: Spinozan Ideas in the History of the Mind
large parts of biology can be articulated.” (from the and Brain Sciences,” 21–42 [ref. 1313]; Kathryn
abstract) Contents of symposium: Alan G RAFEN, TABB, “ ‘Struck, As It Were, with Madness’:
“The Formal Darwinism Project in Outline: Re- Phenomenology and Animal Spirits in the Neu-
sponse to Commentaries,” 281–292. ropathology of Thomas Willis,” 43–57 [ref. 1481];
J. J. M AC I NTOSH, “Hooke’s Mechanical Mind,”
332. L AUBICHLER, Manfred D., and Jane M AIEN - 59–73 [ref. 1312]; Alan B ERETTA, “Joseph Priest-
SCHEIN . “Embryos, Cells, Genes, and Organisms:
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333. P ERLMAN, Robert L. Evolution and Medicine. “George Henry Lewes (1817–1878): Embodied
(xi + 162 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Oxford: Oxford Cognition, Vitalism, and the Evolution of Symbolic
University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780199661725. Perception,” 105–123 [ref. 2205]; Christopher Up-
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Mind and the Hard Problem,” 125–145 [ref. 2189];
J. Wayne L AZAR, “Problems of Consciousness in
136. NEUROSCIENCES Nineteenth Century British and American Neurol-
ogy,” 147–161 [ref. 2184]; Gabriel F INKELSTEIN,
334. E LING, Paul. “Neuroanniversary 2013.” J. Hist. “Emil du Bois-Reymond’s Reflections on Con-
Neurosci. 22 (2013): 408–412. sciousness,” 163–184 [ref. 2178]; Stephanie L.
H AWKINS, “William James and the ‘Theatre’ of
335. F ULLER, Steve. “Neuroscience, Neurohistory, Consciousness,” 185–206 [ref. 2180]; Laura Hy-
and the History of Science: A Tale of Two Brain att E DWARDS, “Alfred North Whitehead and the
Images.” Introduction to a focus section on “Neu- History of Consciousness,” 225–253 [ref. 2940];
rohistory and History of Science.” Isis 105 (2014): Christopher Upham Murray S MITH, “The ‘Hard
100–109. Problem’ and the Cartesian Strand in British Neu-
rophysiology: Huxley, Foster, Sherrington, Ec-
Contents: Daniel Lord S MAIL, “Neurohistory in
cles,” 255–272 [ref. 2190]; David H AWKES, “Zom-
Action: Hoarding and the Human Past,” 110–
bie Dawn: Slavery and the Self in the Twenty-First
122 [ref. 2947]; Stephen T. C ASPER, “History
Century,” 333–354 [ref. 3688].
and Neurosciece: An Interactive Legacy,” 123–
132 [ref. 2171]; Max S TADLER, “Neurohistory Is
Bunk?: The Not-So-Deep History of the Postclas- 340. U TTAL, William R. Mind and Brain: A Criti-
sical Mind,” 133–144 [ref. 49]; Roger C OOTER, cal Appraisal of Cognitive Neuroscience. (xxviii +
“Neural Veils and the Will to Historical Critique: 497 pp.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011. ISBN:
Why Historians of Science Need to Take the Neuro- 9780262298902.
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336. H OR, Jyh Yung, and Frank W. S TAHNISCH.

“NeurHistAlert 18.” J. Hist. Neurosci. 22 (2013):
“An annotated bibliography of periodical aricles PSYCHOLOGY
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341. A RAUJO, Saulo de Freitas, Fátima Siqueira
the abstract).
C AROPRESO, Richard Theisen S IMANKE, and Gus-
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150. Archaeology 25

342. BARNES, Marissa E., and Scott G REER. “Does 353. G INTIS, Herbert. The Bounds of Reason: Game
the Future Have a History of Psychology? A Report Theory and the Unification of the Behavioral Sci-
on Teaching, Research, and Faculty Positions in ences. (xviii + 286 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Prince-
Canadian Universities.” Hist. Psychol. 17, no. 2 ton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2009. ISBN:
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343. BATCHO, Krystine Irene. “Nostalgia: The
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354. B ROWMAN, David L., and Stephen W ILLIAMS.
344. B ENJAFIELD, John G. “Patterns of Similarity Anthropology at Harvard: A Biographical His-
and Difference between the Vocabularies of Psychol- tory, 1790–1940. Peabody Museum Monographs;
ogy and Other Subjects.” Hist. Psychol. 17, no. 1 11. (589 pp.; ill.) Cambridge, MA: Peabody Mu-
(2014): 19–35. seum of Archaeology and Ethnology, 2012. ISBN:
345. B ENJAFIELD, John G. “The Vocabulary of An- Reviews: [ref. R130]
glophone Psychology in the Context of Other Sub-
jects.” Hist. Psychol. 16, no. 1 (2013): 36–56. 355. C ARROLL, Jerome. “Blumenberg’s and Charles
Taylor’s Debt and Contribution to Philosophical An-
346. B ONNER, Kieran. “Eros and Ironic Intoxica- thropology.” Hist. Europ. Ideas 39 (2013): 858–878.
tion: Profound Longing, Madness and Discipleship
in Plato’s Symposium and in Modern Life.” Part of a 356. C OSTA, Gabriela M.C., and Dulce M.R.
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porary” [ref. 30]. Hist. Hum. Sci. 26, no. 5 (2013): caminhos que se cruzam na compreensão do pro-
114–131. cesso saúde-doença.” Manguinhos 17, no. 4 (2010):
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Hist. Psychol. 16, no. 4 (2013): 282–287. 143. ECONOMICS
357. P OLLOCK, Stephen. “Econometrics: An His-
348. E DWARDS, Laura Hyatt. “A Brief Conceptual torical Guide for the Uninitiated.” Interdiscipl. Sci.
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16, no. 4 (2013): 269–281.
358. T ELLMANN, Ute. “Kommentar: The Economic
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349. G AO, Zhipeng. “Chinese Psychology Archives Historical Epistemology.” Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch.
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350. R EDDY, William M. The Making of Romantic 144. LINGUISTICS

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and Japan, 900–1200 CE. Chicago Studies in Prac- 359. B ROWNIE, Barbara. “A New History of Tem-
tices of Meaning. (x + 439 pp.) Chicago: The Univer- poral Typography: Towards Fluid Letterforms.” J.
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360. PALSSON, Gisli. “Personal Names: Embod-
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361. PADDAYYA, K. Essays in History of Archae-
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352. C HUN, Allen. “From Sinicization to Indige- Survey of India, 2013.
nization in the Social Sciences: Is That All There Is?”
In Sociology and Anthropology in Twentieth-Century On Indian archaeology from the 18th century to the
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26 150. Medicine, general

362. S AUER, Jacob J. The Archaeology and Ethno- 370. E RASO, Yolanda, and Luiz Antonio T EIX -
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Berlin: Springer, 2014. ISBN: 9783319092003. South.” Introduction to a special section, “Female
Cancers.” Dynamis 34, no. 1 (2014): 17–24.
Contents: Vanessa L ANA, “O Hospital Aristides
150. MEDICINE, GENERAL WORKS Maltez e o controle do câncer do colo do útero no
Brasil,” 25–47 [ref. 3110]; Luiz Antonio T EIX -
363. A HO, James, and Kevin A HO. Body Matters: A EIRA and Leticia P UMAR , “Tecnologia e campos
Phenomenology of Sickness, Disease and Illness. (x disciplinares: os citotécnicos e a implementação do
+ 195 pp.; bibl.; index.) Lanham: Lexington Books, teste de Papanicolaou no Brasil,” 49–72 [ref. 3131];
2008. ISBN: 9780739126981. Yolanda E RASO, “Controlling Female Cancer in
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Fragmentation,” 73–99 [ref. 3097]; Marco An-
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123 [ref. 3122].

365. B OECKL, Christine M. Images of Leprosy:

Disease, Religion and Politics in European Art. Early 371. E RLEN, Jonathon. “History of Medicine Re-
Modern Studies. (xiv + 234 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) sources on the Internet.” OAH Magazine of History
Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press, 2011. 19, no. 5 (2005): 59–60.
ISBN : 9781935503149.
Reviews: [ref. R98] 372. H OCHMAN, Gilberto, Jaime B ENCHIMOL, and
Magali Romero S Á. “Health, Colonialism, and De-
366. C OHEN, Esther, Leona T OKER, Manuela C ON - velopment: An Interview with Historian Randall
SONNI , and Otniel E. D ROR . (Eds.) Knowledge and
Packard.” Manguinhos 18, no. 2 (2011): 565–584.
Pain. At the Interface/Probing the Boundaries, Vol-
ume 84. (xviii + 406 pp.; ill.) Amsterdam: Rodopi, 373. H ORSTMANSHOFF, H. F. J., Helen K ING, and
2012. ISBN: 9789042035829. Claus Z ITTEL. (Eds.) Blood, Sweat, and Tears: The
Partial contents: Esther C OHEN, “ ‘If You Prick Changing Concepts of Physiology from Antiquity into
Us, Do We Not Bleed?’ Reflections on the Dimin- Early Modern Europe. Intersections; v. 25. (xxvi
ishing of the Other’s Pain,” 25–42 [ref. 968]; R. F. + 772 pp.; ill.) Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2012. ISBN:
Y EAGER, “Gower and Chaucer on Pain and Suf- 9789004229181.
fering: Jephte’s Daughter in the Bible, the ‘Physi-
cian’s Tale’, and the Confessio Amantis,” 43–62
[ref. 860]; Na’ama C OHEN -H ANEGBI, “Pain as 374. H UISMAN, Frank. “Vorming, reflectie en ac-
Emotion: The Role of Emotional Pain in Fifteenth- tivisme. Over het rijke veld van de medische ge-
Century Italian Medicine and Confession,” 63–83 schiedenis in Nederland.” Studium 6, no. 3/4 (2013):
[ref. 1191]; Michal A LTBAUER -RUDNIK, “The 159–172.
Changing Faces of Love Torments: Continuity and
Rupture in the Medical Diagnosis of Lovesickness 375. J OHNSON, David A., and Humayun J.
in the Modern West,” 85–106 [ref. 382]; Michéle C HAUDHRY. Medical Licensing and Discipline in
Bokobsza K AHAN, “The Rhetoric of Pain: Re- America: A History of the Federation of State Medi-
ligious Convulsions and Miraculous Healings in cal Boards. (xx + 359 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Lanham,
the Jansenist Parish of Saint Médard, Paris (1727– Md.: Lexington Books, 2012. ISBN: 9780739174388.
1732),” 107–122 [ref. 1545]; Paula A. M ICHAELS, Reviews: [ref. R503]
“Pain and Blame: Psychological Approaches to
Obstetric Pain, 1950–1980,” 231–255 [ref. 3742].
376. J ONES, David S. Broken Hearts: The Tangled
Reviews: [ref. R195] History of Cardiac Care. (xiii + 319 pp.; ill.; maps.)
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.
367. C OURTWRIGHT, David T. Essay review. J. Hist. ISBN : 9781421408019.
Med. Allied Sci. 68, no. 4 (2013): 688–694. Reviews: [ref. R508]
Essay review of Thomas D ORMANDY, Opium
(2012); Hans D ERKS, History of the Opium Prob-
377. K NEEBONE, Roger, and Abigail W OODS. “Re-
lem (2012) [ref. 448].
capturing the History of Surgical Practice through
Simulation-based Re-enactment.” Med. Hist. 58
368. D ELAPORTE, François. Figures of Medicine: (2014): 106–121.
Blood, Face Transplants, Parasites. (xxiii + 173 pp.;
ill.) New York: Fordham University Press, 2013.
378. L INKER, Beth. “On the Borderland of Medical
ISBN : 9780823244447.
and Disability History: A Survey of the Fields.” Bull.
Reviews: [ref. R250] Hist. Med. 87, no. 4 (2013): 499–535.
Discussion: Daniel J. W ILSON, “Comment: On
369. D URBACH, Nadja. “ ‘Skinless Wonders’: Body the Borderland of Medical and Disability History,”
Worlds and the Victorian Freak Show.” J. Hist. Med. 536–539; Catherine K UDLICK, “Comment: On
Allied Sci. 69, no. 1 (2014): 38–67. the Borderland of Medical and Disability History,”

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152. Public health; nutrition; health 27

540–559; Julie L IVINGSTON, “Comment: On the 389. B REYFOGLE, Nicholas B., John L. B ROOKE,
Borderland of Medical and Disability History,” and Christopher J. OTTER. “The State and the Epi-
560–564. demiological Transition: An Introduction.” Introduc-
tion to the Forum on “The State and the Epidemiolog-
ical Transition”. J. World Hist. 24 (2013): 737–739.
379. M OSCOSO, Javier. Pain: A Cultural History.
(xiii + 269 pp.; ill.) New York: Palgrave Macmillan, Contents: Nükhet VARLIK, “From ‘Bête Noire’
2012. ISBN: 9781403991188. to ‘le Mal de Constantinople’: Plagues, Medicine,
Reviews: [ref. R709] and the Early Modern Ottoman State,” 741–770
[ref. 1225]; Katherine A RNER, “Making Global
Commerce into International Health Diplomacy:
380. M U ÑOZ, Marı́a del Carmen, and Rosa I GLE - Consuls and Disease Control in the Age of Revolu-
SIAS . Enfermedades raras: 26 personas con estas tions,” 771–796 [ref. 1786]; Tamara M ANN, “Old
patologı́as narran cómo es su vida y 29 prestigiosos Cells, Aging Bodies, and New Money: Scientific
doctores las describen. (xxxv + 345 pp.; ill.) Madrid: Solutions to the Problem of Old Age in the United
LoQueNoExiste, 2009. ISBN: 9788493577957. States, 1945–1955,” 797–822 [ref. 3261].
Reviews: [ref. R721]
390. B ROADBENT, Alex. Philosophy of Epidemiol-
381. WALKER, Don. Disease in London, 1st- ogy. New Directions in the Philosophy of Science.
19th Centuries: An Illustrated Guide to Diagnosis. (xxii + 203 pp.; bibl.; index.) New York: Palgrave
MOLA Monograph, 56. (xix + 287 pp.; ill.) Lon- Macmillan, 2013. ISBN: 9780230355125.
don: Museum of London Archaeology, 2012. ISBN: Reviews: [ref. R126]
391. G ESTRICH, Andreas, Elizabeth T. H URREN,
and Steven K ING. (Eds.) Poverty and Sickness in
151. PSYCHIATRY; MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY Modern Europe: Narratives of the Sick Poor, 1780–
382. A LTBAUER -RUDNIK, Michal. “The Changing 1938. (vi + 278; ill.) London: Continuum, 2012.
Faces of Love Torments: Continuity and Rupture in ISBN : 9781441184818.
the Medical Diagnosis of Lovesickness in the Modern Reviews: [ref. R369]
West.” In Knowledge and Pain, edited by C OHEN et
al. (2012) [ref. 366], 85–106.
392. G ÓMEZ, Pablo F. “The Language of Epidemics:
Narrative, Biology, and the Other from Smallpox to
383. A RAGONA, Massimiliano. “Neopositivism and AIDS.” William Mary Quart. 70 (2013): 817–820.
the DSM Psychiatric Classification. An Epistemolog- Essay review of Cristobal S ILVA, Miraculous
ical History. Part 2: Historical Pathways, Epistemo- Plagues (2011).
logical Developments and Present-Day Needs.” Hist.
Psychiat. 24, no. 4 (2013): 415–426.
393. M C W HIRTER, R. E. “The History of Bioethics:
Implications for Current Debates in Health Research.”
384. H OUSTON, R. A. “A Latent Historiography? Perspect. Biol. Med. 55 (2012): 329–338.
The Case of Psychiatry in Britain, 1500–1820.” Hist.
J. 57 (2014): 289–310.
394. N IELSEN, Kim E. A Disability History of the
United States. ReVisioning American History. (xxiii
385. L ARGE, Matthew. “The Relevance of the Early + 216 pp.) Boston: Beacon Press, 2012. ISBN:
History of Probability Theory to Current Risk As- 9780807022023.
sessment Practices in Mental Health Care.” Hist. Reviews: [ref. R734]
Psychiat. 24, no. 4 (2013): 427–441.

395. P ESET, José Luis. “Las Guerras del Mosquito.”

386. M ATHERNE, Samantha. “The Kantian Roots of Asclepio 63, no. 2 (2011): 573–589.
Merleau-Ponty’s Account of Pathology.” Brit. J. Hist.
Phil. 22 (2014): 124–149. Essay review of John Robert M C N EILL, Mosquito
Empires (2010).

387. W OODS, Angela. “Rethinking ‘Patient Tes-

timony’ in the Medical Humanities: The Case of 396. P HILLIPS, Howard. Epidemics: The Story of
Schizophrenia Bulletin‘s First Person Accounts.” J. South Africa’s Five Most Lethal Human Diseases.
Lit. Sci. 6, no. 1 (2013): 38–54. Ohio Short Histories of Africa. (168 pp.; ill.; notes;
index.) Athens: Ohio University Press, 2012. ISBN:
397. R IE, Hogetsu. “From the Laboratory to the
388. B ENEDICTOW, Ole Jørgen. What Disease Was Kitchen: The Oral History of Nutrition and Its Ap-
Plague? On the Controversy over the Microbiological plication to the History of Science.” Part of a special
Identity of Plague Epidemics of the Past. Brill’s Series issue, “Social History of Medicine in Modern Japan”
in the History of the Environment, Vol. 2. (xvi + 746 [ref. 2324]. Hist. Scientiarum 22, no. 2 (2012):
pp.) Leiden: Brill, 2010. ISBN: 9789004193918. 125–141.

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28 160. Technology, general

398. S HAPIN, Steven. “ ‘You are what you eat’: Reviews: [ref. R118]
Historical Changes in Ideas about Food and Identity.”
Hist. Res. 87 (2014): 377–392.
408. C OLEMAN, Deirdre, and Hilary F RASER.
(Eds.) Minds, Bodies, Machines, 1770–1930. Pal-
399. TANNENBAUM, Rebecca J. “Putting Health grave studies in nineteenth-century writing and cul-
and Medicine Back into History: Commentary on ture. (xi + 230 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) New York:
Cristobal Silva, Miraculous Plagues.” William Mary Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 9780230284678
Quart. 70 (2013): 824–826. (hbk.) 0230284671 (hbk.).
Essay review of Cristobal S ILVA, Miraculous Contents: Deirdre C OLEMAN and Hilary F RASER,
Plagues (2011). “Introduction—Minds, Bodies, Machines,” 1–18;
Peter OTTO, “Inside the Imagination-Machines
400. WALLACH, Jennifer Jensen. How America of Gothic Fiction: Estrangement, Transport,
Eats: A Social History of U.S. Food and Culture. Affect,” 19–38 [ref. 1530]; Steven C ONNOR,
American Ways Series. (xv + 241 pp.; ill.; bibl.; “Air-Looms and Influencing Machines,” 39–60
index.) Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, [ref. 1712]; Katherine I NGLIS, “Maternity, Mad-
Inc.,, 2013. ISBN: 9781442208742. ness and Mechanization: The Ghastly Automaton
Reviews: [ref. R1051] in James Hogg’s The Three Perils of Woman,”
61–82 [ref. 2400]; Paul C ROSTHWAITE, “Clock-
work Automata, Artificial Intelligence and Why the
401. W EXLER, Philip. History of Toxicology and Body of the Author Matters,” 83–104 [ref. 1713];
Environmental Health. Toxicology in Antiquity, Vol. Marie BANFIELD, “Metaphors and Analogies of
1. (xvi + 137 pp.; ill.) Waltham, MA: Academic Mind and Body in Nineteenth-Century Science and
Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780128000458. Fiction: George Eliot, Henry James and George
Meredith,” 105–123 [ref. 1794]; Iain M C C ALMAN,
“Alfred Wallace’s Conversion: Plebeian Radical-
ism and the Spiritual Evolution of the Mind,”
402. G ERALD, Michael C. The Drug Book: From 124–139 [ref. 1834]; Daniel B ROWN, “Molecu-
Arsenic to Xanax, 250 Milestones in the History of lar Machines and Lascivious Bodies: James Clerk
Drugs. (528 pp.) New York: Sterling, 2013. ISBN: Maxwell’s Verse-born Attacks on Tyndallic Reduc-
9781402782640. tionism,” 140–160 [ref. 1888]; James M USSELL,
Reviews: [ref. R367] “Writing the ‘Great Proteus of Disease’: Influenza,
Informatics and the Body in the Late Nineteenth
Century,” 161–178 [ref. 2305]; Laura S ALISBURY,
403. PARASCANDOLA, John. King of Poisons: A
“Linguistic Trepanation: Brain Damage, Pene-
History of Arsenic. (ix + 197 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)
trative Seeing and a Revolution of the Word,”
Washington, D. C.: Potomac Books, 2012. ISBN:
179–208 [ref. 2315].
Traces the history of Arsenic, focusing on its Reviews: [ref. R198]
presence in literature, the environment, and in
409. D EMCHENKO, Tetyana. “The Formation and
Reviews: [ref. R771]
Development of the Bridge Engineering School.”
Res. Hist. Tech. 18 (2013): 35–38.
404. ATACK, Jeremy. “On the Use of Geographic In- 410. G ODIN, Benoit, and Joseph P. L ANE. “Pushes
formation Systems in Economic History: The Amer- and Pulls: Hi(S)tory of the Demand Pull Model of
ican Transportation Revolution Revisited.” J. Econ. Innovation.” Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 38 (2013): 621–
Hist. 73, no. 2 (2013): 313–338. 654.
On the construction of a historical geographic
information systems transportation database. 411. H AYWARD, Alan C. G. “The Construction of
Railway Bridges Then and Now.” Int. J. Hist. Eng.
405. BAKER, C. J. “Wind Engineering—Past, Tech. 84 (2014): 59–87.
Present and Future.” J. Wind Eng. Indust. Aerody-
nam. 95 (2007): 843–870.
Covers a wide scope, ranging from premodern to 412. J ONES, D. Gareth. “Moral Enhancement as
today. a Technological Imperative.” Perspect. Sci. Christ.
Faith 65, no. 3 (2013): 187–195.

406. BAUER, Reinhold. “The Stirling Engine—

The ‘Cyclical Life’ of an Old Technology.” Icon 15 413. T YSHCHUK, Marharyta. “Genesis of Con-
(2009): 108–118. structions of the Hand Looms (To the Question of
Analysis).” Res. Hist. Tech. 18 (2013): 8–12.
407. B REIDBACH, Olaf, Kerrin K LINGER, and
Matthias M ÜLLER. Camera Obscura: Die Dun- 414. U NWIN, Joan. “The Versatility of Bone, Ivory
kelkammer in Ihrer Historischen Entwicklung. Wis- and Horn—Their Uses in the Sheffield Cutlery Indus-
senschaftsgeschichte. (227 pp.; ill.) Stuttgart: try.” Anthropozoologica 49, no. 1 (2014): 121–132.
Steiner, 2013. ISBN: 9783515100052.

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164. Air & space technology 29

415. Ž MOLEK, Michael Andrew. Rethinking the 424. D UNMIRE, William W. New Mexico’s Span-
Industrial Revolution: Five Centuries of Transition ish Livestock Heritage: Four Centuries of Animals,
from Agrarian to Industrial Capitalism in England. Land, and People. (xii + 233 pp.; ill.) Albu-
Historical Materialism Book Series, Vol. 49. (xx + querque: University of New Mexico Press, 2013.
915 pp.) Leiden: Brill, 2013. ISBN: 9789004251793. ISBN : 9780826350893.
Reviews: [ref. R280]

161. COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER 425. L OCKER, Alison. “The Social History of
Coarse Angling in England, AD 1750–1950.” An-
TECHNOLOGY thropozoologica 49, no. 1 (2014): 99–107.
416. F OSSE, Sébastien de la. “Media and Cognition:
The Relationship between Thought Structures and 426. Ł UCZAJ, Łukasz Jakub, Jarosław D U -
Media Structures.” Res. Phil. Tech. 17, no. 2 (2013): MANOWSKI , Piotr K ŌHLER , and Aldona M UELLER -
253–273. B IENIEK. “The Use and Economic Value of Manna
Grass (Glyceria) in Poland from the Middle Ages to
the Twentieth Century.” Human Ecology 40 (2012):
417. L AWSON, Steve, and Jessy R ANDALL. “The
History and Future of the Book, a Half-Block Course
at Colorado College.” In Past or Portal? Enhancing
Undergraduate Learning through Special Collections 427. M ANGRAVITE, Andrew. “Factory to Farm.”
and Archives, edited by M ITCHELL et al. (2012) Chem. Heritage 29, no. 3 (2011): Approx. 400
[ref. 17], 3–7. Words.

418. M C K ITTERICK, David. Old Books, New Tech- 428. M C M URRY, Sally. “Buildings as Sources for
nologies: The Representation, Conservation and US Agricultural History.” Agr. Hist. 88 (2014): 45–
Transformation of Books since 1700. (x + 286 pp.; 67.
ill.; index.) New York: Cambridge University Press,
2013. ISBN: 9781107035935. 429. M OON, David. The Plough That Broke the
Steppes: Agriculture and Environment on Russia’s
Grasslands, 1700–1914. (xvii + 319 pp.; maps.)
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN:
163. AGRICULTURE 9780199556434.
419. B ECKER, Karin. “Introduction : Un bilan Reviews: [ref. R705]
thématique et méthodologique de la recherche ac-
tuelle sur l’histoire de l’alimentation.” Food Hist. 10, 430. Q UELLIER, Florent. “L’aprés Jean-Louis Flan-
no. 2 (2012): 9–25. drin, une décennie d’histoire de l’alimentation en
France (XVe-XIXe siécles).” Food Hist. 10, no. 2
(2012): 89–102.
420. B OCKING, Stephen. “Farming Salmon in a
Crowded Wilderness: Exploring the History of Aqua-
culture Science in British Columbia, Canada.” In 431. S QUIER, Susan Merrill. Poultry Science,
Common Ground, edited by M ASSARD -G UILBAUD Chicken Culture a Partial Alphabet. (xi + 256 pp.;
and M OSLEY (2011) [ref. 296], 246–269. ill.) New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press,
2011. ISBN: 9780813552361.
Reviews: [ref. R970]
S OCIETY. A Pocketful of Hops: Hop Growing in the
Bromyard Area. New edition of the 1988 title. (vi + 164. AIR AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY
167 pp.) Bromyard & District Local History Society,
2007. ISBN: 0950206849. 432. C REWE, M. E. “Meteorology and Aerial Navi-
Reviews: [ref. R128] gation.” Pub. Interest Rep. 4 (2002): 1–32.

422. C ABO -G ONZ ÁLEZ, Ana M. “The Study of the

Evolution of Fruits Preservation Techniques in the
Iberian Peninsula throughout the Agronomic Andalu-
sian Works, their Roman Antecedents and Posterior
Footprint in the Renaissance.” Arab. Sci. Phil. 24
(2014): 139–168.

423. DARGAVEL, John, Philip D. E VANS, and Gor-

don DADSWELL. “From Science to Heritage: The
History of a Wood Collection.” Hist. Rec. Aust. Sci.
25, no. 1 (2014): 43–54.
A reference source used for teaching forestry stu-

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F. Classification by Geographical Area and Cultural Influence

200. CULTURAL AND CROSS-CULTURAL 442. S HORT, John Phillip. Magic Lantern Empire:
CONTEXTS Colonialism and Society in Germany. (ix + 232 pp.;
ill.; bibl.; index.) Ithaca: Cornell University Press,
200-1. HISTORY OF SCIENCE, GENERAL WORKS 2012. ISBN: 9780801450945.
Reviews: [ref. R937]
433. C LARKE, Sabine. “The Research Council Sys-
tem and the Politics of Medical and Agricultural Re-
search for the British Colonial Empire, 1940–1952.” 200-28. SCIENCE AND RELIGION
Med. Hist. 57 (2013): 338–358.
443. P RIETO, Andrés I. Missionary Scientists: Jesuit
434. L AHIRI, Asish Kumar. Caught between Two Science in Spanish South America, 1570–1810. (x +
Cultures: Science in Nineteenth Century Bengal. (152 287 pp.; ill.; maps.) Nashville : Vanderbilt University
pp.) Kolkata: Thema, 2013. ISBN: 9789381703212. Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780826517463.
Reviews: [ref. R812]
435. L AVEN, Mary. Mission to China: Matteo Ricci
and the Jesuit Encounter with the East. (xv + 279 pp.;
ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) London: Faber and Faber, 200-40. SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS
2011. ISBN: 9780571225170.
Reviews: [ref. 521] 444. BASU, Paul. “A Museum for Sierra Leone?
Amateur Enthusiasms and Colonial Museum Policy
436. L EVINE, Philippa. “Naked Truths: Bodies, in British West Africa.” In Curating Empire, edited
Knowledge, and the Erotics of Colonial Power.” J. by L ONGAIR and M C A LEER (2012) [ref. 1549],
Brit. Stud. 52 (2013): 5–25. 145–167.
437. L IGHTMAN, Bernard V. The Circulation of 445. M C C ARTHY, Conal. “Carving Out a Place in
Knowledge between Britain, India, and China: The the Better Britain of the South Pacific: Maori in New
Early-Modern World to the Twentieth Century. His- Zealand Museums and Exhibitions.” In Curating
tory of science and medicine library; v. 36. (xxi + Empire, edited by L ONGAIR and M C A LEER (2012)
339 pp.; ill.) Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2013. ISBN: [ref. 1549], 56–81.
Reviews: [ref. R614] 446. NAIR, Savithri Preetha. “Edgar Thurston at
the Madras Museum (1885–1909): The Multiple
438. PARTHASARATHI, Prasannan. Why Europe Careers of a Colonial Museum Curator.” In Curating
Grew Rich and Asia Did Not: Global Economic Empire, edited by L ONGAIR and M C A LEER (2012)
Divergence, 1600–1850. (xviii + 365 pp.; ill.; maps; [ref. 1549], 168–187.
bibl.; index.) Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780521168243.
Reviews: [ref. R773] 200-110. ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY
439. W R ÅKBERG, Urban, and Karin G RANQVIST. 447. S TEELE, J. M. “A Comparison of Astronomical
“Decolonizing Technoscience in Northern Scandi- Terminology, Methods and Concepts in China and
navia: The Role of Scholarship in Sámi Emancipation Mesopotamia, with Some Comments on the Claims
and the Indigenization of Western Science.” J. Hist. for the Transmission of Mesopotamian Astronomy
Geogr. 44 (2014): 81–92. to China.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 16, no. 3 (2013):
440. E SPINOSA, Mariola. “Globalizing the History
of Disease, Medicine, and Public Health in Latin 448. D ERKS, Hans. History of the Opium Problem:
America.” Part of the focus section, “Global Currents The Assault on the East, Ca. 1600–1950. (xxvi +
in National Histories of Science: The ‘Global Turn’ 824 pp.; ill.; maps.) Leiden: Brill,, 2012. ISBN:
and the History of Science in Latin America” [ref. 38]. 9789004221581.
Isis 104 (2013): 798–806. Reviews: [ref. 367]

449. KOTTE, Gudrun. “What is a Good Birth? Ex-

200-20. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, GENERAL periences from Teaching German Midwives Chi-
WORKS nese Medicine and Doing Medical Anthropological
441. L EJBOWICZ, Max, and Sonja B RENTJES. Essay Research with Chinese Women During Pregnancy,
review. Aestimatio 10 (2013): 1–24. Childbirth, and Childbed in Berlin.” Part of a special
Essay review of Avner B EN -Z AKEN, Cross- issue: Diversity of Medicine in China and Chinese
Cultural Scientific Exchanges in the Eastern Medicine in Europe [ref. 554]. Asian Med. 7, no. 2
Mediterranean, 1560–1660 (2010). (2014): 455–460.

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210. Arabic-Islamic contexts 31

200-152. PUBLIC HEALTH; NUTRITION; HEALTH 460. B RENTJES, Sonja. “Narratives of Knowledge
in Islamic Societies: What Do They Tell Us about
450. F ERREIRA, Luciane Ouriques. “A emergência Scholars and Their Contexts?” Almagest 4, no. 1
da medicina tradicional indı́gena no campo das (2013): 74–95.
polı́ticas públicas.” Manguinhos 20, no. 1 (2013):
451. PAUGH, Katherine. “Yaws, Syphilis, Sexuality,
and the Circulation of Medical Knowledge in the 461. A DAMSON, Peter. In the Age of al-Fārābı̄: Ara-
British Caribbean and the Atlantic World.” Bull. Hist. bic Philosophy in the Fourth/Tenth Century. Warburg
Med. 88, no. 2 (2014): 225–252. Institute Colloquia; 12. (xii + 302 pp.; ill.) London:
Warburg Institute, 2008. ISBN: 9780854811472.
Reviews: [ref. R8]
462. C HATTI, Saloua. “Syncategoremata in Arabic
452. DAVIDS, C. A. Religion, Technology, and the Logic, al-Fārābı̄ and Avicenna.” Hist. Phil. Logic 35
Great and Little Divergences: China and Europe (2014): 167–197.
Compared, c. 700–1800. History of Science and
Medicine Library; Knowledge Infrastructure and 463. K ARIMULLAH, Kamran. “Alfarabi on Condi-
Knowledge Economy. (xii + 278 pp.; ill.; bibl.; tionals.” Arab. Sci. Phil. 24, no. 2 (2014): 211–267.
index.) Boston: Brill, 2013. ISBN: 9789004233881.
Reviews: [ref. R238] 464. K AYA, M. Cüneyt. “In the Shadow of ‘Prophetic
Legislation’: The Venture of Practical Philosophy
453. O ZDEN, Canay. “The Pontifex Minimus: after Avicenna.” Arab. Sci. Phil. 24, no. 2 (2014):
William Willcocks and Engineering British Colo- 269–296.
nialism.” Ann. Sci. 71 (2014): 183–205.
465. M EGUID, Ahmed El-Sayed Abdel. “Realism
454. VALLE, Ivonne del. “From José de Acosta and Liberalism in the Naturalistic-Psychological
to the Enlightenment: Barbarians, Climate Change, Roots of Averroēs Critique of Plato’s Republic.” In
and (Colonial) Technology as the End of History.” Matter and Form, edited by WARD (2009) [ref. 218],
Eighteenth Cent. Theory Interpr. 54 (2013): 435– 71–84.
466. R AHMANA, Shahid, Johan Georg
G RANSTR ÖMA, and Zaynab S ALLOUM. “Ibn Sina ’s
Approach to Equality and Unity.” Arab. Sci. Phil. 24,
455. N OVICK, Tamar. “Bible, Bees and Boxes: The no. 2 (2014): 297–307.
Creation of ‘The Land Flowing with Milk and Honey’
in Palestine, 1880–1931.” Food Cult. Soc. 16 (2013):
467. AUFFRET, Thomas. “Serenus d’Antinoë dans la
tradition Gréco-Arabe des coniques.” Arab. Sci. Phil.
210. ARABIC-ISLAMIC CULTURAL 24, no. 2 (2014): 181–209.
CONTEXTS 468. B IR, Atilla, and Mustafa K AÇAR. “Semerkand
Astronomi ve Matematik Ekolünün Osmanl ’ya
Etkisi: Ulu Bey’in Sinüs 1◦ yi Yakla k Belirleme
456. A L -H ASSANI, Salim T. S. 1001 Inventions: Yöntemi.” Translated title: [The influence of the
The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization. 3rd Samarkand school of astronomy and mathematics on
Edition. (352 pp.; ill.) Washington, D.C.: National the Ottomans: Ulugh Beg’s approximate method of
Geographic, 2012. ISBN: 9781426209345. calculating sinus 1◦ ]. Osmanli Bilimi Arast. 14, no. 2
Reviews: [ref. 459] (2013): 48–66.

457. L AMEER, Joep. “Avicenna’s Concupisence.” 469. B RUMMELEN, Glen Van, Taro M IMURA, and
Arab. Sci. Phil. 23 (2013): 277–289. Yousuf K ERAI. “Al-Samaw’al’s Curious Approach to
Trigonometry.” Suhayl 11 (2012): 9–31.
Notes on Practical Geometry.” Suhayl 11 (2012):
458. K ALIN, Ibrahim. The Oxford Encyclopedia of 117–145.
Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam. (1152
pp.) Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 471. D JEBBAR, Ahmed, and Marc M OYON. Les
2014. ISBN: 9780199358434. sciences arabes en Afrique. Mathématiques et As-
tronomie IXe-XIXe siècles. Manuscrits du désert.
210-20. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, GENERAL (190 pp.; ill.) Lyon: VECMAS, impr., 2011. ISBN:
WORKS 9782909550763.
Reviews: [ref. R266]
459. B RENTJES, Sonja. Essay review. Aestimatio 10
(2013): 119–153. 472. E L -B IZRI, Nader. (Ed.) On Arithmetic and
Essay review of Salim T. S. A L -H ASSANI, 1001 Geometry: An Arabic Critical Edition and English
Inventions (2012) [ref. 456]. Translation of Epistles 1–2. (xii + 187 pp.; ill.;

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32 210. Arabic-Islamic contexts

bibl.; index.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. 486. M OZAFFARI, Seyyed Mohammad. “Historical
ISBN : 9780199655601. Annular Solar Eclipses.” J. Brit. Astron. Assoc. 123,
Reviews: [ref. R289] no. 1 (2013): 33–36.

473. K HAYYAM, Omar, Roshdi K HALIL, and 487. PAYNE, Richard. “Cosmology and the Expan-
Waleed D EEB. An essay by the Uniquely Wise ’Abel sion of the Iranian Empire, 502–628 CE.” Past &
Fath Omar Bin Al-Khayyam on Algebra and Equa- Present 220 (2013): 3–33.
tions: Algebra Wa Al-Muqabala. The great books of
488. YAZDI, Hamid-Reza Giahi. “The Fragment of
Islamic civilization. (xiv + 57 pp.; ill.) Reading, UK:
Al-Kindi’s Lost Treatise on Observations of Halley’s
Garnet, 2009. ISBN: 9781859641811.
Comet in A.d. 837.” J. Hist. Astron. 45.1 (2014):
Reviews: [ref. R537] 61–77.
474. R ASHED, Roshdi, and Athanase PAPADOPOU -
LOS . “On Menelaus’ Spherics III.5 in Arabic Math- 210-111. ASTROLOGY
ematics, I: Ibn ’Irāq.” Arab. Sci. Phil. 24 (2014): 489. C ASULLERAS, Josep, and Jan P. H OGENDIJK.
1–68. “Progressions, Rays and Houses in Medieval Islamic
Astrology: A Mathematical Classification.” Suhayl
475. R AYNAUD, Dominique. “Building the Stemma 11 (2012): 33–102.
Codicum from Geometric Diagrams.” Arch. Hist.
Exact Sci. 68 (2014): 207–239. 490. M OZAFFARI, S. Mohammad. “The Effect of
Astrological Opinions on Society: A Preliminary
476. VAHABZADEH, Bijan. “Le commentaire d’Ibn View.” Trames 16, no. 4 (2013): 359–368.
Mu’Ād sur le concept de rapport.” Arab. Sci. Phil.
23 (2013): 221–276.
210-110. ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY 491. C ARDONA S U ÁREZ, Carlos Alberto. “El prob-
lema de Alhacén.” Asclepio 64, no. 1 (2012): 251–
477. B ELLVER, José, and Julio S AMS Ó. “Ibn al- 276.
Raqqām on Lunar Parallax.” Suhayl 11 (2012): 189– Regarding al-Haytham’s treatise on optics.

478. C HAB ÁS, José. “The Toledan Tables in Castil- 210-114. ALCHEMY
ian: Excerpts of the Planetary Equations.” Suhayl 11 492. P ÉREZ, Miguel López. “El Fraude del
(2012): 179–188. Alquimista en la Literatura: Parte I: Orı́genes Del Re-
lato: De los Orı́genes a Al-Jawbari (651–H. 1240).”
479. G RUPE, Dirk. “The ‘Thābit-Version’ of Azogue 7 (2013): 15–43.
Ptolemy’s Almagest in MS Dresden Db.87.” Suhayl
11 (2012): 147–153.
210-131. BOTANY
480. K APOOR, R. C. “Did Ibn Sina Observe the 493. BAYTOP, Asuman. “Wilhelm Noë (1798–1858)
Transit of Venus 1032 AD?” Indian J. Hist. Sci. 48, ve Türkiye Bitkileri Koleksiyonu.” [Translated title:
no. 2 (2013): 405–445. Wilhelm Noë (1798–1858) and his Turkish Plant
Collection] In Turkish. Osmanli Bilimi Arast. 13, no.
481. K ING, David A. “Two Newly-Discovered As- 2 (2012): 23–30.
trolabes from ‘Abbasid Baghdad.” Suhayl 11 (2012):
103–116. 494. TAWARA, Akihiro. “Avicenna’s Denial of Life
in Plants.” Arab. Sci. Phil. 24 (2014): 127–138.
482. M OZAFFARI, S. Mohammad. “Biruni’s Exam-
ination of the Path of the Centre of the Epicycle in
Ptolemy’s Lunar Model.” J. Hist. Astron. 45, no. 1 210-132. ZOOLOGY; ANATOMY AND
(2014): 123–127. PHYSIOLOGY
495. P ROVENÇAL, Philippe. “Marine Biological
483. M OZAFFARI, S. Mohammad. “Limitations of Report in the Nuh bat al-Dahr Fı̄ ’Aǧā’ib al-Barr
Methods: The Accuracy of the Values Measured for Wa-al-bah.r.” Arab. Sci. Phil. 24 (2014): 169–180.
the Earth’s/Sun’s Orbital Elements in the Middle East,
A.D. 800–1500, Part 2.” J. Hist. Astron. 44, no. 4
(2013): 389–411. 210-135. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY; HUMAN
484. M OZAFFARI, S. Mohammad. “Mu yı̄ al-Dı̄n 496. BALSOY, Gülhan. The Politics of Reproduction
al-Maghribı̄’s Lunar Measurements at the Maragha in Ottoman Society, 1838–1900. The Body, Gender
Observatory.” Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 68 (2014): and Culture; 12. (x + 180 pp.) London: Pickering &
67–120. Chatto, 2013. ISBN: 9781848933255.
Reviews: [ref. R53]
485. M OZAFFARI, S. Mohammad, and Georg
Z OTTI. “Ghăzăn Khăn’s Astronomical Innovations at 497. FANCY, Nahyan A. G. Science and Religion in
Marăgha Observatory.” J. Amer. Orient. Soc. 132, no. Mamluk Egypt: Ibn al-Nafis, Pulmonary Transit and
3 (2012): 395–425. Bodily Resurrection. Culture and civilization in the

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230. Asian contexts 33

Middle East ; 37. (xii + 186 pp.) London: Routledge, 220. MEDIEVAL BYZANTINE CULTURAL
2013. ISBN: 9780415622004. CONTEXTS
Reviews: [ref. R304]
210-137. PSYCHOLOGY; COMPARATIVE 510. D EJI Ć, Mirko. “How the Old Slavs (Serbs)
PSYCHOLOGY Wrote Numbers.” Brit. Soc. Hist. Math. Bull. 29, no.
498. F ORCADA, Miquel. “Ibn Bājja on Taşawwur 1 (2014): 2–17.
and Taşdı̄q: Science and Psychology.” Arab. Sci.
Phil. 24 (2014): 103–126.
499. C OOPER, Glen M. “Rational and Empirical
Medicine in Ninth-Century Baghdad: Qust ā Ibn 511. K IM, Yong-sik. Questioning Science in East
Lūqā’s Questions on the Critical Days in Acute Ill- Asian Contexts: Essays on Science, Confucianism,
nesses.” Arab. Sci. Phil. 24 (2014): 69–102. and the Comparative History of Science. Science and
Religion in East Asia, 1. (viii + 284 pp.) Leiden:
500. DALFARDI, Behnam, Hassan YARMOHAM - Brill, 2014. ISBN: 9789004265318.
MADI , Mahsa S EDIGHI , and Arman Z ARGARAN .
“Al-Akhawayni and the Early Descriptions of Menin-
gitis.” J. Hist. Neurosci. 23, no. 2 (2014): 120–126. 230-5. HISTORIOGRAPHY AND HISTORICAL
501. F ORCADA, Miquel. “Salting Babies. Inno-
512. Y UHUA, Guo. “Narratives of the ‘Sufferer’ as
vation and Tradition in Premodern Procedures for
Historical Testimony.” In Sociology and Anthropol-
Neonatal Care.” Suhayl 11 (2012): 155–178.
ogy in Twentieth-Century China, edited by D IRLIK et
502. P ORMANN, Peter E. The Mirror of Health: al. (2012) [ref. 3014], 333–358.
Discovering Medicine in the Golden Age of Islam. (x
+ 92 pp.; ill.) London: Royal College of Physicians 230-20. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, GENERAL
of London, 2013. ISBN: 9781860165108. WORKS
513. L ING -Y EONG, Chin. “Zeng He: Navigator,
Discover, and Diplomat.” In Confucianism, Chinese
503. H ERRERA RODR ÍGUEZ, Francisco. “Enfer- History and Society, edited by Wong Sin K IONG
medad y sociedad en ‘Le profecı́a del Corán.’ ” Llull (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2012), 111–
36 (2013): 467–474. 126.
Includes an overview of ancient and medieval
210-153. PHARMACY
Chinese maritime expiditions.

504. AYARI -L ASSUEUR, Sylvie. “Les Propriétés 514. S TARR, S. Frederick. Lost Enlightenment:
des Remèdes Simples Selon Avicenne (980–1037) : Central Asia’s Golden Age from the Arab Conquest
Analyse de Quelques Passages du Canon.” Gesnerus to Tamerlane. (xxxvii + 834 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.;
69, no. 2 (2012): 207–246. index.) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013.
ISBN : 9780691157733.
505. C HIPMAN, Leigh, and Efraim L EV. “Arabic Reviews: [ref. R975]
Prescriptions from the Cairo Genizah.” Asian Med. 6,
no. 1 (2010): 75–94. 515. T S ’ UN -YAN, Liu. “East Meets West: The
Impact on China and Her Response.” In Confucian-
506. G ÜNERGUN, Feza, and Şeref E TKER. “From ism, Chinese History and Society, edited by Wong
Quinaquina to ‘Quinine Law’: A Bitter Chapter in the Sin K IONG (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing,
Westernisation of Turkish Medicine.” Osmanli Bilimi 2012), 67–88.
Arast. 14, no. 2 (2013): 41–68.
507. Y ILDIRIM, Rifat Vedat. “Estudios sobre De 230-23. SCIENCE AND CULTURE: LITERATURE
Materia Medica de Dioscórides en la Era Islámica.” AND THE ARTS
Asclepio 65, no. 1 (2013): Approx. 5,000 words..
516. L I, Yuhang. “Embroidering Guanyin: Con-
structions of the Divine through Hair.” Part of a
210-163. AGRICULTURE special issue, “Women and Textile Production Tech-
508. PARIS, Harry S., Zohar A MAR, and Efraim niques in Traditional China” [ref. 518]. EASTM 36
L EV. “Medieval History of the Duda’im Melon (2012): 167–176.
(Cucumis melo, Cucurbitaceae).” Econ. Bot. 66
(2012): 276–284. 230-27. SCIENCE AND GENDER

509. S HEHADA, Housni Alkhateeb. Mamluks and 517. H UANG, I-Fen. “Gender, Technical Innovation,
Animals: Veterinary Medicine in Medieval Islam. and Gu Family Embroidery in Late-Ming Shanghai.”
(xxii + 237 pp.; ill.) Leiden: Brill, 2013. ISBN: Part of a special issue, “Women and Textile Pro-
9789004234055. duction Techniques in Traditional China” [ref. 518].
EASTM 36 (2012): 131–166.

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34 230. Asian contexts

518. S HENG, Angela. “Women’s Work, Virtue, and 230-101. OCCULTISM AND NATURAL MAGIC
Space: Change from Early to Late Imperial China.”
Introduction to a special issue, “Women and Textile 528. B ENDER, Ross. “Auspicious Omens in the
Production Techniques in Traditional China.” EASTM Reign of the Last Empress of Nara Japan, 749–770.”
36 (2012): 9–38. Jap. J. Relig. Stud. 40 (2013): 45–76.
Contents: Alexandra T UNSTALL, “Beyond Catego- 529. H AYEK, Matthias. “Correcting the Old, Adapt-
rization: Zhu Kerou’s Tapestry Painting Butterfly ing the New: Baba Nobutake and the (Relative) Re-
and Camellia,” 39–76 [ref. 519]; I-Fen H UANG, juvenation of Divination in the Seventeenth Century.”
“Gender, Technical Innovation, and Gu Family Jap. J. Relig. Stud. 40 (2013): 169–188.
Embroidery in Late-Ming Shanghai,” 131–166
[ref. 517]; Dorothy KO, “Epilogue: Textiles,
Technology, and Gender in China,” 167–176 230-102. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY
[ref. 588]; Yuhang L I, “Embroidering Guanyin: 530. C RAIG, Sienna R. “From Empowerments to
Constructions of the Divine through Hair,” 167– Power Calculations: Notes on Efficacy, Value and
176 [ref. 516]. Method.” In Medicine Between Science and Religion,
edited by A DAMS et al. (2011) [ref. 551], 215–244.
519. T UNSTALL, Alexandra. “Beyond Categoriza-
tion: Zhu Kerou’s Tapestry Painting Butterfly and
Camellia.” Part of a special issue, “Women and 230-103. MATHEMATICS
Textile Production Techniques in Traditional China”
[ref. 518]. EASTM 36 (2012): 39–76. 531. JAMI, Catherine. The Emperor’s New Math-
ematics: Western Learning and Imperial Authority
during the Kangxi Reign (1662–1722). (xv + 436 pp.;
230-28. SCIENCE AND RELIGION ill.; maps.) Oxford ; New York: Oxford University
Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780199601400.
520. C HENG, Yu-Yin. “Changing Cosmology, Reviews: [ref. R497]
Changing Perspectives on History and Politics: Chris-
tianity and Yang Tingyun’s (1562–1627) Reflections 532. P OLLET, Charlotte-V. “The Influence of Qing
on China.” J. World Hist. 24 (2013): 499–537. Dynasty Editorial Work on the Modern Interpretation
of Mathematical Sources: The Case of Li Rui’s
521. C RIVELLER, Gianni. Essay review. J. Asian Edition of Li Ye’s Mathematical Treatises.” Sci.
Stud. 71 (2012): 768–773. Context 27, no. 3 (2014): 385–422.
Essay review of Michela F ONTANA, Matteo Ricci
(2011); R. Po-chia H SIA, A Jesuit in the Forbidden 533. Y ING, Jia-Ming. “Mathematical Canons in
City (2010) [ref. 524]; Mary L AVEN, Mission to Practice: The Case of Nineteenth-Century Korean
China (2011) [ref. 435]. Scholar Nam Py ng-Gil and His Evaluation of Two
Major Algebraic Methods Used in East Asia.” East
522. D REES, Willem B. “Rich Religion and Science: Asian STS 8, no. 3 (2014): 347–362.
Asian Religions, Ian Barbour, and Much Else.” Zygon
48 (2013): 853–858. 230-104. MUSIC
On the development and historiography of the
study of religion and science. 534. B RINDLEY, Erica Fox. Music, Cosmology, and
the Politics of Harmony in Early China. SUNY series
523. H ARRISON, Henrietta. “Rethinking Missionar- in Chinese philosophy and culture. (xi + 225 pp.;
ies and Medicine in China: The Miracles of Assunta bibl.; index.) Albany: State University of New York
Pallotta, 1905–2005.” J. Asian Stud. 71 (2012): Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781438443133.
127–148. Reviews: [ref. R124]

524. H SIA, R. Po-chia. A Jesuit in the Forbidden 230-110. ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY
City: Matteo Ricci 1552–1610. (xiv + 359 pp.; ill.;
maps; bibl.; index.) New York: Oxford University 535. C HOU, Wen-shing. “Reimagining the Buddhist
Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780199656530. Universe: Pilgrimage and Cosmography in the Court
Reviews: [ref. 521] of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama (1876–1933).” J. Asian
Stud. 73, no. 2 (2014): 419–445.
525. H UGONIOT, Christophe. “Una bevanda di apos-
tasia: il comos mongolico nell’Itinerarium di frate 536. G OLVERS, Noēl. “A Note on the ‘Machine
Guglielmo di Rubrouck.” Food Hist. 9, no. 2 (2011): of Roemer’ in Late-17th Century China, Antoine
109–126. Thomas, S. J., and the First Contacts of Ferdinand
Verbiest, S. J., with the Jesuits in Paris.” Almagest 4,
526. KOKE, Ho Peng. “Did Confucianism Hinder the no. 1 (2013): 62–73.
Development of Science in China?” In Confucianism,
537. I SAHAYA, Yoichi. “The Tārı̄kh-i Qitā in the Zı̄j-
Chinese History and Society, edited by Wong Sin
i Īlkhānı̄—The Chinese calendar in Persian.” Sciamvs
K IONG (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing,
14 (2013): 149–258.
2012), 49–66.
538. TAN, Wei Yu Wayne. “Science, Politics and
527. S HIN ’ ICHIR Ō, Masuo. “Chinese Religion and Networks: Shibukawa Harumi and the Birth of the
the Formation of Onmyōdō.” Jap. J. Relig. Stud. 40 New Almanac in Seventeenth-century Japan.” Ann.
(2013): 19–43. Sci. 71 (2014): 241–270.

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230. Asian contexts 35

539. WAN Xiufeng. “Research on the Production Reviews: [ref. R569]

Costs of the Jihengfuchen Yi Astronomical Instru-
ment in the Qing Dynasty.” [Translated title.] In 545. M ARKS, Robert B. China: Its Environment
Chinese. Chinese J. Hist. Sci. Tech. 35, no. 1 (2014): and History. World Social Change. (xxi + 438 pp.;
74–78. ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) Lanham, MD: Rowman &
Littlefield, 2012. ISBN: 9781442212756.
Reviews: [ref. R651]
540. S TONE, Richard. “History of Science. Scien- ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY
tists Fete China’s Supreme Polymath.” Science 318,
no. 5851 (2007): 733. 546. C UOMU, Mingji. “Sexual Differentiation in
On the legacy of Xu Guangqi, translator of Euclid’s Tibetan Medical and Buddhist Perspectives.” Asian
Elements into Chinese. Med. 6, no. 2 (2011): 421–432.


541. S HORT, John Rennie. Korea: A Cartographic 547. H ARDING, Christopher. “Japanese Psychoanal-
History. (xiii + 160 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) ysis and Buddhism: The Making of a Relationship.”
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012. ISBN: Hist. Psychiat. 25, no. 2 (2014): 154–170.
Reviews: [ref. R938] 548. S MITH, Frederick M. “Sattvāvajaya, Psychol-
ogy, and Ritual Possession in India.” Asian Med. 6,
542. S MITH, Richard J. Mapping China and Man- no. 1 (2010): 22–32.
aging the World: Culture, Cartography and Cos-
mology in Late Imperial Times. (xvi + 270 pp.; ill.; 230-142. CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY
maps.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2013. ISBN:
9780415685092. 549. C HEE -B ENG, Tan. “Chinese of Different Na-
Reviews: [ref. R956] tionalities, China, and the Anthropology of Chi-
nese Culture.” In Sociology and Anthropology in
Twentieth-Century China, edited by D IRLIK et al.
(2012) [ref. 3014], 191–208.
543. B ELLO, David A. “Relieving Mongols of Their
Pastoral Identity: Disaster Management on the 550. D IAS, Nélia. “Rivet’s Mission in Colonial In-
Eighteenth-Century Qing China Steppe.” Environ. dochina (1931–1932) or the Failure to Create an
Hist. 19, no. 3 (2014): 480–504. Ethnographic Museum.” Part of the special issue:
“Anthropology, Collecting and Colonial Governmen-
544. K UMAR, Deepak, Vinita DAMODARAN, and talities”. [ref. 2235]. Hist. & Anthro. 25 (2014):
Rohan D’S OUZA. (Eds.) The British Empire and the 189–207.
Natural World: Environmental Encounters in South
Asia. Conference Publication. (xiv + 280 pp.; ill.;
maps; bibl.; index.) Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2011. ISBN: 9780198069706. 551. A DAMS, Vincanne, Mona S CHREMPF, and
Contents: Aparna VAIDIK, “The Wild Andamans: Sienna R. C RAIG. (Eds.) Medicine Between Science
Island Imageries and Colonial Encounter,” 17– and Religion: Explorations on Tibetan Grounds.
42; Daniel RYCROFT, “Walter Sherwill and the Epistemologies of Healing. (xiii + 371 pp.; ill.; bibl.;
Visual Representation of Colonial Authority in index.) New York: Berghahn Books, 2011. ISBN:
Mid-nineteenth Century India,” 43–70; Christo- 9781845457587.
pher V. H ILL, “Imperial Design: The Royal Indian Contents: Vincanne A DAMS, Mona S CHREMPF
Engineering College and Public Works in Colonial and Sienna R. C RAIG, “Introduction: Medicine
India,” 71–85 [ref. 597]; Deborah S UTTON, “Re- in Translation between Science and Religion,” 1–
deeming Wood by Destroying the Forest: Shola, 32; Alex M C K AY, “Biomedicine in Tibet at the
Plantations and Colonial Conservancy on the Nil- Edge of Modernity,” 33–56; Martin S AXER, “Ti-
giris in the Nineteenth Century,” 86–118; Jay- betan Medicine and Russian Modernities,” 57–82
eeta S HARMA, “Making Garden, Erasing Jungle: [ref. 579]; Stephan K LOOS, “Navigating ‘Modern
The Tea Enterprise in Colonial Assam,” 119–144 Science’ and ‘Traditional Culture’: The Dharam-
[ref. 650]; B. Eswara R AO, “Taming Liquid Gold’ sala Men-Tsee-Khang in India,” 83–106 [ref. 571];
and Dam Technology: A Study of the Godavari An- Vincanne A DAMS, Renchen D HONDUP and Phuoc
icut,” 145–159 [ref. 644]; Peter L. S CHMITTHEN - V. L E, “A Tibetan Way of Science: Revision-
NER , “The Environmental and Cultural Legacy ing Biomedicine as Tibetan Practice,” 107–126;
of Colonial Hydraulic Projects in Two South In- Barbara G ERKE, “Correlating Biomedical and Ti-
dian Deltas,” 181–201 [ref. 645]; Asoka Kumar betan Medical Terms in Amchi Medical Practice,”
S EN, “Collaboration and Conflict: Environmen- 127–156 [ref. 563]; Mona S CHREMPF, “Between
tal Legacies and the Ho of Kolhan (1700–1918),” Mantra and Syringe: Healing and Health-Seeking
202–230; D. G. D ONOVAN, “Forests at the Edge of Behaviour in Contemporary Amdo,” 157–184
Empire: The Case of Nepal,” 231–261; S. Abdul [ref. 585]; Kim G UTSCHOW, “From Home to
T HAHA, “Forest Policy and Ecological Change in Hospital: The Extension of Obstetrics in Ladakh,”
Hyderabad State (1867–1948),” 262–280. 185–214 [ref. 583]; Sienna R. C RAIG, “From

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36 230. Asian contexts

Empowerments to Power Calculations: Notes on 557. C ZAJA, Olaf. “The Four Tantras and the Global
Efficacy, Value and Method,” 215–244 [ref. 530]; Market: Changing Epistemologies of Drä (’Bras)
Mingji C UOMU, “Qualitative and Quantitative Re- Versus Cancer.” In Medicine Between Science and
search Methodology in Tibetan Medicine: The Religion, edited by A DAMS et al. (2011) [ref. 551],
History, Background and Development of Re- 265–296.
search in Sowa Rigpa,” 245–264 [ref. 556]; Olaf
C ZAJA, “The Four Tantras and the Global Market: 558. DACHILLE -H EY, Rae Erin. “The Case of the
Changing Epistemologies of Drä (’Bras) Versus Disappearing Blue Women: Understanding How
Cancer,” 265–296 [ref. 557]; Alejandro C HAOUL, Meaning Is Made in Desi Sangye Gyatso’s Blue Beryl
“Re-Integrating the Dharmic Perspective in Bio- Paintings.” Asian Med. 6, no. 2 (2011): 293–320.
Behavioural Research of a ‘Tibetan Yoga’ (Tsalung
Truükhor) Intervention for People with Cancer,” 559. D ESPEUX, Catherine. (Ed.) Médecine, religion
297–318; Geoffrey S AMUEL, “Epilogue: Towards et société dans la Chine médiévale : étude de manus-
a Sowa Rigpa Sensibility,” 319–334. crits chinois de Dunhuang et de Turfan. (1386 pp.)
Reviews: [ref. R7] Paris: Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Études
Chinoises, 2010. ISBN: 9782857570686.
552. A KASOY, Anna. Islam and Tibet: Interactions Reviews: [ref. R256]
along the Musk Routes. (391 pp.; ill.) Farnham:
Ashgate, 2011. ISBN: 9780754669562. 560. FARQUHAR, Judith. “Reading Hands: Pulse
Reviews: [ref. R15] Qualities and the Specificity of the Clinical.” East
Asian STS 8, no. 1 (2014): 9–24.
553. BAKER, Ian A. “Embodying Enlightenment:
Physical Culture in Dzogchen as revealed in Tibet’s 561. F JELD, Heidi, and Theresia H OFER. “Women
Lukhang Murals.” Asian Med. 7, no. 1 (2012): and Gender in Tibetan Medicine.” Asian Med. 6, no.
225–264. 2 (2011): 175–216.
554. B IVINS, Roberta. “Imagining Acupuncture:
562. G ARRETT, Frances. “Shaping the Illness of
Images and the Early Westernization of Asian Medi-
Hunger: A Culinary Aesthetics of Food and Healing
cal Expertise.” Special Issue: Diversity of Medicine
in Tibet.” Asian Med. 6, no. 1 (2010): 33–54.
in China and Chinese Medicine in Europe. Asian
Med. 7, no. 2 (2014): 298–318. 563. G ERKE, Barbara. “Correlating Biomedical and
Contents: Sean Hsiang-lin L EI, “Qi- Tibetan Medical Terms in Amchi Medical Practice.”
Transformation and the Steam Engine: The In Medicine Between Science and Religion, edited by
Incorporation of Western Anatomy and Re- A DAMS et al. (2011) [ref. 551], 127–156.
Conceptualisation of the Body in Nineteenth-
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570. K LOOS, Stephan. “How Tibetan Medicine in Contemporary Issues” [ref. 570]. East Asian STS 7,
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641. C HATTOPADHAYAY, Pranab K., and Ashok 652. DE B LOIS, François. “Some Early Islamic and
P URTY. “Ho Tribes of Eastern India and Their Met- Christian Sources Regarding the Jewish Calendar
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643. G OLDER, Bishwanath. “Energy Intensity of Astronomy, and Calendars in the Jewish Tradition,
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Technology and Firm Characteristics.” Sci. Tech. & 41–64.
Soc. 16 (2011): 351–372.
654. L EICHT, Reimund. “Observing the Moon: As-
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In The British Empire and the Natural World, edited
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by K UMAR et al. (2011) [ref. 544], 145–159.
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645. S CHMITTHENNER, Peter L. “The Environ-
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Projects in Two South Indian Deltas.” In The British Iudeum talia scire: A Late Medieval Latin School
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al. (2011) [ref. 544], 181–201. and Calendars in the Jewish Tradition, edited by
S TERN and B URNETT (2014) [ref. 658], 327–365.
TECHNOLOGY Jews and Medieval Astrolabes: Where, Why, How,
646. O’H ANLON, Rosalind. “Performance in a and What for?” In Time, Astronomy, and Calendars in
World of Paper: Puranic Histories and Social Com- the Jewish Tradition, edited by S TERN and B URNETT
munication in Early Modern India.” Past & Present (2014) [ref. 658], 221–272.
219 (2013): 87–126.
657. RUSTOW, Marina, and Sacha S TERN. “The
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647. S ANFORD, A. Whitney. Growing Stories from History.” In Time, Astronomy, and Calendars in the
India: Religion and the Fate of Agriculture. Foreword Jewish Tradition, edited by S TERN and B URNETT
by Vandana Shiva. Culture of the Land. (xv + 269 pp.; (2014) [ref. 658], 79–96.
ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) Lexington, KY: University
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dition. Time, Astronomy, and Calendars: Texts and
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bénéflce de l’environnement et de la santé.” Food Contents: Jonathan B EN -D OV, “A Jewish Para-
Hist. 9, no. 2 (2011): 239–260. pegma? Reading 1 Enoch 82 in Roman Egypt,”
1–26 [ref. 775]; Reimund L EICHT, “Observing the
649. S HAH, N. C. “Sesamum Indicum (Sesame or Moon: Astronomical and Cosmological Aspects
Til): Seeds and Oil—An Historical and Scientific in the Rabbinic New Moon Procedure,” 27–40
Evaluation from an Indian Perspective.” Indian J. [ref. 654]; Katharina K EIM, “Cosmology as Sci-
Hist. Sci. 48, no. 2 (2013): 151–174. ence or Cosmology as Theology? Reflections
on the Astronomical Chapters of Pirke DeRabbi
650. S HARMA, Jayeeta. “Making Garden, Erasing Eliezer,” 41–64 [ref. 653]; François DE B LOIS,
Jungle: The Tea Enterprise in Colonial Assam.” In “Some Early Islamic and Christian Sources Re-
The British Empire and the Natural World, edited by garding the Jewish Calendar (9th–11th Centuries),”
K UMAR et al. (2011) [ref. 544], 119–144. 65–78 [ref. 652]; Marina RUSTOW and Sacha
S TERN, “The Jewish Calendar Controversy of
921–22: Reconstructing the Manuscripts and Their
250. JEWISH CULTURAL CONTEXTS Transmission History,” 79–96 [ref. 657]; Ilana
WARTENBERG, “The Hebrew Calendrical Book-
250-22. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: POLITICS, LAW, shelf of the Early Twelfth Century: The Cases of
AND ECONOMICS Abraham bar H.iyya and Jacob bar Samson,” 97–
112 [ref. 922]; Israel M. S ANDMAN, “Scribal Pre-
651. DAVID, Joseph E. Jurisprudence and Theol- rogative in Modifying Calendrical Tables,” 113–
ogy: In Late Ancient and Medieval Jewish Thought. 154 [ref. 919]; Raymond M ERCIER, “Astronomical
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209–220 [ref. 921]; Josefina RODR ÍGUEZ A R - 260-28. SCIENCE AND RELIGION
RIBAS, “Medieval Jews and Medieval Astrolabes:
Where, Why, How, and What for?” 221–272 665. C ERVANTES, Fernando, and Andrew R ED -
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talia scire: A Late Medieval Latin School Text on Partial Contents: Andrew K EITT, “The Devil
the Jewish Calendar,” 327–365 [ref. 655]. in the Old World: Anti-Superstition Literature,
Medical Humanism and Preternatural Philoso-
phy in Early Modern Spain,” 15–39 [ref. 1295];
250-121. GEOGRAPHY; CARTOGRAPHY; Kenneth M ILLS, “Demonios within and without:
EXPLORATION Hieronymites and the Devil in the Early Mod-
ern Hispanic World,” 40–68 [ref. 1277]; Caterina
659. S EGRE, Vera. “New Research on a Rare Fresco P IZZIGONI, “Where Did All the Angels Go? An
Map of Jerusalem.” Imago Mundi 66, no. 2 (2014): Interpretation of the Nahua Supernatural World,”
224–235. 126–145 [ref. 666]; Jaime C UADRIELLO, “Winged
and Imagined Indians,” 211–248 [ref. 671].
Reviews: [ref. R176]
666. P IZZIGONI, Caterina. “Where Did All the
660. TAL, Alon. All the Trees of the Forest: Israel’s Angels Go? An Interpretation of the Nahua Super-
Woodlands from the Bible to the Present. Yale Agrar- natural World.” In Angels, Demons, and the New
ian Studies. (xvi + 348 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) World, edited by C ERVANTES and R EDDEN (2013)
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013. ISBN: [ref. 665], 126–145.
Reviews: [ref. R1000]
667. B RICKER, Harvey M., and Victoria Reifler
250-150. MEDICINE, GENERAL WORKS B RICKER. Astronomy in the Maya Codices. Mem-
661. D EUTSCH, Yaacov. “Religious Rituals and oirs of the American Philosophical Society held at
Ethnographic Knowledge: Sixteenth-Century De- Philadelphia for promoting useful knowledge; v. 265.
scriptions of Circumcision.” In Knowledge and Reli- (xviii + 907 pp.; ill.; maps.) Philadelphia: American
gion in Early Modern Europe, by Asaph B EN -T OV, Philosophical Society, 2011. ISBN: 9780871692658.
Yaacov D EUTSCH and Tamar H ERZIG (Leiden: Brill, Reviews: [ref. R123]
2013), 119–134. 668. M ILBRATH, Susan. Heaven and Earth in An-
cient Mexico: Astronomy and Seasonal Cycles in
the Codex Borgia. Linda Schele series in Maya and
pre-Columbian studies. (xiv + 174 pp.; ill.; bibl.; in-
662. I SSERLES, Justine. “Some Hygiene and Dietary dex.) Austin: University of Texas Press, 2013. ISBN:
Calendars in Hebrew Manuscripts from Medieval 978029274373.
Ashkenaz.” In Time, Astronomy, and Calendars in Reviews: [ref. R689]
the Jewish Tradition, edited by S TERN and B URNETT
(2014) [ref. 658], 273–326. 260-121. GEOGRAPHY; CARTOGRAPHY;
669. C HAMBERS, Ian. “A Cherokee Origin for the
260. NATIVE AMERICAN CULTURAL ‘Catawba’ Deerskin Map (c.1721).” Imago Mundi 65,
CONTEXTS no. 2 (2013): 207–216.

260-1. HISTORY OF SCIENCE, GENERAL WORKS 670. H OUSEHOLDER, Michael. Inventing Americans
in the Age of Discovery: Narratives of Encounter. (x
663. W ILLMOTT, Cory. “Beavers and Sheep: Vi- + 228 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Burlington, VT: Ashgate,
sual Appearance and Identity in Nineteenth-Century 2011. ISBN: 978075466760.
Algonquian-Anglo Relations.” Hist. & Anthro. 25 Reviews: [ref. R471]
(2014): 1–46.
260-20. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, GENERAL 671. C UADRIELLO, Jaime. “Winged and Imag-
WORKS ined Indians.” In Angels, Demons, and the New
World, edited by C ERVANTES and R EDDEN (2013)
664. C ARBALLO, David M., Luis BARBA, Agustı́n [ref. 665], 211–248.
O RTIZ, Jorge B LANCAS, Nicole C INGOLANI, Jorge
household Consumption and Community Ritual at La 672. B OTELHO, João Bosco, and Valéria Au-
Laguna, Mexico.” Antiquity 88 (2014): 141–159. gusta C.M. W EIGEL. “Comunidade sateré-mawé

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42 270. African, Australian, and traditional cultural contexts

Y’Apyrehyt: ritual e saúde na periferia urbana de 684. S ARFO -M ENSAH, Paul, Akwasi OWUSU -B I,
Manaus.” Manguinhos 18, no. 3 (2011): 723–744. Samuel AWUAH -N YAMEKYE, and Steve A MISAH.
“Environmental Conservation and Preservation of
673. O LIVEIRA, Iranilson Buriti de. “Artes de curar Cultural Heritage.” Worldviews 18 (2014): 30–53.
e modos de viver na geografia do cangaço.” Man-
guinhos 18, no. 3 (2011): 745–756.
685. BATTY, Philip. “The Tywerrenge as an Artefact
of Rule: The (Post) Colonial Life of a Secret/Sacred
Aboriginal Object.” Part of the special issue: “An-
TRADITIONAL CULTURAL CONTEXTS thropology, Collecting and Colonial Governmen-
270-110. ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY talities”. [ref. 2235]. Hist. & Anthro. 25 (2014):
674. F ULLER, Robert S., Michael G. A NDERSON,
Ray P. N ORRIS, and Michelle T RUDGETT. “The 686. C AMERON, Fiona Ruth. “From ‘Dead Things’
Emu Sky Knowledge of the Kamilaroi and Euahlayi to Immutable, Combinable Mobiles: H.D. Skinner,
Peoples.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 17, no. 2 (2014): the Otago Museum and University and the Gover-
171–179. nance of Māori Populations.” Part of the special
issue: “Anthropology, Collecting and Colonial Gov-
675. F ULLER, Robert S., Michelle T RUDGETT, Ray ernmentalities”. [ref. 2235]. Hist. & Anthro. 25
P. N ORRIS, and Michael G. A NDERSON. “Star Maps (2014): 208–226.
and Travelling to Ceremonies: The Euahlayi People
and Their Use of the Night Sky.” J. Astron. Hist. 687. D IBLEY, Ben. “Assembling an Anthropological
Herit. 17, no. 2 (2014): 149–160. Actor: Anthropological Assemblage and Colonial
Government in Papua.” Part of the special issue:
676. H AMACHER, Duane W. “Are Supernovae “Anthropology, Collecting and Colonial Governmen-
Recorded in Indigenous Astronomical Traditions?” J. talities”. [ref. 2235]. Hist. & Anthro. 25 (2014):
Astron. Hist. Herit. 17, no. 2 (2014): 161–170. 263–279.
677. H AMACHER, Duane W. “Aurorae in Australian 688. M C C ARTHY, Conal. “ ‘Empirical Anthropol-
Aboriginal Traditions.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 16, no. ogists Advocating Cultural Adjustments’: The An-
2 (2013): 207–219. thropological Governance of pirana Ngata and the
Native Affairs Department.” Part of the special issue:
678. H AMACHER, Duane W., and John G OLD - “Anthropology, Collecting and Colonial Governmen-
SMITH . “Aboriginal Oral Traditions of Australian talities”. [ref. 2235]. Hist. & Anthro. 25 (2014):
Impact Craters.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 16, no. 3 280–295.
(2013): 295–311.
679. H ARRIS, Pauline, Rangi M ATAMUA, Takiri- 270-160. TECHNOLOGY, GENERAL WORKS
rangi S MITH, Hoturoa K ERR, and Toa WAAKA. 689. M AVHUNGA, Clapperton Chakanetsa. Tran-
“A Review of Măori Astronomy in Aotearoa-New sient Workspaces: Technologies of Everyday In-
Zealand.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 16, no. 3 (2013): novation in Zimbabwe. (256 pp.) Cambridge,
325–336. Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2014. ISBN:
680. L EAMAN, Trevor M., and Duane W. 9780262027243.
H AMACHER. “Aboriginal Astronomical Traditions
from Ooldea, South Australia. Part 1: Nyeeruna and
‘The Orion Story.’ ” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 17, no. 2
(2014): 180–194.
681. N ORRIS, Ray P., and Bill Yidumduma H AR -
NEY . “Songlines and Navigation in Wardaman and
other Australian Aboriginal Cultures.” J. Astron. Hist.
Herit. 17, no. 2 (2014): 141–148.


682. M C A LEER, John. “The Case of Thomas Baines,
Curator-Explorer Extraordinaire, and the Display of
Africa in Nineteenth-Century Norfolk.” In Curating
Empire, edited by L ONGAIR and M C A LEER (2012)
[ref. 1549], 17–36.


683. H OLDEN, William N. “The Least of My
Brethren: Mining, Indigenous Peoples, and the Ro-
man Catholic Church in the Philippines.” Worldviews
17 (2013): 205–238.

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G. Chronological Classification


699. Ç AKIRLAR, Canan. “Neolithic Dairy Technol-
ogy at the European-Anatolian Frontier: Implications
690. B ELMONTE, Juan Antonio, A. César González of Archaeozoological Evidence from Ulucak Höyük,
G ARC ÍA, and Andrea P OLCARO. “On the Orienta- zmir, Turkey, ca. 7000–5700 cal. BC.” Anthropozoo-
tion of Megalithic Monuments of the Trans Jordan logica 47, no. 2 (2012): 77–98.
Plateau: New Clues for an Astronomical Interpreta-
tion.” J. Hist. Astron. 44, no. 4 (2013): 429–455. 700. KOROBOV, Dmitry S., and Alexander V.
B ORISOV. “The Origins of Terraced Field Agri-
691. P IMENTA, Fernando, Luı́s T IRAPICOS, and culture in the Caucasus: New Discoveries in the
Andrew S MITH. “A Bayesian Approach to the Ori- Kislovodsk Basin.” Antiquity 87 (2013): 1086–1103.
entations of Central Alentejo Megalithic Enclosures.”
Archaeoastronomy 22 (2009): 1–20. 701. M ANNING, Katie, Sean S. D OWNEY, Sue
C OLLEDGE, James C ONOLLY, Barbara S TOPP, Keith
692. VAVILOVA, Irina B., and Tetyana G. A RTE - D OBNEY, and Stephen S HENNAN. “The Origins and
MENKO . “Ancient Astronomical Culture in Ukraine. Spread of Stock-Keeping: The Role of Cultural and
1: Finds Relating to the Paleolithic Era.” J. Astron. Environmental Influences on Early Neolithic Ani-
Hist. Herit. 17, no. 1 (2014): 29–38. mal Exploitation in Europe.” Antiquity 87 (2013):
300-113. CHEMISTRY
and J. Peter N ORTHOVER. “Tainted Ores and the 311-1. HISTORY OF SCIENCE, GENERAL WORKS
Rise of Tin Bronzes in Eurasia, c. 6500 Years Ago.” 702. S HERMAN, Phillip Michael. Babel’s Tower
Antiquity 87 (2013): 1030–1045. Translated: Genesis 11 and Ancient Jewish Interpre-
tation. Biblical interpretation series; v. 117. (xii +
694. RUMI ŃSKI, J. K., and G. O SIPOWICZ. “Ne- 363 pp.) Boston: Brill, 2013. ISBN: 9789004205093.
olithic Adhesive from a T-shaped Ornamental Ele- Reviews: [ref. R936]
ment Excavated at Site 14 at Kowal, Kuyavia, Central
Poland.” Archaeometry 56 (2014): 129–144.
703. G ASPA, Salvatore. “Bread for Gods and Kings:
695. B REITENLECHNER, E., Th. S T ÖLLNER, P. On Baked Products in Profane and Cultic Consump-
T HOMAS, J. L UTZ, and K. O EGGL. “An Interdis- tion of Ancient Assyria.” Food Hist. 9, no. 2 (2011):
ciplinary Study on the Environmental Reflection of 3–22.
Prehistoric Mining Activities at the Mitterberg Main
Lode (Salzburg, Austria).” Archaeometry 56 (2014): 311-22. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: POLITICS, LAW,
704. W INAND, Jean. “Le corps du prince. La percep-
300-132. ZOOLOGY; ANATOMY AND tion de l’Égypte ancienne.” First article in a special
PHYSIOLOGY issue, “Le Corps du Prince.” Micrologus 22 (2014):
696. M AZOYER, Michel. “Histoire de serpents dans 3–11.
le monde hittite.” [Serpent’s tale in the Hittite world] Partial contents: Jean-Marie M OEGLIN, “Corps
In French. Anthropozoologica 47, no. 1 (2012): de l’Empire et corps de l’Empereur (XIe–XVe
315–321. siècle),” 37–67 [ref. 851]; Elizabeth A. R. B ROWN,
“The French Royal Funeral Ceremony and the
King’s Two Bodies. Ernst H. Kantorowicz, Ralph
300-150. MEDICINE, GENERAL WORKS E. Giesey and the Construction of a Paradigm,”
697. M ICHAELIDES, Demetres. Medicine and Heal- 105–137 [ref. 848]; Michael P ENMAN, “Head,
ing in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Including Body and Heart. Legitimating Kingship and the
the Proceedings of the International Conference with Burial of Robert Bruce, Scotland’s ‘Leper King’,
the Same Title. (xix + 354 pp.) Oxford: Oxbow CA 1286–1329,” 229–252 [ref. 986]; Bertrand
Books, 2014. ISBN: 9781782972358. S CHNERB, “Le corps armé du prince. Le duc de
Bourgogne en guerre,” 297–315 [ref. 868]; Marı́a
NARBONA C ARCELES, “Le corps d’une reine
300-160. TECHNOLOGY, GENERAL WORKS stérile. Marie de Castille, reine d’Aragon (1416–
1456),” 599–618 [ref. 861]; Gilles L ECUPPRE,
698. K AUL, Flemming. “The Nordic Razor and the “Déficience du corps et exercice du pouvoir au
Mycenaean Lifestyle.” Antiquity 87 (2013): 461–472. XIVe siècle,” 705–719 [ref. 973].

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44 311. Ancient Near Eastern contexts


705. F RIBERG, Jöran. “Geometric Division Prob-
lems, Quadratic Equations, and Recursive Geometric 717. H AAN, H. J. de. “More Insight from Physics
Algorithms in Mesopotamian Mathematics.” Arch. into the Construction of the Egyptian Pyramids.”
Hist. Exact Sci. 68 (2014): 1–34. Archaeometry 56 (2014): 145–174.

706. P ROUST, Christine. “Reading Colophons from 311-122. NATURAL HISTORY

Mesopotamian Clay-Tablets Dealing with Mathemat-
ics.” NTM 20, no. 3 (2012): 123–156. 718. M EEUSEN, Michiel. “Plutarch and the Wonder
of Nature: Preliminaries to Plutarch’s Science of
Physical Problems.” Apeiron 47, no. 3 (2014): 310–

707. C OCKCROFT, Robert, and Sarah L. S YMONS. 311-132. ZOOLOGY; ANATOMY AND
“Ancient Egyptian Diagonal Star Tables: A New PHYSIOLOGY
Fragment, and Updates for S16c and S1c.” J. Hist.
Astron. 45, no. 2 (2014): 197–208. 719. AUFR ÈRE, Sydney H. “Symptomatologie des
morsures d’ophidiens d’après le papyrus Brooklyn
nos 47.218.48 et 85 : aspects épistémologiques d’un
708. C OOLEY, Jeffrey L. Poetic Astronomy in the texte égyptien ancien recopié au IVe siècle avant notre
Ancient near East the Reflexes of Celestial Science ère.” [Symptomatology of Ophidian bites according
in Ancient Mesopotamian, Ugaritic, and Israelite to Brooklyn Papyrus no. 47.218.48–85: epistemolog-
Narrative. History, archaeology, and culture of the ical aspects of an ancient Egyptian text copied out at
Levant; 5. (ix + 396 pp.) Winona Lake, Indiana: IVth century B. C.E] In French. Anthropozoologica
Eisenbrauns, 2013. ISBN: 9781575062624. 47, no. 1 (2012): 223–261.
Reviews: [ref. 712]
720. BARBARA, Sébastien. “Armées en marche
709. G AUTSCHY, Rita. “On the Babylonian et découvertes herpétologiques dans l’Antiquité.”
Sighting-Criterion for the Lunar Crescent and Its [Expeditionary forces and herpetological discoveries
Implications for Egyptian Lunar Data.” J. Hist. As- in Antiquity] In French. Anthropozoologica 47, no. 1
tron. 45, no. 1 (2014): 79–90. (2012): 15–49.

710. M AGLI, Giulio. Architecture, Astronomy and 721. N ISSAN, Ephraim. “On a Mystery of Talmu-
Sacred Landscape in Ancient Egypt. (xi + 272 pp.; dic Zoonymy: The Parrot and the Myna? A Re-
ill.; maps.) New York, NY: Cambridge University assessment of the Identity of the Two andrafta Bird
Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781107032088. Species.” J. Amer. Orient. Soc. 131, no. 3 (2011):
Reviews: [ref. R641] 445–452.

711. N ELL, Erin, and Clive RUGGLES. “The Orien- 311-150. MEDICINE, GENERAL WORKS
tations of the Giza Pyramids and Associated Struc-
tures.” J. Hist. Astron. 45, no. 3 (2014): 304–360. 722. B OCK, Barbara. The Healing Goddess Gula:
Towards An Understanding of Ancient Babylonian
Medicine. Culture and History of the Ancient Near
712. ROCHBERG, Francesca. “Astronomy in the
East, Volume 67. (x + 221 pp.) Leiden: Brill, 2014.
Ancient near East.” J. Hist. Astron. 45, no. 1 (2014):
ISBN : 9789004261457.
Essay review of Jeffrey L. C OOLEY, Poetic Astron- 723. K WIECINSKI, Jakub. “The Dawn of Medicine:
omy in the Ancient near East the Reflexes of Ce- Ancient Egypt and Athotis, the King-Physician.”
lestial Science in Ancient Mesopotamian, Ugaritic, Perspect. Biol. Med. 56 (2013): 99–104.
and Israelite Narrative (2013) [ref. 708].
724. S ANCHEZ, Gonzalo M, and Edmund S
713. S TEELE, J. M. “Shadow-Length Schemes in M ELTZER. The Edwin Smith Papyrus: Updated
Babylonian.” Sciamvs 14 (2013): 3–39. Translation of the Trauma Treatise and Modern
Medical Commentaries. (xviii + 379 pp.; ill.; in-
714. S YMONS, Sarah. “An Ancient Egyptian Diago- dex.) Atlanta: Lockwood Press, 2012. ISBN:
nal Star Table in Mallawi, Egypt.” J. Hist. Astron. 44, 9781937040017.
no. 4 (2013): 457–463.
725. S TEELE, John M. Essay review. Aestimatio 10
715. VAHIA, Mayank, and Srikumar M. M ENON. (2013): 63–67.
“A Possible Harappan Astronomical Observatory at Essay review of Markham J. G ELLER, Ancient
Dholavira.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 16, no. 3 (2013): Babylonian Medicine (2010).
716. VAN B RUMMELEN, Glen. Essay review. Aesti-
matio 10 (2013): 99–105. 726. A FANAS ’ EVA, Tatyana I., and Sergey A.
I VANOV. “Unexpected Evidence concerning Gold
Essay review of Clemency M ONTELLE, Chasing Mining in Early Byzantium.” Greek Roman Byzan-
Shadows (2010). tine Stud. 53 (2013): 138–144.

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312. Ancient Greek and Roman contexts 45

C. C ORSI, A. Santos S ILVA, L. ROSADO, A. C AN -
DEIAS , and J. M IRAO . “A Multidisciplinary Ap- 737. FARAONE, C. A. “Notes on Some Greek Magi-
proach to the Study of Archaeological Mortars from cal Gems in New England.” Greek Roman Byzantine
the Town of Ammaia in the Roman Province of Lusi- Stud. 53 (2013): 326–349.
tania (Portugal).” Archaeometry 56 (2014): 1–24.
738. M ANDOSIO, Jean-Marc. “Les vies légendaires
d’Apollonius de Tyane, mage et philosophe.” Article
311-163. AGRICULTURE in a special issue, “Mittelalterliche Legenden von
728. M C C ORMICK, Finbar. “Cows, Milk and Reli- Philosophen und Gelehrten / The Medieval Legends
gion: The Use of Dairy Produce in Early Societies.” of Philosophers and Scholars” [ref. 895]. Micrologus
Anthropozoologica 47, no. 2 (2012): 101–113. 21 (2013): 115–144.


312. ANCIENT GREEK AND ROMAN 739. A L -M AINI, Douglas. “The Polis Philoso-
CONTEXTS phers.” In Matter and Form, edited by WARD (2009)
[ref. 218], 3–18.
METHODS 740. A LESSE, Francesca, Franco F ERRARI, and
729. VOLK, Katharina. “Introduction: A Century of Maria Cristina DALFINO. Epinomide: studi
Manilian Scholarship.” In Forgotten Stars, edited by sull’opera e la sua ricezione. (539 pp.) Naples,
G REEN and VOLK (2011) [ref. 783], 1–12. Italy: Bibliopolis, 2012. ISBN: 9788870886191.
Reviews: [ref. R19]
SCIENCE S HARPLES. Alexander Aphrodisiensis, De anima
730. H OLMES, Brooke. “Greco-Roman Ethics and libri mantissa: A New Edition of the Greek Text with
the Naturalistic Fantasy.” Isis 105, no. 3 (2014): Introduction and Commentary. Peripatoi, 1862-1465;
569–578. Band 21. (vi + 269 pp.) New York: Walter de Gruyter,
2008. ISBN: 9783110196443.
Reviews: [ref. R20]
WORKS 742. A NDRADE M ARTINS, Roberto de. “A doutrina
731. L EHOUX, Daryn. “Myth and Explanation in das causas finais na Antiguidade. 2. A teleologia na
Manilius.” In Forgotten Stars, edited by G REEN and natureza, segundo Aristóteles.” Fil. Hist. Biol. 8, no.
VOLK (2011) [ref. 783], 45–58. 2 (2013): 167–209.

743. A NDRADE M ARTINS, Roberto de. “A doutrina

312-22. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: POLITICS, LAW, das causas finais na Antiguidade. 3. A teleologia na
AND ECONOMICS natureza, de Teofrasto a Galeno.” Fil. Hist. Biol. 9,
732. A BRY, Josephe-Henriette. “Cosmos and Im- no. 1 (2014): 79–120.
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744. B ONNER, Kieran. “Principles, Dialectic and the
nomica.” In Forgotten Stars, edited by G REEN and
Common World of Friendship: Socrates and Crito
VOLK (2011) [ref. 783], 222–234.
in Conversation.” Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 2 (2014):
733. G REEN, Steven J. “Arduum ad astra: The Po- 3–25.
etics and Politics of Horoscopic Failure in Manilius’
Astronomica.” In Forgotten Stars, edited by G REEN 745. D IAMOND, Eli. “Aristotle’s Appropriation of
and VOLK (2011) [ref. 783], 120–141. Plato’s Sun Analogy in De Anima.” Apeiron 47, no. 3
(2014): 356–389.
734. K ARBOWSKI, Joseph A. “Aristotle’s Scientific
Inquiry into Natural Slavery.” J. Hist. Phil. 51 (2013): 746. D UDLEY, John. Aristotle’s Concept of Chance:
331–353. Accidents, Cause, Necessity, and Determinism. (xiii
+ 469 pp.; bibl.; index.) NY: State University of New
York Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781438432267.
312-23. SCIENCE AND CULTURE: LITERATURE Reviews: [ref. R274]
735. H EYKING, John von. “Hermes as Eros in 747. E BREY, David. “Making Room for Matter:
Plato’s Lysis.” Part of a special section, “The Gravity Material Causes in the Phaedo and the Physics.”
of Eros in the Contemporary” [ref. 30]. Hist. Hum. Apeiron 47, no. 2 (2014): 245–265.
Sci. 26, no. 5 (2013): 132–154.
748. G RAHAM, Daniel, and Justin BARNEY. “Gram-
matikĕ in Plato and Aristotle.” Apeiron 47, no. 4
312-27. SCIENCE AND GENDER (2014): 513–525.
736. K ARBOWSKI, Joseph. “Aristotle on the De- 749. H ABINEK, Thomas. “Manilius’ Conflicted
liberative Abilities of Women.” Apeiron 47, no. 4 Stoicism.” In Forgotten Stars, edited by G REEN and
(2014): 435–460. VOLK (2011) [ref. 783], 32–44.

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46 312. Ancient Greek and Roman contexts

750. I ERODIAKONOU, Katerina. “Remarks on the 764. F EKE, Jacqueline. “Meta-Mathematical

History of an Ancient Thought Experiment.” In Rhetoric: Hero and Ptolemy against the Philoso-
Thought Experiments in Methodological and Histor- phers.” Hist. Math. 41, no. 3 (2014): 261–276.
ical Contexts, edited by I ERODIAKONOU and ROUX
(2011) [ref. 129], 37–50. 765. K ENNEDY, Duncan F. “Sums in Verse or a
Mathematical Aesthetic?” In Forgotten Stars, edited
751. M OORE, Christopher. “How to ‘Know Thyself’ by G REEN and VOLK (2011) [ref. 783], 165–187.
in Plato’s Phaedrus.” Apeiron 47, no. 3 (2014):
390–418. 766. ROBY, Courtney. “Experiencing Geometry in
Roman Surveyors’ Texts.” Nuncius 29, no. 1 (2014):
752. O LFERT, Meyvis. “Incomplete Activities.” 9–52.
Apeiron 47, no. 2 (2014): 230–244.
Investigates “the consequences of Aristotle’s con- 767. S IDOLI, Nathan. “Mathematical Tables in
ception of unsuccessful or incomplete energeiai Ptolemy’s Almagest.” Hist. Math. 41, no. 1 (2014):
for his theory of excellence in the Nicomachean 13–37.
Ethics,” (from the abstract)
768. T ÓTH, Imre. Fragmente und Spuren nichteu-
753. P RINCE, Brian David. “Physical Change in klidischer Geometrie bei Aristoteles. Beiträge zur
Plato’s Timaeus.” Apeiron 47, no. 2 (2014): 211–229. Altertumskunde, Bd. 280. (xxiv + 425 pp.; ill.) New
York: De Gruyter, 2010. ISBN: 9783110224153.
754. R ESHOTKO, Naomi. “Plato on the Ordinary Reviews: [ref. R1016]
Person and the Forms.” Apeiron 47, no. 2 (2014):
266–292. 769. V ITRAC, Bernard, and Ahmed D JEBBAR. “Le
Livre XIV des Éléments d’Euclide: versions grecques
755. R IDER, Benjamin A. “Epicurus on the Fear of et arabes (seconde partie).” Sciamvs 13 (2012): 3–
Death and the Relative Value of Lives.” Apeiron 47, 156.
no. 4 (2014): 461–484.
770. W EINMAN, Michael. “Making ‘Men See
756. S MITH, Nicholas D. “Socratic Metaphysics?” Clearly’: Physical Imperfection and Mathematical
Apeiron 47, no. 4 (2014): 419–434. Order in Ptolemy’s Syntaxis.” In Matter and Form,
edited by WARD (2009) [ref. 218], 57–70.
757. S UTO, Taki. Boethius on Mind, Grammar,
and Logic: A Study of Boethius’ Commentaries on 312-104. MUSIC
Peri Hermeneias. Philosophia Antiqua, 127. (xiii +
296 pp.; index; bibl.) Leiden: Brill, 2012. ISBN: 771. H AGEL, Stefan. “A Response to Laywine on
9789004214187. Hagel, Ancient Greek Music.” Aestimatio 10 (2013):
Reviews: [ref. R994] 25–33.
A response to a critical review of the author’s book.
758. T ENNANT, Neil. “Aristotle’s Syllogistic and
Core Logic.” Hist. Phil. Logic 35 (2014): 120–147. 772. P ERROT, Sylvain. “Le sifflement du serpent :
du son inarticulé à la mise en musique.” Translated
759. T R ÉPANIER, Simon. “From Wandering Limbs title: [The hissing of the snake: how is it possible
to Limbless Gods: δαιμων as Substance in Empedo- to set an inarticulate sound to music?] In French.
cles.” Apeiron 47, no. 2 (2014): 172–210. Anthropozoologica 47, no. 1 (2012): 345–361.

760. WARD, Ann. “The Immortality of the Soul 773. ROCCONI, Eleonora. Le parole delle Muse: La
and the Origin of the Cosmos in Plato’s Phaedo.” In formazione del lessico tecnico musicale nella Grecia
Matter and Form, edited by WARD (2009) [ref. 218], antica. Quaderni dei Seminari romani di cultura
19–34. greca; 5. (vii + 147 pp.) Roma: Quasar, 2003. ISBN:
Reviews: [ref. R854]

761. ACERBI, Fabio. Il silenzio delle sirene. La 312-110. ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY
matematica greca antica. (448 pp.) Rome: Carocci, 774. A NDREW, Gregory. “Parmenides, Cosmology
2010. ISBN: 9788843055791. and Sufficient Reason.” Apeiron 47 (2014): 16–47.
Reviews: [ref. R4]
775. B EN -D OV, Jonathan. “A Jewish Parapegma?
762. A POLLONIUS. Apollonius de Perge, Coniques : Reading 1 Enoch 82 in Roman Egypt.” In Time,
texte grec et arabe. Edited by Roshdi R ASHED. (xii + Astronomy, and Calendars in the Jewish Tradition,
319 pp.) New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. ISBN: edited by S TERN and B URNETT (2014) [ref. 658],
9783110199383. 1–26.
Reviews: [ref. R31]
776. B OURTEMBOURG, René. “Was Uranus Ob-
763. C HRISTIANIDIS, Jean, and Ioanna S KOURA. served by Hipparchus?” J. Hist. Astron. 44, no. 4
“Solving Problems by Algebra in Late Antiquity: (2013): 377–387.
New Evidence from an Unpublished Fragment of
Theon’s Commentary on the Almagest.” Sciamvs 14 777. C ARMAN, Christián C. “Two Problems in
(2013): 41–57. Aristarchus’s Treatise On the sizes and distances

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312. Ancient Greek and Roman contexts 47

of the sun and moon.” Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 68 785. R ILEY, Mark. Essay review. Aestimatio 10
(2014): 35–65. (2013): 166–174.
Essay review of Steven J. G REEN and Katharina
778. C OUPRIE, Dirk L. Heaven and Earth in Ancient VOLK (eds.), Forgotten Stars (2011) [ref. 783].
Greek Cosmology: From Thales to Heraclides Pon-
ticus. Astrophysics and space science library; 374.
(xxxii + 261 pp.; ill.) New York: Springer, 2011. 312-112. PHYSICS; PHYSICAL SCIENCES,
ISBN : 9781441981158. GENERAL WORKS
Reviews: [ref. R210] 786. H EYD, Thomas. “And Yet She Moves!—The
Earth Rests on Water: Thales on the Role of Water
779. FANTHAM, Elaine. “More Sentiment than Sci- in Earth’s Mobility and in Nature’s Transformations.”
ence: Roman Stargazing before and after Manilius.” Apeiron 47, no. 4 (2014): 485–512.
In Forgotten Stars, edited by G REEN and VOLK
(2011) [ref. 783], 13–31. 787. J OHNSTONE, Mark A. “Aristotle on Sounds.”
Brit. J. Hist. Phil. 21, no. 4 (2013): 631–648.
780. G RAHAM, Daniel W. Science before Socrates:
Parmenides, Anaxagoras, and the New Astronomy. 788. L EEUWEN, Joyce van. “Thinking and Learn-
(xiii + 287 pp.; ill.; maps.) Oxford; New York: Ox- ing from Diagrams in the Aristotelian Mechanics.”
ford University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780199959785. Nuncius 29, no. 1 (2014): 53–87.
Reviews: [ref. R389]
789. S CHIANO, Claudio. Essay review. Aestimatio
781. L IRITZIS, Ioannis, and Belen C ASTRO. “Delphi 10 (2013): 205–213.
and Cosmovision: Apollo’s Absence at the Land of Essay review of G ALEN and Vivian N UTTON,
the Hyperboreans and the Time for Consulting the Galen on Problematical Movements (2011).
Oracle.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 16, no. 2 (2013):
184–206. 790. S IEBERT, Harald. “Transformation of Euclid’s
Optics in Late Antiquity.” Nuncius 29, no. 1 (2014):
312-111. ASTROLOGY 88–126.

782. DASEN, Véronique, and Árpád M. NAGY. 791. W EBSTER, Colin. “Euclid’s Optics and Ge-
“Le serpent léontocéphale Chnoubis et la magie de ometrical Astronomy.” Apeiron 47, no. 4 (2014):
l’époque romaine impériale.” [The lion-headed snake 526–551.
Chnoubis and Roman imperial magic] In French.
Anthropozoologica 47, no. 1 (2012): 291–314. 792. YOUNESIE, Mostafa. “Understanding Aristo-
tle’s Politics through Form and Matter.” In Matter
783. G REEN, Steven J., and Katharina VOLK. (Eds.) and Form, edited by WARD (2009) [ref. 218], 45–54.
Forgotten Stars: Rediscovering Manilius’ Astronom-
ica. (xix + 341 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) New York: Ox-
312-114. ALCHEMY
ford University Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780199586462.
Partial Contents. Katharina VOLK, “Introduc- 793. B ERETTA, Marco. The Alchemy of Glass:
tion: A Century of Manilian Scholarship,” 1–12 Counterfeit, Imitation, and Transmutation in An-
[ref. 729]; Elaine FANTHAM, “More Sentiment cient Glassmaking. (xvii + 198 pp.; ill.) Sagamore
than Science: Roman Stargazing before and after Beach, MA: Science History Publications, 2009.
Manilius,” 13–31 [ref. 779]; Thomas H ABINEK, ISBN : 9780881353501.
“Manilius’ Conflicted Stoicism,” 32–44 [ref. 749]; Reviews: [ref. R70]
Daryn L EHOUX, “Myth and Explanation in Manil-
ius,” 45–58 [ref. 731]; Steven J. G REEN, “Ar- 794. D EMOCRITUS, and S YNESIUS. Scritti al-
duum ad astra: The Poetics and Politics of Horo- chemici. Edited by Matteo M ARTELLI. (xvi + 523
scopic Failure in Manilius’ Astronomica,” 120– pp.; ill.) Paris: SÉHA, 2011. ISBN: 9788872523193.
141 [ref. 733]; Wolfgang H UBNER, “Tropes and Reviews: [ref. R252]
Figures: Manilian Style as a Reflection of Astro-
logical Tradition,” 141–164 [ref. 784]; Duncan
F. K ENNEDY, “Sums in Verse or a Mathematical 312-121. GEOGRAPHY; CARTOGRAPHY;
Aesthetic?” 165–187 [ref. 765]; Patrick G LAU - EXPLORATION
THIER , “Census and Commercium: Two Eco- 795. L EADBETTER, Bill. “The Roman South.” In
nomic Metaphors in Manilius,” 188–204 [ref. 813]; European Perceptions of Terra Australis, edited by
Josephe-Henriette A BRY, “Cosmos and Imperium: S COTT et al. (2011) [ref. 276], 45–60.
Politicized Digressions in Manilius’ Astronomica,” On ancient Roman geography in theory and prac-
222–234 [ref. 732]; Caroline S TARK, “Renaissance tice.
Receptions of Manilius’ Anthropology,” 261–277
[ref. 1112]; Stephan H EILEN, “Lorenzo Bonincon- 796. M IGU ÉLEZ -C AVERO, Laura. “Cosmic and
tri’s Reception of Manilius’ Chapter on Comets Terrestrial Personifications in Nonnus’ Dionysiaca.”
(Astr. 1.809–926),” 278–310 [ref. 1107]. Greek Roman Byzantine Stud. 53 (2013): 350–378.
Reviews: [ref. 785]
784. H UBNER, Wolfgang. “Tropes and Figures: WORKS
Manilian Style as a Reflection of Astrological Tra-
dition.” In Forgotten Stars, edited by G REEN and 797. L UCCIONI, Pascal. “L’herbe au serpent.” [The
VOLK (2011) [ref. 783], 141–164. grazing snake: weeds and snakes in Greek and Latin

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48 312. Ancient Greek and Roman contexts

literatures.] In French. Anthropozoologica 47, no. 1 Consciousness in the History of Neuroscience, edited
(2012): 157–176. by S MITH and W HITAKER (2014) [ref. 339], 1–19.


798. T OTELIN, Laurence. “Botanizing Rulers and PSYCHOLOGY
Their Herbal Subjects: Plants and Political Power in 809. D UCHARME, Alain. “Aristotle’s Mark of Sen-
Greek and Roman Literature.” Phoenix 66 (2012): tience.” Apeiron 47, no. 3 (2014): 293–309.
122–144. On Aristotle’s distinction between plants and ani-
PHYSIOLOGY 810. PAPISH, Laura. “Aristotle on Common Percep-
tion.” Apeiron 47, no. 3 (2014): 342–355.
799. B ODSON, Liliane. “Introduction au système de
nomination des serpents en grec ancien : l’ophionyme 811. S ZAKOLCZAI, Arpad. “In Liminal Tension
dipsas et ses synonymes.” [Introduction to the ancient towards Giving Birth: Eros, the Educator.” Part
Greek system of snake naming: the ophionym dipsas of a special section, “The Gravity of Eros in the
and its synonyms] In English. Anthropozoologica 47, Contemporary” [ref. 30]. Hist. Hum. Sci. 26, no. 5
no. 1 (2012): 73–155. (2013): 98–113.
800. C H ÂTELAIN, Bertrand. “De l’onocentaure.
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comparative study in mythology] In French. Anthro-
pozoologica 46, no. 2 (2011): 51–61. 812. J ØRGENSEN, Jon Ploug. “The Taming of the
Aristoi—An Ancient Greek Civilizing Process?”
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réalités, croyances et représentations. L’exemple de Sociology – Across Disciplines” [ref. 3018]. Hist.
Zeus Meilichios à Athènes.” [The bearded snake: re- Hum. Sci. 27, no. 3 (2014): 38–54.
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totle’s Physiology of Animal Motion: On Neura and Forgotten Stars, edited by G REEN and VOLK (2011)
Muscles.” Apeiron 47 (2014): 94–115. [ref. 783], 188–204.
803. T RINQUIER, Jean. “Serpents buveurs d’eau,
serpents œnophiles et serpents sanguinaires : les ser- 312-144. LINGUISTICS
pents et leurs boissons dans les sources antiques.”
[Snakes that drink water, wine, or blood: what do 814. L ALLOT, Jean. Études sur la grammaire
snakes drink according to ancient sources?] In En- alexandrine. Textes et traditions; 23. (387 pp.; ill.)
glish. Anthropozoologica 47, no. 1 (2012): 177–199. Paris: J. Vrin, Impr. de la Manutention, 2012. ISBN:
804. Z UCKER, Arnaud. “Registres et savoirs in- Reviews: [ref. R578]
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louménos.” [Scientific registers and knowledge ad-
duced in Philumenus’ About Venomous Beasts] In 312-150. MEDICINE, GENERAL WORKS
French. Anthropozoologica 47, no. 1 (2012): 51–72. 815. BAKHOUCHE, Béatrice. “La théorie de la vision
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312-135. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY; HUMAN et philosophie.” Rev. Hist. Sci. 66, no. 1 (2013):
805. BARBERO B RIONES, Sergio. “Los Defectos 816. B ERREY, Marquis. “Early Empiricism, Ther-
Ópticos de la Visión Explicados por Aristóteles.” apeutic Motivation, and the Asymmetrical Dispute
Asclepio 65, no. 1 (2013): Approx. 7,700 words. between the Hellenistic Medical Sects.” Apeiron 47,
no. 2 (2014): 141–171.
806. B EN ÉITEZ P RUDENCIO, José Javier. “La fisi-
ologı́a del logos en Aristóteles.” Asclepio 63, no. 1 817. C AIRUS, Henrique. “De uisu: o mais antigo tra-
(2011): 155–178. tado supérstite de oftalmologia do Ocidente.” Man-
guinhos 19, no. 2 (2012): 563–580.
807. I MAI, Masahiro. “Aristotle on the Debate about
the Central Organ of the Human Body in the 5th 818. D RAYCOTT, Jane. “Glass Lenses in Roman
and 4th Centuries BC.” Hist. Scientiarum 22, no. 2 Egypt: Literary, Documentary and Archaeological
(2012): 1–21. Evidence.” Bull. Sci. Instr. Soc. 117 (2013): 22–24.

819. F LEMMING, Rebecca. “The Invention of In-
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808. S MITH, Christopher Upham Murray. “Begin- Divinity, and Gender.” Bull. Hist. Med. 87, no. 4
nings: Ventricular Psychology.” In Brain, Mind and (2013): 565–590.

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820. F RIXIONE, Eugenio. “Pneuma–Fire Interac- 833. B RUUN, Christer. “Stallianus, a Plumber from
tions in Hippocratic Physiology.” J. Hist. Med. Allied Pompeii (and Other Remarks on Pompeian Lead
Sci. 68, no. 4 (2013): 505–528. Pipes).” Phoenix 66 (2012): 145–157.

821. G AILLARD -S EUX, Patricia. “Le serpent, source 834. O RENGO, Hector A., Josep M. PALET, Ana
de santé : le corps des serpents dans la thérapeutique E JARQUE, Yannick M IRAS, and Santiago R IERA.
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In French. Anthropozoologica 47, no. 1 (2012): 263– omy?” Antiquity 87 (2013): 802–814.
822. G ANZ, Jeremy C., and Jürgen A RNDT. “A
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233–251. Monopoly on Kean Ruddle (IG II2 1128).” Greek
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836. NADEAU, Robin, Brigitte L ION, and Em-
824. M ANN, Joel Eryn, and H IPPOCRATES. Hip- manuelle R AGA. “L’alimentation dans l’Antiquité : à
pocrates, On the Art of Medicine. Studies in Ancient la croisée des chemins.” Food Hist. 10, no. 2 (2012):
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Present. (356 pp.; index.) Surrey: Ashgate Publishing
Company, 2013. ISBN: 9781409424246.
826. P EDRUCCI, Giulia. “Sangue Mestruale e Latte
Materno: Riflessioni e Nuove Proposte. Intorno CONTEXTS
all’Allattamento Nella Grecia Antica.” Gesnerus 70, 320-1. HISTORY OF SCIENCE, GENERAL WORKS
no. 2 (2013): 260–291.
838. DAVIDSON, Herbert A. “Ibn al-Qift.ı̄’s State-
827. R HEE, Kee-Baek. “Empedocles’ Influence on ment Regarding Maimonides’ Early Study of Sci-
Hippocratic Medicine: The Problem of Hypothesis ence.” Aleph 14, no. 1 (2014): 245–258.
and Human Nature.” [Translated title.] In Korean.
KJMH 22, no. 3 (2013): 879–914. 839. F RANKLIN -B ROWN, Mary. Reading the World:
Encyclopedic Writing in the Scholastic Age. (xii +
828. ROTHSCHILD, Clare K., and Trevor W. 446 pp.; ill.) Chicago; London: The University of
T HOMPSON. Galen’s De Indolentia: Essays on a Chicago Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780226260686.
Newly Discovered Letter. (x + 336 pp.) Tübingen: Reviews: [ref. R336]
Mohr Siebeck, 2014. ISBN: 9783161532153.
840. F REUDENTHAL, Gad, and Jean-Marc M ANDO -
829. Z OLLER, Coleen. “Plato’s Science of Living SIO . “Old French into Hebrew in Twelfth-Century
Well.” In Matter and Form, edited by WARD (2009) Tsarfat: Medieval Hebrew Versions of Marbode’s
[ref. 218], 35–44. Lapidary.” Aleph 14, no. 1 (2014): 11–187.
841. G AUTIER DALCHE, Patrick. “Le ‘Tuyau’ de
312-151. PSYCHIATRY; MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY Gerbert, ou la légende savante de l’astronome : ori-
gines, thèmes, échos contemporains (avec un appen-
830. H ARRIS, W. V. (Ed.) Mental Disorders in the dice critique).” Article in a special issue, “Mittelal-
Classical World. Columbia Studies in the Classical terliche Legenden von Philosophen und Gelehrten /
Tradition, vol. 38. (xv + 512 pp.) Leiden: Brill, 2013. The Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars”
ISBN : 9789004249820.
[ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): 243–276.
831. S INGER, P. N. (Ed.) Galen: Psychological 842. G IRALT, Sebastià. “The Legend of Arnau de
Writings. (xvii + 539 pp.) New York: Cambridge Vilanova, from the Middle Ages to the Early Mod-
University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780521765176. ern Times.” Article in a special issue, “Mittelal-
Reviews: [ref. R944] terliche Legenden von Philosophen und Gelehrten /
The Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars”
312-160. TECHNOLOGY, GENERAL WORKS [ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): 411–444.
832. BARONE, G., P. M AZZOLENI, A. AQUILIA, and 843. L EICHT, Reimund. “Miracles for the Sake
G. BARBERA. “The Hellenistic and Roman Syracuse of the Master of Reason Hillel. Ben Samuel of
(Sicily) Fine Pottery Production Explored by Chem- Verona’s Legendary Account of the Maimonidean
ical and Petrographic Analysis.” Archaeometry 56 Controversy.” Article in a special issue, “Mittelal-
(2014): 70–87. terliche Legenden von Philosophen und Gelehrten /

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50 320. Medieval Western European contexts

The Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars” Beasts to Souls, edited by B URNS and M C C RACKEN
[ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): 579–600. (2013) [ref. 955], 65–88.
844. PARAVICINI BAGLIANI, Agostino. “La légende 854. DALLAPIAZZA, Michael. “Codes alimentaires
médiévale d’Albert le Grand (1270–1435). Premières dans la littérature allemande du Moyen Âge.” Food
recherches.” Article in a special issue, “Mittelalter- Hist. 10, no. 2 (2012): 162–168.
liche Legenden von Philosophen und Gelehrten / The
Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars” 855. F RICKE, Beate. “Tracce di Sangue e ‘finis
[ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): 295–368. corporis’. Sulla genesi della vita nel Quattrocento.
Riflessioni sull’Uomo di dolori di Albrecht Dürer.”
845. W IRTH, Jean. “Légende et miracles de Saint Article in a special issue, “Estremità e escrescenze
Thomas d’Aquin.” Article in a special issue, “Mitte- dei corpi / Extremities and Excrescences of the Body”
lalterliche Legenden von Philosophen und Gelehrten / [ref. 957]. Micrologus 20 (2012): 357–380.
The Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars”
[ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): 397–410. 856. G UYNN, Noah D. “Hybridity, Ethics, and Gen-
der in Two Old French Werewolf Tales.” In From
320-5. HISTORIOGRAPHY AND HISTORICAL Beasts to Souls, edited by B URNS and M C C RACKEN
METHODS (2013) [ref. 955], 157–184.

846. L APIDGE, Michael. Essay review. J. Med. Latin 857. H ERREN, Michael W. “John Scottus and Greek
22 (2012): 306–311. Mythology: Reprising an Ancient Hermeneutic in the
Essay review of Michael W. H ERREN and Aethicus Paris Commentary on Martianus Capella.” J. Med.
I STER, The Cosmography of Aethicus Ister (2011) Latin 22 (2012): 95–116.
[ref. 936].
858. L AWRENCE -M ATHERS, Anne E. “John of
Worcester and the Science of History.” J. Medieval
320-20. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, GENERAL Hist. 39 (2013): 255–274.
On the scientific illuminations present in the
847. ROBERTSON, Elizabeth. “Kissing the Worm: manuiscript.
Sex and Gender in the Afterlife and the Poetic Posthu-
man in the Late Middle English ‘A Disputacion be- 859. W ETHERBEE, Winthrop. “Alan of Lille, De
twyx the Body and Wormes.’ ” In From Beasts to planctu Naturae: The Fall of Nature and the Survival
Souls, edited by B URNS and M C C RACKEN (2013) of Poetry.” J. Med. Latin 21 (2011): 223–252.
[ref. 955], 121–156.
860. Y EAGER, R. F. “Gower and Chaucer on Pain
and Suffering: Jephte’s Daughter in the Bible, the
320-22. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: POLITICS, LAW, ‘Physician’s Tale’, and the Confessio Amantis.” In
AND ECONOMICS Knowledge and Pain, edited by C OHEN et al. (2012)
848. B ROWN, Elizabeth A. R. “The French Royal [ref. 366], 43–62.
Funeral Ceremony and the King’s Two Bodies. Ernst
H. Kantorowicz, Ralph E. Giesey and the Construc-
tion of a Paradigm.” Article in a special issue, “Le
Corps du Prince” [ref. 704]. Micrologus 22 (2014): 861. NARBONA C ARCELES, Marı́a. “Le corps d’une
105–137. reine stérile. Marie de Castille, reine d’Aragon (1416–
1456).” Article in a special issue, “Le Corps du
849. B URNS, E. Jane. “A Snake-Tailed Woman: Hy- Prince” [ref. 704]. Micrologus 22 (2014): 599–618.
bridity And Dynasty in the Roman de Mélusine.” In
From Beasts to Souls, edited by B URNS and M C - 862. R ASUSSEN, Ann Marie. “Moving beyond Sex-
C RACKEN (2013) [ref. 955], 185–220. uality in Medieval Sexual Badges.” In From Beasts
to Souls, edited by B URNS and M C C RACKEN (2013)
850. K ITSIKOPOULOS, Harry. “Manorial Estates as [ref. 955], 221–247.
Business Firms: The Relevance of Economic Rent in
Determining Crop Choices in London’s Hinterland, 863. ROMERO C ARRASQUILLO, Francisco J., and
c.1300.” Agric. Hist. Rev. 56 (2008): 142–166. Hilaire K. T ROYER DE ROMERO. “Aquinas on the
Inferiority of Woman.” Amer. Cath. Phil. Quart. 87
851. M OEGLIN, Jean-Marie. “Corps de l’Empire
(2013): 685–710.
et corps de l’Empereur (XIe–XVe siècle).” Article
in a special issue, “Le Corps du Prince” [ref. 704].
Micrologus 22 (2014): 37–67. 320-28. SCIENCE AND RELIGION
852. S LAVIN, Philip. “Market Failure during The 864. BAERT, Barbara. “ ‘An Odour. A Taste. A
Great Famine in England and Wales (1315–1317).” Touch. Impossible To Describe’: Noli me tangere
Past & Present 222 (2014): 9–49. and the Senses.” In Religion and the Senses in Early
Modern Europe, edited by Wietse de B OER and
320-23. SCIENCE AND CULTURE: LITERATURE Christine G ÖTTLER (Boston: Brill, 2013), 111–152.
865. C IOLA, Graziana. “Giovanni di Rupescissa: au-
853. B RUCKNER, Matilda Tomaryn. “The Lady and tobiografia, profezia e leggenda.” Article in a special
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320. Medieval Western European contexts 51

und Gelehrten / The Medieval Legends of Philoso- 876. V ERONESE, Julien. “Virgile et la naissance de
phers and Scholars” [ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): l’ars notoria.” Article in a special issue, “Mittelal-
517–579. terliche Legenden von Philosophen und Gelehrten /
The Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars”
866. DAVIS, David J. Essay review. Aestimatio 10 [ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): 210–242.
(2013): 50–55.
Essay review of James H ANNAM, The Genesis of
Science (2011). 320-102. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY

877. B ERTOLACCI, Amos. “Albertus Magnus and

320-29. SCIENCE AND WAR ‘Avenzoreth’ (Ibn Zur‘a, D. 1008): Legend or Real-
867. L AMBERT, Craig L. Shipping the Medieval Mil- ity?” Article in a special issue, “Mittelalterliche Leg-
itary: English Maritime Logistics in the Fourteenth enden von Philosophen und Gelehrten / The Medieval
Century. Warfare in History. (xii + 243 pp.; bibl.; in- Legends of Philosophers and Scholars” [ref. 895].
dex.) Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer, 2011. ISBN: Micrologus 21 (2013): 369–396.
878. B IENIAK, Magdelena. “The Powers of the
Reviews: [ref. R580]
Soul in the Anthropology of Hugh of St.-Cher.” In
868. S CHNERB, Bertrand. “Le corps armé du prince. Psychology and the Other Disciplines, edited by
Le duc de Bourgogne en guerre.” Article in a special BAKKER et al. (2012) [ref. 961], 157–170.
issue, “Le Corps du Prince” [ref. 704]. Micrologus 22
(2014): 297–315. 879. B LOCH, David. John of Salisbury on Aristote-
lain Science. Disputatio. (xv + 243 pp.; bibl.; index.)
869. S LAVIN, Philip. “Warfare and Ecological De- Turnhout: Brepols, 2012. ISBN: 9782503540993.
struction in Early Fourteenth-Century British Isles.” Reviews: [ref. R90]
Environ. Hist. 19, no. 3 (2014): 528–550.
880. C ARRON FAIVRE, Delphine. “Les suicides de
870. S TOICHITA, Victor I. “ ‘La seconde peau’. Caton. Légendes médiévales autour de la mort d’un
Quelques considérations sur le symbolisme des ar- stoı̈cien romain.” Article in a special issue, “Mittelal-
mures au XVIe siècle.” Article in a special issue, terliche Legenden von Philosophen und Gelehrten /
“Estremità e escrescenze dei corpi / Extremities and The Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars”
Excrescences of the Body” [ref. 957]. Micrologus 20 [ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): 81–102.
(2012): 451–464.
881. D UBA, William. “The Souls after Vienne:
Franciscan Theologians’ Views on the Plurality of
320-41. SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Forms and the Plurality of Souls, ca. 1315–1330.”
871. FALK, Seb. “The Scholar as Craftsman: Derek In Psychology and the Other Disciplines, edited by
De Solla Price and the Reconstruction of a Medieval BAKKER et al. (2012) [ref. 961], 171–274.
Instrument.” Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 68, no. 2
(2014): 111–134. 882. D UCOS, Joëlle. “Platon et Socrate dans la
littérature médiévale française.” Article in a special
issue, “Mittelalterliche Legenden von Philosophen
320-101. OCCULTISM AND NATURAL MAGIC und Gelehrten / The Medieval Legends of Philoso-
872. BAILEY, Michael David. Fearful Spirits, Rea- phers and Scholars” [ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013):
soned Follies: The Boundaries of Superstition in 47–80.
Late Medieval Europe. (xv + 296 pp.; ill.; bibl.; in-
dex.) Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2013. ISBN: 883. E ARDLEY, Peter S. “Conscience and the Foun-
9780801451447. dations of Morality in Ockham’s Metaethics.” Rech.
Reviews: [ref. R51] Théol. Phil. Médiév. 80, no. 1 (2013): 77–108.

873. F IDORA, Alexander. “Divination and Scientific 884. E BBESEN, Sten. Logic and Language in the
Prediction: The Epistemology of Prognostic Sciences Middle Ages: A Volume in Honour of Sten Ebbesen.
in Medieval Europe.” Early Sci. & Med. 18, no. 6 Edited by Jakob L. F INK. Investigating Medieval
(2013): 517–535. Philosophy, Vol. 4. (xiv + 477 pp.; bible.; index.)
Leiden: Brill, 2013. ISBN: 9789004235922.
874. K LAASSEN, Frank F. The Transformations of Contents: John M AGEE, “Preliminary Obser-
Magic: Illicit Learned Magic in the Later Middle vations on the Textual Tradition of Boethius’
Ages and Renaissance. Magic in History. (ix + First Peri Hermeneias Commentary,” 13–25;
280 pp.; bibl.; index.) University Park, PA: The Yukio I WAKUMA, “Alberic of Paris on Mont Ste
Pennsylvania State University Press, 2013. ISBN: Geneviève against Peter Abelard,” 27–47; John
9780271056265. M ARENBON, “Gilbert of Poitiers’s Contextual
Reviews: [ref. R546] Theory of Meaning and the Hermeneutics of Se-
crecy,” 49–64; Christopher J. M ARTIN, “Instantiae
875. S ANNINO, Antonella. “I ritratti leggendari and the Parisian Schools,” 65–84; Jakob L. F INK,
di Ermete Trismegisto.” Article in a special is- “Tempting Moves: Anonymus Cantabrigiensis
sue, “Mittelalterliche Legenden von Philosophen on Peirastic Dialectic,” 85–103; Luisa VALENTE,
und Gelehrten / The Medieval Legends of Philoso- “Philosophers and Other Kinds of Human Beings
phers and Scholars” [ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): according to Peter Abelard and John of Salis-
165–192. bury,” 105–123; Katerina I ERODIAKONOU, “A

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52 320. Medieval Western European contexts

Logical Joust in Nikephoros Blemmydes’ Auto- Medieval Political Thought.” In Logic and Language
biography,” 125–137; Heine H ANSEN, “Strange in the Middle Ages, edited by F INK (2013) [ref. 884],
Finds, or Nicholas of Paris on Relations,” 139– 419–431.
154; Alessandro D. C ONTI, “Robert Kilwardby
and Albert the Great on Praedicamenta and Praed- 891. L AUTNER, Peter. “Thought Experiments in the
icabilia,” 155–169; Paul T HOM, “Culuerbinus De Anima Commentaries.” In Thought Experiments
somnians,” 171–184; Christina Thomsen T H ÖRN - in Methodological and Historical Contexts, edited by
QVIST , “The ‘Anonymus Aurelianensis III’ and I ERODIAKONOU and ROUX (2011) [ref. 129], 51–64.
Robert Kilwardby on the Prior Analytics,” 185–
198; Mary S IRRIDGE and Karin Margareta F RED - 892. L A Z ELLA, Andrew T. “As Light Belongs to
BORG , “Demonstratio ad oculum and Demonstratio Air: Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart on the
ad intellectum: Pronouns in Ps.-Jordan and Robert Existential Rootlessness of Creatures.” Amer. Cath.
Kilwardby,” 199–220; C. H. K NEEPKENS, “A Note Phil. Quart. 87, no. 4 (2013): 567–591.
on articulatio and University Grammar,” 221–237;
Fabrizio A MERINI, “Explanation and Definition 893. M OWBRAY, Donald. Pain and Suffering in Me-
in Thomas Aquinas’ Commentary on Aristotle’s dieval Theology: Academic Debates at the University
Metaphysics,” 239–255; E. Jennifer A SHWORTH, of Paris in the Thirteenth Century. (x + 192 pp.; bibl.;
“Aquinas, Scotus and Others on Naming, Knowing, index.) Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2009. ISBN:
and the Origin of Language,” 257–272 [ref. 965]; 9781843834618.
Simo K NUUTTILA, “Concrete Accidental Terms,” Reviews: [ref. R712]
273–286; Paloma P ÉREZ -I LZARBE, “Socrates
desinit esse non desinendo esse: Limit-decision 894. O RESME, Nicole. Questiones super physicam
problems in Peter of Auvergne,” 287–303; Lau- (books I-VII). Edited by Stefano C AROTI, J. C E -
rent C ESALLI, Alain de L IBERA and Frédéric LEYRETTE , Stefan K IRSCHNER , and E. M AZET.
G OUBIER, “Does Loving Every Mean Loving Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mitte-
Every Every, Even Non-existent Ones? Distri- lalters; Band 112. (853 pp.) Leiden; Boston: Brill,
bution and Universals in the Opus puerorum,” 2013. ISBN: 9789004236370.
305–336; Silvia D ONATI, “Apparentia and modi Reviews: [ref. R761]
essendi in Radulphus Brito’s Doctrine of the Con-
cepts: The Concept of Being,” 337–355; Ana 895. ROBERT, Aurélien. “Épicure et les épicuriens
Marı́a M ORA -M ÁRQUEZ, “Radulphus Brito on au Moyen Âge.” First article in a special issue, “Mitte-
Common Names, Concepts and Things,” 357–372; lalterliche Legenden von Philosophen und Gelehrten /
Costantino M ARMO, “Radulphus Brito on Rela- The Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars.”
tions in his Questions on the Sentences,” 373–388; Micrologus 21 (2013): 3–46.
Calvin G. N ORMORE, “Buridanian Possibilities,” Contents: Joëlle D UCOS, “Platon et Socrate dans la
389–402; Egbert P. B OS, “Marsilius of Inghen littérature médiévale française,” 47–80 [ref. 882];
on the Principle of Non-Contradiction,” 403–418; Delphine C ARRON FAIVRE, “Les suicides de
Roberto L AMBERTINI, “Logic, Language and Me- Caton. Légendes médiévales autour de la mort
dieval Political Thought,” 419–431 [ref. 890]. d’un stoı̈cien romain,” 81–102 [ref. 880]; Étienne
W OLFF, “La légende d’Apulée, de son époque
885. E LLIOTT, Dylan. “Rubber Soul: Theology,
à la fin du XVe siècle,” 103–114 [ref. 1038];
Hagiography, and the Spirit World of the High Middle
Jean-Marc M ANDOSIO, “Les vies légendaires
Ages.” In From Beasts to Souls, edited by B URNS
d’Apollonius de Tyane, mage et philosophe,”
and M C C RACKEN (2013) [ref. 955], 89–120.
115–144 [ref. 738]; David J USTE, “Les textes
886. G ILI, Luca. “The Medievals on Aristotle’s astrologiques latins attribués à Aristote,” 145–164
Doctrine of Substance.” Rech. Théol. Phil. Médiév. [ref. 926]; Antonella S ANNINO, “I ritratti leggen-
80, no. 2 (2013): 481–500. dari di Ermete Trismegisto,” 165–192 [ref. 875];
Jean-Patrice B OUDET, “Ptolémée dans l’Occident
887. G ROSSETESTE, Robert, Joseph Ward G OER - médiéval : roi, savant et philosophe,” 193–218
ING , James R. G INTHER , John F LOOD , and of Dam- [ref. 923]; Julien V ERONESE, “Virgile et la nais-
ascus Saint J OHN. Robert Grosseteste and His In- sance de l’ars notoria,” 210–242 [ref. 876]; Patrick
tellectual Milieu: New Editions and Studies. (xiii + G AUTIER DALCHE, “Le ‘Tuyau’ de Gerbert,
429 pp.) Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval ou la légende savante de l’astronome : origines,
Studies, 2013. ISBN: 9780888448248. thèmes, échos contemporains (avec un appendice
Reviews: [ref. R402] critique),” 243–276 [ref. 841]; Charles B URNETT,
“The Legend of Constantine the African,” 277–294
888. H OUSER, R. E. “Avicenna, Aliqui, and Thomas [ref. 967]; Agostino PARAVICINI BAGLIANI, “La
Aquinas’s Doctrine of Creation.” Rech. Théol. Phil. légende médiévale d’Albert le Grand (1270–1435).
Médiév. 80, no. 1 (2013): 17–55. Premières recherches,” 295–368 [ref. 844]; Amos
B ERTOLACCI, “Albertus Magnus and ‘Avenzoreth’
889. K NUUTILA, Simo, and Taneli K UKKONEN. (Ibn Zur‘a, D. 1008) : Legend or Reality ?” 369–
“Thought Experiments and Indirect Proofs in Aver- 396 [ref. 877]; Jean W IRTH, “Légende et miracles
roes, Aquinas, and Buridan.” In Thought Experiments de Saint Thomas d’Aquin,” 397–410 [ref. 845]; Se-
in Methodological and Historical Contexts, edited bastià G IRALT, “The Legend of Arnau de Vilanova,
by I ERODIAKONOU and ROUX (2011) [ref. 129], from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Times,”
83–100. 411–444 [ref. 842]; Laurence M OULINIER -B ROGI
and Marilyn N ICOUD, “ ‘Fama ou légende ?’. De
890. L AMBERTINI, Roberto. “Logic, Language and la vie de quelques médecins italiens d’après les

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320. Medieval Western European contexts 53

témoignages médiévaux,” 445–470 [ref. 978]; 906. P OWRIE, Sarah. “The Importance of
Michela P EREIRA, “Il santo alchimista. Intrecci Fourteenth-Century Natural Philosophy for Nicholas
leggendari attorno a Raimondo Lullo,” 471–516 of Cusa’s Infinite Universe.” Amer. Cath. Phil. Quart.
[ref. 932]; Graziana C IOLA, “Giovanni di Rupes- 87 (2013): 33–53.
cissa : autobiografia, profezia e leggenda,” 517–
579 [ref. 865]; Reimund L EICHT, “Miracles for the 907. S ASAKI, Chikara. “D’al-Khwārizmı̄ à
Sake of the Master of Reason Hillel. Ben Samuel of Descartes.” Arab. Sci. Phil. 23, no. 2 (2013): 319–
Verona’s Legendary Account of the Maimonidean 325.
Controversy,” 579–600 [ref. 843]. Essay review of Roshdi R ASHED, D’al-Khwārizmı̄
à Descartes (2011) [ref. 228].
896. S MYTH, Marina. “The Seventh-Century
Hiberno-Latin Treatise Liber de ordine creaturarum.
320-104. MUSIC
A Translation.” J. Med. Latin 21 (2011): 137–222.
908. DAVIS -S ECORD, Jonathan. “Rhythm and Mu-
897. S TROUMSA, Sarah. “On Maimonides and on sic: The Sequences of Notker Balbulus.” J. Med.
Logic.” Aleph 14, no. 1 (2014): 259–263. Latin 22 (2012): 117–148.
Response to Herbert A. DAVIDSON, “Ibn al-Qift.ı̄’s
Statement Regarding Maimonides’ Early Study 909. D ILLON, Emma. The Sense of Sound: Musi-
of Science” Aleph 14, no. 1 (2014): 245–258 cal Meanings in France, 1260–1330. New cultural
[ref. 838] history of music. (xx + 367 pp.; music; ill.; bibl.;
index.) Oxford and New York: Oxford University
Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780199732951.
Reviews: [ref. R260]
898. A LBERTSON, David. “In Search of Unity:
Reform and Mathematical Form in the Conciliarist 320-110. ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY
Arguments of Heymerici de Campo’s Disputatio de
potestate ecclesiastica.” In Reassessing Reform, 910. B ENNETT, Jim, and Giorgio S TRANO. “The
edited by Christopher M. B ELLITTO and David So-Called ‘Chaucer Astrolabe’ from the Koelliker
Zachariah F LANAGIN (Washington, D.C.: Catholic Collection, Milan: An Account of the Instrument
Univ. of America Press, 2012), 149–169. and Its Place in the Tradition of Chaucer-Type Astro-
labes.” Nuncius 29, no. 1 (2014): 179–229.
899. C OHOE, Caleb. “There must be a First: Why
Thomas Aquinas Rejects Infinite, Essentially Or- 911. B LUME, Dieter, Mechthild H AFFNER, and
dered, Causal Series.” Brit. J. Hist. Phil. 21 (2013): Wolfgang M ETZGER. Sternbilder des Mittelal-
838–856. ters: der gemalte Himmel zwischen Wissenschaft
und Phantasie. (651, 403 pp.; ill.) Berlin: Akademie
900. C OMES, Rosa. Essay review. Suhayl 11 (2012): Verlag, 2012. ISBN: 9783050056647.
231–246. 2 Volumes
Essay review of Charles B URNETT, Numerals and Reviews: [ref. 918]
Arithmetic in the Middle Ages (2010).
912. G OLDSTEIN, Bernard R. “Preliminary Remarks
901. C ORRY, Leo. “Geometry and Arithmetic in the on the Astronomical Tables of Solomon Franco.”
Medieval Traditions of Euclid’s Elements: A View Aleph 13, no. 2 (2013): 175–184.
from Book II.” Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 67, no. 6 “Franco’s astronomical tables in Hebrew are deeply
(2013): 637–705. indebted to those of Ibn al-Kammad (fl. 1115),
which do not survive in the original Arabic.” (from
902. G LASNER, Ruth. “Hebrew Translations in the abstract)
Medieval Christian Spain: Alfonso of Valladolid
Translating Archimedes?” Aleph 13, no. 2 (2013): 913. L AZARI, Elpida, and Chris S CHABEL. “Cos-
185–199. mology and Theology in Gerard of Siena’s Question
On an anonymous translation of Archimedes’ The on the Empyrean Heaven.” Rech. Théol. Phil. Médiév.
Measurement of the Circle. 81, no. 1 (2014): 95–135.
903. H EEFFER, Albrecht. “Epistemic Justification 914. M ERCIER, Raymond. “Astronomical Tables
and Operational Symbolism.” Found. Sci. 19 (2014): of Abraham bar H.iyya.” In Time, Astronomy, and
89–113. Calendars in the Jewish Tradition, edited by S TERN
On the methods of calculating with Hindu-Arabic and B URNETT (2014) [ref. 658], 155–208.
numerals in what is known as the Abbaco period,
which flourished during 1280–1500. 915. M OZAFFARI, S. Mohammad. “Eclipses in the
Middle East from the Late Medieval Islamic Period
904. N OTHAFT, C Philipp E. “The Reception and to the Early Modern Period. Part 1: The Observation
Application of Arabic Science in Twelfth-Century of Six Lunar Eclipses from the Late Medieval Islamic
Computistics: New Evidence from Bavaria.” J. Hist. Period.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 16, no. 3 (2013):
Astron. 45, no. 1 (2014): 35–60. 312–324.
905. P ODKO ŃSKI, Robert. “Richard Swinehead’s 916. M OZAFFARI, S. Mohammad. “Wăbkanawı̆’s
Liber calculationum in Italy: Some Remarks on Prediction and Calculations of the Annular Solar
Manuscripts, Editions and Dissemination.” Rech. Eclipse of 30 January 1283.” Hist. Math. 40, no. 3
Théol. Phil. Médiév. 80, no. 2 (2013): 307–361. (2013): 235–261.

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54 320. Medieval Western European contexts

917. N OTHAFT, C Philipp E. “John of Pulchro Rivo 929. S CHEMMEL, Matthias. “Medieval Represen-
and John of Saxony: A Mise Au Point.” J. Hist. tations of Change and Their Early Modern Applica-
Astron. 45, no. 2 (2014): 227–242. tion.” Found. Sci. 19 (2014): 11–34.

918. O BRIST, Barbara. “Constellations in the Middle

Ages.” J. Hist. Astron. 45, no. 2 (2014): 253–256. 320-114. ALCHEMY
Essay review of Dieter B LUME, Mechthild 930. H UGHES, Jonathan. The Rise of Alchemy in
H AFFNER, and Wolfgang M ETZGER, Sternbilder Fourteenth-Century England: Plantagenet Kings and
des Mittelalters (2012) [ref. 911]. the Search for the Philosopher’s Stone. (xv + 279 pp.;
ill.; bibl.; index.) London: Continuum, 2012. ISBN:
919. S ANDMAN, Israel M. “Scribal Prerogative in 9781441181831.
Modifying Calendrical Tables.” In Time, Astronomy, Reviews: [ref. R474]
and Calendars in the Jewish Tradition, edited by
S TERN and B URNETT (2014) [ref. 658], 113–154. 931. M ATUS, Zachary. “Resurrected Bodies and
Roger Bacon’s Elixir.” Part of a special is-
920. S CHMIDT, Eckehard. “Finsternisse über sue, “Alchemy and Religion in Christian Europe”
Nürnberg—1050–2050.” In Astronomie in Nürn- [ref. 194]. Ambix 60, no. 4 (2013): 323–340.
berg, edited by W OLFSCHMIDT (2010) [ref. 1105],
197–212. 932. P EREIRA, Michela. “Il santo alchimista. In-
trecci leggendari attorno a Raimondo Lullo.” Article
921. S ITTIG, Anne C. Kineret. “The Sabbath Epistle in a special issue, “Mittelalterliche Legenden von
by Abraham Ibn Ezra: Its Purpose and Novelty.” Philosophen und Gelehrten / The Medieval Legends
In Time, Astronomy, and Calendars in the Jewish of Philosophers and Scholars” [ref. 895]. Micrologus
Tradition, edited by S TERN and B URNETT (2014) 21 (2013): 471–516.
[ref. 658], 209–220.
933. RODR ÍGUEZ G UERRERO, José. “Un Repaso a
922. WARTENBERG, Ilana. “The Hebrew Calen- la Alquimia del Midi Francés en el Siglo XIV (Parte
drical Bookshelf of the Early Twelfth Century: The I).” Azogue 7 (2013): 75–141.
Cases of Abraham bar H.iyya and Jacob bar Samson.”
In Time, Astronomy, and Calendars in the Jewish 934. T IMMERMANN, Anke. Verse and Transmuta-
Tradition, edited by S TERN and B URNETT (2014) tion: A Corpus of Middle English Alchemical Poetry
[ref. 658], 97–112. (Critical Editions and Studies). History of Science
and Medicine Library. (xiv + 374 pp.) , 2013. ISBN:
320-111. ASTROLOGY

923. B OUDET, Jean-Patrice. “Ptolémée dans 320-120. EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
l’Occident médiéval : roi, savant et philosophe.” Arti-
cle in a special issue, “Mittelalterliche Legenden von 935. S̆ TEF ÁNIK, Martin. “Italian Involvement in
Philosophen und Gelehrten / The Medieval Legends Metal Mining in the Central Slovakian Region, from
of Philosophers and Scholars” [ref. 895]. Micrologus the Thirteenth Century to the Reign of King Sigis-
21 (2013): 193–218. mund of Hungary.” I Tatti Stud. 14/15 (2011/2012):
924. C AUDANO, Anne-Laurence. “An Astrological
Handbook from the Reign of Manuel I Komnenos.”
Almagest 3, no. 2 (2012): 46–65. 320-121. GEOGRAPHY; CARTOGRAPHY;
925. G OLDSTEIN, Bernard R. “Planetary Velocities
936. H ERREN, Michael W., and Aethicus I STER. The
and the Astrological Month.” J. Hist. Astron. 44, no.
Cosmography of Aethicus Ister: Edition, Translation,
4 (2013): 465–478.
and Commentary. Text of Aethicus’ Cosmography
926. J USTE, David. “Les textes astrologiques latins in Latin, with English translation on facing pages,
attribués à Aristote.” Article in a special issue, “Mitte- on pages 1–217; introduction and commentary in
lalterliche Legenden von Philosophen und Gelehrten / English. Publications of the Journal of Medieval
The Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars” Latin. (cxix + 360 pp.; bibl.) Turnhout: Brepols,
[ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): 145–164. 2011. ISBN: 9782503535777.
Reviews: [ref. 846]
927. S ELA, Shlomo. “The Astrological-
Astronomical Encyclopedia in MS Paris 1058.” Aleph 937. H IATT, Alfred. “Geography in Walter of
14, no. 1 (2014): 189–241. Châtillon’s Alexandreis and its Medieval Reception.”
J. Med. Latin 23 (2013): 255–294.

320-112. PHYSICS; PHYSICAL SCIENCES, 938. JACOBS, Martin. Reorienting the East: Jewish
GENERAL WORKS Travelers to the Medieval Muslim World. (384 pp.;
ill.) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
928. G RELLARD, Christope. “Thought Experiments 2014. ISBN: 9780812246223.
in Late Medieval Debates on Atomism.” In Thought
Experiments in Methodological and Historical Con- 939. T ERKLA, Dan. “Hugh of St Victor (1096–1141)
texts, edited by I ERODIAKONOU and ROUX (2011) and Anglo-French Cartography.” Imago Mundi 65,
[ref. 129], 65–82. no. 2 (2013): 161–179.

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320. Medieval Western European contexts 55

940. W ESSELOW, Thomas de. “Locating the Here- pp.; ill.) Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
ford Mappamundi.” Imago Mundi 65, no. 2 (2013): Studies, 2013. ISBN: 9780888448231.
180–206. Reviews: [ref. R870]

947. S QUATRITI, Paolo. Landscape and Change

320-122. NATURAL HISTORY in Early Medieval Italy: Chestnuts, Economy, and
941. C ARRETO, Carlos F. Clamote. “Anatomie de Culture. (xiii + 236 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.)
la différence. Le corps déréglé et les outrances de New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. ISBN:
l’écriture épique (XIIe-XIIIe siècles).” Article in 9781107034488.
a special issue, “Estremità e escrescenze dei corpi / Reviews: [ref. R969]
Extremities and Excrescences of the Body” [ref. 957].
Micrologus 20 (2012): 191–221. 320-130. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, GENERAL
320-123. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 948. C OHEN, Jeffrey J. “The Sex Life of Stone.” In
942. B ERMAN, Constance H. “Reeling in the Eels From Beasts to Souls, edited by B URNS and M C -
at la Trinquetaille near Arles.” In Ecologies and C RACKEN (2013) [ref. 955], 17–38.
Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe,
edited by B RUCE (2010) [ref. 943], 149–163. 320-131. BOTANY
943. B RUCE, Scott G. (Ed.) Ecologies and 949. H ENRY, of Huntingdon, and Winston E.
Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: B LACK. Anglicanus ortus: A Verse Herbal of the
Studies in Environmental History for Richard C. Twelfth Century. Studies and texts; 180. (xiv + 561
Hoffmann. Brill’s Series in the History of the Envi- pp.; ill.) Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
ronment. (xxii + 233 pp.; ill.; index.) Boston: Brill, Studies, 2012. ISBN: 9780888441805.
2010. ISBN: 9789047444572. Reviews: [ref. R437]
Contents: Richard W. U NGER, “Introduction:
Hoffmann in the Historiography of Environmental
History,” 1–21; Paolo S QUATRITI, “Trees, Nuts, 320-132. ZOOLOGY; ANATOMY AND
and Woods at the End of the First Millennium: A PHYSIOLOGY
Case from the Amalfi Coast,” 25–44 [ref. 998]; 950. G UIZARD, Fabrice. “Retour sur un monstre
William Chester J ORDAN, “The Great Famine: marin au haut Moyen Âge : la baleine.” In Échanges,
1315–1322 Revisited,” 45–62 [ref. 997]; Petra
communications et réseaux dans le haut Moyen Âge,
J.E.M. van DAM, “Rabbits Swimming across
edited by Stéphane L EBECQ, Alban G AUTIER and
Borders: Micro-environmental Infrastructrres
Céline M ARTIN (Turnhout: Brepols, 2011), 261–275.
and Macro-environmental Change in Early Mod-
ern Holland,” 63–91 [ref. 1167]; Verena W INI - 951. H IDALGO F ERREIRA, Juliana Mesquita. “Al-
WARTER , “The Art of Making the Earth Fruit-
berto Magno e suas questões sobre os animais.” Fil.
ful: Medieval and Early Modern Improvements Hist. Biol. 8, no. 3 (2013): 549–568.
of Soil Fertility,” 93–114 [ref. 1000]; Maryanne
KOWALESKI, “The Seasonality of Fishing in Me- 952. ROLING, Bernd. “Die Geometrie der Bienen-
dieval Britain,” 117–147 [ref. 945]; Constance H. wabe: Albertus Magnus, Karl von Baer und die De-
B ERMAN, “Reeling in the Eels at la Trinquetaille batte über das Vorstellungsvermögen und die Seele
near Arles,” 149–163 [ref. 942]; Pierre Claude der Insekten zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit.” Rech.
R EYNARD, “Reaching for a ‘Natural Authority’: Théol. Phil. Médiév. 80, no. 2 (2013): 362–466.
The Rhone in Eighteenth-Century Lyon,” 165–191 On the long discussion of insect architecture and
[ref. 1640]; Wim Van N EER and Anton E RVYNCK, insect intelligence, focusing on its medieval begin-
“Defining ‘Natural’ Fish Communities for Fishery nings.
Management Purposes: Biological, Historical, and
Archaeological Approaches,” 193–223 [ref. 298].
Reviews: [ref. R137] 320-133. HEREDITY; EVOLUTION; GENETICS
953. K AHM, Nicholas. “Divine Providence in
944. C URTIS, Daniel R., and Michele C AMPOPI - Aquinas’s Commentaries on Aristotle’s Physics and
ANO. “Medieval Land Reclamation and the Creation
Metaphysics, and Its Relevance to the Question of
of New Societies: Comparing Holland and the Po Evolution and Creation.” Amer. Cath. Phil. Quart. 87
Valley, c. 800–c.1500.” J. Hist. Geogr. 44 (2014): (2013): 637–656.

945. KOWALESKI, Maryanne. “The Seasonality 320-135. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY; HUMAN

of Fishing in Medieval Britain.” In Ecologies and ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY
Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe,
edited by B RUCE (2010) [ref. 943], 117–147. 954. B OHLER, Danielle. “Morphologies humaines
au chaos : poils, cornes et appendices dans la littera-
946. ROSSIGNOL, Sébastien, Sunhild K LEING ÄRT- ture narrative et normative du Moyen Âge.” Article
NER , Timothy P. N EWFIELD, and Donat W EHNER . in a special issue, “Estremità e escrescenze dei corpi /
Landscapes and Societies in Medieval Europe East Extremities and Excrescences of the Body” [ref. 957].
of the Elbe: Interactions between Environmental Micrologus 20 (2012): 43–61.
Settings and Cultural Transformations. (xiv + 406

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56 320. Medieval Western European contexts

955. B URNS, E. Jane, and Peggy M C C RACKEN. C ANETTI, “Facendosi fare di cera. Un’euristica
(Eds.) From Beasts to Souls: Gender and Embodi- dell’eccedenza e della somiglianza tra Medioevo
ment in Medieval Europe. (ix + 270 pp.; ill.; bibl.; ed Età moderna,” 323–356; Beate F RICKE, “Tracce
index.) Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, di Sangue e ‘finis corporis’. Sulla genesi della vita
2013. ISBN: 9780268022327. nel Quattrocento. Riflessioni sull’Uomo di dolori
Contents: E. Jane B URNS and Peggy M C - di Albrecht Dürer,” 357–380 [ref. 855]; Ottavia
C RACKEN, “Introduction: Gendered Bodies in N ICCOLI, “Capi e corpi mostruosi. Una immagine
Unexpected Places,” 1–16; Jeffrey J. C OHEN, della crisi del potere agli inizi dell’età moderna,”
“The Sex Life of Stone,” 17–38 [ref. 948]; Peggy 381–400 [ref. 1163]; Brigitte S CHWARZ, “Hæc non
M C C RACKEN, “Nursing Animals and Cross- sunt bona presagia. I mostri nei fogli volanti della
Species Intimacy,” 39–64 [ref. 985]; Matilda Wickiana,” 401–410 [ref. 1165]; Jean W IRTH,
Tomaryn B RUCKNER, “The Lady and the Dragon “L’iconographie médiévale du pied,” 411–432;
in Chrétien’s Chevalier au lion,” 65–88 [ref. 853]; Thomas G OLSENNE, “Les miracles de la peau. Fi-
Dylan E LLIOTT, “Rubber Soul: Theology, Ha- gures de l’Incarnation dans les arts visuels (XIVe-
giography, and the Spirit World of the High Middle XVIe siècles),” 433–450; Victor I. S TOICHITA,
Ages,” 89–120 [ref. 885]; Elizabeth ROBERT- “ ‘La seconde peau’. Quelques considérations sur le
SON , “Kissing the Worm: Sex and Gender in symbolisme des armures au XVIe siècle,” 451–464
the Afterlife and the Poetic Posthuman in the [ref. 870]; Diane H. B ODART, “Il mento ‘postic-
Late Middle English ‘A Disputacion betwyx the cio’ dell’Imperatore Carlo V,” 465–484 [ref. 1013];
Body and Wormes,’ ” 121–156 [ref. 847]; Noah D. Dominic-Alain B OARIU, “De quelques décapités
G UYNN, “Hybridity, Ethics, and Gender in Two recalcitrants,” 485–510 [ref. 1554].
Old French Werewolf Tales,” 157–184 [ref. 856];
E. Jane B URNS, “A Snake-Tailed Woman: Hy- 958. S AVY, Pierre. “Les attributs chimériques de
bridity And Dynasty in the Roman de Mélusine,” peuples réels. Queue des Anglais et queue des Juifs
185–220 [ref. 849]; Ann Marie R ASUSSEN, “Mov- au Moyen Âge et à l’époque moderne.” Article in
ing beyond Sexuality in Medieval Sexual Badges,” a special issue, “Estremità e escrescenze dei corpi /
221–247 [ref. 862]. Extremities and Excrescences of the Body” [ref. 957].
Reviews: [ref. R150] Micrologus 20 (2012): 239–256.

956. C ADDEN, Joan. Nothing Natural Is Shameful: 959. S ILANOS, Pietro. “The Depositio of Beanus.
Sodomy and Science in Late Medieval Europe. The Horns, Teeth and Other Bulges in an Initiation Cer-
Middle Ages Series. (327 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) emony in German Area (XV century).” Article in
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013. a special issue, “Estremità e escrescenze dei corpi /
ISBN : 9780812245370. Extremities and Excrescences of the Body” [ref. 957].
Micrologus 20 (2012): 293–322.
957. PASTOUREAU, Michel. “Les cornes, les poils,
les oreilles et la queue. Se déguiser en animal dans 960. S IVO, Francesca. “Corpus infame.” Article in
l’Occident médiéval.” First article in a special issue, a special issue, “Estremità e escrescenze dei corpi /
“Estremità e escrescenze dei corpi / Extremities and Extremities and Excrescences of the Body” [ref. 957].
Excrescences of the Body.” Micrologus 20 (2012): Micrologus 20 (2012): 109–190.
3–24. On belief that some negative physical features of
Contents: Pierre-Olivier D ITTMAR, “Les corps the body dealing with descriptio turpitudinis as
sans fins. Extensions animales et végétales les symbols of vitia of the human soul.
marges de la représentation (XIII e-XIVe siècle),”
25–42; Danielle B OHLER, “Morphologies hu- 320-137. PSYCHOLOGY; COMPARATIVE
maines au chaos : poils, cornes et appendices dans PSYCHOLOGY
la litterature narrative et normative du Moyen Âge,” 961. BAKKER, Paul J. J. M., Sander W. DE B OER,
43–61 [ref. 954]; Corrado B OLOGNA, “Bernoccoli and Radboud L EIJENHORST. (Eds.) Psychology and
e altre protuberanze spirituali,” 63–86; Francesco the Other Disciplines: A Case of Cross-Disciplinary
S ANT, “Mantelli, penne e astuti piumati. Coprire Interaction (1250–1750). (viii + 387 pp.; bibl.; in-
le protuberanze ed esibirle nella storia del po- dex.) Leiden: Brill, 2012. ISBN: 9789004239531.
tere (sec. XII-XVI),” 87–108; Francesca S IVO, “Looks at how Aristotelian psychology developed
“Corpus infame,” 109–190 [ref. 960]; Carlos F. from the medieval to the early modern period,
Clamote C ARRETO, “Anatomie de la différence. by studying its interactions with other philosoph-
Le corps déréglé et les outrances de l’écriture ical disciplines, medicine, and theology.” (from
épique (XIIe-XIIIe siècles),” 191–221 [ref. 941]; the publisher) Contents: Paul J. J. M. BAKKER,
Danièle A LEXANDRE -B IDON, “Enflures et bour- “Petrus Trapolinus on the Nature and Place of Psy-
souflures. L’obésité au Moyen Âge,” 223–238 chology,” 11–60 [ref. 1177]; Elisa C UTTINI, “From
[ref. 984]; Pierre S AVY, “Les attributs chimériques the Nature of the Soul to Practical Action in the
de peuples réels. Queue des Anglais et queue des Thought of Pietro Pomponazzi,” 61–80 [ref. 1044];
Juifs au Moyen Âge et à l’époque moderne,” 239– Lorenzo C ASSINI, “Juan Luis Vives and Early
256 [ref. 958]; Ilaria S ABBATINI, “Finis corporis Modern Psychology: A Critical Reappraisal,” 81–
initium animae. La qualità morale del nemico 106 [ref. 1178]; Michael E DWARDS, “Time, Du-
nella rappresentazione del corpo tra epica crociata ration, and the Soul in Late Aristotelian Natural
e odeporica di pellegrinaggio,” 257–292; Pietro Philosophy and Psychology,” 107–130 [ref. 1181];
S ILANOS, “The Depositio of Beanus. Horns, Teeth Gideon M ANNING, “When the Mind became Un-
and Other Bulges in an Initiation Ceremony in Ger- Natural: De la Forge and Psychology in the Carte-
man Area (XV century),” 293–322 [ref. 959]; Luigi sian Aftermath,” 131–156 [ref. 1448]; Magdelena

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320. Medieval Western European contexts 57

B IENIAK, “The Powers of the Soul in the Anthro- 971. JACQUART, Danielle, and Nicolas W EILL -
pology of Hugh of St.-Cher,” 157–170 [ref. 878]; PAROT. (Eds.) Substances minérales et corps
William D UBA, “The Souls after Vienne: Fran- animés : de la philosophie de la matière aux pra-
ciscan Theologians’ Views on the Plurality of tiques médicales (1100–1500). Histoire des savoirs.
Forms and the Plurality of Souls, ca. 1315–1330,” (219 pp.) Montreuil: Omniscience, 2012. ISBN:
171–274 [ref. 881]; Matthew K LEMM, “A Med- 9782916097350.
ical Perspective on the Soul as Substantial Form
of the Body: Peter of Abano on the Reconcilia- 972. K LEMM, Matthew. “A Medical Perspective on
tion of Aristotle and Galen,” 275–296 [ref. 972]; the Soul as Substantial Form of the Body: Peter of
Hiro H IRAI, “Formative Power, Soul and Intel- Abano on the Reconciliation of Aristotle and Galen.”
lect in Nicolò Leoniceno between the Arabo-Latin In Psychology and the Other Disciplines, edited by
Tradition and the Renaissance of the Greek Com- BAKKER et al. (2012) [ref. 961], 275–296.
mentators,” 297–324 [ref. 1047]; Nancy G. S IR -
AISI , “Psychology in Some Sixteenth- and Early 973. L ECUPPRE, Gilles. “Déficience du corps et
Seveneenth-Century General Works on Medicine,” exercice du pouvoir au XIVe siècle.” Article in a
325–344 [ref. 1217]. special issue, “Le Corps du Prince” [ref. 704]. Micro-
logus 22 (2014): 705–719.
962. B OER, Sander W. De. The Science of the Soul:
The Commentary Tradition on Aristotle’s De anima, 974. L EV, Efraim. “Mediators between Theoretical
c. 1260–c.1360. Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. and Practical Medieval Knowledge: Medical Note-
(xi + 500 pp.) Leuven University Press, 2013. ISBN: books from the Cairo Genizah and their Significance
9058679306. Efraim Lev.” Med. Hist. 57 (2013): 487–515.
Reviews: [ref. R100]
975. M ELLYN, Elizabeth W. “Passing on Secrets:
963. E SP Í F ORC ÉN, Carlos, and Fernando E SP Í Interactions between Latin and Vernacular Medicine
F ORC ÉN. “Demonic Possessions and Mental Illness: in Medieval Europe.” I Tatti Stud. 16 (2013): 289–
Discussion of Selected Cases in Late Medieval Ha- 309.
giographical Literature.” Early Sci. & Med. 19, no. 3
(2014): 258–279. 976. M EN ÉNDEZ B UEYES, Luis Ramón. Medic-
ina, enfermedad y muerte en la España tardoan-
tigua: un acercamiento histórico a las patologı́as
320-142. CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY de las poblaciones de la época tardorromana e his-
964. FAZIOLI, K. Patrick. “The Erasure of the Mid- panovisigoda (siglos IV-VIII). Acta Salmanticensia
dle Ages from Anthropology’s Intellectual Geneal- estudios históricos & geográficos. (116 pp.) Sala-
ogy.” Hist. & Anthro. 25 (2014): 336–355. manca: Universidad de Salamanca, 2013. ISBN:
Reviews: [ref. R683]
965. A SHWORTH, E. Jennifer. “Aquinas, Scotus 977. M ORAL DE C ALATRAVA, Paloma. “Frı́gidos
and Others on Naming, Knowing, and the Origin of y maleficiados. Las mujeres y los remedios contra la
Language.” In Logic and Language in the Middle impotencia en la Edad Media.” Asclepio 64, no. 2
Ages, edited by F INK (2013) [ref. 884], 257–272. (2012): 353–372.

