Unit 18
Unit 18
Unit 18
i 18.1 Introduction
18.2 Symbolic Thought Fmmy
18.3 Some Cognitive Abilities
18.3.1 Taking Anothex Person's Perspective
18.3.2 Matching
18.3.3 Identifying Common Relations
18.3.4 Conservation
18.3.5 Classification/Grouping
18.3.6 Serk~tion
18.3.7 Understanding Cause and Effect Relationships
18.4 Animism
18.5 Acquiring Concepts
18.5.1 Concept of Number
18.5.2 Other Concepts
18.6 The Emerging Reasoning Skills
18.7 Summing Up
18.8 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
In Blocks 2 and 3 you have read about the development of thought in the first three years of
i life. As you know, according to Piaget, the development of thinking abilities progresses
I through four mges - the sensori-motor stage,'the pre-operational stage, the
i concrete-operationalstage and the stage of fonnal operations.' In the last Block when
considerink the years oftoddlerhood,w e had mentioned the pre-operational period, which
lasts from the second birthday to Le sixth or seventh birthday. In this Block we shall read in
detail about the characteristics of rllnrl:irlg in the pre-operatidnalperiod.
The description of the emerging thinking abilities of the preschmler makes for some of the
most fascinating and interesting reading in the area ol'C11ild Development. This is the time .
when imagination becomes possible. The preschool child is forming her ideas about the
thl~lgsshe sees around her - the people, the home, the street, the trees, the sun, the moon,
the stars, the clouds, water qnd familiar objects. Everything interests her. '?he wants to find
out the cause of events. Along with this, she has her own logic about things and some of her
explanations and her reasoning are likely to leave you quite surprised,as happened with
Kavita's father in the following anecdote.
Five year old Kavila wus digging in the soft earth just outside her house with a sharp stick.
She hud been at thisfor aboutjifieen minutes when herfather, wondering whut she was
doing, asked her, "What are you doing"? Expecting a common place reply, he was lefi
speechless when slze said in ull seriousness, ' 7 am seeing till where the earth is. I'll dig and
come to the bottom ' '.
Preschoolers are very serious about their reasoning and believe in their explanations though
these may seem amusing to adults, who look at the wor:d differently. When they ask the
adult, "Why does it rain?', they are not asking for the laws ~f science. They probably want
the adult to say what they believe and that may be, ''It rains because God got tired of holding
the water on his shoulders." Preschoolers have worked out their own answers about many
things and Ihey state these explanations with such an air of assurance that you are often left
wondering how they thought of it and who told them so. Nobody told them so - they
thought it out themselves. To'understand chil'dren of the preschool years, we will !lave to look
into development of thcir thinking abilities. This is the aspect we shall focus upon in this Unit. 19
The Child: 1)cvdol1111c11t
During Preschool Years
After study& this Unit, you should be able to: .
understand the characteristics of thinking of the preschool child
realize how the preschooler is different froaqthe toddler and an ol&r child
explain how the ability for symbolic*thoughtand fantasy makes a difference to the child's
describe some cognitive abilities that the child develops during the preschool years.
list some concepts that preschoolers acquire and understand that the child's environment
influences, to a great extent, the concepts she acquires
provide examples which reflect preschoolers' reasoning abilities
relate the discussion in the Unit to your everyday experiences with preschoolers and use
this understanding to plan appropriateplay activities for them
All of you nfusthave talked to and played with children of prescllool age some time or the
other. These interactions would have'given you an idea about what preschoolers are like.
Before you go on to reading about the characteristics of preschoolers' thinking, it would be
useful if you pause for ten minutes, recollect some of your interactions with them and list
down their cognitive abilities. What can preschoolers do? Can they give you six pencils
when you ask for them? Can they remember a rhyme and sing with you? Can they
remember and follow instructions? Do they know some colours? Can they match similar
colours? Do they have an idea about familiar objects so that if you show them the picture of
a cycle without a handle, they can spot what is missing? Do they recognize some common
animals? What else do they know about them?
Write down these aspects in the space provided below. As you do so, you must remember
that while children between two and six years of age are all called preschoolers, there are
differences in the thinking of children within this age group. When you ask a five year old
to give you six pencils, she is most likely to give you the correct number, but most three year
olds will not be able to do so. They will probably gather a bunch of pencils and give them t~
you, saying that they are six in number. They may know the number six, but they do not
know what it means. So, as you note down the cognitive abilities of preschoolers, you must
also write their age, as the abilities will differ from one year to the next. You m y also like
to note down an anecdote which reflects the preschooler's reasoning.
.............................................................................. b..,...................... 1
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svmhnlicallv. How does beinr able to thiisvmbolicallv make a difference?
Once a child can tbink symbolically, she can also hold mental representations of objects and DcVda@w
d uadclatvwlhgcomepb
events, and pictm these to herself even when they are not present. She can now imagine
what may exist, instead of knowing only &ut those things which she can,%$and hear.
This enables her to know more. When, for example, on seeing a plant which is drooping, the
four year old says, ''It hasn't got water", it is clear that she has inferred the cause of the
drooping. You would remember that tbe ability to infer a cause begins to emerge in the sixth
substage of the sensori-motor period. At that stage, this ability is elementary. During the
preschool period, the child is able to make such inferences about more complex and a larger
variety of things. Can you recall some examples from your interactions with preschoolers
which reflect this ability?
Learning language and drawing are other indicators which show that the child is tbinking
symbolically. In fact, language is the most widely used means of symbolic thinking. The
child says her first word around the first birthday and, between the period of one and two
years, acquires about a hundred words. At two years of age mental.representationand
symbolic thinking becomes established, and, thereafter, children acquire words at a rapid
The Child: Developnlent rate. We will not talk in detail about this aspect here, since thenext Unit is wholly on
Dudng Preschool Years
language development during preschool years. You will read about children's drawing in
the subsequent Blocks.
Fantasy and Imagination: You know that during the sensori-motor period, the infant plays
by manipulating objects -she pulls a string to make the toy monkey move or she be& the
drum to make a sound. The element of imagination in play is added towards the end of the
sensori-motor period.
In the beginning of the preschool years, pretend games are simple. As the child's ability to
imagine develops, these games become more detailed. Two-and-a-half year old Tutu1 while
playing with a stick, begins to move it on the ground When her sister asks her whru she is
doing, st^ says, "Doggie walk". In contrast,four year old Pinkoo's make-believe is more
elaborate. He ties a string to a paper and nurr, hokling it,awayfromhis body. He pretends
that the paper is a bird following him In a make-believe chase, he pretends to hide behind a
'hill' and crouches low on themor, so that the bird abes not reach him He also reverses
roles and makes other variations in the game. You would have seen preschoolers pretending
to be mothers, fathers, grandfathers, shopkeepers,night watchmen or fanners.
Some preschoolers also invenian imaginary playmate who has a definite appearance and
character. This playmate may be a boy or girl, animal or bird and accompanies them
wherever they go. The child often carries on conversations and plays games with this
playmate. In Box 18.1 is a description of Shaukat's play with his imaginary playmate.
What are some of the cognitive processes and skills that the preschooler acquires and
develops further? How are they useful for the child? As you know, the majar source of
information about these aspects is Piaget's work with children. Subsequent to Piaget, many
researchers have carried out studies to verify his description of cognitive abilities. Therefore
in this Section we will look at the salient characteristics of preschoolers' thinking, first
through Phiget's eyes and then through the eyes of the later researchers. In this manner, we
will trace how each cognitive ability develops over the preschool years.
