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Answer LNEs

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01.1 1. is 01.2 1. is 01.3 1. The cheese is not on the table. The cheese isn’t on the table.
2. am 2. are 2. She is not my sister. She isn’t my sister.
3. is 3. is 3. My neighbors are not Spanish. My neighbors aren’t Spanish.
4. are 4. are
4. My sister-in-law is not Italian. My sister-in-law isn’t Italian.
5. are 5. are
6. are 5. Diane is not pregnant. Diane isn’t pregnant.
6. are
7. are 6. The limes are not sour. The limes aren’t sour.
7. is
8. am 7. The bus is not empty. The bus isn’t empty.
8. are 9. is 8. The kids are not early for class today. The kids aren’t early for class today.
9. is 10. is
9. The drawers are not empty. The drawers aren’t empty.
10. is 11. .is
12. is 10.It is not a nice city. It isn’t a nice city.
13. is
14. is
01.5 1. were 2. was 3. were 4. was 5. was 6. were 7. was 8. was 9. were 10.were
15. is
01.6 1. The dress was not blue. The dress wasn’t blue.
01.4 1. Are the wheels in the garage? 2. The couch in the living room was not dirty. The couch in the living
2. Is the sharpener on my desk? room wasn’t dirty.
3. Are the toothbrush and toothpaste in the 3. They were not very fast. They weren’t very fast.
bathroom? 4. It was not a good joke. It wasn’t a good joke.
4. Is my bathing suit on the clothesline? 5. The raccoons were not in the tree. The raccoons weren’t in the tree.
5. Am I in your English class? 6. The slippers were not purple. The slippers weren’t purple.
6. Is it cold outside? 7. We were not at the play last night. We weren’t at the play last night.
7. Is he a policeman in the city? 8. The plates were not in the dishwasher. The plates weren’t in the
8. Are the coats on the floor? dishwasher.
9. Are the toys in the box downstairs? 9. Karen was not a waitress for three years. Karen wasn’t a waitress for
10. Are the cow and calf brown? three years.
11. Is the orange juice sweet? 10.My name was not on the list. My name wasn’t on the list.
12. Are the frogs in the pond?
13. Is the goldfish in the bowl? 01.8 1. wasn’t 2. Were 3. isn’t 4. were 5. is 6. was 7. isn’t 8. am 9. isn’t
14. Are you serious? 10. is 11. Was 12. is 13. Are 14. Was 15. Was
15. Is Marie French? 16. weren’t 17. isn’t 18. Were 19. wasn’t 20. aren’t 21. is
01.7 1.Was it free? 22. Was 23. aren’t 24. am 25. are 26. Were 27. wasn’t
2. Was the airplane very low in the sky? 28. is 29. isn’t 30. Was
3. Was the mall empty?
4. Were they in kindergarten together? 01.9 1. have 2. has 3. has 4. have 5. has 6. have 7. has 8. has 9. has
5. Was it bitter? 10. Have
6. Were you angry at Susan?
7. Was the recipe easy? 1. Do you have a pink eraser?
8. Were the nail clippers in the drawer? 2. Does he have my phone number?
9. Were the curtains velvet? 3. Do they have everything they need?
10. Was the tablecloth dirty?
4. Do we have the same scarf?
01.10 1. My cat does not have fleas. My cat doesn’t have fleas. 5. Do I have rights?
2. We do not have a satellite dish on the roof. We don’t have a satellite 6. Does Marissa have green flip-flops?
dish on the roof. 7. Do you have a huge turkey for
3. I do not have a surprise for you. I don’t have a surprise for you. Thanksgiving?
4. Jimmy does not have a fast bike. Jimmy doesn’t have a fast bike. 8. Do they have a lease until next
5. We do not have many good books about antique jewelry. We don’t year?
have many good books about antique jewelry. 9. Does it have a funny taste?
6. She does not have a lot of customers. She doesn’t have a lot of 10. Do you have two important
customers. appointments today?
7. My brother-in-law does not have a screwdriver. My brother-in-law
doesn’t have a screwdriver.
8. The clown does not have a big red nose. The clown doesn’t have a
big red nose.
9. I do not have long straight hair and bangs. I don’t have long straight
hair and bangs.
10. She does not have fantastic news. She doesn’t have fantastic news.
02.1 1.d 2 c 3 b 4 h 5 a 6 g 7 f 8 e 9 h 10 b 02.4 1 Not at all, any time. What about pizza for lunch?
2 Would you mind giving me that file? Let's join
02.2 1. can 02.3 1. couldn’t, could the tennis club.
2. could 2. can/could
3. could, I’d be able to/ I could 3 May I have another cake? Could you tell me the
3. ought to
4. could right answer, please?
4. can 5. can’t/ won’t be able to 4 I'm sorry, I'm busy. Let's not do that.
5. should 6. managed to
6. couldn't 7. go/ have gone 02.5 1. You should/ ought to get a new job.
8. be able to 2. You should/ought to say you're sorry.
7. can't
9. will humans be able to 3. He should/ought to ask his teacher about it.
8. ought to 4. You should/ought to start having lessons.
10. may
9. can 11. have caught 5. She shouldn't /oughtn't to watch TV late at night.
10. can 12. Can’t 6. You should/ought to get some exercise.
13. could/ was able to
14. May/ Can 02.7 1. It/That must be David 02.8 1. won't
15. were allowed to 2. Anna should win the race tomorrow. 2. will
3. will
3. It/The letter could be from (my cousin)
02.6 1 Can I help you with your project? 4. won't
2 Do you need a towel for the beach? 5. will
4. It can't be Colin. 6. shall
3 Let me do the washing-up. 5. She must be going to a fancy-dress party.
4 What about a glass of orange? 6. It/Your hairbrush might be in the living room.
5 Would you like to come swimming this afternoon? 7. Harrie /She should be here in half an hour.
6 Would you mind helping me with my homework? 8. James/He could be in trouble at school.


