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Evenirg 3 OMAR wir [Total No. of Questions: 09] [Total No. of Pages: 2) Univ. Roll No. Program/Course: B.Tech. (Sem 6") ‘Name of Subject: Operation Research Subject Code: OEPE-14602 Paper ID: 15548 ‘Time Allowe Max. Marks: 60 NOTE: 1) Section-A is compulsory 2) Attempt any four questions from Seetion-B and any two questions from Section-C 3) Any missing data may be assumed appropriately Section-A [Marks: 02 each] a. a) Define LPP. bE ©) Define basic feasible and optimal solution. ) Exp ) What is unbounded assignment model? Find the dual of following Primal. Max, Z~S0X; + 120% Subject to. 2X1+4 Xz < 80; 3X; +Xo< 60; X), X22 0 g) Differentiate between slack and float. h) Define VAM method. ’) Explain how degeneracy occur in transportation problems. the various features of OR approach. kendall’s notations, 4) List the various methods of random number generation. Section-B [Marks: 05 each] Q2. Solve the following graphically Max. Z =2X,+ 3X Subject to Xj + Xz <30; Xp> 3; Xo < 12; X- Xp 20; Xi $20; X20 Q3.Four jubs are iv be done on four different machines. The cost (in rupees) of producing i job on the j machine is given below: aes Machines My: M, Ms Ma ¥ fh 15 i 13, 15, Lb 7 2 2 13 Ses 14 15 10 14 ue 16 13, im 17 Assign the jobs to different machines so as to minimize the total cost.Evenirg 3 OMAR Zi7 Q4. A person repairing radios finds that time spent on the radio sets has been exponential ¢lstribution with mean 20 minutes. If radios are repaired in the order in which they are come in and tiieir atrival approximately poisson distribution with an average rate of 15 for 8 hour day, what is the repai:man’s expected idle time each day? How many jobs are ahead of the average set just brought Q5. A company produces three products P,, P2& Ps from two raw materials A & B and labour L. One unit of product P, requires one unit of A, 3 units of B, & 2 units of L.. One unit of product P2 requires 2 units of A and B each, & 3 units of L, One unit of product Ps requires 2 units of A, 6 units of B, & 4 units of L, The company has a daily availability of 8 units of A, 12 units of B and 12 units of L. It is further known that unit contribution margin for the products is Rs, 3,2 & 5 resp. for Pj, Pate Ps. Formulate this problem as LPP. Q6. Use the mixed congruential method to generate the sequence of random numbers 1. A sequence five two — digit numbers such that r »1-(21ri+53)(modulo 100),take 19-46 2. A sequence of five random number between 0& 31 such that r y1~(9m+15)(modulo 32), take re=l2 Section-C _[Marks: 10 each (05 for each sub-part, if any)] Q7. Use Two-phase Method to solve the following Max. Z = (450000+50000) X; + (20000-+80000) X2 Subject to 50000X, + 20000X, = 200,000; X; > 3,X2<5,X,X>0 Q8. Find the basic feasible solution of the following transportation problem NWCR. Also find the optimal transportation plan by MODI method 1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [Available A 2 ea EC B Fe a a Jue) 55 [60s] Sa [0 D 2 {4 [4 [5 [3 [20 Required [60 | 60 [30 | 40 | 10 | 200 Total Q9. A project is composed of seven activities, whose time estimates are shown below, From this data a) Draw the network and critical path of project b) Determine its variance and standard deviation, ©) Find out the probability of completing the project in 22 weeks. Time estimates in weeks : Activity i ta 7 12 2 2 8 i 2 5 8 14 Bi 3 9 25 2 2 2 35 3 6 isa) 46 Brae [aS 9 56 4 7 16
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