Psych Cheat Sheet 2015
Psych Cheat Sheet 2015
Psych Cheat Sheet 2015
Sleep Changes:
1. Prolonged patency
2. Decreased stage 3 and 4 sleep
3. Decreased REM latency
4. Increased REM activity
5. Increased duration of REM early in
Disorder DSM Risk Factors Epidemiology Cours
Agoraphobia 1. Marked fear or anxiety of >2 (out of 2-5% of population
5): open spaces, enclosed spaces, Onset 17-19
public transport, lines/crowds, being
outside alone
2. Anxiety in places where escape
might be difficult
3. Situations almost always provoke
fear or anxiety
4. Situations actively avoided or
approached w/ distress
5. Fear out of proportion to real
6. Present for >6 months
Delirium 1. Disturbance of consciousness Age >65 Incidence 10-85% (10%
2. Change in cognition or perceptual Pre-existing on medicine floors, 85%
disturbance (hallucinations) dementia in cancer care)
3. Onset is acute/fluctuating Severe underlying
4. Disturbance is caused by an illness
underlying medical condition Electrolyte
Associated w/ increased morbidity and Dehydration
mortality Malnutrition
Medications cause
40% of cases**
Bipolar Criteria for Manic Episode: 1st degree relative = 1% prevalence; M=F Episod
Disorder 1. Distinct period of abnormally and 10-15% drugs
Disorder DSM Risk Factors Epidemiology Cours
persistently elevated, irritable, or Mean age of onset: 18
expansive mood lasting > 1 week Monozygotic twins years
2. Three or more present to a certain = 40-70%
degree and deviate from normal:
grandiosity, decreased need for
sleep, flight of ideas, more talkative,
distractibility, increased goal
oriented activity, high consequence
3. Sufficiently causes marked
4. Not attributed to substance or
another med condition
Partial vs. Full remission
Disorder DSM Risk Factors Epidemiology Cours
Severity (mild = 1-3 times/week;
moderate = 4-7 times/week; severe = 8-
13 times/week; extreme >14 times/week)
Binge Eating 1. Recurrent episodes of binge eating F>M; age 40s (though Cours
Disorder with at least three indicators of loss more equal male and histor
of self control female than BN) weigh
a. Eating more rapidly than Typically more progra
normal overweight, less anxiety say it
b. Eating until uncomfortably full than BN some
c. Eating large amounts when 2-3% lifetime in women remit
not hungry
d. Eating alone due to
e. Feeling disgusted w/ self or
guilty after
2. Marked distress about binge eating
3. Occurs at least once a week for at
least three months
4. Does not occur during episodes of
BN or AN
Same specifiers as BN
3. Disa
4. "Bu
age (m
Conversion medically unexplained Sx or deficits a. 20-25% lifetime rate of 1. 20-
Disorder relating to voluntary motor or sensory conversion Sxs in general patien
fxn=pseudoneurological population. unexp
1. Do NOT dx if also fit criteria for neuro
somatization d/o: somatization d/o b. 10-15% of hospital sympt
subsumes conversion Sx’s med/surg inpatients. found
Disorder DSM Risk Factors Epidemiology Cours
2. 4 types of conversion sx medic
a. Motor deficits 75-90% female which
b. sensory deficit Age: 10-35 accou
c. seizures/convulsions sympt
d. mixed Sx 10% if
2. Pro
3. Pro
Post- 1. Exposure to threat: directly Women > Men Prevalence: Women 10%; Starts
Traumatic experiencing, witnessing it person Early separation Men 5% event
Stress occurring to someone else, learning from parents one w
Disorder about it happening to a close Pre-existing anxiety Note resilience is the after o
Disorder DSM Risk Factors Epidemiology Cours
friend/family, experiencing and depression rule, NOT the exception and te
repeated exposure (healthcare Family history of chron
workers, firefighters, etc) anxiety/ASPD years,
2. Presence of intrusive symptoms: Previous more
distressing memories or dreams, trauma**they are years)
flashbacks, psychological and additive!
physiological distress to cues
3. Persistent avoidance of stimuli
associated w/ the event: avoidance
of memories, thoughts, feelings;
external reminder avoidance
4. Negative cognition/mood: inability
to remember, negative beliefs about
self/world, personal blame,
disinterst, detachment, negative
emotional state, can’t have positive
5. Hyperarousal/hyperactivity:
irritable outbursts, destructive
behavior, hypervigilence,
exaggerated startle response,
concentration problems, sleep