02.9 1. 02.10 1. I prefer driving to travelling by train. 02.11 1. I prefer to drive rather than
2. would rather 2. I prefer calling people to writing letters. travel by train.
3. prefers 1. I prefer going to movies to watching 2. I prefer to call people rather
4. would rather movies on TV. than write letters.
5. prefer 3. I prefer to go to movies rather
02.13 1. I’d rather walk than go by car. than watch movies on TV.
6. would ------ prefer
2. I’d rather go for a swim than play tennis.
7. would rather
3. I’d rather read a book than watch television.
8. Do------prefer
4. I’d rather eat at home than go to a restaurant.
5. I’d rather think about it for a while than decide now
02.12 1. I’d rather go for a swim.
2. I’d rather go for a swim. 02.15 2. came 02.16 1. take
3. I’d rather read a book. 3. watch 2. reading, watching
4. I’d rather wait for a few minutes. 4. than 3. had played
5. I’d rather eat at home. 5. didn’t 4. book
6. I’d rather think about it for a while. 6. was 5. didn’t tidy
7.to watch 6. to stay
02.14 1. you called him. 8. didn’t 7. playing, doing
2. I’d rather you did it. 9. did 8. have gone
3. I’d rather went to the bank. 10. rather than 9. didn’t make
4. I’d rather told her. 10. work


02.17 1. You had better sit down. 02.18 1.ought not 02.191.Ought 02.20 1. shouldn't go
2. We had better take a taxi. 2.should 2.shouldn't 2. ought to wear
3. You had better not play the piano late at night. 3.better not 3.should 3. should rest
4. We had better make a reservation. 4.Ought we 4.ought 4. ought to ask
5. You had better put a Band-Aid on the cut. 5.Better 5. shouldn't do
5.better not
6. I had better change the oil before I go. 6.Should 6. 'd better not try
7. I had better not go for a swim./’d better stay here.
02.21 1 must 02.22 1. mustn't 02.23
1. ought 02.24 1. have to 02.25 1. must go to bed
2 needs 2. don't have to 2. had 2. can 2. must find out
3 must 3. had to 3. can’t/ couldn’t 3. must 3. don't have to answer
4 needs to 4. must 4. must 4. must not 4. has to vote
5 must 5. don't have to 5. can 5. have to 5. must throw out
6. don't need to 6. can’t 6 .able to 6. must not hit your opponent
7. had to 7. may/might/could/must 7. must come round
8. don't have to 8. should/could/ may/ might 8. have to get
02.26 9. could/ may/ might 9. have to take off
1. needn't have hurried
10.not 10. must turn down
2. didn't need to water
11.could/ might 11. have to pay taxes
3. needn't have bought
12. don't have to go to work
4. didn't need to fill up SUPPOSED TO
5. didn't need to go
6. needn't have studied 02.27 1. Politicians are supposed to serve the people.
7. needn't have bothered 2. Teachers are supposed to like children.
8. didn't need to 3. Business people are supposed to be efficient.
4. Artists are supposed to have a lot of imaginations.
5. Mathematicians are supposed to be good with figures.
6. Linguists are supposed to be good communicators.
MODAL OVERVIEW 7. Catholics are supposed to go to mass on Sundays.
03.1 1. A 8. Old people are supposed to forget things.
2. B
3. C 03.2 2. You shouldn’t swim immediately after a meal. 03.3 2. might/may/could
3. You must take this medicine three times a day. 3. must
4. C 4. Do I have to do this exercise? 4. might/may/could
5. A 5. It’s Saturday tomorrow, so I don’t have to get up early. 5. can
6. D 6. You should listen to the weather forecast before you go hill walking. 6. might/may/could
7. C 7. You should read this book- I think you would like it a lot. 7. can
8. D 8. You should have a medical check-up every two years. 8. can
9.You mustn’t drink the water there. 9. couldn’t
10. Do we have to finish the work today? 10. can’t
11. Do you have to see the teacher/ him tomorrow? 11. can