It is important to know about these cognitive skills and abilities since we use them in our
day-today lives. Acquiring concepts is based on these abilities. As you will read this Unit
as well as the ones in the subsequent Blocks, this link between abilities and concepts will
become clearer to you.
Piaget traced the development of this ability in children. He stated that preschool. children
look at things entirely from their own perspective, from their own frame of reference.
Preschoolers feel that other people see, understand and interpret events and actions just as
they do. They assume that others see, hear and feel about things just as they do. They think
that whatever they can do, the others can. If they are feeling unhappy, so must be the others.
If they close their eyes and cannot see something, they assume that others in the toom cannot
see it as well. Piaget called this quality of the child's thought egocentrism. He stated that
preschoolers do not understand that another person can look at the same things in a different
way and can arrive at different conclusions.
An Experiment on Taking Another's Perspective
To demonstrate what he meant, Piaget carried out the following expeximent with children
between four and eleven.years of age. In this experiment a three-dimensional model of three
mountains of varying heights and colours is placed on a table, surrounded by four chairs.
The child is asked to walk around the table and see the mountains from each side. Then the
child sits an one chair and a wooden doll is placed on another chair. The child is then given
ten photographs, each of which shows the mountains from a different view. The child is
asked to pick out the picture that shows how the mountains appear to her. Most of the
preschoolers are able to do this. Then the child is asked to pick out the picture that shows
how the mountains mnst appear tothe doll. It is here that differences can be seen among
children. Very young preschoolers pick up any picture, which shows they have no idea
aboht perspectives. Preschoolers a little older, around five years of age, hold out the picture
that shows the mountains from their view and not from the doll's. This shows that they
assume that the doll sees the mountains as they do. By six and seven years of age, dldren
begin to realize that the view of the mountains is different when seen from the doll's
position, but they still cannot choose the right picture. They guess. They up one
picture, then another and then yet another. By age nine, all children are consistently able to
pick up the right picture. 23
T h e Chad: Devdopacnt
Duting Prosehod Years
has to put herself in another person's shoes.
Later Research
Researchers who have carried out stndies to verify Piget's theory state that one of the
reasons why preschoolers are unable to give the right answer on the above experiment is that
it is too complicated for them. Secondly, it is also far removed fbm what children expeaience
in their day-to-day lives. Researchers say that there are many instances in day-to-day lives
which show that preschool children do understand how another person must be t h i g and
feeling. You have read in the earlier Block that some two and three year olds &ow empathy.
This mean6 that they are able to look at events from the other person's perspective and can
understand what the person is feeling. That four and five year olds speak in shoxter and
simpler sentences when talking to infants and use 'baby talk', shows that they are aware that
the infant will not be able to follow complex sentences. It has also been found that when the
experimental situation is in some way related to preschoolers' real life experiences, then
their ability to consider the perspective of others becomes evident. In one of these later
experiments, the researcher showed pfeschoolers a model of two policemen and a doll. 'Ihe
children were told that the doll had done something wrong and had to hide between the walls
shown in the model in such a way so that the policemen cannot see it. This task, like the
mountain expriment, requires the preschooler to imagine the situation. The child has to
imagine herself in the place of the doll and find the corner where neither of the policemen
can see it. However, unlike the mountain experiment, a majority of the children were able to
do this successfully and hid the doll where the policemen could not see i t The reason for
this, the researchers felt, was that this task was related to real-life. In everyday life children
often do things which are forbidden and are aware of what must be done.
So what does this contradictmy evidence tell us about the preschool child's ability to take
another person's perspective? In the final analysis we can say #at whether or not the
cbild is able to take another's perspedlve depends upon the sitaation. Tben are
individual diffen.ces as well. It is not as if the preschool chikl is completely egocentric.
She can consider another person's viewpoint but she ie more tkd b her own
perspective and to her own view of t h i i than is an older child.
P r e ~ c h o a k v sa n separate
idemkical leaves
If the child can match objects, it follows that she can discriminatebetween 'same' and
'different' and hasthese concepts. This ability to discriminate between &me and different
things is basic to many cognitive skills. It is also an important skill for literacy. The child
must be able to discriminate between letters such as 'm' & 'w', 'D' & '0' and 'd' & 'b'
which tend to look similar. The basic concepts of 'same' and 'different' lead to discrimina-
tion. They also help the child to understand the concepts of similarity and difference.
matching in that matching always involves finding identical pairs, while common relations
involves a pair that-isnon-identical. They are pairs because they have something in common
between them. They may be opposites like up and down, hot and cold, or they ma) be items
that gb together like shoes and socks. comb and hair, flowers and vases. They may also be
cause and effect relationships like cloud and rain. &ically, what the child does when
pairing objects in terms of a common relation between tbem is to answer the question,
"Which two objects are related to each other in some way"? In this ability reasoning skills
are involved. This ability develops over the preschool years.
You could design an interesting play activity for children based on this ability. The activity
would also help you to guage their ability for identifying common relations. One such
activity has been described in Box 18.2.
Learning to pair objects on the basis of common relations gives the child an understanding of
one-teone correspondence which is necessary for understanding mathematical concepts
later on. This ability is also basic to understanding more complex analogies at a later stage,
such as "knife is to vegetable as axe is to....." Learning to see a relationship between things.
is the basis for making sense of a complex world. As the child sees common relations
between pairs, she understands that there ate diverse ways of relating objects, i.e., pairs can
be of many kinds -opposites, cause and effect and so on.
Develnplng Cognitive Ahilitiw
BOX 18.2 Play Activity and Understanding Cuncepis
Makc wds, about 4 cm square, from thin cardboard, like covers of notebooks. On
each pair of cards draw two objects that have a relation between them. For
example, on one card you could draw a table and on another, a chair. In this way
you have a pair of cards ready. Make many pairs of cards. Then give these cards
to the child and i ~ her
k to put those cad<together "&at are related to each other in
some way". You may have to explain to the child what exactly you mean, by
pairing some cards yourself.
The objects that you draw on the cards should be those that the child can
understand and those with whom she has some experience. If, for example, you
make a pair of the moon and a rocket, it is quite likely that the younger presthooler
would not know the connection and so will not be able to pair them. However, it is
possible that five and six year olds are able to see the relationship between the two,
if they are familiar with the concept. Thus, these cards will help you in another
way. They will tell'you about the concepts that the child is familiar with. If you
use these cards with children of different ages, you will also come to know how
children's understanding develops with age.
You may wish to note down your experiences with the cards here.
18.3.4 Conservation
Piaget carried out some very interesting experiments to probe into another cognitive ability
-the ability to conserve. Conservation means being able to understand that the quantity or
the amount of a certain substance remains the same, even if its shape is changed or if it is
.The Child: Dcvd~qnnmt transferred from one container to another, so long as nothing is added to or subtracted from
During Pnneknbl Ycnrn
it. On the faceof it, there seems nothing difficult about understanding this and it is hard to
imagine how anybody could think otherwise. Piaget found that preschoolers were not able
to conserve. He found that the ability to conserve developed after the preschool years.
Piaget's Experiments
In one of his classic experiments on conservationof substance, Piaget gave preschool
children a ball of clay and asked them to make another exactly like it - ''just as big and just
as heavy". Then he asked them if the amount of clay in both the W s was the same. All the
children agreed that the amount was the same. Then, as they looked, he squashed one of the
lumps of clay so that it flattened out. Now the children were asked, "Is there the same
amount of clay here (pointing to the squashed lump) as there is here (pointing to the ball) or
is there more h e r ~ omore
r there"?