978. M OULINIER -B ROGI, Laurence, and Mari-

320-150. MEDICINE, GENERAL WORKS lyn N ICOUD. “ ‘Fama ou légende ?’. De la vie de
966. A PPLEFORD, Amy. Learning to Die in London, quelques médecins italiens d’après les témoignages
1380–1540. (352 pp.; ill.) Philadelphia: University médiévaux.” Article in a special issue, “Mittelalter-
of Pennsylvania Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780812246698. liche Legenden von Philosophen und Gelehrten / The
Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars”
967. B URNETT, Charles. “The Legend of Constan- [ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): 445–470.
tine the African.” Article in a special issue, “Mittelal-
terliche Legenden von Philosophen und Gelehrten / 979. PALMERO, Giuseppe. “Scrivere e sapere alla
The Medieval Legends of Philosophers and Scholars” fine del Medioevo. Uso delle fonti e pratiche testuali.”
[ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013): 277–294. Azogue 7 (2013): 142–250.

968. C OHEN, Esther. “ ‘If You Prick Us, Do We Not 980. P EDRAZ, Miguel Vicente. “Cuerpo y so-
Bleed?’ Reflections on the Diminishing of the Other’s ciedad en el Libro de la anathomı́a del hombre, de
Pain.” In Knowledge and Pain, edited by C OHEN et Bernardino Montaña de Monserrate: el sueño polı́tico
al. (2012) [ref. 366], 25–42. de un anatomista.” First article in a supplementary
issue on science communication. Manguinhos 20,
969. D EMAITRE, Luke E. Medieval Medicine: The suppl. 1 (2013): 1121–1135.
Art of Healing, from Head to Toe. (xiv + 359 pp.; Partial Contents: Giselle Martins V ENANCIO, “Ler
ill.) Santa Barbara, California: Praeger, 2013. ISBN: ciência no Brasil do século XIX: a Revista Pop-
9780275984854. ular, 1859–1862,” 1153–1162 [ref. 1782]; Flavia
Reviews: [ref. R251] Natercia da Silva M EDEIROS, “Fora da ordem
natural: a natureza nos discursos sobre a clon-
970. G RAU T ORRAS, Sergi. “Aristotle in the Medical agem e a pesquisa com células-tronco em jor-
Works of Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240–1311).” Early nais brasileiros,” 1185–1201 [ref. 3479]; Carla
Sci. & Med. 19, no. 3 (2014): 236–257. A LMEIDA, Franciane Lovati DAL C OL and Luisa

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58 320. Medieval Western European contexts

M ASSARANI, “Controvérsia cientı́fica no telejor- Article in a special issue, “Le Corps du Prince”
nalismo brasileiro: um estudo sobre a cobertura [ref. 704]. Micrologus 22 (2014): 229–252.
das células-tronco no Jornal Nacional,” 1203–
1223 [ref. 3480]; Mariana D OVIO, “El caso de 987. S CHABEL, Chris, and Fritz S. P EDERSEN.
la ‘mala vida’, peligrosidad y prevención de con- “Miraculous, Natural, or Jewish Conspiracy? Pierre
ductas marginales en Revista de Criminologı́a, Ceffon’s Question on the Black Death, with Astro-
Psiquiatrı́a, Medicina Legal y Ciencias Afines, en logical Predictions by Gersonides and Jean de Murs
Buenos Aires, 1914–1923,” 1225–1252 [ref. 3016]; / Firmin de Beauval.” Rech. Théol. Phil. Médiév. 81,
Alina DANET, “Del milagro al sueño cumplido: no. 1 (2014): 137–179.
retórica de la esperanza y reivindicación profe-
sional en las noticias de prensa sobre trasplantes
320-153. PHARMACY
en España, 1900–1960,” 1253–1269 [ref. 2553];
Dilene Raimundo do NASCIMENTO and Matheus 988. VOS, Paula De. “The ‘Prince of Medicine’:
Alves Duarte da S ILVA, “ ‘Não é meu intuito es- Yūhannā ibn Māsawayh and the Foundations of the
tabelecer polêmica’: a chegada da peste ao Brasil, Western Pharmaceutical Tradition.” Isis 104 (2013):
análise de uma controvérsia, 1899,” 1271–1285 667–712.
[ref. 2410]; Eliana Gesteira da S ILVA and Alexan-
dre Brasil F ONSECA, “Ciência, estética e raça:
observando imagens e textos no periódico O Brasil 320-160. TECHNOLOGY, GENERAL WORKS
Médico, 1928–1945,” 1287–1313 [ref. 2605]; 989. J ERVIS, Ben. “Conquest, Ceramics, Continuity
Marco Antonio Cornacioni S AVIO, “As guerras and Change. Beyond Representational Approaches to
de Minerva: a Revista Politécnica e a construção Continuity and Change in Early Medieval England:
de uma ideia de ciência em São Paulo, 1904– A Case Study from Anglo-Norman Southampton.”
1917,” 1315–1332 [ref. 2560]; Raquel Discini Early Mediev. Eur. 21.4 (2013): 455–487.
de C AMPOS, “Floriano de Lemos no Correio da
Manhã, 1906–1965,” 1333–1352 [ref. 2552]; Patri- 990. NADOT, Sébastien. Le Spectacle des joutes,
cia Abrao P OSSIK et al., “Você já comeu DNA sports et courtoisie à la fin du Moyen Âge. (xiv + 351
hoje? Divulgação cientı́fica durante a Semana pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Rennes: P.U. de Rennes, 2012.
da Ciência e Tecnologia no Brasil,” 1353–1362 ISBN : 9782753521483.
[ref. 3976]. Reviews: [ref. R724]
981. ROHMANN, Gregor. Tanzwut: Kosmos, Kir- 991. P OPPLOW, Marcus. Technik im Mittelalter.
che und Mensch in der Bedeutungsgeschichte ei- Beck’sche Reihe, 2482. (128 pp.; ill.) Munich: Beck,
nes mittelalterlichen Krankheitskonzepts. (714 pp.) 2010. ISBN: 9783406587825.
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013. ISBN:
Reviews: [ref. R806]
On the phenomenon known as dansomania, or St. 992. R IETH, Eric. “La houlque, la cogue et les
John’s dance, between the 14th and 17th centuries
in Germany. Frisons : essai de bilan archéologique.” In Échanges,
communications et réseaux dans le haut Moyen Âge,
Reviews: [ref. R860] edited by Stéphane L EBECQ, Alban G AUTIER and
982. S ANTOS, Dulce O. Amarante dos, and Maria Céline M ARTIN (Turnhout: Brepols, 2011), 227–241.
Daı́lza da Conceição FAGUNDES. “Saúde e dietética
na medicina preventiva medieval: o regimento de 320-163. AGRICULTURE
saúde de Pedro Hispano (século XIII).” Manguinhos
17, no. 2 (2010): 333–342. 993. A BBOTT, Fanny. Des comptes d’apothicaires.
Les épices dans la comptabilité de la maison de
983. VAN DER L UGT, Maaike. “The Learned Physi- Savoie (xive et xve s.). Cahiers lausannois d’histoire
cian as a Charismatic Healer: Urso of Salerno (Flour- médiévale, no. 51. (210 pp.) Lausanne, Switzerland:
ished End of Twelfth Century) on Incantations in Université de Lausanne, 2012. ISBN: 2940110646.
Medicine, Magic, and Religion.” Bull. Hist. Med. 87,
no. 3 (2013): 307–346. 994. C AMPOPIANO, Michele. “Rural Communities,
Land Clearance and Water Management in the Po
Valley in the Central and Late Middle Ages.” J.
Medieval Hist. 39 (2013): 377–393.
984. A LEXANDRE -B IDON, Danièle. “Enflures et
boursouflures. L’obésité au Moyen Âge.” Article in 995. C RANE, Susan. Animal Encounters: Contacts
a special issue, “Estremità e escrescenze dei corpi / and Concepts in Medieval Britain. The Middle Ages
Extremities and Excrescences of the Body” [ref. 957]. Series. (vii + 270 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Philadel-
Micrologus 20 (2012): 223–238. phia: University of Pennsylvania Press,, 2013. ISBN:
985. M C C RACKEN, Peggy. “Nursing Animals Reviews: [ref. R214]
and Cross-Species Intimacy.” In From Beasts to
Souls, edited by B URNS and M C C RACKEN (2013) 996. D ODDS, Ben. “Demesne and Tithe: Peasant
[ref. 955], 39–64. Agriculture in the Late Middle Ages.” Agric. Hist.
Rev. 56 (2008): 123–141.
986. P ENMAN, Michael. “Head, Body and Heart.
Legitimating Kingship and the Burial of Robert 997. J ORDAN, William Chester. “The Great Famine:
Bruce, Scotland’s ‘Leper King’, CA 1286–1329.” 1315–1322 Revisited.” In Ecologies and Economies

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330. Renaissance Western European contexts 59

in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, edited by Partial Contents. Brian C OWAN, “English Coffee-
B RUCE (2010) [ref. 943], 45–62. houses and French Salons: Rethinking Habermas,
Gender and Sociability in Early Modern French
998. S QUATRITI, Paolo. “Trees, Nuts, and Woods and British Historiography,” 41–53 [ref. 1252];
at the End of the First Millennium: A Case from Bronwen W ILSON, “Assembling the Archipelago:
the Amalfi Coast.” In Ecologies and Economies Isolarii and the Horizons of Early Modern Public
in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, edited by Making,” 101–126 [ref. 1156]; Meredith Donald-
B RUCE (2010) [ref. 943], 25–44. son C LARK, “ ‘Now through you made public for
everyone’: John Ogilby’s Britannia (1675), the
999. S VANBERG, Ingvar, and Stanislaw C IOS. 1598 Peutinger Map Facsimile, and the Shaping
“Petrus Magni and the History of Fresh-Water Aqua- of Public Space,” 127–150 [ref. 1409]; Meredith
culture in the Later Middle Ages.” Arch. Natur. Hist. E VANS, “Matrices of Force: Spinozist Monism and
41 (2014): 124–130. Margaret Cavendish’s Description of a New World,
Called the Blazing World,” 241–261 [ref. 1253].
1000. W INIWARTER, Verena. “The Art of Mak-
ing the Earth Fruitful: Medieval and Early Modern Reviews: [ref. R1037]
Improvements of Soil Fertility.” In Ecologies and
Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe,
edited by B RUCE (2010) [ref. 943], 93–114. 330-12. RHETORICAL AND VISUAL ANALYSIS OF

1007. JARDINE, Nicholas. (Ed.) Observing the

330. RENAISSANCE WESTERN EUROPEAN World through Images: Diagrams and Figures in
CONTEXTS the Early-Modern Arts and Sciences. (vi + 233 pp.)
Leiden: Brill, 2013. ISBN: 9789004263840.
330-1. HISTORY OF SCIENCE, GENERAL WORKS Contents: Isla FAY and Nicholas JARDINE, “In-
1001. B ONER, Patrick J. “Statesman and Scholar: troduction: New Light on Visual Forms in the
Herwart von Hohenburg as Patron and Author in the Early-Modern Arts and Sciences,” 1–8 [ref. 161];
Republic of Letters.” Hist. Sci. 52, no. 1 (2014): Isabelle PANTIN, “Analogy and Difference: A
29–51. Comparative Study of Medical and Astronomical
Images in Books, 1470–1550,” 9–44 [ref. 1008];
1002. C HEN -M ORRIS, Raz. “Imagination, Passions, Jennifer M. R AMPLING, “Depicting the Medieval
and the Production of Knowledge in Early Modern Alchemical Cosmos: George Ripley’s Wheel of
Europe: From Lipsius to Descartes.” In Knowledge Inferior Astronomy,” 45–86 [ref. 1100]; Karin
and Religion in Early Modern Europe, by Asaph E KHOLM, “Anatomy, Bloodletting and Emblems:
B EN -T OV, Yaacov D EUTSCH and Tamar H ERZIG Interpreting the Title-Page of Nathaniel High-
(Leiden: Brill, 2013), 49–86. more’s Disquisitio (1651),” 87–123 [ref. 1444];
Samuel G ESSNER, “The Use of Printed Images
1003. H ESS, Volker, and J. Andrew M ENDELSOHN. for Instrument-Making at the Arsenius Workshop,”
“Paper Technology und Wissensgeschichte.” First 124–152 [ref. 1028]; Katie TAYLOR, “Reconstruct-
article in a special issue: “ Paper Technology in der ing Vernacular Mathematics: The Case of Thomas
Frühen Neuzeit.” NTM 21, no. 1 (2013): 1–10. Hood’s Sector,” 153–179 [ref. 1067]; Hestor H IG -
TON , “Instruments and Illustration: The Use of
Contents: Fabian K R ÄMER, “Ein papiernes Archiv
für alles jemals Geschriebene,” 11–36 [ref. 1161]; Images in Edmund Gunter’s De Sectore et Radio,”
Michael S TOLBERG, “Medizinische Loci com- 180–200 [ref. 1288]; Renée R APHAEL, “Teaching
munes,” 37–60 [ref. 1215]; Volker H ESS and J. through Diagrams: Galileo’s Dialogo and Discorsi
Andrew M ENDELSOHN, “Fallgeschichte, Historia, and His Pisan Readers,” 201–230 [ref. 1292].
Klassifikation,” 61–92 [ref. 1646]; Katrin B ÖHME
and Staffan M ÜLLER -W ILLE, “ ‘In der Jungfern- 1008. PANTIN, Isabelle. “Analogy and Difference:
heide hinterm Pulvermagazin frequens,’ ” 93–106 A Comparative Study of Medical and Astronomical
[ref. 1625]. Images in Books, 1470–1550.” In Observing the
World through Images, edited by JARDINE (2013)
1004. L ONG, Pamela O. Artisan/Practitioners and [ref. 1007], 9–44.
the Rise of the New Sciences, 1400–1600. (xii +
196 pp.; ill.) Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University
Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780870716096. 330-20. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, GENERAL
Reviews: [ref. R624] WORKS

1005. M URPHY, Kathryn. “Robert Burton and the 1009. C ROIZAT-G LAZER, Yassana. “The Role
Problems of Polymathy.” Renaiss. Stud. 28 (2014): of Ancient Egypt in Masquerades at the Court of
279–297. François Ier.” Renaiss. Quart. 66 (2013): 1206–1249.

1006. VANHAELEN, Angela, and Joseph P. WARD. 1010. ROBIN, Diane. “L’ı̀nspiration de Bacchus
(Eds.) Making Space Public in Early Modern Europe: et Silène dans les académies italiennes du seizième
Performance, Geography, Privacy. Routledge Studies siècle, entre tradition néoplatonicienne et contre-
in Renaissance Literature and Culture. (xi + 305 pp.; culture burlesque.” Food Hist. 9, no. 1 (2011):
ill.; bibl.; index.) New York: Routledge, 2013. ISBN: 11–24.

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60 330. Renaissance Western European contexts

1016. P OSKA, Allyson M., Jane C OUCHMAN, and
1011. H IRSCHMANN, Nancy. “Freedom and Katherine A. M C I VER. (Eds.) The Ashgate Research
(Dis)Ability in Early Modern Political Thought.” Companion to Women and Gender in Early Modern
In Recovering Disability in Early Modern England, Europe. Ashgate Research Companions. (xvii + 554
edited by H OBGOOD and W OOD (2013) [ref. 1221], pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Farnham: Ashgate Publishing
167–186. Limited, 2013. ISBN: 9781409418177.
Partial Contents. Alisha R ANKIN, “Women in
1012. S CHAEFER, David Lewis. “Skepticism, Sci- Science and Medicine, 1400–1800,” 407–422
ence, and Politics in Montaigne’s Essays.” In Matter [ref. 1017]; Linda Phyllis AUSTERN, “Women,
and Form, edited by WARD (2009) [ref. 218], 87–102. Gender, and Music,” 509–532 [ref. 1068].
Reviews: [ref. R807]
AND THE ARTS 1017. R ANKIN, Alisha. “Women in Science and
Medicine, 1400–1800.” In The Ashgate Research
1013. B ODART, Diane H. “Il mento ‘posticcio’ Companion to Women and Gender in Early Modern
dell’Imperatore Carlo V.” Article in a special issue, Europe, edited by P OSKA et al. (2013) [ref. 1016],
“Estremità e escrescenze dei corpi / Extremities and 407–422.
Excrescences of the Body” [ref. 957]. Micrologus 20
(2012): 465–484. 1018. ROBIN, Diana. “Women on the Move: Trends
in Anglophone Studies of Women in the Italian Re-
1014. D UPR É, Sven. “The Historiography of Per- naissance.” I Tatti Stud. 16 (2013): 13–25.
spective and Reflexy-Const in Netherlandish Art.”
In Art and Science in the Early Modern Netherlands, 1019. S OYER, François. Ambiguous Gender in Early
edited by J ORINK and R AMAKERS (2011) [ref. 1015], Modern Spain and Portugal: Inquisitors, Doctors and
34–61. the Transgression of Gender Norms. The Medieval
and Early Modern Iberian World, 1569–1934, Vol.
1015. J ORINK, Eric, and Bart R AMAKERS. (Eds.) 47. (xvi + 328 pp.) Leiden: Brill, 2012. ISBN:
Art and Science in the Early Modern Netherlands. 9789004225299.
[Kunst en wetenschap in de vroegmoderne Nederlan- Reviews: [ref. R966]
den] Dutch title. Netherlands Yearbook for History of
Art. (367 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Zwolle: WBOOKS,
2011. ISBN: 9789040078088. 330-28. SCIENCE AND RELIGION
Contents: Eric J ORINK and Bart R AMAKERS, 1020. BARRECA, Francesco. “Il libro della natura
“Undivided Territory: ‘Art’ and ‘Science’ in the tra riforma della chiesa e nuova scienza: la teologia
Early Modern Netherlands,” 6–33; Sven D UPR É, naturale di Raimondo Sibiuda nei secoli XV-XVI.”
“The Historiography of Perspective and Reflexy- Galilæana 8 (2011): 105–131.
Const in Netherlandish Art,” 34–61 [ref. 1014];
Dániel M ARG ÓCSY, “The Camel’s Head: Rep- 1021. M AYER, Thomas F. The Roman Inquisition: A
resenting Unseen Animals in Sixteenth-Century Papal Bureaucracy and Its Laws in the Age of Galileo.
Europe,” 62–85 [ref. 1170]; Marrigje R IKKEN (381 pp.) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania
and Paul J. S MITH, “Jan Brueghel’s Allegory of Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780812244731.
Air (1621) from a Natural Historical Perspective,” Reviews: [ref. R661]
86–115 [ref. 1421]; Karin L EONHARD, “Painted
Poison: Venomous Beasts, Herbs, Gems, and 1022. S OL ÍS, Carlos. “La ciencia de la resurrección.”
Baroque Colour Theory,” 116–147 [ref. 1431]; Eric Asclepio 64, no. 2 (2012): 311–352.
J ORINK, “Beyond the Lines of Apelles: Johannes
Swammerdam, Dutch Scientific Culture and the 1023. TARRANT, Neil. “Censoring Science in
Representation of Insect Anatomy,” 148–183 Sixteenth-Century Italy: Recent (and Not-So-Recent)
[ref. 1430]; Gijsbert M. van de ROEMER, “Regu- Research.” Hist. Sci. 52, no. 1 (2014): 1–27.
lating the Arts: Willem Goeree versus Samuel van
1024. TARRANT, Neil. “Giambattista Della Porta
Hoogstraten,” 184–207 [ref. 1264]; Rienk V ER -
and the Roman Inquisition: Censorship and the Defi-
MIJ , “The Light of Nature and the Allegorisation
nition of Nature’s Limits in Sixteenth-Century Italy.”
of Science on Dutch Frontispieces around 1700,”
Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 46, no. 4 (2013): 601–625.
208–237 [ref. 1533]; Thijs W ESTSTEIJN, “From
Hieroglyphs to Universal Characters: Pictogra-
phy in the Early Modern Netherlands,” 238–281 330-29. SCIENCE AND WAR
[ref. 1189]; Joke S PAANS, “Art, Science and Re- 1025. ACONCIO, Iacopo. Trattato Sulle Fortifi-
ligion in Romeyn de Hooghe’s Hieroglyphica,” cazioni. Edited by Paola G IACOMONI, Giovanni
282–307 [ref. 1266]; Fokko Jan D IJKSTERHUIS, Maria FARA, Renato G IACOMELLI, and Omar K HA -
“ ‘Will the Eye be the Sole Judge?’: ‘Science’ LAF . (v + 212 pp.; ill.) Firenze : L.S. Olschki, 2011.
and ‘Art’ in the Optical Inquiries of Lambert ten ISBN : 9788822260680.
Kate and Hendrik van Limborch around 1710,” Reviews: [ref. R6]
308–331 [ref. 1510]; Bart R AMAKERS, “Staging
Nature: Observation, Imagination and Experience 1026. O’C ALLAGHAN, Joseph F. The Last Crusade
in E.M. Post’s Het land, in brieven (1788),” 332– in the West: Castile and the Conquest of Granada.
367 [ref. 1531]. (346 pp.; ill.; maps.) Philadelphia: University of
Reviews: [ref. R514] Pennsylvania Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780812245875.

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330. Renaissance Western European contexts 61

330-41. SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS (x + 488 pp.; bibl.; index.) Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780521196215.
1027. F R ÉMONTIER -M URPHY, Camille. “A New Reviews: [ref. R414]
Mathematical Vision for an Innovative Calculating
Instrument: Galileo’s Sector.” Bull. Sci. Instr. Soc. 1038. W OLFF, Étienne. “La légende d’Apulée, de
118 (2013): 35–43. son époque à la fin du XVe siècle.” Article in a special
issue, “Mittelalterliche Legenden von Philosophen
1028. G ESSNER, Samuel. “The Use of Printed Im- und Gelehrten / The Medieval Legends of Philoso-
ages for Instrument-Making at the Arsenius Work- phers and Scholars” [ref. 895]. Micrologus 21 (2013):
shop.” In Observing the World through Images, 103–114.
edited by JARDINE (2013) [ref. 1007], 124–152.

1029. M ALAQUIAS, Isabel. “Instruments in Transit: 330-102. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY

The Santo Ildefonso Treaty and the Brazilian Border
Demarcations.” In Scientific Instruments in the His- 1039. BARBARA BARTOCCI. “L’In Platonis
tory of Science, edited by G RANATO and L OURENÇO Timaeum e le altre opere inedite di Paolo Beni da
(2014) [ref. 203], 101–116. Gubbio.” Rech. Théol. Phil. Médiév. 80, no. 1 (2013):

330-42. SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION; EDUCATIONAL 1040. B ECKER, Anna. “Jean Bodin on Oeconomics
INSTITUTIONS and Politics.” Hist. Europ. Ideas 40 (2014): 135–154.
1030. E AMON, William. “Vĕdecké vzdĕlánı́ rene- 1041. B LUM, Paul Richard, and Peter H ENNEVELD.
sanc̆nı́ho vladar̆e: arcivévoda Rudolf u španĕlského Giordano Bruno: An Introduction. (viii + 128 pp.)
dvora.” [Scientific education Renaissance monarch: Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012. ISBN: 9789042035553.
Archduke Rudolf in Spanish Justice.] In Czech. Reviews: [ref. R92]
In Alchymie a Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š and
K ARPENKO (2011) [ref. 1127], 129–138. 1042. B LUM, Paul Richard. Studies on Early Modern
On education and Archduke Rudolf at the Spanish Aristotelianism. History of Science and Medicine
Court. Library. Scientific and Learned Cultures and their
Institutions. (xxi + 367 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Boston:
1031. G IGLIONI, Guido. “Girolamo Cardano: Uni- Brill, 2012. ISBN: 9789004232181.
versity Student and Professor.” Renaiss. Stud. 27 On Jesuit Aristotelian education and the ties be-
(2013): 517–532. tween natural philosophy and theology from the
Renaissance to the Enlightenment.
330-101. OCCULTISM AND NATURAL MAGIC Reviews: [ref. R93]
1032. A LMOND, Philip C. England’s First Demo- 1043. B RETT, Annabel S. Changes of State: Na-
nologist: Reginald Scot and “The Discovery of ture and the Limits of the City in Early Modern
Witchcraft.” (ix + 246 pp.; bibl.; index.) London: Natural Law. (xii + 242 pp.; ill.; index; bibl.) Prince-
I.B.Tauris, 2011. ISBN: 9781848857933. ton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011. ISBN:
Reviews: [ref. R24] 9780691141930.
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1033. C ORCORAN, Andreas. “The Social Meta-
physics of Professors: Divine Providence, Aca- 1044. C UTTINI, Elisa. “From the Nature of the Soul
demic Charisma and Witchcraft.” In Scholarly Self- to Practical Action in the Thought of Pietro Pom-
Fashioning and Community in the Early Modern ponazzi.” In Psychology and the Other Disciplines,
University, by Richard K IRWAN (Farnham: Ashgate edited by BAKKER et al. (2012) [ref. 961], 61–80.
Publishing Limited, 2013), 121–144.
1045. D EL S OLDATO, Eva, and Simone P ORZIO. Un
1034. C OUDERT, Allison P. Religion, Magic, and Aristotelico tra Natura e Grazia. Edition 1. (xvi +
Science in Early Modern Europe and America. (xxix 352 pp.) Rome: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2010.
+ 287 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Santa Barbara: Praeger, ISBN : 978-88-6372-275-8.
2011. ISBN: 9780275996741. Reviews: [ref. R248]
Reviews: [ref. R209]
1046. D ONG -Y UAN Tai. “Causation and Essence:
1035. D ESCHRIJVER, Sonja, and Vrajabhūmi VAN - The Discrepancies in Metaphysics of Scientific
DERHEYDEN . “Experiencing the Supernatural in Thoughts between Kepler and Galileo.” [Translated
Sixteenth-Century Brabant: Construction and Reduc- title.] In Chinese. Taiwan. J. Stud. Sci. Tech. Med. 15
tion of the Exceptional in Everyday Life.” J. Soc. (2012): 117–186.
Hist. 46 (2012): 525–548.
1047. H IRAI, Hiro. “Formative Power, Soul and In-
1036. F RAGUELA, Beatriz. “Polı́filo: Un viaje tellect in Nicolò Leoniceno between the Arabo-Latin
hermético y fı́sico, o de cómo superar las fronteras Tradition and the Renaissance of the Greek Com-
religiosas y geográficas.” Abaco 63 (2010): 101–108. mentators.” In Psychology and the Other Disciplines,
On the Hypernetomachia Poliphili (1499) and its edited by BAKKER et al. (2012) [ref. 961], 297–324.
use in 16th century Spain.
1048. L INES, David A. “Rethinking Renaissance
1037. H ANEGRAAFF, Wouter J. Esotericism and the Aristotelianism: Bernardo Segni’s Ethica, the Flo-
Academy: Rejected Knowledge in Western Culture. rentine Academy, and the Vernacular in Sixteenth-

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62 330. Renaissance Western European contexts

Century Italy.” Renaiss. Quart. 66, no. 3 (2013): 16th Century Antwerp. Archimedes, Volume 31. (xv
824–865. + 258 pp.; ill.) Dordrecht: Springer, 2013. ISBN:
1049. M ANNING, Gideon. “Three Biased Reminders Reviews: [ref. R685]
about Hylomorphism in Early Modern Science and
Philosophy.” In Matter and Form in Early Modern 1061. O OSTERHOFF, Richard J. “From Pious to
Science and Philosophy, edited by M ANNING (2012) Polite: Pythagoras in the Res publica litterarum of
[ref. 1396], 1–32. French Renaissance Mathematics.” J. Hist. Ideas 74
(2013): 531–552.
1050. S CHMALTZ, Tad M. “Substantial Forms as
Causes: From Suárez to Descartes.” In Matter and 1062. PARK, Malcolm. “Brunelleschi’s Discovery of
Form in Early Modern Science and Philosophy, edited Perspective’s ‘Rule.’ ” Leonardo 46 (2013): 259–265.
by M ANNING (2012) [ref. 1396], 125–150.
1063. R AMAN, Shankar. “Constructing Selves, Mak-
1051. S CHNEIDER, Steffen. Kosmos, Seele, Text: ing Publics: Geometry and Poetry in Descartes and
Formen der Partizipation und ihre literarische Ver- Sidney.” In Beyond the Public Sphere, edited by
mittlung: Marsilio Ficino, Pierre de Ronsard, Gior- Massimo ROSPOCHER (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot,
dano Bruno. Neues Forum für Allgemeine und Ver- 2012), 167–190.
gleichende Literaturwissenschaft. (438 pp.; bibl.;
index.) Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2012. 1064. ROBERTS, Gareth, and Fenny S MITH. Robert
ISBN : 9783825360306. Recorde: The Life and Times of a Tudor Mathemati-
Reviews: [ref. R908] cian. (252 pp.) Cardiff: University of Wales Press,
2012. ISBN: 9780708325278.
1052. S GARBI, Marco. The Italian Mind: Ver- Reviews: [ref. R848]
nacular Logic in Renaissance Italy (1540–1551).
Medieval and Renaissance Authors and Texts, Vol- 1065. S ILVA, M. Céu. “Fuentes renacentistas de las
ume 12. (256 pp.) Leiden: Brill, 2014. ISBN: geometrı́as de Juan Pérez de Moya.” Asclepio 65, no.
9789004264090. 2 (2013): Approx. 6600 Words.
1066. S TEDALL, Jacqueline A. From Cardano’s
330-103. MATHEMATICS Great Art to Lagrange’s Reflections: Filing a Gap
1053. BASCELLI, Tiziana. “Galileo’s quanti: Under- in the History of Algebra. Heritage of European
standing Infinitesimal Magnitudes.” Arch. Hist. Exact Mathematics. (xi + 224 pp.; facsimiles; bibl.; index.)
Sci. 68 (2014): 121–136. Zūrich: European Mathematical Society, 2011. ISBN:
1054. C ANAS, António Costa, and Maria Eugénia
F ERR ÃO. A Matemática no Tempo do Mestre José 1067. TAYLOR, Katie. “Reconstructing Vernacular
Vizinho. (212 pp.) Lisboa: Gradiva, 2009. ISBN: Mathematics: The Case of Thomas Hood’s Sector.”
9789896163488. In Observing the World through Images, edited by
JARDINE (2013) [ref. 1007], 153–179.
1055. C LAESSENS, Guy. “A Sixteenth-Century Neo-
platonic Synthesis: Francesco Piccolomini’s Theory 330-104. MUSIC
of Mathematics and Imagination in the Academicae
Contemplationes.” Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 47, no. 3 (2014): 1068. AUSTERN, Linda Phyllis. “Women, Gender,
421–431. and Music.” In The Ashgate Research Companion to
Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe, edited
1056. D’A LESSANDRO, Paolo, and Pier Daniele by P OSKA et al. (2013) [ref. 1016], 509–532.
NAPOLITANI. Archimede latino: Iacopo da San
Cassiano e il “Corpus” archimedeo alla metà del 1069. BALDISSERA PACCHETTI, Marina. “Turn-
Quattrocento: con edizione della “Circuli dimensio” ing Music into Sound: Vincenzo Galilei’s
e della “Quadratura parabolae.” Sciences et savoirs. Contributions to the History of Acoustics.”
Bibliothèque de science, tradition et savoirs human- http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4877108. J. Acoust. Soc.
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Reviews: [ref. R225] 1070. B ERCHUM, Marnix van. “Linked Sources: A
Network Approach to The Repertory of Sixteenth-
1057. DYCK, Maarten Van, and Albrecht H EEFFER. Century Polyphony.” Leonardo 47 (2014): 272.
“Script and Symbolic Writing in Mathematics and
Natural Philosophy.” Found. Sci. 19 (2014): 1–10. 1071. E LDERS, Willem. Josquin des Prez and His
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1058. H EEFFER, Albrecht. “The Genesis of the ill.; bibl.; index.) Leuven: Leuven University Press,
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1059. M ERTENS, Manuel. “Memory and Geometry 330-110. ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY
in Bruno: Some Analogies.” Found. Sci. 19 (2014):
69–88. 1072. BARKER, Peter, and Matjaž V ESEL. “Goddu’s
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330. Renaissance Western European contexts 63

Essay review of André G ODDU, Copernicus and Scientific Revolution, 1540–1630, edited by B ONER
the Aristotelian Tradition (2010). and T ESSICINI (2013) [ref. 1077], 105–132.

1073. BARRECA, Francesco, and Patrick J. B ONER. 1079. C ROWTER, Kathleen M., and Peter BARKER.
“A Perfect Similitude: Science and Politics in Ke- “Training the Intelligent Eye: Understanding Illus-
pler’s Dedicatory Letter to De stella nova and the trations in Early Modern Astronomy Texts.” Isis 104
Astronomia nova.” In Celestial Novelties on the Eve (2013): 429–470.
of the Scientific Revolution, 1540–1630, edited by
B ONER and T ESSICINI (2013) [ref. 1077], 209–230. 1080. G ODDU, André. “A Response to Peter Barker
and Matjaž Vesel, ‘Goddu’s Copernicus.’ ” Aestima-
1074. B L ÅSJ Ö, Viktor. “A Critique of the Argu- tio 10 (2013): 248–276.
ments for Maragha Influence on Copernicus.” J. Hist. Essay review of André G ODDU, Copernicus and
Astron. 45, no. 2 (2014): 183–195. the Aristotelian Tradition (2010).

1075. B LUMENTHAL, Geoffrey. “Copernicus’s De- 1081. G RANADA, Miguel A., Adam M OSLEY, and
velopment in Context: Politics, Astrology, Cosmol- Nicholas JARDINE. (Eds.) Christoph Rothmann’s
ogy and a Prince-Bishopric.” Sci. Context 27, no. 1 Discourse on the Comet of 1585: An Edition and
(2014): 1–32. Translation with Accompanying Essays. (384 pp.;
ill.) Leiden: Brill, 2014. ISBN: 9789004260344.
1076. B ONER, Patrick. Kepler’s Cosmological Syn-
thesis: Astrology, Mechanism and the Soul. History of 1082. G RANADA, Miguel Angel. “Tycho Brahe’s
Science and Medicine Library, Volume 39. (x + 187 anti-Copernican Campaign: His Criticism of Maestlin
pp.; ill.) Leiden: Brill, 2013. ISBN: 9789004246089. and Thomas Digges in the Astronomiae Instauratae
Reviews: [ref. R104] Progymnasmata.” In Celestial Novelties on the Eve
of the Scientific Revolution, 1540–1630, edited by
1077. B ONER, Patrick J., and Dario T ESSICINI. B ONER and T ESSICINI (2013) [ref. 1077], 185–208.
(Eds.) Celestial Novelties on the Eve of the Scientific
Revolution, 1540–1630. (xvi + 284 pp.; ill.) Firenze: 1083. H ERBST, Klaus-Dieter. (Ed.) Astronomie—
Olschki, 2013. ISBN: 9788822262547. Literatur—Volksaufklärung: Der Schreibkalender der
Contents: Patrick B ONER and Dario T ESSICINI, Frühen Neuzeit mit seinem Text- und Bildbeigaben.
“Introduction,” viii-xvi; Adam M OSLEY, “Past Presse und Geschichte – Neue Beiträge, Band 67.
Portents Predict: Cometary Historiae and Cata- (500 pp.; ill.) Jena: Verlag HKD, 2012. ISBN:
logues in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,” 9783943245028.
1–32 [ref. 1094]; Tayra M. C. Lanuza NAVARRO Contents: Klaus-Dieter H ERBST, “Von Astro-
and Vı́ctor Navarro B ROTONS, “Prophecy and nomie bis Volksaufklärung. Neue Forschungen
Politics in Spain: Celestial Novelties and the Sci- und Perspektiven,” 15–44; Gustav W OLF, “Die
ence of the Stars, 1572–1630,” 33–56 [ref. 1095]; Altenburger Kalendersammlung und ihre mut-
Dario T ESSICINI, “The Comet of 1577 in Italy: maßlichen Förderer Joseph Brandt und David
Astrological Prognostications and Cometary The- Spicker,” 45–56; Werner G REILING, “Der Platz
ory at the End of the Sixteenth Century,” 57–84 der Kalender des 18. Jahrhunderts im periodi-
[ref. 1103]; Isabelle PANTIN, “Francesco Giuntini schen Schrifttum Thüringens,” 57–86 [ref. 1553];
et les nouveautés célestes,” 85–104 [ref. 1099]; Klaus M ATTH ÄUS, “Das Nürnberger Kalender-
Elide C ASALI, “Astrologia ‘cristiana’ e nuova wesen neu justiert nach dem Endterschen Ka-
scienza. Pronostici astrologici sulle comete (1577– lenderarchiv in Krakau und der Altenburger Ka-
1618),” 105–132 [ref. 1078]; John H ENRY, “Jean lendersammlung,” 87–114; Peter H ESSELMANN,
Fernel on Celestial Influences and the Reform of “Die simplicianischen Jahreskalender in der Al-
Medical Theory,” 133–158 [ref. 1194]; Nick JAR - tenburger Kalendersammlung,” 115–150; Alexan-
DINE, “How to Present a Copernican Comet: The der ROSENBAUM, “Titelbilder in Kalendern der
Form and Tactics of Christoph Rothmann’s Di- Altenburger Sammlung,” 151–182 [ref. 163];
alexis on the Comet of 1585,” 159–184 [ref. 1085]; Holger B ÖNING, “Volksaufklärung und Kalen-
Miguel Angel G RANADA, “Tycho Brahe’s anti- der. Zu den Anfängen der Diskussion über die
Copernican Campaign: His Criticism of Maestlin Nutzung traditioneller Volkslesestoffe zur Auf-
and Thomas Digges in the Astronomiae Instauratae klärung und zu ersten praktischen Versuchen bis
Progymnasmata,” 185–208 [ref. 1082]; Francesco 1800,” 183–200 [ref. 1512]; Reinhart S IEGERT,
BARRECA and Patrick J. B ONER, “A Perfect Simil- “Volksaufklärerische Reformkalender,” 201–236;
itude: Science and Politics in Kepler’s Dedicatory Klaus-Dieter H ERBST, “Frühaufklärung, Volks-
Letter to De stella nova and the Astronomia nova,” aufklärung, Aufklärung in dem ‘Altenburgischen
209–230 [ref. 1073]; Édouard M EHL, “Comètes et Haushaltungs- und Geschichts- Kalender’. Ei-
taches solaires en Allemagne (1610–1630): l’aile ne zeitliche Längsschnittanalyse von 1646 bis
hétérodoxe (Faulhaber, Mayr, Mögling) et le point 1842,” 237–268 [ref. 1254]; Gerhardt P ETRAT,
de départ de la ‘fable du monde’ cartésienne,” “Mehr oder minder verdeckte Formen der Gegen-
231–256 [ref. 1361]; Giorgio S TRANO, “Galileo, aufklärung in Kalendern,” 269–282 [ref. 1262];
Reliable Observer: Astronomical Accuracy and Flemming S CHOCK, “Welt am Rande. Außer-
the Optical Limits of the Telescope,” 257–272 europa in Kalendern des 17. Jahrhunderts,”
[ref. 1102]. 319–340; Jana M AROSZOV Á, “Die Kriegs- und
Endzeit-Thematik in den Kalendern um 1670,”
1078. C ASALI, Elide. “Astrologia ‘cristiana’ e nuova 341–360 [ref. 1283]; Norbert D. W ERNICKE,
scienza. Pronostici astrologici sulle comete (1577– “Erzählen im Kalender,” 361–372; Rosmarie
1618).” In Celestial Novelties on the Eve of the Z ELLER, “Sigmund von Birkens Mitarbeit an

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64 330. Renaissance Western European contexts

Nürnberger Kalendern,” 373–392 [ref. 1267]; 1093. M ORRISON, Robert. “A Scholarly Interme-
Sabine S CHLEGELMILCH, “Vom Nutzen des Ne- diary between the Ottoman Empire and Renaissance
bensächlichen—Paratexte in den Kalendern des Europe.” Isis 105 (2014): 32–57.
Arztes Johannes Magirus (1615–1697),” 393–412
[ref. 1476]; Daniel B ELLINGRADT, “Der wieder- 1094. M OSLEY, Adam. “Past Portents Predict:
verwertbare Räuberhauptmann. Oder: Wie kam Cometary Historiae and Catalogues in the Sixteenth
der Räuber in den Kalender der Frühen Neu- and Seventeenth Centuries.” In Celestial Novelties
zeit?” 413–430; Volker BAUER, “Spezial- und on the Eve of the Scientific Revolution, 1540–1630,
Universalgenealogie in Spezial- und Universalka- edited by B ONER and T ESSICINI (2013) [ref. 1077],
lendern des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Inhaltliche 1–32.
Diversifizierung und mediale Ausdifferenzierung,”
431–448; Bill R EBIGER, “Judentumskunde in der 1095. NAVARRO, Tayra M. C. Lanuza, and Vı́ctor
Frühaufklärung. Die multikulturellen Kalender von Navarro B ROTONS. “Prophecy and Politics in Spain:
Gottfried Kirch,” 449–468 [ref. 1364]; Kelly M. Celestial Novelties and the Science of the Stars,
S MITH, “Astrologie und Naturphilosophie in den 1572–1630.” In Celestial Novelties on the Eve of the
Kalendern,” 469–476 [ref. 242]. Scientific Revolution, 1540–1630, edited by B ONER
and T ESSICINI (2013) [ref. 1077], 33–56.
1084. H LAV Á C̆EK, Jakub. “Imaginace a hvĕzdné tĕlo
v alchymické kosmologii Oswalda Crolla.” [Imagi- 1096. N UGAYEV, Rinat M. “The Ptolemy-
nation and stellar body in the alchemical cosmology Copernicus Transition: Intertheoretic Context.” Al-
Oswald Croll .] In Czech. In Alchymie a Rudolf II, magest 4, no. 1 (2013): 96–119.
edited by P UR Š and K ARPENKO (2011) [ref. 1127],
1097. O MODEO, Pietro Daniel. Copernicus in the
Cultural Debates of the Renaissance: Reception,
1085. JARDINE, Nick. “How to Present a Coper- Legacy, Transformation. Medieval and Early Modern
nican Comet: The Form and Tactics of Christoph Science. (425 pp.; ill.) Leiden: Brill, 2014. ISBN:
Rothmann’s Dialexis on the Comet of 1585.” In 9789004251786.
Celestial Novelties on the Eve of the Scientific Revo- 1098. O MODEO, Pietro Daniel. “Disputazioni cos-
lution, 1540–1630, edited by B ONER and T ESSICINI mologiche a Helmstedt. Magnus Pegel e la cultura as-
(2013) [ref. 1077], 159–184. tronomica tedesca tra il 1586 ed il 1588.” Galilæana
8 (2011): 133–158.
1086. K ARPENKO, Vladimı́r, and Ivo P UR Š. “Ty-
cho Brahe: mezi astronomiı́ a alchymiı́.” [Tycho 1099. PANTIN, Isabelle. “Francesco Giuntini et les
Brahe: Between Astronomy and Alchemy.] In nouveautés célestes.” In Celestial Novelties on the
Czech. In Alchymie a Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š Eve of the Scientific Revolution, 1540–1630, edited
and K ARPENKO (2011) [ref. 1127], 459–488. by B ONER and T ESSICINI (2013) [ref. 1077], 85–
1087. K REMER, Richard L. “War Barnhard Walt-
her, Nürnberger astronomischer Beobachter des 15. 1100. R AMPLING, Jennifer M. “Depicting the Me-
Jahrhunderts auch ein Theoretiker?” In Astronomie dieval Alchemical Cosmos: George Ripley’s Wheel of
in Nürnberg, edited by W OLFSCHMIDT (2010) Inferior Astronomy.” In Observing the World through
[ref. 1105], 157–184. Images, edited by JARDINE (2013) [ref. 1007], 45–86.
1088. K REMER, Richard Lynn. “Hans Sporer’s Xy- 1101. S EGONDS, Alain-Philippe, and Concetta
lographic Practices: A Census of Regiomontanus’s L UNA. “The Greek Text of Ptolemy, Almagest XIII,
Blockbook Calendar.” Bibl. Wiss. 46 (2013): 161– as Source of Book VI of Copernicus’s De Revolution-
187. ibus.” J. Hist. Astron. 44, no. 4 (2013): 413–427.
1089. M ALPANGOTTO, Michela. “L’univers auquel 1102. S TRANO, Giorgio. “Galileo, Reliable Ob-
s’est confronté Copernic : La sphère de Mercure dans server: Astronomical Accuracy and the Optical Lim-
les Theoricae novae planetarum de Georg Peurbach.” its of the Telescope.” In Celestial Novelties on the
Hist. Math. 40, no. 3 (2013): 262–308. Eve of the Scientific Revolution, 1540–1630, edited
by B ONER and T ESSICINI (2013) [ref. 1077], 257–
1090. M ALPANGOTTO, Michela. “La critique de 272.
l’univers de Peurbach développée par Albert de Brud-
zewo a-t-elle influencé Copernic ? Un nouveau regard 1103. T ESSICINI, Dario. “The Comet of 1577 in
sur les réflexions astronomiques au XVe siècle.” Al- Italy: Astrological Prognostications and Cometary
magest 4, no. 1 (2013): 4–61. Theory at the End of the Sixteenth Century.” In
Celestial Novelties on the Eve of the Scientific Revo-
1091. M ART ÍNEZ, Marı́a José, and Francisco J. lution, 1540–1630, edited by B ONER and T ESSICINI
M ARCO. “New Astronomical References in Two (2013) [ref. 1077], 57–84.
Catalonian Late Medieval Documents.” Early Sci. &
Med. 19, no. 2 (2014): 174–185. 1104. W OLFSCHMIDT, Gudrun. “Astronomie in
Nürnberg—Zentrum des Instrumentenbaus.” In As-
1092. M ATH ÄUS, Klaus. “Die offiziellen Nürnberger tronomie in Nürnberg, edited by W OLFSCHMIDT
Kalenderschreiber.” In Astronomie in Nürnberg, (2010) [ref. 1105], 19–144.
edited by W OLFSCHMIDT (2010) [ref. 1105], 185–
196. 1105. W OLFSCHMIDT, Gudrun. (Ed.) Astronomie in
Nürnberg: Anläßlich des 500. Todestages von Bern-

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330. Renaissance Western European contexts 65

hard Walther (1430–1504) und des 300. Todestages 1112. S TARK, Caroline. “Renaissance Receptions of
von Georg Christoph Eimmart (1638–1705). Nuncius Manilius’ Anthropology.” In Forgotten Stars, edited
Hamburgensis, Band 3. (388 pp.; ill.) Hamburg: by G REEN and VOLK (2011) [ref. 783], 261–277.
Tredition Science, 2010. ISBN: 9783868506099. “Examines the reception of Manilius’ anthropology
Contents: Gudrun W OLFSCHMIDT, “Astronomie in the works of 15-century Renaissance astrological
in Nürnberg—Zentrum des Instrumentenbaus,” poetry...to reconcile the astrological worldview
19–144 [ref. 1104]; Uta L INDGREN, “Die Bedeu- with the Christian notion of man’s free will.” (from
tung von Regiomontans Ephemeriden für die Ent- the abstract)
deckung Amerikas,” 145–156 [ref. 1145]; Richard
L. K REMER, “War Barnhard Walther, Nürnberger 1113. W ESTMAN, Robert S. “Reply to Michael
astronomischer Beobachter des 15. Jahrhunderts Shank.” Isis 105, no. 1 (2014): 177–184.
auch ein Theoretiker?” 157–184 [ref. 1087]; Essay review of Robert S. W ESTMAN, The Coper-
Klaus M ATH ÄUS, “Die offiziellen Nürnberger nican Question (2011).
Kalenderschreiber,” 185–196 [ref. 1092]; Ecke-
hard S CHMIDT, “Finsternisse über Nürnberg— 330-112. PHYSICS; PHYSICAL SCIENCES,
1050–2050,” 197–212 [ref. 920]; Hans G AAB, GENERAL WORKS
“Die Eimmart-Sternwarte in Nürnberg,” 213–234
[ref. 1350]; Doris G ERSTL, “Georg Christoph 1114. G OULDING, Robert. “Thomas Harriot’s Op-
Eimmart als Künstler—Die Camera obscura als tics, between Experiment and Imagination: The Case
Erbe,” 235–250 [ref. 1286]; Inge K EIL, “Der of Mr Bulkeley’s Glass.” Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 68
Nachlaß des Georg Christoph Eimmart in der (2014): 137–178.
Nationalbibliothek in St. Petersburg,” 251–260
[ref. 1355]; Ronald S TOYAN, “Die Nürnberger 1115. I OMMI E CHEVERR ÍA, Virginia. “El
Mondkarten,” 261–274 [ref. 1369]; Reinhard E. movimiento de proyectiles en la mecánica de Diego
S CHIELICKE, “Erhard Weigel (1625–1699) und Hurtado de Mendoza y la nueva dinámica renacen-
die Armillarsphäre für Eimmarts Observatorium tista.” Asclepio 63, no. 1 (2011): 179–192.
in Nürnberg,” 275–288 [ref. 1366]; Antal András
1116. PALMERINO, Carla Rita. “Galileo’s Use of
D E ÁK, “Ein Kartograph als Astronom im Schatten
Medieval Thought Experiments.” In Thought Ex-
des Halbmondes: Johann Christoph Müller (1673–
periments in Methodological and Historical Con-
1721),” 289–298 [ref. 1606]; Willi D EINZER, “Jo-
texts, edited by I ERODIAKONOU and ROUX (2011)
hann Philipp von Wurzelbau (1651–1725)—von
[ref. 129], 101–126.
wo aus hat er beobachtet,” 299–304 [ref. 1348];
Hans G AAB and Olaf S IMONS, “Johann Leon-
hard Rost—‘Romanist’ und Astronom,” 305–332 330-113. CHEMISTRY
[ref. 1576]; Siegried K ETT, “Johann Gabriel Dop-
pelmayer (1677–1750),” 333–343 [ref. 1614]. 1117. P UR Š, Ivo. “Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt:
lékar̆, mineralog a alchymista.” [Anselmus Boetius
de Boodt: physician, mineralogist and alchemist .] In
Czech. In Alchymie a Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š and
330-111. ASTROLOGY K ARPENKO (2011) [ref. 1127], 535–580.
1106. C OOPER, Glen M. “Approaches to the Critical
Days in Late Medieval and Renaissance Thinkers.” 330-114. ALCHEMY
Early Sci. & Med. 18 (2013): 536–565. 1118. B U ŽEK, Václav. “Alchymie v každodennı́m
životĕ vrchnı́ch komornı́ch služebnı́kŭ Rudolfa II.”
1107. H EILEN, Stephan. “Lorenzo Bonincontri’s [Alchemy in the everyday life of the upper chamber
Reception of Manilius’ Chapter on Comets (Astr. servants of Rudolf II. .] In Czech. In Alchymie a
1.809–926).” In Forgotten Stars, edited by G REEN Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š and K ARPENKO (2011)
and VOLK (2011) [ref. 783], 278–310. [ref. 1127], 647–656.
1108. R EGIER, Jonathan. “Kepler’s Theory of Force 1119. F ORSHAW, Peter J. “Cabala Chymica or
and His Medical Sources.” Early Sci. & Med. 19, no. Chemia Cabalistica—Early Modern Alchemists and
1 (2014): 1–27. Cabala.” Part of a special issue, “Alchemy and Reli-
gion in Christian Europe” [ref. 194]. Ambix 60, no. 4
1109. S ALIDO L ÓPEZ, José Vicente. “La (2013): 361–389.
Declaración sobre el diluvio de 1524 de Álvar
Gutiérrez de Torres: una defensa imposible de la 1120. G ILLY, Carlos. “Il Dibattito Intorno a
Astrologı́a judiciaria.” Llull 36 (2013): 411–426. Paracelso in Basilea.” Azogue 7 (2013): 260–274.

1110. S HANK, Michael H. “Made to Order.” Isis 1121. G ILLY, Carlos. “Il Paracelsismo e il pro-
105, no. 1 (2014): 167–176. gramma editoriale di Pietro Perna.” Azogue 7 (2013):
Essay review of Robert S. W ESTMAN, The Coper-
nican Question (2011). 1122. K ARPENKO, Vladimı́r, and Ivo P UR Š. “Cor-
nelius Drebbel: vynálezce, mechanik a alchymista.”
1111. S HANK, Michael H. “Rejoinder.” Isis 105, no. [Cornelius Drebbel: inventor, mechanic and al-
1 (2014): 185–187. chemist.] In Czech. In Alchymie a Rudolf II, edited by
Essay review of Robert S. W ESTMAN, The Coper- P UR Š and K ARPENKO (2011) [ref. 1127], 625–646.
nican Question (2011).

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66 330. Renaissance Western European contexts

1123. K ARPENKO, Vladimı́r, and Ivo P UR Š. “Ed- Rudolfı́nské Doby,” 489–534 [ref. 1123]; Ivo
ward Kelly Jako Hvĕzda Rudolfı́nské Doby.” [ P UR Š, “Anselmus Boëtius de Boodt: lékar̆, min-
Edward Kelly as the Star Rudolfine Time.] In eralog a alchymista,” 535–580 [ref. 1117]; Ivo
Czech. In Alchymie a Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š P UR Š and Josef S MOLKA, “Martin Ruland staršı́
and K ARPENKO (2011) [ref. 1127], 489–534. a mladšı́ a prostr̆edı́ cı́sar̆ských lékar̆ú,” 581–606
[ref. 1204]; Jaroslava H AUSENBLASOV Á and Ivo
1124. L ENKE, Nils, Nicolas ROUDET, and Hereward P UR Š, “Šimon Tadeáš Budek a jeho kontakty u
T ILTON. “Michael Maier—Nine Newly Discovered dvora Rudolfa II.” 607–624; Vladimı́r K ARPENKO
Letters.” Ambix 61, no. 1 (2014): 1–47. and Ivo P UR Š, “Cornelius Drebbel: vynálezce,
mechanik a alchymista,” 625–646 [ref. 1122];
1125. L ÓPEZ P ÉREZ, Miguel. “El Alquimista Václav B U ŽEK, “Alchymie v každodennı́m životĕ
Dubois y el Cardenal Richelieu.” Azogue 7 (2013): vrchnı́ch komornı́ch služebnı́kŭ Rudolfa II.” 647–
327–338. 656 [ref. 1118]; John A. N ORRIS, “Dolovánı́ a
pr̆edstavy o metalogenezi v C̆echách 16. stoletı́,”
1126. P UR Š, Ivo, and Jaroslava H AUSENBLASOV Á.
657–670 [ref. 1136]; Vladimı́r K ARPENKO and
“Michael Maier a jeho pŭsobenı́ v Praze.” [Michael
Ivo P UR Š, “Sebald Schwertzer: mezi metalurgiı́ a
Maier and his work in Prague.] In Czech. In Alchymie
alchymi,” 671–686; Pavel D R ÁBEK, “Farmacie v
a Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š and K ARPENKO (2011)
rudolfı́nské dobĕ,” 687–706 [ref. 1226]; Vladimı́r
[ref. 1127], 335–366.
K ARPENKO, “Daniel Stolcius a emblematická
1127. P UR Š, Ivo, and Vladimı́r K ARPENKO. (Eds.) alchymie,” 707–726; Josef S MOLKA, “Joannes
Alchymie a Rudolf II: Hledánı́ tajemstvı́ pr̆ı́rody ve Marcus Marci a jeho okruh,” 727–758; Ivo P UR Š
str̆ednı́ Evrop v 16. a 17. stoletı́. [Alchemy and Rudolf and Vladimı́r K ARPENKO, “Summary: Alchemy
II. Finding the secrets of nature in Central Europe in and Rudolf II,” 759–780.
the 16th and 17th centuries.] In Czech. (840 pp.; Reviews: [ref. R817]
ill.; bibl.; index.) Prague: Artefactum, 2011. ISBN:
9788086890333. 1128. R AMPLINGOV Á, Jennifer M. “Pr̆ekladatelská
Contents: Vladimı́r K ARPENKO, “Cesta k c̆innost alchymist v rudolfı́nské Praze: pr̆ı́pad
rudolfı́nskému svĕtu,” 19–46; Ivo P UR Š and Georga Ripleye.” [Translation activities alchemists
Vladimı́r K ARPENKO, “Alchymie na šlechtických in Rudolph’s Prague: the case of George Ripley .] In
dvorech v eských zemı́ch,” 47–92; Ivo P UR Š, Czech. In Alchymie a Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š and
“Habsburkové na eském trŭnu a jejich zájem o K ARPENKO (2011) [ref. 1127], 293–296.
alchymii a okultnı́ nauky,” 93–128; William E A -
MON , “Vĕdecké vzdĕlánı́ renesanc̆nı́ho vladar̆e:
1129. R EY B UENO, Mar. “Prolongatio vitae: prácti-
arcivévoda Rudolf u španĕlského dvora,” 129– cas alquı́micas, remedios secretos y promesas de
138 [ref. 1030]; Ivo P UR Š, “Pr̆ı́rodovĕdný a salud en la España Moderna.” Azogue 7 (2013): 366–
alchymický mecenát cı́sar̆e Rudolfa II.” 139– 401.
204; Rudolf Werner S OUKUP, “ ‘Transformovánı́ 1130. R ICHTEROV Á, Alena. “Alchymické rukopisy
celého Corpus Solis v Liquorus Irreducibilis.’ ze sbı́rek Rudolfa II. v zahranic̆nı́ch knihovnách.”
Laboratornı́ alchymie na dvor̆e cı́sar̆e Rudolfa [Alchemical manuscripts from the collections of
II.” 205–228 [ref. 1131]; Vladimı́r K ARPENKO, Rudolf II. in foreign libraries] In Czech. In Alchymie
“Transmutace: zázraky a pochybnosti,” 229–248; a Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š and K ARPENKO (2011)
Alena R ICHTEROV Á, “Alchymické rukopisy ze [ref. 1127], 249–292.
sbı́rek Rudolfa II. v zahranic̆nı́ch knihovnách,” On alchemical manuscripts from the collections of
249–292 [ref. 1130]; Jennifer M. R AMPLIN - Rudolf II in foreign libraries.
GOV Á , “Pr̆ekladatelská c̆innost alchymist v
rudolfı́nské Praze: pr̆ı́pad Georga Ripleye,” 293– 1131. S OUKUP, Rudolf Werner. “ ‘Transformovánı́
296 [ref. 1128]; René Z ANDBERGEN and Rafa T. celého Corpus Solis v Liquorus Irreducibilis.’ Labo-
P RINKE, “Voynichn̆v rukopis v rudolfı́nské Praze,” ratornı́ alchymie na dvor̆e cı́sar̆e Rudolfa II.” [“Trans-
297–316; Rafa T. P RINKE, “Nolite de me inquirere forming the entire Corpus Solis in Liquorus Irre-
(Nechtĕjte se po mnĕ ptáti): Michael Sendivogius,” ducibilis.” Alchemy Laboratory the court of Emperor
317–334; Ivo P UR Š and Jaroslava H AUSEN - Rudolf II. .] In Czech. In Alchymie a Rudolf II,
BLASOV Á , “Michael Maier a jeho pŭsobenı́ v edited by P UR Š and K ARPENKO (2011) [ref. 1127],
Praze,” 335–366 [ref. 1126]; Jaroslava H AUSEN - 205–228.
BLASOV Á , “Mezi lékar̆stvı́m a politikou. Pŭsobenı́
Oswalda Crolla v c̆eských zemı́ch v dobĕ vlády 1132. TAAPE, Tillmann. “Distilling Reliable Reme-
Rudolfa II,” 367–380 [ref. 1193]; Hiro H I - dies: Hieronymus Brunschwig’s Liber de arte distil-
RAI , “Slovo Božı́ a univerzálnı́ lék v chemické landi (1500) Between Alchemical Learning and Craft
filosofii Oswalda Crolla,” 381–386 [ref. 1197]; Practice.” Ambix 61, no. 3 (2014): 236–256.
Jakub H LAV Á C̆EK, “Imaginace a hvĕzdné tĕlo v
alchymické kosmologii Oswalda Crolla,” 387– 1133. TAUSIET, Marı́a. “Equı́voca quintaesencia.
392 [ref. 1084]; Vladimı́r K ARPENKO, “Matthäus Alquimia espiritual y moneda falsa en la España del
Erbinäus von Brandau: alchymie mezi reali- siglo XVI.” Asclepio 63, no. 2 (2011): 319–348.
tou a fantaziı́,” 393–422; Ivo P UR Š, “Tadeáš
Hájek Z Hájku a Jeho Alchymický Okruh,” 330-120. EARTH AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
423–458; Vladimı́r K ARPENKO and Ivo P UR Š,
“Tycho Brahe: mezi astronomiı́ a alchymiı́,” 1134. B RAYTON, Daniel. Shakespeare’s Ocean: An
459–488 [ref. 1086]; Vladimı́r K ARPENKO Ecocritical Exploration. Under the Sign of Nature:
and Ivo P UR Š, “Edward Kelly Jako Hvĕzda Explorations in Ecocriticism. (xv + 257 pp.; ill.;

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330. Renaissance Western European contexts 67

maps; bibl.; index.) Charlottesville: University of pp.; bibl.; index.) New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
Virginia Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780813932262. 2012. ISBN: 9780230366305.
Reviews: [ref. R116] Reviews: [ref. R660]
1135. I OMMI E CHEVERR ÍA, Virginia, and God- 1147. M AZZOTTA, Giuseppe. “The Emergence of
ofredo Iommi A MUN ÁTEGUI. “La théorie des Modernity and the New World.” In New Worlds
éléments de Christophorus Clavius et l’idée du globe and the Italian Renaissance, by M OUDARRES and
terraqué.” Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch. 36, no. 3 (2013): M OUDARRES (2012) [ref. 1149], 9–24.
211–225. Argues that the discovery of the New Worlds was
the cause of Western civilization’s transition to
1136. N ORRIS, John A. “Dolovánı́ a pr̆edstavy o modernity, not any indvidual’s scientific discovery.
metalogenezi v C̆echách 16. stoletı́.” [Mining and
images of metalogenezi 16th century in Bohemia.] In 1148. M C C ARTHY-K ING, Erin. “The Voyage of
Czech. In Alchymie a Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š and Columbus as a ‘non pensato male’: ’The Search for
K ARPENKO (2011) [ref. 1127], 657–670. Boundaries, Grammar, and Authority in the After-
math of the New World Discoveries.” In New Worlds
1137. P RETE, Ivano Dal. “ ‘Being the World Eternal and the Italian Renaissance, by M OUDARRES and
. . . ’: The Age of the Earth in Renaissance Italy.” Isis M OUDARRES (2012) [ref. 1149], 25–46.
105, no. 2 (2014): 292–317.
1149. M OUDARRES, Andrea, and Christiana Purdy
330-121. GEOGRAPHY; CARTOGRAPHY; M OUDARRES. New Worlds and the Italian Renais-
EXPLORATION sance: Contributions to the History of European
Intellectual Culture. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual
1138. A NDREWS, J. H. “Where Did They Put Their History. (xiii + 337 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Boston:
Maps? The Case of Elizabethan Ireland.” Imago Brill, 2012. ISBN: 9789004224308.
Mundi 66, no. 2 (2014): 236–243.
Partial Contents. Giuseppe M AZZOTTA, “The
1139. B ROECKE, Marcel van den. “Abraham Or- Emergence of Modernity and the New World,”
telius’s Library Reconstructed.” Imago Mundi 66, no. 9–24 [ref. 1147]; Erin M C C ARTHY-K ING, “The
1 (2014): 25–50. Voyage of Columbus as a ‘non pensato male’: ’The
Search for Boundaries, Grammar, and Authority
1140. C AMINO, Mercedes Maroto. “Ceremonial in the Aftermath of the New World Discover-
Encounters: Spanish Perceptions of the South Pa- ies,” 25–46 [ref. 1148]; Daniel L EISAWITZ, “Il
cific, 1567–1794.” In European Perceptions of Terra mestiere delle armi: Renaissance Technology and
Australis, edited by S COTT et al. (2011) [ref. 276], the Cinema,” 87–122 [ref. 1234]; Caroline S TARK,
135–164. “Renaissance Anthropologies and the Conception
of Man,” 173–194 [ref. 1186]; Andrea M OUDAR -
1141. D OUGLAS, Bronwen. “Naming Places: Voy- RES , “The Geography of the Enemy: Old and New
agers, Toponyms, and Local Presence in the Fifth Part Empires between Humanist Debates and Tasso’s
of the World, 1500–1700.” J. Hist. Geogr. 45 (2014): Gerusalemme liberate,” 291–332 [ref. 1150].
12–24. Reviews: [ref. R711]
On early modern encounters with Oceania.
1150. M OUDARRES, Andrea. “The Geography of
1142. G ASPAR, Joaquim Alves, and Henrique the Enemy: Old and New Empires between Humanist
L EIT ÃO. “Squaring the Circle: How Mercator Con- Debates and Tasso’s Gerusalemme liberate.” In New
structed His Projection in 1569.” Imago Mundi 66, Worlds and the Italian Renaissance, by M OUDARRES
no. 1 (2014): 1–24. and M OUDARRES (2012) [ref. 1149], 291–332.
1143. H ESSLER, John W., and Chet A. Van D UZER.
1151. N IGG, Joe. Sea Monsters: A Voyage around
Seeing the World Anew: The Radical Vision of Martin
the World’s Most Beguiling Map. (160 pp.; ill.; maps.)
Waldseemu ller’s 1507 and 1516 World Maps. Af-
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. ISBN:
terword by Ralph E. Ehrenberg. (112 pp.; ill.; maps;
index; bibl.) Delray Beach: Levenger Press in as-
sociation with the Library of Congress, 2012. ISBN: Reviews: [ref. R737]
Reviews: [ref. R444] 1152. P OPPER, Nicholas. Walter Ralegh’s History
of the World and the Historical Culture of the Late
1144. L EIT ÃO, Henrique, and Joaquim Alves G AS - Renaissance. (xvi + 350 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.)
PAR . “Globes, Rhumb Tables, and the Pre-History Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2012.
of the Mercator Projection.” Imago Mundi 66, no. 2 ISBN : 9780226675008.
(2014): 180–195. Reviews: [ref. R805]

1145. L INDGREN, Uta. “Die Bedeutung von Regio- 1153. P ROBASCO, Nate. “Cartography as a Tool of
montans Ephemeriden für die Entdeckung Ameri- Colonization: Sir Humphrey Gilbert’s 1583 Voyage
kas.” In Astronomie in Nürnberg, edited by W OLF - to North America.” Renaiss. Quart. 67 (2014): 473–
SCHMIDT (2010) [ref. 1105], 145–156. 502.

1146. M ATEI -C HESNOIU, Monica. Re-Imagining 1154. R ICHARDSON, W. A. R. (Bill). “Terra Aus-
Western European Geography in English Renaissance tralis, Jave la Grande and Australia: Identity Prob-
Drama. Early Modern Literature in History. (ix + 220 lems and Fiction.” In European Perceptions of Terra

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68 330. Renaissance Western European contexts

Australis, edited by S COTT et al. (2011) [ref. 276], 1165. S CHWARZ, Brigitte. “Hæc non sunt bona
83–110. presagia. I mostri nei fogli volanti della Wickiana.”
Article in a special issue, “Estremità e escrescenze
1155. S ANZ, Antonio Crespo, and Marı́a Isabel Vi- dei corpi / Extremities and Excrescences of the Body”
cente M AROT. “Mapping Spain in the Sixteenth [ref. 957]. Micrologus 20 (2012): 401–410.
Century: The Escorial Atlas and Pedro de Esquivel’s
Notebook.” Imago Mundi 66, no. 2 (2014): 159–179. 1166. T EIXEIRA, Dante Martins. “As aves brasilei-
ras descritas na Histoire de la nature des oyseaux de
1156. W ILSON, Bronwen. “Assembling the Pierre Belon (1555).” Fil. Hist. Biol. 8, no. 3 (2013):
Archipelago: Isolarii and the Horizons of Early Mod- 413–423.
ern Public Making.” In Making Space Public in Early
Modern Europe, edited by VANHAELEN and WARD
(2013) [ref. 1006], 101–126. 330-123. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
1167. DAM, Petra J.E.M. van. “Rabbits Swimming
330-122. NATURAL HISTORY across Borders: Micro-environmental Infrastructrres
and Macro-environmental Change in Early Modern
1157. E AMON, William. “On the Skins of Goats Holland.” In Ecologies and Economies in Medieval
and Sheep: (Un)masking the Secrets of Nature in and Early Modern Europe, edited by B RUCE (2010)
Early Modern Popular Culture.” In Visual Cultures [ref. 943], 63–91.
of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe, edited by Tim-
othy M C C ALL, Sean E. ROBERTS and Giancarlo
F IORENZA (Kirksville: Truman State Univ. Press, 330-131. BOTANY
2013), 54–75. 1168. F UNK, Holger. “Adam Zalužanský’s ‘De sexu
plantarum’ (1592): An Early Pioneering Chapter on
1158. G IGLIONI, Guido. “From the Woods of Ex- Plant Sexuality.” Arch. Natur. Hist. 40, no. 2 (2013):
perience to the Open Fields of Metaphysics: Bacon’s 244–256.
Notion of Silva.” Renaiss. Stud. 28 (2014): 242–261.
1169. F UNK, Holger. “Describing Plants in a
1159. K ING, Rachel. “ ‘The Beads with Which We New Mode: The Introduction of Dichotomies into
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Modern Italy.” In Religion and the Senses in Early Hist. 41 (2014): 100–112.
Modern Europe, edited by Wietse de B OER and
Christine G ÖTTLER (Boston: Brill, 2013), 153–176.
1160. KOSLOFSKY, Craig. Evening’s Empire: A PHYSIOLOGY
History of the Night in Early Modern Europe. New
Studies in European History. (xvi + 431 pp.; ill.; 1170. M ARG ÓCSY, Dániel. “The Camel’s Head:
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Explores the way people understood the night, Netherlands, edited by J ORINK and R AMAKERS
using diaries, letters, legal records, and representa- (2011) [ref. 1015], 62–85.
tions of the night in religion, literature and art.
1171. S HANNON, Laurie. The Accommodated Ani-
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290 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Chicago: The University
1161. K R ÄMER, Fabian. “Ein papiernes Archiv of Chicago Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780226924168.
für alles jemals Geschriebene.” Article in a special Philosophical discussions on the ability of animals
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1162. M C H AM, Sarah Blake. Pliny and the Artistic
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New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013. ISBN: de Francis Bacon.” Fil. Hist. Biol. 8, no. 3 (2013):
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1163. N ICCOLI, Ottavia. “Capi e corpi mostruosi. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY
Una immagine della crisi del potere agli inizi dell’età
moderna.” Article in a special issue, “Estremità e 1173. B ERG, Sara van den. “Dwarf Aesthetics in
escrescenze dei corpi / Extremities and Excrescences Spenser’s Faerie Queene and the Early Modern
of the Body” [ref. 957]. Micrologus 20 (2012): 381– Court.” In Recovering Disability in Early Modern
400. England, edited by H OBGOOD and W OOD (2013)
[ref. 1221], 23–42.
1164. PARDO DE S ANTAYANA, Manuel, Anto-
nio G ARC ÍA -V ILLARACO, Mar R EY B UENO, and 1174. C HESS, Simone. “Performing Blindness: Rep-
Ramón M ORALES. “Naturaleza a través de la resenting Disability in Early Modern Popular Perfor-
botánica y zoologı́a en la literatura renacentista mance and Print.” In Recovering Disability in Early
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1175. G HADESSI, Touba. “Lords and Monsters: and the Italian Renaissance, by M OUDARRES and
Visible Emblems of Rule.” I Tatti Stud. 16 (2013): M OUDARRES (2012) [ref. 1149], 173–194.
On the way that the symbol of the human dwarf 330-143. ECONOMICS
was tied to the practice of ruling by Cosimo I de’
Medici. 1187. M AIFREDA, Germano. From Oikonomia to
Political Economy: Constructing Economic Knowl-
1176. R INZLER, Carol Ann. Leonardo’s Foot: How edge from the Renaissance to the Scientific Revolu-
10 Toes, 52 Bones, and 66 Muscles Shaped the Human tion. (vi + 304 pp.; bibl.; index.) Burlington, VT:
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1188. C OOK, Harold John, and Sven D UPR É. (Eds.)
1177. BAKKER, Paul J. J. M. “Petrus Trapolinus on Translating Knowledge in the Early Modern Low
the Nature and Place of Psychology.” In Psychology Countries. Low Countries Studies on the Circulation
and the Other Disciplines, edited by BAKKER et al. of Natural Knowledge, v. 3. (ii + 466 pp.; ill.;
(2012) [ref. 961], 11–60. index.) Wien: Lit Verlag GmbH & Co., 2012. ISBN:
1178. C ASSINI, Lorenzo. “Juan Luis Vives and Reviews: [ref. R202]
Early Modern Psychology: A Critical Reappraisal.”
In Psychology and the Other Disciplines, edited by 1189. W ESTSTEIJN, Thijs. “From Hieroglyphs to
BAKKER et al. (2012) [ref. 961], 81–106. Universal Characters: Pictography in the Early Mod-
ern Netherlands.” In Art and Science in the Early
1179. D E B ELLIS, Ennio. Nicoletto Vernia: studi Modern Netherlands, edited by J ORINK and R A -
sull’aristotelismo del XV secolo. Quaderni di ”Ri- MAKERS (2011) [ref. 1015], 238–281.
nascimento” 50. (vii + 235 pp.) Firenze: L.S.
Olschki, 2012. ISBN: 9788822262059.
Reviews: [ref. R244] 330-150. MEDICINE, GENERAL WORKS
1190. C HAMBERLAND, Celeste. “From Apprentice
1180. E DWARDS, Michael. “Body, Soul and to Master: Social Disciplining and Surgical Education
Anatomy in Late Aristotelian Psychology.” In Matter in Early Modern London, 1570–1640.” Hist. Educ.
and Form in Early Modern Science and Philosophy, Quart. 53 (2013): 21–44.
edited by M ANNING (2012) [ref. 1396], 33–76.
1191. C OHEN -H ANEGBI, Na’ama. “Pain as Emo-
1181. E DWARDS, Michael. “Time, Duration, and the tion: The Role of Emotional Pain in Fifteenth-
Soul in Late Aristotelian Natural Philosophy and Psy- Century Italian Medicine and Confession.” In Knowl-
chology.” In Psychology and the Other Disciplines, edge and Pain, edited by C OHEN et al. (2012)
edited by BAKKER et al. (2012) [ref. 961], 107–130. [ref. 366], 63–83.
1182. M ELLYN, Elizabeth Walker. Mad Tuscans and 1192. G ILLY, Carlos. “Zwinger e Paracelso.”
Their Families: A History of Mental Disorder in Early Azogue 7 (2013): 298–309.
Modern Italy. (290 pp.; ill.) Philadelphia: University
of Pennsylvania Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780812246124. 1193. H AUSENBLASOV Á, Jaroslava. “Mezi
lékar̆stvı́m a politikou. Pŭsobenı́ Oswalda Crolla
1183. P ETRY, Yvonne. “Vision, Medicine, and v c̆eských zemı́ch v dobĕ vlády Rudolfa II.” [Be-
Magic: Bewitchment and Lovesickness in Jacques tween Medicine and Politics. Action Oswald Croll in
Grevin’s Deux livres des venins (1568).” In Religion the Czech Lands during the Reign of Rudolf II.] In
and the Senses in Early Modern Europe, edited by Czech. In Alchymie a Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š and
Wietse de B OER and Christine G ÖTTLER (Boston: K ARPENKO (2011) [ref. 1127], 367–380.
Brill, 2013), 455–472.
1194. H ENRY, John. “Jean Fernel on Celestial In-
1184. P HILIPPIAN, Mardy, Jr. “The Book of Com- fluences and the Reform of Medical Theory.” In
mon Prayer, Theory of Mind, and Autism in Early Celestial Novelties on the Eve of the Scientific Revo-
Modern England.” In Recovering Disability in Early lution, 1540–1630, edited by B ONER and T ESSICINI
Modern England, edited by H OBGOOD and W OOD (2013) [ref. 1077], 133–158.
(2013) [ref. 1221], 150–166.
1195. H ERRERO I NGELMO, M. Cruz, and Enrique
1185. ROW-H EYVELD, Lindsey. “Antic Disposi- M ONTERO C ARTELLE. “El Morbus gallicus o Mal
tions: Mental and Intellectual Disabilities in Early francés en La Lozana andaluza de Francisco Deli-
Modern Revenge Tragedy.” In Recovering Disability cado.” Asclepio 65, no. 2 (2013): Approx. 8200
in Early Modern England, edited by H OBGOOD and Words.
W OOD (2013) [ref. 1221], 73–87.
1196. H ILLARD, Denise. Traité des eaux artifi-
330-142. CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY cielles, ou, Vertus des eaux et des herbes : le texte,
ses sources et ses éditions : édition critique : une
1186. S TARK, Caroline. “Renaissance Anthropolo- enquête lexicologique et bibliographique de 1483 à
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70 330. Renaissance Western European contexts

102. (569 pp.; ill.) Genève: Librairie Droz, 2012. ill.; maps.) Madrid: Unión Editorial, 2013. ISBN:
ISBN : 9782600015202. 9788472096196.
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1210. S ANDER, Christoph. “Medical Topics in the
1197. H IRAI, Hiro. “Slovo Božı́ a univerzálnı́ lék De anima Commentary of Coimbra (1598) and the
v chemické filosofii Oswalda Crolla.” [The Word Jesuits’ Attitude towards Medicine in Education and
of God and the universal medicine in the chemical Natural Philosophy.” Early Sci. & Med. 19, no. 1
philosophy of Oswald Croll .] In Czech. In Alchymie (2014): 76–101.
a Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š and K ARPENKO (2011)
[ref. 1127], 381–386. 1211. S ERRANO L ARR ÁYOZ, Fernando. “El testa-
mento de Juan Moliner (†1403): un fı́sico al servicio
1198. I OMMI E CHEVERR ÍA, Virginia. “Girolamo de la monarquı́a navarra durante la Baja Edad Media.”
Fracastoro y la invención de la sı́filis.” Manguinhos Asclepio 64, no. 2 (2012): 373–396.
17, no. 4 (2010): 877–884.
1212. S IRAISI, Nancy G. Communities of Learned
1199. L ANSKA, Douglas J. “Vesalius on the Experience: Epistolary Medicine in the Renaissance.
Anatomy and Function of the Recurrent Laryngeal Singleton Center Books in Premodern Europe. (163
Nerves: Medical Illustration and Reintroduction of pp.; ill.) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
a Physiological Demonstration from Galen.” J. Hist. 2013. ISBN: 9781421407494.
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1213. S TOLBERG, Michael. Die Geschichte der Pal-
1200. M AMMOLA, Simone. “Does the History of
liativmedizin: Medizinische Sterbebegleitung von
Medicine Begin where the History of Philosophy
1500 bis heute. (303 pp.) Frankfurt am Main:
Ends? An Example of Interdisciplinarity in the Early
Mabuse, 2011. ISBN: 9783940529794.
Modern Era.” Hist. Europ. Ideas 40 (2014): 457–473.
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1201. M ELLO, Amı́lcar D’Avila de. “John Banister: 1214. S TOLBERG, Michael. “Empiricism in
um cirurgião elisabetano no Brasil.” Manguinhos 18, Sixteenth-Century Medical Practice: The Notebooks
no. 1 (2011): 51–65. of Georg Handsch.” Early Sci. & Med. 18, no. 6
(2013): 487–516.
1202. M ONTEIRO, Marko. “Teatro anatômico digi-
tal: práticas de representação do corpo na ciência.” 1215. S TOLBERG, Michael. “Medizinische Loci
Manguinhos 18, no. 3 (2011): 641–660. communes.” Article in a special issue: “ Paper Tech-
nology in der Frühen Neuzeit” [ref. 1003]. NTM 21,
1203. M ONTERO C ARTELLE, Enrique. “Benito no. 1 (2013): 37–60.
Arias Montano y Francisco Arceo: la redacción del
De recta curandorum vulnerum ratione.” Asclepio 64, 1216. S TOLBERG, Michael. “Metaphors and Images
no. 2 (2012): 417–434. of Cancer in Early Modern Europe.” Bull. Hist. Med.
88, no. 1 (2014): 48–74.
1204. P UR Š, Ivo, and Josef S MOLKA. “Martin Ru-
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[Martin Ruland older and younger physicians and 330-151. PSYCHIATRY; MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY
imperial environment.] In Czech. In Alchymie a 1217. S IRAISI, Nancy G. “Psychology in Some
Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š and K ARPENKO (2011) Sixteenth- and Early Seveneenth-Century Gen-
[ref. 1127], 581–606. eral Works on Medicine.” In Psychology and the
Other Disciplines, edited by BAKKER et al. (2012)
1205. R EBOLLO, Regina Andrés. “A Escola Médica [ref. 961], 325–344.
de Pádua: medicina e filosofia no perı́odo moderno.”
Manguinhos 17, no. 2 (2010): 307–331.
1206. R IERA PALMERO, Juan, and Cristina R IERA 1218. B OWERS, Kristy Wilson. Plague and Public
C LIMENT. “Francisco López de Villalobos (1474– Health in Early Modern Seville. Rochester studies
1549), un médico y poeta judeoconveso en el Re- in medical history. (x + 139 pp.; ill.) Rochester,
nacimiento castellano.” Llull 36 (2013): 359–386. NY: University of Rochester Press, 2013. ISBN:
1207. RODRIGUES, Isilda Teixeira, and Carlos F I - Reviews: [ref. R111]
OLHAIS. “O ensino da medicina na Universidade
de Coimbra no século XVI.” Manguinhos 20, no. 2 1219. B YRNE, Joseph Patrick. Health and Wellness
(2013): 435–456. in the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Health and
Wellness in Daily Life. (x + 268 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)
1208. RODR ÍGUEZ G UERRERO, José. “El Origen del Santa Barbara, California: Greenwood, an imprint of
Pseudo-arnaldiano Liber de vinis, Obra del magister ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2013. ISBN: 9780313381362.
Silvester (ca.1322–1328), y su Tradición Manuscrita Reviews: [ref. R153]
en el Siglo XIV.” Azogue 7 (2013): 44–74.
1220. D ROSS, Fritz. “Vom zuverlässigen Urteilen.”
1209. S ACRIST ÁN DEL C ASTILLO, José Anto- Med. Gesell. Gesch. 29 (2011): 9–46.
nio, José Antonio G UTI ÉRREZ F UENTES, and Luis
S ÁNCHEZ -G RANJEL S ANTANDER. (Eds.) Andrés 1221. H OBGOOD, Allison P., and David Houston
Laguna, un cientı́fico español del siglo XVI. (167 pp.; W OOD. (Eds.) Recovering Disability in Early

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330. Renaissance Western European contexts 71

Modern England. (vii + 224 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. ISBN:
Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780226925387.
9780814212158. Reviews: [ref. R826]
Contents: Allison P. H OBGOOD and David Hous-
ton W OOD, “Introduction: Ethical Staring: Dis- 1229. R EY B UENO, Mar. “Herbolaria de Indias.
abling the English Renaissance,” 1–22; Sara van Apuntes para una materia médica del Nuevo Mundo
den B ERG, “Dwarf Aesthetics in Spenser’s Faerie (1516–1626).” Azogue 7 (2013): 251–259.
Queene and the Early Modern Court,” 23–42
[ref. 1173]; Emily B OWLES, “Maternal Culpability
in Fetal Defects: Aphra Behn’s Satiric Interroga-
tions of Medical Models,” 43–56 [ref. 1462]; David 1230. B ERNARDONI, Andrea. La conoscenza del
M. T URNER, “Disability Humor and the Meanings fare: ingegneria, arte, scienza nel De la pirotechnia di
of Impairment in Early Modern England,” 57– Vannoccio Biringuccio. Automata, Volume 5. (xvii +
72 [ref. 1224]; Lindsey ROW-H EYVELD, “Antic 173 pp.; ill.; index.) Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider,
Dispositions: Mental and Intellectual Disabili- 2011. ISBN: 9788882656362.
ties in Early Modern Revenge Tragedy,” 73–87 Reviews: [ref. R77]
[ref. 1185]; Simone C HESS, “Performing Blind-
ness: Representing Disability in Early Mod- 1231. B LOND É, Bruno, and Gerrit V ERHOEVEN.
ern Popular Performance and Print,” 105–122 “Against the Clock: Time Awareness in Early Modern
[ref. 1174]; Marcela KOSTIHOVA, “Richard Re- Antwerp, 1585–1789.” Contin. & Change 28 (2013):
cast: Renaissance Disability in a Postcommunist 213–244.
Culture,” 136–149 [ref. 181]; Mardy P HILIPPIAN,
Jr., “The Book of Common Prayer, Theory of 1232. F ERREIRO, Larrie David. “The Aristotelian
Mind, and Autism in Early Modern England,” Heritage in Early Naval Architecture. From the
150–166 [ref. 1184]; Nancy H IRSCHMANN, “Free- Venice Arsenal to the French Navy, 1500–1700.”
dom and (Dis)Ability in Early Modern Political Theoria (0495-4548) 25, no. 2 (2010): 227–241.
Thought,” 167–186 [ref. 1011]; Allison P. H OB -
GOOD and David Houston W OOD , “Coda: Shake- 1233. H AINES, Margaret. “Myth and Management
spearean Disability Pedagogy,” 187–192. in the Construction of Brunelleschi’s Cupola.” I Tatti
Reviews: [ref. R452] Stud. 14/15 (2011/2012): 47–101.

1222. P E ÑA BARROSO, Efrén de la. “Un regimen 1234. L EISAWITZ, Daniel. “Il mestiere delle armi:
sanitatis contra la peste: el tratado del licenciado Renaissance Technology and the Cinema.” In New
Vázquez.” Asclepio 64, no. 2 (2012): 397–416. Worlds and the Italian Renaissance, by M OUDARRES
and M OUDARRES (2012) [ref. 1149], 87–122.
1223. S ERRANO L ARR ÁYOZ, Fernando. “Prescrip- A review of the 2001 film and identification of the
ciones dietéticas para las élites rectoras del reino de historical emphasis placed upon firearms and the
Navarra durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI: los printing press in Italian Renaissance histories.
casos de Juan Rena y Juan de Alarcón.” Dynamis 34,
no. 1 (2014): 169–192. 1235. O LSHIN, Benjamin B. “Sophistical Devices:
Leonardo da Vinci’s Investigations of Perpetual Mo-
1224. T URNER, David M. “Disability Humor and the tion.” Icon 15 (2009): 1–39.
Meanings of Impairment in Early Modern England.”
In Recovering Disability in Early Modern England, 1236. RUBLACK, Ulinka. “Matter in the Material
edited by H OBGOOD and W OOD (2013) [ref. 1221], Renaissance.” Past & Present 219 (2013): 41–85.
1237. VALLERIANI, Matteo. “Ancient Pneumatics
1225. VARLIK, Nükhet. “From ‘Bête Noire’ to ‘le Transformed during the Early Modern Period.” Nun-
Mal de Constantinople’: Plagues, Medicine, and the cius 29, no. 1 (2014): 127–173.
Early Modern Ottoman State.” Part of the forum
on “The State and the Epidemiological Transition”. 330-161. COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER
[ref. 389]. J. World Hist. 24 (2013): 741–770. TECHNOLOGY
1238. ROBERTS, Sean. “Tricks of the Trade: The
330-153. PHARMACY Technical Secrets of Early Engraving.” In Visual Cul-
tures of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe, edited by
1226. D R ÁBEK, Pavel. “Farmacie v rudolfı́nské
Timothy M C C ALL, Sean E. ROBERTS and Giancarlo
dobĕ.” [Pharmacy in time of Rudolf II ] In Czech.
F IORENZA (Kirksville: Truman State Univ. Press,
In Alchymie a Rudolf II, edited by P UR Š and
2013), 182–207.
K ARPENKO (2011) [ref. 1127], 687–706.

1227. KOCHER, Zan. “The Apothecary’s Mirror 330-163. AGRICULTURE

of Simple Souls: Circulation and Reception of Mar-
guerite Porete’s Book in Fifteenth-Century France.” 1239. C OMET, Georges. Des outils, des machines
Mod. Philol. 111 (2013): 23–43. et des hommes : études offertes à Georges Comet.
Edited by Aline D URAND. (236 pp.; ill.) Aix-en-
1228. R ANKIN, Alisha. Panaceia’s Daughters: Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence, Impr,
Noblewomen as Healers in Early Modern Ger- 2012. ISBN: 9782853997973.
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72 340. 17th century

1240. C URTH, Louise Hill. “A plaine and easie en lettres: La controverse scientifique dans les corre-
waie to remedie a horse”: Equine Medicine in Early spondances des Lumières” [ref. 206]. Rev. Hist. Sci.
Modern England. History of Science and Medicine 66, no. 2 (2013): 249–273.
Library, Volume 41. (274 pp.; ill.) Leiden: Brill,
2013. ISBN: 9789004223943. 1251. R EY, Anne-Lise. “L’expérience de pensée
au péril de la fiction : Le cas de la correspondance
1241. DYER, Christopher. A Country Merchant, entre Leibniz et Papin.” Part of a special issue, “La
1495–1520: Trading and Farming at the End of the guerre en lettres: La controverse scientifique dans les
Middle Ages. (xiii + 256 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) correspondances des Lumières” [ref. 206]. Rev. Hist.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN: Sci. 66, no. 2 (2013): 275–298.
Reviews: [ref. R281] 340-20. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, GENERAL
1252. C OWAN, Brian. “English Coffeehouses and
340. 17TH CENTURY French Salons: Rethinking Habermas, Gender and
Sociability in Early Modern French and British Histo-
riography.” In Making Space Public in Early Modern
1242. AGASSI, Joseph. The Very Idea of Modern Europe, edited by VANHAELEN and WARD (2013)
Science: Francis Bacon and Robert Boyle. (xvii [ref. 1006], 41–53.
+ 315 pp.) Dordrecht; New York: Springer, 2013.
ISBN : 9789400753501. 1253. E VANS, Meredith. “Matrices of Force:
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1361. M EHL, Édouard. “Comètes et taches solaires
en Allemagne (1610–1630) : l’aile hétérodoxe (Faul- 1374. G REGORY, Andrew. “William Harvey, Aristo-
haber, Mayr, Mögling) et le point de départ de la tle and Astrology.” Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 47, no. 2 (2014):
‘fable du monde’ cartésienne.” In Celestial Novelties 199–215.
on the Eve of the Scientific Revolution, 1540–1630,
edited by B ONER and T ESSICINI (2013) [ref. 1077], 1375. K EPLER, Johannes. Gesammelte Werke,
231–256. XXI 2.2. Manuscripta Astrológica, Manuscripta
Pneumática. Edited by Friederike B OOCKMANN and
1362. PANTIN, Isabelle. “L’Institutio astronomica de Daniel A. D I L ISCIA. (699 pp.; ill.) München: Beck,
Pierre Gassendi et la vulgarisation des arguments 2009. ISBN: 9783406578700.
coperniciens après la condamnation de Galilée.” Reviews: [ref. R535]
Galilæana 9 (2012): 65–90.
1363. R APHAEL, Renee. “Teaching Sunspots: Disci-
plinary Identity and Scholarly Practice in the Collegio
Romano.” Hist. Sci. 52, no. 2 (2014): 130–152. 1376. A RIEW, Roger. “Descartes and His Critics
on Matter and Form: Atomism and Individuation.”
1364. R EBIGER, Bill. “Judentumskunde in der In Matter and Form in Early Modern Science and
Frühaufklärung. Die multikulturellen Kalender Philosophy, edited by M ANNING (2012) [ref. 1396],
von Gottfried Kirch.” In Astronomie—Literatur— 187–202.
Volksaufklärung, edited by H ERBST (2012)
[ref. 1083], 449–468. 1377. A RTHUR, Richard T. W. “Leibniz’s Theory of
Space.” Found. Sci. 18 (2013): 499–528.
1365. R EEVES, Eileen. “Variable Stars: A Decade of
Historiography on the Sidereus Nuncius.” Galilæana 1378. B ELKIND, Ori. “Leibniz and Newton on
8 (2011): 37–72. Space.” Found. Sci. 18 (2013): 467–497.
1366. S CHIELICKE, Reinhard E. “Erhard Weigel 1379. C ALERO, Julián Simón. The Genesis of Fluid
(1625–1699) und die Armillarsphäre für Eimmarts Mechanics, 1640–1780. (xiii + 517 pp.; ill.) Dor-
Observatorium in Nürnberg.” In Astronomie in Nürn- drecht: Springer, 2007. ISBN: 9781402064135.
berg, edited by W OLFSCHMIDT (2010) [ref. 1105], Reviews: [ref. R155]
1380. C AMEROTA, Michele. “Between Orlando
1367. S ELLERS, David. In Search of William Gas- and Don Quixote: A New Biography of Galileo.”
coigne: Seventeenth Century Astronomer. Astro- Galilæana 10 (2013): 207–217.
physics and Space Science Library. (x + 222 pp.; Essay review of J. L. H EILBRON, Galileo (2010).
ill.; bibl.; index.) New York: Springer, 2012. ISBN:
9781461440963. 1381. C APECCHI, Danilo. “Attempts by Descartes
Reviews: [ref. R925] and Roberval to Evaluate the Centre of Oscillation of
Compound Pendulums.” Early Sci. & Med. 19, no. 3
1368. S MIT, Nienke. “ ‘Een filosofisch geschriftje’: (2014): 211–235.
Christiaan Huygens’ gedachten over God in zijn
Cosmotheoros en andere geschriften.” Studium 7, no. 1382. D UPR É, Sven. “The Return of the Species:
1 (2014): 1–18. Jesuit Responses to Kepler’s New Theory of Images.”
In Religion and the Senses in Early Modern Europe,
1369. S TOYAN, Ronald. “Die Nürnberger Mondkar- edited by Wietse de B OER and Christine G ÖTTLER
ten.” In Astronomie in Nürnberg, edited by W OLF - (Boston: Brill, 2013), 473–488.
SCHMIDT (2010) [ref. 1105], 261–274.
1383. DYCK, Maarten Van, and Karin V ERELST.
1370. T ESSICINI, Dario. “Astrology, Heliocentrism “ ‘Whatever Is Neither Everywhere Nor Anywhere
and the Copernican Question.” Galilæana 10 (2013): Does Not Exist’: The Concepts of Space and Time
219–236. in Newton and Leibniz.” Found. Sci. 18 (2013):
Essay review of Robert S. W ESTMAN, The Coper- 399–402.
nican Question (2011).
1384. G ARBER, Daniel. “Leibnizian Hylomor-
1371. V ERMIJ, Rienk. “The Marginalization of phism.” In Matter and Form in Early Modern Sci-
Astrology among Dutch Astronomers in the First ence and Philosophy, edited by M ANNING (2012)
Half of the 17th Century.” Hist. Sci. 52, no. 2 (2014): [ref. 1396], 225–244.
1385. G IANNETTO, Enrico. “Galileo, Modern Sci-
340-111. ASTROLOGY ence and the Principle of Inertia.” Galilæana 9
(2012): 137–151.
1372. B RUCKERL, Frank. “The Quaker Cunning
Folk: The Astrology, Magic, and Divination of Philip 1386. G OUK, Penelope. “Clockwork or Musical
Roman and Sons in Colonial Chester County, Penn- Instrument? Some English Theories of Mind-Body
sylvania.” Penn. Hist. 80 (2013): 479–500. Interaction Before and After Descartes.” In Structures

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78 340. 17th century

of Feeling in Seventeenth-Century Cultural Expres- [ref. 1319]; Daniel G ARBER, “Leibnizian Hylo-
sion, edited by Susan M C C LARY (Toronto: Univ. of morphism,” 225–244 [ref. 1384].
Toronto Press, 2012), 35–59. Reviews: [ref. R648]
1387. G UICCIARDINI, Niccolò. “Harper and
Ducheyne on Newton.” Perspect. Sci. 21, no. 4 1397. M OLARO, Paolo. “On the Earthshine Depicted
(2013): 463–481. in Galileo’s Watercolors of the Moon.” Galilæana 10
(2013): 73–84.
Essay review of William L. H ARPER, Isaac
Newton’s Scientific Method (2011); Steffen
1398. NAUENBERG, Michael. “Orbital Motion and
D UCHEYNE, The Main Business of Natural Phi-
Force in Newton’s Principia; the Equivalence of the
losophy (2012).
Descriptions in Propositions 1 and 6.” Arch. Hist.
1388. H EILBRON, John L. “The Bizzarrie of the Di- Exact Sci. 68 (2014): 179–205.
alogo: Myth, Marvel, and Make-Believe in Galileo’s
Force-Free Physics.” Galilæana 9 (2012): 29–64. 1399. P ESIC, Peter. “Francis Bacon, Violence, and
the Motion of Liberty: The Aristotelian Background.”
1389. H ENRY, John. “Galileo and the Scientific J. Hist. Ideas 75 (2014): 69–90.
Revolution: The Importance of His Kinematics.”
Galilæana 8 (2011): 3–36. 1400. S CHLIESSER, Eric. “Newtonian Emanation,
Spinozism, Measurement and the Baconian Origins
1390. H ERR, Wiebke. Spät und scheinbar plötzlich: of the Laws of Nature.” Found. Sci. 18 (2013):
zu den Hintergründen des markanten Etablierungs- 449–466.
verlaufs der Elektrizität (1730–1748). Aufklärung
und Moderne, Bd. 25. (435 pp.; ill.) Hannover:
Wehrhahn, 2012. ISBN: 9783865252418. 340-113. CHEMISTRY
Reviews: [ref. R439]
1401. B OANTZA, Victor D. Matter and Method in the
1391. H YSLOP, Scott J. “Algebraic Collisions.” Long Chemical Revolution: Laws of Another Order.
Found. Sci. 19 (2014): 35–51. Science, Technology and Culture, 1700-1945. (xiv
+ 266 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Burlington, Vermont:
1392. I NGALISO, Luigi. “Mater una vera, veritas una Ashgate, 2013. ISBN: 9781409418672.
phaenomeni est: la theorica Solis nella Rosa Ursina Reviews: [ref. R96]
di Christoph Scheiner.” Galilæana 10 (2013): 25–39.
1402. N EWMAN, William R. “Elective Affinity be-
1393. JANIAK, Andrew. “Metaphysics and Natural fore Geoffroy: Daniel Sennert’s Atomistic Explana-
Philosophy in Descartes and Newton.” Found. Sci. 18 tion of Vinous and Acetous Fermentation.” In Matter
(2013): 403–417. and Form in Early Modern Science and Philosophy,
edited by M ANNING (2012) [ref. 1396], 99–124.
1394. KOCHIRAS, Hylarie. “Causal Language and
the Structure of Force in Newton’s System of the
World.” HOPOS 3 (2013): 210–235. 340-114. ALCHEMY
1395. M AFFIOLI, Cesare S. “La ragione del vacuo: 1403. B ILAK, Donna. “Alchemy and the End Times:
Why and How Galileo Measured the Resistance of Revelations from the Laboratory and Library of John
Vacuum.” Galilæana 8 (2011): 73–104. Allin, Puritan Alchemist (1623–1683).” Part of a
special issue, “Alchemy and Religion in Christian
1396. M ANNING, Gideon. (Ed.) Matter and Form
Europe” [ref. 194]. Ambix 60, no. 4 (2013): 390–414.
in Early Modern Science and Philosophy. History of
Science and Medicine Library, vol. 28. (x + 248 pp.;
ill.) Leiden: Brill, 2012. ISBN: 9789004218703. 1404. H EDESAN, Georgiana D. “Reproducing the
Tree of Life: Radical Prolongation of Life and Bib-
Contents: Gideon M ANNING, “Three Biased Re-
lical Interpretation in Seventeenth-Century Medical
minders about Hylomorphism in Early Modern Sci-
Alchemy.” Part of a special issue, “Alchemy and Re-
ence and Philosophy,” 1–32 [ref. 1049]; Michael
ligion in Christian Europe” [ref. 194]. Ambix 60, no.
E DWARDS, “Body, Soul and Anatomy in Late
4 (2013): 341–360.
Aristotelian Psychology,” 33–76 [ref. 1180]; Hiro
H IRAI, “Living Atoms, Hylomorphism and Spon-
taneous Generation in Daniel Sennert,” 77–98 1405. M ASSEY, Lyle. “The Alchemical Womb:
[ref. 1429]; William R. N EWMAN, “Elective Affin- Johann Remmelin’s Catoptrum microcosmicum.” In
ity before Geoffroy: Daniel Sennert’s Atomistic Visual Cultures of Secrecy in Early Modern Europe,
Explanation of Vinous and Acetous Fermentation,” edited by Timothy M C C ALL, Sean E. ROBERTS and
99–124 [ref. 1402]; Tad M. S CHMALTZ, “Substan- Giancarlo F IORENZA (Kirksville: Truman State Univ.
tial Forms as Causes: From Suárez to Descartes,” Press, 2013), 208–228.
125–150 [ref. 1050]; Gary H ATFIELD, “Mecha-
nizing the Sensitive Soul,” 151–186 [ref. 1304]; 1406. P ÉREZ PARIENTE, Joaqı́n, and Igancio Miguel
Roger A RIEW, “Descartes and His Critics on PASCUAL VALDERRAMA. “Alquimia, mineriá y
Matter and Form: Atomism and Individuation,” cultura popular en el siglo XVII: el el origen de los
187–202 [ref. 1376]; Justin E. H. S MITH, “ ‘Spirit metales y las técnicas de detección de sus yacimientos
is a Stomach’: The Iatrochemical Roots of Leib- en las obras de los Barones de Beausoleil.” Llull 37
niz’s Theory of Corporeal Substance,” 203–224 (2014): 39–62.

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340. 17th century 79

340-121. GEOGRAPHY; CARTOGRAPHY; 1418. K INUKAWA, Tomomi. “Learned vs. Com-

EXPLORATION mercial? The Commodification of Nature in Early
Modern Natural History Specimen Exchanges in
1407. B ROOK, Timothy. Mr. Selden’s Map of China: England, Germany, and the Netherlands.” Hist. Stud.
Decoding The Secrets of a Vanished Cartographer. Nat. Sci. 43 (2013): 589–618.
(xxiv + 211 pp.; ill.; maps.) New York: Bloomsbury
Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781620401439. 1419. M ARCAIDA, José Ramón. “Rubens and the
Reviews: [ref. R129] Bird of Paradise. Painting Natural Knowledge in
the Early Seventeenth Century.” Renaiss. Stud. 28
1408. B URDICK, Catherine E. “Patagonian Cinna- (2014): 112–127.
mon and Pepper: Blending Geography in Alonso de
Ovalle’s Tabula Geographica Regni Chile (1646).” 1420. M URPHY, Kathleen S. “Collecting Slave
Imago Mundi 66, no. 2 (2014): 196–212. Traders: James Petiver, Natural History, and the
British Slave Trade.” William Mary Quart. 70 (2013):
1409. C LARK, Meredith Donaldson. “ ‘Now through 637–670.
you made public for everyone’: John Ogilby’s Britan-
nia (1675), the 1598 Peutinger Map Facsimile, and 1421. R IKKEN, Marrigje, and Paul J. S MITH. “Jan
the Shaping of Public Space.” In Making Space Pub- Brueghel’s Allegory of Air (1621) from a Natural
lic in Early Modern Europe, edited by VANHAELEN Historical Perspective.” In Art and Science in the
and WARD (2013) [ref. 1006], 127–150. Early Modern Netherlands, edited by J ORINK and
R AMAKERS (2011) [ref. 1015], 86–115.
1410. D ÍAZ H ERN ÁNDEZ, Ignacio. “Aportaciones
al cálculo de la latitud en la náutica española de 1422. WALLMANN, Elisabeth. “On Poets and In-
principios del siglo XVII contenidas en el manuscrito sects: Figures of the Human and Figures of the Insect
de Diego Ramı́rez de Arellano Reconocimiento de los in Pierre Perrin’s Divers insectes, 1645.” French Hist.
estrechos de Magallanes y San Vicente, con algunas 28 (2014): 172–187.
cosas curiosas de navegación (1621).” Asclepio 65,
no. 2 (2013): Approx 8200 Words. 1423. Z ILBERSTEIN, Anya. “The Natural History of
Early Northeastern America: An Inexact Science.”
1411. H ILDYARD, Daisy. “John Pell’s Mathematical In New Natures, edited by J ØRGENSEN et al. (2013)
Papers and the Royal Society’s English Atlas, 1678– [ref. 293], 21–36.
82.” Brit. Soc. Hist. Math. Bull. 29, no. 1 (2014):

1412. H OFFMAN, Kathryn. “Excursions to See Mon- 1424. AURICCHIO, Laura, Elizabeth Heckendorn
sters: Odd Bodies and Itineraries of Knowledge in the C OOK, and Giulia PACINI. (Eds.) Invaluable Trees:
Seventeenth Century.” In Structures of Feeling in Cultures of Nature, 1660–1830. SVEC, 2012:08.
Seventeenth-Century Cultural Expression, edited by (xi + 360 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Oxford: Voltaire
Susan M C C LARY (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, Foundation, 2012. ISBN: 9780729410489.
2012), 296–314. Reviews: [ref. R45]

1413. H UNTER, Michael. “John Ray in Italy: Lost 1425. C AVERT, William M. “The Environmental
Manuscripts Rediscovered.” Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Policy of Charles I: Coal Smoke and the English
Lond. 68, no. 2 (2014): 93–109. Monarchy, 1624–40.” J. Brit. Stud. 53 (2014): 310–
1414. S ANKEY, Margaret. “Mapping Terra Australis
in the French Seventeenth Century: The Mémoires of 1426. W ERRETT, Simon. “Recycling in Early Mod-
the Abbé Jean Paulmier.” In European Perceptions ern Science.” Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 46, no. 4 (2013):
of Terra Australis, edited by S COTT et al. (2011) 627–646.
[ref. 276], 111–134.
1415. S TOURAITI, Anastasia. “Talk, Script and
Print: The Making of Island Books in Early Modern 1427. S TEFANO, Waldir, and Mariana Inglez DOS
Venice.” Hist. Res. 86 (2013): 207–229. R EIS. “Os primórdios da paleontologia moderna: as
investigações de Steno sobre fósseis e estratos.” Fil.
1416. T HELL, Anne M. “William Dampier’s ‘Mixt Hist. Biol. 8, no. 3 (2013): 627–639.
Relation’: Narrative vs. Natural History in A New
Voyage Round the World (1697).” Eighteenth-Cent. 340-130. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, GENERAL
Life 37, no. 3 (2013): 29–54. WORKS
1428. C AM ÓS, Agustı́. “Antoni de Martı́ i Franquès,
340-122. NATURAL HISTORY la generación espontánea y la transformación de los
organismos.” Asclepio 65, no. 2 (2013): Approx 8800
1417. DE A S ÚA, Miguel. Science in the Vanished Words.
Arcadia: Knowledge of Nature in the Jesuit Missions
of Paraguay and Rı́o de la Plata. (396 pp.; ill.) 1429. H IRAI, Hiro. “Living Atoms, Hylomorphism
Leiden: Brill, 2014. ISBN: 9789004256767. and Spontaneous Generation in Daniel Sennert.”
On “Jesuit science in the missions of Paraguay and In Matter and Form in Early Modern Science and
the River Plate region during the 17th and 18th Philosophy, edited by M ANNING (2012) [ref. 1396],
centuries.” (from the publisher) 77–98.

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80 340. 17th century

1430. J ORINK, Eric. “Beyond the Lines of Apelles: the 17th and 18th centuries. [ref. 1465]. Early Sci. &
Johannes Swammerdam, Dutch Scientific Culture Med. 18, no. 4–5 (2013): 435–452.
and the Representation of Insect Anatomy.” In Art
and Science in the Early Modern Netherlands, edited 1440. N ERI, Janice. The Insect and the Image: Visu-
by J ORINK and R AMAKERS (2011) [ref. 1015], 148– alizing Nature in Early Modern Europe, 1500–1700.
183. (xvii + 233 pp.; ill.) Minneapolis [Minn.]: University
of Minnesota Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780816667642.
1431. L EONHARD, Karin. “Painted Poison: Ven- Reviews: [ref. R730]
omous Beasts, Herbs, Gems, and Baroque Colour
Theory.” In Art and Science in the Early Modern 1441. ROOS, Anna Marie. Web of Nature: Martin
Netherlands, edited by J ORINK and R AMAKERS Lister (1639–1712), the First Arachnologist. (xx +
(2011) [ref. 1015], 116–147. 478 pp.; ill.) Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2011. ISBN:
1432. M AKUS, Ingrid. “Hobbes and Aristotle on Reviews: [ref. R863]
Biology, Reason and Reproduction.” In Matter and
Form, edited by WARD (2009) [ref. 218], 163–176. 1442. S ENTER, Phil, and Vernetta B. S NOW. “Solu-
tion to a 300-year-old Zoological Mystery: The Case
1433. PARKE, Emily C. “Flies from Meat and Wasps of Thomas Bartholin’s Merman.” Arch. Natur. Hist.
from Trees: Reevaluating Francesco Redi’s Spon- 40, no. 2 (2013): 257–262.
taneous Generation Experiments.” Stud. Hist. Phil.
Biol. Biomed. Sci. 45 (2014): 34–42.
1434. S MITH, Justin E. H., and James D ELBOURGO.
“In Kind: Species of Exchange in Early Modern 1443. G IRTEN, Kristin M. “Mingling with Matter:
Science.” Introduction to a special issue, “In Kind: Tactile Microscopy and the Philosophic Mind in
Species of Exchange in Early Modern Science.” Ann. Brobdingnag and Beyond.” Eighteenth Cent. Theory
Sci. 70, no. 3 (2013): 299–304. Interpr. 54 (2013): 497–520.
On the period around the turn of the 18th century.
Contents: S. M ÜLLER -W ILLE, “Systems and How 340-135. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY; HUMAN
Linnaeus Looked at Them in Retrospect,” 305–317 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY
[ref. 1649]; Justin E. H. S MITH, “ ‘A Series of Gen-
erations’: Leibniz on Race,” 319–335 [ref. 1670]; 1444. E KHOLM, Karin. “Anatomy, Bloodletting and
Kelly Joan W HITMER, “What’s in a Name? Place, Emblems: Interpreting the Title-Page of Nathaniel
Peoples and Plants in the Danish-Halle Mission, c. Highmore’s Disquisitio (1651).” In Observing the
1710–1740,” 337–356 [ref. 1659]; Daniel C AREY, World through Images, edited by JARDINE (2013)
“Locke’s Species: Money and Philosophy in the [ref. 1007], 87–123.
1690s,” 357–380 [ref. 1452]; Dániel M ARG ÓCSY,
“The Fuzzy Metrics of Money: The Finances of 1445. P ETRESCU, Lucian. “Descartes on the Heart-
Travel and the Reception of Curiosities in Early beat: The Leuven Affair.” Perspect. Sci. 21, no. 4
Modern Europe,” 381–404 [ref. 1520]. (2013): 397–428.

1446. V ELASCO M ORGADO, Raúl. “Nuevas aporta-

340-131. BOTANY
ciones documentales sobre el grabador Crisóstomo
1435. BATES, David. “Cartesian Robotics.” Repre- Martı́nez y su atlas de anatomı́a.” Asclepio 64, no. 1
sentations 124, no. 1 (2013): 43–68. (2012): 189–212.
On Descartes’ physiological theory and the role
and nature of the brain.
1436. D ENIS, Gilles. “The Optical Galilean Interpre- PSYCHOLOGY
tation of the Antique Theophrastian Model for Plant 1447. G ARBER, Daniel. “Disciplining Feeling: The
Diseases.” Galilæana 8 (2011): 183–204. Seventeenth-Century Idea of a Mathematical The-
ory of the Emotions.” In Structures of Feeling in
1437. F INGER, Stanley. “The Lady and the Eel: Seventeenth-Century Cultural Expression, edited by
How Aphra Behn Introduced Europeans to the ‘Numb Susan M C C LARY (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press,
Eel.’ ” Perspect. Biol. Med. 55 (2012): 378–401. 2012), 19–34.
1438. S LATER, John. Todos Son Hojas: Literatura
1448. M ANNING, Gideon. “When the Mind be-
e Historia Natural en el Barroco Español. (310
came Un-Natural: De la Forge and Psychology in
pp.) Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
the Cartesian Aftermath.” In Psychology and the
Cientı́ficas, 2010. ISBN: 9788400091927.
Other Disciplines, edited by BAKKER et al. (2012)
Reviews: [ref. R948] [ref. 961], 131–156.



1439. M ELI, Domenico Bertoloni. “Of Snails and 1449. M C C ORMICK, Ted. “Political Arithmetic and
Horsetails: Anatomical Empiricism in the Early Mod- Sacred History: Population Thought in the English
ern Period.” Part of a special issue on empiricism and Enlightenment, 1660–1750.” J. Brit. Stud. 52 (2013):
the relationship between medicine and philosophy in 829–857.

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340. 17th century 81

340-141. SOCIOLOGY 1456. S MITH, Courtney Weiss. “A ‘Foundation in

Nature’: New Economic Criticism and the Problem of
1450. W ICKHAM, Gary. “Hobbes’s Commitment to Money in 1690s England.” Eighteenth Cent. Theory
Society as a Product of Sovereignty: A Basis for a Interpr. 53 (2012): 209–228.
Hobbesian Sociology.” J. Classic. Soc. 14, no. 2
(2014): 139–155.
1457. K ILARSKI, Marcin. “The Place of Classi-
340-143. ECONOMICS fiers in the History of Linguistics.” Historiograph.
Linguist. 41, no. 1 (2014): 33–78.
1451. C AREY, Daniel, and Christopher J. F INLAY.
(Eds.) The Empire of Credit: The Financial Revolu- 1458. M C L AUGHLIN, Gráinne. “The Idolater John
tion in the British Atlantic World, 1688–1815. (xviii + Owen? Linguistic Hegemony in Cromwell’s Oxford.”
302 pp.; bibl.; index.) Dublin: Irish Academic Press, In Scholarly Self-Fashioning and Community in the
2011. ISBN: 9780716534150. Early Modern University, by Richard K IRWAN (Farn-
Contents: Daniel C AREY, “An Empire of Credit: ham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2013), 145–166.
English, Scottish, Irish, and American Con-
texts,” 1–24; Daniel C AREY, “John Locke, 1459. W OLLOCK, Jeffrey. “John Bulwer (1606–
Money, and Credit,” 25–52; Christopher F INLAY, 1656) and Some British and French Contemporaries.”
“Money, Nationality, and Interdependence in David Historiograph. Linguist. 40, no. 3 (2013): 331–375.
Hume’s Monetary Theory,” 53–72; Paul T ONKS, Looks at the transmission of texts on instruction
“Leviathan’s Defenders: Scottish Historical Dis- for the deaf.
course and the Political Economy of Progress,”
73–96 [ref. 1257]; Robin H ERMANN, “Money
and Empire: The Failure of the Royal African 340-150. MEDICINE, GENERAL WORKS
Company,” 97–120; Hermann W ELLENREUTHER, 1460. A LFONSO -G OLDFARB, Ana Maria, Márcia
“Britain’s Political and Economic Response to Helena Mendes F ERRAZ, and Piyo M. R ATTANSI.
the Emerging Colonial Economic Independence,” “Seventeenth-Century ‘Treasure’ Found in Royal
121–140 [ref. 1258]; Roger F ECHNER, “ ‘The Society Archives: The Ludus Helmontii and the
sacredness of public credit’: The American Rev- Stone Disease.” Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 68, no. 3
olution, Paper Currency, and John Witherspoon’s (2014): 227–243.
Essay on Money (1786),” 141–170; Charles Ivar
M C G RATH, “ ‘The Public Wealth is the Sinew, the 1461. A LTBAUER -RUDNIK, Michal. “Love for All:
Life, of every Public Measure’: The Creation & The Medical Discussion of Lovesickness in Jacob
Maintenance of a National Debt in Ireland, 1715– Zahalon’s The Treasure of Life (Otzar ha- ayyim).”
45,” 171–208; C. George C AFFENTZIS, “Why In Knowledge and Religion in Early Modern Europe,
Did Berkeley’s Bank Fail? Money and Liber- by Asaph B EN -T OV, Yaacov D EUTSCH and Tamar
tinism in Eighteenth-Century Ireland,” 229–248; H ERZIG (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 87–118.
Kevin BARRY, “The Suspension of Cash Payments
and Ireland’s Narrative Economy: The Contexts 1462. B OWLES, Emily. “Maternal Culpability in
of Maria Edgeworth’s ‘National’ Novels,” 249– Fetal Defects: Aphra Behn’s Satiric Interrogations of
270; Sean M OORE, “ ‘Vested’ Interests and Debt Medical Models.” In Recovering Disability in Early
Bondage: Credit as Confessional Coercion in Colo- Modern England, edited by H OBGOOD and W OOD
nial Ireland,” 209=228. (2013) [ref. 1221], 43–56.
Reviews: [ref. R163] 1463. C ALAN, Ronan de. “L’Empirisme Médical,
d’un Mythe à l’Autre. Une Lecture Critique de Nais-
1452. C AREY, Daniel. “Locke’s Species: Money sance de la clinique de Michel Foucault.” Gesnerus
and Philosophy in the 1690s.” Part of a special issue, 70, no. 2 (2013): 193–210.
“In Kind: Species of Exchange in Early Modern
Science” [ref. 1434]. Ann. Sci. 70, no. 3 (2013): 1464. C RIGNON, Claire. “The Debate about metho-
357–380. dus medendi during the Second Half of the Seven-
teenth Century in England: Modern Philosophical
1453. D ERINGER, William Peter. “Finding the Readings of Classical Medical Empiricism in Ba-
Money: Public Accounting, Political Arithmetic, and con, Nedham, Willis and Boyle.” Part of a special
Probability in the 1690s.” J. Brit. Stud. 52 (2013): issue on empiricism and the relationship between
638–668. medicine and philosophy in the 17th and 18th cen-
turies. [ref. 1465]. Early Sci. & Med. 18, no. 4–5
1454. L ITVINE, Alexis D. “The Industrious Revolu- (2013): 339–359.
tion, the Industriousness Discourse, and the Devel-
opment of Modern Economies.” Hist. J. 57 (2014): 1465. C RIGNON, Claire, Carsten Z ELLE, and Nun-
531–570. zio A LLOCCA. “Introduction.” Introduction to a
special issue on empiricism and the relationship be-
1455. M AC K ENZIE, Scott R. “Sexual Arithmetic: tween medicine and philosophy in the 17th and 18th
Appetite and Consumption in The Way of the World.” centuries. Early Sci. & Med. 18, no. 4–5 (2013):
Eighteenth-Cent. Stud. 47 (2014): 261–276. 329–338.
On “a reconception of desire, which has recogniz- Contents: Claire C RIGNON, “The Debate about
able connections to what we now call consumer methodus medendi during the Second Half of
desire.” (from the abstract) the Seventeenth Century in England: Modern

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82 340. 17th century

Philosophical Readings of Classical Medical Em- de sus ideas médicas sobre la filosofı́a empirista.”
piricism in Bacon, Nedham, Willis and Boyle,” Asclepio 66, no. 1 (2014): Approx. 8800 Words.
339–359 [ref. 1464]; Anne-Lise R EY, “The Sta-
tus of Leibniz’ Medical Experiments: A Provi- 1476. S CHLEGELMILCH, Sabine. “Vom Nutzen
sional Empiricism?” 360–380 [ref. 1474]; Claire des Nebensächlichen—Paratexte in den Kalendern
E TCHEGARAY, “Whytt and the Idea of Power: des Arztes Johannes Magirus (1615–1697).” In
Physiological Evidence as a Challenge to the Astronomie—Literatur—Volksaufklärung, edited by
Eighteenth-Century Criticism of the Notion of H ERBST (2012) [ref. 1083], 393–412.
Power,” 381–404 [ref. 1660]; Guido G IGLIONI,
“Francis Bacon’s Notion of Experiential Liter- 1477. S TOLBERG, Michael. “Bedside Teaching and
acy (Experientia Literata),” 405–434 [ref. 1508]; the Acquisition of Practical Skills in Mid-Sixteenth-
Domenico Bertoloni M ELI, “Of Snails and Horse- Century Padua.” J. Hist. Med. Allied Sci. 69, no. 4
tails: Anatomical Empiricism in the Early Modern (2014): 633–664.
Period,” 435–452 [ref. 1439]; Carsten Z ELLE, See also: Joel H OWELL, “Just What Do Physicians
“Empiricism and the ‘Reasonable Physicians’ of Do? Unexpected Continuities from Sixteenth-
the Early Enlightenment,” 453–470 [ref. 1691]; Century Padua,” 662–664 [ref. 1469].
Yvonne W ÜBBEN, “Writing Cases and Casuis-
tic Reasoning in Karl Philipp Moritz’ Journal of 1478. T OULALAN, Sarah. “ ‘To[o] much eating
Empirical Psychology,” 471–486 [ref. 1696]. stifles the child’: Fat Bodies and Reproduction in
Early Modern England.” Hist. Res. 87 (2014): 65–93.
1466. C RIGNON, Claire, Carsten Z ELLE, and Nun-
zio A LLOCCA. (Eds.) Medical Empiricism and
Philosophy of Human Nature in the 17th and 18th 340-151. PSYCHIATRY; MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY
Century. (158 pp.) Leiden: Brill, 2014. ISBN:
9789004268128. 1479. C HARLAND, Louis C. “John Locke on Mad-
ness: Redressing the Intellectualist Bias.” Hist. Psy-
1467. E VANS, Jennifer. “Female Barrenness, Bodily chiat. 25, no. 1 (2014): 137–153.
Access and Aromatic Treatments in Seventeenth-
Century England.” Hist. Res. 87 (2014): 423–443. 1480. F ITZHERBERT, Dionys. Women, Madness
and Sin in Early Modern England: The Autobio-
1468. F LECK, Eliane Cristina Deckmann. “A abor- graphical Writings of Dionys Fitzherbert. Edited by
dagem historiográfica dos séculos XIX e XX sobre a Katharine H ODGKIN. The Early Modern English-
atuação de médicos e boticários jesuı́tas na América woman, 1500–1750: Contemporary Editions. (300
platina no século XVIII.” Manguinhos 21, no. 2 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2010.
(2014): 667–685. ISBN : 9780754630180.

1469. H OWELL, Joel. “Just What Do Physicians Do? 1481. TABB, Kathryn. “ ‘Struck, As It Were, with
Unexpected Continuities from Sixteenth-Century Madness’: Phenomenology and Animal Spirits in the
Padua.” J. Hist. Med. Allied Sci. 69, no. 4 (2014): Neuropathology of Thomas Willis.” In Brain, Mind
662–664. and Consciousness in the History of Neuroscience,
Commentary on previous article edited by S MITH and W HITAKER (2014) [ref. 339],
1470. N EWTON, Hannah. “The Sick Child in Early
Modern England, 1580–1720.” Endeavour 38, no. 2
(2014): 122–129. 340-152. PUBLIC HEALTH; NUTRITION; HEALTH

1482. BARNES, Diana. “The Public Life of a Woman

1471. R AYMOND, Dwayne. “Parmenidean Intuitions of Wit and Quality: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and
in Descartes’ Theory of the Heart’s Motion.” In the Vogue for Smallpox Inoculation.” Feminist Stud.
Matter and Form, edited by WARD (2009) [ref. 218], 38 (2012): 330–342.
1483. C HAMBOULEYRON, Rafael, Benedito Costa
1472. R EIN, Kaarina. “Tartu as the Eastern Outpost BARBOSA, Fernanda Aires B OMBARDI, and Claudia
of European Medicine in the First Half of the 17th Rocha de S OUSA. “ ‘Formidável contágio’: epide-
Century.” Acta Baltica 2, no. 1 (2014): 37–52. mias, trabalho e recrutamento na Amazônia colonial
(1660–1750).” Manguinhos 18, no. 4 (2011): 987–
1473. R EY, Anne-Lise. “The Status of Leibniz’ 1004.
Medical Experiments: A Provisional Empiricism?”
Early Sci. & Med. 18 (2013): 360–380. 1484. C OHEN, Matt. “ ‘The Indians Told Them That
Sickness Would Follow’: A Response to Miraculous
1474. R EY, Anne-Lise. “The Status of Leibniz’ Plagues.” William Mary Quart. 70 (2013): 827–831.
Medical Experiments: A Provisional Empiricism?”
Part of a special issue on empiricism and the relation- Essay review of Cristobal S ILVA, Miraculous
ship between medicine and philosophy in the 17th Plagues (2011).
and 18th centuries. [ref. 1465]. Early Sci. & Med. 18,
1485. D ONEGAN, Kathleen. “The Bonds of Immu-
no. 4–5 (2013): 360–380.
nity.” William Mary Quart. 70 (2013): 813–816.
1475. S ÁNCHEZ G ONZ ÁLEZ, Miguel Ángel. “El Essay review of Cristobal S ILVA, Miraculous
ensayo Ars Medica de John Locke, y la influencia Plagues (2011).

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350. 18th century 83


1486. B ERNARDONI, Andrea. “Galileo e gli studi di
ingegneria.” Galilæana 9 (2012): 203–213.
Essay review of Matteo VALLERIANI, Galileo, 1498. A LLEN, Douglas W. The Institutional Revo-
Engineer (2010). lution: Measurement and the Economic Emergence
of the Modern World. Markets and Governments in
1487. B ETTONI, Barbara. “Fashion, Tradition, and Economic History. (xiv + 267 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)
Innovation in Button Manufacturing in Early Modern Chicago: University of Chigago Press, 2012. ISBN:
Italy.” Tech. & Cult. 55, no. 3 (2014): 675–710. 9780226014746.
Reviews: [ref. R22]
1488. M ILLER, Jonson. “Pathways and Purposes of
the ‘French Tradition’ of Engineering in Antebellum 1499. B ELHOSTE, Bruno. Paris savant : parcours
America: The Case of the Virginia Military Institute.” et rencontres au temps des Lumières. (310 pp.; ill.)
Eng. Stud. 5, no. 2 (2013): 117–136. Paris: A. Colin, 2011. ISBN: 9782200255633.
Reviews: [ref. 1700]
1489. ROMEIN, C. A. “ ‘The Mirror of Great
Britain’: National Identity in Seventeenth-Century 1500. B ENNETT, J. A., and Sofia TALAS. Cabinets
British Architecture.” Seventeenth Cent. 29, no. 2 of Experimental Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century
(2014): 212–214. Europe. History of science and medicine library;
volume 40. (xxiii + 253 pp.; ill.) Leiden: Brill, 2013.
1490. S IMON, Julia. “Diverting Water in Rousseau:
ISBN : 9789004252967.
Technology, the Sublime, and the Quotidian.” Eigh-
teenth Cent. Theory Interpr. 53 (2012): 73–97. 1501. L IEDTKE, Rainer. Die industrielle Revolution.
Uni-Taschenbücher, 3350 S. (200 pp.) Köln: Böhlau,
340-163. AGRICULTURE 2012. ISBN: 9783825233501.
Reviews: [ref. R612]
1491. D ELBOURGO, James. “Sir Hans Sloane’s
Milk Chocolate and the Whole History of the Cacao.” 1502. T IL, Frida van. “ ‘Archimedes in kundigheit,
Social Text 106 (2011): 71–101. Ulisses in beleit, Achilles in dapperheit’. Het Album
On the introduction of chocolate into England, Amicorum van Klaas Willem Kiers (c. 1722/1759),
Sloane’s herbarium, and 17th- and 18th-century ingenieur-modellist van stadhouder Willem IV.”
European trade. Studium 6, no. 2 (2013): 61–78.
1492. E DWARDS, Peter. Horse and Man in Early 1503. U SITALO, Steven A., and Gary M ARKER. The
Modern England. (xii + 340 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Invention of Mikhail Lomonosov: A Russian National
London: Continuum, 2007. ISBN: 9781852854805. Myth. (298 pp.; ill.) Brighton, MA: Academic Studies
Reviews: [ref. R287] Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781618111739.
Reviews: [ref. R1028]
1493. F UDGE, Erica. “Milking Other Men’s
Beasts.” Special Issue: Does History Need Ani- 1504. V ERMIJ, Rienk. De geest uit de fles: de Ver-
mals? [ref. 284]. Hist. & Theory 52, no. 4 (2013): lichting en het verval van de confessionele samen-
13–28. leving. (xi + 324 pp.; ill.) Amsterdam: Uitgeverij
Nieuwezijds, 2014. ISBN: 9789057123979.
1494. G REGORY, Annabel. Rye Spirits: Faith, Fac-
tion and Fairies in a Seventeenth-Century English
Town. (xv + 304 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) London: 350-2. NATIONAL CONTEXTS
Hedge, 2013. ISBN: 978095710800.
1505. J ORINK, Eric, and Ad M AAS. (Eds.) New-
Reviews: [ref. R399] ton and the Netherlands: How Isaac Newton Was
1495. I IDA, Takashi. “The Practice of Timber Grant- Fashioned in the Dutch Republic. (256 pp.; ill.)
ing from Lords to Peasants: A Forest-Historical Amsterdam: Leiden University Press, 2012. ISBN:
Perspective of the Gutsherrschaft in Brandenburg- 9789400600553.
Prussia from 1650 to 1850.” Agr. Hist. 87 (2013): Reviews: [ref. R513]
1496. L ACOMBE, Michael A. Political Gastronomy: SCIENCE
Food and Authority in the English Atlantic World.
Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1506. D UCHEYNE, Steffen. “ ‘s Gravesande’s Ap-
(224 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Early American Studies propriation of Newton’s Natural Philosophy, Part
series, 2012. ISBN: 9780812244182. II: Methodological Issues.” Centaurus 56 (2014):
Reviews: [ref. R576] 97–120.

1497. M ULDREW, Craig. Food, Energy and the 1507. F RIEDMAN, Michael. Kant’s Construction
Creation of Industriousness: Work and Material of Nature: A Reading of the Metaphysical Founda-
Culture in Agrarian England, 1550–1780. (xvii + tions of Natural Science. (xix + 624 pp.; ill.) New
355 pp.; ill.; maps.) New York; Madrid: Cambridge York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. ISBN:
University Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780521881852. 9780521198394.
Reviews: [ref. R717] Reviews: [ref. R343]

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84 350. 18th century

1508. G IGLIONI, Guido. “Francis Bacon’s Notion 350-22. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: POLITICS, LAW,
of Experiential Literacy (Experientia Literata).” Part AND ECONOMICS
of a special issue on empiricism and the relationship
between medicine and philosophy in the 17th and 1519. BARNEY, Richard A. “Burke, Biomedicine,
18th centuries. [ref. 1465]. Early Sci. & Med. 18, no. and Biobelligerence.” Eighteenth Cent. Theory In-
4–5 (2013): 405–434. terpr. 54 (2013): 231–243.

1520. M ARG ÓCSY, Dániel. “The Fuzzy Metrics of

350-12. RHETORICAL AND VISUAL ANALYSIS OF Money: The Finances of Travel and the Reception
SCIENCE of Curiosities in Early Modern Europe.” Part of a
1509. B ODENMANN, Siegfried. “Faux accords et special issue, “In Kind: Species of Exchange in Early
vrais désaccords : Rhétoriques et stratégies de la Modern Science” [ref. 1434]. Ann. Sci. 70, no. 3
controverse dans le réseau de correspondance de (2013): 381–404.
Leonhard Euler.” Part of a special issue, “La guerre
en lettres: La controverse scientifique dans les corre- 1521. P EROVIC, Sanja. The Calendar in Revo-
spondances des Lumières” [ref. 206]. Rev. Hist. Sci. lutionary France: Perceptions of Time in Litera-
66, no. 2 (2013): 361–394. ture, Culture, Politics. (xiv + 276 pp.; ill.) Cam-
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN:
1510. D IJKSTERHUIS, Fokko Jan. “ ‘Will the Eye 9781107025950.
be the Sole Judge?’: ‘Science’ and ‘Art’ in the Op- Reviews: [ref. R787]
tical Inquiries of Lambert ten Kate and Hendrik van
Limborch around 1710.” In Art and Science in the 1522. TAYLOR, Michael. “British Conservatism, the
Early Modern Netherlands, edited by J ORINK and Illuminati, and the Conspiracy Theory of the French
R AMAKERS (2011) [ref. 1015], 308–331. Revolution, 1797–1802.” Eighteenth-Cent. Stud. 47
(2014): 293–312.
1511. S TEINKE, Hubert. “Albrecht von Haller, pa-
tron dans son réseau : le rôle de la correspondance
dans les controverses scientifiques.” Part of a spe-
cial issue, “La guerre en lettres: La controverse
scientifique dans les correspondances des Lumières” 1523. A LFF, David. “Swift’s Solar Gourds and the
[ref. 206]. Rev. Hist. Sci. 66, no. 2 (2013): 325–359. Rhetoric of Projection.” Eighteenth-Cent. Stud. 47
(2014): 245–260.
350-20. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, GENERAL Argues “that Swift’s representation of the Academy
WORKS of Projectors also critiques the linguistic strategies
of projection itself” (from the abstract)
1512. B ÖNING, Holger. “Volksaufklärung und Ka-
lender. Zu den Anfängen der Diskussion über die 1524. C HRISTIE, Ann. “A Taste for Seaweed:
Nutzung traditioneller Volkslesestoffe zur Aufklärung William Kilburn’s Late Eighteenth-Century Designs
und zu ersten praktischen Versuchen bis 1800.” In for Printed Cottons.” J. Design Hist. 24 (2011):
Astronomie—Literatur—Volksaufklärung, edited by 299–314.
H ERBST (2012) [ref. 1083], 183–200.
1525. D ETTELBACH, Michael. “Collecting Alexan-
1513. M ACKIE, Erin. “Swift and Mimetic Sickness.” der von Humboldt.” Eighteenth-Cent. Stud. 47
Eighteenth Cent. Theory Interpr. 54 (2013): 359–373. (2014): 76–78.
1514. M ORQUECHO, Vı́ctor Castillo. “Ciencia y Essay review of Rex C LARK and Oliver L UBRICH
ser: paradoja e ironı́a en el Prometheus goetheano.” (eds.), Cosmos and Colonialism (2012).
Asclepio 65, no. 1 (2013): Approx. 9000 words.
1526. D ONATO, Clorinda. “The Travels and Trans-
1515. RUSTON, Sharon. Creating Romanticism: lations of Marc-Antoine Eidous (1724–80), Encyclo-
Case studies in the Literature, Science and Medicine pedic Mediator of Enlightenment Texts.” In Travel
of the 1790s. Palgrave studies in the enlighten- Narratives in Translation, 1750–1830, edited by
ment romanticism and cultures of print. (xiv + 218 M ARTIN and P ICKFORD (2012) [ref. 1616], 27–41.
pp.) New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. ISBN:
9781137264282. 1527. H UHTAMO, Erkki. Illusions in Motion: Media
Archaeology of the Moving Panorama and Related
1516. S MITH, Kate. “Sensing Design and Workman- Spectacles. Leonardo Book Series. (xix + 438 pp.;
ship: The Haptic Skills of Shoppers in Eighteenth- ill.; bibl.; index.) Cambridge Massachusetts: The
Century London.” J. Design Hist. 25 (2012): 1–10. MIT Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780262018517.
Reviews: [ref. R477]
1517. W OOD, James Robert. “Mr. Spectator’s Anec-
dotes and the Science of Human Nature.” Eighteenth- 1528. L AKE, Crystal B. “Feeling Things: The Novel
Cent. Life 38 (2014): 63–92. Objectives of Sentimental Objects.” Eighteenth Cent.
Theory Interpr. 54 (2013): 183–193.
1529. O LEKSIJCZUK, Denise. The First Panoramas:
1518. ROBINSON, Steven. “Contrasting Biological Visions of British Imperialism. (viii + 222 pp.; ill.;
and Humanistic Approaches to the Evolution of Polit- index; bibl.; maps.) Minneapolis: University of
ical Morality.” In Matter and Form, edited by WARD Minnesota Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780816648603.
(2009) [ref. 218], 211–228. Reviews: [ref. R756]

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350. 18th century 85

1530. OTTO, Peter. “Inside the Imagination- Frances Burney’s Camilla.” Eighteenth Cent. Theory
Machines of Gothic Fiction: Estrangement, Trans- Interpr. 55 (2014): 1–17.
port, Affect.” In Minds, Bodies, Machines, 1770–
1930, edited by C OLEMAN and F RASER (2011) 1542. K AWASHIMA, Keiko, Ayako L ÉCAILLE -
[ref. 408], 19–38. O KAMURA, and Élisabeth BADINTER. Emilie du
Châtelet et Marie-Anne Lavoisier : Science et genre
1531. R AMAKERS, Bart. “Staging Nature: Observa- au XVIIIe siècle. Collection Essais, 21. (321 pp.; ill.)
tion, Imagination and Experience in E.M. Post’s Het Paris: H. Champion, 2013. ISBN: 9782745324924.
land, in brieven (1788).” In Art and Science in the
Early Modern Netherlands, edited by J ORINK and 1543. K AWASHIMA, Keiko. “The Evolution of the
R AMAKERS (2011) [ref. 1015], 332–367. Gender Question in the Study of Madame Lavoisier.”
Hist. Scientiarum 23, no. 1 (2013): 24–37.
1532. R ICHARDS, Annette. “Carl Philipp Emanuel
Bach, Portraits, and the Physiognomy of Music His- 1544. R AUS, Rachele. “Lady Mary Wortley Mon-
tory.” J. Amer. Musical Instr. Soc. 66 (2013): 337– tagu’s Letters in France: Between Ideological Turn
396. and Women’s Writing.” In Travel Narratives in
Translation, 1750–1830, edited by M ARTIN and
1533. V ERMIJ, Rienk. “The Light of Nature and P ICKFORD (2012) [ref. 1616], 157–180.
the Allegorisation of Science on Dutch Frontispieces
around 1700.” In Art and Science in the Early Modern
Netherlands, edited by J ORINK and R AMAKERS
(2011) [ref. 1015], 208–237. 1545. K AHAN, Michéle Bokobsza. “The Rhetoric of
Pain: Religious Convulsions and Miraculous Heal-
1534. Z EITLER, William Wilde. The Glass Armon- ings in the Jansenist Parish of Saint Médard, Paris
ica: The Music and the Madness. (vii + 342 pp.; ill.; (1727–1732).” In Knowledge and Pain, edited by
notes; index.) San Bernardino, CA: Musica Arcana, C OHEN et al. (2012) [ref. 366], 107–122.
2013. ISBN: 9781940630007.
Reviews: [ref. R1107] 1546. K LAJUMAIT, Vaiva. “The Phenomenon of
Plica Polonica in Lithuania: A Clash of Religious and
Scientific Mentalities.” Acta Baltica 1, no. 2 (2013):
Compares books of miracles and scientific texts.
1535. G RAY, Sally Hatch. “Kant’s Race Theory,
Forster’s Counter, and the Metaphysics of Color.” 350-40. SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS
Eighteenth Cent. Theory Interpr. 53 (2012): 393–
412. 1547. E LLIS, Markman. “Thomas Birch’s ‘Weekly
Letter’ (1741–66): Correspondence and History In
1536. M ART ÍNEZ P ESTANA, Paola. “ ‘Des hommes the Mid-Eighteenth-Century Royal Society.” Notes
noirs et non pas des nègres’: Piel y raza en el siglo Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 68, no. 3 (2014): 261–278.
XVIII.” Asclepio 63, no. 1 (2011): 39–64.
1548. K AEPPLER, Adrienne L., and Sarah S TONE.
1537. N OGUEIRA, André. “Universos coloniais e Holophusicon, the Leverian Museum: An Eighteenth-
‘enfermidades dos negros’ pelos cirurgiões régios Century English Institution of Science, Curiosity, and
Dazille e Vieira de Carvalho.” Article in a supple- Art. (xi + 308 pp.; ill.) Honolulu, HI: Bishop Museum
mentary issue, “Health and Slavery” [ref. 2373]. Press, 2011. ISBN: 9783981162042.
Manguinhos 19, suppl. 1 (2012): 179–196. Reviews: [ref. R520]
1538. P INTO -C ORREIA, Clara, and João Lourenço 1549. L ONGAIR, Sarah, and John M C A LEER. (Eds.)
M ONTEIRO. “Science in Support of Racial Mix- Curating Empire: Museums and the British Imperial
ture: Charles-Augustin Vandermonde’s Enlighten- Experience. Studies in Imperialism. (xii + 240 pp.;
ment Program for Improving the Health and Beauty ill.; bibl.; index.) New York: Manchester University
of the Human Species.” Endeavour 38, no. 1 (2014): Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780719085079.
19–26. Contents: Sarah L ONGAIR and John M C A LEER,
“Introduction: Curating Empire: Museums and
1539. S LOAN, Phillip R. “The Essence of Race: Kant the British Imperial Experience,” 1–16; John
and Late Enlightenment Reflections.” Stud. Hist. Phil. M C A LEER, “The Case of Thomas Baines, Curator-
Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47, Part A (2014): 191–195. Explorer Extraordinaire, and the Display of Africa
in Nineteenth-Century Norfolk,” 17–36 [ref. 682];
350-27. SCIENCE AND GENDER Claire W INTLE, “Visiting the Empire at the Provin-
cial Museum, 1900–50,” 37–55 [ref. 2642]; Conal
1540. A RIANRHOD, Robyn. Seduced by Logic: M C C ARTHY, “Carving Out a Place in the Better
Émilie Du Châtelet, Mary Somerville, and the Britain of the South Pacific: Maori in New Zealand
Newtonian Revolution. (338 pp.; bibl.; index.) Museums and Exhibitions,” 56–81 [ref. 445];
New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN: Gareth K NAPMAN, “Curiosities or Science in the
9780199931613. National Museum of Victoria: Procurement Net-
Reviews: [ref. R36] works and the Purpose of a Museum,” 82–103
[ref. 1850]; Jennifer W ELLINGTON, “Narrative as
1541. FARR, Jason S. “Sharp Minds / Twisted Bod- History, Image as Memory: Exhibiting the Great
ies: Intellect, Disability, and Female Education in War in Australia, 1917–41,” 104–121 [ref. 3085];

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86 350. 18th century

Sarah L ONGAIR, “ ‘The Lady Curator’s Style’: 1557. B ERG, Hein van den. “The Wolffian Roots of
Negotiating Curatorial Challenges in the Zanz- Kant’s Teleology.” Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci.
ibar Museum,” 122–144 [ref. 1851]; Paul BASU, 44 (2013): 724–734.
“A Museum for Sierra Leone? Amateur Enthu-
siasms and Colonial Museum Policy in British 1558. E TCHEGARAY, Claire. “Whytt and the Idea
West Africa,” 145–167 [ref. 444]; Savithri Preetha of Power: Physiological Evidence as a Challenge to
NAIR, “Edgar Thurston at the Madras Museum the Eighteenth-Century Criticism of the Notion of
(1885–1909): The Multiple Careers of a Colo- Power.” Early Sci. & Med. 18 (2013): 381–404.
nial Museum Curator,” 168–187 [ref. 446]; Sadiah
Q URESHI, “Tipu’s Tiger and Images of India in 1559. F EHIGE, Yiftach, and Michael T. S TUART.
British Museums, 1799–2009,” 207–224 [ref. 623]; “On the Origins of the Philosophy of Thought Ex-
Sarah L ONGAIR and John M C A LEER, “Afterword: periments: The Forerun.” First article in a special
Objects, empire and museums,” 225–231. issue, “Thought Experiments.” Perspect. Sci. 22, no.
Reviews: [ref. R626] 2 (2014): 179–220.
Focuses on Georg C. Lichtenberg, Novalis, and Im-
manuel Kant. Contents: Catherine Z. E LGIN, “Fic-
350-41. SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS tion as Thought Experiment,” 221–241 [ref. 1800];
1550. B RYDEN, D. J. “The Scientific Instrument Walter H OPP, “Experiments in Thought,” 242–263
Trade in Georgian London: Gleanings from Old [ref. 126]; Michael T. S TUART, “Cognitive Science
Bailey Trials.” Bull. Sci. Instr. Soc. 118 (2013): and Thought Experiments: A Refutation of Paul
26–33. Thagard’s Skepticism,” 264–287 [ref. 2680]; Paul
Looks at trial records between 1715 and 1839 in- T HAGARD, “Thought Experiments Considered
volving scientific instrument makers to help under- Harmful,” 288–305 [ref. 135].
stand the organization of the trade and its business.
1560. NASSAR, Dalia. “Pure versus Empirical Forms
of Thought: Schelling’s Critique of Kant’s Categories
and the Beginnings of Naturphilosophie.” J. Hist.
Phil. 52 (2014): 113–134.
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Vicente de Raspeig: Alicante Publicaciones, 2012. 1605. DE D EUS D UARTE, Maria. “A Treasure-Hunt
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conceito de oxigênio.” Manguinhos 20, no. 2 (2013): 43 (2014): 49–59.
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1600. G ARC ÍA C RUZ, Cándido Manuel. “James North Sydney, N.S.W.: Random House Australia,
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hispánico de la Ilustración. Un procedimiento para University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780199914951.
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Ninian Imrie of Denmuir (ca 1752–1820); and Ex- tion, 1750–1830, edited by M ARTIN and P ICKFORD
Militiaman James Smith of Jordanhill (1782–1867).” (2012) [ref. 1616], 93–109.
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1603. B ONEHILL, John. “ ‘New Scenes Drawn by
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1604. C AMS, Mario. “The China Maps of Jean- 1616. M ARTIN, Alison, and Susan P ICKFORD.
Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville: Origins and Sup- (Eds.) Travel Narratives in Translation, 1750–1830:
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51–69. in Travel Writing (Book 6). (vi + 232 pp.; ill.;

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bibl.; index.) New York: Routledge, 2012. ISBN: 1840s,” 71–84 [ref. 1811].
Contents: Alison M ARTIN and Susan P ICKFORD, 1620. R APOSO, Pedro M. P., Ana S IM ÕES, Manolis
“Introduction,” 1–26; Clorinda D ONATO, “The PATINIOTIS, and José R. B ERTOMEU -S ÁNCHEZ.
Travels and Translations of Marc-Antoine Eidous “Moving Localities and Creative Circulation: Travels
(1724–80), Encyclopedic Mediator of Enlighten- as Knowledge Production in 18th-Century Europe.”
ment Texts,” 27–41 [ref. 1526]; Jeff M ORRISON, Centaurus 56, no. 3 (2014): 167–188.
“Autopsy, Translation, and Editing in the Pro-
duction of Johann Jacob Volkmann’s Historisch- 1621. S TRANG, Cameron B. “Indian Storytelling,
Kritische Nachrichten von Italien (1770–71),” 42– Scientific Knowledge, and Power in the Florida
55 [ref. 1684]; Anthony O ZTURK, “Translating Boderlands.” William Mary Quart. 70 (2013): 671–
Helvetica: Travel Writing, Intertext and Image,” 700.
56–73 [ref. 1673]; Inmaculada Tamarit VALLES, On how a Creek Indian on a 1790 mineralogi-
“Translation, Rewriting, Adaptation: The Itineraire cal expedition in Spanish East Florida, narrated
descriptif de l’Espagne by Alexandre de Laborde,” knowledge in the field.
74–92 [ref. 1622]; Vladimir K APOR, “Translating 1622. VALLES, Inmaculada Tamarit. “Translation,
the Great Maritime Explorations: On John Rein- Rewriting, Adaptation: The Itineraire descriptif de
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autour du monde (1771),” 93–109 [ref. 1613]; Narratives in Translation, 1750–1830, edited by
Carl N IEKERK, “Translating the Pacific: Georg M ARTIN and P ICKFORD (2012) [ref. 1616], 74–92.
Forster’s A Voyage Round the World/Reise um die
Welt (1777–1780),” 110–132 [ref. 1617]; Chen 1623. V IANA, Larissa. “Os trópicos na rota do
T ZOREF -A SHKENAZI, “The Travel Writer as Império britânico: a visão de Mungo Park sobre a
Translator: The Case of Friedrich Ludwig Langst- África em fins do século XVIII.” Manguinhos 18, no.
edt (1750–1804),” 133–156; Rachele R AUS, “Lady 1 (2011): 33–50.
Mary Wortley Montagu’s Letters in France: Be-
tween Ideological Turn and Women’s Writing,”
157–180 [ref. 1544]; Maria DE D EUS D UARTE, 350-122. NATURAL HISTORY
“A Treasure-Hunt in Europe at War, or ‘a pas- 1624. B EER, Liang de. “Voor iedere vriend van
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latorial Agency In Two Early-Nineteenth-Century
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Voyage,” 9–27 [ref. 1603]; Michael G ODBY, “ ‘To 1629. L IPKOWITZ, Elise S. “Seized Natural-History
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of African Peoples during the First British Occu- mopolitanism in the Era of the French Revolution.”
pation of the Cape,” 28–38 [ref. 2157]; Marcus Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 47, no. 1 (2014): 15–41.
W OOD, “Slavery and the Romantic Sketch: Jean-
Baptiste Debret’s Visual Poetics of Trauma,” 39–48 1630. M OORE, P. G. “Popularizing Marine Natu-
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“Not Quite Darwin’s Artist: The Travel Art of 1631. M URPHY, Kathleen S. “To Make Florida An-
Augustus Earle,” 60–70 [ref. 1796]; Geoff Q UIL - swer to Its Name: John Ellis, Bernard Romans and
LEY , “ ‘By Cruel Foes Oppress’d’: British Naval the Atlantic Science of British West Florida.” Brit. J.
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1634. S EQUEIRA F ERNANDES, Antonio Carlos, Fe- 1644. F INGER, Stanley, Marco P ICCOLINO, and
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dieval and Early Modern Europe, edited by B RUCE do A MARAL, and Ana M. A LFONSO -G OLDFARB.
(2010) [ref. 943], 165–191. “Raı́zes do vitalismo francês: Bordeu e Barthez, entre
Paris e Montpellier.” Manguinhos 18, no. 3 (2011):
1641. W ILLIAMS, Glyn. Naturalists at Sea: Scien- 625–640.
tific Travellers from Dampier to Darwin. (xv + 309
pp.; ill.) New Haven and London: Yale University
350-131. BOTANY
Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780300180732.
Reviews: [ref. R1080] 1653. C OPPOLA, Al. “ ‘Without the Help of
Glasses’: The Anthropocentric Spectacle of Ne-
350-124. PALEONTOLOGY hemiah Grew’s Botany.” Eighteenth Cent. Theory
Interpr. 54 (2013): 263–277.
1642. M ORRIS, Amy. “Geomythology on the Colo-
nial Frontier: Edward Taylor, Cotton Mather, and the 1654. JAIN, S. K., and Harsh S INGH. “India’s No-
Claverack Giant.” William Mary Quart. 70 (2013): table Presence in Linnaeus’ Botanical Classification.”
701–724. Indian J. Hist. Sci. 49, no. 1 (2014): 34–41.

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350. 18th century 91

1655. K ELLEY, Theresa M. Clandestine Marriage: 350-136. NEUROSCIENCES

Botany and Romantic Culture. (x + 342 pp.; ill.; bibl.;
1666. T RIPODI, Paolo. “Conceptual Mediation:
index.) Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University
Philosophy between the History of Physiology and
Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781421405179.
Contemporary Neuroscience.” Hist. Europ. Ideas 40
Reviews: [ref. R531]
(2014): 533–544.
1656. KOBELINSKI, Michel. “O inventário das cu-
riosidades botânicas da Nouvelle France de Pierre- 350-137. PSYCHOLOGY; COMPARATIVE
François-Xavier de Charlevoix (1744).” Manguinhos PSYCHOLOGY
20, no. 1 (2013): 13–27.
1667. JAFFRO, Laurent, Christian M AURER, and
1657. M ADRI Ñ ÁN, Santiago. Nikolaus Joseph Alain P ETIT. “Pathologia, A Theory of the Passions.”
Jacquin’s American Plants: Botanical Expedition Hist. Europ. Ideas 39 (2013): 221–240.
to the Caribbean (1754–1759) and the Publication of
the Selectarum stirpium Americanarum historia. (xi + 1668. M AURER, Christian, and Laurent JAFFRO.
425 pp.; maps; ill.; bibl.; index.) Boston: Brill, 2013. “Reading Shaftesbury’s Pathologia: An Illustration
ISBN : 9789004234109.
and Defence of the Stoic Account of the Emotions.”
Reviews: [ref. R639] Hist. Europ. Ideas 39 (2013): 207–220.