04.1 1. could have hit 04.2 1. can't have seen 04.3 1. He may/ could/ might have forgotten to
2. could / might have killed 2. might not believe lock the door.
3. should/ would have phoned 3. must have broken 2. She may/ could/ might have sent these
4. could/ might/ would have gone 4. instructions may have fallen flowers.
5. should have been 5. can't be life 3. The builders may/ could/ might have
6. should have put 6. must be satisfied finished.
7. should/ could have asked 4. I may/ could/ might have found a new job.
8. should have taken 5. Alex may/ could/ might have changed her
9. could/ might have died mind.
10. should/ could/ might have told 6. Somebody may/ could/ might have been in
my room.
04.4 1. can't have gone 04.5 1. could 7. We may/ could/ might have come to the
2. may not have existed 2. have wrong house.
3. must have been 3. should
4. can't have had 4. must 04.6 1. must have dropped
5. had to wait 5. been 2. could/may/might havе missed
6. can't have understood 6. migh/could/rnay 3. could/was able to
7. had to do 7. ought 4. should havе told
8. must have been 5. didn’t have/need to
9. can't have broken 6. can’t have taken
10. had to get up 7. may/might not have
8. needn't have
9. have/need to buy
10. shouldn't have
05.1 1. Anna used to have lots of boyfriends. Now she's married. 05.2 1. People used to travel by horse.
2. John used to study mathematics. Now he studies physics. 2. People used to cook on wood fires.
3. Mary used to climb mountains. Now she cycles. 3. People didn't use to live so long.
4. Joe used to be a builder. Now he's a driver. 4. People used to fight with spears.
5. Gary used to work in Germany. Now he works in England. 5. People used to hunt with bows and arrows.
6. Claire used to live in Scotland. Now she lives in Ireland. 6. People used to believe in ghosts and devils.
7. I used to like meat. Now I prefer fish. 7. People didn't use to be able to vote.
8. We used to go to the cinema. Now we watch TV. 8. People used to think the earth was flat.
9. People used to have bigger families.
05.3 1. used to 05.4 1. would swim 10. Children used to work.
2. Did/use to 2. would skate
3. used to 3. would take 05.6
4. Didn't use to/never used to 4. would go 1. a) At first he wasn’t used to having dinner at 6:00.
5. Did/use to 5. would find b) But after some time he got used to having dinner at 6:00.
6. didn't use to/ never used to 6. would make c) Now he finds it normal. He is used to having dinner at 6:00.
7. would go 2. a) At first she wasn’t used to working nights.
05.5 1. B 8. would come b) But after a while she got used to working nights.
2. A 9. would exchange c) Now she doesn’t mind at all. She is used to working nights.
3. C
4. B 05.7 1. driving 05.8 1. use to 05.9 1. people would walk more
5. B 2. be 2. get 2. never used to/ used not to
6. A 3. go 3. would 3. used to play
7. C 4. wearing 4. used to 4. have got used to sending
8. B 5. be 5. playing 5. would often get home
9. A 6. being 6. use to 6. get used to living
10. B 7. eating 7. getting 7. did not/ didn't use to go
11. C 8. like 8. used to 8. never used to have/ used not to have
12. B 9. running