Preschool children in haget's experiments generally think that the amormt of clay in the two
pieces is different after one has been squashed. In other words, they do not conserve. Piaget
stated that the development of the ability to conserve progresses through three stages. 'The
younger preschooler -between-four and five years -does not conserve at all. This is the
first stage -i.e., there is no conservation. The next stage is the transitional stage, when
children conserve in some situations and not in others. They are developing this concept but
it is not stable as yet, so they may change their mind from one situation to the other. The
third stage iswhen children conserve consistently, no matter how the object is transformed.
This happens between eight and ten years of age. Now they emphatically say that the
mount of clay is the same in both, i.e.. they are able to conserve.
Similarly, in another Piagetian experiment to test conservation of amount, preschoolers are
shown two identical glasses, both of which have water filled to the same height. On being
asked, preschoolers agree that the amount of water in the two containers is equal.
a a t w +vow me of t h e glass-
is povved iw to a ~ h e v t ~ v
4 ~ i d e vg\ass
Now the child is asked whether there is the same amoyll of watef-in both the glasses or if DcvdWW wUvr AWw
there is more in the short and the wide ohe or in the tall and thin one. Most preschoolers Pnl uodcm& ConccpCn
insist that there is more water in the tall and thin glass. 'Ibey forget that they had seen and
said that the quantity of water in tbe two glasses was the same, just a little while ago. 'Ibey
agree that no water was added and none was taken away while transferring it firom one glass
to another,but they still insist that the short glass has less water after the transference. What
happens is that their attention now gets caught by the of the water in the two glasses
and they say tbat one of them has more water than tbe othkr. 'Ibey do not notice tbe
difference in the width of the glassas. Plaget found that the developmental trend in this
experimental was the same observed in the earlier experiment with clay. Children go
h g h the tbree stages described earlier. Once they reach eight or nine years of age, they
copserve and say that both glasses bave the same amount of water.
Yet another simple experiment shows aspects of the preschool chid's thought Children are
shown two sticks of equal length, which are placed in front of them, as shown in Figure 18.a.
In this position both the sticks, which are equal, appear equal as well and, on being asked,
preschoolers agree tbat they are equal. Tben before their eyes, one stick is moved towards
the right as shown in Rgure 18.b.
Preschoolers are now asked whether the sticks are equal or whether one is longer than.the
other. Piaget found that children of preschool age generally say that one is longer than the
other. Most of them feel that the top one is longer. Older children state that both sticks are
of equal length, no maUer where they are moved.
Piaget's Explanation
Why do presch6olers answer in this manner? What is it about their thinking that prevents
them from realizing that the amount of clay, the quantity of water and the length of the sticks
remain the same? According to Piaget, the reasons are the following:
One of the reasons is that preschoolers cannot reverse their thinking. They cannot
mentally retrace the steps. For the child to conserve, she has to mentally pour the water back
into the original glass or make the flattened piece of clay into a ball. In other words, she has
to think back on what happened. But she is not able to do so. If she could, she would have
understood that the low height of the water in the short glass is compensated by its greater
width. This reversibility of thinking is crucial for conservation and, according to Piaget, it
comes when the child enters the next stage of development, i.e., the concrete-operational
period. You can see evidence of preschoolers' thinking in many day-to-day situations. You
may have had to intervene in an argument between two five year olds, with each one
insisting that the other has more sherbet because their glasses are different in shape, even
though you poured exactly the same amount in each. In fact, many parents and teachers use
identical cups and glasses for children to avoid similar fights.
Another reason why preschool children do not conserve in the above experiments is because
lhey have a tendency "to center"! Centering is one of the characteristics of pre-operational
dlinking. This means that chc child pays attention to a single andstriking feature of an object
The Child: Devdojmmt or an event and neglects all others. She focuses only on this one aspect. This distorts her
During Presrhool Yeara
reasoning. The preschooler fin& it'difficult to look at various features of an object
simultaneously or look at differentpoints of view at once, which would lead to a more sound
reasoning. So in the experiment with water, the preschooler will either concentrate on the
width of the two glasses and say that the wider one has more water "because it is wide", or
else she will concentrate on the height of the water and say that the one in which the water
rises to a greatet height has more of i t What the child cannot do is to consider both the
height and width together.
Later Research
Subsequentresearch bas shown that preschool children can conserve in some cases.
Researchers have found that if while pouring the water from one glass to another, the glass
into which the water is being poured is covered from all sides, so that children cannot see thc
height of the water in it, then they are able to conserve. This seems to show that
preschoolers can conserve once the things that distract them are hidden and they are not
influenced by what they see. Interestingly, once the glass is visible again, many
preschoolers change their judgment of equality and say that there is more water in one of
them! Wi finding shows that they had conserved mdmentarily, only under special
conditions. They do not have a stable concept of conservation which would prevent them
from changing their opinion under any circumstances.
Recent research has also shown that if the situation is one with which the child is familiar,
the preschool child conserves consistently. Children belonging to families where pottery is
the means of livelihood have experiences with transforming the clay into various shapes.
These preschool children understand that the amount of clay does not change with change in
shape. Tlfey have acquired conservation in this particular aspect But if these children are
tested for conservation using materials and situations with which they are not familiar, they
are likely to be unable to conserve. Similarly, a five year old girl, whose task it is to bring
water from the nearby well everyday, will not believe that as one pours water from one
container to another, the water increases or decreases in amount. You will notice instances
where preschool children conserve and as many where they do not. What can we then
conclude about the child's ability to conserve? Write your comments in the following space
and check with the description that follows.
Why is it important for the child to understand the concept of conservation ? This
understanding of the principle of conservation is the foundation of logical reasoning and the
basis of scientific investigations. This ability underlies many of our everyday activities.
Mathematical calculations involving length, area and so on arc based on conservation.
183.5 Classification/Grouping ~cvdopingCO~IIIUV~ ~ ~ l i t l c r
d Understanding Concepts
Piaget canied out considerableresearch on how children understand the concept of classes
and how they begin to class@ or p u p objects. Before we read about this, let us understand
what we mean by classes and ~ l a s ~ c a t i o n .
A set of objects or events that have certain characteristics in common form a class. Thus, we
have a class of books, a class of flowers, a class of animals and so on. To classify means to
be able to put an assortment of objects into different groups or sets (classes) based on same
~ t p ' o p e r t i e which
s a l l the objects in that set have m common. In other words,it
means being able to put a collection of objects into groups based on the propties they have
in common. Thus you may put objects tog&er m a set because they are aU of the same
colour, or same shape or because they are all toys or all animals and so on.
Wlthin a class (set) there may be subclasses (subsets). For example, in the class of flowers
there may be subclasses of mses, marigolds, daffodils etc. This means that the subclass
'rose' has the same characteristics as does the class 'flowers', but it also has some more
c- chafaWstics that distinguish it h otber flowen. Thus,if we say, "?his is a
me",it implies that, 'This is a flower". We can also say, "Tbereis no rose w h i i is not a
flower", but the opposite that, "There is no flower which is not arose" is not me, as there
are other varieties of flowers.
Let us take another example of class and subclasses. when we say that there are no students
&the Bachelor's Degree Pfogramme (BDP) who do not have over 50 per cent marks, we
can conclude that all stildents of BDP have o v a 50 per cent marks. whenJwesay that a
particular student is m BDP, it means that shehe has more than 50 per cent marks. But the
reverse, that any one who has over 50 per cent marks is in BDP is not true because tbere may
be students in other programmes who have ovel. 50 per cent marks. Thus the class of
students with over 50 per cent marks contains the subclass of studentsin the BDP.