1658. S ORENSON, Leonard R. “Rousseau’s 350-140. SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL WORKS

Botanical-Political Problem: On the Nature of Nature
and Political Philosophy.” In Matter and Form, edited 1669. M EREDITH, David, and Deborah OXLEY.
by WARD (2009) [ref. 218], 195–210. “Food and Fodder: Feeding England, 1700–1900.”
Past & Present 222 (2014): 163–214.
1659. W HITMER, Kelly Joan. “What’s in a Name?
Place, Peoples and Plants in the Danish-Halle Mis- 350-142. CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY
sion, c. 1710–1740.” Part of a special issue, “In
Kind: Species of Exchange in Early Modern Science” 1670. S MITH, Justin E. H. “ ‘A Series of Genera-
[ref. 1434]. Ann. Sci. 70, no. 3 (2013): 337–356. tions’: Leibniz on Race.” Part of a special issue, “In
“Explores the collecting practices of German Kind: Species of Exchange in Early Modern Science”
Protestant missionaries who lived in southern In- [ref. 1434]. Ann. Sci. 70, no. 3 (2013): 319–335.
dia (c. 1710–1740) as part of the Danish-Halle
mission.” (from the abstract) 350-143. ECONOMICS
1671. O LDROYD, David. Estates, Enterprise and
350-132. ZOOLOGY; ANATOMY AND Investment at the Dawn of the Industrial Revolution:
PHYSIOLOGY Estate Management and Accounting in the North-East
1660. E TCHEGARAY, Claire. “Whytt and the Idea of England, c.1700–1780. Modern Economic and So-
of Power: Physiological Evidence as a Challenge to cial History. (viii + 217 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.)
the Eighteenth-Century Criticism of the Notion of Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. ISBN: 0754634558.
Power.” Part of a special issue on empiricism and the Reviews: [ref. R755]
relationship between medicine and philosophy in the
17th and 18th centuries. [ref. 1465]. Early Sci. & 350-144. LINGUISTICS
Med. 18, no. 4–5 (2013): 381–404.
1672. L IFSCHITZ, Avi. Language and Enlighten-
1661. M AC G REGOR, Arthur. “Patrons and Collec- ment: The Berlin Debates of the Eighteenth Cen-
tors Contributors of Zoological Subjects to the Works tury. Oxford historical monographs. (x + 231
of George Edwards (1694–1773).” J. Hist. Collect. pp.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN:
26, no. 1 (2014): 35–44. 9780199661664.
Reviews: [ref. R613]
1662. S ERNA, Pierre. “The Republican Menagerie:
Animal Politics in the French Revolution.” French 1673. O ZTURK, Anthony. “Translating Helvetica:
Hist. 28 (2014): 188–206. Travel Writing, Intertext and Image.” In Travel Nar-
ratives in Translation, 1750–1830, edited by M ARTIN
350-133. HEREDITY; EVOLUTION; GENETICS and P ICKFORD (2012) [ref. 1616], 56–73.

1663. C APONI, Gustavo. “Los taxones como tipos: 1674. RODR ÍGUEZ, Rebeca Fernández. “Lexicogra-
Buffon, Cuvier y Lamarck.” Manguinhos 18, no. 1 phy in the Philippines (1600–1800).” Historiograph.
(2011): 15–31. Linguist. 41, no. 1 (2014): 1–32.

1664. F RIEDMAN, William E., and Pamela K. D IG -

GLE . “Charles Darwin and the Origins of Plant
Evolutionary Developmental Biology.” Plant Cell 23 1675. E CHLIN, Alexander. “Dynasty, Archaeology
(2011): 1194–1207. and Conservation: The Bourbon Rediscovery of Pom-
Traces plant morphology from its inception in the peii and Herculaneum in Eighteenth-Century Naples.”
18th century through the mid-19th century. J. Hist. Collect. 26, no. 2 (2014): 145–159.
1665. P EREIRA M ARTINS, Lilian Al-Chueyr. “La- 1676. R EMESAL RODR ÍGUEZ, José, and José Marı́a
marck e a progressão da escala animal.” Fil. Hist. P ÉREZ S U ÑE. Carlos Benito González de Posada
Biol. 8, no. 3 (2013): 569–586. (1745–1831): Vida y Obra de un Ilustrado entre

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92 350. 18th century

Asturias y Cataluña. Biografı́as; 2. (1177 pp.; ill.) 1689. S ILVA, Helena da. “O Porto e a construção da
Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 2013. ISBN: cidade moderna: o caso do Hospital Geral de Santo
9788415069485. António, nos séculos XVIII e XIX.” Manguinhos 21,
Reviews: [ref. R836] no. 2 (2014): 709–725.
1677. S COTT, Sarah. “Samuel Lysons and His Cir- 1690. Z AMPIERI, Fabio, Alberto Z ANATTA, and
cle: Art, Science and the Remains of Roman Britain.” Maurizio Rippa B ONATI. “Iconography and Wax
Bull. Hist. Archaeol. 23, no. 2 (2013): Approx. Models in Italian Early Smallpox Vaccination.” Med.
12,000 Words. Stud. 2, no. 4 (2011): 213–227.

1691. Z ELLE, Carsten. “Empiricism and the ‘Rea-

sonable Physicians’ of the Early Enlightenment.” Part
1678. B ERKOWITZ, Carin. “Systems of Display: of a special issue on empiricism and the relationship
The Making of Anatomical Knowledge in Enlighten- between medicine and philosophy in the 17th and
ment Britain.” Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 46, no. 3 (2013): 18th centuries. [ref. 1465]. Early Sci. & Med. 18, no.
359–387. 4–5 (2013): 453–470.
On “the mechanisms of empirical data collection
1679. E RIKSEN, Anne. “Cure or Protection? the in medicine and psychology in the early Enlight-
Meaning of Smallpox Inoculation, ca. 1750–1775.” enment by means of experiment, observation and
Med. Hist. 57 (2013): 516–536. self-observation.” (from the abstract)
1680. F LECK, Eliane Cristina Deckmann, and
Roberto P OLETTO. “Circulação e produção de sa- 350-151. PSYCHIATRY; MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY
beres e práticas cientı́ficas na América meridional 1692. B ERRIOS, G. E. “ ‘Febrile Anxiety’, by Robert
no século XVIII: uma análise do manuscrito Mate- James (1745).” Hist. Psychiat. 25, no. 1 (2014):
ria medica misionera de Pedro Montenegro (1710).” 112–124.
Manguinhos 19, no. 4 (2012): 1121–1138.
1693. E VANS, Dorinda. Gilbert Stuart and the Im-
1681. G RANJEL, Mercedes. “Médicos y redes so- pact of Manic Depression. (xvii + 204 pp.; ill.)
ciales. Mecanismos de poder en la profesión médica Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2013. ISBN:
en el siglo XVIII.” Asclepio 64, no. 2 (2012): 435– 9781409441649.
Reviews: [ref. R298]
1682. G UILLOUX, Ronald. “L’Acupuncture et le
1694. K UZŅECOVS, Vladimirs. “About Diagnostics
Magnétisme Animal Face à l’Orthodoxie Médicale
at the Mental Asylum of Riga Citadel in 1787–1790.”
Française (1780–1830).” Gesnerus 70, no. 2 (2013):
Acta Baltica 1, no. 2 (2013): 83–90.
1683. M ARZAL RODR ÍGUEZ, Pascual. Los Claus- 1695. O SSA -R ICHARDSON, Anthony. “Possession
tros de Doctores y Catedráticos del Estudio Gen- or Insanity? Two Views from the Victorian Lunatic
eral (1675–1741). Col lecció Cinc segles. (387 Asylum.” J. Hist. Ideas 74 (2013): 553–575.
pp.) València: Universitat de València, 2003. ISBN: 1696. W ÜBBEN, Yvonne. “Writing Cases and Ca-
8437057299. suistic Reasoning in Karl Philipp Moritz’ Journal of
Reviews: [ref. R658] Empirical Psychology.” Part of a special issue on em-
1684. M ORRISON, Jeff. “Autopsy, Translation, and piricism and the relationship between medicine and
Editing in the Production of Johann Jacob Volkmann’s philosophy in the 17th and 18th centuries. [ref. 1465].
Historisch-Kritische Nachrichten von Italien (1770– Early Sci. & Med. 18, no. 4–5 (2013): 471–486.
71).” In Travel Narratives in Translation, 1750–1830, 1697. Z ELLE, Carsten. “Experiment, Observation,
edited by M ARTIN and P ICKFORD (2012) [ref. 1616], Self-observation. Empiricism and the ‘Reasonable
42–55. Physicians’ of the Early Enlightenment.” Early Sci.
1685. P ÉREZ Á LVAREZ, Marı́a José. “Los Pacientes & Med. 18 (2013): 453–470.
del ‘Hospital de paisanos’ de Zamora en el Siglo
XVIII.” Asclepio 66, no. 1 (2014): Approx. 5500 350-152. PUBLIC HEALTH; NUTRITION; HEALTH
1698. A BRAMS, Jeanne E. Revolutionary Medicine:
1686. RUIZ -B ERD ÚN, Dolores. “La primera The Founding Fathers and Mothers in Sickness and
enseñanza reglada de las matronas en España: El in Health. (viii + 306 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) New
Real Colegio de Cirugı́a de San Carlos de Madrid.” York: New York University Press, 2013. ISBN:
Llull 36 (2013): 387–410. 9780814789193.
Reviews: [ref. R3]
1687. S AWYER, Roy T. “History of the Leech Trade
in Ireland, 1750–1915: Microcosm of a Global Com- 1699. B RUEGEL, Martin, Jean-Michel C HEVET, and
modity.” Med. Hist. 57 (2013): 420–441. Sébastien L ECOCQ. “Animal Protein and Rational
Choice: Diet in the Eighteenth Century.” J. Interdis.
1688. S CHMIDT, Josef M. “Samuel Hahnemann und Hist. 44 (2014): 427–452.
das Ähnlichkeitsprinzip.” Med. Gesell. Gesch. 29
(2011): 151–184. 1700. K IM, Mi Gyung. “Material Enlightenments.”
Hist. Stud. Nat. Sci. 44, no. 4 (2014): 424–433.

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350. 18th century 93

Essay review of Bruno B ELHOSTE, Paris savant J ONES, “ ‘Commerce des Lumières’ : The Inter-
(2011) [ref. 1499]; E. C. S PARY, Eating the En- national Trade in Technology, 1763–1815,” 67–
lightenment (2012); Sean TAKATS, The Expert 82 [ref. 1719]; Irina G OUZ ÉVITCH, “Le cabinet
Cook in Enlightenment France (2011) [ref. 1705]. des machines de Betancourt : à l’origine d’une
culture technique de l’ingenieur des Lumières,”
1701. L EVENE, Alysa, and Kevin S IENA. “Report- 85–118 [ref. 1717]; Maxime G OUZ ÉVITCH,
ing Dirt and Disease: Child Ill-health in Eighteenth- “Aux sources de la thermodynamique ou la
Century England.” J. Lit. Sci. 6, no. 1 (2013): 1–17. loi de Prony/Betancourt,” 119–147 [ref. 1589];
Jean-Pierre C HABAL and Jean-Louis B ORDES,
1702. PAUGH, Katherine. “The Politics of Childbear- “Puentes, 1802 : la rupture du plus grand barrage du
ing in the British Caribbean and the Atlantic World monde, ou le double echec d’Antonio de Robles. Le
during the Age of Abolition, 1776–1838.” Past & rapport Betancourt,” 151–167 [ref. 1708]; Vladimir
Present 221 (2013): 119–160. PAVLOV, “Augustin Betancourt in Russia,” 169–
183 [ref. 1724]; Andrei P UNIN, “Thoughts on
1703. ROLLS, Roger. Diseased, Douched, and Road Building : The Highway to Moscow and
Doctored: Thermal Springs, Spa Doctors, and the European Experience of A. Betancourt,” 185–
Rheumatic Diseases. (244 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Lon- 198 [ref. 1725]; Irina S TEPANENKO, “Quelques
don: London Publishing Partnership, 2012. ISBN: épisodes de l’activité d’Augustin Betancourt à
9781907994098. Tsarskoe Selo,” 199–219 [ref. 1732]; Valéry
Reviews: [ref. R861] C HOU ÏSKI, “Le role de l’ingenieur Augustin Be-
tancourt dans la vie et l’oeuvre de l’architecte
1704. S ARASOHN, Lisa T. “ ‘That Nauseous Ven- Auguste de Montferrand,” 231–247 [ref. 1711];
omous Insect’: Bedbugs in Early Modern England.” Darina M ARTYK ÁNOV Á, “Les fils du progrès et de
Eighteenth-Cent. Stud. 46 (2013): 513–530. la civilisation : les ingénieurs des travaux publics
en Espagne aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles,” 251–270
1705. TAKATS, Sean. The Expert Cook in Enlighten- [ref. 1723]; Dimitri G OUZ ÉVITCH, “Betancourt
ment France. The Johns Hopkins University studies et la création du Corps des ingénieurs des voies
in historical and political science, 129th series. (x + de communication en Russie : une histoire eu-
203 pp.; ill.) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University ropéenne (Chronique et interprétations),” 271–293
Press, 2011. ISBN: 9781421402833. [ref. 2461]; Renata DE L ORENZO, “Les ingénieurs
Reviews: [ref. 1700] des Ponts et Chaussées en Italie : un parcours de
modernisation institutionnelle dans un État national
en construction,” 295–327 [ref. 2453].

1706. B ERTUCCI, Paola. “Enlightened Secrets: 1711. C HOU ÏSKI, Valéry. “Le role de l’ingenieur
Silk, Intelligent Travel, and Industrial Espionage Augustin Betancourt dans la vie et l’oeuvre de
in Eighteenth-Century France.” Part of the special l’architecte Auguste de Montferrand.” Part of a series
section: “Science and Industry in Modern France”. on Agustı́n de Betancourt [ref. 1710]. Quad. Hist.
[ref. 1722]. Tech. & Cult. 54.4 (2013): 820–852. Engin. 10 (2009): 231–247.

1707. B RET, Patrice. “La fonderie de canons 1712. C ONNOR, Steven. “Air-Looms and Influ-
d’Indret : questions autour des modes de circula- encing Machines.” In Minds, Bodies, Machines,
tions techniques dans le domaine militaire à la fin du 1770–1930, edited by C OLEMAN and F RASER (2011)
XVIIIe siècle.” Part of a series on Agustı́n de Be- [ref. 408], 39–60.
tancourt [ref. 1710]. Quad. Hist. Engin. 10 (2009): On machines intended to influence behavior or
53–66. exhibit mind control.

1708. C HABAL, Jean-Pierre, and Jean-Louis B OR - 1713. C ROSTHWAITE, Paul. “Clockwork Automata,
DES . “Puentes, 1802 : la rupture du plus grand barrage Artificial Intelligence and Why the Body of the Au-
du monde, ou le double echec d’Antonio de Robles. thor Matters.” In Minds, Bodies, Machines, 1770–
Le rapport Betancourt.” Part of a series on Agustı́n de 1930, edited by C OLEMAN and F RASER (2011)
Betancourt [ref. 1710]. Quad. Hist. Engin. 10 (2009): [ref. 408], 83–104.
1714. D UDLEY, Leonard. Mothers of Innovation:
1709. C HAO, Noelle. “Listening to the Voice on the How Expanding Social Networks Gave Birth to the
Page: Joshua Steele and Technologies of Recording.” Industrial Revolution. (xxi + 275 pp.; ill.; maps;
Eighteenth Cent. Theory Interpr. 54 (2013): 245–261. bibl.; index.) Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge
Scholars Publishing, 2012. ISBN: 9781443843126.
1710. C HATZIS, Konstantinos, Dmitri Reviews: [ref. R275]
G OUZ ÉVITCH, and Irina G OUZ ÉVITCH. “Betancourt
et l’Europe des ingénieurs des ‘ponts et chaussées’ : 1715. F ERREIRO, Larrie D. “The Mutual Influence
des histoires connectées.” Opening article in a series of Aircraft Aerodynamics and Ship Hydrodynamics
on Agustı́n de Betancourt. Quad. Hist. Engin. 10 in Theory and Experiment.” Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. 68
(2009): 3–18. (2014): 241–263.
Contents: Patrice B RET, “La fonderie de canons
d’Indret : questions autour des modes de circu- 1716. F ORDON, Scott Paul. “The Ambitions of
lations techniques dans le domaine militaire à la William Henry.” Penn. Mag. Hist. Biogr. 136 (2012):
fin du XVIIIe siècle,” 53–66 [ref. 1707]; Peter 253–284.

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94 350. 18th century

1717. G OUZ ÉVITCH, Irina. “Le cabinet des ma- 1727. ROBERTS, Lissa. “Agency and Industry:
chines de Betancourt : à l’origine d’une culture tech- Charles C. Gillispie’s ‘The Natural History of In-
nique de l’ingenieur des Lumières.” Part of a series dustry,’ Then and Now.” Tech. & Cult. 54, no. 4
on Agustı́n de Betancourt [ref. 1710]. Quad. Hist. (2013): 922–941.
Engin. 10 (2009): 85–118. Refers to Charles Coulston Gillispie’s “The Dis-
covery of the Leblanc Process” and “The Natural
1718. G RUDGINGS, Steve, and Peter T YMK ÓW. History of Industry” (Isis 48 (1957): 152–70, 398–
“Water-Raising Technologies of the Chelsea Water 407).
Works Company Prior to the Introduction of their
First Boulton and Watt Steam Engine.” Int. J. Hist. 1728. RYZHEVA, N. “The Formation and Develop-
Eng. Tech. 84 (2014): 88–104. ment of Scientific Methods of Ships Design.” Res.
Hist. Tech. 15 (2012): 69–74.
1719. J ONES, Peter. “ ‘Commerce des Lumières’: Looks at the scientific and mathematical develop-
The International Trade in Technology, 1763–1815.” ments in ship design from the 18th and early 19th
Part of a series on Agustı́n de Betancourt [ref. 1710]. centuries.
Quad. Hist. Engin. 10 (2009): 67–82.
1729. S CHLEIFF, Hartmut, and Peter KONE ČN Ý.
1720. K IM, Mi Gyung. “Invention as a Social (Eds.) Staat, Bergbau und Bergakademie: Monta-
Drama: From an Ascending Machine to the Aero- nexperten im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert. (382
static Globe.” Part of the special section: “Science pp.; ill.) Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013. ISBN:
and Industry in Modern France”. [ref. 1722]. Tech. & 9783515103640.
Cult. 54, no. 4 (2013): 853–887. Conference Publication

1721. K LEIN, Ursula. “Depersonalizing the Ar- 1730. S MITH, Crosbie. “Witnessing Power: John
canum.” Tech. & Cult. 55, no. 3 (2014): 591–621. Elder and the Making of the Marine Compound
On the arcanists and laboratory workers of the Engine, 1850–1858.” Tech. & Cult. 55, no. 1 (2014):
18th-century Royal Prussian Porcelain Manufac- 76–106.
1731. S MITH, Ryan K. “The ‘Mad’ Engineer:
1722. L EVITT, Theresa. “Liberty, Equality, Tech- L’Enfant in Early National Philadelphia.” Penn. Mag.
nology: Virtuous Inventors and Base Profiteers in the Hist. Biogr. 138, no. 3 (2014): 269–303.
French Industrial Revolution and Beyond.” Introduc- On Pierre Charles L’Enfant.
tion to the special section: “Science and Industry in
1732. S TEPANENKO, Irina. “Quelques épisodes de
Modern France”. Tech. & Cult. 54, no. 4 (2013):
l’activité d’Augustin Betancourt à Tsarskoe Selo.”
Part of a series on Agustı́n de Betancourt [ref. 1710].
Contents: Paola B ERTUCCI, “Enlightened Secrets: Quad. Hist. Engin. 10 (2009): 199–219.
Silk, Intelligent Travel, and Industrial Espionage in
Eighteenth-Century France,” 820–852 [ref. 1706]; 1733. T KACZYK, Viktoria. “Listening in Circles.
Mi Gyung K IM, “Invention as a Social Drama: Spoken Drama and the Architects of Sound, 1750–
From an Ascending Machine to the Aerostatic 1830.” Ann. Sci. 71, no. 3 (2014): 299–334.
Globe,” 853–887 [ref. 1720]; Derek W. VAIL -
LANT, “At the Speed of Sound: Techno-Aesthetic 1734. W EAVER, Karol K. “Fashioning Freedom:
Paradigms in U.S.–French International Broadcast- Slave Seamstresses in the Atlantic World.” J.
ing, 1925–1942,” 888–921 [ref. 3389]. Women’s Hist. 24, no. 1 (2012): 44–59.

1723. M ARTYK ÁNOV Á, Darina. “Les fils du progrès 1735. W HYTE, Ryan. “Exhibiting Enlightenment:
et de la civilisation : les ingénieurs des travaux publics Chardin as tapissier.” Eighteenth-Cent. Stud. 46
en Espagne aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.” Part of a (2013): 531–554.
series on Agustı́n de Betancourt [ref. 1710]. Quad. On “the work of Jean-Baptiste Chardin as tapissier
Hist. Engin. 10 (2009): 251–270. to show his design of the Salon du Louvre func-
tioned as an ideological system that derived mean-
1724. PAVLOV, Vladimir. “Augustin Betancourt in ing from Enlightenment discourses of epistemol-
Russia.” Part of a series on Agustı́n de Betancourt ogy and taxonomy.” (from the abstract)
[ref. 1710]. Quad. Hist. Engin. 10 (2009): 169–183.
1736. W ILLIAM, Rosen. The Most Powerful Idea in
1725. P UNIN, Andrei. “Thoughts on Road Building: the World: A Story of Steam, Industry and Invention.
The Highway to Moscow and the European Experi- (xxv + 370 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Chicago: University
ence of A. Betancourt.” Part of a series on Agustı́n de of Chicago Press, 2010. ISBN: 9781400067053.
Betancourt [ref. 1710]. Quad. Hist. Engin. 10 (2009): Reviews: [ref. R1079]
1726. Q UICKENDEN, Kenneth, Sally BAGGOTT, and
Malcolm D ICK. (Eds.) Matthew Boulton: Enter-
prising Industrialist of the Enlightenment. Science, 1737. ROCKETT, Kevin, and Emer ROCKETT.
technology, and culture, 1700-1945. (xviii + 294 Magic Lantern, Panorama and Moving Picture Shows
pp.) Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2013. ISBN: in Ireland, 1786–1909. (403 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)
9781409422181. Dublin, Ireland: Four Courts Press, 2011. ISBN:
Reviews: [ref. R818] 9781846823152.

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360. 19th century 95

Reviews: [ref. R856] Contents: C. D. B LANTON, “Arnold’s Arrhyth-

mia,” 13–25; Linda M. S HIRES, “Browning’s
Grafts,” 26–35; Amy B ILLONE, “Elizabeth Bar-
rett’s and Alfred Tennyson’s Authorial and For-
1738. C REMIEU -A LCAN, Philippe. “Le village et le mal Links,” 36–46; Christine C HANEY, “The
bois : La perception de la nature et de la forêt à travers ‘Prophet-Poet’s Book,’ ” 47–55; Danielle C ORI -
les délits forestiers en Guyenne au XVIIIe siècle.” In ALE , “Sketches by Boz, ‘So Frail a Machine,’ ”
Common Ground, edited by M ASSARD -G UILBAUD 56–70; Michael H ANCHER, “Grafting A Christ-
and M OSLEY (2011) [ref. 296], 88–105. mas Carol,” 71–85; Alan F ISCHLER, “Dialec-
tics of Social Class in the Gilbert and Sullivan
1739. H ÖLZL, Richard. “Forests in Conflict: Ru- Collaboration,” 86–94; Rachel Sagner B UURMA,
ral Populations and the Advent of Modern Forestry “Anonyma’s Authors,” 95–104; Heather M OR -
in Pre-industrial Germany, 1760–1860.” In Com- TON , “The ‘Spasmodic’ Hoaxes of W. E. Aytoun
mon Ground, edited by M ASSARD -G UILBAUD and and A. C. Swinburne,” 105–116; Jonathan S MITH,
M OSLEY (2011) [ref. 296], 198–223. “Domestic Hybrids: Ruskin, Victorian Fiction,
and Darwin’s Botany,” 117–128 [ref. 2105]; Ann
1740. H USAIN, Faisal. “In the Bellies of the C. C OLLEY, “Robert Louis Stevenson’s South
Marshes: Water and Power in the Countryside of Seas Crossings,” 129–142 [ref. 1797]; Brenda
Ottoman Baghdad.” Environ. Hist. 19, no. 4 (2014): Mann H AMMACK, “Florence Marryat’s Female
638–664. Vampire and the Scientizing of Hybridity,” 143–
154 [ref. 2290]; Deborah A. T HOMAS, “Assyr-
1741. M ACHADO, José Saporiti, and Miguel Telles
ian Monsters and Domestic Chimeras,” 155–167
A NTUNES. “Aniceto Rapozo’s Cabinet at the Lis-
[ref. 1812]; Jeffrey L. S PEAR, “A South Kensing-
bon Academy of Sciences a Window into Brazilian
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1742. TAKEDA, Junko Thérèse. “Global Insects: K NOEPFLMACHER, “Recommended Reading,”
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(2013): 413–433. 1940s. China Studies, 27. (xii + 347 pp.) Leiden:
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(from the abstract) 15–38 [ref. 2572]; Iwo A MELUNG, “Historiog-
1745. C LARK, J. F. M. “John Lubbock, Science, raphy of Science and Technology in China: The
and the Liberal Intellectual.” Part of a special issue, First Phase,” 39–66 [ref. 1752]; Joachim K URTZ,
“Avebury’s Circle: The Science of John Lubbock” “Disciplining the National Essence: Liu Shipei
[ref. 2140]. Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 68, no. 1 and the Reinvention of Ancient China’s Intellec-
(2014): 65–87. tual History,” 67–92 [ref. 2580]; Shen G UOWEI,
“Science in Translation: Yan Fu’s Role,” 93–114
1746. C ROFT, L. R. Darwin and Lady Hope: The [ref. 1874]; Jing T SU, “Chinese Scripts, Codes,
Untold Story. (x + 153 pp.; bibl.; index.) Preston, and Typewriting Machines,” 115–152 [ref. 2506];
UK: Elmwood Books, 2012. ISBN: 9780956808929. Thomas S. M ULLANEY, “Semiotic Sovereignty:
Reviews: [ref. R219] The 1871 Chinese Telegraph Code in Histori-
cal Perspective,” 153–184 [ref. 2500]; Eugenia
1747. F ISCH, Menachem. “Babbage’s Two Lives.” L EAN, “Proofreading Science: Editing and Exper-
Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 47, no. 1 (2014): 95–118. imentation in Manuals by a 1930s Industrialist,”
185–208 [ref. 2662]; Fa-ti FAN, “The Contro-
1748. K NOEPFLMACHER, U. C., and Logan Delano versy over Spontaneous Generation in Republican
B ROWNING. (Eds.) Victorian Hybridities: Cultural China: Science, Authority, and the Public,” 209–
Anxiety and Formal Innovation. (viii + 205 pp.; ill.; 244 [ref. 2853]; Danian H U, “Bridging East and
bibl.; index.) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University West through Physics: William Band at Yenching
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“Periodical Space: Language and the Creation 1757. M EHL, Margaret. “The European Model and
of Scientific Community in Republican China,” the Archive in Japan: Inspiration or Legitimation?”
269–296 [ref. 2550]; Hugh S HAPIRO, “Operatic Part of a special issue, “Historians in the Archive”
Escapes: Performing Madness in Neuropsychiatric [ref. 2264]. Hist. Hum. Sci. 26, no. 4 (2013): 107–
Beijing,” 297–326 [ref. 3178]. 127.
1758. M ÜLLER, Philipp. “Towards a History of ‘the
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tion: The Inventions of Gel Filtration and the Moral
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ca. 1950–1970,” 249–274 [ref. 2773]; Sverker
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and Horticultural Periodicals 1864–1879.” Arch. tific Public Sphere: State Science Enlightenment,
Natur. Hist. 41 (2014): 172–175. Communicative Discourse, and Public Culture from
Imperial Russia to Khrushchev’s Soviet Times.” Part
360-5. HISTORIOGRAPHY AND HISTORICAL of the special supplement “Communicating Science:
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[ref. 2561]. Sci. Context 26 (2013): 509–526.
1755. H UISTRA, Pieter. “The Trial of Henry of
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1767. B LASZCZYK, Regina Lee. The Color Revolu-
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the Use of Archives.” Part of a special issue, “Histo- Mass.: MIT Press in association with the Lemel-
rians in the Archive” [ref. 2264]. Hist. Hum. Sci. 26, son Center, Smithsonian Institution, 2012. ISBN:
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On the relationship of color and commerce— 1780. S ERRA, Ilaria. “On Men and Bears: A For-
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1768. C ORELL D OM ÉNECH, Mavi. “La botella
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1791. H OFER, Veronika, and Michael S T ÖLTZNER. 1804. K USKEY, Jessica. “Our Mutual Engine: The
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1805. L ACERDA -Q UEIROZ, Norinne, Antônio
1792. S HAH, Nirmala. “Techno-Scientific Education Q UEIROZ S OBRINHO, and Antônio Lúcio T EIX -
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1801. G ROSSMAN, Jonathan H. Charles Dickens’s
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and Exploration. [ref. 1619]. J. Hist. Geogr. 43 (xiii + 306 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) New York: Oxford
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pp.; ill.; index; bibl.) University Park, Pennsylvania:
2054. D EHLER, Gregory J. The Most Defiant Devil: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2012. ISBN:
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and M OSLEY (2011) [ref. 296], 270–292.
2067. S TEEL, Frances. “Cruising New Zealand’s
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2058. J OHNSON, Christopher, and David G OVATSKI. gung in Darmstadt und Dessau 1869–1989. Cot-
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2072. W ISHART, David J. The Last Days of the
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360-124. PALEONTOLOGY 2086. L UDWIG, David. “Mediating Objects: Scien-

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Long Nineteenth-Century.” Part of a a special issue
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“Giambattista Brocchi (1772–1826) e as paleohe- 2093. H OQUET, Thierry. “Botanical Authority: Ben-
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2082. D EAR, Peter. “Darwin’s Sleepwalkers: Nat- Models Made by Heinrich Arnoldi & Co. Gotha, Ger-
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Victoria’s Nineteenth-Century Public Botanic Gar- petológica de Eduardo Boscá: análisis de una eval-
dens. (xi + 273 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) North uación cientı́fica del siglo XIX.” Asclepio 65, no. 2
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2103. S ANDER, Heldur, Toivo M EIKAR, and Anita
M AGOWSKA. “The Learned Gardeners of the Botan- 2116. M U ÑOZ S OUGARRET, Jorge, and Francisco
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2104. S HAH, J. J. “Botanist Jaykrishnabhai: 1849–
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2120. A LLGAYER, Heloisa. “O conceito darwiniano
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2108. B OLOGNA S OARES DE A NDRADE, Mariana 2121. B IDAU, Claudio J. “The Katydid That Was:
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“Investigações sobre o comportamento dos insetos Charles Darwin.” Arch. Natur. Hist. 41 (2014): 131–
durante o século XIX: uma contribuição de Jean- 140.
Henri Casimir Fabre.” Fil. Hist. Biol. 8, no. 3 (2013):
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versus evolucionismo: literalismo religioso e mate-
2109. DE JAIME G ÓMEZ, José, and José Marı́a DE rialismo darwiniano em questão.” Part of a special
JAIME L OR ÉN. (Eds.) Historia de la Apicultura section, “Evolucionismo e Criacionismo” [ref. 117].
Española: Desde 1808 hasta 1975. Volume 3. (616 Fil. Hist. Biol. 8, no. 2 (2013): 301–339.
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2123. B OWLER, Peter J. Darwin Deleted: Imagining of creation (1844).” Fil. Hist. Biol. 9, no. 1 (2014):
A World without Darwin. (318 pp.; ill.) Chicago: 39–57.
The University of Chicago Press, 2013. ISBN:
9780226068671. 2134. K NIGHT, David. “The Law of Higgledy-
Reviews: [ref. R112] pigglety: Charles Darwin’s Inheritance, his Legacy
and the Moral Order of Nature.” In The Evolution
2124. B ROWNE, Janet. Darwin’s Origin of Species: of Literature, edited by S AUL and JAMES (2011)
A Biography. Books That Changed the World. (x + [ref. 2145], 19–34.
174 pp.; notes; index.) New York: Atlantic Monthly
Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780871139535. 2135. L ANDRY, Travis. Subversive Seduction: Dar-
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modern language initiative. (viii + 335 pp.) Seat-
2125. C ARLSON, Charles Royal. “The Return of tle: University of Washington Press, 2012. ISBN:
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2126. C OLLEY, Eduardo, and Marta Luciane F IS - Metaphor of the Architect in Darwin: Chance and
CHER . “Especiação e seus mecanismos: histórico Free Will.” Zygon 48 (2013): 859–874.
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4 (2013): 1671–1694. 2137. O FFER, John. “From ‘Natural Selection’ to
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2127. DARWIN, Charles. The Correspondence of Spencer’s Refashioning of Darwin in the 1860s.”
Charles Darwin. Edited by Frederick B URKHARDT, J. Classic. Soc. 14, no. 2 (2014): 156–177.
James S ECORD, Janet B ROWNE, Samantha E VANS,
Shelley I NNES, Francis N EARY, Alison M. P EARN, 2138. O LIVIER -M ASON, Joshua. “ ‘These Blurred
Anne S ECORD, and Paul W HITE. Volume 20: Copies of Himself’: T. H. Huxley, Paul Du Chaillu,
1872. (xxxix + 862 pp.; bibl.; index.) Cam- and the Reader’s Place among the Apes.” Vict. Lit.
bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. ISBN: Cult. 42 (2014): 99–122.
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bury: John Lubbock, Prehistory and Human Evolu-
2128. D ERRY, Margaret Elsinor. Art and Science tion through the Eyes of His Collection.” Part of a
in Breeding: Creating Better Chickens. (viii + 281 special issue, “Avebury’s Circle: The Science of John
pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Toronot: University of Toronto Lubbock” [ref. 2140]. Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 68,
Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781442643956. no. 1 (2014): 21–34.
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2140. P EARN, Alison. “The Teacher Taught? What
2129. E NDERSBY, Jim. “Unsuitable for Women?” Charles Darwin Owed to John Lubbock.” Part of a
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Essay review of Charles DARWIN, The Corre- Lubbock.” Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 68, no. 1
spondence of Charles Darwin Edited by Frederick (2014): 7–19.
B URKHARDT and James S ECORD. (2012); Charles Contents: Janet OWEN, “From Down House to
DARWIN, The Correspondence of Charles Darwin Avebury: John Lubbock, Prehistory and Hu-
Edited by Frederick B URKHARDT, James S EC - man Evolution through the Eyes of His Collec-
ORD , Janet B ROWNE, Samantha E VANS , Shelley tion,” 21–34 [ref. 2139]; Paul P ETTITT and Mark
I NNES, Francis N EARY, Alison M. P EARN, Anne W HITE, “John Lubbock, Caves, and the Develop-
S ECORD, and Paul W HITE. (2013) [ref. 2127]. ment of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic Archaeol-
ogy,” 35–48 [ref. 2259]; David R. B RIDGLAND,
2130. G UERRERO, Ricardo, Lynn M ARGULIS, and “John Lubbock’s Early Contribution to the Under-
Victor F ET. “Darwin–Wallace Paradigm Shift: Ten standing of River Terraces and Their Importance
Days That Failed to Shake the World.” [Translated to Geography, Archaeology and Earth Science,”
title.] In Russian. Stud. Hist. Biol. 2 (2010): 85–90. 49–63 [ref. 1989]; J. F. M. C LARK, “John Lub-
bock, Science, and the Liberal Intellectual,” 65–87
2131. H ALE, Piers J. “Monkeys into Men and Men [ref. 1745].
into Monkeys: Chance and Contingency in the Evolu-
tion of Man, Mind and Morals in Charles Kingsley’s 2141. R AYMER, Emilie J. “A Man of His Time:
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winists.” J. Hist. Biol. 46 (2013): 669–698.
2132. H ALE, Piers J. Political Descent: Malthus,
Mutualism, and the Politics of Evolution in Victorian 2142. S ANTOS, Guilherme Francisco, and Maurı́cio
England. (464 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Chicago: DE C ARVALHO R AMOS . “Ernst Haeckel e a sua
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2133. H UEDA, Marcelo Akira, and Lilian Al-Chueyr 2143. S ANZ, Vicente Claramonte. “La evolución del
P EREIRA M ARTINS. “As concepções evolutivas de creacionismo: del mito cosmogónico a la pseudo-
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cionismo e Criacionismo” [ref. 117]. Fil. Hist. Biol. 2151. U LETT, Mark A. “Making the Case for Ortho-
8, no. 2 (2013): 361–379. genesis: The Popularization of Definitely Directed
Evolution (1890–1926).” Article in a special section,
2144. S AUL, Nicholas. “ ‘Once in Human Nature, a “Disciplining and Popularizing: Evolution and Its
Thing Cannot be Driven Out’: Evolutionary Aesthet- Publics from the Modern Synthesis to the Present”
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An Early Response to Darwin.” In The Evolution (2014): 124–132.
of Literature, edited by S AUL and JAMES (2011)
[ref. 2145], 239–254. 2152. WAIZBORT, Ricardo, and André Luis de L IMA
C ARVALHO. “O cérebro progressivo de Domingos
2145. S AUL, Nicholas, and Simon J. JAMES. (Eds.) Guedes Cabral: usos do Darwinismo no Brasil em
The Evolution of Literature: Legacies of Darwin fins do século XIX.” Fil. Hist. Biol. 9, no. 1 (2014):
in European Cultures. Internationale Forschungen 59–78.
zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwis-
senschaft. (346 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Amsterdam: 2153. WALLACE, Alfred Russel. On the Organic
Rodopi, 2011. ISBN: 9789042033979. Law of Change: A Facsimile Edition and Annotated
Partial Contents. David K NIGHT, “The Law of Transcription of Alfred Russel Wallace’s Species
Higgledy-pigglety: Charles Darwin’s Inheritance, Notebook of 1855–1859. Edited by James T C OSTA.
his Legacy and the Moral Order of Nature,” 19– (xii + 573 pp.; ill.) Cambridge, Massachusetts: Har-
34 [ref. 2134]; Paul W EINDLING, “ ‘Our Racial vard University, 2013. ISBN: 9780674724884.
Friends”: Disease, Poverty and Social Darwinism, Reviews: [ref. R1050]
1860–1940,” 35–50 [ref. 2427]; David A MIGONI,
“Charles Darwin’s Centenary and the Politics and
Poetics of Parenting: Inheritance, Variation, and 360-134. MICROBIOLOGY; MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
the Aesthetic Legacy of Samuel Butler,” 73–86
[ref. 1764]; Patricia WAUGH, “Mind in Mod- 2154. K REUDER -S ONNEN, Katharina. “Wie die
ern Fiction: Literary and Philosophical Perspec- Mikroben nach Warschau kamen.” NTM 20, no. 3
tives after Darwin,” 125–140 [ref. 1813]; Alistair (2012): 157–180.
B ROWN, “E-Volutionary Fictions: The Darwin Al-
gorithm in Literature and Computer Games,” 141– 2155. R ICHARDSON, Ruth. “Inflammation, Suppu-
154 [ref. 3394]; Wendy W HEELER, “The Book of ration, Putrefaction, Fermentation: Joseph Lister’s
Nature: Biosemiotics and the Evolution of Liter- Microbiology.” Part of a special issue,“Learning from
ature,” 171–185 [ref. 3655]; Douglas M ORREY, Lister” [ref. 2158]. Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 67,
“Houellebecq, Genetics and Evolutionary Psychol- no. 3 (2013): 211–229.
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in Human Nature, a Thing Cannot be Driven Out’: 360-135. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY; HUMAN
Evolutionary Aesthetics in Wilhelm Jensen’s The ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY
Legacy of Blood (1869). An Early Response to
Darwin,” 239–254 [ref. 2144]; David M IDGLEY, 2156. G EORGIJEVSKY, Aleksandr B. “Charles
“ ‘Creative Evolution’: Bergson’s Critique of Sci- Darwin—A Founder of the Evolutionary Anthro-
ence and its Reception in the German-Speaking pology.” [Translated title.] In Russian. Stud. Hist.
World,” 283–298 [ref. 2895]. Biol. 1 (2009): 137–150.
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2157. G ODBY, Michael. “ ‘To Do the Cape’: Samuel
2146. S HAPIRO, Adam R. “Darwin’s Foil: The Daniell’s Representation of African Peoples during
Evolving Uses of William Paley’s Natural Theology the First British Occupation of the Cape.” Part of a
1802–2005.” Article in a special section, “Disciplin- special feature: The Art of Travel and Exploration.
ing and Popularizing: Evolution and Its Publics from [ref. 1619]. J. Hist. Geogr. 43 (2014): 28–38.
the Modern Synthesis to the Present” [ref. 2904].
Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 45 (2014): 114– 2158. H OWARD, Edward R. “Joseph Lister: His
123. Contributions to Early Experimental Physiology.”
Part of a special issue,“Learning from Lister.” Notes
2147. S MITH, Charles H. “Wallace, Darwin and Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 67, no. 3 (2013): 191–198.
Ternate 1858.” Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 68, no. 2 Contents: Michael W ORBOYS, “Joseph Lister and
(2014): 165–170. the Performance of Antiseptic Surgery,” 199–209
[ref. 2335]; Ruth R ICHARDSON, “Inflammation,
2148. TALAIRACH -V IELMAS, Laurence. “Extinc- Suppuration, Putrefaction, Fermentation: Joseph
tion and Progress in Charles Kingsley’s Alton Locke Lister’s Microbiology,” 211–229 [ref. 2155];
(1850).” Worldviews 17 (2013): 239–265. Mary Wilson C ARPENTER, “Lister’s Relation-
ship with Patients: ‘A Successful Case,’ ” 231–244
2149. TAVERNIER, Johan De. “Morality and Nature: [ref. 2276]; Thomas S CHLICH, “Farmer to In-
Evolutionary Challenges to Christian Ethics.” Zygon dustrialist: Lister’s Antisepsis and the Making of
49 (2014): 171–189. Modern Surgery in Germany,” 245–260 [ref. 2317];
Marguerite Wright D UPREE, “From Mourning to
2150. T HORVALDSEN, Steinar, and Peter Scientific Legacy: Commemorating Lister in Lon-
Ø HRSTRØM. “Darwin’s Perplexing Paradox: In- don and Scotland,” 261–280 [ref. 3095]; M. Anne
telligent Design in Nature.” Perspect. Biol. Med. 56 C ROWTHER, “Lister at Home and Abroad: A Con-
(2013): 78–96. tinuing Legacy,” 281–294 [ref. 2279].

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2159. J OHNSON, Andi. “The Athlete as Model Or- on “Neurohistory and History of Science” [ref. 335].
ganism: The Everyday Practice of the Science of Isis 105 (2014): 123–132.
Human Performance.” Soc. Stud. Sci. 43 (2013):
878–904. 2172. C OENEN, Anton, Edward F INE, and Oksana
Z AYACHKIVSKA. “Adolf Beck: A Forgotten Pioneer
2160. K ARGON, Jeremy. “The Logic of Color: The- in Electroencephalography.” J. Hist. Neurosci. 23,
ory and Graphics in Christine Ladd-Franklin’s Ex- no. 3 (2014): 276–286.
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2161. L UNDGREN, Frans. “The Politics of Partici- 23, no. 1 (2014): 75–77.
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and the Making of Civic Selves.” Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 2174. E LING, Paul. “The Study of Epilepsy in the
46, no. 3 (2013): 445–466. Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century.” J. Hist.
Neurosci. 22 (2013): 383–391.
2162. P EREIRA F ILHO, Roberto Sobreira, and Ri-
cardo WAIZBORT. “As funções de um cérebro darwi- 2175. E NGELHARDT, Eliasz. “Cerebrocerebellar
nista: Guedes Cabral e o evolucionismo de Funções System and Türck’s Bundle.” J. Hist. Neurosci. 22
do cérebro (1876).” Manguinhos 20, no. 4 (2013): (2013): 353–365.
2176. F INKELSTEIN, Gabriel. Emil du Bois-
2163. P ERRY, Sara, and Debbie C HALLIS. “Flinders Reymond Neuroscience, Self, and Society in
Petrie and the Curation of Heads.” Interdiscipl. Sci. Nineteenth-Century Germany. (384 pp.; ill.)
Rev. 38 (2013): 275–289. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2013. ISBN:
2164. S ÁNCHEZ A RTEAGA, Juanma, and Charbel
N I ÑO E L -H ANI. “Antropologia fı́sica e a descrição 2177. F INKELSTEIN, Gabriel. “Emil du Bois-
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de 1882.” Manguinhos 17, no. 2 (2010): 399–414. rosci. 23, no. 1 (2014): 45–55.
2165. S CHULLER, Kyla. “Taxonomies of Feel-
2178. F INKELSTEIN, Gabriel. “Emil du Bois-
ing: The Epistemology of Sentimentalism in Late-
Reymond’s Reflections on Consciousness.” In Brain,
Nineteenth-Century Racial and Sexual Science.”
Mind and Consciousness in the History of Neuro-
Amer. Quart. 64 (2012): 277–299.
science, edited by S MITH and W HITAKER (2014)
2166. TAMANO, Luana Tieko Omena, Poliana DOS [ref. 339], 163–184.
S ANTOS, Gildo M AGALH ÃES, and Ana Claudia
Aymoré M ARTINS. “O cientificismo das teorias 2179. G ERE, Cathy. “Curating Aphasia: Pierre Paul
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(2011): 757–774. 38 (2013): 200–209.

2167. T ROUMPETA, Sevaste. Physical Anthropology, 2180. H AWKINS, Stephanie L. “William James and
Race and Eugenics in Greece (1880s–1970s). Balkan the ‘Theatre’ of Consciousness.” In Brain, Mind
Studies Library, Volume 11. (xii + 337 pp.) Leiden: and Consciousness in the History of Neuroscience,
Brill, 2013. ISBN: 9789004257665. edited by S MITH and W HITAKER (2014) [ref. 339],
2168. V ÁZQUEZ, Francisco, and Richard C LEMIN -
SON . “El Destierro de lo Maravilloso. Hermafroditas 2181. JACOBS, Gerald H. “The Discovery of Spectral
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Asclepio 63, no. 1 (2011): 7–38. Understanding the Neurobiology of Color Vision.” J.
Hist. Neurosci. 23, no. 3 (2014): 287–314.
360-136. NEUROSCIENCES 2182. K WINT, Marius, and Richard W INGATE. “Cu-
2169. A NOGIANAKIS, George. “Reflections of rating the Brain.” Interdiscipl. Sci. Rev. 38 (2013):
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Thought: A Critique of the ‘Hard-Problem’ by Spyri-
don Mavrogenis, a Nineteenth Century Physiologist.” 2183. L A P OINTE, Leonard L. Paul Broca and the
In Brain, Mind and Consciousness in the History Origins of Language in the Brain. (xiii + 358 pp.;
of Neuroscience, edited by S MITH and W HITAKER ill.) San Diego: Plural Publishing, Inc., 2012. ISBN:
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2170. B OCK, Ortwin. “Cajal, Golgi, Nansen, Schäfer
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or Medicine of 1906 and the dispute between the the History of Neuroscience, edited by S MITH and
Neuron Doctrine and the Reticular Theory. W HITAKER (2014) [ref. 339], 147–161.

2171. C ASPER, Stephen T. “History and Neuro- 2185. N ICOLAS, Serge, Alessandro G UIDA, and
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cal Study of a Mental Calculator.” J. Hist. Neurosci. 2197. D E KOCK, Liesbet. “Voluntarism in Early
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2186. ROBERTS, Phillip. “El significado de ‘parálisis
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2187. S COTT, Ann, Mervyn J. E ADIE, and Andrew
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ill.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN: chology 1: A Digital Analysis of Psychological Re-
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2189. S MITH, Christopher Upham Murray. “Herbert 2201. JAHODA, Gustav. “On Relations between
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cles.” In Brain, Mind and Consciousness in the
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siglo XIX. La cuestión palpitante. Los siglos XVIII
y XIX en España; vol. 20. (222 pp.) Frankfurt-
360-137. PSYCHOLOGY; COMPARATIVE Madrid: Vervuert-Iberoamericana, 2013. ISBN:
PSYCHOLOGY 9788484897033.
2191. A RAUJO, Saulo de Freitas. “Bringing New Reviews: [ref. R742]
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Psychol. 17, no. 1 (2014): 50–59. struments. MV Wissenschaft. (212 pp.; ill.)
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226–244. 105–123.

2194. B ORDOGNA, Francesca. “Human Nature, 2206. R ADISZCZ, Esteban, Mara S ABROVSKY, and
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(2014): 161–163. oficial del psicoanálisis chileno: sobre la construcción
Essay review of Roger S MITH, Free Will and the de un pathos discursivo.” Asclepio 66, no. 1 (2014):
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Roger S MITH, Between Mind and Nature (2013)
[ref. 2207]. 2207. S MITH, Roger. Between Mind and Nature: A
History of Psychology. (303 pp.; bibl.; index.) Lon-
2195. C ARROY, Jacqueline. Nuits savantes : une don: Reaktion Books, 2013. ISBN: 9781780230986.
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39. (459 pp.; ill.) Paris: Éditions de l’École des
hautes études en sciences sociales, 2012. ISBN: 2208. S PERLING, Christian. “La medicina mental en
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2196. C OLLINS, Alan F. “Advice for Improving 2209. S TOLTE, Tyson. “ ‘And Graves Give up Their
Memory: Exercising, Strengthening, and Cultivating Dead’: The Old Curiosity Shop, Victorian Psychol-
Natural Memory, 1860–1910.” J. Hist. Behav. Sci. ogy, and the Nature of the Future Life.” Vict. Lit. Cult.
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2210. TATE, Gregory. The Poet’s Mind: The Psy- of Science: The ‘Global Turn’ and the History of
chology of Victorian Poetry, 1830–1870. (201 pp.) Science in Latin America” [ref. 38]. Isis 104 (2013):
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN: 807–817.
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ality’: The Contribution of New World Censuses
2211. U EXK ÜLL, Jakob von. A Foray into the Worlds to Indigenous Survival.” Part of the special issue:
of Animals and Humans: With a Theory of Meaning. “Anthropology, Collecting and Colonial Governmen-
Posthumanities; 12. Minneapolis: University of talities”. [ref. 2235]. Hist. & Anthro. 25 (2014):
Minnesota Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780816658992. 246–262.
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2224. ROWSE, Tim, and Tiffany S HELLAM. “The
2212. VALLEJO, Mauro. La Seducción Freudi- Colonial Emergence of a Statistical Imaginary.”
ana (1895–1897): Un Ensayo de Genética Textual. Comp. Stud. Soc. Hist. 55 (2013): 922–954.
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the environment.
2213. WASSMANN, Claudia. “ ‘Picturesque Incisive-
ness’: Explaining the Celebrity of James’s Theory 2225. S MITH, Roger. Free Will and the Human
of Emotion.” J. Hist. Behav. Sci. 50, no. 2 (2014): Sciences in Britain, 1870–1910. Science and Cul-
166–188. ture in the Nineteenth Century, No. 17. (x + 275
pp.) London: Pickering & Chatto, 2013. ISBN:
2214. YOUNG, Jacy L., and Christopher D. G REEN. 9781848933590.
“An Exploratory Digital Analysis of the Early Years Reviews: [ref. R958]
of G. Stanley Hall’s American Journal of Psychology
and Pedagogical Seminary.” Hist. Psychol. 16, no. 4 2226. T ONKONOFF, Sergio. “Crime as Social Ex-
(2013): 249–268. cess: Reconstructing Gabriel Tarde’s Criminal Soci-
ology.” Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 2 (2014): 60–74.
2227. W ENDLER, Eugen. Friedrich List (1789–
2215. A DAIR -T OTEFF, Christopher. “Max Weber’s 1846): A Visionary Economist with Social Responsi-
Charismatic Prophets.” Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 1 bility. The European Heritage in Economics and the
(2014): 3–20. Social Sciences, Vol. 16. (xviii + 278 pp.; ill.) Berlin:
Springer, 2014. ISBN: 9783642545542.
2216. A LMEIDA, Francis Moraes de. “Descontinui-
dades e ressurgências: entre o normal e o patológico
na teoria do controle social.” Manguinhos 20, no. 3
360-141. SOCIOLOGY
(2013): 1057–1078.
2217. AUBIN, David. “ ‘Principles of Mechanics 2228. B OND, Niall. “Ferdinand Tönnies and Enlight-
That Are Susceptible of Application to Society’: An enment: A Friend or Foe of Reason?” Eur. Legacy 18
Unpublished Notebook of Adolphe Quetelet at the (2013): 127–150.
Root of His Social Physics.” Hist. Math. 41, no. 2
(2014): 204–223. 2229. F OURNIER, Marcel, and David M ACEY.
Émile Durkheim: A Biography. (viii + 866 pp.; bibl.)
2218. C APONI, Sandra. “Quetelet, el hombre medio Malden: Polity Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780745646459.
y el saber médico.” Manguinhos 20, no. 3 (2013):
830–847. 2230. K ILMINSTER, Richard. “The Dawn of Detach-
ment: Norbert Elias and Sociology’s Two Tracks.”
2219. G O, Julian. “Beyond Metrocentrism: From Article in a special issue, “Norbert Elias and Process
Empire to Globalism in Early US Sociology.” J. Sociology – Across Disciplines” [ref. 3018]. Hist.
Classic. Soc. 14, no. 2 (2014): 178–202. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 3 (2014): 96–115.
2220. M AZOWER, Mark. Governing the World: 2231. N IEZEN, Ronald. “Gabriel Tarde’s Publics.”
The History of an Idea. (xix + 475 pp.; bibl.; in- Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 2 (2014): 41–59.
dex.) New York: The Penguin Press, 2012. ISBN:
9781594203497. 2232. OWENS, B. Robert. “ ‘Laboratory Talk’ in
On the notion of global cooperation over the last U.S. Sociology, 1890–1930: The Performance of
two centuries. Scientific Legitimacy.” J. Hist. Behav. Sci. 50, no. 3
Reviews: [ref. R664] (2014): 302–320.
On early 20th-century debates over the meaning
2221. P ICH, Santiago. “Adolphe Quetelet e a bio- of scientific methodology within the social sci-
polı́tica como teologia secularizada.” Manguinhos ences, especially sociologists’ use of the concept
20, no. 3 (2013): 849–864. “laboratory.”
2222. RODRIGUEZ, Julia. “Beyond Prejudice and
Pride: The Human Sciences in Nineteenth- and 2233. P ŬRAS, Adomas. “Robert Owen in the History
Twentieth-Century Latin America.” Part of the fo- of the Social Sciences: Three Presentist Views.” J.
cus section, “Global Currents in National Histories Hist. Behav. Sci. 50, no. 1 (2014): 58–78.

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360. 19th century 117


On the way that Tylor used “the tools of this new
2234. BALLESTERO, Diego A. “Los ‘fueguinos’, field of inquiry to bring about changes in the re-
Robert Lehmann-Nitsche y el estudio de los onas ligious convictions of his contemporaries.” (from
en la Exposición Nacional de Buenos Aires (1898).” the abstract)
Manguinhos 18, no. 3 (2011): 789–810.
2240. M ART ÍNEZ -H ERN ÁEZ, Angel. “El dibujante
2235. B ENNETT, Tony, Ben D IBLEY, and Rodney de lı́mites: Franz Boas y la (im)posibilidad del con-
H ARRISON. “Introduction: Anthropology, Collecting cepto de cultura en antropologı́a.” Manguinhos 18,
and Colonial Governmentalities.” Introduction to the no. 3 (2011): 861–876.
special issue: “Anthropology, Collecting and Colonial
Governmentalities”. Hist. & Anthro. 25 (2014): 137– 2241. R AJAN, Supritha. “Animating Household
149. Gods: Value, Totems, and Kinship in Victorian An-
On different forms of knowledge associated with thropology and Dickens’s Dombey and Son.” Vict.
collecting in anthropology, archaeology, folklore Lit. Cult. 42 (2014): 33–58.
studies, and demography in late 18th and early
20th-century. Contents: Tony B ENNETT, “Lib- 2242. ROQUE, Ricardo. Headhunting and Colonial-
eral Government and the Practical History of ism: Anthropology and the Circulation of Human
Anthropology,” 150–170 [ref. 2236]; Elizabeth Skulls in the Portuguese Empire, 1870–1930. Cam-
E DWARDS, “Photographic Uncertainties: Between bridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies. (xiv + 342
Evidence and Reassurance,” 171–188 [ref. 1847]; pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) New York: Palgrave
Nélia D IAS, “Rivet’s Mission in Colonial In- Macmillan, 2010. ISBN: 9780230222052.
dochina (1931–1932) or the Failure to Create an Reviews: [ref. R864]
Ethnographic Museum,” 189–207 [ref. 550]; Fiona
Ruth C AMERON, “From ‘Dead Things’ to Im- 2243. S ERA -S HRIAR, Efram. “What Is Armchair
mutable, Combinable Mobiles: H.D. Skinner, the Anthropology? Observational Practices in 19th-
Otago Museum and University and the Governance Century British Human Sciences.” Hist. Hum. Sci.
of Māori Populations,” 208–226 [ref. 686]; Rodney 27, no. 2 (2014): 26–40.
H ARRISON, “Observing, Collecting and Govern-
ing ‘Ourselves’ and ‘Others’: Mass-Observation’s 2244. WALKER, William S. A Living Exhibition: The
Fieldwork Agencements,” 227–245 [ref. 3024]; Smithsonian and the Transformation of the Universal
Tim ROWSE, “ ‘Rooted in Demographic Real- Museum. Public History in Historical Perspective. (xi
ity’: The Contribution of New World Censuses to + 291 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Amherst: University of
Indigenous Survival,” 246–262 [ref. 2223]; Ben Massachusetts Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781625340269.
D IBLEY, “Assembling an Anthropological Actor: Examines the “history of cultural exhibition at the
Anthropological Assemblage and Colonial Gov- Smithsonian from its early years to the chartering
ernment in Papua,” 263–279 [ref. 687]; Conal of the National Museum of the American Indian in
M C C ARTHY, “ ‘Empirical Anthropologists Advo- 1989.” (from the publisher)
cating Cultural Adjustments’: The Anthropological Reviews: [ref. R1049]
Governance of pirana Ngata and the Native Affairs
Department,” 280–295 [ref. 688]; Philip BATTY, 360-143. ECONOMICS
“The Tywerrenge as an Artefact of Rule: The
2245. RUSWICK, Brent. Almost Worthy: The Poor,
(Post) Colonial Life of a Secret/Sacred Aboriginal
Paupers, and the Science of Charity in America,
Object,” 296–311 [ref. 685].
1877–1917. Philanthropic and Nonprofit Studies. (xi
2236. B ENNETT, Tony. “Liberal Government and + 267 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Bloomington: Indiana
the Practical History of Anthropology.” Part of the University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780253006349.
special issue: “Anthropology, Collecting and Colonial 2246. S CHLITZ, Michael. The Money Doctors from
Governmentalities”. [ref. 2235]. Hist. & Anthro. 25 Japan: Finance, Imperialism, and the Building of the
(2014): 150–170. Yen Bloc, 1895–1937. Harvard East Asian Mono-
graphs. (ix + 268 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Cambridge,
2237. C ONKLIN, Alice L. In the Museum of Man:
MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2012. ISBN:
Race, Anthropology, and Empire in France, 1850–
1950. (xii + 374 pp.; ill.) Ithaca, New York: Cornell
Reviews: [ref. R904]
University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780801437557.
Reviews: [ref. R201] 2247. S UTER, Mischa. “Das Wissen der Schulden.
Recht, Kulturtechnik und Alltagserfahrung im libera-
2238. H UMBOLDT, Alexander von. Views of the len Kapitalismus.” Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch. 37, no. 2
Cordilleras and Monuments of the Indigenous Peo- (2014): 148–164.
ples of the Americas: A Critical Edition. Edited
by Vera M. K UTZINSKI, Ottmar E TTE, J. Ryan
Tobias K RAFT. Alexander von Humboldt in English. 2248. C ONSIDINE, John. “John Jamieson, Franz
(xxxv + 618 pp.; ill.) Chicago/London: University of Passow, and the Double Invention of Lexicography
Chicago Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780226865065. on Historical Principles.” J. Hist. Ideas 75 (2014):
Reviews: [ref. R481] 261–281.
2239. L ARSEN, Timothy. “E. B. Tylor, Religion and 2249. K ISTNER, Kelly. “ ‘A Word Factory Was
Anthropology.” Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 46, no. 3 (2013): Wanted’: Organizational Objectivity in the Making

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of the Oxford English Dictionary.” Soc. Stud. Sci. 43 2262. X INGCAN, Chen, and Magnus F ISKESJ Ö.
(2013): 801–828. “Oscar Montelius and Chinese Archaeology.” Bull.
Hist. Archaeol. 24, no. 1 (2014): Approx. 6000
2250. L ARCHER, Pierre. “L’étrange destin d’un Words.
livre : La soi-disant Grammaire arabe de William
Wright (1830–1889).” Translated title: [A Book’s
Strange Destiny: William Wright’s So-called Arabic 360-146. HISTORY AS A DISCIPLINE
Grammar (1830–1889)]. Historiograph. Linguist. 41, 2263. E SKILDSEN, Kasper Risbjerg. “Inventing the
no. 1 (2014): 109–126. Archive: Testimony and Virtue in Modern Histori-
ography.” Part of a special issue, “Historians in the
2251. M C E LVENNY, James. “International Lan- Archive” [ref. 2264]. Hist. Hum. Sci. 26, no. 4
guage and the Everyday: Contact and Collaboration (2013): 50–66.
Between C.K. Ogden, Rudolf Carnap and Otto Neu-
rath.” Brit. J. Hist. Phil. 21 (2013): 1194–1218. 2264. H UISTRA, Pieter, Herman PAUL, and Jo
T OLLEBEEK. “Historians in the Archive: An Intro-
2252. P EARSON, Susan. “Speaking Bodies, Speak- duction.” Introduction to a special issue, “Historians
ing Minds: Animals, Language, History.” Special in the Archive.” Hist. Hum. Sci. 26, no. 4 (2013):
Issue: Does History Need Animals? [ref. 284]. Hist. 3–7.
& Theory 52, no. 4 (2013): 91–108. Contents: Kasper Risbjerg E SKILDSEN, “Invent-
ing the Archive: Testimony and Virtue in Modern
Historiography,” 50–66 [ref. 2263]; Pieter H UIS -
TRA , “The Trial of Henry of Brederode: Histo-
2253. C OHEN, Susan. “Mapping the Z-Axis: Early rians, Sources and Location under Discussion in
Archaeological Engagement with Time and Space in 19th-Century Historiography,” 50–66 [ref. 1755];
the Ancient Near East.” Bull. Hist. Archaeol. 24, no. Philipp M ÜLLER, “Towards a History of ‘the Use
1 (2014): Approx. 7000 Words. of State Archives’ in the 19th Century,” 67–83
[ref. 1758]; Herman PAUL, “The Heroic Study of
2254. C RIS À, Antonino. “The Accidental Archae- Records: The Contested Persona of the Archival
ologist: The Unfortunate Case of Antonio Filippello Historian,” 67–83 [ref. 1759]; Charles J EURGENS,
and the Coin Hoard of Castiglione (Catania, Sicily, “The Untamed Archive: History-Writing in the
1818).” Bull. Hist. Archaeol. 24, no. 1 (2013): Netherlands East Indies and the Use of Archives,”
Approx. 5000 Words. 84–106 [ref. 1756]; Margaret M EHL, “The Euro-
pean Model and the Archive in Japan: Inspiration
2255. E VANS, Christopher. “Soldiering Archae- or Legitimation?” 107–127 [ref. 1757]; Henning
ology: Pitt Rivers and ‘Militarism.’ ” Bull. Hist. T R ÜPER, “Wild Archives: Unsteady Records of
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2256. G ANGE, David. Dialogues with the Dead:
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1922. Classical presences. (356 pp.) Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780199653102. 2265. A MSTER, Ellen. Medicine and the Saints: Sci-
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1877–1956. (xiv + 334 pp.; ill.) Austin, TX: Univer-
2257. G OODRUM, Mathew. “The Study of Prehis- sity of Texas Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780292745445.
toric Artefacts in National Context: Belgian Archae- Reviews: [ref. R26]
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ments.” Bull. Hist. Archaeol. 23, no. 2 (2013): 2266. A NDRICK, John M. “Cultivating a ‘Chairside
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2258. M OSHENSKA, Gabriel. “Unrolling Egyptian in America, 1890–1910.” J. Hist. Behav. Sci. 49, no.
Mummies in Nineteenth-Century Britain.” Brit. J. 3 (2013): 235–258.
Hist. Sci. 47, no. 3 (2014): 451–477.
2267. BASCHIN, Marion. “Die gescheiterten Versu-
2259. P ETTITT, Paul, and Mark W HITE. “John Lub- che einer homöopathischen Ausbildung für Missio-
bock, Caves, and the Development of Middle and nare der Basler Mission.” Med. Gesell. Gesch. 29
Upper Palaeolithic Archaeology.” Part of a special (2011): 229–274.
issue, “Avebury’s Circle: The Science of John Lub-
bock” [ref. 2140]. Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 68, no. 2268. BAY, Alexander R. Beriberi in Modern Japan:
1 (2014): 35–48. The Making of a National Disease. Rochester Stud-
ies in Medical History. (x + 230 pp.) Rochester,
2260. S ACKETT, James. “Boucher de Perthes and the NY: University of Rochester Press, 2012. ISBN:
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24, no. 1 (2013): Approx. 8000 Words. Reviews: [ref. R55]

2261. S TEVENSON, Alice. “Artifacts of Excavation 2269. B ERLAN, Hélène, and Dominique T RIAIRE.
the British Collection and Distribution of Egyptian “Des Prêtres-Médecins en Russie.” Gesnerus 69, no.
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2270. B IDDLE, Richard. “ ‘As His Was Not a Sur- Revisited.” J. Hist. Med. Allied Sci. 69, no. 1 (2014):
gical Case It Was Not My Duty to Attend Him’: 135–162.
The Surgeon’s Role in the Nineteenth-Century Royal
Dockyards.” Med. Hist. 57 (2013): 559–578. 2285. G ARC ÍA, Mónica. “Typhoid Fever in
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2271. B REATHNACH, Ciara. “Medical Officers, Geography and Bacteriology.” Med. Hist. 58 (2014):
Bodies, Gender and Weight Fluctuation in Irish Con- 27–45.
vict Prisons, 1877–95.” Med. Hist. 58 (2014): 67–86. On “how the Colombian medical elites made sense
of typhoid fever before and during the inception
2272. B ROCK, Claire. “Risk, Responsibility and of bacteriological ideas and practices in the second
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(2013): 317–337.
2286. G ERTZ, René E. “Médicos alemães no Rio
2273. B RZEZINSKI P RESTES, Maria Elice, Adri- Grande do Sul, na primeira metade do século XX:
ana Z AVAGLIA, Hamilton H ADDAD, and Christine integração e conflito.” Manguinhos 20, no. 1 (2013):
JANCZUR. “Claude Bernard e a constância do ‘meio 141–157.
interno.’ ” Fil. Hist. Biol. 8, no. 3 (2013): 381–393.
2287. G ILL, Rebecca. “Os orı́genes de la Sociedad
2274. B YROM, Richard. “William Fairbairn, Karl de la Cruz Roja Británica y las polı́ticas y prácticas
Culmann and the Origin of Wolff’s Law.” Int. J. Hist. del socorro en guerra (1870–1906).” Asclepio 66, no.
Eng. Tech. 84 (2014): 52–58. 1 (2014): Approx. 7800 Words.
2275. C ARDONA RODAS, Hilderman, and Marı́a 2288. G UENTHER, Katja. “Exercises in Therapy—
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formante, degeneración y clima en Colombia, 1880– tal Medicine, 1880–1945.” Bull. Hist. Med. 88, no. 1
1920.” Manguinhos 18, no. 2 (2011): 303–320. (2014): 102–131.
Kurot refers to the German spa town.
2276. C ARPENTER, Mary Wilson. “Lister’s Rela-
tionship with Patients: ‘A Successful Case.’ ” Part 2289. G UTI ÉRREZ RODILLA, Bertha M. “La obra
of a special issue,“Learning from Lister” [ref. 2158]. lexicográfica de Manuel Hurtado de Mendoza: sus
Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 67, no. 3 (2013): 231– diccionarios enciclopédicos de medicina.” Asclepio
244. 64, no. 2 (2012): 467–490.

2277. C OSTA, Rui Manuel Pinto. “Entre a teoria 2290. H AMMACK, Brenda Mann. “Florence
parasitária e a oncologia experimental: uma proposta Marryat’s Female Vampire and the Scientizing
de sistematização da ciência oncológica em Portugal, of Hybridity.” In Victorian Hybridities, edited
1889–1945.” Manguinhos 19, no. 2 (2012): 409–430. by K NOEPFLMACHER and B ROWNING (2010)
[ref. 1748], 143–154.
2278. C OSTA, Rui Manuel Pinto, and Ismael
Cerqueira V IEIRA. “O lugar da medicina tropical 2291. H ASEGAWA, Guy R. Mending Broken Sol-
nas dissertações da escola médica portuense, 1875– diers: The Union and Confederate Programs to Sup-
1923.” Manguinhos 21, no. 2 (2014): 629–639. ply Artificial Limbs. (xiii + 126 pp.; ill.) Carbondale
: Southern Illinois University Press, 2012. ISBN:
2279. C ROWTHER, M. Anne. “Lister at Home and 9780809331307.
Abroad: A Continuing Legacy.” Part of a special Reviews: [ref. R426]
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Roy. Soc. Lond. 67, no. 3 (2013): 281–294. 2292. H ELMSTADTER, Carol. “A Third Look at
Sarah Gamp.” Can. Bull. Med. Hist. 29, no. 4 (2013):
2280. C ULLEN, Lynsey T. “The First Lady Almoner: 141–159.
The Appointment, Position, and Findings of Miss On the character of Sarah Gamp in Charles Dick-
Mary Stewart at the Royal Free Hospital, 1895–99.” ens’s novel Martin Chuzzlewit, who was a nurse.
J. Hist. Med. Allied Sci. 68, no. 4 (2013): 551–582.
2293. H ÜNTELMANN, Axel C. “ ‘Ehrlich färbt am
2281. D I PASQUALE, Mariano. “Diego Alcorta y längsten’. Sichtbarmachung bei Paul Ehrlich.” Part of
la difusión de saberes médicos en Buenos Aires, a special issue, “Bildtatsachen. Visuelle Praktiken der
1821–1842.” Dynamis 34.1 (2014): 125–146. Wissenschaften” [ref. 162]. Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch.
36, no. 4 (2013): 354–380.
2282. FARIA, Frederico Felipe de Almeida. “A On the 19th-century biomedical scientist Paul
carta de Cuvier à J.-C. Mertrud: uma introdução à Ehrlich who worked on “dyes and staining at the
Anatomia Comparada.” Fil. Hist. Biol. 8, no. 3 interface between so-called color-chemistry and
(2013): 475–491. histopathology.” (from the abstract)
2283. FARIAS, Rosilene Gomes. “Pai Manoel, o 2294. JAMIESON, Annie. “More Than Meets the
curandeiro africano, e a medicina no Pernambuco Eye: Revealing the Therapeutic Potential of ‘Light’,
imperial.” Article in a supplementary issue, “Health 1896–1910.” Soc. Hist. Med. 26 (2013): 715–737.
and Slavery” [ref. 2373]. Manguinhos 19, suppl. 1
(2012): 215–231. 2295. K ELLY, Laura. Irish Women in Medicine, c.
1880s–1920s: Origins, Education, and Careers. (xvi
2284. F RANÇOIS, Bernard, Esther M. S TERNBERG, + 255 pp.; bibl.; index.) Manchester: Manchester
and Elizabeth F EE. “The Lourdes Medical Cures University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780719088353.

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Reviews: [ref. R533] 2308. P ESET, José Luis. “Enfermedad e Historia

Ecológica.” Asclepio 64, no. 1 (2012): 277–283.
2296. L EI, Sean Hsiang-lin. “Qi-Transformation Essay review of Rachel C ARSON, Primavera si-
and the Steam Engine: The Incorporation of Western lenciosa Edited by Joandomènech ROS. (2010)
Anatomy and Re-Conceptualisation of the Body in [ref. 3615]; Linda NASH, Inescapable Ecologies
Nineteenth-Century Chinese Medicine.” Part of a (2006).
special issue: Diversity of Medicine in China and
Chinese Medicine in Europe [ref. 554]. Asian Med. 2309. P OLIAK, Daniel B. “Ritual Circumcision in the
7, no. 2 (2014): 319–357. Age of Germ Theory amongst Nineteenth-Century
New York Immigrants.” Med. Hist. 57 (2013): 579–
2297. L I, Shang-Jen. Physician to Empire: Patrick 592.
Manson and the Founding of British Tropical On Jewish ritual circumcision.
Medicine. (368 pp.) Taipei: Asian Culture Pub-
lishing, 2012. 2310. P OLIANSKI, Igor J. “Between Hegel and
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and Biomedicine in Russia and the Soviet Union.”
2298. L OBACHEV, Sergey. “Inspecting Hospitals In Monism, edited by W EIR (2012) [ref. 1839], 197–
in the Russian Empire: Dr. John Harry’s Account, 222.
1805–1806.” Can. Bull. Med. Hist. 29, no. 4 (2013):
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“Joseph Lister’s First Operation.” Notes Rec. Roy.
2299. L ONER, Beatriz Ana, Lorena Almeida G ILL,
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and Micaele Irene S CHEER. “Enfermidade e morte:
os escravos na cidade de Pelotas, 1870–1880.” Ar- 2312. ROLD ÁN, Diego P. “Discursos alrededor del
ticle in a supplementary issue, “Health and Slavery” cuerpo, la máquina, la energı́a y la fatiga: hibri-
[ref. 2373]. Manguinhos 19, suppl. 1 (2012): 133– daciones culturales en la Argentina fin-de-siècle.”
152. Manguinhos 17, no. 3 (2010): 643–661.
2300. M AGALH ÃES, Sônia Maria de. “Batalha
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2301. M ART ÍNEZ -A NTONIO, Francisco Javier.
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cos de Hassan I a la República del Rif (1886–1926).” de la Recherche Clinique à Genève entre la Fin du
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Recherches sur le Croup.” Gesnerus 70, no. 2 (2013):
2302. M ISHRA, Shrikant, and Bhavesh T RIKAMJI. 292–322.
“The Medical Maladies of Sir George Everest during
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of the Word.” In Minds, Bodies, Machines, 1770–
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Harold John C OOK. (Eds.) Global Movements, [ref. 408], 179–208.
Local Concerns: Medicine and Health in Southeast
Asia. (xxxi + 290; ill.) Singapore: NUS Press, 2012. 2316. S ÁNCHEZ -M ART ÍNEZ, Guillermo. “Enemi-
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de guerra, 1862–1864.” Asclepio 66, no. 1 (2014):
2304. M ORRIS, James. “Explorations in Anatomy: Approx. 11,000 Words.
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pozoologica 49, no. 1 (2014): 109–120. 2317. S CHLICH, Thomas. “Farmer to Industrial-
ist: Lister’s Antisepsis and the Making of Mod-
2305. M USSELL, James. “Writing the ‘Great Proteus ern Surgery in Germany.” Part of a special is-
of Disease’: Influenza, Informatics and the Body in sue,“Learning from Lister” [ref. 2158]. Notes Rec.
the Late Nineteenth Century.” In Minds, Bodies, Roy. Soc. Lond. 67, no. 3 (2013): 245–260.
Machines, 1770–1930, edited by C OLEMAN and
F RASER (2011) [ref. 408], 161–178. 2318. S HANAHAN, Fergus, and Eamonn M. M.
Q UIGLEY. “In Search of Lost Opportunities: Marcel
2306. OTTOSSON, Anders. “The Manipulated His- Proyce and James Joust Discuss Doctors, Diseases,
tory of Manipulations of Spines and Joints? Rethink- Life and Death (a Hypothetical Conversation between
ing Orthopaedic Medicine Through the 19th Century Marcel Proust and James Joyce).” Perspect. Biol.
Discourse of European Mechanical Medicine.” Med. Med. 55 (2012): 155–161.
Stud. 3, no. 2 (2011): 83–116. A theretical conversation between the two authors,
drawing upon historical accounts and literary de-
2307. P ERAL PACHECO, Diego, and José Luis scriptions.
S ÁNCHEZ Á LVAREZ. “Francisco Ramı́rez Vas:
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forjando o cidadão: o doutor Eduardo Augusto Per- 1929): Professor at Yuriev (Tartu) and Odessa Uni-
eira de Abreu, a Guerra do Paraguai e a educação versities.” Acta Baltica 2, no. 1 (2014): 119–125.
fı́sica no Brasil.” Manguinhos 18, no. 2 (2011): On the head of the Department of Hygiene at the
337–354. University of Yuriev (present-day Tartu) in 1896–
2320. S ILVA, Simone Santos de Almeida. “Antônio
Gonçalves Gomide: uma semiologia das doenças 2329. V IRDI -D HESI, Jaipreet. “Curtis’s Cephalo-
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on the history of psychiatry [ref. 3170]. Manguinhos ity in London, 1816–1845.” Bull. Hist. Med. 87, no.
17, suppl. 2 (2010): 515–525. 3 (2013): 347–377.

2321. S MITH, Douglas W. “Eine generati- 2330. WARMLING, Cristine Maria, Norma Regina
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in Ontario.” Med. Gesell. Gesch. 29 (2011): 275–315. boca: práticas curriculares e identidade profissional
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2322. S OUMONNI, Elisée. “Disease, Religion and Manguinhos 19, no. 1 (2012): 181–195.
Medicine: Smallpox in Nineteenth-Century Benin.”
Article in a supplementary issue, “Health and Slav- 2331. WARNER, John Harley. “The Fielding H. Gar-
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2323. S OUZA, Pablo, and Diego H URTADO. “La 2332. WATSON, Lindsay R. “Tom Tiddler’s Ground:
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Aires (1870–1895).” Manguinhos 17, no. 4 (2010): 57 (2013): 537–558.
2333. W EAVER, Lawrence T. “Kinderheilkunde and
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2324. TAKAYANAGI, Hideko, Ann JANNETTA, Ryuji
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A SAMI, Ellen NAKAMURA, Osamu A BE, Hiroyuki
Sci. 68, no. 4 (2013): 583–626.
K ITAGAWA, Toshihiro M IYAJIMA, and Yasufumi
I RYU. “Translating Medical Knowledge: Japan’s 2334. W EINER, Marli Frances, and Mazie H OUGH.
First Medical Journal—Taisei Meii Iko.” Lead article Sex, Sickness, and Slavery: Illness in the Antebellum
in a special issue, “Social History of Medicine in South. (xii + 267 pp.) Urbana: University of Illinois
Modern Japan.” Hist. Scientiarum 22, no. 2 (2012): Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780252036996.
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Contents: Susan L. B URNS, “Relocating Psy-
chiatric Knowledge: Meiji Psychiatrists, Local 2335. W ORBOYS, Michael. “Joseph Lister and the
Culture(s), and the Problem of Fox Possession,” Performance of Antiseptic Surgery.” Part of a special
88–109 [ref. 2343]; Masahiro S ATO, “Populariza- issue,“Learning from Lister” [ref. 2158]. Notes Rec.
tion of Psychiaric Knowledge in Modern Japan at Roy. Soc. Lond. 67, no. 3 (2013): 199–209.
the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Focusing on
the Newspaper Coverage of Mental Disorders,” 2336. YOUNG, Judith. “Nineteenth-Century Nurses
110–124 [ref. 2559]; Hogetsu R IE, “From the and Midwives in Three Canadian Cities, 1861–1891.”
Laboratory to the Kitchen: The Oral History of Can. Bull. Med. Hist. 29, no. 3 (2013): 189–208.
Nutrition and Its Application to the History of
Science,” 125–141 [ref. 397]; Alexander R. BAY, 2337. Z ARAGOZA, Juan Manuel. “La palabra más
“Nation from the Bottom up: Disease, Toilets and brutal: definiciones de la enfermedad incurable en la
Waste Management in Prewar Japan,” 142–158 medicina francesa del siglo XIX.” Asclepio 64, no. 2
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tando a los muertos.” Asclepio 63, no. 2 (2011): 360-151. PSYCHIATRY; MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY
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de la consanguinidad en la medicina francesa (1850-
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deseo.” Asclepio 64, no. 2 (2012): 517–540. Sertabibi Dr. Avram de Castro: Bir Biyo-
bibliyografi.” [Translated title: Dr. Avramino de
2327. VAN B ERGEN, Leo. “Sobre las ‘tareas de Castro, Director of the Topta Mental Asylum in Scu-
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Lycanthropy.” Hist. Psychiat. 25, no. 1 (2014): 2354. M AEHLE, Andreas-Holger. “The Powers of
87–102. Suggestion: Albert Moll and the Debate on Hypno-
sis.” Hist. Psychiat. 25, no. 1 (2014): 3–19.
2342. B OGOUSSLAVSKY, Julien. (Ed.) Following
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29. (xii + 207 pp.; ill.) Basel: Karger, 2011. ISBN: (1850–1950).” Hist. Psychiat. 24, no. 4 (2013):
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2356. NAKAMURA, Ellen. “From the Netherlands
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Knowledge: Meiji Psychiatrists, Local Culture(s), 1830s.” Hist. Psychiat. 25, no. 3 (2014): 350–363.
and the Problem of Fox Possession.” Part of a special
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[ref. 2324]. Hist. Scientiarum 22, no. 2 (2012): ROJO M ORENO. “La medicalización del suicidio
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2344. C APONI, Sandra. “Emil Kraepelin y el prob- 147–166.
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2346. C ORREA G OMEZ, Maria Jose. “De la Casa (2010): 447–473.
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Manguinhos 20, no. 2 (2013): 571–585. sane in Nineteenth-Century England. Studies for the
Society for the Social History of Medicine; 20. (xi
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2348. C OX, Catherine. Negotiating Insanity in the 2361. S LIJKHUIS, Jessica, and Harry O OSTERHUIS.
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2349. D UBACH, Roswitha. Verhütungspolitik. Ste- 2362. S TAHNISCH, Frank. “The Early Eugenics
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schaft und individuellen Interessen in Zürich (1890– Conceptual Transfers and Personal Relationships be-
1970). (351 pp.; ill.) Zürich: Chronos Verlag, 2013. tween Germany and North America, 1880s to 1930s.”
ISBN : 9783034011341. Article in a special issue, “History of Eugenics Re-
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(2014): 17–40.
2350. FAROOQ, Osman, and Edward J. F INE. “An
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Psychiat. 25, no. 1 (2014): 224–236.
2351. H ABER, Carole. The Trials of Laura Fair:
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2365. W IESER, Martin. “From the EEL to the EGO:
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Psychiat. 25, no. 3 (2014): 299–316.
2366. W RIGHT, David, Laurie JACKLIN, and Tom
2353. L UAUT É, Jean-Pierre, Thérèse L EMP ÉRI ÈRE, T HEMELES. “Dying to Get Out of the Asylum:
and Pascal A RNAUD. “Death of an Alienist: Louis- Mortality and Madness in Four Mental Hospitals in
Victor Marcé’s Final Year.” Hist. Psychiat. 25, no. 3 Victorian Canada, c. 1841–1891.” Bull. Hist. Med.
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360. 19th century 123

2367. Z ORZANELLI, Rafaela Teixeira. “Neuraste- 2374. A RRIZABALAGA, Jon, and Guillermo
nia.” Article in a supplementary issue on the history S ÁNCHEZ -M ART ÍNEZ. “El socorro humanitario
of psychiatry [ref. 3170]. Manguinhos 17, suppl. 2 en tiempo de paz: divergencias iniciales en el
(2010): 431–446. movimiento internacional de la Cruz Roja, 1867–
1884.” Asclepio 66, no. 1 (2014): Approx. 11,000
2368. Z ORZANELLI, Rafaela Teixeira. “Psicaste- Words.
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of psychiatry [ref. 3170]. Manguinhos 17, suppl. 2 2375. BARNES, David S. “Cargo, ‘Infection,’ and the
(2010): 421–430. Logic of Quarantine in the Nineteenth Century.” Bull.
Hist. Med. 88, no. 1 (2014): 75–101.
360-152. PUBLIC HEALTH; NUTRITION; HEALTH 2376. BARRETO, Ivan Farias. “O uso da folha de
2369. A LCAL Á F ERR ÁEZ, Carlos. “De miasmas a coca em comunidades tradicionais: perspectivas em
mosquitos: el pensamiento médico sobre la fiebre saúde, sociedade e cultura.” Manguinhos 20, no. 2
amarilla en Yucatán, 1890–1920.” Manguinhos 19, (2013): 627–641.
no. 1 (2012): 71–87.
2377. B ECHLER, Reinaldo Guilherme. “Hansen ver-
2370. A LMEIDA, Adriana Mortara. “Instituto Butan- sus Neisser: controvérsias cientı́ficas na ‘descoberta’
tan’s First Electron Microscope.” In Scientific Instru- do bacilo da lepra.” Manguinhos 19, no. 3 (2012):
ments in the History of Science, edited by G RANATO 815–842.
and L OURENÇO (2014) [ref. 203], 173–184.
2378. B ENEDEK, Thomas G. “Vaccination-Induced
2371. A LMEIDA, Maria Antónia Pires de. “A epide- Syphilis and the Hübner Malpractice Litigation.”
mia de cólera de 1853–1856 na imprensa portuguesa.” Perspect. Biol. Med. 55 (2012): 92–113.
Manguinhos 18, no. 4 (2011): 1057–1071.
2379. B ERNABEU M ESTRE, Josep, and Josep Lluı́s
2372. A LMEIDA, Maria Antónia Pires de. “As epi- BARONA. Nutrición, salud y sociedad: España y
demias nas notı́cias em Portugal: cólera, peste, tifo, Europa en los siglos XIX y XX. Scientia veterum;
gripe e varı́ola, 1854–1918.” Manguinhos 21, no. 2 Serie monografı́as; 12. (369 pp.) València: Seminari
(2014): 687–708. d’Estudis sobre la Ciència, Universitat de València,
2011. ISBN: 9788437081731.
2373. A LMEIDA, Sı́lvia Capanema P. de. “Corpo, Reviews: [ref. R75]
saúde e alimentação na Marinha de Guerra brasileira
no perı́odo pós-abolição, 1890–1910.” First arti- 2380. B ERNAL B ORREGO, Encarnación, and Marı́a
cle in a supplementary issue, “Health and Slavery.” Luisa C ALERO D ELGADO. “El Discurso Higiénico
Manguinhos 19, suppl. 1 (2012): 15–33. como Argumento Moralizante de la Mujer: ‘La
Contents: Elisée S OUMONNI, “Disease, Religion Higiene del Bello Sexo’ de Ramón Hernández Poggio
and Medicine: Smallpox in Nineteenth-Century (1847).” Asclepio 65, no. 1 (2013): Approx. 12,400
Benin,” 35–45 [ref. 2322]; Rita P EMBERTON, words.
“Dirt, Disease and Death: Control, Resistance
and Change in the Post-Emancipation Caribbean,” 2381. B LOM, Ida. Medicine, Morality, and Political
47–58 [ref. 2414]; Kaori KODAMA et al., “Mor- Culture: Legislation on Venereal Disease in Five
talidade escrava durante a epidemia de cólera no Northern European Countries, c.1870–c.1995. (193
Rio de Janeiro (1855–1856): uma análise preli- pp.) Chicago: Nordic Academic Press, 2012. ISBN:
minar,” 59–79 [ref. 2407]; Flávio G OMES, “A 9789187121289.
demografia atlântica dos africanos no Rio de Reviews: [ref. R91]
Janeiro, séculos XVII, XVIII e XIX: algumas
2382. B ORSAY, Anne, and Pamela DALE. Disabled
configurações a partir dos registros eclesiásticos,”
Children: Contested Caring, 1850–1979. (xv + 235
81–106 [ref. 183]; Ian R EAD, “A Triumphant De-
pp.) London: Pickering & Chatto, 2012. ISBN:
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Brazil,” 107–132 [ref. 2417]; Beatriz Ana L ONER,
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Lorena Almeida G ILL and Micaele Irene S CHEER,
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Pelotas, 1870–1880,” 133–152 [ref. 2299]; Márcio ruvian Health Resorts.” Article in a special issue,
Couto H ENRIQUE, “Escravos no purgatório: o “Voices from within and outside the South–Defying
leprosário do Tucunduba (Pará, século XIX),” STS Epistemologies, Boundaries, and Theories”
153–177 [ref. 2399]; André N OGUEIRA, “Univer- [ref. 4043]. Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 6 (2014):
sos coloniais e ‘enfermidades dos negros’ pelos 795–818.
cirurgiões régios Dazille e Vieira de Carvalho,”
179–196 [ref. 1537]; Karoline C ARULA, “Perigo- 2384. C ARTER, Neil. “The Origins of British Sports
sas amas de leite: aleitamento materno, ciência Medicine, 1850–1914.” Gesnerus 70, no. 1 (2013):
e escravidão em A Mãi de Familia,” 197–214 17–35.
[ref. 2385]; Rosilene Gomes FARIAS, “Pai Manoel,
o curandeiro africano, e a medicina no Pernam- 2385. C ARULA, Karoline. “Perigosas amas de leite:
buco imperial,” 215–231 [ref. 2283]; Luı́s Cláudio aleitamento materno, ciência e escravidão em A Mãi
P. S YMANSKI and Flávio G OMES, “Arqueologia de Familia.” Article in a supplementary issue, “Health
da escravidão em fazendas jesuı́ticas: primeiras and Slavery” [ref. 2373]. Manguinhos 19, suppl. 1
notı́cias da pesquisa,” 309–317. (2012): 197–214.

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2386. C HAVES, Cleide de Lima. “Poder e saúde na and Slavery” [ref. 2373]. Manguinhos 19, suppl. 1
América do Sul: os congressos sanitários internacio- (2012): 153–177.
nais, 1870–1889.” Manguinhos 20, no. 2 (2013):
411–434. 2400. I NGLIS, Katherine. “Maternity, Madness and
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2387. C HAVIGNY, Katherine A. “ ‘An Army of Re- Hogg’s The Three Perils of Woman.” In Minds,
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Med. Allied Sci. 69, no. 3 (2014): 383–425.
2401. I NGLIS, Kerri A. Ma’i Lepera: Disease and
2388. C ORREA, Sı́lvio Marcus de Souza. “Ger- Displacement in Nineteenth-Century Hawai’i. (xvii +
manidade e banhos medicinais nos primórdios dos 268 pp.; maps; ill.; bibl.; index.) Honolulu: Univer-
balneários no Rio Grande do Sul.” Manguinhos 17, sity of Hawai’i Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780824834845.
no. 1 (2010): 165–184. Reviews: [ref. R489]

2389. C ORREA, Sı́lvio Marcus de Souza. “O ‘com- 2402. J ENSEN, Kimberly. Oregon’s Doctor to the
bate’ às doenças tropicais na imprensa colonial World: Esther Pohl Lovejoy and a Life in Activism.
alemã.” Manguinhos 20, no. 1 (2013): 69–91. (xiii + 346 pp.; ill.; maps.) Seattle, WA: University of
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2390. DANIEL, Claudia. “Contar para curar: es- Reviews: [ref. R499]
tadı́sticas y comunidad médica en Argentina, 1880–
1940.” Manguinhos 19, no. 1 (2012): 89–114. 2403. J ONES, Marian Moser. The American Red
Cross from Clara Barton to the New Deal. (xxvii +
2391. D EFRANCE, Jacques, Pascal B RIER, and Taieb 375 pp.; ill.) Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University
El B OUJJOUFI. “Transformations des Relations entre Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781421407388.
Médecine et Activités physiques du Début du XIXe Reviews: [ref. R510]
Siècle au Début du XXe Siècle en France.” Gesnerus
70, no. 1 (2013): 86–110. 2404. K ABA, Mariama. “Jeunes Filles Scoliotiques
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2392. E DLER, Flavio Coelho. “Pesquisa clı́nica e la Mécanothérapie à Lausanne et Genève.” Gesnerus
experimental no Brasil oitocentista: circulação e 70, no. 1 (2013): 68–85.
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2405. K ANIKADAN, Paula Yuri Sugishita, and Maria
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(2012): 59–79.
2396. G AZE, Rosangela, Diana Maul de C ARVALHO,
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2398. H AMLIN, Christopher. “The Cholera Stigma Brasil, análise de uma controvérsia, 1899.” Article
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From Bengal to Haiti.” Sci. Cult. 21, no. 4 (2012): [ref. 980]. Manguinhos 20, suppl. 1 (2013): 1271–
445–447. 1285.
2399. H ENRIQUE, Márcio Couto. “Escravos no 2411. N OLTE, Karen. “Schwindsucht—Krankheit,
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2412. N UNES, Everardo Duarte. “Henry Mayhew: Reviews: [ref. R912]

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2413. O LIVEIRA, Eliézer Cardoso de. “A epidemia Global Histories of Disease. Science and Cul-
de varı́ola e o medo da vacina em Goiás.” Manguin- ture in the Nineteenth Century; 21. (xi + 251 pp.;
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19, suppl. 1 (2012): 47–58. hia, 1861–1865.” Manguinhos 18, no. 4 (2011):
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lemagne, Angleterre) : Histoires Européennes d’une the Nineteenth Century. (xiii + 307 pp.; ill.; maps;
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2417. R EAD, Ian. “A Triumphant Decline? Tetanus Reviews: [ref. R1077]
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20, no. 3 (2013): 765–796. 2430. B ERTOMEU -S ÁNCHEZ, José Ramón. “Class-
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2419. R EYES, Raquel A. G. “Environmentalist (1787–1853) and Nineteenth-Century French Toxi-
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69, no. 4 (2014): 554–579. 2 (2014): 162–186.
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2422. ROY, Parama. Alimentary Tracts: Appetites, 2433. G OSS, Andrew. “Building the World’s Supply
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2434. T ISHCHENKO, Evgenii Mikhailovich. “A
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2436. A NTONIJUK, Tetiana. “History of Develop- 2449. C HURELLA, Albert J. The Pennsylvania Rail-
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técnica: os engenheiros provinciais e a edificação da 2013. ISBN: 9781607322344.
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History of Photomechanical Reproduction in Victo-
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2443. B OGARTA, Dan, and Latika C HAUDHARY. 2455. D IOGO, Maria Paula. “Portuguese Engineers,
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2445. B UJAKI, Merridee L. “Parallel Challenges 2457. F ISCHER, Georg. “Minério de ferro, geologia
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M OTA, and Dulce F IGUEIREDO. “The Portuguese
Polytechnicians of the ‘Long Nineteenth Century’: 2459. F OTINI, Assimacopoulou, Konstantinos
Technical Expertise, Military Aspirations, and Polit- C HATZIS, and Georgia M AVROGONATOU. “Im-
ical Disenchantment. a Preliminary Study.” HOST 7 planter les ‘Ponts et Chaussées’ européens en Grèce :
(2013): 52–66. le rôle des ingénieurs du corps du génie, 1830–1880.”
Quad. Hist. Engin. 10 (2009): 331–350.
2448. C HRISTIE -ROBIN, Julia, Belinda T. O RZADA,
and Dilia L ÓPEZ -G YDOSH. “From Bustles to 2460. G AGNON, Michael J. Transition to an Indus-
Bloomers: Exploring the Bicycle’s Influence on trial South: Athens, Georgia, 1830–1870. (xvii +
American Women’s Fashion, 1880–1914.” J. Amer. 290 pp.; ill.; maps.) Baton Rouge: Louisiana State
Cult. 35 (2012): 315–331. University Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780807145081.

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360. 19th century 127

2461. G OUZ ÉVITCH, Dimitri. “Betancourt et la la Roumanie, de la Serbie et de la Bulgarie.” Quad.

création du Corps des ingénieurs des voies de commu- Hist. Engin. 10 (2009): 367–388.
nication en Russie : une histoire européenne (Chro-
nique et interprétations).” Part of a series on Agustı́n 2473. M ACKINTOSH, Will B. “Mechanical Aes-
de Betancourt [ref. 1710]. Quad. Hist. Engin. 10 thetics: Picturesque Tourism and the Transportation
(2009): 271–293. Revolution in Pennsylvania.” Penn. Hist. 1, no. 1
(2014): 88–105.
2462. H EALEY, Judith Koll. Frederick Weyer-
haeuser and the American West. (xvii + 265 pp.; 2474. M ALM, Andreas. “Fleeing the Flowing Com-
ill.; bibl.; index.) St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Historical mons: Robert Thom, Water Reservoir Schemes, and
Society Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780873518918. the Shift to Steam Power in Early Nineteenth-Century
Reviews: [ref. R432] Britain.” Environ. Hist. 19, no. 1 (2013): 55–77.

2463. H ESSLER, Martina. Kulturgeschichte der 2475. M ARSDEN, Ben. “Ranking Rankine: W. J. M.
Technik. Historische Einführungen, 13. (217 Rankine (1820–72) and the Making of ‘Engineering
pp.) New York: Campus Verlag, 2012. ISBN: Science’ Revisited.” Hist. Sci. 51, no. 4 (2013):
9783593397405. 434–456.
Reviews: [ref. R445]
2476. M EYER, Carrie A. “The Farm Debut of the
2464. H IRT, Paul W. The Wired Northwest: The Gasoline Engine.” Agr. Hist. 87 (2013): 287–313.
History of Electric Power, 1870s–1970s. (ix + 461
pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Lawrence, Kansas: University 2477. N ENADIC, Stana. “Designers in the
Press of Kansas, 2012. ISBN: 9780700618736. Nineteenth-Century Scottish Fancy Textile Industry:
Education, Employment and Exhibition.” J. Design
Reviews: [ref. R451]
Hist. 27 (2014): 115–131.
2465. JACKSON, Donald C. Pastoral and Monumen- 2478. O’C ONNELL, James C. The Hub’s Metropolis:
tal: Dams, Postcards, and the American Landscape. Greater Boston’s Development from Railroad Sub-
(x + 330 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Pittsburgh: University urbs to Smart Growth. (xiii + 326 pp.) Cambridge,
of Pittsburgh Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780822944263. Mass.: MIT Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780262314060.
Reviews: [ref. R495] Reviews: [ref. R751]
2466. J ONES, Christopher F. “Building More Just 2479. OTT, Daniel. “Producing a Past: McCormick
Energy Infrastructure: Lessons from the Past.” Sci. Harvester and Producer Populists in the 1890s.” Agr.
Cult. 22 (2013): 157–163. Hist. 88 (2014): 87–119.
Focuses on the “history of coal canals, oil pipelines,
and electricity transmission wires in the mid- 2480. P ETERSEN, Sonja. Vom “Schwachstarkta-
Atlantic region from 1820 to 1930.” (from the stenkasten” und seinen Fabrikanten Wissensräume
introduction) im Klavierbau 1830 bis 1930. Cottbuser Studien zur
Geschichte von Technik, Arbeit und Umwelt, 37.
2467. K ARADOBRIY, Tetyana. “Academician B. E. (269 pp.; ill.) Münster: Waxmann, 2011. ISBN:
Vedeneev about the Problems of Use of Energy of 9783830925347.
Irtysh.” Res. Hist. Tech. 18 (2013): 17–20. Reviews: [ref. R790]
2468. K ATZIR, Shaul. “Scientific Practice for Tech- 2481. P OPPLOW, Marcus. “Technik als Faktor des
nology: Hermann Aron’s Development of the Storage Europäischen Sonderwegs in die Industrialisierung.”
Battery.” Hist. Sci. 51, no. 4 (2013): 481–500. NTM 20, no. 2 (2012): 91–105.
2469. K HAN, B. Zorina. “Going for Gold: Indus- 2482. R AJ ÃO, Raoni, and Ricardo B. D UQUE. “Be-
trial Fairs and Innovation in the Nineteenth-Century tween Purity and Hybridity: Technoscientific and
United States.” Part of a special issue on the rela- Ethnic Myths of Brazil.” Article in a special issue,
tionship between patents, economics and innovation. “Voices from within and outside the South–Defying
[ref. 174]. Rev. Écon. 64 (2013): 89–113. STS Epistemologies, Boundaries, and Theories”
[ref. 4043]. Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 6 (2014):
2470. K NOWLES, Anne Kelly. Mastering Iron: The 844–874.
Struggle to Modernize an American Industry, 1800–
1868. (334 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) Chicago: 2483. R EDMORE, Ken. Ploughs, Chaff Cutters and
The University of Chicago Press, 2013. ISBN: Steam Engines: Lincolnshire’s Agricultural Imple-
9780226448596. ment Makers. (156 pp.; ill.) Society for Lincolnshire
Reviews: [ref. R550] History and Archaeology, 2007. ISBN: 0903582309.
Reviews: [ref. R831]
2471. K ÖNIG, Wolfgang. Technikgeschichte. Basis-
texte Geschichte, Bd. 5. (264 pp.; ill.) Stuttgart: 2484. ROBERTSON, Frances. “David Kirkaldy
Steiner, 2010. ISBN: 9783515093569. (1820–1897) and His Museum of Destruction: The
Reviews: [ref. R554] Visual Dilemmas of an Engineer as Man of Science.”
Endeavour 37, no. 3 (2013): 125–132.
2472. KOSTOV, Alexandre. “Les Ponts et Chaussées
français et les pays balkaniques pendant la seconde 2485. ROCA -ROSELL, Antoni. “Industrial Engineer-
moitié du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle : les cas de ing in Spain, the Challenge of a New Liberal Pro-

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128 360. 19th century

fession in the Nineteenth Century.” HOST 7 (2013): 2497. G LEICK, James. The Information: A History,
36–51. a Theory, a Flood. (526 pp.; ill.) New York: Pantheon
Books, 2011. ISBN: 9780375423727.
2486. ROSS, Corey. “The Tin Frontier: Mining, Reviews: [ref. R375]
Empire, and Environment in Southeast Asia, 1870s–
1930s.” Environ. Hist. 19, no. 3 (2014): 454–479. 2498. H OLTORF, Christian. Der erste Draht zur
Neuen Welt: Die Verlegung des Transatlantischen
2487. S ANTOS L ÓPEZ, Pascual. “Motores de biento Telegrafenkabels. (350 pp.; ill.) Göttingen: Wallstein
para modernizar la Región de Murcia (1884–1912).” Verlag, 2013. ISBN: 9783835312425.
Llull 37 (2014): 81–113. Reviews: [ref. R462]
2488. S HEW, Ashley. “Engines of Second Creation: 2499. K ENT, David. “Containing Disorder in the
Stories about Nanotechnology.” Bull. Sci. Tech. Soc. ‘Age of Equipoise’: Troops, Trains and the Tele-
33, no. 1 (2013): 21–27. graph.” Soc. Hist. 38, no. 3 (2013): 308–327.
Looks at narratives of progress in the 19th century
and today. 2500. M ULLANEY, Thomas S. “Semiotic
Sovereignty: The 1871 Chinese Telegraph Code in
2489. S MITH, Carl S. City Water, City Life: Wa- Historical Perspective.” In Science and Technology
ter and the Infrastructure of Ideas in Urbanizing in Modern China, 1880s–1940s, edited by T SU and
Philadelphia, Boston, and Chicago. (xii + 327 pp.; E LMAN (2014) [ref. 1751], 153–184.
ill.; bibl.; index.) Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780226022512. 2501. NAEEM, Asma. “Splitting Sight and Sound:
Reviews: [ref. R952] Thomas Dewing’s a Reading, Gilded Age Women,
and the Phonograph.” In Sound Clash, edited by
2490. S OEDERHOLM, Kristina, and Roine W IK - K EELING and K UN (2012) [ref. 3405], 17–42.
LUND . “Infrastructural Systems and Technical
Change: Learning From the Establishment of a Water- 2502. N OAKES, Richard. “Industrial Research at the
and Wastewater System and the Electrification of a Eastern Telegraph Company, 1872–1929.” Brit. J.
Railway Line in a Nordic Climate at the Turn of the Hist. Sci. 47, no. 1 (2014): 119–146.
19th Century.” Icon 15 (2009): 82–107.
2503. RODGERS, Tara. “ ‘What, for Me, Constitutes
2491. S TEINBECK, Frank. Das Motorrad: ein Life in a Sound?’: Electronic Sounds as Lively and
deutscher Sonderweg in die automobile Gesell- Differentiated Individuals.” In Sound Clash, edited
schaft. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschafts- by K EELING and K UN (2012) [ref. 3405], 65–86.
geschichte., Beihefte ;, Bd. 216. (346 pp.; ill.)
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2012. ISBN: 2504. RUBERY, Matthew. “Canned Literature: The
9783515100748. Book after Edison.” Book Hist. 16 (2013): 215–245.
Reviews: [ref. R979]
2505. S ÁNCHEZ M I ÑANA, Jesús, and Begoña V IL -
LANUEVA G ARC ÍA . “La primitiva oferta de equipo
2492. V DOVICHENKO, Eugene. “Development and
Definition of the Southern Ukraine Naval Ports and telefónico en España vista a través del concurso para
Admiralties Specializations in the First Quarter of the la red del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao (1884).” Llull 37
XIX Century.” Res. Hist. Tech. 17 (2013): 18–23. (2014): 63–79.

2506. T SU, Jing. “Chinese Scripts, Codes, and Type-

2493. W ILLUMSON, Glenn. Iron Muse: Pho-
writing Machines.” In Science and Technology in
tographing the Transcontinental Railroad. (x + 242
Modern China, 1880s–1940s, edited by T SU and
pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Berkeley: University of Cali-
E LMAN (2014) [ref. 1751], 115–152.
fornia Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780520270947.
Reviews: [ref. R1084] 2507. W ENZLHUEMER, Roland. Connecting the
Nineteenth-Century World: The Telegraph and Glob-
2494. YASUMOTO, Minoru. The Rise of a Victorian alization. (xvi + 339 pp.; ill.; maps.) Cambridge ;
Ironopolis: Middlesbrough and Regional Industrial- New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. ISBN:
ization. (xvii + 230 pp.) Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 9781107025288.
2011. ISBN: 9781843836339.
2508. W UEBBEN, Daniel. “Captain Frederick Mar-
ryat and The Floral Telegraph; or, a Forgotten Coder
and His Floral Code.” Vict. Lit. Cult. 42 (2014):
2495. B LASZCZYK, Regina Lee. American Con-
sumer Society, 1865–2005: From Hearth to HDTV. 2509. Y ERMOLOV, P. P. “The History of Radio Tech-
American History Series. (xiii + 330 pp.; ill.; bibl.; nology Evolution in the Crimea (1899–1920). Part
index.) Wheeling, IL: Harlan Davidson, Inc., 2009. 1.” Res. Hist. Tech. 15 (2012): 6–23.
ISBN : 9780882952642.
Reviews: [ref. R85] 360-163. AGRICULTURE
2496. G ANSKY, Paul. “Privacy’s Waste Products: 2510. A RDELEANU, Constantin. “A British Meat
Touch, Contagion and Public Telephone Design.” J. Cannery in Moldavia (1844–52).” Slav. East Europ.
Design Hist. 27 (2014): 132–147. Rev. 90 (2012): 671–704.

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360. 19th century 129

2511. B EDIAGA, Begonha. “A moléstia da cana-de- 2523. JAMES -L EE, Tiffany. “Subsistence Activi-
açúcar na década de 1860: a lavoura em busca das ties at 19th-Century Shore Whaling Station Sites in
ciências.” Manguinhos 19, no. 4 (2012): 1255–1273. New Zealand and Australia: A Zooarchaeological
Perspective.” Anthropozoologica 49, no. 1 (2014):
2512. B ROWN, Karen. “Livestock Diseases, Racial 79–98.
Politics and Veterinary Medicine in South Africa
c. 1870–1920.” In Common Ground, edited 2524. K LANOVICZ, Jó. “Toxicidade e produção de
by M ASSARD -G UILBAUD and M OSLEY (2011) maçãs no sul do Brasil.” Manguinhos 17, no. 1
[ref. 296], 224–245. (2010): 67–85.
2513. B UD, Robert. “The Beer Experience: Nine- 2525. K UMAR, Prakash. Indigo Plantations and
teenth Century Relations between Science and Science in Colonial India. (xix + 334 pp.; ill.; maps.)
Praxis.” Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN:
Part A (2014): 224–226. 9781107023253.
Reviews: [ref. R571]
2514. B ULLOCK, April. “The Cosmopolitan Cook-
book: Class, Taste, and Foreign Foods in Victorian 2526. M ARX, Jeffrey A. “ ‘The Days Had Come of
Cookery Books.” Food Cult. Soc. 15 (2012): 437– Curds and Cream’: The Origins and Development of
454. Cream Cheese in America, 1870–1880.” Food Cult.
Soc. 15 (2012): 177–195.
2515. C INOTTO, Simone. Soft Soil, Black Grapes:
The Birth of Italian Winemaking in California. Nation
2527. P HILLIPS, Sarah T., Dale P OTTS, Adrienne
of Newcomers. (ix + 267 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.)
P ETTY, Mark S CHULTZ, Sam S TALCUP, and Anne
New York: New York University Press, 2012. ISBN:
E FFLAND. “Reflections on One Hundred and Fifty
Years of the United States Department of Agricul-
Reviews: [ref. R188] ture.” Agr. Hist. 87 (2013): 314–367.
2516. DARGAVEL, John, and Elisabeth J OHANN.
2528. P RIETO, Leida Fernández. “Islands of Knowl-
Science and Hope: A Forest History. (269 pp.;
edge: Science and Agriculture in the History of Latin
ill.) Cambridge: White Horse Press, 2013. ISBN:
America and the Caribbean.” Part of the focus sec-
tion, “Global Currents in National Histories of Sci-
Reviews: [ref. R231] ence: The ‘Global Turn’ and the History of Science in
2517. D UNCAN, James S. In the Shadows of the Latin America” [ref. 38]. Isis 104 (2013): 788–797.
Tropics: Climate, Race and Biopower in Nineteenth
Century Ceylon. Re-materialising Cultural Geog- 2529. R AE, Ian D., and William H. B ROCK.
raphy. (xvi + 212 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) “Liebig’s Australian Connection: James King’s Sci-
Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. ISBN: 9780754672265. entific Viticulture.” Hist. Rec. Aust. Sci. 24, no. 2
(2013): 189–206.
Reviews: [ref. R279]

2518. E RDHEIM, Cara. “Naturalism’s Dietary Dis- 2530. S IMPSON, James. Creating Wine: The Emer-
course: From Fasting Fads to Sinclair’s Social Re- gence of a World Industry, 1840–1914. The Princeton
forms.” Food Cult. Soc. 16 (2013): 633–649. Economic History of the Western World. (xxxvii +
318 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) Princeton: Princeton
2519. F INGER, Thomas D. “Trading Spaces: University Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780691136035.
Transferring Energy and Organizing Power in the Reviews: [ref. R942]
Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Grain Trade.” In
New Natures, edited by J ØRGENSEN et al. (2013) 2531. S OUZA, Juliana Teixeira. “Carne podre, café
[ref. 293], 151–163. com milho e leite com água: disputas de autoridade
e fiscalização do comércio de gêneros na Corte im-
2520. H ANNICKEL, Erica. Empire of Vines: Wine perial, 1840–1889.” Manguinhos 18, no. 4 (2011):
Culture in America. (298 pp.; ill.) Philadelphia: 1039–1056.
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013. ISBN:
9780812245592. 2532. S PORTMAN, Sarah P. “Beyond Beef: Dietary
Reviews: [ref. R416] Variability and Foodways in the Late 19th-Century
Mining Town of Hammondville, New York, USA.”
2521. H OOGTE, Arjo Roersch van der, and Toine Anthropozoologica 49, no. 1 (2014): 63–78.
P IETERS. “Science in the Service of Colonial Agro-
Industrialism: The Case of Cinchona Cultivation in 2533. T ELLO, Enric, Ramon G ARRABOU, Xavier
the Dutch and British East Indies, 1852–1900.” Stud. C USS Ó, José Ramón O LARIETA, and Elena G AL ÁN.
Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47, Part A (2014): “Fertilizing Methods and Nutrient Balance at the End
12–22. of Traditional Organic Agriculture in the Mediter-
ranean Bioregion: Catalonia (Spain) in the 1860s.”
2522. H UBBARD, Jennifer. “In the Wake of Politics: Human Ecology 40 (2012): 369–383.
The Political and Economic Construction of Fisheries
Biology, 1860–1970.” Part of a focus section on: 2534. U EKOTTER, Frank. “Farming and Not Know-
“Focus: Knowing the Ocean: A Role for the History ing: Agnotology Meets Environmental History.” In
of Science” [ref. 264]. Isis 105, no. 2 (2014): 364– New Natures, edited by J ØRGENSEN et al. (2013)
378. [ref. 293], 37–50.

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130 370. 20th century

2535. V ERDON, Nicola. “Business and Pleasure: 370-5. HISTORIOGRAPHY AND HISTORICAL
Middle-Class Women’s Work and the Professional- METHODS
ization of Farming in England, 1890–1939.” J. Brit.
2545. S IMOES, Ana, and Ana S IM ÕES. “Scientific
Stud. 51 (2012): 393–415.
Biographies Revisited: Thomsons’ Electrons and
2536. W ITTERING, Shirley. Ecology and Enclosure: Bohr’s Quantum Atoms.” Ambix 61 (2014): 95–99.
The Effect of Enclosure on Society, Farming and the Essay review of Helge K RAGH, Niels Bohr and
Environment in South Cambridgeshire, 1798–1850. the Quantum Atom (2012); Jaume NAVARRO, A
(192 pp.; ill.; bibl.) Havertown: Windgather Press, History of the Electron (2012); Helge K RAGH,
2013. ISBN: 9781909686007. Niels Bohr and the Quantum Atom (2012).
Reviews: [ref. R1092]
2537. W OODS, Abigail. “From Practical Men to 2546. W ELDON, Stephen P. “Bibliography Is Social:
Scientific Experts: British Veterinary Surgeons and Organizing Knowledge in the Isis Bibliography from
the Development of Government Scientific Expertise, Sarton to the Early Twenty-First Century.” Part of
c. 1878–1919.” Hist. Sci. 51, no. 4 (2013): 457–480. the focus section: “Ordering the Discipline: Classi-
fication in the History of Science” [ref. 51]. Isis 104
(2013): 540–550.

2538. S WINFIELD, John. Airship: Design, Develop- 370-11. SOCIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL
ment and Disaster. (336 pp.; ill.) Annapolis: Naval ANALYSIS OF SCIENCE
Institute Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781591140344.
2547. G ALIS, Vasilis, and Francis L EE. “A Soci-
Reviews: [ref. R995]
ology of Treason: The Construction of Weakness.”
Article in a special section: “STS and Disability”
[ref. 142]. Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 1 (2014):
370. 20TH CENTURY 154–179.
2548. H ARRIS, Victoria. “Something a Bit Peculiar?
Sex, the Germans and the History of Sexuality.” Cont.
2539. H ARGITTAI, Istvan. Drive and Curiosity: Europ. Hist. 23 (2014): 283–293.
What Fuels the Passion for Science. (338 pp.; ill.) Essay review of Annette T IMM, The Politics
Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2011. ISBN: of Fertility in Twentieth-Century Berlin (2010)
9781616144685. [ref. 2907].
Reviews: [ref. R419]
2540. L I, Guannan. “Cultural Policy and Cul- SCIENCE
ture under the Guomindang: Huang Wenshan and
2549. K ANAYAMA, Koji. “Between Ideology and
‘Culturology.’ ” In Sociology and Anthropology in
Science: Dialectics of Dispute on Physics in 1920s–
Twentieth-Century China, edited by D IRLIK et al.
1930s Soviet Russia.” Part of a special issue, “Science
(2012) [ref. 3014], 109–138.
and Soviet Political Authorities: Conflict, Coopera-
2541. L IMA, Ana Luce Girão Soares de. “Formação tion, and Incongruence” [ref. 2579]. Hist. Scien-
cientı́fica e prática profissional na trajetória de Carlos tiarum 22, no. 3 (2012): 201–214.
Chagas Filho.” Manguinhos 19, no. 2 (2012): 683– 2550. S HEN, Grace. “Periodical Space: Language
702. and the Creation of Scientific Community in Repub-
lican China.” In Science and Technology in Modern
China, 1880s–1940s, edited by T SU and E LMAN
(2014) [ref. 1751], 269–296.
2542. B ROCK, Darryl E. “The People’s Landscape:
Mr. Science and the Mass Line.” In Mr. Science and 370-20. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY, GENERAL
Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution, edited by W EI WORKS
and B ROCK (2013) [ref. 3469], 41–118.
2551. B OWLER, Peter J. “Popular Science Maga-
2543. K YONG -M C C LAIN, Jeff, and Geng J ING. zines in Interwar Britain: Authors and Readerships.”
“David Crocket Graham in Chinese Intellectual His- Part of the special supplement “Communicating Sci-
tory: Foreigner as Nation Builder.” In Explorers ence: National Approaches in Twentieth-Century
and Scientists in China’s Borderlands, 1880–1950, Europe”. [ref. 2561]. Sci. Context 26 (2013): 437–
edited by Denise M. G LOVER et al. (Seattle: Univ. of 457.
Washington Press, 2011), 211–239.
2552. C AMPOS, Raquel Discini de. “Floriano de
2544. S CHIRRMACHER, Arne. “Popular Science as Lemos no Correio da Manhã, 1906–1965.” Article
Cultural Dispositif: On the German Way of Science in a supplementary issue on science communication
Communication in the Twentieth Century.” Part of [ref. 980]. Manguinhos 20, suppl. 1 (2013): 1333–
the special supplement “Communicating Science: 1352.
National Approaches in Twentieth-Century Europe”. 2553. DANET, Alina. “Del milagro al sueño
[ref. 2561]. Sci. Context 26 (2013): 473–508. cumplido: retórica de la esperanza y reivindicación

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370. 20th century 131

profesional en las noticias de prensa sobre trasplantes Khrushchev’s Soviet Times,” 509–526 [ref. 1765];
en España, 1900–1960.” Article in a supplementary Agustı́ N IETO -G ALAN, “From Papers to News-
issue on science communication [ref. 980]. Manguin- papers: Miguel Masriera (1901–1981) and the
hos 20, suppl. 1 (2013): 1253–1269. Role of Science Popularization under the Franco
Regime,” 527–549 [ref. 2558].
2554. E GAN, Michael. “Communicating Knowl-
edge: The Swedish Mercury Group and Vernacular 370-21. SCIENCE AND ETHICS
Science, 1965–1972.” In New Natures, edited by
J ØRGENSEN et al. (2013) [ref. 293], 103–117. 2562. M ACHADO, Carlos José Saldanha, Ana Tereza
Pinto F ILIPECKI, Márcia de Oliveira T EIXEIRA,
2555. G ORDIN, Michael D. The Pseudoscience and Helena Espellet K LEIN. “A regulação do uso
Wars: Immanuel Velikovsky and the Birth of the Mod- de animais no Brasil do século XX e o processo
ern Fringe. (x + 291 pp.) Chicago : The University de formação do atual regime aplicado à pesquisa
of Chicago Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780226304427. biomédica.” Manguinhos 17, no. 1 (2010): 87–105.
Reviews: [ref. R383]
2563. TAYLOR -A LEXANDER, Samuel. “Bioethics in
2556. H AWKINS, Robert. “ ‘Industry Cannot Go on the Making: ‘Ideal Patients’ and the Beginnings of
without the Production of Some Noise’: New York Face Transplant Surgery in Mexico.” Sci. Cult. 23,
City’s Street Music Ban and the Sound of Work in the no. 1 (2014): 27–50.
New Deal Era.” J. Soc. Hist. 46 (2012): 106–123.
2564. V EYS, Lucy. “Joseph Rotblat: Moral Dilem-
2557. L UNTEREN, Fran H. van, and Marijn J. mas and the Manhattan Project.” Phys. Persp. 15
H OLLESTELLE. “Paul Ehrenfest and the Dilemmas (2013): 451–469.
of Modernity.” Isis 104 (2013): 504–536.
2565. W EINDLING, Paul. “From Scientific Ob-
2558. N IETO -G ALAN, Agustı́. “From Papers to ject to Commemorated Victim: The Children of the
Newspapers: Miguel Masriera (1901–1981) and the Spiegelgrund.” Hist. Phil. Life Sci. 35, no. 3 (2013):
Role of Science Popularization under the Franco 415–430.
Regime.” Part of the special supplement “Communi- On the use of human body parts for research.
cating Science: National Approaches in Twentieth-
Century Europe”. [ref. 2561]. Sci. Context 26 (2013): 370-22. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: POLITICS, LAW,

2559. S ATO, Masahiro. “Popularization of Psy- 2566. A DMON -R ICK, Gaby. “Impaired Encoding:
chiaric Knowledge in Modern Japan at the Turn of Calculating, Ordering, and the ‘Disability Percent-
the Twentieth Century: Focusing on the Newspaper ages’ Classification System.” Article in a special
Coverage of Mental Disorders.” Part of a special section: “STS and Disability” [ref. 142]. Sci. Tech.
issue, “Social History of Medicine in Modern Japan” Hum. Val. 39, no. 1 (2014): 105–129.
[ref. 2324]. Hist. Scientiarum 22, no. 2 (2012):
110–124. 2567. B ENSAUDE -V INCENT, Bernadette. “Popular
Science and Politics in Interwar France.” Part of
2560. S AVIO, Marco Antonio Cornacioni. “As guer- the special supplement “Communicating Science:
ras de Minerva: a Revista Politécnica e a construção National Approaches in Twentieth-Century Europe”.
de uma ideia de ciência em São Paulo, 1904–1917.” [ref. 2561]. Sci. Context 26 (2013): 459–471.
Article in a supplementary issue on science commu-
nication [ref. 980]. Manguinhos 20, suppl. 1 (2013): 2568. B ERMAN, Elizabeth Popp. “Not Just Neoliber-
1315–1332. alism: Economization in US Science and Technology
Policy.” Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 3 (2014):
2561. S CHIRRMACHER, Arne. “Introduction: 397–431.
Communicating Science: National Approaches in
Twentieth-Century Europe.” Introduction to the spe- 2569. B ONES, Stian. “Science In-Between: Norway,
cial supplement “Communicating Science: National The European Arctic and the Soviet Union.” In
Approaches in Twentieth-Century Europe”. Sci. Con- Science, Geopolitics and Culture in the Polar Region,
text 26 (2013): 393–404. edited by S ÖRLIN (2013) [ref. 2800], 143–170.
Contents: Paola G OVONI, “The Power of Weak 2570. C ASTELO, Cláudia. “Investigação cientı́fica e
Competitors: Women Scholars, ‘Popular Science,’ polı́tica colonial portuguesa: evolução e articulações,
and the Building of a Scientific Community in 1936–1974.” Manguinhos 19, no. 2 (2012): 391–408.
Italy, 1860s–1930s,” 405–463 [ref. 1825]; Peter J.
B OWLER, “Popular Science Magazines in Inter- 2571. D OEL, Ronald E., Robert Marc F RIED -
war Britain: Authors and Readerships,” 437–457 MAN , Julia L AJUS , Sverker S ÖRLINE, and Urban
[ref. 2551]; Bernadette B ENSAUDE -V INCENT, W R ÅKBERG. “Strategic Arctic Science: National
“Popular Science and Politics in Interwar France,” Interests in Building Natural Knowledge—Interwar
459–471 [ref. 2567]; Arne S CHIRRMACHER, “Pop- Era through the Cold War.” J. Hist. Geogr. 44 (2014):
ular Science as Cultural Dispositif: On the German 60–80.
Way of Science Communication in the Twenti-
eth Century,” 473–508 [ref. 2544]; James T. A N - 2572. E LMAN, Benjamin A. “Toward a History of
DREWS , “An Evolving Scientific Public Sphere: Modern Science in Republican China.” In Science
State Science Enlightenment, Communicative Dis- and Technology in Modern China, 1880s–1940s,
course, and Public Culture from Imperial Russia to edited by T SU and E LMAN (2014) [ref. 1751], 15–38.

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132 370. 20th century

2573. G ERLINI, Matteo. “Waiting for Dimona: The History Teach? (x + 283 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.) Cre-
United States and Israel’s Development of Nuclear ateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.
Capability.” Cold War Hist. 10, no. 2 (2010): 143– ISBN : 9781584875741.
2584. S YLVEST, Casper. “Technology and Global
2574. G L ÄSER, Jochen. “From Governance to Au- Politics: The Modern Experiences of Bertrand Rus-
thority Relations?” In Reconfiguring Knowledge Pro- sell and John H. Herz.” Int. Hist. Rev. 35, no. 1
duction, edited by W HITLEY et al. (2010) [ref. 3500], (2013): 121–142.
2585. W ELDON, Stephen P. “Monkey Business.”
2575. G OLEC, Michael J. “Graphic Visualization Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 48, Part A (2014):
and Visuality in Lester Beall’s Rural Electrification 115–118.
Posters, 1937.” J. Design Hist. 26 (2013): 401–415. Essay review of Adam R. S HAPIRO, Trying Biology
2576. G ÓMEZ RODR ÍGUEZ, Amparo, and Antonio
Francisco C ANALES S ERRANO. Estudios polı́ticos 2586. W ESTERMANN, Andrea. “Inventuren der Er-
de la ciencia: polı́ticas y desarrollo cientı́fico en el de. Vorratsschätzungen für mineralische Rohstoffe
siglo XX. (283 pp.) Madrid: Plaza y Valdés, 2013. und die Etablierung der Ressourcenökonomie.” Part
ISBN : 9788415271567. of a special issue, “Ressourcen” [ref. 291]. Ber.
Reviews: [ref. R380] Wissenschaftsgesch. 37, no. 1 (2014): 20–40.

2577. H ALLER, Lea, and Monika G ISLER. “Lösung 2587. W HITLEY, Richard. “The Impact of Gover-
für das Knappheitsproblem oder nationales Risiko? nance Changes on Authority and Innovation in Public
Auf Erdölsuche in der Schweiz.” Part of a special Science Systems.” In Reconfiguring Knowledge Pro-
issue, “Ressourcen” [ref. 291]. Ber. Wissenschafts- duction, edited by W HITLEY et al. (2010) [ref. 3500],
gesch. 37, no. 1 (2014): 41–59. 3–50.

2578. H ASSELBERG, Ylva. “Who Killed the Ide- 370-23. SCIENCE AND CULTURE: LITERATURE
ologies or Were They Just Resting? Tingsten, Tech- AND THE ARTS
nocratism and Ideology in Sweden 1930–1970.” Hist.
Europ. Ideas 39 (2013): 103–120. 2588. B RAUNE, Sean. “From Lucretian Atomic
Theory to Joycean Etymic Theory.” Jour. Mod. Lit.
2579. KOJEVNIKOV, Alexei. “Science as Co- 33 (2010): 167–181.
Producer of Soviet Polity.” Lead article in a spe-
cial issue, “Science and Soviet Political Authorities: 2589. G AYCKEN, Oliver. “ ‘The Living Picture’:
Conflict, Cooperation, and Incongruence.” Hist. Sci- On the Circulation of Microscope-Slide Knowledge
entiarum 22, no. 3 (2012): 161–180. in 1903.” Hist. Phil. Life Sci. 35, no. 3 (2013):
Contents: Slava G EROVITCH, “Parallel Worlds: 319–340.
Formal Structures and Informal Mechanisms of
Postwar Soviet Mathematics,” 181–200 [ref. 3547]; 2590. G IOIELLI, Robert. “ ‘How Can Any Com-
Koji K ANAYAMA, “Between Ideology and Sci- munity Be Expected to Accept Such a Scar?’: The
ence: Dialectics of Dispute on Physics in 1920s– Movement Against Destruction and Environmental
1930s Soviet Russia,” 201–214 [ref. 2549]; Hiroshi Activism in Postwar Baltimore.” In Common Ground,
I CHIKAWA, “Soviet Physicists during the War: edited by M ASSARD -G UILBAUD and M OSLEY
Jealousy, Discord and the Ideological Dispute,” (2011) [ref. 296], 175–197.
215–226 [ref. 3573]; Hirofumi S AITO, “The Insti-
tute of Genetics Frm 1939 to 1940: Reconsidering 2591. G OODYEAR, Anne Collins, and Margaret A
Lysenko’s Intervention in Soviet Genetics,” 227– W EITEKAMP. (Eds.) Analyzing Art and Aesthet-
236 [ref. 2900]. ics. Artefacts series, volume 9. (xii + 297 pp.; ill.)
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly
2580. K URTZ, Joachim. “Disciplining the National Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781935623137.
Essence: Liu Shipei and the Reinvention of Ancient Reviews: [ref. R382]
China’s Intellectual History.” In Science and Technol-
ogy in Modern China, 1880s–1940s, edited by T SU 2592. H ALPERN, Megan K., and Hannah Star
and E LMAN (2014) [ref. 1751], 67–92. ROGERS. “Inseparable Impulses: The Science and
Aesthetics of Ernst Haeckel and Charley Harper.”
2581. ROBERTS, Peder. “Nordic or National? Post- Leonardo 46 (2013): 465–470.
War Visions of Polar Conflict and Cooperation.” In
Science, Geopolitics and Culture in the Polar Region, 2593. J ULER, Edward. “A Bridge between Science
edited by S ÖRLIN (2013) [ref. 2800], 55–78. and Art? The Artistic Reception of On Growth and
Form in Interwar Britain, c. 1930–42.” Interdiscipl.
2582. S EWALD, Ronda L. “Forced Listening: The Sci. Rev. 38 (2013): 35–48.
Contested Use of Loudspeakers for Commercial and
Political Messages in the Public Soundscape.” In 2594. L EM, Stanisław, and Joanna Z YLINSKA.
Sound Clash, edited by K EELING and K UN (2012) Summa Technologiae. Electronic Mediations, v. 40.
[ref. 3405], 317–336. (xxi + 409 pp.; bibl.; index.) Minneapolis: University
of Minnesota Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780816675760.
2583. S OKOLSKI, Henry D., and Bruno T ERTRAIS. On a science fiction story by Stanislaw Lem.
(Eds.) Nuclear Weapons Security Crises: What Does Reviews: [ref. R600]

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370. 20th century 133

2595. L ESLIE, Stuart W. “Spaces for the Space + 394 pp.) Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press,
Age: William Pereira’s Aerospace Modernism.” In 2013. ISBN: 9780803245075.
Blue Sky Metropolis, edited by W ESTWICK (2012) Reviews: [ref. R1065]
[ref. 3463], 127–158.
2608. W IDMER, Alexandra. “The Imbalanced Sex
2596. M C M ANUS, Joanna. “Einstein in Britain: A Ratio and the High Bride Price: Watermarks of Race
Portrait.” Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 68, no. 3 in Demography, Census, and the Colonial Regulation
(2014): 311–315. of Reproduction.” Article in a special issue, “Tech-
nologies of Belonging” [ref. 3678]. Sci. Tech. Hum.
2597. S CHWARTZ, Matthias. “How Nauchnaia Fan- Val. 39, no. 4 (2014): 538–560.
tastika Was Made: The Debates about the Genre of
Science Fiction from NEP to High Stalinism.” Slav. 2609. Z EIDMAN, Lawrence A., and Jaap C OHEN.
Rev. 72 (2013): 224–246. “Walking a Fine Scientific Line: The Extraordinary
Deeds of Dutch Neuroscientist C. U. Ariëns Kappers
2598. S ZASZ, Ferenc Morton. Atomic Comics: Car- Before and During World War II.” J. Hist. Neurosci.
toonists Confront the Nuclear World. (xvii + 179 pp.; 23, no. 3 (2014): 252–275.
ill.; bibl.; index.) Reno: University of Nevada Press,
2012. ISBN: 9780874178746. 2610. Z ENDERLAND, Leila. “Social Science as a
From the early 1920s to the present. ‘Weapon of the Weak’: Max Weinreich, the Yiddish
Reviews: [ref. R996] Scientific Institute, and the Study of Culture, Person-
ality, and Prejudice.” Isis 104 (2013): 742–772.
2599. C RAVEN, Christa, and Mara G LATZEL. 2611. A SDAL, Kristin. “Versions of Milk and Ver-
“Downplaying Difference: Historical Accounts of sions of Care: The Emergence of Mother’s Milk as
African American Midwives and Contemporary an Interested Object and Medicine as a Form of Dis-
Struggles for Midwifery.” Feminist Stud. 36 (2010): passionate Care.” Article in a special issue, “Science,
330–358. Technology, Medicine – and the State: The Science-
State Nexus in Scandinavia, 1850–1980” [ref. 1753].
2600. C RENNE, Christopher. “Race and Laboratory Sci. Context 27, no. 2 (2014): 307–331.
Norms: The Critical Insights of Julian Herman Lewis
(1891–1989).” Isis 105, no. 3 (2014): 477–507. 2612. DAMODARAN, Vinita. “Gender, Race and
Science in Twentieth-Century India: E. K. Janaki
2601. DAY, Dwayne A. “The Air Force and the Ammal and the History of Science.” Hist. Sci. 51, no.
Chumash: The ‘Curse of Slick-6.’ ” In Blue Sky 3 (2013): 283–307.
Metropolis, edited by W ESTWICK (2012) [ref. 3463],
215–226. 2613. DYCK, Erika. “Sterilization and Birth Control
in the Shadow of Eugenics: Married, Middle-Class
2602. L EIBLER, Anat. “Disciplining Ethnicity: So- Women in Alberta, 1930–1960s.” Article in a special
cial Sorting Intersects with Political Demography in issue, “History of Eugenics Revisited” [ref. 2921].
Israel’s Pre-State Period.” Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 2 Can. Bull. Med. Hist. 31, no. 1 (2014): 165–187.
(2014): 271–292.
2614. G IBBONS, Sheila. “ ‘Our Power to Remodel
2603. L OPEZ -B ELTRAN, Carlos, and Garcia Vivette
Civilization’: The Development of Eugenic Feminism
D EISTER. “Aproximaciones cientı́ficas al mestizo
in Alberta, 1909–1921.” Article in a special issue,
mexicano.” Manguinhos 20, no. 2 (2013): 391–410.
“History of Eugenics Revisited” [ref. 2921]. Can.
2604. ROLAND, Maria Inês de França, and Reinaldo Bull. Med. Hist. 31, no. 1 (2014): 123–142.
José G IANINI. “Geraldo Horácio de Paula Souza, a
China e a medicina chinesa, 1928–1943.” Manguin- 2615. G OLDSTEIN, Carolyn M. Creating Con-
hos 20, no. 3 (2013): 885–912. sumers: Home Economists in Twentieth-Century.
(xi + 412 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Chapel Hill:
2605. S ILVA, Eliana Gesteira da, and Alexandre University of North Carolina Press, 2012. ISBN:
Brasil F ONSECA. “Ciência, estética e raça: obser- 9780807835531.
vando imagens e textos no periódico O Brasil Médico, Reviews: [ref. R379]
1928–1945.” Article in a supplementary issue on sci-
ence communication [ref. 980]. Manguinhos 20, 2616. K UMAR, Neelam. (Ed.) Gender and Science:
suppl. 1 (2013): 1287–1313. Studies across Cultures. Culture and Environment
of South Asia. (xxx + 323 pp.; ill.) New Delhi:
2606. T OMBLIN, David. “White Mountain Apache Cambridge University Press India, 2012. ISBN:
Boundary-Work as an Instrument of Ecopolitical 9788175969254.
Liberation and Landscape Change.” In New Natures, Reviews: [ref. R570]
edited by J ØRGENSEN et al. (2013) [ref. 293], 179–
194. 2617. L ADD -TAYLOR, Molly. “Contraception or
Eugenics? Sterilization and ‘Mental Retardation’
2607. W EISS -W ENDT, Anton, and Rory Y EOMANS. in the 1970s and 1980s.” Article in a special issue,
Racial Science in Hitler’s New Europe, 1938–1945. “History of Eugenics Revisited” [ref. 2921]. Can.
Critical studies in the history of anthropology. (x Bull. Med. Hist. 31, no. 1 (2014): 189–211.

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134 370. 20th century

2618. L ENG, Kirsten. “Sex, Science, and Fin-De- 2630. H ARVEY, A. D. “Air Warfare in Perspective.”
Siècle Feminism: Johanna Elberskirchen Interprets Air Power Hist. 60, no. 3 (2013): 4–13.
The Laws of Life.” J. Women’s Hist. 25, no. 3 (2013):
38–61. 2631. JALLAND, Pat. “Death and Bereavement in
the First World War: The Australian Experience.”
2619. P ITTS, Yvonne. “Disability, Scientific Author- Lead Article of a Series, “World War One: Science,
ity, and Women’s Political Participation at the Turn Technology, and Medicine.” Endeavour 38, no. 2
of the Twentieth-Century United States.” J. Women’s (2014): 70–76.
Hist. 24, no. 2 (2012): 37–61. Contents: Richard P. H ALLION, “World War I: An
Air War of Consequence,” 77–90 [ref. 3351]; Fiona
2620. S AMSON, Amy. “Eugenics in the Community: R EID, “ ‘His Nerves Gave Way’: Shell Shock, His-
Gendered Professions and Eugenic Sterilization in tory and the Memory of the First World War in
Alberta, 1928–1972.” Article in a special issue, Britain,” 91–100 [ref. 2992]; Christine E. H AL -
“History of Eugenics Revisited” [ref. 2921]. Can. LETT, “ ‘A Very Valuable Fusion of Classes’:
Bull. Med. Hist. 31, no. 1 (2014): 143–163. British Professional and Volunteer Nurses of the
First World War,” 101–110 [ref. 3102]; Kirsty
H ARRIS, “New Horizons: Australian Nurses at
Work in World War I,” 111–121 [ref. 3103].
2621. B L ÁZQUEZ PANIAGUA, Francisco. “A Dios
por la ciencia. Teologı́a natural en el franquismo.” 2632. M ARBLE, Sanders. “Forward Surgery and
Asclepio 63, no. 2 (2011): 453–476. Combat Hospitals: The Origins of the MASH.” J.
On Roman Catholicism and science under the Hist. Med. Allied Sci. 69, no. 1 (2014): 68–100.
Franco regime.
2633. M AZLIAK, Laurent. “Study of a Trajectory:
2622. B OWMAN, Gary E. “Einstein and Mysticism.” Kiril Popoff, Wars, and Ballistics.” Almagest 3, no. 1
Zygon 49 (2014): 281–307. (2012): 78–105.

2623. I VEY, Paul Eli. Radiance from Halcyon: A 2634. R EINHARDT, Klaus. “The Entomological
Utopian Experiment in Religion and Science. (xiii Institute of the Waffen-SS: Evidence for Offensive
+ 312 pp.; bibl.; index.) Minneapolis: University of Biological Warfare Research in the Third Reich.”
Minnesota Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780816680504. Endeavour 37, no. 4 (2013): 220–227.
Reviews: [ref. R494]
2635. VAN DER K LOOT, William. “Lord Justice
2624. M ANOILENKO, Ksenia V. “Pro Et Contra: of Appeal John Fletcher Moulton and Explosives
An Attitude to the Celebration in Commemoration Production in World War I: ‘The Mathematical Mind
of Charles Darwin in 1909.” [Translated title.] In Triumphant.’ ” Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond. 68, no. 2
Russian. Stud. Hist. Biol. 1 (2009): 104–107. (2014): 171–186.
Focuses on the relationship between science and
2636. B ENNINGHOFF, Martin, and Dietmar B RAUN.
370-29. SCIENCE AND WAR “Research Funding, Authority Relations, and Scien-
tific Production in Switzerland.” In Reconfiguring
2625. A NDERSON, K. D. “Weather Services at War.” Knowledge Production, edited by W HITLEY et al.
Pub. Interest Rep. 7 (2009): 1–17. (2010) [ref. 3500], 81–109.
The wartime diary of meteorologist Ken Anderson
documenting is services during 1940. 2637. C IPRIANI, Curzio. Le Collezioni Miner-
alogiche del Museo di Storia Naturale dell ’Uni-
2626. AVERY, Donald. Pathogens for War: Bi- versità di Firenze Dalle Origini a Oggi. (xv + 236
ological Weapons, Canadian Life Scientists, and pp.; ill.) Firenze: Leo S. Olschki editore, 2011. ISBN:
North American Biodefence. (448 pp.; bibl.; index.) 9788822260024.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. ISBN:
9781442614246. 2638. C OUTTENIER, Maarten. “Between Region-
Reviews: [ref. R47] alization and Centralization: The Creation of the
Musée Léopold II in Elisabethville (Musée national
2627. B IHR, Simon. “ ‘Entkrüppelung der de Lubumbashi), Belgian Congo (1931–1961).” Hist.
Krüppel.’ ” NTM 21, no. 2 (2013): 107–141. & Anthro. 25 (2014): 72–101.
2628. B UKLIJAS, Tatjana. “Food, Growth and Time: 2639. N IELSEN, Kristian H. “ ‘What Things Mean in
Elsie Widdowson’s and Robert Mccance’s Research Our Daily Lives’: A History of Museum Curating and
into Prenatal and Early Postnatal Growth.” Article Visiting in the Science Museum’s Children’s Gallery
in a special issue, “Transforming Pregnancy Since from c. 1929 to 1969.” Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 47, no. 3
1900” [ref. 3275]. Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. (2014): 505–538.
47, Part B (2014): 267–277.
2640. P INA, Madalena Esperança, and Manuel C OR -
2629. DAVIS, Angela. “Wartime Women Giving REIA . “Egas Moniz (1874–1955): cultura e ciência.”
Birth: Narratives of Pregnancy and Childbirth, Britain Manguinhos 19, no. 2 (2012): 431–450.
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ing Pregnancy Since 1900” [ref. 3275]. Stud. Hist. 2641. S ILVA, Claiton Marcio da. “Nelson Rockefel-
Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47, Part B (2014): 257–266. ler e a atuação da American International Association

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370. 20th century 135

for Economic and Social Development: debates sobre 2652. F RIJHOFF, Willem. “Honderd jaar universi-
missão e imperialismo no Brasil, 1946–1961.” Man- teitsgeschiedenis in Nederland.” Studium 6, no. 3/4
guinhos 20, no. 4 (2013): 1946–1961. (2013): 197–206.

2642. W INTLE, Claire. “Visiting the Empire at the 2653. G L ÄSER, Jochen, Stefan L ANGE, Grit
Provincial Museum, 1900–50.” In Curating Em- L AUDEL, and Uwe S CHIMANK. “The Limits of Uni-
pire, edited by L ONGAIR and M C A LEER (2012) versality: How Field-Specific Epistemic Conditions
[ref. 1549], 37–55. Affect Authority Relations and Their Consequences.”
In Reconfiguring Knowledge Production, edited by
W HITLEY et al. (2010) [ref. 3500], 291–324.
2643. B USCH, Wolfgang, Roger C. C ERAGIOLI, 2654. L EI ŠYT Ė, Liudvika, Jürgen E NDERS, and
and Walter S TEPHANI. “A Little-Known 3-Lens Harry de B OER. “Mediating Problem Choice: Aca-
Catadioptric Camera by Bernard Schmidt.” J. Astron. demic Researchers’ Responses to Changes in their
Hist. Herit. 16, no. 2 (2013): 107–126. Institutional Environment.” In Reconfiguring Knowl-
edge Production, edited by W HITLEY et al. (2010)
2644. G RANATO, Marcus, and Liliane Bispo dos [ref. 3500], 266–290.
S ANTOS. “The Physics Teaching Instruments at
Colégio Pedro Ii, Rio De Janeiro: Study and Prelimi- 2655. L OUVEL, Severine. “Changing Authority
nary Results.” In Scientific Instruments in the History Relations within French Academic Research Units
of Science, edited by G RANATO and L OURENÇO since the 1960s: From Patronage to Partnership.”
(2014) [ref. 203], 231–246. In Reconfiguring Knowledge Production, edited by
W HITLEY et al. (2010) [ref. 3500], 184–210.
2645. M ANSFIELD, Peter. The Long Road to Stock-
holm: The Story of Magnetic Resonance Imag- 2656. M ARTIN, Ben, and Richard W HITLEY. “A
ing (MRI): An Autobiography. (x + 241 pp.; ill.) Case of Regulatory Capture?” In Reconfiguring
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. ISBN: Knowledge Production, edited by W HITLEY et al.
9780199664542. (2010) [ref. 3500], 51–80.
Reviews: [ref. R649] 2657. T SVETKOVA, Natalia. “Making a New and
Pliable Professor: American and Soviet Transforma-
2646. Y EANG, Chen-Pang. Probing the Sky with
tions in German Universities, 1945–1990.” Minerva
Radio Waves: From Wireless Technology to the De-
52, no. 2 (2014): 161–185.
velopment of Atmospheric Science. (xv + 361 pp.;
ill.) Chicago; London: The University of Chicago, 2658. X AVIER, Libânia Nacif. “Universidade, pes-
2013. ISBN: 9780226015194. quisa e educação pública em Anı́sio Teixeira.” Man-
Reviews: [ref. R1105] guinhos 19, no. 2 (2012): 669–682.

370-42. SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION; EDUCATIONAL 2659. Z ANCUL, Maria Cristina de Senzi, and Elton
INSTITUTIONS de Oliveira BARRETO. “Scientific Instruments for
Physics Teaching in Brazilian Secondary Schools,
2647. A LMEIDA, Darcy Fontoura de. “A 1931–1961.” In Scientific Instruments in the History
contribuição de Carlos Chagas Filho para a of Science, edited by G RANATO and L OURENÇO
institucionalização da pesquisa cientı́fica na univer- (2014) [ref. 203], 259–276.
sidade brasileira.” Manguinhos 19, no. 2 (2012):
653–668. 2660. Z IGMUNDE, Alı̄da. “Baltic Historians of Ped-
agogy at the International Standing Conference for
2648. A ZEVEDO, Nara, Ana Luce Girão Soares the History of Education in Geneva.” Acta Baltica 1,
de L IMA, and Luı́s Octavio Gomes de S OUZA. “A no. 1 (2013): 109–111.
ciência como profissão: entrevista com Carlos Chagas
Filho.” Manguinhos 19, no. 2 (2012): 703–734. 370-43. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OF
2649. C ANALES, Antonio. “A New Space for a New
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after the Spanish Civil War.” Hist. Educ. 41 (2012): and the Gödel Editorial Project.” Part of a special
657–674. issue, “Perspectives on the History and Philosophy of
Modern Logic: Van Heijenoort Centenary” [ref. 74].
2650. E NGWALL, Lars, Matthias K IPPING, and Logic. Univers. 6 (2012): 293–299.
Behlül Ü SDIKEN. “Public Science Systems, Higher
Education, and the Trajectory of Academic Disci- 2662. L EAN, Eugenia. “Proofreading Science: Edit-
plines: Business Studies in the United States and ing and Experimentation in Manuals by a 1930s
Europe.” In Reconfiguring Knowledge Production, Industrialist.” In Science and Technology in Modern
edited by W HITLEY et al. (2010) [ref. 3500], 325– China, 1880s–1940s, edited by T SU and E LMAN
356. (2014) [ref. 1751], 185–208.
2651. F ERREIRA, Marieta de Moraes. “O ensino 2663. L UYT, Brendan. “The Makiling Echo: The
da história na Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia da Multiple Functions of a Staff Magazine in the Amer-
Universidade do Brasil.” Manguinhos 19, no. 2 ican Tropical Empire of the Twentieth Century.”
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(2014): 20–40.

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136 370. 20th century

2664. O LAG ÜE DE ROS, Guillermo. “Un ac- 2678. P IHLSTR ÖM, Sami. “A Pragmatist Dimension
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cientı́fica en Cataluña. La labor de Marı́a Serrallach Baltica 2, no. 1 (2014): 5–17.
Juliá (1905–1992) en el Seminario de Quı́mica de la
Universidad de Barcelona (1937–1984).” Dynamis 2679. R AE, Gavin. “Heidegger’s Influence on
34, no. 1 (2014): 147–168. Posthumanism: The Destruction of Metaphysics,
Technology and the Overcoming of Anthropocen-
2665. R EKDAL, Ole Bjørn. “Academic Urban Leg- trism.” Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 1 (2014): 51–69.
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2670. G ABRIEL, Gottfried. “Carnap’s ‘Elimina- 2684. A NELLIS, Irving. “Jean van Heijenoort’s Con-
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2691. G UO Jinhai. “William Fogg Osgood and the 2704. S ULLIVAN, Edmund. “Bill Carey and Passive
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Nation-State, 1916–24.” Asian Med. 6, no. 2 (2011): 2729. G OOD, Gregory A. “Rutherford’s Nuclear
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in Niels Bohr’s Philosophy of Physics. Biblioteca di A note on Grete Hermann’s contributions to quan-
Nuncius. Studi e testi; 72. (xi + 211 pp.) Firenze: tum physics and how they had been largely ignored
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her work to substantiate similar conclusions.
2718. ATA, Kaan. “İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen
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2742. R ÉDEI, Miklós. “Hilbert’s 6th Problem and summer2011/rotblat_archive.html. Hist. Phys.
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Lidov.” Res. Hist. Tech. 16 (2012): 83–88. o laboratorio de Xeoquı́mica da Universidade de
Santiago.” Asclepio 64, no. 1 (2012): 37–62.
2773. W IDMALM, Sven. “United in Separation: The
Inventions of Gel Filtration and the Moral Economy 2785. O GDEN, R. J. “Meteorological Services Lead-
of Research in Swedish Biochemistry, ca. 1950– ing to D-Day.” Pub. Interest Rep. 3 (2001): 1–24.
1970.” Article in a special issue, “Science, Technol-
ogy, Medicine – and the State: The Science-State 2786. R APOSO, Pedro M. P. “Surveyors of the
Nexus in Scandinavia, 1850–1980” [ref. 1753]. Sci. Promised Land: Hydrographic Engineers and the
Context 27, no. 2 (2014): 249–274. Techno-Scientific Resurgence of the Portuguese
Overseas Empire (C. 1900–1935).” HOST 7 (2013):
370-114. ALCHEMY 85–119.
2774. ROOS, Anna Marie. “The Experimental Ap- 2787. S CHENCKING, J. Charles. The Great Kantō
proach towards a Historiography of Alchemy.” Stud. Earthquake and the Chimera of National Reconstruc-
Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 44 (2013): 787–789. tion in Japan. (xxii + 374 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.)
Essay review of Lawrence P RINCIPE, The Secrets New York: Columbia University Press, 2013. ISBN:
of Alchemy (2012). 9780231162180.
Reviews: [ref. R901]
2788. V EALEA, Lucy, Georgina E NDFIELD, and
2775. AUDRIC, Brian. “The Meteorological Office Simon NAYLOR. “Knowing Weather in Place: The
Dunstable and the IDA Unit in World War II.” Pub. Helm Wind of Cross Fell.” J. Hist. Geogr. 45 (2014):
Interest Rep. 2 (2000): 1–17. 25–37.

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370. 20th century 141

2789. YOSHINAGA, Alvin, Paul W EISSICH, Paul 2800. S ÖRLIN, Sverker. (Ed.) Science, Geopolitics
H ARRIS, and Margaret B. S WAIN. “Classifying and Culture in the Polar Region: Norden beyond
Joseph Rock: Metamorphic, Conglomerate, and Sed- Borders. Nordic Experience: 2. (462 pp.; ill.; index.)
imentary.” In Explorers and Scientists in China’s Bor- Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2013. ISBN:
derlands, 1880–1950, edited by Denise M. G LOVER 9781472409706.
et al. (Seattle: Univ. of Washington Press, 2011), Contents: Sverker S ÖRLIN, “Introduction: Polar
116–148. Extensions—Nordic States and Their Polar Strate-
gies,” 1–19 [ref. 2799]; Sverker S ÖRLIN, “Ice
370-121. GEOGRAPHY; CARTOGRAPHY; Diplomacy and Climate Change: Hans Ahlmann
EXPLORATION and the Quest for a Nordic Region beyond Bor-
ders,” 23–54 [ref. 2839]; Peder ROBERTS, “Nordic
2790. BARTH, Ortrud Monika, and Cristina Engel or National? Post-War Visions of Polar Con-
de A LVAREZ. “Rudolf Barth: um cientista pioneiro flict and Cooperation,” 55–78 [ref. 2581]; Klaus
na ilha da Trindade.” Manguinhos 19, no. 3 (2012): D ODDS, Peder ROBERTS and Lize-Marie VAN
969–992. DER WATT , “ ‘But Why Do You Go There?’: Nor-
way and South Africa in the Antarctic during the
2791. C APIL É, Bruno, and Moema de Resende
1950s,” 79–110 [ref. 2793]; Julia L AJUS, “Field
V ERGARA. “The Development of the Laussedat
Stations on the Coast of the Arctic Ocean in the
Phototheodolite and Its Use on the Brazil-Argentina
European Part of Russia from the First to Second
Border.” In Scientific Instruments in the History of
IPY,” 111–142 [ref. 2018]; Stian B ONES, “Science
Science, edited by G RANATO and L OURENÇO (2014)
In-Between: Norway, The European Arctic and the
[ref. 203], 143–158.
Soviet Union,” 143–170 [ref. 2569]; Julia L AJUS,
2792. C ARDOSO, Luciene Pereira Carris. “Os “Linking People through Fish: Science and Bar-
congressos brasileiros de geografia entre 1909 e ents Sea Fish Resources in the Context of Russian-
1944.” Manguinhos 18, no. 1 (2011): 85–103. Scandinavian Relations,” 171–194 [ref. 2876];
Urban W R ÅKBERG, “Science and Industry in
2793. D ODDS, Klaus, Peder ROBERTS, and Lize- Northern Russia from a Nordic Perspective,” 195–
Marie VAN DER WATT. “ ‘But Why Do You Go 223 [ref. 3392]; Kirsten T HISTED, “Discourses of
There?’: Norway and South Africa in the Antarctic Indigeneity: Branding Greenland in the Age of
during the 1950s.” In Science, Geopolitics and Cul- Self-Government and Climate Change,” 227–258;
ture in the Polar Region, edited by S ÖRLIN (2013) Anders H OULTZ, “Displaying the Polar Nation:
[ref. 2800], 79–110. Nordic Museum Exhibits and Polar Ambitions,”
293–327 [ref. 198]; Aant E LZINGA, “The Nordic
2794. H AMBLIN, Jacob Darwin. “Seeing the Oceans Nations in Polar Science: Expeditions, Interna-
in the Shadow of Bergen Values.” Part of a focus tional Polar Years and Their Geopolitical Dimen-
section on: “Focus: Knowing the Ocean: A Role for sions,” 357–391 [ref. 2010]; Lisbeth L EWANDER,
the History of Science” [ref. 264]. Isis 105, no. 2 “The Nordic Arctic Periphery: Fragments from
(2014): 352–363. Field Work,” 393–409 [ref. 2795].
Reviews: [ref. R964]
2795. L EWANDER, Lisbeth. “The Nordic Arctic
Periphery: Fragments from Field Work.” In Science,
2801. W YSS, Tamara. “Searching for the ‘Lolos’:
Geopolitics and Culture in the Polar Region, edited
Tracking Fritz and Hedwig Weiss’s Trip to the Liang-
by S ÖRLIN (2013) [ref. 2800], 393–409.
shan Region in 1913.” In Explorers and Scientists in
2796. M INGMING, Wang. “Southeast and South- China’s Borderlands, 1880–1950, edited by Denise
west: Searching for the Link between ‘Research Re- M. G LOVER et al. (Seattle: Univ. of Washington
gions.’ ” In Sociology and Anthropology in Twentieth- Press, 2011), 91–115.
Century China, edited by D IRLIK et al. (2012)
[ref. 3014], 161–190. 2802. Z ELLER, Suzanne. “Wild Men In and Out of
Science: Finding a Place in the Disciplinary Bor-
2797. M UEGGLER, Erik. “The Eyes of Others: Race, derlands of Arctic Canada and Greenland.” J. Hist.
‘Gaping,’ and Companionship in the Scientific Ex- Geogr. 44 (2014): 31–43.
ploration of Southwest China.” In Explorers and Compares the early 20th-century Arctic experi-
Scientists in China’s Borderlands, 1880–1950, edited ences of the artist-naturalist Ernest Seton in Canada
by Denise M. G LOVER et al. (Seattle: Univ. of Wash- and the explorer-geologist Lauge Koch in Green-
ington Press, 2011), 26–56. land.
2798. S ÖRLIN, Sverker. “Circumpolar Science:
Scandinavian Approaches to the Arctic and the North 370-122. NATURAL HISTORY
Atlantic, ca. 1920 to 1960.” Article in a special issue,
“Science, Technology, Medicine – and the State: The 2803. C ASADO, Santos, and Santiago A RAG ÓN.
Science-State Nexus in Scandinavia, 1850–1980” “Vignettes of Spanish Nature: Imagining a National
[ref. 1753]. Sci. Context 27, no. 2 (2014): 275–305. Fauna at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales,
Madrid (1910–1936).” Hist. Stud. Nat. Sci. 44 (2014):
2799. S ÖRLIN, Sverker. “Introduction: Polar 197–233.
Extensions—Nordic States and Their Polar Strate-
gies.” In Science, Geopolitics and Culture in the 2804. F ELLERS, Gary M. “Animal Taxa Named for
Polar Region, edited by S ÖRLIN (2013) [ref. 2800], Rollo H. Beck.” Arch. Natur. Hist. 41 (2014): 113–
1–19. 123.

