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Aegis of Empires - Adventure Path

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Creator: Greg A. Vaughan

Authors: Matt Goodall, Steven T. Helt, Tom Knauss, Anthony Pryor, Alistair J. Rigg, Jeffrey Swank, Greg A. Vaughan
Additional Design: Brandon Hodge
Developers: Jason Nelson, Greg A. Vaughan
Editors: Sam Davis, Jason Nelson, Anthony Trim
5E Development: Ismael Alvarez, Robert J. Grady, Mark Hart, Michael “solomani” Mifsud, Jason Nelson
Design and Layout: Craig Williams
Cover Artist: Evan Surya Nugraha
Interior Artists: Simon Aan, Bruno Balixa, Joel Bisaillon, Nicholas Cato, Tyler Clark, Daniel Cotter, Art Deepmind, Ivan
Dixon, Andrew Doris, Rodrigo Gallo, Yuri Gamberoni, Teresa Guido, Frank Hessefort, Jacqueline Hines, Michael Jaecks,
Jason Juta, Chris Kimball, Jethro Lentle, Chris McFann, Renan Moraes, Mitch Mueller, Amy Nagi, Tamires Para, Beatrice
Pelagatti, Peyeyo Peyeyo, Sabrina Pugnale, Ivan Pushkov, Dylan Reader, Arrahman Rendi, Julio Rocha, Henrik Rosenborg,
Tanyaporn Sangsnit, Banu Satrio, Melissa Spandri, Phil Stone, Bob Storrar, Evan Surya Nugraha, Jon Tonello, Rian Trost,
Justin Tumey, Mike W., Steve Wood
Cartographers: Justin Andrew Mason, Michael Tumey
Playtesters: Kate Baker, Adam Daw, Nick Flitter, Will Johnson, David Li, Rand Montoya, Dennis Muldoon

Open Content: Subject to designation as Product Identity (see below), the not Open Content: Legendary Games, Aegis of Empires, the Legendary
only portion of this Legendary Games product designated as Open Game Games Logo, Aegis of Empires Adventure Path (5E), as well as all trademarks,
Content is the rules content (creature stat blocks and names of skills, registered trademarks, proper names (including the names of each
etc., taken from the SRD) as defined in the Open Game License version character, location, item or monster unique to this product), dialogue,
1.0a Section 1(d). The front and back cover, back matter, introduction and plots, storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress, but
Credits page, as well all other parts of this product including all text not excluding any content that is Product Identity of Wizards of the Coast.
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No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game are not included in this declaration.)
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Aegis of Empires Adventure Path (5E) © 2021,

Legendary Games; Authors: Matt Goodall,
Steven T. Helt, Tom Knauss, Anthony Pryor,
Alistair J. Rigg, Jeffrey Swank, Greg A. Legendary Games
ISBN: 978-1-955320-07-8 524 SW 321st St.
First printing June 2021. Federal Way, WA 98023
Printed in USA. makeyourgamelegendary.com

Welcome to the
Aegis of Empires Adventure Path
Welcome to the Lost Lands, the campaign setting of the adventures and books by Frog God Games and Necromancer
Games before it! “But this is Legendary Games?” you say. Yes, yes it is, but as the principal developer of the Lost Lands
setting — having the privilege and pleasure of combing through every single product, word-by-word, from those two
companies’ considerable catalog of books to determine how it all fit together into a coherent whole — I had the opportunity
to continue my work with the setting. By mutual agreement upon the end of my tenure with Frog God Games in 2018, I
was able to provide them with the bible of Lost Lands material I had been collating since 2010 and was graciously allowed
to retain the rights to continue to make my own contributions to the setting I had poured so much into in Lost Lands-
compatible products. I also purchased the rights to the Aegis of Empires Adventure Path that had already been in the works
for some time (though under the name Ashes of Empires at that time, and changed due to similarities in titles from other
companies that were being released in a similar timeframe), so I could continue the development I had already started
on it and nurture it through to the end. That Legendary Games was willing to adopt such a project, was icing on the cake
and what has allowed me to put this product into your hands.

Special Electronic Features

We've hyperlinked this product internally from the Table of Contents and externally with links to the official System
Reference Document or 5eSRD. If it is in the core rulebook, we generally didn't link to it unless the rule is an obscure one.
The point is not to supersede the game books, but rather to help support you, the player, in accessing the rules, especially
those from newer books or that you may not have memorized.

About Legendary Games

Legendary Games is an all-star team of authors and designers, founded by Clark Peterson of Necromancer Games, Inc.
Legendary Games uses a cooperative, team-based approach to bring you, the best expansion material for your game. We
are gamers and storytellers 1st, and we believe that passion shows in our products.
So check us out, and Make Your Game Legendary!
Visit us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and check out our website at www.makeyourgamelegendary.com.

FOREWORD back to the origins of this adventure path. It predates my
work on the Lost Lands, it predates my time with Frog
God Games, and in many ways it predates my time as a
Welcome to the Aegis of Empires designer notes. This professional writer. It goes all the way back to 1988 when
ungodly huge document was what I sent to the poor writers TSR released a hardback game book that blew my young
that I hired to author the six adventures of the adventure mind: Greyhawk Adventures by Jim Ward. The book came out
path… er, five adventures actually, but more on that later. during that weird quasi-transition from 1st Edition to 2nd
Yes, it’s almost 30,000 words and 48 manuscript pages as I Edition and was rather scattered in its contents: some class
type it here on a Word document, though I’m sure that will stuff, the concept of deities’ avatars, some new monsters,
change in the layout process. But here it is in all its glory key NPCs of the Greyhawk setting, a bunch of new spells,
for you to peruse at your leisure. And it leaves me with one but most importantly—for me at least—were descriptions
burning question: Why? of legendary locations in the Greyhawk setting. I became
hooked on those few paragraphs provided for each, reading
and rereading them again and again. One place that I
My poor authors certainly weren’t thrilled to receive a couldn’t get out of my head were the Pits of Azak-Zil…
40+ page outline to review before they could get started a haunted meteor crater, filled with the ghosts of dwarf
on writing their adventures. Why would I do that to miners, and lost treasures, and a failed quest to find it
them? And why would you, gentle reader, want to see that left behind a cryptic journal that could guide others.
it? To address the second question first: I guess it really Almost immediately I set out to create the lost journal of
doesn’t matter why you want it; we offered it as bonus Pont Sandmorg of Narwell—handwritten on plain copy
content in the Kickstarter, and some of you brave souls paper. That sheaf of pages written in my teenage scrawl has
jumped on board and demanded it. Maybe you are absolute been stuffed between the last page and back cover in my
completionists and simply must have the entirety of any copy of that book for more than 30 years now. I imagine it’ll
project you support. Maybe you just like seeing how the be there another 30 at least.
sausage is made. Maybe you hope for a glimpse into my
sick, depraved, sadistic, Type A soul. Maybe you’ve got a
little of that sickness yourself… Regardless of the reason, Also around this time is when I began submitting
you have spoken, and so it shall be! adventure proposals to Dungeon Magazine. I assumed if I
could get a few published, then it was only a matter of time
before I could write my own adventure about the Pits of
As to the former question: Why would I do that to them? Azak-Zil. A mere 15 years later, my first adventure proposal
Well, there’s a story to that. was accepted (“Tammeraut’s Fate” #104) and was followed
quickly by the acceptance of a proposal for a trilogy (the
But before we go any further, it is imperative that you Istivin trilogy in issues #117, 118, and 119). And they were all
aware there will be… Greyhawk adventures! I had other submissions accepted,
including one that was inspired directly from the material
in Greyhawk Adventures when I visited the deadly valley

of the Csipros Erd in issue #131’s “The Hateful Legacy”. As
the submissions continued, I blew the dust off my Pont
Sandmorg journal as I began to plan how to do justice with
These is a document about the design that went into the my ideas for Azak-Zil.
creation of the Aegis of Empires adventure path, and it must
therefore, necessarily, contain spoilers regarding said path. Then Dungeon Magazine came up with the idea for me.
So I hope it goes without saying, but if you intend to be a They had begun doing adventure paths with Shackled City,
player of the adventure path rather than the GM, you should Age of Worms, and Savage Tides... all set in Greyhawk even! I
stop reading now. These notes will quite literally give away began to work up my idea for an AP with Azak-Zil and the
everything about the adventures to follow… oftentimes in fallout of the Greyhawk Wars as its centerpiece. Eventually
excruciatingly specific detail. You have been warned. I submitted the proposal for a 4-adventure Greyhawk
adventure path called Ruins of Aerdy. I never really got an
So first, as to my earlier comment of mentioning five answer on it; it was never accepted, but it was never really
authors being sent the outline rather than six, well that’s rejected either. It just languished in the submission pile
part of the story. And to understand it all we must go with no end in sight. Then Paizo announced that Wizards

of the Coast was pulling the license for Dungeon Magazine, already had the concept of radioactive exposures in the
D&D, Greyhawk, etc. The submission was dead, so I turned world from Tom Knauss’s metallurgic amber in Fields of
my adventure writing to all things Golarion over the next Blood and Bill Webb’s mutant-infested wasteland in Sword of
few years. Air. There was nothing in my Ruins of Aerdy AP that couldn’t
be approached from a different angle specific to the Lost
Lands, and so I set out to rework that outline into what was
However, when Bill Webb approached me about
at first known as the Ashes of Empire AP to complement the
starting up Frog God Games, and incorporating all of the
release of the forthcoming Lost Lands world book.
Necromancer Games catalog of adventures, and ultimately
into creating a cohesive campaign setting that could
encompass it all, I set out to put together the Lost Lands. My first problem was that by this time, the 6-adventure
Doing so allowed me revisit a great many ideas from my AP had more or less become the standard format. I realized
home brew games and how I would develop a game world that with the greater scope and scale of the Lost Lands
if it were up to me, along with the near-endless wealth of compared to the relatively small land mass covered in the
already existing material through Necromancer Games and Greyhawk sub-continent, I could greatly expand on my
the fledgling publications of Frog God. In doing so, I was meteor crater adventure and split it into two adventures:
able to put together something of vast size and scope that one for the investigation and journey and one for the
could accommodate almost any style of play or campaign exploration of the site itself. That brought me to five
preference. The Lost Lands developed with iconic locations adventures, but I was at a loss for what to do for a sixth.
like Bard’s Gate, and Rappan Athuk: The Dungeon of I had a hole available for a low/mid-level adventure but I
Graves, the Stoneheart Mountains, the Wizard’s Wall, didn’t have any ideas of how to fill it. I needed something
the temple-city of Tsar, the development of the Gulf of urban really, so fit the themes and different aspects of the
Akados and Sinar Coast regions with their rich historical, central Lost Lands that I wanted to explore but didn’t have
geographical, and cultural interplay. I had empires striving anything that was a good match. Then Jeff Swank sent me
and falling and the successor states and the hidden drivers the unsolicited manuscript for his delightful The Ebon Soul,
behind the scenes for more than 5,000 years of events. and I knew I had my sixth.

We added exotic locales like Razor Coast, the Northlands, As a result of the reworking of the outlines for the
the blighted city of Castorhage, and name-dropped different adventures I had previously intended to write,
references of historical connections to places like Tircople, along with the inclusion of Jeff ’s adventure, I realized there
and the Kingdoms of Foere, and the Haunted Steppe. And was no way I would have time to knock out the writing on
finally as it all came together I remembered the Ruins of this six-adventure monstrosity. So almost 10 years of design
Aerdy and realized I had the means to rebuild it from the notes coalesced into a single master document and I began
ground up and make it serve as a perfect showcase for recruiting authors to join me on this project. The lucky
many of the mentioned-but-never-seen locations of the few turned out to be Alistair Rigg, Jeffrey Swank, Matthew
Lost Lands we had been teasing for nearly a decade. Goodall, Steven T. Helt, Tom Knauss, and Anthony Pryor.
The shifts in the industry and at Frog God Games resulted
in me bringing this to Legendary Games in mid-stream to
The Greyhawk elements had to be removed, of course,
allow it to reach fruition, but at long last here it is in all its
but the universal themes and adventure concepts were
still good and held a flavor that I wanted for the Lost
Lands. A lost meteor crater promising danger and wealth,
a treacherous journey through hostile lands following As I said to quote Jerry Garcia and company in my foreword
a mysterious journal to reach said treasure. All of these to The Slumbering Tsar Saga in 2012, “What a long, strange
were still viable options to make a great adventure path, trip it’s been.”
and some of the organic developments of the Lost Lands
by myself and other authors over the years lent themselves
Amen to that, brother.
very nicely to fit the bill. I didn’t need the rugged Abbor-
Alz hills, I had a Haunted Steppe wracked by millennia
of warfare and slaughter. I had lost colonies and lost Greg A. Vaughan
expeditions seeking to find those colonies. I had a history October 31, 2020
of monstrous meteorite impacts upon the planet going
back to the earliest years of Necromancer Games. I even

Table of Contents
Introduction ............................. 2 Adventure 5: Race for Shataakh-Uulm . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Adventure 1: The Book in the Old House . . . . . 10 Chapter One: Into the Haunted Steppe . . . . . 269
Sidebar: Eber and the Kingdom of the Vast . . . . 15 Sidebar: The Haunted Steppe . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Sidebar: Sir Urvitus Voren of Tourne . . . . . 20 Chapter Two: All Roads Lead to Sorrow . . . . . 281
Chapter One: An Exorcism in Eber . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Chapter Three: The Pit of the Burning Star . . . . . 325
Chapter Two: Back to Front Street . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Player Handouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Player Handouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Adventure 6: Knight Fall in Old Curgantium . . . . . 400
Adventure 2: The Ebon Soul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Sidebar: Timeline of Hyperborea and Curgantium 406
Sidebar: The Duchy of Ysser . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Chapter One: The Ruins of Curgantium . . . . . 412
Chapter One: The Margravine Vanderhaven . . . 70 Sidebar: Aberrant Giant Deformities . . . . . 420
Sidebar: Vampires as Player Characters . . . . . 88 Sidebar: The Nightscream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Chapter Two: Going to the Chapel . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Chapter Two: Old Curgantium . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Chapter Three: The Rivals and the Ritual . . . . . 99 Chapter Three: The Tower of Oerson . . . . . . . . . . . 470
Adventure 3: When Comes the Moon . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Chapter Four: The Codex Found . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Sidebar: Timeline of Asteria Point . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Player Handouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
Sidebar: Yolbiac Vale and the Cretian Mountains 117 Appendix A: New Monsters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Chapter One: Home of the Old Gods . . . . . 119 Appendix B: Magic and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 566
Chapter Two: On the Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
The Asterian Monks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Magic Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
Sidebar: Ancient Languages of Akados . . . . . 174 Major Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
Adventure 4: Legend of the Burning Star . . . . . 176 Mystic Tomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
Sidebar: Timeline of the Pit of the Burning Star 183
Rare Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
Chapter One: The Heart of the Kingdom . . . . . 186
Spells and Rituals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
Sidebar: Nains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Appendix C: Gods of the High Places . . . . . . . . . . . 587
Sidebar: Panetoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Unkeyed Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
Chapter Two: The Grey Citadel of Dun Eamon 206
Sidebar: Dun Eamon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Chapter Three: To the Wizard’s Wall . . . . . 228
Sidebar: Tanith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Sidebar: Gravenfar’s Journal . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Player Handouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246

Table of Maps
The Western Kingdoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5C. The Conroi Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
1A. The Old House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5D. Gravenfar’s Cave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
1B. The Sealed Basement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 5D. Gravenfar’s Cave Interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Kingdom of Foere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5E. Sixtun’s Spyglass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
2A. Vanderhaven Manor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5F. Hallelujah Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
2B. Bastion of Righteous Decree . . . . . . . . . . . 92 5H. Earl Rannulf ’s Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
2C. The Lich’s Laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 5K. Azmerius’ Adit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
3A. The Asterian Abbey (Ground) . . . . . . . . . . . 127 5L. The Prize Pit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
3A. The Asterian Abbey (2nd/3rd) . . . . . . . . . . . 132 5M. Fuming Chasm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
3A. The Asterian Abbey (4th/5th) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 5N. Caleen Cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
3B. The Old Catacombs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 5O. The Nest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
3D. Werewolf ’s Lair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 5P. The Traveler’s Tomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
3E. Fisher from Outside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 5Q. The Mother Lode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
3F. The Bridgehead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Kingdom of Foere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Grand Duchy of Reme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Grand Duchy of Reme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
4A. Dorse’s Paper Shoppe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 Old Curgantium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
4B. Memorial Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 6B. Base Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
4C. Devil’s Rest Hospital for Invalids . . . . . . . . . . . 200 6C. Lost Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Dun Eamon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 6D. Ancient Catacombs (ground) . . . . . . . . . . . 449
4D. Bannon’s Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 6D. Ancient Catacombs (lower) . . . . . . . . . . . 458
4E. Elinda’s Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 6E. Curgantium Sewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
4F. Keep Away . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 6F. Ruined Theater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
4G. Ebon Union Safehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 6G. Tower of Oerson (sublevel one) . . . . . 471
4H. The Hidden Cleft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 6H. Tower of Oerson (sublevel two) . . . . . 475
The Haunted Steppe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 6I. Tunnels of the Underguild . . . . . . . . . . . 505
5B. The Circled Twelve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

Adventure Path own complete adventure path. Included in our suggestions
are adventure path options made up of Legendary Games
adventures and Frog God Game adventures, but these are
Introduction far from the only available adventures out there that can be
used. So brush the dust off your favorite adventures that
you’ve always wanted to run and crack them open to fill
The Aegis of Empires Adventure Path is a Lost Lands
up your players’ dance card as they undertake the Aegis of
adventure path that is designed for a party of four to
Empires Adventure Path.
six PCs. It is written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game,
Pathfinder Second Edition, and 5th Edition game systems.
Aegis of Empires is not a traditional adventure path in that The Lost Lands
its constituent adventures do not run continuously from
the first to the last. It is expected that the PCs will have As mentioned, this adventure path is ostensibly set in the
other adventures in between the adventure path episodes Lost Lands campaign setting, the world setting of the many
and perhaps even concurrently for a truly ambitious GM. Frog God Games and Necromancer Games adventures that
As such, the adventure path is not designed to take a party have been published since the launch of the SRD in 2000.
of 1st-level characters and advance them through their As such, there are literally hundreds of adventures already
careers exclusively through its own events. So while the set in the Lost Lands dating back more than two decades,
adventure path begins for low-level PCs, it does to require and in 2019 Frog God Games published its World of the
that they begin their adventuring careers with its initial Lost Lands setting book. The Aegis of Empires adventure
adventure, nor will it provide the requisite XP and treasure path, through the cooperation of Legendary Games and
to successfully propel them through its entire course Frog God Games, is set in the Lost Lands setting and is
without the use of supplementary materials. In a sense it compatible with that game world. However, though it is
is therefore a campaign arc rather than an adventure path. set in the Lost Lands, you as the GM can always lift it and
set it in your own campaign world as you see fit. It is your
adventure now; do with it as your will. However, since it is
The campaign arc provides a common theme around intended for use with the Lost Lands, and you may not be
which a campaign can be built without forcing the PCs familiar with that setting, a little background is in order.
down a particular path or exclusively through a particular
set of adventures. In fact, a GM could use the arc as merely
one of multiple themes running through his campaign, The history of the Lost Lands is both marked and marred
as it inherently allows flexibility in character choice and by the rise and fall of great empires. Two great empires in
plot direction. Of course, each adventure can be used as particular: the Hyperborean Empire (1 I.R.–2509 I.R.* [or
a stand-alone episode without using the arc at all, any 2584 I.R. depending on how it is calculated]) and what is
of the adventures of the arc can be skipped at the GM’s chiefly considered its successor state in the Hyperborean
discretion. At the same time the campaign arc allows GMs Monarchy of the Foeredewaith, aka the Kingdoms of Foere
to use published materials to unobtrusively tie elements of (2744 I.R.–3213ish I.R.) are those that are most universally
his campaign together and provide his players with “Aha!” recognized as the empires of Akados. These particular
moments as the plot themes develop without having to empires treated with, warred against, and otherwise
develop them all themselves or rely on the more structured interacted with other empires over the years including the
format of a traditional adventure path. Khemitian Triple Kingdom, the Ammuyad Caliphate, and
the Huun Imperium of the eastern continent of Libynos,
as well as, the foundational Borean Empire of the polar
Never fear, though. Just because this adventure path/ continent of Boros, and some of these interactions play a
campaign arc doesn’t fulfill a party of player characters role in this adventure path. However, the true focus of the
throughout their entire career doesn’t mean it is incumbent path is upon the empires specifically of Akados proper, i.e.
upon you to fill in the blanks. While many GMs like to the Hyperborean and the Foerdewaith.
introduce their own adventures into their campaign and/
or heavily modify existing adventures to serve this purpose,
if that’s not your thing this adventure path can still be for Not overtly included in this tally but nonetheless integral
you. Included below are suggestions for other published to this adventure path is the often-forgotten third empire
adventures to plug into the gaps in order to make your of Akados, an empire that warred with Hyperborea for 676
years and represented the single-greatest known threat

* I.R. is “Imperial Reckoning” established at the founding of the Hyperborean Empire of Akados.

to that empire for much of that time. That this empire into Semuric called the Kitaab al-Zabba. This translation
ultimately disintegrated, allegedly under its own internal was then later copied by the Khemitite artist and scholar
pressures, leads to much of the nonchalance regarding its Kulophon into both Khemitian and High Boros before
passing and its place in history. But in truth this empire, he was burned alive for heresy by the Church Militans of
the Invincible Horde of the Hundaei (7 I.R.–683 I.R.), known Alcaldar. It was thought that all copies of these translations
among their enemies as the Huns, forms perhaps the most were destroyed, but rumor spoke of at least one copy of the
significant backbone and contribution to all humanity on High Boros translation, called the Codex Ibnathi, surviving
Akados and indeed the entire world of Lloegyr. when one of Kulophon’s apprentices took it and fled the
Khemitian city of Menefet where Kulophon had lived.
The adventure begins in 3517 I.R.
After that, all knowledge of the book’s whereabouts is lost
to history…
Adventure Path Background
The famed adventurer/explorer Aroldus Gravenfar—
sometimes called Seeker Gravenfar for his reputation as an
AE1: The Book in the Old House
By Alistair Rigg
explorer and most often simply Gravenfar because of the
extent to which his reputation preceded him—disappeared 2nd level
80 years ago. According to who is telling the story, he either
disappeared somewhere in the trackless wastes of the The Book in the Old House takes place in the city of Eber
Haunted Steppe supposedly retracing the steps of the ill- (EE-bur), once a part of the Kingdoms of Foere (fo-AIR)
fated Caleen colonization of almost six centuries earlier or before serving as a time as the capital of Kear (KEER), the
somewhere high in the Stoneheart Mountains in search Infernal Realm of the vampire-lord known as the Singed
of what he called the “crèche of Hyperborea”, a phrase Man. Eber was liberated by the paladin-hero Sir Varral
found in one of his many published journals—though no the Blessed and ultimately became the capital of the
one is certain what that phrase might mean exactly since independent Kingdom of the Vast nearly three centuries
the Hyperboreans are well known from history to have ago. The adventure tells the stories of an ancient alienist
descended from the northern continent of Boros more named Ellerby “Eb” Wallix driven from Courghais (coor-
than three-and-a-half-thousand years ago. Whatever the ASE) by the Knights of Macobert in 3367 I.R. for his aberrant
truth, none has ever find the final resting place of the practices. He was never hunted down due to the increasing
legendary man. persecution of the knighthood and the chaos that ensued
following the Foerdewaith Wars of Succession and the
Among Gravenfar’s famed exploits, the one possibly most dozens of revolts and civil wars they spawned. When the
noted among true scholars was his alleged discovery of the knighthood was largely destroyed and forced into hiding
legendary Book of Aeons in the long-considered-mythical thirteen years later, the matter was forgotten except in the
ruins of ancient Ibnath in far Libynos. What became of memory of a knight named Barivoren Wallix, nephew of
the coveted book before his disappearance, none can say, the exiled Ellerby.
and most assume that he took the ancient manuscript with
him to wherever he disappeared. However, for countless A century and a half later, a young knight named Urvitus
years it has been searched for by those hungry for ancient Voren has come upon the papers of his ancestor Barivoren
knowledge or the cosmic powers it is said to control, or and his uncompleted life’s task of destroying all that
both. Despite the loss of this ancient text, the original is once remained of the villainous wizard Eb Wallix. Having
not the only version said to exist. According to old stories, learned that Wallix had relocated to a house in Eber, Urvitus
at some point in the past the legendary bibliophile/thief sets out to destroy it only to find the legacy of the wizard
Takh-Nir-E of Zabba (he who is most famous for stealing very much alive and that he himself is a descendent of the
the equally legendary Book of the Star-Seed) is said to have crazed spellcaster. Only with the intervention of a party
likewise discovered Ibnath and spirited the Book of Aeons of adventurers is Ellerby’s haunted house destroyed and
out from under the watchful eyes of its guardians. The Urvitus Voren redeemed from the possessing influence of
story goes on to say that Takh-Nir-E elected to eventually a page from the foul Codex Ibnathi hidden in the house’s
sneak back in and return the book for unspecified reasons, basement 150 years before.
but not before having made at least one translation of it

AE2: The Ebon Soul and absconds with the Crimson Shroud herself. The PCs must
By Jeffrey Swank pursue her back to her manor through the waning night
5th level before dawn catches and destroys them. Only there do they
have the opportunity to try and overcome their mistress and
gain the healing powers of the shroud for themselves.
In The Ebon Soul, the PCs are the invited guests of the widow
of the Margrave of Tourse (tur-SAY) in the Duchy of Ysser
(EE-sur). Margravine Cassandra proves to be something AE3: When Comes the Moon
less than the perfect hostess she seems when the PCs’ By Matthew Goodall
nightmares are visited by a demonic beast which, upon their 8th level
waking they discover to have been the psychic attacks of
the Margravine, a powerful psychic vampire, who has just
completed the process of infecting all of the PCs themselves When Comes the Moon takes place on the far eastern fringes
with vampirism with her as their mistress. She quickly flees, of the Kingdoms of Foere. More than a thousand years ago
though, as the manor comes under attack by a company of when the church of Thyr was still at its height, holding the
foreign vampire hunters hired by persons unknown intent positions over the Holy See and the Diocesan of Tircople, its
on purging the foul presence from the city. influence as judges and scholars spread far and wide across
the Hyperborean Empire. High on a remote mountaintop
in the Cretian Range, the Thyrians constructed an abbey
The PCs, with their new vampiric abilities and weaknesses, and observatory and established an order of militant
must simultaneously search the manor for some clue to clerics called the Asterian Order (a model for both the later
saving themselves from undead damnation while fighting Church Militans of Alcaldar and the Order of the Swan of
off the vampire hunters who are wholly uninterested in Yolbiac Vale) to defend against otherworldly incursions of
hearing of their plight. In the course of their search, the PCs creatures from the moon, Narrah, that had long preyed
discover correspondence between the margravine and one of upon the ancient inhabitants of the mountains (humans
the oldest temples of Tourse. The information indicates that tribes of the Ancient Ones and elves of The Eldest alike)
an ancient holy relic called the Crimson Shroud is held within and now the fledgling Yolbiac settlements as well.
this temple of Archeillus (ar-KAY-less), God of Nobility and
Rulers, and is capable of curing any affliction—even that of
vampirism. It seems that the margravine sought this artifact The Asterian Order was successful in ending these
for her own unknowable ends. incursions and binding one of the most powerful of
the moon creatures. However, with the corruption and
subsequent humiliation and fall of the Hyperborean
Seeking out the temple before more vampire hunters Empire in 2584 I.R., chaos reigned over Akados for more
can pick up their trail, the PCs are shocked to discover that than a century. The much-diminished faiths of Thyr and
it actually serves as a front for an underground cult of Grox Muir relocated to the Lyre Valley from Ticople, and distant
(GROHKS), a god of civil corruption and blackmail, who used outposts such as that of the Asterian Order were severely
the shroud as a means of extorting those in need of its healing affected. The Thyrians ultimately abandoned support of the
powers. Unfortunately, the PCs are too late as the shroud has remote and nearly-forgotten abbey — isolation furthered
just been stolen by vampiric agents of the Underguild, and the by the location of Lyre Valley outside the boundaries of the
surviving Groxites assume that the vampiric PCs are more the newly arising Kingdoms of Foere. Finally, when the Red
Underguild’s servitors sent to finish the job. Plague struck Foere in 2781 I.R., the Asterian Order was
wiped out and the abbey abandoned. Not until 3443 I.R. did
émigrés from the Borderland Provinces seeking to escape
Surviving the fury of the Groxites and questioning
the Fiend Rains of that region reoccupy the abbey to resume
survivors, the PCs are able to track the Underguild vampires
its purpose as an observatory (though even they have no
to their hideout in the sewers beneath a local tavern and
clue as to its original purpose as a defensive fortification).
gambling hall. Making their way to this establishment,
Only while the PCs visit during Narrah’s full moon phase
the PCs can pit their own prowess coupled with their new
does the true history of the Order and its abbey emerge
vampiric powers against the power and experience of the
and what begins as a lycanthrope hunt through the moon-
Underguild’s vampires and their mortal agents. However,
limned peaks turns into a desperate defense against an
as the PCs battle their way through the minions, the
otherworldly invasion.
margravine makes a reappearance as she sneaks into the fray

AE4: Legend of the Burning Star Goribald goes on to tell the PCs that he approached
By Steven T. Helt the Grand Duke of Reme about a partnership between
10th level the Ironskull Clan and the Grand Duchy to locate and
mine the valuable star metal, but somehow word of the
newly discovered documents got out and other parties—
When the PCs stumble across old records detailing secrets including the PCs became involved. Now the dwarves find
behind the lost Conroi Expedition into the Haunted themselves in a race to reach the lost crater site before
Steppe, they begin a journey to not only discover the secrets multiple competing interests do and, as the PCs have just
of that expedition but also the terrible truths that lie in discovered, some of those groups are willing to use deadly
wait out on the desolate plains of the North. Clues found in force to achieve their goals.
the writings take them from the cathedral-city of Nains to
the regional capital of Panetoth in Reme where they come
upon evidence of murders to keep someone from looking Teaming up with the Ironskull dwarves, the party crosses
into the same information they seek and realize that this the Wizard’s Wall and enters the Conroi Settlements at
secret goes much deeper and is much more sinister than the edge of Haunted Steppe, where they put together an
they suspected. expedition and prepare to cross the Wanaheeli River, the last
boundary of anything resembling civilization as they set out
onto the ill-rumored expanse of seemingly endless plains.
Following the trail of a man fleeing his attempted
murderers brings the party to Dun Eamon, the Grey
Citadel, in the lower Stoneheart Mountains. There they AE5: Race for Shataakh-Uulm
consult the wizard Elinda Bannon in search of a lost journal By Tom Knauss
that once belong to the famed explorer Aroldus Gravenfar. 12th level
Bannon confirms that Gravenfar left the journal with her
grandfather before leaving on his last journey—a journey
from which he never returned—but when she takes the Picking up where Legend of the Burning Star leaves off, the
party to the sealed study within her tower, they find the PCs and their expedition forge across the Wanaheeli River
study sacked by a gang of ragged cultists accompanied by into the vastness of the Haunted Steppe where they must
a terrible invisible creature. By defeating the cultists and contend with the natural hazards to be found in its desolate
their monstrous ally, the PCs are able to recover the journal expanse as well as hostile tribes of Shattered Folk and other
that the cultists were in the process of stealing. threats. As the PCs get nearer to the Pit they begin to find
traces of the prior expedition as well as encounter the strange
burning dead that are described in the correspondence they
As the PCs depart Bannon’s tower with the journal in tow, have. They also run into additional factions seeking the fallen
they are in turn accosted by a band of assassins. Following a star including orcs from the Stoneheart Mountains and
survivor of this band to a hideout hidden beneath the cliffs mercenaries from an unscrupulous noble of the Kingdom
of Dun Eamon they defeat the rest of the gang and discover of Foere. Additionally they learn that their dwarven allies
the man who hired them to attack the PCs is a well-known have been lying to them and are actually members of a
“fixer” employed by the sinister Royal Family of Castorhage. cadet branch of the Ironskull Clan who murdered the actual
Leaving the gang’s hideout they are approached by emissaries of the Ironskulls in order to enrich their own
messengers from a dwarven emissary, Goribald Ironskull side of the family at the clan’s expense.
of the Ironskull mountain dwarf clan. He explains that a
contact of his discovered the correspondence of a member
of the Conroi Expedition at the Nains Cathedral showing Dealing with the accumulating threats, the PCs finally
that the expedition 80 years ago had actually been a cover reach the vast, smoking crater at the center of which a fire
for the Queen of Castorhage to locate and exploit a meteor still roars as it has for millennia. They find the collapsed
crater in the Haunted Steppe called the Pit of the Burning mine where the last survivors of the Conroi Expedition
Star that potentially held immeasurable wealth in star holed up and find their remains inside where they killed
metal. Reading through Gravenfar’s journal they have each other in the madness that possessed them. They
recovered, the party realizes that he had come to the same also find the remains of the expedition chaplain who had
conclusion and set out on his own expedition for the crater written all of the correspondence they had been following
two years before the Conroi group—an expedition from but realize he couldn’t have sent it from the sealed mine.
which he never returned. Something else had brought the letters to the cathedral
library in Nains where they would be found…and followed.

Attempts to explore the crater are met with hordes of gates open to the Plane of Shadow allowing all manner of
burning undead, an encounter with a Castorhage specialist deadly creatures to get through into the Material Plane. At
team, and a friendly rival group out of Bard’s Gate. the knights’ base camp, the PCs find that all of the knights
Managing to enter the mines and the caverns underneath are missing except for one that has been turned into a
the PCs discover that the dead have been extracting the horrible undead creature. They also discover a map of the
molten ore leaking from the burning comet for centuries city with different locations circled by the knights. Finally,
and have been using it and another highly radioactive they learn that when they sleep at night their dreams are
metal called metallurgic amber that was contained in the assaulted by foul creatures that seek to steal their minds
comet to mint Rhemian coins tainted with the madness- and souls.
inducing radiation of the metallurgic amber. Behind
the entire operation they discover the powerful undead
Following the clues left by the missing knights, the party
remains of Prince Cale, the twin of the Overking of Foere
discovers that the city experienced dual calamities on the
who had abdicated his claim on the throne so his brother
night of its destruction: the opera The King in Yellow had
could rule uncontested and was given the Grand Duchy of
just been completed summoning Hastur into the city when
Reme as compensation. It was Cale who engineered the
the Tower of Oerson exploded in its devastating obliteration
original Caleen colonies of Reme five centuries ago that
that burned half a continent. They also discover the rest of
had settled a stretch of the Haunted Steppe and Cale who
the forbidden tome, the Codex Ibnathi, that the wizard Eb
had disappeared along with the colonies when the vast
Wallix had been experimenting with in the adventure The
horde of shadow walkers descended from the north and
Book in the Old House. Eventually they discover the missing
utterly destroyed all colonists who lived in the Haunted
knights had tracked the source of the dream invasions to
a nightmare dragon residing in the dungeons beneath the
Tower of Oerson and can slay it to rescue the knights.
Prince Cale disappeared and was presumed killed. In
actuality he had found the Pit of the Burning Star and in
After more exploration the PCs return to their base camp
his madness fell under the sway of the foul deity Hastur.
to discover the surviving knights have been murdered,
Now with an army of undead slaving away for centuries
Sir Urvitus is missing, and one of the knights previously
and a burgeoning cult of Hastur to do his bidding, Cale
thought dead has returned and betrayed them in all.
prepares to let one of the many expeditions he lured to
Slaying this traitor, the PCs pursue the attackers that took
the Pit through the documents found in Nains discover the
Sir Urvitus and the codex into the sewers of the Underguild.
vast trove of ancient Rhemian wealth and transport it back
There they learn that the Underguild has formed an alliance
to the civilized kingdoms of the south where the radiation-
with the Cult of Hastur who seeks to once again draw their
tainted money can spread throughout the population and
dark god to the city and bring about the destruction of the
spread madness in its wake, all to the glory of the King in
world. In the deep dungeons they find the graveknight,
Barivoren, a distant ancestor of Sir Urvitus is using him
in a ritual along with the codex to bring forth the power
AE6: Knight Fall in Old Curgantium of Hastur through a horrific abomination growing in this
By Anthony Pryor deepest pit. Without the PCs’ intervention Urvitus will be
lost, Eb Wallix will walk again, and Hastur will return to
15th level
finish what he started a thousand years earlier.

The PCs are approached by a representative of the Knights

of Macobert to search for a lost group of knights who Connective Adventures for the Aegis of
have gone on a mission into the ruins of the old imperial Empires Adventure Path
capital of Curgantium to try and locate the source for
some impending doom that the omens speak of and then
prevent it. Among this group of knights is the party’s old As has been mentioned, Aegis of Empires is more of a
acquaintance Sir Urvitus Voren of Tourne. campaign arc than a straightforward adventure path,
allowing you to insert your own adventure choices as you
see fit to fill out your campaign. In general you will have
In the ruined city the PCs find its various sections the following level gaps available for adventures based on
overrun by different kinds of monstrous threats and that at the spacing of the adventures in the AP. Of course, this
night the gates of Hell seemingly open as undead creatures is largely subject to the XP advancement of your player
arise from the ashes of the ruined city and spontaneous

characters which can fluctuate a great deal depending on Games adventures that can be used to fill in these areas of
their actions taken in any given adventure, especially the the campaign (with one exception noted below). Likewise,
longer combined adventures of AE4: Legend of the Burning since this is a publication intended for the Frog God
Star and AE5: Race for Shataakh-Uulm. So be prepared to Games Lost Lands campaign setting, we will provide a
modify the placement of fill-in adventures according to the list of previously published Frog God Games adventures
needs of your own campaign. that can be used in this capacity. Finally discussed at the
very end will be a resource for placing this AP in another
published campaign setting entirely and suggested drop-
Assuming you are starting a campaign with a party of
in adventures for those situations as well.
brand-new first-level characters, you will need a 1st-level
introductory adventure as a lead-in before proceeding with
AE1: The Book in the Old House, which is an adventure for A Legendary Games Adventure Path
2nd-level PCs. AE1 should bring PCs to 3rd level, but it is As a Legendary Games publication, this version of the
unlikely to advance them beyond that. Since AE2: The Ebon adventure path will assume the (almost) exclusive use of
Soul is an adventure for 5th-level characters, you will need published Legendary Games adventures to complement
to bridge the gap from 3rd or 4th level to prepare them for this AP.
AE2. Likewise AE3: When Comes the Moon is for 8th-level
characters, so while AE2 might bring them to 6th level,
it is unlikely to get them beyond that, requiring another 1st Level — The Fiddler’s Lament
interstitial adventure to prepare for AE3. AE4: Legend of the by Greg A. Vaughan (2012)
Burning Star is for 10th-level PCs, so a 9th-level adventure The Legendary Games adventure path begins with the
will probably need to serve as a fill-in between AE3 and adventure The Fiddler’s Lament from the Gothic Campaign
AE4. AE4 leads directly into AE5: Race for Shataakh-Uulm, Compendium. The Fiddler’s Lament is a self-contained,
and should provide the necessary XP to bring the party up horror-based adventure that takes place in the small town
to 12th level by the start of that adventure. No adventure of Raven. For the purposes of this AP, Raven can be placed
should be necessary to serve as fill-in between those. anywhere upon the plains of the Kingdom of the Vast
Likewise, it is probable that the vast scope of AE5 will be where AE1: The Book in the Old House is located. Not only
sufficient to bring the PCs up to or near 15th level for them does it provide a bit of a taste of horror to complement
to undertake AE6: Knight Fall in Old Curgantium, so it is the horror theme of AE1, the Kingdom of the Vast’s not-
less likely that a stop-gap adventure will be needed between too-distant history as the Infernal Realm of Kear under the
AE5 and AE6 though it still remains a possibility. tyranny of the vampire lord known as the Singed Man fits
in very nicely with the haunted, disconsolate feel of Raven
Though the purpose of the loosely connected design of as presented in the adventure.
this adventure path is to give GMs maximum flexibility in
how they organize and run their campaign, it is just as likely 3rd/4th Level — Cold Mountain
that a GM will not have the time or desire to fill in gaps
by Jason Nelson (2013)
with their own adventures. Additionally, the gap in XP is
not the only issue to be considered when stringing together Following completion of AE1, the PCs find themselves
a coherent campaign. If you are running this AP in the Lost traveling through the fringe regions of western Foere—
Lands (or in another campaign setting, as discussed later), perhaps on their way to the Duchy of Ysser and the events
there is the matter of geography to be considered. If that that will occur there in AE2—when they are approached
sort of consistency is important to you and your players, by the vagabond Trindon Mosely, who is in search of a
then you’re going to want the fill-in adventures to make likely group of adventurers. In using this adventure for
sense as to why the PCs are there and the feasibility of them Aegis of Empires, remove the reference to the PCs as rulers
being there. or explorers of new lands; they are simply adventurers of
convenience whom Mosely finds and believes that they
might fit the bill. Consider the Ughar to be one of the
To assist in this matter for those GMs who want it, we far-flung and isolated human tribes descended from the
are providing lists of suggested adventures that make Ancient Ones that can still be found in the odd corners of
sense to be used to fill in those gaps between the AP’s Akados. Their village of Gloym lies deep beneath the eaves
adventures. We approaching this list from two different of the Elderwood, not far from the Broken Mountains
directions. Since this is a Legendary Games publication, where stands the Sacred Mountain of Istria.
we will include a list of previously published Legendary

6th/7th Level — The Horseshoe Calamity catalog for the final suggestion here, though in doing so
by Ron Lundeen (2017) I’m drawing upon a classic Indiana Jones-esque tale by the
inestimable Mr. Logue from the halcyon days of Dungeon
This adventure is easily placed in the Plains of Eauxe, the
Magazine. Herein the PCs return from their excursion deep
great grassland wilderness between the Kingdom of Foere
into the Haunted Steppe in AE4/AE5 brings them back to
and the coastal kingdom of North Heath and The Vast.
the Conroi Settlements on their return to southern lands. In
Perhaps the PCs are returning to more familiar lands to the
the town of Stonebreach at the base of the Deepfells Range,
south after having experienced the events of AE2 in Tourse
they receive a request for aid from undead incursions
but before they are drawn east to the Cretian Mountains for
descending from the nearby Darkmoon Mountain and an
AE3. The PCs should be traveling through this barren plain
investigation of a mysterious monastic temple.
during the winter months to account for the climate effects
described in this adventure. Humans and centaurs have co-
existed upon these plains for millennia, and the Ovoskich A Frog God Games Adventure Path
of Dolanni can be a combined clan group that descended For Lost Lands purists, provided below is a version of
from disparate peoples decimated and hunted during the the adventure path that utilizes only published Frog
dark years of the Infernal Tyrant’s reign over Kear and who God Games adventures already set in the Lost Lands and
formed their own isolated society as a means of survival adhering to their existing geographical locations within
in that time. Now more connected to the outside world, that setting.
they nonetheless retain their tight-knit clan identity when
dealing with travelers from elsewhere.
1st Level — TB1: The Crooked Nail
by Brandon Hodge (2017)
9th Level — Feasting at Lanterngeist
TB1: The Crooked Nail allows the PCs to start out with a
by Greg A. Vaughan (2013)
bad taste in their mouth for the Lost Lands already. This
Another visit to a Gothic Campaign Compendium adventure, adventure can be run as written with the PCs discovering
Feasting at Lanterngeist involves an annual festival and its the horrors hidden within the depth of the City-State of
ill-fated haunting in the lakeside village of Marshtown. Castorhage’s Artists’ Quarter and the secrets there better left
Another horror-themed adventure, Feasting at Lanterngeist undiscovered. And after dealing with the likes of Crux the
serves nicely to bring a different, more down-to-earth apothecary and the legacy of the Fraternitatem Æternam,
brand of horror to the PCs as they recover from their ordeal they will be likely more than ready to quit the precincts of
at Asteria Point in AE3: When Comes the Moon. It easy to The Blight altogether. Fortunately it is only a short jaunt
bring the PCs into an appropriate place to experience this across the Fetid Sea to bring the party to the shores of the
adventure. Simply place Marshtown as a small nondescript Kingdom of the Vast and its capital city of Eber for the
village on the shores of one of the eastern arms of the Star advent of AE1. Furthermore, this campaign start gives the
Sea. The PCs pass through the village while making their party a foretaste of the Castorhagers and their despicable
way back into the heart of Foere after having ventured to ways that will be only all too familiar as they run afoul of
its fringes among the peaks of the Cretian Mountains. The representatives from this city in later chapters of the AP.
PCs just happen to arrive on the night of the Lanterngeist
Festival and are drawn into the horrors of what appears to
be a case of revenge from beyond the grave but is actually 3rd/4th Level — QOD4: The Covered Bridge
something perhaps far worse. by Kevin Wright (2017)
QOD4: The Covered Bridge, one of the stand-alone softcover
14th Level — The Winding Way releases of the Quests of Doom 4 series, was practically
written for this adventure path. In fact, its manuscript was
by Nicholas Logue (Dungeon #117, Dec 2004)
received not long before that of AE2: The Ebon Soul and
As I mentioned above, there is one exception to the was already ear-marked for the Quests of Doom series
suggested adventures for this AP being all from existing or it might have found a place within Aegis of Empires.
Legendary Games publications. Jason and I wracked out The Covered Bridge takes place in the Saymere Valley at
brains to come up with a suitable stand-in here, but of the the western extent of the Kingdom of Foere. In fact, it
ones available for this level range none fit thematically very lies along the old road which was once one of the main
well. So I am branching off from the Legendary Games thoroughfares connecting the cathedral-city of Nains with

the Rheman regional capital of Panetoth—both locations
that figure heavily into AE4. Likewise the hero of Saymere
Valley, Sir Varral the Blessed, played a major role in the What About Other Published Settings?
western reaches of Foere and the Kingdom of the Vast, as it The options above include suggestions of using
was he who led the resistance against and ultimately struck published adventures for Legendary Games or the
down the vampire tyrant, the Singed Man. The adventure official Lost Lands setting of Frog God Games. You can
can easily be placed in the AP as the PCs travel north from always use your homebrew setting or any other than you
Eber towards Tourse and the coming events of AE2 that want, but what about suggestions for some of the other
take place there. popular settings of the game’s history. Of course, Neither
Legendary Games nor Frog God Games holds the rights
to any classic published settings, and therefore can’t
6th/7th Level — QOD: Perils of Ghostwind Pass
sell a product making use of their intellectual property.
by Matt Finch (2015) However, we can as fans produce a pdf and make it
From the first Quests of Doom collection, Perils of available to other fans for free with suggestions on how
Ghostwind Pass is an old-school wilderness hex-crawl you can incorporate the Aegis of Empires Adventure
combined with an evocative dungeon adventure centered Path into some of your own favorite campaign settings.
around a compelling plot and internal mystery (the players We would do this, of course, not in any way to imply
might not even discover the true nature of the mystery until ownership or rights to any said settings but only because
midway through the adventure). The adventure itself is set we are fans of them too and like to encourage our fans
on the mountain pass at the north end of Yolbiac Vale. The to be patrons of the companies that have made the
adventure works best if, after having completed AE2, the roleplaying games hobby go for the last several decades.
PCs make their way towards Yolbiac Vale by the northern
route, through Aachen Province. They can winter in or
So if you’re interested in such a thing, you can
around Elet before heading up into Yolbiac Vale after the
download a free fan-based pdf at http://www.
spring thaw. When they reach the town of Coleum in the
southern reaches of the Vale, they can then be introduced
edition/aegis-of-empires-otherworlds-guide/ with
to the events of AE3.
suggestions on how to incorporate this AP into an
existing published campaign setting. Again, we don’t
9th Level — LL9: The Mountain That Moved mean to imply any rights to such settings and we receive
by Gwendolyn Kestrel (2015) no remuneration recommending them; we just love
them too and love to see them perpetuated throughout
From the LL9: Adventures in the Borderland Provinces
the gaming world by other fans. And if you’re not
adventure anthology, The Mountain That Moved brings
currently using one of those settings, maybe blow the
the PCs to the area of headwaters of the Gaelon River on
dust off your old campaign books and adventures and
the eastern slopes of the Cretian Mountains. Following
give them another look, or even go out and buy copies
their return from Yolbiac Vale and the trepidations of the
of the settings in the newest iterations of those worlds. I
Asterian Abbey in AE3, the PCs can travel along the eastern
am sure that the publishers who make them will be only
fringe of the mountains in the Duchy of the Rampart.
too happy to see new fans or the return of long-time
While there they can come to the town of Deadfellows or
fans. Good gaming!
hear rumors of the disappearance of Vulture Pass to draw
them into the events of this adventure.

14th Level — QOD: The Isle of Eliphaz traveling through Reme to find the quickest passage back
by Casey Christofferson and Bill Webb (2003) to southern lands where their careers began in and around
Another selection from the Quests of Doom collection Castorhage, Eber, or points beyond. From there they are
(and the L2: Vampires and Liches anthology before that), only a chance encounter with the isle upon the Crescent
The Isle of Eliphaz is set in the northern waters of the Sea or the research of old rumors of a lost wizard’s tomb in
Crescent Sea, not far from the great port city of Reme. It Reme for them to make their way to that accursed island
is a simple matter for the PCs, upon return from their and the ancient entity imprisoned there.
adventures beyond the Wizard’s Wall in AE4/AE5, to be

Adventure 1:
The Book in the Old House

The job is simple: escort a nobleman as he explores the

old, abandoned estate he purchased—fast and easy coin
for a group of seasoned adventurers. But why is the entire
neighborhood around the manor deserted, yet the house
has never been vandalized nor would the most desperate
vagrant venture under its roof? Glimpses of dark, furtive
movements in the vacant windows and disappearances
nearby bring whispered rumors about its mysterious
former owner, and wild theories about things as mundane
as the deafening nightly chorus of frogs in its wooded
yards. Perhaps there is more to the story than meets the
eye, and it is for good reason they say you can never judge
a book by its cover.
Introduction the whole matter altogether, but Sir Barivoren’s growing
obsession with his uncle would not allow that. He enacted
a crazed plan to spur his order into action by perpetrating
The Book in the Old House is composed of two parts and the murders of no less than three of his Brother Knights.
it is intended that some amount of time occurs between This plan which became known as the Courghais Macobert
the two, providing the perfect opportunity for the GM to Murders backfired, and Sir Barivoren soon found himself
throw in another short adventure and throw the players off declared anathema and pursued as a traitor by the Knights.
of any suspicion that there are more matters to attend to at He fled into the wilds and was never seen again.
the Old House. However, if preferred, the two parts of the
adventure can be run one immediately following the other. Shamed by this cursed legacy, Barivoren’s younger
It is recommended that the PCs are 3rd level before starting brother Reliman dropped the Wallix name and officially
the second part of the adventure. adopted the name of his father, Voren, as his surname. He
then moved his family to Tourne (TORN) in the distant
The Book in the Old House can be placed in any campaign Kingdom of the Vast to escape the mark of pariah upon
setting but, though it is not an official Lost Lands his family in Foere. Not insignificantly, because of the
adventure, it is designed for and fully compatible with declaration of anathema against Sir Barivoren, his title
the Lost Lands Campaign Setting of Frog God Games. In of Knight of Macobert was transferred to Sir Barivoren’s
the Lost Lands, the primary adventure location is set in a closest living relative. Reliman became Sir Reliman Voren
run-down neighborhood of Eber (EE-bur), the capital of of Tourne, Knight of Macobert. Oblivious to this honorific,
the Kingdom of the Vast, an independent kingdom located Sir Reliman spent the rest of his days drinking himself to
just southwest of the central Kingdoms of Foere (foh-AIR) death in shame over his family’s fall.
across the Plains of Eauxe (OH). The adventure is ostensibly
set in the year 1317 I.R. (though the GM can change this An unexpected consequence of the Macobert Murders
to whatever year best fits his campaign) and takes place and the publicity they caused was that the knighthood’s
during one of the hot, dry summers that regularly afflict inaction in the matter of Ellerby Wallix was unearthed along
the western central plains of Akados. with a great number of grievances against them involving
allegations of corruption, greed, and general malaise. The
opinion of the kingdom, and specifically the peoples of the
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND imperial capital of Courghais, turned against the beleaguered
In 3367 I.R., Sir Barivoren Wallix of Courghais, Knight of Knights of Macobert, and they soon found themselves
Macobert, discovered that his aged uncle Ellerby Wallix — assailed on all sides by political and legal challenges. Within
commonly known as Old Eb — was an alienist and delver six years, the unrest and a series of escalating political
into forbidden lore. In his youth Old Eb had discovered miscalculations caused the power of the Court of Courghais
a page from the Codex Ibnathi during his explorations and the Crown of the Overking himself to turn against the
beneath the ruins of ancient Tircople in the East. From the knighthood, and the Knights were ordered to surrender
writings he acquired an ysaqqua (see Appendix A) named all property and assets and turn themselves over to the
Kyssogga (kiss-OGG-ah) as a familiar, and with its help, he Overking’s inquisitors for royal questioning.
was able to make contact with all manner of foul beings
and engage in horrific bargains in exchange for power
and knowledge. After Sir Barivoren discovered his uncle’s Many Knights packed their wealth and fled the
disturbing practices, he attempted to capture Old Eb and prosecution of the Crown, while others resisted and were
bring him to justice. Unfortunately, Old Eb’s otherworldly arrested or struck down. Some of those who fled were
contacts warned the sorcerer beforehand, and he was able caught and arrested as well. More than a few of both groups
to flee the city and disappear to the west of the kingdom were lynched by angry mobs turned against powerful men
before the knighthood could catch him. and women whom they had once seen as their protectors.
When the smoke had cleared, the Knights of Macobert in
Courghais were no more. The few survivors had fled or
It was Sir Barivoren’s intention to continue the pursuit gone into hiding. The Overking issued a Writ of Outlawry
and cleanse the Wallix family of Old Eb’s taint, but in against the knighthood, with all properties and assets
his investigation into Eb’s doings something inside Sir confiscated by the Crown. Any future possibility for pursuit
Barivoren snapped. With Eb Wallix out of sight and out of of Barivoren or Eb Wallix was lost in the turmoil.
mind, the Knights of Macobert were largely content to drop

Imperial Erylle Huun
Record Cycle Chronicle
(I.R.) (E.C.) (H.C.) Event(s)
3291 9775 796 Ellerby Wallix born in Courghais
3312 9796 817 Ellerby “Eb” Wallix makes first journey to Tircople
3320 9804 825 Coram Poer builds home on Front Street in Eber
3351 9835 856 Eb Wallix discovers page of Codex Ibnathi beneath Tircople, begins research into
dark and forbidden rituals
3367 9851 872 Barivoren Wallix uncovers his uncle Ellerby’s atrocities; Eb Wallix flees west one
step ahead of pursuing Knights
3370 9854 875 Sir Barivoren Wallix perpetrates Macobert Murders in Courghais
3371 9855 876 Sir Barivoren’s deeds discovered, flees into wilds beyond Foere; Reliman Wallix
inherits title as Knight of Macobert, relocates to Tourne and takes Voren as
family name
3373 9857 878 Macobert Murders and Barivoren’s subsequent escape reveals corruption and
malaise within knighthood, public opinion turns against Knights of Macobert
3379 9861 882 Court of Courghais orders Knights of Macobert to surrender all property and
submit to royal questioning
3380 9864 885 Knightly Order of Macobert largely destroyed in Courghais, the few survivors
go into hiding
3382 9866 887 Old Eb Wallix emerges from hiding, purchases house in Eber to continue
experimentation with Codex Ibnathi, acquires familiar Kyssogga
3390 9874 895 Old Eb driven mad by abominable practices and commits suicide; Kyssogga
secures house on Front Street
3450 9935 955 Knights of Macobert removed from Crown’s Writ of Outlawry, Order slowly
begins to re-establish its reputation and standing in Foere
3498 9982 1003 Watchman kills intruder breaking into Old House, watchman
disappears two days later
3515 9999 1020 Urvitus Voren discovers Barivoren’s documents and begins researching the
accusations against Eb Wallix
3517 10,001 1022 Current year

* Excerpted from the Lost Lands Campaign Setting timeline by Frog God Games.

To Old Eb, the fall of the Knights of Macobert was a of depravities. None proved willing to investigate the house
stroke of luck. After years of hiding among the badlands and its stories of curses, hauntings, and foul visitations, so
of the Kingdom of the Vast, the old wizard emerged in Eb Wallix was left to continue his work unmolested.
the former provincial capital of Eber. There he purchased
an abandoned home on Front Street and set up shop in
However, all was not entirely of beneficence to the old
earnest to continue his disturbed and disturbing studies.
alienist. After only eight years in the house his studies
After several years the unseen inhabitant of the Old House
into sanity-shredding secrets resulted in revelations that
— as the place had become known — became the subject of
caused him to knot a rope around his neck and happily
increasing rumor, with many locals suspecting all manner

take his own life, seemingly ending the story of Ellerby this strange relative of generations before. His digging
Wallix. With Old Eb no more, Kyssogga set about sealing eventually brought him to the Old House on Front Street
up the Old House and beginning preparations for the long as the last known whereabouts of Old Eb. The Voren family
vigil until his master’s return. had seen considerable financial recovery over the past 120
years, and Sir Urvitus was able to purchase the property
from an apathetic city with the intention to thoroughly
More than a century after Old Eb’s death, Urvitus Voren,
investigate it and then ultimately demolish it to remove
descendant of Reliman Voren and heritor of his title of
any trace of ancestral stain from his family line. However,
a Knight of Macobert, discovered papers belonging to
aware of the sinister reputation of the Old House, Sir
his ancestor Barivoren that detailed the importance of
Urvitus decided to bring in professional help through
destroying all that remained of the villainous alienist,
his solicitors Abshire & Dunnage in order to assist in the
Ellerby Wallix. Determined to discover what had become
initial exploration of the derelict’s rumor-haunted interior.
of this shameful forebear, Sir Urvitus began to investigate

EBER AND THE With the return of the main force of the crusader armies
by 2977, Overking Yurid tasked his Battle-Duke, Ormand
of the Rampart, with breaking the Infernal Tyrant’s hold
KINGDOM OF on Kear and liberating its hostage populace. However, the
proud warleader Ormand proved no match for the guile

THE VAST of the Singed Man, and the army of the Foerdewaith was
resoundingly defeated on the Plains of Eauxe at the Battle
of Seilo Ford. Even Ormand was lost, though he was not
The Vast is relatively young as an independent kingdom, slain. Instead the Singed Man enslaved him as a vampire
having only declared its independence from Foere in 3224 spawn and placed him as general over the infernal armies
I.R., and having only achieved an armistice with Foere of Kear. Under the former Battle-Duke’s leadership, the
that informally recognized its independence in 3245 I.R., forces of Kear went on a new offensive and spread the
though the Court of Courghais continues to refer to the reach of the Infernal Realm of Kear from Tarry in the
kingdom by its ancient vassalage name of the Duchy of west to Eber in the east. Where a united front might have
KearQoD4:CB in formal decrees and discussion even if it proven decisive, Castorhage and Foere were stunned by
doesn’t hold any true power over those lands. the atrocities committed against their respective nobility,
and neither was willing to shoulder the burden of
responsibility for curbing the vampire tyrant’s ambitions.
The history of the Duchy of Kear as a vassal of Foere
With a sea guarding the former and many miles of empty
and province of Hyperborea extends back for thousands
grassland separating the latter, both crowns turned inward
of years. Harmost Kear is mentioned in Hyperborean
and left the desolate folk of Kear to their fateLL7a.
records as far back as the century following the Battle
of HummaemidonLL4, and the Kear family continued
to the lands west of the central kingdoms until the More than a century of internal unrest and plagues
Plains of EauxeQoD4:CB were calved off and reorganized followed in Castorhage and Foere, and Kear continued
into a marchland some centuries later, leaving a its gradual consumption of surrounding lands. By 3102
duchy somewhat reduced in area but strengthened in the Infernal Tyrant’s grasp had reached its largest extent,
centralization and effectiveness of its authority. stretching from Tarry to Tourne and including most of
the Plains of Eauxe to the north. The situation would
linger another century still until in 3128 I.R. the paladin-
The history of Akados’s western plains remained
lord and hero, Sir Varral the Blessed of Saymere Valley
relatively quiet, serving as a breadbasket and grazing
arose and challenged this tyranny. Sir Varral destroyed
lands for the greater kingdom until the time of the
both the Singed Man and the Vampire Duke Ormand,
Second Great Crusade against the Huun of Libynos in
freeing the remaining people of Kear from the darkness
2970 I.R. At that time, as Overking Yurid rallied the lords
they had known for more than 150 yearsQoD4:CB.
of Foere and took them afield to the desert lands of the
EastLL4, a threat rose unbidden in Kear. The vampire
lord known as the Singed Man, rumored to have come With the liberation of Kear, the duchy was reinstated.
from the curse-haunted streets of forbidden Vilik Strad, Rulership passed to the nephew of the Overking since its
appeared and swiftly conquered the unsuspecting and former ruling family had been wholly exterminated in the
depleted forces of the duchy. With its duke and a large preceding century and a half. This new Duke of Kear ruled
portion of its fighting men battling the Huun in Tircople, from Eber and retained Tourne as the second city of the
the duchy proved little challenge to the undead fiend and depopulated realm. Castorhage used its naval presence
his minions of the night. So swift was the duchy’s fall that to annex Tarry on the Fetid Sea as its own mainland port,
even King Prudus II of Castorhage was caught unawares and Foere and Kear found themselves in position to do
as he traveled across the duchy and was slain, raising little about this small encroachment on a distant town. As
his widow Constance as queen of that city-stateLL7a. In Kear was unable to sustain or effectively rule the desolate
less than a fortnight, the Singed Man controlled nearly grasslands to the north, the Plains of Eauxe were once again
the whole of the duchy and had crowned himself as the apportioned from the duchy as a marchland of Foere and
Infernal Tyrant. given to rule by marquises appointed by the OverkingLL7.

Though it had little direct effect on the Duchy of Kear, Unable to sustain its fighting against Oceanus and other
an important and ultimately alarming development that splinter states to the east while maintaining a belligerent
arose from the long oppression of the population was stance in the west, Foere finally reached an armistice
the appearance of an order of black-robed, mendicant with Vast and North Heath in 3245 I.R. leading to the
monks that began distributing alms and feeding the true independence of both nationsLL7. Relations between
impoverished refugees of the war-torn land. Over time North Heath and Vast remain cordial along with those
this order grew and gained the official recognition of the of Reme. Vast maintains peaceful-if-strained relations
Overking of Foere as a benevolence society, becoming with Foere and the close-by Principality of Olduvar and
known as the Black Brotherhood. As the Brotherhood keeps a wary eye on ever-incorrigible Castorhage even
expanded its influence and holdings, it largely moved while maintaining friendly diplomatic ties. The Plains of
on from its work in Kear into the central lands of Foere, Eauxe are administered directly by distant Foere, but its
building impressive temples and chapterhouses in people are friendly to neighboring Vast for all practical
major cities across the kingdom. They became a major purposes. The halfling realms of The DaleLL7 and The Low
financial institution of Foere after loaning great sums to CountryLL7 south of the Worn Tooth PeaksLL7, the elven
the Crown in order to offset the disastrous losses of the Caer MyrddinFGG1, and human Kingdom of MyrridonFGG1
Third Great Crusade in 3173. Matters ultimately came to even farther to the south likewise maintain amiable
a head when the Brotherhood’s allegiance to dark powers ambassadors in Eber, leaving few if any true threats to
was uncovered and its fortified monastery on the Hill of the young, battle-scarred kingdom’s security.
Mornay in the Old Tors was besieged and subsequently
destroyed nearly two centuries laterBM.
The Vast is a roughly triangular land of rolling plains
that stretches 700 miles at its widest point in the north
The political turmoil of the Foerdewaith Wars of from where the Worn Tooth Peaks meet the Crescent Sea
Succession following the disaster of the Battle of Tsar in the west, to where the Meander River flows from the
reached even to Eber until in 3224 I.R. Duke Oden Blackrock Mountains, and 300 miles from Streeth Ferry
declared the lands of Kear as the Kingdom of the Vast, on the Meander River in the north to the fortress of Cailin
independent from the Crown of Foere. With Foere Lee the south where the Vast borders the Principality
largely occupied by the uprisings of their former of Olduvar, a vassal state of the Kingdoms of Foere. Its
vassal states in the east, the Crown could do little to principal cities are the capital, Eber, and its sister-city of
immediately suppress this rebellion, and the Vast was Tourne to the east. There are numerous other smaller
soon joined in rebellion by the Margrave of Bret Harth cities, towns, and hamlets, but with the nation’s recent
who declared his own Kingdom of the North Heath history of war, oppression, and subjugation by an undead
carved from the northern reaches of the Plains of Eauxe tyrant, it is much less densely populated than many of
in the following yearLL7. the other nations of the central Kingdoms of Foere.

Skirmishes occurred between Foere and the allied The Vast is a fertile land with good grazing and
kingdoms of the Vast and the North Heath up and cropland but is extremely dry during peak summer
down the Meander River for the next few years, with months. At this time the prevailing winds from the west
neither side gaining a clear advantage, but resulting bring storm systems from the Crescent Sea that dump
in the death of the last Marquis of Eauxe. Castorhage their precipitation on the intervening Worn Tooth
officially recognized the independence of the two Peaks and then come down out of those mountains as
kingdoms in 3228, placing additional pressure on the howling windstorms. Known locally as derechos, these
Kingdom of Foere and its sovereignty claims over those dry windstorms are often accompanied by spectacular
realms. After the Grand Duchy of Reme was finally able lightning displays resulting from the static discharge of
to secure its own independence from the Foeredwaith the accumulated dust they carry. In particularly dry years
Crown, it too lent its support to the independence of these can result in dust storms that sweep across the
the fledgling kingdomsLL7. plains, and wind-blown wildfires are a constant threat to
the Vastlanders during the summer months.

EBER Inflammable Eber and its surrounding lands
(EE-bur) are subject to the high risk of fires every
The capital of the Kingdom of the Vast is the ancient summer due to the dry and windy conditions.
city of Eber. The statistics below apply if using the This damages the economy and creates a
detailed settlement rules in Ultimate Kingdoms (5E) from certain breed of opportunism, corruption, and
Legendary Games. If not using those rules, you can simply ruthlessness within some of its inhabitants.
apply the qualities and disadvantages as general narrative
guidelines for adventures in and around the city.
(Corruption and Crime +2; Danger +5; reduce
purchase limit by 10%)
N metropolis Eber is an old city that traces its days to an early
Hyperborean military encampment in the days of
Corruption +8; Crime +3; Economy +3; Law +7; Oerson, established during the consolidation of his
Lore +8; Society –1 kingdom following the Battle of Lake CrimmormereLL8
Qualities academic, insular, rumormongering – p. 18
and the beginning of the elven withdrawal from
citizens, strategic location central Akados. It is a city that has outgrown its walls
Disadvantages depopulated hinterlands, on several occasions over the millennia of its existence
only to shrink back within them following one of the
inflammable sporadic catastrophes that have marred its existence.
Danger 10 Currently its inner city remains within the protection of
CITIZENS well-maintained walls and is actually one of the newer
sections of the town, expanded and refurbished after the
Government overlord undead forces of the Infernal Tyrant were ousted by Sir
Population 38,849 (26,000 humans; 5,050 Varral the BlessedQoD4:CB – p. 5.
halflings; 4,273 half-elves; 2,330 half-elves; 777
elves; 419 other) The oldest part of the city lies to the west and is
Notable NPCs ostensibly encompassed by some of the city’s oldest
extant walls, though these are in universally poor repair
Oncellan FitzOden, King of the Vast (LN male
and in some places require no more than taking a big
human noble) step from the ground outside in order to surmount them.
Bubrege Kirkenwald, Lord of Eber (N male Front Street, which appears in this adventure, is found
human noble) in this older, poorer section of town and runs from one
end of the city section to the other, representing what
DISADVANTAGES was at one time the early town’s outermost defensive line.
Depopulated Hinterlands Though freed from The wall that ran along Front Street was torn down long
the grip of the Infernal Tyrant almost 400 years ago to encompass the street within the enlarged district
surrounded by its current dilapidated walls. Homes
ago, the scars of his reign run deep. Eber is the and businesses were eventually constructed along this
capital of a vast kingdom still underpopulated original wall line, including the titular Old House that
from the massive slaughter perpetrated upon came to be occupied by the wizard Eb Wallix.
its citizens during that time. (Economy and
Society –2; Danger +10; reduce base value by 10%;
reduce spellcasting by 1 level)

ADVENTURE table of stained wood with matching leather-upholstered chairs is
surrounded by shelves of weighty tomes on a variety of civic and
legal matters. Windows high up the walls bathe the room with
SUMMARY the clear light of this early summer morning while affording the
necessary privacy for such sensitive discussion.
The PCs are hired by a young knight who has recently A slight, middle-aged man with thinning gray hair and gray
purchased an old house in the city of Eber. The house eyes magnified by thick spectacles formally greets you as you take
once belonged to an ancestor of the knight who was your seats. “Good morning and thank you for your attendance,”
rumored to have been a practitioner of dark arts and, since he starts, in a thin yet confident voice. “Our client, Sir Urvitus
his disappearance more than a century ago, the house Voren of Tourne, has requested your presence here to discuss an
has garnered a sinister reputation as a haunted and ill- opportunity we understand is in line with your skills and interests.
rumored place. The PCs arrive to meet the knight on the
morning of their appointment to find that he has already “Sir Urvitus, an honorable member of the Most Worthy Knights
entered the house and stands mesmerized before a portrait of Macobert and upstanding member of the chamber of commerce
of his foul ancestor. Once revived he is able to assist the in our sister city of Tourne has recently charged this firm with
party in exploring and clearing the house of several locating trustworthy individuals of diverse talents to assist in the
haunted manifestations and other strange phenomena, conclusion of some property matters here in Eber. Our research
including a ghoulish mandrill locked in the basement that has led us to believe that you all will fit the bill nicely, so we wish
has languished as an experiment of the old wizard since to employ you on our client’s behalf. Sir Urvitus has recently come
his disappearance. Once the house is cleared, the knight into the ownership of a local property that has some significance to
pays the PCs for their services. They can go on their way, certain branches of his ancestry. This house has a certain sinister
seemingly done with the adventure. reputation and has sat vacant for more than a century.

“Sir Urvitus is not by nature a superstitious man, but he has not

At some time later determined by the GM the PCs are been successful to this point in his life by being foolish. He knows
contacted by the law firm representing the knight. One that rumors and tall tales often bear some kernel of truth. He
of the firm’s solicitors has disappeared after going to the seeks to hire professionals capable of dealing with any unexpected
knight’s newly purchased home, and the PCs are asked to matters that come to a head during the exploration of this property
follow up and find out what happened. The PCs arrive as and assisting with cleaning out any threats it may hold so that
night falls and a storm blows in. There is no sign of the he can assess the property’s current value and see to its ultimate
solicitor, but the knight invites them inside for dinner. As disposition based on the findings of this survey.
the evening progresses the storm strikes and fully awakens
the latent spirit of the house, the tormented soul of the old “That is to say, the house is rumored to be haunted. While
wizard that has begun to slowly possess the mind and body he tends to disregard such rumors as poppycock, Sir Urvitus
of his descendant. Faced with newly awakened threats and nonetheless is aware that dangers could, in fact, exist within. He is
foul hauntings, the PCs must locate the knight and stop seeking to hire someone to protect him and assist him in the house’s
him before the old wizard can complete the possession and exploration, and he wanted more than just dumb muscle hired off
bring the full powers of his vile magical tome to bear upon the streets. Hence, my offer to you. The offer is to pay your group a
the city once again. total of 300 gold shekels* for your services, half up front to cover any
equipping expenses you might have, and half upon the completion
of the property’s examination. The house is a small manor of the
STARTING THE ADVENTURE kind commonly constructed by the rising merchant class of a few
The Book in the Old House begins at the law chambers centuries ago and is not overly large. Sir Urvitus expects that the job
of Abshire & Dunnage in the city of Eber, where the PCs should not require more than a day to complete.
meet with Myram Abshire (LG middle-aged male human
“If all of this is agreeable to you, I have the contract of
commonerSRD), a partner of the firm.
employment already prepared for you to sign, and the first half of
The meeting room in the chambers of Abshire & Dunnage conveys the payment present. Upon execution of the agreement, Sir Urvitus
the same air of solemnity and sobriety as the gentleman with is waiting in my office to meet you and answer any questions you
whom you are here to discuss employment. An imposing antique might have at this time.”

* Shekels are the gold coins of the City-State of Castorhage, adopted by the Kingdom of the Vast with its formal independence
from Foere in 3245 I.R. See pages 216 and 220 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City by Frog God Games.

Myram Abshire does indeed have 150 gp in his valise and “Finally, though I have some skill with a blade and will be
will allow the PCs to exam the employment contract if armed and prepared for danger, I am well aware that you are
they wish. It is a standard short-term labor agreement that the professionals at this and will rely on you to deal with any
describes the PCs’ role as “investigative specialists” and unexpected menaces we may encounter and to protect my
places them in the employ of Sir Urvitus for the duration person. Though I am a Knight of Macobert, it is more of an
of the house’s exploration for the agreed upon sum of 300 honorific title in my family than any true martial description.
gp. The property in question is described on the contract as It has been many generations since my ancestors thundered
“the Old House on Front Street, City of Eber”. The contract into battle atop an armored charger with lance at the ready.
already bears Sir Urvitus’s signature, and Abshire will You will be in charge of security, though I ask that you defer
countersign as witness. A DC 11 Intelligence (Investigation) to me on any decisions that must be made in regards to the
check reveals it to be very standardized language with house or its contents.
no hidden agenda or clauses. Likewise, a DC 8 Wisdom
(Insight) check reveal Mr. Abshire to be completely on the
“I’ve never been in the house and could find no copies of
up and up. The contract is nonnegotiable, however, as Sir
its architectural designs in the city records, but from its size I
Urvitus has allotted a strict budget for this endeavor.
estimate that it has approximately 20 rooms. I anticipate that
it shouldn’t take more than a day to explore all of them after
Assuming the PCs agree to the contract, Abshire gives which you will receive the second half of your payment, your
them their down payment and then escorts them to his duties successfully discharged.”
office to meet their employer. Sir Urvitus Voren (NG male
human) is a tall, lean man in his mid-twenties with an
Why have you purchased this house? “I believe that it has some
aristocratic brow and a noble bearing. His blond hair is
possible connection to the history of my knightly order and
tied back in a short ponytail, and he speaks in a refined
may have served for a time as a residence of some ancestor of
manner but with a cordial tone. He greets the PCs with
mine. So much was lost in the purges of the knighthood in 3380
extended hand as they enter, obviously well-pleased that
and records of my family’s flight to Tourne from Courghais
they have accepted his offer. See Appendix B for details on
are scant. I would like to fill in some of these blanks, and if in
Sir Urvitus.
doing so determine some truly sinister association with my
lineage then to set it aright and remove any stain upon my
Sir Urvitus answers any questions the PCs may pose family once and for all.
for him regarding the job. Attempts at Wisdom (Insight)
checks confirm the earnestness of his proposition. Myram
“After that…I suspect I will demolish the house and finally
Abshire will leave the room to allow the discussion to
put the past to rest. Perhaps I shall donate the land to become
proceed in private. Likely questions for Sir Urvitus and
a city park. I honestly really don’t know at this point. I think
their answers are provided below.
the investigation will play a large part in determining my
What exactly must we do? “I want you to help me explore
this supposedly “haunted” house and clear it of any
What do you mean by ‘sinister association with your lineage’?
hazards, such as infestations of dangerous vermin, criminal
“It’s rather embarrassing unfortunately. My research over
squatters, and, if there are indeed haunting spirits, those as
the last few years has uncovered the existence of an old
well. I have purchased the house and everything in it from
outlaw by the name of Ellerby Wallix, usually referred to as
the city, so no looting if you please. I am doubtful that there
Eb, who was rumored to be a sorcerer and practitioner of
is anything of value that remains within, but there could
foul practices. He apparently fled Courghais just ahead of a
be still intact art or antiques that would be of value to me.
manhunt conducted by the Knights of Macobert and led by
Of course, anything that has clearly been brought in from
his own nephew, Sir Barivoren Wallix. This all occurred only
outside by any inhabitants is fair game for you. I have no
a few short years before the so-called Macobert Murders that
interest in acquiring “spoils”. I also admonish you to strive
ultimately led to the downfall of the Knights in Courghais
not to damage anything if at all possible. Obviously, the
and their suppression for decades across the rest of Foere. The
exigencies of necessity could require a certain amount of
records of this time are sketchy, but Sir Barivoren is known to
damage in preservation of our life and limb, but I’d like to
have disappeared in the time of the murder scandal and the
keep it to a minimum.
subsequent purges. He is either victimized or implicated in
the affair, depending on which sources you consult.

“In any case my family line moved from Courghais to only seem to lend credence to this theory. As you can see,
Tourne in the person of my many-times-great grandfather I would have a direct interest in not only discovering the
Reliman, and the records indicate that at the time of the truth of such matters but setting old dishonors aright.”
move Reliman changed his surname from Wallix to Voren,
the name of his father. Reliman appears to have been
What do you know about this property? “Not much.
the younger brother of Sir Barivoren and subsequently
It was constructed in 3320 by a local merchant named
inherited the knighthood after Barivoren’s disappearance,
Coram Poer. At that time Front Street was known as an
the same title that I now carry. So, while not in my direct line
affluent and growing part of the city, though since then it
of descent, there is nevertheless within my distant family
has become one of the older, poorer parts of town. Poer
both a vile sorcerer in Eb Wallix and possibly a murderous
dealt in the import and export of textiles with lands to the
traitor in Sir Barivoren. It appears that after lying low for
west and appears to have died when a ship he was on went
a decade or more, Eb Wallix may have purchased the very
down during a storm on the Crescent Sea. A childless
house we are going to explore and lived there as his last
widower, Poer had no known heirs so the house reverted
known residence. The rumors of hauntings and curses


Multiattack. Sir Urvitus makes three melee
TOURNE attacks or two ranged weapon attacks.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Standing around 6 feet tall with a lean build, Sir Urvitus reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing
is a nobleman in his mid-twenties. He wears a gleaming
silver breastplate and pair of bracers, each engraved with
a heraldic device. A pair of short-bladed swords are cross- Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
sheathed on his back, a hilt over each shoulder, and a pair reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing
of daggers are scabbarded at each hip. He speaks with a damage.
refined accent and a strong tone that seems accustomed to
giving orders.
Gear mithral breastplate, 2 short swords, 4
daggers, engraved silver bracers (150 gp),
SIR URVITUS VOREN OF TOURNE noble’s outfit, platinum signet ring (50 gp), belt
Medium humanoid (human), neutral good pouch with 11 gp
Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
Sir Urvitus Voren is a direct descendant of Reliman
Hit Points 110 (17d8 + 34) Voren. He is a knight of Macobert and, although still
Speed 30 ft. young at 23 years of age, of good standing within the
Order. He usually resides at his family’s estate in Tourne,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a city around 200 miles to the east of Eber, located in the
14 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) foothills of the Blackrock Mountains.
Skills Athletics +3, Acrobatics +6, Animal
Handling +1, History +3, Insight +3, Intimidate +3, Sir Urvitus is thoughtful and reflective, considerate of
Perception +3, Persuasion +4 his fortunate position yet proud of what he knows of his
family’s name, history, and tradition. It was, therefore, of
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 great concern to him when he discovered the documents
Languages Common, Elven of his ancestor Sir Barivoren that ultimately revealed the
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) change in his family name and the terrible scandal that
started with the attempt to bring Ellerby Wallix to trial.

to the possession of the city and remained largely vacant buy the ill-rumored place, so once again it reverted to the
with a few tenants renting it for short periods of time over ownership of the city.
the years.
“When I ran across information on the house in my own
“Eventually it came into the possession of one “Elling recent queries into my family history, I made the connection
Walls” — which I believe to have been the alias of the that Elling Walls was likely Eb Wallix and purchased the
missing Ellerby Wallix — in 3382, only two short years after property from the city to complete my investigations into
the purge of the Knights in Courghais when any continued the matter and put the whole matter to rest once and for
pursuit of the sorcerer would have ended. Over time, the all…which is, of course, where you come in.”
house gained a sinister reputation as a place of evil, and
eventually Elling Walls simply disappeared. Walls had no
What are the rumors of curses and hauntings? “I honestly
known heirs, and there was not even actual proof of death.
don’t know much. Just the usual ghostly sightings, strange
He just wasn’t seen anymore after 3390. No one wanted to
lights, disappearances, things of that nature. I must

Now that his research has brought him

into possession of the Old House in Eber,
his motivation is to render it safe, remove
any valuable contents, and then have it
demolished. Thus, while he will never
condone damage to its contents, he will
permit necessary damage to the house,
such as breaking down locked doors.

As the PCs’ employer, Sir Urvitus

is placed in a natural leadership role.
Despite his noble upbringing, he is never
imperious or demanding in his tone. He
values the talents and advice of the PCs
highly and treats them as trusted allies.
He does not seek to drive or control their
exploration unless they begin to contradict
or contravene his general guidance or
wishes, such as by damaging or removing
the house’s contents or unreasonably
refusing his requests.

As a sensate, Sir Urvitus is keen to attune

himself to the house. While exploring it,
he focuses on trying to gain a full sensory
experience of each room that primarily
derives from its sights, sounds, smells,
and space. He communicates in this way
with the PCs, looking for corroboration or
challenges to his Wisdom (Perception)s.

DC Result
5 An old house has stood at the far end of Front Street for as long as anyone can remember. It’s far grander
than the buildings nearby but it has always stood shuttered and empty. No one goes near it, not even vagrants.
7 There must be a frog pond in the yard behind the Old House, because on summer nights you can hear the
things croaking from blocks away.
10 The Old House is haunted. There have been flickering lights and strange sounds heard over the years, like
scratching or shrieking or rattling. Sometimes, it’s said, the shutters open and a silhouette of a man can be
seen inside.
15 The Old House isn’t natural; it’s too intact. It looks run down, but on closer inspection: no missing shingles,
no broken windows. It should be a wrecked ruin after all this time but it’s not. It’s not normal, just too…
whole. Even vandalism can’t permanently damage it. It’s like it doesn’t want to be broken, and the vandals just
gave up eventually.
17 People say that the man who lived in the Old House died inside and that his body and all his possessions are
now guarded by his ghost.
20 One of the summer derechos hit the Old House with lightning years ago. The roof caught fire, and it
looked like the whole structure was going to go up in a blaze, probably along with a good portion of the
surrounding, tinder-dry city. But then the fire just went out. Even in the high winds without a drop of rain,
it just extinguished. And just take a look at that old roof now, barely even a scorch mark left where half of it
should be burnt off. That house doesn’t want to die.
25 A night watchman caught an intruder trying to break into the Old House 20 or 30 years ago and killed him
in the scuffle that followed. Two days later that watchman disappeared while walking his beat and was never
seen again. They never did figure out what happened to that watchman or who the dead intruder was.
27 The house became the property of the city a long time ago after its owner disappeared, but nothing was ever
done with it. Apparently, it has now been sold to some noble from Tourne.
30 The man who lived in the Old House last was the Anonymous Artist of Eber. His works still hang in buildings
all around Eber, though mostly in private collections up on the Hill nowadays. There’s still one in the Law
Courts, as well as the College Library.

confess my research has been into more concrete matters own interests. I still oversee the timber leases, but the
of branches of the family tree, legal records, and titled actual work largely lies with the foremen and factotums
ownership. That might be a line of query that you can that I employ to manage affairs. I spend most of my time
look into more before we begin our actual entry into the engaged in antiquarian pursuits and, for the past few years,
property.” researching and piecing together the details of my family’s
history. I’m something of a dilettante, I guess you could
say. Hence my need for persons such as yourself to assist
When do we go in? “I’ll meet you at the house at first light
me in this.”
tomorrow morning. I have some meetings that I have to
attend this afternoon, and Abshire has to procure the keys
to the property from the city assessor. Abshire can give you Sir Urvitus has no other useful information to convey to
directions, and we’ll convene there so we can go in together. the party and will conclude the meeting with handshakes
In the meantime, you can use the funds you’ve been paid to all around and the reminder to meet him at the house
make any last-minute preparations or do research of your tomorrow morning at first light, giving the PCs the rest of
own. I have no idea what we’ll find, so we’ll have to play it the day to make their own preparations. PCs will be unable
by ear from there.” to accompany Sir Urvitus any further today as he will be
sequestered in meetings with local merchants. Myram
Abshire will provide the PCs with directions to the house
What do you do? “I am somewhat embarrassed to say that
and then depart to procure the keys to the property from
my grandfather and father substantially reversed the family
the city and give them to Sir Urvitus, leaving the PCs to
fortunes with lumbering in the southern baronies of Foere.
their own devices.
As a result, I have been afforded the luxury to pursue my

INVESTIGATING THE OLD HOUSE archives of the city’s central watch station and succeeding
at either a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check or DC 20
If the PCs wish to gather information about the house
Charisma (Deception) check, or by offering a bribe of
before meeting Sir Urvitus, they can do so with Charisma
at least 20 gp to the clerk on duty. If successful they can
(Persuasion) checks or Intelligence (History) checks.
confirm that a night watchman named Creutz Hasten
Characters who are natives of Eber have advantage on this
allegedly killed an intruder at the Old House in 3498 and
check. Consult the table below to determine what each PC
then did indeed disappear without a trace while walking
knows or has learned. They obtain the information for the
his beat in that neighborhood two nights later. There were
DC they rolled as well as any DCs below their check.
no leads or suspects, and the case was never solved.

ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION If the PCs succeed on their check by 5 or more or issue

If the party wishes to follow up on any of the information a bribe of at least 30 gp they can also learn that the body
gained during the gathering of information on the Old of the intruder, an unidentified male human, disappeared
House, they can do so to a certain extent in the limited from the cold cellar of the central watch station that same
time they have. Below are the necessary checks to follow up night before it could be interred in a pauper’s grave and was
on specific items and the information that can be obtained. never found. Its disappearance was likewise never solved.

Night Watchman Disappearance The Anonymous Artist of Eber

If the PCs wish to follow up on the rumored disappearance Anyone making a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check is aware
of the night watchman, they can do so by visiting the of the Anonymous Artist of Eber. PCs who are residents

of Eber have advantage on this check. Anyone who has
identified Old Eb’s self-portraits hidden in the paintings CHAPTER ONE: AN
within the Old House can locate similar inclusions in these
public displays with a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check
(see Paintings in the Old House).
When the PCs arrive at Front Street for their scheduled
Visiting the House appointment with Sir Urvitus outside the Old House,
It is possible that the PCs may decide to visit the house provide the following description.
before meeting their employer there the next morning. The
The Old House is a grand structure for this part of the city, and
beginning of the adventure relies upon the PCs arriving
clearly the largest in the area, both in ground area and height. Two
at the house after Sir Urvitus. If they choose to do so, it
stone stories, rising to a third at the back, all covered in patches of
is appropriate to advise them that anyone participating
olive and mauve mosses, are capped by sloping, wood shingle roofs
in such activities will be unable to take any of the other
that protect an agglutination of dried mud bird nests beneath their
investigative activities mentioned above, requiring a
eaves. A raised, vine-covered porch of dried hardwood stretches
separation of the party if they wish to do both. Most players
across the front and forms the base of a railed balcony above
tend to be loath to split the party, and this may be sufficient
double doors. All the windows are shuttered, their once vibrantly
to dissuade them from a preemptive visit, especially if
colored paint now dull and flaking.
combined with the events of A Strange Watcher described
below to truly pique their paranoia. And if they wish to While of obvious great age with its dark green creepers, silvery
investigate it during the night, they should be warned that lichens, and other plant life that has grown into its structure, the
they will be subject to the fatigue rules, with spellcasters house’s crumbling stone walls and wooden porch and roofs remain
requiring rest unable to obtain their full spell allotment. remarkably whole. No marks of vandalism mar its exterior, and
However, it is possible they will persist in such an endeavor no fragments of broken glass litter the ground, indicating that the
regardless of the GM’s gentle nudging. In this case, it is not covered glass windows are likely still intact. There are not even any
unreasonable for them to get sidetracked in their efforts missing shingles, which is in itself an oddity in this windblown
so that they can’t make it to the house in time for their region.
early investigations: perhaps some personal matter arises
requiring their attention, an old friend spots them and Of most immediate note, however, is the gray stallion that
engages them in a prolonged conversation, a watchmen currently stands tethered to the porch rail by the front steps (A1).
suspicious of their armor and weaponry so blatantly on
display stops them for questioning, it is market day and
the streets so crowded that it will take too long to make PCs who wish to examine the exterior can determine, with
the journey and get back in time for any other plans, etc. a successful DC 10 Intelligence check that, although the
Likewise, if they simply intend to show up particularly early old house is certainly weathered and dilapidated, it still
prior to the stipulated meeting time of sunrise, assume appears to be structurally sound and in strangely good shape
that Sir Urvitus has arrived just a little bit earlier and run considering its many decades of abandonment. Likewise,
the adventure as written. anyone specifically examining the roof with a DC 20
Wisdom (Perception) check notes that one section of it bears
faint scorch marks of an old fire, but even there the roof ’s
A STRANGE WATCHER integrity remains intact with no holes or missing shingles.
During the course of the party’s investigations on the
evening before they set out to explore the house, allow The tethered steed is a combat-trained warhorseSRD
each PC to make a Wisdom (Perception) check. The PC named Olomew. It is well trained and, though it appears
who makes the highest check notices at one point in the a bit skittish, will allow PCs who make a DC 10 Wisdom
early evening what appears to be a large gray frog the size (Animal Handling) check to approach. Anyone examining
of a cat. The frog sits quietly in the shadows and appears its gear finds the initials “U.V.” worked into the leather of the
to be watching them. The PC catches only a glimpse of the fine saddle, confirming that this is indeed the mount of Sir
creature, and upon looking again it is gone. Searching for Urvitus. It is carrying nothing of value other than its tack.
the creature finds no trace of it.
Development: If the party spends more than a few
minutes on the porch or on the street outside the Old
House, a neighbor, Maeve Hollick (N middle-aged female

human commonerSRD), emerges from a house farther down
the street to voice her concerns. Maeve knows that people
shun the house with good reason and is concerned for the
man she saw enter earlier this morning. She noticed him
arrive about a half hour ago and open the front door with a FEAR, DISTURBANCES, AND NIGHTMARES
ring of keys he was carrying, so she assumed he was there The sinister influence of the Codex Ibnathi has
on official business, but she has not seen any sign of him prevented the evil soul of Eb Wallix from reaching the
since and is worried. She can give a good description of the afterlife, and as a result the house is haunted by the
man as he was carrying a lantern in the predawn dark, and trapped spirit of the insane alienist. Eb's supernatural
she watched him from her window as she ate her breakfast presence in the house, however, does not reflect any
porridge. The description she provides matches that of Sir consciousness or purpose, or exist as a single haunt or
Urvitus, though unlike yesterday he was apparently armed ghost. His spirit is shattered, its most potent shards
and armored. She did not see any further details. usually manifesting as harmless, yet distressing,
psychological phantasmagoria, but sometimes
presenting as more dangerous phenomena.
STREET These nightmares and disturbances exist not only
The Old House stands at the end of Front Street in to create dramatic tension for the characters and their
the oldest quarter of Eber. Somewhat grander than the players on their first visit to the house, but also to
surrounding dwellings, the house was originally designed reveal otherwise undiscoverable aspects of Old Eb
and constructed by a successful merchant, Coram Poer, as and his historical activities. However, many of them
his home. After his death at sea, the home reverted to the city also place the PCs on edge, potentially calling for a
and was placed on the market where it had languished for madness effect as described in Chapter 15 of the SRD.
years. Eventually it was sealed up and forgotten by the city Each nightmare or disturbance occurs only once,
until years later when Eb Wallix discovered it and decided regardless of how many times a location is visited or
it would make a perfect base from which to continue his a creature sleeps within the house, and they are only
macabre research. His combination of manipulative skills experienced by the PCs, not Sir Urvitus.
and arcane abilities ensured that he obtained the house
and all of its contents for a song, and it remained in his While disturbances and their effects are detailed in
possession until his own disappearance almost a decade the areas in which they occur, nightmares can occur
later. The Old House has since reverted to the city’s anywhere that a character loses consciousness inside
ownership again. A newly acquired sinister reputation and the Old House, be it from physical injury, natural
rumors of disappearances related to it has left it locked up sleep, or magically or otherwise induced sleep effects
and largely unmolested other than the occasional foolhardy such as from the wallixtabay’s soporific pollen (A16).
and short-lived intrusion over the years. Attempts to use spells from the divination school
might also grant a nightmare vision at the GM’s
The 1-foot-thick outer walls (AC 17, a damage threshold
Each time a character is exposed to a nightmare, give
of 10, 35 hit points, DC 20 Athletics check to climb) are
out one of the Handouts 1A–1G detailed in Appendix
constructed of large mortared stones. Unless otherwise
A (selected or determined randomly) and award
specified, ceiling height is 15 feet on the first floor, and 10
the PCs XP for a medium encounter for their level
feet on the second and third floors. Floors are fitted with
(see Chapter 13 in the SRD). Additionally, they must
smooth floorboards, many of which have warped over the
succeed at a DC 19 Charisma saving throw become
decades and creak when tread upon, imposing disadvantage
frightened for 1d4 hours. This effect continues as
on Dexterity (Stealth) checks within the house.
long as they remain in the house, but it does not force
them to flee from the house. A frightened PC cannot
Inside, gray dust and cobwebs cover surfaces in most open naturally fall asleep in the old house until they are no
areas, and mildew and black mold growths are common longer under a fear effect induced by a nightmare.
but harmless. While the house is certainly in a state of
abandoned disrepair, the influence of the Codex Ibnathi
protects its sanctum from true structural damage. Broken

door locks, smashed windows, and the like are treated as through after 1 round and Small creatures must make a DC
normal but the walls and floors are treated as though they 18 Dexterity saving throw to avoid the same fate. Creatures
have hardness 10. Attempts to burn the house down also smaller than size Small can safely traverse these roofs. If a
find it remarkably resistant to fire — individual pieces of creature attempts to scale the southern side of the house,
furniture might burn fitfully, but the flames tends to fizzle it is a DC 25 Climb check to the roof of the second story
and fail to spread. In addition, damages to the windows, from the top of the porch. The house’s main roof is only
doors, and structure of the home somehow seem to lessen moderately sloped away from the central peak but it still
over time until, years later, they are somehow wholly intact requires a DC 8 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to traverse to
again. the south-facing windows of the attic.

The front and back doors lead into opposite ends of the Light sources within the house are detailed in room
central hall (A2). The house is fitted with good wooden descriptions and, unless otherwise noted, are everburning
doors (1-1/2 inches thick, AC 14, damage threshold of 5, hp candles (see sidebox). The rest of the house is dark or dimly
15, DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check to break down; referred lit if in an area with access to natural light from outside.
to hereafter as a Break DC) throughout. Some interior GM Note: There are several areas that contain sections
doors have simple locks but most have none. All exterior marked “Urvitus” within their descriptions. These detail
doors have good quality locks. All doors and other objects specific interactions with Sir Urvitus that occur if he is
with locks, as well as several without, are also affected by with the party when they are in that area. Therefore, they
arcane lock. The relevant Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check to only become relevant once the party has located him in
pick a lock or Break DC include the +10 bonus for this the drawing room (A10) and he has joined their further
spell. Keys for all of the locks in the house can be found exploration. Refer to Appendix B for further description
within. of Sir Urvitus.

Entrance into the house can also be gained via the cellar There are two sets of area descriptions for the Old House.
chute (A1a) or through various windows, but all are locked The descriptions for Chapter 1 (denoted by area A) pertain
or cannot be opened, and all have external wooden shutters to the initial visit to the house, and the descriptions for
that can be operated with a rotating handle on the internal Chapter 2 (denoted by area B to avoid confusion) pertain
wall. All window shutters are closed and their handles are to the second visit to the house, when it is explored after
arcane locked in place (DC 20 thieves’ tools check) and Event 2. Not every room in Chapter 2 has a B description,
cannot be reached from outside and so shutters locked in and when none is given assume that the room is in the state
this way must usually be forced open (Break DC 26) to gain that it was left in by the PCs’ initial incursion in Chapter 1.
access to the glass windows.

It is also possible to climb up onto the wooden roof PAINTINGS IN THE OLD HOUSE
of the porch or verandah (Athletics DC 15) to gain access While most of the furnishings and other contents in
to various second story windows or to the front or rear the house originally belonged to Coram Poer, Eb Wallix
balconies (A13, A16), though of all the house’s covers, these developed skills as a master painter over the long years
exterior roofs have suffered the most over the years and are of his life, and it is his work that now adorns the walls.
now worm-eaten and fragile. Medium creatures will crash While these paintings are of various sizes, depictions, and
individual values, they are all masterworks that would sell
easily in Eber where the brushwork and colors are instantly
recognizable to art collectors as works of the Anonymous
Artist of Eber.
Wondrous item, common
This otherwise normal candle has a continual flame As Eb did not leave the house very often, those works that
spell cast on its wick. Due to the small size of its wick, contain images of Eber and its citizens were created with
it sheds light only as an ordinary candle, but it does not the aid of clairvoyance and scrying. Many of the paintings that
emit heat or deal fire damage. If the candle is broken, contain depictions of people also contain a self-portrait
its continual flame no longer functions. hidden somewhere within the scene. Eb did this precisely
so that they could be used as sensors for his scrying spells,
enabling him to spy on the prominent local families and

institutions he anonymously gifted them to. However,
his skill at obscuring and varying his embedded self-
portraits ensures that it is not at all obvious that many of
the paintings contain his image. A character needs to study
several different paintings that contain Eb’s image before
a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check (reduced to
DC 15 if they are proficient with painter’s supplies) reveals
that they all contain a depiction of the same person—the
person in the huge portrait in the drawing room (A10).

Eb achieved his unique style by replicating lucid visions

of the dreamlands using paints produced from extraplanar
pigments he bartered for with summoned entities. His
paintings use blood and other richly colored ichors of
angels and fiends, tempera from the eggs of void-stirges,
and humors from the spawn of aquatic aberrations. They
are combined to form vibrancies and subtleties of color
that change with different lighting.

The paintings and many other valuable contents of

the house are not detailed in the “Treasure” section of an
area description, however, because these items belong to
Sir Urvitus and are not intended to be taken by the PCs.
Furthermore, many of these items will be destroyed before
Chapter 2. If a PC steals an item — which may be difficult
to achieve with Sir Urvitus present — assign a value that
seems appropriate. Eb’s paintings, in particular, which
reflect an average Craft (paintings) skill result of 30, have
values 1d4+2 times higher than their Craft value due to
their unique colors, style, rarity, and reputation. Most of
them will require some restoration to achieve that full
value, however.

Items that do appear in the “Treasure” section, therefore,

are intended for the PCs. Sir Urvitus may recommend that Dark green vines that grow over the porch bear tiny white
the PCs use them when they are found, or he will gift them flowers, and the exterior walls of the house are patched with
to the PCs at the end of that part of the adventure. mosses and lichens. A DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check
confirms that these are all normal local flora. The porch
itself is devoid of any furniture and raised 2 feet off the
FIRST FLOOR ground. Wooden slats across the face of the base prevent
access to the crawlspace below the porch unless they are
The ceiling throughout the first floor is 15 feet high except
broken or pried apart. However, the crawlspace only
for along the corridor running parallel to the stairs, which
extends back as far as the stone of the house’s foundation.
slopes down from 15 feet high in the central hall (A2) to
The notice nailed to the rail post declares, “Private Property.
10 feet high in the corridor running between the drawing
Trespassers and thieves will be prosecuted.”
room (A3) and dining room (A6) to accommodate the stairs
The wooden front doors and frames are warped but still
function. They are fitted with brass door knockers shaped
A1. Front Porch like leering gargoyles. A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
A short flight of steps ascends to the wooden porch; its structure from the base of the porch stair is sufficient to notice that
faded and worm-eaten, its interior obscured by an overgrowth of one of the front doors is ajar.
leafy vines. A notice is nailed to a rail post.

At the northwest corner of the porch is a wooden box check to follow his tracks notes that he advanced along the
set in the ground with a sloped door bearing a padlock hallway, paused to look at several of the paintings, opened
with an arcane lock, though the old, worm-eaten wood can the midway curtain, ascended the stairs, carefully picked his
be more easily smashed through. This opens to a cellar way around the bones on the landing (A8) as he continued
chute through which coal and wood were once delivered to turn to examine some of the paintings, and then walked
but which was never used while Eb was in residence. It into the drawing room (A10).
descends at a steep angle to the storage cellar (A22) 10 feet
below. The padlock key is in the observatory (A20).
Disturbance: When the characters first begin to examine
the paintings, the character with the highest Wisdom
Wooden Coal Chute Door: AC 8; damage threshold 5; 15 (Perception) check hears the squeak of a floorboard on the
hit points; Break DC 17. second floor directly above them.

Arcane-Locked Padlock: AC 15; damage threshold 5; 30 Urvitus: If Urvitus is present he takes a moment to
hit points; thieves’ tool DC 26, Break DC 28) examine the paintings (he only glanced at them briefly
upon first entering) and excitedly declares them to be the
works of the Anonymous Artist of Eber — a virtual treasure
A2. Central Hall trove of Eber culture.
The following description assumes the PCs enter by the
front door. Modify it appropriately if they enter from
another direction. A3. Parlor
A wide hall hung with paintings runs the length of the house and The walls of this parlor, on which paintings of various sizes
is partitioned by a pair of dusty curtains. A long rug with vibrant hang, have wooden wainscoting on the lower parts and patterned
green and blue patterning runs down the center of the hall. A wallpaper above. Items of furniture, including several upholstered
narrow table stands against the east wall opposite a staircase with but mildewed chairs and marble-topped wooden tables, are
a mahogany balustrade. A burning candle in an iron candlestick positioned on a woolen carpet. Cobwebs hang from a decorative,
atop the table dimly illuminates the central portion of the hall. coffered ceiling and silver candelabra are positioned around the
Cream-colored wallpaper with thin, dark green vertical stripes room in which several candles still provide illumination. An
peels in places from the upper portion of the walls while the lower ornate alabaster fireplace is the focal point of the room. A wooden
section is simple, whitewashed stone. In the southern vestibule, harpsichord strewn with books of sheet music stands to the
an unused hat rack is positioned against a decorative entrance northeast, covered in a fine dust.
arch, while a dark green curtain blocks off the northern portion. A
thin layer of dust covers every surface, and patches of black mold Through a combination of lack of use and lack of exposure to
speckle the painted wooden ceiling and the walls. the elements, the contents of the parlor are in relatively good
condition despite their great age. This parlor was designed to
There are 11 paintings hung along the hall, each showing a be a formal room for guests to be received and entertained,
different scene of Eber life; three with hidden self-portraits though Eb Wallix never made use of it for these purposes.
of Old Eb (see Paintings in the Old House). The rug is of
exquisite AshurianLL7 – p. 48 manufacture, and the candle is an The harpsichord is made of rosewood and, if played,
everburning candle. anyone trained in a music-related skill will note that it is
of masterwork quality and still — strangely — perfectly
Beyond the curtain at the northern end of the hall, a line tuned. Eight paintings depict landscape views from within
of coat pegs is mounted on the west wall and an empty the city and major city landmarks, including the Royal
wooden shoe rack is pushed against the wall opposite. College, temples, and Law Courts; two contain hidden self-
The back door leads out onto the rear verandah (A7) but portraits. The carpet is an AshurianLL7 – p. 48 masterpiece that,
it is arcane locked (thieves’ tool DC 28); its key is in the when cleaned, is revealed to be woven with arabesques in
observatory (A20). deep shades of green. Each of the 6 silver candelabra holds
two unlit candles and one everburning candle.

A character who makes a successful DC 15 Wisdom

(Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check notices Sir Urvitus’ Disturbance: A character who has heard the fugue in
footsteps in the dust. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) the west guestroom (A14), or who has the correct notation
of it, may play its basic melody on the harpsichord with a

successful DC 15 Charisma (Performance) check. The first compositions. One fugue piece, entitled (in Helvaenic)
character to successfully play the melody receives a rush “Over the Brink” can be identified as the music heard in
of triumphant joy followed by a brief vision of a thick, the west guestroom (A14) with a successful DC 12 trained
black leather-bound tome placed atop the harpsichord music-related Charisma (Performance) check. Characters
in front of them. The title of the book, written in Deep using this notation receive a +4 bonus to play the fugue
Speech, is applied in elaborate and exquisite gold leaf on and may do so without having heard it. The music is worth
the front: Reflections on Hali. A character who does not 120 gp and Sir Urvitus gifts it to the PCs when the contract
understand Deep Speech can decipher the title with a DC is complete if they successfully played the melody.
22 Intelligence (Arcana) check or otherwise transcribe their
vision of the script with sufficient accuracy for others to
Story Award: If the PCs receive the vision of Eb’s grimoire,
decipher with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) or
award them XP for a medium encounter. If they performed
Intelligence (Investigation) check. This is a vision of Eb’s
well enough to also see Kyssogga, award them XP for a hard
grimoire that can be found in the study (A21).
encounter instead.

If a character exceeds the Charisma (Performance) DC

by 5 or more, the vision widens until they see a tiny gray A4. Kitchen
frog-like creature with four tentacles protruding from its The stone-tiled floor space of this large kitchen is dominated by a
flanks crawl up onto the book. Its head is unlike a frog’s long table, heavily scored by knife and chopper and now infested
though, with a flattened humanoid-like face that looks like with fungal blooms. Above the table, a panoply of pots and pans
a horrible old man’s, and its front legs end in black-nailed hangs from hooks on a ceiling rack. Cupboards and shelves
hands instead of frog-like toes. As the vision fades, other containing more cooking equipment line walls once whitewashed
characters witnessing this masterful performance see the but now black with mold. A glazed-brick hearth set with an iron
harpsichord player’s face briefly transformed into the same oven is built into the east wall, flanked by two large stone sinks.
hateful leering visage as the weird toad’s, and they must
succeed on a DC 12 Charisma saving throw or be affected
by a short-term madness for 1d10 minutes. As Eb had no need to eat or drink and found little joy in
doing so, having always associated the acts with distraction
from his studies or mind-numbing social interaction, this
Once the melody has been played successfully, if anyone room went virtually unused throughout his occupancy.
tries to play the harpsichord again the instrument is now
horribly out of tune. A DC 15 Dexterity or Intelligence check
with an appropriate tool or musical instrument proficiency A knife block on one of the shelves contains two cooking
is required to tune it — a process which takes at least one knives large and sharp enough to be used as daggers, and
hour and which requires the relevant tools. a drawer contains, among other utensils, a steel meat
chopper that can be used as a handaxe, and an iron meat
mallet that can be used as a light mace.
Urvitus: While he asks the PCs to be careful not to damage
the sheet music or harpsichord, his attention is primarily
taken by the paintings, which he declares to contain Urvitus: Urvitus will thumb through the utensils
historical depictions of Eber. If a PC heard the music in thoughtfully but has no real comment to make here.
the west guestroom (A14), Urvitus encourages them to play
it on the harpsichord. If it does not occur to the PCs, he
A4a. Pantry
eventually also suggests that it may be recorded in one of
This pantry is lined with shelves from floor to ceiling but
the pieces of sheet music (see “Treasure” below).
is otherwise empty.

Treasure: While the furniture and paintings hold

considerable value, the books of sheet music are the real A4b. Larder
treasure here, which can be determined with a DC 20 This larder has several deep shelves, a number of meat
Intelligence (Investigation) or music-related Charisma hooks hanging from the ceiling, and is thick with black
(Performance) check. There are well over 100 works for mold but otherwise empty. It is noticeably cooler than the
keyboard instruments. Several of the pieces, however, surrounding rooms, an effect of its enclosure against an
are unique or at least very rare, including some local outer wall and above the cistern in the basement.

A5. Scullery to involve the other characters, the sound of the footsteps
The stained, stone-tiled floor of this scullery is sunk a step below
the rest of the ground floor of the house. Slatted wooden mats are
placed beneath two sinks to either side of a large stone hearth Urvitus: Urvitus admires the paintings and the fine
set against the north wall, as well as beneath a third, smaller selection of serving wares here. He is as startled as the PCs
sink against the east wall. Cobwebbed storage shelves crammed by a report of footsteps above. Once it occurs, he becomes
with all manner of dust-covered crockery, pans, wooden buckets, visibly angry and want to charge upstairs to confront the
cleaning tools, and other mundane household items line the walls “intruder”. He will not leave his hired specialists behind to
around a work table. Two empty wooden tubs sit in the southern do so, however, deferring to their judgment in the matter.
corners, and a wooden mangle is positioned in a bay window in
the east wall, fungal filaments drooping from its rollers.
A7. Rear Verandah
A wooden verandah, overgrown with vines and creepers that also
A rotating wooden handle is set into the wall above the
cover an upper balcony, spans the rear of the house. Steps lead up
wooden tub in the southeast corner. The end of a rusted
onto the verandah, which grants access to the house’s back door.
metal pipe protrudes from the wall next to it. If the handle
is turned, it draws water from the basement cistern up
through the pipe via a screw pump. The verandah looks out over a short backyard that ends
at an extension of the city wall. It is featureless and
Urvitus: Urvitus marvels at the craftsmanship of the uninteresting. Despite rumors that the PCs may have heard,
running water after confirming that it is still functional there is no pond present and no unusual presence of frogs
and wonders aloud if the house might be in good enough croaking. The verandah itself is built in the same fashion
shape to salvage altogether. as the porch (A1). The back door is closed and arcane locked
(thieves’ tool DC 30); its key in the observatory (A20).

A6. Dining Room The vines that grow over the verandah are the same as
A long central table in this dining room is surrounded by thirteen those on the porch. Characters who nevertheless take the
chairs, all carved from the same dark hardwood that panels the time to examine the plant life here and succeed on a DC
walls. Shelves in the northeast and southeast corners of the room 12 Intelligence (Nature) check identify that, intermingled
hold trays of fine-looking cutlery and crockery. Above the mantel with and partially obscured by the creepers that cover the
of a large stone fireplace in the middle of the north wall hangs a verandah, the tendrils of a different type of plant grow from
framed painting, and smaller paintings hang on the south wall. A the balcony above. These shoots descend to the ground
fine layer of dust covers the floor and furniture. to either side of the verandah stair. It’s impossible to tell
the type of plant — the wallixtabay (see A16) — from an
examination of its tendrils alone, but the size and number
An iron fireguard stands in front of the fireplace and an of them suggest that the plant or plants are likely quite
iron bucket of tongs and pokers is placed to one side. The numerous or large.
south door that leads to the basement is arcane locked
(thieves’ tool DC 28); its key is in the observatory (A20).
The dinnerware contains fine silverware, a crystal decanter The tendrils of the wallixtabay grow down to the ground
with 18 matching goblets, and a range of hand-painted around the sides of the verandah stair and along much of
plates, chargers, chafing dishes, and serving platters. The the face of the verandah itself. These tendrils do not bear
3 paintings in this room each depict an Eber cityscape thorns or flowers, and they do not provide the plant with
with the long masterpiece over the fireplace containing a sustenance, but they do extend the range of its tremorsense
hidden self-portrait. to effectively cover a 30-foot radius from the verandah. The
wallixtabay keeps these tendrils dormant and “plant-like”
but if enough of them are damaged, it immediately climbs
Disturbance: The first character to approach the door over the sides of the balcony above and descends down the
in the southwest corner hears footsteps in the room above verandah to attack.
him. The footsteps seem to match the PC’s relative position
exactly and move as she moves. If she touches the door
in this room, she hears the slow creak of a door opening Development: In the upper northeast corner of the
directly above. If she moves away from the door, or stops verandah is the distinctively layered, papery shape of
a large wasp nest about 2 to 3 feet in diameter. It can be

spotted with a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. These ordinary life in Eber. Three of the paintings contain hidden
inch-long, sand-striped wasps are native to the region of self-portraits.
the Vast around Eber and are not aggressive unless their
nest is disturbed, such as by someone cutting down the
Urvitus: Urvitus noted the skeleton upon his arrival
vines or climbing around that section of the verandah. If
at the house and wishes it to remain undisturbed until
that occurs, they swarm to attack. Treat this as a swarm of
identification and a proper burial can be arranged. He
insects (wasps)SRD.
permits the PCs to carefully examine the bones, however,
and is overjoyed if the ring is discovered and identified. He
Urvitus: If the PCs discover the wasp nest, Sir Urvitus takes it from the PCs but promises an additional reward
suggests that it might be best to leave it alone, rather as thanks, which they can choose from among the house’s
than anger the wasps unnecessarily. They can be smoked contents. Use your discretion in what Urvitus will allow
out later when the house is demolished. If the PCs insist, in exchange but note that anything that will potentially
however, he permits them to clear it. identify the occupant as his ancestor will not be permitted.


The ceiling throughout the second floor is 10 feet high. All Characters ascending to the hall from the stairs can see
window shutters are arcane locked. into the drawing room (A10) through the open door. The
drawing room is dimly lit but characters with low-light
vision, darkvision, or who succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
A8. Landing (Perception) check see Sir Urvitus standing in that room
Between the ground and second floor, this landing displays a with his back to them (see A10 for more information).
grisly scene. The scattered bones of a humanoid skeleton, still clad More paintings decorate the burgundy papered walls of this upper
in the frayed scraps of clothing, lie on a large, faded stain that hall. A rug patterned with tessellating shapes in various shades
covers the whole of the landing. Several paintings hang on the of green stretches along the hall’s length between two archways
walls of the landing and along the stairs. obscured by thick, burgundy curtains. Single doors stand closed
in the west and south walls, while the northernmost of two in the
The skeleton is that of Creutz Hasten, the night watchman east wall is opened into a room beyond. On a small, circular stand
who disappeared in 3498 I.R. After interfering with the in the northeast corner, opposite a carved wooden balustrade that
machinations of the Old House in seeking a new master, overlooks a stairwell, an iron candlestick bears a lone candle with
Hasten was abducted by Kyssogga while walking his beat a flickering flame.
two nights later, taken to the house, and left in one of the
upper guest bedrooms. Severely mentally depleted by the The four paintings in this hall, one of which contains a hidden
ysaqquan’s venom, Hasten only made it to the landing self-portrait, depict landscapes surrounding Eber. The rug is
before he was ambushed by a swarm of ysaqquan toads of Virik design*. The candle is an everburning candle.
that silently awaited him on the lower flight. His bones
are randomly scattered across the landing, but his entire
skeleton is present. A PC who examines the bones can Behind the curtain at the north end of the hall, a lateral
determine, with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) corridor runs between the master bedchamber (A18) and
check, that they have been gnawed by many tiny teeth. the salon (A17) with another curtained archway opposite
Additionally, a gold ring can be found with successful leading to the library (A15). The door at the end of the
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. A successful DC 10 hall beyond the southern curtain leads out onto the front
Intelligence (History) check will identify the ring’s seal balcony (A13) but it is arcane locked (thieves’ tool DC 30); its
as that of the Eber City Watch. The inside of the band is key is in the observatory (A20).
etched with “Watchman, Junior Grade C. Hasten”.
Urvitus: Urvitus has already been in this area, having
There are nine paintings hung along the stairwells passed through to reach A10. He does not have anything to
and around the landing that show different scenes from add to its exploration.

* Virik is the adjectival demonym of the Viroeni people. See page 50 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City by Frog
God Games.

A10. Drawing Room Sir Urvitus is standing transfixed by the painting,
The first time the PCs enter the room, they find Sir Urvitus the result of an initial fascination effect from the Codex
here. He is standing motionless, staring at a full-length Ibnathi that has now faded but from which Sir Urvitus has
portrait that is hung in the center of the east wall between transitioned into a natural, trance-like state. He will remain
two draped windows, an unlit lantern in his hand. He has so entranced for another 1d4 minutes after the PCs discover
his back to the door and he partially obscures the portrait. him unless he is snapped out of it. Any reasonable action
to break Sir Urvitus’s trance will work, including touching
Richly upholstered couches and chairs, arranged along with him, moving into his line of sight, or even shouting at him.
small side tables upon an arabesque carpet of gold and crimson, Simply talking to him will not, however. A detect magic or
dominate the center of this drawing room. A well-stocked cellaret similar spell or effect will discover no evidence of magic at
nestles against the northwest corner, and tall glass-doored work here; the initial magic was weak and has long gone.
bookcases stand to the southwest. Framed paintings decorate
the room’s burgundy-papered walls, and an elaborate wooden
chandelier, from which several candles illuminate the drawing SIR URVITUS VOREN OF TOURNE
room with dim flickering light, spreads like the roots of a tree
beneath a coffered ceiling. hp 24 (See page 20)

Urvitus: When his attention is gained, Sir Urvitus quickly

The five paintings in this room are all unidentified
composes himself and apologizes for being so distracted by
portraits; four are of Wallix family members that Eb
the portrait, claiming that he was entranced by its exquisite
painted from memory, and the full-length piece on the east
workmanship and detail. In truth, he also believes that
wall is a self-portrait. The family portraits, which include
it could be a depiction of Old Eb (see below), and he was
Barivoren, Reliman, their father (Eb’s brother) Voren, and
fascinated by what he thinks could be his first detailed sight
Rocshan (Eb’s sister) are all grotesque caricatures depicted
of his ancestor. The subtlety of the fascination effect is such
to appear simple-minded, a reflection of the artist’s
that it seems completely natural to Sir Urvitus, and he will
disdain for them that can be realized with a successful DC
meet suggestions to the contrary with abrupt skepticism
15 Intelligence check (including proficiency in painter’s
unless presented with evidence.
supplies, if applicable) or Wisdom (Insight) check.

If asked why he entered the house alone, Sir Urvitus

The self-portrait depicts a gaunt, old man wearing the
explains that he found the front door open, and then heard
refined clothing of the Courghais gentry of yesteryear, an
the creak of floorboards on the second floor. He assumed
expression of superiority and contempt on his wizened
that thieves had entered and went in to investigate
features. His advanced age gives the lie to a head of luxurious
immediately. He is not positive that the creaking
dark curls that fall to his velvet-mantled shoulders as
floorboards were caused by footsteps but has no idea why
naught but a wig kept in place by a finely wrought silver
the front door would be open, and he openly wonders if
circlet and bejeweled diadem. He poses in front of a desk
there might be someone hiding in one of the unexplored
in what appears to be a library, his left hand obscured
behind his back and his right hand resting upon the head
of a cane, with a signet ring evident on the little finger. A
successful DC 22 Intelligence (History) check will identify If asked what he has been doing since he entered, Sir
the seal as House Wallix, a noble family from Courghais Urvitus looks thoughtful for a moment before explaining
who disappeared in the years following the Foerdewaith that he has been captivated by the house and many of the
Wars of Succession around 150 years ago. paintings that he has discovered within, and he marvels at
their craftsmanship. He can also provide a brief summary
of the areas he explored (A2, A8, and A9) on his way to this
The bookcases contain 20 books that comprise plays both
comedic and tragic, volumes of poetry of varying quality
but which mostly focus on sagas and epics, biographies of
the lives and deeds of famous adventurers, and a scattering PCs suspicious of the painting and the apparent
of texts from local religions. The cellaret contains bottles effect it has on Sir Urvitus receive no agreement or
of a variety of hard liquors along with goblets of metal sympathy from the knight. He brooks no damage being
and glass. The carpet is of Ashurian make, and there are 5 done to any of the paintings or other furnishings as a
everburning candles in the chandelier. result of simple speculation of their role in any claimed
supernatural occurrences and dismisses any such concerns

as superstitious at worst and unlikely at best. Sir Urvitus the shadowy figure hidden in the painting bearing the self-
recognizes the value of the various works of art, and he portrait. He points it out when he finds it, thinking it just
believes that the true source of any haunting in the house an interesting detail that the Anonymous Artist included
must be identified and dealt with directly, without resorting but wonders aloud if it might be a self-portrait.
to the unnecessary destruction of valuable property.

A12. Bath & Privy

Once all questions are answered, Sir Urvitus joins the The floor and lower walls of this small room are tiled. It
party and assists them in the rest of the exploration. contains a wooden bath and privy, along with a couple of
wooden buckets and a mop. A mirror is mounted to the
Disturbance: The first time a character returns to west wall.
this room without Sir Urvitus, they once again see him
standing and staring at the portrait — even if they know A13. Front Balcony
he is elsewhere in the house. This time, however, as soon The front balcony is overgrown with the same local white-
as a character tries to attract his attention or moves to try flowered vines that grow over the porch (A1) but is otherwise
to gain a view of his face, his head slowly turns toward empty. The door into the house is arcane locked (thieves’
them, rotating at an unnatural angle to do so. When the tool DC 30); its key in the observatory (A20).
character sees the figure’s face, it is not that of Sir Urvitus,
but of the wizened old man in the portrait, his features
twisted into a predatory, malicious leer. In that instant, the Treasure: A close examination of the exterior wall here
character also notices that the portrait has changed, from a can determine with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Nature)
depiction of the old man, to a figure dressed in Sir Urvitus’ check that one of the mosses is a rare species prized for
armor, its face scratched out as though by claws. The figure its alchemical properties. It is worth 20 gp if sold to an
then immediately disappears and the portrait returns alchemist or herbalist within 3 days of harvesting.
to normal. As the PC experiences this disturbance, they
are momentarily aware of an overpowering malignance
enveloping them, and a noxious, charnel stench that fades A14. West Guestroom
as quickly as it threatened to turn their stomach. The PC A wide wooden bedframe with a stripped mattress is pushed
must succeed at a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or suffer a against the south wall of this bedroom. A writing desk and chair
short-term madness for 1d10 minutes. stand beneath a window in the west wall, opposite a door in
the northeast corner. A metal bucket of blackened fireplace tools
sits next to a stone hearth with an iron mesh fireguard in the
Story Award: If a character experiences the disturbance
middle of the west wall. A wardrobe and chest of drawers stand
in this room, award the PCs XP for a medium encounter.
against the north wall. Six paintings hang around the walls. Unlit
candlesticks sit on the desk and on the south end of the mantelpiece.
A11. East Guestroom
A large wooden bedframe and mattress is positioned in the center The six paintings in this room are of various streets in Eber
of this room. A writing desk with a simple chair stands against as they looked in Eb’s time. Two have self-portraits in them.
the east wall near a polished stone fireplace in the northeast corner A mirror is attached to the interior side of one wardrobe
with a triple-branched candelabrum bearing unlit candles on the door, but the wardrobe and drawers contain nothing
mantel. A wardrobe and chest of drawers stand against the west else but clothes hangers. A drawer in the desk contains
wall, and five paintings hang upon the walls. materials for writing, including inkpens, ink wells (long
dried), a blotter, and several sheets of fine vellum.
The five paintings in this room are of Eber rooftop
cityscapes, one of which has a self-portrait hidden in the Disturbance: As the PCs first leave this room, the PC
window of one of the buildings. The wardrobe and drawers with the highest music-related Performance skill (or the
contain nothing but clothing hangers and old mothballs. A character with the highest Charisma otherwise) hears a few
drawer in the desk contains a calligrapher’s kit along with isolated notes coming from the harpsichord in the parlor
official stamps and seals. (A3) below. This is swiftly followed by an urge for that PC
to close the door and remain in the room alone to listen to
the music. If he does so, after a few seconds, the music from
Urvitus: Urvitus spends a few moments admiring the the harpsichord resumes and a strange, haunting fugue
paintings in this room and even manages to catch sight of

plays — audible only to the PC alone in the room — for 1 spend at least a minute trying to gain a view of the exterior
minute. The music has recurrent passages of a captivating and who succeed at a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check
melody, but it immediately ends if the door to the parlor see that the plants outside bear small white flowers, all of
is opened. Characters who descend to the parlor while a which are closed — an unusual behavior in the daytime as
character in this room hears the music find the doors to revealed by a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check.
that room closed and the parlor empty. Opening or breaking the door or windows will elicit a
response from the creature in area A16.
Urvitus: If a character informs Sir Urvitus that they hear
music from the parlor and of an urge to remain alone in the Urvitus: Urvitus is delighted to find this intact library
room to listen to it, he is intrigued and recommends that they and will immediately begin thumbing through the works
do so while the rest of the group stands guard outside. If a present to get an idea of its value.
PC wants to go down to the parlor to investigate, Sir Urvitus
encourages them to descend quietly and remain outside
Treasure: A long, careful search through the library will
the parlor so as not to disturb the musician until they’re
discover 21 books of some value. They are worth 1d4 x 5 gp
informed that the music has finished. Once the music has
ended, Sir Urvitus is eager to understand what the PC heard
and suggests that they try to hum it or, better still, play it on
the harpsichord below. He is similarly eager to discover the A16. Rear Balcony
musician and so advises another visit to the parlor. The white-flowered vines that grow over the verandah (A7)
continue up and over the rear balcony in a dense mat of
greenery. The door into the house is arcane locked (thieves’
A15. Library
tool DC 30); its key in the observatory (A20).
Three free-standing tall bookcases in the west section of
this library complement floor-to-ceiling shelving along
its west and south walls. A desk of stained wood with an The white-flowered vines intermingle with those of a
upholstered chair is pushed against the east wall, and a plant creature called the wallixtabay (see Appendix A). Once
comfortable armchair is positioned in a canted bay window a normal xtabay, over the years, while it has fed on local birds
beyond, the view from which is obscured by leaves and and other wildlife, it has been sustained and controlled by
vines that have grown over its windows and glass-paneled the power of the Codex Ibnathi and has slowly absorbed the
door from outside. A painting hangs on the wall over the influence of the haunting presence in the house. It has
desk. gained a semblance of intelligence and has slowly grown to
match the surrounding flora in appearance, but the petals
of its flowers still bear strange face-like patterns. However,
The bookcases and shelves contain several hundred
the patterns now resemble the leering visage of a horrible
books that comprise dictionaries of 13 modern languages,
old man — an old man the PCs may recognize from the
encyclopedias from a number of noted academicians
portrait in the drawing room (A10). Additionally, creatures
of varying expertise, and treatises on topics including
affected by the monster’s pollen experience nightmares
architecture and engineering, carpentry, stonemasonry,
from Old Eb’s tormented spirit (see Fear, Disturbances,
weather, geography, medicine, herbalism, history, nobility,
and Nightmares).
music and composition (which include instructional
manuals for learning the harpsichord and other
instruments), botany, and zoology.
The single painting in the room depicts a view of the hp 26 (see Appendix A, page 559)
Royal College from within its grounds. A self-portrait of Eb
hides among a crowd of students. Treasure: While the wallixtabay has caught and consumed
a vast number of birds and other small wildlife over the
years, its ability to break down and completely absorb flesh
The glass-paneled door in the alcove leads out onto the and bone means that there is little evidence of that fact.
rear balcony (A16) but it is arcane locked (thieves’ tool DC However, a few years ago, a brave halfling thief dared to defy
30); its key is in the observatory (A20). The windows, however, the house’s reputation and climbed up to the rear balcony
can be opened. The plant life that grows on the rear balcony to attempt to rob the house of its valuables. All that now
and verandah has grown up against the balcony door and remains of the plucky adventurer can be found scattered
both windows making it difficult to see beyond. PCs who

beneath the plant if it is destroyed and a DC 17 Wisdom walls. They depict portions of weird landscapes and bizarre
(Perception) check is made. The halfling’s belongings creatures with charcoal sketching loosely suggesting what
include a finely made short sword, 2 daggers, a silver belt may have been to come. While they are unfinished, their
buckle with a hidden compartment (Wisdom (Perception) state of incompletion makes them no less valuable to
DC 25) containing a magical skeleton key, and a beltpouch collectors of the Anonymous Artist of Eber’s work.
containing 27 gp and 31 sp.
Urvitus: Urvitus is instantly smitten with the unfinished
The skeleton key functions as a chime of openingSRD that artwork. He recognizes it as the work of the Anonymous
can also be used as a set of thieves’ tools simply by inserting Artist immediately and becomes very excited by this find. He
it into a locking mechanism but can only be used once per will try to ensure the protection of the art from any damage.
lock. The skeleton key retains this property even after it has
expended its 10 uses.
Treasure: A successful DC 15 Intelligence check with
alchemist tools proficiency confirms that 9 sealed flasks of
A17. Salon oil paint are flammable and can be treated like alchemist’s
A DC 20 Strength check is required to force open the south fire if ignited (a move action) and thrown (a standard
door to this room as furniture has been piled behind it. action). The painting supplies and tools in the room are
equivalent to two sets of painter’s supplies. The pigments
This room looks like it was a salon, but its once-fine furnishings are worth a total of 1,300 gp for their combined rarity, and
are now stacked haphazardly in the southwest corner, blocking the void-stirge eggs could be sold to an artist or collector
a door there. The mantel of a fireplace in the north wall bears for 300 gp each.
a three-branched candelabrum, its three lit candles casting long,
flickering shadows across a number of easels along the south wall
that hold paintings of varying sizes and stages of completion. An A18. Master Bedroom
array of artist’s supplies and paraphernalia are scattered about, The bedroom is dimly illuminated by three candles in a triple
and the walls, floor, and ceiling bear paint spatters here and there. candelabrum atop the mantel of a stone hearth in the northeast
corner. Ancient ashes fill the grate behind a meshed iron fireguard,
The furniture stacked against the south wall includes a black and pokers and other blackened fireplace tools hang from hooks
walnut writing desk and chair, a long divan embroidered at one side. A large bed beneath a window in the north wall is
with floral patterns with three matching cushions, two unmade, its blankets tossed to one side. A long, iron-bound chest
upholstered, fan-backed armchairs, a rolled-up carpet of sits along the foot of the bed, and an armoire and chest of drawers
Virik design (see footnote, page 18), an assortment of small stand against the south wall. A padded armchair sits in a bay
side tables, and a cherry wood spinning wheel. The artist’s window to the west. Paintings hung on the walls around the bed
paraphernalia includes painting supplies and tools, a and over the fireplace display vivid, warm colors that compliment
pestle and mortar, a finely ground hand-held mirror, and a those of a luxurious, deep carpet beneath the bed and chest.
variety of powdered pigments — many of them quite rare.
There are also several jars of mixed paints, most of which The walnut armoire is beautifully carved with a branching
have dried out but some of which are still well-sealed and design, and has a full-length mirror mounted on the inside
usable. One small crate packed with straw holds three dark of its left-hand door. It, along with its matching chest of
red leathery eggs roughly the size of a fist. A successful drawers, contains expensive men’s clothing, including
DC 24 Intelligence (Arcana) check identifies them as void- footwear and a variety of wigs that were fashionable among
stirge* eggs, an extremely rare and valuable source of egg the Courghais nobility some two centuries ago. A darkwood
tempera. The lit candles are everburning candles. cane with a steel pommel shaped like the mantle of a squid is
propped against the headboard. Careful examination reveals
There are nine unfinished paintings in this room, three it to be a masterwork sword cane, the tentacles and arms of
each on primed canvas, primed vellum, and paper, and all the squid delicately engraved along the length of its blade;
pinned to panels on the easels or propped up against the it is worth 750 gp. The lit candles are everburning candles.

* Void-stirges are aberrations of the vastnesses of outer space where they soar through the darkness between worlds
beholden to unknown powers. On some worlds they are known as byakhee, but that name is not Open Content and so
cannot be assigned to them here. For more information on void-stirges, see AoE4: Legend of the Burning Star or AoE5:
Race for Shataakh-Uulm.

The door in the south wall leads to a staircase that The chest is arcane locked (thieves’ tool DC 30) and
ascends to the attic. It and the door into the master retreat trapped. It contains men’s jewelry, gems, and precious
(A19) are arcane locked but not physically locked (thieves’ stones worth 1,750 gp along with 27 pp, 310 gp, and a
tools DC 20); their keys, along with that of the chest, are in leather scroll case containing the deed to the Old House
the observatory (A20). under the name of “Elling Walls”.

Disturbance: The first PC to view his reflection in the Trap: The chest is trapped with a glyph of warding
armoire’s mirror suddenly notices that it has a terrifed (explosive runes version that deals 22 (5d8) fire damage in
expression on its face, and its eyes are weeping blood. A a 20-foot radius, with a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw for
figure stands obscured behind the PC’s reflected self, half damage). If it is triggered, the carpet and bedclothes
the dark curls of a wig falling across its shoulders. In are set alight. The flames fail to find purchase in the dusty
that moment, the PC is acutely aware of an evil presence carpet and quickly go out leaving blackened patches,
directly behind them, along with the nauseating odor of but the blankets continue to burn. If the fire is not
rotten meat. If the PC turns away from the mirror, the extinguished with 2 rounds, the book concealed beneath
vision disappears and they see nothing behind them, but them is destroyed, though the fire does not spread
if they continue looking at the mirror, the figure comes beyond the bed. If the group deals with the trap, award
into view; it is the same horrible old man depicted in the them XP as if they completed a hard encounter. The spell
drawing room portrait (A10) but behind him they see the can only be removed with dispel magic and requires a DC
bed made, with an open book and a wand laid atop it. The 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check to notice the glyph.
vision then fades. In either case, the PC must succeed at a
DC 14 Charisma saving throw or be subject to a short-term
madness for 1d4 x 10 minutes. ATTIC
The ceiling throughout the attic is 10 feet high at its
Urvitus: Urvitus recognizes this as Old Eb’s master central peak, sloping down to the north and south, and
bedroom and wants to take the time to thoroughly search meeting those walls around 5 feet up. Heavy timber joists
and catalog the room’s contents before venturing elsewhere run throughout the top 3 feet of space. All windows are
in the house. locked.

Treasure: Concealed beneath the blankets on the bed A19. Master Retreat
is a book by Cikzin Qiao written in her native Xaon* and The door in the south wall leads to a staircase that descends
entitled Uncoiling Mortality. It is a dense, theoretical treatise to the second floor. It and the door into the master
mixed with occult teachings that advances a convoluted bedroom (A18) are arcane locked but not physically locked
and recursive argument — virtually impenetrable to (thieves’ tools DC 20); their keys are in the observatory
anyone not trained in Xi’en philosophy — that mortality (A20).
and its confinement of the mind is the result of an esoteric
A pair of upholstered armchairs mark this garret space with
extradimensional parasite. Various “proofs” of this entity’s
sloped ceilings as a private sitting room; one is in the center
existence are shown along with a ritual in which the final
of the room facing a small hearth and one faces outward in a
act of suicide results in the expulsion of the parasite and
bay window to the west. A small side table with a book atop
an escape from death. If any of the PCs shows an interest
it stands next to the central chair, both positioned on a finely
in this book, Sir Urvitus gifts it to them upon satisfactory
woven rug of tessellating blue patterns that covers most of the
completion of their contract. It is worth 100 gp.
wooden floorboards. A short stand bears a 2-foot diameter,
painted wooden globe at the side of a window in the north wall.
A PC who searches the bed with a successful DC 20 Low shelving packed with a variety of books, scroll cases, and
Wisdom (Perception) check can also find a wand of lesser loosely bound parchments and papers stretches along the west
restoration (5 charges) fallen between the mattress and the and south walls. Doors stand in the south and east walls, the
bedframe. While subject to occasional failure, Eb used this latter ajar. Black iron candelabra on the shelves and mantelpiece
wand to help recover from madness he sustained when bear single candles whose dim light illuminates several colorful
using Kyssogga’s venom to explore the Dreamlands. paintings hung on the walls.

*Xaon is the language of the Xi’en Hegemony on the western shore of Akados. See page 56 of LL7: The Blight: Richard
Pett’s Crooked City by Frog God Games.

There are five candelabra around the room, each containing The library in this room can be used to help identify all
a single black everburning candle. of the creatures in the paintings apart from the ysaqqua, on
which it has no information. Using the library in this way
takes 1d3 x 10 minutes per check and allows un untrained
The globe is constructed from two overlapping
creature to add their proficiency bonus on the check, or a
hemispheres that portray the known world as of around 150
creature proficient in the skill to have advantage on the check.
years ago and can be rotated around a tilted axis. Anyone
who searches the device can make a Wisdom (Perception)
DC 12 check to discover a concealed switch that unlocks Urvitus: Urvitus is fascinated by the paintings and books,
the hemispheres, allowing them to be rotated apart to quickly discovering that the books may be used to identify
reveal a cellaret containing a bottle of brandy, a bottle of the strange creatures in the paintings. He would like to
whiskey, two wooden goblets, and two vials of gray liquid spend a bit of time perusing the books to do just that but
which each contains a single dose of ysaqquan venom (see will not press if the PCs refuse.
Appendix A).
Treasure: The book on the side table is written in Old
The book on the side table is detailed in “Treasure” Suli* and is titled Stirring the Dreamtea. The author, Imru
below. The rest of the texts in this room are concerned Halabassi, describes the use of herbal and spiced teas to
with the more esoteric foci of Old Eb’s studies, covering induce lucid dreaming states, claiming that different
specific elements within the domains of arcana, occultism, such infusions provide access to different regions of the
the planes, religion, and obscure languages, and they are Dreamlands. It is face-up and opened to a section that
written in a variety of modern, ancient, and extraplanar discusses islands in the dreamsea. If any of the PCs shows
languages. an interest in this book, Sir Urvitus gifts it to them upon
satisfactory completion of their contract. It is worth 200 gp.
The eleven paintings around the room each contain
a detailed depiction of extraplanar entities from realms A20. Observatory
of dreams and nightmares. A successful Intelligence
This attic room is covered in dark paintings of constellations
(Arcana) check at the indicated DC allows identification
mounted around its walls and upon its sloped ceiling, with
of the creature depicted, though not much more about
scattered stars and colored fields provide sparse points of light
them other than their alien extradimensional nature
against backgrounds of deep purple and black. Two telescopes,
and sinister reputation: a void-stirge (see A17; DC 19 and
elaborately constructed from polished wood and brass, are
anyone who has experienced the nightmare in Handout
mounted on rotating pedestals, one in a wide bay window in
1F recognizes it as the same creature), a denizen of Leng
the north wall, and the other at the easternmost of two south
(DC 18), a mi-go (DC 16 or Intelligence [Nature] DC 21),
windows. Several tables stand against the walls, all cluttered with
an urhag (DC 13), a zoog (DC 16 or Intelligence [Arcana]
charts, mathematical and scientific tools and devices, recordings of
DC 11), a nightgaunt (DC 14 or Intelligence [Nature] DC
observations, and various writing implements. In the center of the
19), and an ysaqqua (see Appendix A: cannot be identified
observatory, an overturned stool and a ring of keys lie beneath the
with an Intelligence check but anyone who has seen
frayed end of a rope dangling down from the rafters.
Kyssogga in the parlor disturbance [A3] or in one of the
nightmares [see Handout 1E] recognizes it as the same
creature). The paintings and charts are seemingly worthless but the
other astromantic** equipment on the tables includes
A successful DC 12 Knowledge (Religion) check identifies some finely crafted items that could be of some value. The
the remaining creatures as imps and quasits, some of a keyring holds keys for the front and back doors (A1, A7),
typical fiendish stock and others mutated and warped the cellar chute (see A1a), the front and rear balconies (A13,
versions that are scarcely recognizable. A16), the door to the attic in the master bedroom (A18), the
master retreat (A19), the study (A21), the wine cellar (A24),
and the cell and the chain’s padlock (A25), making 11 keys in

* Old Suli is the language of the ancient tribes of eastern Akados in the Plains of Sull region spoken some 7,500 years
ago and largely now extinct. See page 18 of LL4: Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms by Frog God Games.
**Astromancy is a magical art combining astrology with the physical laws of astronomy. See page 197 of LL7: The Blight:
Richard Pett’s Crooked City by Frog God Games.

total. Touching it, or the rope that hangs from the topmost points) or broken with a DC 19 Strength check.
beam down to 8 feet above, triggers the room’s haunt. Destroying a noose frees the hanging creature,
though they fall prone and are stunned for 1
Haunt: This room is where, following an epiphany of round. Destroying a noose does not affect the
exquisite insanity, Old Eb’s explorations into forbidden haunt itself.
knowledge culminated in his suicide by hanging. At the
moment of his demise, the Codex Ibnathi ripped the spirit A DC 14 Wisdom (Religion) check identifies
from his body and trapped his evil soul within the house, the frayed rope as the focus of the haunting. The
after which Kyssogga undertook the laborious process of rope has 24 hit points and can be damaged only
removing his body for storage in the cellar below (see B23 by fire or radiant damage. If the frayed rope is
in Chapter 2). Nevertheless, a fragment of Old Eb’s psyche destroyed, the entire haunt is destroyed along
manifests here as a haunt.
with all nooses.

SUICIDAL WHISPERS Disturbance: Any PC who is suffocated to unconsciousness

by the haunt recalls a specific vision if they subsequently
Notice Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Insight) recover, rather than one of the usual nightmares of this
DC 15 (to notice a shadow cast on the wall as if a place. This vision is that they are standing on the shore of
body still hung from the rope in the center of the a vast lake beneath a cloudless night sky. The air is quiet
room) and still, and the lake’s surface is a mirror unmarred by
the slightest ripple. They can feel the presence of someone
Trigger touch (the ring of keys on the floor or the — or something — standing behind them; the hair on the
frayed rope tied to the rafter); Reset 1 day if not back of their neck is standing up and their skin crawling,
destroyed but they cannot turn around to see who or what it is. The
Effect Ectoplasmic nooses appear hanging from more they are unable to ignore this presence, the greater
the rafters, and each creature in the observatory their terror became. Suddenly, they felt the presence move
into the sky above the lake, where the water at the lake’s
who fails a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw is center rose up toward it in a liquid cylinder of perfectly
compelled (as per dominate monster) by mental reflected stars. The PC must succeed at a DC 14 Wisdom
whispering to walk to one, slip it around saving throw or be subject to a short-term madness for
their neck, and expel air from their lungs in 1d10 minutes.
anticipation of the revelations beyond death’s
door. On the following round, the nooses tighten Urvitus: Sir Urvitus notices both the whispering and the
and haul the affected creatures off the ground, emotional despair as soon as the haunt is triggered but does
not initially realize what it is. Nevertheless, he is unaffected
breaking the domination effect, and requiring
by the haunt’s effect, and attempts to rescue affected PCs.
a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. The nooses Once the haunt is defeated, he encourages the PCs to find
around the necks of creatures who succeed on a way to permanently destroy it (e.g., by burning the rope).
their saves immediately snap and disappear,
leaving their victims staggered for 1 round as Treasure: Valuable equipment in the room includes an
they gasp for breath. Creatures who fail their astrolabe, two sextants, and a masterwork spyglass. The two
saves, however, begin to suffocate, and can only mounted telescopes are worth 3,000 gp each but are bulky
survive for a number of rounds equal to their and permanently affixed to the floor. Removing them will
require considerable effort, and Urvitus will not hear of it.
Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). An obsidian globe suspended within a silver frame sits on
After this time, they drop to 0 hit points and are a table against the east wall. Specks of silver are seemingly
dying at the beginning of their next turn, and randomly distributed over its surface and within. Some
they can’t regain hit points or be stabilized until constellations of these specks bear a resemblance to those
they can breathe again. in some of the unknown star charts around the room. This
item is worth 700 gp, and Sir Urvitus gives it to the PCs
Destruction Each ectoplasmic noose can be as an additional reward if they permanently destroy the
severed with a slashing weapon (AC 12, 8 hit haunt.

Story Award: If any PC experienced the disturbance,
award the party XP for a deadly encounter.

A21. Study
A flickering violet light suffuses this garret room. A long writing
desk of stained wood stands before a large bay window in
the east wall. In the center of the desk, a strange leaden
candelabrum with curving branches seems to writhe in
the quivering luminescence emitted by the numerous black
candles it holds. More candelabra stand on wooden cabinets
to either side of the door as well as on the mantel of a curiously
carved stone hearth to the north. A painting hangs above
the triangular firebox, which is filled with an inky darkness
unperturbed by the violaceous light. Heavy black drapes are
drawn across a window to the south. At each side of the bay
window, paintings hang above square iron coffers.

On the desk is Eb’s grimoire, Reflections on Hali (see

sidebar). Inkpens, pots of colored inks, and a blotter pad
are neatly arranged around it, along with several sheets of
paper and vellum beneath an irregularly shaped, spiked
paperweight of silvery metal. Closer examination of the
large candelabrum on the desk reveals that it is fashioned
like a squid, the pedestal its curved mantle and the branches
its arms and tentacles. It holds 13 black everburning candles,
each with a violet flame.

The two paintings depict views of alien landscapes. In

one, a forlorn village huddles at the edge of a wasteland
beneath jagged foothills that rise to towering mountains in The stone fireplace is carved with eldritch symbols that a
the distance. Traders, their silhouettes concealed by robes, DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check will reveal as linked to the
treat with hunched and twisted humanoids that emerge conjuration and worship of the Outer Gods and Great Old
from the huts, while huge, reptilian winged horses with Ones. The angles of the stonemasonry create overlapping
bird-like beaks look on. In the other, jagged slopes of a areas of shadow into the firebox. A moderate conjuration
shattered caldera jut from a dark sea, a strange architecture effect doubles the duration of creatures summoned into
of colonnades, minarets, and spiraling steps lining their its space.
flanks above black-sailed ships in the waves below. A
successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check identifies The iron coffers are exceptionally well-made, large
these as depictions of the Plateau of Leng. The third enough to hold a cubic foot of goods, and worth 200 gp each.
painting is detailed in “Treasure” below. Both are trapped and each contains 12 of Old Eb’s research
journals: the northernmost covering the years from 3365
The cabinets contain a large supply of material I.R. to 3376 I.R. and the southernmost covering from 3377
components and foci for spellcasting and arcane research. I.R. to 3384 I.R., with the remaining four unbound and
These includes several small boxes containing locks of hair blank. The nature and content of these journals is up to the
from scrying targets (all of whom are now long dead) and GM but note that Sir Urvitus does not grant permission for
several jars of preserved organs, eggs, and embryos which the PCs to attempt to decipher them (see “Urvitus” below).
a successful DC 21 Knowledge (dungeoneering) check will
identify as coming from a void-stirge (see A17). Traps: Each of the iron coffers is trapped with a magical
trap that summons a monster, causing it to erupt out of the
black triangular gulf in the fireplace to attack. One contains

a gibbering mouther, the other a chuul. This summoning up to the west. A bucket lies on its side next to the coal pile, and
can be stopped only with dispel magic, and it is treated as a shovel and brush are propped against the west wall nearby.
a 4th-level spell effect. Noticing this magical effect before A stack of chairs, crates, chests, and other items of furniture are
opening the coffer requires a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) stacked in the northeast corner.
check or DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) check. A creature using
detect magic gains advantage on either check.
All the items in this room are mundane. The crates
and chests contain old household supplies and tools
including a mattock,0sheets, linens, and the like. Other
than the tools and a 20-foot coil of hempen rope — one
hp 67 (see SRD) end frayed as though roughly sawn through — nothing
of use or value can be found here. A DC 25 Wisdom
(Perception) check, however, does turn up an old portrait
CHUUL (SRD) wrapped in a grimy dust cloth. The painting is old and
in poor shape, cracked from drying and yet speckled
hp 93 (see SRD)
with mildew from the damp. It depicts a regal, middle-
aged man in fine clothing. A DC 22 Intelligence (History)
Urvitus: Sir Urvitus does not grant permission to check realizes that the portrait depicts Coram Poer, the
decipher the journals — he wants to understand them and original builder of the house who was lost at sea nearly
his uncle first before deciding whether or not to share with 250 years ago.
anyone else.

Urvitus: Urvitus quickly guesses who is in the portrait

Treasure: The valuable components and foci in the even if the PCs don’t and decides to keep it as a piece of
closets include a crystal lens worth 500 gp, 3 pieces of onyx historical memorabilia.
worth 400 gp each, gold dust worth 100 gp, and 4 vials of
lead-based ink worth 50 gp each. The third painting shows
a self-portrait of Old Eb in the style of a mask. This portrait A23. Root Cellar
mask is described in Appendix E, as is the magical tome Dusty, dirt-lined shelving covers the cobwebbed walls of this musty
called Reflections on Hali. space suggesting it may once have been a root cellar. Pallid fungal
growths, like long etiolated toadstools, protrude from within some
The strange paperweight is composed of 1 pound of of the shelves.
mithral and is worth 150 gp.
There is nothing of interest here. A DC 15 Intelligence
Story Award: If a PC identifies and uses the portrait (Nature) check will determine that, while certainly
mask, award the party XP for a hard encounter. unusually large and possibly unique, the fungi are harmless
specimens. Originally there was an archway to the south,
but it was sealed off and plastered over at the time of Old
BASEMENT Eb’s death. It is indistinguishable from the surrounding
The ceiling throughout the basement is 10 feet high. walls and cannot be discovered as anything other than
Floors are dry, hard-packed earth. Walls are plaster over normal for this portion of the adventure. It is further
brick, marred with many water stains and speckles of mold detailed in Chapter 2.
growth. Unless otherwise detailed, there is no light source
other than whatever the PCs carry.
A24. Wine Cellar
The door to this room is arcane locked (thieves’ tools DC
A22. Storage Cellar 28); its key is in the observatory (A20).
This large, cobwebbed basement space is supported by two brick The smell of vinegar is strong in here. The room’s walls are stacked
columns at its center. Logs and chopped wood are stacked in the with small wooden barrels, stoppered clay pots, and a few partially
northwest corner, with a hatchet and woodsaw laid on a large, filled racks of corked glass and wooden bottles. A few wineskins
score-marked stump between the western column and the wall. and amphorae hang from thick cords threaded through small iron
In the southwest corner, a wooden dust-screen door stands open hooks embedded in the ceiling joists.
to reveal a small mound of coal piled beneath a chute that slopes

Almost all of the wines in here have turned to vinegar in (A20). While the chain enables it to move up to 10 feet
the last 150 years ago, rendering them largely worthless from the pillar but no farther, its Lunge feat may surprise
as a comestible. However, despite the quality of the wine opponents who think they’re out of its reach.
here, many of these ancient vintages still carry a high
value to wine enthusiasts who will be willing to part with
large amounts of coin for the experience and the hope. THE THING IN THE BASEMENT
If sufficient effort to locate and court appropriate noble
Small undead, chaotic evil
purchasers is made, the contents of this cellar could be
sold for 2,000 gp. Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 121 (22d6 + 44)
Urvitus: Urvitus will open one bottle and quickly Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
determine that it is ruined. He asks the PCs not to molest
any more of them because he intends to investigate their
resale value as described above. 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
Saving Throw Dex +5
A25. Cell Skills Athletics +6, Perception +4, Stealth +8
The door to this room is arcane locked (thieves’ tools DC Damage Resistances necrotic
28); its key is in the observatory (A20).
Damage Immunities poison
A central brick pillar with a length of thick, iron chain looped Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
around the base reinforces this cellar space. A long-cold poisoned
fireplace is built into the north wall, and a stone cistern stands
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
in the southeast corner, its surface damp with condensation
and fuzzy with growths of mold. Tiny bits of debris are strewn Languages Common, Halfling, Thieves’ Cant
across the floor. Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

PCs who examine the debris notice, with a successful DC Lunge. The thing in the basement can use its
12 Wisdom (Perception) check, that it primarily consists bonus action to extend the reach of its claws
of fragments of bone and cloth. These are the remains of attack to 10 feet. If it does so, the next attack
townsfolk or travelers who attempted to ransack or exorcise against it has advantage on the attack roll.
the Old House in the past. They were slain or disabled by
Kyssogga, the haunt, or another resident or effect, and were
then dimension doored to this room by Kyssogga as an ACTIONS
offering to its resident. Multiattack. The thing in the basement makes
three attacks: one with its bite, and two with its
This room was originally the servants’ quarters, but claws.
Eb used it to house a mandrill he experimented on and Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
infected with ghoul fever. This Thing in the Basement (see target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.
illustration on page 10) is huge for a mandrill, standing
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
just under 4 feet tall (although it primarily moves crouched
on all fours) and weighs 70 pounds. Its wrinkled pale gray one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.
skin is now mostly hairless, and contrasts sharply with the If the target is a creature other than an elf or
bright blues and reds of its snout and callused buttocks. undead, it must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution
The muscular canine-like maw above a gashed-open throat saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The
is filled with deadly fangs, and the creature’s nails have
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
lengthened into gruesome claws.
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
The tortured howls of this poor creature led Eb to cut out
its vocal cords. It wears an iron collar attached to the chain
that is wrapped around the central pillar and padlocked Tactics: The creature clings to the top of the central
in place (thieves’ tools DC 30); the key is in the observatory column, using its width to hide from the PCs’ view so it

can leap with surprise on whomever enters the room WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?
first. Driven by an eternal craving for flesh, the ghoulish
The PCs’ activities should now occupy them elsewhere for
mandrill attacks in a frenzy of teeth and claws. It always
at least several days, though this can easily be a month or
takes the first opportunity to drag paralyzed creatures
more as they partake of other adventures sufficient to help
into the northern section of the room before continuing
them reach 3rd level in preparation for this adventure’s
to attack other opponents. The ghoulish mandrill has no
unexpected second chapter.
sense of self-preservation and fights to the death.

Urvitus: Urvitus is horrified by the presence of this

disgusting creature and the implications of its long CHAPTER TWO:
confinement. He lets the PCs lead the way in combat, but
he takes part to assist them in destroying the creature
however he can.
Sir Urvitus does not consider the PCs’ contractual duties Despite the PCs’ previous efforts, the dangers of the Old
complete until every location in the house has been explored House are far from resolved. Over the course of the days
and rendered safe — except, of course, the sealed basement following the PCs’ exploration, Sir Urvitus went about
which should remain undiscovered until Chapter 2. Thus, his business of cataloging and boxing valuable contents
all the creatures discovered should have been defeated and while engaging Abshire & Dunnage to negotiate with local
the haunt in the observatory (A20) permanently destroyed. tradespeople regarding the property’s demolition. But
within the house, the awakening Codex Ibnathi coalesced Old
Eb’s fragmented soul into the portrait in the drawing room
Once Sir Urvitus is satisfied that the house is safe, he (A10) where its ability to beguile the knight increased in
locks it up, and thanks the PCs as he accompanies them power and slowly leeched away at his mind and soul. In the
back to Abshire & Dunnage to secure their final payment. process the portrait has, little by little, transformed from the
Acknowledging the dangers that were faced in the house, image of his evil ancestor into the image of Urvitus himself.
Sir Urvitus gifts the PCs with any treasure that was found
on the rear balcony (A16) and in the master bedroom (A18).
These events have brought a change over the young
knight. Urvitus has now changed his intentions towards the
With the final payment made and further consideration house. Where once he intended to demolish an eyesore and
noted, the PCs are released from their contract with some neighborhood hazard to replace it with something new and
final signatures. They are requested not to discuss what better, now he merely seeks to renovate the Old House enough
they found inside until Sir Urvitus has properly cataloged to be habitable again and to move in. He can’t articulate the
and cleared the property of its contents and the planned reason for this change of mind, merely that it is what he
demolition is complete. Within an hour Abshire & wants to do. To that end he has discharged the services of
Dunnage has stationed guards hired from the mercenaries’ Abshire & Dunnage as well as the tradesmen and guards
guild outside the front and rear of the house to keep the they had engaged. He has become secretive and closed as his
property safe from intruders now that its veil of secrecy transformation into a new manifestation of Old Eb continues.
and fear has been broken. Four guards remain on watch
day and night with orders to ensure that no one other than
Sir Urvitus enters the property. As preparation of this living receptacle for Eb Wallix’s
spirit approaches completion, the Codex Ibnathi summons
additional guardians. These undead remains of a party of
Guards(SRD) (4) adventurers who dared the haunted grounds over a century
ago have languished in shallow graves in the basement for
hp 11 (see SRD) all these years. Now they have awoken from dark dreams
and claw their way out of the ground, ready to serve. This,
No further involvement from the PCs is required and, for unfortunately, coincides with the day that Myram Abshire
all intents and purposes, this should appear to be the end goes by the Old House seeking some final signatures from
of the adventure. Urvitus Voren to conclude their business relationship. Mr.
Abshire has not returned.

EVENT 1: THE MISSING SOLICITOR oblivious to whether they are actually following or not. He
is clearly out of sorts and keeps up a constant stream of
It has been at least several days since the PCs completed
chatter, failing to answer any questions asked of him.
their contract with Sir Urvitus. They are again in Eber,
though it is possible that they have just returned from
some other foray abroad. In any case, they receive a sealed Chests, crates, and other signs of recent packing are
message marked with the stamp of Abshire & Dunnage. noticeable along the walls of the central hall (B2) and block
Breaking the seal, the party finds a message from Norrys the doors to B3 and B4 with their stacks as Urvitus leads
Dunnage (see Handout 1H). the party into the house. The tantalizing smell of a roast
hangs in the air, and Urvitus explains that he was just about
to sit down to a meal. He insists that the party join him,
If the PCs decide to visit Norrys Dunnage first, they find
promising to answer any questions they have over dinner.
him to be greatly distressed, both through worry for his
partner, and for the fact that the PCs are delaying their
investigation to speak with him. He confirms everything
in the letter and urges them to hurry. He will once again
pay half of the 300 gp agreement up front as a retainer URVITUS
if the PCs ask but insists that they haven’t time to go This event takes place in area B6 of the Old House.
shopping. Night is swiftly falling and Myram Abshire is
still unaccounted for. The dining room is warmed by the hearth, the flames adding to
the illumination from several candles on its mantel and along the
long table that is set for one. Most of its chairs are now stacked
It is early evening by the time the PCs arrive at Front against the walls. The corner shelves are emptied, their contents
Street. Read the following when the party reach the boxed in crates at their bases. The room has been mostly cleaned
property. of dust but marks are visible on the walls around where the
paintings once hung.

The dry winds of a central Akados derechos* whirl through

the increasingly deserted streets of this section of Eber, as the As the PCs enter the room, Urvitus begins unstacking
people head inside and close up their homes to take shelter from sufficient chairs for everyone and removing cutlery and
the weather. In the darkening skies to the west you can see the plates from the crates in order to make a spot for each of
leading edge of the storm, silent flickers of orange heat lightning the PCs. He continues to prattle on as he works and fails to
occasionally illuminating it from within. Ahead you see the answer any questions of import. After only a few moments,
shutters of the Old House now open, with the warm glow of the PCs have a place setting for each of them. Sir Urvitus
lamplight peeping from behind drawn curtains. Smoke issues bids them to be seated while he goes to the kitchen to
from the chimneys, quickly dissipated by the wind gusts that whip retrieve the food. If the PCs allow him to do so, he comes
across the rooftops. It seems Sir Urvitus has indeed decided to forth a moment later bearing a platter covered in succulent
make a home of the old place. slices of roast and a delectable-looking selection of sautéed
vegetables. In the crook of his arm he also carries a bottle
of wine of a quality local vintage.
All the exterior doors are arcane locked (thieves’ tools
DC 28) but if the PCs knock, the door is answered after a Sir Urvitus personally serves the food to each of the PCs
minute or so by Sir Urvitus. He is unarmed, unarmored, and pours the wine himself before settling into his own
and wearing a long gray dressing gown. He looks seat and beginning to eat. Once he has had a few sips of
disheveled and tired, with several days of beard growth and wine, his nerves seem to calm somewhat and he becomes
unkempt hair. Urvitus stares at the PCs for a few moments, more able to converse intelligently and field questions.
thoroughly confused, until finally he recognizes them and As the conversation continues, however, and the howls of
welcomes them inside with a sudden smile. He apologizes, rising wind buffeting the house and the growing rumble
stating that he has not been sleeping well with all the recent of thunder distract him, he frequently loses his train of
renovation work. He invites the PCs in for dinner, leading thought, not resuming unless prompted by the PCs.
them along the hall to the dining room (B6), seemingly

* A derechos is a violent summer windstorm common to the western plains of Akados. See Eber and the Kingdom of
the Vast, page 15.

If asked about Myram Abshire, Sir Urvitus initially gives The constant howl of the wind is suddenly intensified as a
a blank look of unrecognition, but after a moment seems sensation like a physical force striking the house in an explosion
to remember him. He does not recall seeing Mr. Abshire of noise and motion causes the entire structure to shake violently
recently and is vaguely concerned that he seems to have and for its timbers to creak and pop in protest. Windows explode
gone missing. If asked about the demolition of the house, in a shower of glass, immediately snuffing all light sources as the
he waves away the thought of those plans and indicates squall winds whip into the room like rampaging invaders.
that he has discovered too many treasures in the house to
warrant its complete destruction, whereas a renovation will In seconds the squall line has passed and the wind, though
serve his purposes even better. He does not inquire about still intense, is somewhat reduced. The clunks and thuds of
the PCs’ adventures or travels at all. If the PCs volunteer windblown debris striking the house and other nearby buildings
such information he listens politely, but it’s clear with a are still audible, and the only light is provided by the crackles of
successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check that he is not lightning that sporadically illuminate the night. The house itself
quite sure why it is being shared with him and that he is is quiet except for the wind that seems to now moan incessantly
not following much of what they say. through its halls and rattle its doors, while glass debris on the floor
tinkles in the shifting air currents. Elsewhere can be heard stranger
sounds — a faint night chorus of croaking frogs and the isolated,
Over the course of the conversation the PCs are likely to prolonged notes of a harpsichord.
grow increasingly worried — or even suspicious — about
Sir Urvitus, but if they share concerns about his health, he Of Sir Urvitus, there is no sign.
replies that he is just overtired. A successful DC 15 Wisdom
(Insight) or Wisdom (Medicine) check, however, indicates
that there has been a severe degradation in his mental At the moment that the wind squall struck the house, two
acuity that appears to go beyond simple exhaustion. In things occurred. The force of the wind blew out all of the
truth, and unbeknownst to both Sir Urvitus and the PCs, house’s windows on the north and west sides, rushing in
the Codex Ibnathi has afflicted him with an indefinite to overturn light objects and extinguish all light sources,
madness, driving his obsession. magical or mundane, including the continual flames of
everburning candles. Any magical light sources carried
After the PCs have had a few minutes to question Sir by the party that were not being used (such as everburning
Urvitus and grow frustrated or suspicious, proceed with torches, etc.) are still functional, but any active light spells,
Event 3. exposed everburning torches, and even flaming weapons
are extinguished. Flaming weapons can be reignited as
normal, and the PC’s own continual flame spells will reignite
GM Note: If the PCs do not allow Sir Urvitus to head to on their own after 1d4 rounds of suppression, though the
the kitchen to retrieve the food or attempt to follow him, everburning candles of the house will not do so. This is not
skip the rest of Event 2 and proceed directly to Event 3 a normal function of storm winds, as the party will surely
below. deduce. That it is an effect related to a manifestation of the
Codex Ibnathi’s power, however, is less obvious.


Anyone inside the house in an area with windows on
This event likely occurs in area B6, but if the PCs were
the north or west walls is exposed to the flying shards of
uncooperative with Sir Urvitus in Event 2, it could just
shattered glass and must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
as easily occur in area B2 or elsewhere in the house as
throw (areas B2 [north section only], B3, B5, B6, B8, B12,
B14, B15, B17, B18, and B19). The shards of glass deal 2d6
slashing damage on a failure, half as much on a success.
Unless the PCs have forced the issue as described under Sir Urvitus is not subjected to that damage as explained
the “GM Note” in Event 2 above, the dinner conversation below. The glass shards function as caltrops in those areas
with Sir Urvitus progresses until the PCs assert themselves, thereafter.
perhaps by beginning to explore the house or to examine
Sir Urvitus more closely (attempting to manhandle him or
The second thing that occurred when the wind squall
cast spells, for instance). When that occurs (or at whatever
struck the Old House is that the Codex Ibnathi, long
moment seems right for your game), read the following
reposing sluggishly in area B26, at last becomes fully
awake and immediately calls its new servant to it. Reacting
to the threat that the PCs now pose, the codex rushes the

completion of the trompe l’oeil (see B21) by completing the (A6), all nine paintings from the stairwell and landing (A8),
leeching of Sir Urvitus’s will. The knight falls unconscious and the Virik (see footnote, page 18) now rolled up and four
as he is immediately whisked away by the power of the paintings from the upper hall (A9).
Codex Ibnathi to B23 where the party can find him shortly. Its
accumulated power largely spent, the codex falls quiescent,
relying on its new portrait trompe l’oeil manifestation (B21) B3. Parlor
and Kyssogga (B26) to protect it. The PCs are now on their When this room is approached after Event 3, the sound of
own and must search through the house for Sir Urvitus, for the harpsichord discordantly playing to a choir of frogs
Myram Abshire, and for answers. croaking can be heard. The eastern door to this chamber is
blocked by the stacked boxes in B2.

Though the winds continue to blow outside with the Broken glass covers the floor of the parlor. The two west-facing
force of a windstorm, within the aboveground floors of the windows are shattered, their curtains blowing in the wind gusts.
house they are only considered moderate winds, enough The harpsichord still stands where it was, seemingly none the
to disturb curtains, bang shutters, and throw up puffs of worse for wear from the storm. Beneath the ripped-away wallpaper
dust but with no game effect other than a -2 penalty on and paneling, numerous small holes are now visible in the walls,
Wisdom (Perception) checks. There are no wind effects along with runes and glyphs that seem to writhe and crawl. A
at all in the basement unless the PCs open the coal chute large hole can be seen in the coffered ceiling in the southeast corner
doors which will create moderate-force winds in B22 but of the room.
cause no further effects in the area.
Originally lurking in the west guestroom (B14) above, after
Event 3 a ghast crawled into this room through the hole
SECOND TOUR in the ceiling and began playing the harpsichord. Its flesh
As the PCs explore the Old House a second time, use the bears old deep wounds and new ones from which shattered
room descriptions designated as B below. If a room does glass still protrudes. Its face is hideously misshapen, with
not have a B description, assume that it is unchanged its maw freakishly wide and one eye socket lower than its
from its A description in Chapter 1 except for the general cheekbone. It plays its discordant notes seemingly in a
changes as noted. Most of the basic features of the old house reverie, but suddenly leaps to attack if attacked or if a PC
remain unchanged for the party’s second foray through the comes within 10 feet. Additionally, 6 ysaqquan toads crawl
house. Unless otherwise noted all light sources, mundane over the walls, croaking ominous, barely intelligible threats
or magical, have been extinguished by the fury of the about the “return of master” and praises to Kyssogga from
seemingly supernatural winds that crashed into the house. their weird, old man faces. They watch the PCs intently but
Damages caused to the house by the PCs’ first visit still quickly disappear into the holes if approached. They only
exist and are awaiting repairs. attack if they cannot escape. Once inside the holes, they
are able to scamper through the dead spaces between studs
One major change to the house is the absence of and escape the PCs.
nightmares and disturbances. The fragments of Eb Wallix’s
soul are now gathered within the portrait in B21 and have
formed the Wallix trompe l’oeil. GHAST(SRD)
hp 13 (see SRD)
B2. Central Hall
The hall is now lined with stacked boxes, crates, and chests
that Sir Urvitus was intending to fill with contents he YSAQQUAN TOADS (6)
wished to keep, some of which are already partially full. A hp 6 (See Appendix A, page 563)
5-foot-wide path snakes between these stacks, which also
block the doors to the parlor (B3) and the kitchen (B4). Hazard: Anyone who studies the strange, crawling
symbols inscribed on the walls exposed by the torn
Treasure: Among the containers here can be found wallpaper must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw
the sheet music (unless already given to the PCs at the or become charmed. This charmed effect is automatically
conclusion of Chapter 1), four paintings, and six silver broken if the subject is attacked. Every 2d4 rounds on his
candelabra from the parlor (A3), all three paintings and turn, the subject may attempt a new saving throw to end
some of the crockery and cutlery from the dining room the effect. Charmed creatures must make a DC 17 Wisdom

(Insight) check when the charm effect ends, with a +1 bonus YSAQQUAN TOADS (2)
on their check for each round they remained charmed.
If the check succeeds, they gain temporary insight into hp 6 (See Appendix A, page 563)
seemingly impossible spatial distortions that grants
them advantage on saving throws against the impossible B6. Dining Room
angles effect created by Kyssogga (see area B26), but it also See Event 2 for a description of this room prior to the
causes them to gain a short-term madness, or a long-term damage caused by the wind in Event 3. The door to the
madness if they are currently affected by another short- cellar is locked (thieves’ tools DC 30), but if the room is
term madness. searched a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check can locate a
ring of keys that fell from the knight’s pocket when he was
magically taken from the room. This ring holds the keys
B4. Kitchen previously found in area A20 that open all of the doors in
The western door to this chamber is blocked by the stacked
the house.
boxes in B2
This room escaped the worst of the windstorm, its windows still
intact and closed. The table has been partially cleared of the
B8. Landing
The skeleton of the night watchman is no longer here, and
previous fungal infestation but, disgustingly, the rancid remains of
all the paintings are now boxed in the central hall (A2).
the ghoulish mandrill corpse from the house’s basement prison lie
atop it, roasted in a savory sauce and apparently carved for dinner.
Judging by its partially skeletonized corpse, it appears that most B9. Upper Hall
of the creature has already been consumed. The disconcertingly Characters ascending to the hall from the stairs can see
delicious aroma of the butchered corpse barely masks a more into the drawing room (B10) through the open door. The
repugnant smell that seems to come from somewhere to the north. drawing room is dark, but characters with darkvision or
who succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check with a
The increasingly insane Sir Urvitus has been dining on light source see a mass of torn pieces of paper swirling in
the decayed mandrill corpse for several days, though his the air inside.
excellent culinary skills have made it into a palatable A strong wind whips and howls throughout the upper hall between
dish. Unfortunately, if any of the PCs partook of the meal the smashed windows of the library to the north, and a door to
provided by the deranged knight, they now realize what it the south that hangs askew on its hinges. The curtains in all the
was they were eating and must make a DC 18 Constitution archways along this hall have been torn from their hangings and
saving throw or become poisoned with nausea for 1 minute. two to the north lie in a heap one the floor, revealing the trashed
library and its gyre of shredded pages, some of which have been
Anyone moving between the pantry (B4a) and larder scattered as far as the curtain to the south. The southern curtain
(B4b) can make a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. A has also been torn down but is now draped over what appears to
successful check notices two things: one is that the air be a person. This person stands perfectly still beneath the fluttering
between these two doors is subtly cooler than elsewhere curtain folds, looking for all the world like someone wearing a
in the room, and the other is the sound of faint scratching sheet and pretending to be a ghost.
coming from behind the pantry door (B4a). Within the
pantry are 2 ysaqquan toads licking the ancient wallpaper The wind throughout this hallway is of severe force as it
from the walls. They immediately flee into a small hole in creates a current between the broken window of B12 and
the wall if the door is opened (see B3). Hiding within the the windows of B15. Creatures attempting to move toward
larder (B4b) is a ghast. It is rail thin, and its pallid skin is the broken window treat it as difficult terrain due to the
covered in brown mold. It attacks if the door is opened but force of the wind, and any creature beginning its turn in
prefers to wait until it hears the door to B4a open before the hallway must make a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
lurching forth and attacking with surprise from behind. knocked prone. Nonplussed by this wind is a creature that
The effects of the ghast’s stench and the brown mold’s is indeed concealed beneath the drape. This is a ghoul that
heat absorption are blocked by the larder door, but once remains motionless until the curtain is removed, or either
the door is open both have their normal effect on anyone it or the creature in the drawing room (B10) is attacked.
and anything within range, including the extinguishing of
open flames.

GHOUL hp 22 (see SRD)
MOLD-COVERED GHAST one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Medium undead, chaotic evil Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing
Hit Points 99 (18d8 + 18) damage. If the target is a creature other than
Speed 30 ft. an elf or undead, it must succeed on a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA minute. The target can repeat the saving throw
15 (+2) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
Damage Resistances necrotic on itself on a success.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Halfling, Thieves’ Cant
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Brown Mold Growth. The mold growing on the

ghast feeds on warmth, drawing heat from
anything around it. Any creatures that starts
its turn within 5 feet of the ghast take 10 (3d6)
cold damage. Fire brought within 5 feet the
ghast causes the brown mold patch to instantly
double in size, effectively covering an adjacent
5-foot-square. Cold damage, such as from a ray
of frost, instantly destroys the brown mold.
Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 5
feet of the mold-covered ghast must succeed
on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be
poisoned until the start of the creature’s next
turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature
is immune to the stench of the ghoul for 24
Turning Defiance. The mold-covered ghast and
any ghouls within 30 feet of it have advantage
on saving throws against effects that turn

Multiattack. The mold-covered ghast makes two
attacks: one with its bite, and one with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

B10. Drawing Room (no circumstance bonus to her +1 modifier to Charisma
The door to this room is open. The room itself is dark, (Deception) on this lie). Her appearance is, of course, an
but characters with darkvision or who succeed on a DC 15 illusion which will fade with the setting of the hidden sun
Wisdom (Perception) check with a light source see a mass 2d6+2 rounds after the PCs encounter her. She likewise
of torn pieces of paper swirling in the air inside. drops the façade if she enters combat. In her true form, her
vestments have completely rotten away to reveal withered,
The door to this room is open and the wind from the hallway dead flesh speckled with a (harmless) yellow-brown mold,
lifts and swirls hundreds of pieces of torn paper within, partially but the holy symbol of Vanitthu still hangs on a silver
concealing an occupant. This figure, dressed in priestly vestments, chain around her neck. This symbol can be snatched with
is standing in the room with its back to the door as though a successful DC 16 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check and
studying the large portrait of the old man, much as Sir Urvitus then used as an improvised silver weapon that deals 1d2
did the first time you visited this place. However, that portrait is bludgeoning damage.
now missing. In its place, the wallpaper has been ripped away to
reveal eldritch symbols inscribed on the walls beneath, symbols
that seems to writhe and crawl. Hazard: The crawling symbols revealed beneath the
ripped wallpaper have the same effects as those in the
All of the contents of this room have been trashed by something parlor (see B3).
in a frenzy, something other than simply the winds of the storm. Treasure: The holy symbol of Vanitthu is worth 110 gp.
Everything is damaged or destroyed, including all the remaining
paintings and even heavier furniture. Nothing, however, has been
subjected to as much destruction as the religious texts that once B12. Bath & Privy
filled the now-shattered glass-fronted bookcases. Those texts have The door to this room has been nearly torn from its hinges by the
now been shredded into pieces, the very pieces that currently swirl force of the wind. Shards of glass and broken mirror litter the floor
throughout the room. and are strewn inside the scratched and gouged tub.

The wind in this room is severe, and if combat occurs This room’s winds are of severe force as in B9.
here the swirling pages grant concealment to everyone
in the room. Though it is currently dark outside, this is
from the storm front that moved in and obscured the B14. West Guestroom
evening sun with its heavy cloud cover. It is actually still a
All of the contents of this room are trashed apart from one of the
few minutes until sunset. As a result, the standing figure,
paintings that now lies on the floor beneath a fragment of the
a huecuva, still appears as it did in life 119 years ago: a
shredded mattress. A strong wind blows through the shattered
human priestess of Vanitthu* dressed in clerical vestments
west windows, their glass in shards lying scattered throughout the
and wearing a bejeweled silver holy symbol of her god
room. A section of the floor in the southeast corner has been torn
prominently around her neck.
up revealing a hole through to below. Torn wallpaper reveals a
number of small holes in the plaster and lath of the wall behind.
The hole torn through the floor leads to the parlor (B3)
hp 16 (see Appendix A, page 546) below. A ghast initially lurked in this room but crawled
down into that chamber during Event 3. Currently an
Development: The PCs are likely to be suspicious, The ysaqquan toad remains here and croaks praise to Kyssogga
huecuva pretends to be a local cleric named Sara who before fleeing into the wall space as the PCs enter. As
entered the house to defeat its evil but became entranced by elsewhere, it fights only if prevented from fleeing. If the
its symbols (she gets a +5 circumstance bonus to Charisma ghast and toads in B3 have not been encountered yet, they
(Deception) checks on this as it is more or less true — albeit can clearly be heard through the hole in the floor, though
119 years after the fact). She knows that Myram came to the they cannot be seen unless a PC dares sticking his head
house in search of Sir Urvitus, for it was she who tortured down into the room below.
and killed the solicitor in the attic above. Sara claims that
she is a friend of Myram Abshire’s and is searching for him

* Vanitthu is the God of the Steadfast Guard, a deity of defense and justice. See page 44 of Freebooter’s Guide to the Razor
Coast by Frog God Games.

YSAQQUAN TOAD B20. Observatory
hp 6 (See Appendix A, page 563) All the windows in this room are strangely intact, though the
storm winds still clearly blow just beyond their glass. The chamber
otherwise remains exactly as before with the notable exception
B15. Library of where once there was only a frayed rope hanging above an
The bookshelves here have been destroyed and their contents overturned stool, a fresh rope now dangles with a newly dead and
ripped apart in the wild, whipping winds. Hundreds of pages now mutilated corpse. You immediately recognize the familiar face of
swirl about as gusts continue to rush in through the shattered the solicitor, Myram Abshire, his congenial features frozen in a
windows. Shards of glass cover the floor and crunch underfoot. death rictus of fear and pain. But his death by strangulation did
not come easily, as his legs have been stripped of their breeches and
partially flensed, with the feet missing, and there are clear signs
The wind in here is of severe force. A DC 20 Wisdom that something had been feeding messily upon the stumps. The
(Perception) check notices a red stain slowly beginning to smears and footprints in the still tacky blood pooled beneath the
spread across the plaster in the center of the ceiling. This corpse provides further proof, if any were needed.
is blood slowly seeping through from B20 above, though
it looks an awful lot like the manifestation of a haunt and
causes anyone seeing it to make a DC 10 Charisma
saving throw or be subject to a short-term
madness for 1d4 x 10 minutes, or a long-term
madness if they currently are suffering from
any short-term madness.

B17. Salon
Someone or something has destroyed the
unfinished paintings that once adorned the easels
in this room, and it does not appear to have been the
work of the wind. Nevertheless, the wind does blow
into this chamber through the shattered northern
windows and creates a further mess of the place.

The ghoul in B9 destroyed the works

in here in a fit of maniacal glee, but the
stacked furniture to the south has escaped the
destruction elsewhere in this room. The room
is otherwise the same as the PCs remember it,
though the leathery void-stirge eggs have been
removed from where they were stored if the PCs
left them behind. These were recently cooked with
lentils and eaten by the increasingly deranged
Sir Urvitus.

B18. Master Bedroom

While the windows here are likewise blown out,
this room has otherwise largely been refurbished for
use by Sir Urvitus. His clothing and other personal
items are currently stored in the chest and armoire, but
none of the gear he was carrying during the PCs’ first
foray into the Old House is present (see B23).

The dangling corpse is indeed the unfortunate missing the features are the same as they were before, but now can’t help
Myram Abshire. The huecuva in B10 caught him when he but see an uncanny resemblance to Sir Urvitus in the image of
arrived and spent some time torturing him and letting the old man that they had never noticed before. So closely do they
the ghoul and ghasts feed on him as he slowly strangled. favor one another that it is as if they are one and the same person,
Anyone who witnessed the blood in B15 immediately separated only by some great span of years, and it is impossible
understands this to be the source of it and must make a tell if it is that Sir Urvitus has come to look more like the painting
DC 18 Wisdom saving throw o or be subject to a short-term or that the painting has come to look more like the young knight.
madness for 1d4 x 10 minutes, or a long-term madness if
they are currently suffering from any short-term madness.
Other than Myram’s presence (and the absence of the The portrait is the focal point of Eb Wallix’s spirit in the
haunt that should have been previously destroyed by the house as well as the focus of Urvitus’s leeched away soul.
PCs), this room is otherwise the same as it was left. With the final effort of the energized Codex Ibnathi in Event
3, the last of Urvitus’s conscious essence was drawn from
him and absorbed into the painting, animating the old
Development: While the PCs are present in this room, wizard’s image as a trompe l’oeil (an animated painting)
flashes of lightning in the storm outside momentarily possessed of his vile spirit. As soon as the PCs recognize
illuminate the room brightly and cause the shadow of the the portrait, its painted figure cackles evilly and moves out
disfigured corpse to loom large on the opposite wall. When of the frame, disappearing to the left as though the frame
this occurs, the shadow coalesces and emerges from the was merely a window into another room. Using its switch
wall, floating towards the PCs and pleading for salvation. paintings ability, the trompe l’oeil escapes to the portrait
Poor Myram’s spirit has become a tormented spirit called nearest to the root cellar (B23)—likely the old painting of
an allip from the shocking circumstances of his demise, Coram Poer in the storage cellar (B22).
and the insane spirit now seeks release from its torment or
company in death.
There is no way for the PCs to enter the portrait and
pursue the image (even if they wished to), but it did leave
behind a tantalizing clue. If a PC examines the now-
empty portrait, he sees parts of the background that were
hp 30 (see Appendix A, page 526) previously obscured by the figure — the surface of the
desk the figure once stood in front of is now fully revealed.
Treasure: A search of Abshire’s body finds a leather Upon it lies a single page covered in strange writings and
scrip tucked into a jacket pocket. Within are 30 sp and glyphs. It is impossible to make out details, but the strange
a single document on Abshire & Dunnage letterhead. page gives off an almost palpable aura of menace and the
It is a statement of reconciliation indicating that the sense that it is at the heart of the foul presence that inhabits
solicitors made an accounting error and overcharged Sir the Old House. When the page from the Codex Ibnathi is
Urvitus Voren for their services by the amount of 30 silver discovered in B26, it will be easily recognized as the one
pilasters*. It merely required his countersignature so they represented in this painting.
could refund him that amount and square their books.


B21. Study
hp 45 (See B23, page 53)
This chamber appears largely as before, whole and undamaged. Even
the howling winds of the storm seem somehow muted herein. As in
Development: When the trompe l’oeil emerges in the
the rest of the house, the strange violet candles that once provided their
basement, it immediately uses its connection to Sir Urvitus
garish glow have been extinguished, though the presence of the intact
to command his catatonic body to take up the mattock or
and closed windows belies exactly how this occurred.
some similar tool in B22 and begin to smash through the
The other difference of note is the large painting that now south wall in B23. At this point, the PCs can begin to hear the
stands on the writing desk, propped up into the curtained alcove thudding strikes of Urvitus’s efforts. This requires a DC 22
formed by the bay windows. It is the portrait of Old Eb Wallix Wisdom (Perception) check from the house’s attic level, a DC
from the drawing room, but now subtly different. PCs could swear 17 check from the second floor, or a DC 12 check from the

* Pilasters are the silver coins of the City-State of Castorhage, adopted by the Kingdom of the Vast with its formal independence
from Foere in 3245 I.R. See pages 216 and 220 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City by Frog God Games.

first floor, which is reduced to a simple DC 2 check if either B23. Root Cellar
the coal chute or the door leading from B6 to B22 is opened. It is possible that the PCs will come here before having
searched the rest of the house. If so, they will find the
comatose form of Sir Urvitus lying upon the floor, but none
B22. Storage Cellar of the other activities or changes to the room as described
Most of the stored supplies remain as they were left, though some below. If that is the case, Urvitus is still unconscious due to
of them have been pushed out of the way to reveal an area of the the book’s influence, and even if he is magically healed by
hard-packed earth north of the columns that has been disturbed, a greater restoration, heal, or remove curse, he remains bleary-
revealing four shallow pits. Dozens of frog-like creatures writhe eyed and confused. Only when the trompe l’oeil has been
and squirm through the stacked furnishings and other bric-a-brac killed will he regain his full mental powers and be able to
pushed into the corners. recall what has happened to him. He is clearly in no shape
to accompany the party or answer questions. Regardless of
what the PCs do with him, the power of the House will
The shallow pits are the graves of adventurers who met their ensure that he is magically brought back here after the PCs
fates in the Old House more than a century ago and have encounter the trompe l’oeil in B21, so this encounter can
since been revived as the ghasts and ghouls encountered occur as written.
upstairs. A DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check determines that
several creatures dug their way up and out of the ground
here, not down into it. If anyone thinks to look for the The following description assumes that the encounter
mattock that was stored here, it is missing if Urvitus has with the trompe l’oeil in B21 has occurred before the PCs
already fetched it for use in B23. arrive here.
The thudding noise that reverberates through the walls of the
Though only a few dozen are visible at one time, there house comes from in here. This room has changed since the last
are hundreds of the strange ysaqquan toads present in this visit. The shelving on the south wall has been removed and laid
room, praising the “return of master” and promising the aside to expose the plastered wall behind it. Sir Urvitus stands
PCs imminent doom in their strange croaking voices. They before this wall, dust-streaked, slack-jawed, and staring. His
flee deeper into the piled detritus if approached, but if they hands hold an old, rusted mattock that he raises again and brings
are attacked or the PCs attempt to exit towards B23, they down with a crash upon the exposed wall. He has obviously been
stream forth to form an ysaqquan toad swarm and attack. at it for some time. The plaster and lath of the wall have been
They pursue anywhere the PCs go in the basement but will broken through in dimensions almost the size of a man, revealing
not go upstairs. a hollow space beyond. Embedded within this space stands the
desiccated, leathery corpse of an old man with a disheveled black
wig upon his head and the ragged remnant of a noose around his
YSAQQUAN TOAD SWARM neck. His jaw hangs agape and his eyes stare like black beads from
the shriveled flesh of his face.
hp 30 (See Appendix A, page 563)

Treasure: The remains of the adventurers’ gear that has Sir Urvitus remains in a catatonic state, his body being
not completely succumbed to decay can be found within used as a simple automaton by the will of the Codex Ibnathi
the four shallow graves. Each grave can be searched with manifested through the Wallix trompe l’oeil. He continues
an hour of digging and sifting combined with a DC 17 to hack at the wall but will make no move to attack or defend
Wisdom (Perception) check. They contain the remnants of himself. A simple DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check can discern
mundane gear such as pitted sword blades, belt buckles, his state of catatonia and simple automation, and he does
rusted buttons, and one of the following items: Grave 1. A not resist any efforts to stop or disarm him. If Urvitus is
+1 silver mace bearing the symbol of Vanitthu (see footnote, forcefully ordered, he will stand peacefully in a corner or
page 36) that glows with light upon command; Grave 2. A even exit the room, oblivious to the goings-on around him.
steel hipflask inscribed with “For some warmth when you’re
not with me. —L.” holding a still-good potion of greater Urvitus’s efforts in this state have succeeded in
healing; Grave 3. A +1 shield; and grave 4. a rotting belt pouch uncovering the mortal remains of Old Eb Wallix where
holding 7 pp, 3 gp, 34 sp, and 13 cp. they were sealed up in the wall by Kyssogga after his death.
His restless spirit has remained within this corpse — not
animating, but rather inhabiting it — until the catalyst of
his brother’s descendant enabled the Codex Ibnathi to draw

WALLIX TROMPE L’OEIL entered to appear in any other mostly intact
Medium construct, neutral evil painting in the house.
Armor Class 16 (breastplate) Finally, when it a tromp l’oeil is destroyed, it
Hit Points 93 (17d8 + 17) immediately reforms with half of its hit point
Speed 30 ft. maximum on one of the eligible paintings in the
house. The only way to permanently destroy the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Wallix trompe l’oeil is to destroy all the eligible
13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) paintings before destroying the creature.
Saving Throws Con +4 Hellish Drippings (1/Day). The Wallix trompe
Skills Athletics +4, Deception +4, Perception +5, l’oeil can cause paint to melt out of up to four
Performance +7, Stealth +8 paintings, forming into an amorphous, vaguely
Damage Immunities poison humanoid creature identical to a lemure devilSRD.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, These creatures attack as he directs them for up
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned to 1 minute or until destroyed. The sympathetic
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 connection between the trompe l’oeil and the
Languages Abyssal, Deep Speech, Common, Elven, lemures grants each of them a +1 bonus on attack
Infernal and damage rolls against any target is threatened
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) by any of the other lemures or the trompe l’oeil.
Gallery of Dread. As an action, a trompe l’oeil can Immediate Rejuvenation (Su) The power of the
enter a painting it touches. When it does so, its Codex Ibnathi enhances allows the Wallix trompe
physical body disappears, and its image appears l’oeil to return from death while in the Old House.
in the painting. The trompe l’oeil can use its When it is destroyed, it reforms 1 round later
normal senses and attempt Perception checks in one of the eligible paintings in the house.
to notice anything occurring near the painting. The only way to permanently destroy the Wallix
While within a painting, the trompe l’oeil can talk trompe l’oeil is to destroy all the eligible paintings
and move anywhere within the picture or even before destroying the creature.
temporarily alter it (such as by picking a flower Instant Portrait (2/Day). The Wallix trompe l’oeil can
in the painting). It cannot use any spells or other use its action to create a life-sized portrait of itself
abilities while within an image. In addition, the on any flat surface. The portrait can be destroyed
trompe l’oeil has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) by dealing at least one point of slashing damage,
checks made to hide in such a painting. The or two points of bludgeoning or piercing damage.
trompe l’oeil can use its bonus action to leave The portrait is an eligible target for its Gallery of
the painting. Once it leaves the painting, the Dread ability.
image immediately reverts to the appearance it ACTIONS
had before the trompe l’oeil entered. If someone Multiattack. The Wallix trompe l’oeil makes three
destroys or damages the painting, the trompe melee attacks or two ranged weapon attacks.
l’oeil is unharmed, but exits the image in the Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
nearest unoccupied space. 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage
The Wallix trompe l’oeil can enter paintings and 3 (1d6) poison damage.
within the Old House. As an action, the Wallix Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
trompe l’oeil can move from a painting it has reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing
damage and 2 (1d4) poison damage.

upon the strength of the young knight’s spirit and combine
it with the gathered splinters of the alienist’s shattered
soul to animate Old Eb’s portrait as a trompe l’oeil. The
Wallix trompe l’oeil is also present in the room. It stands
beside Urvitus, now wearing the knight’s missing gear and
instructing him in the demolition of the wall. This close to
the recovery of the Codex Ibnathi, it immediately attacks and
seeks to destroy the PCs before they can thwart its plans.


hp 93 (see page 53)

Tactics: During combat the trompe l’oeil fights

intelligently, responding to the greatest threats and
retreating to more advantageous ground when available,
making use of its Dread Gallery abilities to move into and
out of paintings, using casting instant portrait to create one if
necessary. It summons lemures with its Hellish Drippings
ability, directing them to attack archers and spellcasters
who remain at range or to team up on enemies that try
to surround it. The trompe l’oeil fights until destroyed,
relying on its immediate rejuvenation ability to keep
returning it to the fight. Unless destroyed by the PCs, the
following areas still contain an undamaged painting: B3,
B14, B21, and B22. Each time it is slain, it collapses into a
splash of multi-colored paint.
This can be accomplished by pulling the mummified
When the trompe l’oeil is destroyed, the paint versions body of Eb Wallix from its encasement in the wall. It is not
of Sir Urvitus’s equipment revert to their normal forms, animate. Removing it from the cavity where it has been
including a +1 breastplate and +1 shortsword. These belong to encased reveals that it has been plugging up the opening
Sir Urvitus, and he would like them back. However, if the into B26 beyond. Once the body is removed, that room
PCs are insistent upon claiming them, he does not protest becomes visible and can be entered by chipping away just a
in gratitude for their efforts to save him. little more of the plaster. See Sealed Basement below.

Development: When the trompe l’oeil is permanently Treasure: A search of Old Eb’s corpse turns up a headband
slain, the splinters of Eb’s soul and the mind of Sir Urvitus of intellect, a ring of mind shielding, a non-magical jeweled
are released. Sir Urvitus immediately recovers 5 points of ring worth 500 gp, and the remains of a spell component
ability damage to each of his mental ability scores (Int, Wis, pouch.
and Cha) and awakens from his nightmare with a scream.
He is bewildered and terrified from his ordeal and recalls
nothing of his occupancy of the house for the past several B25. Cell
days, but he is acutely aware that the source of the evil This room looks little different from how you left it, though the
that infests the house lies behind the root cellar wall. He corpse of the ghoulish mandrill is obviously no longer present.
encourages the party to find that source and destroy it and The bones of a humanoid skeleton have been disarticulated and
joins them to lend his aid. laid out before the long-cold fireplace in a strange, three-armed

It is apparent that the bones represent an entire skeleton, SEALED BASEMENT
and a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals that
A passage once extended between areas B23 and B26. Prior
they have been gnawed by many tiny teeth. Anyone who
to his death, Old Eb undertook some minor renovation to
examined the bones previously discovered at area A8 and
seal off the chamber beyond by erecting a wall of plaster
makes a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check realizes that
and lath that looked identical to the surrounding walls
the skeletal remains are one and the same. These are the
of the basement. Lead shavings mixed in with the plaster
bones of the late-night watchman Creutz Hasten. A DC 18
served to block magical detection of the sealed entry or the
Wisdom (Perception) check can even locate his gold ring
room beyond and its contents. With Eb’s death, Kysogga
among the remnants as described in A8. It is possible that
and the power of the Codex Ibnathi undertook to embed his
the PCs left these bones with Sir Urvitus to deal with after
mortal remains within the wall to serve as the final seal
having explored the Old House in Chapter 1. However, if
of the concealed sanctuary and to ensure that his troubled
the PCs took the bones with them when they left in order
spirit would remain inextricably attached to the Old
to have them properly interred, returned to the city, etc.,
House. Only by destroying the Codex Ibnathi page found in
they are nonetheless present here once again and require
B26 can the house truly be exorcised from the taint of the
everyone who knew they had been previously removed to
old wizard’s essence.
make a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or become subject to
a long-term madness.
The sealing wall itself is easily broken, which should
have largely already occurred through the efforts of the
Anyone examining how the bones are laid out can see
catatonic Sir Urvitus.
that they form a rough triskelion configuration. A DC 21
Intelligence (Religion) check recognizes this as resembling
the Yellow Sign, an unholy rune associated with the cult of Plaster and Lathe Wall: 2-1/2 feet thick; AC 14, damage
the Great Old One HasturLL4 – p. 45. threshold of 8, 60 hit points (currently 17); Break DC 19.

B26. Chamber of the Book The shallow pool that fills the fireplace is the gathering
place of the ysaqquan toads that inhabit the house and is
The walls of this ancient cellar are black with the mold seen
full of their gelatinous spawn. Congregated around the
throughout the house, though where before it was patchy, here it
pool is an ysaqquan toad swarm. Sitting in the conjuration
is all pervasive. It covers the walls in an almost-unbroken layer,
circle next to the bookstand is a small, deformed, toad-like
except where occult runes that glow with a violet light have been
creature. This is the ysaqqua Kyssogga, a tiny aberration
inscribed. The mold doesn’t extend where those runes mark the
bound to the page of the Codex Ibnathi that Eb Wallix
wall, as if recalcitrant to even touch the profane symbols. Three
discovered. Its purpose is to protect the codex page against
pillars, likewise coated in the black mold, support the sagging
those who would destroy it and to guide those who would
stone ceiling. At the eastern end stands a fireplace, its hearth now
understand the page’s secrets and fulfill its purpose. When
a pool of soot-black rainwater that has leaked down an ancient
Eb uncovered the codex page, Kyssogga manifested from
flue. The shallow dark waters roil with tiny toad spawn, and the
a sigil inscribed upon it. Kyssogga became his familiar
cacophony of batrachian voices is louder here than anywhere else
and set about guiding him in the interpretation of the
in the house. The whole place is filled with a swampy odor.
text. Kyssogga is immortal and patient. Since Eb died, it
Between the central and western pillars an intricate circle has been awaiting the arrival of a new master. It has also
of silvery runes and a five-pointed star have been dug into the created a colony of ysaqquan toads to help protect the
earthen floor and decorated with ornamental designs. A wrought- codex page. The swarm does not attack unless attacked or
iron bookstand is in the center of this circle. Upon it rests a single, ordered to by Kyssogga.
dry leathery sheet of parchment covered in arcane runes and
symbols visible even from the doorway. Its frayed edge reveals that
it was clearly torn from some larger work at some time in the past. KYSSOGGA
hp 19 (See Appendix A, page 526 “Ysaqqua”)
This chamber was Eb Wallix’s main workshop and
summoning chamber and where he kept the single
page of the Codex IbnathiAK:M that formed the basis of his YSAQQUAN TOAD SWARM
experimentation and study. He used this room to conjure hp 30 (See Appendix A, page 564)
and interrogate outsiders and other extraplanar beings.
Now, it is the lair of Kyssogga, the yssaqquan’s
Tactics: Unless the PCs attack
children, and the page.
first, Kyssogga waits for them to
approach the conjuring circle
before initiating the combat.
It remains within the circle as
though it provides protection,
though in truth the circle is
not enchanted and does not
protect or entrap anything
within. Kyssogga remains
observant and allows the
PCs to approach. If any
PC comes within 5 feet,
Kyssogga lets out a massive
croak ordering the swarm to
attack and uses its tongue to
try to poison opponents. At that
same moment, the page awakes
to defend itself and warps space
within the chamber with eldritch
impossible angles that disorient creatures
other than the toad beasts. Creatures
within the room or entering the room
must make a DC 17 Intelligence saving
throw or become poisoned and have to

treat the room as difficult terrain. Those that fail this save Codex Ibnathi Page: AC 17, damage threshold of 5, 25
can attempt a new saving throw each round at the end of hit points; Damage Immunity cold, lightning, necrotic,
their turn to end the effect. Those that studied the arcane poison, psychic, thunder; Damage Resistances acid, fire;
writings inscribed upon the walls through the house (see Break DC 22.
B3 for details) have advantage on this saving throw. If all
of the inscriptions on the walls in this room are covered
somehow, this effect ends. Kyssogga then attacks using the CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE
pillars for cover.
Once the page of the Codex Ibnathi is destroyed, the evil
Development: If Kyssogga is killed, his body dissolves that has haunted the Old House for almost 150 years is
into a foul-smelling mist which dissipates after 1 round. In finally purged. If Sir Urvitus survives, he destroys all of
the next round, a glyph on the codex page that resembles Eb’s journals but gives all of the remaining treasure in
a stylized image of the tentacle-laden frog suddenly glows the house to the PCs as thanks for saving his life. He then
and Kyssogga leaps forth at full hit points to attack once arranges for the house’s demolition. If asked about his
again. As long as the page is intact, Kyssogga cannot truly relationship to Old Eb, Urvitus remains tight-lipped and
be killed and will respawn 1 round after being destroyed. If indicates that public knowledge of the past should remain
the page is destroyed, this effect as well as all supernatural buried. He offers the enduring friendship of House Voren
effects within the Old House cease immediately and any to the PCs, however, and offers hospitality whenever the
remaining ysaqquan toads scatter and disappear into the PCs are in Tourne.
woodwork and surrounding debris to never be seen again.

The PCs may remember one of the following nightmares
if they awaken in the Old House. For more information,
refer to the Fear, Disturbances, and Nightmares sidebar.

You are walking through the Old House, from room to room, but the sense of someone or something
following you — something horribly threatening, that you don’t want to believe is there, that you don’t want
to set eyes upon for the terror of making it real — is growing with each step. You dare not turn around to
see if anything is there, but the horror keeps rising until it is almost unbearable and then, as you are about
to succumb and turn, a cold touch on the back of your neck snaps your muscles into painful rigidity as a
noisome fetor overwhelms you. Your stomach turns and your failing body tries to retch but lacks the strength
to expel the vomit. The rising gorge reaches your mouth, but then begins to slowly seep back into your lungs...
blocking your airways, preventing you from drawing breath...

You are standing in a room with several easels bearing various paintings in progress. The one in front
of you is a scene of Eber’s octagonal law courts as viewed from outside the building. There are groups of
advocates, judges, and citizens in discussion on the plaza. It looks complete, but you are holding something in
your right hand as you carefully add an additional figure behind one of the groups, a figure dressed in finery
with a wig of dark curls. As you begin to paint its facial detail, you glance at your right hand and see that you
are holding a mirror. It is not your reflection that it bears, but that of an old man whose features instantly
contort into horrific, murderous rage as you suddenly realize he is staring directly at you...

You are in a windowless room standing over an ape-like creature with a blue and red dog-like muzzle. The
creature lies on the ground, a thick chain attached to a metal collar around its neck. It tries to snarl as you crouch
down, but it is lethargic, weak, barely able to move. Still, it eats the strange crimson-frilled black fungus that you
feed it, its tongue bruising and swelling in its throat. But then, gripped by a weird compulsion, you eat the disgusting
repast too. You feel the pain in your throat, the grip of a fever, and an awful, insatiable hunger rising from the pit
of your stomach...

You are standing over a man who lies on the floor. He is dressed in his nightclothes —
torn in places where angry red welts were raised on his skin — and asleep, though obviously
having a disturbing dream, as the sweat on his brow, the agitated moans, and involuntary
twitches attest. You hold a journal and, as you utter a strange sound, “Ph’nglui,” the script
on the page shifts and crawls into a different language, with a different meaning. As you
incant the new words, you stab downward with a curved knife, and an arterial spray soaks
the orb-like body of a deep sea monstrosity that descends from above you to the man’s
throat, the creature’s maw crammed with rows of mismatched fangs drooling expectantly
as its piscine eyes roll idiotically.

You are sitting in an armchair in a shuttered room. You pick up a small vial of a milky fluid from
a side table, carefully uncork it, and drink the contents. Your thoughts and perception swiftly become
dull, blurring, dimming, until a wavering point of light begins to penetrate the cloying miasma. It
slowly brightens and then accelerates toward you, becoming clearer as you break the surface of a dark
sea, gasping for a breath that will not come… that cannot come. You see a shore — though it is far
away — and twin mounts rising beyond, farther still. As you begin to swim toward it, a tiny frog-
like thing surfaces ahead of you and leads the way. But the sea is like molasses, and your limbs are
ensnared by slithering tentacles that rise from below and begin to drag you back under.

You are standing in a space suffused with a violet glow. In front of you a hideous
creature appears, a vulture-headed thing with insect antennae, hunched on dog-like
legs, large tenebrous wings folded around it. As it moves closer, an outstretched claw
offering you a clutch of noxious, leathery eggs, you see that its flesh is rotten, infected,
as though it was already dead and decomposing. You take the eggs and step back,
inviting the creature to fall upon the sleeping form of a man on the ground below you.
Its serrated beak punctures his neck and begins voraciously drinking his blood.

You are bursting with joy, a triumphant excitement, as you walk across a
room with an angled ceiling. From a table covered in strange charts, you drag
a stool back to the center and carefully step up onto it, standing up to reach a
noose hanging from a rafter above. Almost laughing to yourself, you slip the
rope over your head and draw it tight upon your neck before, without ceremony
or hesitation, stepping off the stool. The rope tightens further, crushing your
windpipe, pressure building in your eyes and rupturing a blood vessel in one. The
blood pooling inside your eye blinds you faster in it than your air-starved sight
in the other fades. The lines of the room becoming jagged, trembling, circling as
the elation fills you.


Adventure 2:
The Ebon Soul

The legendary Crimson Shroud is a wondrous relic with miraculous

healing powers, able to undo the deadliest of curses, but when the
heroes go in quest of it they find they are not alone in its seeking.
Dark agents work against them at every turn to find the prized
artifact first, their shadowy fingers reaching through the very fabric
of the city of Tourse. Who is a conspirator and who can be trusted
are the questions the adventurers must answer as they race against
time and a fate worse than death. In the end, their greatest test may
be in facing the darkness awakened within their very souls.
THE EBON SOUL the nature of their characters, you must also weigh it against
the spoilers and potential meta-gaming that could ensue by
giving your players this information ahead of time. If you
feel like your players will misuse this information, then
“Life is more suffering than pleasure, more failure than success, try to make the questions more vague (change the word
and even the momentary relief of achievement is wiped away by “vampire” to “monster”), or perhaps pose the question at
one’s life ending in pain. Yet, in darkness the soul can be free to fly the very beginning of the campaign while all characters are
where it will; this is the dream of the ebon soul.” still first level. It will provide some foreshadowing as well
as an escalation in tension as the players realize something
—Yorguio Aledruchia of Tourse bad is going to happen but will have no idea exactly when.

The Ebon Soul is an adventure that causes the PCs to ADVENTURE BACKGROUND
become stricken with the curse of vampirism and uses the Cassandra Mulvaya was born in the city of Tourse to a
vampire template, and the hunger and corruption rules distinguished noble family that included soldiers, priests,
for the characters to take on the role of the undead. As knights, and magistrates. Though she counted many
they attempt to satiate their own hunger, the PCs become luminaries among her relatives, her family tree also
embroiled in a power struggle for the very life’s blood of featured some very deranged and disturbed kin. One of
the city. her uncles instructed her in dark psychic powers, while
her aunt secretly introduced her to sadomasochism. Upon
In the Lost Lands setting the adventure takes place in reaching adulthood, Cassandra caught the eye of the city’s
the city of Tourse in the Duchy of Ysser (EE-sur), one of own Margrave Alhpert Vanderhaven, and the couple settled
the remaining realms in the much-shrunken Kingdom of into Vanderhaven Manor. The margrave soon discovered
Foere that dominates the lands of central Akados in around the profound emotional and mental disturbances and
the Star Sea. consequent proclivities that his new wife had developed as
a result of the years of abuse she had been subjected to,
but at a total loss as to how to deal with this hidden dark
VAMPIRE CHARACTERS side the margrave chose to try and indulge her in hopes
of it proving to be a passing phase that merely needed
The Ebon Soul is an adventure with some unique aspects that
to be indulged until it was outgrown. To this end, in his
should be reviewed prior to running it. Player characters at
misguided efforts to please and appease his wife, Margrave
some point succumb to a plot device and are transformed
Vanderhaven even went so far as to construct a torture
into vampires. This may pose a problem for players not
chamber to her specifications.
wishing to see their characters fundamentally altered. As the
Game Master you should encourage your players to push
past this and embrace the opportunity to play something For these activities, Cassandra first snatched her own
different, but communicate with your players and use your housekeepers, servants, and relatives. However, she
best judgment as to whether this adventure suits your group. soon found herself without workers, and realized she
This adventure also uses the hunger rules. These additional must rein in her acts of terror or risk being discovered.
rules can help players roleplay a vampire character meant to Through her husband’s arrangements, she contacted
be tragic and dark, balancing the temptation for more power Yorguio, a member of the Underguild, a shadowy
versus keeping one’s humanity. organization operating in the city’s criminal underworld.
He agreed to supply her with “playthings” for exorbitant
fees. She readily agreed, thinking her new amusements
In addition, becoming vampires gives the players access
could placate her desires, but over the next few months
to abilities not initially intended for use in typical adventure
Cassandra actually became enamored with Yorguio
encounters, which may affect the style of play. For example,
instead. When she finally gathered the nerve to proclaim
a vampire’s gaseous form ability might allow the players
her love for this mysterious individual, he revealed
to avoid some encounters or exploit certain situations.
that he was no mortal man but a vampire. Cassandra
Playing a vampire character can also become problematic
somehow knew in her soul that she had finally found
for players sensitive to graphic depictions.
her true place in the world. She begged him for the kiss
of undeath and, after submitting to his embrace, she
While it a good idea to obtain your players’ approval stormed into her husband’s bedchamber and partook of
before running an adventure with such a stark change to her first meal as the living dead.

Cassandra cleverly orchestrated the “disappearance” of
her husband and began the first years of exploring her new
abilities. She reveled in her extraordinary abilities, the fear
she caused, and the power of controlling those weaker than For long-time fans of Frog God Games and Necromancer
herself. These newfound talents were all that she dreamed Games, it is notable that the Duchy of Ysser is the site of
they’d be. This eventually waned, though, and she began such iconic locations as the hamlet of Hogshead Bend
to loathe her sire after realizing the control he was able to as mentioned on page 57 of DM1: The Book of Taverns
exercise over her. A building rage began to seethe within by Necromancer Games. Southwest of Tourse lies the
her until eventually she lured Yorguio into a trap and Barony of Vroulet just north of the Broken Mountains
destroyed him and then smiled as she burned his coffin where the Senelast Clan of dwarves operates diamond
to cinders. mines for Baron Denar Craldan, while within Tourse
itself lives the famed elven painter Corodolan Ielvian,
Since that time, Cassandra has managed to moderate both as described in FGG2: Strange Bedfellows by Frog
her blood lust. She finds the company of sycophants God Games. At the duchy’s far western border as the
entertaining and throws outlandish gatherings at the ancient highlands known as the Old Tors begin their
slightest excuse. At one such soiree she felt the presence slow climb stands a fortress called Torwatch Keep to
of others like her. She approached them and found that keep a guarded eye over the mysterious Hill of Mornay
they were none-too-pleased about the murder of her not far south. For it was at Mornay where the Overking’s
former sire, a vampire who had been a member of their Army besieged the foul Black Monastery only to watch
organization. They threatened that they would soon make it disappear in a conflagration of green flame some two
her life extremely difficult if she did not comply with their centuries gone, as related in The Black Monastery by
ever-increasing demands. The margravine again felt the Frog God Games.
cold grip of being subjected to the will of others, as she
had experienced since her own childhood, and soon chafed Farther afield beyond the duchy’s borders where the
under the subtle yoke of servitude they had placed upon neighboring County of Coutaine’s (ku-TANE) westernmost
her, so she began plotting the means to free herself of the fringe the rolling plains of central Akados meet the
lordship of others…again. wooded slopes of the Broken Mountain’s southern slopes
at the wine country that encompasses the vineyards of Le
Chateau Gluant as featured in the adventure “The Noble
ADVENTURE SUMMARY Rot” in Quests of Doom by Frog God Games. And to the
The adventure begins with the PCs attending the party of north of the Duchy of Ysser stretches the vast grasslands of
the city’ ruler where they impress her and for their efforts are the Waymarch, bisected by the legendary Tradeway upon
hired to find an ancient artifact to cure her of a mysterious which lies the elegant coaching inn called The Dagger &
hereditary condition that she claims afflicts her. However, Rose, also described in DM1: The Book of Taverns, and the
when they stay the night in the manor, after a night of northeast border marks the beginning of the Stoneheart
nightmares they awake to find they have all been turned into Valley made infamous in such works from its unnamed
vampires and realize the margravine is the unholy creature beginning in D1: The Tomb of Abysthor by Necromancer
who has afflicted them with their undead condition. Games (and updated in LL1: Stoneheart Valley by Frog God
Games) to its most recent incarnation in LL8: Bard’s Gate
As they come to grip with their new undead existence, by Frog God Games).
the party becomes aware that the margravine herself—
their controlling vampire master—is nowhere to be found, Many other locations of Lost Lands lore can be found
having apparently abandoned her manor in some haste. as one proceeds outward on the map from the city of
They soon discover the reason as vampire hunters intent Tourse, but none of these references are required to play
on destroying the undead they have tracked to the manor this adventure. They are merely included to provide an
assault the house intent on destroying all of its undead idea of Tourse’s place in a larger, living, breathing world
occupants—including the PCs. Fighting off these holy and give long-time fans of those titles the satisfaction of
foes and simultaneously searching the manor, the party seeing old favorites revisited as part of the greater whole
comes to realize that there may be a cure for their vampiric that is the Lost Lands.
condition and that it appears to be the very artifact the
margravine had intended for them to find and bring to her,
the Crimson Shroud.

