Energy Fundamentals: Solar/Wind Energy Training System
Energy Fundamentals: Solar/Wind Energy Training System
Energy Fundamentals: Solar/Wind Energy Training System
Energy Fundamentals
Edition 2
First Printing, January 2012
Copyright 2009–2012 Lab-Volt Systems, Inc.
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ISBN 978-978-1-60533-432-5
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Symbol Description
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Symbol Description
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The Lab-Volt Solar/Wind Energy Training System, Model 46120, is a modular program that
covers the history, fundamentals, installation, operation, maintenance, and servicing of alternative
energy systems.
Table of Contents
The topics covered in this manual are presented in the form of Job Sheets. The Job Sheets
include a description of the objectives, a list of equipment required, a list of safety procedures,
and a list of steps required to attain the objectives.
The topics are introduced in an Information Job Sheet. However, to obtain detailed information
about the covered topic, you should refer to your textbook or ask your instructor to guide your
learning process.
Safety Considerations
Make sure you are wearing appropriate protective equipment when performing the jobs.
You should never perform a job if you have any reason to think that a manipulation could be
dangerous for you or your teammates.
Reference Textbooks
Refer to the textbooks titled Photovoltaic Systems written by Jim Dunlop and Wind Power written
by Paul Gipe.
System of Units
Most of the components in the Solar/Wind Energy Training System use the Imperial system of
units. For this reason the Imperial System of units was preferred in the manual.
The appendices included in the manual are:
Appendix A: Equipment Utilization Chart, shows in which Job Sheet(s) the equipment is used.
Appendix B: Unit Conversion Table, shows the conversion factors to apply to convert Imperial
units to SI units and vice versa.
Job Sheet 1
Sources of Energy
Energy is defined simply as the ability to do work. There are six basic forms of energy:
chemical, electrical, mechanical, nuclear, radiant, and thermal. Electrical energy is conducted
electromagnetic energy such as electricity, and radiant energy is radiated electromagnetic
energy such as radio waves, light, and gamma rays.
Energy Forms
Chemical—energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules.
Each of these energy forms can be classified into one of two types: potential or kinetic.
Energy Types
Kinetic energy is defined as the energy of motion. Potential energy is frequently described
as stored energy. Potential energy is passively stored and ready to be released, such as in a
loaded crossbow or spear gun (Figure 1-1). Kinetic energy is actively moving, such as in an
arrow during flight or a spear traveling under water.
Energy Fundamentals 1
Sources of Energy
Energy Sources
There are at least eleven common sources of energy that we use to provide electrical power to
appliances, households, local communities, towns, cities, states, and even entire countries.
Renewable energy sources are continually replenished by the sun’s radiant energy and are an
important resource for clean (non-polluting) energy conservation. These energy sources, such
as solar and wind, are also known as sustainable energy sources, which do not cause long-
term damage to our environment.
Non-renewable energy sources cannot be naturally replenished over a person’s lifetime. These
energy sources, such as fossil fuels, are also known as non-sustainable energy sources. They
also produce many pollutants.
2 Energy Fundamentals
Sources of Energy
Energy Conversion
Various forms of energy can be converted to other forms of energy. The following is a summary
of some of those processes.
Conversion Process Biogas is burned to heat, power engines, and generate electricity
(by steam turbine), and chemical reactions of biomass can create
electricity (similar to a battery)
Fuel Examples Biomass and biogas fuels: ethanol (from plants such as corn) and
methane (from animal waste) gases
Byproducts None normally; but in some cases, can produce carbon dioxide
Conversion Process Burned to heat and generate electricity (by steam turbine)
Fuel Examples Fossil fuels: anthracite, bituminous, and lignite coals
Byproducts Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides
Fuel Cells (part of bioenergy)
Conversion Process A thin membrane separates the hydrogen molecules’ electrons from
protons to create electricity during electrolysis
Fuel Examples Biomass fuel creates hydrogen gas (by electrolysis of organic
compounds and water, which requires a primary energy source) and
oxygen is used from surrounding air
Byproducts Water and heat - no harmful byproducts
Natural Gas
Conversion Process Burned to heat, cook, and generate electricity (by steam turbine)
Fuel Examples Fossil fuels: methane, propane, and butane gases
Byproducts Carbon dioxide
Conversion Process Burned to heat, power engines, and generate electricity (by steam
Fuel Examples Fossil fuel: crude oil is refined into gasoline, heating oil, diesel oil, jet
fuel, asphalt, and petrochemicals that are used to produce plastics,
fertilizers, and paints
Byproducts Hydrocarbons
Table 1-1. Energy Sources in Chemical Form.