0.1 1. action 06.2 1. are feeling 06.3 0.doesn't want 06.4 1.We know Jenny very well.
2. state 2. know 1.is writing 2.This soup tastes well.
3. action 3. are thinking 2.is raining 3. Chris wants an ice cream.
4. action 4. smell 3.is playing 4.Our vacation cost a lot of money.
5. state 5. think 4.has 5. Chris understands Spanish.
6. state 6. belong 5.hates 6. I recognized that man.
7. action 6.am reading 7. My son has vegetables.
8. Dom's pie smelt great.
PRESENT SIMPLE 9. Your book sounds interesting.

07.1 1. read, make 07.2 1 's tasting or is tasting 07.3 a) I don’t believe
2. ‘m making 2 don't understand or do not understand b) has
3. do you speak 3 isn't thinking or is not thinking c) I’m leaving
4. ‘re doing 4 knows d) are you doing
5. plays 5 doesn't like or does not e) You’re being
6. ‘s playing 6 don't believe or do not believe f)I'm driving
7. ‘s she playing g) are we eating
8. Does she play h) tastes
9. plays i) are you going
10. ‘s playing j) I don’t understand
11. ‘s cooking
12. shop. Cooks
13. doesn’t work
14. isn’t working
08.1 1. are visiting or 're visiting 08.2 1. is writing 09.1 1.playing
2. am seeing or'm seeing 2. are losing 2.do
3. are going out 3. is having 3.like
4. is staying 4.finishing
4. is swimming or 's swimming
5. am not lying 5.reading
5. are having or 're having 6.swimming
6. is always using
6. am taking or 'm taking 7. are having 7.crying
8. Are you playing


10.1 1 never use, am driving 2 get, never seem 3 prefers, always argues 10.2 1. usually goes
4 always forgets, starts 5 are always moaning, never help 2. is talking
6 is always criticising, doesn't have 7 goes out, always depends 3. aren’t eating
8 never shop, are always 9 always smell, pass 4. Is air travel getting
10 is always borrowing, never pays 5. calls
10.3 1. think, tastes, don’t like 6. do babysitters generally earn
10.4 1 am staying 2 costs 3 am having
2. bakes, probably making 7. You’re always coming
4 looks 5 depends 6 love
3. doesn’t see, love 8. I don’t go/ I always try
7 make 8 tastes 9 is going
4. ‘ve never been 9. does stop 10. Takes
10 Are you still studying
5. ‘m thinking
6. ‘ve been doing, smell
10.5 a) do you go 10.6 1. means
b) are you waiting 2. only costs
с) doеsn,t know 3. doesn’t matter
d) I'm having 4. I’m ringing
e) do you lеavе 5. I recognize
f) is happening 6. does the nut cake contain
g) do you know 7. I really don’t agree
h) I’m having 8. aren’t you playing
9. doesn’t concern
10. resemble
11. you’re not watching
12. does not exist
13. includes
14. We’re having
15. involves


11.1 1. has married 11.2 a)Hаve уou сut 11.3 1. ever 12.1 1. for
2. has died b) I’vе hаd 2. yet 2. since
3. has delayed с) has nеvеr sееn 3. since 3. since
4 has left d) has stolеn
4. for 4. for
e) havеn’t slеpt
5. has closed 5. so 5. since
f) we’ve just brokеn
6. have set fire 6. rarely 6. since
g) hasn't won
7. has disappeared 7. just 7. for
h) Havе you evеr еatеn
8. has given 8. still 8. for
9. has discovered 9. before 9. since
10. have arrested 10. already 10. since
11. for
12. since
12.2 1. My father has been repairing his car for five days.
2. We have been travelling for five hours.
3. We have been waiting for the train since 7.30.
4. Mr Andrews has been making violins for 30 years.
5. Prices have been going up fast since last year.
6. I have been writing my great novel since January.
7. The water has been rising for eight hours.
8. The people next door have been playing loud music for five hours.
9. I have been trying to explain things to her for an hour.
10. The dog has been barking since six o’clock.