Fighting of their own instincts to feed on the blood of the returned to them when needed. The far greater concern,
living and racing against the coming dawn, the party follows they will find, is the danger to themselves.
the clues left by the margravine to the city’s oldest temple
where the shroud is known to be housed. However, they
After receiving the invitation, the PCs have had the
arrive only to learn that Underguild in enacting their own
opportunity to learn something about the Margravine
vengeance upon the margravine have already taken the relic
of Tourse. Allow each PC an Intelligence, Wisdom, or
in order to lure her into a trap of their own devising. With
Charisma check, or using an appropriate skill if it makes
no choice but to either pursue the stolen relic or surrender
sense, such as Charisma (Persuasion), Intelligence (History),
to an eternity of tortured undeath, the party pursues the
or Intelligence (Investigation) check. This represents their
Underguild agents to their hideout in a seedy gambling den.
personal knowledge or attempts to find out what they can
before the upcoming party. Characters who are natives of
Battling their way through the Underguild’s trap, the PCs Tourse gain a +2 bonus on this check. Consult the table
must make their way to the heart of the Underguild’s demesne below to determine what each PC knows or has learned.
and confront its remaining forces. During this foray, the party They obtain the information for the DC they rolled as well
discovers that the margravine has been following them as she as any DCs below their check.
makes her move to abscond with the artifact while the PCs are
busy fighting for their lives against the Underguild. The PCs
must then race back to her manor as dawn arrives in order to DC Result
stop her from performing dark ritual with the Crimson Shroud 0 The aged Margrave of Tourse died some 7
that will grant her mastery over vampirism with none of its years ago. His own children having died some
weaknesses at the cost of their very souls. years earlier, he left his young wife, Margravine
Cassandra Vanderhaven, as ruler of the city.
5 The Margraves of Tourse hold little real power.
STARTING THE ADVENTURE In truth the Dukes of Ysser exercise the most
The adventure begins with the PCs in the city of Tourse, authority over the city and always have, leaving
capital of the Duchy Ysser, where they receive an invitation only the minor day-to-day issues to the margraves.
to Vanderhaven Manor for an important banquet hosted by
10 Aside from her local interests, Margravine
Margravine Cassandra Vanderhaven herself. The PCs can be
Vanderhaven is known to be a generous sponsor
from Tourse or may be there for whatever reasons best suits
of expeditions to search for lost artifacts.
your campaign. Whatever the reason, it is merely important
that they are present and have not yet had opportunity to meet 15 Vanderhaven Manor is haunted, and some
the ruling margravine, though they have been in town long servants spread tales of ghosts, spirits, and
enough for her to have learned of their presence. Details on demons stalking the hallways at night.
the Duchy of Ysser and the city of Tourse are included below. 20 The margravine wishes to find a powerful
ancient relic that cures any disease or condition.
She fears the fate that befell her husband and her
If the players are reluctant to bring all their gear with
husband’s children from a prior marriage and
them but not be personally carrying it, remind them that
seeks to stave it off from herself with this artifact.
it would be inappropriate to attend the margravine’s party
outfitted for battle, yet she wants them to leave first thing in 25 Margravine Cassandra was the prime suspect in
the morning if they accept her job offer so they can have their the death of her husband because of her rumored
gear with them rather than traveling across the city to pick involvement in an illicit affair. As is the custom of
it up in the morning. A simple DC 15 Intelligence (History) such things in Tourse, the whole matter was soon
check can confirm that the margravine’s guarantee in the hushed up and forgotten.
invitation to protect their equipment while it is unattended 30 In certain circles Cassandra Vanderhaven is
is legitimate and binding. Likewise, a DC 10 Intelligence known as the Blood Margravine. It is believed that
(History) or Wisdom (Survival) check can confirm that the she is nowhere near as young as she appears and
margravine would have no trouble replacing every single that she has bathed in the blood of her servants
item they possess if something should happen to it, so any for many years in an attempt to stay young.
fears or misgivings are unfounded. If they simply cannot
part from their equipment for the duration of a civilized
social occasion, then they may not be fit for this sort of job When the PCs board the carriage for the manor, refer to
opportunity. Besides, their gear is perfectly safe and will be Event 1 in Chapter 1 for the margravine’s party.

THE DUCHY OF YSSER Ysser is a vast realm that at its widest point stretches 600
miles from the ancient highlands of the Old Tors in the
west to mountains of Mons Terminus in the east. It borders
The Duchy of Ysser (EE-sur) has long been a part of the the County of Coutaine to the south (another realm in
Kingdoms of Foere. During the Wars of Succession when the Kingdoms of Foere) and runs 300 miles north to an
many of the kingdom’s holdings broke away in rebellion indistinct border with the Duchy of WaymarchLL1 (a part of
or remained but with greater autonomy, often even the Grand Duchy of Reme) somewhere south of the great
palatinate status, the Dukes of Ysser stayed true to the TradewayLL1 that runs all the way from the City of Reme on
Court of Courghais and held their fealty to the Crown of the the Crescent Sea, through the Stoneheart ValleyLL1 and its
Overking. Nevertheless, Ysser stands at the northernmost legendary city of Bard’s GateLL8 all the way to FreegateLL8 on
of edge of Foere’s dominion, and the dukes wield great the Gulf of AkadosLL3 in the east. Though the duchy holds
power in their own right, ruling from the capital at Tourse. no claim to the Tradeway, long have the Dukes of Ysser
coveted it and the riches of its trade caravans.

For the most part the Duchy of Ysser consists of rolling Ysser has no great woodland of its own, but the
plains with scattered farms, copses, and woodlands. southwestern portion of its otherwise rolling plains
It is grassy and fertile until it starts to reach the more is interrupted by the irregular heights of the Broken
arid and parched grasslands of Waymarch. It does not Mountains from whose western and southern slopes
receive the abundant rainfall and gentle breezes of the extends the old growth forest of the Elderwood extending
weather systems migrating across central Akados only to into the Old Tors and reaching even the boundaries of the
become stalled over the Star Sea and the central lands Kingdom of Foere itself to the south. The Barony of Vroulet
of Foere by the enclosing March of MountainsLL5 to the stands in the embrace of the base of those peaks and some
east, but neither does it suffer from the harsher north hill dwarves reside among them mining diamonds for the
winds coming from the Haunted SteppeFB and the Baron CraldanFGG2, but otherwise Ysser is a land of lowland
Stoneheart MountainsLL1 that sweep across Waymarch. farmers, herdsmen, and entrepreneurs, mostly human but
It enjoys a mixture of the two creating plentiful water with its fair share of halflings (rumored to descend from
for agriculture, grasslands for herds, and woodlands ancient halfling clans of the Old Tors) and half-elves. Few
for game. It does not have the superb conditions for elves call the duchy home, and other than the Broken
vineyards that its southern neighbor does but does quite Mountain Senelast ClanFGG2, few dwarves.
well from a climate standard otherwise.
The lands of the duchy have been at peace and ruled
Three great roads cross the whole of the duchy and over by the dukes of House Passur for many years. The last
converge at the walls of Tourse. The Bishop’s Road great upheaval to directly affect the duchy was the rise and
winds south from that city, crosses into Coutaine and subsequent fall of the infamous Black Monastery on the
passes through the Cathedral-City of Cantelburgh before Hill of MornayBM in the Old Tors. But even in that instance
crossing the Great Amrin RiverLL5 and entering Foere the armies of the Overking bore the brunt of campaign.
Proper. The aptly named North Road extends northward The fortress at Torwatch Keep was built and garrisoned
from Tourse in a more-or-less straight line to the by duchy soldiers, but since then other than the haunted
Tradeway. At this intersection the Duke of Ysser seeks to monastery’s occasional reappearance on certain nights,
divert as much trade as possible south into his lands and things have relatively quiet. This situation may not last as
encourages a major caravan stop and trading site to be the current Duke Passur has at last taken steps to claim
maintained there, but it can’t compete with the success the riches of the Tradeway for himself and has begun to
of FaremeLL1 farther east where the Tradewat enters the secretly hire gnoll bands of the Stoneheart Valley to disrupt
Stoneheart Valley and so remains little more than a trade and waylay troops of Waymark cavalryLL1, but so far
sporadic way station for the great year-long caravans that this has neither borne much fruit nor been connected
ply the Tradeway. back to him. It is only a matter of time before he decides
to escalate his tactics, and then his carefully laid plans are
likely to backfire on him under the full pressure of the
Heading west from Tourse is the Duke’s Road. The
forces of Waymarch and the scrutiny of the LonghuntersLL8
House of Passur would like to pretend that it was named
of Bard’s Gate.
in their honor, but it in fact extends much farther back
into history when Cale, the son of Overking Paulus
abdicated the throne to his twin brother Kennet and was THE CITY OF TOURSE
given the port city of Reme and its surrounding lands as
his own in what was to become the Grand Duchy of Reme. The capital of the Duchy of Ysser is the centrally located
The Duke’s Road heads west past the Broken Mountains city of Tourse (tur-SAY).
before turning north again. Not far from this turn the Tourse is a large walled city at the intersection of the
Hill Road continues on west to Torwatch Keep and the three main high roads that run through the Duchy of
hill lands. The Duke’s Road continues north where it too Ysser. The River Kambur meanders through the eastern
meets up with the Tradeway some 200 miles east of the portion of the city following the foot of a series of
Rheman regional capital of Panetoth and 200 miles west limestone Charisma (Deception)s capped by chert gravel,
of the North Road’s own intersection. Where the Duke’s though these have been mostly built over or covered
Road meets the Tradeway stands the renowned inn known in gardens during the city’s centuries of existence. The
as The Dagger & Rose where a band of brigands known as river serves to separate the high-born, noble, and affluent
the HighwaymenDM1 have run rampant of late. neighborhoods from the lower city below.

The city is ruled in name by Margravine Cassandra generations. This patronage has steadily declined (as has
Vanderhaven since the death of her husband the margrave the rectitude of the city in general), through succeeding
some years earlier, but in truth Duke Kanimar and his dukes of lower moral fiber. The current duke has only
advisors hold the true reins of power. While Vanderhaven darkened the door of the venerable edifice twice for his
Manor is a marvelous structure set upon Paldiur Hill and own weddings and on a handful of other state occasions.
Kast Hall is a vast structure near the river where the City If he were more familiar with its current hierarchy, he
Assembly and Courts meet in session, the duke’s castle of might find it much more in line with his own proclivities
Esterby at the northern edge of the city is clearly where than the stuffy, dogmatic, pomp that he imagines. The
the seat of government lies. What the duke chooses not Bastion of Righteous Decree is detailed in Chapter 2 of
to dictate he passes on to the city officials to oversee at this adventure.
the margravine’s behest. In truth, the margravine has little
to do with the day-to-day running of the city, and as long
The other church in the city with the greatest following
the high sheriff keeps lawlessness to an acceptable level
is the much newer House of the Revealed Sun, a temple of
on the streets and the city taxes continue to fill the duchy’s
MitraLL5- 241, god of law, justice, and the sun, that stands in
coffers the duke gives the city functionaries are fairly
the lower portion of the city that has grown substantially in
free hand. This has made the city government extremely
the last 40 years and stands in direct competition with the
susceptible to corruption and infiltration by such entities
older, more traditional Foerdewaith faiths of SolanusLL2 -
as the Underguild and the Cult of Grox, but they are smart 16
(goddess of the sun and healing and patroness of
enough to use their influence lightly in order to not rock
neighboring Reme) and ThyrLL1 - 169 (god of law and justice).
the boat.
Though accepted as a part of the High Church of Foere
in other parts of the Kingdoms of Foere, the staunch
With a population of its size, Tourse has temples traditionalists of Tourse have kept its recognition as such
and churches of virtually every religion common to in the Duchy of Ysser. As such, it is seen as an upstart
central Akados and a great many that are less common. faith of the unwashed masses but has experienced ever-
Its most distinguished temple is also its greatest local growing popularity among these same masses who have
representative of the High Church of Foere in the found a true haven of goodness from the pall that touches
Bastion of Righteous Decree, the Temple of Archeillus, their city. For his part, High Faithful Thesius Blathe
the Foerdewaith god of noble rule. It is the oldest temple prays continually for divine guidance in the face of the
in the city and was established by the original duke overwhelming shadow that he can sense creeping across
and patronized by the dukes of House Passur for many his city but cannot put a name to.

TOURSE • Cassandra Vanderhaven, Margravine of Tourse

A predominantly Neutral metropolis with rampant (CE female human vampire)
corruption. It has extensive academic areas, holy sites • Sir Geromin Vlank, High Sheriff (LE male half-elf
and is prosperous. It is also a strategically placed city aristocratic swashbuckler)
with the dutchy. • Sir Voltix Calbrough, Bishop of Archeillus (LN
The community has been infiltrated by dark forces. They male human cleric of ArcheillusLL5 [actually LE
are not numerous or bold enough for the community to cleric of GroxMoM ])
be considered hunted, but their presence is nonetheless • Thesius Blathe, High Faithful of Mitra (LG male
felt in myriad small ways that cast a shadow over the human cleric of MitraLL5.)
• Corodolan Ielvian, famed painter (CN male elf )
Government overlord
Population 117,721 (95,000 humans; 13,655 halflings; 6,888 Magic Shops: If you allow the purchase of magic items
half-elves; 2,178 other) in your campaign, Tourse has the following stock
Notable NPCs refreshed on a monthly basis:
• Common: All
• Kanimar Passur, Duke of Ysser (NE male human
aristocrat) • Uncommon: 3d4 magic items.
• Rare: 2d4 magic items.

The invitation was quite elaborate, silver ink scribed on fine
vellum wrapped in velvet ribbon and sealed in wax bearing
the dove emblem of the Margrave of Tourse himself…or in
this case herself. The old Margrave Vanderhaven having died VANDERHAVEN
some handful of years ago, childless, left rule of the city to his
young wife, the margravine who now bears the Seal of House The first part of the adventure takes place at Vanderhaven
Vanderhaven and has used it to invite you to attend her party, Manor as the party attends the margravine’s gala and in the
though summon might be a better word. hours that follow. As such this initial portion consists of a
series of events that occur during and after the festivities.
These are detailed under Events at the Manor below. In
The party is this very evening at Vanderhaven Manor and addition, a description of Vanderhaven Manor’s rooms is
is to be attended by the usual local luminaries and social elite provided as well. Refer to the map of Vanderhaven Manor
with the odd inclusion of yourselves. But it was no ordinary and the room descriptions below as the PCs arrive at the
invitation because the margravine hinted that she had a manor and participate in the party.
special job offer for “heroes of your fine repute and unique skill
set” that she wished to discuss with you. The invitation said it
was a matter of some delicacy, so she is throwing the party as A. VANDERHAVEN MANOR
an excuse to invite a few folk to her manor whose arrival might Vanderhaven Manor was built on Paldiur Hill three
otherwise raise eyebrows among her political rivals. The offer is generations ago, replacing a smaller, more defensively
described as “lucrative” and “well worth your while”, and you constructed keep at the edge of the upper city. Nevertheless,
were asked to bring your “professional equipment” with you as the manor is still a well-secured home, with a formidable
well. It will be stored during the party, but she wishes for you quantity of antiques, art, and treasures on display or
to leave first thing in the morning from her house if you agree squirreled away here and there. The image of a dove is
to undertake her proposed engagement. found throughout the manor. A DC 17 Intelligence (History)
check recognizes that the dove has been the crest of House
Now you await her carriage at a fine inn, wearing your best Vanderhaven since the earliest days of the duchy.
apparel and what armaments and equipment you feel are suitable
for such an occasion. Several heavy trunks with strong padlocks Vanderhaven Manor has exterior walls of mortared stone
are stacked nearby holding the rest of your adventuring gear, the and interior walls of plaster and lathe over heavy oak.
keys kept safely upon your persons. When the carriage arrives to Doors are of sturdy wood and most can be locked, though
transport you, the footmen are to load the trunks atop it so that only a few generally are. Keys are held by the margravine,
it will be on hand at the manor should you choose to accept the Forsythee, and any house occupants that would require
margravine’s offer, and the carriage will await you there in case access to a room. Only the margravine holds keys for rooms
you should choose to depart instead. The margravine’s invitation A6, A19, and A25. Ceilings in rooms are 15 feet high, and
went so far as to vouchsafe your equipment in case it should be rooms are lit by a combination of glass-paned windows,
harmed or stolen while you attend her ball, and with the seal it oil lamps, and chandeliers unless otherwise noted. All
is clearly legally binding, but you assume it is more for your own windows are closed and locked with inside latches unless
peace of mind than any real need or risk. The cost of replacing a room description says otherwise. Rooms have parquet
or restoring your paltry gear to someone with the resources of wood floors, those these are often covered by carpets.
the Magravine of Tourse would scarcely be noticeable in her
monthly spending, so you have no fear of intent to divest you of
your meager possessions. • Exterior Masonry Wall: 1 ft. thick; Damage Threshold
8; hp 90; Break DC 35 Strength; Strength (Athletics)
DC 20 to climb.
The clatter of hooves on cobbles signals the approach of the • Interior Wooden Wall: 6 in. thick; Damage Threshold
finely liveried carriage. You make one final check to straighten 5; hp 60; Break DC 20 Strength; Strength (Athletics)
cravats and brush lint from coats as you prepare to meet the DC 22 to climb.
ruler of the city and find out what she has in mind for you.
• Strong Wooden Door: 2 in. thick; Damage Threshold
5; hp 20; Break DC 25 Strength (if locked); Dexterity
(Thieves Tools) DC 25 to climb.

• Leaded Glass Window: 1 in. thick; Damage Threshold A4. MUSIC BOX CHAMBER
1; hp 1; Break DC 10; Dexterity (Thieves Tools) 15. This high-domed room has a large music box set in
the center of its floor. This ingenious mechanism has
a cylinder crank that can be wound up and released to
A1. FOYER play a movement from a well-known Foerdewaith opera
Massive double doors of polished dark oak bound in
in tinkling tones and ringing bells. Around the edges of
brass open into a wide foyer. A high-domed ceiling with
the chamber are simple wooden automata in the form of
a crystalline chandelier dangles in this entryway. To each
shepherds, flocks, huntsmen, and satyrs who dance in time
side of large, elaborate archways is a grand double staircase
with the music. The entire clockwork contraption is built
with a series of doves intricately carved along each railing
into the floor and walls of the chamber and is worth many
that sweeps upward to a carpeted balcony.
thousands of gold pieces, but it is intrinsically a part of the
room. It is also extremely delicate and prone to breaking
A2. GREAT ROOM down. Arrayed around the edges of the room with a good
This is a massive room with multiple columns of wood view of the display are a number of elegant chairs with
carved into slender spirals that ascend to the coffered white-cushioned seats.
ceiling above. Many doors open off to the sides as well as
a pair of large double doors that opens out onto a terrace The mechanism of the clockworks buried under the floor
overlooking the grounds behind the manor. A grand hide another secret that is unlikely to be found unless the
balcony runs along the south side of the room 15 feet above. entire contraption is disassembled and closely examined.
Small vents exist at the bottom of the hollows where the
clockwork mechanisms lie. These lead down through the
earth 10 feet and open into the ceiling of area A26. The
This room is filled with rare artwork collected by the
vents can only be discovered if the clockwork mechanism
Vanderhaven Margraves for generations. There are several
is removed and the subfloor cavities closely examined
thousand gold pieces worth of art in here, though it is
with a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. Other than that,
bulky in the form of large painting, statuary, etc. If the PCs
likely the only way to locate them is to witness someone in
elected to steal it they would not only find themselves at
gaseous form using them to gain access to the crypt below
odds with the margravine but with the city itself, as much
(see Event 10 in Chapter 3).
of it is technically city property.

A5. LIBRARY short tables holding small crates of smoking pipes line
Four large windows let the outside light fill this chamber. each wall.
A long table surrounded by leather-cushioned chairs sits
in front of a great fireplace on the room’s west wall, and
massive shelves with thousands of books line the room’s A8. GUEST ROOM
remaining wall-space. A pair of openings to the east are Each of these rooms is identical. A large four-poster bed sits
accessed by small marble stairs whose oak finials are in the atop a plush area rug. Next to a broad armoire, a bookcase
grinning likeness of the mischievous god Pan. holds a few leather-bound books and small curios. A
dresser and tall mirror occupy the opposite corner, and
several paintings of serene landscapes hang from the walls.
A6. CONSERVATORY Each room sleeps two comfortably and can manage three
Though the doors to this chamber bear a veneer of fine or four with some crowding.
wood, they are actually made of iron and secured by
superior double locks (requiring two successful Dexterity
[Thieves’ Tools] checks). They are also airtight, preventing A9. TERRACE
even a creature in gaseous form from bypassing them. This balcony provides a phenomenal view of the city below.
The balcony’s ornate balustrade is carven with doves in
flight, and its tiled floor is highly polished and well cared for.
Locked Iron Doors: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; Break
DC 28; Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) DC 40.
Beautiful and intricate stained-glass windows create the ceiling of This chamber is lined with tall bookshelves. At a glance,
this two-story room. The glass depicts a dove flying triumphantly the subjects of the books lining its shelves seem to be
through a rain of blood, as a symbol of victory in battle. The tiny mainly art, history, and popular works of horror fiction.
panes of colored glass cast myriad beams of tinted light about the A mahogany writing desk sits along the wall, its surface
room. At regular intervals along the second-floor balcony, alcoves covered in maps of the duchy and surrounding regions
line the walls bearing displays of treasures and objets d’art. In with notes scrawled on them, though none of these are
the center of the chamber’s floor is a raised circular dais with a of any particular interest. One older volume entitled A
pedestal bearing a delicately crafted, life-sized silver dove. Treatise on Talismans and Charms of the Second CenturyFGG2 - 70
(worth 105 gp) lies among these. A secret drawer in the desk
Treasure: The silver dove on the pedestal is a figurine (Wisdom [Perception] DC 25) contains a map of the City of
of wondrous power that functions as a silver raven, though Tourse with the local cathedral of Archeillus, the Bastion
its form is that of a dove. It is a household relic and is of Righteous Decree, circled in reddish ink (human blood!)
recognizable anywhere in the city as belonging to the and a note scrawled in black ink (regular ink) at the bottom
Vanderhavens. Within each of the second-floor alcove are that reads:
the treasures of the Vanderhaven family. The margravine
has sold off many of the original treasures since the death “The tales of the shroud are real! The Groxites hold it within
of her husband, but has been quite successful in business the temple vault. It holds the key to overcoming the curse of
and investment as well (both legal and shady) so that one of vampirism.”
the alcoves holds only a locked iron chest containing 5,800
gp, 2,340 sp, and 100 pp. The other treasures on display
include a +1 bastard sword of sharpness with the image of a At the back of the study is a closet containing writing
dove set in enamel in its hilt, a suit of +2 full plate, a wand of supplies as well as the apparatus for amateur bookbinding
cone of cold (see Appendix D) in an intricate wand case made (not used in some time). Hidden beneath this bookbinding
of leather with platinum filigree (worth 320 gp), and a finely apparatus is a secret door in the floor that can be found with
crafted masterwork lute (worth 850 gp). a DC 30 Wisdom (Perception) check. It accesses area A17.

Locked Iron Chest: Hardness 10; hp 30; Break DC 26; A11. KITCHEN
Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) 30. This large kitchen is immaculately clean and fastidiously
ordered. Pots arranged in perfect rows by size hang from
a rack suspended from the ceiling over a large preparation
A7. LIVING ROOM table. A large oven stands in the room’s northeast corner.
Sculptures and paintings decorate this area, their subjects
ranging from the grisly to the erotic. Cushioned chairs and

Enormous boxes of foodstuffs, wine casks, barrels of salted Accessed through the floor of the study closet (A10), a
meats, jars of spices, and other supplies are stored here. subterranean stair descends 20 feet into a hidden, brick-
Stacked in one corner are 10 small wine crates, each holding lined cellar. The walls are lined with rows of sadistic
4 bottles of a Coutaine merlot. Each of these wine bottles implements and tools. Every sort of torture device
are laced with Cassandra’s vampiric blood (Forsythe used imaginable is present in this room. The floor and walls are
a needle to inject her blood through each cork, noticeable stained black from years of work performed in the room.
to anyone examining the bottles with a DC 30 Wisdom Aside from the torture implements, there is a wardrobe
[Perception] check). This quantity in each is sufficient to here that holds a few of the margravine’s most prized
be noticed with a detect poison. Drinking any of this wine dresses. These are white dresses she wore when she worked
causes the imbiber to suffer a –4 penalty to Wisdom saving her torturer’s arts. The margravine sees the spattered stains
throws against the margravine’s charm ability. as works of art in their own right.


A long, polished mahogany table dominates the center of Each of these rooms is identical in furnishings though of
the room. Ten high-backed chairs surround the table, each different size and shape. They are all lavishly furnished with a
one bearing a carving of a dove resting its head within its large, goose down canopy bed, stylish recamier couches, plush
feathers. The table and chairs sit upon a thick rug with a chairs, a round marble-topped table with four high-backed
spiral pattern in shades of white, silver, and bronze. chairs and a full silver tea set, two spacious cedar wardrobes
and various art objects hanging from the walls and upon
small tables and pedestals. All sit upon thick carpets of the
A14. CLOAKROOM finest qualities. The contents of these rooms are worth 1d6 x
This inconspicuous tunnel-like chamber lies beyond 500 gp apiece, though they are bulky and difficult to steal. The
arches that extend between the dining room (A13) and the margravine opens these rooms to only the most distinguished
great room (A2). The walls on either side bear hooks for guests. Each is designed for two to three guests but can easily
hats, cloaks, and coats, and there are two cane stands for accommodate a half dozen in comfort.
canes and walking sticks. In one corner a small wooden
shelf provides space for muddy boots and shoes.
The doors to this room are identical to those in area A6,
A15. POWDER ROOM though they are not airtight (i.e. creatures in gaseous
This is a privy complete with wooden seat and porcelain form can pass through the narrow crack beneath them).
basin as well as a mirror above a washstand and cupboard Beyond are a large windowless, unlit chamber and two
holding fine soaps, expensive powders, cosmetics, and smaller storage rooms that once served as a gaming room
flowery perfume. Bundles of sweet-smelling dried herbs in the original days of the manor. Now the billiard and
hang from the back of the door. card tables have been haphazardly stacked in the storage
rooms and left to collect dust. The chamber’s high ceiling
is decorated with a massive painting of the night sky with
a large moon at its center. A long-cold fireplace stands
This long, vaulted room is exquisitely furnished with beautiful across from the door, and the chamber is otherwise bare
oaken side tables, fine tapestries, and rows of tall, slender except for eight ornate black coffins, lined in crimson
candelabras that bathe the room in a rich warm glow. Numerous velvet, arrayed before the fireplace. A small amount of
windows, each rising nearly twenty feet high, line the walls. The grave dirt has been placed in the lining of each coffin but
upper halves—stained glass with scenes of doves and birds of is not noticeable unless the velvet interior is torn open
prey—contrast with the polished wooden louvers of the lower to reveal its presence. Even without discovering the dirt,
halves, which are currently open to allow cool air into the room. a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check (or automatic for
A recessed alcove at the north end bears a small dais where anyone with an exceptionally keen sense of smell), this
musicians can perform. A narrow stair climbs to a balcony high dirt gives the coffins a faint charnel odor.
on the west wall.

These coffins have not yet been used and are intended
This hall is quite crowded when the PCs first arrive at the for the magravine’s newest vampire servitors; e.g., the PCs
manor (see Event 2 below). (see Events 6 and 7 for more information).

Each of these rooms is sparsely furnished with a bed, The walls of this comfortable bedroom glitter with mosaic inlays.
small dresser, and nightstand as befits the room of a On either side of the door are elaborate bas-reliefs rendered in
household servant. There is a 20% chance (80% at night) marble, depicting doves and sunrises. A bed frame of white
of encountering a house servant (N male or female human) marble veined with red and adorned with a plushly appointed bed
if this room is explored before The Afterlife below. If an occupies the center of the room.
encounter is rolled the servant will immediately ask if
he or she can help the PC and will make every attempt to
accommodate a PC’s wishes. All house servants have been Locked doors lead from this room into the upper hallway
dominated by the margravine and will reveal no secrets of and onto the balcony overlooking A16. Another door leads
the lady, preferring death over disloyalty. to a massive closet filled with elegant clothing of aristocratic
quality. These are the equivalent of 12 courtier’s outfits. In
addition a jewelry box holds 3,500 gp in assorted jewelry.
The door to this chamber is locked with Forsythe and the
margravine holding the only keys. Within the room is This room is immaculately kept, with the exception
sparsely furnished yet still feels dingy and small. A simple of a large blood stain on the mattress underneath the
bed and mattress are along one wall, and a wardrobe bed sheets which can be discovered with a successful
contains the clean and immaculately pressed uniforms DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check or anyone stating that
of the butler. Everything is grimy and stained, including they strip the bed sheets off. The stain serves as the only
the walls and floors. The whole chamber has an odor remnant of Cassandra’s violent attack on her husband the
reminiscent of decomposition and stale sweat, and anyone former Margrave of Tourse. Since that time, her husband’s
making a DC 23 Wisdom (Perception) check locates a spirit has lingered here. She rarely lingers in this chamber
secret compartment in the wardrobe holding the partially except to keep up appearances with guests, as it serves as
eaten corpses of two rats where Forsythe has attempted a reminder of her once weak, mortal self. Anyone coming
to replicate the sensation of when the margravine allows close to the bed triggers the Margrave’s ghost to appear in
him to drink of her blood. Forsythe is rarely found in this his hateful rage; this rage increases his hit points to 80 and
chamber in the time before Event 7 and has abandoned the grants him a +1 bonus on attack rolls and saving throws
house with his mistress by the time of The Afterlife. (increasing his Challenge to 5). He does not manifest when
the margravine is present, as he still fears her even in death.


These dusty rooms hold nothing more than sheet-draped GHOST OF MARGRAVE ALHPERT
furnishings of high quality but outdated styles. They once
served as bedrooms for family members for margraves past, hp 80 (see GhostSRD)
though all have been disused since the deaths of Margrave
Alhpert’s children in a small outbreak of the Red Plague in A26. SECRET CRYPT
Tourse several decades ago. It is unlikely that this chamber will be discovered prior to
Event 10 in Chapter 3.
A23. LAUNDRY This underground chamber has walls of fine masonry bearing
A fireplace on the east wall heats water for two large copper beautifully carved and painted bas reliefs of ranks of angels locked
wash tubs. Tables surround this holding scouring stones, in battle with hordes of devils. At the center of this carven throng
wash boards, buckets of lye soap, buckets of urine for is a pure white dove with blood upon its beak. In the center of the
bleaching, folding tables, and drying racks. chamber on a raised stone dais is a large, elaborate iron coffin.
Behind the coffin lie scattered coins of gold and silver, jewelry,
and books.
The house linens are stored in this chamber after This room can only be accessed through tiny vents in the
laundering as well as any out-of-season clothing, neatly ceiling that lead to the music room above (area A4). The
folded in large cedar chests. A table in the corner has an oil iron coffin is the daily resting place of the margravine
lamp and implements for sewing and seaming. and is locked from within, but two tiny openings can be
discovered at the foot of the coffin with a DC 30 Wisdom
(Perception) that allow her to enter in gaseous form when
needed. In addition, the coffin’s lid is hollow and bears

a trap. If anyone tries to force the lid of the coffin open,
they merely pull away this initial false top to reveal a blood
pudding (a variant black puddingSRD) trapped within that
immediately attacks. Only after the false lid has been
removed can a second attempt be made to force open the
true lid underneath.

Locked Iron Coffin: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp

60; Break DC 28 (see above); Dexterity (Thieves’
Tools) 35.

hp 85 (see page 109)

Treasure: Within this crypt chamber lie some of

the margravine’s most prized possessions. Piled on
the floor are 5,020 gp, 8,500 sp, and 10,800 cp. Scattered
among the coins are various gemstones worth a total
of 6,000 gp, and a few pieces of her late husband’s gear A DC 17 Intelligence (History) check recognizes that the
including a +2 greatsword and the margrave’s +2 mithral dove has been the crest of House Vanderhaven since the
breastplate. Within the coffin are a few books on torture, earliest days of the duchy.
the history of the Vanderhaven family, and the layout of
the Tourse sewer system. In addition, there is a deed to the
manor and a marriage license (signed by the Margravine, but The carriage approaches Vanderhaven Manor and drops
unsigned by a groom). This license was Cassandra’s marriage off the PCs at the front door. A group of 2 footmen (N male
proposal to her progenitor, before she became angered and human guardsSRD) and 4 house servants (N male or female
destroyed him. human commonerSRD) gather near the carriage by the
manor’s front entrance. As a valet opens the door to the
carriage, Forsythe, the house steward, welcomes the PCs.
“Welcome honored guests, I am the steward of House Vanderhaven.
The following events occur at specific times or when My mistress, the Margravine Cassandra Vanderhaven, bids you
triggered by specific activities of the PCs in Vanderhaven greetings. You may ask for me by my name, Forsythe, and I will be
Manor. at your service.”

EVENT 1: ARRIVAL With that, Forsythe dips into a low bow and begins
The plush seats absorb the minor bumps of the road as the walking them to the door, as another servant opens the
luxurious carriage speeds along. The city’s sprawl thins out main doors to the mansion. The footmen remain with
ahead as the road climbs towards the posh homes of Paldiur Hill, the carriage and the PCs’ trunks of equipment, pending
revealing a wide avenue. The street passes through a gate of coiled their acceptance or rejection of the margravine’s offer.
wrought iron into which depictions of doves have been elaborately Forsythe appears to be, and is, by all abilities to detect,
cast. The roadway turns and runs along a gravel turnabout in a human. Unknown to all but the margravine, Forsythe
front of a large mansion. The manor is one of the more impressive is her sycophant (see Appendix A). He appears as a
buildings within Tourse. The large two-story structure has an human male of average height in his mid-thirties, with
exterior wall consisting of courses of irregular ragstone, while its dull brown eyes, a thick nose, stubby hands and narrow
corners and window arches are made from finely shaped granite. shoulders. He is richly dressed and wears a powdered wig.
Compared to the lower windows, the windows at higher levels are Forsythe shows the PCs through the foyer (A1) and past
larger and more elaborate, bearing distinctive chevron carvings the great room (A2), into the grand ballroom (A16) where
around their arches. Central to the manor is the massive stained- other guests already mingle. He leaves them there and
glass window depicting a large dove in flight looking down from returns to his duties. Though the PCs can briefly glimpse
above the main doors. the rooms as they pass through, they will not have time

for a closer inspection until later. Proceed with Event 2 intent on reaching the margravine will be surprised at the
when the PCs arrive in the ballroom. See Appendix A for beginning of Event 3. PCs that instead choose to socialize
details of vampire sycophants. Forsythe’s unique blood can talk one of the following three guests who are close
rage abilities increase his Challenge to 5. at hand. Details of these guests and what they know are
given below, but more importantly, each PC engaged in
socializing may make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
FORSYTHE to notice he Underguild agents in Event 3 enter the
ballroom behind them. PCs that successfully spot them
Hp 82 (see Appendix A, page 555, plus see below) entering can then make a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check to
Blood Rage. At the start of his turn, Forsythe can realize they are trying to reach the margravine and appear
gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls to have malicious intent. At this point, a DC 20 Wisdom
and a +2 bonus on damage rolls during that turn, (Perception) notices the flash of a blade concealed by the
sleeve of one of the men. If at least one of these checks
but attack rolls against him have advantage until
is successful, that PC is not surprised and can join the
the start of its next turn. initiative order normally in Event 3. If at least two checks
Blood Sense. Forsythe can precisely locate living are successful, that PC actually gains surprise on the
creatures with blood within 10 feet. He does not agents and can act before they themselves gain surprise
have disadvantage on attacks he makes against on anyone else.
such creatures that he cannot see, and they do
not have advantage on attacks against him. Social Encounters: Choose one of these three guests for
Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker Forsythe PCs that seek to socialize or roll 1d3 to randomly determine
which is encountered.
can see hits him with an attack, he can use his
reaction to halve the attack’s damage.
Corodolan IelvianFGG2 - 51 (CN male elf nobleSRD) is a
painter and artist of some renown who resides in Tourse.
EVENT 2: THE PARTY His works are well known in neighboring Coutaine and
can even be found as far afield as Courghais. Corodolan is
The festivities seem concentrated here at the moment, the room
an indolent and laconic artist who, with a centuries-long
crowded shoulder-to-shoulder with party guests sipping wine from
lifespan before him, gives off an air of eternal boredom.
tall glasses and laughing. The chamber is filled with men and
He sighs heavily in conversations and makes frequent
women dressed in expensive outfits. Some are dressed in regal armor
comments about the “pointlessness of it all” interrupted
and the accoutrement of knights, while others seem to be competing
by occasional dropped references to his own works. He
at how little they can wear, walking a fine line between fashion and
is generally unpleasant to talk to for more than a few
indecency. Music from a group of minstrels on the northern dais
minutes, but if the PCs succeed on a DC 22 Charisma
competes with the raucous noise of merrymaking. The woman you
(Persuasion) or Wisdom (Insight) check or a DC 15
assume to be your host, a slender middle-aged woman with high
Charisma (Performance) or other art-related ability, skill,
cheekbones, patrician nose, arched brows, and a head of luxuriant,
or tool check, they make a favorable impression with the
stark-white hair, stands at the far end of the room surrounded by a
ephemeral artist.
small group of guests laughing at her every joke.

Claudius Camrid (LN male human nobleSRD), a short, stout

At this point the PCs find themselves among roughly 100 man with a large white beard wearing elegantly tailored
guests in the grand ballroom, many already intoxicated. clothes and a silver hawk pendant. He is a wealthy banker
This can be used as a roleplaying encounter, and the PCs always willing to give financial advice but is somewhat out
can mingle with other party attendees or even get to know of his depth among the cutthroat elite of Tourse. If the PCs
one another if they only recently met. They have only a succeed on a DC 17 Charisma (Persuasion) or Intelligence
short time before the beginning of Event 3. In that time (History) check or a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check they
can attempt to make their way to the margravine or interact make a favorable impression on him.
with a few nearby NPC guests of note.

Lady Ranee Galatry (CG female human nobleSRD) is a tall,

Development: If the PCs try to reach Margravine willowy woman who wears intricate gold jewelry and a red
Vanderhaven immediately, they will only make it roughly velvet gown. One of the duchy’s premier operatic singers,
halfway to her position before Event 3 occurs. PCs who are

she speaks in a sonorous voice that belies her slender Development: If the PCs do not attempt to help the
frame and holds forth at great length about the secretly margravine when the agents draw their weapons, other
satirical quality of sculptures by the unappreciated partygoers leap in front of her. She has either dominated
sculptor AnsiphianH1 - 37 and their value to modern-day those guests closest to her or has cast charm person on them
literary criticism. If the PCs succeed on a DC 20 Charisma at some previous point. In addition, 2d4 of her servants led
(Persuasion), Charisma (Performance) or other art-related by Forsythe rush to her aid in the third round of combat
ability, skill, or tool check, or a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) and throw themselves in front of her to block the attackers
or Intelligence (History) check, they make a favorable from reaching her. The margravine is able to entirely avoid
impression with this diva. the reach of the assassins with these distractions and will
quickly make her way through the crowd (which easily parts
for her, causing no penalty to her movement), ascends the
The results of making a favorable impression on one or
stair, and passes through the locked door into area A25 while
more of these individuals is discussed in Concluding the
the party and other partygoers take care of the problem.
Once the party gets involved in the battle, Forsythe and the
other servants step back and just try to contain the battle,
only joining in again if things start to turn against the PCs.
A trio of Underguild agents have infiltrated the party. They
are casing the manor, checking its security to see if how Shortly after the battle is concluded, city watchmen will
they can get close enough to the margravine to assassinate arrive (having been summoned the moment the attack
her. When they spot the margravine in the open, they rashly began but only arriving now) who will take the bodies of
decide to go ahead and make an assassination attempt and the attackers into custody and ask a few questions. They
then slip away in the ensuing chaos and panic. The PCs enter will mainly deal with Forsythe, as the margravine will not
the grand ballroom just ahead of the agents. See Event 2 for emerge from her sequester, and are extremely conscious
the chances of the party spotting the agents before they make of the powerful individuals present at the margravine’s
their attack. Because of the crowded conditions, movement soiree. As such they will keep their questions short and
is considered difficult terrain and anyone not in an adjacent polite, mainly taking names of those present for future
square has cover — improved cover if they are Small or inquiry and praising the quick thinking and heroic actions
choose to crouch down among the people. In any case no of the PCs and any others who assisted in thwarting the
one can get closer to the margravine than 5 feet because of assassination. In less than a half hour they will depart with
the mass of guests defending her (see “Development” below). the bodies in tow and promises to investigate the matter
with the full resources of the city watch.

UNDERGUILD ASSASSIN Treasure: Hidden in the pommel of one of the assassin’s

Hp 78 (as assassin SRD
) shortswords is a pin of shared pain (see Appendix B).


Hp 27 (as spySRD) MARGRAVINE
After the occurrences of Event 3, the PCs have certainly
Tactics: The Underguild assassin and agents have fought drawn the attention of their host. Margravine Cassandra
and trained together for many years. They use a special Pack Vanderhaven emerges from her rooms shortly after the
Attack ability to help them surround a single target and take watchmen have left and urges the partygoers to continue
it down before moving on to a new target. They are not used to make merry and enjoy the festivities. The attendees are
to noblemen giving any sort of resistance, but if the PCs join only too happy to do so, though with a somewhat subdued
in, they fight to the death to complete their mission. air. As the party regains its momentum, the margravine
makes her way over to the PCs to thank them for their
• Pack Attack. The Underguild agents (including valiant bravery and for saving her very life.
the assassin) have advantage on attack rolls
The margravine is a tall, slender woman dressed in a gown of purist
against a creature if at least one of their fellow white with a luxuriant powdered wig. Her lips are a bright cherry red
agents is within 5 feet of the creature and the in contrast to her pallor. A smattering of tasteful jewelry of obviously
agent isn't incapacitated. fine make completes her ensemble. If her cheeks appear a bit hollow

and her eyes perhaps slightly sunken with fatigue or illness, it is more undetectable alignment (as nondetection but protects only her
than compensated for by her radiant smile upon approaching you. alignment from being detected) spells while she mingles
with mortals.
“My dears, I cannot thank you enough!” the margravine
declares. “I simply do not know what I would have done if it
If the PCs appear injured, the margravine quickly requests
weren’t for the bravery you’ve shown. I apologize for the need for
one of the guests, a local clergyman named Reider Asteri
such secrecy, but with the skills I had suspected, and you have now
(LG charmed male human acolyteSRD of Mitra 3), to attend
amply demonstrated, I implore you to stay with me after the party
to them with all of the healing abilities at his disposal.
and enjoy my hospitality here at Vanderhaven Manor. We have
matters of great import to discuss.”
Development: Assuming the PCs agree to linger after the
To all appearances, Margravine Cassandra Vanderhaven (see party, the margravine goes back to mingling in the crowd
page 82) has the appearance of a middle-aged human woman. for the next hour or two until things wind down. If some
That she is secretly a vampire is kept hidden through disguise or all of the PCs decide not to accept her offer, Cassandra
and her natural charisma and long experience of playing the is patient. She doesn’t require these particular adventurers
part of the mortal aristocrat. To detect the margravine’s ruse for her plans; she will simply wait and find some other
requires either magic or a DC 35 Wisdom (Insight) check. rubes to play her pawns at a future date, and this adventure
Since her disguise is not of a physical nature, a Wisdom is, for the PCs, effectively over.
(Perception) check is not able to detect the falsehood in the
current setting. In addition, Forsythe remains silently and
unobtrusively present while the margravine talks to the PCs
and is on alert for any hostile actions taken against her. Any The margravine continues mingling but stays close to the
attempts at spellcasting or use of magical abilities on the PCs while the party winds down. As the crowd thins, she again
margravine will be immediately noticed and intercepted approaches the PCs and asks them to join her for a drink in
or interrupted. A simple DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) or private. She assumes their assent, and with Forsythe in tow,
Intelligence (History) check is sufficient to realize that such she walks off to her music box chamber (A4). There, second
an action is highly irregular and offensive in polite society. servant waits with tray of tall crystal goblets containing
In addition, the margravine maintains a nondetection and a fruity red liqueur. The liqueur is laced with Cassandra’s
vampire blood, and each PC that ingests any amount of the

beverage has disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws against extraordinary, as I do not settle for anything but the best. But
Cassandra’s charm ability for 1 week. The amount of blood before you accept, I would like to share some additional details.”
in each goblet would show if a PC is using detect poison, but
as before, casting spells of this type in the company of the At this point, the Margravine’s face becomes stern and her gaze
margravine would be a horrible faux pas. falls. “I have to admit I was born with a...hereditary condition. This
condition is blood disease, usually fatal, but which I have managed
to stave off for many years thanks to the wealth and resources
As everyone takes their seats with drink in hand, the afforded by my position. However, even with my exceptional
margravine shows off the room’s ingenious apparatus as resources, I failed to find a cure, and the disease advances to the
she activates the clockwork mechanism for the party’s point where even my resources will no longer be able to avoid its
entertainment. She opens a large box made of polished most terminal effects. I have met with every faith within the city
oak, reaches to its side and turns a large crank, which and beyond, and none of the clergy had answers or the ability to
causes a grooved, metal cylinder to begin spinning. When treat my symptoms. Because of the condition’s hereditary nature, it
she releases the handle a moment later, delicate metal bars is a ‘natural’ condition within my body and does not respond to the
extend and gently come to rest upon the cylinder, their standard magical cures for ailments. At best such treatments grant
vibrations against the cylinder’s grooves producing a deep me a temporary reprieve from the worst of its ravages. But even now
and resounding melody while the clockworks around the these are becoming less effective, and I can feel my body…failing.
room begin their pantomime dance. The entire show takes
approximately 5 minutes giving everyone plenty of time to “Please understand, I am no coward. I fear death no more
get comfortable and sip the drinks they have been provided. than the next man or woman, but having lost my beloved
It is assumed all the PCs drink of their beverages unless husband so early and seeing so much still left for me to do for the
the player specifically states otherwise. The margravine benefit of this glorious city, I find that I am simply not ready to
is careful to not make use of her charm ability in this depart this world.”
encounter though, so the PCs should not yet be tipped off
that anything is amiss with the drinks. She looks up and smiles and quickly turns in a graceful
movement, billowing her dress.

At the end of the clockwork display, the margravine “I am happy to announce, however, that I have finally discovered
addresses the party. During this monologue the margravine some promising news. Through extensive research and the
is attempting to deceive the PCs. However, because of her dedication of a considerable portion of my fortune, I finally found a
careful wording her deception is very difficult to detect possible answer to my prayers. It is called the Crimson Shroud, an
short of using magic. Even her characterization of her artifact of considerable healing power. It was held for many years
condition as a “hereditary blood disease” bears a core of within the cathedral of Archeillus as a boon for all people — noble
truth considering the nature of its transmission between or common alike — to benefit from its healing magic. That was
master vampire to vampire spawn creating a “family tree” of before a change came over the clergy of that venerable church and it
vampirism. As a result, she has advantage on her Charisma was locked away and for allocated for use by those of the nobility of
(Deception) check and is effectively taking 10 on her well- sufficient wealth to bribe the priesthood and then later reserved even
rehearsed story requiring a DC 30 Wisdom (Insight) check further for only those of the highest ranks within the cathedral itself.
to see through her ruse. Any such checks should be made I’m afraid a dark shroud has come over what was once a bastion
secretly by the GM unless the players specifically request to of goodness and law within the duchy and kingdoms of old. So you
make Wisdom (Insight) checks. see my purpose is not for my personal interests alone, but also for
the good of my entire community. Since it involves the corruption of
“Friends, I would again like to thank you for intervening in the such a venerable institution, you can no doubt likewise see the need
unpleasantness earlier this evening. The city watch is currently for the absolute discretion that I require.
looking into the affair, but currently it appears that some of this
city’s sordid underworld simply saw the party as an excellent “My agents were nonetheless able to discover not only the old
opportunity to sneak assassins in to eliminate me for some of legends of this artifact but also confirmation of its presence still
the inconvenient stands I have made for law and order in this hidden away within the Bastion of Righteous Decree here in
city. I’m afraid the criminal world’s bottom line has no room for Tourse. I have a message from my agents in my study that…” here
civic duty. she grows ashen, paler than even her normal pallor and falters as
she grasps the back of a chair to steady herself.
“In any case, though your presence was certainly beneficial, that
was not the reason you were invited to the gala to begin with. “It is late, or rather early, and my daily invigorating philters
Instead I had selected your group for the opportunity to help me grow weak. I’m afraid I must retire lest I embarrass myself before
in an adventurous quest of some import. The compensation is you with some palsy or fit of discomfiture. Besides with strenuous

nature of what lies before you, I believe we can all use the rest. then this would be a discovery of major importance to the
We can continue this discussion and address your compensation faith and to the Duchy of Ysser as a whole.
tomorrow over breakfast. I’ve taken the liberty to arrange for your
lodging here in Vanderhaven Manor for the duration of this mission
to provide you with some protection against the nefarious forces at EVENT 6: NOCTURNAL VISITATION
work within the city that would seek to undo me.” The margravine waits until the small hours for all the PCs
to be sound asleep before using her gaseous form ability
She rubs the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger, and to slip beneath their doors to sneak into their rooms. In
her form visibly slumps. “Forsythe, if you could show them to their gaseous form she is utterly silent and will not awaken any
rooms, please.” sleepers. Unless the PCs set up defenses to warn or protect
themselves while they sleep, she is able to fall upon them
Forsythe pauses and watches his mistress for a moment with with ease. If she detects wakeful guards with her keen
clear concern on his face as she gracefully departs the chamber for senses or magical wards (with detect magic), she passes by
her upstairs apartment and then motions for you to follow with a that room assuming that once their friends are under her
low bow. “This way, please,” Forsythe says. “Your rooms are next thumb, they will follow be more likely to follow succumb
to one another on the second floor.” to her as well. For those PCs that do not or cannot sleep,
As you follow the margravine’s manservant up the sweeping the margravine attempts to dominate them or charm
stairs he takes up the narrative where his mistress left off. “The them with spells into docility if necessary after she has
fact of the matter, as the margravine was about to explain, is dealt with other PCs. Familiars and animal companions
that the clergy of Archeillus in Tourse were infiltrated years ago will likewise be subdued or, if necessary, killed once
by followers of GroxMoM - 90, the Deep Father. Their infiltration is the vulnerable PCs have been dealt with. With some or
complete and undetected save for the recent investigations of my most PCs likely incapacitated, holdouts may play out
mistress, and the entire cathedral is now staffed by their foul ilk. the encounter as indicated, albeit one heavily weighted
It is they who hold the shroud hostage from the people to whom it in her favor as she is a CR 10 creature. Ideally all of the
rightfully belongs, and it is they who should be exposed to the light PCs should succumb to her ministrations, but if this is
of day and the judgment they deserve.” not possible, see the What If the PCs Don’t Play Along?
sidebox for suggestions on how to deal with disruptions
to the intended course of play.
Forsythe leads the PCs up the grand stairs in area A1 and guides
them to the rooms labelled A18. He provides the PCs with
For those PCs that are asleep or dominated by the
a key to each room and informs them that fresh washbasins
margravine, provide the following description to each
and a light snack have been left in each room to satisfy their
player individually.
needs for the night. He informs them that breakfast is served
at sunrise in the manor’s dining room, as the mistress is an A deep sleep has washed over you in the luxuriant surroundings of
early riser, and to look for him at in his quarters next to the the margravine’s manor. Sometime during the night, a disturbing
balcony (A21) if they need anything else. He then retires to his image begins to haunt your dreams. Smoke fills the room like
own room and allows the PCs to organize themselves in the roiling fog. Through the haze, a fiendish creature appears, its
two guest chambers however they see fit. They can even all burning evil eyes piercing the smoke before its fangs rip into your
choose to stay in a single room if they so choose. flesh, splattering your blood across the chamber’s walls.

PCs making a DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check This nightmare creature is, of course, is the Margravine
recognize Grox the Deep Father, God of Artifice and Cassandra Vanderhaven in her fully revealed vampiric guise
Darkness, as a subterranean god primarily revered by (see page 82). With a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
duergar, the evil gray dwarves. However, a cult of this check, the PC recognizes the feral nightmare as none other
chthonian god is known to have sprung up among the than Margravine Cassandra herself. Except for any PCs that
Foerdewaith as a secret cult who venerate his mastery of are able to resist as described above, there is no reason to
darkness and law in order to pervert the rule of the land fully play out this encounter as the vulnerable PCs find
in order to manipulate governments and courts to enrich themselves helpless against her ministration. Once the
themselves and pursue their own vile agendas beneath the PCs are incapacitated, the margravine fully drains each one
very noses of the authorities they seek to suborn. When of blood and uses her create spawn ability to raise them
cultists of Grox are discovered they are inevitably rooted out as enslaved vampire servitors as described under Event 7
and destroyed, but they are difficult to detect and destroy. below.
If the church of Archeillus in Tourse has been corrupted,

THE MARGRAVINE Constitution saving throws, and she is immune
The Margravine is a deadly vampire mistress with a cadre of to all nonmagical damage, except the damage
thralls known as vampire sycophants. she takes from sunlight.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the margravine
MARGRAVINE CASSANDRA VANDERHAVEN fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed
Medium undead, lawful evil
Misty Escape. When she drops to 0 hit points
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
outside her resting place, the margravine
Hit Points 204 (17d8 + 68)
transforms into a cloud of mist (as in
Speed 30 ft.
the Shapechanger trait) instead of falling
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA unconscious, provided that she isn't in sunlight
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) or running water. If she can't transform, she is
Saving Throws Dex +9, Wis +7, Cha +9
Skills Deception +9, Persuasion +9, Perception +7, While she has 0 hit points in mist form, she
Stealth +9 can't revert to her margravine form, and she
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, must reach her resting place within 2 hours
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks or be destroyed. Once in her resting place,
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17 she reverts to her vampire form. She is then
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Elven paralyzed until she regains at least 1 hit point.
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) After spending 1 hour in her resting place with
0 hit points, she regains 1 hit point.
Shapechanger. If the margravine isn't in sunlight Regeneration. The margravine regains 20 hit
or running water, she can use her action to points at the start of her turn if she has at least 1
polymorph into a Tiny bat or a Medium cloud hit point and isn't in sunlight or running water. If
of mist, or back into her true form. the margravine takes radiant damage or damage
While in bat form, the margravine can't speak, from holy water, this trait doesn't function at the
her walking speed is 5 feet, and she has a flying start of the margravine's next turn.
speed of 30 feet. Her statistics, other than her Spider Climb. The margravine can climb difficult
size and speed, are unchanged. Anything she is surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
wearing transforms with she, but nothing she without needing to make an ability check.
is carrying does. She reverts to her true form if Vampire Weaknesses. The margravine has the
she dies. following flaws:
While in mist form, the margravine can't take • Forbiddance. The margravine can't enter a
any actions, speak, or manipulate objects. She residence without an invitation from one of the
is weightless, has a flying speed of 20 feet, can occupants.
hover, and can enter a hostile creature's space • Harmed by Running Water. The margravine
and stop there. In addition, if air can pass takes 20 acid damage if she ends her turn in
through a space, the mist can do so without running water.
squeezing, and she can’t pass through water. • Stake to the Heart. If a piercing weapon made
She has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and of wood is driven into the margravine's heart

while the margravine is incapacitated in her or a creature that is grappled by the margravine,
resting place, the margravine is paralyzed incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4)
until the stake is removed. piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage.
• Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The margravine The target's hit point maximum is reduced by
takes 20 radiant damage when she starts an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken,
her turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, she and the margravine regains hit points equal to
has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability that amount. The reduction lasts until the target
checks. finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect
Spellcasting. The margravine is a 9th-level reduces her hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid
spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma slain in this way and then buried in the ground
(spell save DC 16, +9 to hit with spell attacks). rises the following night as a vampire spawn
The margravine has the following wizard spells under the margravine's control.
prepared: Charm. The margravine targets one humanoid she
• Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, ray can see within 30 feet of her. If the target can see
of frost the margravine, the target must succeed on a
• 1st level (4 slots): comprehend languages, fog DC 17 Wisdom saving throw against this magic
cloud, sleep, sonic scream (as burning hands but or be charmed by the margravine. The charmed
thunder damage) target regards the margravine as a trusted friend
• 2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, gust of wind, to be heeded and protected. Although the target
mirror image, murderous command (as the isn't under the margravine's control, it takes the
command spell except the target attacks the margravine's requests or actions in the most
nearest creature) favorable way it can, and it is a willing target for
• 3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, nondetection, the margravine's bite attack.
undetectable alignment (as nondetection except Each time the margravine or the margravine's
she protects her alignment only from being companions do anything harmful to the target,
detected) it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect
• 4th level (3 slots): blight, greater invisibility on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts
• 5th level (1 slot): dominate person 24 hours or until the margravine is destroyed, is
on a different plane of existence than the target
ACTIONS or takes a bonus action to end the effect.
Multiattack. (Vampire Form Only). The Children of the Night (1/Day). The margravine
margravine makes two attacks, only one of magically calls 2d4 swarms of bats or rats
which can be a bite attack. (swarm of bats, swarm of rats), provided
Unarmed Strike (Vampire Form Only). Melee that the sun isn't up. While outdoors, the
Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one margravine can call 3d6 wolves (wolf ) instead.
creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. The called creatures arrive in 1d4 rounds, acting
Instead of dealing damage, the margravine can as allies of the margravine and obeying her
grapple the target (escape DC 18). spoken commands. The beasts remain for 1
Bite. (Bat or Vampire Form Only). Melee Weapon hour, until the margravine dies, or until the
Attack:+9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, margravine dismisses them as a bonus action.

REACTIONS • Until initiative count 20 of the next round, the
Instinctive Charm. The margravine tries to margravine can pass through solid walls, doors,
ceilings, and floors as if they weren’t there.
magically divert an attack made against her,
• The margravine summons the angry spirit of one
provided that the attacker is within 30 feet of her
who has died in the castle. The apparition appears
and visible to her. Cassandra must decide to do next to a hostile creature that the margravine can
so before the attack hits or misses. The attacker see, makes an attack against that creature, and then
must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On disappears. The apparition has the statistics of a
a failed save, the attacker targets the creature specter.
closest to it, other than Cassandra or itself. If • The margravine targets one Medium or smaller
multiple creatures are closest, the attacker creature that has blood. The target’s blood begins
to boil. If the target fails a DC 17 Charisma
chooses which one to target. saving throw, its blood begins to boil taking
3 (1d6) necrotic damage each round until it
LEGENDARY ACTIONS leaves the mansion or is cured using a greater
The margravine can take 3 legendary restoration spell or a remove curse spell.
actions, choosing from the options
below. Only one legendary action option REGIONAL EFFECTS
can be used at a time and only at the The region surrounding Vanderhaven Manor are
end of another creature's turn. She warped by her unnatural presence, creating
any of the following effects:
regains spent legendary actions at
• There’s a noticeable increase in the
the start of her turn.
populations of bats, rats, and wolves in the
• Move. The margravine moves up region.
to her speed without provoking • Plants within 500 feet of the lair wither,
opportunity attacks. and their stems and branches become
• Unarmed Strike. The margravine twisted and thorny.
makes one unarmed strike. • Shadows cast within 500 feet of
• Bite. The margravine makes one the lair seem abnormally gaunt
bite attack. and sometimes move as though
• Cast a Spell. The margravine
• A creeping fog clings to the
casts a spell.
ground within 500 feet of the
vampire’s lair. The fog occasionally
THE MARGRAVINE’S LAIR takes eerie forms, such as grasping
- VANDERHAVEN MANOR claws and writhing serpents.
While the margravine is in
Vanderhaven Manor, she can take If the margravine is destroyed,
lair actions as long as she isn’t these effects end after 2d6 days.
incapacitated. On initiative count
20 (losing initiative ties), the
margravine can take one of the
following lair action options, or forgo
using any of them in that round:

This event occurs for each PC that was successfully drained
by the margravine in Event 6. WHAT IF THE PCS DON’T PLAY ALONG?
Hunger. Your eyes spring open as you are filled with a desperate It’s possible that PCs may be particularly suspicious
hunger, and an insatiable thirst grips your dry throat. Grogginess and/or obstinate and refuse to cooperate with the
fades as the night’s dreams echo in your mind, a chilling reminder margravine’s invitation to stay in the manor overnight.
and comforting realization that the nightmare is over. Time seems If this is the case, she will allow them to take their leave
to linger before you regain your composure, the darkness in the while informing them that they will be forfeiting their
room creating an ominous, hollow, and fragmented feeling in chance to undertake this lucrative task for her. She also
your soul. You sense an odor of decay and a stale atmosphere in warns them to keep what they have learned in strictest
this seemingly normal and otherwise spacious room. You assume confidence or they will face the full legal repercussions
it must be morning, but time has somehow distorted, and no that that City of Tourse and Duchy of Ysser can muster.
daylight spills into the room. Impenetrable darkness surrounds If these veiled hints are not enough to keep the PCs on
you. You tentatively reach out into this pressing darkness only for track, then she allows them to leave freely.
your hand to be abruptly stopped by a soft, cushioned wall. You
quickly ascertain that you are no longer in your bed, but rather in a In this case, the raid on the house occurs as described
cramped enclosure with plush ruffles of velvet caressing your body in The Afterlife below, and falsified information left
from head to toe. As you regain your senses, a sudden realization by the margravine implicates the PCs in her plotting
washes over you; you are in a coffin! putting the inquisitors on the trail of the PCs anyway.
In this case their attack occurs at the PCs current
The PCs awaken in A19 1d4 days later (though all at accommodations and/or residences. Information on
the same time), at nightfall after their mortal bodies these inquisitors should reveal the margravine’s libelous
died and have assumed their undead forms. Though machinations against them and put them on the trail
they are technically dead, they retain all of their abilities of her quest anyway to try and clear their name. With a
and knowledge that they had in life with the addition little tweaking you should be able to run the adventure
of the vampiric abilities - see page 88 for details of this largely as written with the PCs pursuing the margravine’s
transformation. As the PCs open their coffins, describe movements but without the benefit of newly gained
their newly advanced senses—darkvision, acute hearing, vampiric powers to help them.
and increased perception. They can also feel a deep longing
and loyalty — almost repulsive in its intensity — towards
the Margravine Cassandra Vanderhaven whom they realize
is both their hated creator and their mistress (see Afterlife equipment is stacked nearby. Though the PCs lack a key for
below and “Enslavement” on page 89 for more details the locked doors in this chamber, they can quickly discover
regarding the margravine’s control of the PCs). that by assuming gaseous form it becomes a simple matter
to pass beneath them and escape the room.
The most immediate change that they notice, however,
is the sudden and almost overwhelming hunger to feed Give the PCs a few moments to get oriented with their
upon the blood of a living, sentient creature. They likewise new existence and abilities before proceeding with The
immediately understand that to do so is an act of possibly Afterlife below.
irredeemable evil that will likely banish any hope of ever
being rescued from their current undead existence. This
pang constantly gnaws at them throughout the adventure THE AFTERLIFE
until they feed and requires a saving throw to avoid instantly As the PCs begin to explore the world around them with their
attempting to feed any time they are exposed to the presence new senses, they notice an unusual silence over the manor.
of a bleeding sentient creature — even during the midst of They can easily move from room to room (except area A6), and
battle (see page 89 for further details of this hunger). it quickly becomes obvious that neither the house servants
nor the margravine are present in the manor. A successful DC
15 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check
The coffins are fanned out around the fireplace, with made during this exploration reveals that the margravine
one for each of the PCs who were transformed by the and her staff must have left only moments prior to the PCs’
margravine. They will likewise find that all of their awakening, and in great haste, as the contents of rooms

tend to be in some disarray. The reason for her flight is EVENT 8: THE HUNTERS BECOME
suddenly made known to the players as a group of vampire
hunters bursts through the front doors and rear windows THE HUNTED
simultaneously as described under Event 8. This event is triggered as the PCs explore the manor
and realize that the margravine and her servants have
fled. Tipped off to the coming hunters by her agents,
Of particular note is that the margravine’s enslavement of the margravine had hoped to flee with her new vampire
the PCs is incomplete. Perhaps because of her gluttony in adventuring group but realized she would be unable to fully
draining and creating so many spawn at one time or because awaken the fledgling vampires before the vampire hunters
of being forced to abandon them before they completed battered down her doors and was forced to abandon them
their transformation and rose from their coffins, her to their fate.
enslavement of them is imperfect. All of the PCs begin as
enslaved vampires under the margravine’s control (though
she is not currently present to exercise that control so they Ideally the event should occur when the PCs are on the
are essentially free to do what they will for the time being), second-floor balcony between areas A1 and A2. It begins
but immediately upon waking each vampire PC gets a DC with the following description.
21 Wisdom saving throw to try and break the margravine’s
hold over them and become a free-willed vampire. PCs that
fail the initial save can make a new save each hour (with a +1 Bursting through one of the large back windows of the great room,
bonus to the saving throw for each one after the first) to try a pair of heavily armed individuals leaps into the room. The first
and throw off the slowly unravelling compulsion. is a hulking human clad in silver armor polished to a mirror
shine and bearing a silver longsword. Directly behind him is a
short, thin man with a tuft of hair that flickers like fire and a set
A side effect of this battle for control of their free wills of mottled horns that sprout from his brow. Simultaneously the
has created a unique situation. Even though the PCs may great front doors blow inward from a powerful magical charge
have fought of the margravine’s mental hold over them, revealing a woman with curly, chestnut-brown hair that spills
they are still susceptible to her will. Though as undead down over her mail hauberk. Her piercing gray eyes burn with
they were ordinarily be immune to all mind-affecting a holy intensity and she bears a steel shield with the image of
effects, if the margravine attempts to use her charm ability a sunburst surrounded by a wreath of leaves. Her other hand
on one of the PCs she has the chance to reestablish herself gauntleted hand holds a well-used heavy mace. Moving with the
as their master and they must make a new DC 21 Wisdom grace of a feline and wielding a longbow, a slender elven woman
saving throw (without the previous bonuses) or become enters behind her.
dominated as per the normal vampire ability.

These vampire hunters are led by Sareez of Mitra, a

Though the passage of time in this adventure is fanatical follower of the Sun Father in her lifelong hunt
somewhat arbitrary and subject to the plans of the PCs, it of the undead. She is joined by her colleagues Ulaven, an
would be suitable to assume that 1d3 hours had passed by inquisitor of Darach-Albith, Vonzizer, a knight of Mitra, and
the time the PCs had finished Chapter 2 of the adventure Iegen, a tiefling that styles himself a “pyrokineticist.” This
and that another 1d3 had occurred by the time they try to group operates as a group of undead hunters-at-large for
infiltrate The Lich’s Laboratory in Chapter 3. By the time the Church of Mitra and have worked most recently among
they return to Vanderhaven Manor at the end of Chapter 3, the wilds of the BuntesveldtLL0 city-states. They recently
a full 8 hours has passed since they awoke, so ideally few if arrived in Tourse after the desperate summons by High
any of the PCs should still be enslaved by the margravine Faithful Thesius Blathe of the local Temple of Mitra who had
by the time they are ready to confront her as she uses the become aware of the corruption of vampirism at the highest
Crimson Shroud. levels of the city. The hunters have staked out Vanderhaven
Manor for the last two weeks watching Cassandra’s patterns
and decided that the day after her large party was the best
time to launch their raid. The margravine only became
aware of the pending attack in the nick of time through her
own informants and chose to go into hiding to avoid the
attack and rally her own forces in response.

Hp 37 (as priestSRD, but has CON 16) Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
ULAVEN Tactics: The vampire hunters assume the PCs are agents
Hp 58 (as veteran , but he replaces a heavy
SRD of the margravine and attack them on sight. You should
familiarize yourself with Sareez and her companions’
crossbow with a mighty longbow)
abilities before the battle begins. They have worked together
Mighty Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, for many years and know how to use their various specialties
range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) in combination to great effect. They typically attempt to
piercing damage. neutralize a single target before moving onto the next.
Vonzizer acts as a shield for Iegen, while the tiefling blasts
away with his attacks fire, and Sazeer casts spells or uses
VONZIZER divine eminence to harm undead while Ulaven launches
ranged attacks from the cover she provides. The hunters
Hp 52 (as knightSRD)
are not foolish enough to split up further in pursuit of
individual PCs and try to keep each other in sight as much
IEGEN as possible in battle.

Medium humanoid (tiefling), lawful good

Prior to battle, Sareez and Ulaven apply silversheen to their
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
weapons while Vonzizer applies his oil of magic weapon.
Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8) Vonzizer casts veil of positive energy and divine favor, Sareez
Speed 30 ft. casts bless weapon and sun metal on her mace, and Ulaven
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA casts weapon of awe on her longbow.

11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

With the PCs exposed on the balcony between A1 and A2,
Saving Throws Con +3, Int +6 Iegen and Ulaven attempt to pin them in place with ranged
Damage Resistances fire attacks while Sareez and Vonzizer make for the stairs in
Skills Arcana +6, History +6 their own rooms respectively in order to meet up on the
Senses darkvision 60 feet, passive Perception 12 balcony and take the battle to the PCs. If the PCs head over
the balcony edge to threaten one of the ranged attackers
Languages Common, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal below, these two do not hesitate to make the 15-foot leap in
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) order to defend their comrades from direct attack.

Friendly Fire. When Iegen casts a spell that causes Remember to apply the Hunger rules (see Page 86) if the
fire damage, he can choose himself and any PCs injure any of these opponents in battle.
number of allies to be immune to the damage
caused by the spell and to automatically succeed Development: If the PCs attempt to parley before engaging
on the required saving throw. in battle, Sareez listens for 1 round, ordering her companions
Spellcasting. Iegen is a 5th-level spellcaster. His to hold their attacks as she does so. She knows that the PCs
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC were attendees of the gala earlier in the evening and had not
expected for them to be present as vampires. A successful DC
14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The battle mage
20 Charisma (Persuasion) check to change Sareez’s attitude
has the following wizard spells prepared: from hostile to indifferent is needed to get her to hold the
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, poison spray, attack longer and talk. If dialogue ensues, she takes into
shocking grasp account the PCs’ plight and attempts to discern the truth of
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, mage armor, magic their words through Wisdom (Insight) checks. If they convince
her of their innocence in their recent transformation, Sareez
missile, thunderwave
spares them for now, but also offers to “put them down” as an
2nd level (3 slots): flaming sphere, misty step, shatter act of kindness. If they insist on existing as vampires for the
3rd level (2 slots): counterspell, fireball

VAMPIRES AS PLAYER CHARACTERS must reach your resting place within 2 hours or be
destroyed. Once in your resting place, you revert to
your vampire form. You are then paralyzed until you
VAMPIRE TEMPLATE regain at least 1 hit point. After spending 1 hour in
The main plot point of this adventure is that the PCs you resting place with 0 hit points, you regain 1 hit
are turned into vampires at the beginning and must point.
complete the adventure and find a cure before their • Regeneration. You regain 10 hit points at the start of
condition becomes permanent. When a PC is turned into your turn if you have at least 1 hit point and isn't in
a vampire via the create spawn ability, make the following sunlight or running water. If you take radiant damage
changes and additions to his character: or damage from holy water, this trait doesn't function
at the start of your next turn.
Type: Your type is now undead of your particular race. • Spider Climb. You can climb difficult surfaces,
Senses: You gain darkvision 60 ft. including upside down on ceilings, without needing
to make an ability check.
Armor Class: You have +2 natural armor
• Vampire Weaknesses. You have the following flaws:
Ability Scores: You gain the following ability bonuses to a
maximum of 18 - Str +4, Dex +2, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +4. o Forbiddance. You can't enter a residence without
an invitation from one of the occupants.
Saving Throws: You are now proficient in Dexterity and
Wisdom saving throws if not already. o Harmed by Running Water. You take 20 acid
damage when you end your turn in running water.
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks o Stake to the Heart. You are destroyed if a piercing
weapon made of wood is driven into your heart
Traits: You gain the following additional traits:
while you are incapacitated in your coffin.
• Shapechanger. If you are not in sunlight or running
o Sunlight Hypersensitivity. You take 20 radiant
water, you can use your action to polymorph into
damage when you start your turn in sunlight.
a Tiny bat or a Medium cloud of mist, or back into
While in sunlight, you have disadvantage on
your true form. While in bat form, you can't speak,
attack rolls and ability checks.
your walking speed is 5 feet, and it you have a flying
speed of 30 feet. Your statistics, other than your size
and speed, are unchanged. Anything you are wearing Actions: You gain the following additional actions.
transforms with you, but nothing you are carrying Calculate your to-hit and damage bonuses for these
does. You revert to your true form if you die. While attacks normally:
in mist form, you can't take any actions, speak, or
manipulate objects. You are weightless, have a flying
• Unarmed Strike (Vampire Form Only). 1d8
speed of 20 feet, and can hover, and can enter a hostile
bludgeoning damage. Instead of dealing damage,
creature's space and stop there. In addition, if air can
you can grapple the target (escape DC 18).
pass through a space, the mist can do so without
squeezing, and it can’t pass through water. It has • Bite. (Bat or Vampire Form Only). You target one
advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution willing creature, or a creature that is grappled
saving throws, and it is immune to all nonmagical by you, incapacitated, or restrained and do 1d6
damage, except the damage it takes from sunlight. piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage.
The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an
• Misty Escape. When you drop to 0 hit points outside
amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and
your resting place, you transform into a cloud of
you regain hit points equal to that amount. The
mist (as in the Shapechanger trait) instead of falling
reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.
unconscious, provided that it isn't in sunlight
The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point
or running water. If you can't transform, you are
maximum to 0. A humanoid slain in this way and
destroyed. While you have 0 hit points in mist form,
then buried in the ground rises the following night
you can't revert to your vampire form, and you
as a vampire spawn under your's control.

• Charm. You target one humanoid you can see A side effect of this battle for control of their free
within 30 feet of you. If the target can see you, the wills has created a unique situation. Even though the
target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving PCs may have fought off the margravine’s mental hold
throw against this magic or be charmed by you. The over them, they are still susceptible to her will. Though
charmed target regards you as a trusted friend to as undead they were ordinarily be immune to all mind-
be heeded and protected. Although the target isn't affecting effects, if the margravine attempts to use her
under your control, it takes the vampire's requests charm ability on one of the PCs (or any spell that causes
or actions in the most favorable way it can, and it is the charmed condition) she has the chance to reestablish
a willing target for the vampire's bite attack. Each herself as their master and they must make a new DC 21
time you or your ally do anything harmful to the Wisdom saving throw (without the previous bonuses) or
target, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the become dominated as per the normal vampire ability.
effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect
lasts 24 hours or until the you are destroyed, is on a
different plane of existence than the target, or takes Alignment
a bonus action to end the effect. Vampire PCs begin with their original alignment.
However, the first time a vampire gives into its hunger
• Children of the Night (1/Day). You magically call
(see below), its alignment shifts one step closer toward evil
2d4 swarms of bats or rats (swarm of bats, swarm
on the good–evil axis (the law–chaos axis is unaffected). If
of rats), provided that the sun isn't up. While
a vampire PC’s alignment shifts to evil, then it becomes
outdoors, you can call 3d6 wolves (wolf ) instead.
an NPC under the control of the GM until cured of its
The called creatures arrive in 1d4 rounds, acting
vampirism. If free-willed, it may still work with the PCs
as allies of the vampire and obeying its spoken
against the margravine but will not seek to obtain a cure
commands. The beasts remain for 1 hour, until you
for its condition. If still enslaved by the margravine, then
die, or until you dismiss them as a bonus action.
the vampire PC begins working for her against the party.
If a PC is already evil when he becomes a vampire,
Enslavement then the first time it succumbs to its hunger
As explained under Afterlife in Chapter 1, the PC it becomes an NPC under the control of the
vampires are originally created to be enslaved GM.
servitors of the margravine. However, because
of the unusual circumstance surrounding
their creation the PC vampires have the HUNGER RULES
opportunity to break her control over Vampire PCs are immediately beset by
them. Immediately upon their overwhelming thirst for blood
waking each vampire PC upon awaking in Event 7 of Chapter 1.
gets a DC 21 Wisdom This desire to feed upon the life-giving
saving throw to try and sustenance is known as hunger. Rules
break the margravine’s for handling the hunger experienced
hold over them and by vampire PCs are provided below
become a free-willed for dealing with the first night of
vampire. PCs that fail the the PCs’ existence as vampires. If a
initial save can make a new save PC ends up as a vampire for a longer
each hour (with a +1 bonus to the period, you may want to consult that
saving throw for each one after book for a fuller explanation of what
the first) to try and throw off the the PC will be dealing with.
slowly unravelling compulsion. PCs
who remain enslaved behave as if under
the effects of a dominate person spell but without
additional saving throws to resist orders except
those described above.

The PCs awaken in this adventure on their first Each time a PC who has not fed is exposed to the presence
night as vampires, having never sated their need to of the fresh blood of a living sentient creature, he must
feed on blood. Their hunger for living blood is almost make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw (the DC increases by
overwhelming, but they also instinctively know that +1 for each previous check). If this saving throw is failed,
to give in to that urge leads to the path of evil and the PC is compelled to feed or fall upon the wounded
corruption from which they may not be able to return individual to attempt to drain him. Until the PC has fed,
(see “Alignment” above). Though, they may choose he can take no other action than to try and feed from this
to feed upon the blood of a lesser animal which will creature (e.g. grappling and using his blood drain ability).
provide them with sustenance (which is not the issue In his wild frenzy, he will be careless and will continue
since this entire adventure takes place over a single to feed until the victim has been drained. During this
night so that actual withdrawal is not truly an issue), it feeding frenzy, the PC takes a –2 penalty to AC. Multiple
does nothing to rid them of the hunger to feed upon PCs can feed on a single individual simultaneously.
the blood of a living, sentient creature.
If a PC feeds in this way, his alignment shifts as described
As a result of this nearly overwhelming hunger, the PCs above. The players should not know that it is sometimes
face a test whenever they are faced with the presence of possible to feed more than once before becoming an evil
fresh blood from a living NPC in this adventure (feeding GM-controlled NPC and should be motivated to try and
from a recently deceased corpse does not sate this hunger). resist such a feeding at all costs. However, once a PC has
There are occasions in this adventure when the exposure successfully fed at least once during the adventure, the
to fresh blood will trigger this hunger, and it always occurs hunger no longer affects him and will not recur until
whenever there is a battle in which one or more enemies the next night when he will fill the need to feed again (an
is wounded. occurrence that will hopefully not come to pass during the
course of this adventure).

time being, she allows them to leave only if they immediately WHERE TO GO FROM HERE
surrender and place themselves in the custody of Sareez and
After defeating (or escaping) the vampire hunters, the PCs
the Temple of Mitra in Tourse where High Faithful Thesius
have the opportunity to thoroughly search the manor
Blathe will determine their fate. If the PCs agree to these
house. One of the consequences of this is likely to be a better
terms, they are in for an unfortunate fate as the High Faithful
understanding into the dark nature of the margravine
knows of no means of removing their vampiric curse and will
— provided the vampire-haunted dreams she spawned
opt to put a wooden stake into each of them so that they can
weren’t enough already. Additionally, in the margravine’s
be destroyed by the light of the coming dawn. A PC making
study (A10) there can be found a clue that points the party
a DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) or Intelligence check or a DC 15
fairly directly towards the cathedral of Archeillus. However,
Intelligence (Religion) check will strongly suspect this to be
even if that clue is entirely missed, the somewhat cryptic
the likely outcome and should balk at such an offer.
information provided in the short interview with the
margravine (and Forsythe afterward) should be sufficient
Even if the PCs are willing to place themselves in the to point the PCs towards that church as their next priority,
hands of the hunters without a fight, they are unlikely to if for no other reason than the Crimson Shroud seems to
make it to the temple with Sareez as Ulaven cut herself offer a potential cure for their vampirism (the only other
on a splinter of wood as she made her way through the alternative being death followed by a resurrection spell,
shattered front door. The fresh wound on her arm is minor which is likely beyond the PCs’ means at their current level.
but bleeds freely and has not received healing from Sareez.
As a result, the scent of blood is overpowering to the
With it being currently nighttime, and knowing that they
fledgling vampires and the hunger rules apply (see page
are likely to be drawn back to their coffins in A19 with the
89). If the PCs attack as a result, the hunters see them as
coming of dawn, the PCs should feel some urgency in getting
unredeemable and give them no quarter.
to the bottom of their predicament and finding a cure before

they find themselves at the hands of other vampire hunters The margravine and Forsythe did not lie about the church
or perhaps the margravine herself, since as their creator it being a den of evil, as the clergy of this temple have a dark
seems likely she will be able exercise some level of control secret; they worship Grox, the subterranean God of Artifice
over them. Fortunately for the PCs, with their newfound and Darkness. The false clergy followers of Grox began
abilities comes fast healing, so they should be in good shape infiltrating the ranks of the cathedral years ago and fully
to continue their quest in relatively short order. Exploration completed their silent takeover five years ago. They have
of the Bastion of Righteous Decree is detailed in Chapter 2. successfully maintained the ruse after having removed the
former true clergy through subtle manipulation, political
maneuvering, and simple attrition. They maintain the

CHAPTER TWO: appearance and forms of the cathedral’s practices, and to

date few have noticed anything amiss. If Archeillus himself
is aware of the false clergy among the ranks of his faithful,
GOING TO THE he has not deigned to warn his followers.

CHAPEL As consummate profiteers, the clergy of Grox keep the

artifact known as the Crimson Shroud in secret, hidden from
all. The clergy of Archeillus had long ago resorted to only
This chapter explores Tourse’s cathedral of ArcheillusLL5
offering its benefits to those of the nobility that they deemed
- 236, the Bastion of Righteous Decree. This part of the
worthy, so the Groxite’s own limitation to allowing only their
adventure should occur on the same night as the attack of
own to use it has not been a truly significant difference from
the vampire hunters on Vanderhaven Manor, and the PCs
previous practices, such that most no longer remember the
should be instilled with a sense of urgency to get across
Crimson Shroud as anything but a legend and would be hard
town and complete their task before the coming of dawn
pressed to recall that it was once kept at the Bastion of
forces them into their coffins to rest or potentially
Righteous Decree for all to use.
catches them outside them and results in their

This majestic building is located in the oldest
part of the city. Its doors, which might typically
be supposed to be unlocked and open to
the public, are not commonly found so.
Dedicated to the God of Rightful Rule, the
traditional Foerdewaith protector of the
nobility, the cathedral is not much visited by
the common folk. Rather its patrons are
the various nobles
and aristocrats of the
city who, far from being
devout followers of
Archeillus themselves,
nonetheless support
the cathedral in
recognition of how
much its existence
contributes to
maintaining their
own status and
power within the duchy
and throughout Foere
as a whole.

Despite the cathedral’s long history as the caretaker • Exterior Magically Treated Reinforced Masonry
of the Shroud, the margravine’s agents are not the only Wall: 5 ft. thick; Damage Threshold 16; hp 540; Break
ones who were recently able to dig up the secret of its DC 70; Strength (Athletics) DC 18.
existence. And in fact, the margravine’s own intention to • Interior Masonry Wall: 5 ft. thick; Damage Threshold
take the artifact has been slower than to develop that of 8; hp 540; Break DC 60; Strength (Athletics) DC 20.
others, for the cathedral has just lost the Crimson Shroud
• Locked Strong Wooden Door: 2 in. thick; Damage
this very night in a raid by agents of the Underguild. As a
Threshold 5; hp 20; Break DC 25 (if locked); Dexterity
result, the cathedral’s surviving guards and clergy are still
(Thieves Tools) DC 30 (due to a lack of keyholes).
on high alert when the PCs arrive. They assume the PCs
are Underguild agents and are instantly hostile. • Stained Glass Window: 1 in. thick; Damage Threshold
5; hp 15; Break DC 10.
The stone walls are decorated with flying buttresses and
the lion head and crown symbols of the god Archeillus B1. GRAND NAVE
carved into the stonework. This stonework is magically This chamber has multiple rows of marble pillars, skillfully carved
treated reinforced masonry walls that are infused with to resemble a series of gavels and scales in interlocking columns.
potent wards that render them resistant to teleportation At the opposite end of the nave stand 15-foot high double doors of
and transmutation effects (such as teleport, passwall, or shining gold. Inscribed across the surface of both doors is the holy
transmute rock to mud). In order to successfully affect or symbol of Archeillus. The scent of rusted iron wafts from within
bypass one of the cathedral walls with a spell of these the temple’s nave with the distinct sweet smell of fresh blood.
types, the spellcaster must succeed at a DC 30 caster
level check using their spell attack bonus. Interior walls
are also of masonry but are not reinforced and lack the Within the cathedral are 8 cathedral priests that have just
magical treatment of the exterior walls. The ceilings are finished putting down the remaining Underguild agents.
30 feet high in the nave, and just under 20 feet high in the The recent attack on the temple by the Underguild happened
surrounding rooms. primarily in this chamber. There are 4 Underguild agents
and 5 temple guards lying dead on the floor in here. The
priests herein are checking for survivors among the fallen
The doors throughout the temple are of strong wood and finishing any Underguild agents that still live. They
and bear locks but no keyholes. Their locks are magical attack immediately upon seeing anyone enter the temple.
and require unconventional means to open—the touch The presence of the freshly spilled blood may cause one or
of a holy symbol of Grox unlocks a door for 1 minute. more PCs to resort to feeding as described on page 89.
Likewise, a successful dispel magic spell unlocks a door
for 1d4 rounds. In the case of the Bastion of Righteous
Decree the clergy all bear the depiction of the typical CATHEDRAL PRIESTS (8)
lion head holy symbols of Archeillus, but they have subtly
been altered to show a blindfold over the lion’s eyes. This Hp 27 (as priestSRD)
change can only be noticed without closely inspecting
the holy symbol by making a DC 22 Wisdom (Perception)
check followed by a DC 18 Intelligence (Religion) check.
An immense, obsidian-topped table fills the center of this
room. The temple priests take their meals here.
Lighting within most areas of the cathedral is
provided by large stained-glass windows with depictions
of Archeillus blessing the rule of various historical B3. KITCHEN
Foerdewaith monarchs and nobles that bear the same This chamber is a well-used kitchen with shelves holding
warding enchantments as the magically treated walls. foodstuffs lining the walls.
These bathe the interior in softly colored light during the
day, and sconces enchanted with continual flame are set B4. CLOISTER GARDEN
about at regular intervals to provide illumination at night Used for quiet contemplation, this large open space has
or in cloudy weather. Unless otherwise noted, all areas of paths of white gravel that merge at a large marble fountain
the cathedral have normal lighting. depicting a majestic, rearing lion. Marble benches are
spaced around the fountain. The lawn alongside the paths
is well tended, and flower beds of red and white roses have
been planted to provide the air here with a sweet aroma.

Stacked grain, dried meats, and other food supplies are This room houses a simple stone bench with a hole cut in
stored here. The back area of the storage room is used to it leading to a deep pit. There is nothing of interest here.
hold gardening implements, seeds, and mulch for use in
the garden. One of the temple’s priests hides among the
supplies. Vorlawn Hodge peaks out from behind a stack of B10. BISHOP’S OFFICE
grain sacks (opposed Stealth versus Wisdom (Perception) This small office contains a mahogany desk and leather
checks). At the first sign of the Underguild’s attack, he chair. Three more chairs stand against the opposite wall.
ducked into this room to wait out the battle and is not sure The office is strangely devoid of texts or records for the
who won or who the PCs even are. worship of Archeillus.

VORLAWN HODGE, CATHEDRAL ACOLYTE This room features several towering mirrors. Lining the
Hp 9 (as acolyteSRD) room’s walls are cabinets containing supplies such as
incense, robes, clerical vestments, and other mundane
items necessary for conducting services as well as a drawer
Development: Vorlawn is a coward at heart and does not
holding an unusual collection of blindfolds (Knowledge
engage in combat if he thinks there is a way to escape.
[religion] DC 25 to recognize as associated with the worship
His initial attitude is unfriendly if discovered, but he will
of Grox). The cathedral’s priests prepare for both public
not attack and merely cowers if no opportunity to escape
services as well as for secret rituals here.
presents itself. If the PCs are able to change his attitude to
friendly, Vorlawn tells what he knows about the church of
Grox and how it took over the temple years ago. He knows Treasure: A successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check
the high priest of Grox exploits the artifact’s healing reveals a hidden stash of 4 blocks of incense of meditation.
magic to extort money from the sick. He also overheard
a few of the Underguild agents discussing how they
were going to use the Crimson Shroud to lure the “noble B12. PRIEST CELL
bitch to her destruction.” Vorlawn does know the Ritual Each of these rooms is similarly furnished with four
of the Crimson Shroud (see Appendix D) and is willing wooden beds, four simple footlockers, and a table with four
to perform it for the PCs at the end of the adventure in chairs.
exchange for his life.
Treasure: A DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check uncovers
3d6 x 10 gp in assorted coins and small knickknacks.
This workshop seems to be focused on the creation of
everything from clothing to forged-iron tools and weapons B13. LARGE PRIEST CELL
in support of the cathedral. This room holds beds and furnishings for eight but is
otherwise identical to B12.
Guests or those awaiting friends or family in the infirmary Treasure: A successful Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
stay in these sparse quarters. The chamber holds four beds, double the valuables to be found in B12.
each with a small desk, chair and footlocker.


B8. LIBRARY A long table runs down the center of this room, and its
Floor-to-ceiling shelves filled with hundreds of books line walls are decorated with tapestries dedicated to worship
the walls of this room. A long table with several chairs of Archeillus. A DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) check and a
sits in the room’s center. The books hold a myriad of DC 20 Intelligence (Religion) notices that these tapestries
texts covering the history of the religions of Foerdewaith feature subtle references to GroxMoM.
and many prayer books and treatises on the worship of
Archeillus. Interestingly there are a great number of texts
on local law and jurisprudence.

B15. INFIRMARY spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13,
Spiral staircases rise from the nave below to reach this area. A +5 to hit with spell attacks). He has the following
dozen beds in this room are separated by folding screens into semi- cleric spells prepared:
private areas. A third spiral stair rises into the cathedral’s tower Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
above. Next to this stair rests a wooden chair of enormous size. 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt, sanctuary
2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon
For the right price, the priests of Grox offer healing 3rd level (2 slots): dispel magic, spirit guardians
and convalescence services. If monetary payment can’t be
arranged, the clergy gladly accept other forms of payment
such as quests, blackmail, or other tasks performed for the ACTIONS
church. With the high priest in the Inner Sanctum above, Multiattack: The giant makes two greataxe attacks.
the guard Slavtin Gran is still on duty and assumes anyone Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10
other than priests of Grox coming into this room are ft., one target. Hit: 25 (3d12 + 6) slashing damage.
agents of the Underguild that must be destroyed. Slatvin
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60/240 ft.,
is a firbolg giant who was saved by the bishop from being
lynched by an angry mob years ago and stayed on to become one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
a warpriest of Grox in gratitude.
Treasure: A successful DC 30 Wisdom (Perception) check
reveals a hidden panel in the north wall containing five
SLAVTIN GRAN scrolls of cure wounds, a scroll of remove curse, and two scrolls of
remove disease.
Large giant, neutral evil
Armor Class 15 (patchwork armor)
Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60) B16. CHOIR
This immense balcony overlooks the grand nave of the
Speed 40 ft. cathedral, and the ceiling above rises into a half-dome 50
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA feet overhead.
23 (+6) 9 (-1) 21 (+5) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Con +8, Wis +3, Cha +4 B17. RELIQUARY
Skills Athletics +9, Perception +3 This dusty chamber has a wide variety of items on display. Swords,
Damage Immunities psychic shields, boots, belts, and framed parchments adorn the walls, and
several mannequins stand in the corners, some of them clad in armor.
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Giant
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) This room holds a variety of prizes traded for the use of the
Crimson Shroud. The walls are lined with hangers holding
shields, swords, contracts of service, and a variety of gear. The
Divine Eminence. As a bonus action, Slatvin can invading Underguild agents never made it into this room
expend a spell slot to cause his melee weapon due to the battle with the priests being more of a struggle
attacks to magically deal an extra 10 (3d6) necrotic than they planned for. Wooden mannequins stand in the
damage to a target on a hit. This benefit lasts room’s corners to hold armor displays, but three of them
are actually 3 wood golems assigned to guard the chamber.
until the end of the turn. If Slatvin expends a
If the PCs enter the room without fully presenting the holy
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage symbol of Grox, the golems spring to life and attack.
increases by 1d6 for each level above 1st.
Size Alteration. As an action, Slatvin can reduce
his size to Medium and remain at this size for as WOOD GOLEM
long as he wishes. Resuming his normal size is a Medium construct, neutral
bonus action. When at Medium size, his greataxe Armor Class 12
and rock attacks deal half damage. Hit Points 93 (11d8 + 44)
Spellcasting. Slatvin is a 5th-level spellcaster. His Speed 30 ft.

gp each), a +1 sharp rapier, a +1 adamantine heavy mace (a two-
handed martial weapon that deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage
19 (+4) 9 (-1) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) on a hit), a +2 longbow, a set of +1 platemail bearing the arms
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, of Ysser on the breastplate, a suit of +1 chainmail, a suit of +2
leather armor, and a suit of +1 scale mail. The Crimson Shroud is
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks noticeably not on display in this chamber.
that aren’t adamantine
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned B18. BISHOP’S CHAMBER
This well-appointed room serves as both a lavish
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 bedchamber and a personal shrine for the bishop
Languages understands the languages of its overseeing the cathedral. A canopied bed with fine silk
creator but can’t speak sheets (worth 250 gp) stands in one corner, while a 4-foot-
tall statue of what appears to be Archeillus stands in the
opposite corner but has a blindfold tied around its eyes
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
(recognizable as a representation of GroxMoM - 90 with a DC
Aversion to Fire. If the golem takes fire damage, 20 Knowledge [religion] check).
it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability
checks until the end of its next turn.
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any Normally the bishop would be a very difficult encounter,
spell or effect that would alter its form. but due to his weakened condition it should be more
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving manageable for the PCs. Unless the battle was magically
throws against spells and other magical effects. silenced somehow, the bishop will have heard combat in
Magic Weapons. The golem’s weapon attacks are B15 below and will be ready for battle.
magical. In the center of this square room stands a pedestal of black
painted stone carved to resemble lion-headed humanoid wearing
ACTIONS a blindfold and with arms and hands extended as if holding some
object above his head. Blood is spattered about the room from
Multiattack. The golem makes two slam attacks. some recent conflict, and two human forms are slumped near the
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one pedestal—a circular scorch mark in the floor outlines their charred
target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. remains. A large pile of ash in the shape of a humanoid body with
a wooden stake protruding from the pile lies nearby.
Splintering (1/Day). When a wood golem is reduced This area is under the effect of a forbiddance spell keyed to
to half its original hit point total it launches a undead and dealing radiant damage. This is the room that
barrage of razor-sharp wooden splinters from held the Crimson Shroud and was only ever entered by the
bishop until the Underguild managed to breach it during
its body in a 20-foot-radius sphere. All creatures their raid. Bishop Voltix Calbrough remains in here now, but
caught within this area take 21 (6d6) points of he is badly wounded (which should prompt Wisdom saving
slashing damage or half as much on a DC 14 throws per the Hunger rules on page 89). He stands next
Dexterity saving throw. to the charred remains of the vampire, clutching a wicked
dagger in one hand, a female vampire’s severed head in his
Treasure: There are many items in this room, and the GM other. He is horribly disfigured after having withstood a fierce
is encouraged to add or alter the treasure to suit the PCs and assault, and his scorched facial skin is attached only by wisps
their campaign. Hanging on the walls are 10 sets of fine silk of sinuous tissue. A number of Underguild agents perished
courtier outfits but adorned with even greater than normal at his hands, including the raid’s commander, a vampire that
embellishment and accoutrements (worth 50 gp each), a small went by the name of Eudoxia, but he was badly injured in the
display case holds a ring of protection +1, a ring of sustenance, fight and was unable to prevent them from absconding with
and a unique ring of the ram. In addition, wall hangers hold the Crimson Shroud (that once rested atop the pedestal). He has
two masterwork longswords that add a +1 bonus to damage remained in this chamber since the battle and used his magic
on a successful hit, each with a fine silken baldric (worth 45 to recover some of his hit points. His currently diminished
health and remaining spells is reflected in his stat block.

Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
Armor Class 17 (+1 breastplate, shield of faith)
Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36) currently 58
Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 13 (+1)
Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +7
Skills Intimidation +5, Religion +4
Damage Resistance fire; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks
from resist energy and stoneskin
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Infernal, Undercommon
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Spellcasting. The bishop is a 9th-level spellcaster.

His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save
DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). He has the
following cleric spells prepared*:
• Cantrips (at will): light, mending, sacred flame,
spare the dying
• 1st level (4/2 slots): divine favor, guiding bolt,
healing word, shield of faith#
• 2nd level (3/1 slots): lesser restoration, magic
weapon, prayer of healing, silence, spiritual weapon damage to a target on a hit. This benefit lasts
• 3rd level (3/2 slots): beacon of hope, crusader’s until the end of the turn. If the priest expends a
mantle, dispel magic, protection from energy#, spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage
revivify, spirit guardians increases by 1d6 for each level above 1st.
• 4th level (3/2 slots): banishment, freedom of Madman’s Vision. While the bishop is below half
movement, guardian of faith, stoneskin# his original starting hit points, he may maintain
• 5th level (1/0 slot): flame strike, mass cure any number of concentration spells.
wounds, hold monster
*Slots after the slash are how many the Bishop has Multiattack. The bishop makes two melee attacks.
left at the start of the battle. Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
These spells are currently active. target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Atheist’s Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Combat Gear. The bishop has a necklace of fireballs reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4 + 1) piercing
with 3 beads left. damage. If the target is a divine spellcaster (cleric
Blessing of Grox. As a bonus action, the bishop or paladin for example) it must also make a DC 16
can expend a spell slot to cause its melee weapon Wisdom saving throw or lose all its class abilities
attacks to magically deal an extra 10 (3d6) necrotic until the end of its next turn.

REACTIONS Even if the PCs attempt to hide their undead nature,
Grox’s Premonition. The bishop grants a advantage assume the bishop makes a successful Intelligence
(Religion) check to discern the truth. If the PCs have
on an attack roll made by himself or another admitted to not being members of the Underguild, he
creature within 30 feet of him. The priest can quickly senses the recent nature of their conversion and
make this choice after the roll is made but before the likely internal conflict that they face and offers them a
it hits or misses. deal. If they can recover the Crimson Shroud and return it to
them, he can use its ritual to cure them of their vampirism.
If the PCs haven’t recognized the truth of the cathedral’s
Combat Gear necklace of fireballs (type III [7-HD fireball devotion to Grox, he hopes this will be incentive enough. If
already used), potion of delay poison, wand of shield he believes they have learned of the cathedral’s true faith, he
of faith (7 charges); Other Gear +1 breastplate, +1 attempts to get an oath of secrecy from them as part of the
heavy steel shield, amulet of natural armor +1, cloak bargaining. If unsuccessful, he will agree to any conditions
of resistance +1, atheist’s dagger (see Appendix B), that they require including giving up the Shroud and/
or leaving town (he knows he is in no position to make
headband of inspired wisdom +2, holy symbol of Grox demands and will intend to double cross them later), but
(disguised as holy symbol of Archeillus) he does hold the fact that they need him to conduct the
ritual over their heads in order to spare his life and get as
Tactics: Bishop Voltix is weakened, low on hit points and many concessions as possible (keeping he cathedral’s secret
spells. The sight of additional vampires coming up the stairs safe, leaving it unlooted, etc.).
bends his will to almost a breaking point. He goes on the
attack with the remaining spells and fight he has left in him.
In any case, the bishop will conclude any deal making
Never a particularly brave or fanatical man, if the bishop is
with information on where to find the Underguild. Though
reduced to 15 hit points, he drops his weapon and shield
the cathedral and the Underguild have never been openly
and surrenders, begging for his life. He screams that they
opposed before, he has long known of the despicable
“already took the shroud” and “what more do you want.”
guild’s presence within Tourse (this House of Grox does
to a great extent deal in secrets after all). He can tell them
Development: PCs making successful Charisma that The Lich’s Laboratory, a gambling hall near the
(Deception) checks, with advantage on the check if they riverfront has long served as a front for the organization’s
pretend to be agents of the Underguild, can squeeze the operations within the city. If the PCs go there and press
bishop for useful information which the bishop will their case, they will surely be able to find the miscreants
reluctantly give. However, if they reveal that they are they seek and the stolen Shroud. He will add one extra bit
not agents of the Underguild, he becomes even more of important information. While the Crimson Shroud can be
cooperative seeing an opportunity to strike back at those used to heal conditions such as vampirism, it could also
who dared invade his god’s sanctuary. be used with only minor variations of the ritual to remove
the weaknesses of a condition like vampirism. “Imagine a
vampire able to withstand the holy rebuke of a churchman
From either direct questioning or my putting together
or with no fear of the sun’s rays,” he says. “I’d guess that’s
bits of information that the bishop relays, the PCs can
why those bloodsuckers from the Underguild came to steal
confirm that a score or more agents of the Underguild, led
it and why you have to find it first before they become too
by a vampire (the one whose head the bishop still possesses)
powerful for you to stop.”
broke into the cathedral within the last hour. The priests
put up a fight but were surprised and overmatched. Bishop
Voltix fought them off (killing several singlehandedly) Bishop Voltix doesn’t know it, but he was left alive during
but was not able to stop them from stealing the Crimson the raid on purpose. While the Underguild is unaware of
Shroud during the battle. The last of the Underguild agents the Shroud’s ability to remove vampire weaknesses (or they
left only minutes before the PCs arrived. The firbolg was would have taken it long ago), they know the margravine
not on duty this night and arrived only moments before wants it and seek to set a trap for her to take vengeance for
the PCs, taking up guard over the bishop in his sanctuary. her past betrayals. They assume that her agents will be hot
Bishop Voltix claims that he was able to thin the attackers’ on the heels of the Shroud’s theft. They know the bishop
ranks some despite their successful theft of the Shroud. He knows of their safe house and hope to lure the margravine
is unsure if the guild has more undead or vampires at their in while pursuing the stolen artifact. If the PCs kill the
command but wouldn’t be surprised. bishop without obtaining the information, assume that

Vorlawn Hodge (B5) also knows the above information and her and take over as leader of the local chapter. With the
of the safe house’s whereabouts. If both are killed, you will destruction of Eudoxia during the raid on the Bastion
need to arrange another clue to inform the party and lead of Righteous Decree, Davius is hopeful that his time of
them to The Lich’s Laboratory (see Chapter 3) — perhaps ascension is near. However, Eudoxia’s destruction at the
a clue sent by the margravine or her other agents. In any hands of Bishop Voltix has also caused consternation and
event, after leaving the cathedral, the gambling hall should confusion among the Underguild cell here. They did not
be the party’s next target location with half the night all know the extent of Eudoxia’s plan — specifically, to lead
already gone and a deadly sunrise looming. the agents of the margravine into a trap — so while they
are on alert after their raid, they are not truly expecting
the arrival of the PCs this night and have not set up an
Ad Hoc XP Award: If the PCs allow Bishop Voltix to live
ambush accordingly. A message has been sent to Valarit
and obtain the Underguild’s information from him, award
(who does not appear in this adventure) for instructions,
them XP as if they had defeated him.
and the Underguild survivors currently wait at their safe
house waiting to hear back from her.

CHAPTER THREE: When the PCs first locate The Lich’s Laboratory, read the
THE RIVALS AND THE Not far from the dank riverfront, this single-story building is a

misshapen construction of stone, wood and plaster, with a wood-
shingled roof, wreathed in the night fogs off the river. The image
of a grinning skull with a set of dice for teeth is crudely painted
After exploring the Bastion of Righteous Decree and above the door. Despite the lateness of the hour, the windows of
discovering the theft of the Crimson Shroud, the PCs the establishment blaze with light and the raucous sounds from
should be headed for the Underguild safe house hidden within indicate that the night’s festivities are far from over.
within the gambling hall known as The Lich’s Laboratory.
Locating The Lich’s Laboratory is simple enough, requiring The interior and exterior walls of the gambling hall are
only a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or DC 15 Charisma a crudely put together combination of wood, stone, and
(Persuasion) check to gather information. This check plaster and are the structural equivalent of wooden walls.
receives a +2 bonus if the PCs ask around among unsavory Ceilings are low, only 7 feet high, crisscrossed by heavy
types along the riverfront and by an additional +1 for every support beams. The floors and ceiling are of wood, though
5 gp that they spend in bribe money. the planks of the floor are obscured by a layer of old vomit-,
urine-, and ale-oaked sawdust. Doors are made of wooden
They sunrise is still some hours off, the PCs’ hunger from planks and do not have locks unless otherwise noted.
their new forms and the danger of the sun’s approaching Rooms contain cheap oil lamps for light, but these are only
rays should give this part of the adventure a sense of lit in rooms that are occupied. All other rooms are dark.
urgency. It is only a matter of time until they deadly sun’s Windows are made a parchment-thin horn that let in little
light traps them in whatever building they are lurking enough light during the day and none at night. They are
until the next night or their own blood thirst causes them opaque and do not allow a view of what is beyond.
to lose control of themselves and fully abandon themselves
to their curse of vampirism. The lower levels consists of sewer tunnels and chambers
dug out of the earth. Walls that aren’t earthen are crudely
dressed stone and are slick with moisture and slime.
THE LICH’S LABORATORY Ceiling heights are only 6 feet (except in area C5 where it is
The Lich’s Laboratory is a gambling hall and tavern 10 feet). There are no light sources unless otherwise noted,
owned by the vampiress Eudoxia, leader of a local cell and the air in these rooms is musty and foul.
of Underguild agents. The operator of the hall is a man
named Davius, a member of the Underguild who has been
negotiating with another member of the Underguild, Wooden Wall: 6 in. thick; Damage Threshold 5; hp 60;
Valarit the vampiress, in an attempt to become a vampire Break DC 20; Strength (Athletics) DC 18.
himself. He secretly loathes Valarit and hopes that once he Dressed Stone Wall: 1 ft. thick; Damage Threshold 8; hp
becomes a vampire, he will be powerful enough to destroy 90; Break DC 35; Strength (Athletics) DC 24.

Simple Wooden Door: 1 in. thick; Damage Threshold 5; DAVIUS
hp 10; Break DC 15 (if locked); Dexterity (Thieves Tools) DC
20 (if locked). Hp 112 (as gladiatorSRD)
Horn Window: 1/8 in. thick; Damage Threshold 0; hp 3;
Hp 58 (as veteranSRD)
The massive heavy oak door opens into a tavern, complete with a Development: Despite the shady nature of the
bar and stools. Almost every table is filled by patrons swilling on gambling hall, Davius and the bouncers don’t initially
leather jacks of ale and playing a variety of card and dice games. attack or become hostile towards the PCs unless the PCs
There is much shouting, swearing, and general revelry as many come in with swords swinging. Upon entry, a bouncer
of the players are deep in their cups and seem to win or lose their near the entrance immediately requests a 20-gp cover
entire stake on every hand. Oil lamps set in sconces on the walls charge from each party member to enter. He instructs
illuminate the chamber. the PCs that the floor tables are open to anyone with
coin, but the high stakes tables require an “invitation”
(hinting strongly that an invitation can be obtained with
This tavern and gambling hall has served as a front of the a proper bribe — at least 500 gp). Davius is aware of the
Underguild for many years now. The Underguild used the Underguild raid on the cathedral tonight but has no idea
sewer network accessible beneath the hall to move agents that the PCs might be looking for the Crimson Shroud
in and out of the establishment to avoid drawing too much so soon. If the PCs hint at or mention the cathedral in
attention to the gambling hall. On occasion, Eudoxia would anyway, he immediately draws his weapon and yells an
entertain city officials and allow them to win some of the alarm. Likewise, if the PCs make no attempt to hide their
house’s gold to keep the right hands greased. Others would vampirism, Davius will assume that they are agents of
disappear in the night and were never heard from. the margravine that he has been warned of and raise the
alarm as well.
The kitchen staff and serving girls are locals, hired to give
a sense of legitimacy to the establishment, no something of If the party refuses to pay the cover charge or picks a
their employers’ true operations but are well paid to ask fight, all the bouncers immediately turn on them, but flee
no questions and mind their own business. They are aware if near death. Otherwise, the party is free to interact with
that there is a secret basement but do not know how to the patrons and even join in games of chance. Feel free to
reach it. Rough-looking men standing in the corners of play out actual games of craps, poker, etc. or simply bet on
the room are 4 bouncers who are actual members of the high rolls or cutting the deck.
Underguild, all whom know about the secret grate in the
floor in the storage room (C4).
Treasure: The house’s nightly bank and proceeds are
held in an unlocked box behind the bar. The box contains
Many of the tavern’s 26 patrons are engaged in games various gems worth a total of 2,100 gp, and mixed coins
of cards and dice at various tables around the room. worth a total of 4,505 gp.
Overseeing the bar is the manager, Davius. The area behind
the bar holds shelves and racks of ale barrels, wine bottles,
and bottles of stronger liquors. Many of the bottles of C2. KITCHEN
liquor are highly flammable. Four of them are particularly This kitchen has suffered from long neglect. Shelves
potent, and if combat breaks out or Davius suspects the covered in grease, old food, broken crockery, and other
PCs are vampires (he recognizes all the local vampires refuse line the walls, while across the room a burned, rusty
in the Underguild), he uses a small box of 20 matches to cauldron hangs over the cold hearth.
ignite the bottles before throwing them at targets.
Treasure: One of the shelves conceals two potions of owl’s
Patrons and staff at the bar other than the bouncers and wisdom (as enhance ability, but only affecting Wisdom) that
Davius will not become involved in any battles, preferring can be discovered with a DC 22 Wisdom (Perception) check.
to grab what cash they can and attempting to escape
through doors and windows.

PCs that succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
hear sounds of rushing water emanating from below the
rug. Looking under the rug, the PCs find a large iron
grate (damage threshold 10, hp 30, Break DC 28 Strength
[Athletics]) that leads down to the sewers below. The grate
is unlocked but trapped.

Trap: To discourage unwanted visitors from popping up

from the sewers, the Underguild trapped this grate with
a permanent symbol of stunning (DC 18) that triggers when
someone touches the grate without uttering the password,
“Phylactery.” When triggered, the symbol also sets off an
audible alarm spell, alerting anyone in area C3 and C11.

Development: This symbol of stunning is most effective

against living creatures; as vampires, the PCs gain advantage
on their saving throw to resist its effects. In addition, they
must deal with the consequences of setting off an alarm.

A 5-foot-wide walkway hugs both sides of the walls of this sewer
channel. The sewage rushes swiftly west, frothing and gurgling
under a rudely built wooden bridge as it makes its way through a
grate and towards the nearby river.

The sewer system under Tourse was built with an incline

towards the river create good flow and reduce required
maintenance. Certain areas level off as storage areas, and it
is at this point the Underguild found an old maintenance
outpost’s bricked-up entrance. After knocking the wall in,
they found multi-roomed access tunnels. These 20-foot
wide tunnels are 10 feet high above the level of the walkways,
though with recent rains the sewer channel is filled almost
to the level of the walkway and only 1 foot below the bridge.
C3. PRIVIES A black pudding has taken up residence in the sewage
Arranged out back behind the tavern, each of these
under the bridge. The infestation of the ooze is encouraged
thick-walled alcoves is concealed by a threadbare curtain
by the Underguild, who see it as a silent guardian. They
and has only a hole cut in its earthen floor that drains
know to bring down a piece of dried meat (from the barrels
directly into the sewers (area C5) below. The holes are
in C4 or C6) to placate the guardian before crossing the
too small for anything larger than size Tiny to navigate
bridge. The pudding attacks any creature that crosses the
and descend a total of 15 feet before emptying into the
bridge without tossing a piece of food into the sewage.
sewage channel below.

A secret door on the opposite side of the bridge is almost

C4. STORAGE seamless, so that if the sewer floods no water seeps in. This
This room holds shelves and racks of spices, vegetables, grain, also conceals the door, making it more difficult to detect,
bottles of cooking wine, and bottles of stronger liquors. In the though tracks in the muck between the bridge and the door
center of the floor sits a large oddly placed decorative rug and a can be found with a DC 20 Survival or Wisdom (Perception)
barrel of dried meat. check. If successful, these provide a +5 bonus on Wisdom
(Perception) checks to find the secret door.

Secret Door: 2 in. thick; damage threshold 8; hp 40; Break The pungent odor of strange chemicals and reagents hangs in
DC 28; Wisdom (Perception) DC 25. the air of this chamber. The tables that fill the room are covered
with glass bottles and flasks, some placed upon small burners,
and some connected to each other with elaborate glass tubing.
BLACK PUDDING Among the bottles and liquids, a small bed with a nest of
blankets lies on the floor.
hp 85 black puddingSRD

C6. THIEVES’ TUNNEL This is the room of the Underguild’s alchemist and
Past the secret door, a tight, earthen passage runs to a sergeant-at-arms, Mertifrax the barghest. There is little of
small gathering area. The rough-hewn tunnel widens into note here other than the complete alchemist’s lab that can
a chamber that holds a large table with multiple wooden be found upon the tables. A search of the rumpled bedding
chairs surrounding it. Three oil lanterns give off a soft reveals a number of canine-like hairs left by the bed’s recent
glow, illuminating the four doors that exit the room. Large occupant which might lead the PCs to believe that the
tapestries cover the majority of the room’s walls, and room belongs to some kind of lycanthrope (perhaps even
bloodstains cover a disturbingly large area of the floor. Next the guard in C6). There is nothing else here to indicate the
to the southern passage is a barrel half-full of dried meat. identity of the room’s occupant.

A single lookout named Jamus Hyne stands guard here Treasure: Five bottles on one table hold a recently
at all times. Currently, the lookout is wearing a unique concocted elixir of antimordetis (see Appendix B). In addition,
magical wolfskin cloak that he stole from a priest during a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a book hidden
the raid on the Bastion of Righteous Decree. He paces in brackets attached to the bottom of one table. This book
back and forth in excitement, as he just recently learned is written in Infernal and includes the alchemical formulae
of its hidden abilities and highly anticipates using it again as well as helpful hints for the distillation of all the poisons
soon. If battle is joined, Jamus attempts to assume listed in the official 5E Game Masters Guide.
werewolf form before going on the attack.


JAMUS HYNE A massive canopy bed dominates this chamber. A
large dresser stands at the bed’s side, and cheap
Hp 90 (see werewolfSRD) paintings of the Ysser countryside hang on the
wall. The bedding and frame of the otherwise
Treasure: Jamus has a magical werewolf grand bed is soiled and ruined by mildew
skin (see Appendix D), a set of masterwork and stains, and the dresser only holds the
Thieves’ Tools (granting him a +1 bonus nondescript clothes many different trades
on Dexterity checks made with them), and occupations found in the city —
and 18 gp. obviously for use as disguises. However,
nothing is of any intrinsic value.

The door to this room has been The scent of wax faintly permeates this
rigged with an acid fog trap that goes chamber. At the eastern end of the chamber
off if the door is opened without rests an elegant coffin of bronze and
first flipping a small switch at the polished wood. It is open revealing a lining
bottom of the jamb. The switch can be of plush velevet. Beside this coffin stands a
found on a successful DC 22 Wisdom large open wardrobe, its interior overflowing
(Perception) check to search for traps and with elegant dresses. In the southern portion
the trap can be disabled with a successful of the room stands draconic beast, fully 16 feet
DC 22 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. This long from snout to tip of tail. It has scales of blue
acid fog spell (DC 18; see Appendix D) fills a and stands upon two clawed feet, wings splayed at
10-foot radius centered on the door. its side, its tail tipped by a menacing horn-like stinger.

The head of the local chapter of the Underguild at the function at the start of the waxwork wyvern's next
time of the temple assault was Eudoxia, a vampire of turn. The waxwork wyvern dies only if it starts its
exquisite beauty and a furious temper. A member of the
Underguild for over 50 years, it was she and her lover
turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.
Yorguio who expanded the organization’s reach into the
underworld of Tourse. The raid on the cathedral to both ACTIONS
recover the Crimson Shroud and use it as a lure to destroy Multiattack. The waxwork wyvern makes two attacks:
the margravine. Unfortunately for her, she miscalculated one with its bite and one with its stinger. While flying,
the cathedral’s defenses, and it cost her her eternal unlife at it can use its claws in place of one other attack.
the hands of the bishop.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
The draconic beast is recognizable as a wax mannequin Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
with a simple DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check, but is an
obviously skilled replica of a wyvern molded in wax. It also one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
happens to be a waxwork wyvern that Eudoxia had brought Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
in and assembled here piece by piece by Bandestei. The 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing
creature serves as a guardian for the chamber and attacks damage. The target must make a DC 15
anyone who enters unaccompanied by Eudoxia. Despite their Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison
leader’s recent death, the other Underguild survivors have
not yet decided on the best way to deal with the automaton damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
in order to recover their former leader’s treasures. on a successful one.

Treasure: A DC 22 Wisdom (Perception) check to search

WAXWORK WYVERN the coffin locates an assassin’s dagger (see Appendix D), two
potions of invisibility, and a bag of 10 emeralds (200 gp each).
Large construct, unaligned The dresses within the wardrobe are worth a total of 700 gp.
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Sitting on a shelf within is a pearl-handled hairbrush (250 gp).
Hit Points 110 (13d10 + 39) Hidden within the waxwork wyvern (Wisdom [Perception] DC
Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft. 30 only if it is destroyed) is a leather bundle holding 2,200 pp.


19 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) C10. BARRACKS
This wide chamber has been set up as a barracks. It has rows
Skills Perception +4 of uncomfortable wooden bunks and footlockers. There are
Damage Vulnerabilities fire perhaps a dozen in total. Most show signs of recent use with
soiled sheets and burlap pillows scattered in disarray.
Damage Immunities lightning, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Most agents of the Underguild in Tourse maintain
residences within the city. When mustering for a major
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 operation this room is used to house them while they
Languages -- prepare. The recent raid on the cathedral brought more
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) than a dozen agents to this safe house and had them staying
the previous night while they prepared. The few surviving
False Appearance. While the waxwork wyvern agents that returned here quickly rifled through their fallen
comrades’ personal items, claiming anything of value.
remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from
an inanimate statue.
Immutable Form. The waxwork wyvern is immune C11. STAGING ROOM
to any spell or effect that would alter its form. The door opens into a wide audience hall decorated with elaborate
Waxen Regeneration. The waxwork wyvern regains tapestries and art befitting a noble bloodline. A massive table sits
near the chamber’s entrance. Set atop its surface is a long, detailed
10 hit points at the start of its turn. If the waxwork
map of Tourse. The back of the chamber is partially divided by two
wyvern takes fire damage, this trait doesn't rounded buttresses that support the low ceiling overhead. Between

these buttresses hangs a long curtain that can be stretched across the curtain but is found automatically if a player states they
for privacy, though currently it is only partially drawn. Draped look behind the tapestry. Behind this door is a dugout tunnel
across a desk in the back corner is a blood-red shroud. that leads to a concealed dell on the banks of the nearby river.
It is from here that the Underguild sallies forth under cover of
darkness to undertake their clandestine enterprises.
The map on the table shows a number of marked locations of
old Underguild robberies, stakeouts, burglaries, etc. Though
none of it is of current relevance to the city. The front portion of Currently within this chamber are Bandestei, the
the room is for staging before an Underguild operation while ranking Underguild lieutenant after Eudoxia’s destruction,
the back portion is used for storage of necessary equipment Mertifrax, this Underguild chapter’s sergeant-at-arms
for an operation, storage of stolen goods waiting to be fenced, and local alchemist, and 4 Underguild thugs, all of whom
and even as a makeshift hospital based on the old bloodstains survived the recent raid on the cathedral. If no alarm has
on the stone floor here and there. The desk has a number of been raised in area C4 or C6, they may be able to surprise the
drawers holding little more than some moldering remains of remaining members of the Underguild gathered around
food, bits and pieces of old disguises, and a number of old the map table discussing how their attack on the Bastion of
Underguild passwords and phrases that are years out of date Righteous Decree went wrong. Anyone listening at the door
and no longer of use. Lying across the desk is the Crimson and making a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check can hear
Shroud, where the Underguild agents have carelessly tossed Bandestei (see “Note” below), berating the other members
it while trying to figure out their next move. Draped over for being sloppy in their execution. If the PCs listen for at
the back of the desk’s chair is a bandit’s cloak (see Appendix least 2 rounds, after berating the group Bandestei turns his
D). A pair of mildewed tapestries hang along the back wall attention to the Mertifrax and asks if his latest “batch” is
to try and keep the chill of the nearby river out of the room. ready for use. The alchemist replies that his current batch
Behind one of them is a concealed door. It requires a DC 20 is sufficient for five individuals. Bandestei closes by telling
Wisdom (Perception) check to notice without looking behind his men to make ready for the arrival of the margravine’s
goons who should have taken the bait and ought to be
arriving to get the Shroud at any time now.

Note: Bandestei is under a constant hide from undead spell

(see Appendix D), so if vampire PCs are unable to see or
hear the lieutenant until he attacks, causing them only to
hear the responses to his comments above and creating a
potentially confusing situation for listeners.

If the PCs have not managed to obtain surprise, the

group’s actions are described under “Tactics” below.


Hp 90 (see assassinSRD)
Gear potion of haste, potion of invisibility

Hp 90 (see werewolfSRD)
Innate Spellcasting Mertifrax’s fiend-tainted
bloodline grants him the ability to innately
cast the following spells, requiring no material
components. His spellcasting ability is Charisma
(spell save DC 14).
At will: blink, burning hands
1/day each: blur, dimension door

UNDERGUILD THUGS (6) One of the thugs is wearing the bandit’s cloak (see Appendix
D) on the desk chair, and they all hide behind the curtain
Medium humanoid, neutral evil and spring out to attack with surprise when the party enters.
Armor Class 13 (studded leather armor) They initially use their bows and to make concentrated sneak
Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27) attacks on the first PC to enter the room and then switch to
Speed 30 ft. their axes to try and lure the party fully into the room and
set up the attacks of their comrades using Stealth to stay out
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA of sight. They try to gang up on PCs to continue their sneak
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) attacks and will maneuver around the battlefield as needed
to press their advantage. The thug wearing the bandit’s cloak
Skills Stealth +5 will only activate if none of his companions are within its
Senses passive Perception 10 area of effect or if he is on the verge of death.
Languages Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Development: During the third round of combat,
Sneak Attack. Once per turn, the thug deals an Margravine Cassandra Vanderhaven (see Appendix A)
extra 7 (2d6) damage when it hits a target with a infiltrates the chamber in gaseous form through the secret
weapon attack and has advantage on the attack entrance at the back, having located and breached the safe
house using her own resources. When she realized the
roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally PCs were going to raid it, she opted to wait and see what
of the thug that isn’t incapacitated and the thug mayhem they could cause. She tries to remain behind the
doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. tapestry as much as possible requiring an opposed Wisdom
(Perception) check against her Stealth to spot her before she
ACTIONS assumes her corporeal form. Anyone making at least a DC
20 Wisdom (Perception) check notices a slight chill draft in
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., the room the round before she emerges due to her opening
one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) slashing damage. the concealed door behind the tapestry before assuming
Longbow. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range gaseous form. She materializes long enough to grab the
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing Crimson Shroud from the desk before ducking back behind
damage. the tapestry and through the open door there. If attacked
before she can make her escape, she tries to dominate
any attackers with her gaze and orders them to cover her
Tactics: If the inhabitants of the room become aware
retreat. Unless you wish for the adventure to end here, you
of the PCs entering their lair, they order Jamus in C6 to
should orchestrate the margravine’s escape with the Shroud.
ambush and slow them in C5. If he doesn’t know the PCs
Once to the riverbank she assumes gaseous form again and
have become afflicted with vampirism, Badnestei uses his
disappears into the night mists over the river. If the PCs are
potion of invisibility on himself and hides beneath the map
having a hard time with the encounter, the margravine can
table. If he is aware of their condition, he relies on his hide
make an early appearance and take down a few of the foot
from undead ability at the beginning of combat and uses his
soldiers before she makes off with the Crimson Shroud.
potion of invisibility later. He tries to assassinate a PC that has
not acted in the first round of combat and otherwise tries to
position himself with allies to use his sneak attack ability. Treasure: The desk contains a hidden compartment
under its writing surface (Wisdom [Perception] DC 23)
that is locked and trapped an acid trap (DC 18 Wisdom
Mertifrax uses his blink and blur innate spells and waits
[Perception] to discover the trap, DC 18 Dexterity [Thieves’
around the corner from the entrance by the door to C9.
Tools] check to disarm) that shoots a stream of acid at
He uses burning hands whenever he can get PCs in the
anyone opening the compartment without using the key.
area without endangering his allies if possible, though he
This deals 4d6 acid damage on a failed DC 20 Dexterity
is willing to risk harm to the foot soldiers if it is to his
saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.
advantage. He blinks out of danger before repositioning
himself for new attacks each round, or retreats blinking
back and forth behind the curtain. Within this compartment is a bag of assorted gems
worth 6,700 gp, a hat of disguise, and forged identification
documents and credentials of a half dozen different
“residents” of Tourse that the Underguild can use to

infiltrate or evade as necessary. Who these identities are A2. A DC 10 Knowledge (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check
and how they may be of use to the party is up to the GM. identifies them as large canine tracks, while a DC 15 on these
checks confirms them to be wolves. Once the tracks have been
identified, a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check easily follows
Locked Secret Compartment: hardness 5; hp 25; Break
them into A5 and the double doors leading into A6. See that
DC 18; Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) 30.
area for the means of gaining entry to the room.

RETURN TO THE MANOR Assuming the PCs are able to enter the room, add the
After the events at The Lich’s Laboratory, the margravine following description in addition to the previous one
has the Crimson Shroud and is in a rush to use its abilities provided in Chapter 1.
to remove her vampire weaknesses. Once freed of these
constraints, she plans on visiting any old enemies for a The beautiful stained glass roof sparkles as small beams of
drink. In addition, she dreams of true immortality, and sunlight filter through in a rainbow of colors. The rising sun
the ever-increasing power of her psychic abilities that will provides slight illumination as it peaks over the horizon and
make here the region’s one true master vampire. pierces through city’s haze and building’s windows. Sunlight,
the once-revered, life-giving radiance that is now to be feared.
Standing before the central pedestal is the Margravine Cassandra
The PCs will be unable to follow her through the river veiled in the diaphanous folds of the Crimson Shroud.
mists after absconding with the Crimson Shroud through the
Underguild’s backdoor. They don’t know where she might
be headed but a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check does Within the conservatory are the Margravine Cassandra
not recall any other known holdings of any significance of Vanderhaven, her house steward and sycophant Forsythe, as
the margravine in or around the city, and with the coming well as her summoned children of the night in the form of a
down only a few hours at most away she must be seeking pack of 7 wolves. From the start of this encounter, the clock
shelter from the sun’s rays. If the players don’t think of it is running for the PCs. The sun has begun to rise and the
themselves, A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals margravine is counting on it to complete the Ritual of the
that with the destruction (or at least temporary removal) of Corrupted Shroud (see Appendix B). The stained glass of the
the vampire hunter threat, Vanderhaven Manor is likely the roof is magically warded against the rays of direct sunlight, but
most logical place for the margravine to have retreated at only enough to reduce the light level by one step. It still causes
least in the short term. The PCs don’t have time to gather a full vampire to become exhausted under prolonged exposure.
allies elsewhere in the city, so their only viable option seems Cassandra has broken open a single 5-foot section directly above
to be heading back to Vanderhaven Manor and hoping to the central dais so that the sunlight through the roof will fall
catch the margravine before she can complete her nefarious upon it and her as the sun rises. If she moves during the ritual,
plans with the Crimson Shroud. she must return to the dais by the final round of the ritual. The
sun has begun to rise as the PCs gain entrance into the room
(unless for some reason they refuse or are unable to, in which
EVENT 9: VANDERHAVEN MANOR REDUX case she completes the ritual uninterrupted). Assuming the
PCs gain entry into the conservatory, they will enter on Round
The PCs can reach the manor before dawn, but its pink 1 of the ritual (see “Tactics” below).
suggestion is beginning to show on the eastern horizon. It
is only a matter of minutes before the sun’s rays force the
PCs to seek shelter within their own coffins. While she undergoes this process, Forsythe and her
summoned wolves do everything they can to keep the party
away from the margravine, including fighting to the death.
The house is exactly as they left it, and if any members of In addition, she has Forsythe here for the ritual’s sacrificial
the vampire hunters survived their attack, they have returned demands. However, when the PCs arrive, she focuses the
to Temple of Mitra to await the PCs. The margravine has sacrificial demand on one of them instead. This creates a
retreated to area A6 to conduct her ritual, though the PCs may second hazard for the PCs as the Crimson Shroud begins to pull
need to search around a little bit to conclude that. During blood from their bodies. On any round in which the targeted
this process remind them of their urgency as the predawn PC succeeds at his saving throw to avoid the blood sacrifice,
darkness gradually grows lighter and lighter with the swiftly Cassandra defaults to Forsythe instead. If Forsythe is slain, the
coming day. A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check in A2, A5, margravine makes the sacrifice from her own hit points in that
or the hallway in between them notices many new muddy round counting on her fast healing to recover them.
tracks. These are coming in through the broken window in

MARGRAVINE CASSANDRA VANDERHAVEN throw is required each round with the DC increasing by 1
each round). Any vampire (again, other than the margravine)
Hp 204 (see page 84) standing on the central dais is subject to direct sunlight
and is staggered in the first round and destroyed in the
FORSYTHE second consecutive round of exposure.

Hp 82 (see Appendix A, page 555 vampire sycophant)

Round 10: The margravine completes the ritual and
immediately assumes gaseous form. She makes her way to
WOLVES (7) A4 in order to access her coffin in A26 where she will be
able to regain her material form after 2 rounds of rest.
Hp 11 (wolvesSRD)
Pack Tactics. The wolves have advantage on an
Development: If the margravine is defeated before
attack roll against a creature if at least one of the completing the ritual, she likewise assumes gaseous form
wolves or vampires is within 5 feet of the creature in order to reach her coffin in A26 as described above.
and that ally isn’t incapacitated. Regardless of how the margravine is dealt with, the Crimson
Shroud is left behind in this chamber.
Tactics: The margravine and her retinue use the following
tactics to battle the PCs during the ritual, and the timetable
of outside events occur as outlined below. Modify the tactics EVENT 10: IN THE CRYPT OF THE
of the margravine’s forces as necessary based on the actions MARGRAVINE
of the PCs, but completion of the ritual remains her top The most likely way for the PCs to discover area A26 is to
priority — Cassandra knows she only gets one chance at this. follow the margravine’s gaseous form here after battling
her in Event 9. If the PCs defeated her during the ritual,
then Margravine Cassandra is here in her coffin recovering
Round 1: Arrival of the PCs, initiative is rolled. Forsythe from her wounds. If she was able to complete the Ritual of
and the wolves rush forward to protect their master. On the Corrupted Shroud, then she only needs to rest in her
Cassandra’s initiative she begins the Ritual of the Corrupted coffin for 2 rounds before being able to emerge whole and
Shroud and the targeted PC begins to take damage. The with none of the weaknesses of a normal vampire (see the
margravine automatically succeeds on her skill checks and Ritual of the Corrupted Shroud in Appendix D). One of her
begins to have one vampire weakness removed each round first actions in combat will be to pull the outer lid off of the
(see the Ritual of the Corrupted Shroud in Appendix D). coffin in order to release the blood pudding within to give
the PCs something extra to worry about.
Round 5: The morning sun filtering into the room is
sufficiently bright to cause any vampire in the chamber
(other than the margravine) to start taking half damage due MARGRAVINE CASSANDRA VANDERHAVEN
to their sunlight hypersensitivity unless they succeed on
Hp 204 (see page 64)
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. An additional saving

BLOOD PUDDING The pudding can eat through 2-inch-thick,
Large ooze, unaligned nonmagical wood or metal in 1 round.
Armor Class 7 Spider Climb. The pudding can climb difficult
Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30) surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. without needing to make an ability check.
16 (+3) 5 (-3) 16 (+3) 1 (-5) 6 (-2) 1 (-5)Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
Damage Resistance fire 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning
Damage Immunities cold, lightning, necrotic, damage plus 18 (4d8) necrotic damage and the
slashing target is grappled (Escape DC 13). In addition,
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, nonmagical armor worn by the target has its
exhaustion, frightened, prone energy drained and ages prematurely and takes
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to the
passive Perception 8 AC it offers. The armor is destroyed if the penalty
Languages -- reduces its AC to 10.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Amorphous. The pudding can move through a Split. When a pudding that is Medium or larger
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. is subjected to lightning or slashing damage, it
Bloody Miasma. A creature that touches the splits into two new puddings if it has at least 10
pudding or hits it with a melee attack while hit points. Each new pudding has hit points equal
within 5 feet of it takes 4 (1d8) necrotic damage. to half the original pudding's, rounded down.
Any nonmagical weapon made of metal or wood New puddings are one size smaller than the
that hits the pudding has its energy drained original pudding.
and ages prematurely. After dealing damage,
the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative Development: If she is defeated her and get inside her
−1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops coffin while she is still recovering, Cassandra attempts to
charm the PCs, and if that fails she begs for her life. She
to −5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical offers up everything, even the Crimson Shroud and its secrets,
ammunition made of metal or wood that hits her mansion, and her wealth, though course she attempts to
the pudding is destroyed after dealing damage. double-cross the PCs at the first available opportunity.

CONCLUDING THE their plight through his own mysterious network. If
the PCs previously made a favorable impression upon
the artist, he puts them in touch with an underground
ADVENTURE cleric of Bacchus-Dionysus who can perform the ritual
they need in exchange for allowing him to paint their
vampiric destruction (staking, sunlight, etc.) at the hands
If the party is successful at the end of the adventure, they
of the cleric. If they have not previously made a favorable
should have destroyed Margravine Cassandra and recovered
impression on the painter, he demands a payment of
the Crimson Shroud with at least one of the PCs still in
5,000 gp as well as the painting before he will put them in
control of himself as a free-willed vampire (as opposed to
touch with the cleric. In any event, the cleric of Bacchus-
having succumbed to evil through feeding and becoming a
Dionysus demands they turn over the Crimson Shroud to
GM-controlled NPC). It is possible that such a PC will need
him before he will use the ritual.
to try and put down any of his evil party members in order
to have the Crimson Shroud cure administered to them even
against their will. Since the dawn has come, the first order Unfortunately for the PCs, regardless of whom they procure
of business for the PCs will be to return to their coffins in to perform the Ritual of the Crimson Shroud, they all know
A5 until the next nightfall which will give a canny PC the that to do so they first have to destroy the PCs and use the
opportunity to stake his unsuspecting corrupted comrades Shroud’s true resurrection ability on each PC at the rate of
in order to keep them in a state of suspended animation once per week. They will propose to stake each PC and then
until such time that the cure can be administered. The PCs expose them all to the light of sunrise to burn them to ash and
are in luck during this first day of rest because both the permanently destroy them as undead. They will then resurrect
remoteness of access and the reputation of Vanderhaven one PC on the first morning (the ashes of the vampires are
Manor will keep anyone from trespassing at the house sufficient for the Crimson Shroud’s power to work) and allow
before nightfall when the PCs can become active again. them to oversee and bear witness to the completion of the
process over the next month or so. The clerics of Grox will,
surprisingly, abide by any agreement they previously made
The PCs have the Crimson Shroud but do not know
with the PCs but will demand the additional concession of
the Ritual of the Crimson Shroud to cure them of their
the return of the Crimson Shroud to them at the end as they
vampiric affliction. In addition, their continual blood
suddenly realize the leverage that they have over the PCs in
hunger (page 89) means they are unlikely to have time
the situation. High Faithful Thesius will likewise willingly
to research the ritual before succumbing to their foul
conduct the ritual — even if the PCs slew some or all of his
impulses, so their best bet is to find someone who can
vampire hunters in Event 8 — but only on the condition that
do the ritual for them. The most obvious possibilities
they concede ownership of the Crimson Shroud to the Temple
include any deals they have brokered with Vorlawn Hodge
of Mitra at the end of the process so that it may be used for the
or Bishop Voltix at the Bastion of Righteous Decree or
benefit of all. He will resurrect any of the slain hunters during
possibly even High Faithful Thesius Blathe of the local
this time to bolster his position against recalcitrant PCs.
Temple of Mitra, who all possess the requisite knowledge
of the Shroud and its ritual necessary to cure the PCs.
If the PCs do not have any of these opportunities, the It is entirely possible that the PCs may decide to renege
strange elven painter Corodolan Ielvian (from Event on any deals regarding giving up the Crimson Shroud and
2) seeks them out on the next night, having learned of instead intending to keep it for themselves. As GM, you

should be cautious about allowing an artifact of its potency Voltix Calbrough or a favorable impression with Claudius
to remain in the hands of the PCs. Its presence could easily Camrid (Event 2) reduces this to return of 50% of the
unbalance a game. It would be better to have the respective monetary treasures along with the silver dove and +1
church make its own contingency plans for just such a sharp bastard sword from A6 and the +2 mithral breastplate
double cross that prevent the PCs from being able to do from A26. If the PCs have not allied with either of these
so. One possible alternative is to allow the party to come individuals but have made alliance with High Faithful
to an agreement with the church that they may return and Thesius and bring forth proof of the margravine’s
receive the use of the Shroud on future occasions free of vampirism and other unsavory practices, they are offered
charge. This keeps it out of their immediate hands but the same deal.
also makes a potent resource available to them should they
need resurrection or similar services later.
If the PCs have not openly displayed any of the
Vanderhaven property or revealed their part in events,
In any event, as long as the PCs have not attempted to suspicion still falls heavily upon them. In this case the
double cross the benefactor providing the ritual, they have duke orders an investigation of them. If the PCs have
created at least something of an ally that can assist them allied with Bishop Voltix or made a favorable impression
in other ways — most notably in what amounts to the with Claudius Camrid or Lady Renee Galatry (both from
assassination of the Margravine of Tourse, no small matter Event 2), then the investigation finds nothing conclusive
within the duchy. It is possible that the PCs have managed but does require the return of the dove, the sword, and
to cover their tracks well with the margravine having the breastplate if they are found to be missing from the
“disappeared” (her body having been reduced to ash by the manor. Otherwise the investigation leads to the conclusion
rays of sunlight after being defeated by the PCs in area A26), as described in the paragraph above.
but they are still not above suspicion having been seen with
her at the party which was her last public appearance and
The situation for the PCs in Tourse varies widely
likely having stayed in residence at her manor afterward
depending on how the adventure goes: anything from
— and especially if they are seen possessing any items
being wanted criminals on the run, to cronies with some of
connected with her family and household.
the city’s corrupt leadership, to civic crusaders allied with
the rising Temple of Mitra. Whichever it turns out to be,
There are several ways that this can play out. In truth they are likely to have many uncomfortable memories of
Duke Kanimar Passur cares little for the passing of the their time spent as blood drinkers among the city’s night-
House of Vanderhaven and assumes formal control of shrouded streets that could serve to propel them towards or
duchy’s capital city himself with the ability to give out repel them from further adventures in the city. The Church
the hollow title of Margrave of Tourse to some other of Grox will attempt to rebuild its influence while the
political toady at a later date. However, he does have a Underguild is unlikely to abandon its own aspirations for
duty to keep up appearances and cannot allow nobles the city and duchy. All of that combined with a crusading
of the realm to be murdered and robbed with impunity. Church of Mitra and a thoroughly corrupt government
If the PCs have made no secret of their involvement ensures plenty of adventure opportunities should the PCs
and their possession of Vanderhaven property, the duke want them.
orders their arrest and the return of all the treasures
taken from the manor. Having made a deal with Bishop

Adventure 3:
When Comes The Moon

The famed observatory at Asteria Point has long endured upon its
mountain heights, yet wars, plagues, and the ravages of time have
dimmed its glory to a faint ember kept by a tiny order of faithful monks.
When sinister forces stalk the night and even those faithful few begin to
disappear, the church sends out a call for heroes to investigate and save
this remnant of a wiser and more learned age. Yet all is not as it seems
among the high peaks, and secrets grow darker and danger ever deeper
with the moon’s every rising.
Introduction original mission was forgotten and lost, new generations of
clerics tended the abbey in the belief that the site was nothing
more than an observatory to study the moons.
When Comes the Moon can be placed in a remote
mountainous area of any campaign setting. In the Lost Long before this, Asteria Point was the site of a war against
Lands it is set in a lonely corner of the Cretian (CREE-shin) ghastly moon creatures called Lunites, which used the
Mountains at the northeastern corner of the old Kingdoms mountain peak as a navigational guide point for their stellar
of Foere at the edge of Yolbiac (YOLE-bee-ack) Vale. travels between the greater moon of Luna and the planet
Boros*. The moon creatures journeyed through the ethers of
space and sought to invade. However, the Ancient Ones and
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND EldestLL5 elves of Yolbiac ValeLL5 resisted, battling them to a
The Abbey of the Asterian Order has stood its mountaintop stalemate. The ancient defenders of the Vale managed to slay
vigil since the days of the Hyperborean Empire when the many of the lesser creatures and bound a powerful moon-
Church of Thyr enjoyed a reputation and power above beast’s essence into the standing stone at the peak of Asteria
that of all other Hyperborean faiths. Through its magical Point. This unearthly stone block was the pivotal tether point
observatory lens, the clerics of the order could study the that allowed the Lunite invaders to cross into the terrestrial
greater and lesser moons called LunaLL1a and SybilLL1a, as world on nights when the moon waxed full. By casting a
well as the many other wonders of the night sky, from which powerful binding on the standing stone and trapping a
they read omens and collect celestial observations. But just as portion of the powerful moon-beast’s psyche within, the
the tides of history roll on and fortunes change, the Church Ancient One followers of Myrddin blocked the tether point,
of Thyr has fallen from its place of ancient prominence. At preventing further invasion from the ethers of space.
present, the Asterian Abbey stands upon its lonely point,
nearly forgotten, and occupied by only a handful of clerics
who maintain the abbey, unaware of the original purpose of Centuries later the Eldest population suffered an
the site and true mission of the Asterian Order. unknown catastrophe and virtually disappeared from
the Vale. A debilitating war with a degenerate mountain
tribe called the JaundoolsLL9 likewise left the Ancient
Seven centuries ago, the Church of Thyr was in decline and Ones of Yolbiac Vale greatly reduced, leaving the wards
the Red Plague struck the area, destroying most of the order, of Asteria Point to weaken untended. With the coming
including the entire upper echelon of the church’s clergy. The of the Hyperboreans and gods, a new force entered the
survivors abandoned the abbey and it was hundreds of years lands of Akados bringing their own peace on the tail end
before Thyrian migrants reoccupied the site. Thus, the Order’s of conquest. As the Hyperboreans exerted their influence

* Boros was the common name in antiquity of the planet upon which the continent of Akados lies. It is now called
Lloegyr. See page 4 of LL1: Stoneheart Valley by Frog God Games.

Imperial Erylle Huun
Record Cycle Chronicle
(I.R.) (E.C.) (H.C.) Event(s)
–4102 2383 Lunite invasion of Asteria Point stopped by combined efforts of Ancient Ones
and Eldest tribes of Yolbiac Vale
–4098 2387 Druids of Yolbiac Vale focus energies of multiple sacred sites to defend Asteria
Point against further invaders; Dykath imprisoned in standing stone
–591 5894 Eldest suffer unknown catastrophe, groaning spirits proliferate in Yolbiac Vale
–182 6303 Ancient One tribes battle degenerate Jaundools; Yolbiac Vale largely depopulated
–109 6376 Polemarch Oerson leads Hyperborean Legion out of Boros and into Akados;
Beginning of Hyperborean Age
–71 6414 Polemarch Oerson visits Yolbiac Vale; Church of Thyr assumes protection of
Asteria Point
1 6485 Battle of Hummaemidon; Birth of Imperial Record
1491 7975 New lunar invasion thwarted by priests and paladins of Thyr
1988 8472 Abbey of the Asterian Order founded at Asteria Point to carry on vigilance against
lunar invaders
2781 9265 286 Red Plague strikes Kingdoms of Foere; One quarter of the population of the
central lands dies including Magnusson II; Son Osbert I succeeds to the throne
2797 9281 302 Red Plague returns and strikes central Kingdoms of Foere again; Much of the
kingdom’s central territories are depopulated due to the high death toll; Plague
claims Overking Osbert I who is succeeded by his son Osbert II; Asterian Order
decimated by plague
2804 9288 309 Abbey of the Asterian Order abandoned
3153 9637 658 Thyrian migrants reoccupy Abbey of the Asterian Order
3517 10,001 1022 Current year
* Excerpted from the Lost Lands Campaign Setting timeline by Frog God Games.

even into the remote regions of the Cretian Mountains, the atrocities of lunar creatures on the surrounding Valefolk,
they were met by a delegation of the remaining druids who as civilization began to move into the area. Over time the
still called the Vale home and were told of the invasions incursions were largely forgotten and the assumption of the
and the continuing threat posed by Asteria Point. In return abbey as nothing more than an astronomical observatory came
for a peaceful transition of the remnant tribes of Yolbiac into vogue, but the Order’s true purpose remained to watch
Vale to habitation by Hyperborean settlers, the Church the skies for signs of renewed threatening lunar activity, which
of Thyr agreed to undertake the duty of guarding against might herald new potential incursions. Its true purpose, that is,
further incursions of the lunar invaders. until even memory of that among the Order was lost.

The will of the Hyperboreans was soon tested as a weakening To this isolated and frozen mountain top come the
of the druidic wards allowed a new invasion of the point, and heroes who stumble upon this ancient secret and a dire
only after hard-fought battles were the mountain lands once threat to the existence of everyone at the abbey as they stay
again secured and the remaining Lunites hunted down. The there during the three nights of the full moon.
Asterian Order was founded by the church to put an end to

ADVENTURE SUMMARY discover the presence of more undead and hints of a danger
upon the mountain that predates even the coming of the
The party is sent to a lonely mountain abbey on the first
holy order. The PCs begin to understand that the magical
day of the full moon to look into the disappearance of
oculus may have something to do with an ancient standing
two of its brothers. At the abbey, the party finds only four
stone that sits upon the mountain’s peak. The discovery
monks remain of the ancient order that once occupied the
of a female werewolf stalking the abbey leads the party to
fortress-like monastery with its magical, stargazing oculus.
the second missing brother, now infected with lycanthropy
While interacting with the brothers over dinner the first
compounding the troubles of the abbey.
night, the PCs realize that there are many secrets hiding
in the abbey — possibly more than just the disappearance
of the two monks. The abbot tells the PCs that the monks The party can continue its investigations until finally on
disappeared while exploring in the ancient crypts beneath the third night of the moon things come to a head when
the abbey but then confides in them that he thinks a one of the monks betrays his brother. It is revealed that this
werewolf has been stalking the mountains and is what brother has an ancient connection to aberrant creatures
actually took the monks. This statement is punctuated by from the moon in his bloodline which has allowed a
the howl of some great wolf echoing across the mountains. moon-beast long petrified within the standing stone to
gain control of his mind. Using that monk’s body and the
blood of the slain abbot, the moon-beast intends to open a
The next day the party begins its investigation and can
bridge to the moon through which lunar invaders ravaged
explore the abbey as well as the crypt and surrounding
the lands millennia ago until stopped and the abbey was
grounds. They also begin to experience the strange
erected to guard against further incursions. The party
phenomena and circumstances that surround the abbey,
must race to the mountain top battling an ever-increasing
from superstitious peasants to restless elven ghosts. In the
number of lunar invaders to finally confront the moon-
abbey’s catacombs they discover one of the dead brothers,
beast and close the breach between worlds once and for all.
slain by undead long sealed within the crypt. They also


The adventure begins with the player characters in the
town of Coelum, the nominal capital of the disparate folk
of Yolbiac Vale. Why the PCs are in the Vale is entirely up to
them, but its forested depths are known for their wilderness
and adventure, so the presence of adventurers is extremely
common. Shortly after their arrival in town, the PCs are
met by an out-of-breath young acolyte in training from
the Temple of Thyr. He bears a brusque summons to the
temple by Tholberon of Thyr, the local high priest and the
highest religious authority in the entire Vale. Assuming the
PCs agree to accompany the flustered young man to the
temple, he takes them into the presence of Tholberon of
Thyr (LG male old human cleric of Thyr 9) and Luald the
Witch-Hunter (LG male human paladin of Thyr 7). Read
the following description.
The temple of Thyr in Coelum is no great affair, a rather shaky-
looking assemblage of moss-grown timbers and fitted stone.
Whatever comprises the materials of its roof is completely hidden
beneath the moss and even what appear to be small shrubs and a
sizable sapling that grow upon it. Within is little better with poor
lighting, worse ventilation, and the musty smell of mildew.

You are ushered into a small cluttered reading room where you
find an acerbic-looking, bespectacled older fellow dressed in the
vestments of a Thyrian priest seated at a darkwood table. Glowering
behind him stands a tall man who makes his seated compatriot

Yolbiac Vale is a dark, forested series of valleys high in the central range of the Cretian Mountains. It is accessible by passes
only at the northern and southern ends from the lowland towns of Elet and Metzel, respectively. Though it has a scattering of
isolated settlements, Coelum is the only population center of any significance in the Vale. Yolbiac Vale, the Cretian Mountains,
and the town of Coelum are detailed extensively in LL5: Borderland Provinces by Frog God Games, but game information for
the town of Coelum is provided below to allow the player characters to resupply and equip themselves there in case you do
not have access to that resource.

THE TOWN OF COELUM • Watchmeister Gustav Lampert, Husjaeger

Commander (LE male human fighter 13)
• Tholberon of Thyr, High Priest of Thyr (LG male
old human cleric 9 of Thyr)
COELUM • Blind Cynthiene, High Priestess of Narrah (N female
N large town human cleric 12 of Narrah)
Coelum is an insular, isolated town of superstitious folk • Luald the Witch-Hunter (LG male human paladin 7,
that want little to do with outsiders. worshiper of Thyr)
Government overlord • The Drogas Mondu (N male venerable human druid
Population 2,848 (2,602 humans; 181 hill dwarves; 65 half- 12)
• Cithinvere of Coleum (CE female human cleric 7 of
Notable NPCs Hecate)
• Riaundo Groon, High Mayor of Coleum (N male • Augus Monticylaire, local vintner (N male human)
human noble)

seem cheery in comparison. Hooded, dark eyes peer at you intensely He doesn’t wait for a response before pressing ahead. “There is a
above hollow, pock-marked cheeks and a great beak of a nose. He small abbey to our faith in the mountains not far from here called the
wears an ornate breastplate, spotted with rust, and rests his hand Asterian Order. I have just yesterday received a letter from its abbot
casually on the hilt of a sword hanging from his belt. From the advising that two of the brothers at the abbey have disappeared
sour, curdled smell emanating from his presence, you get the idea he under mysterious circumstances within the last week. They are a
doesn’t remove the breastplate to bathe very often. small order and can ill afford the losses to even maintain the upkeep
of the place much less serve the will of Thyr. However, such a remote
“Please come in,” the seated man states, “and close the door outpost doesn’t warrant the attentions of the Witch-Hunter or the
behind you. Child Roland, you may wait in the hall.” The young Knights of the Swan, so I turn to you instead, newcomers.
acolyte swiftly departs under the elder’s scrutiny, which then shifts
to you. He does not offer you seats, and there are none present in “Luald’s instincts tell him you’re trustworthy enough—” the
any case. standing fellow still has yet to make any movement more than
breathing. “And you seem affordable. So, can I count on you to
“I am Tholberon of Thyr, High Priest of Coelum and Justiciar head up to the abbey and sort out what’s going on up there? I’d
of the Vale. This is Luald the Witch-Hunter.” He indicates the wager either the brothers have run away or gotten drunk and
man standing behind him who doesn’t so much as blink at the fallen off a cliff, but Abbot Quilm seems to be in a tizzy over it, so
introduction. “I am told that you are newly arrived and hungry for sending you is the least I can do.”
work. I don’t care about any of that, but you look like adventurers
of some mettle so I have a job for you if you are up to it.” He looks at you over the rim of the half-moon spectacles perched
on the end of his nose as he awaits your answer.

DC Result DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) can detect a small hint of falseness,
though this is merely regarding his role in affairs in Yolbiac
10 No one dares go up on the slopes of Asteria Vale. While he is the highest-ranking member of Thyrian in
Point except those crazy clerics of the Asterian the clergy, his proclamations of “High Priest of Coelum” and
Order. That’s because Asteria Point is the home “Justiciar of the Vale” are entirely self-appointed. Any further
of the old gods. queries receive a snort of derision and the comment that
12 That abbey has stood on mountain for centuries. he’s too busy to play question games and that they can ask
It was once a very prominent religious site in around if they need to know anything else.
the Vale but fell on hard times many years ago.
No one goes up there much, and the brothers
rarely come down. ASKING AROUND TOWN
25 The abbey on Asteria Point is an observatory If the PCs seek further information about the abbey or
where priests study the moons and stars in the Asterian Order in general, they can use Charisma
the clear air of the high mountains. They take (Persuasion) checks to gather information as they ask
omens from the movements of the celestial around Coelum while they equip themselves for their
bodies and learn the future. journey. Though neither Tholberon nor the Witch-Hunter
18 Much of Yolbiac Vale’s population was wiped have anything further to say to them, there are a total of
out by the Red Plague 700 years ago, and the 2 priests and 2 acolytes in training at the local temple in
abbey was abandoned for centuries afterwards. addition to 10 itinerant priests who proselytize the Vale of
Thyrian priests only arrived to repair and which 1d4+2 are present in Coelum at any given time. If the
reoccupy the place a couple centuries ago, PCs think to question any of them, they gain a +2 bonus on
though the abbey has never risen to the their checks. Intelligence (Investigation) and Intelligence
prominence it once had. (History) checks can also be attempted, with characters
native to Yolbiac Vale gaining advantage on such checks.
20 Wild elves known as the Eldest once inhabited Consult the table below to determine what each PC knows
Yolbiac Vale. They would never go on Asteria or has learned. They obtain the information for the DC
Point. No one knows why, though if anyone did they rolled as well as any DCs below their check.
it would be one of the few druids that are left
in the Vale.
If the PCs accept the job, Tholberon tells them that the It’s possible that the PCs might want to ask around on
abbey lies 3 days’ travel to the north on the side of a mountain additional topics as well. A few of these are included below
called Asteria Point and can be reached by following a little- as well as the skill check and DC to find the information.
used road from Coelum. He thinks that the trip shouldn’t As above, PCs who are local gain advantage on Intelligence
be overly dangerous but that you can never tell with travel (Investigation) and Intelligence (History).
in the Vale outside the confines of “civilized” towns, so he
recommends they be prepared for trouble just in case. He
can’t tell the PCs much about the situation stating only that Knights of the Swan
Abbot Quilm sent a short, vaguely worded letter asking for DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) or Intelligence (History)
help, which Tholberon has since misplaced. The Order of the Swan is a company of itinerant knights
based out of the castle of Sir Thyrian de Swan 20 miles
If the PCs ask any questions about the Asterian Order, it north of Coelum. They devote themselves to hunting down
quickly becomes apparent that he knows little about it. It the horrors of the wilds to protect the civilized folk of the
is small (he’s not sure exactly how small) and they generally Vale from the dark denizens that would otherwise prey
stay up on the mountain tending to their own affairs. They upon themLL5.
receive a small (very small) stipend from the High Altar of
Thyr in Bard’s GateLL8-23,178 every few months with which Local Druids
supplies and the few necessaries for its maintenance are DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) or Intelligence (Religion);
purchased and delivered by local carters, but other than that Druids gain advantage on this check
they are largely self-sufficient and keep to themselves. He
quickly adds somewhat smugly that he also knows the order One of the Vale’s druids, a white-robed old man called the
is in good standing with the Church of Thyr, as he would Drogas Mondu tends a grove and sacred cromlech just
not allow any form of apostasy to proliferate on his watch. A outside of townLL5.

Luald the Witch-Hunter of his position. (Despite being fairly disagreeable and generally
DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) or Intelligence (Religion); unpleasant, Tholberon is lawful good and truly does take his
Followers of Thyr gain advantage on this check, questioning mission for the church seriously.) Luald remains taciturn
clergy at the Temple of Thyr likewise grants advantage throughout the interview. It should quickly become obvious
The Witch-Hunter is the churches local inquisitor and to the PCs that if they don’t elect to help the inhabitants of the
Tholberon’s attack dog. He’s got a sword called “Deadman” abbey, they are unlikely to receive any help at all.
that can sniff out evil in any form. The man’s a true zealot,
but he’s fair and he’s saved a lot of folks from danger in the
forests over the yearsLL5.
If the PCs seek out this old druid, they can find him as
described under Asking Around Town above tending to his
The trip up the mountain to the Abbey of the Asterian
sacred cromlech and muttering prayers in Druidic to such
Order is uneventful unless you wish to add some wilderness
beings as Bel, Myrddin, and AnnawnLL5. He is friendly if a
encounters to spice it up. Wilderness encounters tables suitable
bit doddering in his twilight years but can provide them
for Yolbiac Vale can be found on page 231 of LL5: Borderland
with some information if questioned about Asteria Point
Provinces by Frog God Games, or you can use your own
and they succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
encounters suitable for temperate mountains. The adventure
If the check is successful, he will relate that long before the
is set at altitudes between 5,000 and 15,000 feet, so use the 5E
clerics of the “new god” (as he calls the ancient deity Thyr)
System Reference Document standard rules for adventuring at
built their house, the druids of old erected a standing stone
high altitude and in extreme cold. An hour spent at altitudes
upon the mountains peak sacred to the true gods of old.
above 10,000 feet counts as 2 hours for determination of how
He can provide no further information, quickly losing his
long a creature can travel. All creatures and NPCs the PCs
train of thought if pressed further.
encounter in this adventure will be acclimated to the altitude,
so Constitution saving throws will not be required for them.
If the PCs elect to travel to the castle of Sir Thyrian de Regardless of the PCs’ means of travel, they arrive at the
Swan north of Coelum, it will require at least 2 day’s travel abbey late in the day. It is the first night of Luna the Pale
to get there and back (unless they have magical means of Sister’s full moon, though do not relate this to the players
travel), though the knights will lodge them within the unless they ask for the information.
castle for standard lodging prices. Once there the PCs
will be able to briefly meet with Sir Thyrian de Swan (LG The western sky glows red as the sun sinks behind the sharp
male human paladin 12, a worshiper of Muir)LL5-153. He is peaks of the Cretian Mountains and the winds blow cold. The
friendly and knowledgeable of the Vale. He can relate any path leading up to the site is well-worn but very rough; many of
of the information available under Asking Around Town the stones that mark the rugged road are broken or missing and
or Additional Research above. He has heard of the Asterian ruts and potholes are frequent. The abbey’s bluestone walls are
Order and its abbey but has no special knowledge of it. He windswept and marked with lichen but look to have stood the
can also confirm, as Tholberon previously stated, that his test of time and the freezing weather for centuries with signs of
knights are much too busy patrolling the Vale and battling more recent patches and repairs. Though its grandeur has faded,
its dangers to spare any men to check in on a few cloistered the main building is solidly built and appears to be somewhat
monks up in the mountains, though he heartily endorses well maintained. However, the surrounding grounds and the
the PCs for the undertaking and can even provide them with outbuildings are decrepit and run-down, slowly surrendering to
an additional 50 gp each from the knights’ own coffers if time, gravity, and the elements.
they will swear to assist the clerics of the Asterian Order in
any way possible.
Brother Hector (see Appendix B, page 65) greets the PCs at
the door of the abbey (A13) and enthusiastically welcomes
Though he won’t bring it up himself, if asked about them inside. He informs them the abbot is expecting them
payment he’ll assure the PCs that Abbot Quilm will see to that. and looks forward to meeting them over dinner as he
However, if they succeed at a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) guides them towards their rooms. As he walks, he chatters
check he’ll reluctantly offer to front them 50 gp each to equip incessantly, his hands waving excitedly as he discusses the
themselves, grumbling all the while about the responsibilities abbey’s architecture and his own life at the abbey. He stops

in a long corridor (A16a) and points to the simple wooden INVESTIGATING THE ABBEY
doors that line the corridor on both sides. He informs the
Once the PCs arrive, they find an ever-more-tangled web
PCs that these will be their quarters while they are at the
of mystery that grows only deeper with the passage of
abbey. Hector tells the PCs that they are warmly invited
time. Other than the abbey itself (area A), there are several
to join the monks for their evening repast, which will be
locations which are central to the adventure. The abbey’s
served in approximately a quarter of an hour. Hector then
catacombs (area B) are inhabited by the restless dead, and
politely excuses himself and leaves to freshen up while he
there is the ominous standing stone at the peak of Asteria
informs the abbot of their arrival.
Point (area C) which holds a vital significance. The PCs
may also attempt to hunt down the werewolf that prowls
The PCs have a few moments to examine their rooms the rugged hills near the abbey to the wolf ’s lair (area D).
and wash off some of the trail dust, but there is little time Locations A and B are described in Chapter 1, and C and D
to really explore, as within minutes Brother Hakkan (see are described in Chapter 2.
Appendix B, page 65) arrives and beckons them to follow
him to the refectory (A20) for dinner. If the PCs engage him
in conversation, they notice he has a marked stutter and OUTLINE OF EVENTS
his speech is occasionally awkward as if he is unsure what The following is an outline of the events that take place over
to say. When the PCs arrive at the refectory, proceed with the three days of the full moon at the Asterian abbey. Much
Event 1 below. of this adventure is designed to allow freeform interactions
by the party as they pursue various leads to discover the
terrible truth of what is occurring at the abbey. Feel free
to rearrange or alter events in response to the PCs’ actions,
reserving the climactic encounter for the adventure’s end.
Events 1-3 are described in Chapter 1, and Events 4–17 are
described in Chapter 2.

Day 1 (after vespers)

The PCs arrive at the abbey and share a meal with the
monks (Event 1: Dinner with the Brothers). After dinner
the abbot shows the PCs the abbey’s magical oculus (Event
2: The Oculus). Holy offices (Event 3: The Offices) are kept
by the monks and continue throughout the adventure
unless interrupted.

Day 2 (between lauds and vespers)

Although the day is colder than the previous one, the wind
dies down and low clouds bring a thick fog (Event 4: The
Drawing of the Veil). The PCs can search the abbey (area A),
explore the catacombs and tackle the problems within (area
B), as well as trek up Asteria Point to survey the standing
stone at the peak (area C). The first time the PCs ascend
the mountain they are caught in a strange thunderstorm
(see Event 5: Unseasonal Weather). Abbot Quilm may also
ask the PCs to hunt down the werewolf menacing the
abbey depending on how things go at dinner the previous
eveing (see Event 1: Dinner with the Brothers and Event
6: Wolfsbane). In addition to these possibilities, the abbey
experiences the arrival of unexpected guests (Event 7: The
Hidden Bell) and unexpected ghosts (Event 8: Return of
the Eldest).

Day 2 (after vespers) out from a door at the end of the hall. The delicious aroma along
After dark the chilly fog continues to cover the abbey with the sudden clatter of pans indicates that the kitchen can be
and the surrounding land, making the air glisten in the found within. An elderly monk with a hooked nose and withered
bright moonlight. Several unusual occurrences take place countenance, wearing the finer robes of the abbot, sits at the head
this evening involving the brothers (see Event 9: Brothers of the long table with his head bowed seemingly in prayer. Brother
Behaving Badly) and a gruesome warning (Event 10: A Dire Hakkan points you to benches along the sides of the table while he
Warning) and concluding with the abbey’s magical oculus sits next to the odd-looking Brother Hector who greeted you upon
pointing at the standing stone on the mountain peak (see your initial arrival at the abbey. Almost immediately a large, grimy,
Event 11: The Eye Sees All). bearded monk emerges from the kitchen door carrying a large tureen
of vegetable soup and places it at the head of the table with a thump,
which seems to jolt the elderly abbot from his reverie with a start.
Day 3 (between lauds and nons) He looks around, blinking, for a moment or two before his eyes
The fog clears, but the day is an oppressive gray with alight upon you and a mirthless toothy smile draws across his face.
ominous clouds roiling across the sky. The mangled body
of Brother Belphorus is found just outside the abbey
(see Event 12: Belphorus’ Abrupt Demise). Believing that “Welcome, guests. I’m so glad you have arrived. I am Abbot
Belphorus was killed by a werewolf, Abbot Quilm beseeches Quilm. Please join us in our humble repast as we break bread and
the PCs to hunt down the beast, if he hasn’t done so already give thanks for the blessing of Thyr.”
(see Event 6: Wolfsbane). The PCs can also continue their
investigations in and around the abbey.
At each course of the meal, each PC can attempt to make an
Influence check on one of the brothers as described under
Day 3 (between vespers and compline) “Dinner Conversation” below.
The clouds clear away late in the day leaving the night
sky luminous under the white light of the full moon.
Momentous events occur in quick succession, a wounded The First Course
werewolf (Event 13: Brother Wolf) leads to revelations at Brothers Hakkan and Hector are seated to the left of Abbot
the abbey (Event 14: A Broken Order) and a desperate climb Quilm, and Brother Belphorus takes a seat across from them,
up Asteria Point (Event 15: Moonlit Ascent) concluding leaving the rest of the ample table room for the PCs to find
with a climatic final battle at the mountain peak (Event 16: their places. The good abbot invites everyone to sit and makes
Moonfire and Event 17: The Bridgehead). introductions all around. Then, picking up the first bowl in
the stack in front of him, he begins ladling soup into it before
passing it to Brother Hector who proceeds to pass it down the
CHAPTER 1 EVENTS table as the abbot fills the next bowl and repeats the process.
The following events occur on the first night of This continues until a bowl of savory, steaming soup
the PCs’ arrival at the abbey. The timing of the has been placed in front of everyone.
events is given as the day on which they occur
as well as where they lie in relation to the Brother Hector smiles benignly at the
times that the abbey celebrates the holy PCs but licks his lips and blinks his
offices (see Event 3: The Offices). bulging eyes as he smells each bowl
that he passes. Brother Hakkan
is sits nervously, wringing his
EVENT 1: DINNER WITH hands as he shoots occasional
THE BROTHERS surreptitious glances at the
abbot and the PCs while
Day 1: after vespers passing the bowls. Brother
Location: the refectory (A20) Belphorus quickly slurps
down the first bowl to stop in
Brother Hakkan escorts you into front of him, slopping a noticeable
the refectory for the evening meal. amount over the front of his robes. He
The large fireplace at the end scratches his chin through his beard amiably
of the hall provides adequate before standing and wandering back into the kitchen
warmth to the room and the to carry on with his cooking duties.
pleasant smell of cooking wafts

Once the PCs have been served their soup, the Abbot fills There is a lull in conversation as everyone digs into the
the conversational void by telling the party a little about the main dish, and Brother Hector takes this opportunity to
abbey. He tells them that the abbey has proudly stood for start speaking excitedly about some sort of glyphs he has
many centuries, since the days of the Hyperborean Empire. found on an ancient stone monument atop Asteria Point.
He can relate the information for DCs 10, 12, and 15 under He describes them in excruciating detail yet manages to
Asking Around Town in the Introduction, if the PCs have convey very little true information in his excite, staccato
not already heard it. He also proudly informs them the utterances. He admits he has yet to translate their
Church of Thyr — the largest and most prestigious faith meaning and repeatedly explains how excited he is at
at that time — used its considerable resources to install a finding them, pondering what their meaning might be.
magical oculus that allows them study the night skies in The other monks exchange polite looks between them at
extreme detail and clarity. He offers to show the PCs the Brother Hector’s ongoing tirade giving the impression
wondrous oculus after the meal. this is not the first time he has shared his enthusiasm on
the topic. As Brother Hector begins stating his belief of
their great importance to the abbey, Abbot Quilm finally
At this point a particularly loud crash from the kitchen
interrupts by calling out to Brother Belphorus and asking
causes Brother Hakkan to jump and blink repeatedly before
when the dessert will arrive. This has the effect of cutting
settling back in, after which Abbot Quilm resumes his
off Brother Hector’s rambling stream, and he subsides
lesson. He states that the abbey never truly recovered from
with a resigned smile, obviously accustomed to being
the devastation of the plague and, though later reoccupied
silenced by the other monks. Brother Belphorus gruffly
by the much-diminished order, now stands upon its lonely
replies that it will be ready in a moment and rises to make
mountain, forgotten, and occupied by only a handful of
his way to the kitchen in the awkward silence.
loyal monks who carry on the mission of the Asterian Order.
Quilm concludes by reciting the Asterian Order’s vows to
ever observe the greater and lesser moons, Luna and Sybil, If the PCs did not learn of the standing stone atop the
and Charisma (Perform) the sacred astronomical studies of peak by speaking with the Drogas Mondu in Coelum,
the skies. A DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check recalls no Abbot Quilm can relate to them the information about it
particular connection between the worship of Thyr and the if he is asked, though he does not reference the “true old
study of celestial bodies or events, but there is no detectable gods” as the old druid does.
falsehood in the abbot’s words.
Any conversation at this point is interrupted by eerie howl
Allow each PC to make an Influence check as described that echoes from somewhere outside on the mountain, its
under “Dinner Conversation” below. final notes ending in a snarling bark. Brother Belphorus
flinches slightly at the sound in midstride and rushes off
to the kitchen, his face pale and a sweat rising on his brow.
The Second Course Abbot Quilm shoots to his feet and crosses quickly to the
Brother Belphorus soon comes out of the kitchen, wheeling nearest window, dragging the heavy drapes closed before
a kitchen trolley with one hand while holding a large roasted moving along to the next window to repeat the action. He
potato in the other. He bites into the potato with gusto as he seats himself again and makes a muttered comment about
unloads a large covered dish onto the center of the table and the necessity of keeping the curtains drawn in the evenings
places the now-empty soup tureen on the cart. A delicious to hold out the night’s chill. Brother Hector’s eyes slide
smell wafts from the platter, and Belphorus lifts the lid to in a sideways glance toward the abbot as Brother Hakken
reveal a roast joint surrounded by herb-roasted vegetables. hunches forward in his seat and starts rocking back and forth
Abbot Quilm begins carving the roast and filling plates to on the wooden bench. It doesn’t require a Wisdom (Insight)
be passed around the table while Brother Belphorus pours check to determine that all of the monks are disturbed by
a weak wine into clay mugs for everyone. As he works, Abbot the eerie cry. A DC 5 Intelligence (Nature) check can identify
Quilm indicates that such a fine repast not the order’s the howl as that of a wolf, though if the check succeeds at DC
normal fare but is in honor of the PCs’ arrival. If asked how 20 or higher it is identified as that of a dire wolf.
he was aware of their arrival, he explains that the road to the
abbey is visible farther down the mountain, so the brothers
became aware of the PCs approach several hours ago. The Third Course
Brother Belphorus soon appears again with his cart, this
time laden with steaming bowls of treacle dumpling. He
Allow each PC to make an Influence check as described
places each one down unceremoniously in front of everyone
under “Dinner Conversation” below.
and then thumps a large pot of cream in the center of the

table. He loads the empty plates and trays on the cart and Alternatively, a PC may forgo an Influence check to
pushes it back to the kitchen door, giving it a shove into instead attempt a Discovery check to learn more about a
the room. A definite crash can be heard as the trolley hits given monk. The PCs can gain information by studying
something but Belphorus ignores this and saunters back an NPC’s behavior, remembering key facts, and intuiting
to the table, sits down with a massive thump on the bench motivations, this is a Wisdom (Insight) check or a skill check
and a sigh of delight as he takes in the sight of the sweet. mentioned in the NPC’s social stat block. If successful, the
His look lasts only a moment before he devours it with PCs learn valuable information about the character. This
great gusto. After finishing his desert, Brother Belphorus also grants the PCs a +2 bonus on any future Influence
gets up again and trundles to the kitchen, returning with a checks against that target.
small keg of ale and places it on the end of the table. Abbot
Quilm rolls his eyes and shakes his head as Belphorus fills
everyone’s cups and downs his own in a few gulps, refilling ABBOT QUILM
it again and quaffing it just as quickly.
Personality vague, pompous, and doddering
Influence Intelligence (Religion) DC 17
Allow each PC to make a final Influence check as
described under “Dinner Conversation” below.
Successes Needed 2 checks
Boon Quilm tells the PCs that he has more details
about the disappearances in his office (A17) and
Over dessert, Abbot Quilm somberly tells the PCs that the
order’s numbers have dwindled even further very recently, that he will explain further tomorrow. When in
as two of the brothers have disappeared in the last month. private with the PCs, Quilm reveals his fears that
Brothers Tyberus and Fagen have both mysteriously one (or more) of the monks at the abbey has been
vanished. His fingers start to tremble, and he quickly infected with lycanthropy and become an evil,
clenches them and lowers his hands into his lap, hiding
bloodthirsty werewolf. He didn’t want to reveal
them in his robes. Brother Hakkan fiddles nervously with
his spoon while Brother Hector looks on uncomfortably. this in front of the others for fear of tipping off
Quilm tells the PCs that Brother Fagen was last seen in “the werewolf”. If the PCs successfully influence
the vicinity of the crypts roughly 10 days ago, where he was Quilm and gain his boon, he gives the PCs this
working to decipher some ancient writings he had found information in the morning before they enter the
within. Brother Tyberus disappeared the same day, and
crypts rather than after. See Event 6: Wolfsbane
the abbot believes he may have gone down to assist Fagen
in the crypt. Abbot Quilm’s voice becomes lower and his for more details. However, Abbot Quilm still needs
eyes become hooded as he tells of his fears that the crypt is the PCs to investigate the crypts, to hopefully find
tainted with restless undead. He asks the party to enter the evidence of foul play by the werewolf.
crypt and clear out the corruption that lurks below, and if Discovery Wisdom (Medicine) DC 17
possible, find and rescue the missing Brothers. Hakkan’s
Advantage Quilm has a form of degenerative
eyes dart to Quilm as he speaks of the crypt, his eyes drop
to his plate and he begins muttering to himself and rocking senility which will worsen as time goes on. This
again, wrapping his arms around himself as he whispers to affliction means he almost certainly has cognitive
himself. The dinner finishes on this dour note. and memory issues, including struggling with
following multistep processes and having trouble
DINNER CONVERSATION articulating himself because he sometimes can’t
The PCs have the opportunity to attempt to influence the recall simple words or names. Quilm also has
monks at the dinner. Three times during the dinner each difficulties remembering the details of recent
PC can attempt an Influence check by make a Charisma events and often lives in the past.
(Deception) check (to pretend to be friendly), a Charisma
(Persuasion) check (to be genuine), or a skill check
mentioned in the NPC’s social stat block. The PCs earn 1 BROTHER BELPHORUS
additional success for every 5 points by which the check
exceeds the listed DC. Once an NPC has been successfully Personality jovial, complacent, and self-indulgent
influenced a number of times equal to the number listed Influence Any discussion related to food and drink.
under Successes Needed, he is considered friendly toward The PC makes a DC 15 Intelligence check as if
the party and reveals his boon.

using a set of tools associated with food and Advantage Hakkan is an introverted young
drink, such as cook’s utensils or brewer’s supplies. man who struggles with social interaction
Successes Needed 1 check and noticing nonverbal cues. He also lacks an
Boon When Abbot Quilm speaks of the missing understanding of those around him and often
Brothers (during the “The Third Course”), misses social prompts. Hakkan prefers repetitive
Belphorus points out that Brother Tyberus was activities and structured routines, such as copying
a bit of a hermit and probably would not have text from manuscripts, and deviation from these
wanted to spend a large amount of time stuck habits causes him stress. Something is agitating
with Brother Fagen in the confined quarters of and deeply worrying Hakkan at the moment.
the crypts.
Discovery Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Animal BROTHER HECTOR
Handling)* DC 17
Advantage There is something about Belphorus Personality enthusiastic, fixated, and verbose
that makes animals uncomfortable around him. Influence Intelligence (Investigation) or Intelligence
Whether this has something to do with his scent (History) DC 18
or is a combination of factors, not even the Successes Needed 1 check
animal itself can discern, but any animal quickly Boon Hector offers to make the PCs a detailed copy
becomes uneasy in his presence. This part of of his sketches of the runes from the standing
Belphorus’ nature has made him quite wary of stone on Asteria Point.
animals as they seem to have a tendency to lash Discovery Intelligence (Arcana) DC 20
out at him. Advantage The PCs notice that Hector’s frog-like
* The PCs can only use the Wisdom (Animal appearance is most likely caused by an abnormal
Handling) skill on this discovery check if there magical bloodline. Hector knows nothing of
is an animal or animal-like creature, such as a this and none of his family as ever displayed
familiar, at the dinner. any such traits. The PCs only gain the influence
check circumstance bonus if they draw Hector’s
attention to his unusual ancestry and describe
BROTHER HAKKAN it in positive terms, such as calling it “a gift”.
Personality callow, deferential, timid, anxious, and Implying that it is abnormal or strange only
mistrustful serves to fluster and embarrass Hector.
Influence Intelligence (History) DC 21
Successes Needed 3 checks EVENT 2: THE OCULUS
Boon The PCs overcome Hakkan’s suspicions
enough that he is prepared to mutter that the Day 1: after vespers
Order once had a greater purpose which was Location: the observatory (A23)
more profound than starwatching. At this point
Hakkan doesn’t know very much about the
After dinner, Abbot Quilm offers to show the PCs the
Order’s true purpose, but he has found clues in abbey’s magical oculus. He guides them up to area A23 and
certain texts and suspects that Abbot Quilm is explains how the magical apparatus works. At some point
keeping these secrets from the rest of the Order. during this conversation, a shadow momentarily passes
If questioned any further about this, Hakkan across the moon in the oculus lens but no details of what
caused it can be discerned. After concluding this brief tour,
repeatedly mumbles that he doesn’t know.
the PCs are free to make their way back to their quarters to
Discovery Wisdom (Insight) DC 16, or a DC 16 rest up for the day ahead.
Intelligence check with scribing or calligraphy


Daily: lauds, nons, vespers, and compline THE HOLY OFFICES OF THE ABBEY
Location: chapel of Thyr (A28) As is evident from the description above, the holy offices
of the abbey are loosely based upon the seven canonical
hours or officium divinum of the Roman Catholic Church
Despite being woefully shorthanded, the congregation at and other religious groups. However, because the
Asteria Point is a functioning abbey. Therefore, they follow number seven bears no especial significance in the faiths
the holy offices of the church at the prescribed hours — at of Lloegyr while the numbers four — as the perfect four
least the primarch offices. The three offices that the brothers sides in the two-dimensional representation of the
of the abbey follow daily are lauds (at 6 AM), nons (at noon), Blessed TesseractLL1-4 (i.e. a square) — and three — for
and vespers (at 6 PM). Because of the how short-staffed the manifold reasons from the universal Rule of Three to,
brothers are, they typically do not Charisma (Perform) the more specifically in the Thyrian faith, the veneration
secundarch office of compline (at midnight) except on holy of the Three Gods (the siblings Thyr and Muir and the
days and other special occasions. Each of the services takes mysterious “Unknown God”ST-731) — do, there are only
place in the chapel (A28) and lasts 15 to 30 minutes with four holy offices. Of these three are considered primarch
Abbot Quilm leading the other brothers in prayer, hymns, (or of prime importance in daily practice) and one is
and scripture readings. The PCs are invited to attend these considered secundarch (of secondary importance).
services but are not required to do so, though any clerics of Likewise, they are based on the clock and means of
Thyr will be looked upon poorly by the brothers for failing timekeeping of the Lost Lands*, as opposed to that of
to maintain the holy offices. the original canonical hours.

There is little applicable information to be gained The three primarch offices are:
for the party’s investigation other than knowing where Lauds – takes place at the 6th hour prime (6 AM);
the brothers will be at certain hours of the day. Brother morning wakeup and breakfast, greets the day with praise
Belphorus is excused from the offices since his duties as
cook require him to prepare the meals that the brothers Nons – takes place at Non (noon); midday meal,
will be partaking after the services’ conclusion. provides a break for rest and thanksgiving in the midst
of the day’s labors
Vespers – takes place at the 6th hour non (6 PM);
A. THE ASTERIAN ABBEY evening meal, ends the formal day’s labor with a time
Located in the upper foothills of the Cretian Mountains, for rest and reflection
the Asterian abbey sits on a piece of level ground on the
lower reaches of Asteria Point overlooking the countryside
below. Due to its elevation above sea level, the temperature The secundarch office is:
is almost always cold, and it is not unusual to see the abbey Compline – takes place at Prime (midnight); completion
surrounded by snow long after winter is over. of the daily liturgical hours; exists as a nightly vigil
to beseech the gods for strength, forgiveness, and
perseverance against the trials of the world.
The abbey itself is constructed of thick bluestone blocks
and was originally designed as a defensive fortification. The *The Lost Lands clock is based on counting hours from
abbey’s outer wall was never designed as a defense because the Prime (midnight) and Non (noon).LL7-367
simple battlements of any height would never stop a flying
enemy. In any case, the abbey’s low outer wall has also
collapsed due to age in several places, making it a simple
matter to bypass both the gates. Over time the abbey has
changed with windows and arrow slits enlarged to allow Each level in the abbey is 20 feet apart. Ceilings are 15
in more sunlight and the chapterhouse built to extend the feet high unless otherwise noted with 5 feet of supporting
abbey. Small signs of this fortification remain, such as the beams, ceiling planks, and stone flooring between, except
extremely solid outer doors of the main entrance and the for the rooms on the ground level. These have only 8-foot
massive bar designed to secure them, which lies forgotten ceilings with beams and mortared stone separating them
in the deserted monastic cells (A13). from the level above. Rooms with windows have natural
sunlight providing at least dim illumination during

daylight hours. All inhabited or frequently used rooms the old formal gardens are still apparent, but these have
likewise have oil lamps that can be lit to provide visibility fallen into disorder and ruin over the long years. It is still
after dark. Exterior walls are superior masonry and require possible to see the shape of the original garden path stones
a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check to climb. Interior walls amid the weeds and scraggly bushes.
are masonry treated with a layer of plaster, increasing the
Athletics DC to 25 unless the plaster is first chipped off to
The southeastern portion of the grounds has been made
expose the masonry beneath.
into a graveyard and bears the crooked forms of dozens
Tucked into an isolated hollow on the slope of the mountain and of cross-shaped headstones marking where past brothers
constructed of dark bluestone hauled up from the valley, the Asterian of the abbey have been interred. Anyone examining these
Abbey has survived for centuries but is showing signs of its age. It headstones finds that each bears the name of a single monk
consists of a massive double tower with an adjacent chapterhouse of and a death date sometime within the last three centuries.
probably later construction squatting next to it. To its south a partly The most recent is a Brother Herosephus who died twelve
crumbled low wall surrounds the abbey grounds, extending almost all years ago. When the abbey was reoccupied following the
the way to the cliff’s edge. Built to signify the place’s seclusion from the Red Plague, the brothers chose to start a new cemetery here
outside world, the walled grounds also provides a partial windbreak rather than continue to use the crypts beneath the abbey
from the icy air as it flows across the high, exposed landscape. which they believed might still contain traces of the plague
among its corpses.

A rocky dirt track leads up to the abbey. One branch of it

ends at steps leading to the main front gate, and the other At the southern edge of the cemetery, next to the crumbling
branch wraps around to the gate into the walled grounds. cliff, the large statue of a king stands tall, if somewhat canted
This is the only road linking the abbey to civilization and is to the southwest due to the subsidence of the ground. This
mainly used to bring supplies and food that can’t be grown monarch holds an ornate rod in one hand and a chalice in
or produced at the abbey. the other and can be recognized as a representation of Thyr
holding his rod of kingship and chalice of peace with a DC
12 Intelligence (Religion) check. Chiseled around base of the
A1. ABBEY GROUNDS plinth at the statue’s feet is an ancient inscription in High
A pair of wrought iron gates mark the main entry to the abbey Boros (see sidebox). If no one reads High Boros it can be
grounds. The gates are black with age and heavily rusted but the deciphered with a DC 10 Intelligence check. It reads, “Thine
abbey’s symbol of a silver cross attached to a white stone disk is earth below doth point unto the skies”.
affixed to the iron and looks clean and cared for. Writing appears to
adorn the margins of this disk. A 7-foot stone wall extends from the It is a 350-foot drop from the edge of the cliff to the
base of the tower before turning almost at the cliff’s edge. A section mountain slope below.
of the cliff appears to have crumbled at some time in the past and
taken a portion of this wall with it. Within the enclosure, the grounds
poignantly reinforce the feeling of the abbey’s fall from prominence, its A2. COW SHED
once grand gardens are now a straggling mix of weeds, overgrown This barn is spacious enough to hold a dozen mounts but
flower beds, and patchy grass. A path leads from the towns to a is currently home to only three scrawny cows. A half door
postern gate on the abbey’s main tower, and a second gate exits from in one wall leads to an adjacent pig sty where a large sow
the back of the grounds towards the rugged mountains. and her four offspring root through the kitchen scraps.
In addition to fodder for the animals and assorted tools
for cultivation, a dozen chickens can be found roosting in
The gates are closed with a simple latch and their design here, with one of the old horse stalls converted into a coup
hints at a time when the abbey was much grander. Any PC for them where Brother Belphorus collects their eggs each
proficient in Intelligence (Religion) can identify the symbol morning. A half dozen barn cats prowl the structure and
on the gate as that of the abbey’s patron deity, Thyr, and surrounding grounds for mice and other vermin.
a closer look at the writing on the disk reveals the words
“Justice”, “Order” and “Peace” intricately inscribed around
the edges. A3. BALNEARY
This bathhouse holds four large wooden tubs that can be
given privacy by heavy blankets hanging from ropes strung
A well stands in the center of the yard and provides fresh,
between the rafters. A large fireplace holds an iron cauldron
icy cold water to the inhabitants of the abbey. A straggly
with buckets stacked nearby where water from the well
garden grows at the tower’s base, and to the south signs of

can be heated for baths, and cabinets hold an assortment of A8. LOWER CELLS
lye soap, scrub brushes, liniment, wash rags, and sackcloth
The flagstone floors are dirty, their large blue, red, and white tiles
towels. Partitions to the south have hanging curtains that
worn and faded. The hallways are dusty and neglected, hanging
can be closed for privacy in dressing and undressing.
with cobwebs, and have remnants from the past scattered along
Around behind the building, a trough has been dug into
their length: old pews, chairs, and a broken washtub, all in various
the hard ground that drains towards crevices at the base of
stages of neglect and disrepair, have been left abandoned here.
the mountain slope. This serves the monks as a privy.

This floor of the abbey is lined with rows of monastic

A4. SMITHY cells, each similar in design to A16 though they tend
This small smithy is sufficiently equipped to handle the
towards a damp mustiness due to their construction in
mundane repairs of the abbey. Fashioning or repairing
the foundations of the building. They were once filled with
armor or weapons requires the tools and skills available in
brothers of the Asterian Order but are now deserted and
Coelum in the valley below. It likewise holds tools for basic
unused. The monastic cells are in the same state, holding
carpentry. This was formerly the domain of Brother Tyberus
unwanted furnishings, old curtains, fabric, and piles of
and has lain vacant since his recent disappearance, none of
monks’ habits. These piles of cloth and material are faded
the other Brothers having any aptitude for this sort of work.
and covered in dust with their folds cracking and falling
apart from age. The room marked with an “x” holds a heavy
A5. DOVECOTE iron bar, mottled with rust but still sound. This is the iron
This rickety shelter once provided roosts for domesticated bar for the front doors at A13, deposited in this chamber
pigeons kept by the abbey. The last of these were rousted and forgotten long ago.
long ago by an encroaching weasel, and the Brothers have
never bothered to obtain any more. Other than the access between the stairs to the second
level and the door at A7, the area is coated with thick layers
Treasure: A DC 24 Wisdom (Perception) check to search of dust and cobwebs, and the place has the musty smell
among the roosts locates an old leather scrollcase, warped of decay. A DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) or DC 12 Wisdom
and cracked with age. Within is a still legible spell scroll (gust (Perception) check is able to discern the telltale signs of
of wind) hidden here and forgotten long ago. passage (footprints in the dust, broken cobwebs) showing
where someone recently traveled these corridors all the
way to A10 and back. These are the marks of Brother Fagen
A6. LYCHGATE going to and from the crypts in the last few days before his
Apart from the main entrance, there is also a lychgate disappearance. There is no way to tell how many people
which leads to the disused track up to the top of Asteria made these tracks or if the most recent are those going to
Point. This covered gateway provides cover during funerals A10 or those coming from A10.
in inclement weather and, as evidenced by the rusting
support hinges, once also had an elaborate wrought-iron
gateway, but this is long gone, replaced with a simple low A9. SECRET ENTRANCE
wooden gate, designed more to keep the abbey’s animal’s Unknown to all of the monks except Brother Hector, a
from straying rather than present a serious barrier to secret door provides entry through the outer wall of the
anyone seeking entry. The trail beyond the lychgate ascends abbey and a hidden stair that provides access to A18a. The
the mountain towards the peak of Asteria Point (see Event secret door is easily spotted form the inside but from the
5: Unseasonal Weather if the PCs head in this direction). outside requires a DC 32 Wisdom (Perception) check to
locate. The ground outside the wall here is extremely rocky
and does not hold the tracks of Brother Hector’s passage
A7. POSTERN GATE unless followed to here as described in Event 11: The Eye
This strong wooden door bears a lock, but the mechanism Sees All.
has rusted and the key was lost long ago. This door sees
regular use by the monks in order to access the abbey
grounds (A1). A broken broom handle is propped against the A10. CRYPTS
wall inside the door. At night the last monk in is supposed The door to this area is of heavy wood, swollen in its
to wedge the broom handle between the door handle and frame, and requires a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check to
the jamb in order to hold it shut (DC 15 Strength (Athletics) open. Anyone examining it and making a DC 14 Wisdom
check to break through). (Perception) check finds gouges along its frame and jamb

where it was forced with a pry bar. Brother Fagen had to do RHU-CHALIKS (2)
this in order to enter the crypts that had not been opened
in many years. hp 66 (see Appendix A, page 551)
Beyond the heavy door, the walls of the corridors are made from
bricks of thick bluestone and the floor is covered with worn and
flagstone tiles. The height of the walls is approximately seven feet This chamber is a truly macabre display. The walls are lined with
lined with sepulcher niches, and dust and cobwebs are prolific. The neat stacks of hundreds of bones divided into sections for skulls,
first few near the entrance are empty, perhaps awaiting some future long bones, ribcages, pelvises, etc. Before the far wall is a stone
interment, but every other niche is occupied with a linen wrapped altar bearing the carven image of a cross on its front. Its surface
corpse, its hands crossed across its chest and its feet tied together. is likewise carven with the images of dozens of skulls, staring
passively outward, in bas relief. Behind this altar, the mortared
bluestone of the wall has collapsed or been disassembled to reveal
These upper catacombs hold the most recent dead out of an opening leading into darkness beyond.
all the crypts, but even these have not been used in many
centuries, the crypts abandoned in favor of the graveyard
outside. Each occupied niche holds the desiccated, skeletal This ossarium was used long ago by the brothers of the
corpse of a past monk of the abbey. None bear names, Order to recycle the burial niches it the catacombs here
and all are largely unremarkable and mostly human with and below. After a body had lain in repose for enough
a scattering of half-elves, dwarves, and halflings, without years to be reduced to dry bones, the burial shrouds were
items of interest or value. That the dust and cobwebs are discarded and the skeletons disarticulated and carefully
disturbed by recent passage is noticeable with a DC 10 stored here with the generations of their brethren that had
Wisdom (Perception) check, and the passage takes place on gone before. A door in the opposite wall once led to the
both corridors leading to and from area A11. In the thicker
dust of the floor here a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check is able
to determine that all of the marks are made by the passage of
a single person who made multiple trips, evidence pointing
to the fact that Brother Fagen made his exploration of the
crypts alone — without the also-missing Brother Tyberus.

Lurking invisibly within this stretch of corridor are 2 rhu-

chaliks. These extraterrestrial creatures, also known as void
wanderers, are small masses of spongy black tissue with four
dangling tendrils and a large central, pupil-less white eye.
These creatures are used as scouts by the Lunites for their
invasion of Lloegyr, because they are able to travel across the
void of space without the aid of a moon bridge like that described
at Event 17: The Bridgehead or similar conveyance). These
creatures are actually scouts from a Lunite sortie some 2,000
years ago that were sealed away in the lower catacombs. With
no need to eat or breathe, the trapped creatures entered a state
of hibernation from which Brother Fagen roused them with
his recent intrusion. Not fully waking until after his demise,
they have begun scouting around the catacombs to determine
the current state of the world and report back to their lunar
masters. They remain invisible and trail the PCs for as long as
possible (though PCs have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks to notice their presence, due to the disturbance their
passage causes through the dangling cobwebs) using their
detect thoughts and project terror abilities. If one is killed,
the other will attempt to flee the catacombs and the abbey and
may be encountered again at Event 14 or Event 15.

lower catacombs, but when these were sealed the door was chalice in the other. On a small dark wooden table in the center of
crudely bricked over. Brother Fagen in his explorations the area sits a spherical bronze mechanism of overlapping circles,
discovered this brick seal and managed to break through greenish brown with corrosion. A wide stair follows the curve of
it with a crowbar. one wall to a balcony some 20 feet above, and 60 feet above a
beautifully painted dome bearing an elaborate rosette window
surmounts the tower.
A search of the dusty floor here reveals the same trails as
described in A10.
A DC 12 Intelligence (Religion) check identifies the image in the
tapestries as that of the god Thyr bearing his rod of kingship
A12. OLD CATACOMBS ENTRANCE and chalice of piece. The spherical bronze mechanism is an
The remains of an old wooden door stands propped against the ancient, pre-heliocentric armillary sphere dating back to
wall beyond the broken masonry. It opens into a cramped circular the early days of Hyperborea. It is corroded and no longer
room at the base of the abbey’s stairwell tower. A narrow stairway functions but is worth 5,000 gp as an antique, though the PCs
has been chipped out of the solid rock of the abbey’s foundation should not be looting the abbey of its treasures.
and leads down into unknown depths below. The musty smell of
old tombs and long-dead air rises from this opening.
The garden courtyard has a carefully maintained green lawn and
This formerly sealed stairway leads to the Old Catacombs
a few small fruit trees surrounded by a sheltered gravel path, its
(area B) below the abbey. Despite the foul smells, Brother
portico supported by a gallery of gray marble columns. A statue
Fagen allowed them to air out for a few days after opening
graces either end of the courtyard facing each other, one an elderly
them, so the air is safe to breathe, if unpleasant. The same
king seated upon a throne, the other an armored woman with her
footprints as described in A10 and A11 can be found leading
sword upraised before her eyes. Between them and slightly to the
up and down the stairs, indicating that Brother Fagen
side is a fountain of gray marble from which a trickle of water still
has visited below and returned several times during his
flows into an algae-stained basin.
exploration. There is no indication of if he ever returned on
his last venture. The stairs descend steeply 20 feet to area B1.
These cloisters allow the Brothers a sheltered area for quiet
contemplation. Despite its care and maintenance, it still
A13. ENTRANCE shows signs of its age, from the staining of the fountain to
Entry is blocked here by a heavily reinforced, bronze- tiny cracks and seams in the portico columns. The fountain
banded double door with an elaborate iron knocker in the itself is fed by buried pipes from the well at A1, but these
shape of a downturned sword. It is usually locked from the have become mostly clogged over the years so that only a
inside with a sliding bolt, and, once inside, a DC 23 Wisdom trickle flows anymore, and it with an unpleasant metallic
(Perception) check notices that it has brackets for a heavy taste. A DC 12 Intelligence (Religion) check identifies the
iron bar, though no bar is located in the vicinity. Normally two statues of Thyr, God of Justice, and his sister Muir,
knocking brings one of the Brothers to answer in 2d4 Goddess of Virtue and Paladinhood.
rounds, though when the PCs first arrive they are met at
the door by Brother Hector as described at the beginning
of Chapter 1. A16. MONASTIC CELLS
Each of these small, cold rooms is almost identical with
Bronze-Banded Wooden Double Door: 3 in. thick; AC plastered walls bare and unadorned are except for a wooden
16; hp 27; DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check to break, DC 25 cross, symbol of the Church of Thyr, hanging over the plain
Dexterity check with thieves’ tools to unlock. wooden single bed. The cotton tick mattress is firm, but
comfortable enough and a thick white quilt is folded over
the clean bed sheets. There is a small wooden cupboard
A14. FOYER with shelves to put clothes and another set of bookshelves
run along the wall beside it, over the top of a tiny wooden
Light shining down through stained-glass windows high above
desk. The rooms are clean, serviceable, and comfortable
in this massive dome chamber picks up the motes of dust dancing
enough although they are quite plain. It is fairly evident
in the air from the draft caused by the door. The flagged tiles are
from the number of rooms on this floor and the one below
worn with age and uneven in spots. Elaborately carved wooden
that the abbey originally housed a far larger contingent of
benches line the walls and hanging above these are aged and faded
Thyrian monks.
tapestries depicting an elderly man with a rod in one hand and a

A16a. Guest Accommodations bone pokes out from one end of the bookshelf and the
These four empty monastic cells are provided to the PCs desk is littered with crumbs and a half-eaten biscuit. A
during their stay at the abbey. They possess the same simple reed basket sits beside the desk and is filled with dried
amenities as the other monastic cells save that high up on mushrooms (still good).
the south wall is an arched leadlight window which can be
cracked open to provide fresh air, making them the most
desirable cells in the abbey. It is a show of great honor to A16e. Hector’s Cell
the PCs that they are given these rooms. If there are more Hector’s room is neat and orderly, but the desk is piled with
than four PCs, the others can take other unoccupied cells parchments covered with repetitive drawings of strange
on this hall. glyphs and sigils. A journal sits on the desk, half filled with
attempts to translate and decode these strange symbols. An
entry at the end of the otherwise banal journal, dated one
A16b. Hakkan’s Cell month ago, reads, “Things are changing here, and I am at the same
Hakkan’s room is extremely neat and orderly. An illuminated time frightened and strangely elated. Is it going to be me, a lonely
manuscript written in Common on the early worship of insignificant monk who will bring salvation? If only I could decipher
Thyr sits open on his desk and a parchment beside it shows the meaning of the symbols, I’m sure they would give me the answers
an exact copy of the words and drawings depicted in the to the questions which seem to rise unbidden in my mind.”
book with amazingly precise duplication. Brother Hakkan is
clearly a great talent as a copyist and illuminator. Other than
that, his room is unremarkable, his clothes neatly folded and A16f. Tyberus’ Cell
stowed on the shelves of his cupboard. In Tyberus’ room a beautifully carved wooden chess set
rests on his desk, and carved figurines of animals and
monks stand on the windowsill. There is one exceptionally
A16c. Fagen’s Cell well-carved figurine of a very pretty girl. All of the carvings
Fagen’s cell is in a state of disarray. The bed is made but are of fine quality (worth 1d6 x 5 gp each). A spare monk’s
the coverings are roughly placed, and there is a pile of habit is folded neatly on the shelf and some woodworking
dirty robes and foot wrappings in a pile on the floor in tools are stored in a locker at the foot of his bed.
the corner. Stacks of books are piled haphazardly on his
desk and more books are jumbled on the shelves. Pieces of
parchment are scattered across the desk bearing sketched A17. ABBOT’S OFFICE
figures and scribblings. The figures are representations of A large heavy desk sits in the center of this room and wooden
some the bygone Hyperborean gods, including Thyr, his chairs are placed around the room, with two in front of the
sister Muir, a faceless goddess bearing a kite shieldST-680, desk. A large leather chair with studded seams sits behind
Arden the Sun GodLL3-254, the goddess DianaLL3-75, and the desk. A large oil lamp hangs from the ceiling and the
Mithras the Soldier-GodLL7-126. These are each recognizable surface of the desk is littered with papers and letters. The
with a DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check (save for the paper on the desk is filled with reports on the state of the
faceless goddess who can only be identified as the “Lost abbey and other correspondence related to running the
Goddess”ST-722 with a DC 25 check). One of the parchments place. However, an examination of it reveals that nearly all
on the desk shows a sketch of several godly figures has of this is a year or more old; Abbot Quilm no longer has the
been drawn in pencil along with the words, “Look to the mental acuity to complete such recordkeeping.
Past” written carefully below it. A quick note scribbled next
to those words asks, “who should?” This illustration shows A18. SCRIPTORIUM
the ancient Hyberborean gods at the end of the Gods’ War
when Thyr thrust his sister’s sword into the ground to end This is a high-ceilinged spacious room with large windows lining the
the bloodshed (the scene can be identified as such with walls 20 feet above to let in fresh air and the wan light of the sun or
a DC 20 Knowledge [religion] check). It is a copy of the moons. This scriptorium has a tall desk running along the curve of
mosaic in area B11 and may provide a clue to solving the the south and east walls that is mottle with ink stains. A long groove
puzzle in that location. at the top of the desk has several feathered quills resting in it with ink
blotters nearby, and from this groove varicolored bottles of ink glisten
in the light from above. A number of high stools are pulled up to it.
A16d. Belphorus’ Cell Shelves on the other walls contains voluminous rolls of parchment as
Belphorus’ room is a disordered mess. The bed is a jumble well as a few large tomes, and several blank sheets of parchment rest
of sheets and blankets, soiled garments lie strewn around, at various work stations on the desk, awaiting inscription. A large
and the room smells of an unwashed body. An old ham fireplace in the north wall heats the otherwise chilly room.

This is the abbey’s scriptorium and has space for dozens A21. KITCHEN
of monks to work in illumination and copying texts, This long, tiled room has a heavy chopping block,
though only Brothers Hakkan and Fagen regularly spent crisscrossed with cut marks, sitting in the center. A rack
much time here, occasionally joined by Brother Hector. hangs above this block from which dangle an assortment of
Brother Hakkan can still be found here for long hours ladles, knives, tureens, spoons, and other assorted utensils.
every day, though with Fagen’s disappearance he typically The entire room is surrounded by shelves that bristle with
labors alone. Heavy leather-bound books on the arts of pots and pans. A large black oven sits next to a griddle in
calligraphy, transcription, and illumination rest in large, one corner, and herbs and vegetables hang on hooks along
heavy bookcases as well as a few mundane religious the walls and upon side tables. The tables, griddle, and
volumes brought down from the library for copying. In the chopping block are grimy and could use a good clean.
west wall are two doors leading to supply closets that hold
all the necessities for preparing and inscribing pages of
parchment, illumination, and bookbinding stacked neatly A22. PANTRY
upon stone shelves. There is a 25% chance that one of the This is a well-stocked pantry with the usual assortment
tomes of knowledge (see A26) can be found herein with a of flour, oats, preserved fruits, and vegetables from the
DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. garden. Bags of potatoes and onions rest on the floor
and wooden crates packed with ice and straw hold cuts of
freshly slaughtered swine and duck.
A18a. Cupboard
Unlike the others storage cupboard in the scriptorium, this
one has a well-concealed secret door (Wisdom (Perception) A23. OBSERVATORY
DC 25) behind the stone shelves on the south wall. It A wide balcony overlooks the entire interior of the tower here,
opens into a narrow spiral stair that descends within the stretching from the foyer 40 feet below to its vast dome rising to an
wall of the abbey to a secret exit at A9. A DC 14 Wisdom apex 40 feet above. Offset from the center of the dome is a massive
(Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check in this stairway rosette window, an oculus that allows a shaft of light to descend
reveals that the dust on the stairs has been disturbed by the directly onto the balcony’s edge where there stands an ornate altar.
passage of at least one set of footprints in recent days. This The pure white alabaster altar is elaborately decorated in gilt and
is the passage Brother Hector uses to return to the abbey silver with the images of Thyr’s cross as well as the sacred lions
after “sleepwalking” (see Event 11: The Eye Sees All). None and eagles of his faith. More than a few griffons are interspersed
of the other monks are aware of the secret door’s existence. combining the majestic aspects of the two holy beasts. Resplendent
inset jewels line the edges of the altar, and the top of bears a silver
chalice and an ivory rod flanking a silver orrery at its center. Next
A19. LOWER BALCONY to the altar and arrayed along the edges of the balcony are three
Broad stairs lead to this stone-tiled balcony 20 feet above
complex telescopes, all directed towards the oculus above. Next to
the floor of the tower (at A14). It provides an expansive view
these are mahogany tables bearing parchments and charts along
of the chamber and is on the same level as the exquisite
with quills and inkwells, each set with a pair of comfortable chairs.
stained glass windows depicting holy warriors, angels in
The back wall of the balcony is hung with star charts and images
flight, and the scales of justice that line the northern wall.
of the moons in various phases and conjunctions with different
Anyone feeling the south wall with a bare hand notices a
stars and planets.
faint heat radiating from it. This is from the flue of the
fireplace in A18 that travels through the heart of this wall.
The observatory is the true purpose of the abbey and holds
its most valued treasure, the magical oculus that allows it to
A20. REFECTORY make its detailed observations of the night sky. The oculus
The refectory is a large hall with its walls rendered and
is a combination of the rosette window and the ornate altar,
painted white. A large fireplace is set at the end of the hall
both of which bear a strong aura of divination magic. When a
to provide warmth and heavy curtains and tapestries line
cleric of Thyr makes the proper obeisance at the altar, he can
the walls, to provide some insulation in the large space. The
control what the oculus focuses on. In this way the oculus is
tapestries have ornate borders, and all depict the silver cross
able to view anything that can be seen from the peak of the
of Thyr on a white background. A large oak table, polished
dome whether it would be within the rosette window’s line
to a high sheen by years of use, runs down the center of the
of sight or not. For instance, through the altar the oculus
refectory. The table is set with brass candlesticks and laid out
can be focused on anything in the sky, upon the visible faces
with simple bowls, pottery plates, and wooden eating utensils.
and peaks of the surrounding mountains, and even into
the forested vale below. However, the user has to know the

location of the image he is looking for (e.g. the oculus will is a calculating grand orreryPPC:PotS made of silver and is
not locate someone the user is hoping to spy on). Barriers to worth 4,000 gp. The altar itself is worth 25,000 gp for its
sight (such as foliage or clouds) still prevent visibility, but the materials alone but weighs 1,500 lbs. and is an integral part
ability to focus on anything even potentially visible from the of the oculus in combination with the rosette window.
highest peak of the dome is quite useful in stargazing. Once As such it is a priceless artifact of the Church of Thyr. If
the user of the altar has selected the target to be viewed, its either is removed or destroyed, the magic of the oculus is
image is held steady in the rosette window above until it is ruined. The rod, chalice, and orrery are not fundamental
no longer visible (as in the case of moonset, for example) parts of the oculus, but taking them would nevertheless
or the user elects to focus the oculus elsewhere. With the be construed as a blackguard’s act by the Church of Thyr.
image held in the rosette window, viewers can then use
the telescopes on the balcony to focus on the image from
multiple angles and obtain fantastically detailed resolution A24. ABBOT’S QUARTERS
of the subject. During the day objects can also be seen, The abbot’s bedchamber is well-appointed. The room is large, and
but the brightness of the ambient light makes stargazing the single arching leaded window has a thick, dark-red curtain
problematic. It does make for easy observation of the road tied back with a tasseled cord. A fireplace is primed with kindling
leading up to the abbey from the valley below, however. waiting to be lit next to a large bin of firewood. The bed is a
four-poster and has a plump mattress with fine white linen and
a thick quilt with a fine chest of drawers next to it. One wall has
If someone who is not a cleric of Thyr trained in its use
a beautiful darkwood bookcase that extends from floor to ceiling.
attempts to use the oculus, they still have a chance. Any
While still monastic in style and not elaborately decorated, this
lawful good, neutral good, or lawful neutral cleric can
room clearly shows that the owner enjoys his creature comforts.
attempt a DC 20 Intelligence (Religion) check to understand
the basics of how to operate the oculus. Likewise, anyone
can master its use with a DC 30 Intelligence (Arcana) check. This chamber is occupied by Abbot Quilm, and signs of his
increasing dementia can be seen in tasks half-finished and
Development: When the Abbot Quilm shows the PCs the forgotten: letters that remain half-written and unfinished,
oculus for the first time in Event 2, they see an image of a drawer left open with a pile of clean laundry beside it, and
the moon, Luna, displayed in the rosette window above. The the general clutter of things not put back in their correct
moon has just entered its full moon phase and appears huge places. There are stacks of prayer books lying in messy
in all its great detail, its radiance giving a pale, eerie light piles around the room and the Abbot’s desk is littered with
to the room. At other points in the adventure, the oculus uncompleted paperwork related to the abbey.
may be focused on different images as described in the text.
During the day it is likely not in use and merely shows the The books stored on the shelves here cover a wide range
blue sky above. Be sure and describe what is in view through of subjects, and there is a large section devoted to Luna
the rosette window each time a PC enters this area. and its smaller sister Sybil. The most ornately illustrated
spine of all the books is a tome called An Illuminated
Treasure: The three telescopesPPC:PofS are wonders of History of the Asterian Order. Under the title, the book’s
engineering and are each capable of magnifying objects as spine shows the outline of the Abbey with the mountain
much as 400 times; they are worth 15,000 gp each, though looming behind it. Although not obvious until the book
they are very delicate and weigh 80 lbs. apiece. In addition, is opened and closely inspected, several pages have been
the star charts and lunar illustrations hanging upon torn out from the middle of the tome. If questioned
the walls are exquisitely artistic examples of astronomy about the missing pages, Abbot Quilm denies having any
dating back more than a thousand years and are worth knowledge of them and does not know when they were
5,000 gp as a collection to a university or astromancer*. removed or where they went. These pages were taken
Among these charts is a rare full cosmogramPPC:PotS of very recently by Brother Hakkan (see the Various Hidden
Lloegyr’s** star system (200 gp). The ivory rod is a replica Truths section in Appendix B, see page 66). There is a 50%
of the rod of kingship (150 gp) and the silver chalice is chance that one of the tomes of knowledge (see A26) can
a replica of Thyr’s chalice of peace (250 gp). The orrery be found herein with a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check.

* An astromancer is a magical practitioner who combines astrology with the physical laws of astronomy. LL7-197

** Lloegyr is the modern common name of the planet upon which the continent of Akados lies. LL1-4

A25. INFIRMARY 4. The Lost Tribes
This large, echoing room is lined with rows of empty beds. 5. Creatures of Lunar Influence, Volume II
Most of the beds are stripped of linen, and over half lack 6. Ritualistic Arcana
even a mattress. At the end of the room, only four beds are
neatly made up with fresh linen and each of these beds has 7. Martyrs of Thyr
a polished metal bedpan beneath it. Next to these beds are 8. A Grand History of the Realm
white cabinets and a desk with a padded chair. On a shelf
behind the desk, a row of apothecary bottles and other Each book requires an Intelligence check to read, and it
medical equipment are neatly arranged. A fireplace in the takes 1d4+1 hours to read through the book to obtain the
corner is laid out with kindling and wood to readily start a information it provides. By every 5 points that the reader
fire, and an iron hanger holds a metal kettle that can easily exceeds the Linguistics/Intelligence check, reading time is
by swung over the flame to heat. Despite the signs of age, reduced by 1 hour (minimum 1 hour). In addition, if a PC
such as missing grout in the worn floor tiles, the room is is unable to read the language in which the book is written,
neat and well ordered. an Intelligence (Investigation) check against the listed DC
is necessary to successfully translate it.
This large room lined with bookshelves and has star In addition to the general knowledge the book provides,
charts and beautifully illuminated illustrations showing each includes a “For the GM” section that includes some
the faces and phases of both of the moons on the walls. revelation that can be gleaned at a later point in the
Desks and utilitarian wooden chairs fill the center of the adventure from the knowledge gained in the book. These
room and there are a few padded chairs nestled beside a are explained individually under each tome entry.
few of the shelves. The bookshelves here are full, but for the
most part, the books here relate to Thyrian scripture and
commentaries dating back to the time of the Hyperborean 1. Ancient Peoples of the Cretian Mountains
Empire or are lunar and cosmological reference books. Language: High Boros
Most are carefully and neatly aligned in their shelves Read: Intelligence DC 10
and don’t appear to have been read recently. In addition,
Translate: Intelligence (Investigation) DC 14
a careful review of the shelves can discover a number of
tomes of knowledge. Researching library’s contents to find This leather-bound book has a fine ink drawing inside the
one of these tomes takes 1d4 hours and requires DC 12 front cover of a human figure depicting the physiology of
Wisdom (Perception) or DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) the prehistoric human peoples of the Cretian Mountains
checks to turn up useful books. For every 5 points by known as the Ancient Ones. As described in the book,
which a PC exceeds the DC, reduce the time taken by 1 the Ancient Ones are shown as having square jawlines,
hour (minimum 1 hour). A PC can only make one search prominent foreheads, and strong curved noses. Anyone
at a time, but multiple PCs can conduct multiple searches who peruses the book realizes that Abbot Quilm fits the
simultaneously. If a tome is discovered, roll 1d8 or choose physical profile of Ancient One ancestry. If asked about this,
from those below as you see fit. Abbot Quilm tells the PCs that he has lived in this region
all his life and relates, with modest pride, that his family
lineage can be traced back for many generations to when
Tomes of Knowledge (roll 1d8) the Hyperboreans first came to the vale and encountered
The abbey holds a great many books but most of these are the tribes of the Ancient Ones that lived in this very valley
irrelevant to the adventure. Below are some of the tomes some 36 centuries ago.
that hold information which is potentially useful to the
PCs. These books are most likely to be found in the library
For the GM: Certain parts of the ritual to break the
(A26) or scriptorium (A18) but feel free to have the PCs find
binding spell on the standing stone become more potent if
them in other parts of the abbey, such as the brothers’ (A16)
Charisma (Perform) by the hands of a person with Ancient
or abbot’s quarters (A24) if needed.
One ancestry. As will be revealed during the climax of this
adventure (Event 17: The Bridgehead), Quilm’s hands may
1. Ancient Peoples of the Cretian Mountains be used to Charisma (Perform) this ritual… even if the rest
2. A biography of Menkus Oronath of his body is elsewhere.
3. The Great God Thyr

2. A biography of Menkus Oronath robes trimmed with silver, purple or gold, with the rod of
Language: High Boros kingship in one hand and the chalice of peace in the other.
Read: Intelligence DC 10 He embraces proper and traditional rule and as such, is
often the favored god of royalty. He supports a class system,
Translate: Intelligence (Investigation) DC 14 where each person has a fairly chosen role in a lawful world,
This untitled book lists the lifetime accomplishments of intended to bring the greatest good for the greatest number
the founder and first abbot of the Asterian Order. A skilled of citizens. The eagle and the lion are his sacred creatures.
warrior, brilliant strategist, and patriarch in the Church of His Three Principles are Justice, Order, and Peace.
Thyr, the Hyperborean Strategos* Oronath was famous for
his quick thinking and prowess as a battle general. Why he
was removed from his military post and sent to construct Thyr has been represented in the Hyperborean pantheon
an outpost at the edge of the Cretian Mountains in 1988 for nearly 4,000 years and for much of that time was seen
I.R. remains one of the unsolved mysteries of military as one of the most powerful and influential gods, alongside
history of that time. The various theories as to why he lost his sister Muir and the now-deceased sun god Arden. In the
his career and standing are covered in the book, ranging last thousand years his church has seen its popularity wane
from jealousy of other military leaders, a scandal due to and the numbers of his followers take a marked decline,
his close friendship with his superior officer’s wife, or especially after the loss and corruption of St. Harul’s Hold in
possible sabotage by external parties. Whatever the reason, 2471 I.R.ST-139, the decline and eventual collapse of the
Oronath accepted his new posting without complaint Hyperborean monarchy under Imperatrix
and was instrumental in the building of the abbey Trystecce in 2509 I.R.LL4-10/LL8-19, the
and its magical oculus. On completion of the tragic end of the Army of
monastery, he turned his attention to the Light at the Forest of Hope
surrounding settlements, providing in 3210 I.R.ST-10, and most
support and wise council to recently the capture of the
them. He held the position of High Altar of Thyr in the
Abbot of the Order until his Lyre Valley by orc hordes
death as at the age of 103. in 3507 I.R.LL1-77/LL8-22. As other
gods such as MitraRA-585 and
FreyaST-582 have gained in public
For the GM: The truth favor, the slow creep of followers
behind the mystery of why away from Thyr has continued.
Oronath was sent to build
the abbey is that he had been
sent to create the secret mission of For the GM: Thyr’s Three Principles are a
the Asterian Order and understood the vital clue in discovering how to open a hidden
vital importance of the site as a first line of compartment in the abbey’s crypts (see area B7 for
defense against another lunar invasion. more details).