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142 370. 20th century

2805. G OMIS, Alberto. “Odón de Buen: cuarenta 2813. C OTE, Stephen. “A War for Oil in the Chaco,
y cinco años de compromiso con la universidad.” 1932–1935.” Environ. Hist. 18, no. 4 (2013): 738–
Asclepio 63, no. 2 (2011): 405–430. 758.

2806. H USSEY, Kristin D. “Ming the Forgotten 2814. DA ROCHA B RANDO F ERNANDEZ, Fernanda,
Celebrity: A Giant Panda Skull at the Royal Col- and Ana Maria de Andrade C ALDEIRA. “As fases
lege of Surgeons of England.” Arch. Natur. Hist. 41 iniciais da Ecologia: as contribuições de Henry Allan
(2014): 159–162. Gleason.” Fil. Hist. Biol. 8, no. 3 (2013): 453–473.

2807. S AMYN, Yves. “Return to Sender: Hydrozoa 2815. DA S ILVA N UNES, Patricia, Osmar C AVAS -
Collected by Emperor Hirohito of Japan in the 1930s SAN , and Fernanda DA ROCHA B RANDO . “Fre-
and Studied in Brussels.” Arch. Natur. Hist. 41 deric Edward Clements e o conceito de sucessão
(2014): 17–24. ecológica.” Fil. Hist. Biol. 8, no. 3 (2013): 617–626.

2816. D ENNING, Andrew. “From Sublime Land-

370-123. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES scapes to ‘White Gold’: How Skiing Transformed the
Alps after 1930.” Environ. Hist. 19, no. 1 (2013):
2808. AYRES, Peter G. Shaping Ecology: The Life 78–108.
of Arthur Tansley. (xii + 213 pp.; ill.; bibl.; in-
dex.) Malden, Mass: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. ISBN: 2817. D OANE, Molly. Stealing Shining Rivers:
9780470671566. Agrarian Conflict, Market Logic, and Conserva-
Reviews: [ref. 2825, R49] tion in a Mexican Forest. (xiii + 203 pp.; ill.; maps.)
Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2012. ISBN:
2809. B LAVASCUNAS, Eunice. “Signals in the For- 9780816505920.
est: Cultural Boundaries of Science in Białowieża, Reviews: [ref. R267]
Poland.” In New Natures, edited by J ØRGENSEN et
al. (2013) [ref. 293], 118–132. 2818. D OEL, Ronald E., Wråkberg U RBAN, and
Suzanne Z ELLER. “Science, Environment, and the
2810. B OUDIA, Soraya, and Nathalie JAS. (Eds.) New Arctic.” First article in a special section, “Sci-
Toxicants, Health and Regulation since 1945. Studies ence, Environment, and the New Arctic.” J. Hist.
for the Society for the Social History of Medicine, no. Geogr. 44 (2014): 2–14.
9. (xiii + 193 pp.; bibl.; index.) London: Pickering & Contents: Dag AVANGO, Louwrens H ACQUE -
Chatto, 2013. ISBN: 9781781440353. BORD and Urban W R ÅKBERG , “Industrial Ex-
Contents: Christopher S ELLERS, “The Cold War traction of Arctic Natural Resources since the
Over the Worker’s Body: Cross-National Clashes Sixteenth Century: Technoscience and Geo-
over Maximum Allowable Concentrations in Economics in the History of Northern Whaling
the Post-World War II Era,” 25–45 [ref. 3807]; and Mining,” 15–30 [ref. 285]; Suzanne Z ELLER,
Nathalie JAS, “Adapting to ‘Reality’: The Emer- “Wild Men In and Out of Science: Finding a
gence of an International Expertise on Food Ad- Place in the Disciplinary Borderlands of Arctic
ditives and Contaminants in the 1950s and early Canada and Greenland,” 31–43 [ref. 2802]; Ju-
1960s,” 47–69 [ref. 3791]; Soraya B OUDIA, “From lia L AJUS and Sverker S ÖRLIN, “Melting the
Threshold to Risk: Exposure to Low Doses of Ra- Glacial Curtain: The Politics of Scandinavian–
diation and Its Effects on Toxicants Regulation,” Soviet Networks in the Geophysical Field Sciences
71–87 [ref. 3611]; Emmanuel H ENRY, “ ‘License between Two Polar Years, 1932/33–1957/58,” 44–
to Expose?’ Occupational Exposure Limits, Scien- 59 [ref. 2783]; Ronald E. D OEL et al., “Strategic
tific Expertise and State in Contemporary France,” Arctic Science: National Interests in Building Nat-
89–101 [ref. 3789]; Michelle M URPHY, “Chemi- ural Knowledge—Interwar Era through the Cold
cal Infrastructures of the St. Clair River,” 103–115 War,” 60–80 [ref. 2571]; Urban W R ÅKBERG and
[ref. 3636]; Didier T ORNY, “Managing an Ever- Karin G RANQVIST, “Decolonizing Technoscience
lastingly Polluted World: Food Policies and Com- in Northern Scandinavia: The Role of Scholarship
munity Health Actions in the French West Indies,” in Sámi Emancipation and the Indigenization of
117–134 [ref. 3644]; Sezin T OPÇU, “Chernobyl Western Science,” 81–92 [ref. 439].
Empowerment? Exporting ‘Participatory Gov-
ernance’ to Contaminated Territories,” 135–157 2819. D ORSEY, Kurkpatrick. Whales and Nations:
[ref. 3643]. Environmental Diplomacy on the High Seas. (xxii +
365 pp.; ill.; maps.) Seattle: University of Washing-
Reviews: [ref. R110] ton Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780295993119.
Reviews: [ref. R269]
2811. C OLE, Tim. “ ‘Nature Was Helping Us’:
Forests, Trees, and Environmental Histories of the 2820. D RAKE, Brian Allen. Loving Nature, Fear-
Holocaust.” Environ. Hist. 19, no. 4 (2014): 665– ing the State: Environmentalism and Antigovernment
686. Politics before Reagan. Weyerhaeuser Environmen-
tal Book. (xv + 245 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Seat-
2812. C OSENS, Barbara. Columbia River Treaty tle: University of Washington Press, 2013. ISBN:
Revisited: Transboundary River Governance in the 9780295992990.
Face of Uncertainty. (464 pp.; maps; index.) Cor- Reviews: [ref. R271]
vallis: Oregon State University Press, 2012. ISBN:
9780870716911. 2821. F OUNTAIN, Steven M. “Ranchers’ Friend and
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370. 20th century 143

troduction in California.” Environ. Hist. 19, no. 2 2833. M ILLER, Shawn W. “Minding the Gap: Pan-
(2014): 239–269. Americanism’s Highway, American Environmen-
talism, and Remembering the Failure to Close the
2822. F RANK, Jerry J. Making Rocky Mountain Na- Darién.” Environ. Hist. 19, no. 2 (2014): 189–216.
tional Park: The environmental history of an Amer-
ican treasure. (xiv + 253 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) 2834. M ORANDA, Scott. The People’s Own Land-
Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 2013. scape: Nature, Tourism, and Dictatorship in East
ISBN : 9780700619320. Germany. (x + 229 pp.; ill.) Ann Arbor: The Univer-
Reviews: [ref. R335] sity of Michigan Press, 2014. ISBN: 9780472119134.
Reviews: [ref. R706]
2823. F REINKEL, Susan. Plastic: A Toxic Love
Story. (336 pp.) Boston/New York: Houghton Mifflin 2835. O LDENZIEL, Ruth, and Milena V EENIS. “The
Harcourt, 2011. ISBN: 9781921758485. Glass Recycling Container in the Netherlands: Sym-
Reviews: [ref. R339] bol in Times of Scarcity and Abundance, 1939–1978.”
Part of a special issue: “Recycling and Reuse in the
2824. G ARFIELD, Seth. In Search of the Amazon: Twentieth Century”. Cont. Europ. Hist. 22 (2013):
Brazil, the United States, and the Nature of a Region. 453–476.
(xiii + 343 pp.) Durham: Duke University Press,
2013. ISBN: 9780822355717. 2836. S ELLERS, Christopher C. Crabgrass Crucible:
Reviews: [ref. R357] Suburban Nature and the Rise of Environmentalism
in Twentieth-Century America. (374 pp.; ill.; bibl.;
2825. H AGEN, Joel B. “Emerging Ecologies: Past, maps.) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina
Present, and Future.” Hist. Stud. Nat. Sci. 44 (2014): Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780807835432.
285–295. Reviews: [ref. R924]
Essay review of David C. C OLEMAN, Big Ecology 2837. S ILVA DE M IRANDA, Gustavo, and Pedro
(2010); Michael J. L ANNOO, Leopold’s Shack and Henrique DOS S ANTOS D IAS. “Biogeografia de
Ricketts’s Lab (2010); Peter G. AYRES, Shaping vicariância: histórico e perspectivas da disciplina que
Ecology (2012) [ref. 2808]. lançou um novo olhar sobre a diversidade na Terra.”
Fil. Hist. Biol. 7, no. 2 (2012): 215–240.
2826. J UNDT, Thomas. “Dueling Visions for the
Postwar World: The UN and UNESCO 1949 Con- 2838. S ÖRLIN, Sverker. “Epilogue: Preservation in
ferences on Resources and Nature, and the Origins the Age of Entanglement: STS and the History of
of Environmentalism.” J. Amer. Hist. 101 (2014): Future Urban Nature.” In New Natures, edited by
44–70. J ØRGENSEN et al. (2013) [ref. 293], 212–224.
2827. K EITER, Robert B. To Conserve Unimpaired: 2839. S ÖRLIN, Sverker. “Ice Diplomacy and Climate
The Evolution of the National Park Idea. (xix + 343 Change: Hans Ahlmann and the Quest for a Nordic
pp.; index.) Washington, DC: Island Press, 2013. Region beyond Borders.” In Science, Geopolitics and
ISBN : 9781610912167. Culture in the Polar Region, edited by S ÖRLIN (2013)
Reviews: [ref. R530] [ref. 2800], 23–54.
2828. K HERAJ, Sean. Inventing Stanley Park: An 2840. VAN DER VALK, Arnold G. “From Forma-
Environmental History. (xxii + 271 pp.; ill.; maps.) tion to Ecosystem: Tansley’s Response to Clements’
Vancouver; Toronto: UBC Press, 2013. ISBN: Climax.” J. Hist. Biol. 47, no. 2 (2014): 293–321.
Reviews: [ref. R538] 2841. WALKER, Paul. “Of Gardens and Prosperity.”
Worldviews 18 (2014): 77–98.
2829. L ERNER, Steve. Sacrifice Zones: The Front On environmentalism, garden cultivation, and the
Lines of Toxic Chemical Exposure in the United Book of Morman.
States. (xiv + 346 pp.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
2010. ISBN: 9780262014403. 2842. W OHL, Ellen E. Wide Rivers Crossed: The
Reviews: [ref. R606] South Platte and the Illinois of the American Prairie.
(v + 344 pp.) Boulder: University Press of Colorado,
2830. M ARCHESI, Greta. “Polar Bears, Cactus, and 2013. ISBN: 9781607322306.
Natives: Race, Agrarian Reform, and Environmental Reviews: [ref. R1096]
Determinism in Latin America (1920–1950).” J. Hist.
Geogr. 45 (2014): 82–91.
2831. M EN ÉNDEZ -NAVARRO, Alfredo, and Luis 2843. B RINKMAN, Paul D. “Red Deer River Shake-
S ÁNCHEZ V ÁZQUEZ. “La protección radiológica en down: A History of the Captain Marshall Field Pa-
la industria nuclear española durante el franquismo, leontological Expedition to Alberta, 1922, and Its
1939–1975.” Manguinhos 20, no. 3 (2013): 797–812. Aftermath.” Earth Sci. Hist. 32, no. 2 (2013): 204–
2832. M ILLER, Char. Seeking the Greatest Good:
The Conservation Legacy of Gifford Pinchot. (ix + 2844. C ATAL Á G ORGUES, Jesús I. “Miquel Crusa-
220 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Pittsburgh, Pa.: University font, George Simpson y la internacionalización de
of Pittsburgh Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780822962670. los estudios de paleontologı́a evolutiva en España.”
Reviews: [ref. R691] Part of a special issue, “Paleoanthropology in the

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144 370. 20th century

Periphery” [ref. 2845]. Dynamis 33, no. 2 (2013): ogy in Modern China, 1880s–1940s, edited by T SU
343–364. and E LMAN (2014) [ref. 1751], 209–244.

2845. H OCHADEL, Oliver. “Palaeoanthropology in 2854. G AUDILLI ÈRE, Jean-Paul. “Changing the
the Periphery. An Introduction.” Introduction to a Scale: Slides and Electron Microscopy at the Virus
special issue, “Paleoanthropology in the Periphery.” Laboratory of the Pasteur Institute.” Hist. Phil. Life
Dynamis 33 (2013): 281–295. Sci. 35, no. 3 (2013): 395–414.
Contents: Clara F LORENSA, “Breaking the
Silence: Palaeontology and Evolution in La 2855. M UKA, Samantha K. “Portrait of an Outsider:
Vanguardia Española (1939–1975),” 297–320 Class, Gender, and the Scientific Career of Ida M.
[ref. 2886]; Carlos Acosta R IZO, “Un pie en Mellen.” J. Hist. Biol. 47, no. 1 (2014): 29–61.
el cielo y otro en la ciencia. Las interacciones
2856. P EARSON, Chris. “Dogs, History, and
productivas de Miquel Crusafont (1910–1983),”
Agency.” Special Issue: “Does History Need Ani-
321–342 [ref. 2847]; Jesús I. C ATAL Á G ORGUES,
mals?” [ref. 284]. Hist. & Theory 52, no. 4 (2013):
“Miquel Crusafont, George Simpson y la inter-
nacionalización de los estudios de paleontologı́a
evolutiva en España,” 343–364 [ref. 2844]; Miquel 2857. P ETERSON, Erik. “The Conquest of Vitalism
C ARANDELL BARUZZI, “Homı́nidos, dudas y or the Eclipse of Organicism? The 1930s Cambridge
grandes titulares: La controversia del Hombre de Organizer Project and the Social Network of Mid-
Orce en la prensa española (1983–2007),” 365–387 Twentieth-Century Biology.” Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 47,
[ref. 3648]; Oliver H OCHADEL, “The Multiple Eu- no. 2 (2014): 281–304.
dald Carbonell: The Various Roles of Catalonia’s
Most Popular Archaeologist,” 389–416 [ref. 3732]. 2858. P OWERS, Jack. “Finding Ernst Mayr’s Plato.”
Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 44, no. 4B (2013):
2846. K JÆRGAARD, Peter C. “Inventing Homo gar- 714–723.
darensis: Prestige, Pressure, and Human Evolution
in Interwar Scandinavia.” Article in a special issue, 2859. S CHMITT, Michael. From Taxonomy to Phy-
“Science, Technology, Medicine – and the State: The logenetics: Life and Work of Willi Hennig. (xiv +
Science-State Nexus in Scandinavia, 1850–1980” 208 pp.; Internet resource; bibl.) Boston: Brill, 2013.
[ref. 1753]. Sci. Context 27, no. 2 (2014): 359–383. ISBN : 9789004219281.
Reviews: [ref. R905]
2847. R IZO, Carlos Acosta. “Un pie en el cielo y otro
en la ciencia. Las interacciones productivas de Miquel 2860. S LOAN, Phillip R. “Molecularizing Chicago—
Crusafont (1910–1983).” Part of a special issue, 1945–1965: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of the Uni-
“Paleoanthropology in the Periphery” [ref. 2845]. versity of Chicago Biophysics Program.” Hist. Stud.
Dynamis 33 (2013): 321–342. Nat. Sci. 44, no. 3 (2014): 364–412.
2861. S TERNER, Beckett, and Scott L IDGARD. “The
370-130. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, GENERAL Normative Structure of Mathematization in System-
WORKS atic Biology.” Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 46
(2014): 44–54.
2848. A NDERSON, Warwick, and Ian R. M ACKAY.
“Fashioning the Immunological Self: The Biological 2862. S UNDERLAND, Mary E. “Computerizing Nat-
Individuality of F. Macfarlane Burnet.” J. Hist. Biol. ural History Collections.” Endeavour 37, no. 3
47, no. 1 (2014): 147–175. (2013): 150–161.
On how computers transformed the study of the
2849. BAEDKE, Jan. “The Epigenetic Landscape life sciences in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
in the Course of Time: Conrad Hal Waddington’s at the University of California, Berkeley.
Methodological Impact on the Life Sciences.” Stud.
Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 44 (2013): 756–773. 2863. TANNER, Ariane. “Publish and Perish.” NTM
21, no. 2 (2013): 143–170.
2850. B OCKING, Stephen. “Situated yet Mobile: Ex- On the difficult career of physical biologist Alfred
amining the Environmental History of Arctic Ecolog- Lotka.
ical Science.” In New Natures, edited by J ØRGENSEN
et al. (2013) [ref. 293], 164–178.
370-131. BOTANY
2851. C URRY, Helen Anne. “From Garden Biotech 2864. BAYTOP, Asuman. “Ahmet Atilla (1914–
to Garage Biotech: Amateur Experimental Biology 2008), Bitki Yetiştiricisi.” Translated title: [Ahmet
in Historical Perspective.” Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 47, no. 3 Atilla (1914–2008), Horticulturist] In Turkish. Os-
(2014): 539–565. manli Bilimi Arast. 14, no. 2 (2013): 118–124.
On Atilla, head gardener in the Botanical Garden
2852. E SPOSITO, Maurizio. “Problematic ‘Idiosyn- of stanbul University.
crasies’: Rediscovering the Historical Context of
D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson’s Science of Form.” 2865. BAYTOP, Asuman. “Anadolu’nun dar bir
Sci. Context 27, no. 1 (2014): 79–107. yöresinden örnek toplam bitki toplay c lar.” [Trans-
lated title: Plant collectors who have collected from
2853. FAN, Fa-ti. “The Controversy over Spon- a restricted area in Anatolia] In Turkish. Osmanli
taneous Generation in Republican China: Science, Bilimi Arast. 14, no. 1 (2012): 1–16.
Authority, and the Public.” In Science and Technol- On the plant collectors cited in Flora of Turkey.

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370. 20th century 145

2866. BAYTOP, Asuman. “Friederike Sorger’in Geopolitics and Culture in the Polar Region, edited
(1914–2001) Anadolu Gezileri ve Bitki Koleksiy- by S ÖRLIN (2013) [ref. 2800], 171–194.
onu.” [Translated title: Friederike Sorger (1914–
2001), her Anatolian travels and her plant collection] 2877. T URKEL, William J. Spark from the Deep:
In Turkish. Osmanli Bilimi Arast. 14, no. 1 (2012): How Shocking Experiments with Strongly Electric
17–24. Fish Powered Scientific Discovery. Animals, history,
On Sorger, an Austrian botanist and plant collector. culture. (287 pp.) Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins
University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781421409818.
2867. C ONDE, Patrı́cia, Rui F IGUEIRA, Susana Reviews: [ref. R1022]
Maria Cristina D UARTE. “A Missão Botânica de 2878. U LIANKINA, Tatiana I. “To the Biography of
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2880. BANGHAM, Jenny, and Soraya de C HADARE -
2869. DATHAN, Patricia Wendy. The Reindeer VIAN . “Human Heredity after 1945: Moving Popula-
Botanist: Alf Erling Porsild, 1901–1977. North- tions Centre Stage.” First article in a special section:
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PHYSIOLOGY Ricardo Ventura S ANTOS, “The Emergence of Hu-
man Population Genetics and Narratives about the
2872. BASTOS, Francisco Inácio, and Magali Formation of the Brazilian Nation (1950–1960),”
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Manguinhos 18, no. 4 (2011): 1021–1038. thropology in the Work of Ruben Lisker in the
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2873. B ELOZEROV, Oleg P. “From a Zoological
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2875. L ACHAPELLE, Sofie, and Heena M ISTRY. 1962–1975,” 142–153 [ref. 2902]; Ilana L ÖWY,
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Tropical, Palais de la Porte Dorée.” J. Hist. Biol. 47, “Mutations in Soviet Public Health Science: Post-
no. 1 (2014): 1–27. Lysenko Medical Genetics, 1969–1991,” 163–172
[ref. 2882]; Lisa G ANNETT, “Biogeographical
2876. L AJUS, Julia. “Linking People through Fish: Ancestry and Race,” 173–184 [ref. 3506]; Susan
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2881. BANGHAM, Jenny. “Writing, Printing, Speak- 2893. L OGAN, Cheryl A. Hormones, Heredity, and
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tures in the Mid-Twentieth Century.” Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 245 pp.; ill.) New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University
47, no. 2 (2014): 335–361. Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780813559704.
On three Viennese biologists: Paul Kammerer,
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2897. N OGUERA -S OLANO, Ricardo, Rosaura RUIZ -
2885. E L -H ANI, Charbel N., and Emilio L ANNA. G UTIERREZ, and Juan Manuel RODRIGUEZ -C ASO.
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2888. G LIBOFF, Sander. “Monism and Morphology Scientiarum 22, no. 3 (2012): 227–236.
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2904. S MOCOVITIS, Vassiliki Betty. “Disciplining 2914. P ELLEGRINI, Pablo A. “Anomalı́as en los
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Evolution and Its Publics from the Modern Synthesis 1471.
to the Present.” Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 45
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Evolving Uses of William Paley’s Natural The- for Tobacco Mosaic Virus.” J. Hist. Biol. 47, no. 1
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A. U LETT, “Making the Case for Orthogenesis:
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tion (1890–1926),” 124–132 [ref. 2151]; David ing Road of Molecular Data in Phylogenetic Analy-
S EPKOSKI, “Paleontology at the ‘High Table’? sis.” J. Hist. Biol. 47, no. 3 (2014): 443–478.
Popularization and Disciplinary Status in Recent
Paleontology,” 133–138 [ref. 3649]; Myrna Perez
S HELDON, “Claiming Darwin: Stephen Jay Gould 370-135. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY; HUMAN
in Contests over Evolutionary Orthodoxy and Pub- ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY
lic Perception, 1977–2002,” 139–147 [ref. 3663]. 2917. BAKER, Graham. “Eugenics and Migra-
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2906. T HEUNISSEN, Bert. “Practical Animal Breed- :Public Health and Eugenic Reform in the Wake of the
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2919. BANGHAM, Jenny. “Blood Groups and Human
2907. T IMM, Annette. The Politics of Fertility in Groups: Collecting and Calibrating Genetic Data
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2908. W EIKART, Richard. “The Role of Darwinism 2920. BAUER, Susanne. “Virtual Geographies of
in Nazi Racial Thought.” Germ. Stud. Rev. 36, no. 3 Belonging: The Case of Soviet and Post-Soviet Hu-
(2013): 537–556. man Genetic Diversity Research.” Article in a special
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2909. Z HENG Fang. “Recalling the First Translation Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 4 (2014): 511–537.
of the Criticism of ‘Lysenko’s Species Theory’ in
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2910. B RAND ÃO, Gilberto Oliveira, and Louise between Germany and North America, 1880s to
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determinação sexual?” Fil. Hist. Biol. 8, no. 3 “Eugenics and Racial Biology in Sweden and the
(2013): 493–500. USSR: Contacts across the Baltic Sea,” 41–75
[ref. 2935]; Graham BAKER, “Eugenics and Migra-
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niques.” J. Hist. Biol. 47, no. 1 (2014): 63–105. [ref. 2917]; Leslie BAKER, “ ‘A Visitation of Prov-
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2912. D ONNELLY, Catherine. “75 Years of IFT: Wake of the Halifax Disaster,” 99–122 [ref. 2918];
Food Microbiology in JFS–1936 to Present.” Jour. Sheila G IBBONS, “ ‘Our Power to Remodel Civi-
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Eugenics: Married, Middle-Class Women in Al- não fı́sicos da evolução em chimpanzés e humanos.”
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2924. H UDSON, Dale. “ ‘Of Course There Are Were- Belonging” [ref. 3678]. Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no.
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ogy, and the ‘Human Factor.’ ” J. Hist. Behav. Sci. 50,
no. 2 (2014): 148–165.
PSYCHOLOGY 2966. D INISHAK, Janette. “ ‘Blind’ to the Obvious:
Wittgenstein and Köhler on the Obvious and the
2952. A LVARADO, Carlos S. “ ‘Visions of the Dy- Hidden.” Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 4 (2014): 59–76.
ing’, by James H Hyslop (1907).” Hist. Psychiat. 25,
no. 1 (2014): 237–252. 2967. D RUET, Anne Cécile. “La introducción del
psicoanálisis en la literatura española a través de su
2953. A NDERSCH, Norbert. “Ernst Cassirer’s Phi-
representación.” Asclepio 65, no. 2 (2013): Approx.
losophy of Symbolic Forms and Its Impact on the
6800 Words.
Theory of Psychopathology.” Hist. Psychiat. 25, no.
1 (2014): 203–223.
2968. D RUET, Anne Cécile. “La psiquiatrı́a española
2954. A NDERSON, Warwick. “Hermannsburg, 1929: y Jacques Lacan antes de 1975.” Asclepio 66, no. 1
Turning Aboriginal ‘Primitives’ into Modern Psy- (2014): Approx. 6500 Words.
chological Subjects.” J. Hist. Behav. Sci. 50, no. 2
(2014): 127–147. 2969. E LLIS, Jason. “ ‘Inequalities of Children in
Original Endowment’: How Intelligence Testing
2955. B ELZEN, Jacob Adrianus van. (Ed.) Psychol- Transformed Early Special Education in a North
ogy of Religion: Autobiographical Accounts. Path American City School System.” Hist. Educ. Quart.
in psychology. (vi + 281 pp.) New York: Springer, 53 (2013): 401–429.
2012. ISBN: 9781461416029.
Reviews: [ref. R64] 2970. F OSCHI, Renato, Anna G IANNONE, and
Alessia G IULIANI. “Italian Psychology under Pro-
2956. B OWDEN, Gregory. “Disorders of Inattention tection: Agostino Gemelli between Catholicism and
and Hyperactivity: The Production of Responsible Fascism.” Hist. Psychol. 16, no. 2 (2013): 130–144.
Subjects.” Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 1 (2014): 88–107.
2971. F RIEDMAN, Lawrence Jacob, and Anke M.
2957. B URMAN, Jeremy Trevelyan. “Profiles of S CHREIBER. The Lives of Erich Fromm: Love’s
International Archives: Les archives Jean Piaget, Prophet. (xxxv + 410 pp.; ill.) New York: Columbia
University of Geneva, Switzerland.” Hist. Psychol. University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780231162586.
16, no. 2 (2013): 158–161. Reviews: [ref. R342]

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150 370. 20th century

2972. G ABRIEL, Norman. “Growing up beside You: Republic of South Africa.” Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 4
A Relational Sociology of Early Childhood.” Article (2014): 139–154.
in a special issue, “Norbert Elias and Process Soci-
ology – Across Disciplines” [ref. 3018]. Hist. Hum. 2984. L OREDO -NARCIANDI, José Carlos, and Jorge
Sci. 27, no. 3 (2014): 116–135. C ASTRO -T EJERINA. “Citizen Weeks or the Psychol-
ogizing of Citizenship.” Hist. Psychol. 16, no. 1
2973. G ONZ ÁLEZ R EY, Fernando L. “Advancing (2013): 57–71.
Further the History of Soviet Psychology: Moving
Forward from Dominant Representations in Western 2985. M ARCUS, Laura. “European Witness:
and Soviet Psychology.” Hist. Psychol. 17, no. 1 Analysands Abroad in the 1920s and 1930s.” In
(2014): 60–78. History and Psyche, edited by A LEXANDER and
TAYLOR (2012) [ref. 138], 105–128.
2974. G REEN, Christopher D., Ingo F EINERER, and
Jeremy T. B URMAN. “Beyond the Schools of Psy- 2986. M EDINA -D OM ÉNECHA, Rosa M. “ ‘Who
chology 2: A Digital Analysis of Psychological Re- Were the Experts?’ The Science of Love vs. Women’s
view, 1904–1923.” J. Hist. Behav. Sci. 50, no. 3 Knowledge of Love During the Spanish Dictatorship.”
(2014): 249–279. Sci. Cult. 23, no. 2 (2014): 177–200.
2975. G UNDLACH, Horst. “Max Wertheimer, Ha- 2987. M OLINA, Andrés Rı́os. “ ‘Dictating the Suit-
bilitation Candidate at the Frankfurt Psychological able Way of Life’: Mental Hygiene for Children and
Institute.” Part of a special section, “On the occasion Workers in Socialist Mexico, 1934–1940.” J. Hist.
of the centenary of Max Wertheimer’s article on the Behav. Sci. 49, no. 2 (2013): 142–166.
‘phi phenomenon’ ” [ref. 3001]. Hist. Psychol. 17,
no. 2 (2014): 134–148. 2988. M ÜLBERGER, Annette, Mònica BALLTON -
DRE, and Andrea G RAUS . “Aims of Teachers’ Psy-
2976. H OFSTETTER, Rita, Marc R ATCLIFF, and chometry: Intelligence Testing in Barcelona (1920).”
Bernard S CHNEUWLY. (Eds.) Cent ans de vie, 1912– Hist. Psychol. 17, no. 3 (2014): 206–222.
2012 : la faculté de psychologie et des sciences de
l’éducation héritière de l’Institut Rousseau et de 2989. M ÜLBERGER, Annette. “The Need for Con-
l’ère piagétienne. [Translated title.] In French. One textual Approaches to the History of Mental Testing.”
Hundred Years of Life, 1912–2012: The Faculty of Hist. Psychol. 17, no. 3 (2014): 177–186.
Psychology and Educational Sciences, Heir to the
Rousseau Institute and the Piagetian Era. (xiii + 310 2990. N OVELLA, Enric J. “Introducción: las ciencias
pp.; ill.) Chêne-Bourg (Suisse): Georg, 2012. ISBN: de la mente y la historia de la subjetividad.” Introduc-
9782825710081. tion Article in a Series. Asclepio 65, no. 2 (2013):
Reviews: [ref. R461] Approx. 3000 Words.
Contents: Eva Marı́a T RESCASTRO -L ÓPEZ, Josep
2977. H OLMES, Marcia E. “The Psychologist and B ERNABEU -M ESTRE and M. Eugenia G ALIANA -
the Bombardier: The Army Air Forces’ Aircrew S ÁNCHEZ, “Nutrición y salud pública: polı́ticas de
Classification Program in WWII.” Endeavour 38, no. alimentación escolar en la España contemporánea
1 (2014): 43–54. (1931–1978),” Approx. 8000 Words [ref. 2998].
2978. H ORST, Frank Carel Pieter van der. John
Bowlby—From Psychoanalysis to Ethology: Unrav- 2991. P IZARROSO, Noemı́. “Mind’s Historicity: Its
eling The Roots of Attachment Theory. (xviii + 192 Hidden History.” Hist. Psychol. 16, no. 1 (2013):
pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 72–90.
2011. ISBN: 9780470683644.
2992. R EID, Fiona. “ ‘His Nerves Gave Way’: Shell
Reviews: [ref. R467] Shock, History and the Memory of the First World
2979. JAC Ó -V ILELA, Ana Maria. “Psychological War in Britain.” Endeavour 38, no. 2 (2014): 91–100.
Measurement in Brazil in the 1920s and 1930s.” Hist.
Psychol. 17, no. 3 (2014): 237–248. 2993. R EKDAL, Ole Bjørn. “Monuments to Aca-
demic Carelessness: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of
2980. K IRK, Robert G. W. “In Dogs We Trust? Katherine Frost Bruner.” Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no.
Intersubjectivity, Response-Able Relations, and the 5 (2014): 744–758.
Making of Mine Detector Dogs.” J. Hist. Behav. Sci. On Bruner’s discussion of writing style in psychol-
50, no. 1 (2014): 1–36. ogy in 1942.

2981. L EOPOLDOFF, Irina. “A Psychology for Ped- 2994. S ENSALES, Gilda, and Alessandra DAL
agogy: Intelligence Testing in USSR in the 1920s.” S ECCO. “The Rise of a Science in the Early Twentieth
Hist. Psychol. 17, no. 3 (2014): 187–295. Century: The Forgotten Voice of Gualtiero Sarfatti
and the First ‘Social Psychology’ Volumes in Italy.”
2982. L IMA, Ana Laura Godinho. “Recomendações Hist. Psychol. 17, no. 1 (2014): 36–49.
médicas para a educação da criança-problema: um
estudo de manuais de higiene mental, 1939–1947.” 2995. S TOCK, Armin. “Schumann’s Wheel Tachisto-
Manguinhos 20, no. 1 (2013): 317–325. scope: Its Reconstruction and Its Operation.” Part of a
special section, “On the Occasion of the Centenary of
2983. L ONG, Wahbie. “White Psychologists Only: Max Wertheimer’s Article on the ‘Phi Phenomenon’ ”
The Rise and Fall of the Psychological Institute of the [ref. 3001]. Hist. Psychol. 17, no. 2 (2014): 149–158.

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370. 20th century 151

2996. S WANSON, Gillian. “Collectivity, Human 3007. Z ITTEL, Claus. “Ludwik Flecks Gestaltbegriff
Fulfilment and the ‘Force of Life’: Wilfred Trotter’s und sein Blick auf die Gestaltpsychologie seiner
Concept of the Herd Instinct in Early 20th-Century Zeit.” First article in a special issue, “Gestalt – Ritus
Britain.” Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 1 (2014): 21–50. – Kollektiv. Ludwik Fleck im Kontext der Ethnologie,
Gestaltpsychologie und Soziologie seiner Zeit.” NTM
2997. T HURSCHWELL, Pam. “Freud’s Stepchild: 22, no. 1-2 (2014): 9–29.
Adolescent Subjectivity and Psychoanalysis.” In Contents: Sylwia W ERNER, “Wissenschaft und
History and Psyche, edited by A LEXANDER and Magie,” 31–48 [ref. 159]; Rainer E GLOFF, “Ge-
TAYLOR (2012) [ref. 138], 173–194. dankenverkehr, Kreuzung und Verdichtung,” 69–85
[ref. 144]; Julian BAUER, “ ‘Gerichtetes Wahrneh-
2998. T RESCASTRO -L ÓPEZ, Eva Marı́a, Josep men’, ‘Stimmung’, ‘soziale Verstärkung,’ ” 87–109
B ERNABEU -M ESTRE, and M. Eugenia G ALIANA - [ref. 139]; Eva J OHACH, “Was denkt im Individu-
S ÁNCHEZ. “Nutrición y salud pública: polı́ticas de um?” 111–132 [ref. 148].
alimentación escolar en la España contemporánea
(1931–1978).” Asclepio 65, no. 1 (2013): Approx.
3008. B LUM, Alan. “The Ordeal of Solitude.” Hist.
2999. VAILLANT, George E. Triumphs of Experi- Hum. Sci. 27, no. 2 (2014): 118–132.
ence: The Men of the Harvard Grant Study. (xi +
457 pp.) Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard 3009. C AMIC, Charles, Neil G ROSS, and Michèle
University Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780674059825. L AMONT. (Eds.) Social Knowledge in the Making.
Reviews: [ref. R1030] (xi + 471 pp.; ill.; index.) Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780226092089.
3000. V LASOVA, Olga Alexandrovna. “Karl Jaspers’ Reviews: [ref. 3013]
Phenomenology in the Light of Histological and X-
Ray Metaphors.” Hist. Psychiat. 25, no. 1 (2014): 3010. C ARVAJAL BA ÑADOS, Yuri, and Tuillang Y U -
103–111. ING A LFARO . “Gramáticas de vida: el censo de 1907
yla población como uso de gobierno.” Manguinhos
3001. W ERTHEIMER, Michael. “Max Wertheimer 20, no. 4 (2013): 1473–1489.
Centennial Celebration in Germany.” Introduction
to a special section, “On the Occasion of the Cen- 3011. C HANG, Maukuei. “The Movement to Indi-
tenary of Max Wertheimer’s Article on the ‘Phi genize the Social Sciences in Taiwan: Origin and
Phenomenon’ .” Hist. Psychol. 17, no. 2 (2014): Predicaments.” In Sociology and Anthropology in
129–130. Twentieth-Century China, edited by D IRLIK et al.
Contents: Michael W ERTHEIMER, “Music, Think- (2012) [ref. 3014], 209–254.
ing, Perceived Motion: The Emergence of Gestalt
Theory,” 131–133 [ref. 3002]; Horst G UND - 3012. C ROSSLAND, Rachel. “ ‘Multitudinous and
LACH , “Max Wertheimer, Habilitation Candidate Minute’: Early Twentieth-Century Scientific, Literary
at the Frankfurt Psychological Institute,” 134–148 and Psychological Representations of the Mass.” J.
[ref. 2975]; Armin S TOCK, “Schumann’s Wheel Lit. Sci. 6, no. 2 (2013): 1–16.
Tachistoscope: Its Reconstruction and Its Opera-
tion,” 149–158 [ref. 2995]. 3013. DAY É, Christian. “Visions of a Field: Recent
Developments in Studies of Social Science and Hu-
3002. W ERTHEIMER, Michael. “Music, Thinking, manities.” Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 6 (2014):
Perceived Motion: The Emergence of Gestalt The- 877–891.
ory.” Part of a special section, “On the Occasion of Essay review of Charles C AMIC, Neil G ROSS,
the Centenary of Max Wertheimer’s Article on the and Michèle L AMONT (eds.), Social Knowledge in
‘Phi Phenomenon’ ” [ref. 3001]. Hist. Psychol. 17, the Making (2011) [ref. 3009]; Joel I SAAC, Work-
no. 2 (2014): 131–133. ing Knowledge (2012); Mark S OLOVEY, Shaky
Foundations (2013) [ref. 3038]; Mark S OLOVEY
3003. W IESER, Martin. “Remembering the ‘Lens’: and Hamilton C RAVENS (eds.), Cold War Social
Visual Transformations of a Concept from Heider to Science (2012) [ref. 3037].
Brunswik.” Hist. Psychol. 17, no. 2 (2014): 83–104.
3014. D IRLIK, Arif, Guannan L I, and Hsiao-
3004. W OZNIAK, Robert H., and Jorge A. pei Y EN. (Eds.) Sociology and Anthropology
S ANTIAGO -B LAY. “Trouble at Tyson Alley: James in Twentieth-Century China: Between Universal-
Mark Baldwin’s Arrest in a Baltimore Bordello.” ism and Indigenism. (xi + 371 pp.; bibl.; index.)
Hist. Psychol. 16, no. 4 (2013): 227–248. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2012. ISBN:
3005. W UNDT, Wilhelm, and James T. L AMIELL. Contents: Arif D IRLIK, “Zhongguohua: Worlding
“Psychology’s Struggle for Existence: Second Edi- China: the Case of Sociology and Anthropology
tion, 1913.” Hist. Psychol. 16, no. 3 (2013): 197– in 20th-Century China,” 1–40 [ref. 3015]; Wang
211. J IANMIN, “Academic Universality and Indige-
Accompanied by James T. L AMIELL, “Translator’s nization: The Case of Chinese Anthropology,”
Preface” Hist. Psychol. 16, no. 3 (2013): 195–196. 41–62 [ref. 3054]; Guannan L I, “The Synthe-
sis School and the Founding of ‘Orthodox’ and
3006. YAN, Shu-Chang, and Jing C HEN. “Corre- ‘Authentic’ Sociology in Nationalist China: Sun
spondence between Henry A. Murray and Siegen K. Benwen’s Sociological Thinking and Practice,”
Chou.” Hist. Psychol. 16, no. 3 (2013): 212–216. 63–88 [ref. 3045]; Liang Y UE, “Searching for a

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152 370. 20th century

Place beyond Modern Chinese History: A Study of side You: A Relational Sociology of Early Child-
the Sociologist Lei Jieqiong,” 89–108 [ref. 3041]; hood,” 116–135 [ref. 2972].
Guannan L I, “Cultural Policy and Culture under
the Guomindang: Huang Wenshan and ‘Cultur- 3019. G AZELEY, Ian, and Claire L ANGHAMER.
ology,’ ” 109–138 [ref. 2540]; Hsiao-pei Y EN, “The Meanings of Happiness in Mass Observation’s
“Li Anzhai and Frontier Anthropology: Tibet, Bolton.” Hist. Workshop J. 75 (2013): 159–189.
Discourse of the Frontier, and Applied Anthro- On a social research organization founded in 1937
pology during World War II, 1937–1945,” 139– in the United Kingdom.
160 [ref. 3059]; Wang M INGMING, “Southeast
and Southwest: Searching for the Link between 3020. G ERSTENBERGER, Debora. “Gilberto Freyre:
‘Research Regions,’ ” 161–190 [ref. 2796]; Tan um teórico da globalização?” Manguinhos 21, no. 1
C HEE -B ENG, “Chinese of Different Nationalities, (2014): 111–120.
China, and the Anthropology of Chinese Culture,”
191–208 [ref. 549]; Maukuei C HANG, “The Move- 3021. H AFFNER, Jeanne. The View from above:
ment to Indigenize the Social Sciences in Taiwan: The Science of Social Space. (xiv + 203 pp.;
Origin and Predicaments,” 209–254 [ref. 3011]; ill.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013. ISBN:
Allen C HUN, “From Sinicization to Indigenization 9780262018791.
in the Social Sciences: Is That All There Is?” 255– “Traces the evolution of the science of social space
282 [ref. 352]; Ya-Chung C HUANG, “Studying from the interwar period to the 1970s.” (from the
Taiwan: The Academic Politics of Bentu in Post- publisher)
Authoritarian Taiwan,” 283–306 [ref. 3712]; Sun Reviews: [ref. R408]
L IPING, “On the Practice of Market Transition,”
307–332 [ref. 3067]; Guo Y UHUA, “Narratives of 3022. H AGNER, Michael. Der Hauslehrer: Die Ge-
the ‘Sufferer’ as Historical Testimony,” 333–358 schichte eines Kriminalfalls: Erziehung, Sexualität
[ref. 512]. und Medien um 1900. (280 pp.) Berlin: Suhrkamp
Reviews: [ref. R264] Verlag, 2013. ISBN: 9783518422045.
Reviews: [ref. R409]
3015. D IRLIK, Arif. “Zhongguohua: Worlding
China: the Case of Sociology and Anthropology 3023. H ANCOCK, Black Hawk, and Roberta G AR -
NER . “Reflections on the Ruins of Athens and Rome:
in 20th-Century China.” In Sociology and Anthropol-
ogy in Twentieth-Century China, edited by D IRLIK et Derrida and Simmel on Temporality, Life and Death.”
al. (2012) [ref. 3014], 1–40. Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 4 (2014): 77–97.

3024. H ARRISON, Rodney. “Observing, Collect-

3016. D OVIO, Mariana. “El caso de la ‘mala vida’,
ing and Governing ‘Ourselves’ and ‘Others’: Mass-
peligrosidad y prevención de conductas marginales
Observation’s Fieldwork Agencements.” Part of the
en Revista de Criminologı́a, Psiquiatrı́a, Medicina
special issue: “Anthropology, Collecting and Colo-
Legal y Ciencias Afines, en Buenos Aires, 1914–
nial Governmentalities”. [ref. 2235]. Hist. & Anthro.
1923.” Article in a supplementary issue on science
25 (2014): 227–245.
communication [ref. 980]. Manguinhos 20, suppl. 1
(2013): 1225–1252. On field collecting practices of Mass-Observation
(MO), a social research movement established in
3017. F ORRESTER, John. “The English Freud: W. the years leading up to the outbreak of the Second
H. R. Rivers, Dreaming, and the Early Twentieth- World War.
Century Human Sciences.” In History and Psy-
3025. H ERN ÁNDEZ, Sandoval. “Las Ciencias So-
che, edited by A LEXANDER and TAYLOR (2012)
ciales en el noreste de México. Un análisis desde
[ref. 138], 71–104.
dentro.” Noesis 17, no. 2 (2008): 46–61.
3018. G ABRIEL, Norman, and Lars Bo K ASPERSEN. 3026. H EYCK, Hunter. “The Organizational Rev-
“ ‘Human Beings in the Round’: Towards a General olution and the Human Sciences.” Isis 105 (2014):
Theory of the Human Sciences.” First article in a 1–31.
special issue, “Norbert Elias and Process Sociology
– Across Disciplines.” Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 3 3027. J EWETT, Andrew. “The Social Sciences, Phi-
(2014): 3–19. losophy, and the Cultural Turn in the 1930s USDA.”
Contents: Stephen M ENNELL, “What Economists J. Hist. Behav. Sci. 49, no. 4 (2013): 396–427.
Forgot (and What Wall Street and the City Never
Learned): A Sociological Perspective on the 3028. L AM, Tong. A Passion for Facts: Social Sur-
Crisis in Economics,” 20–37 [ref. 4021]; Jon veys and the Construction of the Chinese Nation-
Ploug J ØRGENSEN, “The Taming of the Aristoi— State, 1900–1949. (xii + 263 pp.; ill.) Berke-
An Ancient Greek Civilizing Process?” 38–54 ley: University of California Press, 2011. ISBN:
[ref. 812]; Albert BASTARDAS -B OADA, “Towards 9780520950351.
a Complex-Figurational Socio-Linguistics: Some Reviews: [ref. R579]
Contributions From Physics, Ecology and the Sci-
ences of Complexity,” 55–75 [ref. 3068]; Stephen 3029. M C K HANN, Charles F., and Alan WAXMAN.
D UNNE, “Figurational Sociology and the Rhetoric “David Crockett Graham: American Missionary and
of Post-Philosophy,” 76–95 [ref. 3043]; Richard Scientist in Sichuan, 1911–1948.” In Explorers and
K ILMINSTER, “The Dawn of Detachment: Nor- Scientists in China’s Borderlands, 1880–1950, edited
bert Elias and Sociology’s Two Tracks,” 96–115 by Denise M. G LOVER et al. (Seattle: Univ. of
[ref. 2230]; Norman G ABRIEL, “Growing up be- Washington Press, 2011), 180–210.

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370. 20th century 153

3030. M UELLER, Tim B. “The Rockefeller Foun- Lei Jieqiong.” In Sociology and Anthropology in
dation, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities in Twentieth-Century China, edited by D IRLIK et al.
the Cold War.” J. Cold War Stud. 15, no. 3 (2013): (2012) [ref. 3014], 89–108.
370-141. SOCIOLOGY
3031. M ÜLLER, Olaf L. “Verschmierte Spuren der
Unfreiheit: Wissenschaftsphilosophische Klarstel- 3042. A NDERSSON, Oscar. “William Foote Whyte,
lung zu angeblichen Artefakten bei Benjamin Libet.” Street Corner Society and Social Organization.” J.
Phil. Natur. 50, no. 1 (2013): 45–83. Hist. Behav. Sci. 50, no. 1 (2014): 79–103.

3032. P EMBERTON, Neil. “The Bloodhound’s Nose 3043. D UNNE, Stephen. “Figurational Sociology
Knows? Dogs and Detection in Anglo-American and the Rhetoric of Post-Philosophy.” Article in a
Culture.” Endeavour 37, no. 4 (2013): 196–208. special issue, “Norbert Elias and Process Sociology –
Across Disciplines” [ref. 3018]. Hist. Hum. Sci. 27,
3033. P ITTENGER, Mark. Class Unknown: Under- no. 3 (2014): 76–95.
cover Investigations of American Work and Poverty
from the Progressive Era to the Present. (x + 277 pp.) 3044. G UYER, Jane I. “The True Gift: Thoughts
New York: New York University Press, 2012. ISBN: on L’Année sociologique of 1925.” Special Issue:
9780814724293. Marcel Mauss. J. Classic. Soc. 14, no. 1 (2014):
Reviews: [ref. R800] 11–21.

3034. P OLLEN, Annebella. “Research Methodology 3045. L I, Guannan. “The Synthesis School and the
in Mass Observation Past and Present: ‘Scientifically, Founding of ‘Orthodox’ and ‘Authentic’ Sociology
about as Valuable as a Chimpanzee’s Tea Party at the in Nationalist China: Sun Benwen’s Sociological
Zoo’?” Hist. Workshop J. 75 (2013): 213–235. Thinking and Practice.” In Sociology and Anthropol-
ogy in Twentieth-Century China, edited by D IRLIK et
3035. R AMSDEN, Edmund. “Surveying the Meritoc- al. (2012) [ref. 3014], 63–88.
racy: The Problems of Intelligence and Mobility in
the Studies of the Population Investigation Commit- 3046. M C K IBBIN, Ross. “Political Sociology in the
tee.” Article in a special section: “Heredity and the Guise of Economics: J.M. Keynes and the Rentier.”
Study of Human Populations After 1945” [ref. 2880]. Engl. Hist. Rev. 128 (2013): 78–106.
Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47, Part A (2014):
3047. P ETERS, Gabriel. “Explanation, Understand-
ing and Determinism in Pierre Bourdieu’s Sociology.”
3036. S AVAGE, Michael. Identities and Social Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 1 (2014): 124–149.
Change in Britain since 1940: The Politics of Method.
3048. S COTT, John, and Ray B ROMLEY. Envision-
(xiii + 282 pp.; ill.; maps.) Oxford: Oxford University
ing Sociology: Victor Branford, Patrick Geddes, and
Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780199587667.
the Quest for Social Reconstruction. (x + 288 pp.;
On the period between 1940 and 1970. bibl.; index.) Albany: State University of New York
Reviews: [ref. R891] Press, 2013. ISBN: 978143844732-2.
On the founding of sociology in Britain and the
3037. S OLOVEY, Mark, and Hamilton C RAVENS. contributions by the scholars led by Victor Bran-
(Eds.) Cold War Social Science: Knowledge Produc- ford and Patrick Geddes.
tion, Liberal Democracy, and Human Nature. (xv Reviews: [ref. R919]
+ 270 pp.; index.) New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
2012. ISBN: 9780230340503. 3049. S TEINMETZ, George. “A Child of the Empire:
Reviews: [ref. 3013] British Sociology and Colonialism, 1940s–1960s.” J.
Hist. Behav. Sci. 49, no. 4 (2013): 353–378.
3038. S OLOVEY, Mark. Shaky Foundations: The
Politics-Patronage-Social Science Nexus in Cold War 3050. Y LIKOSKI, Petri. “Agent-Based Simulation
America. (x + 253 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) New and Sociological Understanding.” First article in a
Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2013. special issue, “Simulation, Visualization, and Scien-
ISBN : 9780813554662. tific Understanding.” Perspect. Sci. 22, no. 3 (2014):
Focuses focusing on the military, the Ford Founda- 318–335.
tion, and the National Science Foundation. Contents: Wendy S. PARKER, “Simulation and Un-
Reviews: [ref. 3013, R960] derstanding in the Study of Weather and Climate,”
336–356 [ref. 3604]; James Robert B ROWN, “Ex-
3039. S WEENEY, Dennis. “ ‘Modernity’ and the plaining, Seeing, and Understanding in Thought
Making of Social Order in Twentieth-Century Eu- Experiments,” 357–376 [ref. 115]; Henk W. de
rope.” Part of the Forum “Stephen Kotkin’s Magnetic R EGT, “Visualization as a Tool for Understand-
Mountain (1995)”. Cont. Europ. Hist. 23 (2014): ing,” 377–396 [ref. 2745]; Sabina L EONELLI,
209–224. “Data Interpretation in the Digital Age,” 397–417
[ref. 3903].
3040. TAYLOR, Jennie. “Pennies from Heaven and
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3073. B REIVIK, Heidi Mjelva, and Ellen J. Grav
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venting Free Markets since the Depression. (303 pp.) Proportions’: Controversies in the Wake of Anders
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012. Nummedal’s Discoveries of Norway’s First Inhab-
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territorio y territorialidad simbólica. Casos y prob- nando S ALM ÓN M U ÑIZ. Sexo y género en medicina:
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First Article in a Series. Noesis 17, no. 2 (2008): género en ciencias de la salud. Fenárete; 1. (282 pp.)
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primeiras décadas do século XX.” Manguinhos 21, Culture: Mental Nursing in a Decade of Radical
no. 1 (2014): 169–180. Change.” Hist. Psychiat. 25, no. 1 (2014): 70–86.

3154. E LLIS, Rob. “ ‘A Constant Irritation to the 3167. M C G EACHAN, Cheryl. “ ‘The World Is Full
Townspeople’? Local, Regional and National Politics of Big Bad Wolves’: Investigating the Experimen-
and London’s County Asylums at Epsom.” Soc. Hist. tal Therapeutic Spaces of R. D. Laing and Aaron
Med. 26 (2013): 653–671. Esterson.” Hist. Psychiat. 25, no. 3 (2014): 283–298.

3155. E VANS, Bonnie. “The Foundations of Autism: 3168. M ORRISON, Hazel. “Conversing with the
The Law Concerning Psychotic, Schizophrenic, and Psychiatrist: Patient Narratives within Glasgow’s
Autistic Children in 1950s and 1960s Britain.” Bull. Royal Asylum, 1921–1929.” J. Lit. Sci. 6, no. 1
Hist. Med. 88, no. 2 (2014): 253–285. (2013): 18–37.

3156. FACCHINETTI, Cristiana, and Pedro Felipe 3169. M OURA, Renata Heller de, and Maria Lucia
Neves de M U ÑOZ. “Emil Kraepelin na ciência psi- B OARINI. “A saúde da famı́lia sob as lentes da
quiátrica do Rio de Janeiro, 1903–1933.” Manguin- higiene mental.” Manguinhos 19, no. 1 (2012):
hos 20, no. 1 (2013): 239–262. 217–235.

3157. F IEBRANDT, Maria, Bodo R ÜDENBURG, and 3170. N EVES, Margarida de Souza. “O grande mal
Thomas M ÜLLER. “Von Südtirol nach Württemberg. no Cemitério dos Vivos: diagnósticos de epilepsia
Die ‘Umsiedlung’ Südtiroler Psychiatriepatienten im no Hospital Nacional de Alienados.” First article in
Rahmen des Deutsch-Italienischen Optionsvertrages a supplementary issue on the history of psychiatry.
ab 1939.” Gesnerus 69, no. 2 (2012): 297–329. Manguinhos 17, suppl. 2 (2010): 293–311.
Contents: Luiz Fernando D UARTE, “O nervosismo
3158. F OTH, Thomas. Caring and Killing: Nursing como categoria nosográfica no começo do século
and Psychiatric Practice in Germany, 1931–1943. XX,” 313–326; Ana Teresa A. V ENANCIO, “Clas-
(279 + pp.; ill.) Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2013. sificando diferenças: as categorias demência pre-
ISBN : 9783847100621. coce e esquizofrenia por psiquiatras brasileiros na
Reviews: [ref. R328] década de 1920,” 327–343; Joel B IRMAN, “A cena
constituinte da psicose manı́aco-depressiva no Bra-
3159. F OTH, Thomas. “Shock Therapies as Inten- sil,” 345–371; Sı́lvia Alexim N UNES, “Histeria e
sification of the War against Madness in Hamburg, psiquiatria no Brasil da Primeira República,” 373–
Germany: 1930–1943.” Can. Bull. Med. Hist. 29, no. 389; Sérgio C ARRARA and Marcos C ARVALHO,
4 (2013): 161–184. “A sı́filis e o aggiornamento do organicismo na
psiquiatria brasileira: notas a uma lição do dou-
3160. G AMA, Jairo Roberto de Almeida. “A tor Ulysses Vianna,” 391–399; Fernando Sergio
constituição do campo psiquiátrico: duas perspec- Dumas dos S ANTOS and Ana Carolina V ERANI,
tivas antagônicas.” Manguinhos 19, no. 1 (2012): “Alcoolismo e medicina psiquiátrica no Brasil do
139–155. inı́cio do século XX,” 400–420 [ref. 3294]; Rafaela
Teixeira Z ORZANELLI, “Psicastenia,” 421–430
3161. I TTEN, Theodor, and Courtenay YOUNG. R.D. [ref. 2368]; Rafaela Teixeira Z ORZANELLI, “Neu-
Laing: 50 Years since the Divided Self. (xx + 371 rastenia,” 431–446 [ref. 2367]; Octavio Domont de
pp.; ill.) Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, 2012. ISBN: S ERPA, Jr., “O degenerado,” 447–473 [ref. 2359];
9781906254544. Sandra C APONI, “Emil Kraepelin y el problema
Reviews: [ref. R493] de la degeneración,” 475–494 [ref. 2344]; Ana
Maria Galdini Raimundo O DA, “Ordenando a ba-
3162. JABERT, Alexander. “Estratégias populares bel psiquiátrica: Juliano Moreira, Afrânio Peixoto
de identificação e tratamento da loucura na primeira e a paranoia na nosografia de Kraepelin (Bra-
metade do século XX: uma análise dos prontuários sil, 1905),” 495–514; Simone Santos de Almeida

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370. 20th century 159

S ILVA, “Antônio Gonçalves Gomide: uma se- 3182. V ENANCIO, Ana Teresa A. “La asistencia
miologia das doenças nervosas no Brasil,” 515– psiquiátrica en la historia polı́tica brasileña.” Asclepio
525 [ref. 2320]; Cristiana FACCHINETTI, Priscila 64, no. 1 (2012): 167–188.
C UPELLO and Danielle Ferreira E VANGELISTA,
“Arquivos Brasileiros de Psiquiatria, Neurologia 3183. V ERHOEFF, Berend. “Autism in Flux: A
e Ciências Afins: uma fonte com muita história,” History of the Concept from Leo Kanner to DSM-5.”
527–535; Cristiana FACCHINETTI et al., “No labi- Hist. Psychiat. 24, no. 4 (2013): 442–458.
rinto das fontes do Hospı́cio Nacional de Aliena-
dos,” 733–768. 3184. WALKER, Chris. “Karl Jaspers on the Disease
Entity: Kantian Ideas and Weberian Ideal Types.”
3171. N UNES, Everardo Duarte. “Hollingshead e Hist. Psychiat. 25, no. 3 (2014): 317–334.
Redlich: a pesquisa sobre classe social e doença
mental cinquenta anos depois.” Manguinhos 17, no. 3185. WALTZ, Mitzi. Autism: A Social and Med-
1 (2010): 125–140. ical History. (ix + 188 pp.; ill.) Houndmills, Bas-
ingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
3172. O OSTERHUIS, Harry. “Mental Health, Cit- ISBN : 9780230527515.
izenship, and the Memory of World War II in the Reviews: [ref. R1053]
Netherlands (1945–85).” Hist. Psychiat. 25, no. 1
(2014): 20–34. 3186. WANG Wenji. “Psychological ‘Lower Job’:
‘Zephyr’ and 1930–1940s Public Mental Health Dis-
3173. P ILGRIM, David. “Historical Resonances of cussed.” [Translated title.] In Chinese. Taiwan. J.
the DSM-5 Dispute: American Exceptionalism or Stud. Sci. Tech. Med. 13 (2011).
Eurocentrism?” Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 2 (2014): 3187. W HEATLEY, Thelma. “And Neither Have I
97–117. Wings to Fly”: Labelled and Locked up in Canada’s
Oldest Institution. (viii + 411 pp.; ill.) Toronto:
3174. R AZ, Mical. “Deprived of Touch: How Ma-
Inanna Publications, 2013. ISBN: 9781926708584.
ternal and Sensory Deprivation Theory Converged in
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Shaping Early Debates over Autism.” Hist. Hum. Sci.
27, no. 2 (2014): 75–96. 3188. W OLTERS, Christine, Christof B EYER, and
Brigitte L OHFF. Abweichung und Normalität: Psych-
3175. R AZ, Mical. The Lobotomy Letters: The Mak- iatrie in Deutschland vom Kaiserreich bis zur Deut-
ing of American Psychosurgery. Rochester Studies schen Einheit. (410 pp.) Bielefeld: transcript, 2012.
in Medical History. (xii + 166 pp.; ill.) Rochester, ISBN : 9783837621402.
NY: University of Rochester Press, 2013. ISBN: Reviews: [ref. R1098]
Reviews: [ref. R829]
3176. ROPER, Michael. “Beyond Containing: The 3189. A BREU, Jean Luiz Neves. “Educação sanitária
First World War and the Psychoanalytic Theories of e saúde pública em Minas Gerais na primeira metade
Wilfred Bion.” In History and Psyche, edited by do século XX.” Manguinhos 17, no. 1 (2010): 203–
A LEXANDER and TAYLOR (2012) [ref. 138], 129– 209.
3190. A L -G AILANI, Salim. “Making Birth Defects
3177. S EGREST, Mab. “Exalted on the Ward: ‘Mary ‘Preventable’: Pre-Conceptional Vitamin Supple-
Roberts,’ the Georgia State Sanitarium, and the Psy- ments and the Politics of Risk Reduction.” Article
chiatric ‘Speciality’ of Race.” Amer. Quart. 66 in a special issue, “Transforming Pregnancy Since
(2014): 69–94. 1900” [ref. 3275]. Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci.
47, Part B (2014): 278–289.
3178. S HAPIRO, Hugh. “Operatic Escapes: Per-
forming Madness in Neuropsychiatric Beijing.” In 3191. A LEXANDER, Sally. “Primary Maternal Pre-
Science and Technology in Modern China, 1880s– Occupation: D. W. Winnicott and Social Democracy
1940s, edited by T SU and E LMAN (2014) [ref. 1751], in Mid-20th Century Britain.” In History and Psy-
297–326. che, edited by A LEXANDER and TAYLOR (2012)
[ref. 138], 149–172.
3179. S TAHNISCH, Frank W., and Peter J.
KOEHLER. “Three 20th-Century Multiauthored 3192. Á LVAREZ, Adriana. “La experiencia de ser
Handbooks Serving as Vital Catalyzers of an Emerg- un ’niño débil y enfermo’ lejos de su hogar: el caso
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Neurology and Psychiatry.” J. Nervous Mental Dis. Manguinhos 17, no. 1 (2010): 13–31.
200, no. 12 (2012): 1067–1075.
3193. A MARAL, Isabel. “Bactéria ou parasita? a
3180. S TAHNISCH, Frank W., and Jeremy D. controvérsia sobre a etiologia da doença do sono e a
T YNEDAL. “Sir Ludwig Guttmann (1899–1980).” participação portuguesa, 1898–1904.” Manguinhos
J. Neurol. 259, no. 7 (2012): 1512–1514. 19, no. 4 (2012): 1275–1300.
3181. S TEINBERG, Holger. “Richard Arwed 3194. AYRES, Lı́lian Fernandes Arial, Wellington
Pfeifer—A Pioneer of ‘medical pedagogy’ and an Mendonça de A MORIM, Teresa Cristina de Carvalho
Opponent of Paul Schröder.” Hist. Psychiat. 24, no. P IVA, and Fernando Rocha P ORTO. “As estratégias
4 (2013): 459–476. de luta simbólica para a formação da enfermeira

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160 370. 20th century

visitadora no inı́cio do século XX.” Manguinhos 19, mandat camerounais: une histoire croisée franco-
no. 3 (2012): 861–882. allemande de la mission Jamot,” 23–45 [ref. 3249];
Alexander C AMERON -S MITH, “Race, Medicine,
3195. A ZEVEDO, Nara, and Luiz Otávio F ERREIRA. and Colonial Rule in the Mandated Territory of
“Os dilemas de uma tradição cientı́fica: ensino su- New Guinea,” 47–67 [ref. 3209]; Philippe B OUR -
perior, ciência e saúde pública no Instituto Oswaldo MAUD , “Les faux-semblants d’une politique inter-
Cruz, 1908–1953.” Manguinhos 19, no. 2 (2012): nationale: la Société des Nations et la lutte con-
581–610. tre l’alcoolisme dans les mandats (1919–1930),”
69–90 [ref. 3206]; Sylvia C HIFFOLEAU, “Entre
3196. BAILLARGEON, Denyse. “Persuader et bienfaisance, contrôle des populations et agenda
contraindre. Les campagnes de souscription de international: la politique sanitaire du mandat
l’Hôpital Sainte-Justine de Montréal, 1928–1950.” français en Syrie et au Liban,” 91–111 [ref. 3218].
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3197. BAUER, Susanne. “From Administrative In- 3206. B OURMAUD, Philippe. “Les faux-semblants
frastructure to Biomedical Resource: Danish Popu- d’une politique internationale : la Société des Nations
lation Registries, the ‘Scandinavian Laboratory,’ and et la lutte contre l’alcoolisme dans les mandats (1919–
the ‘Epidemiologist’s Dream.’ ” Article in a spe- 1930).” Part of a special section, “Internationalizing
cial issue, “Science, Technology, Medicine – and Perspectives: Re-Reading Mandate History through
the State: The Science-State Nexus in Scandinavia, a Health Policy Lens” [ref. 3205]. Can. Bull. Med.
1850–1980” [ref. 1753]. Sci. Context 27, no. 2 Hist. 29, no. 4 (2013): 69–90.
(2014): 187–213.
3207. B RINKMANN, Sören. “Leite e modernidade:
3198. BAY, Alexander R. “Nation from the Bottom ideologia e polı́ticas de alimentação na era Vargas.”
up: Disease, Toilets and Waste Management in Pre- Manguinhos 21, no. 1 (2014): 263–280.
war Japan.” Part of a special issue, “Social History
of Medicine in Modern Japan” [ref. 2324]. Hist. 3208. B USCHINI, José D. “La conformación del
Scientiarum 22, no. 2 (2012): 142–158. cáncer como objeto cientı́fico y problema sanitario
en la Argentina: discursos, prácticas experimentales e
3199. B ERNABEU -M ESTRE, Josep, Marı́a Eugenia iniciativas institucionales, 1903–1922.” Manguinhos
G ALIANA -S ÁNCHEZ, and Angela Cremades M ON - 21, no. 2 (2014): 457–475.
ERRIS. “Environment and Health with Respect to a
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choma in Spain, 1925–1941.” Manguinhos 20, no. 4 Medicine, and Colonial Rule in the Mandated Ter-
(2013): 1605–1619. ritory of New Guinea.” Part of a special section, “In-
ternationalizing Perspectives: Re-Reading Mandate
3200. B ERNABEU -M ESTRE, Josep. “Salud comuni- History through a Health Policy Lens” [ref. 3205].
taria y acción social en el control epidemiológico del Can. Bull. Med. Hist. 29, no. 4 (2013): 47–67.
tracoma infantil, España (1932–1939).” Asclepio 63,
no. 2 (2011): 507–520. 3210. C AMPOS, Paulo Fernando de Souza. “Me-
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3201. B EZERRA, José Arimatea Barros. “Educação
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robustos e produtivos: análise da produção cientı́fica
em nutrição no Brasil, 1934–1941.” Manguinhos 19,
no. 1 (2012): 157–179. 3211. C ARRETA, Jorge Augusto. “Oswaldo Cruz e
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3202. B IGALKE, Bernadett. “Gesundheit und Heil: (2011): 677–700.
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nung der Mazdaznan-Bewegung in Ihren Entste- 3212. C ARTER, Eric D. “Malaria Control in the
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3203. B LESSING, Bettina. “Die Geschichte des Al- (2014): 111–127.
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Bull. Med. Hist. 29, no. 4 (2013): 9–21. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Contents: Guillaume L ACHENAL, “Médecine, Cientı́ficas, 2012. ISBN: 9788400095512.
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3215. C AVALCANTI, Juliana Manzoni, and Marcos sheng bai nian shi. [Translated title.] In Chinese.
Chor M AIO. “Entre negros e miscigenados: a anemia Diverse Embeddedness and Creative Transformation:
e o traço falciforme no Brasil nas décadas de 1930 e A Century of Public Health in Taiwan. (iv + 465 pp.;
1940.” Manguinhos 18, no. 2 (2011): 377–406. ill.; maps.) Taibei Shi: Yuan liu chu ban shi ye gu fen
you xian gong si, 2011. ISBN: 9789573268819.
3216. C AVALCANTI, Juliana Manzoni. “Rudolf Reviews: [ref. R303]
Kraus em busca do ‘ouro da ciência’: a diversidade
tropical e a elaboração de novas terapêuticas, 1913– 3228. FANGERAU, Heiner. “Monism, Racial Hy-
1923.” Manguinhos 20, no. 1 (2013): 221–237. giene, and National Socialism.” In Monism, edited by
W EIR (2012) [ref. 1839], 223–248.
3217. C HANG, Jiat-Hwee. “ ‘Tropicalizing’ Plan-
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provement in Colonial Singapore, 1907–1942.” In y estigma en el origen del campo del deporte adaptado
Imperial Contagions, edited by P ECKHAM and P OM - de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 1950–1961: ¿una
FRET (2013) [ref. 3283], 37–60. mera interiorización de una identidad devaluada?”
Manguinhos 21, no. 2 (2014): 421–437.
3218. C HIFFOLEAU, Sylvia. “Entre bienfaisance,
contrôle des populations et agenda international : la 3230. G ACHELIN, Gabriel, and Annick O PINEL.
politique sanitaire du mandat français en Syrie et au “Malária epidêmica na Europa após a Primeira Guerra
Liban.” Part of a special section, “Internationalizing Mundial: estágios iniciais de uma abordagem inter-
Perspectives: Re-Reading Mandate History through nacional de controle da doença.” Article in a special
a Health Policy Lens” [ref. 3205]. Can. Bull. Med. section on malaria [ref. 3806]. Manguinhos 18, no. 2
Hist. 29, no. 4 (2013): 91–111. (2011): 431–470.
3219. C HOI, Eun Kyung. “Anti-Tuberculosis Policy 3231. G ENOVEZ, Patrı́cia Falco, Maria Terezinha
of the Government General of Korea during Japanese- Bretas V ILARINO, and José Luiz C AZAROTTO.
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Korean. KJMH 22, no. 3 (2013): 713–758. guinhos 19, no. 4 (2012): 1333–1339.
3220. C HU, Cecilia. “Combating Nuisance: Sanita-
3232. G OELLNER, Silvana Vilodre. “Educação
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no. 2 (2010): 527–536.
3221. C LOSE -KOENIG, Tricia. “Histopathology
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Interwar Strasbourg.” Hist. Phil. Life Sci. 35, no. 3 DALBEN. “O controle médico-esportivo no Departa-
(2013): 341–362. mento de Educação Fı́sica do Estado de São Paulo:
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3222. C UNHA, Vivian da Silva. “Isolados ‘como de 1930 e 1940.” Manguinhos 18, no. 2 (2011):
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compulsório dos doentes de lepra.” Manguinhos 17, 3234. H ARDY, Anne. “Scientific Strategy and Ad
no. 4 (2010): 939–954. Hoc Response: The Problem of Typhoid in America
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3223. DALRYMPLE, Dana G. Artemisia annua, 69, no. 1 (2014): 3–37.
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ill.) Washington DC: Politics & Prose Bookstore, l’Institutionnalisation de la Physiothérapie Vaudoise :
2012. ISBN: 9780615615998. 1928–1945.” Gesnerus 70, no. 1 (2013): 36–52.
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3236. H AVIK, Philip Jan. “Saúde pública e moderni-
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& Present 222 (2014): 215–247. (2014): 641–666.

3225. DEL C URA G ONZ ÁLEZ, Mercedes. “Un pa- 3237. H AYES, Nick, and Barry M. D OYLE. “Eggs,
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3238. H ERRERO, Maria Belen, and Adrian C AR -
3226. E LLISON, Jenny. “Weighing In: The ‘Evi- BONETTI . “La mortalidad por tuberculosis en Ar-
dence of Experience’ and Canadian Fat Women’s gentina a lo largo del siglo XX.” Manguinhos 20, no.
Activism.” Can. Bull. Med. Hist. 29, no. 3 (2013): 2 (2013): 521–536.
3239. H IGGINS, Jim. “B. Franklin Royer: A Half
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162 370. 20th century

3240. H INZ -W ESSELS, Annette. Das Robert-Koch- 3252. L EVINA, Elena S. “The First Virologists and
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3244. H WANG, Eui-Ryong, and Tae-Young K IM. guinhos 17, no. 2 (2010): 511–526.
“The Study of School Hygiene and Physical Educa-
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3245. J OHN, Heather Varughese. “Translating Lep-
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rosy: The Expert and the Public in Stanley Stein’s
Anti-stigmatization Campaigns, 1931–60.” J. Hist. 3258. L ÖWY, Ilana. “Prenatal Diagnosis: The Ir-
Med. Allied Sci. 68, no. 4 (2013): 659–687. resistible Rise of the ‘Visible Fetus.’ ” Article in a
special issue, “Transforming Pregnancy Since 1900”
3246. J ONES, Esyllt Wynne, and Magdalena [ref. 3275]. Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47,
FAHRNI. (Eds.) Epidemic Encounters: Influenza, Part B (2014): 290–299.
Society, and Culture in Canada, 1918–20. (ix +
290; ill.) Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012. ISBN: 3259. L UCEY, Donnacha Seán. “ ‘These Schemes
9780774822121. Will Win for Themselves the Confidence of the Peo-
Reviews: [ref. R509] ple’: Irish Independence, Poor Law Reform and
Hospital Provision.” Med. Hist. 58 (2014): 46–66.
3247. J ONES, Margaret. “A ‘Textbook Pattern’?
Malaria Control and Eradication in Jamaica, 1910– 3260. M AGOWSKA, Anita. “The Unwanted Heroes:
65.” Med. Hist. 57 (2013): 397–419. War Invalids in Poland after World War I.” J. Hist.
Med. Allied Sci. 69, no. 2 (2014): 185–220.
3248. K ITCHENS, Carl. “A Dam Problem: TVA’s
Fight against Malaria, 1926–1951.” J. Econ. Hist. 73, 3261. M ANN, Tamara. “Old Cells, Aging Bodies,
no, 3 (2013): 694–724. and New Money: Scientific Solutions to the Problem
of Old Age in the United States, 1945–1955.” Part
3249. L ACHENAL, Guillaume. “Médecine, compa- of the forum on “The State and the Epidemiological
raisons et échanges inter-impériaux dans le mandat Transition”. [ref. 389]. J. World Hist. 24 (2013):
camerounais : une histoire croisée franco-allemande 797–822.
de la mission Jamot.” Part of a special section, “In-
ternationalizing Perspectives: Re-Reading Mandate 3262. M ARKOWITZ, Gerald E., and David ROSNER.
History through a Health Policy Lens” [ref. 3205]. Lead Wars: The Politics of Science and the Fate
Can. Bull. Med. Hist. 29, no. 4 (2013): 23–45. of America’s Children. California/Milbank Books
On Eugene Jamot’s campaign against sleeping on Health and the Public; 24. (xxii + 298 pp.; ill.)
sickness in Cameroon after 1918. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013. ISBN:
3250. L AUK ÖTTER, Anja. “Medien der Sexualauf- Reviews: [ref. R650]
klärung.” NTM 20, no. 3 (2012): 225–232.
3263. M ARTIN, Aryn, and Kelly H OLLOWAY.
3251. L EANDRO, José Augusto. “Em prol do sa- “ ‘Something There Is That Doesn’t Love a Wall’:
crifı́cio do isolamento: lepra e filantropia na Argen- Histories of the Placental Barrier.” Article in a spe-
tina e no Brasil, 1930–1946.” Manguinhos 20, no. 3 cial issue, “Transforming Pregnancy Since 1900”
(2013): 913–938. [ref. 3275]. Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47,
Part B (2014): 300–310.

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370. 20th century 163

3264. M ARTINS, Ana Paula Vosne. “Gênero e as- 1910–1930.” Manguinhos 19, no. 3 (2012): 843–860.
sistência: considerações histórico-conceituais sobre
práticas e polı́ticas assistenciais.” First article in a 3269. M EN ÉNDEZ -NAVARRO, Alfredo. “La liter-
supplementary issue, “Assistance Policies in Brazil atura médica española sobre los riesgos del amianto
and Latin America.” Manguinhos 18, suppl. 1 (2011): durante el franquismo.” Asclepio 64, no. 1 (2012):
15–34. 7–36.
Contents: Ana Teresa A. V ENANCIO, “Da colônia
agrı́cola ao hospital-colônia: configurações para a 3270. M ONNAIS, Laurence. “ ‘Rails, Roads, and
assistência psiquiátrica no Brasil na primeira me- Mosquito Foes’: The State Quinine Service in French
tade do século XX,” 35–52; Renato Gama-Rosa Indochina.” In Imperial Contagions, edited by P ECK -
C OSTA, “Apontamentos para a arquitetura hospi- HAM and P OMFRET (2013) [ref. 3283], 195–214.
talar no Brasil: entre o tradicional e o moderno,”
53–66; Marcia Rocha M ONTEIRO, “Homens da 3271. M OORE, Francesca. “ ‘Go and See Nell; She’ll
cana e hospitais do açúcar: uma arquitetura da Put You Right’: the Wisewoman And Working-Class
saúde no Estado Novo,” 67–94; Tânia Maria de Health Care in Early Twentieth-Century Lancashire.”
Almeida S ILVA and Luiz Otávio F ERREIRA, “A Soc. Hist. Med. 26 (2013): 695–714.
higienização das parteiras curiosas: o Serviço
Especial de Saúde Pública e a assistência materno- 3272. M RAZ, John. “War Is Hazardous for Your
infantil (1940–1960),” 95–112; Karina F ELITTI, Health: Photographs and Testimonies about Death,
“Parirás sin dolor: poder médico, género y polı́tica Wounds, Disease and Medical Care during the Mex-
en las nuevas formas de atención del parto en la ican Revolution.” Manguinhos 18, no. 3 (2011):
Argentina (1960–1980),” 113–129; Marı́a Soledad 893–906.
“Madres y niños en las polı́ticas del Servicio Na- 3273. N ELSON, Jennifer. “ ‘Breaking the Chain of
cional de Salud de Chile (1952–1964),” 131–151; Poverty’: Family Planning, Community Involvement,
Carolina B IERNAT and Karina R AMACCIOTTI, “La and the Population Council–Office of Economic Op-
protección a la maternidad de las trabajadoras en portunity Alliance.” J. Hist. Med. Allied Sci. 69, no.
Argentina: aspectos legales y administrativos en 1 (2014): 101–134.
la primera mitad del siglo XX,” 153–177; Maria
Martha de Luna F REIRE and Vinı́cius da Silva 3274. N EVES C OSTA, Luı́s Manuel. “A Assistência
L EONY, “A caridade cientı́fica: Moncorvo Filho da Colónia Portuguesa do Brasil, 1918–1973.” Man-
e o Instituto de Proteção e Assistência à Infância guinhos 21, no. 2 (2014): 727–748.
do Rio de Janeiro (1899–1930),” 199–225; Lina
FARIA and Luiz Antonio de Castro S ANTOS, “As 3275. O LSZYNKO -G RYN, Jesse. “The Demand for
profissões de saúde: uma análise crı́tica do cui- Pregnancy Testing: The Aschheim–Zondek Reaction,
dar,” 227–240; Maria Itayra PADILHA, Sioban Diagnostic Versatility, and Laboratory Services in
N ELSON and Miriam Susskind B ORENSTEIN, “As 1930s Britain.” First article in a special issue, “Trans-
biografias como um dos caminhos na construção forming Pregnancy Since 1900.” Stud. Hist. Phil.
da identidade do profissional da enfermagem,” Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47, Part B (2014): 233–247.
241–252; Vicente Saul Moreira dos S ANTOS, “Fi- Contents: Rosemary E LLIOT, “Miscarriage, Abor-
lantropia, poder público e combate à lepra (1920– tion or Criminal Feticide: Understandings of Early
1945),” 253–274; Vera Regina Beltrão M ARQUES Pregnancy Loss in Britain, 1900–1950,” 248–256
and Desirê Luciane D OMINSCHEK, “Formar e as- [ref. 3096]; Angela DAVIS, “Wartime Women Giv-
sistir: imagens da escola do Senai em Curitiba ing Birth: Narratives of Pregnancy and Childbirth,
nas décadas de 1940 e 1950,” 275–293; Maria Britain c. 1939–1960,” 257–266 [ref. 2629]; Tat-
Renilda Nery BARRETO, “Pro Matre: arquivo e jana B UKLIJAS, “Food, Growth and Time: Elsie
fontes para a história da maternidade no Rio de Widdowson’s and Robert Mccance’s Research into
Janeiro,” 295–301; Geraldo P EREIRA, “O traço Prenatal and Early Postnatal Growth,” 267–277
francês na arquitetura do Recife: o Hospital Pedro [ref. 2628]; Salim A L -G AILANI, “Making Birth
II,” 303–310. Defects ‘Preventable’: Pre-Conceptional Vitamin
Supplements and the Politics of Risk Reduction,”
3265. M AWDSLEY, Stephen E. “Balancing Risks:
278–289 [ref. 3190]; Ilana L ÖWY, “Prenatal Diag-
Childhood Inoculations and America’s Response to
nosis: The Irresistible Rise of the ‘Visible Fetus,’ ”
the Provocation of Paralytic Polio.” Soc. Hist. Med.
290–299 [ref. 3258]; Aryn M ARTIN and Kelly
26 (2013): 759–778.
H OLLOWAY, “ ‘Something There Is That Doesn’t
3266. M ELLO, Guilherme Arantes, and Ana Luiza Love a Wall’: Histories of the Placental Barrier,”
d’Ávila V IANA. “Centros de Saúde: ciência e ideolo- 300–310 [ref. 3263].
gia na reordenação da saúde pública no século XX.”
Manguinhos 18, no. 4 (2011): 1131–1149. 3276. O RTEGA M ARTOS, Antonio Miguel. “¿Colo-
nialismo biomédico o autonomı́a de lo local?
3267. M ELLO, Guilherme Arantes, and Ana Luiza Sanadores tradicionales contra la tuberculosis.” Man-
d’Ávila V IANA. “Uma história de conceitos guinhos 17, no. 4 (2010): 909–924.
na saúde pública: integralidade, coordenação,
descentralização, regionalização e universalidade.” 3277. O RTIZ B ERGIA, Marı́a José. “La salud pública
Manguinhos 19, no. 4 (2012): 1219–1239. en transformación. La estructuración de polı́ticas san-
itarias en Córdoba-Argentina, 1930–1943.” Asclepio
3268. M ELO, Victor Andrade de. “Atividades 64, no. 1 (2012): 121–146.
fı́sicas, saúde e movimentos juvenis em Cabo Verde,

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164 370. 20th century

3278. PAIVA, Carlos Henrique Assunção, and Luiz 3285. P OMFRET, David M. “ ‘Beyond Risk of Con-
Antonio T EIXEIRA. “Reforma sanitária e a criação tagion’: Childhood, Hill Stations, and the Planning of
do Sistema Único de Saúde: notas sobre contextos e British and French Colonial Cities.” In Imperial Con-
autores.” Manguinhos 21, no. 1 (2014): 15–36. tagions, edited by P ECKHAM and P OMFRET (2013)
[ref. 3283], 81–104.
3279. PALMER, Steven, Gilberto H OCHMAN, and
Danieli A RBEX. “Smallpox Eradication, Laboratory 3286. R ADIN, Joanna. “Unfolding Epidemiological
Visits, and a Touch of Tourism: Travel Notes of a Stories: How the WHO Made Frozen Blood into
Canadian Scientist in Brazil.” Manguinhos 17, no. 3 a Flexible Resource for the Future.” Article in a
(2010): 777–790. special section: “Heredity and The Study of Human
Populations After 1945” [ref. 2880]. Stud. Hist. Phil.
3280. PARK, Yunjae. “The Work of Sherwood Hall Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47, Part A (2014): 62–73.
and the Haiju Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Colonial
Korea.” KJMH 22, no. 3 (2013): 681–712. 3287. R AINHORN, Judith. “L’‘épidémiologie de
la Bottine’ ou l’Enquête Médicale Réinventée. Alice
3281. PARKER, Chad H. “Controlling Man-Made Hamilton et la Médecine Industrielle dans l’Amérique
Malaria: Corporate Modernisation and the Arabian du Premier XXe Siècle.” Gesnerus 69, no. 2 (2012):
American Oil Company’s Malaria Control Program 330–354.
in Saudi Arabia, 1947–1956.” Cold War Hist. 12, no.
3 (2012): 473–494. 3288. R E ’ EM, Hilary. “Traditional Yoga Postures for
Modern Geriatric Care Or Women’s Yoga Lineages
3282. PATEL, Sejal. “The Benevolent Tyranny of of the Lambourn Valley.” Asian Med. 7, no. 1 (2012):
Biostatistics: Public Administration and the Pro- 265–283.
motion of Biostatistics at the National Institutes of
Health, 1946–1970.” Bull. Hist. Med. 87, no. 4 3289. R ICHARDSON, Ruth. “Carter and Contagion
(2013): 622–647. in India: Anatomy, Geography, Morphology.” In
Imperial Contagions, edited by P ECKHAM and P OM -
3283. P ECKHAM, Robert, and David M. P OMFRET. FRET (2013) [ref. 3283], 163–178.
(Eds.) Imperial Contagions: Medicine, Hygiene, and
Cultures of Planning in Asia. (xi + 307 pp.; ill.; bibl.; 3290. ROLAND, Maria Inês de França, and Reinaldo
index.) Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, José G IANINI. “Redes sociotécnicas de assistência
2013. ISBN: 9789888139521. à saúde em acupuntura: estudo de caso sobre a
Contents: Robert P ECKHAM and David M. P OM - formação básica de estudantes de medicina.” Man-
FRET, “Introduction: Medicine, Hygiene, and guinhos 21, no. 2 (2014): 477–511.
the Re-ordering of Empire,” 1–16; Cecilia C HU,
“Combating Nuisance: Sanitation, Regulation, 3291. ROWOLD, Katharina. “Johanna Haarer and
and the Politics of Property in Colonial Hong Frederic Truby King: When is a Babycare Manual an
Kong,” 17–36 [ref. 3220]; Jiat-Hwee C HANG, Instrument of National Socialism?” Germ. Hist. 31
“ ‘Tropicalizing’ Planning: Sanitation, Hous- (2013): 181–203.
ing, and Technologies of Improvement in Colo-
nial Singapore, 1907–1942,” 37–60 [ref. 3217]; 3292. RUESS, Susanne. “Die Bedeutung der
Richard H ARRIS and Robert L EWIS, “Colonial jüdischen Krankenpflege im Ersten Weltkrieg am
Anxiety Counted: Plague and Census in Bombay Beispiel des Stuttgarter jüdischen Schwesternheims.”
and Calcutta, 1901,” 61–80 [ref. 636]; David M. Med. Gesell. Gesch. 29 (2011): 71–96.
P OMFRET, “ ‘Beyond Risk of Contagion’: Child-
hood, Hill Stations, and the Planning of British 3293. S Á, Magali Romero. “Os estudos em malária
and French Colonial Cities,” 81–104 [ref. 3285]; aviária e o Brasil no contexto cientı́fico internacional
Stephen L EGG, “Planning Social Hygiene: From (1907–1945).” Article in a special section on malaria
Contamination to Contagion in Interwar India,” [ref. 3806]. Manguinhos 18, no. 2 (2011): 499–518.
105–122 [ref. 637]; Robert P ECKHAM, “Matshed 3294. S ANTOS, Fernando Sergio Dumas dos, and
Laboratory: Colonies, Cultures, and Bacteriol- Ana Carolina V ERANI. “Alcoolismo e medicina
ogy,” 123–150 [ref. 2913]; Sunil S. A MRITH, psiquiátrica no Brasil do inı́cio do século XX.” Article
“ ‘Contagion of the Depot’: The Government of in a supplementary issue on the history of psychiatry
Indian Emigration,” 151–162 [ref. 635]; Ruth [ref. 3170]. Manguinhos 17, suppl. 2 (2010): 400–
R ICHARDSON, “Carter and Contagion in India: 420.
Anatomy, Geography, Morphology,” 163–178
[ref. 3289]; Sander L. G ILMAN, “Epidemics of 3295. S CHREMPF, Mona. “Re-production at Stake:
Famine and Obesity: China as the Modern World,” Experiences of Family Planning and Fertility among
179–194 [ref. 3426]; Laurence M ONNAIS, “ ‘Rails, Amdo Tibetan Women.” Asian Med. 6, no. 2 (2011):
Roads, and Mosquito Foes’: The State Quinine 321–347.
Service in French Indochina,” 195–214 [ref. 3270];
Priscilla WALD, “Afterword: ‘Global Health’ and 3296. S ERR ÓN, Vı́ctor. “Epidemia y perplejidades
the Persistence of History,” 215–226. médicas: Uruguay, 1918–1919.” Manguinhos 18, no.
Reviews: [ref. R782] 3 (2011): 701–722.
3284. P OIRIER, Valerie. “ ‘Polio Hysteria’ : La 3297. S ET ÄL Ä, Vienna, and Esa V ÄLIVERRONEN.
rentrée scolaire montréalaise de 1946 et l’épidémie “Fighting Fat: The Role of ‘Field Experts’ in Medi-
de poliomyélite.” Can. Bull. Med. Hist. 29, no. 3 ating Science and Biological Citizenship.” Sci. Cult.
(2013): 123–142. 23, no. 4 (2014): 517–536.

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370. 20th century 165

3298. S ILVA, Renato da. “O Laboratório de Biologia 3306. VARANDA, Jorge, and Todd C LEVELAND.
Infantil, 1935–1941: da medicina legal à assistência “(Un)healthy Relationships: African Labourers, Prof-
social.” Manguinhos 18, no. 4 (2011): 1111–1130. its and Health Services in Angola’s Colonial-Era
Diamond Mines, 1917–75.” Med. Hist. 58 (2014):
3299. S OPHIA, Daniela Carvalho. “A revista Saúde 87–105.
em Debate como fonte e objeto de estudo.” Manguin-
hos 20, suppl. 1 (2013): 1403–1412. 3307. VARANDA, Jorge. “Cuidados biomédicos de
saúde em Angola e na Companhia de Diamantes de
3300. S OUZA, Rafael de Abreu e. “A epidemia do Angola, c. 1910–1970.” Manguinhos 21, no. 2
branco e a assepsia das louças na São Paulo da Belle (2014): 587–608.
Époque.” Manguinhos 19, no. 4 (2012): 1139–1153.
Argues that the production of white ceramics were 3308. VARGAS, Eliane Portes. “ ‘Barrigão à mostra’:
partially a consequence of hygienization policies vicissitudes e valorização do corpo reprodutivo na
advocated by São Paulo’s elites. (from the abstract) construção das imagens da gravidez.” Manguinhos
19, no. 1 (2012): 237–258.
3301. S TEIN, Claudia. “Organising the History of
Hygiene at the Internationale Hygiene-Ausstellung in 3309. VARGHA, Dora. “Between East and West:
Dresden in 1911.” NTM 21, no. 4 (2013): 355–387. Polio Vaccination across the Iron Curtain in Cold
War Hungary.” Bull. Hist. Med. 88, no. 2 (2014):
3302. TASING Chiu. “ANT Dynamic Nominalism 319–342.
Vision Assessment Visual Impairment.” [Translated
title.] In Chinese. Taiwan. J. Stud. Sci. Tech. Med. 16 3310. V EIT, Helen Zoe. Modern Food, Moral Food:
(2013): 11–48. Self-Control, Science, and the Rise of Modern Amer-
On Actor Network Theory (ANT) and institutional ican Eating in the Early Twentieth Century. (320
practices regarding the assessing of blind individu- pp.; ill.; bibl.) Chapel Hill: The University of North
als in Taiwan over the past 120 years. Carolina Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781469612751.
Reviews: [ref. R1040]
3303. T EIXEIRA, Luiz Antonio. “O controle do
câncer no Brasil na primeira metade do século XX.” 3311. V ITAL, André Vasques. “Comissão Ron-
First article in a supplementary issue about cancer. don, doenças e polı́tica: ‘Região do Madeira: Santo
Manguinhos 17, suppl.1 (2010): 13–31. Antônio’, de Joaquim Augusto Tanajura—uma outra
Contents: Yolanda E RASO, “Técnicas que migram, visão do Alto Madeira em 1911.” Article in a special
diagnósticos que se multiplicam: a contribuição section on malaria [ref. 3806]. Manguinhos 18, no. 2
de Argentina e Brasil para a polı́tica de ‘detecção (2011): 545–558.
precoce’ do câncer cervical,” 33–51; Ilana L ÖWY,
3312. W IDMER, Alexandra. “Making Blood
“Câncer, mulheres e saúde pública: a história do
‘Melanesian’: Fieldwork and Isolating Techniques
exame para câncer cervical,” 53–67; Lina FARIA,
in Genetic Epidemiology (1963–1976).” Article in a
“As práticas do cuidar na oncologia: a experiência
special section: “Heredity and The Study of Human
da fisioterapia em pacientes com câncer de mama,”
Populations After 1945” [ref. 2880]. Stud. Hist. Phil.
69–87; Ana Marı́a C ARRILLO, “Entre el ‘sano
Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47, Part A (2014): 118–129.
temor’ y el ‘miedo irrazonable’: la Campaña Na-
cional Contra el Cáncer en México,” 89–107; 3313. W INGFIELD, Nancy M. “The Enemy Within:
Rômulo de Paula A NDRADE and Vanessa L ANA, Regulating Prostitution and Controlling Venereal
“Médicos, viagens e intercâmbio cientı́fico na Disease in Cisleithanian Austria during the Great
institucionalização do combate ao câncer no Bra- War.” Cent. Eur. Hist. 46 (2013): 588–598.
sil (1941–1945),” 109–126; Gisele S ANGLARD,
“Laços de sociabilidade, filantropia e o Hospital 3314. W INSON, Anthony. The Industrial Diet: The
do Câncer do Rio de Janeiro (1922–1936),” 127– Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy
147; Claudia J URBERG and Marina V ERJOVSKY, Eating. (x + 340 pp.) New York: New York Univer-
“Nunca aos domingos: um estudo sobre a temática sity Press, 2014. ISBN: 9781479862795.
do câncer nas emissoras de TV Brasileiras,” 149– Reviews: [ref. R1086]
163; Ciro Augusto F LORIANI and Fermin Roland
S CHRAMM, “Casas para os que morrem: a história 3315. W YNDHAM, Diana. Norman Haire and
do desenvolvimento dos hospices modernos,” 165– the Study of Sex. (485 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)
180; Manuela Castilho Coimbra C OSTA and Luiz Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2012. ISBN:
Antonio T EIXEIRA, “As campanhas educativas 9781743320068.
contra o câncer,” 223–241; Vânia ROCHA, “Do Reviews: [ref. R1103]
caranguejo vermelho ao Cristo cor-de-rosa: as
campanhas educativas para a prevenção do câncer 3316. Z HANG, Everett, Arthur K LEINMAN, and
no Brasil,” 253–263. Weiming T U. Governance of Life in Chinese Moral
Experience the Quest for an Adequate Life. (xv +
3304. T OMAN, Cynthia. “ ‘Help Us, Serve Eng- 278 pp.; ill.) New York: Routledge, 2011. ISBN:
land’: First World War Military Nursing and National 9780203834398.
Identities.” Can. Bull. Med. Hist. 29, no. 3 (2013): Reviews: [ref. R1109]
3317. Z HOU Xun. “ ‘Kitchen Knowledge,’ Desper-
3305. VAILLY, Joëlle. “Genetic Testing, Birth, and ate Foods, and Ritual Healing in Everyday Survival
the Quest for Health.” Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 3 Strategies during the Great Famine in China, 1958–
(2014): 374–396. 62.” Part of a special issue: Diversity of Medicine

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166 370. 20th century

in China and Chinese Medicine in Europe [ref. 554]. 3325. R ATMOKO, Christina. Damit die Chemie
Asian Med. 7, no. 2 (2014): 384–404. stimmt: die Anfänge der industriellen Herstellung
von weiblichen und männlichen Sexualhormonen
1914–1938. Interferenzen, 16. (281 pp.; ill.) Zürich:
370-153. PHARMACY Chronos, 2010. ISBN: 9783034010085.
Reviews: [ref. R828]
3318. B ONAH, Christian. “ ‘The Strophanthin Ques-
tion’: Early Scientific Marketing of Cardiac Drugs 3326. RODR ÍGUEZ N OZAL, Raúl. “La industria
in Two National Markets (France and Germany, del medicamento en el seno del colectivo quı́mico
1900–1930).” Part of a special issue on the 20th industrial: la unión nacional de laboratorios quı́mico-
century marketing and advertising of pharmaceuti- farmacéuticos (1919–1936).” Asclepio 63, no. 2
cals. [ref. 3319]. Hist. & Tech. 29, no. 2 (2013): (2011): 431–452.
3327. ROLIM, Marlom Silva, and Magali Romero
3319. G AUDILLI ÈRE, Jean-Paul, and Ulrike T HOMS. S Á. “A polı́tica de difusão do germanismo por
“Pharmaceutical Firms and the Construction of Drug intermédio dos periódicos da Bayer: a Revista Te-
Markets: From Branding to Scientific Marketing.” rapêutica e O Farmacêutico Brasileiro.” Manguinhos
Introduction to the special issue focusing on topics 20, no. 1 (2013): 159–179.
related to the twentieth-century history of the market-
ing and advertising of pharmaceutical drugs. Hist. & 3328. S ERT, Gürkan, and Emre D ÖLEN. “Osmanl
Tech. 29, no. 2 (2013): 105–115. ’dan Cumhuriyet’e Devlet Kinini.” Translated title:
Contents: Axel C. H ÜNTELMANN, “A Different [State Quinine in Turkey from the Ottoman to the
Mode of Marketing? The Importance of Scientific Republic Era] In Turkish. Osmanli Bilimi Arast. 14,
Articles in the Marketing Process of Salvarsan,” no. 2 (2013): 69–86.
116–134 [ref. 3321]; Christian B ONAH, “ ‘The
Strophanthin Question’: Early Scientific Market- 3329. S ILVA, André Felipe Cândido da, and Jaime
ing of Cardiac Drugs in Two National Markets Larry B ENCHIMOL. “Malaria and Quinine Resis-
(France and Germany, 1900–1930).” 135–152 tance: A Medical and Scientific Issue between Brazil
[ref. 3318]; Nils K ESSEL, “ ‘Doriden von Ciba¡q/¿: and Germany (1907–19).” Med. Hist. 58 (2014):
Sleeping Pills, Pharmaceutical Marketing, and 1–26.
Thalidomide, 1955–1963,” 153–168 [ref. 3826]; 3330. T HOMS, Ulrike. “Standardizing Selling. Phar-
Ulrike T HOMS, “Standardizing Selling. Pharma- maceutical Marketing, the Pharmaceutical Company
ceutical Marketing, the Pharmaceutical Company and the Marketing Expert (1900–1980).” Part of a
and the Marketing Expert (1900–1980),” 169– special issue on the 20th century marketing and ad-
187 [ref. 3330]; Jean-Paul G AUDILLI ÈRE, “From vertising of pharmaceuticals. [ref. 3319]. Hist. &
Propaganda to Scientific Marketing: Schering, Tech. 29, no. 2 (2013): 169–187.
Cortisone, and the Construction of Drug Markets,”
188–209 [ref. 3822]; Jeremy A. G REENE, “The
Materiality of the Brand: Form, Function, and the 370-160. TECHNOLOGY, GENERAL WORKS
Pharmaceutical Trademark,” 210–226 [ref. 3823].
3331. A ITKEN, Richard. Cultivating Modernism:
3320. G REENE, Jeremy A., and Elizabeth Siegel Reading the Modern Garden, 1917–71. (224 pp.)
WATKINS. Prescribed: Writing, Filling, Using, and Carlton, Victoria: Miegunyah Press, 2013. ISBN:
Abusing the Prescription in Modern America. (x + 9780522861228.
329 pp.; ill.) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Reviews: [ref. R14]
Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781421405063.
3332. A RNOLD, David. Everyday Technology: Ma-
Reviews: [ref. R398] chines and the Making of India’s Modernity. (223
pp.; ill.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,
3321. H ÜNTELMANN, Axel C. “A Different Mode of 2013. ISBN: 9780226922027.
Marketing? The Importance of Scientific Articles in Reviews: [ref. R38]
the Marketing Process of Salvarsan.” Part of a special
issue on the 20th century marketing and advertising 3333. BARBER, Daniel A. “Tomorrow’s House: So-
of pharmaceuticals. [ref. 3319]. Hist. & Tech. 29, no. lar Housing in 1940s America.” Tech. & Cult. 55, no.
2 (2013): 116–134. 1 (2014): 1–39.
3322. L A B ONTE, Michelle L. “Anticoagulant Factor 3334. B IJSTERVELD, Karin. (Ed.) Soundscapes of
V: Factors Affecting the Integration of Novel Scien- the Urban Past: Staged Sound as Mediated Cul-
tific Discoveries into the Broader Framework.” Stud. tural Heritage. Sound Studies, v. 5. (229 pp.; ill.)
Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47, Part A (2014): Bielefeld: Transcript, 2013. ISBN: 9783837621792.
23–34. Reviews: [ref. R81]
3323. N IK -K HAH, Edward. “Neoliberal Pharmaceu- 3335. B LAKE, Art M. “Audible Citizenship and
tical Science and the Chicago School of Economics.” Audiomobility: Race, Technology, and CB Radio.”
Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 4 (2014): 489–517. In Sound Clash, edited by K EELING and K UN (2012)
[ref. 3405], 87–110.
3324. R AE, Ian D. “Vitamin A and Australian Fish
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55–70. ganization: Factory, Home, and Nation from the

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1920s to Vichy. (x + 250 pp.) New York and Oxford: 3347. F RIEDMAN, Donald. “A History of Building
Berghahn, 2011. ISBN: 9780857450807. Technology and Preservation Engineering.” APT
Bulletin 44 (2013): 23–27.
3337. D ERKSEN, Maarten, and Tjardie W IERENGA.
“The History of ‘Social Technology’, 1898–1930.” 3348. G OLEC, Michael J. “Poster Power: Rural
Hist. & Tech. 29, no. 4 (2013): 311–330. Electrification, Visualization, and Legibility in the
United States.” Hist. & Tech. 29, no. 4 (2013):
3338. D ESBIENS, Caroline. Power from the North: 399–410.
Territory, Identity, and the Culture of Hydroelectricity
in Quebec. (xxiii + 281 pp.; ill.; maps.) Toronto: 3349. G RAHAM, Loren R. Lonely Ideas: Can Rus-
UBC Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780774824163. sia Compete? (xi + 204 pp.; ill.) Cambridge,
Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2013. ISBN:
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3339. D IOGO, Maria Paula, and Ana Cardoso de
M ATOS. “Going Public: The First Portuguese Na- 3350. G REENSTEIN, David E. “Assembling Fordizm:
tional Engineering Meeting and the Popularization of The Production of Automobiles, Americans, and Bol-
the Image of the Engineer as an Artisan of Progress sheviks in Detroit and Early Soviet Russia.” Comp.
(Portugal, 1931).” Eng. Stud. 4, no. 3 (2012): 185– Stud. Soc. Hist. 56 (2014): 259–289.
3351. H ALLION, Richard P. “World War I: An Air
3340. E DWARDS, Clive. “Multum in Parvo: ‘A War of Consequence.” Endeavour 38, no. 2 (2014):
Place for Everything and Everything in its Place’. 77–90.
Modernism, Space-saving Bedroom Furniture and the
Compactom Wardrobe.” J. Design Hist. 27 (2014): 3352. H ARGITTAI, Istvan. “Los Alamos and ‘Los
17–37. Arzamas.’ ” Struct. Chem. 24, no. 5 (2013): 1397–
3341. FARMELO, Graham. Churchill’s Bomb: How
the United States Overtook Britain in the First Nu- 3353. H EATHCOTT, Joseph. “Ephemeral City: De-
clear Arms Race. (554 pp.; bibl.; index.) New York: sign and Civic Meaning at the 1904 World’s Fair.” J.
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3342. FAURI, Francesca, and Paolo T EDESCHI. Transfer. (492 pp.; ill.) Diepholz: GNT-Verl., 2012.
(Eds.) Novel Outlooks on the Marshall Plan: Ameri- ISBN : 9783862251056.
can Aid and European Re-Industrialization. Euroclio, Reviews: [ref. R438]
Etudes et documents. (200 pp.; bibl.; index.) Brus-
sels: Peter Lang, 2011. ISBN: 9783035261288. 3355. H EYWOOD, Anthony. “Spark of Revolution?
Partial Contents. Paolo T EDESCHI, “Notes on the Railway Disorganisation, Freight Traffic and Tsarist
Marshall Plan in Lombardy. Technological Inno- Russia’s War Effort, July 1914–March 1917.” Eur.-
vation and Vocational Training,” 59–90 [ref. 3385]; Asia Stud. 65 (2013): 753–772.
Valerio VARINI, “Technology and Productivity.
The Impact of the Marshall Plan on Italian Indus- 3356. J OHNES, Martin. “ ‘M4 to Wales–and Pros-
try: An Empirical Study,” 107–132 [ref. 3390]. per!’ A History of a Motorway.” Hist. Res. 87 (2014):
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3357. K ING, Elise Wasser. “Harnessing Light: Illu-
3343. F ERCHUK, Antonina. “Yuriy Lange–The Pio- minating Lighting in Adolf Loos’ Early Commercial
neer of the Movement for Invention in Ukraine.” Res. Designs.” J. Design Hist. 25 (2012): 145–154.
Hist. Tech. 18 (2013): 48–52.
3358. K ITCHENS, Carl. “The Role of Publicly Pro-
3344. F IRSOV, A. V. “Creation of Four-Stroke vided Electricity in Economic Development: The
Vertical Combustion Engine with Down Located Experience of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 1929–
Crankshaft: To the Question of Priority.” Res. Hist. 1955.” J. Econ. Hist. 74, no. 2 (2014): 389–419.
Tech. 15 (2012): 35–45.
3359. L EE, Jung. “Invention without Science: ‘Ko-
3345. F IRSOV, Alexander. “Boris Loutzky–Creator rean Edisons’ and the Changing Understanding of
of the World’s First Motorized Bicycle Classic Layout Technology in Colonial Korea.” Tech. & Cult. 54, no.
with a Combustion Engine.” Res. Hist. Tech. 16 4 (2013): 782–814.
(2012): 28–36. 3360. L ORENZO, Antonio Amado. Voiture Mini-
mum: Le Corbusier and the Automobile. Translated
3346. F RAUNHOLZ, Uwe, and Thomas by Penelope Hierons and Barbara E. Duffus. (xii +
H ÄNSEROTH. Ungleiche Pfade? Innovationskulturen 351 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Cambridge, MA: MIT
im deutsch-deutschen Vergleich. Cottbuser Studien Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780262015363 0262015366.
zur Geschichte von Technik, Arbeit und Umwelt, Bd. Reviews: [ref. R629]
41. (168 pp.; ill.) New York, NY: Waxmann, 2012.
ISBN : 9783830928089. 3361. M ACFARLANE, Daniel. “ ‘A Completely Man-
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168 370. 20th century

Manipulation of Niagara Falls.” Environ. Hist. 18, 3373. P EI -S AN Shih. “Watch Out for Cars: The Car
no. 4 (2013): 759–784. Accident Discourse of Shenbao in Shanghai, 1921–
1937.” [Translated title.] In Chinese. Taiwan. J. Stud.
3362. M ÄGI, Vahur. “Estonian Language of Tech- Sci. Tech. Med. 17 (2013): 59–126.
nology as a Factor Supporting the Evolution of En-
gineering Thinking.” Acta Baltica 1, no. 1 (2013): 3374. R ABINOVITZ, Lauren. Electric Dreamland:
75–94. Amusement Parks, Movies, and American Modernity.
Film and Culture. (xii + 237 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)
3363. M AGUIRE, Muireann. “Aleksei N. Tolstoi New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. ISBN:
and the Enigmatic Engineer: A Case of Vicarious 9780231156608.
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3364. M ARMARA, Emmanuel. Planning Lon- 3375. R ADOVAC, Lilian. “The ‘War on Noise’:
don for the Post-War Era 1945–1960. (xxi + 215 Sound and Space in La Guardia’s New York.” In
pp.; ill.) Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2014. ISBN: Sound Clash, edited by K EELING and K UN (2012)
9783319076461. [ref. 3405], 289–316.
3365. M ESSIER, Gilles. Our Own Devices: Stories 3376. R IEGER, Bernhard. The People’s Car: A
of the Machine Age. (viii + 212 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Global History of the Volkswagen Beetle. (406 pp.;
Ottawa: Petra Books, 2012. ISBN: 9781927032060. ill.; notes; index.) Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Uni-
Reviews: [ref. R686] versity Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780674050914.
3366. M ILANESIO, Natalia. “The Liberating Flame: Reviews: [ref. R842]
Natural Gas Production in Peronist Argentina.” Envi-
ron. Hist. 18, no. 3 (2013): 499–522. 3377. ROBERTS, Siobhan. Wind Wizard: Alan G.
Davenport and the Art of Wind Engineering. (278
3367. M OCK, Michelle. “The Electric Home and pp.; ill.) Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
Farm Authority, ‘Model T Appliances,‘ and the Mod- 2013. ISBN: 9780691151533.
ernization of the Home Kitchen in the South.” J. Reviews: [ref. R852]
South. Hist. 80, no. 1 (2014): 73–108.
3378. S AES, Alexandre Macchione. “Modernizing
3368. M OM, Gijs. “Orchestrating Automobile Tech- Electric Utilities in Brazil: National vs. Foreign
nology: Comfort, Mobility Culture, and the Con- Capital, 1889–1930.” Bus. Hist. Rev. 87 (2013):
struction of the ‘Family Touring Car,’ 1917–1940.” 229–253.
First article in a special issue, “Shifting Gears.” Tech.
& Cult. 55, no. 2 (2014): 299–325. 3379. S AWAI, Minoru. Kindai Nihon no kenkyu kai-
Contents: David Z. M ORRIS, “Cars with the hatsu taisei. Translated title:[The National Innovation
Boom: Identity and Territory in American Post- System of Modern Japan] In Japanese. (vi + 613 pp.)
war Automobile Sound,” 326–353 [ref. 3369]; Nagoya-shi: Ippan Zaidan Hojin Nagoya Daigaku
Stefan K REBS, “ ‘Dial Gauge Versus Senses 1–0’: Shuppankai, 2012. ISBN: 9784815807146.
German Car Mechanics and the Introduction of Reviews: [ref. R892]
New Diagnostic Equipment, 1950–1980,” 354–
389 [ref. 3861]; David N. L UCSKO, “Of Clunkers 3380. S OROCHINSKA, Elena. “Contribution of O.
and Camaros: Accelerated Vehicle Retirement S. Rayevskiy, Design Engineer, in Upgrading of
Programs and the Automobile Enthusiast, 1990– Locomotive Types Used on the Territory of Ukraine.”
2009,” 390–428 [ref. 3865]; Christopher N EU - Res. Hist. Tech. 18 (2013): 43–47.
MAIER , “Eco-Friendly Versus Cancer-Causing:
Perceptions of Diesel Cars in West Germany 3381. S OVACOOL, Benjamin K., and Brent B ROSS -
MANN . “Fantastic Futures and Three American En-
and the United States, 1970–1990,” 429–460
[ref. 3637]. ergy Transitions.” Sci. Cult. 22 (2013): 204–212.
Looks at the introduction of gasoline automobiles,
3369. M ORRIS, David Z. “Cars with the Boom: hydoelectric dams and nuclear fission.
Identity and Territory in American Postwar Auto-
mobile Sound.” Article in a special issue, “Shifting 3382. S TARR, Fred. “Design and Development of
Gears” [ref. 3368]. Tech. & Cult. 55, no. 2 (2014): Exhaust Valves for Internal Combustion Engines
326–353. from the Perspective of Modern Thinking: Part 2
1930–90.” Int. J. Hist. Eng. Tech. 84 (2014): 1–29.
3370. N YE, David. America’s Assembly Line. (xii +
338 pp.; ill.) Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2013. 3383. S UGIMOTO, Mai. “Edmund C. Berkeley as
ISBN : 9780262018715. a Popularizer and an Educator of Computers and
Reviews: [ref. R748] Symbolic Logic.” Hist. Scientiarum 23, no. 1 (2013):
3371. PANTE, Michael D. “Mobility and Modernity
in the Urban Transport Systems of Colonial Manila 3384. S UMARTOJO, Shanti. “ ‘Dazzling Relief’:
and Singapore.” J. Soc. Hist. 47, no. 4 (2014): Floodlighting and National Affective Atmospheres
855–877. on VE Day 1945.” J. Hist. Geogr. 45 (2014): 59–69.
On the use of floodlighting in central London.
3372. PATNODE, Stephen R. “ ‘Keep it Under Your
Hat’: Safety Campaigns and Fashion in the World 3385. T EDESCHI, Paolo. “Notes on the Marshall
War II Factory.” J. Amer. Cult. 35 (2012): 231–243. Plan in Lombardy. Technological Innovation and

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370. 20th century 169

Vocational Training.” In Novel Outlooks on the Mar- 3397. DAYLIGHT, Edgar G. The Dawn of Software
shall Plan, edited by FAURI and T EDESCHI (2011) Engineering: From Turing to Dijkstra. Edited by
[ref. 3342], 59–90. Kurt De G RAVE. (239 pp.; ill.) Heverlee, Bel-
gium: Lonely Scholar Scientific Books, 2012. ISBN:
3386. T EJERO M ANZANARES, José, and Luis M AN - 9789491386022.
SILLA P LAZA. “Implantación de los jornos Cermak- Reviews: [ref. R241]
Spirek y Spirek en la metalurgia de las minas de
Almadén.” Llull 37 (2014): 115–145. 3398. G ONZ ÁLEZ DE P OSADA, Francisco, and Fran-
cisco A. G ONZ ÁLEZ R EDONDO. “En torno al ‘Astra-
3387. T IGERMAN, Bobbye. A Handbook of Cali- Torres XIV’, el ‘autómata ajedrecista’ y los Ensayos
fornia Design, 1930–1965: Craftspeople, Design- sobre Automática: Leonardo Torres Quevado, 1913–
ers, Manufacturers. (313 pp.; ill.) Cambridge, 2013.” Llull 36 (2013): 457–466.
Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2013. ISBN:
9780262518383. 3399. H AIGH, T. “Los Alamos Bets on ENIAC: Nu-
Reviews: [ref. R1009] clear Monte Carlo Simulations, 1947–1948.” IEEE
Ann. Hist. Comput. 36, no. 3 (2014): 42–63.
3388. T ROTTER, David. “Telephone-Wires.” Hist. &
Tech. 29 (2013): 304–310. 3400. H AIGH, Thomas, Mark P RIESTLEY, and
On the symbolic use of telephone and railway tech- Crispin ROPE. “Engineering ‘The Miracle of the
nologies in Jean Renoir’s 1938 cinematic adptation ENIAC’: Implementing the Modern Code Paradigm.”
of Emile Zola’s novel La Bête humaine (1890). IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput. 36, no. 2 (2014): 41–59.

3389. VAILLANT, Derek W. “At the Speed of Sound: 3401. H AIGH, Thomas, Mark P RIESTLEY, and
Techno-Aesthetic Paradigms in U.S.–French Interna- Crispin ROPE. “Reconsidering the Stored-Program
tional Broadcasting, 1925–1942.” Part of the special Concept.” IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput. 36, no. 1 (2014):
section: “Science and Industry in Modern France”. 4–17.
[ref. 1722]. Tech. & Cult. 54, no. 4 (2013): 888–921.
3402. H ALL, Brian N. “Technological Adaptation in
3390. VARINI, Valerio. “Technology and Produc- a Global Conflict: The British Army and Commu-
tivity. The Impact of the Marshall Plan on Italian nications beyond the Western Front, 1914–1918.” J.
Industry: An Empirical Study.” In Novel Outlooks on Mil. Hist. 78, no. 1 (2014): 37–71.
the Marshall Plan, edited by FAURI and T EDESCHI
(2011) [ref. 3342], 107–132. 3403. H ARKER, Ben. “ ‘The Trumpet of the Night’:
Interwar Communists on BBC Radio.” Hist. Work-
3391. W ELLS, Christopher W. Car Country: An shop J. 75 (2013): 81–100.
Environmental History. Weyerhaeuser Environmental
Books. (xxxiv + 427 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) 3404. H EMMENDINGER, D. “COMIC: An Analog
Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2012. ISBN: Computer in the Colorant Industry.” IEEE Ann. Hist.
9780295992150. Comput. 36, no. 3 (2014): 4–18.
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3405. K EELING, Kara, and Josh K UN. (Eds.) Sound
3392. W R ÅKBERG, Urban. “Science and Industry Clash: Listening to American Studies. (viii + 426
in Northern Russia from a Nordic Perspective.” In pp.; ill.; index.) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Science, Geopolitics and Culture in the Polar Region, Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781421405711.
edited by S ÖRLIN (2013) [ref. 2800], 195–223. Partial Contents: Asma NAEEM, “Splitting
Sight and Sound: Thomas Dewing’s a Reading,
Gilded Age Women, and the Phonograph,” 17–42
370-161. COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER [ref. 2501]; D. Travers S COTT, “Intimacy Threats
TECHNOLOGY and Intersubjective Users: Telephone Train-
3393. A RANHA, Patrı́cia M. “Ciência, telégrafos ing Films,” 43–64 [ref. 3410]; Tara RODGERS,
e geografia: os engenheiros militares da Comissão “ ‘What, for Me, Constitutes Life in a Sound?’:
Rondon, 1907–1915.” Manguinhos 20, no. 1 (2013): Electronic Sounds as Lively and Differentiated
307–315. Individuals,” 65–86 [ref. 2503]; Art M. B LAKE,
“Audible Citizenship and Audiomobility: Race,
3394. B ROWN, Alistair. “E-Volutionary Fictions: Technology, and CB Radio,” 87–110 [ref. 3335];
The Darwin Algorithm in Literature and Computer Jessica E. T EAGUE, “The Recording Studio on
Games.” In The Evolution of Literature, edited by Stage: Liveness in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,”
S AUL and JAMES (2011) [ref. 2145], 141–154. 111–128; Mack H AGOOD, “Quiet Comfort: Noise,
Otherness, and the Mobile Production of Personal
3395. B RUDERER, Herbert. Konrad Zuse und die Space,” 129–144 [ref. 3850]; Dustin TAHMAHK -
Schweiz: Wer hat den Computer erfunden? (xxvi + ERA , “ ‘An Indian in a White Man’s Camp’: Johnny
224 pp.; ill.) München: Oldenbourg, 2012. ISBN: Cash’s Indian Country Music,” 147–174; Alex W.
9783486713664. B LACK, “Abolitionism’s Resonant Bodies: The
Reviews: [ref. R138] Realization of African American Performance,”
175–196; Nina Sun E IDSHEIM, “Marian Ander-
3396. C ARPENTER, Brian E., and Robert W. D O - son and ‘Sonic Blackness’ in American Opera,”
RAN . “John Womersley: Applied Mathematician and 197–228; Gayle WALD, “Soul Vibrations: Black
Pioneer of Modern Computing.” IEEE Ann. Hist. Music and Black Freedom in Sound and Space,”
Comput. 36, no. 2 (2014): 60–70. 229–252; Eric L OTT, “Back Door Man: Howlin

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170 370. 20th century

Wolf and the Sound of Jim Crow,” 253–266; International Comparative Perspective, 1900–1945.”
Roshanak K HESHTI, “Touching Listening: The Tech. & Cult. 55, no. 1 (2014): 148–185.
Aural Imaginary in the World Music Culture In-
dustry,” 267–286; Lilian R ADOVAC, “The ‘War 3415. Y ERMOLOV, Pavel. “The History of Radio
on Noise’: Sound and Space in La Guardia’s New Technology Evolution in Crimea (1899–1920). Part
York,” 289–316 [ref. 3375]; Ronda L. S EWALD, 2.” Res. Hist. Tech. 16 (2012): 4–16.
“Forced Listening: The Contested Use of Loud-
speakers for Commercial and Political Messages
in the Public Soundscape,” 317–336 [ref. 2582]; 370-163. AGRICULTURE
Jennifer S TOEVER -ACKERMAN, “Reproducing 3416. A RMITAGE, Kevin C. “The Soil Doctor: Hugh
U.S. Citizenship in Blackboard Jungle: Race, Hammond Bennett, Soil Conservation, and the Search
Cold War Liberalism, and the Tape Recorder,” for a Democratic Science.” In New Natures, edited by
337–362 [ref. 3921]; Dolores Inés C ASILLAS, J ØRGENSEN et al. (2013) [ref. 293], 87–102.
“Sounds of Surveillance: U.S. Spanish-Language
Radio Patrols La Migra,” 363–386 [ref. 3835]; 3417. B ERNSTEIN, Seth, and Robert C HERNY.
Barry S HANK, “The Political Agency of Musical “Searching for the Soviet Dream: Prosperity and
Beauty,” 387–412. Disillusionment on the Soviet Seattle Agricultural
Reviews: [ref. R528] Commune, 1922–1927.” Agr. Hist. 88 (2014): 22–44.

3406. K IND -KOV ÁCS, Friederike. “Voices, Letters, 3418. B ERRY, Dominic. “The Plant Breeding In-
and Literature through the Iron Curtain: Exiles and dustry after Pure Line Theory: Lessons from the
the (Trans)mission of Radio in the Cold War.” Part National Institute of Agricultural Botany.” Stud. Hist.
of a special issue, “Radio Wars: Broadcasting in the Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 46 (2014): 25–37.
Cold War” [ref. 3911]. Cold War Hist. 13, no. 2
(2013): 193–219. 3419. B OVINI, Massimo G., and Ariane Luna
P EIXOTO. “Ensino, pesquisa e extensão: o botânico
3407. K RYSKO, Michael A. American Radio in Honório da Costa Monteiro Filho.” Manguinhos 19,
China: International Encounters with Technology no. 4 (2012): 1171–1190.
and Communications, 1919–41. (xiii + 286 pp.; ill.;
bibl.) New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. ISBN: 3420. B RASSLEY, Paul, Yves S EGERS, and Leen
9780230252660. van M OLLE. (Eds.) War, Agriculture and Food:
Reviews: [ref. R567] Rural Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s. Routledge
Studies in Modern European History. (xvii + 268 pp.;
3408. N OFRE, David. “Managing the Technologi- ill.; bibl.; index.) New York, NY: Routledge, 2012.
cal Edge: The UNESCO International Computation ISBN : 9780415522168.
Centre and the Limits to the Transfer of Computer Contents: Leen Van M OLLE, Yves S EGERS and
Technology, 1946–61.” Ann. Sci. 71, no. 3 (2014): Paul B RASSLEY, “Introduction,” 1–14; Giovanni
410–431. F EDERICO, “Natura Non Fecit Saltus: The 1930s
as the Discontinuity in the History of European
3409. P EREZ M OLINA, E. “The Technological Roots Agriculture,” 15–32 [ref. 3424]; Paul B RASS -
of Computer Graphics.” IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput. 36, LEY , “International Trade in Agricultural Products,
no. 3 (2014): 30–41. 1935–1955,” 33–54 [ref. 3060]; John M ARTIN
and Ernst L ANGTHALER, “Paths to Productivism:
3410. S COTT, D. Travers. “Intimacy Threats and Agricultural Regulation in the Second World War
Intersubjective Users: Telephone Training Films.” In and Its Aftermath in Great Britain and German-
Sound Clash, edited by K EELING and K UN (2012) Annexed Austria,” 55–74 [ref. 3431]; Zsuzsanna
[ref. 3405], 43–64. VARGA, “Wartime Agricultural Policy in Peace-
time: A Case Study of Hungary, 1940–1956,”
3411. S MITH, Christopher. “How I Learned to Stop 96–112 [ref. 3449]; Mogens R. N ISSEN, “From
Worrying and Love the Bombe: Machine Research War Profits to Post-War Investments: How The
and Development and Bletchley Park.” Hist. Sci. 52, German Occupation Improved Investments in Dan-
no. 2 (2014): 200–222. ish Agriculture in the Post-War Years,” 113–136
[ref. 3437]; Peter M OSER and Tony VARLEY,
3412. S OJO, Aurea Anguera de, Juan A RES, Juan “Corporatism, Agricultural Modernisation and War
A. L ARA, David L IZCANO, Marı́a A. M ART ÍNEZ, in Ireland and Switzerland, 1935–55,” 137–155
and Juan PAZOS. “Turing and the Serendipitous [ref. 3436]; Carin M ARTIIN, “Farming, Favoured
Discovery of the Modern Computer.” Found. Sci. 18 in Times of Fear: Swedish Agricultural Politics
(2013): 545–557. 1935–55,” 156–171 [ref. 3430]; Brian S HORT,
“The Social Impact of State Control of Agriculture
3413. S WADE, Doron. “Codebreaker: Alan Turing’s in Britain 1939–55,” 172–194 [ref. 3443]; Gesine
Life and Legacy: 21 June 2012–21 October 2013, G ERHARD, “Change in the European Countryside:
Science Museum, London.” Tech. & Cult. 54, no. 4 Peasants and Democracy in Germany 1935–55,”
(2013): 957–962. 195–208 [ref. 3425]; Clare G RIFFITHS, “Heroes
Review of an exhibit in the London Science Mu- of the Reconstruction: Images of British Farmers
seum. in War and Peace,” 209–228 [ref. 3427]; Edouard
LYNCH, “Food Stocks, the Black Market, and
3414. W IJFJES, Huub. “Spellbinding and Crooning: Town and Country Tensions in France during Two
Sound Amplification, Radio, and Political Rhetoric in World Wars and beyond,” 229–244 [ref. 3429];

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370. 20th century 171

Paul B RASSLEY, Yves S EGERS and Leen Van 3433. M ELIKO ǦLU G ŌLC Ū, Berfin, and Şule O S -
M OLLE, “Conclusions,” 245–258. MANA ǦAO ǦLU S ANAL. “Mecmua-i Fünûn-i Bay-
Reviews: [ref. R114] tariye: İnceleme ve Özetli Bibliyografya.” [Trans-
lated title: A Study on the Mecmua-i Fünûn-i Bay-
3421. B RESALIER, Michael, and Michael W OR - tariye – with annotated bibliography] In Turkish.
BOYS . “ ‘Saving the lives of our dogs’: The De- Osmanli Bilimi Arast. 14, no. 1 (2012): 45–88.
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Britain.” Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 47, no. 2 (2014): 305–334. nary Science from 1908 to 1910.

3422. D OMMANN, Monika. “Bühnen des Kapitalis- 3434. M ELO, Lúcio Esmeraldo Honório de, Fran-
mus: Der Getreidehandel als Wissensobjekt zwischen cisco de Oliveira M AGALH ÃES, Argus Vasconce-
den Weltkriegen.” Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch. 37, no. 2 los de A LMEIDA, and Cláudio Augusto Gomes
(2014): 112–131. da C ÂMARA. “De alveitares a veterinários: notas
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3423. E TKER, Şeref. “Askeri Baytarlar Terakki ve perior de Medicina Veterinária São Bento de Olinda,
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of European Agriculture.” In War, Agriculture and Picken Orr, to find a satisfactory substitute for
Food, edited by B RASSLEY et al. (2012) [ref. 3420], Japanese agar for bacteriological and other strate-
15–32. gic commercial uses.” (from the abstract)

3425. G ERHARD, Gesine. “Change in the European 3436. M OSER, Peter, and Tony VARLEY. “Corpo-
Countryside: Peasants and Democracy in Germany ratism, Agricultural Modernisation and War in Ireland
1935–55.” In War, Agriculture and Food, edited by and Switzerland, 1935–55.” In War, Agriculture and
B RASSLEY et al. (2012) [ref. 3420], 195–208. Food, edited by B RASSLEY et al. (2012) [ref. 3420],
3426. G ILMAN, Sander L. “Epidemics of Famine and
Obesity: China as the Modern World.” In Imperial 3437. N ISSEN, Mogens R. “From War Profits to
Contagions, edited by P ECKHAM and P OMFRET Post-War Investments: How The German Occupation
(2013) [ref. 3283], 179–194. Improved Investments in Danish Agriculture in the
Post-War Years.” In War, Agriculture and Food,
3427. G RIFFITHS, Clare. “Heroes of the Reconstruc- edited by B RASSLEY et al. (2012) [ref. 3420], 113–
tion: Images of British Farmers in War and Peace.” 136.
In War, Agriculture and Food, edited by B RASSLEY
et al. (2012) [ref. 3420], 209–228. 3438. O BERKROME, Willi. Ordnung und Autarkie:
die Geschichte der deutschen Landbauforschung,
3428. H AMILTON, Shane. “Agribusiness, the Family Agrarökonomie und ländlichen Sozialwissenschaft im
Farm, and the Politics of Technological Determinism Spiegel von Forschungsdienst und DFG (1920–1970).
in the Post–World War II United States.” Tech. & Studien zur Geschichte der Deutschen Forschungsge-
Cult. 55, no. 3 (2014): 560–590. meinschaft, Bd. 4. (370 pp.) Stuttgart: Franz Steiner,
2009. ISBN: 9783515092555.
3429. LYNCH, Edouard. “Food Stocks, the Black Reviews: [ref. R753]
Market, and Town and Country Tensions in France
during Two World Wars and beyond.” In War, Agri-
culture and Food, edited by B RASSLEY et al. (2012) 3439. ROGER, Antoine. “Agricultural Research in
[ref. 3420], 229–244. Romania: Rival Institutional Dependencies on Private
Companies.” Sci. Cult. 23, no. 4 (2014): 465–492.
3430. M ARTIIN, Carin. “Farming, Favoured in
Times of Fear: Swedish Agricultural Politics 1935– 3440. S ABLANI, Shyam S. “75 Years of IFT: Food
55.” In War, Agriculture and Food, edited by B RASS - Engineering and Physical Properties, and Nanoscale
LEY et al. (2012) [ref. 3420], 156–171. Food Science, Engineering and Technology in JFS—
1936 to Present.” Jour. Food Sci. 79, no. 2 (2014):
3431. M ARTIN, John, and Ernst L ANGTHALER. iii-v.
“Paths to Productivism: Agricultural Regulation in
the Second World War and Its Aftermath in Great 3441. S ARAIVA, Tiago. “The Production and Cir-
Britain and German-Annexed Austria.” In War, Agri- culation of Standardized Karakul Sheep and Frontier
culture and Food, edited by B RASSLEY et al. (2012) Settlement in the Empires of Hitler, Mussolini, and
[ref. 3420], 55–74. Salazar.” In New Natures, edited by J ØRGENSEN et
al. (2013) [ref. 293], 135–150.
3432. M ARTIN, Shirley A. “Not as the Crow Flies:
‘Styles’ of Educational Measurement in the Reception 3442. S HINOZUKA, Jeannie N. “Deadly Perils:
of Inferential Statistics at Iowa and Minnesota.” Hist. Japanese Beetles and the Pestilential Immigrant,
Sci. 49, no. 2 (2011): 187–215. 1920s–1930s.” Amer. Quart. 65 (2013): 831–852.

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172 370. 20th century

3443. S HORT, Brian. “The Social Impact of State kigen o motomete. (332 pp.; ill.) Tokyodaigakushup-
Control of Agriculture in Britain 1939–55.” In War, pankai, 2012. ISBN: 9784130603096.
Agriculture and Food, edited by B RASSLEY et al. Reviews: [ref. R427]
(2012) [ref. 3420], 172–194.
3457. K HARUK, Andriy. “On the State of the Avia-
3444. S MITH, Matthew. “A Pre-peanut History of tion Industry of Ukraine in the First Half of the 20-ies
Food Allergy.” Food Cult. Soc. 16 (2013): 125–143. of XX Century.” Res. Hist. Tech. 18 (2013): 30–34.

3445. S TONE, Herbert. “Sensory Evaluation in the 3458. L AUNIUS, Roger D. “Realizing the New
Journal of Food Science—1936 to the Present.” Jour. Aerospace History.” Hist. Stud. Nat. Sci. 44 (2014):
Food Sci. 79, no. 1 (2014): iii. 187–195.
Essay review of Alexander C. T. G EPPERT
3446. T HOMS, Ulrike. “Between Promise and (ed.), Imagining Outer Space (2012); Matthew
Threat.” NTM 20, no. 3 (2012): 181–214. H. H ERSC, Inventing the American Astronaut
On the nature of social trust in an increasingly (2012); David P. D. M UNNS, A Single Sky (2013)
complex system of food production and retailing. [ref. 3560]; Kendrick O LIVER, To Touch the
Face of God (2013) [ref. 3564]; Philip James
3447. T OMLINSON, Jim, Carlo M ORELLI, and Va- T IEMEYER, Plane Queer (2013) [ref. 3510]; Peter
lerie W RIGHT. The Decline of Jute: Managing Indus- J. W ESTWICK (ed.), Blue Sky Metropolis (2012)
trial Change. Perspectives in Economic and Social [ref. 3463].
History. (xiii + 219 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) London:
Pickering & Chatto, 2011. ISBN: 9781848931251. 3459. M EYER, Peter B. “The Airplane as an Open-
Reviews: [ref. R1014] Source Invention.” Part of a special issue on the
relationship between patents, economics and innova-
3448. U EK ŌTTER, Frank. “Why Panaceas Work: tion. [ref. 174]. Rev. Écon. 64 (2013): 115–132.
Recasting Science, Knowledge, and Fertilizer Inter- On the early years of flight before appearance of
ests in German Agriculture.” Agr. Hist. 88 (2014): industrial airplane manufacturing.
3460. M ULLIN, Sherman N. “Robert E. Gross and
3449. VARGA, Zsuzsanna. “Wartime Agricultural the Rise of Lockheed: The Creative Tension between
Policy in Peacetime: A Case Study of Hungary, Engineering and Finance.” In Blue Sky Metropolis,
1940–1956.” In War, Agriculture and Food, edited by edited by W ESTWICK (2012) [ref. 3463], 57–78.
B RASSLEY et al. (2012) [ref. 3420], 96–112.
3461. S OPPELSA, Peter, and Blair S TEIN. “Santos-
3450. V YZDRYK, Vitaliy. “Technical Support of Dumont’s Blimp Passes the Eiffel Tower.” Tech. &
Galician Village by Providing Agricultural Machinery Cult. 54, no. 4 (2013): 943–946.
in the Interwar Period.” Res. Hist. Tech. 18 (2013): Concerning the photograph on this volume’s cover,
21–25. taken from Gustav Eiffel’s La Tour Eiffel en
3451. W EBER, Heike. “Towards ‘Total’ Recycling:
Women, Waste and Food Waste Recovery in Ger- 3462. TATARCHUK, Vitaliy. “Kyiv Polytechnic In-
many, 1914–1939.” Part of a special issue: “Recy- stitute. The History of the School of Aviation in the
cling and Reuse in the Twentieth Century”. Cont. First Third of the XX Century.” Res. Hist. Tech. 16
Europ. Hist. 22 (2013): 371–397. (2012): 73–82.
3452. YARRINGTON, Doug. “Tax Farming, Liquor, 3463. W ESTWICK, Peter J. (Ed.) Blue Sky Metropo-
and the Quest for Fiscal Modernity in Venezuela, lis: The Aerospace Century in Southern California.
1908–1935.” Hispanic Amer. Hist. Rev. 94 (2014): Western Histories. (xi + 308 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.)
237–269. Berkeley, CA: Huntington-USC Institute on Cali-
fornia and the West; University of California Press,
2012. ISBN: 9780873282499.
Contents: D. J. WALDIE, “Lost in Aerospace,”
3453. C HENG, John. Astounding Wonder: Imagining 37–44; M. G. L ORD, “Cold Warrior’s Daugh-
Science and Science Fiction in Interwar America. ter,” 45–56; Sherman N. M ULLIN, “Robert E.
(392 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Philadelphia: University Gross and the Rise of Lockheed: The Creative
of Pennsylvania Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780812243833. Tension between Engineering and Finance,” 57–
Reviews: [ref. R185] 78 [ref. 3460]; Anita S ETH, “Los Angeles Air-
craft Workers and the Consolidation of Cold War
3454. DVORAK, Darrell F. “The First Atomic Bomb Politics,” 79–104 [ref. 3499]; Mihir PANDYA,
Mission Trinity B-29 Operations Three Weeks before “The Vanishing Act: Stealth Airplanes and Cold
Hiroshima.” Air Power Hist. 60, no. 4 (2013): 4–17. War Southern California,” 105–126 [ref. 3962];
Stuart W. L ESLIE, “Spaces for the Space Age:
3455. F IRSOV, Alexander. “B. G. Loutzkoy–Creator William Pereira’s Aerospace Modernism,” 127–
of the Unique Wheels for Airplanes, Automobiles 158 [ref. 2595]; Peter J. W ESTWICK, “Aerospace
and ‘Flying Saucers.’ ” Res. Hist. Tech. 18 (2013): and Hollywood: How Computer Animation Went
53–63. from Space to Cineplex,” 159–170 [ref. 3927];
Patrick M C C RAY, “From L5 to X Prize: Cali-
3456. H ASHIMOTO, Takehiko. Hikoki no tanjo to fornia’s Alternative Space Movement,” 171–196
kuki rikigaku no keisei: kokkateki kenkyu kaihatsu no [ref. 3961]; Zuoyue WANG, “Engineering a New

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375. 20th century, late, and 21st century 173

Space: Chinese American Scientists and Engineers Healthcare,” 251–280 [ref. 3817]; Dongping H AN,
in Aerospace in Southern California,” 197–214 “Rural Agriculture: Scientific and Technologi-
[ref. 3972]; Dwayne A. DAY, “The Air Force and cal Development during the Cultural Revolution,”
the Chumash: The ‘Curse of Slick-6,’ ” 215–226 281–304 [ref. 3936]; Susan G REENHALGH, “Mis-
[ref. 2601]; Glenn E. B UGOS, “Aerospace in the sile Science, Population Science: The Origins of
Rest of California: The View from Silicon Valley,” China’s One-Child Policy,” 305–332 [ref. 3787];
227–246 [ref. 3948]; Wade G RAHAM, “Blueprint- Rudi VOLTI, “Worker Innovation: Did Maoist Pro-
ing the Regional City: The Urban Environmental motion Contribute to China’s Present Chronologi-
Legacies of the Air Industry in Southern Califor- cal and Economic Success?” 333–346 [ref. 3728];
nia,” 247–274 [ref. 3623]. Sigrid S CHMALZER, “On the Appropriate Use of
Reviews: [ref. 3458, R1072] Rose-Colored Glasses: Reflections on Science in
Socialist China,” 347–362 [ref. 3468].
Reviews: [ref. R1057]


WAISSE, and Márcia H. M. F ERRAZ. “From Shelves
3464. G HOSH, Saibal. “R&D in Public Enterprises: to Cyberspace: Organization of Knowledge and the
An Empirical Investigation for India.” Sci. Tech. & Complex Identity of History of Science.” Part of the
Soc. 16 (2011): 177–190. focus section: “Ordering the Discipline: Classifica-
tion in the History of Science” [ref. 51]. Isis 104
3465. J IA, Hepeng, and Li L IU. “Unbalanced (2013): 551–560.
Progress: The Hard Road from Science Populari-
sation to Public Engagement with Science in China.” 3471. A NDERSON, R. Joseph. “The Organization
Part of a special issue, “Public Engagement in Sci- and Description of Science Archives in America.”
ence” [ref. 166]. Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 1 Part of the focus section: “Ordering the Discipline:
(2014): 32–37. Classification in the History of Science” [ref. 51]. Isis
104 (2013): 561–572.
3466. M ELOSI, Martin V. Atomic Age America.
(xvii + 366 pp.; ill.) Boston: Pearson, 2013. ISBN: 3472. VAN H ELDEN, Albert. “Unmasking a Galileo
9780205742547. Forgery.” J. Hist. Astron. 45, no. 3 (2014): 361–376.
Reviews: [ref. R682] Essay review of Horst B REDEKAMP, Irene
B R ÜCKLE, and Paul N EEDHAM, A Galileo Forgery
3467. P HALKEY, Jahnavi. Atomic State: Big Science (2014) [ref. 1347].
in Twentieth-Century India. The Indian Century. (xvii
+ 335 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Ranikhet: Permanent
Black, 2013. ISBN: 9788178243764. 375-10. PHILOSOPHY AND METHODS OF
3468. S CHMALZER, Sigrid. “On the Appropriate
Use of Rose-Colored Glasses: Reflections on Science 3473. A NDERSON, Warwick. “Getting Ahead of
in Socialist China.” In Mr. Science and Chair- One’s Self?: The Common Culture of Immunology
man Mao’s Cultural Revolution, edited by W EI and and Philosophy.” Isis 105, no. 3 (2014): 606–616.
B ROCK (2013) [ref. 3469], 347–362.
3469. W EI, Chunjuan Nancy, and Darryl E. B ROCK. ANALYSIS OF SCIENCE
(Eds.) Mr. Science and Chairman Mao’s Cultural
Revolution: Science and Technology in Modern 3474. P OTTS, Alex. “Postwar Art and the Psychoan-
China. (xxxv + 391 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Lanham: alytic Imaginary.” In History and Psyche, edited by
Lexington Books, 2013. ISBN: 9780739149744. A LEXANDER and TAYLOR (2012) [ref. 138], 265–
Contents: Darryl E. B ROCK and Chunjuan Nancy 282.
W EI, “Introduction: Reassessing the Great Pro-
letarian Cultural Revolution,” 1–40; Darryl E.
B ROCK, “The People’s Landscape: Mr. Science
and the Mass Line,” 41–118 [ref. 2542]; Cong
C AO, “Science Imperiled: Intellectuals and the 3475. G OUYON, Jean-Baptiste. “Making Science at
Cultural Revolution,” 119–142 [ref. 3486]; Michael Home: Visual Displays of Space Science and Nuclear
A. M IKITA, “Screening the Maoist Mr. Science: Physics at the Science Museum and on Television in
Breaking with Old Ideas and Constructing the Postwar Britain.” Hist. & Tech. 30, no. 1 (2014):
Post-Capitalist University,” 143–164 [ref. 3530]; 37–60.
Yibao X U, “Dialectics of Numbers: Marxism,
Maoism, and the Calculus of Infintesimals,” 165– 3476. H ECHT, David K. “The Perpetual Quest: Sci-
196 [ref. 2700]; Yinghong C HENG, “Ideology ence and the Search for Authority.” Hist. Stud. Nat.
and Cosmology: Maoist Discussion on Physics Sci. 44 (2014): 277–284.
and the Cultural Revolution,” 197–232 [ref. 3554]; Essay review of David A. K IRBY, Lab Coats in
Stacey S OLOMONE, “Space for the People: China’s Hollywood (2011); Audra J. W OLFE, Competing
Aerospace Industry and the Cultural Revolution,” with the Soviets (2013); Matthew L EVIN, Cold War
233–250 [ref. 3968]; Chunjuan Nancy W EI, “Bare- University (2013) [ref. 3493]; Matthew H. W IS -
foot Doctors: The Legacy of Chairman Mao’s NIOSKI , Engineers for Change (2012) [ref. 3885].

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174 375. 20th century, late, and 21st century

3477. J ENSEN, Eric, and Nicola B UCKLEY. “Why Canada. (x + 255 pp.; ill.) Toronto: Philip Enros,
People Attend Science Festivals: Interests, Motiva- 2013. ISBN: 9780992070403.
tions and Self-Reported Benefits of Public Engage-
ment with Research.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 5 3488. F REDERICKSON, Kari. Cold War Dixie: Mili-
(2014): 557–573. tarization and Modernization in the American South.
Politics and Culture in the Twentieth-Century South.
3478. L A F OLLETTE, Marcel C. Science on Ameri- (240 pp.) Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2013.
can Television: A History. (x + 306 pp.; ill.) Chicago; ISBN : 9780820345666.
London: The University of Chicago Press, 2013.
ISBN : 9780226921990. 3489. G UISE, George. “Margaret Thatcher’s Influ-
Reviews: [ref. R577] ence on British Science.” Notes Rec. Roy. Soc. Lond.
68, no. 3 (2014): 301–309.
3479. M EDEIROS, Flavia Natercia da Silva. “Fora
da ordem natural: a natureza nos discursos sobre a 3490. G USTON, David H. “Understanding ‘Anticipa-
clonagem e a pesquisa com células-tronco em jornais tory Governance.’ ” Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 2 (2014):
brasileiros.” Article in a supplementary issue on 218–242.
science communication [ref. 980]. Manguinhos 20,
suppl. 1 (2013): 1185–1201. 3491. H ANSEN, Janus. “The Danish Biofuel Debate:
Coupling Scientific and Politico-Economic Claims.”
Sci. Cult. 23, no. 1 (2014): 73–97.
3480. A LMEIDA, Carla, Franciane Lovati DAL C OL, 3492. H ORVATH, Agnes. “The Fascination with
and Luisa M ASSARANI. “Controvérsia cientı́fica no Eros: The Role of Passionate Interests under Com-
telejornalismo brasileiro: um estudo sobre a cobertura munism.” Part of a special section, “The Gravity of
das células-tronco no Jornal Nacional.” Article in Eros in the Contemporary” [ref. 30]. Hist. Hum. Sci.
a supplementary issue on science communication 26, no. 5 (2013): 79–97.
[ref. 980]. Manguinhos 20, suppl. 1 (2013): 1203– On “the corrosive impact of eros, insights central
1223. for contemporary politics.” (from the abstract)

3481. W ISPELWEY, Bram P., and Alan B. 3493. L EVIN, Matthew. Cold War University: Madi-
J OTKOWITZ. “To Repent or to Rationalize: Three son and the New Left in the Sixties. Studies in Amer-
Physicians Exchange Letters on the Ethics of Experi- ican Thought and Culture. (vii + 224 pp.; ill.; bibl.;
mentation in Postwar Medicine.” Perspect. Biol. Med. index.) Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press,
56 (2013): 236–243. 2013. ISBN: 9780299292843.
Reviews: [ref. 3476]
375-22. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: POLITICS, LAW, 3494. N OWOTNY, Helga. “Engaging with the Polit-
AND ECONOMICS ical Imaginaries of Science: Near Misses and Future
3482. A NDERSSON, Jenny, and Anne-Greet K EIZER. Targets.” Part of a special issue, “Public Engagement
“Governing the Future: Science, Policy and Public in Science” [ref. 166]. Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 1
Participation in the Construction of the Long Term in (2014): 16–20.
the Netherlands and Sweden.” Hist. & Tech. 30, no.
1 (2014): 104–122. 3495. O RTH, Karin. Autonomie und Planung der
Forschung Förderpolitische Strategien der Deutschen
3483. BALDINI, Nicola, Riccardo F INI, Rosa Forschungsgemeinschaft 1949–1968. Studien zur
G RIMALDI, and Maurizio S OBRERO. “Organisa- Geschichte der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft,
tional Change and the Institutionalisation of Univer- 8. (284 pp.) Stuttgart: Steiner Franz, 2011. ISBN:
sity Patenting Activity in Italy.” Minerva 52, no. 1 9783515098328.
(2014): 27–53. Reviews: [ref. R762]

3484. B ERMAN, Elizabeth Popp. Creating the Mar- 3496. Q UET, Mathieu. “Science to the People! (and
ket University: How Academic Science Became Experimental Politics): Searching for the Roots of
an Economic Engine. (264 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Participatory Discourse in Science and Technology in
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012. ISBN: the 1970s in France.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 6
9781400840472. (2014): 628–645.
Reviews: [ref. R74]
3497. RUMIEL, Lisa. “Getting to the Heart of Sci-
3485. B URGESS, Michael M. “From ‘Trust Us’ to ence Rosalie Bertell’s Eco-Feminist Approach to
Participatory Governance: Deliberative Publics and Science and Anti-Nuclear Activism.” J. Women’s
Science Policy.” Part of a special issue, “Public Hist. 26, no. 2 (2014): 135–159.
Engagement in Science” [ref. 166]. Public Underst.
Sci. 23, no. 1 (2014): 48–52. 3498. S ENT, Esther-Mirjam. “The Economics of
Science in Historical and Disciplinary Perspective.”
3486. C AO, Cong. “Science Imperiled: Intellectuals Part of the focus section, “Economic Aspects of
and the Cultural Revolution.” In Mr. Science and Science” [ref. 178]. Spontan. Gen. 7 (2013): 6–11.
Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution, edited by W EI
and B ROCK (2013) [ref. 3469], 119–142. 3499. S ETH, Anita. “Los Angeles Aircraft Workers
and the Consolidation of Cold War Politics.” In
3487. E NROS, Philip Charles. Environment for Sci- Blue Sky Metropolis, edited by W ESTWICK (2012)
ence: A History of Policy for Science in Environment [ref. 3463], 79–104.

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375. 20th century, late, and 21st century 175

3500. W HITLEY, Richard, Jochen G L ÄSER, and Ohio: Kent State University Press, 2013. ISBN:
Lars E NGWALL. (Eds.) Reconfiguring Knowledge 9781606351468.
Production: Changing Authority Relationships in Reviews: [ref. R921]
the Sciences and Their Consequences for Intellectual
Innovation. (xv + 387 pp.; ill.; index.) New York: Ox- 3505. S UMMERS, Dennis. “A Personal Art/Science
ford University Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780191591600. Connection: From the Explicatory to the Evocative.”
Contents: Richard W HITLEY, “The Impact of Leonardo 46 (2013): 214–220.
Governance Changes on Authority and Innova-
tion in Public Science Systems,” 3–50 [ref. 2587];
of Regulatory Capture?” 51–80 [ref. 2656]; Mar- ETHNICITY
tin B ENNINGHOFF and Dietmar B RAUN, “Re-
search Funding, Authority Relations, and Scientific 3506. G ANNETT, Lisa. “Biogeographical Ancestry
Production in Switzerland,” 81–109 [ref. 2636]; and Race.” Article in a special section: “Heredity
Robert K NELLER, “The Changing Governance of and The Study of Human Populations After 1945”
Japanese Public Science,” 110–148 [ref. 3527]; [ref. 2880]. Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47,
Jochen G L ÄSER et al., “Informed Authority? Part A (2014): 173–184.
The Limited Use of Research Evaluation Systems
for Managerial Control in Universities,” 148–183 3507. M UEHLMANN, Shaylih. Where the River
[ref. 3535]; Severine L OUVEL, “Changing Author- Ends: Contested Indigeneity in the Mexican Col-
ity Relations within French Academic Research orado Delta. (xiii + 220 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; in-
Units since the 1960s: From Patronage to Part- dex.) Durham: Duke University Press, 2013. ISBN:
nership,” 184–210 [ref. 2655]; Frank M EIER and 9780822354437.
Uwe S CHIMANK, “Mission Now Possible: Profile Reviews: [ref. R714]
Building and Leadership in German Universities,”
211–238 [ref. 3529]; Norma M ORRIS, “Authority 3508. S OUZA, Vanderlei Sebastião de, and Ricardo
Relations as Condition for, and Outcome of, Shifts Ventura S ANTOS. “The Emergence of Human Pop-
in Governance: The Limited Impact of the UK Re- ulation Genetics and Narratives about the Formation
search Assessment Exercise on the Biosciences,” of the Brazilian Nation (1950–1960).” Article in a
239–265 [ref. 3531]; Liudvika L EI ŠYT Ė, Jürgen special section: “Heredity and The Study of Human
E NDERS and Harry de B OER, “Mediating Prob- Populations After 1945” [ref. 2880]. Stud. Hist. Phil.
lem Choice: Academic Researchers’ Responses to Biol. Biomed. Sci. 47, Part A (2014): 97–107.
Changes in their Institutional Environment,” 266–
290 [ref. 2654]; Jochen G L ÄSER et al., “The Lim-
its of Universality: How Field-Specific Epistemic
Conditions Affect Authority Relations and Their 3509. F UQUA, Joy V. “Visions of Technology, Gen-
Consequences,” 291–324 [ref. 2653]; Lars E NG - der, and Knowledge Production.” Women’s Stud. 41
WALL , Matthias K IPPING and Behlül Ü SDIKEN , (2013): 280–282.
“Public Science Systems, Higher Education, and Essay review of Katie K ING, Networked Reen-
the Trajectory of Academic Disciplines: Business actments (2011); Knut H S ØRENSEN, Wendy
Studies in the United States and Europe,” 325–356 FAULKNER, and Els ROMMES, Technologies of
[ref. 2650]; Jochen G L ÄSER, “From Governance Inclusion (2011) [ref. 3918].
to Authority Relations?” 357–370 [ref. 2574].
Reviews: [ref. R1076] 3510. T IEMEYER, Philip James. Plane Queer: La-
bor, Sexuality, and AIDS in the History of Male Flight
3501. YAMAZAKI, Goro. “From Cure to Gover- Attendants. (xi + 288 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Berke-
nance: The Biopolitical Scene after the Brain Death ley: University of California Press, 2013. ISBN:
Controversy in Japan.” Part of a special issue, “Trav- 9780520274761.
eling Comparisons: Ethnographic Reflections on
Reviews: [ref. 3458]
Science and Technology” [ref. 42]. East Asian STS 7,
no. 2 (2013): 243–259.
3502. YOKOYAMA, Hiromi M., and Kazuya NAKAY-
ACHI . “Public Judgment on Science Expenditure in 3511. G OLDEN, Janet, and Emily K. A BEL.
the National Budget of Japan: An Experimental “ ‘Modern Medical Science and the Divine Provi-
Approach to Examining the Effects of Unpacking dence of God’: Rethinking the Place of Religion in
Science.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 5 (2014): Postwar U.S. Medical History.” J. Hist. Med. Allied
610–626. Sci. 69, no. 4 (2014): 580–603.

375-23. SCIENCE AND CULTURE: LITERATURE 3512. RUPER, Stefani. “Metaphysics Matters: Meta-
AND THE ARTS physics and Soteriology in Jerome Stone’s and Don-
ald Crosby’s Varieties of Religious Naturalism.” Zy-
3503. L UNBECK, Elizabeth. “The Narcissistic Ho- gon 49 (2014): 308–322.
mosexual: Genealogy of a Myth.” In History and
Psyche, edited by A LEXANDER and TAYLOR (2012) 3513. S MOLKIN -ROTHROCK, Victoria. “The Ticket
[ref. 138], 49–70. to the Soviet Soul: Science, Religion, and the Spir-
3504. S EED, David. Under the Shadow: The Atomic itual Crisis of Late Soviet Atheism.” Russ. Rev. 73
Bomb and Cold War Narratives. (299 pp.; ill.) Kent, (2014): 171–197.

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176 375. 20th century, late, and 21st century

375-29. SCIENCE AND WAR 3526. G ELESH, Anna. “Some Issues in Forming of
the Scientific and Pedagogic Composition of Lviv
3514. C HOI, Lyong. “The First Nuclear Crisis in the Polytechnic Institute in 60s- 80s of XX Century.”
Korean Peninsula, 1975–76.” Cold War Hist. 14, no. Res. Hist. Tech. 16 (2012): 67–72.
1 (2014): 71–90.
3527. K NELLER, Robert. “The Changing Gover-
3515. G UAZZONI, Guido, and Selma M ATTHEWS.
nance of Japanese Public Science.” In Reconfiguring
“A Retrospective of Four Decades of Military Inter-
Knowledge Production, edited by W HITLEY et al.
est in Thermophotovoltaics.” AIP Conf. Proc. 738
(2010) [ref. 3500], 110–148.
(2004): 3.