13.1 1. has been raining
13.2 1.have you been doing 6. I've been working
2. have been learning 2. I've been studying 7.I've been painting
3. has been playing 3.Have you been working
8.we've also been planning
4. have(n’t) been living 4. 've just been sitting
9. We've been looking
5. has been walking 5. haven't been going
6. have been working 10. I've been thinking
7. has been crying
8. has been playing
9. Have (you) been waiting
10. have been waiting
14.1 1. been analysing 14.2 1. have been living here
14.3 1. I’ve sent off
2. have been creating
2. has gone /’ve been 1earning 2. you’ve ever eaten
3. have been predicting
3. haven’t finished 3. We’ve been waiting, have you been
4. has (always) assumed
4. just left 4. Have you just received
5. have been designing
5. haven’t been 5. we haven’t got, We’ve been expecting,
6. have been substituting
6. haven't eaten/’ve never eaten they haven’t shown up.
7. has (always) run
7. forgotten 6. I’ve been drawing up, I haven’t got,
8. has been debating
Have you had
9. has ensured
7. mum’s been meaning
10. have been wanting
SIMPLE PAST 15.3 1. was 11.got 20.served
15.1 1. Lost 1.stopped 2. flew 12. boarded 21. talked
2. put 2.had 3. was 13.walked 22.was
3. involved 3.did --swim 4. was 23.was
13.(b) found
5. took 24.was
4.propose 4.attracted 14.sat
6.checked-in 15. fastened 25.watched
5.made 5.arrived 26.landed
7.walked 16.was
6. had 8.was 27. had
17. was 28.was
9. didn't have 18.could
19.took 29.made
10. waited
16.1 1. Was always chewing, ‘s always chewing
2. was always checking, ‘s always checking
3. was always talking, ‘s always talking
4. was always losing, ‘s always losing
5. was always telling, ‘s always telling

16.2 1.were passing 6. was preparing ,was washing 11.was cooking, were watching 16. Was she reading
2.was reading 7.was waiting 12.were playing 17.was not learning
3.was getting 8.were always complaining 13.was raining 18.was reading
4.was thinking 9.were having 14.was crying, was laughing 19.were you doing
5.was working 10.was driving 15.Was I washing 20.was our teacher saying
17.1 1. went 17.1 1.saw 17.3 1. wаs washing, rang
2. decided 2. was watching 2. did you fееl
3. was having 3. went
3. got, rесеivеd
4. was raining 4. practised
5. were you talking 4. went swimming
5. were arguing
6. called 6. owned 5. bit, sсrеamеd
7. were eating 7. did 6. sang, atе
8. was making 8. jumped 7. fеlt, happеnеd
9. was dreaming 9. was working
8. was washing up, brokе
10. was practising 10. got
9. sее, missеd
11. were playing
12. did pass 10. Wеrе you doing, phonеd

17.4 1. While I was swimming in the sea, I got stung by a jellyfish. 17.5 -1. met, were working
2. I hadn’t experienced extreme cold temperatures until I went to Siberia. 2. were all playing
3. The plane’s engine made/ was making a strange noise as it look/ was taking off. 3. was going, stopped
4. We had never been to Italy before we went to Naples last year. 4. broke, was skiing
5. She met her fiancé while they were training to climb Everest. 5. was doing, heard
6. The storm started not long after the ferry had left the port. 6. were watching, broke, stole
7. I tasted some wonderful food when I travelled/ was travelling in India. 7. sang
8. woke up, were standing
9. made

18.1 1. He went to bed early.

18.2 1. I have seen a penguin.
2. We didn't like onions.
2. Have they eaten breakfast?
3. Did she exercise?
3. Jennifer haven't finish her homework.
4. Where did you live?
4. It haven't rain for a long time.
5. He had a car.
5. Who have finished the homework?

18.3 1.have seen 18.4 1.has snowed 4. Have you seen

6. 've cleaned, haven't cleaned 11.had to 2. Have you played 5. haven't seen
2.Have you eaten 7.Have you finished 12.sailed 3. have played 6.moved
3. has never ridden 8.lived 13.stole 7. hasn't seen
4.have finished 9. Did you take 14.played
5. have been 10.had 15.ate