3. The Great God Thyr 4. The Lost Tribes

Language: Common Language: Gasquen
Read: Intelligence DC 10 Read: Intelligence DC 15
Translate: Intelligence (Investigation) DC 7 Translate: Intelligence (Investigation) DC 20
While this book is a secular tome, it describes the god Thyr This book relates the history and details the culture of the
and provides an in-depth discussion of the Thyrian religion. tribes of Ancient Ones in the Cretian Mountain. Much of the
A benevolent and just God, Thyr’s symbol is a silver cross book goes into the specifics of their society, arts, and beliefs
on a white field. This symbolizes the upturned cross-haft but toward the end postulates theories on why this stable
of his sister’s sword, which he thrust into the earth to end civilization, having survived for many generations, fell so
the Gods’ War. As so much blood was shed in the war of the sharply into decline. The author raises the theory that this
gods, Thyr foreswore the use of swords in his religion and may have been due to contact with another cultural group
all priests were henceforth forbidden from using a bladed that had migrated into the region and started to colonize.
weapon. Many priests favor reinforced rods modeled after While the author acknowledges that while there are no
Thyr’s own. Thyr is usually depicted as an old man in silver archeological signs of this other group today other than
the semi-legendary JaundoolLL9-4 who didn’t seem to leave

a prominent enough of an imprint on the area’s history to descendant of such a person. The tome speaks of how
accomplish this, this still doesn’t refute the possibility that bloodlines often play a significant role in arcane rituals.
another such a group could have existed.
For the GM: There are a pair of small hints here. Brother
For the GM: Toward the end of the adventure the PCs Hector’s tainted bloodline and close proximity has enabled the
may realize that the “other cultural group” was in fact the moon-beast to slowly gain control over the monk. Also, Abbot
invasion of horrific moon creatures which decimated the Quilm’s Ancient One heritage means that his blood and hands
Ancient Ones. are important factors in breaking the moon-beast’s binding.

5. Creatures of Lunar Influence, Volume II 7. Martyrs of Thyr

Language: Common Language: High Boros
Read: Intelligence DC 20 Read: Intelligence DC 10
Translate: Intelligence (Investigation) DC 10 Translate: Intelligence (Investigation) DC 12
This book focuses on lycanthropic creatures and provides This spiritual volume contains parables of those who
much useful information on how to identify and combat sacrificed their lives in service to Thyr. Aside from the
them. It mentions that the mere presence of some were- tales themselves, the book also expounds upon the moral
creatures can spook normal animals and many lycanthropes of each sacrifice and offers motivational guidance to the
can empathically command animals of their own kind. Aside reader. One tale of note is that of Meverell, an abbot of the
from describing the difference between natural and afflicted Asterian Order who was falsely blamed by the inhabitants
were-creatures, the book also mentions lycanthropic variations of a primitive rural settlement for a devastating drought
such as moonbound lycanthropes, which require magically in the area. He was in the midst of being burned at the
enhanced silver weapons to harm, and fel lycanthropes, that stake by the superstitious villagers when suddenly the
are unusually powerful and are said to have their bloodlust heavens opened and it started to pelt down with rain,
completely overwhelm them when the moon waxes full. extinguishing the flames on the pyre. The villagers saw this
as a condemnation from the gods and fled. Unfortunately,
Meverell’s burns were too great and he succumbed to his
For the GM: Perhaps the most revealing piece of
injuries. His body was returned to the Asterian Abbey
information is that there was a Volume I written in this
where his remains were interred with great honor.
series, although this is nowhere to be found at the abbey.
It was lost centuries ago but did hold some information
on inhabitants of the moon itself, such as the mooncalf For the GM: This tale describing how a deluge of rain
and moon-beast (see Appendix A). If the PCs mention this poured down on the execution scene may give the PCs a hint
missing volume to Brother Hakkan, he says that he has also about how to solve the puzzle in Meverell’s tomb in area B4.
been seeking Volume I, but there no longer seems to be any
copies in existence.
8. A Grand History of the Realm
Language: Common
6. Ritualistic Arcana Read: Intelligence DC 15
Language: Draconic
Translate: Intelligence (Investigation) DC 10
Read: Intelligence DC 15
Written by a modern-day scholar, this book is broad in its
Translate: Intelligence (Investigation) DC 20 scope and describes the major events in the surrounding
This elaborate illuminated tome is general in nature and area and is written from a perspective that romanticizes
doesn’t delve into many specifics. It describes arcane rites the Hyperborean Empire. It reveals that the Abbey of the
and ritual magic and goes into the history of such practices. Asterian Order has stood its mountaintop vigil since
Toward the end of the tome there are descriptions of at least 1988 I.R., having been founded by the former
binding rituals including examples of ancient binding Hyperborean strategos-turned-abbot Oronoth in the days
symbols that bear some slight similarity to the runes of the Hyperborean Empire when the Church of Thyr
Brother Hector has copied from the standing stone. The enjoyed a reputation and power above that of all other
book talks about how certain powerful bindings can only faiths. It relates that through its magical observatory lens,
be undone (or are significantly easier to undo) by the hand the clerics of the order could study the greater and lesser
of the one who bound the subject in the first place or a moons called LunaLL1 and SybilLL1, as well as the many other

wonders of the night sky, from which to read omens and B. OLD CATACOMBS
collect celestial observations. It records the coming of the Constructed in the early days of the abbey to hold the
Red Plague to central Akados and even Yolbiac Vale in 2781 consecrated remains of the deceased, these old catacombs
I.R. and again in 2797 I.R., and how much of the Asterian were filled fairly quickly due to the high casualty rate
Order was decimated in the second coming of the plague. incurred when battling the Lunite incursions and the
depredations of the Red Plague. The interments of
But just as the tides of history roll on and fortunes change, these heroes of battle were deemed sacrosanct and were,
the Church of Thyr has fallen from its place of ancient therefore, not subject to eventual deposit in the ossarium
prominence. At present, the Asterian Abbey stands upon (A11), and the dead from the plague were deemed infected
its lonely point, nearly forgotten, and occupied by only a and too dangerous to remove as well. As a result. Only
handful of clerics who maintain the abbey, unaware of the the upper crypts (A10) saw much turnover in this regard
original purpose of the site and true mission of the Asterian before being ultimately abandoned in favor of the cemetery
Order. It describes the ultimately futile efforts of the Order on the grounds outside (A1). As a result, the dead of these
to contain the pestilence both in the valley below and at catacombs are mostly the original interments and have lain
the abbey itself and how the abbey was finally abandoned undisturbed for the most part for thousands of years.
in 2804 I.R. as a result of the plague’s devastation. Finally, it
relates how Thyrian migrants reoccupied the abbey again B1. ENTRANCE
in 3153 I.R. and took up the Order’s old duties of stargazing.
The books section the abbey closes by idly speculating At the bottom of a set of stone stairs, an intersecting corridor
on the oddity of the Church of Thyr delving into the continues to both the left and the right. Opposite the stairs is a
discipline of celestial observation and wondering why it deep alcove with a large statue at its center. The statue is of a
would venture to once again undertake those studies in a monk in a cowl, his head is bowed, hiding his face and his stone
modern world where it already struggles to connect with hands clasped in prayer. At the statue’s stone feet, a brass dish
even its core concerns much less peripheral issues more contains the recent remains of a burnt offering.
suited to astromancers astromancers (see footnote, page 21)
or perhaps the followers of Narrah or HecateMM-102. In the bowl are burned dried herbs, an offering of
purification made by Brother Fagen when he first entered
For the GM: The details about the Red Plague in this book the crypts several weeks ago. If the PCs examine the
may help the PCs put the plague haunt in area B9 to rest. remaining unburnt stems and make a DC 12 Intelligence
The closing comments likewise provide insight into the fact (Nature) or Profession (herbalist) check, they recognize that
that there is likely more to the Asterian Order than it seems. the herbs are valerian, peppermint, and sage, often burned
to ward off evil spirits. A small engraving rests behind the
bowl at the base of statue in High Boros (DC 12 Intelligence
A27. VESTRY (Investigation) check to decipher). It reads, “Herewithin lieth
Ceremonial robes hang from rows of pegs on the walls and a the blessed embodiment of the Asterian Order”.
long set of cupboards in this robing chamber hold vestments
and sacred vessels used in services in the chapel (A28).
These catacombs are hewn directly from the stone
beneath the foundations of the abbey. They are typically
A28. CHAPEL OF THYR 5 feet wide and 7 feet high. The tunnels are cold and
A large white walled room with vaulted ceilings and stained- often slightly damp and festooned with cobwebs, with a
glass windows depicting famous images and scenes of the constant stirring of air caused by the passage of the PCs.
Hyperborean gods run along each side of the rounded hall The walls are carved with burial niches that hold ancient,
atop this tower. A dozen rows of simple, wooden pews sit in shroud-wrapped skeletons like those in A10. These are
the middle of the hall and a small lectern stands at the front all original interments, having never been removed to
of the worship hall before an ornate altar flanked by two the ossarium at A11. The corridors have thick dust on
griffon statues. A series of small recesses around the walls of the floor and hold the tracks of Brother Fagen just as
the church hold small wooden and gold leaf statues of eagles described in A10. The trails from his multiple trips can
and lions. A DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check recognizes the be followed and lead into B1, B4, up the western passage
eagle and lion as sacred animals of Thyr and the griffon as a to B7, into B8, up the north passage between B7 and B8
sacred combination of the two sometimes invoked in worship to B11, through the western entrance of B9, and out the
services. The gold leaf on the statuettes is worth a total of 2,000 north passage from B9 to B10.
gp, but it would be an evil act for the PCs to despoil this chapel.

The corridor opens into a small room here before turning and Huge swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned
running perpendicular to its previous course. This low-ceilinged Armor Class 9
chamber, like the corridors themselves, has burial niches hewn into
the stone of the walls which are occupied by the same shrouded Hit Points 94 (9d12 + 36)
bundles you have seen elsewhere. This area is different though Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
in that the floor is flooded with murky water to a depth of 2 or 3 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
inches. The smell of mildew is strong here.
8 (-1) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 1 (-5) 4 (-3) 1 (-5)

This junction is close in proximity to the shaft of the

Damage Resistances necrotic, piercing, slashing
abbey’s well at area A1 (it is sunk just east beyond the Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
eastern wall of this chamber), and the porous rock has grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained,
allowed the moisture to collect here. What has been stunned
allowed to seep out into the well does not bear pondering. Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 7
The water is not harmless, though. Over the long years of
seepage, microscopic eggs have gathered and only recently
Languages –
with the influx of fresh air from Brother Fagen’s passage Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
hatched and grown into a rot grub swarm. This wriggling
mass of horror has been devouring the bones of the dead Spider Climb. The rot grub swarm can climb
to be found in this chamber but sensing the arrival of fresh difficult surfaces, including upside down on
prey the entire nauseating mass of white worms wriggles
forth from the puddle to attack.
ceilings, without needing to make an ability
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s
space. The swarm can move through any opening
wide enough for a Tiny maggot. The swarm cannot
regain hit points or have temporary hit points.

Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
one creature in the swarm’s space. Hit: The target
becomes infested by 1d6+2 rot grubs. At the
beginning of the infested creature’s turn, it takes
1d6 piercing damage per rot grub infesting it.
Application of fire to the wound before the end
of the target’s next turn does 1 fire damage and
kills those rot grubs. After this, however, the rot
grubs have burrowed too deep into the flesh to
be affected in this manner.
If a creature infested by rot grubs ends its turns
at 0 hit points, it dies as the grubs reach its heart
and kill it. Lesser restoration or other effects that
cure disease kill all rot grubs infesting the creature.
Engulf. The swarm engulfs a Medium or smaller
creature. The engulfed target is considered
grappled by the swarm (escape DC 10) and
becomes blinded, restrained, and unable to

breathe. It must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution B4. ABBOTS’ VAULT
saving throw at the start of each of the swarm’s The room has white stone plaques set into its walls, with names
turns or take 13 (2d10 + 2) piercing damage and craved into them. Several of these are blank and open with empty
be infested by 1d6+2 rot grubs (see the bites interment niches behind. In the center of this chamber with an
attack, above). If the swarm moves, the engulfed ornately vaulted ceiling rests a marble sarcophagus. The image
of an elderly monk is carved into the white marble top of the
target moves with it. The swarm can have up to sarcophagus, and the sides are carved with images of a monk
two creatures engulfed at one time. following a king into battle. One of the etchings shows the king
lying fallen on the battlefield with the priest kneeling and praying
B3. UNSAFE PASSAGEWAY beside him. Surrounding the fallen king is some sort of divine
light and the next image shows the risen king, his hand on the
The floor of the passage becomes much more uneven here and in kneeling priest’s head issuing a royal decree. The wall behind
places the hewn stone of the wall and floor has lifted and cracked. the sarcophagus is covered with a large mosaic depicting a king
The passage turns and near the corner, several of the niches have sitting on a throne. The floor is a checkered blue and white tile,
collapsed and fallen, creating a chaotic jumble of dust, rubble, torn and in front of the mosaic, it is set with larger tiles carved into the
linen, and protruding bones. A skull from one of the niches lies on symbol of the Church of Thyr.
its side in the corridor.

The marble plaques list the names of past abbots stating

Any loud noise or movement in the corridor brings small their dates of service and their dates of birth and death.
showers of dust down from the ceiling. The mosaic depicts the god Thyr sitting on a tall throne,
his rod of kingship in one hand and a chalice of peace in
Hazard: The structure of the walls and ceiling of this the other. Along the border of the mosaic are the words,
part of the crypts have weakened over time and are likely “Honoring thy ruler shall bring justice to thy kingdom”. A DC
to collapse. This can be spotted with a DC 15 Intelligence 20 Wisdom (Perception) check notices that several of the
check. Those with the stonecunning ability (such as larger tiles in the symbol are slightly raised and may trigger
dwarves) can make such a check by simply passing within something if downward pressure is applied to them. The
10 feet of the area; if actively searching, they have advantage PCs might suspect a trap, but there are no signs of anything
on the check. PCs wanting to move through the area must being triggered by these pressure plates. If a PC kneels
succeed at a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) check or the ceiling on the center of the symbol facing the mosaic, then the
collapses. This buries anyone within 15 feet of the corner weight on the tiles under the supplicant’s feet and knees
and sliding debris damages anyone in a 10-foot slide click audibly and triggers one of the four mechanisms
zone on the periphery of the collapse. Characters in the needed to unlock the secret compartment in area B8.
bury zone take 28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage, or half that The mechanism remains activated for 30 minutes before
amount if they succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. resetting itself, requiring that a character depress the tiles
They are subsequently buried. Characters in the slide zone again to reactivate it.
take 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage, or no damage at all if
they succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. Characters
in the slide zone who fail their saves are buried.
A large sarcophagus lies in the center of the room, its lid and sides
engraved with exquisitely wrought carvings. The elderly monk
Characters take 1d6 points of damage per minute while
carved into lid holds a bunch of leafy herbs in one hand and
buried. If such a character falls unconscious, he must make a
an alabaster pestle bowl rests in the other. Perched on his stone
DC 12 Constitution saving throw once per minute. If it fails,
toe is a white marble dove. The etchings around the stone casket
the character also gains one level of exhaustion. Characters
depict a monk praying, bandaging the leg of a wild creature, and
who aren’t buried can dig out their friends. In 1 minute, using
tending a garden. These normal scenes of monastic life are at odds
only her hands, a character can clear rocks and debris equal
with the last carving which shows the man looking skyward in
to five times her heavy load limit. The amount of loose stone
prayer, his hands clasped as flames lap around his feet and lick
that fills a 5-foot-by-5-foot area weighs 1 ton (2,000 pounds).
up the edge of his robes. The wall behind the coffer shows an inset
Armed with an appropriate tool, such as a pick, crowbar, or
carving of a village scene with swirling clouds above. A praying
shovel, a digger can clear loose stone twice as quickly as by
monk standing on a low platform is the centerpiece with figures of
hand. Buried characters can attempt to free themselves with
villagers in simple clothes standing to either side.
a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.

The herbs depicted on the sarcophagus are part of the the coffer is a large mosaic of this region. Asteria Point is shown
carving, and a DC 11 Intelligence (Nature) check identifies in the foreground with the Cretian Mountain range receding back
them as depicting holy basil, the symbol of peace. into the distance.

Below the wall carving is a small mosaic with a white Inscribed across the top of the mosaic are the words,
background and gold border. Picked out in tiny chips of “The building blocks of order hold back the winds of chaos”.
tile are the words, “Those who bathe in the pure waters of faith Astute PCs may realize that there is no abbey pictured
will know peace”. A character proficient with mason’s tools in the mosaic even though it should be shown near the
or similar stoneworking tools looking at the wall carving, center of the picture. A DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
or who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check or searching the mosaic at the position that the
check in examining it, notices something unusual about abbey should occupy discovers a small section of mosaic
the wall carving. A lot of seemingly unnecessary work has tiles that are not affixed to the wall and can be easily
been done to deeply inset the area of the carving above the removed, revealing an inset section with a tiny hole.
monk and the positions of the peasants to either side form A DC 28 Wisdom (Perception) check or a meticulous
a funnel of sorts. Very close examination of the wall carving inspection of the coffin lid reveals the abbot has his
and a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals hands clasped on his chest, but his fingers are interlinked
that there are tiny holes drilled into the stone behind and his hands are slightly raised up off his body, creating
the carved platform. If a character pours water (or other a small space underneath. Searching the space finds a
liquid) near the top of the inset carving, then the shape piece of golden mosaic tile with a small clear dome of
of the sculpted features caused the liquid flow down the glass. This represents a small model of the abbey with
background making the scene appear as if it is raining upon the glass dome symbolizing the magical oculus. The PCs
the standing monk. The liquid funnels into the tiny holes can push the golden mosaic tile into the inset section
behind the platform and disappears into the wall. If the of the mosaic with a click to trigger one of the four
PCs pour an amount of liquid equal to the capacity of the mechanisms needed to unlock the secret compartment
pestle (1 pint, which is 1 pound of water) onto the carving, in area B8. Alternatively, the inset hole can be unlocked
then a few moments after the last of the liquid disappears, with a DC 30 Disable Device check.
a clicking grinding noise sounds in the wall behind the
carving. This is one of the four mechanisms needed to
open the secret compartment in area B8. The amount of B7. ABBOT MUIRIN’S CRYPT
liquid doesn’t have to be exact and can vary more or less In the middle of the room is a heavy stone casket of white marble.
by up to 2 ounces, as the measuring mechanism in the wall Depicted on the top of the casket is the carving of a man dressed
allows some variance. However, pouring too much liquid in the garb of a simple monk, his feet clad in leather sandals with
causes the mechanism to temporarily jam for 10 minutes a cincture around his waist. Etchings around the casket depict
until the liquid dribbles away through the mechanism. a man in monk’s robes working among other figures. One scene
Pouring too little water also has no effect as this only partly shows him speaking with a group of simply dressed figures,
fills the mechanism. another him working in a field with a plow, and a third shows
him providing medicine to others. In the walls around the vault
Treasure: The marble dove and alabaster pestle are are thick marble plaques with names engraved upon them. On the
separate pieces of stonework. The marble dove has been rear wall there is a bas-relief of the god Thyr and below it a grid
set into the stone of the lid and would require significant of white tiles with words engraved upon them.
damage to the carving to extract, but the alabaster pestle
simply rests in a cavity and can be easily removed. It is The words beneath the bas-relief say, “Those who worship
worth 60 gp. faithfully must follow the true path.” Below this is a grid of
white tiles each carved with a word related to the things
B6. ABBOT ORONATH’S VAULT that followers of Thyr might be expected to be or immerse
themselves in: Acceptance, Belief, Commitment, Compassion,
A sarcophagus rests in the very center of the room. The statue Conscience, Courage, Devotion, Divinity, Excellence, Fortitude,
carved into the top of the coffer shows an excellent representation Goodliness, Gratitude, Humility, Justice, Kindness, Loyalty,
of a bald-headed abbot in robes with bare feet. The images around Mindfulness, Order, Patience, Piety, Peace, Prayer, Repentance,
the outside of his coffin show this man constructing an abbey. He Respect, and Sacrifice.
is also shown magically healing the sick and providing food to
people in front of a simple-looking village. On the wall behind

When pressed, each tile pushes in slightly with a click.
Unless the correct three tiles are pushed in, once three
tiles are pressed, the tiles all pop out, resetting the puzzle. Ring of Resoluteness
Pressing the Justice, Order, and Peace tiles (in any order) Ring, rare (requires attunement)
causes a chiming sound followed by a grinding noise from While wearing this ring, you have advantage on saving
the wall and the three tiles remain pushed in. This unlocks throws to resist becoming frightened. In addition,
one of the four mechanisms needed to open the secret once per day when you fail a saving throw to resist
compartment in area B8. A DC 20 Intelligence (Religion) being frightened, you can ignore the condition for a
check allows a character to recall these Three Principles of number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus.
Thyrian worship. At the GM’s discretion, characters who Once this time elapses, you become frightened until
are very familiar with Thyr gain advantage on this check. the duration of the effect ends.
The PCs can also research this information in books
stored in the abbey or simply ask the monks. Astute PCs
may also realize that each of the inscriptions in the three Mind Sentinel Medallion
other vaults uses one of the key words, “Honoring thy ruler Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
shall bring justice to thy kingdom,” “The building blocks of This medallion provides you with advantage to
order hold back the winds of chaos,” and “Those who bathe Wisdom saving throws against being charmed. If you
in the pure waters of faith will know peace.” Attentive PCs fail a saving throw and become charmed, you can reroll
may also remember the words carved on the symbol on the your save to resist the effect, but after using this ability
abbey’s front gate (area A1). the medallion loses its magic and become an ordinary
piece of jewelry.

This chamber holds a large stone altar with a statue overlooking
it. The figure is that of an older man, his stone beard reaching from gold and silver thread. This treasure depicts a stylized
down to his waist. His hands are clasped around an elaborately map of the surrounding lands illuminated with images of
engraved cross and held in front of his chest. lions and eagles around the edges. Places of note, such as the
Asterian Abbey, are marked on the map with tiny gemstones.
These markers represent places that were important to the
Hidden under the altar there is a concealed cache of holy
Asterian Order, and the abbey has one of the largest and
treasures secreted here by members of the Asterian Order
most prominent gemstones. This map is worth 1,500 gp
centuries ago. Opening the cache requires the PCs to trigger
as an art object but may also provide clues that could lead
a mechanism in each of the four vaults surrounding the
the PCs to other adventure sites after this adventure at the
shrine (B4, B5, B6, and B7). The concealed hollow inside
GM’s discretion. If the PCs hack their way into the cache
the altar and the mechanisms that allows the stone to slide
they are likely to tear this delicate golden map, reducing its
aside have been carefully hidden and are covered in layers
value by two-thirds. The cache also holds a platinum ring of
of dust, but DC 30 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the
resoluteness (see sidebar) ring of the sublimePPC:TEoG embossed
presence of the hidden area. There are no mechanisms in
with the cross holy symbol of Thyr and an ancient golden
this room the PCs can access to open the cache but once
torc of Ancient One design engraved with swirling symbols
the four mechanisms are activated in the other vaults, the
(protective runes in the Old Tongue [see sidebar] —
altar slides aside with a loud grinding noise, revealing
Intelligence (Investigation) DC 30 to translate). The torc is a
the cached items inside. Smashing the stone altar open is
mind sentinel medallion (see sidebar).
possible, it has AC 17 and takes 150 hit points of damage
to break open a large enough area to reveal the cache.
However, this forceful approach is likely to damage some B9. PLAGUE INTERMENT ROOM
of the items stored within the cache (see Treasure below). The southern entranceway is blocked with a makeshift barrier
of wood. Painted on the side of the barrier facing south is
Treasure: The cache contains an elaborate crystal chalice a large red cross, the paint now faded and peeling with age.
carved from a single chunk of purple amethyst which is worth There is a similar barrier on the west side, but this has been
2,000 gp. This chalice is quite fragile and is very likely to be partly pulled down recently leaving an opening a Medium
shattered if the PCs break their way into the cache reducing creature can squeeze through. Removing these barriers is
its value to a mere 200 gp. In the middle of the cache, covered simple; they fall apart from age after the first few planks are
by a decaying wooden frame is a small embroidery woven pulled away with a DC 5 Strength (Athletics) check.

This room lies in dusty, ancient shambles. A scarred wooden table A creature infected by this red plague becomes poisoned
stands in the middle of the room and rough loops of rope lie in and gains a level of exhaustion. Each hour thereafter, an
rounds on the floor. The remains of heavy linen shrouds lie strewn infected creature must make another DC 13 Constitution
around and piled in the corners of the room. Wooden tools and save or have their hit point maximum reduced by 10 (3d6).
planks likewise lie scattered about. Each of the niches in the walls Once a creature succeeds at two saving throws, they are
are haphazardly stuffed with shrouded remains with at least two cured of the plague.
or three linen wrapped bodies, and their shrouds have a hastily
painted red cross on them, the paint now dulled and darkened
Once this haunt has triggered, it cannot be triggered
with age. Everything is coated with a thick layer of dust. There are
again until the coming of the next dawn.
scuffed footsteps in the dust on the floor, leading from the western
entranceway to the northern passage.
Destroying the Haunt: Casting lesser restoration upon
the room itself ends the haunt event and cures all those
Anyone making a DC 15 Intelligence (History) or afflicted by this occurrence of the red plague.
Intelligence (Religion) check recognizes the red crosses
as symbols to denote plague victims back during the
Hyperborean Empire when Thyr’s religion was still Destroying the haunt requires the casting of lesser
ascendant and its cross symbol universally recognized. The restoration as well as a cleansing ritual—a variation of a
same symbol is sometimes to denote plague houses today, Thyrian funerary rite. The cleansing ritual requires 200 gp
though not with the same universality. in sacred herbs and anointing oils and takes 10 minutes to
complete. Determining the necessary words and prayers
involved in this requires a DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check.
The scuff marks in the dust are relatively recent and
were made by Brother Fagen during his explorations. If
living creature are in this area for more than 1 consecutive Once the haunt is cleansed from the room, all those
round, it triggers the virulent plague haunting event. infected by the red plague are cured and all effects are healed.
Brother Fagen never triggered it because he recognized the
significance of the red crosses and chose to quickly cross
the room to avoid any chance of becoming infected with B10. FAGEN’S FATE
latent plague. A stale and fetid smell hangs in the air here. One of the cloth-
wrapped bundles that once rested within the cavities on the wall lies
torn open on the ground. The floor is littered with tiny bones and a
Detection: Upon first entering this room, a creature
few tiny scraps of fur. Lying in the center of the room is a fairly fresh
can attempt a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice
corpse still clothed in tattered monk’s robes. It faces away from you,
the faint, barely perceptible scent of rot and disease that
but from the chamber entrance you can see that hunks of flesh hang
lingers here, followed by a dip in the ambient temperature.
from his frame, including large chunks of his face and a blonde-
haired, tonsured scalp.
Description: Anyone in the room smells the foul
corruption of disease and feels a cold rushing wind fill
the room. The shrouds and cords swirling around and lift This is where Brother Fagen met his grisly end. The
into the air as those in the room catch a glimpse of heavily inquisitive monk disturbed a sinew cadaver, an animate
garbed figures with cloth-covered faces hurriedly shoving fleshy abomination that has haunted the crypts since
shrouded bodies into niches. The plague haunt causes the the time of the Red Plague centuries ago devouring the
skin of anyone affected to start exuding red, purulent boils occasional rats it has encountered. Fagen was slain and
that burst and spread to other parts of the body. has transformed into another sinew cadaver. The old
sinew cadaver is a skinless boneless thing, its ancient gray
flesh forming a sagging roughly humanoid shape that lies
Effects: Each living creature in the room must make a huddled within its burial shroud waiting to spring forth
DC 13 Constitution saving throw or begin to erupt in red, with surprise when Brother Fagen attacks.
purulent boils that burst and spread to other parts of the
body. Likewise, any creature that touches an infected creature
must succeed at this save or become infected themselves.

SINEW CADAVER (2) two vials of ink, an inkpen, 5 sheets of paper, and Fagen’s
journal. This journal documents much of what he
Medium undead, chaotic evil discovered including translations of inscriptions found
Armor Class 15 in the crypts. The notes in the journal can provide a clue
Hit Points 45 (6d8+ 18) to solving the puzzle in area B4, by saying, “You honor
Speed 30 ft. your ruler and your god by kneeling before them.” Fagen did
not take notes on area B7 because he felt the answer was
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA too obvious to need them and he did not relish wading
18 (+4) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) through the puddle at B2 and so had not yet searched
B5 and B6.
Saving Throws Wis +5
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +5
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, B11. HISTORY’S SECRET
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks This corridor also has burial niches along one side, but the other
Damage Immunities poison wall is bluestone bricks without indentation. Midway along
the side with niches are three alcoves, each contains a statue of
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned a monk with his hands clasped before him in prayer. The center
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 monk is wears elaborate religious robes and faces a cross of Thyr
Languages Understands the languages it knew in carved into the back of the alcove. The two more-plainly garbed
life but can’t speak monks on either side face toward the center monk. Across from
Challenge 3 (700 XP) the statues is a circular picture depicted in mosaic with a series of
words carved around the outside.

Regeneration. The sinew cadaver regains 5 hit

points at the start of its turn. If it takes fire or The mosaic depicts a stylized version of the end of the
Gods’ War many age ago. Most of the major Hyperborean
radiant damage, this trait does not work at the gods are depicted, with Thyr thrusting his sister’s sword
start of its next turn. The sinew cadaver only dies into the ground to symbolize peace and an end to the
if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and can’t bloodshed. The mosaic conceals a well-hidden secret door
regenerate. (Wisdom (Perception) DC 25 to notice). Even if discovered,
Turn Resistance. The sinew cadaver has advantage the mechanism for opening it is not readily apparent and
must still be ascertained as described below.
on saving throws against any effect that turns
Across the top of the mosaic are the words, “All must
look to the past to learn history’s lessons,” in the High Boros
ACTIONS (Intelligence (Investigation) DC 12 to translate). Examining
Multiattack. The sinew cadaver makes two slam the statues closely with a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
attacks. check reveals that their circular bases can be rotated. If the
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., statues are all turned to face the mosaic, then the secret
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. door slowly rumbles opens by descending into a track
in the floor and finishing with a heavy thump. Dust and
If the sinew cadaver hits the same target with two other grime around the now revealed entrance reveal that
slam attacks in a round, it constricts the creature it hasn’t been opened for a long time.
for an additional 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning
Treasure: Brother Fagen’s equipment is here on and The walls of this now-revealed passage differ greatly from the
strewn about his body. It includes a crowbar, two candles hewn stone of the abbey crypt.
(one half-burned down), chalk, a hooded lantern with 2 The smooth irregular stone of this chamber gives the feeling of
flasks of oil, flint and steel, a spell component pouch, a a natural cavern. On the walls are faded pictographic murals of
half-full wineskin, 3 flasks of holy water, and a wooden people and animals. There are two low passages to either side of
holy symbol of Thyr. In a satchel there is a scroll case, the chamber’s far wall.

Exploring the left or right tunnels reveal that the tunnel is
horseshoe shaped, arching around and leading back to the
central chamber. On the walls of this tunnel are a series 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 16 (+3)
of primeval paintings which tell the story of the Ancient Saving Throws Wis +8
Ones that once inhabited the area long before the abbey
was founded. Pictographic symbols show drawings of a Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +7, Perception +8,
great battle between the Ancient Ones and some strange Stealth +8
creatures that seem to be emanating from a great circle Damage Resistances necrotic
drawn next to a lesser circle (the greater and lesser moons). Damage Immunities poison
A larger opening set with an archway of carved stone can be Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
found at the far end of this curved hall.
frightened, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
B13. BURIAL CHAMBER Languages Old Tongue
This large cavern has an irregular ceiling arcing some 15 feet Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
overhead. Primeval runes and sigils are carved into it, the
incised lines then filled with ochre and vermilion paint. Ancient
dusty, desiccated bodies — little more than bundles of bone —
Evasion. If the ancient void disciple is subjected to
sit propped up against the walls or rest against stone slabs that an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving
hold their bones in upright, seated positions. In the middle of the throw to only take half damage, the void disciple
cavern is large rough stone block carved and painted with swirling instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the
petroglyphs. On the block rests a strange leathery lump of dried save, and only half damage if it fails the save.
tissue and sagging protuberance. The aberrant amalgam is as big
as a horse.
Unarmored Defense. As long as the ancient void
disciple wears no armor and wields no shield, its
AC includes its Wisdom modifier.
A DC 18 Intelligence (History) check identifies the
skeletal bundles as Ancient One burials from before first
contact with the Hyperborean Legion in –71 I.R., some 35
centuries ago. A DC 20 Wisdom (Medicine) or Intellience
(Nature) check recognizes that the desiccated pile in the
center of the room is the corpse of some creature not of
this planet. If the check exceeds the DC by 5, the creature
is identified specifically as a lunar creature called a
mooncalf (see Appendix A, page 548).

As the PCs enter the cavern a harsh, breathy gasping

sound starts to echo off the stone walls and ceiling. The
sound rises as more join the first and the sound of the
rattle of bones echoes in the darkness. All the corpses in
the room start to breathe as the chamber’s guardians, 2
ancient void disciples, chosen by their peers to remain
as eternal protectors of this burial, wake from a long,
dark slumber. The unnerving breathing continues even
as the guardian attacks the interloping PCs.


Medium undead, lawful evil
Armor Class 20
Hit Points 93 (11d8 + 44)
Speed 45 ft.

ACTIONS succeeds at its save or not it, it remains incapable
Multiattack. The ancient void disciple makes two of speaking for 1 minute after being revived.
unarmed strikes.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning Development: When the last void disciple is defeated,
damage. This is a magic weapon attack. the susurrating sound changes. The breathing slows, and
the gasping breaths turn into a sibilant whisper. All of
Stunning Strike (recharge 6). Melee Weapon Attack:
the ancient bodies softly chant the same words in unison,
+7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) “Opacin…Naraya…” They take a collective hissing inhalation
bludgeoning damage. This is a magic weapon and the uncanny whisper repeats, growing fainter and
attack. In addition, the target must succeed on a slowing fading away into silence. Anyone who speaks the Old
DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned Tongue, or who can translate the language of the Ancient
Ones (DC 25 Intelligence (Investigation) check), hears that
until the end of the void disciple’s next turn.
they are whispering “beware…the moon…” over and over
again. As the last whisper dies away, all of the Ancient One
REACTIONS bodies collectively collapse into heaps of dust, the last of
Steal Breath. The ancient void disciple steals the their ancient influence over the chamber expended.
breath from an incapacitated (this includes
stunned) creature that it can see within 30 Treasure: The mummified bodies of the Ancient Ones
feet. The target creature must make a DC 15 are still adorned with 24 jade and lapis lazuli talismans
Constitution saving throw or have its hit point designed to protect the wearers’ spirits in death (worth 50
gp each for their materials, but worth 500 gp to a collector of
maximum reduced by 7 (2d6) and the ancient antiquities). At the back of the area on a raised platform of
void disciple gains an equal number of temporary rock, is a large chunk of quartz thickly seamed with veins of
hit points. Regardless of whether the creature opal (worth 800 gp).

Either because they have finished exploring the abbey and
its environs or because events have drawn them away, at
some point the PCs will set out to investigate the mountains
surrounding the abbey. Those locations and events are
described in this chapter.

Do not use the map for this area until the PCs arrive for
Event 17: The Bridgehead. Until then just make use of the
general description provided below.

One of the taller peaks in the Cretian Mountains, Asteria

Point is a forbidding mount which towers over the abbey
and rises nearly 2 miles above it. Perhaps following up on
Brother Hector’s description of his work, the PCs seeking a
way up find that there is a climbing track which leads from
the lychgate of the abbey (A6) that reaches all the way to the
mountain’s peak. Apart from Hector making his way up to
the stone and back, this has been long disused and is little
more than a series of markings on the steep rocky slope.

A creature following the path need not make Strength Brother Hector’s transcribed glyphs, they discover that the
(Athletics) checks to climb the mountain. Straying off the symbols are indecipherable symbols that resist any translation.
path requires Strength (Athletics) checks with a typical DC If questioned about how he found them, Hector merely states
of 15 on average, but several areas are steeper, increasing that the writings are very faint and extremely indistinct,
the DC to 20. The eastern face of the mountain leading up requiring examination in painstaking detail to read or copy.
to the summit is littered with shale. It takes approximately
two hours to climb to the top. As the path winds upward,
If the PCs use detect magic or similar divination spells
the stunted bushes and shrubs fall away and by the time the
upon the stone, it radiates a lingering aura of magic. A
climbers reach the top, there is very little vegetation left,
successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals only
with only a few strands of extremely tough undergrowth
that this aura is of an ancient but indeterminate nature.
clinging to life between the crevasses of rock and shale.
If the PCs attempt to damage or destroy the standing
stone, it requires no less than 12 hours of exhausting, back-
At the summit of the mountaintop the terrain levels out breaking labor even with proper tools such as picks and
leaving a relatively flat area roughly 60 feet across. Here stands hammers.0Even if the PCs spend time seriously damaging
an ancient and timeworn standing stone, a silent sentinel under or destroying the standing stone, the stone is an etheric
the lonely sky. Its worn surface and eroded edges reveal that it tether point that exists in other dimensions and the magic
has been here for long ages but is bare of any of the markings woven into it there slowly reconstruct its physical form
which Brother Hector most likely spoke with the PCs about at here on the Material Plane. It regains 1 hit point every 2
great length during Event 1. Only under the light of the full rounds, meaning that even if the PCs manage to totally
moon or to one who has an aberrant lunar ancestry (such as destroy the stone, it is fully restored if they return 8 hours
Brother Hector), can more be discerned. If the PCs observe later. The peak is the scene for the final climactic events of
the stone under the light of the full moon or they scrutinize this adventure, see Events 15–17 for more details.

D. WEREWOLF LAIR (though still quite large) and relatively fresh. They head up the
slope above the vine-grown overhang where they disappear
If the PCs decide to hunt the werewolf, Abbot Quilm tells the
into the brush and rocks above. The rock shelter beneath the
PCs that the last known sighting of the beast was on the low
overhang has been used on and off as a seasonal shelter for
ridge which runs to the southeast from the base of Asteria
the beast for several years. The werewolf who lurks within the
Point. Finding and following the beast’s massive paw prints
concealment of the shelter is a barbaric Erskaelosi* woman
are relatively easy as it hunts regularly in the area and doesn’t
named Gelexi, one of the nomadic peoples of eastern Akados.
bother to conceal signs of its passage. The DC of the Wisdom
She normally roams the wild mountains and avoids civilization,
(Survival) checks is 14 +1d6 (the extra d6 determines how
but recently she has been instinctively drawn to the area by
many days old the tracks are). A DC 11 Intelligence (Nature)
the strong lunar emanations focused around Asteria Point.
check is readily able to identify as belonging to a dire wolf,
Gelexi has also feeling the instinct to breed, so she kidnapped
indicating that the alleged werewolf is a beast indeed.
the monk Tyberus and has infected him with lycanthropy to
obtain him as a mate. As the apex predator in the area, Gelexi
D1. ROCKY OVERHANG doesn’t see the need to conceal signs of her habitation, and she
takes exception to any intrusion in her territory.
The trail of massive wolf tracks lead for several miles to a low
overhang of rock on the lower slopes of the mountain. The forward
extension of the rock appears to make a natural shelter, though ivy GELEXI THE MOONBOUND DIRE WEREWOLF
trails over its edge and drapes down over the front of the opening,
forming a screen, so you are not able to see inside. The smell ofMedium (or Large) humanoid (human, shapechanger),
animal and decay are both strong around this opening. chaotic evil
Armor Class 14 in humanoid form, 16 in dire wolf
This is indeed the creature’s lair, though anyone continuing or hybrid form
to examine the tracks and making a successful DC 13 Wisdom Hit Points 152 (16d8+ 80) in humanoid form, or 168
(Survival) check notices that there is a second set of dire wolf (16d10 + 80) in dire wolf or hybrid form
tracks intermingled with the first. This set is slightly smaller
Speed 40 ft.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA as well as Wisdom (Insight) checks due to her
animalistic nature.
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)
Moonbound. When the moon is full, Gelexi’s
Saving Throws Str +9, Con +9 Strength and Constitution each increase by +4.
Skills Athletics +9, Perception +6, Stealth +8, Survival +6 These increases are already figured into her
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and statistics.
slashing from nonmagical Attacks that aren’t
silvered ACTIONS
Damage Resistances cold Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only).
Senses passive Perception 16 Gelexi makes three attacks: three with her spear
Languages Common, ErskinLL4 (can’t speak in dire (humanoid form) or one with her bite and two
wolf form) with her claws (hybrid form).
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Bite (Dire Wolf or Hybrid Form Only). Melee
Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Shapechanger. Gelexi the dire werewolf can Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage. If the target
use her action to polymorph into a dire wolf- is a humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 13
humanoid hybrid or into a wolf, or back into her Constitution saving throw or become cursed with
true form, which is human. Her statistics, other dire werewolf lycanthropy.
than her size, AC, and hit points, remain the same Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
for each form. Any equipment she is wearing or target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage.
carrying is not transformed. Gelexi reverts to her Spear (Humanoid Form Only). Melee Weapon
human form if she dies. Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft. or ranged 20/60 ft.,
Blood Frenzy. As a bonus action, Gelexi enters a one target. Hit: 8 (1d6+ 5) piercing damage.
battle rage. She gains advantage on Strength
checks and Strength saving throws. During this
rage, Gelexi does +2 bonus weapon damage with
her melee weapon attacks. D aredevil Boots
Reckless Attack. When Gelexi makes her first attack Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
on her turn, she can attack recklessly. This gives When held to the light, these boots shimmer in bright
her advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using red and orange hues. Once attuned, these boots give
Strength during her turn, but attack rolls against you advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made
while moving through difficult terrain or hazardous
her have advantage until the start of her next turn. areas such as a narrow walkway, ground littered with
Keen Hearing and Smell. Gelexi has advantage on caltrops, a cracking sheet of ice, and so forth.
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing As a bonus action, you can activate the boots to gain
or smell. the ability to leave an enemy’s threatened area without
Lycanthropic Empathy. Gelexi can communicate taking the Disengage action to avoid an opportunity
with wolves and dire wolves and can make attack. This feature also allows you to move through
an enemy’s space without provoking an opportunity
Charisma (Persuasion) checks with advantage attack. You can use this feature for up to 10 rounds
to alter such animals’ attitudes. When she deals per day, although they need not be consecutive. This
with humanoids or other civilized creatures, power recharges at dawn the next day.
however, she suffers disadvantage on Charisma
(Deception) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks,

* The Erskaelosi are a nomadic people of eastern Akados. See page 17 of LL4: Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms by Frog
God Games for more information.

Tactics: The screening ivy over the cave opening provides
Gelexi with total concealment until the PCs come within
10 feet of her. She carefully watches them as soon as her
keen senses detect the PCs and prepares to attack. She uses
the rugged, sloping ground outside the shelter (treated
as difficult terrain) to force the PCs to come close before
springing to attack with a rumbling growl. Due to her great
size she is unaffected by the terrain. During combat Gelexi
uses Power Attack and her reckless abandon rage power to
quickly put down interlopers in her domain. She uses her
trip ability and her knockback rage power to keep the PCs
from ganging up on her in melee. While defending her lair,
Gelexi fights to the death.

Development: When Gelexi dies, she reverts to near-naked

human form. Her lair contains little apart from a large amount
of animal bones and other remains (mostly deer, moose, and
bear). There also is a pile of rags lying in the corner and broken
strands of rope. Some of these are a primitive explorer’s outfit
sized for a female that Gelexi uses when she wants to travel in
human form, but there is also a ripped and mangled monk’s
habit bearing recent bloodstains. This was Brother Tyberus’
and further investigation of the rope reveals the signs that
someone had been held captive here until very recently. This
captive hasn’t been gone for more than a few days at most.
However, the second set of tracks do seem to indicate that
the captive was, or now is, a werewolf and recently headed off,
climbing the slope above the cave. two horrifying, one-legged, one-eyed birds. These 2 fishers
from outside are identifiable as being no part of the natural
Treasure: If the PCs spend an hour searching through world of Lloegyr with a DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check.
the lair, they can find scattered about a total of 45 pp, 100 They are currently worrying at the corpse of a mountain
gp, 256 sp, 450 cp, a mithral breastplate bearing the heraldry of goat one has slain, making a mess of it as they pull it apart
the Hyperborean Legion (a valuable antique worth 5,000 gp with their serrated maws. If they notice the PCs they go
alone as an heirloom), a pair of daredevil boots (see sidebar), into a frenzy in order to obtain more fresh prey. The pine
and a jeweled scrollcase (550 gp) with a spell scroll (suggestion) trees are too dense for the fishers to go under, so anyone
and a +1 wand of the war mage stuffed into it. within 5 feet of pine tree trunk is beyond the reach of the
creatures, but unless some one dares lead them away, they
are patient and remain perched among the tops of the trees
D2. COLD TRAIL waiting for their prey to emerge.
Following the second set of tracks leads the PCs upslope
and are extremely steep and difficult terrain. After a few
hundred yards the slope levels off a bit and presents a copse FISHERS FROM OUTSIDE (2)
of pine trees. Anyone making a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
check hears some sort of ruckus or thrashing coming from hp 76 (see Appendix A, page 535)
within this copse, and if the check beats the DC by 5 or
more (or automatically for creatures with keen scent or a Development: It is mere coincidence that these
similar ability) detects the strong odor of blood as well. The creatures are in this location where Tyberus’ trail passed.
still-faintly visible wolf tracks head into the stand of trees. Unfortunately for the PCs it has been a few days since
Tyberus passed through, and his trail can no longer be
found where it leaves the copse of trees, presenting the PCs
In the center of the copse is a place where a deadfall with a dead end in their tracking.
created a cleared area. Currently within this clearing are

CHAPTER 2 EVENTS gusts pick up pieces of rock and shale skittering them
along, seemingly under the PCs’ feet. The path becomes
The following events occur over the course of the PCs’ stay
very slippery as dirt turns to mud under them. Wisdom
at the abbey of the Asterian Order, starting on the morning
(Perception) checks based on hearing have disadvantage,
of their first full day. The prior events occur on the night of
as do Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics)
the first day of arrival and are described in Chapter 1. The
checks. Strong gusts of wind cause flying creatures to be
timing of the events is given as the day on which they occur
forced to the ground and knocked prone or pushed 1d4 x
as well as where they lie in relation to the times that the
10 feet in a random direction; treat this as a Shove attack
abbey celebrates the holy offices (see Event 3: The Offices).
with a +10 bonus on the attack roll for the wind. The sky
grows darker and a feeling of oppressiveness presses the
EVENT 4: THE DRAWING OF THE VEIL air in around the PCs, and then suddenly a jagged bolt
Day 2: from before lauds until after vespers of lightning strikes down from the sky, enveloping the
party for a split second.
Location: the Asterian Abbey (A)

Hazard: Use the following steps to determine exactly where

Clouds hang low over Yolbiac Vale as the second day dawns,
they are when the lightning strike lands. Randomly determine
and as a result a thick fog covers the grounds of the abbey.
one of the members of the party and choose one of the grid
The wind has died and all is quiet outside except for the drip
intersections at the corner of her space at random. Then roll
of condensation from eaves and tree limbs. Outside objects
1d8 to move the target intersection by 5 feet in a random
and creatures more than 10 feet away have concealment,
direction. The lightning strike deals 45 (10d8) lightning
and those more than 30 feet away have total concealment.
damage to creatures adjacent to the target intersection. The
The monks are seem subdued by the oppressive fogs, and
electrical shock is transmitted by moisture in the air and water
Abbot Quilm upon looking out at the fog can be overheard
rivulets streaming down the mountainside to anyone within
muttering to himself, “And our eyes are blinded to sin, as
20 feet of the target intersection. Creatures 10 feet away from
the drawing of the veil blinds to light…,” recognizable with
the intersection take 36 (8d8) lightning damage, creatures 15
a DC 20 Intelligence (Religion) check as a quote from a
feet away take 27 (6d8) lightning damage, and creatures 20
prayer book of the Thyrian faith.
feet away take 18 (4d8) lightning damage. A successful DC 15
Dexterity saving throw halves this damage.
The PCs are unaffected by the fog while they explore
indoors, and if they travel to the mountain top (area C) or
Several more lightning strikes lash the mountain sides but
follow the werewolf ’s trail to its lair (area D), they will emerge
none of these hit near the PCs, unless of course the PCs engage
above and below the fog, respectively. Only while exploring
in foolish activities, such as flying aloft in full metal armor.
outside in the vicinity of the abbey is the fog a factor.
Gradually, the rain becomes lighter and the wind drops. Within
minutes the storm is over, the air becomes lighter and the sky
EVENT 5: UNSEASONAL WEATHER brightens. The cloud patterns return to scattered grayish-
Any Day: first visit to Asteria Point white clouds, and the wind drops back to a gentle breeze, as
Location: en route to Asteria Point (C) if nothing untoward had happened. Normality returns once
more to the mountainside without any explanation as to
why the storm occurred. This event only happens on the first
The first time the PCs climb Asteria Point, when they are occasion that the PCs climb towards the peak.
three quarters of the way up the mountain, something
unnatural happens with the weather in the area. The
clouds overhead start to move faster and then roil EVENT 6: WOLFSBANE
and churn indicating an abrupt change in the weather Day 2 (Day 3 at the latest): after lauds
is coming. The breeze drops and there is complete Location: Abbot Quilm’s office (A17)
stillness for a few minutes. Mountain terns which were
wheeling in the sky earlier are gone, and there is an eerie
Abbot Quilm approaches the PCs and asks to speak to
silence on the mountain. Suddenly, with an ominous
them privately in his office. The abbot relates his fears that
clap of thunder, the skies open up and heavy rain sluices
the abbey is being terrorized by a werewolf. His anxiety is
down, drenching everything. A sudden, fearsome wind
plainly evident; he is close to tears and drops any pretense
picks up, blowing the rain in every direction. The wind
of composure. He claims to have heard and seen glimpses
is gale force, making it hard to stand upright and the
of the beast on a few occasions on a nearby ridge on the

lower inclines of Asteria Point. If Event 12: Belphorus’ hooded men emerging from the fog. One of the men leads
Abrupt Demise has already occurred, then Quilm also a cow by a rope tied to its neck, and the cart holds a cage of
attributes Brother Belphorus’ death to the werewolf and chickens as well as assorted tools, and sacks. If approached
tells them the werewolf must be dealt with or it will pick the men identify themselves as Juliac and Bernart (N male
them all off like sheep in a pen. human commonerSRD) from a farm outside the village of
Coelum contracted to make a supply run for the abbey. Any
of the brothers recognizes and can confirm the truth of
He confesses that he was aware of the werewolf before
their statement, though they weren’t expecting them for
the party came to the abbey. He feared that one or more of
another two or three days. If asked why the farmers have
the brothers had become a werewolf and was horrified and
come early, they simply give a shrug — they came when it
traumatized when both Fagen and Tyberus disappeared.
was convenient to do so.
Their disappearance fed his fear and made him believe even
more firmly that the abbey had been infested with the curse
of the lycanthropy and that one or more of the monks may If allowed to continue unmolested, they take the cart
actually be werewolves. onto the grounds (A1). There they begin unloading food
supplies, tools, and various sundries such as needle and
thread, seeds, and other small necessities. The chickens
He took Hakkan’s increasing wariness and Hector’s
and seeds are taken into the barn (A2), while the food is
manic behavior of venturing up to the standing stone
carried through the entrance at A7 up to the pantry (A22).
glyphs as possible indicators of the monks losing control
The sundry items are given to the brothers as they come
before a possible lycanthropic transformation. His other
out to greet the farmers and pick up such items as they
grave fear was that they had realized he knew their secret
had requested. After the distribution, the farmers produce
and were about to murder him before he could intervene
a mallet and billhook from the bed of the wagon and
or get help.
proceed to slaughter and butcher the cow. This process
them takes them several hours with cuts of meat wrapped
In the end, he realized he needed external help and sent in burlap and carried to A22 where they are packed in bins
the letter to Tholberon of Thyr in Coelum to request the of ice taken from higher up the mountain.
aid of adventurers under the guise of calling on them to
clean out the crypts — although he half expects the PCs to
These superstitious men know nothing of recent events
find that the crypts are where the werewolf has disposed of
of the abbey and, while they find working in the thick fog
the remains of its victims. He didn’t write anything of his
disconcerting, they would rather finish their work and be
concerns in the letter he sent, for fear one of the infected
on their way before dark than stay at the abbey overnight.
brothers might intercept it and read it. He was also
Unless prevented from doing so, the men will leave just
concerned that the heroes might not be willing to enter a
before vespers to start back down the mountain.
den of werewolves.

Apologizing profusely, he begs them to stay and help him EVENT 8: RETURN OF THE ELDEST
sort out what is going on and, if possible, clear the abbey Day 2: between nons and vespers
of the werewolves. See area D if the PCs decide to track the Location: the abbey near the cliff (A1)
werewolf to its lair.
The PCs learn of this either because they are in area A1
EVENT 7: THE HIDDEN BELL and witness it themselves or because the men working out
Day 2: between lauds and nons there become panicked and run inside the abbey for help
crying that there are “ghosts in the fog!” Abbot Quilm will
Location: outside the abbey
immediately request that the PCs check into it. If asked,
the men can point the PCs to out by the “old king” (the
At some point when the PCs are outside, near the front cemetery statue at A1).
door (A13), or near any window, they hear the sound of a When the PCs investigate their report, read the following
bell clanking from the mist-shrouded terrain outside. In description.
the thick fog it is difficult to tell where it is coming from or
how far away it is, but it seems like it might be approaching The soupy fog has reduced the grounds of the abbey to a world of
from the road to Coelum. Anyone going outside sees a cart swirling gray. You can barely make out the great bulk of the abbey
drawn by a donkey and accompanied by two cloaked and towers, looming ominous shadows in the mist, and the mountain

slopes beyond are completely invisible, as is the sky or the sweeping trying to slay them. After the central figure has made his
vista of the valley below. The steady drip-drip of the fog condensing statement, the two flanking ghosts attack. Likewise, the
on the roof eaves is the only sound that breaks the silence other than translucent figure of a female Eldest, a groaning spirit,
the harsh cry of some distant bird, lost in the haze. rises from the fog below the edge of the cliff and attacks
as well.
Near the southern edge of the grounds the statue of a regal king
holds scepter and chalice, his countenance forever frozen in a
stern gaze. Something appears to be resting in his chalice… it’s a ELDEST GHOST
disembodied head! Your shock is momentary as you realize it’s just
a trick of perspective. It’s actually the head of someone standing Medium undead, chaotic evil
in the fog behind the statue that gives it its strange appearance. Armor Class 13
There are actually multiple people standing in the mist beyond Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)
the statue. However, your shock returns as you realize they are
standing well beyond the edge of the cliff as well!
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft.
Anyone coming within 5 feet of the cliff ’s edge can get 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
a good look at the figures seemingly floating in midair. Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +6
There are three of them, and all appear to be wizened
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +6
elves wearing outfits of rough hides and bearing feathered
spears, the central figure likewise wears an elaborate Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder;
headdress. Their faces are lined with centuries of wisdom, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
and their eyes are little more than dark hollows. They are nonmagical attacks
clearly standing in midair and make no move or response Damage Immunities cold, necrotic,
unless attacked or someone comes to the cliff edge and
hales them. If either occurs the central figures speaks in
a gravelly voice in archaic Elven, saying, “The doom has Condition Immunities charmed,
come. The time of night is upon us all.” Even exhaustion, frightened, grappled,
someone who understands Elven paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
must make a DC 10 Intelligence restrained
check to understand.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 15
The figures are 3 Eldest ghosts, Languages Druidic, Elven,
restless spirits of the elves who
fought the Lunite invaders
Gnome, Sylvan
millennia ago. The renewed Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
activity of the moonstone has
disturbed their long slumber, Ethereal Sight. The Eldest ghost
and the arrival of the PCs can see 60 feet into the
has drawn their attention
as moths to the flame —
ethereal plane when it is on
they see in the PCs the the material plane, and vice
possibility of righting the versa.
wrongs left unfinished Incorporeal Movement. The
long ago. But their Eldest ghost can move through
unnatural existence
of perpetual despair
other creatures and objects,
has warped them treating them as if they were
to evil, so they first difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10)
intend to test the PCs to force damage if it ends its turn
ensure they are worthy. inside an object.
Unfortunately for the
PCs, the testing involves
Ghost Touch. The Eldest’s attacks
with its ghost spear ignore

intervening objects and creatures, allowing the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Eldest to attack through cover or other barriers
2 (-4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 18 (+4)
between it and its target. In addition, when
attacking with its ghost spear, the Eldest ignores Skills Perception +6, Stealth +6
the AC bonus provided by any shield the target Damage Resistances acid, fire, thunder;
wields. bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
Relentless Hunter. As a bonus action, the Eldest nonmagical attacks
ghost designates a creature it can see as its Damage Immunities cold, lightning necrotic,
quarry. The Eldest knows the exact distance poison
to and direction of any creature designated Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
as its quarry, even if the ghost and its target frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified,
are on separate planes of existence. The Eldest poisoned, prone, restrained
ghost knows if its quarry dies. It can switch to a Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
different quarry as a bonus action. Languages Druidic, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan
Turn Resistance. The Eldest ghost has advantage Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
on saving throws to resist effects that turn
undead. Detect Life. The groaning spirit can magically
Magic Weapon. The Eldest ghost’s attacks with its detect the presence of living creatures up to 5
ghost spear are magical. miles away. It knows the general direction they
are in but not their precise locations.
ACTIONS Frightful Presence. Each creature of the groaning
Multiattack. The Eldest ghost makes two ghost spirit’s choice that is within 30 feet of the spirit
spear attacks. and aware of it must make a DC 15 Wisdom
Ghost Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (3d6 + 2) necrotic A creature can attempt this save at the end of
damage. each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a
Corrupting Gaze. The Eldest ghost targets a success. If a creature’s save succeeds or the effect
creature it can see within 30 feet of it and that it ends for it, that creature is immune to the spirit’s
has marked as its quarry. The target must make a Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails, Incorporeal Movement. The groaning spirit can
it suffers 11 (2d10) psychic damage and has its hit move through other creatures and objects,
point maximum reduced by an equal amount. The treating them as if they were difficult terrain.
creature also becomes frightened for 1 minute. A It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn
frightened creature can repeat the save at the start inside an object.
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with Turn Resistance. The groaning spirit has advantage
a success. Once a creature succeeds at this saving on saving throws to resist effects that turn undead.
throw, it is immune to the frightened effect, but Magic Resistance. The groaning spirit has
not the psychic damage, for 24 hours. advantage on saving throws against spells and
other magical effects.
Vulnerability to Dispel Evil and Good. If a
GROANING SPIRIT creature protected by the dispel evil and good
Medium undead, chaotic evil spell succeeds at a melee spell attack against the
Armor Class 13 groaning spirit, the spirit must make a Wisdom
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) saving throw against the spell save DC or be
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. immediately destroyed.

Chill Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., Day 2: after vespers
one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) necrotic damage plus Location: the Asterian Abbey, various locations (A)
9 (2d8) cold damage. The creature struck cannot This consists of four separate events involving the four
regain hit points until the start of the groaning surviving monks of the abbey. They take place individually
and can occur anywhere within the abbey that is a convenient
spirit’s next turn.
time and place for the PCs to run across the monk, though
Keening (1/Day). Provided it isn’t in sunlight, the the monks are unlikely to be in the crypts (A10–12) or
groaning spirit unleashes a death wail audible to catacombs (B). Likewise, none of them will be utilizing the
a distance of 1 mile. Any living creature within secret door at A9 at the time of this event. Any or all of these
30 feet that hears this wail must make a DC 15 can be used as you see fit; all serve to heighten suspicion
of the various monks and prevent the PCs from becoming
Wisdom saving throw or drop to 0 hit points.
too comfortable with their investigative conclusions so far.
On a success, a creature takes 14 (4d6) psychic
damage and is frightened until the end of their
Abbot Quilm: The aged abbot is discovered wandering
next turn. in an unusual place, acting very furtive. When the PCs
first spot him, he notices and attempts to escape detection
Tactics: Only two of the ghosts attack. The third ghost (though not very well). If the PCs wish, they can easily reach
hangs back and if attacked fades back into the fog out of him before he gets away. If this occurs, he acts very irritated
sight. The two attacking ghosts begin with their corrupting and secretive. He is doing nothing incriminating (other
gaze attacks and then swoop over the PCs and come down than acting weird) and refuses to explain what he is doing,
behind them. They attempt to use their Pushing Assault claiming he is the abbot of this abbey and it is none of the
feat with their ghost touch spears to drive the PCs over PCs’ business. He is resistant to intimidation and magical
the cliff edge. Otherwise they use their corrupting touch coercion as explained below.
attacks. The groaning spirit likewise swoops in, activating
her fear aura. Since it is daytime, she is unable to use her
keening ability and must rely on her incorporeal touch The truth of the matter is that the abbot is “sun-downing”.
attacks. These undead fight until destroyed, though they On this evening as darkness descended, his dementia
will not pursue fleeing PCs into the abbey. If all the PCs manifested and he became confused and then lost as he
retreat inside, they will depart and not be seen again. The wandered the abbey. When he spotted the PCs, he suddenly
Eldest ghosts can only be permanently destroyed if the realized what he was doing, but his embarrassment and
moon bridge at Asteria Point (see Event 17) is locked once pride prevent him from admitting his reduced mental
again. Otherwise they rejuvenate in 2d4 days. The ghosts’ acuity to himself, much less the PCs, and as a result he
spears are not left behind when they are defeated. ends up inadvertently behaving very suspiciously. A DC 17
Wisdom (Insight) can determine he is hiding something
(as can a detect thoughts), but neither can determine what
Development: If the PCs defeat the ghosts and the exactly because there is not a specific thing he is hiding
groaning spirit, the central ghost with the headdress once other than his internal humiliation. If the PCs learned of
again addresses them (if it had retreated into the fog, it his dementia as described under “Dinner Conversation”
reappears to do so). It stares hard upon the PCs, its empty in Event 1, then his behavior makes sense in that context.
eyes almost seeming to bore holes into their souls (though After leaving the PCs, he retires to his room for the evening.
it does not use its corrupting gaze attack), and in the same
archaic form of Elven it states, “Perhaps it is not too late
after all. Close the span… close the span or join us in our Brother Belphorus: Belphorus is spotted moving quietly
failure.” It is referring to sealing off the moon bridge as down a darkened hall carrying what appears to be a heavy
described in Event 17. After it makes this statement, it fades cloth bundle in his arms. A DC 19 Wisdom (Perception)
from view never to return. check notices what appears to be blood soaking through this
bundle and spatters of blood on his robes. If Belphorus is
confronted, he is startled and drops the bundle with a splat.
Ad Hoc XP Award: If the PCs defeat the undead and hear Anyone examining the bundle discovers that it contains a
the third ghost’s final declaration, award XP as if they had freshly removed heart. If the PCs make strong accusations,
defeated it in battle as well. Belphorus is flustered and unable to provide a good
explanation. Anyone making a DC 13 Wisdom (Medicine)

check realizes that the heart is much too big to belong to leaving the PCs. If he retained the book, he immediately
a human, and a DC 13 Intelligence (Nature) identifies it as begins examining it in hopes of enlightenment.
probably belonging to a cow or some similar animal.
It should be noted that Hakkan is not carrying the
If the PCs calm Belphorus with a DC 12 Charisma pages stolen from the book in A24 at this time. Those
(Persuasion) check, he can recover himself enough to will only be discovered on his person during Event 14: A
explain that it is the heart of the cow that was butchered Broken Order.
in the yard. He explains that he just finished stirring
the jars of blood from the slaughtered animal in the
Brother Hector: As with others, the PCs spot Brother
smithy (A4) and is now allowing them to cool overnight
Hector attempting to move quietly through the halls and
so he can use them for a blood pudding. Meanwhile he
avoid notice. He carries a sack that holds something that
is currently taking the creature’s heart to the kitchen
occasional squirms in his grasp. If spotted, he hunkers down
to use as a base in a stew, a common culinary practice.
and tries to appear inconspicuous, likely appearing much
No amount of intimidation or magical examination can
more conspicuous in the process. If confronted he laughs
detect any falsehoods in his statements, but Belphorus
nervously and sweats prodigiously, saying he’s just out to
always seems at least a little oily and untrustworthy, a
stretch his legs before retiring for the night. All the while he
trait that does not work in his favor here. After leaving
attempts to conceal the sack behind his back that continues
the PCs he carries the heart to the kitchen and places it
to squirm and twitch. He sheepishly surrenders the sack
in a pot of boiling water to steep.
if ordered, and opening it reveals it to contain a live black
rooster within, its beak tied shut with a bit of twine.
Brother Hakkan: The PCs spot Brother Hakkan
moving surreptitiously, clearly sneaking through the
Hector states that he obtained it from the farmers when
abbey. He also is noticeably hiding some object under
they visited a few hours earlier and had just gone outside
his scapular. If confronted, Brother Hakkan is visibly
to retrieve it. He cannot provide a good reason for why he
nervous and refuses to make eye contact. He is unable
has it only mumbling something about “saving the abbey”.
to verbally articulate what he is up to and remains silent
If successfully Charisma (Intimidation) or magically
instead. He resists being searched and begins to panic
coerced, he admits that he was going to use it for a ritual
and scream, throwing a fit if forced unless calmed with
his gammer taught him long ago for use in warding off evil
a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check or with the use of
spirits. While a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence
magic. A panicked fit will bring the other brothers in
(Arcana) check does not reveal the existence of any such
1d4+4 rounds who will admonish the PCs for frightening
ritual, A DC 17 Knowledge (local) check realizes he is
the lad but also quickly realize he is hiding something
referring to an old superstition involving the sacrifice of
and force him to reveal it to all assembled anyway. If
a black capon to make a bargain with the Devil*. While
the PCs learned of his anxiety-inducing condition as
the superstition is false, it has carried weight among the
described under “Dinner Conversation” in Event 1, then
simple folk for thousands of years and is still practiced on
it only requires a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check to
the sly by those seeking to avert the evil eye or some other
calm him and gain access to seeing what he is hiding.
calamity. That even a brother of a Thyrian order would
subscribe to it only confirms its pervasiveness. Brother
If Hakkan is forced to reveal what he is carrying, it is Hector is clearly embarrassed by the discovery, and if it
revealed to be one of the tomes of knowledge described is presented to Quilm he tut-tuts judgmentally over the
in A26 (pick one or determine which one randomly). He brother’s superstitious nonsense and lack of true faith. In
has just discovered it in the library (A26) and believed either case, an abashed Hector aborts his plan and returns
it might shed additional light on the suspicions he is the rooster to the barn at A2.
already harboring. As a result, he was looking for a private
place where he could examine it. He will confess to
having found the book and wanting to examine it but will EVENT 10: A DIRE WARNING
not admit to his suspicions about Abbot Quilm and how Day 2: between vespers and compline
they relate to it. Brother Hakkan returns to his room after Location: the entrance to the abbey (A13)

* Though there are many devils and arch-devils known on Lloegyr, there is also an underlying superstition of the Devil,
“Old Scratch”, as well. See page 39 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City by Frog God Games.

The PCs are located by Abbot Quilm and Brother Belphorus’ investigate. Having spotted the ghosts earlier and realizing
Belphorus looks nervous and Quilm looks agitated. Quilm what it portends, the wild elf caught one of the cats in the
demands that the PCs accompany him and Belphorus to the barn and sacrificed it as a means to ward away the evils that
entrance at A13. Along the way he explains that Belphorus are about to befall the abbey. The wild elf then departed
was making his nightly rounds to make sure all the doors without leaving a trace to warn her kin down in the valley
were secure before retiring for the night. When he opened of the coming invasion.
the front entrance, he made a terrible discovering and
immediately rushed to find Abbot Quilm.
Day 2: before compline
When the PCs arrive at the door, Quilm opens it and shows
Location: the observatory (A23)
them the disturbing discovery. Nailed to the front of the left
door is a bloody mass of black fur and viscera. It requires
a DC 17 Intelligence (Nature) check to recognize it as a cat, As the hour of compline approaches and quiet has fallen
and both Quilm and Belphorus can confirm that one of over the abbey, the PCs again hear spine-chilling howls
the mousers that lives in the barn (A2) was black. Someone in the distance echoing off in the mountains — much as
clearly slaughtered the cat most gruesomely and then nailed during dinner on the first night (see Event 1). The mist has
it to the abbey’s front entrance without anyone noticing. thinned but still dampens the air and curls over the ground
It was certainly not there before vespers when the farmers like a wet curtain, making it difficult to determine the
left. If Brother Hector was discovered in Event 9 and the direction of the noise. While thin, these vapors still reduce
intended purpose of his black rooster discerned, then the visibility to three-quarters of the normal ranges, resulting
PCs recognize this slaughter and display something akin in disadvantage on vision-based Wisdom (Perception)
to the same superstitious ritual he was going to Charisma checks and on ranged attack rolls.
(Perform). In fact, a black cat is considered a viable substitute
for a black rooster in that particular superstition.

Whomever Charisma (Perform) this act left no footprints

and no traces of themselves. If the other brothers are
questioned, they all decry their innocence (Brother Hector,
in particular, seems extremely embarrassed by the act he
had previously been contemplating), and their claims
stand up under interrogation and magical detection alike.
A specific examination of the nail embedded in the door
reveals that it is actually a bronze nail, a rather odd and
interesting fact. All of the nails possessed by the abbey
are made of iron, as is the general custom throughout
Yolbiac Vale and the Kingdoms of Foere at large. A DC
12 Intelligence (History) check reveals that casting a nail
of bronze is a very antiquated practice that has been out
of use since shortly after the coming of the Hyperborean
Legion more than three thousand years ago, though this
particular nail is clearly not of great age itself. Only the
use of magical divination or a DC 25 Intelligence (History)
check will reveal that the elves known as the EldestLL5-153,
a small number of whom are thought to still inhabit the
deepest forests of Yolbiac Vale, are known to use bronze in
their metalworking rather than iron or steel.

The truth of the matter is that there is a small population

of Eldest that remain within the Vale. The awakening of the
ghosts in Event 8: Return of the Eldest caught the attention
of the some of the more spiritually sensitive members
of the tribe, one of whom has come up the mountain to

If for any reason, the PCs go to the observatory (A23), EVENT 12: BELPHORUS’ ABRUPT DEMISE
they find that the oculus has been refocused and instead Day 3: before lauds
of depicting the moon, it now points at the peak of Asteria Location: just outside the abbey on the Coleum trail
Point showing a magnified view of the standing stone.
There above the mists a hooded humanoid figure stands
before the stone and a monstrous abomination is faintly Early on the morning of the third day, Brother Hakkan
visible behind the stone. The image of the abomination is heads out to the chicken coop to collect eggs for breakfast
weirdly distorted, like the air above a roaring fire, making (one of his daily assigned tasks). Upon opening the barn
the aberrant thing extremely difficult to identify. The PCs door one of the hens became agitated and flew away over
can observe that the bestial monstrosity is pale, far larger the fence. Hakkan chased it out the gate and down the road
than the figure standing before it, and the thing’s visage towards Coelum, though he didn’t get far before discovering
consists of fleshy tentacles. A DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana) Brother Belphorus’ mangled body sprawled among the
check discerns that it is some form of moon-beast with a stones beside the trail. Hakkan runs screaming into the
sinister unearthly aspect surrounding it. The humanoid abbey, where he is discovered in his cell by Abbot Quilm,
figure wears a monk’s cowl and its voluminous folds make and it takes some time to find the reason for his distress,
identifying the monk impossible. If the PCs search the as he only repeats “I...i...it got away… I couldn’t catch it.
abbey and wish to speak to the monks, they discover that Where w...wi...ill it lay the eggs now?” (in reference to his
both Belphorus and Hector seem to be missing. morning duties). After 30 minutes or if calmed through
magical means such as a calm emotions spell or a DC 20
Charisma (Persuasion) or Wisdom (Insight) check, Brother
Hector’s consciousness has been taken over by the moon- Hakkan will be able to lead the abbot and the PCs to the
beast. He snuck out of the scriptorium by the secret door body. Searching the abbey during this time finds Abbot
there (A9), then a mooncalf carried him up the mountain Quilm and Brother Hakkan present, of course, Brother
so that he could Charisma (Perform) a ritual at the standing Belphorus missing, and Brother Hector asleep in the
stone. Brother Belphorus, meanwhile, was out collecting scriptorium (A18) where he claims to have worked nearly
alpine sweetroot from a small patch growing near the abbey all night on the glyphs (his falsehood cannot be detected
and he happened to spot a figure in a monk’s cowl leaving by Wisdom (Insight) or magic because he is truly unaware
the abbey grounds. Belphorus was curious and followed that he ever left).
and saw the monstrous mooncalf float down to meet Hector
in a rocky clearing near the abbey. Unfortunately, portly
Belphorus couldn’t conceal himself from the mooncalf ’s The body lies not far from the abbey’s main entrance on
otherworldly senses. The floating monster swooped down the track leading back to Coelum and is easily identifiable
and scooped Belphorus up, and following a telepathic as Brother Belphorus. Belphorus’ limbs are broken and
command from its master, flew the portly monk up to a unnaturally splayed, and the monk’s skull has been fractured
considerable height before dropping him. Under orders and split, a trickle of tacky blood escaping from the wound.
not to harm Hector, as he is still needed, the mooncalf While there is extensive damage to his torso there is no
carried Hector and flew him up to the mountain peak blood under the body. A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check
and then, when the ritual is complete, deposits him safely notes there are no signs of lacerations, breaks in the skin,
back in the clearing outside the abbey. Brother Hector can or bite marks. Anyone examining the corpse and making a
remember none of this and wakes the next morning in DC 20 Heal check notes that the cleric does not appear to
the scriptorium (A18) with no memory of these events (see have been attacked by an animal or creature of any sort but
Event 12: Belphorus’ Abrupt Demise). If his footprints are instead appears to have died from a fall.
found, the best explanation he can give is “sleepwalking”, as
he honestly has no idea of what occurred. In addition to his sickle, frying pan, 2 doses of wolfsbane,
and wooden holy symbol of Thyr, Belphorus’s scapular
If the PC’s decide to climb to the summit to see what holds a sprig of mistletoe, a half-eaten wedge of cheese,
is happening, it takes over two hours to reach the peak. and some freshly picked small, dark blue, woody lumps
If this is the first time they are ascending the mountain, of plant life. A DC 12 Intelligence (Nature) check reveals
they experience strange weather (see Event 5: Unseasonal that the plants are fresh alpine sweetroot and which is
Weather for more details) on their way to the summit. The uncommon and only grows in mountainous regions like
climbing is more difficult at this time as moisture and ice this one. The herbs are fresh and while there is none
coats the rocks and increases the DC of Strength (Athletics) growing in the garden (A1), searching near the abbey for
checks to climb due to the slipperiness. around an hour or so and making a DC 10 Intelligence

(Nature) or DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check finds the Based on the finding of sandal prints (all of the monks
patch of sweetroot that Belphorus occasionally harvests wear sandals), the PCs are likely to want to compare the
in a nearby dell. Observing the footprints and other signs size of the sandals worn by the monks. Unfortunately,
on the ground at the dell and successful DC 14 Wisdom all of their sandals are rather crudely made by the same
(Survival) check to track reveals some of what occurred leatherworker in Coelum and are all essentially the same
last night. For every 2 points by which the PCs beat the size. Hence, the size of the tracks do not provide the same
DC include an extra detail from the table below to give potential to identify the individual that the depth of the
hints as to what happened. Do not reveal the portions in tracks does.
parenthesis; they are included only to provide the GM
with context.
Casting speak with dead on Belphorus’ body is possible,
and with the right questions he can posthumously recount
Survival the events leading up to his death. He never saw the face of
DC Information Discovered the other monk, but Brother Belphorus did recognize that
the figure moved too sure-footedly to be someone of Abbot
14 Tracks in the soil show that two people came to the Quilm’s senior years. His description of the mooncalf is
clearing within the last day. vague as it is totally outside his experience, and he only saw
16 Both sets of tracks were left by human-sized sandals. it for a brief amount of time before it grasped him in its
One of the individuals was significantly heavier tentacles. The best he can do to describe it is to say it was
than the other based on the depth of the tracks. a “floating pale thing with tentacles and a maw of teeth.”
18 The heavier footprints (made by Belphorus) only go
into the dell but don’t come out, their maker apparently
“vanishing” (he was picked up by the mooncalf ).
Day 3: after vespers
20 The lighter footprints (made by Hector) are
Location: outside the abbey (varies)
overlapped by the heavier ones showing that they
arrived in the clearing first, but then briefly overlap
the others showing that the lighter individual did As evening falls on the third night of the full moon and
not leave the clearing until after the heavier one had Luna climbs into the night sky, the stillness of the night air
“vanished”. The lighter tracks then continue on up is rent by sounds of a fierce struggle somewhere outside but
the mountain towards the peak of Asteria Point. near the abbey. There are fierce growls and then the noise of
22 The heavier tracks indicate he was turning and vicious battle with aggressive baying and snarling, as heavy
starting to run before his footprints end with a bodies struggle against each other. As the PCs react to this,
slight drag on the final print indicating he was the growls turn into a pained, tortured yelp that transforms
swept or knocked off his feet. partway through into a man screaming, the pained cries
echoing off the nearby slopes. This occurs regardless of
24 The lighter tracks follow a normal walking pace but
where the PCs have positioned themselves; choose a site for
the heavier tracks (Belphorus’) are closer together
this battle based on where the PCs are located. For example,
indicating he was moving slowly and cautiously.
if the PCs are in the abbey, the sound could be coming from
His meandering path to patches of brush and other
out in the yard (A1). If the PCs are keeping watch outside,
areas of cover indicates he was potentially hiding
it could be somewhere on the rocky slope above the abbey,
while following the maker of the lighter tracks.
outside their immediate line of sight.
26 Fresh gouges in the bark of a nearby pine tree some
12 feet above the ground gives a hint that a flying
creature took the maker of the heavier tracks. It is important that the PCs leave the abbey at this
point to investigate the noises. If they seem reluctant
28 The heavier tracks can be backtracked to the to do so, have Abbot Quilm in a panic demanding that
main entrance to the abbey grounds (A1). (Brother they “protect them from the beasts”. Considering that the
Belphorus left from there to collect the sweetroot.) PCs are hired adventurers, this shouldn’t be too difficult.
30 The lighter tracks can be backtracked to the It’s possible, however, that the PCs may leave someone
blank stone wall at the base of the abbey’s south behind to keep an eye on things while the others go. If
tower. (This is the location of the secret door at this occurs, all is not lost. Remember, the abbey is a really
A9 where Brother Hector egressed from the abbey. big place, and Event 14: A Broken Order includes the
Following the tracks to this point gives a +4 bonus means to have the action take place away from any watcher
to Perception checks to locate the secret door.) left behind. Likewise, you can have the events leading to

Event 14 occur while the watcher is distracted elsewhere. Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +4
If necessary, you could have a surviving (or another) rhu- Skills Athletics +8, Perception +6, Religion +4,
chalik from A10 appear to distract and lead the watcher
away for a few minutes or perhaps a fisher from outside
Stealth +5, Survival +6
(Appendix A, page 58) attack, attracted by all the sudden Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and
carnage. Don’t do anything to deliberately eliminate the slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t
PCs left behind, just keep him engaged long enough for silvered
events to transpire as described below. Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Celestial, Common (can’t speak in dire
Assuming the PCs head out to investigate the uproar, wolf form)
they find an area on the rocky soil that has been churned, Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
the underbrush flattened and ripped out by some violent
struggle that occurred there. There is blood everywhere that
looks black in the moonlight. Long fine streaks of blood Shapechanger. Tyberus the dire werewolf can use
leave dark wet droplets on the rocks and the sparse flattened his action to polymorph into a dire wolf-humanoid
grasses are stained red. Canine paw prints the twice the size hybrid or into a wolf, or back into his true form,
of a normal wolf lead away from the scene, along with a which is human. His statistics, other than his
heavy blood trail. The dark wet trail of blood makes the trail
easy to follow, while a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check reveals size, AC, and hit points, remain the same for each
that the unsteady gait of the tracks hints that the creature form. Tyberus has no equipment, but normally
is badly wounded. The blood trail continues for a half mile any equipment he is wearing or carrying is not
over arduous terrain before the PCs find its source. How transformed. Tyberus reverts to his human form if
quickly the PCs can track down the wolf creature depends he dies.
on their speed, perceptiveness, and tracking abilities but
should also take sufficient time for certain events to play out Bare and Wounded. Tyberus’s wounds, including a
at the abbey, see Event 14: A Broken Order below. severed arm that deprives him of one of his claw
attacks, and his lack of equipment, have decreased
At the end of the blood trail is a badly wounded werewolf his CR by 1.
in hybrid form, its left arm torn from its shoulder, leaving Keen Hearing and Smell. Tyberus has advantage on
it hanging only from a few shreds of skin. Unbeknownst to Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or
the PCs, a mooncalf ambushed and assaulted the werewolf smell.
causing this grievous injury. The werewolf lies in the curve
Lycanthropic Empathy. Tyberus can communicate
hollow of a rotten log, licking his wound as his life’s blood
seeps from the tattered stump. The werewolf turns in a with wolves and dire wolves and can make
maddened rage and attacks as he senses the PCs. Charisma (Persuasion) checks with advantage to
alter such animals’ attitudes. When he deals with
humanoids or other civilized creatures, however, he
BROTHER TYBERUS suffers disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) and
THE MOONBOUND DIRE WEREWOLF Charisma (Persuasion) checks, as well as Wisdom
Medium (or Large) humanoid (human, shapechanger), (Insight) checks due to his more animalistic nature.
chaotic evil Moonbound. When the moon is full, Tyberus’s
Armor Class 12 in humanoid form, 14 in dire wolf Strength and Constitution each increase by +4.
or hybrid form These increases are already added into his statistics.
Hit Points 65 (9d8+ 45) in humanoid form, or 74
(9d10 + 45) in dire wolf or hybrid form (currently ACTIONS
injured) Multiattack (Hybrid Form Only). Tyberus makes
Speed 30 ft. two attacks: one with his bite and one with his
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA remaining claw (hybrid form). Tyberus has no
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) attacks in humanoid form.

and signs of a struggle in the foyer (A14). Alternatively,
this event can occur in the scriptorium (A18) with
DEATH SCENES ARE TRICKY the secret door at A9 standing open if the PCs are
Tyberus’ final words are a useful clue, but his death is by maintaining a watch on the foyer. Overturned furniture
no means guaranteed. The PCs may use nonlethal means and/or scattered books show that a fight took place
to defeat Tyberus or use an effect that somehow restrains here. Brother Hakkan lies beaten and unconscious on
him without killing him. Fortunately talking in combat the floor. He is at –4 hit points but is stable. When the
is a free action, so having Tyberus linger for a moment to PCs revive him, he is almost incoherent from stress and
give his last words, before succumbing to whatever effect the horror of recent events, especially Belphorus’ death.
the PCs finish him off with is appropriately dramatic. If Things he has witnessed have fractured his mind and
the PCs rush to heal Tyberus during or after he speaks broken his grip on sanity. He can no longer form long
his last words, remember that Tyberus loses the fel sentences but keeps muttering, “He’s m…m…mad! He’s
lycanthrope template when he drops, effectively losing becoming the b…b…beast. He’s going to let it out…the
another 82 hit points. Even if the PCs subdue Tyberus s…s…stone, the s…s…stone…” as he gestures frantically
and then rouse him to consciousness, the lycanthropic up the direction of the peak of Asteria Point.
priest will have to continually struggle to resist the full
moon in the sky and the urge to transform back into a
Hakkan lies on the flagstone floor and closes his eyes
ravening beast.
trying to shut out reality. He mutters erratically in his
delusion, rambling on about irrelevant things such as
the shape of Belphorus’ head (when Belphorus’ body was
crushed by the fall), and little more can be gained from
Bite (Dire Wolf or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon speaking with him. Hakkan starts to disassociate and even
Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 seems to stop realizing there are people in the room with
+ 5) piercing damage. If the target is a humanoid, it him. However, if the PCs tend to him at this time, a DC
12 Wisdom (Perception) check also notices that Hakkan’s
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw cassock is lumpy as if something is been stuffed inside it. If
or become cursed with dire werewolf lycanthropy. the PCs notice this, or search Hakkan’s person, in a pocket
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one they find several thick vellum pages that have obviously
target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage. been torn from a book.

Development: When defeated, the werewolf transforms The illustrated pages tell a chilling tale of an invasion
back into his fully human form. His body is naked and his of this world by moon creatures from Luna, the larger
handsome features reveal this to be the missing Brother moon. The Ancient Ones, some of the earliest inhabitants
Tyberus based on the description given by his brother of the area the abbey was later built on, fought pitched
monks. As he dies, Tyberus’ one remaining arm grasps out battles against these moon creatures, but were pushed
frantically, his eyes desperate and pleading as he gasps, back by their pure strength and brutality. The moon
“The servants of the moon!” His eyes close and his head creatures flooded into the area, decimating and enslaving
falls back as the last of his life leaves him. His body falls the surrounding Valefolk. Unable to suffer these losses,
limply to the ground, and he passes into death. Continue the Ancient Ones sought help from the Eldest elves from
with Event 14: A Broken Order below when the party Yolbiac Vale and only with their aid were able to drive
returns to the abbey or proceed with Event 15: Moonlit the moon creatures back and battle them to a stalemate.
Ascent if they for some reason head directly towards the Together, they were able to slay many of the creatures and
mountain peak. eventually captured a lunar moonstone. On the nights of
the full moon, this magical crystal could activate a portal
to and from the moon at a navigational tether point atop
EVENT 14: A BROKEN ORDER the mountain now called Asteria Point. Using the magical
Day 3: between vespers and compline (after Event 13) moonstone crystal, the elves opened a moon bridge at the
Location: the foyer (A14) or the scriptorium (A18) standing stone on Asteria Point. As a powerful moon-beast
crossed through the ether to investigate, the Ancient One
Upon returning to the abbey following their investigation followers of Myrddin cast a powerful entrapment ritual,
of the unfortunate Brother Tyberus in Event 13: Brother completing the binding just as the beast began to emerge,
Wolf, the PCs find the front doors (A13) standing open effectively trapping it in a stone prison. The imprisoned

moon-beast’s psyche blocked the portal, sealing it, and Treasure: If the PCs attempt to search Brother Hakkan
successfully preventing any further invasion of creatures further, he does not resist. Turning out his pockets reveal his
from the moon. spell scroll (purify food and drink, spare the dying [x2]), 2 flasks of
holy water, wooden holy symbol of Thyr, and scrivener’s kit.
He does not protest if the PCs decide to take any of these.
Realizing the need to guard the standing stone over the
long centuries to come to prevent the portal from being
reopened, the Eldest elves and Ancient Ones established an EVENT 15: MOONLIT ASCENT
organization which would remain committed to the task of Day 3: before compline
keeping the moon-beast contained indefinitely. Thus were
Location: en route to Asteria Point (C)
the nascent Asterians brought into being. Over time the
then powerful Church of Thyr, renowned for its wisdom Just over halfway up the mountain track to the peak, you come
and justice, saw both the need and the righteousness of this upon a horrific sight in the light of full moon. A human corpse
mission and took on the duty of monitoring the moon and wearing the familiar cowled robe of the abbey’s monk lies on its
the standing stone, creating a religious order dedicated belly in a pool of dark blood, head pointing down the trail back
to the purpose. They constructed the abbey on the slopes towards the abbey, with a smeared blood trail leading from a few
of the mountain, housing a magical oculus to aid them in feet further up the path. Most distressingly, the victim’s hands
their chosen quest to watch for a new invasion from above have been brutally hacked off at the wrists and are missing.
with the knowledge that a loss of vigilance could lead to the
weakening of the moonstone’s defenses and a reopening
the moon bridge. The corpse is easily identified as that of Abbot Quilm. In
addition to the severed hands, there are bruises and contusions
on both his head and arms, and his face appears misshapen
The Order stayed loyal to their vow for many centuries. due to a large swelling on his cheek from a powerful blow. His
However, such powerful and dangerous knowledge is not to skin is blue and icy, and a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check
be bandied about lightly. The Order’s true purpose became notices on his sandaled feet the formation of chilblains on
a sacred secret. New initiates would join the Asterian Order, his toes. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals
in the belief that they were to simply study the moons and that the abbot died less than an hour ago, and from the large
the stars. As they proved their loyalty, trustworthiness, and amount of blood on the ground, it appears his hands were cut
commitment to their faith and the Order, they would be off while he was still alive. It’s difficult to determine whether
ceremonially inducted into the abbey’s true purpose of the abbot died from blood loss or exposure to the cold, but a
protecting this world from lunar invasion. Here the pages smeared trail of blood indicates that Quilm managed to crawl
end, but scribbled notes in a margin list the year 2797 I.R. a short distance back down the path before his demise.
(some 7 centuries ago) with the addendum “Red Plague!” The
PCs may already be aware from their other investigations
in and around the abbey, but a DC 15 Intelligence (History) While the PCs were away from the abbey during Event 13:
check recalls how this plague swept across the continent in Brother Wolf, Brother Hector incapacitated Brother Hakkan
2781 and again in 2797, wiping out entire towns, killing no and then roused Abbot Quilm from his sleep. He managed to
less than two FoerdewaithLL4-14 Overkings, and likely almost convince the abbot that the abbey was under attack and the
wiping out the monks at the Abbey. The Abbot and upper
echelon of priests all succumbed to the plague and the true
mission of the abbey was lost, leaving only the humblest
novices of the Order with only the knowledge of their FOERDEWAITH
simple task of surveying the stars. The abbey effectively The Hyperborean Monarchy of the Foerdewaith was the
became a religious observatory and the threat of lunar formal designation of the Kingdoms of Foere and the
invasion was forgotten. spiritual inheritor of the Hyperborean Empire. It rose
under Overking Macobert in 2744 I.R. and persisted until
its eventual decline and Wars of Succession beginning
With this revelation, the PCs should now realize the true in 3213. Today the Kingdom of Foere still holds sway
gravity of the situation. The portal at the peak of Asteria over much of central Akados (including Yolbiac Vale, at
Point seems to be on the verge of being reopened, releasing least on paper) but nowhere near to the extent of the
terror and invasion from the moon once again after all these Overkings of old.
centuries. Continue to Event 15: Moonlit Ascent below.

only chance for their Wisdom (Survival) was to seek protection LUNAR WIGHT
at the standing stone on the mountain peak. While Quilm’s
sleepy and muddled mental state when he woke meant that hp 97 (see Appendix A, page 561)
the abbot fell for Hector’s story, the laborious walk in the cold
night air eventually brought Quilm back to his senses. Hector Treasure: The gear on Quilm’s body consists of a potion
managed to entreat and cajole Quilm this far before the abbot of greater healing, a dose of wolfsbane, his gold ring of office
flatly refused to go any farther. At this point Brother Hector (125 gp), and his gold holy symbol of Thyr (50 gp).
violently surprised Quilm, knocked him out, and then hacked
off his hands with a hatchet taken from the barn. Hector then
took these severed appendages to the mountain peak to use EVENT 16: MOONFIRE
in the ritual there. Day 3: before compline (after Event 15)
Location: en route to Asteria Point (C)
Development: As the PCs make their examination of the
scene, Quilm’s body suddenly shudders horrifically and This occurs as the PCs continue their ascent towards the
lurches upright. The abbot’s face is a gruesome death mask standing stone atop the mountain.
contorted with fury, his mouth hanging open inhumanly
As you climb the benighted mountain side, the surrounding
wide to reveal newly elongated, chisel-like teeth. The brutal
landscape begins to be eerily illuminated in silvery flashes. Pale
nature of his death, combined with dark etheric energies
streaks of moonlight descend from the night sky, like silver fire,
from the awakening moon bridge above have animated
towards the mountain top above. Stopping a moment to catch
Quilm’s corpse, transfiguring it into a lunar wight. It
your breath, you watch the celestial display and notice pale,
launches itself at the PCs and fights until destroyed. If any
indescribable shapes, clearly visible, descending seemingly on this
of the rhu-chaliks from A10 survive, they are encountered
rain of light coming from the swollen face of the moon above. It
here as well as they attempt to delay the PCs from reaching
seems the invasion has begun
the peak and interrupting Hector’s ritual.

The partially reopened moon bridge on the mountain’s MOONCALF
peak is allowing groups of mooncalves to filter through
from the etheric reaches of space to peak of Asteria Point. hp 85 (see Appendix A, page 526)
These groups of mooncalves appear at roughly 10-minute
intervals. The first group consists of 2 mooncalves, the Development: From where the PC find Quilm’s body,
second has 3 mooncalves, and each group beyond that the ascent to the peak is a little under a mile (4,500 feet)
contains 4 mooncalves. If the PCs do not quickly ascend but this distance is steeply upward and over difficult
to the peak, then they will soon face an overwhelming rugged terrain, even if the PCs stick to the mountain
horde of enemies. If uninterrupted, the mooncalves scour path. Most creatures ascend at one-quarter speed (half
the mountainsides, destroying any terrestrial creatures speed for mountainous terrain, half speed for the steep
they come across, but remaining close to the summit to slope), meaning that a creature with a speed of 30 feet
safeguard and fortify their breach into this world as the rest can make the climb in just under 30 minutes, and a
of the invasion force descends. creature with a speed of 20 feet reaches the peak in 45
minutes. If the PCs can move more quickly, such as by
flying, teleporting, or other magic, they can reach the
summit and reduce the number of mooncalves that can
descend upon them.


Day 3: compline
Location: Asteria Point (C)

It is possible that the PCs have investigated area C

previously. If so, they find that with the awakening
of the moonstone and its moon bridge, things have
The full moon of Luna rises above the mountain top at
such an angle that it almost looks as if it is balancing
atop the ancient standing stone. The silvery fire
continues to rain down towards your world from the
now-sinister face of the moon, and the moon seems to bathe
it in a constant beam of light that appears almost solid —
like a physical bridge of light. Great birdlike creatures perch
atop the stone and sway in time with an eerie chanting that
echoes around the mountain peak, and strange plant life
has spring up upon the formerly snow-laced bare stone
of the mountain peak, creating a garden of exotic and
forbidding allure.

The standing stone itself is transformed. It now glows

with a pale light and has taken on a strange gelatinous
consistency. It seems to pulse and throb, appearing to
almost wink out of this existence for a moment before
refocusing again. Brother Hector, his hood lowered to
reveal his misshapen face, stands before the stone with
his hands raised above his head and his voice uttering
an undulating chant. A pair of blood-smeared, severed
human hands lies at the base of the stone, arrayed as if
in propitiation of the pulsing monolith.

The landscape around the standing stone has changed pulsating surface. These glyphs match those that Hector
in the hours since moonrise with the influx of magical may have shown the PCs earlier, but they now twist and
power from the awakening moon bridge. These changes are reform into sigils in the Old Tongue, revealing the
reflected in the encounter areas below. As the PCs make remnants of the ritual binding that imprisons Dykath the
their way towards C3, Brother Hector continues his ritual moon-beast. Hector’s body is now merely a husk, his mind
chanting to release the moon-beast trapped within the and identity enslaved by the dominant moon-beast psyche.
stone. See that area for more details. Sensing the threat that the PCs hold and recognizing that
its plans can still be all too easily thwarted, the moon-beast
realizes that it must sacrifice its human pawn if its goals of
C1. THE GARDEN OF UNEARTHLY DISMAY freedom and conquest are to be realized. Dykath can project
The mountain peak was once nothing more than windswept itself out of the standing stone using its link with Brother
stone with patches and stone and ice and the occasional Hector. As the PCs watch, Hector utters a short shrieking
hardy lichen, but the rays of the full moon amplified by cry and then his body bursts like an overripe melon, the
the eldritch power of the moonstone have activated latent moon-beast emerging from the gory pulp to attack.
spores left over from the wars of millennia ago causing
strange plants alien to the world of Lloegyr to spring to
life and grow to full size in only minutes. As shown of the Though the moon-beast is able to project itself from its
map, there are 4 bloodsuckles that block the approach to dimensional prison by sacrificing its humanoid pawn, it is
the stone, woody, tumorous brambles with vines covered in still bound to the standing stone and cannot move more
needle-like thorns. Standing at their center is the twisted than 60 feet from the stone. Only when the moon sets, will
and bulbous, maw-split stalk of a full-grown moonflower. the stone’s ancient binding be completely broken and the
moon-beast finally free of its prison. At that time the moon
bridge will be fully unblocked, allowing a horde of etheric
BLOODSUCKLES (4) moon creatures to flood across the cosmic span and invade
at the next full moon. The people of the surrounding lands
hp 90 (see Appendix A, page 530) will be brutalized and destroyed, their bodies used for
meat or enslavement, their minds completely dominated
by these ruthless creatures. It is crucial that the PCs defeat
MOONFLOWER Dykath or all is lost for the people Yolbiac Vale and beyond.
hp 104 (see Appendix A, page 549)
Whether they fight their way through or somehow bypass Huge aberration, chaotic evil
the deadly plants at C1, once the PCs have breached that Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
barrier, the 3 fishers from outside perched upon the Hit Points 171 (18d12 + 54)
moonstone launch themselves into the air and swoop
towards the party. They are joined by 2 mooncalves that
Speed 50 ft., climb 20 ft.
have come down the opening moon bridge and currently STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
lurk behind the stone. These creatures fight to the death to 22 (+6) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 22 (+6)
prevent the PCs’ approach to the ritual at C3.
Saving Throws CON +7, INT +10, WIS +8
Damage Resistances lightning; bludgeoning,
FISHERS FROM OUTSIDE (3) piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
hp 76 (see Appendix A, page 535) Damage Immunities cold, poison
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
exhaustion, frightened, poisoned, prone
Skills Athletics +10, Perception +8, Stealth +8
hp 85 (see Appendix A, page 548) Senses Blindsight 90 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
passive Perception 18
C3. THE MOONSTONE Languages Aklo (cannot speak), Telepathy 300 ft.
Upon approaching the moonstone, the PCs can see Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
that trails of bloody glyphs writhe and squirm across its

Amorphous. Dykath can move through a space as Immutable Form. Dykath is immune to any spell
narrow as 2 inches wide without squeezing. or effect that would alter its form.
Innate Spellcasting. Dykath’s innate spellcasting Magic Resistance. Dykath has advantage on saving
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 18). It can throws against spells and other magical effects.
innately cast the following spells, requiring no Magic Weapons. Dykath’s weapon attacks are
components: magical.
At will: detect thoughts Nightmare Slave. Dykath targets a living creature
3/day each: charm monster, dispel magic, dominate frightened by its fear aura within 30 feet of it. As
person, dream, suggestion a bonus action, Dykath can cast dominate person
1/day each: compulsion, confusion, feeblemind, major against the charmed creature. If the target fails
image, modify memory, mirage arcane, phantasmal its saving throw to resist this spell, it becomes
killer, plane shift (self only, can’t use) permanently in thrall to Dykath. Dispel magic,
Fear Aura. Dykath emits a constant aura of fear wish, or similar magic can break this domination.
in a 60-foot radius around him. A creature Otherwise, the dominated creature can attempt
within this area of effect that can see Dykath a new saving throw following each long rest,
must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or ending the domination on itself with a success. If
become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can it fails three such consecutive saving throws, only
attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, dispel magic or similar spells can end the effect.
with success ending the effect on itself. Once No Breath. Dykath does not need to breathe.
a creature succeeds at this save, it cannot be Wind Walk. As a bonus action, Dykath transforms
affected by Dykath’s fear aura again for 24 hours. into a gaseous form as if he had cast wind walk. It
can end this effect and solidify as a bonus action.

Multiattack. Dykath makes two claw attacks and
two tentacle attacks.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage.
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6)
bludgeoning damage. If Dykath hits a
target with two tentacle attacks on the
same turn, it does an additional 14
(4d6) bludgeoning damage.

Tactics: Dykath uses its wind walk

ability to loom over the PCs while
remaining out of reach, though it
can climb no higher than 45 feet in
the air due to his prohibition from
being more than 60 feet away from
the moonstone. Dykath uses its fear
aura to cow the PCs and targets
a bunched group of PCs with
confusion. It uses dominate person
against likely targets, preferably

those affected by its fear aura. It casts compulsion against
a group of targets close to one another. Dykath reserves CONCLUDING THE
feeblemind for difficult spellcasting opponents, or it simply
attempts to rip them apart with tentacle attacks. Dykath
fights to the death rather than remain trapped in the
standing stone for eternity.
The PCs have saved the inhabitants of the surrounding
lands from terror, enslavement, torture, and horrific death.
Development: When Dykath is finally defeated, its body The moon-beast has been destroyed, and with Brother
swells and then explodes in a gory ectoplasmic burst, Hector’s essence infusing the standing stone — ironically
revealing Hector’s intact and alive within. As the moon- fulfilling his wish to be the salvation of the abbey — the
beast expires, Dykath’s tethered link to Hector snaps back, moon bridge is blocked once again. If this occurred, three
dragging Brother Hector into the standing stone as the months after the adventure the PCs will receive a strongbox
moon bridge shimmers and dissolves flinging its Lunite from the Church of Thyr holding 25,000 gp as a reward
travelers into the depths of space between the moon and for their efforts. Even with the loss of the Asterian Order,
the surface of Lloegyr. Hector’s body is pulled into the the overseers of the church did some divinatory delving to
standing stone just as the moonstone transforms from determine what happened and learned of the PCs’ heroics.
its quivering gelatinous form back into a solid surface,
his terror-stricken but lifeless face and hands now all
As for the Asterian abbey, it stands empty now, perhaps
that emerge from the now-quiescent monolith. Brother
apart from one lonely, tormented soul, the gentle Brother
Hector’s soul with its otherworldly bloodline now blocks
Hakkan, who wanders the deserted halls. Hakkan’s piteous
the etheric moon bridge, sealing it just as the moon-beast
cries echo through the dusty corridors, his sanity stripped
had done for long centuries. Whether Hector’s mind
away by what he has witnessed. Unless somehow cured
remains trapped in a tormented prison-
of his terrors through the use of heal, miracle, or other
between-worlds, just as Dykath’s was, is
powerful magic, Hakkan spends whatever remains of his
a question which is perhaps best left
days in the cold halls muttering to himself, sometimes
sobbing and at others shrieking as he recalls the horrors of
when comes the moon.

THE ASTERIAN The monks of the Asterian Abbey are central to the
investigation and action of When Comes the Moon, and
the small group of cloistered clerics are described in detail
MONKS below, along with several missing members of their order
and the dark secrets hidden within the abbey’s walls.

Abbot Quilm, age 67: Age has not been kind to Abbot Quilm. ABBOT QUILM, Retired Priest of Thyr
His strong jaw and a hooked nose would have given his face
strength as a young man, but in his old age these features make Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
him look like a withered turnip. He has a gaunt countenance Armor Class 10
and his aging skin is crepe-like, hanging in folds upon his Hit Points 22 (5d8)
thin frame. A few stray strands of white hair remain on his Speed 20 ft.
bald, liver-spotted pate, and his yellowing teeth can be seen
behind the mirthless grin he regularly offers, as he surveys STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
others through hooded eyes. In conversation, Quilm has a 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)
frequent habit of steepling his fingers and peering over them
at his audience in a most disconcerting manner. Skills Insight +2, Religion +3
Senses passive Perception 10
Quilm suffers from senile dementia which is steadily
Languages Common, Elven, Gasquen (see sidebox),
growing worse. He works to put on a good front for his High Boros (see sidebox)
fading mind, pretending — even to himself — that there is Challenge 0 (10 XP)
nothing wrong, but in truth it has cost him his spellcasting
and other clerical abilities due to the loss of Wisdom. He Senile Dementia. The onset of senile dementia
often struggles to find the right word or name for people
or simple objects. While he has seniority over the other
has cost Abbot Quilm the ability to cast spells or
monks, his form of authoritative management is somewhat use his clerical abilities and has decreased his
confused and he often congregates the brothers to allocate Wisdom and Charisma ability scores.
duties and give broad directives but leaves them to handle
the task themselves without interruption. Quilm may ACTIONS
forget what he has told them to do and rarely checks up on
their progress.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

EQUIPMENT. potion of healing, 1 dose of

wolfsbane, monk’s habit and scapular, gold ring
of office (125 gp), gold holy symbol of Thyr (50 gp)

Brother Belphorus, age 43: Belphorus is a dirty and BROTHER BELPHORUS, Servant of Thyr
unkempt man with a wide girth and noticeable body odor,
and he walks with a slight limp. Food crumbs liberally Medium humanoid (human), neutral
litter his stringy beard and robes, and said garments bear Armor Class 10
many stains of grease and old food leavings upon them. Hit Points 18 (4d8)
His hairy forearms are continually grimy, and an unruly Speed 30 ft.
tuft of graying hairs sprouts from the neck of his robe. His
thick fingers have blackened, uncut fingernails. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 8 (-1)
When conversing, Belphorus is quite genial and responds Skills Religion +3, Perception +2
openly to the PCs’ questions, although he can be fairly set Senses passive Perception 12
in his opinions. Belphorus is a happy-go-lucky fellow who
in some ways fell into becoming a monk as a means of
Languages Common
gaining a comfortable lifetime profession. Belphorus is a Challenge 0 (10 XP)
little indolent and self-serving but is still willing to go to
some effort if he can see a direct benefit from it. Unnatural Aura. There is something fundamentally
unpleasant about Brother Belphorus to animals.
While both gluttonous and finicky, Belphorus holds the They do not willingly approach within 10 feet of
position of cook, and he also tends the garden as well as the him, unless a master first makes a DC 15 Wisdom
abbey’s few livestock. This sometimes proves difficult, as (Animal Handling) check.
Belphorus has some quality about him that animals seem
to dislike and tend to shy away from.
Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage.
Frying pan (improvised weapon). Ranged Weapon
Attack: +3 to hit, 2 (1d3 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
EQUIPMENT. 2 doses of wolfsbane, sickle, frying
pan, monk’s habit and scapular, wooden holy
symbol of Thyr, sprig of mistletoe, half-eaten
wedge of cheese.

Brother Hakkan, age 21: Mildly autistic and afflicted with Acute Perception. Brother Hakkan experiences
a stutter, Brother Hakkan’s expression is usually somewhat greater stimulation from his sensory input. This
distant and his gaze is difficult to meet, as his eyes constantly
flicker away under direct scrutiny. Clearly the youngest of
grants him advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
the monks at the abbey, Hakkan is thin featured and has a checks, but on any Perception check DC 15 or
fragile look about him. His light curly hair is cut short with higher he must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving
his tonsure shaved into. He is shy and self-conscious, rarely throw or be confused for 1 round.
initiating conversation. When nervous, his visage spasms
with blinks and facial tics. Hakkan is truly a gentle soul and
has a sensitive, sympathetic nature.
Spellcasting. Brother Hakkan is a 1st-level
spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks).
Hakkan’s duties are to tend the scriptorium and library
and he has an exceptional ability for copying writings and Hakkan has the following cleric spells prepared:
illustrations exactly, though he struggles with simple tasks Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, sacred flame
and requires a regimented daily routine to avoid freezing 1st level (3 slots): bless, detect magic, protection from
with anxiety. Abbot Quilm monitors him more closely good and evil
than the others due to his struggles. Hakkan recently
stumbled across part of an important secret (see the
“Dinner Conversation” section of Event 1 below), and this ACTIONS
has increased his anxiety and self-isolation substantially as Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to
he struggles with this knowledge but does not know what hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning
to do about it. damage.

BROTHER HAKKAN, Priest of Thyr EQUIPMENT. Spell scroll (purify food and drink,
stabilize [x2]), 2 flasks of holy water, monk’s
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good habit and scapular, wooden holy symbol of Thyr,
Armor Class 11 scrivener’s kit, stolen book pages (see Event 14: A
Hit Points 9 (2d8) Broken Order)
Speed 30 ft.
8 (-1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 7 (-2)
Skills History +4, Medicine +4, Perception +4,
Religion +4
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Gasquen (see sidebox), High
Boros (see sidebox)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Brother Hector, age 31: Hector is an odd-looking fellow, even by light of day. Due to the ancestral and
with bulging eyes, thick lips, and perpetually clammy skin subconscious nature of this bloodline, neither
that combine to give him a strangely batrachian visage. This
along with his thin, wispy hair, large paunch, and gangly
detect magic nor Wisdom (Insight) checks can
limbs add to his seeming froglike aspect. When conversing, discern anything amiss with Hector, nor can
Hector often gestures broadly with his hands and swallows protection from evil and good or dispel evil and
or clears his throat loudly to emphasize a point. good remove its effects.

Brother Hector has an impulsive personality but once he Spellcasting. Brother Hector is a 3rd-level
latches on to a topic he becomes completely immersed in spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom
it. He is excitable and doesn’t always think before he speaks. (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks).
Hector isn’t very good at reading other people and doesn’t
realize that his slightly obsessive interest in things can Hector has the following cleric spells prepared:
make him tedious at times. Instead, he will keep harping Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, mending
on about a given subject long after others have lost interest. 1st level (4 slots): bless, create or destroy water, cure
The other monks are used to this and either humor him or wounds, detect magic
have ready excuses to avoid a prolonged conversation. 2nd level (2 slots): calm emotions, spiritual weapon


Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Armor Class 9
Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8)
EQUIPMENT. spell scroll (cure wounds, 3rd-level
Speed 30 ft.
slot), monk’s habit and scapular, silver holy
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA symbol of Thyr (25 gp), magnifying glass.
14 (+2) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1)
Skills Arcana +4, Religion +4
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Elven,
Gasquen (see sidebox), High Boros (see sidebox)
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Aberrant Bloodline. Brother Hector is an

unknowing carrier of an aberrant bloodline,
revealed by his bulging, froglike features. He
can see the runes etched into the standing
stone at the peak of Asteria Point and copy them

THE MISSING BROTHERS quiet and introspective and frequently undertakes vows of
silence as part of his worship. He prefers to study and labor
Two other brothers of the order are currently missing.
alone, and often takes on menial tasks which allow him
Their descriptions are included below, as the PCs are likely
to work in solitude. Roughly a month ago he discovered
to ask for details about them.
the catacombs entrance at A12 and began researching the
ancient burials he discovered.
Brother Fagen (LN male human cleric 4 of Thyr), age
48: Fagan is a middle-aged man with a long pock-marked
Brother Tyberus (N male human commoner), age 36: A
face and fine blonde hair. He regularly cuts his hair short
handsome man, Tyberus is of average height with swarthy
revealing a deep widows peak and shaves his crown in
skin and thick, dark wavy hair. Blunt, stubborn, and curt,
a monk’s tonsure. He is also attempting to cultivate a
Tyberus is good with his hands and skilled at working with
straggly goatee. Curious of nature and inquisitive, Fagan is
wood. He serves as the laborer and general handyman for
a scholarly fellow who serves as the abbey’s librarian with
the abbey. Tyberus is a solitary individual who finds it easier
part of his duties being to mentor Brother Hakkan. Fagan is


Gasquen was the language of the original tribe of Foere from whom Macobert descended. Unique in its linguistic
etymology, its scope of use was originally limited to central Akados around the Star Sea. With the spread of the
Foerdewaith empire, Gasquen was picked up in many places to identify with the new overking. Ultimately replaced
by the common vernacular of Westerling, Gasquen is now found only in isolated areas or noble courts that wish to
strongly identify with Old Foere.

High Boros
High Boros is the dead language of the ancient Hyperborean Empire, and its written form was the official language of
the Crown, Courts, and Clergy. After the fall of the Hyperborean Empire, High Boros was supplanted by the common
tongue known as Westerling that came to predominate among the Foerdewaith. However, in some ecclesiastical and
legal settings, use of High Boros has been retained. Once the formal language of the Church of Thyr, most of the
church’s older manuscripts are written and continue to be copied in High Boros.

Old Tongue
Old Tongue is virtually a lost language. It was spoken in many dialects by the Ancient Ones, the original inhabitants
of Akados and Libynos long before the coming of the Hyperboreans. It was usually only a spoken language, though
some pictographic forms of writing have been found by antiquarians. The closest living languages related to the Old
Tongue include Druidic, Ogham among the Daanites of Ynys Cymragh, Old Suli among the wildmen tribes of the
Moon Fog Hills, and Vanigothic spoken by the Vanigoth barbarians of the Wilderland Hills.

Gasquen and High Boros are first detailed for their roles within the primary languages of Akados on page 18 of LL4:
Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms by Frog God Games.

Ogham and the Daanites are described on pages 48 and 56 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City by Frog
God Games.

Old Suli and the wildmen of the Moon Fog Hills are described on pages 18 and 226 in LL4: Cults of the Sundered
Kingdoms by Frog God Games.

The Vanigoths and the Vanigothic tongue appear on pages 13 and 14 in LL5: Borderland Provinces by Frog God Games.

to avoid social contact whenever possible. A failed love almost complete control over Hector and is using its mortal
affair and his brusque nature were the principle reasons puppet to break the binding spell holding it imprisoned in the
that he took his vows and joined this isolated order. He is standing stone. Unfortunately for the PCs due to the ancestral
a loner who prefers the simple company of animals and and subconscious nature of this domination, neither detect
nature to that of civilized society. magic nor Wisdom (Insight) checks can discern that there
is anything amiss with Hector, nor can protection from evil or
dispel evil remove its effects.
The first of the missing Brothers, Brother Fagen is indeed Over his time at the abbey Brother Hakkan’s exacting intellect
dead. He was killed by an undead abomination 10 days ago and focus picked up on subtle clues and signs in many of the
while investigating ancient writings in the abbey’s crypts; order’s books during his transcriptions. These clues led him to
his undead corpse now haunts the crypts as well. believe that the Asterian Order once served a greater purpose
than simply studying the celestial rotations of the skies. These
The other missing brother, Brother Tyberus has hints have acted like a jangling nerve in Hakkan’s mind, tugging
suffered what many might consider a worse fate. While at him to seek out the answer. Less than a week before the PCs
out enjoying a peaceful walk near the abbey the day before arrive at the abbey, Hakkan snuck into Abbot Quilm’s quarters
Brother Fagen’s disappearance, the handsome monk was to examine books from the abbot’s personal collection and
attacked, badly wounded, and then captured by a werewolf. found the proof he was looking for. With only a few moments
Seeking a mate, the female werewolf infected Tyberus with before Abbot Quilm returned, Hakkan ripped the pages from
lycanthropy, transforming him into a bestial werewolf as the book to study later. Hakkan incorrectly assumed that Quilm
well. Recently, the feverish and delirious Tyberus managed had been intentionally keeping this information from the
to escape, but in truth, the she-wolf let him go, knowing brothers. This evidence combined with the abbot’s increasingly
that animalistic urges assaulting Tyberus’ mind and the erratic behavior and the missing brothers have caused Hakkan
lure of the full moon will inevitably draw him back to her. to believe that Abbot Quilm is acting against the order. In truth,
Hakkan’s suspicions of the abbot are unfounded. Quilm is
simply a doddering old man who has never bothered to deeply
Brother Hector is an unknowing carrier of an aberrant study the obscure reference tome buried in the collection of
bloodline, revealed by his bulging, froglike features. This books he inherited from his predecessor.
allows him to see the runes etched into the standing stone at
the peak of Asteria Point and copy them even by light of day.
Hector’s presence and ancestry has reawakened the psyche Brother Belphorus is a simple fellow with no dark
of the moon-beast trapped within the standing stone, and it secrets, though the fact that animals are uneasy around
has been slowly subliminally calling to the monk. Over time, him may lead the PCs to suspect that he is the rumored
the moon-beast has been subtly subverting and taking over werewolf. However, on the second night of the full moon
the cleric’s body and being. This process has been gradual Belphorus stumbles upon the dominated Brother Hector
and insidious and thus Hector isn’t consciously aware that on his way to conduct the unbinding ritual at the peak of
anything is wrong. Hector has become a psychic slave and Asteria Point (see Event 12: Belphorus’ Abrupt Demise).
puppet to the moon-beast. The aberrant creature often When this occurs, Hector hurriedly kills Belphorus to
exerts control over Hector when he is asleep causing him to ensure his silence.
“sleepwalk”. At the present time the moon-beast finally has

Adventure 4:
Legend of the Burning Star

Aged documents discovered in a cathedral archive provide clues

to the fate of a lost expedition of nearly a century ago. But the
subsequent murder of the priest who discovered them and the
connections between the expedition leaders and various competing
nation-states that are hinted at within the documents give
tantalizing implications of a treasure being sought as the expedition’s
ultimate goal and of a darker conspiracy to keep the whole matter
from the public eye. Now the adventurers must follow the decades-
old trail of secrecy and treachery to discover the truth of the Conroi
Expedition while avoiding its deadly fate.
INTRODUCTION Akados, entire tribes of nomadic peoples were vaporized by
the second meteor’s impact. Camps and settlements more
than a week’s ride away felt the tremors, and even those
Unlike the other adventures of the Aegis of Empires hundreds of miles away beheld the giant plume of smoke
Adventure Path which are capable of serving as stand-alone and debris. Feuds and alliances within the immediate
scenarios, Legend of the Burning Star is Part One of the only vicinity were forgotten as all sought to flee and put the
two-part adventure of the series. Where it ends, Part Two: accursed region as far behind as possible.
Race for Shataakh-Uulm picks up immediately. In addition,
this two-part adventure is much longer than the others in Word of the devastation even reached the civilized
the adventure path (Part Two is about three times as long world. Astromancers** and the learned had observed
as a typical adventure in Aegis of Empires), so plan your the phenomenon of the falling stars from afar, though
campaign accordingly to allow the PCs to be available for the points of impact were calculated through the work
an extended expedition into unknown lands following an of educated conjecture at best. And though seers and the
ill-rumored trail discovered in Legend of the Burning Star. scholars variably interpreted the event as a dread omen or
The PCs should be 12th level by the time they begin the simply an interesting cosmic accident, some far-sighted
next adventure. individuals saw opportunity in the ashes. Though little
was done to pursue such speculation for more than twelve
In the Lost Lands setting the adventure takes place in and centuries. But some 1,339 years after the sky fell to the
around the Kingdoms of Foere, the central lands of known earth, Prince Cale, ruler of the newly created Grand Duchy
Akados and the former seat of the ancient Hyperborean of Reme, set out to lead the colonization of the long-
Empire. The PCs will travel beyond from these “civilized” abandoned lands of the Haunted Steppe.
lands, though, as the adventure progresses until, by the
time they reach Part Two, Race for Shataakh-Uulm, they will A series of new homesteads and settlements called
be journeying far afield into the unknown spaces of the the Caleen Colonies reached ever farther across the vast
continent. northern steppes until savage humanoids began to arise
and strike at the Rhemian colonists with shocking violence.
At first Cale’s people resisted, but then came the strange and
ADVENTURE terrible shadow walkers from the farthest northern reaches
of the plains who led the humanoid invaders and bid them

BACKGROUND slaughter the colonists as the Rhemian encroachment

was driven back. A devastating invasion of the southern
lands of the Kingdoms of Foere was forestalled only by the
The story of the lost Conroi Expedition’s sojourn into intervention of the archmages Margon and Alycthron and
the Haunted Steppe remains a tragic tale even nearly a the raising of the Wizard’s Wall in 2947 I.R.LL1-100. The Grand
century after its disappearance. In truth, the venture is Duchy of Reme abandoned its plans of taming the Haunted
simply a chapter in a much longer cycle of greed, loss, Steppe and withdrew to grieve the loss of thousands of its
and obsession that has long marred the central plains of colonists as well as the death of its first Grand Duke, a
the Haunted Steppe. Throughout this region’s miserable Prince of Foere.
history, thousands of otherwise civilized folk have died at
the hands of savage beasts, dark energies, foul undead, and With the shock of the colonies’ loss and the creation of the
other so-called “civilized” folk. But to understand the fate daunting Wizard’s Wall, over time interest in the Haunted
of the Conroi Expedition, one must know the legend of the Steppe and its legends was again forgotten. The tales of
Burning Star. the Burning Star passed into obscurity along with rest of
the plains’ lore, except as a cautionary tale for the overly
More than two thousand years ago, a pair of falling stars curious who poked about where they were not welcome. It
graced the skies over the northern hemisphere on the was renowned adventurer and explorer Aroldus Gravenfar
same unlucky night. They finally crashed onto the surface who again took interest in the Caleen Colonies centuries
of Lloegyr*, hours and thousands of miles apart, leaving after their loss. Following on the heels of his own research
behind a trail of smoke and destruction. In the Assurian into the falling stars of the Red Wastes and the Haunted
Plains of northern Libynos to the east, one meteor Steppe, the famed Gravenfar set out from Dun Eamon and
impacted in the desolate Red Waste creating its own tale crossed the Wizard’s Wall in 3437 I.R. To some he reported
beyond the scope of this oneAK:M. In the northern steppes of his goal to be finding the location of the mythical “crèche of

Hyperborea” in the northern Stoneheart Mountains and to last remnant of the expedition was slain to a man and lost
others he gave no indications as to his goals at all. But if he from all knowledge in the southlands for the next 78 years.
did indeed seek the source of that long-ago empire among
lost mountain peaks, it did not explain why he didn’t just
Since that time, memory of the Conroi Expedition
travel north along the more settled lands of the Gulf of
itself has also slipped into obscurity. Its southern branch
Akados to the east rather than try to cross the unknown
remained on the Campacha Plains beyond the Wizard’s Wall
desolation of the Haunted Steppe along the mountains’
and conducted its archaeological and historical research in
western flankGA. In any event the legendary explorer was
this area of the Lost Colonies of the Caleen. It never sought
neither seen nor heard from again, whatever theories or
to trace the steps of its ill-fated northern branch. The secret
discoveries he may have made were lost with him.
of the Royal Family of Castorhage’s involvement in the
Conroi Expedition was lost with those questing members
Two years after Gravenfar’s disappearance, the Conroi who fell at the Pit of the Burning Star and with the arrest
Expedition organized in Reme at the regional capital of and eventual execution of Queen-Regent LotheriaLL7-232,320
Panetoth and set out on its own venture into the heart of for her attempted filicide. Most in the south preferred to
the Haunted Steppe. The expedition attempted to follow let the legacy of the Road of Sorrows rest at last. However,
the original colonists’ course along a route that had come with the discovery of long-lost correspondence from the
to be known as the Road of Sorrows. While the expedition expedition’s northern branch, that eight-decade rest is
was ostensibly an academic pursuit of the lost Rhemian about to come to an end.
colonies, in truth it had more lucrative underpinnings — the
secret purpose of the expedition was a mission sponsored
by Queen-Regent Lotheria Tredici of CastorageLL7-232,320 to ADVENTURE SUMMARY
find and exploit the rare mineral resources of the fallen The PCs become involved when an archivist at the
star from almost two millennia earlier. Cathedral of Saint Angeline in Nains is murdered, and
documents lost from the murder scene prove to be of great
An internal power struggle developed within the historical value. The party is hired by the church to retrieve
Conroi Expedition between the Rhemian scholars who the documents from an antiquarian’s shop and in doing so
championed the purely research-oriented mission of the learn that there are sinister forces still afoot and centered
expedition and those secretly in the pocket of Castorhage’s around the documents and what they portend.
Royal Family. In the end the loyalty of expedition leader
Colonel Sixtun Conroi to the Castoragi coin he was After recovering the documents, the party learns that they
receiving won out. A portion of the expedition undertook are correspondence from the legendary Conroi Expedition
a slow, methodical examination of the southern Caleen and reveal previously unknown correspondence between a
Colonies and founded what would eventually become member of the expedition and the cathedral’s archdeacon.
known as the Conroi Settlements on the Haunted Steppe’s This correspondence, only partially intact in the documents
Campacha PlainsFB-171. The rest of the expedition under recovered by the PCs, hints of a greater purpose behind
Col. Conroi and accompanied by chaplain Azmerius Thade the expedition’s journey and of the governments of nation-
continued northward on the Road of Sorrows along what states willing to stop at nothing in order to gain the prize
quickly proved to be the route originally followed by secretly sought by the lost expedition — a lode of star metal
Aroldus Gravenfar himself. believed to be at the site of an ancient meteorite impact.
With the knowledge that some of the documents for
After many travails recorded in reports to the Archdeacon which the archivist was murdered are still in the hands of
of Nains by Azmerius Thade, the survivors of the northern unknown parties, the PCs set out on behalf of the church
expedition reached the Pit of the Burning Star at last. to follow the clues of the Conroi Expedition, learn of its
There they discovered the madness and monstrous fate, and document whatever momentous discoveries it
inhabitants that now controlled the ancient crater, and this may have made. In the city of Panetoth, the PCs find clues

* Lloegyr is the name of the planet currently most commonly in use in Akados, when a name for the planet is used at all. See page 4 of LL1:
Stoneheart Valley by Frog God Games.
** Astromancy has a long history in the Lost Lands. An astromancer is a magical practitioner who combines astrology with the physical laws of
astronomy. See page 88 of Bard’s Gate by Necromancer Games, page 197 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City, and page 281 of LL8: Bard’s
Gate, both by Frog God Games.
See “The Pit of Yhath” in Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia by Necromancer Games

that indicate the expedition may have been following in the STARTING THE ADVENTURE
footsteps of the famed explorer Aroldus Gravenfar who had
Legend of the Burning Star begins with the PCs in the
likewise disappeared in the Haunted Steppe only two years
Foerdewaith city of Nains. Nains is a major city in the
before the expedition’s fateful mission. The information
central Kingdoms of Foere serving as both the capital of
further indicates that Gravenfar may have left some of his
the County of E’stil and as a Cathedral City of the Cathedral
own writings on the subject in a wizard’s library in the
of Saint Angeline, the primary focus of the worship of the
distant city of Dun Eamon. The PCs also find themselves
sun god MitraLL5-241 within the High Church of Foere. As
under attack by mysterious marauders and uncover
such, there are many reasons why the PCs might have
evidence that others following the trail of the expedition to
chosen to visit Nains, from a religious pilgrimage to
Panetoth and Dun Eamon have been murdered.
major commercial dealings to sightseeing to even having
originally hailed from the region and simply returning
In Dun Eamon the party gains access to the library of home for a visit. Whatever the reason for being in Nains,
the wizard Elinda Bannon just as a group of intruders the PCs will soon discover that the influence of the High
who have magically infiltrated her tower make off with Church in Nains is not to be ignored as they are quickly
the journal of Gravenfar. Stopping these interlopers and drawn into the business of the Cathedral of Saint Angeline.
recovering the journal, Elinda grants the PCs the use of the
book to continue their quest and find out what other forces The party is drawn into the adventure when they receive a
are out to get them. They are soon thereafter ambushed by summons from Daryus Flommescal, the Magnate of Books
thieves and discover that the thieves’ guild of Dun Eamon for the Archdeacon of Ste. Angeline’s. As such he is a fairly
has been contracted by the distant City-State of Castorhage powerful individual within Nains and not a summons to
to eliminate the PCs and gain the journal to allow that be dismissed lightly. However, it is written more as an
nation’s own expedition for the star metals.

Further investigation in Dun Eamon reveals that a group

of mountain dwarves who were the original recipients of
the missing documents has launched their own expedition
in agreement with the government of the original Conroi
Expedition’s charter through the Grand Duchy of Reme
in order to find the star metal and obtain a lucrative
contract in mining and refining it for the grand duchy.
But their expedition has also been plagued by assassins
and marauders, and they wish to join forces with the PCs.
Since the PCs have the journal and the dwarves have the
missing documents, if they pool their resources, they might
together claim the final prize and overcome the forces at
work against them.

Heading for the Haunted Steppe beyond the Wizard’s

Wall, the joint caravan discovers signs that some of the
marauders have been cultists of a dark power known as the
King in Yellow and are able to trace them to their hideout
on the Wizard’s Wall which also provides a secret route
down to the plains below. However, at the hideout the party
discovers more than mere cultists as they are confronted
by horrors from beyond the stars and a foul high priest of
the Yellow Sign who will stop at nothing to prevent the PCs
from continuing their expedition. Once these challenges
have been overcome, the PCs and their caravan find
themselves on the Campacha Plains, at the very edge of the
Haunted Steppe, preparing to begin their own expedition
into the unknown expanse.

invitation and in a cordial manner, promising reward if the “I pay you in advance because this matter requires your utmost
PCs will respond with timeliness and discretion. Assuming secrecy, even if you should elect to not undertake the task I have
the PCs agree to hear the Magnate out, they are to come to for you. The gemstones are yours to keep with my thanks for your
his offices in the library of Ste. Angeline’s. Upon presenting time. That should give you some idea of the importance in this
themselves, they are ushered in by an armed retainer who matter, and I hope you will approach it with the same gravity of
looks askance at any weapons they bear but allows them to purpose and integrity.
pass nonetheless. They are then brought into a conference
room off the private office of the Ecclesiastical Magnate of “To put it bluntly there has been a murder most foul in the
Books, His Worthiness Daryus Flommescal of Mitra. cathedral. One of my archivists, a dwarf named Kisarus Thrun
was found dead — his throat cut from ear to ear — late one night
You are ushered into a well-appointed conference room off the last week. His tongue was also removed so that his spirit could
cathedral’s library. The thick stone walls and bound wooden doors not be contacted magically and interrogated as to the identity
ensure that voices can’t be discerned from outside the room. The of his killer. This matter has been kept quiet for the time being
impressive wooden table that dominates the room’s center holds while it is looked into without potentially alerting the culprit
modest refreshments, and the walls are decorated with religious and will continue to be so until the issue is resolved. Only you,
iconography depicting the Sun Father, resplendent in his glory. the Archdeacon, and my own staff are aware of it at this time.
Through a single small window looking out over the cloisters can However, I have not called you here to investigate this crime
be heard the distant peel of the cathedral’s bell and the drone of or bring his killer or killers to justice. I have my own coterie of
holy brothers in worship below. retainers working on that as we speak. They are rattling doors
from here to Seber Hall in search of answers, and they assure me
Seated at the head of the table in the gold and white garb of the that they are not far from finding their quarry.
clergy of Mitra and deep purple stole of an ecclesiastical magnate is
a portly man of middling years and a nearly bald pate surrounded “No it is not to investigate who killed Archivist Thrun that I seek
by a graying fringe. A small sheaf of parchments lies before him to retain your services but rather to look into the matter of why he
next to a quill and inkwell, and a larger stack of parchments rests was killed. Because while the mutilation of the corpse and certain
to the side. You can only assume that he must be His Worthiness, magical countermeasures can stymy some means of identifying
Daryus Flommescal, the Archdeacon’s Magnate of Books. the culprit and what exactly occurred, my own communications
with the archivist before his death and our divinatory efforts
He rises as you enter and ushers you to comfortably padded around that subject matter have borne fruit. It is for this that I
chairs arranged around the table while he instructs the retainer seek your services…if you are agreeable.”
who let you in to close the door and see that you are not disturbed.
He then directs your attention to the small leather pouches that
rest upon the table before each seat. Ecclesiastical Magnate Daryus Flommescal (LN male
human cleric of MitraLL5-241 8) waits for the PCs to reply
“I am Flommescal,” he begins in a friendly tone. “I oversee the in the affirmative before he offers any more details. If the
library and archives of Ste. Angeline as the Archdeacon’s Magnate matter of further payment is raised, he will simply say
of Books. This is no small undertaking as the cathedral holds texts that the pouches of jewels should be considered a down
and codices that date back to the days of Hyperborea before the faith payment to retain their services and that the party will be
of Mitra had even arrived from the East. It is my directive to not only amply rewarded beyond this payment by the Church of
care for these many records of a bygone era — many worth more than Mitra if they are able to complete the task that he has for
a king’s ransom for their great antiquity — but also to catalogue, them. If not, they are free to leave the cathedral and keep
reference, and examine these countless records to learn more of our the pouches of gems in return for simply staying silent
faith, of our great kingdom, and of our place in the cosmos. about what they have learned so far.
“It is no small endeavor and deals in matters of great import.
But please,” he gestures to the small pouches before you, “Those Assuming the PCs are interested, Magnate Flommescal
are yours in thanks for you coming to hear me out. They are but a will fill them in on what he knows. Almost a month ago
paltry offering of gems, but I hope they will whet your appetite for Archivist Thrun came upon some old documents that
what is to come.” had been miscataloged in the archival stacks. As he set
about determining their contents, he discovered them to
be of a historically valuable nature dating back almost 80
There is one pouch for each PC present, and each holds years and relating to the infamous Conroi Expedition and
100 gp worth of precious stones. They are for the PCs to keep its journey into the Haunted Steppe along the Road of
simply for agreeing to meet with the Magnate. Once the PCs Sorrows. PCs making a DC 10 Intelligence (History), (local),
have finished with the pouches, Flommescal continues. (nobility), or (geography) check are familiar with the tale of

the Caleen Colonies and the Road of Sorrows. If they are to trace the path of the Road of Sorrows. This portion of the
not, Flommescal can fill them in. Provide the players with expedition was never heard from again, its members presumed to
the information below. have all been lost to the dangers of the Haunted Steppe.

KNOWN HISTORY OF THE CALEEN Flommescal goes on to explain that after reviewing these
COLONIES documents Archivist Thrun prepared a short report on
their contents and requested a meeting with the Magnate
In 2861 I.R. Grand Duke Cale of Reme led colonists into the vast to discuss them. Of course, because of the nature of the
Haunted Steppe and established a series of new homesteads and Magnate’s duties and the oppressive number of reports
settlements called the Caleen Colonies that reached ever farther he reviews on a daily basis it was several weeks before he
northward across the plains. These colonies thrived and grew read Thrun’s report and scheduled a meeting with him
under the Grand Duke’s personal supervision for many decades to review the newly discovered documents. Apparently,
until savage humanoids began to arise and strike at the Rhemian this was too long, because the murder occurred on the
colonists with shocking violence. At first Cale’s people resisted, but night before the scheduled meeting. Flommescal thinks
then came the strange and terrible shadow walkers from the farthest that perhaps somebody saw Thrun’s report, which alerted
northern reaches of the plains who led the humanoid invaders and them to his discovery, because even the short report that
bid them slaughter the colonists as the Rhemian encroachment Thrun prepared for Flommescal has since disappeared.
was driven back. A devastating invasion of the southern lands All of his retainers and staffers have stood up to magical
of the Kingdoms of Foere by this force was forestalled only by scrutiny so he doesn’t believe it was an inside job but rather
the intervention of the archmages Margon and Alycthron and that someone found out the nature of the discovery and
the raising of the Wizard’s Wall in 2947 I.R. The Grand Duchy then sent someone either very skilled or very powerful in
of Reme abandoned its plans of taming the Haunted Steppe and magic — of both — to assassinate the archivist and remove
withdrew to grieve the loss of thousands of its colonists as well as any trace of his discovery. In any case Kisarus Thrun
the death of its first Grand Duke, a Prince of Foere, who had fallen was murdered, and the documents he had discovered
with his people upon the cursed prairie. In time the northwestern disappeared. Magnate Flommescal believes that the
path of the colonies became known as the Road of Sorrows and murder investigation is well in hand, but he’d like to know
sank into little more than legend and a cautionary tale in the more about what was in those documents and what made
southlands. them so important that they were worth killing for. That’s
why he wants to hire the party.
Likewise, a DC 15 Intelligence (History) or (local) reveals
the information below, though, again, the Magnate can Flommescal explains that there was one bit of good
provide this information if the PCs fail on these checks. fortune. The documents were in poor shape and only
loosely bound, and his spies have picked up hints that
some documents were discovered in the street outside the
cathedral on the night of the murder and subsequently
EXPEDITION sold to a local book dealer. He is not so naïve as to think
The Conroi Expedition was an exploratory and scholarly venture that the totality of the documents were lost or discarded by
outfitted in the Rhemian regional capital of Panetoth in 3439 I.R. the assassin but believes it is possible that a few leaves of
The expedition was organized and led by Col. Sixtun Conroi, a parchment might have been loose and fallen unnoticed in
retired officer of the Rhemian cavalry. That year the expedition the darkness as the perpetrator fled the scene of the crime.
crossed the Wizard’s Wall with the purpose of discovering what He knows who the book dealer is, but he doesn’t want to
remained of the long-lost Caleen settlers and their destroyed send his own people to recover the parchments because he
colonies. The expedition initially limited its search to the doesn’t want to tip his hand to the assassin that some of
Campacha Plains region of the southern steppes where they found the documents are still out there; he doesn’t want the book
traces of colonies dating back to the time of Cale that had extended dealer murdered and these documents stolen before he has
westward along the Deepfells mountain range rather than north a chance to act. Therefore, he would like to discreetly hire
along the Road of Sorrows and had apparently survived for the party as unaffiliated buyers to obtain the documents for
some time after the fall of the rest of the colonies to the shadow the Church. He would prefer that the PCs purchase them
walker hordes. While one portion of the expedition remained in legally — for which they will be reimbursed for the expense
the Campacha area and established what eventually came to as well as rewarded for success — but ultimately he doesn’t
be known as the Conroi Settlements, another portion led by Col. care how they are obtained as long as the PCs don’t hurt
Conroi crossed the Wanaheeli River and embarked northward any innocents or get arrested in the process.


Imperial Erylle Huun

Record Cycle Chronicle
(I.R.) (E.C.) (H.C.) Event(s)
681 7165 Civil war erupts among Hundaei clans
683 7167 Hundaei cease to exist as a people; Survivors flee to Libynos or become the
Shattered Folk of the Great Steppes
1522 8006 Meteors strike in Red Wastes of northern Libynos and in central Haunted Steppe
2840 9324 345 Foerdewaith settlers push through Crynomar Gap
2843 9327 348 Twin royal heirs Kennet and Cale born to Overking Paulus
2858 9342 363 Cale abdicates claim to throne and given port of Reme
2861 9345 366 Cale leads Colonization of Great Steppes
2899 9383 404 Caleen colonists discover Pit of the Burning Star
2931 9415 436 Caleen colonies reach shore of Lake Hali; Humanoid attacks begin
2947 9431 452 Shadow walkers lead humanoid hordes from Lost Mountains; Caleen colonies
destroyed, Prince Cale is lost; Wizard’s Wall raised at Crynomar Gap
3437 9921 942 Disappearance of the explorer Aroldus Gravenfar after a short stopover in
3439 9923 944 Conroi Expedition crosses Wizard’s Wall to begin exploration of Haunted Steppe
3517 10,001 1022 Current year

* Excerpted from the Lost Lands Campaign Setting timeline by Frog God Games.

If the PCs request more information about the murder the Archdeacon to the question in the dungeons of Seber
or access to the deceased archivist’s corpse, the Magnate Hall. With this final word, he turns his attention to some
will deny all such requests. He will reiterate that the party’s of the amassed paperwork and silently dismisses the PCs
mandate is solely to recover the documents, not to look from his presence. The retainer outside the door escorts
into the matters surrounding the murder. PCs might find them from the cathedral grounds and tells them to report
this suspicious, but a DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check will back to him when they have finished their mission and he
confirm Flommescal’s sincerity; while he is willing to bring will get them another audience with the Magnate.
outsiders in on the relatively minor task of the document
recovery, he is not yet willing to trust them with something
of the importance of the murder and will stick to the skills WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO THE
of his own retainers for that. ARCHIVIST
Once the PCs have agreed to the job, Flommescal Magnate Flommescal and his divinatory investigations are
informs them that the documents have been traced to the only partially correct in his deduction of what occurred
book dealer Vidrac Dorse of Dorse’s Paper Shoppe. He leading up to and following the murder of Archivist Thrun.
gives them directions to the shop’s location on the Street of Neither he nor the PCs know what really occurred, though
the Four Winds not far from the County Enclave of Seber the PCs may be able to piece together some of it through
Hall and admonishes them once again to be discreet and the course of the adventure. Archivist Thrun did, in fact,
lawful in their endeavors, as the Count’s men might be discover the documents relating to the Conroi Expedition.
only too eager to put strangers beyond the protection of In reviewing them he learned about the Burning Pit that

the expedition sought for the potentially vast amounts High Thane, Klanghorn Ironskull, has maintained friendly
of the star metal noqual that it possibly contained. This relations with the surrounding lowland Foerdewaith
piqued the archivist’s attention greatly and brought about realms, but the Iron Kingdom, as it was once called, has
his ultimate doom. fallen on hard times this past century due to the repeated
catastrophes it has endured.
Most dwarves encountered in an around the civilized
lands of Foere are the hill dwarves who have been allies Such hard times are what prompted a young Kisarus
of Man for millennia or the street dwarvesLL8-382/K9-49 who Thrun to leave his homeland three decades ago and seek a
have come to appear in the great metropolises of Akados life of study and reflection among the clergy of a primarily
in recent centuries. Unbeknownst to his human peers at human god in the Cathedral City of Nains.
the cathedral, however, Kisarus Thrun was a mountain
dwarfMoM-10 of the Ironskull Clan. Unlike most of the Great
When Kisarus Thrun read of the wealth of precious
Mountain Clans of dwarves who have hated humanity
star metal that was believed to rest undiscovered in the
ever since the Battle of HummaemidonLL0 in 1 I.R., the
Pit of the Burning Star, he immediately thought of the
Ironskulls of the Blackrock Mountains are one Great
desperate times that had afflicted his own people for so
Mountain Clan that has maintained friendly relations with
long — a people he had nearly forgotten in the long years
the humans first of Hyperborea and subsequently Foere in
of his absence. Overcome by a sudden surge of guilt and
the past three-and-a-half thousand years. However, largely
homesick longing for his childhood home, Thrun securely
isolated in their mountain fastness of Iron Hall, they
packaged the most detailed portions of the documents and
remain a rarity and largely a mystery in the lowlands. Thus,
sent them by courier to his people, sure that they would be
none of Kisarus’s fellow archivists knew of his lineage or
able to put such knowledge to good use towards reversing
the sorrowful heritage of that lineage.
the fortunes of the clan. Not wishing to be derelict in his
own responsibilities, he dutifully prepared a report of the
Once a powerful kingdom ruled by the House of remaining documents and sent it to the Magnate of Books,
Ironskull, the Ironskull Clan’s most famous scion was the requesting an audience to ascertain their historical value.
legendary High Thane Cole of a century ago, sometimes It was this report which languished too long in transit
referred to in legend or nursery rhyme as Mad Thane Cole before crossing the Magnate’s desk that caught the eyes of
or even Old Thane Cole. It was this venerable monarch who certain watchers in the employ of foreign powers among
sowed the seeds of destruction among his house and clan the cathedral’s inner workings.
when he became obsessed with claiming the treasures of
the Dragon Temple of West Talon Island in the Crescent
The contents of Thrun’s report were relayed to
Sea, for which he built an unheard-of dwarven armada.
handlers in the distant City-State of Castorhage where
The armada was subsequently destroyed along with the
it was recognized to be in reference to an old operation
old thane by the dragons of said temple*. The death of Old
sponsored by the Castorhagi Crown 78 years ago when
Thane Cole and loss of so much of the clan’s able-bodied
they secretly backed the Conroi Expedition under the ruse
folk caused rule of the clan to pass to the cadet House of
of a scholarly endeavor in order to claim the riches of its
Brazzegard, whose own reign was relatively short-lived after
star metal for themselves. When none of that portion of
High Thane Tramhan Brazzegard was destroyed along with
the expedition ever returned or reported in, the matter
his house’s King City of Tir’Oen 60 years ago at the fangs
was dropped as being considered too costly to pursue, but
and flames of a great red wyrm thought to have come from
with the summary provided in Thrun’s report it became
West Talon with vengeance on its mind for the Ironskulls’
apparent that there remained more potential than had
prior perfidy. The High Thane’s surviving son, Trameht
been previously recognized. Learning this new information
passed rule of the clan back over to House Ironskull and
through his network of spies and magical thralls, Justice
disappeared on his own quest of vengeance against the
BurrLL7-44, Lord Protector of the City of Castorhage and
dragon some 40 years ago and has yet to reappear. For the
its de facto spymaster, activated a trusted agent in Nains
last four decades, the House of Ironskull has ruled over the
to assassinate the archivist who had discovered the
Great Mountain Clan Ironskull’s Kingdom of Dorriden
information and recover the documents regarding the
from their King City of Iron Hall at the headwaters of the
Conroi Expedition.
Iron River deep in the Blackrock Mountains. The current

* See page 101 of “Dread Dragon Temple” in Quests of Doom by Frog God Games

It was this Castorhagi sleeper agent, the slayer Ioris led to the cache of the remaining documents (which,
Flenn, who subsequently murdered Kisarus Thrun and unbeknownst to him, had already been received by Thrun’s
stole the documents he possessed before he could brief the kin in Iron Hall). When the documents were discovered by
Magnate of Books about them. However, upon reviewing a street urchin who subsequently sold them to the book
the documents Ioris quickly realized that the most dealer Vidrac Dorse, Ioris became even more intrigued in
valuable of them were missing and had likely been hidden who would show up to claim them and to this end has been
somewhere by the archivist. Planning quickly, Flenn left secretly casing the book dealer’s shop for several days. He
the documents in the street outside the cathedral so that is aware that the Magnate’s retainers are seeking him but is
they would look like they had been carelessly dropped by not yet concerned that he might be discovered, as he largely
the culprit. He then resolved to monitor them and see considers them to be pompous, incompetent buffoons.
who took them and for what purpose in hopes of being

THE HEART OF THE Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral

KINGDOM Armor Class 10

Hit Points 27 (6d8)
Speed 30 ft.
The events of Legend of the Burning Star primarily take
place in a string of cities on a northward path through STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
the heart of the Kingdoms of Foere. Beginning in Nains, 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
this course continues on through PanetothLL4-156/LL8-44, Dun
EamonG6, and finally TanithF2-3 before it heads out into the Skills History +5, Investigation +3, Persuasion +3
wilderness around the Wizard’s Wall. Each of these cities Senses passive Perception 11
has its own history and personality as explored in previous Languages Common
works by Frog God Games and/or Necromancer Games, Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
however, none of those sources are required to run this
adventure. It is in Cathedral City of Nains, however, where
the adventure begins and where the PCs are first put upon Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
the trail of the Legend of the Burning Star. reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2
(1d4) piercing damage.
Nains is a major city of the central Kingdoms of Foere. It is An expert can have a different area of expertise,
the Cathedral City of the Cathedral of Saint Angeline, the replacing History with the appropriate skill. For
major center of the Church of Mitra in Foere, and serves instance, an expert could be an arcane scholar
as the capital of the County of E’stil, one of the Kingdom (Arcana), natural philosopher (Nature), or
of Foere’s major realms. Cathedral cities are designated
centers of worship within the High Church of Foere, the theologian (Religion).
official religion of the Foerdewaith that encompasses all
of the good and neutral religions recognized within the
kingdoms under a single quasi-political umbrella. The the authority of the Archdeacon. Most cathedral cities have
High Church has little impact over the official doctrine and multiple ecclesiastical magnates.
worship of the deities that comprise its whole, but it does
command a great deal of the money that comes to these
different churches through the auspices of its tithes and Issues of royal interest in the cathedral cities such as
therefore holds a great deal of influence over their practices taxation, defense, lay courts, etc. are under the purview of a
at least within the borders of Foere when it wishes to. The Mayor of the Palace who oversees civil authority in the name
High Church of Foere is overseen by the Archbishop of of the Overking. In practicality, most Mayors of the Palace
Cantelburgh who is appointed by the Overking of Foere, possess much less influence in the cathedral cities than
usually for life. the Archdeacons themselves and the Magnates’ combined,
and the Magnates’ retainers often far outnumber the royal
soldiers stationed in the city.
The cathedral cities are an example of this ecclesiastical
control exercised by the Crown of Foere. The cathedral
cities are independent of the territories in which they Some cathedral cities, such as Nains, serve as the de facto
stand, answer only to the Archbishop, and are under the capitals of various regions of Foere as the largest, wealthiest
protection of the Overking. Individual cathedral cities are city in the area. But technically the capital is some small side
ruled ecclesiastically by an Archdeacon of the High Church area or fortress within or near the city known as an enclave
who oversees the cathedral and local administration with that falls fully under the local lord’s rule. In these cases, the
Ecclesiastical Magnates under his supervision. These local lord often rivals or even surpasses the influence of
Ecclesiastical Magnates are typically lay local rulers with the cathedral’s Archdeacon, and there is usually a constant
bands of men-at-arms, called retainers, who serve under political tug-of-war occurring in these places.

NAINS Baron Ivan Turesco, Mayor of the Palace (LE
LN metropolis male human knight)
Corruption +7; Crime +0; Economy +7; Law +7; Sir Langstrom Treist, High Sheriff (N male
Lore +5; Society +1 aasimar fighter [eldritch knight] 13)
Qualities academic, cathedral city, holy site, SPECIAL QUALITIES
prosperous, strategic location, tourist attraction Cathedral City Being one of the cathedral cities
Disadvantages dual government of Foere, Nains receives special dispensations
Danger 15 and revenue for the High Church from the
DEMOGRAPHICS Overking. This freedom and largesse directly
Government overlord affects the opportunities of the city’s citizens
Population 533,685 (441,200 humans; 37,940 half- and visitors as well as the infrastructure of the
elves; 23,069 halflings; 13,285 dwarves; 9,500 city itself.
gnomes; 6,180 elves; 2,511 other) Dual Government The political structure of Nains
NOTABLE NPCS is built around the primacy of the Archdeacon
and the High Church of Foere, while at the same
Preston of Mitra, Archdeacon of Ste. Angeline
time the city also serves as the county seat of
(LG male human expert (see sidebar) proficient
E’stil. This creates a certain amount of political
in Religion)
friction between the Crown-backed clergy
Oristan the Pious, Count of E’stil (LG male
government and the local feudal government of
human cleric of MitraLL5-236,241 3)
the Count of E’stil. This friction is relatively mild
Phiser Slatterly, Magnate of Coins (LE male old
in Nains due to the Count’s own devotion to the
human wizard [transmuter] 11)
Church of Mitra, but the resentment among the
Silas Afferbale, Magnate of Bells (NG male
lesser nobles does create some tension.
gnome cleric of MitraLL5 1)
Lady Krystus Kolem, Magnate of Orders (LN NOTE: City stat blocks such as this use the kingdom and
female human cleric of MitraLL5 12) settlement rules from Ultimate Kingdoms by Legendary
Daryus Flommescal, Magnate of Books (LN Games. If you are not using those rules, the above
male human cleric of MitraLL5 8) information can simply be used as a narrative guide to
describe what each city is like.

Nains is the Cathedral City of Ste. Angeline, a matron NAINS

saint of the Church of Mitra, and also serves as the capital
The capital of the County of E’stil is the centrally located
of the County of E’stil, though the Count of E’stil’s enclave
Cathedral City of Nains (pronounced NINS). The heraldry
is actually a fortress called Seber Hall that lies within the
of the County of E’stil is three pinecones on a field of
boundaries of the city of Nains. Count Oristan the Pious
is a devout follower of Mitra, so there is less of the usual
politicking between the local lord and the Archdeacon, but
as a result many of the Count’s own liegemen bear a grudge A. DORSE’S PAPER SHOPPE
against the High Church for what they see as the usurpation
of their natural feudal powers and noble rights. Thus did The PCs can find Dorse’s Paper Shoppe strategically located
Magnate Flommescal issue his cautionary warning to the in one of Nains’ many market squares. The shop is lined
PCs about falling afoul of the Count’s men. However, unless with wooden tables covered in books and loose leaves from
the party decides to do something truly rash or outrageous, books. Dorse uses lead paperweights that radiate a faint
they are unlikely to need fear any reprisals from the county. aura of transmutation magic — a simple enchantment

that increases the paperweights’ weight should anyone but Of course, if any guards or men-at-arms are killed, the
Dorse himself try to move them. This system increases Magnate will be unable to obtain their release and they will
the DC of Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks to steal from face either a long prison sentence or execution, either of
Dorse by 5. A PC who browses through Dorse’s shelves which is beyond the scope of this adventure. Anyone being
and makes a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to tortured gains one level of exhaustion and must make a DC
understand his organization system can locate the likely 15 Constitution or Wisdom saving throw (player’s choice)
spot where historical documents regarding the Conroi each day (+1 to the DC per previous save) or confess the
Expedition are displayed. details of their mission, and there are later repercussions
as the PCs’ involvement in the matter gets out sooner than
it otherwise would have.
Vidrac Dorse (N male old human spy; Wisdom (Insight)
+6) is amicable when discussing business or academia, but
he has a keen nose for profit and his interest is immediately These repercussions come in the form of an extra attempt
piqued if the PCs begin showing too much attention by the City-State of Castorhage to eliminate the party and/or
towards the documents they seek. He can confirm that find out what they know at some point on the road between
he recently acquired a small bundle of loose leaves of Nains and Panetoth or perhaps shortly after they reach that
parchment that consisted of letters pertaining to the city. Its set-up and the statistics for its thugs are identical
Conroi Expedition of 3439 I.R. He will not give any details to those described in Event 6 in Chapter 2. However, in this
as to whom he purchased them from, as his policy is always case they are independent brigands rather than members
strict confidentiality for his clients. He has confirmed their of the Ebon Union and are after the documents recovered
provenience though and guarantees the authenticity of any from Dorse’s shop. Unlike in Event 6, no survivors of the
purchase. A DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check or magic can group flee to nearby safehouse, and the PCs are just left to
confirm that he is telling the truth. He will not, however, wonder at who might have orchestrated the ambush.
let them examine them for more than a moment or two
without purchasing them — insufficient time to absorb
their contents. COUNTY GUARDSMAN
Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
None of the items in Dorse’s shop are marked with a price, Armor Class 18 (plate)
as he prefers to read his customers in order to set a price he
thinks he can get out of them. In the case of the PCs, unless
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
they succeed at a Charisma (Deception) check (without Speed 30 ft.
anyone able to help) opposed to his Wisdom (Insight) he STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
quickly discerns that the papers are extremely valuable to
them. If the PCs mention the Magnate, the cathedral, or 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
the High Church in any way, his Wisdom (Insight) check Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4
is automatically successful. If he succeeds on his Wisdom
Skills Animal Handling +2, Insight +2, Intimidation
(Insight) check, he sets the asking price at 1,500 gp. Any PC
making a DC 15 Intelligence (History) can determine that the +5, Perception +2
true value of the documents to an antiquarian is probably Senses passive Perception 12
closer to 150 gp, but Vidrac will not budge from his price. Languages Common
If he failed the aforementioned Wisdom (Insight) check Challenge 1 (200 XP)
then his asking price is only 175 gp. If the PCs attempt to
Special Gear. Each county guardsman carries a
strong arm the book dealer or outright rob him, he doesn’t
resist but immediately blows a small whistle that he keeps potion of healing.
in his pocket. This will summon 2 county guardsmen that
arrive in 1d4 rounds and pursue anyone that has stolen Bravery. The country guardsman has advantage on
the documents. They blow their own whistles which calls saving throws against being frightened.
1d4 men-at-arms or 1d6 county guardsmen from nearby
Seber Hall every 1d3 rounds to a maximum of 16 men-at-
arms and 30 guardsmen. Anyone arrested by these men ACTIONS
will be locked in the dungeons below Seber Hall for later Halberd. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10
questioning by High Sheriff Treist and will undergo torture ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage.
for 1d3 days before Flommescal can have them released. Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,

reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 street, occasionally glancing in to see if anyone is showing
(1d6 + 3) piercing damage. interest in that particular stack. He is also making Wisdom
(Perception) checks to listen in on any discussions through
Net. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 5/15 ft., the nearby open window. Once the subject of purchasing
one target. Hit: The target is restrained (escape the Conroi Expedition documents is brought up he enters
DC 10). the shop and requests the same documents and is willing to
pay double the asking price immediately. He is doing this
to size up the PCs and hopefully rattle them. He wouldn’t
MAN-AT-ARMS mind whittling down one or two of them as well so he can
Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral follow them and capture them later for questioning. At
this point he assumes that the PCs are just some of the
Armor Class 17 (half plate, shield) Magnates retainers and has no real fear or respect for them.
Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft.
Once Ioris makes his offer, Vidrac is inclined to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA immediately accept it unless the PCs make a higher bid.
17 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) Vidrac is perfectly willing to allow the two buyers to engage
in a bidding war to his benefit. Ioris cultivates a drab
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +3 image; his clothes and armor appear run-of-the-mill, and
Skills Insight +2, Intimidation +1, Perception +2, his expressions are dry and unmemorable. He answers no
Survival +2 questions that the PCs may pose, simply making bids in
an expressionless tone. He will go as high as double the
Senses passive Perception 12
asking price in his bids before pausing and proposing that
Languages Common he and the PCs settle the matter with a duel. Dueling is not
Challenge 2 (450 XP) forbidden in Nains if both parties agree to it, and if the
Special Gear. Each man-at-arms typically carries a PCs refuse, he slaps one to insult his or her honor. Ioris
potion of greater healing. isn’t bluffing. The man is an experienced killer and excels
in a one-on-one fight. If the party accepts his challenge, he
fights their representative in single combat. Not wishing to
Bravery. The man-at-arms has advantage on saving acquire life-long enemies, he keeps his promise to yield if
throws against being frightened. his adversary asks, but he fights with lethal intent to that
Pack Tactics. The man-at-arms has advantage on point. If the PCs still refuse, he leaves and allows the PCs
an attack roll against a creature if at least one to purchase the documents while he prepares to ambush
them on their route back to the cathedral, dropping all
of the man-at-arm's allies is within 5 feet of the
pretense at an honorable duel.
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.


Multiattack. The man-at-arms attacks twice with its Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral
longsword. Armor Class 17 (chain shirt +2)
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach Hit Points 99 (22d8)
5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, Speed 30 ft.
or 8 (1d10 +3) slashing damage if used with two
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +5
damage. Skills Acrobatics +10, Deception +2, Intimidation
Even if the party is willing to pay Vidrac’s asking price, +2, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7,
they still must deal with another potential buyer. This
Survival +3
is Ioris Flenn who has been casually observing the shop
to see who might show up to claim the documents. He Senses passive Perception 16
has identified which pile they are in, so he loiters on the Languages Common

Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Special Gear. Ioris carries a +2 one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage. This
chain shirt, +1 rapier, and is a magical weapon. Due to his ability, Ioris's
two vials of purple worm rapier attacks score a critical on a roll of 19 or 20.
poison. He has two Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
dagger sheaths that, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6
when prepared ahead (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.
of time, allow him to
poison a dagger as REACTIONS
an action. Parry. Ioris adds 3 to his AC
against one melee attack that
Assassinate. During his would hit him. To do so, Ioris must see the
first turn, Ioris has advantage attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
on attack rolls against any
creature that hasn’t taken Tactics: Ioris uses his studied target as a swift action
a turn. Any hit he scores the second a PC agrees to fight him. His hope is to catch
the character off guard and win quickly with minimal
against a surprised creature injury. If the PCs are still in conversation about how the
is a critical hit. duel will proceed, he simply announces it already has and
Evasion. If Ioris is subjected lunges with his rapier. Both of Ioris’ daggers are stored in
to an effect that allows poisoning sheaths with poison already applied. Ioris yields
him to make a Dexterity immediately when reduced to 20 or fewer hit points. If the
PCs gang up on him or continue the fight after that point,
saving throw to take only half he throws his poisoned daggers at the character he deems
damage, he instead takes no most likely to succumb (using Wisdom (Insight) to gauge
damage if he succeeds on the the party’s weaknesses). He then runs with a final remark
saving throw, and only half about the party’s lack of honor and disappears into the
damage if he fails. dense crowd to report his failure to his superiors.
Poisoned Dagger (2/Day).
On a hit with Ioris’ dagger, the If a duel occurs, the county guardsmen will not interfere
because Vidrac confirms that it was agreed to. However,
target must make a DC must make a DC
2d6 county guardsmen and 1d4 men-at-arms will arrive
19 Constitution saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) to monitor the clash and make sure both parties abide by
poison damage on a failed save, or half as much its rules (no outside help, yielding when called for, etc.).
damage on a successful one. Anyone violating the rules of the duel will be arrested as
Sneak Attack. Once per turn, Ioris deals an extra described above, though if they attempt to arrest Ioris, he
quickly slips away.
10 (3d6) damage when he hits a target with a
weapon attack and has advantage on the attack
roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally Development: If the party fails to defeat Ioris or convince
Dorse to sell the documents to them, the slayer pays the
of Ioris that isn’t incapacitated and Ioris doesn’t vendor for the papers and leaves immediately. Following
have disadvantage on the attack roll. Ioris in the city is difficult, as his training allows him
to disappear in crowds with ease. A PC with ranks in
ACTIONS Intelligence (History) can follow Ioris without losing him
Multiattack. Ioris makes three rapier attacks. If with a Wisdom (Perception) check with a DC equal to Ioris’
Dexterity (Stealth) check. If the PCs obtain the letters from
he has a dagger in his off hand, he makes an Dorse or Ioris, they can be seen to be a series of short pieces
additional dagger attack. Alternatively, he can of correspondence between the chaplain of the Conroi
wield two daggers and make two dagger attacks. Expedition and the Archdeacon of Nains, who was the

chaplain’s church superior. They are each on worn, travel- duty to record the events of the expedition and report them back
stained leaves of parchment and are clearly old enough to to the High Church. We also already know that the expedition
be authentically from the time of the expedition. Provide split after crossing the Wizard’s Wall with one portion remaining
the players with Handout 4A (see page 70), which combines in Campacha and forming what became the Conroi Settlements,
the short missives into a single handout. and the other portion under Col. Conroi — and apparently our
illustrious chaplain, as well — crossing the Wanaheeli River to
follow the Road of Sorrows and ultimately disappearing from
EVENT 1: A HISTORY LESSON history…until now.
The Magnate expects delivery of the papers as soon as the
party acquires them. Assuming the PCs did not break the “However, we also learn some things of certain historical
law or otherwise embarrass the Cathedral of Ste. Angeline, interest — like for instance they crossed the Wizard’s Wall at
the PCs are brought immediately to Flommescal’s private Fort PrudenceG1-2. This is not really very surprising as it’s the only
study when they arrive at the cathedral with the documents. known pass to the bottom of the cliff, but it is somewhat interesting
that in 3439 that fortress’s nickname of Durgam’s FollyG1-27 was
The Magnate’s study is much more spartan in its layout than the not yet in wide use. But we also learn some things that are very,
conference room you met in before, and much more secure with no very interesting — like the true purpose of the expedition. Look
windows breaking its heavy masonry walls and the only entrance here,” Flommescal points at the first of the missives, “Thade
leading from the Magnate’s personal apartments. However, there mentions funding from a silent backer. This is interesting because
are a few comfortable chairs surrounding the clerist’s wooden it has always been commonly held that the Grand Duchy of
desk, a desk now covered in old books and crinkled parchment Reme funded the expedition to learn something of the fate of their
maps. Magnate Flommescal motions you to sit as he spends a few lost colonies. But Conroi apparently secured additional backing,
moments perusing the documents you have recovered. and by the sound of it this silent backer actually composed the
lion’s share of the expedition’s funding. This becomes important
A PC making a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check can when we see how the silent backer’s goals differ from those of the
catch a glimpse of the books and maps open on the desk. Rhemian scholars, and how Col. Conroi chooses the silent backer
Those that do can make a DC 20 Intelligence (history) over that of his own homeland.”
check to recognize them as old history texts about the
Flommescal grows visibly excited as he pores over the ancient
original colonization of the Haunted Steppe by Prince
letters with you.
Cale of Reme and incomplete maps of the steppe lands
beyond the Crynomar Gap at the northern boundary of the “But who might this silent backer be? What might this secret
Grand Duchy, including one well-known tome of historical goal have been?” he asks the air rhetorically. “Thade is trying to
geography called Oldranui’s Geogrammatica, written be coy with his words, but it’s clearly all right here if you know
nearly 600 years ago. A DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) what to look for. Here in the fifth letter he refers to the backer as
check after identifying the map reveals that the Wizard’s the ‘island queen.’ Isn’t that an interesting turn of phrase? It seems
Wall is not marked across the Crynomar Gap confirming like it could mean anything, but when you think about it not
that it was drawn before the time of the shadow walker really. It has to be someone from beyond the boundaries of Foere,
invasion in 2947 I.R. It is apparently a (largely speculative) for there are no lesser kings or queens within the realms of the
map of the Caleen Colonies as they existed before their fall. Overking. And it has to be somewhere close enough to be relevant
and to specifically have a queen — not a king. That becomes
After a few minutes of reviewing the documents he sets very specific indeed. It also just so happens that the City-State of
them down on the desk and addresses the party. Castorhage, an island nation of the western coast of Foere and
Reme has had its own independent monarchy for the last 3,000
“Well it’s abundantly clear that these are not all of the documents years and more. And while the monarchy has traditionally been a
connected with Archivist Thrun’s discovery,” he begins with a king, there was a two-year span from 3439 to 3441 when there was
sigh. “As to the whereabouts of the rest of them we can only guess, a queen-regent, the duplicitous Lotheria Tredici, who presided over
though I’d wager the thief has already sold them to other interested Castorhage while her husband King Worrn IV was too infirm to
parties. It’s pure chance that we came across these. rule. In 3441 she was deposed for attempting to murder her own
infant daughter and only a few short years later she was executed
“I’m sure from your review of them that you were able to piece when it was discovered she had been slowly poisoning the king
together at least the bare facts: Azmerius Thade was a priest of to bring on his debilitating illnessLL7-232,320. She’s just the sort of
Mitra and served as the official chaplain of the Conroi Expedition. person who would have used subterfuge and double-dealing to
He was a disciple of Archdeacon Leofric, who did indeed preside undermine some foreign nation’s interests if it meant lining her
over Ste. Angeline at the time, and who apparently felt it his own coffers.

“And there’s more, because something that almost everyone Conroi Expedition after it crossed the Wanaheeli River
knows yet somehow never bothers to put together is that the Conroi and determine what it was that they and the Crown of
Expedition wasn’t the first to cross the Wizard’s Wall in that same Castorhage were looking for along the Road of Sorrows.
timeframe. No, the famed explorer Aroldus Gravenfar had crossed He doesn’t require that they recover anything for him and
the wall only two years earlier on some expedition of his own that honestly doesn’t care whatever treasure it is that they might
he never returned from. There are vague reports that he searched find. What they do with it is up to them. All he wants is for
for some cradle of the ancient Hyperborean Empire among the them to record their expedition and provide him with a
farthest peaks of the Stoneheart Mountains, but why would he copy of the records so he can add it to the Ste. Angeline
enter the Haunted Steppe to do that rather than take an easier archives and close one of the greatest mysteries of the last
route along the mountains’ eastern flank through more civilized century. In return he will provide them 3,000 gp with which
lands. When looked at in that light, it could almost be said that to outfit their expedition and another 3,000 gp when they
the Conroi Expedition was following in the missing explorer’s return to them with an accurate account of what occurred
footsteps. Still not convinced? Well, how about if I told you that and what they discovered that will stand up to scrutiny
before embarking on his fateful quest, Gravenfar is known to have under zone of truth and similar spells. Anything they find
stopped for a short time in Castorhage. To consult the archives along the way is theirs to keep.
there? To gain financial backing? To eat one last meal of their
wretched meat pies sold by street vendorsLL7-227? Who knows? But
He will also provide them with two pieces of advice. One,
there is clearly an interesting connection in light of an ‘island
they should start their search in Panetoth as that is where
queen’ serving as a silent backer for a similar expedition only two
the expedition originally started from and where evidence
years later.”
may still exist to provide them with some guidance
The normally staid Magnate visibly calms himself and mops before they head out into the vast expanse of the Haunted
his now sweat-beaded brow with the cuff of his magisterial robe. Steppe. Two, he dissuades them from going to Castrohage
“So now we get to the heart of it. What was old Conroi about out to find out what Gravenfar was up to there. He has had
on the steppes that cost him his life and that of all his men…and some experience in that city and believes their chances of
likely that of the most famous explorer to ever trod the dust of finding anything of use in that morass of degeneracy is
Lloegyr*. That is something truly of great value. And I don’t mean far outweighed by the inherent dangers it would provoke.
whatever sort of treasure it was. I’m the Magnate of Books, not the This reminds him to also provide one final warning as
Magnate of Coins — let old Slatterly** worry about that — I’m well: He suspects that the murder of the archivist might
interested in the discovery and recovery of knowledge. Profound have the stink of Castorhage about it, so the discovery of
knowledge. Important knowledge. What do you fellows say, are the documents might have renewed the interest of that
you interested in another job?” decadent kingdom’s current monarch, Queen AliceLL7-40. If
so, the party should beware of competitors who might even
now be on a similar course to claim whatever prize lies at
The discovery of the documents has clearly gotten the end of the journey.
Flommescal quite excited. There is not usually this much
of interest in the day-to-day matters of the cathedral’s chief
scholar and librarian. If the PCs enquire about payment If the PCs ask further about the murder investigation he
for their previous job he becomes embarrassed and quickly will inform them that his agents suspect it was the work of
repays them whatever they spent on the documents (a DC a killer-for-hire named Ioris Flenn, whom he believes the
18 Charisma (Deception) check allows unscrupulous PCs PCs may have already encountered, and that it was likely
to inflate this amount by up to 25% without him getting at the behest of some shadowy backer — the discovery of
suspicious, but if the check fails he cuts the rest of the Castorhage’s involvement in the affair suddenly makes
payment offer by half in punishment) as well as another them look like the prime suspect. In any case, he doesn’t
100 gp per person for recovering the documents. want the PCs to waste any time on that angle. His retainers
will finish the murder investigation from here. If the PCs
wish to be the first to discover the secrets of the Conroi
If the PCs show interest in this job, he says it is very Expedition they’d best start sooner rather than later when
simple. He wants them to find out what became of the others might gain a head start on them.

* Lloegyr is the name of the planet currently most commonly in use in Akados, when a name for the planet is used at
all. See page 4 of LL1: Stoneheart Valley by Frog God Games.
** Phiser Slatterly, Magnate of Coins of the Cathedral of Ste. Angeline (see Nains above)

PANETOTH Baron Bluto Heinsvith, Lord Chamberlain of the
N large city Gate (NE male human [HeldringLL4-17] noble)
Corruption +8; Crime +3; Economy +6; Law +7; SPECIAL QUALITIES
Lore +4; Society –4 Military District The famed Waymark cavalry’s
Qualities military district, prosperous, regional mustering field lies just north of the city
capital, strategic location causing a constant influx of soldiers, knights,
Disadvantages water poor and their many support personnel and
Danger 15 retainers. This boosts the city’s economy but
DEMOGRAPHICS brings with it a greater frequency of brawls
Government overlord between rival units and frequently a harsher
Population 22,470 (18,110 humans [Foerdewaith]; dispensation of justice for even minor criminal
2,455 humans [Plainsmen]; 785 half-elves; 580 infractions.
gnomes; 368 dwarves; 172 other) Regional Capital Panetoth has been the
NOTABLE NPCS administrative capital of the region for
thousands of years and, as a result, has a
Lucius Qellinroque, Duke of Waymarch,
well-entrenched and robust bureaucracy that
Harmost of Panetoth (LN male human knight)
is able to keep it afloat in even the harshest of
Amirlaine Qellinroque, Duchess of Waymarch (N
circumstances but can bog down the evolution
female human wizard 12)
of even the smallest changes.
Quinn Hardalinger, Epistates* of Waymarch (LN
Water Poor Panetoth lies in an arid region with
female half-elf expert [see page 10])
uncertain supplies of water during the dry
Royster Geddrun, Pater of Mithras (LN male
months. This leads to black market trading,
human cleric of MithrasLL7-126 14)
extortion, and the threat of disease and famine
Calebi Venzenccio, High Faithful of Mitra (LN
along with an over-reliance on the clergy to
male halfling cleric of MitraLL5-236/241 6)
keep and maintain the supply.
Verethorne the Elder, Prelate of Quell (NG male
old human cleric of QuellRC:FBG-42 9) * Much as the Hyperborean title of harmost as a regional
Count Kessiar Ulthol, Lord-Knight Commander governor has been preserved, so too the Hyperborean
of the Waymarch (LG male old human knight) position of epistates, the chief bureaucratic administrator,
Davulosa Printetha, City Guard Commander (N has been retained within the Grand Duchy of Reme and
a few other ancient cities.
female human knight)

THE JOURNEY TO PANETOTH of this journey familiar from their prior visit to the city of
Tourse in that adventure. Alternately the party could elect to
The journey from Nains to Panetoth is one of approximately
strike out cross country along the back roads and farm lanes
650 miles as the crow flies but for which no direct route
through the County of Barresque and the Saymere Valley
exists. PCs traveling overland will need to head east to the
to reach the Old Tors and try to pick their way along the
city of Sion on the Star Sea and take ship to Pentalis before
long-abandoned road that once crossed those lonely peaks
heading north up the Bishop’s Road through the County of
by way of the halfling enclave of Oldhome and the much-
Coutaine and the Duchy of Ysser before heading northwest
more-sinister ruins atop the cursed Hill of MornayBM. This
along the Duke’s Way towards the Tradeway and Panetoth.
is a much shorter distance but cuts through wilderness for
Parties that have previously played through The Ebon Soul
most of the way and is much slower going with a much
from the Ashes of Empires Adventure Path will find much

higher chance of hostile encounters. Each of these routes Vast herds of sheep, cattle, and horses roam the plains
requires several weeks of travel, so feel free to sprinkle in in a constant search for new pasture, and the famous
encounters as you see fit to liven up the journey. Waymark cavalry patrols its vast stretches on their sure-
footed, locally bred mounts. A large perpetual cavalry
encampment lies just north of Panetoth which serves as
Alternately the PCs may be capable of magical flight that
the cavalry’s mustering ground and is under command of
could enable them to pass directly over the Elderwood and
the venerable Lord-Knight Commander of the Waymarch,
Old Tors. This is still a 650-mile journey and would require
Count Kessiar Ulthol, but despite its constant influx of
many days of travel at best with commensurate encounters.
mounted troopers the camp is rarely full. This is because
It is also likely, however, that PCs of the party’s level have
the duchy’s many contracts with foreign governments
some other means of magical travel like teleportation or
(primarily the Free City of Bard’s Gate) to hire its cavalry
ethereal travel that could make the trip significantly faster.
forces out as mercenariesLL8-38 keeps a goodly portion of
Whatever the case, the next portion of the adventure takes
these soldiers abroad at any given time.
place in Panetoth, so however you get the PCs there is up to
you and your players.
Of final note, is the significant number of nomadic
Plainsmen that call the Waymarch home and are found
PANETOTH, DUKE’S CITY OF THE as frequent visitors to the city of Panetoth. These horse-
WAYMARCH riding tribes are all descended from the Shattered Folk of
the Haunted Steppe who have been allowed to cross the
Panetoth is the regional capital of the Waymarch, the Grand
Wizard’s Wall, one tribe at a time selected through a lottery
Duchy of Reme’s easternmost marchland. The Waymarch
held every 50 years, and take up their migratory ways in the
stretches from just west of Panetoth, across the sere plains
great open expanse of the northern and eastern marches of
to the mouth of the Stoneheart Valley at the caravan city of
Reme. These groups range as far east as Bard’s Gate and the
Fareme, some 8 days march from the village of FairhillLL1-7.
Lyre Valley and as far north as the fringes of the Haunted
Like all of the marches of the Grand Duchy, Waymarch is
Wood in the Northmarches of Reme. They exist peacefully
ruled by a duke who owes fealty to Grand Duke Iltobarus of
among the folk of the Grand Duchy, most of them having
RemeLL:TG-3. The Duchy of Waymarch has been ruled by House
lived for generations south of the Wizard’s Wall since
Qellinroque (GasquenLL5-14 for “Rock of Quell”RC:FBG-42, the
their initial lottery selection, though there are rivalries
house’s patron deity) for as long as anyone can remember, and
among the tribes that have existed since even before and
the current Duke’s grandfather and great grandfatherLL8-328
still erupt sometimes into bloodshed. Nevertheless, they
both bore the name of the original Grand Duke Borell I
generally keep the peace between their groups while in and
who famously defeated the hobgoblin demigod Kakobovia
around Panetoth. The tribes of the Plainsmen that can be
at the Battle of Ironhill in 1573 I.R.MoM-100/LL3-255 In addition, the
encountered in the Waymarch are the Grass Sailors, Quick
Dukes of Waymarch hold the ancient title of HarmostLL3-78 of
Knives, Stone Faces, Thunder Riders, Stone Walkers, and
Panetoth (a term dating from the Hyperborean Empire as the
Beast Takers (see page 26 of LL8: Bard’s Gate by Frog God
military administrator of a city) as well as the grandiose title
Games and K12: The Eamonvale Incursion by Necromancer
of Voice of the Grand Duke in the East. The current Duke of
Games for further information).
Waymarch is Lucius Qellinroque, a loyal subject of Grand
Duke Iltobarus and staunch ally of the City of Bard’s GateLL8-44.
The Duchy of Waymarch is an arid plain of rolling hills Panetoth (pronounced PAN-uh-tawth) serves the regional
and dry grass prairies. The land boasts no major rivers capital and administrative center for the Grand Duchy of
and the water supply is limited to rain catch pools and Reme’s eastern marchlands, known as the Waymarch.
the runoff from the annual snowmelt of the Stoneheart
Mountains that fills a number of temporary lakes and
washes in the eastern portions of the duchy. As a result, Panetoth is a bustling trade city straddling the Tradeway,
the duchy is a sparsely populated land that always stands the great caravan road that spans the vast plains of central
on the verge of famine during the dry season each summer Akados between the great cities of Reme in the west and
and fall. Within Panetoth itself, each year’s dwindling Bard’s Gate in the east. As such there is always a roiling
water supply is protected and overseen by the clergy of mix of traders, travelers, soldiers, and locals treading
the Church of Mitra who make liberal use of their magical upon its wide dirt streets, peppered liberally with the
abilities to create and purify water in order to stave off the droppings of the thousands of horses that are bred upon
dual specters of dysentery and cholera. the surrounding prairie.

Though nowhere near as large as the great cities of the Kingdom B. THE CONROI MEMORIAL AND
of Foere to the south or even of the closer metropolises of Bard’s
Gate or the port of Reme, Panetoth nevertheless gives off an air of EXPEDITIONARY MUSEUM
busy commerce and cosmopolitan variety in the many faces that This location lies in a small square just north of the
walk its broad streets: the sun-wrinkled faces of traders mingle Tradeway near the center of town.
with the steely-eyed soldiers of the Waymarch’s famed cavalry and
the ageless complexions of elves and half-elves from the Forest
KingdomsLL8-44 beyond Bard’s Gate to the east or the grim, dour- B1. MEMORIAL STATUE
faced gnomes and dwarves of the Stoneheart Mountains. It seems Standing at the center of a small square is a stone statue
one could run into anyone from anywhere on the streets of a upon a pedestal rendered in the classic equestrian style
city like Panetoth and lends credence to the fact that the great of Foere. It heroically depicts the image of a bearded man
expedition of Col. Sixtun Conroi could begin right here. in the uniform of a commander of the Waymark cavalry,
scabbarded saber at his belt, and helmet in hand, gazing
northward with a look of intense concentration on his
As busy as Panetoth is, there is a certain impermanence furrowed brow. He sits astride a gallant light horse of the
to it. Its population triples to more than 70,000 during the Waymarch plain, its forehooves raised in the air as if about
prime trading months, and businesses come and go with to leap forward into a gallop. A plaque is visible upon the
the traders. Many establishments never set up more than a base, but other than evidence of passing birds no one seems
tent as its retail location, and more permanent structures to pay much attention to the sculpture.
change hands swiftly as business ventures come and go
with the tide of the Tradeway. Even the great cavalry post
The plaque at the base of the pedestal is badly corroded
visible to the north of the city is more an encampment of
copper that can be recognized with a DC 10 Intelligence
tents than a fortified structure. The duke’s citadel and the
(Investigation) or DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to read
residential districts that skirt to the south of the Tradway
in Common:
are some of the few areas of truly permanent construction.
As a result, it may not be clear where the party should begin
looking for clues as to the origins of the Conroi Expedition. Col. Sixtun Conroi, Cdr. Conroi Expedition
Departed from this square on Mithrond
Anyone making a DC 10 Intelligence (History) check can 26, 3438 I.R. to discover the fate of the
learn that there is a monument to the Conroi Expedition Caleen Colonies. Crossed the Wizard’s
located near the center of the city just off the Tradeway. Wall and entered the Haunted Steppe on
Someone could instead spend an hour making a DC 15 Oeros 7, 3439 I.R.
Charisma (Intimidation) or Charisma (Persuasion) check to Last known position crossing the
gain the same information from locals. Wanaheeli River on Freyrmond 5, 3439 I.R.*

A result of 20 or better on any of these checks reveals that Knowledge comes in discovery. Hope
a small museum dedicated to the expedition and curated comes in the seeking.
by a man named Lartan is located on a side street near the
monument. A result of 25+ also makes the PC aware that
Anyone making a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check
it is rumored that a single survivor of the original Conroi
recognizes that the Foerdewaith equestrian style of the
Expedition may still be alive and dwelling in an invalid’s
statue with the horse’s hooves rampant (both front hooves
hospital for veterans a couple of miles northwest of the city
lifted as it rears up) is intended to indicate that the subject
on the Devil’s Road.
of the statue died in battle**. Though the ultimate fate of
Col. Conroi and his expedition are unknown, it is assumed

* September, January, and March, respectively in the Lost Lands calendar. See page 219 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s
Crooked City by Frog God Games
** While this is a commonly held (though ultimately incorrect) belief about real-world statuary, it is in fact true in the
Foerdewaith-style of equestrian sculpture: Rampant (front hooves up in a rearing position) indicates death in battle,
passant (one front hoof up in a striding position) indicates being mortally wounded in battle, and statant (all hooves
down in a standing position) indicates survival in battle.

by historians that he died in battle with foes or simply the The interior of the museum is a cluttered space occupied
elements in his doomed journey. If the PCs are not aware by displays of “artifacts” of the expedition and a small
of this aspect of the sculpture, Lartan can fill them in. library of tomes, journals, and documents related to the
expedition. Most of the artifacts are actually tools, weapons,
or goods of the Plainsmen tribes of Waymarch that have
B2. THE CONROI EXPEDITION MUSEUM been misidentified as relics of the Shattered Folk tribes
AND REPOSITORY of the Haunted Steppe or are mundane pieces of gear or
This humble structure is tucked in between two other buildings articles of clothing (most well-worn or in otherwise poor
fronting on the square and has seen considerably less maintenance shape) that purport to be examples of items carried by the
over the years. Its boarded walls are silver with age, bearing only expedition but are more likely just pieces of discarded
the faintest hint of the whitewash that once graced its surface, and rubbish collected over the years and put on display. The
its roof is low-slung and sagging towards the street, its shingles as truth of these displays can be recognized with a DC 15
gray as the building’s walls with many missing and their absence Intelligence (History) check.
carefully patched with tarpaper. A faded sign nailed to the eaves
directly above the small entrance declares this to be “The Conroi The curator of the museum is a gray-headed, stooped old
Expedition Museum and Repository”. man with a pair of spectacles perched precariously on his
nose named Perite Lartan (CG male old human expert [see

page 10]; Deception +5). Lartan is a self-styled expert on the divination attempts, which also reveals something of the
Conroi Expedition and has put the museum together over true nature of the expedition’s goals.
the years with a fanatical dedication. He charges 2 sp per
person for admission to the museum, but as the PCs are his
Nonetheless, the PCs can question Lartan about what he
only visitors in some time, he gives them a personal guided
may know, and potential questions and the answers the
tour once the admission fee has been paid. Lartan is well
curator is able to impart are given below.
aware of the dubious provenience of most of the displays
(and is responsible for the majority of them) but will wax
philosophical over them until such time as he gets the Have any others come by seeking information about the
idea that the PCs are aware of their false nature at which expedition recently? Lartan smiles grimly at this and states
point he will quickly usher them on to the archives saying that few have any interest anymore in the history upon
something about “unreliable field researchers.” which our very existence is built. However, he does admit
that a stranger came through just over a week ago to see
the collection. He was a nondescript, middle-aged man
The archives are Lartan’s true pride and joy because most
who had the accent of a southlander (i.e. from the central
of the books and documents present do truly relate to the
Kingdom of Foere region). He did not give his name and
expedition. Though the affair happened generations ago,
only spent a few hours scouring through the archives after
records still exist — names of merchant suppliers, purchase
questioning the curator for a bit. He did not give a name or
orders, and personal correspondence, etc., leading up to
a reason and left without comment. Lartan has not seen or
the departure of the expedition, its initial leg across the
heard from him since and is not sure he could identify him
Northmarches of Reme, and its journey over the Wizard’s
again on sight if he tried beyond recalling that the man
Wall onto the Haunted Steppe. There is also a section
had a sailor’s tattoo of a sea serpent on his left forearm,
filled with books about the research conducted by the
probably former Foerdewaith Navy.
expedition’s scholars on the Campacha Plains, but these are
all reproductions of the accounts published from the Royal
Archives at Reme for whom the scholars were working. Other than that one man, no one else has been through
None of them specifically deal with the northward portion in months, though he pauses a moment after saying that. A
of the expedition across the Wanaheeli River, and Lartan DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check made at this point will notice
has nothing associated with that portion of the expedition that the question did seem to spark a sudden recollection
other than the fake artifact displays. All in all these assorted in the old curator, though. If pressed, he admits that there
accounts of the build-up to the expedition and the research was a break-in less than a week ago. Nothing was stolen,
conducted in Campacha don’t seem to provide any useful but some of the tomes in the archive were shuffled around
information the PCs don’t already know, apart from an a bit. Since nothing was missing, he repaired the lock on
overwhelming sense of discovery and optimism that the door and didn’t think anything else about it until this
pervades them throughout. However, anyone spending an moment. If they ask him what was shuffled around, he
hour to search through these books and documents and directs them to the Tellio Manuscript (see below).
making a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check finds a
reference to something called the Tellio Manuscript.
What/where is the Tellio Manuscript? He tells them it’s
one of the journal fragments among the archive collection.
Development: Though he is happy to tell all kinds He can locate this unmarked folio for them if asked (see
of tall tales about what befell the expedition after Col. “Tellio Manuscript Trap” below).
Conroi sojourned north, a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check
is sufficient to tell that he is simply embellishing and
Were there/are there any survivors of the expedition who
building on what few rumors made the rounds about the
could be questioned? He states that no one who traveled
fate of that group and that none of them bear any true
northward on the final leg of the expedition escaped the fate
merit. If confronted with this he will hesitantly admit that
of his peers. Of those who remained behind in Campacha to
really no one knows what became of the expedition once
conduct their research and ultimately establish the Conroi
it crossed the Wanaheeli and, truth be told, even attempts
Settlements, all have long since died of advanced years
at magical divination as to its fate (beyond the fact that
or assorted mishaps over the intervening eight decades.
everyone was dead) were unable to uncover anything.
However, a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check allows
This last bit is actually one of the more valuable pieces of
a PC to realize the old curator is holding something back
information that Lartan possesses because it reveals that
in a seemingly protective way.
something very powerful must have blocked any such

To gain this omitted detail, the PCs must convince only as “Tellio”. They hold only items of mundane interest
Lartan they are sensitive to the privacy and peace of mind like those described previously except for one entry that
of anyone who might be able to help them. This requires a is noticed with a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
successful DC 25 Charisma (Persuasion) check or a magical This one makes brief mention of the “consultation of the
charm. Should they gain his trust, the historian admits that manuscript of Gravenfar at the Grey Citadel.” Other than
one person still lives who may know something more, but that, it holds no information of interest. Lartan or a DC 5
Lartan prefers no one bother the man in the final years of Intelligence (History) check reveals that the Grey Citadel
life. If the PCs promise to keep their visit short and not refers to the city of Dun Eamon in Eamonvale, on the
press him, Lartan agrees to tell them where to find the final eastern edge of the Grand Duchy.
surviving member of the expedition, an old fellow named
Ambrose Hallet who is the sole survivor of the Campacha
Unfortunately for the PCs and Lartan, other interested
portion of the expedition. He returned to Panetoth years
parties broke in and discovered the folio themselves after
later and eventually moved into the Devil’s Rest Hospital
learning through their own channels of the resurgent
for Invalids as a long-forgotten, but nonetheless-true hero
interest in the Conroi Expedition. These unknown
of the Grand Duchy of Reme.
individuals found the information they were looking for
and then left a trap for any that would follow after. The
Who is the survivor at the Devil’s Rest Hospital for Invalids? edges of the pages in the folio have been treated with a
If the PCs have already heard of the resident of the Devil’s contact poison that affects Lartan (assume he fails his save)
Rest and question Lartan specifically about it, he answers and any PCs handling the pages who fail their own saves.
as above, initially denying the existence of Ambrose Hallet Noticing the poison requires a DC 25 Wisdom (Perception)
but can be swayed as described. check. The onset of the poison is in 1 minute, so there is
plenty of time for Lartan and multiple people to handle the
pages before the effects of the poison are noticed. Creatures
What/where is the Devil’s Rest? Lartan can provide
that fail their saving throw take 55 (10d10) poison damage
directions to the Devil’s Rest, and even explain the meaning
and are poisoned for 1 hour.
of the name (see area C below).

What is Gravenfar’s manuscript at the Grey Citadel (see C. DEVIL’S REST HOSPITAL FOR
“Tellio Manuscript Trap” below)? Lartan is no Gravenfar INVALIDS
expert but does have some knowledge of the famed
Anyone seeking this invalid soldier’s hospital can
explorer. He knows that he disappeared in the Haunted
locate it with a DC 15 Intelligence (History) or Charisma
Steppe only two years before the Conroi Expedition. As he
(Persuasion) check to gather information. A result of 25+
recalls, the story is that the explorer spent some weeks in
on either of those checks learns that a few years ago a
Castorhage before taking ship to Reme to begin his quest.
group of deranged ruffians attempted to break into the
Lartan doesn’t know any details of Gravenfar’s quest beyond
hospital for unknown reasons. They were repelled though
something about a “cradle of Hyperborea” in the mountains
three caretakers and two visiting soldiers were killed in the
somewhere, but he does seem to remember that Gravenfar
process. Since that time members of the City Guard have
made one final short stopover in the Grey Citadel of Dun
volunteered their time to keep watch over the facility and
Eamon before crossing the Wizard’s Wall. Lartan doesn’t
protect the vulnerable residents within.
know why Gravenfar stopped by Dun Eamon, nor is he
aware of any Gravenfar manuscript related to that stopover.
This retirement home for invalid soldiers takes its
seemingly sinister moniker from the road upon which it
Tellio Manuscript Trap: This is an unmarked folio of
lies. The Devil’s Road stretches between Panetoth and the
loose parchment leaves held in a worn cloth cover that
city of Yalendir some 260 miles to the north. The city of
bears many stains of age and wear. If asked, Lartan can
Yalendir is named for an old GasquenLL5-14 word for devil:
confirm that this folio was moved after the break-in of 5
“yalen” and refers to the campaign two millennia ago when
days ago, but after a cursory glance within he saw that none
Grand Duke Borell I faced and defeated the hobgoblin
of the leaves were missing and so simply re-shelved it in
demigod KakoboviaMoM-100/LL3-255. The hobgoblin god was
its proper place. If the PCs wish to peruse the documents,
commonly referred to as the Great Yalen (“Great Devil”) by
Lartan willingly provides it to them (touching the pages for
the common folk of Reme at that time, and the city from
the first time in the process). The documents are the partial
which Borell sallied forth to face him, previously known
journal of a member of the expedition referred to within
by the unassuming name of Riverborg, was thereafter

renamed Yalendir, or “Devil’s Door”. The road between hair and a short beard that had the look of elven blood
Panetoth and Yalendir subsequently came to be known the about him. The pair could not provide adequate reason for
Devil’s Road in honor of Borell’s victory. Anyone making wishing to disturb Old Ambrose and were rebuffed, going
a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check (DC 5 for an on their way without giving any trouble. If their attitude
individual who speaks Gasquen) or Intelligence (History) is changed to helpful, they will allow the PCs to go in to
check is aware of the meaning of the road’s name. For see Old Ambrose and give directions to his room. But one
others, it might provoke a more cautionary response. guard and one caretaker will accompany them and will
only allow the visit for 15 minutes as he is very frail and
Once a small country manor, this estate has clearly seen better can’t withstand much strain. If the PCs can’t obtain entry
days. A low stone wall separates it from the main road revealing through diplomacy, they must find some other means,
a dusty yard and sagging veranda. One wing of the house shows though attacking the guards is a very bad idea if they wish
signs of repairs and painted letters on a newly white-washed to avoid becoming fugitives from justice in the Waymarch.
wall reads, “Heroes of Bard’s Gate,” but otherwise the rest of the
building seems to be slowly succumbing to the passage of time like
the residents within that call it home. A few old codgers dodder
around the courtyard or sit in the shade of the veranda, while
a handful of armed and armored men stand near the entrance. hp 22 (see page 189)
A faded sign mounted on the wall next to the front gate says,
“Devil’s Rest Hospital for Invalids.”
This estate is small and run down with plaster peeling
This tiny run-down estate once functioned as a private from walls and mismatched pieces of furniture used
manse before ownership reverted to the duchy after the by the few residents. More rooms are bare and empty of
last owner died without heirs. It was then converted into a occupants, their ceilings stained and sagging from old
convalescent hospital and rest home for war veterans. Since water leaks in many places. The southern wing has seen
then the facilities have become more and more decrepit some refurbishment and includes the working kitchens
as its residents have slowly succumbed to age and their and cafeteria for the residents as well as the rooms for a
injuries. Recently attempts were made to refurbish parts handful of Waymark cavalry veterans of Bard’s Gate who
of it to accommodate a number of new maimed veterans are much younger than the other residents but are in poor
home from the Huun invasion that struck Bard’s Gate only shape with many missing limbs or eyes and some badly
three years agoLL8-17,22, but other than a few modest repairs burned or virtually comatose. The rest of the manor is
the hospital has remained largely decrepit with most populated by a dozen or so veterans ranging in age from
rooms unoccupied save for a few crusty old veterans that their late 50s to even a pair in their 90s. These broken-
have hung on far beyond their time. down human beings shuffle quietly about their abode,
closer akin to ghosts than any living person. Also present
in the manor are a total of 6 caretakers (NG male or female
C1. GUARDED ENTRANCE commoner) and a physikerLL7-197 (a professional doctor; LG
The main entrance to the veterans’ hospital opens off the female human expert [see page 182]; Medicine +5) who care
front veranda. There are always 1d4+2 city guardsmen for the residents.
standing around here. Even though these volunteers are
off duty, they remained armed, armored, and wearing the
livery of the Panetoth City Guard. They are wary of visitors C3. OLD AMBROSE’S ROOM
they don’t recognize and are very protective of the residents If a caretaker walks the PCs to Ambrose’s room, he relates that
of the hospital. They have an initial attitude of indifferent the old veteran mainly sleeps and otherwise keeps to himself.
towards the PCs and will converse with them but will not However, during violent storms he hobbles down the hallway
let them in. and mutters nonsense to himself while watching the lightning
from a window that faces northwest. When a caretaker or
fellow resident does ask him about his experiences, he either
If made at least friendly they can explain why the stand goes catatonically mute or starts trying to hurt himself. Some
guard (the attack by hooligans as described above). If at least of the caretakers and resident think he would rather end his
friendly and asked about Ambrose Hallet, they will admit life than remember the things he’s seen.
that he resides here and will even reveal that a pair of men
came by only a week ago to see him. They can describe the The trip down the hallway passes several dusty empty rooms.
pair as a nondescript man of medium build and a sailor’s Most don’t even contain beds or tables anymore; just old drapes
tattoo on his arm and a younger-seeming man with blonde pulled over dirty windows. At the end of a long, lonely hallway,

a caretaker uses a ring of keys to open the last small room. The The cult fears that Ambrose may know something that
musty smell of too many years and not enough cleaning pervades could endanger their operations in the Haunted Steppe,
this aged chamber. Once cheering paper curls from the walls like even though he never crossed the Wanaheeli with Col.
sickly, yellowing fingers, and a single small window provides the Conroi’s ill-fated venture. Though it is possible that the
only light and but the feeblest hints of fresh air. A metal-frame bed cult may have been correct years ago when the hospital
with thin, threadbare mattress sits near one wall bearing upon it had more patients and Ambrose had a stronger sense of
the blanketed form of a mummified figure. The wizened, virtually self, the sad truth is that though he is the only surviving
hairless head lies, with neck extended above the covers, its sunken member of the expedition, his existence barely qualifies as
eyes closed and toothless mouth agape over sallow, hollow cheeks. such. Now he speaks to no one and rarely leaves his bed as
From the smell and the flies buzzing about your hearts sink with his mind has made the long slide into dementia.
the realization that this old-timer has been dead for some time,
abandoned and alone back in his tiny room, unnoticed and
Development: Old Ambrose wakes shortly after the PCs
uncared for by the other residents who haunt these ruinous halls.
enter the room and stares around in confusion. Ambrose
Then a low gurgle and whistle escapes the gaping mouth and you
suffers from dementia brought on by advanced age. When
realize with a start that the cadaverous form snores softly.
awake he is largely catatonic, but a few situations trigger
behavior and cause him to become confused (as the
This old fellow is Ambrose Hallet (CN male venerable confusion spell). These triggers include if anyone asks him
human commoner; dementia has reduced his Intelligence, to think back to his time on the Conroi Expedition or if
Wisdom, and Charisma scores to 2). A soldier in the there are any loud noises, including the sounds of battle.
Waymarch army assigned as a guard to the Conroi If he enters this confused state, the city guard (see page
Expedition, Hallet accompanied them to the Campacha 13) caretaker immediately demands the PCs stop bothering
Plains and remained behind with the researchers in their ward and let him rest and can only be dissuaded if the
the Conroi Settlement. After a decade working there, he old man is calmed or the PCs succeed on a DC 25 Charisma
returned to Reme and worked for many years as a caravan (Persuasion) check. Ambrose can be calmed by such
guard before eventually becoming too old for the work and means as a calm emotions, suggestion, hypnotism, or charm
ultimately moving into the hospital as he became too infirm person spell (or similar magic) or by soothing him with
to care for himself. Now at 116 years old, Old Ambrose is a DC 25 Charisma (Perform) check. A heal spell removes
barely conscious and sleeps away most of his days here in his dementia and leaves him clear headed, though it does
his room, eating only little and rarely conversing. He has not reverse the other debilitating effects of his age. If this
no visitors and lives solely on the pension he received for occurs, see Event 2 below.
his years of service to the state.
Another means to remove his confused condition is
Unbeknownst to all (including Ambrose himself ), the for the PCs to convince him that there is a thunderstorm
Cult of Hastur has been aware of his existence for many outside. This could be done with spells like call lightning,
years. Over the decades they systematically eliminated control weather, or even something as simple as a phantasmal
anyone that they feared might know of their plots and force at the window or a particularly skillful DC 25 Charisma
plans on the Haunted Steppe while making it look like (Performance) check to imitate the sound of thunder. If
accidents and misadventure, but by the time they had one of these methods is successful, Ambrose immediately
tracked Ambrose down he was already old. They managed climbs from his bed and shuffles down the hall towards
to ambush a caravan he guarded in the guise of simple C4 where he stands and stares out the window for 1d4 x 10
raiders, but he escaped with only deep wound to his hip left minutes continuing to mumble to himself. Anyone making
by a cultist’s arrow. Shortly thereafter Ambrose retired and a DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) check can make out that
became a resident of the hospital. Assuming that he would he is mumbling “If the lightning is white, we’re all fine.”
die soon on his own, they bided their time and waited, Ambrose doesn’t know he repeats this phrase continuously
but the old warrior has hung on for more than 30 years and can’t explain its meaning.
and his increasing age and dottiness have begun to cause
some concern. Three years ago, a small group of cultists
finally decided to permanently silence the old man but ran C4. NORTHWEST WINDOW
afoul of several able-bodied visitors and caretakers who The hallway ends here are a wall with a single window that
managed to thwart their plan. Since then the hospital has looks northwest along the Devil’s Road. Its shutters are
been under guard, and the cult has refused to risk an overt broken, and any glass panes are long since gone. A single
altercation…until now. drab curtain partially covers its view. There is nothing of
particular note beyond the window, but whenever there

is a rainstorm, Old Ambrose shuffles to this window and Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
stands mumbling to himself as described under C3 above. Gear. Furney carries two potions of greater healing,
If Ambrose comes to the window in the course of the PCs’
interactions with him, proceed with Event 2 below.
his rapier, and a handbill for The Canary Crown
Theater in Tanith (see Handout 4B sidebar)

EVENT 2: THEY SHALL KNOW YOU Defense. Furney adds +1 to his AC when wearing
BY THEIR SIGN armor, included in his statistics.
Whether the PCs have managed to make Old Ambrose Go First. Furney adds his proficiency bonus (+3) to
lucid or he has shuffled to the window at C4 because of a initiative checks.
thunderstorm, this event is triggered when one of those Slippery Thoughts. Furney has advantage on saving
conditions is met. In either case, an arrow flies through
the window (of his room or the hallway) and thuds into
throws against being charmed.
the venerable man’s sunken chest. This is immediately Spellcasting. Furney is an 8th-level spellcaster. His
followed by an attack of 4 quiet thugs led by a ruffian spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14).
named Furney One-Eye. The archer who fired the arrow Furney has the following bard spells prepared:
never reveals himself and does not appear during the rest Cantrips (at will): light, minor illusion, prestidigitation
of the battle, having fled after taking his fatal shot.
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, detect magic, identify,
longstrider, sleep
Furney and his thugs are insane cultists of Hastur, though
2nd level (3 slots): alter self, heroism, silence,
they will not reveal this to the PCs. The quiet thugs have
all voluntarily had their tongues removed, and Furney gave suggestion
up an eye in his devotion (as a bard he opted to keep his 3rd level (3 slots): haste
tongue). He doesn’t wear a patch over the eye revealing his 4th level (2 slots): freedom of movement
gruesome empty socket scarred over years ago. Furney and
the thugs have already slain the guards at the gate and any
caretakers and residents that got in their way. Any guard
with the PCs will assist them to the best of his ability, and Multiattack. Furney attacks twice with his rapier.
the caretaker will try to shield Ambrose’s bleeding body Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
with his own. one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Parry. Furney adds 3 to his AC against one melee
hp 22 (see page 189) attack that would hit him. To do so, Furney must
see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 77 (14d8 + 14)
Speed 60 ft. (30 ft. without haste)
14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
Saving Throws Dex +7, Cha +6
Skills Acrobatics +7, Deception +6, Insight +6,
Performance +9, Persuasion +6
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common

QUIET THUG If any are somehow captured and questioned, they will
not reveal their affiliation with any cult even under duress
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil and will say only that the “old man had been marked”.
Armor Class 17 (splint mail) However, a search of his body will reveal a flyer for a
Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33) theater in distant Tanith called The Canary Crown (see
Speed 30 ft. area G). A copy of the flyer can be found in Appendix B
(see page 70). A DC 10 Intelligence (History) check or
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Charisma (Persuasion) check made to gather information
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) reveals that Tanith is the name of a city in the Duchy of the
Northmarches in northern Reme. Intelligence (Arcana) and
Skills Athletics +7, Intimidation +2 Intelligence (Religion) checks and magical divinations are
Senses passive Perception 11 unable to decipher or comprehend the mystical symbols
Languages Common (cannot speak) that appear on the handbill. Additional information about
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Tanith and the Canary Crown Theater can be found in
Chapter 3 (see page 51). See Appendix B for details of this
Gear. Each quiet thug carries two potions of greater player handout.
healing and two daggers.
Development: Regardless of any efforts made by the PCs,
Devotion. The quiet thug has advantage on saving Ambrose’s wound is mortal. Even if healed, the shock is
throws against being charmed or frightened. too much for his aged system to handle. He will hang on
until the end of the battle or until a PC attempts to heal
ACTIONS him if in the midst of battle. At that point his rheumy
eyes will clear for a moment as lucidity takes hold one last
Multiattack. The quiet thug attacks three times
time. He will look at the nearest PC and softly say, “White
with its longsword or dagger. lightning means we’re fine, but the yellow…the yellow is
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 death.” He pauses a moment and closes his eyes as a single
ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage, or tear slides down his cheek and mutters, “Gravenfar sleeps
10 (1d10 + 5) slashing when used in two hands. just like the rest of ‘em; every last one. I wish they’d never
followed that man’s journal.” Then he breathes his last. No
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
means of artifice or magic can save the man nor contact
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 his spirit to gain more information, the last member of
(1d4 + 5) piercing damage. the Conroi Expedition finds peace at last. If Ambrose’s
body is searched for a mark, among many old scars and
Tactics: Furney casts haste and freedom of movement on injuries can be found a single unusual scar on his right
himself and longstrider on his thugs before combat and hip. It appears to resemble a circle with three wavy lines
then silence to conceal the attack on the guards at the radiating from it, but it is too distorted by time and aging
hospital entrance. If his thugs are hard-pressed, he casts to be recognized. No one asked knows what the scar means
heroism on his thugs before they attack the PCs. One-Eye or where it could have come from, but Old Ambrose clearly
avoids melee if possible, interposing thugs between himself carried it for many years.
and any aggressors and casts suggestion to get opponents to
“run back to the city to get the guards” while using sleep
and silence to impede spellcasters. If forced into melee or EVENT 3: JUST THE FACTS
if victory seems assured, he casts dances into combat with Before the PCs leave town, they are approached by the City
haste and focuses on the weakest combatant he can reach. Guard. It is possible this has occurred after the poisoning
Furney doesn’t care if any of his thugs die, but once he is (or attempted poisoning) of Perite Lartan at area B or
below 15 hit points, he flees back into town. As soon as he the assault on the veterans’ hospital at C, or likely both.
believes he is no longer followed, he heals himself with In any case the party are persons of interest, though they
a quick spell or two, casts alter self to avoid discovery, and are unlikely to be suspects unless they have acquitted
then continues to his hideout. If in danger of capture, he themselves particularly poorly. Preferably this event occurs
attempts to take his own life. only hours before the PCs are preparing to depart for Dun

Eamon. The PCs are approached by 3 city guardsmen and The captain explains that the corpse was found stuffed
a guard captain who respectfully requests that they follow in a rain barrel behind a brothel. No one knew his name or
him to the central guard station at the Duke’s Citadel. The where he had come from. He had been seen several days
captain, an affable dwarf named Nyman, explains the City ago in the company of a blond, bearded man, a human or
Guards’ interest in the PCs based on the events that have perhaps a half-elf, and one witness stated that the blond
occurred since they’ve arrived. He knows they are involved man was spotted leaving town hurriedly on the Devil’s
in researching the Conroi Expedition somehow and that is Road. Captain Nyman suspects that the blond man didn’t
why they’ve been summoned. kill the fellow but was rather running from someone,
but he admits he has no idea who. He only knows that
the two had been previously been seen in some of the
CITY GUARDSMEN same locations as the party has visited. He doesn’t know
exactly what the connection is but believes there is one
hp 22 (see page 189) and hoped that the PCs could shed some light. The PCs
should recognize the description of the man from what
NYMAN, GUARD CAPTAIN they’ve heard previously, but unless they act particularly
suspicious, Captain Nyman lets them go after only a few
Medium humanoid (dwarf), lawful neutral minutes with a request that they let him know if they turn
Armor Class 16 (half plate) up anything new about the murder.
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 25 ft. Though the PCs likely suspect that the same thugs who
beset them at the hospital (and probably believe them to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA be connected to Castorhage somehow), the truth of the
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) matter is that the two men were agents of the Ironskull
Clan doing some advance scouting for their own retinue.
Skills Intimidation +2, Perception +3
Unfortunately, treachery within led to the man’s murder
Senses passive Perception 13, darkvision 60 ft. at the hands of Cherbaud Brazzegard (see Event 8 in
Languages Common, Dwarf Chapter 2). His partner fled town only to run into an
Challenge 1 (200 XP) ambush set for him and now lies in a shallow grave in the
Special Gear. Nyman carries a potion of greater wilderness. The PCs have no real way of knowing all the
wheels moving behind the scenes but should have a sense
healing for emergencies.
that they are not alone in their pursuit of the Conroi
Expedition and that the others also seeking it are willing
ACTIONS to kill to stop any rivals.
Multiattack. Nyman makes two melee weapon
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one The Grey Citadel lies midway up the Eamonvale on the
target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage. western flank of the Stoneheart Mountains. Dun Eamon
Halberd. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 lies some 500 miles north as the crow flies, but again the
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (d10 + 1) slashing damage. route is not that direct. An overland journey first involves
traveling up the Devil’s Road to Yalendir followed by a
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, trek northeast up the North Duchy Road with a turn onto
range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) the Broadwater Branch. From there it is a straight shot to
piercing damage. the city of Broadwater at the entrance of the Eamonvale
and then a short journey up the valley to the great citadel
Captain Nyman takes them into the morgue at the guard built upon the River Eamon. However, as with before, it is
station and shows them a body. It is a nondescript human possible that the PCs have magical means of reaching the
male, with brown hair and brown eyes. His throat has been city that do not require so much in the way of slogging.
cut from ear to ear and his tongue removed. He is partially Like Panetoth, Dun Eamon is a well-known city and can
decomposed and appears to have been dead for several be reached faster by magical means if the PCs possess the
days. Clearly visible on his forearm is the faded tattoo of a necessary resources. As a result, no details of the journey
sea serpent. from Panetoth to Dun Eamon are included, though you
can feel free to add encounters to the road as you see fit.

