Gad 7
Gad 7
Gad 7
1. Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by Not at Several Over half Nearly
the following problems? all sure days the days every day
Trouble relaxing 0 1 2 3
difficult Somewhat Very Extremely
at all difficult difficult difficult
Scoring Add the results for question number one through seven to get a total score.
If you score 10 or above you might want to consider one or more of the following:
1. Discuss your symptoms with your doctor,
2. Contact a local mental health care provider or
3. Contact my office for further assessment and possible treatment.
Although these questions serve as a useful guide, only an appropriate licensed health professional can make the
diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
A score of 10 or higher means significant anxiety is present. Score over 15 are severe.