19.1 1. After he had tried on six pairs of shoes, he decided he liked the first ones best.
2. When Mary had done all the shopping, she took a short walk round the park.
3. After I had washed and dried the last plate, Paul came in and offered to help.
4. He went to the café in the square for a cup of coffee after he had said goodbye to the visitors.
5. I started on the dark chocolate when I had eaten all the milk chocolate.
6. When Peter had done his karate training, he phoned his mother.
7. Mike had a long hot shower after he had been for a run.
8. Sandra went to bed after she had phoned the office to say she was ill. 19.4 -2. had learnt
3. had had
19.2 -1. he had lost his glasses. 19.3 We'd just heard the news when you rang.
4. hadn’t won
2. he had lost his/ the ticket. 2. I'd already thought of that before you suggested it.
5. had left
3. he had lost his money. 3. When I turned on the TV, the programme had already started.
6. had started
4. he had lost the address. 4. She was hungry because she hadn't eaten anything all day.
5. he had lost his/ the key. 5. By the time I left school, I'd decided to become a musician.
6. he had lost his appetite.
7. he had lost his memory.
20.1 -1. applied 20.2 -1. had tried 20.3 1. had not been 2. arrived 20.4 1. had just left
2. had published 2. saw 3. decided 4. spent 2. gave
3. had participated 3. had been 5. had had 6. saw 3. read
4.had enclosed 4. called 7. had shared 8. had lost 4. made
5. had obtained 5. had painted 9. had not seen 10. called 5. got
6. had selected 6. had voted 11. looked 12.turned 6. had
7. had checked 7. came in 13. realized 14. had 7. was
8. had affected 8. had sent 15. saw 16. went 8.got
9. had telephoned 17. explained 18. had got 9. had left
10 got 19. was not 20. felt 10. went
11 opened 21. had not passed 22. had said 11.got
12 had mapped 23. had arrived 24. had 12. had already begun
25. thought 26.had 13. learned
27. got 28. began 29. had happened 14. spoke
15. talked
16. did you decide
22.1 -1. ‘d been lying 22.2 1. had been sitting
10. had been looking
2. ‘d been carrying 2. had been holding
11. had been knitting
3. ‘d been living 3. had been seeing
12. had been carrying
4. ‘d been hoping 4. had been expecting
13. had been going on
5. ‘d been looking 5. had been waiting
14. had been photographing
6. had been missing 6. had been thinking
15. had been watching
7. ‘d been sitting 7. had been crying
8. had been losing 8. had been carrying
9. had been snowing 9. had been playing
10. ‘d been queuing


23.1 1. had written

23.2 1. had already been 23.3 1. had known 23.4 1. had been raining
2. had stayed
2. had prepared 2. had been driving 2. hadn’t slept
3. had been waiting
3. had been looking 3. had lost 3. hadn’t been feeling
4. had been running
4. had you been dating 4. had had 4. had had
5. had seen
5. had had 5. had forgotten 5. hadn’t been listening
6. had known
6.had been crying 6. had been staring 6. had already started
7. had been getting
7. had been looking
8. hadn’t been having
9. hadn’t eaten
10. had been listening


24.1 1. was skating 24.2 1. had been practicing 24.3 2. was shining 3. was sitting
2. scored 2. had been blowing 4. had been waiting 5. felt
3. hadn’t brought 3. had been studying 6. stood up 7. Began
4. had never beaten 4. had been sleeping 8. had just lifted/ was just lifting
5. had broken 9. had happened 10. Looked
5. had been suffering
6. was training 11. had snapped 12. packed
6.was having
7.was walking
8.was cleaning
9. was choosing
10. was listening

25.1 1. has been watching

2. have been watching
3.has been still eating
4.Has he been playing
5. have been travelling
6. has not been repairing
7. had not been bathing
8. had been writing
9.Had her daughter been eating
10. had not been cooking
26.1 1. will do 26.2 1. going to try, going to spend
2. Will you tell 2. going to do, going to spend, going to start
3. will remember 3. going to do, going to be, going to work, going to stay
4. will pass 4. going to decorate, going to spend, going to start
5. will complain

26.3 1.will close 11. are you going to do

2. will help
12. is not going to go
3. will rain
13.is she going to watch
4. will go
14.Are you going to study
5.Will you have
15. is going to have
6. will never leave
16. will take
7. will win
17. is going to take
8. will take
9. will go
10. will feel


27.1 1 is going to crash 2 am not coming/ am not going to come 3 will make 4 starts 5 will mind 6 are going to cry
7 closes 8 will go 9 leaves 10 are having/are going to have