THE GREY CITADEL DUN EAMON (aka the Grey Citadel)
LG small city
OF DUN EAMON Corruption +3; Crime –2; Economy +3; Law +5;
Lore +2; Society –1
Dun Eamon stands dauntingly in the mists atop a great Qualities insular, prosperous, rumormongering
waterfall in the midst of the River Eamon. Originally citizens, strategic location
an outpost of the ancient gnome kingdom of the High Danger 5
DownsLL7-325 and later a stronghold of the Clan Krazzadak
of mountain dwarves, the Angus are some of the few —
perhaps the only — humans with whom the Krazzadak’s Government overlord
have had quasi-peaceful relations in the last 3,500 years. Population 5,722 (4,520 humans; 401 dwarves;
Eventually when their King City of the Shengotha Plateau 229 gnomes; 216 half-elves; 171 halflings; 114
came under a powerful winter curse, the dwarves withdrew
elves; 71 other)
up the valley to the mountain highlands and ceded the
Eamonvale and the ancient foundations of their fortress NOTABLE NPCS
of the Grey Citadel, which the humans built upon and Arb Angus, Lord of Eamonvale (LG male human
expanded into the mountain city of Dun EamonMoM-106. [UplanderLL7-49] ranger 4/fighter 4)
Bron Angus, Captain of the Mist Watch (LG
Since the human founding of Dun Eamon by the male human [UplanderLL7-49] knight)
insular Uplander clans and their eventual rise to dominate
Semerion, Chief Steward (LG male human
even the Eamonvalers of the lower valley, Dun Eamon
has prospered. Its huge waterwheel-driven forges have [UplanderLL7-49] expert [see page 10])
produced much of the finest metalwork to be seen outside Cael Angus, Master of Stryme (CG male human
the dwarven smithies of the Ironskulls and is renowned for [UplanderLL7-49] cleric of Stryme 8LL4-168)
its quality far and wideG6-6. Trade has brought prosperity Brother Melph, Priest of Belon the Wise (NG
to the city, and the lawful and just rule of the dour Angus
male human cleric of Belon the WiseLL5-237 5)
clan has ensured that such prosperity has not corrupted
the hardworking Uplanders. Elinda Bannon, arcane advisor to the Angus (LG
female human [UplanderLL7-49] wizard 9)
The city is positioned at a ford between two waterfalls
Devlin, Guildmaster of the Ebon Union (NE
which causes it to be constantly shrouded in a misty male half-elf assassin)
spray. Outdoor surfaces are uniformly slippery (increase
DC by 2 for all Dexterity (Acrobatics) and Climb checks
outdoors). In addition, the omnipresent mist outdoors DUN EAMON MAP KEY
provides concealment to anyone more than 20 feet away.
At night, even with a light source, this is reduced to 10 feet. 1. Gatehouse 10. Bannon’s Tower
Additionally, the saving throws to avoid catching fire always
2. Public Stables 11. Shrine of Solanus
have advantage due to the wetness. These conditions do
not prevail inside or underground unless otherwise noted. 3. Caravan Camp 12. The Hole Tavern
4. Market Tavern 13. The Bathhouse
5. Market 14. Ironworks
6. Crafthall 15. The Millworks
The Grey Citadel of Dun Eamon (pronounced DUHN
EE-muhn) is the capital of Eamonvale and has served 7. Temple of Stryme 16. The Root-Cutter’s Shop
as the hereditary seat of the Uplander clan of Angus for 8. Mist Watch Garrison 17. Waterfront
generations. 9. Angus Keep

Unless they have devised some other means of travel, Expedition. Attempts to gain these sorts of information
the party arrives at the southern bank of the River Eamon in town can be made through Intelligence (History) or
where the ford leads into the shallows towards the citadel’s (history) or with Charisma (Persuasion) checks to gather
southern gate. information. The information that can be gained from
the types of checks made are included below. They obtain
The trade road leads directly to the river’s edge where a ford has the information for the DC they rolled as well as any DCs
been clearly marked allowing access to the gatehouse beyond. Not below their check. Some lines of questioning may lead to
a quarter mile to the west the river flows over one of the massive more specific inquiry; the results of these are provided
waterfalls that flank the Grey Citadel’s perch, sending up its separately below. Any PCs making checks in regards to
perpetual shroud of gray mist that lends the fortress its name. matters specifically about Gravenfar (see the “Gravenfar”
Though water of the ford is shallow, the current is strong and table below) gain advantage on their checks if they
will undoubtedly pull anything lost to it over those churning falls. consulted the Tellios Manuscript and if they successfully
Across the ford a grim gatehouse stands guard over entry into the spoke to Ambrose Hallet in Panetoth. If they think to
fortress’s lower bailey where the main city is located. The banner consult with the Mist Watch Garrison and reveal the
of the Angus flies above this gatehouse, and men with the mail information obtained from Captain Nyman in Panetoth,
and longspears of the Mist Watch keep an eye over the travelers they gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks
entering and exiting the city. made with the local watchmen.

Dun Eamon is a vibrant and living trade city, its streets

General Charisma (Persuasion) or Intelligence
bustling throughout the day, and its taverns and festhalls
boisterous into its fog-cloaked nights. However, few details (History) checks
of the city are provided. A listing of the major locations to DC Result
be find is included for your convenience, but only a few 10 The town has been plagued of late by “dark
of them are of importance in this adventure. These are visitors from below”. These are short, dark-
detailed below. For more information on The Grey Citadel cloaked figures are sometimes seen moving
itself or the Eamonvale as a whole, see G6: The Grey Citadel furtively through the misty streets at night.
and K12: The Eamonvale Incursion by Necromancer Games.
15 Old gnomish and dwarven tunnels run
beneath island, many of which are played-out
The party has little to go on upon its arrival in Dun Eamon. mines. These tunnels have been known to host
They know that Gravenfar visited here before heading over dangerous creatures from below that come up
the Wizard’s Wall. They know that individuals that appear and threaten the city from time to time.
to be connected with their quest were also in pursuit of this 20 The current noise [slang for “rumor” or “news”]
Gravenfar secret, and they know that at least one of those is that the short figures seen at night are dark
individuals was murdered in Panetoth with his companion creepers stealing babies or serving as advance
last sighted headed in the direction of Dun Eamon. Beyond scouts for a dark folk invasion — or perhaps
that, they have little information. If they used magic to reach some more nefarious purpose.
Dun Eamon, then they have arrived far sooner than the
blond man who fled Panetoth would have — unless he also 25 The dark visitors have not come from the
commanded some magic — so their best idea may be simply tunnels below but are actually based out of a
to wait and watch for him to arrive or seek him out in the black pavilion tent that’s been set up for over
city if they arrived by more mundane means. a week in the caravan grounds. No one sees
anyone come or go from the tent, but it’s
heavily guarded by a troop of sinister-looking
In the course of either of these strategies, they can also lowland mercenaries.
do their own investigation around to see what they can
turn up about Gravenfar or anything related to the Conroi

Charisma (Persuasion) or Intelligence (History) Charisma (Persuasion) or Intelligence (History)
about Dun Eamon about Bannon
DC Result DC Result
5 The Angus clan has ruled Eamonvale for 5 Elinda Bannon serves as informal advisor to
countless generations, but before them the the Angus on all matters arcane. Her father and
dwarves of Great Mountain Clan Krazzadak grandfather served as stewards to the Angus
once ruled from the upper reaches of the vale. clan as did their ancestors for generations
The Grey Citadel served as their southernmost before.
mines and as a stronghold against the humans 10 Elinda Bannon lives in the tower built by her
of the lowlands. grandfather’s grandfather at the southwest
10 The Krazzadak dwarf clan retreated up into corner of the Grey Citadel.
mountains many centuries ago after some 15 Elinda Bannon is a powerful wizard and
disaster befell their homeland in the high artificer of great power. She advises the Angus
mountains, and they allowed human settlers informally on magical matters but mainly
to occupy the upper vale after they left. There keeps to herself and her own experiments.
is even some trade and peaceful relations still
20 Bannon’s Tower is known to possess many
maintained between the Uplanders and the
items of great magical power and an extensive
Krazzadak dwarves through the Upvale town
library of ancient books of great value.
of Miners’ RefugeMoM-106.
25 In the time of Elinda’s grandfather, both
15 Old dwarven mine tunnels run beneath Dun
the famous explorer Aroldus Gravenfar
Eamon, but there are other tunnels thought to
and representatives of the ill-fated Conroi
be older still, some of them from a gnomish
Expedition came to visit the Angus’s chief
stronghold that predated even the coming of
steward over a period of only a few years. What
the dwarves; no one ever dares to explore these.
was discussed was never revealed, but both
parties soon disappeared over the Wizard’s
Intelligence (History) about Gravenfar Wall shortly after their visits.
DC Result
10 Aroldus Gravenfar was known to write extensive ENCOUNTERS AT THE GREY
journals about his travels and discoveries that
he would then publish and make available to CITADEL
scholars. The following encounter areas are likely visited in the
order mentioned, though it is possible that the PCs will
15 Gravenfar never published a journal about his
find a way to encounter them in a different order. If so, you
last journey, whose purpose remains a jumble
will need to modify them accordingly to make sure that
of conjecture even to this day. He disappeared
the PCs still have the opportunity to experience all three.
while on this journey and any journal notes
The only points of true importance are that Event 6 occurs
were presumed to have been lost with him.
before the PCs find area E and Event 7 occurs before they
20 The famed explorer Aroldus Gravenfar explore area F.
stopped by Dun Eamon in the same year as
he disappeared on his last journey into the
Haunted Steppe. He consulted the Angus’s D. BANNON’S LIBRARY
chief steward, the wizard Bannon, in private Elinda Bannon’s tower is area 10 on the city map. It is
before departing only a short time later. accessed by a single iron door at ground level. Assuming
25 Gravenfar left his final journal with his good the PCs arrive during the day, she will answer their knock
friend, the wizard Bannon, before traveling but is reluctant to admit visitors. Her initial attitude is
over the Wizard’s Wall because he feared he indifferent, but if she can be made helpful, she allows entry.
might be unable to return from that journey If the PCs mention Gravenfar, working with the City Guard
and publish it. Whether Bannon was supposed of Panetoth, or their discovery in Nains they gain advantage
to publish the journal or simply hold it for on the Charisma (Persuasion) check. Assuming that she
safekeeping, no one knows. becomes helpful, Elinda allows the PCs to enter and escorts
them to her sitting room on the second floor of the tower.

Medium humanoid (human), lawful good
Armor Class 14 (+1 leather armor)
Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9)
Speed 30 ft.
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 13 (+1)
Saving Throws Str +1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +8, Wis +4,
Cha +2
Skills Arcana +7, History +10, Investigation +10
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven,
Infernal, Terran
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Special Gear. Elinda is equipped with +1 leather armor,
a vicious shortsword, a wand of magic missiles, a ring
of protection, an amulet of proof against detection and
scrying, a circlet of comprehending languages (as the
helm), and a spell scroll of teleportation circle.

Spellcasting. Elinda is a 9th-level spellcaster. Her

spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15,
+7 to hit with spell attacks). Elinda has the following
Elinda Bannon is an attractive female UplanderLL7-49, tall
and slender, with braided brown hair and the simple blouse wizard spells prepared:
and trousers of a common craftsman. She is curious as to Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand,
the party’s purpose in visiting her and will listen politely prestidigitation
to their explanation. She can confirm that when her 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, identify, magic missile
grandfather was chief steward of the Angus, the explorer 2nd level (3 slots): enlarge/reduce, invisibility, locate
Gravenfar did come by and visit. She remembers her father
telling her that he left behind one of his traveling journals object, mirror image
for safekeeping before departing on his last fateful trip 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, lightning bolt, stinking
over the Wall. A year or so later, men from Panetoth came cloud
regarding an expedition they were putting together, and her 4th level (3 slots): stoneskin
grandfather allowed them to copy portions of the journal 5th level (1 slot): scrying, teleportation circle
for their own use. She supposes these men were with the
Conroi Expedition but does not know for certain. For her
own part, she was always more inclined towards magical ACTIONS
invention and never gave the journal much thought. She Vicious Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
keeps an extensive library in her tower, collected by her hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 1) piercing
family over many generations, and is willing to allow PCs damage. When she rolls a 20 on her attack roll with
she is friendly with to take a look at it, though she doesn’t
want to part with it due to its extreme historical value. this magic weapon, her critical hit deals an extra (7)
2d6 piercing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 +
1) piercing damage.

quickly determined that the intruders must have entered
through her ring gate (see Appendix B) and teleports to her
workshop before they can escape, leaving the PCs behind
with the alchemically-invisible advanced nithu that the
intruders have left behind. A nithu is a Large aberration
that resembles a floating, four-tentacled blob of semi-
translucent protoplasm, but this one has been additionally
treated with an alchemical concoction to render it invisible.
It has chosen to remain behind and look for other texts of
interest while its compatriots have already retreated from
the tower. Upon the PCs’ entry into the chamber, the nithu
moves to attack, though its inherent madness may cause it
to act unpredictably in any given combat round. If the nithu
is reduced to less than 20 hit points, it opens the false top
of the writing desk to try and escape back to the Trackless
Mire through the ring gate there, but its bulk is too much to
pass through the gate without the help of its fellows and it is
effectively trapped in the library.

Large aberration, neutral evil
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 97 (13d10 + 26)
Speed 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
When the PCs are ready, she will escort them up the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
stairs to her third-floor library.
15 (+2) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
This vast circular chamber is sizable library with 360-degree floor-
to-ceiling shelves on its walls accessible by a rolling ladder, an Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
ornate writing desk, a comfortable red velvet divan with decanter- slashing from non-magical attacks; cold, fire
laden sideboard, an assortment of small tables bearing unrolled Saving Throws Con +5, Wis +5
maps and schematics, and a number of comfortable chairs. The Skills Perception +8, Stealth +8
entire chamber is lit by floating points of light that resemble the
flames of torches, though none seem to be giving off any heat.
Senses passive Perception 18, darkvision 60 ft.
However, despite the chamber’s comfortable and even extravagant Languages Common (can't speak)
surroundings, your first impression is one of surprise. This is Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
because a number of shelves have had their contents upended,
books and scrolls strewn chaotically across the floor. Strangely a Madness. At the beginning of any combat round,
handful of books seem to be floating momentarily in midair as they
Th’gheru must make succeed at a DC 15 Wisdom
are plucked from shelves before being tossed haphazardly aside.
save or be confused (as the spell confusion) for 1
Elinda Bannon is stunned by the desecration of her sanctum. round.
Barely audible is the sound her mumbling to herself, “They didn’t Natural Invisibility. Th'gheru is invisible and does
breach the tower so they must’ve come from…” before suddenly
turning to you and exclaiming, “Take care of whatever that —
not become visible when it attacks.
thing — is,” as she points towards the floating books. “I’ll find the Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within
others!” Then with a single utterance of magic she is gone. 10 feet of Th'geru must succeed on a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until
Bannon’s library has obviously been ransacked, and the fact the start of its next turn. On a successful saving
that some sort of invisible intruder remains is immediately throw, the creature is immune to the nithu’s
evident to her even if it is not to the PCs. She, however, has stench for 24 hours.

ACTIONS used some means to shrink themselves small enough to fit
Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., through (the amorphous nithu rode through in a portable
hole), the PCs will have to find their own means if they wish
one target. Hit: 18 (4d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage, to traverse it. Anyone who has mastered Elinda’s cataloguing
and the target is grappled (Escape DC 15). Until system can easily locate a cache of scrolls among which are
this grapple ends, the creature is restrained, four spell scrolls of enlarge/reduce that could allow them to slip
and the nithu can't use its tentacles on another through without exceeding the gate’s weight limit. Likewise,
target. A target that is hit must make a DC 13 the PCs can simply wait in the room for Elinda to return in
a few minutes (Event 5) and request that she cast teleportation
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target circle for them. If the PCs wish to travel through the ring gate,
is infected with the disease sight rot. proceed with Event 4.

Development: Once the PCs have defeated the nithu they

can search the library. Elinda Bannon will not return for EVENT 4: ELINDA’S WORKSHOP
several minutes. A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check can This event only occurs if the PCs elect to travel through
figure out Bannon’s simple organization system, and a quick Elinda’s ring gate. Otherwise she returns to her tower after a
perusal shows them that the shelf where Gravenfar’s journal few minutes having successfully recovered the journal (see
should be is one of the ones that has been ransacked. There Event 5), and this event can be ignored. If some or all of the
is no sign of the book elsewhere in the room either. A search PCs chance the ring gate, read the following.
of the room with a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
a number of muddy boot tracks on the floor that seem to go You have emerged from a similar ring embedded in the top of a
between the writing desk and the ransacked bookshelves. If the worktable. You are in large chamber with a floor of stone flags,
nithu has not already opened it, a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) wooden walls, and a thatched roof overhead. Two long tables
check reveals the false top of the writing desk and the ring gate covered in tools, books, and unknown devices flank either side.
that has been mounted within. Though the intruders clearly Two shuttered windows are set in opposite walls, and a single door
exists in one wall. The door is slightly ajar and allows daylight
to stream in through the gap. A thunderous blast and the yells of
several men can be heard from beyond this door.

The party has arrived at Elinda’s secret magical workshop, a

secluded cottage she has erected in the great peat bog known
as the Trackless Mire. The workshop lies 80 miles from Dun
Eamon and is not reached by any roads. Anyone opening the
door or windows can see the dingy, gray-green landscape
extending as far as they eye can see in all directions, with
the shapes of mountains just barely visible on the hazy
horizons. The Cult of Hastur, seeking Gravenfar’s journal,
discovered the secret of the workshop and its ring gate and
used this knowledge to travel into the mire in order to sneak
into her library. Elinda realized this as soon as she saw her
library ransacked and teleported here. She has just slain two
fleeing cultists with a lightning bolt. If the PCs look out the
front door or the south window, they see the two smoldering
corpses and 4 cultists fleeing across the boggy ground.
Elinda Bannon stands just outside the door preparing to
smite the others with her spells. Anyone opening the north
window sees another 3 cultists and their cult leader sneaking
around to ambush the wizard. Anyone out front can make a
DC 22 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice the approaching
cultists and be able to act in the surprise round. As soon
as the ambushing cultists attack, the other turn back and
join the battle. Like the thugs at the invalids’ hospital, these

cultists are entirely fanatical and will sacrifice their lives to an ally of the cult leader that isn’t incapacitated
destroy Elinda and the PCs. The ground outside the cottage and the cult leader doesn’t have disadvantage on
is considered shallow bog for movement purposes.
the attack roll.
Use Magic Device. The cult leader ignores all class,
ELINDA BANNON race, and level requirements on the use of magic
hp 49 (See page 210)
CULTISTS (7) Multiattack. The cult leader attacks twice with her
hp 27 (as spySRD) dagger.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7
(1d4 + 5) piercing damage.
Medium humanoid (half-elf), chaotic evil Wand of Paralysis. The cult leader uses her wand of
Armor Class 17 (studded leather armor) paralysis.
Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft. Development: Once the thieves are dispatched, Elinda
thanks the party for assisting her and searches the bodies
for the stolen journal. As in Panetoth, the run-of-the-
10 (+0) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) mill cultists have had their tongues removed. The leader
Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +2 has not but is wholly insane and can give no meaningful
information on questioning. Though they seem well
Skills Acrobatics +7, Arcana +2, Deception +6, equipped (especially the leader’s many wands), they are
Investigation +2, Perception +5, Stealth +7 poorly dressed in general with a ragged, cast-off look
Senses passive Perception 17, darkvision 60 ft. about them. It seems highly likely that they are homeless
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Draconic, vagabonds of some sort, but what could have united them
Elven in purpose, brought them out 80 miles into the Trackless
Mire, and given them the magical ability to penetrate Elinda
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Bannon’s private library seems anyone’s guess. The obvious
Special Gear. The cult leader has a wand of connection, however, is the handbill for the playhouse in
paralysis, portable hole, Gravenfar’s journal (see Tanith the leader carries that matches the one carried by
page 244), map (see Handout 4C), handbill for the thug in Panetoth.
the theater The Canary Crown in Tanith (see
Handout 4B) After locating the journal on the leader’s body, Elinda
secures it to take back to her tower. If the PCs followed her
here through the ring gate, between their passage and those
Evasion. If the cult leader is subjected to an effect
the cultists, its powers are exhausted for the day. It’s a long
that allows her to make a Dexterity saving throw slog back to the Grey Citadel, but if the PCs will consent
to take only half damage, the cult leader instead to being reduced and placed in the leader’s portable hole
takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving Elinda will use her scroll of teleport to return them all to her
throw, and only half damage if she fails. library and let them out there. Otherwise, they can wait until
the following day when the ring gate has recharged itself or
Fey Ancestry. The cult leader has advantage on
find their own means of returning to the city. Regardless of
saving throws against being charmed, and magic how they get there, proceed with Event 5 when the PCs are
can’t put her to sleep. back at Elinda’s tower.
Sneak Attack. Once per turn, the cult leader deals
an extra 17 (5d6) damage when she hits a target EVENT 5: THE READING
with a weapon attack and has advantage on the This event occurs whether the PCs followed Elinda Bannon
attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of to the Trackless Mire in Event 4 to help her recover the

into her portable hole forgot to let them out in her own
psychotic confusion. Elinda defeated the cult leader and
READING THE MAP recovered the journal, the map, the flyer, and the portable
This is a crudely drawn and labelled map. The only hole (see Event 4) and teleported back to the library. Under
indication that it depicts of northern Reme and the these circumstances, whenever the party checks the portable
Northmarches is a town labelled as “Tanith” near the hole, they find that all of the cultists were still trapped
bottom. Based on that, tree symbols appear to indicate inside and have suffocated. In any event, Elinda willingly
the Haunted Wood, a pair of lines likely represent gives the party the portable hole in reward for helping her
the Wizard’s Wall, and wavy lines of water would be deal with the break-in (do not award XP for the cultists if
Shadowfall Lake. Likewise the representation of a tower the PCs did not travel through the ring gate to fight them).
labelled as “Folly” no doubt refers to Durgam’s Folly
with a downward arrow referencing it as a location
Once all the foes have been dealt with and everyone
where the Wizard’s Wall can be descended. If the players
is secure back in the library, the PCs can examine what
have trouble reaching these conclusions allow a DC 10
they’ve found. The handbill (Handout 4B) is identical to
Knowledge (geography) or Intelligence check to deduce
the one from Event 2 in Panetoth and connects the two
its meaning.
groups of ruffians together. Handout 4C is a crude map
(see page 249). The final item of note is the plain-bound
Additional points of interest include a dashed line book that is, in fact, Gravenfar’s infamous journal (see page
pointing to a location south of the Haunted Wood called 244 for details).
“Landry’s Cross”, another dashed line going through the
forest to a location on the Wall labelled as “Two Rock
After reviewing the journal with the PCs and assessing the
Point”, and another dashed line with the caption “3
other information, Elinda Bannon can see that something
miles” pointing along the Wall to a location marked
much bigger is going on here than a simple break-in of
“X” with another down-pointing arrow and the label
her tower. She realizes that the PCs are a part of something
“waterfall”. One final enigmatic mark is a circular area
monumental and, assuming they acquitted themselves as
in the Haunted Steppe beyond the Wall labelled only as
something other than scurrilous knaves, does not wish to
“Burning Pit”.
hinder them in their quest. She will offer to give the PCs the
journal in exchange for a promise that they will publish it
A DC 15 Knowledge (geography) check can identify once they have finished their current task, just as Gravenfar
Landry’s Cross as a landmark south of the Haunted would have no doubt wished it. Since the PCs are already
Wood and Two-Rock Point as a landmark on the Wizard’s working on behalf of the great library at Nains, adding the
Wall. The players can deduce from this (with a DC 20 journal to the record of their deeds and convincing the
Intelligence check if a hint is needed), that the map Magnate of Books to publish such an important historical
indicates a route to an unknown means of descending tome should be no problem at all.
the Wizard’s Wall at some nameless waterfall that
entirely bypasses the known road at Durgam’s Folly. The
If the PCs wish, Elinda will allow them to stay and rest at
map shows the route by guiding its bearer to two local
her tower until they are ready to go, but at some point, they
landmarks and then indicating that the waterfall lies 3
will have to leave. When this occurs, run Event 6 if you have
miles west of Two Rock Point. No indication is given as
not already had opportunity to do so.
to the meaning to the area labelled “Burning Pit”, though
the PCs can likely make their own inferences based on
the nature of their investigations. The map does not EVENT 6: KEEP AWAY
provide any means of locating this Burning Pit once This event assumes that the PCs have obtained Gravenfar’s
beyond the Wizard’s Wall. journal (see Event 5). It is possible to run it without that
occurring first, but you will need to modify the assailant’s
tactics accordingly.

stolen journal or if they remained behind at area D to await This event occurs at some time when the PCs are traversing
her return. Events that occur during Event 4 are described the streets of the Grey Citadel after dark. The local thieves’
in that encounter. If the PCs wait in the tower, then Elinda guild of Dun Eamon, an outfit called the Ebon Union, has
returns after only a few minutes. In this case, assume that been hired to relieve the PCs of Gravenfar’s journal by a
the insane cult leader carrying her companions crammed contact from Castorhage. Castorhage believes that the PCs

Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
Saving Throws Dex +6, Int +3
Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +3, Deception +1,
Perception +4, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6
Senses passive Perception 14, darkvision 60 ft.
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Special Gear. Each thug carries a potion of heroism
(see Appendix B).

Evasion. If the thug is subjected to an effect that

allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to
take only half damage, the thug instead takes no
damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and
only half damage if it fails.
Sneak Attack. Once per turn, the thug deals an
extra 17 (5d6) damage when it hits a target with a
weapon attack and has advantage on the attack
roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally
of the thug that isn’t incapacitated and the thug
came to Dun Eamon to acquire the journal from Elinda
Bannon and also believe that the PCs have done so by this doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
point (whether the PCs actually have or not). If the PCs have,
then the thugs have tracked the PCs’ location through the ACTIONS
journal with a scroll of locate object. If the PCs do not yet have
Multiattack. The thug attacks twice with a melee
the journal, then the thugs have simply been tailing the
weapon attack, or twice with its shortbow.
party discreetly and managed to successfully anticipate the
route the PCs were going to take down this alley. Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
A group of 5 Ebon Union thugs wait to ambush the
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
party in a darkened side street of Dun Eamon. The normal 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing
misty conditions prevail in this alley, and there are no light damage.
sources other than faint lights from the street ahead (the
alley is considered to be dark in addition to the normal Tactics: The Ebon Union thugs each consume a potion
concealment from the mist). Each of the thugs is under of heroism as the PCs draw near and attempt to attack by
the effects of a potion of darkvision and are, therefore, not surprise from their ambush spot. They make Dexterity
hampered by the dark. They hide in the shadows of side (Stealth) checks to avoid detection to gang up on the PC
alleys, nooks, and crannies, though a PC making a DC 27 they believe has the journal (either through their locate
Wisdom (Perception) check becomes aware of them just as object spell or simply by picking the most bookish-looking
they spring their trap and is able to roll for initiative to act PC). One of these makes a sneak attack while the other
in the surprise round. uses the steal combat maneuver to try and obtain the book

from the characters. The thug makes a Dexterity (Sleight of here than elsewhere because a barred drainage grate no more than a
Hand) check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) foot high and two feet wide pierces the base of the wall to allow the
or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the runoff to exit the city and tumble down into the darkness beyond.
ability to use). If the thug wins the contest, it snatches the
journal away. If the character with the journal uses both
hands to hold onto the journal, they have advantage on Anyone searching the surrounding walls or building will
their check. If the PCs are aware of the thugs’ objective, the find no sign that anyone climbed or flew upon them. A close
thug must use Strength (Athletics) to wrestle the book away examination of the iron-barred drainage grate with a DC 23
rather than Dexterity (Sleight of Hand). Wisdom (Perception) check reveals, however, that it has been
cleverly hinged to swing upward and out of the way when
pulled on, creating a crawl space beneath the city’s curtain
Development: Once one of the thugs has the journal, she wall. The passage is large enough for a Medium creature
immediately flees towards area E while the others attempt to squeeze through at 1/4 speed and a Small creature to
to cover her escape. If the PCs are successful in following crawl through at half speed with little impediment. The
her, she should manage to always stay at least one turn drainage channel is half-full of frigid runoff, though, so
ahead of them until reaching E, so they are able to find those navigating it must keep their head above the flow
her lair. If they are unable to follow, her tracks in the foggy, and pass through in no small discomfort, making a DC 10
puddled streets can be followed with a DC 22 Survival Constitution save to avoid gaining one level of exhaustion
check or a DC 18 with a light source. from hypothermia (maximum exhaustion level 3).

The other rogues have been promised a tidy sum and The drainage channel runs beneath the wall for 30 feet
resurrection should they be killed, so they fight to the and exits at another similarly hinged iron grate on the far
death in hopes of being able to loot the bodies. However, if side. Beyond this is the sheer drop of the cliff below the
no thug managed to steal the journal, the courage of one of citadel walls of some 200 feet to the churning pool of the
them breaks during the fight, and he flees if reduced below Lower River Eamon below. However, anyone making a DC
30 hit points. Run any chase as indicated above, but even if 20 Wisdom (Perception) check here can find hand and foot
not chased his footprints and blood trail can be followed holds carefully cut into the rock that descend 10 feet to a
back to E with a Wisdom (Survival) check as above. small cave opening, concealed from above by an overhang of
rock. The rock is slick and wet, and even with the footholds,
If the PCs have already been to Bannon’s Tower, even a a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check is required to navigate the
cursory examination of these thugs can tell that they have rock face and prevent a fall into the pool far below, taking 56
little in common with the raggedly dressed ruffians that (16d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall and then having
assaulted Elinda Bannon’s library, indicating that they are to make a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check to make it to
likely agents of a different group than those were. the river’s edge a quarter mile downstream). A successful
Strength (Athletics) check brings the climber to area E1.


The PCs can only find this location by following a thief A trickle of water flows down the sloped narrow tunnel
from Event 6. from this cave to the cliff entrance. At the back of the cave
another small drainage sluice opens in the far wall 6 feet
The thief’s trail ends here where this alley stops abruptly at the
above the floor and puddles the floor. This drainage sluice
great stone wall of the citadel. There is nowhere else for it to go. The
was also blocked by a grate of iron bars, but these bars have
cobbled streets dips in the middle here creating a drainage channel
been sawn off into nubs at the very top of the opening to
through which the constant mist collects as does as the evening’s
create a crawl space up the drainage channel. The chamber
light precipitation, so that flow of water travels down the center of
is of natural stone with only minimal marks of stonework,
the lane and washes away any tracks or other signs of passage. To
the low ceiling only 7 feet high. An Ebon Union thug is
either side, the blank faces of masonry buildings block any access
stationed in here as a lookout to make sure the thug the
other than their dripping tile roofs some 30 feet above, and ahead
PCs were chasing was not followed (the thug has already
the sheer stones of the city wall bar further progress. It seems the
crawled up the drainage channel to E2). If the PCs are using
thief either disappeared or grew wings in order to escape into the
a light source as they enter or do not succeed on Dexterity
darkness. There is no sound other than the gurgling of the water
(Stealth) checks against the lookout’s Wisdom (Perception)
sluicing past your ankles and the muffled roar of the great Eamon
check, he is alerted to their presence and gives a sharp
Falls that lie just beyond the city’s wall. The roar is somewhat louder

whistle to let the occupants of E2 know, while drinking SPRING-LOADED IRON ROD TRAP
his potion of invisibility and preparing to ambush the first
intruder to enter the room. The trap attacks with a +8 bonus, dealing 22 (4d10)
piercing damage on a hit. If the attack hits, the
target is pinned and takes 5 (1d10) piercing at
EBON UNION THUG the end of each of their turns until they succeed
hp 65 (see Event 6, page 215) in escaping with a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
Trapped Drainage Grate: The bars to the grate granting
access to the drainage sluice crawlspace have been
sawn through to allow for Medium and Small creatures
The entrance to this chamber is blocked by a thick,
as described under E above, though a DC 15 Strength
moldering curtain that is nailed into the stone above the
(Athletics) check is needed to surmount the 6-foot wall to
crawl tunnel to keep any light from escaping.
reach it. However, the Ebon Union has placed a trap on
this entrance as well. One of the sawn-off bars has actually Partially natural, partially cut from the native stone, this chamber
been rigged with gears and springs so that if anyone crawls sprawls unevenly away from the drainage tunnel at a slight slope.
through without first throwing a hidden lock at the lip of The ceiling ranges from 5 to 8 feet above, and narrow channels
the crawlspace, the sharpened iron rod suddenly springs and fissures bring trickles of water that collect on the floor here to
down to impale the crawler and pin him in place. flow out the drainage tunnel. A pair of lanterns placed atop stones

out of the constant runoff cause their flickering light to glimmer of
the many damp surfaces.

The Ebon Union thieves’ guild of Dun Eamon has long

made use of some of the ancient tunnels cutting through
the citadel’s bedrock for their own dark purpose. This
expansion of an ancient drainage channel has served them
as a hidden safehouse beyond the view of the Mist Watch
for many years, and it is from here that they have launched
their plot against the PCs. Within this chamber are the Ebon
Union thug that escaped the PCs in Event 6, a Castorhagi
agent named Mortis Tremaine, and an Ebon Union tough
named Garme sent by Guildmaster DevlinG6-72,93, to ensure
that Tremaine pays the promised fee when the journal is
recovered and provide resurrection for any thugs slain.
Tremaine is a thin, sallow-faced, blightedLL7-69 human from
Castorhage. He has an extra knuckle on each finger making
him particularly nimble and deft, though he wears gloves
that disguise this deformity from all but careful inspection.


hp 65 (see Event 6, page 215)

Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36) Constitution saving throw. The targets take 22
Speed 30 ft. (4d10) poison damage on a failed save, or half as
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA much damage on a successful one.
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) Sneak Attack. Once per turn, Garme deals an extra
Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +4, Wis +2 10 (3d6) damage when he hits a target with a
Skills Deception +3, Insight +2, Intimidation +3, weapon attack and has advantage on the attack
Perception +5, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +8 roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an
Senses passive Perception 12 ally of Game that isn’t incapacitated and Garme
Languages Bridge-CantLL7, Common, Thieves Cant doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Evasion. If Garme is subjected to an effect that Multiattack. Garme makes three handaxe attacks,
allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw or two shortbow attacks.
to take only half damage, he instead takes no Handaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4)
only half damage if he fails. slashing damage.
Scorpion Venom (2/Day). When Garme deals Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
piercing or slashing damage with a weapon 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
attack, he can force the target to make a DC 12 damage.

Medium humanoid (human, blighted), neutral evil Multiattack. Mortis makes three melee weapon
Armor Class 17 (chain shirt +1) attacks.
Hit Points 156 (24d8 + 48) Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Speed 30 ft. one target. Hit: 11(1d8 + 7) piercing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) (1d4 + 4) piercing damage, or 8 (1d4 + 6) piercing
Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +8, Con +3, Int +2, Wis damage if used to make a melee attack with no
+0, Cha +2 weapon in his other hand.
Skills Acrobatics +7, Deception +4, Perception +2,
Sleight of Hand +7 REACTIONS
Senses passive Perception 12 Parry. Mortis adds 3 to his AC against one melee
Languages Bridge-CantLL7, Common, Elvish, attack that would hit him. To do so, Mortis must
Thieves Cant see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Special Gear. Mortis wears a +1 chain shirt and a Tactics: If this group has not been alerted by the lookout
vest of protection (as a cloak of protection, included in E1, then they can be surprised here as they listen to the
thug from Event 6 relating what occurred and turning over
in statistics above). Mortis wields a +1 rapier. the journal if she has it. If she was wounded, she has drunk
a potion of healing, so modify her hit points accordingly. If
Citysoul. Within the Blight, Mortis has advantage they have been alerted to the presence of the PCs, they react
on Wisdom (Insight), Wisdom (Perception), and as follows. Garme takes position hiding beside the crawlway
Dexterity (Stealth) checks, as well as on initiative entrance to ready a sneak attack against the first one coming
through, while Tremaine and the thug remain in the open
checks. The minds of blighted humans intuitively in the center of the room to draw the PCs in. Garme focuses
understand the ever-changing layout of the his studied target on that individual he sneak-attacked while
city, as though they have a mental model that is Tremaine and the thug spread out and ready actions to strike
somehow always kept up to date. As an action, at any who come forward to melee. Retreat is difficult from
Mortis can know which district he is in, even if he this chamber, Tremaine is half insane, and the Ebon Union
guildsmen do not want the secret of its existence exposed, so
cannot see his surroundings. all of these criminals will fight to the death here.
Duelist. When Mortis is wielding a melee weapon
in one hand and no other weapons, he gains a +2
bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. EVENT 7: FRIEND OR FOE
Evasion. If Mortis is subjected to an effect that This event occurs at some point before the PCs head over
to investigate the black pavilion in the caravan camp (area
allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw
F). Ideally it occurs after the PCs have obtained Gravenfar’s
to take only half damage, he instead takes no journal from Elinda Bannon and fought off the attempt by
damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and the Ebon Union to steal. It could be dramatically inserted
only half damage if he fails. as the PCs climb their way back through the drainage
Know Your Own. Mortis has advantage on sluice that pierces the city’s curtain wall after dealing with
the rogues at area E. However, you can modify the text
Charisma (Persuasion) and Wisdom (Insight)
accordingly so that it can occur at any point during their
checks against other blighted humans. stay in Dun Eamon as long as it’s before their visit to F.
Mobility. When Mortis makes a melee weapon
A pair of short figures appear from the darkness. They are
attack against a target, the target cannot make
completely muffled head to toe in hooded black cloaks that reveal
opportunity attacks against him until the nothing of their feature save piercing dark eyes that look out from
beginning of Mortis's next turn. the enshrouding folds. The pair radiate menace almost palpably.

Small humanoid (halfling), lawful evil
Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
Hit Points 27 (6d8)
Speed 25 ft.
10 (+0) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5,
Perception +6, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +5,
Stealth +5
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Halfling
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Brave. The halfling has advantage on saving throws

against being frightened.
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the halfling
envoy can use a bonus action to take the Dash,
Disengage, or Hide action.
Halfling Nimbleness. The halfling can move
through the space of any creature that is of a size
If the PCs have done any asking around town since their
arrival, they have likely heard of the short, dark-cloaked
larger than it.
figures seen skulking about at night that many suppose Lucky. When the halfling rolls a 1 on the d20 for an
to be dark creepers or worse. If so, they realize that these attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, it can
are surely those figures that have been spotted. However, reroll the die and must use the new roll.
before the party can take any hostile actions, the figures Sneak Attack. Once per turn, the halfling envoy
push back their hoods to reveal the curly brown hair and
smiling cherubic faces of 2 halfling envoys. They quickly
deals an extra 10 (3d6) damage when it hits a
introduce themselves Bono Curlytop and Val Nannygarter. target with a weapon attack and has advantage
They explain that they work on behalf of a certain benefactor on the attack roll, or when the target is within
who would like to make the party’s acquaintance. They 5 feet of an ally of the halfling envoy that isn’t
invite the PCs in an extremely non-threatening way to incapacitated and the halfling envoy doesn’t have
meet their employer, at which point Val reveals a small iron
brooch cast as a cracked and bearded dwarf skull. Anyone
disadvantage on the attack roll.
making a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check recognizes the
symbol as the crest of the Great Mountain Clan Ironskull, ACTIONS
the mountain dwarves of the Blackrock Mountains. A dwarf Multiattack. The halfling envoy makes two melee
has advantage on this check. If the PCs do not recognize attacks.
the symbol the halflings identify it for what it is, the
halflings will do so and assure that their employer means
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
them no harm. Each is under the effects of an undetectable ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
alignment cast by their hired bard, but a Wisdom (Insight) Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
reveals no malice in their invitation. hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3)
piercing damage.

Development: The PCs are free to refuse the invitation. accompanied by a member of the caravan (probably the
The halflings don’t press and will allow the PCs to depart halfling envoys since none of the dwarves shows his face
with no hard feelings. However, they will persist in their outside the tent). If the PCs have come without being
efforts again and again as long as the PCs remain in accompanied by the envoys in Event 7, the two halfings
Dun Eamon. Ultimately the PCs should either accept the recognize them and come out of the tent to tell Captain
invitation or decide to visit area F on their own. Ironspur that they are invited guests before quickly
ushering them inside.
Once the PCs are aware of the clan’s identity, they can
make a DC 20 Intelligence (History) to know the general
history of the Great Mountain Clan Ironskull. A success CAPTAIN FELDAR IRONSPUR
on this roll reveals all of the information in the third hp 52 (as knightSRD)
paragraph under What Really Happened to the Archivist
in the Starting the Adventure portion of this adventure
(see page 8). Likewise, if the PCs ask about the clan, the HANLEY MARFIVAL
halflings can provide the same information. The halflings
themselves are obviously not members of the clan but have Medium humanoid (elf), chaotic neutral
served as hired retainers for their employer for many years. Armor Class 15 (mithral chain shirt)
Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7)
The caravan grounds of Dun Eamon are a busy place any time of
day or night. Situated right next to the city livery stable, wagons 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 16 (+3)
and porters are always moving about. At night bonfires spring up
Saving Throws Wis +2
between the many tents over which hang spits of meat, kettles, and
cauldrons, while men and women huddle close in the chill misty Skills Deception +5, Performance +7, Perception +1,
air. However, one corner of the campground is distinctly different Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +4
than the rest, for here a great black pavilion tent has been erected
without banner or emblem. Mules and horses are picketed neatly
nearby along with bundles and barrels of supplies. No one is seen
coming or going from this tent but arrayed around it are more
than a dozen lowland mercenaries, heavily armed and armored,
who keep a mistrustful eye on everyone.

Despite its sinister appearance, this great tent is actually

the encampment of members of the Ironskull clan of
mountain dwarves (see Event 7). They have come to the
Grey Citadel under great secrecy and security and hired
a band of Rhemian mercenaries to prevent anyone from
entering the tent without a pass. This band is led by Feldar
Ironspur, a former captain cashiered out of the Waymark
cavalry for acts unbecoming an officer, and he has
gathered a formidable group around him. Ironspur’s
company is comprised of his lieutenant, Hanley
Marfival, two sergeants, Gumber Been-Fine
and Ashlock Two-Fingers, and a total of 13
Rhemian mercenaries.

Despite their less-than-friendly demeanor and general

lack of scruples, they are well paid and extremely loyal
to their employer as long as his gold is good. This group
stops anyone that attempts to approach the tent unless

Senses passive Perception 11, darkvision 60 ft. Shield Bash. As a bonus action, Gumber may target
Languages Common, Gnome, Elven, Orc, Sylvan one creature of Medium or smaller size within 5
Challenge 3 (700 XP) feet of him. Gumber makes a Strength (Athletics)
Fey Ancestry. Hanley has advantage on saving check opposed by the target's Strength (Athletics)
throws against being charmed, and magic can't or Dexterity (Acrobatics). If Gumber wins, the
put him to sleep. target is knocked prone or pushed back 5 feet.
Spellcasting. Hanley is a 6th-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). ACTIONS
Hanley has the following bard spells prepared: Multiattack. Gumber makes two melee attacks.
Cantrips (at will): mending, message, minor illusion +1 Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
1st level (4 slots): charm person, comprehend ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage, or
languages, faerie fire 10 (1d10 + 5) slashing damage when used to make
2nd level (3 slots): calm emotions, detect thoughts, an attack two-handed.
enthrall, suggestion Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
3rd level (3 slots): hypnotic pattern, nondetection one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Trance. Elves don't sleep. Hanley gets the same
benefits from four hours of meditation that a REACTIONS
human gets from eight hours of sleep. Parry. Gumber adds 2 to his AC against one melee
attack that would hit him. To do so, Gumber must
ACTIONS see the attacker and be wielding a shield.
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 2) ASHLOCK TWO-FINGERS
piercing damage.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) Armor Class 16 (bracers of defense)
piercing damage. Hit Points 88 (16d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft.


12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield) Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +6. Wis +3
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24) Skills Athletics +3, Intimidation +4, Perception +5,
Speed 30 ft. Survival +3
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Common
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Saving Throws Str +6, Con +4 Special Gear. Ashlock carries a +1 rapier, a +1
Skills Athletics +6, Handle Animal +3, Intimidation musket, and fifteen musket cartridges.
+4, Survival +3
Senses passive Perception 11 ACTIONS
Languages Common, Elven Multiattack. Ashlock attacks twice with his rapier or
Challenge 3 (700 XP) twice with his musket.
Special Gear. Gumber carries a +1 battleaxe and a Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
potion of growth. one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.

Musket. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range EVENT 8: UNKNOWN ALLIES
40/120 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) piercing Despite the tent’s large size, it is comfortable and cozy
damage. within, almost crowded. It has been divided by thick
curtains into a large common area in the front and two
separate private rooms in the back. Rugs, lamps, braziers,
RHEMIAN MERCENARY personal equipment, camp furniture, and assorted bedrolls
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral — all sized for a dwarf — are scattered throughout, though
in a fairly regimented and organized manner. The front
Armor Class 15 (half-plate) common room serves not only as the dining area for the
Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8) tent (cooking is done on fires outside by the mercenaries,
Speed 30 ft. who likewise bed down outside) but also as the quarters
of 6 Clan Ironskull guards (mountain dwarves) and 4 Clan
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Ironskull envoys (halflings). The back two rooms serve as
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+0) 10 (+0) the personal quarters of Captain Okrem Kresh and the
expedition’s leader, Goribald Ironskull, respectively.
Saving Throws Con +3
Skills Animal Handling +2, Athletics +4,
Intimidation +2, Perception +2 GORIBALD IRONSKULL*
Senses passive Perception 12
Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral evil
Languages Common
Armor Class 18 (mage armor), 15 (without mage
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Special Gear. Each mercenary carries two flasks of
Hit Points 88 (16d8 + 16)
alchemist fire, one vial of holy water, and a potion
Speed 25 ft.
of healing.
ACTIONS 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)
Multiattack. The mercenary makes two melee Damage Resistances acid, poison
weapon attacks. Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +8, Con +2, Int +5, Wis
Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one +4, Cha +4
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage. Skills Arcana +7, Deception +9, Perception +7,
Halberd. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Persuasion+9, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +10
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + Senses passive Perception 17, darkvision 60 ft.
2) slashing damage. Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant
Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 Special Gear. Goribald has a dagger of
(1d10 + 2) piercing damage. venom, a ring of mind shielding that
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon appears to be non-magical, a ring of
Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 protection, and a wand of magic
ft. or range 40/120 missiles.
ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + Assassinate. During his
2) piercing first turn, Goribald has
damage. advantage on attack rolls
against any creature that
hasn’t taken a turn. Any
hit he scores against a
surprised creature is a critical hit.

Dwarven Resilience. Goribald has advantage on poison to coat the blade. The poison remains for
saving throws against poison. 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon
Elemental Power. When Goribald deals acid hits a creature. That creature must succeed on
damage with a spell, he can add his Charisma a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 11
modifier (+3) to the damage inflicted on one (2d10) poison damage and become poisoned for
target. 1 minute. The dagger can’t be used this way again
Evasion. If Goribald is subjected to an effect that until the next dawn.
allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw to Blowgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
take only half damage, Goribald instead takes no 25/100 ft., one target. Hit: 5 piercing damage.
damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and
only half damage if he fails. REACTIONS
Poison Expert. Goribald has one dose each of Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker Goribald
assassin's blood, oil of taggit, and torpor, and two can see hits him with an attack, he can use his
doses of purple worm poison. Goribald can apply reaction to halve the attack’s damage against
an injury poison to a weapon or apply a poison him.
on an object (such as food) as a bonus action.
Sneak Attack. Once per turn, Goribald deals an
extra 17 (5d6) damage when he hits a target with
a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack
roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an Among “Goribald’s” magic items is a deceiver’s ring that
ally of him that isn’t incapacitated and Goribald assists him in maintaining his deception. This item first
appeared in LL4: Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms by Frog
doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. God Games but is included here for your convenience.
Spellcasting. Goribald is a 4th-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, DECEIVER’S RING P rice 6,000 gp
spell attack bonus +6). Gorinald has the following Aura faint abjuration; CL 3rd
sorcerer spells prepared: Slot ring; Weight —
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, message, A deceiver’s ring is a gold ring of virtually any design
but always appears to be quite valuable — at least 500
prestidigitation, ray of frost, true strike
gp. Anyone wearing the ring is considered to be of any
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, fog cloud, mage alignment the wearer chooses for any spells or effects
armor, shield that detect alignment or the presence of chaos, evil,
2nd level (3 slots): shatter law, or good. The wearer sets the alignment of the ring
Stonecunning. Whenever Gorinald make an once per day as a standard action and cannot change it
again for 24 hours. In addition to its alignment-masking
Intelligence (History) check related to the origin
properties, the ring itself does not detect as magic. The
of stonework, he is considered proficient in the wearer of the ring is not protected from alignment-
History skill and adds double his proficiency based spells, such as protection from evil, chaos hammer,
bonus to the check, for a total of +7. etc., to which the wearer’s natural alignment applies.
In addition, the ring’s masked dweomer is not resistant
to spells such as identify or analyze dweomer that are cast
upon it. Few outside the Cult of Fraz’Urb-luu are aware
Multiattack. Goribald makes two melee attacks. that these rings exist, as they are a closely guarded secret.
Dagger of Venom. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7
Forge Ring, undetectable alignment
(1d4 + 5) piercing damage. As a bonus action, the
wielder can use an action to cause thick, black

CAPTAIN OKREM KRESH Dwarven Resilience. Captain Okrem has advantage
Medium humanoid (dwarf), lawful neutral on saving throws against poison.
Armor Class 20 (plate +1) Stonecunning. Whenever Captain Okrem make an
Hit Points 204 (24d8 + 96) Intelligence (History) check related to the origin
Speed 25 ft. of stonework, he is considered proficient in the
History skill and adds double his proficiency
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA bonus to the check, for a total of +7.
21 (+5) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0)
Damage Resistances poison ACTIONS
Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +3, Con +9, Int +2, Wis Multiattack. Captain Okrem makes four melee
+4, Cha +1 attacks.
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +4, Perception +3, Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Survival +3 one target. Hit: 12 (1d10 + 7) slashing damage.
Senses passive Perception 13, darkvision 60 ft. Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range
Languages Common, Dwarven, Terran 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) damage.
Special Gear. Captain Okrem has a +2 glaive, a belt
of giant strength (hill giant), a cloak of protection, REACTIONS
a potion of greater healing, and two potions of Parry. Captain Okrem adds 4 to his AC against
growth. Without the belt of giant strength, his one melee attack that would hit him. To do so,
Strength is 15. Captain Okrem must see the attacker and be
wielding a melee weapon.


Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral
Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42)
Speed 25 ft.
17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
Damage Resistances poison
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +5
Skills Athletics +5, Intimidation +1, Perception +2,
Survival +2
Senses passive Perception 12, darkvision 60 ft.
Languages Common, Dwarven
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Special Gear. Each guard carries a potion of healing
and potion of heroism (see Appendix C, page 86).

Dwarven Resilience. The guard has advantage on

saving throws against poison.
Stonecunning. Whenever the guard make an

Intelligence (History) check related to the origin
of stonework, it is considered proficient in the
History skill and adds double its proficiency Goribald Ironskull is in actuality an imposter. The truth
bonus to the check, for a total of +4. is that the mountain dwarf that the PCs meet is Cherbaud
Brazzegard, a cousin of Goribald Ironskull. Cherbaud is
ACTIONS a member of the cadet branch of the Ironskull Clan that
Multiattack. The guard makes two melee attacks. once ruled the clan entire until the fall of Tir’Oen some
four decades ago. He managed to get himself and several
Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., of his cronies assigned to Goribald’s secret mission, and
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 once they were far out in the wilderness he and his men
(1d10 +3) when used to make an attack with two murdered Goribald and those loyal to him, including
hands. two human agents that were in Panetoth at the time.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Cherbaud then assumed the identity of his cousin
(what lowlander would know the difference between the
range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) insular mountain dwarves) and resumed the mission but
piercing. with the intent of enriching his own branch of the clan
and bringing them back to power over the Ironskulls.
CLAN IRONSKULL ENVOYS (4)* It is very important that Cherbaud’s ruse not be
hp 27 (see page 220) discovered until the next adventure Race for Shaatakh-
*Includes Bono Curlytop and Val Nannygarter (see Uulm. To this end he is very careful to keep any lies he tells
very close to the truth (really anything other than his name
Event 7) is more or less true and grants him a +10 circumstance
bonus on Bluff checks for cleaving so closely to the truth).
Development: When the party is ushered into the tent, For his actual identity assume he successfully beats any
Goribald Ironskull comes out of his quarters to greet them Sense Motive checks made to discover his true identity
warmly. He asks them to sit on the (slightly undersized) camp and successfully saves against any spells cast to detect
chairs in the room and orders one of the halflings to bring his falsehoods. The PCs will have ample opportunity to
hot tea for all against the chill of the citadel’s mists. If the PCs expose his charade and gain their revenge in the next
refuse his offer of tea, Goribald is not offended but takes a cup adventure. In the meantime, this adventure and the next
himself regardless. He thanks them profusely for coming at will refer to him by the name Goribald to prevent any
his invitation and says he has been eager to meet them ever accidental GM slip ups by saying the wrong name aloud.
since they arrived in town and he realized what they were. He
believes that their current goals align with one another quite
well and hopes to create an alliance of mutual benefit.
killer to justice. He said the clan has had eyes and ears in
If the PCs have not learned the history of the Ironskull Nains ever since and became aware of the party’s quest on
mountain dwarves, he quickly fills them in as described in behalf of the Church shortly after they departed. Though
Event 7. He then identifies himself as a lesser cousin of High the Ironskull group had a considerable head start on the
Thane Klanghorn’s extended family. He goes on to admit party, he said he’d hoped to run across them eventually and
that the archivist at the cathedral in Nains, Kisarus Thrun, compare notes. To this end he makes the PCs an offer.
is also a member of the clan though he had foresworn his
heritage to serve the god Mitra in human lands. He adds
Goribald has the nearly complete travelogue of the
that when poor Thrun discovered the Conroi documents
Conroi Expedition’s chaplain, Azmerius Thade, sent to him
he must have remembered his old impoverished clan folk
by the archivist Thrun. It is undoubtedly more detailed
fondly and saw an opportunity for them to maybe reclaim
than what scraps of information the PCs have. From these
some of their dragon-lost glory. He sent the documents
travel reports the Ironskulls learned about the secret
directly to the Ironskulls at Iron Hall, but must have
reason for the expedition to find the trove of priceless star
missed some of them which ended up getting him killed
metal. He believes it is likely noqual because of the lack of
and is no doubt what brought the party to this very spot.
divinatory ability to probe the site (a conclusion reached
Goribald regrets the loss of his distant kinsman and is
by Gravenfar as well). The cash-strapped Ironskulls, unable
extremely happy that the PCs were involved in bringing the
to finance such an expedition on their own but with the

technical know-how to be able to recover, refine, and expedition, or as he calls it, “the only lawful and legitimate
utilize rare alloys like the star metals, approached the expedition”. They can combine their resources to have the
Grand Duchy of Reme with an offer. The dwarves would best chance of finding the star metal. The PCs can write
mount an expedition to discover and claim the lost star their report for the Magnate, the Grand Duke of Reme can
metal deposit that was more rightfully the duchy’s than claim his treasure, and the Ironskulls can experience some
anybody’s because of the duchy’s own history with the prosperity again for the first time since the fall of Tir’Oen.
Caleen Colonies in their vicinity. Thus, the duchy would
not have to devote any more manpower to this lost prize.
In addition, the Goribald will gladly cut the PCs in on
In return, the duchy would help finance the expedition and
some of the Ironskull’s profits for mining and refining the
enter into an exclusive trade agreement with the Ironskulls
ore, say a 1% stake in their net profits — an investment that
to mine and process the star metal ore. The Grand Duchy
will turn into tens of thousands of gold pieces a year in the
gets a vast, unexploited deposit of extremely valuable star
coming decades once the mine is up and running — as
metal as well as the means to recover and make use of it,
well as any ancillary treasures they recover in the course
while the Ironskulls gain an extremely valuable contract
of the expedition. All he wants in return is for the party to
to work the star metals for decades, if not centuries to
partner with his own group for the journey. He mentions
come, depending on how great the deposit is (based on the
that his Rhemian mercenaries will only stay with him until
meteor’s ability to block all divinatory effects related to it,
they reach the Wizard’s Wall, and with Castorhage lurking
the Ironskulls believe the deposit is likely to be massive).
about along with the dangers of the Haunted Steppe his
It’s a win-win situation for all parties involved.
little group will stand no chance on their own. He can be
bargained up as high as 2% of the Ironskull net profits with
However, the dwarves ran into some trouble in Panetoth, a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check (1.5% with a DC 15),
Goribald mentions. The Royal House of Castorhage but no higher because his thane would not allow him to.
somehow got wind of the expedition and now seeks to However, his offer is more than generous and does dovetail
reassert their old claim to it from the missing Conroi nicely with the party’s own interests in the matter.
Expedition. Goribald says that assassins of Castorhage
managed to get to a pair of Rhemian agents who were
If the PCs mention the ragged assassins that assailed them
working for him on loan from the Grand Duke. One was
in Panetoth and at Bannon’s Tower or their connection to
murdered and one disappeared on the road, causing his
Tanith (per Handout 4B), Goribald has no idea who they are
group to hasten to Dun Eamon in pursuit of the Gravenfar
but is not surprised. He says that once the word gets out —
journal evidence of which the murdered agents had just
if it hasn’t already — there’s going to be a gold rush of every
recently discovered. Now he and his group have remained
cutthroat, pirate, and soldier-for-hire in a race to claim the
hunkered in their camp since their arrival because his
star metal first. He and the PCs hold the keys to finding it
halfling spies learned that a deadly Castorhagi agent
though, in Thade’s letters and the journal, and they have a
named Mortis Tremaine was in town and could spell
head start. All the more reason to team up, Goribald adds.
disaster for the mission. If the PCs describe the distinctive
If the PCs mention the map they recovered (Handout 4C),
extra-knuckled man with the Castorhagi coins from area
Goribald is especially happy as it appears to show a secret
E, Goribald can confirm that he was Tremaine, and the old
way down the Wizard’s Wall that will cut weeks off of their
dwarf is visibly relieved if he has been disposed of.
journey that would otherwise have to go all the way around
the Wall at Durgam’s FollyG1 and will give them an even
In any case, Castorhage knows about the expedition and larger lead on their competitors.
is unlikely to give up on the trove of star metal at stake. And
that is where the PCs come in. Goribald says he believes the
Once the party reaches an agreement and enters into a
party has (or will soon have) Gravenfar’s journal, and it and
handshake with Goribald (plus whatever legal documents
Azmerius Thade’s letters together provide the best chance
they wish him to draw up, which he can have the Grey
of discovering and claiming the Pit of the Burning Star
Citadel’s chief steward witness and countersign within a
that Gravenfar had written of. Goribald also knows that
matter of hours), Goribald shares the sheaf of letters from
the PCs primary mission is one of information gathering
Azmerius Thade to High Deacon Leofric that the archivist
for the Magnate of Books in Nains rather than one to
Kisarus Thrun discovered in Nains. These extensive
claim the star metal for themselves — nor do they have a
documents are provided as Handout 4D (see Appendix B,
nation-state to back such a claim or provide the ability to
see page 74). Once an agreement has been reached, Goribald
exploit such a find if they wanted to. So Goribald makes a
calls for his caravan to be packed and ready to go by noon
proposition beneficial to all. He invites the PCs to join his
of the following day. The party has until then to acquire

any additional supplies and equipment around the city group just over 8 days of travel. The lower valley is relatively
(though the caravan will provide basic food supplies for the civilized and well-patrolled, so the only encounters are
PCs for the duration of the trip). with other groups of travelers and caravans. Staying only a
single night in Broadwater before departing on the Quintos
Road for the easternmost Rhemian city of Quintos, which
GM’s Note: Because the party may have traveled between
oversees trade between the Waymarch, the Northmarches,
Nains, Panetoth, and Dun Eamon by many means, and the
and Eamonvale. This is well-maintained road across the
travel time could have varied by days or even weeks, there is
plains and is likewise uneventful, save for the frequent
no set time frame of when Goribald’s group traveled where.
This is by design so that there is no discontinuity in the
adventure background. All of the information Goribald
gives about his group’s timing and travel is true, so you will After that the route is north and west on the North
need to modify it accordingly so that it fits the adventure Duchy Road as the caravan follows the land’s slow ascent
timeline to this point even if it means stretching some towards the High Downs. There among the chalky, domed
plausibility across the long distances covered. Goribald hills and windswept high plains the road follows a series
can cryptically mention magical mountain dwarf “high- of switchbacks to Ironhill, the capital of the Duchy of the
ways” or some such that can allow faster travel times. These Northmarches and site of the legendary battle between
play no role in this adventure and will not be encountered Grand Duke Borell I and Kakobovia almost 2,000 years
further. Whatever the case, assure your players that any agoMoM-100/LL3-255 and the theorized site of the even more
timing issues are because of the variability of player timing ancient gnome empire of Granith that formed after the
in the game and were a part of the adventure’s intentional raising of the Stoneheart MountainsST-382 and that once
design to remain flexible and are not part of a plot by the held sway over the High Downs and what is now much
GM to trick them about how the dwarves knew about them of northern Reme and the Northmarches according to
or got there in time (the tricking of the players is about gnomish traditionLL7-289,325.
wholly different matters as related in the GM’s Note on
Goribald Ironskull sidebar, see page 48).
After spending a few days obtaining warrants of passage
to the Wizard’s Wall from the Lady Candrella, Duchess of
the Northmarches and Harmost of Ironhill, the caravan
CHAPTER THREE: TO departs once more north along the winding road of the
High Downs before descending into the Northmarches

THE WIZARD’S WALL Proper and journeying on across the plains once again to
Tanith, the northernmost city of civilized Akados west of
the Stonehearts. Again, this stretch of the journey is along
The Ironskull caravan departs the gates of the Grey Citadel the fairly well-traveled and well-patrolled roads of the
at noon. It consists of the Rhemian mercenaries in F Northmarches, and the presence of the PCs and Rhemian
and the dwarves and their envoys in Event 8 in Chapter mercenaries prevents any sort of hostile encounters from
2, as well as, the player characters. Each of the Rhemian occurring.
mercenaries is mounted on a warhorse, while the dwarves
ride riding horses, and halflings ride ponies. A remuda
of an additional 4 warhorsesSRD, 6 riding horsesSRD, and 2 TANITH TRAVEL TIMETABLE
poniesSRD accompany the group as remounts along with a Departure Destination Miles Travel Time
string of 11 pack mulesSRD for supplies and equipment. If
Dun Eamon Broadwater 132 8-1/4 days
the PCs do not have mounts of their own, the dwarves can
procure an additional riding horse or pony (dependent on Broadwater Quintos 125 5 days
the character’s size) for any unmounted PCs. Quintos Ironhill 375 17 days
Ironhill Tanith 375 20-1/4 days
With the larger group in tow, even party’s with magical TANITH
means of faster locomotion are limited to the pace of the Tanith is considered the northernmost civilized city
caravan while traveling. The journey downriver from Dun of Akados west of the Stoneheart Mountains, with
Eamon to the mouth of the Eamonvale at the caravan city only Apothasalos on the Gulf of AkadosLL3-64 east of the
of BroadwaterK12 is 132 miles on good roads and takes the Stonehearts lying farther north. Towns and thorps of

TANITH Population 12,630 (8,350 humans [Foerdewaith];
The northernmost city of the Duchy of the Northmarches, 2,548 gnomes; 730 humans [PlainsmenLL8-26];
Tanith (pronounced TAN-ith) is a city that combines the 622 half-elves; 380 other)
features of supply depot and administration city for the
northern duchy as well as a military outpost against any NOTABLE NPCS
incursions by hostile monsters or mountain dwarves that Count Wolfort Hyde, High Councilman (N male
might come by way of Pelivar PassGA in the Stoneheart human spy)
Mountains to the east. This is the westernmost known
Nograri Silanthos, City Councilwoman (CG
pass of the Stoneheart Mountains; it accesses the
Feirgotha Plateau from the Duchy of the Northmarches female human [KhemiteLL7-49] sorcerer 13/cleric
(See The Gulf of Akados Region Map by Frog God Games). of BastDD-106 5)
Pilsdun, City Councilman (CN male human
wizard 15)
TANITH Iliondi Vesperos, City Councilman and Thieves’
CN large city Guildmaster (NE male human rogue 12)
Corruption +2; Crime +3; Economy +3; Law +0; Contrary Granith, City Councilwoman (N female
Lore +1; Society +6 gnome noble)
Qualities insular, magically attuned, notorious, General Antigon Uth, Military Overseer (LE male
racially intolerant (mountain dwarves), strategic human fighter 12)
location Bresiden the Petulent, High Priest of Solanus
Danger 20 (NE male human cleric of SolanusLL5-242 9)
DEMOGRAPHICS Brother Tranton, Chaplain of Kudrak (LG male
Government council gnome cleric of KudrakLL4-92 7)

the Northmarches do exist along the North Duchy Road region’s unknown past dating back some 14,500 years to
as it makes its way to its terminus at the Wizard’s Wall the time of the Gods War’sLL1-169 end and the destruction
and the fort known as Durgam’s FollyG1-2, towns such as of the Doomspire of Krezzel Dul, abode of the Witch
Teusowald and HansonburgG1-7, but neither of these qualify King Osenkej who had ruled these lands for almost 3,000
as anything like a city and are little known even among folk yearsF2-3,21.
of the March, much less those farther south.
There is little of interest in Tanith that applies to this
Beyond its northern position, Tanith itself is of little adventure as well other than a single site to investigate,
note other than as the former abode of the banished wizard a place to resupply and prepare for the final leg of the
and crime lord Crithian Raine who led his mercenary journey, and the point at which the Rhemian mercenaries
army called the Ghul Legion into the western Stoneheart detach themselves from the caravan and head back to the
Mountains in search of lost dwarven treasures of the Great south for greener pastures and safer purses to draw wages
Mountain Clan KothF2-3 and has yet to be heard from since. from. As a result, few details of the city are provided beyond
those of immediate utility to the adventure.
Connected to Raine’s rise, overthrow, and banishment
and search for lost dwarven magic is the little-known PREPARING FOR THE FINAL PUSH
fact that the city is magically attuned to the land. This
has spawned an unusual number of sorcerers and other Based on the map (Handout 4C) the PCs recovered in
spellcasters in the city as well as many specialists in the Event 4, Tanith is the point at which the caravan will
creation of magical items. This is because of the city’s and leave the main roads and strike out cross country to
the northwest, through the Haunted Wood and towards

the supposed secret access point allowing descent of DC Result
the Wizard’s Wall, a route cutting roughly 300 miles off
of their journey to the Haunted Steppe and bypassing 5 The location of The Canary Crown Theater
Durgam’s Folly entirely. As such, Goribald announces 10 The Canary Crown Theater was shut down
that the caravan will encamp outside Tanith for 7 days suddenly almost 10 years ago by order of the
while the animals rest and feed and the necessary Military Overseer of Tanith after a midnight raid
supplies and any last orders of business (see “GM’s Note” was conducted on it by soldiers of the March.
below) are attended to before their departure. Despite the 15 The Canary Crown was raided on the night
local antipathy towards mountain dwarves, the halfling before it was to open its greatest stage
envoys can obtain the necessary supplies and equipment production to date, though no record remains
from the city. Goribald pays the Rhemian mercenaries of what that show was going to be.
the last of their contracted fees before bidding them
20 Two members of the Tanith City Council
farewell and lets the PCs do what they will during this
were arrested the same night the theater was
rest period. The PCs can take this opportunity to re-
raided. Both disappeared and were replaced on
equip themselves as needed and, if they choose, track
the council by the High Councilman within a
down the location mentioned in the handbills (Handout
4B) they may have found upon their attackers in Event
2 and Event 4. 25 The two City Councilors arrested during the
raid on The Canary Crown were Aldreth Spiel
and Marwina Javenora. Both were secretly tried
GM’s Note: As will be learned at area H in the next and found guilty of leading a cult called The
adventure, Race for Shataakh-Uulm, the treacherous Unspeakable that used the theater as a front.
Goribald has arranged for some of his kinfolk who have Both Councilors were taken to Ironhill and
traveled ahead of the caravan to prepare an ambush for executed shortly thereafter.
the PCs in the mountain pass near Durgam’s Folly. After
30 The Military Overseer and the High Councilman
Goribald learned that his caravan would not be following
who oversaw the raid on the theater and
that route but instead heading cross country from Tanith,
subsequent trials were both dead within a year,
it is here in this city that he hires a courier and attempts
both under mysterious circumstances.
to send a message to his assassins about the change of
plans in order to redirect their ambush to a new location.
Unfortunately for him, the roads north of Tanith are much If the PCs learn of the Cult of the UnspeakableTD-45
wilder and less safe than elsewhere in the Northmarches, mentioned in one of the rumors, they can identify it with
and the courier is attacked and killed by a band of a successful DC 25 Intelligence (Religion) check as a little-
marauding ogres from the Stonehearts. As a result, the known amoral sect dedicated to hedonism and physical
mountain dwarf assassins near Durgam’s Folly are never debauchery as the means to explore the reality of a hidden
alerted of the change of plans and end up dying when their “Other Realm.” It has been officially proscribed by the
ambush goes awry while attacking the wrong group. None High Church of Foere for centuries and actively stamped
of this, however, will be discovered until hearing Rannulf ’s out wherever it is found, but there have been no recorded
Tale in Race for Shataakh-Uulm. instances of its existence in decades — though this might
be to records of such pogroms being expunged.


Likewise, if the PCs seek further information regarding
If the PCs recovered the handbills (Handout 4B) in Events
the raid, the arrests, secret trials, the condemned City
2 and 4, then they should realize the connection between
Councilors, or even the deaths of the previous High
those two groups and may want to investigate the location
Councilman and Military Overseer they will discover there
mentioned in the handbills: The Canary Crown Theater. If
to either be no official records of such things or only sealed
so, they can locate this theater in Tanith and learn more
records that to which they cannot gain access.
about it with an Intelligence (History) check or a Charisma
(Persuasion) check to gather information. A successful
check reveals the information at the DC listed and all those Once they have managed to learn its whereabouts, they
DCs below it. can make their way to the decrepit venue, arriving just as
the sun is beginning to set unless they choose to wait until
the next morning to seek it out.

and can no longer be unlocked. An old parchment nailed
to the door serves notice that the building has been
THE YELLOW SIGN condemned by order of the Tanith City Council. Getting
The Yellow Sign first appeared as a cursed runic symbol in requires breaking the chain or lock (hardness 10, hp 20)
in the 1895 Robert W. Chambers book The King in Yellow. or removing the heavy boards nailed over the structure’s
The symbol’s appearance is never described in the story few windows (hardness 5, hp 10). Both of these activities are
and remained undefined for almost a century. In 1989 noisy and will attract the attention of a city watch patrol of
(or 1986 depending on the source you’re referencing) 1d3+1 guardsSRD who order the PCs away from the building.
Kevin Ross designed a version of the Yellow Sign for However, PCs taking a little bit more time to search around
Chaosium’s Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying Game as the now- the premises can find a section of the building’s siding
familiar triskelion symbol. The Yellow Sign in literature around back that can be swung aside to allow entry within
is in the Public Domain, but the Kevin Ross symbol does (treat as a secret door, DC 22 Wisdom (Perception) check to
not appear to be so. Green Ronin Publishing illustrated locate).
the Ross Yellow Sign in its original Freeport trilogy in
2001 and again in its 3.5 revision in 2005 and credited the
Within the party finds what is to be expected of a theater
Kevin Ross copyright but does not mention what sort
that has been abandoned for a decade or more. Rotting,
of permission has been extended for use of the sign in
molded furniture and decorations and copious amounts
game products. As a result, we have opted not to illustrate
of debris, rat droppings, etc. A DC 23 Wisdom (Perception)
the Yellow Sign in this or subsequent adventures out of
check notices what appears to be old bloodstains on the
respect for Mr. Ross’s and/or Chaosium’s copyright of
golden carpet in a few places (signs of the military raid
the symbol. However, these adventures do assume that
perhaps?). A DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check locates a
the Yellow Sign is the particular three-armed (tentacled!)
single handbill for the theater’s final show that has been
symbol created by Kevin Ross.
partially hidden behind a piece of peeling wainscoting
for many years. It is almost illegible from water damage,
If you wish to view the Yellow Sign appearing in the but the title of the play is still visible as The King in Yellow:
Ashes of Empires Adventure Path or show it to your players, A Hyperborean Revival. A PC making a DC 25 Intelligence
an illustration of it exists at https://en.wikipedia.org/ (Religion) check can identify this composition with Cult
wiki/Yellow_Sign (albeit in black-and-white rather than of Hastur, but otherwise this obscure title is completely
yellow), and many other excellent color versions of it can unfamiliar to any patrons of the arts.
be found with a simple Google search.
Finally, anyone who seeks to explore backstage finds with
a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check that a hidden cellar
exists for storage of props. Though this space is also in
The run-down building stands a little bit to itself on this back tatters, unlike the building above, there are signs that it
street of the city. Empty lots laden with rank weeds and the has seen use more recently. Individuals or groups appear
scorched timbers of a building burned out long ago are its only to have met and camped here from time to time. Whether
immediate neighbors. At one time it must have been a theater of homeless transients or others is unclear. It has, in fact, been
modest success and accommodations, though it has clearly been used by the remnants of the Cult of Hastur for some time
many years since that proved true. Its formerly glamorous façade when infrequent meetings have been called by the Sagging
and marquee now sag alarmingly above the main entrance, the Man (see H4). Both groups the PCs met in Events 2 and
wood rotten and warped from many decades of exposure. The 4 stemmed from this cult of madmen and unrepentance
once-bright yellow paint and gold trim that formerly gave it a decadents.
garish allure have now faded to the silver of aging boards and the
sallow tint of a dying man’s skin. The grand sign that once proudly
proclaimed it as the “Magnificent Canary Crown Theater” is now A search of the downstairs area turns up a stack of old,
broken and missing sections, so that its message is now barely moldering handbills for the theater (identical to Handout
legible. The whole affair has a feeling of long abandonment, lost 4B) with a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. A DC 25
glory, and an air of subtle menace with just a hint of corruption Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals that the candle
hidden somewhere within its bent and buckled walls. can be removed from a prop candleholder shaped like
a human skull and within the hollow beneath is a small
amulet crudely painted with a yellow glyph. A DC 20
The front door of the building is chained shut and locked Intelligence (Religion) recognizes this as the Yellow Sign
by a heavy padlock that has since rusted into uselessness (see sidebar), the unholy rune associated with the cult of

the Great Old One Hastur. If the Cult of the Unspeakable THUNDERBIRD
was identified from the rumors gleaned earlier, anyone
recognizing the Yellow Sign for what it is will realize that Statistics as a roc except as noted below.
there is an association between the two. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
28 (+9) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 9 (-1)
THE JOURNEY THROUGH THE Damage Immunities lightning, thunder
HAUNTED WOOD Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
The caravan heads northwest from Tanith towards the Storm Rider. The thunderbird is continuously
Haunted Wood, leaving the main roads behind. The surrounded by stormy weather, as if it had cast
landmark known as Landry’s Cross can be located with a DC
control weather, making all weather conditions
20 Wisdom (Survival) check, or an Intelligence (History) or
Charisma (Persuasion) check to gather information before within 5 miles one step more severe and all
leaving Tanith. The route follows farm roads, cart paths, conditions within 500 feet two steps more severe.
and foot trails when possible, but is frequently required to Its movement and senses are never impeded by
cut directly across country to stay on its course. The ground wind, fog, rain, snow, or other weather effects. If
of the Northmarches is gently undulating grasslands,
the thunderbird is killed, these stormy weather
cooler and better watered than the arid rolling plains of the
Waymarch. The route follows a slight incline as the ground conditions persist for 1d6 days centered on the
slowly but steadily rises towards that titanic edifice that is site of its death.
the Wizard’s Wall nearly 400 miles to the north.
NORTHMARCHES RANDOM Thunderstrike. All of the thunderbird’s melee
ENCOUNTERS attacks deal 7 (2d6) lightning and 7 (2d6) thunder
It is 162 miles from Tanith to the eaves of the Haunted damage in addition to their normal damage. In
Wood, and it takes the caravan 10 days to cover it. Civilized addition, if the thunderbird hits a creature two
lands are left behind farther and farther along with the or more times in one round, that target must
duchy’s patrols, so chances of random encounters begin.
Roll 1d6 to check for encounters twice during the day and
make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, being
once during the night. An encounter takes place on a roll stunned for 1 round on a failed save, or deafened
of 1. If an encounter occurs roll d6 and consult the table for 1 round on a success. If the thunderbird hits
below. If an encounter occurs, the members of the caravan with all three attacks in one round, the target
will protect themselves and the animals to the best of their must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or be
ability but will expect the PCs to take primary responsibility
in taking the fight to the enemy. A thunderbird can be
blinded for 1 round.
encountered only once.
Thunderflash. When the is struck in melee with a
d6 Encounter
metal weapon, the attacker takes 7 (2d6) lightning
1 1d6 giant scorpions
and 7 (2d6) thunder damage and must make two
2 1d4 wyverns saving throws as the thunderbird’s thunderstrike
3 2d4 saber-toothed tigers ability, as if struck by three attacks in the same
4 1d2 rocs round.
5 1d6 hill giants
After crossing the northern plains, the caravan arrives at
the eastern arm of the Haunted Wood and wends its way
northwest as directly as possible using such game trails and
clearings as exist. This forest is a vast woodland stretching
across the Duchy of the Northmarches along the southern

for encounters once during the day and twice during the
night. An encounter takes place on a roll of 1 during the
day and a roll of 1–2 at night. If an encounter occurs roll
d12 and consult the table below. Encounters marked with
an asterisk can only occur once and should be considered
as no encounter if rolled again.

d12 Encounter
1 Hangman tree (see Appendix A, page 543)
2 1d3 wraiths
3 1d6+2 shadows
4 1d8+4 shadow wolves (see Appendix A, page 552)
5 1d4+2 ettins
6 1d6+2 phase spiders
7 Moon-beast* (see Appendix A, page 547)
8 Catoblepas* (see Appendix A, page 531)
9 1d4+1 tenebrous worms (see Appendix A, page
10 Adult forest dragon* (see Appendix A, page 533)
11 Hobgoblin hunters
12 Chain devil slavers*
* Encountered only once. If rolled again, reroll.

Forest Dragon: If the PCs manage to kill the dragon or

drive it away, the PCs might attempt to find its lair. The lair
is 1d10 miles away and contains a level-appropriate hoard.
side of the Wizard’s Wall from the Deepfells Range in the
west to the Stoneheart Mountains in the east. Older even
Hobgoblin Hunters: The great foreboding massif
than the Great Akadonian ForestLL5-7 that once covered
of Dragonbone Peak looms over the western end of
much of the continent of Akados, the Haunted Forest has
the Haunted Wood where is climbs the foothills of the
long been considered a fey and cursed place. It was under
Deepfells Range. Once the demesne of the hobgoblin
its eaves that the elves made their great defense of the
demigod Kakobovia before he was defeated by Grand Duke
Crynomar Gap in 712 I.R. against the first humanoid horde
Borell I and driven from the Material Plane, the ill-starred
from the steppes before withdrawing west in their Third
mountain has remained a stronghold of hobgoblin-kind
Exodus little more than a decade later, and the blood and
ever since. See page 100 of Mountains of Madness by Frog
suffering of so many of the elves has long been a catalyst for
God Games and page 255 of LL3: Sword of Air by Frog God
dark influences and dire hauntings. In addition, a shadowy
Games for additional information.
curse has seemed to settle upon much of the wood over the
centuriesONS6. Today the woods are largely unexplored with
only a tiny remnant of reclusive wild elf tribes still calling The hobgoblins of Dragonbone rarely enter the Haunted
the place home, and these more confined to the western Forest in force, but warriors or leaders who wish to prove
extent of the woodlandONS6-4,8. themselves occasionally venture within to test their mettle
against its denizens. And the hunt leader who returns with
a forest dragon’s head or tenebrous worm’s hide as a trophy
The caravan’s route crosses about 225 miles of the forest,
is considered to be destined for greatness. This hunting
though it is unable to travel in such a direct manner
band consists of 2d6 hobgoblin veterans and 1d6 hobgoblin
among the towering, shadow-shrouded trunks. As such
scouts, led by a hobgoblin priest and a hobgoblin captain.
the journey takes an additional 19 days. Roll 1d6 to check
The hobgoblins are all mounted on battle-trained elk.

HOBGOBLIN CAPTAIN 1 minute, the hobgoblin captain can utter a special
Medium humanoid (hobgoblin), lawful evil command or warning whenever a nonhostile
Armor Class 19 (half plate, shield) creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an
Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33) attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add
Speed 30 ft. a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand
the captain. A creature can benefit from only one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if the
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) hobgoblin captain is incapacitated.
Saving Throws Intelligence +4, Wisdom +4,
Charisma +4 REACTIONS
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Parry. The hobgoblin captain adds 3 to its AC
Languages Common, Goblin against one melee attack that would hit it. To do
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) so, it must see the attacker and be wielding a
melee weapon.
Martial Advantage. Once per turn, the hobgoblin
captain can deal an extra 14 (4d6) damage Chain Devil Slayers: The strange, shadowy depths of
the Haunted Wood attract visitors from many lands and
to a creature it hits with a weapon attack if
many worlds. From the Shadowfell and the infernal realms
that creature is within 5 feet of an come occasional parties of chain devils seeking mortals to
ally of the hobgoblin that isn’t capture and bring home for their own amusement. Such a
incapacitated. party consists of 1d4+1 chain devilsSRD.


Multiattack. The hobgoblin captain The Crynomar Gap once stretched
makes three melee attacks or two unblemished between the mighty
ranged attacks. Deepfells of the west with the even
Longsword. Melee Weapon mightier Stoneheart Mountains to
Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one the east and allowed access between
the forested verge of what would later
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing be known as the Haunted Wood and
damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) the seemingly endless plains of the
slashing damage if used with vast Great Steppes. In the time of
two hands. the Hundaei Empire, the nomadic
Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: peoples of the plains considered the
elf-haunted forest to be taboo and
+6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. refused to travel by that route, even
Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning in the later Hun Wars between the
damage and the target must Hundaei and the Hyperborean Empire
succeed on a DC 14 Strength of central Akados. However, with the fall of
saving throw or be knocked the horselords in their own cataclysmic civil
war in 683 I.R. and the plains becoming
prone. the Haunted Steppe populated only by
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon scattered refugee tribes of the Shattered
Attack: +6 to hit, range Folk, nothing barred the newly roused
30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 humanoid tribes of the Lost Mountains
(1d6 + 3) piercing damage. from gathering in a great horde and
descending upon the unsuspecting
Leadership (Recharges after Hyperboreans to the south — nothing
a Short or Long Rest): For except the wild elves of the forest.

The wild tribes put up the great Elven Defense of the blood hawks of the plains and air spirits of the flanking
the Crynomar Gap against the endless numbers of the mountains. To this day it is as much a barrier to the steppes
humanoids and eventually turned them back to their far beyond as it was at its raising. At the base of the Wall are
northern homes, all while the Hyperborean peoples lived the waters of Shadowfall Lake, created by the newly formed
completely oblivious to the disaster that had been averted. depression of the southern steppes and the rerouting of
Yet so great was the slaughter that the wild elves could no water courses that resulted. Beyond stretches the Haunted
longer maintain their hold against the ever-expanding Steppe itself, visible from the top of the Wall for as far as 40
human settlements and undertook the Third Elven Exodus, miles on especially clear days.
retreating to the west beyond the Green Warders. Finding
their northern borders empty, the humans of Hyperborea
expanded into the virgin territory comprised largely H. THE HIDDEN CLEFT
of what is now the Grand Duchy of Reme, but even they Once the PCs reach the Wizard’s Wall the location of Two-
balked at the ominous shadow of the blood-soaked forest Point Rock can be found with a DC 20 Intelligence (History),
and named the forest the Haunted Wood much as they had Intelligence (Investigation), or Wisdom (Survival) check.
so labelled the Great Steppes to the north of it. This check is reduced by 2 for each day spent searching
along the Wall’s edge (roll for encounters as normal from
Centuries later Reme was founded and expanded under the Haunted Wood Random Encounters Table while this
Prince Cale into the Caleen Colonies extending past the search is underway). Once Two-Point Rock is located,
Haunted Wood and across the Haunted Steppe, only to run it is a simple matter of following the edge of the Wall
afoul of those same humanoid tribes to be found in the Lost westward for 3 miles until reaching a small waterfall. To all
Mountains and around forbidden Lake Hali. Once again, appearances it is just a narrow crevice with a thin waterfall
the humanoid hordes rolled south, though this time with that tumbles into the lake 800 feet below. It would look like
the terrifying shadow walkers of the Shadowlands spurring one of dozens of such minor falls that lace the Wall’s face
them onward. They cut through the Caleen Colonies in without the map to point it out, but anyone searching along
only a few short years and, with the wild elf warders of the the edge of this crevice with a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
Haunted Forest long gone, seemed unstoppable as they check finds a hidden path that leads to a hollow behind
approached the Foerdewaith forces gathered at the Gap. the falls.
However, here fate intervened again and the legendary The cascade falls through a narrow fissure at the edge of the cliff,
archmage brothers Alycthron and Margon appeared and just visible inside this fissure is a precarious rock trail, almost
and spared the southlands from what seemed certain like a natural stair that descends beside and then turns behind the
destruction. By combining the might of themselves and falling waters. There, behind the cascade, a cave entrance cuts deep
their magical staffs and extracting a primordial word of into the cliff face disappears into darkness.
power from the earth spirit of the Stoneheart Mountains,
the archmages sacrificed themselves in a burst of power
that broke the continent. In a great upheaval, the entire The rocky path is puddled and slick with a sheer drop
lands of northern Reme and the Haunted Wood tilted and of 600 feet to the base of the cliff below. However, the path
rose upward even as the lands of the southern Haunted is wide enough that no Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to
Steppe subsided until a great escarpment stretching from balance are necessary. The mules and mounts of the caravan
the Deepfells to the Stonehearts completely closed off the can even traverse the ledge carefully, but Goribald and his
GapLL1-100. Unable to surmount such an obstacle, the shadow retainers will remain atop the cliff and wait for the PCs to
walker horde was repulsed and eventually melted back into explore the dangers below before entering themselves.
the great wilderness of the north.
In time a precipitous trail was blazed at the eastern end of The tunnel beyond the ledge is roughly 10 feet wide and 12–
the escarpment that gave narrow access to the plains below 15 feet high. The walls appear mostly natural but show some
anchored at a stronghold that came to be known as Durgam’s evidence of stonework to widen it in places. All surfaces
FollyG1 — the route used long after by both Gravenfar and and slick with moisture, and there are no light sources. The
the fateful Conroi Expedition — but otherwise the Wizard’s air smells of wet earth with an underlying stink of foulness
Wall remains a sheer rock escarpment as high as 1,000 feet and rot. Before reaching the tunnel, though, the PCs must
in some places and averaging 700 feet frequented only by first pass a trap.

COLLAPSING LEDGE TRAP themselves from falling PCs and catch themselves with
their wings before striking the water at the end of the
Where the ledge behind the falls becomes a tunnel and
round (assuming the PC doesn’t choose to grapple them
enters the cliff face, the stone beneath has been purposely
back, which he might).
undermined and weakened (the shaded area on the map).
A PC must make a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check to
notice the danger. A character who makes a close inspection H2. TANGLED OVERWATCH
of the ledge can make an Intelligence (Investigation)
check against the same DC to realize it has deliberately The smell of decomposition and refuse has become almost unbearable
been undermined. Otherwise, the target character must here as the tunnel begins to descend crude steps cut into the surface
make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the of the stone. However, the ceiling doesn’t descend at the same rate,
character falls and takes 20d6 bludgeoning damage as they revealing this to be a deepening crevice rather than a true tunnel
drop down the face of the cliff to shore of Shadowfall Lake course. Along the length of this winding course, ledges are visible upon
600 feet below. the heights of the cavern walls above the descending path.

Development: If the trap is triggered, the sound alerts This labyrinthine corridor is in a sense a single, multilevel
the occupants of H2 to intruders, and they come flying chamber. The passage continues to descend for a total of
out in 1d4 rounds to attack any PCs who are still on the 100 feet, but a series of connected ledges above the course
ledge behind the waterfall. If the PCs have already moved of the passage remains at the same level. The relative height
on towards H2 by that time, then they meet the PCs in the of the ledges above the adjacent path is given on the map.
tunnel and quickly retreat back to their chamber to battle Walls are damp, natural stone, so climbing to these ledges
the intruders there. If combat occurs on the ledge, the void- requires a DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check. The ceiling of
stirges attempt to bull rush opponents off or even grapple the passage and connecting ledges is 25 feet above the level
them and then leap, trusting their ability to disentangle of the ledges. The ledges and the connecting tunnels serve
as the abode of a flock of 11 void-stirges (see Appendix D,

page 88). These strange creatures hail from another world ammonia. This miasma requires a DC 20 Constitution
and star system altogether, having spent years travelling saving throw; on a failure, the target is poisoned until the
through the void of space to settle in the Lost Mountains. PC is able to breathe fresh air again, after which they can
They responded to the call of The Sagging Man (area H4) attempt a new saving throw each round to end the effect.
and serve him in this place. These aberrations are vaguely
humanoid in shape with two upper limbs and two lower The smell of rotting meat and unwashed bodies is almost
limbs on a torso with a head in the usual location, but overwhelming in this large, low-ceilinged chamber. The floor
there the resemblance ends. They are not altogether crows, is strewn with the partially devoured remnants of animals and
nor moles, nor buzzards, nor ants, nor vampire bats, nor puddles of suspicious origin. Small beetles and rodents scurry
decomposed human beings, but something both more and among this collection of filth and scatter at your approach. Despite
less, and when not flying they flop limply along, half with the apparent haphazard squalor, there is a sense of order to the
their webbed feet and half with their membranous wings.* place, as if someone or something has made an attempt at tidying
up — or some version of that. Numerous side caves open off of
the central area with shadowy forms barely visible lurking in two
Tactics: The void-stirges reside on the ledges but fly of them.
to area H1 if they hear the trap activated. Otherwise they
engage intruders here. They initially remain in total
concealment and cover atop the many ledges and within The ceiling of this cave is only 7 feet high, though the
the connecting passages between and wait for the intruders hunched stature of its occupants allows them move
to reach the section of passage between the two 80-foot through it unimpeded. It and the surrounding caves serve
ledges. Then they swoop down to attack from all directions as the home of a gang of 6 thawn slashers. These malformed
— above, in front, and behind — in a frenzy of bloodlust. creatures appear to be giants under some sort of melting
If intruders climb up the ledges rather than following the curse as their loose flesh hangs from their deformed
descending path, the void-stirges try to swarm them there frames like the folds of a robe, and their tumorous arms
rather than waiting for them to descend. end in clublike hands with elongated, scythe-like claws,
all partially concealed beneath tattered, rotted cloaks and
robes. These creatures have constructed crude statues of
Treasure: The void-stirges lair upon the ledges and within themselves out of mud, rock, and frames of bone which are
the caves connecting them. These areas are a nightmare placed in two of the side caves. If alerted by combat in H2,
of partially devoured decaying animal carcasses and feces the thawns themselves lurk in the other caves and wait for
from the filth and squalor in which the void-stirges live. intruders to be lured by the decoys before rushing out to
Spending any time searching through this area requires a attack from behind. Noticing that the decoys are little more
DC 1 Constitution saving throw to avoid contracting sight than piles of debris requires a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
rotSRD. Among the rotting wildlife can be found a few barely check while they remain in shadows but is readily apparent
recognizable carcasses of unfortunate humanoids, mainly with adequate light.
Shattered Folk or forest travelers. Anyone taking the time
to search through the refuse and making a DC 28 Wisdom
(Perception) check can locate the scattered treasures that The side caves are as filthy as the main cavern and are
have been dropped and forgotten. These include 1,800 sp, where the creatures keep their bedding and few possessions
170 gp, 37 pp, and a large black pearl (600 gp) in assorted (mainly additional layers of cloaks and blankets used to
rotten pouches and packs as well as a still-usable suit of shroud their hideous forms). The entrance to H4 is shrouded
+1 padded armor of Shattered Folk make, a ring of swimming by a thick, woolen black-out curtain that prevents any light
still on a skeletal finger, a miser’s mask (see Appendix C, from escaping. Anyone searching through the muck in this
Page 88), a spell scroll (blink) being used to line the sole of a area is exposed to the same disease as described in H2.
ragged boot, and a ring of animal influence. Anyone breaking down one of the mud and stone effigies
(AC 17, hp 25) and making a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
check can find the thawns’ treasure in the debris. Likewise,
H3. CAVERN OF THE THAWNS anyone making a DC 23 Wisdom (Perception) check notices
As the PCs approach this area, the foul air becomes worse, signs of digging in the bases of the sodden lumps where
adding the sharp odors of stale sweat, urine, feces, and the thawns of buried their valuables.

* See “The Festival” by H.P. Lovecraft

THAWN SLASHER during that turn, but attack rolls against it have
Large giant, chaotic evil advantage until the start of its next turn.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Repulsive. Thawns find the appearance of
Hit Points 127 (15d8 + 60) themselves and others of their kind revolting.
Speed 40 ft. As such, most wear heavy cloaks or otherwise
obscure their countenances. Should a thawn be
confronted with its own reflection (such as being
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 7 (-2) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) presented with a mirror), it must succeed at a DC
Saving Throws Con +6 15 Wisdom save or be frightened until the next of
Skills Athletics +7, Perception +6, Stealth +2, its next turn.
Survival +4
Senses blindsense 30 ft., passive Perception 16 ACTIONS
Languages Giant Multiattack. The thawn makes two claw attacks.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Earthen Camouflage. The thawn has advantage on Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 50/100
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning
or muddy terrain. damage.
Reckless. At the start of its turn, the thawn can
gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls

Tactics: The thawns are fanatically loyal to the Sagging upon the ruined streets of ancient Carcosa, and he paid with
Man and fight to the death to prevent the PCs from his sanity, his life, and ultimately his soul. Centuries later
entering area H4. he wandered south by the will of his master and eventually
took up residence in this lair after dominating a tribe of
thawns who resided here. From here he has formed and
Treasure: Hidden within the thawns’ effigies are there
coordinated the various cults of Hastur the Unspeakable
compiled treasure that consist of 924 cp, 687 sp, 75 gp, a
throughout Reme and lands farther south by means of
carnelian (65 gp), a spell scroll (lesser restoration), a potion of
dream spells and occasionally direct meetings at the Canary
tongues (as the spell), and a wand of ash storm (se Appendix
Crown Theater established by the Tanith cult, though he
C, page 88made from the serrated horn of a steppes ibex.
largely attempts to stay behind the scenes and reclusive.

H4. THE CAVE OF MIRRORED MADNESS As is not unusual for disparate cults of a chaotic and
This room is completely dark, but if a light source is capricious god, The Sagging Man has not remained aware
brought in it flashes brightly as it is reflected a hundred of all the machinations of the agents of Hastur throughout
times over. This erratic illumination is highly distracting, the Lost Lands and thus had no knowledge of the planting
and all creatures other than the Sagging Man and his of the Conroi Expedition documents to be discovered in
minions must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw each Nains (a plot point detailed in the forthcoming Race for
round at the beginning of their turn; on a failure, they Shataakh-Uulm). As such, when his cult members heard
take a -1 penalty on attack rolls and vision-based Wisdom rumors of outsiders seeking the location of the Pit of
(Perception) checks for one round. the Burning Star, The Sagging Man sent his minions to
Piles of moldering books and scrolls are stacked on the stone floor, suppress this activity, unknowingly going against the
some obviously fused to the ground with mildew. There’s no sign will of his Yellow King. Whether the PCs’ arrival at his
of a fire pit or bedding, but mirrors of many shapes and sizes rest lair was the inevitable result of his meddling or some
against or hang from nails driven into the cavern wall. Several greater punishment by the will of Hastur for this failing,
mirrors hang on ropes from iron spikes in the ceiling ten or twelve in either case The Sagging Man has found himself alone
feet overhead. Several crystals of varying colors rest on the piles of and exposed to his enemies for the first time in more than
books and next to the mirrors. A peculiar rune, painted the yellow two millennia.
of a diseased liver, occupies the middle of the west wall.


This strange chamber is the abode of a dread creature KEEPER OF THE YELLOW SIGN
known as The Sagging Man. Perhaps the most powerful
servant of the King in Yellow south of the Wizard’s Wall, Medium undead, chaotic evil
The Sagging Man is a hideous undead thing called a keeper Armor Class 21 (natural armor)
of the Yellow Sign. The Sagging Man’s corpulent body is Hit Points 218 (23d8 + 115)
barely contained by an ancient moth-tattered bison hide
Speed 30 ft.
beneath an intricately designed colorful felt hat with a
wide brim on either side, upturned in the front and back, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
and bearing a number of shiny bangles. His flesh is the
20 (+5) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5)
color of a drunkard in the last throes of cirrhosis and
hangs flaccidly on his corpulent frame. The remains of Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning,
his uniquely shaped straggly beard and moustache and his piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
piercing, slightly upturned eyes complete the picture along that aren’t silvered
with his exotic garb to identify his original race with a DC
20 Intelligence (History) check as that of the Hundaei who
Damage Immunities poison
once roamed the Haunted Steppe and have been extinct Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
for some 2,800 years, and his current state of corporeal Saving Throws Str +6, Dex +4, Con +6, Int +3, Wis
corruption does nothing to disprove that extinction. +7, Cha +11
Skills Arcana +7, Insight +6, Perception +6, Stealth
The Sagging Man was one of the first Hundaei chiefs to +8
dare to trod upon the Nam-i-BudhaniFB-106 — the forbidden Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Lost Mountains at Lake Hali — and to discover and walk
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Giant

Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) damage. The target must succeed on a DC
Special Gear. The Sagging Man has a hat of 18 Constitution saving throw or its hit point
scintillating colors (which functions as the robe). maximum is reduced by an amount equal to
the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the
Innate Spellcasting. The Sagging Man's innate target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
18). He can innately cast the following spells, A Keeper’s use of its energy draining ability can
requiring no material components: result in a surge of entropy that consumes its
3/Day each: darkness, invisibility (self only) body and disrupts life all around it. Every time
1/Day each: bestow curse, dream the keeper’s entropic drain attack results in a
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Sagging Man creature’s death, the keeper must succeed at a DC
fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed 15 Constitution saving throw or be destroyed. If
instead. the keeper is destroyed, all creatures in a 15-foot
Spellcasting. The Sagging Man is a 10th-level radius around the keeper with an Intelligence
spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma of 4 or greater must make a DC 18 Consitution
(spell save DC 18). The Sagging Man regains his saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes
spell slots after a short or long rest. The Sagging 20 necrotic damage and the creature's maximum
Man knows the following warlock spells: hit points are reduced by an amount equal to
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, guidance, mage hand, the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the
mending, minor illusion, true strike, vicious mockery target finishes a long rest. A creature that fails its
1st-5th level (2 5th-level slots): charm person, saving throw must then make a DC 18 Wisdom
comprehend languages, contact other plane, saving throw. On a failure, the creature suffers
dimension door, fear, hideous laughter, hypnotic from long-term madness and dies after an hour
pattern, mirror image, scrying, sending unless the creature's maximum hit points are
Turn Resistance. The Keeper of the Yellow Sign has restored (such as by greater restoration).
advantage on saving throws against any effect Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.
that turns undead. one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Yellow Sign Affinity. While the Keeper of the Yellow Glare. The Sagging Man chooses one creature
Sign stays within 1 mile of an active Yellow Sign within 30 feet he can see. The target suffers
for at least 24 hours it gains a +1 bonus to its AC disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and
and a +1 bonus on all saving throws. The Sagging attack rolls until the end of the Sagging Man's
Man’s yellow sign is on display at H4 and is next turn. The effects end if the Sagging Man
powered by the will of Hastur himself. These becomes incapacitated or dead, the target moves
changes are included in the statistic block above. more than 30 feet away, or the Sagging Man uses
If the Sagging Man somehow leaves the area, this action again. If the Sagging Man is blinded,
he loses those bonuses until he again spends 24 he must succeed at a DC 20 Wisdom saving
hours within 1 mile of an active Yellow Sign. throw or the effect ends on his target.
Scintillating Chapeaux (Recharge 5-6). The Sagging
ACTIONS Man’s enchanted hat unleashes a cascade of
Multiattack. The Sagging Man uses Glare or dazzling colors in either a 10-foot radius or a 20-
Scintillating Chapeaux. Then the Sagging Man foot cone. Creatures in this area must make a DC
makes two slam attacks or uses Entropic Drain. 18 Dexterity saving throw. Those failing the save
Entropic Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, are blinded for 1 round, while those succeeding
reach 5 ft. one target. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 5) necrotic are dazzled for 1 round, gaining disadvantage on

attack rolls and vision-based Wisdom (Perception) and increases the size of the area to affect the
checks. Creatures that fail their save can attempt entire room, for 1 round.
a new saving throw each round at the end of their • Dazzle. The room alternates between pitch
turn; success ends the blindness and leaves them black and radiant, scattered illumination. The
dazzled (as above) for 1 round. PCs must succeed at a DC 15 Wisdom check
or be blinded until the end of their next turn.
REACTIONS • The Yellow Sign. One PC must make a DC
Painful Glare. When the target of Glare takes 18 Wisdom check or suffer the effects of
damage, the damage is increased by 10 (3d6), confusion (as the spell) until the end of their
and the target must make a DC 18 Constitution next turn.
saving throw, taking an additional 22 (2d10)
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half that
much on a successful save.

The Sagging Man can take 2 legendary actions,
choosing from the options below. Only one
legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
The Sagging Man regains spent legendary
actions at the start of his turn.
Cantrip. The Sagging Man casts a cantrip.
Detect. The Sagging Man makes a
Wisdom (Perception) check.
Shadowy Step (Costs 2 Actions). The
Sagging Man magically teleports,
along with any equipment it is
wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet
to an unoccupied space he can see.
Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The Sagging
Man uses his spellcasting ability to
cast a spell.

On initiative count 20 (losing all initiative ties),
the Sagging Man can use one of his lair action
options. He can’t do so while incapacitated or
otherwise unable to take actions. If surprised,
he can’t use one until after its first turn in the
• Scatter. The Sagging Man uses the dozens of
carefully placed mirrors and assorted colored
crystals to reflect light from his hypnotic
pattern spell and his Scintillating Chapeaux

Tactics: The Sagging Man is preternaturally aware of his Lake. At this cavern exit the thawns have rigged a trap to
followers and knows of any interaction between the PCs ward against anyone entering unbidden.
and the thawns in H3, so is always prepared for intruders.
He casts invisibility and displacement on himself before
combat. When the PCs first enter his chamber it is pitch FALLING STONES TRAP
dark, and he is hiding in the eastern portion. As soon as a A thin cord is placed as a tripwire across the cave mouth.
light source is brought, he uses his Scatter lair action with The cord runs up the wall and attaches to an iron spike
his Scintillating Chapeaux. Once one of these has occurred, driven between large stones that have been wedged in place
he casts hypnotic pattern on the most heavily armored PC at the tunnel’s ceiling 10 feet above. Tripping this cord
in the group. He then fixes his Glare on the brawniest- causes the spike to be dislodged and the stones to fall across
looking warrior (other than any already charmed by the the entrance of the cave. Not only does the trap threaten to
hypnotic pattern). He ducks back behind the cover of the rear crush anyone beneath it, but the stones constitute a cave-
room and casts dimension door or uses his Shadowy Step in. It requires a DC 19 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice
to get behind the party into their weaker rear ranks. He the trap. Each target must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving
then wades into the confusion, attacking lightly armored throw. Anyone who fails is pinned under the rocks, still
foes or the object of his Glare until that character is dead. inside the tunnel (the cave-in has no slide zone), takes 10d6
He then begins a new stare and focuses on that character, bludgeoning damage, and is buried. Anyone who succeeds
and so on. The Sagging Man fights until destroyed gaining on the save takes half damage and can choose to remain in
the sudden insight in his last moments that if he falls the cave or leap out of it.
defending his cavernous lair after 2,837 years of cursed,
mad unlife, then he has at least lain eyes on the harbingers
of Hastur’s will ‘ere the end.
Treasure: If the PCs examine the book titles, they
see a range of topics from children’s adventure tales to
metaphysical theory and the nature of the planes that
extend back over the history of the Hyperborean Empire, The death of the Sagging Man is the end of the ragged cult
the Grand Duchy of Reme, and even the more recent that has plagued Reme for the past several years. While
Conroi Settlements. The pages between the covers are stuck other devotees to Hastur lie in wait to the north, they have
together and almost uniformly unreadable from the effects very little knowledge or connection with the mesmerist
of damp and worms. One worn felt scroll case, however, and his doings, as disorganization inherent to the disparate
holds two ancient and crumbling scrolls that have avoided nihilistic cults of Hastur is not uncommon.
the worst of these effects. A DC 22 Intelligence (History)
check identifies them as rare historical documents It only takes a few days to skirt the Shadowfall Lake
written in Imperial Tielethae, known as “Hundish” to the and enter the Campacha PlainsFB-181 and its scattered
southlands of Akados, that date to the days of the Great population of a mixture of colonial descendants and the
Khanate of the Hundaei Clans prior to their civil war in native Shattered Folk primarily of the Campacha Tribe that
681 I.R. Anyone able to read them can see that they relate to comprise the Conroi Settlements. These groups have lived
the court of the last Great Khan, Ogedan, and give amazing together in peace south of the Wanaheeli River for some
details of everyday life in the Great Khan’s court prior to eight decades. There are no large population centers or
its fall. As historical documents, these fragile scrolls are cities, but settlements do exist where the party and their
virtually priceless, but someone like the Magnate of Books dwarven companions can rest and resupply before their
in Nains would willingly pay up 100,000 gp for them. big push across the Wanaheeli and into the interior of the
Also hidden among the piles of ruined books are a few Haunted Steppe.
magical items that have proven resistant to the ravages of
their environment. These include a spell scroll (feeblemind),
Petyan is an example of a typical village of the Conroi
a spell scroll (magic jar), and an unused tome of clear thought.
Settlements, and there are likewise many small outposts
and wayside inns scattered along its dusty roads. An
H5. WINDING STAIR example of one of these is the Galloping Ghost Inn. Both
A stair of roughly cut stone follows a natural fissure as it of these locations are further detailed in the adventure
winds its way down hundreds of feet to the base of the “Madness Grows” in Fields of Blood by Frog God Games.
Wizard’s Wall and exits on the rocky shores of Shadowfall

CG village N Large roadhouse
Corruption –1; Crime –2; Economy +0; Law +1; Sign Majestic white horse in full gallop
Lore –1; Society –2 Prices average; Quality high
Qualities holy site, strategic location Qualities crooked game, defended, specialized
Danger 0 accommodations, tourist attraction
Government overlord Staff 24 (19 humans, 4 gnomes, 1 halfling)
Population 168 (104 humans, 22 half-elves, 18 NOTABLE NPCS
elves, 24 others) Dardennell Verglade, proprietor (CG male
NOTABLE NPCS gnome illusionist 5)
Quanata, village priest (LG male human Zayla Verglade, concierge (CG female gnome
[Shattered Folk] cleric of ThakaFB-96 5) expert [see page xx])
Donhowee, village elder (LG female human Dwanda, bartender (N male human [Shattered
[Shattered Folk] expert [see page xx]) Folk] commonerSRD)
Shatan, trapper (CN male human [Shattered Batsu, crooked pharo dealer (LE male human
Folk] scoutSRD) [Shattered Folk] rogue 5)

Though the Conroi Settlements do not have a single Hired guides will defend themselves in battle and will
large population center from which the party can make participate in a general defense of the PCs’ caravan if attacked,
bulk purchases or acquire individual items of greater but they will not take unnecessary risks upon themselves and
value, if they are willing to remain for 1d4 weeks and make their first choice will always be to retreat back to the safety
DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) checks to work through of greater numbers in the caravan if attacked while scouting.
the many local channels and connections between the They will not accompany the PCs into any dungeons or other
scattered settlements, the Conroi Setlements as a whole adventure areas that are beyond the scope of their duties as
can be regardes as having the amenities of a town rather simple guides and will always attempt to flee (or surrender
than a village. Guides, mounts, services, etc. are all available if flight is not an option) if reduced below a third of their hit
at the standard prices listed in the 5E System Reference points. A guide for travel north of the Wanaheeli can be found
Document. with a successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check for each
week spent asking around, to a maximum of three guides
total. Guides hired in the Conroi Settlements have a 50%
GUIDES chance to be of either Campachan or Foerdewaith descent.
No hirelings are willing to travel north beyond the Each guide will have his own mustang as a mount.
Wanaheeli River other than guides. And, while these
have no specific knowledge of the territory beyond the
Wanaheeli, they can provide normal guide services to keep CAMPACHAN GUIDE
employers on course and avoiding natural hazards through
the use of Survival checks. Guides hired to work south of Medium humanoid (human), neutral
the Wanaheeli River are available for the trained hireling Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
rate of 3 sp per day plus the cost of provisions for guide and Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
mount. Once the river is crossed, however, that rate goes up
to 1 gp per day with 2 weeks paid in advance for deposit at
Speed 30 ft.
home by the guide due to the unknown dangers to be faced STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
in that ill-rumored expanse.
17 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

Skills Athletics +5, Perception +5, Stealth +5, Survival +5 Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
Senses passive Perception 15 range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
Languages Common, Kirkut LL8
damage, or 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage if used with
Challenge 3 (700 XP) two hands to make a melee attack.
Special Gear. Each Campachan guide carries a potion Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
of healing for emergencies. range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 3) piercing
Speak With Animals. The guide may cast speak with
animals as a ritual spell. When the PCs and the dwarven caravan have finished their
preparations and are ready to depart, they travel to banks of
ACTIONS the Wanaheeli River at its northernmost extension where
Multiattack. The guide makes two attacks with a Gravenfar and the Conroi Expedition made their departure
into the Haunted Steppe. The adventure concludes as they
melee weapon or three attacks with a shortbow. prepare to step off into the unknown, and is continued in
Handaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or the next adventure, Race for Shataakh-Uulm.
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
damage, or 7 (1d8 +3) piercing damage if used with
two hands to make a melee attack.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range Gravenfar’s journal is a plain volume of vellum sheets bound
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing between cloth-board covers. It is 112 pages long, and each
damage. leaf is covered in the handwriting of the venerated explorer,
including daily entries, side notes, maps, sketches, and
various and sundry marginalia. It is written in WesterlingLL4-18
FOERDWAITH GUIDE (the common tongue of Akados), and the handwriting is
Medium humanoid (human), neutral relatively legible, though somewhat cramped in places. A
reader taking an hour to skim through the book and making
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)
a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check can determine
Hit Points 40 (9d8) that it is divided roughly into four sections and can
Speed 30 ft. identify the subject matter of each section. Each individual
section requires an hour of study and a DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check to reveal all the information that
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) can be gleaned from it. Once a check has been made for a
Skills Animal Handling +6, Athletics +2, Perception +6, section, that reader does not require a new check to study
that section. After the entire book has been successfully
Stealth +6, Survival +6 read, a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check concludes
Senses passive Perception 16 that the accounts in the journal are internally consistent
Languages Common, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Halfling, and use expression common to Gravenfar’s time and other
Orc, Sylvan writings. The journal passes muster as the authentic writing
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) of Aroldus Gravenfar, and as such it could be worth as much
as 15,000 gp to an avid collector of such literature.
Multiattack. The guide makes two melee weapon Pages 1–38; On matters of stars and star fall: Gravenfar
relates his years of research into legends regarding falling
stars. He was very interested in locating a particular ancient,
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or esoteric tome called The Book of the Star-Seed that described a
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing star fall in the Red Wastes of Libynos far to the east that created
damage. a crater called the Pit of Yhath. The book was said to give many

eldritch secrets of the falling star and the realms beyond the migrations and movements of the Shattered Folk tribes over
void of space where it originatedAK:M-8,74. He also takes note of the years — or more importantly where they didn’t migrate or
strange Eastern occult activities that seem to have sprung up move through — he narrowed down a section of the Haunted
around the Yhath star fall. Gravenfar never located the book Steppe where he believed the Pit of the Burning Star must
or the fabled pit, but did locate some excerpts of the book that lie. However, its location placed it near the Road of Sorrows,
spoke of a second star that fell the same night thousands of the area of the old Caleen Colonies. The indication was that
miles to the west. When he compared these to certain known these centrally located settlements of the colonies must
oral histories of the Shattered Folk as obtained through have been built very near the Pit itself. Yet, search though he
interviews with the Plainsmen of Reme, he concluded that might, Gravenfar could find no mention of anything like the
there was a second meteor impact somewhere in the midst discovery a crater or pit referenced among the old colonial
of the central Haunted Steppe. Attempts to magically divine records still available in Reme. Gravenfar concludes from the
information about this second “Burning Star” all failed to fact that no such discovery is mentioned combined with the
provide any information, though. Anyone making use of this complete lack of information revealed by divinatory magic
section as a reference source gains a +2 bonus on Intelligence indicates an at least equal chance of a true-but-purposely-
(History) or (religion) checks involving the Burning Star or the concealed Pit of the Burning Star rather than an only-fictional
Pit of Yhath. Pit of the Burning Star. He is intrigued by this possibility and
resolves to look into it further. Anyone making use of this
section as a reference source gains a +2 bonus on Intelligence
Pages 19–36; On the properties of star metals: This section
(History) or (local) checks involving the Caleen Colonies or the
consists of a discussion on the properties of a number
Shattered Folk of the Haunted Steppe.
of special ores and alloys identified by alchemists and
metallurgists. It includes that several of these special metals
— the most common being adamantine — are originally of Pages 75–112; On safely traversing the Haunted Steppe:
extraterrestrial origin and are often ascribed to have come The final section of the journal relates how Gravenfar made
from falling stars, earning them the moniker of “star metals”. a final trip to Castorhage to consult the records at the Royal
These star metals are of extreme value to metalworkers Cartography SocietyLL7-261, as that city-state had made efforts
and magical practitioners alike, making the craters left by to explore and colonize the western shores of the Haunted
falling stars potential treasure troves for those who can find Steppe since 3262 I.R.LL7-216. From the puzzle pieces of oral
and exploit them. It further connects the discussion of the Shattered Folk traditions, Caleen Colony written accounts,
falling star in the “stars and star fall” section to the subject and the available Castorhagi charts, he has put together a
of this section by indicating that attempts to magically tentative route into the Haunted Steppe from a specific
locate the landing site of the legendary Burning Star of the point on the Wanaheeli River that he believes will enable his
Haunted Steppe have all been unsuccessful but notes that to locate the Pit of the Burning Star. He makes mention of
such spells don’t give a false indication of its location, rather his better-known desire to seek the “crèche of Hyperborea”
they simply fail to give any indication at all as if they are in the Stoneheart Mountains and indicates that the route he
being somehow blocked or thwarted. Gravenfar posits from has roughly devised to the Pit should not take him far off his
this that said Burning Star could, in fact, be made of the intended course to reach the upper Stonehearts, which he
rare star metal noqual, a star metal is noted for its antimagic intends to depart for in 3437 I.R.
properties. He goes on to say that a large find of such a star
metal would be unprecedented and of virtually incalculable
Unfortunately, this is where the journal abruptly ends. The
value. Anyone making use of this section as a reference
pages wherein the explorer recorded the actual route itself have
source gains a +2 bonus on Intelligence (Arcana) or Craft
been torn from the volume. Apparently, the representatives of
checks involving star metals.
the Conroi Expedition who sought to “copy” his route from
the journal in the Bannon’s possession tricked the wizard and
Pages 37–74; On the location of the Pit of the Burning Star: outright stole the pages instead. Nevertheless, the journal still
Further research among the Plainsmen into the legend of the retains a wealth of information and detail about the hazards
Burning Star convinced Gravenfar that it must have indeed of crossing the Haunted Steppe and provides the location of
landed somewhere in the central Haunted Steppe. In fact, a starting point for an expedition at the northernmost curve
he discovered ancient oral traditions among these former of the Wanaheeli River. Anyone making use of this section as
Shattered Folk tribesmen of a cursed place called Shataakh- a reference source gains advantage on Intelligence (History)
Uulm, or “The Pit of the Burning Star” in the KirkutLL8-30 or Wisdom (Survival) checks involving locations to be found
language of the Shattered Folk. From these legends and the upon or for traveling across the Haunted Steppe.


Your Worshipful Grace, We prepare to depart on the morrow. Col. Conroi has
assembled a glorious corps to undertake this grand venture. I shall keep a detailed
journal and provide you with updates of our progress. Conroi was able to obtain
the funding he had hoped from the silent backer, so we will be well equipped and
mounted to ensure our success. May the Sun Father smile on our endeavor. Your
humble servant, Azmerius Thade, Expedition Chaplain

- --- --- -

Your Worship, Leofric, We crossed the Wizard’s Wall today at Fort Prudence.
Tomorrow we trek along the shore of Shadowfall Lake at the wall’s base to reach
the plains-lands beyond. It is there we will begin our investigation into the ancient
Caleen settlements. Humbly, Az. Thade, Conroi Exp.

- --- --- -

These plains are peopled by a peaceful horsefolk called the Campacha. They have
welcomed our expedition and even told us of some “old stone houses” left by the
“people that lived before the dark times”. I can only assume they refer to the Caleen
colonists prior to the great shadow walker invasion. We shall soon see the physical
remnants left by our long-lost cousins. Your servant, Azmerius Thade, chaplain

Your Most Worshipfulness, The Rhemian scholars are extremely excited by
the archaeological remains they have found and confirm it was indeed the colonists
of Cale who built them. They claim there is evidence that more recent colonies may
exist to the west and wish to head in that direction, but Col. Conroi will brook
no discussion. He reminds them that his backer provided far more funds for
the expedition than did the Grand Duchy, and the backer’s goal lies across the
Wanaheeli in the great steppes beyond. Your humble servant, Az. Thade, chp.

- --- --- -

Your Worship L’fric, It has been decided. The expedition will split. The
Rhemian scholars and their underlings will remain on the Campacha Plains
and sift the dust for arrowheads and potsherds while Col. Conroi will lead the
soldiers and specialists provided by the island queen’s gold to cross the river and
claim the scholarly riches to be found there if old Gravenfar was right. I will
purchase more pigeons from the Campacha and keep you updated on our route
and progress. All for the glory of the great Sun Father and Truth-Speaker.
Ever his humblest slave, A. Thade, Con. chp.




Freyrmond 5th of Year 3439 by the Imperial Reckoning —

Your Most Worshipful Leofric, Archdeacon of Nains
From Your Humble Servant, Azmerius Thade of Mitra, Chaplain of the Conroi Expedition
Let today be my first official communique as the chaplain and informal historian of this auspicious expedition to
push back the shadow of savagery and the unknown and bear the light of Mitra and Civilization to the Heathen
Today we cross the Wanaheeli River at that point dictated by Aroldus Gravenfar in his own recent sojourn. We
officially leave behind the Campacha Plains and their now-familiar grasses and friendly tribesmen as we venture
forth to retrace the route of our ancestors these five-and-a-half centuries gone. May we tread boldly into the
unknown as did their beloved Prince Cale and bring to the light of knowledge with honor and reverence the path and
record of their endeavor — that now so-named Road of Sorrows where they left their hopes, dreams, and blood on
the wind-blown plains. Mitra rest their souls and grant us the wisdom to learn from their lives.
We are 163 this merry company following Col. Sixtun Conroi: soldiers, explorers, adventurers, cartographers,
engineers, historians, craftsmen, scouts, hunters, drovers, porters, teamsters, and the assorted women, children,
and entrepreneurs that congregate with any expedition of merit — patriots all. And though most are humans of
the central kingdoms, we include many Campachan scouts and hunters, as well as gnomes, half-elves, a handful of
elves, dwarves, and even four of the smallfolk among our number.
I am the official chaplain of the expedition in service to our own Sun Father and Truth-Speaker, Mitra, but
there are clergy and laymen to other faiths including that of Thyr, Sefagreth, Kudrak, Stryme, Freya, Oghma,
and Jamboor. I greatly look forward to sharing the faith of the Sun Father with my fellows and guiding them as we
provide succor and comfort to our mates on this great victory for the many peoples of Foere.
Truly we make a splendid sight in our myriad panoply of sizes, shapes, mounts, wains, and herds. Mitra must look
upon us and smile as we proceed in his work on this land.

Freyrmond 9th —
Today we encountered our first settlement among the “Shattered Folk” tribes who people this lonely land. They
are not so different than the Campacha we encountered south of the Wanaheeli. Their language is understandable
though somewhat different than that of the Campacha; clearly they diverged from some common ancestral tongue.
Their village is composed of leathern conical tents which they call “tipi” and which they can pack up on their ponies
and move at a moment’s notice. These people are guarded but willing to trade and share their ways with us. They
laugh at the notion we have arrived in the North, pointing farther along our direction of travel and saying, “North
is that way.”

Freyrmond 10th —
The journey proceeds, though it is unseasonably dry for the late spring. And, O how the wind howls. The
Campacha guides tell us that summer — which they call “Thaka” — sometimes gets lost making its way to the
Haunted Steppe. In the afternoon we were challenged by a great dust storm and lost our way for nearly an hour
afterward. One of the porters and a small child, the son of one of the washerwomen, went missing during the storm
and have yet to be found. If our search party cannot locate them, they will be the first casualties of what is becoming
a rather unpleasant journey.
Mitra protect them and rest their souls.

Freyrmond 13th —
It seems that disaster strikes already. We were ambushed today. A native tribe hiding among rocks on a nearby hill
rained black-feathered arrows upon us. By the time our skirmishers could reach them they had melted back into the
broken terrain. The native guides refused to pursue beyond sight of the column.
The watch captain thinks it was the tribe we passed some 4 days past, but the Campachans shake their heads and
look stoically at the black-fletched shafts. Alas but the first volley put a shaft into neck of a fellow man of the cloth,
a priest of Thyr named Rimilus. Two other men died and one more was wounded.
Col. Conroi has ordered the camp followers to the center of the column and shields kept at hand in the future.

Freyrmond 14th —
The wounded man, a muleskinner named Frankis Thome, sickened and his wound festered. I fear the savages
poisoned the bolt that took him in the foot. The colonel’s physiker had to take the leg at the knee with a saw to stop
the poison, and only my own healing ministrations by the blessing of Mitra were able to staunch the bleeding. Sun
Father bless him.

Ides of Freyrmond —
We buried Frankis Thome at daybreak.

Freyrmond 19th —
The dust storms are more severe now, hastening us to learn how to spot them in the distance and survive. Added to this is a new
worry. A party of primitives attacked us today, rising out of hidden pits in the dust and dirt. The savages swarmed us with stone
spears and black arrows but also with teeth and nails too. They use the same black-feathered shafts that assaulted us 6 days gone
and accounted for 3 of our number at that time. They battle with a wild savagery unlike any I have seen and use their teeth and
fingers to tear at the flesh of the men and consume it even as they fight. They are cannibals, and they like us raw. Gods save us.
The battle was long and bloody, but we put down full two dozen of them with another dozen captured. For their part, 13 good men
found early graves. Only the magical healing and elimination of poison that we had to offer prevented that number from being
twice again as much. Even the seasoned soldiers seem to have never encountered such barbarism. Watch Captain Taggert has
advised us all that everyone is a fighter now if we want to survive.
We have camped at the battle site for two days to bury our dead. Interrogating the near-mindless savages availed us nothing, and
the Campachans only look on them with fear and make the sign to ward off evil. Col. Conroi’s physiker, a fellow called Manx,
seems to be more than a mere mender of broken bones. After dark he took the prisoners outside the camp under guard, and we heard
his mystical chanting while the captives screamed, only to be silenced one by one. When he and the soldiers returned, they were
Their shallow graves make a hideous circle as warning to others.
Col. Conroi announces that on the morrow we will make a course correction based on the writings of Gravenfar we have been
following. I will use this Circled Twelve as a waymarker so that future travelers can retrace our route. But I dare not reveal our
bearings as yet in case these missives should fail to make it to your hands, Your Eminence. It amuses me, so I will concoct a riddle
to disguise our new direction of travel from here. Imagine if you will, a circle of twelve points aligned between the cardinal and
ordinal directions, as I have described the burials. Here is the means to know which way to proceed:
The rose’s needle always points you where to start.
March with time to the God of War,
Then Planting’s number retrace before.
Then count the just graves too, plus three more that are true.
If you have not deduced the answer by my return, Excellency, I will happily share the secret with you over a cup of mulled wine.

Freyrmond 24th —
A soldier called Osfeldt disappeared while on guard duty last night. There was no sign of a struggle. The men
whisper of ancient curses and the supernatural, while the children cry and whine in the followers’ camp. I think the
lout deserted.

Freyrmond 27th —
Two more men who walked the night watch were missing this morning along with a young cobbler girl. Not even the
Campacha scouts can discover traces of them beyond the camp.

Eostre 3rd —
Tonight I dare to write of a victory for our expedition. Though we have lost a score of men to date, this afternoon
we found old ruins — remnants of abandoned structures we suspect belong to the old Caleen settlements. I believe
this might have once been the Caleen fort of Remeria that Oldranui wrote of in his Geogrammatica. The walls are
battered by these storms of dust and now lightning, but several are still defensible and serve as foundations upon
which we can pitch or tent covers and circle up our wagons and stock. For once with solid stone around us we can rest
without fear of waking up with missing men in the morning. We have sacrificed much and our supplies dwindle in
this desolate region, but for tonight, we are as safe as we have been in weeks.
As I finish today's entry, a ferocious wind rips through the camp with a howl like some stalking beast. The camp
women complain of other noises too, but they are always prone to such superstitious prattle. The sound is eerie, I
confess. But I am favored of Mitra, and in any event I am exhausted. There will be much exploration of the ruins

Eostre 8th —
I petition Mitra for strength and ask that you, Holy Eminence, pray for the spirit of our errand to be restored.
There has been open fighting these last few days. Our Compachan companions complained loudly this morning
of short equipment and shorter rations. Everyone has had to tighten their belts, and one blessed child was laid to
rest last evening having finally succumbed to hunger and fatigue. The mothers are barely able to eat enough to stay
upright, and if they fall there is no one to care for their little ones. Conroi will not allow the expedition members to
take in any of the children, saying we can’t afford to support beyond our own and the camp followers should have
known better than to bring their babes along. I confess to having used Mitra’s gifts to provide some small food for a
few of the worse-off children, but my own resources are already stretched to the limit just keeping the expedition and
its stock fed and watered.
For his part the quartermaster, Balhombris, turns a blind eye and a deaf ear to the privations, and the colonel
sides with him. He says the Campachans and the camp followers can turn back for home if they wish — though no
man doubts that setting out across this dusty, savage-hunted land without the full column is anything but a death
It is clear that, like Manx, Balhombris is Conroi’s man through and through. That they have an agenda, it is
clear. But I confess to Your Eminence I don’t know what that means. This is surely more than just seeking
to follow the northern reach of the Caleen Colonies of old. If only that, why need Gravenfar’s writings? We
have the Geogrammatica and any number of Rhemian maps and atlases from the old days. What do they hope to
find amid these scattered ruins and tribes? And why does our quiet quartermaster seem so content to cause such
I fear the matter is beyond my feeble wisdom. Perhaps your own sagacity can find some meaning in it, Your

Eostre 21st —
I must apologize for writing less often, Your Eminence. I have the time to write, and the setting down of our
journey is important, but the pigeons I employed have stopped returning from Tanith and I only have a few left. I
will write every day, but I must now trust that my letters will reach you according to the Sun Father’s timing.
We have been encamped for 2 days now after discovering the most amazing thing. In a small hollow in the ground
we found a cave. And within the cave the most wonderful contraption you have ever seen. It is a map of the
surrounding area built in topographical relief in almost perfect miniature. It is a work of art is what it is. And it
is marked with an indicator — of direction, I believe. Manx says this was a created by Gravenfar, though how
he knows and what’s its purpose is, he will not say. However, I can only assume it is related to whatever the true
purpose of our expedition is. Col. Conroi is remaining extremely tight-lipped and has barred entry to the cave to
all but himself, Manx, and a few of the engineers. Whatever they are doing, I’m sure it is to prevent others from
following as we once again shift course. We head out tomorrow.
Scouts captured a member of one of the cannibal bands attempting to sneak up on us. Col. Conroi has turned him
over to Manx for questioning. We hear his grunts and cries at night from the interrogation, but he spends the day
with hands bound and a burlap sack over his head.
Some of our rapidly diminishing flock of sheep have begun to show signs of illness.

Eostre 24th —
There is sickness in the column. It affects the very young or those already injured or infirm. It is a malaise and
includes a yellowing of the eyes and under the tongue. Three sheep and one horse have died. Some of the other
animals are beginning to look sickly as well. The Campachans say that the ground here is bad.
The cannibal attacks have stopped.

Eostre 26th —
The Campacha guides are all gone. They left in the night without a word, heading back to the south. Conroi
considered pursuing them but chose to press on.
Somehow I don’t believe they will make it.

Eostre 30th —
Last night the missing guard Osfeldt returned to our camp. From a distance he appeared tired and travel-worn,
perhaps stricken by the same malaise. Hammas, our youngest man (barely 15) ran out to greet him. The treachery
was revealed when Osfeldt tore out his neck with sharp claws and fangs. No cannibal, was Osfeldt. He had
returned as an undead monstrosity. The ghoul disappeared into the night before the crossbowmen could fire. We
burned Hammas’s body.

Calends of Tiwemond —
We doubled the guard last night. There was a ruckus, and our guards found a poor teamster named Mildren
paralyzed on the ground. A vicious claw wound marked his left arm. When he came to, he said strange ghouls
appeared out of the dark and attacked. He saw they bore burn scars upon their emaciated bodies. If the guard
hadn’t been doubled, we surely would have been overrun. I fear Mildren won’t ever regain full use of his numbed

Tiwemond 6th —
Mitra preserve His children. I have witnessed many things today, and I cannot say that one of them is more
pleasant to report than any other.
A mercenary called Billij was found rended at his post with the morning’s light. More unsettling, the skin
around each bite was red and blistered as if his attacker had scalded his meal with boiling water before sinking its
fangs in. Then tragedy struck again. At dusk a howling pack of ghouls beset our column. Among them was Osfeldt
and Billij (who we failed to burn, building only a small cairn in our haste to depart) and 4 or 5 others. After a
pitched battle, the remaining ghouls retreated. We killed 2 of their number. They killed 3 of our men and left 2
others paralyzed and helpless. There being only a half dozen left, Watch Captain Taggert took 12 of the men and
pursued to avenge our dead and end their menace for good. The rest of the column formed a defensive perimeter and
burned the bodies in a great pyre in the center that we made by breaking up 3 of the wagons.

Tiwemond 7th —
Today is Beltane, the first day of summer, by my reckoning of the calendar — even though we only celebrated
Lover’s Day less than a fortnight ago. Despite the sparse growth of the ground cover, the plains remain as arid as
ever, though now the ceaseless wind grows uncomfortably hot by the middle of the day. I am beginning to miss the
chill breeze of less than a month ago. But I am stalling…trying to avoid putting to parchment that which I must
as part of this cursed record.
The sortie didn’t return last night. At noon 6 of the men returned to camp tired and wounded. They said the ghouls
showed a ferocious cunning they had never encountered before. They led Taggert and his riders into a narrow, dead-
end gulch. Then once all the riders were committed, more ghouls pounced from above. Watch Captain Taggert was
the first to go down. These 6 managed to escape only because the ghouls stayed to devour their hapless paralyzed
companions rather than pursue.
At this Col. Conroi gave the order that I never thought I would hear another civilized man say. All who had
steeds were to mount up and leave behind the camp followers, and drovers, and porters. I argued that there was room
on the two wagons for at least the few remaining children, but he would brook no argument from myself or the other
clergymen present. Many tears were shed as Conroi’s officers looked on with loaded crossbows to defy shirkers.
More than a few of my canonical compatriots chose to stay behind with those afoot to continue to guide them
towards safety — though what that safety might be, I cannot say.
I am sworn to the service of the expedition, so I had no choice to stay behind, but I clasped hands with every one of
those fine fellows who did. I admit my own eyes were not dry either. As we rode off, condemning those innocents to
who knows what fate, I demanded an explanation from the colonel. But he brushed me off. Our very purpose for
braving these undocumented dangers was to find the remains of the Caleen Migration of nearly 6 centuries ago,
but apparently that story covers up Conroi’s true motivation. He says we seek something far more important and
rewarding. Several men balked at this secrecy, but their objections lasted only until the remaining watch captain, a
fellow named Ossel, forbade me to use my healing abilities on any deserters or dissenters…and sickness still runs
through the company.
We serve a strange master now; Conroi seems obsessed with something and many men feel more lives will be lost
before we find it.

Tiwemond 23rd —
I believe now that we are in dire need of rescue. We are far removed from home but traveling slowly. This morning
we woke to find that our quartermaster, his deputies, and the entirety of the morning watch have taken our stores
and gone their separate way. We are left with the food in our personal packs and the weapons under our bedrolls.
The company seems united in purpose with their absence, but that purpose has become survival instead of discovery
— or perhaps it is now revenge. Col. Conroi has ordered everyone who can ride in pursuit of the deserters.

Daan 2nd —
We have been camped at this crossing for 7 days. Yesterday we hanged the quartermaster and his accomplices from
the strange rock formation over the river. I protested it as a waste of manpower in this, our time of peril, but Col.
Conroi scoffed. He has taken to calling our makeshift gallows “Azmerius’s Angle” in mockery of me. I dare say
nothing further; I am too weak. There is no one now to stand up to Conroi, and Manx, and his coterie of fellow
conspirators. Those of us that are left — and few enough it is, our entire company is less than three dozen now —
have no choice by to stay together to survive.
The disease has weakened everyone, and the strange burns persist despite my best attempts at healing. Col. Conroi
has ordered that we will rest here another few days before making our final push.

Daan 5th —
The guards claim they saw a watcher in the night. An apparition in tattered saffron robes who stands silent in the
dark beyond the firelight and disappears before he can be approached. Manx scoffs, but I believe them. What else
could be expected from this cursed land.

Daan 7th —
We have departed from the natural bridge, and Col. Conroi assures as that we are near our prize and that loyalty
will be amply rewarded and in sufficient largesse to make us easily forget the hardship and trials we have faced thus
far. I no longer trust his motives, but I have devised my own plan. I have fished for a way to guide others in our
steps even though the colonel’s paranoia prevents me from recording much detail of our route. Yes, I have fished
indeed, and I have “caught” a solution.
I sent a rider from the Angle along our back trail. A loyal lad and faithful follower of Mitra. He is ostensibly to
look for any sign of our refugee party left behind, but in reality I secretly gave him a map and a box to deposit at the
springs. I have devised a series of six clues from the six points on our journey where we changed course. I am calling
them my Path of the Six: the Circled Twelve, Conroi’s Wall, Gravenfar’s Cave, Sixtun’s Spyglass at the
tower, the Hallelujah Springs, and my own Azmerius’s Angle where I fished for inspiration. By following the
trail and the clues left at each, another exploration party should be able to retrace our steps and bring jusice where
Col. Conroi has denied it.
I hope the boy makes it back. Only 17 years old. He reminded me of poor dead Hammas.

Daan 9th —
A column of unbroken dark smoke on the northern horizon. Col. Conroi says that is our goal where all will be
The guards continue to claim that the apparition is watching. It seems to draw closer each night. I fear what will be
revealed when it finally appears within the bounds of the firelight.

Daan 11th —
What nightmare is this?
We have discovered the nature of our doom; the object of our obsessive march north. We neared the black smoke, and
came to the edge of a vast crater seemingly almost a mile across. I believe it must have been caused by a falling star
in some long-bygone era. The smoke rises, unbroken, from a fissure at the center of the crater but with no discernable
source. The floor of the crater is peopled by the shambling forms of the burned and burning walking dead, no few of
them resembling missing members of our own troupe even at this distance.
Col. Conroi and that blasted Manx held a hushed conference but seem intent upon entering those haunted depths.
Of our original 163 only 34 remain, but he is obsessed with somehow winning through to whatever prize he claims it
I don’t wish to enter those depths nor can I focus on the makings of a plan, because on the opposite lip of the crater
a lone figure stands and silently watches us. And though I can’t make out the details from here, somehow I know it
wears tattered yellow robes.

Daan 12th —
I fear that this will be my last message to Your Emimence. Forgive me for my ignorance and lack of foresight in
falling into this unholy trap of an expedition. I have saved the last pigeon to release to you as soon as I set down
these final thoughts.
Conroi and his men entered the pit at nightfall under cover of darkness. I know not what has become of them. A
dozen men refused to accompany him, and for a moment I thought he might order the rest to attack, but I think the
odds seemed too great even for him. He left the dissenters with me while he and Manx led the rest down a path to
the crater floor. We heard sounds of struggle but saw little in the gloom.
As the shadows lengthened the burning dead began to rise forth from the pit a few at a time. Fearing greater
numbers we retreated to a defensible cave we had scouted in the crater’s rim earlier. It is an old mine shaft from at
least the days of the Caleen if not before. We will hold here and wait for daylight to make our escape.
The stranger is here! The yellow apparition stands at the mouth of the mine and insanity has come. The men tear
at each other like animals, deep brown burns appearing on their skin. Some of them are hammering at the supports
of the mine entrance to bring it down upon us and block that hateful apparition from sight. I must make haste and
away with the bird before it is too late.
He comes


Adventure 5:
Race for Shataakh-Ulm

Following the Legend of the Burning Star, the adventurers retrace

the Conroi Expedition’s path out into the seemingly endless plains
of the Haunted Steppe and face the legendary perils to be found
there. Braving the harsh elements, hostile cannibal tribes, and eerie
burning undead, the party must piece together the hidden trail left
by the expedition nearly a century before. In doing so they discover
the true prize sought by that ill-fated group as well as an ancient
evil from the Lost Lands’ past that could arise to threaten all the
civilized realms if left unchecked.
INTRODUCTION the region, turning the already arid landscape into an even
harsher environment in the thousands of square miles
surrounding the point of impact.
The adventure’s events immediately follow those begun
in Legend of the Burning Star, at the edge of civilization Because of the remote location of the devastation, only
preparing to cross the Wanaheeli River and enter the the wandering tribes of Shattered Folk noted the site where
bleak Haunted Steppe. From there, the PCs trek across the great stone fell to earth. To scholars and astromancers*
this desolate landscape in the doomed footsteps of the of the civilized southlands it was merely a mysterious falling
explorers that came before them as they search for the star of great magnitude and was soon forgotten. And even
elusive answers to their many questions surrounding their among the Shattered Folk, beyond a general avoidance of
final destination: the fabled Pit of the Burning Star. the region, knowledge of the cataclysmic event faded from
most collective thought and memory over time. The tribes
In the Lost Lands setting Race for Shataakh-Uulm takes of the Shattered Folk did keep the legend of the Pit of the
place in the midst of the Haunted Steppe, the trackless Burning Star — or Shataakh-Uulm in their language of
plains that comprise the whole of the northwestern Kirkut — alive in their folklore, but little was made of it
quarter of the continent of Akados. The Haunted Steppe is beyond a simple fable about a barren region of the central
a shunned and desolate land steeped in a history of tragedy steppes where no one much wanted to travel anyway.
and bloodshed on a scale seen nowhere else on the world
of Lloegyr. And, as the name implies, the entire accursed Nonetheless, an occasional curious or unwise soul would
region is considered by most to be haunted. It is into turn his mind’s eye in the direction of the lonesome,
this daunting wilderness that the player characters must smoldering hellhole in the middle of a godsforsaken waste
sojourn. and wonder what secrets it might yet hold. When more than
a thousand years later, in 2861 I.R., Prince Cale, twin brother
of the Foerdewaith Overking Kennet and first grand duke
ADVENTURE of the recently established Grand Duchy of Reme turned
his eyes towards the open lands of the Haunted Steppe as

BACKGROUND a new frontier for colonization, he began the trek down

the long road of destiny that made him perhaps the most
noteworthy of the Pit’s misguided visitors.
Two millennia ago, a meteor composed of exceedingly rare
starmetals — a crust of siccatite wrapped around a core of Prince Cale led the ill-fated colonization of the Haunted
noqual — fell from the sky and landed in the midst of the Steppe in what became known as the Caleen Colonies.
vast plains of northern Akados. Its plummet was only hours His Rhemian colonies stretched far to the west along the
behind a sister meteor that landed in the desolate Red Deepfells Mountains at the southern edge of the steppe
Waste, thousands of miles to the east in the distant Assurian and far to the northwest across the interior of the plains
PlainsAK:M. The devastating impact from this enormous in what was to later become known as the Road of Sorrows.
celestial projectile vaporized the earth with its heat and The elven heritage that ran in the veins of the overkings
force and delved a crater deep into ground, while throwing of Foere ensured that Cale lived to see his colonies reach
up massive crater walls high above the surrounding plains. all the way to the forbidden shores of Lake Hali and the
The superheated matter bored deep into the ground and foothills of the Lost Mountains in 2931 I.R., and it was this
buried itself beneath the debris thrown up by its own force. act that triggered the 16-year onslaught of ever-mounting
What plains dwellers weren’t instantly annihilated by the humanoid raids that ultimately developed into a full-
destruction of the landing, by virtue of being many, many scale shadow walker-led invasion that rolled across the
miles away, nevertheless witnessed the fiery streak of its Caleen Colonies as it streamed down from the north. This
descent and felt the tremor of its arrival. All those within devastating invasion was only prevented from penetrating
hundreds of miles saw the plumes of black, caustic smoke into Reme and the heartlands of Foere beyond by the timely
that rose taller than the highest mountains the surrounded creation of the Wizard’s Wall in 2947 by the archmages
the Haunted Steppe causing devastation to the wildlife of Margon and AlycthronLL1-100, blocking Crynomar Gap from

*Astromancy has a long history in the Lost Lands. An astromancer is a magical practitioner who combines astrology with the physical laws of
astronomy. See page 88 of Bard's Gate by Necromancer Games, page 197 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett's Crooked City, and page 281 of LL8: Bard's
Gate, both by Frog God Games.

the shadow horde until it finally dispersed back into the
fringes of the Haunted Steppe from which it had spawned.

Great was the grieving in Reme and the whole of the

Kingdoms of Foere for the loss of the many thousands of
colonists, not the least of which was the beloved Grand
Duke Cale of the House of Macobert himself. But little
did the southlanders know that this object of their grief
deserved no such lamentation, for Cale, the Grand Duke
of Reme and Prince of Foere, had died in the Pit of the
Burning Star long before the shadow walker invasion.

It was almost 1,500 years before interest in the Legend of

the Burning Star reared again in the southlands. This time
it was the famed explorer Aroldus Gravenfar who began
researching it after searching for the infamous Book of the
Star-SeedAK:M relating to the Burning Star’s sister meteorite in
distant Libynos. After the legendary Gravenfar disappeared
upon the Haunted Steppe, it was only two years later that
the Conroi Expedition likewise crossed the Wizard’s Wall
to explore the vast steppes beyond. Ostensibly the Conroi
Expedition was to follow in the footsteps of the long-lost
Caleen Colonies and find what they could of the fates of
their ancestors, but while a portion of the expedition was
actually successful in establishing the Conroi Settlements
at the southern edge of the Haunted Steppe, a less well-
known portion of the expedition indeed travelled far up
the Road of Sorrows — but not all the way to Lake Hali.
No, this expedition sought not the remnants of the Caleen
Colonies but rather the discovery that Cale himself had ADVENTURE SUMMARY
made and that ultimately led to his own doom and that
of his people. This expedition sought the legendary Pit of With the events of Legend of the Burning Star behind them
the Burning Star. The expedition suffered mightily from and civilization at their backs, the PCs and their expedition
the privations and dangers of the Haunted Steppe, but its cross the Wanaheeli River and enter into the ultimate
survivors managed to reach their intended destination, uncharted territories of Akados — the Haunted Steppe.
only to fall to the insidious powers that now controlled the Here, numerous natural hazards and hostile creatures,
site. In the end, the land, its inhabitants and the treasure including the vicious Shattered Folk, dog their every step
itself devoured them in a bloody revelry of carnage and across the unforgiving grasslands. The PCs, following
madness upon the verge of the very prize they sought. Aroldus Gravenfar’s journal recovered in Dun Eamon and
Azmerius’s writings that they unearthed in Nains, discover
the landmarks known as The Path of the Six left by those
Gravenfar and the Conroi Expedition vanished into that came before them. Along the way, they encounter the
anonymity, causing the trail to once again grow cold. Yet, the strange burning dead monstrosities that their predecessors
Pit of the Burning Star’s patience wears thin. Its existence described in their writings. In addition, the PCs soon realize
continues to appeal to Man’s greed, and magnificent that they are not alone in their quest, as other factions also
tales of rich star metals once again reach voracious ears. desire the impact site’s legendary wealth. Orcs from the
In response to the tantalizing rumors, several states and Stoneheart Mountains and mercenaries under the employ
powerful individuals launched their own bids to acquire of an unscrupulous noble of the Kingdom of Foere stand
the Pit’s riches. While dreams of fabulous riches dance in in the way of their mission. Worse still, they may also learn
the heads of the seekers, nightmares of eldritch lore and that their dwarven allies have deceived them and pursue an
sheer lunacy swirl about in this remote stronghold and agenda of their own that does not include the good fortune
await only the arrival of those in pursuit of the valuable or even the survival of the PCs.
star metals to be unleashed upon the lands of Akados.

Beating back the living, unliving, and natural obstacles beneath the crater, the PCs discover the undead creatures’
barring their path, the PCs finally glimpse the millennia- peculiar handiwork. They have been extracting the molten
old, roaring fire that still burns inside the heart of an ore seeping from the burning comet for centuries and
immense, smoking crater. A thorough search of the combining it with another highly radioactive crystal leeched
surrounding area reveals the final resting place of the from the comet called metallurgic amber to mint coins
Conroi Expedition inside the collapsed mine where the tainted with that isotope’s madness-inducing properties as
deranged members tore each other to pieces in wild fits part of a greater scheme begun centuries ago by none other
of madness along with the surprising discovery that the than the Great Old One, Hastur the Unspeakable. Now
correspondence they have followed was never sent by the controlled by undead in service to the King in Yellow, it is
survivors but somehow made its way to the archives of Hastur’s will that the madness spawned by the radiation
Nains by other unknown means. of the Pit of the Burning Star be spread throughout the
Lost Lands so that the nations of Akados can be brought
into the fold of a new Carcosa with the spreading of his
Hordes of burning undead, a Castorhagi team of
madness. The arrival of the PCs proves to be the means of
mercenary specialists, and a rival group from Bard’s Gate
stopping this ancient plot but could well also prove to be
hamper — or can potentially aid the PCs’ efforts — to delve
the very means of its success if they are not careful.
deeper into the crater. However, in the mines and caverns

The expedition had opportunity to purchase supplies

INTO THE HAUNTED and mounts and hire guides at the end of the previous
adventure. If you did not play that adventure, then the

materials available for hire in the Conroi Settlements on
the Plains of Campacha include any items with a general
value of 4,000 gp or less. Spellcasting services can be
acquired from NPCs as well, for spells up to 6th level. At
Unlike its predecessors in the Ashes of Empires Adventure
the GM’s option, there also may be magic items for sale, up
Path, the previous adventure, Legend of the Burning Star
to 1d6 rare or even very rare items, 2d6 uncommon items,
segues directly into Race for Shataakh-Uulm. Accompanied
and 3d6 common items.
by their Ironskull dwarf allies, the PCs stand on the bank of
the Wanaheeli River that straddles the boundary between
civilization — such as it is in the Conroi Settlements — Prices for supplies and mounts are available at the
and the largely uncharted expanse of the Haunted Steppe. standard prices listed in the core 5E rulebooks or SRD,
A long journey across the arid grasslands awaits them on though the only kind of horses that can be purchased are
the other side of the swift waterway. mustangs (see Appendix A, page 554).

If you have chosen to run Race for Shataakh-Uulm The only hirelings that will cross the Wanaheeli River
without running Legend of the Burning Star first, you can with the expedition are guides, and these must be paid 5 sp
involve your players in this adventure in multiple ways. The per day with a two-week advance. The expedition must also
simplest way is to simply bring the PCs into the quest for provide provisions for the guides and their mounts. No
the Burning Pit by having them hired directly by Goribald more than three guides can be hired in the settlements, and
Ironskull who instructs them to meet him to undertake any guide has a 50% chance of being of either Foerdewaith
the quest at the Wanaheeli River at the northern edge of ancestry or Compachan ancestry (for Shattered Folk). All
the Conroi Settlements. This brings the PCs immediately guides ride mustangs.
into the adventure at the point where Race for Shataakh-
Uulm picks up without requiring the skullduggery and
misdirection that they must endure in Legend of the CAMPACHAN GUIDE
Burning Star just to reach this point. This creates a more
straightforward method of getting the PCs directly into the Medium humanoid (human), neutral
hunt for the Burning Pit yet still leaves the many surprises Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
and deceptions that lie in store for them intact. Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
Speed 30 ft.
Alternately, you can have the PCs pursuing the legendary STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Burning Pit for their own reasons. Perhaps they are scholars
of Aroldus Gravenfar seeking to retrace the steps of his 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
last journey, or perhaps like that erstwhile explorer they Skills Athletics +5, Perception +5, Stealth +5, Survival +5
too hope to locate the Burning Star whose tale parallels
Senses passive Perception 15
that of the Pit of YhathAK:M-74 in Libynos. If you opt to go
in this direction, you will either need to find a reason for Languages Common, KirkutLL8
the PCs to ally with the Ironskull expeditionary group — Challenge 3 (700 XP)
perhaps sharing a mutual goal and an agreement to share
what is found between them — or substantially rework Speak with Animals. The guide may cast speak with
the adventure itself to remove the references to the PCs
animals as a ritual spell.
accompanying that company of mountain dwarf company
explorers. You will also need to account for the revealed Special Gear. Each Campachan guide carries a
Ironskull betrayal that occurs later in the adventure. potion of healing for emergencies.

Multiattack. The guide makes two attacks with a
melee weapon or three attacks with a shortbow.

Handaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 In addition to any hired guides and the PCs themselves,
ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) the rest of the expedition consists of the expedition leader,
Goribald Ironskull, his captain, Okrem Kresh, 6 Clan Ironskull
slashing damage. guards, and 4 halfling envoys named Bono Curlytop, Val
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. Nannygarter, Silas Soggybottom, and Billie Pumpkin. Remove
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) any of expedition members that were slain in the previous
piercing damage, or 7 (1d8 +3) piercing damage if adventure. The dwarves ride riding horses, and halflings
used with two hands to make a melee attack. ride ponies. A remuda of an additional 6 riding horses and 2
ponies accompany the group as remounts along with a string
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range of 11 mules for supplies and equipment.
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
MUSTANG Small humanoid (halfling), lawful evil
Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
XP 100
Hit Points 88 (16d6 + 32)
hp 22 (see Appendix A, page 545)
Speed 25 ft.
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 16 (+3)
Medium humanoid (human), neutral
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt) Skills Acrobatics +6, Deception +5, Perception +3,
Hit Points 40 (9d8) Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +8
Speed 30 ft. Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Halfling
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 4 (1,100) XP
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)
Skills Animal Handling +6, Athletics +2, Perception Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the envoy
+6, Stealth +6, Survival +6 can use a bonus action to take the Dash,
Senses passive Perception 16 Disengage, or Hide action.
Languages Common, Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Halfling Traits. The envoy has advantage on saving
Halfling, Orc, Sylvan throws against being frightened, and can move
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) through the space of any creature that is Medium
sized or larger.
ACTIONS Sneak Attack (1/turn). The envoy deals an extra 14
Multiattack. The guide makes two melee weapon (4d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon
attacks. attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the
ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) nevoy that isn’t incapacitated and the envoy
piercing damage. doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) ACTIONS
piercing damage, or 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage Multiattack. The envoy makes two attacks.
if used with two hands to make a melee attack. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) budgeoning damage.
hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 3) Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
piercing damage. hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4)
budgeoning damage.

CROSSING THE WANAHEELI 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet traveled in
this way. At the end of this movement, creatures swept away
Once you have determined the reasons for the party’s
must make a Strength (Athletics) check with a DC of 18 to
involvement in this quest across the Haunted Steppe, the
avoid drowning and make it to shore. The current carries
adventure begins at the Wanaheeli River (area A on the
those swept away at a speed of 100 feet per round for those
Haunted Steppe map) as they prepare to cross into the
who try to keep pace along the shore.
wilderness of the vast and uncharted plains.
The serrated points of several stones pierce the roiling veneer of Development: Obviously, as high-level characters, the
the fast-moving Wanaheeli River that carves a path across the party can probably easily circumvent the river by magical
desolate grasslands. The rocky riverbed is visible in some shallow or other means. However, the dwarves of the Ironskull
spots, but the churning, frothy water conceals much of the bottom Expedition and the many riding and pack animals will
beneath the foam. The land beyond the river stretches for as far as be forced to use more mundane means unless the party
the eye can see, a seemingly tireless monotony of hardy, greenish- intends to whisk them across as well.
brown grasses covers the parched swells of the rolling plain.

Goribald intends to try to locate an area of shallows

For most travelers, the Wanaheeli River can present a where they can attempt a crossing (see above). He will
significant obstacle. Several pontoon bridges and even a few then send two of the strongest dwarves in his company to
stone bridges are known to cross it, but none of these are in wade across bearing heavy ropes tied to their waists unless
the area where the PCs’ expedition intends to cross to start the party volunteers to take this duty upon themselves.
their journey as indicated by the writings of the Conroi These dwarves bear the normal risk of being swept away
Expedition. To do so would require a journey of at least 100 as detailed above, but with the advantage that they can be
miles just to reach such a crossing and then make it back pulled out by the comrades after 1 round of being buffeted
to point A on the wilderness map. Roughly 70 feet wide, for 1d6 x 5 feet. If the dwarves make it across, they secure
the fierce current and jagged stones that line the waterway their ends of the ropes to hardy scrub trees growing on
make it impassable to any vessel larger than a small kayak the opposite bank while Goribald and company secures
or canoe. Even then, the boatman must succeed on a DC 16 their ends to similar trees on the near bank. Then using
Wisdom (Survival) check to safely navigate to the opposite carabinersMoM to attach themselves and their animals to
bank. On a failed check, the boat crashes into the rocks, the crossing ropes, the dwarves will attempt the crossing.
tearing a hole that causes it to rapidly sink. Someone in a The use of the rope and carabiners provides advantage to
capsized or destroyed boat as well as those that attempt to any rolls related to the crossing attempt, and means on a
swim across the channel must succeed on a DC 17 Strength failed check the individual is only delayed for 1 round as
(Athletics) check to get to safety or the other side. they slip and are buffeted for 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage
after which they can regain his footing and make another
The Wanaheeli River averages 3d4+2 feet deep along its Strength (Athletics) check until the crossing is complete.
length, but in some areas are shallows only 1d3 feet deep.
These shallows can be located with a successful DC 15
Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature) check and can
be used to walk across the river, although those crossing From an ecological standpoint, the Haunted Steppe is
must still contend with the current which is strongest at just that — a steppe. It is a cool, semi-arid biome overrun
these shallower sections. A creature that walks atop the with short grasses. Water and food can be scarce, especially
shallow rocks and the accompanying rapids must succeed during the winter months. The land is overwhelming flat
on a DC 13 Strength check to fight against the powerful with some modest undulations and the occasional small
current to avoid being swept away. A Small creature has hill. This fact coupled with the lack of trees — other than
disadvantage on this check, and a Large creature has scrubs that proliferate along waterways — and other
advantage. Additionally, creatures crossing the river at tall plants increases visibility throughout much of the
these locations receive advantage if they have more than Haunted Steppe to 6d6 x 40 feet. The range decreases
two legs. Unlike normal Strength checks, wearing heavy slightly in regions that contain swales and other changes
armor grants disadvantage to this roll, as does any degree in elevation. The absence of undergrowth also significantly
of encumbrance. eases overland travel through the area. Horses are perfectly
suited for this terrain, as any visible natural and manmade
obstacles are easily avoidable in most circumstances.
Any creature swept away by the current is carried 1d6 x
10 feet before getting clear of the shallows section, taking

THE HAUNTED STEPPE Folk, a scattered, utterly broken people that scratch out
a meager existence in this unforgiving realm. Whether
it was the rebellious Hundaei settlers or the orthodox
HISTORY OF THE HAUNTED STEPPE members of the greater empire who drew first blood has
Thirty-five hundred years ago the vast empire of the been lost to history and hardly matters, for once blood
Hundaei people dominated the grasslands of the Great was spilled over the broken taboo the flames of bloody
Steppes — later to become known as the Haunted Steppe. civil war swept across the millions of inhabitants of the
These nomadic horse archers and peerless warriors Great Steppes in almost no time at all.
literally lived off the land, hunting the plentiful game It is estimated that more than 23 million Hundaei lived
and reaping the wild grains that grew in abundance on upon the Great Steppes at the height of the Hundaei
the endless steppes. Joined from thousands of disparate Empire in or around 680 I.R. By 683 scholars believe there
tribes into a single great people in 7 I.R. by the Great were no more than 100,000, split up into tiny, scattered
Khan Jaganga, he formed his legendary Invincible Horde, clan and family groups, many of which fled the steppes
and for the next 650 years dominated the entirety of the altogether to find homes in northeastern Akados or
steppes and provided the only real and credible threat across the Isthmus of Irkaina. The few intrepid explorers
to the burgeoning Hyperborean Empire since its battle that dared breach the suddenly silent grasslands where
for independence from its Borean forebears. Always the once had thundered the hooves of countless horselords
threat of the “Hun” lances and arrows were poised at the described vast battlefields of the dead — of all ages —
throats of the Hyperborean imperators, and though they left to decompose in the sun and at the talons and teeth
fortified themselves against the horselords’ incursions of vultures and other scavengers. Such was the carnage
they could never be said to have truly felt safe. that one nameless witness with a bit of a poetic bent was
Then something happened that significantly changed known to have famously said that the skulls of the dead
the balance of the two empires and the very shape of life lay so thick across the plains that one could walk from the
on Akados forever, and the Hundaei ceased to exist as Crynomar Gap to the Lost Mountains without once ever
a people in only three short years. Known to only the stepping foot upon the earth. An obvious exaggeration
most thoroughly invested scholars of the Hundaei and of outrageous proportions, this summation nevertheless
understood by none known to be alive today, some clans held enough truth that what were once the Great Steppes of
of the Hundaei dared to settle in the shadow of the Nam- the Hundaei Empire became indelibly changed to become
i-Budhani — the Lost Mountains — on the very shores known as the cursed and forlorn Haunted Steppe, home
of distant Lake Hali. Much like what occurred with the to only the few scattered and furtive tribes of survivors —
Caleen Colonies more than 2,000 years later, a bloodbath now known as the Shattered Folk — that remained.
quickly ensued. But this bloodbath was no invasion at And so it was that after the passage of a thousand years,
the hands of savage humanoid tribes or near-mythical only these few tribes of Shattered Folk were present to
shadow walkers, this was a bloodbath wrought by the bear witness to a burning star that fell from the sky and
hands of the Hundaei themselves. landed in the center of the steppes.
Long had the lands around Lake Hali and the slopes
of the Lost Mountains been strictly taboo to the folk of COINAGE IN THE HAUNTED STEPPE
the Hundaei. None could say for sure why, but many clan Many forms of currency and coinage can be found across
elders and shamans spoke of bloodlust and madness that the Haunted Steppe, but those from Foere are perhaps
must always ensue from those who dare to break the taboo. the most common. Gold sovereigns (sometimes referred
to as “crowns”) are the standard coinage of FoereLL0, TBM-41;
Within the span of three short years, the Hundaei
which includes the following coins of the realm.
inexplicably descended into anarchy. The formerly
unified clans fought a brief but ferocious civil war that Emperor (platinum) “rex” = 1 pp
left Hundaei civilization and its people in ruins. Some Sovereign (gold) “crown” = 1 gp
survivors fled to distant Libynos, but many refused Noble (silver) = 1 sp
to abandon their ancestral homeland. Over time, the
Silver penny (silver) = 5 cp
Hundaei’s descendents devolved into the Shattered
Penny (copper) = 1 cp


Imperial Erylle Huun

Record Cycle Chronicle
(I.R.) (E.C.) (H.C.) Event(s)
7 6491 Great Khan Jaganga arises among Hundaei and unites them into Invincible
11 6495 Vengeful mountain dwarves show Hundaei secret passes through Stoneheart
678 7162 Hyperborean Legions push into Great Steppes
680 7164 Hundaei settle in Nam-i-Budhani due to Hyperborean pressure
681 7165 Civil war erupts among Hundaei clans
683 7167 Hundaei cease to exist as a people; Survivors flee to Libynos or become the
Shattered Folk of the Great Steppes
687 7171 Beginning of Pax Hyperborea
711 7195 Massive host of humanoid tribes rises in Haunted Steppe and marches
towards Crynomar Gap and central Akados
712 7196 Elven defense of Crynomar Gap
717 7201 Remenos extends marchlands north; Clear cuts forest
725 7209 Wild elves withdraw to the west in Third Exodus; Green Warders Established
1522 8006 Meteors strike in Red Wastes of northern Libynos and in central Haunted
2494 8978 Ulnat tribe of the Shattered Folk arrives in the Far North and begins to settle
beyond Wailing Mountains in abandoned cities of lost Boros
2840 9324 345 Foerdewaith settlers push through Crynomar Gap
2843 9327 348 Twin royal heirs Kennet and Cale born to Overking Paulus
2858 9342 363 Cale abdicates claim to throne and given port of Reme
2861 9345 366 Cale leads Colonization of Great Steppes
2899 9383 404 Caleen colonists discover Pit of the Burning Star
2931 9415 436 Caleen colonies reach shore of Lake Hali; Humanoid attacks begin
2947 9431 452 Shadow walkers lead humanoid hordes from Lost Mountains; Caleen colonies
destroyed, Prince Cale is lost; Wizard’s Wall raised at Crynomar Gap
3437 9921 942 Disappearance of the explorer Aroldus Gravenfar after a short stopover in
3439 9923 944 Conroi Expedition crosses Wizard’s Wall to begin exploration of
Haunted Steppe
3517 10,001 1022 Current year

* Excerpted from the Lost Lands Campaign Setting timeline by Frog God Games.

Nonetheless, the roughly 900-mile trek to the crater and a host of other monstrosities also inhabit the barren
proves to be a grueling trip that stretches out over the grasslands in their quests for prey, riches, or to temporarily
course of many weeks or even months. A human traveling sate their uncontrollable bloodlust. But the PCs can take
on foot covers 20 miles of ground per day, although gear and some small comfort in the fact that that’s why they are
their dwarven allies may slow the pace even more. Mounts called adventurers.
travel faster than the average man, but the trackless terrain
reduces the animals’ speed to three-quarters normal speed.
(See the “Movement” section in Chapter 8 of the 5E SRD HAUNTED STEPPE RANDOM
for more details about overland movement.) The planned ENCOUNTERS
route is to follow in the footsteps of the Conroi Expedition Whether the PCs choose the long road or try a shortcut,
in order to locate the Road of Sorrows that points them the journey across the windy grasslands is fraught with
towards the impact site. This course of action takes a substantial peril. While traveling through the Haunted
considerable amount of time and puts the PCs and their Steppe, roll 1d8 to check for encounters once during the day
counterparts in harm’s way, but it is also the only reliable and once during the night. During the day, an encounter
method of finding the Pit of the Burning Star from the takes place on a roll of 1; at night, an encounter takes place
clues they have been given. on a roll of 1–2. If an encounter occurs, roll d% and consult
the table below or substitute creatures or hazards of your
own choosing.
As was discovered by Gravenfar and can be confirmed by
the PCs' own efforts, no form of magic provides guidance
to the location of the Burning Pit because of its high d% Encounter
concentration of magic-nullifying noqual. In addition,
01–10 Black blizzard see below
while aerial reconnaissance may prove to be of some
value, until the expedition is actually in the vicinity of 11–15 Grassfire see below
the Pit it will likely prove fruitless. It is true that the Pit 16–25 1d4+2 swarms of bats
continues to exude a column of thick smoke to this day, 26–30 1d4+2 ankhegs
but with only the vaguest notion of where the Pit might lie
and the fact that the central Haunted Steppe covers more 31–35 1d6+6 ghouls plus 1 ghast
than 1.4 million square miles of terrain, the chances of 36–40 Orcs War Party see below
finding this landmark without guidance is still like trying 41–45 2d10 Shattered Folk see below
to find a needle in a stack of needles, and includes with
46–50 1d8+2 worgs see below
it the very real danger to those doing the aerial recon of
losing track of their own expedition caravan. And while 51–55 3d6 locust swarms see below
hiring local guides from among the Shattered Folk of the 56–60 2d4+4 cockatrices
Conroi Settlements is likely to be of value in navigating 61–65 1d3+4 swarms of poisonous snakes
safely across the steppes, no one that the PCs can locate has
ever made the journey up the Road of Sorrows to find the 66–70 1d3+1 hestovatos
Burning Pit. The locals remain in the dark to its location 71–80 4d10 mustangs1 (see Appendix A,
as much as the expedition members. While short range page 545)
aerial patrols and local guides might prove to be of some 81–90 3d10 bison1 see below
benefit, in general the long overland route following the
91–95 3d6 mammoths 1
see below
clues left in the journal of Azmerius remains the surest way
of reaching their destination. 96–00 Sinkhole see below
These creatures may stampede (see “Stampede” below
Naturally, a grinding slog across the expansive grasslands for details).
may seem like an unattractive option especially in light
of the fact that the PCs and their allies are competing Ankhegs: These plains burrowers attempt to attack from
against a slew of rivals aspiring to reach Shataakh-Uulm below ground. Creatures with a passive Perception score
before they do. Compounding this problem is the fact of 16 or higher can detect the telltale vibrations of their
that the Haunted Steppe deservedly earned its moniker digging before they attack. Otherwise they are able to attack
from the inordinate numbers of undead that roam the with surprise.
desolate landscape. In addition to these abominations,
natural hazards, aggressive tribesmen, warmongering orcs,

XP 450
hp 39

Swarm of Bats: This encounter only occurs at

night, the early morning hours, or the late evening
hours. Insects are perhaps the most abundant form
of life on the steppe, and vast swarms of bats feed
upon them when they are most active during the
hours of darkness. If this encounter occurs, the PCs
just happen to be in an area where a particularly
juicy bug population is present, and the bats are as
happy to sup on the blood of the PCs as on their
normal insect prey.

XP 50
hp 22
surviving the storm. Those that do survive can be tracked
Bison: A herd of these ungulates grazes out on the down in 1d3 days with a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival)check (–1
prairie. There is a 20% chance that they are encountered day for every 5 that the check exceeds 20, to a minimum of
as a stampede (see below). If so, trample damage is 2d6+12 one-half day).
damage and the Strength saving throw DC is 19. Otherwise
they do not attack unless provoked or otherwise threatened.
If they are not stampeding and you wish to determine if BLACK BLIZZARD (HAZARD)
the PCs might provoke them into doing so, consult the XP 1,200
table under “Stampede” below. Fields of Blood 18
Black blizzards reduce vision to 1d4 x 5 feet and turn the
sky so dark that it blocks out the sun turning day into night
(dim light). They smother unprotected flames and can even
XP 450 choke protected flames (50% chance). Black blizzards are
hp 45 (statistics as rhinocerosSRD) accompanied by windstorm-magnitude winds. The fine
particulates deal 1d6 points of slashing damage each hour
to anyone caught out in the open without shelter and also
Black Blizzard: A black blizzard is a dust storm that
pose a choking hazard. (A creature with a scarf or similar
sweeps across the plains carrying tons of the loose dry
protection across his mouth and nose does not begin to
topsoil with it so that it creates a thick, black cloud that
choke until after a number of rounds equal to 10 + their
covers miles of terrain. Black blizzards are windstorms
Constitution score). A character that begins to choke also
with wind speeds of 51–74 mph. Ranged weapon attacks
has a chance of contracting dust pneumonia, a potentially
have disadvantage, and creatures in the storm must make a
deadly disease (see below). The dust creeps in through all
DC 16 Strength saving throw to avoid being knocked prone
but the most secure seals and seams, chafing skin and
each minute. Small sized creatures that fail by 5 are blown
contaminating gear. In addition, there is also a 10% chance
away into the storm and take 8d6 bludgeoning damage
that the swirling dust generates enough static electricity to
when they finally land. Flying is this weather is impossible.
deal 1d6 points of lightning damage to anyone that suffered
damage from prolonged exposure. Black blizzards typically
Likewise, their approach can cause pack animals to last for 2d10 hours and leave 1d6–1 feet of fine dust in their
panic, requiring DC 12 Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks wake, to a minimum of 1/2 a foot. These dusty storms can
for each to prevent them from stampeding away in a panic. travel for hundreds and even thousands of miles before
Normal animals that panic and flee have a 20% chance of not finally dissipating.

DUST PNEUMONIA starts on the steppes, the buffeting winds can immediately
whip it into a raging inferno that races across the plain.
Type disease, inhaled; Saving Throw Constitution
DC 13
Onset 1d4 minutes; Frequency 1/day GRASSFIRE (HAZARD)
XP 1,100
Effect 1 exhaustion level at the end of each long
Fields of Blood 17
rest, and an inability to remove exhaustion levels
The flat terrain makes it relatively easy to spot a burgeoning
through rest. As long as creature suffers from
grass fire from afar. A character who succeeds on a DC 13
this disease, it also has disadvantage on Dexterity Wisdom (Perception) check and can spot a grassfire from as
(Stealth) checks and has a 20% chance of failing far away as 2d6 x 800 feet. The leading edge of a grassfire (the
when casting spells with a verbal component downwind side) moves extremely quickly, traveling at a speed
due to excessive coughing. The diseased creature of 2d6 x 20 feet per round in light to moderate winds, 2d6
x 30 feet per round in strong to severe winds and 2d6 x 40
makes a saving throw after finishing a long rest
feet per round when influenced by winds in excess of 51 mph.
and is rid of the disease with a success. Grassfires exhaust their fuel supply relatively quickly, so once
a particular portion of the steppe is ablaze, it remains so for
Cockatrices: This flock is territorial and hunts insects only 1d4 minutes before it reduces the withered grasses and
among the long grasses that provide them with total plants to fine ash, rather than burning for 2d4 x 10 minutes
concealment. However, they are only too happy to look for as in a forest fire. Lastly, characters engulfed in the blaze have
larger fare if presented to them. disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws to avoid catching
fire because of the fire’s speed as its races across the plains.
Those who fail take 7 (2d6) fire damage at the start of each
COCKATRICESRD round until they spend an action to put out the flame. Thos
who succeed only take 3 (1d6) fire damage whenever they start
XP 100 their turn in the fire. Creatures caught within the smoke for
hp 27 more than a minute must make Constitution saving throws
to avoid gaining an exhaustion level. This check is made for
Ghouls: The sheer magnitude of bloodletting that has each additional round they spend in the smoke. These checks
occurred over the last 3,000 years ensures that there are reset if the creature spends a minute outside of the smoke.
always undead wandering about. Likewise, the isolated
terrain and distinct possibility of death by starvation for the
Hestovatos: These vicious killers are the bane of the
scattered inhabitants of the plains increases the likelihood
plainsmen who inhabit the steppe. At night they attempt
of any undead being ghouls. This ghoul pack is led by a
to sneak into the party’s camp in their normal form and
ghast and is composed of Shattered Folk tribesmen that
slay the weakest as quickly as possible. In the daytime they
have fallen to ghoul fever and now hunt their own kind.
wear hooded cassocks and simple rope belts, claiming to
be holy men on a pilgrimage across the steppe in search
of enlightenment. If the PCs have any Shattered Folk
GHOULSRD with them as guides, these individuals gain advantage on
XP 200 Wisdon (Perception) checks to see through the disguise.
hp 22 If discovered or able to get close to likely targets, the
bloodthirsty hestovatos immediately attack.

XP 450
hp 36 XP 3,900
hp 187 (see Appendix A, page 544)
Grassfire: Grassfires can start in an instant from an
errant lightning strike, an untended campfire, or even the Locust Swarms: Clouds of voracious locusts descend
spontaneous heat found in a large quantity of compost on the PCs’ group seeking to feed off of whatever edible
basking in the sun. Whatever the cause, whenever a grassfire materials are available on the arid steppes.

LOCUST SWARM their own later. And if such raids should leave the outsiders
stranded afoot upon the plains…that will just make for
XP 100 easier pickings later in the eyes of the orcs.
hp 22 (statistics as a swarm of insectsSRD)

Mammoth: Relatively rare in all but the northernmost ORCSRD

portions of the Haunted Steppe, these massive grazers
have migrated south in search of better forage as dry
XP 100
conditions to the north have left the steppe almost bare of AC 13 (hide armor)
grasses. There is a 10% chance that they are encountered hp 15
as a stampede (see below). If so trample damage is 2d8+18 Gear hide armor, spear, 4 javelins
damage and the save DC is 31. Otherwise they do not attack Skills Animal Handling +4
unless provoked or otherwise threatened. If they are not
stampeding and you wish to determine if the PCs might
Languages Kirkut, Orc
provoke them into doing so, consult the table under
“Stampede” below. ORC CHAMPION
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil
Armor Class 14 (hide armor)
XP 2,300 Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
hp 126 Speed 30 ft.
Mustangs: Herds of wild mustangs roam the endless 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
grasslands of the steppe and serve as the primary source
of mounts for the Shattered Folk tribes, when they are able Skills Intimidate +4
to capture and train them. There is a 30% chance that they Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
are encountered as a stampede (see below). If so, trample Languages Kirkut, Orc
damage is 2d6+7 damage and the save DC is 16. Otherwise
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
they do not attack unless provoked or otherwise threatened.
If they are not stampeding and you wish to determine if
the PCs might provoke them into doing so, consult the Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up
table under “Stampede” below. to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can
XP 100 Multiattack. The orc champion makes two spear
hp 22 (see Appendix A, page 545) attacks.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Orc War Party: The barren plains don’t support large reach 5 ft. or range 20/60, one target. Hit: 7 (1d6
numbers of humanoid tribes, the vast majority living in
the mountainous regions along the edges of the steppe.
+ 4) piercing damage, or 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing
However, some humanoids have adopted the nomadic damage if used with two hands to make a melee
horseman life of the Shattered Folk that allows survival attack.
on the arid plainslands. This war party of orcs consists
of 1d10+10 orcs led by 2 champions and a subchief, all
mounted on mustangs (see Appendix A, page 544). These ORC SUBCHIEF
orcs wear the buckskin hides, furs, and feathers common Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil
to the Shattered Folk tribes. They are marauders and will
attack any group that they think they can defeat. Even if Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
facing superior numbers, they will attempt to raid and Hit Points 88 (16d8 + 16)
drive away the groups mounts that they can recover for Speed 30 ft.

Shattered Folk: Nomadic tribes of Shattered Folk wander
throughout the Haunted Steppe, though the central
17 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) region through which the party journeys is perhaps the
Skills Animal Handling +2, Intimidate +5 least populated next only to the northern lands around
Lake Hali and beyond. Of those tribes that do dwell in
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 this region, there is a 60% chance that any given tribe is
Languages Kirkut, Orc cannibals who will see the PCs’ expedition as a source of
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) food and spoils. A non-cannibal tribe will have an initial
attitude of indifferent towards the PCs and will not make
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up contact unless approached, preferring instead to chance
course and move away from the intruding travelers. If
to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can needed, non-cannibal tribes have the statistics of tribal
see. warriors. A cannibal tribe has only a 25% to immediately
Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of charge to the attack. Otherwise they will react the same
its damage when the orc subchief hits with it as a non-cannibalistic tribe and hope the PCs are either
(included with the attack). lured in closer or that they are ignored and can begin
following the PCs and attack after they make camp for the
night. Shattered Folk are always mounted on mustangs (see
ACTIONS Appendix A, page 554).
Multiattack. The orc subchief makes two attacks
with its longsword, or two attacks with its If a third of their number are killed or knocked
longbow. unconscious, the remainder flee the encounter, leaving
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: their compatriots behind. Even so, they may well begin
+6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one stalking the PCs for a more opportune chance for revenge
target. Hit: 12 (2d8
+ 3) slashing
14 (2d10 + 3) Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral
slashing damage Armor Class 13 (hide)
if used with two hands Hit Points 30 (4d8+12)
to make a melee Speed 30 ft.
Weapon Attack: +6 to 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
hit, range 150/600 ft., Skills Athletics +4, Perception +3, Stealth +3,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + Survival +3
3) piercing damage. Senses passive Perception 13
Command (Recharge Languages Kirkut
6). The orc subchief Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
can command up to two
other orcs to attack. Those Reckless. At the start of its turn, the cannibal can
orcs can use their reactions gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls
to move half of their speed during that turn, but attack rolls against it have
and make a melee attack, if advantage until the start of its next turn.
able. The orc subchief can
then make an attack as a bonus ACTIONS
action. Multiattack. The cannibal attacks twice: once with
its greatclub and once with its bite.

Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach STAMPEDE (HAZARD, ANIMAL)
5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) bludgeoning XP varies
damage. Fields of Blood 24
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Herd animals sometimes react en masse to a singular
target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) bludgeoning damage. event that can be as mundane as a clap of thunder and as
extraordinary as a ghostly presence walking among them.
Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
In most cases, the sight or scent of a fearsome predator
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 is responsible for frightening the herd. What ensues is a
(1d6+2) slashing damage. stampede — a chaotic, mad dash to escape the danger as
Sinkhole: While natural-forming sinkholes are relatively quickly as possible regardless of what stands in their way.
rare upon the steppe, the abundance of burrowing creatures The first step in the process of adjudicating a stampede
that call the plains home can be a different cause of soil is to determine whether it takes place at all. Herd animals
subsidence. If this encounter is rolled, there is a 25% chance are the only creatures that behave in this manner; therefore,
that it is the discovery of an already existing sinkhole, a stampede requires herd animals, even if there are
perhaps even forming a pool of collected rainwater. If the several different species present at any given time. (Some
sinkhole is already present, then there is a 5% chance that animals, such as horses and mastodons, are not specifically
another one will form nearby, though the PCs can spot its identified as herd animals; however, their descriptive text
telltale signs and avoid it with a DC 18 Wisdom (Survival) and ecology implies that they organize themselves into
check. herds. At the GM’s discretion, these animals may also be
classified as herd animals.) The next ingredient is a catalyst
SINKHOLE (HAZARD) — an event that potentially triggers a stampede. It can be
XP varies as simple as an inexplicable sound from the opposite bank
of a watering hole or as unusual as a fear spell. Once these
Fields of Blood 20
two conditions are met, the GM must determine whether
The typical sinkhole measures 4d6 feet in diameter and a stampede takes place. This is done by rolling Wisdom
descends to a depth of 2d4 x 10 feet, though they can be saving throws for the herd animals. The following table
larger or smaller depending upon the circumstances provides the appropriate Wisdom saving throw DC’s based
surrounding their creation. Terrain conducive to creating upon the particular situation.
a natural sinkhole can be spotted with a successful DC 15
Intelligence (Natura), though a successful check does not
verify the presence of sinkhole or pinpoint one’s exact Event Wisdom Saving Throw DC
location. It merely tells the character that a sinkhole is more Inexplicable noise 1
likely to be found in a given region than elsewhere. Likewise
a character moving at a normal pace can notice a potential Sight or scent of an 5
sinkhole with a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Survival) check. unknown creature1
(A character not actively searching or looking for a sinkhole Peal of thunder1 10
should be treated as if he were taking 10 on his Wisdom Sight or scent of a 10 + 1 for every two additional
(Survival) check.) Creatures that fail to detect the sinkhole nearby humanoid1,2 humanoids beyond the first
walk 1d6 feet past the edge before the ground suddenly
Sight or scent of a 10 + 1/2 predator’s HD + 1
collapses. A creature can avoid falling into the sinkhole
recognizable predator3,4 for each additional predator
by succeeding on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 15 + 1 per
beyond the first
foot beyond the sinkhole’s edge). Those that fall into the
sinkhole suffer the appropriate falling damage (1d6 points Partially submerged in 15
of damage per 10 feet fallen). The damage caused by the water1
sinkhole determines its CR. (usually CR 0 with a +1 for Herd member 15 + attacker’s HD + 1 for each
every 20 feet of depth). attacked1,5 additional attacker beyond
the first
Stampede: Several of the animals listed on this table have Completely submerged 20
the potential to be encountered as a stampede as indicated in water1
under their individual entries. Even if they are not a Fire1 20
stampede, the actions of the PCs may provoke them into
Unnatural aura 20
becoming a stampede based on the table provided below.

Sight or scent of an 20 + creature’s HD + 1 for each If there are several different types of herd animals present,
unnatural creature6 additional creature beyond such as sheep and cattle, each creature type should receive
the first at least one saving throw. If there are any remaining saving
throws to be divided up based upon the herd’s size, the GM
Spell or spell-like effect DC of spell or spell-like effect may allocate them on a pro rata basis or distribute the rest
1 Aggressive (combative) herd animals gain a advantage to the most numerous type of animal within the herd. The
on their Wisdom saving throw to resist panicking following table details the outcome of these saving throws.
against these events.
2 A humanoid that makes a successful DC 18 Wisdom
(Animal Handling) check grants the herd a advantage on Result Outcome
its Wisdom saving throw. Majority of animals fail stampede
3 The herd animals must be able to identify the creature their saving throws
as a predator through past experience. In the event that At least one animal fails its herd is on edge but does
two or more different types of predators are present, use saving throw not stampede, suffers
the creature with the most Hit Dice to determine the disadvantage on any future
Wisdom saving throw’s DC. Wisdom saving throws to
4 Aggressive (combative) herd animals gain advantage avoid stampeding
on their Wisdom saving throw to resist panicking All animals succeed herd remains calm, gains
whenever they encounter other animals, plants and aadvantage to any future
vermin. They do not get this bonus against any other Wisdom saving throws to
creature type. avoid stampeding
5 If the herd does not stampede, aggressive (combative)
herd animals fight back against the attacker(s) on a one Bonuses and penalties accrued during this phase expire
for one basis. 1 hour later. A Wisdom saving throw must be made for
6 Unnatural creatures include aberrations, outsiders, each separate event (even if the herd is stampeding), unless
and undead the herd encountered an event within the last hour that
had a Wisdom saving throw DC equal to or higher than
the current event, and the herd did not stampede. If that
It is impossible to roll several hundred or even several occurs, the herd does not need to attempt another saving
dozen individual Wisdom saving throw to determine how throw to avoid stampeding. For instance, if the herd
the entire herd responds to the potential crisis; therefore spotted a pride of 10 lions thirty minutes ago and did not
the GM should roll a sampling of Wisdom saving throws to stampede (DC 21), a saving throw would not be needed to
accurately gauge the herd’s overall mood. Depending upon avoid stampeding because of a peal of thunder (DC 10).
the herd’s size, it is recommended that the GM attempt at
If a stampede occurs, the entire herd turns and flees
least three saves for a small grouping (30 or less), five saves
at maximum speed away from the perceived
for medium-sized grouping (31–100), seven saves
danger. In most cases, the animals run in the
for a large grouping (101– 250) and up to
opposite direction from the threat; however,
nine saves for a very large herd (251+).
that may not always be possible. Another
(Odd numbers are preferable to
obstacle or potential threat may stand
even numbers to eliminate
in their way, in which case, the herd
any potential
bolts in a random direction. Any
creature or object in the herd’s path is
subject to being trampled.
While stampeding, the herd animals gain the
Charge special attack and the stampede special
ability, even if the base creatures do not have
the ability. If the herd animal already has
the Charge special attack, it deals the
damage listed in its description to any
creature occupying its path. Otherwise,
the damage is 10 (3d6) budgeoning, with a
DC 156 Dexterity saving throw.

Venomous Snake Swarms: The steppe is home to many
varieties of snakes, and the PCs are unfortunate enough CHAPTER TWO:
to have stumbled upon a knot of deadly pit vipers during
their breeding season. ALL ROADS LEAD TO
XP 450 The journey to find the crater resembles a multiple-
hp 37 stage race more than a mad dash to the finish line. The
unmistakable plumes of smoke rising from the smoldering
Worgs: Among the apex predators of the steppe, these comet’s carcass can be seen from roughly 20 miles away
intelligent hunters always try to attack at night when their in all directions. However, the Haunted Steppe’s enormity
quarry is sleeping or otherwise has its guard down. If this makes it nearly impossible to find the impact site without
is rolled as a daytime encounter, the worgs simply shadow following in the footsteps of the expeditions that went
the party and wait until after nightfall to make their attack. before them. (In real-world terms, the central portion of
If this occurs, spotting the shadowing worgs requires a DC the Haunted Steppe where the PCs travel is roughly three
16 Wisdom Perception) check. If scouts or outriders are times the total area of the American Great Plains at almost
used by the party, then these require only a DC 12 check one-and-a-half million square miles.) The documents
to spot the worgs or signs of them but also have a 60% and correspondence that the PCs gathered during the
chance of being attacked by the worgs while isolated from course of the previous adventure, most notably Azmerius’s
their companions. The worgs of the steppe are crafty and dispatches are critical in locating the impact site as they
deadly pack hunters, with the following special abilities describe six crucial landmarks and markers that point
noted below. the way to the Pit. (See Path of the Six sidebar for more
details regarding these objects.) PCs that foolishly opt to go
it alone and wander blindly across the vast grassland run
WORGSRD the risk of falling behind their competitors, a fact that the
GM may reinforce to the wayward adventurers through the
XP 200 impatient pleadings of their dwarven allies. Furthermore,
hp 30 these characters run the substantial risk of running into
Pack Attack. A worg gains advantage on its attack more of the Haunted Steppe’s numerous monsters and
unwelcoming residents than they bargained.
rolls against any target adjacent to at least
two other worgs. In addition, when a worg
scores a critical hit against a target, any other PATH OF THE SIX
worgs adjacent to the same target can use the The details found in the written records of Azmerius Thade
Hamstring reaction. fall far short of those present in a typical map. Instead,
they consist of a series of cryptic clues buried within the
recorded narrative of the trip that point the reader in the
direction of six landmarks and manmade markers that lead
Hamstring. The worg makes a bite attack against to the Pit of the Burning Star. These locales appear as areas
the same target that was just critically hit by B through G on the overland map of the Haunted Steppe.
another worg. If this attack hits, the target’s speed The following section provides general details about each
is reduced by 10 feet for 1 minute. If this reduces of these locations. Additional information appears under
the description for each location.
the target’s speed to 0 feet or less, the target falls
The Path of the Six consists of the following sites:
prone and is treated as restrained.

The Circled Twelve: Located 160 miles north of the

Wanaheeli River, this lonesome, neglected graveyard
contains the earthly remains of a dozen cannibals that the
Conroi Expedition slew during a pitched battle. To punish
these savages the expedition members mutilated their

corpses and cursed them to forever guard the way to the FOLLOWING IN THE FOOTSTEPS
Pit of the Burning Star. The twelve graves are arranged in
It is impossible to physically track the Conroi Expedition or
a circular pattern. In order to gain the clue leading to the
Aroldus Gravenfar using conventional means or divination
next marker, the PCs must exhume the correct grave.
magic. Their footsteps and even wagon tracks were erased
by time many years earlier, and the descriptions of the
The Conroi Wall: Lying 167 miles north-northwest of the landmarks that appear in the journal and correspondence
Circled Twelve, this ruin, now occupied by a party of orcs, are far too generic and vague to rely upon for teleportation
is one of the few surviving structures that remain in an spells and similar magic. Even an aerial overview would
ancient Caleen settlement. Currently, the encoded message demand weeks or even months of flight time to spot
found on the wall has the orcs completely stumped. If the a plume of smoke that on any particular day may be
orcs gain the upper hand on the PCs, they may be willing to obscured by clouds, fog and precipitation or dispersed
spare their lives or give them a merciful death in exchange by strong winds. In addition, the Campachan guides that
for their assistance in reading the message. the PCs hired in the preceding adventure are aware of the
ancient Caleen settlements that line the swath of ground
known as the Road of Sorrows, but the exact location of
Gravenfar’s Cave: This crater/cave can be found 188 miles
these ruins and the road itself remains a mystery even to
due north of The Conroi Wall. A pitched battle between
them. Despite the moniker, the Road of Sorrows is not a
a war party of orcs and a band of cannibalistic Shattered
true thoroughfare, and is instead an incongruous trail
Folk barbarians rages just outside of the cave’s entrance.
of ruined small, scattered hamlets and villages that the
The PCs can join the battle on one side or the other or try
colonists established almost a thousand years ago and were
to slip into the cave unnoticed and obtain the next clue on
subsequently destroyed by the shadow walker hordes.
their perilous journey.

Armed with Azmerius’s correspondence, the PCs and

Sixtun’s Spyglass: An obviously out-of-place, 20-foot-
their expedition head out into the great unknown that is
high stone tower with a window facing north lords over
the Haunted Steppe. Each of the landmarks that comprise
the flat landscape surrounding it. Built 259 miles north-
The Path of the Six appears on the overland map as areas
northeast of the cave, this manmade structure is the only
B through G. According to their information, the first
surviving remnant of another of the Caleen colonies. The
leg of their journey leads to something called the Circled
tower is empty save for one object — a mounted spyglass
Twelve which, fortunately for the PCs, is relatively easy to
set to the precise coordinates of the next landmark 23 miles
find. The small, lonely gravesite lies 160 miles due north
away slightly east of due north.
of a specific bend in the Wanaheeli River mentioned by
Gravenfar in his journal (likely the location where the PCs
Hallelujah Springs: This natural geothermal hotspot choose to cross unless they wish to do otherwise). A PC DC
constantly circulates steaming hot water. According to the 15 Wisdom (Survival) check or find the path spell can point
text, Azmerius concealed a watertight stone coffer deep the adventuring party due north. Unlike any of the other
within the hot springs, requiring someone to dive into landmarks, any Campachan guides that accompany the PCs
the scalding hot water and retrieve it. A map inside the know the way to the locale they describe as “The Cursed
container directs the reader towards the last landmark 94 Graves” because of their reputation for being haunted. This
miles east-northeast of the hot spring. spot serves as the apparent launch point for the remainder
of their journey.
Azmerius’s Angle: This refers to a ravine where a natural
stone bridge cut from the surrounding rock overlooks a B. THE CIRCLED TWELVE
gentle, meandering stream beneath it. An enigmatic passage
scribed on the bottom corner of the hot springs map says A ring of twelve marks in the earth mar the ground here, clustered
To iron out the line, angle from the apex. If the PC drops a in four groups of three. Some are small, grassy mounds, others are
ferrous object into the stream below from the highest point sunken like old graves. From each of these sites the bony remains of
on the stone bridge, a magnetized “key” buried beneath the arms rise among the grasses, some still bound in the dried remains
silt affixes itself to the ferrous object. This key also points of old cords, and some still bearing the remnants of skeletal hands.
in the direction of the greatest concentration of noqual, These twelve burials are arranged in a circle approximately 40 feet
leading the PCs to the Pit of the Burning Star some 45 in diameter.
miles away.

Weeks after crossing the Wanaheeli, the Conroi these. Using the precise grave placement, the expedition
Expedition was beset by a war band of Shattered Folk chaplain made use of the site as a way marker for their
tribesmen. The expedition was able to fend off the attackers journey and left a cryptic riddle to enable his employers
in a pitched battle that left them bloodied but intact. In to follow the expedition’s course on future journeys to
an attempt to dissuade other Shattered Folk groups from the Pit of the Burning Star. If the PCs consult Azmerius’s
staging further attacks, the expedition sent an ominous writings, they find a passage about a locale referred to as
warning. They buried a dozen Shattered Folk captives alive, the “Circled Twelve." (This riddle and its solution appear in
forcing them to kneel, bowed and face down in shallow the accompanying sidebar.)
pits. Their arms were wrenched backwards and up with
hands bound so that when the shallow pits were filled
As a result of their torturous deaths and the curses laid
in, the captives’ bound wrists and hands remained visible
upon their burials, the Shattered Folk interred in the
above the ground, twisting and clawing in desperate agony
ground transformed into 12 gravebound that lie beneath
as they slowly suffocated in their graves. These lost souls
the restless soil. When a living creature disturbs the
were then cursed by the expedition’s spellcasters to serve
ground or touches one of the skeletal hands or arms, all of
as guardians against any who dared follow them on their
the undead monstrosities arise from the soil and attack in
route across the steppe.
a chaotic frenzy. Half of the monsters use their gravedigger
ability to create pits beneath the interlopers, while the
A DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check or find the path spell others wade into melee with their fearsome claws. It is
confirms that the graves perfectly align with the four important to note that the gravebound are made from
cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west), and animated grave dirt rather than the victims’ actual bodies,
though the ordinal directions (northeast, southeast, hence their rising does not in any way disturb the actual
southwest, and northwest) are not marked by burials, the interred corpses or the skeletal remains protruding above.
spaces between the burial groups do align perfectly with The fact that they arise if these remains are disturbed is

what has allowed their visible remains to continue to be
even partially intact after 78 years — scavengers are quickly

The rose’s needle always points you where to start.

GRAVEBOUND (12) March with time to the God of War,
Medium undead, neutral evil Then Planting’s number retrace before.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Then count the just graves too, plus three more that are true.
Hit Points 99 (18d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft. Solution: The first verse refers to the compass’s needle
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA always pointing north. That is the PCs’ starting point for
solving the riddle: the north grave.
18 (+4) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)
The second verse gives the direction that the initial
Skills Acrobatics +3, Intimidate +7, Perception +5, clue indicates. It says “march with time” which implies
Religion +4, Stealth +3 the direction of a clock. Clocks of the Lost Lands have
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 three hands rather than twoLL7-367, but they travel in a
clockwise direction just as their real-world counterparts.
Languages Common With the knowledge that the direction of movement
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) around the circled graves is clockwise, the instruction
to march to the God of War refers to the ubiquitous
Tied to the Grave. A gravebound can’t venture war god Mithras who is revered throughout Akados and
more than 1,000 feet from the spot where its much of Libynos as well. His month of MithrondLL7-219,
the Month of War, is the ninth month of the year and
body is buried. therefore instructs the PCs to count nine graves in a
Vulnerable to Consecration. Whenever a clockwise direction, leaving them on the grave pointing
gravebound starts its turn within the area of a to the east.
hallow effect or a magic circle, it must succeeed The third verse instructs the PCs to retrace their steps,
at a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be i.e. to go back counterclockwise, for a number equal to
stunned until the start of its next turn. “Planting’s number”. The month of FreyrmondLL7-219
is dedicated to Freya, Goddess of Fertility, and is the
traditional month for planting crops. Freyrmond is the
Multiattack. The gravebound makes two attacks third month, so the PCs are instructed to move backward
with its claws. three graves to the south grave.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., The final verse is a play on words. “Just” and “true”
one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage, and also mean “right”. The word “too” is a homophone for
the target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving the number “two”. Therefore, if the reader faces the
south grave and then counts two graves to the right plus
throw or become diseased. A creature diseased in
three more to the right, he arrives at the eleventh grave,
this way is considered to have a Charisma score of the north-northwest grave.
1, and has disadvantage on Charisma checks and
saving throws. The diseased creature must make
another Constitution saving throw at the end of
each long rest, noting failures and successes. Three within 30 feet. That creature must make a DC
accumulated successes ends the diease, while 17 Dexterity saving throw, falling in the pit on a
three accumulated failures sends the creature into failure. The pit remains for 1 hour unless filled.
a weeklong coma, after which they awaken with
their Charisma score restored. REACTIONS
Dig Grave. The gravebound can open up a 10 foot Bury Alive. The gravebound can bury a creature
cubic pit in the earth, under a single creature that has fallen into a pit that the gravebound

created. Any creatures restrained inside of route lay, extending from the Crynomar Gap towards the
the pit are buried, and begin to suffocate (see distant ill-starred Lost Mountains, a concourse measuring
some 2,000 miles and claiming the lives of some 20,000
suffocation in the SRD). A restrained creature Rheman colonists and a Prince of Foere of the line of
can use their action to attempt to break free with Macobert.
a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check, both with a DC of 15. Otherwise, an ally The course correction made at the Circled Twelve
can use their action to attempt to free a trapped brought the Conroi Expedition (and subsequently the PCs)
creature with a Strength (Athletics) check with a onto the route of the Road of Sorrows as it extends in its
DC of 16. north-northwest course. No trace of the original roads
remain (little more than trails for carts and mounts), but
the ruins of some of the Caleen settlements, the stones of
Development: If the characters exhume the corpses,
which were first laid by Grand Duke Cale some 650 years
the skeletal remains still have long, dark hair and wear
ago, can occasionally still be seen here and there. In most
tattered clothing and armor made from cracked leather
cases old stones, cracked foundation slabs, and depressions
and hides, and some show signs of injuries (broken bones,
in the ground offer the only testimony that civilization
steel arrowheads lodged in ribs or long bones, etc.) A
once established a tenuous foothold in this otherwise
successful DC 20 Intelligence (History) check can identify
feral domain. In some instances, the telltale signs of
the clothing and armor as being the typical types worn by
any humanoid presence are so faint that observers must
Shattered Folk tribesmen, though the specific tribe cannot
succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to even spot
be identified. A PC who performs a forensic examination
the ancient building blocks covered by thick grasses. A PC
can, with a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Medicine) check,
examining these ruins can Recall Knowledge to confirm
determine that they have been buried for decades but
that they do indeed belong to the Caleen settlements with
probably less than a century, a timeframe that fits the
a successful DC 15 Intelligence (History) check.
travels of the Conroi Expedition.

If the north-northwest grave is exhumed, it is found ROAD OF SORROWS RANDOM

to have a large 1-foot-cubic block of worked stone upon ENCOUNTERS
which the deceased tribesman kneels. The surface of the While few pieces of physical evidence remain from the
stone bears the chiseled image of a compass with its needle Caleen settlements, hateful spirits linger long after stones
pointing between 22° and 23° west of due north. This north- and wood disappeared from the locales. Some residents
northwesterly orientation in the north-northwest grave refused to leave even after the shadow walkers decimated
provides the intended clue that the expedition turned their homes and slew their loved ones. Every 20 miles spent
here to a north-northwesterly course along the route of traveling along or in close proximity to the Road of Sorrows
the legendary Road of Sorrows (see below), the necessary gives the PCs a 30% chance of stumbling upon the sundered
course that will bring the PCs to the next landmark on the remnants of an ancient Caleen village or farmhold. When
Path of the Six. one of these sites is discovered, whether in the day or at
night, there is a 50% chance of encountering some of the
restless spirits that still linger within and around the ruins.
ROAD OF SORROWS These encounters are in addition to the normal daily rolls
The Road of Sorrows remains alive in the verse of bards for encounters on the Haunted Steppe. None of the regular
and poets. The name was first coined in 2963 I.R. by the Haunted Steppe encounters will ever occur in one of the
celebrated Rheman poet Veshira SelithK1-31 in her classic ruins, as the locals always give them a wide berth. If an
“Lament for a Lost Prince” in which the doomed colonies encounter is determined to have occurred, roll d% and
of Prince Cale were described in contrast as both the Path to consult the table below.
Promise (for the sense of optimism and modern progress
held by the colonists about their venture) and the Road of
Sorrows (for the horrific and ignoble ending that virtually d% Encounter
all of the hopeful colonists met). It was never referred to as 01–10 3d4 skeleton champions
the Road of Sorrows in the time of the Caleen Colonies, and 11–20 2d4+2 shadowsSRD
though roads did extend between the colonies the Road of
21–30 Bhuta1
Sorrows did not refer to any specific road per se. Rather
they referred to the general line upon which the colonies’ 31–40 Harionago

41–50 1d4+6 spectersSRD a Small or Medium beast, or back into its true
51–65 3d4 wightsSRD form. This is an illusion, and fools the senses
66–80 1d6+2 wraithsSRD of sight, hearing, and touch. The illusory form
81–90 Gashadokuro
always has backwards feet, like a bhuta. The bhuta
may accidentally reveal its feet when performing
91-00 GhostSRD
such motions as flying, pretending to walk on
Roll on the Haunted Steppe Random Encounter Table.
If the result is an animal, then the bhuta has taken the
the ground, and so forth. A successful DC 17
form of one of those animals and hides among them. Intelligence (Investigation) check detects the
illusion for what it is. Careful inspection of the
Bhuta: A bhuta is a wrathful spirit that appears as a clawed, bhuta's feet will immediately reveal the flaw in its
wild-eyed apparition with backwards feet. It has an affinity for disguise.
animals and wild places. It tends to react to strangers with Incorporeal Movement. The bhuta can move
fury and vengeance over unfinished business from its life.
through other creatures and objects as if they
were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force
BHUTA damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If the bhuta fails a
Medium undead, neutral evil
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Armor Class 14
Speak with Animals. The bhuta can speak and
Hit Points 178 (21d8 + 84)
communicate with beasts. It may be able to ask
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (can hover)
them for small favors or influence them.
1 (-5) 19 (+4) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) ACTIONS
Saving Throws Wis +4 Spectral Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
Skills Perception +8, Stealth +12 5 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (5d8) necrotic damage.
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, Beast Gaze. The bhuta gazes and
lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, affects beasts of its choice in a 60
piercing, and slashing from feet cone. Each beast in the area
nonmagical attacks that must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving
aren’t silvered throw. On a failed save, the creature
Damage Immunities becomes charmed for the 1
necrotic, poison minute. While charmed by this
Condition Immunities spell, the creature is incapacitated
charmed, exhaustion, and has a speed of 0. The effect
grappled, paralyzed, ends for an affected creature
petrified, poisoned, if it takes any damage or
prone, restrained if someone else uses
Senses darkvision 60 ft., an action to shake
passive Perception 18 the creature out of
Languages Common its stupor.
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Blood Drain. The bhuta
targets one creature within
Animal Guise. The bhuta 5 feet that is at less than full hit
can use its action to points. The target must make
take on the form of a DC 17 Constitution save. The

target takes 22 (5d8) necrotic damage on a failed Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
save, or half the damage on a successful save. the target. Hit: 16 (2d8+7) bludgeoning damage and
bhuta regains hit points equal to half the amount the target is grappled (escape DC 21). Until this
of necrotic damage dealt. Creatures without grapple ends, the gashadokuro can bite only the
blood or bodily fluids are immune to Blood grappled creature and has advantage on attack
Drain. rolls to do so.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
LEGENDARY ACTIONS one target. Hit: 14 (2d6+7) slashing damage.
The bhuta can take 2 legendary actions, choosing Starvation Curse. A gashadokuro emits a powerful
from the options below. Only one legendary action aura that causes all creatures within range to feel
option can be used at a time and only at the end the intense pains of starvation. Each creature
of another creature’s turn. The bhuta regains spent within 60 feet must make a DC 14 Constitution
legendary actions at the start of its turn. save. On a failed save, the creature gains a level of
Move. The bhuta flies up to its speed without exhaustion. Even after leaving the area or slaying
provoking opportunity attacks. the gashadokuro, an affected creature cannot
Claws. The bhuta makes one spectral claw attack. recover exhaustion inflicted by this curse until it
consumes food.
Gashadokuro: The gashadaokuro is an undead that Vomit Bone Shards (Recharge 5-6). The
spawns from mass starvation events. It appears at first glance gashadokuro exhales bone shards in a 30-foot
to be a giant, grimy skeleton, but is actually composed of a
cone. Each creature in that area must make a
mass of decomposition of numerous bodies.
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 39 (6d12)
bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as
GASHADOKURO much damage on a successful one.
Huge undead, neutral evil
Harionago: The harionago appears as a young woman,
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) lost, bruised, and dressed in worn clothing. A harionago
Hit Points 180 (19d12 + 57) often seems sympathetic, despite her pallor and battered
Speed 30 ft. looks. However, the harionago is motivated by an insatiable
desire for vengeance. When she attacks, her nails become
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA elongated claws, and she attacks with her prodigiously
25 (+7) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) long, barbed hair.
Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +8
Damage Resistances necrotic; piercing, and HARIONAGO
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities poison Medium undead, neutral evil
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned Hit Points 159 (14d8 + 96)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Speed 30 ft., fly 10 ft. (can hover)
Languages Common (can't speak) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +8
ACTIONS Skills Perception +6, Stealth +7
Multiattack. The gashadokuro uses Starvation Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning,
Curse. It then makes three attacks: one with its piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
bite and two with its claws. that aren’t silvered

Damage Immunities poison sound reasonable. Asking the creature to stab
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 or do some other obviously harmful act makes
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan the creature automatically immune. The target
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a
failed save, it pursues the course of action to the
ACTIONS best of its ability. The suggested course of action
Multiattack. The harionago attacks with her claws can continue for up to 1 minute. If the suggested
and hair barbs. activity can be completed in a shorter time, the
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., spell ends when the subject finishes what it
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) slashing damage. If the was asked to do. If the harionago or any of its
target is a creature other than an undead, it must companions damage the target, the suggestion
succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or ends.
be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, Ghost: A ghost isn’t necessarily hostile. Roll the NPC’s
ending the effect on itself on a success. traits randomly or select them. If the ghost is evil, there is a
50% chance of 1d4 dead bodies in the vicinity, representing
Hair Barbs. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach its victims. Regardless, if the PCs disturb its resting place,
10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6+3) slashing damage threaten it, or remind it of something upsetting, the ghost
plus the targer must make a DC 16 Constitution will attack, starting with its Horrifying Visage.
save. The target takes 44 (8d10) necrotic damage
on a failed save, or half that on a successful save. Skeleton Champions: These are the desiccated remains
Vampiric Touch (Recharge 5-6). Melee Spell Attack: of ancient warriors whose restless spirits animate their
+7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (6d6) bones in endless repetition of wars long forgotten.
necrotic damage, and the harionago regains hit
points equal to half the necrotic damage dealt. SKELETON CHAMPION
Infectious Laughter. The harionago lets out
ringing, scornful laughter. All non-harionago Medium undead, lawful evil
within 60 feet who can hear the harionago must Armor Class 15 (armor scraps)
succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
fall prone, becoming incapacitated and unable Speed 30 ft.
to stand up for 1 minute. A creature with an STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Intelligence score of 4 or less isn’t affected. At the 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
end of each of its turns, and each time it takes
Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
damage, a target can make another Wisdom
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
saving throw. The target has advantage on the
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
saving throw if it’s triggered by damage. On a
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
success, the laughter ends for that target.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Suggestion (Recharge 5-6). The harionago suggests
Languages understands Huandei or another
a course of activity (limited to a sentence or two)
ancient language but can’t speak
and magically influences a creature it can see
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
within 30 feet that can hear and understand it.
Creatures that can’t be charmed are immune to
this effect. The suggestion must be worded in
Multiattack. The skeleton champion makes two
such a manner as to make the course of action
scimitar or shortbow attacks.

Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 disadvantage to their Stealth checks. The PCs can spot the
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, orc scouts moving through the grass with a successful DC
16 Wisdom (Perception) check (be sure to have the PCs make
or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two the roll with disadvantage if they are further than 30 feet of
hands. the orcs). The gorthek rider is much easier to notice and only
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range require a successful DC 9 Wisdom (Perception) check (with
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing the same distance penalties as above).
Conversely, the scouts and gorthek rider are keeping a
careful watch and excel at detecting the presence of other
ON THE ROAD OF SORROWS creatures. It takes a successful DC 20 Dexterity (Stealth) check
The path that the party follows from the Circled Twelve to elude the orc scouts’ keen senses, while the adventurers
leads 167 miles north-northwest where the trail ends at a site and their allies must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth)
referred to as the Conroi Wall. However, the PCs don’t know check to avoid attracting the gorthek’s attention and a DC 10
how far they will need to journey exactly in this direction, Dexterity (Stealth) to escape its rider’s gaze. The orcs scouts
so they must keep a careful eye out for their next landmark are also extremely skilled trackers. If the PCs previously
and make a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check or make use of passed through the area, the scouts can locate and follow
find the path each day to avoid becoming lost. If the party’s their trail with a successful Wisdom (Survival) check.
expedition gets off course, it will take them 1d2 days to realize
it and an equal amount of time to backtrack to where they
went awry to continue on in the proper direction. Random ORC SCOUT
encounters occur normally during this time.
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil
Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
When the PCs are within 50 miles of area C, they begin to Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
have a cumulative 25% chance per day of running into an orc Speed 30 ft.
scouting party. This group is a squad from the orcs at area STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
C that have been sent to scour the countryside in hopes of
finding something to help them with their predicament at the 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)
Conroi Wall (C). This troop consists of 6 orc scouts on foot Skills Athletics +5, Nature +5, Perception +6, Stealth
and 1 orc gorthek rider. This mobile force is most active
during the evening and overnight hours.
+7, Survival +6
They rest when the sun is at its Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception
brightest from mid-morning 16
until mid-afternoon before Languages Common, Orc
resuming their patrol. Challenge 3 (100 XP)

The scouts on foot fan Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc

out with a roughly 100-
can move up to its speed toward a
foot gap between each
individual. The gorthek hostile creature that it can see.
rider takes up a position Keen Hearing and Sight. The orc
near the center of the scout has advantage on Wisdom
formation 200 feet behind (Perception) checks that rely on
his counterparts. They
hearing or sight.
are more concerned
with locating hidden
objects than avoiding ACTIONS
detection. Therefore, Multiattack. The scout makes
the patrol moves two melee attacks or two ranged
at just under their
normal speed, imposing

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 approach; they charge headlong into the fray as the mighty
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. beast lowers its terrifying horns and barrels into any foe
that stands in its way. The orc scouts and gorthek rider
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, ranged coordinate their assaults against the opponent they deem
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing to be the weakest rather than simultaneously attacking
damage. multiple foes. If half of the force is defeated, the survivors
retreat away from the Conroi Wall and flee into the
Haunted Steppe rather than risk being executed for failure.
GORTHEK RIDER PCs that capture and interrogate the orcs by Coercing or
Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil magically compelling them to speak learn that they hail
from the Stoneheart Mountains and were sent here on a
Armor Class 16 (half plate) secret mission known only to their leader Ornadox the
Hit Points 120 (16d8 + 48) Merciless. They can tell the location of their main camp
Speed 30 ft. at an old stone wall covered in unknown markings and
glyphs (area C).
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Treasure: In addition to their normal gear, one of the orc
Skills Animal Handling +2, Intimidation +2 scouts carries a potion of greater healing.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Orc
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Fragments of shattered stone walls in the rough outlines of
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up formerly grand structures span the breadth of an open area awash
in thick grass. The broken lines of rock and mortar are several
to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can hundred feet long in every direction, though most of these ruins
see. reaches no more than two feet in height. One intact wall covered
with letters and symbols towers over the northern portion of this
ACTIONS area, casting its shadow across a nearby stone well.
Multiattack. The gorthek rider makes two melee
attacks or two ranged javelin attacks. During the Caleen Settlement’s heyday, the fortress
Lance. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., of Remeria stood along the western edge of what later
one target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) piercing damage. became the Road of Sorrows. Although far more of the
stronghold’s mighty walls withstood the shadow walkers’
The rider has disadvantage to attack a target attack than the neighboring towns and villages, a portion
within 5 feet. of the keep’s inner wall and a nearby covered well are the
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, only structures that survived the invasion relatively intact.
reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 The well’s wooden cover is obviously newer, and lifting the
(1d6 + 4) piercing damage. cover reveals that an intact and functional winch, rope, and
bucket are still affixed to the inside lip. The stone-lined
well itself is 40 feet deep and still filled to a depth of 7 feet
GORTHEK with cold, pure water from the steppe’s aquifer. When the
Conroi Expedition located this ruin (giving it its name),
XP 700 they repaired the well as a valuable water source in the arid
hp 85 (see Appendix A, page 542) plain and then incorporated it into an encoded message
they etched into nearby section of intact wall.
Tactics: At the first signs of trouble, the orc scouts cast
longstrider on themselves to increase their mobility and Unfortunately for the PCs, they are not the first visitors
then train their shortbows on their targets. The archers to arrive here. A contingent of orcs from the Stoneheart
constantly move about the field sniping at their foes in a Mountains have made their camp here for the last four
deliberate attempt to avoid engaging in melee combat. The days while they try without success to crack the cipher
gorthek rider and his powerful mount adopt the opposite that the Conroi Expedition left behind. Encamped here

are 6 gorthek riders and their befuddled leader Ornadox unaware. The short grasses offer cover to the smallest
the Merciless. They congregate in the area around the wall humanoids only, but the bits and pieces of sundered walls
with Ornadox and four of their number futilely wracking scattered around the area make for ideal hiding spots for
their thoroughly taxed brains as they examine the carved creatures of up to Medium size.
symbols, while the remaining pair sleep in bedrolls tucked
against the wall’s base. Meanwhile, their 7 gortheks roam
the grounds around the wall feasting on the overgrown ORNADOX THE MERCILESS, ORC CHIEFTAIN
vegetation or lying atop a bed of grass for a quick snooze.
Medium humanoid, chaotic evil
Armor Class 19 (+1 plate)
In a vain attempt to find a solution to their current
predicament, Ornadox the Merciless recently dispatched a
Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60)
part of his force to scout the surrounding area in hopes of Speed 30 ft.
finding something that can help them in their translation STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
of the wall. Unlike the scouting party, Ornadox and his
cohorts are solely focused on deducing the solution to the 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
mystery in front of them, causing them to pay no attentionSaving Throws Str +8, Con +7
to their surroundings. Likewise, the normally aggressive
Skills Animal Handling +4, Intimidate +8,
gortheks behave in an oddly lackadaisical manner partially
Perception +4
attributable to their full bellies and masters’ indifference.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Their disinterested state gives the characters an ideal
Languages Common, Orc
opportunity to catch the orcs and their allies completely Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move
up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it
can see. HANDOUT 5A
Archery. Ornadox gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls he
makes with ranged weapons.
Brave. Ornadox has advantage on saving throws
M3GU 3U 6Q 4OE M2U 3U G4MM
against being frightened.
Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its 4MC RG5V SG2 V4X EQ5L SG2 V4KK
damage when Ornadox hits with it (included in
the attack).
Special Gear. Ornadox has +1 plate armor, and their attacks against their opponents’ vulnerable flank or
a gorthek mask (see Appendix B, page 570). He against a few isolated individuals. With no realistic options
carries a potion of major healing, but he won't use for retreat or surrender, the orcs fight to the last man.
it as long as there are opponents to attack.
Development: Orc captives compelled to speak will
ACTIONS reveal that they are from the Stoneheart Mountains far to
Multiattack. Ornadox attacks three times with his the east. They state that their tribal chiefs and shamans
sent them weeks ago in search of a mysterious burning
greataxe, or he attacks twice with his bow. He pit somewhere in the center of the Haunted Steppe. They
then makes another attack with the same weapon do not know anything about this pit, why it burns, or why
against a different creature that is within 5 feet they were sent. They just know that they are to locate it,
of the original target and within range of his secure it, and report back to their chief. They can provide
weapon. no other useful information and have not had any success
in deciphering the message of the wall other than to say
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., that they are sure that it provides a clue to the pit’s location.
one target. Hit: 17 (2d12+4) slashing damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
With the orcs out of the way, the PCs are free to examine
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing the writing on the wall without any outside interference.
damage. The message on the wall is encoded (Handout 5A), and the
details of the message can be found in the nearby sidebar.
Treasure: Among the saddlebags of Ornadox and
XP 1,100 his troop can be found a total of 1,406 gp as well as a
hp 120 (see page 291) bone scroll case sealed with copper wire (worth 15 gp).
Inside the scroll tube is a parchment document given to
Ornadox by the Great Chief Ekree Two-Tusk of the Stone
GORTHEK Beast tribe of the Stoneheart Mountains. The document
XP 700 is written in Orc. If it is translated, provide the players
with Handout 5B.
hp 85 (see Appendix A, page 542)

Tactics: When the orcs become aware of intruders, they THE CIPHER OF THE CONROI WALL
quickly rouse to action. The sleeping orcs keep their arms The Conroi Expedition used a cipher to encode this secret
and armor close at hand. However, unless they get at least message. The cipher includes a system of numbers and
5 minutes of advance notice, the two slumbering gorthek letters from the Common alphabet as explained below.
riders forego their armor (reduce their AC by 5) and make for
their already saddled beasts 100 feet from the wall. Under
Deciphering Vowels
Ornadox’s leadership, the gorthek riders lower their lances
and charge into battle atop their mounts, concentrating Each number corresponds to a specific vowel throughout
the message as expressed in the following table.