The understanding of the concept of classes and subclasses is required in our day-to-day
activities. By the time a person is an adolescent, she has mastered this type of logical
thinking and the ability to class*. Before the child reaches this stage, she has to develop
many abilities. She has to understand what a class is, how classes are related to one another
and so forth. Piaget hied to determine how early in life children begin to classify Le, put
similar objects together.
Piaget's Experiment
To study this skill of cWfication, Piaget gave children various objects a@ asked them to
put together those things tbat "go together" or "are similar". lhis is the basic issue
involved in classification. In one particular experiment, cbildren were given cutouts of
rectangles, triangles and arcs of three different colours -red, blue and yellow and asked
to put the similar things together. Two and three year olds usually make a design or a
picture with these different shapes -they pick up the shapes randomly and arrange them in
a l i i or in a big circle or they make different shucturesand call it by a name, for example, a
house'. ?bey do not notice the shape or the colour of the cutouts and do not categorize them
on these dimensions. From this Piaget concluded that younger preschoolers have no concept
of classes and cannot classify.
Piaget found between four and six years, preschoolers show more systematic s d g and
grouping of objects. Now.they begin to use shape and colour to p u p the cutouts. But the
criterion for classification does not remain stable or consist& By a consistent criterion we
mean that if a class of rectangles is mated, then it should include all the rectangles and
should include only rectangles. But what happens in this age group is that the child, let us
say, begins to classify using shape as the aiteaion and so goes ahead to put all the rectangles
togethtr. But while domg so, she suddenly notices the colour of the last rectangle and
changes the criterion of classification to colour, thereby putting arcs and triangles of the
same colour next to the last rectangle. After arranging some cutouts on the basis of one
colour, the criteaion changes to another shape and so on. Thus, you have an assortment of
cutouts where the basis of classification changes from one piece to the next. This is not a
true classification. This shows that preschoolers are learning to classify objects, but while
they put them side by side, they get distracted by their other properties. In other words, they
are dominated by their perceptions while classifying.
The Cbild: Dcrdopnret In the next stage of classification, around six years of age, children are able to eliminate
Daring P d d Yemn
some fluctuation in their criterion for classification. Now they decide upon the criterion and
are able to maintain it throughout the classification. If they choose colour as the basis, then
they will put all the similar coloured cutouts together, whether they be mctangles or
triangles. So now they have three classes three sets of different colours or thee sets of
Finally, a more highly developed classification is achieved by the child when she enteas the
'OW period. Here the chid is able to classify on the basis of both shape and
=exampl& the child first divides the cutouts on the basis of ahrp 'IEen, since
d b i n each shape there are cutouts of different colours, she subdivides the class of
rectangles into subclasses of rectangles of different colours.
Recent Rcreamb
Let us look at what recent tesearch on preschoolers' ability to classify has shown. It has
been found that if the task is made simple and you make it clear to the preschooler what you
want, preschoolers are able to classify bettea than P i i e t thought. One mearcher working
with three and four year olds designed her experiment in the following manner. She got
together some pi- cutouts of animals, food and furniture as well as a puppet She told
the children that the puppet really liked pictures of food. These preschoolers were (hen
given all the pictures, and asked to put the ones that the puppet would like in one container
and the ones the puppet would not like in another. When asked to categorize in this manner,
i.e., when the instructions were clear to the preschoolers and when they had clues about what
had to be done, the preschoolers were able to classify they separated pictures on the basis
of food and non-food categories or furniture and non-furniture categories, depending upon
what was asked.
Prcr~hoo\evscan cjassiFy
l a a v ~on~ basis o f s h a p
What do we then conclude about the classification skills of the preschooler? It seems
that preschoolers have some basic understanding that certain things go together. If the
classification task b a simple one and preschoolers have grasped what is to be done,
they are able to do it successfully. However, the fact that they need to be prompted and
need clues for classifying and they are not able io classify objects successfully each time,
shows that they have not fully grasped the principle behind classification. This will
develop during the years of middle childhood and adolescence.
How is the ability to classify different from the ability to match or the ability to identify
common relations? Classification requires the child to be able to i d ~ t i f ywhat several
items have in common. In other words, the child has to fmd out which objects in the group
belong together. In classification the child has to deal with a group of objects rather than just
a pair as in common relations. Classification is also different from matching because here
none of the items may be exactly the same. In matching the items to be matched are always
exactly the same.
18.3.6 Seriation
Seriation is the ability to arrange items in terms of gradation of size, i.e., arranging
thingsin an order of increasing or decreasing size. For example, when five sticks are
placed in an order of size (shortest to longest), then they have been arranged in a series.
Underlying the ability to seriate is the understanding of concepts of big-bigger-biggest ;
short-shorter-shortest and .so on. While putting objects in a series,the child has to answer
the question, "What comes next"? A child will be considered to have understood seriation
if she can place the items correctly in order of size, put additional items into the series a11d
correct errm.
Piaget's Experiment
To test the preschoolers' ability to seriate, Piaget used ten sticks of differing lengths and
asked children to put them in the correct order of size. Preschoolers are generally not able to
do this task. They begin by picking a stick and then selecting the next bigger one. They are
able to put two or three sticks in the correct order after which errors come in. Piaget found
that children could seriate correctly and consistently after they entered the
c m ~ o p e m t i o n astage.
me Child: Devdapmmt
h f i n g Preschool Yean,
Tbe ability to seriate is at the heart of most mathematical concepts and helps the child learn
the relationship between quantities. This ability helps in developing the concept of number.
Preschoolers are also developingreasoning skills, as you may have gathered Erom your
reading till now. We have talked about t4is cognitive ability in a separate Section towards
the end of the Unit, as the Sections &at follow now would give you some more idea about
their reasoning skills.
Before we go on further with the discussion on cognitive development during the preschool
years, let us consolidate what we have learnt till now. What does all this information tell us
about the preschool child?
It is clear that when the situation is simple, distractionsare removed and clues are
provided, preschod children are able to take another person's perspective, conserve
amount and quantity in some situations, and do simple classificationand seriation
tasks. This brings out a picture of the preschooler as one who is more able and skilful
than Piget suggested.
On the other hand, Piget has made a major contribution by showing that preschoolers
think differently from older children and adults. Viewing the above points in another
1 way, the fact that preschoolers sbow these cognitive abilities only wben the task is made
very simple, points towards the difference in thinking. A person who has gmped the Developing Cognitive Abilities
essential concepts of classification, conservi~tionand others, should be able to do these tasks a"dUndelswirrg Concepts
under any situation, whatever may be the :~pp:ucntdistractions. Such a person then solves
the problem consistently, based on principles. But preschoole~sy e not consistent and
neither do they seem to have grasped the underlying principle, even in cases when they do
the task successfully. This will be acquired during later years.
Just how differently the preschooler looks at the world as compared to a younger or an older
child is brought out in the following Section.