27.2 1. We aren’t/ We’re not 1. starting (an arrangement) / going to start ( a plan or
2. I’m going to do intention)
3. is going to sing/ is singing 2. going to study (a plan or intention)
4. going to buy 3. are always going to need/ will always need (fixed plan and
5. going to be/ being prediction)
6. Does/ Will 4. will need (prediction)
7. Are they going to broadcast/ Will they broadcast 5. is going to start ( plan or intention) / starts (timetabled
8. Are they broadcasting future)
9. leaves 6. get(timetabled future) / am getting (fixed plan)
10. Does the restaurant open/ Is the restaurant opening 7.’ll change (spontaneous decision)
8. will change (prediction)
28.1 1. would be married 28.2 1. were going to do
10. was to
2. was to regret 2. was going
11. would become well known
3. was going to ring 3. was going to be
12. would marry
4. was leaving 4. was joining
13. would sometimes envy
5. would spend 5. was to report
14. was going to stay
6. was to change 6.was to get
7. was going to say 7. was going to do something
8. would be terrible 8. would come back
9. was catching 9. was starting
10.was going to happen.
29.1 1. At 8.30 he’ll be driving to work. 29.2 -1. will be writing
2.At 9.05 he’ll be teaching maths. 2. will be playing
3. At 10.15 he’ll be correcting papers. 3. will be helping
4. At 10.30 he’ll be having coffee. 4. will be eating
5. At 11.15 he’ll be teaching French. 5. will be running
6. At 2.15 he’ll be training the football team. 6. will be taking
7. At 4.00 he’ll be having a shower. 7. will be coming
8. At 6.00 he’ll be cooking supper. 8. won’t be watching
9. At 7:30 he’ll be watching TV. 9. won’t be working
10. will be waiting
30.1 1. ok 30.2 1. I’ll have cooked 30.3 1.will have played
2. will have been 2.will have gone
2. won’t have finished
3. We’ll have become
3. ‘ll probably have passed 3.will have gone
4. I’ll have been taking/ I’ll have been taken
4. Will you have done 4.will have arranged
5. will you already have had
5. probably won’t have left 5.will have helped
6. You’ll have been driving
6.will have been
7. will have been appointed
7.will have left
8. won’t have finished
8. will have finished
9. won’t have been expecting/ won’t have been expected
9.Won't they have arrived
10. ok
10.Will you have eaten
11. ok
12. won’t all have been delivered


31.1 1.I’ll have been waiting
2. I’ll have been swimming
3.Jan will have been talking
4.won’t have been climbing
5. Emma will have been working

31.2 1.will have been playing 11.will you have been living 21. will have been hiking
2.will have been going 12.will have been cooking 22. will have been watering
3.Will we have been working 13.will have been attending
23. will have been making
4.Will I have been learning 14.will have been sowing
15.will have been teaching 24. will have been leaving
5.will have been sleeping
6.will have been studying 16.will have been enjoying 25. will have been watching
7.Will Moses have been feeling 17.will have been
8.will have been playing 18.Will you have been speaking
9.Will it have been raining 19.Will they have been playing
10.will have been waiting 20.will have been flying


32.1 1.will be waiting 32.2 1. will have been working 9.will have been painting
2. will be doing 2. will have been talking 10. will have been dancing
3. will have finished 3. will you have been studying 11. will have earned
4. will have found 4. will have been living 12.will not have been
5. will be sharing 5. will have been jogging 13. will not have prepared
6. will have been 6. will have been driving 14.will not have seen
7. will have have improved 7. will have had 17.Will the concert have started
15. will have arrived
8. will be probably working 8. will have been working 18. will she have been
16. will have finished
19.will have travelled
20. will have prepared
33.1 1. will 33.2 -A.2. will be able to 33.3 1. Ed will have applied
2. have 3. will give 2. I’ll hopefully be running
3. soon/ long 4. comes 3. we’ll have lived/ we’ll have been living
4. happens -B 1. finish/ have finished 4. Will Gemma already have arrived
5. will 2. want 5. you won’t have been travelling/ be travelling
6. still 3. get You’ll have had/ be having
7. be 4.hear 6. We’ll be waiting
8. working -C. 1. is 7. 1,000 people will have been jumping/ 1,000 people will have
9. be 2. will take jumped
10. doing 3. will land 8. The boys will be signing/ The boys will have been signing
11. while 4. will call 9. will you be interviewing
12. are 5. arrive 10. Terry won’t have been
13. become 6. come 11. will you be doing
14. been -D. 1. will be 12. We won’t be seeing
15. by 2. strikes
3. has forgotten