# Corresponding Vowel
2 E
3 I
4 A Translated from Orcish
5 O The shamans of Grotaag say that the time of the Burning
6 U Star has come. Go to the plains and scour the humans
dead settlements. Grotaag has shown the shamans
a wall with writing on it. Find the wall and follow the
Deciphering Consonants instructions to the next landmark. They will lead to the
Consonants appear as letters, but the ciphers change giant column of smoke. Tell none about your mission.
on each line. In order to decode consonants, the reader Others also pursue the smoldering rock. Kill any that
must shift the letter forward or backward in the alphabet stand in your way.
as expressed in the subsequent table. For instance, on a
line where the alphabet is shifted two letters forward, the
letter D would appear as the letter F instead. If the shift
forward or backward takes the reader past the beginning or Since comprehend language does not decipher codes, the
end of the alphabet, the cipher wraps around the alphabet. PCs find themselves in much the same situation as the orcs
Therefore, if the reader must shift three letters forward, the before them. Allow your players to take a crack at the code
letter Y would appear as the letter B instead. and try to decipher it through trial and error. Decipher
Writing checks can be made if necessary to give them a
hand. A successful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) check
Line Key provides the means to deciphering one piece of the puzzle
1 Shift two letters backward (e.g. the vowel substitution or the consonant shift for one
2 Shift three letters backward line of the message), so each separate part of the cipher
requires an additional check. If the PCs manage to make a
3 Shift one letter backward
DC 25 check, they can decode the entire message outright
4 Shift one letter forward — though they may still struggle with the meaning of the
V6TP VJ2 J4PFN2 H5T H56T H6NN F4AU If your players are struggling to solve the riddle, you can
Turn the handle for four full days lend a hand and gently point them in the right direction
without blatantly revealing the solution. Magic such as
contact other plane, divination, legend lore and similar spells
Then go back to the start of yesterday. can be used to bestow useful information similar to the
M3GU 3U 6Q 4OE M2U 3U G4MM results to achieving a DC 25 Intelligence (Investigation)
Lift it up and let it fall. check, as described above. In a similar vein, mechanically
inclined characters that examine the well and succeed
on a DC 20 tool proficiency check with an Intelligence-
And show the way from the wall. based tool can discern that the crank mechanism has
several unusual notches that suggest it can move in an
The wall’s message relates to the nearby stone well. unanticipated manner with the proper coaxing. The check
It directs the reader to turn the handle four complete does not reveal the combination needed to elicit this
rotations in a clockwise direction, and then turn the handle counterintuitive motion, but it reveals an important clue
one complete rotation in a counter-clockwise direction. that may lead the adventurers to attempt to unravel the
The creature must then vertically lift the handle, allowing mystery through sheer trial and error. However, regardless
it drop back into position where it will then point due of how many times the PCs turn or twist the handle, it
north from the well towards the next landmark. never falls into the correct position unless that individual
follows the sequence detailed in the ciphered message.

THE CONROI WALL TO In addition, unlike the previously encountered
Shattered Folk tribesmen, this Shattered Folk encounter
GRAVENFAR’S CAVE is with cannibals who bear the partially shaved heads
The trail from Conroi’s Wall leads 188 miles due north to the and chalk face paint of the Kwajubinay tribe, a fact that
next landmark, Gravenfar’s Cave. The path across the Haunted the PCs can discern with a successful DC 20 Intelligence
Steppe continues more or less along the Road of Sorrows, so (History) check. The Kwajubinay are not a numerous
continue to roll for encounters with Caleen ruins as detailed tribe and are thankfully only rarely encountered out
under On the Road of Sorrows above as well as the normal on the vast steppes because in addition to their savage
Haunted Steppe random encounters. Also, as word of the search and cannibalistic ways, they are known to have formed
for the Pit of the Burning Star has begun to circulate in certain a quasi-religious cult that worships an entity known
circles, the orcs and Shattered Folk wandering throughout the only as The Shadow. Details about the religion are scant
intervening area seem to have multiplied overnight. at best, but a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Religion)
check confirms that the faith known as The Shadow (see
In addition to any randomly generated encounters, an Appendix C, page 589) is thought to have first emerged
encounter will occur with these two groups: At least one when the mighty Hundaei Empire collapsed over 2,800
Orc War Party and group of Shattered Folk tribesmen will years ago and is speculated to have been at least partially
attack the PCs en route to their next destination at times responsible for its calamitous civil war and sudden
of the GMs choosing. Use the statistics for these groups downfall.
as indicated in the Haunted Steppe Random Encounters
table in the previous chapter. It should be noted that the These extra encounters are intended as a prelude to
orcs encountered in these encounters are of the orc tribes the pitched battle that awaits the PCs outside Gravenfar’s
native to the Haunted Steppe, not members of or in any Cave between a large contingent of orcs and the followers
way affiliated with Ornadox’s Stone Beast tribe detailed in of a Kwajubinay undead lord in The Shadow’s mysterious
the Orc Scouting Party and area C encounters above. service.

D. GRAVENFAR’S CAVE • 4 gorthek riders mounted on gortheks
The details of this site are not apparent because of its • 6 orc scouts
situation in a depression in the plain, however, a successful • 61 orcs
DC 19 Wisdom (Perception) check detects the sounds of war • His dead include a total of 33 orc warriors, sergeants,
cries and screams in the distance from 200 yards before the and lieutenants, though not all of them currently
tableau itself comes into view. rest easy (see below).
The landscape gently slopes down into a wide, remarkably uniform
depression. Battered and bloodied corpses litter the field in the
vicinity of a grassy earthwork inside the sweeping basin, while AGGARAK STUB-EAR
a battle between savage orcs and shaved-head human tribesmen Medium humanoid, chaotic evil
rages around it. A tunnel, crudely cut, in the exposed face of the
earthwork opens into the ground. A closer look at the battlefield
Armor Class 13 (hide)
reveals that many of the combatants, both orc and human alike Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42)
appear to be the shambling corpses of recently deceased combatants Speed 30 ft.
returned to life and now serving the cause of the Shattered Folk
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)
An odd swale roughly 100 yards across dips to a gradual
depth of 30 feet here, its grassy sides gently sloping to its Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
nadir where a strangely regular grassy mound lies. The Languages Common, Orc
entire depression as well as the grassy wrinkle of earth
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
at its center were formed by a fragment of noqual that
separated from the Burning Star as it plummeted through
the atmosphere of Boros and crashed here. For most of its Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up
history, the 30-foot deep, gently sloping depression escaped to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can
scrutiny from men and beast alike. However, now the blood see.
and clash of battle mar the small crater.
Reckless. At the start of his turn, Aggarak can
gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls
The orc warlord Aggarak leads his company of Stone during that turn, but attack rolls against him have
Beast orcs in a pitched battle against a smaller yet no-less-
determined tribe of Shattered Folk cannibals under the
advantage until the start of his next turn.
direction of Kiwaha Star-Eye, a shaman of the Kwajubinay
tribe of the Shattered Folk. Like the Stone Beasts the PCs ACTIONS
encountered at area C, Aggarak and his band have been Multiattack. Aggarak makes two weapon attacks.
dispatched from the Stoneheart Mountains by Great Chief Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Ekree Two-Tusk in search of the Pit of the Burning Star.
The Kwajubinay have an idea of where the Pit lies but have
one target. Hit: 10 (1d12+4) slashing damage.
no such interest themselves; the cannibals have just taken Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
note of the increase in visitors to the central steppes and reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7
seek to bring more souls to The Shadow. (1d6+4) piercing damage.

The two enemy forces are arrayed across the entire

depression in clusters of bloodshed, but none of them have
yet entered the cave in the side of the hillock at the basin’s Medium humanoid, chaotic evil
center other than an initial exploratory group detailed Armor Class 13 (hide)
below. Hit Points 45 (6d8+18)
Speed 30 ft.
This orc band consists of the following members:
• Aggarak Stub-Ear 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 16 (+3)
• 1 orc war drummer Skills Intimidate +5, Perform +5

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 ACTIONS
Languages Common, Orc Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Challenge 2 (450 XP) one target. Hit: 10 (1d12+3) slashing damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7
to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can (1d6 +3) piercing damage.
Inspiring Fervor. If the war drummer hits with an ORC SCOUT
attack, it may choose one ally within 30 feet who
can see it. The ally gains Advantage on their next XP 700
attack before the end of its next turn. hp 58 (see page 290)
Spellcasting. The war drummer is a 4th-level
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma GORTHEK RIDER
(spell save DC 13). The war drummer has the XP 1,100
following bard spells prepared: hp 120 (see page 291)
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, minor illusion,
1st level (4 slots): bane, detect magic, hideous GORTHEK
laughter, thunderwave XP 700
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, shatter hp 85 (see Appendix A, page 542)

THE KWAJUBINAY TRIBESMEN Unholy Strike. Once per round, when Kiwaha hits
This tribe consists of the following members: with a melee attack, he deals an additional 4 (1d8)
• Kiwaha Star-Eye necrotic damage.
• 6 Kwajubinay deathriders mounted on mustangs
(see Appendix A, page 554) ACTIONS
• 24 Kwajubinay cannibals Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
• 15 common zombiesSRD (7 humans, 8 orcs) 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) bludgeoning
• 2 mummiesSRD damage, or 5 (1d8+1) bludgeoning damage if
• Another 5 dead tribesmen still litter the field but used in two hands.
have yet to be animated.

KIWAHA STAR-EYE Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
Medium humanoid (human, Shattered Folk), neutral Statistics as berserkersSRD but also have the
evil following abilities:
Armor Class 14 (breastplate) Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
Hit Points 55 (10d8+10) 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing
Speed 30 ft. damage).
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Ride Down (Recharge 4-6). If the deathrider and
his mount move at least 20 feet and then attack
12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 17 (+3)
on the same turn, the deathrider’s mount can
Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +5 make a hooves attack as a bonus action. If this
Skills Arcana +3, Insight +5, Persuasion +5, Religion attack hits, the the mount also can make an
+3 Athletics check (using a +5 modifier) to Shove the
Senses passive Perception 13 target and knock it prone.
Languages Kirkut, Orc
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Special gear. Kiwaha has the staff of unholy life KWAJUBINAY CANNIBAL
(see Appendix C, page 145; 5 charges remaining) XP 100
and four spell scrolls (divination, flame strike, insect hp 30 (statistics as Shattered Folk cannibal, page 278)
plauge, prayer).
Spellcasting. Kiwaha is a 9th-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13). XP 50
Kiwaha has the following cleric spells prepared: hp 22
Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, thaumaturgy,
Seven of these zombies are fallen Kawjubinay cannibals
resistance and the other 8 are orc warriors raised from the dead but
1st level (4 slots): bane, cure wounds, detect magic, their statistics as zombies are identical.
shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person,
spiritual weapon MUMMYSRD
3rd level (3 slots): speak with dead, vampiric touch XP 700
4th level (3 slots): blight, death ward hp 58
5th level (1 slot): hallow

Tactics: The orcs rely upon numerical superiority and enemy. The dwarves will attempt to hang back and avoid
their heavy gorthek cavalry to mow through the Shattered becoming engaged in the conflict, but if the PCs enter the
Folk tribesmen and mindless undead. The orc foot soldiers battle and immediately begin attacking the tribesmen and
gang up on any overmatched targets, leaving their stronger their undead allies, the orcs will welcome the addition and
troops to deal with their foes’ leader and his deathriders. battle wholeheartedly alongside the PCs. Assuming a victory
Meanwhile, the outnumbered Shattered Folk tribesmen over the Kwajubinay, the wary orc survivors assess the odds
fight a defensive battle trying to take down as many of of killing the PCs too in one fell swoop. Aggarak will make
the lesser orcs as quickly as possible so their leader can this decision based on how effective the PCs were in battle
reanimate them and bring them back into the battle. For and how injured they appear to be. If Aggarak was slain, the
his part Kiwaha splits his time between defending himself orcs will not attempt such a double cross. If the PCs are
and using his staff to bolster his undead servitors. He successfully able to parley with the orcs, see “Parley” below.
knows he is down to 5 charges and is being careful about
their usage.
Join forces with the tribesmen: By comparison, Kiwaha and
his fellow tribesmen are much less receptive to the PCs’
Development: With the battle already raging before assistance. The tribal shaman serves only one master —
them, the PCs have options as to how they wish to proceed. the mysterious entity known as The Shadow. Nonetheless,
Depending on what option the PCs choose, the reactions by Kiwaha will not look a gift mustang in the mouth. In battle
the other combatants is provided below. If the PCs choose he will try to concentrate his followers and undead on the
an option not covered here, you will need to determine its orc soldiers and leave the gorthek riders and leader to the
outcome using the information provided here as a guide as PCs. He will try to conserve spells while using the ritual in
to the likely actions of the other parties. his staff to increase the forces available to him. He intends
to keep his forces as intact as possible in order to deal
with the newcomers after the orcs have been dispatched.
Wait out the battle: The PCs may choose to sit this one out.
Assuming a victory over the orcs, the PCs may attempt to
They can pull back out of range and wait for the sounds to
parley with the tribesmen (see “Parley” below).
die down or simply observe from the fringes. If they are
visibly observing from the fringes, there is a 50% chance
each round that they are noticed by the combatants. If they Use the battle as cover to sneak into the cave: As is the way
are noticed and do not make an obvious effort to help one of adventurers, the PCs may opt to avoid the carefully
side or the other, there is a 50% chance that each of the prepared encounter entirely and simply use the chaos and
sides assumes that the PCs are an enemy and engage them confusion to sneak into the cave mouth which appears to be
as well, which could likely lead to a three-way free-for-all the obvious destination of this leg of the journey. Unaided
melee. In any case, whether engaging one or both sides or Dexterity (Stealth) checks will be difficult simply because
remaining unobserved, the PCs can then opt to deal with of the sheer number of combatants on the field but the
the victors however they see fit. use of magical assistance such as invisibility or teleport could
certainly make it possible. Unfortunately for the PCs, the
effects of the noqual fragment within the cave extends that
Barring an intervention by the PCs, the orcs will withdraw
substance’s potent magic suppression all the way to the
from the battle in 1d4+4 rounds. They will lose another 20
cave entrance. As a result, any attempts to scry the interior
of their orcs plus the orc war drummer, 2 gorthek riders,
of the cave will fail and any magical means of invisibility
and a gorthek. Whereas the Kwajubinay will lose another
or instantaneous travel also fail at the cave entrance.
11 cannibals and 4 deathriders as well as all of their current
This might be sufficient to gain entrance into the cave
zombies, but they will gain another 15 zombies (10 orc and
unnoticed but leaves the prospect of the dwarven caravan
5 human) as well as a wraith with the use of 4 more of the
left unprotected nearby, which will certainly be noticed by
Kiwaha’s staff ’s charges. At the battle’s conclusion, the
the victors of the battle outside and subsequently attacked.
Kwajubinay will turn on the PCs as soon as they become
If the PCs are noticed at the mouth of the cave or going
aware of them, and at the GM’s discretion the PCs could
to the cave, see the results in Wait out the battle above for
run afoul of the orc survivors at some later point.
what occurs if the PCs are spotted.

Join forces with the orcs: Though the orcs are a race almost
Parley: Assuming the PCs have allied with one side or
universally hostile to the PCs and the mountain dwarves
other in the conflict outside the cave, depending on the
of their company, the clearly cannibalistic and undead-
battle’s conclusion they may attempt to parley with their
employing tribesmen seem to make a natural common
erstwhile allies regarding access to the cave.

Parley with the orcs: If the PCs are successful in achieving How the PCs handle the sharing of any discoveries with
parley with Aggarak, he initially is indifferent to the PCs. the orcs is up to them, but Aggarak’s initial reaction will
He will agree to allow the PCs to explore the cave first be consistent with his current attitude as detailed above.
but little else. If the PCs successfully Make an Impression This can change based on circumstances as the adventure
and he becomes friendly, he will reveal that he is of the progresses, of course, and the orc warlord’s priority is
Stone Beast tribe of the Stoneheart Mountains and was always to obtain at least a share of the burning star’s
sent by his Great Chief Ekree several weeks ago to find discovery for himself. In any event, a true lasting alliance is
the pit where lies the Star That Burns after the tribe’s unlikely as the first moment he sees a clear advantage for
shaman experienced a dream-vision from Grotaag about himself Aggarak will seek to betray the PCs.
its discovery. He doesn’t know much about it and was sent
as one of several orc bands dispatched onto the steppe in
Parley with the tribesmen: At the conclusion of the battle,
search of this prize. Aggarak does not know the numbers
the Kwajubinay’s first inclination will be to turn on the PCs.
or fates of any other orc troops sent on the Haunted Steppe
In their eyes they are agents of destruction in the service of
but believes that this shallow crater and cave might be
their lord, The Shadow, and see the PCs as little more than
the very pit he is seeking. He can relate that he and his
heretics and a potential food source. If the PCs recognize
company had just discovered it when they were ambushed
the tribesmen as Kwajubinay and as servants of The Shadow
by the tribesmen who they believe had been tracking them
(see The Conroi Wall to Gravenfar’s Cave above for details
for several days. He will offer to let the PCs have the honor
of doing this), they may pretend to share that tribe’s faith in
of exploring the cave first if they agree to share anything
order to gain their trust. This is difficult to do and requires
they find within. He makes vague promises of cooperation
succeeding at a skill contest of their Charisma (Deception)
with his Great Chief over sharing this Burning Star, but
check against Kiwaha’s Wisdom (Insight) check; the PCs
no Wisdom (Insight) check is necessary to realize that even
have disadvantage on their Deception checks for this
he is unconvinced of his chief agreeing to such a thing.
purpose due to the priest’s suspicious nature). However,
But that is a matter to be worked out later in his mind. If
if the ruse is successful Kiwaha will relay that his group
the PCs enter the cave while Aggarak is indifferent toward
arrived just as the orcs were starting to enter the cave. They
them, he and his orcs will attack the caravan if they are
had been tracking the orc band for 4 days and managed to
aware of it and the PCs have left it undefended. If Aggarak
catch up to them here.
is friendly toward them, he will not order such an attack.

He personally knows nothing about the cave other than

If Aggarak’s attitude is shifted to helpful, he can provide
that it is death for anyone to enter and is avoided by his
the PCs with all of the above information as well as two
tribe. He does not know why the sudden influx of mountain
additional items of interest. One is that shortly before
orcs has occurred in recent weeks but refers to them
being attacked they discovered that something within
gleefully as “good hunting." If he was to hazard a guess, he’d
the cave suppresses magical effects beyond the entrance.
say they are likely hunting for Shataakh-Uulm. He doesn’t
Second, he will relate that he had sent a group of four
know the exact location of that site, as even the Kwajubinay
scouts into the cave just before the attack. Three were
don’t venture near it, but waves vaguely in a northeasterly
almost immediately decapitated by some hideous trap
direction saying it is many days’ ride. He does warn that
that lies not far beyond the cave mouth, and the fourth
the nearer one gets to the legendary site the more one runs
has yet to return. They assume the worst, though. Aggarak
into the walking dead bearing strange burns and that prove
proposes they explore the cave together and share whatever
exceedingly resistant to being commanded. He has no
is found within. If questioned about what his chief will say,
interest in the cave or Shataakh-Uulm and, if the PCs have
he simply chuckles and says, “It takes many weeks to walk
convinced him of their own allegiance to The Shadow, he
from the mountains to here. Who knows who will be Great
will leave them to it in peace, oddly wishing them luck in
Chief by the time Ekree learns of what we’ve discovered?”
their quest before heading on in his own quest to continue
A DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that there is no
harvesting souls for The Shadow. Unfortunately, if the PCs
deception in this statement. Aggarak defers to the PCs’
leave the dwarven caravan unattended, the Kwajubinay will
expertise upon entering the cave mouth, but he and his war
likely attack it in the PCs’ absence seeking more souls for
drummer and any surviving gorthek riders (dismounted,
The Shadow and corpses for food.
of course) will tag along. His remaining orcs will remain
wary and distrustful but will not make any trouble with the
members of the caravan. Treasure: The gortheks’ saddlebags contain 2,450 gp and
a mahogany jewelry box (250 gp) that contains 24 assorted
gems (worth a total of 2,400 gp). In addition, searching the

bodies of the dead who were slain before the PCs arrived When the noqual meteorite struck here 2,000 years ago,
locates a potion of giant strength (hill giant), two potions of it blasted out this small basin and piled up a mound of
greater healing and 1,269 gp. displaced earth that came to cover its resting place. The
heat of the impact caused a cyst to form at the center of
this debris, and millennia of weathering created a natural
D1. CAVE MOUTH fissure descending to that cyst. This location was initially
Everything beyond the cave opening is under the effects of discovered by Aroldus Gravenfar, who made his way down
an antimagic field. Because the magical suppression property into the cyst where he camped and created a trail glyph
emanates from an inherently nonmagical object, there is as described at area D2. When members of the Conroi
no way to end the effect other than physically removing the Expedition discovered the location two years later, they
small fragment of noqual from the cave. spent some time studying Gravenfar’s work. In the process
An apparent natural fissure in the rocky face of this hillock leads they bricked the walls of the tunnel to stabilize them and
down into darkness. At some time in the past, someone has added the traps described below so that only they could
enlarged and reinforced the walls of this fissure with fieldstone safely make use of Gravenfar’s work. The tunnel descends
masonry. The freshly decapitated bodies of three orcs lie slumped at a gradual angle, though it is not steep enough to inhibit
just inside the cave mouth. Their heads loll haphazardly nearby. movement. Its floor and 8-foot ceiling are hard-packed
From the splatters of blood on the tunnel floor it’s clear that stone and earth, but its walls are constructed of dry-
something farther down the corridor took the orcs’ heads with stacked masonry. The entry tunnel boasts three mechanical
great force and then flung them back to lie at the tunnel entrance. traps that were installed by the explorers of the Conroi
Other than a few fat, blue flies that have landed on the remains Expedition. The DC to locate each trap with an Intelligence
and puddles of congealing blood, there are no other signs of life in (Investigation) check or Wisdom (Perception) check and to
the tunnel. disarm it with a Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check are listed
individually for each trap.

Trap 1: The first trap is a huge scythe blade placed on the pit deal an additional 17 (5d6) piercing damage,
a rotating assembly that swings across the cave’s entrance or half as much with a successful DC 20 Dexterity
when a creature passes through the location marked T1
and then resets itself. It is this trap that accounted for the
saving throw. In addition, all creatures falling into
three orc corpses at the cave mouth. the pit are exposed to tetanus and must make a
DC 14 Constitution saving throw each time they
complete a long rest.
Mechanical trap TETANUS
Notice DC 20; Disable DC 22
The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City 615
All targets in a 15-foot length of tunnel take 21 (6d6)
Type disease, injury; Save Constitution DC 14
slashing damage or half as much with a successful
Frequency 1/day
DC 18 Reflex saving throw. A creature reduced to
Effect On finishing a long rest, the target must
0 hit points by this trap is decapitated and dies
make a saving throw, taking 4d4 poison damage
instantly (if the loss of its head would kill it).
gaining an exhaustion level on a failure. Exhaustion
Trap 2: The second trap is covered pit at the location levels gained in this way cannot be removed through
marked T2 on the map. Anyone making a DC 14 Wisdom long rest until the disease is cured or removed.
(Perception) check after the scythe trap notices a fresh blood Cure 3 successful saving throws.
trail on the floor, evidence of a fourth orc that survived that
trap and continued on his way. However, a second DC 16 Treasure: The fresh corpse of the orc lieutenant still
Wisdom (Perception) check notices that the blood trail wears masterwork hide armor (with the broken condition
suddenly ends at the square marked as T2. While it takes due to damage from the spikes), a cloak of protection
a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to actually notice the (miraculously intact), a falchion, a bag of holding, 127 gp, and
trap, this lesser check can at least give warning of some a gold necklace (250 gp). His bow, arrows, and a potion bottle
sort of danger at the location. The pit’s cover is skillfully were all destroyed in the fall. The three skeletal remains
camouflaged to blend in with the earthen floor, and the (all human) still bear between them +1 half-plate, a rusty but
pit itself is a smooth-walled, magically excavated shaft that intact longsword, a bottle of air, and a total of 1,450 gp and
drops trespassers 100 feet onto a spike-lined bottom. The 188 sp tucked into their tattered pockets and moldy leather
cover mechanism automatically resets, forcing adventurers pouches.
dropped into the chasm below them to climb its walls
(successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check) and pry the
cover mechanism open (damage threshold 5, AC 15, HP 20). Trap 3: A sinister insanity mist trap is the final barrier
The slope of the passage inclines up towards area D2 after standing between the characters at the location marked T3.
the pit, so the bottom few inches of the pit are covered in In the 80 years since the Conroi Expedition left its calling
scummy, stinking water that has drained here from the card in this subterranean complex, the PCs are the first to
infrequent rain showers on the steppes above. Lying in this get this far. This trap does not automatically reset itself.
rank stew is the fresh corpse of the fourth and final orc
lieutenant that made it this far, but also the skeletal remains
of a group of three adventurers that explored the cave several INSANITY MIST TRAP
decades ago.
Mechanical trap
Notice DC 18; Disable DC 22
CAMOUFLAGED SPIKED PIT TRAP All creatures in a 10-foot radius are exposed to a
toxic mist and must attempt a DC 18 Widsom saving
Mechanical trap
throw. If the creature fails, it develops a random
Notice DC 21; Disable DC 23
long-term madness (see madness in the SRD). If
All creatures in a 10-foot square area plunge into
it fails by 10 or more, it instead gains a permanent
a 100-foot-deep pit, taking 35 (10d6) bludgeoning
madness. Creatures that succeed on their saving
damage). In addition, the spikes at the bottom of
throw suffer no permanent harm, but their minds

and senses are temporarily addled, and they have stones. On either side of the far peg, small lines have been
disadvantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and scratched into the floor and given number designations.
Anyone making a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check can
Charisma ability checks. They can attempt a new tell these are degrees of arc and provide an exact reading
saving throw after completing a short rest to end of the black line’s direction as 21° north-northeast. This
these effects or can end them immediately with calculation was determined by the Conroi Expedition
neutralize poison. who then left their measuring instruments here in case
they needed them again in the future.
Treasure: If the PCs excavate the fragment of noqual, it
A miniaturized topographical mosaic depicting a large basin with
weighs a mere 2 lb. and is worth 100 gp.
several geographical features covers much of the floor in the middle
of the room. A black line of stones leads from a small cave mouth
near its center to an indeterminate point somewhere off the tiled This noqual ore has been uniquely warped by its cosmic
artistic piece. journey and traumatic arrival in that rather than simply
absorbing magic into itself, it is amplified and actively
extends its own antimagic field in an area sufficient to cover
Although the Conroi Expedition members created the
the entire interior of the mound. However, if the ore is
traps that guard this cave, Aroldus Gravenfar actually
excavated, it immediately begins to oxidize and within a
discovered the cave first and meticulously handmade the
matter of minutes functions as normal noqual ore (see
wondrous map. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature)
Appendix B, page 570).
check confirms that the mosaic is an exact replica of the
region surrounding the cave. The black line points the
characters in the direction that Gravenfar and subsequently GRAVENFAR’S CAVE TO SIXTUN’S
the Conroi Expedition went from here. Coordinating the
points on the map with those found outside requires a SPYGLASS
successful DC 20 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) The black line imbedded into Gravenfar’s wondrous mosaic
check or magical assistance with spells such as find the path points the party towards their next critical landmark, a lonely
or similar effects. tower literally in the middle of nowhere 259 miles north-
northeast of the cave. This leg of the journey culminates at
the literal crossroads where the Road of Sorrows and the lush
Aroldus Gravenfar realized there had to be a noqual
grasslands proper end, and the patchy, divergent landscape
deposit somewhere within this mound based on the
in the ominous shadow of the Pit of the Burning Star begins.
magical suppression it caused, but he had no great need
The ancient Caleen settlements slowly, yet steadily trail off as
to recover and so built his mosaic map directly over the
the PCs draw closer to their distant objective. To reflect this
top of it. Retrieving the small piece of starmetal from the
change, the chances of coming across these sundered ruins
ground, therefore, requires the character to first locate it
(see Road of Sorrows Random Encounters, page 286) while
6 feet below the soil just under the mosaic’s southeastern
traveling are cumulatively reduced by 5% for each 50-mile
quadrant. The remnants of smaller fires, gnawed bones
segment of this trek. Therefore, when the adventurers reach
and small waste holes dug in the earthen floor along the
Sixtun’s Spyglass 259 miles north-northeast of Gravenfar’s
chamber’s edge confirm that someone made camp here
Cave, there is only a 5% chance of encountering these
many years ago (members of the Conroi Expedition), and
lifeless communities. As before Haunted Steppe random
a pair of slender steel pegs with a 10-foot length of twine
encounters continue to occur as normal.
tied between them can be found among the debris with
a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. If this is discovered
and anyone thinks to examine the mosaic closely, with On the other hand, there is a (non-cumulative) 10%
a DC 19 Intelligence (Investigation) check they can find chance for every 10 miles traveled of stumbling across
a tiny hole near the center of the mosaic that perfectly some remnant of the Conroi Expedition of old. These
fits one of the pegs. Stretching the twine to its full extent mementos can include one or more of the items from the
and searching along the northeastern edge of the room following table that the members discarded or left behind
locates a second hole where the peg at the opposite end on their way to their final destination. Items marked with
of the string fits with another DC 20Wisdom (Perception) an asterisk can only be discovered once and should be
check. When the pegs are in place, the string between rerolled if indicated again.
them lies directly along the route of the black line of

d20 Item
1 A broken and rusty shaving kit
2 A dry leather pouch holding 2d8 gp in century-
old Rhemian coins
3 An unmarked grave (contains a human corpse if
4 A broken compass
5 A human skull broken by some powerful blow
6 An empty ink vial
7 A brass button stamped with the Grandy Duchy
of Reme coat-of-arms
8 A warped wooden tent pole
9 A rusty saber with the broken condition (as
10 A jar of thick glass now filled with dirt
11 A broken set of manacles
12 A sheaf of 1d6+1 bodkin arrows, the arrow heads
rusted and the shafts warped (they have the
broken condition)
13 A ring of stones with fragments of a campfire
buried in the dirt
14 A torn and rotten stretcher bearing old bloodstains
15 A ragged bit of windblown cloth snagged in the
branches of a scrub tree
16 The bones of a mule or horse bearing marks of
having been slaughtered and eaten
17 A set of ivory false teeth (worth 75 gp)* A solitary, 40-foot-tall stone tower stands atop a broad, gently
18 The soiled and brittle bicorn hat of a captain of sloping plateau rising over the surrounding lands. The masonry
Rhemian Cavalry* walls of the structure are astoundingly intact and unbroken, save
for a lone window facing northeast roughly 30 feet above the
19 A tarnished silver mirror*
20 A pewter tankard bearing the initial LVD*

As the PCs draw near to the structure, they can make

E. SIXTUN’S SPYGLASS out other features as well. The building’s original design
The most easterly surviving remnant of the Caleen colonies featured a doorway facing to the south that once granted
is ideally situated. The ancient tower overlooking the access to the tower’s interior. The Conroi Expedition
surrounding area was built upon a 500-foot-high plateau, bricked over the portal, a fact that can discerned with a
giving the site a strategic vantage point for peering across successful DC 15 Intelligence check or DC 20 Wisdom
the low-lying areas around it. The ascent to the higher (Perception) check. More importantly, a DC 20 Wisdom
elevation is relatively gradual and thus has no effect on (Perception) check notes that the upper window has
the party’s speed or movement. The lonely structure is also been bricked over and leaves only a small opening
visible from five miles away, although the observer cannot through which a brass spyglass has been mounted. A DC
discern any specific features of the stone building from 15 Intelligence (Mason’s Tools) check determines that the
that distance. When the PCs come within 500 feet of this bricking of the portal happened much more recently than
location, the GM may read or paraphrase the following the construction of the tower, probably sometime within
description. the last century (i.e. at the hands of the Conroi Expedition).

It is possible from the positioning of the spyglass
and height of the tower that the PCs may conclude that
simply following the direction of the spyglass’s gaze will
take them to the next location in their journey. However, CALCULATING VISION RANGE
magic spells like divination either dissuade from that Using the Pythagorean Theorem, distance to the horizon
course of action or at least seem to hold some unidentified can be calculated using the formula of multiplying the
caveat. Nevertheless, the PCs can try and determine some square root of the altitude in feet by 1.225 to determine
information simply from a ground vantage point. the horizon distance in miles. This formula assumes
a perfectly spherical, Earth-sized world. The planet
Lloegyr is significantly larger than Earth but due to
Set at a height of approximately 530 feet above the its natural atmospheric moisture content, the haze of
surrounding ground (the height of the tower plus the humidity even in clear conditions approximates the
plateau), the spyglass’s view of the horizon is slightly Earth in the visibility distance that it allows.
over 28 miles (see sidebar). Therefore, the spyglass can
be trained upon any point within a 90° arc within that
distance, though because it appears to be fixed in place
the entire arc does not seem to be relevant. This fact may
lead the PCs to deduce that they must simply follow a line
from the spyglass to some designated location within the The smell of decomposition in this unlit interior chamber is almost
instrument’s line of sight. While it is true that the spyglass overwhelming. The tower’s interior has two floors accessible by a
is fixed on a specific point, the arrangement of mirrors and staircase that rises along the western wall. The heavy timbers of
lens inside of the device have been slightly altered causing the second floor 25 feet above still appear to be sound after all this
anyone peering through the eyepiece to see everything 5° time. Three corpses clad in armor lie on the bare stone floor of the
west and 4° north of where the spyglass appears to point. chamber — the apparent source of the foul odor.
Therefore, if the PCs opt for the preceding approach and
walk in the direction that the spyglass points, they find
The steep staircase connects the ground floor with the
themselves 5° east and 4° south of their actual target,
observation level above it. If the PCs examine the bodies
bypassing the target entirely by several miles. Characters
on the first floor they are revealed to be two humans and
following the incorrect line find nothing but the usual
a half-elf. A DC 20 Wisdom (Medicine) check to perform a
random encounters and an otherwise featureless grassland,
forensic examination confirms that they have been dead
requiring them to backtrack and take another crack at it.
for approximately one week and are in an advanced stage
of decomposition; however, none of them has any sign
Whether as a result of trial and error or simply because of a wound that might have caused their demise. A DC 15
they want to get inside and have a better look at things, Intelligence (History) check is able to recognize the red
the PCs must find a way to get inside the otherwise sealed hair and ruddy complexions of the humans (apparently
tower. They can do this simply by breaking through brothers) as Uplanders, and the kilt and tartan worn by one
the 1-foot-thick masonry over the former doorway or of them confirms their point of origin as Eamonvale on
by smashing the actual tower walls and their 2 feet of the eastern border of the Grand Duchy of RemeK12.
reinforced masonry. Likewise, the PCs could attempt to
smash through the masonry of the bricked over window,
Development: If the PCs remain in this chamber
but it is quite evident that doing so will undoubtedly jar
for more than 2 rounds, they draw the attention of the
the positon of the spyglass and potentially cause it to
guardian in area E2. It will then move downward to attack
lose its intended point of focus. Of course, as high-level
the intruders.
characters the PCs could also easily make use of such
magic as dimension door or passwall and make short work
of the purely physical obstacle represented by the tower’s Treasure: The adventurers from Eamonvale were a
walls. fighter, a rogue, and a bard in the employ of the Angus of
Dun EamonG6 to try and locate the starmetal for working
in the famous forges of the Grey Citadel. The half-elf bard
Bricked-Up Doorway/Window: 1-ft. AC 17 8; hp 18; Damage
gained their entry to the tower with a dimension door spell,
Threshold 10.
but they almost immediately fell afoul of its guardian. The
Reinforced Masonry Wall: 2-ft. thick; AC 18; hp 27; Damage first human corpse wears a breastplate and carries a flame
Threshold 15. tongue longsword. The human rogue in the kilt wears +1

studded leather and boots of striding and springing and carries
a longsword and a dagger. The half-elf bard wears a mithral
chain shirt and carries a +1 rapier, a +1 light crossbow with 60
bolts and a masterwork dagger. Their pouches hold a total HANDOUT 5C
of 64 pp, 183 gp, 205 sp (all in Eamonvale coinage), and 8
pearls (100 gp each). Hidden in the bottom of the bard’s Find the lone tower on the plateau and peer through the
boot (DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check to find) is a folded glass to find the way. The Angus will reward you well.
scrap of paper (see Handout 5C).

E2. SIXTUN’S TOWER—UPPER FLOOR retrace their route in the future if needed. They then
A spiraling stair rises through the floor and ends in this circular bricked up the tower entrances to prevent tampering
chamber. The tower roof 15 feet above is composed of heavy rafters by any plains dwellers that just happened by. Still, the
holding tiles of slate and still appears sound after all the long passage of time and dry rot has steadily weakened the
years it has stood here on the steppe. A wooden support frame, cords holding it in place. Carelessly bumping into the
of much newer construction, has been bolted to the floor before a spyglass with significant force will dislodge the device
bricked-over window, and upon it rests a large brass spyglass, held from its position. An accidental bump has a 25% chance
firmly in place by both the bricked window and thick coils of rope of causing it to shift. PCs can intentionally remove the
that tie it to the frame. Huddled at the base of the frame is the dark spyglass from its mounting with a successful DC 20
form of a frail, humanoid form bound into a fetal position and Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check or a DC 23 Strength
lying beneath a thick layer of dust and cobwebs. (Athletics) check. If the spyglass’s perspective is shifted,
the PCs can only learn what it was viewing by carefully
trying to replace it in its original position using the
The Conroi Expedition used this unique vantage point alignment of the wooden frame and the bricked window’s
on the plain to sight their next landmark objective and small opening to guide it. This is only successful with a
then carefully secured the spyglass in place so they could DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check.

To further guard against tampering with the device, watcher, it suffers some calamity. The event is
Colonel Conroi ordered the execution of a Shattered Folk circumstantial, but always deals 3d10 damage.
prisoner that the expedition had been interrogating for
several weeks to try and glean any useful information it
The damage type is dependent on the situation,
might have regarding the terrain ahead. Having depleted such as a pillar falling and dealing bludgeoning
the prisoner’s store of useful knowledge, Conroi had the damage. Whenever this happens, there is a 50%
expedition’s wizard, Manx, kill the bound unfortunate chance that the calamity affects the luckless
with a phantasmal killer and then curse the body in hopes watcher as well.
of creating an undead guardian for their landmark. Manx’s
cruel ministration worked all too well, and the cursed
Cursed. If the luckless watcher rolls a natural 1 on
soul of the murdered tribesman arose as the Luckless an attack roll or ability check, it has disadvantage
Watcher shortly after the expedition continued on its way. on ability checks and attack rolls until the end
Examining the bound form reveals it to be the desiccated of its next turn. If it makes an attack that is a
remains of a bound Shattered Folk, the parchment-like skin critical hit, the luckless watcher must roll a d6. If
of his facial features frozen forever in a silent scream. The
Watcher himself arises from the corpse 1 round after the
the result is 4 or lower, the attack is not a critical
PCs enter the room unless they have already encountered hit. Finally, the first two saving throws that the
him downstairs. luckless watcher makes in each combat have
Incorporeal Movement. The luckless watcher can
THE LUCKLESS WATCHER move through other creatures and objects as if
Medium undead, chaotic evil they were difficult terrain. It takes 10 (3d6) force
Armor Class 17 damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36) Innate Spellcasting. The luckless watcher’s
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA DC 18, spell attack bonus +6). It can innately
1 (-5) 25 (+7) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) cast the following spells, requiring only verbal
Saving Throws Dex +12, Wis +8, Cha +10 3/day each: locate person, dispel magic
Skills Arcana +7, Deception +10, Insight +8, 1/day each: finger of death, spirit guardians
Perception +13, Persuasion +9
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; ACTIONS
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from Multiattack. The luckless watcher makes two melee
nonmagical attacks attacks.
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison Lifetouch. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, ft., one target. Hit: 34 (6d8 + 7) necrotic damage.
frightened, grappled, paralyzed, poisoned, prone, The luckless watcher regains a number of hit
restrained points equal to half of the damage dealt.
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 23 Phantasmagoria (2/day). The Luckless Watcher can
Languages Kirkut create a phantasmal image of the most fearsome
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) creature imaginable to all creatures within 30
feet. An affected creature must make a DC 17
Aura of Misfortune. Creatures within 10 feet of the Wisdom saving throw. A creature that fails takes
luckless watcher have disadvantage on attack rolls 40 (9d8) psychic damage and is frightened, or
and ability checks. half as much damage and is not frightened on a
Calamitous Mishaps. Any time a creature success.
rolls a natural 1 within 10 feet of a luckless

Development: A PC peering through the spyglass’s F. HALLELUJAH SPRINGS
eyepiece sees a steaming hot spring surrounded by a
The trail from the lonely tower to Hallelujah Springs takes
shocking array of bright, multi-colored stones. Every few
the adventurers from one of the most elevated points in the
minutes the spring erupts with a geyser of scalding hot
Haunted Steppe to its nadir within a caldera that formed
water dozens of feet into the air. By looking through the
in the wake of a prehistoric volcanic eruption. The ancient
eyepiece and taking a bearing on the surrounding terrain,
catastrophe’s visible scars vanished long ago, but the region
a PC can calculate the exact location of this hot spring as
still boasts numerous reminders of the earth’s fiery anger
slightly east of due north with a DC 20 Intelligence (Nature)
in the form of hot springs. There are approximately 60
check. If unsuccessful in obtaining the exact direction,
of the boiling springs clustered in a 5-mile-wide belt that
aerial scouting in the generally correct direction can locate
starts approximately 20 miles from the Caleen tower.
the distinct landmark, though this adds 1d3 days to the
caravan’s travel time.
The omnipresent grasses found through the Haunted
Steppe temporarily cede dominance to patches of greenish-
Treasure: The great brass spyglass itself is a considerable
brown stubble and bare earth in this region pockmarked
treasure in and of itself. It is much larger and heavier than
with small pools of frothing water and strangely molded
a typical spyglass — weighing 20 pounds — and provides
exposed rock. If the PCs successfully unraveled the mystery
much greater magnification, giving a view more akin to
of Sixtun’s Spyglass and triangulated the hot spring’s correct
a telescope. Objects viewed through this masterpiece
position, they readily locate the boiling spring where
spyglass are magnified by 20 times, however its lenses and
Azmerius hid the next clue to the Pit of the Burning Star.
mirrors are slightly off causing its viewpoint to be a few
Otherwise, the characters must rely upon ingenuity and
degrees off of true (see above). This can be overcome with
even blind luck to find the next piece of this cryptic puzzle.
trial and error and a DC 15 Intelligence check, after which
the user is able to manually compensate for this slight
incongruity. Adding even further value to this treasured The hot spring that the Conroi Expedition’s chaplain
find is its historical value, as etched into the barrel of used to hide his box looked no different than the others
the spyglass are the words Col. Sixtun Conroi, 4th Rhemian in the region when Azmerius chose it as a hiding cache
Cavalry, Ret. Presented in honor of 22 years faithful service this 78 years ago. However, in addition to its now drastically
17th day of DaanLL7-219, 3436. (Daan is the sixth month of the changed appearance (see below), a PC within 1 mile of
calendar year in Akados.) As a scientific instrument the this spring that succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (Nature)
spyglass alone is worth 2,500 gp. As an artifact of extreme check notices an anomalous feature in this particular
significance in the history of Akados a collector could pay hot spring when they observe an eruption (which occurs
as much as 25,000 gp for it. every few minutes). The plume of steam and boiling water
expelled from this geyser frequently bifurcates, suggesting
an unseen obstruction beneath the surface. Read the hot
SIXTUN’S SPYGLASS TO spring’s description when the players actually reach this
The abandoned settlements of the Road of Sorrows found The field of boiling pools and fluming geysers stretches for miles
in the previous few legs of the trek now exclusively consist across the bare rock of this lowland. Everywhere the rocky surfaces
of isolated bare remnants of solitary cabins or sod houses are smooth and molded from the dual actions of heat and water
built by the most pioneering souls from that bygone era. and form fantastical shapes: dreamlike mountains, dragons,
The chances of finding these ruins decreases to 1% for clouds, and castles in myriad profusion, all encased within an
every 10 miles traveled across this terrain. Conversely, the ever-present patina of condensation that never quite seems to
odds of uncovering evidence from the previous Conroi dry in the incessant winds of the steppes. The bubbling pools that
Expedition Artifacts table increases to 20% for every break up these rocky features range in colors from deep blue, to
10 miles traveled. In addition, this is the last leg of the crystal clear, to muddy brown, to murky yellow, and the smells of
journey in which the normal Haunted Steppe random sulfur and mildew are strong on the breeze.
encounters occur.
One rocky pool, however, is quite different from the others. It
has the same fantastical rock formations and bubbling pool that
sends forth streams of water at irregular intervals, but its rocks
are quite different. Whereas the other rock formations of the geyser

field bear contours of whimsy and childlike imagination, their F1. UPPER BASIN
colors conform to the same chalky, dull brown of the rest of the Although not boiling, the water within the upper basin
landscape, this pool’s rocks scintillate with unimaginable colors: is a balmy 160° F. A character fully immersed in the hot
vivid greens, vibrant reds, golden yellows, and lustrous blues mix spring takes 1d6 fire damage per round of exposure (no
in an a wild profusion, like a dollop dropped from the painter’s save). The waters of the pool are a vivid bluish-green
palette by the gods of creation when these otherwise dismal plains because of the coloration of the rock beneath it, and
were first formed. visibility is poor. Anyone standing at the pool's edge can
discern that the pool is approximately 30 feet deep with a
successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. If the viewer
Hallelujah Springs is a pool formed by thick sinter
succeeds at a DC 23 on the check, he can see the funnel-
deposits that measures roughly 70 feet across that also
like opening at the base of the pool — obviously the source
happens to possess a geyser at its center that spews a
of the geyser’s spout. If the Wisdom (Perception) check is
column of scalding water and steam 80 feet into the air
successful at a DC 26, then the viewer can faintly make out
every 2d4 minutes. The eruptions last 1d4 rounds before
some rectangular object, clearly not naturally formed, that
the pool settles again, and each time an eruption occurs
partially obstructs this opening — the apparent source of
there is an 80% chance that it bifurcates at its base, as if
the geyser’s bifurcation. The DCs of these checks are all
some obstruction under the surface of the pool is altering
reduced by 5 for anyone actually submerged in the pool,
its flow — which, of course, it is. When the PCs first arrive,
and reduced by 10 for anyone within 5 feet of the geyser
it is 2d10+10 rounds before the geyser’s next eruption. A
successful DC 20 Intelligence (Nature) or Intelligence
(Alchemist’s Tools) check can confirm that the coloration
of the rocks in and around the pool are from long exposure The water in the pool is calm (DC 10 Strength (Athletics)
to certain metals (including tin, lead, and copper) that check), except when the geyser erupts. When that occurs,
have leached into the water for many years and caused the the waters are considered stormy (DC 20 Strength
strangely colored deposits. (Athletics) check) for the entire pool except for the central

10 feet where the geyser is erupting. That portion of the The narrow neck that connects the upper basin to the
pool exerts considerable upward force requiring a DC 22 lower chamber is 4 feet wide and 8 feet long, with the
Strength (Athletics) check to avoid being lifted 1d3 x 10 feet strange object lodged only 2 feet below its top end. The
into the air and then falling back into the waters of the waters within the neck are the same temperature as the
pool. Anyone who makes this Swim check is able to escape waters of the lower chamber. A crevice in the side of the
into the surrounding waters of the pool without being neck is where Azmerius deposited his coffer (see The Box
lifted. Anyone failing this Swim check takes 3d6 points of below) and wedged it in tight enough that the eruption
bludgeoning damage from the force of the plume. of the geyser doesn’t dislodge it. Over time colorful silica
deposits have built up on the 2-foot x 3-foot box so that
it is now fused in with the surrounding rock. Removing
In addition, when the geyser erupts, the water in the
the coffer requires a DC 26 Strength (Athletics) check or
pool reaches boiling temperature, dealing 10d6 fire
dealing at least 80 points of damage to the surrounding
damage per round to anyone immersed in the pool or
stone (damage threshold 8). Alternatively, spells such as
the geyser’s plume. Anyone standing within 20 feet of the
passwall or shape stone will allow easy removal of the box.
pool when the geyser erupts is showered with its scalding
droplets and takes 2d6 fire damage per round (DC 30
basic Reflex save). The coffer itself is made of pewter, and its composition of
mixed metals has leached into the water over the last eight
decades creating the rainbow deposits. In addition, the
Development: Anyone that swims down to investigate the
coffer is lined with lead to prevent its discovery by divination.
strange object in the funnel can tell that it is a metal coffer
Unfortunately, this lead lining has likewise leached into
wedged into a crevice down in the neck of the opening.
the water and settled even into the lower chamber below.
The opening itself is 3 feet in diameter and appears to
At some point after Azmerius’s visit a group of elemental
extend downward into another basin below (see F2 for
nagas emerged from the volcanic fissures below and took
details of that area and the coffer). A swimming creature
up residence in the lower chamber. Over the long years of
has a cumulative 10% chance per round of attracting the
lead exposure these creatures have been tainted by the high
attention of the denizens of area F2. Attempts to remove
levels of lead in the lower chamber and are now 4 poisoned
the coffer automatically attract their attention.
scalding nagas. They are easily able to navigate the narrow
neck because of their serpentine bodies but generally only
F2: LOWER CHAMBER visit the upper basin if they spot intruders. However, once
engaged in battle, they pursue their quarry relentlessly
A narrow passage connects the upper pool of the spring to a lower until it or they are destroyed. Despite the high levels of lead
flooded chamber that lies beneath. This chamber opens out into a in the water here, the PCs will not be harmed by its toxicity
much larger area than the one above, and the water temperature unless they remain exposed to it for weeks.
within is much higher. The colors of the rock are even more striking
in this narrow tunnel with a brilliance far surpassing that of the
rocks above, though the colors stop altogether past the neck into
the chamber below. Partially blocking this narrow passage can be
seen an oblong object projecting from a niche in the stone, like a Large monstrosity, chaotic neutral
small chest or coffer. A thick layer of rough calcification covers this Armor Class 21 (natural armor)
object, and this stony layer has the brightest swirling colors of all,
Hit Points 105 (10d10 + 50)
as if this is where the colors originate.
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 fly, swim 50 ft.
The waters of the neck and lower chamber are just below
the boiling point, dealing 10d6 fire damage per round 22 (+6) 26 (+8) 20 (+5) 5 (-3) 19 (+4) 18 (+4)
of immersion, and are fed by small inlets at the base of
the chamber that reach down to volcanic cavities not far
Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +8
below. In addition, the constantly roiling waters require a Skills Perception +12, Stealth+12
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to swim in. However, this Damage Immunities fire, poison
does not increase when the geyser occurs as the geyser is Damage Vulnerabilities cold
caused by the expulsion of the heated waters from the top Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
of the chamber and causes no great additional effect in the
chamber itself.
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 22
Languages understands Aquan, but can’t speak

Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Amphibious. The naga can breathe air
and water.
Cloud Sight. The naga can see through
clouds, gases, mists, and fogs as if
they were not there.
Poisoned. Though normally immune to
poison, the abnormal minerals around
it have suffused the creature’s being
and affected it, removing its ability
to speak. However, it can still use
somatic componetns and cast spells. A
greater restoration cast on the scalding
poisoned scalding naga returns its
Intelligence score to 11, and restores its
ability to speak Aquan and Common.
Spellcasting. The naga is a 5th level
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability 10 (3d6) fire damage, and the target must make a
is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 bonus to DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6)
hit with spell attacks), and it needsonly verbal poison damage on a failure, or half as much on a
components to cast its spells. The naga has the success.
following sorcerer spells prepared: Steam Breath (Recharge 5-6). The naga exhales a
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, mage hand, poison cloud of superheated steam. The steam can be
spray, true strike expelled either as a 60 ft. line or in a 10 ft. radius
1st Level (4 slots): expeditious retreat, fog cloud, centered on the naga. Creatures caught in the
magic missile, shield steam must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw
2nd Level (3 slots): acid arrow, invisibility, mirror or take 48 (8d12) fire damage on a failure, or half
image as much damage on a successful one.
3rd Level (2 slots): protection from energy, gaseous
form Tactics: When the nagas spot intruders, they cast
Steam Form. When the scalding poisoned naga defensive spells, such as shield, mirror image and protection
from energy (cold) and then wade into battle with their breath
casts its gaseous form spell, it can alter the spell,
weapon, bite attacks, and tail slaps. Even when threatened
changing its duration to (concentration, up to with destruction, the deranged outsiders fight to the death
1 minute), and taking the form of steam. All rather than abandon their beloved hot spring.
creatures that enter the steam’s area or end their
turn in it must make a Constitution saving throw Treasure: The nagas’ hoard includes 105 agates (10 gp
or take 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failure, or half each), a huge clear opal from the Plane of Water (6,500 gp),
as much on a success. This special casting of the a box of strawsFB, and a naga-scale bindi (water naga). See
spell can only be done once, after which the naga Appendix B, page 566 for details of these treasures.
must finish a long rest to do so again.
The Box: If the calcified pewter coffer is recovered from
the spring and its stony casing chipped away (damage
threshold 8, AC 13, HP 40), the PCs discover that it is sealed
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., with an arcane lock. Within the chest are several items that
one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) piercing damage and Azmerius returned and deposited here after the discovery

of the next landmark as an emergency cache that he
thought would be of use at a later date. The items include
2 potions of superior healing, three potions of lesser restoration, HANDOUT 5D
a water-logged leather pouch holding 3 emeralds (1,500 gp This crude map created by Azmerius shows the route to
each), and a watertight bone scroll case. Within the scroll the next landmark 94 miles east-northeast of this hot
case is a scroll of wind walk and a detailed map showing the spring but does not indicate any cardinal directions
location of the next landmark at Azmerius’s Angle (area G). on the map. It takes a successful DC 20 Knowledge
This map is reproduced as Handout 5C. (geography) to correlate the points on the map with the
proper direction. Unlike the preceding clues, this one
includes the following passage in the lower right corner,
Arcane-Locked Pewter Coffer: Damage threshold 12; AC
“To iron out the line, angle from the apex.”
16; HP 75; Disable Device 26.

200 feet away. The stream that runs beneath the natural
AZMERIUS’S ANGLE arch has an average depth of only 1d3 feet and is only
The Road of Sorrows and Caleen Settlements are distant 1d20+40 feet wide as it meanders along its course, so it can
memories as the PCs seek the final landmark leading to the be easily forded though doing so will require the scaling of
Pit’s location 94 miles east-northeast of Hallelujah Springs. the rocky bluffs (DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to Climb),
At this point in their journey, the adventurers are no longer but doing so misses the opportunity to discover Azmerius’s
facing random encounters or chances of encountering final clue as described under “Development” below.
creatures associated with the ancient Caleen ruins. Instead
they begin coming across the strangely burned undead
attackers that Azmerius described in his writings. There is Unfortunately for the PCs the benign nature of the
a 20% chance of an encounter with these for every 10 miles stone bridge does not extend to its current unintentional
traveled after leaving Hallelujah Springs. If an encounter occupants. On this spot 78 years ago, with their numbers
occurs, consult the table below. See Appendix A, page 526 dwindling under the increasingly deadly attacks of the
for statistics for these creatures. strange undead of the region, seven members of the Conroi
Expedition attempted to desert and follow the river out of

the Haunted Steppe. Their attempt to leave in the middle
d6 Encounter of the night was unsuccessful, and all seven deserters were
1–4 2d3 radioactive combusted captured. They were brought before Colonel Conroi for
judgment who handed the sentence given to deserters
5 1d4+1 cinder ghouls during his long service in the cavalry. At dawn on the day
6 3d12 radioactive combusted plus 1d3 cinder ghouls when the expedition was to head out on its final leg of the
journey to the Pit the seven were left swinging from nooses
affixed to the bridge, their corpses slowly swaying in the
G. AZMERIUS’S ANGLE steppe winds. The ropes long ago broke and dropped the
corpses into the river where they were subsequently taken
Gently running water fills the channels of a shallow, muddy river
away by scavengers and floods over the years, but the spirits
that carves a meandering path across the steppe. On either side
of the deceased still linger at the site to this day as a haunt
rocky bluffs rise above its waters. Between them a narrow, steeply
that relives their execution any time living creatures seek
peaked, natural stone arch spans this shallow gorge.
to once again cross the stone bridge.

Following Azmerius’s map from Hallelujah Springs

Haunt: As soon as anyone reaches the apex of the natural
brings the PCs to the south side of this arched span. The
stone bridge, the spirits of the executed deserters arise and
rocky bridge remains stable after its many centuries of
seek others to join them in an imitation of their execution.
weathering and provides a safe, 5-foot-wide path over the
Ghostly nooses appear around the necks of those nearest
river below. Though the bluffs themselves only rise 40
the center of the bridge (to a maximum of seven targets)
feet above the river, the natural arch of the bridge rises
and an unseen force attempts to push them off to be
somewhat steeply to a height of 75 feet at its highest point
hanged until dead just like the deserters were so long ago.
before sloping back down along its length to the far bluff

DESERTERS’ DEATH later the Conroi Expedition and used to locate the Pit of the
Magical trap (haunt) Burning Star. If a new shaft is attached to the javelin head,
Every character within the haunt’s area can attempt a DC it works as a normal javelin. However, if the javelin shaft
20 Wisdom (Perception) check to hear the creak of ropes is then suspended from a string or rope and then allowed
swaying in the wind. The haunting triggers when someone to hang freely, its magnetic hematite head will slowly turn
reaches the apex of the bridge. When it triggers, all until coming to rest at a point directly to the northwest.
creatures on the bridge must make a DC 13 Strength saving Every time the javelin is moved and allowed to swing freely
throw or be grappled. Creatures that did not hear the ropes again its head, naturally attracted to the larger deposits
have disadvantage on this saving throw. If successful, the of hematite in the meteorite, will swing back around and
ghostly rope is affixed around the victim’s neck and they point on the same bearing. In this way, the route of the
are shoved off of the bridge to dangle below its arch. These journey’s final leg can be discovered; the PCs simply need
individuals are then subjected to suffocation. If the haunt to carry the javelin and use it like a compass to guide them
is destroyed, any hanging victims are still subject to a 60- directly to the Pit. If the magnetic hematite head is taken
foot fall into the shallows of the river below (6d6 falling more than 100 miles away from the Pit, the draw of its
damage) unless their drop is arrested by some means. Once magnetic source is no longer powerful enough to attract
all characters escape from the ghostly nooses or the haunt the javelin head. But since the PCs are currently only 45
is destroyed, it goes dormant for 1 hour, reactivating the miles from their final destination, the javelin-compass can
next time creatures reach the bridge’s apex. guide them unerringly to it.

Destruction: A hallow spell cast in the area where the SMOKE ON THE HORIZON
haunt manifests permanently lays these spirits to rest. The unusual javelin found at area G will provide the PCs
Likewise, a heroism spell cast on the area of the haunt can with the path to the Pit of the Burning Star. Although their
suppress the haunt for a night. Casting the heroism spell goal is nearly in sight, the 45-mile journey to the smoldering
over the course of three nights removes the haunt entirely. crater also reinforces the fact that others seek the same prize
too. In addition to the chance of encountering radioactive
combusted or cinder ghouls as described under Hallelujah
XP Award: Characters earn 5,000 XP for surviving this Springs to Azmerius’s Angle above, the PCs are destined to
haunting, or twice as much if they permanently destroy it. meet predators of another sort when they first reach sight
of the smoking pit’s plume.
Development: The cryptic message scrawled at the
bottom of Azmerius’s map from area F provides the clue Despite the passage of 20 centuries since the meteor’s
to this landmark. Azmerius wrote, "To iron out the line, angle impact, the intense heat of its siccatite core still sends a
from the apex." This refers to the natural bridge's unusually column of black smoke hundreds of feet into the air.
high arch and directs the reader to "angle," or in this case On a clear day, the plume of burnt dust, ash and cosmic
to “fish” from the apex of the bridge. The use of the words debris can be seen from 20 miles away. Upon reaching
“iron” and “line” refers to placing a piece of iron or some this distance from the Pit of the Burning Star, provide the
other ferrous metal at the end of the fishing line (simple following description.
rope will suffice) and use it to fish in the river directly
below the apex. Dropping a fishing line with a piece of iron A thick column of black smoke rises, faintly visible, on the northwest
or other ferrous object into the river at this point will cause horizon ahead until dispersing in the sky above. How such a fire
a javelin head of magnetic hematite buried in the riverbed could still be burning in the millennia since the falling star came
in the spot to adhere to the ferrous fishing lure, which can to earth is a great mystery, but the heading is true. Perhaps the Pit
then be easily hauled up by the "angler." of the Burning Star gained its name from more than just legend.

The javelin head is of obvious Shattered Folk make and is Estimating the exact distance to the smoke’s source
very old. It has no magical properties but can be identified requires a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Survival) Intelligence
to have been of extraterrestrial origin with a successful DC (Navigator’s Tools) check, a DC 22 Intelligence (Nature)
20 Intelligence (Nature) check to Recall Knowledge. It was, check, a DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) check, or advanced
in fact, a fragment thrown off by the Burning Star when it scouting of some sort. More importantly, a rival group
crashed to earth two millennia ago. Found by a Shattered making its way across the steppe has also spotted the
Folk warrior, it was shaped into a serviceable javelin head burning landmark. As they scout towards it, they catch
and used for years until discovered by the Gravenfar and sight of the PCs’ caravan and set an ambush to test the

mettle of their competitors in the race for the meteorite. A line of perhaps a dozen dark mounted figures appear out of the
They are currently camped about 8 miles from the crater dark. Their bodies are little more than dark smudges in the gloom
and set their ambush to spring upon the PCs before they of dusk, but red flecks of glowing coals are still visible on their
can reach area I. See Riders in the Dark below. bodies and those of their mounts, and the smell of char is strong in
the air. They ride in eerie silence save for the clop of their mounts'
hooves and the jingle of their harness. In an instant they lower
RIDERS IN THE DARK their lances and spur their steeds onward, raising a trembling
The rival group times its ambush to occur as soon as beneath the thunder of their hooves.
darkness begins to fall. The PCs can still be traveling or
can have stopped to make camp when the attack occurs.
These riders serve the Foerdewaith earl Rannulf
d’Becwith who also discovered some of Azmerius’s
writings and has been making his way across the plains
for several weeks with his coterie of retainers in search
RIVALS AND RUMORS of the prize for himself. The riders are 10 Foerdewaith
The party’s encounter with Earl Rannulf ’s men gives
men-at-arms riding war horses. Having encountered the
them a choice: They can ignore the unwelcome intrusion
cinder ghouls and radioactive combusted of the steppe in
and press forward toward the Pit of the Burning Star (area
this region, they have attempted to disguise themselves
I), or they can opt to follow their attackers’ trail and turn
to appear to be more of the same. They hide their faces
the table on the ambushers (area H). To undertake the
beneath dark hooded cloaks and have blackened their
latter course of action, the PCs can simply interrogate a
armor, weapons, and mounts from their campfires and tied
survivor among the raiders or follow the trail left by the
small burning embers to their armor and tack to augment
horsemen with a successful DC 10 Survival check. Any
their appearance. These men-at-arms have no disguise kit
mention of the earl’s “secret” regarding the PCs may well
but improvise with the garb and accoutrementsTherefore,
pique their interest to explore further.
it takes a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check
However, if Goribald Ironskull has become aware to recognize the cavalrymen as living creatures and not
of this secret, he too is greatly concerned, as he rightly undead (from a distance, especially at night, it is nearly
fears that the revelation involves him. In this case, the impossible to recognize them as ordinary humans, making
mountain dwarf expedition leader who has up to this this Deception DC higher than it would normally be).
point remained reserved and allowed the PCs to take point
They charge directly into the PCs and attempt to break
on major decisions involving the route and activities of the
through their line and run amok among the dwarven
expedition’s caravan suddenly reverses course and vocally
caravaneers behind them, spreading as much death and
takes exception to the idea of “picking a fight” with an
chaos as they can. They try to avoid getting into prolonged
unknown adversary. He vehemently protests any decision
melee with individuals, preferring to use their mounted
to take the battle to the Foerdewaith force citing the many
mobility to strike swiftly and move among their faces
unknowns as to their numbers, disposition, abilities, etc.,
hoping to cause a route. Like the earl himself, these men
reasoning that any questioned prisoners could be lying and
revel in success and flounder in defeat. The near darkness
that this closer to the goal of their quest they must stay the
grants concealment against all combatants who don’t
course and try to beat their rivals to the prize. There they
have low-light vision or darkvision (including the riders
can lay plans to ambush and overcome any other takers if
themselves) which certainly adds to the confusion of the
they wish. The force of his change in personality will likely
battle. When reduced to half of their original strength, the
seem jarring to the PCs with only a DC 10 Sense motive
survivors turn and flee back towards their own camp.
check, though it will require a DC 35 Sense Motive check
to discern that it is anything more than natural anxiety of
the closeness of the Pit and the proximity of a competing
expedition. Only if that DC is exceeded will the PCs get an
inkling that there may be something more to Goribald’s Medium humanoid (human), neutral
protests and that he perhaps doesn’t want the PCs to Armor Class 18 (splint mail, shield)
encounter this other group for his own reasons. If the PCs
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
are adamant about finding the Foerdewaith expedition,
Goribald and his dwarves reluctantly agree to follow the Speed 30 ft.
PCs as they have done throughout the expedition. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 11 Settlements as they headed out to the Haunted Steppe. If any
Languages Common, Kirkut of the riders is captured, assume it is in his saddlebag.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Brave. The man-at-arms has advantage on saving Lying only 8 miles south of the Pit of the Burning Star, the
throws against being frightened. PCs can locate this camp as described in Riders in the Dark
above. If they choose to press on through the night after
ACTIONS the initial Foerdewaith attack, they can arrive at the camp
before dawn and catch it completely by surprise. If they
Multiattack. The man-at-arms makes two weapon
wait through the night before setting out, the riders sent
attacks. by the camp will be overdue and the camp will be on alert.
Lance. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
A bright orange pavilion tent, large enough to sleep a dozen
one target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 3) piercing damage.
comfortably, has been erected among a scattering of the small
The man-at-arms has Disadvantage to attack a scrub trees that dot the plains sporadically. A pennant fluttering
target within 5 feet. at the top bears a horse made of stars coat-of-arms. Around this
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, large tent are clustered a number of smaller tents suitable for three
reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 or four occupants apiece. A pair of covered wagons are situated
next to the central tent. A picket line has been set up to the east of
(1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
the main tent, though it has only a few horses tied along its length.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 The drying remains of a pond lies at the edge of this encampment.
ft. or range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1)
piercing damage. A DC 20 Intelligence (History) check to Recall Knowledge
can recognize the horse constellation coat-of-arms as that
WARHORSESRD of the Earl of Becwith. Earl Rannulf is an ambitious man
whose father and older brother both disappeared on King
XP 100 Ovar’s crusade two years ago. Taking the role left to him by
hp 19 his kin, he has sought to maneuver for greater influence
with the Court of Courghais ever since. Having learned of
Development: Any of the men-at-arms captured alive the possible location of the Pit of the Burning Star from
gives only his name, the name of his earl, and that his other writings of the Conroi Expedition, he hastily put
mission is to carry out the duties of his liege. If the PCs together his own expedition in hopes of beating anyone
magically compel him to speak or use Intimidation to else to the prize and securing for himself a very comfortable
Coerce him, he reveals the numbers of his group (see area and rich position in the Court as a result. Earl Rannulf has
H below), the location of their camp 8 miles due south of already destroyed another small expedition out of Foere,
the Pit of the Burning Star, and that they have also come and when his scouts reported the presence of the PCs’
to claim its cosmic riches and hoped to scare away any caravan he sent out raiders to eliminate them as well rather
rivals. A successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals than risk sharing the reward that he knows is so close.
that the prisoner appears to be holding something back
and if pressed further will admit that he heard that Earl Having sent out a portion of his men-at-arms already to
Rannulf had learned the identities of the PCs’ group and hunt the PCs, the earl retains only 6 men-at-arms with him
had discovered a “fascinating secret” about them, though as well as his 2 squires, his 4 limbjack bodyguards, his seer
he does not know what it might be. If Goribald Ironskull is Milgrem, and 25 footmen levied from his own earldom. His
present when this information is obtained, he immediately limbjack bodyguards are all Foerdewaith veterans maimed
fears that any encounter with the earl and his minions may or crippled in various conflicts and who Earl Rannulf paid
undermine his own cause. The Rivals and Rumors sidebar the finest machinists and smiths of Courghais to replace
details how he and his cronies react to this potential threat. their arms and legs with mechanical prosthetics. These
men wear normally clothing and armor which covers most
Treasure: In addition to the gear they carry, one of the men- of their modifications, though anyone succeeding on a DC
at-arms’ baggage contains a wand of illusion (see Appendix C, 18 Wisdom (Perception) check notices their mechanical
page 145) that he pilfered from a wizard among the Conroi hands clutching sword. Having been given a new lease on
life by the earl, these men are all unfailingly loyal.

XP 700
hp 52 (statistics as a knightSRD)


XP 450
hp 27 (statistics as priestSRD)

XP 25
hp 11 (statistics as a guardSRD)


Medium humanoids (human), neutral
Armor Class 18 (chain mail, metal body)
Hit Points 119 (14d8+56)
Speed 40 ft.
19 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Skills Intimidate +4, Insight +5, Perception +5
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Common ACTIONS
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Multiattack. The limbjack bodyguard makes three
melee attacks or three ranged attacks.
Metal Body. The bodyguard’s limbs are powerful. A Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) slashing damage,
when the bodyguard hits with it (included in or 15 (2d10+5) slashing damage if used with two
the attack). However, these limbs make the hands.
bodyguard vulnerable to effects that target metal Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
explicitly, such as spells like heat metal and hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10+1)
shocking grasp. piercing damage.
Limb Defense. The bodyguard’s limbs confer
additional AC (included in Armor Class). If an FOERDEWAITH MEN-AT-ARMS
attack or effect would try to damage them, they XP 700
have a damage threshold of 20, 20 HP per limb, hp 90 (see page 314)
and an AC of 20. As objects, they are immune to
poison and psychic damage.
Tireless. The bodyguard can march, run, or walk FOOTMEN
without risk of fatigue, and gains no exhaustion XP 25
levels related to these activities. hp 11 (statistics as a guardSRD)

Tactics: During the night, the camp is overseen by the his surviving men to lay down their arms. He informs the
guard posts (area H1) and a walking patrol of 2 men-at- PCs that he owns many rich estates in northern Foere and
arms and 4 footmen carrying torches who make the rounds can guarantee a ransom payment of 50,000 gold sovereigns
from the picket line (H6) counterclockwise to the guard for his life (a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check
posts (H1) with a short stop by the central fire in front of reveals this is an exaggeration but not an outright lie). A
H8 on the way. The entire circuit takes approximately 10 DC 20 Intelligence (History) check confirms the Becwith
minutes. One of the limbjack bodyguards is always awake estate as modest holdings outside Châlaix* (a major city
in H8 as well. There is also a 20% chance at any time that of northern Foere situated northeast of the Star Sea at the
one randomly determined member of the camp is relieving commencement of the Aachen Province Road) that could
himself at the trench (H2) and will be armed and armored. reasonably support a ransom of 10,000 gp.
Everyone else will be asleep in or around their tents. If an
alarm is raised, the men-at-arms will grab armor and arms
Despite his evil alignment, Rannulf is not without honor
and rush to the central tent (H8) to guard the earl. They will
and is very much invested in the dignity of his good name
attempt to hole up there and help each other put on their
and will, therefore, hold to any agreement of surrender
armor for as long as possible until ready to attack or forced
for ransom, giving his oath to that effect. Therefore, the
from the tent by circumstances. One squire will rush to the
equipment and goods carried by himself and all his men
picket line to retrieve the earl’s horse to bring back and
are the property of the PCs, but if the PCs wish they can
into the pavilion tent while the other assists the earl in
leave him and his men equipped and trust them to not
putting on his armor. The footmen sleep in their armor
attempt any escape or double-cross of the terms of their
and quickly grab weapons. The five in the closest tent will
surrender. Because of the dangerous nature of the location
rush to defend the horses while the rest form up in front of
they are in, Earl Rannulf would prefer this arrangement
the earl’s tent, half forming a wall of glaives and the other
simply for their own protection against the known hazards
half firing their crossbows at any targets they glimpse in
associated with the Pit of the Burning Star. He and his men
the dark. The fires in front of the earl’s tent will all be
will fight in defense of the PCs and their expedition, though
stoked high providing light throughout the south portion
as a stipulation of the earl’s surrender it is incumbent on
of the encampment. The seer remains near the wagons to
the PCs to protect him from harm if they wish to collect as
guard his equipment.
ransom. As a result, the earl will refuse to accompany the
PCs into the Pit and will fight only in a defensive battle. He
During the day a third of the footmen and one man-at- can be trusted to guard mounts and baggage for the party
arms are asleep at any one time with the rest awake in and while they make their own forays, however.
around the camp carrying out various duties, preparing
or eating meals, or maintaining their equipment. All are
If the PCs succeed on a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion)
spooked by the Haunted Steppe and the strange undead
check, the earl can be convinced to lend them up to 2 of his
they have been encountering, having already lost more
men-at-arms and 6 of his footmen (if that many survive)
than a third of their force, and wear their armor and carry
to accompany them inside the Pit. For every 3 by which
their equipment at all times. If an alarm is raised, the earl,
the Diplomacy check exceeds 20, he will agree to 1 more
his bodyguards and squires, and the men-at-arms attempt
man-at-arms and 3 more footmen if the PCs should wish
to reach the picket lines to mount up and take the battle
it. Under no circumstance will he lend his bodyguards
to any attackers while the footmen try to provide close
or squires to their service, and the seer will refuse as
support with their glaives or ranged support with their
well. He and his men have no expectation of a share of
crossbows, depending on the needs of the situation. The
treasures recovered, though they will not turn one down
seer reacts as above, staying near the wagons to guard the
if offered. To collect the 10,000 gp ransom, the PCs need
valuable equipment therein.
only return Earl Rannulf alive to Foere; the rest of the men
are ultimately expendable. However, the squires are both
Development: Despite his ambitions, self-preservation the scions of minor Foerdewaith houses, so if they are not
remains atop Earl Rannulf ’s list of priorities. When faced returned safely as well there is the possibility of assassins,
with certain defeat, the Foerdewaith nobleman calls out, mercenaries, or other engineered calamities to befall the
“Peace! I am an earl! I can be ransomed!” and barters for his PCs in the future at the GM’s discretion.
life. If the PCs seem inclined to spare him, Rannulf order

* ChâlaixLL0 is major city of northern Foere situated northeast of the Star Sea at the commencement of the Aachen
Province Road.

If questioned about his reason for being on the Haunted H1. GUARD POSTS
Steppe, he readily admits that he seeks the treasures of Each of these posts is manned at all times by 2 footmen.
the Pit of the Burning Star. His seer, Milgrem, was led by The posts are concealed among the rocks and scrub trees
his study of astrological studies to a private collection in of the plain, so that these watchers have greater cover and
Cantelburgh where he uncovered writings of one Azmerius concealment. They Hide while keeping watch; with the
Thade. It was a missive apparently intended for some cover and time spent finding secure location, their Stealth
unknown benefactor that merely mentioned the Conroi DC is 21 to avoid being observed by a PC who Seeks. If they
Expedition’s true purpose in following the footsteps of spot intruders, they shout an alarm to alert the camp and
Aroldus Gravenfar in seeking the Pit of the Burning Star begin firing their bows from cover.
and gave the suspected location of the Pit as the expedition
neared its destination. The location is given as north of
an unnamed river that cuts across the plain, traveling H2. LATRINE TRENCH
northwest from a strange arching rock formation. The Rannulf ’s men have dug a slit trench 1 foot wide by 2 feet
report gave no mention of the landmarks that the PCs have deep by 10 feet long which they use a latrine and general
been following, and Earl Rannulf ’s group simply traveled dumping area. It buzzes with flies but is downwind so the
north until they hit the unnamed river and were lucky smell is not noticeable from the camp. The expedition has
enough to stumble upon the arch (area G) fairly quickly. been camped here for only a few days and has not come
close to filling it yet.

The writings made mention of undead monstrosities

and unseen fires that burn, so the earl prepared his H3. POND
expedition for just such occurrences. They encountered A shallow, dusty, oblong depression breaks the grasses
one other smaller group out of Foere that they defeated here. This low-lying point forms a seasonal pond that
and stranded without supplies or horses (they are long reaches depths of up to 4 feet during rains. Currently it
since dead), which the earl shrugs at and says, “All’s fair… is only about a foot deep and surrounded by the cracked
Their leader could offer no ransom.” The expedition has remains of dry mud churned up by boots and hoof prints.
had several encounters with the eerie burned undead and The water itself is murky and full of weeds, tadpoles, and
some of the plains’ other denizens, but their numbers have mosquito eggs. Milgrem must magically purify it before
served them well, and they’ve buried less than a dozen the man can drink it, but the mounts are still able to safely
of their own on the way (in fact, the PCs’ expedition was drink from it. A giant leech lurks in the muck at the bottom
drawing more attention from the undead of the Pit as it of the pool, though it lies buried and still during the heat
proceeded along the landmarks — essentially Rannulf has of the day. Anyone who approaches the pond after dusk,
just been lucky up ‘til now). however, stands a cumulative 25% chance per round of
being attacked by the hungry creature.
If the PCs wish to question Earl Rannulf about his “secret”
that he knows about them, see “The Big Secret” below for
details. GIANT LEECH
Medium beast, neutral
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)
Speed 5 ft., swim 25 ft.
15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
Skills Stealth +3
Condition Immunities blinded, prone
Senses blindsight 30 ft (blind beyond
this radius), passive Perception 10
Languages —
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Amphibious. The giant leech can breathe air and H7. SUPPLY WAGONS
water. These two covered wagons are used to carry the supplies,
Swamp Stealth. When in a swamp, the leech makes equipment, and specialized gear not carried by the men or
pack animals. One of the wagons holds barrels of water and
stealth checks with advantage. sacks and chests of dried food stuffs sufficient to supply the
Vulnerability to Salt. A handful of salt burns a giant expedition for another month — more if supplemented by
leech, dealing 1d6 points of acid damage. wild game. The other wagon is mostly empty and is used
for hauling the tents and assorted pieces of camp furniture.
ACTIONS However, it does still hold a pair or large trunks bearing
good padlocks, requiring a DC 25 Dexterity (Thieves’
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Tools) check to unlock. These hold the survey, assayer, and
target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage, 7 (2d6) specialized equipment to be used by Milgren when the
poison damage, and the creature is grappled Pit of the Burning Star is found in order to ascertain the
(escape DC 13). While grappled in this way, the extent of the site and its potential for mineral exploitation.
leech doesn’t attack. Instead, at the start of each This equipment amounts to 2 sets of alchemist supplies, a
cartographer’s tools, mason’s tools, smith’s tools, jeweler’s
of the leech’s turns, the target loses 9 (1d6+2) hit tools, a dungeoneer’s kit, an astrolabe, a set of high-quality
points due to blood loss. A creature can spend drills, a magnifying glass, a magnet, a sextant, a compass, a
their action carefully applying fire to the giant levered crowbar, pitons, rope, and assorted shovels, picks,
leech, causing it to end the grapple. hammers, and other tools. This gear is worth over 500 gp
in total but weighs 200 pounds.
Each of these tents houses four men-at-arms, though Treasure: With a successful DC 19 Wisdom (Perception)
currently each only has 1 or 2 occupants (possibly more if any check, a PC searching the equipment wagon finds a
of the men-at-arms escaped from Riders in the Dark above). hidden compartment beneath the driver’s seat. Within is a
padded box that holds 4 vials of antitoxin, 4 additional vials
of antiplague (see Appendix C, page 145), 4 herbalism kits,
Treasure: A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check in the tent 3 potions of superior healing, 1 potion of resistance (fire), 3 scrolls
locates 2d10 gp scattered amid the beddings along with of remove disease, and 2 jars of restorative ointment. Anyone
1d4–1 gems (50 gp each). cataloguing all of these items and making a DC 20 Wisdom
(Medicine) check draws the conclusion that this collection
H5. FOOTMEN’S TENTS has been prepared for the eventuality of dealing with burn
These tents each house six footmen, though the quarters injuries as well as the effects of radiation sickness.
are so cramped that up to half of them spread their bedrolls
on the ground outside. H8. EARL RANNULF’S PAVILION
This large pavilion tent is curtained off into three rooms:
Treasure: A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check in these a large entry chamber that takes up half of the tent and
tents uncovers 1d10 sp and 1d6 x 10 cp scattered among openings that lead into two smaller areas that occupy the
mundane personal belongings. other half of the tent. The larger area of the tent is furnished
with a fold-out camp table, racks for armor, weapons, and
equipment and cots for the limbjack bodyguards and
H6. PICKET LINE Rannulf ’s squires. The back chambers are occupied by Earl
This line has been strung between two stout poles driven Rannulf and Milgrem, respectively and each bears a folding
in the ground to which the mounts and pack animals of the cot and a pair of chests for clothing and personal items.
expedition have been tethered. Currently there are 13 war
horses (belonging to the earl, his squires, the bodyguards,
and the remaining men-at-arms) as well as 4 riding Treasure: A DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to search
horses (shared by the seer and the footmen), 6 pack mules the outer chamber turns up 2d4 x 10 gp and 1d4 gems
(statistics as pony if needed) and 4 draft horses (statistics as (50 gp each) scattered among the occupants’ personal
elite riding horse if needed) for pulling the wagons. There belongings. One of the chests in Rannulf ’s chamber has
is space for another dozen or so mounts from those taken a heavy lock (DC 25 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) to open) and
by the raiding party in Riders in the Dark. holds the expedition’s payroll as well as spoils that have

been taken on the trip so far. These include: 1,589 gp, 3,559
sp, an assortment of gems worth a total of 6,400 gp, 3 chain
shirts, a +2 warhammer, a rope of climbing, a well-thumbed
copy of Illuminatus Geographica*, and a set of maps and old HUMAN-DWARF RELATIONS
parchments written by Azmerius Thade that contain the Though the animosity between humans and mountain
information described under area H above. One chest in dwarves is well known and dates all the way back to the
Milgrem’s quarters is also locked (Disable Device DC 18) Battle of Hummaemidon in 1 I.R., the Great Mountain
and holds 3 vials of activated charcoal*, a bundle of 12 Clan of Ironskull is one of the few mountain dwarf clans
potion testing sticks*, a book called Introversions of Toxins*, that have maintained friendly relations with humans
a fortune-teller’s deck, a Jamboorian Wheel of InquiryLL5-240, over the centuries. More information of the history of
an wand of enemy detection), and six scrolls (branding smite, human-mountain dwarf relations can be found in LL0:
conjure elemental, dispel magic, shatter, shield of faith, wall of The Lost Lands Campaign Setting and in Mountains of
stone). Items marked with an asterisk (*) are described in Madness by Frog God Games.
Appendix C, page 145.

"THE BIG SECRET" to the PCs and stand nearby to listen, though he secretly
Goribald Ironskull endeavors to be present for any Marks Rannulf for Death. Rannulf will tell his tale, but
questioning of Earl Rannulf. If the PCs question Earl at the point indicated in the text box below Goribald will
Rannulf about any alleged secrets he has learned about scream that he is a liar and will make a Death Strike against
them, he looks meaningfully at Goribald Ironskull and the earl. His shout will bring his followers to his defense
suggests that perhaps it would better to not discuss it in as the earl’s surviving men-at-arms and bodyguards will
the presence of “foreigners” (see sidebar). This confirms immediately jump to his own defense. The dwarves will
Goribald’s suspicion about the nature of the secret Rannulf not attack the PCs unless the PCs turn on them but will
holds. Goribald balks at Earl Rannulf ’s proposal and attempt to eliminate as many of Rannulf ’s followers as
counters that the earl’s false appeal is merely trying a ploy possible before the PCs can stop them. If Goribald’s Death
to divide and conquer the expedition and that he probably Strike is successful, don’t announce it as such, but rather
has more men-at-arms nearby and is hoping to stall until play it off as a critical hit that did sufficient damage to
they can arrive. The PCs can attempt a skill contest of their finish the earl.
Wisdom (Insight) against Goribald’s Charisma (Deception)
check to detect the hint of fear and desperation in the
dwarf ’s words and his apparent animosity towards Rannulf. The earl’s men will fight to the death if the earl is killed. If
Even if they fail, however, a DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check the PCs turn against the mountain dwarves they will likewise
on Rannulf is enough to realize that he truly is unlikely to fight back, assuming the jig is up. See “Development” below
go back on his word as a prisoner for ransom — his entire for the results of a fight with the dwarves.
reputation as a nobleman of Foere is at stake.
Goribald insists that Rannulf should be bound and “I first heard of your own expedition during a stopover outside
gagged to prevent him from fomenting dissent within the BroadwaterK12, at the mouth of the Eamon valley. We were
expedition. Rannulf argues against such treatment but watering our horses — and ourselves — at a place called
realizes he has little clout in the situation and hopes he Finnegan’s BargeK12 when we heard tell of a group of adventurers
can maybe cut a separate deal with the mountain dwarf if and mountain dwarves recently come through from upvale at the
the party won’t hear him out. He is not aware that Goribald Grey CitadelG6. From the rumors we picked up we guessed where
intends to murder him at the first opportunity and try to you were headed and hoped to catch up to you on the road, but
cover it up to look like it was during an escape attempt. never overtook you. I’m guessing you found another way across
the Wizard’s Wall, because we never saw any sign of you after that
If the PCs send Goribald away and hear Earl Rannulf out, until now. In fact, I’d rather come to believe you were probably all
read or paraphrase Rannulf ’s Tale below. See “Development” dead, your bones getting picked over by the vultures by now based
below for how Goribald reacts. If the party refuses to send on what I later learned.
Goribald away but intends to hear the earl out, Rannulf
“We took the North Duchy Road over the High Downs and
swallows nervously but will continue with his tale after
through TanithF2, and by that way came to the mountain trail that
reminding the PCs once again that they have vouchsafed
skirts the Wizard’s Wall by way of the fortress at Durgam’s FollyG1.
his life and health. For his part Goribald will calmly defer

We didn’t stop in at the fort — got a sinister reputation that place fellows, and I’m honestly surprised that you’re still breathing.”
does — but a few miles down the trail we came upon the site of a Development: If Goribald is unsuccessful in silencing
battle. We found a couple graves off to one side and the corpses of Earl Rannulf but a fight does not immediately break out,
a half-dozen mountain dwarves piled in a nearby creek bed. They the canny dwarf bides his time. He waits for an ideal
had the look of assassins to them based off their gear and clothing, opportunity to slay the PCs by assassinating them in the
and the gods know the mountain dwarves of the Stoneheart have night, poisoning their food, or betraying them and joining
no love for Man, but usually they keep to their affairs in the peaks forces with an adversary during a pitched battle. On the
and leave matters in the lowlands to the likes of us. other hand, if the PCs accept the earl’s account and turn
“Well, we assumed these mountain dwarf assassins had hit your on Goribald as a result of his tale, the imposter and his
party maybe — rival clans like the Craenog or KrazzadakMoM-10 or troops fight back and make a bold proposition of their
something like that — and you’d given ‘em what-for. We were own: They offer Rannulf and his men a chance to join them
considering digging up your mates to see if any goodies had been and eradicate another potential rival. The earl ponders
left when Milgrem, the seer, manages to question one of them Goribald’s overture but will not join him unless the PCs
dead dwarves with some scroll of his. And what a pretty trick that seem to be on the verge of defeat. If the earl and his men
was, considering what he learned. He learned that these poison- are still armed, the PCs can attempt a skill contest of their
hearted fellows had been waiting for you and your group, but not Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimidation) against
because they were rivals of the dwarves you traveled with; no, Goribald’s Charisma (Persuasion) check. On a success,
they worked with the dwarves you were traveling with, and you the earl orders his men to assist the PCs. Otherwise, the
were being led into a trap like lambs to the slaughter. Only it was earl and his men remain out of any fight that occurs. In
not your group that tripped their ambush but some other fellows, any case, the earl and his men will defend themselves if
maybe out of Bard’s Gate, who proved a little more than they attacked.
could handle. They left two of their own dead buried there by the
road but managed to take out the likes of some scruffy mountain Like the earl before him, Goribald surrenders if reduced
dwarf killers. below 30 hit points or if Captain Okrem and half of his
other remaining followers are killed. If so captured and
“I couldn’t understand why the vaunted Goribald Ironskull pressed for information, he admits that he is the scion
would stoop to that kind of treachery after his many years of of the cadet Brazzegard branch of the Ironskull Great
honorable dealings on behalf of his clan when the seer plucked Mountain Clan who had ruled the clan ever since the
another tidbit out of that corpse’s mouth. It wasn’t Goribald disappearance of Old Thane Col IronskullQoD-101, and is
Ironskull at all that you were traveling with; that’s just what a descendant of the old high thane Tramham Brazzegard,
he had been telling anyone who had half an ear to listen. No slain by the great red wyrm Tir’oen’s Doom, whose son
Goribald Ironskull lies in his own shallow grave somewhere Trameht passed rulership of the Great Mountain Clan
outside Panetoth, right where his cousin put him. That same back over to his Ironskull cousins 60 years ago
cousin, Cherbaud Brazzegard, who’s been passing himself off so he could undertake his quest to hunt the
as Goribald for weeks in hopes of getting his own hands on dragon. Cherbaud confesses that he and
the action at the Pit of the Burning Star. his agents murdered the real Goribald
Ironskull and several rival searchers in
[At this point, if Goribald is present he attacks Panetoth and pursued others to Dun
Rannulf as described above.] Eamon where they fortunately ran
into the PCs. He claims his goal
“When my scouts caught sight of is to return the Brazzegards
your group coming from the arch, I to their rightful place as
assumed it was just those throat- the Clan Ironskull’s
cutting mountain dwarves who undisputed leaders. He
were left. If I’d known your believes that the riches
band was still with them, I’d found in the Pit of the
have sent my whole company Burning Star will give
to cut you down and make him the clout and the
sure of the job. Oh well, such resources to affect
is the dicing of the gods. Here you such a bold plan. If the
are with me at your mercy, and PCs take him prisoner, he feigns
all this time me holding the key to cooperation but will use all of
your salvation. You’ve been duped

the skills at his command to try and escape and possibly extra 17 (5d6) damage when he hits a target with
even turn up later to eliminate the PCs. a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack
“GORIBALD IRONSKULL” roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an
(CHERBAUD BRAZZEGARD) ally of him that isn’t incapacitated and Goribald
doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral evil
Special gear. Goribald has a dagger of venom, a ring
Armor Class 18 (mage armor), 15 (without mage
of mind shielding that appears to be non-magical,
a ring of protection, and a wand of magic missiles.
Hit Points 88 (16d8 + 16)
Spellcasting. Goribald is a 4th-level spellcaster. His
Speed 25 ft.
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA spell attack bonus +6). Gorinald has the following
14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) sorcerer spells prepared:
Damage Resistances acid, poison Cantrips (at will): acid splash, message,
Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +8, Con +2, Int +5, Wis prestidigitation, ray of frost, true strike
+4, Cha +4 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, fog cloud, mage
Skills Arcana +7, Deception +9, Perception +7, armor, shield
Persuasion+9, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +10 2nd level (3 slots): shatter
Senses passive Perception 17, darkvision 60 ft. Stonecunning. Whenever Gorinald make an
Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant Intelligence (History) check related to the origin
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) of stonework, he is considered proficient in the
History skill and adds double his proficiency
Assassinate. During his first turn, Goribald has bonus to the check, for a total of +7.
advantage on attack rolls against any creature
that hasn’t taken a turn. Any hit he scores against ACTIONS
a surprised creature is a critical hit. Multiattack. Goribald makes two melee attacks.
Dwarven Resilience. Goribald has advantage on Dagger of Venom. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
saving throws against poison. reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7
Elemental Power. When Goribald deals acid (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.
damage with a spell, he can add his Charisma The wielder can use an action to cause thick, black
modifier (+3) to the damage inflicted on one poison to coat the blade. The poison remains for
target. 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon hits
Evasion. If Goribald is subjected to an effect that a creature. That creature must succeed on a DC 15
allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw to Constitution saving throw or take 11(2d10) poison
take only half damage, Goribald instead takes no damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. The
damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and dagger can’t be used this way again until the next
only half damage if he fails. dawn.
Poison Expert. Goribald has one dose each of Blowgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
assassin's blood, oil of taggit, and torpor, and two 25/100 ft., one target. Hit: 5 piercing damage.
doses of purple worm poison. Goribald can apply
an injury poison to a weapon or apply a poison REACTIONS
on an object (such as food) as a bonus action. Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker Goribald
Sneak Attack. Once per turn, Goribald deals an can see hits him with an attack, he can use his

reaction to halve the attack’s damage against Captain Okrem must see the attacker and be
him. wielding a melee weapon.
Medium humanoid (dwarf), lawful neutral Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral
Armor Class 20 (plate +1) Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 204 (24d8 + 96) Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42)
Speed 25 ft. Speed 25 ft.
21 (+5) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
Damage Resistances poison Damage Resistances poison
Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +3, Con +9, Int +2, Wis Saving Throws Str +5, Con +5
+4, Cha +1 Skills Athletics +5, Intimidation +1, Perception +2,
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +4, Perception +3, Survival +2
Survival +3 Senses passive Perception 12, darkvision 60 ft.
Senses passive Perception 13, darkvision 60 ft. Languages Common, Dwarven
Languages Common, Dwarven, Terran Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Dwarven Resilience. The guard has advantage on
Dwarven Resilience. Captain Okrem has advantage saving throws against poison.
on saving throws against poison. Special gear. Each guard carries a potion of healing.
Special gear. Captain Okrem has a glaive +2, a belt Stonecunning. Whenever the guard make an
of giant strength (hill giant), a cloak of protection, Intelligence (History) check related to the origin
a potion of greater healing, and two potions of of stonework, it is considered proficient in the
growth. Without the belt of giant strength, his History skill and adds double its proficiency
Strength is 15. bonus to the check, for a total of +4.
Stonecunning. Whenever Captain Okrem make an
Intelligence (History) check related to the origin ACTIONS
of stonework, he is considered proficient in the Multiattack. The guard makes two melee attacks.
History skill and adds double his proficiency Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
bonus to the check, for a total of +7. one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8
(1d10 +3) when used to make an attack with two
ACTIONS hands.
Multiattack. Captain Okrem makes four melee Heavy crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
attacks. range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2)
Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., piercing damage.
one target. Hit: 12 (1d10 + 7) slashing damage.
Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range CLAN IRONSKULL ENVOYS (4)
30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing
damage. XP 1,100
hp 40 (see page 270)
Parry. Captain Okrem adds 4 to his AC against
one melee attack that would hit him. To do so,

This entire chapter is devoted to the exploration of the Pit
of the Burning Star itself, the great crater left by the impact
of a meteor 2,000 years ago, at area I on the Haunted Steppe
Map. Characters should be 13th level by the start of this
chapter. The sandbox nature of this part of the adventure
means that the PCs can encounter any of the locations at
any level, although the more difficult encounters, for which
characters should be 14th level, are placed deeper in the pit
and in areas harder for them to find.

After a grueling slog across the Haunted Steppe, the

omnipresent column of smoke gives way to tangible reality
in the form of an immense impact crater. The Pit of the
Burning Star appears much as Azmerius described in his
correspondence with one notable exception — the hordes
of monstrosities teeming in the interior are surprisingly
absent. Indeed, the giant 3,000-foot-diameter hole with a
100-foot-high rim and a maximum depth of 525 feet at its
center appears to be completely abandoned.
The grasses abruptly end and relinquish their ubiquitous presence to
a huge patch of bare earth dominated by a massive ridge —100 feet
high — of broken rock and sterile soil. Beyond it the column of black
smoke silently rises from somewhere close at hand. It takes a moment
much of the impact site as well as about two-thirds of the
to comprehend the enormity of what you’re seeing, but it becomes clear
outer portion of the meteor itself, leaving the remaining
that the ridge is circular in nature, forming a ring several thousand
meteorite as described at area M5. The result of the impact
feet across. This ridge’s sides have been eroded and weathered by
blast was to create a massive crater basin nearly 600 feet
millennia of exposure into an easily surmounted slope and doing so
deep, though a combination of rubble from the blast as well
gives a view of the contents of the earthen ring. It is a vast crater more
as the sediments of the last two millennia of erosion have
than half-a-mile across, it’s bowl-like sides sloping downward more
filled the bottom 75 feet of to its current depth of 525 feet
than 500 feet into a basin. At its center the thick column of smoke
and created a fairly flat basin floor in the center of the crater.
boils out of some unseen rift at its base. Not a breath of air stirs in the
burning pit, and it is as equally devoid of plant or animal life as the
surrounding impact ridge. Your prize awaits below. The crater’s inner slope from the outer rim is fairly steep
for the first 200 feet. This slope is rocky and dangerous
with the chance of rock falls from its exposed layers of
Unlike the outer slope of the ridge that was formed when local strata, packed ejecta, and eroded sediments. There are
the dirt from below was pushed up and out and tumbled a few trails identified on the map, which can be traversed
into place, the inner slope of the circling ridge and of the with reasonable care, but otherwise attempting to scale
crater itself is quite steep and in many places nearly sheer this slope requires a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check, and
from the explosion that originally excavated it. The Burning for every 50 feet traveled there is a 25% chance of a minor
Star — as the meteor that struck the Haunted Steppe is landslide, 10 feet wide, causing 4d6 points of damage to
known — was travelling at a speed of approximately 10 miles anyone in its path (DC 20 Dexterity saving throw for half ),
per second when it struck, and its impact released a blast and climbers must make a new Strength (Athletics) check
equal to a roughly 10 megatons. The explosion vaporized to avoid falling unless somehow anchored in place.

Below this steeper area of the crater wall, the slope are either immune to the effects of this radiation or have
lessens to an angle ranging from 51° to 70° (1d20 + 50°) already suffered its effects to the point where they have
for another 200 feet. Where the slope is less than 60°, the built up enough of a resistance so that they incur no further
incline is treated as a steep slope covered in scree (requires damage from its exposure.
a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check or successful
DC 15 Acrobatics check to traverse). In areas where the angle
is 60° or more, that particular portion is treated as a wall, FLYING ABOVE THE CRATER
requiring a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to negotiate. (ENCOUNTER VARIES)
Below that the slope becomes a gradual slope covered in As high-level characters, the PCs may well decide that a
scree until finally reaching the relatively flat crater floor little aerial reconnaissance of the site might be in order.
another 125 feet below. Those doing so are likely to discover that a number of
hazards, foreseen and unforeseen exist. The most obvious
of these is the column of thick black smoke that rises from
EXPLORING THE BURNING PIT area M at the crater’s center. This midnight black reek
Exploring the Pit of the Burning Star is a very different roils forth in an unbroken column 50 feet wide at its base
experience depending on if the PCs are on the outer but rapidly expanding to 200 feet wide as it rises above
crater ridge, climbing upon its inner wall, or exploring the the rim of the crater. It then rises another thousand feet
various features of the crater floor. Likewise flying above or so before being dispersed by the winds. Anyone flying
the crater brings its own unique dangers. However, all of into this cloud discovers that it provides concealment
them have one hazard in common. One of the layers of the and total concealment beyond 5 feet as well as the usual
meteor that was destroyed upon impact was composed of effects of smoke: requires a Constitution saving throw each
a material largely unknown on Lloegyr but has come to be round (DC 15) or spend the round choking and coughing
known, somewhat misleadingly, as metallurgic amberFoB-202 and causing 1d6 points of necrotic damage for every 2
by some few scholars over the years. Metallurgic amber is consecutive rounds of choking. They also discover that
described in detail in Appendix C. these fumes, while certainly warmer than the surrounding
air are not as hot as might be expected.

This mysterious material is extraterrestrial in origin

with no known natural occurring sources on the world A less obvious hazard of flying above the crater is that
of Lloegyr and few enough sources derived from the rare the enclosed-basin nature of the crater causes the air of the
meteorite remnant. When the Burning Star struck the steppe to not flow in and out freely and become trapped.
surface, the layers of the metallurgic amber that had not This isn’t significant enough to cause a hazard to breathing,
already been incinerated in the meteor’s descent through but the lack of a cooling air current combined with the
the atmosphere were vaporized and scattered far and wide. pale sand and rock of the crater’s base causes the air in the
Small fragments of the substance have been found as far as crater to become much hotter than the surrounding plain.
50 miles from the crater, but in general most of the heavy During the day, conditions in the crater are considered very
metal was deposited in and around the crater out to a radius hot (90–109° F). These conditions require a Constitution
of approximately 2 miles. Most of this meteoritic layer was saving throw each hour (DC 15) to avoid gaining a level of
turned to dust which has since suffused the landscape exhaustion. Characters in heavy armor or clothing make
in this area to such an extent that every 5-foot-square in this saving throw with disadvantage, but the use of the
this area is considered to be one in which a piece of the Wisdom (Survival) skill can be used to grant advantage
metallurgic amber is contained (see sidebar for effects). (and negate disadvantage). This unlikely to prove much of
There are also small fragments of the substance melted a problem for high level parties. Rather the effects this has
in the heat of the impact and cooled into tiny lumps and on flying creatures is much more sinister.
pellets that scattered throughout this area or buried in the
walls and rim of the crater. Because of the increased temperatures and stagnant air
within the confines of the crater walls the air gains high
The PCs begin to notice the effects of exposure to the density altitude conditions, meaning the air is actually lower
ambient radiation 2d4 hours after entering this area. Fire density, as it would be at a higher altitude. This has no effect
resistance or immunity is ineffective against the burns on magical forms of flight, but for any flight that relies on
caused by the metallurgic amber as their mechanism is wings or other forms of natural lift this thinner air makes
induced cell death as opposed to the application of heat. flying much more difficult. Winged creatures attempting
The living creatures that dwell in and around the crater to fly within the confines of the crater’s basin have their

flying speed halved. Finally, once a flyer has entered the Flying above the crater ridge but not inside the crater
confines of the crater, it is difficult to gain the altitude to itself also carries the hazard of coming under attack by the
be able to fly back out again, and doing so requires a DC 15 thrown boulders of ash giants as described under Crater
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to avoid crashing into one of Ridge and Surrounding Area below.
the crater walls. As long as flying creatures remain above
the level of the top of the crater’s surrounding ridge where
the air currents flow freely, they are not in danger of these BAYKOK
effects. Only if a flyer dips below the altitude of the top of
the rim does it become subject to this hazard. XP 2,300
hp 97 (see Appendix A, page 529)
The final hidden danger to flight over and within the
crater becomes evident 1d4 rounds after a flying creature CRATER RIDGE AND SURROUNDING AREA
larger than size Tiny enters the air space beyond the Though the crater’s location is remote, it is not entirely
perimeter of the surrounding crater ridge. When this without inhabitation. It is unclear whether the ash giants
occurs, a flight of 1d4+1 baykoks emerge from concealment of the crater ridge came from elsewhere and chose to live
in the column of smoke at the crater’s center and quickly beside the iconic landmark or if they were perhaps originally
fly to converge upon the aerial intruders. The flesh of survivors of some race of plains giants in the vicinity who
these distorted corpses is cracked and split with charred were so decimated and twisted by the calamitous explosion
desiccation, and they are immune to the smoke’s effects. In that they chose to take up residence in a new form warped by
addition, because they do not rely on wings to fly they do their generations of exposure. Whatever their origin, the fact
not suffer the normal penalties for flight within the crater. remains that scattered groups of hideously deformed ash
Every 1d4 rounds another 1d2 baykoks will emerge to join giants dwell in and upon the outer slopes of the crater ridge.
in the battle. There is essentially an unlimited number of
these creatures, so smart PCs will quickly retreat and Every hour spent upon the crater ridge or
no longer attempt to violate the crater’s air space. within a mile of it during daylight hours
has a 10% chance of running into 1d2
The baykoks immediately attack any ash giants of the pit. Anyone who is
flying creatures and pursue relentlessly flying above the ridge has the same
within the bounds of the crater’s air chance anytime they pass over it or
space up to an altitude of 1,000 feet. Once for every 10 minutes spent above
above the level of the smoke’s dispersal, it of being spotted and attacked
they break off any pursuit and return to with thrown rocks. These
wait within the smoke. Likewise they ignore creatures are always
creatures that are on the ground within the hungry and interested
crater, though if a flying creature lands to in making a meal of
escape them they will continue to attack that strangers they encounter.
individual as long as he remains visible to them. They stay inside their
They will not pursue beyond the boundaries of dwellings at night
the crater rim nor into any of the crater’s tunnels. in superstitious
dread of the
crater’s inhabitants.
PCs witnessing the attacking baykoks can They pursue prey that they
make a DC 10 Intelligence (History) check spot for miles across the
to recognize their ragged trappings and plains but do not enter the
equipment as belonging to Shattered Folk of the crater itself.
distant past. It doesn’t take much insight to guess that
these creatures are the remains of steppe-dwelling
tribesmen who were slain by the impact blast when the Ash Giant: Towering above a
Burning Star struck almost 2,000 years ago. Their bows typical human, these misshapen
and arrows quickly deteriorate into dust and fragments giants are covered in purulent
of scorched wood when one is killed, and they carry sores and bulbous tumors adoring
nothing else of value. their exposed pale flesh.

Huge giant, chaotic neutral Rock Catching. If a rock or similar object is hurled
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) at the giant, the giant can, with a successful DC
Hit Points 161 (14d12 + 70) 10 Dexterity saving throw, catch the missile and
Speed 40 ft. take no bludgeoning damage from it.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Development: The ash giants dwell in enlarged crevices
26 (+8) 14 (+2) 21 (+5) 9 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) or crude rock shelters upon the ridge and hunt the
surrounding plains for their food. They never, under any
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +9, Wis +5 circumstances enter into the crater and consider it to be
Skills Athletics +12, Perception +5 entirely taboo. They live in scattered dwellings (not shown
Damage Resistances poison on the map), singly or in pairs — sometimes with 1d2
Condition Immunities poisoned young ash giants. Locating the well-disguised lairs of these
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 giants is all but impossible until they are met. Once a giant
is encountered, its trail can be followed back to its lair with
Languages Giant, Kirkut a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check.
Challenge 9 (5000 XP)
Radiation Sickness. The ash giants of the Burning A captured ash giant that is successfully interrogated will
Pit carry a contagious form of radiation poisoning only tell of the “cursed dead” that walk within the crater
that blisters and burns the flesh of those exposed. in horrified whispers. They sometimes see them stalking
A creature that is poisoned by the giant's attacks among the rocks below. When an ash giant dies, its body is
must make a DC 17 Constitution save at the end wrapped in grass-woven burial shroud and dropped over
the edge into the crater. They never see the body taken, but
of each long rest. On a failed save, the creature
by the next morning it is always gone.
gains a level of exhaustion. This exhaustion
cannot be removed by a long rest until the
Treasure: Though the ash giants of the Burning Pit are
creature is no longer poisoned. The radiation exceedingly poor, they are not entirely without wealth.
sickness ends for the creature if the poisoned Anyone searching one of their shelters has a 30% chance of
condition ends. A creature that succeeds in two discovering 1d4 of the following items. Items marked with
consecutive saving throws is no longer poisoned. an asterisk can only be found once and should be rerolled
if indicated again. Unless otherwise indicated, all coins
found are a mix of Rhemian and Foerdewaith currencies.
Multiattack. The giant makes two greatclub attacks.
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach d20 Object Found
10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8+8) bludgeoning 1 Chipped stone chert hand chopper
damage and the target must succeed at a DC 17 2 1d4 throwing rocks
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned. 3 Battered pewter bowl and spoon from a Conroi
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range Expedition mess kit
60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d10+8) 4 1d3 brass buttons dating to time of the Caleen
bludgeoning damage and the target must Colonies* (2 gp each)
succeed at a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or 5 Bag of caltrops crudely made from bone and
become poisoned. If the target is a creature, it shards of tektite glass
must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw 6 Wedge of hard, slightly moldy and stinky cheese
or be knocked prone. 7 Shabby, lice-infested fur cloak
8 Bone comb and hairpins
9 Crude cooking pot forged from meteoric iron*
(worth 50 gp)

10 Aurochs drinking horn (worth 25 gp) make their homes in the caverns of active volcanoes, where
they have not only adapted to survive in these extreme
11 Skinning knife stamped with a Castorhagi conditions, but actually thrive in the pools of molten lava
maker’s mark* found therein.
12 Haunch of jerked unidentifiable meat
13 Scattering of mixed centuries-old Rhemian coins A single cherufe dwells within the Pit of the Burning
(1d4 x 20 cp, 2d4 x 5 sp, and 1d4–1 gp) Star. The beast revels in the crater’s heat and the radiation
14 Wash leather pouch holding (roll d6): 1–3. 1d4 x that emanates from the metallurgic amber scattered
100 cp, 4–5. 2d4 x 10 sp, 6. 1d4 x 10 gp throughout the region. Although it prefers to wallow in
15 Mangy fur bedding the crater’s smoky depths, the huge monster periodically
ascends to the surface to feed on stragglers that attempt
16 2 100-ft. coils of good, newly made rope, obviously
to scale its walls. Like the combusted of the region, the
cherufe’s fires burn with the radiation of metallurgic amber
17 Large well-licked block of rock salt (infused with and bypass ordinary fire resistance. Once this cherufe has
metallurgic amber [see sidebar above]) been defeated, treat any future rolled encounters with it as
18 Pair of boots of speed of Shattered Folk make* no encounter.
19 An orcish war spirit pouch (treat as a potion of false
life) with fresh blood stains*
20 1d8 broken mustangFB or bulette teeth (no value)
Huge monstrosity, neutral evil
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Whether climbing down the crater wall or following one Hit Points 189 (18d12+72)
of the few trails that mark paths to the bottom (see area Speed 40 ft., swim 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.
J), the PCs have the chance of running across some of the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
denizens that make their home among the exposed and
inverted layers of rock strata that were stacked haphazardly 23 (+6) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
by the impact of long ago. Among the many fissures, Saving Throws Str +11, Dex +6, Con +9
crevices, and broken crags that mar the sides of the crater
lurk creatures unbothered by the crater’s heat, radioactive
Skills Perception +7
emissions, or the presence of the undead below. For every Damage Immunities fire
10 minutes spent traversing the crater’s inner walls there is Damage Vulnerabilities cold
a 25% chance of an encounter. If an encounter occurs, roll Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
on the following table to determine its result. Languages Common
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
d6 Encounter
1 Death worm Fire Healing. Whenever the cherufe is subjected
2 Shard slag to fire damage, it takes no damage and regains
3 1d4+2 xornsSRD a number of hit points equal to the fire damage
4 1d4 crystalline earth elementalsSRD
Rubble Stalker. The cherufe does not spend extra
5 1d4+1 mutant salt drakes
movement to move through difficult terrain
6 Cherufe
caused by rock, rubble, and earth, including the
effects of its own Seismic Disturbance.
Encounters in the Pit: Any creatures encountered on this
table, apart from their typical characteristics, are immune
to radiation. ACTIONS
Multiattack. The cherufe attacks three times: twice
Cherufe: This towering reptilian biped seems to be made
with its claws and once with its bite.
of obsidian scales over a molten magma core. Cherufes Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one target. Hit: 15 (2d8+6) piercing damage plus 7 DEATH WORM
(2d6) fire damage. Large monstrosity, unaligned
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) slashing damage plus 7 Hit Points 119 (14d10+42)
(2d6) fire damage. Speed 20 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8+5) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage. 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 5 (-3)
Seismic Disturbance (Recharge 6). An intense Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5
tremor rips through the ground in a 100-foot- Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
radius circle centered on the cherufe and shakes passive Perception 14
creatures and structures in contact with the Languages -
ground in that area. The ground in the area Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
becomes difficult terrain. Each creature on the
ground that is concentrating must make a DC 19 ACTIONS
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
creature’s concentration is broken. Each creature one target. Hit: 12 (3d8+3) piercing damage,
on the ground in the area other than the cherufe Spit Acid (Recharge 5-6): The death worm spits
must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw. On acid in an 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each
a failed save, the creature is knocked prone. creature in that line must make a DC 13 Dexterity
There can be additional effects depending on the saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) acid damage on
terrain in the area, as determined by the GM. a failed save, or half as much damage on a
The tremor deals 50 bludgeoning damage to any successful one. Death worms are immune to
structure in contact with the ground in the area. their own acid and that of other death worms.
If a structure drops to 0 hit points, it collapses Spit Lightning (Recharge 5-6): The death worm
and potentially damages nearby creatures. A exhales lightning in an 20-foot line that is 5 feet
creature within half the distance of a structure’s wide. Each creature in that line must make a
height must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3d6)
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 5d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as
bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and is much damage on a successful one.
buried in the rubble, requiring a DC 20 Strength
(Athletics) check as an action to escape. The GM Earth Elementals: These elementals came to the area of
can adjust the DC higher or lower, depending on the crater shortly after the time of the impact, drawn by the
immense elemental powers released by the explosion and the
the nature of the rubble. On a successful save,
vast quantity of unusual metal salts created in its wake. The
the creature takes half as much damage and elementals appear to be made of black and white volcanic
doesn’t fall prone or become buried. crystal with red glowing eyes. The amount of salt they contain
is deadly to living beings. Instead of slam attacks, they have
Death Worm: These solitary horrors burrow among the blade-like claws that do an equivalent amount of slashing, and
rock of the cliff walls eating the deposits of meteoritic iron a creature that is hit must make DC 16 Constitution saving
and metallurgic amber that they find. They are fiercely throw. On a failed save, the creature is poisoned for 1 minute.
territorial and immediately attack any that intrude into The creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
their area. Like the combusted of the region, a death worm’s its turns, ending the effect on a success.
lightning spit is infused with the radiation of metallurgic
amber and bypasses ordinary lightning resistance. Its acid Mutant Salt Drakes: These creatures survive by eating each
spit is not affected in this way. other, salt mephits, and occasionally other creatures. They
somewhat resemble blue dragons, but gaunt and wingless.

Large dragon, unaligned Huge ooze, unaligned
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 118 (14d10+42) Hit Points 126 (12d12 + 48)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.
17 (+3) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 19 (+4) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5)
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +7, Wis +4, Cha +3 Damage Immunities poison
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing,
Damage Resistances poison and slashing from non-magical attacks; acid,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 lightning, poison
Languages - Damage Vulnerabilities cold
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Condition Immunities blind, charmed, deafened,
frightened, prone
ACTIONS Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
Multiattack. The drake makes three attacks: once passive Perception 5
with its bite and twice with its claws. Then it Languages -
makes an attack with its tail against a creature it Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
has not attacked with its bite or claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., Amorphous. The ooze can move through a space
one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage, as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Molten Form. Any creature that begins its turn
target. Hit: 7 (1d8+4) slashing damage. within 5 feet of a shard slag takes 3 (1d6) fire
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one damage. A creature that strikes the shard slag
target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) bludgeoning damage. with a natural weapon or unarmed strike takes
Salt Breath (Recharge 5–6): The drake exhales 7 (2d6) fire damage. A creature that grapples a
shards of salt in an 30-foot cone. Each creature
in that line must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 10 (3d6) slashing damage and 10
(3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.

Shard Slag: These mindless oozes tend to resemble a

lump of tektite (impact-fused glass) and mostly remain
somnolent among the crags of the crater wall, absorbing
the heat and radiation given off by the crater’s strata.
However, when approached their irregular surface
suddenly transforms into a mass of razor-sharp blades
as they attack to attempt to consume the interesting
new food sources. Like the combusted of the
region, a shard slag’s fires burn with the radiation
of metallurgic amber and bypass ordinary fire

shard slag or is grappled by one takes 10 (3d6) CRATER FLOOR
points of fire damage each round the grapple As mentioned above due to the lack of air circulation and
persists. A creature that strikes a shard slag with presence of internal fires below, during the day at this
time of year, conditions in the crater are considered very
a non-magical weapon must attempt a DC 15 hot (90–109° F). These conditions require a Constitution
Strength save; if it fails, it’s unable to pull the saving throw each hour (DC 15) to avoid taking 1d4 points
weapon away from the shard slag’s molten body of fire damage. Creatures that fail this saving throw by 5
quickly enough, and the weapon takes 7 (2d6) or more also gain a level of exhaustion. This saving throw
fire damage. Unattended objects in contact with must be made every 30 minutes. Characters in heavy armor
or clothing have disadvantage on this saving throw, and
a shard slag take 2d6 points of fire damage per the use of a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) skill can be used to
round. It can burrow through solid stone. provide advantage on this saving throw.
Vulnerability to Water. If a significant amount of
water—such as the contents of a large bucket, the After reading Azemrius’s writings, the PCs were likely
liquid created by a create water spell, or a blow expecting to see the floor of the crater abuzz with activity.
from a water elemental—strikes a shard slag, Yet from the moment of their arrival, no matter how long
the creature must make a DC 15 Constitution they observe during the day there is no sign of movement.
Regarding observations at night, see Event 1: Nightscream.
save. On a failed save, the shard slag's speed is
However, the floor of the crater is not as deserted as it
reduced by 10 feet and it cannot use Multiattack appears. Several locations exist on the crater’s floor that the
until the end of its next turn. A shard slag that PCs can explore, however, at least on the first day they will
is immersed in water automatically suffers these not have opportunity to. For on their first foray into the
effects, and at the end of its turn must succeed crater, the PCs will encounter an inkling of the forces that
defend it from outsiders.
at a DC 15 Cosntitution save each round (this
DC increases by 1 each subsequent round) or be
petrified, reverting to its molten metal form once Upon reaching the crater floor for every round that
the PCs spend therein, there is a cumulative 25% chance
the water is gone once it is no longer immersed. of them being noticed and accosted by the guardians of
the Pit. Their first realization of this is when foes begin to
ACTIONS emerge from the smoking chasm at M. When this occurs
Multiattack. The shard slag makes 1d4+2 slag blade read the following description.
attacks. There is no wind, but it almost seems as if one has come up as a
Slag Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach thin keening wail begins to rise on the air. In seconds it resolves
5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage, itself into a cacophony of screams, cries, and growls and movement
plus 7 (2d6) fire damage. Unless the target is becomes visible from the edge of the smoking pit at the crater’s
center. Pouring out of the burning haze come dozens of forms—
immune to fire damage, it cannot use reactions burning forms, shambling forms, smoking forms, dead forms. It
until the beginning of the shard slag's next turn. is as if the bowels of Hell have let loose its denizens. They are
the limping, raging burned figures that you have seen previously.
Xorns: These creatures were originally attracted to the Corpses, both ancient and fresh, bearing disfiguring brown burns
area of the Pit by the unusual flavors of minerals available and terrible wounds yet having eyes alight with hate. Smoky,
for consumption. Unfortunately, the long exposure to skeletal figures whose charred bones glow with burning coals.
the meteor’s radiations has affected them strangely, And something you haven’t seen before, charred human forms, not
turning their alignment to neutral evil and making them skeletal but far more burned than the others you have seen. These
exceptionally aggressive. When they encounter PCs, they too have orbs of burning fear and move swiftly towards you.
will immediately demand that they depart the area and
leave behind all metal items. If the PCs do not immediately Worse, even as this horde disgorges from the smoking maw of
comply, they will attack. If the PCs do comply, the xorns the crater, the sands and rock of the crater floor around you begins
will gather up their gear and hide it in a nearby crevice and to shift and churn as more of these burned-yet-living forms rise
then follow the PCs to ambush and slay them. from hidden pits to add their own increase to the growing horde.
The formerly empty floor of the crater is quickly becoming crowded,
and it appears the living are not to be long among its occupants.

The horde that emerges from the central crater consists Nevertheless, the wild abandon and lack of coordination
of 4d6 radioactive combusted, 1d6 cinder ghouls, and in the attacks of the undead do work to the advantage of
2d4 radioactive blast shadows. They do not necessarily the PCs. They never seek to encircle the PCs and trap them
converge upon the PCs immediately, depending on where within the crater. Whenever the PCs realize they danger
the party was when the undead started spilling forth. of their situation, they should be able to make a fighting
The radioactive blast shadows and cinder ghouls quickly retreat back to the slopes of the crater wall. The undead
outrun the radioactive combusted in order to attack the will follow only until the steep part of the wall is reached
PCs. However, of more immediate concern are the undead at which point they will howl in frustration and make
emerging from the shallow burials all around the crater their way back into the depths of the Pit to disappear once
floor. These creatures are all within 1 round of the party’s again into new shallow burials or the smoking maw itself.
position. These consist of 1d6 radioactive combusted, However, if the PCs descend to the crater floor again, the
1d2 cinder ghouls, and 1d3 radioactive blast shadows. undead emerge to attack once more in similar numbers.
In addition, every 2 rounds another 1d6 radioactive They continue to do this throughout the first day, making
combusted, 1d2 cinder ghouls, and 1d3 radioactive blast the PCs’ initial foray into the crater to devolve into what at
shadows join them. All of these creatures swarm towards best could be considered a stalemate.
the PCs in wave after wave in a great mindless attack. If the
PCs try to take to the air to avoid these attackers, they will
likely run afoul of the witchfires as described under Flying EVENTS AT THE PIT OF THE
Above the Crater above. BURNING STAR
In addition to the general areas of the Pit described above
The cinder ghouls and radioactive combusted have the and the specific locations within the Pit described below, a
same appearance as those earlier, but the radioactive blast number of events occur as well while the PCs are visiting.
shadows bear the crude remnants of hide clothing, bone These events should occur in chronological order and have
pectorals, and crude stone weapons identifiable with a DC been given a specific time at which they should occur. If
25 Intelligence (History) check as belonging to Shattered the actions of the party make these timings impossible,
Folk tribesmen of more than a thousand years ago. This you should try to still fit the events in in a feasible way, as
observation makes it quickly apparent that these creatures they provide clues and potential assistance to the party’s
were created from Shattered Folk killed by the actual exploration of the Pit.
meteor impact in 1522 I.R.

RADIOACTIVE COMBUSTED This event occurs at moonrise on the party’s first night at
the crater, and for every night thereafter. The Nightscream
XP 700 is a phenomenon that occurs in the crater each night
hp 84 (see Appendix A, page 551) when the light of the primary moon Luna, the Pale Sister,
hits the fuming chasm at the center of the crater. It is
caused by the wailing despair of the souls who were
CINDER GHOUL destroyed in the meteor’s impact as well as by the victims
of the meteor in all the centuries since. The precise time
XP 2,900 of the Nightscream varies depending on the time of year,
hp 75 (see Appendix A, page 532) anywhere from an hour before to an hour after midnight.
It does not occur on the three nights of Luna’s new moon
each month, but occurs at full strength on all other nights,
BLAST SHADOW affecting every living thing within a quarter mile of the
XP 1,800 crater regardless of location. Only those underground are
hp 117 (see Appendix A, page 530) unaffected by its effects.

Development: Though the PCs are likely formidable In the minutes leading up to the Nightscream the PCs
in a fight, it should quickly become apparent from the will find themselves feeling nervous and uneasy. They then
seemingly endless supply of undead that continue to arise hear a faint moaning sound, so quiet that it might even
from the smoking pit and hidden burials around the crater be their imaginations. After a few seconds however the
floor that they are in danger of becoming overwhelmed. moaning rises to a near-deafening scream, as of hundreds

of loud voices screaming in fear and agony. The scream Suddenly next to him where you could have sworn was only
lasts a full hour, then fades away to nothing, leaving only a more of the drab, brownish-gray landscape you realize there stands
fading echo over the benighted crater. a small brownish-gray man. He is a Shattered Folk tribesman
stooped with age with his long, pleated hair the color of iron. His
dark face is seamed with the lines of countless years on the plain,
Any living creature in the area of effect must make a DC 24
and the left side is sunken where some past blow from mace or
Wisdom saving throw or be affected as if by a fear spell.
hammer must have shattered his cheek and removed most of the
Anyone who saves successfully receives a +2 non-
teeth on that side. But his dark eyes are unwavering and filled
cumulative bonus against the next Wisdom
with quiet confidence. Unlike his companion, this man’s hands
saving throw against the Nightscream. This
are not empty. One clutches a tribal waraxe and the other an old
is a sonic, fear effect and lasts for 1 minute.
hunting knife, though both dangle loosely — almost casually —
After the first minute, any who saved are
and somehow that makes him seem even more menacing.
immune to any further fear effects from
the Nightscream for that night. Anyone
who failed the save is shaken for the rest The men standing before just outside the party’s
of the Nightscream’s duration and is camp are Gabriel Targus (a tuulFB-84 human) and his
unable to rest for the remainder of the Shattered Folk scout Two-Cuts. The gyrfalcon, if
night, causing them to be fatigued and it was noticed, is the wild-shaped elven druidess
unable to regain hit points or spells Iracina Ravenspur. They spotted the PCs’ camp
through rest until the following last evening and approached with first light, Iracina
night. In addition, for the first scouting in gyrfalcon form and then Gabriel
entire one-hour duration of the under the guise of an invisibility spell and Two-Cuts
Nightscream, creatures may use making use of stealth and his mastery of the terrain.
channel divinity to turn undead Approximately a quarter mile away, behind cover, await
(or to use the Preserve Life), and the rest of their group: Iracina’s older brother Huldir
all living creatures within the Ravenspur and 3 hired swords who tend to their string
area gain vulnerability to of 8 mustangs (see Appendix A, page 554).
necrotic damage during
the Nightscream.
EVENT 2: TIDINGS Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
OF THE LYRE VALLEY Armor Class 18 (+2 chain shirt, ring, cloak)
This event occurs when morning Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
breaks at dawn of the first day after
Speed 30 ft.
the PCs have arrived at the crater.
PCs making a DC 20 Intelligence STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
(Nature) check notices a gyrfalcon circling nearby. 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Any PC can notice this, but the Intelligence (Nature) check
is necessary to recognize it as being notable — there have Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +5, Con +5, Int +3, Wis
been no birds of any sort seen within a mile or so of the +3, Cha +7
crater since the PCs’ arrival. If this skill check is successful Skills Arcana +4, Deception +6, History +4,
and raises the party’s suspicions, they gain advantage on
Perception checks to avoid being surprised when the
Perception +4, Perform +9, Persuasion +9
newcomers in this event appear. Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Elven, High Boros, Kirkut
Where moments before there had seemingly been only the empty
plains around the great crater, now there stands a man not 20 feet
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
away, looking directly at you and smiling. He wears a chain shirt
under a dusty gray cloak trimmed in thread of turquoise and gold Battlefield Experience. A weapon attack deals an
as well as a brown feathered cap on his head, cocked at a jaunty extra 1d8 damage of the same type when Gabriel
angle. A sheathed short sword hangs at his belt, and a crossbow hits with it.
is slung over his shoulder, though neither is at hand. Next to the
crossbow is slung a well-worn, but lovingly cared-for harp.
Special Gear. Gabriel has a +1 shortsword, a +2

chain shirt, a cloak of protection, and a ring of Spellcasting. Iracina is a 10th-level spellcaster.
protection. He has a potion of greater healing. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
Spellcasting. Gabriel is a 10th-level spellcaster. His 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). Iracina has the
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC following druid spells prepared:
14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Gabriel has the Cantrips (at will): guidance, mending, produce flame,
following bard spells prepared: resistance
Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, light, mending, 1st level (4 slots): create or destroy water, cure
message wounds, fog cloud, speak with animals
1st level (4 slots): charm person, cure wounds, detect 2nd level (3 slots): barkskin, lesser restoration,
magic, heroism, sleep, unseen servant protection from poison
2nd level (3 slots): invisibility, tongues 3rd level (3 slots): conjure animals, water breathing
3rd level (3 slots): haste, slow, tongues 4th level (3 slots): control water, freedom of
4th level (3 slots): confusion, freedom of movement movement, ice storm, stone shape
5th level (2 slots): legend lore, scrying 5th level (2 slots): wall of stone

Multiattack. Gabriel makes two shortsword attacks. Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) slashing damage.
5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d6+1d8+4) piercing Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 20/60
damage. ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+4) piercing damage.
Light crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Change Shape. Iracina magically polymorphs
range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d8+1) into a beast that has a challenge rating of 1 or
piercing damage. less, or back into her true form. She reverts to
her true form if she dies. Any equipment she
IRACINA RAVENSPUR is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne
by the new form (her choice). In a new form,
Medium humanoid (elf), neutral she retains her alignment, hit points, Hit Dice,
Armor Class 17 (green dragon scale mail) proficiencies, languages (but cannot speak), and
Hit Points 49 (11d8) Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as
Speed 30 ft. well as this action. Her statistics and capabilities
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA are otherwise replaced by those of the new form,
8 (-1) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) except any class features or legendary actions of
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +7 that form.
Skills Arcana +6, Deception +3, Nature +6,
Perception +7, Survival +7 HRULDIR RAVENSPUR
Damage Resistances poison Medium humanoid (elf), chaotic neutral
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
Languages Aquan, Common, Druidic, Elven, Gnoll, Hit Points 88 (16d8+16)
Gnome, Kirkut, Sylvan Speed 30 ft.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Fey Ancestry. Iracina has advantage on saving 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +6
put her to sleep. Skills Athletics +3, Nature +3, Perception +3, Stealth

+6, Survival +5 Evasion. If Two-Cuts to an effect that allows it
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only
Languages Common, Elven, Orc half damage, he instead takes no damage if
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half
damage if he fails.
Brave. Hruldir has advantage on saving throws Scalper. When Two-Cuts hits with a handaxe,
against being frightened. he deals an additional die of weapon damage,
Fey Ancestry. Hruldir has advantage on saving included in his attack.
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t Sneak Attack. Once per turn, Two-Cuts deals an
put him to sleep. extra 21 (6d6) damage when he hits a target with
Spellcasting. Hruldir is a 10th-level spellcaster. His a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12). roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally
Hruldir has the following ranger spells prepared: of him that isn’t incapacitated and he doesn’t
1st level (4 slots): animal friendship, cure wounds, have disadvantage on the attack roll.
hunter's mark Special Gear. Two-Cuts has +3 leather armor, a
2nd level (3 slots): barkskin, pass without trace corncob pipe of dreaming and a mojo amulet (luck)
3rd level (2 slots): protection from energy (see below for both). Two-Cuts carries a scalping
axe (vicious handaxe), most commonly found
ACTIONS among nomadic peoples living in the temperate
Multiattack. Hruldir makes three melee weapon or grasslands. The haft is always fabricated from
three ranged weapon attacks. the bone of a large predatory animal, and etched
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., images of fearsome birds adorn the blade. See
one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) slashing damage. Appendix C, page 145 for details of these items.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) piercing ACTIONS
damage. Multiattack. Two-Cuts makes two melee attacks
with his handaxe or dagger. Then, if he is holding
TWO-CUTS, RUSTLER a dagger in his off-hand, he makes another
dagger attack. Or, Two-Cuts attacks twice with his
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral shortbow.
Armor Class 16 (+3 leather) Handaxe. Melee or Range Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
Hit Points 67 (15d8) reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 8
Speed 30 ft. (2d6+1) slashing damage. When two-Cuts rolls a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 20 on his attack roll with his vicious handaxe, hit
12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+2) critical hit deals an extra 2d6 slashing damage.
Saving Throws Dex +4, Int +4 Dagger. Melee or Range Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Skills Deception +4, Acrobatics +4, Animal reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4
Handling +8, Perception +6, Stealth +6, Survival (1d4+2) piercing damage.
+6 Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
Senses passive Perception 176 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage.
Languages Common, Kirkut
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) REACTIONS
Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker Two-Cuts can see
hits him with an attack, he takes half the damage.

HIRED SWORDS that he is therefore empowered to make such a cooperative
arrangement with the PCs and their Rheman sponsors in
XP 700 good faith if they are willing to do so themselves.
hp 58 (statistics as veteranSRD)
Though he is not aware of Goribald Ironskull’s duplicity,
Development: Gabriel Targus is careful not to make if Goribald Ironskull and his followers are still with the
any threatening moves or approach any closer once his expedition after the potential events of “The Big Secret”
invisibility spell ends, and no threatening actions are made, in Chapter 1 or if asked about their trip to the crater,
though Two-Cuts continues to keep his weapons handy Targus will make mention that his group came to the
and Iracina continues to circle above in gyrfalcon form. steppe by way of the pass at Durgam’s FollyG1 where they
Gabriel hails the camp and introduces himself as the leader were ambushed by a group of mountain dwarf assassins.
of the adventuring band called The Spurious Tidings out The Spurious Tidings defeated the dwarves but buried
of Bard’s GateLL8. He asks for permission to come into the their mage Lysander and a hired sword by the side of
camp to talk with the PCs in peace. If the PCs attack, he the trail after the ambush. None of the dwarves survived,
and his comrades make a fighting retreat back to their and they didn’t bother to question them assuming them
fellows and will consider the PCs enemies going forward. to have been cutpurses out of the Stonehearts. However,
Otherwise, they are friendly to the PCs, and are interested if they are aware of the mountain dwarves traveling with
in talking. Descriptions of the members of The Spurious the PCs, Targus will put two and two together and warn
Tidings are provided in the accompanying sidebar. the PCs that the mountain dwarves maybe should not
be trusted. If Goribald is alive and free, he vehemently
Assuming the PCs are willing to hear Gabriel out and opposes any cooperation agreement and suggests that the
act in nonthreatening manner themselves, he calls Iracina newcomers are spies and thieves attempting to eliminate
to transform back into her elven form and join them and any rivals for the crater’s prize. His response to Targus and
then opens up a friendly dialogue. He explains that he and any accusations will be similar to those described in “The
his band have come from Bard’s Gate at the behest of High Big Secret,” though Gabriel Targus and his companions
Burgess CylyriaLL8 to locate the Pit of the Burning Star. The will readily jump to the defense of the PCs against any
high burgess’s own network of spies and informants had aggression by the mountain dwarves.
caught wind of the unearthing of writings of the Conroi
Expedition and the whispers of what they were searching As to how they arrived at the crater, Gabriel attributes his
for and its potential value. When she and her confidants success to the siblings’ tracking and expertise in slaying orcs.
consulted with learned priests of Oghma and Yenomesh* They stayed somewhat close to the Stoneheart foothills as
and conducted various divinations, they learned much of they made their way north and ran into several orc parties
what was going on and surmised a great deal about the coming down onto the plains in search of the same prize.
nature of the Pit. She then approached Gabriel’s group to By tracking some, fighting others, and ultimately catching
make an expedition on behalf of the City of the Lyre (i.e. sight of the smoke plume they finally arrived. Indeed, he
Bard’s Gate). marvels at the fact that The Spurious Tidings survived the
harrowing trek at all, let alone found the impact site. He
Gabriel’s group only just arrived and witnessed any proudly declares the mission to be a triumph, and anything
unsuccessful forays by the PCs into the crater on the that the adventuring group accomplishes going forward is
previous day. He is aware of the PCs’ group as representing merely a bonus.
the interests of the Grand Duchy of Reme, and although
he understands that both groups represent competing If questioned further about his proposal, Targus suggests
interests, he points out that Bard’s Gate and the Grand that the two groups combine forces and conduct a joint
Duchy of Reme are staunch allies in trade and partners in mission to survey the Pit. He is interested in scouting the
many endeavors. Having witnessed the horrors that the basin to first determine if anyone could survive a descent
crater has to offer, he believes it likely that neither group into the crater’s interior and secondly to assess whether
will be able to succeed alone but may have a much better the noqual contained within could be extracted and
chance together. He further adds that High Burgess Cylyria successfully returned to civilized lands to the south. He
has entrusted him with full discretion in such matters and

*Oghma is the God of Bards and patron deity of Bard’s Gate and Yenomesh the God of Glyphs and Writing, both of whom are known as
repositories of vast and ancient knowledge. LL8

has no desire to delve into the column of smoke in search Bard’s Gate as members of the Farseekers of TwilightLL8.
of riches or to destroy the undead hordes that mass in the After working with Gabriel Targus on a shared venture
pit. Gabriel and his crew are content to leave the actual against orcs in the Stoneheart Forest, they gravitated
mining and prolonged exploration to others better suited towards his charismatic leadership and the clandestine
for the task. Unlike some of the PCs’ previous associates, nature of his work with the GreycloaksLL8, eventually
The Spurious Tidings abide by the terms of any agreement obtaining their release from the Farseekers with Oberon
that they strike with the party. Thanlaus’ blessing in order to better serve the Queen of
Parnuble from within the allied human city. Having spent
the better part of a century battling threats to the Forest
THE SPURIOUS TIDINGS Kingdom—and evil humanoids in particular—this pair
Sent by the High Burgess of Bard’s Gate to locate the Pit of has developed a special animosity towards orcs. They have
the Burning Star and ascertain its potential as a resource for enjoyed their time on the steppes and the opportunity
the city, The Spurious Tidings consists of the bard, Gabriel for orc hunting it has afforded. They follow Gabriel’s lead
Targus, the elves Huldir Ravenspur and his younger sister regarding any alliance with the PCs, however their racial
Iracina Ravenspur, a Shattered Folk guide named Two- hatred of orcs runs so deep that they never directly assist
Cuts, and three hired swords out of Bard’s Gate to provide an orc or a half-orc, even if doing so also endangers them
additional muscle. The group left their mage and a fourth as well.
hired sword in shallow graves along the way. They obtained
their guide after reaching the steppes and traded their own
mounts for the better-suited mustangs. Since then Two- Two-Cuts: An irascible Shattered Folk horse thief of
Cuts has managed to “acquire” another mustang from an indeterminate age, Two-Cuts has been relieving horses
unwary traveler. If the PCs make an alliance, they will find from their owners for longer than most PCs have been alive.
that The Spurious Tidings serve as loyal and trustworthy He took a mare’s kick to the face as a young man which
companions during the exploration of the crater. They are caused his facial deformity, but he has never let it affect his
not suicidal and will not undertake an unreasonable share good humor and sense of orneriness. While he does not
of the risk, but they will not abandon their allies in a tight reveal his given name, he has been called Two-Cuts for so
spot either. You should use them as a way to supplement the long because of his propensity for fighting with a weapon
PCs in particularly tough situations without having them in each hand, that it is all he answers to anymore. He is
take over the limelight. It might be advisable for them to fond of smoking his corn cob pipe if a situation appears
hang back sometimes and guard the PCs’ route of retreat to be heading towards trouble so he can make ready use of
if their presence in an encounter will be too unbalancing. that item’s special powers at a moment’s notice. Two-Cuts
has been well paid by Targus for his services and is loyal
to him to a point, but he will not enter any situations that
Gabriel Targus: Targus is a human bard in his early look overly dangerous or where there is not an easy route
thirties. A graduate of Bard’s College, he has become of escape available.
loosely affiliated with the Fellowship of the NoteLL8 and has
undertaken several secret tasks for the high burgess leading
up to being given this mission. Gabriel is a “tuulFB-84”, a Hired Swords: Named Jaym, Sheth, and Coburn (with a
bard well versed in the traditions of the Plainsmen of the fourth named Markus slain near Durgam’s FollyG1), these
Waymarch, tribal descendants of the Shattered Folk, and warriors are members of Bard’s Gate’s Society of ArmsLL8
it was for this reason that he was such a likely candidate and are under contract with The Spurious Tidings until
to undertake this mission. He is affable with a magnetic they have returned to that city. They have no particular
personality and a fondness for breaking into the haunting, interest in the value of the crater as a resource for the city
rhythmic songs of the tribes, tunes and chants that date — seeing such considerations as being generally above
back thousands of years before the coming of the first their pay grade — but they are honorable and loyal to
Hyperboreans to Akados. He is honest and loyal, and if their employers. Of any of the members of The Spurious
allied with the PCs will defer to their opinions but not if Tidings, these are the most likely to take on particularly
something seems foolish or unnecessarily risky. He is an dangerous tasks feeling that they must uphold the honor
effective combatant and fond of tales of daring-do, but he of their organization if necessary rather than allow a report
is not stupid. of cowardice make it back to Commandant Rahonse.

Iracina and Huldir Ravenspur: Brother and sister, these For more information on the peoples, groups, and lands
elves hail from the Forest KingdomsLL8 and first came to mentioned above, see LL8: Bard’s Gate by Frog God Games.

EVENT 3: THE DAY AFTER d20 Encounter
With the new day, calm has been restored to the floor of
1–6 Scrying
the crater. There is no sign of the hordes of undead that
once boiled up in the basin and perhaps even patrolled the 7–9 Pathos
air. Even any bodies of those slain by the PCs (or slain PCs 10 Mr. Peepers
and NPCs themselves) are nowhere to be seen. The marks 11–13 1d2 Elitan-i-Pan scouts
of battle — footprints, bloodstains, etc. — still mark the
sandy floor, by there are no further signs of the combatants 14–15 Combat patrol
themselves. 16 Poirot Kenkery
17 Linas and Gargizar
The hordes that guarded the crater the previous day 18 Poirot and company
have received a new directive from their master. Now that 19 Jevireau Lancolmb
he knows adventurers of potential worth have found his
lair, he hopes to lure them into exploring more fully and 20 Three Prize Men
discover the cache of Rhemian coins that lie hidden below
(area N) as part of his master plan (see that area for more Combat Patrol: The Prize Men have sent out a combat
details). In any case the PCs are now free to explore the patrol of 1d4+1 hired guards (statistics as veteranSRD) and an
depths of the crater without fear of the undead hordes that Elitan-i-Pan scout. This group tries to stay to cover as much
lurk within nor of the witchfires emerging from the smoke as possible but begins to follow the PCs from a distance of
plume. Once the PCs reach the mine tunnels of the crater, 50 feet. If spotted, the scout engages with his shortbow to
though, that is a different story entirely. try and drive the PCs off. If the PCs attack effectively, the
scout runs to report back to area L, while the guards make a
fighting retreat to cover him.
The Spurious Tidings are not the only competitors to arrive
on the scene. The more pressing concern is the sudden Elitan-i-Pan scouts: Shattered Folk scouts from the
appearance of three spellcasters from Castorhage that have Elitan-i-Pan ConfederationLL0 working for The Prize Men
established camp in a strip mine in the crater’s northeast are scouting around the crater and have spotted the PCs.
rim (area L). These Castorhagi agents refer to themselves They attempt to follow the PCs from cover, maintaining a
as The Prize Men because of their knack for recovering distance of 60–150 feet (1d10+5 x 10). They can be spotted
priceless items for Her Majesty. The trio started out with a by a Wisdom (Perception) check opposed by their Stealth
contingent of thirty hired guards and a half dozen Shattered check (+9) with a –1 penalty to the PCs’ Wisdom (Perception)
Folk scouts, but despite traveling primarily by magical checks for every 10 feet of distance. They will shadow the
means the Haunted Steppe has winnowed their numbers party for 1d4 minutes before breaking off contact and
to 8 guards and 3 scouts. The Prize Men themselves are the returning the area L to report. If spotted, they attempt
magus Poirot Kenkery and his extraplanar thralls Ethos to reach the crater rim as quickly as possible without
and Pathos, the elven sorcerer Jeriveau Lancolmb and his leading the PCs directly back to their base camp. Roll for
thrall Mr. Peepers, and the witch Linas Huth-Borxia, his encounters for them normally on the crater wall and ridge
familiar Avernos, and his thrall Gargizar. — it is entirely possible that they run afoul of something
over their heads on the trip and may never make it back
to the camp at all. It is also possible that their cries could
These agents prefer to spy on the PCs and other parties attract the PCs’ attention and bring them to their aid.
at the crater through a combination of scrying, scouting,
and invisibly spying. For every 6 hours that the PCs remain
in the vicinity of the crater there is a 50% chance of being
observed by The Prize Men. If such an encounter indicated,
roll on the table below to indicate the type of spying that is *These scouts have not brought their mounts with
being used. If any of these individuals or groups is defeated, them.
it will not be encountered again, and if rolled again should
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
be treated as no encounter.
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt)
Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
Speed 30 ft.

several effective flyers in the party, Linas retreats directly
back to area L to warn his colleagues.
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
Skills Animal Handling +5, Medicine +2, Nature +2, Mr. Peepers: The shulsaga Mr. Peepers soars above the
Perception +5, Stealth +5, Survival +5 crater atop his floating disk at an altitude of 300 feet. He is
Senses passive Perception 15 not hidden in anyway, but his distance makes spotting him
difficult nonetheless (DC 30 Wisdom (Perception) check
Languages Common
in daylight). If spotted, he drops to an altitude of 100 feet
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) and uses his spiritual weapon spell to manifest a scimitar
against anyone with ranged weapons or who appears
Spellcasting. The elitan-i-pan scout is a 5th level lightly armored. After the spell expires or he takes more
spellcaster. Their spellcasting ability is Wisdom than 10 points of damage, he quickly rises back up to 400
feet and departs. At night, this will likely mean he is lost
(Save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell attacks. The scout
from sight, however, during daylight, the PCs can attempt
has the following ranger spells prepared. Wisdom (Perception) checks to keep track of his flight and
1st level (4 slots): alarm, hunter’s mark follow him back to area L.
2nd level (2 slots): locate object, spike growth


Multiattack. The scout makes two ranged attacks or Medium monstrosity, neutral
two melee attacks. Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., Hit Points 58 (13d8)
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage, or 9 Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)
(2d6 + 2) if hunter’s mark has been cast. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
12 (+1) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)
100/250 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
damage, or 10 (2d6 + 3) if hunter’s mark has Skills Acrobatics +7, Arcana +5, Perception + 7,
been cast. Stealth +9, Survival +5
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
Jevireau Lancolmb (see Area L): The primitive sorcerer Languages Auran
uses fly to scout out the PCs from 100 feet above. He Challenge 3 (700 XP)
can be spotted in daylight with a Wisdom (Perception)
check (–10 for distance) opposed to his Stealth check. Astral Recoil. A shulsaga can use an action to
He will swoop down to a height of 50 feet and attempt
to dominate person on one heavily armored PC before touch a silver cord that tethers mortals to the
flying back up to a height of 300 feet and returning to material plane. The creature attached to the cord
area L. He hopes to keep tabs on the PCs by means of a must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be
dominated minion. shunted to their bodies harmlessly.
Disk Rider. The shulsaga flies on a floating
Linas and Gargizar (See Area L): The witch Linas Huth- disk that it can summon as an action. The
Borxia and his yeth hound thrall, Gargizar, scout from 200 floating disk can otherwise carry its creator and
feet in the air. Neither is invisible, so during the daytime,
equipment as per a floating disk spell. Only the
the PCs can spot them with a Wisdom (Perception) check
(with a –20 penalty for distance) opposed to their Stealth shulsaga can ride the floating disk in this way.
checks. Whether they have surprise or not, they attack Sense Rift. The shulsaga can sense any planar
when they spot the PCs. Gargizar bays and Linas uses his rift within 20 miles, automatically learning its
empowered ice storm to pound the PCs. He follows that with direction and distance. This includes natural
cloudkill and lightning bolt. He uses dispel magic on anyone
portals, non-instantnaeous planar spells, such as
who attempts to fly up to attack him. After 5 rounds or if he
takes 20 points of damage or it seems like there might be gates, and other tears in reality.

ACTIONS 1/day each: hideous laughter, invisibility
Multiattack. The shulsaga makes two melee attacks Shapechanger. The cacodaemon can use its
or two ranged attacks. action to polymorph into a beast form that
Trident. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or resembles a lizard (speed 15 ft.), octopus (5 ft.,
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) piercing swim 30 ft.), a small scorpion (15 ft., climb 15
damage or 5 (1d8+1) piercing damage if used with ft.), venomous snake (15 ft., swim 15 ft.), or back
both hands to make a melee attack. into its true form. Its statistics are the same in
Longbow. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range each form, except for the speed changes note.
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) piercing Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t
damage. transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Pathos: Pathos the cacodaemon is scouting from the ACTIONS

air invisibly. He flies 100 feet above the ground but will Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
swoop down to within 20 feet to get a better look at the PCs,
with the normal chances of being spotted for distance and
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage, and
invisibility. He will observe the PCs for 1d10 minutes before the creature must make a DC 13 Constitution
returning to area L to report to his master. saving throw against disease or become poisoned
until the disease is cured. Every 24 hours that
elapse, the target must repeat the saving throw.
PATHOS, THRALL (CACODAEMON) A creature is cured after three successful saving
Tiny fiend (daemon), neutral evil throws. If a creature dies while it is poisoned
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) and diseased in this way, its soul automatically
Hit Points 28 (8d4 + 8) becomes trapped as a soul gem in the
Speed 5 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover) cacodaemon’s gut.
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) REACTIONS
Soul Lock. When a sentient creature dies within 60
Skills Arcana +3, Deception +5, Perception + 5, feet of the cacodaemon, it can ingest its spirit.
Stealth +5 This causes a soul gem to grow inside of the
Damage Resistance. cold, fire, lightning; cacodaemon’s gut, which it can regurgitate as an
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage action. A soul gem is a fine sized object with 1
from nonmagical attacks hit point. Destroying a soul gem frees the soul,
Damage Immunity. acid, necrotic, poisoned though it does not return the deceased creature
Condition Immunity. poisoned to life. Attempting to resurrect a creature who’se
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 soul is in a cacodaemon’s soul gem requires
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, telepathy the caster of the spell to make a spellcasting
120 ft. ability score check with a DC of 9. If the check
Challenge 2 (450 XP) succeeds, the soul gem shatters, and the creature
is resurrected as normal.
Fiendish Health. The cacodaemon is immune to
disease. Poirot and Company: Having spotted the PCs, the magus
Innate Spellcasting. The cacodaemon’s spellcasting Poirot Kenkery and a company of 4 hired guards has
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 11). It can prepared an ambush at some likely position where they can
innately cast the following spells, requiring only attack from cover from a distance of 20 feet. Poirot leads
with a fireball and his guards hurl javelins after which the
verbal components: magus calls for the PCs immediate surrender. Assuming
At will: detect evil and good, detect magic the PCs to do not surrender, the magus and guards will

continue to attack. If Poirot is reduced to 30 hit points or the PCs before they can organize an effective defense. If
at least three of the guards are defeated, the magus will one of the spellcasters is reduced below half hit points, he
teleport back to area L to report and recover. Once the immediately retreats back to area L by the fastest means
magus is gone, any surviving guards will immediately possible. Once a spellcaster departs, his thrall(s) retreat as
attempt to retreat back to their camp by the most direct well. If two of the spellcasters retreat, the third retreats as
route possible. well rather than remain to take on the party alone.


XP 5,000 XP 5,000
hp 143 (see page 353) hp 143 (see page 353)


XP 700 hp 13 (lemureSRD)
hp 58 (veteranSRD)
Poirot Kenkery: The magus uses fly to scout out the
party from a height of 60 feet (30 feet at night). He only XP 450
reconnoiters the PCs for 1 minute before departing because hp 28 (see page 342)
he wants to make sure he gets back to the strip mine before
his spells wear off. If he is spotted, he immediately retreats
and returns to his camp. JEVIREAU LANCOLMB
XP 7,200
Scrying: Linas Huth-Borxia is making use of his hp 90 (see page 353)
crystal ball to scry on a randomly determined PC.
The Wisdom saving throw to avoid the scrying is
DC 16, and if successful will cause Linas to MR. PEEPERS, THRALL (SHULSAGA)
move on to attempt a different PC (with
the save DC reduced by 1 each time). XP 700
After three failed attempts, Linas will no hp 58 (see page 342)
longer try to scry the PCs that day (treat
subsequent occurrences of this method
as no encounter). A DC 24 Wisdom LINAS HUTH-BORXIA
(Perception) check is able to notice XP 5,600
the sensor from the crystal ball’s
hp 112 (see page 354)

Three Prize Men: The three AVERNOS

spellcasters and all of their thralls XP —
set up an ambush at a location
where they can attack from
hp 39 (see page 355)
cover. The spellcasters prefer
to swoop in from the air, while GARGIZAR, THRALL (YETH HOUND)
the thralls attack by air or on
the ground depending on their Medium fiend, neutral evil
means of travel. The group Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
attempts to attack with Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18)
surprise and overwhelm
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

concealed on the first day at the pit. The smoking aperture
at the center of the crater is an obvious ingress point into
17 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) these subterranean realms, but it is not the only one. PCs
Skills Perception + 6, Stealth +6, Survival +6 surveying the crater from the surrounding ridge or from
the air can notice additional likely points of entry based
Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing, and on the Wisdom (Perception) checks indicated below. These
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks that DCs account for the PCs' being anywhere around the edge
aren’t silvered of the crater and assume full daylight. Obviously if the PCs
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 come upon one of these areas by other means, they notice
Languages understands Abyssal and Infernal but it automatically. You may need to modify these checks with
bonuses or penalties depending on what other manner of
can’t speak them surveying the PCs might come up with.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
J1. Conroi Trail: DC 13 (DC 9 with Azmerius’s
ACTIONS correspondence)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one J2. Strip Mine Ramp: DC 5
target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing damage and the J3. Caleen Road: DC 10
target must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw J4. Fortune’s Folly: DC 18
or take 10 (3d6) psychic damage. Creatures that
K. Azmerius’s Adit: DC 16 (DC 12 with Azmerius’s
are frightened have disadvantage on this Wisdom correspondence)
saving throw. L. The Prize Pit: DC 7
Bay (1/Day). The yeth hound can howl, causing all M. Fuming Chasm: DC –10
creatures other than fiends that can hear within
N. Caleen Cache: DC 9
300 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw. Those
O. The Nest: DC 31 or 6 (see area O for details)
who fail are frightened for 1 minute. A creature
P. The Traveler’s Tomb: DC 21
frightened by this effect can make another
Q. The Mother Lode: DC 20
saving throw at the end of each of their turns,
ending the effect on a success. A creature that
successfully saves is immune to this yeth hound’s J. RIDGE TRAILS
bay for 24 hours. Each of these is a steep, winding trail that makes its way down
from the rim of the crater to its base. Chances for encounters
on these trails are described under Crater Wall above.
Once the PCs begin to explore the crater in earnest, they
This trail leads from the rim down to Azmerius’s Adit
will find that there are a number of noteworthy locations.
(area K). After that mine entrance it only extends another
When the Caleen colonists discovered the pit, it wasn’t long
60 feet before ending at a sheer precipice where the trail
before they began sinking mineshafts to try and recover the
has collapsed in some long-ago rockfall. Continuing any
valuable starmetals they suspected lay buried below. It was
further will require the PCs to climb down as described
this intrepidness that ultimately led to their undoing but
under Crater Wall above. From the trailhead it is not
not before they had a made a good start of it. And in the
obvious that the trail dead-ends, so the PCs will actually
centuries since, their undead forms have continued the
have to scout this to determine it for themselves.
work until there is a fairly extensive system of subterranean
tunnels beneath the pit and in the surrounding ridge.
An exploration of the basin floor discovers scores, This is a vast ramp constructed of rubble and talus that
if not hundreds, of small pits and shallow shafts from extends from the strip mine at area L down to the floor of
aborted dig attempts. These are empty and uninteresting, the crater. A trail leads down into the strip mine itself as
and many of them were where undead ambushers lay described at that area, and the ramp extends the rest of the
way down into the crater at a fairly smooth 16° grade.

The bare traces of an ancient cart track can be found at the
crater’s rim that leads to this trail, as it was once the main 30 (+10) 7 (-2) 26 (+8) 6 (-2) 17 (+3) 2 (-4)
route for moving the heavy freight wagons in and out of Saving Throws Str +15, Dex +3, Cha +1
the crater for the Caleen mining operation. The trail itself
Skills Athletics +15, Perception +13, Stealth +8
averages 20 feet wide and could even allow two of the huge
wagons to pass one another. However, its greater width and Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing,
exposure to the elements as well as its history of heavy use and slashing from nonmagical attacks
have caused it to erode more than its fellows, so its broken Damage Immunities acid
and rutted surface is difficult terrain along its length. In Condition Immunities frightened, paralyzed,
addition, it has become the lair of the Stone Eater. This
prone, stunned
massive monstrosity from the Plane of Earth appeared in
the crater at some point in the past and after tangling with Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft.,
the undead off and on for years eventually made its way up tremorsense 60 ft., passive Perception 23
here where it found a convenient hollow in the road. The Languages Terran
behemoth is the shape of an irregular boulder with dun- Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
colored chitinous plates surrounding a vast, toothed maw
Ground Manipulation. The Stone Eater can use an
and an underbelly of pebbled flesh.
action to cause stone and earth within its space
to grow soft and muddy in a radius of 100 ft,
STONE EATER centerd on itself. The ground remains muddy for
Gargantuan aberration, unaligned 1 minute after the Stone Eater moves off from
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) the location. The Stone Eater can move through
Hit Points 259 (14d20+112) these areas with ease, but other creatures treat
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft. them as difficult terrain. If the Stone Eater has

buried itself and uses the ability, the muddy LEGENDARY ACTIONS
ground forms a slippery funnel to its mouth. This The stone eater can take 2 legendary actions,
muddy funnel requires a DC 18 Dexterity saving choosing from the options below. Only one
throw to avoid sliding to its center where the legendary action option can be used at a time and
creature’s mouth awaits. Any creature sliding to only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
its mouth is immediately subjected to a free bite stone eater regains spent legendary actions at the
attack and a swallow whole attack. Attempts to start of its turn.
climb out of the slippery funnel require a DC 16 Claws. The stone eater makes one attack with its
Strength (Athletics) check. claws.

Regeneration. The stone eater regains 10 hit points Burrow. The stone eater moves at its full burrow
at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point. speed and does not provoke oppourtunity attacks.
Seige Monster. The stone eater deals double
damage to objects and structures. Tactics: The Stone Eater sleeps for years at a time as its
glacial metabolism slowly digests the occasional meal that
comes along, and as a result it settles into its hollow and
ACTIONS buries itself in earth and rubble so that only its mouth is
Multiattack. The stone eater makes two attacks: exposed. When closed, this orifice just resembles a crease
one with its bite, and one with its claws. in the rough rock of the roadway. Noticing the creature
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., in this buried state requires a DC 27 Wisdom (Perception)
one target. Hit: 19 (2d8 + 10) piercing damage. If check. Its tremorsense awakes it if the PCs walk down the
trail (though flying PCs will not disturb its slumber unless
the target is a Huge or smaller creature, it must they are loud). When it detects approaching prey, it uses
succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving throw or its ground manipulation ability to draw prey towards its
be swallowed by the stone eater. A swallowed suddenly opening maw and attacks with its claws. While it
creature is blinded and restrained, it has total remains entrenched in its lair, it gains cover from attacks
cover against attacks and other effects outside the that are not launched from directly above. If reduced to
less than 60 hit points, it attempts to burrow deeper into
stone eater, and it takes 17 (5d6) acid damage at the ridge and cover itself in tens of feet of dirt and rock to
the start of each of the stone eater’s turns. If the escape its attackers.
stone eater takes 20 damage or more on a single
turn from a creature inside it, the stone eater Treasure: If the Stone Eater is slain and its Gargantuan
must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving body somehow moved, the treasures that it proved unable
throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all to digest and subsequently excreted beneath it can be
swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space uncovered. These include 110 gp, 147 sp, 752 cp, 133 pp, a
+1 shield pitted and scarred but functional, a small tobacco
within 10 feet of the stone eater. If stone eater
tin holding a dark blue rhomboid ioun stone (awareness), and a
dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained wand of paralysis made of corroded bronze.
by it and can escape from the corpse by using 10
feet of movement, exiting prone.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 30 ft., This steep and seemingly treacherous trail descends over
one target. Hit: 21 (2d10 + 10) piercing damage. broken terrain and crumbling cliffs and was originally
Barrage (Recharge 5-6). The Stone Eater releases abandoned as too precipitous at the time of the Caleen
a swarm of rock in a 30-foot-radius spread. mining. However, today it provides the most secure and
Those within the area of effect must make a least dangerous path to the bottom of the crater. There are
no random encounters when the PCs use this trail.
DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 45 (10d8)
bludgeoning damage on a failure, or half as
much on a success.

K. AZMERIUS’ ADIT rubble as well as providing shoring or logs or heavy beams as
support at least every 5 feet. Without digging tools, a character
Armed with Azmerius’ writings as a guide, the PCs may
can clear rubble equal to 5 times his heavy load limit per
search for the collapsed mine that is sure to be the Conroi
minute, though only a single Medium or Small creature
Expedition’s final resting place. The chances of locating the
can work on a 5-foot-wide workface at a time with another
Conroi Trail (J1) and the adit itself (L) are given above. The
required for each 5 feet of depth to move the rubble out of
collapsed entrance lies down the trail 105 feet below the
the tunnel at the same rate. Armed with appropriate tools,
crater rim and more than 400 feet from the bottom.
the work can go twice as fast. However, this sort of activity
Loose rocks, earth, and debris along the trail here reveal the telltale increases the likelihood of a random trail encounter to 25%
marks of a rock fall. However, the crater wall above this collapse every minute as predators are likely to be attracted by all the
show no signs of the fall indicating that these rocks must have come hubbub. Of course, at the PCs’ level, spells and effects such
from an internal collapse, giving evidence that a tunnel once pierced as move earth, passwall, stone shape, or dimension door to either
the crater wall at this location. The narrow ledge continues around physically move the collapsed material out of their way or
this collapse and winds a convoluted path down the basin’s edge. bypass the entrance altogether are likely to be options.

While digging through or otherwise penetrating this

rubble-choked barrier, there is a 30% chance in each 5-foot-
The adit used by Azmerius’s surviving band is a horizontal
square cleared to come upon the crushed skeletal remains
shaft burrowed into the rock of the crater rim at a slight
of one of the members of the Conroi Expedition who
upward angle to provide access, ventilation, and drainage for
worked to collapse the tunnel as described in Azmerius’s
a vertical mineshaft deeper in. The tightly packed material
journal entry. These skeletal remains are too crushed and
that collapsed into this entrance completely fills the first 20
decomposed to provide any useful information or anything
feet of the adit, making the area beyond it inaccessible to
of value, but the rusted remains of a prybar or the head of
most creatures. Clearing a 5-foot-wide by 5-foot-high passage
a sledgehammer might rest nearby giving mute testimony
through this debris will require moving 8,000 pounds of
to the horrific nature of their final labors.

Beyond the collapse, the tunnels are of hewn stone with ADVANCED SPECTER (3)
7-foot ceilings unless otherwise noted. There are no light
sources. Medium undead, lawful evil
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 110 (17d8 + 34)
Speed 0 ft., fly 80 ft. (hover)
Stale air fills the dust-choked tunnel beyond the collapse where
rusty pickaxes, broken pieces of equipment and gear, and the dried STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
and tattered remains of clothing rest on and among at least a 1 (-5) 22 (+6) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 19 (+4)
dozen humanoid skeletons sprawled on the floor. Many have
broken bones or fractured skulls and some still have their skeletal Skills History +7, Intimidate +7, Perception +9,
hands locked around another’s neck as if they died in the course of Religion +7, Stealth +9, Survival +7
some horrifically lethal brawl. Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,
thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
As described in Azmerius’s writings (Handout 4A), in from nonmagical attacks
a desperate gambit to save their necks from impending Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
doom Azmerius and his remaining associates deliberately Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
collapsed the mine’s entrance to secure their subterranean
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
bunker against intruders. Although they successfully
sealed off the adit, several tons of rock and earth could restrained, unconscious
not protect them against the meteorite’s baleful influence. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19
An examination of the skeletons with a successful DC 15 Languages Common
Wisdom (Medicine) check confirms the manner of death. Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
The eleven individuals not killed in the tunnel collapse
died from injuries consistent with those incurred during
a wild melee as the metallurgic amber suffusing the site Incorporeal Movement. The specter can move
took its toll on their already thinning sanity. Two of the through other creatures and objects as if they
corpses lying at the point marked “X” on the map show were difficult terrain. It takes 10 (3d6) force
signs of multiple fractures as if some powerful force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
from the eastern tunnel blasted them, as identified with a
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the specter
successful Wisdom (Medicine) check. A DC 23 Intelligence
(Arcana) check can identify these as being consistent with has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on
the effects of a sonic blast, such as from a glyph of warding, Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
which Azmerius cast in his final moments to ward off his Turn Resistance. The specter has advantage on
insane companions. saving throws against any effect that turns
Not all of these dead rest easily after dying in pain, Unnatural Aura. Beasts can sense the unnatural
insanity, and darkness. A few of them have arisen as 3 presence of a specter at a distance of 30 feet.
advanced spectres and still haunt this chamber. However,
they have long been somnolent and do not awake to rise
They do not willingly approach nearer than that
and attack unless a PC begins channeling positive energy in and are frightened if forced to do so unless they
this chamber. Doing so enrages the spirits and causes them success on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. The
to arise and attack immediately. They pursue relentlessly, beast is frightened until it can no longer see the
though they will not follow fleeing PCs out of the mine specter.
into daylight. If no positive energy channeling is used
here, the spectres remain quiet within the floor beneath
their remains with their unnatural auras suppressed and ACTIONS
can only be detected with magic such as detect evil or detect Multiattack. The specter makes two life drain
undead. In this case, they all arise and attack if Azmerius attacks.
Thade manifests in area K3. Life Drain. Melee Spell Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 27 (6d8) necrotic damage.

The target must succeed on a DC 1Constitution in the dry, lightless cave. Next to the corpse on the floor
saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced rests an inkwell (long dry) and a small cage holding the
mummified remains of a single carrier pigeon. The cause
by an amount equal to the damage taken. This of death for the corpse it difficult to discern, but a DC 25
reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long Wisdom (Medicine) check can detect that its dry leathery
rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit flesh is covered in the telltale burns seen upon so many
point maximum to 0. A creature slain in this way of the undead here. Examining the piece parchment it
rises as a specter spawned under the command holds reveals that it tells of the final days of the Conroi
Expedition upon reaching the crater and ends with the
of the advanced specter within 1 hour of dying. harrowing retreat to this mine. concludes with the eerily
Killing the advanced specter returns the spawned familiar scrawled line of, “A prince keeps his prize—”
specter’s free will, but it remains a specter. and, in fact, proves to be identical to the wording of the
very sheaves of copied correspondence from Azmerius
Treasure: Other than Azmerius most of the high-level recovered from Nains and have carried by the PCs since
leaders of the expedition were killed by the undead of the Dun Eamon. They are in fact the final three entries from
crater before ever making it to this mine shaft, so all of Handout 4D from the adventure Legend of the Burning Star.
the weapons and gear present of no special value and have The fact that they match these entries perfectly and that
rusted or deteriorated to the point of uselessness over the Azmerius’s final carrier pigeon with which he intended to
years here. However, each of these skeletons bears a pouch send this last missive appears to have never been removed
containing 5d10 gp. One of them wears a ring of protection from its cage raises the very serious question of how his
and another carries a martyr’s salvation (see Appendix C, final words ever made it out of this sealed cave and into the
page 145). archives at Nains to begin with.

K3. AZMERIUS’S UNREST The PCs do not have long to ponder this strange
conundrum, however, because like his fellows in K2,
The mine tunnel widens into a chamber of sorts. Columns of hewn Azmerius’s own soul has not remained untainted and
stone have been left in place to serve as supports for the ceiling rested easy. One minute after the PCs enter this chamber or
in this larger area. Dust lies thick throughout, and the chamber as soon as the corpse is disturbed, the corpse of lurches to
seems to hold a sense of long silence and undisturbed peace. its feet, its eyes burning with a hellish light and flickering
Barely visible beneath the omnipresent layer of dust, a withered, shadows encompassing it. Azmerius Thade now exists as a
desiccated corpse sits propped against the far wall. Its posture is powerful undead and seeks to destroy the living creatures
stooped and head bent, focused on something in its lap. that have dared to defile his tomb.

This corpse has mummified in the dry air rather than

succumbing to decomposition like the bodies in the prior AZMERIUS THADE
chamber. A closer examination reveals it to be a Foerdewaith Medium undead, lawful evil
human male of middle age with a short-cropped graying
Armor Class 14
beard and a balding pate with his remaining hair held back
in a short pony tail. Though weathered and smeared with Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42)
travel stains and blood, his golden robes bear the still- Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (can hover)
recognizable sunburst and leaves symbol of a priest of
MitraLL5, identifiable with a DC 15 Intelligence (Religion)
check. If the check exceeds a DC 20, the indications of him 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
being a servant of the Cathedral of Ste. Angeline in Nains Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +8, Con +7, Wis +5
are evident. This can be none other than Azmerius Thade,
the chaplain of the Conroi Expedition and author of the
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +8
travel reports that have guided the PCs on their way to theDamage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,
Pit of the Burning Star. radiant, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Inspecting the corpse reveals it still clutch a long dry Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
quill and a small strip of crumbling parchment, the ink Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
appearing as fresh as the day it was written from its time frightened, poisoned

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Dismay (1/Day). All creatures within 30 feet must
Languages Common make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. Creatures
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) with an Intelligence of 2 or less are immune.
On a failed save, a creature is incapacitated.
Incorporeal Movement. Azmerius can move Creatures that are incapacitated may do nothing
through other creatures and objects as if they but bicker or argue and cannot speak in a way to
were difficult terrain. He takes 5 (1d10) force make themselves understood by other creatures.
damage if he ends his turn inside an object. Creatures that fail their saving throw by 5 or more
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If Azmerius fails a are affected as per the spell confusion. This effect
saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. has a duration of 1 minute. A creature may make
Scorn the Light. If Azmerius takes radiant damage a new saving throw at the end of each of its turn,
and drops to 0 or less hit points, he must make ending the effect on a success.
a Constitution saving throw with a DC of the
damage taken. On a success, Azmerius drops to 1 LEGENDARY ACTIONS
hit point instead. Azmerius can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
Special Gear. Azmerius wears a blazing robe. from the options below. Only one legendary action
Turn Resistance. Azmerius has advantage on option can be used at a time and only at the end
saving throws against any effect that turns of another creature’s turn. Azmerius regains spent
undead. legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Fly. Azmerius flies up to its speed without
ACTIONS provoking opportunity attacks.
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Attack. Azmerius makes a fist attack or uses Life
creature. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) bludgeoning damage, plus Drain.
17 (5d6) necrotic damage. Shadow Embrace (2 actions). Azmerius regain
Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 (1d10+10) hit poins, and he radiates magical
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) necrotic darkness in 15-foot sphere until the beginning of
damage. The target must succeed on a DC his next turn. A creature with darkvision can’t see
16 Constitution saving throw or its hit point through this darkness, and nonmagical light can’t
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to illuminate it, but it does not affect Azmerius.
the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the
target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this Tactics: When Azmerius rises, his unholy presence
effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. attracts the spectres in K2 who arrive in the next round
if they haven’t already been dispatched by the PCs. If the
Ray of Darkness. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, hungry fogs in K4 haven’t been dealt with, they likewise
range 100 ft., one creature. Hit: 22 (5d8) necrotic respond to the battle and arrive in 2 rounds. Azmerius’s
damage. first action is to assume ghost form. He then attacks with
Create Specter. Azmerius targets a humanoid his dismay ability. He then uses his dangerous attacks and
within 10 feet of him that has been dead for no blazing robes against combatants. He fights until destroyed to
prevent the PCs from recovering his final correspondence
longer than 1 minute and died violently. The (unaware that they already possess a copy) and will pursue
target’s spirit rises as a specter in the space of its relentlessly until it is recovered. The specters attack as long
corpse or in the nearest unoccupied space. The as Azmerius hasn’t been destroyed, though they cannot
specter is under Azmerius's control. Azmerius follow into sunlight. The hungry fogs will likewise not
can have no more than seven specters under its leave the mine tunnels but will continue to fight as long as
living prey remains within.
control at one time.

Development: As he fights, the angry Azmerius speaks,
though his broken mind cannot converse in a conventional
sense. He constantly reiterates his desire to acquire the 1 (-5) 4 (-3) 18 (+4) 1 (-5) 1 (-5) 1 (-5)
crater’s treasures in addition to obsessing about sending Saving Throws Con +7
his dispatches safely back to his glorious kingLL7-232, giving
credence to the fact that the Conroi Expedition was secretly Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing,
backed by the Crown of Castorhage and loyal to it rather or slashing from nonmagical attacks
than the Grand Duke of Reme as was publicly stated. A DC Damage Immunities acid, lightning, necrotic
20 Intelligence (History) check reveals that at the time of Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
the Conroi Expedition King Worrn IV sat upon the throne deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone
of Castorhage, though he was debilitated with illness and
Queen-Regent Lotheria Tredici ruled in his stead. Any Senses blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius,
questions posed to Azmerius go unanswered, as he is passive Perception 5)
incapable of anything but his mad perseveration. Languages Common
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
The passage here ends at an old collapse,
Aura of Fear. Creatures that enter
much older than the one that sealed the the hungry fog’s space for the
mine entrance. The floor begins to incline first time in a turn, or that start
steeply upward here and some source of their turn inside the hungry
water must exist somewhere farther up fog’s space must make a DC
because a thin mist seems to cling
to this ancient rock fall, though it
16 Wisdom saving throw or
extends no farther than a few feet become frightened of the
before dissipating in the dry air of hungry fog for 1 minute. A
the tunnel. creature affected in this way
can make another saving
This tunnel provided throw at the end of each of
drainage for the main mine their turns, ending the effect
shaft deeper in the crater rim on a success. A creature that
but collapsed not long after
succeeds on this saving throw
the fall of the Caleen Colonies.
Though the tunnel is sealed is immune to this hungry fog’s
by hundreds of feet of earth aura of fear for 24 hours.
and is impassible to the PCs, Mist Form. The hungry fog can enter
it has allowed a small quantity a hostile creature’s space and stop there. It can
of the moisture in the farther tunnels to
move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide
seep through. Along with this natural mist have ventured 2
hungry fogs that have come here seeking living creatures to without squeezing.
feed upon. Their misty forms cling to the rock fall awaiting Necrotic Absorption. Whenever the hungry fog is
prey unless they have already responded to the sounds of subjected to necrotic damage, it takes no damage
battle in area K3. In that case, only harmless mist remains and instead regains a number of hit points equal
in this area.
to the fire damage dealt.
Wind Vulnerability. The hungry fog can be
HUNGRY FOGS (2) dispersed by a strong wind. A hungrgy fog takes
10 thundering damage when it starts its turn in
Huge ooze, unaligned
a strong wind. While in the strong wind, it has
Armor Class 7
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
Hit Points 94 (9d12 + 36)
Speed 0 ft., fly 15 ft. (hover)

ACTIONS advantage on Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
Negative Energy Burst. The hungry fog forces checks to negotiate the ledges.
all creatures inside of its space to make a DC
15 Constitution saving throw. A creature takes In the last few days some new inhabitants have taken
21 (6d6) necrotic damage on a failure, or half up temporary residence in the shelter of the strip mine
and effectively driven off any of the local denizens that
as much on a success. If a creature fails by 5 or lurked in the crater rim here. A group of contracted
more, it also gains an exhaustion level, and the explorers and professional agents out of the City-State of
hungry fog heals up to 10 hit points. Castorhage calling themselves The Prize Men have set up
camp in this semi-sheltered location. Powerful spellcasters
and their assorted underlings, the Prize Men were hired
L. THE PRIZE PIT by the Crown to keep tabs on the progress being made
An expansive pit has been dug into the rim of the crater here, in searching for the Pit of the Burning Star, a task for
an impressive terraced excavation replete with perilous trails, which the Crown of Castorhage secretly hired the Conroi
precarious ledges, treacherous talus slopes, and strangely colored Expedition nearly eight decades ago. Though the Prize Men
pools. A great ramp of gravel and rubble extends upward to this have pieces of Azmerius’s writings as well, they have mainly
pit from the crater floor. Ropes bolted into the stone walls above kept tabs on the multiple expeditions by means of scrying,
several precarious outcroppings as well as the ledge adjacent to the and then instantly travel with their entourage in 100-mile
ramp presumably allow climbers up and down from the heights increments by means of shrink spells, and their leader’s
and seem to provide access to a makeshift camp of some sort. wand of teleportation. They recently arrived after tracking
the progress of Earl Rannulf ’s band and to a certain
extent the Ironskull dwarves, with some peeping in on the
When the Caleen colonists discovered the crater, a large Spurious Tidings. They have avoided scrying the
deposit of copper and lead was found in this section of PCs directly, because early on they decided that
the rim, and a large strip-mining operation was they were likely the most formidable of
begun. It was the largest and most successful of the their rivals as well as the ones most likely
colonists’ endeavors at the Pit before the destruction to notice being scried. Now that they have
of the colonies. The colonists built the great ramp arrived, they witnessed any initial foray
at J2 with the tailings of the strip mine, and the by the PCs and have possibly already
structure has weathered the centuries since in been encountered to some extent from
excellent condition. their activities in Event 4.

The drops between levels of the pit are The Prize Men consist of a trio
generally sheer cliffs (DC 18 Strength of spellcasters: Poirot Kenkery,
(Athletics) checks to Climb), and a magus and their informal
are indicated by their height leader, Jevireau Lancolmb,
above the pit floor (area L1), so an elven dilettante sorcerer
the drop off of any ledge can and artist, and Linas Huth-
be determined by subtracting Borxia, a witch and offspring
the indicated height of the from one of the most powerful
ledge below from the height of families in Castorhage. Each of
the ledge where the fall occurred. these arcane casters keeps at least
Trails between different levels of one extraplanar thrall (see page
the pit are narrow and treacherous, 120 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s
having eroded greatly over the Crooked City by Frog God Games for
centuries. Each varies from 2–4 more information on thralls), though
feet in width (roll 1d6 divided by 2 +1), requiring Poirot actually keeps 2 thralls, and Linas
DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to balance on has his familiar as well. The thralls are
them. In several places, ropes have recently been allies (rather than minions) and are fiercely
secured to the pit walls by pitons and grant loyal to their masters, even fighting to the

* See pages 225 and 260 of LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett's Crooked City by Frog God Games for information on the Gentlemen Explorers Club.

death if so ordered, even though they know a death on 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). He regains his
the Material Plane is permanent for them. In addition to expended spell slots when he finishes a short or
these extraplanar subordinates, The Prize Men travel with
8 hired guards from the Gentlemen’s Explorers Club of
long rest. He knows the following wizard spells.
Castorhage* and 3 Shattered Folk scouts from the Elitan- Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, light,
i-Pan ConfederationLL0. Remove any of The Prize Men or prestidigitation, shocking grasp
their underlings who have already been slain or captured 1st level (4 slots): expeditious retreat, feather fall,
by the PCs. grease, magic missile
2nd level (3 slots): acid arrow, invisibility, mirror
GUARDS (8) 3rd level (3 slots): fireball, fly, vampiric touch
4th level (1 slots): black tentacles
XP 700
hp 58 (statistics as veteranSRD) ACTIONS
Multiattack. Poirot makes two longsword attacks
ELITAN-I-PAN SCOUTS (3) and casts shocking grasp.
XP 1,100 Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
hp 104 (see page 340) ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) slashing damage or 7
*These scouts have not brought their mounts with (1d10+2) slashing damage if used with two hands.
them. Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
range 80/320, one target. Hit: 5 (1d8+1) piercing
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil ETHOS, THRALL
Armor Class 16 (+1 breastplate)
Hit Points 143 (26d8+26) XP 0
Speed 30 ft. hp 13 (lemureSRD)
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) PATHOS, THRALL (CACODAEMON)

Saving Throws Con +5 XP 450

Skills Arcana +11, Deception +5, History +7, hp 28 (see page 340)
Intimidate +10, Nature +7, Persuasion +10,
Senses passive Perception 11 Medium humanoid (elf), chaotic neutral
Languages Common, Dwarven, Kirkut, Orc Armor Class 16 (mage armor)
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Hit Points 90 (20d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Dreamspeaker. Words.
Special Gear. +1 breastplate, cape of the mountebank, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
2 potions of superior healing, 2 potions of darkvision, 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 24 (+5)
everburning torch, silver hunter’s flask (25 gp), belt Skills Arcana +9, History +9, Intimidate +9, Insight
pouch with a snuffbox holding 9 pinches of snuff, +5, Nature +5, Perception +9, Persuasion +9
114 gp, 86 cp, and a small tiger eye agate. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19
Spellcasting. Poirot is a 7th-level spellcaster. His Languages Celestial, Common, Elven
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)

Dreamspeaker. Jevireau can tap into the powers of Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
sleep. Jevireau’s sleep spell affects 100 hit points 80/320, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing
of creatures, as if Jevireau had rolled that number damage.
as part of casting the sleep spell.
Fey Ancestry. Jevireau has advantage on saving MR. PEEPERS, THRALL (SHULSAGA)
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t
put Jevireau to sleep. XP 700
Innate Spellcasting. Jevireau’s innate spellcasting hp 58 (see page 341)
ability is Charisma. He can innately cast the
following spells (spell save DC 17), requiring no LINAS HUTH-BORXIA
material components: Medium humanoid (aquatic), lawful evil
3/day: hideous laughter, sleep Armor Class 14 (mage armor)
1/day: dream Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45)
Special Gear. 2 elixirs of love, scroll of wall of Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
force, ring of protection, cloak of resistance, hat
of disguise, platinum and copper bracers (700 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
gp), gold and chalcedony ring (135 gp), armored 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 20 (+5)
insectum caseLL7 with a Blake’s sanguisuga, 2 Skills Arcana +9, Intimidate +9, Insight +7, Medicine
festerfew, 3 howling nighshade grubs, and 5 +3, Perception +3, Survival +3
misery slugs (see sidebar), belt pouch with 825 gp. Damage Resistances cold
Spellcasting. Jevireau is a 12th-level spellcaster. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save Languages Aboleth, Aquan, Common, Gnome,
DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). He regains his Infernal, Undercommon
expended spell slots when he finishes a short or Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
long rest. He knows the following sorceror spells.
Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand,
message, minor illusion, prestidigitation, ray of
1st level (4 slots): charm person, entangle, mage
armor, magic missile
2nd level (3 slots): false life, scorching ray, see
invisibility, suggestion
3rd level (3 slots): fly, hold person, lightning bolt
4th level (3 slots): bestow curse, blight, charm
5th level (2 slots): dominate person, tree stride
6th level (1 slot): mass suggestion

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60, one target. Hit: 5
(1d4+3) piercing damage.

Amphibious. Linas can breathe air and water. GARGIZAR, THRALL (YETH HOUND)
Familiar. Linas has a crab familiar named Avernos. XP 700
As long as Linas is within 100 feet of Avernos, Linas hp 58 (see page 343)
can communicate with it telepathically. As an action,
Linas can see through Avernos’s eyes and hear what Tactics: When encountered in their camp, the Prize
it hears until the start of Linas’s next turn. During Men and their minions take maximum advantage of their
this time, Linas is deaf and blind with regard to his surroundings. The scouts take up high positions among
own senses. the cover of the boulders and rubble of the strip mine to
fire on intruders with their composite shortbows, while
Innate Spellcasting. Linas’s innate spellcasting ability the hired guards take up position at trails, ropes, and other
is Charisma. He can innately cast the following choke points where they can fend attackers off with their
spells (spell save DC 17), requiring no material longspears, javelins, and alchemist’s fire for as long as
components: possible before closing for direct melee. The spellcasters
At will: disguise self, mage armor (self only) prefer to keep to the high ground and remain mobile with
their various means of flight for as long as possible. Poirot
3/day: shield Kenkery doesn’t shy away from melee combat — though he
1/day: eyebite, finger of death, dominate monster always seeks to minimize the number of opponents who
Special Gear. 2 potions of cure moderate wounds, can attack him at any one time — but the other two try to
potion of displacement, potion of invisibility, 4 doses remain at range for as long as possible. Ethos remains near
purple worm poison, decanter of endless water. Poirot, but the magus sends Pathos to bite through ropes
or otherwise hinder the PCs as they traverse treacherous
ledges and trails. Mr. Peepers (not his real name) for his
Spellcasting. Linas is a 15th-level spellcaster. His part remains airborne near Jevireau seeking to provide
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 cover from ranged attacks and take out threatening
to hit with spell attacks). He regains his expended spellcasters with his spiritual weapon (which he manifests
spell slots when he finishes a short or long rest. He as a scimitar to gain its greater critical threat range). He
prefers to ready the attack of the spiritual weapon for when a
knows the following warlock spells.
PC begins casting a spell so he can attempt to interrupt the
Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, message, minor illusion, casting. Gargizar remains by Linas’s side and only uses his
prestidigitation bay ability when the witch is directly threatened. The other
1st-5th level (3 5th-level spell slots): alter self, bestow members of the expedition are not immune to this effect,
curse, black tentacles, burning hands, dispel magic, so Linas does not allow him to use it earlier.
cloudkill, fly, hideous laughter, hypnotic pattern,
lightning bolt, phantasmal killer, see invisibility, shatter Development: A member of The Prize Men who is captured
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Linas has or is in fear of death does not long remain loyal to his fellows.
These “gentlemen explorers” are only as reliable as the coin
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom they receive, and as soon as the price seems too high (usually
(Perceptio) checks that rely on sight. when reduced to 20% of their maximum Hit Points), they’ll
Water Mastery. Linas has advantage on Dexterity seek to escape through whatever means are available. Their
checks when immersed in water. This includes first choice will always be to rejoin their companions and
initiative checks. regroup, second choice is to seek to flee somewhere as far away
as possible even if it means leaving friends and underlings
behind, and third choice will be surrender. If successfully
ACTIONS captured alive and Coerced, any of these men will gladly spill
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to everything he knows about his fellows in exchange for his life
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60, one target. Hit: 3 and freedom. For their part, the scouts and guards are much
(1d4+1) piercing damage. If purple worm poison more loyal and will continue to fight as long as one of The
Prize Men remains in the fight. A captured scout or guard
is used, the target creature must make a DC
can likewise be Coerced into talking, but they don’t know
19 Constitution saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) much other than their bosses have magic which they’ve used
poison damage on afailed save, or half as much to move quickly across the steppes and that their bosses are
damage on a successful one. particularly lazy and loathsome.

The lowest level of the strip mine is accessed here by the GUARDS (3)
great ramp from the crater floor (J2). The drop from this
level of the strip mine to the crater floor is 370 feet. Add XP 1,200
this to the height of the ledge if someone falls from a hp 58 (statistics as veteranSRD)
higher ledge into the depths of the crater. If not already
encountered in Event 4, there will usually be 3 hired guards
and 1 scout on guard duty here to make sure that nothing ELITAN-I-PAN SCOUT
approaches from the depths of the crater. They have a XP 1,100
small campfire and have set a small cask of lamp oil on
either side of the ramp. If intruders approach from the
hp 104 (see page 340)
ramp, two of the guards broach the tops of the casks with *These scouts have not brought their mounts with
their morningstars while the scout provides covering fire. them.
They then roll the open barrels down the ramp covering a
30-foot-long swath of it with the oil. As soon as intruders L2. TOXIC POOLS
reach that area, one guard will throw a burning brand from Each of these locations marks a pool of rainwater collected
the fire onto the oil and ignite. The oil burns for 5 rounds in a hollow in the strip mine’s work faces. The pools vary
and deals 2d6 points of burn damage per round for anyone in depth from 5–20 feet (1d4 x 5) and are strangely tinted
in it and requires a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw for each in reds, blues, and greens with an oily sheen. These pools
round of exposure to avoid catching fire. are highly polluted with heavy metals and other wastes
from the mine. Anyone exposed to the waters risks being
poisoned, and anyone actually drinking them especially so.

TAINTED WATERS Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Type poison, ingested or contact; Save Constitution one target. Hit: 19 (3d8+6) slashing damage and
DC 15 (contact), DC 20 (ingested) the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this
Effect poisoned for 1d4 minutes. Once the poison grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and
runs its course, the victim must make another the hellgrammite can’t bite another target. A
Constitution daving throw with a DC of 15. If the hellgrammite has advantage to bite a creature it
victim fails, they gain 1 level of exhaustion. is grappling. If a creature is still grappled when
the hellgrammite is reduced to 0 hit points, the
L3. INHABITED POOL grappled creature takes an additional 13 (3d8)
This pool is tainted like the toxic pools (L2) but is shallow in slashing damage at the start of each of its turns,
its western half (only 3 feet deep) and provides easy means and the grapple continues until the creature
to wade to the trail leading up to the next ledge of the strip successfully escapes, or 10 damage is dealt to the
mine. Wading through the waters is considered contact, hellgramite’s corpse.
unless the individual is wearing watertight boots or waders.
In addition, as the Castorhagi expedition discovered, this
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
pool is also occupied. The deeper (25 feet deep) eastern half target. Hit: 22 (3d10+6) bludgeoning damage.
of the pool is home to 3 giant hellgrammites, and unlike the
other crater wall denizens that The Prize Men were able to Treasure: Lying at the bottom of the deep portion of the
drive away with a show of force, these massive water insects pool amid the stripped bones of the scout and a few ash
have refused to leave. After losing one Shattered Folk scout giants can be found a masterwork chain shirt, a masterwork
to the creatures, the Castorhagi now avoid the pool and use scimitar, a cloak of protection, a total of 115 gp, assorted gems
a rope they have affixed on the opposite side of this level worth 225 gp, and pieces of broken or ruined equipment
to reach the ledges above. For their part, the centipede-like and potions.
horrors do not bother anyone that does not actually enter
the water or fly immediately above its surface. They are, of
course, immune to the toxins of the water. L4. WATCH LEDGE
A lone scout is normally perched atop this ledge, keeping
watch over the top of the ramp and the crater below. If the
GIANT HELLGRAMMITES (3) strip mine comes under attack, he shouts an alarm and
provides ranged support with his bow. If any of the scouts
Large beast, unaligned have previously been eliminated in Event 4, the one on this
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) ledge is removed first.
Hit Points 115 (11d10 + 55)
Speed 30 ft., swim 25 ft.
XP 1,100
23 (+6) 19 (+4) 20 (+5) 1 (-5) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) hp 104 (see page 340)
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +9 *These scouts have not brought their mounts with
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 them.
Languages —
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) L5. UPPER ENTRANCE
A trail leads down from the crater rim into the strip mine
Amphibious. The hellgrammite can breathe air and here. The Prize Men have posted a guard here of 2 hired
guards and a scout to prevent any interlopers from coming
water. up on their camp from this direction. The guards here have
a good view over the entire strip mine and surrounding
ACTIONS rim from this position. If more than one scout has already
Multiattack. The hellgrammite makes two attacks: been eliminated in Event 4, then there is no scout here.
one bite attack and one tail attack. If more than 3 guards have been defeated already in that
event, then extra missing guards are removed from here.

GENTLEMEN’S EXPLORERS CLUB HIRED creatures inside still have cover and are hidden even
GUARDS (2) from anyone on this ledge. None of the thralls require
sleep, so they remain on watch around the ledge with the
XP 700 cacodaemon Pathos periodically flying above the strip
hp 58 (statistics as veteranSRD) mine pit under the effects of his invisibility spell to scout
for any possible intruders.

Statistics for all of The Three Prize Men and their minions
XP 1,100 are found at the beginning of L. The Prize Pit (see page 85).
hp 104 (see page 340)
*These scouts have not brought their mounts with Treasure: In addition to their normal gear, the camp
them. includes an explorer’s kit, two everburning torches, a scholar’s
pack with finely made implements (80 gp), a folding table
with three folding chairs holding a carved jade pachisiFB-161
L6. HIRELINGS CAMP set from Far JaatiLL0 (325 gp), and a locked (thieves’ tools
The main camp for The Prize Men’s hirelings has been
check DC 20) medium chest holding a dungeoneer’s pack,
made here at the base of the upper trail and at the top of a
2 vials of acid, 2 alchemist’s fires, seven bottles of Sgor
rope they have affixed that reaches down to the next ledge
Craoabh: Black Isle WhiskeyLL7-534 (54 gp each), and 2,174 gp
25 feet below. There are bedrolls for eleven here, situated
as payroll for the hired hands. In the back of the shelter,
around a small campfire, and crude shelters have been
shaded by the awning is a brass spittoon (5 gp) filled with
erected over them with tarps and rope to keep the worst
fresh water where Linas keeps his crab familiar in the
of the sun and the wind off of them. Normally there are
harsh, arid environment.
3 hired guards resting here who switch out in shifts with
those at areas L1 and L5, but if any guards have already been
defeated by the PCs in Event 4, then subtract their numbers M. FUMING CHASM
from here first.
As described under Flying Above the Crater and Crater
Floor, the great smoking chasm at the crater’s heart
provides concealment and a lair for a great deal of undead
that lurk within the blasted valley. However, after the PCs’
GUARDS (3) initial foray into the crater, they find that these undead
XP 700 hordes appear to have dispersed, and they are now free to
explore this gaping pit which represents the meteor core’s
hp 58 (statistics as veteranSRD)
actual point of impact. When the PCs approach the chasm’s
opening, provide the following description.
Treasure: In addition to the mundane gear, water barrels,
and packs of supplies to be found here, one of the guards Dense clouds of grayish-black smoke billow out from a wide
has stashed 12 chunks of nickel he has found (10 sp each) fissure in the ground. Heat likewise accompanies the thick fumes
underneath his bedroll. surging from the depths of the earth, though perhaps not as much
as you expected for such a hellish pit. Despite the horrors that
emerged previously from this smoggy chasm, there is no sign of the
L7. THE PRIZE MEN’S CAMP undead horde that previously boiled forth.
A hollow delved 10 feet into the side of the ledge wall
here serves as the makeshift camp of The Three Prize
Men themselves, Poirot Kenkery, Jeriveau Lancolmb, and Flying or climbing down into this pit involves dealing
Linas Huth-Borxia, as well as their thralls Ethos, Pathos, with the smoke which provides concealment and
Mr. Peepers, and Gargizar unless some have already been total concealment beyond 5 feet as well as requiring a
defeated in Event 4. The three spellcasters have situated Constitution saving throw each round (DC 15) or spend
their bedrolls and assorted cushions and creature comforts the round choking and coughing and causing 1d6 points
within the natural rock shelter and erected small awnings of fire damage for every 2 consecutive rounds of choking.
over them using tarps and rope. Anyone in these shelters The temperature within the smoking pit is very hot at
can't be observed by and has greater cover from anyone approximately 105° F, day or night. These conditions require
on the crater rim above or any ledge other than this one. a Constitution saving throw each hour (DC 15) to avoid
Unless an opponent is directly in front of the rock shelter, taking 1d4 points of fire (they begin taking lethal damage

if reduced to unconsciousness in this way). Characters in BELKERS (4)
heavy armor or clothing have disadvantage on this saving
throw, and the use of a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) skill can be Large elemental, neutral evil
used to provide advantage on this saving throw. Armor Class 15
Hit Points 93 (11d10 + 33)
Even a cursory search around the edge of the pit reveals Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)
the rickety remains of a wooden scaffold and staircase that STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
provides access to the bottom of the pit. Though shaky, the
stair is still stable. Otherwise the broken walls of the pit 14 (+2) 21 (+5) 17 (+3) 6 (-2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
can be climbed with a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. Skills Perception +6, Stealth +11
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning,
M1. PIT OF HELL piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Exploration of the smoking pit reveals that its jagged and Damage Immunities poison
broken walls descend only 40 feet before ending at a base Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed,
of sand and rubble. When the meteor’s intact core punched
through the earth here, the passage it left collapsed back in
petrified, poisoned, prone, prone, unconscious
upon itself. The smoke rises from tiny fissures and vents Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
that still exist within this collapse as well as from side Languages Auran
tunnels that open off from it, but the heat of the meteor’s Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
core is greatly blunted by the thickness of the earth that
separates it from this pit.
Air Form. The belker can enter a hostile creature’s
space and stop there. It can move through a
The ground at the bottom of the pit is broken and space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
footing is uncertain causing it to be difficult terrain.
However, a road of smoothed gravel leads from the base
Smoke Form. The belker can use its bonus action
of the scaffold stairs to a mine tunnel at the pit’s southern to assume a smoke form, much the same as the
edge. The ground along this road is not difficult terrain. effects of the gaseous form spell. The belker must
Barely visible through the clouds of smoke that obscure concentrate on this effect. A creature that enters
vision are the remains of centuries-old mine carts that the belker’s space for the first time in a turn or ends
have been abandoned. In some cases, the skeletal remains
of draft horses still lie within the harness attached to the
their turn there must make a DC 15 Constitution
carts, though none of these skeletons are animate. These saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) necrotic damage on a
and the stairs are what remains of the Caleen mining failed save, and half as much damage on a success.
operation that once occurred in the pit. The tunnel is The belker can also move to another creature’s
the adit to the main Caleen mine that once pulled nickel, space, triggering the Constitution saving throw.
lead, trace precious metals, and valuable siccatite off of the
meteorite below, though doing so was extremely hazardous
work in the pit’s dangerous environment.
Multiattack. The belker makes two attacks: one
with its bite, and one with its claws.
Anyone descending into the pit by flight, climbing the
walls, or using the stairs attracts the attention of 4 belkers Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
that call the smoky pit home. These elementals ignore the one target. Hit: 14 (2d8+5) piercing damage,
undead that frequently occupy the pit but gladly attack any and the target is grappled (escape DC 15). While
living creatures that dare to invade their domain. They do grappled in this way, the belker moves into and
not pursue into the tunnels or out of the pit itself but attack
occupies the grappled creature’s space, even if it
relentlessly until destroyed as long as intruders remain
within the pit. Each round of fighting on the rickety stairs has used its movement for the turn.
has a cumulative 5% chance of causing them to collapse Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
into the pit, causing the appropriate falling damage to one target. Hit: 15 (3d6+5) slashing damage. If the
anyone of the stairs when they collapse. target is grappled, it takes an additional 13 (3d8)
necrotic damage.

The heavy wooden door to this side room is still locked (ENCOUNTER VARIES)
with an extremely durable lock (Thieves’ Tools check DC These tunnels descend below and around the fuming pit
20), the key long since lost. at the crater’s center. Not all of the tunnels are shown on
the map as many extend out and around and the central
Beyond the sturdy door, the air is less smoky. It opens to reveal an
rift, but those shown are the ones the lead to the heart of
excavated room of rough-hewn walls. A number of wooden bunks
the crater. They descend a total of 80 feet from area M3
remain standing around the room, their straw tick mattresses
and have a general downward slope towards area M5. This
unadorned by blanket or sheets with open footlockers, tables, and
slope is 1d10+20° at any given location. The fire raging deep
chairs interspersed among them. At the far side of the room stand
underground pushes smoke and heat into these twisting
a line of four wooden wall lockers.
passageways. The effects of the smoke and heat are the
same as those described into area M1.
Once a headquarters for the mining operations in the
central pit, at one time summoned air elementals and For every minute spent traveling through these circuitous
small vents helped keep this room clear of the smoke that tunnels, there is a 25% chance of an encounter with the
permeates the pits and mines. The elementals are long creatures that lurk here awaiting further orders from their
gone, but the air quality in here remains superior to that master. Although prevalent throughout this network of
outside due to good ventilation that still exists. Miners passages and old workfaces, these creatures never enter
could rest and gather here between shifts. A search of the area M5. If an encounter occurs, roll on the following table
room reveals the long-mummified remains of a human to determine its result.
miner, a Caleen colonist who was ultimately overcome by

the fumes here and perished in the mine’s last days, but his
worn coveralls hold nothing of importance and his corpse d% Encounter
is not animated. 01–15 1d6 blast shadows
16–40 2d6 radioactive combusted
Searching the first three wall lockers finds a total of 41–60 1d4 cinder ghouls
seven sets of miner’s coveralls, three pickaxes, and two
shovels. The fourth locker is locked (Thieves’ Tools check 61–70 2d6 fire phantoms
DC 18) and holds a small strongbox containing six small 71–80 1d6+1 baykoks
unrefined gold nuggets (worth 1d6 x 10 gp each), two potions 81–00 Roll twice and ignore this result
of darkvision, and a bottle of air. Hanging in the back of the
locker are six still-functional facial bellows (see Appendix
C, page 145) and two 10-foot-long metal poles that end in BAYKOK
round scoops that show signs of exposure to great heat
(these are skimmers for the molten pool at M5, though that XP 2,300
may not be immediately obvious). hp 97 (see Appendix A, page 529)


These tunnels meander around the circumference of the
Burning Pits central chasm. The valuable minerals to be XP 1,800
found in them are largely played out, though one tunnel hp 117 (see Appendix A, page 530)
near the entrance intersection descends at a 30° slope down
to area M4. These tunnels are largely unoccupied and
uninteresting. They are not as smoky as the pit outside or
the lower tunnels, so that no one is concealed or undetected XP 2,900
from the smoke, and a DC 15 Constitution saving throw hp 75 (see Appendix A, page 532)
against the smoke’s effects is only necessary every minute
rather than every round.
XP 700
hp 84 (see Appendix A, page 551)

FIRE PHANTOM The siccatite basin rests within a much larger outer lining
of ordinary metals and stone that is roughly 20 feet thick,
XP 1,800 thus making a large scale excavation of the more valuable
hp 104 (see Appendix A, page 534) star metals virtually impossible. As a result the noqual could
only be theoretically removed by extracting it in liquid form
M5. HEART OF THE CRATER from the center of the molten pool more than 30 feet below
This room has the same smoke effects as the pit at M1. The the surface unless the burning siccatite could be somehow
description assumes that the PCs have some way to see extinguished or removed itself. The molten layer exposed
through the obscuring fumes. in this pool is composed primarily of stone and dozens of
different metals from which the purified metals constantly
The smoky haze is lit by the red glow of molten rock. At the center of leach and were formerly skimmed off by the Caleen miners,
the large chamber is an open pool of molten material with fire licking though now they simply settle back into the molten stew
from its surface. Around this central pool are irregularly heaped piles only to resurface again later. Fortunately for the PCs (and
of cooled slag, the remnant of the mining operations that once took any other living creatures in the chamber), the meteor’s
place here long ago. The fumes coming off of this pool fill the sweltering outer shell composed heavily of metallurigic amber largely
air with thick smoke making it nearly impossible to see anything other disintegrated upon impact and spread itself to infuse the soil
than the red-hot tendrils of fire dancing in the infernal pond. in a massive radius so that this chamber is no more filled with
that material’s deadly radiation than any other location in and
around the crater.
The molten pool intensifies the heat in the chamber to
extreme heat (approximately 150° F) dealing 1d6 points of fire
damage (no save) per minute of breathing in the superheated Anyone touching the molten metal and rock in the
air (the facial bellows do not prevent room’s center takes 2d6 points of fire damage per round of
this damage) as well as requiring a exposure plus 1d6 points of fire damage per round for 1d3
Constitution saving throw every 5 rounds after the exposure ceases as the molten material
minutes (DC 15) to avoid 1d4 points cools. Immersion in the pool causes 20d6 fire damage
of nonlethal damage. Those wearing per round (10d6 per round for 1d3 rounds after the
heavy clothes or any sort of armor immersion ends). However, more critically, the
have disadvantage on their saving massive concentration of liquid noqual at the pool’s
throws. See below in regards to any heart combined with lead and other metals that
protective magic that the party burn in the raging conflagration duplicates the
may be using. effects of an antimagic field spell within 100
feet of the molten pool’s edges (effectively
covering the entire chamber). This effect
The molten pool at the center suppresses spells, spell-like abilities, and
of the chamber is the uppermost supernatural abilities while within the
remnant of the meteorite that chamber.
struck here 2,000 years ago.
The entire core mass measures
roughly 50 feet in diameter and is Without magic, few creatures could
surrounded by another layer of molten see through the dense clouds of smoke
metals of which only the uppermost let alone survive the brutal conditions
surface exposed in this room. The core of within this chamber. Yet, for the last four
this extraterrestrial fragment is noqual, centuries, a lone creature has not only endured here but
liquefied by the intense heat of the fire but thrived under the wretched conditions. The allure of precious
surrounded and held in place by a thick star metals from the meteorite eventually drew the attention
shell of the star metal siccatite. The fall of an adult red dragon name Fuagruun to investigate the
of the meteor and its subsequent impact crater after the Caleen Colonies had all been lost. Flying
ignited the volatile siccatite shell whose down from the volcanic heart of the Stoneheart Mountains,
natural heat properties have caused it to the dragon entered the smoking central rift and wormed
burn for all this time in a raging inferno his way down through the mine tunnels until reaching
that cannot be extinguished until all of its this chamber. Able to see through the smoky haze and
siccatite fuel has been consumed (a process unbothered by the hellish heat, the greedy dragon
that will take several more millennia at least). delighted in its newfound cache of invaluable treasure.

However, even the dragon’s formidable defenses were not Fuagruun takes 11 (2d10) fire damage.
immune to the effects of the metallurgic amber infusing the Innate Spellcasting. Fuagruun’s spellcasting ability
entire area, and the antimagic field effects likewise muted his
resistances until finally Fuagruun succumbed to the baleful
is Charisma (spell save DC 20, spell attack bonus
radiations and underwent the unholy transformation into a +12). He can innately cast the following spells,
red dragon ravener. requiring only verbal components:
At will: detect magic, message, see invisibility
3/day each: freedom of movement, lightning bolt,
FUAGRUUN scrying
Huge undead (dragon), chaotic evil 1/day each: confusion, polymorph
Armor Class 20 Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Fuagruun fails a
Hit Points 184 (16d12 + 80) saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
Speed 40 ft., fly 120 ft. Magic Resistance. The Fuagruun has advantage on
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA saving throws against spells and other magical
27 (+8) 10 (+0) 21 (+5) 20 (+5) 21 (+5) 22 (+6) effects.
Turn Resistance. Fuagruun has advantage on
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +10, Wis +10, Cha +11 saving throws against any effect that turns
Skills Arcana +10, Deception +15, Insight +10, undead.
Intimidate +11, Perception +15, Stealth +10
Damage Vulnerability cold ACTIONS
Damage Immunities fire, poison Multiattack. The Fuagruun can use its frightful
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, presence. It then makes three attacks; one with
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, unconscious its bite and twice with its claws.
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Perception 25 one creature. Hit: 19 (2d10+8) piercing damage.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Ignan, Orc one creature. Hit: 15 (2d6+8) slashing damage.
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
creature. Hit: 15 (2d6+8) bludgeoning damage.
Consumptive Soul. Whenever a creature dies Frightful Presence. Each creature of Fuagruun’s
within 30 feet of Fuagruun, the creature’s soul is choice that is within 120 feet of Fuagruun and
drawn into Fuagruun’s maw and is consumed. A aware of him must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom
consumed soul becomes a charge, and Fuagruun saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A
can have up to three charges that last up to 1 creature that fails this saving throw by 5 or more is
hour. Any time Fuagruun would be reduced to 0 also restrained as long as it is frightened. A creature
hit points, Fuagruun can use a reaction to expend can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
a charge, and instead be reduced to 1 hit point. its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
A creature who’se soul is consumed in this way If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the
cannot be revived until Fuagruun is destroyed effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the
within an hour of the soul being consumed, even Fuagruun’s Frightfil Presence for the next 24 hours.
if Fuagruun uses the charge. After an hour, only a Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). Fuagruun exhales fire
wish or divine intervention can restore the soul. in a 60 foot cone. Each creature in that area must
Fire Aura. A creature that touches Fuagruun or make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 56
hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet (16d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
of it takes 11 (2d10) fire damage. In addition, much on a successful one.
a creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of

LEGENDARY ACTIONS master. If the PCs engage him in conversation and succeed
Fuagruun can take 3 legendary actions, choosing on a Charisma (Deception) check opposed by his Wisdom
(Insight), he inadvertently mentions that “The Pit’s master
from the options below. Only one legendary action outlasted the destruction of the settlements that bear his
option can be used at a time and only at the end of name and now worships the King in Yellow,” though he will
another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent not reveal any more than that. For his part, the ravener owes
legendary actins at the start of its turn. no allegiance to Hastur and instead venerates the valuable
Detect. Fuagruun makes a Wisdom (Perception) star metal that consumes his every thought. When faced with
potential defeat, Fuagruun cannot envision being separated
check. from his precious noqual. He dives into the molten liquid in
Tail Attack. Fuagruun makes a tail attack. one last desperate gambit to be forever united with the object
Cast a Spell (Costs 3 actions). Fuagruum casts an of his desire. Even his natural fire immunity cannot resist
innate spell, consuming a daily use as normal. the inferno of the activated siccatite, and his lifeless carcass
sinks into the lake of fiery alloy, completely disintegrating
Tactics: Although deprived of his full repertoire of spells his remains within minutes.
within this cavern, Fuagruum’s extraordinary senses and
vision give him a decided advantage against any adversaries Treasure: If the PCs somehow manage to skim the molten
that might make their way down to his lair. Even though he ore from the surface of the pool, they must use some sort
is without his most potent attacks, Fuagruun’s CR is only of a heat resistant device such as the skimmers from area
reduced by 1 due to the extremely hostile conditions to be M2. These devices can be used to skim 1 pound of material
found within his lair. He prefers not to leave his lair, but if off the surface of the pool, though unless the individual
somehow lured into traversing the tight mine tunnels all is wearing some sort of heat resistant gloves, doing so
of his spells and abilities return to him and his CR returns deals 1d6 points of fire damage by conduction through the
to its normal value of 15. metal handle. For every pound of molten material that is
recovered, it is possible to extract 1/2 ounce of siccatite, 1/4
Development: Singularly devoted to his precious star metal, ounce of adamantine, 1d4 ounces each of nickel and lead, a
the greedy dragon consigned his own treasure hoard to the 15% chance of 1 ounce of gold, and a 5% chance of 1/2 ounce
roaring conflagration, destroying all of his former wealth in of noqual. The rest is worthless slag.
the process. Yet, the arrogant Fuagruun cannot bear to part
with a single drop of his beloved noqual. Throughout the For reference, the value of 1 pound (16 ounces) of these
encounter, Fuagruun refers to the trespassing adventurers as materials is as follows:
worthless thieves, spies and fodder for the domain’s undead

Material Price (1 pound) effects of the metallurgic amber infusing the countryside.
It does, however, make them very aggressive. If the PCs
Adamantine 300 gp approach beyond the 3-foot-stone wall during the morning
Siccatite 100 gp or evening hours, all the hives swarm and attack. During
Noqual 50 gp other parts of the day or night the bees are quiescent, but
if the party disturbs any of the hives its bees swarm out
Gold 50 gp
to attack and the rest of the swarms attack and become
Nickel 2 gp agitated in the following round.
Lead 5 sp


Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned
The faint traces of a road are barely visible on the hardpan of the
crater floor here. It extends towards a buckled rise where the eastern Armor Class 12
crater wall begins its ascent. A tunnel entrance pierces this earthen rise Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
and appears to be the intended destination of this ancient pathway. Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft.
This short system of mine tunnels has been repurposed 3 (–4) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 1 (–5) 7 (–2) 1 (–5)
by Prince Cale to serve as the receptacle of his cache of
tainted Rhemian coins. He purposely chose this location Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing,
because its road remnant and proximity to the very visible slashing
strip mine (L) and ramp (J2) make it likely that explorers Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
will notice it and investigate it first.
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained,
The broken-down remnant of an old cart lies in the dust next to Challenge 1 (200 XP)
the opening of this mine tunnel. In a hollow at the edge of the
ridge that the tunnel delves into, a small wall of stacked stone has
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s
been constructed to shelter a collection of four large earthen jars
that stand in the rocky ridge’s lee. These jars are almost perfectly space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
concealed by the stone wall such that from any distance they through any opening large enough for a Tiny
would be virtually impossible to spot. insect. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain
temporary hit points.
The cart is merely an old wagon and is no longer operable.
Anyone making a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check from ACTIONS
this location hears the faint sounds of eerie singing Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
coming from within the tunnel. If they succeed on a DC 21,
target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 10 (4d4) piercing
they also detect a strong, sickly sweet odor emanating from
within. If the check exceeds a DC 24, they can detect a faint damage, or 5 (2d4) piercing damage if the swarm
sound of buzzing coming from the earthen jars. has half of its hit points or fewer. The target must
make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking
The earthen jars stand approximately 4 feet tall and are 14 (4d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as
actually beehives made from local clay. Each of the hives much damage on a successful one.
holds 2 bee swarms. The swarms are quiet during the heat
of the day and at night, but if the PCs approach during the Treasure: If the swarms are dispersed, the party can
early morning or late evening hours the bees buzz around recover 1d4 pounds of honey from each hive worth 2 gp
their hives aggressively, though they are difficult to see in per pound. However, this honey is tainted by metallurgic
the shadowy light and still require the same DC as above amber and has the same effects as Metallurgic Amber (see
to notice. The bees must travel far out of the crater to Appendix C, page 145) on anyone exposed to it unless first
find local pollen but have proven largely resistant to the treated with a purify food and drink spell.