Why do you think the sun sets in the evening? While you collect your thoughts to give an
explanatioii, Bano, a four year old, is prompt and has no doubts that the sun sets "because it
has got tired and wants to go to bed" or that the "moon is hiding behind the clouds because
it feels cold". Do you remember preschoolers' explanation about rain, described in the
earlier part of the Unit? Preschoolers believe that all things are living and that they have
intentions and feelings just as we do. Everything is living -the stones, the bridge, the road,
the clouds, the sun, the moon, the table and the pencil. They feel that the stone "will get
hurt and feel pain if you kick it" atid the bridge "gets tired in the night becahse so many
things move over it during the day". For them, the ball rolls down the ground "because it
wmts to". They will cry if tlie doll's plate is lost because "now the doll cannot eat aid how
can it go to sleep if it is hungry"? One child would sit very gently on a chair and this was
noticed by his teacher who found it very unusual, given his usual boisterous manner. One
day the teacher asked him the reason for this. The child replied, "The chair will get hurt if I
sit hard on it". Preschoolers believe that everything has life. Piaget called this quality of
their thought 'animism'.
For the child, the moon and the clouds are alive because they move. The stone is alive
because when you kick it, it moves. Do not be surprised it they ask you not to speak loudly
in the fields at night because "the trees and the bushes (which in the child's mind have
thoughts and feelings) are sleeping". The sun is alive because it makes you feel hot and the
wind must be feeling cold in winter because you have to wear a sweater. The child feels that
because she is alive, everything else is.
Everything has a magical quality about i t Preschoolers have their own views and
explanations about things as must be evident from the above discussion. This makes
interacting with preschoolers all the more interesting. From the adult's view the child's
logic is often incorrect. But this must not be t a k e n i meantthat the child's thinking is of a '
lower level as compared to an older child's or an adult's. It is just that the preschooler thinks
in a manner different frpm that of adults.
From your interaction with preschoolers, you perhaps remember some incident or
conversation which reflects the child's belief in animism. Make a note of it in the space
provided below.
me mud: Dwdapm~t Check Your Progreap Exerdse 2
Dad- Preschool Yars
1) The following six statements describe siluations which reflect the cognitive abilities of
pnwhoolers. JbCh statement reflects one a b i i . Identify the ability each statement
W b e s . To help you, the abilities have been wriaen below.
i) When the ~ h o o l epicks
r out
two pencils that are exactly the
same in aU respects, &om a
of five pencils, she is
showing the ability of
ii) When the six year old tells her
friends, "those who want to
play outside stand on this side
and those who don't, stand on
the other;', she is showing the
ability of ...................................
If you observe pieschoolers, you will m d many similar instances which reflect their mental
abilities. Why don't you write down these instances in sentences like the above and when
you meet other learners at the study cenm, a& them what abilities your situations reflect? If
you exchange views in this manner, you will come to know of many incidents which show
2) March the words in Column A with sentences in Column B.
i) Conservation a) identifying objects that are exactly identical from a
collection of objects.
ii) Animism b) ability to arrange items in terms of gradation of size.
iii) Classification c) tbe understanding that the amount of a substance
remains the same even if its shape is changed, so
long as nothing is added to it or subtracted from i t
iv) Matching d) identifying the wmmon rchion between a pair of
v) Common relations e) grouping objects together on the basis of some
common propexty/properlies between them.
vi) Seriatim f) the belief that all things are living and have
intentions and feelingsjust as we do.
At this time, the preschool child is learning many new concepts and inaeasing her store of
information. From your reading till now, you woulQ have understood that she is fcmning
ideas about things and events, air, water, plants, trees, stars, festivals, colours, numbers and
so forth. The.following example will bring out how the child's understanding develops over
a @od of time. On a windless day, a five year old preschooler remarked, ''Today there is
no wind. ~hdreis only a little air to breathe". For this chid,wind is what blows and wben
it does not blow he calls it air. Some i&as of preschoolers correspond to adult notions and
some are their own reasoning about things. Concepts of objects like dog, house, chair, tree,
bus, flowers and so forth are acquired relatively early. The absrract concepts of number,
shape, size and so forth are acquired more slowly.
As you will read this Section, you will understand that the skills and abiities described in the
earlier Section are the basis for acquiring these concepts.
Mini, four years old, could recite numbersfrom 1 to 20 in the correct sequence. On one
occasion, her grandmother asked her to get twelve buttonsfrom the heap of buttons lying in
the drawer. Mini 'counted' till 12 as she picked up the buttons and lunded them over. Her
grundmther counted the buttons. They were seven in all. She asked Mini to check whether
she had really given her 12 Buttons. Mini 'counted'again and said, "No, they arefifteen." ,
~(LWIDwdopmd a) Doyo~thhkMinikMvshowtowwu?
DalalhrrdrwlY- (Rmmnbcrshe can r d e nufflbcrnames in w n w l s c q u e m x ~I to 20).
Having refhuedon theseqaestiaos, try out tbe fullowingactivity with afoor year aId rhild
in your family ar neighbornhood.
Firs make sure that the child knows nurnbcr names upto I0 ot Icrut, avd can recite them in
the correct sequence. l k n place 10 pebbles mjbnt of the child and a& h M k r to aunt
them aloud while touching the pebbles with hWerF,ger. Yon may need to show t k child
whcat yon mean, but once Wshe begins counting, do not Intirrupt. Watchcatelucy as the
child counts and record your observmiorw asper thefillowing qucaiom.
a) Did tiri child count one or more pebbles mom than once?
b) Did the child leave our anypebble?
C) Did the child say a number without touching o pebble?
d) Did the child qo on sayingnumber names even aJer Wshe had touched dl the pebbles?
What thls bringa out & that being able to recite number names Is not the sams as bahg
able to count. Being able to d t p numbm means that the child has a goodmanmy. On
Mini,in the s i m m desuibed above, cannot count even thougt~she knows the number
names m the carrect sequence. While counting she is maltins one or more of the following
mistake8 counting a button mate than once, leaving out a buttar w b i coktips, saying a
number name without touching a button mcontinuing saying number names evm aftex aU
the buttons have been touched.
Let us describe the processes that we cany out when .we aunt. And, to do so, nothing could
To begin with we identify lhe beads that we have to count. We are able to do so because Devdoplng CogniUveAbiltties
aruodmt.oah c(lllm
we know that the purple ones match in colour.
Having visually identifiedthe beads that we have to count, we separate the purple ones
from the rest, i.e., we group the beads into two sets -purple and non-purple.
Then we put the purple beads in a suitable arrangement for counting. Perhaps we lay
them out in a row, or arrange them in a circle, or put them in groups of two beads each, so
that we wouldn't leave any out or count any of them twice.
Next, in order to count, we must know as many number names as the number of beads, at
least. Not only this -we must know them in the sequence of 1,2,3,4, ... Tbis involves
the understanding that each number name denotes a quantity which is one more than the
t quantity denoted by the previous number name. In other words, this involves some
understanding of the concept of seriation.
We touch one bead (actually or mentally) as we say each name. We touch each bead only
b once and leave no bead untouched. Tbis means that we pair one bead with one name. In
other words, we set up a one-to-onecorrespondence.
While counting, we are also grouping the beads into two sets -those that have been
counted and those that have yet to be counted.
As we touch the last bead, we say a certain number. Let us say that we had ten beads -
so we shall say 'ten'. Then we shall say that we have ten beads. This means that a label
6.e. the number name 'ten') which we associated with the last bead has changed its role
and is now used to describe all the purple beads that were counted. So the number name
'ten' has been used in two ways.
We carried out six different processes before we could count the number of beads. But
where do most of us begin when we introduce counting to children? We begin by teaching
number names-withoutbothering to find out whether the child has the ability to match, to'
group (also known as classifying) and to senate (also known as ordering).