33.4 -1. Will be moving 33.5 1 a will be, b will have been 33.6 1 will be
2. will have viewed 2 a was going to finish, b will finish 2 will be working
3. Will you be putting 3 a will be sunbathing, b will sunbathe 3 will have completed
4. will have learnt/ learned 4 a will be sleeping, b will have slept 4 will be
5. will have been renovating 5 a were flying, b will be flying 5 will have finished
6. will have fixed 6 a will be driving, b will drive 6 will have spent
7 will be jumping
8 Will you be going
9 will have arrived

34.1 1.heat, melts 6.is, stop 34.2 1. Need 34.3 1. gives 34.4 3. When I phone..
2.gets, rains 7.mix, get 2. don't work 2. he'll make 4. If I visit..
3.freeze, becomes 8. phones, tell 3. will buy 3. cooks 5. When it comes..
4.die, don't get 9.Meet, get 4. cook 4. offers 6. if she invites..
5. has , catch 10.want, call 5. won't have 5. be 7. When it starts…
6. will want 6. meet 8. If he lends me..

34.5 1.If I'm not busy, I'll pick you up. If I wasn't/weren't busy, I'd pick you up.
2 If you fall, you'll break your leg. If you fell, you'd break your leg.
3 If we don't leave now, we'll be late. If we didn't leave now, we'd be late.
4 If you get the job, we'll have a party. If you got the job, we'd have a party.


34.6 1 I had had enough money, I would have taken a taxi 34.7 1 had come, would have visited
2 I had been interested in the film, I would have gone to the cinema 2 had known, wouldn't have got
3 we had taken the wrong turning, we wouldn't have arrived late 3 hadn't destroyed, wouldn't need
4 wouldn't have committed suicide if he hadn't thought Juliet was dead 4 hadn't left, might have met
5 wouldn't have been punished if he hadn't lied 5 hadn't spent, wouldn't be
6 would have gone to the wedding if I had been invited 6 could have become, was/were/had been
7 I hadn't been afraid of the dark, I would have gone downstairs 7 had tried, would have got
8 you had trained hard enough, you would have won 8 wouldn't have got, had missed
9 he had apologised, she would have forgiven him 9 had met, would be
10 she had had a car, she wouldn't have had to take a taxi. 10 hadn't seen, would have been

34.8 1.I 2.J 3.D 4.A 5.G 34.9 a. had phoned, would have given 35.0 2. Wouldn’t have got
6.B 7.H 8.C 9.F 10.E b. took, might feel 3. would put on
c. had driven, would have crashed 4. would be able to
d. had сome, would have enjoyed 5. would have told
e. I’d knоwn, would have sent 6. may/will ruin
f. helped, might be 7. was/ were
g. had scored, сould have won 8. had known
h. wore, wouldn’t get 9. get
10.had put
35.1 2. If you had woken me up, I wouldn’t be late for my appointment now. 11. loses
3. If she were/ was well-qualified, she would have got the job. 12. wouldn’t go
4. If we liked fast food, we would have gone to the restaurant. 13.would have called
5. If she had brought her umbrella, she wouldn’t be getting wet now. 14.will love 15. will be
6. If I knew them very well, I would have gone to the party.
7. He would be at the lecture if he had been told about it.
8. If they had taken a map with them, they wouldn’t be lost now.
9. If the driver were/was careful, he wouldn’t have crashed his car into a wall.
10. If I had bought tickets, we could go to the theatre tonight.
11. If he had reserved a table, he wouldn’t have to wait for an hour.
12. If Sue hadn’t forgotten to go to the bank, she would be able to go shopping now.
13. If they hadn’t missed their flight. They would arrive today.

35.2 1. If Sue had got me a birthday present, I would have got her one.
2. If they hadn’t made a mistake with our order, we would have paid them on time.
3. If the climate wasn’t/weren’t undergoing such radical changes, scientists wouldn’t be so worried.
4. Would California have become an important area if they hadn’t found gold there.
5.If it wasn’t/weren’t for the sunset, tourists wouldn’t be attracted/go to that place.
6. If there hadn’t been a traffic jam on the motorway, I wouldn’t have been late for my interview.
7.If I were you, I would use a sunblock and then you wouldn’t go red.
8. If the driver had been paying attention to the road, the accident wouldn’t have happened.

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