3516. L ONSDALE, David J. The Nature of War in the 3528. L ECLERC, Bruno, and Pierre ROSENSTIEHL.
Information Age: Clausewitzian Future. Cass Series “Marc Barbut, le formateur universel.” Part of a series
- Strategy and History, 9. (xiv + 269 pp.) London: [ref. 76]. J. Elec. Hist. Prob. Stat. 9 (2013): Approx.
Frank Cass, 2004. ISBN: 9780714655468. 2000 Words.

3517. M ARTINI, Edwin A. Agent Orange: History, 3529. M EIER, Frank, and Uwe S CHIMANK. “Mis-
Science, and the Politics of Uncertainty. Culture, sion Now Possible: Profile Building and Leadership
Politics, and the Cold War. (xvi + 302 pp.; ill.; maps; in German Universities.” In Reconfiguring Knowl-
bibl.; index.) Amherst: University of Massachusetts edge Production, edited by W HITLEY et al. (2010)
Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781558499751. [ref. 3500], 211–238.
Reviews: [ref. 292, R657]
3530. M IKITA, Michael A. “Screening the Maoist
3518. N IELSENA, Kristian H., Henry N IELSENA, Mr. Science: Breaking with Old Ideas and Construct-
and Janet M ARTIN -N IELSEN. “City under the Ice: ing the Post-Capitalist University.” In Mr. Science
The Closed World of Camp Century in Cold War and Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution, edited by
Culture.” Sci. Cult. 23, no. 4 (2014): 443–464. W EI and B ROCK (2013) [ref. 3469], 143–164.

3519. WALKER, John R. Britain and Disarma- 3531. M ORRIS, Norma. “Authority Relations as
ment the UK and Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Condition for, and Outcome of, Shifts in Governance:
Weapons Arms Control and Programmes, 1956– The Limited Impact of the UK Research Assess-
1975. (xi + 305 pp.) Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, ment Exercise on the Biosciences.” In Reconfiguring
2012. ISBN: 9781409435808. Knowledge Production, edited by W HITLEY et al.
Reviews: [ref. R1048] (2010) [ref. 3500], 239–265.

3520. YANG, Aihua. “Analysis of the Chinese Mil- 3532. O SSEO -A SARE, Abena Dove. “Scientific
itary Students Abroad to the Soviet Union in the Equity: Experiments in Laboratory Education in
1950s.” J. Dial. Natur. 35, no. 1 (2013): 69–75. Ghana.” Isis 104 (2013): 713–741.

3521. YOUNG, Ken. “Special Weapon, Special Re-

lationship: The Atomic Bomb Comes to Britain.” J. 375-43. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OF
Mil. Hist. 77, no. 2 (2013): 569–598. SCIENTISTS

3533. B INO PAUL, G. D., and M. K RISHNA. “Does

375-40. SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS Social Network Matter in Knowledge Output?” Sci.
3522. S LUIS, Rolf ter, and Ilja N IEUWLAND. “Uni- Tech. & Soc. 16 (2011): 235–255.
versiteitsmusea ‘Full Circle’? Vijftig jaar academisch Looks at the signifcance of social networks, focus-
erfgoed.” Studium 6, no. 3/4 (2013): 207–214. ing upon contributors to the Economic and Political
Weekly (EPW).
3523. DAWSON, M. Joan. Paul Lauterbur and the H ODGSON. “The Disciplining of Scientific Com-
Invention of MRI. (296 pp.) Cambridge, MA: The munities.” Interdiscipl. Sci. Rev. 38 (2013): 91–105.
MIT Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780262019217.
3535. G L ÄSER, Jochen, Stefan L ANGE, Grit
L AUDEL, and Uwe S CHIMANK. “Informed Au-
375-42. SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION; EDUCATIONAL thority? The Limited Use of Research Evaluation
INSTITUTIONS Systems for Managerial Control in Universities.”
In Reconfiguring Knowledge Production, edited by
3524. B EKERMAN, Fabiana. “The Scientific Field W HITLEY et al. (2010) [ref. 3500], 148–183.
During Argentina’s Latest Military Dictatorship
(1976–1983): Contraction of Public Universities and 3536. M ÜLLER, Ruth. “Postdoctoral Life Scientists
Expansion of the National Council for Scientific and and Supervision Work in the Contemporary Univer-
Technological Research (CONICET).” Minerva 51, sity: A Case Study of Changes in the Cultural Norms
no. 2 (2013): 253–269. of Science.” Minerva 52, no. 3 (2014): 329–349.
3525. B ROWN, Mark B. “Public University Funding
and the Privatization of Politics.” Part of the focus 3537. R IESCHA, Hauke, and Jonathan M ENDEL.
section “Economic Aspects of Science” [ref. 178]. “Science Blogging: Networks, Boundaries and Limi-
Spontan. Gen. 7 (2013): 21–28. tations.” Sci. Cult. 23, no. 1 (2014): 51–72.

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375. 20th century, late, and 21st century 177

375-101. OCCULTISM AND NATURAL MAGIC 3550. P HILLIPS, Christopher J. “In Accordance with
a ‘More Majestic Order’: The New Math and the
3538. D E B L ÉCOURT, Willem. “ ‘Keep That Woman Nature of Mathematics at Midcentury.” Isis 105, no.
Out!’ Notions of Space in Twentieth-Century Flemish 3 (2014): 540–563.
Witchcraft Discourse.” Hist. & Theory 52, no. 3
(2013): 361–379.
375-104. MUSIC
3539. K RIPAL, Jeffrey J. Mutants and Mystics: Sci-
3551. B ERNSTEIN, Leslie R. “Constantine Trahiotis
ence Fiction, Superhero Comics, and the Paranormal.
and Hearing Science: A Half-Century of Contribu-
(xvi + 370 pp.; ill.; bibl.) Chicago: University of
tions and Collaborations.” J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 135
Chicago Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780226453835.
Reviews: [ref. 3540]
3540. TAVES, Ann. “The Power of the Paranormal 375-110. ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY
(and Extraordinary).” Hist. Relig. 53 (2013): 205–
3552. BATTEN, Alan H. “The Beginnings of Modern
Astronomy at the University of St Andrews.” J.
Essay review of Jeffrey J. K RIPAL, Mutants and
Astron. Hist. Herit. 17, no. 1 (2014): 39–44.
Mystics (2011) [ref. 3539].
3553. B OUTON, Ellen N. “Growth of a New
375-102. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Repository: National Radio Astronomy Observa-
tory Archives.” http://www.aip.org/history/
3541. M ULES, Warwick. With Nature: Nature Phi- newsletter/winter2012/nrao-archives.html.
losophy as Poetics through Schelling, Heidegger, Hist. Phys. 44, no. 2 (2012-2013): 1–2.
Benjamin and Nancy. (viii + 272 pp.; ill.) Chicago: Brief overview of the archival resources offered
Intellect, 2014. ISBN: 9781841505732. by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Reviews: [ref. R719] (NRAO).
3542. S CHWARTZ, Stephen P. “Mill and Kripke on 3554. C HENG, Yinghong. “Ideology and Cosmol-
Proper Names and Natural Kind Terms.” Brit. J. Hist. ogy: Maoist Discussion on Physics and the Cultural
Phil. 21 (2013): 925–945. Revolution.” In Mr. Science and Chairman Mao’s
Cultural Revolution, edited by W EI and B ROCK
375-103. MATHEMATICS (2013) [ref. 3469], 197–232.
3543. A RMATTE, Michel. “Marc Barbut pédagogue : 3555. E HGAMBERDIEV, Sh. A., E. F OSSAT, and
comment enseigner les probabilités aux étudiants en A.V. S EREBRYANSKIY. “Twenty-Five Years of He-
SHS ?” Part of a series [ref. 76]. J. Elec. Hist. Prob. lioseismology Research in Uzbekistan.” J. Astron.
Stat. 9 (2013): Approx. 6000 Words. Hist. Herit. 17, no. 1 (2014): 45–64.
3544. AUSEJO, Elena. “La introducción de la 3556. E TKER, Şeref. “Ord. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang
‘matemática moderna’ en la enseñanza no univer- Gleissberg’in Türk Astronomi Derneǧi Başkanliǧi.”
sitaria en España (1953–1970).” La Gaceta de la [Translated title: Dr. Wolfgang Gleißberg’s presi-
Real Soc. Mat. Españ. 16, no. 4 (2013): 727–747. dency of the Turkish Astronomical Society] In Turk-
ish. Osmanli Bilimi Arast. 14, no. 1 (2012): 25–44.
3545. BASULTO, Jesús, and José Marı́a A RRIBAS.
“Les recherches de Marc Barbut sur la mesure des 3557. G RANT, Jane. “Soft Moon: Exploring Matter
inégalités.” Part of a series [ref. 76]. J. Elec. Hist. and Mutability in Narratives and Histories of the
Prob. Stat. 9 (2013): Approx. 6000 Words. Earth-Moon System.” Leonardo 46 (2013): 432–438.
On a film related to the work of science fiction
3546. B ELCASTRO, Sarah-Marie. “Adventures in writers Italo Calvino and Stanislaw Lem.
Mathematical Knitting.” Amer. Scient. 101 (2013):
124–133. 3558. K RAGH, Helge. “Naming the Big Bang.” Hist.
On knitting mathematical shapes like the Möbius Stud. Nat. Sci. 44 (2014): 3–36.
band and the Klein bottle.
3559. M ATHEWSON, Don S., John H ART, Hermann
3547. G EROVITCH, Slava. “Parallel Worlds: For- P. W EHNER, Gary R. H OVEY, and Jan van H ARME -
mal Structures and Informal Mechanisms of Post- LEN . “The Australian National University’s 2.3m
war Soviet Mathematics.” Part of a special issue, New Generation Telescope at Siding Spring Obser-
“Science and Soviet Political Authorities: Conflict, vatory.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 16, no. 1 (2013):
Cooperation, and Incongruence” [ref. 2579]. Hist. 2–28.
Scientiarum 22, no. 3 (2012): 181–200.
3560. M UNNS, David P. D. A Single Sky: How
3548. K ANOVEI, Vladimir, Mikhail G. K ATZ, and an International Community Forged the Science of
Thomas M ORMANN. “Tools, Objects, and Chimeras: Radio Astronomy. (xi + 247 pp.; ill.; bibl.; in-
Connes on the Role of Hyperreals in Mathematics.” dex.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013. ISBN:
Found. Sci. 18 (2013): 259–296. 9780262018333.
Reviews: [ref. 3458, R720]
3549. M ONJARDET, Bernard. “Marc Barbut au pays
des médianes.” Part of a series [ref. 76]. J. Elec. Hist. 3561. NAKAJIMA, Hiroshi, Masato I SHIGURO,
Prob. Stat. 9 (2013): Approx. 6000 Words. Wayne O RCHISTON, Kenji A KABANE, Shinzo
E NOME, Masa H AYASHI, Norio K AIFU, Tsuko

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178 375. 20th century, late, and 21st century

NAKAMURA, and Atsushi T SUCHIYA. “Highlighting Political Authorities: Conflict, Cooperation, and In-
the History of Japanese Radio Astronomy. 3: Early congruence” [ref. 2579]. Hist. Scientiarum 22, no. 3
Solar Radio Research at the Tokyo Astronomical Ob- (2012): 215–226.
servatory.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 17, no. 1 (2014):
2–28. 3574. K AUFMAN, Scott. Project Plowshare: The
Peaceful Use of Nuclear Explosives in Cold War
3562. N EUFELD, Michael J. “First Mission to Pluto: America. (xiv + 295 pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; in-
Policy, Politics, Science, and Technology in the Ori- dex.) Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2013. ISBN:
gins of New Horizons, 1989–2003.” Hist. Stud. Nat. 9780801451256.
Sci. 44 (2014): 234–276. Reviews: [ref. R526]
3563. N ORRIS, Ray P., and M. J. K ESTEVEN. “The 3575. K IM, Sung Won. “Korean Prometheus?
Life and Times of the Parkes-Tidbinbilla Interfer- Mythifying Benjamin Whiso Lee.” East Asian STS 8,
ometer.” J. Astron. Hist. Herit. 16, no. 1 (2013): no. 2 (2014): 195–208.
55–66. On nationalism and the literary mythologizing of a
Korean nuclear scientist in the 1990s.
3564. O LIVER, Kendrick. To Touch the Face of God:
The Sacred, the Profane and the American Space Pro- 3576. M ARBURGER, John H., III. “The Supercon-
gram, 1957–1975. New Series in NASA History. (xiii ducting Supercollider and US Science Policy.” Phys.
+ 229 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Baltimore: Johns Hop- Persp. 16, no. 3 (2014): 218–249.
kins University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9781421407883.
Reviews: [ref. 3458, R757] 3577. M ONTGOMERY, H. E., Jr., and V. I. P UPY-
SHEV. “On Lower Bounds for Polarisability.” Eur.
3565. P ENNY, Alan John. “The SETI Episode in Phys. J. H 38 (2013): 519–534.
the 1967 Discovery of Pulsars.” Eur. Phys. J. H 38
(2013): 535–547. 3578. PARR, Helen. “The British Decision to Up-
grade Polaris, 1970–4.” Cont. Europ. Hist. 22 (2013):
3566. ROTHMAN, Tony. “Searching for Great Ad- 263–274.
ventures.” Amer. Scient. 102 (2014): 10–13.
3579. PAUL, Eward. “50 Years of Experimental
Particle Physics in Bonn. A Personal Recollection.”
375-112. PHYSICS; PHYSICAL SCIENCES, Eur. Phys. J. H 38 (2013): 471–506.

3567. ATA, Kaan. “Istanbul Üniversitesi Fen 3580. P ERKINS, D. H. “An Early Neutrino Experi-
Fakültesi’nde ‘Atom Alimleri’nin Konferanslar ment: How We Missed Quark Substructure in 1963.”
(1950–1955): W. Heisenberg, T. Allibone, O. Hahn.” Eur. Phys. J. H 38 (2013): 713–726.
Translated title: [Conferences of ‘Atom Scientists’ in
Istanbul University Faculty of Science (1950–1955): 3581. S CHEWE, Phillip F. Maverick Genius: The
W. Heisenberg, T. Allibone, O. Hahn]. Osmanli Pioneering Odyssey of Freeman Dyson. (x + 339 pp.;
Bilimi Arast. 14, no. 2 (2013): 84–95. ill.) New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2013. ISBN:
3568. B ELFER, Israel. “Informing Physics: Jacob
Bekenstein and the Informational Turn in Theoretical 3582. T HOMAS, Will. “The Array of Contemporary
Physics.” Phys. Persp. 16, no. 1 (2014): 69–97. American Physicists is Online.” Hist. Phys. 42, no. 1
(2010): 14.
3569. D OM ÍNGUEZ, Martı́. “Einstein Versus Neu- The Array of Contemporary American Physicists
trinos: The Two Cultures Revisited with the Media gathers information on physicists who have worked
Coverage of a Scientific News Item in Cartoons.” Sci. in the United States since 1945. It can be found at:
Commun. 36, no. 2 (2014): 248–259. http://www.aip.org/history/acap/.
“Focuses on the news coverage given to the CERN
announcement that neutrinos might exceed the 3583. V IEIRA, Cássio Leite, and Antonio Augusto
speed of light.” (from the abstract) Passos V IDEIRA. “Carried by History: Cesar Lattes,
Nuclear Emulsions, and the Discovery of the Pi-
3570. D ORE, Ubaldo. “Neutrino Experiments in the meson.” Phys. Persp. 16, no. 1 (2014): 3–36.
Physics Department of Rome ‘Sapienza’ University.”
Eur. Phys. J. H 38 (2013): 703–712. 3584. W ESTFALL, Catherine. “Engineering the Big
Chill: The Story of JLab’s Central Helium Liquefier.”
3571. G ERSTENBERGER, Katharina. “Störfälle: Phys. Persp. 16, no. 1 (2014): 37–68.
Literary Accounts from Chernobyl to Fukushima.”
Germ. Stud. Rev. 37 (2014): 131–148. 3585. W RIGHT, Aaron Sidney. “The Advantages of
Bringing Infinity to a Finite Place: Penrose Diagrams
3572. G OODWIN, William. “Sustaining a Contro- as Objects of Intuition.” Hist. Stud. Nat. Sci. 44
versy: The Non-classical Ion Debate.” Brit. J. Phil. (2014): 99–139.
Sci. 64 (2013): 787–816.
3586. W RIGHT, Aaron Sidney. “The Origins of Pen-
3573. I CHIKAWA, Hiroshi. “Soviet Physicists dur- rose Diagrams in Physics, Art, and the Psychology of
ing the War: Jealousy, Discord and the Ideological Perception, 1958–62.” Endeavour 37, no. 3 (2013):
Dispute.” Part of a special issue, “Science and Soviet 133–139.

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375. 20th century, late, and 21st century 179

375-113. CHEMISTRY Media, 1988–2007.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 2

(2014): 189–203.
3587. BALABAN, Alexandru T. “Chemical Graph
Theory and the Sherlock Holmes Principle.” HYLE 3599. B LUEA, Gwendolyn, and Jennifer M EDLOCK.
19 (2013): 107–134. “Public Engagement with Climate Change as Scien-
Looks at the ways in which the use of mathematical tific Citizenship: A Case Study of World Wide Views
chemistry has contributed to discoveries in the on Global Warming.” Sci. Cult. 23, no. 4 (2014):
respective fields. 560–579.
3588. BASAK, Subhash C. “Philosophy of Mathe- 3600. C HIANESE, Robert Louis. “Spiral Jetty.”
matical Chemistry: A Personal Perspective.” HYLE Amer. Scient. 101 (2013): 20–21.
19 (2013): 3–17.
Includes a brief history of mathematical and chem- On the impact of environmentally aware land and
ical concepts but focuses on late twentieth cen- Earth artists upon scientific and popular culture
tury development and justification of mathematical during the 1970s.
modeling within chemistry.
3601. JASPAL, Rusi, and Brigitte N ERLICH. “When
3589. B ECKE, Axel D. “Perspective: Fifty Years Climate Science Became Climate Politics: British
of Density-Functional Theory in Chemical Physics.” Media Representations of Climate Change in 1988.”
Jour. Chem. Phys. 140 (2014). Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 2 (2014): 122–141.

3590. E BERHART, Mark, and Jones T RAVIS. “The 3602. M ARRINER, Nick, and Christophe
Two Faces of Chemistry: Can They Be Reconciled?” M ORHANGE. “Data Mining the Intellectual Revival
Found. Chem. 15, no. 3 (2013): 277–285. of ‘Catastrophic’ Mother Nature.” Found. Sci. 18
Comments on a dichotomy between chemists in- (2013): 245–257.
terested in synthesising molecules and those inter-
ested in understanding molecular properties. 3603. M C D OUGALL, Ian. “Retrospective on the
Plate Tectonic Revolution Focusing on K/Ar Dating,
3591. L E ROUX, Muriel. “A Chemist’s Community Linear Volcanic Chains and the Geomagnetic Polarity
as a Forerunner in Management Change and Innova- Time Scale.” Earth Sci. Hist. 32, no. 2 (2013):
tion in France during the Second Part of the Twentieth 313–331.
Century? The Case of the Institut de Chimie des Sub-
stances Naturelles, a CNRS Laboratory.” Bus. Econ. 3604. PARKER, Wendy S. “Simulation and Under-
Hist. On-Line 7 (2009): 1–15. standing in the Study of Weather and Climate.” Arti-
cle in a special issue, “Simulation, Visualization, and
3592. M ATTA, Chérif F. “Special issue: Philosophi- Scientific Understanding” [ref. 3050]. Perspect. Sci.
cal Aspects and Implications of the Quantum Theory 22, no. 3 (2014): 336–356.
of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM).” Found. Chem. 15,
no. 3 (2013): 245–251. 3605. RUDIAK -G OULD, Peter. “Progress, Decline,
Editorial noting the impact and evolution of and the Public Uptake of Climate Science.” Public
QTAIM among chemical practitioners since its Underst. Sci. 23, no. 2 (2014): 142–156.
1990 formulation.
3606. S CHILLING, Tom. “Uranium, Geoinformatics,
3593. NALEWAJSKI, Roman. “Entropic Concepts and the Economic Image of Mineral Exploration.”
in Electronic Structure Theory.” Found. Chem. 16 Endeavour 37, no. 3 (2013): 140–149.
(2014): 27–62.
3594. NAQVI, Shehbaz Husain. “Polymer Science 375-121. GEOGRAPHY; CARTOGRAPHY;
Research in India during 1999–2012: A Scien- EXPLORATION
tometric Study Based on Science Citation Index-
Expanded.” Sci. Tech. & Soc. 19 (2014): 95–108. 3607. A LTHOFF, William F. Arctic Mission: 90
North by Airship and Submarine. (xviii + 264 pp.;
3595. R ESTREPO, Guillermo, and José L. V ILLAVE - maps; ill.) Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press,
CES . “Discrete Mathematical Chemistry: Social 2011. ISBN: 9781612510101.
Aspects of its Emergence and Reception.” HYLE 19 Reviews: [ref. R25]
(2013): 19–33.
3608. O LDFIELD, Jonathan, David M ATLESS, and
3596. S UKUMAR, N. “The Atom in a Molecule as a Adam S WAIN. “The Making of a Sub-Discipline:
Mereological Construct in Chemistry.” Found. Chem. State Initiatives and the Production of British Geo-
15, no. 3 (2013): 303–309. graphical Studies of the Soviet Union and Eastern
Europe, 1945–71.” Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogr. 36
(2011): 574–589.
3597. A NTONELLO, Alessandro. “Australia, the In-
ternational Geophysical Year and the 1959 Antarctic 375-122. NATURAL HISTORY
Treaty.” Aust. J. Pol. Hist. 59 (2013): 532–546. 3609. K NOX, Alan G. “The First Egg of Jerdon’s
3598. A SAYAMA, Shinichiro, and Atsushi I SHII. Courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus and a Review of the
“Reconstruction of the Boundary between Climate Early Records of This Species.” Arch. Natur. Hist. 41
Science and Politics: The IPCC in the Japanese Mass (2014): 75–93.

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180 375. 20th century, late, and 21st century

375-123. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES ill.) London: Imperial College Press, 2013. ISBN:
3610. B LOK, Anders. “Comparative Globali- Reviews: [ref. R363]
ties: Actor-Network Theory and the Topologies of
Japanese ‘Research’ Whales.” Part of a special issue, 3623. G RAHAM, Wade. “Blueprinting the Regional
“Traveling Comparisons: Ethnographic Reflections City: The Urban Environmental Legacies of the
on Science and Technology” [ref. 42]. East Asian Air Industry in Southern California.” In Blue Sky
STS 7, no. 2 (2013): 185–204. Metropolis, edited by W ESTWICK (2012) [ref. 3463],
3611. B OUDIA, Soraya. “From Threshold to Risk:
Exposure to Low Doses of Radiation and Its Effects 3624. G REENBERG, Joel. A Feathered River across
on Toxicants Regulation.” In Toxicants, Health and the Sky: The Passenger Pigeon’s Flight to Extinction.
Regulation since 1945, edited by B OUDIA and JAS (xiii + 289 pp.; ill.) New York, NY: Bloomsbury,
(2013) [ref. 2810], 71–87. 2014. ISBN: 9781620405345.
Reviews: [ref. R396]
3612. B ROCK, David C. “A Measure of Success.”
Chem. Heritage 29, no. 1 (2011): Approx. 1100 3625. H IRD, Myra J, Scott L OUGHEED, R Kerry
Words. ROWE, and Cassandra K UYVENHOVEN. “Mak-
ing Waste Management Public (or Falling Back to
3613. C ABIN, Robert J. “Nature Is Dead. Long Live Sleep).” Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 3 (2014): 441–465.
Nature!” Amer. Scient. 101 (2013): 30–37.
On the author’s personal experience with endan- 3626. H OFF, Derek S. The State and the Stork: The
gerd species and his evaluation of the current state Population Debate and Policy Making in Us History.
of the dangers to the environment. (xii + 378 pp.) Chicago; London: The University of
Chicago Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780226347622.
3614. C AREY, Mark, Philip G ARONE, Adrian Reviews: [ref. R455]
H OWKINS, Georgina H. E NDFIELD, Lawrence C UL -
VER , Sam W HITE , Sherry J OHNSON , and James 3627. H OFFMAN, Karen. “Unheeded Science: Tak-
Rodger F LEMING. “Forum: Climate Change and ing Precaution out of Toxic Water Pollutants Policy.”
Environmental History.” Environ. Hist. 19, no. 2 Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 38 (2013): 829–850.
(2014): 281–364.
3628. H ÖHLER, Sabine. “Von Biodiversität zu
3615. C ARSON, Rachel. Primavera silenciosa. Biodiversifizierung: Eine Neue Ökonomie der Na-
Edited by Joandomènech ROS. (xxxviii + 372 pp.; tur?” Part of a special issue, “Ressourcen” [ref. 291].
ill.) Barcelona: Crı́tica, 2010. ISBN: 9788498920918. Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch. 37, no. 1 (2014): 60–77.
Reviews: [ref. 2308]
3629. H UPPATZ, D. J. “Creative Living, Ecological
3616. C HRISTOFF, Peter. “Climate Discourse Com- Design and Russel Wright’s Manitoga.” J. Design
plexes, National Climate Regimes and Australian Hist. 25 (2012): 363–378.
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Excavations in the Holy Land Inspired by the Pho-
tographs and Accounts of Leo Boer. (xiv + 264 pp.; 3743. M OH ÁCSI, Gergely. “The Adiponectin As-
ill.; maps.) Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2014. ISBN: semblage: An Anthropological Perspective on Phar-
9781782972457. macogenomics in Japan.” Part of a special issue,
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on Science and Technology” [ref. 42]. East Asian
3731. B RODERICK, Lee G. “Commercial Zooarchae- STS 7, no. 2 (2013): 261–281.
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19–32. ism and Biographical Medicine: Constructions of En-
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3732. H OCHADEL, Oliver. “The Multiple Eudald Now.” In Cancer Patients, Cancer Pathways, edited
Carbonell: The Various Roles of Catalonia’s Most by T IMMERMANN and T OON (2012) [ref. 3751],
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33, no. 2 (2013): 389–416. 3745. P RUSINER, Stanley B. Madness and Memory:
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375-146. HISTORY AS A DISCIPLINE of Disease. (xix + 320 pp.; ill.) New Haven: Yale
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3733. K RYLOVA, Anna. “Soviet Modernity: Stephen
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3738. H AN, Sun-Hee, and Ock-Joo K IM. “The Role 3750. T IMMERMANN, Carsten. “Running out of
of Pavlov’s Theory in North Korea in the Late 1950s: Options: Surgery, Hope and Progress in the Manage-
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3751. T IMMERMANN, Carsten, and Elizabeth T OON. 3759. H ALLIWELL, Martin. Therapeutic Revolu-
(Eds.) Cancer Patients, Cancer Pathways: Historical tions: Medicine, Psychiatry, and American Culture,
and Sociological Perspectives. Science, Technology 1945–1970. (xiv + 382 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) New
and Medicine in Modern History. (xii + 270 pp.; Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2013.
ill.) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. ISBN: ISBN : 9780813560649.
9781137272089. Reviews: [ref. R412]
Partial contents: Carsten T IMMERMANN, “Run-
ning out of Options: Surgery, Hope and Progress 3760. L ONG, Vicky. “Rethinking Post-war Mental
in the Management of Lung Cancer, 1950s to Health Care: Industrial Therapy and the Chronic
1990s,” 36–56 [ref. 3750]; Emm Barnes J OHN - Mental Patient in Britain.” Soc. Hist. Med. 26 (2013):
STONE , “Captain Chemo and Mr Wiggly: Patient 738–758.
Information for Children with Cancer in the Late
Twentieth Century,” 78–100 [ref. 3739]; Ilana 3761. M AZANA, Javier S. “David Servan-Scheriber
L ÖWY, “Knife, Rays and Women: Controversies in memoriam. El legado cientı́fico de un neurop-
about the Uses of Surgery versus Radiotherapy siquiatra.” Llull 36 (2013): 475–480.
in the Treatment of Female Cancers in France 3762. O LIVEIRA, William Vaz de. “A fabricação da
and in the US, 1920–1960,” 103–129 [ref. 3113]; loucura: contracultura e antipsiquiatria.” Manguinhos
Elizabeth T OON, “Measured Responses: British 18, no. 1 (2011): 141–154.
Clinical Researchers and Therapies for Advanced
Breast Cancer in the 1960s and 1970s,” 130–160 3763. P ICKERSGILL, Martyn. “The Endurance of
[ref. 3752]; Helen VALIER, “Uncertain Enthusi- Uncertainty: Antisociality and Ontological Anarchy
asm: PSA Screening, Proton Therapy and Prostate in British Psychiatry, 1950–2010.” Sci. Context 27,
Cancer,” 186–203 [ref. 3753]; John P ICKSTONE, no. 1 (2014): 143–175.
“Radicalism, Neoliberalism and Biographical
Medicine: Constructions of English Patients and 3764. P RIOR, Pauline. “Through the Lens of the
Patient Histories around 1980 and Now,” 230–255 Hospital Magazine: Downshire and Holywell Psy-
[ref. 3744]. chiatric Hospitals in the 1960s and 1970s.” Hist.
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3752. T OON, Elizabeth. “Measured Responses: 3765. RUBIN, Lawrence C. “Introduction: Mental
British Clinical Researchers and Therapies for Ad- Health and Illness in American Culture.” Introduction
vanced Breast Cancer in the 1960s and 1970s.” In to a special issue on mental illness. J. Amer. Cult. 37
Cancer Patients, Cancer Pathways, edited by T IM - (2014): 1–4.
MERMANN and T OON (2012) [ref. 3751], 130–160. Partial contents: Linda S IMON, “Battling the
‘Invincible Predator’: Alzheimer’s Disease as
3753. VALIER, Helen. “Uncertain Enthusiasm: PSA Metaphor,” 5–15 [ref. 3809]; Kate M AZZA, “Dis-
Screening, Proton Therapy and Prostate Cancer.” tracted at School: Aprosexia, ADHD and Adenoids
In Cancer Patients, Cancer Pathways, edited by in American Culture,” 16–28 [ref. 3741]; Heather
T IMMERMANN and T OON (2012) [ref. 3751], 186– M URRAY, “ ‘My Place Was Set At The Terrible
203. Feast’: The Meanings of the ‘Anti-Psychiatry’
Movement and Responses in the United States,
3754. W ILLIS, Martin, Keir WADDINGTON, and 1970s–1990s,” 37–51 [ref. 3802].
Richard M ARSDEN. “Imaginary Investments: Illness
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(2013): 55–73. Psychoanalysis in Socialist Yugoslavia.” Slav. East
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3755. Z HAN, Mei. “The Empirical as Conceptual:
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236–263. and Eliane Regina Ternes T ORRES. “Polı́ticas de
saúde mental em Santa Catarina nos anos 1970: van-
guarda na psiquiatria brasileira?” Manguinhos 20,
375-151. PSYCHIATRY; MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY no. 2 (2013): 553–570.
3756. B ORGES, Viviane Trindade. “Um ‘depósito de 3768. S MITH, Matthew. Hyperactive: The Con-
gente’: as marcas do sofrimento e as transformações troversial History of ADHD. (248 pp.) London:
no antigo Hospital Colônia Sant’Ana e na assistência Reaktion Books, 2012. ISBN: 9781780230313.
psiquiátrica em Santa Catarina, 1970–1996.” Man- Reviews: [ref. R955]
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3769. W EINSTEIN, Deborah. The Pathological Fam-
3757. G HAZAL, Yazan Abu. “Perspectivity in ily: Postwar America and the Rise of Family Therapy.
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Schizophrenia in Postwar Germany (1955–1961).” University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780801468155.
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Población Epidémica y Vacunas contra la Fiebre 3784. F EINSTEIN, Noah Weeth. “Making Sense
Hemorrágica Argentina 1958–1990.” Asclepio 65, of Autism: Progressive Engagement with Science
no. 1 (2013): Approx. 10,300 words. among Parents of Young, Recently Diagnosed Autis-
tic Children.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 5 (2014):
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tion of Prostate Cancer, 1951–1966.” Bull. Hist. Med. 3785. G ARNELO, Luiza. “Aspectos socioculturais
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3772. B HATTACHARYA, Sanjoy. “International
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3773. B RISBOIS, Ben W. “Epidemiology and ‘De- 3787. G REENHALGH, Susan. “Missile Science, Pop-
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Sci. 44, no. 4 (2014): 600–624. tural Revolution, edited by W EI and B ROCK (2013)
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(2013): 125–137. AVILA -P IRES. “Worms, Slugs and Humans: The
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3775. C ARROLL, Katherine. “Body Dirt or Liquid 877–892.
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3776. C ARSTAIRS, Catherine. “ ‘Our Sickness Health and Regulation since 1945, edited by B OUDIA
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tional Determinism, and the Anxious 1970s.” J. Hist.
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3777. C HEN, Nancy N. Food, Medicine, and the reforma sanitaria: la respuesta asistencial al Sı́ndrome
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3780. C ONIS, Elena. “A Mother’s Responsibility: kins University Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781421406077.
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3783. E HRLICH, Shoshanna. “From Birth Control to 3796. M ALICH, Lisa. “Vom Mittel der Familien-
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3797. M C K AY, Richard A. “ ‘Patient Zero’: The Ab- uma outra visão do Alto Madeira em 1911,” 545–
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3798. M ENICUCCI, Telma Maria Gonçalves. Maximum Allowable Concentrations in the Post-
“História da reforma sanitária brasileira e do Sis- World War II Era.” In Toxicants, Health and Regula-
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3799. M ERRITT, Anne K. “The Rise of Emergency 3808. S ILVA, Vera Lucia Marques da, and Kenneth
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3800. M UNIZ, Érico Silva. “ ‘Basta aplicar uma 3809. S IMON, Linda. “Battling the ‘Invincible
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3801. M URPHY, Michelle. Seizing the Means of 3810. S MITH, Matthew. An Alternative History
Reproduction: Entanglements of Feminism, Health, of Hyperactivity: Food Additives and the Fein-
and Technoscience. (viii + 259 pp.; ill.) Durham, NC: gold Diet. (xii + 243 pp.; bibl.; index.) New
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3802. M URRAY, Heather. “ ‘My Place Was Set At
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and Illness in American Culture [ref. 3765]. J. Amer. da Fundação Serviços de Saúde Pública no estado do
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18, no. 2 (2011): 559–564. 3813. S TERN, Alexandra. Telling Genes: The Story
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malaria. Manguinhos 18, no. 2 (2011): 407–430. ATAMAN. “Cinsel yolla geçen bir hastalik: AIDS’in
Contents: Gabriel G ACHELIN and Annick filatelik tarihi.” [Translated title.] In Turkish. A sex-
O PINEL, “Malária epidêmica na Europa após a ually transmitted disease: History of AIDS through
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malária e a Comissão Rondon (1907–1915),” 471– Struggle to Define the Safety of Chemicals. (xxi
498 [ref. 3213]; Magali Romero S Á, “Os estudos + 304 pp.; ill.) Berkeley: University of California
em malária aviária e o Brasil no contexto cientı́fico Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780520273573.
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3818. W ILCOX, Hui Niu, and Panyia KONG. “How 3830. S IHN, Kyu-hwan. “The Institutionalization of
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3832. A LVAREZ, Robert. “Uranium Mining and the
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3825. H ICKS, Jesse. “Fast Times: The Life, Death, The focus is on the economic downturn caused by
and Rebirth of Amphetamine.” Chem. Heritage 30, a blockade that forced change in the science and
no. 1 (2012): Approx. 3000 Words. technology of mining.
3826. K ESSEL, Nils. “ ‘Doriden von Ciba¡q/¿: 3839. C HO, Hyun-Dae, Byung-Heon L EE, Tae-
Sleeping Pills, Pharmaceutical Marketing, and Kyung S UNG, and Sun-Woo K IM. “Assessing the
Thalidomide, 1955–1963.” Part of a special issue Institutional Legitimacy of Research and Technology
on the 20th century marketing and advertising of Organisations in South Korea: A Content Analysis
pharmaceuticals. [ref. 3319]. Hist. & Tech. 29, no. 2 Approach.” Sci. Tech. & Soc. 16 (2011): 53–73.
(2013): 153–168.
3840. D OING, Park A. “Applying Ethnographic In-
3827. K INGSBERG, Miriam. “Methamphetamine sight to Engineering Ethics: Epistemography and
Solution: Drugs and the Reconstruction of Nation in Accountability in the Space Shuttle Challenger Fail-
Postwar Japan.” J. Asian Stud. 72 (2013): 141–162. ure and the Macondo Well Blowout.” Eng. Stud. 4,
no. 3 (2012): 233–248.
3828. K L ÖPPEL, Ulrike, and Matthias H O -
HEISEL . “ ‘Wunschverordnung’ oder objektiver 3841. D ÖS. EMECI, Mehmet. “The Turkish Draw-
‘Bevölkerungsbedarf’?” NTM 21, no. 3 (2013): 213– bridge: European Integration and the Cultural Eco-
244. nomics of National Planning.” Cont. Europ. Hist. 22
(2013): 627–647.
3829. O RAM, Matthew. “Efficacy and Enlighten-
ment: LSD Psychotherapy and the Drug Amendments 3842. E ISLER, Matthew N. “ ‘The Ennobling Unity
of 1962.” J. Hist. Med. Allied Sci. 69, no. 2 (2014): of Science and Technology’: Materials Sciences
221–250. and Engineering, the Department of Energy, and the

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190 375. 20th century, late, and 21st century

Nanotechnology Enigma.” Minerva 51, no. 2 (2013): 3855. I SAACMAN, Allen F, and Barbara I SAACMAN.
225–251. Dams, Displacement, and the Delusion of Develop-
ment: Cahora Bassa and Its Legacies in Mozambique,
3843. E LIAS, Jamal J. On Wings of Diesel: Trucks, 1965–2007. New African Histories Series. (xvi + 291
Identity and Culture in Pakistan. (xv + 252 pp.; pp.; ill.; maps; bibl.; index.) Athens, Ohio: Ohio
ill.; bibl.; index.) Oxford: Oneworld, 2010. ISBN: University Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780821420331.
9781851688111. Reviews: [ref. R491]
Reviews: [ref. R293]
3856. J ONES, Richard A. L. “Reflecting on Public
3844. FALLAN, Kjetil. “Kombi-Nation: Mini Bi- Engagement and Science Policy.” Part of a special
cycles as Moving Memories.” J. Design Hist. 26 issue, “Public Engagement in Science” [ref. 166].
(2013): 65–85. Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 1 (2014): 27–31.
The focus is on current policy regarding nanotech-
3845. F ISHER, Tom. “A World of Colour and Bright
nology in the UK.
Shining Surfaces: Experiences of Plastics after the
Second World War.” J. Design Hist. 26 (2013): 3857. K ALOUSTIAN, David. “Dialectic of Enlight-
285–303. enment in Don DeLillo’s White Noise.” Hum. Tech.
3846. F OERTSCH, Jacqueline. Reckoning Day: Rev. 32 (2013): 29–61.
Race, Place, and the Atom Bomb in Postwar America.
3858. K ANE, Carolyn. “The Electric ‘Now Indigo
(viii + 251 pp.; ill.) Nashville: Vanderbilt University
Blue’: Synthetic Color and Video Synthesis Circa
Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780826519269.
1969.” Leonardo 46 (2013): 360–366.
3847. G HEORGHE, Eliza. “Atomic Maverick: Ro-
mania’s Negotiations for Nuclear Technology, 1964– 3859. K ANG Jing and L I Yanping. “The Develop-
1970.” Cold War Hist. 13, no. 3 (2013): 373–392. ment Process of the First Generation Semiconductor
Laser in China.” [Translated title.] In Chinese. Chi-
3848. G IFFARD, Hermione. “The Politics of Donat- nese J. Hist. Sci. Tech. 35, no. 1 (2014): 32–40.
ing Technological Artifacts: Techno-Nationalism and
the Donations of the World’s First Jet Engines.” Hist. 3860. K IM, Hyomin. “Reconstructing the Public in
& Tech. 30, no. 1 (2014): 61–82. Old and New Governance: A Korean Case of Nuclear
Energy Policy.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 3 (2014):
3849. G LEITSMANN, Rolf-Jürgen. Fortschrittsfein- 268–282.
de im Atomzeitalter? Protest und Innovationsmana-
gement am Beispiel der frühen Kernenergiepläne der 3861. K REBS, Stefan. “ ‘Dial Gauge Versus Senses
Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Technikdiskurse,; Bd. 1–0’: German Car Mechanics and the Introduction of
5. (212 pp.; ill.) Diepholz: Verlag für Geschichte der New Diagnostic Equipment, 1950–1980.” Article in
Naturwissenschaften und der Technik, 2012. ISBN: a special issue, “Shifting Gears” [ref. 3368]. Tech. &
9783862251018. Cult. 55, no. 2 (2014): 354–389.
Reviews: [ref. R376]
3862. L EONARDI, Paul M. Car Crashes without
3850. H AGOOD, Mack. “Quiet Comfort: Noise, Cars: Lessons about Simulation Technology and Or-
Otherness, and the Mobile Production of Personal ganizational Change from Automotive Design. Acting
Space.” In Sound Clash, edited by K EELING and with technology. (x + 334 pp.; ill.) Cambridge, MA:
K UN (2012) [ref. 3405], 129–144. MIT Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780262017848.
Reviews: [ref. R603]
3851. H ILL, C. N. An Atomic Empire: A Tech-
nical History of the Rise and Fall of the British 3863. L ESLIE, Stuart W. “Aerospaces: Southern
Atomic Energy Programme. (366 pp.) Singapore: California Architecture in a Cold War World.” Hist.
World Scientific Publishing Company, 2013. ISBN: & Tech. 29, no. 4 (2013): 331–368.
3864. L OGAR, Nathaniel, Laura Diaz A NADON,
3852. H INDMARSH, Richard. “Hot Air Ablowin! and Venkatesh NARAYANAMURTI. “Semiconductor
‘Media-Speak’, Social Conflict, and the Australian Research Corporation: A Case Study in Cooperative
‘Decoupled’ Wind Farm Controversy.” Soc. Stud. Sci. Innovation Partnerships.” Minerva 52, no. 2 (2014):
44, no. 2 (2014): 194–217. 237–261.

3853. H IRSH, Richard F., and Benjamin K. S OVA - 3865. L UCSKO, David N. “Of Clunkers and Ca-
COOL . “Wind Turbines and Invisible Technology: maros: Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Programs
Unarticulated Reasons for Local Opposition to Wind and the Automobile Enthusiast, 1990–2009.” Article
Energy.” Tech. & Cult. 54, no. 4 (2013): 705–734. in a special issue, “Shifting Gears” [ref. 3368]. Tech.
Looks at public opinion’s impact on design ele- & Cult. 55, no. 2 (2014): 390–428.
ments of wind turbines in America from the 1970s
on. 3866. M AFFEI, Nicolas P. “Selling Gleam: Making
Steel Modern in Post-war America.” J. Design Hist.
3854. H SIEN -Y U Chin. “Derivations, Mutations, 26 (2013): 304–320.
and Conventional Appliances: The Indirect Heating
Rice Cooker in Taiwan, 1950s–1970s.” [Translated 3867. M AULDIN, Laura. “Precarious Plasticity:
title.] In Chinese. Taiwan. J. Stud. Sci. Tech. Med. 17 Neuropolitics, Cochlear Implants, and the Redef-
(2013): 127–186. inition of Deafness.” Article in a special section:

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375. 20th century, late, and 21st century 191

“STS and Disability” [ref. 142]. Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 3879. S CHLOSSER, Eric. Command and Control:
39, no. 1 (2014): 130–153. Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and
the Illusion of Safety. (xxiii + 632 pp.; bibl.; in-
3868. M ODY, Cyrus C. M. Instrumental Community: dex.) New York: The Penguin Press, 2013. ISBN:
Probe Microscopy and the Path to Nanotechnology. 9781594202278.
Inside technology. (xiii + 260 pp.; ill.) Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780262134941. 3880. S CH ÜRING, Michael. “Advertising the Nu-
Reviews: [ref. R697] clear Venture: The Rhetorical and Visual Public
Relation Strategies of the German Nuclear Industry
3869. M OORE, Aaron Stephen. “Japanese Devel- in the 1970s and 1980s.” Hist. & Tech. 29, no. 4
opment Consultancies and Postcolonial Power in (2013): 369–398.
Southeast Asia: The Case of Burma’s Balu Chaung
Hydropower Project.” East Asian STS 8, no. 3 (2014): 3881. S PINARDI, Graham. “Technical Controversy
297–322. and Ballistic Missile Defence: Disputing Epistemic
Authority in the Development of Hit-to-Kill Technol-
3870. M ORITA, Atsuro. “Traveling Engineers, Ma- ogy.” Sci. Cult. 23, no. 1 (2014): 1–26.
chines, and Comparisons: Intersecting Imaginations
and Journeys in the Thai Local Engineering Indus- 3882. S TRELKO, Oleg. “The Sorting Works; Con-
try.” Part of a special issue, “Traveling Comparisons: centration and Structural Changes in the Schemes
Ethnographic Reflections on Science and Technol- for Railways Marshalling Yards Abroad (the Second
ogy” [ref. 42]. East Asian STS 7, no. 2 (2013): Half of the XX Century).” Res. Hist. Tech. 18 (2013):
221–241. 26–29.
On the distribution of new technologies and re-
3871. N IELSEN, Kristian H., and Matthias H EY-
sources in the operations of postwar railways.
MANN . “Winds of Change: Communication and
Wind Power Technology Development in Denmark 3883. T ER ÄV ÄINEN, Tuula. “Representations of
and Germany from 1973 to ca. 1985.” Eng. Stud. 4, Energy Policy and Technology in British and Finnish
no. 1 (2012): 11–31. Newspaper Media: A Comparative Perspective.”
3872. O’D OHERTY, Kieran, and Edna F E INSIEDEL. Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 3 (2014): 299–315.
(Eds.) Public Engagement and Emerging Technolo-
3884. T URTIAINEN, Jussi, and Ari V Ā ĀN ĀNEN.
gies. (342 pp.; ill.; index.) Vancouver: UBC Press,
“Men of Steel? The Masculinity of Metal Industry
2013. ISBN: 9780774824606.
Workers in Finland after World War II.” J. Soc. Hist.
Reviews: [ref. R752]
46 (2012): 449–472.
3873. OWEN, Geoffrey. The Rise and Fall of Great
Companies: Courtaulds and the Reshaping of the 3885. W ISNIOSKI, Matthew H. Engineers for
Man-Made Fibres Industry. Pasold studies in textile Change: Competing Visions of Technology in 1960s
history. (xiv + 338 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Oxford: Ox- America. Engineering Studies Series. (xvii + 286
ford University Press, 2010. ISBN: 9780199592890. pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press,
Reviews: [ref. R766] 2012. ISBN: 9780262018265.
On various political and socioeconomic visions of
3874. PARR, Helen. “ ‘The Nuclear Myth’: Ed- technology.
ward Heath, Europe, and the International Politics of Reviews: [ref. 3476, R1090]
Anglo-French Nuclear Co-Operation 1970–3.” Int.
Hist. Rev. 35, no. 3 (2013): 534–555. 3886. W YK, Martha van. “Sunset over Atomic
Apartheid: United States–South African Nuclear Re-
3875. P ÉREZ -B USTOS, Tania, Manuel F RANCO lations, 1981–93.” Cold War Hist. 10, no. 1 (2010):
AVELLANEDA, Marcela L OZANO B ORDA, Sigrid 51–79.
FALLA, and Diana PAPAGAYO. “Iniciativas de
Apropiación Social de la Ciencia y la Tecnologı́a en 3887. Z HAO Hansheng, L I Jinsong, and Q IN
Colombia: tendencias y retos para una comprensión Shuangxia. “Survey and Research on Tilted Looms
más amplia de estas dinámicas.” Manguinhos 19, no. of the Dong Minority.” [Translated title.] In Chinese.
1 (2012): 115–137. Chinese J. Hist. Sci. Tech. 34, no. 2 (2013): 183–198.
3876. R AMANA, M. V. The Power of Promise:
Examining Nuclear Energy in India. (xxxiv + 375-161. COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER
366 pp.; ill.) New Delhi: Penguin, 2012. ISBN: TECHNOLOGY
3888. BANGA, Rashmi, and Dinesh K UMAR. “In-
3877. R IJSWOUD, Erwin van. “Shifting Expert Con- dia’s Exports of Software Services: Role of External
figurations and the Public Credibility of Science: Demand and Productivity.” Sci. Tech. & Soc. 16
Boundary Work and Identity Work of Hydraulic En- (2011): 285–307.
gineers (1980–2009).” Sci. Context 27, no. 3 (2014): Compares statistics for India’s IT services for
531–558. 1994–5 and 2007–8.

3878. S Á, Creso, Andrew K RETZ, and Kristjan S IG - 3889. C ORROCHER, Nicoletta. “The Development
URDSON . “Techno-Nationalism and the Construction of Short Message Services: Standard Organizations
of University Technology Transfer.” Minerva 51, no. as Engines of Innovations.” Part of a special issue
4 (2013): 443–464. on the relationship between patents, economics and

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192 375. 20th century, late, and 21st century

innovation. [ref. 174]. Rev. Écon. 64 (2013): 149– G RAVE. (92 pp.) Heverlee, Belgium: Lonely Scholar
163. Scientific Books, 2013. ISBN: 9789491386039.
Reviews: [ref. R551]
3890. DAYLIGHT, Edgar G., Peter NAUR, and Kurt
D E G RAVE. (Eds.) Pluralism in Software Engi- 3903. L EONELLI, Sabina. “Data Interpretation in
neering: Turing Award Winner Peter Naur Explains. the Digital Age.” Article in a special issue, “Simu-
Conversations, Volume 2011, Issue 1. (127 pp.) Hev- lation, Visualization, and Scientific Understanding”
erlee, Belgium: Lonely Scholar Scientific Books, [ref. 3050]. Perspect. Sci. 22, no. 3 (2014): 397–417.
2011. ISBN: 9789491386008.
Reviews: [ref. R242] 3904. M AGGINI, Golfo. “Bodily Presence, Absence,
and their Ethical Challenges: Towards a Phenomeno-
3891. F ORNES, Jordi. “Computing in Transition: logical Ethics of the Virtual.” Res. Phil. Tech. 17, no.
The Origins of Barcelona’s School of Informatics, 3 (2013): 316–332.
1976–1984.” IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput. 36, no. 1 On Hubert Dreyfus’s phenomenological ethics
(2014): 18–29. regarding information technologies and the use of
the Internet.
3892. G ILLIOM, John, and Torin M ONAHAN. Super-
Vision: An Introduction to the Surveillance Society. 3905. M AHER, Jimmy. The Future Was Here: The
(viii + 188 pp.; notes; index.) Chicago: The Univer- Commodore Amiga. Platform Studies. (xii + 328
sity of Chicago Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780226924434. pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,
Reviews: [ref. R370] 2012. ISBN: 9780262301510.
Reviews: [ref. R642]
“Muy buenas noches”: Mexico, Television, and the 3906. M C C ARTHY, Anna. The Citizen Machine:
Cold War. Mexican Experience. (xxxvi + 275 pp.; Governing by Television in 1950s America. (xv + 334
ill.; bibl.; index.) Lincoln: University of Nebraska pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) New York: New Press, 2010.
ISBN : 9781595584984.
Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780803244856.
Reviews: [ref. R665]
Reviews: [ref. R381]
3907. N OFRE, David, Mark P RIESTLEY, and Gerard
3894. G OTKIN, Kevin. “When Computers Were A LBERTS. “When Technology Became Language:
Amateur.” IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput. 36, no. 2 The Origins of the Linguistic Conception of Com-
(2014): 4–14. puter Programming, 1950–1960.” Tech. & Cult. 55,
no. 1 (2014): 40–75.
3895. G UINS, Raiford. Game After: A Cultural
Study of Video Game Afterlife. (xiv + 355 pp.; ill.) 3908. P ODGAYETSKY, Oleksandr. “Evolution of
Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2014. ISBN: Research in the Field of Artificial Intelligence in
9780262019989. Ukraine and the World.” Res. Hist. Tech. 16 (2012):
3896. H ADERLE, D. J., and C. M. S ARACCO. “The
History and Growth of IBM’s DB2.” IEEE Ann. Hist. 3909. R ANKIN, William. “The Geography of Ra-
Comput. 35, no. 2 (2013): 54–66. dionavigation and the Politics of Intangible Artifacts.”
Tech. & Cult. 55, no. 3 (2014): 622–674.
3897. H AYLES, N. Katherine. How We Think: Dig-
ital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis. (xiv + 3910. R AWLINGS, Nicholas. “The History of NO-
280 pp.; ill.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, MAD: A Fourth Generation Language.” IEEE Ann.
2012. ISBN: 9780226321400. Hist. Comput. 36, no. 1 (2014): 30–38.
Reviews: [ref. R430]
3911. R ISSO, Linda. “Radio Wars: Broadcasting in
3898. H EMMENDINGER, David. “Messaging in the the Cold War.” Introduction to a special issue, “Radio
Early SDC Time-Sharing System.” IEEE Ann. Hist. Wars: Broadcasting in the Cold War.” Cold War Hist.
Comput. 36, no. 1 (2014): 52–57. 13, no. 2 (2013): 145–152.
Contents: Friederike K IND -KOV ÁCS, “Voices,
3899. J IOW, Hee Jhee, and Sun Sun L IM. “The Evo- Letters, and Literature through the Iron Curtain:
lution of Video Game Affordances and Implications Exiles and the (Trans)mission of Radio in the Cold
for Parental Mediation.” Bull. Sci. Tech. Soc. 32, no. War,” 193–219 [ref. 3406]; Alban W EBB, “Cold
6 (2012): 455–462. War Radio and the Hungarian Uprising, 1956,”
221–238 [ref. 3926].
3900. K HOMENKO, L. G., and O. M. S HUL’ GA.
“Use of System Approach for Development of ACS 3912. S AARIKOSKI, Petri. “Great Northern Machine
and Multiprogram Computers in Ukraine (1964– Wars: Rivalry Between User Groups in Finland.”
1968).” Res. Hist. Tech. 15 (2012): 46–57. IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput. 36, no. 2 (2014): 16–26.

3901. K HOMENKO, Lev, and Olga S HULGA. “Set- 3913. Š ABANOVI Ć, Selma. “Inventing Japan’s
ting of Conceptual Framework of Cybernetics and ‘Robotics Culture’: The Repeated Assembly of Sci-
First Tubeless Computers (1959–1963).” Res. Hist. ence, Technology, and Culture in Social Robotics.”
Tech. 16 (2012): 55–61. Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 3 (2014): 342–367.
3902. K NUTH, Donald Ervin, and Edgar G. DAY- 3914. S IMS, Christo. “Video Game Culture, Con-
LIGHT. The Essential Knuth. Edited by Kurt De tentious Masculinities, and Reproducing Racialized

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375. 20th century, late, and 21st century 193

Social Class Divisions in Middle School.” Signs 39, 3927. W ESTWICK, Peter J. “Aerospace and Holly-
no. 4 (2014): 848–857. wood: How Computer Animation Went from Space
to Cineplex.” In Blue Sky Metropolis, edited by
3915. S ITO, Tom. Moving Innovation: A History of W ESTWICK (2012) [ref. 3463], 159–170.
Computer Animation. (362 pp.; ill.) Cambridge, MA:
The MIT Press, 2013. ISBN: 9780262019095. 3928. W ITTKOWER, D. E., Evan S ELINGER, and
Reviews: [ref. R947] Lucinda RUSH. “Public Philosophy of Technology:
Motivations, Barriers, and Reforms.” Res. Phil. Tech.
3916. S LAYTON, Rebecca. Arguments that Count: 17, no. 2 (2013): 179–200.
Physics, Computing, and Missile Defense, 1949–
2012. (xi + 325 pp.; ill.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 375-163. AGRICULTURE
2013. ISBN: 9780262019446.
Reviews: [ref. R949] 3929. B ERENJI, Janos̆, Jeff DAHLBERG, Vladimir
S IKORA, and Dragana L ATKOVI Ć. “Origin, History,
3917. S ONDHEIM, Alan. Writing Under: Selec- Morphology, Production, Improvement, and Utiliza-
tions from the Internet Text. (193 pp.) Morgantown, tion of Broomcorn [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] in
WV: Center for Literary Computing, 2012. ISBN: Serbia.” Econ. Bot. 65 (2011): 190–208.
3930. C HI, Vu Kim, Anton Van ROMPAEY, Gerard
Reviews: [ref. R961] G OVERS, Veerle VANACKER, Birgit S CHMOOK,
and Nguyen H IEU. “Land Transitions in Northwest
3918. S ØRENSEN, Knut H, Wendy FAULKNER, and Vietnam: An Integrated Analysis of Biophysical and
Els ROMMES. Technologies of Inclusion: Gender in Socio-Cultural Factors.” Human Ecology 41 (2013):
the Information Society. (300 pp.; ill.; bibl.) Trond- 37–50.
heim, Norway: Akademika Publishing, 2011. ISBN:
9788251928465. 3931. DE LA P E ÑA, Carolyn. “Good to Think with:
Reviews: [ref. 3509, R962] Another Look at the Mechanized Tomato.” Food Cult.
Soc. 16 (2013): 603–631.
3919. S TACHNIAK, Zbigniew. “Early Commercial
Electronic Distribution of Software.” IEEE Ann. Hist. 3932. D RAGOMIR, Elena. “Romania’s Participa-
Comput. 36, no. 1 (2014): 39–51. tion in the Agricultural Conference in Moscow, 2–3
February 1960.” Cold War Hist. 13, no. 3 (2013):
3920. S TERNE, Jonathan. MP3: The Meaning of a 331–351.
Format. SST: Sign, Storage, Transmission. (xv +
341 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index.) Durham: Duke University 3933. FAHY, Sandra. “Famine Talk: Communication
Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780822352877. Styles and Socio-political Awareness in 1990s North
Reviews: [ref. R982] Korea.” Food Cult. Soc. 15 (2012): 535–555.

3921. S TOEVER -ACKERMAN, Jennifer. “Reproduc- 3934. FALVEY, J. Lindsay. Derek Tribe: Interna-
ing U.S. Citizenship in Blackboard Jungle: Race, tional Agricultural Scientist: Founder of the Craw-
Cold War Liberalism, and the Tape Recorder.” In ford Fund. (252 pp.) Melbourne, Victoria: Crawford
Sound Clash, edited by K EELING and K UN (2012) Fund for International Agricultural Research, 2012.
ISBN : 9780980787542.
[ref. 3405], 337–362.
Reviews: [ref. R302]
3922. S UBRAMANIAN, R. “Technology Policy and
3935. F RIESEN, T. Max, and Andrew S TEWART.
National Identity: The Microcomputer Comes to
“To Freeze or to Dry: Seasonal Variability in Caribou
India.” IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput. 36, no. 3 (2014):
Processing and Storage in the Barrenlands of North-
ern Canada.” Anthropozoologica 48, no. 1 (2013):
3923. S UPPER, Alexandra. “Sublime Frequencies:
The Construction of Sublime Listening Experiences 3936. H AN, Dongping. “Rural Agriculture: Sci-
in the Sonification of Scientific Data.” Soc. Stud. Sci. entific and Technological Development during the
44, no. 1 (2014): 34–58. Cultural Revolution.” In Mr. Science and Chair-
man Mao’s Cultural Revolution, edited by W EI and
3924. TAKHTEYEV, Yuri. Coding Places: Soft- B ROCK (2013) [ref. 3469], 281–304.
ware Practice in a South American City. Acting
with Technology. (xi + 257 pp.; maps; bibl.; in- 3937. L UPARENKO, Grygoriy. “The Activity of Ivan
dex.) Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2012. ISBN: J. Drong in the 60- Middle of 80 Years of the XX
9780262305594. in Context of the Development of Tractors Design.”
Reviews: [ref. R999] Res. Hist. Tech. 17 (2013): 53–60.
1960s to mid 1980s
3925. WALDEN, David. “The Arpanet IMP Program:
Retrospective and Resurrection.” IEEE Ann. Hist. 3938. M ARCUS, Alan I. “The New Agricultural
Comput. 36, no. 2 (2014): 28–39. College and the New Agricultural History.” Agr. Hist.
87 (2013): 525–533.
3926. W EBB, Alban. “Cold War Radio and the Hun- Critiques the recent tendency of the curriculum
garian Uprising, 1956.” Part of a special issue, “Ra- of agricultural colleges to focus on environmental
dio Wars: Broadcasting in the Cold War” [ref. 3911]. sustainability rather than race, class and gender
Cold War Hist. 13, no. 2 (2013): 221–238. within historical analysis.

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194 375. 20th century, late, and 21st century

3939. N ÉRAUD, Lucienne. “Main-d’œvre agricole et 3952. G RACHEV, Sergey. “The Little-Known Facts
produits toxiques aux États-Unis : la mobilisation des of the Creative Activities and Life of Chief Designer
campesinos mexicains et mexicains-américains au of Aero-Space Systems Gleb Yevgenievich Lozino-
Texas (1966–1986).” In Common Ground, edited Lozinsky.” Res. Hist. Tech. 16 (2012): 37–47.
[ref. 296], 150–174. 3953. G RISWOLD, Robert L. “ ‘Russian Blonde in
Space’: Soviet Women in the American Imagination,
3940. RUDY, Kathy. “Locavores, Feminism, and the 1950–1965.” J. Soc. Hist. 45 (2012): 881–907.
Question of Meat.” J. Amer. Cult. 35 (2012): 26–36.
3954. H EAD, William P. “The Battle for Ra’s Al-
3941. S ARATHCHANDRA, Dilshani, and Toby A. Khafji and the Effects of Air Power January 29–
T EN E YCK. “To Tell the Truth: Keys in Newspaper February 1, 1991 Part II.” Air Power Hist. 60, no. 2
Portrayals of the Public During Food Scares.” Food (2013): 22–33.
Cult. Soc. 16 (2013): 107–124.
3955. H ERSCH, Matthew H. “ ‘Capsules Are Swal-
3942. S AYER, Karen. “Animal Machines: The Public lowed’: The Mythology of the Pilot in American
Response to Intensification in Great Britain, c. 1960- Spaceflight.” In Spacefarers, by Michael J. N EUFELD
c. 1973.” Agr. Hist. 87 (2013): 473–501. (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly
Pres, 2013), 35–56.
3943. V ICSEK, Lilla. “GM Crops in Hungary: Com-
paring Mass Media Framing and Public Understand- 3956. I LCHENKO, Mykhailo. “General Designer of
ing of Technoscientific Controversy.” Sci. Cult. 23, the World’s First Missile Defense System.” Res. Hist.
no. 3 (2014): 344–368. Tech. 18 (2013): 64–69.

3944. W ILLIAMS, Amrys O. “FOOD: Transform- 3957. J ENKS, Andrew. “The Fiftieth Jubilee: Yuri
ing the American Table, 1950–2000: National Mu- Gagarin in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Imagination.”
seum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, In Spacefarers, by Michael J. N EUFELD (Washington,
Washington, D.C.” Tech. & Cult. 54, no. 4 (2013): D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Pres, 2013),
947–956. 81–106.
Review of the Smithsonian exbibit of the same
name. 3958. K HARUK, Andriy. “The Military-Technical
Aspect in Activities of Kharkiv Aviation Plant (60-
s–80-s of XX Century).” Res. Hist. Tech. 16 (2012):
3945. BANEKE, David M. “Space for Ambitions:
The Dutch Space Program in Changing European and 3959. L ANZEROTTI, Louis J. “Telstar and Fifty Years
Transatlantic Contexts.” Minerva 52, no. 1 (2014): of Connectivity.” http://www.aip.org/history/
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Phys. 44, no. 2 (2012-2013): 3.
3946. B IZONY, Piers. The Space Shuttle: Celebrat-
ing Thirty Years of NASA’s First Space Plane. (299 3960. L AUNIUS, Roger D. “The Strange Career of
pp.; ill.) Minneapolis: MBI Publishing Co., 2011. the American Spaceplane: The Long History of
ISBN : 9780760339411. Wings and Wheels in Human Space Operations.”
Centaurus 55, no. 4 (2013): 412–432.
3947. B OLTENKO, Oleksandr. “The Disaster at
Baikonur.” Res. Hist. Tech. 16 (2012): 17–27. 3961. M C C RAY, Patrick. “From L5 to X Prize: Cal-
On a failed missile explosion and the development ifornia’s Alternative Space Movement.” In Blue Sky
of nuclear defense systems during the late 1950s Metropolis, edited by W ESTWICK (2012) [ref. 3463],
and early 1960s. 171–196.

3948. B UGOS, Glenn E. “Aerospace in the Rest 3962. PANDYA, Mihir. “The Vanishing Act: Stealth
of California: The View from Silicon Valley.” In Airplanes and Cold War Southern California.” In
Blue Sky Metropolis, edited by W ESTWICK (2012) Blue Sky Metropolis, edited by W ESTWICK (2012)
[ref. 3463], 227–246. [ref. 3463], 105–126.

3949. D EAN, Margaret Lazarus. “Warriors and Wor- 3963. P ISTOLENKO, I. A. “On Woman Participation
riers: Risk, Masculinity, and the Anxiety of Individ- in Space and Aviation Programmes and their Con-
uality in the Literature of American Spaceflight.” In nections with Poltava.” Res. Hist. Tech. 15 (2012):
Spacefarers, by Michael J. N EUFELD (Washington, 58–68.
D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Pres, 2013),
203–226. 3964. ROCKWELL, Trevor S. “They May Remake
Our Image of Mankind: Representations of Cosmo-
3950. D ORMIDONTOV, Anatoliy. “On the Most nauts and Astronauts in Soviet and American Space
Powerful Liquid Propellant Engine.” Res. Hist. Tech. Propaganda Magazines, 1961–1981.” In Spacefarers,
17 (2013): 4–11. by Michael J. N EUFELD (Washington, D.C.: Smith-
sonian Institution Scholarly Pres, 2013), 125–148.
3951. F INO, Steven A. “Breaking the Trance: The
Perils of Technological Exuberance in the U.S. Air 3965. ROMANENKO, V. D. “The Use of Form Num-
Force Entering Vietnam.” J. Mil. Hist. 77, no. 2 bers for Museum Description of Aircrafts.” Res. Hist.
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380. 21st century 195

3966. ROSS -NAZZAL, Jennifer. “You’ve Come a M AIA, Adriana M EDAGLIA, Lucivana Prata de Souza
Long Way, Maybe: The First Six Women Astro- M OURAO, Jairo Marques Campos P EREIRA, Dar-
nauts and the Media.” In Spacefarers, by Michael J. lene Camati P ERSUHN, Myrthes RUFIER, Marcelo
N EUFELD (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institu- S ANTOS, Marise S OBREIRA, and Marcia Triunfol
tion Scholarly Pres, 2013), 175–202. E LBLINK. “Você já comeu DNA hoje? Divulgação
cientı́fica durante a Semana da Ciência e Tecnolo-
3967. S AMBALUK, Nicholas Michael. “US Poli- gia no Brasil.” Article in a supplementary issue on
cymakers Confront Aerospace Doctrine, 1957–59.” science communication [ref. 980]. Manguinhos 20,
Cold War Hist. 14, no. 1 (2014): 91–107. suppl. 1 (2013): 1353–1362.
3968. S OLOMONE, Stacey. “Space for the People: 3977. R ÖDDER, Simone, Martina F RANZEN, and
China’s Aerospace Industry and the Cultural Revo- Peter W EINGART. (Eds.) The Sciences’ Media Con-
lution.” In Mr. Science and Chairman Mao’s Cul- nection: Public Communication and Its Repercus-
tural Revolution, edited by W EI and B ROCK (2013) sions. Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook, Vol. 28.
[ref. 3469], 233–250. (xii + 379 pp.; bibl.) New York: Springer, 2012.
ISBN : 9789400720848.
3969. S PILLER, James. “Nostalgia for the Right Reviews: [ref. R857]
Stuff: Astronauts and Public Anxiety about a Chang-
ing Nation.” In Spacefarers, by Michael J. N EUFELD 380-21. SCIENCE AND ETHICS
(Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly
Pres, 2013), 57–80. 3978. H UA, Julietta, and Neel A HUJA. “Chim-
panzee Sanctuary: ‘Surplus’ Life and the Politics
3970. S YON, Guillaume de. “Astronauts and Cosmo- of Transspecies Care.” Amer. Quart. 65 (2013):
nauts into Frenchmen: Understanding Space Travel 619–637.
through the Popular Weekly Paris Match.” In Space-
farers, by Michael J. N EUFELD (Washington, D.C.: 380-22. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: POLITICS, LAW,
Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Pres, 2013), 107– AND ECONOMICS
3979. BAK, Hee-Je. “The Politics of Technoscience
3971. VOLLAND, Nicolai. “Comment on ‘Let’s Go in Korea: From State Policy to Social Movement.”
to the Moon.’ ” Comment on an article in the same East Asian STS 8, no. 2 (2014): 159–174.
volume. [ref. 3974]. J. Asian Stud. 73 (2014): 353–
358. 3980. B IDDLE, Justin B. “Can Patents Prohibit Re-
search? On the Social Epistemology of Patenting
3972. WANG, Zuoyue. “Engineering a New Space: and Licensing in Science.” Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 45
Chinese American Scientists and Engineers in (2014): 14–23.
Aerospace in Southern California.” In Blue Sky On patents and patent licenses regarding research
Metropolis, edited by W ESTWICK (2012) [ref. 3463], on GM seeds.
3981. H ORST, Maja. “On the Weakness of Strong
3973. W EITEKAMP, Margaret A. “Setting the Scene Ties.” Part of a special issue, “Public Engagement in
for Human Spaceflights: Men into Space and The Science” [ref. 166]. Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 1
Man and the Challenge.” In Spacefarers, by Michael (2014): 43–47.
J. N EUFELD (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Insti- “On the significance of the closure of the Danish
tution Scholarly Pres, 2013), 9–34. Board of Technology as a government funded
institution.” (from the abstract)
3974. Z UR, Dafna. “Let’s Go to the Moon: Science
Fiction in the North Korean Children’s Magazine 3982. T YFIELD, David. “Transition to Science 2.0:
Adong Munhak, 1956–1965.” J. Asian Stud. 73, no. 2 ‘Remoralizing’ the Economy of Science.” Part of
(2014): 327–351. the focus secion “Economic Aspects of Science”
See also: Nicolai VOLLAND, “Comment on ‘Let’s [ref. 178]. Spontan. Gen. 7 (2013): 29–48.
Go to the Moon,’ ” 353–358 [ref. 3971].
380. 21ST CENTURY 3983. G ILL, Josie. “Science and Fiction in Zadie
Smith’s White Teeth.” J. Lit. Sci. 6, no. 2 (2013):
3975. A LLEN, Colin, and The InPhO Group. “Cross- 3984. G ORP, Baldwin Van, Els ROMMES, and Pas-
Cutting Categorization Schemes in the Digital Hu- cale E MONS. “From the Wizard to the Doubter:
manities.” Part of the focus section: “Ordering the Prototypes of Scientists and Engineers in Fiction and
Discipline: Classification in the History of Science” Non-Fiction Media Aimed at Dutch Children and
[ref. 51]. Isis 104 (2013): 573–583. Teenagers.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 6 (2014):
WORKS 3985. L E M AY, Megan Molenda. “Bleeding over
Species Lines: Writing against Cartographies of the
3976. P OSSIK, Patricia Abrao, Livia Cantisani S HU - Human in Queer of Color Fiction.” Configurations
MISKI , Elisete Marcia C ORREA, Roberta de Assis 22, no. 1 (2014): 1–27.

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196 380. 21st century

Explores the literary portrayal of the human being “Framing of Climate Change in Newspaper Cov-
during the ongoing genomic revolution in the work erage of the East Anglia E-Mail Scandal.” Public
of authors Sherman Alexie and Monique Truong, Underst. Sci. 23, no. 2 (2014): 157–169.
who deal with early 20th-century anxieties around
bloodlines, miscegenation, and the human/animal 3996. B UYS, Laurie, Rosemary A IRD, Kimberley
border. van M EGEN, Evonne M ILLER, and Jeffrey S OM -
MERFELD . “Perceptions of Climate Change and
Trust in Information Providers in Rural Australia.”
380-28. SCIENCE AND RELIGION Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 2 (2014): 170–188.
3986. ROPER, Lyndal. “The Seven-Headed Mon-
ster: Luther And Psychology.” In History and Psy- 3997. G RUNDMANN, Reiner, and Mike S COTT.
che, edited by A LEXANDER and TAYLOR (2012) “Disputed Climate Science in the Media: Do Coun-
[ref. 138], 219–240. tries Matter?” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 2 (2014):
380-41. SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 3998. M AHONY, Martin. “The Predictive State: Sci-
3987. T URRINI, Mauro. “Computer Versus Micro- ence, Territory and the Future of the Indian Climate.”
scope: Visual Activity Fields of Instruments in the Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 1 (2014): 109–133.
Information Age.” Spontan. Gen. 7 (2013): 81–93. 3999. N ERLICH, Brigitte, and Rusi JASPAL. “Images
of Extreme Weather: Symbolising Human Responses
380-42. SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION; EDUCATIONAL to Climate Change.” Sci. Cult. 23, no. 2 (2014):
3988. C ARONA, Brandiff, Govind G OPAKUMARA, 4000. ROBIN, Libby. “Histories for Changing Times:
Deborah DYSART-G ALEA, and Matthew H ARSHA. Entering the Anthropocene?” Austral. Hist. Stud. 44
“Navigating a Constitutional Moment: Reflections (2013): 329–340.
on Implementing Graduate Attributes in Canadian On the development of global change science in
Engineering Education.” Eng. Stud. 6, no. 1 (2014): the early 2000s.
4001. S HRUM, Wesley. “What Caused the Flood?
3989. D UDO, Anthony, Vincent C ICCHIRILLO, Lucy Controversy and Closure in the Hurricane Katrina
ATKINSON, and Samantha M ARX. “Portrayals of Disaster.” Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 1 (2014): 3–33.
Technoscience in Video Games: A Potential Avenue
for Informal Science Learning.” Sci. Commun. 36, 4002. W IBECK, Victoria. “Social Representations
no. 2 (2014): 219–247. of Climate Change in Swedish Lay Focus Groups:
Local or Distant, Gradual or Catastrophic?” Public
380-43. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OF Underst. Sci. 23, no. 2 (2014): 204–219.
3990. PALMER, Sarah E., and Renato A. S CHIBECI.
“What Conceptions of Science Communication are 4003. C ARSON, Lloyd. “Zoo Visitors’ Understand-
Espoused by Science Research Funding Bodies?” ing of Terms Denoting Research Activity.” Public
Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 5 (2014): 511–527. Underst. Sci. 23, no. 5 (2014): 547–556.
3991. S HARON, Aviv J., and Ayelet BARAM -
T SABARI. “Measuring Mumbo Jumbo: A Prelim- 380-123. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
inary Quantification of the Use of Jargon in Science 4004. B ESLEY, John C., and Sang-Hwa O H. “The
Communication.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 5 Combined Impact of Attention to the Deepwater
(2014): 528–546. Horizon Oil Spill and Environmental Worldview on
Views About Nuclear Energy.” Bull. Sci. Tech. Soc.
380-103. MATHEMATICS 33, no. 5-6 (2013): 158–171.
3992. H ELSVIG, Kim G. “The Abel Prize: The Miss- 4005. C ROWELL, Amanda, and Christian S CHUNN.
ing Nobel in Mathematics?” Centaurus 56 (2014): “Scientifically Literate Action: Key Barriers and
1–30. Facilitators across Context and Content.” Public
Underst. Sci. 23, no. 6 (2014): 718–733.
Looks at actions related to environmental conser-
vation in a mixed urban/rural county in the United
3993. BASHFORD, Alison. “The Anthropocene is States.
Modern History: Reflections on Climate and Aus-
tralian Deep Time.” Austral. Hist. Stud. 44 (2013): 4006. F REUDENBURG, William R., and Robert
341–349. G RAMLING. Blowout in the Gulf: The BP Oil Spill
Disaster and the Future of Energy in America. (xiii
3994. B EESON, Mark, and Matt M C D ONALD. “The + 254 pp.; ill.) Cambridge: MIT Press, 2011. ISBN:
Politics of Climate Change in Australia.” Aust. J. Pol. 9780262015837.
Hist. 59 (2013): 331–348. Reviews: [ref. R340]
3995. B OWE, Brian J., Tsuyoshi O SHITA, Carol 4007. H ESS, David J., and Jonathan S. C OLEY.
T ERRACINA -H ARTMAN, and Wen-Chi C HAO. “Wireless Smart Meters and Public Acceptance: The

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380. 21st century 197

Environment, Limited Choices, and Precautionary and Nations in Genetics Research in Colombia.” Sci.
Politics.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 6 (2014): Cult. 23, no. 2 (2014): 226–252.
4018. O LSON, Philip R. “Flush and Bone: Funeral-
4008. JASPAL, Rusi, and Brigitte N ERLICH. “Frack- izing Alkaline Hydrolysis in the United States.” Sci.
ing in the UK Press: Threat Dynamics in an Unfold- Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 5 (2014): 666–693.
ing Debate.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 3 (2014):
380-143. ECONOMICS
4009. M ATHEWS, Andrew S. “Scandals, Audits,
and Fictions: Linking Climate Change to Mexican 4019. M AC K ENZIE, Donald, and Taylor S PEARS.
Forests.” Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 1 (2014): 82–108. “ ‘A Device for Being Able to Book P&L’: The Orga-
nizational Embedding of the Gaussian Copula.” Soc.
4010. M OGHARIYA, Dineshkumar P., and Richard C. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 3 (2014): 418–440.
S MARDON. “Rural Perspectives of Climate Change:
A Study from Saurastra and Kutch of Western India.” 4020. M AC K ENZIE, Donald, and Taylor S PEARS.
Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 6 (2014): 660–677. “ ‘The Formula That Killed Wall Street’: The Gaus-
sian Copula and Modelling Practices in Investment
4011. WATERTON, Claire, Rebecca E LLIS, and Brian
Banking.” Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 3 (2014): 393–417.
W YNNE. Barcoding Nature: Shifting Cultures of Tax-
onomy in an Age of Biodiversity Loss. Genetics and
4021. M ENNELL, Stephen. “What Economists
Society (Series). (212 pp.; bibl.; index.) Hoboken:
Forgot (and What Wall Street and the City Never
Taylor and Francis, 2013. ISBN: 9781135202392.
Learned): A Sociological Perspective on the Crisis
Reviews: [ref. R1056]
in Economics.” Article in a special issue, “Norbert
4012. Y LI -K AUHALUOMA, Sari, and Hannu Elias and Process Sociology – Across Disciplines”
H ÄNNINEN. “Tale Taming Radioactive Fears: Link- [ref. 3018]. Hist. Hum. Sci. 27, no. 3 (2014): 20–37.
ing Nuclear Waste Disposal to the ‘Continuum of
the Good.’ ” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 3 (2014):
316–330. 380-150. MEDICINE, GENERAL WORKS

4022. B UTLER, Anthony, and Tina H UANG. “The

380-130. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, GENERAL Study of Acupoint Stimulation Using Functional
WORKS Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Review.” Asian
Med. 6, no. 1 (2010): 137–148.
4013. C HO, Philip S., Nathan B ULLOCK, and Dionna
A LI. “The Bioinformatic Basis of Pan-Asianism.” 4023. C ENTELLAS, Kate M., Regina E. S MARDON,
Part of a special issue, “Traveling Comparisons: and Steve F IFIELD. “Calibrating Translational Can-
Ethnographic Reflections on Science and Technol- cer Research: Collaboration without Consensus in
ogy” [ref. 42]. East Asian STS 7, no. 2 (2013): Interdisciplinary Laboratory Meetings.” Sci. Tech.
283–309. Hum. Val. 39, no. 3 (2014): 311–335.

380-133. HEREDITY; EVOLUTION; GENETICS 4024. C HEE, Liz P. Y., and Gregory C LANCEY. “The
Human Proteome and the Chinese Liver.” Sci. Tech.
4014. D OM ÍNGUEZ, Martı́, and Anna M ATEU. & Soc. 18 (2013): 307–319.
“Spanish Darwinian Iconography: Darwin and Evolu-
tionism Portrayed in Spanish Press Cartoons.” Public 4025. JAUHO, Mikko, and Mari N IVA. “Lay Under-
Underst. Sci. 22 (2013): 999–1010. standings of Functional Foods as Hybrids of Food
“Examines the views portrayed by Spanish car- and Medicine.” Food Cult. Soc. 16 (2013): 43–63.
toonists about Charles Darwin and evolutionary
theory in 2009.” (from the abstract) 4026. L EWIS, Ricki. The Forever Fix: Gene Ther-
4015. H OUT, Sanne van der. “Bridging the Lab-field apy and the Boy Who Saved It. (x + 323 pp.;
Divide? The ‘eco’ in Ecological Genomics.” Hist. ill.) New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2012. ISBN:
Phil. Life Sci. 35, no. 4 (2013): 577–598. 9780312681906.

4027. M ARKS, Nicola J. “Speech Acts and Perfor-

380-134. MICROBIOLOGY; MOLECULAR BIOLOGY mances of Scientific Citizenship: Examining How
4016. N OVO, Magda Suzana, Laura Alicia G ERAC - Scientists Talk about Therapeutic Cloning.” Public
ITANO , and Paula H ENNING . “Padrão de relacio-
Underst. Sci. 23, no. 5 (2014): 494–510.
namento entre nanociências, saúde e biologia: um
levantamento histórico utilizando o programa Cites- 4028. P RITZKER, Sonya E. “Standardization and Its
pace.” Manguinhos 20, no. 4 (2013): 1657–1670. Discontents: Translation, Tension, and the Life of
Language in Contemporary Chinese Medicine.” East
Asian STS 8, no. 1 (2014): 25–42.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 4029. S CHEID, Volker. “Convergent Lines of De-
4017. O LARTE S IERRA, Marı́a Fernanda, and Del scent: Symptoms, Patterns, Constellations, and the
Castillo Hernández. Adriana D ÍAZ. “ ‘We Are All the Emergent Interface of Systems Biology and Chinese
Same, We All Are Mestizos’: Imagined Populations Medicine.” East Asian STS 8, no. 1 (2014): 107–139.

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198 380. 21st century


4030. S AAVEDRA M AC ÍAS, Francisco Javier. 4041. ACHTERBERG, Peter. “Knowing Hydrogen
“Cómo encontrar un lugar en el mundo: explo- and Loving It Too? Information Provision, Cultural
rando experiencias de recuperación de personas con Predispositions, and Support for Hydrogen Technol-
trastornos mentales graves.” Manguinhos 18, no. 1 ogy among the Dutch.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no.
(2011): 121–139. 4 (2014): 445–453.

4042. B OYD, Amanda D., and Travis B. PAVEGLIO.

“Front Page or ‘Buried’ beneath the Fold? Media
4031. A BEYSINGHE, Sudeepa. “An Uncertain Risk: Coverage of Carbon Capture and Storage.” Public
The World Health Organization’s Account of H1N1.” Underst. Sci. 23, no. 4 (2014): 411–427.
Sci. Context 27, no. 3 (2014): 511–529.
4043. C HERLET, Jan. “Epistemic and Technological
4032. A BEYSINGHE, Sudeepa. “When the Spread of Determinism in Development Aid.” First article in
Disease Becomes a Global Event: The Classification a special issue, “Voices from within and Outside
of Pandemics.” Soc. Stud. Sci. 43, no. 6 (2013): the South–Defying STS Epistemologies, Boundaries,
905–926. and Theories.” Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 6 (2014):
4033. B HADURI, Saradindu, and Aviram S HARMA. Contents: Mark C AREY, “Climate, Medicine, and
“Public Understanding of Participation in Regulatory Peruvian Health Resorts,” 795–818 [ref. 2383]; Al-
Decision-Making: The Case of Bottled Water Quality lison L OCONTO, “Sustaining an Enterprise, Enact-
Standards in India.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 4 ing SustainabiliTea,” 819–843 [ref. 4056]; Raoni
(2014): 472–488. R AJ ÃO and Ricardo B. D UQUE, “Between Purity
and Hybridity: Technoscientific and Ethnic Myths
4034. B REWER, Paul R., and Barbara L. L EY. “Con- of Brazil,” 844–874 [ref. 2482].
tested Evidence: Exposure to Competing Scientific
Claims and Public Support for Banning Bisphenol 4044. FANG, Xiang. “Local People’s Understanding
A.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 4 (2014): 395–410. of Risk from Civil Nuclear Power in the Chinese
Context.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 3 (2014):
4035. H INE, Christine. “Headlice Eradication as 283–298.
Everyday Engagement with Science: An Analysis of
“Based on six months of fieldwork research on
Online Parenting Discussions.” Public Underst. Sci.
a potential inland nuclear power project in Dapu
23, no. 5 (2014): 574–591.
townland in 2007 and 2008.”
4036. K ADETZ, Paul. “Colonizing Safety: Creating
Risk through the Enforcement of Biomedical Con- 4045. G USTON, David H. “Building the Capacity
structions of Safety.” East Asian STS 8, no. 1 (2014): for Public Engagement with Science in the United
81–106. States.” Part of a special issue, “Public Engagement
in Science” [ref. 166]. Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 1
4037. K IM, Jongyoung. “The Networked Public, (2014): 53–59.
Multitentacled Participation, and Collaborative Ex- On the Center for Nanotechnology in Society at
pertise: US Beef and the Korean Candlelight Protest.” Arizona State University.
East Asian STS 8, no. 2 (2014): 229–252.
On “how the Korean government’s decision con- 4046. JACKSON, Steven J., and Ayse B UYUKTUR.
cerning the import of US beef sparked massive “Who Killed WATERS? Mess, Method, and Forensic
candlelight protests for several months in 2008.” Explanation in the Making and Unmaking of Large-
(from the abstract) scale Science Networks.” Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no.
2 (2014): 285–308.
4038. P RESCOTT, Heather. “The Pill at Fifty: Sci-
entific Commemoration and the Politics of American 4047. J ONES, Christopher F., Shi-Lin L OH, and
Memory.” Tech. & Cult. 54, no. 4 (2013): 735–745. Kyoko S AT Ŏ. “Narrating Fukushima: Scales of a
An exploration of how the Pill’s fiftieth anniversary Nuclear Meltdown.” East Asian STS 7, no. 4 (2013):
was covered. 601–623.

4039. S ILVA, Gabriela Martins, and Emerson Fer- 4048. K UBO, Akinori. “Plastic Comparison: The
nando R ASERA. “A construção do SUS-problema Case of Engineering and Living with Pet-Type Robots
no jornal Folha de S. Paulo.” Manguinhos 21, no. 1 in Japan.” Part of a special issue, “Traveling Com-
(2014): 61–76. parisons: Ethnographic Reflections on Science and
Technology” [ref. 42]. East Asian STS 7, no. 2
(2013): 205–220.
380-153. PHARMACY
4040. H EDGECOE, Adam. “A Deviation from Stan- 4049. L EMA ŃCZYK, Szczepan. “Science and Na-
dard Design? Clinical Trials, Research Ethics Com- tional Pride: The Iranian Press Coverage of Nan-
mittees, and the Regulatory Co-Construction of Or- otechnology, 2004–2009.” Sci. Commun. 36, no. 2
ganizational Deviance.” Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 1 (2014): 194–218.
(2014): 59–81.
4050. M ARTIN, Lauren Jade. “The World’s Not
“On the high-profile drug disaster at London’s Ready for This: Globalizing Selective Technologies.”
Northwick Park Hospital in 2006.” Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 3 (2014): 432–455.

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380. 21st century 199

4051. S UGIMAN, Toshio. “Lessons Learned from

the 2011 Debacle of the Fukushima Nuclear Power
Plant.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 3 (2014): 254–
4052. T URCANU, Catrinel, Tanja P ERKO, and Erik
L AES. “Public Participation Processes Related to
Nuclear Research Installations: What Are the Driv-
ing Factors behind Participation Intention?” Public
Underst. Sci. 23, no. 3 (2014): 331–347.
4053. U RETA, Sebastián. “Normalizing Transanti-
ago: On the Challenges (and Limits) of Repairing
Infrastructures.” Soc. Stud. Sci. 44, no. 3 (2014):


4054. ROSS, Anthony. “Distance and Presence in
Analogue and Digital Epistolary Networks.” Res.
Phil. Tech. 17, no. 2 (2013): 201–226.
4055. WAMALA, Caroline Victoria. “Theater, Gen-
der, and Development: Merging Traditional and New
Media to Address Communication Challenges in
Uganda.” Signs 39, no. 4 (2014): 866–874.

4056. L OCONTO, Allison. “Sustaining an Enter-
prise, Enacting SustainabiliTea.” Article in a special
issue, “Voices from within and Outside the South–
Defying STS Epistemologies, Boundaries, and The-
ories” [ref. 4043]. Sci. Tech. Hum. Val. 39, no. 6
(2014): 819–843.
4057. Z AJC, Jožica, and Karmen E RJAVEC.
“ ‘Othering’ Agricultural Biotechnology: Slovenian
Media Representation of Agricultural Biotechnol-
ogy.” Public Underst. Sci. 23, no. 6 (2014): 678–687.


4058. N EAL, Valerie. “Bringing Spaceflight Down to
Earth: Astronauts and The IMAX Experience R
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Spacefarers, by Michael J. N EUFELD (Washington,
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Book Reviews

R1. A BBATE, J. Recoding Gender. 2012. Essay reviews: B RENTJES, S. Aestimatio 10

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U NGURU, S. Aestimatio 7 (2010): 29–42. BASHFORD, A. Bull. Hist. Med. 88, no. 1 (2014):
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K EMP, H. V. J. Hist. Behav. Sci. 49, no. 3 (2013): S CALES, R. Tech. & Cult. 55, no. 1 (2014):
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BATCHELOR, R. Imago Mundi 66, no. 2 (2014): H OFER, H.-G. NTM 20, no. 1 (2012): 49–52.
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R224. C USHMAN, G. T. Guano and the Opening of R240. DAWSON, G. (Ed.) Victorian Science and
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S ALGUERO, C. P. Asian Med. 7, no. 2 (2014): S CHMUHL, H.-W. Ber. Wissenschaftsgesch. 37,
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R1033. VALLERIANI, M. Galileo, Engineer. 2010. H AMERLA, R. Isis 105, no. 1 (2014): 254–255.
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Author Index

A Alexander, Daniel S. 2682 Anderson, K. D. 2625

Abazov, Rafis R60 Alexander, Jeffrey W. R901 Anderson, Mark 3052
Abbate, Janet R140 Alexander, Sally 138, 3191 Anderson, Michael G. 674, 675
Abbott, Fanny 993 Alexandre-Bidon, Danièle 984 Anderson, R. Joseph 3471
Abe, Osamu 2324 Anderson, Thomas J. 2034
Alff, David 1523
Anderson, Warwick 2848, 2954,
Abel, Emily K. 3511 Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana M. 1652, 3470 3473, R250, R782
Abeles, Francine F. 1886, 1897 Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana Maria 1460 Andersson, Jenny 3482
Aberth, John R137 Ali, Dionna 4013 Andersson, Oscar 3042
Abeysinghe, Sudeepa 4031, 4032 Alkana, Linda Kelly R832 Andrade Martins, Roberto de 742, 743
Abi-Rached, Joelle M. 3691 Allen, Colin 3975 Andrade, Elaine Maria Paiva de 243
Abir-Am, Pnina Geraldine R356 Allen, Douglas W. 1498 Andrade, Mariana Aparecida Bologna
Abraham, Itty R433 Allen, Garland E. R562, R981 Soares de 290
Abrams, Jeanne E. 1698 Andrade, Rômulo de Paula 3303
Allen, Jonathan R719
Andreas, Joel 3834
Abreu, Jean Luiz Neves 3189 Allen, Nicholas J. 3051 Andrew, Gregory 774
Abrusci, V. Michele 2681 Allen, Timothy 1555 Andrews, J. H. 1138
Abry, Josephe-Henriette 732 Allgaier, Joachim 3805 Andrews, James T. 1765
Abugideiri, Hibba R525 Allgayer, Heloisa 2120 Andrick, John M. 2266
Abulafia, David R879 Allison, Laura 3145 Anduaga, Aitor 2435
Acerbi, Fabio 761 Allocca, Nunzio 1465, 1466 Anellis, Irving 74, 75, 212, 2683,
Achenbaum, W. Andrew R1030 Almeida, Adriana Mortara 2370 2684
Achinstein, Peter 111 Angelelli, Ignacio 1898
Almeida, Argus Vasconcelos de 3434
Angeloni, Roberto 2717
Achterberg, Peter 4041 Almeida, Carla 3480 Anishanslin, Zara R87
Ackerman, Sara L 3680 Almeida, Darcy Fontoura de 2647 Ankeny, Rachel A. 3692
Ackermann, Silke 200 Almeida, Francis Moraes de 2216 Anker, Peder R49, R874
Aconcio, Iacopo 1025 Almeida, Maria Antónia Pires de Anogianakis, George 2169
Acosta, Miguel R35 2371, 2372 Anstey, Peter R. 1243, 1244
Adair-Toteff, Christopher 2215 Almeida, Marta de 3087 Antic, Ana 3146, R796
Adams, Vincanne 551 Almeida, Sı́lvia Capanema P. de 2373 Antonello, Alessandro 3597
Adamson, Peter 461 Almond, Philip C. 1032 Antonijuk, Tetiana 2436
Adcock, Tina R25 Alonso, Enrique 2675 Antunes, Miguel Telles 1634, 1741
Apel, Thomas R317
Adgemis, Philip 3053 Altamirano Rayo, Giorleny D. 2238
Apollonius 762
Adler, Antony 2079 Altbauer-Rudnik, Michal 382, 1461 Apolonskiy, Alexander 2736
Adler, Jessica L. 3086 Althoff, William F. 3607 Apotheker, Jan 251
Admon-Rick, Gaby 2566 Alvarado, Carlos S. 2952 Appelbaum, Nancy P. 2006
Afanas’eva, Tatyana I. 726 Álvarez, Adriana 3192 Appelbaum, Robert R576
Agar, Jon R664 Alvarez, Cristina Engel de 2790 Applbaum, Kalman 3824
Agassi, Joseph 1242 Alvarez, Robert 3832 Apple, Rima D. R379, R510
Agnese, Graciela 3770 Appleby, Joyce Oldham 1
Alves, José Jerônimo de Alencar 2033
Agostini, Caterina 1340 Appleford, Amy 966
Alwynneensham, Roderick John 2042 Aquilia, A. 832
Aho, James 363 Amani, Parisa 2738 Aragón, Santiago 2803
Aho, Kevin 363 Amar, Zohar 508 Aragona, Massimiliano 383
Ahuja, Neel 3978 Amaral, Isabel 3193 Arana, Juan 112
Ahuja, Nitin K. 3734 Amaral, Maria Thereza Cera Galvão Aranha, Patrı́cia M. 3393
Aicardi, Christine 3685 do 1652 Arantes Botelho Briglia Habib, Paula
Ainley, Marianne Gosztonyi 1824 Amaro, Jacqueline de Souza 1836 3122
Aird, Rosemary 3996 Amato, Anthony R823 Arata, Luis O. 1793
Aitken, Richard 3331, R522 Amelung, Iwo 1752 Araujo, Saulo de Freitas 341, 2191,
Akabane, Kenji 2710, 3561 Amerini, Fabrizio 884 Arbex, Danieli 3279
Akasoy, Anna 552 Amigoni, David 1764 Archimedes 220
Akbaş, Meltem 1863, 1946 Amir, Sulfikar 23 Ardeleanu, Constantin 2510
Akçetin, Elif R898 Amisah, Steve 684 Ares, Juan 3412
Al-Gailani, Salim 3190 Amorim, Wellington Mendonça de Arianrhod, Robyn 1540
Al-Hassani, Salim T. S. 456 3194 Ariew, Roger 1376
Al-Maini, Douglas 739 Amrith, Sunil S. 635 Ariga, Nobumichi R427
Alagona, Peter S. 2048 Amster, Ellen 2265 Armatte, Michel 76, 3543
Alberts, Gerard 55, 73, 3907 Amunátegui, Godofredo Iommi 1135 Armitage, Kevin C. 3416
Armstrong, Christopher R255
Albertson, David 898 Anadon, Laura Diaz 3864
Arnau, Juan 605
Alcalá Ferráez, Carlos 2369 Andersch, Norbert 2953 Arnaud, Pascal 2353
Aldana, Gerardo R123 Anderson, Brian D. O. 3833 Arndt, Jürgen 822
Alesse, Francesca 740 Anderson, Gemma 323 Arner, Katherine 1786
Alexander of Aphrodisias 741 Anderson, John G. T. 280 Arnold, David 631, 3332, R54, R55

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236 Author Index

Aronowitz, Robert 3771 Baldini, Nicola 3483 Battistini, Andrea 1344

Arribas, José Maria 3545, 3722 BaldisseraPacchetti, Marina 1069 Batty, Philip 685
Arrizabalaga, Jon 2374 Baldwin, Melinda 1948 Bauer, Julian 139
Arruda do Carmo, Viviane 2049 Ballestero, Diego A. 2234 Bauer, Reinhold 406, R337
Artemenko, Tetyana G. 692 Balltondre, Mònica 2988 Bauer, Simon H. 1592
Arthur, Richard T. W. 1377 Balmer, Brian R1097 Bauer, Susanne 2882, 2920, 3197,
Artvinli, Fatih 2338, 2339 Balsoy, Gülhan 496 R325
Balz, Viola 3147, R1098 Bauer, Volker 1083
Asami, Ryuji 2324
Bamji, Alexandra R216 Baumol, Wiliam J. 592
Asayama, Shinichiro 3598
Baur, Nicole 3149, R212
Asdal, Kristin 1753, 2611 Baneke, David 56
Bavare, Bhagyashree 599
Ashplant, T. G. 3693 Baneke, David M. 3945
Bay, Alexander R. 2268, 3198, R377
Ashworth, E. Jennifer 965 Banerjee, Somaditya 1949, R29 Bayer, Mark R1037
Ashworth, William J. 168 Banfield, Marie 1794 Baytop, Asuman 493, 2088, 2864–
Aso, Michitake 3735 Banga, Rashmi 3888 2866
Assael, Brenda 1766 Bangham, Jenny 2880, 2881, 2919 Bazar, Jennifer L. R739
Assis, A. K. T. 1947 Bankole-Medina, Katherine R1061 Beadie, Nancy R74
Ata, Kaan 2718, 3567 Bantjes, Rod 1795 Beattie, James 2051
Atack, Jeremy 404 Barahona, Ana 164 Becerra, Mayela Guzmán 3077
Ataman, Ahmet Do an 3815 Barak, On 2439 Bechler, Reinaldo Guilherme 2377
Atkins, P. W. 252 Baram-Tsabari, Ayelet 3991 Becke, Axel D. 3589
Atkinson, Lucy 3989 Barany, Michael J. 1817 Becker, Anna 1040
Aubin, David 2217 Baravalle, Lorenzo 327 Becker, Barbara J. R476
Audin, Michèle 1899, 2685 Barba, Luis 664 Becker, Karin 419
Audric, Brian 2775 Barbara Bartocci 1039 Beckers, Danny 55, 73
Auffret, Thomas 467 Barbara, Sébastien 720 Bederson, Benjamin R834
Aufrère, Sydney H. 719 Barber, Daniel A. 3333, R1009 Bediaga, Begonha 2511
Barbera, G. 832 Beegan, Gerry 2441
Auricchio, Laura 1424
Barbero Briones, Sergio 805 Beekman, Scott R982
Ausejo, Elena 77, 3544
Barbosa, Benedito Costa 1483 Beer, Daniel R59
Austern, Linda Phyllis 1068 Beer, Liang de 1624
Autio-Sarasmo, Sari R634 Barbosa, Lidiany Silva 2440
Beeson, Mark 3994
Auvinet, Jérôme 1900 Barbour, Reid 1305
Behme, Thomas 1565
Avango, Dag 285 Barca, Stefania 2050
Beiner, Guy R482
Avery, Donald 2626 Barham, Peter R21
Bekerman, Fabiana 3524
Avigad, Jeremy 1901 Barker, Peter 1072, 1079 Belcastro, Sarah-Marie 3546
Avila-Pires, Fernando Dias de 3788 Barnard, Peter R905 Belfer, Israel 3568
Avilés, Lourdes B. R893 Barnes, David S. 2375 Belhoste, Bruno 1499
Awodey, S. 2686 Barnes, Diana 1482 Belkind, Ori 1378
Awuah-Nyamekye, Samuel 684 Barnes, Marissa E. 342 Belknap, Geoffrey 1787
Ayari-Lassueur, Sylvie 504 Barnes, Trevor R408 Bell, Karl R152
Ayres, José Ricardo de Carvalho Barnett, Richard R107 Bell, Leonard 1796
Mesquita 3689 Barney, Justin 748 Bell, Sarah A. R947
Ayres, Lı́lian Fernandes Arial 3194 Barney, Richard A. 1519 Bell, Stephen R263
Ayres, Peter G. 2808 Barnhart, Cynthia A. 3729 Bellhouse, David R 1566
Azevedo, Nara 2648, 3195 Barona, Josep Lluı́s 2379 Bellido, Jaime Gregorio 2407
Azzolini, Monica R548 Barone, G. 832 Bellingradt, Daniel 1083
Barreca, Francesco 1020, 1073, 1343, Bello, David A. 543
R1058 Bellucci, Francesco 1887
B Barrera-Osorio, Antonio R812 Bellver, José 477
Babin, Malte-Ludolf 1332 Belmonte, Juan Antonio 690, R641
Barreto, Elton de Oliveira 2659
Badinter, Élisabeth 1542 Barreto, Ivan Farias 2376 Belozerov, Oleg P. 2873
Baedke, Jan 2849 Barreto, Maria Renilda Nery 3264 Beltrame, Lorenzo 3736
Baert, Barbara 864 Barrow, Mark V., Jr. R396 Belzen, Jacob Adrianus van 2955
Baetu, Tudor M. 364 Barry, Kevin 1451 Ben-Dov, Jonathan 775
Baeyer, Hans Christian von R989 Barth, Ortrud Monika 2790 Benbow, Peter K. R621
Baggott, Sally 1726 Bartrip, P. W. J. R771 Benchimol, Jaime 372
Bailey, Michael David 872 Basak, Subhash C. 3588 Benchimol, Jaime Larry 3329
Bailey, Robert E. 3696 Bascelli, Tiziana 1053 Bender, Ross 528
Baillargeon, Denyse 3196 Benedek, Thomas G. 2378
Baschin, Marion 2267
Baioni, José Eduardo M. 1172 Benedictow, Ole Jørgen 388
Bashford, Alison 3993, R48, R455
Bak, Hee-Je 3979 Benéitez Prudencio, José Javier 806
Basso, Elisabetta 3148 Benjafield, John G. 344, 345
Baker, C. J. 405 Bastardas-Boada, Albert 3068
Baker, Graham 2917 Bennett, Brett M. R231
Bastos, Francisco Inácio 113, 2407, Bennett, J. A. 1500
Baker, Ian A. 553 2872 Bennett, Jim 910, R625
Baker, Julian C. T. 2437 Basu, Paul 444 Bennett, Tony 2235, 2236
Baker, Leslie 2918, R981 Basulto, Jesús 3545 Benneworth, Paul R74
Bakhouche, Béatrice 815 Batchelor, Robert R129 Benninghoff, Martin 2636
Bakker, Paul J. J. M. 961, 1177 Batcho, Krystine Irene 343 Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette 98,
Bala, Saroj 606 Bates, David 1435 2567, R331
Balaban, Alexandru T. 3587 Batten, Alan R925 Benson, Etienne 2107
Balbi, Gabriele 2438 Batten, Alan H. 1924, 3552 Benton, Tim R629
Baldin, Gregorio 1298 Battimelli, Giovanni R941 Berchum, Marnix van 1070

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Author Index 237

Berco, Cristian R966 Birdsall, Carolyn 2701 Bolado Ochoa, Gerardo 11

Beregoy, N. E. R136 Birman, Joel 3170 Bologna Soares de Andrade, Mariana
Beregoy, Natalia E. 1784 Bishop, Robert C. 1269 A. 2108
Berenji, Janos̆ 3929 Biswas, Arun Kumar 1832, 1844 Bologna, Corrado 957
Beretta, Alan 1556 Bittencourt, Silvia Cardoso 3819 Boltenko, Oleksandr 3947
Beretta, Marco 793, R814 Bivins, Roberta 554 Bombardi, Fernanda Aires 1483
Berg, Annika R91 Bizony, Piers 3946 Bonah, Christian 3318
Berg, Hein van den 1557 Bizzo, Nelio 1988, 2080 Bonati, Maurizio Rippa 1690
Berg, Sara van den 1173 Bizzo, Nelio Marco Vincenzo 2049, Bond, Niall 2228
Bergandi, Donato 328 2122 Bonehill, John 1603
Berger, Silvia R483 Björkman, Maria R649 Boner, Patrick 1076, 1077
Berggren, J. L. R541 Bjørnstad, Hall 1270 Boner, Patrick J. 1001, 1073, 1077
Bjørsnøs, Amund R15 Bones, Stian 2569
Berggren, J. Lennart R537
Black, Alex W. 3405 Böning, Holger 1512
Bergman, Teresa R1049
Black, Brian C. 286 Bonner, Kieran 346, 744
Bergman, Yoel 1965
Black, Christopher F. R662 Bonolis, Luisa 2719
Bergstrand, Kelly 140
Bont, Raf de R888
Bergwik, Staffan 2756, 2776 Black, Winston R402
Boockmann, Friederike 1375
Berkel, Klaas van 78, R514 Black, Winston E. 949
Booker, Matthew Morse 287
Berkowitz, Carin 1678, R435, R552 Blake, Art M. 3335
Borck, Cornelius R797
Berlan, Hélène 2269 Blake, Kevin R1089
Bordes, Jean-Louis 1708
Berman, Constance H. 942 Blancas, Jorge 664
Bordogna, Francesca 2194
Berman, Elizabeth Popp 2568, 3484 Blanco, Mónica 1567 Bordoni, Stafano 1950
Bernabeu Mestre, Josep 2379 Blank, Andreas 1299, 1300 Borenstein, Miriam Susskind 3264
Bernabeu-Mestre, Josep 2998, 3199, Blanton, C. D. 1748 Borges, Viviane Trindade 3756
3200 Blåsjö, Viktor 1074 Borisov, Alexander V. 700
Bernal Borrego, Encarnación 2380 Blaszczyk, Regina Lee 1767, 2495, Bork, Kennard B. R704
Bernardoni, Andrea 1230, 1486, R199 R754 Borkin, Lev J. 2089
Bernstein, Leslie R. 3551 Blavascunas, Eunice 2809 Born, Riyan van den 190
Bernstein, Seth 3417 Blay, Michel 101 Borrelli, Arianna R558, R804
Berrey, Marquis 816 Blázquez Paniagua, Francisco 2621 Borsay, Anne 2382
Berrios, G. E. 1692, 2340 Blessing, Bettina 3203 Bos, Egbert P. 884
Berry, Dominic 3418 Bloch, David 879 Bosley, Jocelyn R644
Berry, Kaitlin R496 Blok, Anders 3610 Botazzo, Carlos 2330
Bertolacci, Amos 877 Blom, Ida 2381 Botelho, André 3254
Bertomeu-Sánchez, José R. 1620 Blom, Jan Dirk 2341 Botelho, Jeferson 1988
Bertomeu-Sánchez, José Ramón 2430 Blondé, Bruno 1231 Botelho, João Bosco 672
Bertucci, Paola 1706 Blowers, Geoffrey H. R295 Botella Llusı́a, José 3088
Besley, John C. 166, 4004 Bluea, Gwendolyn 3599 Boudet, Jean-Patrice 923
Betteridge, Thomas R615 Blum, Alan 3008 Boudia, Soraya 2810, 3611
Bettoni, Barbara 1487 Blum, Paul Richard 1041, 1042 Boughn, Stephen 2720
Bevan, Alex W. R. 1991 Bluma, Lars 2442 Boujjoufi, Taieb El 2391
Bevan, Andrew 589 Blume, Dieter 911 Boulier, Philippe 1345, 1346
Beyer, Christof 3188 Blume, Stuart 142 Bourbon, Florence R647
Beyler, Richard H. R656, R1063 Blumenthal, Geoffrey 1075 Bourke, Joanna R195
Bezerra, José Arimatea Barros 3201 Blumenthal, Stanley A. 3666 Bourmaud, Philippe 3205, 3206
Bezio, Kelly L. R178 Blute, Marion 143 Bourne, Charles M. 3089
Bhaduri, Saradindu 4033 Boantza, Victor D. 1401, 1593 Bourtembourg, René 776
Bharadvaja, Rishi 620 Boarini, Maria Lucia 3169 Bouton, Ellen N. 3553
Bhattacharjee, Mala 1960 Boariu, Dominic-Alain 1554 Bovini, Massimo G. 3419
Bhattacharya, Jayanta 627 Bobis, Laurence 234 Bowden, Gregory 2956
Bock von Wülfingen, Bettina 2193 Bowe, Brian J. 3995
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy 3772
Bock, Barbara 722 Bowers, Kristy Wilson 1218
Biard, Joël R761
Bock, Ortwin 2170 Bowker, Geoffrey C. R1056
Bidau, Claudio J. 2121
Bocking, Stephen 420, 2850, R363 Bowler, Peter J. 2081, 2123, 2551
Biddle, Justin B. 3980
Bodart, Diane H. 1013 Bowles, Emily 1462
Biddle, Richard 2270
Bowman, Gary E. 2622
Bieniak, Magdelena 878 Bodenheimer, Rosemarie R631
Boyce, Conal 2757
Bierman, Annette I. 79 Bodenmann, Siegfried 206, 1509
Boyce, Kenneth 114
Biernat, Carolina 3264 Bodson, Liliane 799
Boyd, Amanda D. 4042
Bigalke, Bernadett 3202 Boeckh, August 1875
Boyd, Jane E. 1966, 1967
Bigg, Charlotte R593 Boeckl, Christine M. 365 Boytim, Jacqueline R339
Biggs, Adam R1005 Boehrer, Bruce R738 Bracco, Christian 2721
Bigman, Fran R677 Boer, Harry de 2654 Brada, Betsey R619
Bihr, Simon 2627 Boer, Leo 3730 Bradley, John 3053
Bijker, Wiebe E 175 Boer, Sander W. De 962 Bradley, Mark Philip R728
Bijsterveld, Karin 3334 Boersema, David R749 Braghini, Katya Mitsuko Zuquim
Bilak, Donna 1403 Boewe, Charles E. 2035 1864
Billone, Amy 1748 Bogarta, Dan 2443 Braida, Celso Reni 4
Bino Paul, G. D. 3533 Bogousslavsky, Julien 2342 Brakel, Jaap van 1968
Bir, Atilla 468 Bohler, Danielle 954 Branagan, D. F. 2007
Birch, Kean 57 Böhme, Katrin 1625 Brandão, Gilberto Oliveira 2910
Bird, Alexander 141 Bohuon, Anaı̈s 3204 Brandão, José Manuel 2073

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238 Author Index

Brandon, Robert N 2901 Brown, Daniel 1888 Buys, Laurie 3996

Brandstetter, Thomas R1070 Brown, Elizabeth A. R. 848 Buyuktur, Ayse 4046
Brandt, Christina R566, R746, R887, Brown, James Robert 115 Bužek, Václav 1118
R1088 Brown, John K. 2444 Byford, Andy 2958
Brassley, Paul 80, 3060, 3420 Brown, Karen 2512 Byrne, Joseph Patrick 1219
Braun, Dietmar 2636 Brown, Mark B. 1865, 3525 Byrom, Richard 2274
Braun, Lundy R803 Brown, Michael R770
Braun, Sandra R685 Brown, Paul Tolliver 2722 C
Braune, Sean 2588 Browne, Janet 2124, 2127 Cabezudo, Diego 288
Bray, Francesca 586 Brownie, Barbara 359 Cabin, Robert J. 3613
Brayton, Daniel 1134 Browning, Logan Delano 1748 Cabo-González, Ana M. 422
Brazelton, Mary Augusta R305 Brownstein, Daniel R573 Cabré i Pairet, M. Montserrat 3091
Brazil, Marcus 1902 Bru, Bernard 81 Cadava, Geraldo L. R676
Breathnach, Ciara 2271 Bruce, Scott G 943 Cadden, Joan 956, R394
Bredekamp, Horst 1347 Bruckerl, Frank 1372 Caferro, William R643
Breidbach, Olaf 407 Brückle, Irene 1347 Caffentzis, C. George 1451
Breitenlechner, E. 695 Brückner, Martin R910 Cahan, David R478
Breivik, Heidi Mjelva 3073 Bruckner, Matilda Tomaryn 853 Cain, Cindy L 150
Brenner, Anastasios R688 Bruderer, Herbert 3395 Caine, Barbara R21
Brenni, Paolo 1969 Brueckler, Franka Miriam 1568 Cairus, Henrique 817
Brentjes, Sonja 441, 459, 460, R289 Bruegel, Martin 1699 Çakirlar, Canan 699
Bresalier, Michael 3421 Brummelen, Glen Van 469, R179 Calamur, Harini 619
Bresnen, Margo R523 Bruno, Andy R516 Calan, Ronan de 1463
Bret, Patrice 1707 Bruno, Giuseppe 219 Calcott, Brett 329
Brett, Annabel S 1043 Caldeira, Ana Maria de Andrade 290,
Bruun, Christer 833
Brewer, Paul R. 4034 Bryden, D. J. 1550 Calero Delgado, Marı́a Luisa 2380
Breyfogle, Nicholas B. 389 Brzezinski Prestes, Maria Elice 2273 Calero, Julián Simón 1379
Bricker, Harvey M. 667 Bschir, Karim R424, R980 Calian, Nicole R794
Bricker, Victoria Reifler 667 Bucciantini, Massimo 1285 Callebaut, Werner 314
Bridgland, David R. 1989 Buchbinder, Mara 3682 Callou, Cécile 1627
Brier, Pascal 2391 Buck, Amber M. R961 Calver, Neil 116
Brigham, Jay L. R451 Buckingham, Hugh R584 Calvo, Spartaco 2438
Bright, Jenny 555 Buckley, Eve E. R681 Câmara, Cláudio Augusto Gomes da
Briley, Ron R1085 Buckley, Nicola 3477 3434
Brindley, Erica Fox 534 Bud, Robert 1743, 1744, 2513, R10, Camargo Junior, Kenneth Rochel
Brinegar, Jennifer L. 3696 R1015 3808
Brinkman, Paul D. 2843 Budde, Cristiane 3767 Cambi, Maurizio R248
Brinkmann, Sören 3207 Bugos, Glenn E. 3948 Cambrosio, Alberto 3657
Brisbois, Ben W 3773 Bujaki, Merridee L. 2445 Cameron, Fiona Ruth 686
Broadbent, Alex 390 Buklijas, Tatjana 2628, R312 Cameron, Margaret R994
Brock, Adrian C. R1042 Bullock, April 2514 Cameron-Smith, Alexander 3209
Brock, Claire 2272, R469 Bullock, Nathan 4013 Camerota, Michele 1285, 1380
Brock, Darryl E. 2542, 3469, R744 Bulpin, Kate 3534 Camic, Charles 3009
Brock, David C. 3612 Bunge, Wiep van R553 Camino, Mercedes Maroto 1140
Brock, Erland J. 2005 Bunn, Stephanie J. 3774 Camós, Agustı́ 1428
Brock, William H. 2529, R684 Büntgen, Ulf 258 Camp, Nathan Van R1054
Brockley, Janice A. R1062 Burch, Ruth R504 Campbell, Bruce B. R478
Brockmann, Sophie R88 Burdick, Catherine E. 1408 Camponi, Gustavo 1626
Broderick, Lee G. 3731 Burgess, Michael M. 3485 Campopiano, Michele 944, 994
Campos, Luis R200
Brody, David R72 Bürgi, Michael 2431
Campos, Paulo Fernando de Souza
Broecke, Marcel van den 1139 Burgin, Angus 3061 3210
Broecke, Steven Vanden R50 Burian, Richard M. R215 Campos, Raquel Discini de 2552
Brogi, Alessandro 3711 Burk, Kathleen R310 Cams, Mario 1604
Bromley, Ray 3048 Burke, David A. R526 Canales Serrano, Antonio Francisco
Bromyard & District Local History Burke, Katie 1951 2576
Society 421 Burke, Peter 138 Canales, Antonio 2649
Bronner, Simon J. R85 Burkhardt, Frederick 2127 Canales, Jimena R934
Brook, Timothy 1407 Burman, Jeremy T. 2199, 2974 Canas, António Costa 1054
Brooke, John Hedley R873 Burman, Jeremy Trevelyan 2957 Candeias, A. 727
Brooke, John L. 389 Burnett, Charles 658, 967, R760, Canetti, Luigi 957
Brookes, Barbara 3056 R1043 Canizares-Esguerra, Jorge R34
Brookes, Barbara L. R533 Burnham, John C. 3723 Canning, Christopher 3657
Brooks, Kate R385 Burns, Anthony R921 Cao, Cong 3486
Brosnan, Kathleen A. R416 Burns, E. Jane 849, 955 Cao, Wei 589
Brossmann, Brent 3381 Burns, Susan L. 2343 Capecchi, Danilo 244, 1381
Brotons, Vı́ctor Navarro 1095 Burston, Daniel R308, R342 Capilé, Bruno 2791
Brotton, Jerry R444 Burton, Christopher R59 Capocci, Mauro R618
Browman, David L. 354, 3074 Busch, Wolfgang 2643 Caponi, Gustavo 117, 1663
Brown, Alistair 3394 Buschini, José D. 3208 Caponi, Sandra 2218, 2344, 3819
Brown, Candy Gunther R276 Butler, Anthony 3090, 4022, R228 Caradonna, Jeremy L. 1293
Brown, Cynthia Stokes 24 Buurma, Rachel Sagner 1748 Caramalho Domingues, João 1903

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Author Index 239

Carandell Baruzzi, Miquel 3648 Castro-Tejerina, Jorge 2984 Chernoff, Nathalie R957
Carballo, David M. 664 Casulleras, Josep 489 Cherny, Robert 3417
Carbonetti, Adrian 3238 Catalá Gorgues, Jesús I. 2074, 2844, Chess, Simone 1174
Carcavilla Puey, Lorenzo 2959 2883 Chettiar, Teri R467, R1041
Cardona Rodas, Hilderman 2275 Catarino, Luı́s 2867 Chevet, Jean-Michel 1699
Cardona Suárez, Carlos Alberto 491 Cattaneo, Angelo R851 Chhem, Rethy K. 3089
Cardoso de Matos, Ana 2446 Caudano, Anne-Laurence 924 Chi, Vu Kim 3930
Cardoso, I. 727 Caudill, David Stanley 169 Chianese, Robert Louis 3600
Causá, Mauro 253 Chiang, Howard R579
Cardoso, Luciene Pereira Carris 2792
Cavalcanti, Juliana Manzoni 3215, Chiffoleau, Sylvia 3218
Carey, Daniel 1451, 1452
3216 Childers, Michael R858
Carey, Mark 2383, 3614 Chimisso, Cristina R323, R617
Carignan, Michael R442 Cavassan, Osmar 2815
Cavell, Janice 2008 Chipman, Leigh 505
Carlisle, Rodney R133 Cho, Hyun-Dae 3839
Carlos, Ann M. R1069 Cavert, William M. 1425
Cazarotto, José Luiz 3231 Cho, Philip S. 4013
Carlson, Charles Royal 2125 Choate, Mark I. R188
Carlson, W. Bernard 1952 Celeyrette, J. 894
Choi, Eun Kyung 3219
Carman, Christián C. 777 Centellas, Kate M. 4023
Choi, Lyong 3514
Carneiro, Ana 188, R229, R365 Ceragioli, Roger C. 2643 Choi, Tina Young 1845
Carneiro, Maria José 170 Cerulli, Anthony Michael 628 Chou, Wen-shing 535
Cervantes, Fernando 665 Chouı̈ski, Valéry 1711
Carolino, Luı́s Miguel 2447, 2711
Cervera, José Antonio 1324 Christian, David 25
Carona, Brandiff 3988
Cesalli, Laurent 884 Christianidis, Jean 763
Caropreso, Fátima Siqueira 341
Chabal, Jean-Pierre 1708 Christie, Ann 1524
Caroti, Stefano 894
Chabás, José 478 Christie, John R. R. R84
Carpenter, Brian E. 3396
Chadarevian, Soraya de 2880, 2884, Christie-Robin, Julia 2448
Carpenter, Mary Wilson 2276 R983 Christoff, Peter 3616
Carrara, Sérgio 3170 Chagas, Daiana Crús 3170 Chu, Cecilia 3220
Carreta, Jorge Augusto 3211 Chaib, J. P. M. C. 1947 Chuang, Ya-Chung 3712
Carreto, Carlos F. Clamote 941 Chakrabarti, Pratik R571 Chun, Allen 352
Carriazo Ruiz, José Ramón R948 Challis, Debbie 2163 Churella, Albert J 2449
Carrier, Martin 118, 2667 Chamberland, Celeste 1190 Cicchirillo, Vincent 3989
Carrillo, Ana Marı́a 3303 Chambers, David 3062 Cicciola, Elisabetta 2962
Carroll, Francis M. R691 Chambers, Ian 669 Cingolani, Nicole 664
Carroll, Jerome 355 Chambouleyron, Rafael 1483 Cinotto, Simone 2515
Carroll, Katherine 3775 Chaney, Christine 1748 Cioc-Ortega, Mark R1095
Carron Faivre, Delphine 880 Chang, Chiungfang 3116 Ciola, Graziana 865
Carroy, Jacqueline 2195 Chang, Jiat-Hwee 3217 Cios, Stanislaw 999
Carruthers, William R354 Chang, Maukuei 3011 Cipriani, Curzio 2637
Carson, John 2960, R383 Chao, Noelle 1709 Cittadino, Eugene R874
Carson, Lloyd 4003 Clabby, Catherine 1926
Chao, Wen-Chi 3995
Carson, Rachel 3615 Claessens, Guy 1055
Chaoul, Alejandro 551
Carstairs, Catherine 3776 Clancey, Gregory 3650, 3778, 4024
Chaplin, Joyce E. R209 Clark, J. F. M. 1745
Carter, Christopher 1990 Charland, Louis C. 1479
Carter, Eric D. 3212 Clark, Kathleen M. R139
Charles, Eric P. 2961 Clark, Meredith Donaldson 1409
Carter, Neil 2384 Charmantier, Isabelle R358 Clark, Philip M 351
Carty, Ryan R501 Charnley, Berris 2090 Clarke, Imogen R727
Carula, Karoline 2385 Chassé, Daniel Speich 3063 Clarke, Jackie 3336
Carus, Titus Lucretius 1305 Châtelain, Bertrand 800 Clarke, John 3779
Carvajal Bañados, Yuri 3010 Chatti, Saloua 462 Clarke, Sabine 433
Carvalho, André Luis de Lima 1785 Chattopadhayay, Pranab K. 641 Classen, Joseph 3150
Carvalho, Diana Maul de 2396 Chatzis, Konstantinos 1710, 2459 Clavelin, Maurice 1245
Carvalho, Marcos 3170 Chaudhary, Latika 2443 Clavin, Patricia R114
Cary, Noel D. R588 Chaudhry, Humayun J. 375 Cleminson, Richard 2168
Casado, Santos 2803 Chaves, Cleide de Lima 2386 Clendening, Ron 2780
Casali, Elide 1078 Chavigny, Katherine A. 2387 Clendinning, Anne R821
Case, Stephen 1925 Chavira P., Fidencio 3837 Clericuzio, Antonio R192
Caser, Arthur Torres 3213 Che-chia, Chang R1100 Cleveland, Todd 3306
Casillas, Dolores Inés 3835 Chee, Liz P. Y. 4024 Clifton, Gloria C. 1856
Casini, Lorenzo R65 Chee-Beng, Tan 549 Close, R. E. 2111
Casper, Stephen T. 2171, R917 Close-Koenig, Tricia 3221
Chemla, Karine R246
Cassata, Francesco 9 Cockcroft, Robert 707
Chen Jia 2345
Coenen, Anton 2172
Cassidy, David C. R309, R699 Chen Jialei 3838 Cogliati, Alberto 1904, 1905
Cassini, Lorenzo 1178 Chen, Haidan 3650 Cohen, B. R. R512
Castañeda, Claudia 3836 Chen, Jing 3006 Cohen, Claudine R193
Castañon, Gustavo Arja 341 Chen, Nancy N. 3777 Cohen, Esther 366, 968
Castejón Bolea, Ramón 3214 Chen-Morris, Raz 1002, R104, R233 Cohen, Floris 58
Castellani, Victor R663 Cheng, John 3453 Cohen, Jaap 2609
Castelo, Cláudia 2570 Cheng, Yawen R303 Cohen, Jeffrey J. 948
Castillo Martos, Manuel R1027 Cheng, Yinghong 3554 Cohen, Matt 1484
Castro, Belen 781 Cheng, Yu-Yin 520 Cohen, Paul R667
Castro, Gloria Gelmini de 202 Cherlet, Jan 4043 Cohen, Paul A. 3724

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240 Author Index

Cohen, Susan 2253 Costa, James T 2153 Czaja, Olaf 557

Cohen-Cole, Jamie R1087 Costa, Manuela Castilho Coimbra Czech, Herwig 2939
Cohen-Hanegbi, Na’ama 1191 3303 Czernecki, Igor 3713
Cohoe, Caleb 899 Costa, Renato Gama-Rosa 3264
Coimbra Junior, Carlos E.A. 3664 Costa, Rui Manuel Pinto 2277, 2278 D
Colburn, Glen R57 Costlow, Jane T 2052 D’Alessandro, Paolo 220, 1056
Cole, David J. 2706 Cote, Stephen 2813 D’Souza, Rohan 544
Cole, Tim 2811 Cotoi, Calin 3725 D.R. R1004
Coleman, Deirdre 408 Cotti, Patricia 2347 da Rocha Brando Fernandez,
Coleman, James K. R190 Cottier, John W. 3083 Fernanda 2814
Coley, Jonathan S. 4007 Couchman, Jane 1016 da Rocha Brando, Fernanda 290, 2815
Colledge, Sue 701 Coudert, Allison P. 1034 da Silva Nunes, Patricia 2815
Colley, Ann C. 1797, 2450 Couoh, Lourdes 664 da Silva Rosa, Teresa 170
Colley, Eduardo 2126 Couprie, Dirk L. 778 Dachille-Hey, Rae Erin 558
Collins, Alan F. 2196, 2963 Courcelles, Dominique de 267 Dadswell, Gordon 423
Collins, H. M. 2 Courtwright, David T. 367 Dahlberg, Jeff 3929
Colombo, Matteo 3686 Courtwright, Julie R741 Dal Secco, Alessandra 2994
Colton, Lisa R260 Coutinho, S. C. 2724 Dalben, André 3233
Comes, Rosa 900 Couttenier, Maarten 2638 DalCol, Franciane Lovati 3480
Cowan, Brian 1252 Dale, Pamela 2382, R935
Comet, Georges 1239
Cowie, Helen R820, R900 Dalfardi, Behnam 500
Compora, Daniel P. R185
Cowles, Henry M. 2053 Dalfino, Maria Cristina 740
Conde, Patrı́cia 2867
Cox, Catherine 2348 Dallapiazza, Michael 854
Conforti, Maria R192
Dalrymple, Dana G. 3223
Conis, Elena 3780, R585 Cozzi, Annette 1798
Dalton, John 1594
Conklin, Alice L. 2237 Cozzoli, Daniele 3820
Dam, Petra J.E.M. van 1167
Conley, Mary R678 Crabb, Ann R807
Damasceno, Mariana S. 202
Conner, William E. 2723 Craddock, Paul T. 642
Damodaran, Vinita 544, 2612
Connor, J. T. H. R426 Craig, Sienna R. 530, 551 Danet, Alina 2553, 3092
Connor, Steven 1712 Craik, Alex D. D. 1569, 1906 Daniel, Claudia 2390
Conolly, James 701 Crane, Susan 995 Daniel, Dane T. R1052
Considine, John 2248 Craven, Christa 2599 Daniel, Vicki E. R2
Consoli, Luca 190 Cravens, Hamilton 3037 Dankers, Joost R909
Consonni, Manuela 366 Cravo, Télio 2451 Dannenberg, Roger B. 2702
Contakes, Stephen M. 2758 Crease, Robert P. 1551 Danto, Elizabeth R400
Conti, Alessandro D. 884 Cremieu-Alcan, Philippe 1738 Dargavel, John 423, 2516
Conway, Chris R1022 Crenne, Christopher 2600 Darling, Katherine Weatherford 3680
Cook, Alexandra R529 Cressy, David 254 Darr, Orna Alyagon 1294
Cook, Elizabeth Heckendorn 1424 Cretney, Rosanna 1570 Darragh, Thomas 2042
Cook, Harold J. R423, R932 Crewe, M. E. 432, 2777 Darwin, Charles 2127
Cook, Harold John 1188, 2303 Crignon, Claire 1464–1466 Das, Sukta 629
Cook, Karen S. R910 Crisà, Antonino 2254 Daschuk, James R431
Cook, Lana 3694 Criveller, Gianni 521 Dasen, Véronique 782
Cooley, Jeffrey L. 708 Croft, L. R. 1746 Dasgupta, Sujit 621
Cooney, Charles 1555 Croizat-Glazer, Yassana 1009 Dash, Bhagwan 630
Cooper, Glen M. 499, 1106 Crombez, Joel R495 Daston, Lorraine 119, 3714
Cooper, Rachel 3151 Crombie, Laura R724 Daszkiewicz, Piotr 2036
Cooperstein, Shana 1927 Crossland, Rachel 3012 Dathan, Patricia Wendy 2869
Coopey, Richard 281 Crosthwaite, Paul 1713 Daum, Andreas W. R480, R673
Coopmans, Catelijne 160 Crouch, Tom D. R995 David, Joseph E. 651
Crowe, Nathan 2911 Davids, C. A. 452
Coote, Jeremy R520
Crowell, Amanda 4005 Davidson, Herbert A. 838
Cooter, Roger 26
Crowter, Kathleen M. 1079 Davidson, Roei 3064
Coppola, Al 1653
Crowther, Kathleen R33, R825 Davis, Angela 2629
Corcoran, Andreas 1033
Davis, David J. 866
Core, Rachel R305 Crowther, M. Anne 2279
Davis, Frederick R. R169
Corell Doménech, Mavi 1768 Cruickshank, Paul R89
Davis-Secord, Jonathan 908
Coriale, Danielle 1748 Cuadriello, Jaime 671
Dawson, Gowan R653
Cormack, Lesley B. R173 Cullen, Lynsey T. 2280
Dawson, John W., Jr. 2661
Corr, John 1769 Culver, Lawrence 3614 Dawson, M. Joan 3523
Corrado, Sharyl 2009 Cunha, Vivian da Silva 3222 Dawson, Michael R. W. 2964
Correa Gomez, Maria Jose 2346 Cuomu, Mingji 546, 556 Dawson, Terence R926
Correa, Elisete Marcia 3976 Cupello, Priscila 3170 Day, Dwayne A. 2601
Correa, Sı́lvio Marcus de Souza 2388, Curley, Stephen R564 Dayé, Christian 3013, R927
2389 Curran, Brian A. R988 Daylight, Edgar G. 3397, 3890, 3902
Correia, Manuel 2640 Curry, Anne R580 de Alvarenga Julio, Carlos Eduardo
Corrocher, Nicoletta 3889 Curry, Helen Anne 2851, 2868, 3617 2108
Corry, Leo 901 Curth, Louise Hill 1240, R1078 de Asúa, Miguel 1417, 1770
Corsi, C. 727 Curtis, Daniel R. 944 De Bellis, Ennio 1179
Cortuo, Esteban 1878 Curtis, Kent A 2452 De Blécourt, Willem 3538
Cosens, Barbara 2812 Cushman, Gregory T. 289, R506 de Blois, François 652
Costa Vieira, Carla 1574 Cussó, Xavier 2533 de Boer, Sander W. 961
Costa, Gabriela M.C. 356 Cuttini, Elisa 1044 de Bont, Raf 1873

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Author Index 241

de Carvalho Ramos, Maurı́cio 2142 Dı́az-Andreu, Margarita R836 Dovio, Mariana 3016
de Ceglia, Francesco Paolo 1271 Dı́az-Fajardo, Montse 470 Dowbiggin, Ian R601
de Deus Duarte, Maria 1605 Dibley, Ben 687, 2235, R626, R638 Downes, Peter J. 1991
De Grave, Kurt 3890 Dick, Malcolm 1726 Downey, Sean S. 701
de Jaime Gómez, José 324, 325, 2109 Dick, Steven J. 235 Doyle, Barry M. 3237
de Jaime Lorén, José Marı́a 324, 325, Dickens, Eric 1930 Drábek, Pavel 1226
2109 Dickey, Eleanor R578 Dragomir, Elena 3932
De Kock, Liesbet 2197 Dickinson, Frederick R. R1104 Drake, Brian Allen 2820, R862
de la Peña, Carolyn 3931 Diéguez, Antonio 120 Draycott, Jane 818
de Lorenzo, Renata 2453 Diggle, Pamela K. 1664 Drayson, Hannah R933
de Oliveira, Ricardo Pessa 2432 Dijksterhuis, Fokko Jan 1510 Drees, Willem B. 522
de Rouilhan, Philippe 213 Dilley, Stephen 330 Driscoll, Mark R904
Deák, Antal András 1606 Dillon, Emma 909 Dror, Otniel E. 366
Dean, Margaret Lazarus 3949 Dross, Fritz 1220
DiMeo, Michelle R429, R825
Dear, Peter 2082 Druet, Anne Cécile 2967, 2968
DiMoia, John 3781
Deb Roy, Rohan 631 Druglitrø, Tone 3094
Dimson, Elroy 3062
Duarte, Luiz Fernando 3170
Débarbat, Suzanne 270 Dinges, Martin 186
Duarte, Maria Cristina 2867
Debuiche, Valérie 1325, 1326 Dinishak, Janette 2966 Duarte, Regina Horta 2037, 3618
Décaillot, Anne-Marie 1907 Diogo, Maria Paula 188, 2446, 2455, Duarte, Shane R648
Decker, Corrie R. 3224 3339
Duba, William 881
Deeb, Waleed 473 Dionisio, Jennifer R340, R608, R833 Dubach, Roswitha 2349
Defrance, Jacques 2391 Dirlik, Arif 3014, 3015 Ducène, Jean-Charles R211
Dehler, Gregory J. 2054 Disco, Cornelis 1788 Ducharme, Alain 809
Deichmann, Ute 2759 Dittmar, Pierre-Olivier 957 Ducheyne, Steffen 1506, R769
Deinzer, Willi 1348 Divakaran, P. P. 599 Ducos, Joëlle 882
Deister, Garcia Vivette 2603 Dixon, Joy 3152 Dudink, Ad 189
Dejić, Mirko 510 Djebbar, Ahmed 471, 769 Dudley, John 746
del Cerro, Manuel 2948 Doane, Molly 2817 Dudley, Leonard 1714
del Cura González, Mercedes 3225 Dobney, Keith 701 Dudo, Anthony 3989
Del Soldato, Eva 1045 Dobre, Mihnea R648 Dufresne, Todd R315
Delaney, Paul R1066 Dodds, Ben 996 Dumanowski, Jarosław 426
Delaporte, François 368 Dodds, Klaus 2793 Dumit, Joseph 3821
Delbourgo, James 1434, 1491 Doel, Ronald E. 2571, 2818 Duncan, Ian 1799
Delft, Dirk van 197 Doherty, Meghan C. R573 Duncan, James S. 2517
Demaitre, Luke E. 969 Doing, Park A. 3840 Duncan, Peter 3782
Demchenko, Tetyana 409 Dolder, Craig N. 2725, 2755 Dunlop, Katherine R421
Demeritt, David 3620 Dölen, Emre 3328 Dunmire, William W. 424
Democritus 794 Domanski, Cezary W. 2173 Dunn, Richard 1575
Denecker, Tim R936 Domingues, Heloisa Maria Bertol 59 Dunne, Stephen 3043
Denis, Gilles 1436 Domı́nguez, Martı́ 3569, 4014 Dunst, Alexander R412
Denning, Andrew 2816 Dominschek, Desirê Luciane 3264 Düppe, Till 3065
Deringer, William R158 Dommann, Monika 3422 Dupré, Sven 1014, 1188, 1382
Deringer, William Peter 1453 Domush, Hilary R132 Dupree, Marguerite Wright 3095
Donaghy, Josephine 315 DuPuis, Melanie R1040
Derks, Hans 448
Donati, Silvia 884 Duque, Ricardo B. 2482
Derksen, Maarten 2965, 3337
Durand, Aline 1239
Derry, Margaret Elsinor 2128 Donato, Clorinda 1526
Durbach, Nadja 369
Desbiens, Caroline 3338 Donato, Maria Pia 1846
Duval, Jessie 1627
Descarries, Francine 27 Donato, Silvia Di R8
Duzer, Chet A. Van 1143
Deschrijver, Sonja 1035 Donegan, Kathleen 1485
Dvorak, Darrell F. 3454
Deshpande, Vijaya J. 632 Dong-Yuan Tai 1046 Dwivedi, Dhananjay Vasudeo 626
Despeaux, Sloan Evans 221 Dongre, Narayan Gopal 620 Dyck, Erika 2613, 2921
Despeux, Catherine 559 Donnelly, Catherine 2912 Dyck, Maarten Van 1057, 1383
Despret, Vinciane 2083 Donnelly, Kevin 1928 Dyer, Christopher 1241
Dettelbach, Michael 1525 Donovan, D. G. 544 Dysart-Galea, Deborah 3988
Deutsch, Yaacov 661 Donzé, Pierre-Yves 3093, R892 Dysert, Anna R840
DeVorkin, David R609 Dora, Veronica della 1607 Dyson, Peter L. 2706
DeVorkin, David H. 2714, R1083 Doran, Robert W. 3396
Dewey, Peter R831 Dore, Ubaldo 3570 E
Dewey, Peter E. 2454 Dormidontov, Anatoliy 3950 Eadie, Mervyn J. 2187
Dewey, Scott Hamilton R657 Dornelles, Rodrigo Ciconet 3664 Eamon, William 1030, 1157, R50,
Dewsbury, Donald A. 347 Dorsch, Sebastian 3153 R546
Dhondup, Renchen 551 Dorsey, Kurkpatrick 2819 Eardley, Peter S. 883
Dhundi, Shraddha N. 638 Dorsman, Leen 83 Eaton, Natasha 1608
Di Liscia, Daniel A. 1375 dos Reis, Mariana Inglez 1427 Ebbesen, Sten 884
Di Pasquale, Mariano 2281 dos Santos Dias, Pedro Henrique 2837 Eberhart, Mark 3590
Di Renzo, Elisa 1373 dos Santos, Poliana 2166 Ebrey, David 747
Diamond, Eli 745 Dös.emeci, Mehmet 3841 Echelbarger, Charles 1571
Dias, Nélia 550 Doskhozhina, Zhanat R60 Echlin, Alexander 1675
Dı́az Hernández, Ignacio 1410 Douard, Stéphane 1555 Eckert, Michael 1953, 1954
Dı́az, Del Castillo Hernández. Douglas, Bronwen 1141 Eckes, Christophe 2687
Adriana 4017 Dovgich, Myhailo 2782 Economou-Amilli, Athina 2106

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242 Author Index

Ede, Andrew R657 Erjavec, Karmen 4057 Fauri, Francesca 3342

Edel, Philippe 2036 Erlen, Jonathon 371 Fay, Isla 161
Edelheit, Joseph A. R371 Ernst, Waltraud R180 Fazioli, K. Patrick 964
Edington, Claire R40 Ervynck, Anton 298 Fechner, Roger 1451
Edler, Flavio Coelho 2392 Escobar, Maria Paula 3620 Federico, Giovanni 3424
Edwards, Clive 3340 Eser, Gülşah 1841 Fee, Elizabeth 2284
Edwards, Elizabeth 1847 Eskildsen, Kasper Risbjerg 2263 Feferman, Anita Burdman 85
Edwards, Laura Hyatt 348, 2940 Espı́ Forcén, Carlos 963 Feferman, Solomon 2668
Edwards, Michael 1180, 1181, 1301, Espı́ Forcén, Fernando 963 Fehige, Yiftach 1559
R93 Espinosa, Mariola 440 Fein, Julia 2778
Edwards, Peter 1492 Esposito, Maurizio 2852 Fein, Michael R. R1068
Effland, Anne 2527 Estrada Olguı́n, Roberto 121 Feinerer, Ingo 2199, 2974
Egan, Michael 2554, R1044 Etchegaray, Claire 1558, 1660 Feinstein, Noah Weeth 3784
Eggemeier, Matthew T. 3619 Etherington, Norman 2011 Feke, Jacqueline 764, R183
Eghigian, Greg R912 Felitti, Karina 3264
Etker, Şeref 506, 2760, 2761, 3098,
Egloff, Rainer 144 3423, 3556, R304 Fellers, Gary M. 2804
Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A. 3555 Ette, Ottmar 2238 Fengler, Silke 2726
Ehlers, Nadine 3737 Etzemüller, Thomas R408 Ferchuk, Antonina 3343
Ferguson, Frank R9
Ehrlich, Shoshanna 3783 Evangelista, Danielle Ferreira 3170
Fernandes, Antonio Carlos Sequeira
Eichberg, Henning 2393 Evans, Bonnie 3155, R954, R1053 1854
Eichberg, Stephanie R709 Evans, Christopher 2255 Fernández Medina, Rita Daniela 316
Eichmanns, Gabriele R654 Evans, Dorinda 1693 Ferrante, Carolina 3229
Eidsheim, Nina Sun 3405 Evans, James R139 Ferrão, Maria Eugénia 1054
Eigi, Jaana 145 Evans, Jennifer 1467 Ferrari, Franco 740
Einsiedel, Edna F 3872 Evans, Meredith 1253 Ferrario, Gabriele R77
Eisele, Philipp 1840 Evans, Philip D. 423 Ferraz, Márcia H. M. 3470
Eiselt, B. Sunday 3075 Evans, R. J. W. R817 Ferraz, Márcia Helena Mendes 1460
Eisler, Matthew N. 3842 Evans, Samantha 2127 Ferreira, Louise Brandes M. 2910
Ejarque, Ana 834 Evans, Sterling R592 Ferreira, Luciane Ouriques 450
Ekholm, Karin 1444 Everett, Nicholas R840 Ferreira, Luiz Otávio 3195, 3264
El-Bizri, Nader 472 Ferreira, Marieta de Moraes 2651
El-Hani, Charbel N. 2885 F Ferreiro, Larrie D. 1715
Elblink, Marcia Triunfol 3976 Fabbri, Natacha 1341, 1349 Ferreiro, Larrie David 1232
Elders, Willem 1071 Faber, Jean 243 Ferretti, Federico 2012
Elgin, Catherine Z. 1800 Fabian, Ann R864 Fet, Victor 2130
Elias, Jamal J. 3843 Facchinetti, Cristiana 3156, 3170 Fichman, Martin 2013, R1050
Elias, Scott A. 326 Fagan, Melinda Bonnie 3667 Fidora, Alexander 873
Eling, Paul 334, 2174, 2941 Fagundes, Maria Daı́lza da Conceição Fiebrandt, Maria 3157
Ellingsen, Ellen J. Grav 3073 982 Fielder, Brigitte Nicole 1818
Elliot, Rosemary 3096 Fahrni, Magdalena 3246 Fifield, Steve 4023
Elliott, Dylan 885 Fahy, Sandra 3933 Figueira, Rui 2867
Ellis, Jason 2969 Falk, Seb 871 Figueiredo, Dulce 2447
Ellis, Markman 1547 Falla, Sigrid 3875 Figueirôa, Silvia F. de M. 201, 2779
Ellis, Rebecca 4011 Fallan, Kjetil 3844 Filipecki, Ana Tereza Pinto 2562
Ellis, Rob 3154 Fillerup, Jessie 1771
Falvey, J. Lindsay 3934
Ellison, Jenny 3226 Findlen, Paula 3, R661, R946
Fan, Fa-Ti 2853, R713
Elman, Benjamin A. 1751, 2572 Fine, Edward 2172
Fan, Ka-wai R305
Fine, Edward J. 2350
Elmore, Bartow R542 Fan, Yanqiu 3227 Finger, Simon R3, R120
Elston, M. Melissa 180 Fancy, Nahyan A. G. 497 Finger, Stanley 1437, 1644, R1107
Eltenton, Georgina 3090 Fang, Xiang 4044 Finger, Thomas D. 2519
Elzinga, Aant 2010 Fang, Xiaoping R611 Fini, Riccardo 3483
Emde Boas, Peter van 84 Fangerau, Heiner 2926, 3228 Fink, Jakob L. 884
Emons, Pascale 3984 Fantham, Elaine 779 Finkelstein, Gabriel 2176–2178
Enders, Jürgen 2654 Fantoli, Annibale 1272 Finlay, Christopher 1451
Endersby, Jim 2129, 2870 Fara, Giovanni Maria 1025 Finlay, Christopher J. 1451
Endfield, Georgina 2788 Fara, Patricia R1021 Finlay, Mark R. 2762
Endfield, Georgina H. 3614 Faraday, Michael 1970 Finnegan, Diarmid 2031
Engdahl, Emma 146 Faraone, C. A. 737 Fino, Steven A. 3951
Engel, Pascal 129 Farber, Paul Lawrence R151, R820 Finocchiaro, Maurice A. R92
Engelfriet, Peter R497, R498 Faria, Felipe 1634 Fiolhais, Carlos 1207
Engelhardt, Eliasz 2175 Faria, Frederico Felipe de Almeida Fiorentini, Erna 1762
Engwall, Lars 2650, 3500 1643, 2282 Firsov, A. V. 3344
Enome, Shinzo 3561 Faria, Lina 3264, 3303 Firsov, Alexander 2456, 3345, 3455
Enros, Philip Charles 3487 Farias, Amy Caldwell de R640 Fisch, Menachem 60, 1747
Enstad, Nan R815 Farias, Rosilene Gomes 2283 Fischer, Georg 2457
Epstein, Steven A. R281 Farmelo, Graham 3341 Fischer, Joachim 1327
Eraso, Yolanda 370, 3097, 3303 Farooq, Osman 2350 Fischer, Marta Luciane 2126
Erdheim, Cara 2518 Farquhar, Judith 560 Fischler, Alan 1748
Erdinast-Vulcan, Daphna R1002 Farr, Jason S. 1541 Fisher, Tom 3845
Erickson, Paul 3714 Fatherly, Sarah R317 Fiskesjō, Magnus 2262, 3076
Eriksen, Anne 1679 Faulkner, Wendy 3918 Fitzherbert, Dionys 1480

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Fitzpatrick, Matthew R937 Frederick, Danny 123 Garcı́a de Lomana, Gonzalo Madrazo
Fjeld, Heidi 561 Frederickson, Kari 3488 265
Flanagan, Maureen A. R1025 Freemantle, Michael 2763 Garcı́a Garcı́a, Inmaculada R683
Flannery, Maura C. R237 Fregonese, Lucio R976, R1093 Garcı́a, A. César González 690
Fleck, Eliane Cristina Deckmann Freidenfelds, Lara R1012 Garcı́a, Mónica 2285, R249
1468, 1680 Garcia, Sarah 246
Freinkel, Susan 2823
Fleck, Ludwik 122 Garcı́a-Belmar, Antonio 1971
Freire, Maria Martha de Luna 3264 Garcı́a-Sancho, Miguel 317, 3668
Fleming, James Rodger 3614 Freitas, Valeria 2764
Fleming, John E E 3117 Garcı́a-Villaraco, Antonio 1164
Frémontier-Murphy, Camille 1027 Garden, Don 2055
Flemming, Rebecca 819 Fressoz, Jean-Baptiste 1636 Gardener, John 3687
Flexner, James L. R489 Freudenburg, William R. 4006 Gardner, Graham R128
Flint, Kate R285 Freudenthal, Gad 840 Gardner, Kirsten E. R630
Flippen, J. Brooks R247 Frezzatti, Wilson Antonio, Jr. 2084 Gardner-Thorpe, Christopher 2950
Flipse, Ab 86 Friberg, Jöran 705 Garfield, Seth 2824
Flood, John 887 Fricke, Beate 855 Gariboldi, Leonardo R920
Flood, Raymond 1955 Garnelo, Luiza 3785
Friedel, Robert 3621
Florensa, Clara 2886 Garner, Roberta 3023
Friederich, Simon 2727
Flores, Karla Castillo 3767 Garone, Philip 3614, R105
Friedman, Donald 3347
Floriani, Ciro Augusto 3303 Garrabou, Ramon 2533
Friedman, Lawrence Jacob 2971 Garrett, Frances 562
Focaccia, Miriam 13
Friedman, Michael 1507, 2669 Garrisi, Diana R23
Foertsch, Jacqueline 3846
Friedman, Robert Marc 2571 Garson, Justin 306
Fokin, Sergei I. 2110
Friedman, William E. 1664 Gascoigne, John R1080
Foley, Paul R103, R1064
Folkerts, Menso R225 Friesen, T. Max 3935 Gaskill, Malcolm R232, R399
Folse, Henry 245 Frijhoff, Willem 2652 Gaspa, Salvatore 703
Frioux, Stéphane 2394 Gaspar, Joaquim Alves 1142, 1144
Fones-Wolf, Elizabeth R665
Frixione, Eugenio 820 Gastélum, Luis Gómez 3077
Fonseca, Alberto 2458
Froehlich, José Marcos 4 Gaston, Robert W. R675
Fonseca, Alexandre Brasil 2605 Gaudillière, Jean-Paul 640, 2854,
Fonseca, Vera Maria Medina da 1854 Fronc, Jennifer R800
3319, 3822
Fontes da Costa, Palmira 639 Fudge, Erica 1493
Gaukroger, Stephen 1273, R196,
Forcada, Miquel 498, 501 Fujita, Yasumoto 61 R513
Ford, J. R. H. 2780 Fuller, Jonathan 3099 Gausemeier, Bernd R208, R710, R986
Fordon, Scott Paul 1716 Fuller, Robert S. 674, 675 Gauß, Carl Friedrich 1909
Forman, Ross G. R213, R872 Fuller, Steve 171, 335 Gautier Dalche, Patrick 841
Fornasiero, Jean 1609 Funk, Holger 1168, 1169 Gautschy, Rita 709
Fornes, Jordi 3891 Fuqua, Joy V. 3509 Gawne, Richard 320
Forrester, John 3017 Furlan, Francesco 101 Gay, Hannah 3622
Forshaw, Peter J. 1119, R814 Gaycken, Oliver 2589
Gaze, Rosangela 2396
Forsyth, Isla 2874 G Gazeley, Ian 3019
Foschi, Renato 2198, 2962, 2970, Gaab, Hans 1350, 1576
R167 Gehrke, Pat J. 166
Gaard, Greta 2395 Geiger, Roger L. R960
Fossat, E. 3555 Gabbey, Alan R635 Geissler, P. W. 3786
Fosse, Sébastien de la 416 Gabriel Martı́nez-Serna, J. R592 Gelder, Esther van 282
Foster, Amy E R441 Gabriel, Gottfried 2670 Gelderblom, Oscar 1256
Foster, G. N. 2111 Gabriel, Joseph M. 3100 Gelesh, Anna 3526
Foster, Paul 279 Gabriel, Norman 2972, 3018 Gellera, Giovanni 1274
Foth, Thomas 3158, 3159 Gachelin, Gabriel 3230 Genovese, Andrea 219
Fotini, Assimacopoulou 2459 Gaffney, Jennifer A. 1889 Genovez, Patrı́cia Falco 3231
Fountain, Steven M. 2821 Gensini, Stefano R613
Gage, Logan Paul 330
Fournier, Marcel 2229 Gent, Robert H. van 1588
Gagnon, Michael J 2460
Fournier, Marian 87 Geoffroy, Etienne-François 1595
Gähde, Ulrich 1577
Fournier-Antonini, Guenièvre 268 Georgijevsky, Aleksandr B. 2156
Gaillard-Seux, Patricia 821 Geracitano, Laura Alicia 4016
Fox, Daniel M. R456, R974
Galán, Elena 2533 Gerald, Michael C. 402
Fox, Robert 1789, R307, R411
Galavotti, Maria Carla 2671 Gerali, Francesco 1992
Fox-Bruguiere, Lily 2091
Galfione, Marı́a Verónica 1628 Gerbino, Anthony 222
Fraguela, Beatriz 1036
Frampton, Sally R637 Galiana-Sánchez, M. Eugenia 2998 Gere, Cathy 2179, R865
Francis, Ralph R572 Galiana-Sánchez, Marı́a Eugenia 3199 Gerhard, Gesine 3425
Galis, Vasilis 142, 2547 Geric, Michelle 1993
Franco Avellaneda, Manuel 3875
Gallavotti, Giovanni 1957 Gerke, Barbara 563–565, R1101
François, Bernard 2284
Gama, Jairo Roberto de Almeida 3160 Gerlini, Matteo 2573
Frank, David 306 Gerovitch, Slava 3547
Frank, Jerry J. 2822, R530 Gandon, Sébastien 2688
Gange, David 2256 Gerstenberger, Debora 3020
Frank, Maria Esposito R711 Gerstenberger, Katharina 3571
Franklin, Allan 1956 Gannett, Lisa 3506
Gerstl, Doris 1286
Franklin-Brown, Mary 839 Gansky, Paul 2496 Gertz, René E. 2286
Franzel, Sean 1552 Ganz, Jeremy C. 822 Gervais, Raoul 124
Franzen, Martina 3977 Gao Hongcheng 1908 Gessner, Samuel 1028, 1287
Fraser, Hilary 408 Gao, Zhipeng 349 Gestrich, Andreas 391
Fraser, Jennifer R878 Garber, Daniel 1316, 1384, 1447 Ghadessi, Touba 1175
Fraunholz, Uwe 3346 Garber, Margaret D. R814 Ghazal, Yazan Abu 3757
Fredborg, Karin Margareta 884 Garcı́a Cruz, Cándido Manuel 1600 Gheorghe, Eliza 3847