To the fifth step in learning counting we merely pay lip service. We indicate just bnce or
twice to h e child, that each object is touched only once in counting, without giving the child
b enough time to understand or practise what this actually means. So it should not come as a
surprise to us when the child on being reprimanded for counting incorrectly responds as Rani
did: "But what's wrong? You asked me to say one, two, three as I Wbch these objects. So
what if I can say till 20 as I touch the objects and you can say only till IS!"
f . .'
llle sixth step is the most confusing of them a l l -using a number in two ways. Do we even
realise how confusing it must be for the child? The following situation often arises in this
A parent shows a four year old child four objects -a pencil, aflower, a sweet and a toy car,
He places them infront of the cluld and says "one" as he points to the pencil, "two" as he
points to the sweet, "three" as he points to t l toy~ car and "four" to theflower. He repeats
thisfor tlte cluW. Then lie asks the child, "Now give me two things!", with an encouraging
smile. TIte child picks up rite sweet and gives it to the parent and is quite b a m d when tlte
parent says, "No child! I said two things. Here (adding the pencil, or theflower or the toy
mr). Now they are hvo ". "Are they? " wondersjhe child, "But didn't he just say that the
meet wus two?"
I When we set the number names and the objects in one-to-one correspondence, we are using
number names as temporary labels for objects. In the above example, the sweet bas nothing
in common with the number "two"; it is just the second object in the ordered row of objects.
Rut when we say "Give me two things", we should have mentally dissociated the label
"two" from the Sweet, and reassociated it with any two things.
The reason why we have discussed these aspects in detail is to bring out the fact that the
emphasis in many preschools on memorization of number names is misplaced and, instead of
The Child: Development of helping children to build a concept of number, is likely to leave them confused. Children
During Prrsehool Years
need to develop abilities of matching, grouping, seriating and being able to set up one-to-one.
correspondencebefore they can count. These abilities have also been referred to as
prenumber concepts i.e., concepts children need to develop before can acquire a concept of
number. How can you help children develop these pre-number concepts? We have some
suggestions in Unit 23 of the next Block.
Thus to form a concept of number the child must understand the following. Firstly, the child
has to learn that the number one always iignifies one item, number two signifies two items
and so forth. In other words, she has to learn that every number signifies a certain quantity
and that this remains the same in all contexts. Secondly, she has to understand one-to-one
2 balls 2 elephants
correspondence. She must know the correct sequence of numbers. Finally, she must grasp
conservation of number, i.e., the concept that the number of objects remains the same even if
they are grouped differently. For example, if there are five flowers, their number remains
the same whether they are clustered together or spread out. A different arrangement of
objects does not change their number.
One-to-one correspondence
We have just &id that a common reason why the younger preschoolers are not able to give .
E the exact number of objects as asked is because they have not understood one-to-one
correspondence. They count one object twice or two objects as one, thus making an e m .
Piaget and later researchers have conducted many experiments to find out bow the
af oneto-one correspondenceas well as conservation of number develops in
One such experiment cariied out with children between four and seven years of age is as
follows. A row of objects,'for example a row of glasses, is placed in fronl of the c h i and
she is asked to pick up glasses from a nearby pile and make a row that C O K ~ S to ~Qthe~ ~ S
existing one. To db this the child has to keep one glass in front of each glass in the earlier
row. The younger preschoOlers make the new row as long as the existing one but without
paying any attention that the number of glasses in this row should be the same as in the
earlier one. They just concentrate on the space occupied by the objects.
made by preschobkrs
Preschoolers do not pay attention
tb -the number OF glasses
If the row which has less glasses is made to look longer than the second row, by spacing the Devdopiw
U"de"'Mdi~Coneeplr ,
g h w s further apart in it, they feel that this mw has more glasses than the second row. This
means they do not have an idea of one-to-one correspondence.
B e
Preschaalevs state that second
row has more glasses
because ik accubies more s p a
them Gvst m w
In the second stage in the understanding of one-to-one correspondence, children arrange the
glasses in one-to-one correspondence -(hey place one glass opposite each glass of the
earlier row. So they reproduce the exact number of objects in the second row without
counting. When asked if there are equal number of objects in both rows, they agree that they
are equal. In everyday situations you can see numerous examples where children display the
ability to understand one-to-one correspondence. They distribute one sweet to each child,
place.one book in front of each and make one dress each for each of their dolls. But that
these children have not completely understood the concept of number is seen by the fact that
if the above mspondence of glasses is altered, so that the glasses in one mw are clustered
together and the other row is left as such, children change their mind and say that one of
these rows has more glasses. In other wbrds, their thinking at this stage is influenced by
what they see and they change their mind, just as they did with clay or water. At this
transitional stage, if preschoolers are asked to count tbe two sets they agree that there are
"seven here" and "seven there", but since the arrangement of the two sets looks unequal to
them, bey insist that there are more objects in one than in the other!
Finally at six and seven years of age, i.e., towards the end of the pre-operational period, the
child acquires a stable concept of conservation of number. She will not be confused even if
you shift the arrangement and will be able to hand you the exact number of objects %ked.
By this time she has acquired a concept of number.
You may have noticed that achieving number conservation also evolves through three stages
-no conservation, transitional stage and then finally, conservation.
In conclusion, one can say that three and four year Ids are beginning to acquire a concept of
number and can deal with small numbers. Each y the preschooler adds a little bit more to
her understanding. A true and complete concept of number emerges only after the preschool
In Unit 23 of the next Block we shall discuss play activities to foster the development of the
number concept.
Let us now list some of the concepts c h i l e n mostlt acquire during the preschool period.
Some of these are universal children will acqpirq these in whatever situation they are;
others are more spccifia to the environment children livb in.
All prdschoolers will have experiences with things that are heavy or light in weight, tall or
short in height, nanow or wid%thick or thin, fast or slow in movement, light or dark in
colour and they develop a concept ofithese. Given two or three objects they can, for
example, pick out the heavier one, the shorter one q d so on. However, they cannot make
these judgements with respect to a larger number of objects. If given ten objects,
preschoolers cannot say which is the lightest of them all.
Preschoolers also develop an understanding of shape and size. Through the understanding of
words like "through", "under", "over" and "above", the concept of space is acquired.
They form their ideas about hot, cold, plants, flowers, trees, day, night, seasons and festivals.
As children see animals and birds, and handle fruits and vegetables, they f o m concepts
about them.
People interest children greatly. Through interactions with them childten learn about
relationships. They also fonn an idea about people in different types of occupation the -
farmer, the h i t seller, the doctor, the policemen, the carpenter and so on. In the Blocks that
follow, we will talk in &tail about the kind of play activities that you can organize to foster
the understanding of these concepts.
The concept of time in all its dimensions is a diffcdt thing for the preschooler to @asp.
Time, as we know it in terms of months and years, does not have much meaning for the
pmchooler, even for the six year old. Three and four year olds can refer to and talk +ut
the immediate past. They will relate to you what transpired between them and their friend
some time ago. Some four year olds can talk about the events of the day before, particularly
if they were important to them. They can talk about and refer to the immediate future, but
with less confidence, because they have not experienced it They can talk about the future in
relation to apresent or apast event, as when they say, "Next time 1will eat the apple"
"When you came to my house next time, I will show you my new toy". Five and six year
olds can comprehend and talk about a longer time period. They can vividly recall events that
took place a month or two ago, paaiculariy if they are meaningful for them. Preschoolers do
not grasp short stretchesof time, like minutes. They understand morning, evening and night.