Energy Fundamentals 3
Sources of Energy
Conversion Process Drives a turbine generator to produce electricity
Fuel Examples Moving water (traditionally from dammed rivers)
Byproducts None
Conversion Process Drives a turbine generator to produce electricity
Fuel Examples Moving air
Byproducts None
Energy Form Thermal or mechanical
Conversion Process Drives a turbine generator to produce electricity
Fuel Examples Earth-heated underground water and steam
Byproducts Small amounts of harmful substances may be released into the
Energy Form Nuclear (thermal and radiant)
Conversion Process Neutron friction produces heat that is controlled in a nuclear reactor to
generate electricity (by steam turbine)
Fuel Examples Nuclear fission (atom splitting) of uranium, plutonium, or thorium
Byproducts Radioactive waste
Ocean (part of hydropower)
Energy Form Mechanical and thermal
Conversion Process Energy from water movement is converted to electricity by special
generators; deep/shallow temperature differences drive a heat engine
to generate electricity (by steam turbine)
Fuel Examples Tidal, wave, and ocean current energy; also, ocean thermal energy
conversion (OTEC)
Byproducts No harmful byproducts; but OTEC can produce fresh water, and
provide cool air
4 Energy Fundamentals
Sources of Energy
Energy Form Radiant and thermal
Conversion Process PV solar cells create electricity, and solar collectors heat air and water
Fuel Examples Abundant full-spectrum light from the sun
Byproducts None
Energy Fundamentals 5
Sources of Energy
6 Energy Fundamentals
Job Sheet 1
Sources of Energy
In this job, you will become familiar with some common energy sources that we use
to electrically power areas of our planet. You will identify several energy sources that
we use for daily work, and determine which examples of energy are renewable and
which examples are non-renewable. You will also identify the form and type of each
energy source.
Energy Fundamentals 7
Sources of Energy
Instructor approval:____________________________________________________
8 Energy Fundamentals
Job Sheet 2
Power and Work
While energy is defined simply as the ability to do work, power is the measured rate for energy
to do work. The unit of measure for power is the watt (W). A common unit for measuring total
power used during a period of time is the watt-hour (Wh), or simply watts (W) times hours (h).
1 Wh = 1 W x 1 h
For large amounts of power, the kilowatt (kW) and the kilowatt-hour (kWh) is used.
1 kW = 1,000 W
1 kWh = 1,000 Wh
For example, if a 100-watt light bulb consumes power for 1 month (4 weeks, 28 days, or 672
hours), the total consumed power is 67.2 kWh.
The joule (J) is the unit of measurement for energy as defined by the International System of
Units (SI). Although energy is not directly measurable, energy conversion is measurable, for
example the transfer of heat or mass, or the work being done.
One joule (J) is the amount of work done to produce the power of one watt (W) continuously for
one second (s), and is equal to one watt-second (Ws).
1 J = 1 Ws = 1W x 1s
1 Wh = 3,600 J
1 kWh = 3,600,000 J
Energy Fundamentals 9
Power and Work
Energy Conversion
The conservation of energy law states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system
remains constant. In other words, in a closed system, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it
can only change form.
Energy gets converted into different forms throughout our everyday lives. While energy passes
through a system or object, the energy form at its input can become a different form of energy
at its output during the transfer process.
Figure 2-1 shows some typical conversions that take place between various forms of energy. In
Figure 2-1, a wind turbine captures some of the kinetic energy from the wind, and the generator
shaft rotates. The generator converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy. This is
discussed in greater detail later in the course. Finally, an electric lamp emits light as radiant
Energy conversion occurs naturally, as well. See Figure 2-4 for some examples found in nature.
The sun’s radiant energy produces thermal energy from the earth’s land mass. This thermal
energy causes air masses to move, creating wind. The wind’s friction on the surface of water
can create waves within the body of water.
10 Energy Fundamentals
Power and Work
Often, energy can be converted in both directions, as shown in Figures 2-6 and 2-7. A
rechargeable battery can store potential energy for later use.
Solar and wind energy technologies are being used today to produce electric power.
Developing a basic understanding of energy conversion is an important fundamental aspect of
alternative energy technology.