N2. INTERSECTION 1-gallon jars of new honey mead (2 gp each). Unfortunately, all
of it is tainted by metallurgic amber requiring purify food and
The tunnel diverges at this point. The sounds of the eerie
drink spells before being safe for consumption.
music can be heard coming from the direction of N4, along
with additional sounds of grunting and shuffling like some
sort of quiet melee is occurring, and the sickly-sweet smell N4. MAD REVEL
of fermenting honey comes from the direction of N3.
The temperature in this chamber is warmer, and the air seems
thick and sticky with moisture and the smell of unwashed bodies
N3. BREWERY and smoke. The floor is covered in the broken fragments of pottery
that have been ground to tiny pieces underfoot, and torches made
A thick wool blanket serves as a curtain over the entrance of this
of tightly bound grass bundles burn in sconces on the walls. To the
chamber. Rough-built wooden tables stand along the walls of this
north is a muddy pool or spring, and next to it the ground and cave
room, their surfaces stained with sticky brown patches, and upon
wall has been churned and excavated. Across the room stands a
them sit a number of crudely made clay jars and bowls. The smell
clay kiln, smoke and heat emanating from the fire burning within.
of honey is so strong in this room as to be almost sickening.
The sound of the eerie singing is louder here and clearly emanates
from a passage across the room.
The occupants of area N4 brew honey mead in this chamber
in their handmade clay jugs. The room is kept cool with the
This room is the lair of 5 maenads. These mad creatures
thick blanket curtaining its entrance to lessen the chances of
resemble wild Shattered Folk tribeswomen smeared in
the honey gathered from the hives at N1 from undergoing
blood and filth. They were attracted in recent years to
inadvertent pasteurization that would prevent it from
the crater by the emanations of madness and entropy of
naturally fermenting. Stored in various jugs and amphorae
Prince Cale and his operation. They are not aligned with
are a total of 105 pounds of raw honey in various stages of
the crater’s undead overlord but have a tentative peace
fermentation (worth 210 gp). In addition, there are 32 sealed

with him and his minions and allow him to store his Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
“treasure” in their lair (area N6). They are unaffected by the one creature. Hit: 9 (2d4+4) slashing damage, plus
metallurgic amber other than, if anything, becoming more
volatile and violent than is normal for their kind.
the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, the target takes 21(6d6)
poison damage, or half on a successful save.
The maenads keep the bees at area N1 and use the
honey to make the mead they use in their wild revels. A Mad Feast (1/Day). The maenad conjures a
natural ground water seep and its clay bed provide the raw supernatural feast. Creatures eating from
materials for the countless pottery vessels they make and this feast gain advantage on Strength and
ultimately destroy in their rages, and they have constructed Constitution ability checks and saving throws,
the kiln in this chamber to maintain the constant supply 1d8 temporary hit points, and advantage
that they require. Stored in rough-spun sacks and wicker
baskets around the room are their few articles of clothing on saving throws against being frightened
and other possessions as well as hunks of spoiling, fly- for 12 hours. Creatures affected also have
specked raw meat taken from animals and even humanoids disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws (except
that they have slain for food. against being frightened), and find it more
compelling to engage in debauchery, excess,
MAENAD and violence.
Maenad Dance. Each creature within a 60-foot
Medium fey, chaotic evil radius of the maenad who can see the maenad
Armor Class 13 must must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
Hit Points 110 (13d8 + 52) throw or be affected as the spell confusion with
Speed 30 ft. a duration of 1 minute. At the end of each of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA its turns, an affected target can make a new
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) saving throw. If it succeeds, this effect ends for
that target. A creature that successfully saves is
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +6, Wis +6
immune to that maenad's Maenad Dance for
Skills Deception +7, Intimidation +7, Perception +5,
24 hours. Creatures that are immune to being
Persuasion +7
charmed are unaffected.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Murderous Command. A creature within 30 feet
Languages Common, Sylvan
the maenad can see must make a DC 15 Wisdom
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
saving throw. On a failed save, on the affected
Impassioned. A maenad is immune to the spell
creature's next turn they must make an Attack
calm emotions.
using a melee weapon attack or unarmed strike
Magic Resistance. The maenad has advantage on
against its nearest ally. The affected creature
saving throws against spells and other magical
must use its movement to move closer to its ally
if it is not within reach. The affected creature
attacks to the best of its ability using its most
effective melee attack but does not use features
Multiattack. The maenad uses Maenad Dance.
with a limited number of uses. Creatures that are
Then the maenad attacks twice, once with its bite
immune to being charmed are unaffected.
and once with its claws.
Panacea (3/Day). The maenad removes poisoned or
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
one level of exhaustion from a creature it touches.
creature. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage, plus the
Weird Charm (3/Day). The maenad targets one
target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
humanoid or beast that it can see within 30 feet
throw. On a failed save, the target takes 21 (6d6)
of it. If the target can see the maenad, it must
poison damage, or half on a successful save.

succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving N5. MAD CHORUS
throw or be magically charmed. The strange, cacophonous melody
The charmed creature regards the issues from this area, and a gray
maenad as a trusted friend to be haze fills the air in this stifling
heeded and protected. Although cavern. The walls still show the
scars where seams of ore were
the target isn’t under the maenad's chipped out by the long-ago
control, it takes the maenad's miners. Odd globules of stone
requests or actions in the hang precariously from
most favorable way it can. the ceiling and walls in
Each time the maenad addition to covering large
portions of the floor. Large ponds of
or its allies do anything brackish water collect in the numerous
harmful to the target, it can repeat depressions spread throughout,
the saving throw, ending the effect on while colonies of purple, black and
itself on a success. Otherwise, green fungus cling to the walls.
the effect lasts 24 hours or
until the maenad dies, The wispy vapors that float throughout
is on a different plane the large cavern make creatures and objects appear
of existence from indistinct and provide concealment to anything farther
than 15 feet away. The strange globules that cover the
the target or ends cavern’s surfaces were formed when molten rock from the
the effect as a bonus meteor’s impact eventually cooled and hardened back into
action. If a target’s solid stone, as can be determined with a DC 25 Intelligence
saving throw is (Nature) check. Many of these globules are what were
successful, the chipped away by the Caleen miners. Temperatures here
hover around 85° F, slightly below the threshold for any
target is immune detrimental effects, but the warmth and moisture allow
to the maenad's Weird Charm for the next 24 countless species of ordinary fungi to thrive. The puddles
hours. The maenad can have no more than one are only a few inches deep, though the floor is slick and
humanoid or beast charmed at a time. uneven and considered difficult terrain.

Tactics: The revel of crazed women is engaged in a Lurking amid the fungi and puddles on the floor are 12
drunken infectious dance when the PCs first arrive, but gibbering mouthers. These nearly mindless abominations
once they sight intruders, they become enraged. They fight have formed a sort of symbiosis with the maenads next door,
to the death in a fit of murderous joy. consuming all of the wastes and food scraps left by the vicious
humanoids, and the maenads for their part have become
immune to the creatures’ constant gibbering. The mouthers
Treasure: Resting at the edges of the room are a total
have been exposed to the environs of the crater for so long,
of seven of the metallurgic amber-tainted jars of mead (2
their gibbering has taken on the eerie howl-like qualities of
gp each). There is also one jar of rare wasp mead that the
the Nightscream (see Event 1), except the many mouths of the
maenads brewed from special wasp honey found out on
creatures cause tonal fluctuations that rise and fall and give
the steppe. It is miraculously untainted and worth 400 gp
the howling scream a haunting, musical quality, as if madness
for its rarity. The maenads keep their more valuable objects
incarnate had found purchase in this cavern. For their part,
in a clay amphora hidden behind the kiln (DC 19 Wisdom
the maenads consider the “music” delightful and are fond of
(Perception) check to locate and DC 18 Dexterity saving
dancing to it in their orgiastic violence.
throw to avoid taking 1d6 fire damage from being burned
by accidentally touching the hot kiln). This stash includes
a flametongue scimitar, a rolled up +2 chain shirt, two jars of
restorative ointment with 5 doses in each jar, an alabaster votive GIBBERING MOUTHERSSRD (12)
statue (1,000 gp), and a ruby (500 gp). XP 450
hp 67

Tactics: The mouthers constantly emit their almost- the coins’ appearance and malleability is unaffected. Only
musical gibbering, but begin spitting acid as well when a spells like divination or detect poison would be able to
intruders other than the maenads enter the chamber. They distinguish them from ordinary Rhemian currency of the
try to do so from at least 20 feet away so that they have same time period, though anyone specifically examining
concealment and their amorphous forms look like the them and making a DC 18 Intelligence, Alchemist’s Supplies,
uneven floor. They are unaffected by the difficult terrain of or Smith’s Tools check to detect that the coins have been
the room and their all-around vision actually allows them to alloyed with some other material. The traces of metallurgic
ignore the concealment provided by the room’s humidity. amber in the coins are so minute and dilute that they do
When attackers close for melee, they attempt engulfing and not cause their normal radioactive burn damage. However,
blood drain attacks on what they consider food sent to them they do still require a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw after
by their neighbors. They will not pursue beyond this room. 24 hours of exposure to avoid developing a short-term
madness (see Metallurgic Amber in Appendix B, page 580,
for details).
Treasure: Over the years, the creatures have accumulated
an eclectic collection of items between scraps thrown to
them by the maenads and their days of hunting the crater The four smaller chests hold 2,032 Rhemian marks (sp),
from before the maenads’ arrival. They have deposited these 1,877 Rhemian marks (sp), 2,534 Rhemian ducats (gp), and 546
treasures behind a stone globule in the far southwestern Rhemian galleons (pp) respectively, while the larger chests
corner of the room. It takes a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) underneath hold a total of 33,602 Rhemian furrowsFB-182 (cp).
check to locate their hoard in a tattered and rotten burlap
sack. Within this sack are six gold nuggets (200 gp each), a
rough tourmaline (300 gp), a crown of blasting (see Appendix O. THE NEST
B, page 569), a brooch of shielding, and an obsidian steed figurine This small fissure in the floor of the crater has no tracks
of wondrous power. around it or leading to it and would be difficult to locate at
all were it not for one particular feature: Once or twice per
day at some random time a geyser of windblown sand blasts
N6. “LOST” CACHE explosively from it for a few seconds. When the geyser occurs
Entry to this chamber is blocked by a heavy wooden door
or for the next 1d10 minutes as the airborne dust plume
with a good lock (Thieves’ Tools DC 26 to open, due to rust
slowly settles, PCs gain advantage on checks to spot this
in its mechanism).
opening. Anyone who is nearby when the dust geyser erupts
Beyond the stout door is a small, dusty room. Its walls have extra is unharmed but may notice (DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
wooden buttresses to reinforce them from collapse — and perhaps check) that immediately before the dust blast occurs a
prevent easy access for someone trying to tunnel in. The reason for sucking sensation comes from the fissure drawing air into it
this extra security quickly becomes evident. Rough tables made of as if it were taking a deep breath. Both of these occurrences
thick planks sitting on old sawhorses hold four small chests, while are harmless and are a result of the occupant of O6 using
three larger chests rest on the floor underneath. All of the chests its Wind Blast and Sucking Wind abilities, augmented and
are open, and the glitter of coins is visible even beneath the thick amplified by the strange air currents and baffles within
layer of dust. these caverns. There is a cumulative 10% chance per hour of
daylight of this phenomenon occurring. Once it occurs, the
chance is reset and begins to accumulate again. It does not
The chests in the room all hold what appear to be freshly occur more than twice in one day, however.
minted Rhemian coins, though the images of Prince Cale
and other emblems that they bear easily date them to the
early 2900s with a DC 20 Intelligence (History). To all There are no light sources within these caves, so all
appearances it would seem that this cache holds the coins descriptions assume that the PCs have provided some
that were minted from the precious metals recovered from means of seeing.
decades of mining the Pit of the Burning Star, and that
is in fact what they are. However, they are also all tainted O1. ENTRANCE FISSURE
with metallurgic amber so that anyone taking these coins If located, this narrow fissure is little larger than a
is subject to that substance’s insidious effects. Medium creature. Unlike the other excavated tunnels seen
throughout the crater, this one seems to be a natural fissure
Each of the coins in this cache is minted with only trace that has occurred in the blasted bedrock of the crater. Its
amounts of the radioactive isotope (roughly 0.6%), so that walls are rough and natural and descend at a steep 70° angle

(DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to Climb). Old pitons targets trying to grapple their prey and feast on their blood.
embedded at the lip of the fissure hold the ragged upper They are able to remain airborne with a grappled creature
rung of a rope ladder, but the blasts of air from the fissure as long as the creature is Medium-sized or smaller. If a
have long since destroyed the actual ladder that descended grappling void-stirge takes more than half its hit points
down into the opening leaving no further trace of who left in damage from a creature it is grappling, it will release its
the ladder or for what purpose. opponent and let it drop to the rocky floor far below. They
have not fed in several weeks and will pursue intruders
relentlessly, even outside their cavern homes into the
O2. THE HOURGLASS crater above. They will not pursue into area O3, however,
The descending fissure abruptly opens into the roof of a large, unless summoned by the Doorkeeper and will under no
hourglass-shaped cavern that teems with ledges, precipices and circumstances pass beyond area O5.
the broken remains of natural stone columns that create rough
perches throughout. From this vantage point the cavern almost
resembles a spiraled canyon pockmarked by various animal nests, O2A. IRON DOOR
outcroppings, niches, and similar voids in the walls. The faint At the base of the cavern a heavy iron door, 12 feet high by 8
whistling of the wind can be heard from somewhere far below, feet wide, has been fitted into the stone wall. The whistling
though no breeze disturbs the air herein. of wind grows louder as one approaches the door, and it is
readily apparent that the blowing air currents are behind
this portal. The door itself is made of thick iron plates
The 7-foot-diameter entrance tunnels slopes downward banded with iron straps riveted in place. The metal of the
where it immediately ends in a sheer drop, opening into door is rusted and stained, but still appears sturdy. The
the 160-foot-high ceiling of this roughly hourglass-shaped hinges are nested in the stone frame that surrounds the
underground chamber that measures 90 feet across at its door. A keyhole pierces the door’s plating on its left-hand
widest and 60 feet across at its narrowest point. The end of side. The door is trapped with a powerful glyph of warding.
the entrance tunnel is a precipitous drop, so unless PCs are
careful they may take a considerable tumble when entering.
Reinforced Iron Door: 3 in. thick; damage threshold 10;
The walls of the chamber are natural stone that appear to be
AC 18; hp 90; Thieves’ Tools check DC 20.
worn and eroded by high winds (Strength (Athletics) check
DC 15) and there are number of natural ledges as well as
outcroppings, rock formations, and arches in the chamber
that have all been strangely shaped by scouring winds. The GLYPH OF WARDING TRAP (BLAST)
heights of the various ledges and natural pedestals are Magical trap
indicated on the map of this room. An iron door and six Locate DC 22; Disarm DC 22
hidden caches in this cavern are described below under
The trap is triggered if anyone other than the
Doorkeeper (see area O4) touches the door and
resets itself 1 minute after it has been activated.
This strange chamber serves as the abode of a flock of
16 void-stirges. These strange creatures hail from another When triggered, all creatures within 10 feet take
world and star system altogether, having spent years 42 (12d6) lightning damage, or half as much with
travelling through the void of space to answer the call of a successful DC 20 Dexterity saving throw.
the King of Yellow that resounds so strongly in this place.
Anyone who searches the door notices on a DC 10 Wisdom
(Perception) check that the floor immediately in front of
VOID-STIRGE (16) the door is scoured clean of sand and dust as if freshly
XP 700 swept. The reason for this becomes apparent if the door is
opened. If the door is opened the inside of it is revealed to
hp 67 (see Appendix A, page 557) also be of iron, but this side has been burnished to a high
polish by the action of the winds. Opening it releases the
Tactics: The void-stirges dwell among the ledges and powerful air currents that have been constrained in area
outcroppings that comprise this chamber but have cover O3. The change in air pressure caused by the opening of the
and total concealment from anyone looking down from door is immediately felt by the occupant of O6 who begins
the entry tunnel. Once intruders dare to enter their nesting to use its sucking wind ability. Outside of O3, the PCs are
cavern, they fly forth from all around and swoop past their unaffected beyond noticing the air current that is suddenly

being drawn in through the open doorway. Anyone through O2c. Cache 2
the door into O3 during this time is affected as described As before, this niche requires a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception)
in that area. This suctioning effect lasts for 2d6 rounds. check unless void-stirges are observed going back to it. This
hollow lies on a small ledge on the cavern’s north wall, 70
After the suctioning effect ends, there is a 1-round pause feet above the floor. It holds a rusted-but-serviceable suit
after which the occupant of O6 cuts loose with its wind of +2 full plate, a +1 shield bearing the red and white sword-
blast ability. This effect is augmented by the configuration and-crown heraldry of the Duchy of the RampartLL5-100, and
of the tunnels between O6 and here so that anyone within a quiver holding fourteen arrows and six +2 arrows.
10 feet of the open doorway when the wind blast occurs
takes 14d6 points of bludgeoning damage (DC 21 Dexterity O2d. Cache 3
saving throw for half ), and the entirety of area O2 is filled The Wisdom (Perception) check for this cache is DC 22.
with tornado-strength winds (175+ mph) for the next 1d10 It is a hollow at the junction where the chamber’s natural
minutes. Those that fail find themselves caroming off arch meets the northwest corner. Crumpled within it is a
the walls and many rocky formations in area O2 with a human skeleton in ragged shreds of clothing still ring of ki
cumulative 10% chance each round of being flung up and resonance and an amulet of mighty strikes +1 (see Appendix B,
out of the tunnel entrance at area O1. Anyone flung out this page 568).
entrance, in addition to taking the normal tornado damage
for that round, also takes 70 (20d6) points of bludgeoning
damage as they tumble into the crater outside, after which O2e. Cache 4
they are no longer within the effects the tornadic winds. Even more difficult to locate than O2d, this niche requires
a DC 21 Wisdom (Perception) check to locate. It is a near-
vertical alcove 20 feet above a ledge that itself lies 55 feet
During the release of these winds every part of the cavern
above the cavern floor. Searching it requires flight or a DC
(O2) is affected by them except for the cache niches at
20 Strength (Athletics) check, and even if located it appears
O2b–g. Each of these niches is able to hold up to 3 Medium
to be empty unless another DC 19 Wisdom (Perception)
creatures, 6 Small creatures, or 1 Large creature. Creatures
check is made to notice a tiny ledge at its rear. Crammed
within these niches are completely sheltered from the
into this small niche is a small leather pouch holding six
winds and unaffected by them. If the PCs manage to open
rubies (500 gp each) and a pearl of power.
the iron door before defeating the void-stirges, all of the
creatures immediately retreat to the nearest niches and
fight to prevent their removal during the initial suction O2f. Cache 5
portion of the winds so that they will be protected from the This niche requires only a DC 7 Wisdom (Perception) check
effects of the wind blast portion. to locate this floor-level alcove. However, the ribcage and
partial human skeleton on the sandy floor here obscures
Unless the iron door has been secured open by some the treasure held within. A detect magic or DC 16 Wisdom
means able to succeed on a DC 23 Strength check versus (Perception) check is necessary to notice rod of sorcerous might
the pull of the winds, at the end of the tornadic winds the (see Appendix B, page 575) lying among the skeleton’s ribs.
door slams shut, its lock and trap reset.
O2g. Cache 6
O2b. Cache 1 A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check locates this niche 95
Unless the PCs observe the void-stirges returning to feet above the floor on the cavern’s floor. A tattered canvas
this niche, it can only be located with a DC 15 Wisdom knapsack here holds four potion vials: two superior healing
(Perception) check. A hollow in the cavern’s west wall potions, a potion of lesser restoration, and a potion of heroism.
situated on a 100-foot-high ledge serves as a nesting area for However, the knapsack is extremely dry rotted, so if it is
the void-stirges and a cache for some of their accumulated picked up by a PC who does not expressly state that he is
treasures. The treasure here consists of a leather sack supporting the sack to prevent it from tearing, the bottom
containing 4,059 gold shekelsLL7-220 (gp) of Castorhagi will tear out when it is lifted and drop 1d3+1 of the potions.
currency. This treasure is untainted and was recovered Anyone within 5 feet can make a DC 20 Dexterity check
from trade between Castorhage and the Shattered Folk of to catch a single potion bottle (determine randomly) that
the distant Elitan-i-Pan Confederation to the west. drops. Any that are not caught shatter of the floor below
and are ruined.

O3. THE CORKSCREW entrance the wall rock wall rises to another branch of the cave that
extends to the northwest from a terrace nearly 30 feet above the
Beyond the iron door, a round tunnel twists through the stone. It
floor. The walls of this chamber are worn smooth, though not so
rises in a curving arc, its walls scoured smooth by the wind that
much as the nearly glass-like surface of that in the spiral tunnel,
whips along its length.
but clearly affected by the actions of the strong winds here. There is
an obvious flow to the air currents as evidenced by the worn stone
This tunnel extends between areas O2 and O4 in a triple showing where it flows from the south, rebounds from the curved
corkscrew, each loop covering a 60-foot diameter. The overhang from the terrace and then onto the roof of the eastern
tunnel averages 8 feet in diameter and has no discernable portion of the cavern where it is funneled into the spiraling tunnel.
handholds, requiring a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check
to Climb to traverse it without flight. In addition, the
The winds swirl into here by way of area O5 and is shunted
relatively small diameter of the tunnel makes flight for
along the streamlined walls of this cavern directly into O3
winged creatures larger than size Small impossible because
where the spiraling course focuses and intensifies it as
of a lack of space in which to stretch out the wingspan.
described in that area. However, in here it’s never particularly
However, flight of that sort is really not even an option
strong, whether blowing into O3 or being sucked out of
because of the nature of the air currents here.
O3. The space of this room and the way it’s directed by the
curving walls mean the wind in here is never more than
As described in O2a, a howling wind is always churning in severe in strength (31–50 mph), causing disadvantage on
this tunnel, contained behind the iron door. Anyone stepping hearing-based Wisdom (Perception) checks and on physical
into the confines of this tunnel can use the air pressure ranged attacks, and making the area difficult terrain for
generated by the wind to quickly fly the entire length of the flying creatures. Small or smaller creatures must succeed
corkscrew tunnel. The wind is normally pushing from area on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check at the beginning of
O4 to O2, so anyone stepping in at the western end is carried each round or be unable to move effectively. They are not
to the eastern end in only 2 rounds, regardless if normally restrained; they simply are unable to make headway against
capable of flight or not. However, unless successful at a DC the swirling winds. Because of the curved lip below the upper
20 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to maneuver in flight each terrace, that upper portion of the chamber is not subjected
round, the flight involves rebounding off of the walls along to the winds at all, so in combats that occur its occupants are
the tunnels length and dealing 5d6 bludgeoning damage per unaffected while combatants on the main floor are affected
round. An individual with a natural fly speed that doesn’t as described above. Climbing walls in this chamber requires
involve the use of wings gains advantage on this check. a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.
Creatures of up to size Large can travel along the tunnel by
this method (larger creatures must Squeeze).
Just around the corner from the entrance (and not visible
until moving farther into the room) is a heavy steel winch
When the iron door at area O2a is opened, the west-to-east whose chain runs through rings spiked into the stone wall
wind dies off for 1 round and then begins blowing from O2 of the chamber and out the sloping passage to the south.
to O4 for 2d6 rounds. During this time, an individual can This winch operates the portcullis in O5 and can raise or
travel from east to west along this tunnel by flying just as lower that gate if they spend one full round operating the
above. After the 2d6 rounds, the wind changes to its west-to- winch. The portcullis is currently down.
east direction again for 1d10 minutes. At the end of this time,
the wind dies down for 1 round followed by suctioning (east
This chamber serves as the lair of the Doorkeeper, a
to west) again as the process repeats itself. However, if the
strange servant of Hastur, and his 2 terrible hybrid things
door is shut during this time (such as by the suctioning of
(see Appendix A, page 558). The fiend is as incomprehensible
the wind), the wind reverts to its normal flow of west to east.
looking as the void-stirges. Most of his form is covered by a
threadbare burlap robe that appears to have possibly taken
The geyser of sand seen at O1 a few times a day is caused from an anchorite of one of Foere’s many faiths, but though the
by the occupant of O4 traveling to O2 occasionally and robe gives him the appearance of a generally humanoid shape
opening the door at O2a. and the hood conceals his head and face it cannot entirely
disguise that his body shape appears to writhe and contort
unnaturally, and his face appears to undulate in the shadows
O4. THE DOORKEEPER of the hood. That in addition to the great, membranous
The spiraling tunnel opens into a large curving cavern that bends wings that sprout from his shoulders quickly give truth to
from south to east towards the entrance. Directly across from the the picture that he is definitely not a humanoid. Beneath

the robes his body is almost entirely composed of a Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
writhing mass of intertwined snakes, and his head poisoned
appears vaguely reptilian but with no mouth or
sensory organs, having a smaller undulating mass
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 23
of tentacles in their place. For their part, the Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Auran, Celestial,
terrible hybrid things look like void-stirges of Common, Infernal; telepathy 50 ft.
prodigious size but with a blood-red tint to Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
their skin rather than the grayish-black of
their compatriots. Flyby. The Doorkeeper doesn’t provoke
opportunity attacks when it flies out
The Doorkeeper came to the Pit of an enemy’s reach.
of the Burning Star many centuries Innate Spellcasting. The
ago seeking to exploit its tragedy
and the awe it has inspired to set Doorkeeper's spellcasting ability
himself up as a “demigod” over the is Charisma (spell save DC 18).
traumatized plains folk. Instead The Doorkeeper can innately cast
he was confronted with the truth the following spells, requiring no
of the King in Yellow’s power and material components:
presence and became suddenly
gifted with strange powers. The At will: detect thoughts
will of the King in Yellow sent him 3/Day: bestow curse, invisibility
into this cavern system where he 1/Day each: feeblemind, geas
found an affinity with the nesting Magic Resistance. The Doorkeeper
void-stirges that inhabited and has advantage on saving throws
felt a peculiar compulsion to serve
as warden over the beast trapped against spells and other magical effects.
in O6. Now calling himself the Site-bound. The Doorkeeper has
Doorkeeper, the fiend has become an disadvantage on attack rolls, ability
apostate among his kind, bowing to checks, and saving throws, if it moves more than
the will of the Great Old One, Hastur, 1 mile from the caverns.
and tending to the flock of void-stirges
brought here from across interstellar space Spellcasting. The doorkeeper is a 6th-level
by the King in Yellow’s powerful presence at this spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom
site. The Doorkeeper never leaves these caverns and has seen (spell save DC 16). The doorkeeper has the
himself as the sole caretaker of the creature dwelling beyond. following cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, resistance,
THE DOORKEEPER thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): bless, command, cure wounds
Medium fiend, neutral evil 2nd level (3 slots): enthrall, gust of wind, hold person
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) 3rd level (3 slots): sending, spirit guardians, wind wall
Hit Points 240 (32d8+96) Writhing Snakes. When the Doorkeeper beings
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. its turn with a creature grappled, the serpents of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA its body writhe around the grappled foe, biting
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 21 (+5) whenever they can gain purchase. The creature
takes 12 (2d6+5) piercing damage and must make
Saving Throws Dex +9, Int +8, Wis +8, Cha +9
a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed
Skills Arcana +8, Perception +13, Religion +8
saving throw, the creature is poisoned for 1 hour,
Damage Immunities poison
and has disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
against the Doorkeeper's spells and abilities as
slashing from non-magical attacks
long as it is poisoned.

ACTIONS action each round. This provokes attacks of opportunity, but
Multiattack. The Doorkeeper attacks twice with its it does not require concentration and cannot be interrupted
short of sundering the horn. These blasts serve to agitate
claws. the flying polyp in O6 who then uses its wind blast at the
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., tunnel entrance to O5. It is not enhanced and focused by the
one target. Hit: 18 (3d8+5) slashing damage, and spiraling tunnel at O3, so it only lasts for a single round as
the target is grappled (escape DC 20). normal, but the shaping of the chamber walls in O4 causes
Lightning Breath (Recharge 5–6): The Doorkeeper the wind blast to affect every creature that is in that room who
is not on the upper terrace. The creature will continue to use
magically exhales lightning in an 30-foot line this ability every 1d4 rounds for as long as the Doorkeeper
that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must continues making the short blasts.
make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21
(6d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as While the Doorkeeper directs the battle from the terrace,
much damage on a successful one. the terrible hybrid things launch themselves to attack and
Teleport (3/Day). The Doorkeeper magically teleports, attempt to feed on foes in the room below. Each should
along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, have 11 blood points left in its pool to use to cast spell-
up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. like abilities in alternation with physical attacks to grapple
and drain blood. If either is reduced below half hit points
that are not recovered by its regeneration, if retreats back
TERRIBLE HYBRID THINGS (2) to the terrace to defend the Doorkeeper from there. If the
Doorkeeper begins to blow the short blasts to summon the
XP 5,900 flying polyps attack, they both know to retreat to his side
hp 216 (see Appendix A, page 558) and defend him and try to force the PCs off of the terrace
and into the effects of its wind blast.
Tactics: The Doorkeeper and his minion’s lair upon the
chamber’s upper terrace. Unless the PCs have magically Development: If the PCs are not immediately hostile, the
transported themselves into this chamber, they will not be Doorkeeper delays in its attacks to converse with the PCs
surprised because of the changes in wind patterns caused while it uses its detect thoughts to probe their identities. It
by the opening of the iron door at O2a. When the PCs speaks to them simultaneously in Aklo while projecting
arrive, the Doorkeeper stands at the edge of his terrace, the message to them telepathically, so the effect is rather
flanked by the hulking girth of the terrible hybrid things disconcerting. It identifies itself as the “Doorkeeper of
squatting on either side. The Doorkeeper has already the King in Yellow” and asks if the party has “come to pay
activated his air barrier revelation and cast detect thoughts homage or to feed the caged beast.” If the party acts in a
to prepare to interrogate intruders. The terrible hybrid friendly manner, it tries to detect their true intentions
things have likewise used their blood pool to activate their through its detect thoughts and Wisdom (Insight) skill. If it
regeneration and caustic blood abilities. believes the PCs will willingly enter area O6 on their own
or leave its lair peacefully, it allows them to do so. However,
If the PCs attack, the Doorkeeper first blows a long blast on if they linger for more than 3 rounds or it doesn’t believe
his horn, which will summon any surviving void-stirges from their intentions are peaceful, it will attempt to enthrall them
area O2 to his aid immediately. The Doorkeeper remains to prepare them for a surprise attack by its minions before
upon his perch (which gives him cover from anyone on the launching its own attacks as mentioned in “Tactics” above.
floor below) and uses his lightning breath. It uses feeblemind,
bless, and bestow curse to help its minions. If engaged in melee, Treasure: Though his days of seeking treasure and
it attempts to grapple and use its writhing snakes to geas that personal power are past since his strange calling to the
PC to, “raise the gate and travel down the windy way and feed King in Yellow, the Doorkeeper has still haphazardly
the baleful beast beyond,” forcing them to open the portcullis accumulated some treasures that are collected in two piles
to O5 and head down to O6 to face the beast within. near the back of his terrace lair. The first pile includes 3,568
sp, 1,508 gp, and a long sword. The other pile contains a
If no void-stirges have arrived to help within 4 rounds heap of 2,405 gp, a leather pouch that holds two diamonds
or if both of his terrible hybrid things are killed, the (1,000 gp each) and four scrolls (bless, divination, raise dead,
Doorkeeper blows short blasts on his horn as a full-round true strike).

A portcullis made of silver bars blocks a steeply sloping tunnel The sloping passage ends on a ledge overlooking a cavern of
here. Only 20 feet or so down this tunnel, evidence of a past massive proportions. Its floor dips down from the ledge for at least
collapse constricts it down to a mere 5 feet wide and 5 feet high, another 100 feet, but even that is difficult to tell because the cavern
making it a potentially tight climb. A constant wind whistles out floor is a chaotic geography of cliffs, crevices, rocky pillars, ledges,
of this tunnel. ridges, saddles, rock arches, pinnacles, and pits. It’s as if a canyon
had been dug under the earth here, or perhaps the tumbled blocks
of some mad god. Despite the depth underground and lack of any
The portcullis is a standard iron portcullis, but its bars other apparent openings to the surface, currents of air continually
are sheathed in silver. It is controlled by the winch in area whip and swirl throughout this enormous chamber creating a
O4. Inscribed on the eastern side of the portcullis’s central loud whistling that reverberates from the thousands of surfaces
crossbar is a symbol that looks like a twig with 5 branches. and angles.
This is recognizable as an image of an Elder Sign with a DC
21 Intelligence (Religion) check. It keeps the flying polyp in
O6 from trying to leave its prison and keeps the Doorkeeper As mentioned, the floor of this cavern is a jumble of
and his void-stirges at least 10 feet away from the portcullis broken and wind-carved stone ranging in depth of 10–100
unless the portcullis is raised. When the portcullis is feet below the level of the ledge at the entrance, while
raised, the Elder Sign is obscured and does not serve to hold the ceiling rises as much as 40 feet above as the cavern
anything back, though the flying polyp does not attempt an extends away from the entrance. As such, the floor is
escape simply out of long habit. In addition, this means that wholly unsuitable for overland travel. Every 5-foot square
unless the portcullis is in the lowered position while the traversed requires a Strength (Athletics) check to Climb
PCs are on the east side of it, they have no chance to notice (DC 15 + 1d12) with a possible drop of 2d6–1 x 10 feet for a
the Elder Sign. If they should happen to notice the Elder Sign critical failure. Even with effects like spider climb or some
and are able to remove it from the portcullis intact (such other climb Speed, navigation is problematic as it takes 10
as by cutting off the crossbar), they can wield the sign in feet of movement to cross each 5-foot square. The upside
one hand. If presented boldly in this way against any of is that every 5-foot square at ground level provides cover
the undead or unnatural denizens of the rift dedicated to and may provide concealment from anyone more than 5
the King Yellow (the Doorkeeper, void-stirges, maenads, feet away (roll d6: 1–3 no concealment, 4–6
etc.), it will cause those creatures to recoil from it concealment). In short, this cavern’s
exactly as a vampire would layout is especially conducive to
from a strongly presented flying creatures. However, even that
religious symbol. is no sure thing as the constantly
changing air currents that
whip throughout the cavern
The passage beyond
are severe (31–50 mph) —
the portcullis descends at a
see area O4 for these effects
roughly 45° slope and is scoured
— and shift in directions
smooth by the winds so that the
Strength (Athletics) check to
climb it is DC 22.
Treasure: If the time This cavern serves as
is taken to pry the silver a prison for a strange
sheathing from the portcullis creature known as a flying
(requiring approximately 5 polyp. This tapering cylinder of
hours), a total of 8 pounds of flesh measures 30 feet long and is
silver can be recovered (worth constantly shifting in and out of view as
5 gp per pound). However, since portions of its body and hide seem to turn
the Elder Sign is scribed into the invisible before flickering back into
silver of the crossbar, doing this existence. It roils among the winds
destroys it. If the silver of the of this cavern, riding the currents
crossbar is left intact, then in undulating maneuvers but seeks
only 7 chunks of silver can escape from this chamber where it
be recovered. has been held for over a millennium.

FLYING POLYP saving throw. On a failure, it moves 10 feet closer
Huge aberration, chaotic evil to the flying polyp, unless it is already adjacent. If a
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) creature fails by 5 or more, it also restrained after it
Hit Points 202 (15d12+105) involuntarily moves, and remains so until the end of
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) its next turn. The control winds spell can be used to
negate this ability as an action.
28 (+9) 15 (+2) 24 (+7) 19 (+4) 20 (+5) 21 (+5) ACTIONS
Saving Throws Dex +7, Wisdom +10 Multiattack. The flying polyp uses its Frightful
Skills Arcana +14, History +9, Nature +14, Perception Presence. It then makes four tentacle attacks.
+14, Stealth +7 Frightful Presence. Each creature of the flying polyp’s
Damage Immunities acid, cold, thunder; choice that is within 120 feet of the fying polyp
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from and aware of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
nonmagical attacks saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
Damage Vulnerabilities lightning A creature can repeat the savin throw at the end
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft, passive of each of its turns, ending the effect on itsef on a
Perception 24 success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful
Languages Deep Speech or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) the flying polyp’s Frightful Presence for the next 24
Amorphous. The flying polyp can move through a Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. one target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage,
Deflecting Winds. The flying polyp has an aura of and the target is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this
wind. Ranged attacks against the flying polyp grapple ends, the target is restrained. The flying
have disadvantage if they are made with arrows, polyp has eight tentacles, each of which can grapple
bolts, and other ordinary projectiles. This effect one target.
is considered a strong wind and can disperse Wind Blast (Recharge 5-6). The flying polyp creates a
gaseous effects. powerful blast of wind within a 120 ft. range, in a 30
Magic Resistance. The flying polyp has advantage ft. radius sphere. Creatures in this each creature in
on saving throws against spells and other magical that area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw,
effects. taking 52 (15d6) bludgeoning damage on a failure,
Partial Invisibility. The flying polyp moves in and out or half as much on a success. If a Large sized or
of visibility outside of its own control. The flying smaller creature fails this saving throw by 5 or more,
polyp can use its bonus action to concentrate and they are blown 15 away in a random direction.
become either fully visible or fully invisible, but it
cannot maintain this invisibility if it makes an attack Tactics: When faced with intruders the flying polyp relies
or casts a spell. upon its mastery of wind to buffet and bludgeon its foes. If
it obtains a grapple on a foe, after constricting for 1 round
Sucking Wind. The flying polyp can use its action to it hurls that victim down among the peaks and crevices of
create a wind vortex as an aura out to 100 feet in the floor below dealing 28 (8d6) points of falling damage
every direction. The flying polyp must concentrate to any that can’t fly (DC 19 Dexterity saving throw for half ).
on this effect as if it were a spell. While the flying Even a victim capable of flying must make a DC 20 Dexterity
polyp concentrates on this effect, the space within (Acrobatics) check to be able to pull out of the dive it has been
thrown into. If the check is successful, the victim only takes
this area is difficult terrain. A creature that ends its 4d6 points of damage on a failed Dexterity saving throw and
turn in this area must make a DC 16 Constitution no damage if the save is successful.

Development: After fighting for 1d4 rounds, the flying built incarceration after suffering his fate as a result of the
polyp will realize that the silver gate at O5 must be open impact of the much greater asteroid known alternately as
and will attempt to fly up and out of area O. Because of its the Hammer of Mercy or the Judgment of XtuLL6-591, but
bulk, the cramped tunnels between here and the entrance finally through what was perhaps fate or just the will of the
are difficult terrain for it, and its absence from this chamber imprisoned Great Old One, Hastur was able to ensnare the
removes the wind effects from area O3 so that pursuing two asteroids that would eventually fall to earth.
PCs will have to make their own way through the corkscrew
tunnel. If it is successful in escaping it will fly up and out of
The reason Hastur sought these two asteroids rather
the crater and begin hunting on the surrounding steppes. It
than just any of the millions that float through the vast
kills several ash giants, and there will be no further random
void of space was that he could sense the presence of the
encounters Flying Above the Crater or on the Crater Ridge
Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta (see area O6) in one of them. He
and Surrounding Area other than possible run-ins with the
intended to bring them down as meteors directly into Lake
polyp itself. Every hour spent in the air above the crater or
Hali in the northwestern reaches of the Haunted Steppe,
on the ground surrounding the crater has a 15% chance
reasoning that the devastation caused by the activated
of encountering the raging beast. In addition, there is a
artifact might be sufficient to loosen the bindings that
cumulative 25% chance each day of the polyp locating any
held him. He was not to experience any such salvation
camp or allies left by the PCs outside the crater. If this
though, as he discovered the work of Erce, The Goddess,
occurs, the flying polyp utterly destroys this, leaving only
who had banished him with Xtu and millions of years later
1d2 random survivors who managed to flee with no more
at the end of the Age of Dragons would sacrifice herself
than 50% of their Hit Points remaining.
to create the Blessed Tesseract to save the world once
again and protect the fledgling new gods of Boros, even
Treasure: Anyone taking several hours to Search among though it cost her life and the loss of almost all memory
the bizarre floor of this chamber who succeeds at a DC 26 of her beyond the persisting vague beliefs in the Blessed
Wisdom (Perception) check or uses magic to locate any Tesseract. However, this Blessed Tesseract served not only
treasures discovers the item that first attracted the flying to protect the fledgling world and gods from her husband,
polyp to this strange cavern long ago, a fist-sized piece the god Boros, now remembered only in myth as The
of stone, jet black with a rough texture that, upon closer FatherLL5-239, but its still-active mandate caused the falling
inspection of its surface, appears to actually swirl very meteors to be partially deflected. This caused them to
slowly, as if containing a ceaselessly shifting smoke. This enter the atmosphere several hours apart, and also shifted
is the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta (see Appendix B, page 577) the latitude of their impact more than 800 miles south of
that came to the Lost Lands upon the meteor that struck Lake Hali. The first struck in far Libynos and the second
in the Haunted Steppe and that formed this cavern with (containing the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta) struck central
its own unleashed power upon impact. The flying polyp Akados. The devastation was great from this collision, but
both covets the stone and abhors it for causing it to become rather than being focused upon the wards of The Goddess
trapped for so long and will abandon the stone for 1d2 — Erce — it was instead expended upon the vastness and
weeks while it rampages across the steppes above before desolation that already existed at the center of the near-
returning to reclaim it. deserted Haunted Steppe. Thwarted in his plan, Hastur
turned his attention to other means by which to once again
rise ascendant over the world. But that was not the end of
P. THE TRAVELER’S TOMB the story for the Burning Star.
This is one of the oldest features of the crater, having been
formed in the weeks and years following its initial impact. Like its sister meteor in the Red Waste, which carried at
There are no footprints or trails leading to this almost its core the Pit-Worm of YhathAK:M-74-79, the meteor of the
perfectly round hole, so it is more difficult to spot than Haunted Steppe held more than just the coveted Holocaust
some of the other features of the Pit. Stone. It too held a sleeping passenger encapsulated at its
heart, the chyzaedu traveler Talethqueh-Gun’Ta, who had
The fall of the Burning Star, and its twin that struck been selected by his people prior to the destruction of their
in the distant Red Waste of Libynos, came to the Lost homeworld to serve as chief attendant to the Holocaust
Lands by no accident. The power of Hastur, as he lay near- Stone. Talethqueh was killed in the impact of the meteorite,
dormant in his primordial prison, long stretched out his but the proximity of the powerful Holocaust Stone caused
senses across the Dark Tapestry to locate some means of his body to be infused by necromantic energies and arise as
escape. For 20 million years he languished in his goddess- a horrific undead known as a dread mohrg. Undaunted by

his new undead existence, Talethqueh began the laborious while companions on the surface above labored to prevent
process of burrowing his way up through hundreds of him from ever escaping.
feet of rock to reach the surface of the new world he had
reached. But even though Hastur had turned his attention
Druids of the Ethtuwate used their mastery over elemental
away from the Burning Star for the time being, the Elder
earth to collapse a portion of Talethqueh-Gun’Ta’s borehole
Spirits of the Shattered Folk tribes — many of whose
and prevent him from quickly accessing it, though doing
peoples had been obliterated by the Burning Star’s fall —
so meant trapping dozens of their comrades under the
could sense the danger of the Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta and
earth with him. Then a powerful shaman of Thaka blessed
the awakening of its guardian and potential user.
a special clay jar with his mastery over the rain and rivers
and caused it to give forth a continuous bounty of flowing,
The EthtuwateFB (as these Elder Spirits are known) called pure water. The druids used their magic to excavate a
Thaka the Golden RiderFB summoned his tribal greatest secondary cavern around the lair of Talethqueh-Gun’Ta
heroes, fearing the hand of the spirit Drethra, Mother of and placed the blessed jar within it as it spilled over in its
MayhemFB, in the stone’s fall and the interstellar traveler’s abundance, while other spellcasters among the Shattered
awakening. By the time Talethqheh-Gun’Ta was able to Folk enacted a ritual to place a permanent forbiddance over
reach the surface, he found dozens of the most powerful the entire area.
heroes of the Shattered Folk waiting in the newly formed
meteor crater to confront him and prevent his escape. Even
By the time the dread mohrg chyzaedu had finished off
though suffering badly from the effects of the meteor’s
the heroes pitted against him, the blessed jar of Thaka
radiation, these were the greatest heroes among the tribes
had begun to fill this newly created cavern and created an
of the Haunted Steppe and, with Thaka’s blessing, were
aquifer that encapsulated the traveler’s cavern lair. It was
able to drive the undead chyzaedu back down into the
then that it discovered that its newly undead form created
hole he had burrowed from below. Many of these heroes
in the fires of meteoric impact had a debilitating weakness
followed him into his former lair to keep him occupied

to the touch of water. Thaka’s insight into the nature of the cavern it will take months for it to fill and, as long as the
this invading creature had permitted the Shattered Folk water source in P2 remains in place, the aquifer itself will
to create a means of imprisoning Talethqueh-Gun’Ta by never drain. If the undead chyzaedu remains undestroyed,
completely surrounding his underground home with he will prepare a stone shape and plug the leak into P3 long
an aqueous cocoon that has successfully kept the beast before the water level begins to threaten his lair.
trapped and unable to recover the nearby Holocaust Stone
for 2,000 years.
Rough, seemingly natural caverns extend in ragged rises and
P1. THE BOREHOLE drops in all directions beneath an irregular ceiling. The entire
The near featureless surface of the hardpan is broken here by space is completely filled with cold, clean water. Strangely the rock
an almost perfectly circular pit, 30 feet in diameter. On closer floor glows with a faint emerald sheen providing just a hint of
inspection, it can be seen that the walls of the pit are certainly not green illumination to this eerie aquatic cave system.
natural as it maintains its circular diameter as it extends straight
down for as far as the eye can see and its walls remain virtually
smooth, as if dug with great skill and precision. This vast area is more a series of interconnected caves
that extend outward and down from area P1 like the surface
of an oblong bubble, the interior of the bubble being a
This circular pit is what remains of Talethqueh-Gun’ta’s layer of intact stone surrounding the hollow interior of P3.
borehole as the newly undead monstrosity burrowed its This serves to completely surround that area in a barrier
way up and out of the pit. It is also where he was driven back of water that prevents Talethqueh-Gun’Ta from burrowing
by the Shattered Folk heroes who sacrificed themselves to out. The emerald sheen is the visible manifestation of a
keep him contained in the pit. Those events all occurred permanent forbiddance that completely encapsulates area
two millennia ago, so no trace remains of that battle. P3 and prevents the chyzaedu from using magic to escape.

The walls of the pit are hewn through stone and, though Anyone able to breath underwater taking the time to
smooth, are not perfectly so. They require a DC 18 Strength thoroughly explore this aquifer can discover its spheroid
(Athletics) check to climb. The 30-foot-diameter pit descends shape, though the water is cold (40° F) and requires a
straight down for 300 feet before reaching the surface of Constitution saving throw (DC 15) every 10 minutes to
murky water. Anyone diving through these depths finds avoid taking 1d6 cold damage. The frequency of the save is
that the pit extends another 60 feet before ending abruptly. increased because of the PCs being immersed in the water.
Anyone digging through the 2,000 years of silt that have
built up can discover that the floor of the pit is actually the
If anyone makes such a search, allow them a DC 18 Wisdom
compressed remains of rubble and broken stone, as if the
(Perception) check to notice an ancient clay jar of Shattered
deepest portion of the pit had collapsed in upon itself at
Folk design and incised with symbols of the sun, sheaves of
some point long ago. A shimmering emerald field covers
grain, and rivers, lying on the floor of the cavern at the point
the surface of the rubble (but hidden beneath the silt). A
marked “X” on the map. This is the jar blessed by Thaka and
DC 19 Intelligence (Arcana) check can identify this as an
functions as a decanter of endless water. It is currently set on
active forbiddance that covers the rubble and appears to
its “fountain” setting and pours forth 5 gallons of fresh water
extend into the walls surrounding the pit as well. Likewise,
per round in a 5-foot-long stream. Changing the setting to
anyone examining the walls of the pit below the waterline
“geyser” has no effect on the aquifer, as excess water drains
and making a DC 20 Intelligence (Nature) check realizes
into the local water table, but removing the jar or turning it
that the walls are fairly porous and that the pit appears to
on a lesser setting will cause the aquifer to drain away over
be part of some sort of aquifer beneath the meteor crater.
the next 6 months. After only 2 months, the upper portion
of the aquifer will be dry and will allow Telathqheh-Gun’Ta
If PCs wish, they can break through this relatively thin to burrow out of his prison once again.
rock wall (3 in. thick, damage threshold 8, AC 15, HP 45)
to breach area P2. This does not cause any rush of water,
because the water level of the pit and the aquifer are already P3. THE TRAVELER’S LAIR
equalized. If the PCs wish to dig down through the rubble Beyond the mound of rocks, soil and debris that fills the southern
below at least 20 feet and horizontally at least 10 feet will end of this place lies an expansive cavern that reeks from the foul,
breach area P3. In this case, water will begin to pour into stale air that fills it. The rough-hewn vaulting ceiling drips a
area P3 through this breach, though because of the size of

constant precipitation into the murky pool that covers the floor slashing from non-magical attacks; cold, fire,
of the place. In the center of the room a mound of the rubble and lightning
debris has been collected to create an island of sorts. A portion of
the island is covered by some sort of tent-like structure.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.;
This cavern served as the hibernation cocoon of
passive Perception 24
Talethqueh-Gun’Ta as his asteroid home hurtled through
space, and it became his temporary tomb after he died in Languages Common, Deep Speech, Infernal;
the impact only to arise as a dread mohrg chyzaedu shortly telepathy 100 ft.
thereafter. When he was driven back into this cavern two Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
thousand years ago, a warband of Shattered Folk heroes
followed him. He was eventually able to overcome them
Alien Vestment. A chyzaedu wears a sheet of
all, but not before the Shattered Folk on the surface above
had discovered his weakness and sealed him within the undulating metallic material blessed by its
chamber. The water of the aquifer (P2) drips through tiny inscrutable gods. This garment causes a critical
pores in the stone above and has filled this chamber to a hit to be treated as a normal hit (like adamantine
depth of 3 feet (treat the flooded portions of the floor as armor), and makes the chyzaedu immune to be
a shallow bog, difficult terrain for Medium creatures and
being charmed or frightened, having its throughts
greater difficult terrain for Small creatures). To stay out of
the water, the chyzaedu used his minions to construct a read, or having its alignment determined. The
15-foot-high rubble platform to rest on. He then used all vestment also serves as a divine focus for any spell
of their clothing, equipment, and eventually even their the chyzaedu casts. This vestment doesn’t function
skin to construct a tarp that he must constantly use magic for any creature other than the chyzaedu for which
to repair in order to keep the dripping water off of his
it was originally crafted. If a chyzaedu’s vestment
sensitive undead flesh.
is stolen or destroyed, the chyzaedu can create a
replacement with a month of work.
Talethqueh-Gun’Ta awaits intruders on the island
beneath the shelter of his tent while the remnant of the
Dread Mohrg. Normal mohrgs and zombies never
attacking Shattered Folk warriors, now 23 fast zombies, attack Talethqueh-Gun'Ta unless compelled.
lurk in the surrounding waters and follow the mohrg’s Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Talethqueh-
commands. The fast zombies have all been skinned leaving Gun'Ta fails a saving throw, he can choose to
only their decaying muscle and bone visible. Only the succeed instead.
mohrg’s animating magic keeps them from collapsing into
ruin from the long exposure to the wet cavern.
Spellcasting. Talethqueh-Gun'ta is a 10th-level
spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save DC 17). Talethqueh-Gun'Ta has the
TALETHQUEH-GUN'TA, following cleric spells prepared:
UNIQUE MORHG CHYZAEDU Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, resistance, sacred
Gargantuan undead, lawful evil flame, thaumaturgy
Armor Class 21 (natural armor) 1st level (4 slots): command, create or destroy water
Hit Points 189 (14d20+42) 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deadness, darkness,
Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 20 ft. silence, shatter, spiritual weapon
3rd level (3 slots): fear, magic circle, sending
4th level (3 slots): banishment, control water
28 (+9) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 5th level (2 slots): flame strike, hallow
Saving Throws Con +8, Wis +9 Water Vulnerability. Water acts as an extremely
Skills Perception +14, Religion +8, Stealth +8 strong acid to a chyzaedu. A splash of water deals
Damage Immunities poison 1d6 acid damage to Talethqueh-Gun'Ta, exposure
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and to a full gallon deals 2d6, and full immersion

in water deals 10d6 points of damage at the for no longer than 1 minute and died violently.
beginning of each of his turns. The target’s body rises as a fast zombie in the
space of its corpse or in the nearest unoccupied
ACTIONS space. The fast zombie is under the chyzaedu's
Multiattack. Talethqueh-Gun'Ta uses Ecstatic control.
Hunger. Then he attacks three times, once with Ecstatic Hunger. A chyzaedu’s zealous drive to
his bite, once with his claw, and once with his consume infects the minds of those around it. Any
tongue. living creature within 30 feet of a chyzaedu must
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., succeed at a DC 18 Wisdom save or immediately
one target. Hit: 18 (2d8+9) piercing damage. If consume any food and beverages (including
the target is a Huge or smaller creature, it must potions and the like) on its person or within
succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw or its reach. This effect continues for as long as it
be swallowed by the chyzaedu. A swallowed takes the creature to consume all the food and
creature is blinded and restrained, it has total beverages within its reach. The creature defends
cover against attacks and other effects outside the itself normally but takes no other actions while
chyzaedu, and it takes 21 (6d6) acid damage at the eating and drinking. A creature can repeat the
start of each of the worm’s turns. If the chyzaedu saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from a the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s
creature inside it, the chyzaedu must succeed on saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it,
a DC 21 Constitution saving throw at the end of the creature is immune to the chydaedu's Ecstatic
that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, Hunger for the next 24 hours.If the creature
which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the succeeds at the saving throw, it cannot be affected
worm. If the chyzaedu dies, a swallowed creature again by the aura for another 24 hours.
is no longer restrained by it and can escape from
the corpse by using 20 feet of movement, exiting LEGENDARY ACTIONS
prone. Talethqueh-Gun'Ta can take 3 legendary actions,
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., choosing from the options below. Only one
one target. Hit: 16 (2d6+9) slashing damage. legendary action option can be used at a time
Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
ft., one target. Hit: 27 (4d8+9) piercing damage, Talethqueh-Gun'Ta regains spent legendary actions
and the target must make a DC 18 Constitution at the start of his turn.
saving throw. On a failed save, the targer is Move. Talethqueh-Gun'Ta moves up to his speed
paralyzed for 1 minute. At the end of each of its without provoking opportunity attacks.
turns, the target can make a new saving throw. Create Spawn. Talethqueh-Gun'Ta uses Create
On a success, the target is no longer paralyzed. Spawn. When he creates an undead in this
Command Mohrgs and Zombies. All zombies and manner, he regains 28 (8d6) hit points.
mohrgs of any sort within 30 feet must make a Tongue (Costs 2 Actions). Talethqueh-Gun'Ta
DC 18 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, makes one tongue attack.
the undead falls under Talethqueh-Gun'Ta's sway
and obeys him for 24 hours, as the spell create Chyzaedu: Chyzaedu resemble massive pale earthworms,
undead. Creatures with a CR of 8 or higher are save that each has a hard beaks at one end and a knot of short
tentacles at the other. Their bodies are extremely flexible
immune. and ringed with powerful muscles. Chyzaedu have very
Create Spawn. Talethqueh-Gun'Ta targets a efficient, well-developed digestive systems, allowing them to
humanoid within 10 feet of it that has been dead ingest a wide variety of materials, although they prefer to eat
sentient creatures in order to share the religious experience

of consumption. Chyzaedu have a ring of tiny eyes around
their beaklike maws, mostly hidden by the folds of their skin.
These eyes are particularly keen and can dilate to allow the
creature excellent night vision. Their eyes are supplemented
by the lumpy and irregularly sized parietal eyes that line the
area just behind their beaks; these serve as supplemental
sensory organs, pinpointing the location of other nearby
creatures in contact with the ground. The cloaca at the end of
a chyzaedu’s body is ringed by five flexible, ridged tentacles,
which can wind together to form a clawlike appendage. A
chyzaedu has significant control over this appendage and
can use it to grasp items, manipulate devices, or cast spells
with somatic components.

Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)
Speed 40 ft.
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 10
Languages understands Common but can’t speak
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

ACTIONS Treasure: As a hibernating traveler before arriving in

the Lost Lands, Talethqueh-Gun’Ta has been effectively
Multiattack. The fast zombie makes two slam
confined to this cavern for thousands of years. Other than
attacks. his personal items, the only treasures he has accumulated
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., are what was recovered from the Shattered Folk heroes
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. that has managed to not be ruined by the two millennia
of exposure to the damp cavern. A hollow concealed by a
Tactics: If a battle occurs, the dread mohrg chyzaedu stone on his islands (DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) check
prefers to remain under the shelter of his tent. It provides to locate) contains his few valuables: a small collection
concealment form anyone not on the island but not cover. of strangely shaped coins of ancient Hundaei minting
In fact, the tent is very fragile, and anything inflicting at least (heirlooms that were old even at the time of the Burning
10 points of damage to it (or any damage at all if delivered Star’s crash) consisting of 45 gp and 332 sp, though each is
by an area effect) causes it to fall in shreds and tatters. Once worth 10 times as much if sold to a collector of antiquities,
the tent is ruined, Talethqueh-Gun’Ta is exposed until he a ring of water walking (largely useless to the mohrg since
can take the time to repair it and takes 1d6 points of damage it still puts him in contact with the surface of the water),
per round from the cavern’s dripping water. If battle occurs, a +2 lance, and a torn and mildewed (but still functional)
the mohrg prefers to stay high and dry using spells while his robe of stars.
zombie minions converge on the PCs to attack.

Q. THE MOTHER LODE 61–70 1d6+6 spectersSRD (only at night, otherwise reroll)
This serves as the locus of activity in the crater and serves as 71–80 1d4+2 wraithsSRD (only at night, otherwise reroll)
the focal point for the party’s entire reason for coming. When
81–85 Ghole*
the area is discovered and first explored, read the following.
86–95 1d6+1 baykoks
A short bluff rises where the crater wall begins to slope upward 96–00 Roll twice and ignore this result
towards the rim. Penetrating this bluff are two cave openings.
Both appear to be excavations based on the worked stone * This creature can be encountered only once, otherwise
surrounding them and the tailings that lie scattered beyond their treat as no encounter.
mouths, so it seems likely they were once mines of the old Caleen
operation. However, one of the openings is much larger than the
other, measuring 30 feet high and 30 feet wide, whereas the other BAYKOK
is only roughly 10 feet high and 10 feet wide. A stone lintel has XP 2,300
been carved into the rock face around the largely opening, and
hp 97 (see Appendix A, page 529)
faint lettering can be seen chiseled into its surface.

These caves were indeed part of the earliest Caleen BLAST SHADOW
mines, though after the fall of the colonies they have been XP 1,800
transformed into much more. The writing around the hp 117 (see Appendix A, page 530)
larger opening is discernable with a DC 30 Intelligence
(History) check to Recall Knowledge as High BorosLL8-30
and a speaker of that dead language or anyone succeeding CINDER GHOUL
on a DC 30 Intelligence (History) check to Decipher
Writing can translate it as saying, “Crater Mine Adit #1: XP 2,900
The Heart of New Reme.” Underneath that, more crudely hp 75 (see Appendix A, page 532)
chiseled has been added the phrase, “The Mother Lode.”

A search for tracks on the ground outside this entrance
uncovers signs of the frequent comings and goings of Medium XP 700
bipedal creatures with a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. hp 84 (see Appendix A, page 551)
These are the various undead of the crater who enter and exit
with some frequency. A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Wisdom
(Survival) check to Track notices that none of these tracks FIRE PHANTOM
enter the smaller entrance, though there are tracks from some
XP 1,600
heavier bipedal creature with large, clawed feet (the ghole at
Q2). For every 10 minutes spent outside this entrance, there hp 104 (see Appendix A, page 534)
is a 20% chance of an encounter as a creature arrives or is
departing. If an encounter occurs, roll on the following table
to determine its result. An encounter marked with an asterisk
can only occur once. If an encounter designated as “only at XP 5,000
night” occurs during daylight hours, treat it as no encounter. hp 165 (see Appendix A, page 539)

d% Encounter OSSUARY GOLEM
01–12 1d6 blast shadows
XP 7,200
13–24 2d6 radioactive combusted
hp 168 (see Appendix A, page 542)
25–34 1d4 cinder ghouls
35–44 3d4 void-stirges
45–54 2d6 fire phantoms
55–60 Ossuary golem* XP 1,100
hp 67 (see Appendix A, page 557)

Q1. CALEEN MEMORIAL The presence of the bone obelisk is not the most
Note: If the ossuary golem has been encountered and defeated interesting thing about the room. Rather the fact that the
at area Q1 already, then the bone obelisk is absent, leaving only bones of the obelisk have spontaneously animated as an
a scattering of a few fresh and old bones on the floor where it ossuary golem should provide much more excitement to
once stood. Modify the description accordingly. the PCs, unwelcome though it may be. The bone obelisk
is the ossuary golem in its Disassembled form. It is not
This wide cavern has a flat ceiling 30 feet overhead supported by disturbed by any of the creatures normally found in the
a complex series of wooden support struts. On the southern wall mines, nor even by the ghole occasionally feeding on it.
a smaller opening, only 15 feet high exits the chamber. The entire However, if touched by a PC or even examined closely
room has a charnel reek to it, and with good reason. The eastern for more than 1 round, the golem reassembles into its
wall is dominated by a construction fully 25 feet tall. It is an obelisk normal form as a hideous multi-legged, multi-armed
of sorts but is composed entirely of bones: long bones, rib cages, conglomeration of thousands of bones haphazardly fitted
pelvises, spinal columns, and the frequent inclusion of a gaping- together and viciously attacks. It will pursue intruders
eyed skull. Most of the bones are humanoid, though a smattering from this chamber regardless of where they go.
of giant-sized or non-humanoid bones appear among the rest. For
the most part the bones seem very old, yellowed and cracked with
time and exposure, but some of them look surprisingly fresh even OSSUARY GOLEM
still tacky with blood or with gobbets of flesh still clinging to them.
XP 7,200
What makes this even more unusual is that these fresher pieces hp 168 (see Appendix A, page 542)
do not appear to be recent additions to the obelisk but rather are
interspersed throughout its structure, some even in the lower
foundational courses of the structure which would have to have Treasure: The statues on either side of the obelisk are
been deconstructed to insert them there seamlessly. Yet there are no actually of ancient construction. They are of marble and
signs that any such reconstruction has occurred. Standing to either can be identified with a DC 18 Intelligence (History) or
side of this bone obelisk is a 7-foot limestone statue. One depicts Painter’s Supplies check to recognize them as authentic
an angelic being with a long robe and wings, though its face has Rhemian works of art dating to the time period of the
been broken away leaving a strangely disturbing blank where Caleen Colonies. The angelic being can be recognized
an expression should be. The other is a bird-headed humanoid with a DC 20 Intelligence (History) or DC 15 Intelligence
cradling a book in one arm and holding the other extended, (Religion) as Kirasaan, a deva known to serve as herald to
though it has been broken off at the elbow. Solanus, The Light of Civilization, Goddess of the Sun and
Healing. The same checks can be made to recognize the
bird-man as Arturak the Fair, a legendary tengu merchant
This chamber holds an impromptu memorial to the and follower of Dame Torren, Goddess of the Four Winds.
thousands of Caleen colonists and those who came after and He is typically shown holding an account ledger and a
lost their lives to the hazards of the Pit of the Burning Star. merchant’s scale (that was once held in the statue’s broken
The skeletal remains are mostly human, a mix of Rheman* arm). A DC 12 Intelligence (History) is sufficient to recall
and Shattered Folk, though this is not evident through any that Solanus and Torren are two of the three ancient patron
means short of an involved anthropological study or use of deities of the city of RemeLL3-289 (the third being Mithras)
divination magic. However, mixed in among them are a few and, though largely in decline now, would have been very
other creatures, including the odd ash giant here and there. prominent at the time that the Caleen Colonists departed
These have all been stacked here by the ghole in Q2 who finds the grand duchy. Despite being damaged, each could be
the structural arrangement strangely pleasing. It spends most sold to a museum or collector for 500 gp (though each
of its time scouring the crater for the myriad skeletal remains weighs 450 pounds).
to be found and has been constructing this obelisk for many
years. The presence of the strangely fresh corpses mixed in is
because of its use of Restore Corpse on random portions for Q2. HARVESTER’S HOME
the purposes of snacking, though it doesn’t actually remove This irregular cave reeks of carrion and excrement. The floor
the restored segments because it doesn’t want to upset its is strewn with bones in various stages of consumption and
construction. Rather it just gnaws away at the exposed flesh it decomposition, most with pieces of gnawed flesh still clinging to
has created and allows its leavings to rot. them. In fact, it seems like a fairly large assortment of carrion

* Rheman/Rhemen are the singular and plural demonyms for citizens of the Grand Duchy of Reme. Rhemian is the adjectival demonym for things
from Reme.

considering how desolate the general area of the crater is and Anyone succeeding at a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
how little potential prey exists close by. Some sort of nest or bed check can hear the faint but discernable sound of what is
composed of sticks, bones, and great tangles of filthy hair occupies apparently organ music coming from somewhere far below.
the eastern portion of the cave. The shaft is 210 feet deep (20d6 falling damage), and the
rough stairs that have been carved along its length provide
a precarious access to below. They are treacherous to use
The reason for the strangely abundant supply of carrion and require a DC 5 Strength (Athletics) check to navigate.
for feeding is because of the inhabitant’s penchant for using They are also the home of 2 ropers. These aberrations have
Restore Corpse to feed upon on the many, many ancient adapted to the vertical orientation of their lair and have
skeletal remains to be found within the area of the crater. developed climb speeds. They cling to the walls of the shaft
This ghole can be found in here 25% of the time during the in natural hollows in the rough stone and resemble nothing
day and 60% of the time at night, unless already encountered more than natural, stony protuberances unless the PCs
and defeated as a random encounter outside. If the ghole have truesight. One of the ropers lurks just underneath the
is not present when the PCs arrive, there is a cumulative remains of the collapsed platform, while the other clings to
10% chance per hour of his return. He attacks intruders a shallow hollow on the south wall of the shaft 30 feet below.
relentlessly but will not pursue deeper into the mine.

XP 1,800
XP 5,000
hp 92
hp 165 (see Appendix A, page 539)
Tactics: The roper beneath the platform has cover and
Treasure: Stashed in the ghole’s bed are some treasures total concealment from anyone on the ledge above. To
it has been able to collect. Each of these can be found be able to see it, the PCs will have to fly or work their
with a separate DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check while way 10 feet down the stairs. This, of course, brings them
searching the bedding. They include: a pair of moldering in range of the second roper clinging to the wall 20 feet
belt pouches holding a total of 82 gp in assorted currency
(none tainted by metallurgic amber) and a black pearl
(450 gp), a suit of +1 leather armor of Shattered Folk
make, a ring of swimming, a vest of healing, a scroll
of fire shield), and a major crown of radiance (see
Appendix B, page 569).


Steam and the odor of a lit forge waft up
through a nearly vertical mineshaft bored into
the earth here. Though rough and uneven,
the shaft averages around 30 feet in diameter
as it disappears into the darkness below. The
remains of a wooden platform still exist at
the lip of the shaft, though the rotten beams
have given way long ago carrying what was
apparently a winch and lift of some sort — based
on the remaining fragments — down with it into the darkness
below. Access to the depths of the shaft has not been entirely lost,
a spiraling staircase has been cut into the stone walls of the shaft,
though staircase is, perhaps, a generous term. It’s more of a steep
ledge averaging no more than 2 feet in width that descends at a
sometimes near-vertical slope into which shallow steps have been
chiseled. In many cases, these steps are little more than hand and
footholds on what is essentially a stone ladder.

below that portion of the stairs. The intelligent creatures Manx made it to this tunnel with his magic only to fall
prefer to ambush their prey by waiting until at least one to the undead that inhabit it. Not long after, Col. Conroi
PC approaches the edge above. Then the first roper attacks was able to make it here, sick with radiation poisoning,
with its strands and attempts to pull a PC off the ledge. A nearly mad with fear, and fixated upon finding the trail
PC successfully pulled is then released to drop to the base of Gravenfar in hopes of affecting an escape. Here he
of the shaft 210 feet below. When PCs move down the stairs came upon the corpse of Manx and was also slain shortly
or shaft to try and get at the first roper, the second will use thereafter without ever truly realizing that his cause was
the same tactic to try and grab PCs and pull them off of already lost — Aroldus Gravenfar had never come to the
the stairs to release them to fall down the shaft. They then crater. Though the bodies have long since been removed
concentrate their attacks on any flying PCs or those who and devoured by the assorted inhabitants of the crater, the
attempt to stay up top and out of range. Only after all the spirit of Col. Conroi lingers on in this tunnel as a haunt.
PCs up top have been dealt with will the ropers descend the Haunt: Shortly after entering this hallway, a DC 22
shaft to pick over any bodies below. Wisdom (Perception) check notices a humanoid figure
shuffling down the tunnel from behind the PCs (also
Treasure: The treasure kept by these creatures is tucked coming from area Q3). This figure does not respond to
into the hollow in which the roper beneath the platform any attempts to make contact and ignores attacks (which
lurked. Only by closely examining that hollow can the cannot harm the haunt). He reaches the PCs’ position in
treasure be located with a DC 21 Wisdom (Perception) 1 round and will be automatically noticed if they have not
check. If successful, the PCs find a periapt of wound closure already done so. When this occurs, read the following.
stuffed into a small crack in the wall. The figure is among you almost before you can react. It is a man,
a human, easily in his mid-sixties with thick-set features and a
Q4. THE FACE OF DESPAIR completely bald pate and a thick, bristling white moustache that
extends into thick mutton chop sideburns that never quite reach
From the base of the shaft, a long mine tunnel extends as far as his head. His skin seems pale and unhealthy and is blotchy with
you can see to the northwest. Regular wooden beams still support brown burn patches. He wears a cavalry officer’s coat showing
its ceiling, though some of these are bowed or appear to be rotting. much wear and mending and missing several buttons and one
The steam and metallic smell of a forge are much stronger down epaulette, and a pair of large gashes in the side stain the dark-gray
here and are clearly coming from somewhere down this tunnel. fabric with dark blood. He limps and shuffles, his red-rimmed,
This tunnel extends for 650 feet at a slight downward watery blue eyes staring straight ahead, never noticing you.
slope towards the center of the crater. Despite the
appearance of the support beams, the tunnel is sound. It is As the man half-limps, half-shuffles in obvious pain, he keeps
only a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check here to hear the mumbling the same mantra, “If Gravenfar came, he would’ve
sound of organ music coming from the tunnel. come here…Manx said he’d know an escape…Manx said. If
Gravenfar came, he would’ve come here…Manx said he’d know
an escape…Manx said. If Gravenfar came, he would’ve come
This tunnel was the site of one of the final tragedies of the here…Manx said he’d know an escape…Manx said.”
Conroi Expedition. While most of the survivors followed
Azmerius Thade after their disastrous initial foray into the He suddenly stops and looks at the floor, seeing something not
crater and ended up holing up at area K, two other members visible to the rest of you. “Manx,” he whispers, stooping down to the
of the expedition also survived that deadly first encounter floor, “Manx? I thought you had fallen in the crater. You made it
unbeknownst to the chaplain. Those two survivors were here? Was he here…was Gravenfar here? Did he find an escape?”
the expedition’s mage, Manx, and the expedition’s leader,
Colonel Sixtun Conroi. Manx used dimension door to reach
This entire scene plays out over the course of 1 round
the interior of the crater, and Colonel Conroi was able to
during which, if the PCs had noticed the figure approaching,
break free from the press of undead astride his obsidian
they can make whatever actions they wish against the haunt.
steed wondrous figurine (currently located in area N5). Well
Regardless of their actions, the figure continues to ignore
aware of the dangers the crater represented by the time
them. Unless the haunt is destroyed, at the end of the
the expedition had reached it, Manx had reasoned that if
round the figure suddenly looks up, an expression of utter
the seasoned explorer Aroldus Gravenfar had already been
despair in his eyes. “He was never here,” it says incredulously.
here, he would have found some safehold or way out. From
“Did he never come this way?…but then where—” It cuts off its
a reconnaissance by his familiar, Manx had located these
own sentence and arches its head back and unleashes a wail
mine entrances and determined that they led into the heart
of hopeless despair before disappearing in an instant.
of the crater and would have been Gravenfar’s objective.

Anyone seeing the figure and making a DC 18 Intelligence 55–64 1d4+2 spectersSRD
(History) check can identify the man’s uniform as that of a
colonel of cavalry in the army of the Grand Duchy of Reme. 65–74 1d6+6 wraithsSRD
It is possible that the players will remember (or if not, a 75–84 1d6+1 baykoks
DC 23 Intelligence (History) check reveals) that Sixtun 85–00 Roll twice and ignore this result
Conroi, the leader of the Conroi Expedition was a retired
colonel formerly of the Rhemian cavalry and that Manx the
Marvelous was the name of the expedition’s wizard and was BAYKOK
known to be a close confidant of Col. Conroi.
XP 2,300
hp 97 (see Appendix A, page 529)
Magical trap (haunt)
The lingering psychic residue of Col. Sixtun manifests BLAST SHADOW
when the PCs enter the corridor section 10 feet wide by 60 XP 1,800
feet long, unleashing a wail of unimaginable despair. All
creatures within the corridor must make a DC 20 Wisdom
hp 117 (see Appendix A, page 530)
saving throw, taking 18d8 (81) points of psychic damage
on a failure, and none on a success. Col. Sixtun’s spirit CINDER GHOUL
then disappears but returns after 1 minute and replays his
deathless march for 1 round before unleashing his psychic XP 2,900
scream once more. hp 75 (see Appendix A, page 532)

Destruction: Successfully identifying the haunt as the RADIOACTIVE COMBUSTED

spiritual essence of Colonel Sixtun Conroi and verbally
confirming to him that the explorer Aroldus Gravenfar XP 700
seemingly did not ever come to the Pit of the Burning Star, hp 84 (see Appendix A, page 551)
allows the spirit to realize that there was nothing he could
have done to enable the escape of himself or his men.
Doing so allows the incredulous spirit to let loose its grip FIRE PHANTOM
on the Material Plane and go on to its judgment.
XP 1,600
Note: If creatures survive the haunt, they earn 4,800 XP,
hp 104 (see Appendix A, page 534)
or 19,200 XP if they succeed in destroying the haunt.

Development: After dealing with the haunt and possibly VOID-STIRGE

being rewarded (see “Treasure” below), they PCs may XP 1,100
still encounter other inhabitants in this long tunnel.
Whenever they travel the length of this corridor, roll twice
hp 67 (see Appendix A, page 557)
for encounters on the table below — once at the midway
point and once just before reaching the end. An encounter Treasure: If the haunt is permanently destroyed, a shoki
occurs 20% of the time and represents the fairly constant psychopomp appears before the PCs 1 round later. This
stream of undead that come and go from this area. ram-horned outsider was sent years ago to collect the soul of
Sixtun Conroi for judgment, however, the haunt has proven

particularly resistant to the psychopomp’s soul lock ability.
d% Encounter Only if the haunt is permanently destroyed by the PCs does
01–12 1d6 blast shadows the soul suddenly appear in the psychopomp’s staff causing
the shoki (who was lurking ethereally nearby) to manifest
13–24 2d6 radioactive combusted
himself in the party’s presence. He thanks the party for
25–34 1d4 cinder ghouls the service to the balance of the Great Beyond and rewards
35–44 3d4 void-stirges them with Conroi’s +2 scimitar that the psychopomp had
recovered long ago and hoped (incorrectly) that it might
45–54 2d6 fire phantoms
somehow hold the key to finally laying the spirit to rest.

Once he has bestowed the sword upon the party, the shoki damage and 13 (3d8) necrotic damage or 12
immediately plane shifts back to the Outer Planes to report (1d8+8) bludgeoning damage and 13 (3d8)
on his success. If attacked, the psychopomp defends itself
for 1 round before using plane shift to escape.
necrotic damage if used with two hands.

SHOKI Soul Lock. The shoki attempts to trap a creature’s
Medium celestial, neutral soul when its hit points are reduced to 0. That
Armor Class 18 creature must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
Hit Points 102 (12d8 + 48) throw Creatures that fails dies and has its soul
Speed 30 ft. trapped in the shoki’s staff. This ability can even
affect incorporeal creatures. A trapped soul cannot
be brought to life through any magic short of a
24 (+7) 26 (+8) 18 (+4) 23 (+6) 25 (+7) 25 (+7) divine intervention, true resurrection, or wish. The
Saving Throws Dex +12, Int +10 shoki can use its turn to free a trapped spirit.
Skills Arcana +10, Deception +11, Insight +11, A banishment or dispel evil and good spell cast
Intimidate +15, Perception +15, Persuasion +15, directly upon the staff can also free a soul. Finally,
Religion +10, Stealth +12 destroying the staff will also free the soul trapped
Damage Resistances lightning, necrotic; within. The staff can only contain one soul.
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine Q5. CALEEN MINT
Damage Immunities acid, cold, poison By the time the PCs reach the corridor outside this
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, chamber, the sound of the organ music coming from area
Q8 is clearly audible.
frightened, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 27 The chamber is oppressively hot, and the steam of the passage
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Common outside has made its way in here as well. The smell of ozone
and seared metal is strong, yet this room is nothing like you
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) would have come to expect in the hellish depths of this mine. The
chamber has been very neatly arranged as some kind of workshop.
Innate Spellcasting. The shoki’s spellcasting ability A large furnace stands across the way, though its fire is banked.
is Charisma (spell save DC 19, spell attack bonus Wooden bends stand near it with a pair of quenching buckets
+11). It can innately cast the following spells, nearby between them and a small anvil that stands before the
furnace. Next to this is a table covered in coins and small tools,
requiring only verbal components: next to which sits a handcart near the chamber’s entrance. By the
At will: etherealness, invisibility (self only) chamber’s north wall stands a large hand press.
3/day each: detect magic, mass cure wounds,
protection from evil and good Anyone examining the contents of this room and
1/day each: plane shift (self only) succeeding at a DC 12 Jeweler’s or Smith’s Tools or DC 17
Magic Weapons. The shoki’s attacks are magical. Intelligence check quickly grasps that this chamber has
Spirit Sense. A shoki can detect the undead as been set up for the minting of coins. The worktable holds
though it had blindsight out to 60 feet. coin molds and small tools for extracting them amid many
freshly minted coins. The press holds additional molds.
All of these are for different denominations of Rhemian
ACTIONS currency that date to some 600 years ago, and this room
Multiattack. The shoki attacks twice with its is the source of the cache of coins found in area N6. The
quarterstaff. three bins hold processed gold and copper respectively as
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach well as one with a green, crystalline substance (metallurgic
amber — see Appendix B, page 580).
5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d6 + 8) bludegoning

Treasure: Scattered on the table are a total of 81 gp and 390 This smelting forge is where the ores coming from area
cp in ancient Rhemian currency. These coins have all been Q8 are separated from the dross. The undead of the crater
tainted with metallurgic amber identically to those found in are ill-suited to this technical task, so Prince Cale has
area N6. The mint has not been used in several weeks as more managed to ally with emissaries from Hell. These devils
ore is being prepared in the smelter (Q7) so a new batch can be are not followers of Hastur, nor do they particularly care
made. The metals currently in the bins consists of 17 pounds about “the local politics” as they call the goings-on at the
of the crystalline metallurgic amber, 2 pounds of raw gold (50 Pit of the Burning Star. Rather they are under contract
gp/pound) and 4-1/2 pounds of copper (5 sp/pound). to smelt for Prince Cale and that is what they do. This
group consists of a barbed devil, known as a hamatula,
overseeing a workforce of 4 hellstoker devils who actually
Q6. DROSS DISPOSAL do the smelting. If the PCs enter here, the barbed devil
Discarded heaps of cooled slag litter the floor all along this stone initially warns them away telling them to go find some
passage. The omnipresent haze and stench of burning metal is even “stinking walkers” (undead) to kill. If the PCs immediately
more pronounced here, and the previously heard discordant pipe depart, the devils pay them no further mind, and if Prince
music is now discernable as the chords of some unholy chorus whose Cale is slain their contract is fulfilled allowing them to
pitch and tone seem to closely mimic that of a pipe organ, all of which immediately dimension door away. If the PCs attack or linger
seem to emanate from around a corner at the end of this tunnel. in this area longer than a single round, however, the devils
immediately attack and fight to the death. They do not
parley and will provide no information for fear of breaking
The tunnel is larger here, with a ceiling that rises to 18 feet
their contractual obligation to Cale.
in height. Worthless piles of slag separated from the ore in
area Q7 are deposited haphazardly where they cool into the
dross to be found here. The dross is primarily composed of
stone and lead. However, the resourceful Prince Cale has put
some of this dross to good use over the years in the creation XP 1,800
of 3 lead golems. These constructs crouch among the other hp 110
piles of dross; they can be noticed with a DC 20 Wisdom
(Perception) check. They remain inert unless the entrance to
area Q8 is approached, in which case they lurch to life and DEVIL, HELLSTOKER
attack until destroyed. One unexpected benefit of the lead in
the dross and golems in here is that the effects of metallurgic Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil
amber do not function in this room as well as Q7 and Q8. Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft.
XP 5,900
hp 178 (see Appendix A, page 541) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Str +4, Con +4, Wis +2, Cha +2
Q7. SMELTER Skills Athletics +4, Intimidation +2, Perception +2
The air in this room is oppressively hot. A furnace roars in one Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing,
corner, and large vats hold molten stone from which metals are and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t
separated. Next to it are bins of ore. A table holds an assortment silvered
of assaying equipment and various jars of chemicals and reagents. Damage Immunities fire, poison
Hand carts stand by to carry away dross and pure metals.
Condition Immunities poisoned

The temperature in here hovers around 145°, considered Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
incredible heat. At the end of each minute spent in this heat,
Languages Infernal; telepathy 120 ft.
creatures not immune or resistant to fire must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage and gain Challenge 2 (450 XP)
1 level of exhaustion. On a successful saving throw, they take
half damage and do not gain a level of exhaustion. The DC
increases by 1 for each previous failed saving throw.

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the A massive cavern has been carved out of the earth here. Polished
devil’s darkvision. stone walls, a vaulted ceiling and the architectural features
resembling those of a classic cathedral convey a sense of grandeur
Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on that rivals the most magnificent churches of Foere. Condensation
saving throws against spells and other magical covers the floor and walls, and heat radiates from an unusual,
effects. glowing reddish-gold triad-shaped pattern in the ceiling 80 feet
Oily Hide. A hellstoker devil gets +10 on checks to above. It takes a moment for you to realize that it is molten rock that
escape being grappled or restrained. has burned through the cavern’s ceiling in that unusual pattern.
Drippings of the molten material falls and sizzles when they hit
the moist stone floor. Shambling humanoid shapes shovel the still
ACTIONS glowing, steaming drippings into mine carts and assorted other
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., metal containers that are stacked among older piles of cooled slag.
one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) slashing damage.
Perhaps even stranger than this tableau is the cavern’s version
Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., of a choir loft that sits elevated upon a ledge 12 feet above the floor
one target. Hit: 7 (1d10+2) piercing damage. along the southern wall. A stair of chiseled stone leads up to this
Bellows (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Spell Attack: +2 gallery, and a crude balustrade of wrought iron runs along its edge.
to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (3d8) fire Upon the ledge itself stands a hideous conglomeration of flesh,
damage. sinew, and dozens of gaping mouths. It is as if dozens of corpses
were stitched haphazardly together into one massive pipe organ
whole, with each mouth capable of emitting only one wheezing,
REACTIONS groaning musical note. It is from this monstrosity that the eerie,
Fiery Body. When the hellstoker devil would take arrhythmic chords echo forth like a netherworld choir. Standing
fire damage, all creatures within 5 ft. take 3 (1d6) before this disgusting conglomeration is a 9-foot creature that is
fire damage. little more than a conglomeration itself. At its heart is a mass of
dripping wet organs and viscera from which protrude many arms,
legs, and bladed limbs. It is these limbs that wildly wave as it
Treasure: The assaying equipment on the table is the conducts its ghastly chorus.
equivalent of an alchemist’s lab. Waiting in one of the hand
carts is separated metal ready to go to the mint (Q5). This
metal consists of a total of a half-pound of gold (worth 25
gp) and 6 pounds of copper (worth 3 gp). The devils keep the
payments that have been made for their services to date in
one of the bins beneath a lair of cooled slag (DC 19 Wisdom
(Perception) check to locate). It consists of 15 pounds of
adamantine (4,500 gp), 21 pounds of gold
(1,050 gp), 7 pounds of noqual (350 gp),
1 pound of siccatite (100 gp), and a
chime of opening (10 charges).

As the entrance to this room
is approached, it is evident that
much of the steam and fumes in
the hallway emerge from here. In
addition, the strange organ music clearly
emerges from within, though it is now
discernable as a chorus of incomprehensible
grunts and howls that only resemble the
music of a pipe organ through the acoustic
echoes of the long tunnel.

Finally, at the far end of the chamber, the cavern floor has RADIOACTIVE COMBUSTED (6)
been smoothed and carved into a two-tier dais upon which sits
a low stone altar that appears to be covered in dried blood and XP 700
gobbets of viscera. Perched upon this block of rough stone looking hp 84 (see Appendix A, page 551)
like nothing so much as a fat and satisfied vulture is a blood-
hued, beaked and winged creature that looks like a hideous mix of
corpse, mole, insect, and bird that lazily watches the labors of the FIRE PHANTOMS (3)
workers on the floor below. XP 1,600
hp 104 (see Appendix A, page 534)
The cathedral’s glowing ceiling is in fact the still-burning
meteorite’s underbelly. The molten alloy fills in lines and
fissures in the cavern’s cathedral ceiling and forms a Yellow VOID-STIRGES (4)
Sign, the malignant symbol of the King in Yellow, fully 40 XP 1,100
feet across. Fortunately for the PCs this Yellow Sign is not hp 67 (see Appendix A, page 557)
active (as the spell or Hastur’s special ability), it is merely a
massive — if mundane — example of the symbol, though
its unique nature does give the entire room the effects TERRIBLE HYBRID THING
of an unhallow over the whole chamber. Because the sign
is formed by the leaching of molten rock through the XP 9,600
stone of the cavern’s ceiling, it cannot be sealed without it hp 125 (see Appendix A, page 558)
eventually melting back through in the same pattern unless
the internal flames of the burning siccatite are somehow
extinguished — an unlikely outcome considering that the THE CONDUCTOR
meteorite has a couple thousand years of fuel remaining.
Large fiend, lawful evil
Armor Class 19
The air in this chamber is very hot (approximately 92° F), Hit Points 189 (17d10 + 85)
but not nearly as much in other portions of the tunnels.
Constitution saving throws are only required every hour
Speed 40 ft.
to avoid any gaining exhaustion levels. The dripping slag STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
however, is extremely hot and deals 1d6 points of fire
24 (+7) 17 (+3) 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 22 (+6) 20 (+5)
damage for 2 rounds on anyone touching it. A dotted
line on the map shows where the molten drippings fall. Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +10, Cha +9
Anyone in that area has a 10% chance per round of being Skills Medicine +14, Insight +10, Intimidate +14,
hit by a drop of the falling slag unless they makes a DC 20 Perception +14, Persuasion +9, Religion +9,
Dexterity saving throw. The undead are unaffected by the
molten material, and the void-stirges avoid flying through Stealth +7
that portion of the room. Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t
Toiling away here in the bowels of the crater are 6 silvered
combusted and 3 fire phantoms. They use metal shovels Damage Immunities fire, poison
to load the still-smoldering drippings from above onto the Condition Immunities poisoned
mine carts for transportation to area Q7 while awkwardly Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 24
flapping above them are 4 void-stirges who keep watch
Languages Infernal, Common
for intruders. Overseeing them from the altar is a terrible
hybrid thing while in the choir loft an interlocutor kyton Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
called The Conductor that has become an adherent of
Hastur conducts a symphony of despair on the fleshgine Innate Spellcasting. The conductor’s spellcasting
he has created called the Unholy Choir. ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 18, spell attack
bonus +10). It can innately cast the following
spells, requiring only verbal components:
At will: plane shift (from the material plane to the

shadow plane, self only), spare the dying STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
3/day each: lesser restoration, cure wounds (cast with
26 (+8) 6 (-2) 23 (+6) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
a 3rd level spell slot)
1/day each: revivify Saving Throws Dex +2
Magic Weapons. The conductor’s attacks are Damage Resistances fire; bludgeoning, piercing,
magical. and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t
Magic Resistance. The conductor has advantage on adamantine
saving throws against spells and magical effects. Damage Immunities acid, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
ACTIONS frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Multiattack. The conductor can use its Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 10
unnerving gaze. It then makes four Languages Infernal, Common
attacks with its claws. Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack:
+11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one Berserk. Whenever the unholy
target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 7) slashing choir starts its turn with 90 hit
damage. The conductor’s claws points or less, roll a d6. On a 6,
attacks are a critical hit on a roll the unholy choir attacks the nearest
of 19-20. creature it can see. If no
Unnerving Gaze. One creature is near enough to
creature of the conductor’s move to and attack, the
choice that it can see unholy choir attacks an
within 60 feet of object with preference for
the conductor and an object smaller than itself.
is aware of it must Once the unholy choir goes
succeed on a DC 17 bersek, it continues to do
Wisdom saving throw so until it is destroyed or
or become frightened for 1 regains all its hit points.
minute. A creature can repeat The unholy choir’s creator
the saving throw at the end or designed operator, if
of each of its turns, ending the effect within 60 feet of the
on itself on a success. If a creature’s berserk unholy choir,
saving throw is successful or the can try to calm it by speaking
effect ends for it, the creature is firmly and persuasively. The unholy
immune to the conductor’s choir must be able to hear this
unnerving gaze for the next designated person, who must
24 hours. take an action to make a DC 15
Charima (Persuasion) check. If the
check succeeds, the golem
UNHOLY CHOIR ceases being berserk. If it
(FLESHGINE) takes damage while still
Gargantuan construct, unaligned at 90 hit points or fewer, the golem might go
Armor Class 17 berserk again.
Hit Points 198 (12d20 + 72) Magic Weapons. The conductor’s attacks are
Speed 10 ft. magical.

Vulnerability to Silence. The unholy choir’s entire Viscous Spittle (1/Day). Once per round as a free
purpose for existence is built around its choral action, the Unholy Choir can spew a spray of
abilities. At the end of each turn that it is in an this mucus in a 15-foot cone. Anyone within the
area of magical silence (such as from a silence cone’s area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving
spell), the unholy choir must make a d6 roll at the throw or be covered in the viscous goo and
end of each turn, going berserk on the roll of a 6. become restrained. At the start of each round that
While in an area of silence, the fleshgine’s creator a creature remains restrained by the goo, it takes
cannot attempt to soothe it and regain control. 4 (1d8) acid damage. At the end of a restrained
creature’s turn, it can make another saving throw.
ACTIONS If it succeeds, it is no longer restreained.
Multiattack. The unholy choir can use its Infernal
Chorus, or its Viscous Spittle, if able. It then Tactics: When the void-stirges notice intruders, they
makes four attacks with its bites. The conductor immediately swoop to attack. This catches the attention of
the combusted and fire phantoms after 1 round, who drop
can instead make four attacks with its bites their shovels and move to join in the attack. The Conductor
against a single target that is Gargantuan. attempts to remain out of the fray and instead uses the
Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 20 ft., Unholy Choir to inspire courage in their allies fighting
one target. Hit: 25 (4d6 + 8) piercing damage. below. If the PCs attempt to attack the choir loft, the
Infernal Chorus. The unholy choir emits music, Conductor has the Unholy Choir change to its distraction
chorus, and then they both defend themselves as best they
causing a number of different effects, each of can. If the Conductor is slain, the Unholy Choir immediately
which requires concentration to maintain, up to 1 begins moving to trample and attack intruders, almost as
minute. Choose one of the following effects: if it had gone berserk but careful enough to avoid harming
• Dirge of Doom: Creatures other than fiends its allies. The terrible hybrid thing only joins the fray if the
and constructs that can hear the unholy choir Conductor is killed, if the Unholy Choir is silenced, if all the
combusted and fire phantoms are killed, or if it is attacked
and are within 30 feet of it must succeed on itself. All of the creatures here fight until destroyed, though
a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become none of them will leave this room.
frightened until the music stops. A creature is
no longer frightened if it cannot hear the dirge. Development: If the terrible hybrid thing is killed, the
• Dissonant Sound: Creatures that can hear the altar stone suddenly cracks and bursts asunder as if struck
unholy choir and are within 60 feet of it must by a powerful thunderbolt. If this occurs, the true master
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw of the Pit of the Burning Star is roused from his slumber.
When this occurs, read the following.
or become poisoned by deleterious music.
A creature is no longer poisoned if it cannot As the blood-covered stone altar splits and falls to pieces, a wind
hear the sound. seems to rise around it raising a small cloud of dust. However,
• Inspire Courage: The unholy choir can bolster after a moment it becomes clear that it is no cloud of dust but
rather a cloud of whirling, translucent spirits, and rising from the
up to six allies within 60 feet that can hear center of them is a single corpselike figure. It too is translucent,
it and are within 60 feet. These allies are but it retains something of its mortal appearance: that of a regal-
granted the effects of the bless spell. looking man with aquiline features, marred only by hollow cheeks
• Nightscream: Any living creature within 30 feet and sunken eyes, in robes of gold and bearing a shining circlet
of the unholy choir that can hear it can’t regain upon its brown. Its withered countenance gazes at you above the
sparse remnant of a once-neatly trimmed beard, and it speaks in a
hit points until it can no longer hear the scream. strangely accented, archaic version of the common tongue.
A creature that can hear the scream at the start
of its turn must make a DC 15 Charisma saving “Welcome,” it says. “Welcome to the Eternal Colonies of Caleen
throw, taking 14 (4d6) necrotic damage on a
failure, or half as much on a success. The creature that has risen from beneath the broken altar
is none other than the spirit of the long-lost Cale, Grand

Duke of Reme and Prince of Foere who now exists as an Burning Star for details) to dispatch void-stirges to find and
undead known as a nemhain fully corrupted and twisted devour the hapless cultist once his mission was fulfilled.
into devotion to the King in Yellow. Swirling about him are Other members of the Cult of Hastur across of Foere were
the spirits of the many, many Rhemen who followed him unaware of Cale’s grand plan to reveal the location of the
on his ill-fated expedition to colonize the Haunted Steppe. Pit and heard the rumors of its discovery just like everyone
He does not immediately attack, but his appearance does else. It was they who followed the trail of the letters to
cause the giant Yellow Sign in the cavern’s ceiling to Dun Eamon and broke into Elinda Bannon’s tower to
activate as a Yellow Sign spell (see sidebar) and requires all steal Gravenfar’s journal in an attempt to prevent the Pit’s
in the cavern to make a secret DC 23 Wisdom saving throw discovery, not realizing they were actually working against
or become dominated under the command of Prince Cale the will of Prince Cale, their cult’s earthly master.
(as the closest representative of Hastur’s will).
Any PCs hearing Prince Cale’s offer can attempt a skill
Prince Cale avoids combat and instead congratulates the contest of their Wisdom (Insight) against his Charisma
PCs on their endeavor and finally breaking the “curse” that (Deception) to detect the malicious intent behind his
has plagued him and his people ever since their cursed words, but anyone dominated by the effects of the Yellow
venture centuries ago. He states that the gods have deserted Sign spell will believe him unconditionally. If his offer is
him and the remnant of his loyal subjects who came to this rejected or the PCs attack, Prince Cale ends the pretense.
place but that the PCs can at least set some of it aright by He compels the Unholy Choir (if still alive) to begin
taking word of what happened and the cursed nature of the its Nightscream Song, and orders any of his remaining
crater to the outside world to finally answer the question servitors in the room to attack, including any dominated
of what happened to the Lost Prince of Foere. He provides PCs (giving them a new saving throw with a +2 bonus).
them with directions to his treasury at area N6 (though He then has his bound spirits fan out and make ranged
will warn them that they will have to deal with some rather touch attacks against all enemies within range, while his
nasty creatures that have since taken up residence there) minions assault opponents beyond the spirits’ reach. When
and encourage them to take his riches as a reward for their he exhausts his spell-like abilities the apparition resorts to
efforts and considering that he has no further need of such melee attacks and moves into the area beneath the molten
worldly goods. dripping to force the PCs to risk its effects (Cale cannot be
harmed by the molten drops). Cale fights until destroyed,
confident in the knowledge that he will regenerate 1d4
This is all a part of the plan the Prince Cale has been
days later. His bound object is the sundered altar stone.
building towards since first succumbing to the allure of
It is made from meteoric iron cast off from the Burning
Hastur’s worship. And with the vast store of these coins he
Star, and the two individual halves must each be destroyed
has been able to mint over the last 5 centuries, he knew
(hardness 10, 240 hp) in order to permanently eradicate the
that the time to unleash madness and bring Hastur back to
dominance in the world was near at hand. To this end, he
recently sent a cultist of Hastur far to the south — to the
city of Nains, as well as other places — to plant the sheaves
of correspondence Cale had found upon the body of poor
Azmerius. Having only brought a few carrier pigeons on Medium undead, neutral evil
the Conroi Expedition and losing most of them to harsh Armor Class 18
conditions or misadventure, Azmerius never actually sent
many of his letters but rather held onto them and saved his
Hit Points 170 (20d8 + 80)
final pigeon to carry actual news of the Pit’s discovery, news Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
that he was never able to send before his death. Only the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
incorporeal Cale was able to read their contents and have
cultists reproduce them and present them as the authentic 1 (-5) 26 (+8) 18 (+4) 23 (+6) 25 (+7) 25 (+7)
original. Saving Throws Con +9, Int +11
Skills Arcana +11, Deception +12, Insight +12,
Though it was a cultist of Hastur that initiated the entire Intimidate +17, Perception +17, Persuasion +12,
race for Shataakh-Uulm, he did not survive to return to Religion +11, Stealth +18
his master. Fearing the instability of a typical cultist of
the King in Yellow, Prince Cale sent orders to the Sagging
Damage Resistances acid, fire; bludgeoning,
Man at his outpost in the Wizard’s Wall (see Legend of the piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks

Damage Immunities cold, poison appearing adjacent to his ritual object.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Turn Resistance. Prince Cale has advantage on
frightened, grappled, paralyzed, poisoned, prone, saving throws against any effect that turns
restrained undead.
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 27
Languages Common, Telepathy 100 ft. ACTIONS
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Multiattack. Prince Cale casts one of its spells and
makes one melee attack.
Bound Spirits. Prince Cale is surrounded by a Lifetouch. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to
whirling cloud of spirits that are bound to him— hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 30
often the spirits of close relatives or friends she (5d8 + 8) necrotic damage. Prince Cale regains a
had in life. He can direct these bound spirits to number of hit points equal to half of the damage
touch at any creature within 30 feet as if Prince dealt.
Cale had touched the target with her incorporeal
touch, reflected in the attack’s range. Treasure: The 80 pounds of metal drippings in the mine
Prince Cale can also send these spirits as a carts that have been gleaned from the meteorites drippings
consist of 40 ounces of siccatite (worth 250 gp), 20 ounces
group up to 1 mile away to act as scouts; they of adamantine (worth 375 gp), 12 pounds of nickel (24 gp), 10
have a fly speed of 60 feet (hover). Prince Cale can pounds of lead (5 gp), 12 ounces of gold (37 gp, 5 sp), and 2
observe and listen through them, but they cannot ounces of noqual (6 gp, 2 sp, 5 cp). The rest is worthless slag.
make any attacks or deliver spells for Prince Cale.
These spirits are immune to nonmagical attacks, In addition, digging into the stone 1 foot beneath the
but only have 20 hit points collectively, as a altar (damage threshold 12, AC 21, 150 hp) reveals the mortal
swarm would. remains of Prince Cale, where he was magically sealed at
his death long ago. His remains consist of little more than a
Incorporeal Movement. Prince Cale can move
partially intact human skeleton that shows signs of significant
through other creatures and objects as if they burn damage. But is still wears the platinum coronet that Cale
were difficult terrain. He takes 10 (3d6) force wore as a Prince of Foere (worth 7,500 gp for its metal content
damage if he ends his turn inside an object. but 50,000 gp to a collector, the Grand Duchy of Reme, or the
Innate Spellcasting. Prince Cale’s spellcasting Court of Courghais). In addition, interred with the remains
are an amulet of health, a scroll of plane shift and a scabbard of
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20, spell attack
keen edges containing the rusted and useless remains of a
bonus +12). He can innately cast the following longsword (see Appendix B, page 575).
spells, requiring only verbal components:
3/day each: harm, blight, telekinesis
1/day each: antilife shell, wall of force
Profane Regeneration. Prince Cale regains 10
hit points at the start of his turn. If he takes
lightning or radiant damage, this trait doesn’t
function at the start of Prince Cale’s next turn.
If the PCs have fully explored the Pit of the Burning Star,
Prince Cale dies only if he starts his turn with 0 they will have discovered not only the fate of the last
hit points and doesn’t regenerate. remnant of the Caleen Colonies but that of the long-lost
Prince Cale is a nemhain and is tied to a ritual Prince Cale as well. Unfortunately, they will have also
object used in his creation. In his case, it is the discovered the undead prince’s devotion to serving the
Great Old One, Hastur, and possibly have figured out his
sundered altar stone. Until it is destroyed, Prince
plan to sow madness throughout the Lost Lands through
Cale automatically rejuvenates back to full hit the spread of tainted money.
points 1d4 days after he is destroyed, always

Adventurers that participated in the Frog God Games on the adventurers, which may prompt astute characters to
adventure “Madness Grows” from Fields of Blood cannot more closely scrutinize the ancient Rhemian coins.
help but recognize this familiar pattern. In fact, it is not
a coincidence, as Prince Cale used the unwitting Tibula
PCs returning to their prospective employer(s) can
Ottika to test his devious scheme. If the PCs haul Cale’s
also confirm that the Pit of the Burning Star contains
tainted Rhemian coins back to civilization and place them
vast quantities of star metals, specifically noqual and the
into circulation, deliberately or accidentally, Hastur’s
combustible siccatite. If the PCs somehow still count
machinations take hold as the metallurgic amber within
Cherbaud Brazzegard among their numbers, he and his
the contaminated coins spreads insanity like wildfire
faction of Ironskull double agents try to kill the adventurers
throughout the civilized lands bringing an unholy
in their sleep during the long journey back and lay claim
apotheosis for the Great Old One that much closer…
to the star metals for their familial line. For their part, the
word of a new play called The King In Yellow soon begins
Spurious Tidings amicably part with the PCs and then report
to spread throughout the lands. It is also likely that the
back to the authorities in Bard’s Gate about their
prolonged exposure to the radioactive substance takes
astounding discovery. If the party avoided
a significant physical and mental toll
the other adventuring companies on
their journey to the impact site, most
notably Earl Rannulf and The Prize
Men, these individuals wait for an
ideal opportunity to pounce on the
hopefully wounded and exhausted
explorers and claim their secrets
for themselves.

Prince Cale, for his part, if not

permanently destroyed resumes
mass production of his tainted coins.
He then sets about seeking to recruit others
and to entice them to venture to the Pit of the
Burning Star to disperse madness and chaos
throughout the continent. However, this time
the correspondence dispenses with pretenses
and instead provides precise directions to
the impact site in the hopes that the prospect
of acquiring immense wealth may ignite wars
between rival political and military powers seeking
to control these valuable resources.

Finally, the fate of Aroldus Gravenfar looms as

the only remaining unanswered question of any great
note. Although it appears likely that he saw the Pit of the
Burning Star, there is no evidence supporting the theory
that he ever delved into the crater or even investigated
the locale beyond merely locating it for his own purposes.
Why else the famed explorer might have ventured across
the Haunted Steppe and what fate he ultimately met
remains a mystery, but the truth remains that his alleged
quest to locate the Pit of the Burning Star was the last
time he was sighted in civilized lands and produced the
last correspondence known to have ever come from him.
Where his remains lie — if he is indeed dead — remain a
tale of the Lost Lands for another day.

Handout 5A

Handout 5B Handout 5C

(Translated from Orc)

Find the lone tower on the plateau
The shamans of Grotaag say that the and peer through the glass to find the
time of the Burning Star has come. Go
to the plains and scour the humans
way. The Angus will reward you well.
dead settlements. Grotaag has shown
the shamans a wall with writing
on it. Find the wall and follow the
instructions to the next landmark.
They will lead to the giant column of
smoke. Tell none about your mission.
Others also pursue the smoldering
rock. Kill any that stand in your way.

Handout 5D

“To iron out the line, angle from the apex.”

Adventure 6:
Knight Fall in Old Curgantium

The glorious capital city of legendary Hyperborea fell to ruin two

thousand years ago in a fiery night of destruction that burned
half a continent and heralded the end of an ageless empire. New
auguries brought a fellowship of valiant knights to the scorched
ruins seeking an ancient danger that threatened the world anew, but
those champions themselves disappeared among the broken stones
of the shattered city. New heroes must now take up their mantle,
whether to rescue or avenge them, and by all means to complete
their desperate mission to forestall a new cataclysm. However, those
daring to tread the ancient streets quickly discover that the ruins do
not rest easy, and ancient memories can be as deadly as new perils in
Old Curgantium.

In the Lost Lands setting, Knight Fall in Old Curgantium THE HYPERBOREAN EMPIRE AND THE
takes place within the ruins of the former imperial capital FALL OF CURGANTIUM
city of CurgantiumLL5-17 (kur-GAN-tee-um) — sometimes When Oerson, the great polemarch of Boros —
referred to as “Old Curgantium”. These ruins lie on the northernmost of the continents of Akados — marched his
border between Aachen (AH-khin) ProvinceLL5-22 and the Legion south, he discovered a vast continent of untamed
County of Coutaine (ku-TANE) on the western bank of the forests, impassible mountains, scattered human tribes,
Great Amrin River. and a great elven empire. As was the tradition of the
imperators of Boros, Oerson set about the task of conquest.
For 18 long years Oerson’s Legion battled the elves along
Curgantium is the ancient imperial capital of the
the eaves of the Great Akadonian ForestLL5-7 in a perilous
Hyperborean Empire which fell into ruin and abandonment
contest with the high lords of the wild elves. He subjugated
after a massive explosion and continent-spanning wildfire.
human tribes as he went and incorporated them into his
The capital was relocated to Tircople far to the east on the
Legion until their might became too great for the elves to
continent of Libynos until it too fell to the besiegement
overcome in piecemeal skirmishes and ambush. He finally
of Daan which spelled the end of the empire. More
provoked them into a single pitched battle in the foothills
information about Aachen Province and this ruined border
of the Stoneheart Mountains in what would become known
city can be found in LL5: Borderland Provinces and in the
two millennia later as the Valley of the LyreLL8-46. There
short story “In for a Pound” in Tales of the Lost Lands: Tales
in a masterful stroke of diplomacy and military acumen,
Pack 5, both by Frog God Games
Polemarch Oerson revealed the secret alliance he had
formed with the dwarves of the Stonehearts and crushed
the elves in a great victory. So great was the defeat suffered
by the elves that their own society began to show cracks
and in less than a century had fallen so far that the elven

court and most of its lords withdrew into the West in the were obstructed by two permanent walls of impassible sea
Second Exodus, abandoning the lands of central Foere to storms encompassing it and extending from one pole to
the human invaders. the other that became known as the Tempest Meridians.
Great was the suffering across the Hyperborean Empire,
such that the Imperator called together the greatest minds
The Legion claimed the lands and remained, setting
and practitioners of magic to the Tower of Oerson in
up colonies among the verdant forests and fields. In time
Curgantium to learn the reasons for the catastrophe and
they came to refer to themselves as the Hyperboreans as a
to devise the means to repair the changes that had been
mark of their origin in distant northern Boros and came to
develop their own cultures and customs separate from their
homeland. Such was the wax and wane of fate that less than
two decades after the death of the aged Polemarch Oerson, Despite the suffering to the greater empire, Curgantium
the Hyperboreans declared their own independence and avoided the worst of the devastation as its place at the
rose in rebellion against their Borean masters. They began center of the empire ensured its continued Wisdom
construction on a grand citadel called the Tower of Oerson, (Survival) and support. While great territories of the empire
built to honor their founder, and prepared themselves for starved or froze or sweltered, Curgantium remained the
the assured reprisals from the Imperator of Boros. But when cosmopolitan epicenter of humanity in the world and
the Borean Legions came, the Hyperboreans met them at scarcely noticed these dire developments save for through
the Battle of Hummaemidon near the shores of the Gulf of the news that came from abroad. For five long years during
Akados. There in a twist of fate as the battle turned against this time the great minds and weavers of magic worked
the Hyperboreans, their dwarven allies of the Stoneheart tirelessly to understand and counteract the effects of the
Mountains were abandoned and suffered great slaughter polar shift. Though they were never able to fully determine
whereas the high elves — descended from the remnant of the nature or reason for the change, they believed they had
the wild elves of old — joined the Hyperborean cause and found the means through combining and focusing their
turned the tides to save the day. Boros was forever barred collected magical power to force the planet to shift its axis
from its claims on Akados, the mountain dwarves declared back westward and resume its former spin in the cosmos.
eternal enmity for their faithless human allies, the humans Through elaborate planning and timing, they arranged for
and high elves forged enduring bonds of peace and a great ritual to occur within the Tower of Oerson to save
cooperation, and the Hyperborean Empire was established the empire and the whole of the world.
with Oeric, the grandson of Oerson, as the first Imperator
of Hyperborea.
Unfortunately for these mighty practitioners, something
went awry in their casting. As they wove layer upon layer
Imperator Oeric soon abdicated to his own son Oesson of unimaginable arcane and divine power in their ritual,
so that he could follow a divine vision and establish the some other unexpected expenditure of great power in the
holy city of TircopleLL1-98 in far Libynos, and Imperator vicinity caused a disruption in the ritual and a feedback
Oesson took the Throne of Hyperborea with the Tower loop. The vast powers they had barely harnessed were
of Oerson as the seat of his power. Around the Tower of expended in a great cataclysmic explosion that vaporized
Oerson sprang up Curgantium, First City of Hyperboea the tower and reduced much of the mighty city to rubble.
along the banks of the Great Amrin River. After a long war The fires that spawned from this explosion became the
with the Hundaei of the Great Steppes, there followed an Great Conflagration which swept across the lands of
extended peace known as the Pax Hyperborea. Then almost Akados in a devastating swath that burned for more than
2,500 years after the founding of the empire, a calamitous a year. Ruined Curgantium was abandoned, the surviving
event occurred that shook the very foundations of the remnant of the Hyperborean Court relocated far away to
world: The planetary poles shifted eastward. distant Tircople and made it the capital of the ravaged
empire, and the disparate peoples of the empire from its
many subjugated cultures were left to fend for themselves.
The world’s northern pole now rested in the center of
the continent of Boros, freezing over that ancient land and
causing the loss of knowledge as to its people and its fate The diluted blood of the Hyperborean imperators did
in the south. Likewise, powerful storms and unnatural not last long either, as the Hyperboreans of Tircople fell
weather wracked the land and the seas the rest of the world to corruption and ruin until finally overthrown in the
over. A great deformation of the globe in its far eastern great rebellion led by the hero Daan less than a century
ocean appeared and came to be called The Goitre, and any later, though the legendary Daan fell too in the conflict.
attempts to understand its nature or what it portended The end of the seemingly eternal Hyperborean Empire

had come and left a great void in its former lands — lands simultaneously, the cantref ’s soldiery was on the verge of
now routinely ravaged by famine, disease, and unchecked falling apart and scattering in defeat. Macobert kept his
marauders. In this state the chaotic realms of central Akados forces together, staying one step ahead of the numerous
remained until the rise of a warlord called Macobert from enemies and making small strikes when possible, until
the insignificant domain of FoereLL4-10. one night encamped on a hill overlooking the waters of
the Star Sea the desperate warleader released all of the
men-at-arms from their service to Couraigne. He told
THE MOST WORTHY KNIGHTS OF them to flee and save themselves and their families. The
MACOBERT other commote lords of Couraigne had already fallen to
The half-elf Macobert of the House of Foere ruled his small the attackers so that only Foere remained and Macobert
commote on the eastern shore of the Star Sea and served was the last scion of that ancient line. Then one by one the
as general for the Prince Verand of Cantref Couraigne. men-at-arms foreswore their oaths to lost Couraigne and
Foere was an ancient house, said to have descended from lay their swords at the feet of Macobert as the Prince of a
the Hyperboreans of old, but it was not a rich house, with newly declared Cantref Foere.
only the villages surrounding Macobert’s family hold at the
town of Chantry. However, as a commander Lord Macobert
was peerless. Many compared him to the legendary Daan Word of this new dynasty of old Couraigne rallied many
who had slain the evil Queen Trystecce of Tircople and of the peasant folk and heartened much of the soldiery that
overthrown the corrupt Hyperborean dynasty of old. had been in hiding. Backed by his corps of heavy cavalry,
Macobert’s elven mother told him of the time when Daan Macobert struck the castle of Couraigne, which the most
rode across the Plains of Suilley with his heavy cavalry powerful of the rival princes had occupied. Catching
of knights. These Cataphracts of Daan were his personal them completely unawares, Macobert’s skirmishers were
guard and boon companions and were the brave souls who able to scale the castle walls and open the gates before the
gave their lives to see him through to the very end so that alarm was raised. As the defenders emerged into the bailey
he could throw down the Lich-Queen. they discovered the thunder of dozens of heavy knights
charging through them. The recapture of the castle and
fall of the invading prince rallied the entire cantref and
Macobert studied everything he could of Daan and soon Macobert’s army was moving swiftly across the land,
his battles as he grew up and became an avid student of engaging each of the invading forces separately before they
warfare, which served him well when his father was killed could gather together in force. In each case the charge of
in battle against a rival cantref and he was placed in charge his heavy cavalry carried the day.
of the aging Prince Verand’s small army. In short order,
Macobert’s military expertise completed the process his
father had begun in defeating Cantref Couraigne’s rival, Macobert was ultimately able to defeat each of the rival
and Prince Verand confirmed the son of Bertram as his princes and gathered those who survived together on
warleader. Shortly thereafter Macobert accompanied Prince the streets of his home of Chantry. There he gave them
Verand to the Plains of SuilleyLL4 on a trading trip. There mercy rather than death and offered them their lives in
he witnessed the great destriers of Suilley firsthand and exchange for oaths of nonaggression. So moved were they
convinced his lord to purchase a stallion and a dozen mares. by the lord’s generosity after his exhibitions of valor and
These Macobert brought to his lord’s estate and began to invincibility in battle, that one by one the defeated lords
breed them while training a hand-selected group of Verand’s bent the knee and pledged themselves and their households
men-at-arms in the tactics of heavy cavalry and the chivalric to the House Foere. To these newly sworn brothers he
tradition of Daan’s Cataphracts. He armed and armored gifted coats of plate and mail just as he had his personal
them with the finest weapons and coats of plate and mail retainers, and thus on that wet spring day of 2698 I.R. was
taken from those who had been defeated in their attacks formally organized the Most Worthy Knights of Macobert
on Couraigne. In a few short years, the first of the Suilley- and the beginnings of the fledgling Kingdom of Foere.
bred destriers had been raised and trained as war mounts The kingdom would eventually grow to encompass the
for these heavily armed and armored warriors. They became entirety of the former Hyperborean Empire as the newly
known informally as Macobert’s knights and served as the proclaimed Hyperborean Monarchy of the Foerdewaith,
backbone of Cantref Couraigne’s military forces. with Macobert as its first Overking. This empire would
reign on Akados and Libynos for 515 years and continue its
existence — albeit in a lesser capacity — as the Kingdoms
Five years later, when jealous rival princes poisoned of Foere another three centuries even to the present day.
Prince Verand and his family and attacked Couraigne

Throughout all this time the Most Worthy Knights of ADVENTURE SUMMARY
Macobert have continued to serve Foere in defense, crusade, The party is asked to help in the search for nine knights
justice, and administration, surpassed in reputation by who disappeared while exploring the ruins of the old
none save perhaps the Holy Order of Justicars of Muir imperial capital at Curgantium. The knights were seeking
established in 2744 I.R. by Sagrilaer of Tircople, High Sword evidence of a terrible threat to the entirety of the Kingdoms
of Muir and first High Lord of that orderLL1. However, of Foere that was hinted at in portents and divinations but
the last of that renowned order died in battle in 3209 I.R. lost contact with the wizard who had remained behind
whereas the Most Worthy Knights continue today, albeit as to monitor their mission. Following his information,
more of an inheritable honorific cherished by the families the adventurers find the city overrun by savage monsters
who carry the title. Lost somewhere in the annals of the and, after sunset, shadow and nightmare creatures of all
knighthood was the betrayal perpetrated by the knight descriptions. In addition, when they sleep, their dreams are
Barivoren Wallix, nephew of the vile alienist wizard Eb beset by strange and dangerous intrusions.
Wallix (see The Book in the Old House). But this forgotten
betrayal only serves as a coda to a long list of atrocities
committed by a slumbering evil that has waited centuries The party locates the missing knights’ base camp, but
to once again rear its foul head. it is abandoned and appears to have been thoroughly
ransacked. They also discover one of the knights who
has been transformed into a horrifying undead creature.

Imperial Erylle Huun
Record Cycle Chronicle
(I.R.) (E.C.) (H.C.) Event(s)
–109 6376 Polemarch Oerson leads Hyperborean Legion out of Boros and into Akados;
Beginning of Hyperborean Age
–91 6394 Elves defeated by human and mountain dwarf alliance at Lake Crimmormere
–28 6457 Death of Oerson
–11 6474 Hyperborean Rebellion; Construction begins on Tower of Oerson
–3 6482 Polemarchs Crassin and Odontius march south from Boros
–2 6483 Tower of Oerson completed
1 6485 Battle of Hummaemidon; Birth of Imperial Record
4 6488 Libynos expedition; Khemitites defeated at Battle of Phillistia; Khemit made
vassal kingdom, effectively bringing northern Libynos into Hyperborean Empire
5 6489 Oeric receives vision of Sacred Table, begins construction of Tircople
7 6491 Great Khan Jaganga arises among Hundaei and unites them into Invincible Horde
12 6496 Oesson crowned as imperator; First Huns appear in empire
14 6498 Huns besiege Apothasalos, defeated by Gnassus; Beginning of Hun Wars
678 7162 Hyperborean Legions push into Great Steppes
680 7164 Hundaei settle in Nam-i-Budhani due to Hyperborean pressure
681 7165 Civil war erupts among Hundaei clans
683 7167 Hundaei cease to exist as a people; Survivors flee to Libynos or become the
Shattered Folk of the Great Steppes
687 7171 Beginning of Pax Hyperborea
Planetary Poles Shift
2491 8975 Poles of Boros shift; Goitre emerges forming Tempest Meridians; Ice sheet
begins forming over continent of Boros and World Roof
2496 8980 1 Tower of Oerson destroyed; Wild fires ravage Curgantium and spread across
Akados burning Plains of Suilley and Matagost Forest
2499 8983 4 Imperial Court relocated to Tircople; Western empire abandoned by
Hyperboreans; Chaos descends among survivors
End of Hyperborean Age in the West
2516 9000 21 Hyperboreans withdraw from Akados
2632 9116 137 Last Hyperboreans quietly disappear from Tircople
2654 9138 159 Birth of Macobert of House Foere
2690 9174 195 Knights of Macobert formed, mounted upon destriers bred in eastern Suilley
Rise of the Foerdewaith
2698 9182 203 King Macobert begins uniting Akados as Kingdom of Foere
2744 9228 249 Macobert crowned Overking of the Hyperborean Monarchy of the Foerdewaith

Imperial Erylle Huun
Record Cycle Chronicle
(I.R.) (E.C.) (H.C.) Event(s)
2765 9249 270 Death of Macobert; Son Magnusson succeeds to the throne
2768 9252 273 Overking Magnusson completes imperial capital at Courghais
2840 9324 345 Foerdewaith settlers push through Crynomar Gap
2843 9327 348 Twin royal heirs Kennet and Cale born to Overking Paulus
2858 9342 363 Cale abdicates claim to throne and given port of Reme
2861 9345 366 Cale leads Colonization of Great Steppes
2947 9431 452 Shadow walkers lead humanoid hordes from Lost Mountains; Caleen colonies
destroyed, Prince Cale is lost; Wizard’s Wall raised at Crynomar Gap
3213 9697 718 Foerdewaith Wars of Succession begin
3380 9864 885 Knightly Order of Macobert largely destroyed in Courghais, the few survivors
go into hiding
3517 10,001 1022 Current year

* Excerpted from the Lost Lands Campaign Setting timeline by Frog God Games.

Following clues found in the camp, the party ventures Upon returning to the base camp with this information,
out into the greater ruins following the knights’ trail and they discover that it was attacked by vampires in their
hoping to find whatever secret it was they sought. Beneath absence. All the knights were slain except two: one who
the ruins of the great citadel at the city’s center, the party still survives, though badly wounded, and another who
finds the source of the dreams and shadow horrors: a was taken by the vampires along with the Codex Ibnathi.
powerful nightmare dragon and its hag ally who have Tracking the vampires to their sewer lair, the party must
captured the surviving knights. fight its way through the defenses of the Underguild and
save the captured knight before the Codex Ibnathi can be
used to possess him with an evil, ancestral spirit and bring
Rescuing the surviving knights from these horrors,
a new era of devastation upon the world with the awakening
the PCs learn that the knights have discovered among
of an ancient evil.
the ruins the mysterious and dangerous Codex Ibnathi
and had hidden it in their camp before being overcome
by the dragon. From their research, they had discerned STARTING THE ADVENTURE
that a mothman had visited the city upon the night of its Having won fame over a career of glorious adventure and
destruction a thousand years earlier. They hope that by astounding treasures, the PCs have come to the attention
contacting the mothman’s spirit they can learn what caused of the Knights of Macobert as worthy potential allies. If the
the city’s original destruction and what new threat now party has already participated in the first adventure of the
looms from its haunted ruins. By locating and defeating Aegis of Empires Adventure Path, The Book in the Old House,
the undead remains of the mothman, they party is able to they may have already earned the friendship of the Knight,
learn that on the night of the city’s destruction the foul Sir Urvitus Voren of Tourne. As written, this adventure
opera known as The King in Yellow was being performed, assumes that the PCs did participate in that adventure
which threatened the existence of the entire world if the and that Urvitus survived its events, naming them as
city’s timely destruction had not forestalled it. friends. If this is not the case, you will need to make minor
adjustments accordingly to bring the party into play. It is
possible if the PCs participated in that adventure that Sir

Urvitus did not survive it. If that is the case, assume that Once Navellis has initiated a dialogue with the PCs, he
his wealthy family paid to have him resurrected in the wake requests a meeting as soon as possible at the location of their
of those events and that the knight has gone on to have an choosing. He indicates that he will teleport in to attend the
honorable and successful career. Likewise, if your players meeting and that Urvitus is in great jeopardy so it must be
did not go through The Book in the Old House, assume that accomplished quickly. Navellis is based out of the imperial
they know Urvitus in some other way. This will require capital at CourghaisLL4-11 but has no means of arranging for
only minimal changes to the adventure. a meeting there (unless they are already present in that city)
without being physically present in their location first.
This adventure begins when the party is contacted by a
wizard named Navellis Antriliev (N male human archmage), Once the PCs have agreed to the meeting and the details
a close friend and ally of the Macobertine Order. It does have been arranged, Navellis uses teleport to arrive and
not matter where the PCs are located at the time, because immediately makes his proposal.
the wizard tries to contact them magically. To do so, he
first makes use of a scrying spell against a random PC (DC The man is of indeterminate age, but his close-cropped, steel-
23 Wisdom saving throw). He has only heard of the PCs, gray hair and seamed lines of his face seem to belie the posture
so the PC gains advantage on the saving throw. He has and bearing of quiet strength of a much younger man. He wears
adequate scrolls to attempt this on each PC in hopes that robes of red velvet and a close-fitting skull cap trimmed in gold
one of them will fail his save. If every PC saves, he makes threadwork. He wears a stole bearing mystical symbols and has a
a final attempt with a henchman or acquaintance of the number of pouches and wands hanging at his belt.
PCs’ who is known to frequent their company. Assume “Greetings, I am Navellis Antriliev,” he says. “Thank you for
that this individual fails his save. Once Navellis has agreeing to meet with me on such short notice and under such
successfully scried a PC or henchman, he contacts strange circumstances. I know you by your reputations to
that individual via sending. If the contact is with a be folk of great valor and considerable experience, so I trust
PC, the message is as follows: displays of such magic are not so unsettling to you as they
“Greetings [PC’s name]. I am Navellis, a friend of an old would be to the common peoples.
acquaintance of yours, Sir Urvitus Voren. He is in
“Firstly, let me explain that I am a private citizen of the
danger and bid me contact you.”
Kingdom of Foere and have no official capacity in the
Court of the Courghais or any other institution. I have,
If the contact was with a cohort, however, long been a friend of the Knights of Macobert,
follower, or other NPC, the message will and we have mutually assisted each other on certain
instead be: endeavors on many occasions in the past. So great is my
acquaintance with the Knights that I have heard
“I am Navellis and seek to contact [PC’s Sir Urvitus of Tourne — whom I believe you
name] on behalf of Sir Urvitus Voren. know — speak highly of you on several
Please convey this and ask to allow my occasions. It is because of this trust that Sir
scrying to succeed.” Urvitus has in you and the confidence he
displayed in your abilities that I endeavored
If the PC purposely fails the to learn more about you. In the last few days, I
subsequent Wisdom saving throw have learned much of your past exploits, and I
versus the scrying, Navellis makes contact have no doubt that I have barely scratched the
via the sending as described above. If not, surface of your heroics.
Navellis agrees to use the henchman as a “It is for this reason that I chose to contact
go-between, but it is not his preference. you. You may be the individuals most capable
He has a fully charged wand of sending (as of dealing with the situation that has arisen.
a wand of enemy detectionSRD, but the wielder Members of the Macobertine Order are in
can spend 1 charge to cast sending), so he great danger — Sir Urvitus included — and
can manage a prolonged conversation. As a I believe that you may be the only ones who
show of good faith, Navellis allows the PCs can save the situation. Will you hear me out?”
to make their own scrying attempts on
him is they choose. Assuming the PCs agree to this, Navellis
will fill them in on the current situation.

“You are familiar, I’m sure, with the decline and fall of the great “Throughout all this time the Most Worthy Knights of Macobert
Hyperborean Empire of old. At the zenith of its power, a mighty have persevered and attempted to preserve not only the dignity
catastrophe shook the world and caused the poles to shift by some of Foere but also to champion the causes of the late Overking
15 degrees. This wrought damaging changes in the weather, a Macobert and his goals of protecting the weak, wherever they be.
freezing over of the old continent of Boros, chaos throughout the And it is this ongoing cause that leads us to where we are today.
lands, and a whole host of dire portents and omens. Imperator
Obraskius, himself a magical practitioner of some reputation, “Though the Macobertine Order has in many ways become
summoned the greatest arcanists and priests from across the a gentrified club of aristocratic scholars and merchant lords
empire to the Tower of Oerson in Curgantium to determine the of ancient noble title, its core principles of preservation and
cause of this shift and find some means to reverse it. For five years benevolence nonetheless still hold true. Few are the adventurous
those brilliant minds worked at the problem until they arrived at spirits of old, but natural and supernatural laws as well as the
a powerful ritual that they believed could move the world back to curation of economic and mercantile stability have done much
its natural axis and undo the damage that had been caused. The to benefit the peoples of Foere in their daily lives. Yet stodgy old
Imperator himself would lead this ritual. However, something men and women smoking pipes in private clubs over discussions
went terribly wrong and the Tower of Oerson as well as much of of politics are not all that remains of the Order. The Order still
the imperial capital were devastated in a catastrophic explosion. seeks to identify and thwart threats to the Kingdoms of Foere
Fires swept out of control and across much of the lands of central before they arise. To this end, many of the knights devote their
Akados for over a year, killing untold thousands and sentencing fortunes to employing powerful practitioners of the magical arts to
tens of thousands more to a slow death by starvation and exposure take on this task, and no few members of the Order have devoted
in the years thereafter. themselves to this study themselves, commanding considerable
magical skill themselves. It is through these auspices that I have
“It was after this event that the imperial line of Oerson appeared become acquainted with the Knights of Macobert and count many
to stagnate or dilute. The new Imperator moved the Hyperborean among their number as personal friends.
capital to distant Tircople where it slowly sank into decadence
and depravity while the rest of the empire was left to wallow in “Though I was not personally involved in these particular
the aftermath of the destruction. Less than a century-and-a-half matters, one knight, Sir Nimulus Cantarthy of Courghais,
later, the great Daan led his army east in revolt and discovered stumbled across some curious omens and began studying them
that the Imperatrix Trystecce was a vile undead lich and had been through research and divination. Assisted by another knight, Lady
corrupting the empire from within for many years. Daan liberated Elgierbid Palitroix of Cantelburgh, Sir Nimulus came to believe
the empire from her foul rule, but there was no one left to take the that some dire fate awaited the Kingdoms of Foere in the not-too-
reins in the ensuing void, and soon the last of the Hyperboreans distant future. This ambiguous threat, he learned, would rival the
were gone. The greatest empire the world had ever known was destruction caused by the catastrophe at the Tower of Oerson in
dead after little more than 2,500 years. And it was almost another 2496 and would — like that devastation of a millennium ago —
century of violence before the blessed Macobert was able to wrest also arise from the area of the city of Curgantium.
order from the chaos and lay the foundations for the new empire
“Unlike a thousand years ago when it was the vibrant capital
of Foere.
of the empire, Old Curgantium, as it is now frequently known,
“Of course, after 800 years the empire of the Foerdewaith has is little more than an ill-rumored and fiend-haunted ruin in the
seen its own decline, especially beginning 300 years ago with the wilds on the border between the County of Coutaine and Aachen
Wars of Succession following that debacle of a crusade against Province where the Imperial Peaks of Mons Terminus meet the
the Temple-City of Tsar under Overking GraeltorST-10 and shores of the Great Amrin River. None go to the ruins except
the subsequent loss of the entire Army of Light in the Forest of perhaps the vile or the mad, and foul things are rumored to lurk
HopeRA-6. But even after all the years of civil strife and wars among the ruins. Even the river traffic of the Great Amrin gives
of independence that followed, a peace of sorts has settled again the city’s stone wharves a wide berth as they pilot its broad flow.
upon Akados. The Court of Courghais has loosed its grip on many However, despite its seclusion, the ruins of Old Curgantium do lie
of the surrounding lands creating a patchwork of separate-but- upon one of the most heavily trafficked waterways that connects
largely-united nations, and the Kingdoms of Foere still stand at the central Kingdoms of Foere to its outlying provinces and even
their heart providing a bulwark against the threats of evils both at the sea. Likewise, Vermis, the capital of Aachen Province lies
home and from distant lands such as the Huun ImperiumLL8-17. barely 100 miles from the ruins, and upstream lie Châlaix, the
Whether everyone likes it or not, Foere is good for Akados and capital at Courghais, and the many great cities of the Star Sea.
serves to stabilize the entire region so that the smallfolk can live So you can see why a threat of even a fraction of the Tower of
in peace and prosper. Oerson’s destruction arising from those same ruins could be of
great devastation to Foere and the surrounding lands.

“To this end, Sir Nimulus and Lady Elgierbid put together an Why doesn’t the government send an army or its own
expedition of some of the more adventurous and capable Knights rescue mission? “As you are likely aware, the Knights of
of Macobert of their acquaintance. This group included your own Macobert have fallen upon some disfavor over the recent
compatriot Sir Urvitus. They took ship downriver to a point some centuries. While they enjoy something of a resurgence of
few miles south of the ruins and set up a checkpoint from which their reputation among the populace in the current day,
they began keeping in magical contact with me to monitor their old prejudices and suspicions die hard. Not every element
progress and provide additional assistance should they require it. within the capital is friendly to the Order, and some are
They then moved into the ruins of the city to investigate the nature outright hostile. As such, the knighthood has had to
of this prophetic doom and remove it if possible. Within the ruins remain at some distance from the official government in
they had some initial success in exploring the city and managed to the Court of Courghais. In this instance the Royal Court
establish a safe base camp. They described many threats existing has not formally authorized this mission, nor were its
in the city but were able to manage these well enough and continue particulars routed through official channels for fear that
about their mission. Then, five days ago, I stopped receiving their there might be politicians or hangers-on there that could
reports. Their base camp is magically shielded from detection and undermine the endeavor or even prove to ultimately be
scrying, so I have been unable to determine what has occurred and a part of the divined pending threat. Because of this no
likewise have been unable to detect any of the individual knights formal military action can be taken — if such is even
on the mission to determine if they are dead or alive or what their necessary — and no authorized action will be taken by the
current situation might be. Royal Court at all in this matter. The Knights of Macobert
will advise Courghais of the nature of the threat when it
“So that is why I have approached you. I am putting together is discovered but not before.”
a rescue mission. I need capable individuals such as yourselves
to enter Old Curgantium, locate the missing knights, and render
them aid if necessary or carry out their original mission if they are Why don’t you go look for them?/Will you be joining us in
no longer capable of doing so. I expect the dangers present to be Curgantium? “While I am allied with the Order, I am not
extreme and could ask no one less worthy than yourselves, but I a member. And though I command considerable magical
can promise you reward commensurate with the difficulties faced. skill, it is a talent I have acquired through diligent study and
What say you? Can your comrade Sir Urvitus and the Knights of contemplation. I am not what you’d call an “adventuring”
Macobert — nay, all of Foere — count on your assistance in this wizard and would be ill-suited in the field. So I will not be
hour of need?” making the trip myself.”

Navellis expects questions and answers them to the best What kind of aid can we expect? “I am very familiar with
of his ability. Attempts to use Wisdom (Insight), discern the expedition’s checkpoint outside the ruins and will be
lies, or similar abilities reveals he is telling the truth, able to transport you all there magically. I can provide
though if he notices PCs attempting to cast spells on him you with directions to the location of the base camp in
without first asking permission, he becomes perturbed and the ruins and give you some information about what
demands explanations and apologies. dangers lie within the ruins themselves. Likewise, as with
the missing knights, I will maintain magical contact with
you to provide whatever aid or information I can. This can
Some of the questions the PC’ might ask and Navellis’s only occur while you are outside the base camp because of
answers are as follows: the magical shielding it bears, but as far as I know I will
be able to reach you anywhere else within the city. When
Why don’t the Knights of Macobert just send in another you have completed your mission, I can meet you back at
team of knights to check on their fellows? “If they could, I’m the checkpoint and arrange for your transportation back
sure they would. Alas, most of the other knights currently home.”
available are more of the retired-old-men or honorific-
titleholder types completely unsuitable for a mission of this Who were the knights on the original expedition? “There are
complexity and potential danger. I’m afraid Sir Nimulus nine in total. The team was organized, as I mentioned, by
gathered up most of the available knights who were at Sir Nimulus Cantarthy of Courghais a half-elven wizard and
all suitable for this endeavor. A great many of the more loremaster of great renown. Sharing duties in leading the
military-oriented knights disappeared along with King team with him is Lady Elgierbid Palitroix of Cantelburgh,
Ovar’s army chasing the Huun north into the Irkainian a master of the arts of both magical and martial combat.
Desert in 3515 I.RLL8-22. So unfortunately, ‘the cupboard is Perhaps most famous of the team members is Sir Aix de
bare’ as they say.” Flomme of Troye, a celestial-blooded paladin of Mitra,

along with his capable squire Barionor. The knights Eregor
Dantalus of Apothasalos and Ernst Braanak of Vermis are
also both warriors of considerable reputation. Perhaps of THE MISSING KNIGHTS OF MACOBERT
less reputation abroad but nonetheless capable knights in Navellis Antriliev provides the party with a general
their own rights are Sir Urvitus Voren of Tourne — whom description of the missing knights, however, greater
you know well, I believe — and Sir Frankus Delerron of information on these individuals is provided here for
Sion. And to complement the abundance of sword arms your ease of reference. Additional information on some
among the team is Sir Frankus’s sister, Lady Margaret of these knights can be found within the adventure itself
Delerron of Sion, a high-ranking follower of the deity at the appropriate areas.
Quell. I will provide you with a list including descriptions
to assist you.”
Sir Nimulus Cantarthy of CourghaisLL4a (N male half-elf
How do we find the base camp? “The base camp is within Sir Aix de FlommeST of TroyeLL5a (LG male aasimar knight
the intact basement level of an imperial treasury building of MitraLL5b)
at the very edge of the major destruction near the city’s
center. I will provide you with directions as they were given BarionorST of TroyeLL5a, squire of Sir Aix (LN male
to me by the members of the team. Because of the nature of human [ErskaelosiLL4b] gladiator)
its original purpose it still bore ancient magical protections Sir Eregor Dantalus of ApothasalosLL3 (LN male human
which the knights were able to exploit in order to protect knight)
their own position. This is the reason scrying and such Sir Elgierbid Palitroix of Cantelburgh (NG male human
can’t be used to penetrate its defenses. The knights also eldritch knight)
established their own magical defenses for which I will Sir Ernst Braanak of VermisLL5c (LN male human
provide you the passwords so they can be safely bypassed.” veteran)
Sir Urvitus Voren of Tourne (NG male human fighters;
What can you tell us about the ruins of Old Curgantium? “The see page 521)
knights identified six rough districts for the ruins of the city: Sir Frankus Delerron of Sion (LG male knight)
The outskirts which are haunted by gigantic vermin and
the undead remains of some of the city’s original survivors Sir Gareth Delerron of Sion (LG male human cleric of
who later fell to the famine and pestilence that followed the QuellFBRC)
destruction, the general city ruins themselves which seem to
be prowled by some forms of undead, especially after dark,
an area they called the ‘tribal territory’ where strange and
twisted giants have carved out their own domains among the items of great power or value as well as sums of wealth in
ruins, the swamp district which was the city’s reservoir and gold, gems, and platinum are available to the knighthood.
is now a flooded and marshy area infested with verminous When the veracity of your report has been verified and your
creatures suited for such terrain, the riverfront which is actions deemed suitable by the Order’s treasurer, you will
apparently the most intact portion of the ruins but which each be given your pick of treasures valued at up to 60,000
they did not get a chance to explore much, and the blast zone sovereigns* apiece. Likewise, if your actions merit such
at the city’s center where the Tower of Oerson once stood recognition, for those of you of Foerdewaith birth, there
and is now little more than a crater of rubble. They said that could be the opportunity for the granting of title by the Order.
after dark, this area comes alive with spirits of fire and pain. For those of non-native blood, additional considerations of
Unfortunately, they did not provide me with any kind of an equal value could likewise be considered. Plus, making
map or more specific information, so I’m afraid you’ll have connections among the wealthy and powerful of Foere is not
to rely on your own exploration to learn more.” an altogether bad thing in and of itself.”

What kind of reward are you offering? “If you will travel to Navellis answers other questions to the best of his ability
Old Curgantium to discover the fate of the missing knights but has little additional information to give. He will not
and provide what aid you can, I have been authorized to bargain for a greater reward, since he does not have the
open the vaults of the some of the Order’s treasures. Many authorization to, and will show great distaste towards PCs
that attempt to do so.

* The unit of currency for gold pieces in Foere.

ADVENTURE TIMELINE checkpoint outside the ruins along the banks of the Great
Following is the time frame and order of events that occur Amrin (area A). He will maintain contact with the PCs by
leading up to the PCs’ involvement in the adventure. means of a sending spell each day. The PCs can designate
the time of day they want him to use the sending and which
PC he should target. His initial message will be simply
Time Occurrences to ask for a status update, and the PC may use the 25-
17 days Knights of Macobert arrive by river at word response to fill him in or ask for some assistance.
ago Curgantium (area A), begin magical He will have three sending spells prepared each day if the
communication with Navellis Antriliev conversation needs to be extended. If the targeted PC is
in the base camp or is otherwise blocked from scrying or
16 days Knights enter city and establish base camp
magical contact, Navellis will be unable to reach them. If
ago at area B, begin to be assailed by nightmare
this occurs two days in a row, the wizard will attempt to
target a different PC with his sending to find out what is
14 days Knights survey city for possible locations of going on.
ago the Lost Library
11 days Knights locate and explore Lost Library (area
Before they go, Navellis gives the PCs directions on how to
ago C), recover Codex Ibnathi
locate the knights’ base camp (area B) near the city’s center
8 days Knights make night foray to theater (area F), as well as a list of defenses and the passwords to bypass
ago Lady Elgierbid lost, Sir Eregor’s soul captured them. The list of passwords also includes a list of the nine
by Abruxes missing knights and their descriptions (see Handout 6A,
7 days Knights determine source of dream haunting see page 133).
ago is beneath Tower of Oerson and plan
expedition, Sir Nimulus hides Codex Ibnathi During the course of the adventure, Navellis will not
6 days Knights leave Malcolm behind to watch Sir have any particular news to deliver to the PCs, but he can
ago Eregor and infiltrate giant camp (area D) to be used as a resource when in contact with the PCs. He has
enter sewers (area E), Sir Ernst lost a +12 bonus in Intelligence (Arcana), Intelligence (History),
5 days Knights enter sublevel of Tower of Oerson and Intelligence (Nature) and will make use of these for
ago (area G) and defeated by the Mindwyrm, Sir the PCs if asked. He is also capable of providing any
Nimulus and Sir Aix eaten, Navellis Antriliev minor items or equipment that the PCs might need that
loses contact with knights they don’t have on hand within 1d4 hours as he procures
it. To do this, he uses teleport to arrive at their location to
2 days Sir Ernst returns to base camp, imprisons
deliver it before teleporting out again immediately. Again,
ago Malcolm, and murders Sir Eregor, takes
he can’t do this while they are in the base camp and won’t
recovered books but can’t find Codex Ibnathi
do it during battle. It is up to your discretion as to what
1 day Caulborn searches abandoned camp kinds of items he can bring, but assume he has access to
ago any mundane equipment and minor magic items and will
Day 1 Navellis Antriliev attempts to contact PCs to readily deliver it as long as the PCs aren’t abusing this
find missing knights resource. Ultimately, by 15th level the PCs should already
have most of the resources they need for an adventure
of this sort. He will not participate in battle under any

CHAPTER ONE: circumstances.

THE RUINS OF Additionally, if the PCs suffer casualties and would like
to have the body removed back to civilization, they can
arrange for him to meet them at the checkpoint where
CURGANTIUM he creates a new teleportation circle to bring it back to
Courghais. He can even do this if they wish to have a slain
comrade resurrected, though the costs associated with the
Assuming the party has agreed to undertake the mission
resurrection must be borne by the party. Once this occurs, he
for Navellis, he will provide them the means to reach
returns with the resurrected party member in 1d2+1 days.
Curgantium by creating a teleportation circle. He sets the
destination of the teleportation circle to the knights’ final

Finally, when the PCs have completed their mission, they The gentle susurrus of the nearby river and the chanting dirge of
can once again meet him at the checkpoint where he creates the cicadas and tree frogs are the only sounds that break the silence
a teleportation circle to take the PCs back to Courghais or in this peaceful glade. To the east a sandy slope descends to the
whatever other location they choose after concluding their edge of the wide brown waters of the Great Amrin, near a great
agreement with him and the Knights of Macobert. snarl of driftwood piled 15 feet high upon the bank from some past
flood. The far shore of the river is almost lost in the river mists
nearly a mile away. The far side of the river is a rolling plain, but
A. THE CHECKPOINT on this side the trunks and undergrowth of a moderately sized
This checkpoint is where Navellis directs his original forest reach nearly down to the water. You know that the ruins
teleportation circle to transport the party to the vicinity of of the city you seek lie not far to the north, but their presence is
Curgantium. It is the location where the knights’ expedition completely masked by the verdant greenery. Faintly visible over
made landfall just upriver from the ruined city. the treetops to the north are the purpled summits of the Imperial
Peaks, the southernmost arm of the Mons Terminus mountain

range upon whose lower slopes the ancient imperial capital was Margaret Delleron who will expect its return if she
constructed thousands of years ago. There is a watchfulness in this survives the adventure. She will not mind, however,
place that stands in stark contrast to your peaceful surroundings.
if the potion cache inside it is used during the
course of the adventure. The iron spike of safe
This is the location where the riverboat carrying the passage belongs to Sir Frankus Delleron who will
knights made landfall over 2 weeks ago. Anyone making
likewise want it returned if he survives.
a DC 24 Wisdom (Survival) check can barely make out the
signs of a river vessel being beached near the driftwood
snarl and of a large party camping here for a short time DESCRIPTION
before heading north into the woods. Anyone making a This long, flat-bottomed ship has a few oars to
DC 29 on the check notices the presence of the strange
tracks of a Large creature whose footprints appear to be a
supplement its single mast with a square sail. It
cross between that of a great cat and a giant lizard. Anyone can make both sea and river voyages. The draft
making a DC 22 Intelligence (Arcana) check can identify is shallow enough that the boat can be dragged
them as the tracks of a dragonne, while a DC 20 Intelligence ashore, and the mast can be unstepped for storage.
(History) check recalls that Sir Eregor is known to keep as The keelboat can carry 33 tons of cargo or 65
dragonne as a cohort. Navellis can likewise provide this
information if asked (and it is available on Handout 6A,
page 133). SPECIAL
A wind fanSRD can be found in a desk inside the
Anyone who interacts with the pile of driftwood and single cabin with a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
makes a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw discovers that it is check. A hidden compartment (Perception DC
actually an illusion that hides a small keelboat that has 24) beneath one of the cabin’s two bunks holds 2
been pulled ashore. This 30-foot-long vessel has its mast
unstepped and stored on the deck. Its bow bears the name
potions of superior healing, 2 potions of resistance
River Wraith. Driven into the sand next to the boat’s keel is (poison), and 2 potions of water breathing.
an iron spike of safe passage (see Appendix A, page 123).
THE RIVER WRAITH The lands surrounding the ruins of Curgantium are wild and
This keelboat was the knights’ overgrown. Of the mighty civilization that once flourished here
means of traveling here there is little sign, save for a few worn and weed-choked roads
and was stored and hidden and the occasional remains of stone houses, now fallen into ruin
and given over to the vines and grasses of a thousand years. The
at the river’s edge for their terrain is light forest and grasslands but even these are thin and
use upon their return sickly, as if the disaster that struck here a millennium ago has
to the checkpoint. poisoned the ground and still casts a long and evil shadow over
The boat belongs the region.
to Lady
PCs who search for tracks can find traces of the knights’
trail into the thinly forested terrain from 16 days ago
and follow it to the city with a DC 23 Wisdom (Survival)
check. The trail leads through the outskirts and into
city ruins (see below), but once it reaches the city
ruins it becomes impossible to follow among
the rubble and overgrowth. However, Navellis
provides the PCs with directions to find the
base camp located in the city ruins as well as
instructions on how to safely enter it. See area
B for further details. Traveling to the city requires

crossing through 3 miles of the forested outskirts, which OUTSKIRTS
takes 2–3 hours (twice that if moving half speed while This area covers a roughly 3-mile-wide band running
tracking). The knights’ trail enters the city ruins from the around the ruined city on the west shore of the river. Once
southwest corner, approximately 2-3/4 miles from the base home to the farms and villages that supported the great city
camp. Following Navellis’s directions from there requires and crisscrossed with well-maintained roads, the outskirts
an additional 2–3 hours. are now overgrown and wild. The roads are barely visible
after a millennium of neglect, and the woods are haunted by
It is important to keep track of the time of day as the huge predatory spiders and scorpions. In several places are
PCs travel to and through the ruins of Old Curgantium, as the remains of mass graves where those who were fortunate
nightfall and the position of the moons are important in enough to survive the initial blast and fires slowly starved to
determining what sorts of encounters occur as explained death on the seared and barren landscape. There is no good
below. Though the party members may feel a growing reason to linger in the outskirts, though PCs may have to
sense of unease as the day fades into afternoon and finally traverse on multiple occasions if they travel back and forth
evening, they will not know for sure what is going to happen. between the check point at A. Little description is needed
If they have not reached the base camp by nightfall, they for the outskirts save to emphasize the desolate nature of
will have to face the horrors of the nights in Curgantium. the region and show the antiquity of the few ruins here.
This wooded area and its undergrowth grants a +1 bonus
on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for creatures in it.
Random encounters within Curgantium are determined Encounters marked with an asterisk (*) can be met only
by district during the day and by whether they occur before once; if rolled again, treat as no encounter. Those marked
or after moonset at night. The GM should roll d% to check with an A indicate a new monster described more fully in
for encounters twice per day and consult the individual Appendix A.
encounter tables provided for each district for the results
of the checks. At night, different encounter tables are used;
see When Darkness Falls below for these results. Table 1-1: Outskirts Random Encounters: Day
D12 Encounter
THE DISTRICTS OF OLD 1 2d6 spider swarms
CURGANTIUM 2 1d8 giant spiders
Once the capital of a proud empire, Curgantium now 3 4d6 stirges
lies shunned and broken beneath a pitiless sky. Though 4 2d6 harpies
the Hyperboreans who once lived here perished long 5 2d6 giant scorpions
ago, Curgantium is not abandoned — far from it. By day,
monstrous creatures stalk the ruins; by night, horrors from 6 1d3 ropers
the Plane of Shadows emerge, and even the boldest or most 7-12 No encounter
foolhardy of adventurers is well advised to seek shelter.
The city is roughly divided into six districts. Most were The bulk of the old city is occupied by seemingly endless
initially shattered by the explosion of the Tower of Oerson, acres of fallen buildings, rubble-choked streets, overgrown
then reduced to rubble by the weather and the passage of parks, dry canals, once-luxurious homes, and the skeletal
centuries. Some signs of the city’s old grandeur remain remains of stately imperial buildings. Broken statuary is
in the form of partly sheltered walls and semi-collapsed sprinkled liberally throughout the ruins, providing ample
structures that still bear elaborate ancient carvings of camouflage for the many gargoyles who call the city home.
kings and queens, warriors and priests, dragons, griffons, Most of the ruins consist of crumbled walls and piles of
and other exotic creatures. Some still retain remnants of rubble, with only a small portion of the buildings bearing
colorful decorations and a few battered frescoes portraying any semblance of being intact. However, in a city that once
the people of the city. More disturbing remains can be seen housed over a million souls, even a small portion leaves
as well — sharp eyes can discern the scorched outlines of hundreds of partially intact ruins. These are not identified
human figures on walls that faced the center of the city — or mapped out specifically except at encounter areas
all that is left of the unfortunates who were incinerated on designated on the map, but you can assume that many
that last, terrible night. serve as lairs or at least temporary shelters for the various
creatures that stalk the ruins.

Throughout the city this area is considered difficult on the western banks anywhere close to the city only under
terrain due to the shifting rubble and weed- and vine- the direst of circumstances and will be anxious to leave as
choked thoroughfares. In addition, any specific area also has quickly as possible, even though the stone quays remain in
a 2 in 6 chance of being choked with light rubble causing a remarkably good repair. And under no circumstances will
-1 penalty on all Dexterity checks and saving throws (40%), they pass by the city after dark, always laying over on the
dense rubble that acts as light rubble and as difficult terrain eastern shore well before reaching the city’s farthest extent
(20%), occupied by a pit 1d3 x 10 feet deep (DC 15 Wisdom if the timing of trip makes a day passage questionable.
(Perception) check to notice, DC 15 Dexterity saving throw Rumors speak of the waters of the river near the city’s
to avoid falling in if not noticed) from the collapse of a wharves running red as blood or black as ink at times with
basement or sewer channel (20%) in addition to the effects all sorts of wild tales as to the source. So far no one has
of the difficult terrain, or are relatively clear of debris and dared to venture near to make such a determination.
obstacles (20%) and not considered difficult terrain. During
the day, the cries and calls or birds and various other
The city’s riverfront lies along a low granite rise that
creatures echo through the ruined streets, but at night these
follows the curve of the river and creates a mound that largely
all cease to be replaced with a sense of impending dread.
blocks the view of the city from the river and vice versa. In
Curgantium’s heyday, the great Tower of Oerson peered
Table 1-2: City Ruins Random Encounters: Day above this ridgeline as did some of the larger structures
d% Encounter and fortifications, but today none of the city’s ruins rise
above this green-choked barrier to sight. The rise is gradual,
1 3d8 ogre zombies
never topping more than 100 feet above the surrounding
2 3d6 venomous snake swarms land and was covered in the winding streets and teeming
3 1d6 behirs close quarters of the riverfront district, so it poses no real
4 3d8 gargoyles navigation hazard, but it did spare the riverfront the worst of
the blast and resulting fire that so devastated the rest of the
5 3d8 four-armed gargoylesA city. As such, there are more intact buildings in the district
6 3d8 green guardian gargoylesA than in any other, though they are typically overgrown with
7 3d8 margoylesC the vines and undergrowth of the hillside, and more than
one four-walled structure has a mighty tree or trees growing
8 4d6 will-o’-wisps
through where the roof would have been.
9 *2d8 hounds of TindalosA
10 2d4 spirit nagas
The riverfront’s considered light undergrowth with any
11–20 No encounter given area also being difficult terrain due to the crumbling
structures and is a gradual slope, so creatures moving along
RIVERFRONT it take a -1 penalty on Dexterity checks and saving throws.
Along the eastern edge of the city, the crumbling remains of The encounters on the Riverfront Random Encounters table
the old imperial docks and quays still reach out into the waters below are considered to occur primarily while within a short
of the Great Amrin River, the life-giving artery connecting the distance of the water itself. For encounters farther from
heart of the Kingdoms of Foere at the Star Sea to the Sinnar the water’s edge where the rolled encounter wouldn’t make
Ocean through the Amrin EstuaryLL5-33 far to the east. The sense, use the City Ruins Random Encounters table above.
Great Amrin River makes a wide, languorous eastward turn in
its course here, away from the Imperial Peaks to the north and
towards Vermis and Aachen Province, and as a result this is its Table 1-3: Riverfront Random Encounters: Day
widest point west of Great BridgeLL5-26 where it is joined by the D12 Encounter
Stoneheart and Graywash Rivers. At nearly a mile wide, the far 1 2d8 quipper swarms
shore is frequently lost to sight from the mists that rise of the
2 1d6 giant garsA
waters in the morning and evenings.
3 3d8 giant water beetlesA
4 4d6 giant crayfishC
The boatmen of the Amrin are thankful for the widening
of the stream here, as they all steer to the eastern courses of 5 3d6 river drakes (see below)
the current when passing the ruins of the city, muttering 6 2d6 greater scrags
prayers and making signs against bad luck as they pass by.
7-12 No encounter
In fact, the river men of the Great Amrin will make landfall

RIVER DRAKE or a deep bog that imposes disadvantage on Dexterity
checks and saving throws (15%) instead. The water here
Statistics as a wyvern except as noted below. is not potable, and anyone drinking it or immersed in it
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft., swim 40 ft. must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or contract
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5 naegleriasis, infection by a microorganism that travels
through the cribriform plate of the nasal cavity and invades
the brain (see sidebar).
Amphibious. The river drake can breathe air and
Table 1-4: Swamp District Random Encounters: Day
Once the city reservoir tucked against the base of the eastern 1 3d6 giant leeches
rise of the riverfront, this region became choked with
2 1d6 chuuls
rubble, ash, and toxic silt following the city’s devastation
until it is now little more than a fetid, unwholesome 3 1d4 shambling mounds
swamp. Avoided by most of the city’s denizens, the swamp 4 1d6+6 swamp mummies
district is full of hostile vermin and beasts and is rumored 5 3d4 araneasA
to be home to some more intelligent and cunning creatures
as well. Most of the district is marshy terrain with heavy 6 2d6 giant crocodiles
undergrowth, making it difficult terrain, though any given 7 3d8 giant frogs
area has a chance of being a shallow bog that imposes a 8 1d4 hydras
-1 penalty on Dexterity checks and saving throws (20%)

9 1d3 giant flytrapsA
10 1d3 viper vinesA
11 1d3 catoblepas A

12 *Adult black dragon This ingested disease requires a DC 20 Constitution

13 1d6 black puddings Saving throw to resist infection. It takes 1d6 days for the
disease to fully affect the target. Once this incubation
14 *Aranea outing (see below)
period passes, the target gains one level of exhaustion
15-20 No encounter and its maximum hit points are reduced by 14 (4d6). This
exhaustion and these hit points cannot be cured until
the disease ends or is cured. The character can attempt
SWAMP MUMMY a new saving throw each time they complete a long rest.
Statistics as a mummy except as noted below. On a successful saving throw, the creature’s maximum
hit points are reduced by 7 (2d6) but they do not gain an
Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft. additional level of exhaustion, and then the disease ends.
Skills Stealth +3 Lesser restoration does not cure the disease but does
Damage Resistances fire grant the target advantage on its next saving throw
to recover. Heal or greater restoration ends the disease
Swamp Stalker. A swamp mummy has advantage immediately.
on Stealth checks in marsh terrain. Note: Though this organism enters the brain through
the cribriform plate of the nose, it is not inhaled. It is in
Aranea Outing: This group of araneas is scouting the water and swims through the victims’ membrane when
area looking for food sources or other interesting prey. they are submerged.
It consists of 2d4 araneas (see Appendix C, page 136)
accompanied by an equal number of charmed wereboarsSRD.
Upon sighting the party, the araneas send in the wereboars
to try and subdue the PCs while they clamber among the
trees using sleep, charm person, and their webs to assist. They 3 1d4 green hags
try to avoid combat with invisibility, but if targeted with 4 3d8 aberrant hill giants
spells or attacks will make use of mirror image and mage
5 1d3+1 ash giantsC
armor while defending themselves. If the wereboars are all
killed, any surviving araneas flee. 6 1d6 black puddings
7 *Escaped slaves
TRIBAL TERRITORY 8 Foraging party
This section of the city is mechanically identical to the city 9-12 No encounter
ruins above as far as movement and terrain goes. However,
it is distinct in that what in ruined Curgantium passes
for civilization is limited to this region. Here a tribe of
deformed aberrant giants scrounge among the ruins for Escaped Slaves: A group of 2d4 wayang slaves is
treasure and food. Ogres and hags of various descriptions encountered fleeing from their aberrant giant masters.
also call this dismal wreckage home, scraping out a bare These cousins of the deep gnomes have been enslaved
living while doing the bidding of the giants. Leadership is by the ash giants and their kin. While unarmed, they
in the hands of a group of ash giants who have lived among are suspicious of strangers and unfriendly, fleeing
the scorched ruins for generations. if threatened. If befriended with magic, Charisma
(Persuasion) checks, or simple roleplaying, they can
provide the party general information about the
Table 1-5: Tribal Territory Random Encounters: Day city, including about the shadow creatures and the
D12 Encounter Nightscream (see below). If their attitude is improved to
helpful, they can provide specific information about the
1 3d8 wererats giant encampment (area D) and some information about
2 3d8 giant fliesC the missing knights (see area D5).

The hill giants of Old Curgantium are tainted by the efflux of entropic magical energies and alien materials in and
around the devastated city. The mutations grant them a variety of unusual abilities.
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Deformities. Aberrant giants possess an assortment of hideous deformities unique to each individual creature.
When determining the deformities of a typical aberrant giant, roll randomly or choose 1d4–1 deformities from
the Aberrant Giant Deformities table. If two deformities are contradictory, reroll or select another. Bonuses
gained from different deformities are cumulative. In addition to other effects of their deformities, aberrant
giants have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and disadvantage on all other Charisma checks.
If a deformity grants a bonus attack. Unless otherwise noted, these attacks can be made as a bonus action,
+8 to hit, reach 10 feet, one target, dealing damage as noted below.
Oversized Weapons. The twisted bodies of aberrant giants allow them to wield larger weapons than normal.
Increase the damage dice for melee weapon attacks by one size; a typical aberrant hill giant’s greatclub per the
SRD thus deals 21 (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Slow and Steady. Aberrant giants typically walk with a halting but implacable gait. Their speed is reduced to 20
feet, but it is not reduced by difficult terrain or exhaustion.

d20 Deformity Effect

1 Toughened hide +1 bonus to AC
2 Extra arm Gain a fist bonus attack dealing 15 (3d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
3 Additional eyes Advantage on vision-based Wisdom (Perception) checks.
4 Unusually As a reaction when a melee attack against the giant would have advantage, the giant can
located eyes negate that advantage.
5 Hunched back Advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to avoid being shoved.
6 Strangely Once per day when an attack against the giant would be a critical hit, as a reaction it can
deformed head reduce the effect to a normal hit.
7 Oversized ears Advantage on hearing-based Wisdom (Perception) checks.
8 Oversized nose Advantage on scent-based Wisdom (Perception) checks.
9 Huge feet or The giant can move up to its speed and make up to three Strength (Athletics) checks to
short legs Shove creatures in its path or adjacent to it, dealing 9 (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage to
each creature it successfully Shoves.


Statistics as a deep gnome except as noted below. Light and Dark (1/Day). When a wayang would
Innate Spellcasting. The wayang’s innate take necrotic damage, it can use this reaction to
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save instead be healed a number of hit points equal
DC 11). It can innately cast the following spells, to the necrotic damage it would have taken (up
requiring no material components. to its maximum hit points). Once triggered, this
1/Day each: minor illusion (sounds only), pass effect lasts for 1 minute or until the wayang uses
without trace a bonus action to end it. While active, the wayang
gains damage vulnerability to radiant damage.


d20 Deformity Effect

10 Elongated nails or When using Multiattack, can make two claw attacks, dealing 15 (3d6 + 5) slashing
claws damage. If both claws hit, the target takes an additional 15 (3d6) slashing damage.
11 Fangs or large Gain a bite bonus attack dealing 12 (3d4 + 5) piercing damage.
12 Tail Gain a tail slap bonus attack dealing 19 (4d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage; however, it has
disadvantage on attack rolls with its tail.
13 One or more Gain a gore bonus attack dealing 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage.
pointed horns
14 Large curled horns If the giant moves at least 10 feet in a straight line, it can make an attack with its horns
dealing 19 (4d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage. In addition, it can make a Strength (Athletics)
check as a bonus action to Shove a Large or smaller creature it hits.
15 Long, gangly arms Reach with melee weapon attacks increases by 5 feet.
16 Long, muscular Increase speed by 10 feet.
17 Gills Can breathe in both air and water. The giant also gains a swim speed equal to its base
land speed.
18 Exudes foul odor Any creature other than an aberrant giant or ash giant that starts its turn within 5 feet
must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of
the creature’s next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature I immune to the
stench of all aberrant giants for 1 hour.
19 Venomous A creature damaged by the giant’s bite, claw, tail, or gore attack also takes must succeed
on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 14 (4d6) poison damage. If the giant lacks
such an attack, reroll.
20 Advanced One of the aberrant giant’s other deformities is especially pronounced, gaining one of
deformity the following: an increase damage dice by one die size, increase save DC by 1, or double
the numerical effect of the deformity (such as an increase to speed or reach).

Foraging Party: The aberrant giants who live in the tribal OGRE BOSS
territory must constantly search the area for food and other
supplies. A foraging party typically consists of 3d6 wayang Large giant, chaotic evil
slaves (as above), 2d4 ogresSRD, 1d4 ogre brutes (see below), Armor Class 18 (plate)
and an ogre wereboar (see below), led by an ogre boss Hit Points 162 (13d12 + 78)
(see below). Occasionally (25% chance) an aberrant giant Speed 30 ft.
or ash giant (50% chance of either, see Appendix C page
136 for statistics) may accompany the foragers. Any PCs STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
encountered are immediately seen as prey and potential 25 (+7) 9 (-1) 23 (+6) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 6 (-2)
loot for the tribe and are attacked immediately and pursued
mercilessly. The foraging party knows about its own tribal Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +10, Cha +5
area but nothing else of interest to the PCs. Skills Athletics +11, Perception +6
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Giant
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

ACTIONS Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of
Multiattack. The giant makes two spiked greatclub its damage when the ogre brute hits with it
attacks. (included in the attack).
Spiked Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit,
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (5d6 + 7) piercing ACTIONS
damage Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning
OGRE BRUTE damage.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Large giant, chaotic evil reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 12
Armor Class 13 (ring mail) (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.
Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30)
Speed 40 ft.
Large giant (shapechanger), chaotic evil
21 (+5) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 7 (-2) 7 (-2)
Armor Class 18 (plate)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Hit Points 115 (10d12 + 50)
Languages Common, Giant Speed 40 ft.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

The city’s central region is a large vaguely egg-shaped area
21 (+5) 8 (-1) 21 (+5) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) of scorched rubble centered upon what little remains of the
Skills Athletics +11, Perception +6, Survival +6 legendary Tower of Oerson and the surrounding buildings
that were flattened in the long-ago blast. The once-great
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and
imperial court, palace, and fortress is little more than a
slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with charred lump of melted stone and is where the destructive
silvered weapons blast originated. This area is mostly desolate, inhabited
Senses passive Perception 16 by fantastical creatures of fire and smoke, as well as the
Languages Giant vengeful remains of the city’s mortal inhabitants blasted
out of existence on that fateful day, and it is here where the
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
shadows of those past inhabitants can be found scorched
into the stone of the ground or crumbling walls. The entire
Charge (Boar or Hybrid Form Only). If the wereboar area is a combination of dense rubble and light rubble
moves at least 15 feet straight toward a target and (50% chance of either) at any given location.
then hits it with its tusks on the same turn, the
target takes an extra 10 (3d6) slashing damage. If Table 1-6: Blast Zone Random Encounters: Day
the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 17 D12 Encounter
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
1 3d4 magma mephits
Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
2 1d6 shard slagsA
If the wereboar takes 28 damage or less that
3 2d6 heat swarmsA
would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1
4 3d4 magmin
hit point instead.
Shapechanger. The ogre wereboar can use its 5 3d6 fire elementals
action to polymorph into a boar-ogre hybrid or 6 3d6 obsidian elementalsA
into a boar, or back into its true ogre form. Its 7-12 No encounter
statistics, other than its AC, are the same in each
form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t
transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Multiattack (Ogre or Hybrid Form Only). The
wereboar makes three attacks, only one of which
can be with its tusks.
Spear (Ogre or Hybrid Form Only). Melee or Ranged
Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 20 ft./60 ft., reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning
Tusks (Boar or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon
Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit:
15 (3d6 + 5) slashing damage. If the target is a
humanoid or giant, it must succeed on a DC
16 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with
wereboar lycanthropy.
Rock (Ogre or Hybrid Form Only). Ranged Weapon
Attack: +8 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit:
21 (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

WHEN DARKNESS FALLS Perhaps most unnerving of all the phenomena and
creatures to found in the ruins of the city after dark, however,
Worse than all the city’s daylight dangers are the nights
is the horrifying Nighscream that occurs each night after
when the ruins take on an entirely new complexion. The
moonrise. See the Nightscream sidebar for more details.
approach of nightfall is always signaled by the millions
For PCs who have journeyed to the Pit of the Burning Star
of bats that call home the ruins of the city and the sewer
in the adventure Race for Shaatakh-Uulm, the Nightscream
tunnels beneath. They fly forth and swarm in the skies
will be familiar for it is a very similar manifestation to that
above the city in numbers seldom seen elsewhere (in no
hideous outpouring of fear and despair and is inextricably
small part because of the presence of the Underguild), and
connected through its link to the foul will of Hastur.
when disturbed can form into a bat plague swarm before
dispersing into the darkness to hunt in the surrounding
woods and mountain slopes. NIGHT (BEFORE MOONSET) RANDOM
Then, as nightfall arrives and more and more will-o’- The following are random encounter tables for Curgantium
wisps begin to wink into existence under the light of the and its surrounding environs after sunset (and before
moons, the true horrors of the ruins come forth. Stalking moonset). Unlike the daytime encounters, all areas of the
the benighted ruins is a massive collective of hungry fogs ruins and surroundings use a single encounter table at
and brumes that work together as they seek victims. Only this time of night. The GM should check for encounters
with deals made long ago between the mihstus and the three times per night and can determine the number that
giant tribe do those aerial creatures patrol the borders of occur before moonset and after moonset as he sees fit.
the tribal territory and use their wind gusts to drive the On particularly cloudy nights where no moon is visible,
fog back. Even so, an ogre or wayang inevitably disappears encounters may all be considered to occur after moonset.
every few nights. But even these foul hunters withdraw For night encounters before moonset, consult the table
before the even greater horrors that arise after moonset. below. Encounters with living creatures will not occur
As soon as the great Pale SisterLL1 disappears beyond the during the Nightscream and should be considered as no
horizon (or much earlier on cloudy nights or nights of the encounter if rolled for during that time.
new moon) the many scorched shadows of the city begin to
swirl with an inky, unnatural darkness. Darkened streets
become rivers of blackness and individual scorch marks Table 1-7: Encounters, All Districts:
turn into pools of emptiness, from which rise the night Night (before moonset)
masters of the city as gateways to the Plane of Shadow d20 Encounter
called shadowgates spontaneously form. 1 2d6 bat swarms
2 4d6 ogre zombies
During this time hunting shadow mastiffs howl and 3 2d8 wights
greater shadows, dread wraiths, and tenebrous blast shadows
emerge from the scorched images left by their demise. 4 3d8 gargoyles
Banshees arise from their daily slumber and apparitions 5 2d6 minotaur skeletons
appear to vex any they find that dare to continue living. Not 6 2d6 night hags
only the dead stalk the night-dark streets, but inhabitants
7 2d6 will-o’-wisps
of the Shadow Plane come through too to cavort or hunt or
simply breathe the air of the Material Plane for a few hours. 8 2d6 spirit nagas
These include various types of nightshades, gloomwings, 9 Night fog (see below)
tenebrous worms, and howling packs of cantor kytons 10 *Underguild vampires
emerging to join the hunting hellcats and shadow giants
who stalk the night and shout their rage against these ruins 11–20 No encounter
while shadow demons cavort in the darkness alongside
nightmare cloakers. Finally come kytons astride nightmare Night Fog: Fogs are common among the ruins at night,
steeds to treat with their nocturnal allies of the city’s vast but they are never merely a benign manifestation of
sewer complex — the vampires of the Underguild. moisture and the cool night air. This is because of the

* The Pale Sister is also known as Luna or Narrah, the primary moon of Lloegyr. See page 4 of LL1: Stoneheart Valley by
Frog God Games.

many types of foul creatures that lurk within the cracks and
crevices of the city and emerge with the fogs to hunt for
prey. A patch of fog covers an area 1d10 x 10 ft. by 1d10 x 10
ft. and remains stationary and obscures all sight beyond 5 THE NIGHTSCREAM
feet, including darkvision. Creatures within 5 feet are lightly The Nightscream is a phenomenon that occurs in the
obscured, and anything beyond that is heavily obscured. An city each night when the light of the moon Luna hits the
area of fog can be dispersed by a sustained wind (such as fused glass base of the Tower of Oerson, causing it to glow
a gust of wind) lasting 5 rounds or more. Hunting within with a moonlike luminosity. It is caused by the wailing
the fog are 3d6 spectersSRD. These undead are attuned to despair of the souls who were destroyed in the opera
the mists and their vision is not obscured by the mist. In house on the night of the city’s destruction and magnified
addition, as long as the fog persists they gain advantage on by the hundreds of thousands of others who died shortly
all attack rolls and saving throws and living creatures have thereafter in the explosion and subsequent fire.
disadvantage on saving throws against their life drain. If The precise time of the Nightscream varies depending
the fog is dispersed, the specters quickly disappear back on the time of year, anywhere from an hour before to
into the surrounding ruins. an hour after midnight. It does not occur on the three
nights of Luna’s new moon each month, but occurs at
Underguild Vampires: The Underguild exercises full strength on all other nights, affecting every living
considerable influence in the ruins of Curgantium but thing in the city regardless of location. Only those
do not by any means rule — at least on the surface. While underground are unaffected by its effects.
they have carved out a stronghold in the tunnels beneath In the minutes leading up to the Nightscream the PCs
the city, they still venture aboveground cautiously, usually will find themselves feeling nervous and uneasy. Then
in groups led by experienced scouts. A typical group will they will hear a faint moaning sound, so quiet that it
contain a vampire rogue leader, 2d4 vampire warriors, and might even be their imaginations. After a few seconds
2d6 vampire spawn. This number can of course be adjusted however the moaning rises to a near-deafening scream,
up or down depending on how much of a challenge the as of hundreds of loud voices screaming in fear and
GM wishes to present the party. agony. The scream lasts a full hour, then fades away to
nothing, leaving only a fading echo over the benighted
ruins. The power of the Nightscream fractures the divine
VAMPIRE ROGUE connection of clerics and paladins with their deities;
they cannot use Channel Divinity anywhere in the city
Statistics as vampire, except as noted below. The during the Nightscream. It likewise fortifies the power
vampire rogue does not gain legendary actions. of death, causing all living creatures to gain damage
Evasion. If the vampire rogue is subjected to an vulnerability to necrotic while the Nightscream howls.
effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving Any living creature in the city when the Nightscream
throw to take only half damage, the vampire begins must make a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or
become frightened for 1 minute. Anyone who saves
rogue instead takes no damage if it succeeds on successfully has advantage on the next Wisdom saving
the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails. throw against the Nightscream. After the first minute,
Sneak Attack. Once per turn, the vampire rogue any who saved are immune to any further fear effects
deals an extra 14 (4d6) damage when it hits a from the Nightscream for that night, while those who
target with a weapon attack and has advantage failed their saving throw take a -1 penalty on attack rolls
and on Wisdom checks and saving throws as long as the
on the attack roll, or when the target is within Nightscream continues.
5 feet of an ally of the vampire rogue that isn’t The Nightscream interrupts any long rest, which must
incapacitated and the vampire rogue doesn’t have be begun again, unless creatures are in an area of magical
disadvantage on the attack roll. silence. In addition, creatures that failed their saving throw
against the Nightscream do not regain lost hit points
after a long rest, though they regain Hit Dice as usual.
VAMPIRE WARRIOR Spellcasters that fail their saving throw regain one fewer
Statistics as vampire spawn except as noted below. spell slot of each level they can cast after a long rest.
Hit Points 111 (15d8 + 45)
STR 18 (+4)

Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Multiattack. The vampire warrior makes
three attacks, only one of which can be
a bite attack.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack. +7 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4)
slashing damage.
Longbow. Melee Weapon Attack. +7 to hit, range
150/600 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4)
piercing damage.

hp 82 (vampire spawnSRD)


The following are random encounter tables for Curgantium
and its surrounding environs after moonset. Unlike the
daytime encounters, all areas of the ruins and surroundings
use a single encounter table at this time of night. The GM
should check for encounters three times per night and NIGHTMARE CLOAKER
can determine the number that occur before moonset and
after moonset as he sees fit. On particularly cloudy nights Statistics as a cloakerSRD except as noted below.
where no moon is visible, they may all be considered to Hit Points 117 (18d10 + 18)
occur after moonset. For night encounters after moonset, Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
consult the table below.
slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with
silvered weapons
Table 1-8: Encounters, All Districts: Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Night (after moonset)
d12 Encounter Innate Spellcasting. The nightmare cloaker’s innate
1 1d6 nightmare cloakers (see below) spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16).
2 1d3 chain devils It can innately cast the following spells, requiring
3 2d8 shadows no material components:
4 2d6 wraiths Constant: protection from evil and good
5 1d6 shadow demons 3/Day: detect thoughts, dream, suggestion
6 1d3 banshees 1/Day: dimension door
7 Tenebrous purple worm (see below) True Dreamer. The nightmare cloaker can see
8 NightwalkerC invisible creatures and has advantage on ability
9 *Nightmare riders
checks or saving throws to resist or see through
10-12 No encounter

Multiattack. The nightmare cloaker uses its
Nightmare Aura and makes two attacks: one with
its bite and one with its tail.

Nightmare Aura. Each creature of the cloaker’s Nightmare Riders: A group of 2d4 chain devilsSRD, each
choice that is within 60 feet and aware of it must riding a nightmareSRD, gallops through the ruins on a
nighttime joy ride. If they see potential prey — such as the
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or PCs — they immediately begin to give chase, making great
become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can sport of the entire encounter.
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the ARRIVAL IN OLD CURGANTIUM
effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the After the PCs have made their way through the outskirts,
they will emerge from the woods and approach the fallen
cloaker’s Nightmare Aura for the next 24 hours. ruins.
If a creature rolls a natural 1 on any saving throw
against the cloaker’s Nightmare Aura, its sleep Ancient Curgantium, home of vanished glories, resembles nothing
more than a spilled collection of children’s blocks, tumbled and
or reverie the next time it takes a long rest is weathered by the passing of centuries. The Great Amrin River
wracked with terrifying dreams, causing them to flows lazily along past crumbling quays and fallen warehouses.
take 10 (3d6) psychic damage and gain one level Palaces and towers lie in various states of ruin, and the remains
of exhaustion upon awakening. They can attempt of thousands of vine-choked dwellings and buildings stand like
a new saving throw at the end of each long rest cobweb-shrouded skeletons in a forgotten tomb. Most remarkably,
the entire central portion of the city is a blasted wasteland of
thereafter; on a successful saving throw, the crumbled stone and scorched earth, as if some great hammer of
creature takes 7 (2d6) psychic damage and then the gods flattened and toppled everything there. In the center of the
ends the effect with no additional exhaustion. blast zone you glimpse what looks like a mass of blackened, fused
glass, gleaming in the sunlight like a dark and evil jewel.


Upon reaching the city proper, the PCs should begin
Statistics as a purple wormSRD except as noted below. searching the knights’ base camp. This is described in
Damage Immunities necrotic Chapter 2.
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)

Bristles. A tenebrous purple worm’s head is

covered in thousands of needle-sharp black
spines. Any creature striking it in melee (unless
using a weapon with the reach property) must
succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw The knights’ trail through the outskirts leads to the edge of
or be pricked by these spines, taking 7 (2d6) the city ruins approximately 3 miles from their base camp.
piercing damage. They also take 14 (4d6) poison The directions provided by Navellis bring the PCs to it in
damage, or half as much if they succeed on a 2–3 hours if they make directly for it. The party should have
plenty of time to make it to the base camp before dark, but
DC 19 Constitution saving throw. A creature if they loiter be sure and allow them to experience the
succeeding on this saving throw gains advantage horrors of the ruins after dark.
on Constitution saving throws against the worm’s
bristle poison for 1 hour.
If a creature fails its Constitution saving throw B. THE BASE CAMP
twice in the same round, it becomes poisoned and The directions provided by Navellis lead the party to the
crumbling ruins of the central treasury of Curgantium.
paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. The creature can attempt Here, the currency of an empire was stored and distributed
a new saving throw at the end of each of its turns — taxes from across two continents, newly-minted coins,
to end the paralysis, but the creature gains one and even the plunder of distant lands. The treasure
level of exhaustion and the poisoned condition within was looted long ago, but the Knights of Macobert
persists until the creature completes a long rest. discovered that one of the vaults beneath the building was

still intact. Its guard post contained a well whose water was Like many other prominent structures in Curgantium,
still good, making it a perfect base for their explorations. the treasury was largely flattened by the force of the
Stashing their supplies and setting up magical wards, the explosion making the whole area virtually impassable
knights began their work and sent back word to the Order without requiring a DC 5 Strength (Athletics) check each
before disappearing. round. Anyone searching among the piled rubble can spot a
bit of broken green glass with a DC 24 Wisdom (Perception)
check. Once the first one is found, subsequent searches
The entirety of the building’s interior corridors and
reveal a trail of these glass shards with a DC 15 Wisdom
rooms are under the effects of a permanent private sanctum
(Perception) check. This is the trail left by the knights as
spell that also blocks magical contact such as sending or
described in Handout 6A. Following this trail will bring
message spells. Those inside can use such spells on others
the party to the marble steps of the colonnade (B2) in 10
inside, but the spells will not penetrate the magical barrier
between the interior and those on the exterior.

These ruins are infested with the local vipers that lair
B1. UPPER RUINS (CR VARIES) among this rubble, but they do not attack unless disturbed.
The remains of what truly must have once been a grand building The path designated by the knights avoids their nesting
stand here, now little more than heaps of scorched rubble areas. However, if someone leaves the indicated path and
overgrown with brush and vines piled around a few retained begins picking among the surrounding rubble, there is a
central walls and a partially intact colonnade. The crumbling cumulative 20% chance each round of stirring up 1d4+1
remains of a tympanum above still bearing barely discernable swarm of poisonous snakesSRD which immediately attack.
images of imperial eagles and griffons. The way to the colonnade The knights actually incorporated the snakes into their
is largely blocked by the piles of loose rubble and scree. defenses, for they helped keep unwelcome visitors away.

B2. COLONNADE ENTRANCE spell that emanates from the floor beneath them. It maybe
dispelled as normal, but it can also be disabled by making
The building remains partially intact atop these marble steps, and
DC 25 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. It can also be detected
the broken tympanum still balances atop the fractured columns.
by making a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) skill check.
Two old columns have fallen against each other at the back of the
colonnade and now form a crude arch that frames a dark opening
into the rubble. Trap 3: A chain lighting trap has been rigged at the base
of the stairs (T3) that strikes the first person to cross that
point and then sends up to 12 secondary bolts at additional
As mentioned, the opening beneath the columns is targets up the stairs. . It maybe dispelled as normal, but it
impenetrable to sight due to the effects of a private sanctum can also be disabled by making DC 20 Dexterity (Thieves’
spell, but as soon as someone passes beneath them the Tools) check. It can also be detected by making a DC 15
crumbling corridor beyond can be seen provided a suitable Wisdom (Perception) skill check. This trap resets 24 hours
light source is available. Beyond the opening the knights later if not permanently disabled.
carefully excavated and reinforced a narrow tunnel through
the rubble, varying from 1d4+4 feet wide and about 6 feet
high. A permanent alarm spell is set on the tunnel at the B4. OUTER VAULT DOOR
points marked as A1 and A2 on the map. If triggered, these
The short subterranean corridor ends here at a massive circular portal
sound an audible alarm in area B9. They can be bypassed
of layers of steel and bronze sandwiched between heavy iron bands.
without triggering them with the passwords “Bannor” and
A large wheel and handle are set into the center of this mighty seal,
“Flail” respectively, two of Sir Aix de Flomme’s favorite
yet the door hangs open allowing easy ingress into the room beyond.
heroes of legendLL1-119.

The outer vault door is an extremely secure portal and was

B3. TRAPPED STAIRS (CR 6, 10, AND 12) further protected by magical traps and locks as indicated in
The roughly dug out tunnel breaks through into an intact Handout 6A. However, none of these provided passwords
corridor from the original structure. Its once-fine tiled floor is prove necessary at this moment, as the vault door stands open.
cracked, and its masonry walls buckle beneath the weight of the
collapsed building overhead. This corridor likewise opens onto a
Outer Vault Door: 8 in. thick; damage threshold 15; hp 300;
wider corridor, partially collapsed, but which still bears an intact
DC 35 Strength (Athletics) check to break, DC 35 Dexterity
stairway descending into the subfloor below.
(Thieves’ Tools) to pick the lock.

The stairs descend into the intact portion of the treasury’s

sub-cellar and bears 3 traps at the locations indicated as T1, B5. OUTER VAULT
T2, and T3 on the map. Handout 6A supplied the passwords This is a long, low-ceilinged chamber, its walls set with empty
to bypass these traps as well. However, since the events of iron sconces. To the left a series of three vault doors extend down
the knights’ disappearance, the treacherous Sir Ernst has a short hallway, the first two hanging open. To the right a door
reset the passwords so that the ones known by the PCs are of iron bars blocks access to a room beyond from which can be
no longer useful. This will require the PCs to locate and seen the flicker of firelight. Across from the entrance stand a pair
disable these traps or face the effects of triggering them. of statues, each depicting a tall man armored in the panoply of
the ancient Hyperborean Phalanx, but both have been decapitated
and hold their and stern-faced heads in one hand.
Trap 1: Located at the top of the stairs (marked T1), when
anyone passes through this area it triggers a flame strike trap.
It maybe dispelled as normal, but it can also be disabled by These two statues are cephalophores, ancient guardian
making DC 25 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. It can also be constructs repurposed and left behind by the knights to
detected by making a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) skill check. guard their base camp. They immediately move to attack
anyone who is not accompanied by one of the Knights
Trap 2: Midway down the stairs is a trap located at T2. of Macobert but return to their original locations if the
The first person to reach this point is attacked with a harm password “Ereg Tal”* is uttered. Anyone who says the

* Ereg Tal was a legendary titan slain in the Gods’ War and buried in caverns that would later become a part of Rappan
Athuk, the Dungeon of Graves. See pages 247–248 of Rappan Athuk by Frog God Games for further details.

password can discover that the statues will obey their 15 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until
commands to the best of their ability, though they will not the end of its next turn. If the target fails, the save
leave the lower level of the treasury.
by 5 or more the target is stunned for 1 minute
instead. It can repeat the saving throw at the end
CEPHALOPHORES of its round to end the stunned condition.
Dazing Gaze (Recharge 5–6). A cephalophore can
Large construct, unaligned
hold up its severed head to make a gaze attack
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
that affects all seeing creatures within a 60-foot
Hit Points 133 (14d10 + 56)
radius of its choice. When a creature that can
Speed 20 ft.
see the cephalophore's severed must make a DC
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 11 Wisdom saving throw or are stunned until
20 (+5) 9 (-1) 18 (+4) 3 (-4) 8 (-1) 1 (-5) the end of the targets next round. If the target
Damage Immunities acid, poison, psychic; fails, the save by 5 or more the target is stunned
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from for 1 minute instead. It can repeat the saving
nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine throw at the end of its round to end the stunned
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, condition. This attack automatically recharges if
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned all target creatures make their saving throw.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages Understands the languages of its B6. EMPTY VAULTS
creator but can't speak These chambers once held the currency of the Hyperborean
Empire minted in Curgantium but were cleared out by
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) looters long ago. The doors are currently open and the
chambers within are empty of all save dust and a few bits
Immutable Form. The cephalophore is immune to of rubble fallen from the slowly eroding stone of the walls
any spell or effect that would alter its form. and ceiling.
Magic Resistance. The cephalophore has advantage
on saving throws against spells and other magical Iron Vault Door: 4 in. thick; damage threshold 10; hp 120;
effects. DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check to break through, DC 30
Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check to pick the lock.
Magic Weapons. The cephalophore's weapon
attacks are magical.
Shatter Weapons. Whenever a character strikes a B7. LOCKED VAULT
cephalophore with a weapon (magical or non- This vault is identical to those at B6, but its heavy iron door
is currently closed and locked with no indication as to why.
magical), after dealing damage, the weapon Anyone making a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty check can hear a faint scratching coming from within the
to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to −5, the sealed vault. If the vault door is open, read the following
weapon is destroyed. description.
Statue. If a cephalophore stands perfectly still, it is Inside the vault crouches a large creature that resembles a brass-
indistinguishable from a normal statue. scaled lion with great draconic wings. It makes no attempt to
attack you, instead only staring with wide, hungry eyes.
Multiattack. The cephalophore makes two slam The creature is a dragonne named Malcolm who was a
attacks. cohort of the knight Sir Eregor. Assuming the PCs don’t
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one attack him, he attempts to speak to them in a dry, weary
voice. He has been locked inside the vault for some time
target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If and is both hungry and quite dehydrated, as is apparent
the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC with a DC 12 Heal check. If the PCs are able to understand

Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +6, Wis +4, Cha +5
Skills Deception +5, Perception +7, Stealth +4
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Keen Smell. The dragonne has advantage on

Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Pack Tactics. The dragonne has advantage on an
attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
lion’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the
ally isn’t incapacitated.
Pounce. If the dragonne moves at least 20 feet
straight toward a creature and then hits it with
a claw attack on the same turn, that target must
succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone. If the target is prone, the lion can
make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
Running Leap. With a 10-foot running start, the
dragonne can long jump up to 25 feet.

Draconic he introduces himself and asks where Sir Eregor Multiattack. The dragonne makes three attacks:
is. He is of fairly low intelligence and can only relate how
the knights came to the ruined city and found this nice
one with its bite and two with its claws.
cave to lair in. He explains that after a little exploring of Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
the city one of the knights — Sir Ernst, he thinks — told one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.
him to sleep in the inner vault, but someone slammed and Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
locked the door, trapping him inside. The inside of the target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
door bears scoring from his claws to lend credence to his
tale. He does not know how long he has been locked up
Roar (Recharge 5–6). The dragonne emits a
but believes it has been several days and is very concerned magical roar. Each creature within 120 feet of the
about the whereabouts of Sir Eregor and his friends. If dragonne and able to hear the roar must make
Malcolm is attacked, he defends himself to the best of his a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure the
abilities while trying to escape so he can search for Sir target is deafened for 1 minute. If the target is
Eregor. If this occurs, the PCs should find the dragonne’s
corpse elsewhere in the city as evidence of the futility of
within 30 feet and fails it is instead paralyzed and
his efforts. can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

MALCOLM Development: If the PCs establish peaceful contact

with Malcolm (whether they are able to communicate
Large dragon, chaotic good
with him or not), he attempts to bypass them and head
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) to the well in B8 to slake his gnawing thirst. He then
Hit Points 119 (14d10 + 42) heads into B9 to rummage through the expedition’s
Speed 50 ft., fly 30 ft. baggage for the dried beef that was brought for his feed.
Assuming the PCs allow him to do this, while he is eating
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA in B9 he suddenly sniffs the air. After a few rounds, he
19 (+4) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) heads to the walled-off section marked on the map as a

Once a guard room for the vaults, the knights
used it for the same purpose. The well is 16
feet deep and filled with 3 feet of cool,
fresh water untainted by the city’s
destruction. It can easily be dipped
using the copper decanter, which
is slightly green with corrosion
but otherwise in good shape. The
board on the table is the Heldring game halataflQoD4-5, a
favorite of Barionor, squire of Sir Aixe (though the PCs
might suspect it belongs to Sir Ernst, who is of Heldring
descent). The casks held ale from the knights’ supplies
but have been emptied.

Treasure: Though badly damaged from lying buried in

the rubble for many centuries, the marble and bronze table
is still a valuable antiquity (worth 1,200 gp), as is the copper
decanter incised with images of storms at sea being used
as a bucket for the well (500 gp). The halatafl is Barionor’s
personal game board made of ebony with ivory game
pieces (380 gp), and the assorted coins are worth a total
of 63 gp, all of current Foerdewaith mintage. The sconces
hold everburning torches brought by the knights.

concealed door (see area B9 for details) and begin clawing B9. CAMP SITE
and scratching at the masonry saying that he can smell Sir This large storeroom was clearly taken over as a camp site recently.
Eregor beyond, again and again. If the PCs communicate Gear, supplies, and equipment are stacked here, though boxes, bags,
with him, he confirms that he smells Sir Eregor beyond the and crates have been opened and are in disarray as if having been
wall but that now he smells “bad”. He is anxious to reach rifled through. In the center of the chamber a campfire burns cheerily,
his comrade and will attempt to break through the wall though it gives off no smoke. Two heavy vault doors stand open along
unless the PCs somehow restrain him. the north wall, and another cage door stands in the east wall.

B8. GUARD POST This chamber served as the main camp for the knights.
The entrances to this chamber are blocked by doors made The campfire is composed of four everburning torches
of iron bars with heavy locks. However, neither of these (torches that give off permanent light as a light spell but
doors is locked, and the keys were lost long ago. The locks are destroyed if dispelled) that have been laid together like
have since become rusted and unusable. the logs of a fire. Among the many casks, sacks, and boxes
of supplies are five bedrolls. The cache of supplies stored
The cage-like door opens into a small, wedge-shaped room with a here has been searched, though nothing appears to have
well sunk in its northeast corner, its wooden cover propped against been damaged, and the supplies are still good. There is
the nearby wall. The smell of fresh water is readily discernable food, water, and ale here sufficient to feed a group of 10
amid the dusty atmosphere of the rest of these chambers. A copper for at least two weeks, as well as several sacks of dried beef
decanter with a rope tied around its neck sits at the lip of the well (for Malcolm in area B7). In addition, there is equipment
to serve as a makeshift bucket. In the center of the chamber rests a and clothing of a mundane sort, heavy blankets, torches,
small ornate table with a cracked and broken marble surface and lanterns, flasks of oil, rope, tents, waterskins, latrine buckets,
legs of corroded bronze, obviously something scrounged from the and various tools. The precise number and types of gear
ruins above. Two small casks have been drawn up on either side of is up to the GM, but any reasonable piece of equipment
it to serve as chairs. Upon the table sits a game board with small is likely to be present. Searching among the bedrolls
ivory pieces in mid-play. A few assorted coins lie upon the tabletop reveals personal items that can be identified with a DC 15
beside the game. Iron sconces on the wall hold burning torches. Intelligence (History) as belonging to Sir Aixe de Flomme,
Barionor of Troye, Sir Eregor Dantalus, Sir Ernst Braanak,

and Sir Urvitus Voren. Stacked among some blankets and beef (1,000 pounds of it, though this isn’t apparent unless the
bundles against one wall is an exotic military saddle fitted bag is purposefully emptied). Hidden beneath all the beef in
for a dragonne. the bag of holding is the Codex IbnathiAK:M. The PCs should
not discover the nature of this sack or its hidden contents at
this time, as it will be discovered later as the adventure’s plot
Anyone examining the scene and making a DC 15 Wisdom
unfolds (see Event 3: Freeing the Knights for details). Until
(Survival) check can determine that the camp hasn’t been
that time, it should remain unobtrusively among the piles of
used for several days, though someone did come through
supplies gathered here awaiting its later discovery.
more recently and search through the items stored here. If
the check exceeds the DC by 5 or more, a partial footprint
of some vaguely humanoid — though clearly not human — B10. ARMORY
creature is found in some spilled flour. This was left by the The door to this room is identical to those in area B8.
caulborn, who rifled through the camp a day or so ago but
left without finding much of interest (see area C7). The walls of this caged-off chamber are lined with small boxes
with metal doors, but all of these now hang open and empty.
Instead, wooden poles have been fixed in place between some of the
Though not immediately obvious, a portion of the far open boxes, and from these makeshift racks hang an assortment
eastern wall has recently been bricked over with masonry of weapons and armor. Near the far wall lies a wooden shield
scavenged from among the ruins above and blocks a serving as an impromptu mortar box next to a pair of trowels and
former doorway to area B13 (marked as a concealed door a few bricks apparently recovered from the ruins above.
on the map). This work can be detected with either a DC
25 Wisdom (Perception) or a DC 20 Intelligence check. The
DC of these checks are reduced by 10 if Malcolm scratches This vault served as security boxes, long ago emptied,
at the wall (see area B7). Anyone listening at this wall and and is now an armory for the knights’ secondary weapons,
making a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check can hear the armor, and ammunition. Again, these items show signs of
sound of fervent whispering from beyond but cannot having been disturbed, though nothing appears to have
make out what is being said. These whispers are from the been damaged. The wooden shield holds mortar that is now
gallowdead’s aura of whispers in area B13, but too faint dried and solid but was clearly used within the last few days
to trigger a Wisdom saving throw by listeners. Breaking (see area B9). A search of the room finds four longswords
through the freshly mortared wall is relatively easy, and (one is a +1 longsword), four daggers (one is a +1 dagger), two
doing so reveals the chamber beyond. light crossbows, a +1 heavy crossbow, a +1 longbow, 200 arrows,
100 crossbow bolts, two wooden shields (not including the
one used as a mortar box, which is now ruined), two steel
New Masonry Wall: 1 ft. thick; damage threshold 8; hp 60;
shields (one is a +2 shield), a suit of +2 studded leather, and two
DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check to break through.
chain shirts. Searching also reveals a portable forge and anvil
(a smaller forge and anvil that can be moved and setup as
Treasure: The personal items and treasures of the five needed), four master tools* (Smith’s Tools, Leatherworker’s
knights is worth a total of 4,200 gp, though if they still Tools, Tinkerer’s Tools, Mason’s Tools), seven tindertwigs*,
live they will likely want them returned. Hidden within a jar with two applications of armor ointment*, two tubes
one leather satchel and discovered with a DC 18 Wisdom of mending paste*, four folding shovels*, two sledges, a
(Perception) check or the use of a detect magic is an unused dungeoneer’s pack, two vials of silver weapon blanch*, and a
healer’s kit, three water purification sponges (wonderous single vial of adamantine weapon blanch*.
items that act as the purify drink spell when submerged), and * These items are described in Appendix B (see page 566)
a bundle of six divine scrolls with the following spells: cure
wounds (x4, 5th level), greater restoration (x2).
This inner vault has a doors like those at area B6.
One of the sacks of dried beef for Malcolm is actually
a bag of holding and has had nondetection and arcanist’s agic
aura spells placed over it to mask its magical nature. It looks This inner vault has been taken over by members of the
exactly like the other 35-lb. feed sacks and is filled with dried knights’ expedition as a private camp sites and is outfitted

* See The Book of Aeons on page 30 of Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia by Necromancer Games and The Book in the Old
House by Legendary Games for further information.

similar to area B9 but with more personal items and fewer
large pieces of gear. It holds two bedrolls, a brazier full
of dead coals, a latrine bucket, assorted foodstuffs, mess SECRETS OF THE MAP
kits, and even a few bottles of cheap wine. A search of the The map (Handout 6B, page xx) is related to the very
bedrolls reveals personal items that can be identified with reason the knights came to Curgantium to begin with
a DC 15 Intelligence (History) as belonging to the siblings as revealed in area H9. Initially they came searching
Sir Frankus Delerron and Lady Margaret Delerron. for a lost library (area C) and came up with the marked
points as its possible locations of interest requiring
further investigation. Ultimately they all became points
Treasure: Assorted personal effects in here are worth
of significance to the knights, but attempts to use magic
a total of 580 gp in addition to a statuette of a sea king
to divine their purpose will only reveal the original
seated upon a clam shell throne crafted in pewter worth 35
intention when they were drawn: Each is identified as
gp (holy symbol of QuellFBRC-42), a sunrod*, 12 candlerods*,
the possible location of a lost library that holds a source
a spyglass, two waterproof bags, two explorer’s packs, a
of potential calamity for the entire Kingdom of Foere.
dungeoneer’s pack, and a total of 500 gp worth of assorted
What that calamity might be is not revealed through
nonmagical gear.
divination spells, nor do any of the notes found within
the camp provide any further illumination.
This chamber is virtually identical to B11 but with cots One of the locations on the map is the Lost Library
rather than bedrolls, and a Intelligence (History) identifies (area C) that was located beneath a former garrison tower
personal belongings as those of Sir Nimulus Cantarthy and in the blast zone, another is the location of an ancient
Lady Elgierbid Palitroix. However, this vault also holds a catacomb beneath the ruins of the Cathedral of the
pair of folding chairsUE, and a small folding camp table Blessed Tesseract in the tribal territory (area D), and the
upon which lie various parchments, candles, a scholar’s last is the mostly-destroyed ruin of an elegant theater
pack, lists of supplies, and a short journal holding a fairly located at the edge of the blast zone (area F). Though
dry account of the knights’ uneventful journey down the they don’t know it yet, all three sites will prove to be of
Great Amrin River to Curgantium. importance to the PCs in Curgantium, but they may
make their initial explorations of them while searching
Of most interest, however, is a partially completed map for the library that the knights sought.
of the city scribed by Sir Nimulus (see Handout 6B, page
524). Three locations are marked on it in red ink, but with
no explanation as to their meaning. A careful examination
of the map (Perception DC 18) also reveals a telltale smudge two vials of perfume, a chrysalis wood fluteDM1-79 (worth 300
of the ink near one edge of the map as if from a finger, gp), and a signet ring of House Palitroix of Cantelburgh
but a DC 15 Intelligence (History) or Intelligence (Nature) (worth 100 gp if returned to its owners).
check reveals it to be a fingerprint unlike any known type
of humanoid. It is unnaturally long and strangely jointed.
It was actually caused by the caulborn from area C7 who B13. SIR EREGOR’S GIBBET
searched the camp after the knights’ disappearance, but Read the following after the PCs gain entry into this sealed
nothing less than a DC 30 Intelligence (Arcana) check can chamber.
identify it as such due to so little evidence to work from. The stench of death is strong beyond the bricked-over doorway. A
small room contains only a single occupant, but it is a horrific one.
Treasure: There are assorted personal effects and coins A heavy iron chain descends from the 10-foot ceiling and ends in
worth a total of 3,080 gp as well as a spell component a large bailing hook, and the corpse of a human man, his armor
pouch with a ring of mind shielding tucked into it (DC 26 rent and his blood-soaked tabard torn, hangs impaled through
Wisdom (Perception) check to notice), a traveling spellbook the chest upon the hook. Blood still drips from its wound, staining
(with a spell selection suitable for a 13th-level wizard), an the floor beneath. Worse still, the corpse still bears some semblance
herbalism kit, a magnifying glass, a potion of gaseous form, of life. A faint, incomprehensible whisper echoes from its feebly
and spell scrolls with the following spells: delayed blast moving lips.
fireball, dimension door, faerie fire, phantom steed. A small
locked chest (DC 25 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools check) holds
When the Underguild discovered and looted these vaults
calligrapher’s supplies, a cartographer’s kit, kit, a sextant,
long ago, they used this room for torture and interrogation

and installed the large hook from which to hang their makes a melee attack against a randomly
victims. Hanging in here are the mortal remains of the determined creature within its reach or does
unfortunate Sir Eregor Dantalus of Apothasaolos, now
transformed into a horrific gallowdead. Unbeknownst to
nothing if it can't make such an attack.
the PCs or Malcolm, when Sir Eregor was incapacitated by Magic Resistance. The gallowdead has advantage
Abruxes as described in Event 3, he was left here comatose on saving throws against spells and other magical
with Malcolm to guard him. The treacherous Sir Ernst effects.
Braanak returned alone and tricked Malcolm into the vault
at B7 and locked the dragonne within. He then murdered
the helpless Sir Eregor, impaling him upon the cursed hook
used murderously for centuries by the Underguild before Multiattack. The gallowdead makes three chains of
sealing the chamber with a newly mortared wall to hide the dead attacks.
the deed from any other survivors of his expedition. The Chains of the Dead (Recharge 6). Melee Weapon
nature of Sir Eregor’s ignoble death and the long history Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit:
of malice and pain associated with the bailing hook caused
Sir Eregor to arise as an undead horror that the PCs have
14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage, plus 18 (4d8)
now unwittingly unleashed. necrotic damage and the target must succeed on
a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or be knocked
unconscious for 1 minute. The unconscious
SIR EREGOR DANTALUS THE GALLOWDEAD target repeats the saving throw if it takes damage
Medium undead, chaotic evil and at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Armor Class 20 (plate and shield) effect on itself on a success.
Hit Points 180 (19d8 + 95) Destructive Wave (1/Day). The gallowdead’s
Speed 30 ft. whispers coalesce into a physical attack. All
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA non-undead creatures within 30 feet of the
gallowdead must make a DC 18 Constitution
20 (+5) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)
saving throw. The attack spreads around corners.
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +9, Cha +10 A creature takes 35 (10d6) thunder damage and 35
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison (10d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, much damage on a successful one.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 REACTIONS
Languages Abyssal, Common Parry. The gallowdead adds 6 to its AC against
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the
gallowdead must see the attacker and be wielding
Blasphemous Whispers. A gallowdead constantly a melee weapon.
whispers vile secrets and blasphemous
chants while it can see any creature and isn't Tactics: Any PCs who hear the creature’s horrible whispers
incapacitated. Each creature that starts its turn must make Wisdom saving throws or be immediately
within 20 feet of the gallowdead and can hear it affected by his blasphemous whispers ability. Eregor then
opens his glaring, dead eyes and spends his first action to
must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. pull the chain from its anchoring in the ceiling. He then
On a failure, the creature can't take reactions uses the chain as his weapon and for his chains of the dead
until the start of its next turn and rolls a d8 to ability. He fights until destroyed.
determine what it does during its turn. On a 1
to 4, the creature does nothing. On a 5 or 6, the Development: Shocked at the state of his friend, Malcolm
creature takes no action or bonus action and will not assist in the fight. However, once the battle is over
uses all its movement to move in a randomly and Eregor finally laid to rest, Malcolm will gather himself
and thank the PCs for helping his friend. He intends
determined direction. On a 7 or 8, the creature

to leave his former friend and depart on his own, but if TAKING STOCK
asked to stay and assist the party he does so as long as they Once the PCs have finished their exploration of the missing
have treated him well to this point. He could prove to be knights’ camp site, they have some decisions to make. Of
a valuable source of information later if the PCs think to the nine knights, one has been found dead, though his
keep him around. If any PC has the Leadership feat and has dragonne companion remains alive. Unfortunately, the
treated him kindly, Malcolm would be willing to become a dragonne is none too intelligent and does not know where
cohort to that character. the other knights have gone. He knows he was left to guard
Sir Eregor after he got “sick” while they went to take care
of some other business. He knows that Sir Ernst came back
and may be the one who locked him in the vault, but he
SCALING THE RENEGADE KNIGHTS OF has no idea what happened after that. And he was never
very clear on exactly what the knights were doing in the
ruins, only that they explored a few places while he always
The adventure is balanced for four 15th-level characters.
remained on watch outside. He doesn’t know where in the
If you have 5 or more players, make the following
ruins they explored but is sure he would recognize them
changes to any of the named monsters in this adventure,
if he saw them again. He also doesn’t remember if all of
but particularly the renegade Knights of Macobert that
the knights were still alive when he last saw them, but he
have been turned to evil:
thinks most of them were. He does admit that there were
• Maximize the hit points of each monster. several battles with horrible creatures in the ruins and that
• If it doesn’t already have a reaction give one something — he doesn’t know what — caused Sir Eregor
appropriate to the type of creature. For example, to become “very sick and go to sleep”, which is why he had
knights would have the following: been left behind at the camp to keep watch over him. That
00Parry. The knight adds 6 to his AC against one Sir Eregor was killed and became an undead creature, that
Sir Ernst may or may not have been involved in that with
melee attack that would hit him. To do so, the
his current whereabouts unknown, and that someone
knight must see the attacker and be wielding a
seems to have reset the trap passwords in area B3 are the
melee weapon. only other real clues the PCs have uncovered. Other than
• Make it a Legendary creature and give it 3 Legendary these, the PCs have little to go on as far as the fate of the
Actions. These should be generic allowing the knights and must obviously continue their search.
monster to use its attacks or spells as legendary
actions, such as the following for Sir Eregor.
The PCs have likely found the map in area B12, and it
remains their best clue of where to go next. It shows three
LEGENDARY ACTIONS different locations in the city that were obviously of interest
The gallowdead can take 3 legendary actions, choosing to the knights but doesn’t tell what they were or which one
from the options below. Only one legendary action (or ones) the knight went to. It’s their best option, however,
option can be used at a time and only at the end of in order to locate the missing knights as opposed to just
another creature's turn. The gallowdead regains spent randomly searching the massive ruined city. Despite not
legendary actions at the start of his turn. being shielded by the protective magic of the campsite, the
00Weapon Attack. The knight makes a weapon knights are still not able to be located through scrying or
attack. divination, so some other powerful agency must still be at
work in their obscurement.
00Cast a Spell (1 to 3 Actions). The knight casts
a spell of level 0 to 3 using 1 action per level (1
minimum). The PCs can choose to make use of the knights’ base
00Frighten Foe (Costs 2 Actions). The knight camp, as there are unlikely to be any better or more secure
targets one enemy he can see within 30 feet accommodations in the city, and begin their explorations
the next day. Or they can choose to set out for one of the
of him. If the target can see and hear him, the
locations on the map. If so, it is important to determine
target must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving
what time of day it is when they set out, as they may get
throw or be frightened until the end of knight’s caught moving about in the city as night falls and the
next turn Nightscream comes as well as the denizens that haunt the
ruins before and after moonset.