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244 Author Index

Ghosh, Malika R945 Goldstein, Catherine 1250 Granqvist, Karin 439

Ghosh, Saibal 3464 Golec, Michael J. 2575, 3348 Granströma, Johan Georg 466
Giacomelli, Renato 1025 Golsenne, Thomas 957 Grant, H. Roger R1084
Giacomoni, Paola 1025 Golvers, Noēl 536 Grant, Jane 3557
Gianini, Reinaldo José 2604, 3290 Gomes, Ana Carolina Vimieiro 2922, Grapı́, Pere 1595
Giannetto, Enrico 1385 3233 Grattan-Guinness, I. 1958
Giannone, Anna 2970 Gomes, Flávio 183, 2373 Grattan-Guinness, Ivor 2690, R362
Gibbons, Sheila 2614 Gómez Martı́nez, Marı́a del Carmen Grau Torras, Sergi 970
Gibbs, Fred R251 125 Graus, Andrea 2666, 2988
Gibson, Abraham H. 2887, 3651 Gómez Prieto, Rosa Marı́a 2114 Grave, Kurt De 3397, 3902
Gómez Rodrı́guez, Amparo 2576 Gray, Sally Hatch 1535
Gibson, Craig A. 823
Gómez, Pablo F. 392 Graziela Santos, Cintia 2889
Gibson, Stephen 3695
Gomis, Alberto 2805, R109, R783 Green, Christopher D. 2199, 2214,
Giffard, Hermione 3848 2974
Giglioni, Guido 1031, 1158, 1302, Goncalves, Valeria Portugal 1879
Green, Sara 318
1508 Gonza lez de Bustamante, Celeste
3893 Green, Steven J. 733, 783
Gilbert, Pamela K. R1077 Greenberg, Joel 3624, R594
Gilead, Amihud 2765 Gonzales, Michael J. R134
Greene, Jeremy A. 3320, 3823
Gili, Luca 886 González de Posada, Francisco 3398
Greenhalgh, Susan 3787
Gill, B. J. 2038 González Moreno, Antonio 3088
Greenlees, Janet R766
Gill, Christopher R944 González Redondo, Francisco A. Greenstein, David E. 3350
Gill, Josie 3983 2689, 3398
Greer, Scott 342
Gill, Lorena Almeida 2299 González Rey, Fernando L. 2973
Gregg, Sara M. R502
Gill, Rebecca 2287 González-Silva, Matiana 317 Gregoric, Pavel 802
Gillaspy, James Arthur, Jr. 3696 Good, Greg 62–64 Gregory, Andrew 1374, R19, R389
Gillbank, Linden R598 Good, Gregory A. 2729 Gregory, Annabel 1494
Gilliom, John 3892 Goodman, David R454 Gregory, Frederick 1890
Gillooly, Eileen R939 Goodrum, Mathew 2257 Greiling, Werner 1553
Gilly, Carlos 1120, 1121, 1192 Goodwin, William 3572 Grek-Martin, Jason 2014
Gilman, Sander L. 3426 Goodyear, Anne Collins 2591 Grell, Ole Peter R825, R988
Gingerich, Owen R104, R535 Gopakumara, Govind 3988 Grellard, Christope 928
Ginn, Franklin R1024 Gordin, Michael D. 2555, 3714, R749 Griffin, David 223
Ginther, James R. 887 Gordon, Bruce 330 Griffiths, Clare 3427
Gintis, Herbert 353 Gorman, Carma R. R425 Grimaldi, Rosa 3483
Gioielli, Robert 2590 Gormo, Jean 2092 Grisotti, Márcia 3788
Gorp, Baldwin Van 3984 Griswold, Robert L. 3953
Giovanelli, Marco 2728
Goss, Andrew 2433 Grob, Gerald N. R412
Giralt, Sebastià 842
Gossin, Pamela R570 Gross, Benjamin R697
Girten, Kristin M. 1443 Gross, Neil 3009
Gisler, Monika 2577 Gotkin, Kevin 3894
Goto, Kunio 28 Grosseteste, Robert 887
Gispert, Hélène R46 Grosslight, Justin 1328
Gissis, Snait B. 1645 Goubier, Frédéric 884
Gouk, Penelope 1386, R772 Grossman, Jonathan H. 1801, 1802
Giudice, Franco 1285 Grote, Mathias 3673
Giuliani, Alessia 2970 Goulding, Robert 1114
Gruber, Jeremy 3659
Gläser, Jochen 2574, 2653, 3500, Gourmelen, Laurent 801
Grudgings, Steve 1718
3535 Gouyon, Jean-Baptiste 3475, R577
Grumsen, Stine Slot 3101
Glasner, Ruth 902 Gouzévitch, Dimitri 2461 Grundmann, Reiner 3997
Glassford, Sarah R585 Gouzévitch, Dmitri 1710 Grupe, Dirk 479
Glatzel, Mara 2599 Gouzévitch, Irina 1710, 1717 Gualda, Dulce M.R. 356
Glauthier, Patrick 813 Gouzévitch, Maxime 1589 Guazzoni, Guido 3515
Gleick, James 2497 Govatski, David 2058 Gubern, Román R172
Gleitsmann, Rolf-Jürgen 3849 Govers, Gerard 3930 Guénel, Annick 3735
Gliboff, Sander 2888 Govoni, Paola 1825 Guenther, Katja 2288
Glover, Denise M. 2871 Gowdy-Wygant, Cecilia R539 Guereña, Jean-Louis 2397
Gnassounou, Bruno 1303 Gozalbes Cravioto, Enrique R683 Guerrero, Ricardo 2130
Go, Julian 2219 Gozalo Gutiérrez, Rodolfo 2077 Guicciardini, Niccolò 1387
Godart-Wendling, Béatrice 3069 Grachev, Sergey 3952 Guida, Alessandro 2185
Godby, Michael 2157 Gradmann, Christoph 1753, R180 Guilhot, Nicolas 3715
Godderis, Rebecca 3758 Grafe, Melissa R120 Guillem-Llobat, Ximo R1031
Goddu, André 1080 Grafen, Alan 331 Guilloux, Ronald 1682
Godin, Benoit 410 Grafton, Anthony 273 Guimarães, Leandro Belinaso 2056
Graham, Daniel 748 Guins, Raiford 3895
Godley, Andrew R254
Graham, Daniel W. 780, R210 Guise, George 3489
Godoy Catalán, Lorena 3264
Graham, Loren R. 3349 Guizard, Fabrice 950
Goellner, Silvana Vilodre 3232
Graham, Ronald L. 1902 Gundlach, Horst 2975
Goering, Joseph Ward 887 Günergun, Feza 506, 2760
Goffi, Jean-Yves 129 Graham, Wade 3623
Gunnell, John G. 3716
Golden, Janet 3511 Gramling, Robert 4006
Guo Jinhai 2691
Golder, Bishwanath 643 Granada, Miguel A. 1081, 1351 Guo, Sun-Wei 3674
Goldman, Steven R953 Granada, Miguel Angel 1082 Guowei, Shen 1874
Goldsmith, John 678 Granato, Marcus 202, 203, 2644 Gupta, R. C. 600
Goldstein, Bernard R. 912, 925, 2732, Grand, Alexander De R37 Güral, Irzik 2672
2733 Grandia, Liza R267 Gussman, Neil R687
Goldstein, Carolyn M 2615 Granjel, Mercedes 1681 Guston, David H. 3490, 4045

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Gutiérrez Fuentes, José Antonio 1209 Harding, Christopher 547 Hemmendinger, David 3898
Gutiérrez Rodilla, Bertha M. 2289 Hardy, Anne 3234 Henderson, Gabriel R672
Gutschow, Kim 583 Hargittai, Istvan 2539, 3352 Henderson, John B. R956
Guyer, Jane I. 3044 Harker, Ben 3403 Henderson, Paul 1994
Guynn, Noah D. 856 Harman, Oren 65 Henne, Kathryn 3676
Gyatso, Janet 566 Harmelen, Jan van 3559 Hennepe, Mieneke te 89
Harmer, Adam 1329 Henneveld, Peter 1041
Henning, Paula 4016
H Harney, Bill Yidumduma 681
Henrique, Márcio Couto 2399
Haan, H. J. de 717 Harper, Kristine C. R341
Harper, Kyle 29 Henry, Emmanuel 3789
Haber, Carole 2351 Henry, John 1194, 1389, R701
Habinek, Thomas 749 Harris, Jason Marc R63
Henry, of Huntingdon 949
Hackmann, Willem 1857 Harris, Kirsty 3103
Hentschel, Klaus 3354, R118
Hackney, Fiona R61 Harris, Paul 2789
Herbert, Amanda E. R861
Hacquebord, Louwrens 285 Harris, Pauline 679 Herbst, Alexander R597
Haddad, Hamilton 2273 Harris, Richard 636 Herbst, Klaus-Dieter 1083, 1254
Haderle, D. J. 3896 Harris, Victoria 2548 Herbst, Marcel R372
Haffner, Jeanne 3021 Harris, W. V. 830 Heringman, Noah R915
Haffner, Mechthild 911 Harrison, Henrietta 523 Hermann, Robin 1451
Hagedorn, Eric W. R100 Harrison, Mark R56 Hernández Martı́n, Gregoria 3790
Hagel, Stefan 771 Harrison, Peter R360 Hernández, Christine R689
Hagen, Joel B. 2825 Harrison, Rodney 2235, 3024 Hernández, Sandoval 3025
Hagendijk, Rob 3670 Harsch, Donna R1099 Herr, Wiebke 1390
Haggett, Ali R591 Harsha, Matthew 3988 Herren, Michael W. 857, 936
Hagner, Michael 172, 3022 Hart, Jennifer R27 Herrera Rodrı́guez, Francisco 503
Hart, John 3559 Herrero Ingelmo, M. Cruz 1195
Hagood, Mack 3850
Harvey, A. D. 2630 Herrero, Maria Belen 3238
Haigh, T. 3399
Harwit, Martin R258 Hersch, Matthew H. 3955, R757
Haigh, Thomas 3400, 3401 Herzberg, David R359
Haines, Margaret 1233 Hasegawa, Guy R. 2291
Hasenöhrl, Ute 1790 Herzenberg, Caroline L. 2730
Hale, Piers J. 2131, 2132, R112 Herzig, Rebecca R500
Hashagen, Ulf R492, R602
Halkare, Ganesh 618, 619 Hess, David J. 66, 4007
Hashimoto, Takehiko 587, 3456
Hall, Bert S. R238 Heß, Heinz-Jürgen 1332
Hasler, Véronique 3235
Hall, Brian N. 3402 Hess, Volker 1003, 1646
Hasselberg, Ylva 2578
Hall, Crystal 1259 Heßelmann, Peter 1083
Hatfield, Gary 1304
Hall, Lesley A. R1112 Hessler, John W. 1143
Hausenblasová, Jaroslava 1126, 1127,
Hallam, Tony 2781 1193 Heßler, Martina 2463
Haller, Lea 291, 2577 Heumann, Ina 162, 2766
Havik, Philip Jan 3236
Hallett, Christine E. 3102 Heyck, Hunter 3026
Hawkes, David 3688
Hallion, Richard P. 3351 Heyd, Thomas 786
Hawkins, Robert 2556 Heyking, John von 735
Halliwell, Martin 3759, R490 Hawkins, Stephanie L. 2180
Halpern, Megan K. 2592 Heymann, Luciana Quillet 14
Hay, Amy M. R494 Heymann, Matthias 3871, R445,
Halsmayer, Verena 3066 Hayashi, Masa 3561 R554, R612, R695, R806, R964
Hamacher, Duane W. 676–678, 680 Hayek, Matthias 529 Heywood, Anthony 3355
Hamblin, Jacob Darwin 2794, R526 Hayes, Caroline Clarke R1 Hiatt, Alfred 276, 937, 1610
Hamerla, Rich R1048 Hayes, Nick 3237 Hiatt, Robert A 3680
Hamilton, Catriona Gilmour R1011 Hayles, N. Katherine 3897 Hickman, John R716
Hamilton, Jennifer A. R970 Hayton, Darin R655 Hicks, Jesse 3825
Hamilton, Mark F. 2725 Hayward, Alan C. G. 411 Hicks, Marie R962
Hamilton, Shane 3428 Hayward, Rhodri 173 Hidalgo Ferreira, Juliana Mesquita
Hamlin, Christopher 2398, R847 Haywood, Benjamin K. 166 951
Hamlin, Kimberly A. 1826 Head, William P. 3954 Hielscher, E. 3108
Hammack, Brenda Mann 2290 Headley, John R851 Hieu, Nguyen 3930
Hammond, Andy R49 Heal, Bridget R555 Higgins, Jim 3239
Han, Dongping 3936 Healey, Jonathan R718 Higgitt, Rebekah 2031, R469
Han, Sun-Hee 3738 Higton, Hestor 1288
Healey, Judith Koll 2462
Hancher, Michael 1748 Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane 174
Healy, David 3824
Hancock, Black Hawk 3023 Hildering, Peter 190
Heathcott, Joseph 3353 Hildyard, Daisy 1411
Handa, Nidhi 607 Hecht, David K. 3476
Handley, Sasha R670 Hill, C. N. 3851
Hedesan, Georgiana D. 1404, R450 Hill, Christopher V. 597
Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah 192 Hedgecoe, Adam 4040 Hill, David 1611
Hanegraaff, Wouter J. 1037 Heeffer, Albrecht 88, 903, 1057, 1058 Hillard, Denise 1196
Hankins, April 246 Heering, Peter R767 Hindle, Paul R889
Hannah, John R801 Heggie, Vanessa 2923 Hindmarsh, Richard 3852
Hannickel, Erica 2520 Heilbron, J. L. R652 Hine, Christine 4035
Hänninen, Hannu 4012 Heilbron, John L. 1388, R439 Hintikka, Jaakko 224
Hansen, Heine 884 Heilen, Stephan 1107 Hintz, Eric S. R616
Hansen, Janus 3491 Heinemann, Torsten 3675 Hinz-Wessels, Annette 3240
Hansen, Peter H. R511 Hellmann, Lena 258 Hippocrates 824
Hänseroth, Thomas 3346 Helmstadter, Carol 2292 Hirai, Hiro 1047, 1197, 1429
Hanson, Marta R898 Helsvig, Kim G. 3992 Hird, Myra J 3625
Haralampou, Luka 3053 Hemmendinger, D. 3404 Hirschmann, Nancy 1011

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Hirsh, Richard R902 Horvath, Agnes 30, 3492 Hutton, Sarah R36
Hirsh, Richard F. 3853 Horwitz, Allan V. R412 Hwang, Eui-Ryong 3244
Hirshbein, Laura R955 Hoskin, Michael 1578 Hwang, Kwang-Kuo 2200
Hirt, Paul W. 2464 Hoskin, Michael A. 1579 Hyder, David R343
Hlavác̆ek, Jakub 1084 Hosler, Dorothy R853 Hyslop, Scott J. 1391
Hobart, Michael E. R375 Hoßfeld, Uwe 2879, 3660
Hobbins, Peter R472 Hou, Shen 2057 I
Hobgood, Allison P. 1221 Houck, Mike R538 Iacono, Francesco 3079
Hochadel, Oliver 2845, 3078, 3732, Hough, Mazie 2334 Ichikawa, Hiroshi 3573
R736 Houltz, Anders 198 Ierodiakonou, Katerina 129, 750, 884
Hochman, Gilberto 372, 3127, 3241, Hounshell, David A. R748 Igler, David 1612
3279 Householder, Michael 670 Iglesia Martı́n, Sandra 1590
Hodges, Sarah R80 Iglesias, Rosa 380
Houser, R. E. 888
Hodgkin, Katharine 1249, 1480 Iğmen, Ali R975
Houston, R. A. 384 Ignaciuk, Agata R154
Hodson, Niall R946 Hout, Sanne van der 4015
Hoeveler, J. David R500 Iida, Takashi 1495
Hovey, Gary R. 3559 Ilchenko, Mykhailo 3956
Hofer, Hans-Georg R145, R828 Howard, Edward R. 2158 Illy, József R459
Hofer, Theresia 561 Howell, Joel 1469 Imai, Masahiro 807
Hofer, Veronika 1791 Howell, Joel D. R503 Improta, Gennaro 219
Hoff, Derek S. 3626 Howes, Hilary R985 Ingaliso, Luigi 1392
Hoffman, Beatrix Rebecca 3242 Howie-Willis, Ian 3104 Inglis, Katherine 2400
Hoffman, Frances 1915 Howkins, Adrian 3614, R850 Inglis, Kerri A. 2401
Hoffman, Karen 3627 Hoyningen-Huene, Paul 127 Ingram, Martin R731
Hoffman, Kathryn 1412 Hsia, R. Po-chia 524 Innes, Shelley 2127
Hoffmann, Beata 147 Hsiang-Fu Huang 1580 Iommi Echeverrı́a, Virginia 1115,
Hoffmann, Christoph 2673, R41, Hsien-Yu Chin 3854 1135, 1198
R236 Irby, Georgia R747
Hsu, Elisabeth 568
Hoffmann, Dieter 2731 Irvine, Andrew David R353
Hu Danian 107 Irwin, Alan 166
Hofman, Michel A. 2941
Hu, Danian 2734, R1057 Irwin, Julia F. R510
Hofstetter, Rita 2976
Hua, Julietta 3978 Iryu, Yasufumi 2324
Hogan, Andrew J. R733, R809, R849,
R981, R998 Huang, I-Fen 517 Isaac, Joel 2674
Hogan, John D 351 Huang, Tina 4022 Isaacman, Allen F 3855
Hogendijk, Jan P. 489, R1035 Huarte Cuéllar, Renato 128 Isaacman, Barbara 3855
Hoheisel, Matthias 3828 Hubbard, Jennifer 2522 Isahaya, Yoichi 537
Hohendorf, Gerrit R987 Huber, Valeska R422 Ishak, Mohd. Shuhaimi Bin 192
Höhler, Sabine 291, 3628 Hubisz, John L. R164, R171, R916 Ishiguro, Masato 2710, 3561
Hubner, Wolfgang 784 Ishii, Atsushi 3598
Holden, William N. 683
Hudson, Dale 2924 Ishii, Kae R1104
Hollestelle, Marijn J. 2557
Hudson, Nicholas R222 Isserles, Justine 662
Hollin, Gregory 3697 Ister, Aethicus 936
Hollings, Christopher 2692 Hudson, Wayne 31
Hueda, Marcelo Akira 2133 Itten, Theodor 3161
Holloway, Kelly 3263 Ivanov, Sergey A. 726
Holmes, Brooke 730 Hughes, David McDermott R491
Ivey, Paul Eli 2623
Holmes, Clive R24 Hughes, Jonathan 930 Iwakuma, Yukio 884
Holmes, Marcia E. 2977 Hughes, Stefan 2707 Iyengar, R. N. 608
Holtorf, Christian 2498 Hugoniot, Christophe 525 Iyengar, R.N. 609
Hölzl, Richard 1739 Huhtamo, Erkki 1527
Hui, Alexandra 1922
Homburg, Ernst 90
Huifang Li 1933
Home, R. W. 2015 Jabert, Alexander 3162
Hommels, Anique 175 Huijnen, Pim 91 Jablonka, Eva 319
Hon, Giora 2732, 2733 Huisman, Frank 374 Jacklin, Laurie 2366
Hong Seonqyeoul 567 Huistra, Pieter 1755, 2264 Jackson, Catherine M. 2085
Hong, Hyunsoo 3116 Hull, James R47 Jackson, Donald C. 2465
Hoogte, Arjo Roersch van der 2521 Humboldt, Alexander von 1875, 2238 Jackson, Kathy Merlock R835
Hopkins, Andrew James R780 Humphries, Jane R464 Jackson, Mark R468
Hopp, Walter 126 Humphries, Mark Osborne 3243 Jackson, Roland 1848
Hoquet, Thierry 1647, 2093 Hunt, John M. R868 Jackson, Shannon R408
Hor, Jyh Yung 336 Hüntelmann, Axel C. 162, 2293, 3321 Jackson, Steven J. 4046
Hunter, Michael 1413 Jacó-Vilela, Ana Maria 2979
Horard-Herbin, Marie-Pierre 1627
Hunter, Patti Wilger R321 Jacob, Margaret C. R162
Horn, Jeff R715
Huppatz, D. J. 3629 Jacobs, Gerald H. 2181
Horowitz, Helen R407 Jacobs, Martin 938
Horowitz, Helen L. R178 Hurley, Andrew R751
Jacobus, Cremonensis 220
Horský, Zdenek 236 Hurren, Elizabeth T. 391
Jacquart, Danielle 971
Horst, Frank Carel Pieter van der 2978 Hurtado, Diego 2323, 3105 Jadhav, Dipak 601
Horst, Frank van der R1041 Husain, Faisal 1740 Jaffro, Laurent 1667, 1668
Horst, Maja 3981 Hussey, Kristin D. 2806 Jagtap, C. Y. 633
Horst, Steven 191 Hustak, Carla R837 Jahoda, Gustav 2201, R461
Horstmanshoff, H. F. J. 373 Hutchinson, Lucy 1305 Jain, S. K. 1654
Horta, Güydo Campos Machado Hutchison, Hazel 1807 Jalland, Pat 2631
Marques 3618 Hutchison, Iain R971 James, Frank A. J. L. 1970
Horton, Russell 1555 Hutchison, Keith 1352 James, Kathryn R848

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James, Simon J. 2145 Jørgensen, Finn Arne 293, 3631 Kaya, M. Cüneyt 464
James-Lee, Tiffany 2523 Jørgensen, Jon Ploug 812 Kazanjian, Powel 3792
Jami, Catherine 531 Jorink, Eric 1015, 1430, 1505, R730 Keeling, Kara 3405
Jamieson, Annie 2294 José Fernández, Marı́a 3105 Keene, Melanie 1772
Janczur, Christine 2273 Josefowicz, Diane Greco R943 Keighren, Innes M. 2032
Janiak, Andrew 1393 Josephson, Jason Ãnanda 1833 Keil, Inge 1355
Janik, Allan R521 Josephson, Paul R207, R599 Keim, Katharina 653
Jankvist, Uffe Thomas 225 Josephson, Paul R. 294 Keiter, Robert B 2827
Jannetta, Ann 2324 Keiter, Robert B. R335
Jotkowitz, Alan B. 3481
Jardim, Maria Estela 1858 Keitt, Andrew 1295
Jovanović, Marija 693
Keizer, Anne-Greet 3482
Jardine, Nicholas 161, 1007, 1081, Judge, Joan R1100
1353, 1354, R1110 Keller, Agathe 602
Judith, Farquhar 569 Kelley, Theresa M. 1655, 2095
Jardine, Nick 1085 Juler, Edward 2593 Kelly, Chau Johnsen R722
Jarron, Matthew 1910 Jundt, Thomas 2826 Kelly, Laura 2295
Jas, Nathalie 292, 2810, 3791 Junghans, Miriam 32 Kemp, Hendrika Vande R64
Jasanoff, Sheila 166 Junqueira, Mary Anne 2017 Kennedy, Andrea 2040
Jaspal, Rusi 3601, 3999, 4008 Jurberg, Claudia 3303 Kennedy, Duncan F. 765
Jauho, Mikko 4025 Juste, David 926 Kent, David 2499
Jefferies, Matthew R937 Kent, Deborah R843
Jenkins, Jane R482, R871
Jenks, Andrew 3957, R193, R1028
K Kent, Eliza F 624
Kaalund, Lüders R186 Kenworthy, Bob R52, R127, R1020
Jennekens, Frans G. I. 337 Kenworthy, Joan M. 622, 1995
Kaba, Mariama 2404
Jensen, Eric 3477 Kepler, Johannes 1375
Kaçar, Mustafa 468
Jensen, Kimberly 2402 Kerai, Yousuf 469
Kadetz, Paul 3106, 4036
Jermolaev, A. I. R914 Kerr, Hoturoa 679
Kaeppler, Adrienne L. 1548
Jervis, Ben 989 Kerr, Matthew L. Newsom R671
Kahan, Michéle Bokobsza 1545 Kerszberg, Pierre 1356
Jesseph, Douglas R106
Kahm, Nicholas 953 Kessel, Nils 3826
Jessop, Ralph 1891
Jeurgens, Charles 1756 Kaifu, Norio 3561 Kesteven, M. J. 3563
Jewett, Andrew 1866, 3027, R960 Kaiser, Wilson R877 Ketabgian, Tamara R198
Jia, Hepeng 3465 Kaiserfeld, Thomas 199 Kett, Siegried 1614
Jianmin, Wang 3054 Kalb, Martin R706 Kevles, Daniel J. 92, 1849
Jing, Geng 2543 Kalba, Laura R86 Kewell, Beth 3669
Jinsheng, Zheng 581 Kalin, Ibrahim 458 Keyser, Paul T. R70
Jiow, Hee Jhee 3899 Kaloustian, David 3857 Khalaf, Omar 1025
Jobin, Paul R433 Kanayama, Koji 2549 Khalil, Roshdi 473
Kandel, Eric R 2942 Khan, B. Zorina 2469
Johach, Eva 148
Kane, Carolyn 3858 Kharuk, Andriy 3457, 3958
Johann, Elisabeth 2516
Kanellos, Tony 2094 Khayyam, Omar 473
John, Heather Varughese 3245 Kheirandish, Elaheh 93
John, of Damascus Saint 887 Kang Jing 3859
Kanikadan, Paula Yuri Sugishita 2405 Kheraj, Sean 2828
Johnes, Martin 3356 Kheshti, Roshanak 3405
Johnson, Andi 2159 Kanovei, Vladimir 3548
Khilchevsky, Valentyn 2782
Johnson, Ann R697, R720 Kant, Horst 2767, R311
Khomenko, L. G. 3900
Johnson, Christopher 2058 Kaplan, Judith 3070
Khomenko, Lev 3901
Johnson, David A. 375 Kapoor, R. C. 480, 1581, 1929 Khristich, Alla 3632
Johnson, Garrett 2758 Kapor, Vladimir 1613 Kidd, Diane 2714
Johnson, Jeffrey Allan R855 Karadobriy, Tetyana 2467 Kidman, Barbara P. 2041
Johnson, Jenell R430 Karafantis, Layne 3698 Kiechle, Melanie R341
Johnson, Laurie R. R344 Karamash, Serhiy 1982 Kieckhefer, Richard R712
Johnson, Nuala C. 2016 Karbowski, Joseph 736 Kihara, Hidetoshi 67
Johnson, Sherry 1637, 3614 Karbowski, Joseph A. 734 Kikuchi, Yoshiyuki 1972
Johnston, Sean R487 Kargon, Jeremy 2160 Kilarski, Marcin 1457
Johnstone, Emm Barnes 3739 Karimullah, Kamran 463 Kilcup, Karen L 295
Johnstone, Mark A. 787 Karpenko, Vladimı́r 1086, 1122, Kilminster, Richard 2230
Jones, Christopher F. 2466, 4047 1123, 1127 Kim, Hyomin 3860
Jones, D. Gareth 412 Kashani-Sabet, Firoozeh 1827 Kim, Jongyoung 4037
Jones, David S. 376 Kashin, Konstantin 2406 Kim, Mi Gyung 1700, 1720
Jones, Edgar 3163, 3165 Kaspersen, Lars Bo 3018 Kim, Nanny R115
Kass, Dorothy 2039 Kim, Ock-Joo 3738
Jones, Esyllt Wynne 3246
Katrine, Nanna R186 Kim, Sang-Hyun 3677
Jones, H .S. R1075
Katz, Jonathan G. R26 Kim, Sun-Woo 3839
Jones, Margaret 3247
Katz, Mikhail 1913 Kim, Sung Won 3575
Jones, Marian Moser 2403 Kim, Tae-Ho 3107
Jones, Peter 1719 Katz, Mikhail G. 226, 3548
Kim, Tae-Young 3244
Jones, Richard A. L. 3856 Katz-Kimchi, Merav R140
Kim, Yong-sik 511
Jones, Ross L. 2925 Katzir, Shaul 2468
Kim, Yongdo R1104
Jong, Abe de 1256 Kauffman, George B. R568, R895 Kind-Kovács, Friederike 3406
Jonker, Joost 1256 Kaufholz-Soldat, Eva R44 Kinder, John M. R692
Jonsson, Fredrik Albritton 1638 Kaufman, Scott 3574 King, David A. 481
Joranger, Line 3164 Kaul, Flemming 698 King, Elise Wasser 3357
Jordan, William Chester 997 Kavey, Allison R546 King, Helen 373
Jørgensen, Dolly 293, 308, 3630 Kawashima, Keiko 1542, 1543, 2768 King, Rachel 1159

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248 Author Index

King, Richard J. R151 Köhler, Piotr 426, 2096 Kuyvenhoven, Cassandra 3625
King, Robert J. R918 Kojevnikov, Alexei 2579, R460 Kuzmanović-Cvetković, Julka 693
King, Steven 391 Kokado, Minori 3116 Kuzņecovs, Vladimirs 1694
Kingsberg, Miriam 3827 Koke, Ho Peng 526 Kuzybaeva, Maria Pavlovna 3109
Kinkela, Dave R657 Kolchinsky, Eduard I. 2890 Kwapich, Christina L. 2887
Kinukawa, Tomomi 1418 Konečný, Peter 1729 Kwiecinski, Jakub 723
Kipping, Matthias 2650 Kong, Panyia 3818 Kwint, Marius 2182
Kirk, Robert G. W. 2980, 3094, R110 König, Wolfgang 2471 Kyong-McClain, Jeff 2543
Kirkpatrick, Joanna R293 Kopp, Hermann 1973
Kirschner, Stefan 894 Köptcke, Luciana Sepúlveda 15 L
Kistner, Kelly 2249 Korff, Sebastian 2735 LaBonte, Michelle L. 3322
Kitagawa, Hiroyuki 2324 Korhonen, Anssi 1911 Lacerda-Queiroz, Norinne 1805
Kitchens, Carl 3248, 3358 Korobov, Dmitry S. 700 Lachapelle, Sofie 2875
Kitsikopoulos, Harry 850 Koslofsky, Craig 1160 Lachenal, Guillaume 3249
Kiuchi, Yuya R764 Kosovets, Oleksandr 2782 Lachmund, Jens 3634
Kjærgaard, Peter C. 2846 Kosso, Peter 237 Lacombe, Michael A. 1496
Klaassen, Frank F. 874 Kostihova, Marcela 181 Ladd, Brian R842
Klajumait, Vaiva 1546 Kostov, Alexandre 2472 Ladd-Taylor, Molly 2617
Klancher, Jon 1773 Kotte, Gudrun 449, 572 Lærke, Mogens 1246
Klanovicz, Jó 2524 Kounine, Laura 1296 Laes, Erik 4052
LaFollette, Marcel C. 3478
Klasios, John 3699 Koutsoklenis, Athanasios 2948
Lagerkvist, Ulf 1974
Klassa, Bruna 3656 Kouw, Matthijs R603
Lahiri, Asish Kumar 434
Kļaviņa, Sarma 3071 Kowaleski, Maryanne 945
Laidlaw, Zoë R333
Kleeberg, Bernhard 2202 Kraal, Anders 1892 Laird, W. R. R226
Klein, Alexandre R841 Kraft, Tobias 2238 Lajus, Julia 2018, 2571, 2783, 2876
Klein, Helena Espellet 2562 Kragh, Helge 130, 2708, 2709, 3558, Lake, Crystal B. 1528
Klein, Jakob A. R1109 R186, R720
Lallot, Jean 814
Klein, Joel R1019 Krämer, Fabian 1161 Lam, Tong 3028
Klein, Joel A. R946 Krämer, Günter 338 Lamandé, Pierre 1331
Klein, Judy L. 3714 Kranakis, Eda 1788 Lamb, Marion J. 319
Klein, Maury R1079 Krasnodebski,
 Marcin 3658 Lambert, Craig L 867
Klein, Shawn E. 330 Krautwurst, Udo 3652 Lambertini, Roberto 890
Klein, Ursula 1595, 1721 Krebs, Stefan 3861, R979 Lameer, Joep 457
Kleingärtner, Sunhild 946 Kremer, Richard L. 200, 1087, 1859 Lameris, B. 3108
Kleinman, Arthur 3316 Kremer, Richard Lynn 1088, 1357 Lamiell, James T. 3005
Klemm, Matthew 972 Kressing, Frank 2926 Lamont, Michèle 3009
Kline, Wendy R723 Kretz, Andrew 3878 Lamy, Jérôme 149
Klinger, Kerrin 407 Kreuder-Sonnen, Katharina 2154, Lana, Vanessa 3110, 3303
Kloos, Stephan 570, 571 R388 Land, Isaac R1081
Klöppel, Ulrike 3828 Krikštopaitis, Juozas Algimantas 10 Landini, Gregory 2693
Kluchin, Rebecca M. R463 Krimsky, Sheldon 3659 Landry, Travis 2135
Klyve, Dominic 1648 Kripal, Jeffrey J. 3539 Lane, Joseph P. 410
Knapman, Gareth 1850 Krischel, Matthis 2926 Lang, Martha 2887
Knapp, Sandra R639 Krishna, M. 3533 Lang, William L. R206
Knecht-Van Eekelen, Annemarie de Krömer, Ralf R43, R907 Lange, Stefan 2653, 3535
94 Kross, Jaan 1930 Langhamer, Claire 3019
Kneebone, Roger 377 Kruckeberg, Robert R162 Langrish, John Z. R1090
Kneepkens, C. H. 884 Krüger, Tobias 259 Langthaler, Ernst 3431
Kneller, Robert 3527 Krupar, Shiloh R. 3633 Lanna, Emilio 2885
Knight, David 2134, R240, R875 Krylova, Anna 3733 Lansdown, Richard 3055
Krysko, Michael A 3407 Lanska, Douglas J. 1199
Knight, William R1021
Kubanek, Anne-Marie Weidler 2769 Lanuza-Navarro, Tayra R391
Knobloch, Eberhard 1330
Kubo, Akinori 4048 Lanzerotti, Louis J. 3959
Knoepflmacher, U. C. 1748, 1803
Küçük, B. Harun R53 Lapidge, Michael 846
Knoll, Paul W. R969
LaPointe, Leonard L. 2183
Knowles, Anne Kelly 2470 Kudlick, Catherine 378
Lappe, Martine D 3680
Knox, Alan G. 3609 Kugelmann, Robert R958
Lara, Juan A. 3412
Knudsen, Toke 594 Kuhar, Martin 802
Larcher, Pierre 2250
Knuth, Donald Ervin 3902 Kukkonen, Taneli 889 Large, Matthew 385
Knuutila, Simo 889 Kumar, Deepak 544 Largent, Mark A. 3793
Knuuttila, Simo 884 Kumar, Dinesh 3888 Larsen, Timothy 2239
Ko, Dorothy 588 Kumar, Neelam 2616 Larson, Edward J. 2891, R930
Koay, Pei R929, R1012 Kumar, Prakash 2525 Latković, Dragana 3929
Kobelinski, Michel 1656 Kun, Josh 3405 Lattis, James R350
Kocher, Zan 1227 Kuokkanen, Anna 3709 Latusseck, Arndt 1358
Kochiras, Hylarie 1394 Kupershtokh, Natalia 2736 Laubichler, Manfred D. 332
Kodama, Kaori 2407 Kurcgant, Daniela 3689 Laudel, Grit 2653, 3535
Kodera, Sergius R908 Kurlander, Eric R1059 Laukötter, Anja 3250
Koehler, P. J. 3108 Kursell, Julia R790 Launay, Françoise 1931
Koehler, Peter J. 2943, 3179, R559 Kurtz, Joachim 2580 Launius, Roger D. 3458, 3960, R488
Koelsch, William A. 3084, R1007 Kuskey, Jessica 1804 Lautner, Peter 891
Kohl, Thorsten R282 Kutzinski, Vera M. 2238 Laven, Mary 435

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Author Index 249

Lavine, Matthew 2737, 3111 Leonardo Docanto, Francisco J. 2784 Linker, Beth 378
Lavrinenko, Iryna 2782 Leonelli, Sabina 3692, 3903 Lion, Brigitte 836
Lawler, Peter Augustine 330 Leonhard, Karin 1431, R401 Liping, Sun 3067
Lawrence, Jon 3717 Leony, Vinı́cius da Silva 3264 Lipkowitz, Elise S. 1629
Lawrence, Natalie 2112 Leopoldoff, Irina 2981 Lipphardt, Veronika 2927
Lawrence-Mathers, Anne R474 Leppik, Lea R565 Lira, Larissa Alves de 2021
Lawrence-Mathers, Anne E. 858 Lequeux, James 234, 1932 Liritzis, Ioannis 781
Lawson, Russell M. 2019 Lerner, Michel-Pierre 1308 Lisboa, Karen Macknow 3256
Lawson, Steve 417 Lerner, Steve 2829 Litsios, Socrates 3794
Lazar, J. Wayne 2184 Leslie, Stuart W. 2595, 3863 Littmann, Mark 1934
Lazari, Elpida 913 Lettkemann, Eric R438 Litvine, Alexis D. 1454
LaZella, Andrew T. 892 Lev, Efraim 505, 508, 974 Liu Hui 590
Le Gars, Stéphane 247 Levack, Brian P. R399 Liu Peifeng 591
Le Roux, Muriel 3591 Levantis, Laetitia 2408 Liu, Li 3465
Le Roux, Thomas 1636 Livesey, Steven J. R387
Levene, Alysa 1701
Livingston, Julie 378, 3795
Le, Phuoc V. 551 Levin, Matthew 3493
Lizcano, David 3412
Leach, Stephen R165 Levina, Elena S. 3252
Lo, Yin-Yueh 3805
Leadbetter, Bill 795 Levine, Philippa 436
Lobachev, Sergey 2298
Leaf, Sue 2113 Levine, Zachary 2185 Lobato, Vanessa Maria Tavares 2396
Leahey, Erin 150 Levit, Inga 3660 Lock, Simon J. 166
Leaman, Trevor M. 680 Levitan, Kathrin R220 Locker, Alison 425
Lean, Eugenia 2662, R68 Levitin, Dmitri 1275, 1309, 1359, Loconto, Allison 4056
Leandro, José Augusto 3251 R745 Logan, Cheryl A. 2893
Leca-Tsiomis, Marie 33 Levitt, Theresa 1722 Logar, Nathaniel 3864
Lécaille-Okamura, Ayako 1542 Levy, Arnon 2944 Loh, Shi-Lin 4047
Lecain, Timothy James R83 Lévy, Benjamin 2352 Lohff, Brigitte 3188
Leclerc, Bruno 3528 Levy, Karen E. C. R686 Loison, Laurent R420
Lecocq, Sébastien 1699 Lewander, Lisbeth 2795 Lombardo, Giovanni Pietro 2962
Lecuppre, Gilles 973 Lewis, Christopher 1354 Loner, Beatriz Ana 2299
Lederer, David R923 Lewis, Rhodri 1310, 1315 Long, Gretchen R270
Leduc, Christian 1306 Lewis, Ricki 4026 Long, Pamela O. 1004
Lee, Byung-Heon 3839 Lewis, Robert 636 Long, Vicky 3760
Lee, Francis 2547 Ley, Barbara L. 4034 Long, Wahbie 2983, 3700
Lee, Jung 3359 Li Jinsong 3887 Longair, Sarah 1549, 1851
Lee, Sandra Soo-Jin 3680 Li Yanping 3859 Longchamps, Denis 1615
Leech, Donald R281 Li Yanxiang 591 Lonsdale, David J. 3516
Leedham-Green, Elisabeth 1354 Li, Guannan 2540, 3014, 3045 Lopes, Teresa da Silva R942
Leeming, William 3112 Li, Shang-Jen 2297 López Pérez, Miguel 1125, 1599
Lees, Andrew 2187 Li, Xiuzhen Janice 589 López Vega, Antonio 3257
Leeuwen, Joyce van 788 Li, Yuhang 516 López, Rick A. R88
Legg, Stephen 637 Libera, Alain de 884 Lopez-Beltran, Carlos 2603
Leggett, Don 1774 Lichtman, Sarah A. R703 López-Gydosh, Dilia 2448
Lehman, Christine R447 Lidgard, Scott 2861 Lord, M. G. 3463
Lehoux, Daryn 731 Lidskog, Rolf 146 Loredo-Narciandi, José Carlos 2984
Lei, Sean Hsiang-lin 2296 Lie, Anne Kveim 3253 Lorenzo, Antonio Amado 3360
Leibler, Anat 2602 Lieberman, Victor R773 Lorge, Peter R897
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr Lieburg, Mart J. van 95 Lotan, Yael 1880
von 1332 Liedtke, Rainer 1501 Lothian, James R69
Leichhardt, Ludwig 2042, 2043 Lott, Eric 3405
Lienesch, Michael R930
Leicht, Reimund 654, 843 Lott, Micah 214
Liévanos, Raoul S. R606
Leijenhorst, Radboud 961 Lougheed, Scott 3625
Liew, Kai Khiun R993
Lourenço, Marta C. 202, 203
Leisawitz, Daniel 1234 Lifschitz, Avi 1672
Louvel, Severine 2655
Leišytė, Liudvika 2654 Light, Jennifer R859 Low, Morris R345, R692
Leitão, Henrique 1142, 1144 Lightman, Bernard V. 437 Lowengard, Sarah R382
Leitão, Henrique de Sousa 238 Lim, Sun Sun 3899 Lowrey, Ying 592
Leitner, Ulrike 2020 Lima Carvalho, André Luis de 2152 Löwy, Ilana 2894, 2928, 3113, 3258,
Lejbowicz, Max 441 Lima, Ana Laura Godinho 2982 3303
Lem, Stanisław 2594 Lima, Ana Luce Girão Soares de Lozano Borda, Marcela 3875
Lemańczyk, Szczepan 4049 2541, 2648 Luauté, Jean-Pierre 2353
LeMay, Megan Molenda 3985 Lima, Nı́sia Trindade 3254, 3255 Lubelsky, Isaac 1880
Lemetti, Juhana 1307 Lindee, Susan 2892 Lucas, A. M. 2044
Lemire, Beverly R718 Lindemann, Mary R111, R153 Lucas, P. J. 2044
Lemke, Thomas 3675 Linden, Stefanie Caroline 3165 Luccioni, Pascal 797
Lemos, Evelyse dos Santos 205 Lindgren, Laura 21 Lucey, Donnacha Seán 3259
Lemov, Rebecca M. 3714 Lindgren, Uta 1145 Lucsko, David N. 3865
Lempérière, Thérèse 2353 Lindholm, Brian J. R822 Łuczaj, Łukasz 2097
Leng, Kirsten 2618, R622 Lines, David A. 1048 Łuczaj, Łukasz Jakub 426
Lenke, Nils 1124 Ling-Yeong, Chin 513 Ludwig, David 131, 2086
Leon, Paolo 1855 Lingfeng Lu 1933 Lüer, Gerd 3705
Leonard, A. B. R163 Lingo, Alison Klairmont R826 Luigi, Maierù 1333
Leonardi, Paul M. 3862 Linguerri, Sandra 16 Luis Peset, José R646, R658

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250 Author Index

Lukyanets, Olga 2782 Maia, Roberta de Assis 3976 Marsden, Richard 3754
Luna, Concetta 1101 Maienschein, Jane 332, R413 Marshall, Peter R1106
Lunbeck, Elizabeth 3503 Maifreda, Germano 1187 Marszolek, Inge R82
Lundgren, Frans 2161 Maio, Marcos Chor 3215, 3255 Martelli, Matteo 794
Lunteren, Fran H. van 2557 Majer, Ulrich 248 Martello, Robert R275
Lunteren, Frans van 96, 1959 Majumdar, Sisir K. 595 Martens, Rhonda R104
Luo Guihuan 109 Mak, Bill M. 611 Martiin, Carin 3430
Lupacchini, Rossella 227 Mak, Geertje 1828 Martı́n Albaladejo, Carolina 2114
Luparenko, Grygoriy 3937 Makoto, Hayashi 1360 Martin, Alison 1616
Makus, Ingrid 1432 Martin, Aryn 3263
Lusk, Greg R286
Martin, Ben 2656
Lüthy, Christoph R648 Malange, Jean-Francois 2059
Martin, Christopher J. 884
Lüthy, Christoph Herbert 1311 Malaquias, Isabel 1029
Martin, Jean-Pierre 270
Lutskanov, R. R911 Malcolmson, Cristina 1268
Martin, John 3431
Lutz, J. 695 Malec, Grzegorz R219 Martin, Lauren Jade 4050
Luyt, Brendan 2663 Maleeh, Reza 2738 Martin, Shawn 34
Luz, Madel Therezinha 3748 Maléfan, Pascal Le 2355 Martin, Shirley A. 3432
Lynch, Edouard 3429 Malich, Lisa 3796 Martin, Susan K. R774
Lynch, Michael 3114 Mallayya, V. Madhukar 603 Martin-Nielsen, Janet 3518
Lynn, Michael R. R574 Mallea, Amahia R1086 Martı́nez Pestana, Paola 1536
Lyons, Martyn 1881 Malm, Andreas 2474 Martı́nez, Marı́a A. 3412
Lytle, Ephraim 835 Malpangotto, Michela 101, 1089, Martı́nez, Marı́a José 1091
1090 Martı́nez, Michelle R1007
Maluf, Sonia 3819 Martinez, Paulo Henrique 2075
M Mammola, Simone 1200 Martinez-Adame, Carmen 1572
M’charek, Amade 3670, 3678
Mandado Gutiérrez, Ramón E. 11 Martı́nez-Antonio, Francisco Javier
Ma, Eunjeong 3114 2301
Mandal, Pratibha 634
Maas, Ad 1505 Martı́nez-Hernáez, Angel 2240
Mandler, Peter R500
MacDougall, Heather R545 Martı́nez-Pérez, José 3790
Mandosio, Jean-Marc 738, 840
MacDougall, Robert R454 Martini, Edwin A. 3517
Mandrella, David 1260
Macedo, M. F. 727 Martinón-Torres, Marcos 589
Mangin, Derelie 3824
Macekura, Stephen 3635 Mangravite, Andrew 427, R544 Martins, Ana Claudia Aymoré 2166
Macey, David 2229 Mann, Joel Eryn 824 Martins, Ana Paula Vosne 3264
Macfarlane, Daniel 3361 Mann, Tamara 3261 Martins, Carolina Passos Telles
MacGregor, Arthur 1661, R1080 Taveira 2396
Manning, Gideon 1049, 1291, 1396,
Machado, Adélio A. S. C. 255 Martykánová, Darina 1723
Machado, Carlos José Saldanha 2562 Marx, Jeffrey A. 2526
Manning, Katie 701
Machado, José Saporiti 1741 Marx, Samantha 3989
Manning, Martin J. R1051
Macı́as, Juan Manuel 1882 Marzal Rodrı́guez, Pascual 1683
Manoilenko, Ksenia V. 2624 Marzola, Norma Regina 2330
MacIntosh, J. J. 1312, R205 Mansfield, Peter 2645 Mason, Julia M. 3740
Mackay, David R486 Mansilla Plaza, Luis 3386 Massarani, Luisa 3480
Mackay, Ian R. 2848 Manzano, Maria 2675 Massard-Guilbaud, Geneviève 35, 296
MacKenzie, Donald 4019, 4020 Mar, David Peterson del R470 Massey, Lyle 1405
MacKenzie, Scott R. 1455 Marble, Sanders 2632 Masters, Roger 330
Mackie, Erin 1513 Marburger, John H., III 3576 Matamua, Rangi 679
Mackinnon, Lee 1935 Marcaida, José Ramón 1419, R347 Matei-Chesnoiu, Monica 1146
Mackintosh, Will B. 2473 Marchesi, Greta 2830 Mateu, Anna 4014
MacLeod, Christine 174 Marchetti, Christian R39 Mathäus, Klaus 1092
MacLeod, Roy R811 Marco, Francisco J. 1091 Matherne, Samantha 386
Macnaughtan, Helen R384 Marcon, Federico R345 Mathews, Andrew S 4009
Macrakis, Kristie R370 Marcus, Alan I. 3938 Mathewson, Don S. 3559
Madriñán, Santiago 1657 Marcus, Laura 2985 Mathis, Charles-Francois 1775
Maehle, Andreas-Holger 2354 Marenbon, John 884 Matless, David 3608
Maffei, Nicolas P. 3866 Margócsy, Dániel 1170, 1520, R202 Matos, Ana Cardoso de 1867, 3339
Maffioli, Cesare S. 1395 Margulis, Lynn 2130 Matsuura, Oscar T. 1582
Magalhães da Silveira, Daniela 1806 Marker, Gary 1503 Matta, Chérif F. 3592
Magalhães, Francisco de Oliveira Markkanen, Tapio 1936 Matthäus, Klaus 1083
3434 Matthewman, Steve 36
Markowitz, Gerald R110
Magalhães, Gildo 2166 Matthews, Selma 3515
Markowitz, Gerald E. 3262
Magalhães, Sônia Maria de 2300 Mattmüller, Martin 1334
Marks, Nicola J. 4027 Matus, Zachary 931
Magee, John 884 Marks, Robert B. 545
Maggini, Golfo 3904 Matysik, Tracie 1839
Marmara, Emmanuel 3364 Mauldin, Erin Stewart 297, R1025
Mägi, Vahur 3362 Marmo, Costantino 884 Mauldin, Laura 3867
Magli, Giulio 710 Maronne, Sébastien R633 Maurer, Christian 1667, 1668
Magnet, Shoshana 3653 Maroszová, Jana 1283 Mavhunga, Clapperton Chakanetsa
Magowska, Anita 2103, 3260 Marot, Marı́a Isabel Vicente 1155 689
Maguire, Moira J. R533 Marques, Carlos Alberto 255 Mavrogonatou, Georgia 2459
Maguire, Muireann 3363 Marques, Maria Cristina da Costa Mawdsley, Stephen E. 3265
Maher, Jimmy 3905 2405 Mawer, Judith R701
Mahesh, K. 610 Marques, Vera Regina Beltrão 3264 Maxwell, Daniel 573
Mahony, Martin 3998 Marriner, Nick 3602 Mayer, Thomas F. 1021, 1276
Maia, Elias da Silva 202 Marsden, Ben 1807, 2475 Mayoral de Lucas, Juan Vicente 151

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Author Index 251

Mayoral, Juan Vicente 37 Meeusen, Michiel 718 Mikita, Michael A. 3530

Mayrhauser, Richard von R690 Megen, Kimberley van 3996 Milam, Erika Lorraine 132, 2896,
Mayrhofer, Michaela Th. 2929 Meglioratti, Fernanda Aparecida 290 3726, R839
Mazana, Javier S. 3761 Meguid, Ahmed El-Sayed Abdel 465 Milanesio, Natalia 3366
Mazet, E. 894 Mehl, Édouard 1361 Milbrath, Susan 668
Mazliak, Laurent 2633 Millard, Colin 580
Mehl, Margaret 1757
Mazower, Mark 2220 Miller, Char 300, 2832
Mehrtens, Herbert R296
Mazoyer, Michel 696 Miller, Evonne 3996
Meier, Frank 3529
Mazza, Kate 3741 Miller, Franklin G. 215, 3115
Meikar, Toivo 2103 Miller, Gavin R493
Mazzoleni, P. 832 Meikle, Jeffrey L. R495
Mazzotta, Giuseppe 1147 Miller, Ian Jared 2115
Melendy, Cynthia A. R844 Miller, Jonson 1488
McAleer, John 682, 1549, 1937, Meli, Domenico Bertoloni 1439
R477, R756 Miller, Julia 2060
Melikoǧlu Gōlcū, Berfin 3433 Miller, Naomi R329
McCallum, John R772 Melillo, Edward D. R224
McCalman, Iain 1834 Miller, Rebecca B. R930
Mello, Amı́lcar D’Avila de 1201 Miller, Shawn W. 2833
McCann, Carole R463 Mello, Guilherme Arantes 3266, 3267 Miller, Susan A. R1025
McCarthy, Anna 3906 Mellyn, Elizabeth W. 975 Miller, Ted H. 1247
McCarthy, Conal 445, 688 Mellyn, Elizabeth Walker 1182 Mills, Kenneth 1277
McCarthy, Michael 269 Melo, Lúcio Esmeraldo Honório de Milne-Smith, Amy R1001
McCarthy, Tom 3701 3434 Mimura, Kyoko 3116
McCarthy-King, Erin 1148 Melo, Victor Andrade de 1808, 2319, Mimura, Taro 469
McCartney, Mark 1955 3268 Mingming, Wang 2796
Mcclary, Susan 1342 Meloni, Reginaldo Alberto 1868 Miniati, Mara 200, 1860
McComb, Erinn R327 Melosi, Martin V. 3466 Minor, Adriana 2739
McConnell, Anita 270 Meltzer, Edmund S 724 Mirao, J. 727
McCook, Stuart 38 Mendel, Jonathan 3537 Miras, Yannick 834
McCormick, Finbar 728 Mendelsohn, J. Andrew 1003, 1646 Miroshnychenko, Maryna 1869
McCormick, Ted 1449, R693 Mendelson, Sara R886 Mirwald, Benjamin 1938
McCorristine, Shane 209, 1996 Mendiola Galván, Francisco 3080 Mishra, Kulbhushan 606
McCracken, Peggy 955, 985 Menéndez Bueyes, Luis Ramón 976 Mishra, Shrikant 2302
McCrae, Niall 3166 Menéndez-Navarro, Alfredo 2831, Mislin, David R930
McCray, Lucinda Myles R731 3269, R650 Mistry, Heena 2875
McCray, Patrick 3961 Menicucci, Telma Maria Gonçalves Mitchell, Benjamin David 1883
McDermott, Jennifer Rae R277 3798 Mitchell, Eleanor 17
McDonald, Matt 3994 Menin, Marco 39 Mittenhuber, Florian R227
McDougall, Ian 3603 Mennell, Stephen 4021 Mitton, Simon R720
McElvenny, James 2251 Menon, Kishore 619 Mix, Lisa A. R845
McEvoy, John G. R808 Menon, Srikumar M. 715 Miyajima, Toshihiro 2324
McGeachan, Cheryl 3167 Menten, Pierre de 256 Mock, Michelle 3367
McGowan-Hartmann, John 2076 Menuge, Angus 330 Mody, Cyrus C. M. 3868
McGrath, Charles Ivar 1451 Menzies, Robert R1074 Moeglin, Jean-Marie 851
McHam, Sarah Blake 1162 Merchant, Carolyn 1314 Moghariya, Dineshkumar P. 4010
McHugh, James 596 Mercier, Raymond 914 Mogren, Eric W. R280
McIlroy, Claire 276 Meredith, David 1669 Mohácsi, Gergely 42, 3743
McIver, Katherine A. 1016 Meriani, Angelo R854 Mohan, Lauren 2951
McKay, Alex 551 Merkel, Larry R149 Moktefi, Amirouche 1893
McKay, Richard A. 3797 Merritt, Anne K. 3799 Molaro, Paolo 1397
McKhann, Charles F. 3029 Mertens, Manuel 1059 Molina Garcı́a, Juan Alberto 1601
Mertens, Michèle R252 Molina, Andrés Rı́os 2987
McKibbin, Ross 3046
Meskens, Ad 1060 Molle, Leen van 3420
McKitterick, David 418
Mesman, Jessica 175 Molyneux-Hodgson, Susan 3534
McLaughlin, Gráinne 1458
Mom, Gijs 3368
McLennan, Jamie R79 Messier, Gilles 3365
Monaghan, Pat R151
McManus, Joanna 2596 Messner, Donna R1047
Monahan, Torin 3892
McMillan, Alasdair R1029 Méthot, Pierre-Olivier R786
Monerris, Angela Cremades 3199
McMurry, Sally 428 Métraux, Alexandre 40
Monet, Jacques 2409
McNamara, Kenneth J. 1991 Metzger, Wolfgang 911 Monjardet, Bernard 3549
McNeal, Keith E. R776 Metzler, Irina R860 Monnais, Laurence 3270
McNeely, Ian F. R794 Meyer, Carrie A. 2476 Monnais-Rousselot, Laurence 2303
Mcneill, J. R. 97, R781 Meyer, Michal R141, R338, R383, Monnier, Jehanne-Emmanuelle 2022
McNeill, John Robert 297 R1017 Monod, Paul Kléber 1297
McPhee, Peter R446, R972 Meyer, Peter B. 3459 Monsalve-Zanatti, Martı́n R681
McWhirter, R. E. 393 Meyer-Krahmer, Benjamin R458, Monteiro, João Lourenço 1538
Me’thot, Pierre-Olivier R740 R560, R1045, R1094
Monteiro, Marcia Rocha 3264
Medaglia, Adriana 3976 Meyerson, Émile 98 Monteiro, Marko 1202
Medeiros, Flavia Natercia da Silva Michaelides, Demetres 697 Montelle, Clemency 612, R139
3479 Michaels, Paula A. 3742 Monter, William R399
Medina-Doménecha, Rosa M. 2986 Michel, Andreas 41 Montero Cartelle, Enrique 1195, 1203
Medlock, Chelsea R369 Micheli, Gianni R965 Montgomery, David R. 260
Medlock, Jennifer 3599 Middleton, Richard 2098 Montgomery, H. E., Jr. 3577
Meehan, William 1313 Midgley, David 2895 Montiel, Luis 152, R721, R742
Meer, Jitse van der 193 Miguélez-Cavero, Laura 796 Moon, David 429

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Moon, John Ellis van Courtland R47 Mukherji, Purabi 1960 Neary, Francis 2127
Moore, Aaron Stephen 3869 Mukhopadhyay, Basab 621 Necochea López, Raúl 3803
Moore, Bradley Matthys R509 Mülberger, Annette 2988, 2989 Nedo, Michael 2676
Moore, Christopher 751 Muldrew, Craig 1497 Needham, Paul 44, 1347, 2770
Moore, Francesca 3271 Mules, Warwick 3541 Neelakantan, Vivek R700
Moore, Kirsten R482 Mullaney, Thomas S. 2500 Neer, Wim Van 298
Moore, P. G. 1630, 3435 Müller, Gerd B. 314 Neill, Anna 1809
Moore, Richard R309 Müller, Matthias 407 Nell, Erin 711
Moore, Sean 1451 Müller, Olaf L. 3031 Nelson, E. Charles 1754, 2045, R28,
Moore-Colyer, R. J. R257, R287 Müller, Philipp 1758 R802, R890
Mora-Márquez, Ana Marı́a 884 Nelson, Jennifer 3273
Müller, Ruth 3536
Nelson, Nicole C. 3692
Moral de Calatrava, Paloma 977 Müller, Thomas 3157
Nelson, Sioban 3264
Morales, Ramón 1164 Müller-Pohl, Simone R462
Nemer, David R999
Moranda, Scott 2834 Müller-Wille, S. 1649 Nenadic, Stana 2477
Moreau, Elisabeth R648 Müller-Wille, Staffan 184, 1625, R899 Nene, S. G. 620
Moreau, Nicole J. 251 Mullin, Sherman N. 3460 Néraud, Lucienne 3939
Morel, Thomas 1912 Munguı́a, Cristina Ramı́rez 3077 Neri, Janice 1440
Morelli, Carlo 3447 Muniz, Érico Silva 3800 Nerlich, Brigitte 3601, 3999, 4008
Moretti, Erica R326 Munns, David P. D. 3560 Neufeld, Matthew R1091
Morgan, Marcus R891 Muñoz Sougarret, Jorge 2116 Neufeld, Michael J. 3562
Morgan, Ruth A. 261 Muñoz, Marı́a del Carmen 380 Neumaier, Christopher 3637
Morhange, Christophe 3602 Muñoz, Pedro Felipe Neves de 3156 Neves Costa, Luı́s Manuel 3274
Morin, Bode J. R223 Munson, Robert B 2061 Neves, Margarida de Souza 3170
Morita, Atsuro 42, 153, 3870 Murdin, Paul R668 Newberry, George R222
Mormann, Thomas 1913, 3548 Murison, Justine S. 43 Newfield, Timothy P. 946
Morquecho, Vı́ctor Castillo 1514 Murphy, Anne L. R755 Newirth, Terry R419
Morrey, Douglas 3661 Murphy, Kathleen S. 1420, 1631 Newman, Stuart A. 314
Morris, Amy 1642 Murphy, Kathryn 1005 Newman, William R. 1402
Morris, David Z. 3369 Murphy, Michelle 3636, 3801 Newton, Hannah 1470
Morris, James 2304 Murray, Heather 3802 Niccoli, Ottavia 1163
Morris, Matthew 1835 Murray, M. K. 2694 Nicholls, Mark R805
Morris, Norma 3531 Murray, Michael 3709 Nicholson, Daniel J. 320, R159
Morris, Rebecca 1901 Nickelsen, Kärin R639
Murray, Patrick J. R428
Morris-Reich, Amos 2930 Nickerson, Sylvia R843
Murray, Tim R99, R130, R288, R768
Morrison, Adrian R. 3690 Nicolas, Serge 2185
Mussell, James 2305
Morrison, Hazel 3168 Nicoli, Miriam 1561
Müürsepp, Peeter 1852 Nicolson, Malcolm 3117
Morrison, Jeff 1684 Myers-Shirk, Susan E. R412
Morrison, Robert 1093 Nicoud, Marilyn 978
Morrissey, Robert 1555 Niekerk, Carl 1617
Morrisson, Mark S. 1884
N Nielsen, Kim E. 394, R108
Nadeau, Robin 836 Nielsen, Kristian H. 2639, 3871, R857
Morrow, Daniel 3056
Nadler, Steven R515 Nielsena, Henry 3518
Morton, David R913
Nadot, Sébastien 990 Nielsena, Kristian H. 3518
Morton, Heather 1748
Naeem, Asma 2501 Nieto Blanco, Carlos 2087
Moscoso, Javier 379
Nagy, Árpád M. 782 Nieto-Galan, Agustı́ 2558
Moser, Peter 3436 Nieuwland, Ilja 3522
Moser, Stephanie 1261 Nair, Savithri Preetha 446
Nakajima, Hideto 68 Niezen, Ronald 2231
Moshenska, Gabriel 2258 Nigg, Joe 1151
Moskalewicz, Marcin R12 Nakajima, Hiroshi 3561
Nakamura, Ellen 2324, 2356 Nik-Khah, Edward 3118, 3323
Mosley, Adam 1081, 1094 Nikolow, Sybilla R1038
Mosley, Stephen 35, 296 Nakamura, Tsuko 3561
Niño El-Hani, Charbel 2164
Moss, Michael R532 Nakane, Michiyo 1914
Nissan, Ephraim 721
Mota, Teresa Salomé 188, 2447 Nakayachi, Kazuya 3502
Nissen, Mogens R. 3437
Moudarres, Andrea 1149, 1150 Nalewajski, Roman 3593
Niva, Mari 4025
Moudarres, Christiana Purdy 1149 Nanni, Romano 1278 Nizesete, Bienvenu Denis 2092
Moulinier-Brogi, Laurence 978 Napolitani, Pier Daniele 220, 1056 Njambi, Wairim Ngar iya 2062
Moura, Renata Heller de 3169 Naqvi, Shehbaz Husain 3594 Noakes, Richard 2502
Mourao, Lucivana Prata de Souza Narayanamurti, Venkatesh 3864 Nobre de Carvalho, Teresa 639
3976 Narayanan, Anil 613 Noel, Marianne 69
Mowbray, Donald 893 Narbona Carceles, Marı́a 861 Nofre, David 3408, 3907
Moyon, Marc 471 Nascimento, Dilene Raimundo do Nogueira, André 1537
Mozaffari, S. Mohammad 482–485, 2410 Nogueira, Inês Santos 3128
490, 915, 916 Nassar, Dalia 1560 Noguera-Solano, Ricardo 2136, 2897
Mozaffari, Seyyed Mohammad 486 Nath, Biman 1939 Nolte, Karen 2411
MPA 239 Nauenberg, Michael 1335, 1398 Nomdedeu Rull, Antoni 1590
Mraz, John 3272 Naur, Peter 3890 Noonana, Jeff R122
Mueggler, Erik 2797 Navarro Loidi, Juan 1573 Norbrook, David 1305
Muehlmann, Shaylih 3507 Navarro, Jaume R916 Norman, Emma S. R714
Mueller, Tim B. 3030 Navarro, Tayra M. C. Lanuza 1095 Normore, Calvin G. 884
Mueller-Bieniek, Aldona 426 Nawa, Christine 1975 Norrby, Erling 1974
Muka, Samantha K. 2855 Naylor, Simon 2788 Norris, John A. 1136
Mukharji, Projit Bihari 2099 Neal, Valerie 4058 Norris, Ray P. 674, 675, 681, 3563

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Author Index 253

Northover, J. Peter 693 Olson, Philip R. 4018 Palmero, Giuseppe 979

Noss, Reed F 299 Olson, Storrs L. 2117 Palsson, Gisli 360
Nothaft, C Philipp E. 904, 917 Olson, Valerie A. 1940 Pande, Ishita R80
Nothaft, C. Philipp E. 655 Olsson, Lennart 3660 Pandora, Katherine R810
Novaro, Octavio 1977 Olszewski, Margaret 3099 Pandya, Mihir 3962
Novella, Enric 2203, R1039 Olszynko-Gryn, Jesse 3275 Pang Xuec 1941
Novella, Enric J. 2990 Olwell, Russell R682, R1097 Pantalony, David R778
November, Joseph R642 Omodeo, Pietro Daniel 1097, 1098 Pante, Michael D. 3371
Novick, Tamar 455 Onaga, Lisa R475 Pantin, Isabelle 1008, 1099, 1362
Onaga, Lisa A. 3671 Paolo de Ceglia, Francesco R192
Novo, Magda Suzana 4016
Papadopoulos, Athanase 474
Novoa, Adriana R582 Oosterhoff, Richard R284
Papagayo, Diana 3875
Nowacki, Horst R155 Oosterhoff, Richard J. 1061
Papanelopoulou, Faidra 1976
Nowotny, Helga 3494 Oosterhuis, Harry 2361, 3172
Papish, Laura 810
Nugayev, Rinat M. 1096 Opinel, Annick 3230 Paradis, Swann R79
Nugroho, Yanuar 23 Opitz, Donald L. 2100 Parascandola, John 403, R457
Numbers, Ronald L. 2891 Oram, Matthew 3829 Paravicini Bagliani, Agostino 844
Nummedal, Tara 194 Orchiston, Wayne 2710, 2780, 3561, Pardo de Santayana, Manuel 1164
Nunes, Everardo Duarte 2412, 3171 R374, R589, R726 Paris, Harry S. 508
Nunes, Mônica de Oliveira 3119 Orengo, Hector A. 834 Parish, Helen R51
Nunes, Sı́lvia Alexim 3170 Orenstein, Daniel E. 300 Park, Hyung Wook 2931
Nuovo, Victor 1279 Oreskes, Naomi 262, 263 Park, Malcolm 1062
Nussenzweig, Ruth Sonntag 3804 Oresme, Nicole 894 Park, Maureen R298
Nusser, Tanja 1810 Orland, Barbara R967 Park, Yunjae 3280
Nuvolari, Alessandro 174 Orosz, Kenneth J. R816 Parke, Emily C. 1433
Nye, David 3370 Orr, Mary 1998, 2118 Parker, Chad H. 3281
Nye, Mary Jo 2771, R181 Ortega Martos, Antonio Miguel 3276 Parker, John N. 3654
Nyhart, Lynn K. R505 Ortega, Francisco 1879, 2945 Parker, Wendy S. 3604
Ortega, Francisco Javier Hernando Parkovnick, Sam R182
265 Parr, Helen 3578, 3874
O Orth, Karin 3495, R261, R449, R479, Parrini, Paolo 133
O’Brien, William E. 2062 R903 Parrish, Sean R784
O’Callaghan, Joseph F. 1026 Ortiz Bergia, Marı́a José 3277 Parrott, D. 2694
O’Connell, James C 2478 Ortiz de Landázuri, Carlos R1035 Parry, Bronwyn 2932
O’Connor, Ralph 1807 Ortiz, Agustı́n 664 Parry, Glyn R191
O’Connor, Thomas C. 1961 Ortolja-Baird, Ljiljana R1102 Parthasarathi, Prasannan 438
O’Doherty, Kieran 3872, R981 Orzada, Belinda T. 2448 Pasachoff, Jay M. 204
O’Donnell, Ronan 1639 Oshita, Tsuyoshi 3995 Pascoe, Gwen 2101
O’Hanlon, Rosalind 646 Osipowicz, G. 694 Pascual Valderrama, Igancio Miguel
O’Loughlin, Katrina 2023 Oslund, Karen R269 1406
O’Malley, Maureen A. R301 Pask, Colin 1336
Osmanaǧaoǧlu Sanal, Şule 3433
Passerin, Luisa 3702
Oberhelman, Steven M 825 Ossa-Richardson, Anthony 1695
Paster, Gail Kern R666
Oberkrome, Willi 3438 Osseo-Asare, Abena Dove 3532 Pastoureau, Michel 957
Obrist, Barbara 918 Otsubo, Sumiko R55 Patel, Sejal 3282
Oda, Ana Maria Galdini Raimundo Ott, Daniel 2479 Patgiri, B. J. 633
3170 Ottaviani, Alessandro 271 Patiniotis, Manolis 45, 1620
Odenbaugh, Jay 306 Otter, Christopher J. 389 Patnode, Stephen R. 3372
Oeggl, K. 695 Ottinger, Gwen 301 Patton, Lydia 2677
Offer, John 2137 Otto, Peter 1530 Paugh, Katherine 451, 1702
Ogborn, Miles 1618 Ottosson, Anders 2306 Paul, Eward 3579
Ogden, R. J. 2785 Outram, Dorinda R880 Paul, Herman 1759, 2264
Oh, Sang-Hwa 4004 Owen, Geoffrey 3873 Paulitsch, Christian 2204
Øhrstrøm, Peter 2150 Owen, Janet 2139 Paveglio, Travis B. 4042
Olagüe de Ros, Guillermo 2664 Owens, B. Robert 2232 Pavlov, Vladimir 1724
Olarieta, José Ramón 2533 Owusu-Bi, Akwasi 684 Paxman, Andrew R381
Olarte Sierra, Marı́a Fernanda 4017 Oxley, Deborah 1669 Payne, Alina Alexandra 1289
Oldenziel, Ruth 2835 Ozden, Canay 453 Payne, Lynda R135, R198
Oldfield, Jonathan 3608 Ozturk, Anthony 1673 Payne, Richard 487
Oldroyd, David 1671, R144 Pazos, Juan 3412
Peacock, Margaret R133
Oleksijczuk, Denise 1529 P Pearn, Alison 2140
Olfert, Meyvis 752 Pacheco, José M. 2695
Oliveira, Eliézer Cardoso de 2413 Pearn, Alison M. 2127
Pacini, Giulia 1424 Pearson, Chris 2063, 2856
Oliveira, Iranilson Buriti de 673 Paddayya, K. 361 Pearson, Susan 2252
Oliveira, Jeferson 2080 Padilha, Maria Itayra 3264 Pechenkin, Alexander 1761
Oliveira, William Vaz de 3762 Padilla, Roberto, II R55 Pechenkov, Ingrid G. R830
Oliver, Howard R. 1997 Page, Michael R144 Peckham, Robert 2913, 3283
Oliver, Kendrick 3564 Paiva, Carlos Henrique Assunção Peddie, David R752
Olivier-Mason, Joshua 2138 3278 Pedersen, Fritz S. 987
Olohan, Maeve 1876 Palet, Josep M. 834 Pedraz, Miguel Vicente 980
Olsen, Annette 322 Palmer, Sarah E. 3990 Pedrucci, Giulia 826
Olsen, Mark 1555 Palmer, Steven 3241, 3279 Pei-San Shih 3373
Olshin, Benjamin B. 1235, R805 Palmerino, Carla Rita 1116 Peixoto, Ariane Luna 3419

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254 Author Index

Pelayo López, Francisco 2077 Philippian, Mardy, Jr. 1184 Porzio, Simone 1045
Pelayo, Francisco R453 Phillips, Adam 154 Poska, Allyson M. 1016
Pellegrini, Pablo A. 2914 Phillips, Christopher J. 3550 Poskett, James R614
Pelletier-Audet, Alexandre R328 Phillips, Howard 396 Possik, Patricia Abrao 3976
Pelling, Margaret R1003 Phillips, Sarah T. 2527 Potter, Clive 166
Pellón González, Inés 1594 Philpott, William 3638 Potthast, Thomas R824
Pemberton, Neil 3032 Philpotts, Trey R403 Potts, Alex 3474
Pemberton, Rita 2414 Piaz, Agustı́n R243 Potts, Dale 2527
Pemberton, Stephen R981 Picciotto, Joanna 1263 Powers, Jack 2858
Piccolino, Marco 1644 Powers, John C. R96
Peña Barroso, Efrén de la 1222
Pich, Santiago 2221 Powrie, Sarah 906
Penders, Bart 3654
Pickering, Andrew R600 Poynter, J. Ryan 2238, R481
Penman, Leigh T. I. 272
Prado Filho, José Francisco do 2458
Penman, Michael 986 Pickersgill, Martyn 3763
Prajapati, P. K. 633, 638
Penny, Alan John 3565 Pickford, Susan 1616, 1829
Prakash, Gyan R38
Pepe, Luigi R411 Pickstone, John 3744
Prebble, John N. 3672
Pépin, François 1596 Pierce, Allan D. 2755 Preißler, Stefanie R984
Pepper, Simon R6 Pieters, Toine 2521 Prescott, Heather 4038
Péquignot, A. 1632 Pihlström, Sami 2678 Prestes, Maria Elice Brzezinski 1643
Peral Pacheco, Diego 2307 Pile, Steve 1885 Prete, Ivano Dal 1137, 1861
Perdiguero, Enrique 3214 Pilgrim, David 3173 Price, Cheryl Blake 2102
Perdomo Delgado, Johann 3106 Pimenta, Fernando 691 Price, Elfed Huw 2205
Perdue, Peter C. R651 Pimenta, Tânia Salgado 2407 Priest, Robert D. 1837
Pereira Filho, Roberto Sobreira 2162 Pina, Madalena Esperança 2640 Priest, Tyler 3639
Pereira Martins, Lilian Al-Chueyr Pinch, Trevor R913 Priestley, Mark 3400, 3401, 3907
1665, 2049, 2133, 2889 Pineda, Andrés Valderrama 142 Prieto, Andrés I. 443
Pereira Neto, André de Faria 1836 Pinto-Correia, Clara 1538 Prieto, Leida Fernández 2528
Pereira, Geraldo 3264 Piqueras Fernández, José Luis 3214 Prince, Brian David 753
Pereira, Jairo Marques Campos 3976 Pisano, Raffaele R161, R291 Prinke, Rafa T. 1127
Pereira, Marcele Regina Nogueira 15 Pistolenko, I. A. 3963 Prior, Pauline 3764
Pereira, Michela 932 Pittenger, Mark 3033 Pritchard, James A. R17
Pereira, Rafael 3767 Pitts, Yvonne 2619 Pritchard, Sara B 293
Peres, Fabio de Faria 1808 Piva, Teresa Cristina de Carvalho Pritchard, Sara B. 293
3194 Pritzker, Sonya E. 4028, R184
Peres, Marı́lia 1858
Pizarroso, Noemı́ 2991 Probasco, Nate 1153
Pérez Álvarez, Marı́a José 1685 Proust, Christine 706
Pizzigoni, Caterina 666
Perez Molina, E. 3409 Provençal, Philippe 495
Plato, Jan von R4
Pérez Pariente, Joaqı́n 1406 Provost, Jean-Pierre 2721
Plofker, Kim 614
Pérez Pariente, Joaquı́n 257 Pruitt, Lisa J. R734
Plotkin, Howard 1999
Pérez Suñe, José Marı́a 1676 Prusiner, Stanley B. 3745
Plumed Domingo, José Javier 2357
Pérez, Miguel López 492 Puente-Ballesteros, Beatriz 575
Plunkett, John R856
Pérez-Bustos, Tania 187, 3875 Pugliano, Valentina R316
Plutynski, Anya R126
Pérez-Ilzarbe, Paloma 884 Puig, Roser R540
Po-Huei Hsieh 574
Perkins, D. H. 3580 Pujadas-Mora, Joana Maria 2415
Podgayetsky, Oleksandr 3908
Perko, Tanja 4052 Pulte, Helmut R405
Podgorny, Irina 2078
Perlman, Robert L 333 Pumar, Leticia 3131
Podkoński, Robert 905 Punin, Andrei 1725
Perovic, Sanja 1521
Pogliano, Claudio 9 Pupyshev, V. I. 3577
Perrot, Sylvain 772
Poirier, Valerie 3284 Pŭras, Adomas 2233
Perry, Gina 3703, R1103 Polcaro, Andrea 690
Perry, Sara 2163 Purš, Ivo 1086, 1117, 1122, 1123,
Poletto, Roberto 1680 1126, 1127, 1204
Persuhn, Darlene Camati 3976 Poley, Jared R937 Purty, Ashok 641
Peset, José Luis 395, 2308 Poliak, Daniel B. 2309 Pustynski, Vladislav–Veniamin 604
Pesic, Peter 1399 Polianski, Igor J. 2310
Pestre, Dominique 176
Peters, Gabriel 3047
Pollen, Annebella 3034 Q
Pollet, Charlotte-V. 532 Qian Wei 591
Peters, Hans Peter 3805 Pollock, Anne 3121, R1013 Qin Shuangxia 3887
Peterschmitt, Luc R785 Pollock, Ethan 2406 Queiroz Sobrinho, Antônio 1805
Petersen, Sonja 2480 Pollock, Stephen 357 Quellier, Florent 430
Peterson, Erik 2857 Pomfret, David M. 3283, 3285 Quet, Mathieu 69, 3496
Petit, Alain 1667 Pont, Jean-Claude 2740 Quickenden, Kenneth 1726
Petrat, Gerhardt 1262 Pool, Jeremy R737 Quigley, Eamonn M. M. 2318
Petrescu, Lucian 1445 Pooley, Simon 302 Quilley, Geoff 1619, 1811
Petry, Yvonne 1183 Popper, Nicholas 1152 Quin, Grégory 2409, 2416
Pettit, Michael 3120, R581 Popplow, Marcus 177, 991, 2481 Quintero Toro, Camilo 2046
Pettitt, Clare R536 Pordié, Laurent 640 Quiviger, François R101
Pettitt, Paul 2259 Poreau, Brice 2064 Quivik, Fredric L. R1023
Petto, Christine R1036 Pormann, Peter E 502 Qureshi, Sadiah 623
Petty, Adrienne 2527 Porras Gallo, Marı́a Isabel R75
Petty, William, Sir 1315 Porter, Charlotte M. R367 R
Pfister, Rudolf 584 Porter, Theodore M. 2898 Raber, Karen R928
Phalkey, Jahnavi 3467, R433 Porto, Fernando Rocha 3194 Rabin, Sheila J. R347
Phelps, Welsey G. R147 Porto, Marco Antonio 3122 Rabinovitz, Lauren 3374

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Author Index 255

Raby, Megan R505 Reeves, Nicky R465 Rizo, Carlos Acosta 2847
Rácz, Lajos 303 Regier, Jonathan 1108 Robert, Aurélien 895, R221
Radin, Joanna 3286 Reginatto, Marcel 2720 Roberts, Gareth 1064
Radiszcz, Esteban 2206 Regt, Henk W. de 2745 Roberts, Jacob R896
Radivojević, Miljana 693 Rehren, Thilo 589, 693 Roberts, Julie 3123
Radkau, Joachim 304 Reich, Karin 1909 Roberts, Lissa 1727, R96
Radovac, Lilian 3375 Reid, Fiona 2992 Roberts, Peder 2581, 2793, R672
Roberts, Phillip 2186
Radvanyi, Pierre 2741 Reidy, Michael S. 2024, R620
Roberts, Sean 1238
Rae, Gavin 2679 Reif-Acherman, Simón 2746 Roberts, Siobhan 3377
Rae, Ian D. 2529, 3324 Rein, Kaarina 1472 Robertson, Elizabeth 847
Raga, Emmanuelle 836 Reinarz, Jonathan R645 Robertson, Frances 2484
Ragland, Evan R450 Reinhardt, Carsten 2767, R166, R838 Robin, Diana 1018
Rahmana, Shahid 466 Reinhardt, Klaus 2634 Robin, Diane 1010
Railienė, Birutė 18 Reis, Cristiane Sá 3170 Robin, Libby 4000
Rainhorn, Judith 3287 Reisch, George 46 Robins, Jonathan E. R1014
Rajan, Supritha 2241 Reiß, Christian 2119 Robinson, David K. R478
Rajão, Raoni 2482 Reitz, Elizabeth J. 283 Robinson, Michael E. R938
Ramacciotti, Karina 3264 Rekdal, Ole Bjørn 2665, 2993 Robinson, Solveig C. R346
Ramakers, Bart 1015, 1531 Remesal Rodrı́guez, José 1676 Robinson, Steven 1518
Raman, Shankar 1063 Rémy, Catherine 2934 Roby, Courtney 766
Ramana, M. V. 3876 Ren, Jie 3805 Roca-Rosell, Antoni 249, 2485
Rocconi, Eleonora 773
Ramı́rez-Solı́s, Alejandro 1977 Rensing, Susan R628
Rocha, Leon Antonio R507, R607,
Rampling, Jennifer M. 1100 Renwick, Chris R919 R1057
Ramplingová, Jennifer M. 1128 Reséndez, Andrés R592 Rocha, Vânia 205, 3303
Ramsden, Edmund 3035, 3692 Reshotko, Naomi 754 Rochberg, Francesca 712
Ramsey, Matthew R313 Restrepo, Guillermo 3595 Rocke, Alan R771
Randall, Jessy 417 Reuss, Martin R1090 Rocke, Alan J. 1594, 1973
Rangarajan, Mahesh 625 Rey Bueno, Mar 1129, 1164, 1229 Rockett, Emer 1737
Rangel, Marcio 2764 Rey, Anne-Lise 206, 1251, 1473, 1474 Rockett, Kevin 1737
Rankin, Alisha 1017, 1228 Reyes, Raquel A. G. 2419 Rockwell, Trevor S. 3964
Rankin, William 3909 Reynard, Pierre Claude 1640 Rödder, Simone 3977
Rao, B. Eswara 644 Reynolds, Ronald R765 Roderick, Fensham John 2043
Rao, S. Balachandra 615 Reynolds, Terry S. R346 Rodgers, Tara 2503
Rapchan, Eliane Sebeika 2933 Rhee, Kee-Baek 827 Rodrigues, Eugénia 2420
Rodrigues, Isilda Teixeira 1207
Raphael, Renee 1292, 1363 Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg 99
Rodrı́guez Arribas, Josefina 656
Raposo, Pedro M. P. 1620, 2786 Rhodes, Bryan 2311 Rodrı́guez Guerrero, José 933, 1208
Rapp, George 2000, 3081 Ribeiro, Andrea 3170 Rodrı́guez López, Isabel 664
Rasera, Emerson Fernando 4039 Ribeiro, Guilherme 155 Rodrı́guez Nozal, Raúl 3326
Rashed, Roshdi 228, 474, 762 Ribeiro, José Iran 1842 Rodriguez, Julia 2222
Rasussen, Ann Marie 862 Rice, Adrian R320 Rodrı́guez, Rebeca Fernández 1674
Ratcliff, Jessica R58 Richards, Annette 1532 Rodriguez-Caso, Juan Manuel 2897
Ratcliff, Marc 2976 Richards, Jay W. 330 Roe, Glenn 1555
Ratmoko, Christina 3325 Richards, Joan L. R321 Roemer, Gijsbert M. van de 1264
Rattansi, Piyo M. 1460 Richardson, Ruth 2155, 2311, 3289 Rogaski, Ruth R885
Rauh, Philipp R1099 Richardson, W. A. R. (Bill) 1154 Roger, Antoine 3439
Raus, Rachele 1544 Richeri, Ciuseppe 2438 Rogers, Hannah Star 2592
Raven, Diederick 134 Richmond, Sheldon R11 Rogers, Jedediah Smart 2066
Rawcliffe, Carole R98 Richter, Peter H. 240 Rogers, Juan D. R1076
Rohde, Joy 3718
Rawlings, Nicholas 3910 Richterová, Alena 1130
Rohmann, Gregor 981
Raymer, Emilie J. 2141 Rider, Benjamin A. 755 Rojas, Raul R138
Raymond, Dwayne 1471 Rider, Robin E. 1749 Rojo Moreno, Luis 2357
Raynaud, Dominique 475 Rie, Hogetsu 397 Roland, Alex R949
Rayner-Canham, Geoffrey 1824 Rieger, Bernhard 3376 Roland, Maria Inês de França 2604,
Rayner-Canham, Marelene F. 1824 Riegner, Mark F. 1650 3290
Raz, Mical 3174, 3175, 3704 Riehm, Elaine McKinnon 1915 Roldán, Diego P 2312
Re’em, Hilary 3288 Riera Climent, Cristina 1206 Rolim, Marlom Silva 3327
Read, Ian 2417 Riera Palmero, Juan 1206 Roling, Bernd 952
Read, Stephen 1893 Riera, Santiago 834 Rolls, Roger 1703
Rebelo, Fernanda 2418 Riesch, Hauke 166 Romanenko, V. D. 3965
Rebiger, Bill 1364 Riescha, Hauke 3537 Rome, Adam 3640
Rebollo, Regina Andrés 1205 Rieth, Eric 992 Romein, C. A. 1489
Romeiras, Maria 2867
Redden, Andrew 665 Rieznik, Marina 1942
Romero Carrasquillo, Francisco J. 863
Redding, Paul 1562 Rijswoud, Erwin van 3877 Romero de Pablos, Ana R380
Reddy, William M. 350 Rikken, Marrigje 1421 Romero, Lucı́a 3746, 3747
Rédei, Miklós 2742 Riley, Mark 785 Rommes, Els 3918, 3984
Redmore, Ken 2483 Riley, Matthew T. R884 Rompaey, Anton Van 3930
Redniss, Lauren 2743 Rimby, Susan 2065 Roos, Anna Marie 1441, 2774, R775
Reed, Bruce Cameron 2744 Rinzler, Carol Ann 1176 Rope, Crispin 3400, 3401
Reeves, Carole R262 Risso, Linda 3911 Roper, Lyndal 3986
Reeves, Eileen 1365 Rius, Mònica R119 Roper, Michael 3176

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256 Author Index

Roque, Ana Cristina 2421 Rustow, Marina 657 Sanchiz, Borja 2114
Roque, Ricardo 1819, 2242 Ruswick, Brent 2245 Sandefur, Timothy 330
Roqué, Xavier 249 Rutherford, Malcolm R146 Sander, Christoph 1210
Ros, Joandomènech 3615 Rutkin, H. Darrel R50 Sander, Heldur 2103
Rosa, Luiz Pinguelli 243 Ruys, Juanita Feros R336 Sandman, Israel M. 919
Rosado, L. 727 Ryan, Mark R951 Sanford, A. Whitney 647
Rose, Edward P. F. 1602, 2001 Ryan, Michael A. R50 Sanglard, Gisele 3303
Sankaran, Neeraja R814
Rose, Nikolas S. 3691 Ryckman, T. A. 2747
Sankey, Margaret 1414
Rosenbaum, Alexander 163 Rycroft, Daniel 544 Sannino, Antonella 875
Rosenberg, Clifford 3719 Ryder, Kevin 2029 Sansom, Roger 2901, R931
Rosenberg, Daniel 273 Ryzheva, N. 1728 Sant, Francesco 957
Rosenstiehl, Pierre 3528 Santesmases, Marı́a Jesús 317, 2902
Rosenthal, Joel T. R218 S Santiago-Blay, Jorge A. 3004
Rosner, David 3262 Sá, Creso 3878 Santos López, Pascual 2487
Ross, Anthony 4054 Sá, Dominichi Miranda de 3213 Santos, Charles Morphy D. 3656
Ross, Corey 2486, R569 Sá, Ivone Manzali de 3806 Santos, Dulce O. Amarante dos 982
Ross, Karen D. R591 Sá, Magali Romero 372, 2872, 3293, Santos, Fernanda Pires 202
Ross-Nazzal, Jennifer 3966 3327 Santos, Fernando Sergio Dumas dos
Rossel, Christophe 2740 3294
Saarikoski, Petri 3912
Rossignol, Sébastien 946 Santos, Guilherme Francisco 2142
Saavedra Macı́as, Francisco Javier Santos, Liliane Bispo dos 2644
Rossiter, Elliot 1280 4030
Santos, Luiz Antonio de Castro 3264
Roth, Michael 138 Šabanović, Selma 3913 Santos, Marcelo 3976
Rothman, Aviva R104 Sabban, Françoise 593 Santos, Paulo Roberto Elian dos 20
Rothman, Tony 3566 Sabbatini, Ilaria 957 Santos, Ricardo Ventura 3508, 3664
Rothschild, Clare K. 828 Sabernig, Katharina Anna 182 Santos, Vicente Saul Moreira dos
Roudet, Nicolas 1124 Sablani, Shyam S. 3440 3264
Roux, Sophie 129, 1316 Sabrovsky, Mara 2206 Sanz, Antonio Crespo 1155
Row-Heyveld, Lindsey 1185 Sacco, Francesco G. R244 Sanz, José Ubaldo Benados 265
Rowe, R Kerry 3625 Sachse, Carola 2726 Sanz, Vicente Claramonte 2143
Rowlands, Peter R332 Sackett, James 2260, 3082 Sappol, Michael 21
Rowley, William D. R451 Sacristán del Castillo, José Antonio Saracco, C. M. 3896
Rowold, Katharina 3291 1209 Saraiva, Susana 2867
Rowse, Tim 2223, 2224 Sadaghiani, Homeyra 246 Saraiva, Tiago 3441
Saes, Alexandre Macchione 3378 Sarasohn, Lisa T. 1704
Roy, Parama 2422
Sarathchandra, Dilshani 3941
Roy, Ronald A. 2755 Saha, Madhumita R571
Sarfo-Mensah, Paul 684
Rozell, Daniel R314 Saint-Martin, Arnaud 149
Sargent, Daniel 3720
Rozwadowski, Helen M. 264, 2024 Saito, Hirofumi 2900 Sariego Rodrı́guez, Juan Luis 3057
Rubenstein, James M. R1068 Sakamoto, Kuni R648 Sarkadi, Livia Simon 251
Ruberg, Willemijn 2313 Sakurai, Ayako 1777 Sarkar, Jayita R433
Rubery, Matthew 2504 Salguero, C. Pierce 576–578, R256 Sarkar, Sahotra 306, 2903
Rubin, Lawrence C. 3765, R204 Salguero, Pierce R448 Sasaki, Chikara 907
Rubinson, Paul 3641 Salido López, José Vicente 1109 Satŏ, Kyoko 4047
Rublack, Ulinka 1236 Salisbury, Joyce E. R214 Sato, Masahiro 2559
Rüdenburg, Bodo 3157 Salisbury, Laura 2315 Sattelmacher, Anja 2696
Rudiak-Gould, Peter 3605 Sallas, Ana Luisa Fayet 1821 Sauer, Jacob J. 362
Rudling, Per Anders 2935 Salloum, Zaynab 466 Sauer, Tilman R282, R392
Rudy, Kathy 3940 Salmón Muñiz, Fernando 3091 Sauerteig, Lutz R409
Salmon, Merrilee H. 133 Saul, Nicholas 2144, 2145
Ruess, Bärbel 1327
Saunders, Ian 274
Rueß, Susanne 3292 Salmon, Wesley C. 133
Saunders, Nicholas J. 321
Ruffieux, Christiane 2314 Sambaluk, Nicholas Michael 3967
Sausmikat, Nora R264
Ruffo, Partizia 1281 Sambrook, Stephen C 1843 Savage, Michael 3036
Rufier, Myrthes 3976 Sammet, Kai R94, R777 Savelli, Mat 3766, R278, R398
Ruggles, Clive 711 Samojlik, Tomasz 305 Savin, Andreas 253
Ruis, A. R. 2423, R160 Samokish, Anna V. 1853 Savio, Marco Antonio Cornacioni
Ruiz-Berdún, Dolores 1686, R109 Samsó, Julio 477, R266, R519 2560
Ruiz-Gutierrez, Rosaura 2897 Samson, Amy 2620 Savy, Pierre 958
Rumiel, Lisa 3497 Samuel, Geoffrey 551 Sawai, Minoru 3379
Rumiński, J. K. 694 Samyn, Yves 2807 Sawyer, Roy T. 1687
Rupa, K. 615 Saxer, Martin 579
Sánchez Álvarez, José Luis 2307
Ruper, Stefani 3512 Sayer, Karen 3942
Sánchez Arteaga, Juanma 2164
Rupke, Nicolaas 1776 Sayes, Edwin 156
Sánchez González, Miguel Ángel Sayre, Robert F 307
Ruse, Michael R259 1475 Scafi, Alessandro 275
Rusert, Britt 1820 Sánchez Miñana, Jesús 2505 Scales, Rebecca R81
Rush, Lucinda 3928 Sánchez Vázquez, Luis 2831 Scarborough, John R299
Rushton, Adrian W. A. 2003 Sanchez, Gonzalo M 724 Scerri, Eric R 1978
Rushton, Alan R. 2899 Sánchez, José Antolı́n Nieto 265 Schabel, Chris 913, 987
Rusnock, Andrea R793 Sánchez, Marcelo R1032 Schaefer, David Lewis 1012
Russell, Emily 3679 Sánchez-Granjel Santander, Luis 1209 Schaffer, Simon 1583
Russell, Nestar R788 Sánchez-Martı́nez, Guillermo 2316, Schall, Virginia 205
Ruston, Sharon 1515 2374 Schappacher, Norbert R393

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Author Index 257

Scharfe, Hartmut R175 Schwartz, Matthias 2597 Shanahan, John 1265

Schauz, Désirée 5 Schwartz, Stephen P. 3542 Shank, Barry 3405
Schechner, Sara J. 1290, R466, R799 Schwartz, Stuart B. R176 Shank, Michael H. 1110, 1111
Scheer, Micaele Irene 2299 Schwarz, Brigitte 1165 Shannon, Laurie 1171
Scheffler, Robin Wolfe R743 Schweber, Silvan S. 2749, 2750 Shapin, Steven 398
Scheid, Volker 4029 Schweickardt, Júlio César 3811 Shapiro, Aaron R432
Schell, Patience 2047 Schwerin, Alexander von R71 Shapiro, Adam R. 2146
Schemmel, Matthias 929 Scott, Ann 2187 Shapiro, Hugh 3178
Schencking, J. Charles 2787 Scott, Anne M 276 Shapiro, James Alan 3662
Schewe, Phillip F. 3581 Scott, Anne M. 276 Sharan, Anand M. 616
Schiano, Claudio 789 Scott, D. Travers 3410 Sharma, Aviram 4033
Schibeci, Renato A. 3990 Scott, John 3048 Sharma, Jayeeta 650
Schielicke, Reinhard E. 1366 Scott, Mike 3997 Sharma, Shalendra D. R29
Schilling, Tom 3606 Scott, Sarah 1677 Sharma, Virendra N. 617
Schimank, Uwe 2653, 3529, 3535 Scull, Andrew R496 Sharon, Aviv J. 3991
Sharples, R. W. 741
Schioldann, Johan 2358 Sébastia, Brigitte 648
Shaw, David Gary 284
Schirmann, Felix 2946 Secchi, Angelo 1943
Sheehan, William 1932
Schirrmacher, Arne 2544, 2561 Secord, Anne 2127
Shehada, Housni Alkhateeb 509
Schlegelmilch, Sabine 1476 Secord, James 2127
Sheldon, Myrna Perez 3663
Schleiermacher, Sabine R319, R753, Sedighi, Mahsa 500 Shell, Hanna Rose 22
R762, R763 Seed, David 3504 Shellam, Tiffany 2224
Schleiff, Hartmut 1729 Seely, Bruce E R550 Shen, Grace 2550
Schlich, Thomas 2317 Seely, Bruce E. R1090 Shen, Grace Yen R507
Schliesser, Eric 1400 Sefrin-Weis, Heike R1016 Sheng, Angela 518
Schlitz, Michael 2246 Segala, Marco 1779 Shennan, Stephen 701
Schloss, Joseph R528 Segers, Yves 3420 Shepherd, Anna 2360
Schlosser, Eric 3879 Segonds, Alain-Philippe 1101 Sherman, Phillip Michael 702
Schmaltz, Tad M. 1050 Segre, Vera 659 Sherr, Richard R292
Schmalzer, Sigrid 3468 Segrest, Mab 3177 Shew, Ashley 2488
Schmidgen, Henning R587 Seiden, Peggy 17 Shields, E. Thomson, Jr. R471
Schmidl, Petra R119 Seitz, Jonathan R216 Shiltsev, Vladimir 1551, 1584
Schmidt, Albert J. R717 Sela, Shlomo 927 Shim, Janet K 3680
Schmidt, Eckehard 920 Selcer, Perrin R406 Shimoda, Koichi 2710
Schmidt, Josef M. 1688 Selinger, Evan 3928 Shin’ichirō, Masuo 527
Schmidt, Michael J. 2703 Sellers, Christopher 3807 Shinozuka, Jeannie N. 3442
Schmitt, Michael 2859 Sellers, Christopher C. 2836 Shires, Linda M. 1748
Schmitthenner, Peter L. 645 Sellers, David 1367, R605 Short, Brian 3443
Schmook, Birgit 3930 Semetsky, Inna 210 Short, John Phillip 442
Schmuck, Thomas R361 Sen, Asoka Kumar 544 Short, John Rennie 541
Schmuhl, Hans-Walter R272 Sen, B. K. 598 Shorter, Edward R468
Schneider, Daniela Ribeiro 3767 Sensales, Gilda 2994 Shostak, Stanley R674, R1031, R1073
Schneider, Eric R322 Sent, Esther-Mirjam 3498 Shrum, Wesley 4001
Schneider, Ivo R347 Senter, Phil 1442 Shteir, Ann R531
Schneider, Martina R 2748 Sepkoski, David 3649, R798 Shul’ga, O. M. 3900
Schneider, Steffen 1051 Sequeira Fernandes, Antonio Carlos Shulga, Inna 2772
Schnerb, Bertrand 868 1634 Shulga, Olga 3901
Schneuwly, Bernard 2976 Sequieros, Leandro 2002 Shumiski, Livia Cantisani 3976
Schnitzler, Alfons 3150 Sera-Shriar, Efram 2243 Shun’ya, Yoshimi 3642
Schock, Flemming 1083 Serebryanskiy, A.V. 3555 Shusterman, Noah R143
Scholliers, Peter 1778 Serjeantson, Richard 1317 Shuttleworth, Sally R239
Scholthof, Karen-Beth G. 2915 Serna, Pierre 1662 Shylov, S. Ju. R914
Schönpflug, Wolfgang 3705 Serpa, Octavio Domont de, Jr. 2359 Sichau, Christian R976
Schott, Dieter R909 Sideris, Lisa H. R636
Serra, Ilaria 1780
Schöttler, Peter 6 Sidoli, Nathan 767
Serrano Bosquet, Francisco Javier
R177 Siebert, Harald 790
Schramm, Fermin Roland 3303
Serrano Larráyoz, Fernando 1211, Sieg, Wilfried 2697
Schramm, Jeff R187
1223 Siegert, Reinhart 1083
Schramm, Katharina 3678
Serrón, Vı́ctor 3296 Siena, Kevin 1701
Schreiber, Anke M. 2971
Sert, Gürkan 3328 Sigurdson, Kristjan 3878
Schrempf, Mona 551, 585, 3295 Sihn, Kyu-hwan 3830
Schröder, Iris R1060 Setälä, Vienna 3297
Seth, Anita 3499 Sikora, Vladimir 3929
Schuller, Kyla 2165 Silanos, Pietro 959
Schulten, Susan 2025 Seth, Suman R283
Silva de Miranda, Gustavo 2837
Schultz, Mark 2527 Sewald, Ronda L. 2582
Silva, A. Santos 727
Schulz, Armin 3706 Sgarbi, Marco 1052
Silva, André Felipe Cândido da 3124,
Schumann, Andrew 216 Shafer, Glenn 47 3125, 3329
Schunn, Christian 4005 Shah, Hemant 3721 Silva, André Luiz dos Santos 2922
Schüring, Michael 3880, R376 Shah, J. J. 2104 Silva, Carlos Leonardo Bahiense da
Schuster, David G 2424 Shah, N. C. 649 2319
Schuster, John A. R73 Shah, Nirmala 1792 Silva, Claiton Marcio da 2641
Schuster, Sven 3058 Shakesheff, Tim 281 Silva, Eliana Gesteira da 2605
Schwartz, Janelle A. 1633 Shanahan, Fergus 2318 Silva, Gabriela Martins 4039

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258 Author Index

Silva, Helena da 1689 Smith, Kelly M. 242 Spiller, James 3969, R441
Silva, M. Céu 1065 Smith, Lisa Wynne R18 Spinardi, Graham 3881
Silva, Marcos Rodrigues da 1597 Smith, Matthew 3444, 3768, 3810 Sportman, Sarah P. 2532
Silva, Marina Jardim 1854 Smith, Nicholas D. 756 Springer, Lena R556
Silva, Marinete dos Santos 3126 Smith, Pamela H. R675 Squatriti, Paolo 947, 998
Silva, Matheus Alves Duarte da 2410 Smith, Paul J. 1421 Squier, Susan Merrill 431
Silva, Renato da 3127, 3298 Smith, Richard J. 542 Sridharan, R. 1916
Silva, Simone Santos de Almeida Smith, Robert W. R1072 Stachniak, Zbigniew 3919
2320 Smith, Roger 70, 2207, 2225 Stacy, Ian R271
Silva, Tânia Maria de Almeida 3264 Smith, Ryan K. 1731 Stadler, Max 49
Silva, Vera Lucia Marques da 3808 Smith, Susan L. R499 Stahnisch, F.W. 122
Silveira, Roberison Wittgenstein Dias Smith, Takirirangi 679 Stahnisch, Frank 2362
da 2030 Smocovitis, Betty R318 Stahnisch, Frank W. 336, 1644, 2943,
Silvi, Bernard 253 3179, 3180, R496, R968
Smocovitis, Vassiliki Betty 2904,
Simanke, Richard Theisen 341 R237 Stalcup, Sam 2527
Sime, Ruth Lewin R524 Smolka, Josef 1127, 1204 Staley, Kent W. R5
Simili, Raffaella 1855 Stanard, Matthew G. R626
Smolkin-Rothrock, Victoria 3513
Simmons, Anna 1979, R32 Stanley, Matthew 2751, R494
Smyth, Marina 896
Simões, Ana 188, 1620, 2545, 2711 Stanley-Baker, Michael R1026,
Snelders, Stephen 100 R1108
Simon, Jonathan R330 Snow, Vernetta B. 1442 Stapleford, Thomas A. R22
Simon, Julia 1490 Soares, Pedro Paulo 3128 Stapleton, Darwin R78
Simon, Linda 3809 Sobreira, Marise 3976 Starbuck, Nicole 2027
Simons, Olaf 1576 Sobrero, Maurizio 3483 Stark, Caroline 1112, 1186
Simpson, James 2530 Soederholm, Kristina 2490 Stark, James F. 2425, R180
Simpson, Thomas K. 7 Soeterboek, Chris R302 Stark, Laura R496
Sims, Christo 3914 Sojo, Aurea Anguera de 3412 Starr, Fred 3382
Singer, P. N. 831 Sokolov, Victor 2782 Starr, Paul 3812
Singh, Harsh 1654 Sokolski, Henry D. 2583 Starr, S. Frederick 514
Siraisi, Nancy G. 1212, 1217 Solı́s, Carlos 1022 Staum, Martin S. R201
Sirridge, Mary 884 Solomone, Stacey 3968 Stedall, Jacqueline A. 229, 1066
Sisman, Elaine 1585 Solovey, Mark 3037, 3038 Steel, Frances 2067
Sito, Tom 3915 Sommer, Marianne 2936 Steele, J. M. 447, 713
Sittig, Anne C. Kineret 921 Sommerfeld, Jeffrey 3996 Steele, John M. 725
Sivo, Francesca 960 Sommerville, Johann R669 Steere-Williams, Jacob 1981
Skinner, David 3678 Sonar, Thomas R977 Stefani, Marta 1862
Skoura, Ioanna 763 Sondheim, Alan 3917 S̆tefánik, Martin 935
Slater, John 1438 Soon, Wayne R397 Stefano, Diana L. Di 2068
Slavin, Philip 852, 869 Sophia, Daniela Carvalho 3299 Stefano, Waldir 1427
Slayton, Rebecca 3916, R883 Soppelsa, Peter 3461, R575 Stein, Blair 3461
Slijkhuis, Jessica 2361 Sørensen, Henrik Kragh 2698, 2699 Stein, Claudia 3301
Sloan, Phillip R. 1539, 2860 Sørensen, Knut H 3918 Steinbeck, Frank 2491
Sloane, Jesse D. R417, R448 Sorenson, Leonard R. 1658 Steinberg, Holger 3181
Slowik, Edward 1318 Sörlin, Sverker 308, 2783, 2798– Steinicke, Wolfgang 1586
Sluis, Rolf ter 3522 2800, 2838, 2839 Steinke, Hubert 1511, R732
Smail, Daniel Lord 2947 Sörline, Sverker 2571 Steinmetz, George 3049
Smanla, Tsewang 580 Sorochinska, Elena 3380 Stelzner, Werner R698
Smardon, Regina E. 4023 Souffrin, Pierre 101 Stepanenko, Irina 1732
Smardon, Richard C. 4010 Soukup, Rudolf Werner 1131 Stephani, Walter 2643
Smit, Nienke 1368 Soumonni, Elisée 2322 Stephens, Elizabeth R696, R867
Smith, Anders 1980 Sousa, Amandia Braga Lima 3811 Stephenson, Bruce R924
Sousa, Claudia Rocha de 1483 Sterling, Christopher H. R567
Smith, Andrew 691
Souza, Eduardo Frederico Alexander Stern, Alexandra 3813
Smith, C. U. M. 2188
Amaral de 3748 Stern, Alexandra Minna R290
Smith, Carl S 2489
Souza, Juliana Teixeira 2531 Stern, Sacha 657, 658
Smith, Charles H. 2147 Sternberg, Esther M. 2284
Smith, Christopher 3411 Souza, Luı́s Octavio Gomes de 2648
Souza, Pablo 2323 Sterne, Jonathan 3920
Smith, Christopher Upham Murray Sterner, Beckett 2861
339, 808, 2189, 2190 Souza, Rafael de Abreu e 3300
Stevens, Hallam R217
Smith, Courtney Weiss 1456 Souza, Vanderlei Sebastiao de 2938,
3508, 3664 Stevenson, Alice 2261
Smith, Crosbie 1730 Stewart, Andrew 3935
Smith, D. K. R660 Sovacool, Benjamin K. 3381, 3853
Soyer, François 1019 Stewart, Catherine A. 3707
Smith, David Barton R456 Stewart, John R1062
Smith, Douglas W. 2321 Spaans, Joke 1266
Stewart, Larry R818
Smith, Fenny 1064 Spanagel, David R102, R1082
Stilgoe, Jack 166
Smith, Frederick M. 548 Sparks, Garry R813
Stilinović, Vladimir 1568
Smith, Glenn S. 1962 Sparrow, Victor 233
Stillwell, John 1917
Smith, Hilary A. R121, R417 Spary, E. C. R794 Stinner, Arthur 1944
Smith, Jason W. 2026 Spear, Jeffrey L. 1781 Stippak, Marcus 2069
Smith, Jenny Leigh R512 Spears, Taylor 4019, 4020 Stock, Armin 2995
Smith, Jonathan 2105 Špelda, Daniel 48 Stockland, Etienne 1651
Smith, Justin E. H. 1319, 1434, 1670 Sperling, Christian 2208 Stoecker, Holger 2937
Smith, Kate 1516 Sperling, Stefan 167 Stoever-Ackerman, Jennifer 3921

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Author Index 259

Stoff, Heiko R622 Szabo, Vicki Ellen R870 Terracina-Hartman, Carol 3995
Stoichita, Victor I. 870 Szakolczai, Arpad 30, 811 Terrall, Mary R967
Stolberg, Michael 1213–1216, 1477 Szasz, Ferenc Morton 2598 Tertrais, Bruno 2583
Stöllner, Th. 695 Tessicini, Dario 1077, 1103, 1370,
R50, R604
Stolte, Tyson 2209 T Testa, Daniela Edelvis 3749
Stöltzner, Michael 1791, 2752 Taape, Tillmann 1132 Thackray, Arnold R84
Stolzenberg, Daniel R414, R992 Tabaczek, Mariusz R274 Thagard, Paul 135
Stone, Herbert 3445 Tabb, Kathryn 1481 Thaha, S. Abdul 544
Stone, Philip 2003 Tacchini, Pietro 1943 The InPhO Group 3975
Stone, Richard 540 Tahmahkera, Dustin 3405 Theis, Jeffrey R116
Stone, Sarah 1548 Takats, Sean 1705 Thell, Anne M. 1416
Stopp, Barbara 701 Takayanagi, Hideko 2324 Themeles, Tom 2366
Stouraiti, Anastasia 1415 Takeda, Junko Thérèse 1742 Théodoridou, Zoe D. 2948
Stowe, Steven R623 Takhteyev, Yuri 3924 Ther Rı́os, Francisco 2116
Stoyan, Ronald 1369 Tal, Alon 300, 660 Theunissen, Bert 102, 2906, R1111
Stradling, David R952 Talairach-Vielmas, Laurence 2148 Theurer, Kari L. 1320
Strahorn, Eric R534 Talas, Sofia 1500 Thick, Malcolm 1248
Strang, Cameron B. 1621 Thicke, Mike 178
TallBear, Kimberly 3681
Strano, Giorgio 910, 1102 Thisted, Kirsten 2800
Tamano, Luana Tieko Omena 2166
Strasser, Bruno J. R789 Thom, Paul 884
Tamir, Dan R759 Thomas, Deborah A. 1812
Strelko, Oleg 3882 Tampakis, Kostas 1763, R787 Thomas, Doreen A. 1902
Strien, Marij van 1894 Tan, Wei Yu Wayne 538 Thomas, Hugh 2004
Strong, Michele M. 1870 Taneja, Padmavati 607 Thomas, Margaret 3072
Stroud, Elaine C. R809 Tannenbaum, Rebecca J. 399 Thomas, Marion 1830
Stroud, Ellen R470 Tanner, Ariane 2863 Thomas, P. 695
Stroumsa, Sarah 897 Taraba, Suzy 17 Thomas, Sir John Meurig 1750
Stuart, Michael T. 1559, 2680 Tari, Simone 2438 Thomas, Will 3582
Stuckrad, Kocku von 211 Tarr, Joel A. 2070 Thompson, Dennis 351
Stuhl, Andrew R963 Tarrant, Neil 1023, 1024, R652 Thompson, Trevor W. 828
Stuntz, Jean A. R978 Tasing Chiu 3302 Thoms, Ulrike 3319, 3330, 3446
Sturgis, Patrick 166 Tatarchenko, Ksenia R390 Thomson, L Katherine 3680
Sturm, Thomas 3714 Thörnqvist, Christina Thomsen 884
Tatarchuk, Vitaliy 1982, 3462, 3632
Suárez-Dı́az, Edna 2905, 2916 Thorvaldsen, Steinar 2150
Tate, Gregory 2210 Thurschwell, Pam 2997
Subramanian, R. 3922 Taub, Liba R707
Suchman, Lucy 3836 Thwaites, Sarah. L. 1963
Tauber, Alfred I. 3130 Tieleman, Teun R20
Sugiman, Toshio 4051 Tausiet, Marı́a 1133 Tiemeyer, Philip James 3510
Sugimoto, Mai 3383 Tavernier, Johan De 2149 Tigerman, Bobbye 3387
Sukumar, N. 3596 Taves, Ann 3540 Tiggelen, Brigitte Van R990
Sullivan, Edmund 2704 Tavor, Ori R124 Til, Frida van 1502
Sumartojo, Shanti 3384 Tawara, Akihiro 494 Tilton, Hereward 1124
Summers, Dennis 3505 Taylor, Barbara 138, 157 Timm, Annette 2907
Sunderland, Mary E. 2862 Taylor, Georgette 1598, R750 Timmermann, Anke 934
Sung, Tae-Kyung 3839 Taylor, Jennie 3040 Timmermann, Carsten 3750, 3751,
Sung, Wen-Ching R518 Taylor, Joseph E., III R679 R306
Suomela, Todd 1934 Timmermans, Stefan 3682
Taylor, Katie 1067
Supper, Alexandra 3923 Timmins, Adam 50
Taylor, Michael 1522 Tirapicos, Luı́s 691
Susalla, Peter J. R586 Taylor, Steven J. 2363
Sutcliffe, Marcella Pellegrino 2028 Tishchenko, Evgenii Mikhailovich
Taylor-Alexander, Samuel 2563 2434
Suter, Mischa 2247 Teague, Jessica E. 3405 Tishler, Peter V. 3132
Suto, Taki 757 Tedeschi, Paolo 3342, 3385 Tkaczyk, Viktoria 1733
Sutton, Deborah 544 Teichmann, Jūrgen 1944 Toader, Iulian D. 136
Svanberg, Ingvar 999 Teixeira, Antônio Lúcio 1805 Tobbell, Dominique 3814, R543
Svenson, Arne 21 Teixeira, Dante Martins 1166 Tobin, William 241, R97
Swade, Doron 3413 Teixeira, Luiz Antonio 370, 3131, Todd, Neil 2753
Swain, Adam 3608 3278, 3303 Toews, John E. R1063
Swain, Margaret B. 2789 Teixeira, Márcia de Oliveira 2562 Toker, Leona 366
Swain, Simon R348 Teixidó Gomez, Francisco R170, Toland, Christopher 2029
Swann, John P. R1013 R245, R627 Toledo Barrera, Jorge H. 664
Swanson, Drew A. R543 Tejero Manzanares, José 3386 Tollebeek, Jo 1871, 2264
Swanson, Gillian 2996 Telkes, Eva 98 Toman, Cynthia 3304
Sweeney, David John 1337 Tellmann, Ute 358 Tomblin, David 2606
Sweeney, Dennis 3039 Tomkins, Alannah R708
Tello, Enric 2533
Tomlinson, Jim 3447
Swiatczak, Bartlomiej 3129 Ten Eyck, Toby A. 3941 Tomory, Leslie 1983, 1984
Swinfield, John 2538 Tenn, Joseph S. 2712 Tone, Andrea 3657
Sylvest, Casper 2584 Tennant, Neil 758 Tonkonoff, Sergio 2226
Symanski, Luı́s Cláudio P. 2373 Tenner, Edward R792 Tonks, Paul 1257
Symons, Sarah 714 Teo, Thomas 3708 Toom, Victor 3683
Symons, Sarah L. 707 Teodoro, Leandro Alves 12 Toon, Elizabeth 3751, 3752
Synesius 794 Teräväinen, Tuula 3883 Topçu, Sezin 3643
Syon, Guillaume de 3970 Terkla, Dan 939 Torny, Didier 3644

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260 Author Index

Torrens, Erica 164 Unger, Richard W. 943 Vealea, Lucy 2788

Torrens, Hugh 2029 Unguru, Sabetai R31, R1016 Vecchio, Bruno R192
Torrens, Hugh S. 103 Unschuld, Paul U. 581 Veenis, Milena 2835
Torres, Eliane Regina Ternes 3767 Unwin, Joan 414 Veit, Helen Zoe 3310
Totelin, Laurence 798, R517 Urban, Wråkberg 2818 Veit, Raphaela R304
Tóth, Imre 768 Ureta, Sebastián 4053 Velasco Morgado, Raúl 1446
Toulalan, Sarah 1478 Urquiola Permisán, José Ignacio 1591 Venancio, Ana Teresa A. 3170, 3182,
Trabucco, Oreste 1282 3264
Üsdiken, Behlül 2650
Venancio, Giselle Martins 1782
Traver, Barbara R667 Usitalo, Steven A. 1503
Venugopal, Padmaja 615
Travis, Anthony S. 1985 Uttal, William R. 340 Verani, Ana Carolina 3294
Travis, Jones 3590
Verburgt, Lukas 1918
Treichler, F. Robert 2705 V Verburgt, Lukas M. 1919
Trépanier, Simon 759 Vāānānen, Ari 3709, 3884 Verdon, Nicola 2535
Trescastro-López, Eva Marı́a 2998 Vahabzadeh, Bijan 476 Verelst, Karin 1383
Triaire, Dominique 2269 Vahia, M. N. 618, 619 Vergara, Moema de Resende 2791
Triarhou, Lazaros C. 2948 Vahia, Mayank 715 Verhoeff, Berend 2949, 3183
Tribe, Keith R443 Vaidik, Aparna 544 Verhoeven, Gerrit 1231
Trifogli, Cecilia R373 Vaillant, Derek W. 3389 Verjovsky, Marina 3303
Trikamji, Bhavesh 2302 Vaillant, George E. 2999 Vermeir, Koen R485
Trimble, Stanley W. R1096 Vailly, Joëlle 3305 Vermeulen, F. 727
Trimble, Stanley Wayne 309 Valderrama, Lorena B. R193 Vermeulen, Niki 3654
Trindade, Cláudia Moraes 2426 Valdez, Jessica R. R549 Vermij, Rienk 105, 1371, 1504, 1533
Trinquier, Jean 803 Valente, Luisa 884 Veronese, Julien 876
Tripodi, Paolo 1666 Valier, Helen 3753 Vertesi, Janet 207, R672
Tritton, Thomas R. R527 Valis, Noël 2325 Vesel, Matjaž 1072
Trotter, David 3388 Väliverronen, Esa 3297 Vetö, Silvana 2206
Troumpeta, Sevaste 2167 Valle, Ivonne del 454 Veys, Lucy 2564
Troyer de Romero, Hilaire K. 863 Vallejo, Mauro 2212 Viana, Ana Luiza d’Ávila 3266, 3267
Trudgett, Michelle 674, 675 Vallejo, Mauro Sebastián 2326 Viana, Larissa 1623
Trujillo-Pagán, Nicole 3133 Valleriani, Matteo 1237, R142, R791 Vicedo, Marga 3710
Trüper, Henning 1760 Valles, Inmaculada Tamarit 1622 Vicsek, Lilla 3943
Ts’un-Yan, Liu 515 Van Bergen, Leo 2327 Videira, Antonio Augusto Passos
Tseng, Yu-Hwei R303 3583
Van Brummelen, Glen 230, 716
Vieira, Cássio Leite 3583
Tsu, Jing 1751, 2506 Van den Hoonaard, Will C. 277
Vieira, Ismael Cerqueira 2278
Tsuchiya, Atsushi 3561 Van der Kloot, William 2635 Vigarello, Georges 106
Tsuge, Azumi 3116 van der Lugt, Maaike 983 Vihalemm, Rein 1563
Tsvetkova, Natalia 2657 van der Valk, Arnold G. 2840 Vilarino, Maria Terezinha Bretas 3231
Tu, Weiming 3316 van der Watt, Lize-Marie 2793 Villani, Giovanni 1986
Tucker, William H. R922 van Heijenoort, Jean 1895 Villanueva Garcı́a, Begoña 2505
Tuniz, Claudio 250 Van Helden, Albert 3472 Villaveces, José L. 3595
Tunstall, Alexandra 519 Vanacker, Veerle 3930 Vincent, Bernadette Bensaude 165
Tura, Luiz Fernando Rangel 2396 Vanderburgh, William L. 2713 Vincent, K. Steven R882
Turcanu, Catrinel 4052 Vanderheyden, Vrajabhūmi 1035 Viola, Enrico 137
Turchetti, Simone R383 Vanhaelen, Angela 1006 Virdi-Dhesi, Jaipreet 2329
Turkel, William J. 2877 Vanpaemel, Geert 71, 104 Virvidakis, Stelios 1564
Turner, David M. 1224 Vanzo, Alberto 1244 Viswanathan, Gauri 1838
Turner, Laura E. 2699 Varanda, Jorge 3306, 3307 Vital, André Vasques 3311
Turner, Roger R852 Varela, Alex Gonçalves 1635 Vitrac, Bernard 769
Turrini, Mauro 3987 Varga, Zsuzsanna 3449 Vitte, Antonio Carlos 2030
Turtiainen, Jussi 3884 Vargas, Eliane Portes 3308 Vittori, Thomas De 231
Tuttle, Kelly R174 Vargha, Dora 3309 Vlahakis, George N. 2106
Twidale, C. Rowland 2005 Varini, Valerio 3390 Vlasova, Olga Alexandrovna 3000
Tyer, Brad 2071 Varley, Tony 3436 Vleet, Stacey Van 2716, R7
Tyfield, David 3982 Varlik, Nükhet 1225 Vleuten, Erik van der R265
Tymków, Peter 1718 Vasconcellos, Maria da Penha Costa Vogel, Sarah A 3816
Tynedal, Jeremy D. 3180 158 Vokes, Richard 3727
Vásquez Valencia, Marı́a Fernanda Volk, Katharina 729, 783
Tyshchuk, Marharyta 413
2275 Volland, Nicolai 3971
Tzoref-Ashkenazi, Chen 1616
Vasstveit, Inger R368 Vollmer, Gerhard 217
Vasylyev, Kostantyn Kostantynovich Volti, Rudi 3728
U 2328 Voorhoeve, Jutta 208
Udı́as, Agustı́n 266 Vasylyev, Yuriy Kostantynovich 2328 Vos, Paula De 988
Uekōtter, Frank 2534, 3448 Vatanoğlu, Emine Elif 3815 Voskuil, Lynn R294
Uexküll, Jakob von 2211 Vaught, David R188 Voyer, Robert 1555
Uhl, Karsten 2442, R779 Vaught, Jeannette 3134 Vries, Wiebe de 3670
Ulett, Mark R112 Vavilova, Irina B. 692 Vyroviy, Serhiy 1982
Ulett, Mark A. 2151 Vaz, Alexandre Fernandez 2922 Vyzdryk, Vitaliy 3450
Uliankina, Tatiana I. 2878 Vázquez Garcı́a, Francisco 185, 3135,
Ulrich, Paul 1321 R404 W
Underwood, Martin C. 2754 Vázquez, Francisco 2168 Waaka, Toa 679
Unger, Nancy C. 310 Vdovichenko, Eugene 2492 Waddell, Mark A. R988

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Author Index 261

Waddington, Keir 3754, R973 Weigel, Erhard 1565 Wielebinski, Richard 2715
Wade, Peter 1822 Weigel, Valéria Augusta C.M. 672 Wiener, Jon R133
Wadmann, Sarah 3831 Weikart, Richard 330, 2908, R1065 Wierenga, Tjardie 3337
Wagemakers, Bart 3730 Weill-Parot, Nicolas 971 Wiese, Andrew 3647
Wagner, Roy 232 Weindling, Paul 2427, 2565 Wieser, Martin 2365, 3003
Wahlberg, Ayo 3136 Weiner, Marli Frances 2334 Wijfjes, Huub 3414
Waisse, Silvia 1652, 3470 Weingart, Peter 3977 Wiker, Benjamin 330
Waizbort, Ricardo 1785, 2152, 2162 Weinman, Michael 770 Wiklund, Roine 2490
Wake, Naoko R434 Weinstein, Deborah 3769 Wilcox, Hui Niu 3818
Wakild, Emily R900 Weintraub, Ana Cecı́lia Andrade de Wilkins, Emma 1284
Wald, Gayle 3405 Moraes 158 Wilks, Ian R90
Wald, Priscilla 3283 Weintraub, E. Roy 3065 Willard, Thomas R1046
Weir, Bruce S. 3665 Wille, Robert-Jan R735
Walden, David 3925, R241, R242,
R551 Weir, Todd H. 1839 William, Rosen 1736
Walden, Elizabeth R705 Weisker, Albrecht 3139 Williams, Amrys O. 3944
Waldie, D. J. 3463 Weiss, Burghard R311 Williams, Glyn 1641
Weiss-Wendt, Anton 2607 Williams, Katherine Schaap R452
Walker, Chris 3184
Williams, Paula R894
Walker, Don 381 Weisse, Allen B. R508
Williams, Ray B. R505
Walker, John R. 3519 Weissich, Paul 2789
Williams, Robert Chadwell 52
Walker, Mark 2731 Weisz, George 3657
Williams, Rosalind 53
Walker, Paul 2841 Weitekamp, Margaret A 2591 Williams, Rosalind H. 1814
Walker, William S 2244 Weitekamp, Margaret A. 2714, 3973 Williams, Stephen 354
Wallace, Alfred Russel 2153 Weldon, Stephen P. 51, 72, 2546, 2585 Williams, Tara R150
Wallach, Jennifer Jensen 400 Wellenreuther, Hermann 1258 Willis, Martin 3754
Wallis, Faith R437 Wellington, Jennifer 3085 Willmoth, Frances R561, R925
Wallmann, Elisabeth 1422 Wells, Christopher W. 3391 Willmott, Cory 663
Walloch, Karen R125 Welsh, Caroline R1067 Willoughby, Sharon R14
Walton, David 664 Wendler, Eugen 2227 Wills, John R133
Walton, John K. 311 Wenzlhuemer, Roland 2507 Willumson, Glenn 2493
Waltz, Mitzi 3185 Werner, S. 122 Wilsdon, James 166
Wamala, Caroline Victoria 4055 Werner, Sylwia 159 Wilson, Andrew D. 1964
Wan Xiufeng 539 Wernicke, Norbert D. 1083 Wilson, Bronwen 1156
Wang Wenji 3186 Werrett, Simon 1426 Wilson, Catherine R484
Wang Zuoyue 107 Wertheimer, Michael 3001, 3002 Wilson, Daniel J. 378, R500
Wang, Zuoyue 3972 Werther, Romy 1875 Wilson, Duncan R355
Wangchuk, Phurpa 322 Wesselow, Thomas de 940 Wilson, Emily K. 3140
Ward, Ann 218, 760 Wesson, Cameron B. 3083 Wilson, Leigh 1815
Ward, Joseph P. 1006 West, Charles R595 Wilson, Lydia R67
Ward, Lee 1255 West, John G. 330 Wilson, Preston S. 2725, 2755
Ward, Thomas J. R729 West-Sooby, John 1609 Wilson, Robin 1920
Wardhaugh, Benjamin R386 Westerink, Herman 2364 Wimmer, Mario R547
Warmling, Cristine Maria 2330 Westermann, Andrea 291, 2586, 3645, Winand, Jean 704
Warner, John Harley 2331 R193 Wingate, Richard 2182
Westfall, Catherine 3584, R819 Wingfield, Nancy M. 3313
Warren, Adam R76
Westman, Robert S. 1113 Winiwarter, Verena 1000
Wartenberg, Ilana 922
Weststeijn, Thijs 1189 Winson, Anthony 3314
Warwick, Genevieve 1322
Westwick, Peter J. 3463, 3927 Winsor, Mary Pickard R863
Washbrook, David R632 Winterburn, Emily 1587
Wassmann, Claudia 2213 Wetherbee, Winthrop 859
Wexler, Philip 401 Wintersteen, Kristin R224
Waterton, Claire 4011 Wintle, Claire 2642
Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel 3137, 3320, Wheatley, Thelma 3187
Wirth, Jean 845, 957
R1041 Wheeler, Wendy 3655
Wirth, Uwe 837
Watson, Lindsay R. 2332 Whitaker, Andrew 1955
Wishart, David J 2072
Watt-Smith, Tiffany 1783 Whitaker, Harry 339 Wisniak, Jaime 1987
Watts, Iain P. 1877 White, Deborah Elise R915 Wisnioski, Matthew R792
Watts, Ruth 1831 White, Mark 2259 Wisnioski, Matthew H. 3885
Waugh, Patricia 1813 White, Michael J. 330 Wispelwey, Bram P. 3481
Waxman, Alan 3029 White, Paul 2127 Withers, Charles W. J. 2031, 2032
Way, Albert G. R991 White, Sam 3614, R224, R1000 Witte, Wilfried 3141
Wazeck, Milena R410 Whited, Tamara L. R45 Wittering, Shirley 2536
Weaver, Karol K. 1734 Whiteside, D. T. 1338 Wittje, Roland R1105
Weaver, Lawrence T. 2333 Whitley, Richard 2587, 2656, 3500 Wittkower, D. E. 3928
Webb, Alban 3926 Whitmer, Kelly J. R881 Wlasiuk, Jonathan 312, R906
Webb, James L. A., Jr. R279 Whitmer, Kelly Joan 1659 Wlodarczyk, Jaroslaw 1357
Weber, Beatriz Teixeira 3138 Whitney, Kristoffer 3646 Wohl, Ellen 313, R1018
Weber, Christian P. 179 Whooley, Owen 2428 Wohl, Ellen E. 2842
Weber, Heike 3451 Whyte, Ryan 1735 Wolf, Gustav 1083
Webster, Colin 791 Wibeck, Victoria 4002 Wolfe, Jessica R13
Wegner, Robert 2938 Wickham, Blaine R829 Wolff, Étienne 1038
Wehner, Donat 946 Wickham, Gary 1450 Wolfschmidt, Gudrun 1104, 1105
Wehner, Hermann P. 3559 Widmalm, Sven 2773 Wolkenhauer, Olaf 318
Wei, Chunjuan Nancy 3469, 3817 Widmer, Alexandra 2608, 3312 Wollock, Jeffrey 1459

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Woloson, Wendy A. R1055 Yang, Aihua 3520 Zárate Campos, Marı́a Soledad 3264
Wolters, Christine 3142, 3188 Yannielli, Joseph L. 1823 Zargaran, Arman 500
Wolters, Timothy R596 Yao Licheng 108 Zaterka, Luciana 1172
Wood, David Houston 1221 Yarmohammadi, Hassan 500 Zavaglia, Adriana 2273
Wood, James Robert 1517 Yarrington, Doug 3452 Zayachkivska, Oksana 2172
Wood, Marcus 1816 Yasnitsky, Anton R1034 Zeidman, Lawrence A. 2609, 2939,
Woods, Abigail 377, 2537 Yasumoto, Minoru 2494 2951
Woods, Angela 387 Yates, JoAnne R982 Zeimbekis, John 129
Woolgar, C. M. R694 Yazdi, Hamid-Reza Giahi 488 Zeitler, William Wilde 1534
Wooten, Heather Green 1872 Yeager, R. F. 860 Zelle, Carsten 1465, 1466, 1691, 1697
Worboys, Michael 2335, 3421 Yeang, Chen-Pang 2646 Zeller, Rosmarie 1267
Wortham, Christopher 276, 278 Yen, Hsiao-pei 3014, 3059 Zeller, Suzanne 2802, 2818
Worthen, Shana R624 Yeniyurt, Kathryn R846 Zemplén, Gábor Á. R233
Woudenberg, René van 195 Yenter, Timothy 1323 Zenderland, Leila 2610
Wozniak, Robert H. 3004 Yeomans, Rory 2607 Zhan, Mei 3755
Wråkberg, Urban 285, 439, 2571, Yermolov, P. P. 2509
Zhang Butian 8
3392 Yermolov, Pavel 3415
Zhang Fang 2909
Wright, Aaron Sidney 3585, 3586 Yi, Doogab R475, R758
Zhang, Everett 3316
Wright, Angus R357 Yildirim, Rifat Vedat 507
Zhang, Qicheng 569
Wright, Bradford W. R996 Ying, Jia-Ming 533, 1339
Zhao Hansheng 3887
Wright, David 2366, 3779 Yli-Kauhaluoma, Sari 4012
Ylikoski, Petri 3050 Zhao, Kun 589
Wright, M. C. M. 1923 Zheng Fang 2909
Wright, Valerie 3447 Yochelson, Bonnie R1084
Yokoyama, Hiromi M. 3502 Zheng, Xiaowei R30
Wu, Harry Yi-Jui R418 Zhong Yuecen 3684
Wübben, Yvonne 1696 York, George K. 2950
Yoshinaga, Alvin 2789 Zhou Jianhe 109
Wuebben, Daniel 2508
Younesie, Mostafa 792 Zhou Jianping 109
Wulf, Stefan 3143
Young, Arlene R436 Zhou Xun 3317
Wulff Barreiro, Enrique 3144
Young, Courtenay 3161 Zhu Jie 1921
Wundt, Wilhelm 3005
Young, Francis 196 Ziche, Paul 1896, 1945
Wyatt, John 279
Young, Jacy L. 2214, R1006 Zierden, Martha A. 283
Wyk, Martha van 3886
Young, Judith 2336 Zigmunde, Alı̄da 2660
Wyndham, Diana 3315
Young, Ken 3521 Zilberstein, Anya 1423
Wynne, Brian 166, 4011
Young, Terence R795 Zittel, C. 122
Wyss, Tamara 2801
Yu, Sang-Ju R297 Zittel, Claus 373, 3007
Yue, Liang 3041 Žmolek, Michael Andrew 415
X Yuhua, Guo 512 Zmora, Hillay R555
Xavier, Libânia Nacif 2658 Yuing Alfaro, Tuillang 3010 Zoller, Coleen 829
Xia, Yin 589 Zorzanelli, Rafaela 2945
Xingcan, Chen 2262
Xu Yuhe 582
Z Zorzanelli, Rafaela Teixeira 2367,
Zachariasen, Martin 1902 2368
Xu, Yibao 2700 Zotti, Georg 485
Zachos, Frank E. 2879
Zajc, Jožica 4057 Zucker, Arnaud 804
Y Zakariya, Nasser 54 Zuidervaart, H. J. 1588
Yale, Elizabeth R805 Zampieri, Fabio 1690 Zuidervaart, Huib 110
Yamazaki, Goro 3501 Zanatta, Alberto 1690 Zuidervaart, Huib J. 1582
Yan Yiwei 2429 Zancul, Maria Cristina de Senzi 2659 Zur, Dafna 3974
Yan, Shu-Chang 3006 Zandbergen, René 1127 Zylberberg, David R1092
Yang Xiaoming 1941 Zaragoza, Juan Manuel 2337 Zylinska, Joanna 2594

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Subject Index

A Aesthetics 346, 519, 765, 811, 941, Aircraft industry 3457, 3459, 3623,
Abner, of Burgos 902 1051, 1173, 1236, 1490, 1633, 3962, 3965
Abortion 2894, 3096, 3117, 3123, 1762, 1764, 1889, 2033, 2144, Aircraft; airplanes 432, 3454–3457,
3126, 3258, 3271 2331, 2473, 2591, 2592, 2703, 3459, 3510, 3623, 3850, 3951,
3021, 3389, 3405, 3823, 3853, 3866 3958, 3960, 3962
Abraham Ben Ezra 921 Aethicus 936 Aircraft; stealth 3962
Abstraction 903 Affinity (philosophy) see Sympathy; Airline industry 3499
Abu Nasr Mansur ibn ’Ali ibn ’Iraq affinity (philosophy) Airplanes see Aircraft; airplanes
474 Afghanistan 321 Airports 3892
Abubakr Rabi-ibn Ahmad Akhawayni Africa 313, 451, 622, 682, 1201, Airships; dirigibles 1715, 2538, 3461,
Bukhari 500 1219, 1451, 1483, 1623, 1851, 3607
Academia das Ciências, Lisbon 1741 2092, 2157, 2420, 2930, 3193, al-Biruni 482
Academic disciplines 53, 1552, 2201, 3223, 3241, 3276, 3306, 3441, al-Farabi 461–463, 498
2225, 2650, 2653, 2974, 2994, 3532, 3990, 4055 Al-Jawbari 492
3005, 3011, 3054, 3138, 3522, 3531 African Americans 295, 1820, 2599, al-Jayyani, Abu Abd Allah
3177, 3335, 3707, 3846 Muhammad ibn Mu’adh 476
Academically sponsored science al-Khayyam, Ghiyath al-Din Abul
1037, 1293, 1866, 3011, 3054, African Brazilians 183, 2373
Fateh Omar Ibn Ibrahim 473
3484, 3493, 3526, 3594, 3982 African races 2603 al-Khuwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa
Académie des Sciences, Paris 2260 Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe 1991, 228, 907
Académie Royale des Sciences 2872 al-Kindi, Abu Yusuf Ya’Qub Ibn
(France) 1293 Aged 2999, 3261 Ishaq 488
Academies see Societies; institutions; Agent Orange 3735 al-Maghribi, Muhyi al-Din 484
academies Aging 2931 al-Samaw’al, Abu Nasr Ibn Yahya,
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Agnosticism see Atheism; al-Maghribi 469
(Rome) 1855 agnosticism; irreligion al-Tusi, Abu Ja’far Muhammad Nasir
Accidents 1274, 3879, 4051 Agribusiness 3428 al-Din 537
Agricola, Rudolphus 1169 Alabama (U.S.) 2470, 2617
Acclimatization 2873 Alain de Lille 859
Accounting 993, 1453, 1671 Agricultural chemistry 254, 421, 427,
1985, 2511, 2529, 3445 Alarcon, Juan Ruiz de 1223
Accuracy see Exactness; precision; Albania (Ancient kingdom) 1829
accuracy Agricultural economics 421, 650, 850,
1639, 1671, 2483, 2517, 2536, Alberta, Canada 2613, 2614, 2620,
Acid rain 3642 3060, 3418, 3420, 3424, 3430, 2843, 2964
Aconcio, Iacopo 1025 3431, 3450 Albertus Magnus 844, 877, 951, 952
Acosta, José de 454 Alchemy 152, 194, 254, 257, 492,
Agricultural technology 429, 647,
793, 794, 842, 865, 875, 930–934,
Acoustics 233, 1069, 1733, 1923, 648, 1239, 1498, 2454, 2476, 2479,
1084, 1086, 1100, 1117–1133,
1949, 2704, 2723, 2725, 2755, 3551 2483, 2487, 2515, 2524, 2914,
1187, 1193, 1197, 1208, 1226,
Action at a distance 1885 3420, 3424, 3436, 3437, 3450,
1248, 1403–1406, 1599, 2774
3936, 3937, 3942, 4057
Actor-network theory 36, 149, 153, Alcohol 1010, 1260, 2513, 2529,
156, 207, 284, 1493, 1727, 2519, Agriculture 80, 170, 289, 303, 309, 3206, 3452, 3692
2547, 2838, 3290, 3302, 3495, 321, 421, 422, 424, 427, 428, 433, Alcoholism 1260, 2387, 3016, 3206,
3610, 4046 543, 586, 647–650, 667, 684, 700, 3294, 3692
701, 835, 837, 850, 994, 996–1000, Alcorta, Diego 2281
Acupuncture 554, 1682, 3106, 3290, 1241, 1248, 1422, 1492, 1494,
4022 Aldrovandi, Ulisse 1003, 1161
1496, 1501, 1639, 1651, 1671,
Adaequalitas (mathematics) see 1868, 1985, 2011, 2050, 2051, Alembert, Jean le Rond d’ 1572
Adequality; adaequalitas 2072, 2128, 2452, 2454, 2476, Alexander of Aphrodisias 741
(mathematics) 2479, 2483, 2515, 2517–2520, Alexandria (Egypt) 763, 764, 814
Adams, Charles Francis 2038 2524, 2527–2530, 2533, 2534, Algebra 225, 473, 514, 532, 533, 763,
2536, 2817, 2821, 2836, 2841, 901, 1058, 1066, 1391, 1571
Adams, John 1698 Algebraic geometry 2692
Adaptation (biology) 329, 625, 3706 3060, 3264, 3416–3418, 3420,
3422, 3424, 3425, 3428, 3430– Algorithms 705, 903, 1935, 3394
Addictive behavior 3294, 3826 3432, 3436–3439, 3443, 3446, Alienation (philosophy) 3008
Adenosine triphosphatase 3672 3448–3450, 3452, 3620, 3929, Allergy and immunology 3444, 3810
Adequality; adaequalitas 3931, 3932, 3934, 3936–3940, Alles, Gordon 3825
(mathematics) 226 3942, 3943, 4056 Allin, John 1403
Administration see Management; Agronomy 2521, 3416, 3419 Almanacs 538, 668, 775
administration Aguilonius, Franciscus 1382 Almeida, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de
Adolescence 2997 Ahlmann, Hans Wilhelmsson 2581,
Alphabet 510, 2497
Advertising 22, 2476, 2479, 2582, 2839
Alps (Europe) 855, 2015, 2816
3214, 3318, 3330, 3340, 3348, AIDS (disease) 392, 396, 3510, 3792, Alternative medicine 825, 1682, 1688,
3822, 3880 3797, 3815 1840, 2267, 2321, 3111, 3138,
Aeronautics; aviation 3455, 3457, Ailly, Pierre d’ 962 3271, 3290, 3748, 3762
3462, 3463, 3510, 3623, 3950, Ainley, Marianne 1824 Alvensleben, Gebhardt Johann von
3952, 3958, 3960, 3963, 3965, 3972 Air pollution 1425, 2070, 3637, 3865 1124
Aerospace industry 2601, 3458, 3463, Air transportation 432, 1715, 3456 Alzheimer’s disease 3809
3623, 3863, 3927, 3948, 3952, Air warfare 2630, 2785, 3351, 3454, Amateurs 444, 1190, 1820, 2098,
3967, 3968, 3972 3954 2551, 2851, 3073, 3894

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264 Subject Index

Amazon River Region (South Animal rights 1784, 2562, 2924, Archaeoastronomy 692, 711
America) 313, 1483, 2013, 2033, 2934, 3978 Archaeology 298, 361, 362, 381, 413,
2056, 2121, 2376, 2824, 3254, 3811 Animal welfare 3978, 4003 690, 694, 715, 717, 727, 832, 992,
Amber 1159 Animals 284, 509, 528, 623, 625, 701, 1261, 1527, 1548, 1627, 1675–
America 454, 665, 670, 1143, 1145, 802, 804, 807, 809, 853, 862, 892, 1677, 1808, 1989, 2001, 2006,
1415, 3679, 4030 948, 951, 955, 1166, 1170, 1431, 2163, 2235, 2253–2257, 2259–
American College of Cardiology 3121 1493, 1558, 1627, 1632, 1647, 2262, 2373, 3029, 3058, 3074–
1661, 1665, 2083, 2126, 2128, 3083, 3300, 3724, 3730–3732
American Historical Association 3084
2252, 2343, 2395, 2821, 2850, Archimedes 220, 222, 902, 1056
American Indians 672, 1484, 1621, Architects 1731, 3333, 3360
1642, 1823, 2601, 2603 2856, 2906, 2924, 2980, 3032,
3094, 3434, 3788 Architecture 222, 249, 288, 428, 664,
American Institute of Physics 19, 62– 694, 710, 711, 727, 1233, 1289,
Animals in art 1421, 2592
64, 3582 1489, 1689, 1731, 1733, 1735,
Animals in literature 853
American Museum of Natural History, 1795, 1872, 2115, 2450, 2595,
New York 2804 Animals, mythical 957, 1442, 2076
2649, 3264, 3353, 3357, 3360,
American Philosophical Society 1716 Animation 359, 3915, 3927 3463, 3863
American Psychiatric Association Animism 1558 Architecture, military 1025
2993, 3173 Annales school 2652 Arctic Ocean 1990, 2008
American Red Cross 2403 Antarctica 198, 2007, 2706, 2793, Arctic regions 285, 439, 1990, 1996,
Amico, Giovanni Battista 1093 2800, 3597 2008, 2569, 2571, 2795, 2798–
Ammal, Edavaleth Kakkat Janaki Anthony, Francis 1124 2800, 2802, 2818, 2850, 2869, 3607
2612 Anthrax 2425 Aretaeus of Cappadocia 821
Ampère, André Marie 1947 Anthropology 14, 29, 30, 42, 184, Argentina 1417, 1770, 2234, 2281,
352–356, 549, 663, 685, 686, 688, 2312, 2386, 2390, 2791, 2948,
Amphetamine 3825 3097, 3105, 3192, 3208, 3238,
737, 799, 800, 964, 1112, 1186,
Amphibians 2119, 4015 1450, 1535, 1539, 1670, 1815– 3251, 3264, 3277, 3303, 3366,
Amsterdam (Netherlands) 73, 79, 84, 1817, 1847, 2156, 2163, 2185, 3524, 3656, 3746, 3749, 3770
95, 1588, 2941, 3334 2216, 2234–2237, 2239–2244, Arias Montano, Benito 1203
Amusement parks 3374 2609, 2845, 2856, 2880, 2884, Ariëns Kappers, Cornelius Ubbo 2609
Anachronism, literary 48 3011, 3014, 3015, 3024, 3029, Aristarchus, of Samos 777
Analogies see Metaphors; analogies 3034, 3044, 3052–3059, 3316, Aristocracy (social class) see
Analysis (philosophy) 137, 2669, 3463, 3648, 3724, 3727 Nobility; aristocracy (social class)
2670, 2674 Anthropology and historical methods Aristotelianism 214, 218, 257, 461,
Analytical geometry 1330, 1908 42, 52, 153, 425, 964, 2373, 2523, 463, 466, 498, 750, 768, 788, 806,
3119 845, 879, 886, 888, 889, 891, 928,
Anatolia (Turkey) 2865, 2866
Anthropology, prehistoric 1817, 2139 951, 961, 962, 972, 1040, 1042,
Anatomy 323, 336, 567, 724, 789, 1045, 1046, 1048, 1052, 1055,
1015, 1176, 1180, 1199, 1427, Anthropometry 2163
Anthropomorphism 800, 4048 1115, 1116, 1135, 1137, 1148,
1430, 1439, 1444, 1446, 1678, 1179–1181, 1232, 1273, 1274,
2138, 2182, 2274, 2304, 2925, Antibiotics 3253, 3800 1299, 1307, 1309, 1316, 1374,
2951, 3289 Antiquarianism 1261 1399, 1436, 1562, 1565
Anaxagoras of Clazomenae 780 Antisemitism 2609, 2939, 3292 Aristotle 218, 280, 734, 736, 742,
Andalusia (Spain) 422, 508 Antisepsis 2279, 2317, 2323, 2335 743, 745–748, 752, 758, 768, 787,
Andel, Martinus Antonie van 100 Apartheid 3886 788, 792, 802, 803, 805–807, 809,
Andersson, Johan Gunnar 3076, 3081 Apiculture see Bees; apiculture 810, 877, 882, 888, 926, 953, 962,
Andes 2376, 2383 Apollonios of Tyana 738 970, 1205, 1244, 1432
Andrade, Mário de 3254 Apollonius, of Perga 762 Arithmetic 472, 1449, 1453, 1455,
1568, 1571, 1901
Andrade, Nuno Ferreira de 2410 Apothecaries 874, 993, 1227, 1386,
Arithmetical operations 1449, 1453
Andreas, F. C. 3070 1420, 1460, 1625, 1979
Arizona (U.S.) 3287
Androgyny; hermaphroditism 1019, Applied chemistry 1736, 1980, 1982,
Armenia 1311
1828, 2168, 2928 3587
Armillary sphere 1366
Anecdotes 2975 Applied mathematics 1060, 1246, Arms and armor 868, 870, 990
Anemia, Sickle Cell 3215 1247, 1449, 1728, 2752, 3396, 3587
Arms race 3341
Anesthesia 2323 Applied psychology 2204, 2774 Army medicine 1842, 3104
Anglo-Saxons 917 Applied science 1248, 1743, 1744, Arnaldus de Villanova 842, 932, 970
2777, 3059, 3590 Arnauld, Antoine 1331
Angola 3193, 3306, 3307
Applied statistics 357, 2025, 2223, Aromatherapy 1467
Animal anatomy 971, 1430, 1627, 2224, 3432
2119, 3935 Aron, Hermann 2468
Apprentices and apprenticeships 1550 Arrhenius, Svante 2708, 2756
Animal behavior 625, 1780, 2108,
2112, 2723, 2856, 2869, 2933, Apuleius, Lucius 1038 Arsenic 52, 403
2980, 3551, 3692, 3696 Aquaculture 420 Artifacts 202, 690, 714, 1236, 1677,
Animal diseases 804, 1742, 3421, Aquariums 2875 2257, 2261, 2591, 3300, 3909
3433 Aquatic biology 999 Artificial insemination 1810
Animal ecology 289, 298, 2064 Arab/Islamic world, civilization and Artificial intelligence 1713, 3413,
Animal experimentation 1785, 2211, culture 211, 422, 441, 456, 457, 3836, 3901, 3908
2562, 3032, 3690, 3692, 3978 459–462, 465, 469–479, 481, 484, Artificial life 3836
Animal genetics 2592, 4011 489, 491, 492, 494, 495, 498, 500– Artillery 1707, 2625
502, 504, 507–509, 514, 652, 716, Arts and humanities 31, 161, 1007,
Animal husbandry 699, 701, 995, 762, 769, 841, 858, 877, 903, 912,
1171, 1780, 2869, 3207, 3433, 3441 1871, 2653, 3009, 3030
915, 923, 924, 938, 1000, 1047, Aryabhata I 600
Animal magnetism 1682 1827, 2602 Asbestos and asbestos industry 3269
Animal migration 3646 Arabian peninsula 720 Asia 438, 522, 1219, 2616, 3283,
Animal morphology 323, 799 Arabic language 476, 479, 875, 967, 3650, 3990, 4013
Animal physiology 802, 1199, 1558, 974, 2250 Asia, civilization and culture 42, 535,
1645, 1660 Arachnids; spiders 1441 539, 568, 639, 3227
Animal power 1492, 1558, 1718, 3942 Aranha, Graça 2166 Assimilation (sociology) 3056
Animal psychology 2856, 2933, 3696 Arcaeus, Franciscus 1203 Assyria 703

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Subject Index 265

Asteroids 1940 Audiences 15, 460, 924, 1146, 1529, Bacon, Francis, 1st Baron Verulam
Astrolabes 481, 656, 910 2371, 2551, 2701, 3389, 3477, 3991 1147, 1158, 1172, 1242–1244,
Astrology 211, 242, 489, 490, 608, Audiobooks 2504 1302, 1314, 1316, 1317, 1399,
729, 731–733, 779, 782–785, 872, Auditory perception 787, 1709, 3551, 1464, 1508
875, 923–927, 930, 987, 1075, 3850, 3861, 3923 Bacon, Roger 926, 931
1076, 1078, 1094, 1095, 1103, Augé, Marc 3008 Baconianism 1815, 1918
1106, 1107, 1109–1113, 1124, Bacteriology 2154, 2285, 2369, 2913,
Auroras 677, 1996, 2706 3211, 3253, 3321, 3435
1371–1375, 1406
Australia 261, 276, 674–678, 680, Bacteriophages 3671
Astrometry see Spherical astronomy; 681, 685, 1141, 1154, 1414, 1610,
astrometry Baghdad (Iraq) 481, 499
1611, 2005, 2011, 2015, 2027,
Astronautics 3458, 3564, 3957, 3960, 2039, 2041–2043, 2051, 2055, Bahia (Brazil) 1991, 2426
3964, 3966, 3969, 3970, 4058 2060, 2094, 2101, 2186, 2224, Bain, Alexander 1769
Astronomical chronology 692, 1092, 2235, 2523, 2529, 2530, 2631, Baines, Thomas 682
1152 2653, 2694, 2706, 2848, 2954, Baking 703
Astronomical clocks 713 3053, 3085, 3103, 3209, 3324, Baldwin, James Mark 3004
Astronomical distances 777 3535, 3559, 3560, 3563, 3597, Balkan Peninsula 693
Astronomical observatories 200, 204, 3616, 3833, 3852, 3934, 3990, Ballistics 1230, 2633, 3578
234, 485, 490, 617, 715, 716, 920, 3993, 3994, 3996, 4027 Balneology 2408
1077, 1099, 1102, 1350, 1366, Australian National University 3559 Baltic States 10, 2660, 3071
1369, 1582, 1583, 1588, 1928, Australian races 685 Baltimore (Maryland, U.S.) 2590
1936, 1937, 1942, 3552, 3555, Austregésilo, Antônio 3170 Band, William 2734
3557, 3559, 3561 Bangladesh 3241
Austria 137, 695, 1657, 1969, 2002,
Astronomy 54, 62, 204, 234–238, 241, 2175, 2480, 2565, 2726, 2789, Banister, John 1201
245, 247, 447, 469, 471, 474–486, 2893, 2939, 3085, 3313, 3431, 3536 Banks and banking 1451, 4020
488, 489, 536–538, 594, 606–616, Banks, Joseph 1603, 1618, 1641, 1994
618, 619, 652–654, 656, 658, 667, Authoritarianism 744
Authorities; experts 375, 686, 1148, Banting, Frederick Grant 2626
668, 674, 677, 679–681, 690–692, Barbados 1491
708–714, 716, 732, 763, 767, 774– 1190, 1763, 2232, 2537, 2778,
2853, 3045, 3245, 3286, 3320, Barbauld, Anna Letitia 1655
777, 779, 780, 783, 786, 796, 871,
3476, 3740, 3789, 3877 Barbour, Ian G. 522
906, 911, 912, 914, 916–918, 920,
923–925, 927, 930, 1008, 1039, Authority of medicine 2329, 3320 Barbut, Marc 3528
1073, 1074, 1077, 1079, 1081– Authority of science 139, 686, 1148, Barcelona (Spain) 249, 268, 3891
1083, 1085–1087, 1089–1101, 2574, 2579, 2735, 2778, 3444, Barcelona. Universidad 2664, 2805
1103–1105, 1107, 1109–1111, 3448, 3476 Barker, Robert 1529
1113, 1123, 1187, 1263, 1285, Autism 1184, 2949, 3155, 3174, 3183, Barnd, Chester I. 3026
1287, 1289, 1290, 1324, 1344– 3185, 3697, 3784 Barnhart, Clarence L. 3729
1346, 1348, 1349, 1351, 1353– Autistic disorder 1184 Barometer 1736
1356, 1358–1361, 1363, 1366– Baroque 1431, 1438
1369, 1371, 1373, 1417, 1525, Autobiographies 92, 1249, 1480,
1746, 1747, 2645, 2955, 3088, 3702 Barreda, Gabino 1769
1565, 1574, 1576–1581, 1583– Barrington Family 2045
1585, 1587, 1588, 1606, 1878, Autoimmune diseases 2848
Barrington, Richard Manliffe 2045
1925–1931, 1934–1936, 1939– Automata; robotics; cyborgs 1713, Barrow, Isaac 1335
1942, 1944, 1945, 2060, 2141, 1771, 2400, 3398, 3653, 3836, Barth, Rudolf 3618
2218, 2633, 2643, 2707, 2708, 3913, 4048
2711–2713, 3458, 3552, 3554– Barthez, Paul Joseph 1652
Automatic control (theory) 3900 Bartholin, Thomas 1442
3557, 3560, 3561, 3565, 3945 Automation 1713, 2400
Astrophysics 63, 1924, 1931, 1935, Bartlett, Frederic Charles 3003
Automobile industry 2456, 2491, Bartlett, Neil 2765
1939, 1943 3350, 3360, 3373, 3376, 3381,
Atheism; agnosticism; irreligion 3513 Barton, Clara 2403
3382, 3391, 3455 Basel (Switzerland) 967, 1120, 1192
Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn Automobile safety 3373, 3843, 3862
3120 Bass, George 1611
Automobiles 2476, 2478, 2833, 3350, Bates, Henry Walter 2121
Athletes 2159, 2384, 3233 3360, 3368, 3369, 3373, 3381, Bateson, William 2899
Atir al-Din al-Abhari 464 3391, 3455, 3637, 3843, 3861, Bath (England) 1703
Atlantic Ocean 1637, 1998, 2798 3862, 3865 Baths, public 1703, 2388, 2406
Atlases see Maps; atlases Autopsy 1684, 2325 Bats 289, 2592, 2723
Atmosphere (Earth) 2708 Avempace 498 Batteries 1947, 2468
Atmospheric ozone 2765 Avenzoar, Abu Marwan Abd Baudin, Nicolas 1609, 1611, 2027
Atomic Bomb 2598, 2744, 2754, Al-Malik Ibn Zuhr, 501 Bavaria (Germany) 904, 1001
3454, 3504, 3521 Averroes 465, 889 Bayer, Johann 1358
Atomic energy; nuclear power 2737, Aviation see Aeronautics; aviation Beard, George Miller 2367
2754, 3466, 3574, 3849, 3851, Aviation, commercial 3457, 3958 Bears 1780
3860, 3876, 4012, 4044, 4052 Beati, Gabriele 1363
Avicenna 457, 462, 464, 466, 480,
Atomic structure 253, 2545, 2729, 490, 494, 504, 888, 1205 Beck, Adolf 2172
2733, 2757, 3592, 3593 Beckett, Samuel 3754
Awards see Prizes; awards
Atomic weapons see Nuclear Beecher, Henry Knowles 3115
weapons; atomic weapons Azevedo, Aluı́sio 2166
Beer industry; beer making 2513
Atomic, nuclear, and particle physics Aznavour, Georges Vincent 2088
Beer making see Beer industry; beer
250, 1953, 1954, 1984, 2588, making
2717–2719, 2726, 2729, 2732,
2749, 2754, 3341, 3467, 3475,
B Bees; apiculture 324, 325, 455, 952,
Babbage, Charles 1747, 1873, 2497 2109
3567, 3576, 3577, 3579–3581, Beeson, Paul Bruce 3481
3583, 3592, 3596 Babcock, Horace W. 2713
Babylon (extinct city) 611, 705, 713, Beethoven, Ludwig von 1534
Atomism 928, 1376, 1385, 1402, Behavioral sciences 353, 412, 1712,
1429, 1594, 2588 722, 725
2175, 2198, 2225, 2674, 2933,
Atoms 1984, 2545, 2729, 2733, 3593 Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel 1532 2947, 2956, 2980, 2982, 3686,
Attention Deficit Disorder 3741, 3768 Bachi, Roberto 2602 3699, 3715, 3716
Auckland Institute and Musem 2038 Bacon, Francis Thomas 1400 Behaviorism 2266, 3716