The concept of Jime also involves understanding how events occur in time and being able to
sequence tbea For exarnpl%given three pictures of a person which show her though
different stages of l i e -child-young person-old pen* the child should be able to
arrange then in a series. Similarly, when given three pictures of a plant frmn the time the
seed was sown to when a small stem emerged and latex when the leaves grew, the child
should be able to arrange them in the c o m a order of events. Thisiequires the
understanding that people and Wigs change with time, that these changes are orderly and
that they occur one after the other. Preschoolers are able to grasp these sequences. They
also begin to understand changes within a shorter time span, as when you ask them wbat
they go to have their bath. what preparations their mother makes before she
they the
cooks 7
' 22 and so on. Wpen narzating a story to the child when you ask her, "What do
you @inkwill happen next?", you are asking the child to state the next logical event, i.e.,
you are asking her to state events as they occur in time. Preschool children am able to do so
and this ability impmves witb age. This shows that they understand that there is an order to
things and all things exist in time.
Developing Cognitive AbiliUu
18.6 THE EMERGING REASONING SKILLS aud~nderstandingConcepts
Preschoolers are filled with curiosity and wondef about the things around them and have a
burning desire to learn. In the process of tinding out about things, they develop a wide
variety of cognitive skills. We havc talked about some of these in Section 18.3. In this
Section we will read about anothcr cogi~itiveskill - the reasoning skills of preschoolers.
The examples described in this Unit would have given you a glimpse of preschoolers'
reasoning skills. Let us read about this in detail.
Preschoolers learn about things around them in the course of their conversation,
activities and interaction with others. Playing in the garden, the child sees a grasshopper.
Excited, as she has not seen this insect before, she calls out to her elder sister and this leads
to a conversation about what it is, where it livcs and what it cats. But this conversation does
more than just answer her questions and give her facts. It stimulates her to think for herself
as well. As the preschooler's imagination is roused, she wants to know why it has such long
legs. "With such long legs, can it climb a tree faster lhan me?'", she wonders.
Preschool children can reason about everyday problems, giving you a number of alternative
possibilities, some of which may bring a smile to your face. On a hot day, if you are unable
to think of how to cool the slide for the children to play, just ask them. When some children
were asked this question, they replied, "Pour water on it", "Melt ice on it". Besides these
effective strategies one child said, "I will blow air on the slide and cool it like I cool milk"!
This may not be a practical solution, but it shows that she is thinking of possibilities. And it
is not important that every time the child suggests a strategy, it should be a useful one. The
point is that she is trying to apply what she has learnt in one situation to another. It is in
such ways that children learn. The talk about ice lead one preschooler in the group to
suggest mischievously, "Let's tie ice on our feet and slide from one place to another"! This
shows that not only are preschoolers gathering information but they are also using this
information to suggest creative solutions.
Four and'five year olds enjoy thinking about funny and imaginary situations. For instance,
what if we all could live on trees, what if we had tails? Equally, they give you relevant
answers to more serious questions-how can we keep the dog warm? How can we make this
plant grow? When the chart paper is not sticking to the wall, what else can we do? This boy
is missing his mother and wants to go home, but his mother is not there, so how can we keep .
him happy? There are six of us and only four crayons, what can be done? How can we keep
ourselves warm in winter? If.you see that a child is badly hurt, what will you do? Why do
you think the cold water became hot in the sun?
Children's answers to these questions will tell you that they are trying to understand events
that happen around and are organizing their information and arriving at some conclusions.
In other words, they are acquiring and developing problem-solving skills. As they try to
find out the reasons for things they are, in an elementary manner, learning about
Hypothesis-tes ting involves making a suggestion as regards the outcome or the cause of
soinetl~ingand tli&ncarrying out the ~Wandysingthe event to find out whether the
hypothesis suggestcd was right or not. We display this skill in our day-to-day lives as we
predict whether or not it will rain, as we analyse what will be the effect of a certain
devclopincnt on the polilical situation in the country, as we modify our child-rearing
practices bcuuse the ones we are using are not proving to be effective. Let us understand
how prebchoolers' activities involve hypothesis-testing.
Cliandu, sir vycrs old, was playing with a 'parachute' made l ~ his y sister using a small
yebhle and u square piece of paper. The paracliute was to be thrown upwards with as much
force as possil~leund, orr its way down, it would open up. Wlzile Iris sister could do this.
Cliandu coirW not tluow the purcrchute witli muchforce for it to reacll a sub.vtantia1 Iieight.
He tried tlris repeatedly and ~ n unsucces.~ul
s euclr time. He then tlrrew away the paiachute
cmd sat on tliefloor on tlie verge of tears. He l i d been sitting tliusfor some time, wlwn all
of a sudden he grakbed tlie parciclrute, went to tlie termce und threw llrepurachute down.
giving a whoop of deliglrt us it opened up during itsfull. It is clear that the child had thought
of a solution and tllen gone ahed to see whcther it would work or not. This is an eelelnentary
fonn of hypolhesiq-lcsting. 43
The Chlld: Devdopmmi
Daring Preschool Years
You would know that hypothesis-testing is the scientific method of inquiry. It is based on
making observation, thinking of possible reasons why things happen, testing out these
possible reasons or causes, observing the results and then coming to conclusions. As is clear
from the above example, preschoolers are beginning to use this method. You would have
seen many instances when children uy out their ideas. The following is another situation
which shows how they do this.
A group of preschoolers was engaged in painting using water colours when one of them
suggested, "Let us mix some colours and see what huppens". No sooner hud he said this
thut all the children abandoned the original painting and started mixing diferent colours,
exclaiming with surprise and joy us new colours emerged. Their play continued like thisfor
some time. In this way, they not only sharpened their skills of hypothesis-testing but also
discovered another fact that when colours are mixed, a new colour is formed.
The purpose of quoting these examples is to bring out the thinking abilities of the
preschoolers and show how -ugh everyday experiences, their reasoning skills develop and
their store of factual information gow. Children often ask, 'What would happen if ....?'',
"What made that happen?" and then link these explanations with what they already know.
In this way their understanding of cause and effect also grows.
To the preschooler anything that is big is powerful. They associate power with size. Raju,
aroundfive years old, was watching u line of ants crossing the verandah. He was stamping
upon the ants and killing them and encouraging his two-and-a-halfyearold brother to do
the Same (not u desirable situation but nonetheless it occurred). In the line of ants, came a
big ant. The child on seeing it looked'scared and said to his younger brother, "Chintoo,
let's run! This is a big ant, It will bite us!".
I ' .* -& ~ o o o L ~ ~ ~ - - e ~
0 C . R
44 I
A person who in the pmchooler's eye can do something out of the &dinq is sure to win Dcvda@w
her admiration. Bharati's grandmother, having lost all her.teeth, had denturesfitted While a d Understonding chcepts
sleeping in the night she would remove her dentures. Bharati saw her'doing this one day.
Not understanding what was actually involved she was absolutely.stupned to see this. She
tried to remove her teeth and was obviously unsuccessfil. Some days later Bharati's father
got into an argument with her grandmother. Bharati, who thought that herfather was
fighting with her grandmother, felt that it was necessary to caution him. She said, "Baba!
Don'tfight with Dadi (grandmother)! She is very pave@l. You know she can t& out her
teeth when she wants to and put them back in again"!