If the PCs elect to spend the night before searching world (though without visible wounds), conditions gained
farther, the haunting Nightscream is faintly heard even remain present, spells or abilities used remain used, etc.
within the base camp, though its detrimental effects don’t Only physical items used (ammunition, potions etc.) are
extend within. However, as soon as the PCs bed down for not actually consumed. This supersedes the normal rules
the night in the ruins — whether within the base camp or for completing a long rest, as daily uses of spell slots or
not — they will experience their first encounter with the other limited-use abilities expended in the dream are
nightmares the city inspires as described in Event 1. not regained (though other abilities and spell slots are).
Characters completing a long rest do not automatically
regain all hit points, though they do regain Hit Dice as
EVENT 1: DREAMS AND NIGHTMARES usual and can expend them to regain hit points as if they
Sleeping at night within the confines of the haunted city had completed a short rest.
is not without its dangers. Even if the PCs elect to stay the
night in the base camp, they make another uncomfortable
discovery. While it is sealed and fairly heavily warded from Because a character that succeeds on their Charisma
within, there are some denizens of the night in Curgantium saving throw on entering the dreamscape may dream
that it is not impervious to. Each time a PC falls asleep themselves at full health even if their real body began their
within the city during the hours of darkness (including long rest with damage, a PC can be victorious in his dream
going unconscious), even if within the vault base camp, he but lose enough hit points to surpass his actual waking
is assaulted in his dreams. total and die in his sleep as a result. A character for whom
this is the case must begin making death saving throws
before awakening, continuing until they achieve three
The PC arrives in this dreamscape within the Dimension successes (allowing them to awaken at 1 hit point) or dying
of Dreams as a lucid body formed of dream-stuff. This attack after three failures.
is made directly on the unconscious psyche of the sleeping
PC by way of their unguarded dreams, and only the effects of
a mind blank or similar spell will prevent this. The dreamer Because the creatures encountered in these dreams are
must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or arrive in a under the same dreamscape parameters, they will always
dream body that mirrors the hit points, spells, and abilities leave the dreamscape and allow the dreamer to pass the
remaining that the PC had before losing consciousness. If rest of the night unmolested if reduced below half their
the PC lost consciousness by going under 0 hit points, then hit points. However, these attacks continue nightly as long
he automatically starts with at least 1d10 + 1 hp/level in the as the PCs sleep or lose consciousness in the city at night
dreamscape. If the Charisma check is successful, the PC until The Mindwyrm, the nightmare dragon at the Tower
manifests in perfect health with all his regular equipment of Oerson (see Chapter 3), is slain. One simple solution
and a full complement of spells and abilities. the PCs may think of to largely avoid this is to sleep
during the day and conduct their adventuring at night,
and this is effective in forestalling these dream hauntings,
The PC’s dream self is alone in nondescript dreamscape though it comes with its own risks for venturing into the
surroundings and is immediately beset by his opponent. ruins after nightfall.
Because this is the PC’s dreamscape, his lucid body is
capable of fantastic feats. As a standard action for a number
of times equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum of 1), Roll d% to determine what sort of visitation the PC
the PC can attempt one impossible action Such actions receives. Each PC will receive only one visitation per night
can include things like casting a normally uncastable whether from a period of sleep or unconsciousness. Each PC
spell, gaining the effects of a spell as if it had been cast, or has their own encounter separately and their dreamscapes
conjuring a magic item into being. Doing this requires a are not connected. However, if PCs use a telepathic bond
successful Charisma check (DC = 10 + spell level cast, spell spell to link their minds before going to sleep, roll 1d20
level replicated). Alternatively, a character can use one of for each PC. All PCs that roll 10 or higher have their dream
these impossible actions to reroll any die roll; this does not visitation while telepathically bonded and share a common
require an action. dreamscape and can fight together against the creatures in
their shared dreamscape. PCs that roll 9 or lower receive a
separate monstrous visitation as usual.
Unlike the normal effects of strange dreams, in these
encounters the results of the battle remain true upon
waking. Damage taken in the dream and not healed within This is a variant version of the Mindwyrm’s dream terror
the dream carries over to the character’s body in the real ability (see area H9).

D12 Encounter Special scorched debris, much of which is overgrown with vines
or choked with weeds. The ruins are infested with vermin
1 Banshee such as rats, snakes, and scorpions, and sick-looking crows
2 Spirit Naga circle constantly overhead.
3 Dream As assassinSRD
Assassin Initially the PCs will have three main avenues of
4 Night Hag investigation, based on the maps found at the knights’
5 Nightmare As deva angel but the creature’s base camp: the Lost Library (area C), the Ancient Catacomb
Angel alignment is lawful evil. (area D), and the Ruined Theater (area F). They can choose
to explore any of these in any order. Though the locations
6 Erinyes Devil
have been placed on a map for the PCs (see Handout 6B),
(with rope of
they would still be extremely difficult to find amongst all the
ruins. However, the knights created way markers along the
7 Dreamfire As an adult brass dragon, but routes so they could more easily find their way through the
Dragon it lacks legendary actions or ruined city if they needed to revisit one of these locations.
legendary resistance and its The way markers consist of stones — parts of walls, lying
alignment is chaotic evil. In atop piles of rubble, etc. — along the route that bear a
addition, half of the damage dealt common Foerdewaith trail rune used throughout Akados to
by its breath weapon is psychic indicate the desired path of travel. These runes have been
damage rather than fire damage. recently etched into the stone and can be spotted from up to
8-9 Night Terrors The dreamer is affected as 30 feet away with a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check.
phantasmal killer (DC 20)
10-12 Disturbing The dreamer is affected as a If the PCs wish to find the locations marked on the map
Dreams monstrous dream (DC 20) among the ruins, it requires a DC 20 Wisdom (Survival)
check per hour of travel (or fraction thereof ) and movement
speeds are further halved during this time as they seek
Development: If the PC defeats his attacker in the
signs to indicate a path. If the PCs are able to spot the way
dreamscape, he can make a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
markers (roll once for each hour of travel) then the Wisdom
check to catch a glimpse of an immensely fat bald man
(Survival) DC is reduced to 15, and the party can move at the
standing at the very edge of the misty dreamscape the
normal speed for the ruins.
dreamer inhabits. The massive man wears a loose robe
and faces away from the PC into the ether, but the PC can
hear the fat man say, “Tell me, have you found it?” This EVENT 2: THAT FEELING OF BEING
dream appearance will repeat any number of times, but the
dreamer always wakes before being able to approach or do
As long as the PCs are exploring the city during daylight
anything to affect the fat man.
hours, allow one PC (determined randomly) each hour to
make a DC 21 Wisdom (Perception) check. If the check is
successful the PC simply has the feeling of being watched:
EXPLORING THE CITY Perhaps he saw a movement out of the corner of his eye, or a
At some point, the PCs will need to brave the dangers of drifting shadow that seemed to move against the prevailing
the city in search of the missing knights. The fact that the breeze, or some other telltale clue. However, nothing
knights are not within the shielded campsite and yet still further can be found among the surrounding ruins even
cannot be scried seems to strongly imply that they are dead, with careful investigation. If the check exceeds the DC by
but the adventurers’ job is to find them — or their corpses 5 or more, the PC notices a small floating spherical shape
if necessary. Should the PCs wish to explore any other some distance away that is quickly lost from sight. Again,
ruins or buildings in the city, the GM should determine no searching will yield further clues, but the PCs will
their contents by making a standard encounter roll for the definitely know they are being watched.
appropriate district. The party can also travel through some
parts of the city through the old sewer system (see area E).
This is in fact the arbiter inevitable, Arbitrator/1151.x, who
is observing the PCs’ activities. He will not be encountered
Beyond the blast zone, the city is a labyrinthine jumble of at this time but will turn up again in Event 5: The Inevitable
collapsed buildings, toppled statues, shattered roads, and Arbiter later.

ARBITER INEVITABLE electrical energy in a 10-foot sphere centred on
Small construct (inevitable), lawful neutral itself. Each creature in that area takes 10 (3d6)
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) lightning damage and must succeed on a DC 11
Hit Points 22 (5d6 + 5) Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft. minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA itself on a success. Immediately following such a
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) burst, the arbiter becomes stunned for 24 hours.
Skills Perception +4
Damage Resistances thunder; bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities poison The vampire criminal organization known as the
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, Underguild is behind many of the events in this
paralyzed, poisoned, unconscious adventure, working in cooperation with its mysterious
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 14 Hastur-worshipping allies. In the Frog God Games
Languages all but rarely speaks Quests of Doom adventure Sewers of the Underguild, the
Underguild is described as maintaining its headquarters
Challenge 2 (450 XP) in a network of tunnels under Curgantium. If the GM
chooses to, this adventure can be combined with the
Innate Spellcasting. The arbiter’s innate Sewers of the Underguild to allow exploration of that
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC lair (see Chapter 4). In any event, the Underguild is a
11). The arbiter can innately cast the following constant, if hidden, presence throughout Knight Fall
in Old Curgantium (5E). The party may encounter a
spells, requiring no material components: few scouting parties in their exploration, but there
At Will: detect chaos (as detect evil and good but only will doubtless be other Underguild groups that they
detects creatures of chaotic alignment) do not see. The Underguild’s eventual goal is to locate
3/Day each: command, mending, protection from the Codex Ibnathi for their own foul purposes. In this
chaos (as protection from evil and good but only endeavor they have a number of allies, including the
Cult of Hastur and its mysterious leaders, and the dread
affects chaotic-aligned creatures), creature known as the Fat Man. Though the party may
1/Week: commune not encounter the Underguild directly until the very
end of the adventure, this dangerous group will be an
Axiomatic Mind. The arbiter can’t be compelled unseen presence throughout the adventure.
to act in a manner contrary to its nature or its
Disintegration. If the arbiter dies, its body
disintegrates into dust, leaving behind its C. THE LOST LIBRARY
The Lost Library is located within the blast zone north of
weapons and anything else it was carrying.
the base camp. It lies beneath the ruins of a garrison tower
Immutable Form. The arbiter is immune to any that was once a part of the original citadel that comprised
spell or effect that would alter its form. the Tower of Oerson. Originally this library was a major
cache of knowledge in the early empire, with an extensive
ACTIONS collection of conventional works aboveground, and rare,
valuable, or forbidden volumes stored in the subterranean
Multiattack. The arbiter makes four sword arm
levels. It was incidents involving these darker works that
attacks. caused a series of arcane mishaps and curses that resulted in
Sword Arm. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 the lower levels of the library being sealed along with their
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage. books, and the repurposing of the aboveground structure
Electrical Burst (1/Day). The arbiter releases into a garrison while the main library was relocated into
the heart of the citadel itself (and subsequently destroyed

in the cataclysm). Over time, the library’s lower levels were have been dragged aside and large stones pried up to expose a
all but forgotten. The garrison tower was reduced to little passageway descending into the broken ground.
more than rubble in the Tower of Oerson’s explosion, but
the lower levels were preserved largely intact — merely
awaiting rediscovery. Like almost every other building in the blast zone, the
library is now only a fallen pile of dusty, blackened rubble.
Only the persistence and extensive research conducted by
After discovering this lost cache, the knights were able the knights prior to their arrival allowed them to locate it
to clear out some of the lower level and vanquish its at all. Now, however, there are signs of activity. It’s obvious
inhabitants, but some unsavory things remain. In addition, that the knights have been here, for several sections of
a party of Underguild vampires is currently within the rubble have been cleared away to expose the building’s
library. Like the PCs, they are trying to figure out what foundations.
the knights were up to but ended up getting trapped here
by the dawn. The vampires are presently holed up in the
scriptorium (C4), awaiting darkness for the trip back to the If he can communicate with the party, Malcolm will tell
sewer tunnels and relative safety. If the PCs are exploring them that he remembers being here with the knights, but
the library at night, then the vampires have only recently that he and Sir Eregor were left here on watch while the
arrived and begun their exploration. others went into the passage they had uncovered below.
The knights emerged several hours later carrying a large
book. Malcolm doesn’t know what the book was or where
C1. SURFACE RUBBLE it is now.
The blasted rubble of flattened buildings is piled here as everywhere
else in this area with only occasional remnants of walls or other A search of the ground outside the entrance with a DC
structures remaining. However, at this point are signs of recent 20 Wisdom (Investigation) check reveals the signs of the
excavation in the rubble. Many pieces of broken stone debris knights’ and Malcolm’s presence 11 days before the start

of the adventure along with their labors to uncover the opened, Mordesse is immediately released and springs
formerly buried entrance at C2. However, if the check outward to attack, attempting to trap them with black
exceeds the DC by 5 or more, the PCs discover the tracks tentacles or control them with charm person.
of additional humanoids that more recently descended
into the ruins but have not yet emerged. These tracks are
muddled, so their numbers are not readily identifiable, but MORDESSE THE HANDMAIDEN
it appears to have been at least three individuals. These
tracks were left by the vampires in C4. Large medium (devil), lawful evil
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 161 (19d8 + 76)
The opening reveals ancient stairs are covered in rock dust
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)
that descend into darkness. The passage is masonry and 10 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
feet wide with a 10-foot ceiling. There are no light sources
21 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)
within, so the PCs will have to bring their own. A simple
DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals several sets of Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +9, Wis +7, Cha +9
humanoid tracks in the dust on the stairs (from the knights Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
and the vampires), but they are jumbled and cannot be
slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't
followed past this point.
Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison
C3. STUDY CARRELS Condition Immunities poisoned
The partially collapsed room still contains some very Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
old and dust-covered study carrels, broken chairs, Perception 12
and the remains of a few books and scrolls. Much
of the eastern portion of the ceiling has collapsed
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic,
leaving that end choked in dust and rubble. Infernal, telepathy 100 ft.
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
A search of the floor in this chamber
with a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) Devil's Sight. Magical darkness
check reveals no recent tracks. doesn't impede the devil's
While almost all of the debris is darkvision.
of no particular interest, a DC 22 Grappler. The devil has
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
a sealed lead coffer about the size
advantage on attack rolls
of a large book beneath a pile against any creature
of broken masonry. A detect grappled by it.
magic spell will reveal Magic Resistance. The
a lingering aura of devil has advantage on saving
abjuration but not the
specific spell (this is the
throws against spells and
remains of the spell cast to other magical effects.
bind the devil long ago). Tentacle Cage. If the devil
successfully grapples a
If opened (damage threshold creature, she transfers that
6, hp 15, Strength (Athletics) DC 18 creature into her lower body’s
to break), the coffer is revealed to nest of cage-like tentacles
contain the magically compacted as a bonus action and the
form of Mordesse, a handmaiden
devil who was defeated and target is restrained. The
trapped here by a Hyperborean devil’s tentacles are AC 17 and
sorcerer 2,000 years ago. If the coffer is have 18 hp for the purpose of

an entrapped creature cutting itself out. A devil’s This room is a jumble of ancient writing desks and stools, all
tendrils heal quickly, allowing her to use this ability 1 draped in centuries of dusty cobwebs. Signs of disturbance among
the dust shows where more recent activity has occurred here.
round after a creature cuts itself free.
Innate Spellcasting. The handmaiden devil’s
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC After receiving word of the knights’ presence, the
Underguild dispatched a scouting party of 5 vampire spawn
20). The handmaiden devil can innately cast
led by the vampire sorceress Dhaderra, which arrived here
the following spells, requiring no material late last night. With little time before dawn, the party
components: holed up in this room and are currently sleeping. They will
At will: black tentacles, charm person awaken and be prepared if the lock is picked, but if the
door is smashed the party will receive a surprise round on
the still-sleepy fiends. If it is already after nightfall, then
they have just arrived and are awake and searching the
Multiattack. The devil makes four attacks: two with chamber and cannot be surprised.
its claws, and two with its tentacles.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) slashing damage UNDERGUILD SCOUTS (5)
plus 10 (3d6) poison damage and the target is Hp 112 (as vampire spawnSRD)
grappled (Escape DC 18).
Entrapping Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +10
to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5)
piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage Medium undead (shapechanger), lawful evil
and the target is grappled (Escape DC 18). Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 144 (17d8 + 68)
Development: If reduced to 20 hit points or fewer, Speed 30 ft.
Mordesse will surrender and offer to serve the member of
the party whose alignment is closest to her own. She tells
the chosen PC that she will return upon command along 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)
with her retinue of 3 erinyes devils and serve for one full
Saving Throws Dex +9, Wis +7, Cha +9
day, performing any act that does not require her to break
any other oath. This service will begin in 30 days, so the Skills Perception +7, Stealth +9
party can’t take advantage of Mordesse’s offer while they are Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning,
in Curgantium. If the party accepts Mordesse’s offer, she piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
vanishes and return to Hell immediately, but will be good to Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
her word. When Mordesse and her servitors are summoned,
Languages Common
they will seek to do the most damage and inflict the most
pain possible, killing innocents or destroying holy objects Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)
if they are available so that the very act of summoning them
will shift the summoner’s alignment one step toward evil. Spellcasting. Dhaderra is an 18th-level spellcaster.
her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save
Treasure: Inset and hidden within the interior lining of the DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). Dhaderra can
lead coffer (Perception DC 26) is a single large blood-red ruby cast disguise self and invisibility at will and has the
(5,000 gp) which was involved in the original binding ritual. following wizard spells prepared:
• Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand,
C4. SCRIPTORIUM prestidigitation, shocking grasp
The door to this room is closed and locked. • 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, identify, mage
armor*, magic missile
Wooden Door: 2 in. thick; damage threshold 8; hp 25; • 2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, mirror image,
Strength (Athletics) DC 20; Thieves’ Tools DC 21. misty step

• 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fly, lightning bolt she regains at least 1 hit point. After spending
• 4th level (3 slots): banishment, fire shield, 1 hour in her resting place with 0 hit points,
stoneskin* Dhaderra regains 1 hit point.
• 5th level (3 slots): cone of cold, scrying, wall of Regeneration. Dhaderra regains 20 hit points
force at the start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit
• 6th level (1 slot): globe of invulnerability point and isn't in sunlight or running water. If
• 7th level (1 slot): teleport Dhaderra takes radiant damage or damage from
• 8th level (1 slot): mind blank* holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start
• 9th level (1 slot): time stop of Dhaderra's next turn.
*Dhaderra casts these spells on itself before combat. Spider Climb. Dhaderra can climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on ceilings, without
Shapechanger. If Dhaderra isn't in sunlight needing to make an ability check.
or running water, she can use her action to Vampire Weaknesses. Dhaderra has the following
polymorph into a Tiny bat or a Medium cloud of flaws:
mist, or back into her true form. Forbiddance. Dhaderra can't enter a residence
While in bat form, Dhaderra can't speak, her without an invitation from one of the occupants.
walking speed is 5 feet, and she has a flying speed Harmed by Running Water. Dhaderra takes 20 acid
of 30 feet. her statistics, other than her size and damage if she ends her turn in running water.
speed, are unchanged. Anything she is wearing Stake to the Heart. If a piercing weapon made
transforms with it, but nothing she is carrying of wood is driven into Dhaderra's heart while
does. she reverts to her true form if she dies. Dhaderra is incapacitated in her resting place,
While in mist form, Dhaderra can't take any Dhaderra is paralyzed until the stake is removed.
actions, speak, or manipulate objects. she is Sunlight Hypersensitivity. Dhaderra takes 20 radiant
weightless, has a flying speed of 20 feet, can hover, damage when she starts her turn in sunlight.
and can enter a hostile creature's space and stop While in sunlight, she has disadvantage on attack
there. In addition, if air can pass through a space, rolls and ability checks.
the mist can do so without squeezing, and she can’t
pass through water. she has advantage on Strength, ACTIONS
Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws, and she Multiattack. (Vampire Form Only). Dhaderra
is immune to all nonmagical damage, except the makes two attacks, only one of which can be a
damage she takes from sunlight. bite attack.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Dhaderra fails a Unarmed Strike (Vampire Form Only). Melee
saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead. Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Misty Escape. When she drops to 0 hit points Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. Instead of
outside her resting place, Dhaderra transforms dealing damage, Dhaderra can grapple the target
into a cloud of mist (as in the Shapechanger trait) (escape DC 18).
instead of falling unconscious, provided that she Bite. (Bat or Vampire Form Only). Melee Weapon
isn't in sunlight or running water. If she can't Attack:+9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a
transform, she is destroyed. creature that is grappled by Dhaderra, incapacitated,
While Dhaderra has 0 hit points in mist form, or restrained. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus
she can't revert to her vampire form, and she 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The target's hit point
must reach her resting place within 2 hours or be maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the
destroyed. Once in her resting place, she reverts necrotic damage taken, and Dhaderra regains hit
to her vampire form. She is then paralyzed until points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts

until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies Cast a Spell. (Costs 0-3 Actions). Dhaderra casts a
if this effect reduces her hit point maximum to 0. spell. she costs 1 legendary action per spell level
A humanoid slain in this way and then buried in (cantrips are free)
the ground rises the following night as a vampire
spawn under Dhaderra's control. C5. BOOK DEPOSITORY
Charm. Dhaderra targets one humanoid she can see The door to this room stands open and inside are several collapsed
within 30 feet of it. If the target can see Dhaderra, hardwood shelves with the moldering or desiccated remains of very
the target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom old volumes. Many footprints on the dusty floor and disturbances
saving throw against this magic or be charmed by in the scattered piles of books and scrolls show that this room has
been recently searched and very thoroughly by the look of it.
Dhaderra. The charmed target regards Dhaderra
as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected.
Although the target isn't under Dhaderra's control, The knights spent a great deal of time searching among
the books here. These books were among the library’s
she takes Dhaderra's requests or actions in the most valued and restricted collections, including ancient
most favorable way she can, and she is a willing spellbooks, volumes on forbidden lore, histories of the
target for Dhaderra's bite attack. distant past, and even some books in alien languages that
Each time Dhaderra or Dhaderra's companions were never actually translated. Today most of the titles
do anything harmful to the target, she can repeat are indecipherable and their contents long ruined by the
alternately moist and dry air of this sealed level through
the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on the passing centuries. Some volumes do remain on the
a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours intact shelves, however. Of these intact books some are
or until Dhaderra is destroyed, is on a different stacked, and others lie in disorder on the shelves, showing
plane of existence than the target, or she takes a the thoroughness of the knights’ search here.
bonus action to end the effect.
Children of the Night (1/Day). Dhaderra magically Each PC can make a single DC 20 Intelligence
calls 2d4 swarms of bats or rats (swarm of bats, (Investigation) check to search through the books. A failure
indicates that the PC found nothing of interest or that the
swarm of rats), provided that the sun isn't up.
books inspected crumbled to dust at the touch. A success
While outdoors, Dhaderra can call 3d6 wolves indicates that something of interest was found. The knights
(wolf ) instead. The called creatures arrive in 1d4 themselves were so focused on their quest that any books
rounds, acting as allies of Dhaderra and obeying that did not directly relate to their research were left here,
her spoken commands. The beasts remain for possibly for later study. If the check determines that a PC
finds something interesting, roll d% on the following table
1 hour, until Dhaderra dies, or until Dhaderra
to determine what is found. Each book can only be found
dismisses them as a bonus action. once. Unless otherwise noted, books that grant bonuses
to skill checks are effective only when the book is in the
LEGENDARY ACTIONS user’s possession from continued reference and study. All
Dhaderra can take 3 legendary actions, choosing bonuses are circumstance bonuses.
from the options below. Only one legendary action
option can be used at a time and only at the end d% Result
of another creature's turn. Dhaderra regains spent 01–05 A Biological Treatise on Humanoid Medicine
legendary actions at the start of her turn. (+1 bonus to Heal checks)
Move. Dhaderra moves up to her speed without 06–15 A Naturalist’s Sketchbook (druids gain
provoking opportunity attacks. familiarity with 1d4 new random wild shapes)
Unarmed Strike. Dhaderra makes one unarmed 16–25 The Nobles of Hyperborea (+1 bonus to
strike. Knowledge [nobility] checks regarding
Bite. (Costs 2 Actions). Dhaderra makes one bite Hyperborea)

26–35 Exotic Weapons of Foreign Lands (user gains scrolls of this place have been neatly gathered. The dusty floor is
proficiency in one exotic weapon of his choice a chaos of scuffs and footprints from recent heavy use by several
after 2d4 weeks of study and a successful DC Int individuals.
check [only 1 attempt per reader])
36–45 A Guide to Planar Travel (+1 bonus to Books or scrolls found to have direct application to the
Knowledge [planes] checks) knights’ research were brought here for closer inspection,
46–50 Readings in Modern Biology (+1 bonus to and the knights brought their own reading lights and
Knowledge [nature] checks) reinforced the ancient chairs with nails and additional
wood for use as they studied the texts. As in C5, the texts
51–55 The Nature of the Undead (+1 bonus to the
here are very fragile. Though handling them with proper
DC of saves by undead against channel energy
care allows them to be studied. The books are history texts,
damage as long as this book is in the user’s
biographies, journals, and similar works. One particular
tome lies open at the center of one table and clearly received
56–60 Sorcerous Cults of the Hyperborean Empire (+1 some considerable attention. The book is written in High
bonus to Knowledge [arcana] checks) BorosLL8-30, the dead language of ancient Hyperborea, and is
61–65 A Dwarven-Common Dictionary (user part of a larger set chronicling the first millennium of the
learns Dwarven without requiring a rank in Hyperborean Empire. The page it is opened to is revealed
Linguistics after 2d4 weeks of study and a in Handout 6C (see page 135).
successful DC 15 Int check [only 1 attempt per
reader]) A DC 15 Intelligence (History) check reveals that while
66–75 A History of the Heroes of the Empire (+1 bonus this is clearly a chronicle of fairly well-documented
to Knowledge [history] checks) Hyperborean history, of note is the line that states the
76–80 The Art of Conversation and Argument (+1 Great Khan Ogedane ordered the start of what became
bonus to Diplomacy checks) the civil war that destroyed the Hundaei — an unusual
revelation that is not generally recalled in the Hyperborean
81–84 The Faiths of the World (+1 bonus to Knowledge
histories — but also that it was done “for the good of all
[religion] checks)
lest the darkness return,” a phrase that has no meaning that
85–87 The Infamous History of Strategos Verin* (+1 the PCs can recall from history. It is known that hordes of
bonus to Intimidate checks) humanoid monster tribes led by fiendish creatures called
88–90 Hyperborean Geography (+1 bonus to shadow walkers emerged as a threat from the Haunted
Knowledge [geography] checks) Steppe in the centuries that followed, but no reference to
91–93 Flesh golem manual those events connecting them to the time of Great Khan
Ogedane has ever been found. A smudged dirty fingerprint
94–95 Iron golem manual under that particular phrase shows where one of the
96 Tome of clear thought +1 knights evidently pointed it out to his fellows as well,
97 Manual of bodily health +1 though the significance of it is unclear.
98 Manual of quickness of action +1
99 Tome of leadership and influence +1 C7. IRON CHAMBER
00 Roll twice, ignoring a duplicate result This chamber is empty save for some crumbled debris, but
someone apparently found something interesting here recently,
as the brickwork along the far wall has been removed to reveal
C6. READING ROOM a small opening beyond — a smooth-walled iron cavity of a
This chamber contains several dusty and mold-crusted reading roughly circular shape.
tables around which are gathered a number of rickety chairs that
have clearly been recently reinforced for use. The tables also bear
The knights detected a subtle difference in the masonry
several dust-free, half-burnt candles and two lanterns, all recently
when they searched this chamber and partially disassembled
placed here, and several stacks where the crumbling books and
the wall to discover the cavity beyond, apparently an old

* Destroyed along with his entire Legion battling against the Heldring in the Peninsular Campaign of 288 I.R. See page
14 of LL4: Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms by Frog God Games

furnace from the early days of the citadel. Conductive. Anytime a
Within are the scorched remains of an tophet is affected by
ancient human skeleton frozen in a
position as if huddled in a ball and
an effect that deals
clutching something to its chest in fire damage, creatures
its arms — something roughly the currently swallowed
size and shape of a book. When the by the construct take
knights found this, they saw that fire damage equal to
the book was completely intact and
undamaged and realized it was the
half of this amount.
prize they had sought and claimed Magic Resistance. The
it without ever really discovering tophet collector has
the truth of the situation. advantage on saving
throws against spells
The iron furnace within the and other magical
wall is actually the hollow interior effects.
of an ancient construct called a Trampling Charge.
tophet. The tophet was placed here
more than a thousand years ago If the tophet moves
when a mad sorcerer was thrown at least 20 feet straight
into its belly to burn along with toward a creature and
his copy of the infamous Codex Ibnathi. then hits it with a slam
The sorcerer was slain but the book was attack on the same turn, that
unharmed, though the construct holding it was
bricked up in the wall to further hide the blasphemous target must succeed on a DC
remains. The knights discovered the embedded tophet 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
without realizing what it was and took the undamaged If the target is prone, the tophet can make one
book while the construct was largely quiescent. Now with stomp attack against it as a bonus action.
the PCs examining the burned skeleton the disturbance
has roused the ancient construct to wakefulness once again.
Multiattack. The tophet makes two slam attacks.
TOPHET Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Large construct, neutral target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) piercing damage plus 16
Armor Class 17 (natural) (3d10) fire damage. If the target is a Large or smaller
Hit Points 189 (18d10 + 90) creature, it must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity
Speed 20 ft. saving throw or be swallowed by the tophet. A
swallowed creature is blinded and restrained, it
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA has total cover against attacks and other effects
21 (+5) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 5 (-3) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) outside the tophet. Once swallowed by a tophet, an
Damage Immunities fire; bludgeoning, piercing, opponent takes no damage, but is trapped inside
and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't the creature’s hollow interior. The construct’s maw
adamantine locks down, preventing creatures from climbing
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, back out. If the tophet takes 30 damage or more on
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned a single turn from a creature inside it, the creature
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 10 has broken through the tophet’s cage and falls
Languages understands all languages but can't prone in a space within 10 feet of the tophet. If
speak the tophet dies, a swallowed creature is no longer
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by

using 20 feet of movement, exiting prone. A target with a pulsating brain-like organ covered by a hooded growth
may also use Thieves’ Tools to escape (DC 20). It of flesh. Its lower jaw is split into two fanged halves. Its limbs
are elongated and its hands are thick and gnarled, each with two
may only have one creature swallowed at a time but grotesquely-overgrown fingers. It has no visible eyes but seems
does not lose its bite attack while it has a swallowed aware of you, standing calmly and making no move to attack.
creature, but it cannot swallow another creature.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., A voice echoes in your mind, and you can somehow tell that it
originates with the strange creature. Pardon the interruption, it
one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage says. I mean you no harm and wish to speak with you.
plus 16 (3d10) fire damage.
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach
The creature is a caulborn that has been exploring and
5 ft., one prone creature. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) observing the goings-on in the ruins for some time. It
bludgeoning damage. communicates with the PCs telepathically seeking to
parley and has no interest in a fight. If the PCs attack,
Tactics: The tophet smashes free from the wall as a move it plane shifts away and will make one more attempt to
action and attempts to swallow a PC (since its former contact them in the future. If attacked a second time it
prisoner has been reduced to little more than charred again plane shifts away never to return and leaving the
bone, the tophet is no longer considered to be occupied PCs to their own fumbling devices. Anyone intentionally
and is ready for a new victim). If a PC was unfortunate observing the creature’s fingers and making a DC 10
enough to be inside the tophet examining the skeleton Intelligence check realizes it, or something like it, is
when the Tophet begins its attack, the PC is automatically likely the source of the fingerprint found on the map in
swallowed, with the tophet’s maw locking closed. If it area B12.
succeeds in swallowing a victim, the tophet steps back into
its wall recess which sits just above the ancient furnace that
is still stocked with coal and has an open oil reservoir at the CAULBORN
top. The tophet attempts to set the oil alight by grinding
its metal arms against the masonry walls surrounding it as Medium aberration, neutral
a bonus action, with a 20% cumulative chance of igniting Armor Class 15 (breastplate)
it each round. If the tophet is successful, the furnace will Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13)
blaze to life and the tophet will stand in its heat and fight Speed 30 ft.
off the other PCs while letting the victim inside it slowly
10 (+0) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)
A trapped victim takes increasing damage each round Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +6, Cha +6
as the furnace grows hotter. On the first round, the victim
Skills Arcana +7, Deception +6, Insight +6,
takes 7 (2d6) fire damage, with damage increasing by
7 (2d6) each round thereafter, to a maximum of 28 (8d6) Perception+6, Persuasion +6, Stealth +4
fire damage per round. This does not affect damage Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16
sustained from fire attacks as detailed under the tophet’s Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Celestial,
conductive special ability. The victim continues to take fire Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal; telepathy
damage after the tophet is slain, until the furnace flames
100 ft.
are extinguished, requiring one round of work and a DC
20 Thieves’ Tools or DC 15 Smith’s Tools check. Once the Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
flames are extinguished, the tophet’s interior cools at the
same rate that it heated. Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The caulborn’s
innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell
Development: After the PCs have dealt with the tophet, save DC 15). It can innately cast the following
they discover that they are no longer alone in the library. spells, requiring no components:
You suddenly become aware that standing in the room’s doorway At will: detect thoughts, detect magic
is a horrific-looking creature. While its frame is roughly humanoid, 1/day: consume thoughts (as a 9th level modify
it is covered in odd growths, and its head is a distended, fleshy sack memory spell except if the target makes the

saving throw it takes 15 (2d10 + 4) psychic damage Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
and the caulborn heals for the same amount of one creature. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage and 15
hit points) (2d10 + 4) psychic damage.
3/day each: charm monster, hold monster, hypnotic Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
pattern, psychic crush (as vampiric touch but does creature. Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage 9 (1d10 + 4)
psychic damage) psychic damage.
1/week: plane shift (willing creatures only)
Development: If the party is willing to hear it out, the
Cooperative Scrying. Three or more caulborn caulborn explains that it has been observing this library
for some time, gleaning ancient knowledge from it about
joining hands can scry on a place or creature as if the fate of Curgantium and the Hyperborean Empire.
using the scrying spell (DC 20), but with no limit If asked, the caulborn says it has no name that the PCs
to the spell’s duration so long as at least three of would understand. The caulborn is happy to exchange
the caulborn involved continue to join hands and information with the PCs and will answer questions for
concentrate. them on a one-for-one basis.
Creature Sense. The caulborn is aware of the
presence of creatures within 60 feet of it that For the questions that the caulborn asks the PCs, it wants
to know personal things about the PCs’ lives, details of
have an Intelligence score of 4 or higher. It knows
their adventures in the Haunted Steppe (assuming they
the distance and direction to each creature, as participated in the adventure Race for Shataakh-Uulm),
well as each creature’s Intelligence score, but can’t specifics about what they found at the Pit of the Burning
sense anything else about it. A creature protected Star (as before), what they know about Ellerby Wallix
by a mind blank spell, a nondetection spell, or (assuming they participated in the adventure The Book in
the Old House), etc. It will not reveal its interest in these
similar magic can’t be perceived in this manner.
matters beyond just stating it has such an interest. If asked
Hive Mind. As long as there are at least two how it knows these things, it states that it is a long-time
caulborn within 300 feet of each other, if one observer in the doings of mortal-born.
caulborn in the group is aware of a particular
danger, they all are. No caulborn in a group In return the caulborn has a quite a bit of information
grants advantage due to flanking, surprise or of value that it can reveal to the PCs. The most important
other position-based combat bonus. items are summarized below so you can work it organically
Id Insinuation. Anytime a creature takes psychic into the answers it gives for the party’s questions. If they ask
for information outside these topics, judge if the caulborn
damage from the caulborn it must make a DC would know the answer and provide as you see fit to your
15 Intelligence saving throw or be stunned for 1 players.
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on The caulborn will reveal that the knights did discover and
itself on a success. take a book from the executed sorcerer’s corpse and that
Intellect Fortress So long as the caulborn is they did not realize it was within an animated construct. It
wearing no armour it may add its Intelligence can confirm that the claimed book was the Codex Ibnathi,
modifier to its AC. and if they think to ask, that it was the same one from
which a single page had been torn that ultimately found its
Magic Resistance. The caulborn has advantage on way to the house in Eber (see The Book in the Old House).
saving throws against spells and other magical
effects. The caulborn can tell the PCs that the knights’ party
consisted of eight knights and one squire (which matches
ACTIONS the information they received at the beginning of the
Multiattack. The caulborn makes one bite and two adventure), though only five remain alive now. It does not
claw attacks. know the names of any of the knights nor their current
whereabouts as it has been watching the library lately in

anticipation of other visitors (the PCs). It does not know Ad Hoc XP Award: If the PCs successfully treat with the
exactly why the knights were seeking the book but that caulborn and learn of the significance of the mothman,
it has to do with the original destruction of the city 1,021 award XP as if they had defeated it in battle.
years ago and the potential of a new cataclysm of equal or
greater proportions.
In regards to the city’s original destruction and its The PCs must enter the tribal territory of the giants
significance in the present age, it will reveal that in the to reach the ruined Cathedral of the Blessed Tesseract,
weeks prior to the cataclysm one of the strange portentous since its ruin comprises a part of their encampment. The
creatures known as a mothman had been frequently aberrant giants are constantly patrolling the area for food
sighted and that the mothman knew much of what was to and supplies. They’ve also heard rumors about the knights
come. Being a soul now trapped within the devastation, and are searching for them, hoping to loot their treasures
the mothman might be able to shed light on what actually or possibly hold them for ransom. The GM should make
occurred with its eyewitness account. The caulborn goes the normal encounter checks for the tribal territory and
on to reveal that the mothman can still be found “at the also run the following encounter before the party can reach
correct hour for the show” if the PCs wished to plumb its the ruined cathedral.
millennium-old secret. The caulborn won’t explain this
cryptic statement any further, telling the PCs that solving WAR PARTY
mysteries is good for the psyche. The knights made a surprise raid on a giant encampment
at the ruined cathedral and then disappeared into the
Once the caulborn has revealed all of the above catacombs beneath before the giants had a chance to regroup
information, it departs the city via plane shift, its curiosity and counter-attack. The giants did not realize that the knights
on the matter sated for the time being. had gone underground and have been attempting to track
them down in the tribal territory to gain their vengeance ever

since. To this end the giants have have dispatched several war damage from the attack. It also can gain this
parties to look for them, one of which will be encountered as bonus damage if another ogre stalker or wolf is
the PCs make their way to the cathedral.
within 5 feet of the target.

The giants’ war party is led by an ash giant and includes

6 aberrant hill giants, an ogre boss, 2 ogre wereboars, and DIRE WOLVES (4)
4 ogre stalkers (with their wolf companions). An observant hp 37 (as dire wolvesSRD)
party may first catch sight of the ogre stalkers who are
scouting ahead (50% chance of either) if they succeed
on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. If this occurs, the D1. CATHEDRAL FORECOURT
scout will attempt to engage the PCs from a distance while Anyone openly approaching the camp here will be spotted
shouting an alarm that brings the rest of the war party in by the lookouts at D4, who will raise the alarm as described
1d4 rounds. If the party fails to notice these scouts, then they below.
will encounter the war party as they walk into an ambush it
A massive structure of graceful spires, towers, and flying buttresses
has laid where the scouts and hunters begin peppering them
once stood here, but the destruction of the city has reduced it to little
with ranged attacks from behind cover with aberrant giants
more than a shell of itself. It is a testament to its timeless construction
waiting in hiding beside them for the PCs to charge. The ash
that any of it stands at all, as the main portion of it has collapsed, but
giants, ogre boss, and ogre mancatchers hide on the flanks to
part of the grand colonnade entrance remains intact as does a portion
come in from behind the party and attack with surprise once
of one wing and its attached tower. The rest has been reduced to vast
they are engaged in combat. They attempt to kill stronger
mounds of rubble and debris overgrown with the omnipresent vines,
characters and capture weaker ones, intending to subject
grasses, and saplings that have slowly overtaken the once-mighty city.
them to torture to reveal the location of the knights.
The grounds surrounding the ruins have been converted into a crude
encampment, with rough hide tents fit for giants pitched among the
ruins here and there and great piles of broken rubble stacked into
ASH GIANT defensive walls or fighting platforms. A smudge of smoke rises from a
hp 205 (see Appendix A, page 540) great pit near the edge of the central encampment.

ABERRANT HILL GIANTS (6) The giant tribes of the tribal territory have encampments
scattered throughout that section of the ruins, but the lair of
hp 105 (See Tribal Territory Random Encounters: the giant chief is here among the ruins of the cathedral. Most
Day, page 420) of the local tribesman lair among the surrounding ruins, but a
few of the chief ’s personal guard reside here in the immediate
vicinity of his abode. Currently residing here in the ruined
OGRE BOSS cathedral’s forecourt are a total of 5 aberrant hill giants and
7 ogre brutes. The ogres are divided among the three great
hp 162 (See Tribal Territory Random Encounters: hide tents, while the aberrant giants tend to just bed down
Day, page 421) among the surrounding ruins wherever is convenient. There
are usually many more ogres and giants present, but the rest
have been sent out as war parties to locate the knights who
OGRE WEREBOARS (2) raided the camp by surprise a week ago.
hp 115 (See Tribal Territory Random Encounters:
Day, page 422) The mounds of rubble within this area are 30 feet high
and are considered loose scree, requiring a DC 18 Strength
(Athletics) check for anyone attempting to climb them
OGRE STALKERS (4) unless otherwise noted.
Hp 59 (statistics as ogreSRD, except as below)
Skills Stealth +5
Pack Attack (1/Turn). If the ogre stalker surprises a
creature and hits it with an attack during the first hp 105 (see Tribal Territory Random Encounters:
round of combat, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) Day, page 420)

OGRE BRUTES (7) This burn pit is used by the giant tribe to light great
bonfires for entertainment, executions, trash, and cooking.
hp 85 (see Tribal Territory Random Encounters: Its sides are crumbly but not overly steep, so only a DC 12
Day, page 422) Strength (Athletics) check is required to climb in or out.
Some smoldering coals remain in the center of the pit
Tactics: Unless the giants here have been alerted by the from the last blaze so that the entire pit is considered to
watchers at D4 or the glutton at D2, they will be surprised be in concealment, though it is not thick enough to impair
by the PCs, with their weapons laid aside as they go about breathing. Likewise, the ash layer is thick enough that the
their daily camp tasks. If an alarm is raised, the giants will coals do not cause any damage. The portcullis rods are
grab weapons and gather at the base of D3, between it and used as spits for cooking, and an ogre glutton who serves
D2 to form a defensive front against intruders, while one as the encampment’s primary cook is currently in the pit
of the aberrant giants climbs D3 to beat upon the alarm collecting them for later use. He is hungry and not yet
drum. The ogres and giants are not tacticians and will only aware of what he will have for dinner, so if he sees the PCs
hold their defensive position for 1d2 rounds to hurl ranged he immediately rages and climbs out of the pit to attack.
weapons before they fling themselves into the fray against His screams of rage alert the camp as described in D1.
any opponents they can see. In this way, clever PCs may be
able to lure the defenders away from the cathedral entrance
and allow an easier infiltration within. OGRE GLUTTON
Huge giant, chaotic evil
Development: If a fight occurs here and they are not Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
already aware, the inhabitants of D2 and D4 become aware Hit Points 200 (16d12 + 96)
after 1 round and will immediately move to join in. If the
giants manage to beat the alarm drum at D3, it alerts the Speed 50 ft.
occupants of the rest of the encampment as follows. These STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
occupants’ reactions are detailed in their own areas. After 1
round of the alarm drum, the occupants of D5 and D6 are
27 (+8) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)
alerted. After 3 rounds the occupant of D7 is alerted. After 5 Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +7, Cha +7
rounds the occupants of D8 are alerted. The giant beating Skills Insight +7, Perception +7
the drum will continue to do so until physically stopped,
Senses passive Perception 17
until the cyclops from D7 emerges to join the fight, or until
10 rounds have passed, whichever comes first. Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Treasure: Scattered among the encampment are the
following treasures, though it requires four DC 27 Wisdom Keen Smell. The ogre has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks and a full hour of searching to discover (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
them all. For every 15 minutes less than 1 hour that is spent Gluttonous Rage (Recharges after a Short or Long
in the search remove one of the four treasures. Rest). As a bonus action, the ogre can enter a
• 1,700 gp rage at the start of its turn. The rage lasts for 1
• A potion of countless eyes (see Appendix B) minute or until the ogre is incapacitated. While
• A spell scroll of polymorph raging, the ogre gains the following benefits:
• A wand of night (see Appendix B) • The ogre has advantage on Strength checks and
Strength saving throws
D2. BURN PIT • When it makes a melee weapon attack, the ogre
A great smoking pit has been dug in the earth here, its broken sides gains a +4 bonus to the damage roll.
descending 10 feet or more to a bottom covered in charred rubble, • The ogre has resistance to bludgeoning,
ash, and the scorched remains of creatures — or perhaps meals. A piercing, and slashing damage.
number of metal rods, the broken pieces of a portcullis it appears,
are leaning against the sides of the pit or lie in the ash itself.
Multiattack. The ogre makes two morningstar attacks.

Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, D5. SLAVE PIT
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) piercing Here at the crumbling base of one of the structure’s wings, a sheer-
damage. sided pit has been dug 10 feet down to its very foundations. It
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range appears that the pit is used to hold prisoners or slaves as a number
60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d10 + 8) of small dusky humanoids huddle in squalor within. Next to the
edge of the pit is crudely constructed wooden ladder.
bludgeoning damage.

The giant tribe has managed to capture a number of

wayangs over the years and keep the Small shadowy creatures
This rubble pile is 30 feet tall and is composed of scree as
as slaves. There are a total 23 wayangs currently in the pit, and
described in area D1, except a rough stairway (difficult terrain
all are malnourished and mistreated. Normally they would
to creatures size Medium or smaller) has been constructed
be out and about the camp serving the giants, but ever since
into its eastern slope and a flattened platform area exists at
the knights’ raid the giants have kept them largely confined
its peak which provides cover against anyone attacking from
to the pit without being fed, unsure if they were somehow
below. Atop this platform is a massive drum made from a
complicit in the attack. Three of the creatures have already
yak-beastLL5-233 hide stretched tight over large wooden tun. A
died of starvation and the rest all have 1d6 points of nonlethal
heavy wooden mallet (sized for a Large creature) rests next
damage and the fatigued condition from their deprivation. In
to this drum. When the drum is beaten, its reverberation
addition, guarding the pit is an athach that has been adopted
echoes over the entire northern portion of the ruined city.
as an honorary member of the tribe and put in charge of the
It alerts the inhabitants of the camp as described in D1
prisoners. She is none-too-bright and will not notice intruders
above, but it also recalls the patrols currently out scouting
unless attacked or unless the alarm drum is sounded. If either
among the ruins. If the drum is beaten for at least 5 rounds,
of these occurs, she leaps into the pit to take cover and fight
a war party identical to that encountered in War Party above
off anything that gets too close. If that occurs, the wayangs
will arrive at the cathedral camp 1 hour later, with a second
will avoid her but will use their ghost sound and ventriloquism
identical war party arrived 1d4 hours after that.
abilities to distract her during any battle with the PCs causing
her to incur a –2 penalty to attack and damage rolls.
This tower situated at the end of the one of the cathedral’s
collapsed wings is still standing to a height of 50 feet. Its ATHACH
interior is hollow with a still-sturdy stone stair that wraps
around along the wall where a crude wooden platform has
Huge giant, chaotic evil
been constructed at a height of 45 feet. This gives the ogre Armor Class 16 (scale mail)
occupants improved cover from attackers below due to the Hit Points 230 (20d12 + 100)
5-foot lip of the platform and cover against anything at their Speed 50 ft.
height or above. There are 5 ogre bosses in total residing in
the base of this tower, with two of them always on watch STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
on the platform above. If these watchers spot anyone they 29 (+9) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 6 (-3)
shout the alarm as described in D1. If an alarm is sounded,
the 2 in the tower top hurl javelins at intruders they spot Saving Throws Str +14, Con +10
while the 3 below emerge from the tower to attack in melee. Skills Athletics+ 14, Perception +5
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Giant, Orc
OGRE BOSSES (5) Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
hp 162 (See Tribal Territory Random Encounters:
Day, page 421) ACTIONS
Multiattack. The athach makes two heavy mace
Treasure: Stored among the ogre bosses’ belongings can attacks or (when available) tricky!
be found 120 gp, 46 pp, two pieces of polished coral (100 gp Heavy Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
each), a holy handaxe, a pair of apprentice’s cheating gloves, a
10 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (6d6 + 9) bludgeoning
potion of burrowing, a potion of shielding, and a cavalry rod (see
Appendix A for descriptions of all items). damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 14 (1d10 + 9) piercing damage
plus 6 (2d6) poison damage.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, range
60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 35 (4d12 + 9)
bludgeoning damage.
Tricky! (1/Day). The athach pulls three fuzzy objects
from her bag of tricks and flings them into

Swift Claw. When the athach is hit by a melee
attack, she can make a claw attack against the
creature that struck her.

The athach’s favorite toy is a tan bag of
tricksSRD that lies among the tangle of her
sleeping furs. If she hears PCs approaching,
she uses the bag in combat, but if she’s
surprised, she doesn’t take the time to dig it


hp 16 (See Tribal Territory Random Encounters:
since fallen in ruin. The archway surrounding this entrance is
Day, page 420) engraved with ancient inscriptions as well as bands of stylized
geometric shapes, weathered by the centuries and unrecognizable.
Development: If the wayangs are freed and not treated
poorly, they will have a friendly attitude towards the party.
They can provide information about the camp and relate A DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check is required to even
that the knights attacked a week ago and disappeared make out the carved letters on the archway walls. They are
inside the “big temple” but never emerged. They must have written in High BorosLL8-30 and can be translated with a
escaped, though, because the giants have been looking for DC 15 Intelligence (History) check by anyone who speaks
them ever since. They are unaware of the existence of the Common. They name this structure as the Cathedral of
secret door at D9. They can provide general information the Blessed TesseractLL1-4 (see sidebar) and consist of many
about the city as described under Tribal Territory Random prayers and blessings upon its priests and worshipers.
Encounters: Day but will not accompany the party under
any circumstances. They intend to wait until the next Sheltered in a side alcove at the entrance is a powerful
moonset and then use one of the shadowgates to return to guardian creature of the giant tribe. An adult crypt dragon
their home plane. that was originally drawn to the ruins of Old Curgantium
from the Inner Planes due to the high concentration of
wayward souls that wandered here. After arriving, it ran
D6. NARTHEX afoul of a group of giants and in the course of battle was
This building looks like it as a temple or church of some sort, buried beneath a collapsing wall. When the giants dug it
though on a massive scale, and its upper structure remains out it was still alive but had sustained a terrible head injury.
partially intact. Tall and graceful columns still flank a partial The giants took the stunned creature to their chief who
trefoil arch leading to the interior. If it had doors, these have long nursed it back to health, though the damage it sustained

to its brain drastically reduced its Intelligence. The nature Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
of the dragon’s injury is immediately apparent, as the left one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage.
side of its skull and face are caved in with a great deal of
scarring. Anyone making a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
while observing the dragon can tell that it is operating at a one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.
much-reduced mental capacity. Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon's
ADULT CRYPT DRAGON choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and
Huge dragon, neutral aware of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
Hit Points 212 (17d12 + 102) A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft. end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is
25 (+7) 10 (+0) 23 (+6) 5 (-3) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) successful or the effect ends for it, the creature
is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +11, Wis +7, Cha +9 the next 24 hours.
Skills Insight +7, Perception +7, Stealth +10 Decaying Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon
Damage Resistances necrotic exhales shadow in a 90- foot line that is 5 feet
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison wide. Each creature in that line must make a
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison, paralysis DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10)
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as
Perception 22 much damage on a successful one. A humanoid
Languages Giant (cannot speak) reduced to 0 hit points by this damage dies. This
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) attack is considered radiant damage when used
against undead creatures.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. LEGENDARY ACTIONS
Traumatic Brain Injury. The dragon’s Intelligence The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
has been reduced to 5 as a result of brain from the options below. Only one legendary action
damage, and it has lost its languages and spells. option can be used at a time and only at the end of
Grave Endurance. The dragon has advantage on another creature's turn. The dragon regains spent
saving throws against being charmed, and magic legendary actions at the start of its turn.
can’t put the dragon to sleep. It is also immune Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception)
any type of disease. check.
Inexorable Attacks. The dragon’s attacks are Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack.
considered magical and can hit creatures on the Sepulchral Crush (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon
Ethereal Plane. uses its body to entomb a foe. Each creature
Ethereal Sight. The dragon can see 60 feet into the within 10 feet of the dragon must succeed on
Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or take 14
and vice versa. (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage and be knocked
prone. If the save failed by 5 or more the target
ACTIONS is paralysed. A parlayed target may repeat the
Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful saving throw at the end of its turn but if it fails by
Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with 5 or more again it is petrified.
its bite and two with its claws.

Tactics: The dragon is now little more than a favored
pet who serves as a watchdog to the entrance of the chief ’s
lair. It does not respond to alarms other than to be ready THE BLESSED TESSERACT
for any intruders. Its brain-damaged mind has little Ancient even before the founding of the Hyperborean
concept of friend or foe, so it attacks anyone smaller than Empire, the religion of the Blessed Tesseract held a high
size Large who is not a wayang. Anything that is Large or place in society and served as a sort of benefactor role for
larger is assumes to be a giant, and it is accustomed to the the rest of the Hyperborean pantheon. Associated with
wayangs being underfoot. The dragon fights to the death spiritual guidance and the search for the Truth of reality,
for its “masters". the faith of the Blessed Tesseract was seen as an agent of
protection over the humanity of the world, though even
then it was little understood. Though enjoying little
Development: If a heal, miracle, wish, or similar spell is
formal worship in the present age, reverence for the
used on the dragon to repair the brain injury it sustained,
ancient belief is still seen in such forms as the current
it instantly regains full awareness of its situation as well
Cathedral of the Blessed Tesseract in the imperial-
as all its languages, skills, and spells. It is humiliated by
capital city of Courghais, where it serves as the seat of
the treatment it has received as the giants’ pet and quickly
the High Church of Foere and a sponsor of worship for
enters the cathedral to attack the chief and his wife in
the entire Foerdewaith pantheon and is coincidentally
area D8 where it fights to the death to erase its shame. If
the namesake of the very ruin that the PCs are exploring
it survives this, it thanks the PCs for their aid and quickly
in Curgantium.
leaves the ruins to seek a way back to the Ethereal Plane in
order to put its shameful past behind it.

Ad Hoc XP Award: If the PCs restore the dragon to its full among them is a square with four rays extending outward
intellect, award them XP as if they had defeated it in battle. to represent the four lines that extend from each vertex
to other vertices in a hypercube, an advanced geometric
concept that is likely to be well beyond the understanding
D7. COLLAPSED NAVE of the PCs. Anyone making a DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana)
The main floor of the central nave here is a jumble of fallen check recognizes the two-dimensional representation of the
masonry. Rows of ornate columns once extended to the east, but four-dimensional analog of a cube. Anyone making a DC 25
those still standing are now cracked and defaced, their decorative Intelligence (Religion) check identifies it as the symbol of the
carvings and gilt long since erased. Walls that once defined this Blessed Tesseract, that ancient religion of Hyperborea that
great chamber have collapsed, leaving it a cavernous, broken lingers on even to the present day in iconography and antique
hollow beneath a mostly destroyed roof. rituals. If the symbol is identified as either a hypercube or
the image of the Blessed Tesseract, the individual will also
recognize the two-dimensional renderings of crosses and
This vast chamber serves as the lair of the tribe’s favored inverted crosses in the mosaic as being the net polygon
guardian, a blinded great cyclops that was defeated by derived from unfolding the three-dimensional image of the
Chief Rathagog in battle. The ash giant chief spared the cubic Tesseract into two-dimensional cross shapes. A DC 10
beast after blinding it, and it has since become a loyal Intelligence (Religion) recognizes these as representations of
bodyguard of the chief and his wife. The cyclops remains the ancient-but-still-extant faiths of Thyr and Muir, whose
in this chamber, attacking anyone who attempts to pass symbols are a cross and an upraised sword (i.e. inverted
through the chamber without the permission of the chief cross), respectivelyLL1-168,169. This provides some insight into
or his wife, unless the alarm drum at D3 is sounded. If that the primeval connection between the mysterious Blessed
occurs, the cyclops will emerge in the next round and assist Tesseract and two of the most prominent religions of the
the tribe against invaders. The giants scream instructions last four millennia.
to the cyclops in Giant as to whom to attack and where to
find them, so a PC that speaks Giant can attempt to mislead
the cyclops in the same way by making a successful DC 20 BLINDED GREAT CYCLOPS
Charisma (Deception) check each round.
Huge giant, chaotic evil
If the rubble is cleared and the floor is swept, it reveals Armor Class 16 (scale mail)
a complex mosaic pattern portraying geometric shapes like Hit Points 230 (20d12 + 100)
those on the door jamb at D6. However, most prominent Speed 50 ft.

and a collection of barrels that appear to bear the trade stamps of
the Kingdom of Foere and Aachen Province.
29 (+9) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4)
This chamber is occupied by the leader of the entire
Saving Throws Str +14, Con +10, Wis +9, Cha +9 tribal territory of ruined Curgantium Chief Rathagog, a
Skills Arcana +8, Athletics +14, History +8, powerful ash giant, and his hideous bride Turgantella, a
brutal ogress. They reside in this chamber where members
Perception +9
of their tribe bring the best pickings of treasures and
Damage Resistances cold captives to devour. They have not emerged in several days
Damage Immunities lightning, thunder as they fear that the knights who disappeared somewhere
Senses passive Perception 19 in the cathedral ruins will return to steal their treasures. If
Languages Common, Giant the alarm drum at D3 sounded for at least 5 rounds, they are
ready and waiting for intruders to enter. Likewise, a loud
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
battle with the cyclops in D7 will alert them. Otherwise,
they are in here playing a game of marbles with a number
Blind. The great cyclops has the blinded condition. of humanoid skulls they have collected.
Flash of Brutality (1/Day, recharges when the
cyclops is reduced to half its starting hit points).
As a bonus action, a great cyclops can gain a CHIEF RATHAGOG
burst of savage inspiration. When it does, it Huge giant, chaotic evil
automatically scores critical hits with its melee Armor Class 18 (plate)
and ranged attacks until the start of its next turn. Hit Points 250 (20d12 + 120)
Speed 40 ft.
Multiattack. The great cyclops makes two
25 (+7) 9 (-1) 23 (+6) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1)
greatsword attacks.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, Saving Throws Dex +3, Con +10, Wis +6
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (6d6 + 9) slashing Skills Athletics +11, Perception +6
damage. Damage Immunities poison
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, range Senses passive Perception 16
60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 35 (4d12 + 9) Languages Giant
bludgeoning damage. Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
Bring Down the Heavens (1/Day). The great cyclops
calls down a thunderous cascade of boulders in a Indomitable (3/Day). The giant can reroll a saving
10-foot-radius cylinder, 40 feet high. At least one throw it fails. It must use the new roll.
edge of the cylinder must be within 10 feet of the Survivor. The giant regains 10 hit points at the start
cyclops. Each creature within the cylinder must of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point but fewer hit
make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 points than half its hit point maximum.
(12d8) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one. ACTIONS
Multiattack. The giant makes two greatsword
D8. CHIEF’S LAIR attacks.
Crumbling passages formed by collapsed chambers braced with
Pox. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
huge blocks of stone lead to a chamber separated by a great one target. Hit: 28 (6d6 + 7) slashing damage and
curtain of crudely sewn hides more than 10 feet wide and 20 feet the target is affected by a contagion spell (DC 15).
tall. Visible beyond this ill-made barrier can be seen another large Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, range
chamber with a great bed made of furs and hide cushions stacked 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 29 (4d10 + 7)
against the far wall as well as a giant-sized table and stone chest
bludgeoning damage.

LEGENDARY ACTIONS • 4th level (3 slots): divination, freedom of
The giant can take 3 legendary actions, choosing movement
from the options below. Only one legendary action • 5th level (2 slots): insect plague, mass cure wounds
option can be used at a time and only at the end
of another creature’s turn. The giant regains spent ACTIONS
legendary actions at the start of its turn. Multiattack. Turgantella makes two greatclub
Weapon Attack. The giant makes a weapon attack. attacks.
Command Ally. The giant targets one ally it can see Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
within 30 feet of it. If the target can see and hear 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning
the warlord, the target can make one weapon damage.
attack as a reaction and gains advantage on the Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
attack roll. 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5)
Frighten Foe (Costs 2 Actions). The giant targets bludgeoning damage.
one enemy it can see within 30 feet of it. If
the target can see and hear it, the target must Treasure: The barrels contain only foodstuffs and drink
succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be looted from river barges that have had the misfortune to
fall into the hands of giants hunting along the Great Amrin
frightened until the end of giant’s next turn. River. The stone chest is not locked but requires a DC 20
Strength check to lift the lid. Within it are stored a number
TURGANTELLA, CHIEF’S WIFE of mangy furs and extra bedding as well as treasures taken
from those barges including 2,386 sp, 480 gp, 17 pp, a
Large giant, chaotic evil ring of heroic grit, a pair of challenger’s gloves, a phylactery of
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) faithfulness, a vial of oil of curse-breaking, a jar of mortician’s
Hit Points 152 (16d10 + 64) cream, a spell scroll (dispel magic (5th level)), a potion of plant
shape, and a rod of the whispering wind (see Appendix B for
Speed 40 ft. item descriptions).
21 (+5) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 5 (-3) 17 (+3) 6 (-2) D9. CATACOMBS ENTRANCE
Skills Perception +2 The smell of rot and filth from area D10 is noticeable here.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Giant Along the north wall of the corridor here is a well-hidden
secret door requiring a DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) check
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
to find that has never been discovered by the giants. If
Malcolm is with the party, his scent ability can lead the PCs
Spellcasting. Turgantella is a 10th-level spellcaster. to its vicinity as he follows the faint smell of the knights,
Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (save DC 14, giving them advantage on checks to locate the secret door.
+6 to hit with spell attacks). Turgantella has the Beyond the door is a set of recently cleared stone stairs
following cleric spells prepared: leading to the catacombs beneath the cathedral.
• Cantrips (at will): guidance, poison spray,
resistance, spare the dying, thaumaturgy By the clearing of the stairs, it’s obvious that the knights
have been here recently, though the party will have to do
• 1st level (4 slots): animal friendship, cure wounds, some searching to learn more about what happened to
detect poison and disease, ray of sickness them. Malcolm is unfamiliar with this particular location
• 2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, protection but will say that he can still smell some of the knights,
from poison, web indicating that they were here only a few days ago. He also
• 3rd level (3 slots): conjure animals (2 giant smells what he describes as the scent of death as coming
from below, though it is not apparent to the PCs beyond
spiders), dispel magic the odor wafting from D10.

The corridor ends abruptly here at a drop off where the base of Large plant, unaligned
collapsed tower forms a rough pit at least 20 feet deep, though it Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
is difficult to tell because its bottom is full of debris, garbage, and
the rotten remains of past meals. The smell is horrendous. In the Hit Points 136 (16d10 + 48)
center of the pit stands an 8-foot pitcher plant that appears to be Speed 10 ft., burrow 20 ft.
thriving rooted in the filth as it is. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
18 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
Chief Rathagog and his mate use this pit as a personal
midden and privy. Growing in the midst of it is a crypt Skills Stealth +2
flower. The plant is normally content to exist on the ordure Damage Resistances acid
of the giants, however, the approach of any creatures smaller Damage Vulnerabilities fire
than size Large attracts its attention and causes it to use its Condition Immunities blinded, deafened,
toxin splash to try and disable new prey. The walls of the
pit are crumbling and rough and can be climbed with a
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check, so the crypt flower will try Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
to climb out to pursue suitable prey but will not wander passive Perception 10
more than 20 feet down the corridor before returning to its Languages --
familiar habitat in the pit. Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

ACTIONS bloody but successful. In addition, a living wall occupied
Multiattack. The crypt flower makes two vine the hidden northern passage. Its destruction led to the
additional clutter of dismembered corpse parts, though
attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or smaller they cannot be differentiated from the remains of the
target, the target is grappled (escape DC 14), and other creatures in the room. Currently another advanced
the crypt flower uses its Engulf on it if it is within living wall called a zoetic wall covers the northern passage
5 feet of it. Otherwise it attempts to drag the where it is disguised by permanent image to appear as
target to its position. the surrounding walls (DC 19 Wisdom saving throw to
disbelieve if interacted with). This living wall will not
Vine. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 20 ft., attack anyone that approaches unless discovered and
one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage attacked first.
and 13 (2d8 + 4) poison damage.
Engulf. The crypt flower engulfs a Medium or smaller
creature grappled by it. The engulfed target is ZOETIC WALL
blinded, restrained, and unable to breathe, and it Large construct, unaligned
must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
at the start of each of the flower's turns or take 13 Hit Points 178 (17d10 + 85)
(2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage and 13 (2d8 + 4) Speed 10 ft.
poison damage. If the flower moves, the engulfed STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
target moves with it. The flower can have only one
22 (+6) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 1 (-5)
creature engulfed at a time.
Toxin Splash. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire
range 20/40 ft., one target and all adjacent Damage Immunities poison, psychic; bludgeoning,
targets. Hit: 13 (3d8) poison damage and the piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
target must make a DC 15 Constituion saving that aren't adamantine
throw or become poisoned. While poisoned the Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
target takes 13 (3d8) poison damage at the start frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
of its turn. The poisoned target may repeat the Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
saving throw at the end of its turn to end the Languages understands the languages of its
poisoned condition. creator but can't speak
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Gushing Wound. As a reaction to being hit by False Appearance. Normally a zoetic wall is easily
a critical hit the crypt flower uses toxin splash identifiable as it is made up of bones mortared
against the target if it is within 5 feet of it. together with flesh. This particle golem has
a permanent glamour cast on it which it is
D11. ANTECHAMBER indistinguishable from the surrounding wall it is
Stairs descend into the center of a circular room where an overturned attached to while the golem remains motionless.
brazier spills cold ashes on the floor. Passageways lead out to the east Fleshy Link. A zoetic wall that is adjacent to
and west, and a statue stands in an alcove at each of the ordinal another living wall automatically links with it,
directions. The statues depict angelic beings in poses of peaceful forming an impassable solid barrier. Linked living
contemplation or rest. The floor of the chamber tells another tale, walls coordinate their attacks and move as one
however, as it is smeared with bloodstains and scattered with the
broken bodies of several formerly undead creatures. creature. Any linked wall can unlink itself as a free
action. Any damage to one linked living wall is
divided evenly among all linked zoetic walls (for
This chamber was once guarded by a pack of ghasts who
attacked the knights upon their arrival. The battle was
example, if three walls are linked and one takes
15 points of damage, each wall instead takes 5

points of damage). Two or three linked living D12. WESTERN CATACOMBS
walls count as a Huge creature for the purpose The corridor to the west leads through several mausolea with
of effects affected or limited by size, four or five niches that hold the remains of ancient Hyperboreans. Each
of the niches on the map contains three individual slabs
count as Gargantuan, and six or more count as arranged atop each other like a bookshelf, with a corpse laid
Gargantuan (titanic). on each. Most of these contain only dust and bone fragments,
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any though a few are mysteriously empty. Copper nameplates that
spell or effect that would alter its form. once graced these niches have now corroded to illegibility.
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on Each of the branching corridors ends at a collapse from the
ancient catastrophe that struck the city.
saving throws against spells and other magical
Magic Weapons. The golem's weapon attacks are D13. NORTHERN CATACOMBS
This passage is similar to D12, except the trail of the
knights can be spotted with a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
or Wisdom (Survival) check and followed with a DC 20
ACTIONS Wisdom (Survival) check. Exploration of the catacombs is
Multiattack. The golem makes two slam attacks. made more difficult by a series of living walls that were
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., placed here by the Underguild to protect access to the
sewers. These walls have successfully crushed a number
one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage
of wanderers over the years, and their bodies were added
and if the target Large or smaller it is grappled to the walls themselves. After rounding the first corner to
(Escape DC 18). the west the knights destroyed a second living wall they
Wall Crush (Recharge 5–6). The golem targets one encountered. Since then another zoetic wall has taken up
or more creatures it can see within 10 feet of it position to the east and will follow and attack the PCs if
they pass by. Successfully following the knights’ trail will
or a creature it has grappled it then attempts
guide the PCs to the sewers at area E.
to crush them against a wall. Each target must
make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw against this
attack. On a failed save, a target takes 56 (16d6) ZOETIC WALL
bludgeoning damage and is stunned for 1 minute hp 178 (see page 459)
or half damage and not stunned on a success.
A catacomb hall extends eastward here, lined by burial niches
Crushing Push. As a reaction to grappling a target stacked three high along the walls. The ceiling is higher here, fully
the golem may use wall crush if available. 20 feet, and above each of these stacks of niches is an alcove with
an angelic statue matching those in the antechamber. The hallway
Development: An examination of the floor with a DC 15 ends abruptly 45 feet away at a wall of pure blackness. Whether
Wisdom (Perception or Survival) check clearly shows the it is supernatural darkness or merely a wall of some impossibly
footprints of the knights among the jumble of the obvious black material is unclear from your vantage point.
combat, and it appears that some of the blood spatters are
theirs though there are no signs that any of the knights fell
in the battle. Likewise, there is no trail to show where they This hallway’s burial niches are identical to those in
exited by either the east or west corridors — the prints are D12. The “black wall” at the far end is a permanent magical
simply too jumbled up and don’t extend beyond the room darkness effect (cast as a 4th-level spell) that is only a few
in either of those directions. In fact, the knights traveled inches thick but completely obscures the doorway at the
north after defeating the living wall that was there, but their end of the hall. The angel statues are 4 greater graven
trail is covered by the placement of the new living wall. If guardians dedicated to the faith of The Blessed Tesseract.
this second living wall is destroyed, then the knights’ trail They remain inanimate unless they are attacked or someone
can be found heading beyond (see D13). attempts to pass beyond the dark barrier. If that occurs,
they immediately leap down to destroy the intruders. They
do not pursue beyond this hallway and will return to their

alcoves if their quarry escapes. From their alcoves they have ACTIONS
total cover and total concealment from anyone in area D12. Multiattack. The golem makes two keen spear
Beyond the wall of darkness, a locked round stone door Keen Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach
emblazoned with the sign of the Blessed Tesseract protects 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) piercing. This
the chamber beyond. Should the PCs successfully open the
door, it will silently roll aside, revealing the room beyond. weapon scores a critical hit on a 19 or 20.
Locked Stone Door: 6 in. thick; damage threshold 8; hp 90;
Haste (3/Day). The golem hastes itself (as the haste
Strength (Athletics) DC 25; Thieves’ Tools DC 30. spell) or another golem of the same faith.
Rest Eternal. The golem may place a curse upon a
dead creature that bars its spirit from returning.
GREATER GRAVEN GUARDIANS (4) Anyone casting a spell that would communicate
Large construct, unaligned with the dead creature, return it to life, or turn it
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) into an undead creature must succeed on a DC
Hit Points 178 (17d10 + 85) 15 Charisma ability check. Rest eternal cannot be
Speed 40 ft. dispelled, but it can be negated with remove curse
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA or an 8th-level dispel magic.
22 (+6) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 1 (-5)
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire Beyond the great door lies a large oval-shapped room. Its central
Damage Immunities poison, psychic; bludgeoning, portion is dominated by a pool of water that perfectly reflects the
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks room in its still surface. An ancient votive altar stands at either
that aren't adamantine end of the chamber, and directly across from the entrance is
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, an elaborately carved door showing images of an honor guard
of Hyperborean knights standing in solemn ranks. Before this
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned doorway stands a man. He is human and extremely old, with
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 a short white beard and weary gray eyes. He is clad in richly
Languages Understands the languages of its embroidered robes of white and holds a gnarled staff in one hand.
creator but can't speak
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) The altars at either end of this chamber show images
of the Blessed Tesseract and have no special properties.
Faith Bound. The golem cannot attack any creature The pool is 3 feet deep with still water and likewise hides
that openly wears or displays the holy or unholy nothing of interest, though its floor is covered in slime and
requires a DC 15 Acrobatics check to avoid slipping. The
symbol of the deity to which the golem is chamber’s primary feature is the old man standing before
dedicated unless that creature first attacks the the opposite door. He initially speaks in High BorosLL8-30
golem. These particle golems are dedicated to upon their entry. If no one speaks the language, he repeats
The Blessed Tesseract. himself several times. If he is addressed in Common,
Favoured Weapons. The golem's weapon attacks Infernal, or Celestial, he smiles and speak in that language.
are magical. In addition, if it is wielding the
favoured weapon of the deity, it is dedicated to “I am the guardian of this honored tomb, and I have sworn an
the weapon is +2 and scores critical hits on a 19 oath to allow no one who is not worthy to pass. To prove your
or 20 (included in the spear attack). worth, you must answer my riddles. Or, if you choose the way
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any of dishonor, I will face you in battle, but I warn you that I have
survived to become so old for a reason.”
spell or effect that would alter its form.
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical The man does not tell the PCs his name and says nothing
other than to repeat his request that they answer his riddles. If

Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing, and
the party chooses to do so, he asks as follows. If the PCs don’t
seem interested, he asks his first riddle anyway in hopes of
slashing from nonmagical attacks
piquing their interest that there is more here than it seems.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
Q: Why would a people reviled in life receive honor in Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Celestial, Common
A: This can be a pretty freeform answer, but something
along the lines of there was more to the story than had
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
been known or they had done something worthy of honor
in life that was not known until after their death, etc. Spellcasting. The naga is an 11th-level spellcaster.
Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
Q: When is a tomb in use but empty? 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks), and it needs only
A: When it is a cenotaph/memorial. verbal components to cast its spells. It has the
following cleric spells prepared:
Q: Who knows the true reason for a death when there are • Cantrips (at will): mending, sacred flame,
no survivors? thaumaturgy
A: The dead (or possibly the gods for the more religious • 1st level (4 slots): command, cure wounds, shield
PCs). of faith
• 2nd level (3 slots): calm emotions, hold person
If the PCs can answer 2 of the 3 riddles, they will be • 3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, clairvoyance
allowed to pass into D16, and will receive XP as if they had • 4th level (3 slots): banishment, freedom of
defeated the old man in combat. Should they wish to fight, movement
the old man will transform into his true form, that of a
royal naga, one of a long line of nagas tasked with guarding
• 5th level (2 slots): flame strike, geas
the tomb since its construction over 2,000 years ago. His • 6th level (1 slot): true seeing
predecessors survived the fall of the city by being here in
the catacombs, and their descendants have continued to Regeneration. The naga regains 10 hit points at
serve faithfully, a new one arriving every few hundred years the start of its turn. If the naga takes acid or fire
to take up the watch of the prior one.
damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of
the naga's next turn. The naga dies only if it starts
In addition to the naga, there are 2 traps in this chamber, as its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.
indicated on the map, that are held in abeyance as long as the
encounter remains peaceful. However, if the naga is attacked Rejuvenation. If it dies, the naga returns to life in
or determines that combat will be necessary, he reactivates the 1d6 days and regains all its hit points. Only a wish
trap with a mental command as a free action in hopes that the spell can prevent this trait from functioning.
PCs will spring them in their aggression. He is aware of the
traps’ locations and will not enter their areas of effect. ACTIONS
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
ROYAL NAGA creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage, and the
target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving
Large monstrosity, lawful neutral
throw, taking 45 (10d8) poison damage on a failed
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Hit Points 195 (15d10 + 45)
Spit Poison. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
Speed 40 ft.
15/30 ft., one creature. Hit: The target must make
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 45
19 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 18 (+4) (10d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +7, Int +7, Wis +8, Cha +8 much damage on a successful one.

Traps: Sections of the ceiling suspended by heavy chains Beyond the naga’s chamber it is apparent that this is
are rigged to smash down and crush anyone unfortunate truly a cenotaph rather than a tomb. The monument in the
enough to walk underneath each 10-foot square beneath back alcove clearly depicts an equestrian Hundaei warrior.
them. A cunning counterweight mechanism allows this An inscription at the statue’s base in High Boros says:
trap to automatically reset themselves 5 minutes after
being triggered.
Their noble sacrifice did what warning give?
In Memoriam: Great Khan Ogedan and the Hundaei Civil
681 I.R.–683 I.R.
Creatures underneath either of these traps must
make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 42
Though the public was never informed of its existence, this
(12d6) bludgeoning damage, or half as much on memorial is indicative of the fact that certain high-ranking
a successful saving throw. In addition, creatures priests, wizards, and other advisors looking into the causes
failing their saving throw are restrained by the and effects of the great Hun civil war were unable to
fallen ceiling until they can succeed on a DC 20 discover anything for certain but had a strong suspicion
Dexterity check or Strength (Athletics) check to get and cryptic divinatory hints that the war of annihilation
that the Hundaei perpetrated on themselves actually
themselves free. If they cannot free themselves, served to prevent some far worse fate from befalling the
they must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw at world. The Hyperborean Imperator was informed of this,
the end of each of their turns or take an additional but rather than sacrifice the flush of victory sweeping the
21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a empire, he authorized this secret memorial to be built
successful saving throw. and the matter to be largely hushed up since no more
definitive information could be found. This is, no doubt,
Creatures that succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom an interesting historical revelation for the PCs but bears no
(Perception) check notice the ceilings about to seeming pertinence to their current mission… though they
descend just in time and gain advantage on their will likely discover differently by the end of the adventure.
Dexterity saving throw. A creature proficient with
Thieves’ Tools that notices the trap in time can
instead make a DC 22 Thieves’ Tools check to
Anyone traveling through the sewers will find these
disarm one of the traps. finely constructed brick tunnels are still mostly
intact, except for areas under the blast zone
D16. OGEDAN’S “TOMB” where many have collapsed. Some of the
Beyond the pool chamber is a trapezohedral tunnels are dry, but some still carry
room with a double row of water that has drained from the
columns framing the entrance swamp district out to the river.
to a wide alcove dais on the There are also sporadically areas
far side. Within the alcove showing signs of habitation by
stands a life-size statue of a horse creatures, both bestial and
and rider. The rider wears the antique civilized. Unless otherwise
garb of a Hun warrior of thousands of noted, the night creatures of
years ago, and sits astride his galloping the city do not enter these
horse in a position of shouting to someone tunnels. Those tunnels that lead to areas
ahead of him, with one hand to mouth, used by the Underguild have traps as well
while pointing at something behind him as gaurdian deathtrap oozes, a favorite
with the other arm. Such a life-like and of the Underguild. Tracking the
clearly expensively rendered statue seems knights through these tunnels from
odd in this place and with a subject the catacombs (see area D13) will eventually
matter of the people who were the lead the PCs to the dungeon levels below the
mortal enemies of Hyperborea for destroyed Tower of Oerson (area G).
so many centuries.

The sewers are treated in a somewhat abstract manner; encounters as seems appropriate for the journey. When
given their vast and sprawling nature a full map isn’t an encounter occurs, use one of the sewer section maps
provided, and GMs should simply roll for encounters provided to stage it.
and use the accompanying sectional maps to play out any
combats or other interactions.
Table 2-1: Curgantium Sewers Random Encounters
D12 Encounter
Water: Pools and streams of water in the sewers range
from 1–3 feet deep. Characters wading in this water have 1 1d3 gelatinous cubesSRD
disadvantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks and take a 2 1d3 hivemind rat swarms (see Area G4)
-1 penalty on Dexterity saving throws (except against fire
3 1d4+1 gricksSRD
effects, on which they gain a +1 bonus instead).
4 3d4 giant amoebas (see Appendix C)
5 1d4+1 amoeba swarms (see Appendix C)
Pit: Pits range from 10–60 feet deep. Streams sometimes
empty into these pits, and in such cases there is 1–6 feet of 6 1d3 black puddingsSRD
water at the bottom of the pits. 7 1d3 voracious gibbering mouthers (see Area F6)
8 Zoetic wall (see Area D11)
Rubble: Areas of rubble are difficult terrain and provide 9 1d6 flesh golemsSRD
half cover.
10 1d3 otyughsSRD
11 Underguild Patrol
The trip takes 2d4 hours, with a 2 in 6 chance of an
12 Crushing Ceiling Trap (see Area D15)
encounter every hour, or the GM may roll as many

Underguild Patrol: These groups of vampires patrol The stairs up to the boxes fell along with the rest of the
the sewer tunnels for the Underguild to ensure their lairs theater, but a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check allows PCs
are secure from intruders. When they become aware of to clamber up the wall and inspect the boxes. As noted, they
intruders, they prefer to attack from ambush relying on are unstable and anyone putting their full weight on one of
their undead nature to hide beneath water, near traps, them will have to make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw. On
and other obstacles to leap out when unexpected. These a failure, the box collapses and the character falls, taking
patrols consist of a vampire sorcerer (statistics identical to 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage. A DC 20 Dexterity saving
Dhaderra at area C4) leading 1d4+1 vampire spawn scouts. throw halves this damage, but on a 1 the falling PC takes an
additional 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage from falling boxes
in addition to the falling damage.
Hp 112 (as vampire spawnSRD) Anyone on the ground making a DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check sees some indistinct, sinuous movement
among the viewing boxes above. This is Cellichos (see
VAMPIRE SORCERER below), lurking in the shadows and observing the party. If
Hp 144 (see page 442) observed he immediately vanishes, disincorporating and
disappearing into the cracks and crevices of the wall. A
search of the wall and boxes will reveal nothing.
Built at the very edge of the initial blast zone, most of this
ancient structure was flattened and the rest left in scorched THE WORM THAT WALKS (CR 13)
ruin (treat rubbles piles as scree). All that remains are the stage Unknown to the PCs, some elements of the theater’s old
area and one partial wall that still holds a few viewing boxes. inhabitants linger on. Lord Cellichos was a Hyperborean
There is not much left of the place since all of the wooden nobleman with a fondness for the theater and was the
adornments (seats, props, stage floor, etc.) were burned in the director of the opera’s final performance. Obsessed
fire and disintegrated by a thousand years of exposure. with the bizarre opera The King in Yellow, Cellichos
bankrupted himself and several partners in his quest to
see it performed. Broke but triumphant, Cellichos watched
F1. EXTERIOR WALL the performance from his private box, and went mad along
This single standing wall is all that remains of a theater’s once- with the rest of the audience at the arrival of an avatar of
grand structure. Its outer portion faced the center of the city, eerily Hastur. Moments later, before the horrific avatar could
you can see the scorched silhouettes of men and women long dead spread its madness to the rest of the city and from there
seared into its base where they fell in their throes of agony. the entire world, the Tower of Oerson exploded, shattering
the theater and trapping Cellichos in the rubble, where
he lingered in agony for hours until the raging fires
Anyone making a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check
reached him. Cellichos did not fully die that night, and
notices another silhouette on the exterior wall, this one
his tormented psyche was reborn as the worm that walks
located about 20 feet above the ground. It appears to be
which still haunts the old opera house.
a humanoid figure, at least a head taller than a normal
human, with the suggestion of moth-like wings extending
from its shoulders. These are the remains of the mothman
that came to herald Curgantium’s doom but was itself LORD CELLICHOS THE WORM THAT WALKS
caught up in the destruction. Now a dread wraith, the Medium undead, chaotic evil
mothman manifests each night at the time of the opera’s Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
last performance as cryptically described by the caulborn at
area C7. See Event 4 for details of this manifestation. Hit Points 153 (18d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.
The inner portion of the wall still contains some of the old viewing 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 20 (+5)
boxes, but these look unstable and there is no obvious means of Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +6
reaching them from the ground. Some of the wall’s old decorations Skills Arcana +13, History +13
can still be seen — carved flourishes and the masks of comedy and
tragedy giving confirmation to the building’s original purpose. Damage Resistances damage from spells;

nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Magic Resistance. Lord Cellichos has advantage on
(from stoneskin) saving throws against spells and other magical
Damage Immunities poison effects.
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned Sorcery. Lord Cellichos has 12 sorcery points. He
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 may use a bonus action to recover spent spell
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven, High Boros, slots at 1 per spell level being recovered or he
Protean can use them to enhance his spell by spending 2
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) points to turn a spells casting time into a bonus
action or 1 point to reroll the damage die of
Spellcasting. Lord Cellichos is an 12th-level damaging spells (he must accept the reroll).
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence
(spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). ACTIONS
Lord Cellichos can cast disguise self and invisibility Multiattack. Lord Cellichos makes two attacks with
at will and has the following sorcerer spells his claws and uses Burrowing Worm.
prepared: Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage plus
• Cantrips (at will): acid splash, fire bolt, light, 7 (2d6) necrotic damage and the target is exposed
mage hand, prestidigitation, shocking grasp to the burrowing worm trait.
• 1st level (4 slots): burning hands, color spray,
mage armor*
• 2nd level (3 slots): blur, see invisibility
• 3rd level (3 slots): tongues, lightning bolt
• 4th level (3 slots): black tentacles, stoneskin*
• 5th level (3 slots): cone of cold, cloudkill
• 6th level (1 slot): globe of invulnerability

* Lord Cellichos casts these spells on itself before


Discorporate. A worm that walks can collapse

into a shapeless swarm of worms (treat as a
polymorph spell that allows Lord Cellichos to
turn into a swarm of insects) as a bonus action.
All held, worn, and carried items fall to the
ground. Lord Cellichos can reform into his true
form (including equipping all gear in reach) as an
action as long as he has at least 1 hit point.
Regeneration. Lord Cellichos regains 10 hit points at
the start of his turn if it has at least 1 hit point and
isn’t in sunlight or a body of running water. If Lord
Cellichos takes acid, fire, or radiant damage, this
trait doesn’t function at the start of the his’s next
turn. Lord Cellichos is destroyed only if he starts
his turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate.

Burrowing Worm. A 1d4+1 worm launches from The floor of the rooms under the stage is about 8 feet
Lord Cellichos at one humanoid that the he can down and can easily be jumped to without requiring a skill
check. Climbing out requires a DC 7 Strength (Athletics)
see within 10 feet of him. The worm latches onto check. The remains of these rooms are empty save for the
the target’s skin unless the target succeeds on city’s ubiquitous dust and rubble, but a single clear hallway
a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. The worm is a leads farther east, into some basement rooms that still
Tiny undead with AC 6, 1 hit point, a 2 (−4) in survive.
every ability score, and a speed of 1 foot. While
on the target’s skin, the worm can be killed by F4. DRESSING ROOM
normal means or scraped off using an action This surviving dressing room is thick with dust, but a few
(Lord Cellichos can use this action to launch fragments of its old furnishings have defied the ravages of time —
a scraped-off worm at a humanoid he can see some broken chairs, the glittering pieces of a long-broken mirror,
within 10 feet of the worm). Otherwise, the worm the remains of some costumes. These last include a moldering
harlequin’s outfit complete with mask, a few tatters of a black
burrows under the target’s skin at the end of the
scholar’s robe, and an exaggerated military uniform.
target’s next turn, dealing 1 piercing damage to
it. At the end of each of its turns thereafter, the
target takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage per worm Bards and others with knowledge of theatrical history
(such as those proficient in History or Performance) can
infesting it (maximum of 10d6). A worm-infested make DC 15 skill checks to recognize these as the costumes
target dies if it drops to 0 hit points, then rises of stock characters, similar to those of the commedia
10 minutes later as a spawn of Kyuss. If a worm- dell’arte. If the room is searched, a successful DC 20 Wisdom
infested creature is targeted by an effect that (Perception) check reveals a stone door in one corner of the
cures disease or removes a curse, all the worms room concealed by rubble and dirt. It opens easily. If the
PCs open the door, read the following.
infesting it wither away.

Tactics: Enraged and hopelessly mad, the remains of A figure stands in the small storage space revealed. It is tall and
Lord Cellichos will attack the adventurers while they are commanding, clad in tattered yellow robes. It wears a tall crown
exploring the basement, hoping to catch them as they deal on its head and its face is concealed behind a featureless mask. In
with the gibbering mouthers at F5 and F6. Though mad, the shadows, it seems to be reaching for you, but an instant later
Cellichos is also cunning, allowing the mouthers to distract the entire figure crumbles, revealing a rotting wood mannequin
the party while casting spells, discorporating to inflict beneath. Like the other objects in the room, it was just a costume,
damage, then reforming to cast more spells. All the while but its image still flickers and writhes in your mind.
he babbles in a warbling mixture of languages, including
Common and High Boros, shouting theatrical sounding
comments such as “Show me more emotion!”, “You are flat! This was a spare costume of the titular King in Yellow,
Flaaat!”, “You fool! Put your heart into your aria, or you’ll painstakingly crafted from patterns that Cellichos claimed
be back playing summer stock!” and “You are all idiots! I’m were delivered to him in a dream. At the time of the
the genius here! ME!” performance, rumors abounded that simply creating the
costume had driven several seamstresses mad. It remained
untouched here since the fall of Curgantium, until the
Development: Once Lord Cellichos is defeated, he party disturbed it and the corruption of centuries did its
collapses into a mass of corruption and wriggling worms. work. If the GM wishes, PCs who viewed the costume may
If the characters watch the worms, they will see that they have disturbing dreams and visions of the King in Yellow
are all crawling in a single mass away toward area F7. for some time to come.


Most of the old stage has collapsed, giving way benath the heavy The room is dark and crowded with junk, including scraps of
weights of time and the elements, but some floor space remains around costumes, stage weapons and armor, wooden false walls, canvas
the edges. Visible beneath the gaping pit of the stage is a network of doors, and other similar props.
understage rooms below, exposed by the stage’s destruction.

Most of this junk crumbles to dust at a touch, and some direction. On a 7 or 8, the creature makes a melee
of it is piled high in one corner — or so it seems. While attack against a randomly determined creature
there is nothing of value here, if the party brings in a light
source, the supposed pile of debris in the corner will open a
within its reach or does nothing if it can't make
dozen or so eyes, unfurl its tentacles, and open its numerous such an attack.
mouths, filling the air with a horrific babble of voices. This Magic Resistance. The mouther has advantage on
is a voracious gibbering mouther. If it is disturbed by a saving throws against spells and other magical
light, roll for initiative normally, but if the PCs disturb it effects.
in the dark, it will receive a surprise round before they can
react. In addition, its gibbering summons the mouther
from F6, which arrives one round after combat begins. ACTIONS
Multiattack. The gibbering mouther makes three
bite attacks and, if it can, uses its Blinding Spittle.
VORACIOUS GIBBERING MOUTHER Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Large aberration, neutral creature. Hit: 21 (5d6 + 4) necrotic damage. If the
Armor Class 12 target is Medium or smaller, it must succeed on
Hit Points 127 (15d10 + 45) a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked
Speed 10 ft., swim 20 ft. prone. If the target is killed by this damage, it is
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA absorbed into the mouther.
Blinding Spittle (Recharge 5–6). The mouther spits
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
a chemical glob at a point it can see within 25 feet
Skills Perception +3 of it. The glob explodes in a blinding flash of light
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, on impact. Each creature within 5 feet of the flash
thunder; bludgeoning must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw
Condition Immunities prone or be blinded until the end of the mouther's next
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive turn.
Perception 13 Engulf. The mouther moves up to its speed. While
Languages -- doing so, it can enter Large or smaller creatures'
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) spaces. Whenever the mouther enters a creature's
space, the creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity
Aberrant Ground. The ground in a 10-foot radius saving throw. On a successful save, the creature
around the mouther is doughlike difficult terrain. can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the
Each creature that starts its turn in that area must side of the mouther. A creature that chooses
succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or not to be pushed suffers the consequences of a
have its speed reduced to 0 until the start of its failed saving throw. On a failed save, the mouther
next turn. enters the creature's space, and the creature takes
Gibbering. The mouther babbles incoherently while 10 (3d6) necrotic damage and is engulfed. The
it can see any creature and isn't incapacitated. engulfed creature can't breathe, is restrained,
Each creature that starts its turn within 20 feet and takes 21 (6d6) necrotic damage at the start of
of the mouther and can hear the gibbering must each of the mouther's turns. When the mouther
succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a moves, the engulfed creature moves with it.
failure, the creature can't take reactions until the
start of its next turn and rolls a d8 to determine F6. STORAGE
what it does during its turn. On a 1 to 4, the This room is full of junk. In addition to the rotted remains of
creature does nothing. On a 5 or 6, the creature sacks, barrels, crates, and their various unidentifiable contents,
takes no action or bonus action and uses all its there is a tottering stone bookshelf that appears to still have a
movement to move in a randomly determined number of intact volumes still on it.

Anyone discovering these shelves who can read High
Boros discovers that they include several plays, musicals, CHAPTER THREE: THE
operas, and historical volumes that might be of interest to
collectors if they are carefully preserved. Handling these
fragile volumes requires a successful DC 15 Dexterity check,
and yields 2d6 x 100 gp worth of scrolls, books, pamphlets,
The Tower of Oerson was the imperial citadel of the
folios and other items. A failure indicates that the materials
Hyperborean Empire. Its foundations were laid in –11 I.R.
have crumbled to dust.
and it was completed in –2 I.R., though most people believe
its completion coincided with the coronation of Polemarch
One of the books is a slim, leather-bound volume that Oerson as Imperator of the Hyperborean Empire — which
seems to be fully intact in defiance of the ravages of time. in itself is a fictional event as Polemarch Oerson was never
Unfortunately, this is the libretto for the opera’s last crowned as imperator. After the the death of Oerson in
performance, the dread King in Yellow. Upon removing the –28 I.R., Oerson’s grandsons, Oesson and Oeric, ruled as
volume, the PC will glimpse a strange yellow sigil (that will co-regents throughout the Hyperborean Rebellion and
look familiar to them if they have previously played through construction of the Tower of Oerson. It was not until Oeric
the adventure Race for Shataakh-Uulm), then the book abdicated his claim on the throne and established the holy
disintegrates into a cloud of yellowish dust. Any character city of Tircople in the East that Oesson combined the two
witnessing this must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw co-regent crowns and became the first Imperator of the
or become frightened for 1d4 minutes. The PCs will not Hyperborean Empire in 28 I.R.
be able to determine the exact nature or title of the play,
though given the description, some will undoubtedly be
Until its destruction in 2496 I.R. (along with the rest of the
city and a good portion of the continent), the Tower of Oerson
was quite literally the center of the empire. It was within the
The storage room also contains another voracious archives, laboratories, and scrying chambers of the massive
gibbering mouther identical to the one in Area F5, which citadel that the greatest minds and spellcasters of the empire
attacks and summons its fellow from area F5 if disturbed. worked to reverse by feats of great magic the polar shift that
had encompassed Boros in 2491 I.R. And it was the undoing of
this audacious attempt that destroyed the tower and brought
F7. RUBBLE-FILLED CORRIDOR an end to the Hyperborean Empire in the West.
A DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check at this dead end
allows the PCs to locate a skeletal hand partially buried
in the debris, and if excavated, Cellichos’ remains will be Today the tower is little more than the footprint of its
discovered. However, as long as the worm that walks lives, stone foundations fused into a great field of opaque, nearly
he will not allow these remains to be excavated. Read indestructible glass. To the minds of most the tower was
the italicized portion of the description for all PCs who melted down to this stump and is no more. But while the
experienced the Race for Shataakh-Uulm and witnessed the influx of molten glass flowed into and destroyed much of
Yellow Sign there. the tower’s substructures, some of its deeper dungeons
did survive the destruction, and can be reached through
The scorched skeleton is ancient, almost reduced to powder, and still-extant sewer tunnels that run beneath the city. The
covered in writhing worms that disintegrate even as you watch. knights discovered this fact as they endured their mission
A few tatters of fine clothing still cling to the remains, and in its in Curgantium, beset by the nightly dream invasions.
bony hands it holds a stage prop — a bronze triskelion, the shape Through esoteric means and great deductive reasoning, the
of the sigil that you saw in the mines beneath the Pit of the brilliant Sir Nimulus was able to reason that the source of
Burning Star. these invasive dreams resided in the dungeons beneath the
tower, so the knights launched an expedition to infiltrate
these dungeons and put a stop to them.
Of course, it is the Yellow Sign, clutched tightly in his
hands as he died. If they haven’t guessed already, the sigil
will provide a vital clue to what opera was being performed Unfortunately, what the knights didn’t know was that
on Curgantium’s last fateful night. the source of the dreams wasn’t some cursed foundation
stone of the tower, but rather the living embodiment of
nightmare that had taken up residence in those dungeons
in the form of the ancient nightmare dragon calling itself

the Mindwyrm. Expecting undead guardians or cursed The entire tower and its environs are under the influence
artifacts, the knights were shocked to encounter a powerful of the Mindwyrm and his allies, including the dreamthief
dragon and were quickly defeated and trapped. Sir hag Abruxes. Even in conditions of bright light within the
Nimulus and Sir Aix were eaten by the Mindwyrm, and the tower sublevels, shadows shift and move alarmingly, and
others were imprisoned. Because of the lingering energies the PCs will constantly see darting shapes out of the corners
that filled the old Tower of Oerson, its foundation and of their eyes. The mind-energies of those who perished in
sub-levels bear the same powerful enchantments against the blast still swirl and circulate especially strongly here,
scrying and divination that are found at the knights’ base creating an oppressive, ominous atmosphere. Every hour
camp, so it is impossible to determine the location or fates that the party is in the tower’s sublevels, each member
of the surviving knights by these means. must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer
the fatigue condition from the incessant psychic pressure.
These effects cease once the Mindwyrm has been defeated.
The original sublevels of the Tower of Oerson were
intended for storage, study, and living quarters for workers
This short corridor connects the sublevels to the city’s sewer
and acolytes. The lowest levels were for the storage of
complex, through which the PCs likely have been traveling.
valuable objects and treasure, as well as summoning and
This is the only practical entrance to the tower complex —
communication with especially powerful entities such as
the molten glass above is yards thick and blocks all other
demons, demigods, and extradimensional beings. Much of
means of access. The glass is also resistant to magic and
the upper sublevels was filled with a flood of molten glass
mundane damage, so removing it from above would be
caused by the tower’s explosion. The remainder of the
time-consuming and impractical (if even possible).
sublevels, though, were carved from bedrock, and remain
relatively intact even ten centuries after the catastrophe. The
floors of these halls and chambers are not overly dusty due G2. GLASS INFLOW
to the frequent movement of its occupants, so the PCs will These sections of the first sublevel were completely
be unable to track the knight’s progress once they are past inundated by molten glass, superheated to such a
area G1. Ceilings are 20 feet high unless otherwise noted. temperature that it flowed like water, filling the corridors it

encountered before solidifying as it cooled. These barriers Hit Points 136 (13d12 + 52)
are smooth, completely solid and all but impervious to both Speed 30 ft.
physical blows and magic (concerted effort may chip away a
few square inches of the material, but it will quickly become STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
obvious that trying to remove large sections is useless). 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 3 (-4)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing,
Glass: damage threshold 8; hp 300*; Strength (Athletics)
DC 35*; Climb DC 30.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
* Per foot of thickness
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained,
G3. MESS HALL Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 14
The room is long and lined with stone tables, some
of which have been broken and lie in a heap. A mass of
Languages telepathy 30 ft.
solidified glass fills a third of the room. A fearful stench Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
assails your nostrils.
Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The swarm’s innate
Residents of the sublevel dined in this chamber, which has been
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
partially filled with hardened glass. The knights have been here, as
13). As long as it has more than half of its hit
evidenced by signs of a struggle — marks in the dust, scratches on
the walls, and blood stains (a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) checkpoints remaining, the swarm can innately cast the
reveals them to be relatively recent, certainly less than a week old).
following spells, requiring no components:
• At will: command, comprehend languages, detect
The stench emanates from the decaying corpse of a night thoughts
hag, partially concealed behind the pile of broken refuse, • 1/day each: confusion, dominate monster
requiring a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice.
Inspection shows that the hag was nearly decapitated by
sword blows — more evidence that the missing knights Keen Smell. The swarm has advantage on Wisdom
passed this way. (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Swarming. The swarm can occupy another
G4. SERVANTS QUARTERS creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm
can move through any opening large enough for
The musty reek of a millennium wafts from the room. Inside are
the remains of wooden furniture, clothing, and a scatter of ancient
a Tiny beast. The swarm can't regain hit points
bones. The furniture is reduced to rotted outlines, but it appears that or gain temporary hit points. A swarm takes half
this chamber once contained several beds, chests, and possibly tables. damage from attacks that use an attack roll and
double damage from effects that require it to
The various cooks, maids, launderers, attendants, and make a saving roll. Creatures that are not swarms
other servants lived in quarters on the sublevel, of which are impaired while they remain in the swarm’s
this chamber is one surviving example. Frightened by space or within 5 feet of it and have disadvantage
the tumult of battle when the knights fought some of the on attack rolls and Constitution saving throws to
Mindwyrm’s hag allies in the nearby mess hall, 2 hivemind
rat swarms — mutates evolved from their long exposure to
maintain concentration. The area of the swarm is
the psychic aura of death and magic over the tower ruins considered difficult terrain.
— sought refuge here and have been hiding ever since. Still
scared, they will attack the PCs if they get too close. ACTIONS
Swarming Bite. Each creature that shares a space
with the swarm automatically takes 17 (5d6)
piercing damage or 10 (3d6) piercing damage if
Huge swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.
Armor Class 10

Development: If one of the swarms is destroyed, the Death Gaze. When a creature that can see the
other will use its telepathy to communicate and ask for bodak’s eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of
quarter. If the party agrees, the swarm can provide them
with some information about the sublevels, telling them of
the bodak, the bodak can force it to make a DC
the fight between the knights and the hags that took place a 14 Constitution saving throw if the bodak isn’t
week ago. They will also tell the party that the sublevels are incapacitated and can see the creature. If the
controlled by a fearsome creature called the Mindwyrm, saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is
and that the hags and other nightmare creatures serve it. reduced to 0 hit points, unless it is immune to
They can provide little information about the Mindwyrm’s
exact nature, save that it has the power to send nightmares
the frightened condition. Otherwise, a creature
and give them form. If given quarter, the swarm will scurry takes 22 (4d10) necrotic damage on a failed save.
away into the rubble and trouble the party no further. Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes
to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn.
G5. VESTMENTS If the creature does so, it has disadvantage on
attack rolls against the bodak until the start of
A cloud of dust bursts from the room when the door is opened. It is
musty, ancient, and pungent, wafting from a pile of disintegrated its next turn. If the creature looks at the bodak
cloth, fragments of parchment, rusted metal, and other unidentifiable in the meantime, it must immediately make the
debris. Something in the cloud of dust stirs, and dark, wizened saving throw.
figures lurch forward from it with outstretched arms. Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The bodak takes 2d6
radiant damage when it starts its turn in sunlight.
This room once held sacred vestments and ritual While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack
garments and objects, as well as facilities for ablution rolls and ability checks.
and purification before dressing for sacred events. It is
currently occupied by 4 bodaks, which were drawn here
by the planar disruptions from the tower’s fall. They have ACTIONS
lingered in this chamber in semi-awareness, only to be Multiattack. The bodak makes three unarmed
disturbed by the knights’ nearby fight with the hags, and strikes.
now fully awakened by the party’s arrival. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning
BODAKS (4) damage plus 9 (2d8) necrotic damage.

Medium undead, chaotic evil Treasure: There is little left here, and the knights
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) only gave the room a cursory glance before proceeding
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36) downstairs for their confrontation with the Mindwyrm.
Speed 30 ft. In doing so, they missed several items, preserved from
the initial disaster and from the ravages of time by their
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA inherent magic. Among the rotting remains of gowns and
16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) tunics lie a monk’s robe and a cord of stubborn resolve (see
Appendix A, page 123). Each of these items requires a DC 18
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +6, Wis +4 Wisdom (Perception) check to locate.
Skills Intimidation +7, Perception +4, Stealth +7
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, G6. STAIRS DOWN
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Choked with rubble and a few trickles of glass inflow, the
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, stairs can be negotiated but are reduced to only two or three
poisoned feet wide in places. The stairs feel even more oppressive than
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 elsewhere in the sublevel, and the darkness seems heavier,
almost solid — this is a fear effect as described below. As
Languages Abyssal, the languages it knew in life the PCs descend, they are assailed by 2 feargaunts under
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) the Mindwyrm’s control. Their fear aura encompasses the
entire staircase and explains the strange sensations and

deep darkness. One of the feargaunts will immediately Never Far Behind (Recharge 4 – 6). As a bonus
use its never far behind ability to teleport adjacent to any action, the feargaunt can teleport to an
character who failed a save against the fear aura while the
second feargaunt will cast phantasmal killer on the most
unoccupied space adjacent to a target that has
powerful of the remaining characters. taken Charisma damage or is frightened by its
nightmare aura.
These creatures are not expected to defeat or slay the party Nightmare Aura. A feargaunt is cloaked in a
but instead are trying to get their measure and hopefully 60-foot-radius aura of fear, which manifests
damage the PCs before they reach the second sublevel. If as darkened shadows, subtle rot, and skewed
one is slain, or if both are reduced to half hit points or less, perspective. The first time a creature ends its
the feargaunts will retreat back down the stairs and will
turn within the aura, it must succeed at a DC 20
join their fellows in the ambush at area H1 below.
Wisdom save or be frightened for as long as it
stays within the aura and until the end of its next
FEARGAUNTS (2) round thereafter.
Medium fiend, chaotic evil Prideful Defense. The feargaunt’s AC includes its
Armor Class 16 Charisma modifier.
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24) Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the feargaunt
Speed 40 ft. has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
6 (-2) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) ACTIONS
Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +5 Multiattack. The feargaunt makes two tormenting
Skills Perception +9, Stealth +12 touch attacks.
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Tormenting Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) psychic
thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Unless the target is immune to psychic
from nonmagical attacks damage, the target’s Charisma score is reduced
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison by 1d4 each time it is hit by this attack. At
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, Charisma 0, the victim falls into a nightmare-
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, filled coma until at least 1 point of Charisma
restrained is restored. The reduction lasts until the target
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19 finishes a short or long rest.
Languages Common but can’t speak
The second sublevel was intended for the storage of
Innate Spellcasting. The feargaunt's innate treasures, artifacts, rare books and similar sensitive items, as
spellcasting ability is Charisma (+6, DC 14). It can well as for the ritualistic summoning and communication
innately cast the following spells, requiring no with powerful extraplanar beings. Much of the old magic
material components: remains here, preserving the level against outside forces
and the ravages of time. The knights ventured here in
• At will: fear, ghost sound (as prestidigitation but hopes of finding the source of the nightmare creatures that
sound only) had been plaguing them and had left one of their number
• 3/day each: confusion, dream, phantasmal killer (the unfortunate Sir Eregor, see B13) comatose. The knights
Incorporeal Movement. The feargaunt can move succeeded in locating the source of the nightmares, but the
through other creatures and objects as if they were creature proved too powerful, and now it and its wicked
allies hold the surviving knights prisoner.
difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it
ends its turn inside an object.

The second sublevel is the domain of the nightmare dragon for holy water. The fonts are now dry and otherwise
called the Mindwyrm and its minions, including nightmare nondescript but hiding incorporeally in the walls behind
creatures, hags, and the dreamthief hag Abruxes. Having them are 2 dream spectres, vaguely humanoid, shadowy
captured the knights, they are expecting more unwanted creature of living nightmare incarnate. If the feargaunts
visitors and are prepared to meet the party directly. survived battle in G6, they also wait incorporeally in the
walls with the dream spectres.

The Mindwyrm and Abruxes are delighted to have taken DREAM SPECTRES (2)
the knights’ stolen minds and hope to gather more from
their would-be rescuers. To this end, they do not want to kill Medium fiend, neutral evil
the adventurers unless absolutely necessary but do want to Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
reduce their strength, and if needed, pare away characters Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42)
that represent too much of a threat. To accomplish this
they have set up an ambush at this point in the corridor,
Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)
intended for a surprise attack to weaken the party. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
18 (+4) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 17 (+3) 11 (+0)
There is a niche on either side of the staircase here,
each containing a stone font that was originally intended
Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +7

Skills Insight +7, Perception +7, Stealth +8 ACTIONS
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, Multiattack. The dream spectre makes two
thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing incorporeal attacks.
from nonmagical attacks Nightmare Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit,
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 22 (5d8) psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, damage. Unless the target is immune to psychic
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, damage, the target’s Charisma score is reduced
restrained, unconscious by 1d4 each time it is hit by this attack. At
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17 Charisma 0, the victim falls into a nightmare-
Languages Common, Dreamspeak filled coma until at least 1 point of Charisma
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) is restored. The reduction lasts until the target
finishes a short or long rest.
Innate Spellcasting. The dream spectre's innate
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (+7, DC 15). It can Tactics: If the dream spectres are not detected they will
innately cast the following spells, requiring no wait until the first two characters pass by, then step out
and use their sleep ability on the PCs. If necessary, they
material components: then use their heart-stopping fear ability to disable or kill
• At will: dream, sleep (5th level) the PCs who remain conscious, then use their nightmare
ability on any characters that are asleep. After the spectres’
Dreamsense. A dream spectre can automatically initial assault, the night hags and nagas at H2 emerge and
pinpoint the presence of dreams within 100 feet. likewise attack PCs hopefully trapped on the stairs. As
before, they attempt to injure or weaken any surviving PCs;
This ability only works against sleeping creatures. their primary goal is to inflict damage before retreating
Heart-Stopping Fear. When a creature that can down the corridor. If the PCs pursue, they’ll be drawn into
see the dream spectre’s true form’s starts its another ambush outside H7.
turn within 30 feet of the dream spectre, the
dream spectre can force it to make a DC 15 H2. GUARD ROOM
Constitution saving throw if the dream spectre
Inside this chamber are a wooden table, chairs, two empty armor
isn’t incapacitated and can see the creature. If racks, and a weapons rack with several longswords still on display.
the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature Two plain ceramic mugs and an empty oil lamp sit on the table.
is reduced to 0 hit points, unless it is immune to While there is some deterioration on all of these items, they give no
the frightened condition. Otherwise, a creature signs of being over a millennium old.
takes 16 (3d10) psychic damage on a failed save.
Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes When the tower was intact, two guards were normally
to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. stationed here. Now 2 night hags and their 2 nightmare
dark naga henchmen hide here and listen, waiting for the
If the creature does so, it has disadvantage on
dream spectres to spring their trap at H1. The dark nagas
attack rolls against the dream spectre until the suppress their fear auras until they join the battle. See that
start of its next turn. If the creature looks at area for details of their tactics.
the dream spectre in the meantime, it must
immediately make the saving throw.
Incorporeal Movement. The dream spectre can NIGHT HAGS (2)
move through other creatures and objects as if Hp 112 (night hagsSRD)
they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force
damage if it ends its turn inside an object. NIGHTMARE DARK NAGAS (2)
Sunlight Powerlessness. While in sunlight, the
dream spectre is stunned. Large monstrosity, lawful evil
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)

Hit Points 195 (15d10 + 45)
Speed 40 ft., fly 10 ft.
19 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 18 (+4)
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +7, Int +7, Wis +8, Cha
Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Dreamspeak
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Spellcasting. The naga is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its

spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). The mage has the
following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand,
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor, magic
missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): misty step, suggestion
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, fly
4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, ice storm
5th level (1 slot): cone of cold of it. The effect can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet
of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone, 2 inches of metal,
Guarded Thoughts. The naga is under a constant or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. While the target
mind blank spell effect. is in range, the naga can continue reading its
thoughts, as long as the naga's concentration
ACTIONS isn't broken (as if concentrating on a spell).
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., While reading the target's mind, the naga has
one creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage, advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma
and the target must make a DC 15 Constitution (Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks
saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) necrotic damage against the target.
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Treasure: From scrounging through the ruins, these
successful one. creatures have collected the following treasure between
Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 ft., them: 3,100 gp, a spell scroll (commune), and a wand of visibility
one creature. Hit: The target must make a DC (see Appendix B, page 576).
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8)
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much H3. RELICS
damage on a successful one. A heavy iron door with an elaborate lock protects this
Read Thoughts. The naga magically reads the room. It was once magically trapped as well, but its effects
surface thoughts of one creature within 60 feet were removed by the Mindwyrm long ago.

Locked Iron Door: 2 in. thick; damage threshold 10; hp next turn, dieing on a failure or ending the effect
60; Strength (Athletics) DC 27; Thieves’ Tools DC 25. on a success. Unless surprised, a creature can
This appears to be a treasure vault of some sort. Against one wall is avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start
a metal table holding three iron coffers. Another wall bears a large of its turn. If the creature does so, it can't see the
weapons rack, mostly empty, but still holding a small assortment yurei until the start of its next turn, when it can
of weaponry. A pile of rubble near the door reveals where a small
avert its eyes again. If the creature looks at the
section of the ceiling collapsed long ago.
yurei in the meantime, it must immediately make
the save. A creature immune to the frightened
A vault where relics of a moderately valuable nature
condition is immune to this face of deat.
were stored, the knights passed by this door, intending to
investigate it later. The chamber’s current occupant is a
yurei, the undead remains of a scholar who was killed when ACTIONS
the tower’s explosion caused a small cave-in in which he Multiattack. The yurei uses painful gaze and then
was crushed. He now wears his soiled and dusty scholar’s makes two painful grasp attacks.
robes over a skeletal frame bent and broken by the crushing
Painful Grasp. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
rocks. The Mindwyrm and his minions have managed to
keep this creature trapped in here, and it attacks in a rage 15 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d10 + 4) force damage.
whenever the door is opened. If the target is a creature, it must make a DC 14
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned
for 1 minute.
YUREI Painful Gaze (Recharge 6). The yurei targets
Medium undead, neutral evil one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
Hit Points 110 (17d8 + 34) saving throw against this magic or take 42 (12d6)
Speed 40 ft. necrotic damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Weird Insight. The yurei targets one creature it
can see within 30 feet of it. The target must
19 (+4) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 9 (-1)
contest its Charisma (Deception) check against
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +6, Wis +6 the yurei’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If the yurei
Skills Perception +6, Insight +8, Stealth +7 wins, it magically learns one fact or secret about
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic; bludgeoning, the target. The target automatically wins if it is
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks immune to being charmed.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Choking Suffocation. A yurei targets a creature
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned it can see causing something disgusting (such
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 16 as a tangled clump of wet hair or a foul-tasting
Languages Common clot of rancid swamp mud) to manifest in the
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) target’s throat. The target must make a DC 14
Constitution saving throw or begin suffocating
Face of Death. When a creature that can see for the next 1 minute. The creature may repeat
the yurei's face starts its turn within 30 feet of this saving throw at the end of each round to end
the yurei, the yurei can force it to make a DC suffocation. As soon as the victim succeeds at
14 Constitution saving throw if the yurei isn't its saving throw against choking suffocation, the
incapacitated and can see the creature. If the victim coughs up the disgusting foreign matter
saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature in a horrific display and must succeed at a DC
instantly dies of fright. Otherwise, a creature that 23 Constitution save or become poisoned for 1
fails the save is stunned. The stunned creature minute.
must repeat the saving throw at the end of its

Treasure: Many of the items stored in this chamber The bookshelf retains the powerful magic used to seal
were drained of their magic by the disaster or were it shut, so that the leaded glass is as strong as the iron
spirited away by nightmare creatures or through arcane framework itself. Once, the shelves could be accessed with
means over the centuries, but substantial riches remain. the proper passwords, but these have been long forgotten,
There are 2d4 weapons on the rack, all of masterwork and the magic must be overcome to open the shelf. First,
quality but now without enchantment (determine weapon the doors are set with a trap. Once the trap has been dealt
types randomly or choose as desired). There is a notable with there is a special arcane lock spell on the elaborate
exception to this, however: a massive maul inscribed with lock that is immune to knock and has been heightened to
the name “Daybreaker” in High Boros. This is a holy avenger require a DC 28 dispel magic check to remove.
(though it is a maul rather than a sword). A successful DC
20 Intelligence (History) check reveals that Daybreaker was
Locked Black Iron Bookcase: Hardness 10; hp 60;
once wielded by the Hyperborean champion Eladrus the
Strength (Athletics) DC 28; Thieves’ Tools DC 40 (30 if
Avenger, a ruthless paladin of Thyr, and was reclaimed by
arcane lock is removed).
the church after his death in battle.

Trap: The doors bear explosive runes, though the shelves

In addition to the weapons rack are the three locked
within has been magically treated so their contents remain
coffers (hardness 8, hp 50, Strength (Athletics) DC 28, Disable
unharmed by the trap.
Device 25). The first contains Hyperborean coinage totaling
12,000 sp and 13,500 gp. The second coffer contains various
pieces of jewelry including 10 gold and silver rings (100
gp each) with a ring of spell storing mixed in among them, EXPLOSIVE RUNES TRAP
5 gold brooches (500 gp each), and 2 extremely elaborate This magical trap can be discovered with a DC 25
necklaces crafted from gold, onyx, and rubies recognizable Wisdom (Perception) check and disarmed with
as being heirlooms of the ancient wild elven kingdom of
Akados that was displaced by the Hyperborean expansion
a DC 25 Thieves’ Tools check or with a successful
thousands of years ago (20,000 gp each). The third coffer dispel magic against a 5th-level spell. If not
holds 2 small diamonds (1,000 gp each), 3 sapphires (1,200 disarmed, the runes explode, dealing 35 (10d6)
gp each), and a brilliant green emerald (5,500 gp) force damage to all creatures within 10 feet.
Creatures more than 5 feet away can attempt a
H4. THE IRON SHELVES DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, taking half as much
This room bears a locked iron door identical to the one at damage on a success.
H3. The knights were able to bypass it with a knock spell
on their foray, but it has since been closed and relocked. The contents of the shelf include several books containing
The air is slightly musty and redolent of old paper, but inside the spells that were considered threats to the empire and
chamber looks largely intact, as if only a few years have passed, kept out of the hands of spellcasters who were not state-
rather than centuries. The room contains several desks with chairs sanctioned, such as dominate monster, gate, greater prying eyes,
and empty glass spheres that might once have been some sort of power word kill, soul bind, symbol of death, and wish. Feel free
lamp. The room has only one other prominent feature, but it is to include any new spells of the enchantment, necromancy,
quite striking; it is a bookshelf crafted of black iron, fronted by and divination schools that you wish to introduce to your
leaded glass doors and secured with chains and a lock of exotic campaign. Other books include rituals for the summoning
design. A number of volumes line the shelves, ranging from of demons and other evil extraplanar entities as well as the
ordinary leather-bound books to iron-shod volumes secured with truenames of several powerful demons and devils (at the
chains. GM’s discretion).

Several other books contains histories with inconvenient

Especially sensitive volumes, tomes of dangerous or
facts or rumors about prominent Hyperborean nobles,
forbidden knowledge, were stored here under lock and
rulers, or families, such as The True and Unexpurgated
key. In the case of the Hyperborean Empire, “dangerous”
Amorous Adventures of Lord and Lady Ottiswold and Intimate
knowledge included histories that contradicted official
Advisors to His Imperial Majesty Herminitus II, which a DC
doctrine, radical philosophies, and certain types of science,
20 Intelligence (History) check reveals resulted in its
so not all of the books here are truly perilous.
author’s imprisonment and eventual execution. Many

similar books crowd the shelves here, preserved Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive
but safe from the prying eyes of those who Perception 10
were not authorized to view them. There
are 15 such volumes, most of which are of
Languages Common, Elvish
interest primarily to historians, and each Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
of which is worth 1d4 x 1,000 gp to
the right buyer. They are bulky and Detect Life. The banshee can magically sense
heavy, however (averaging 5 pounds the presence of creatures up to 5 miles
each), and might be difficult to
away that aren’t undead or constructs. She
knows the general direction they’re in
but not their exact locations.
The most interesting
and dangerous volume on Horrifying Visage. Each non-
the shelf is The Fiendish undead creature within 60 feet of
Codex, a collection of lore the banshee that can see her must
and magic associated succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving
with the summoning throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A
and binding of fiends
(see Appendix B, page frightened target can repeat the saving
579). Given its significance, throw at the end of each of its turns,
this book is protected by an unseelie with disadvantage if the banshee is
banshee, the spirit of a captured wild within line of sight, ending
elf woman who was ritually slain in the the effect on itself on a
tower specifically to serve as a guardian
for the book. The book is secured with success. If a target’s saving
a metal clasp (damage threshold 10, hp throw is successful or the
30, Strength (Athletics) DC 22, Thieves’ Tools effect ends for it, the target is
DC 25). If this clasp is broken or opened, the immune to the banshee’s Horrifying
banshee’s wail will immediately sound, followed by the Visage for the next 24 hours.
banshee herself appearing and attempting a surprise touch
attack on the individual who opened the book. Incorporeal Movement. The banshee can move
through other creatures and objects as if they
were difficult terrain. She takes 5 (1d10) force
UNSEELIE BANSHEE damage if she ends her turn inside an object.
Medium undead, chaotic evil Magic Resistance. The banshee has advantage on
Armor Class 16 saving throws against spells and other magical
Hit Points 117 (26d8) effects.
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
Corrupting Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +11 to hit,
1 (-5) 22 (+6) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) necrotic
Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +8 damage.
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; Energy Drain (1/Day). The banshee targets one
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from creature it can see within 120 feet of her. The target
nonmagical attacks must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison throw, taking 36 (8d8) necrotic damage on a failed
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, The banshee regains a number of hit points equal
poisoned, prone, restrained to half the amount of damage dealt.

Wail (Recharge 6). The banshee releases a mournful residual magic to be made to function again. Getting this
wail, provided that she isn’t in sunlight. This wail sphere working again will require 2d6 weeks of work by
a spellcaster of 12th level or higher, as well as 3d6 x 1,000
has no effect on constructs and undead. All other gp for supplies and research costs. The crystal ball is big
creatures within 30 feet of her that can hear her and weighs about 60 lb., so getting it out and carrying
must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. it around might be a challenge. Each of the nonmagical
On a failure, a creature drops to 0 hit points. lesser spheres is still worth 200 gp.
On a success, a creature takes 10 (3d6) psychic
damage. H7. AMBUSH
This nondescript room was originally used by summoners
The library also conceals the secret entrance to for initial preparations and protective castings before
the summoning chambers, where the priests and proceeding into the actual ritual area. The PCs are likely to
arcanists of the tower called upon and communed with be cautious at this point, but Abruxes and the Mindwyrm
extradimensional creatures from across the multiverse. still want to reduce their strength prior to the final
The entrance is concealed behind a bookshelf on the east confrontation, so they’ve set another ambush consisting
wall (DC 22 Perception). Once found its mechanism can of 2 Leng hounds as well as a night hag and her pack of
easily be opened with a DC 10 Disable Device check. 6 nightmare shadow mastiffs. In addition, any of the
ambushers that survived their confrontation with the party
in areas G6, H1, and H2 will have retreated here to join in
H5. MONITOR’S OFFICE the ambush.
This room contains a small bed, desk, table, and shelf with some
alchemical glassware, empty vials, and a leatherbound book.
This small chamber was where a high priest or archmagi Medium aberration, chaotic evil
on duty would oversee activities on this level. The book Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
holds a log in High Boros listing all the users of the iron Hit Points 76 (17d8 + 85)
shelf in H4 and the ritual chamber (H9), including the dates
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft.
and times of their visit. In a desk drawer is a wand of truth
(see Appendix A, page 123) that was used to screen users to STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
detect any potential deception on the part of individuals
23 (+6) 10 (+0) 21 (+5) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 19 (+4)
who visited this sublevel.
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +9, Wis +4, Cha +8
Skills Deception +8, Perception +8, Stealth +4,
Survival +8
There are six niches in the wall of this circular chamber. Within
Damage Immunities cold
each niche is stone pedestal and upon each pedestal rests a crystal
sphere on a wrought-iron stand. In the center of the room is a Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
stone pedestal and wrought-iron stand with a much larger crystal Perception 18
sphere, this one about a foot across. Languages Common, Deep Speech
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
When particularly dangerous summonings or rituals were
taking place in H9, a powerful wizard or priest occupied Innate Spellcasting. The Leng hound's spellcasting
this room along with several dedicated spellcasters or ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17). The Leng
warriors, observing activities in the summoning chamber
hound can innately cast the following spells,
and ready to intervene if things went badly. The spheres in
the niches were once crystal balls used for observation not requiring only verbal components:
only of H9 but for all of the sublevels and several locations • At will: locate creature, locate object
in the tower above, but they have since been drained of all • 3/day each: dimension door, conjure animals (bats
magical energy by the cataclysm that occurred. The sphere only)
in the center of the chamber is a crystal ball of true seeing,
• 1/day each: word of recall (see grave link)
and while it is not currently working, it contains enough

Charnel Deception. A Leng hound can retract hound cannot change its target until it or the
its bestial features into its body as a full-round target is killed or sent insane.
action — its fur and wings retract, the skin Mutilate. A Leng hound savages its victims,
covering them slithers into hidden cavities, and shredding flesh and crushing bones. Whenever a
its jaws pull back into a humanlike face. This Leng hound hits a creature with all three melee
grants it advantage Charisma (Deception) checks attacks in a single round, the target must succeed
to appear as the decayed corpse of a slightly at a DC 21 Constitution saving throw or take 2
deformed human or similarly sized humanoid. points of Constitution drain. A creature reduced
Flyby. The Leng hound doesn't provoke opportunity to 0 Constitution dies. These maybe recovered
attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach. through magic or after a long rest.
Grave Link. A Leng hound can designate a grave ACTIONS
containing the corpse of a creature that was evil Multiattack. The Leng hound makes three attacks:
in life as its grave link. When the Leng hound one with its bite and two with its claws.
uses word of recall, it returns to this grave (a Leng Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
hound with no active grave link cannot use word one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage
of recall). If a creature disturbs this grave or loots plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage.
it, the Leng hound’s locate creature and locate Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
object innate spells have no range limit when one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.
searching for the creature that disturbed the Haunting Howl (Recharge 5–6). The Leng hound
grave or any objects looted from the grave. can emit a deep, sardonic howl. Each creature
Haunting Howl. Three times per day, a Leng hound within 300 feet that the Leng hound has
can emit a deep, sardonic howl. Only creatures designated as its marked for madness target
within 300 feet that the Leng hound has tracked can hear this haunting howl. Such creatures
or attempted to find with divination spell- must succeed at a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw
like abilities can hear this haunting or take 1d4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, and
howl. Such creatures must Charisma damage and become shaken for 1 hour.
succeed at a DC 20 Will save or A creature reduced to 0 Wisdom or Intelligence
take 1d4 points of Intelligence, gains a random short and long term
Wisdom, and Charisma damage madness. A creature reduced to 0
and become shaken for 1 hour. Charisma falls into a nightmare
This is a mind-affecting fear filled coma. Only magic can
effect. The save DC is restore these lost ability points.
Marked for Madness. NIGHT HAG
The Leng hound
can unswervingly hp 112 (night hagSRD)
track a creature that
it has designated as its NIGHTMARE MASTIFFS (6)
tracking target so long hp 45 (as hell houndSRD but replace
as it has something fire resistance and damage with
from the target or has necrotic)
used locate creature
or locate object to find its Tactics: As the party approaches, the
initial location. The Leng door to H7 will fly open and the mastiffs

will attack, using their bay ability to disrupt the party and ZOHANIL SAHKILS (3)
their shadow blend to avoid damage and shadow walk to
get in position behind the PCs. The hag and Leng hounds Medium fiend (sahkil), neutral evil
will attack anyone engaged in combat with the mastiffs, Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
with the Leng hounds making flying attacks overhead and Hit Points 110 (13d8 + 52)
spellcasters they can’t reach. Speed 50 ft., climb 50 ft.
20 (+5) 11 (+0) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2)
This hemispherical chamber is constructed of white marble
Skills Intimidation +6, Perception +4, Stealth +4
masonry with a single light source located in its 40-foot, vaulted
Damage Resistances cold, lightning, thunder;
ceiling — a glowing crystal the size of a man’s head that somehow,
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
despite its radiance seems to still leave the room bathed in shadows.
Set around the room are a number of chairs, couches, recamiers,
nonmagical attacks
and end tables arranged like a waiting area or anteroom. In the
Condition Immunities poisoned
west wall is an impressive iron door engraved with many glyphs
and sigils. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Telepathy
100 ft.
Spellcasters waiting to use the summoning chamber
would wait in here until their turn came or while rituals Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
were completed for the summoning of outsiders they
wished to question. The light source is a single piece of Innate Spellcasting. The zohanil’s innate
quartz set into the ceiling that gives off a constant dim spellcasting ability is Charisma. The zohanil can
illumination that fills the entire chamber (provides
innately cast the following spells, requiring no
concealment). Even lights brought into this chamber are
reduced to a dim luminosity while they are within it unless material components:
from magical light spell cast at 5th level or higher (in which • At will: darkness, detect magic, dispel magic,
case they function normally). If the crystal is destroyed invisibility (self only), mirror image
(damage threshold 8, hp 60, Strength (Athletics) DC 27), this • 3/day each: protection from good, suggestion
ends its effects end and light sources function normally in
• 1/day: dream
the room. In addition to serving as a light source, the crystal
also serves as the sensor for a permanent scrying spell that
anyone in area H9 can make use of with a DC 25 Use Magic Fear Gaze. When a creature that can see the
Device check. The Mindwyrm uses this to keep track of zohanil's eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of
its minions and the progress of intruders, so it cannot be the zohanil, the zohanil can force it to make a
surprised in its lair.
DC 14 Wisdom saving throw if the zhohanil isn't
incapacitated and can see the creature. If the
Lurking in this chamber are 3 zohanil sakhils. These saving throw fails the target is frightened while
living embodiments of fear are unimpeded by the dim
light because of their darkvision. They use invisibility to
in the presence of the zohanil. The target may
hide themselves and cast protection from good as soon as they repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn,
see the door open. They clamber along the half-dome of and on a success, is immune to this particular
the room’s ceiling and use their spells to plague the PCs zohanil's fear gaze for the next 24 hours.
and break down their defenses. They use their look of fear Magic Resistance. The zohanil has advantage on
against any PC that pierces their invisibility and bite and
talon attacks only as a last resort. They will do whatever
saving throws against spells and other magical
they can to prevent the PCs from exiting through the west effects.
door, however, even fighting until destroyed if necessary. Magic Weapons. The zohanil’s weapon attacks are

ACTIONS The ceiling is not the only feature of note, though, for the floor is
Multiattack. The zohanil makes one bite and two inscribed with a thaumaturgic triangle set within a great square
and surrounding hexagon. Statues of several Hyperborean gods
talon attacks, or it makes one melee attack and line the wall, inscribed with their names — Muir, Thyr, Jamboor,
teleports before or after the attack. Yenomesh, Hecate, and Mithras. Finally, on the floor near the
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one opposite side of the chamber you spy several motionless armor-
target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. If the clad figures. They appear battered and bloodied even from here.
target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 18
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned This was a powerful summoning chamber in the days of
for 1 minute. While poisoned it takes 5 (2d4) Hyperborea’s might. Its thaumaturgic triangle and warding
poison damage at the start of each of its turns sigils are inset into grooves in the floor and are made
from an alloy of cold iron and silver. Creatures that are
due to the fiendish poison. Each time the zohanil
summoned in this chamber cannot touch or harm these
hits the wounded target with this attack, the symbols, but they are not in and of themselves particularly
damage dealt by the wound increases by 5 (2d4). durable (damage threshold 5, hp 15, Strength (Athletics) DC
The fiendish poison is cured if the target receives 20). Any creature summoned into this chamber is bound
magical healing. A creature that fails this saving within these protective symbols and cannot leave the
confines of their innermost intact boundaries.
throw by more than 5 has its reflexes deadened
and has disadvantage on Dexterity and Wisdom
saving throws and ability checks while poisoned. Since the fall of Curgantium, this chamber has become
the home of a powerful great wyrm nightmare dragon
Talon. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., calling itself the Mindwyrm who haunts the inhabitants of
one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) piercing damage. the ruined city with its nightmare-inducing abilities (see
Teleport. The zohanil magically teleports, along the Dreams and Nightmares sidebar). The dragon has used
with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up his change self to appear as the knight Barionor and lies on
to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. the ground with his fellows. The dreamthief hag Abruxes
is also present, though she is invisible and currently
hiding behind the statue of Muir. One other creature lurks
H9. SUMMONING CHAMBER invisibly in the room, a called Leng spider that is entrapped
The door to the summoning chamber is an impressive within the summoning circle and stands 40 feet above the
iron portal, inscribed with indecipherable runes as well ground with its air walk ability.
as the High Boros characters spelling the names of some
of the major gods revered in Hyperborea — Muir, Thyr,
Jamboor, Yenomesh, and Mithras. While it is locked and The four fallen armored figures are the knights, Barionor
bears a strong aura of abjuration, it requires a mere DC of Troye, Sir Urvitus Voren, and the twins Sir Frankus and
15 Disable Device check to open and the aura is the result Lady Margeret Delerron, and all appear to be wounded and
of a permanent magic aura spell (CL 10th) — a deception unconscious where they sprawl, though appearances can be
designed to waste the magical resources of those suspecting deceiving. One of the knights, Barionor, has actually been
a trap or other nefarious trick built into the door. stuffed behind the statue of Yenomesh and can be glimpsed
only with a DC 40 Wisdom (Perception) check or if that
The circular chamber is over 100 feet across with a vaulting domed location is specifically searched. The Mindwyrm currenty
ceiling painted with depictions of the sky — a blue cloudless sky takes his place on the floor. Venturing here to investigate the
of day on one half and a star-covered night sky on the other, nightmare assaults that had made Sir Eregor comatose, these
complete with the two moons Luna and Sybil, the Blue Star Cyril knights were attacked and overwhelmed by the Mindwyrm
the Chariot, the Red Star Mulvais, and even the Black Star Xharos, and its allies. The survivors now lie insensible, while their
as well as the constellations of the 13 Houses of the Zodiac: Calade minds are locked away in the dreamstone of Abruxes.
the Hawk of Fate, Draconis the Dragon, Irminsul the Pillar of
the Gods, Nodens, Skiðblaðnir the Ship of the Gods, the White
When the PCs enter, the Mindwyrm attempts to trick
Wolf, the Ninefold Lamp, the Sickle, the Sphinx, the Springald, the
the party into walking into an ambush. The apparent
Tesseract, Yales, and the cloudy expanse of the Host. Interestingly
Barionor stirs, pulling himself up onto his knees. When he
the star Solaris is shown as the Pole Star, rather than Oliarus, but
sees the PCs, a spark of hope kindles in his sunken, weary
this would be expected from a time before the world’s polar shift a
eyes, and he cries, “Help us! In Thyr’s name, help us!” The
thousand years ago.

Mindwyrm’s shapechanged appearance is flawless, and Dream Terror. The dragon can utterly control any
his Charisma (Deception) check (+35) is a convincing ruse, dreamscape it enters, shaping it to its will. When
though a simple detect invisibility will spot the invisibile
Leng spider. If the PCs approach the fallen knights, the
a creature’s lucid body dies in a dreamscape
ambush is sprung as described under “Tactics” below. under the great wyrm’s control, that creature’s
Once the ambush is sprung or the ruse is discovered, read material body also dies. Also, magic can’t put the
the following description. dragon to sleep.
The wounded knight’s outline shifts and shimmers and he seems to Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a
grow larger, elongating and transforming into a serpentine shape, saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
a strangely contorted dragon with bright red frills and night- Special Equipment. The dragon has the following
black scales that seem to spawn whisps of shadow. As you watch, gear equipped:
another dragon appears beside it, and another, and another…
• minor metamagic rod (maximize). While attuned
to the rod, the dragon can use its bonus action
THE MINDWYRM to maximize a spell three times per day.
• staff of understanding (10 charges). The staff
Gargantuan dragon, neutral evil allows its user to cast comprehend languages,
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) detect thoughts and tongues innately once per
Hit Points 332 (19d20 + 133) day.
Speed 60 ft., fly 80 ft. • ring of psychic mastery. The ring grants
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA advantage and disadvantage (as appropriate,
27 (+8) 14 (+2) 25 (+7) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 21 (+5) dragon’s choice) on saving throws against all
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +13, Wis +7, Cha +11 psionic attacks.
Skills Deception +17, Perception +13, Stealth +6 • belt of incredible dexterity +4. The belt grants +4
Damage Immunities acid to the wearer’s Dexterity to a maximum of 20
Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed (included, requires attunement).
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Traumatic Spellcaster. Each time a target fails a
Perception 23 saving throw or takes damage from the dragon’s
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, spells it is affected by a dream spell.
Dreamspeak, Giant
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) ACTIONS
Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful
Innate Spellcasting (Psionic). The dragon’s innate Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save 19, +11 its bite and two with its claws.
to hit with spell attacks). The dragon can innately Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
manifest the following spells, requiring no one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage
material components: plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.
• At will: charm person, command, prestidigitation, Nightmare Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit,
sleep, true strike, vicious mockery reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing
• 3/day each: dominate person, fireball, dimension damage. This attack scores a critical hit on a 19 or
door, sleep (4th level) 20.
• 1/day each: dream, dominate monster, feeblemind, Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
mirror image, stoneskin, weird, sleep (9th level) one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Change Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs
Dreamsight. The dragon can see the dreams of into a humanoid, or back into its true form.
sleeping creatures. Other than its size, its statistics are the same in

each form. The dragon’s equipment transforms Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack.
with him, which resizes appropriately. If the Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its
dragon dies, it reverts to its true form, and its wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the dragon
equipment reverts to its normal size. must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw
Terrifying Presence. Each creature of the dragon's or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be
choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to
aware of it must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom half its flying speed.
saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end MINDWYRM’S LAIR
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on A nightmare dragon sometimes lairs in the midst
a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful of great cities rife with the delicious dreams of the
or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune living, hiding itself within palaces of its servants
to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next and slaves, but more often they find comfort in
24 hours. A creature that is frightened and fewer ancient ruins where the lingering resonance of
Hit Dice than the dragon, while frightened, the ancient thoughts and dreams lingers in their
target must take the Dash action and move away absence.
from the dragon by the safest available route on
each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. Lair Actions
If the creature ends its turn in a location where On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the
it doesn't have line of sight to the dragon, the dragon takes a lair action to cause one of the
creature can make a Wisdom saving throw. On following effects:
a successful save, the frightened condition ends • The dragon creates fog as though it had cast
for that creature and it is immune to the dragon's the fog cloud spell. The fog lasts until initiative
Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours count 20 on the next round.
Murky Acid Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon • Dissonant whispers originate at a point the
exhales acid in a 90-foot line that is 10 feet wide. dragon can see within 120 feet of it. Each
Each creature in that line must make a DC 22 creature within a 20-foot radius centered on
Dexterity saving throw, taking 67 (15d8) acid that point must make a DC 15 Constitution
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage saving throw or take 5 (1d10) psychic damage
on a successful one. and the target must immediately use its
reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed
REACTION allows away from the dragon.
Rising Nightmare. As a reaction to killing a living
creature the dragon casts phantasmal killer which Regional Effects
rises from the body of the creature it just killed. The region containing a legendary nightmare
dragon’s lair is warped by the dragon’s magic. If the
LEGENDARY ACTIONS dragon dies, changed weather reverts to normal, as
The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing described in the spell, and the other effects fade in
from the options below. Only one legendary action 1d10 days.
option can be used at a time and only at the end of • Once per day, the dragon can alter the weather
another creature's turn. The dragon regains spent in a 6-mile radius centered on its lair. The
legendary actions at the start of its turn. dragon doesn’t need to be outdoors; otherwise
Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) the effect is identical to the control weather spell.

• The environment within 6 miles of the dragon’s the hag can trap the creature’s dreaming mind
lair takes on dreamlike quality – especially at in her dreamstone, causing its body to remain
night – with plants gaining strange brilliant and in a mindless coma indefinitely (even magic like
lumenscient hues. a wish can at best transport the caster to the
• Within its lair, the dragon can set illusory location of the trapped mind).
effects that mimic dejavu, such as soft music a Dreamstone. Every dreamthief hag carries a
creature heard as a child and strange echoes of dreamstone—a gemstone crafted from the
a forgotten friend, so that they can be heard in petrified tears of a dream dragon and worth at
various parts of the lair. least 2,200 gp. The stone is psychically attuned by
the hag’s spirit and proximity. If the hag dies or is
ABRUXES DREAMTHIEF no longer in possession of her stone, it remains
attuned for only 24 hours. The dreamstone can
Medium fiend, neutral evil hold up to 20 dreaming minds stolen by the
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) hag. The hag can release a stored mind, sifting
Hit Points 161 (17d8 + 85) out its essence, to regain a use of one of her
Speed 30 ft., fly 20 ft. innate spells as a bonus action. The mind then
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA returns to its body, but the hag’s tampering
22 (+6) 17 (+3) 21 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) usually inflicts deep mental scars, resulting in
Saving Throws Str +10, Dex +7, Wis +7, Cha +7 new phobias, nervous ticks, or sleep disorders.
Skills Deception +7, Insight +6, Perception +6, The hag can use her dream theft ability and
Stealth +6 etherealness only if she has her dreamstone.
Damage Resistances cold, fire; bludgeoning, Magic Resistance. The hag has advantage on
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks saving throws against spells and other magical
that aren't silvered effects.
Condition Immunities charmed
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16 ACTIONS
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Primordial Multiattack. The hag makes three claw attacks. She
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) can use Etherealness or Cast a Spell in place of
any melee attack.
Innate Spellcasting. The hag's innate spellcasting Mind Blocking Claws (Hag Form Only). Melee
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
spell attacks). She can innately cast the following Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage. A creature that
spells, requiring no material components: takes damage from this attack cannot make any
• At will: detect magic, magic missile intelligence related activity – including casting
• 2/day each: plane shift (self only), ray of Intelligence based spells (all non-cleric or druid
enfeeblement, sleep spells), making an intelligence saving throw or
skill check – until the end of the targets next
Dream Theft. While in the same space as a round.
dreaming creature, or when touching the Change Shape. The hag magically polymorphs into
boundary of a dreamscape from the ethereal a Small or Medium female humanoid, or back
plan, the hag can force the dreaming creature into her true form. Her statistics are the same
into a lucid body and enter its dreamscape. If the in each form. Any equipment she is wearing or
hag deals enough damage to kill the lucid body, carrying isn't transformed. She reverts to her true
instead of the dreamer waking up harmlessly, form if she dies.

Etherealness. The hag magically enters the • 3/day each: fly, invisibility, plane shift (only self ),
Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice web
versa. To do so, the hag must have a dreamstone • 1/day each: charm monster, insanity (as confusion
in her possession. spell except duration is permanent), mirage
Nightmare Haunting (1/Day). While on the Ethereal arcana
Plane, the hag magically touches a sleeping
humanoid on the Material Plane. A protection Spider Climb. A Leng spider can climb difficult
from evil and good spell cast on the target prevents surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
this contact, as does a magic circle. As long as the without needing to make an ability check.
contact persists, the target has dreadful visions. Web Walker. A Leng spider ignores movement
If these visions last for at least 1 hour, the target restrictions caused by webbing.
gains no benefit from its rest, and its hit point Web Weaponry. A Leng spider is talented at using
maximum is reduced by 5 (1d10). If this effect its webs to construct masterwork weapons. This
reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, the technique of weapon creation allows the spider
target dies, and if the target was evil, its soul is to effectively create a flail or bolas by attaching
trapped in the hag's soul bag. The reduction to the a heavy object such as a rock or chunk of metal
target's hit point maximum lasts until removed by to a cord of webbing. The spider attaches one
the greater restoration spell or similar magic. end of this webbing to a leg and can then wield
the weighted cord as a flail or a bolas. It can only
LENG SPIDER wield one such weapon at a time—it must use
its other legs to walk. If a Leng spider drops or
Huge fiend, chaotic evil loses a web weapon, it can create a new one as a
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) full-round action, provided it has access to heavy-
Hit Points 230 (20d12 + 100) weight objects of the correct size (such as loose
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. rocks or skulls).
22 (+6) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 4 (-3) ACTIONS
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +10, Wis +5 Multiattack. The Leng spider makes two web flail
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +8 attacks and uses its bite.
Damage Immunities cold, thunder; bludgeoning, Web Flail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning and
that aren't adamantine slashing damage.
Condition Immunities poisoned Web Bolas. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, range
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning
Perception 15 and the target is restrained by web bolas. As
Languages Aklo an action, the restrained target can make a DC
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) 19 Strength check, bursting the web bolas on
a success. The web bolas can also be attacked
Innate Spellcasting. A Leng spider’s innate and destroyed (AC 10; hp 10; vulnerability to fire
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and
13). The retriever can innately cast the following psychic damage).
spells, requiring no material components. Maddening Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit,
• At will: dispel magic, freedom of movement, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 6) piercing
tongues damage, and the target must make a DC 18

Constitution saving throw or become poisoned (which destroys a virtually priceless piece of Hyperborean
for 1 minute and taking 18 (4d8) poison damage art) or with a DC 32 Strength check reveals a hollow that
the Mindwyrm chipped into the stone below. This holds
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a the creatures’ treasure which consists of 62,607 cp, 6,656 sp,
successful one. While the target is poisoned it is 4,345 gp, 58 pp, a large ruby (4,000 gp), a platinum statuette
confused (as the confusion spell). The target may of VionerQD-68 (1,300 gp), a suit of radiant plate (see Appendix
repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn to B, page 574), bracers of blinking (see Appendix B, page 568),
end the poison condition. and a staff of healing.

Tactics: The Mindwyrm has already cast stoneskin on Development: Once the Mindwyrm is slain, the
himself. If the party approaches the fallen knights, the nightmare effects over the city end immediately. When
Mindwyrm will wait until they are all inside the room, then Abruxes is slain her dreamstone shatters and the surviving
transforms into his natural form as the Leng spider attacks knights begin to stir. See Event 3: Freeing the Knights.
from ambush. The Mindwyrm casts mirror image, and the
invisible Leng spider attacks an apparent spellcaster with a
web. Abruxes remains in cover behind the statue and casts EVENT 3: FREEING THE KNIGHTS
deep slumber on fighter or rogue types. She then uses her With the defeat of the Mindwyrm and Abruxes and the
dreamtheft ability on any sleeping party members in an destruction of the hag’s dreamstone, the PCs have rescued
attempt to add their minds to her dreamstone. The spider the knights who were held prisoner by the pair. Of the
follows up with a charm monster on the most formidable nine knights who first came to Old Curgantium, only four
looking fighter to get him out of the fight and then remain: Barionor of Troye, Sir Urvitus Voren, and the twins
descends to engage PCs still in the thaumaturgic triangle Sir Frankus and Lady Margeret Delerron. They are battered,
in melee. The Mindwyrm is extremely confident in himself bruised, dehydrated, exhausted, sorrowful for the loss of their
and prefers to try and capture the dreaming minds of the companions, and suffering from various mental afflictions as
PCs initially rather than kill them outright. He makes a result of Abruxes’ dream torture, but they are at least alive.
liberal use of his Traumatic Spell feat to weaken his foes.
If he takes more than 50% of his hit points in damage,
he switches tactics and begins attempting to destroy the Assuming the PCs previously met him in The Book in
PCs rather than capture them. Neither the Mindwyrm nor the Old House, Sir Urvitus seems pleased to be renewing
Abruxes can fathom the possibility of defeat after centuries acquaintances with the party. In any case he describes what
of dominance in Curgantium; both will fight to the death, has befallen him and his companions in Curgantium.
certain in their eventual victory. “It seems that once more I owe you my life, my friends. It’s as if
the gods themselves have named you my guardians. Again, I am
The Leng spider was called to the chamber by a ritual grateful. We came to this forsaken city seeking the cause of the
performed by the Mindwyrm and is unable to leave as long omens that Sir Nimulus and Lady Elgierbid had discovered and
as the summoning sigil remains. It must remain within which they believed to be somehow connected with the destruction
the smallest of the sigils that surround it (the circle of the of Curgantium of old. At Lady Elgierbid’s suggestion, we sought
thaumaturgic triangle, the square, and the hexagon, in out an old library that she had learned of through her research
that order), though it can attack opponents outside these and located it despite the city’s ceaseless attempts to murder us.
confines with its webs and spells. However, if a portion When we searched the library, we discovered the books that we
each of these three sigils is destroyed (see above), the Leng sought and also discovered a great deal of information about the
spider can use its ability to return to its home plane and Hundaei Civil War that greatly excited Sir Nimulus. He believed
will immediately do so, abandoning the dragon and the that the destruction of Curgantium was perhaps just a subtext
hag. Likewise, if the dragon is slain, the Leng spider can for some larger unknown event and that it was this event that
immediately depart. Otherwise it is compelled to fight to heralded the current doom threatening the Kingdoms of Foere. We
the death. returned the books to our base camp for study.”

Treasure: There is apparently little to find in the At this point the PCs may express some concern and ask
chamber beyond the comatose knights and the corpses about the whereabouts of the books, as they likely have not
of the inhabitants, but if the PCs search a DC 36 Wisdom found it in the base camp. Urvitus seems surprised by this
(Perception) check discovers that the statue of Hecate is but replies that he can show them where at least one of
loose on its pedestal. Moving the statue by tipping it over them is hidden, then continues.

“Nimulus spent several days with the books that we had recovered, If the PCs have managed to communicate with Malcolm
finally locating a reference to strange events that took place in (see area B7), then he has likely corroborated Sir Urvitus’s
the days and weeks leading up to the city’s destruction. It seems accound and can confirm that he was left behind to guard
that a strange and terrifying creature — inhuman, winged, of Sir Eregor when the others left. However, it is possible that
utterly unfamiliar nature — had been haunting the city. Lady he has also related that it was Sir Ernst who came back and
Elgierbid believed that this creature was a being commonly called locked him in the vault and apparently killed Eregor, sealing
a mothman, and that others of its kind are known to haunt him in his makeshift crypt (B13) all of which would have
regions immediately before terrible disasters. Whether they are to have occurred after Sir Ernst was supposedly lost in the
the cause of these disasters, or merely desire to witness them has giant camp (area D). The reappearance of Sir Ernst and his
never been fully determined. It came as no surprise that this being apparent betrayal of the expedition is all new information to
was attracted to Curgantium, given the magnitude of the disaster the surviving knights who find it difficult to believe, though
that ultimately befell the city, but we all found it strange that they do not doubt Malcolm’s veracity or that of any evidence
its activities seem to have been focused around an opera theater provided by the PCs. They are simply confused by their
rather than the Tower of Oerson as would have been expected. companion’s duplicity. In any case, the current whereabouts
of the supposedly dead Sir Ernst are unknown, and the PCs
“Believing this location might hold some clue to the city’s certainly didn’t find his remains when they visited the giant
destruction, we set about looking for it. We located the theater and territory themselves. Sir Urvitus and the surviving knights
traveled there at nightfall, suspecting that the mothman would be are deeply distressed and caution the party to be on their
one of the nocturnal manifestations of that place, but we found guard. Now, however, it’s time to get back to the base camp
ourselves assailed by waves of shadow creatures, and were forced and regroup in order to plan their next move.
back to our base camp. Lady Elgierbid was lost to us during that
battle, carried off into the night by shadow creatures. Gods grant

that she did not suffer and that she now dwells in grace, rest her
precious soul! In the wake of our loss we regrouped and made
plans to return to the theater during the day to see if any evidence
of the mothman could be found. That night however the situation
grew even more desperate — attempts to sleep to recuperate were
stymied by the usual assaults of fearsome nightmare creatures,
but this time they were worse. The next morning we were unable The return to base camp can be as easy or hazardous as
to awaken Sir Eregor — it was as if his soul had been stolen in his the GM wishes. If the attempt is made at night, the party
sleep leaving only a living husk behind with us. will have to run the gauntlet of shadow creatures and the
mysterious Nightscream, so the PCs may choose to hole up
“After some research and divination, Sir Nimulus was able to in the Tower of Oerson and try to return after sunrise.
deduce the source of these dream attacks as originating beneath
the ruined Tower of Oerson. With his detailed knowledge of
Regardless, the party eventually makes it back to the base
Curgantium and its history, Nimulus believed that a route to
camp. Once there, the surviving knights will confirm that
the tower could be found in the catacombs of a ruined cathedral
the many books taken from the library have been taken
in the giant-held area of the city. We left our faithful Malcolm
by parties unknown (though the treacherous Sir Eregor
behind to guard Sir Eregor and made swiftly through the giants’
is strongly suspected). The group rests while Sir Urvitus
territory in order to bypass their defenses and get down into the
shows the PCs where one of the books recovered from
catacombs before they could react. On the way, Sir Ernst fell afoul
the library was hidden. It was initially placed in one of
of a deadfall trap and was lost to the giants before we could turn
the smaller vaults with the others, but Urvitus kept a close
back and save him. Pressing on without him, we reached the tower
eye on it for reasons of his own that he does not explain.
dungeons where we encountered the nightmare dragon and that
Urvitus saw that Sir Numulus re-hid it among Malcolm’s
foul hag. The battle was terrible — both Sir Nimulus and Sir Aix
feed bags by placing it in a bag of holding which she then
fell and were consumed, and the rest of us were imprisoned in the
filled with Malcolm’s feed, using nondetection to make it
hag’s gemstone. We’d have been truly lost if you hadn’t been there
appear like just another nonmagical feed bag. Whoever
to save us. Again, you have my deepest thanks and my eternal
searched the camp missed it, and the PCs find that it is still
loyalty, my friends.”
there (see area B9).

Despite his sincerity, a DC 18 Wisdom (Insight) check can

Examining the book the PCs discover it to be a copy of
tell that there is something more in Urvitus’s reasons for
the Codex Ibnathi, in fact it appears to be the exact copy that
coming on the expedition, but he does not share it at this time.
Ellerby Wallix (see The Book in the Old House) had found a

page from based on the one page missing from this book. included a hypothesis by Eb Wallix that the rest of the
Sir Urvitus looks rather sheepish at this revelation, and if Codex Ibnathi that he sought (he found only a page of the
pressed further will admit that he had suspected that the book in Tircople) could be found hidden in Curgantium. It
book might be in the city, and it is part of the reason he had been taken back to the capital by two brother knights
joined the expedition. of Hyperborea arguing over how and by whom it should
be destroyed (ironically, neither of them did). Sir Urvitus
joined the current Curgantium mission to try and locate
THE TALE OF SIR URVITUS this cursed book and perhaps find out more about his
After the events of The Book in the Old House, Urvitus had disowned great uncle in the process.
begun researching Eb Wallix extensively to ensure that any
trace of evil left by his ancestor had been truly eradicated.
What Urvitus discovered was that he was not the first of REGROUPING AT THE BASE CAMP
his family to take on such a quest. In his research into his Whether this revelation is given to the knights as a whole
family history he had discovered that his own great uncle, or simply the PCs, Sir Urvitus becomes the de facto leader
Sir Barivoren Wallix, a nephew of Eb Wallix, had discovered of the surviving knights and asks the PCs to establish
his uncle’s disturbing practices and research and had communication with Navellis Antriliev so he can report
instigated the purge to have Eb expelled from Courghais. on what has occurred and seek the wizard’s advice. Once
However, he has unable to catch the fleeing wizard this occurs Navellis will agree to even teleport into the city
and bring him to justice. Eb disappeared into the now- outside the group’s base camp in order to provide in-depth
independent Kingdom of the Vast. Barivoren knew of the consultation and contribute his own magical expertise to
true depths of depravity to which his uncle had sunk but defenses now that the knights’ group is sorely depleted.
could not get the other members of the knighthood to take Though the PCs are included in the discussion, he and Sir
his dire predictions seriously, discovering in the attempt Urvitus agree that to completion of the original mission
that many of his respected peers had become corrupt or for which the other knights gave their lives is of utmost
simply lazy. They were content to pad their lives with the importance and to do that the spirit of the mothman
luxuries of being successful merchants or wealthy nobles who was sighted just before the city’s destruction must be
rather than uphold the ideals of the knighthood. contacted.

Whether it was from his brief exposure to his uncle’s At this point the PCs have the option to depart from the
cursed book as a youth or simply some inborn instability, city, their portion of the mission completed, though both
Sir Barivoren enacted a crazed plan to spur the knighthood Sir Urvitus and Navellis hope they will stay. It will be some
into action by murdering several of their own. Over a time before the remaining knights are fit to resume their
period of weeks, Barivoren killed no less than three of his forays into the city, but they will gladly lend their resources
fellow knights. His plan partially worked in that it gained and efforts to help the PCs do so. If the PCs elect to depart,
the knighthood’s attention, but it also gained the attention then Navellis prepares the teleportation circle for them as
of the authorities of Courghais and he was soon forced promised and sends them home with a letter of credit
to flee into the wilds beyond the edge of the kingdom. drawing upon the Royal Bank of Courghais in the amount
His younger brother, Reliman Wallix, dropped the Wallix of 60,000 gp per PC. This is the end of their adventure
surname, adopting the name of his father Voren instead and they will only hear rumors of the disaster befalling
and moving the family out of Foere to Tourne in the Vast. the knights as they continued their ill-fated mission on
With his brother’s abdication of the title (by his obvious their own. However, if the PCs agree to stay and see the
guilt and flight from justice), Reliman was able to quietly knights’ mission through to the end, Sir Urvitus promises
have the heritable title of Knight of Macobert legally additional rewards if necessary, including an extra 10,000
transferred to himself and his heirs. Reliman spent the gp per person.
rest of his days drinking himself to death over the shame
of his brother, unaware of the evil his uncle Eb Wallix had
If the PCs agree to stay, then the knights recommend
camping overnight at the base camp to rest and recuperate
from the battles beneath the Tower of Oerson. Despite
Thus, Urvitus’s ancestor and de facto cause of the their exhaustion, the surviving knights and Navellis
founding of House Voren of Tourne was a bloody killer insist that they keep watch over the camp while the PCs
and betrayer. Urvitus’s research into papers belonging to rest and heal. As the PCs sleep, they no longer experience
Barivoren and Eb Wallix that he had found in his Eber any further nightmare attacks but still experience dream
house filled him in on this information. The papers also visions of the fat man saying, “Tell me, have you found it?”

but now adding (if they have discovered the Yellow Sign in
the theater), “Yes, I believe you have,” and beginning to turn
around as they wake.

Whenever the PCs are ready to head out the knights opt
to remain behind and guard the base camp and the Codex
Ibnathi that Sir Urvitus insists remains hidden within on
the basis that if the dangerous book is removed from the
wards of the vaults, then anyone magically searching for it
will have the ability to locate it. Once the mission in the city
is complete, the knights and PCs together can plan for the
safe removal of the book to a similarly shielded location
in Courghais to determine its final disposition and likely

If the PCs are reluctant to leave the book with the

knights, Navellis reminds them that it is an official Knights
of Macobert mission, and the book is in the knights’
hands. As the ranking knight, it is Sir Urvitus’s decision,
not the PCs’. However, to assuage the PCs fears over any
foul play involving the book, Urvitus swears to them that
no examination will be made of the book until it is safely
back in Courghais and can be done so under controlled
conditions to prevent a repeat of what occurred previously
in Eber. Likewise, the book had already successfully resisted
discovery by whomever raided the base camp previously, so
its current hiding place also seems to be its best hiding
place. If this is not sufficient for the PCs, they are of course
free to draw their pay and leave.

mothman’s spirit likely exists as an undead manifestation,

Assuming the PCs agree to remain and abide by the they will need to find a way to make contact it without
knights’ conditions, continue with Event 4: Enter the destroying it and somehow compel its cooperation. Spells
Mothman. like control undead may be helpful, and Navellis can make a
teleportation run to obtain scrolls of the spell if necessary.
Likewise, if the mothman’s undead form is incorporeal
EVENT 4: ENTER THE MOTHMAN like so many of the city’s undead, force effects such as wall
As stated, even with magical healing and restoration, the of force may be necessary to contain it without destroying
surviving knights are not yet mentally or physically ready it. Unfortunately, the option of simply resurrecting it is
to undertake forays into the ruins. Holding a defensive unlikely to be suitable because of the time limit of 10 years
position at the base camp is one thing, but after the since death per level of the spellcaster. With the mothman’s
horrific things they’ve witnessed, the deaths of so many death occurring 1,021 years ago, the prerequisite of a 103rd-
of their friends, and the dream tortures they’ve endured at level caster is likely unobtainable.
the hands of the hag and the Mindwyrm, they are simply
going to need a few days to recover to be ready to press on.
However, the matter of finding and making contact with After a plan for dealing with the mothman has been
the mothman’s spirit remains urgent and of high priority. reached, the PCs can use the knights’ knowledge of the
Thus, it falls on the PCs to undertake this course while the city and their own experience to ensure their arrival at the
knights hold the camp. theater around nightfall, thus avoiding the initial outbreak
of shadow creatures. If the PCs are in the vicinity of area
F1 at the moment that corresponds to the original opera’s
With the knights’ and Navellis’s assistance, the party performance time just as the sun goes down, they will see
can plan their mission to the theater. Speculating that the the following.

Rejuvenation. If the Mothman dies, he returns to
Something stirs among the strange scorched shadows and
silhouettes along the theater’s outer wall. High up, you see the
life at dusk the next day and regains all his hit
humanoid winged scorchmark shift and flicker as a tall, fearsome
shape emerges, night-black with gleaming red eyes.
points. Only a wish spell can prevent this trait
from functioning. However, if the Mothman is
somehow subdued he comes to his senses and
Caught by the catastrophe, the mothman has been
becomes cooperative (see Development below).
transformed into a dread wraith, and in order to successfully
question it, the party must find a way to defeat and contain
the wraith without destroying it. If this proves overly difficult, ACTIONS
the GM may simply rule that when reduced to near 0 hit Multiattack. The Mothman makes three attacks,
points, the dread wraith, sensing something of its greater either with his claws or long shadowy quills. He
purpose, surrenders to the PCs. In a worst case scenario, if
can use Life Drain in place of one claw attack.
the PCs are unable to defeat it and contain it, they can simply
leave without destroying it and return the next night to try Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
again when it will be once again at full power. It has slain 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 20 (5d6 + 3) necrotic
many creatures and turned them into specters but it cares damage. The target must succeed on a DC
little for them and rarely actively commands them. However, 15 Constitution saving throw or its hit point
they trail along in his wake, and if the Mothman is attacked
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to
1d4-1 specters will arrive at the end of each round of combat
until 12 have appeared, directing their attacks at any creature the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the
attacking the Mothman. target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this
effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A
humanoid slain by this attack rises 24 hours later
THE MOTHMAN as a specterSRD under the Mothman’s control,
Medium undead, lawful evil unless the humanoid is restored to life or its body
Armor Class 18 (incorporeal) is destroyed. The Mothman can have no more
Hit Points 54 (18d8 + 8) than twelve specters under his control at one
Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. time.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) force damage, or 10
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
(1d10 + 5) slashing damage if used with two
Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +6 hands, plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage.
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +5 Quills. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, 50/200 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) force
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened,
poisoned, unconscious SPECTERS
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 Hp 22 (specterSRD)
Languages Common, Infernal
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Development: If the PCs can subdue or control the
mothman dread wraith, they can communicate with it. It
attempts to bargain with the PCs, demanding that they
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Mothman slay it and end its tormented existence in exchange for its
has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on cooperation. If it is magically compelled, it will still beg for
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. its destruction in return for its help.
Turning Defiance. The Mothman and any other
wraiths within 30 feet of him have advantage on Once the PCs have obtained the creature’s cooperation or
saving throws against effects that turn undead. properly compelled it, it will relate the events leading up to

its demise. The mothman is an agent of fate, a harbinger of As widespread as the devastation of the Tower of Oerson
apocalypse, and the creature came to Curgantium in 2496 and subsequent fall of Hyperborea stretched, nevertheless
I.R. to foretell the doom of the city, though even it did not ten centuries later a battered and bruised world had largely
know the true extent of the doom to the entire Hyperborean recovered and ushered in another, if not quite-so-grand,
Empire. Nevertheless, the mothman allowed itself to be nonetheless formidable empire in the Foerdewaith that
seen sporadically about the city as harbinger of its coming until recent centuries had managed to bring its own peace
fate. Then on the last fateful night it appeared outside the and prosperity. It was as if the world had been sentenced
opera house itself, as that was the nature of the doom it to death only to have it commuted at the last minute with a
was foretelling: The mad director Cellichos was debuting devastating but, perhaps, less permanent calamity.
the complete The King in Yellow, an opera never before
produced in its entirety upon the world of Boros (as it was
Anyone whose check exceeds the DC by 5 or more also
then known). The full performance of this opera would
realizes that were it not for the devastating and unexplained
have called forth the avatar of the Great Old One Hastur the
sudden shift of the world’s polar axis in 2491, then the need
Unspeakable and ended the world in a cataclysm of madness
to draw together the greatest spellcasters of the world to
— that was the calamity the mothman had arrived to foretell.
Curgantium to weave their magic on the very night of The
King in Yellow’s performance would never have occurred.
At the conclusion of the opera the screams of madness Thus, another great disaster presaged a second, both of
rising from its audience were audible even from the streets which prevented an even greater. So great is the sudden
and grew louder still as the opera hall’s front doors opened cosmic lucidity that comes from grasping these truths
and out strode a tall, yellow-robed figure that seemed to that any PC who succeeded on this check (or any player
carry fear and insanity in its wake. The figure turned who reached the same conclusion unaided by a check) is
towards the Tower of Oerson in the distance and took its stunned for 1 round and receives a permanent +1 bonus to
first step towards what would become its earthly throne, his Wisdom score as the import of the greater cosmological
and the mothman knew that its foretold catastrophe had picture sinks home in his mind. Rarely is a mortal allowed
arrived, the disaster of disasters that would sweep away a glimpse behind the curtains of destiny, and even more so
the current order and completely remake the world. But to see secret destinies writ at the beginning of time that defy
even the mothman was surprised when, at that instant, the even the machinations of the gods.
Tower of Oerson exploded, enveloping much of central
Curgantium including the opera house, the yellow-robed
figure, and the mothman itself in the cataclysmic blast. EVENT 5: THE INEVITABLE ARBITER
Earlier in the adventure (Event 2), some PCs might have
The mothman can recall no more, it was slain at that briefly glimpsed a mysterious watcher as it followed and
moment and began its existence as a dread wraith tied to observed them. Now as the PCs finally grant the dread
a shadow scorched into a section of broken wall. The mad wraith in Event 4 its release from undeath, the watcher
ravings of the opera’s audience was silenced only to become returns.
the Nightscream that descends over the city each night as From out of the darkness emerges a metallic spherical object, 1
moonrise touches the melted glass of the tower, and of foot in diameter, held aloft on mechanical wings and equipped
the yellow-robed avatar of Armageddon, nothing further is with two prehensile arms and a single, centralized eye. A flat,
known. Not only was the mothman the only sane individual montone, artificial voice issues from the sphere. “Attend. No harm
to spot the figure in the final moments of the city, no reports is intended. This arbiter unit requests information and assistance
of such a figure ever emerged from the catastrophe, strongly from native planar inhabitants.”
hinting that it too was destroyed in the conflagration.

The strange object/creature possibly glimpsed by the party

Any PC making a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana, History, in Event 2 and now presenting itself before the PCs is an
or Religion) check is suddenly struck by an uncomfortable arbiter inevitable, Arbitrator/1151.x, an extraplanar scout and
thought: As brutal and destructive as the exploding Tower diplomat from that law-enforcing race. If the PCs attack the
of Oerson was, killing tens of thousands, sentencing creature, it immediately flies away into the darkness above,
millions more to a slow death from the lawlessness and in search of the nearest inevitable to which it will report.
deprivation that followed, and destroying the greatest However, its intentions are peaceful and, if the PCs show a
empire that the world had ever known, it was perhaps a willingness to communicate, can offer them several pieces of
mercy that had in fact saved the world from a far worse fate. information in addition to its own questions.

ARBITRATOR/1151.X important (or worse, incomprehensible), one box noticed
with a DC 22 Wisdom (Perception) check or DC 15 Intelligence
hp 22 (see page 439) (Invesigation) check provides the option to give the statement
in person to a department director or vice director, though
Development: If the PCs communicate with the arbiter, this must be endorsed separately and requires a “2-level fee,
it greets them in truespeech, so that all can understand refundable at discretion of department review.”
and be understood as if under the effects of a tongues spell,
though it uses a clipped and technical style of speech
While this is somewhat obscure, a DC 15 Intelligence
highlighting that its existence is as much machine as living
(Arcana) check suggests that it means that it can be used
creature. It opens the dialog by identifying its function
to summon an inevitable of department director or vice
and model number (arbiter inevitable Arbitrator/1151.x)
director level (whatever that means). If a PC checks this
and informing the PCs that the inevitables have long
box, he can at any subsequent point summon a lhaksharut
been aware of unauthorized planar conjunctions between
inevitable designated Vice Director/811.1-A that will assist
these ruins and the Plane of Shadows and have been
in any one battle involving outsiders or extraplanar-
investigating for some time. The arbiter advises that the
associated creatures. However, the PC will also immediately
PCs are the first to actually make meaningful contact with
gain 2 levels of exhaustion. At the inevitable’s discretion
one of these “conjunctions” (i.e. undead and/or extraplanar
over whether the summons was appropriate or not, it can
creatures associated with the Plane of Shadows) and remain
remove the PC’s 2 levels of exhaustion as a bonus action (see
“intact” (i.e. alive) and asks them several bureaucratic-type
encounter text for this adventure as to what the inevitable
questions about their technique and motives such as:
will deem as an appropriate summons). Otherwise these
“Please describe basic tactics and philosophical approach
levels may be removed by the normal magical means.
to shadow entities,” “Please provide technical assessment
of arcane and divine spell effectiveness against shadow
entities,” and “Please detail all contact with alternate non-
material planes and their inhabitants. Please be specific.” VICE DIRECTOR/811.1-A
Large construct, lawful neutral
After a number of these questions, hopefully before the Armor Class 20 (law and order)
PCs run out of patience, the arbiter thanks them for their Hit Points 210 (20d10 + 100)
cooperation and produces from an internal compartment Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft.
an official-looking document with several seals and a
header portraying a triangle within a square within a circle STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
(not entirely dissimilar to the symbol in H9, though this is 24 (+7) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 1 (-5)
merely coincidence).
Damage Immunities acid, cold, fire, lightning,
thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
It closes with the following request, “Before departure,
arbiter unit requests that native planar inhabitants from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine
complete this Statement of Material Testimony Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
(Uncompelled). Please retain these forms on your person at frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
all times, and also be assured that information on the form Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
will remain confidential and not be used for unrelated
Languages all but rarely speaks
legal proceedings or unauthorized mass-mailings. This
unit now returns to report to its supervisor, Senior Deputy Challenge 20 (25,000 XP)
Vice-Director/672.b. We thank you for your cooperation in
this matter.” Innate Spellcasting. The inevitable’s innate
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
With that the arbiter flies away, vanishing into the darkness 16). The inevitable can innately cast the following
to report to its superiors and leaving the party with the form. spell, requiring no material components.
Examining the form reveals it to be a standardized printed • At will: plane shift (self only)
form written in truespeech to be filled out in triplicate
and with the sigil of Arbitrator/1151.x added at the bottom
as witness. Several miscellaneous boxes can be checked Immutable Form. The inevitable is immune to any
when the form is filled out, and while most of them are not spell or effect that would alter its form.

Magic Resistance. The inevitable has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical
Magic Weapons. The inevitable’s weapon attacks
are magical.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the inevitable fails
a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. The inevitable has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical

Multiattack. The inevitable uses Energy Bolt twice
if available and makes two melee attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 23 (3d10 + 7) piercing damage.
Energy Bolt (Recharge 5-6). The inevitable shoots
an energy beam of acid, cold, fire, lighting or
thunder – its choice – up to 100 feet away. The
targeted creature must make a DC 19 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) energy damage
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. This attack may be used once per
round and then can be used a second time if the
recharge roll is equal to 5 or 6.
knights’ previous foray into the ruins. They are also aware
EVENT 6: DARK BETRAYAL that the PCs are working with the knights and stand to
disrupt years of carefully laid plans. With the PCs’ incursion
Having gained the information available from the undead
to talk to the mothman’s wraith, the Underguild has reached
mothman and the unlikely promise of aid from the
out to their contacts with the creatures of the Shadow Plane
inevitables, the party is free to return to the base camp —
and given them the party’s location and disposition. With
their mission to the city finally completed — and leave Old
this information, the recently transformed Lady Elgierbid
Curgantium behind once and for all. Alas, it is not quite so
seeks dark vengeance against those who failed her in her
simple. After having lurked in the shadows for much of the
mortal life and their allies — such as the PCs.
adventure, watching and biding its time, the Underguild
is finally ready to act against this incursion into what they
see as their territory and interference into their own affairs. The unfortunate Lady Elgierbid, taken in battle by
Needing both Urvitus and the Codex Ibnathi for plans they the shadow creatures, has been hideously tortured and
themselves have long been developing, the vampires have transformed into a unique evangelist kyton by the kyton
taken steps to obtain them and are not about to let a rag-tag demagogues of the Plane of Shadows. Riding a nightmare,
band of adventurers stop them at the verge of success. she retains her old knightly skills, and is accompanied by
4 cantor kytons, intent on permanently eliminating the
PCs from the ruins of the city. They ambush the PCs in
The Underguild, while not strictly allied with the shadow
the dark from the surrounding rubble, as they party makes
creatures of the city, has co-existed in the ruins with them
its way back towards the base camp. If the PCs are flying
somewhat peacefully. The Underguild was aware that Lady
over the ruins, Lady Elgierbid has cast fly on the cantor
Elgeirbid was taken by a kyton attack force during one of the

kytons with her wand, and the group comes swooping • 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, magic weapon
upward to attack the PCs from below. In either case, any • 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, elemental weapon
PC not succeeding on a DC 21 Wisdom (Perception) check
is caught by surprise when the ambush it sprung. Read the
• 4th level (3 slots): banishment, staggering smite
following description when the kytons attack and modify • 5th level (2 slots): destructive wave (necrotic)
as necessary if the combat occurs in the air.
Focus. Lady Elgierbid, as a bonus action, designate
The night is split by a soundless howl that seems to reverberate
through your souls, and a massive horse the color of midnight any one opponent he can see as a particularly
with fire streaming from its nostrils and hooves comes bounding dangerous foe. She gains a +2 bonus to her AC
out of the darkness. Its rider is a dark form, blurry and difficult and saving throws against attacks made by that
to see, but she seems to wear armor wrapped in chains, and from opponent until she designates a new enemy.
her head streams a thick mane of red hair marked with a streak of
Infernal Concentration. Lady Elgierbid can
silver. With her come small feral humanoid shapes, indistinct in
the darkness but with glowing red eyes and giving the impression maintain concentration on up to two spell effects
of having had the skin stripped from their bodies to reveal the gray, at the same time.
striated muscle beneath. Magic Resistance. Lady Elgierbid has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical
LADY ELGIERBID PALITROIX Regeneration. Lady Elgierbid regains 5 hit points
Medium fiend (devil), lawful evil at the start of her turn so long as he has 1 hit
Armor Class 22 (breastplate shield) point remaining. If Lady Elgierbid takes radiant
Hit Points 180 (19d8 + 95) damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of
Speed 30 ft. her next turn.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Special Equipment – Wand of Fly. Lady Elgierbid
20 (+5) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) has a wand of fly which lets her cast the fly spell
up to 10 times per day.
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +9, Cha +10
Damage Resistances acid; bludgeoning, piercing, ACTIONS
and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't Multiattack. Lady Elgierbid makes three longsword
silvered attacks.
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison Cutthroat’s Apprentice (+1 Dancing Longsword).
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
poisoned target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage, or 11
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 (1d10 + 6) slashing damage if used with two
Languages Common, High Boros, Infernal, hands, plus 18 (4d8) necrotic damage.
Shadowtongue, telepathy 120 ft. Infernal Fireball (Recharge 6). Lady Elgierbid hurls
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) a magical ball of fire that explodes at a point she
Gear +2 adamantine breastplate with swan sigil can see within 120 feet of it. Each creature in a
of Palitroix, +1 dancing longsword, +2 shield, +1 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point
longsword must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. The
sphere spreads around corners. A creature takes
Spellcasting. Lady Elgierbid is a 19th-level 35 (10d6) fire damage and 35 (10d6) necrotic
spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
(spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). on a successful one.
She has the following paladin spells prepared: Healing (1/Day). Lady Elgierbid, or one creature she
• 1st level (4 slots): command, compelled duel, touches, regains up to 100 hit points.
searing smite

REACTIONS If the PCs choose to summon the lhaksharut (see Event
Parry. Lady Elgierbid adds 6 to her AC against one 5) to assist in this battle, the inevitable deems it to be an
appropriate summons and will restore the summoner’s 2
melee attack that would hit her. To do so, Lady levels of exhaustion as a free action when it arrives.
Elgierbid must see the attacker and be wielding a
melee weapon.
After the encounter with Lady Elgierbid and her minions,
hp 147 (nightmareSRD) the PCs likely want to return to the base camp with some
urgency. When they arrive, however, they are too late. All
the traps at B3 have been reset and do not respond to the
CANTOR KYTONS (4) prior passwords. The situation within the camp itself is no
hp 105 (statistics as chain devilSRD, except as noted better. Read the following when the PCs first enter area B5.
below) It looks as though a slaughter occurred here. Two headless corpses
Shadow Body. In any light other than bright lie in pools of congealing blood, and the floor is an incomprehensible
sunlight or a daylight spell, cantor kytons fade jumble of footprints. Who or what the attackers were, however, is
into the shadows as if using a blur spell. unclear.
Unchained Ego. Any creature that begins its turn
restrained by a cantor kyton’s chains must succeed The Underguild attacked the base camp with
on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw become confused overwhelming force in the PCs’ absence and laid waste
to the knights’ defenses. Additionally, if they were not
(as the confusionSRD spell) until the beginning of previously destroyed by the PCs, the 2 cephalophores at B5
their next turn, at which point they can attempt have been reprogrammed to attack when the PCs enter and
a new saving throw to end the confusion; a failed fight until destroyed.
saving throw causes the confusion to continue to the
beginning of their next turn.
Tactics: Prior to combat, Lady Elgierbid casts elemental hp 147 (see page 430)
weapon (thunder) on Cutthroat’s Apprentice, her dancing sword,
and on the first round of combat activates it as a bonus After finally dealing with the reset traps and the
action, sending it to attack ranged combatants or spellcasters guardians, the PCs can examine the scene closer. The
hanging back from melee. She targets a spellcaster or other bodies on the floor are headless, but their gear and overall
PC less inclined to engage in melee with compelled duel to physique matches that of Sir Frankus and Lady Margeret.
force them into melee. If this does not work, she uses They appear to have engaged in a brutal combat before
staggering smite and searing smite as bonus actions to add their demise, after which their heads were crudely hacked
damage to her strikes. She draws her backup sword and lays from their bodies and are nowhere to be found. Because
about with that in melee, interspersing it with spell attacks, of this mutilation, they cannot be questioned by speak with
sheathing that sword when Cutthroat’s Apprentice must return dead spells. Likewise, the lack of heads would prevent a
to her hand. The kytons sow confusion with their chains raise dead spell from working; if the PCs wished to bring
and gang up on one or two targets to overwhelm them while one or both of them back to life, they would need to use a
Lady Elgierbid and her steed occupy the rest of the party. resurrection to be successful. However, anyone using magic
like true seeing or making a DC 20 Intelligence (Religion)
Development: Lady Elgeirbid is not suicidal, though the check while closely examining these corpses discovers
cantor kytons will not retreat as long as she remains in the that they have both been animated as undead (they are
fight. If all of the cantors are slain and she is reduced below now juju zombies, see “Development” below). If Malcolm
half hit points or her nightmare is killed, she attempts to was left in the base camp, then his corpse is discovered in
retreat. She has her nightmare use Ethereal Stride to flee to B6, likewise decapitated (though not animated). Neither
the Plane of Shadows in order to escape. Sir Urvitus nor the Codex Ibnathi can be found anywhere
within the base camp.

An examination of the bloody tracks on the floor with he used them to uncover the Codex Ibnathi and then lead
a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check indicate that the battle them into a series of ambushes throughout the ruined city.
raged in both areas B5 and B8 and involved multiple He is accompanied by an ice devil called Rädsla and 4 feral
humanoid combatants, but they are too jumbled to make vampire spawn smashers as muscle. If the PCs have not left
out individual tracks or much else. If the check exceeds the someone on guard at the camp’s entrance, they are likely to
DC by 5 or more, it is apparent that one set of tracks seems be caught by surprise with this attack.
to end at the edge of the well in B8. Likewise, anyone in area
B8 making a DC 22 Wisdom (Perception) check detects a
faint sloshing sound coming from beneath the well’s cover. SIR ERNST BRAANAK
If the well cover is removed and a light source shone down
the shaft, the form of Barionor can be seen slumped in the Medium undead, lawful evil
3 feet of water, only his head and bent knees visible above Armor Class 18 (plate)
the surface. The water itself is murky red with blood, and Hit Points 207 (24d8 + 96)
only the faintest movement of Barionor’s breathing causes Speed 30 ft.
the slight sloshing in the water that is barely audible.
The base camp was attacked by a large Underguild 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3)
force shortly after the PCs departed for the theater. It was Saving Throws Con +8, Int +5, Wis +9, Cha +8
this group that defeated the knights and took Sir Urvitus
Skills Deception +13, History +5, Religion +5
prisoner. It saw to the resetting of the traps and
guardians and removed the heads of the twins (and Damage Immunities necrotic, poison;
the dragonne if applicable) before discarding them bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
in the ruins. One of the group, a powerful cleric, nonmagical attacks
used create undead to animate the decapitated Condition Immunities charmed,
corpses as 2 juju zombies. This larger group
exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed,
has departed with its prisoner, but a smaller
force was left behind to keep watch and poisoned
ambush the party upon its return.This Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive
group hides in the ruins outside the base Perception 14
camp and watched the approach of the Languages Common, Infernal
party as they entered and went below.
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)
They follow the PCs in only seconds
afterward so the party will have
little opportunity to look around Spellcasting. Sir Ernst’s spellcasting
or examine the scene of the battle ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9
before this group arrives through to hit with spell attacks). He can innately
the portal at B4 and launches its
cast the following spells, requiring no
attack. The attacking force
is led by the treacherous material components:
Sir Ernst Braanak who • At will: sacred flame, thaumaturgy
in reality is a powerful undead fext. • 3/day: bestow curse, contagion, insect
Ernst himself has been an agent plague
of the Underguild from the
• 1/day: harm
beginning, using his deceiver’s
ring, considerable Disguise skills,
and extensive battle scarring Magic Resistance. Sir Ernst has
to infiltrate the Knights of advantage on saving throws against
Macobert for decades. He did spells and other magical effects.
not organize this expedition,
Unkillable. Sir Ernst can only be killed
but when he heard about it, he
notified his superiors in the Underguild by glass or obsidian weapons,
and made sure he joined the mission. He is or it must be decapitated
responsible for much of the knights’ woes as and blessed with holy water.

Otherwise, 5 minutes from the time that it is Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
reduced to 0 hit points, it begins to regenerate at frightened
the rate of 5 hp per round until it is fully healed. Senses lifesense 60 ft., passive Perception 6
Languages Common (cannot speak)
ACTIONS Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Multiattack. Sir Ernst can use his Dreadful Glare or
Cast a Spell and makes one attack with its rotting Aura of Protection of Good. Sir Frankus and any
longsword. other undead creature within 10 feet of him gains
Rotting Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, the benefits of the protection from good spell.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) slashing Turn Resistance. Sir Frankus has advantage on
damage plus 21 (6d6) necrotic damage. saving throws against any effect that turns
Dreadful Glare. Sir Ernst targets one creature he undead.
can see within 60 feet of him. If the target can Undead Constitution. If damage reduces Sir
see the fext, it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom Frankus to 0 hit points, he must make a
saving throw against this magic or become Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the
frightened until the end of Sir Ernst's next turn. damage taken, unless the damage is radiant
If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it or from a critical hit. On a success, Sir Frankus
is also paralyzed for the same duration. A target drops to 1 hit point instead.
that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to Headless. Sir Frankus has been decapitated
Sir Ernst’s Dreadful Glare of all fext for the next and therefore has the blinded and deafened
24 hours. conditions. However, he gains lifesense allowing
him to notice and locate living creatures within
RÄDSLA 60 feet, just as if he possessed the blindsight
ability. He cannot take verbal commands, but he
hp 180 (as ice devilSRD) senses the will of its creator or another creature
designated by his creator allowing it to know
FERAL VAMPIRE SPAWN SMASHERS, RAGING (4) when and whom to attack.
hp 100 (as vampire spawnSRD, except as noted
below) ACTIONS
Reckless. At the start of its turn, the feral spawn Multiattack. Sir Frankus makes two melee attacks.
can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack Empowered Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10
rolls during that turn, but attack rolls against it to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d6 +
have advantage until the start of its next turn. 7) bludgeoning damage and 7 (2d6) necrotic
+2 Shocking Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +12
SIR FRANKUS DELERRON to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (1d8 + 9)
Medium undead, chaotic evil slashing damage and 7 (2d6) lightning damage.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) This weapon scores a critical hit on a 19 or 20.
Hit Points 110 (13d8 + 52) Sundering Strike. Instead of doing making an
Speed 20 ft. attack to deal damage, Sir Frankus attempt to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA break his target’s weapon. He makes an attack
roll contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics)
25 (+7) 6 (-2) 19 (+4) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 5 (-3)
or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check; the target chooses
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic which check to use. If Sir Frankus wins the
Damage Immunities poison

contest, the weapon is broken, causing attacks radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the
made with it to have disadvantage on the attack zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.
roll and to deal half damage. A broken weapon Headless. Lady Margaret has been decapitated
can be repaired with a mending cantrip or a DC and therefore has the blinded and deafened
20 skill check with Smithing Tools and 1 hour conditions. However, it gains lifesense allowing
of work. If he wins the contest by 5 or more, the her to notice and locate living creatures within 60
target weapon is destroyed and is useless until feet, just as if she possessed the blindsight ability.
repaired. A destroyed weapon cannot be repaired She cannot take verbal commands, but she
with mending but a fabricate spell and a DC 20 senses the will of her creator or another creature
skill check by a caster proficient with Smithing designated by her creator allowing her to know
Tools can repair it, as can a DC 25 skill check with when and whom to attack.
Smithing Tools and 8 hours of work.
LADY MARGARET DELERRON Multiattack. Lady Margaret makes two melee
Medium undead, chaotic evil Empowered Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10
Armor Class 15 Natural Armor to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d6 +
Hit Points 110 (13d8 + 52) 7) bludgeoning damage and 7 (2d6) necrotic
Speed 20 ft. damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA +1 Shocking Trident. Melee Weapon Attack: +11
25 (+7) 6 (-2) 19 (+4) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 5 (-3) to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d8 + 8)
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic slashing damage and 7 (2d6) lightning damage.
Damage Immunities poison
Sir Ernst casts protection from good on himself before
Condition Immunities charmed, the battle begins. The ambush is sprung before
exhaustion, frightened the PCs have much of a chance to examine
Senses Lifesense 60 ft., the scene of the battle. As Sir Ernst’s group
passive Perception 6 comes through the door at B4, the juju
zombies rise from the ground and begin
Languages Aquan, Auran,
their attack. The feral vampire spawn
Common (cannot speak) rage and rush to engage the PCs as
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) well. Sir Ernst, meanwhile, roars a
challenge to the party leader or most
Turn Resistance. formidable combatant and attempts
to engage him in a one-on-one
Lady Margaret has
duel, while the ice devil separates
advantage on saving the party with its wall of ice with Sir
throws against any Ernst on one side and itself on the
effect that turns other.
Undead Constitution. Ernst, the vampire spawn, and
If damage reduces the zombies are utterly fearless, fighting
juju zombie to 0 hit until destroyed — Sir Ernst is confident
he will return from the dead once again
points, it must make a thanks to his unkillable quality. Rädsla
Constitution saving throw remains in the fight as long as Sir Ernst still
with a DC of 5 + the damage stands before fleeing, though if the ice devil is
taken, unless the damage is reduced below 20 hit points it retreats. It does not

report in to its Underguild superiors for fear of reprisals dark, damp, brick-lined chamber. He is badly wounded
but rather goes elsewhere in the ruins to lick its wounds but appears to be alive and stable. Attempts to teleport to
and wait to see how the current power struggle plays out. If the knight’s locations fail, however, as the area he is in lies
a feral vampire spawn is reduced to 0 hit points, it assumes under the effects of a hallow (extradimensional interference)
gaseous form and drifts out of the camp. Canny PCs might spell. Further divination reveals only that he is somewhere
think to follow it back to its coffin, but once among the in the city’s old sewer system and that he is in grave, though
ruins of the city the cloud seeps among the tiny crevices in not immediate, danger. Unfortunately, a locate creature spell
the rubble for a direct route to its sewer home, and the PCs does not work because there is running water between the
will be unable to maintain pursuit. PCs and his location.

Development: Unless the PCs take the time and resources Navellis informs the PCs that he had arranged for
to resurrect one or more of the knights, Barionor is the the procurement of a map of finding during the party’s
only one who can be healed and questioned as to what expedition but once they located the knights had not yet
happened. followed up on it. He tells the party that he can obtain the
scroll in the morning and return to the base camp with
it if they can wait that long. After their encounters in the
He explains that shortly after the PCs departed and
city and in the ambush, they are likely to welcome a chance
Navellis teleported back to Courghais to conduct further
to rest and recover. Besides, travel during the day tends to
research, the base camp was attacked by surprise. He can
be slightly less dangerous and divinations show that Sir
confirm that it was Sir Ernst returned who penetrated their
Urvitus is not in immediate peril, so holing up for the rest
defenses in the surprise attack but that it was a skeletal
of the night at the base camp might not be a bad idea. He
fiend wearing the armor of a Knight of Macobert that led
also volunteers to obtain healing scrolls for the party. If the
them (this was the graveknight Barivoren Wallix, though
PCs agree to this, Navellis teleports back to Courghais at
the PCs have no way of knowing yet). The force that attacked
first light and returns an hour later with a map of finding.
was overwhelming — much larger than the group that just
He also carries a spell scroll (heal) for each PC as well as one
battled the PCs — and during the fight Sir Ernst singled
for Barionor if the party would like for him to join them. If
him out for melee and beat him badly. The last thing he
the PCs wish for Navellis to obtain other items, it is at the
remembers was teetering on the edge of the well, nearly
GM’s discretion if he has the time and ability to do so.
spent and bleeding heavily, when Ernst brought his sword
around for another swing, the blow knocked Barionor into
the well. Ernst believed the squire slain or nearly so and
that he would soon drown regardless — being unaware
of the well water’s shallowness — so he merely pulled the Medium humanoid (human-ErskaelosiLL4-17,18), lawful
cover over it and forgot about the defeated foe. Barionor neutral
is enraged over Ernst’s betrayal and heartsick over the
loss of Sir Frankus and Lady Margaret deaths. He affirms
Armor Class 16 (unarmored defense)
that Sir Urvitus was present during the battle and fighting Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42); currently stable at 0 hit
alongside his comrades; he doesn’t know where the knight points
would be now and is suddenly fearful that he was taken Speed 50 ft.
by the attackers. If he receives adequate healing and rest,
he will gladly join the party to find the missing knight, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
though he will not insist upon this if the PCs refuse. If he is 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 10 (+0)
allowed to accompany them, he assists in any way possible,
including taking risks as necessary, though he will not be Saving Throws Str +9, Dex +7, Con +8, Int +5, Wis
purposely suicidal. +8, Cha +5
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +9, Perception +8
Unless the PCs contact him sooner, Navellis returns Damage Immunities poison
by teleportation in 1d4 hours; if he is contacted sooner, Condition Immunities diseased, poisoned
he returns immediately. He had been conducting some Senses passive Perception 18
further research at Sir Urvitus’s request but had not yet Languages Common
found anything of use. If the PCs don’t think to do so
themselves, he casts scrying and succeeds in locating Sir
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Urvitus. The knight lies bound and unconscious in a Gear grappler’s mask (see Appendix B, page 571),

jagged vest (see Appendix B, page 571), +1 returning hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4)
spear, potion of frost giant strength, potion of bludgeoning damage.
superior healing, backpack, belt pouch, 50-ft. rope, +1 Returning Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon
10 torches, flint and steel, waterskin, masterwork Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft.,
manacles, belt pouch with 17 pp, 193 gp, 36 sp, 41 one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage, or
cp, a jade (150 gp), and an aquamarine (375 gp) 9 (1d8 + 5) two-handed. As a bonus action when
he throws his spear, Barionor can command it to
Monk Abilities. Barionor has the following monk return to his hand after resolving the attack.
class features: ki points (14), deflect missiles
(1d10+16), slow fall (70 feet), stunning strike (DC I. TUNNELS OF THE UNDERGUILD
16), ki-empowered strikes, evasion, stillness of The party needs to return to the Curgantium sewers, where
mind, purity of body, tongue of the sun and the Underguild is holding Urvitus and the book. However,
moon, diamond soul. the section of the sewers most heavily occupied by the
Way of the Open Hand. Barionor follows this Underguild lie along the Riverfront. By means of Navellis’s
discern location spell, he can guide to the party to its entrance
monastic tradition, gaining the open hand at area I. As the challenges below are likely to be significant,
technique, wholeness of body (42 hit points), and the GM may wish to minimize encounters along the way, or
tranquility (DC 16) abilities. possibly dispense with them altogether. At the entrance to
the sewers located by the spell, the PCs will be left to their
ACTIONS own devices; Navellis will not accompany them down into
the tunnels. He states that the path to where Sir Urvitus
Multiattack. Barionor makes two melee attacks. is being held (and by extension probably the book as well)
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to is fairly direct. Once the party enters the tunnels, Navellis
will teleport back to Courghais to await news if Barionor is
joining them or accompany Barionor back to area B if he
is not.
The Underguild was first introduced in the adventure I1. UNDERGUILD ENTRANCE
“Sewers of the Underguild” in L2: Vampires and Liches The entrance to the hidden complex is located in a ruined
by Necromancer Games. It was updated and revised and villa in the Riverfront district. In a bathhouse beneath the
appeared again in Quests of Doom by Frog God Games overshadowing branches of a eucalyptus tree can be found
where it was revealed that the powerful oganization’s a dry pool lined with cracked ceramic tiles. In the center
sewer lair existed below the streets of ruined Curgantium. of the pool is a wide brass drain cover inscribed with the
If you have access to either of those sources, you can symbol of a skull with elongated canine teeth and pierced
easily expand the Underguild sewer tunnels in this laterally by two knives. A DC 25 Intelligence (History) check
adventure. Simply have the entrance of I lead to area 1 identifies this as the symbol of the Underguild. The drain
of that adventure rather than I1 in this adventure. Then cover is locked in place and requires magic or a DC 20
one of the sewer tunnels from areas 20 or 24 can lead Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check to dislodge it to reveal a
to area I1 in this adventure. It should be noted that the 20-foot ladder descending to a tunnel beneath. While the
original adventure is designed for 11th-level characters, drain cover is not trapped, the ladder does bear a trap.
so you will likely need to add 4 or 5 levels or Hit Dice
to the creatures encountered there in order to make it
challenging for a party of 15th- or 16th-level PCs. Trap: The ladder is trapped halfway down its length with
an incendiary cloudSRD spell. If it is not detected and disabled,
the party will likely set it off while climbing down. Each
Additional information on the subterranean tunnels character who climbs down the ladder has a cumulative 1
of the Underguild and their secrets can be found in the in 4 chance of setting off the trap (so the fourth character
short story “In for a Pound” by Kevin Wright in 2016’s sets it off automatically). When triggered, fire erupts into
Tales of the Lost Lands: Tale Pack 5 from Frog God Games. the pool above and corridor below, filling each in a 20-foot

INCENDIARY CLOUD TRAP Past the pits in both directions are these iron portals,
both bearing an arcane lock. In addition, the doors are both
Characters descending the ladder can notice the set with audible alarm spells that will alert the inhabitants
trap with a DC 24 Intelligence (Arcana, Investigation) throughout areas I1–I6.
or Wisdom (Perception) check, and if noticed it can
be disarmed with a DC 24 Intelligence (Arcana) or Arcane-Locked Iron Portal: Damage threshold 10; hp
Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check, or by dispel magic 120; Strength (Athletics) DC 28; Thieves’ Tools DC 28.
against an 8th-level spell. If not disarmed, the ladder
is engulfed in an incendiary cloudSRD that persists I4. SKIN-WEARER
for 1 minute, dealing 10d8 fire damage on a failed
The reek of death fills this room, and its interior is nothing less
DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, or half as much on a than a blood-soaked slaughterhouse. On the walls hang a dozen
successful save. mutilated figures — humans, elves, halflings, even ogres, giants,
and more monstrous forms — all stripped of their skin and many
Typical tunnels of the Underguild’s lair are constructed of with their entrails, eyes and other organs removed. The floor is
old brick with the ceiling arching to 8 feet overhead. Niter sticky with blood. To your growing horror, you realize that a faint
and mold grow on the walls due to centuries of seepage moaning sound issues from one of the bodies.
from the surrounding earth, giving the whole an air of musty
staleness. Rooms have 15-foot ceilings unless otherwise
This chamber contains the remains of some of the
noted. There are no light sources. All of the tunnels are under
Underguild’s victims. The moaning is however a minor
the effects of a hallow spell (extradimensional interference)
illusion intended to distract the party, which is probably
spell that bars celestials from entering the area.
already disturbed by the horrifying scene. The room’s real
occupant is an ecorche that appears to hang from the wall
I2. PIT TRAPS along with all the other corpses on the opposite wall from
the auditory illusion. As the party moves to investigate the
The ladder descends into a brick-lined tunnel of obviously ancient possible survivor, the ecorche slips from its trick chains
construction. Roots push through the masonry in places and wide and attack. Further investigation of the bodies confirms
cracks extend through its mortar, but overall it seems stable. The that they are all dead, and probably have been for some
floor is a thin layer of muck over the brickwork, a result of the time — extra blood has apparently been splashed on the
endless years of seepage revealed by the stains covering the walls. walls and floor to make the scene even more gruesome,
courtesy of the room’s occupant.
The Underguild anticipated that if the incendiary cloud
trap at I1 is set off, anyone in this lower corridor will run
to get out of the spell’s area of effect. With this in mind, the ECORCHE
Underguild has set traps in the corridor at the edges of the
Large undead (shapechanger), lawful evil
cloud’s reach.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 266 (28d10 + 112)
Traps: At each of the locations marked on the map,
a covered 50-foot-deep pit is hidden by the muck of the
Speed 30 ft.
floor. It normally requires a DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
check to detect one of these well-concealed pits, but anyone
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)
rushing to get out of the effects of the incendiary cloud
requires a DC 35 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice, and Saving Throws Dex +9, Wis +7, Cha +9
the Dexterity save to avoid it is increased by 5 (DC 30). A Skills Deception +9, Perception +7, Stealth +9
creature that falls into the pit takes 5d6 falling damage and Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and
3d6+5 piercing damage from the spike lined floor.
slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with
silvered weapons
I3. IRON PORTALS Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
The corridor ends here at a heavy iron portal. Though spotted with Languages Common
rust it is obviously a much newer addition to these ancient tunnels. Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If the ecorche fails a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw
Wear Skin. As an action, an ecorche can steal at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
the skin of a dead Small, Medium, or Large on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
humanoid and wear it as its own. When it does is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature
this, the ecorche takes on the creature’s size and is immune to the ecorche’s Frightful Presence for
appearance and gains a +10 bonus on Charisma the next 24 hours.
(Deception) checks made to impersonate the
victim. While wearing a stolen skin, an ecorche REACTIONS
cannot use its frightful presence. This stolen Seize Skin. Whenever an ecorche damages a target
skin is preserved while the ecorche wears it but with its rend ability, the target must succeed at a
is destroyed if the ecorche takes more than 10 DC 20 Constitution save to resist being skinned
points of damage or if the ecorche chooses alive. Those who fail the save are stunned and
to destroy the skin as a bonus action. Those gain 1 level of exhaustion per round. Both of
within 60 feet who see an ecorche’s stolen skin these effects are permanent but can be removed
destroyed are immediately subjected to its with a regenerate or heal spell (or 1 round of
frightful presence and have disadvantage on the natural regeneration). The ecorche can use its
related Wisdom save. An ecorche reverts to its wear skin trait to don a skin stolen in this way as
normal size if its stolen skin is destroyed. an action.


Multiattack. The ecorche uses frightful presence A black velvet curtain blocks the entrance to
if it is not in disguise. It then makes two this room. A DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check
reveals the odor of blood coming from
razor claw attacks. beyond it. A creature with advantage on
Razor Claws. Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, Wisdom (Perception) checks related to smell
reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 17 (3d8 automatically succeeds on this check.
+ 4) slashing damage and Beyond the curtain is a chamber swathed
if this attack hits the same entirely in black. Thick black curtains
target twice in one round cover the walls, veils of black muslin
it also suffers the effects of conceal the ceiling, and the floor is covered
rend. Razor claws score a critical in a thick, black carpet. A small mohagony
table rests in the center upon which rests an
hit on a 19 or 20 and do 52 slashing oil lamp with a shade of red glass, throwing
damage. crimson shards of light across the room’s
Rend. This vicious attack automatically somber interior.
triggers the seize skin ability and
does an additional 36 (8d8) This room is guarded by the
necrotic damage. sayona, Lady Sanchessa. Not a true
Frightful Presence. Each vampire, she has thrown in her lot
creature that can see the with the Underguild in exchange for
their promise of a continuous stream
ecorche in its natural form
of living sacrifices for her to drain,
is within 60 feet of the thus allowing her to use her living
ecorche and aware form ability to always retain a beautiful
of it must succeed mortal body. Now, as critical rituals are
on a DC 18 taking place and the Underguild
has to deal with the adventurers,

she has been dispatched to hold the line, and also enticed damage. If the target is a creature other than an
with the prospect of more mortal blood. The lady stands undead, it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution
invisibily behind the curtain covering the exit from the room
(this concealed passage is detectable with a DC 18 Wisdom
saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The
(Perception) check) and watches through a small slit in the target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
fabric. With her in the room are 12 ghasts, the pathetic each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
remains of past victims. They each lie in a hollow in the success. A target killed by this attack rises as a ghast
earthen floor that is covered over by the black carpet, marked (for creatures that have a CR/level greater than 1)
on the map with an “x”. The carpet has been cut so that
they can rise unimpeded with a single move action. These
or a ghast (if the creature has a CR/Level equal to
concealed hollows can be discovered by stepping in one of or less than 1) after the next sunset. The necrotic
the marked squares or with a DC 22 Wisdom (Perception) damage of this attack also heals the sayona.
check. Marked squares are considered difficult terrain. Rod of Withering. Melee Weapon Attack. +10 to hit,
5 ft. reach. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage,
and 14 (4d6) necrotic damage.
Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit Points 210 (20d8+120) hp 36 (ghastSRD)
Speed 30 ft.
Tactics: The ghasts wait until the PCs enter the room
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA before rising all around them. Anyone who has not noticed
20 (+5) 20 (+5) 22 (+6) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) the concealed creatures is surprised as they rise to attack.
Lady Sanchessa uses dominate person until she runs out of
Damage Resistance cold, necrotic attempts or is discovered behind the curtain. She then
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 emerges and attacks with her rod of withering. The ghasts
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal fight to the death, but if Lady Sanchessa is reduced below
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) 40 hit points, she uses fog cloud and gaseous form to cover
Gear rod of withering her escape to the ruins above, leaving the Underguild to
their fate. If she escapes, Sanchessa may return to bedevil
the party later as vengeance for her defeat.
Innate Spellcasting. The sayona’s innate
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). She can innately I6. RUNNING WATER
cast the following spells, requiring no material The cramped corridor opens out into a much wider tunnel. It is
one of the city’s main sewers with a brick ceiling arching 20 feet
overhead and strings of moss and roots dangling down from
• At will: fear, fog cloud jagged cracks in the masonry. A 10-foot-wide channel of fast-
• 3/day: dominate person, gaseous form, invisibility flowing water cuts across your path. A slimed, brick bridge without
Living Form. Upon draining blood, a sayona may rails arches over the murky waters below. Beyond the bridge a
transform into a young, beautiful maiden for 24 short corridor can be seen that leads to another rusty iron portal.
hours. In this form, she does not appear undead
to mundane senses or to divination magic. This tunnel is indeed one of the main sewer channels
that carries drainage from the Riverfront to the Amrin River.
The slope of the terrain causes the 10-foot-deep channel to
flow with considerable current, moving 120 feet per round,
Multiattack. The sayona makes 3 claw attacks. She requiring a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check to wade through;
may replace a claw attack with a Rod of Withering failure causes a creature to be swept downstream 5 feet for
attack. every point by which the check was failed. The bridge itself
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, 5 ft. reach. Hit: is overgrown with slime-molds and moss from the dank
surroundings but is otherwise stable. Dexterity (Acrobatics)
14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage, and 7 (2d6) necrotic

checks that occur on it have disadvantage due to its slick able to see the bright light must succeed on a DC
surface. In addition, the center section of the bridge bears 18 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1
an illusory trap. Creatures checking the bridge for traps will
automatically find this “trap” but must succeed on a DC 17
Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to devote all of their False Appearance. While the roper remains
attention to “disarming” it for 1 minute, as the suggestion motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal
spell. If the Wisdom saving throw succeeds, they realize cave formation, such as a stalagmite.
the trap is entirely fake. While this illusory trap is meant to Grasping Tendrils. The roper can have up to six
distract intruders, the true dangers of this tunnel lie in the
water below and the ceiling above.
tendrils at a time. Each tendril can be attacked
(AC 20; 10 hit points; immunity to poison and
psychic damage). Destroying a tendril deals
The Underguild has recruited two of the extraplanar
creatures that inhabit the city to serve as guardians of this no damage to the roper, which can extrude a
chamber. One is an amphibious shadow roper hidden replacement tendril on its next turn. A tendril can
beneath the water. The other is a scarlet walker, a great also be broken if a creature takes an action and
spider-like creature with a red, human-sized body with succeeds on a DC 18 Strength check against it.
a skull-like face and six extremely long, tentacular legs. Light Sensitivity. While in bright light, the roper
This creature uses its compression ability to reside in one
of the masonry crevices above the bridge. Both have total has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on
cover and total concealment before they emerge from their Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
respective hiding places. These creatures wait until the Spider Climb. The roper can climb difficult
party is distracted by the phantom trap or attempts to cross surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
the channel before attacking. The roper attempts to drag without needing to make an ability check.
victims to drown beneath the water while the scarlet walker
uses its blood-draining gaze after emerging and tentacles
and Spring Attack to try and paralyze as many opponents ACTIONS
as possible. It tries to straddle the channel or cling to the Multiattack. The roper makes four attacks with its
ceiling to make it as difficult as possible to engage in melee. tendrils, uses Reel, and makes one attack with its
The shadow roper maneuvers to avoid falling within the bite.
area of the scarlet walker’s blood-draining gaze.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 6) piercing damage.
AMPHIBIOUS SHADOW ROPER Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
Large fey, chaotic evil 50 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is grappled
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) (escape DC 18). Until the grapple ends, the target
Hit Points 172 (21d10 + 63) is restrained and has disadvantage on Strength
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft. checks and Strength saving throws, and the roper
can't use the same tendril on another target.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Reel. The roper pulls each creature grappled by it
22 (+6) 8 (-1) 17 (+3) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) up to 25 feet straight toward it.
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +7 Darkness (Recharges after a Short or Long
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 Rest). The roper casts darkness without any
Languages -- components. Wisdom is its spellcasting ability.
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
Amphibious. The roper can breathe air and water.
Huge fiend (devil), lawful evil
Death Flash. When the roper is killed, nonmagical
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
light flashes out from it in a 10-foot radius as its
Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 32)
body, burn to ash. Any creature in that area and
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Evasion. If the scarlet walker is subjected to an
effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving
17 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 17 (+3)
throw to take only half damage, the scarlet walker
Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +9, Wis +7, Cha +7 instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the
Skills Arcana +13, Deception +9, Insight +9, saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.
Perception+7 Magic Resistance. The scarlet walker has advantage
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; on saving throws against spells and other magical
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from effects.
nonmagical attacks Magic Weapons. The scarlet walker’s weapon
Damage Immunities acid, poison attacks are magical.
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned No Breath. The scarlet walker does not breath.
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Aklo, Infernal; telepathy 300 ft. ACTIONS
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Multiattack. The scarlet walker makes two claw
attacks and one tentacle attack.
Innate Spellcasting. The scarlet walker’s innate Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. The
The scarlet walker can innately cast the following target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
spells, requiring no material components: throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed
• At will: alter self, darkness, detect thoughts, save, or half as much damage on a successful
heat metal, invisibility (self only), magic missile, one.
sending Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 30
• 3/day—confusion, counterspell ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage.
• 1/day—feeblemind, finger of death The target must make a DC 14 Constitution
saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) necrotic damage
Blood-Draining Gaze. All creatures within 20 feet on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
of a scarlet walker are subject to the monster’s successful one. If the target is a creature other
eerie blood-draining gaze. Affected creatures must than an undead, it must succeed on a DC 17
succeed at a DC 20 Constitution saving throw Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1
or thin streams of blood pour from their eyes, minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at
flowing through the air and into the eye socket- the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
like pits in the scarlet walker’s face. This does not itself on a success.
impact the victim’s vision but does deal 1 point Teleport. The scarlet walker magically teleports,
of Constitution damage each round and sickens along with any equipment it is wearing or
the victim imposing disadvantage on attack rolls carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it
until the end of the targets next round. A creature can see.
that took necrotic damage in the previous turn
has disadvantage on this saving throw. A creature Treasure: Each of these creatures maintains its own
reduced to 0 Constitution is killed. A creature may treasure hoard, primarily composed of payments made to
regain its lost Constitution after a long rest. it by the Underguild. The roper’s treasure it stuffed down
the throat of a water-logged aberrant giant husk lying on
Bloodsense. A scarlet walker can sense living
the bottom of the channel. Anyone searching the channel
creatures with blood in their veins, or undead can locate the corpse with a DC 5 Wisdom (Perception)
creatures that feed on blood (such as vampires). check, but they must specifically search its stomach to
This ability functions like blindsight to a range of find the hoard, which otherwise requires a DC 40 Wisdom
60 feet. (Perception) check to locate. This hoard consists of 207 gp,

246 sp, 20 pp, a large black pearl (350 gp), a +2 shield with colors, some entirely outside the normal spectrum, flickers and
the leopard and crown of Aachen ProvinceLL5-17 painted on flashes at the other corners of the room. There, two black oozing
it, a pair of gloves of swimming and climbing, a stone of alarm shapes appear, slithering across the floor toward you. The yellow
(see Appendix B, page 575), and a waterlogged scroll (now symbol in the center of the floor flashes yellow with life and power.
ruined). The scarlet walker’s treasure is sealed in a bundle
of old clothing with a thick coating of hardened, dried
blood stuffed deep into the crevice where the creature The Fat Man has activated the permanent Yellow Sign
hides. Only if the crevice is searched and a DC 27 Wisdom (DC 19 Wisdom saving throw) scribed into the room’s floor
(Perception) check made will the bundle be noticed. It (see Appendix B, page 577) and in doing so has activated a
consists of a belt pouch holding 15 pp, a potion of heroism, a contigent summoning spell that summons 2 dark matter
spell scroll (shapechange), and a +1 wand of the war mage. entropic oozes. The Fat Man directs the oozes to focus on
the most dangerous party members, leaving the weaker
ones for his own attentions. There is limited room for
I7. THE FAT MAN maneuvering against these Large and Huge opponents,
The door to this room is identical to the doors at I3. Its and it’s possible that one or more of the PCs might be
alarm is audible throughout areas I7–I10. dominated by the Yellow Sign (especially if Barionor is
present). The party is not entirely without resources,
This room resembles the interior of a three-sided pyramid, with as this qualifies as a fight that the lhaksharut will deem
the walls rising to a single point perhaps 40 feet overhead. Light appropriate if summoned (see Event 5). If the lhaksharut
seems to shine from everywhere, a soft and somehow sickening is called in to assist the PCs it is, of course, immune to the
shade of yellow. A golden brazier stands in each corner of the effects of the Yellow Sign as an inevtiable. The
room but is clearly not the source of this light. On the floor you summoned oozes return to the Negative
can see the faint outlines of a familiar three-legged pattern that Energy Plane after 16 rounds. Likewise,
flickers softly gold and white. Crystalline buttresses support the if the Fat Man is slain, the oozes
interior walls, glowing with the same disturbing yellow color. A disappear as described under
massively obese figure stands in the corner of the chamber “Development” below.
opposite you, draped in saffron-colored robes, and you
recognize the strange man from your dreams.
You feel rooted to the spot as the figure turns
slowly to reveal itself as a mass of dark,
blubbery flesh covered in dozens and
dozens of blinking, alien eyes. “You
have found it,” echoes the bodiless
voice from your dreams. “Now
come and be fulfilled!”