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266 Subject Index

Behn, Aphra 1437, 1462 Bioengineering see Synthetic biology; Biot, Jean-Baptiste 1779
Bekenstein, Jacob D. 3568 bioengineering Biotechnology 2851, 2911, 2914,
Bekhterev, Vladimir Mikhailovich Bioethics see Biology and ethics; 2929, 3322, 3479, 3480, 3485,
2192 bioethics 3872, 4016, 4057
Belarus 426, 2434 Biofuels; biomass energy 3491 Biotechnology industry 3743
Belgium 71, 88, 104, 298, 1060, 1199, Biogenesis; origin of life; spontaneous Birch, Thomas 1547
1231, 2064, 2221, 2257, 2625, 4052 generation 760, 1429, 1433, 2853 Birds 287, 289, 721, 1419, 2034,
Biogeography 2013, 2049, 2837, 2046, 2112, 2113, 2592, 2804,
Belgium, colonies 2638
2872, 3506, 3656 3609, 3624, 3646, 4015
Belief and doubt 1774 Biringuccio, Vannoccio 1230
Bell Telephone Laboratories 3959 Biographies 12, 13, 73, 74, 78, 82–97,
Birkeland, Kristian 2708
Bell, John Stewart 2730 100, 102, 104, 105, 107, 110, 150,
282, 334, 354, 446, 622, 798, 842, Birken, Sigmund von 1267
Bellarmine, Roberto Francesco Birkmayer, Walther 2939
843, 845, 865, 880, 882, 895, 932,
Romolo 1343 Birmingham (England) 1831
978, 1001, 1005, 1038, 1064, 1206,
Belon, Pierre 1166 1248, 1324, 1367, 1380, 1525, Birth control; contraception;
ben Samuel, Hillel 843 1569, 1576, 1614, 1634, 1676, sterilization 1827, 2349, 2397,
Bendit, Rosa 3292 1693, 1716, 1745, 1746, 1750, 2613, 2614, 2617, 2620, 2921,
Beneden, M. van 2064 1824, 1878, 1899, 1906, 1909, 3187, 3273, 3783, 3796, 3803, 4038
Benedict, Ruth Fulton 3052 1910, 1915, 1931, 1952, 1953, Black holes (cosmology) 240, 3568
1955, 1982, 1992, 2019, 2029, Black market 3429
Benedito, José Maria 2803
2041, 2043, 2065, 2110, 2113, Black, Joseph 1736
Benedito, Luis 2803 2158, 2173, 2187, 2198, 2229, Blades 414
Bengal (India) 1832, 1960, 2099, 2239, 2280, 2342, 2350, 2358, Blast furnaces 591, 3386
2398 2402, 2409, 2456, 2462, 2475, Blavatsky, Helene Petrovna 1838
Bennett, Hugh Hammond 3416 2508, 2541, 2555, 2633, 2661, Bleaching see Dyes; painting;
Benson, Ezra Taft 2841 2676, 2690, 2694, 2706, 2724, bleaching
Bentley, Arthur Fisher 328 2749, 2754, 2772, 2782, 2789, Blindness 973, 1174, 3199, 3302
Berg, Lev Semenovich 2151 2808, 2855, 2859, 2869, 2878, Blood 497, 803, 855, 1271, 2144,
2957, 2963, 2971, 3004, 3081, 2881, 2892, 2905, 2919, 2927,
Bergson, Henri Louis 2557, 2895 3170, 3264, 3315, 3360, 3380,
Berkeley, Edmund Callis 3383 3286, 3312, 3322
3396, 3455, 3505, 3551, 3581, Blood diseases 3215
Berlandier, Jean Luis 2019 3732, 3735, 3761, 3833, 3902,
Berlin (Germany) 99, 1625, 2333, 3934, 3952 Blood transfusion 368, 2919
2907, 3141, 3275, 3334, 3376, 3634 Bloodletting 1444
Bioinformatics 4013
Bloomfield, Leonard 3729
Berlin. Freie Universität 2468 Biological diversity 170, 306, 316, Blumenberg, Hans 355
Bernard, Claude 2273 1323, 2092, 2113, 2126, 2808, Boas, Franz 2240
Bernhard Schmidt 1930, 2643 2840, 3628, 4011
Bocks, Paul 104
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 1322 Biological pest control 1651 Bodin, Jean 1040
Bernoulli, Daniel 1379 Biological specimens 2019, 2044, Body mass index (BMI) 2271
Bernoulli, Jakob 1334 2117, 2807, 2869, 3609 Boeckh, August 1875
Bernoulli, Johann 1379 Biological warfare 2626, 2634 Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus
Bertell, Rosalie 3497 Biological weapons 2626, 2634, 3519 757
Berthelot, Marcelin Pierre Eugène Biology 29, 102, 120, 290, 315, 317, Bohemia 1136, 1168, 1214, 3441
2760, 2761 319, 320, 323–325, 353, 392, 648, Bohr, Niels Henrik David 2545, 2717,
Betancourt y Molina, Agustı́n de 743, 746, 797, 863, 948, 956, 1108, 2722, 2738
1589, 1707, 1708, 1710, 1711, 1173, 1432, 1518, 1519, 1557, Bojanus, Ludwig Heinrich 2036
1717, 1724, 1725, 1732, 2461 1645, 1648, 1650, 1746, 1762, Bolivia 2813
Bethe, Hans Albrecht 2749, 2750 1799, 1858, 1986, 2013, 2019, Bologna (Italy) 1031, 1291
2064, 2079, 2081, 2086, 2109, Bologna. Università 1031
Bhaskara I 602 2110, 2141–2143, 2165, 2193,
Bhaskara II 600 Boltzmann, Ludwig 1950, 2752
2248, 2395, 2571, 2594, 2803, Bombay (India) 636
Bhutan 322, 3772 2840, 2848, 2852, 2855, 2857–
2859, 2862, 2868, 2870, 2885, Bombs and bombing 2630, 2753
Biancani, Giuseppe 1362 Bonaventura, Saint 931
Bible 189, 260, 280, 702, 775, 860, 2887, 2888, 2896, 2897, 2901,
2909–2911, 2915, 2916, 2948, Bonds see Valency; bonds
878, 958, 1037, 1642, 1833, 2253 Bone and bones 381, 802, 822, 1642,
Bibliographies 18, 51, 72, 75, 103, 3224, 3282, 3531, 3536, 3609,
3651, 3654, 3655, 3658, 3666, 2242, 2274, 2937, 4018
336, 418, 593, 1754, 2458, 2546, Bonincontri, Lorenzo 1107, 1112
2641, 2993, 3171 3672, 3741, 3903, 3930
Biology and ethics; bioethics 121, Boodt, Anselm Boethius de 1117
Bibliometrics 3558 Book making 417, 418, 911, 1415
167, 306, 393, 1785, 2562, 2563,
Bicycles 631, 2448, 3345, 3844 2565, 2932, 3305, 3479, 3480, Bookbinders and bookbinding 418
Big bang theory 3558 3667, 3670, 3872, 3979, 4057 Books 238, 417, 418, 922, 1008,
Big data 3034, 3083 Biomass energy see Biofuels; biomass 1161, 1216, 1334, 1415, 1623,
Big history 24, 25 energy 1625, 1678, 1787, 1801, 1869,
Big science 2576, 3467, 3583, 4024 Biomedical technology 317, 412, 2032, 2124, 2130, 2146, 2863, 3649
Bilikiewicz, Tadeusz 148 2277, 2310, 2562, 3094, 3197, Booksellers and bookselling 2451
Binding (material); binding agents 3276, 3286, 3307, 3506, 3650, Boole, George 225, 1886
727 3652, 3778, 3781 Booth, William 2917
Biomedicine 523, 551, 1519, 2310, Borchgrevink, Carsten Egeberg 2007
Binding agents see Binding
(material); binding agents 3778 Bordes, François 3082
Biometry 2898, 2922, 3282 Bordeu, Théophile de 1652
Binet, Alfred 2962
Born, Max 2738
Binswanger, Ludwig 3148 Bion, Wilfred Ruprecht 3176
Bosmans, Henri 88
Biochemistry 99, 2293, 2759, 2766, Biophysics 2860 Boston (Massachusetts, U.S.) 1642,
2773, 3671, 3686, 3690 Biopolitics 158, 179, 185, 2517, 3501, 2478, 2489
Biodegradation; decomposition 3650 Boston City Hospital 3132
(biology); decay 847 Biopower 2517 Botanical gardens 493, 2091, 2096,
Bioenergetics 3672 Biosemiotics 3655 2101, 2864, 2867

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Subject Index 267

Botany 282, 283, 426, 493, 626, 639, Bridges 409, 411, 2440, 2444, 2451, Cabinets of curiosities 1015, 1500,
798, 1164, 1168, 1169, 1428, 1438, 3841 1624
1491, 1524, 1603, 1618, 1625, Bright, Timothie 1386 Cable, submarine 2502
1646, 1650, 1653–1659, 1661, Brinkley, John Richard 3120 Cable, transatlantic 2498
2015, 2016, 2044, 2057, 2065, Cabral, Domingos Guedes 2152
British Association for the
2088–2095, 2097–2099, 2101– Caesar, Gaius Julius 880
Advancement of Science 2031
2106, 2508, 2612, 2762, 2789, Cailletet, Louis 1976
2808, 2814, 2865, 2866, 2869– British Broadcasting Corporation
3403 Caillois, Roger 1554
2871 Cairo (Egypt) 974
Botswana 3795 British Columbia (Canada) 420
Calculus 1335, 1337, 1566, 1567,
Bottero, Evangelina 1825 British Ecological Society 2808 1573, 1894, 1900, 1904, 1908,
Boucher de Perthes, Jacques 2260 British Guiana see Guyana; British 1913, 1914, 2700, 3543
Bougainville, Louis Antoine de 1613 Guiana Calcutta (India) 636
Boulton, Matthew 1726 British Isles 869 Calendars 240, 242, 529, 537, 538,
British Library 1547 652, 655, 657, 658, 662, 668, 692,
Boundary work 1779, 3059 775, 781, 919, 921, 922, 1083,
Bourdieu, Pierre 3047, 3194 British Petroleum Company 4006
Broadcasting, radio and television 1088, 1092, 1254, 1262, 1267,
Bouvier, Henri 2409 1283, 1360, 1364, 1476, 1512,
2582, 3303, 3334, 3389, 3406,
Bowdich, Thomas Edward 1998 3407, 3414, 3415, 3835, 3893, 1521, 1553
Bowlby, John 2978 3906, 3911, 3926, 3959, 3966 California (U.S.) 2515, 2623, 3387,
Boyer, Paul 3672 3463, 3499, 3525, 3623, 3630,
Broca, Paul 2173, 2179, 2183, 2185 3685, 3863, 3927, 3931, 3948,
Boyle, Robert 1022, 1242, 1243, Brocchi, Gambattista 1988, 2080
1268, 1297, 1309, 1316, 1401, 3962, 3972, 4007
Bronze 693 California Academy of Sciences 2804
1464, 1736
Brouncker, William 1570 Calvinism 1274
Brahe, Tycho 1082, 1086
Browne, Richard 1386 Calvino, Italo 3557
Brahmagupta 600 Camara, Manoel Ferreira da 1635
Bruce, Robert, Earl of Carrick 986
Braid, James 1879 Cambridge (England) 1747, 2857
Brudzewski, Albert 1090
Brain 54, 335, 339, 340, 500, 1313, Cambridge Platonists 1318, 1400
1666, 1712, 2162, 2170–2172, Brueghel, Jan the Elder 1421
Cambridge University 221, 2000
2174, 2175, 2182, 2183, 2185, Brueghel, Pieter 1554 Camera obscuras 407, 1062
2187, 2189, 2213, 2315, 2565, Bruins, Evert Marie 84 Cameras 407
2941, 2942, 2945, 2947, 3068, Brunelleschi, Filippo 1062, 1233 Camouflage (biological) 2874
3501, 3686, 3687, 3689, 3691, 4022 Bruner, Katherine Frost 2993 Camouflage, military 2874
Brain localization 340, 2173, 2174, Bruno, Giordano 1023, 1041, 1051, Campanella, Tommaso 1023, 1285,
2177, 2183, 2188, 2946 1059 1308
Brandis, Dietrich 2065 Brunschwig, Hieronymus 1132 Canada 342, 420, 1615, 1824, 1915,
Branford, Victor 3048 Brunswik, Egon 3003 1996, 1999, 2014, 2336, 2366,
Braudel, Fernand 155, 3020 2445, 2464, 2571, 2626, 2799,
Brussels (Belgium) 2217
Braun, Karl Ferdinand 1761 2802, 2812, 2828, 2850, 2869,
Bubble chambers 3580 2917, 2918, 3099, 3112, 3196,
Brazil 32, 59, 113, 202, 203, 341, 672, Büchner, Andreas Elias 1697 3226, 3239, 3243, 3246, 3279,
673, 1166, 1201, 1582, 1634, 1741, Buddhism 182, 516, 535, 546, 547, 3284, 3304, 3361, 3378, 3487,
1782, 1806, 1816, 1821, 1836, 552, 553, 576–578 3497, 3606, 3657, 3704, 3779,
1842, 1864, 1868, 1991, 2056, 3878, 3935, 3988, 4042
2075, 2152, 2162, 2164, 2166, Buen, Odón de 2805
Buenos Aires (Argentina) 1942, 2281, Canals see Marine engineering;
2283, 2286, 2299, 2300, 2319,
2323, 3016, 3747 canals; waterways
2320, 2330, 2359, 2367, 2368,
2370, 2373, 2386, 2388, 2389, Buenos Aires. Universidad 3747 Cancer; tumors 333, 370, 557, 1216,
2392, 2396, 2399, 2413, 2417, 2277, 2911, 2929, 3097, 3110,
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc de 3113, 3122, 3131, 3144, 3208,
2418, 2440, 2451, 2457, 2458, 1628, 1647, 1663
2482, 2511, 2524, 2560, 2562, 3221, 3303, 3637, 3739, 3740,
Building construction 411, 717, 2467 3750–3753, 3771, 3795, 4023
2605, 2641, 2647, 2648, 2651, Building engineering 3347
2658, 2659, 2764, 2779, 2790– Cannibalism 2008, 3317
2792, 2824, 2872, 2938, 2979, Bujwid, Odo 2154 Canning industry 2510, 2912, 3440
2982, 3020, 3058, 3087, 3110, Bulgaria 2472, 2633 Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig
3122, 3124–3127, 3131, 3138, Bulkeley, John 1114 1907
3160, 3162, 3169, 3170, 3182, Buller, David J. 3699 Capanema, Gustavo 3264
3189, 3194, 3201, 3207, 3210, Cape of Good Hope (South Africa)
Bulwer, John 1459 302
3211, 3213, 3215, 3222, 3231–
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm von 1975 Capellini, Giovanni 1992
3233, 3241, 3251, 3255, 3256,
3264, 3266, 3267, 3274, 3278, Burchell, Howard Bertram 3481 Capital punishment 726
3279, 3293, 3294, 3300, 3303, Bureaucracy 1788, 2492, 3857 Capitalism 2247, 2312, 2585, 3530,
3311, 3327, 3329, 3378, 3393, Buridan, Jean 750, 889 3857
3419, 3434, 3479, 3480, 3508, Burke, Edmund 1519 Carbon capture and storage 4042
3583, 3618, 3656, 3664, 3756, Burma 3869 Carbon dioxide 1969, 4009
3767, 3785, 3788, 3800, 3806, Carbonell, Eudald 2845, 3732
Burnet, Frank Macfarlane 2848
3808, 3811, 3976 Carcinogens 3644
Bursa li (Turkey) 3098 Cardano, Girolamo 1031, 1066, 1106
Bread, Cereal products 703
Burston, Samuel Roy 3104 Cardiology 376, 3121
Breast cancer 1216, 3303, 3737, 3740,
3752 Burton, Robert 1005 Cardiovascular disease 333, 376, 3318
Breast feeding 826, 2385, 2395, 2611, Business and commerce 850, 1671, Career development 2863, 3125,
3775 1952, 2449, 2585, 3093, 3101, 3535, 3536, 3622
Brecht, Bertolt 3422 3436, 3912, 3919, 4021 Carey, William M. 2704, 2725, 2755
Butler, Samuel 1764, 1809 Caribbean 451, 1537, 1657, 1702,
Breeding 800, 999, 1492, 2090, 2128,
Byzantium 726, 825, 1000 2414, 2528, 2804
2906, 3418, 3441
Carlyle, Thomas 1891, 2102
Breland, Keller 3696 Carnap, Rudolf 1892, 2251, 2667,
Breland, Marian 3696 C 2669–2671, 2686
Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham 1772 Cabala 1119, 1838 Carnegie, Andrew 2449

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268 Subject Index

Carpenter, William Benjamin 1883 Chagas Filho, Carlos 59, 2541, 2647, Children and science 2639, 2714,
Carr, John 1689 2648 2801, 2987, 2997, 3532, 3974
Carroll, Lewis 1897 Chagas, Carlos 3087, 3254 Children’s diseases 1462, 1701, 2333,
Carson, Rachel Louise 280 Chalcidius 815 2378, 3225, 3265, 3285, 3739,
Chalcopyrite (mineral) 695 3741, 3769, 4035
Carter, Jimmy 3289 Chile 1408, 1985, 2047, 2116, 2206,
Cartesianism 1015, 1311, 1361, 1378, Challenger Expedition 3840 2346, 3010, 4053
1386, 1422, 1427, 1436, 1447, Chalmers, David John 3688 China 8, 107–109, 182, 189, 267, 313,
1448, 1481, 2190, 2312 Chambers, Robert 2133 349, 352, 368, 435, 437, 447, 449,
Cartographic Museum of Geneva Chance 746, 2136 452, 512, 513, 515, 517, 518, 520,
2012 Change (philosophy) 753, 929 521, 523, 524, 526, 527, 531, 532,
Cartography 267, 268, 270, 271, 273, Change in science see Development 534, 536–538, 540, 542, 545, 549,
275–277, 541, 542, 939, 1138, of science; change in science 552, 560, 567, 569, 572, 574–578,
1142–1145, 1151, 1153, 1155, Change in technology see 584, 586, 588–591, 593, 1324,
1357, 1407, 1409, 1411, 1414, Development of technology; 1407, 1604, 1714, 1751, 1752,
1417, 1606, 1607, 1611, 1614, change in technology 1787, 1874, 1921, 1933, 1941,
2006, 2012, 2017, 2025, 2253, 2235, 2246, 2262, 2296, 2297,
2392, 2818 Character see Personality; character 2500, 2506, 2540, 2542, 2543,
Cartoons 3569, 4014 Characters see Glyphs; characters 2550, 2572, 2580, 2583, 2604,
Casaubon, Isaac 875 Charcoal and charcoal industry 834 2662, 2691, 2700, 2709, 2734,
Case studies 266, 305, 1696, 1828, Charcot, Jean Martin 1879, 2185, 2796, 2797, 2801, 2871, 2909,
2341, 2411, 2999, 3652 2342, 2364 3014, 3015, 3028, 3029, 3045,
Chardin, Jean Baptiste Siméon 1735 3054, 3076, 3081, 3090, 3178,
Cassirer, Ernst 386, 1913, 2669, 2747, 3186, 3227, 3316, 3317, 3407,
2953 Charles Babbage Institute (University
of Minnesota) 64 3426, 3465, 3468, 3469, 3486,
Castille (Spain) 478, 861 3520, 3530, 3554, 3642, 3671,
Castro, Avram de 2339 Charles II, King of Navarre 1211 3674, 3684, 3724, 3728, 3787,
Catalan language 1091 Charles III, King of Navarre 1211 3805, 3806, 3817, 3818, 3834,
Catalogs see Tables; catalogs; lists Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 3838, 3859, 3887, 3936, 3968,
1013 4024, 4028, 4029, 4044
Catalonia (Spain) 249, 2533, 2664,
2845, 2847, 3648, 3732, 3891 Charles-Augustin Vandermonde 1538 Chinese Academy of Sciences 349
Catastrophism 3602 Chastelet, Jean du 1406 Chinese language 540
Chatton, Walter 937 Chocolate and chocolate industry
Categories (philosophy) 1560, 1562, 1491
3669, 3975 Chaucer, Geoffrey 860, 871, 910
Chemical affinity 1402 Cholera 2283, 2339, 2371, 2372,
Cathedrals and churches 1233, 1683 2398, 2407, 2412, 2414, 2418,
Cato, Marcus Portius 880 Chemical analysis; Trace analysis 2428, 3218
Caton, Richard 2172 1985
Chomsky, Noam 99
Cats see Dogs; cats Chemical compounds 1593, 1986 Christian Science 2149
Cattle 699, 728 Chemical drugs 2431, 3128, 3318, Christianity 192, 194, 195, 520, 652,
3319, 3321, 3323, 3325, 3330, 738, 866, 895, 902, 931, 957, 1078,
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 1914 3743, 3792, 3806, 3819, 3822, 3827 1112, 1119, 1269, 1271, 1404,
Causality 191, 390, 742, 743, 746, Chemical elements 1939, 1977, 1978, 1836, 1838, 2061, 2149, 2265,
747, 899, 1046, 1050, 1303, 2444, 2768 2429, 2917, 3511
Chemical Heritage Foundation Christina, Queen of Sweden 3076
Cavendish Laboratory 871 (United States) 64 Chromatography 2764
Cavendish, Henry 1268 Chemical industry 3326, 3327 Chromosomes 2880, 2884, 2899,
Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Chemical pollution 292, 2071, 2524, 2902, 3258, 3506
Newcastle 1253, 1263, 1284 2554, 3636, 3643, 3644 Chromotherapy see Color- therapeutic
Ceffons, Pierre 987 Chemical technology 4034 use; chromotherapy
Celestial maps; star catalogs 482, 486, Chemical warfare 403, 2763 Chronologies 189, 273, 858, 923,
540, 612, 614, 615, 675, 676, 707, 1152, 1454, 1463, 2126, 2776, 3728
Chemical weapons 2626, 3517, 3519
709, 1094, 1123, 1369, 1586, 2712 Chronology see History as a
Chemistry 62, 83, 247, 250, 251, 253, discipline; chronology; study of the
Celestial mechanics 237, 240, 540,
255–257, 292, 402, 514, 694, 793, past
832, 1187, 1197, 1319, 1401, 1594– Chumash people 2601
Cell phone services industry 3889 1598, 1841, 1868, 1950, 1959,
Cellular biology 319, 332, 2849, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
1965–1979, 1981, 1982, 1984–
2944, 3221, 3666, 3669 Saints (LDS); Morman Chuch 2841
1987, 2160, 2743, 2757, 2758,
Celluloid 1966 2760, 2762–2767, 2769–2772, Churchill, Winston 3341, 3414
2778, 2823, 2829, 3098, 3324, Cicero, Marcus Tullius 779, 1667
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius 822
3445, 3587–3593, 3595, 3596 Cinema see Motion pictures; cinema;
Cement; lime; concrete 1982 movies
Censorship 1023, 1024, 1282, 1363, Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
(Chernobyl, Ukraine, 1986) 3571, Cinematography 1737, 3108, 3140
3486 Circulation of the blood 497, 1471
Census of Marine Life (1999-2009) 3643
Cherokee Indians 669 Circumcision see Surgery of sex
3654 organs; circumcision
Census tabulation 636, 3010 Chess 3398, 3908 Citizenship 166, 3172, 3675, 3679,
Central America 667, 2238, 2833 Chicago (Illinois, U.S.) 2141, 2489, 3906
3042 Civil engineering 1711, 1723, 1725,
Central Asia 514
Chicago, University of 2141 2453, 2455, 2458, 2459, 2472,
Central Europe 216, 1406
Child development 351, 1462, 2610, 2475, 3364, 3377, 3877
Ceramics 989
2949, 2972, 3710 Civil rights 3510, 3885
Ceramics industry 989, 1516 Civil War (Spain, 1936-1939) 2649,
Childbirth 449, 1462, 1702, 3264,
Ceramics; pottery 589, 832, 989, 3742 2689, 2784, 3225
1516, 2529 Civil War (United States, 1861-1865)
Children 186, 1470, 1701, 2363,
Cereals see Grain crops; Cereals; 2378, 2382, 2423, 2716, 2932, 1849, 1866, 2291, 2350
Grasses 2958, 2982, 2987, 2997, 3181, Claire, Antoine, Compte Thibaudeau
Certainty; uncertainty 3669, 4031 3187, 3192, 3284, 3285, 3298, 1662
Certeau, Michel de 673 3739, 3776, 3784, 3810 Clarke, Samuel 1323

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Subject Index 269

Classification 51, 235, 1659, 1735, Collected correspondence 19, 1282, Communication of scientific ideas
1904, 2546, 2789, 3470, 3975 1754, 1968, 2127, 2129, 3088 146, 162, 165, 166, 187, 205, 515,
Classification in biology 316, 1627, Collected works 101, 1130, 1332, 536, 563, 1328, 1618, 1678, 1772,
1628, 1633, 1646, 1649, 1656, 1595, 1806, 1869, 1992, 2043, 2661 1782, 1938, 2037, 2086, 2251,
2082, 2120, 2248, 2859, 2861, 3929 Collections 17, 163, 197, 423, 493, 2305, 2371, 2544, 2551, 2552,
Classification of diseases see 682, 686, 687, 1130, 1139, 1227, 2554, 2560, 2561, 2711, 3189,
Nosology; classification of diseases 1418, 1420, 1549, 1624, 1629, 3201, 3303, 3321, 3459, 3465,
1657, 1661, 1675, 1741, 1847, 3477, 3533, 3537, 3565, 3566,
Classification of knowledge 51, 134, 3569, 3598, 3640, 3784, 3805,
140, 193, 244, 437, 929, 2546, 1850, 1851, 1854, 1992, 2036,
2044, 2045, 2075, 2088, 2094, 3928, 3976, 3977, 3990, 3991,
3184, 3470, 3669, 3975 3996, 4002, 4008, 4010, 4027,
2139, 2163, 2235, 2261, 2778,
Clausewitz, Carl von 3516 4035, 4041
2804, 2807, 2862, 2871, 2929,
Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel 2937, 3029, 3609 Communication science 4054
1950 Collective biographies 251, 1573, Communication technology 22, 646,
Clavius, Christopher 1135, 1362 3387 2463, 2500, 2501, 2503, 2507,
Clements, Frederic Edward 2814, Collectors and collecting 197, 446, 2582, 3026, 3335, 3389, 3402,
2815, 2840 493, 550, 682, 686, 687, 1015, 3403, 3405–3407, 3410, 3414,
Climate and climatology 97, 258, 259, 1412, 1418, 1440, 1532, 1549, 3871, 3889, 3892, 3898, 3911,
261, 278, 303, 308, 1601, 1637, 1657, 1845, 1847, 1850, 1851, 3921, 3923, 3925, 3975, 4055
1989, 2016, 2025, 2055, 2060, 2044, 2045, 2179, 2182, 2235, Communication within scientific
2063, 2101, 2383, 2408, 2790, 2804, 2807, 2846, 2865, 2871, contexts 170, 1003, 1649, 1873,
2840, 3604, 3605, 3993, 4000 3024, 3029 1948, 2034, 2086, 2088, 2324,
Collins, John 1566 2340, 2664, 2993, 3302, 3991, 4027
Climate change 258, 259, 261, 454,
2060, 2800, 2827, 2839, 3425, Communications, digital 40, 416,
Colombia 2006, 2046, 2275, 2285, 3537, 3903, 3905, 3920, 3925,
3598, 3599, 3601, 3605, 3613, 3875, 4017
3614, 3616, 3993–4000, 4002, 3995, 4035, 4054
Colonialism 272, 276, 310, 361, 362, Communism 181, 3146, 3309, 3403,
4009, 4010, 4042 372, 433, 436, 438, 440, 442, 444, 3417, 3492, 3513, 3705
Clinical medicine 804, 2276, 2277, 453–455, 544, 550, 597, 622, 631, Community studies 148, 1495, 2064,
2330, 2392, 2848, 3115, 3139, 636, 644, 645, 650, 663, 665, 670, 2089, 3417, 3534
3190, 3481, 3687, 3734, 3747, 686, 687, 1043, 1150, 1153, 1187, Comparative anatomy 2078, 2138,
3752, 3786, 3823 1258, 1415, 1423, 1451, 1483, 2282
Clinical psychology 2341, 2365, 1491, 1537, 1549, 1608, 1612,
1623, 1631, 1637, 1656, 1698, Compasses 1289
2367, 2368, 3139, 3162, 3170, Competitions see Contests;
3176, 3707, 4030 1781, 1787, 1797, 1798, 1819,
1822, 1845, 1949, 2024, 2027, competitions
Clinical trials 3115, 3748 Complexity 3068
2046, 2051, 2099, 2101, 2223,
Clinics 3112, 3139, 3707 2235, 2242, 2246, 2265, 2297, Computational sciences 3589, 3907
Clocks 587, 1231, 1386, 1713, 1771 2322, 2369, 2389, 2401, 2419, Computer games 3394, 3905, 3924
Cloning of organisms 2911, 3479, 2439, 2450, 2482, 2521, 2525, Computer graphics 3409, 3858, 3905,
3674 2570, 2603, 2608, 2612, 2638, 3915, 3927
Clothing and dress 663, 870, 1487, 2663, 2786, 2875, 2913, 2919, Computer industry 3509, 3888, 3896,
1734, 2448 2927, 2937, 3020, 3049, 3053, 3900, 3918, 3919
Clothing industry 2448, 3340 3133, 3193, 3205, 3206, 3209, Computer media 416, 3509, 3914
3217, 3220, 3227, 3249, 3256, Computer networks 3537, 3898
Clouds 1997
3264, 3268, 3276, 3283, 3306, Computer science 34, 318, 2702,
Clubs see Invisible colleges; clubs 3307, 3359, 3855, 3985 3383, 3396, 3397, 3400, 3401,
Clusius, Carolus 282 Color 1015, 1431, 1767, 1963, 2160, 3413, 3509, 3612, 3890, 3891,
Coal and coal mining 1425, 1993, 2181, 3404, 3858 3896, 3898, 3900–3902, 3908,
2466, 2772, 3838 Color theory 1015, 1431, 1963, 2160 3910, 3915, 3916, 3918, 3925
Coastal mapping 1610 Color- therapeutic use; chromotherapy Computer simulations 3050, 3399,
Cobbe, Frances Power 1785 3111 3604, 3901
Colorado (U.S.) 417, 2072, 2822, Computer users 2702, 2862, 3894,
Cocaine 2376 3912
Codes and cryptography 854, 1061, 3638
Computers and computing 34, 207,
2500, 2506, 2508, 3411, 3413, 3655 Colorado River (North America) 3507 223, 2862, 3383, 3394–3397,
Coevolution 2926 Colton, Gardner Quincy 1967 3399–3401, 3404, 3408, 3412,
Coffee 2517 Columbia River 2812 3509, 3668, 3890–3892, 3894,
Cognition 408, 416, 744, 751, 2933, Columbus, Christopher 1148 3896, 3898, 3902, 3907, 3910,
3068, 3130, 3836, 3913 Combustion; fire 302, 1984, 2058, 3915, 3918, 3919, 3922, 3925, 3987
Cognitive psychology 2205, 3002 2476, 2850, 3344, 3345, 3382 Computers and computing, analog
Comets; meteors; meteorites 488, 678, 3924
Cognitive science 49, 141, 340, 416,
1077, 1078, 1081, 1085, 1094, Comte, Auguste 1769
2175, 2200, 2680, 3031
1099, 1103, 1107, 1165, 1194, Conant, James Bryant 46
Cohen, Ernst 83 1356, 1361, 1577, 1994, 1999, Concentration camps 3142
Cohen, Hermann 1913 2708, 2780 Conception (pregnancy) 984, 1163
Cohnheim, Julius Friedrich 3221 Comic books 2598, 3539 Conchology 2073
Coignet, Michel 1060 Commemorations see Memorials; Concrete see Cement; lime; concrete
Coins; medals; seals 868, 1848, 2254 commemorations Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de 1463,
Cold War 46, 1866, 2522, 2558, 2571, Commentaries 177, 465, 476, 750, 1647
2598, 2657, 2799, 2880, 2882, 757, 815, 838, 857, 878, 889, 891, Conditioning, operant 3696
2892, 2920, 3030, 3037, 3038, 953, 962, 1047, 1048 Conference proceedings 203, 2826,
3063, 3065, 3309, 3406, 3428, Commerce 1767, 1786, 2023, 2078, 3715
3488, 3493, 3499, 3504, 3518, 3327, 3484, 3828 Confucianism 511, 526
3547, 3560, 3573, 3578, 3708, Commercialization 171, 1418, 3435, Confucius 526
3710, 3714, 3718, 3720, 3726, 3483, 3980 Congo 2638
3735, 3807, 3820, 3846, 3863, Communicable diseases 637, 3283, Congresses, conferences, and
3869, 3879, 3911, 3921, 3926, 3285, 3289 meetings 1915, 2699, 2826, 2935,
3945, 3953, 3962 Communication 1885, 2251, 2500, 3065, 3240, 3339, 3648, 3705, 3932
Cole, Keith David 2706 3168, 3373, 3402, 3403, 4019 Conic sections 473, 762, 1333

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270 Subject Index

Connes, Alain 3548 1511, 1544, 1547, 1566, 1746, 571–573, 579, 598, 600, 611, 627,
Consciousness 408, 745, 2169, 2178, 1754, 1784, 1853, 1860, 1875, 639, 642, 652, 663, 665, 667, 670,
2180, 2184, 2189, 2722, 2940, 1881, 1907, 2015, 2047, 2121, 697, 877, 903, 904, 938, 1026,
2942, 3688, 3690 2127, 2129, 2147, 2150, 2229, 1074, 1201, 1219, 1324, 1468,
Conservation biology 170, 299, 306, 2529, 2741, 2753, 2852, 3006, 1483, 1501, 1618, 1620, 1623,
543, 2048, 2092, 2113, 2808, 2821, 3076, 3088, 3175, 3435, 3481, 1654, 1682, 1714, 1757, 1766,
2827, 2832, 3617, 3618, 3634, 3672, 4054 1781, 1797, 1819, 1836, 1844,
3646, 4003, 4009 Cosmetics; ointments; medical 1248 1867, 1908, 1921, 1972, 2022,
Cosmetics; perfumes 596, 1248 2099, 2115, 2166, 2265, 2286,
Conservation Movement 2065, 2113, 2296, 2338, 2356, 2368, 2383,
2820, 2827, 2832, 3640, 4005 Cosmic background radiation 2708 2386, 2389, 2392, 2420, 2439,
Conservation of natural resources 295, Cosmic rays 2719, 2739, 3583 2486, 2514, 2517, 2604–2606,
310, 322, 684, 1790, 2046, 2057, Cosmogony 774, 2708 2612, 2641, 2691, 2734, 2756,
2066, 2098, 2522, 2606, 2820, Cosmography 936, 1410 2768, 2797, 2801, 2833, 2867,
2826, 3416, 3628, 3630, 3639, 4011 2905, 2938, 2954, 3020, 3067,
Cosmology 130, 211, 217, 237, 240,
Conservatism (political ideology) 245, 487, 520, 534, 535, 542, 605, 3076, 3090, 3093, 3106, 3125,
3783 610, 620, 653, 654, 665, 666, 696, 3143, 3153, 3156, 3170, 3186,
Conspiracy theories 1522 732, 760, 774, 778, 813, 896, 913, 3193, 3241, 3255, 3276, 3279,
Constantinus Africanus 967 923, 1039, 1051, 1075–1077, 1081, 3303, 3307, 3342, 3389, 3507,
Constellations; zodiac 608, 674, 680, 1084, 1085, 1090, 1091, 1098, 3583, 3674, 3681, 3708, 3738,
781 1101, 1245, 1343, 1353, 1361, 3748, 3773, 3777, 3785, 3806,
1363, 1368, 1405, 1525, 1577, 3811, 3818, 3855, 3974, 4029, 4043
Constructivism see Social
construction; constructivism 1583, 1585, 1882, 1951, 2708, Cross-national comparison 438, 452,
2709, 2715, 2751, 3554, 3557, 689, 1408, 1505, 1797, 2050, 2285,
Consumers and consumerism 1454, 3558, 3585 2381, 2445, 2470, 2571, 3051,
1455, 1516, 1767, 2495, 2513, 3173, 3352, 3361, 3731, 3871,
2515, 2615, 2835, 3147, 3310, Costa Rica (Caribbean) 3788
Cott, Hugh Bamford 2874 3883, 3990, 3997
3368, 3451, 3621, 3631, 3638,
Cotton industry 1736 Cross-national interaction 19, 158,
3828, 3857, 3866, 3944, 4025, 4050
189, 270, 367, 448, 508, 515, 544,
Contests; competitions 1293, 2098, Cotton, Arthur, Sir 644 630, 642, 698, 935, 1138, 1258,
2469, 3019 Counter-Reformation 1023, 1137, 1451, 1505, 1714, 1753, 1903,
Continuity 1894 1414 1942, 1999, 2021, 2222, 2242,
Contraception see Birth control; Court sponsored science 538, 1127, 2333, 2375, 2419, 2425, 2435,
contraception; sterilization 1160 2438, 2498, 2569, 2571, 2581,
Control systems 3559, 3833 Court sponsored science; patronage 2657, 2698, 2771, 2793, 2799,
Controversies and disputes 117, 120, 528, 575, 924, 1030, 1070, 1073, 2809, 2824, 2846, 2960, 3094,
131, 206, 270, 297, 348, 388, 393, 1093, 1124, 1131, 1175, 1204, 3114, 3124, 3223, 3289, 3309,
574, 657, 816, 978, 1250, 1445, 1259, 1360 3329, 3342, 3350, 3385, 3390,
1464, 1509, 1511, 1566, 1593, Courts and courtiers 856, 990, 1009, 3408, 3437, 3442, 3567, 3597,
1688, 1759, 1873, 1883, 1938, 1030, 1118, 1127, 1160, 1173, 3650, 3735, 3772, 3778, 3801,
2126, 2151, 2178, 2247, 2354, 1175, 1204 3807, 3870, 3873, 3922, 3970
2390, 2392, 2410, 2524, 2536, Coutinho, João Martins da Silva 1854 Cross-species interaction 985
2547, 2549, 2555, 2560, 2606, Cowles, Henry Chandler 2814 Crossbows 589
2640, 2665, 2692, 2821, 2831, Crafts and craftsmen 134, 413, 414, Crowd psychology 3012
2853, 2881, 2891, 3031, 3047, 516, 517, 589, 832, 871, 991, 1004, Crowdsourcing 1934
3058, 3065, 3096, 3113, 3114, 1132, 1236, 1487, 1721, 1728, Crusades 1150
3119, 3130, 3160, 3173, 3187, 1781, 2094, 2480, 3387, 3546 Crusafont Pairó, Miquel 2844, 2845,
3193, 3211, 3226, 3284, 3299, 2847
3303, 3428, 3480, 3572, 3573, Craik, Kenneth James William 2963
3601, 3605, 3630, 3646, 3648, Crane, Michael Denis 103 Cruz, Oswaldo Gonçalves 20, 3211,
3658, 3663, 3706, 3762, 3768, Creationism 190, 260, 953, 1890, 3329
3779, 3780, 3793, 3805, 3810, 2122, 2143, 2890, 2891, 3658, Crying; tears 39
3831, 3852, 3860, 3867, 3995– 3660, 3663 Cryogenics 3584
3998, 4008, 4018, 4042, 4053 Creativity; genius 116, 1310, 3008 Crystal Palace 2076
Cook, James 1610, 1612, 1619, 1641 Cremonini, Cesare 1349 Crystallography 62, 1427, 2000
Cookbooks 2514 Crick, Francis 3685 Crystals 2765
Cooking 421, 664, 993, 1699, 1766, Crime 1823, 2226 Cuba 1637, 3106
1798, 2422, 3310 Crimea (Ukraine) 3415 Cullen, William 1598
Cope, Edward Drinker 2151, 2165 Criminal justice departments see Culmann, Karl 2274
Copernicanism 1082, 1085, 1110, Police; criminal justice departments Cultural anthropology 352, 358, 549,
1111, 1113, 1298, 1345, 1352, Criminology 2216, 2226, 2998, 3016, 663, 671, 2240, 2244, 2540, 2849,
1357, 1362, 1370 3670 2905, 3034, 3053, 3056, 3059, 3726
Copernicus, Nicolaus 1074, 1075, Critical editions 741, 762, 936, 3902 Cultural influence see Cross-cultural
1090, 1093, 1096, 1097, 1101 interaction; cultural influence
Crittenden, Alexander Parker 2351
Copper and copper industry 693, Cultural Revolution (20th century,
Croissant, Odile 2854 China) 2542, 2700, 3316, 3469,
2071, 2452
Croizat, Leon 2837 3486, 3530, 3554, 3728, 3787,
Corals 3630
Croll, Oswald 1084, 1193, 1197 3817, 3834, 3838, 3936, 3968
Corn 2534
Cross-cultural comparison 3, 69, 192, Culture concept (anthropology) 2240
Corporations 1256, 2462, 2655, 3281, 297, 350, 447, 451, 452, 454, 511,
3436, 3647, 3864, 3873, 3910, 3945 Cuneiform inscriptions 706
520, 527, 592, 619, 1219, 2359, Cunha, Euclides da 2056
Corps des Ponts et Chaussées 2459, 2367, 2439, 2485, 2616, 2973,
2472 Cunha, José Anastácio da 1903
3116, 3170, 3264, 3303, 3605,
Corps of Road Engineers (Russia) 3777, 3805 Curie, family 2768
2461 Cross-cultural interaction; cultural Curie, Marie Sklodowska 2729, 2743,
Correspondence and corresponding influence 267, 434, 435, 437, 439, 2768
206, 1001, 1075, 1114, 1124, 1212, 441, 448, 450, 454, 459, 513, 515, Curie, Pierre 2741, 2743
1250, 1251, 1282, 1308, 1328, 521, 523–525, 531, 536–538, 541, Curiosities and wonders 1015, 1265,
1392, 1418, 1445, 1460, 1509, 544, 547, 550–552, 554, 555, 560, 1412, 1520, 1548, 1850

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Subject Index 271

Curriculum change 1841, 1946 Debret, Jean Baptiste 1816 Development; growth; life; death 210,
Curtis, John Harrison 2329 Decay see Biodegradation; 215, 564, 931, 1112, 1172, 1404,
Cusanus, Nicolaus 906 decomposition (biology); decay 2084, 2999, 3120, 3140, 3261, 3741
Cushing, Harvey 2182 Deceptions; hoaxes; frauds 967, 1554, Developmental biology 2119, 2901
Cuvier, Georges, Baron de 1663, 2282 1599, 1883, 1981 Developmental psychology; pediatrics
Cybernetics 2848, 3901, 3907, 3908 Decolonization 2244 and psychology 351, 2849, 2972,
Cyborgs see Automata; robotics; Decomposition (biology) see 2978
cyborgs Biodegradation; decomposition Devon (England) 3149
Cybulski, Aleksander Kazimierz 2172 (biology); decay Dewey, John 328, 1889, 2125, 2207
Cytogenetics 2894, 2902, 3987 Dedications (literary, musical, artistic) Dewing, Thomas Wilmer 2501
Cytology 2193, 2910, 3303 1073 Diabetes mellitus 333, 629
Czech Republic 181, 1127 Deduction 758, 1356
Diagnosis 338, 382, 388, 500, 582,
Czechoslovakia 1193 Dee, John 1153 724, 830, 963, 1693, 2186, 2320,
Deep sea drilling 4004 2338, 2358, 2361, 2367, 2368,
D Definition of human; human nature
54, 214, 754, 948, 1175, 1186,
2949, 3170, 3221, 3275, 3303,
3444, 3689, 3784, 3788, 3861
d’Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon 1450, 1466, 1517, 1535, 2144,
1604 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
2148, 2171, 2202, 2924, 2971 Mental Disorders (DSM) 383,
da Gubbio, Paolo Beni 1039 Defoe, Daniel 279
Da Rocha e Silva, Maurı́cio Oscar 113 3173, 3183, 3758
Deforestation 1424, 4009 Diagrams 223, 475, 788, 929, 1007,
Daguerreotype 1963
Degeneration 2344, 2359, 2362 1089, 1292, 1339, 1887, 3585, 3586
Dairy industry 699, 728, 1493, 2395,
2526 Deities see Gods; deities; spirits Dialectics 884
Dalton, John 1594, 1984 Delessert, Benjamin, baron 2093 Diamonds 948, 1991, 3306
Dampier, William 1416, 1641 Delicado, Francisco 1195 Diaries 1165, 2038, 2042, 2625, 3055,
Dams 453, 644, 1708, 2067, 2464, Della Porta, Giovan Battista 1024 3292
2465, 3381, 3855, 3877 Demarcation 1779 Dickens, Charles 1772, 1798, 1801,
Daniell, Samuel 2157 Dementyev, Kostayantin G. 1982 1804, 2102, 2209, 2241, 2292
Danube river 313 Democracy 92, 166, 172, 2936, 3037, Diderot, Denis 33, 1555, 1596
Darjeeling (India) 564 3278, 3425, 3707, 3718 Dietetics see Nutrition; dietetics
Dark energy 1951 Democritos of Abdera 794 Differential and integral equations
Dark matter 2713 Demography; population research 1904
Darlington, Cyril Dean 2612 183, 326, 396, 1449, 1689, 2223, Diffusion of innovation; diffusion of
2224, 2235, 2373, 2390, 2407, knowledge 23, 28, 38, 45, 174, 238,
Darwin, Charles Robert 280, 330, 2417, 2602, 2608, 2880, 2884,
1641, 1648, 1655, 1664, 1746, 410, 440, 447, 452, 460, 515, 536,
3010, 3035, 3144, 3155, 3203 550, 1002, 1419, 1620, 1631, 1714,
1749, 1764, 1784, 1785, 1796,
1823, 1853, 1889, 1988, 2003, Demonology see Witchcraft; 1742, 1806, 1935, 1957, 2037,
2047, 2082, 2083, 2105, 2117, demonology, 1277, 1295, 1695 2090, 2123, 2222, 2248, 2279,
2120, 2121, 2123–2127, 2129– Demonstration see Performance; 2281, 2303, 2454, 2469, 2471,
2131, 2134, 2136, 2140, 2146– demonstration 2476, 2481, 2528, 2587, 2729,
2150, 2156, 2624, 2890, 3663, 4014 Denmark 225, 336, 1753, 1964, 2581, 3385, 3437, 3448, 3452, 3464,
Darwin, Erasmus 2102 2698, 2798, 2800, 3072, 3197, 3484, 3500, 3509, 3533, 3735,
Darwinism 117, 190, 327, 331, 1663, 3437, 3491, 3831, 3871, 3981 3931, 3948, 3961, 3980
1813, 1826, 1839, 1889, 2053, Dentistry 974, 2266, 2330, 3101 Diffusion of knowledge see Diffusion
2087, 2120, 2122, 2123, 2135, Depression 1693, 3170 of innovation; diffusion of
2137, 2141, 2142, 2145, 2152, Dermatology 1826 knowledge
2162, 2165, 2180, 2592, 2624, Derrida, Jacques 99, 232, 3023 Digges, Thomas 1082, 1114
2886, 3394, 4014 Desargues, Gérard 1326 Digital humanities 33, 49, 1590, 2974,
Data analysis 318, 345, 1691, 2086, Descartes, René 228, 907, 929, 1002, 3897, 3975, 3997
2861, 2974, 3034, 3604, 4004 1050, 1063, 1147, 1171, 1245, Digitization 19, 1926, 2546, 3470,
Data collection; methods 1691, 2025, 1273, 1274, 1291, 1301, 1304, 3509, 3582, 3975
2235, 2929, 3024, 3739, 3744 1315, 1316, 1328, 1341, 1371, Dijksterhuis, Eduard Jan 58, 78
Databases 170, 404, 2372, 2884, 1376, 1381, 1386, 1391, 1393, Dijkstra, Edsger Wybe 3397
2892, 3197, 3678, 3896, 3903, 4016 1435, 1445, 1448, 1471
Dillard, Annie 3619
Davenant, Charles 1453 Deshayes, Gérard Paul 2073
Davenport, Alan G. 3377 Ding Wenjiang 3076
Design 411, 475, 1524, 1735, 2444,
Davidson, Donald 2674 2456, 2477, 3066, 3264, 3340, Dinosaurs 2076, 2843
Davis, Adelle 3694, 3776 3347, 3353, 3357, 3360, 3382, Diogenes Laertius 895
Davy, Humphry 1515, 1750 3387, 3412, 3413, 3581, 3841, Diophantos of Alexandria 226
Dawkins, Richard 3663 3853, 3900, 3918 Dioscorides, Pedanios 507, 821
De Bertereau, Martine 1406 Designing see Drawing; designing Diplomacy see Foreign relations;
de Casal, Manuel Aires 1634 Determinism 746, 1894, 2212, 3047 diplomacy
de Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier Developing countries 1501, 2116, Dippold, Andreas 3022
1656 3231, 3773, 4043 Dirichlet, Johann Peter Gustav
De Geer, Ebba Hult 2776 Development of science; change in Lejeune 1901
De Geer, Gerard 2776 science 1, 37, 71, 78, 140, 373, 464, Dirigibles see Airships; dirigibles
526, 780, 836, 904, 929, 1004,
De Morgan, Augustus 1886 1055, 1077, 1096, 1242, 1311, Disabilities; handicaps 142, 181, 378,
De Sanctis, Sante 2962 1336, 1370, 1389, 1401, 1472, 394, 1174, 1185, 1221, 1224, 1541,
de Torres, Alvar Gutierrez 1109 1504, 1832, 1924, 2364, 2516, 2547, 2566, 2619, 2969, 3225,
de Trastâmara, Henrique 3293 2579, 2780, 2825, 2859, 3129, 3229, 3260, 3302, 3679, 3765, 3867
Deafness 1459, 2252, 2329, 3867 3161, 3166, 3572, 3766, 3838, 3983 Disability technology 394, 2382,
Death see Development; growth; life; Development of technology; change 2969, 3867
death, 215, 755, 847, 848, 855, 966, in technology 406, 413, 452, 836, Disasters 261, 304, 543, 997, 1940,
1213, 2209, 2299, 2366, 2407, 2454, 2465, 2483, 2488, 2490, 2583, 2787, 2918, 3514, 3571,
2627, 2631, 2787, 2952, 3023, 2509, 3344, 3412, 3415, 3838, 3602, 3620, 3879, 4001, 4004,
3115, 4018 3882, 3899, 3901, 3936 4047, 4051

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272 Subject Index

Discipline formation 23, 57, 71, 102, Dresden (Germany) 3301 Ecology 288–290, 294–296, 304, 313,
104, 105, 212, 232, 332, 345, 374, Dreyfus, Hubert L. 3904 328, 438, 455, 544, 625, 648, 660,
1457, 1557, 1672, 1871, 1895, Drone (aircraft) 3958 683, 852, 869, 1167, 1423, 1612,
1900, 1959, 2021, 2106, 2250, 1940, 2039, 2089, 2515, 2536,
2306, 2317, 2336, 2390, 2546, Drosophila 2882 2802, 2808, 2809, 2814, 2815,
2650, 2683, 2715, 2825, 2901, Drought 997, 2072 2822, 2825, 2836, 2850, 3212,
2904, 2931, 2943, 2955, 2963, Drug use 3330, 3694, 3822, 3826 3615, 3619, 3622, 3629, 3634,
2991, 2994, 3005, 3014, 3017, Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich 4000, 4015
3045, 3049, 3065, 3112, 3132, 2176–2178 Econometrics 357
3175, 3397, 3433, 3496, 3498, Economic botany; plant cultivation;
3534, 3552, 3589, 3608, 3693, 4000 Du Chaillu, Paul 2138
horticulture 421, 426, 837, 850,
Discovery in medicine 2377, 3666 Du Châtelet, Gabrielle Émilie Le 996, 998, 1000, 1248, 1491, 2090,
Discovery in science 1, 235, 1310, Tonnelier de Breteuil, Marquise 2094, 2511, 2519, 2521, 2533,
1584, 1611, 1648, 1939, 1978, 1540, 1542 2868, 2914, 3418, 3419, 3422,
2034, 2539, 2714, 2729, 2765, 3322 du Plessis, Armand Jean, Cardinal of 3929, 3930, 4056
Discrete mathematics 1920, 3587, Richelieu 1125 Economic development 1258, 1451,
3588, 3595 Dublin (Ireland) 1961 3061, 3623, 3647
Discrete mathematics and its Dubravius, Jan 999 Economic growth 1258
applications 3595 Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis Economics 171, 353, 357, 358, 813,
Discrimination 3292 1651 852, 1187, 1258, 1451, 1455, 1501,
Disease and diseases 215, 333, 337, Duhem, Pierre 1950, 1968 1520, 1638, 1804, 1859, 2116,
356, 363, 365, 370, 378, 380–382, 2227, 2247, 2457, 2462, 2481,
Duméril, Auguste Henri André 2119 2489, 2556, 2568, 2586, 2792,
388, 390, 391, 396, 440, 451, 499,
Dunant, Jean Henri 2316 2833, 3009, 3046, 3061–3066,
503, 628, 629, 636, 869, 974, 976,
981, 986, 1184, 1198, 1220, 1221, Duncan, F. Martin 2589 3151, 3316, 3323, 3346, 3438,
1225, 1240, 1460, 1513, 1537, Dürer, Albrecht 855 3545, 3614, 3621, 3625, 3728,
1688, 1698, 1701, 1703, 1786, 3831, 3842, 3883, 4019, 4020, 4050
Durkheim, Émile 2226, 2229, 2231
1805, 1842, 2174, 2268, 2275, Economy of nature 2312
2277, 2278, 2284, 2285, 2302, Dutch East India Company 1256, Ecosystem 299, 306, 307, 943, 2148,
2305, 2318, 2320, 2322, 2337, 2327 2825, 2840
2369, 2372, 2377, 2381, 2383, Dutch Red Cross 2327 Ecuador 1685
2389, 2392, 2396, 2398, 2401, Dwarfs 1173, 1175, 1221 Eczema 3090
2405, 2406, 2410–2413, 2417– Dyes 2293, 2772
2419, 2421, 2426–2428, 2496, Eden, Richard 670
Dyes, synthetic 1767 Edinburgh 4003
2512, 2537, 2907, 2945, 3097,
3121, 3132, 3139, 3142, 3144, Dyes; painting; bleaching 519 Edison, Thomas Alva 2504
3153, 3158, 3170, 3192, 3193, Dynamics 2682, 2724 Editing (primary texts) 1480, 1684,
3197–3199, 3208, 3213, 3215, Dyson, Freeman John 3581 1909, 2129, 2661, 2662
3221, 3222, 3230, 3234, 3236, Education 17, 151, 341, 655, 823,
3238, 3240, 3241, 3243, 3246, 959, 1033, 1458, 1459, 1541, 1552,
3249, 3251, 3252, 3254, 3264, E 1568, 1598, 1769, 1835, 1865,
3276, 3279, 3283, 3294, 3296, Eads, James Buchanan 2444 1870, 2028, 2065, 2615, 2651,
3303, 3309, 3313, 3421, 3442, Eakins, Thomas 1808 2658, 2660, 2832, 2916, 2918,
3675, 3723, 3745, 3750, 3754, 2969, 2982, 3056, 3146, 3201,
3771, 3785, 3788, 3792, 3800, Ear; nose; throat 1922
3224, 3225, 3244, 3478, 3700,
3804, 3805, 3815, 4031, 4032 Earle, Augustus 1796 3741, 3897, 3938
Dissection 2304 Earth (planet) 483, 936, 3557 Education, Chemical 2757
Dissertations, academic 170, 2278, Earth sciences 1635, 1875, 1989, Education, engineering 2696, 3833
2314, 3568 1993, 1995, 1998, 2708, 2781, 3600 Educational psychology 2198, 2984
Distribution 3093 Earthquakes 266, 1165, 2435, 2787 Educational technology 22, 1792,
Divination; prognostication 529, 668, East Asia 289, 533, 1457 3410
733, 784, 873, 1078, 1082, 1103, East Asia, civilization and culture Edwards, George 1661
1163, 1360, 1372 448, 511, 518, 526, 542, 546, 547, Efficiency 530, 3340, 3355, 3637
DNA; RNA 2929, 3662, 3670, 3671, 550, 555, 558, 560, 561, 566, 567, Egypt 321, 336, 453, 497, 704, 707,
3678, 3681, 3683, 3976, 4011 584, 592, 2296, 2580, 2716, 3295 709–711, 714, 717, 719, 723, 724,
Dobzhansky, Theodosius 2889, 3508 East Germany 2834 728, 775, 818, 974, 1009, 2256,
Doctor-patient relationships 3168, East Indies 1610, 2038, 2327, 2521 2439
3754 Eastern Europe 216, 692, 1084, 1086, Egyptology 724, 1009, 1548, 2256,
Doctors see Physicians; doctors 1117, 1197, 1226, 1472, 2103, 2258, 2261
Dogs; cats 2856, 2980, 3032, 3421 2610, 3441, 3450, 3595, 3608, 3929 Ehrenfest, Paul 2557
Domestication 699, 701, 1780, 1812, Easton, David 3716 Ehrenstrahl, David Klöcker 1286
1818, 2107 Eccles, John Carew 2190 Ehrlich, Paul 2293, 3321
Dominicans (monastic order) 844, 845 Echolocation 2723 Eidous, Marc-Antoine 1526
Doppelmayr, Johann Gabriel 1614 Eckhart, Meister 892 Eiffel, Alexandre Gustave 3461
Douglas, David 2117 Eimer, Theodor Gustav Heinrich 2151
Eclipses; transits; occultations 241,
Down syndrome 2894, 2902, 3258 475, 486, 612, 668, 716, 915, 916, Eimmart family 1369
Drach, Jules 1904 920, 1581, 1584, 1929, 1933, 1942, Eimmart, Georg Christoph 920, 1105,
Drainage; irrigation 453, 644, 3620, 2710 1286, 1350, 1355, 1369
3855 Ecofeminism 3497 Eimmart, Maria Clara 1369
Drake, Raleigh M. 2705 École des Hautes Études en Sciences Einstein, Albert 115, 240, 2596, 2622,
Drama, dance, and performing arts Sociales 81 2687, 2722, 2728, 2729, 2731,
181, 981, 1146, 1174, 1185, 1342, École des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris 3012, 3569
1783 1867 El Niño current 2055
Drawing; designing 208, 323, 1261 Ecological economics; environmental El Salvador 666
Dreams 209, 825, 2195, 3017 economics 177, 291, 944, 947, Elberskirchen, Johanna 2618
Drebbel, Cornelis van 1122 2071, 2577, 2586, 3628 Elder, John 1730

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Eldredge, Niles 3649 Energy resources and technologies Environmental health; environmental
Electric eels 1437, 1644 265, 286, 643, 2070, 2466, 2474, medicine 313, 401, 3517
Electric power industry 643, 2450, 3333, 3366, 3381, 3632, 3883, Environmental history 97, 170, 261,
2464, 3358, 3378 4004, 4041 264, 286, 287, 292–298, 303, 305,
Engineering 62, 90, 409, 453, 456, 307, 310, 311, 543–545, 624, 645,
Electrical engineering 3374, 3833
597, 694, 1025, 1289, 1486, 1488, 660, 684, 869, 942, 943, 945, 947,
Electrical machines 3374 1502, 1710, 1717, 1724, 1730– 998, 1424, 1426, 1637, 1638, 1640,
Electrical meteorology; optical 1732, 1743, 2435, 2440, 2444, 1790, 1940, 2050, 2063, 2067,
meteorology 2020 2447, 2451, 2455, 2484, 2485, 2072, 2107, 2478, 2534, 2816,
Electricity; magnetism 1390, 1644, 2627, 2779, 2786, 3339, 3347, 2822, 2825, 2836, 2838, 2850,
1952, 1955, 1956, 1962, 1980, 3361–3363, 3386, 3393, 3397, 3391, 3614, 3623, 3638
2172, 2438, 2450, 2464, 2466, 3455, 3460, 3584, 3840, 3862, Environmental hygiene; Human
2468, 2575, 2735, 2877, 3374, 3378 3871, 3890, 3988, 4046, 4048 ecology 296, 3625, 3845
Electrification 2464, 2575, 3348, 3367 Engineering, aeronautical 1715, 3382, Environmental medicine see
Electrochemistry 44 3459, 3840, 3950 Environmental health;
Electroconvulsive therapy; Engineering, audio 2504, 3334, 3369, environmental medicine
electroshock therapy 3159 3920 Environmental pollution 304, 313,
Engineering, biomedical 3650, 4036 403, 1425, 1636, 2070, 2466, 2590,
Electromagnetic waves; radiation 3611, 3633, 3643
1935, 1948, 2737, 3577, 3611, 3617 Engineering, naval 1232, 1715, 2492
Engineering, petroleum 301 Environmental protection 306, 313,
Electromagnetism 1962, 1964, 2646 684, 2051, 2053, 2057, 2058, 2062,
Engineers 405, 409, 1237, 2435,
Electron physics; ionization 1956, 2446, 2447, 2455, 2456, 2786, 2065, 2820, 2821, 2826, 2836,
3572 3339, 3345, 3376, 3380, 3455, 2838, 2841, 3612, 3613, 3619,
Electronic collections online 17, 3582 3490, 3833, 3834, 3870, 3871, 3627, 3629, 3631, 3853, 4005,
Electronic information resources 371, 3885, 3972 4007, 4009
416, 3034 Engineers, aerospace 3458, 3463, Environmental sciences 262, 293,
Electrons 1956, 2545, 2770, 3593 3948, 3972 300, 309, 313, 1423, 1637, 2063,
Engineers, military 2435 2069, 2486, 2571, 2812, 2815,
Electrophysiology 1437, 1644, 2177
Engines 406, 1730, 2456, 2476, 3344, 2817, 2824, 2833, 2842, 3541,
Electroshock therapy see 3600, 3614, 3617, 3621, 3626
Electroconvulsive therapy; 3345, 3380, 3382, 3950
Engines, coal and gas 406, 2474, 2476 Environmentalism 97, 255, 262, 300,
electroshock therapy 301, 304, 306, 310, 312, 624, 695,
Electrotherapy; radiotherapy 2294, Engines, diesel 3637, 3843 1425, 1638, 2048, 2051, 2052,
2332, 2928, 3113 England 97, 166, 274, 414, 415, 421, 2054, 2057, 2059, 2062, 2066,
Elias, Norbert 812, 2230, 2972, 3018, 425, 627, 847, 852, 867, 869, 910, 2071, 2224, 2554, 2606, 2612,
3043, 4021 930, 932, 939, 949, 958, 986, 989, 2809–2811, 2819, 2820, 2823,
Eliot, George, pseud. 1794, 1799 995, 1011, 1022, 1032, 1063, 1066, 2825–2828, 2830, 2831, 2835,
1146, 1173, 1184, 1190, 1221, 2836, 2838, 2839, 3487, 3497,
Ellis, John 1631 1240, 1241, 1243, 1248, 1253, 3574, 3600, 3611–3613, 3615,
Ellis, Robert Leslie 1918, 1919 1275, 1294, 1315, 1318, 1356, 3618, 3621, 3622, 3629–3631,
Embryology 332, 759, 2084, 2910, 1367, 1386, 1390, 1401, 1411, 3634, 3637, 3638, 3640, 3647,
3781 1418, 1441, 1449, 1456, 1458, 3940, 4004, 4018
Emergency medical technicians 3799 1460, 1462, 1464, 1467, 1470, Enzymes 2759, 3672
1478, 1480, 1492–1494, 1497,
Emerson, Alfred Edwards 2887 Epicurianism 750, 895, 1450, 1667
1548, 1550, 1619, 1629, 1639,
Emigration; immigration 400, 635, 1641, 1661, 1669, 1671, 1695, Epicurus 755, 895
1819, 2041, 2286, 2309, 2363, 1701, 1704, 1719, 1773, 1775, Epidemics 43, 388, 389, 392, 396,
2375, 2386, 2389, 2418, 2515, 1784, 1824, 1857, 1859, 2000, 399, 1225, 1483, 1484, 2268, 2283,
2602, 2695, 2698, 2917, 2918, 2076, 2130, 2132, 2138, 2158, 2369, 2371, 2372, 2386, 2398,
2951, 3020, 3153, 3256, 3442, 2304, 2363, 2393, 2405, 2483, 2399, 2405, 2407, 2410, 2412–
3675, 3835, 3939 2494, 2535, 2536, 2749, 2788, 2414, 2417, 2418, 2428, 3218,
Emotions; passions 30, 39, 346, 350, 2963, 3167, 3234, 3237, 3288 3234, 3243, 3246, 3247, 3279,
366, 382, 735, 956, 1002, 1191, Engraving and engravings 840, 1088, 3284, 3296, 3426, 3749, 3770,
1447, 1461, 1528, 1667, 1668, 1238, 1441, 1566 3790, 3792, 3795, 3797, 3827,
2165, 2213, 2942, 2971, 2986, ENIAC (Computer) 3399, 3400 4032, 4035
3492, 3709 Enigma cipher system 3411 Epidemiology 389, 390, 2369, 2884,
Empathy 348, 968 3121, 3155, 3199, 3215, 3241,
Entertainment industry 1857, 3374 3286, 3287, 3303, 3312, 3773, 3788
Empedocles of Agrigentum 759, 827 Entomology 324–326, 1430, 1745,
Empiric medicine 499, 1464, 1465, Epigenesis 2084
2108–2111, 2634
1473, 1474, 1691, 1696 Epigenetics 333, 2849
Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship
Empiricism 133, 137, 191, 231, 688, 1726, 2515, 3483 Epilepsy 336, 338, 963, 2174, 3170,
816, 1214, 1297, 1302, 1378, 1439, 3689
Entropy 3593
1443, 1463–1466, 1473, 1474, Epistemology 23, 99, 135, 145, 159,
Environment 35, 261, 281, 292, 296, 171, 184, 211, 290, 306, 327, 328,
1508, 1528, 1535, 1597, 1691, 305, 313, 413, 455, 544, 545, 644,
1696, 1697, 1919, 2674 355, 358, 364, 383, 529, 557, 718,
645, 647, 648, 683, 701, 946, 994, 764, 864, 873, 980, 1002, 1187,
Emptiness see Vacuum; emptiness; 1425, 1775, 2051, 2059, 2063,
nothingness 1306, 1526, 1528, 1552, 1555,
2394, 2470, 2590, 2813, 2840, 1631, 1653, 1688, 1753, 1800,
Encephalitis 3252 3130, 3361, 3391, 3463, 3466, 1861, 1968, 2031, 2165, 2249,
Encyclopedias (history) 1005, 1246, 3619, 3623, 3626, 3635, 3641, 2251, 2396, 3055, 3063, 3130,
1555 3647, 3680, 4010 3197, 3470, 3592, 3689, 3786, 3982
Encyclopedias and dictionaries 33, Environmental degradation 298, 303, Equations and formulae 226, 473, 602
458, 839, 927, 1005, 1161, 1246, 304, 309, 313, 660, 869, 942, 1423,
2069–2071, 2452, 2536, 3416, Erie Canal (New York) 2445
1555, 1652, 2249, 2289, 2567 Erigena, Johannes Scotus 857
3618, 4004
Endangered species 299, 2048, 2058, Erikson, Erik H. 3759
Environmental economics see
3609, 3613, 4011 Eroticism 436, 1036
Ecological economics;
Endocrinology 2941, 3120, 3257, environmental economics Error 1593, 2665, 2693, 2730
3325 Environmental ethics 292, 2071, Eschatology see Millennialism;
Energy (physics) 1761, 3585 2606, 3619 eschatology

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274 Subject Index

Esoteric thought 211, 1037 Evidence 44, 1294, 2680, 3758, 4031 Extinction (biology) 625, 2034, 2048,
Espionage 1706, 2598 Evidence-based medicine 390 2053, 2148, 3609, 3624
Esquivel, Pedro 1155 Evolution 54, 143, 164, 190, 217, 319, Extraterrestrial life; exobiology 1368,
Essentialism 1046, 2858 327, 328, 330, 333, 353, 953, 1428, 1938, 3539, 3565, 3566
Esterson, Aaron 3167 1628, 1663, 1665, 1749, 1774, Eye diseases 632, 818, 974
Estonia 1852, 1936, 2211, 2328, 3362 1826, 1834, 1835, 1889, 1988, Eye glasses see Spectacles; eye
Eternity 1359 2013, 2087, 2121, 2122, 2124– glasses
2127, 2129–2134, 2136, 2142,
Ether 243 2144–2147, 2151, 2156, 2162,
Ethics 121, 306, 436, 518, 730, 741, 2165, 2205, 2240, 2585, 2592, F
883, 1048, 1255, 1315, 2215, 2756, 2624, 2805, 2879, 2885–2891, Fabre, Jean Henri 1830, 2108
2794, 3679 2895, 2898, 2901, 2903, 2904, Factories 1806, 3336, 3370, 3372,
Ethiopia 1760 2906, 2908, 2916, 2936, 3228, 3457, 3965
Ethnicity 2602, 2603, 3050, 3075, 3508, 3649, 3655, 3658, 3660, Facts (philosophy) 1815
3506, 3930, 3972, 3985 3662, 3663, 3706, 4014 Fair, Laura D. 2065, 2351
Ethnoastronomy 674 Evolution and ethics 2131, 2134 Fairbairn, William Ronald Dodds
Ethnography 14, 42, 153, 207, 356, Evolutionary developmental biology 2274
550, 560, 569, 661, 936, 937, 1186, 314, 332, 1650, 1664, 1896, 2080, Faith healing 585, 872, 1545, 2623
1187, 1202, 1656, 3053, 3055, 2125, 2149, 2888, 2901, 2926, 3665 Fajardo, Francisco 3211
3057, 3610, 3652, 3725, 3775, Evolutionary genetics 329, 331, 3659, Falsification 1347, 1981, 3472
4001, 4011, 4023, 4056 3662 Family 430, 1040, 2615, 2801, 2907,
Ethnography and the practice of Evolutionary psychology 353, 3661, 3149, 3675, 3754, 3769, 3899, 3983
history 937 3699, 3706 Family demography; family
Ethnohistory 362, 1141 Exactness; precision; accuracy 483, economics 2241
Ethnology 159, 686, 1820, 2201, 1102, 1352, 1608 Family economics see Family
3301, 3312, 3785 Excavations (archaeology) 727, 1675, demography; family economics
Ethology 800, 2978 2373, 3074, 3075, 3081 Family planning 3273, 3781, 3783,
Etiology see Medical geography; Exchange 441, 590, 1797, 2246, 2247, 3796, 3803
Etiology 2528 Famines 852, 869, 997, 2374, 3317,
Etymologies 256, 721 Exercise see Physical training; 3426, 3933
Euclid 476, 540, 768, 769, 790, 791, exercise Faraday Effect 1947
901, 1565 Exhibitions and fairs 200, 369, 1781, Faraday, Michael 1783, 1857, 1962,
Eugenics 1839, 2156, 2162, 2167, 2161, 2469, 2479, 2567, 3353 1970
2349, 2362, 2605, 2613, 2614, Exhibits 198, 418, 445, 502, 682, Farmers 420, 421, 947, 996, 1241,
2617, 2620, 2906, 2917, 2918, 1529, 1749, 1910, 2164, 2729, 2479, 2535, 2536, 2821, 3425,
2921, 2927, 2935, 2938, 3016, 2803, 3085, 3301, 3413, 3944 3427, 3430, 3448, 3450
3035, 3120, 3187, 3232, 3684, 3985 Farms 420, 421, 1241, 2128, 2476,
Existentialism 892
Euler, Leonhard 223, 1058, 1509, 2479, 2534, 2535, 3416, 3428,
1570, 1648, 1920 Exobiology see Extraterrestrial life; 3430, 3441, 3448, 3450, 3452,
exobiology 3931, 3942
Europe 19, 88, 179, 194, 211, 220,
251, 267, 276, 298, 350, 363, 365, Exotic species see Introduced Fascism 2970
368, 384, 391, 432, 438, 441, 451, organisms; exotic species Fassin, Didier 158
452, 536, 538, 554, 670, 873, 887, Experience; witness 211, 1228, 1302, Fatigue 2312, 2945, 3153
889, 892, 903, 911, 923, 928, 945, 1386, 1416, 1508, 1528, 1531, Fatou, Pierre 2682
946, 955–957, 969, 975, 977, 988, 3152, 3740
Fats and oils 3324
996, 997, 1000, 1002, 1004, 1006, Experimental biology 2158, 2914
Faulhaber, Johann 1361
1016, 1018, 1034, 1038, 1042, Experimental medicine 1474, 1810, Fausto, Vettor 1232
1043, 1057, 1073, 1077, 1078, 2323
1082, 1094, 1106, 1112, 1122, Favaro, Antonio 1860, 1862
Experimental method 257, 1244, Feingold, Ben F. 3810
1124, 1146, 1156, 1165, 1170, 1596, 3570
1202, 1207, 1212, 1216, 1219, Feldbau, Jacques 2685
Experimental organisms 2159, 3032,
1309, 1335, 1379, 1424, 1434, 3667, 3692, 4015 Femininity 862, 1826
1487, 1500, 1504, 1514, 1520, Feminism 1839, 2395, 2614, 2618,
1534, 1536, 1557, 1572, 1620, Experimental pathology see Morbid 3780, 3801, 3940
1679, 1721, 1725, 1733, 1757, anatomy; Experimental pathology
Feminist analysis 27, 2395, 3072
1780, 1788, 1807, 1813, 1819, Experimental psychology 2192, 2204,
3695, 3703 Fermat, Pierre de 219, 226
1861, 1950, 1952, 2016, 2075, Fermentation 421, 1402
2145, 2201, 2212, 2220, 2222, Experimentalists 1309
Fernandes, Pedro, de Queirós 1140
2257, 2306, 2338, 2367, 2374, Experiments and experimentation
Fernel, Jean François 1194
2377, 2386, 2388, 2420, 2481, 126, 257, 318, 841, 1131, 1228,
2516, 2538, 2561, 2603, 2616, 1243, 1284, 1314, 1381, 1387, Fertility 664, 819, 1000, 1467, 1478,
2650, 2703, 2857, 2921, 2926, 1390, 1433, 1473, 1474, 1517, 2613, 2907, 3096, 3295, 3781
2951, 2985, 3046, 3089, 3123, 1542, 1593, 1596, 1666, 1697, Fertilization 289, 1797, 3781
3148, 3153, 3170, 3173, 3179, 1783, 1952, 1962, 2064, 2159, Fertilization, in vitro 3781
3230, 3303, 3342, 3368, 3376, 2172, 2659, 2673, 2704, 2735, Fertilizers 289, 3448, 3941
3420, 3424, 3506, 3660, 3678, 2741, 2914, 2915, 3108, 3120, Fetus 1462, 3117, 3123, 3140, 3808
3791, 3882, 3945, 3990, 4030, 4031 3142, 3211, 3481, 3570, 3579, Feudalism 1495
European Organization for Nuclear 3580, 3583, 3667, 3669, 3695, Fever 3270, 3770
Research (CERN) 3580 3703, 3755 Feyerabend, Paul K. 113
European Union 2809 Experiments on self 1644, 3120 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 2197
Euthanasia 3158 Expert testimony 387, 2351 Ficino, Marsilio 1051, 1061
Evangelicalism (Christianity) 2429 Experts see Authorities; experts Field Museum of Natural History,
Evans, John 2260 Explanation; hypotheses; theories Chicago 2843
Evelyn, John 1000 135, 136, 245, 253, 731, 827, 1225, Field notes 1003
Everest, George 2302 1318, 1924, 2667, 2672, 3047, Field work 2005, 2018, 2019, 2235,
Everyday life 1016, 1035, 1118, 1160, 3667, 3686 2236, 2795, 2845, 2850, 2865,
1231, 1252, 2835, 3024, 3340, Exploration see Travel; exploration 2869, 3024, 3698, 4015
3451, 4025 Explosives industry 2635 Fields and field theory 2742, 2745

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Fields, John Charles 1915 Food technology see Food science; France, colonies 550, 1656, 1734,
Fiji 2026 food technology 2092, 2875, 3218, 3249, 3270, 3285
Findlay, Leonard 2333 Forbes, James David 2475 France. Army 2353
Fine arts 826 Forbes, Robert James 90 Franciscan Monks 525, 865, 881
Finé, Oronce 1061 Forces 1108, 1388, 1394, 1398, 1399, Franck, James 2732
Finland 1936, 2678, 3883, 3884, 1958 Franco, Francisco 2886
3912, 4012, 4025 Ford Foundation 3038, 3713 Franco, Solomon 912
Finlay, Carlos Juan 2369 Ford Motor Company 3350 Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)
Finsen, Niels Ryberg 2294 Fordyce, George 1598 1840
Fire see Combustion; fire Forecasting; prediction 210, 527, 765, Frank, Philipp 2752
Firearms 1716, 1965 873, 916, 1094, 1371, 3604, 3998, Franklin, Benjamin 1534
Firmin de Beauval 987 4021 Franklin, Christine Ladd 2160
Fish culture 942, 999 Foreign relations; diplomacy 513, Franklin, John 1996, 2008
Fisheries science 2522 1786, 1941, 2078, 2527, 2569, Fraud in science see Scientific
3361, 3407, 3635, 3711, 3735, 3847 misconduct; fraud in science
Fisheries; fishing 281, 298, 420, 425,
945, 2059, 2116, 2464, 2522, 2876, Forel, August Henri 1896, 2362 Frauds see Deceptions; hoaxes; frauds
3507 Forensic medicine 2313 Free will and determinism 191, 355,
Fishes 298, 942, 945, 999, 1134, Forensic sciences 52, 169, 381, 3032, 746, 1048, 1112, 1891, 2136, 2225,
2116, 2118, 2876, 2877, 3324 3506, 3665, 3670, 3678, 3683, 4046 3031
Fishing see Fisheries; fishing Forests and forestry 305, 423, 624, Freeman, Walter 3175
Fitzgerald, George Francis 1961 650, 660, 947, 998, 1158, 1495, Frege, Gottlob 1892, 1895, 1898,
Flanders 321, 3538 1738, 1739, 1741, 2051, 2052, 1911
2056, 2058, 2065, 2089, 2516, Freire-Maia, Newton 113
Flandrin, Jean-Louis 430 2663, 2809, 2832, 3617, 4009
Flaubert, Gustave 403 French language 840
Forgeries 457, 846, 936
Fleck, Ludwik 32, 122, 139, 144, 148, French Revolution of 1789 1519,
Form (philosophy) 218, 739, 754, 1521, 1522, 1629, 1637
159, 2949, 3007 792, 972, 1050, 1376, 1384, 1396
Flies (insects) 1433 Freud, Sigmund 1885, 2193, 2207,
Formalization (philosophy) 227, 248, 2212, 2345, 2347, 2365, 2942,
Flinders, Matthew 1611 331, 1892, 1917, 2681, 2697, 2742
Flood control 2812, 3620, 3855, 3877 2967, 2997, 3503, 3693
Formularies; pharmacopoeias 504, Freyre, Gilberto de Mello 3020
Floods 260, 1165, 3620, 4001 825, 974
Flora see Plant geography; flora Friedman, Milton 3061
Formulas, recipes, etc... 974, 1228 Fromm, Erich 2971, 3759
Florence (Italy) 875, 1048, 1062, 1150 Forster, Georg 1617
Florida (U.S.) 1621, 1631, 3696 Froude, William 1774
Fortushenko, A. D. 3415 Fruit 422, 508, 2094, 2524
Flowers 2100, 2870 Fossils 103, 323, 1634, 1642, 1643,
Fludd, Robert 1386 Fuels and fuel technology 643, 2466,
2034, 2073, 2078, 2846, 3649 3382, 3632, 3637, 3950
Fluid mechanics 1379, 1960 Foster, Michael 2190 Fukushima disaster 3571, 4047, 4051
Fock, Vladimir A. 1977 Foucault, Michel 29, 36, 158, 360, Functions (mathematics) 1569, 2691
Folklore 501, 673, 825, 1642, 1881, 1463, 2236, 2548, 2605, 2982,
2235 2998, 3160, 3164, 3719, 3754, 4053 Funding and finance 57, 1451, 1453,
1520, 1961, 2111, 2245, 2246,
Fontana, Felice Gaspar Ferdinand Foundations and trusts 14, 2280, 2641 2431, 2636, 2653, 2656, 3196,
1593 Four elements (philosophy) 820, 1135 3237, 3259, 3261, 3264, 3303,
Food and Agriculture Organization of Fraas, Carl Nikolaus 2106 3460, 3484, 3489, 3495, 3502,
the United Nations (FAO) 3791 Fracastoro, Girolamo 1093, 1106, 3524, 3525, 3531, 3566, 3595,
Food and foods 398, 400, 419, 422, 1198 3674, 3864, 3981, 3990, 4024
426, 430, 525, 562, 593, 647, 703, Fractions 1570 Funeral rites and ceremonies 3, 848,
836, 852, 854, 945, 993, 997, 998, 986
Fraenkel, Abraham Adolf 2692
1248, 1494, 1669, 1766, 1778,
1798, 2299, 2395, 2420, 2422, France 6, 33, 39, 47, 98, 158, 234,
2426, 2510, 2514, 2519, 2523, 336, 351, 430, 848, 856, 865, 868, G
2524, 2531, 2532, 2611, 2628, 882, 894, 909, 933, 939, 985, 1009, Gadamer, Hans Georg 128
2629, 2912, 3201, 3207, 3310, 1012, 1040, 1061, 1063, 1066, Gagarin, Iurii Alekseevich 3957
3420, 3426, 3429, 3435, 3438, 1125, 1183, 1194, 1211, 1227, Galapagos Islands 2117, 2804
3440, 3444–3446, 3451, 3776, 1232, 1252, 1270, 1293, 1325,
1328, 1331, 1342, 1390, 1401, Galaxies; nebulae 1358, 1578, 1927,
3777, 3791, 3818, 3854, 3931, 1935, 1938, 2713
3933, 3935, 3940, 3941, 3944, 4025 1406, 1413, 1414, 1422, 1428,
1459, 1471, 1490, 1499, 1519, Galeano, Moses ben Judah 1093
Food industry and trade 400, 430, Galen 398, 499, 502, 743, 789, 808,
1521, 1538, 1540, 1542, 1544,
508, 593, 647, 699, 728, 836, 1491, 822, 825, 828, 831, 972, 980, 1106,
1545, 1555, 1561, 1595, 1599,
1497, 1766, 1778, 1798, 2128, 1199, 1205, 1680
1609, 1611, 1626–1629, 1636,
2510, 2514, 2518, 2527, 2531, Galilei, Galileo 135, 929, 1021, 1023,
1651, 1652, 1658, 1662, 1663,
2533, 2912, 3060, 3207, 3310, 1027, 1046, 1053, 1077, 1096,
1682, 1695, 1699, 1700, 1705–
3314, 3420, 3422, 3426, 3428, 1102, 1116, 1147, 1232, 1245,
1707, 1710, 1719, 1720, 1722,
3429, 3440, 3621, 3931, 3933, 1259, 1272, 1281, 1282, 1285,
1727, 1735, 1738, 1742, 1779,
3940, 3941, 3944, 4025, 4037 1289, 1292, 1298, 1308, 1322,
1789, 1830, 1836, 1837, 1861,
Food preparation 398, 400, 431, 1766, 1881, 1894, 1900, 1907, 1932, 1328, 1341, 1344–1347, 1349,
3317, 3451, 3777, 3935 1965, 1976, 2021, 2027, 2059, 1352, 1362, 1365, 1380, 1385,
Food preservation 422, 431, 2510, 2063, 2073, 2185, 2195, 2216, 1389, 1392, 1395, 1397, 1486,
2912, 3451, 3935, 3944 2236, 2237, 2284, 2326, 2337, 1846, 3472
Food safety 2299, 2422, 2524, 3207, 2342, 2345, 2352, 2355, 2359, Galilei, Vincenzo 1069
3317, 3440, 3446, 3935, 3941, 4037 2364, 2368, 2391, 2392, 2394, Gallaccini, Teofilo 1289
Food science; food technology 398, 2408, 2416, 2485, 2530, 2567, Galton, Francis 1817, 2161, 2898
400, 430, 431, 455, 593, 699, 728, 2583, 2625, 2655, 2743, 2768, Gama, Vasco da 1148
836, 854, 1248, 1496, 1700, 1705, 2928, 2934, 2991, 3021, 3023,
1778, 1798, 2128, 2529, 2912, 3082, 3113, 3170, 3204, 3270, Game theory 353
3310, 3314, 3316, 3367, 3420, 3305, 3318, 3336, 3360, 3388, Games 2393
3440, 3445, 3791, 3810, 3935, 3389, 3429, 3461, 3496, 3528, Gamow, George 3558
3941, 3944, 4037 3543, 3591, 3658, 3789, 3796, 3874 Gantt chart 2964

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276 Subject Index

Gardens 650, 2057, 2101, 2103, 2841, Geometry 222, 248, 467, 469, 470, Glass and glassmaking 793, 1487,
3331 472, 474, 475, 540, 604, 705, 749, 1534, 2835, 3333
Gas industry 1983, 1984, 2070 766, 768, 769, 790, 791, 815, 901, Gleason, Henry Allan 2814
Gascoigne, William 1367 902, 906, 1027, 1053, 1059, 1063,
1065, 1089, 1246, 1247, 1326, Gleditsch, Ellen 2769
Gases 1950, 1969, 1976, 1984, 2765, 1333, 1335, 1339, 1447, 1565, Gleissberg, Wolfgang 3556
2772 1572, 1869, 1902, 1905, 1917, Glick, Shimon 3481
Gaskell, Elizabeth 1798 1921, 2687, 2688, 2697, 2721, Global history 38, 45, 69, 262, 286,
Gasoline 3381 3546, 3548, 3588 289, 304, 440, 640, 1687, 1786,
Gastronomy 1496, 1766 Geomorphology; physiography 2002, 2037, 2425, 3020, 3993, 4000
Gauss, Carl Friedrich 1909 2790 Global warming 2794, 2869, 3997
Geophysics 62, 63, 2783, 2800, 3597
Gay, Claudio 2047 Globalization; internationalization 42,
Georgia (U.S.) 3177 45, 199, 267, 440, 544, 551, 557,
Geddes, Patrick 3048
Geospatial analysis; geospatial data 624, 1753, 1766, 1786, 1802, 2017,
Geiger counters 2735 2470 2034, 2303, 2433, 2486, 2507,
Gemelli, Agostino (1878-1959) { Geospatial data see Geospatial 2650, 2798, 2838, 2841, 2844,
2970 analysis; geospatial data 2912, 3020, 3060, 3094, 3205,
Gems 737, 782, 1431 Gerard of Cremona 923 3376, 3407, 3446, 3508, 3610,
Gender identity 736, 1019, 1828, Gerardus, de Senis 913 3635, 3648, 3720, 3873, 3888,
1830, 2168, 2334, 2380, 2756, Geriatrics 3288 3889, 3924, 3997, 4002, 4031, 4050
3676, 3884 Germ theory of disease 2285, 2309, Globes 1614
Gene therapy 4026 2335, 2428 Glyphs; characters 359, 1189, 1306
General Electric 2868 Germany 99, 100, 137, 163, 167, 348, God 1280, 1881
Genes 332, 2897 351, 407, 449, 572, 854, 870, 920, Goddard, Robert Hutchings 3453
Genetic counseling 3112, 3813 981, 992, 1003, 1073, 1085, 1087,
1092, 1104, 1105, 1132, 1145, Gödel, Kurt 2661, 2675, 2686
Genetic diseases and disorders 3305, 1228, 1254, 1262, 1296, 1350, Gods; deities; spirits 209, 665, 666,
3665, 3674 1351, 1353, 1354, 1357, 1358, 703, 731, 872, 874, 1160, 1300,
Genetic engineering 329, 3440, 3941 1361, 1366, 1369, 1390, 1413, 1494, 2343
Genetically modified foods 3440, 1418, 1473, 1532, 1552, 1553, Goeree, Willem 1264
3941, 3980, 4025, 4037 1559, 1560, 1576, 1650, 1655, Goethe, Charles M. 1655
Genetically modified organisms 2914 1659, 1672, 1691, 1697, 1757,
1758, 1776, 1777, 1790, 1821, Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 323,
Genetics 329, 331, 333, 1809, 2125, 1514, 1650, 1664, 1963, 2030
2223, 2870, 2881, 2889, 2897– 1859, 1861, 1873, 1875, 1890,
1905, 1907, 1912, 1913, 1930, Goffman, Erving 3759
2900, 2903, 2906, 2921, 2929,
2947, 3112, 3659, 3661, 3664, 1945, 1953, 1954, 1973, 1975, Gold 726, 1612, 2452, 3100
3665, 3668, 3671, 3680, 3692, 2069, 2176–2178, 2200, 2202, Goldschmidt, Richard Benedict 2885
3743, 3813, 3976, 3983, 4015 2227, 2234, 2248, 2263, 2288,
2317, 2352, 2359, 2362, 2388, Goldwater, Barry 2820
Geneva (Switzerland) 2012, 2314, 2456, 2468, 2480, 2491, 2498, Golgi, Camillo 2170
2957, 2976 2534, 2538, 2544, 2548, 2565, Gomide, Antônio Gonçalves 2320
Geneva. Université 2976 2607, 2618, 2627, 2634, 2657,
González de Linares, Augusto 2087
Genius see Creativity; genius 2687, 2701, 2703, 2715, 2749,
2750, 2763, 2767, 2801, 2807, González de Posada, Carlos 1676
Genoa (Italy) 268
2859, 2879, 2885, 2895, 2907, Gooch, William 1575
Genomics 3872, 4015 2908, 2930, 2938, 2946, 2975, Goodman, Nelson 114
Geochemistry 2784, 3606 3001, 3022, 3039, 3070, 3093,
3124, 3125, 3139, 3141, 3142, Gorlaeus, David 1311
Geoffroy, Étienne François 1595
3147, 3150, 3156–3158, 3165, Gosse, Philip Henry 1754
Geographic Information Systems 3170, 3180, 3188, 3240, 3291,
(GIS) 691 Goudsmit, Samuel Abraham 19
3292, 3318, 3321, 3327, 3329, Gould, Stephen Jay 3649, 3663, 3706
Geographical isolation (biology) 1156 3330, 3346, 3354, 3425, 3437,
Geographical studies of science 34, 3438, 3441, 3448, 3451, 3495, Government agencies 2531, 2587,
155, 297, 1971, 2796, 2798, 2818 3529, 3535, 3579, 3645, 3675, 3393, 3941
Geography 180, 264, 270, 271, 276, 3708, 3757, 3796, 3822, 3826, Government sponsored science 433,
535, 795, 796, 937, 1006, 1134, 3828, 3849, 3861, 3871, 3880 444, 589, 687, 688, 1523, 1662,
1143, 1146, 1150, 1152, 1156, Germany, colonies 2286, 2389, 2930, 1765, 1847, 1849, 2236, 2246,
1253, 1408, 1601, 1603, 1609, 3143, 3206, 3256 2567, 3467, 3484, 3502, 3515,
1613, 1616, 1617, 1620, 1787, Gerontology 2931, 3203 3517, 3530, 3574, 3608, 3718,
1847, 1885, 1989, 1996, 2002, 3842, 3864, 3979, 3981
Gersdorff, Hans von 822
2009, 2016, 2020, 2021, 2025, Gervase of Tilbury 876 Gower, John 860
2031, 2032, 2383, 2470, 2651, Gowers, William Richard 2187
2789, 2791, 2792, 2796, 2799, Gestalt psychology 3002, 3007
2800, 2812, 2818, 2856, 3084, Ghadiali, Dinshah Pestanj 3111 Grafting 179
3289, 3335, 3356, 3608, 3773, Ghana 684, 3532 Graham, David Crockett 2543, 3029
3909, 3924 Ghazan, Mahmud 485 Grain crops; Cereals; Grasses 421,
Geological Survey of Canada 2014 Giard, Alfred 1830 648, 700, 850, 997, 1494, 2519,
Geological surveys 2001, 2014, 2302, Gibert, Josep 2845 2534, 3422
3639 Gibraltar 1602, 2001 Grammar 462, 757, 758, 884
Geology 62, 103, 188, 260, 263, 621, Giesey, Ralph E. 848 Grandidier, Alfred 2022
1136, 1187, 1600, 1602, 1642, Gilbert, Humphrey, Sir 1153 Graphic methods 223, 2160, 2503,
1643, 1774, 1854, 1988, 1991– Gillispie, Charles Coulston 1727 3587
1993, 1998, 2002–2006, 2014, Grasses see Grain crops; Cereals;
2029, 2073, 2080, 2126, 2141, Ginzburg, Carlo 2604
Giuntini, Francesco 1099 Grasses, 2092, 4015
2248, 2435, 2452, 2457, 2467,
2577, 2586, 2776, 2778, 2779, Glaciology 2800 Gravesande, Willem Jakob van’s 1506
2802, 3076, 3081, 3602, 3603, 3639 Glasgow (Scotland) 2333, 3168 Gravitation 1387, 1394, 1509, 1540
Geomagnetism 1962, 1990, 2708 Glasgow. University 2475 Gray, Asa 2150

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Subject Index 277

Great Britain 80, 103, 168, 173, 196, 812, 816, 819–821, 823–827, 829, Hardy, Thomas 1798
209, 221, 254, 258, 279, 281, 334, 830, 832, 835, 895, 1010, 1037, Harmony (music theory) 214, 534,
369, 384, 434, 437, 444, 445, 453, 1607, 1763, 2106, 2167, 2459, 1070
917, 945, 966, 1064, 1114, 1134, 2547, 3588 Harper, Charley 2592
1174, 1185, 1224, 1242, 1247, Greek language 510, 814, 1101 Harriot, Thomas 929, 1114, 1285
1248, 1252, 1255, 1258, 1265, Greenland 2571, 2581, 2800, 2802, Harry, John 2298
1279, 1280, 1284, 1321, 1323, 3518 Hartree, Douglas Rayner 1977
1336, 1359, 1387, 1394, 1420, Greenwich (England) 270
1426, 1437, 1443, 1450, 1451, Hartt, Charles Frederic 1991
1453, 1455, 1459, 1475, 1482, Gregory, Augustus Charles 2011 Harvard University 354, 1926, 2999,
1489, 1491, 1498, 1501, 1513, Grévin, Jacques 1183 3132
1515, 1519, 1522–1524, 1529, Grew, Nehemiah 1653 Harvey, William 1374
1541, 1549, 1567, 1578, 1579, Gross, Robert Edward 3460 Harvey, William Henry 1984
1586, 1594, 1598, 1602, 1603, Grosseteste, Robert 887 Hausdorff, Felix 2728
1611, 1618, 1630, 1655, 1677, Group theory 2748 Hawaii (U.S.) 2401, 3613
1678, 1703, 1726, 1736, 1743, Growth see Development; growth; Hawking, Stephen W. 3568
1744, 1747, 1766, 1772, 1774, life; death Haydn, Franz Joseph 1585
1781, 1785, 1787, 1801, 1804, Hayek, Friedrich August von 168,
1814, 1815, 1823, 1829, 1831, Guides; handbooks 924, 2943
330, 3061
1834, 1843, 1856, 1870, 1873, Guilbaud, Georges Théodule 3549
Hayward, Roger 2766
1876, 1877, 1883–1886, 1903, Guinea 3236
Healers 585, 977, 983, 1228, 2283
1906, 1919, 1928, 1937, 1948, Gulf of Aden (Arabian Sea) 495 Health 186, 205, 356, 564, 585, 647,
1955, 1972, 1979, 1981, 1983, Gumplowicz, Ludwig 148 648, 821, 829, 982, 1240, 1478,
1989, 1995, 1997, 2001, 2004, Gunpowder 254, 1965 1538, 1699, 1808, 2271, 2303,
2008, 2028, 2029, 2031, 2040, Gunter, Edmund 1288 2373, 2396, 2423, 2424, 2518,
2041, 2053, 2078, 2079, 2081,
Gurdjieff, Ivanovich George 1882 2945, 3119, 3198, 3208, 3226,
2082, 2085, 2090, 2098, 2100,
Gustatory perception see Taste; 3229, 3261, 3271, 3288, 3426,
2102, 2111, 2118, 2131, 2133,
gustatory perception 3657, 3748, 3772, 3774, 3801,
2134, 2137, 2148, 2153, 2159,
Guttmann, Ludwig, Sir 3180 3818, 3940, 3941, 4016, 4025
2184, 2187–2190, 2194, 2196,
2205, 2209, 2210, 2225, 2233, Guyana; British Guiana 2100 Health care 322, 376, 378, 385, 389,
2241, 2243, 2249, 2256, 2258, 450, 570, 583, 585, 1689, 2270,
Gynecology 974, 3088, 3097, 3116, 2301, 2348, 2395, 2405, 2406,
2261, 2272, 2287, 2297, 2311, 3303
2360, 2382, 2384, 2400, 2441, 2414, 2421, 2716, 3128, 3166,
2450, 2454, 2470, 2474, 2484, 3170, 3191, 3199, 3236, 3238,
2499, 2507, 2510, 2513, 2514, H 3242, 3249, 3251, 3259, 3261,
2519, 2537, 2538, 2551, 2564, Haak, Theodore 1459 3264–3267, 3271, 3278, 3290,
2566, 2593, 2612, 2628, 2635, Haber, Fritz 2731 3296, 3298, 3299, 3303, 3306,
2639, 2656, 2663, 2763, 2785, Habsburg, House of 1568 3307, 3316, 3759, 3760, 3766,
2799, 2806, 2808, 2849, 2871, 3767, 3779, 3785, 3795, 3798,
Haeckel, Ernst 1838, 1890, 2142, 3808, 3811, 3812, 3817, 3828,
2874, 2881, 2903, 2917, 2921, 2310, 2592, 2888, 3228
2932, 2934, 2936, 2944, 2966, 4036, 4039
Hagedoorn, Arend Lourens 2906 Health promotion 2288, 2319, 2393,
2992, 2996, 3017, 3019, 3024, Hagiography; saints 885
3032, 3035, 3048, 3049, 3062, 2406, 2416, 2424, 2518, 3232,
3069, 3095, 3096, 3102, 3117, Hahn, Otto 3567 3233, 3265, 3772, 3776, 3782,
3149, 3152, 3154, 3155, 3163, Hahnemann, Christian Friedrich 4025, 4036
3185, 3190, 3191, 3271, 3275, Samuel 1688, 2267 Health resorts, watering-places, etc.
3303, 3304, 3341, 3356, 3364, Hair 516, 954, 1826 2383, 2388, 2406
3402, 3403, 3408, 3411, 3413, Haire, Norman 3315 Heart 376, 1445, 1471, 3121, 3831
3421, 3427, 3431, 3435, 3443, Haiti (Caribbean) 2398 Heath, Edward Richard George, Sir
3447, 3475, 3477, 3489, 3519, Hakfoort, Casper 96 3874
3521, 3531, 3560, 3578, 3601, Hakluyt, Richard 1153 Hebenstreit, Johann Baptist 1354
3608, 3620, 3622, 3658, 3717, Hebrew language 840, 902
3744, 3752, 3760, 3763, 3782, Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson
2903, 2936 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 60,
3805, 3851, 3856, 3873, 3874, 1562, 1655, 2310
3883, 3942, 3995, 4003, 4008, 4035 Hale, Matthew 1315
Heidegger, Martin 2669, 2673, 2679,
Great Britain, colonies 433, 436, 444– Hall, Granville Stanley 2214 3541
446, 455, 544, 597, 622, 645, 650, Hall, Sherwood 3280 Heidelberg. Universität 959, 2878
1138, 1153, 1258, 1420, 1549, Hall, Stuart 673 Heider, Fritz 3003
1611, 1631, 1702, 1781, 1845, Haller, Albrecht von 1511, 1561 Heisenberg, Werner 2722, 2727, 2738,
1847, 1851, 1937, 2003, 2011, Halley, Edmond 1359, 1577 3567
2101, 2157, 2224, 2366, 2414, Hallucinations and illusions 209, 1771
2608, 2642, 2663, 2954, 3024, Heitler, Walter Heinrich 2770
3049, 3220, 3224, 3285 Halsted, Caroline Amelia 1772 Heliocentrism 1075, 1370
Great Britain. Board of Longitude Hamburg (Germany) 2456, 3159 Helium 1939, 1977, 2746, 3584
1575 Hamilton, Alice 3287 Hellenistic world 816, 832
Great Britain. Royal Air Force 2625, Hamilton, William 1886, 1891 Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig
2785 Hamilton, William Rowan 1961 Ferdinand von 1950, 2191, 2197,
Great Britain. Royal Navy 1811, Hamming, Richard Wesley 225
2508, 2510 Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van
Handbooks see Guides; handbooks 1460
Great Britian. Parliamentary and Handicaps see Disabilities; handicaps
Scientific Committee 1453 Helmont, Jan Baptista van 1460
Handsch, Georg 1214 Helmstedt. Universität 1098
Great Lakes (North America) 663, Hankel, Hermann 1913
3636 Helsinki (Finland) 1936
Hansen, Gerhard Armauer 2377 Helsinki. Observatory and
Great Plains (North America) 2072, Haptic perception see Touch; haptic
2842 Astrophysical Laboratory 1936
perception Hematology 3215
Greece 280, 467, 502, 611, 716, 718,
Haraway, Donna J. 142, 3836, 3940 Hempel, Carl G. 114, 2667
734–737, 739, 740, 742, 744–748,
751–756, 758–762, 766–774, 776– Hardware 2702 Henkin, Leon Albert 2675
781, 786, 787, 789, 791, 792, 796– Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Earl of 1547 Hennig, Willi 2859, 3656

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278 Subject Index

Henry 1755 Historiography 12, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, Holy Roman Empire 851, 1035
Henry, William 1716 31–38, 41, 43–45, 47–49, 51–55, Home economics 1040, 2615, 3310,
58, 61, 64, 65, 79, 80, 90, 94, 96, 3776
Henry-Hermann, Grete 2730 101, 104, 119, 127, 132, 138, 141, Home-based science 2756
Hepatitis 2396 149, 154, 157, 168, 178, 184, 213, Homeopathy 1688, 2267, 2321, 3138
Herbals and bestiaries 638, 949, 995, 233, 235, 258, 262, 269, 272, 284,
297, 302, 335, 374, 377, 378, 384, Homosexuality 3503, 3510
387, 397–399, 410, 413, 419, 428, Hong Kong 3220
Herbicides 3735
430, 440, 457, 459, 460, 511, 512, Hood, Thomas 1027, 1067
Hereditary diseases 337, 3215 522, 593, 729, 846, 866, 940, 964, Hooghe, Romeyn de 1266
Heredity 319, 2156, 2326, 2344, 1014, 1018, 1035, 1200, 1249, Hoogstraten, Samuel Dirksz van 1264
2359, 2362, 2880, 2893, 2899, 1252, 1270, 1291, 1309, 1365, Hooke, Robert 1243, 1284, 1312
2917, 2921, 3418 1401, 1454, 1468, 1532, 1619, Hooker, Davenport 3140
Hermaphroditism see Androgyny; 1620, 1635, 1727, 1744, 1752,
1755, 1758, 1759, 1764, 1790, Hooker, Joseph Dalton 2130
1833, 1911, 1945, 1971, 2006, Hooykaas, Reijer 58, 86
Hermeneutics 41, 210, 744, 857, 1279 Hope, Elizabeth, Lady 1746
2031, 2037, 2083, 2123, 2213,
Hermes, Trismegistus 738, 875 2222, 2233, 2263, 2264, 2377, Hormones 2395, 2893, 3120, 3275,
Hermeticism 210, 1036, 1107, 1120 2528, 2545, 2546, 2651, 2652, 3325, 3666
Heron of Alexandria 764, 1237 2683, 2774, 2831, 2838, 2852, Hornaday, William Temple 2054
2911, 2923, 2964, 2989, 3020, Horoscopes 733, 783, 924, 926
Herpetology 799, 2114, 2872 3231, 3232, 3264, 3278, 3312,
Herschel, Caroline 1579 Horses 868, 990, 1240, 1492
3468, 3654, 3708, 3727, 3938,
Herschel, John Frederick William 3986, 4038 Horticulture see Economic botany;
1925 plant cultivation; horticulture, 1248,
History as a discipline; chronology; 1754, 2057, 2508, 2864
Herschel, William 1578, 1586, 1587, study of the past 24, 25, 31, 52, 54,
65, 94, 138, 154, 157, 263, 272, Hospitals and clinics 378, 583, 1207,
1924 1463, 1685, 1689, 2280, 2288,
Hertz, Gustav 2732 512, 625, 858, 964, 1152, 1247,
1257, 1764, 2244, 2580, 2652, 2292, 2298, 2299, 2304, 2314,
Herz, John H. 2584 3041, 3063, 3084, 3085, 3522, 2375, 2399, 2401, 2407, 2420,
Hess, Walter Rudolf 2640 3727, 3733, 3938, 3986, 3993 2429, 2632, 2929, 2932, 3086,
3110, 3114, 3141, 3147, 3155,
Hessler, Peter 3724 History of medicine, as a discipline 3192, 3196, 3225, 3237, 3257,
Heterosexuality 853 91, 94, 95, 100, 106, 181, 334, 371, 3259, 3264, 3280, 3299, 3303,
372, 384, 387, 440, 817, 981, 1200, 3795, 3799, 4040
Hevelius, Johannes 1357 2275, 3099, 3264
Heymericus, de Campo 898 Household technology 2463, 3310,
History of philosophy of science 60, 3367, 3929, 3944
Heyns, Peter 1060 98, 113, 123, 126, 133, 135, 217,
245, 1200, 1508, 1559, 1645, 1761, Households 583, 1040, 1228, 2241,
Hieroglyphic writing 724, 1009, 1189, 3310, 3944
1266 2251, 2545, 2679, 2680, 2728,
3473, 3596 Housing 3217, 3367
Highmore, Nathaniel 1444 Hoyle, Fred 3558
History of science, as a discipline 5,
Hilbert, David 227, 1917, 2677, 2681, 18, 23, 26, 32, 38–40, 45, 46, 48, Hubbard, Harvey 233
2697, 2742 51, 55–58, 62, 68, 70–73, 78, 79, Hubbert, Marion King 3639
Hill, John 1460 83, 84, 86–88, 90–92, 96, 98–100, Hübner, Gerhard, Dr. 2378
Hilton, John 3019 102, 104, 105, 110, 151, 197, 243, Hugh, of Saint-Cher, Cardinal 878
246, 249, 319, 384, 393, 397, 459, Hugh, of St. Victor 939
Himalayan Mountains (Nepal) 2437, 522, 964, 1727, 2222, 2546, 2652,
3998 2863, 2947, 2990, 3299, 3470, Hughlings Jackson, John 2188
Hinduism 606, 649 3471, 3522, 3656, 3975 Hull, David Lee 143
Hipparchos of Rhodes 776 History of technology, as a discipline Human anatomy 1015, 1201, 1202,
Hippocrates of Chios 820, 824 23, 34, 36, 53, 57, 410, 1234, 1727, 1435, 1444, 1446, 2168
3347, 3365, 4038 Human body 106, 152, 214, 363, 369,
Hippocratic medicine 820, 824, 825, 436, 704, 807, 848, 851, 861, 868,
827, 1205, 1537, 1680 Hitchens, Christopher 215
Hitler, Adolf 2607, 3376, 3414, 3441 870, 941, 954, 955, 958–960, 973,
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan 2807 980, 1163, 1173, 1180, 1202, 1224,
Hittites 696 1819, 1828, 2157, 2305, 2312,
Hispanic Americans 3835
HIV 3792, 3797, 3815 2416, 2503, 2924, 2932, 3126,
Histology 1762, 2158, 2928, 2932, Hiyya Ha-Nasi, Abraham bar 922
3000, 3221 3204, 3233, 3308, 3538
H.iyya, Abraham Bar 914 Human ecology see Environmental
Historcal linguistics 814, 965, 1188, hygiene; Human ecology
Hmong people 3818
Hoaxes see Deceptions; hoaxes; Human embryology 2609, 3677
Historians of science, modern 12, 40, frauds Human evolution 54, 1882, 2139,
60, 63–65, 70, 73–84, 86–94, 96–
Hobbes, Thomas 218, 1247, 1257, 2144, 2156, 2845, 2846, 2883,
110, 144, 155, 156, 168, 282, 372,
1298, 1301, 1307, 1315, 1321, 2896, 2933
430, 943, 1463, 1727, 2546, 2683,
2684, 2872, 3020, 3614, 3722, 1432, 1450, 2228 Human experimentation 2159, 2271,
3836, 4053 Hodgkin, Alan Lloyd 334, 2944 2272, 2565, 3142, 3669, 3690,
Hoffmann, Friedrich 1697 3703, 3704
Historic preservation 197, 1675, 3347,
3522 Hoffmann, Richard Charles 943 Human genetics 184, 331, 1809,
Hofmann, August Wilhelm von 2085 2603, 2880, 2882, 2884, 2892,
Historical geography 155, 439, 795, 2894, 2905, 2919, 2920, 2927,
846, 936, 944, 1143, 1152, 1639, Hogben, Lancelot Thomas 2936 2936, 3120, 3286, 3312, 3506,
2009, 2437, 2818 Holism 355 3508, 3659, 3674, 3675, 3678,
Historical geology; theory of the earth Hollandsche Maatschappij der 3681, 3682, 3985, 4017, 4026
936, 1135, 1137, 1600, 2837 Wetenschappen 1624 Human Genome Project 3654
Historical method 52, 66, 118, 269, Hollingshead, August de Belmont Human geography 2880, 2919, 2920
388, 1755–1759, 2123, 2263, 2264, 3171 Human nature see Definition of
2964, 3009, 3229, 4039 Holmes, Francis O. 2915 human; human nature
Historical reconstruction 258, 377, Holocaust 2609, 2811 Human paleontology 2074, 2259,
871 Holt, Edwin Bissell 2961 2844–2847, 2883, 3648, 3732

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Subject Index 279

Human physiology 1199, 2312, 2384, Ibn al-Kammad, Abu Ja’far 912 Indigo 2525
2923, 3235 Ibn al-Nafis 497 Individuality 1647, 2503, 2848, 2856,
Human remains 2937 Ibn al-Qifti 838 2887, 3012, 3043, 3949
Human rights 1011, 3798 Ibn al-Raqqaâm, Muhammad ibn Indochina 550, 3270
Human sciences 70, 131, 2222, 3017, Ibrahim 470, 477 Indonesia 2147, 2235
3018, 3026, 3264, 3714 Ibn al-Shatir, ‘Ala al-Din ‘Ali Ibn Induction 223, 1962
Human-animal relationships 284, 324, Ibrahim 1093 Industrial administration 2440, 2446,
325, 625, 699, 856, 955, 957, 959, Ibn Masawaih, Abu Zakariyya 2527, 3439
985, 995, 1171, 1422, 1492, 1493, Yuhanna 988 Industrial agriculture 3942
1662, 1699, 1818, 2083, 2107, Ice Age 258, 259 Industrial chemistry 403, 411, 2635
2109, 2127, 2252, 2554, 2562, Ichthyology 2118
2821, 2856, 2934, 3646, 3696, 3836 Industrial design 2477, 2502, 3376,
Iconography 624, 1162, 1266, 1656, 3380, 3629
Human-machine interaction 408, 1690
1530, 1712, 2702, 2965, 3026 Industrial effluents and waste 3636
Idealism (philosophy) 1563
Humanism 41, 211, 1002, 1020, 1061, Identity 210, 308, 400, 686, 960, 989, Industrial engineering 2485
1150, 1187, 1212, 1247, 1295, 1063, 1249, 2495, 3036, 3130, Industrial laboratories 2868, 3591
1309, 1371, 1518, 2679 3335, 3369, 3670, 3688, 3707, Industrial medicine; occupational
Humanitarianism 158, 687, 2301, 3843, 3904, 3921, 3949 diseases 3287, 3633
2316, 2327 Ikhwan al-Safa (Brethren of Purity) Industrial productivity 2530, 2965,
Humboldt, Alexander von 1525, 1644, 472 3390, 3431, 3760, 3888
1776, 1875, 1944, 2020, 2030, 2238 Illustrations 161, 163, 238, 274, 822, Industrial psychology; industrial
Hume, David 191, 215, 1451, 1558, 858, 1008, 1028, 1079, 1088, 1216, sociology 142, 2965
1571 1238, 1288, 1430, 1529, 1533, Industrial revolution 168, 303, 1454,
Humoralism 398, 502, 1679 2040, 2168, 2441, 2596 1498, 1501, 1714, 1722, 1736, 2471
Hungary 303, 1585, 3309, 3449, Illustrators 1524, 1608, 1796, 1811, Industrial sociology see Industrial
3926, 3943 1816, 2157 psychology; industrial sociology
Hunger, Friedrich Wilhelm Tobias 282 Imagination 386, 671, 1002, 1084, Industrialization 142, 289, 415, 592,
1530, 1531, 1812, 3332, 3453, 647, 1589, 1714, 1720–1722, 1726,
Hunter, Ian 31 3957, 4017 1972, 1983, 2442, 2449, 2450,
Hunterian Museum (London) 2806 Imaging technology 3114, 3123, 3332 2452, 2460, 2462, 2470, 2474,
Hunting 995, 1167, 2821, 3935 IMAX Filmed Entertainment 4058 2480, 2481, 2491, 2494, 2526,
Hurricane Katrina 4001 Immigration see Emigration; 2536, 2557, 2627, 3287, 3336,
Hurricanes 2055, 4001 immigration 3342, 3349, 3370, 3374, 3446,
Hurtado de Mendoza, Diego 1115 Immortality 760 3448, 3884
Hurtado de Mendoza, Manuel 2289 Immunology 364, 1519, 2848, 2945, Industrious revolution 1454
Husserl, Edmund 137 3130, 3265, 3473, 3804 Industry 199, 219, 285, 312, 647,
Hutchinson, John 334 Imperatorskii Institut 1454, 1727, 1831, 1859, 2050,
Hutchinson, Lucy 1305 Eksperimental’noi Meditsiny v 2234, 2662, 3264, 3489, 3842
Hutton, James 1600 Sankt-Peterburge 3093 Inertia (mechanics) see Momentum;
Imperial University of Peking 2691 inertia (mechanics)
Huxley, Andrew Fielding 334, 2944
Imperialism 360, 368, 451, 543, 1029, Infant care 2415, 3200, 3291, 3682,
Huxley, Julian Sorell 2936 1529, 1618, 1787, 1814, 1987, 3775
Huxley, Thomas Henry 2138, 2149, 2024, 2051, 2115, 2219, 2237, Infanticide 2313
2190, 2522 2269, 2297, 2301, 2327, 2356, Infection 2375
Huygens, Christiaan 1328, 1368, 1391 2386, 2439, 2486, 2641, 2954, 3256 Infectious diseases 365, 396, 986,
Hyatt, John Wesley 1966 Importers, traders 1706 1198, 1220, 1483, 2154, 2369,
Hybridization 800, 849, 856, 862, Impotence 977 2372, 2383, 2396, 2399, 2410–
955, 1748, 1797, 1803, 1812, 2105 Imprinting (psychology) 3710 2412, 2417, 2626, 3170, 3192,
Hydraulic engineering 453, 645, Imrie, Ninian 1602 3209, 3216, 3222, 3238, 3240,
1490, 3877 Inaudi, Jacques 2185 3253, 3254, 3264, 3276, 3296,
Hydraulics 453, 645, 1237, 1490, Indexes 347 3313, 3792, 3797, 3804, 3808,
2475 India 361, 434, 437, 438, 446, 453, 3815, 4031, 4032
Hydrodynamics 1715 548, 564, 565, 571, 577, 594, 595, Infertility see Sterility; infertility
Hydroelectric power 2464, 2467, 597–610, 612–621, 623–630, 632– Infinitesimals 1053, 1337, 1913, 2700,
2812, 3338, 3361, 3381, 3774, 3869 638, 641–650, 716, 728, 1581, 3548
Hydrogen 2772, 4041 1608, 1654, 1659, 1781, 1792, Infinity 906, 1329
Hydrogen bomb 3879 1844, 1845, 1880, 1916, 1929, Influenza 396, 2305, 3243, 3252,
1949, 1987, 2022, 2099, 2104, 3296, 4032
Hydrography 2786 2302, 2437, 2443, 2507, 2514,
Hydrology 309, 2782, 3855, 4046 2525, 2612, 3051, 3241, 3289, Information science 416, 2497, 2663,
Hygiene 637, 662, 982, 1827, 2069, 3332, 3464, 3467, 3588, 3594, 3891, 3904
2319, 2372, 2380, 2385, 2390, 3609, 3876, 3888, 3922, 3998, Information technology 33, 416,
2391, 2405, 2406, 2424, 2496, 4010, 4033 1847, 2497, 3388, 3516, 3888,
3189, 3200, 3202, 3220, 3228, India, civilization and culture 596, 3891, 3904, 3918
3232, 3233, 3244, 3264, 3267, 611, 619, 628, 631, 639, 646, 716, Information theory 416, 2305, 2848,
3283, 3300, 3301, 3845 2099, 3332 3593
Hylomorphism 1049, 1384, 1429 Indian Association for the Cultivation Infrastructure 1788, 2451, 2489, 4053,
Hypnosis and hypnotism 1879, 2266, of Science 1844 4055
2354 Indigenous peoples 180, 352, 360, Ingolstadt. Universität 1001
Hypotheses see Explanation; 439, 445, 450, 454, 512, 549, 634, Inheritance 1809, 2898
hypotheses; theories 641, 663, 670–678, 680, 681, 683– Injuries 822, 2315, 2566
Hyslop, James H. 2952 686, 688, 1468, 1483, 1612, 1654, Inoculation 1679
Hysteria 131, 1879, 2345, 2364, 3170 1819, 1821, 2027, 2033, 2223, Inorganic chemistry 1975
2224, 2234, 2238, 2322, 2376,
2540, 2603, 2797, 2798, 2800, Inquisition 1019, 1021, 1023, 1024,
I 2830, 2869, 2905, 3014, 3053, 1207, 1222, 1272, 1276, 1281, 1574
Ibn al-Haitham, Abu ‘Ali al-Hasen 3054, 3056, 3080, 3276, 3283, Inscriptions 510
475, 491 3507, 3681, 3708, 3725, 3785, 3811 Insect control 1651, 1704, 3442

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280 Subject Index

Insecticides see Pesticides; Invertebrate zoology 1665, 2807, 2879 Jean, de Meun 839
insecticides Invisible colleges; clubs 425 Jefferson, Thomas 1698, 2091
Insects 1422, 1430, 1440, 1633, 1651, Ionization see Electron physics; Jensen, Wilhelm 2144
1704, 1742, 2108, 2121, 2634, ionization Jerusalem 659, 1150, 3730
2673, 2887, 3442, 3653 Iran 484, 487, 1827, 4049 Jespersen, Otto 3072
Instinct 1830, 2996 Iraq 3954 Jesuits 435, 443, 520, 521, 524, 526,
Institut Pasteur, Paris 2854 Ireland 279, 896, 1138, 1451, 1687, 531, 536, 567, 575, 1039, 1042,
Institutions see Societies; institutions; 1737, 2045, 2295, 2348, 3259, 3436 1210, 1287, 1363, 1382, 1417,
academies Iron and iron industry 411, 591, 2457, 1468, 1555, 1583, 1680, 2883
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 20, 2541, 2470, 2494 Jesus Christ 1837
2648, 2790, 3125, 3128, 3195, 3299 Iron and steel 411 Jet propulsion 3848
Instrument makers 1028, 1550, 1861, Jewelry 1487
Irreligion see Atheism; agnosticism;
2454, 2483 Jewish civilization and culture 505,
Instrumentalism see Pragmatism; 652–658, 661, 662, 702, 775, 912,
instrumentalism Irrigation see Drainage; irrigation
914, 919, 921, 922, 987, 1093,
Instruments, astronomical 203, 204, Isham, Elizabeth 1249 1206, 1461, 2602, 2610, 2749
236, 539, 616, 617, 656, 871, 1104, Islam 192, 458, 509, 552, 738, 915, Jews 843, 958, 974, 987, 2229, 2309,
1366, 1574, 1575, 1580, 1582, 938, 1740, 2265, 3224 2609, 3292
1860, 1937 Islands of the Pacific 445, 1140, 1141, Johann von Sachsen 917
Instruments, navigational 203, 1029, 1811, 2608, 2804, 3312, 3605 Johannes de Rupescissa 865
1054, 1290, 3909 Israel 300, 660, 2566, 2573, 2602, Johannsen, Wilhelm Ludvig 3418
Insurance 2566, 3620 3730 John of Salisbury 879, 882
Intellectual property 1714, 2469, Israel, Arthur 3141 John XXI, Pope 982
3483, 3823, 3980 Istanbul (Turkey) 493, 1829, 1841, John, of Worcester 858
Intellectuals 70, 1499, 2543, 3486 2088, 2339, 2864 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Intelligence 131, 1047, 1185, 1310, Istanbul Universitesi 2718, 2864, 3567 MD 3004, 3174
2143, 2969 Italy 9, 13, 16, 260, 268, 523, 861, Jones, Frederic Wood 2925
Intelligence tests 2960, 2962, 2969, 870, 905, 935, 944, 947, 978, 994, Jones, William 1566
2979, 2981, 2988, 3035 998, 1010, 1013, 1023–1025, 1027, Josquin, des Prez 1071
Intelligent design (teleology) 117, 1031, 1048, 1052, 1053, 1059,
1062, 1066, 1069, 1099, 1102, Journalism 1815, 2008, 2299, 2371,
953, 1280, 2146, 2150 2410, 2412, 2552, 3064, 3640,
Interdisciplinary approach to 1103, 1107, 1116, 1121, 1137,
1148, 1149, 1162, 1175, 1177, 3883, 4039, 4042, 4049, 4057
knowledge 29, 55, 293, 364, 366, Joyce, James 279, 2318, 2588
1200, 1424, 1715, 1793, 1871, 1179, 1182, 1191, 1205, 1229,
1233–1236, 1259, 1276, 1281, Judaism 651, 702, 938, 1119, 1364,
1995, 2180, 2398, 2708, 2941, 2811
2972, 3018, 3337, 3470, 3509, 1289, 1291, 1292, 1322, 1343,
3560, 3574, 3614, 3755, 3975, 4023 1363, 1380, 1385, 1388, 1395, Juliá, Marı́a Serrallach 2664
1397, 1413, 1415, 1436, 1461, Jung, Carl Gustav 152, 210, 2774,
Interferometers 3563
1486, 1487, 1643, 1675, 1684, 2959
International Business Machines 1690, 1825, 1855, 1861, 1862, Justification (theory of knowledge) 44
Corporation 3896 1943, 1988, 1992, 2028, 2080, Jutson, John Thoms 2005
International congresses 1915, 3705 2198, 2216, 2453, 2515, 2530,
International cooperation 2220, 2771, 2637, 2719, 2749, 2970, 2994,
3060, 3081, 3521, 3560, 3772, 3079, 3157, 3385, 3386, 3390, K
3874, 3934, 4024 3441, 3483, 3570, 3711, 3736, 3987 Ka gorodov, Dmitri Nikiforovich 2052
International Council for the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Chemie
Exploration of the Sea 2876 2767
International Geophysical Year (IGY)
J Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike 2746
2783 Jacobus, Cremonensis 1056 Kammerer, Paul 2893
International Psychoanalytical Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph von 1657 Kangxi, Emperor of China 531, 575
Association 2206 Jakob, Christfried 2948 Kanner, Leo 3174, 3183
International Red Cross 2287, 2301, Jamaica (Caribbean) 1618, 3247 Kansas (U.S.) 2072
2316, 2374 James, Henry 1794 Kant, Immanuel 386, 1507, 1522,
International relations 289, 1742, James, Robert 1692 1535, 1539, 1552, 1557, 1559,
1915, 1999, 2046, 2220, 2251, James, Thomas 1602 1560, 1563, 1564, 1572, 1655,
2298, 2303, 2571, 2573, 2584, James, William 1800, 1891, 2180, 1761, 1873, 2030, 2197, 2747
2801, 3060, 3361, 3547, 3597, 2207, 2213 Kantorowicz, Ernst Hartwig 848
3642, 3715, 3720, 3774, 3806, Jamieson, John 2248 Kardec, Allan 1836
3874, 3886, 3947, 3994 Kate, Lambert ten 1510
Jamot, Eugene 3249
Internationalization see Globalization; Kehl, Renato Ferraz 2938, 3327
internationalization Janet, Pierre 2368
Janssen, Jules 1931 Kelly, Edward 1123
Internet 22, 371, 3659, 3903, 3904, Kelvin, William Thomson, 1st Baron
3917, 3924, 3925, 4037, 4054 Januarius, Saint, Bishop of
Benevento, -305 1271 1951
Interprofessional relations see Kennedy, Edward Stewart 489
Scientific communities; Japan 61, 67, 68, 350, 397, 527–529,
538, 547, 1360, 1501, 1714, 1742, Kepler, Johannes 1001, 1046, 1073,
interprofessional relations 1076, 1096, 1108, 1285, 1349,
Interviews 12, 82, 190, 233, 372, 377, 1757, 1972, 2246, 2268, 2324,
2356, 2559, 2710, 2762, 2768, 1351, 1353, 1375, 1382, 1945, 1957
2458, 2648, 3241, 3527, 3775, Keynes, John Maynard, 1st Baron
3798, 3804, 3890, 3913, 4002, 4020 2787, 2807, 3093, 3198, 3227,
3370, 3379, 3407, 3456, 3501, 3046, 3062, 3422
Introduced organisms; exotic species Khunrath, Heinrich 1124
283, 1167, 3618 3502, 3527, 3561, 3583, 3598,
3610, 3743, 3827, 3870, 3913, Kidney 3746
Inuit Indians 360 4048, 4051 Kierkegaard, Søren Aabye 2358
Invalids 973
Japan, colonies 2246, 3107, 3219, Kiers, Klaas Willem 1502
Inventors and invention 201, 456, 3359 Kiev Polytechnic Institute 1869, 2782
1034, 1122, 1248, 1310, 1712,
1722, 1736, 1952, 2456, 2469, Japanese 1682, 3116, 3442 Kilburn, William 1524
2645, 3343–3345, 3359, 3363, Jaspers, Karl 3000, 3184 Kinematics 1352, 1388, 1389
3455, 3459, 3961 Java (Indonesia) 2102 King, James 2529

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Subject Index 281

Kings and rulers 703, 704, 723, 798, Laisant, Charles-Ange 1900 Leigh, Edmund 1317
848, 851, 861, 868, 930, 973, 986 Lakatos, Imre 60, 2667 Leigh, Percival 1772
Kingsley, Charles 2131, 2148 Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Antoine Pierre Leipzig (Germany) 3705
Kinship 2241, 3053 de Monet de 1428, 1663, 1665 Leipzig. Universität 2192
Kipling, Rudyard 279, 1803 Lamarckism 1428, 1809, 2359, 3204 Leisure and leisure industry 281,
Kirch, Gottfried 1364 Lamont, Dr. Johann von 1944 2059, 2424, 3232
Kirkaldy, David 2484 Lamy, Bernard 1331 Lem, Stanislaw 2594, 3557
Kirkwood-Buckingham method 3577 Land Reclamation 685, 944 Leme, Alberto Betim Paes 2779
Kisunko, Gregory 3956 Land Settlement 2072 Lemos, Floriano de 2552
Lenses 1114, 2643
Kitchens 3367, 3944 Land transportation 1492, 2437, 2449,
2473, 2478, 2499, 2833, 3355, Leonardo da Vinci 1176, 1235, 1322
Klages, Ludwig 2557
3371, 3882 Leoniceno, Nicolò 1047
Klein, Felix 3595 Leprosy 365, 986, 1220, 2377, 2399,
Knight, Thomas Andrew 1906 Land use 944, 1639
2401, 3222, 3245, 3251, 3264
Knipe, James Alexander 2029 Land use surveys 3930
Lerner, Daniel 3721
Knitting 3546 Landscape 180, 309, 428, 650, 946,
Levees 4001
Knuth, Donald Ervin 3902 947, 1639, 2005, 2030, 2069, 2072,
2437, 2465, 2791, 2816, 3391, Levi Ben Gershon 987
Koch, Lauge 2802 3425, 3629, 3852, 3930 Lewandowsky, Max 3179
Koch, Robert 2154, 2377, 3240 Landscape architecture 700, 2057, Lewes, George Henry 2205
Kong Pyung Woo 3107 2067, 3331, 3353, 3391 Lewis, Clive Staples 3564
Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Lange, Friedrich Albert 1887 Lewis, Julian Herman 2600
Vereniging (KNCV) 83 Lange, Yuriy Valentynovych 3343 Lexicography 1674, 2248
Kopp, Hermann Franz Moritz 1973 Language and languages 32, 360, 670, Li, Anzhai 3059
Koran 503 706, 723, 799, 854, 870, 884, 890, Li, Rui 532
Korea 533, 541, 1339, 2246, 3107, 965, 1052, 1188, 2183, 2251, 3068, Li, Ye 532
3219, 3280, 3359, 3514, 3575, 3072, 3362, 3924, 4028 Liberalism 168, 330, 2229, 3715
3830, 3860 Laplace, Pierre Simon 1894 Libertinism 1451
Kosawa Heisaku 547 Lasagna, Louis 3118, 3824 Libet, Benjamin 3031
Kostychev, Pavel Andreevich 2089 Lasers; masers 2729, 3859 Libraries and archives 15, 17, 19, 20,
Kotkin, Stephen 3719, 3733 22, 64, 170, 183, 349, 1023, 1130,
Latin America 38, 201, 289, 368, 370, 1139, 1227, 1355, 1407, 1413,
Kovalevskaia, Sof’ia Vasil’evna 1899 440, 988, 2037, 2078, 2222, 2377, 1460, 1635, 1689, 1755–1760,
Kraepelin, Emil 2344, 3156, 3757 2528, 2830, 3087, 3143, 3773 1846, 1869, 2191, 2263, 2264,
Kraus, Rudolf 3216 Latin language 655, 817, 877, 882, 2417, 2420, 2458, 2754, 2852,
Kripke, Saul A. 3542 967, 975, 1048, 1203 2957, 3170, 3264, 3274, 3301,
Krüger, Johann Gottlob 1697 Latour, Bruno 156, 2154, 3290, 3625, 3419, 3470, 3471, 3553, 3614,
Kuhn, Thomas S. 32, 37, 46, 50, 127, 3775 3878, 4011, 4039
128, 141, 144, 151, 2667, 2672 Lattes, César 3583 Lice 4035
Kuwait 3954 Latvia 1694, 3071 Liceti, Fortunio 1299, 1300
Kyrgyzstan 3774 Laudan, Larry 128 Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph 1559
Lauterbur, Paul C. 3523 Licklider, Joseph C. R. 3026
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent 1401, Liebig, Justus von 2085, 2511, 2529
L 1597 Life see Development; growth; life;
L’Enfant, Pierre Charles 1731 Lavoisier, Marie-Anne Paulze 1542, death
L’Obel, Matthias de 1169 1543 Lifestyles 3944
La Forge, Louis de 1448 Law and legislation 358, 744, 1167, Light 247, 713, 745, 892, 1299, 1300,
La Métherie, Jean-Claude de 1626 1784, 2058, 2247, 2376, 2452, 1533, 1963, 2294, 3111
Labillardière, François Joseph Houtou 2536, 2537, 2562, 2614, 2620, Lighting 1963, 3357, 3384
de 1629 2812, 2831, 2932, 3096, 3480, Lighting, electric 2468, 3378
Labor and laborers 2050, 2426, 2440, 3483, 3507, 3630, 3660, 3681, Lighting, gas 1983, 1984
2442, 2542, 3264, 3306, 3499, 3892, 4050 Lilburn, Tim 3619
3728, 3834, 3884 Le Corbusier 3360 Limborch, Hendrik van 1510
Labor and laborers, forced 3306, Le Dantec, Félix 6 Lime see Cement; lime; concrete
3760, 3855 Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph 1932 Lindeboom, Gerrit Arie 95
Laboratories 52, 83, 153, 200, 202, Lead poisoning 3262 Linguistic or semantic analysis 5, 232,
207, 381, 1131, 1403, 1721, 1819, League of Nations 2220, 3206, 3230 345, 360, 462, 799, 1150, 1510,
1858, 1972, 1975, 1979, 2115, Learning 205 2315, 2670, 2686, 3072, 3164, 4028
2161, 2331, 2430, 2600, 2655, Linguistics; philology 99, 532, 702,
2735, 2913, 2919, 2931, 3094, Lectures 1359, 1552, 1580, 1857,
1914, 1970, 2021, 2138, 2177 814, 817, 965, 1148, 1188, 1457–
3136, 3197, 3221, 3252, 3253, 1459, 1667, 1668, 1672–1674,
3298, 3352, 3532, 3584, 3698, 4023 Lee, Benjamin Whisoh 3575 1709, 2250–2252, 2315, 2676,
Laboratory notebooks 2854, 3673 Lee, Sarah Bowdich 2118 2926, 3008, 3068–3072, 3164,
Laboratory technicians 3673 Leeches 1687 3729
Laboratory techniques and procedures Leersum, Evert Cornelis van 91 Linnaeus, Carolus 184, 280, 323,
1785, 2154, 2232, 2764, 2773, Legislative and administrative 1627, 1649, 1654, 1656, 1657, 2130
2911, 2913, 3275, 3652, 3987, 4015 regulations 2527, 2556, 2577, 2810, Linnean Society of London 1995
Laborde, Alexandre, comte de 1622 3220, 3313, 3431, 3443, 3452, Lint, Jan Gerard de 89
Lacan, Jacques 2968 3627, 3644, 3824, 3830, 3899, 4040 Lipsius, Justus 1002
Lacassagne, Antoine 2928 Lehmann-Nitsche, Roberto 2234 Liquefaction, gases 1976
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von 1246, Liquid state physics; Liquids 2725,
Lacépède, Bernard Germaine Étienne 1251, 1303, 1306, 1319, 1325, 2755
de Laville, Comte de 1662 1326, 1329, 1330, 1332, 1335, Liquids see Liquid state physics;
Lacerda, Hugo de 2786 1377, 1378, 1383, 1384, 1398, Liquids
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 1066, 1957 1473, 1474, 1566, 1670, 2728 Lisbon (Portugal) 12, 1574, 1741,
Laguna, Andrés de 1209 Leichhardt, Ludwig 2042, 2043 1867, 2278
Laing, Ronald David 3161, 3167 Leiden (Netherlands) 3108 List, Friedrich 2227

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282 Subject Index

Lister, Joseph, 1st Baron Lister 2155, Lyon (France) 1640 Mansfield, Peter 2645
2158, 2276, 2279, 2311, 2317, Lysenko, Trofim Denisovich 2882, Manson, Patrick 2297
2335, 3095 2900, 2909 Manufacturing 219, 415, 539, 589,
Lister, Martin 1441 Lysons, Samuel 1677 643, 1487, 1498, 1516, 1843, 2050,
Lists see Tables; catalogs; lists 2480, 2526, 2615, 3128, 3370,
Literary analysis 3055 3387, 3435, 3464, 3507, 3621,
Lithuania 1546
M 3636, 3863
Macau (China) 536 Manuscripts 471, 502, 581, 606, 611,
Littmann, Enno 1760 657, 662, 788, 824, 841, 875, 876,
MacColl, Hugh 1893
Liu Shipei 2580 897, 901, 905, 911, 912, 917, 926,
Mach, Ernst 1968, 2752
Liver 3735, 4024 927, 934, 979, 1056, 1071, 1091,
Machado de Assis 1806
Liverpool (England) 2564 1130, 1161, 1196, 1213–1215,
Machiavelli, Niccolò 1147 1315, 1317, 1347, 1375, 1413,
Livestock 283, 424, 543, 2512, 2537,
4037 Machines 153, 408, 536, 1530, 1712, 1591, 1594, 1625, 1635, 1747,
1771, 1888, 2454, 3365, 3887, 3907 1908, 2147, 2217, 2239
Lobotomy 3175
MacMahon, Percy Alexander 1920 Mao, Zedong 3469
Localism 3940
Macrae, James 2117 Maori (New Zealand people) 445,
Locke, John 330, 1034, 1255, 1279,
1280, 1297, 1451, 1452, 1464, Madagascar 2022, 2034 679, 686, 688, 2223, 3056
1475, 1479, 1522 Maddox, John 1858 Map projection 1411
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation 3460 Madison, James 1698 Maps; atlases 267, 268, 271, 273–279,
Madras Museum 446 541, 542, 659, 669, 940, 1138,
Locomotives, diesel 3380, 3843 1139, 1141, 1143, 1144, 1151,
Logarithms 1324, 1327, 1338, 1569 Madrid (Spain) 265, 2649, 2803, 1153–1156, 1407, 1409, 1411,
Logic 74, 75, 85, 133, 212, 213, 216, 2902, 3088 1414, 1604, 1606, 1607, 1609–
217, 221, 223, 224, 227, 244, 248, Magellan, Ferdinand 1148 1611, 1614, 1615, 2012, 2017,
331, 462, 463, 757, 758, 838, 879, Magellan, João Jacinto de 1593 2024, 2025, 2029, 2786, 3930
884, 889, 890, 897, 899, 1052, Magic 159, 527, 737, 738, 782, 842, Maragheh observatory 484
1300, 1562, 1886, 1887, 1892, 872, 874–876, 957, 983, 1034, Marañón y Posadillo, Gregorio 3257
1893, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1911, 1035, 1037, 1038, 1124, 1183, Marbode, Bishop of Rennes 840
2661, 2668–2670, 2674–2676, 1296, 1297, 1372, 1554, 1771, Marcé, Louis Victor 2353
2681, 2683, 2684, 2688, 2693, 1783, 1833, 1881 Marcgrave, George 2872
2697, 2953, 3383, 3412, 3413, Magic lanterns 442, 1527, 1737, 1857 Marcuse, Herbert 3759
3542, 3902 Magirus, Johannes 1476 Marggrafe, Georg 1582
Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilevich 1503, Magistrelli, Carolina 1825 Marginalia 1625
1551, 1584
Magnan, Valentin 2359 Marginalization 2998
London (England) 381, 850, 1190, Maria, of Castile, Queen, consort of
1248, 1359, 1420, 1516, 1550, Magnetic resonance imaging 2645,
4022 Alfonso V, King of Aragon 861
1567, 1718, 1766, 2028, 2138,
Magnetism see Electricity; Marine biology 495, 950, 1134, 1630,
2155, 2188, 2311, 2329, 2412,
magnetism, 1947 2018, 2117, 2879
2441, 2806, 3095, 3154, 3334,
3384, 3983, 4040 Magni, Petrus 999 Marine ecology 287, 1134, 2876
Marine engineering; canals;
Long Island Sound (North America) Magnus, Olaus 1151
waterways 644, 1718, 2445
307 Magnus, Rudolf 3108 Marine park 3696
Longino, Helen 145 Mahmud II, Sultan of the Turks 1841 Marine transportation 2117, 2375,
Longitude and latitude 270, 1583, Maier, Michael 1124, 1126 2473
1942, 2017 Maimonides 505, 838, 843, 897 Maritain, Jacques 1892
Looms 413, 3887 Maintenance and repair 409, 4053 Marius, Simon 1361
Loos, Adolf 3357 Malacarne, Vincenzo 1666 Marketing techniques 1248, 2479,
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Malaria 333, 1805, 2278, 2302, 2338, 2495, 3067, 3142, 3318, 3319,
3352, 3399 2521, 2905, 3127, 3212, 3213, 3321, 3330, 3822, 3823, 3826, 3866
Los Angeles (California) 2836, 3499 3218, 3223, 3230, 3247, 3248, Marlowe, Christopher 1146
Lotka, Alfred James 2863 3254, 3256, 3281, 3293, 3311, Marres, Noortje 3625
Louis XV, King of France 1632 3312, 3328, 3329, 3804, 3806 Marriage 2608, 2907
Loutzky, Boris 3344, 3345, 3455 Malay; Malaysia 2013, 2486 Marryat, Frederick W. 2508
Lovejoy, Esther Pohl 2402 Malaysia see Malay; Malaysia Mars 2099, 3566, 3971
Low temperatures (physics) 1976, Malinowski, Bronislaw 3055, 3069 Marshall Plan 427
2746 Martı́ i Franquès, Antoni 1428
Malnutrition 2423, 2628, 3272, 3800
Lozino-Lozinskiy, Gleb Evgeniyevich Martianus Capella 857
Malpractice 2378 Martı́nez, Crisóstomo 1446
3952 Malthus, Thomas Robert 1648, 1669, Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von
LSD (drug) 3694, 3829 2132 1821
Lubbock, John, 1st Baron Avebury Man, Maximilian Jakob de 232 Marx, Karl 7, 2230
1745, 1989, 2139, 2140, 2259 Management techniques 3535, 3591 Marxism 28, 61, 66, 2230, 2310,
Luce, Clare Boothe 3711 Management; administration 87, 433, 2700, 3422
Lucretius 1305, 2588 687, 1233, 2445, 2449, 2527, 3197, Maryland (U.S.) 2470
Ludewig, Johann Peter von 2263 3282, 3529, 3591, 3882 Masculinity 698, 862, 977, 1829,
Lull, Ramón 839, 932 Manardo, Giovanni 1212 2422, 3884, 3914, 3949
Lumholtz, Carl 3057 Manchester (England) 2274, 2450 Masers see Lasers; masers
Lunar eclipses 484, 915 Manchuria 2246 Masriera, Miguel 2558
Lund, Peter Wilhelm 2075 Mandeville, John 670 Mass 3012
Lundberg, Erik 2935 Manhattan Project 2564, 2744, 2749, Mass media 3040, 3339, 3446, 3479,
Luther, Martin 3986 2754 3509, 3569, 3598, 3601, 3602,
3674, 3721, 3759, 3770, 3805,
Lutherans and Lutheranism 1124, Manila (Philippines) 3371 3852, 3883, 3893, 3895, 3943,
3986 Manilius, Marcus 729, 731–733, 749, 3966, 3995–3997, 4008, 4042
Lutzky, Boris 2456 765, 783–785, 813, 1112 Mass production 589, 834, 2463,
Lycanthropy 2341 Manitoba (Canada) 3704 2481, 2635, 3350, 3411, 3431, 3924
Lyell, Charles 1773, 1993, 1998, 2130 Manley, Gordon 2788 Mass-Observation 3019, 3034, 3040

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Subject Index 283

Massachusetts (U.S.) 1642, 2469 Maxwell, James Clerk 7, 111, 1888, Medici, family 1234, 1259
Mästlin, Michael 1082, 1351 1950, 1955 Medicinal plants 493, 797, 2097,
Masturbation 186, 2332 Mayan civilization 667 2322, 2521
Mateer, Calvin Wilson 1921 Mayer, Johann Tobias 920 Medicine 110, 122, 215, 317, 322,
Materia medica 507, 980, 1198, 1219, Mayhew, Henry 2412 333, 356, 363, 364, 366, 370, 373–
1229, 1468, 1680 Mayr, Ernst 2858, 2861, 2903 376, 378, 380, 382, 433, 440, 449,
Material culture 3, 200, 414, 586, Mazzini, Giuseppe 2028 456, 499, 500, 502, 504–507, 558,
1424, 1497, 1516, 1721, 2495, McCance, Robert Alexander 2628 559, 561, 565, 572, 574, 578, 580,
2591, 3384 McCosh, James 1835 585, 627–634, 639, 697, 722–725,
Materialism 1312, 2122, 2169, 3688 815, 816, 818, 819, 821, 828, 961,
McGill University 3657
963, 966, 968–972, 976, 979, 983,
Maternal health services 583, 1478, Meaning (philosophy) 3007 987, 988, 1008, 1031, 1108, 1129,
2400, 2599, 3191, 3264 Measurement 358, 777, 1400, 1498, 1174, 1191, 1192, 1194, 1196,
Mathematical analysis 916, 1330, 1591, 2720, 2930, 3063 1200–1203, 1206, 1210–1215,
1906, 1913, 2694 Measuring instruments 1860 1217, 1225, 1229, 1291, 1404,
Mathematical instruments 771, 1027, Meat industry and trade 1699, 2510, 1463–1466, 1470, 1475, 1476,
1288, 1860 3940 1515, 1538, 1679, 1690, 1696,
Mathematical physics 1394, 1596, Mechanical engineering 1122, 3398 1753, 2168, 2188, 2218, 2221,
2724 Mechanical philosophy see 2268, 2269, 2273, 2278, 2281,
Mathematicians 226, 228, 532, 601, Mechanism; mechanical philosophy 2284, 2289, 2293, 2300, 2303,
905, 907, 1001, 1064, 1250, 1324, 2307, 2309, 2314, 2324, 2326,
Mechanics 244, 246, 788, 802, 1115, 2328, 2329, 2335, 2337, 2358,
1327, 1328, 1332, 1569, 1570, 1122, 1379, 1400, 1591, 1863,
1576, 1898, 1899, 1902, 1906, 2381, 2405, 2413, 2417, 2429,
1946, 1950, 1957, 1958, 2084, 2563, 2565, 2640, 2868, 2877,
1907, 1909, 1913, 1915, 1916, 2721, 2724, 3012, 3861
1919, 2675, 2677, 2682, 2685, 2945, 3088–3091, 3095, 3097–
Mechanism; mechanical philosophy 3099, 3102, 3104, 3106, 3107,
2691, 2692, 2694, 2695, 2698, 1076, 1304, 1312, 1320, 1386,
2699, 3396, 3413 3109, 3129–3131, 3133, 3141,
1401, 1402, 1435, 2087 3145, 3149, 3162, 3170, 3181,
Mathematics 55, 73, 78, 81, 84, 88, Mechanization 78, 1316, 1891, 2400, 3183, 3192, 3194, 3221, 3227,
110, 219–221, 223, 224, 226, 228– 2526, 3931 3231, 3240, 3242, 3249, 3253,
232, 248, 357, 456, 469–476, 489, Mechanotherapy see Physiotherapy; 3264, 3283, 3295, 3303, 3320,
510, 531–533, 599, 600, 602–604, mechanotherapy; prosthetics 3328, 3666, 3689, 3691, 3734,
607, 705, 706, 716, 717, 761–770, 3737, 3738, 3744, 3749, 3751,
778, 790, 791, 898, 899, 901–905, Medals see Coins; medals; seals
Medawar, Peter Brian 116 3759, 3777, 3780, 3793, 3799,
907, 916, 929, 1014, 1027, 1034, 3813, 3819, 3820, 4022, 4026,
1054, 1055, 1057–1067, 1089, Media see Methods of
communication; media 4028, 4031
1114, 1247, 1250, 1288, 1291,
1324–1327, 1329–1334, 1336– Medical see Cosmetics; ointments; Medicine and art 182, 365, 379, 553,
1338, 1377, 1411, 1455, 1565– medical 558, 566, 596, 1808
1567, 1569–1572, 1576, 1648, Medical anthropology 569, 3119 Medicine and culture 158, 181, 363,
1817, 1897, 1898, 1900–1904, Medical astrology 782, 987, 1106, 365, 384, 387, 396, 457, 523, 557,
1906, 1908–1912, 1914, 1915, 1108, 1194, 1240, 1374, 2716 563, 571, 574, 577, 579, 583, 585,
1917, 1919, 1958, 1959, 2004, Medical chemistry 402, 1319 630, 634, 637, 661, 697, 723, 725,
2185, 2217, 2633, 2675–2677, 969, 980, 981, 1174, 1183–1185,
2681, 2682, 2684–2686, 2688– Medical climatology 2275
1193, 1204, 1220, 1221, 1224,
2694, 2696–2700, 2706, 2721, Medical education and teaching 375, 1225, 1228, 1461, 1462, 1467,
2740, 2742, 2748, 3396, 3528, 1190, 1205, 1207, 1210, 1219, 1478, 1480, 1482, 1484, 1513,
3544, 3546–3550, 3566, 3585, 1291, 1469, 1477, 1686, 1831, 1541, 1701, 1786, 1805, 1831,
3587, 3588, 3902, 3992 2286, 2295, 2300, 2311, 2323, 2295, 2309, 2315, 2318, 2378,
Mathematics and art 1014, 1233 2330, 2350, 2409, 2429, 2948, 2381, 2406, 2411, 2604, 3120,
3087, 3099, 3107, 3108, 3181, 3128, 3134, 3142, 3164, 3166,
Mathematics and its relationship to 3194, 3195, 3210, 3244, 3264,
medicine 385, 499, 2390 3177, 3185, 3237, 3246, 3271,
3266, 3267, 3747, 3749, 3779 3283, 3285, 3303, 3481, 3737,
Mathematics and its relationship to Medical entomology 324, 325, 2109,
nature 120, 315, 318, 952, 2863 3741, 3754, 3759, 3765, 3769,
2111 3774, 3778, 3802, 3809, 3817, 4035
Mathematics and its relationship to Medical genetics 2882, 2884, 2894,
science 230, 475, 765, 770, 815, Medicine and economics 391, 1687,
2902, 3657, 3659, 3667, 3682, 1702, 2566, 3106, 3133, 3196,
1014, 1042, 1051, 1053, 1069, 3813, 4026, 4027
1070, 1079, 1233, 1382, 1391, 3309, 3767, 3778, 3782, 3786, 3795
Medical geography 2285, 2392
1398, 1447, 1571, 1728, 1795, Medicine and ethics 95, 215, 367,
1935, 2412, 2557, 2759, 2861, Medical geography; Etiology 2418, 530, 1462, 2334, 2381, 2932, 2939,
3551, 3585, 3587, 3588 3193 3115, 3121, 3142, 3157, 3158,
Mathematics and its relationship to Medical instruments and apparatus 3481, 3771, 4040
technology 208, 3396 203, 2329, 2645, 3093, 3128
Medicine and gender 186, 546, 555,
Medical literature 504, 628, 661, 817,
Mathematics education 230, 231, 558, 561, 566, 584, 819, 977, 1017,
967, 974, 979, 988, 1467, 2290,
1054, 1058, 1339, 1568, 1573, 1019, 1228, 1467, 1541, 1828,
1900, 1908, 1921, 2691, 2695, 1831, 2168, 2271, 2295, 2313,
3544, 3550 Medical psychology 343, 3742, 3758, 2334, 2380, 2385, 3091, 3126,
3763 3177, 3295, 3676, 3802
Mathematization 331
Medical schools 1652, 1872, 2328,
Mather, Cotton 1642 4028 Medicine and government 389, 575,
Matter theory 218, 739, 759, 792, 971, 635, 1211, 1225, 1685, 1698, 1786,
Medical sociology 2267, 3737 2206, 2287, 2316, 2374, 2403,
1022, 1305, 1376, 1384, 1385,
1395, 1396, 1402 Medical specialties 3235 2716, 3097, 3105, 3139, 3142,
Medical statistics 636, 2314, 2344, 3170, 3198, 3219, 3220, 3223,
Mattos, Luiz de 1836
2390 3234, 3239, 3241–3243, 3247,
Mattoso, José Teodoro 12 Medical supplies 1687 3248, 3264, 3270, 3273, 3303,
Mauritius 622 Medical technology 554, 2291, 2645, 3309, 3313, 3328, 3794, 3795,
Mauss, Marcel 3044, 3051 3093, 3114, 3117, 3123, 3131, 3805, 3812, 3830, 4027, 4034
Max-Planck-Institut für 3303, 3523, 3687, 4016, 4018 Medicine and industry 3093, 3320,
Wissenschaftsgeschichte 3673 Medici, Cosimo I de’ 1175 3760