Preschoolers' reasoning capacities are getting beam day-by-day, as is clear from the
preceding discussion. But while there are many instances where they display logical and
consistent thinking, there are as many wheie they display quite the opposite! Considea a few
Piaget's daughter did not have her afernoor~nap and so announced, "lhave not had my
nap, so it isn't afernoon"! In another case, a child who went to skep during the day woke
up and said, "It is night because I went to sleep"! These children,have an understanding
that some things go together, like the nap and the afternoon; but they get the relationship
between them wrong. They see two things happening at the same time and assume that one
is the cause of the other. In the above examples, the children had thought that the nap had
caused the afternoon and the night, respectively. Preschoolers often focus on supe~cial
aspects and link up two thoughts even though they have no actual relation to one anothei.
This desire to link things often leads to hilariods situations, as the following examples show.
Salma was aboutfive years old when her grandmother came to visit them. Around the same
time, the guava tree in their house had begun to bearfruits but they were not yet ripe. It
would take another monthfor them to become ripe pnd edible. One morning Salma asked
her grandmother, "When will the guava become ripe "? Her grandmother (who had to
leave in a month's time) said ''They will become ripe when Igo". She replied thus thinking
that the child wouldfind it diflcult to comprehend the concept of a month & with the
simpler answer, her curiosity would be satisfied Little did she expect Salma to say in all
seriousness, "So why don't you leave now "? Pieschoolers sometimes understand things
literally, as in the above example. Explanations which seem quite evident to us, may be
understood quite differently by children.
I Deepanshy three years 04was watching a serial on television The serial depicted how a
prince, who had turned into a donkey because of a curse, became a man again as the
princess garlanded him. Deepanshu's grandmother asked himfondly afer this episode,
t "Deepamhu, you will also marry when you grow up, won't you"? Deepanshu replied in all
earnestness, "First I will become a donkey and then I will get married"! Both Salma and
Deepanshu did not have enough infonnation about events, but in their desire to fmd a cause,
they confidently related two unconnected events. Reasoning of this khd is very common
and you must have found many examples of this in your interactions with preschoolers.
The following example, though it does not ceflect faulty logic, does show that the
preschooler's reasoning skills are not yet mature.
Meenu, six year old, was given three ladoos (sweets)by her mother to distribute between her
two cousins, Most of us, and even older children when given this task, are likely to give one
ladoo each to the two people and then divide the third one equally between them. This is the
shortest and the quickest way. In contrast to this, the way Meenu solved the problem, though
not wrong, showed that her approach to the problem was concrete and she could not
mentally perform the task of dividing these sweets equally. She said, "I will take one ladoo
und give hulfto both of them. Then I will take the second ludoo and give halfto both of
hem. Then I will do the sume with the third ladoo". Meenu could deal with one ladoo at a
time, but not with all of them together.
The attention span of preschool children is increasing, but they are not able to
concentrate on something for long. Because of this, any play and learning activity
devised for them should he interesting and should be of short duration. Preschoolers'
The Child: Devdapngt memory also improves markedly, particularly about tasks and situations that they flnd
D ~ h P s c b o aYam
meaningful and I n t e r e m . 'IBey will remember the list of things they want to buy from
the market, a story they found interesting and they may recall many facts that you may have
told thean.
The discussion in this chapter should help you tq plan phy activities for preschoolers. The
play activities should be such that they foster and enhance the various abilities described in
the text. The chuiption of children's lessoning skills will also give you an idea about what
you can expea Eram the preschooleas and how to devise appropriateplay activities. For
example, there is no point in devising a complicated game involving counting of larger
numbers for four year qlds. They will not be able to manage i t The play activities should
begin from the level at which the child is and then build upon it, so that the child's
ability is enhanced gradually. The play activities sbould strengthen children's concepts of
same-different, long-short, tall-short, thin-wide, fast-slow, light-dark, as well as the
numerous other concepts that the children are acquiring in their day-to-day lives.
For the purpose of this Course, the discussion on the development of cognitive abilities
of the child concludes here. However, over the years of middle childhood, adolescence
and adulthood the person's mental abilities continue to evolve and broaden. Gradually,
the child is better able to deal with abstract and hypothetical situations and to work out
solutions to more complex situations. She un&rstands that there can be different views
about the same situation and uses facts to generate predictions. With growing cognitive
abilities comes the ability to understand subtle humour. The following anecdote brings out
the wit of a ten year old child.
Chandu's aunt came home from the ofice looking unhuppy. Thefamily members asked her,
"What is wrong"? She responded "I had a major fight in the office today". Before
anyone couId say anything, Chandu, who had been listening to this exchange, remarked,
"So why didn't you have a brigadierfight"?
In the text we have rried to provide as many examples as the space would allow, which
reflect the preschoolers' reasoning abilities, show their understanding of cause and effect and
reflect their ability to deal with situations by generating alternative solutions. It will be
useful if, as you interact with preschoolers, you keep noting the different abilities they
display, the various concepts they seem to understand and the reasoning abilities they show.
In this way you will have a fmt-hand feeling of what preschoolers are like, which will
supplement your information from reading of the Unit. As you note these, you must also
note down the age of the chid. It is likely that a three year old will not have a concept of a
tree but a six year old will. You could divide your notes in the following manner -
cognitive abilities, concepts, and reasoning skills -and continue to add observations under
these headings. This list will also help you to know what phy activities you can &vise for
........................ .....................................................................................................................
46 a) Most of three yekg olds do not have the concept of number beyond the number two.
b) The understanding of one-to-one correspondence and conservation of number ~ v d o ~ ~ ~ C o g n l * v e A b f i i ~ e s
develops between six and seven years of age. and Undentanding Coacepta
The four year old understands the concept of months and years.
Preschoolersare able to suggest alternate ways of solving problems and one can see
tke beginning of the ability of hypothesis-testing in their actions.
In this Unit you have read about the thinking abilities of preschoolers. The ability to think
symbolically is the ballmark of the pre-operational period. The child's rapidly developing
language, participation in make-believe play a11d dtawing are reflections of her symbolic
We have looked at preschoolers' abilities from Piget's point of view as well as from the
evidence of later research studies. Piaget stated that preschoolers are not able to look at
things from another's perspective, that they do not have reversibility 6f thought and that they
tend to center because of which they are not able to classify, seriate or conserve. However,
recent research has shown that preschoolers may develop these abilities a little earlier than
suggested by Piaget. They show these abilities provided that the tasks are simple,
distractions are removed'and they are given some clues.
The preschool years are a time when the child is learning many new concepts. She learns
about everyday happenings and things she sees around her. Understanding abstract concepts
of number, time, space and so forth is more difficult but nonetheless the preschooler makes
some headway in these. A complete understanding of these concepts eyolves during middle
childhood years and adolescence.
The preschool years see the child sharpening her reasoning skills. The child tries to find out
the cause of things. The founchtions of problem-solving, hypothesis-testing and scientific
temper are laid now, as the child makes observations and collects information. The
preschooler also bas the ability of matching and identifying common relations.
While on one hand preschoolers seem logical, there are many instances when their reasoning
is quite the opposite. Their belief in animism reflects themagical quality of their world.
Sometimes in their effort to provide a reason for everything, they iink up two unconnected
events, which make for some hilarious moments! The discussion in this Unit will help you
to u~~derstand the thinking of children which will enable you to organize play activities for
1) i) matching
ii) grouping/classificatim
iii) seriation
iv) cause and effect
v) cause and effect
vi) common relations
1) Acquiring the concept of number involves understanding that each number signifies a
quantity, understanding one-to-onecorrespondence, understanding conservation of
number and knowing the correct sequence of numbers.
2) a) T N ~
b) True
c) False
d) True