Energy Fundamentals 11
Power and Work
12 Energy Fundamentals
Job Sheet 2
Power and Work
In this job, you will become familiar with some common energy terms and the
conversion process between different energy forms.
Complete Table
২ 1. What are the input and output forms of energy for the examples
provided in Table 2-1?
Chemical Campfire
Thermal Thermocouple,
thermopile (TEM),
peltier junction
Table 2-1. Energy Conversion Examples.
NOTE: The answers in black are provided for you. Simply fill in the blanks.
Energy Fundamentals 13
Power and Work
Calculate Answers
২ 2. If a 75W indoor light bulb is left on continuously for 2 days (48 hours),
how much power is consumed in total Wh?
Power consumed (Wh):
২ 3. For the same situation, how much power is consumed in total kWh?
Power consumed (kWh):
২ 4. If the lamp was a 150W outdoor flood light, left on for 2 days (48 hours),
how much power is consumed in total kWh?
Power consumed (kWh):
Instructor approval:____________________________________________________
14 Energy Fundamentals
Job Sheet 3
Measurements and Units
Electrical voltage contains potential energy, just as air and water pressures contain potential
energy. Electrical current contains kinetic energy, as do air and water currents. Electrons can
flow in a wire just as air can flow in a hose or water can flow in a pipe. However, an energy
source must be present to provide a voltage and the circuit path must be complete (closed) in
order for current to flow. The rate at which current flows is rated in amperes (A) and voltage is
rated in volts (V). The opposition to electrical current flow is called resistance and it is rated in
ohms (Ω). As discussed earlier, power is the rate for energy to do work and it is rated in watts
Ohm’s Law states the following relationships between voltage (V), current (A), resistance
(Ω), and power (W).
Energy Fundamentals 15
Measurements and Units
16 Energy Fundamentals
Job Sheet 3
Measurements and Units
In this job, you will become familiar with common electrical measurement units,
equations, and calculations. You will calculate answers by using some simple
electrical equations.
Calculate Answers
২ 3. For the same conditions, connected to a single load, how much power
is the load dissipating?
Power dissipated:
২ 5. If the 5A load was powered for a full day (24 hours), how much power is
consumed in total Wh?
Power consumed (Wh):
২ 6. For the same situation, how much power is consumed in total kWh?
Power consumed (kWh):
২ 7. With 120Vac connected to a pump motor, you measure 4A. How much
power is consumed?
Power consumed (W):
Energy Fundamentals 17
Measurements and Units
২ 8. With a 40W light bulb connected to the same electrical branch, how
much current do you expect to measure for the lamp?
Current drawn:
২ 9. What is the total power to run the motor and the lamp?
Power consumed:
২ 10. If the two devices are on for a week, how much power is consumed in
total kWh? (HINT: 1 week = 7 days = 168 hours)
Power consumed (kWh):
Instructor approval:____________________________________________________
18 Energy Fundamentals
Appendix A
Job Sheet
Component Name Part Number
1 2 3
Mobile workstation 46801-J0
Photovoltaic solar module 66070-10 or
65918 (outdoor)
Wind turbine generator 66075 or
65938 (outdoor)
Stop switch 66066
Solar charge controller 66065
Diversion load controller 66056
Dump load 66057
Digital multimeter 6394
Power/usage monitor 66063
Ammeter 66052
Watt-hour meter p/o 66059 or
Battery bank 65917
Power inverter (with remote) 66064
Disconnect switch (with key) 66054H and
Lockout/tagout module (with hasp) 66061
AC circuit breaker box p/o 66059 or
DC circuit breaker 66058
AC outlet 66051-10
DC lamp socket 66067
AC/DC wall switch 66060
Light socket adapter p/o 66154
Incandescent lamp p/o 66154
Fluorescent lamp p/o 66154
LED lamp p/o 66154
Power bus bar 66062
DC power distribution panel 66053
Energy Fundamentals 19
Appendix A
Job Sheet
Component Name Part Number
1 2 3
DC motor & controller (wind simulator) p/o 66075 or
65909 (motor),
AC flood lamp (sun simulator) 66151
Battery bank junction box 66050
Solar array junction box 66150-10
Accessories package 66154
(lamps, fuses, leads, adapters, power strip, and battery
Connection cables kit (wires) 87339
20 Energy Fundamentals
Appendix B
Energy Fundamentals 21
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