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284 Subject Index

Medicine and law 52, 1190, 2313, Medicine, herbal 100, 638, 673, 977, Metaphors; analogies 179, 232, 344,
2346, 2348, 2351, 2357, 2378, 1164, 1196, 1219, 1229, 3136 745, 784, 813, 837, 847, 853, 857,
2405, 3016, 3096, 3117, 3220 Medicine, modern 2331, 3308, 3755, 862, 892, 1126, 1150, 1158, 1216,
Medicine and literature 43, 181, 379, 3824 1404, 1405, 1513, 1519, 1533,
387, 399, 860, 975, 1174, 1185, Medicine, popular 821, 1196, 3271 1793, 1794, 1818, 1888, 1986,
1195, 1221, 1437, 1476, 1484, 2312, 2921, 3000, 3164, 3681, 3809
Medicine, traditional 100, 322, 450,
1513, 1541, 2203, 2292, 2315, 501, 523, 551, 556, 557, 561, 563, Metaphysics 217, 466, 735, 746, 752,
2318, 3247, 3734, 3740, 3754, 3809 564, 566, 568, 580, 672, 673, 722, 756, 886, 888, 953, 1033, 1042,
Medicine and politics 167, 365, 374, 821, 974, 1468, 2283, 2303, 2322, 1046, 1158, 1269, 1274, 1299,
389, 433, 568, 570, 635, 1011, 2867, 3114, 3276, 3290, 3738, 3818 1307, 1323, 1325, 1356, 1378,
1193, 1204, 1538, 1702, 1786, 1393, 1507, 1535, 1557, 1564,
Meditation 553, 576 1891, 1935, 2545, 2669, 2670,
2303, 2348, 2349, 2375, 2381,
2403, 2599, 3106, 3122, 3133, Mediterranean region 441, 605, 697, 2673, 2679, 2765, 3512, 3539
3136, 3138, 3154, 3172, 3182, 1156, 1239, 1415 Metempsychosis 1022
3205, 3206, 3218, 3219, 3242, Megalithic monuments 690, 691 Meteorite craters 2780
3248, 3249, 3277, 3278, 3289, Mekteb-i Harbiye (War school) Meteorites see Comets; meteors;
3291, 3313, 3676, 3744, 3759, (Istanbul, Turkey) 1841 meteorites
3774, 3778, 3782, 3783, 3786, Melbourne (Victoria, Australia) 1850,
3790, 3794, 3812, 3814, 3817, Meteorology 62, 273, 432, 622, 1601,
2101 1990, 1995, 1997, 2004, 2018,
3820, 3824, 3827, 3829 Melkin, Natalya Fyodorovna 3963 2020, 2625, 2646, 2775, 2777,
Medicine and race 451, 1538, 2389, Mellen, Ida May 2855 2782, 2785, 2788, 2876, 3599
2401, 2599, 3121, 3177, 3209,
Melo e Simas, Manuel de 2711 Meteors see Comets; meteors;
3210, 3215
Memoirs 2599 meteorites
Medicine and religion 182, 365, 384, Methodology 48, 70, 106, 133, 147,
503, 505, 523, 546, 551, 552, 559, Memorials; commemorations 1503,
2624, 3001, 3095, 3384, 3761, 4038 156, 224, 227, 248, 258, 483, 530,
562, 576, 578, 585, 661, 673, 722, 654, 1265, 1381, 2284, 2849, 2852,
819, 825, 973, 983, 987, 1191, Memory 625, 1059, 1249, 2185, 2196,
3053, 3085, 3130, 3745, 3844, 4038 3031, 3034, 3074, 3303, 3875
1197, 1220, 1228, 1461, 1472,
1478, 1480, 1545, 1680, 1685, Men 2332 Methodology of science; scientific
2265, 2320, 2322, 2325, 2357, method 39, 60, 111, 113, 118, 129,
Mendel, Johann Gregor 2898 135–137, 447, 498, 499, 530, 556,
2358, 2411, 2432, 3092, 3202,
3292, 3511, 3803 Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich 1974, 688, 718, 734, 750, 841, 1131,
1977, 1978 1158, 1187, 1248, 1356, 1387,
Medicine and science, relationships 1439, 1464, 1474, 1506, 1562,
62, 89, 192, 321, 368, 393, 398, Mendelism 2898, 2906, 3418
Menéndez y Pelayo, Marcelino 11 1666, 1696, 1774, 1815, 1871,
421, 493, 534, 551, 664, 719, 720, 1950, 2232, 2249, 2282, 2365,
782, 789, 804, 829, 847, 893, 987, Menninger, Family 3759
2667, 2671, 2735, 2740, 2859,
1017, 1117, 1194, 1204, 1226, Menstruation 555, 826, 2351, 3204 2861, 3000, 3036, 3551, 3572
1248, 1294, 1295, 1386, 1404, Mental disorders and diseases 131,
1431, 1471, 1519, 1684, 1795, Methods see Data collection; methods
346, 383–385, 387, 830, 963, 973,
2171, 2172, 2310, 2333, 2759, Methods of communication; media
1182, 1185, 1479–1481, 1692,
2942, 3111, 3120, 3142, 3261, 63, 416, 646, 2332, 2371, 2397,
1693, 1695, 1836, 2111, 2186,
3327, 3330, 3421, 3444, 3650, 2493, 2553, 2567, 3022, 3040,
2203, 2313, 2338, 2339, 2341,
3735, 3740, 3741, 3781, 3822, 3827 3250, 3303, 3321, 3405–3407,
2344, 2346, 2348, 2351, 2352,
Medicine and society 365, 367, 378, 3479, 3494, 3505, 3509, 3565,
2357, 2361–2364, 2366–2368,
384, 389–391, 394, 448, 503, 574, 3566, 3893, 3911, 3923, 3928,
2400, 2559, 2617, 2620, 2956,
635, 637, 1019, 1190, 1224, 1228, 3966, 3977, 3984, 4054, 4057
2958, 3016, 3149, 3151, 3153,
1482, 1513, 1681, 1701, 1827, 3155, 3156, 3158–3160, 3162, Metrology 2960
1840, 2270, 2295, 2361, 2387, 3165, 3166, 3169–3173, 3177, Meucci, Ferdinando 1860
2391, 2420, 2428, 2553, 3118, 3178, 3184, 3186, 3187, 3294, Mexico 125, 664, 666, 668, 1769,
3122, 3136, 3139, 3140, 3174, 3741, 3756, 3759, 3760, 3762, 2019, 2369, 2563, 2576, 2603,
3189, 3203, 3208, 3237, 3242, 3763, 3765–3768, 3802, 3809, 2739, 2817, 2905, 2987, 3025,
3245, 3246, 3259, 3274, 3278, 3810, 3828, 4030 3057, 3077, 3080, 3272, 3303,
3282, 3284, 3294, 3320, 3682, Mercator, Gerardus 1142, 1144 3507, 3656, 3837, 3893, 3939, 4009
3684, 3764, 3768, 3769, 3779,
3798, 3814, 3815, 3821, 4039 Mercury (element) 857, 1947, 2554, Meyerson, Émile 98
3386 Meyerson, Ignace 2991
Medicine and sports 1808, 2384,
Mercury (planet) 241, 857, 1089 Michael, James Henry 2694
2393, 2404, 2409, 2416, 3204,
3232, 3233, 3676 Mercury poisoning 2554 Michaelis, Leonor 2759
Medicine and technology, Meredith, George 1794 Microbiology 388, 2154, 2155, 2911,
relationships 433, 2291, 2294, Meridians (geodesy) 270 2912, 2915, 3124, 3125, 3170,
3093, 3094, 3116, 3217, 3281, Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 386 3216, 3252, 4015
3283, 3300, 3327, 3809 Mersenne, Marin 1250, 1328, 1341, Microcomputers 3922
Medicine and the military; medicine 1459 Microcosm and macrocosm 1405
in war 1840, 1842, 2270, 2287, Mertrud, Jean-Claude 2282 Microelectronics industry 3922
2291, 2316, 2319, 2327, 2632, Mesmer, Franz Anton 1534, 1879 Micrometers 1367
2761, 3086, 3089, 3102–3104,
3164, 3165, 3176, 3260, 3272, Mesmerism 1534 Microscopes 62, 87, 1284, 1430,
3313, 3423 Mesoamérica 664, 1457 1653, 1858, 2589, 2915, 3221, 3987
Medicine in war see Medicine and the Mesopotamia 447, 705, 706, 708, 716, Microscopes, electron 2370, 2854
military; medicine in war 721, 725, 728 Microscopy 1440, 1443, 1762, 2565,
Medicine, ayurvedic 640 Metabolism; physiological chemistry 2854, 2928, 2932, 3868
Medicine, Chinese traditional 449, 315, 3666 Middle and Near East 463, 464, 466,
523, 559, 560, 573, 574, 581, 582, Metal casting 3884 467, 480, 483, 486, 487, 490, 500,
2296, 3748, 3755, 3818 Metallurgy 62, 591, 641, 642, 693, 505, 693, 703, 705, 712, 713, 715,
935, 1136, 1487 716, 725, 915, 2253, 3218
Medicine, general histories 317, 337,
366, 376, 378, 381, 394, 628, 822, Metals and metallic compounds 693, Middleton, Thomas 1146
978, 2421, 2553, 3118, 3203, 3301, 695, 935, 1136, 1977, 2071, 2452, Midwifery 449
3302, 3768 2457, 2486 Milgram, Stanley 3695, 3703

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Subject Index 285

Military technology 1026, 1502, Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de 336, Muris, Johannes de 987
1843, 2255, 2538, 2626, 3393, 1012 Murphy, Emily 2614
3488, 3524, 3633, 3945, 3967 Montana (U.S.) 2071, 2452 Murray, Henry Alexander 3006
Mill, John Stuart 1769, 3542 Montaña de Monserrate, Bernardino Muscles 802
Millennialism; eschatology 1283 980 Musée d’Ethnographie du Trocadéro
Millikan, Robert Andrews 1956 Montelius, Oscar 2262 550
Mills and milling 991 Montenegro, Pedro de 1680 Musée de l’homme (Paris) 2236
Mind and body 339, 340, 962, 1184, Montessori, Maria 2198 Museo del Collegio Romano 1363
1312, 1313, 1386, 1448, 1556, Montreal 3284 Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale di
1712, 1713, 1794, 1813, 1838, Moon 239, 477, 482, 484, 613, 654, Firenze 2637
1879, 2171, 2188, 2189, 2205, 2252 709, 777, 1344, 1349, 1369, 1397, Museo Galileo (Italy) 1373, 1860
Mineral waters 1703 3557, 3566, 3974 Museo Nacional de Ciencias
Mineralogy 254, 948, 971, 1117, Moore, David 2016 Naturales 2803
1136, 1159, 1230, 1406, 1635, Moore, John Barratt 3833 Museum and exhibit catalogs 2179,
1643, 1993, 2000 Moral economy 3982 2182
Mines and mining 62, 285, 683, 695, Moral philosophy 330, 1255, 1891, Museum Boerhaave (Leiden) 87, 197
726, 1136, 1406, 1635, 1729, 2050, 2016, 2131, 2149 Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
2066, 2452, 2486, 2779, 2813, (University of California, Berkeley)
3306, 3386, 3832 Moral psychology 1667, 1668, 1695,
2946 2804, 2862
Minnesota (U.S.) 2113 Museum of Victoria (Melbourne,
Morbid anatomy; Experimental Australia) 1850
Miracles 738, 845, 1271, 1545 pathology 2179, 3132
Mises, Ludwig von 168 Museums 15, 21, 87, 103, 164, 197,
Mordente, Fabrizio 1027 198, 200, 202, 203, 205, 414, 444–
Mises, Richard von 2752 More, Henry 1300 446, 502, 550, 581, 623, 682, 685–
Missiles 239, 3578, 3787, 3916, 3947, Moreira, Juliano 3170, 3264 688, 1420, 1548, 1549, 1624, 1632,
3956, 3958 1741, 1781, 1819, 1845, 1850,
Morel, Bénédict Auguste 2344, 2359,
Missionaries and missions 435, 443, 2362 1851, 1854, 1862, 1864, 2038,
455, 523, 524, 531, 665, 1417, Moréri, Louis 1555 2075, 2115, 2163, 2179, 2182,
1468, 1659, 1674, 2267, 2429, 2235–2237, 2242, 2244, 2567,
2543, 2867, 2954, 3029, 3280 Morgan, Thomas Hunt 2899
2591, 2637–2639, 2642, 2778,
Mississippi River (North America) Morgenthau Plan 427
2803, 2806, 2843, 2872, 3078,
309, 313, 2444 Morin, Jean Baptiste 1362 3085, 3109, 3128, 3334, 3475,
Missouri (U.S.) 3353 Moritz Karl Philipp 1696 3664, 3848
Mitchell, Peter D. 3672 Morman Chuch see Church of Jesus Music 514, 534, 771–773, 908, 909,
Mittag-Leffler, Gösta 2699 Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS); 1016, 1068–1071, 1341, 1342,
Morman Chuch 1386, 1532, 1534, 1585, 1587,
Mivart, St. George Jackson 117
Morocco 2265, 2301 1922, 2556, 2701–2703, 2705,
Models and modeling in science 20, 3002, 3134, 3335, 3920
120, 237, 293, 315, 327, 353, 357, Morphogenesis 3413
364, 410, 484, 1325, 1502, 1793, Morphology 323, 1650, 1896, 2119, Music theory 771, 909, 1068–1071,
1986, 2086, 2094, 2696, 2702, 2142, 2593, 2852, 2879, 2888, 1341, 1342, 1585, 1771, 1923,
2725, 2765, 3018, 3050, 3063, 2922, 3289, 3929 2703, 2755
3066, 3551, 3588, 3604, 3606, Morris, William 1814 Musical instruments 771, 1386, 1922,
3667, 3692, 3998, 4019, 4020 Morse, Samuel Finley Breese 2497 2480
Modernism 1, 1147, 2595, 3039, Mortality 3238, 3243 Musical meter and rhythm 908, 1342
3331, 3340, 3357 Moscow (Russia) 2873, 3932, 3956 Musical pitch 771
Modernization 551, 579, 1239, 2115, Musson, Charles Tucker 2039
Moscow. Universitet 2878
2268, 2447, 2453, 2455, 2487, Mutation 2851, 2870, 2882, 3539
Mosquito (Insect) 3270
3028, 3136, 3152, 3281, 3332, Mutualism (biology) 2064, 2132
Moss, Thelma 3694
3367, 3374, 3436, 3447, 3448, Mycenae (extinct city) 698
3488, 3721, 3747, 3841 Mothers and children 826, 985, 1219, Myers, Frederic William Henry 1883
1462, 1827, 1830, 2395, 2611,
Molecular and solid state physics 253, 2614, 2629, 2894, 2902, 3174, Mysticism 1838, 1882, 2622, 3152,
1888 3264, 3291, 3305, 3775 3539, 3540
Molecular biology 2860, 2916, 3132, Motion (physical) 786, 789, 929, Mythology 668, 696, 731, 735, 796,
3668, 3672, 3673 1235, 1245, 1300, 1342, 1356, 797, 800, 801, 803, 857, 875, 1266,
Molecular sequencing 3671 1378, 1383, 1391, 1398, 1399, 1585, 1642, 2076, 2099, 2959,
Molecular structure 253, 1973, 2758, 1471, 3012 3503, 3955
2770, 3590 Motion pictures; cinema; movies 22,
Molecules 253, 1986, 3012, 3666 1737, 2589, 2701, 2924, 3334, N
Molina, Mario J. 2765 3374, 3388, 3661, 3921, 3927, 4058 Nahua peoples 666
Moliner, Juan 1211 Motorcylces 2491, 3345 Nanoscience 3440, 4016
Moll, Albert 2354 Moulin, Daniël de 94 Nanotechnology 2488, 3490, 3842,
Momentum; inertia (mechanics) 1385 Moulton, John Fletcher 2635 3856, 3868, 4045, 4049
Monakow, Constantin von 2362 Mountaineering 2068 Nansen, Fridtjof 2170
Monastic orders 858, 999, 1277, 1472 Mountains 2383, 2789 Napier, John 601, 1327, 1338
Movies see Motion pictures; cinema; Naples (Italy) 1107, 1271
Money 1451, 1456
movies Napoleon I, Emperor of France 1846,
Mongolia 525, 543 2314
Mongols 182, 485, 525, 543 Mozambique 2421, 2867, 3855
Mozart, Wolfang Amadeus 1534 Narcotics and drugs 321, 367, 448,
Monism 1776, 1838, 1839, 1890, 2376, 3319, 3321, 3825–3827
1896, 2081, 2310, 2888, 3228 Mueller, Ferdinand, Baron von 2015,
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
Moniz, Egas 2640 2044
Monkeys 2131, 2138, 2934, 3978 Muir, John 280 National Chemical Laboratory
Monkman, Kent 180 Müller, Johann Christoph 1606 (England) 2775
Monsters see Teratology; monsters Multiculturalism 2244 National Geographic Society 2789
Montagu, Mary Wortley, Lady 1482, Mummies 2258 National histories 38, 282, 1628,
1544 Munich (Germany) 1001 2528, 2571, 2699, 3468

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286 Subject Index

National identity 9, 400, 549, 989, Natural selection 327, 328, 333, 1648, Neurology 337, 2171, 2184, 2187,
1451, 1489, 1782, 2580, 2602, 2120, 2124, 2130, 2136, 2137, 2288, 2342, 2939, 2943, 2951,
3058, 3304, 3841, 3878, 3893, 2150, 2427, 2887, 2908, 3651, 3662 3108, 3150, 3170, 3179, 3180
3969, 4024 Natural theology 189, 743, 883, 888, Neurophysiology 334, 808, 2175,
National Institute of Health (U.S.) 913, 1020, 1269, 1275, 1315, 1343, 2178, 2189, 2190, 2949, 3170,
3282 1505, 2146, 2621 3685, 3686, 3689
National Library of Medicine (U.S.) Naturalism (philosophy) 119, 132, Neuropsychology 3178, 3761
21 214, 314, 465, 730, 1225, 1269, Neurosciences 26, 49, 169, 334–340,
National Maritime Museum, 2518, 2751, 2896, 3473, 3512 1313, 1666, 1771, 2171–2173,
Greenwich 1580 Naturalists 1, 184, 217, 262, 280, 282, 2175–2177, 2179, 2181–2183,
National parks and reserves 2058, 804, 1003, 1161, 1420, 1428, 1629, 2185, 2188, 2213, 2609, 2941,
2062, 2809, 2822, 2827, 2828, 2832 1631, 1635, 1641, 1662, 1663, 2942, 2945–2948, 2950, 3150,
2019, 2033, 2034, 2041–2043, 3685, 3691
National Physical Laboratory
2047, 2082, 2112, 2114, 2872, Neutrinos 3569, 3570, 3580
(England) 2775
3029, 3634 Nevel sko , Gennadi Ivanovich 2009
National Radio Astronomy
Nature 31, 355, 855, 859, 1255, 1295, New England (U.S.) 1290, 1484, 1485
Observatory (U.S.) 3553, 3566
1302, 1314, 1321, 1419, 1440, New Guinea 1609, 3209
National School of Bridge 1508, 1531, 1533, 1658, 1910, New Orleans (Louisiana, U.S.) 4001
Engineering (Ukraine) 409 2039, 2063, 2150, 2593, 2826, New South Wales (Australia) 2039,
National Science Foundation (U.S.) 3512, 3542, 3602, 3613 2529
3038, 3550 Nature and its relationship to culture New stars see Supernovae; novae; new
National security 2571, 2583, 2785, 4, 29, 31, 284, 288, 543, 545, 624, stars
3597 859, 947, 954, 1322, 1418, 1424, New York (U.S.) 1642, 2309, 2532,
National Socialism 2565, 2607, 2634, 1456, 1490, 1531, 1533, 1535, 2556, 2623, 2836, 3375, 3771
2701, 2731, 2939, 2951, 3142, 1637, 1638, 1640, 1655, 1738, New York City (New York, U.S.)
3146, 3228, 3291 1762, 1800, 1822, 2030, 2033, 2556, 2836
National University of La Plata, 2052, 2062, 2083, 2095, 2115, New Zealand 103, 445, 679, 688,
Argentina 2948 2116, 2134, 2150, 2467, 2586, 2034, 2038, 2051, 2067, 2223,
Nationalism 179, 400, 568, 1451, 2606, 2787, 2820, 2822, 2838, 2224, 2235, 2332, 2523, 3056
1609, 1616, 1629, 1776, 1855, 2933, 3424, 3512, 3605, 3613, Newcomen, Thomas 1736
1880, 1945, 2006, 2009, 2011, 3630, 3634, 3638, 3655, 4000 Newman, John Henry 1774
2046, 2257, 2544, 2581, 2731, Nautical astronomy 1575 Newmann, Emilio Huelı́n 1768
2921, 3028, 3045, 3356, 3359, Nautical charts 1153, 2017 Newton, Alfred 2053
3361, 3379, 3384, 3508, 3575, Naval and maritime medicine 2373,
3725, 3878, 3970, 4049 Newton, Isaac 7, 111, 1034, 1066,
2418 1096, 1297, 1318, 1336, 1337,
Native American civilization and Navigation 230, 432, 681, 992, 1054, 1356, 1378, 1383, 1387, 1393,
culture 287, 295, 663–673, 1423, 1151, 1610, 1730, 2018, 3268 1394, 1398, 1400, 1505, 1506,
1621, 1823, 2223, 2238, 2601, Nebraska (U.S.) 2072 1566, 1572
2606, 3010, 3681 Newtonianism 246, 1379, 1506, 1540,
Nebulae see Galaxies; nebulae
Native language 1621 1556, 1600
Necromancy 874
Natterer, Johann August 1969 Niagara falls 3361
Neiva, Artur 3329
Natural gas see Oil; natural gas Niccolò da Reggio 789
Nelson, Gareth J. 2837
Natural history 103, 280, 299, 313, Nicholson, William 1877
316, 323, 326, 668, 718, 809, 821, Nemicandra 601
Nickerson, William Baker 3074
941, 1003, 1015, 1158, 1159, Neoliberalism 66, 67, 149, 168, 2522,
Nicolay, Charles Grenfell 1991
1161–1163, 1165, 1166, 1171, 2568, 3323, 3744
Niels Bohr Library 19, 63, 64, 82
1413, 1416–1423, 1549, 1624– Neoplatonism 211, 857, 1010, 1055,
1273, 1838 Niger River 1623
1627, 1629, 1630, 1632, 1634, Night 1160
1643, 1662, 1727, 1745, 1850, Nervo, Amado 2208
1851, 1890, 1988, 1994, 2001, Nile River 313
Nervous system 335, 724, 1199, 2170, Nitrous oxide 1593, 1967
2022, 2033, 2035–2038, 2040, 2367, 2941, 3170
2044, 2045, 2047, 2049, 2052, Nixon, Richard M. 3635
Netherlands 19, 58, 73, 78, 79, 84, 86, Nobel Prizes 334, 1956, 2170, 2640,
2056, 2075, 2115, 2157, 2243, 89–91, 94, 95, 100, 105, 190, 197,
2244, 2282, 2637, 2803, 2805, 2645, 2746, 3992
272, 282, 374, 870, 944, 1014,
2806, 2862, 2871, 2873 1015, 1035, 1066, 1167, 1188, Nobility; aristocracy (social class)
Natural law theory 191, 1043 1189, 1260, 1266, 1371, 1418, 1778, 2100, 2514
Natural laws 120, 217, 734, 952, 1430, 1442, 1502, 1505, 1531, Noë, Friedrich Wilhelm 493
1043, 1303, 1321, 1399, 1400, 1533, 1588, 1755, 2174, 2313, Noise and noise abatement 2556,
1456, 1540 2361, 2433, 2609, 2652, 2746, 2582, 3375, 3850
Natural magic 737, 821, 1157, 1680 2748, 2835, 3108, 3172, 3482, Nominalism (philosophy) 1647, 3302
Natural philosophy 201, 211, 218, 3522, 3560, 3877, 3945, 3984, 4041 Nordau, Max 2557
242, 844, 859, 872, 874, 886, 892, Netherlands, colonies 1582, 1756, Norfolk (England) 682
905, 906, 928, 929, 952, 962, 970, 2433, 2521 North Africa 471, 508, 720
1002, 1015, 1024, 1042, 1057, Network analysis see Network theory; North America 299, 308, 670, 1153,
1108, 1147, 1157, 1181, 1210, network analysis 1423, 1424, 1426, 1501, 1698,
1243, 1244, 1251, 1255, 1263, Network theory; network analysis 1719, 2128, 2223, 2235, 2362,
1265, 1269, 1273, 1274, 1279, 1070, 1285, 1714, 2037, 2457, 2616, 2833, 3652, 3731, 3773,
1280, 1284, 1287, 1298, 1309, 2528, 2857, 3495, 3533 3797, 3990
1316, 1317, 1321, 1344, 1387, Neual computers 3908 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
1393, 1399, 1400, 1436, 1500, (NATO) 1714
Neural stimulation 3687
1506, 1507, 1557, 1560, 1583, North Carolina 3416
1653, 1912, 1961, 2087, 2940 Neurasthenia 2424, 3153 North Korea 3738, 3933, 3971, 3974
Natural resource management 286, Neurath, Otto 2251 North, John D. 489
287, 544, 2058, 2522, 2826, 3628, Neuroaesthetics 49 Northern Europe 308, 2490, 3731
3639 Neuroanatomy 2941, 3685 Norway 198, 1753, 2569, 2571, 2611,
Natural resources 285, 286, 291, 544, Neurohistory 49 2769, 2793, 2798, 2800, 2876,
1424, 2457, 2577, 2586, 2826, 3639 Neurological diseases 337, 338, 500, 3073, 3094, 3253, 3631, 3844, 3992
Natural science 31 2361, 3170, 3689 Nose see Ear; nose; throat

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Subject Index 287

Nosology; classification of diseases Occult sciences 196, 210, 211, 288, Origin of life see Biogenesis; origin of
383, 1646, 1879, 2344, 2355, 2368, 738, 842, 874, 930, 932, 954, 957, life; spontaneous generation
3170, 3758, 4032 983, 1032, 1034, 1036–1038, 1297, Origin of solar system 760
Nostalgia 343 1414, 1554, 1878, 1882, 1884, Ornithology 2034, 2112, 2113, 3624
Notebooks 974, 1003, 1161, 1215, 1885, 2666, 2774, 3040, 3540 Orpen, Charles Edward Herbert 1459
1646 Occultations see Eclipses; transits; Orreries 1580
Nothingness see Vacuum; emptiness; occultations Orta, Garcia da 1207
nothingness Occupational diseases see Industrial Ortelius, Abraham 1139
Notker, Balbulus 908 medicine; occupational diseases Orthogenesis; orthogenetic evolution
Novae see Supernovae; novae; new Oceania 1141 2151
stars Oceanic Islands 3778 Orthogenetic evolution see
Novalis 1559 Oceanography 1134, 2079, 2794, Orthogenesis; orthogenetic
2876 evolution
Novikov, Michail M. 2878 Orthopedics 2274, 2306, 2404, 2409
Nuclear and radioactive waste 3571, Oceans 262, 264, 307, 1134, 1612,
2024 Osgood, William Fogg 2691
3633, 3642, 4012, 4051 Ostrom, Elinor 1788
Nuclear fission 2598, 3381 Ockham, William of 883
Ostwald, Wilhelm 1896, 1968, 2863
Nuclear industry 2753, 2831, 3880, Oersted, Hans Christian 1964, 1990 Ottoman Empire 303, 455, 468, 496,
4004, 4052 Ogden, Charles Kay 2251 506, 1093, 1225, 1740, 1863, 1946,
Nuclear power see Atomic energy; Ogilby, John 1409 2169, 3328
nuclear power Oil spills 4004, 4006 Ovalle, Alonso de 1408
Nuclear power stations 3381, 3518, Oil; natural gas 312, 2070, 2466, Owen, Richard 2076
3849, 3860, 4044, 4051 2577, 2813, 3281, 3366, 3632, Owen, Robert 2233
Nuclear reactors 4047 3639, 4008 Oxford University 1317, 1458
Nuclear testing 3467, 3514 Ointments see Cosmetics; ointments; Oxygen 1597, 1970, 1976, 2772
Nuclear weapons; atomic weapons medical
2573, 2583, 2598, 2749, 3341, Oken, Lorenz 1873 P
3352, 3454, 3466, 3467, 3488, Oklahoma (U.S.) 239 Pacific Northwest (North America)
3514, 3518, 3519, 3574, 3575, 287, 2464
Olfactory perception see Smell;
3578, 3641, 3642, 3832, 3847, Pacific Ocean 289, 445, 1140, 1612,
olfactory perception
3874, 3879, 3886, 3947 1617, 1641, 1797, 2026
Oliver, Mary 3619
Number concept see Number theory; Pacioli, Luca 1058
number concept Olmsted, Denison 1934
Packard, Randall 372
Number notation 510 Omens 528, 872, 1163
Padua (Italy) 1031, 1469, 1477
Number systems 510 Ontario (Canada) 2321, 3187, 3625 Padua. Università 1031, 1205
Number theory; number concept Ontology 41, 328, 899, 1318, 1562, Paganism 875, 1037
1907, 2692 1663, 3725 Pain 366, 379, 860, 893, 968, 1191,
Numbers 359, 1071, 1329, 2185, 2700 Open access 3928 3742
Numerals 903 Open source 170, 3459, 3924 Painters and painting 659, 855, 1013,
Numerical analysis 357, 469, 1571 Ophthalmology 817, 3107 1015, 1062, 1260, 1264, 1419,
Nuñez Butrón, Manuel 232 Opium and opium trade 367, 448 1421, 1527, 1655, 1693, 1808,
Oppokov, Evgeny 2782 1944, 3404
Nuremberg (Germany) 920, 1087, Painting see Dyes; painting; bleaching
1092, 1104, 1105, 1220, 1267, Optical meteorology see Electrical Pakistan 2583, 3843
1350, 1366, 1369 meteorology; optical meteorology
Paleoanthropology 692, 2074, 2845,
Nurse midwives 1686, 2336, 2599, Optics 62, 491, 790, 791, 815, 1015, 2846
3126, 3264 1114, 1367, 1382, 1387, 1436, Paleogeography 1993
Nurses and nursing 2292, 2336, 2620, 1510, 1795, 1858, 1930, 1935, Paleontology 323, 1427, 1642, 1643,
3102, 3103, 3158, 3166, 3194, 1941, 2181 1993, 2073–2075, 2126, 2165,
3210, 3264, 3292, 3304 Optimization problems (mathematics) 2248, 2843, 2844, 2886, 2933,
Nutrition 2379, 2611, 3448 219, 3065 3076, 3649
Nutrition; dietetics 94, 397, 398, 400, Oral contraceptives, birth control pills Paleopathology 381
562, 565, 662, 664, 797, 803, 984, 3803, 4038 Palestine 300, 455, 3730
1223, 1699, 1842, 2271, 2304, Oral history 154, 233, 377, 397, 610, Paley, William 2146, 2150
2373, 2411, 2420, 2422, 2514, 678, 2909 Panda bears 2806
2518, 2533, 2628, 2665, 3201, Orbital motion (quantum) 1398 Pandemics 4031
3207, 3297, 3310, 3314, 3426, Orbits; planets 237 Panepistēmio Athēnōn 2106
3776, 3777, 3810, 3940, 3944, 3955
Order (philosophy); organization 51, Papavero, Nelson 3656
318, 328, 542, 770, 863, 1169, Paper and paper industry 646, 1003,
O 1215, 1646, 2249, 3026, 3470, 1161, 1215, 1625
Obesity 984, 1478, 3226, 3426, 3446 3471, 3542, 3975 Papin, Denis 1251
Obituaries 77, 80, 82, 93, 103, 2690, Oregon (U.S.) 2402 Papua New Guinea 687
2950 Oresme, Nicole 894 Papyri see Tablets; papyri, 719, 724
Objectivity 120, 124, 136, 145, 1571, Orfila, Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure Paracelscianism 1124
1815, 2249, 2722, 3152 2430 Paracelsus, Theophrast von
Observation 263, 269, 654, 671, 716, Hohenheim 1120, 1121, 1192
Organ transplantation 2553, 2934,
723, 776, 779, 803, 915, 1078, 3092, 3115, 3501, 3746, 4024 Paradigms 2377, 3068, 4043
1087, 1102, 1114, 1366, 1387, Paradox (logic) 114, 115
Organ, tissue, and cell culture 2929,
1528, 1531, 1581, 1653, 1697, Paraense, Wladimir Lobato 3293
2932, 4024
1927, 1929, 1937, 1944, 1996, Paraguay 1417, 1680, 2319, 2813
2004, 2019, 2243, 2985, 3024, 3557 Organic chemistry 1970, 2772, 3572 Parallax (astronomy) 477, 484
Obsessive-compulsive disorder 2368 Organic farming 4056 Paralysis 2186, 2338
Obstetrics and pregnancy 501, 583, Organicism 2857, 3651 Parapsychology; psychic phenomena
1462, 2628, 2629, 2894, 2902, Organization see Order (philosophy); 139, 209, 1883, 2952, 3540
3096, 3117, 3123, 3126, 3190, organization Parasitic diseases 1805, 2392, 3256,
3258, 3263, 3264, 3275, 3305, Organs, tissues 807, 4024 3788
3308, 3742, 3808 Orietalism 1880 Parasitology 2392, 3788

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288 Subject Index

Pardies, Ignace Gaston 1331 Periodic system of the elements 1974, Philanthropy see Privately sponsored
Paré, Ambroise 822 1977, 1978 science; philanthropy
Pareto, Vilfredo 3545 Periodicals; serials 84, 336, 347, Philippi, Bernhard Eunom 2047
Parga Pondal, Isidro 2784 1517, 1553, 1696, 1744, 1754, Philippines 683, 1674, 2419, 2435,
1782, 1806, 1877, 1884, 1948, 2663, 3371, 4036
Paris (France) 234, 270, 857, 893, 2008, 2057, 2081, 2199, 2214,
927, 1293, 1325, 1545, 1720, 1846, Philology see Linguistics; philology
2290, 2324, 2340, 2341, 2376,
1867, 2179, 2875, 2934, 3970 2389, 2410, 2441, 2551, 2552, Philosophers of science, modern 58,
Paris Observatory 234 2558–2560, 2567, 2605, 2663, 114, 1320, 2949
Paris. Université 913 2665, 2760, 2789, 2950, 2974, Philosophical anthropology 355
Park, Mungo 1623 3019, 3143, 3170, 3244, 3327, Philosophy 30, 70, 97, 99, 133, 137,
Parker, Samuel 1275 3373, 3433, 3445, 3453, 3533, 144, 160, 190, 211, 213, 216, 379,
Parkinson disease 2939, 3139, 3687 3556, 3740, 3764, 3964, 3970, 461, 463, 466, 498, 514, 520, 526,
3974, 4039 738, 739, 741, 742, 745, 747, 748,
Parks 660, 2101, 3374 751–753, 755, 757, 759, 792, 831,
Periphery model (theory) 45
Parmenides 774, 780, 1471 843, 865, 876–878, 880, 881, 883,
Perna, Pietro 1121
Parsons, Talcott 3723 888, 895, 956, 961, 1038, 1039,
Perrier, Edmond 1830 1041, 1044, 1047–1049, 1097,
Particle accelerators 2718, 3566, 3579
Perrin, Pierre, 1422 1098, 1172, 1299, 1301, 1303,
Particles (nuclear physics) 620, 3580,
3583 Perron, Charles Eugène 2012 1311, 1384, 1396, 1434, 1451,
Persia (Iran) 500, 504, 508, 537 1452, 1465, 1504, 1507, 1552,
Pascal, Blaise 1270
Persian Gulf War 3954 1557, 1596, 1670, 1839, 1878,
Pasha, Spyridon Mavrogenis 2169 1888, 1890, 1893, 1990, 2141,
Passions see Emotions; passions Personal archives 14, 19, 1355, 1806,
2229, 2754 2197, 2622, 2668, 2674, 2676,
Passow, Franz 2248 2678, 2848, 2953, 2961, 3027,
Personal computers and computing 3069, 3542
Pasteur, Louis 2154 3905
Patents 174, 200, 1529, 2090, 2456, Philosophy and politics 744, 792, 890,
Personal narratives 356, 387, 391, 1451, 1518, 1658
2469, 3344, 3345, 3409, 3435, 628, 1623, 2387, 3168, 3504, 3566,
3455, 3483, 3823, 3980 3694, 3754 Philosophy and religion 210, 888,
Pathology 103, 333, 386, 1679, 1701, 1297, 1555, 1892, 3044
Personality of the scientist 457
2216, 2275, 2293, 2912, 2951, Philosophy of mathematics 213, 225,
3124, 3125, 3132, 3221, 3254, 3303 Personality; character 1848 764, 1059, 1337, 1571, 2675, 2686,
Patients 363, 387, 628, 2111, 2173, Perspective 1014, 1015, 1062, 1114, 2688, 3548
2266, 2272, 2276, 2288, 2339, 1326, 1795 Philosophy of medicine 215, 364,
2956, 3096, 3110, 3147, 3157, Peru 2383, 3087, 3803 386, 390, 499, 583, 821, 824, 971,
3158, 3168, 3175, 3187, 3188, Pérz de Moya, Juan 1065 1185, 1197, 1200, 1214, 1439,
3222, 3245, 3259, 3723, 3739, Pesticides; insecticides 2524, 3644, 1464, 1466, 1474, 2188, 2273,
3744, 3754, 3764, 3797, 3802, 3828 3773, 3776 2305, 3142
Patronage see Court sponsored Petiver, James 1418, 1420 Philosophy of mind 135, 339, 340,
science; patronage, 876, 1073, Petrarch, Francesco 1162 1171, 1184, 1249, 1299, 1310,
1124, 1127, 1259, 1441, 1495, 1312, 1313, 1321, 1481, 1556,
Petri, Heinrich 967
1502, 1661, 1995, 2024, 2111, 1813, 1834, 2189, 2196, 2205, 2942
3026, 3038 Petrie, William Matthew Flinders
2163 Philosophy of science 2, 7, 31, 37, 44,
Paula Souza, Geraldo Horácio de 50, 66, 68, 98, 106, 112–117, 121–
2604 Petrography 832 125, 127–131, 133, 134, 136, 137,
Pauling, Linus Carl 2765, 2766 Petroleum drilling 3600, 3639 141, 143, 151, 160, 176, 191, 201,
Paulmier, Jean, de Courtonne 1414 Petroleum industry 286, 301, 2577, 209, 211, 214, 216, 218, 232, 237,
3600, 3639 243–245, 253, 257, 306, 318, 320,
Pavia. Università 1643
Petroleum products 286 323, 329, 331, 335, 352, 353, 355,
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich 2207, 3738 364, 416, 465, 494, 498, 526, 718,
Petrology 832
Pedagogy see Teaching; pedagogy 730, 731, 739, 746, 749, 750, 760,
Petty, William 1315
Pediatrics and psychology see 779, 787, 792, 872, 879, 885, 891–
Developmental psychology; Peurbach, Georg von 1079, 1089, 893, 906, 930, 948, 1012, 1037,
pediatrics and psychology 1090 1051, 1061, 1086, 1147, 1158,
Peer review 2665, 3535 Pfeifer, Richard Arwed 3181 1169, 1171, 1186, 1197, 1246,
Peirce, Charles Sanders 1887 Phares, Simon de 926 1253, 1279, 1295, 1300, 1302,
Pharmaceutical botany 638, 1417, 1307, 1309, 1310, 1317, 1318,
Peixoto, Afrânio 3170 1320, 1321, 1323, 1329, 1356,
1468, 2867
Pell, John 1411 1377, 1378, 1383, 1386, 1393,
Pharmaceutical industry 640, 988,
Pelletier, Pierre Joseph 1987 1399, 1400, 1432, 1433, 1471,
2431, 2433, 3121, 3143, 3318–
Pelouze, Théophile Jules 2353 3321, 3323, 3324, 3326, 3327, 1507, 1522, 1552, 1555, 1558,
Pena, Pierre 1169 3330, 3819–3821, 3823, 3826, 1560, 1562–1564, 1571, 1593,
Pendulums 1381 3828, 3830, 3831 1596, 1653, 1658, 1666, 1761,
1774, 1813, 1834, 1839, 1852,
Penicillin 3800, 3820 Pharmacogenetics 3743 1888, 1890, 1891, 1894, 1896,
Penna, Belisário 3222 Pharmacology 91, 322, 402, 504, 506, 1911, 1913, 1918, 1963, 1968,
Pennsylvania (U.S.) 1372, 1716, 551, 565, 633, 639, 804, 1680, 2081, 2125, 2136, 2143, 2150,
2065, 2449, 2470, 2473, 2832 2321, 2405, 2431, 2629, 3090, 2228, 2252, 2310, 2588, 2593,
Penrose diagrams 3585, 3586 3100, 3263, 3321, 3322, 3325, 2622, 2667, 2671–2673, 2679,
3819, 3824, 3825, 4040 2717, 2721, 2738, 2745, 2747,
Penrose, Roger 3586
Pharmacopoeias see Formularies; 2752, 2759, 2765, 2770, 2849,
Pepper, John Henry 1857 pharmacopoeias 2858, 2859, 2944, 3043, 3512,
Perception see Senses and sensation; Pharmacy 79, 402, 505–507, 1208, 3541, 3554, 3572, 3590, 3592,
perception 1226, 1228, 2432–2434, 3098, 3593, 3596, 3619, 3667, 3699
Pereira, Miguel 3211 3137, 3145, 3320, 3830 Philosophy of science, as a discipline
Pereira, William Leonard 2595 Phenomenology 136, 363, 1069, 522, 1274, 1368, 1647
Performance; demonstration 909, 1481, 2180, 2669, 3000, 3904 Philosophy of technology 416, 2679,
1783, 2702 Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) 2375, 3857, 3928, 4054
Perfumes see Cosmetics; perfumes 2489, 2526, 3134, 3239 Philumenus 804

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Subject Index 289

Phlogiston 131, 1597 Physiological psychology 2169 Pluralism (philosophy) 881

Photochemistry 1966 Physiology 334, 373, 802, 806, 815, Plutarch 718, 1349
Photoelectric Effect 1956 820, 956, 1445, 1519, 1652, 1660, Pluto 2714
Photographs 239, 1847, 1926, 1966, 1666, 1784, 1795, 2158, 2159, Pneumatics 1237, 1375, 3455
1997, 2110, 2441, 2493, 2673, 2169, 2170, 2172, 2175, 2178, Poetry and poetics 596, 733, 765, 774,
3053, 3272, 3387 2181, 2271, 2273, 2332, 2852, 783–785, 796, 847, 849, 859, 876,
3108, 3132 934, 937, 949, 1063, 1107, 1150,
Photography 407, 418, 1787, 1847, 1198, 1206, 1253, 1259, 1422,
1858, 1883, 1927, 1997, 2441, Physiotherapy; mechanotherapy;
prosthetics 2291, 2627 1888, 2210, 2593
2493, 2596, 2707, 2791, 2854,
Phytogeography 2808 Poincaré, Jules Henri 1793, 2721,
3053, 3905
Piaget, Jean 2957 2728
Photography, astronomical 239, 1926, Poinsot, Louis 1958
1938, 2707 Pianos 2480 Poisoning 403, 719, 720, 880, 1431,
Photography, medical 2930, 3108, Piccolomini, Francesco 1055 2102, 3807
3272 Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni 1106, Poland 305, 426, 694, 1075, 1546,
Photons 1956 1119, 1371 2097, 2172, 2564, 2594, 2809,
Phrenology 2185 Pictet, Raoul 1976 3260, 3713
Phylogeny 2859, 2879, 2926, 3656 Pierre, de Rosnard 1051 Polanyi, Michael 50, 2759
Phylogeography 2837 Pietro d’Abano 972, 1106 Polar regions 198, 2010, 2018, 2581,
Pinchot, Gifford 2065, 2832 2783, 2795, 2799, 2800, 2839, 3392
Physical anthropology 2164, 2166,
2167, 2846, 2892, 2919, 2920, Pineal body 1427 Police; criminal justice departments
2927, 2930, 2935, 2937, 3286, 3506 3032
Pingree, David 611 Poliomyelitis 396, 3265, 3284, 3309,
Physical chemistry 252, 1896, 1968, Pipelines 833, 1718 3749
2731, 2756, 2759, 2773, 3589 Pirovano, Ignacio 2323 Political activists 310, 374, 1818,
Physical fitness 990 Pisani, Ottavio 1373 2233, 2402, 2590, 2830, 2836,
Physical geography see Physiography; Pitt, Moses 1411 3226, 3245, 3493, 3497, 3641,
physical geography Pitt-Rivers, Augustus Henry Lane-Fox 3647, 3885
Physical sciences 1978, 2571, 2731 2255 Political economy 168, 291, 1040,
Physical traditions, history 981 Pittsburgh, University of 3140 2230, 3064, 3720
Physical training; exercise 186, 1808, Placebo 3115 Political science 30, 353, 811, 2217,
2159, 2288, 2319, 2384, 2393, 2220, 2578, 3492, 3711, 3715, 3716
Plagiarism 33 Pollution 695, 1636, 2422
2404, 2409, 2416, 2518, 3202, Plague 43, 388, 392, 396, 399, 636,
3204, 3229, 3233, 3268, 3303 Polo, Marco 1154
987, 997, 1208, 1218, 1222, 1225, Polymers see Plastics; rubber;
Physicians; doctors 500, 501, 580, 1484, 1485, 2410, 2418
628, 723, 823, 842, 932, 968, 974, polymers
Planets see Orbits; planets Polynesia 1829
978, 982–984, 1117, 1190, 1201,
1204, 1209, 1213–1215, 1220, Plant cultivation see Economic Polytechnic Touring Association 1870
1222, 1469, 1476, 1477, 1646, botany; plant cultivation; Pompeii (Italy) 833, 1675
1683, 1691, 1697, 1840, 1872, horticulture, 2097, 2521, 2533, Pomponazzi, Pietro 1044
2162, 2269, 2270, 2272, 2278, 3929 Pontano, Giovanni Gioviano 1112
2286, 2300, 2311, 2318, 2321, Plant diseases 1436, 2511, 3617 Popoff, Kyrille 2633
2331, 2332, 2334, 2341, 2385, Plant ecology 2089, 3929 Popovich, Marina Lavrent evna 3963
2387, 2391, 2402, 2408, 2409, Plant evolution 1664 Popper, Karl Raimund 116, 123, 128,
2411, 2552, 2553, 2603, 2604, Plant genetics 1664, 2090, 2868, 130, 2759
2640, 2950, 2982, 3087, 3105, 2870, 2899, 2914, 3418, 3617, 4011 Popular culture 50, 166, 196, 210,
3107, 3112, 3118, 3125, 3126, Plant geography; flora 700, 2088, 276, 310, 436, 442, 682, 924, 1006,
3141, 3143, 3168, 3175, 3211, 2106, 2865, 2866 1063, 1083, 1118, 1146, 1157,
3235, 3241, 3251, 3264, 3287, 1176, 1252, 1254, 1409, 1412,
Plant physiology 2762 1416, 1482, 1517, 1552, 1704,
3298, 3303, 3318, 3481, 3723,
3742, 3745, 3761, 3808, 3814, Plantations 2525 1765, 1805, 1813, 1825, 1884,
3817, 3831, 4050 Plants 321, 493, 494, 700, 797, 809, 1952, 1995, 2008, 2023, 2081,
Physics 19, 62, 63, 82, 89, 92, 100, 948, 1168, 1169, 1431, 1433, 1655, 2138, 2146, 2253, 2441, 2448,
108, 110, 130, 136, 218, 237, 243– 1657, 1664, 2019, 2090, 2097, 2450, 2465, 2479, 2493, 2496,
250, 620, 716, 717, 746, 749, 753, 2099, 2102, 2814, 2815, 2867, 2542, 2544, 2551, 2558, 2559,
786, 789, 886, 929, 1034, 1096, 2871, 3447, 3448, 3931 2567, 2593, 2597, 2701, 2806,
1108, 1135, 1187, 1247, 1275, Plants; reproduction 837, 1168 2870, 2904, 2924, 3034, 3040,
1289, 1300, 1377, 1378, 1381, Plastics industry 2823, 3645, 3816, 3111, 3236, 3365, 3394, 3426,
1383, 1385, 1387, 1389, 1391, 3845 3427, 3453, 3461, 3465, 3503,
1393–1395, 1400, 1506, 1761, Plastics; rubber; polymers 3594, 3631, 3509, 3510, 3539, 3564, 3569,
1841, 1863, 1868, 1894, 1931, 3645, 3816, 3845 3574, 3661, 3815, 3823, 3827,
1946, 1948–1951, 1953, 1954, Plat, Hugh 1248 3845, 3927, 3928, 3941, 3953,
1956, 1957, 1959, 1961, 2180, 3955, 3957, 3961, 3969, 3970,
Plate tectonics and continental drift 3974, 3984, 3986, 4014
2218, 2549, 2557, 2644, 2645, 2781, 3603
2659, 2674, 2687, 2706, 2708, Popularization 50, 90, 116, 205, 303,
Platnick, Norman I. 2837 442, 529, 1412, 1416, 1512, 1517,
2719, 2722–2725, 2727, 2730,
2732, 2734, 2736, 2739, 2744, Plato 135, 218, 346, 465, 735, 736, 1552, 1587, 1630, 1744, 1768,
2746, 2750–2753, 2755, 2780, 740, 744, 745, 747, 748, 751, 753, 1772, 1776, 1782, 1825, 1873,
3012, 3554, 3566, 3570, 3573, 754, 756, 760, 779, 808, 811, 815, 1967, 2040, 2052, 2115, 2131,
3577, 3579, 3582, 3585, 3586, 829, 882, 888, 2858, 3492, 3588 2138, 2146, 2151, 2164, 2371,
3589, 3916, 3956 Platonism 30, 126, 218, 718, 740, 779, 2552, 2554, 2558, 2575, 2589,
Physiognomy 926, 975, 1013, 1532 891, 1038, 1039, 1046, 1120, 1246, 2711, 2904, 3111, 3163, 3339,
1300, 1318, 1400, 2858, 3492 3365, 3383, 3465, 3558, 3640,
Physiography see Geomorphology; 3649, 3663, 3707, 3797, 3853,
physiography Play see Recreation; play
Pleasure 584 3895, 3923, 3927, 3964, 3984, 4058
Physiography; physical geography Population 869, 1449, 1669, 2907,
309, 1989, 2030 Pliny, the Elder 779, 821, 1162
2918, 3012, 3261, 3719, 3787
Physiological chemistry see Plows 2483 Population control 3787, 3803
Metabolism; physiological Plumwood, Val 3940 Population ecology 2850
chemistry Pluralism (in society) 2244 Population genetics 2223, 2880

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290 Subject Index

Population research see Demography; Primates 2933, 3836 Psychiatry 138, 383, 384, 387, 830,
population research Prime numbers 1901 831, 1479, 1481, 1692, 1837, 1879,
Porcelain 1721 2206, 2216, 2320, 2338–2347,
Princeton University 1835 2349, 2352, 2353, 2355–2365,
Porete, Marguerite 1227
Printing 238, 268, 1005, 1071, 1120, 2367, 2368, 2559, 2938, 2939,
Pornography 2397 1238, 1409, 1415, 1440, 1441, 2133 2949, 2968, 2971, 2998, 3145,
Porsild, Alf Erling 2869 Printing industry 268, 1071, 1415, 3147, 3149, 3153, 3155–3161,
Porteus, Stanley David 2954 1884 3163–3165, 3167, 3168, 3170–
Portraits 1013, 1532, 1910, 2596 Printing press 418, 1238, 1415, 2307 3177, 3179, 3182, 3184, 3185,
Portugal 32, 188, 238, 691, 727, 817, 3187, 3188, 3264, 3294, 3689,
982, 1019, 1054, 1207, 1229, 1277, Prions 3745 3694, 3756–3763, 3767, 3769,
1287, 1468, 1605, 1635, 1689, Prisoners 2271, 2426, 3070 3802, 3810, 4030
1867, 1903, 2021, 2073, 2242, Prisons 631, 2271, 2426 Psychic phenomena see
2277, 2371, 2372, 2446, 2447, Privacy 1006, 1252, 1884, 2496, 2582 Parapsychology; psychic
2455, 2570, 2711, 2786, 3193, 3339 phenomena
Private life 1252, 1253
Portugal, colonies 1029, 1277, 2242, Psychoanalysis 138, 154, 157, 547,
2421, 2786, 3236, 3268, 3274, 3855 Privately sponsored science; 1249, 2193, 2195, 2365, 2967,
Portuguese language 1605 philanthropy 2363, 3030, 3105, 2971, 2978, 2985, 2990, 2997,
3196, 3237, 3274, 3303, 3713, 3934 3017, 3176, 3474, 3503, 3551,
Porzio, Simone 1045
Positivism 68, 133, 383, 1769, 1892, Prizes; awards 1293, 1848, 1915, 3693, 3702, 3704, 3707, 3766
2208, 2669, 2670, 2672, 2674, 2738 2314, 2640, 2682, 3961, 3992 Psychological study of scientists 140,
Post, Elisabeth Maria 1531 Probabilism (philosophy) 2671 152
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Probability and statistics 47, 76, 353, Psychological tests 2958, 2977, 2988,
2992 385, 1453, 1918, 2727, 2752, 2898, 2999
Postage stamps 3815 3543, 3545, 3549, 3593, 3722, Psychology 30, 138, 144, 152, 154,
4019, 4020 157, 159, 173, 209, 210, 341–350,
Postcolonialism 45, 272, 361, 685,
2395, 2422, 2638 Problematology 1902 380, 386, 465, 548, 735, 741, 752,
808, 811, 830, 831, 956, 961, 962,
Postmodernism 4, 41, 2679, 3039 Producers of technology 2479 1044, 1177–1181, 1217, 1249,
Postpartum depression 3758 Product obsolescence 3865 1448, 1668, 1691, 1695–1697,
Pottery see Ceramics; pottery Professional qualifications; status; 1878, 1885, 2180, 2183, 2186,
Poultry 431, 2128 remuneration 363, 375, 1190, 2295, 2191, 2192, 2194–2197, 2199–
Pouqueville, Francois Charles Hugues 2332, 2535, 3235 2202, 2204, 2207, 2209–2214,
Laurent 1829 Professions and professionalization 2266, 2342, 2350, 2358, 2705,
Poverty 391, 1701, 2245, 2427, 3033, 58, 102, 277, 342, 1033, 1681, 2893, 2940, 2942, 2952, 2955–
3203, 3259, 3273, 3717 1686, 1873, 1959, 2057, 2268, 2957, 2959–2964, 2966, 2970,
2280, 2300, 2330, 2336, 2391, 2971, 2973–2979, 2981–2991,
Power (philosophy) 530, 1047, 1496,
2455, 2484, 2535, 2537, 2648, 2993–2997, 2999, 3001, 3003–
2655, 2711, 2794, 3066, 3073, 3006, 3012, 3017, 3023, 3152,
Power production 2464, 2467, 3574, 3164, 3169, 3186, 3191, 3492,
3632, 3774 3107, 3163, 3210, 3304, 3330,
3433, 3536, 3747, 3749, 3782, 3799 3697, 3698, 3700, 3702, 3704,
Power technology 2464, 2467, 3515, 3705, 3708, 3709, 3741, 3986
3574, 3632 Prognostication see Divination;
prognostication Psychology and war 2980, 2992,
Practical philosophy 464 3146, 3711
Pragmatism; instrumentalism 137, Programming languages 3400, 3907, Psychology of religion 2955
1891, 2677, 2738 3910
Psychopathology 1837, 2208, 2953,
Prague (Czechoslovakia) 1126, 1968 Progress, ideas of 171, 1257, 1995, 3184, 3763
Pre-Socratic philosophers 786 2148, 2557, 3388, 3982 Psychophysics 1922, 3685
Precision see Exactness; precision; Prohibition 2515 Psychophysiology 1922
accuracy Project Sealab 3698 Psychotropic drugs 3829
Prediction see Forecasting; prediction Projective geometry 1142, 1144, Ptolemy 479, 482, 484, 763, 764, 767,
Prehistory and primitive societies 297, 1411, 2688 770, 923, 925, 1096, 1101
303, 695, 696, 1817, 2139, 2164, Projectors, lantern 1737, 1857, 2589 Public demonstration 1720, 2101,
2954 2258
Prometheus (Greek deity) 1514
Prelinger, Rick 22 Public health 43, 372, 389, 390, 392,
Prenatal care and diagnosis 2628, Prony, Gaspard Clair François Marie
Riche, Baron de 1589 396, 399, 440, 448, 569, 570, 635–
2894, 2902, 3117, 3123, 3190, 637, 647, 1174, 1218, 1220, 1224,
3258, 3263, 3305 Proof 889, 899, 1294, 1398, 1897, 1484, 1485, 1698, 1701, 1704,
Prestwich, Joseph 2260 2684 1786, 1827, 1842, 2025, 2051,
Prevention and control of disease 43, Propaganda 442, 3964 2268, 2269, 2278, 2283, 2301,
392, 399, 1484, 1485, 1679, 1701, Prophecies 842, 865, 1095 2307, 2319, 2369, 2372, 2374–
2285, 2309, 2415, 3097, 3110, Prosthetics see Physiotherapy; 2376, 2379, 2382, 2383, 2386,
3122, 3200, 3209, 3216, 3247, mechanotherapy; prosthetics 2387, 2391, 2393, 2399, 2401,
3285, 3296, 3303, 3750, 3753, 3772 2402, 2405, 2406, 2410–2415,
Prostitution 3313 2418, 2423–2428, 2496, 2531,
Preventive medicine 982
Price, Derek John de Solla 871 Protein synthesis 3672 2611, 2620, 2810, 2831, 2880,
Proteins 3322 2882, 2905, 2917–2920, 3010,
Priestley, Joseph 1556, 1593 3022, 3121, 3142, 3169, 3177,
Primary and secondary education Protestantism 190, 1037, 1659, 1833 3186, 3189–3195, 3197–3200,
3244 Proust, Marcel 2318 3202, 3203, 3205–3207, 3209–
Primary literature (historical sources) Provenance 2044 3212, 3214, 3215, 3218, 3220,
15, 17, 32, 80, 269, 274, 347, 387, Prussia (Germany) 1495, 1721, 2416 3222, 3227, 3228, 3231, 3234,
532, 591, 659, 764, 775, 838, 882, 3236–3243, 3246–3249, 3251,
897, 912, 921, 925, 934, 970, 1056, Pseudoscience 217, 2143, 2555, 2774 3253–3255, 3257, 3262, 3264,
1066, 1081, 1091, 1101, 1155, Psychiatric hospitals 387, 1694, 1695, 3266–3273, 3276–3279, 3281,
1168, 1214, 1217, 1317, 1334, 2339, 2348, 2349, 2360, 2361, 3284, 3286, 3287, 3294, 3296,
1339, 1474, 1480, 1692, 1754, 2363, 2366, 3149, 3154, 3156, 3298–3300, 3303, 3305, 3307,
2036, 2324, 2625, 2668, 2943, 3157, 3162, 3166, 3168, 3177, 3309, 3312, 3313, 3442, 3611,
2952, 2953, 2993, 2994, 3005, 3582 3182, 3185, 3187, 3756, 3764, 3802 3743, 3765, 3770, 3771, 3773,

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3776, 3782–3800, 3804, 3805, Public universities and colleges 3525 Railroads 411, 1801, 2437, 2443,
3807, 3810–3813, 3816, 3817, Publishers and publishing 84, 1517, 2449, 2475, 2478, 2493, 2499,
3823, 3872, 4007, 4030–4036, 1630, 1772, 1801, 1825, 1876, 2778, 3270, 3355
4039 1877, 1948, 2008, 2032, 2040, Railway industry 411, 2436, 2490,
Public history 2244 2585, 2662, 2863, 2968, 3459, 2499, 3355, 3380, 3388, 3882
Public opinion 6, 146, 166, 1810, 3536, 3594, 3709, 3928 Railways, electric 3378
1822, 1952, 2231, 2372, 2552, Puerto Rico 3133 Rain forests 2056, 4056
2553, 2809, 3022, 3058, 3140, Pulkovo Observatory 1936 Raleigh, Walter 1152
3154, 3188, 3201, 3207, 3303, Pulsars 3565 rama a Zhiyi 576
3465, 3479, 3485, 3496, 3598, Pumps, water 1718 Raman, Chandrasekhara Venkata
3601, 3605, 3620, 3625, 3640, 1844, 1949
3659, 3663, 3674, 3805, 3849, Puritans and Puritanism 1403
Putnam, Frederick Ward 3074 Ramanujan, Srinivasa 1916
3860, 3872, 3877, 3942, 3969,
3976, 3977, 3995–3997, 4002– Pyramids 717 Ramı́rez de Arellano, Diego 1410
4004, 4007, 4008, 4012, 4027, Pyrenees (France and Spain) 834 Ramón y Cajal, Santiago 1762, 2170
4041, 4042, 4044, 4045, 4051, 4057 Pyrotechnics 1230 Ramos, Agosto, da Costa 2786
Public opinion polls 3477, 4005, Pythagoras 1061 Ranke, Leopold von 2263
4034, 4052 Pythagoreanism 1069 Rankine, William John Macquorn
Public policy 5, 67, 165, 166, 170, 1744, 2475
173, 293, 306, 389, 390, 409, 444, Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
450, 660, 685, 1425, 1714, 1786, Q 3690
1946, 2051, 2411, 2413, 2414, Quackery 1190, 2332 Rathbone, William 2519
2447, 2531, 2537, 2540, 2554, Quakers and Quakerism 1372 Ratio and proportion 476, 765, 1051,
2562, 2568, 2570, 2587, 2606, Quality control 2510, 3445 1069, 1331
2636, 2657, 2800, 2820, 2832, Quantification 224, 556, 1449, 1571, Rationalism 6, 60, 195, 1695
2835, 3035, 3038, 3056, 3121, 3063, 3588 Raup, David M. 3649
3205, 3206, 3217–3220, 3222, Quantitative Structure-Activity Ravel, Maurice 1771
3228, 3234, 3243, 3247, 3249, Relationships (QSARs) 3587 Ray, John 1413
3264, 3265, 3273, 3283, 3333,
Quantity (philosophy) 2688 Raymond, of Sabunde 1020
3379, 3438, 3443, 3449, 3464,
3477, 3483, 3485, 3489, 3490, Quantum chemistry 253, 1592, 3590, Razor industry 698
3494, 3496, 3498, 3500, 3502, 3592, 3596 Reading 1709, 2501
3513, 3517, 3525, 3562, 3565, Quantum mechanics 19, 191, 253, Realism 217, 465, 1563, 1935, 2961,
3598, 3601, 3611, 3614, 3616, 1957, 1978, 2557, 2720, 2722, 3548
3620, 3627, 3643, 3644, 3646, 2727, 2730, 2738, 2742, 2745, Reason 774, 872, 1011, 1171, 1306,
3684, 3767, 3772, 3787, 3789, 2748, 2749, 2770, 2940, 3577, 3581 1432, 1450, 1699, 2205, 2228, 2252
3792, 3798, 3803, 3827, 3839, Quarantine 2375, 2399, 2418, 3222, Reasoning in science 770, 777, 872,
3856, 3860, 3872, 3877, 3883, 3243 903, 2228
3941, 3967, 3977, 3980, 3994, Quarks 3580 Reclus, Jean Jacques Élisée 2012
3996, 4005, 4007, 4009, 4012, Quatar 3954 Recorde, Robert 1064
4033, 4034, 4042, 4044, 4051 Québec (Canada) 3338 Recreation; play 2816, 2822, 3638
Public understanding of medicine Queensland (Australia) 3994 Recycling (waste disposal) 1426,
146, 637, 1011, 1174, 1224, 1478, 2835, 3451, 3621, 3625, 3631,
1704, 1744, 2313, 2332, 2398, Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques
2217, 2218, 2221 3645, 3865
2553, 2559, 3134, 3163, 3239,
3245, 3247, 3303, 3313, 3477, Quevado, Leonardo Torres 3398 Redi, Francesco 1433
3510, 3659, 3697, 3740, 3754, Quine, Willard Van Orman 1892 Redlich, Fredrick Carl 3171
3759, 3765, 3774, 3780, 3786, Quinine 506, 2433, 2521, 3270, 3328, Reductionism 1320, 1888, 1986
3793, 3802, 3805, 3810, 3813, 3329 Reefs 3630
3827, 3856, 3872, 3990, 4003, Qusta, Ibn Luqa, al-Ba’lbakki 499 Reference books 256, 401
4008, 4025, 4034, 4052, 4057 Reformation 1002, 1023, 1159, 1274
Public understanding of science 2, 6, Refraction 1114
140, 165–167, 173, 187, 190, 205, R Refrigeration 1980
529, 621, 994, 1006, 1035, 1118, Rabbits 1167
Regiomontanus 920, 1088, 1145
1137, 1252, 1409, 1415, 1443, Rabi, Isidor Isaac 92
Rehabilitation 3760
1505, 1512, 1517, 1580, 1630, Race 1268, 1670, 2157, 2167, 2237,
Reichenbach, Georg von 1861
1704, 1743, 1763, 1765, 1768, 2512, 2600, 2830, 2893, 2983, 3985
1777, 1779, 1782, 1810, 1857, Reichenbach, Hans 2671, 2747
Racism 185, 1817, 2166, 2334, 2605,
1934, 2031, 2081, 2101, 2102, 2607, 2617, 2935, 2939 Relativity 240, 2557, 2721, 2742
2124, 2161, 2256, 2258, 2371, Radar 2723, 3560, 3956 Relativity, general 2721, 2722, 2747,
2463, 2479, 2488, 2496, 2542, 3585, 3586
Radiation see Electromagnetic waves;
2554, 2555, 2558, 2560, 2561, Relativity, special 115
2575, 2589, 2595, 2637, 2665, Religion 188, 564, 596, 899, 968, 986,
2737, 2851, 2853, 2870, 2877, Radiation toxicology 2754, 3643 1315, 1833
2891, 2895, 2934, 2986, 3022, Radicalism 1834, 3744 Religious beliefs 945, 3292
3064, 3079, 3188, 3201, 3297, Radio 2509, 2567, 2646, 2703, 3335, Remane, Adolf 2879
3303, 3339, 3365, 3401, 3448, 3369, 3389, 3403, 3406, 3415,
Remmelin, Johann 1405
3465, 3466, 3475, 3476, 3478, 3835, 3909, 3911, 3926, 3956
Remuneration see Professional
3479, 3482, 3485, 3494, 3497, Radio astronomy 1935, 2710, 2715, qualifications; status; remuneration
3560, 3566, 3569, 3571, 3575, 3458, 3553, 3560, 3561, 3563, 3565
3599, 3602, 3605, 3614, 3615, Rena, Juan 1223
Radio Corporation of America 3389
3622, 3625, 3640, 3659, 3674, Renewable Energy Sources 405, 3852
Radio, short wave 3389 Reproduction see Plants;
3697, 3724, 3726, 3731, 3784, Radioactivity 250, 2726, 2735, 2737,
3816, 3849, 3871, 3877, 3881, reproduction, 942, 1432, 1467,
2741, 2753, 2768, 2831, 2868, 3642 1478, 1702, 2441, 2613, 2907,
3903, 3923, 3928, 3941, 3943,
3955, 3961, 3969, 3973, 3976, Radiology 3089, 3093 2910, 3308, 3699, 3801
3977, 3979, 3981, 3991, 3994– Radiotherapy see Electrotherapy; Reproductive medicine 561, 573,
3997, 3999, 4002, 4005, 4010, radiotherapy 1467, 1810, 3096, 3190, 3258,
4012, 4014, 4027, 4033, 4035, Radium 2741, 2743, 2753, 2768 3263, 3275, 3684, 3742, 3796,
4037, 4041, 4042, 4045, 4049, 4058 Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel 2035 3801, 3803, 4050

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Reproductive technologies 192, 2907, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 183, 1854, Royal Geographical Society 1995,
3801 2164, 2373, 2385, 2396, 2407, 2100
Reptiles 719, 801, 2117, 4015 2410, 2418, 2531, 2541, 2552, Royal Horticultural Society 2098
Republic of China (1912-1949) 2550, 2644, 2792, 2922, 3156, 3170, Royal Indian Engineering College,
2572, 2853 3264, 3298, 3303, 3329, 3378, 3924 Cooper’s Hill, England 597
Republic of Letters 1328 Rios, José Arthur 3255 Royal London Hospital 2304
Republicanism 2711 Ripley, George 1100, 1128 Royal Meteorological Society (Great
Research 5, 57, 282, 342, 371, 393, Risk 146, 186, 322, 2272, 2577, 3016, Britain) 1995
413, 433, 556, 1755, 1756, 1758, 3190, 3263, 3373, 3446, 3480, Royal Observatory Greenwich 1580
1759, 1849, 1866, 1980, 1982, 3611, 3620, 3627, 3813, 4007, Royal Polytechnic Institution
2126, 2263, 2264, 2378, 2396, 4012, 4031, 4044, 4051 (London, England) 1857
2574, 2587, 2647, 2658, 2708, Risk assessment 385, 3753, 4019 Royal Society (Great Britain).
2796, 2897, 2925, 2937, 2976, Rituals 159, 527, 661, 664, 672, 685, European Science Exchange
2999, 3024, 3124, 3144, 3195, 872, 874 Programme 1441
3264, 3321, 3419, 3435, 3445, Ritz, Walther 2740 Royal Society of London 1265, 1268,
3467, 3484, 3493, 3524, 3526, Rivers 313, 644, 647, 1640, 1989, 1284, 1310, 1359, 1411, 1460,
3536, 3574, 3580, 3585, 3594, 2011, 2467, 2812, 2842, 3231, 1547, 1574, 1750, 1848, 2475,
3610, 3650, 3654, 3657, 3680, 3507, 3636, 3855 2596, 3193
3704, 3752, 3767, 3781, 3786, Rivers, William Halse Rivers 3017 Royer, B. Franklin 3239
3822, 3839, 3878, 3908, 3978, RNA see DNA; RNA Rubber see Plastics; rubber; polymers
3980, 3982, 4003, 4023, 4024, 4052 Rubber and rubber industry, synthetic
Roads and highways 1710, 1725,
Research and development (R&D) 2440, 2451, 2472, 2491, 2833, 2762
2568, 2782, 3211, 3318, 3354, 3270, 3356, 3391, 3837 Rubens, Peter Paul 1419
3464, 3515, 3806, 3831, 3839, 4040 Rüdin, Ernst 2362
Robert-Houdin, Jean-Eugène 1771
Research design 3346, 3380 Rudolf II, Emperor of Germany 1030,
Roberts, Thomas Sadler 2113
Research institutes; research stations 1118, 1123, 1127, 1128, 1130,
64, 176, 199, 2565, 2609, 2654, Roberval, Gilles Personne de 1381 1131, 1193, 1226
2655, 2790, 2900, 2929, 2941, Robotics see Automata; robotics; Rudolff, Christoff 1058
3087, 3170, 3274, 3495, 3500, cyborgs
Rugendas, Johann Moritz 1821
3531, 3553, 3561, 3579, 3786, 3864 Rocha Lima, Henrique de 3124, 3125 Ruland, family 1204
Research methods 166, 298, 357, 413, Rock, Joseph F. 2789 Rural history 834, 994, 1497, 1639,
556, 2243, 2636, 2653, 2850, 3024, Rockefeller Foundation 3030, 3230, 1739, 2476, 2575, 2836, 3348,
3354, 3529, 3654 3508, 3715 3420, 3429, 3936, 3938, 3942
Research schools 1866 Rockefeller, John Davison, Jr. 2449 Rush, Benjamin 334
Research stations see Research Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich 2641 Ruskin, John 2105
institutes; research stations Rocketry see Rockets; rocketry Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd
Research support 2636, 2656, 3595 Rockets; rocketry 3453, 3947, 3950 Earl 137, 1892, 1911, 2584, 2688,
Residencia de Estudiantes (Madrid) Rocks, sedimentary 832, 1993, 2778 2693
2649 Rocky Mountains (U.S.) 2822, 3638 Russell, Edward Stuart 2888
Resource distribution 3882 Rohault, Jacques 1331 Russell, Henry Chamberlain 2060
Rest see Sleep; rest Rohschild Museum (England) 2804 Russia 294, 429, 579, 1355, 1503,
Restoration ecology 299, 306, 624, Roman Catholic Church 673, 683, 1551, 1710, 1711, 1724, 1725,
2606, 3617 942, 1023, 1024 1732, 1765, 1853, 1899, 1936,
1974, 1994, 2009, 2018, 2052,
Reuchlin, Johannes 1119 Roman Catholicism 196, 523, 945, 2089, 2110, 2192, 2269, 2298,
Revelle, Roger 2794 1271, 1363, 1833, 2097, 2938, 2310, 2406, 2436, 2456, 2461,
Révész, Geza 2954 2970, 3092, 3538 2509, 2549, 2624, 2692, 2736,
Revolutionary War (United States) Romania 1635, 2472, 2510, 3439, 2772, 2799, 2876, 2958, 2973,
1451, 1637 3725, 3847, 3932 3039, 3109, 3349, 3350, 3355,
Revolutions in science 245, 314, 866, Romans, Bernard 1631 3363, 3392, 3415, 3417, 3455,
1057, 1096, 1187, 2200 Romanticism 1515, 1633, 1655, 1773, 3462, 3573, 3660, 3719, 3733,
Rey Pastor, Julio 2695 1889, 1990, 2056, 2095, 2802 3937, 3950, 3953, 3957
Rey, Abel 6 Rome 422, 727, 729, 731–733, 749, Russian Revolution (1917-1921,
765, 766, 779, 782–785, 790, 795, Soviet Union) 2873
Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg 317 797, 798, 813, 817, 821, 823, 825, Rutherford, Ernest, Lord Rutherford
Rhetoric in scientific discourse 165, 830, 832, 834, 880, 947, 1021, 1948, 2729, 2741, 2753
211, 733, 758, 798, 823, 857, 1057, 1276, 1677, 3570 Ruysbroeck, Willem van 525
1085, 1148, 1158, 1169, 1187, Rooseboom, Maria 87
1225, 1253, 1356, 1394, 1447,
1509, 1545, 1630, 1673, 1748, Roosevelt, Franklin D. 3414, 3416
Roosevelt, Theodore 2518, 2832
1763, 1884, 2083, 2138, 2313, Sacco, Luigi 1690
2488, 2544, 2549, 2550, 2881, Rose, Frank Clifford 2950 Sacrobosco, Johannes de 1079
3043, 3302, 3616, 3818, 3880, Rosen, Donn Eric 2837 Saenz de Escobar, José 1591
3933, 4028 Rossi, Bruno Benedetto 2719 Safety 3347, 3372, 3862, 3877, 3879,
Rhetoric, as a discipline 823, 884, Rossiiskaia Akademiia nauk 1853 3899, 3947, 4036
1523 Rost, Johann Leonhard 1576, 2169 Sagan, Carl 3641
Rheumatic fever 1703 Rotblat, Joseph 2564, 2754 Sailing ships 867, 1290, 1728, 2067
Rhine River 981 Rothmann, Christoph 1081, 1085 Sailors 513
Rho, Giacomo 1324 Rothschild, Lionel Walter 2044 Saint-Pierre, Bernardin de 1662
Rhone River (Switzerland and France) Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 1490, 1658 Saints see Hagiography; saints
942, 1640 Roux, Wilhelm 2084 Saltpeter 254, 1985
Ribeiro, Carlos 2073 Rowland, F. S. 2765 Samarkand school 468
Ribeiro, Darcy 14 Royal College of Physicians of Sami (European people) 439
Ricci, Matteo 435, 521, 524, 526 London 502 Sampling 3674, 3875
Rice and rice industry 3854 Royal College of Surgeons of London Samson, Jacob bar 922
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard 2806 Samuda, Ishac de Sequeyra 1574
1905 Royal Dublin Society 2016 San Diego (California) 3647

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San Francisco (California, U.S.) 287, 867, 872, 893, 909, 924, 930, 934, 2477, 3374
2351, 3810, 3924 941, 946, 950, 960, 975, 981, 985, Science and ethics 5, 166, 192, 214,
Sánchez Cózar, Santiago 3049 995, 999, 1006, 1009, 1010, 1012, 734, 856, 1255, 1307, 1518, 1667,
Sanitation 2069, 2394, 2458, 3189, 1015–1018, 1032–1035, 1043, 1668, 1784, 1785, 2090, 2149,
3208, 3217, 3218, 3220, 3244, 1063, 1068, 1071, 1073, 1077, 2171, 2252, 2562, 2564, 2565,
3280, 3299, 4033 1083, 1097, 1114, 1118, 1122, 2605, 2609, 2749, 2754, 2924,
Saṅs-rgya-rgya-mtsho, Sde-srid 558, 1123, 1127, 1134, 1140, 1143, 2939, 3310, 3480, 3616, 3670,
566 1146–1149, 1152, 1156, 1157, 3703, 3704, 3840, 3978, 3980, 3982
1159, 1160, 1162, 1170, 1173, Science and film 1737, 1810, 2589,
Sanskrit 548, 577, 603, 609, 611, 614, 1176, 1183, 1184, 1186–1188,
626 2924, 3163, 3557
1226, 1231, 1241, 1246, 1248, Science and gender 152, 180, 187,
Santos-Dumont, Alberto 3461 1249, 1252, 1253, 1262–1265, 310, 546, 586, 826, 847, 849, 853,
São Paulo (Brazil) 2560, 3153, 3290, 1267, 1277, 1293, 1294, 1296, 856, 861–863, 885, 893, 948, 955,
3378 1310, 1405, 1414, 1415, 1422, 1016–1018, 1068, 1248, 1252,
Sarfatti, Gualtiero 2994 1425, 1430, 1443, 1447, 1451, 1253, 1284, 1296, 1437, 1455,
Sarpi, Paolo 1298 1493–1496, 1499, 1502, 1510, 1531, 1540, 1542–1544, 1616,
Sarton, George 2546 1516, 1518, 1522, 1524, 1527– 1630, 1655, 1810, 1824, 1826,
Sartorius von 1533, 1544, 1548, 1549, 1551, 1829, 1830, 1851, 1872, 2023,
Waltershausen,Wolfgang 1909 1605, 1609, 1610, 1612, 1621, 2062, 2065, 2165, 2290, 2351,
1629, 1631, 1637, 1662, 1699, 2395, 2422, 2535, 2608, 2611–
Satellites, artificial 1940, 3556, 3909, 1700, 1705, 1712, 1722, 1736,
3945, 3959 2615, 2617, 2619, 2620, 2652,
1748, 1751, 1764–1766, 1770, 2730, 2756, 2776, 2835, 2855,
Sateré-Mawé 672 1774, 1778, 1780, 1789, 1795, 2942, 3072, 3091, 3126, 3134,
Saudi Arabia 3281, 3954 1803, 1812, 1813, 1815, 1826, 3250, 3264, 3275, 3308, 3405,
Sauvages, François Boissier de 1646 1829, 1838, 1839, 1850, 1861, 3451, 3463, 3509, 3510, 3538,
Savitskaya, Svetlana Yevgenyevna 1866, 1870, 1882, 1890, 1896, 3653, 3676, 3775, 3796, 3803,
3963 1927, 1952, 1972, 1995, 1996, 3938, 3953, 3963, 3966
Scandinavia 439, 698, 1151, 1753, 2006, 2010, 2025–2027, 2046,
Science and government 5, 166, 254,
2699, 2783, 2794, 2798, 2846, 2047, 2057, 2061, 2083, 2097–
389, 438, 534, 535, 545, 550, 685–
2876, 3197, 3253 2101, 2107, 2134, 2138, 2144,
688, 994, 1043, 1127, 1425, 1453,
2145, 2163, 2179, 2200, 2209,
Scarcity 3639 1498, 1523, 1729, 1765, 1768,
2210, 2216, 2222–2225, 2235,
Schäfer, Edward 2170 1846, 1847, 1849, 1946, 2062,
2248, 2252, 2290, 2343, 2395,
Scheiner, Christoph 1382, 1392 2101, 2116, 2220, 2221, 2224,
2422, 2427, 2450, 2464, 2470,
Schelling, Karl Eberhard 1560, 2030 2236, 2242, 2246, 2410, 2447,
2484, 2485, 2508, 2513, 2515,
2464, 2511, 2517, 2527, 2531,
Schelling, Thomas C. 3050 2518, 2526, 2535, 2540, 2542–
2537, 2558, 2570, 2574, 2579,
Schizophrenia 387, 3155, 3170, 3757 2544, 2546, 2551, 2557, 2558,
2587, 2601, 2610, 2653, 2654,
Schnitzel, Arthur 2942 2561, 2567, 2579, 2594, 2595,
2656, 2891, 2908, 3024, 3027,
2597, 2598, 2601, 2610, 2615,
Schomburgk, Robert Hermann 2100 3028, 3083, 3264, 3324, 3375,
2623, 2638, 2640, 2642, 2644,
Schön, Johann 1912 3379, 3443, 3452, 3467, 3483–
2649, 2652, 2674, 2703, 2729,
Schooten, Frans van 1391 3485, 3493, 3494, 3496, 3500,
2754, 2778, 2795–2797, 2803,
Schröder, Paul 3181 3502, 3513, 3517, 3527, 3532,
2806, 2835, 2836, 2841, 2856,
3574, 3576, 3581, 3597, 3598,
Schrödinger, Erwin 1961 2870, 2888, 2890, 2891, 2895,
3601, 3611, 3616, 3627, 3643,
Schroeder van der Kolk, Jocobus 2899, 2913, 2931, 2934, 2942,
3646, 3712, 3718, 3781, 3789,
Lodewijk Conradus 2174 2947, 3012, 3014, 3017, 3024,
3876, 3979, 3992, 3996, 4003,
Schumann, Friedrich 2995 3027, 3032, 3040, 3052, 3054,
4027, 4045, 4049
3111, 3120, 3134, 3178, 3261,
Science 7, 8, 161, 206, 456, 459, 829, 3310, 3343, 3346, 3357, 3359, Science and ideology 149, 330, 1616,
1007, 1396, 1563, 1751, 1752, 3363, 3374, 3381, 3394, 3417, 1714, 1866, 1880, 2578, 2709,
2031, 2572, 3469 3424–3427, 3431, 3437, 3449, 2758, 2890, 3024, 3037, 3063,
Science and art 164, 180, 223, 241, 3453, 3458, 3468, 3469, 3474, 3417, 3530, 3554, 3713, 3718
249, 268, 323, 668, 855, 858, 955, 3476, 3484, 3493, 3503, 3538– Science and industry 80, 174, 286,
1013–1015, 1025, 1062, 1070, 3541, 3546, 3558, 3564–3566, 289, 421, 438, 650, 834, 835, 850,
1150, 1159, 1162, 1170, 1189, 3571, 3600, 3645, 3652, 3658, 1416, 1425, 1451, 1454, 1671,
1259, 1260, 1264, 1266, 1289, 3661, 3670, 3693, 3697, 3707, 1722, 1736, 1952, 1982, 1984,
1322, 1419, 1421, 1430, 1431, 3728, 3762, 3766, 3775, 3787, 1985, 1995, 2011, 2450, 2464,
1440, 1510, 1524, 1527, 1529, 3818, 3930, 3935, 3940, 3942, 2470, 2502, 2510, 2515, 2556,
1532–1534, 1548, 1647, 1735, 3948, 3949, 3953, 3956, 3957, 2585, 3033, 3319, 3321, 3330,
1748, 1783, 1793, 1795, 1812, 3959, 3961, 3969–3971, 3973, 3392, 3460, 3484, 3517, 3527,
1845, 1910, 1944, 2052, 2128, 3974, 3978, 3982, 3983, 4017 3532, 3623, 3632, 3822, 3823,
2441, 2589, 2591–2593, 2595, 3856, 3929, 3948, 3961
2596, 2638, 2942, 3405, 3474, Science and economics 28, 57, 80, Science and law 52, 169, 1294, 1493,
3505, 3600, 3661, 3923 143, 168, 171, 174, 178, 286, 289, 1647, 2036, 2810, 3262, 3670,
Science and civilization 24, 97, 155, 335, 438, 648, 650, 688, 813, 850, 3675, 3827, 3978
812, 1821, 2033 862, 1187, 1241, 1248, 1258, 1434,
Science and literature 33, 50, 164,
1451–1454, 1456, 1498, 1523,
Science and culture 4, 6–10, 29, 39, 169, 232, 269, 272, 276, 278, 279,
1671, 1699, 1742, 1748, 2037,
49, 59, 80, 125, 138, 150, 173, 174, 295, 403, 595, 626, 670, 680, 708,
2057, 2090, 2241, 2245, 2246,
180, 196, 198, 209, 211, 239, 249, 729, 732, 733, 765, 774, 783–785,
2455, 2530, 2557, 2585, 2855,
257, 260, 268, 272, 276, 278, 281, 795–798, 801, 813, 849, 853, 854,
3033, 3039, 3060, 3061, 3067,
284, 286, 310, 327, 352, 362, 369, 856, 857, 859, 934, 937, 949, 955,
3417, 3431, 3436, 3437, 3447,
393, 398, 400, 419, 421, 424, 430, 966, 985, 995, 1018, 1036, 1051,
3450, 3452, 3460, 3484, 3491,
431, 435, 436, 442, 444–446, 454, 1063, 1083, 1107, 1134, 1146,
3494, 3498, 3502, 3533, 3606,
457, 459, 460, 512, 514, 520, 525, 1148–1150, 1152, 1154, 1156,
3616, 3623, 3639, 3642, 3645,
534, 535, 538, 541, 542, 545, 549, 1164, 1169, 1171, 1173, 1208,
3787, 3823, 3838, 3929, 3931,
551, 596, 607, 618, 622, 623, 645, 1246, 1253, 1259, 1260, 1263,
3933, 3948, 4021
664, 666, 670, 671, 677–679, 682– 1266, 1268, 1295, 1353, 1354,
688, 701, 703, 731–734, 772, 774, Science and entertainment; science 1388, 1405, 1415, 1416, 1422,
779, 781, 783–785, 792, 795–797, and spectacle 442, 1175, 1224, 1424, 1438, 1443, 1455, 1503,
799, 800, 803, 804, 811, 813, 829, 1265, 1412, 1527, 1720, 1737, 1514, 1515, 1521, 1523, 1525,
837, 847, 856, 858, 862–864, 866, 1783, 1952, 1967, 2067, 2450, 1528, 1530, 1531, 1533, 1544,

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1576, 1610, 1613, 1616, 1617, 360, 450, 958, 1268, 1483, 1535– technology studies
1633, 1642, 1655, 1673, 1736, 1539, 1618, 1623, 1787, 1798, Science and technology, relationships
1748, 1772, 1773, 1794, 1799– 1817–1823, 1826, 1872, 2062, 5, 23, 28, 36, 42, 57, 61, 62, 66–68,
1807, 1810, 1812–1815, 1818, 2131, 2156, 2157, 2165–2167, 146, 153, 165, 192, 200, 202, 203,
1820, 1829, 1878, 1993, 2008, 2229, 2234, 2240, 2283, 2286, 254, 289, 293, 393, 400, 408, 422,
2023, 2032, 2052, 2057, 2076, 2299, 2322, 2373, 2399, 2417, 540, 551, 644, 645, 835, 1114,
2102, 2105, 2131, 2135, 2144, 2427, 2515, 2517, 2603–2610, 1237, 1248, 1390, 1498, 1714,
2145, 2148, 2208–2210, 2241, 2617, 2731, 2797, 2800, 2893, 1728, 1742, 1751–1753, 1771,
2248, 2249, 2290, 2352, 2400, 2908, 2917, 2919–2921, 2924, 1861, 1888, 1927, 1935, 1940,
2508, 2518, 2588, 2594, 2597, 2927, 2934–2936, 2939, 2954, 1947, 1951, 1962, 1994, 2417,
2598, 2663, 2722, 2801, 2811, 2983, 3020, 3052, 3058, 3134, 2442, 2444, 2451, 2457, 2463,
2917, 2942, 2959, 2967, 3012, 3228, 3276, 3310, 3312, 3335, 2464, 2482, 2488, 2504, 2509,
3120, 3363, 3365, 3394, 3422, 3369, 3405, 3506–3508, 3675, 2542, 2557, 2566, 2568, 2591,
3453, 3503, 3539, 3571, 3613, 3678, 3680, 3681, 3707, 3785, 2625, 2644, 2764, 2772, 2785,
3655, 3669, 3707, 3786, 3857, 3811, 3835, 3855, 3921, 3938, 3972 2835, 2862, 2897, 3026, 3118,
3949, 3953, 3964, 3970, 3971, Science and religion 31, 43, 188, 190– 3134, 3264, 3333, 3359, 3365,
3974, 3983–3985 196, 211, 214, 217, 254, 260, 275, 3380, 3393, 3394, 3415, 3420,
Science and music 908, 909, 1068, 399, 435, 454, 455, 458, 492, 497, 3440, 3445, 3447, 3450, 3463,
1069, 1071, 1341, 1342, 1922, 520–522, 524–527, 534, 535, 547, 3465, 3469, 3494, 3524, 3562,
1923, 2501, 2704, 2725, 2755 624, 647, 649, 651, 653, 664–666, 3563, 3594, 3616, 3630, 3653,
Science and politics 59, 68, 69, 85, 683–685, 696, 710, 746, 775, 781, 3669, 3801, 3845, 3852, 3864,
122, 167, 169, 172, 173, 176, 179, 782, 800, 801, 842–845, 859, 863– 3867, 3875, 3878, 3908, 3913,
185, 218, 269, 272, 286, 297, 300, 866, 872, 875, 885, 887, 892, 893, 3931, 3959, 3974, 3976, 3979,
335, 352, 358, 396, 427, 433, 436, 898, 928, 930, 931, 941, 953, 954, 3980, 3989, 4001, 4020, 4043,
442, 444, 446, 487, 496, 528, 538, 957, 958, 960, 963, 995, 999, 1002, 4046, 4058
541, 544, 550, 597, 623, 651, 683, 1016, 1018, 1020–1023, 1033– Science and the military see Science
685, 688, 704, 710, 721, 732, 733, 1037, 1041, 1042, 1045, 1060, and war; science and the military
792, 798, 848, 849, 851, 856, 861, 1061, 1071, 1075, 1076, 1078, Science and war; science and the
868, 890, 930, 973, 978, 980, 994, 1112, 1119, 1124, 1125, 1127, military 239, 254, 268, 321, 353,
1011, 1012, 1024, 1040, 1043, 1133, 1140, 1149, 1150, 1159, 508, 720, 867–870, 1026, 1027,
1073, 1075, 1095, 1149, 1150, 1160, 1183, 1184, 1241, 1247, 1283, 1488, 1502, 1573, 1602,
1152, 1153, 1160, 1171, 1175, 1249, 1253, 1255, 1266, 1270– 1629, 1707, 1742, 1841, 1843,
1187, 1247, 1257, 1258, 1265, 1277, 1279–1281, 1294–1297, 1859, 1863, 1866, 1946, 1965,
1360, 1415, 1419, 1449, 1451, 1301, 1302, 1309, 1325, 1345, 2063, 2255, 2319, 2373, 2447,
1453, 1496, 1501, 1518, 1519, 1359, 1360, 1363, 1368, 1372, 2508, 2538, 2564, 2571, 2625,
1521–1523, 1525, 1549, 1551, 1382, 1393, 1400, 1403, 1404, 2627–2631, 2633, 2634, 2723,
1599, 1609, 1616, 1636, 1642, 1414, 1417, 1419, 1421, 1449, 2762, 2763, 2775, 2777, 2785,
1651, 1658, 1662, 1722, 1736, 1458, 1461, 1484, 1485, 1494, 2813, 2829, 2874, 2886, 2977,
1742, 1764, 1765, 1776, 1781, 1504, 1505, 1546, 1551, 1554, 2980, 3038, 3085, 3086, 3176,
1784, 1788, 1789, 1792, 1798, 1558, 1583, 1585, 1642, 1654, 3351, 3411, 3420, 3427, 3436,
1818, 1830, 1834, 1845, 1861, 1663, 1684, 1695, 1699, 1716, 3449, 3499, 3515, 3517–3520,
1866, 1880, 1915, 1961, 1981, 1746, 1748, 1774, 1833–1839, 3718, 3881, 3916, 3954, 3956,
1982, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2027, 1879–1881, 1883, 1890, 2061, 3958, 3962, 3967
2037, 2046, 2048, 2051, 2062, 2080, 2081, 2097, 2131, 2136,
2146, 2149, 2150, 2169, 2209, Science education and teaching 11,
2069, 2078, 2101, 2131, 2132, 166, 199, 200, 290, 342, 357, 597,
2161, 2167, 2178, 2179, 2215, 2215, 2218, 2221, 2239, 2253,
2256, 2320, 2347, 2387, 2543, 733, 783, 785, 879, 1030, 1031,
2220, 2221, 2224, 2229, 2235, 1042, 1090, 1246, 1252, 1415,
2242, 2246, 2247, 2310, 2422, 2610, 2621–2624, 2758, 2883,
2886, 2890, 2924, 2938, 2970, 1488, 1551, 1597, 1729, 1776,
2447, 2512, 2517, 2522, 2527, 1792, 1820, 1824, 1841, 1863,
2544, 2567, 2569, 2570, 2572, 3029, 3040, 3152, 3162, 3512,
3513, 3538, 3540, 3564, 3581, 1864, 1867, 1868, 1870, 1872,
2574, 2576–2581, 2585–2587, 1910, 1946, 1947, 1959, 2000,
2597, 2601, 2605, 2619, 2633, 3658, 3660, 3663, 3986
2004, 2028, 2106, 2125, 2163,
2636, 2638, 2641, 2642, 2649, Science and society 9, 28, 35, 57, 66– 2260, 2485, 2539, 2543, 2589,
2655, 2698, 2699, 2709, 2711, 68, 80, 165, 166, 171, 173, 216, 2644, 2648–2650, 2659, 2711,
2749, 2758, 2777–2779, 2782, 296, 310, 330, 369, 434, 442, 525, 2721, 2734, 2757, 2779, 2782,
2786, 2792, 2793, 2798, 2800, 643, 703, 734, 781, 829, 834, 849, 2805, 2891, 2908, 2976, 2981,
2803, 2810, 2819, 2820, 2826, 856, 996, 1017, 1030, 1097, 1118, 3025, 3029, 3250, 3264, 3343,
2830, 2834, 2839, 2875, 2890, 1252, 1294, 1425, 1454, 1456, 3434, 3462, 3485, 3525–3528,
2891, 2907, 2908, 2924, 2936, 1495, 1514, 1519, 1551, 1671, 3532, 3534, 3536, 3552, 3652,
2983, 2984, 3014, 3021, 3036, 1704, 1716, 1769, 1775, 1777, 3656, 3660, 3726, 3833, 3864, 3989
3038, 3039, 3046, 3056, 3063, 1778, 1790, 1798, 1937, 2006,
2055, 2100, 2115, 2140, 2148, Science fiction 1530, 1794, 1799,
3077–3079, 3100, 3119, 3134, 1809, 1813, 1814, 2135, 2594,
3182, 3191, 3228, 3240, 3262, 2161, 2167, 2176, 2178, 2218,
2228, 2230, 2233, 2245, 2394, 2597, 3363, 3365, 3394, 3453,
3264, 3425, 3427, 3428, 3430, 3539, 3540, 3974, 3983, 3984
3442, 3443, 3452, 3462, 3479, 2427, 2430, 2470, 2514, 2535,
3480, 3482, 3483, 3486, 3487, 2539, 2541, 2543, 2557, 2578, Science Museum, London 3413
3489–3491, 3493, 3496, 3499, 2590, 2618, 2633, 2731, 2737, Science studies, as a discipline 5, 57,
3501, 3508, 3517, 3525, 3529, 2855, 2873, 2893, 2908, 2971, 68, 69, 144, 2570, 2665, 3323, 3500
3550, 3562, 3566, 3571, 3574– 3016, 3021, 3033, 3036, 3039, Science studies, theoretical works
3576, 3578, 3581, 3598, 3602, 3058, 3061, 3064, 3169, 3201, 118, 136, 145, 149, 156, 3018, 4046
3616, 3625, 3626, 3634, 3635, 3310, 3374, 3443, 3496, 3538, Science, general histories 1, 8, 9, 13,
3642, 3644, 3645, 3647, 3652, 3547, 3595, 3620, 3653, 3680, 16, 30, 139, 147, 148, 188, 226,
3676, 3678, 3681, 3693, 3705, 3700, 3713, 3717, 3721, 3732, 228, 229, 247, 252, 267, 275, 324,
3711, 3712, 3714, 3719, 3725, 3776, 3787, 3930, 3938, 3983, 3994 325, 339, 340, 344, 511, 542, 658,
3728, 3732, 3735, 3736, 3766, Science and spectacle see Science and 907, 1396, 1504, 1750, 2109, 2516,
3789, 3790, 3807, 3838, 3842, entertainment; science and 3537, 3654
3848, 3852, 3860, 3931–3934, spectacle Scientific apparatus and instruments
3962, 3969, 3978, 3980–3982, Science and sports 990, 3676 3, 87, 200–203, 234, 247, 460, 481,
3994, 3998, 4001, 4007, 4024 Science and technology studies see 715, 910, 1027, 1029, 1102, 1114,
Science and race 131, 183, 184, 295, Technoscience; science and 1235, 1286, 1287, 1290, 1367,

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Subject Index 295

1430, 1486, 1500, 1550, 1575, Seneca, Lucius Annaeus 779 Singapore 2429, 3217, 3371, 3683,
1582, 1590, 1593, 1653, 1856– Sennert, Daniel 1402, 1429 3778, 3781
1859, 1861, 1864, 1868, 1969, Senses and sensation; perception 147, Singleton, Willard Ralph 3617
2004, 2204, 2370, 2451, 2483, 201, 663, 787, 809, 810, 864, 909, Skepticism 1012, 1371, 1443
2591, 2643–2645, 2659, 2739, 1183, 1382, 1386, 1467, 1493, Skin 501, 1268
2764, 2791, 2915, 2995, 3128, 1528, 2105, 2205, 2315, 2703, Skin diseases 974, 2294
3522, 3532, 3551, 3555, 3559, 3007, 3152, 3174, 3445, 3704, Skinner, Henry Devenish 686
3563, 3673, 3687, 3987 3734, 4058 Skinner, Quentin 1744
Scientific communities; Sensory deprivation 864, 3704 Skis and skiing (snow) 2816
interprofessional relations 63, 71, Sequences and series (mathematics) Skylab Program 3698
113, 137, 150, 344, 891, 1066, 899, 908 Slavery and slaves 183, 451, 734,
1093, 1106, 1128, 1212, 1309, 1420, 1483, 1537, 1618, 1698,
1555, 1644, 1677, 1825, 1900, Serbia 510, 2472, 3929
Serenus, Antinoensis 467 1734, 1816, 2023, 2283, 2299,
2034, 2037, 2047, 2140, 2141, 2334, 2373, 2385, 2399, 2407,
2174, 2222, 2251, 2546, 2550, Serials see Periodicals; serials 2417, 3075, 3688
2565, 2574, 2654, 2735, 2739, Series, infinite 899, 1904 Slavery, abolition, and emancipation
2741, 2773, 2776, 2806, 2844, Serology 3286 1702, 1818, 1820, 2373
2847, 2852, 2863, 3048, 3112, Servan-Schreiber, David 3761 Slavs 510
3322, 3343, 3533, 3534, 3551, Seton, Ernest Thompson 2802 Sleep; rest 3690, 3826
3560, 3573, 3590–3592, 3594, Sloane, Hans 1491
3595, 3652, 3654, 3685, 3813, Sewerage 2458, 4018
3875, 3928, 3991, 3998, 4024 Sex 862, 863, 956, 1455, 1828, 2165, Slovakia 935
2397, 2548, 3152, 3224, 3250, 3315 Slovenia 4057
Scientific expeditions 690, 1416, Smallpox 392, 396, 1482, 1483, 1679,
1575, 1609, 1612, 1657, 1659, Sex differences 546, 954, 2165, 2928
Sex organs 1828 1690, 2322, 2378, 2413, 3241,
1782, 1823, 1996, 2003, 2006– 3279, 3772
2008, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2017, Sexology 3315
2027, 2046, 2117, 2706, 2739, Smell; olfactory perception 147, 596,
Sexual behavior 29, 584, 853, 956, 864, 3032
2789, 2790, 2797, 2804, 2843, 3618 2397, 2907, 3315, 3653, 3699, 3783 Smelting 693
Scientific families 1369, 2045, 2776 Sexual disorders 2332 Smith, Adam 330, 1638, 1736
Scientific illustration 163, 323, 858, Sexual hygiene 584 Smith, Edwin W. 724
1007, 1008, 1015, 1079, 1170, Sexual selection 1826, 2121, 2135, Smith, James 1602
1199, 1202, 1261, 1288, 1397, 2608, 3699 Smithsonian Institution 2244, 3029,
1524, 1533, 1603, 1655, 1678, 3848, 3944
Sexuality 29, 346, 430, 457, 546, 735,
2019, 2118, 2160, 2766
811, 853, 859, 862, 948, 956, 2548, Smyth, Charles Piazzi 1997
Scientific literature 436, 1798, 1874, 2942, 3224, 3264, 3503, 3510, Snakes 719, 720, 772, 782, 797, 799,
2662, 2664, 3990, 3991 3653, 3783 801, 803, 821, 849
Scientific management 2965 Sexually transmitted diseases 333, Snelders, H.A.M. 105
Scientific method see Methodology of 451, 2309, 2381, 3313 Snow, Charles Percy 92
science; scientific method Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Social anthropology 30, 3051
Scientific misconduct; fraud in 3rd Earl 1667, 1668 Social aspects of education 1293,
science 2300, 3481 Shakespeare, William 1134, 1146, 1776, 1825, 1857, 1870, 2969,
Scientific priority 1566, 2172 1171 3477, 3938
Scientific study of religion 1833, 1837 Shaler, William 1612 Social class 281, 310, 425, 442, 996,
Scientists 147, 150, 1407, 2543, 3029, Shanghai (China) 517, 3373 1118, 1241, 1488, 1671, 1778,
3566, 3573, 3934 2050, 2230, 2270, 2421, 2427,
Shannon, Claude Elwood 225, 2497 2495, 2514, 2535, 2617, 3033,
Scot, Reginald 1032 Sharp, David 2111 3039, 3171, 3237, 3259, 3271,
Scotland 869, 986, 1066, 1257, 1274, Shatunovskii, Samuil Osipovich 2692 3310, 3340, 3717, 3887, 3914
1327, 1338, 1401, 1558, 1569,
Shechtman, Dan 2765 Social construction; constructivism
1623, 1638, 1891, 2248, 2475,
2477, 3095, 3168, 3435, 3552 Sheep 3441 156, 727, 1539, 2471, 2771, 2773,
Shells 1643 4039
Scouler, John 2117 Social Darwinism 1826, 2148, 2165,
Scriba, Christoph J. 2690 Sherrington, Charles Scott 2190
2427, 2908, 3228
Scribes 706, 919 Shibukawa, Shunkai 538
Social epistemology 145, 3980
Sculpture 1808, 1812 Shide, Zhou 109 Social evolution 685, 2926
Sea travel 272, 311, 835, 867, 950, Shimoda, Koichi 2710 Social groups see Social relations;
992, 1134, 1140, 1609–1613, 1617, Shipbuilding industry 1728, 2492 social groups
1641, 1719, 2017, 2027, 2038, Ships and shipbuilding 109, 272, 835, Social media 63
2067, 2079, 2508 867, 945, 1575, 1612, 1715, 1728, Social psychology 2954, 2994, 2996,
Sea World, San Diego 3696 1730, 1786, 1801, 2067, 2079, 3703
Seals see Coins; medals; seals 2270, 2492, 2723, 3489 Social relations; social groups 1842,
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Siberia (Russia) 2778 3762, 3984
(SETI) (Study group: U.S.) 3565 Sicily 1643, 2254 Social responsibility 3840
Secchi, Angelo 1943 Sickel, Theodor von 1759 Social sciences 15, 20, 27, 61, 67,
Sidney, Philip 1063 121, 123, 128, 139, 146, 150, 166,
Secrecy 1157, 1706, 1721, 1722, 2785 262, 351–353, 356, 358, 512, 514,
Secularization 1769 Sierra Leone 444
811, 812, 943, 1449, 1450, 1822,
Sedimentology 309 Signs and symbols 164, 227, 599, 1830, 2215, 2216, 2218, 2221,
Seed industry and trade 2090, 3929, 872, 1071, 1189, 1266, 3655 2222, 2225, 2226, 2228, 2229,
3980 Silicon Valley (California) 3948 2233, 2412, 2482, 2578, 2610,
Segregation 3050 Silk and silk industry 1706, 1742 2658, 2792, 2796, 2893, 3007–
Seismology 266, 621, 2435, 3555 Silk worm culture 1742 3011, 3014, 3017–3020, 3025–
Selden, John 1005 Simcoe, Elizabeth 1615 3028, 3030, 3031, 3033–3040,
Simmel, Georg 144, 3023 3042, 3050, 3051, 3059, 3067,
Self-help 1467 3171, 3264, 3316, 3492, 3528,
Self-organization 3068 Simon, Théodore 2962
3531, 3533, 3534, 3543, 3601,
Semiconductors 3859, 3864 Simpson, George Gaylord 2844 3712, 3713, 3715, 3717–3719,
Semiotics 560, 2500, 3655 Simpson, Thomas 1567 3721, 3733, 3755, 3837, 3842,
Semple, Ellen Chruchill 3084 Sinclair, Upton Beall 2518 4012, 4021, 4027, 4040, 4044, 4051

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296 Subject Index

Social space 3021 Southern Europe 3929 Speed of light 3569

Social structure 185, 944, 3151 Southern states (U.S.) 2334, 2460, Spence, William 1569
Social welfare 173, 2410, 3194, 3259 2527, 3367 Spencer, Baldwin 685
Social work 3191 Soviet Union 1765, 2310, 2549, 2569, Spencer, Herbert 1769, 2137, 2189
Socialism 2578, 2987, 3147, 3468, 2571, 2579, 2583, 2597, 2657, Spengler, Oswald 2557
3733 2709, 2758, 2783, 2882, 2900, Spenser, Edmund 1173
Societies; institutions; academies 56, 2920, 2935, 2973, 2981, 3252, Spherical astronomy; astrometry 230
59, 62–64, 175, 197, 199, 375, 438, 3350, 3352, 3417, 3513, 3520, Spherical geometry 230
444, 445, 598, 686, 687, 1010, 3526, 3547, 3573, 3608, 3632, Sphujidhvaja 611
1037, 1048, 1066, 1252, 1286, 3641, 3643, 3713, 3719, 3774,
Spices and spice industry 993
1573, 1588, 1686, 1729, 1735, 3932, 3937, 3947, 3957, 3964,
3971, 3974 Spiders see Arachnids; spiders
1824, 1844, 1849, 1850, 1853– Spinoza, Baruch 1147, 1253, 1313,
1855, 1867, 1873, 1876, 1979, Sowa rigpa (medical tradition) 561
1323, 1400, 1890
1995, 2075, 2192, 2236, 2244, Space 240, 1318, 1377, 1378, 1383, Spirits see Gods; deities; spirits
2560, 2572, 2641, 2647, 2648, 3453, 3538, 3581, 3585, 3953,
3968, 3971, 3973, 4058 Spiritualism 1297, 1833, 1834, 1836,
2651, 2652, 2736, 2775, 2900, 1879, 1882, 1883, 2343, 2355,
2921, 2922, 2975, 2976, 3009, Space flight see Space travel; space 2623, 2666, 2774, 3152, 3162
3042, 3084, 3098, 3101, 3124, flight
3132, 3251, 3282, 3299, 3415, Spix, Johann Baptist von 2872
Space perception 288, 1377, 1378, Spontaneous generation see
3423, 3439, 3522, 3526, 3556, 1383, 1795, 2722, 3357, 3475, 3538
3664, 3685, 3701, 3794, 3798, Biogenesis; origin of life;
Space programs 3453, 3458, 3562, spontaneous generation
3839, 3981 3564, 3945, 3946, 3949, 3950,
Sociology 66, 144, 148, 173, 352, Sporer, Hans 1088
3952, 3953, 3961, 3963, 3966, Squaring the circle 1142
2141, 2202, 2215, 2217, 2219, 3968, 3971, 3973
2226, 2228–2233, 2393, 2652, Sri Lanka 2517
Space research and exploration 3453,
2972, 2996, 3011, 3014, 3015, St. Louis (Missouri, U.S.) 2444, 3353
3945, 3946, 3952, 3953, 3966,
3033, 3041–3049, 3068, 3164, 3968, 3971 St. Petersburg (Russia) 1355, 3660
3171, 3255, 3545, 3722, 3723, Space shuttle 3840, 3946, 3952, 3960 Standardization and standards 1498,
3977, 4032 2249, 2251, 2298, 2930, 3253,
Space stations 3952, 3966 3471, 3670, 3692, 3695, 3920, 4028
Sociology of knowledge 32, 66, 68,
306, 550, 2249, 2534, 3009, 3050, Space travel; space flight 2595, 3453, Stanzel, Valentim 1287
3164, 3509 3562, 3946, 3949, 3952, 3953, Star catalogs see Celestial maps; star
3955, 3960, 3961, 3966, 3970, catalogs
Socrates 747, 751, 756, 882 3971, 3973, 3974, 4058
Software 3397, 3400, 3888, 3890, Star spectra 1944
Spain 11, 185, 249, 265, 266, 268, Starr, Frederick 3074
3901, 3907, 3919, 3924 324, 325, 422, 454, 665, 671, 870,
Soil erosion 307, 309 902, 912, 976, 980, 1019, 1026, Stars; stellar astronomy 482, 594, 610,
Soil science 727, 2089, 3416 1030, 1036, 1043, 1065, 1091, 779, 1073, 1077, 1084, 1094, 1095,
Solar astronomy 3561 1095, 1115, 1129, 1133, 1140, 1099, 1123, 1361, 1925, 1930,
1155, 1164, 1195, 1203, 1206, 1944, 2712
Solar eclipse 668, 916, 2710 States of matter 218
Solar energy 3333 1209, 1218, 1222, 1223, 1229,
1277, 1295, 1410, 1438, 1446, Statics 1958
Solar system; planets 237, 477, 478, Statistical mechanics 2720
668, 776, 925, 1925, 1940, 3562 1468, 1573, 1590, 1601, 1622,
1676, 1681, 1683, 1686, 1710, Statistics 636, 2218, 2221, 2223,
Solid geometry 762 1717, 1723, 2002, 2020, 2074, 2224, 2602, 2720, 2863, 2872,
Solow, Robert M. 3066 2087, 2109, 2114, 2135, 2168, 3282, 3606
Solvyns, Balthazar 1608 2203, 2289, 2307, 2325, 2357, Status see Professional qualifications;
Somerville, Mary Fairfax 1540 2379, 2380, 2397, 2415, 2419, status; remuneration
Sommerfeld, Arnold Johannes 2485, 2487, 2505, 2530, 2533, Stealth see Aircraft; stealth
Wilhelm 1953, 1954 2553, 2558, 2576, 2621, 2649, Steam engines; steam turbines 1736,
Sonar 2723 2666, 2689, 2695, 2784, 2803, 2296, 2474, 2483
2831, 2844, 2883, 2886, 2967, Steam turbines see Steam engines;
Sorger, Friederike 2866
2968, 2986, 2988, 2990, 2998, steam turbines
Soul (philosophy) 494, 741, 751, 760, 3078, 3088, 3092, 3144, 3199,
878, 881, 885, 893, 955, 960, 962, Steamboats 1716
3200, 3214, 3225, 3257, 3269, Steel and steel industry 3866, 3884
972, 1022, 1044, 1047, 1076, 1108, 3326, 3386, 3544, 3545, 3648,
1180, 1181, 1300, 1301, 1304, 3722, 3790, 4014 Steele, Joshua 1709
1319, 1329, 1838 Stein, Lorenz von 2230
Spain, colonies 443, 454, 665, 671,
Sound 772, 787, 909, 1709, 2067, 1029, 1277, 1420, 1601, 2435 Steinach, Eugen 2893
2503, 2504, 2556, 2701, 2703, Steiner, Jakob 1902
Spallanzani, Lazzaro 1643
2704, 2725, 2755, 3334, 3369, Stellar astronomy see Stars; stellar
3375, 3389, 3405, 3414, 3551, Spanish-American War (1898) 2695 astronomy
3850, 3861, 3920 Specialization 1896, 1959, 3782 Stem cells 167, 3479, 3480, 3667,
Sound reproduction 772, 1709, 1922, Speciation 2126, 2837 3669, 3677, 3736, 4027
1923, 2501, 2504, 2582, 2704, Species concept (biology) 800, 955, Steno, Nicolaus 260, 1427
3405, 3410, 3920, 3921 985, 1434, 1649, 1670, 2120, 2124, Sterility; infertility 861
Soury, Jules 1837 2165, 2290, 2858, 2909, 2924 Sterilization see Birth control;
South Africa 302, 396, 2159, 2422, Species concept (economics) 1452 contraception; sterilization
2512, 2793, 2983, 3677, 3700, 3886 Specimen exchange 1420, 1549, 1850, Stevens, Stanley Smith 3649
South America 362, 443, 672, 1408, 2036, 2044, 2046, 2117, 2121, Stevenson, Robert Louis 53, 1814
1634, 1644, 2013, 2022, 2386, 2242, 2528 Stewart, Dugald 1873
2804, 2833, 2872, 3990 Specimens 1418, 1442, 1520, 1647, Stifel, Michael 1058
South Asia 350, 544, 631, 640, 2051 1649, 2036, 2044, 2088, 2121, Stirling, Robert 406
South Carolina (U.S.) 283 2778, 2806, 2807, 2865, 2869, Stochastic or random processes 1334
2871, 3029, 3609
South Korea 69, 1714, 3114, 3677, Stoicism 749, 750, 779, 813, 857,
3839, 3979, 4037 Spectacles; eye glasses 818, 1653 880, 1562, 1667, 1668
Southeast Asia 513, 2303, 2486, 3869 Spectroscopy 247, 1938, 1941, 2623 Stone 782, 948, 1993, 1999
Southeast Asia, civilization and Speech 2179, 2582, 3908 Storytelling 1621
culture 2303 Speed see Velocity; speed Strabo 795

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Subject Index 297

Strategy, military 3516 Symbolic representation see Technological innovation 57, 410,
Strathern, Marilyn 153 Symbolism; symbolic 411, 415, 452, 517, 588, 689, 1238,
Stratigraphy 2073 representation 1241, 1487, 2454, 2469, 2506,
Stress disorders 3137 Symbolism; symbolic representation 2591, 3346, 3379, 3385, 3387,
164, 209, 227, 696, 735, 782, 801, 3402, 3591, 3687, 3854, 3859,
String theory 1957 3879, 3915, 3961
1036, 1057, 1266, 1306, 1496,
Strozzi, Giulio 1259 1533, 1647, 1794, 2774, 3388, Technology 53, 109, 235, 274, 406,
Structural engineering 3347 3809, 3953 407, 415, 416, 418, 454, 588, 631,
Structuralism 99 Sympathy; affinity (philosophy) 813 833, 1230, 1239, 1286, 1490, 1709,
Struik, Dirk Jan 73 1722, 1751, 1752, 1994, 2244,
Symptoms 338, 1216, 2275, 2411,
Strumie ski, Olbrycht 999 2443, 2468, 2469, 2471, 2474,
2500, 2506, 2679, 2862, 2874,
Stuart, Gilbert 1693 Synthetic biology; bioengineering 2877, 3347, 3349, 3362, 3366,
Students 733, 1031, 1317 2085 3373, 3377, 3385, 3389, 3392,
Study of the past see History as a Syphilis 451, 1195, 1198, 2309, 2378, 3404, 3409, 3459, 3469, 3496,
discipline; chronology; study of the 3170, 3321 3523, 3679, 3839, 3851, 3854,
past System failures (engineering) 1708, 3859, 3870, 3871, 3951, 3960,
Styles of thought 148, 159, 3007 3840, 3861, 4053 4042, 4054
Suarez, Francisco 1050 Systematic botany 3419 Technology and art 208, 519, 1238,
Subjectivity 136, 269, 1884, 2231, Systematic zoology 3656 1487, 1737, 2480, 3843, 3858,
3008 3905, 3915, 3917
Systematics (biology) 316, 1539,
Submarines 1715, 2723, 3607 1646, 1656, 1663, 2861, 4011 Technology and culture 23, 41, 142,
175, 288, 308, 359, 408, 409, 413,
Sudhoff, Karl 3301 Systems biology 314, 318, 4029 414, 452, 454, 455, 586, 641, 689,
Suess, Eduard 2002 Systems engineering 3900 698, 699, 726, 728, 867, 989–991,
Sugar and sugar industry 2283, 2511 Systems theory 1986, 3716 1231, 1293, 1490, 1496, 1709,
Suhrawardı̄, Yah.yá ibn H.abash 211 1712, 1714, 1717, 1720, 1723,
1734, 1736, 1737, 1767, 1963,
Suicide 880, 2353, 2357
Sulivan, Bartholomew James 2003
T 2067, 2439, 2441, 2448, 2450,
Tables; catalogs; lists 478, 714, 767, 2455, 2465, 2473, 2477, 2478,
Sun 777, 1585, 1924, 1939, 3555 912, 914, 919, 1094, 1144 2482, 2485, 2486, 2488, 2489,
Sunspots 1245, 1345, 1346, 1352, Tablets; papyri 706 2493, 2495, 2496, 2498, 2499,
1361, 1363, 1392 2502, 2504, 2551, 2639, 2701,
Tacchini, Pietro 1943
Superconductivity 3576, 3584 2702, 2809, 2841, 3134, 3217,
Tacit knowledge 377
Supernatural 196, 666, 671, 1035, 3332, 3338, 3340, 3350, 3353,
1124, 1225, 1295, 1695, 1879, Tacquet, André 1331 3356, 3359, 3360, 3368, 3369,
1996, 2320, 2622, 3539, 3540 Tagore, Rabindranath 595 3372, 3385, 3390, 3391, 3403,
Supernovae; novae; new stars 676, Tahiti 1811 3406, 3408, 3415, 3447, 3450,
1073, 1351 Taiwan 2246, 3011, 3227, 3302, 3712, 3461, 3469, 3476, 3504, 3510,
Superstition 1035, 1270, 1295, 1879, 3854 3621, 3631, 3653, 3728, 3836,
3040, 3538 Tanajura, Joaquim Augusto 3311 3843–3845, 3852, 3853, 3857,
3858, 3875, 3884, 3885, 3893,
Supply network 834 Tannery, Paul 55 3895, 3899, 3904, 3906, 3911,
Surgery 110, 376, 377, 822, 1190, Tansley, Arthur George 2808, 2840 3913, 3917, 3918, 3920, 3927,
1203, 1240, 1537, 2179, 2270, Tanzania (Tanganyika, Zanzibar) 3928, 3944, 4054, 4058
2272, 2311, 2317, 2329, 2330, 1851, 2061, 3224, 4056 Technology and economics 143, 406,
2335, 2563, 2632, 2934, 3098, Tarde, Gabriel de 2226, 2231 415, 438, 539, 643, 644, 1256,
3113, 3141, 3175, 3735, 3740, 2443, 2460, 2492, 2494, 3332,
3746, 3750 Tarski, Alfred 2675
Tartu Observatoorium 1936 3342, 3350, 3356, 3358, 3385,
Surgery of sex organs; circumcision 3390, 3447, 3841, 3853, 3857,
661, 2309, 3740 Tasso, Torquato 1150 3873, 3919, 3937
Surgical techniques 2323 Taste; gustatory perception 864, 2513 Technology and ethics 409, 412, 586,
Surveillance 2918, 3646, 3835, 3892 Tate, Ralph 2041 1490, 1788, 3840, 3904
Surveying 267, 766, 1027, 1601, Taxidermy 1632, 2038, 2803 Technology and film 1234, 1737
1607, 1940, 2791, 3909 Taylor, Frederick Winslow 2965 Technology and gender 516, 517, 519,
Surveys 3019, 3028, 3035, 3393, 4041 Taylor, Richard 1876 588, 698, 2448, 2495, 3332, 3372,
Süssmilch, Johann Peter 1648 Taylor, Robert Saxton 3026 3509, 3884, 3914, 3918
Sustainability 255, 295, 306, 322, Technology and government 175, 586,
Taylor. Charles 355 589, 1758, 1788, 2440, 2445, 2447,
426, 647, 2101, 2533, 3629, 3938, Tea and tea industry 650, 4056
3940, 4056 2449, 2492, 2500, 2547, 2573,
Teachers 1863 2582, 3217, 3336, 3341, 3348,
Sutherland, Earl W. 3666 3358, 3366, 3369, 3428, 3467,
Teaching history of medicine 89, 94,
Svedberg, Theodor 2773 95, 371, 3099 3485, 3488, 3832, 3834, 3839,
Swammerdam, Jan 1430 Teaching history of science 17, 73, 86, 3841, 3851, 3860, 3865, 3880,
Sweden 199, 999, 1583, 1605, 1654, 90, 91, 105, 151, 231, 246, 290, 3883, 3892, 3893, 3937, 3967,
1753, 2262, 2404, 2554, 2578, 341, 342, 417, 1749, 3897 4008, 4044, 4045, 4051
2708, 2773, 2776, 2798, 2800, Teaching; pedagogy 34, 225, 246, Technology and ideology 1714
2935, 3081, 3253, 3430, 3482, 1059, 1079, 1199, 1587, 1864, Technology and industry 438, 589,
3992, 4002 1867, 1972, 2198, 2562, 2659, 2067, 2436, 2454, 2466, 2467,
Swedenborg, Emanuel 1583 2660, 2988, 3181, 3290, 3343, 2470, 2476, 2477, 2502, 2868,
Swift, Jonathan 279, 1268, 1443, 3434, 3548, 3585, 3729, 3897, 3921 3342, 3378, 3379, 3385, 3390,
1513, 1523, 1610 3391, 3447, 3457, 3463, 3839,
Tears see Crying; tears 3857, 3873, 3882, 3896, 3912,
Swineshead, Richard 905 Technical education 409, 597, 1238, 3937, 3948, 3958, 3965
Switzerland 1976, 2247, 2404, 2431, 1869, 2477, 3350, 3385, 3462 Technology and law 726, 1755, 3670
2438, 2577, 2636, 2740, 3235, Technical knowledge 2, 134, 3350, Technology and literature 53, 990,
3325, 3395, 3436, 3826 3362, 3448 1530, 1713, 1801, 2504, 3388,
Sydenham, Thomas 1464 Technocracy 6, 2578 3504, 3679
Syllogism 758 Technological determinism 2471, Technology and music 773, 2501,
Sylvester II, Pope 841 4043 2701, 2702, 2704, 3405, 3920

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298 Subject Index

Technology and politics 989, 1490, Terrorism 2626 Therapy see Therapeutic practice;
1615, 1720, 2447, 2465, 2573, Tesla, Nikola 1952 therapy; treatment
2583, 2584, 2701, 3342, 3349, Testing 2705, 2969, 2977, 2989, 3131, Thermodynamics 255, 1589, 1804,
3350, 3352, 3355, 3356, 3361, 3321, 3445 1950, 2475, 3568
3378, 3390, 3403, 3414, 3428, Texas (U.S.) 1872, 2019, 3939 Thermophotovoltaic (energy) 3515
3466, 3490, 3521, 3578, 3620, Thomas Aquinas, Saint 750, 844, 845,
3835, 3846, 3847, 3879, 3885, Text mining 34
Textbooks 164, 255, 1058, 1079, 863, 888, 889, 892, 899, 953, 962,
3886, 3893, 3906, 3909, 3960, 965
3967, 4038 1090, 1362, 1568, 1841, 1863,
1867, 1903, 1908, 1914, 1921, Thomas Jefferson National
Technology and race 2495, 3332, Accelerator Facility (United States)
3846, 3914, 3972 1946, 2734, 2757, 2779, 2786,
3247, 3608, 3660, 3819 3584
Technology and religion 412, 452, Thomas, Antoine 536, 575
455, 458, 516, 726, 728, 3843 Textile industry 586, 1734, 2477,
3873 Thompson, D’arcy Wentworth 1910,
Technology and society 23, 28, 67, 2593, 2852
646, 1231, 1720, 1788, 1937, 2491, Textiles 519, 588, 590, 1735, 2477,
2492, 2566, 2568, 2582, 2594, 3873 Thomson, George Paget 2545
2787, 3290, 3335, 3337, 3340, Textor, Benoı̂t 1169 Thomson, John 1787
3359, 3366, 3373, 3375, 3405, Thabit ibn Qurra 479 Thomson, Joseph John 2733
3410, 3466, 3488, 3490, 3652, Thagard, Paul 2680 Thought experiments 115, 126, 129,
3843, 3846, 3850, 3861, 3872, Thailand 3870 135, 750, 889, 928, 1116, 1251,
3884, 3885, 3892, 3894, 3912, Thakar, Jaikrishna Indraji 2104 1559, 1564, 1800, 2680
3926, 3942, 3960, 4033, 4041, Throat see Ear; nose; throat
4048, 4050, 4053 Thales of Miletus 786
Thalidomide 3263 Thünen, Johann Heinrich von 850
Technology and sports 990 Thurston, Edgar 446
Technology and the military see Thatcher, Margaret 3489
Tibet 530, 535, 546, 551–553, 555,
Technology and war; technology Theodicy 2791
556, 558, 561–566, 568, 570, 571,
and the military Theology 31, 335, 514, 653, 665, 872, 579, 580, 583, 585, 630, 2716,
Technology and theater 1733, 1771 877, 881, 889, 893, 896, 899, 913, 3059, 3295
Technology and war; technology and 931, 961, 1042, 1273–1275, 1279,
Tides 1388, 2005
the military 989, 990, 992, 1234, 1280, 1311, 1583, 1695, 1890,
2131, 2150, 2218, 2221, 3029, 3092 Time 240, 658, 1181, 1231, 1301,
1707, 1965, 2435, 2447, 2499, 1383, 1628, 3585, 3993
2626, 2627, 2630, 2635, 2701, Theon of Alexandria 763
Time measurement 587, 658, 781,
3355, 3402, 3411, 3420, 3454, Theophrastos of Eresos 1436 1053, 1092, 1231, 3603, 3993
3515, 3516, 3521, 3633, 3951, 3954 Theoretical biology 3130 Time measuring instruments 587,
Technology education and teaching Theoretical chemistry 3595 2439
409, 597, 1721, 1867, 1869, 2477, Theoretical medicine 1291 Time perception 1231, 1383, 2722,
2485, 3343, 3383, 3891, 3988 Theoretical physics 136, 1098, 1377, 3585, 3993
Technology transfer 991, 1706, 3212, 1378, 1953, 2588, 2722, 2740, Timor Island 2242
3386, 3870, 3878 2745, 3568 Tingsten, Herbert 2578
Technology, general histories 405, Theoretical sciences 1087, 1098
415, 1236, 2204, 3337 Tiselius, Arne 2773
Theories see Explanation; hypotheses; Tissot, Samuel Auguste André David
Technoscience; science and theories
technology studies 3979 1561
Theories of heat 1592, 1951, 1980 Titrimetry 1985
Teixeira, Anı́sio 2658 Theories of knowledge 70, 118, 124,
Telecommunications 3415 Tobacco mosaic virus 2915
126, 139, 149, 159, 193, 211, 245,
Telegraph, wireless 2508 Toilets 3198
293, 460, 1002, 1302, 1306, 1473,
Telegraphs; telephones 2496, 2499, 1475, 1508, 2347, 2745, 3533 Tokyo (Japan) 2115, 2787, 3561
2500, 2502, 2505, 3388, 3393, 3410 Theory (philosophy) 114, 231, 315, Toledo (Spain) 478
Telegraphy 2438, 2498, 2500, 2507, 327, 335, 1096, 1103, 1577, 1597, Tolkein, John Ronald Reuel 279
2508 1628, 1950, 2086, 2779, 3046, Tolstoy, Aleksey Nikolayevich 3363
Teleology 742, 743, 953, 1535, 1557, 3160, 3264, 3444, 3572, 3589, 3590 Tombs 848
1645 Theory of the earth see Historical Tôn-Thâ t, Tùng 3735
Telepathy 209, 1885, 2182 geology; theory of the earth Tönnies, Ferdinand 2228
Telephone industry 2496, 2505, 3889 Theory of the elements 749, 759, Topology 2685
Telephones see Telegraphs; telephones 1135, 3588 Torricelli, Evangelista 219
Telephones, cellular 3889 Theosophical Society 1833, 1838 Touch; haptic perception 864, 1516,
Telescopes 841, 1077, 1102, 1285, Theosophy 1838, 1880, 2623 1528, 2496, 3538
1289, 1290, 1367, 1578, 1862, Therapeutic practice; therapy; Toulmin, Stephen 143
1926, 1927, 1936, 1937, 2643, treatment 376–378, 451, 499, 504, Tour Eiffel (Paris, France) 3461
3553, 3559, 3560, 3563 560, 725, 816, 818, 821, 830, 963, Tourism 311, 684, 1416, 1615, 1719,
Television, cable 2495 984, 1196, 1198, 1213, 1228, 1460, 1845, 1870, 2067, 2388, 2473,
Television; video 359, 2495, 3478, 1467, 1679, 1682, 1688, 1703, 2527, 2642, 2809, 2822, 2827,
3858, 3906 2277, 2283, 2284, 2288, 2294, 2834, 2875, 3638
Temperature 1951, 1976, 2746 2321, 2338, 2354, 2361, 2367, Toxicology 401, 403, 804, 821, 2430,
2384, 2387–2389, 2401, 2404, 2524, 2554, 2810, 3517, 3611,
Tennessee Valley Authority 3212,
2408, 2409, 2416, 2420, 2421, 3644, 3789, 3791, 3807, 3816, 4016
3248, 3358
2428, 2867, 2939, 3110, 3111,
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 1993 3127, 3139, 3145, 3147, 3149, Toxins and antitoxins 719, 720, 797,
Teratology; monsters 936, 941, 950, 3162, 3165, 3167, 3169, 3170, 799, 804, 821, 1431, 3735
958, 1151, 1163, 1165, 1175, 1412, 3188, 3208, 3221, 3230, 3235, Toynbee, Arnold 97
1541, 1803, 2102 3264, 3270, 3283, 3290, 3298, Trace analysis see Chemical analysis;
Tereshkova, Valentina 3953, 3963 3303, 3307, 3318, 3321, 3322, Trace analysis
Terminal illness 215 3444, 3694, 3701, 3734, 3736, Trade 289, 508, 513, 515, 642, 650,
Terminology and nomenclature 201, 3737, 3749, 3750, 3752, 3753, 867, 1159, 1241, 1256, 1419, 1424,
316, 343–345, 348, 447, 563, 670, 3756, 3759, 3760, 3769, 3771, 1491, 1550, 1612, 1687, 1719,
799, 873, 1141, 1154, 1314, 1609, 3775, 3792, 3802, 3806, 3808, 1742, 1786, 1859, 2046, 2078,
2015, 2099, 2100, 2232, 2259, 3810, 3829, 3867, 4030, 4035 2519, 3060, 3429, 3446, 3873,
2881, 3015, 3362, 3542, 3558 Therapeutics 3146, 3444 3888, 4056

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Trade routes 289, 508, 1420, 1612, Treaties 724, 926, 980, 1000, 1029, 2236, 2245, 2266, 2291, 2309,
1706, 2023, 2078 1198, 1287, 2812, 3507 2331, 2350, 2367, 2374, 2387,
Traditional societies and cultures 352, Treatment see Therapeutic practice; 2403, 2423, 2428, 2445, 2448,
439, 523, 526, 530, 549, 551, 556, therapy; treatment 2452, 2462, 2464–2466, 2469,
557, 563, 571, 619, 666, 677, 679, Trees 164, 295, 624, 660, 947, 998, 2470, 2473, 2476, 2479, 2488,
685, 2099, 3028, 3054, 3818 1424, 2052, 2057, 2092, 2102, 2493, 2495, 2515, 2519, 2520,
Trahiotis, Constantine 3551 2462, 2524, 2836, 3617 2526, 2527, 2530, 2532, 2538,
Transcendence (philosophy) 1560 2543, 2556, 2568, 2571, 2573,
Trephining 2315
Transcription see Transliteration; 2575, 2581, 2590, 2599–2601,
Trials (law) 1023, 1296, 1494, 1550, 2606, 2610, 2615, 2619, 2623,
transcription 1755, 2351, 3670
Transgender 187 2630, 2632, 2641, 2646, 2650,
Tribe, Derek Edward 3934 2657, 2674, 2704, 2705, 2725,
Transhumanism (philosophy) 41
Transistors 2729 Trigonometry 230, 468, 469, 594, 603 2737, 2739, 2744, 2749, 2755,
Transits see Eclipses; transits; Trinity College (Dublin) 1961 2762, 2789, 2799, 2815, 2819,
occultations Tropical medicine 2278, 2389, 2401, 2822–2824, 2829, 2832, 2844,
2421, 2521, 3087, 3124, 3216, 2862, 2868, 2870, 2881, 2891,
Translations 32, 220, 222, 472, 473, 2921, 2924, 2925, 2931, 2938,
479, 488, 491, 499, 502, 507, 532, 3217, 3256, 3329
Trotter, Wilfred 2996 2969, 2974, 2984, 3026, 3027,
540, 554, 567, 576, 577, 582, 600, 3029, 3032, 3033, 3042, 3052,
609, 670, 724, 738, 741, 762, 769, Trucking industry 3843 3064, 3074, 3083, 3086, 3100,
794, 828, 846, 882, 894, 896, 902, Truman, Harry S. 2826 3101, 3113, 3123, 3133, 3134,
936, 967, 970, 1039, 1048, 1056, Trypanosomiasis, African 3236, 3249 3137, 3140, 3141, 3173–3175,
1081, 1128, 1188, 1208, 1305, 3177, 3202, 3212, 3234, 3239,
1314, 1327, 1346, 1375, 1526, Tuberculosis 2383, 3142, 3192, 3219,
3238, 3256, 3276, 3280 3242, 3245, 3248, 3255, 3261,
1594, 1595, 1598, 1605, 1613, 3262, 3264, 3265, 3287, 3289,
1616, 1617, 1622, 1673, 1684, Tumors see Cancer; tumors
Türck, Ludwig 2175 3297, 3303, 3310, 3314, 3320,
1829, 1874, 1941, 2021, 2324, 3330, 3333, 3335, 3341, 3342,
3005, 4028 Turing, Alan Mathison 2497, 3397, 3348, 3350–3354, 3358, 3361,
Transliteration; transcription 919, 3412, 3413 3367, 3368, 3370, 3376, 3377,
2153, 3890 Turkey 468, 493, 506, 699, 1841, 3381, 3389, 3391, 3405, 3407,
Transmission of ideas 19, 38, 189, 1863, 1946, 2088, 2338, 2339, 3408, 3410, 3411, 3417, 3428,
243, 435, 440, 441, 447, 456, 459, 2718, 2760, 2761, 2865, 2866, 3432, 3442, 3454, 3458, 3459,
514, 523, 524, 536, 551, 571, 579, 3098, 3328, 3423, 3433, 3556, 3841 3463, 3466, 3471, 3476, 3478,
788, 858, 903, 906, 929, 930, 975, Turner, Frederick Jackson 3084 3484, 3488, 3490, 3493, 3497,
1032, 1037, 1066, 1070, 1090, Tuscany (Italy) 1182 3499, 3504–3507, 3511, 3515,
1093, 1123, 1128, 1228, 1237, 3517, 3521, 3523, 3525, 3550,
1277, 1289, 1386, 1417, 1432, Tylor, Edward Burnett 2239
Tyndall, John 1848, 1888 3551, 3553, 3560, 3564, 3566,
1471, 1525, 1555, 1714, 1764, 3576, 3582, 3607, 3612, 3613,
1797, 1806, 1957, 2037, 2134, Typesetting 359 3615, 3621, 3626, 3627, 3629,
2509, 2510, 2528, 2543, 2729, Typewriters 2506 3633, 3637, 3641, 3642, 3646,
2895, 3129, 3412, 3437, 3452, Typhoid fever 2285, 3234 3660, 3663, 3665, 3670–3672,
3503, 3738, 3974 Typology (theory) 1163, 1650, 2922 3682, 3687, 3697, 3698, 3701,
Transmission of material objects 508, 3703, 3707–3710, 3714, 3718,
698 3729, 3741, 3745, 3765, 3769,
Transmission of texts 33, 50, 189, U 3775, 3780, 3783, 3793, 3799,
467, 475, 502, 610, 657, 790, 879, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 3801, 3806, 3812–3814, 3818,
891, 919, 988, 1032, 1036, 1058, 2718 3821, 3823, 3825, 3829, 3830,
1061, 1070, 1093, 1107, 1112, U.S. Department of Defense, 3832, 3846, 3848, 3853, 3858,
1128, 1130, 1140, 1154, 1162, Advanced Research Projects 3862, 3863, 3865, 3866, 3868,
1205, 1227, 1237, 1459, 1525, Agency (DARPA) 3515 3878, 3879, 3886, 3906, 3914,
1526, 1605, 1622, 1869, 1874 Udziela, Seweryn 2097 3916, 3927, 3931, 3938, 3939,
Transplantation 2563, 2911, 2934 3944, 3945, 3951, 3953–3955,
Uexküll, Jakob Johann von 139, 2211,
Transportation 404, 635, 1492, 1498, 3646 3959, 3962, 3964, 3972, 3980,
1530, 1730, 1736, 1801, 1802, 3995, 4005–4007, 4018, 4023,
2466, 2473, 2481, 2547, 2582, Uganda 4055 4026, 4038, 4045, 4050
3270, 3368, 3371, 3678, 3837, Ukraine 409, 413, 692, 1869, 2328,
2436, 2492, 2692, 2782, 3343, United States Air Force 2601, 3954
3850, 3882, 4053
Trapolinus, Petrus 1177 3380, 3450, 3457, 3462, 3643, United States Exploring Expedition
3900, 3908, 3952, 3965 (1838-1842) 2026
Travel; exploration 1, 198, 269, 272,
276, 280, 435, 513, 525, 535, 627, Ultrasonography 3117, 3123, 3258 United States, colonies 3133
635, 661, 670, 682, 720, 846, 938, Ulugh Beg 468 United States. Air Force 3951
1043, 1093, 1134, 1140, 1141, Uncertainty see Certainty; uncertainty United States. Department of
1143, 1145–1150, 1153, 1170, Unconscious (psychology) 3040, 3474 Agriculture 2527, 3027, 3416
1187, 1201, 1229, 1241, 1410, United States. Department of Energy
Underwater acoustics 2755
1412, 1413, 1415, 1416, 1420, 3842
1457, 1520, 1525, 1526, 1535, UNESCO 2826
1544, 1575, 1603, 1605, 1609– United Nations 2220, 2826 United States. Environmental
1613, 1616, 1617, 1619, 1620, United States 21, 43, 46, 63, 82, 137, Protection Agency 3612, 3627
1622–1624, 1630, 1635, 1641, 180, 283, 301, 310, 312, 334, 348, United States. Food and Drug
1643, 1673, 1706, 1719, 1760, 351, 363, 367, 375, 376, 392, 394, Administration 2518, 3121, 3824
1787, 1796, 1811, 1821, 1845, 399, 400, 424, 428, 663, 1034, United States. Geological Survey
1861, 1870, 1878, 1996, 2006– 1372, 1451, 1484, 1485, 1488, 3639
2011, 2013, 2015–2017, 2020, 1496, 1534, 1621, 1716, 1731, United States. Military Academy,
2022, 2023, 2026–2028, 2032, 1808, 1818, 1820, 1849, 1865, West Point 1488
2035, 2038, 2043, 2056, 2067, 1866, 1884, 1903, 1908, 1934,
2068, 2073, 2079, 2093, 2112, 1950, 1952, 1967, 1972, 2008, United States. National Aeronautics
2124, 2153, 2238, 2299, 2514, 2017, 2025, 2026, 2035, 2046, and Space Administration 3584,
2604, 2642, 2789, 2790, 2793, 2048, 2054, 2057, 2058, 2062, 3698, 3946
2797, 2798, 2800–2802, 2804, 2065, 2066, 2068, 2070, 2107, United States. National Aeronautics
2866, 2923, 2985, 3254, 3256, 2141, 2159, 2164, 2165, 2184, and Space Administration. 1940,
3268, 3607, 3735, 3971 2199, 2213, 2219, 2220, 2232, 3562, 3564, 3566

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300 Subject Index

United States. National Air and Space Vacuum; emptiness; nothingness 237 Visual representation; visual
Museum 3959 Vajray na 546 communication 4, 115, 160–164,
United States. Navy 3698 Valencia (Spain) 2077 208, 239, 323, 442, 475, 541, 623,
United States. Public Health Service. Valency; bonds 253, 2770, 3593 668, 682, 801, 855, 862, 955, 1007,
Office of the Surgeon General 1008, 1015, 1028, 1079, 1126,
Values (philosophy) 306, 530, 1455 1136, 1151, 1165, 1170, 1189,
2812, 3239
Vampires 2290 1199, 1202, 1216, 1234, 1238,
United States. Scientific Laboratory,
Van Heijenoort, Jean 74, 85, 212, 213, 1261, 1288, 1292, 1382, 1397,
Los Alamos 2564
1895, 2661, 2668, 2683, 2684 1415, 1419, 1421, 1430, 1431,
Universal language 2251 1444, 1510, 1527, 1529, 1533,
Vanzolini, Paulo Emı́lio 2872
Universalism 3014 1595, 1608, 1627, 1647, 1653,
Variation (biology) 1221, 2136, 2927,
Universals (philosophy) 126, 1197 3312 1673, 1678, 1762, 1793, 1811,
Universe 906, 3558 Varignon, Pierre 1398 1816, 1927, 1935, 1938, 2076,
Universidad de Santiago de Chile 2157, 2160, 2293, 2331, 2441,
Vasconcellos, Ernesto Julio de 2465, 2484, 2493, 2575, 2589,
2784 Carvalho 2786
Universidade do Brasil 2647 2592, 2598, 2696, 2720, 2723,
Vatican. Biblioteca 1846 2745, 2766, 2874, 2964, 3053,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Veblen, Thorstein Bunde 2141 3068, 3085, 3117, 3123, 3140,
Janeiro 2396 3264, 3272, 3303, 3348, 3427,
Vedeneev, Boris Evgen evich 2467
Università di Firenze 2637 3505, 3557, 3586, 3588, 3669,
Vegetables 948
Universität Heidelberg 1975 3880, 3903, 3964, 3987, 3999,
Vegetarianism 2422, 2518, 3202
Université de Montpellier 1652 4014, 4058
Velikovsky, Immanuel 2555 Visualization technology 160, 3987,
Universiteit Leiden 2746
Velocity; speed 925 4058
Universities and colleges 199, 341,
342, 597, 686, 687, 891, 893, 959, Venezuela 3452 Vitalism 1645, 1652, 2205, 2857
962, 1031, 1042, 1090, 1207, 1472, Venice (Italy) 1195, 1232, 1415, 2408 Vitamins 3190, 3324
1552, 1683, 1686, 1824, 1831, Venn, John 1919 Vives, Juan Luis 1178
1866, 1871, 1872, 1959, 1960, Venus 241, 480, 1581, 1584, 1929, Viviani, Vincenzo 219
2021, 2103, 2212, 2236, 2431, 1933, 1942 Vivisection 1199, 1784, 1785, 3134
2647–2658, 2769, 2784, 2805, Verbiest, Ferdinand 536 Vlockamer, Johann Georg 1418
2878, 2883, 2948, 3049, 3054, Verdoorn, Frans 102 Volcanoes and volcanology 1998,
3210, 3434, 3483, 3484, 3493, 3603
3495, 3500, 3524, 3527, 3529– Vernacular literature 975, 1048, 1067,
1227, 1583 Volkmann, Johann Jacob 1684
3531, 3535, 3536, 3552, 3570, Volta, Alessandro 1644, 2468
3579, 3701, 3864, 3878, 3938, Verne, Jules 1802, 1814
Voluntarism (theology) 2197
3988, 4045 Vernia, Nicoletto 1179
von Hohenburg, Hans Georg Herwart
University College, London 2311 Vertebrate zoology 1665, 2112, 2119 1001
University of Alberta 2964 Vesalius, Andreas 1199 Von Neumann, John 2730, 3400, 3412
University of Bologna (Italy) 1291 Veterinary medicine 509, 1240, 2512, Voronoff, Serge Avramovitch 2934
University of Chicago 2600, 2860 2537, 3098, 3421, 3423, 3433, 3434 Vries, Hugo Marie de 2870
University of Madrid 2805 Vidal de la Blache, Paul Marie Joseph Vygotskii, Lev Semenovich 2972
University of Manitoba 3704 2021
University of St. Andrews 3552 Video see Television; video
Video games 3895, 3899, 3914, 3989
University of Texas 1872 Wabkanawi 916
University of Tokyo 3527 Video technology 3858, 4058 Waddington, Conrad Hal 2849
Unsöld, Albrecht Otto Johannes 2715 Vieille, Paul 1965 Waerden, Bartel Leendert van der
Uranium 3606, 3832 Vienna (Austria) 1969, 2096, 2893, 2748
2942, 3357 Wagner, Johann Jakob 1912
Uranium industry 3606, 3832 Wagner-Jauregg, Julius von 2338
Vienna Circle 2251
Urban history 268, 283, 1043, 1494, Wald, Franz 1968
1640, 1766, 2057, 2107, 2388, Vietnam 3136, 3517, 3735, 3930,
3951 Waldseemüller, Martin 1143
2701, 2836, 3056, 3378, 3391,
Vietnam War 2630, 3136, 3517, 3951 Wales 852, 1114, 3356
3429, 3623
Vigarello, Georges 106 Wallace, Alfred Russel 1834, 1883,
Urban planning 2025, 2478, 2489, 2013, 2033, 2049, 2130, 2147, 2153
2787, 3021, 3285, 3353, 3364, Vilanova y Piera, Juan 2074, 2077
Wallenberg, Adolf 2951
3371, 3623, 3634 Villalobos, Francisco Lopez de 1206 Wallis, John 1459
Urban, Charles 2589 Vincent de Beauvais 839 Walther, Bernard 1087, 1105
Urbanization 287, 303, 1043, 1160, Vincent, Levinus 1418 Warburg, Otto Heinrich 3673
1293, 1788, 1798, 2107, 2478, Violence 812, 1399, 3899 Warsaw (Poland) 2154, 2564
2489, 2557, 2838, 3334, 3371, Virchow, Rudolf Carl 2377, 3221 Washington, George 1698
3374, 3375, 3623
Virgil 795, 876 Waste 289, 3198
Urso Salernitanus 983 Waste disposal 3198, 3625, 3935
Virginia (U.S.) 1488, 2091, 2470,
Uruguay 2386, 3296 3553 Water 44, 313, 644, 645, 786, 803,
Users of technology 3470, 3843, Virginia Military Institute 1488 833, 994, 1490, 1591, 1718, 1740,
3845, 3912 2067, 2474, 2817, 3627, 3774, 4046
Virginia, University of 2091
Utilitarianism 5, 3355, 3489 Water mills 991, 1718
Virology 2305, 2892, 3252, 3792,
Utopias 2623, 2870 4031 Water pollution 312, 313, 2069, 2070,
Utrecht (Netherlands) 94, 102 3272, 3627, 3636
Virtual reality 3548, 3904 Water power 1490, 1718, 2464, 2465,
Uzbekistan 3555 Vision 805, 1183, 2181, 2673, 2915 2467, 2474
Vision disorders 805, 3302 Water purification 2490, 3627
V Visual communication see Visual Water quality 4033
V-2 (ballistic missile) 3947 representation; visual Water resource management 425, 644,
Vaccines 1482, 2322, 2378, 2413, communication 833, 994, 1740, 2072, 2458, 2465,
3134, 3216, 3241, 3252, 3265, Visual perception 1183, 1382, 1510, 2827
3279, 3309, 3421, 3780, 3785, 1516, 1527, 1653, 1795, 1963, Water supply 833, 1718, 2069, 2072,
3793, 3804, 3805 2160, 2181, 2315, 2703, 2723, 2458, 2474, 2489, 2812, 3272,
Vacuum pumps 1395 3368, 3586, 4058 3507, 4033

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Subject Index 301

Waterways see Marine engineering; Wine and winemaking 803, 2515, 3172, 3237, 3240, 3256, 3286,
canals; waterways 2520, 2530 3333, 3364, 3372, 3384, 3411,
Waterworks 833, 2490 Winkler, Hans Karl Albert 2897 3429, 3431, 3435, 3474, 3511,
Watt, James 1744, 1984 Winnicott, Donald Woods 3191 3845, 3869
Watt, John 1736 Winslow, Jacques-Bénigne 336 Worms 847
Watzenrode, Lukasz 1075 Winslow, Lyttleton Forbes 2340 Wounds and wound medicine 336,
Wave-particle duality 2725 Wisconsin (U.S.) 3493 2279, 2311
Waves 2503, 2723, 2755 Witchcraft; demonology 196, 874, Wright 3351
Wax modeling 1690 963, 1032–1035, 1160, 1183, 1277, Wright, Georg Henrik von 2678
Weapons 254, 868, 991, 3881 1294, 1296, 1494, 1554, 3538 Wright, Russel 3629
Weather 261, 432, 528, 1997, 2004, Witness see Experience; witness Wright, William 1618, 2250
2055, 2625, 2788, 3602, 3604, 3935 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 1892, 2676, Writing 748, 1005, 1057, 1807, 2032,
Weather forecasting 261, 528, 2625 2966, 3069 3917
Weaver, Warren 3026 Wittop Koning, Dirk Arnold 79 Wu, Ray 3671
Weaving 519, 590, 3887 Wolff, Christian von 1557, 1664 Wundt, Wilhelm Max 2191, 2192,
Weber, Max 1454, 2215 Wolff, Julius 2274 2200, 3005
Weed control 1000 Wollaston, William Hyde 1944 Württemberg (Germany) 3157
Weeks, Arland Deyett 2984 Wollstonecraft, Mary 1605, 1655 Wurzelbauer, Johann Philipp von 920,
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor 1914 Wolves 856 1348
Weigel, Erhard 1366 Women 295, 518, 736, 862, 863, Wussing, Hans 2690
Weight gain 2271 1016–1018, 1068, 1480, 1516,
Weiner, Charles Irwin 82 1531, 1746, 1826, 1831, 2241,
Weismann, August 2119 2290, 2313, 2395, 2535, 2611, X
2615, 2618, 2619, 2835, 2986, X-rays 2294, 2623, 2868, 3000, 3089
Weiss, Fritz Max 2801
3072, 3177, 3226, 3264, 3451,
Weiss, Paul A. 1980 Xu Liangying 107
3694, 3780, 3963
Weiss-Sonnenburg, Hedwig Women and health 861, 1480, 1482, Xu, Guangqi 540
Margarete 2801 2380, 2400, 2404, 2613, 2629,
Wells, Herbert George 2557, 3453
Wertham, Fredric 3707
2902, 3096, 3113, 3117, 3123,
3177, 3190, 3204, 3258, 3263,
3264, 3271, 3303, 3308, 3780, Yamada, Nobuo 2768
Wertheimer, Max 2975, 2995, 3001,
3002 3783, 3796, 3803, 3808 Yan, Fu 1874
West Africa 444, 1420 Women and technology 516–518, Yellow fever 2369, 2418, 3256
West Germany 3637, 3645 2400, 3918 Yenching University (Beijing, China)
West Indies 3644 Women in engineering 1406 2734
West Virginia (U.S.) 3566 Women in medicine 370, 555, 561, Yiddish 2610
Western states (U.S.) 2066 977, 1016–1018, 1228, 1831, 2272, Yoga 3288
Western world, civilization and 2280, 2295, 2402, 2599, 3091, Yuasa, Toshiko 2768
culture 211, 278, 382, 515, 812, 3110, 3271, 3291
Women in science 187, 251, 277, 310, Yugoslavia 3766
864, 1037, 1047, 1320, 1518, 1833,
1972, 3305, 3775, 3850 1016–1018, 1068, 1253, 1305,
Wet nurses 985, 2385 1369, 1437, 1540, 1543, 1579,
1824, 1825, 1851, 1899, 2098,
Weyerhaeuser, Frederick King 2462 2118, 2616, 2707, 2769, 2776, Zach, Franz Xaver von 1861
Weyl, Hermann 136, 2687 3553, 3953, 3963, 3966 Zahalon, Jacob 1461
Whales 2819 Women in technology 3918, 3963 Zalužanský ze Zalužan, Adam 1168,
Whaling 285, 2523, 2819, 3610 Women’s diseases 370, 2313, 3097, 1169
Whately, Richard 1886 3110, 3122, 3131 Zarlino, Gioseffo 1069
Wheeler, William Morton 3651 Wood, John George 2040 Zeng He 513
Wheels 3455 Woodger, Joseph Henry 320 Zhou Xiangeng 3006
Whewell, William 1815, 2000, 2150 Woodward, John 1460 Zhu Kerou 519
Whitehead, Alfred North 2693, 2848, Wool industry 1241 Zimbabwe 689
2940 Woolf, Virginia 2722
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor 2724 Zodiac see Constellations; zodiac
Wordsworth, William 279 Zombies 2959
Whole and parts (philosophy) 1329,
3596 Work environment 2442, 2566, 3292, Zooarchaeology 3731
3372, 3709
Whyte, William Foote 3042 Zoological geography 701, 1167
World Health Organization 2884,
Whytt, Robert 1558, 1660 3173, 3241, 3276, 3279, 3286, Zoological Society of London 1995
Widdowson, Elsie May 2628 3312, 3772, 3791, 3794, 3806, Zoology 283, 323, 495, 699, 721, 797,
Wiener, Hermann 2696 4031, 4032 799, 800, 803, 804, 950, 951, 1164,
Wier, Johannes 1183 World history 1152, 3051 1170, 1172, 1442, 1627, 1632,
Willcocks, William, Sir 453 World War I 1840, 1843, 1859, 2538, 1646, 1665, 2044, 2049, 2064,
Willdenow, Carl Ludwig 1625 2544, 2627, 2630, 2631, 2635, 2108, 2114, 2116, 2790, 2803,
2695, 2763, 2777, 2856, 2988, 2872–2874, 2878, 2879, 3076
Willis, Thomas 1464, 1481
2992, 3070, 3086, 3102, 3103, Zoos 1662, 2115, 2450, 2873, 2875,
Wilson, August 3405
3165, 3176, 3230, 3237, 3243, 4003
Wilson, Edmund Beecher 2910
3260, 3292, 3304, 3313, 3327, Zoroastrianism 492
Wilson, Edward Osborne 3651 3429, 3438
Wilson, Ernest Henry 2871 Zubek, John Peter 3704
World War II 71, 184, 427, 2286, Zurich (Switzerland) 2349
Wind power 405, 2487, 3852, 3853, 2544, 2570, 2571, 2625, 2626,
3871 2628–2630, 2634, 2695, 2745, Zürich. Universität 2349
Wind tunnels 405 2762, 2775, 2811, 2930, 2977, Zuse, Konrad 3395
Windmills 2487 3037, 3059, 3104, 3157, 3158, Zwinger, Theodor 1121, 1192

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Isis CB Classification Scheme
A. Tools for Historians of Science
1.General histories; 2.National contexts; 3. Reference works & repositories; 5.Historiography; 6.History of
science as a discipline; 7.Historians of science
B. Theoretical Approaches to Understanding Science
10.Philosophy of science; 11.Sociological & psychological analysis; 12.Rhetorical & visual analysis
C. Thematic Approaches to the Study of Science
20.Science & society, general; 21.Ethics; 22.Politics, law, & economics; 23.Arts & literature; 26.Race &
ethnicity; 27.Gender; 28.Religion; 29.War
D. Aspects of Scientific Practice and Organization
40.Scientific institutions; 41.Instruments & measurement; 42.Education; 43.Professional activities
E. Disciplinary Classification
101.Occult sciences; 102.Philosophy; 103.Mathematics; 104.Music
110.Astronomy; 111.Astrology; 112.Physics; 113.Chemistry; 114.Alchemy
120.Earth sciences; 121.Geography; 122.Natural history; 123.Environmental sciences; 124.Paleontology
130.Biology, general; 131.Botany; 132.Zoology; 133.Heredity, genetics, evolution; 134.Microbiology,
molecular biology; 135.Human biology & physical anthropology
136.Neurosciences; 137.Psychology & comparative psychology
140.Social sciences, general; 141.Sociology; 142.Cultural anthropology; 143.Economics; 144.Linguistics;
145.Archaeology; 146.History
150.Medicine; 151.Psychiatry; 152.Public health, health, nutrition; 153.Pharmacy
160.Technology; 161.Computer & communication technologies; 163.Agriculture; 164.Air & space
Categories in sections F and G are subdivided according to the divisions in A-E.
F. Classification by Cultural Influence (works focused on pre-modern, non-Western scientific
practices or on interactions between Western and non-Western cultures)
200. Cultural and cross-cultural contexts, including colonialism in general
210. Arabic-Islamic contexts
220. Medieval Byzantine contexts
230. East and Southeast Asian contexts
240. Indian contexts
250. Jewish contexts
260. Native American contexts
270. African, Australian, and traditional cultural contexts
G. Chronological Classification (including most works after about 1800 regardless of location,
unless they are part of a non-Western knowledge tradition from section F.)
300. Prehistory and early human societies 350. Eighteenth century
311. Ancient Near Eastern contexts 360. Nineteenth century
312. Ancient Greek and Roman contexts 370. Twentieth century, early
320. Medieval Western European contexts 375. Twentieth century, late
330. Renaissance Western European contexts 380. Twenty-first century
340. Seventeenth century

Front cover illustration: John P. Finley, Tornadoes: What They Are and How To Observe Them, with
Practical Suggestions for the Protection of Life and Property (New York : Insurance Monitor, 1887),
p. 37. Finley’s tornado book was one of the first to present extensive data about tornadoes: the
weather event itself, the nature of the damage it causes, and designs for shelters, which he called
tornado caves. (Image courtesy History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries;
copyright the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma.)

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