The Fat Man from the

characters’ dreams reveals
itself to be a horrific hyakume,
a servant of Hastur. He has been
following the characters’ progress
through Curgantium since
their arrival and is determined to
drain their memories to glean any
information that might be useful
to his master. As the PCs enter,
they experience a round of
being dazed as a result of the
Fat Man’s constant intrusion
into their dreams. During this
round, read the following.
The creature raises its blubbery
arms, and a coruscating swirl of

THE FAT MAN trait. If the target is a creature, the fat man can
Huge aberration, neutral evil choose one of the following additional effects:
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) • The target must succeed on a DC 19 Strength
Hit Points 228 (24d12 + 72) saving throw or drop one item it is holding (fat
Speed 30 ft. man’s choice).
• The target must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA saving throw or be knocked prone.
22 (+6) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) • The target must succeed on a DC 19
Skills Perception +12, Stealth +8 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until
Damage Resistance fire, lightning the end of the fat man’s next turn.
Damage Immunities cold • The damage of the attack is converted to cold,
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17 force, psychic or thunder damage.
Languages Common, Undercommon; telepathy 60 Eye Probe (1/Day). The fat man can detach up to six
ft. of its eyes and send them on missions. An eyeball
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) has AC 22, hp 5, and a fly speed of 60 ft. (hover).
The fat man can see through all of its eye probes
Drain Memories. The fat man targets one creature and can make drain memory attacks with them.
it has touched. The target must succeed on a DC If a fat man’s eyeball is destroyed, the fat man
18 Wisdom saving throw or take 44 (8d10) psychic takes 5 points of damage. An eye probe can’t stray
damage and become memory drained until it farther than 1 mile from the fat man or the eye is
finishes a short or long rest or until it benefits from destroyed (dealing 5 points of damage).
the greater restoration or heal spell. Constructs, Maddening Presence. The fat man targets one
oozes, plants, and undead succeed on the save creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target
automatically. While memory drained, the target can see or hear the horror, the target must make
must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving
any ability check or attack roll it makes. Each time throw, the target becomes paralyzed until the
the target is memory drained beyond the first, the end of its next turn. If a creature’s saving throw is
die size increases by one: the d4 becomes a d6, the successful, the creature is immune to the fat man’s
d6 becomes a d8, and so on until the die becomes Maddening Presence for the next 24 hours.
a d20, at which point the target becomes charmed
for 1 hour. The effect then ends. When a fat man DARK MATTER ENTROPIC OOZES (2)
causes a target to become memory drained, the
fat man gains full access to these memories, learns Huge ooze, neutral
all the languages the target knows and gains all its Armor Class 13
proficiencies, except any saving throw proficiencies. Hit Points 389 (37d10 + 185)
It may also transfer these memories to a willing Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
creature it touches. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 21 (+5) 1 (-5) 13 (+1) 1 (-5)
ACTIONS Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
Multiattack. The fat man can use his Maddening exhaustion, prone
Presence and then make three slam attacks. Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this
Slams. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., distance), passive Perception 15
one target. Hit: 24 (4d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage Languages --
and the target is exposed to his drain memories Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Amorphous. An entropic ooze can move through a interference) effect over the tunnels, though the PCs are
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. unlikely to notice this immediately.
Devour Soul. A living creature slain by an entropic
ooze has its soul devoured by the ooze. Such I8. HE COMMANDS IT
a creature cannot be returned to life until the Light sources brought into this chamber have their
entropic ooze that contains its soul is slain. illumination area halved while they remain in this room.
Soulsight. An entropic ooze can automatically The walls, floor, and ceiling of this long hall has been painted
detect the location of any living creature within entirely black, almost seeming to absorb any light brought into it.
120 feet. It also senses the strength of their life The far end rises on wide stairs to a dais filling a shallow alcove.
Set within this alcove is a large bronze altar of unfamiliar design
force automatically. that is constructed around a tall glass cymlinder set with brass
Spider Climb. The entropic ooze can climb difficult bands and fittings. The cylinder is filled with a purplish liquid
surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, that seems to swirl within its glassy casing. Throughout the rest
without needing to make an ability check. of the room are numerous dark-cloaked, shadowy figures that
seem to have been bowing before the dais and altar. They turn
gaunt, pale faces towards you as they rise, chanting in unison,
ACTIONS “He commands it!”
Multiattack. An entropic ooze makes two
pseudopod attacks.
In more ways than one, this chamber is the beating heart
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 of the Underguild. While the guild is led in its day-to-day
ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) necrotic damage activities by the legendary guildmaster, the Hand of Death,
plus 7 (2d6) psychic damage. Sangre, and his infamous Hollow BladeQoD-260, he is not the
true will behind this millennia-old organization that has
Development: Once the Fat Man is reduced below 0 stretched its fingers across Akados from the blighted city
hit points, he instantly deflates and is absorbed into the of CastorhageLL7-213 to the free city of Bard’s GateLL8-29 and
Yellow Sign on the floor. The symbol itself then twists and beyond. Nor is he a being capable of stitching together the
inverts before imploding out of existence. If either of the goals of the disparate followers of Thanatos/OrcusQoD-273,
entropic oozes is present when this occurs, they are pulled Hastur the Unspeakable, the Fetch of CastorhageLL7-213, as
into the symbol and disappear as well. The disappearance well as liches, dragons, and other unspeakably powerful
of the Yellow Sign likewise ends the hallow (extradimensional creatures. He is merely a figurehead and mouthpiece,

though a capable one, to be used and disposed of as needed • 1/day each: dream, insect plague (as conjure
to mislead foes as to the Underguild’s true strength and animals but swarms only)
purpose. In truth, the Underguild receives its mandate
from this chamber, for here in its venerated glass cylinder
lies the immortal ichor known only as “He”. From this Amorphous. The immortal ichor can move
mysterious abomination, the will of the Underguild is through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
passed down from unknown and unknowable masters squeezing.
that lie beyond the Shadowlands, beyond the Far North, Corrupt Ally. Any creature charmed by an immortal
under the eternal night at the heart of the continent of
Boros known as the Ebon ShroudRC-170. The ichor lies
ichor takes 1d6 points of Wisdom damage per
dormant at the moment, with no commands to give from day. When a charmed creature’s Wisdom damage
the guild’s impossibly distant masters, but it is guarded equals its Wisdom score, it becomes completely
by 2 vampire guildmembers and 4 feral vampire spawn subservient to the immortal ichor (as dominate
smashers. Because of the presence of the immortal ichor, monster, except it even obeys self-destructive
the lhaksharut will deem this a fight appropriate for its
summons if the PCs call it in for assistance here.
orders) and loses the Wisdom damage it has
taken from this ability. A subservient ally who
is killed rises the next round as an undead of
IMMORTAL ICHOR the appropriate CR under the immortal ichor’s
Medium ooze, neutral evil control. If the ichor is killed, these undead are
Armor Class 16 immediately destroyed.
Hit Points 168 (16d10 + 80)
Speed 20 ft., fly 20 ft. ACTIONS
Multiattack. The immortal ichor makes two
pseudopod attacks and Casts a Spell.
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 21 (+5) 22 (+6) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
Saving Throws Int +13, Cha +11 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) bludgeoning
Skills Arcana +13, Deception +11, History +13, damage plus 7 (2d6) psychic damage.
Intimidation +11, Perception +8, Religion +13
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, VAMPIRE GUILDMEMBERS (2)
exhaustion, prone
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this hp 144 (as vampireSRD)
distance), passive Perception 18
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Infernal, Undercommon FERAL VAMPIRE SPAWN SMASHERS, RAGING (4)
(can’t speak any language); telepathy 100 ft. hp 100 (as vampire spawnSRD, except as noted
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) below)
Innate Spellcasting. The immortal ichor’s innate Reckless. At the start of its turn, the feral spawn
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack
DC 19). It can innately cast the following spells, rolls during that turn, but attack rolls against it
requiring no material components: have advantage until the start of its next turn.
• At will: charm person (as 5th-level spell), charm
monster (as charm person but targets any Tactics: The immortal ichor does not seek to enter the
creature type, 6th level), detect thoughts, hold melee but remains within its hardened cylinder (damage
person threshold 15, hp 90, Strength (Athletics) break DC 27) where
• 3/day each: confusion, dimension door, dominate it has total cover from anything that’s not above it and three-
quarters cover against any attacks not directly above it. It
person, fear, hallucinatory terrain, hold monster, uses charm monster and quickened charm person to remove
hypnotic pattern, telekinesis PCs from the fight and its telepathy to try and demoralize the

party with its Intimidation skill. Only if its vampire minions ancient — construction and are very sturdy. A statue weighs
are destroyed or it is physically threatened will it resort to 1,200 lb. and requires a DC 22 Strength check to dislodge
using insect plague. Meanwhile the vampire guildmembers from its base. However, 5 of the statues are actually 5 four-
attempt to gain flanking positions with the raging feral armed angel sentinels — one randomly placed on each of
vampire spawn to use their sneak attack and Stunning Fist the spiral’s revolutions.
as often as possible. The vampires and vampire spawn fight
until reduced to 0 hit points at which point they will assume
gaseous form and head into I6; their assorted coffins lie FOUR-ARMED ANGEL SENTINELS (5)
hidden somewhere along the length of the sewer tunnels
and beyond the scope of this adventure. hp 136 (as devaSRD except change its type to
construct and remove its innate spellcasting,
If the immortal ichor is reduced below 50 hit points, it
healing touch, and change shape action)
uses telekinesis to open a stone hatch directly beneath its
cylinder. This causes the cylinder to drop into a seemingly Tactics: These sentinels remain frozen in place unless
bottomless pit descending somewhere into the depths of attacked or until someone moves halfway down the shaft.
the earth. It cannot be attacked once it has dropped nor Once someone reaches the level of the third revolution
can it be followed as the pit has special extradimensional (approximately 250 feet from the bottom), the angel sentinel
properties that take its contents beyond the Material Plane at that level attacks with surprise and attacks. When this
to points unknown. In any case, the immortal ichor, He, occurs the angles above and below move into attack as
will not be encountered again in this adventure, and the well, the two closest moving on the ramp to engage from
party receives full XP for defeating it if it is forced to retreat. above and below and the two farthest flying into the shaft
to attack from the air. The flying angel sentinels attempt to
snatch PCs off the ramp and hurl them to the floor below
I9. WELL OF ANGELS while the others just focus on pounding the PCs with their
The door to this room is identical to the doors at I3. Its slam attacks. Anyone on the ramp can use an angel statue
alarm is audible throughout areas I9–I10. as cover against a flying angel sentinel, though doing so
grants the flying angel cover as well. If this occurs in 2
You have stepped out into a vast, hollow, cynlindrical chamber,
consectutive rounds, the flying angel will attempt to pull
like the interior of a great well shaft. A spiraling ramp leads
the interfering statue from its plinth and hurl it out of
down around its outer wall here at a steep angle, as if it was
the way (50% down the shaft/50% rolling down the ramp).
intended to make intruders proceed warily, or — more alarmingly
A rolling statue requires a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw
— wasn’t designed for familiar humanoid physiologies at all.
from anyone below it or deals 10d6 points of bludgeoning
The ramp is constructed within a circular loggia that rises from
damage and requires a second DC 20 Dexterity saving
the bottom of the well shaft far below to the ceiling of the cavern
throw to avoid being knocked over the edge of the ramp
40 feet above. The columned arches that make up this classical
into the shaft.
design does not provide a rail to protect against the precipitous
plummet; rather inset on a low plinth between each of the columsn
is a beautifully crafted alabaster statue of an angel. The statues I10. EMPTY CELL
are similar though in different poses, and all appear to exhibit A door stands open here into a cramped, brick-lined room.
the same expressionless cherub. Disconcertingly, this carven angel Anyone who managed to scry Sir Urvitus before heading to
repeating over and over as the steep ramp descends has four arms this location recognizes it as the room he was being held
in addition to its feathery wings. in, though the knight is no longer present, and there is no
sign of his fate save for his baldric and belt holding his two
sheathed gladiuses (each a +2 shortsword) and four daggers.
The ramp descends steeply for 500 feet and is considered
difficult terrain due to its steep angle of descent. Anyone
who tries to move faster than a single move on the ramp I11. PIT OF THE SLEEPER
must make a DC 18 Acrobatics check or fall prone and then The door to this room is identical to the doors at I3. Its
a DC 15 Dexterity save or roll downwards 1d2 x 5 feet. If alarm is audible only in area I11.
the individual rolls a 1 on the save, he has instead fallen
over the edge of the loggia into the central well shaft. The The air of this great cavern chamber is hot and thick with moisture.
ramp spirals a total of 5 times in its descent and has a four- Before you the floor ends at a terrace overlooking a deep pit that
armed angelic statue set every 12 feet along its length. Most occupies the rest of the cavern and from which the sickening
of these statues are mundane though fine — and obviously humidity seems to issue. In the pit, you glimpse what looks like a

quivering mass of gray-brown flesh that gleams and oozes with Languages Aklo, Common
slime and flickers with pulses of greenish energy. Before you can Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
fully consider the nightmarish thing in the pit, however, your eyes
are drawn to the edge of the pit where you see the motionless
form of your friend Sir Urvitus lying on the stone, bloodied and Power Attack. The graveknight can choose to
still clad in his armor. Standing beside his still form is a bronze have disadvantage on his attack rolls until the
lectern, upon which rests a large volume that you recognize as beginning of his next turn in order to make
the Codex Ibnathi. A tall figure, gaunt and pale, clad in robes of furious blows, adding 3d6 damage on each
saffron, stands at the lectern, reading from the open book, intoning
ritualistic-sounding syllables. Beside the pale figure is a skeletal
successful hit.
humanoid figure clad in flame-scarred black plate armor. Both Ruinous Revivification. One day after a graveknight
figures look up as you enter, and a flash of renewed green energy is destroyed, its armor begins to rebuild the
pulses through the quivering mass in the pit. undead horror’s body. This process takes 1d10
“Mortals!” intones the armored creature in a sepulchral voice,
days — if the body is destroyed before that time
“you are too late for your friend! Leave now while you still can!” passes, the armor merely starts the process anew.
As the armored creature speaks, the gaunt yellow-robed man After this time has elapsed, the graveknight
continues his incantation. wakens fully healed. The only way to permanently
destroy a graveknight is to destroy its armor.
Urvitus is unconscious but stable and currently bound Sacrilegious Aura. A graveknight constantly exudes
and held in stasis by the magic of the spell being cast. an aura of intense evil and negative energy
The graveknight Barivoren Wallix stands guard while the
in a 30-foot radius. Unless the graveknight is
nosferatu vampire Omanales intones a ritual from the codex
to implant the soul of Eb Wallix into their captive’s body. incapacitated, he and all undead creatures of his
Omanales and Barivoren power their ritual with energy choice within this aura have advantage on saving
drawn from the mass in the pit — a ghaggurath. Barivoren throws against features that turn undead. It also
doesn’t waste time negotiating or monologuing. After the hinders positive energy effects. Any creature
PCs predictably refuse to leave, he waves a bony arm, and
casting a healing or radiant damage spell must
6 aberrant fire giants finish clambering out of the 20-foot-
deep pit (they had begun climbing last round), throwing make a DC 16 Charisma check or the spell
themselves at the party with the sole intention of delaying automatically does the minimum amount of
the characters while Omanales completes his fell ritual. healing or damage possible.
Tactician. The graveknight may swap places with an
ally that is within 10 feet of him as a bonus action
or reaction.
Medium undead, chaotic evil Undead Mastery. As an action, a graveknight can
Armor Class 18 (graveknight armor) attempt to bend any undead creature within 50
Hit Points 187 (22d8 + 88) feet to its will. The targeted undead must succeed
Speed 30 ft. at a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or fall under the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA graveknight’s control. This control is permanent
19 (+4) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) for unintelligent undead; an undead with an
Intelligence score above 1 is allowed an additional
Saving Throws Con +9, Int +8, Wis +8
save every day to break free from the graveknight’s
Skills Insight +8, Intimidation +9, Perception +8
control. A creature that successfully saves cannot
Damage Immunities fire, necrotic; bludgeoning,
be affected again by the same graveknight’s
piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical
undead mastery for 24 hours. A graveknight can
control 70 Hit Dice of undead creatures. If the
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened,
graveknight exceeds this number, the excess from
earlier uses of the ability becomes uncontrolled.
Senses passive Perception 18

Vital Strike. If the graveknight hits the same target piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
twice in the same round with his greatsword Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
attack, his second attack is treated as a critical hit. Languages Aklo, Common, High Boros, Thieves’
Cant; telepathy 60 ft.
ACTIONS Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)
Multiattack. The graveknight makes two Gear +2 chain shirt, mace of terror
greatsword attacks.
Dragon Slayer Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: Spellcasting. Omanales is an 18th-level spellcaster.
+12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save
slashing damage plus 17 (5d6) necrotic damage. DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). He has the
In Barivoren’s hands, this weapon scores a critical following wizard spells prepared:
hit on a 19 or 20, and his dragon slayer deals an • Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, ray
extra 3d6 slashing damage to dragonborn as well of frost
as dragons. • 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, magic missile,
Devasting Blast (1/Day). The graveknight hurls a shield, thunderwave
magical ball of fire that explodes at a point he • 2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, disrupt silence
can see within 120 feet of him. Each creature in (see Appendix B), invisibility, mirror image
a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point • 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, dispel magic, fly,
must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. fireball, nondetection
The sphere spreads around corners. A creature • 4th level (3 slots): blight, freedom of movement
takes 28 (8d6) fire damage and 28 (8d6) necrotic • 5th level (3 slots): cloudkill, conjure elemental,
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage telekinesis
on a successful one. • 6th level (1 slot): disintegrate, globe of
Phantom Mount. Once per hour, a graveknight can invulnerability
summon a skeletal horse similar to a phantom • 7th level (1 slot): finger of death, plane shift
steed. • 8th level (1 slot): dominate monster, power word
REACTIONS • 9th level (1 slot): power word kill
Parry. The graveknight adds 5 to its AC against
one melee attack that would hit him. To do so, Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Omanales fails a
the graveknight must see the attacker and be saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
wielding a melee weapon. Legendary Spellcaster. Omanales may maintain 3
concentration spells at once.
OMANALES Swarm Discharge. When Omanales drops to 0 hit
points outside his resting place, he transforms
Medium undead, lawful evil into a Swarm of Bats (as in the Shapechanger
Armor Class 17 (+2 chain shirt) trait) instead of falling unconscious, provided
Hit Points 144 (17d8 + 68) that he isn't in sunlight or running water. If he
Speed 30 ft. can't transform, he is destroyed. While he has 0
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA hit points in bat swarm form, he can't revert to
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) his vampire form, and he must reach his resting
Saving Throws Dex +9, Wis +7, Cha +9 place within 2 hours or be destroyed. Once in his
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +9 resting place, he reverts to his vampire form. He
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, is then paralyzed until he regains at least 1 hit

point. After spending 1 hour in his resting • Holy Symbol. A nosferatu vampire recoils
place with 0 hit points, he regains 1 hit point. from mirrors or strongly presented holy
Regeneration. Omanales regains 20 hit points symbols. These things don’t harm the
at the start of his turn if he has at nosferatu—they merely keep it at bay.
least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight • Forbiddance. The nosferatu vampire
or running water. If he takes radiant can't enter a residence without an
damage or damage from holy water, invitation from one of the occupants.
this trait doesn't function at the start • Harmed by Running Water.
of his next turn. The nosferatu vampire takes 20
Shapechanger. If Omanales isn't in acid damage if it ends its turn in
sunlight or running water, he can running water.
use his action to polymorph into • Stake to the Heart. If a
a Tiny bat or a Medium swarm of piercing weapon made of wood
batsSRD, or back into its true form. is driven into the vampire's heart
While in bat form, he can't speak, while the vampire is incapacitated
his walking speed is 5 feet, and in its resting place, the nosferatu
he has a flying speed of 30 feet. vampire is paralyzed until the stake is
His statistics, other than his removed.
size and speed, • Sunlight
are unchanged. Hypersensitivity.
Anything he The nosferatu
is wearing vampire takes 20
transforms radiant damage
with him, when it starts its
but nothing turn in sunlight.
he is carrying While in sunlight, it
does. He reverts to his has disadvantage on
true form if he dies. While in Swarm of Bats attack rolls and ability checks.
form, the vampire can't take any actions, speak,
or manipulate objects. He is immune to all ACTIONS
nonmagical damage, except the damage he takes Multiattack. (Vampire Form Only). Omanales
from sunlight, but otherwise has the statistics of makes two attacks, only one of which can be a
a standard Swarm of Bats. bite attack.
Spider Climb. Omanales can climb difficult Claws (Vampire Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4)
without needing to make an ability check. piercing damage. Instead of dealing damage, the
Turn Resistance. Omanales has advantage on vampire can grapple the target (escape DC 18).
saving throws against any effect that turns Chaos Mace of Terror (Vampire Form Only). Melee
undead. Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Vampire Weaknesses. Omanales has the following Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. The weapon
flaws: does an additional 7 (2d6) necrotic damage to
• Garlic. A nosferatu vampire can’t tolerate the creatures of lawful alignment. Each time a target
strong odor of garlic and won’t enter an area is hit by the mace of terror it must make a DC
laced with it. 15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened

and spend its turn moving away from Omanales, LEGENDARY ACTIONS
taking the Dash action if possible. Omanales can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
Bite (Bat or Vampire Form Only). Melee Weapon from the options below. Only one legendary action
Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, option can be used at a time and only at the end of
or a creature that is grappled by the vampire, another creature's turn. He regains spent legendary
incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) actions at the start of his turn.
piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. Move. The vampire moves up to its speed without
The target's hit point maximum is reduced by provoking opportunity attacks.
an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, Claws. The vampire makes one unarmed strike.
and the vampire regains hit points equal to that Mace of Terror. The vampire issues a command
amount. The reduction lasts until the target and his mace releases a wave of terror in a
finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect 30-foot sphere. Each creature the vampire
reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid designates must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving
slain in this way and then buried in the ground throw or suffer the effects of a fear spell.
rises the following night as a vampire spawn Casts a Spell (Costs 1 to 3 Actions). The vampire
under the vampire's control. casts a spell of level 1 to 3. The spell consumes
Charm. Omanales targets one humanoid he can 1 action per spell level. He may also use this
see within 30 feet of him. If the target can see legendary action to cast cantrips for free so long
the vampire, the target must succeed on a DC as he has 1 legendary action remaining.
17 Wisdom saving throw against this magic Bite (Costs 2 Actions). The vampire makes one bite
or be charmed by the vampire. The charmed attack.
target regards Omanales as a trusted friend to
be heeded and protected. Although the target ABERRANT FIRE GIANTS (6)
isn't under his control, he takes the vampire's
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
requests or actions in the most favorable way it
hp 162 (See page 420, but these giants use the base
can, and it is a willing target for the vampire's
statistics of fire giantsSRD, with damage immunity
bite attack. Each time Omanales or the vampire's
to necrotic as well as fire)
companions do anything harmful to the target,
it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect
on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts GHAGGURATH
24 hours or until Omanales is destroyed, is on Gargantuan aberration, neutral evil
a different plane of existence than the target or Armor Class 12
takes a bonus action to end the effect. Hit Points 252 (24d10 + 120)
Children of the Night (1/Day). Omanales magically Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
calls 2d4 swarms of bats or rats (swarm of bats, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
swarm of rats), provided that the sun isn't up.
19 (+4) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 30 (+10) 25 (+7)
While outdoors, the vampire can call 3d6 wolves
(wolf ) instead. The called creatures arrive in Saving Throws Con +11, Wis +16, Cha +13
1d4 rounds, acting as allies of the vampire and Skills Arcana +9, Insight +16, Nature +9, Perception
obeying his spoken commands. The beasts +16, Persuasion +13
remain for 1 hour, until Omanales dies, or until Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, thunder;
the vampire dismisses them as a bonus action. bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from
non-magical attacks

Condition Immunities charmed, grappled, prone Bite. Melee Spell Attack: +16 to hit, reach 20 ft., one
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 26 creature. Hit: 23 (3d8 + 10) piercing damage. If
Languages Abyssal, Common, Giant, Goblin, the target is Huge or smaller, it must succeed
Infernal, Terran, Undercommon; telepathy 100 ft. on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) prone. If the target is killed by this damage, it is
absorbed into the ghaggurath. The target is also
Aberrant Ground. The ghaggurath in a 10-foot exposed to Thrall Worm Poison.
radius around the mouther is doughlike difficult Spit Thrall Worm. The ghaggurath ejects a fleshy
terrain. Each creature that starts its turn in that worm approximately 1 foot long, called a thrall
area must succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving worm, at a single target to a range of 50 feet.
throw or have its speed reduced to 0 until the The worm hits and bites the target if it fails a
start of its next turn. DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. When a thrall
Create Thrall. A victim whose Wisdom score is worm strikes a target, it quickly burrows into the
reduced to 0 from the ghaggurath’s poison is target’s body. This worm can safely be removed
automatically dominated (as a dominate monster with a successful DC 25 Wisdom (Medicine) or by
spell). This effect lasts until the thrall worm the application of any healing or restoration spell;
is removed and at least 1 point of Wisdom is otherwise removing the worm deals an extra 1d6
restored. The ghaggurath does not have to points of damage to the target. After 1d4 rounds,
concentrate each day to maintain this effect, and the worm works its way so deep into the target’s
a dominated creature does not receive a save to body that it can only be removed by cutting open
break the effect. If the ghaggurath is slain, any the area (dealing 1d8 points of damage to the
thrall under its command falls unconscious and victim) before attempting a Wisdom (Medicine)
remains so until the thrall worm is removed and or casting a healing spell. Once a worm is
at least 1 point of Wisdom is restored. removed from its host, it dies. Any effect that
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the ghaggurath fails removes disease destroys the worm. As long as
a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. a thrall worm remains inside a target, the target
Magic Resistance. The ghaggurath has advantage cannot heal the Wisdom damage dealt by the
on saving throws against spells and other magical ghaggurath’s poison. A creature can only ever
effects. have one thrall worm inside it at one time; it can
Magic Weapons. Ghaggurath’s weapon attacks are however be attacked and bitten by multiple thrall
magical. worms.
Thrall Worm Poison. The target exposed to this
poison must make a DC 19 Constitution saving Tactics: The ghaggurath is docile at the beginning of this
throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. While fight unless attacked or inadvertently damaged by the PCs.
Omanales will attempt to concentrate on completion of
poisoned the target loses 1d6 Wisdom points per the ritual (a task that will take several more minutes) rather
round. The target may repeat the saving throw than directly confront the PCs, relying on Barivoren and
at the end of its turn. It takes two consecutive the giants to guard him from the PCs. He has already cast
successful saving throws to end the poison effect. freedom of movement and fly on himself and nondetection on
the Codex Ibnathi. If a silence spell is used to interrupt the
ritual, he suppresses it with disrupt silence.
Multiattack. The ghaggurath makes eight bite
Barivoren directs the giants to block the party’s progress
attacks – but no two attacks against the same
into the room and challenges whichever PC seems the most
target. It may replace up to 4 bite attacks with a formidable, with a preference for slaying dragonborn. He
Spit Thrall Worm attack instead. uses his devastating blast on foes engaged with the giants,

which are immune to its effects. He uses Power Attack SIR URVITUS VOREN
against enemies with poor AC and uses his Tactician ability
to move himself and his allies around the battlefield. Medium humanoid (human), neutral good
Armor Class 18 (+2 studded leather)
If the PCs turn their attacks upon the nosferatu or the
Hit Points 143 (22d8 + 44)
codex, he pauses in the ritual to grab the Codex and fly out Speed 30 ft.
over the pit, casting globe of invulnerability using a 7th-level STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
spell slot. As a bonus action, he calls forth the power of
the Codex to summon a horned devilSRD to assist and then 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
make use of his most devastating spells, dominate, and Saving Throws Str +6, Con +6
mace of terror’s fear ability against the PCs. He attempts to
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +5, Perception +6
avoid harming Sir Urvitus and use telekinesis to deposit
Senses passive Perception 16
him in the pit if the PCs appear to be in danger of reaching
Languages Common, Elven
him. None of the combatants herein hesitate to fight to the
death. Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Gear +2 studded leather, two +2 shortswords, four-
If Omanales is reduced to 0 hit points, he assumes his leaf clover, stanching shirt
swarm form (bats) and goes flying up the shaft at area
I9 and out into the tunnels at I6. If the PCs can manage Brave. Sir Urvitus Voren has advantage on saving
to keep up with him, the swarm travels a quarter mile
through the twisting sewer tunnels until arriving at his
throws against being frightened.
hidden coffin (see “Treasure” below). If his swarm is not Champion. Sir Urvitus has the following archetype
followed, it is unlikely the PCs will be able to locate this abilities: improved critical, remarkable athlete,
without significant magical aid as deteremined by the GM. additional fighting style (Defense).
Fighter Abilities. Sir Urvitus has the following
Development: If the PCs have not summoned it already, fighter class abilities: action surge, extra attack,
this definitely qualifies as a fight that the lhaksharut fighting style (two-weapon fighting) indomitable
will deem appropriate if called upon. The ritual can be
(1/day), second wind (1d10+11).
stopped by killing the nosferatu or destroying the codex,
which if done releases Sir Urvitus from his stasis. He is Quick Runner (Recharges after a Short Rest). Sir
still armored since he had been unconscious previously Urvitus can take the Dash action as a bonus action.
(from a magical effect), and he can aid the party if untied
and reunited with his weapons. But if this happens, then ACTIONS
the ghaggurath begins to crawl up out of the pit to join the
Multiattack. Sir Urvitus Voren makes three attacks
fray. Sir Urvitus will not leave until either he or Barivoren
is dead (though unless Barivoren’s armor is taken and with his shortswords, plus an additional attack if he
destroyed, he will return). Once the book is destroyed, the uses a bonus action for his two-weapon fighting.
PCs may not be able to face a full-strength CR 18 monster, Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5
and they can escape along with Urvitus if they so choose… ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d6 + 7) slashing damage.
the groggy ghaggurath will not pursue them, though any
Sir Urvitus scores a critical hit on a natural roll of
other survivors in the room will.
19 or 20.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
Codex Ibnathi: Damage threshold 5; hp 50; Damage
Immunities cold, electricity, fire, sonic; Damage Resistances
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7
acid; Strength (Athletics) DC 25 to break. (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.

If the ghaggurath is slain, its great body rapidly deflates REACTIONS

and disintegrates leaving behind in its wake a ragged and Parry. Sir Urvitus Voren adds 2 to his AC against one
tattered yellow robe that was apparently inside it (possibly melee attack that would hit it. To do so, he must
incubating?) and serving as a hint of the disaster that may see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
have been pending beneath the ruins of Old Curgantium.

Treasure: The Underguild has hoarded certain treasures to bring about the Cult of Hastur’s plan for a new age of
here as offerings to the ghaggurath, even though it has madness spawned from the ruined city. It is likely, however,
shown little interest in such things over the centuries it has that the PCs stuck it out and rescued Sir Urvitus after the fact
made its lair here. To many of the guild’s upper echelon, this and prevented the coming of the King in Yellow. If so, they
chamber is regarded was little more secure storage vault are indeed true heroes of Foere and receive their reward plus
for treasure before the Hasturian faction within the group any others promised as well as the eternal gratitude of the
began to show interest and cultivate a relationship with the Knights of Macobert and their allies.
abomination. Anyone searching the eastern portion of the
cavern locates a group of 12 ceramic urns stored in this area
The specific reward promised was for each PC to pick a
as well as an unlocked chest, showing some calicification
single very rare magic item to be given from the Order’s
from long years of exposure to the dripping rock here. Six
considerable resources. It is up to the GM to determine
of these urns contain 2d6 x 1,000 gp each, and six contain
if a chosen item is available, though in general any item
4d100 gems worth 10 gp each, 2d10 gems worth 100 gp each,
of that value or less should be. It is not intended that the
and 1d10 gems worth 500 gp each. The chest contains a +1
PCs should combine their item values into a single item of
agile breastplate (see Appendix B, page 568), a +2 battleaxe, a
greater value, though you can certainly let them do so if it
set of prismatic plate (see Appendix B, page 574), and a staff of
serves the purposes of your campaign.
frost, as well as several bags containing small semi-precious
stones worth a total of 875 gp, and a velvet bag (worth 10 gp)
containing a black pearl (350 gp), a fire opal (285 gp), a topaz If the PCs completed the full mission of thwarting the
(650 gp), a small ruby (800 gp), and a cut sapphire (1,100 gp). Cult of Hastur and its Underguild allies and comported
The chest also contains a scroll case with the following spell themselves in an honorable fashion, any surviving
scrolls: branding spite, enhance ability, lesser restoration, protection knights sponsor them for admission into the knighthood.
from evil and good, and guidance. Within a wooden wand case Members of the Order of the Most Worthy Knights of
is a wand of fear, while a small silk bag (worth 35 gp) contains Macobert can be of any race or class but must be of good
6 jeweled gold rings (1,000 gp each) and a ring of the ram. or neutral alignment (though chaotic neutral is frowned
All wands act as the spell of the same name, do not upon) and must be from a place that was at least at one time
require attunement and do not regain charges. a part of the Hyperborean Monarchy of the Foerdewaith.
Fortunately, this includes almost every portion of Akados
other than the Green Realm and a few outlier areas such as
In addition, if anyone is able to track Omanales to his the Helcynngae Peninsula. It also includes folk of the free
coffin as described under “Tactics” above, this lead casket city of Bard’s Gate. Being knighted confers no specific game
has hidden within its decaying lining (Wisdom (Perception) benefit other than recognition and diplomatic connections
DC 17) a potion of blur (see Appendix B, page 573), a vial of and any other as determined by the GM. If one of the PCs
oil of stone shape (see Appendix B, page 572), a potion of speed, does not originate in any of these areas, she can be dubbed
a potion of invisibility, a pewter scrollcase (70 gp) with a as a Staunch Ally of Foere which provides essentially the
spell scroll of sunbeam, a wand of conjuration (see Appendix same benefits.
B, page 576), and a rotting wash leather pouch holding 29
pp. However, the pouch is trapped with a 9th-level glyph of
wardingSRD – spell glyph (weird, DC 16), so that if it is removed Of the knights, only Urvitus and possibly Sir Barionor
from the coffin, it explodes with traumatic psychic power. have survived the expedition, and although with the party’s
help they have gathered important information about the
fall of Curgantium, the true source of the disaster remains

a mystery which the Order of Macobert and their allies
will continue to investigate. Despite the tragedy, the order
acts as allies to the party and can provide material support,
ADVENTURE healing, and even allies to assist in the party’s future
endeavors. Award XP for rescuing Urvitus and Barionor as
if they were defeated in battle. Likewise, if the ghaggurath
It is possible that the PCs ended the adventure after initially was destroyed, you can award a bonus of up to 50,000 XP
saving the surviving knights from the Mindwyrm. If so, they for the PCs’ role in foiling the Cult of Hastur and likely
receive the reward promised by Navellis, though they likey staving an apocalyptic summoning of the King in Yellow to
hear of the subsequent disappearance again of the knights physically walk the realms of the Lost Lands. Once again,
and the failure of their mission. It is up to the GM whether a great calamity has been averted and is likely to be largely
or not the possession of Sir Urvitus by Eb Wallix is sufficient unknown to the world at large.





Appendix A:
New Monsters
ALLIP grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
Those who fall prey to madness and restrained
take their own lives sometimes find Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
themselves lost on the path to the Languages Common, Deep Speech
afterlife, trapped in a state between
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
life and death. These unfortunates,
known as allips, suffer from the
violent and incurable insanity they Incorporeal Movement. The allip can
faced in life and take out their move through other creatures and
terror, confusion, and rage upon the objects as if they were difficult
living. They reach out to those they
terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force
encounter—possibly in wrath, but
also perhaps oblivious to their own damage if it ends its turn
insane nature—spreading the psychoses inside an object.
that led to their own untimely deaths.
Spirit of Madness. Allips often seek Multiattack. The allip
to harm those who played a part in attacks once with its
causing their mad, unholy condition. touch of madness, and
When faced with such foes, an allip
ignores all other targets that confront
then uses babble.
it in favor of its hated enemies, attacking Touch of Madness.
them until its tormentors have been forced Melee Weapon Attack.
into a vacant stupor. Alas, such vengeance +5 to hit, 5 ft. reach, one
does not put the allip to rest, but simply target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) psychic damage.
serves to further fuel its madness as it finds
itself trapped in a world now no longer even
The allip regains hit points equal to
holding the satisfaction of vengeance. that amount of psychic damage
taken by the target. If the psychic
damage reduces the target to 0
ALLIP hit points, the target is stable but paralyzed for 1
Medium undead, chaotic evil hour, and suffers the effects of long-term madness.
Armor Class 12 Babble. The allip mutters to itself, creating a hypnotic
Hit Points 45 (7d8+14) effect. Creatures within 60 feet that can hear the
Speed fly 30 ft. (hover) allip, other than other allips, must succeed on a DC
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
a creature is charmed for 1 minute. A creature can
2 (-4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 16 (+3)
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
Damage Resistance acid, cold, fire, lightning, turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a
thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect
from nonmagical attacks ends for it, the creature is immune to the allip's
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison babble for the next 24 hours.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,

REACTIONS Amorphous. The giant amoeba can move through
Madness. When a creature targets the allip with a a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
thought detection, makes telepathic contact, or squeezing.
tries to make the allip charmed, the allip inflicts 5 Amphibious. The giant amoeba can breathe both
(1d10) psychic damage on the creature. air and water.

AMOEBA Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack. 5 ft., +3 to hit,
A giant amoeba is a shapeless mass of living, liquid 1d6+1 (4) bludgeoning damage and 2d6 (7) acid
protoplasm. Though naturally translucent with darker damage, and the target is grappled if it is Medium
interior spots, its surface is slightly sticky and tends or smaller (escape DC 11). Until this grapple ends,
to collect dirt and other debris from its environment; the target is restrained and the giant amoeba can’t
therefore, a moving giant amoeba looks like muddy water.
make pseudopod attacks on another creature.
Although happy to prey on creatures smaller than it, the
giant amoeba’s constant hunger often drives it to attack
larger prey, such as humanoids. AMOEBA SWARM
Amoeba Swarms. An amoeba swarm is a mobile group of
amoebas, each about the size of a coin. Giant amoebas may Medium swarm of Tiny oozes, unaligned
cleave off tiny portions of their substance, which can then Armor Class 13
become amoeba swarms. At other times, a giant amoeba can Hit Points 28 (8d8-8)
spontaneously transform into a swarm, usually if the giant Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft., swim 20 ft.
amoeba is starving or in an area with a high concentration
of magic. Likewise, a well-fed amoeba swarm may fuse into STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
a single giant amoeba. 3 (-4) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 1 (-5) 7 (-2) 2 (-4)
When an amoeba swarm is found in the vicinity of a giant
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
amoeba, the two oozes ignore each other. A giant amoeba
in the space of an amoeba swarm takes no damage from slashing
the swarm’s attacks and does not run the risk of becoming Damage Immunity acid
distracted as a result of being in the swarm. Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed,
petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
Small ooze, unaligned passive Perception 8
Armor Class 8 Languages —
Hit Points 39 (6d6+18) Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft., swim 20 ft.
12 (+1) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 1 (-5) 7 (-2) 2 (-4)
Skills Stealth +2
Damage Immunity acid
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
passive Perception 8
Languages —
Challenge 1/2 (200 XP)

Amphibious. The swarm can breathe both air and they can. Rather than kill their enemies, araneas often
water. subdue opponents and hold them for ransom.
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s When araneas are encountered in groups, some might be
young: identical in all respects to adult areanea but without
space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
the spellcasting trait.
through any opening larger than 1 inch without
squeezing. The swarm can’t regain hit points or
gain temporary hit points. ARANEA
Large monstrosity, chaotic evil
ACTIONS Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Digest. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., Hit Points 39 (6d10 + 6)
one creature. Hit: 4d4 (10) acid damage, or 2d4 (5) Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
acid damage if the swarm has half or fewer of its
maximum hit points. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 6 (–2)
ARANEA Saving Throws Int +5
An aranea is an intelligent, shapechanging spider with Skills Stealth +5
sorcerous powers. In its natural form, an aranea resembles Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
a typical giant spider, with a humpbacked body a little Perception 11
bigger than a human torso and venomous fangs. Although Languages Common, Deep Speech
considered a Large creature, an aranea’s mass is no more
than a typical human’s; its size comes from its long legs. Challenge 3 (700 XP)
An aranea can be distinguished from other giant spiders by
the hump on its back that houses its brain and by the fact Shapechange. An aranea can use its action to
that, in addition to eight legs, it has a fifth pair of limbs, polymorph into a Medium beast or humanoid
each about 2 feet long, located ahead of the first pair of creature of CR 2 or lower, or from another form
legs. These limbs end in hands, each equipped with three
clawed fingers and a double-jointed thumb. back into its own form. The aranea retains its Int,
Stealthy Shapeshifters. An aranea is an intelligent,
Wis, and Cha scores and its current hit points
shapechanging spider with sorcerous powers. In its natural while polymorphed; otherwise, it takes on all
form, an aranea resembles a humpbacked spider a little the attributes of the adopted form. It can cast
bigger than a human, and weighs about 150 pounds. The spells if the adopted form can provide the spell’s
hump on its back houses the aranea’s brain. All araneas verbal and somatic components, and it retains its
have a single alternate form as well—this alternate form is
that of a Small or Medium humanoid. Although an aranea
paralytic poison trait if the adopted form has a
can assume a spider-hybrid variant of this form, it cannot bite attack. A shapechanged aranea reverts to its
use its change shape ability to assume multiple humanoid natural form when slain.
forms—this additional shape is locked into one unique Spellcasting. All aranea are 3rd-level wizards. They
appearance. Araneas often use their shapechanging ability use Intelligence as their casting ability (DC 13,
to lure unsuspecting victims into ambushes. Less often,
they assume humanoid form to infiltrate human societies,
attack +5) and require no material components for
where they conduct research and gather information for their spells. Typical known spells are listed below,
their inscrutable purposes. but individual aranea can know different spells.
Magical Adepts. Though araneas generally prefer to be Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, poison cloud,
left alone, they often prove quite knowledgeable about the shocking grasp
ways of magic, and if approached peacefully may be willing 1st level (4 slots): charm person, sleep
to share their expertise for the right price (typically a magic
2nd level (2 slots): invisibility, mirror image
item or some service). Skilled spellcasters, araneas try to
avoid physical combat and use their webs and spells when Spider Climb. Aranea can climb any surface without
making ability checks.

ACTIONS Damage Immunities poison
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
creature). Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage, and Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
the target must make a successful DC 11 Con Languages the languages it knew in life
saving throw or become poisoned (see Paralytic Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Poison, below).
Paralytic Poison. The poisoned creature has tactical Hunter's Reward. When a baykok reduces a hostile
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. creature to 0 hit points, the baykok gains 12
At the end of each of its turns, the poisoned temporary hit points.
creature must attempt a Con saving throw. On Vile Arrow. Once per round, when the baykok
a result of 16 or higher, the poisoned condition hits with its bow of bone attack, the target must
ends and the character becomes immune to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a
this aranea’s poison. On a result of 11–15, the failed save, the target is paralyzed for 1 minute. A
poisoned condition continues. On a result of 10 creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
or lower, the creature becomes paralyzed and no each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
more saving throws are needed. Paralysis lasts for success.
1 hour or until the poison is neutralized.
Webs (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 ACTIONS
to hit, range 30 ft./60 ft., one creature. Hit: The Multiattack. The baykok makes three bow attacks.
target is restrained by webs. A webbed creature Bow of Bone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
can use its action to attempt a DC 12 Strength range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4)
(Athletics) check to escape. The web can also be piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage.
destroyed by 5 points of slashing or fire damage Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
against AC 10. one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) slashing damage.
Dread Howl (Recharge 6). Non-baykoks within 30
BAYKOK feet who can hear it must make a DC 13 Wisdom
This howling corpse swoops through the air with hideously saving throw. On a failed saving throw, a creature
elongated legs and a bow made of bone. When hunters is frightened for 1 minute, and incapacitated as
become utterly obsessed with the chase and indulge long as it is frightened. A creature can repeat
excessively in the savagery of the kill, their souls become the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
progressively tainted. When such remorseless hunters
perish before they can capture and kill their quarry, they
ending the effect on itself on a success. If a
sometimes rise from death as baykoks—flying undead creature’s saving throw is successful or the
horrors that kill purely for the ecstasy that only murder effect ends for it, the creature is immune to that
can bring them. baykok's Dread Howl for the next 24 hours.


Blast shadows usually spawn as the result of a magical
Medium undead, neutral evil catastrophe, as those in the Haunted Steppes were spawned
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) by the cataclysmic impact of the Burning Star. They also
Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30) can be artificially created, and pyromaniac magic users,
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (can hover) worshipers of evil fire deities, and the servants of powers
that crave burnt offerings favor these undead horrors. Blast
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA shadows created in this way are loyal to their creator, but
15 (+2) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) those created by a natural cataclysm or the death burst of
another blast shadow are beholden to no one.
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +7

Medium undead, chaotic evil Bloodsuckles are semi-intelligent and immobile plants that
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) gain nourishment from the blood of living creatures. Unlike
other carnivorous plants, the bloodsuckle maintains a group
Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36) of living hosts that it gorges itself on. Bloodsuckles are found
Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft. in forests, swamps, and rolling hills in climates where the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA temperate is mild. They are never found in cold climates, but
a variety of this plant is thought to exist in warmer regions.
15 (+2) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)
Damage Immunities fire, poison When a bloodsuckle detects movement within 30
Damage Vulnerabilities cold feet, it sends out its long, vine-like tendrils towards the
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned disturbance. If the tendril strikes a living target, it injects
Skills Acrobatics +7, Intimidation +6, Perception +7, sap into the victim which brings it under the plant’s control.
A bloodsuckle can automatically detect the presence of one
Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7 of its hosts within 30 feet and does not attack it. Rather, it
Senses darkvision, passive Perception 17 lets the host draw close so it can embrace it with its tendrils
Languages Kirkut and consume its blood.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Creatures that are not hosts of the bloodsuckle that come
within 10 feet are attacked by its woody limbs.
Burning Cloud. A blast shadow can use its bonus
action to activate a fiery aura and can use another
bonus action to shut it off. This aura has a 5-foot
radius. A creature that enters this radius for the Large plant, unaligned
first time in a turn or that starts their turn in this Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
radius takes 3 (1d6) poison damage. If the blast Hit Points 90 (12d10+ 24)
shadow takes cold damage, this aura becomes Speed 0 ft. (immobile)
inactive, and cannot become active again until STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
the after the end of the blast shadow’s next turn. 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+2) 6 (-2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0)
Death Burst. When a blast shadow is reduced to 0 Condition Immunities blinded, deafened,
hit points, it explodes in a blast of radiated flame exhaustion
and smoke. Creatures within 40 feet must make Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 17 (5d6) passive Perception 10
poison damage, or half as much on a success. Languages telepathy 100 ft. (only with hosts)
Turn Resistance. The blast shadow has advantage Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
on saving throws against any effect that turns
undead. Blood Drain. The bloodsuckle drains blood from
the creature it is grappling. The creature must
ACTIONS succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
Multiattack. The blast shadow makes two attacks its hit point maximum is reduced by 7 (2d6). This
with its claws. reduction lasts until the creature finishes a short
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., or long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage and 7 its hit point maximum to 0. Bloodsuckles never
(2d6) poison damage. kill those they have transformed into hosts unless
they are extremely hungry.
Create Host. As a bonus action while grappling a
target, the bloodsuckle injects poison sap into

its victim. The creature must succeed at a DC 13 CATOBLEPAS
Wisdom saving throw or fall under the effects of a The catoblepas is an aggressive beast at the best of times,
permanent dominate monster spell, at which point willing to knock down trees, fences, even small houses to eat
the victim is transformed into a host creature. whatever it finds interesting, be that meal plant or animal or
human being. Though it prefers swamps, the catoblepas has
A creature immune to poison is immune to this
been known to forage in plains and forests for short periods
effect. Lesser restoration or similar magic cast on before returning to the buoyant support of water and mud.
the host breaks the bloodsuckle’s hold. Few creatures linger near a catoblepas’s feeding ground
A victim that becomes a host returns to the because of the monster’s bad temper and poisonous breath,
plant whenever it calls. It is normally used by the and only rot-loving predators such as oozes or exceptionally
large otyughs have any interest in hunting them
bloodsuckle for feeding purposes, but if the plant
comes under attack the host may be summoned
for defense. A host with an Intelligence score of 3 CATOBLEPAS
or higher that is commanded to act in a manner
Large monstrosity, neutral
inconsistent with its alignment (such as attacking
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
allies) is allowed another Wisdom saving throw
Hit Points 228 (24d10 + 96)
with advantage to break the bloodsuckle’s control.
Speed 40 ft., swim 30 ft.
Generate Seed. Once per month, the bloodsuckle
can generate a walnut-sized seed that it implants STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
in a host’s body. The host wanders off and 1d4 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 5 (-3) 15 (+2) 10 (+0)
days later, the seed breaks open growing a new Saving Throws Con +8, Wis +6
bloodsuckle inside the host. Each day a host Skills Perception +6
remains implanted with this seed, its hit point Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
maximum decreases by 1d8. When its hit points Languages Sylvan
reach 0, the host dies and a new bloodsuckle Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
erupts from the corpse and takes root. A lesser
restoration spell destroys the seedling. Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 10
Host Sense. A bloodsuckle automatically senses the feet of the cateoblepas must succeed on a DC 16
location of any hosts within 300 feet. Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until
Summon Host. As a free action, the bloodsuckle the start of its next turn. On a successful saving
generates a high-pitched whine that only its hosts throw, the creature is immune to the catoblepas’s
can hear. A host with 2 miles hears this call and stench for 24 hours.
proceeds immediately at its highest rate of speed Trampling Charge. If the catoblepas moves at least
and in the most direct route toward the plant. 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it
with a gore attack on the same turn, that target
ACTIONS must succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw
Multiattack. The bloodsuckle makes two tendrils or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the
attacks. catoblepas can make one attack with its hooves
Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., against it as a bonus action.
one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage
and the target is grappled (escape DC 14). Until ACTIONS
the grapple ends, the target is restrained and has Multiattack. The catoblepas makes one Bite attack,
disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength one Gore attack, and one Hooves attack.
saves. The bloodsuckle can’t use the same tendril Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
on another target while grappling. target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) piercing damage.

Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., Limited Gaseous Form. The cinder ghoul cannot
one target. Hit: 14 (2d8+ 5) piercing damage. fit through narrow gaps, but it can fit through a
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., space as if it were Small sized without squeezing.
one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. A cinder ghoul cannot enter water or other liquid.
Fetid Breath (Recharge 5–6). The catoblepas exhales It is not ethereal or incorporeal and is affected by
poisonous gas in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in winds or other forms of moving air to the extent
that area must make a DC 16 Constitution saving that the wind pushes them in the direction the
throw, taking 49 (9d10) poison damage on a failed wind is moving. However, even the strongest
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. wind can’t disperse or damage a cinder ghoul.
Because it contains burning embers and small
bits of perpetually smoldering flesh, a cinder
CINDER GHOUL ghoul has disadvantage when making a Dexterity
Slain by the actual impact of the Burning Star long ago, these (Stealth) check, even when attempting to hide in
creatures burn in perpetual torment, their charred flesh an area of mist, smoke, or other gas.
and bone still wreathed in the fires that killed them. When Magical Resistance. The cinder ghoul has
encountered with radioactive combusted they take charge advantage on saving throws against spells and
of the pack, but they employ little strategy, simply charging
other magical effects.
to burn their foes to cinders at any cost. They are unable to
suppress their burning form, so they are much easier to spot
as they approach across the low rises of the plains. ACTIONS
Multiattack. The cinder ghoul makes one slam
attack and uses its smoke inhalation ability.
CINDER GHOUL Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Large undead, chaotic evil one target. Hit: 14 (2d8+5) bludgeoning damage
Armor Class 15 and 4 (1d8) fire damage. A creature damaged
Hit Points 75 (10d10+20) by this attack must make a DC 13 Constitution
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA by an amount equal to the damage taken. This
reduction lsts until the target finishes a long rest.
16 (+3) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 19 (+4)
The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point
Saving Throws Wis +4 maximum to 0.
Skills Perception +7 Smoke Inhalation. The cinder ghoul attempts to
Damage Vulnerabilities cold force some of its smoky form into the lungs of a
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and living creature within 5 feet. The target must then
slashing from nonmagical attakcs that aren’t make a successful DC 16 Constitution saving
silvered. throw or inhale part of the creature. On a failure,
Damage Immunities fire, poison, necrotic the target takes 9 (2d8) fire damage and 9 (2d8)
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned, prone necrotic damage and is poisoned until the end of
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 its next turn. On a success, the target only takes
Languages Kirkut (cannot speak) half as much damage, and is not poisoned.
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

DRAGON, FOREST Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s
Forest dragons are fickle and malevolent dragons that dwell choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and
in deep, rugged woodlands. Forest dragons stalk the earth aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom
to pursue objects of its wrath. This massive serpentine and saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
wingless creature has jade scales and antlers, and sounds
A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
like grinding stones as it stalks forth.
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is
ADULT FOREST DRAGON successful or the effect ends for it, the creature
Huge dragon, chaotic evil is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) the next 24 hours.
Hit Points 207 (18d12 + 90) Crystalline Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon
Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 80 ft. exhales crystal splinters in a 50-foot cone.
Each creature in that area must make a DC 18
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) piercing
23 (+6) 12 (+1) 21 (+5) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
Damage Immunities poison on a successful one.
Condition Immunities poisoned
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +10, Wis +7, Cha +8
Skills Deception +8, Perception +12, Stealth +6
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
Perception 22
Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a

saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Mimicry. The dragon can mimic animal sounds
and humanoid voices. A creature that hears
the sounds can tell they are imitations with a
successful DC 16 Wisdom (Insight) check.

Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful
Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with
its bite and two with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit,
reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6)
bludgeoning damage.

Change Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs Hit Points 66 (7d8 + 35)
into a humanoid or beast that has a Challenge Speed 20 ft.
rating no higher than its own, or back into its STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
true form. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
18 (+4) 8 (–1) 20 (+5) 4 (–3) 11 (+0) 11 (+0)
Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is
absorbed or borne by the new form (the dragon’s Damage Resistances cold, fire; bludgeoning,
choice). In a new form, the dragon retains its piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical
alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, ability to speak, weapons
proficiencies, Legendary Resistance, lair actions, Damage Immunities poison
and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed,
as well as this action. Its statistics and capabilities petrified, poisoned, unconscious
are otherwise replaced by those of the new form, Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
except any class features or legendary actions of Languages Terran
that form. Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

LEGENDARY ACTIONS Brute. A melee weapon attack deals one extra die of
The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing its damage when the obsidian elemental hits with
from the options below. Only one legendary action it (included in the attack).
option can be used at a time and only at the end of Death Throes. When the obsidian elemental dies,
another creature’s turn. The dragon regains spent it explodes, and each creature within 30 feet of it
legendary actions at the start of its turn. must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking
Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) 17 (5d6) slashing damage and 17 (5d6) fire damage
check. on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage
Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack. on a successful one.
Earthshake (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon writhes Molten Glass. A creature that hits the obsidian
its serpentine body. Each creature within 10 feet elemental with a melee attack while within 5 feet
of the dragon and in contact with the ground of it takes 7 (2d6) fire damage.
must succeed on a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw
or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage and be ACTIONS
knocked prone. The dragon can then move up Multiattack. The obsidian elemental makes two
to half its speed or burrows up to half its burrow claw attacks.
speed. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage plus 4
(1d8) fire damage.
An obsidian elemental is merged of equal parts earth and
fire, arising in the vast felsic fields that flow and melt in
burning oceans along the verges where the two elemental FIRE PHANTOM
planes intersect. They are hulking piles of faceted black This humanoid has raging fire for hair and flame-encased
stone, streaked with white striations, spiderwebbed cracks, fists. Elemental fire plays across its body exposing patches
razor-sharp shards, and a seething molten core within. of charred flesh. Its eyes and tongue look like tiny balls
of molten fire. Blackened teeth fill its mouth and flames
dance in the back of its throat.
Banished to the Flames. When a creature dies on the
Medium elemental, neutral Elemental Planes of Fire, its soul often melds with part of
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) the fiery plane and reforms as a fire phantom; a humanoid

creature composed of rotted and burned flesh and ACTIONS
elemental fire. Fire phantoms desire nothing more than Multiattack. The fire phantom makes two claw
to return to the Material Plane and destroy as many living
creatures as possible by consuming them in the same
flames that now house their spirit. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Fire phantoms are encountered in areas where fires are target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage and 5
already burning (campfires, pyres, vigils, etc). They step (2d4) fire damage.
through a portal from the Plane of Fire into a fire on the Fire Blast (Recharge 5-6). The fire phantom
Material Plane. This fire must be at least Small or larger; explodes in a fiery burst that affects all creatures
else any attempt by the fire phantom to enter the Material
within 10 feet. Each creature in that area must
Plane through that fire automatically fails. Once it enters
the plane, it often lies in wait in the fire for potential make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking
victims to come near it. 20 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
Burning Ambush. A fire phantom waits inside its fire until much on a successful one.
it spots a living creature. It then rushes out, shrieking and
hurling globes of fire. If faced with overwhelming odds or
facing certain destruction, the fire phantom either moves
as close as possible to as many foes as possible or attempts An enormous shape, like a deformed fishing-bird with a single
to draw in as many of its opponents as possible and uses taloned leg, a serrated beak, and single blazing red eye swoops
it immolation ability. In normal melee, the fire phantom from the darkness. Its hide is scaled rather than feathered, and
alternates between hurling globes of fire and pummeling a scaly, translucent wings hold it aloft in great sweeping gusts, and
foe with its burning fists. When a fire phantom is wounded, its cry is liked the grinding, ragged edges of Hell.
flames dance and play around the wound. Fire phantoms
fight until destroyed or all opponents are dead or flee.
FIRE PHANTOM Large monstrosity, chaotic evil
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Medium undead, chaotic evil
Hit Points 76 (8d10 + 32)
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.
Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
22 (+6) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
19 (+4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 5 (-3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +4
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Skills Intimidate +8, Perception +7 Languages Aklo (cannot speak)
Damage Immunities fire, poison Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Damage Vulnerabilities cold
Condition Immunities poisoned Constrict. As a bonus action, the fisher from outside
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 17 transfers a victim it has grappled with its talon into
Languages understands Aquan, but can’t speak its mouth. This frees up its talon to attack other
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) targets. The creature remains grappled (escape DC
14). When the fisher makes a bite attack against
Turn Resistance. The fire phantom has advantage on this grappled target, it automatically hits each. The
saving throws against any effect that turns undead. fisher cannot use its raucous call ability or make
Final Blast. When the fire phantom dies, it bite attacks against other targets while it has a
combusts and leaves nothing behind but ashes. victim grappled in its mouth.
In doing so, it recharges its Fire Blast if expended, No Breath. The fisher does not need to breathe.
and uses it.

Fishers from outside are thought to be related to
the elephantine shantaks, though they are, in
fact, two distinct species. With only one
leg and over-sized talon and one eye,
fishers from outside are clumsy
and ungainly on the ground,
but they are graceful and swift
fliers. They dwell primarily
in caverns on the moon Luna
where they serve the strange
masters of that realm in
exchange for blood sacrifices.
They are capable of going long
periods of time without feeding
and can subsist on eating the
rubble of their strange caverns
if necessary, though they always prefer
fresh prey when they can get it. Unlike
their shantak cousins, fishers from outside
are incapable of unaided starflight and must
rely on external or magical means to travel
between planets or across the voids space.

ACTIONS Fishers from Outside first appeared in the Lin Carter

Multiattack. The fisher from outside makes one short story, “The Fishers from Outside.”
talon attack and one bite attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 5) piercing damage.
Talon. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
This towering plant is a mass of vines and barbs. Several
one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 5) slashing damage, and stalks are horribly mobile, each ending in a set of green,
the target must make a DC 14 Strength saving toothy jaws. Whereas the smaller flytraps supplement
throw. On a failed save, the target is grappled their growth by catching insects, the giant flytrap does
(escape DC 14). Until the grapple ends, the the same with animals, humanoids, and anything else
foolish enough to draw too near. A giant flytrap’s stalks
target is restrained and suffers disadvantage on
are 20 feet long, but generally sprawl relatively close to
Strength checks and Strength saves. The fisher the central mass—a set of full-grown flytrap jaws is 7
from outside cannot attack with its talon while feet across. A giant flytrap weighs 9,000 pounds.
grappling a creature with it. Killer Flytrap. Giant flytraps are more aggressive than
Raucous Call. The fisher from outside emits a their smaller brethren, able to lumber slowly along to
raucous, grating call. All living creatures, other relocate to better hunting grounds. Their prey is much
than a fisher from outside or a shantak, within smarter than insects, however, and some giant flytraps
have evolved to be swifter, more intelligent hunters to
30 feet of the fisher that can hear it must make compensate, cannily blending in with surrounding foliage.
a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become A killer flytrap’s jaws and stalks are swift-moving—it
paralyzed. A paralyzed creature can attempt a reaches out and snaps at passersby with lightning speed.
new saving throw at the beginning of each of its With a modicum of intelligence, a killer flytrap is capable
turns, ending the effect on itself with a success. of limited tactical choices, such as knowing when to break
off an attack against a powerful foe.
Once a creature saves against the raucous call, it
becomes immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Engulf. The giant flytrap engulfs a Medium or
smaller creature grappled by it. The engulfed
target is blinded, restrained, and unable to
breathe, and it must succeed on a DC 16
Constitution saving throw at the start of each of
the mound's turns or take 9 (1d8+5) bludgeoning
damage and 7 (2d6) acid damage. If the giant
flytrap moves, the engulfed target moves with
it. The giant flytrap can have only one creature
engulfed at a time per bite.

The ruins of Old Curgantium are infested with gargoyles,
including the common variety as well as a number of rare
types almost never seen elsewhere. Like all gargoyles,
these variants resemble hideously ugly humanoids
chiseled from stone. Two large horns protrude from their
heads, just above their eyes. Four large, stony spikes jut
from their shoulder blades and their hands and feet end
in sharpened claws.
Four-Armed Gargoyle. Four-armed gargoyles, like their
brethren, often stand perched indefinitely without moving
GIANT FLYTRAP in an attempt to surprise their opponents. They have a
great fondness for inflicting pain on their foes. When a
Huge plant, unaligned
four-armed gargoyle has the upper hand in battle, it often
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) draws out the conflict as long as it can in order to deal as
Hit Points 160 (14d12+70) much pain and suffering as it can on its foes.
Speed 10 ft. Green Guardian. These winged humanoids are carved of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a strange green stone with eyes rich black in color. They
prefer to remain still and then suddenly attack or dive into
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 1 (–5) 12 (+1) 6 (–2) their prey. Green guardians attempt to hold their victims
Damage Resistances acid and then fly off with them.
Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, Margoyle. A margoyle is a slightly larger version of the
standard gargoyle. It is meaner, eviler, and deadlier than the
exhaustion, frightened
normal gargoyle. Margoyles are most often encountered in
Senses tremorsense 60 ft., passive Perception 11 subterranean regions and often have a pack of gargoyles
Languages – with them. In such cases, the margoyle is looked upon as
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) the master or leader of the group.

Multiattack. The giant flytrap makes four bite
attacks (one for each mouth). Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15 ft., Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
one target. Hit: 16 (2d10+5) piercing damage. The Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)
target is grappled (escape DC 16) and the giant Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
flytrap uses its Engulf on it. A giant flytrap that is STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
grappling a foe cannot attack other targets with 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 6 (–2) 11 (+0) 7 (–2)
that bite but is not otherwise hindered.

Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and False Appearance. While the gargoyle remains
slashing from nonmagical weapons not made of motionless, it is indistinguishable from an
adamantine inanimate statue.
Damage Immunities poison Magic Weapons. The gargoyle’s attacks are
Condition Immunities exhaustion, petrified, magical.
poisoned Reanimation. The eyes of a green guardian
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 gargoyle are made of two pieces of jet (500 gp
Languages Terran each) that detect as both magic (faint conjuration)
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) and evil. After being destroyed, a green guardian
automatically reanimates in 1d8+2 days unless
False Appearance. While the gargoyle remains the eye gems are crushed and disenchanted with
motionless, it is indistinguishable from an both dispel magic and remove curse.
inanimate statue. Swoop. If the green guardian flies at least 20 feet
straight towards a target and then hits it with its
ACTIONS gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an
Multiattack. The gargoyle makes four attacks: one additional 9 (2d8) piercing damage. If the target
with its bite, two with its claws, and one gore. is a creature, it must make a DC 13 Strength
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one saving throw or be knocked prone.
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., ACTIONS
one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage. Multiattack. The green guardian makes four
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., attacks: one with its bite, two with its claws, and
one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage. one with its gore.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
GREEN GUARDIAN GARGOYLE target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Medium elemental, chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 85 (10d8 + 40)
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 6 (–2) 11 (+0) 7 (–2)
Skills Perception +6
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical weapons that
aren’t adamantine
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, petrified,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Terran
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., GHOLE
one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage. If The hulking form has a long, vulturelike neck ending in
both claws attacks hit the same target, then it is a head with a disgusting, one-eyed visage. Gholes are foul
grappled (escape DC 12) and restrained. At the denizens of the wilderness that feed upon rotten meat.
Their ability to restore flesh to even the most ancient of
start of the gargoyle’s next turn, it will attempt to
skeletal remains allows them to harvest flesh from ruins
fly off with the target. long forgotten by the living.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Many gholes keep their favorite skeletons handy to
target. Hit: 13 (2d10 + 2) piercing damage. repeat beloved meals, while others hoard ancient skeletons
and savor the flavor of restored flesh in a grisly mockery
of a gourmand’s appreciation of well-aged wine or cheese.
MARGOYLE Many attempt to capture sick victims alive only to imprison
Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil them—sepulchers or crypts make for favorite prisons—so
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) they perish of their sickness and thus provide the most
delicious meal possible for the foul creature. A typical
Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 32) ghole is 6 feet tall and weighs 250 pounds.
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
17 (+3) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 6 (–1) 10 (+0) 7 (–2)
Medium monstrosity, neutral evil
Skills Stealth +4
Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
Hit Points 165 (19d8 + 76)
slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that
Speed 40 ft., burrow 10 ft.
aren’t adamantine
Damage Immunities poison STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Condition Immunities exhausted, petrified, 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 15 (+2)
poisoned Skills Perception +6, Stealth +7
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Terran Languages Common
Challenge 4 (1,800 XP) Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
False Appearance. While a margoyle sits
motionless, it is indistinguishable from natural Bolster Disease. Any creature that contracts Flesh
stone and can’t be detected as alive by any means. Rot from a ghole is cursed. The creature has
disadvantage on saving throws against Flesh Rot
ACTIONS and any diseases the creature had when the curse
Multiattack. The margoyle makes three attacks: one was contracted.
with its bite and two with its claws; it can gore Flesh Rot. A ghole's natural attacks transmit flesh
once with its horns instead of using its bite. rot. A creature afflicted with this disease has
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.; one disadvantage on Charisma checks and vulnerability
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. to all damage. At the end of each of the target’s
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one turns, it must make a DC 16 Constitution saving
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. throw. After failing three of these saving throws,
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one the disease’s effects last for 1 week, and the creature
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. stops making these saves. After succeeding on three
of these saving throws, the creature recovers from
the disease, and the disease ends. Constructs and
undead are immune to Flesh Rot.

Immunity to Disease. Gholes are immune to all Hide from Undead (3/Day). Undead treat the ghole
forms of disease. as heavily obscured for 1 hour. If a ghole attacks
Inured to Undeath. Gholes have resistance to or interacts with an undead, the effect ends for
necrotic damage caused by undead and are that undead.
immune to having their maximum hit points Prepare Corpse. The ghole can make halt
reduced by an undead. decomposition, as the spell gentle repose, or
Savage the Sick. A ghole has advantage on attacks the ghole can restore flesh to a skeleton. The
against a creature that is diseased. restoration is sufficient to make a skeletal corpse
Scent Sickness. The ghole senses any diseased eligible to be transformed into a zombie rather
creature within 30 feet, with the benefits of than a skeleton. The new flesh is rotten and not
blindsense. fit for eating for creatures other than by gholes.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The ghole deals an extra 7 Shapechanger. The ghole can use its action to
(2d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid,
attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or or back into its true form. Other than its size and
when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the speed, its statistics are the same in each form.
ghole that isn’t incapacitated and the ghole Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t
doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
Swift. A ghole can use a bonus action to Attack (one
weapon attack only), Dash, Dodge, or Hide. GIANT, ASH
Whether because of disruptive magic, unearthed deep
ACTIONS elements, or alien technology that fell calamitously from
Multiattack. The ghole attacks twice: once with its the sky, ash giants are victims of their barren terrains.
bite, and once with its claws. Towering above a typical human, their misshapen bodies
and pale flesh are covered in purulent sores and bulbous
Bite (ghole form only). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 tumors. Yet they somehow survive and even thrive in these
to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6+4) desperate lands. Ash giants have an uncanny ability to bond
piercing damage, plus the target must make a with the enormous and often mutated vermin they share
DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed the landscape with, and sometimes use the largest of these
save, the creature has contracted Flesh Rot. creatures as mounts. Ash giants are 10 feet tall and weigh
1,200 pounds.
Claws (ghole form only). Melee Weapon Attack:
Dark Thoughts. Ash giants are brash and violent, and
+8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4)
their humor is incredibly dark. Killing someone through a
slashing damage, plus the target must make a prank is just as funny as tripping a friend while on a hunt.
DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed While not inherently evil, lifetimes of being antagonized by
save, the creature has contracted Flesh Rot. other tribes have practically bred violence into their minds.
Befouling Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 Some ash giants take their bleakness to extremes, seeing it
as a nihilistic epiphany that opens up the entropic secrets
ft., one target. Hit: The target must make a DC 16
of the universe and its ultimate annihilation, becoming
Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, deranged prophets of a coming apocalypse.
the target is paralyzed for 1 minute. The target may Ash Leprosy. Ash giants carry a contagious wasting
make a new saving throw at the end of each of its disease that permeates their clothing, exposing creatures
turns, ending the effect on a success. As long as the that search their gear or corpses to a sickness that affects
target is paralyzed, any creatures other than a ghole most creatures like sewer blightSRD, but each day the
that starts its turn must make a DC 16 Constitution disease persists a creature must make an additional DC
13 Constitution saving throw or the sickness begins to rot
saving throw; on a failure, that creaure is poisoned the brain like cackle feverSRD that deals 5 (1d10) points of
until the beginning of its next turn. necrotic damage in addition to psychic damage with each
failed saving throw.

Vermin Empathy. Ash giants can communicate freely with When it lurches to life, however, it resembles a horrific
vermin in a manner identical to speak with animals, and humanoid figure comprised of a mass of bones and skulls
they can train such creatures to serve them. tied together with slick ropes of sinew. An ossuary golem
stands 10 feet tall when active and weighs 2,000 pounds.

Large giant, chaotic neutral
Armor Class 15 (scale mail) Large construct, unaligned
Hit Points 210 (20d10 + 100) Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Speed 50 ft. Hit Points 178 (17d10 + 85)
Speed 20 ft.
29 (+9) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
22 (+6) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 1 (-5)
Saving Throws Str +14, Con +10, Wis +9, Cha +9
Skills Athletics +14 Damage Immunities poison, psychic; bludgeoning,
Damage Immunities fire, poison piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses passive Perception 14 that aren’t adamantine
Languages Common, Giant Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Ashen Adaptation. An ash giant has no difficulty Languages understands the languages of its
breathing in ashes, smoke, and similar noxious creator but can’t speak
fumes, and an ash giant can see clearly within 30 Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
feet even when ashes and smoke would normally
impair vision. Acid Reaction. Whenever the lead golem would be
subject to acid damage, it takes no damage and
ACTIONS instead regains a number of hit points equal to
Multiattack. The ash giant makes 2 greatsword attacks. one-half the acid damage dealt.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack. +14 to hit, reach Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any
10 ft., one creature. Hit: 30 (6d6+9) damage. spell or effect that would alter its form.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack. +14 to hit, range Interference Aura. A lead golem projects a 60-foot
60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 35 (4d12 + 9) . aura that blocks divination magic, as nondetection.
Intractable Density. Any Strength (Athletics) checks
to Shove a lead golem has disadvantage, and the
GOLEMS golem has advantage on its check to resist being
In addition to the more familiar magical constructs of stone
and iron, flesh and clay, the ancients of the Haunted Steppe
manufactured several unusual golems of their own design. Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on
Lead Golem. Resembling an unearthed vein of dull saving throws against spells and other magical
gray minerals, this crude, hunchbacked humanoid figure effects.
uses its arms to support itself. Lead golems move with a Magic Weapons. The golem’s weapon attacks are
lurching, heavy tread and often crack floors as they walk magical.
due to their immense weight. A lead golem stands 11 feet
tall when upright and weighs 10,000 pounds.
Ossuary Golem. When in watchful repose, an ossuary golem
may easily be mistaken for a funerary monument or grave
Multiattack. The golem makes two slam attacks.
marker made of pale, rough stone with a cobbled surface. Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. ACTIONS
REACTIONS Multiattack. The ossuary golem makes four slam
Particulate Cloud (Recharge 5-6). The lead golem attacks.
can use its reaction to exude a fine coud of lead Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
particles that persist until the start of its next one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage,
turn. A creature that enters the cloud for the first and the target must make a DC 17 Constitution
time or that starts its turn in it must make a DC saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced
16 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned by an amount equal to the damage taken. This
for one minute and gains a level of exhaustion. reduction lasts until the target finishes a long
This cloud can be dissipated by a strong wind rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit
such as that created by the gust of wind spell. point maximum to 0.


Disassemble (1/Day). The golem can use its
Large construct, unaligned reaction when receiving damage that would
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) otherwise reduce it to 0 hit points to disassemble,
Hit Points 168 (16d10+80) resuming its False Appearance as a pile of bones.
Speed 40 ft. When the golem does this, it is instead reducet
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA to 1 hit point. It can then reassemble itself at the
22 (+6) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) start of its next turn.Gortheks
Saving Throws Dex +7, Wisdom +10
Skills Perception +8 GORTHEK
Damage Immunities poison, psychic; bludgeoning, Gortheks are a strange combination of primeval bison
piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical and ornery rhinoceros, with a leonine head crowned with
ramlike horns, 7 feet high at the shoulder and weighing over
attacks that aren’t adamantine four tons. They travel the steppe in small herds and charge
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, anything they perceive as a threat. Orcs raise the beasts from
fightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned infancy to serve as living weapons, with riders bonding with
Senses darkvision 120 ft, passive Perception 8 them at a young age as they train together. Orc riders use
Languages — specially crafted saddles mounted behind the massive horns
and guide their mounts using spiked reins.
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)

False Appearance. While the ossuary golem GORTHEK

remains motionless, it is indisitinguishable from Large beast, neutral
an ordinary pile of bones. While in this form, the Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
ossuary golem is considered an object in regards Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30)
to spells and effects that target objects. Speed 40 ft.
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any
spell or effect that would alter its form. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on 23 (+6) 9 (-1) 17 (+3) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
saving throws against spells and other magical Skills Perception +2
effects. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Magic Weapons. The golem’s weapon attacks are Languages -
magical. Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up ACTIONS
to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can Multiattack. The hangman tree makes two hanging
see. vines attacks.
Charge. If the gorthek moves at least 20 feet Hanging Vines. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to
straight toward a target and then hits it with a hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6)
gore attack on the same turn, the target takes bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled
an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage. If the target is (escape DC 16). While grappled, the target is
a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength lifted 10 feet off the ground and is restrained and
saving throw or be knocked prone. unable to breathe or speak. It must succeed on
a DC 16 Constitution saving throw at the start
ACTIONS of each of the tree’s turns or take 16 (3d6 + 6)
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., bludgeoning damage.
one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) piercing damage. Hallucinatory Spores (1/Day). The hangman
tree releases a cloud of invisible spores that
cause creatures to perceive the tree and its
HANGMAN TREE surroundings as perfectly pleasant and normal.
The hangman tree prefers to lie in wait near remote forest All living creatures within 50 feet must make a
tracks and game trails, waiting for victims to wander by. DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
These carnivorous plants are incredibly patient and can the creature becomes charmed for 1 minute.
wait for months in a single location for food to approach. While charmed, the creature is incapacitated and
When prey does draw near, the tree’s vines lash like striking
snakes. The tree often uses its pull ability to hoist grappled
has a speed of 0. A creature can attempt a new
foes 10 to 15 feet in the air so that they are out of reach saving throw at the end of its turn each round if
of allies while they slowly strangle. The tree generally only it sees the tree attack an ally; if the tree attacks
swallows one foe whole at a time, letting its other captured a creature, this does not automatically break the
victims dangle and ripen until it is ready to feed on them. effect but the attack creature has advantage on
this saving throw.
Huge plant, chaotic evil
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60)
Speed 30 ft.
23 (+6) 8 (-1) 21 (+5) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Sylvan
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

False Appearance. While the

hangman tree remains motionless,
it is indistinguishable from a
normal tree.

HEAT SWARM DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 28 (8d6)
A heat swarm is a mass of flying, aggressive, foul-tempered fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
elemental fire creatures. A single heat elemental that damage on a successful one.
makes up a heat swarm resembles a thumb-sized ball of
reddish flame with vaguely discernible facial features.
When encountered on the Material Plane (which is a very HESTOVATO
rare occurrence indeed), a heat swarm is most often found These vicious killers are the bane of the plainsmen who
in a highly unbearable (by human standards) climate such inhabit the steppe. From the front, they look like ordinary
as an active volcano or on a solar surface. plainsmen, but from the back they have jagged barbed
elbows, hideously blotched skin, and a demonic face on
the back of their head (which they usually disguise with
HEAT SWARM a headdress and/or loose garments during the day). They
roam the open plains under cover of darkness, avoiding
Large swarm of tiny elementals, unaligned large communities and preferring to stalk small parties
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) as they travel across the prairie, targeting the weakest
Hit Points 152 (16d10 + 64) members of a group, including children and the aged or
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) infirm. While carnivorous, they kill sentient humanoids
for the sheer thrill of doing so, taking greater delight in
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA mutilating corpses than in feasting on raw flesh.
10 (+0) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 4 (–3) 11 (+1) 11 (+1)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Stealth +7 HESTOVATO
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing,
Fields of Blood 56
slashing from nonmagical weapons
Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
Damage Immunities fire, poison
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Damage Weaknesses cold
Hit Points 187 (22d8 + 88)
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Speed 30 ft.
frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone,
restrained, stunned, unconscious STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)
Languages Ignan Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +7, Deception +6,
Challenge 8 (2,900 XP) Intimidate +6, Perception +8, Stealth +9, Survival +5
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
Fiery Aura. Creatures beginning their turn adjacent Perception 23
to the swarm must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity Languages Common, Kirkut
saving throw or take 7 (2d6) fire damage. Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s
space and vice versa, and the swarm can move All-Around Vision. A hestovato has two faces that
through any opening at least 2 inches square. The allow it to see in all directions. Hestovatos has
swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
hit points.
ACTIONS Multiattack. The hestovato makes two elbow
Burning Slam. Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, attacks and its paralyzing gaze, if able.
reach 0 ft., one creature in the swarm’s space. Elbow. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Hit: 28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage, or 14 (4d6) one target. Hit: 22 (4d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
bludgeoning damage if the swarm has half of its Paralyzing Gaze (Recharge 5-6). The hestovato
hit points or fewer. The target must succeed on a forces a creature within 30 feet that can see the

hestevato ro make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. ACTIONS
A creature that fails this saving throw is paralyzed Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
for up to 1 minute. Creatures paralyzed in this one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
way can make a saving throw at the end of each
of their turns, ending the paralysis on a success. HOUND OF TINDALOS
A creature that succeeds on this saving throw Hounds of Tindalos are otherworldly predators from
is immune to this hestovato’s Paralyzing Gaze beyond the bounds of known reality, usually appearing only
for 24 hours. Creatures that are immune to the when summoned by reckless spellcasters. Little is known
charmed condition are immune to this effect. about their nature outside of blood-spattered notes and
deranged writings of the nearly insane survivors of their
attacks. Although possessed of great cunning and cruel
HORSE, MUSTANG intellect, the hounds show no evidence of understanding or
While domesticated horses are a common sight in communicating with mortals. They enter the physical world
many cultures, in some great plains regions herds of on their own in pursuit of those who have trodden too much
feral wild horses roam free in search of water, grazing, the netherways beyond time and reality—time travelers (be
and independence. Living in herds of up to 20 led by a it physical travel or simply divinatory glimpses forward or
dominant mare, these social animals bolt swiftly at the first backward in time) and creatures that teleport without regard
sign of predators and are unafraid to lash out at carnivores to how this movement impacts subtle magical currents in
and humanoids with equal ferocity when cornered. They the multiverse particularly draw their interest.
can be tamed and ridden as beasts of exceptional quality
but subduing these stubborn and free-willed animals is a
challenge for even the most talented horse-breaker. HOUND OF TINDALOS
Medium fiend, neutral evil
MUSTANG Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 98 (12d8 + 44)
Large beast, unaligned Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft.
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 22 (3d10 + 6) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Speed 60 ft. 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 15 (+2)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Skills Stealth +6
16 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 7 (-2) Damage Resistances psychic; bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing attacks from nonmagical
Senses passive Perception 10 weapons
Languages — Damage Immunities poison
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
Endurance. The mustang has advantage on saving Perception 13
throws to avoid exhaustion. Languages Deep Speech
Jumper. The mustang has advantage on Strength Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
(Athletics) checks made to jump and on Dexterity
(Acrobatics) checks made to keep its balance or Otherworldly Mind. Any creature attempting to
avoid falling. read the thoughts of a hound of Tindalos or
Sprint. When the mustang uses the Dash action, communicate with it telepathically takes 22 (5d8)
it can move up to 5 times its normal speed in a points of psychic damage and must succeed on a
straight line. When using this ability, every foot DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become stunned
of movement in difficult terrain costs 4 extra feet for 1 minute.
(rather than 1 extra foot). Ripping Gaze. The sight of a hound of Tindalos

evokes torn realities of the void where the HUECUVA
creature comes from and mirrors this effect Huecuvas are the risen corpses of heretical clerics who
in the viewer’s flesh. When a creature that can blasphemed and renounced their deities before meeting
see the hound of Tindalos’ eyes starts its turn death. In unlife, they hate and seek to destroy those pious
souls who keep their vows. Most huecuvas remember little
within 30 feet of the hound, the creature must
of their former lives except for the blasphemies that led
succeed at a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. them to their cursed fates. They often find themselves
If the saving throw fails, the creature takes 22 drawn to the ruins of old temples, where they rage against
(5d8) points of slashing damage as its skin twists or seek hopeless absolution from the deities who so
and tears. Unless surprised, a creature can avert afflicted them. Huecuvas sometimes work in concert with
other undead creatures that share the same area.
its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start
of its turn. If the creature does so, it can’t see
the hound of Tindalos until the start of its next Shroud of Life. Although easily mistaken for zombies
or even skeletons, huecuvas have a spark of intelligence
turn, when it can avert its eyes again. A hound of that makes them cunning and deceptive foes. During
Tindalos is immune to its own gaze. daylight hours, a huecuva becomes shrouded in an illusion
that causes it to appear as it did in life—at these times, a
ACTIONS huecuva might seek to infiltrate society to dwell among
Multiattack. The hound of Tindalos makes two those it hates. When night falls, it emerges to seek out its
prey. Fortunately for the living, the typical huecuva has only
attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws. fragments of intellect remaining, so it is usually not long
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack. +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one before the undead creature makes an error of judgment or
target, Hit: 12 (3d6 + 2) piercing damage. simply reveals itself for the monster it is.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack. +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) slashing damage.
Rotting vestments hang across the withered flesh of this walking
Angled Entry. The hound of Tindalos may use corpse, and its mouth hangs open in a silent scream.
teleport (self only) at will and plane
shift (self only) 3/day. The hound
of Tindalos’ destination point HUECUVA
must be adjacent to a fixed Medium undead, chaotic evil
angle or corner in the physical Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
environment, such as a wall, Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
floor, or ceiling. It cannot use these Speed 30 ft.
abilities to enter curved architecture or open
outdoor environments. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Aura of Faithlessness. The huecuva radiates an MOON-BEAST
unholy aura with a 30-ft. radius. The huecuva and Large aberration, chaotic evil
any undead within the aura have advantage on Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
saving throws against effect that turns undead. Hit Points 119 (14d10+42)
False Humanity. During the day, a huecuva is Speed 50 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover)
wreathed in a false appearance that is identical to
its living form. The effect is similar to a disguise STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
self spell. Creatures that interact with a huecuva 20 (+5) 15 (+2 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 19 (+4)
can make a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check to see Skills Perception +7, Stealth +10
through the deception. Whether the deception Damage Resistances lightning; bludgeoning that
is accepted, huecuvas always exude a stench is nonmagical
of decay and grave soil. Any creature with an Damage Immunities cold, poison
augmented scent ability makes the Wisdom Condition Immunities poisoned, blinded
(Insight) check with advantage. When the sun Senses blindsight 90 ft. (blind beyond this radius);
sets, the illusion is peeled back, and the huecuva’s passive Perception 17
true form is revealed. Languages Deep Speech (cannot speak); telepathy
300 ft.
ACTIONS Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) slashing damage. If Amorphous. A moon-beast can squeeze through a
the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC space that is large enough for a Small creature.
12 Constitution saving throw against disease or Innate Spellcasting. The moon-beast's innate
become poisoned until the disease is cured. Every spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16).
24 hours that elapse, the target must repeat the It can innately cast the following spells, requiring
saving throw, reducing its hit point maximum by 5 no material components:
(1d10) on a failure. The disease is cured on a success.
The target dies if the disease reduces its hit point
maximum to 0. This reduction to the target’s hit
point maximum lasts until the disease is cured.

Moon-beasts have no voice or eyes, yet they
“see” more than most and can project their
thoughts into the very minds of those they wish
to communicate with. These monstrosities
hail not from any physical moon, but rather
from the shared satellite of all slumbering
minds in the Dimension of Dream beyond the wall of
sleep. Here, the moon-beasts raise stone cities on the
oily shores of night-black seas found upon the dark
side of the dreaming moon, from which they launch
long, dark galleys crewed by not-quite-human slaves
that sail through the void of space down to the seas of the
Dimension of Dream to seek new slaves and stranger, more
sinister wares.

At will: detect thoughts
3/day each: dominate monster, dominate person
1/day each: confusion, major image, mirage arcane,
plane shift (self only), seeming
Magic Resistance. The moon-beast has
advantage on saving throws against
spells and other magical effects.

Multiattack. The moon-beast makes two
attacks: once with its claws and once with its
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) bludgeoning Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
damage, and the target must make a DC 16 Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw, passive Perception 14
the target takes 5 (1d10) psychic damage and Languages Aklo (cannot speak), Telepathy 100 ft.
its maximum hit point decreases by the same Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
amount. This reduction lasts until the target
finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect Feeder Arms. As a bonus action, the mooncalf
reduces its hit point maximum to 0. transfers a grappled victim from a tentacle into
its feeder arms. The escape DC for the feeder
MOONCALF arms is the same as that for the tentacles. The
Mooncalves are unearthly monstrosities that originate mooncalf can make a bite attack against a
from the dark side of the moon. They inhabit the barren creature grappled with its feeder arms as a bonus
lunar landscape and can subsist on most forms of matter, action.
even digesting rocks and gravel which they grind down
Life Sense. The mooncalf can detect the location of
with their incredibly hard, razor-sharp teeth. Mooncalves
gracefully float across the lunar wastes in small groups and any living creature within 120 feet of it.
while they find the heavier gravity of other planets more No Breath. The mooncalf does not need to breathe.
difficult, their alien biology still allows them to remain
aloft. While a dangerous menace themselves, mooncalves ACTIONS
often serve as scouts and foot soldiers for dominant
Multiattack. The mooncalf makes one bite attack
overlords who rule the moon and the voids beyond space.
and two tentacle attacks.
Severing Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
MOONCALF 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.
Large aberration, chaotic evil In addition, if the mooncalf rolls a critical hit with
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) its bite against a Medium or smaller creature, the
Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30) target must make a DC 16 Constitution saving
Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft. throw or have an arm or leg severed (50% chance
of either).
A creature that loses a limb in this manner
20 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) suffers 7 (2d6) damage each round until another

creature spends an action to staunch the Languages telepathy, 1 mile (other moonflowers only)
bleeding with a DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check. Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) bludgeoning Pod Spawn. When a Small or larger creature is
damage, and the target is grappled (escape killed and digested by a pod prison (see the bite
DC 16). Until the grapple ends, the target is attack, below), the pod transforms the remains
restrained and suffers disadvantage on Strength into an adult moonflower with full hit points after
checks and Strength saves. The mooncalf can’t 1d4 hours. The newly-formed moonflower has its
use the same tentacle against a different target. own consciousness, but some aspect of its trunk
or blossoms resembles the creature that died
MOONFLOWER within. The dead creature’s equipment remains
A fully-grown moonflower easily stands 20 feet tall, its massive inside the new moonflower and can be retrieved
trunk frequently 4 feet or more in diameter. The roots extend by killing it.
away from the base and into the soil, making the plant seem
well anchored, but the roots themselves possess an agility that ACTIONS
belies the great size of the plant and allows the moonflower to
uproot itself and move with surprising speed. The tendrils of
Multiattack. The moonflower makes one bite attack
the plant are independently prehensile and writhe around the and two tentacle attacks.
large flytrap-like “head” that crowns the stem. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) piercing damage. If the target
Moonflowers have never been known to communicate with is a Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on
other creatures, even with druids and others who regularly a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or be wrapped in
converse with plants. The plants do possess some manner of constricting digestive plant pod and deposited in an
strange telepathy, though, and are in constant communication adjacent space. A creature trapped in this pod prison
with their nearby brethren. Those who manage to intrude
upon the creatures’ alien thoughts face an assault of horrible is blinded and restrained, has total cover against
visions of terrifying jungles filled with ancient, sentient, and attacks and other effects from outside the pod, and
malign plants. suffers 7 (2d6) bludgeoning and 7 (2d6) acid damage
at the start of each of the moonflower’s turns.
The pod is AC 12 with 20 hit points and
resistance to bludgeoning damage from
Huge plant, neutral nonmagical weapon attacks. The occupant suffers
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) half of any damage done to the pod. If the
Hit Points 104 (11d12+ 33) pod sustains enough damage, it falls apart and
Speed 20 ft. disgorges its occupant prone in that space.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
20 (+5) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 5 (-2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Light Pulse. The moonflower releases a pulse of
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +3
blinding light. A creature within 60 feet of the
Damage Resistances cold; slashing from
moonflower must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
nonmagical attacks
throw or be blinded for 4 rounds. A blinded creature
Damage Immunities lightning
can attempt this save again at the end of each of its
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
turns, ending the blindness on itself with a success.
Condition Immunities deafened, exhaustion
This ability does not affect other moonflowers.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14

NIGHTWALKER nightshade has disadvantage on
These towering, night-black giants have attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
demonic features, including a huge pair (Perception) checks that rely on
of ram-like horns. Their arms end in sight.
massive blades. These powerful foes lead
Innate Spellcasting. The
armies of undead against the living, but
unlike most mortal generals nightshades’s innate
the nightwalker is not content spellcasting ability is
to stand back and observe the Intelligence (spell save DC
battles from safety. The undead 12). It can innately cast the
creature is ever eager to put its
following spells, requiring
tactics and plans to the test itself
and takes part in battles in every no material components:
possible occurrence save for those At Will: blight, contagion,
that the creature has determined darkness, dispel magic
are self-destructive. This is not to say 3/Day each: confusion, haste, hold
that the nightwalker never sacrifices
monster, invisibility
its troops to gain a tactical advantage—
just that these attacks are the only ones the 1/Day each: cone of cold, finger of death,
monster feels no urge to participate in directly. plane shift
Nightwalkers enjoy inflicting despair before death, Desecrating Aura. Undead within this
particularly by destroying valued objects or murdering radius (including the nightshade): gain a
loved ones before delivering the final blow to a foe. A
+2 bonus on attack and damage rolls
nightwalker is 20 feet tall and weighs 5,000 pounds.
and saving throws, as well as +2 hit
points per hit die of temporary hit points, and
NIGHTWALKER the save DC of channeled negative energy is
Huge undead, chaotic evil increased by +6 (these adjustments are included
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) for the nightshades in their entries). This aura
Hit Points 239 (20d12 + 100) can be negated by dispel evil, but a nightshade
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. can reactivate it on its turn as a free action. A
desecrating aura the suppresses the effects of a
hallow spell that is cast to exclude undead but its
24 (+7) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 1 (-5) effects also are negated while within the area of
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and the hallow spell.
slashing from nonmagical attacks Negative Energy. When a nightshade would take
Damage Immunities cold, poison necrotic damage, he is healed by it instead.
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
deafened, exhaustion, frightened, poisoned, ACTIONS
stunned, unconscious Multiattack. The nightshade uses its Summon
Senses blacksight, darkvision 120 ft., passive Shadow (if available) and then uses Fear Gaze. It
Perception 10 then makes two Cold Claw attacks.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal; telepathy Cold Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15
100 ft. ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) piercing damage,
7 (2d6) necrotic damage, and 7 (2d6) cold damage.
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) The target must succeed on a DC 21 Constitution
Blacksight. Nightshades can see normally even saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced
through magical darkness. While in sunlight, the by an amount equal to the necrotic damage

taken. This reduction lasts until the target Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
finishes a long rest. frightened, poisoned
Fear Gaze. The nightshade targets one creature that Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
it can see within 20 feet of it. The target must make Languages Kirkut (cannot speak)
a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, Challenge 3 (700 XP)
the target cowers in fear until the end of its next
round. While cowering it is incapacitated. Howl of Agony. The combusted constantly wails,
Summon Shadows (1/Day). The nightshade creating an aura out to 10 feet. Creatures that enter
magically summons up to four greater shadows. this area for the first time in a turn or start their
These creatures are identical to shadow turn in this area must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving
demonsSRD but are undead rather than fiends. The throw or be frightened until the end of their next
summoned shadows appear in any unoccupied round. A creature that saves against this effect is
spaces desired within 60 feet of the nightshade, immune to this combusted’s howl for 24 hours.
acting as an ally to all other shadow demons
and nightshades. They cannot summon other ACTIONS
creatures. Each shadow demon remains for 10 Multiattack. The combusted makes two attacks.
minutes, until it or its summoner dies, or until its Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
summoner dismisses it as an action. target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) bludgeoning damage and
4 (1d8) fire damage. If the target is a creature or
RADIOACTIVE COMBUSTED flammable object, it ignites. Until a creature takes
Curious brown burns mar these abominations' undead flesh, an action to douse the fire, the target takes 4
the marks of intense radiation exposure from the Pit of the (1d8) fire damage at the start of each of its turns.
Burning Star. Their Combustion ability conveys the effects of If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points in this way,
the metallurgic amber radiation from the impact site. Many it is immediately slain, and rises as a combusted
of these cursed walking dead are too old to identify their
original race, but some are clearly Shattered Folk tribesmen,
within 1d4 hours.
some are clearly orcs, and some appear to have the look and Fire Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, range 30
tattered clothing of the southlands — possibly members of ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) fire damage.
the Conroi Expedition. Unfortunately by some quirk of fate,
at a distance a radioactive combusted’s howl of agony sounds
eerily like the ever-blowing winds of the steppe, so they can
rise from the dust where they lie among the grasses when the A rhu-chalik, also called a void wanderer, is an alien entity
PCs come within 60 feet without giving their position away that scouts through space on behalf of its conquering
prior to that. When they sight intruders into their hunting masters. In addition, this aberration also collects the
lands they attack and pursue until destroyed seeking others memories of interesting creatures in the universe into a
to join them in their eternal searing inferno of death. vast repository of knowledge that their masters use to
slowly unravel all the secrets of existence.
Rhu-chaliks serve their masters tirelessly and are
RADIOACTIVE COMBUSTED as patient as they are long-lived. They rarely make an
uncalculated move and seek only the most prized intellects
Medium undead, neutral evil to cast into the dark beyond for their masters’ delectations.
Armor Class 11 When exploring distant worlds, rhu-chaliks are not social
Hit Points 84 (13d8+26) beings, and they avoid other rhu-chaliks so their predations
Speed 30 ft. won’t cause too much overlap in the mind collections of
their masters. However, back in their native space, rhu-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA chaliks number in the billions, and the creatures feed off a
17 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 1 (-5) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) countless number of disembodied minds.
A rhu-chalik is approximately 3 feet across and weighs
Damage Immunities fire, poison
only 30 pounds.

Small aberration, chaotic evil Multiattack. The rhu-chalik makes four tendril attacks.
Armor Class 16 (mage armor) Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Hit Points 66 (12d6+ 24) one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Speed 5 ft., fly 60 ft. In addition, the tendrils secrete an enzyme that
inflicts excruciating pain. A creature hit by a
tendril must make a DC 12 Constitution saving
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. A
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +5 creature can attempt another Constitution save
Damage Immunities cold at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
Damage Resistances psychic on itself with a success. Creatures immune to the
Condition Immunities poisoned poisoned condition are immune to this ability.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Project Terror. The rhu-chalik harnesses the fears of
Languages Aklo, telepathy, 100 ft. any creature it has successfully used detect thoughts
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) on within the last minute. This effect creates visions
of that creature’s most terrible nightmares in
All-Around Vision. The rhu-chalik sees in all the target’s mind; the target must make a DC 13
directions at the same time. Wisdom saving throw or become frightened and
Compression. The rhu-chalik can move through a also have their Wisdom score reduced by 1d4. The
space as narrow as 1 foot wide without squeezing. target falls unconscious if this reduces them to
Innate Spellcasting. The rhu-chalik’s innate Wisdom 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). target finishes a short or long rest.
It can innately cast the following spells, requiring
no material components: SHADOW WOLVES
At will: detect thoughts, invisibility, mage armor Shadow wolves are similar to undead shadows but have the
1/day: modify memory form of inky shadows in the shape of wolves with eyes that
No Breath. The rhu-chalik does not need to breathe. flash like hot coals when they attack. Shadow wolves are
Void Transmission. If the rhu-chalik reduces a nocturnal hunters and hate all living creatures.
creature’s Wisdom to 0 with its project terror
ability, the rhu-chalik can take 10 minutes to copy SHADOW WOLF
and absorb the creature’s entire consciousness
and send that consciousness through the void Medium undead, chaotic evil
of space to its waiting masters. If the creature’s Armor Class 12
Wisdom damage is healed and the creature Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
revived prior to the end of this process, this effect Speed 40 ft.
fails. If the creature’s Wisdom damage is healed STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
after its consciousness is successfully transmitted, 6 (-2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
the creature awakes disoriented and suffers a
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4 (+6 in dim light or
level of exhaustion until completing a long rest.
This effect otherwise doesn’t harm the target as
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
the target’s consciousness isn’t eliminated, only
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,
duplicated and transmitted.
thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from nonmagical attacks

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison SHARD SLAG
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, Shard slags are living mounds of magic-infused iron.
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, They dwell within the iron-rich molten cores of worlds,
restrained the hearts of active volcanoes, or any location where the
borders of the Material Plane and the Plane of Fire are thin.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Though they’re not sentient, shard slags are skilled hunters
Languages - and have developed a bizarre method of hunting and
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) defending themselves. When a creature is near, a shard slag
spontaneously alters its molten body to produce a number
Amorphous. The shadow wolf can move through a of razor-sharp blades. The shard slag then mindlessly
attacks until the other creature is stabbed, burned, and
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
then consumed.
Keen Hearing and Smell. The shadow wolf has
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
rely on hearing or smell. SHARD SLAG
Pack Tactics. The shadow wolf has advantage on Huge ooze, unaligned
attack rolls against a creature if at least one of Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
the shadow wolf ’s allies is within 5 feet of the Hit Points 168 (16d12+64)
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. Speed 30 ft., 20 ft. burrow ft.
Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the
shadow wolf can take the Hide action as a bonus STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
action. 18 (+4) 7 (-2) 18 (+4) 1 (-5) 6 (-2) 1 (-5)
Sunlight Weakness. While in sunlight, the shadow Damage Immunities acid, fire
wolf has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
checks, and saving throws. exhaustion, frightened, prone
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 8
ACTIONS Languages -
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)
one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage, and
the target’s Strength score is reduced by 1d4. Vulnerable to Water. If struck by at least 1 gallon of
The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. water, the shard must make a DC 16 Consitution
Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the target saving throw or be stunned for 1 round.
finishes a short or long rest. If the target is a
creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Strength ACTIONS
saving throw or be knocked prone. Multiattack. Each round a shard slag creates 1d4+2
shard blades, which melt away at the end of the
round and are replaced immediately. It makes a
number of attacks equal to the number of slag
blades it has.
Slag Blade. Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, 15
ft. reach. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Creatures struck also take 14 (4d6) fire damage.

The caterpillar-like tenebrous worm is a voracious predator
that hungers for mortal flesh. A native of the Shadowfell, a
tenebrous worm hatches from the body of an unfortunate
creature that has been implanted with an egg by the strange
gloomwing moths of that shadow-realm. The tenebrous
worm is fully grown upon hatching, and immediately
begins to scour its environs for flesh to consume.
Although the tenebrous worm tends to be relatively pale-
colored, its internal organs seethe and roil with shadowy
energies and dark fluids. As the creature feeds, these
shadowy innards begin to grow out of its body, forming
strange bristle-like filaments of semisolid shadowstuff not
only capable of piercing the flesh of those who would attack
the worm, but also possessing a deadly paralytic poison.
Additional shadowy fluids constantly seep from the worm’s
mandibles—when it bites prey, these fluids melt flesh into
shadows that the creature can then consume.

Medium monstrosity, neutral
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 105 (14d8 + 42)
Speed 20 ft.
15 (+2) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 7 (-2)
Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +4
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Languages - target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage, plus 21
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) (6d6) acid damage.

Bristles. At the start of each of its turns, the REACTIONS

tenebrous worm deals 2 (1d4) piercing damage Bristle Stab. When a creature within 5 feet of the
plus 5 (1d10) poison damage to any creature tenebrous worm attacks the tenebrous worm,
grappling it. that attacker must make a DC 13 Dexterity
Shadow Corruption. The acid of a tenebrous worm’s save. On a failed save, the attacker takes 2 (1d4)
bite affects only organic matter—as it dissolves piercing damage plus 5 (1d10) poison damage.
creatures, it converts their flesh to shadow that
swiftly fades away, leaving raw, jagged wounds VAMPIRE SYCOPHANTS
behind. In dim light, acid damage dealt by a Sycophants are creatures that are thralls of vampires yet
tenebrous worm’s bite increases to 28 (8d6) points have not undergone a transformation to the undead. They
of damage, while in darkness or bright light, the are instead rewarded for their service to the vampire with a
acid damage is reduced to 14 (4d6). portion of the vampire’s blood. This daily feeding allows the
sycophant to retain its abilities as it ingests and gains dark
powers from its master’s ichor.

SYCOPHANT harm a sycophant; it merely keeps the creature
Medium humanoid (any), any evil at bay. A recoiling sycophant must stay at least
Armor Class 15 (studded leather) 5 feet away from a praying character and cannot
Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33) touch or make melee attacks against it. At the
Speed 30 ft. end of its next round, a sycophant can fight past
its revulsion and function normally each round it
succeeds at a DC 25 Wisdom save. The prayers of
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) those who worship non-good deities or worship
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +3 no deity have no effect on a sycophant.
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6
Condition Immunities A sycophant is immune to ACTIONS
charm effects of any but their progenitor. Multiattack. The sycophant makes two attacks.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
Languages the languages it knew in life ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) damage.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
Blood Mask. A sycophant is able to conceal its ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.
alignment from all forms of divination. If the
sycophant has fed from its progenitor within Reducing a sycophant’s hit points
a 24-hour period and is within 1 mile, the to 0 or lower incapacitates it but
progenitor gains this benefit as well. doesn’t always destroy it (see fast
Blood Regeneration. For 10 minutes after a healing). However, consecrating
sycophant drinks of its progenitor vampire’s the sycophant’s remains and
blood it regains 10 hit points at the start of its burying the body destroys it
turn if it has at least 1 hit. If the sycophant forever. A sycophant’s body
takes radiant damage or damage from is considered consecrated if
holy water, this trait doesn't function at it is doused with a vial of holy
the start of the sycophant's next water and buried, if it is
turn. buried in earth affected by
Sense Progenitor. A the spell consecrate, or if
sycophant knows the bless, prayer, or a similar
direction and distance to its divine spell is cast upon it as it
progenitor vampire — this sense can be is being buried. Digging up a
blocked by any effect that blocks scrying. sycophant’s corpse or profaning
A sycophant has detect thoughts on its the area where it’s buried does not
progenitor in effect at all times; these restore a buried sycophant.
abilities cannot be dispelled.
Sycophant Weaknesses. Sycophants cannot Withdrawal: If a sycophant misses
tolerate the sound of prayers or religious feeding from its progenitor for more
mantras recited by those truly faithful to a than 24 hours, it begins to suffer the
good deity. Any divine spellcaster with a effects of withdrawal as the hunger rules (see
good-aligned deity can force a sycophant to page 86). After 7 days of withdrawal, if the
recoil by dramatically praying and presenting sycophant has not feed from its progenitor it
their holy symbol as an action. Praying doesn’t reverts back to its original form.

A voracious, flesh-eating carnivore, the viper vine has a single Huge plant, unaligned
enormous bloom arising from a thick, leafy tangle of snake- Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
like vines. When the plant senses the approach of suitable
prey through its sensitive, shallowly buried root system, it Hit Points 210 (20d12+100)
rises up like an agitated snake and unfurls its brightly colored Speed 10 ft.
bloom, an act that releases a cloud of mind-numbing pollen. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
While stories speaking of the plant's ability to lure prey into
its clutches by virtue of its swaying motion persist, this effect 26 (+8) 19 (+4) 19 (+4) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
is in fact created by this invisible, odorless pollen cloud. Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing; cold,
Hunting Grounds. Since viper vines gain nourishment lightning, necrotic, radiant, thunder
through the consumption of creatures rather than through
Senses passive Perception 10
moisture and soil, they have developed rudimentary
locomotion and are able to drag themselves along the Languages –
ground with their tentacle-like root system. They even Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
possess a form of rudimentary sentience, allowing them to
not only discern differences in prey and make limited tactical Cold Lethargy. Exposure to any cold effect slows a
decisions but also to avoid creatures that are particularly
viper vine as a slow spell.
large or dangerous looking. The area around the hunting
grounds of these predators is often strewn with the remains False Appearance. While the vine remains
of victims, and it is not unusual to find the rotting corpses of motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal
wild animals, ill-fated adventurers, and even giants in their tree.
immediate vicinity, along with a scattering of incidental
treasure left behind by the plant's victims.

Multiattack. The viper vine uses captivating cloud Medium aberration, chaotic evil
(if available) then makes four vine attacks. Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack. +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
target. Hit: 25 (5d6 + 8) piercing damage plus 17 Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 80 ft.
(5d6) acid.
Vine. Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 25 ft., STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning and the 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2)
target is grappled (escape DC 18). Damage Resistances cold
Captivating Cloud (1/Day). A viper vine can emit a Condition Immunities charmed
transparent cloud of pollen in a 60-foot spread that Saving Throws Int +2
has the power to lull the minds of those that smell Skills Perception +6, Stealth +6
it. Once activated, the cloud persists for 1 minute Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
unless dispersed by moderate or stronger wind. Languages Deep Speech
All creatures in the cloud must succeed on a DC Challenge 3 (700 XP)
17 Wisdom saving throw each round or become
captivated. Once a creature becomes captivated, it Bloodlust. The void-stirge has advantage on melee
takes no actions save to approach the viper vine via attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t have
the most direct route possible. If this path leads it all its hit points.
into a dangerous area, such as through fire or off Low Metabolism. While a void-stirge craves blood
a cliff, that creature receives a second saving throw if it has not fed within the last 24 hours, it does
to end the effect before moving into peril. A victim not suffer any negative effects from starvation,
that is attacked by the viper vine gets a new saving and it can, in theory, survive forever without
throw as a reaction after each of the vine’s attacks to drinking or feeding. It is immune to effects that
overcome the effect. induce magical starvation or thirst, yet it still
seeks to drink blood whenever it can to sate its
FEED ME! The viper vine may make a bite attack against No Breath. Void-stirges do not require air to
a grappled foe when first grappled, the creature tries to breathe.
escape, or the creature attacks the viper vine. Starflight. A void-stirge can survive in the void
of outer space, and it flies through space at
VOID-STIRGE incredible speeds. Although exact travel times
Void-stirges are a race of interstellar aberrations that hail vary, a trip within a single solar system normally
from the distant and alien city of Carcosa, where they takes it 3d20 months, while trip beyond normally
serve Hastur. Vaguely humanoid in shape, their bodies takes it 3d20 years (or more, at the GM’s
combine elements of the forms of carrion birds, insects, and discretion)—provided the void-stirge knows the
mammals, giving an outward appearance that, while horrific,
might at first glance seem possible in the natural world. Yet,
way to its destination.
those who have studied dead void-stirges know this to be a Strange Mind. A void-stirge is immune to the
lie, for the creatures’ bodies hold bizarre organs and masses confusion and madness spells.
of unknown tissue that seem to serve no purpose; the Yellow Sign Affinity. A void-stirge is immune to
further into a void-stirge’s body one explores, the stranger the effects of the Yellow Sign, and as an action,
its entrails become. The fact that portions of its body appear
to be decaying or rotting away even as it lives only adds to
it can locate the nearest active Yellow Sign as per
the mystery of the creature’s peculiar anatomy. locate object with a range of 1 mile. When a void-
stirge begins its turn with 1 or more hit points

and it can see an active Yellow Sign, it regains 2
hit points and it has advantage on any Dexterity
saving throw against effects it can see until WHAT’S A VOID-STIRGE?
The void-stirge is based on the byakhee from the Call
the beginning of its next turn. An active Yellow of Cthulhu game and the stories of H.P. Lovecraft, and
Sign is either one that was created by Hastur or that name is the property of Chaosium Inc., and is
permanently inscribed by one privy to Hastur’s not Open Content. However, that creature does have
secret lore, like the Sagging Man. Inactive Yellow Pathfinder Roleplaying Game statistics first presented
in issue #110 of the official adventure path series, and
Signs, such as the unholy symbols carried by
those mechanics are Open Content. Also, like Chaosium
cultists of Hastur, do not bolster a void-stirge, before us, we are basing the description of the creature
but these creatures generally treat those who on the H.P. Lovecraft short story “The Festival”, which
openly wear such symbols as allies. A character is in the public domain. Therefore, we are using the
who displays a Yellow Sign in this manner has existing stat block but have to change the name of the
beast for use in this adventure.
advantage on Charisma (Deception, Intimidation,
and Persuasion) checks against a void-stirge.
So, why void-stirge? Hopefully the void portion is
self-explanatory; these are creatures capable of unaided
interstellar flight and, as such, can spend much of
Multiattack. The void-stirge attacks with its bite their virtually immortal lifespans soaring through the
and claws. vastness between the stars. The stirge part goes a bit
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one deeper. The stirge of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game,
of course, gets its roots from the original Dungeons &
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the Dragons game before it. Gary Gygax included the stirge
target is grappled (escape DC 14). The void-stirge as a small, blood-sucking critter in the original 1st
may use Blood Drain as a bonus action. Edition AD&D Monster Manual. For his part, Gary took
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., his inspiration for the stirge from the ancient Greek and
one target. Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage. Roman folk tales of the strix (Greek) or striga (Latin), a
birdlike creature known for its blood-drinking habits.
Blood Drain. A creature grappled by the void-stirge It is very likely that the striga served as some form of
loses 10 (3d6) hit points due to blood loss. inspiration for the later folk tales of vampires. With the
blood drain and bloodlust special abilities of our void-
stirge the use of the venerable name, honored as it is
TERRIBLE HYBRID THING in a long history of gaming tradition, seemed a natural
Large aberration, chaotic evil fit. Furthermore, Frog God Games (and Necromancer
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Games before it) had already shown a tendency for use of
this naming convention with the creation of the ghoul-
Hit Points 216 (16d10 +128) stirge in its Tome of Horrors and updated The Tome of
Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. Horrors Complete, so the precedent exists. We’re merely
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA continuing in its time-honored footsteps.

22 (+6) 14 (+2) 26 (+8) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 19 (+4)

Skills Acrobatics +6, Perception +11, Religion +6,
Stealth +10, Survival +7 Bloodlust. The hybrid thing has advantage on
Damage Immunities cold melee attack rolls against any creature that
Condition Immunities charmed doesn’t have all its hit points.th
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 21 Blood Pool. When a creature is reduced to 0 hit
Languages Aklo, Common, NecronomusLL7 points within 30 feet of the hybrid thing, it gains
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) 2 points in its blood pool. The hybrid thing can
have up to 10 points in its blood pool. Spending
a blood point is a bonus action. Spending a blood

point grants the creature any of the following ACTIONS
benefits: Multiattack. The hybrid thing makes three attacks:
* 1 points: An additional action, as per a fighter’s once with its bite and and twice with its claws.
action surge. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
* 1 points: The hybrid thing can cast blood to sap one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) piercing damage, and
(see below). the target is grappled (escape DC 14). The hybrid
* 2 points: The effects of the heal spell. thing may use Blood Drain as a bonus action.
A hybrid thing starts combat with 1d4-1 blood points. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Low Metabolism. While a hybrid thing craves blood one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) slashing damage.
if it has not fed within the last 24 hours, it does Blood Drain. A creature grappled by the hybrid
not suffer any negative effects from starvation, and thing loses 10 (3d6) hit points due to blood loss.
it can, in theory, survive forever without drinking This effect does not function against constructs
or feeding. It is immune to effects that induce or creatures without blood
magical starvation or thirst, yet it still seeks to
drink blood whenever it can to sate its desire. REACTIONS
No Breath. Hybrid things do not require air to Caustic Blood. As a reaction to being damaged, the
breathe. hybrid thing can bleed on the attacker, dealing 10
Starflight. A hybrid thing can survive in the void (3d6) acid damage.
of outer space, and it flies through space at
incredible speeds. Although exact travel times WALLIXTABAY
vary, a trip within a single solar system normally Known for their potent—and ultimately deadly—scent,
takes it 3d20 months, while trip beyond normally xtabays are a floral hazard to the unwary. As fast-spreading
takes it 3d20 years (or more, at the GM’s as ivy, a xtabay’s vines are sturdy and adaptive, making the
discretion)—provided the hybrid thing knows the plant a potential threat nearly everywhere—from gardens
to wells to forest groves. Attractive flowers blossom from
way to its destination. the vines of xtabays, emitting the spores that mean a slow
Strange Mind. A hybrid thing is immune to the death for their victims. The strange, face-like patterns that
spell confusion and madness. grow on the petals are disturbing but seem to have no real
Yellow Sign Affinity. A hybrid thing is immune to the function. Hermits or other reclusive types have been known
effects of the Yellow Sign, and as an action, it can to surround their territory with xtabays, warding off pesky
creatures and adventurers alike. Instances of xtabays of larger-
locate the nearest active Yellow Sign as per locate than-usual size have also been reported. These massive plants
object with a range of 1 mile. When a hybrid thing possess tendrils as thick as tree limbs and flowers that can
begins its turn with 1 or more hit points and it can fell even the hardiest of warriors with their overwhelming
see an active Yellow Sign, it regains 2 hit points perfume. Underground, xtabays thrive in the wet, dark
and it has advantage on any Dexterity saving throw environment, covering the walls and floors of entire caverns
and anesthetizing whole dens of subterranean creatures.
against effects it can see until the beginning of its
Predatory Plants. Nomadic plants, xtabays traverse large
next turn. An active Yellow Sign is either one that
expanses of land until they sense nearby life, at which point
was created by Hastur or by the Yellow Sign spell. they lie dormant and take on the guise of harmless flowers
Inactive Yellow Signs, such as the unholy symbols while releasing their deceptive aroma. Once a creature is
carried by cultists of Hastur, do not bolster a hybrid subdued, the beast-like plant wastes no time in devouring
thing, but these creatures generally treat those who it, disregarding creatures unaffected by its aroma. Because
of their carnivorous nature, xtabays only rarely run short
openly wear such symbols as allies. A character
on nutrients, consuming the entirety of a victim’s body
who displays a Yellow Sign in this manner has over the course of several days following the initial process
advantage on Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, of draining its blood. Xtabays are able to devour creatures
and Persuasion) checks against a hybrid thing. thanks to their lengthy roots, which produce a corrosive
acid that breaks down and absorbs flesh and bone.

This patch of vines is ornamented with beautiful crimson and Soporific Pollen. A creature that moves into or
violet flowers, the petals of which seem to bear tiny faces. ends their turn within a 10-ft.-radius of the
wallixtabay must make a DC 14 Constitution
WALLIXTABAY saving throw or fall unconscious for 1d3 minutes
during which time they experience revelatory
Large plant, unaligned nightmares (see Development). If a creature
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) succeeds on the saving throw or the effect ends
Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30) for it, it cannot be affected by the wallixtabay's
Speed 5 ft., climb 5 ft. soporific pollen for 24 hours. A creature affected
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA by this pollen can be awakened by being
14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 1 (-5) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) vigorously shaken by an ally using their action or
Skills Athletics +4, Perception +5, Stealth +5
Damage Immunities acid ACTIONS
Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, Multiattack. The wallixtabay makes a sting attack,
exhaustion, prone and, if it can, uses its Devour.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 30 ft., passive Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Perception 15 one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage,
Languages — and the target is grappled (escape DC of 12).
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Until this grapple ends the target is restrained,
Camouflage. Since the wallixtabay looks like a and it takes 12 (5d4) acid damage at the start of
normal plant when at rest, a DC 20 Wisdom each of its turns. The wallixtabay can grapple
(Perception) check is required to notice it before only one target at a time.
it attacks for the first time. Anyone with ranks in Devour. Any adjacent creatures under the effects of
Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature) can the wallixtabay's soporific pollen take 10 poison
use either of those skills to notice the plant with a damage, and the wallixtabay regains hit points
DC 18, but a roll of 15 will also bring notice to the equal to the total damage dealt. This feeding is
flowers that are closed in curiously painless, and normally isn't enough to
the daytime. waken a foe put to sleep by the plant. Each round
this feeding continues, a sleeping victim can
attempt a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw to

Lunar wights are humanoids who rise as
undead after being brutally slain and their
corpse abandoned under the light of a full
moon. Lunar wights arise when a dark spirit
from beyond this world possesses the corpse
and permanently enters the dead body. While
still somewhat recognizable to those who knew
them in life, the wight’s face bears a deathly grimace
set with beastlike teeth and its eyes glow with madness.
Lunar wights burn with hatred for the living and they seek
to devour the flesh and steal the vital energy of any living
creature they come across. Oddly, the undead creature’s arms

hang by its sides, as if the bizarre spirit possessing the corpse full-fledged and free-willed lunar wights. They do
were unfamiliar with the concept of such manipulative not possess any of the abilities they had in life.
appendages or incapable of exerting more than rudimentary
control over them.
Gaze of Lunacy. If a creature begins its turn within
30 feet of the lunar wight and the two can see
one another, the wight can force the target to
LUNAR WIGHT make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw if the wight
Medium undead, chaotic evil isn’t incapacitated. On a failed save, the creature
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) becomes affected by the confusion spell for 1
Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39) minute. The creature can repeat this save at the
Speed 30 ft. end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
with a success.
A creature that isn't surprised can choose to avert
20 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) its eyes and thus avoid making the saving throw
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +6 at the start of its turn. If the creature does this, it
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, cannot see the lunar wight until the start of its next
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks turn, when it may choose to avert its eyes again.
that aren’t silvered Resurrection Vulnerability. A raise dead or similar
Damage Immunities poison spell cast on a lunar wight destroys it unless it
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned succeeds on a Wisdom saving throw against the
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 caster’s spell save DC. Casting raise dead in this
Languages Common way does not require a material component.
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Create Spawn. Any humanoid creature slain Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
by a lunar wight under the light of the target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) necrotic damage, and the
moon becomes a lunar wight itself target’s Wisdom score is reduced by 1d4. The
in 1d4 rounds. If the corpse is kept target falls drops to 0 hit points and is dying
from direct exposure to moonlight, if its Wisdom score falls to 0. Otherwise, this
then this transformation is delayed reduction ends when the target completes a
until the rise of the next full moon. short or long rest.
Spawn so created are less powerful Unearthly Shriek. The lunar wight
than typical lunar wights and unleashes a blood-curdling shriek.
suffer disadvantage on Any living creature within 30 feet that
Wisdom ability checks and can hear this shriek must make a DC
saving throws and have 14 Wisdom saving throw or become
two fewer Hit Dice. frightened for 1 minute. A frightened
Spawn are under the creature can attempt a new saving
command of the lunar throw at the end of each of its turns,
wight that created them ending the effect on itself with a success.
and remain enslaved A creature that succeeds on this saving
until its death, at which throw becomes immune to the lunar
point they lose their wight’s shriek for 24 hours.
spawn penalties
and become

YSAQQUA Innate Spellcasting. The yssaqqua’s innate
The ysaqqua (iss-AHK-wah) is a revolting fusion of toad, spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
squid, and human: a large anura with prehensile forepaws, 13). The yssaqqua can cast the following spells
a flattened face reminiscent of a horrible old man’s, and requiring no components:
flaccid tentacles emerging from its sides. Its wide humanoid
At will: detect evil and good, speak with animals (frogs
mouth has blackened fangs and its skin weeps a milky poison.
Ysaqqua are 1 foot long and weigh about 6 pounds. and toads only)
Deranging Venom. The venom of an ysaqqua not only
3/day each: fear, misty step, invisibility (self only)
erodes its victim’s sanity but is also an oneirogen that induces 1/day: phantasmal force
lucid dreaming. A creature that falls unconscious through the Scent. The yssaqqua has advantage on its Wisdom
secondary effect of ysaqquan venom ‘awakens’ in a lucid body (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
within the Dimension of Dream for an initial 2d4 minutes. Standing Leap. The yssaqqua’s long jump is 10 feet
When that duration has elapsed, the creature must succeed at
a Wisdom saving throw at the same DC as the venom in order
and its high jump is up to 5 feet, with or without
to wake; failure means that the creature remains unconscious a running start.
and within the Dimension of Dream for a further 2d4 hours. Unearthly Anatomy. The yssaqqua does not
Immortal. Ysaqqua do not age, eat, sleep, or breathe and require air to breathe. Any creature that touches
are effectively immortal, dying only through violence. They it is exposed to a poison, requiring a DC 14
associate with common frogs and toads and can even breed Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison
with them, producing anything from large, aggressive
poisonous batrachian specimens (often with vestigial
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
humanlike features or other sickening deformities) to ysaqqan successful one. If the damage reduces the target
toads (see below). to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned
Fiendish Familiar. An ysaqqua is likely to attach itself to a for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is
spellcaster in a manner similar to a familiar, but it does not unconscious while poisoned in this way.
share any benefits with its spellcasting partner. Rather, it uses It also does not die when it is reduced to 0 hit
its poison to lure the spellcaster into strange dreams. These
points, instead automatically stabilizing. This
dreams often lead to revelatory innovations in magic, at the
cost of the dreamer’s sanity. effect does not function if it takes radiant, fire, or
force damage while it is at 0 hit points.

Multiattack. The yssaqqua makes two bite attacks,
Tiny aberration, chaotic evil
or a tongue and bite attack.
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
Hit Points 85 (19d4 + 38)
one target in its space. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing
Speed 15 ft., burrow 5 ft., climb 15 ft., swim 20 ft.
damage, and the target is exposed to its poison
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA (see Unearthly Anatomy above).
5 (-3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) Tongue. The yssaqqua targets one Medium or
smaller creature that it can see within 5 feet
Skills Acrobatics +3, Perception +5, Stealth +5
of it. The target must make a DC 13 Wisdom
Damage Resistances acid, cold
saving throw. On a failed save, the target uses its
Damage Immunities poison
reaction to move into the yssaqqua’s space and is
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
considered restrained until the end of its next turn,
exhaustion, poisoned
and the yssaqqua can make a bite attack against it
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
as a bonus action.
Languages Common, Aquan, Deep Speech,
telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

YSAQQUAN TOAD Scent. The yssaqqua has advantage on its Wisdom
Kyssogga can sire offspring with female frogs and toads. (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
After well over a century of such breeding, the ysaqquan Standing Leap. The yssaqquan toad’s long jump is
(iss-AHK-wahn) toad is the result. Weighing up to two 10 feet and its high jump is up to 5 feet, with or
pounds and around 6 inches in body length, it is on the
without a running start.
larger size for a toad. Its face is flattened like a human’s,
its oversized mouth has several lines of short sharp fangs, Unearthly Anatomy. Any creature that touches the
and its bulging eyes glint with a cunning, malevolent yssaqquan toad is exposed to a poison, requiring
intelligence, for not only is Kyssogga able to breed with a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 2 (1d4)
anura, it can speak with — and thus educate — them. poison damage on a failed save, or half as much on
Bred Minions. With over a century of breeding and a successful one. If the damage reduces the target
education for his colony in the Old House, Kyssogga’s to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned
efforts have grown in efficacy. The average lifespan of his
progeny has doubled — in correlation with their improved
for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is
intelligence and breeding — from around ten years to unconscious while poisoned in this way.
twenty or more. As a result, ysaqquan toads have now
transcended rudimentary animal intelligence and are able ACTIONS
to understand, and, with their more humanoid mouths Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
and hands, speak and write the Common tongue.
target in its space. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) piercing damage,
Weakened Venom. The venom of an ysaqquan toad is similar
to that of its ysaqqua parent but weaker. A creature that
and the target is exposed to its poison (see
falls unconscious through the secondary effect of ysaqquan Unearthly Anatomy above).
toad venom does not awaken in a lucid body within the
Dimension of Dream unless a Wisdom saving throw (at
the same DC as the venom) to awaken after the initial 2d4
rounds duration is failed. If the creature does enter the lucid
dreaming state, another Wisdom saving throw after the
initial duration of 2d4 minutes must succeed or the creature
remains unconscious for a further 2d4 hours.
This warty gray-skinned toad has a curiously flattened face, and
tiny human-like hands in place of its front toes. It seeps a milky
substance from behind its large eyes and its oversized maw is
crammed with jagged fangs.

Tiny aberration, chaotic evil
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 14 (4d4 + 4)
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft., swim 20 ft.
3 (-4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 5 (-3) 10 (+0)
Skills Acrobatics +3, Perception +1, Stealth +5
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

An ysaqquan toad swarm consists of hundreds of ysaqquan Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
toads. They swarm to defend their territory or when one target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1)
ordered to do so by their progenitor, Kyssogga. piercing damage, or 4 (1d6+1) piercing damage
if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.
YSAQQUAN TOAD SWARM The target is exposed to its poison (see Unearthly
Anatomy above).
Large swarm of tiny aberrations, chaotic evil
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 52 (6d10 + 12) NEW BEASTS
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft., swim 20 ft.
3 (-4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) Large beast, unaligned
Skills Acrobatics +3, Perception +6, Stealth +5 Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, Hit Points 45 (6d10 + 12)
slashing Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Damage Immunities poison STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 2 (–4) 10 (+0) 2 (–4)
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
Skills Stealth +4
restrained, stunned
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages —
Languages Common (all speak in unison)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Amphibious. The giant crayfish can breathe air and
Scent. The yssaqqua swarm has advantage on its water.
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s ACTIONS
space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
Multiattack. The giant crayfish makes two Pincers
through any opening large enough for a tiny
yssaqquan toad. The swarm can’t regain hit
Pincers. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
points or gain temporary hit points.
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage, and
Unearthly Anatomy. Any creature that touches the the target is grappled (escape DC 13). The crayfish
yssaqquan toad swarm or ends its turn in the
has two claws, each of which can grapple only
swarm is exposed to a poison, requiring a DC 13
one target.
Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) poison
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
successful one. If the damage reduces the target GIANT FLY
to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned Medium beast, unaligned
for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is Armor Class 13
unconscious while poisoned in this way. Hit Points 22 (3d8 + 9)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
12 (+1) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 2 (–4) 7 (–2) 2 (–4)

Skills Perception +2 the target is grappled (escape DC 20). Until this
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the gar
Languages — can’t bite another target.
Challenge ½ (100 XP) Swallow. The gar makes one bite attack against a
Large or smaller target it is grappling. If the attack
Keen Smell. The giant fly has advantage on hits, the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends.
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. The swallowed target is blinded and restrained,
it has total cover against attacks and other effects
ACTIONS outside the gar, and it takes 21 (6d6) acid damage
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., at the start of each of the gar’s turns. The gar can
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. have only one target swallowed at a time. If the gar
If the target is a creature it must succeed on a dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained
DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be diseased by it and can escape from the corpse using 5 feet
until the condition is cured. While the creature of movement, exiting prone.
is diseased it is poisoned. Every 24 hours that
elapse, the target must repeat the saving throw, GIANT WATER BEETLE
reducing its hit point maximum by 5 (1d10) on
a failure. The disease is cured on a success. The Medium beast, unaligned
target dies if the disease reduces its hit point Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
maximum to 0. This reduction to the target’s hit Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15)
point maximum lasts until the disease is cured. Speed 20 ft., swim 60 ft.
GIANT GAR 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 2 (–4) 10 (+0) 9 (–1)
Huge beast, unaligned Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Languages —
Hit Points 112 (9d12 + 54) Challenge ½ (100 XP)
Speed swim 60 ft.
Water Breathing. Giant water beetles can only
breathe water but can hold their breath for up to
29 (+9) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 2 (–4) 13 (+1) 2 (–4) 8 hours out of water.
Skills Athletics +12, Perception +7
Senses passive Perception 17 ACTIONS
Languages — Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Ink Cloud (Recharge 6). A 10-foot radius cloud
Water Breathing. The giant gar can only breathe of ink extends all around the water beetle if it
underwater. is underwater. The area is heavily obscured for
1 minute although a significant current can
ACTIONS disperse the ink.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 30 (6d6 + 9) piercing damage, and

APPENDIX B: Antiplague
Cost 20 gp; Weight –

A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage
on saving throws against diseases for 1 hour. If the target
already has been exposed to a disease and must make
EQUIPMENT a saving throw after completing its next long rest, this
advantage also applies on that saving throw.

EQUIPMENT Armor Ointment

The following unusual tools and items can be discovered When applied to a suit of armor for 1 minute, that armor
in this adventure. does not cause its wearer to have disadvantage on Stealth
checks for 8 hours.

Item Cost Weight

Armor ointment 30 gp 1 lb. Candlerod
Candlerod 1 gp 1 lb. This alchemical item can be triggered as an action. Once
Folding shovel 4 gp 3 lbs. triggered, it sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim
light 5 feet beyond that. The light lasts for 8 hours and then
Master tool 50 gp 5 lbs.
goes out. The color of the light is set when the candlerod is
Mending paste 25 gp 1/2 lb. created and cannot be changed later.
Sunrod 2 gp 1 lb.
Tindertwig 1 sp -
Weapon Blanch, Adamantine 25 gp 1/2 lb. F acial B ellows
Price 65 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Weapon Blanch, Silver 5 gp 1/2 lb.
Facial bellows, also called crank masks, are a type of mask
made of leather tubing and brass fittings. It is worn over
the mouth and nose and includes a small hand-operated
Activated Charcoal bellows. This is a crude breathing device that filters out
Cost 20 gp; Weight 1 lb. harmful gases. When the hand pump is operated as a bonus
Ordinary charcoal, typically made from peat, wood and action, air is drawn through the alchemical filters within
materials burned in the absence of oxygen is an outstanding the mask providing aadvantage on Constitution saving
fuel source with no medicinal properties. With the infusion throws against gases that affect breathing for that round.
of hot gases or certain chemicals, alchemists can transform
common charcoal into activated charcoal. In this form,
activated charcoal’s surface area increases exponentially,
F olding Shovel
allowing its molecules to bind with those found in many
This tool functions like an ordinary shovel but is lighter and
poisonous substances and thus prevent the digestive tract
easier to pack, able to fit easily in a typical sack or backpack.
from absorbing the toxins. Alchemists frequently combine
activated charcoal with a strong cathartic to accelerate its
exit from the body. When administered within 10 minutes
of first ingesting poison, activated charcoal grants the
character advantage on Constitution saving throws against Illuminatus Geographica
ingested poison for the next hour. However, activated This well-thumbed tome was penned by Master Scrivener
charcoal does not grant any effect on Constitution saving Drembrar of Bard’s Gate and gives a fairly complete
throws against alcohol, arsenic, and acids. description of the known terrestrial and celestial geography
Create: Alchemist Tool’s check DC 20 of the planet Boros (more commonly known as Lloegyr in
Activated charcoal was first detailed on page 49 of the current age). This copy is from a low-quality printing
Marshes of Malice by Frog God Games. by the Lyre Valley PressLL8-296 in 3511 I.R., and the pages
regarding the known geography of the Haunted Steppe are
much dog-eared. The information they hold does not add

anything to the corpus of knowledge already accumulated rough gray substance. When the gray end of the stick is
by the PCs but provides a good primer to someone wishing dipped into a liquid or exposed to a nongaseous substance
to venture out on the steppes for the first time. This book for 1 round, it changes colors depending on the property
is worth 25 gp. of the substance it has been exposed to. If the substance
This tome was first mentioned on page 4 of LL1: is poison, the gray portion turns to a rusty red color. If
Stoneheart Valley by Frog God Games. the substance has a magical aura, the gray color turns to
blue (mimicking a detect magic spell). If the substance is
neither poison nor magic, the gray color turns white. If a
substance is both magical and poison, the stick has a 50%
Introversions of Toxins chance to turn either color. Felt and similar soft cloth does
Originally compiled by a healing order known as the not activate a potion testing stick. A stick can only be used
Brotherhood of Arn, this book provides descriptions and once, after which it no longer functions.
treatments for hundreds of different toxins and toxic
Create: Alchemist’s Supplies check DC 23
substances. Use of this book as a reference at the time of
a poisoning provides advantage to Wisdom (Medicine) Potion testing sticks first appeared on page 35 of R1:
checks to treat poison. The religious order is known to Rappan Athuk—The Dungeon of Graves: The Upper Levels
have largely disappeared after an ill-fated attempt to create by Necromancer Games and appeared again on page 175 of
a hermitage in the Dungeon of Graves, so very few copies Rappan Athuk by Frog God Games.
of this book are known to exist. This particular copy has
been bookmarked in the section entitled “Unseen Vapours,
Foumes, and Emissions” that seems to principally deal with Sunrod
types of radiation poisoning. The book is worth 100 gp. This alchemical item can be triggered as an action. Once
This tome first appeared on page 199 of Rappan Athuk by triggered, it sheds bright light as a daylight spell. The radius
Frog God Games. of the sunrod’s bright light and dim light are reduced by
10 feet for every 10 minutes that pass, fading away after 60
minutes. The color of the light is set when the sunrod is
created and cannot be changed later. A sunrod’s light is
Master Tool
extinguished within an area of magical darkness.
A master tool can take many forms, each one specialized
for use with a specific tool proficiency, increasing the
proficiency bonus by 1 for any character proficient in that
tool. A master tool provides no benefit for characters not Tindertwig
proficient in its use. The user can strike a small flame as a bonus action,
sufficient to ignite flammable material such as a torch or
dry wood. Alternatively, the tindertwig can be left to burn,
shedding light as a candle for 1 minute.
Mending Paste
Alchemical item, common
When applied to a broken object for 1 minute, this paste
joins the broken pieces together, as if a mending cantrip W eapon B lanch
had been cast. When this substance is rubbed into a weapon (or up to 10
pieces of ammunition) for 1 minute, that weapon is treated
as an adamantine (or silvered, as appropriate) weapon for
the purpose of bypassing a creature’s damage resistance or
Potion Testing Stick immunity. This effect lasts up to 8 hours or until after the
Cost 50 gp; Weight — first successful hit with the weapon, whichever comes first.
These small wooden sticks are kept in small wooden Only one kind of weapon blanch can be put on a weapon at
containers lined in felt. The top third of their length is a time; however, adamantine weapon blanch can be placed
black in color, and the bottom two-thirds is coated in a on a silvered weapon and vice versa.

Magic items BANDIT’S CLOAK
Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)
This tough leather cloak has a deep cowl to help protect
the wearer from the elements. It also has a scarf sewn into
AGILE ARMOR the neck-lining to cover the wearer’s face. Upon command,
Armor (medium), rare (+1), very rare (+2), or legendary (+3) the cloak can lower the light level in the area around its
You have a bonus to AC while wearing this armor. In wearer. The cloak consumes light and heat in the area,
addition, you can add your Dexterity modifier (maximum dropping the light to dim and it becomes lightly obscured
3) to your AC. If the armor causes you to have disadvantage in a 20-foot radius centered on the wearer, and by one level
on Stealth checks, as a bonus action you can ignore that in the surrounding, adjacent squares. These effects last for
disadvantage on one Stealth check. After using this ability, 1 round. Creatures adjacent to the wearer immediately take
you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest. 4d6 points of cold damage when the darkness sets in. A
creature that succeeds on a DC 17 Constitution save takes
half damage.
Wondrous item, uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3)
This amulet bears a single syllable of meditation as both BLAZING ROBE
simple and ornate. When wearing an amulet of mighty Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
strikes, your unarmed attack damage is 1d4 + your Strength This red and orange silk robe gives viewers the impression
or Dexterity modifier (your choice), unless your unarmed of a flame roiling just below the fabric’s slick surface. You
attack damage is higher. Also, your unarmed attacks have a have resistance to fire damage while wearing this robe and
+1 bonus to attack and damage and are considered magical. gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving throw
DCs of spells that do fire damage. On command, the robe
can create a 20-foot radius burst of magical flame centered
on the wearer. All creatures in the burst, other than the
APPRENTICE’S CHEATING GLOVES wearer, must make a DC 16 Dexterity save, taking 2d6
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) fire damage on a failed saving throw, or half damage on
You gain advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks, a success. You cannot create a fiery burst again until you
and you can cast mage hand at will. finish a long rest.


Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This +2 dagger is inlaid with a runnel permanently stained a These lightweight metallic bracers have 3 charges. While
deep violet. Once per day as a bonus action after striking with wearing them, you can use an action and expend 1 charge
the assassin’s dagger, the wielder can deal the target an additional to cast the blink spell from them. The bracers regain 1d3
24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed DC 15 Constitution saving expended charges daily at dawn.
throw, or half as much on a successful one.

ATHEIST’S DAGGER Rod, uncommon (requires attunement)
Weapon (dagger), rare This polished wooden rod is surmounted with a carved
This +1 adamantine dagger has an undulating, flamberge- ivory horse’s head and has the following properties. It has
style blade and an alabaster hilt. It has the bane special 7 charges.
ability against any foe with divine spellcasting abilities Horsemaster. While holding the cavalry rod, you have
(for example a cleric and paladin), the ability to channel advantage on Wisdom (Animal Training) checks made
divinity, or other divinely granted special abilities. to interact with not only horses but also camels, ponies,
In addition, on a critical hit against a foe of this type, mastiffs, and similar mount animals (subject to GM
the dagger disrupts the target’s connection to its deity. The discretion). In addition, such creatures avoid attacking you
victim must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom save or lose all its and any mount you ride, as if you had cast sanctuary (DC 14).
class abilities until the end of its next round.

You also can expend 1 charge as a bonus action to gain the CORD OF STUBBORN RESOLVE
benefit of sanctuary (DC 14) against all living creatures that Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
are riding a mount or are bearing a rider. This braided rope belt fastens tightly about the waist and
Safe Fall. If your mount is incapacitated while you are helps focus the connection between body and mind to
wielding the cavalry baton, you can expend 1 charge as a overcome fatigue. You can meditate for 1 minute to grant
reaction to land safely on your feet without harm in any yourself a number of temporary hit points equal to your
square adjacent to your fallen mount. If your mount is level. You cannot meditate in this way again until you
flying, you can drop up to 60 feet to the ground without complete a long rest.
harm, as if you had cast feather fall. In addition, as a bonus action or as a reaction you can
Summon Steed. You can expend 1 of its charges to cast the choose to take 5 (1d10) psychic damage to channel your
find steed spell from it, attuning the conjured steed to serve inner focus to gain advantage (or remove disadvantage) on a
as the mount for a creature you designate within 60 feet. Strength check or saving throw, or to avoid gaining a level of
The steed serves that creature for up to 8 hours as if that exhaustion. Each time you use the cord of stubborn resolve in
creature had cast find steed themselves. After 8 hours, the this way, the damage taken increases by an additional 1d10
conjured steed disappears unless you spend one additional until you complete a long rest, after which it resets to 1d10.
charge to extend the duration by an additional 8 hours.
The rod regains 1d4+1 expended charges daily at dawn. If
you expend the rod’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the rod CORN COB PIPE OF DREAMING
crumbles into ashes and is destroyed. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Carved from a hollowed-out cob of corn, this simple 6-inch
long pipe can and frequently is used to smoke ordinary
CHALLENGER’S GLOVES tobacco or any other combustible material. The pipe’s
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) magical effects require no fuel and no ignition source.
These flexible mailed gauntlets change their appearance to The pipe has 3 charges. Upon command, wispy strands
match your personal crest, colors, sigil, or heraldic mark when of gray smoke suddenly billow out of the pipe’s bowl that
you have attuned them. Thereafter, as a bonus action you the smoker can manipulate to duplicate the effects of the
can remove a glove and hurl it to the ground while issuing a creation, major image, hallucinatory terrain, or phantasmal killer
verbal challenge to a creature within 90 feet that is aware of spells without requiring material components, expending
you. As long as you wear the other glove, you gain the benefits one charge. The pipe regains 1d3 expended charges at dawn.
of hunter’s mark against your challenged foe and do not need
to maintain concentration. The benefits of this challenge end
after 1 hour or if you pick up the challenger’s glove. CROWN OF RADIANCE, MINOR
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Crafted of gleaming gold, this simple sacred circlet allows
CIRCLET OF BLASTING any wearer to cast sacred flame twice per day, with damage
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) increasing based on the wearer’s level regardless of their
class. The wearer can choose to use both daily uses of
This headband of twisted, multicolored wire aids
sacred flame simultaneously, creating a single sacred flame
spellcasters in unleashing their favorite destructive
that deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage.
blasts. Three times per day when the wearer casts a spell
that affects an area and deals hit point damage, they can Whenever the wearer casts sacred flame without the aid
enhance that spell in one of the following ways: of the crown, such as a cleric casting it as a cantrip, the
damage dealt by the sacred flame is increased by 1d8, and
• Increase the save DC by 1.
a fiend or undead creature you target takes 1d8 radiant
• Increase the damage dealt by one die. damage even if they succeed on their saving throw.
• Increase the radius of a sphere by 5 feet.
• Increase the length of a cone by 5 feet.
• Increase the length of a line by 10 feet. CROWN OF RADIANCE, MAJOR
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Elaborately crafted, this golden crown allows any wearer to
cast sacred flame at will, with damage increasing based on
the wearer’s level regardless of their class.

Whenever the wearer casts sacred flame without the aid ELIXIR OF ANTIMORDETIS
of the crown, such as a cleric casting it as a cantrip, the Potion, rare
damage dealt by the sacred flame is increased by 2d8, and When imbibed, this reddish-green liquid changes the
any fiend or undead you target takes 2d8 radiant damage drinker’s blood and skin into a hazard. Creatures that touch
even if they succeed on their saving throw. or hit the imbiber with a natural attack take 2d6 points of
acid damage plus 1 point of acid damage each round for 5
rounds. A successful DC 14 Dexterity save halves the initial
Daredevil Boots damage and negates the ongoing damage. The effects of
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) the elixir last for 5 hours.
When held to the light, these boots shimmer in bright
red and orange hues. Once attuned, these boots give you
advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made while EVERBURNING CANDLETB2
moving through difficult terrain or hazardous areas such as Wondrous item, common
a narrow walkway, ground littered with caltrops, a cracking This otherwise normal candle has a continual flame spell
sheet of ice, and so forth. cast on its wick. Due to the small size of its wick, it sheds
As a bonus action, you can activate the boots to gain the light only as an ordinary candle, but it does not emit heat
ability to leave an enemy’s threatened area without taking or deal fire damage. If the candle is broken, its continual
the Disengage action to avoid an opportunity attack. This flame no longer functions.
feature also allows you to move through an enemy’s space
without provoking an opportunity attack. You can use this
feature for up to 10 rounds per day, although they need not
be consecutive. This power recharges at dawn the next day.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This curio is a four-leaf clover that was harvested from the
wild and preserved. Typically encased in glass or crystal,
DECEIVER’S RING four-leaf clovers are sometimes pressed, bronzed, or protected
Ring, rare (requires attunement) through other means. You can call upon an extra boost of
A deceiver’s ring is a gold ring of virtually any design but always luck before attempting a single ability check or saving throw,
appears to be quite valuable — at least 500 gp. Anyone wearing gaining advantage on the roll. After using the four-leaf clover,
the ring is considered to be of any alignment the wearer chooses you cannot use it again until you complete a short rest. If
for any spells or effects that detect alignment or the presence of you use its power a second time during the same day, you
chaos, evil, law, or good. The wearer sets the alignment of the cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.
ring once per day as an action and cannot change it again for
24 hours. In addition to its alignment-masking properties, the
ring itself does not detect as magic. The wearer of the ring is
not protected from alignment-based spells, such as protection
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
from evil, chaos hammer, etc., to which the wearer’s natural
alignment applies. In addition, the ring’s masked dweomer is This set consists of two masks of hammered iron, one
not resistant to spells such as identify that are cast upon it. Few sized for a gorthek's face and the other sized for the face
outside the Cult of Fraz’Urb-luu are aware that these rings exist, of its orc handler. To attune the masks, orcs permanently
as they are a closely guarded secret. nail the gorthek masks to the respective wearers' faces. The
magic functions only when the gorthek masks are affixed
to one orc and one gorthek. It doesn't work with animals
other than gortheks. There's only a 60% chance an orc's
mask will function when affixed to a non-orc humanoid—
and it's impossible to tell whether a mask will work until
after it has been permanently attached.
The orc's mask is fashioned with horns on the side,
resembling those of a gorthek. With its bonded gorthek,
the wearer gains the benefits of speak with animals and
advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks with the
bonded gorthek.

The gorthek's mask depicts fearsome tusks, scales, or other This rough leather vest is covered with spiked studs, burrs,
features meant to make the creature look more terrifying. and blades. You gain a +1 bonus to AC when wearing the
A gorthek wearing its mask gains the Seige Monster trait jagged vest and a +1 bonus on Strength (Athletics) checks
(double damage against objects and structures). Any creature made to resist being grappled or to escape from a grapple.
other than its handler has Disadvantage on Wisdom (Animal You gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to escape
Handling) checks against a bonded gorthek. from restraints such as ropes or leather cords that could be
cut by the jagged vest (GM’s discretion).
In addition, the spikes and serrations of the jagged vest
GRAPPLER’S MASK saw and grind whenever you are grappled or restrained.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a character with the Any creature that succeeds on a Strength (Athletics) check
Martial Arts class ability) to grapple you takes 1d4 slashing damage at the end of each
of their turns that they continue grappling you. If you have
This wildly decorated mask covers your face but leaves
the Martial Arts class ability, the grappling creature instead
your mouth and eyes uncovered. Its dark leather decorated
takes damage equal to your Martial Arts damage die.
with geometrical patterns emphasizes your fearsomeness.
You gain a +1 bonus on Strength (Athletics) checks made
to Grapple or Shove a target, and on Strength (Athletics)
checks made to resist being Grappled or Shoved. MAP OF FINDING
In addition, when you successfully Grapple or Shove Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
a creature, as a bonus action you can deal bludgeoning This furled parchment scroll allows you to inscribe the
damage equal to your Martial Arts damage die plus your name of a creature you wish to locate onto the scroll in a
Strength bonus. After using this ability, you cannot use it ritual taking 10 minutes. Once inscribed, the map of finding
again until after you have completed a short rest. allows you to find the shortest, most direct physical route to
the creature you seek as long as they are on the same plane
of existence. This functions like find the path (including
requiring concentration) but allows you to find your way
HOLY HANDAXE to a specific named creature rather than a location. The
Weapon (handaxe), very rare (requires attunement by a good- map of finding cannot locate creatures using a mind blank or
aligned character) nondetection spell.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this If the creature you seek leaves your plane, the map of
gleaming magical mithral handaxe. It is considered a finding goes blank; if they remain on another plane for
silvered weapon, and when you hit a fiend or an undead longer than 1 round, their link with the map of finding is
with it, that creature takes an extra 1d10 radiant damage. broken and you no longer can find them. Once used, the
When you throw the holy handaxe, you can spend a map of finding can’t be used again for 10 days.
bonus action to cause the axe to return to your hand after
resolving the attack. If you are wielding the holy handaxe,
you can change the handaxe into a battleaxe as a bonus
action. The weapon returns to handaxe form if it is out of Miser 's Mask
your grasp for more than 1 round or you spend another Wondrous Item, common (requires attunement)
bonus action to return it to handaxe form. This wooden mask depicts the sunken face of a miser with
an upturned nose. The mask grants the wearer blindsight
of 30 feet, but they can use it only to sense coins and gems.
Each type and quality of gem has its own unique aura to the
IRON SPIKE OF SAFE PASSAGE wearer, granting advantage on checks made to ascertain the
Wondrous item, rare value or determine the properties of gems.
This item is a 9-inch spike of black iron. Once nailed
into place, it functions identically to the spell hallucinatory
terrain with a duration of “until the spike is removed.”
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a monk)
These coarse brown robes are cut to flare and sweep easily,
JAGGED VEST never restricting the graceful forms of unarmed combat.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a character with the When attuned, it enhances a number of your monk class
Unarmored Defense class ability) abilities.

Unarmored Defense. Your unarmed defense bonus is Luck Amulet: Once per day, the wearer can increase any die
increased by 1. roll theyjust made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result.
Martial Arts. The damage die you use for martial arts is Using this ability is a reaction taken after the original roll is
increased by one die size. made and the results are revealed.
Stunning Strike. The save DC against your stunning strike is Spirit Amulet: Melee attacks against the wearer by evil,
increased by 1. In addition, once per day when your opponent incorporeal undead creatures are made with disadvantage.
succeeds on their saving throw against your stunning strike, The creator determines the amulet type at the time of its
you regain the ki point you spent to use stunning strike. creation, and it can never be changed thereafter.


Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Potion, common
This multifaceted sapphire appears dull, with a soft glow When you anoint a corpse with this foul-smelling chalky
in the center. When you are attuned, you can concentrate paste, the corpse is protected from decay as if you had cast
for 1 minute and give the stone power by gaining a level gentle repose.
of exhaustion to power the stone. If you do, the stone
gains 1d3 charges, to a maximum of 3 charges. You can
only imbue it with charges once each day, and you cannot
imbue the stone if you have 3 or more exhaustion levels.
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
Once powered, the martyr’s salvation looks like a brilliantly
shimmering sapphire, and sheds bright light out to 30 feet, This shining, jewel-like scale is usually worn on the
and dim light 30 feet beyond that. At any point while you forehead between the eyebrows, though a creature can
are holding it, you can use your bonus action to expend affix the scale to any part of her body by pressing it to her
one charge to cast a cure wounds spell. You can expend skin and speaking its command word. Once affixed, you
additional charges in the same bonus action to increase the take on the attributes of a water naga. Your skin becomes
level of the cure wounds spell. scaly, your eyes slitted and reptilian, your tongue forked,
and your neck lengthens and distends until it resembles
a cobra’s hood. You also gain a +2 bonus to your armor
class, gain darkvision 60 feet, and a poisonous bite attack
Mind Sentinel Medallion that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage, and 2d4 poison
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) damage.Finally, you gain a swim speed equal to its base
This medallion provides you with advantage to Wisdom land speed, and can breathe water or air.
saving throws against being charmed. If you fail a saving
throw and become charmed, you can reroll your save to
resist the effect, but after using this ability the medallion
loses its magic and become an ordinary piece of jewelry.
Potion, rare
When you anoint a creature or object with this sweet-
smelling golden oil, they are affected as if you had cast
MOJO AMULET remove curse.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Also known as a relic bag, this amulet consists of a flannel
or linen bag attached to a leather cord that hangs around
your neck. A small bone from a magical beast or a divine
Potion, rare
spellcaster must be placed inside of the bag. The mojo
amulet grants the wearer one of the following abilities: When you apply this heavy, turbid gray oil to a stone object
of Medium or smaller size, you can mold that object as if
Charm Amulet: Once per day, the wearer can cast charm
you had cast stone shape.
person as per the spell with a saving throw DC of 17.
Fortune Amulet: Once per day, the wearer can detect gold.
This functions as the locate object spell, but it can only be
used to locate gold.

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) Potion, uncommon
Small metal barbs surround the deep-red ruby set in the head When you drink this cloudy yellow potion, the appearance
of this rusty pin. If the wearer of the pin is struck by a critical of your body becomes hazy and indistinct for 1 minute, as
hit from a melee attack, the attacker must succeed at a DC if you had cast blur.
17 Wisdom save or take half of the attack’s damage (rounded
down), while the wearer takes the remaining damage.
Potion, uncommon
PORTRAIT MASK When you drink this potion, you gain a burrow speed of 15
Wondrous item, very rare feet for 10 minutes. If you have claws, you gain a +1 bonus
This is a painting of a mask detailed with the features and to damage rolls with your claws. The potion’s murky liquid
coloration of a person’s face. You can speak a command looks like a wet, muddy sludge.
word to remove the mask from the portrait and wear it; it
collapses into wet paint for anyone else who tries to take
it, only to reappear in the portrait. Wearing the mask, you
become aware of the direction and distance to all artistically
Potion, uncommon
rendered images of the mask’s current face (paintings,
sculptures, etc.) within 1 mile and can enter those images When you drink this potion, you sprout eyes all over
as a magical effect for up to 1 hour per day, disappearing your body for 1 hour. While these eyes persist, you gain
in the real world. While in the painting, you can perceive advantage on vision-based Wisdom (Perception) checks and
everything within 30 feet of the sculpture or painting, you cannot be surprised or flanked by any visible creature.
and can speak and interact with people nearby, using the The potion’s effervescent liquid has tiny gelatinous beads
likeness to do so. When doing so, you have advantage on suspended in it.
Charisma checks made for the purposes of interacting
through the sculpture or painting. This duration need not
be consecutive but must be spent in 5-minute increments. POTION OF HEROISM
If the sculpture or painting you inhabit is destroyed while Potion, uncommon
you inhabit it, you must make a DC 19 Constitution saving
A creature that drinks a potion of heroism is immune to being
throw, gaining a level of exhaustion on a failure. In either
frightened for 1 minute and gains 2 temporary hit points
case, you return to the same space or the nearest safe space
at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute. When this
you occupied before activating the mask.
duration ends, the drinker loses any remaining temporary
If you speak the command word again wearing the mask, hit points from the potion.
you can change its face to your likeness. This change is
permanent until it is changed again by someone else
wearing the mask.
Potion, rare
When you drink this syrupy amber-green potion, you are
infused with verdant power that you can use in one of
Using the portrait mask in The Book in the three ways.
Old House Plant Merge. You can meld your body and all equipment you
A person who dons the portrait mask while it is in the form carry into a living tree for up to 8 hours. The tree must be at
of Old Eb’s face becomes aware of the following images: in least 1 foot thick. This otherwise functions like meld into stone.
the Old House — A2 (3), A3 (2), A6 (1), A8 (3), A9 (1), A10 (1), A11 Tree Shape. You can transform your body and all gear you
(1), A14 (2), A15 (1); and scattered elsewhere in Eber — the carry into a small tree of up to twice your height for up
Royal Citadel, the Royal College library, the Law Courts, to 1 hour. In this form you are indistinguishable from a
the Mercenary Guildhouse, the Temple of Vanitthu, and 10 normal tree, though detect magic reveals the magic. While in
in manor houses scattered around the city. tree shape, you are aware of your surroundings and can use
your senses normally. You can revert to your normal form
as an action; this ends the potion’s magic.

Verdant Polymorph. You can transform yourself into an Ring Gates
animate plant creature for up to 10 minutes. This functions Wondrous item, very rare
like polymorph but you can only assume the form of plant These always come in pairs—two iron rings, each about 18
creatures. inches in diameter. The rings must be on the same plane
of existence and within 100 miles of each other to function.
Whatever is put through one ring comes out the other, and
POTION OF SHIELDING up to 100 pounds of material can be transferred each day.
Potion, uncommon (Objects only partially pushed through and then retracted
do not count.) This useful device allows for instantaneous
For 10 minutes after you drink this potion, you gain a
transport of items or messages, and even attacks. A character
+2 bonus to your AC, as if you had cast shield of faith. The
can reach through to grab things near the other ring, or
potion’s milky fluid has tiny flecks of silver floating in it.
even stab a weapon through if so desired. Alternatively, a
character could stick his head through to look around. A
spellcaster could even cast a spell through a ring gate. A
PRISMATIC PLATE Small character can squeeze through. Creatures of Tiny
Armor (plate), legendary (requires attunement) size can pass through easily. Each ring has an “entry side”
You have a +3 bonus to AC while wearing this resplendent and an “exit side,” both marked with appropriate symbols.
armor of transparent metallic crystal that shimmers
constantly, shedding light as a light spell in one of the
colors of the rainbow. As a bonus action, you can change RING OF HEROIC GRIT
the color of light shed by the prismatic plate, and that color Ring, rare (requires attunement)
remains dominant until you change it again. When you are
This battered ring of brass bears indelible scratches and
affected by a prismatic spray or prismatic wall, you ignore the
wear yet also exudes a sense of sturdiness. Once attuned,
effect that matches the dominant armor color (other colors
you can store one daily use of any class feature that
of those spells affect you normally). In addition, each color
requires an action to trigger, or if you have a class feature
provides a unique type of protection.
that uses a point pool such as ki or sorcery points, you can
store one extra point. That point or daily use of the ability
Color Effect is considered expended on the day you store it, but the ring
of heroic grit stores it for future use and you regain points or
Red resistance to fire damage uses normally. At any point in the future, you can expend
Orange resistance to acid damage the stored point or daily use of that class ability as a bonus
Yellow resistance to lightning damage action. The ring of heroic grit cannot store spells.
Green resistance to poison damage
Blue resistance to cold damage
Indigo immunity to petrification and advantage on
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a monk)
saving throws to avoid being paralyzed
A ki ring is a magically fused white and black metal that
Violet advantage on saving throws against being blinded,
twine together in a harmonious pattern. When attuned
deafened, charmed, or banished to another plane
to this ring, you can use an action to regain 3 ki points,
provided that you have a ki pool. You can use this ability
once per day and can do so again after the next dawn.
Armor (plate), very rare (requires attunement)
You have a +2 bonus to AC while wearing this gleaming Ring of Resoluteness
armor of burnished gold-tinted steel. As a bonus action, Ring, rare (requires attunement)
you can command the armor to shed light as a light spell. While wearing this ring, you have advantage on saving
In addition, as an action you can cause the armor to shed throws to resist becoming frightened. In addition, once per
light as daylight. Once the daylight ends, you cannot activate day when you fail a saving throw to resist being frightened,
it again until the following dawn. you can ignore the condition for a number of rounds equal
to your proficiency bonus. Once this time elapses, you
become frightened until the duration of the effect ends.

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer) Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This ornate rod bears designs and jewelry in a runic motif. This richly tailored crimson shirt helps stop the flow of
When you are attuned to this rod, you can use an action to blood from your wounds. You gain a +1 bonus on death
regain 3 sorcery points, provided you have a pool of sorcery saving throws. In addition, you gain resistance to necrotic
points. You can do so once, and can do so again after the damage caused by a vampire or vampire spawn’s bite or any
next dawn. effect that is specifically described as causing you to bleed
or draining your blood.


Rod, uncommon (requires attunement) STONE OF ALARM
This hollow metal rod is pierced with many small holes Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
and emits a musical tone when swung through the air. This thumb-sized flat stone is inscribed with runes of
You can use the rod to cast message as often as desired. In warning. You can attach the stone of alarm to another object
addition, you can use the rod’s power to summon a tiny air by concentrating for 1 minute. Once attached, if any creature
elemental to deliver a message for you. This functions like other than you moves the item more than 1 foot away from you,
the animal messengerSRD spell, but the elemental is invisible the stone of alarm triggers an alert identical to an alarm spell.
save as a faint rustle in the air and moves twice as fast as You determine when you attach the stone of alarm whether the
a typical flying animal, able to carry a message up to 100 alarm will be mental or audible. Once the stone of alarm has
miles within 24 hours. Once it has sent such a message, the been triggered, you cannot reset the alarm (either on the same
rod can’t be used again until the next dawn. object or a new object) until you complete a long rest.


Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
When you attune to this scabbard, you can draw a When you attune to this vest, you can use your action to stabilize
functioning sword from it. That sword is considered a creature that has 0 hit points without needing to make a
magical and gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage. You Wisdom (Medicine) check. The vest also has three charges that
can use the property of this scabbard three times. It regains renew at dawn. If you are proficient in the Medicine skill, you
spent uses at dawn. can use your action and expend a charge to instead restore
1d4+1 hit points to one creature within 5 feet.


Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric, warlock, or wizard) WAND OF ASH STORM
Prized by necromancers and other practitioners of dark Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
magic associated with animating the dead, this grisly staff This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use
made from a fused spinal column topped by a humanoid an action to expend 1 of its charges to create a a 20-foot-
skull allows use of the following spells. The casting time of tall cylinder with a 40-foot radius centered on a point you
create undead is reduced to 1 action. choose within 150 feet. Driving ash blocks all sight (even
The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It darkvision) within the spell’s area of effect, and falling
regains 1d6+4 expended charges daily at midnight. If you cinders cause the ground in the area to become difficult
expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses its terrain. The effect lasts as long as the user concentrates, up
properties and becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff. to 1 minute. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges
daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a
Spells. You can use an action to expend 1 or more of the
d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
staff ’s charges to cast one of the following spells from it,
using your spell save DC: animate dead (1 charge), create
undead (3 charges), finger of death (5 charges) WAND OF CONE OF COLD
Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This wand has 4 charges. While holding it, you can use an
action to expend 2 of its charges to cast the cone of cold spell

(save DC 17) from it. Unlike some other wands, you cannot the level of this dispel magic effect by expending additional
spend additional charges to increase the level of the spell. charges, with each additional charge increasing the level of
The wand regains 1d3 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. the dispel magic spell by 1.
If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the The wand regains 1d6+1 expended charges daily at sunset.
wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.

Wand, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) WAND OF TRUTH
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can expend Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
1 or more of its charges to cast the conjure animals, conjure This wand of plain silver is tipped with a carving of a
celestial, conjure elemental, conjure fey, or conjure minor balance scale. It has 5 charges. While holding it, you can
elementals spell from it. You also may use the wand to expend 1 of its charges to cast the zone of truth spell from it.
conjure fiend, which functions identically to conjure celestial
The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
but summons a fiend to serve you instead. You must spend
If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
a number of charges equal to the level of the spell you cast;
wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
you can cast higher-level versions of these spells.
Alternatively, you expend charges from the wand to increase
the spell level of any of the above spells that you cast yourself,
increasing the level of the spell by a number of levels equal to WAND OF VISIBILITY
the number of charges you expend but without requiring you Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
to use a higher-level spell slot. You cannot increase the level of This wand of transparent crystal has 7 charges. While
the spell to a level higher than you can cast. holding it, you can expend 1 of its charges to cast the see
The wand regains 1d6+1 expended charges daily at dawn. invisibility spell from it.
If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the In addition, you can expend 1 of the wand’s charges to
wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed. dispel a single invisibility spell, as if you had cast dispel magic.
If you expend 2 charges, you can dispel all invisibility spells
in a 10-foot radius and can increase the radius of this dispel
magic effect by 10 feet for each additional charge you expend.
Wand, rare (requires attunement by a bard, warlock, or wizard) The wand regains 1d6+1 expended charges daily at sunset.
If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the
Prized by illusionists of all stripes, this thin crystalline
wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
wand glitters with a rainbow of colors when drawn through
the air. It has 6 charges. While holding it, you can expend 1
of its charges to the the minor illusion cantrip or 2 charges
to cast the major image spell. WEREWOLF SKIN
The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)
If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the This gray, furry cloak sports a wolf ’s head that fits snuggly
wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed. over the wearer’s head like a hood. Its wearer can use
Charisma (Persuasion) to alter the attitude of wolves as if
he shared a common language with them.
WAND OF NIGHT Three times per day as an action, the wearer can assume
Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) the form of a werewolf in its hybrid form for up to 1 minute,
during which time the wearer gains the following traits:
This wand has 10 charges. While holding it, you can expend
1 of its charges to cast the darkness spell from it. If you • Damage Resistances: bludgeoning, piercing, and
expend 2 charges, you can increase the area of the darkness slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered
spell to a 60-foot radius, or you can increase the duration 1 • Ability Increase of +2 bonus to Strength,
hour (requiring no concentration). • An AC increase of +2 due to natural armor
Instead of creating darkness, you can expend 1 of the • A bite attack (1d8 for Medium size) it can use as a bonus
wand’s charges to dispel a light-based magical effect such action. The wearer cannot transmit lycanthropy with
as daylight, as if you had cast dispel magic. You can increase his bite attack.

YELLOW SIGN always attempts to save against harmless spells and effects
Wondrous item, legendary even if a save is normally not allowed (such as cure spells),
The yellow sign acts as a perpetual symbol spell, using the with such spells having only one-half their normal effect (or
death effect. Creatures reduced to 0 hit points by this spell duration, if there is no logical way for the beneficial spell’s
is restored to half of their hit point total and dominated (as effect to be reduced by half ) and refuse to leave the cloud
per dominate monster) by Hastur. This causes such creatures willingly. An affected creature can attempt a new save each
to seek to aid any obvious minions or worshipers of Hastur round at the end of its turn. A creature that successfully saves
in sight, and any true worshiper of Hastur can command is immune to the effects of the crimson mist for 24 hours.
the affected creatures as if that worshiper had been the one The wearer of the Crimson Shroud is able to see through the
to dominate them. In the case of conflicting commands mist normally and is immune to its other effects.
issued from different true worshipers of Hastur, the
commanders must attempt opposed Charisma checks, Random Properties
with the winner being able to command the targets for that
The Crimson Shroud has the following random properties:
round. If no worshipers or agents of Hastur are in sight, an
affected creature can act normally. When affected by this • 1 minor beneficial property
spell’s Yellow Sign in this way, the effects last for 1 round • 1 major beneficial property
per level. Yellow Sign can be triggered by a true worshiper • 1 minor detrimental property
of Hastur if they spend an action and sacrifice a permanent
Properties of the Shroud
point of their Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score.
The effect remains active for 1 hour. The true power of the Crimson Shroud, however, lies in its
ability to heal the afflicted. When the shroud is placed over
There is a 1% chance when a creature fails its saving throw
the body (or some portion of it) of the individual to be healed
against this spell that Hastur takes note and, for reasons of
(whether living or dead) and the Ritual of the Crimson
his own, decides to control the target personally. In this
Shroud is intoned, the following abilities can be activated.
case, the actions taken by the dominated creature are left to
the GM to determine, but the effects of this spell’s Yellow • Remove disease 5/day
Sign persist for 12d12 days and the commands issued • Heal 3/day
cannot be countermanded by any other creature, even if • Raise dead 3/day
they are Hastur worshipers.
• Greater restoration 1/day
Regardless of how long the effects last or whether Hastur
• Resurrection 1/day
directly controls a victim, if a creature failed to resist this
spell’s effects, Hastur can target that victim for the rest of • True resurrection 1/week (requires at least some small
its life with a dream spell. Whether or not the Great Old portion of the body: a bone fragment, dust, etc.)
One ever chooses to do so is left to the GM to determine. An additional use of the Crimson Shroud has been
discovered as well. If the shroud is placed over a vampire
and an altered ritual called the Ritual of the Corrupted

Major Artifacts Shroud is intoned, the typical weaknesses of a vampire can

be removed over a 1-minute period leaving the creature an
immortal undead creature but without a vampire’s normal
weaknesses and requirements for existence.
Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement) Destroying the Crimson Shroud
This loosely woven red shroud is made from a blood-soaked The Crimson Shroud is destroyed if a wearer commits suicide
burial shroud. As a standard action, the wearer may command of his own free will while wearing it.
the shroud to become a vaporous, blood-red cloud of mist
in a 10-foot radius centered on the user. The red mist can
remain for up to 10 minutes per day. The duration need not
be consecutive but must be used in 1-minute increments. HOLOCAUST STONE OF GUN’TA
The mist provides concealment away as an obscuring mist Wondrous item, legendary (artifact)
spell, and any living creature that enters it must make a DC This is fist-sized piece of stone, jet black with a rough
15 Wisdom save or be filled with sadness and despair (as the texture that, upon closer inspection of its surface, appears
symbol of hopelessness spell), as long as they remain in the to actually swirl very slowly, as if containing a ceaselessly
cloud. Furthermore, creatures affected by this spell effect shifting smoke. It is an extraterrestrial artifact rumored to

have originated in some strange dimension or the distant appear immediately (rather than in 10-minute intervals)
void of space. The stone can’t be controlled, but its power randomly within 100 feet of the stone and remain until
is activated whenever it is jarred in some collision (e.g. destroyed or until 200 minutes pass.
thrown to the ground, dropped, struck with another object, Energy Drain: As the spell. Targets every living creature
struck by an energy or otherwise damaging spell, or simply within a 1d6-mile radius.
if the individual carrying suffers a fall). When the stone is
Lightning Sphere: A sphere of lightning emanates from
activated, it releases a burst of chaotic energy that triggers
the stone, dealing 20d6 points of electricity damage to
a massive, cataclysmic event. These events are activated
everything within a 1d6-mile radius. A successful save
immediately and occur at random. They are not under the
with evasion or improved evasion still causes one-quarter
control of the activator and are centered on the stone itself.
All applicable saves are DC 22. Roll on the table below to
determine the type of cataclysm that is activated. Mass Bedlam: Every creature within a 10-mile radius
must make a Wisdom saving throw or suffer the effects of a
confusion spell for 1d10 x 10 minutes.
d% Result Power Word Kill: As the spell. Targets every living
01–06 Contagion creature within a 1-mile radius.
07–12 Earthquake Psychic Sceam: As the spell. Affects all living creatures in
13–18 Elemental swarm a 1d4-mile radius.
Rain of Fire: Clouds gather and a rain of fire and embers
19–24 Energy drain
showers down in a 1d6-mile radius for 1d10 minutes. This
25–30 Lightning sphere rain deals 2d6 points of fire damage per round (no save),
31–36 Mass bedlam and anything flammable catches fire.
37–42 Psychic Scream Reverse Gravity: As the spell. The spell has a 1d6-mile
43–48 Power word kill radius and a duration of 1d20 rounds.
49–54 Rain of fire Storm of Vengeance: As the spell. The storm affects a
1d10-mile radius with a duration of 1d10 minutes. Once
55–60 Reverse gravity the normal 10 rounds of the spell have expired, the cycle
61–66 Storm of vengeance repeats until the end of this duration.
67–72 Sunburst Sunburst: As the spell: Rather than instantaneous, the
73–78 Symbol sunburst has a duration of 1d10 minutes and a 1-mile
radius. The damage caused by the spell occurs every round
79–84 Whirlwind
at the top of the initiative order.
85–90 Wilting blast
Symbol: As the spell, using the insanity effect. Affects
91–93 Reroll, but double the effect radius every creature in a 10-mile radius.
94–96 Reroll, but double the effect duration Whirlwind: The whirlwind moves in a random direction
97–99 Reroll twice with both effects occurring each round, as if uncontrolled, and lasts for 1d10 minutes.
simultaneously Any creature caught in its path must make a Dexterity
saving throw, taking 10d6 bludgeoning damage and being
00 Reroll, but add create undead horde
away 3d6x5 feet in a random direction on a failure, or taking
half that damage and not being flung on a success.
Contagion: As the spell. Targets all creatures within 1d6- Wilting Blast: As blight spell but affecting all creatures
mile radius. The disease created is randomly generated for within a 1d6-mile radius. All bodies of water within the
each individual. Using the list under contagion, roll 1d10 radius evaporate and the land dries to a seared husk.
and reroll any result of 10.
Create Undead Horde: this only occurs in conjunction
Earthquake: as the spell. Duration is 1d10+5 rounds and with another effect. Anyone killed by the stone while this
a radius of 10 miles. Damage occurs every round at the top effect is active rises 1 round later as an undead creature
of the initiative order. as determined by their CR before death. These undead are
Elemental Swarm: The effect summons 2d4 elementals not controlled and immediately attack any living creatures
of each of CR 5 and of the four types (air, earth, fire, and they can find. Most will be either a ghoul, a skeleton, or a
water). These elementals serve no master and attack the zombie.
nearest targets (but not each other). All of the elementals

The stone can be sundered or crushed and has hardness Mystic Tomes
20 and 100 hit points, though each attack on it triggers a
cataclysm. Likewise, as an artifact of pure, coalesced chaos,
if transported to a plane of Law such as Axis (LN), Heaven THE FIENDISH CODEX
(LG), or Hell (LE) the stone immediately detonates in an This dangerous tome has existed in numerous editions
incredible conflagration that triggers all of its different and translations, but this particular volume is one of the
effects simultaneously (minus create undead horde), oldest and may well be the original. Scribed in High Boros,
destroying the stone and likely a large swath of the plane The Fiendish Codex can provide its owner with significant
upon which it detonated. arcane knowledge and power, albeit at a steep cost to the
user’s mind and soul.
The Holocaust Stone of Gun’Ta first appeared in Tome of
Artifacts by Necromancer Games. Its description is updated Bound in black leather and iron and secured with a heavy
and included here for your convenience. For further details lock (Thieves’ Tool check to disable DC 24 to open without
of its history see that work. damage), the book includes detailed histories of magic
and diabolism in the Hyperborean Empire, sufficient to
provide a +1 bonus on all Intelligence (Arcana), (History),
or (Religion) checks as long as the book is in the user’s

possession. If those checks relate directly to fiends or the Blake’s sanguisuga: price 350 gp—When this mottled
lower planes, it grants advantage on such checks if the brown leech is first attached, the user must succeed on a DC
owner spends 1 hour consulting the book. 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute.
The leech remains attached for 1d3 hours in which time
the user’s pain threshold is greatly elevated. The user 5
In addition, it contains the following spells: bloodbath,
temporary hit points and has advantage on Wisdom saving
boiling blood, boneshaker, corrosive touch, eldritch fever, eruptive
throws against being frightened for the duration.
pustules, fleshworm infestation, ghost wol, grasping corpse, horrific
doubles, inflict pain, night terrors, ray of sickness, slough, symbol Festerfew: price 75 gp—A user who eats a handful of these
of exanguination, and vitriolic mist. live lice gains advantage against any disease effects and the
poisoned condition for 1d4 hours but must also succeed
on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or gain a level of
Finally, the book provides the knowledge that allows exhaustion. This exhaustion level lingers for 1 hour before
an arcane or divine spellcaster to expend a spell slot of the being removed on its own.
appropriate level and spontaneously cast a variant of the
Howling nightshade grub: price 40 gp—This sausage-
conjure celestial spell even if not prepared. This knowledge
sized grub tastes disgusting and howls when eaten. For
does not take up a slot as a known spell for spontaneous
the following day, the user has advantage on Constitution
casters. The creature summoned must be fiend or other
saving throws, but becomes sluggish and has disadvantage
evil aligned extraplanar creature, with the book containing
on initiative rolls for the duration.
information on virtually every known fiend in existence (GM’s
discretion). Each time this spell is cast, the caster must make a Misery slug: price 30 gp—Eating this slimy, black finger-
Wisdom save, with a DC equal to 10 plus the level of the spell long slug cures 1d4 points of damage each round for the
slot expended to cast the spell. A failure causes the caster’s following 1d4 rounds. However, the user is poisoned for the
alignment to move one step toward chaotic evil. A character duration. At the end of the duration, the user must succeed
who is already chaotic evil instead loses 2 points permanently on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for
from their Wisdom score. This lost Wisdom can be regained 1 minute.
only with greater restoration or wish.
Given the madness and evil that results from the use of Metallurgic amber is a radioactive heavy metal with a
this book’s powers, some may feel that it would be better crystalline structure, Though the unusual ore shares many
that the cursed thing be destroyed (though most will characteristics with more common radioactive materials
probably happily copy its spells first). such as uranium and radium, it differs in several important
respects. Unlike other isotopes, metallurgic amber’s atomic
structure allows the metal to be grown from a seed crystal.
RARE MATERIALS It takes an entire week and a successful DC 21 Alchemist’s
Many strange and even otherworldly substances can be Supplies check to crystallize metallurgic amber and yield
found in the distant reaches of the Haunted Steppe, too 1d4 x 10% more metallurgic amber in the process.
remote for easy exploitation yet tempting enough for their Prolonged exposure to metallurgic amber causes telltale
value to issue a siren call to those seeking profit despite radiation burns like most other radioactive substances,
the danger. but that is the general extent of its similarities to other
unstable ores. Outside of superficial burns, metallurgic
amber causes no other damage to humanoid tissue and
INSECTUM structures except for one critical organ — the brain.
Introduced in LL7: The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked Metallurgic amber would be generally safe if not for its
City by Frog God Games, insectum are large and unique debilitating effects on the humanoid brain and, to a lesser
insects and other types of vermin native to the City-State extent, those of animals. Every time a humanoid creature
of Castorhage that the city’s ruthless Insectum Guild has comes within 20 feet of metallurgic amber for 2d4 hours
through a combination of alchemy, toxicology, and insect over the course of a 24-hour period, they must succeed
husbandry produced a range of alchemically enhanced on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw to avoid suffering
drug-like insect venoms. There are dozens of varieties of radiation burns that deal 1d4 poison damage. These hours
these vermin with dozens of different effects, but only a need not be consecutive, and the creature may be required
few are encountered here. The effects (and market value in to make multiple saves over the course of a 24-hour period.
Castorhage) of these insectum have been reproduced here If the individual fails this save, he must then succeed
for your convenience. on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw to avoid developing a

short-term madness. (See madness in the SRD). Failing the weapon or other item by 500 gp. Creating a magic item
Constitution saving throw by 5 or more forces the creature that incorporates any amount of noqual into it increases
to make the Wisdom saving throw with disadvantage. Once the price of creation by 5,000 gp, as costly reagents and
a creature has developed a short-term madness, no further alchemical supplies must be used to treat the metal during
Wisdom saving throws need to be made for this effect. If the process.
the madness is later cured and a cured creature is exposed
to metallurgic amber again, they must resume attempting
Wisdom saving throws to avoid going mad once more.
Strangely, most non-humanoid creatures suffer no ill Spells and rituals
effects whatsoever from long-term exposure to the odd
substance with the exception of beasts; metallurgic amber ACID FOG
makes them highly aggressive. 6th-level conjuration
Lead absorbs metallurgic amber’s radioactive emissions, a Classes: sorcerer, wizard
fact a PC can determine with a successful DC 20 Intelligence
(Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check. The lead contained in Casting Time: 1 action
a pewter ring or pendant is sufficient to nullify metallurgic Range: 100 feet
amber’s debilitating effects within a 5-foot radius of the Components: V, S
lead object. Larger quantities of lead provide no additional Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
beneficial effects and do not extend the metal’s shielding
properties beyond 5 feet. Positioning a lead object within A swirling cloud of acrid green vapors in a 20-foot-radius
5 feet of the metallurgic amber completely absorbs all sphere centered on a point within range. The cloud spreads
of the radiation emitted by the object, thus completely around corners and is heavily obscured. It lasts for the
nullifying its effects. This does not, however, protect from duration or until a wind of strong or greater speed (at least
the radiation damage caused by creatures infused with 30 miles per hour) disperses it. The clinging vapors of the
metallurgic amber (e.g. the radioactive combusted (see acid fog reduce the speed of creatures entering or moving
Appendix A, page 551) or ash giants (see page 329)). through it by 10 feet, and non-magical ranged attacks into
or through the acid fog have are dissolved by the acid fog and
Metallurgic amber melts at a temperature of 1,050° F, deal no damage.
roughly one-third that of iron, and half that of copper.
When the acid fog appears, each creature in it must make a
Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 6d8 acid damage
NOQUAL ORE on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A
Noqual looks like a pale green crystal to the untrained eye creature must also make this saving throw when it enters the
but can be worked as iron despite its appearance. Noqual spell’s area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.
is light—half as heavy as iron, yet just as strong. More
importantly, noqual is strangely resistant to magic. An
object made of noqual gains advantage on any saving throw BLOOD TO SAP
made against a magical source. 6th level transmutation
Weapons made of noqual weigh half as much as normal, Casting Time: 1 standard action
gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls, and deal an Range close 60 feet
additional die of weapon damage against constructs and Components V, S, M (a piece of amber)
undead created by spells. Noqual armor weighs half as Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
much as other armors of its type.
This spell causes one target creature’s blood to thicken and
Armor created from noqual grants a +1 bonus to AC when slow in its veins. An affected creature suffers excruciating
worn, and it does not confer disadvantage on Dexterity pain and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
(Stealth) checks if it otherwise would. Spellcasters wearing failure, the target takes 28 (8d6) poison damage, is poisoned
noqual armor cannot cast spells, even if they are proficient for the spell’s duration. On a success, the target takes half
with that armor. The wearer of a suit of noqual armor as much damage and is not poisoned.
has advantage on saving throws against spells and other
magical effects. Creatures poisoned by this spell have their speed halved,
are treated as having an AC of at least 18, and are immunt to
Noqual ore is worth 50 gp per pound. Noqual increases critical hits as though they were wearing adamantine armor.
the cost of light armor by 4,000 gp, medium armor by 8,000
gp, heavy armor by 12,000 gp, a shield by 2,000 gp, and a Blood to sap can target only living creatures with a
discernible anatomy and a bloodstream.

BLOODBATH depending on whether the target is living or undead.
2nd-level necromancy A living creature has its skeleton rattle within its flesh,
Casting Time: 1 action causing it grievous harm. The target takes 2d6 points of
Range: 30 feet bludgeoning damage. In addition, you can move the target
5 feet. A successful Constitution saving throw halves the
Components: V, S, M (a ceremonial dagger) damage and negates the movement.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute An undead creature takes no damage. Instead, you
Class: cleric, sorcerer, warlock, wizard manipulate the undead, forcing it to use its reaction to either
You select up to two living creatures while cutting yourself move up to its speed or make a single attack against a creature
with the ceremonial dagger, dealing yourself 1d6 necrotic of your choice in its reach. Either of these is the most basic
damage which repeats at the start of your turn so long as you version of the action the creature can take (it doesn’t activate
continue to concentrate on this spell (the damage from this any special abilities that it could apply to the movement or
spell does not force a Constitution saving throw to maintain attack, such as grapple). A successful Constitution saving
concentration). So long as you keep taking this necrotic throw negates this effect. A mindless undead creature doesn’t
damage, any targets that have failed a Constitution saving receive a save against this effect (GM’s discretion).
throw also take the same amount of damage. The necrotic At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot
damage on any target ends if that target receives magical of 2nd level or higher, the bludgeoning damage increases by
healing, or if your necrotic damage ends for any reason. 1d6 vs living creatures for each slot level above 1st.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 3rd level or higher, you may add an additional target
for each slot level above 2nd. Secondary targets must be
Conjuration cantrip
within 30 feet of each other.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Transmutation cantrip Components V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration instantaneous
Range: 100 feet Class: sorcerer, wizard
Components: V, S Acid drips from your hand to deliver burning corrosion to a
creature you try to touch. Make a melee spell attack against
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 acid damage, and
Class: cleric, sorcerer, warlock, wizard nonmagical armor worn by the target is partly dissolved and
The blood of the targeted creatures begins to boil. If a takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to the AC it offers.
target fails a Constitution saving throw, it takes 1 point of The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10.
fire damage per round. This spell has no effect on creatures The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th
that don’t have blood. If a target has the orc subtype, it level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
doesn’t take fire damage and instead gains 1d4 bonus to
attacks and all Strength related checks.
You may target two additional creatures when you reach 5th
2nd-level abjuration
level (3 targets), 11th level (5 targets), and 17th level (7 targets).
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
1st-level necromancy Components: S, M (tiny silver bell, chime, or gong)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 100 feet Classes: bard, cleric, wizard
Components V, S, F (human-shaped fetish made of bones) You create a 10-foot-radius circle of shimmering sound
around a point on the ground within 30 feet or surrounding
Duration instantaneous a willing creature and moving with them. Audible speech
Class: cleric, sorcerer, warlock, wizard and other sounds can be heard within circle. Alternatively,
By using a bone fetish like a marionette, you take control you can use disrupt silence to dispel a magical silence effect,
of a target creature’s skeleton. This has a variety of effects as if you had cast dispel magic.

This spell provides and additional option to the bestow 4th-level conjuration (ritual)
curse spell: Casting Time: 1 action
Eldritch Fever. This curse manifests itself as a sickness Range: Self
that is debilitating to spellcasters. A spellcaster with this
Components V, S, M (dire wolf tooth)
spellblight is sickened until the curse is removed taking
-1d4 penalty on all ability checks, skill checks and saving Duration: 1 hour
throws. When the subject of the curse casts a spell, it Class: sorcerer, warlock, wizard
is overcome with shaking for 1 round, requiring any This spell conjures a Large, quasi-real, wolflike creature
spellcasting during that time to succeed at a Constitution made of roiling black smoke. The wolf is the size of a horse
check as if they were concentrating on a spell. If it fails the and maybe used as a mount or for combat (use a dire wolf
save, the spell and the action to cast it is lost. as the base creature). The ghost wolf gains the following
additional traits:
ERUPTIVE PUSTULES • Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,
3rd-level necromancy thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered
Casting Time: 1 action
• Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Range: Self
• Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,
Components V, S
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
• Fear Aura. Any creature with fewer than 6 Hit Dice
Class: sorcerer, warlock, wizard within 30 feet (except the ghost wolf ‘s rider) must
Your skin erupts in swollen, pus-filled bumps that burst open make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened
if you are struck. Any creature that strikes you within 5 feet of for 1 minute. A creature that makes its saving throw is
you that deals damage also takes 1d6 points of acid damage and unaffected by the ghost wolf ’s fear aura for 24 hours.
must make a Constitution saving throw save or be sickened
until the end of their next turn taking -1d4 penalty on all ability
checks, skill checks and saving throws. If the attack against you
1st-level necromancy
is a critical hit the acid damage is increased to 2d6, the penalty
to checks and saving throws is increased to -1d6 and the target Casting Time: 1 action
has disadvantage on the Constitution saving throw. Range: 30 feet
Components V, S, M (pinch of powdered onyx worth 1 gp)
FLESHWORM INFESTATION Duration Instantaneous
4th-level conjuration Class: cleric, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
Casting Time: 1 action You can cause one nearby corpse to animate for a brief
Range: Touch moment. Choose a creature within 30 feet of the corpse
Components V, S (even if the creature is outside the spell’s range). The corpse
shambles toward the creature and then grapples it (Escape
Duration: 1 minute DC 12). It otherwise has the statistics of a zombie.
Class cleric, sorcerer, wizard At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
With a touch, you cause an infestation of ravenous worms slot of 2nd level or higher, the number of corpses you may
to manifest in the target’s flesh. The target must make a animate doubles for each slot level above 1st.
Constitution saving throw at the start of every round. Failure
means it takes 1d6 piercing damage and is staggered for 1
round. A staggered creature can only move or take a single Hide from Undead
attack action. Fleshworm infestation cannot be ended early by 1st-level necromancy
any restortive effect like restoration or heal, as the infestation Classes: cleric, paladin, warlock, wizard
starts anew if the current worms are slain. Protection from Casting Time: 1 action
good and evil negates this spell’s effects for as long as the Range: Touch
two durations overlap. Dispel good and evil automatically
ends a fleshworm infestation. Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

A creature you touch becomes invisible and undetectable skill checks, and ability checks. A successful Wisdom saving
by sound or scent to undead creatures until the spell ends. throw reduces the duration to 1 round.
Undead creatures that possess keen senses such as hearing
or smell or unusual abilities to sense the presence of living
creatures do not gain advantage on Perception checks to NIGHT TERRORS
notice the target of this spell. Anything the target is wearing 6th-level illusion
or carrying is likewise hidden from undead as long as it Casting Time: 1 action
is on the target’s person. The spell ends for a target that Range: Touch
attacks or casts a spell, even if their target is not undead.
Components V, S, M/DF (a drop of black ink)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Duration: 24 hours
slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional
creature for each slot level above 1st. Class: bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
The target of this spell gains no benefit from normal or
magical sleep, writhing in a series of nightmares that torture
HORRIFIC DOUBLES its psyche and diminish its ability to perform strenuous
4th-level necromancy tasks. A target that fails a Wisdom saving throw doesn’t
Casting Time: 1 action heal ability or hit point damage naturally and can’t prepare
Range: Self spells or regain spell slots. After one night of poor sleep,
the target gains an exhaustion level. A creature affected by
Components V, S
this spell doesn’t recover from exhaustion inflicted by this
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute spell after resting, nor do spells such as lesser restoration or
Class: bard, sorcerer, wizard greater restoration provide any respite.
You create several illusory doubles of yourself, where you The images from previous nightmares continue to haunt
and each image all seem slightly off or wrong in appearance. the target’s mind while awake. If the target has rested at
Treat this spell as mirror image, except as noted. least once while affected by night terrors it then becomes
Each creature that can see the doubles must succeed at a subjected to the frightened condition with the focus of
Wisdom save or become frightened for as long as it can see its fear being all sentient creatures it meets except close
any of the doubles. A successful saving throw negates the friends or relatives (like the party).
frightened condition and renders the creature immune to The affected creature can attempt a new saving throw
the further effects of this spell (beyond the usual effects of once per day to end night terrors, but multiple attempts to
mirror image). In addition, the first time a creature that failed rest in a given day do not afford the target multiple saves.
its initial saving throw destroys one of the images, it must A creature that successfully saves against night terrors
succeed at a Wisdom save or its perception of the double ends the spell and rests normally that night but gains the
shifts at the last second. The double takes on the face of benefits of only that night’s rest, not any benefits missed
the attacker, the face of a loved one, or some other equally on previous nights.
disturbing image, causing the attacker to become frightened If your campaign uses the Sanity ability score, use this
and has disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws until saving throw instead of Wisdom.
the end of its next round from the traumatic shock.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
If your campaign uses the Sanity ability score, use this slot of 7th level or higher, the duration of the spell increases
saving throw instead of Wisdom. by 1 day.


2nd-level enchantment 5th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: 100 feet
Components V, S Components V, S, M/DF (a pinch of dried skin flakes)
Duration: 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Class: sorcerer, warlock, wizard Class cleric, sorcerer/wizard, warlock
You telepathically wrack the target’s mind and body with You target one living creature within range and it takes
agonizing pain that imposes disadvantage on attack rolls, 1 levels of exhaustion on a failed Constitution saving

throw each round as its skin loosens and splits. Once it Range: 0 ft.; see text
has taken 5 levels of exhaustion in this way, its skin falls Components: V, S, M (ochre and sulfur, plus powdered gold
off to reveal its musculature. The creature ceases taking worth a total of 15,000 gp)
exhaustion levels but has disadvantage on physical based
Duration: see text
saving throws (Str, Con, Dex), pain effects (GM’s discretion),
or poison damage. The target automatically fails any Classes: bard, cleric, warlock, wizard
Charisma based checks with the exception of Intimidate. This spell functions as the symbol spell, save that creatures
The creature’s skin regrows rapidly — once its exhaustion that fails its Wisdom saving throw become dominated (as
levels are fully healed, its skin becomes intact once again per dominate monster) by Hastur. This causes such creatures
and the penalties end. to seek to aid any obvious minions or worshipers of Hastur
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell in sight, and any true worshiper of Hastur can command
slot of 6th level or higher, the number of targets increases the affected creatures as if that worshiper had been the one
by 1 per spell slot used. If cast as a 9th-level spell the to dominate them. In the case of conflicting commands
concentration requirement is removed. issued from different true worshipers of Hastur, the
commanders must attempt opposed Charisma checks,
with the winner being able to command the targets for that
SYMBOL OF EXSANGUINATION round. If no worshipers or agents of Hastur are in sight, an
This spell adds a new symbol option to the symbol spell. affected creature can act normally. When affected by this
Exsanguination. Each target must make a Constitution spell’s Yellow Sign in this way, the effects last for 1 round
saving throw, taking 5d10 necrotic damage on a failed save, per level. Once triggered, the Yellow Sign remains active
or half as much damage on a successful save. They also for 10 minutes.
begin bleeding uncontrollably and violently from their There is a 1% chance when a creature fails its saving throw
eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, as well as any existing open against this spell that Hastur takes note and, for reasons of
wounds. Each creature that failed its saving throw takes an his own, decides to control the target personally. In this
additional 1d10 necrotic damage at the start of its turn. For case, the actions taken by the dominated creature are left to
as long as they are affected by the spell the target has the the GM to determine, but the effects of this spell’s Yellow
poisoned condition. Sign persist for 1 day and the commands issued cannot
While a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check or magical be countermanded by any other creature, even if they are
healing can end the ongoing necrotic damage, the damage Hastur worshipers.
restarts again each round so long as the creature begins Regardless of how long the effects last or whether Hastur
its turn still within 60 feet of the symbol, including if the directly controls a victim, if a creature failed to resist this
creature leaves the area and returns. Creatures that succeed spell’s effects, Hastur can target that victim for the rest of its
at their saving throw suffer no ill effects from the symbol, life with his fulvous dreams ability. Whether or not the Great
even if they leave its area and return. Old One ever chooses to do so is left to the GM to determine.


4th-level necromancy
Two new rituals are included in this adventure: the Ritual
Casting Time: 1 action of the Crimson Shroud and the Ritual of the Corrupted
Range personal Shroud. The casting times and/or skill checks for these
Components V, S, M (a piece of lemon rind) rituals are lower than ordinarily needed because of the use
of the Crimson Shroud as a required focus for them. Likewise,
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
the use of the Shroud absorbs any backlash against the
Class sorcerer/wizard caster. Conversely, these rituals cannot be performed at all
This functions as fire shield, except it wreathes you in yellow without the use of the Crimson Shroud as a focus.
or green acidic mist instead of hot or cold flames. The spell
deals acid damage to attackers and protects you against
acid damage. This spell does not shed light. RITUAL OF THE CRIMSON SHROUD
School conjuration (healing)
YELLOW SIGN Casting Time 90 minutes
9th-level enchantment Components V, S, plus the ritual leader must have the
Casting Time: 10 minutes Crimson Shroud

Skill Checks The ritual requires 3 successful skill checks the caster losing consciousness or otherwise being unable to
before 6 failures – Wisdom (Medicine) DC 10; Intelligence continue the ritual. The ritual must be cast in the moments
(Religion) DC 10; Intelligence (Arcana) DC 10 before dawn so that in the final round of the ritual the
Range touch vampire is exposed to direct sunlight. If the vampire is not
exposed to direct sunlight in the final round of the ritual,
Target one creature’s body (living or dead)
then it cannot ever remove its weakness to being destroyed
Duration instantaneous by direct sunlight. While covered by the Crimson Shroud, the
Saving Throw none, see text vampire is temporarily immune to the effects of sunlight.
Backlash none The casting of this ritual requires a blood sacrifice each
Failure The Crimson Shroud’s use of the intended spell effect round that deals 3d6 points of necrotic damage (this damage
fails. This does not count as a use of that spell ability, and it bypasses resistances and immunities). The caster chooses the
can be attempted again after 1 hour. source of this blood sacrifice each round from any sentient
creature (living or undead) that has blood in its body that is
The caster places the Crimson Shroud over the body of the
within 30 feet of the caster. A creature can resist this sacrificial
individual who is to be affected by the rituals healing. He
blood loss with a DC 23 Constitution save, though the caster
then chooses the spell effect that will be used and begins
can target a different individual with the blood sacrifice as
the ritual. Upon completion of the ritual that spell effects
part of the ritual’s action for that round. The caster can only
that target of the ritual just as if it had been cast by a cleric
redirect the blood sacrifice target once per round.
of the appropriate level. If the ritual used to bring a creature
back from death, the subject’s soul must be free and willing The ritual is unlike other rituals in that for each round
to return as described in the raise dead spell. in which a successful skill check (caster’s choice) is made,
one vampire weakness is removed in the following order.
This weakness is removed even though the caster has not
RITUAL OF THE CORRUPTED SHROUD yet succeeded on at least half of the skill checks (see Failure
above if 5 skill checks are failed).
School necromancy
Casting Time 1 minute
It is possible that variations of this ritual exist that can
Components V, M (a blood sacrifice, see text), plus the ritual remove the weaknesses of nosferatus and other types of
leader must have the Crimson Shroud vampires or even other types of undead altogether, but if
Skill Checks The ritual requires 10 successful skill checks so none have yet come to light.
- Intelligence (Arcana) DC 10, 4 successes; Intelligence
(Religion) DC 10, 3 successes; Intelligence (Arcana) DC 10,
2 successes. Round Vampire Weakness Removed
Range touch 1 Aversion to odor of garlic
Target one vampire 2 Shadowless and no reflection
Duration instantaneous 3 Aversion to presentation of holy symbols
Saving Throw none 4 Inability to enter a private home or dwelling
Backlash The target is forced into gaseous form and must without invitation (forbiddance)
return to its coffin for 2 rounds to reform. 5 Damage from immersion in running water
Failure The target’s weaknesses stop being removed at (harmed by running water)
the point when the 5th skill check is failed and no further 6 Immobilization by wooden stake through heart
removal of weaknesses can be attempted for that target. (stake to the heart)
7 Blood hunger
The caster places the Crimson Shroud over the target 8 Forced into gaseous form and regeneration in
vampire’s body and begins the ritual. If the vampire is coffin at 0 hit points
conscious and willing, it can be the caster. Making the 9 Reduced damage from exposure to direct
necessary skill check in each round of the ritual is a move sunlight (sunlight hypersensitivity only does 10
or bonus action that allows the caster to otherwise act radiant damage)
normally, but he cannot otherwise talk or cast spells with
verbal components during the ritual. The ritual does not 10 Damage from exposure to direct sunlight
require concentration and cannot be interrupted short of (sunlight hypersensitivity weakness removed)

Appendix C:
Gods of the High Places
Information on three deities from Frog God Games is Bards and poets therefore venerate him, as do prophets
included below. The first is the deity Thyr, for whom the and seers, who seek the divine touch of the God of the Wild
Asterian Order is dedicated, even if in the modern day Air to give them insights, provide them muses, or reveal
the members have lost knowledge of their true mission. to them secrets. Myrddin’s temples are usually mountain
The second is Myrddin, the Ancient Ones deity whose caves containing a pool and an oculus (natural or hewn)
druidic followers originally resisted the lunar invaders and through which the sun can be seen reflected on the waters.
entrapped the moon-beast Dykath in the standing stone. Shrines are usually small mountain springs where an
Unlike Thyr, Myrddin’s followers are not encountered in offering cup is left for those who drink of his waters to
this adventure, having long since abandoned the area, but repay his blessing.
his information is provided for your convenience. The
third deity is the moon goddess Narrah. The moon Luna, of
Myrddin is detailed on page 103 of Mountains of Madness
whom this goddess is patron, plays a prominent role in this
by Frog God Games.
adventure though the goddess herself does not. However,
the events of the adventure are likely to be of interest to the
faith of this goddess, so information is provided for her Narrah, The Lady of the Moon, The Pale
religion as well.
Sister, Luna
Greater God
Myrddin, God of High Places, Lord of the Alignment: Neutral
Wild Air Clerical Domains: Knowledge, Trickery, or Tempest
Lesser God Symbol: The Sickle (a crescent moon)
Alignment: Neutral Garb: Dark robes, midnight blue cloaks
Clerical Domains: Knowledge, Light, or Trickery Favored Weapon: Sickle, short sword
Symbol: The sun reflected in a still pool Form of Worship and Holidays: Prayer services held
Garb: Hooded woolen robes with a rope belt, bare feet weekly on the night of Sistersdag. Regular worship and
Favored Weapon: Sling fasting on nights of the full moon. Lunar eclipses and
other astronomical events such as the new moon and
Form of Worship and Holidays: Worship services take
the double moon (when Luna and Sybil are both full), are
place in mountain caves at noon when the sunlight
sacred to Narrah. Each month on Moonless Night, the
shines through hidden openings onto sacred pools on the
followers of Narrah hold a short prayer vigil at sundown
Ides (fifteenth day) of each month. The month of Daan
and then go forth in numbers, armed and armored, to
(Sixthmonth) is most sacred to Myrddin because the days
battle the followers of Cybele and defend against raids by
are longest and the light holds dominance over the sky to
the Nocturnals.
the greatest extent of any time during the year.
Typical Worshippers: Druids, stargazers, lycanthropes,
Typical Worshippers: Druids, bards, poets, seers, prophets,
bards, lunar nagas, some fey
aerial servants, some cloud dragons

An ancient and oft-forgotten goddess, Narrah has looked

Myrddin is an ancient god, long revered on Akados but
down upon the face of the lands as the greater moon
obscure to most folk today except among the Daanites of
known as the Pale Sister since the beginning of the world.
Ynys Cymragh and small enclaves of folk who still keep to
Worshipped by stargazers, lycanthropes, and lovers alike,
the Old Ways of the Ancient Ones. He is not so much a god
the Lady of the Moon is neither good nor evil, light nor
of the mountains, as the god of high places and the aerial
dark. She represents neutrality is its most natural form.
spaces of the mortal realm. As such, he has been a mortal
She is the moonlight in the dark, the push and pull of
enemy to Pazuzu for time immemorial as they both claim
the tides, and the navigation point when one is lost.
dominion over the “Middle Air,” as the skies of the mortal
Actively worshipped by druids who remember the ancient
realms are known. Myrddin is also a god of light (both in
traditions of the Old Way, she imparts the secrets of the
the sense of the sun and of knowledge) and inspiration.

universe under the cover of night. Most folk still refer to Symbol: Silver cross on a white field
her only as the Pale Sister or, perhaps, Luna, and think of Garb: White robes trimmed with silver, purple or gold —
her only as the larger and brighter of the two moons rather the colors of kingship
than as an actual goddess.
Favored Weapon: Mace
Form of Worship and Holidays: Last day of every month,
Alongside her twin moon, Sybil the Dark SisterLL1-4, on the last holy day of every year is set-aside for non-royalty
Narrah — as Luna the Pale Sister — has hovered over the to have their grievances heard.
world since the beginning. Her earliest followers were
Typical Worshippers: Humans, royalty
the fey and primitive humanoids, and since that time she
has warred with the smaller moon for dominance of the
night. Narrah does not seek power, but CybeleLL4-43, the Thyr is the god of wise and just rule. He is normally
deity associated with the other moon, has long sought the depicted as a wizened king seated on a great throne holding
means to destroy Narrah and assume total dominion over a rod of kingship in one hand and a chalice of peace in
the night sky. To this end, she has allied with her idiot twin the other. His principles are justice, order, and peace. He
ShupnikkuratAK:M-38,39 to seek a way to devour Narrah whole represents proper and traditional rule and as such was
and remove her from the sky forever. once worshiped (at least in name) by all human royalty. He
is the embodiment of the enlightened human caste system
where each person has a fairly determined role in a lawful
Narrah is an ancient deity sometimes worshipped as the
society intended to create the greatest good for the greatest
goddess Nanna-SinFGG1-4,5 and as the god Sin the MoonAK:M-38,39
in the Anunnaki Pantheon of northern Libynos. Though
unknown to any but the worshippers who revere her as
Nanna-Sin, Narrah is the bitter and eternal enemy of the His symbol is a silver cross on a white field, symbolizing
Succubus Queen, LilithFGG1-4,5. the upturned cross-haft of his sister’s sword, which he
thrust into the earth to end the gods’ war. Upon seeing
the blood of so many gods shed, Thyr foreswore the use of
Narrah is detailed on page 242 of LL5: Borderland
swords and his priests may not use bladed weapons for this
Provinces by Frog God Games.
reason. Many favor reinforced rods, similar to light maces,
modeled after Thyr’s own rod of kingship. The noble eagle
Thyr, God of Law and Justice and lion are his sacred creatures.
Greater God
Alignment: Lawful Good Thyr is detailed on page 169 of LL1: Stoneheart Valley by
Cleric Domains: Knowledge or Life Frog God Games.

The religion of The Shadow plays a significant role in the of the Haunted Steppe, but whispers of The Shadow are
lives of the Shattered Folk tribes. never far behind. In fact, the cursed lands east and north
of the Lost Mountains are called the Shadowlands, and
no plainsman in his right mind would over go within a
The Shadow thousand miles of there. The steppes are huge and hold
Areas of Concern unknown many secrets; The Shadow is one that folk of the plains
Alignment Any evil hope never comes to light.
Associated Domains Death, War
Edicts any creature that doesn't serve The Shadow is the The Shadow first appeared in Fields of Blood by Frog God
enemy, harvest souls for The Shadow Games.
Anathema allow enemies to encroach on The Shadow's
territory; destroy a body when it could be made into an
undead, suffer an enemy to live
Thyr, God of Law and Justice
Greater God
Symbol: Obsidian disk (representing an accretion disk)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Garb: Dark colors (no formal garb)
Cleric Domains: Knowledge or Life
Form of Worship and Holidays: Killing sentient beings to
Symbol: Silver cross on a white field
claim their souls for The Shadow. Unknown if any holidays.
Garb: White robes trimmed with silver, purple or gold —
Typical Worshippers: Unknown (shadow walkers, some
the colors of kingship
Shattered Folk)
Favored Weapon: Mace
Form of Worship and Holidays: Last day of every month,
The subject of The Shadow remains as much a mystery
on the last holy day of every year is set-aside for non-royalty
today as it was at its first appearance on the steppes
to have their grievances heard.
millennia ago. It is a religious or quasi-religious cult that
is believed to have brought about the destruction of the Typical Worshippers: Humans, royalty
mighty Hundaei Empire more than two thousand years
ago. Known simply as The Shadow — when it is mentioned Thyr is the god of wise and just rule. He is normally depicted
at all — historians believe that it was a deity, entity, or as a wizened king seated on a great throne holding a rod of
powerful cult that was encountered when the Hundaei first kingship in one hand and a chalice of peace in the other. His
dared to migrate to and begin to settle in The shadow of principles are justice, order, and peace. He represents proper
the Nam-i-Budhani — the Lost Mountains. Whatever it and traditional rule and as such was once worshiped (at least
was, it introduced madness and violence to the peoples of in name) by all human royalty. He is the embodiment of the
the Great Steppe in unprecedented intensity and brought enlightened human caste system where each person has a
about the downfall and near extinction of the formerly fairly determined role in a lawful society intended to create
indomitable empire after two years of civil war. the greatest good for the greatest number.

The Shattered Folk avoid the northern reaches of the His symbol is a silver cross on a white field, symbolizing
plains and tell of how monstrous humanoids have swept the upturned cross-haft of his sister’s sword, which he
down in great hordes of in the past, spurred on by The thrust into the earth to end the gods’ war. Upon seeing
Shadow. When these hordes march, the Shattered Folk the blood of so many gods shed, Thyr foreswore the use of
scatter and head to the far reaches of the plains to avoid swords and his priests may not use bladed weapons for this
them. In the past the elves of the Green Realm and the reason. Many favor reinforced rods, similar to light maces,
forces of the Foerdewaith have spent their strength modeled after Thyr’s own rod of kingship. The noble eagle
to hold back these hordes, and only the creation of the and lion are his sacred creatures.
legendary Wizard’s Wall stymied the last incursion when
strange shadow walkers drove the horde on. Always these
hordes have dispersed, and their mysterious masters Thyr is detailed on page 169 of LL1: Stoneheart Valley by
have disappeared back into the distant northern regions Frog God Games.

First Floor

Second Floor


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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Groves, Tracy Hurley, Matt James, Jonathan H. Keith, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Planar Adventures © 2018,
Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Michael Kenway, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Paizo Inc.; Authors: Robert Brookes, John Compton,
Coast, Inc. Shaw, Owen KC Stephens, and Russ Taylor. Paris Crenshaw, Eleanor Ferron, Thurston Hillman,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Intrigue © 2016, James Jacobs, Isabelle Lee, Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen,
System Reference Document © 2000. Wizards of the Joe Pasini, Lacy Pellazar, Jessica Price, Mark Seifter, F.
Coast, Inc; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Paizo, Inc.; Authors: Jesse Benner, John Bennett, Logan
Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, Wesley Schneider, Todd Stewart, James L. Sutter, and
Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Linda Zayas-Palmer.
Arneson. Robert N. Emerson, Amanda Harmon Kunz, Steven
Helt, Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Mikko Kallio, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game NPC Codex © 2012, Paizo
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook © 2009, Paizo Publishing, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn,
LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Radney-MacFarland, Thomas N. Reid, Alexander Riggs, Adam Daigle, Alex Greenshields, Rob McCreary, Mark
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. David N. Ross, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Linda Moreland, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
The Book of Experimental Might © 2008, Monte J. Cook. Zayas-Palmer. Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
All rights reserved. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Monster Codex © 2012,
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, © 2009, Paizo Publishing, Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Logan
LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Bulmahn. Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, John Compton,
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide. Robert N. Emerson, Jonathan H. Keith, Dale C. McCoy,
Copyright 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Jr., Mark Moreland, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, © 2010, Paizo
Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, McFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Thomas M. Reid, Patrick
Publishing, LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason
Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Renie, Mark Seifter, Tork Shaw, Neil Spicer, Owen K.C.
Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier,
Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James
Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob Stephens, Todd Stewart, and Russ Taylor. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Villain Codex © 2016, Paizo
McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide. Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Logan Bonner, Paris
K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, Copyright 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Crenshaw, Dan Dillon, Crystal Frasier, Amanda Hamon
James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, Ross Byers, Jesse Benner, Savannah Broadway, Jason Kunz, Eric Hindley, Mikko Kallio, Dale C. McCoy, Jr.,
based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Bulmahn, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, Stephen Radney-McFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Alistair
Skip Williams. Jonathan H. Keith, Will McCardell, Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Rigg, Alex Riggs, Mark Seifter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3, © 2011, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide.
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Jesse Benner, Jason Reid, Sean K Reynolds, Tork Shaw, Owen K.C. Stephens, © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Keith Baker,
Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, and Russ Taylor. Wolfgang Baur, Clinton J. Boomer, Jason Bulmahn,
Rob McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GameMastery Guide, Joshua J. Frost, Ed Greenwood, Stephen S. Greer, Jeff
Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on © 2010 Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Cam Banks, Grubb, James Jacobs, Michael Kortes, Tito Leati, Mike
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Butler, Eric McArtor, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Eric Nelson,
Williams. Cagle, Graeme Davis, Adam Daigle, Jashua J. Frost, Jeff Quick, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider,
James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, Steven Kenson, Robin Leandra Christine Schneider, David Schwartz, Amber E.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4, © 2013, Paizo
Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreart, Hal Maclean, Colin Scott, Stan!, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, James L.
Publishing, LLC; Authors Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner,
McComb, Jason Nelson, David Noonan, Richard Pett, Sutter, Greg A. Vaughan, Jeremy Walker, and JD Wiker.
Savannah Broadway, Ross Byers, Adam Daigle, Tim
Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, James Jacobs, Matt James, Rob Rich Redman, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods © 2014,
McCreary, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney- Amber Scott, Doug Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa Stevens, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Sean K Reynolds,
MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, James L Sutter, Russ Taylor, Penny Williams, Teeuwynn with Amanda Harmon, James Jacobs, John Ling, Mark
Tork Shaw, and Russ Taylor. Woodruff. Moreland, David N. Ross, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Adventurer’s Guide © 2017, Scott, Tork Shaw, James L. Sutter, Jerome Virnich.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 5 © 2015, Paizo
Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, John Bennett, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Benjamin Bruck, John Compton, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Bestiary © 2015
Logan Bonner, Creighton Broadhurst, Robert Brookes, Crystal Frasier, Tim Hitchcock, Jenny Jarzabski, Isabelle Paizo Inc.; Authors: Josh Colon, John Compton, Paris
Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Lee, Joe Pasini, Jessica Price, David Schwartz, and Josh Crenshaw, Adam Daigle, Eleanor Ferron, James Jacobs,
Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Joe Homes, James Vogt. Joe Homes, Mikko Kallio, Mike Kimmel, Ron Lundeen,
Jacobs, Amanda Harmon Kunz, Ben McFarland, Jason Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained © Kate Marshall, Kalervo Oikarinen, Stephen Radney-
Nelson, Thom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, MacFarland, and F. Wesley Schneider.
Alistair Rigg, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, Wes Schneider, Ross Beyers, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Robert Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Horsemen of the Apocalypse:
David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Mike Shel, James L. Emerson, Tim Hitchcock, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Book of the Damned, Vol. 3 © 2011, Paizo Publishing,
Sutter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer. Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Robert LLC; Author: Todd Stewart.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 6 © 2017, Paizo Schwalb, Mark Seifter, and Russ Taylor. Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Intrigue © 2016,
Inc.; Authors: Robert Brookes, Benjamin Bruck, John Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Book of the Damned © Paizo Inc.; Authors: David N. Ross, with Ross Byers.
Compton, Paris Crenshaw, Adam Daigle, Crystal 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Adam Daigle,
Frasier, James Jacobs, Thurston Hillman, Tim Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Monster Codex
Amanda Hamon Kunz, James Jacobs, Isabelle Lee, F. © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Paris
Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, Jason Keeley, Isabelle Lee, Wesley Schneider, Todd Stewart, and Josh Vogt.
Jason Nelson, Tim Nightengale, F. Wesley Schneider, Crenshaw, Mike Myler, Tork Shaw, and Larry Wilhelm.
David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Todd Stewart, Josh Vogt, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures © Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Rival Guide © 2011, Paizo
and Linda Zayas-Palmer. 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Bennett, Logan Bonner, Publishing, LLC. Authors: Brian Cortijo, Adam Daigle,
Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, John Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, Colin McComb, Jason
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Compton, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Thurston Hillman,
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Nelson, Amber Scott, Neil Spicer, and Todd Stewart.
Eric Hindley, Brandon Hodge, Ben McFarland,
Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Pathfinder Companion: Cheliax, Empire of Devils.
Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Alex Riggs, Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors:
Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor. Robert Schwalb, Mark Seifter, Russ Taylor, and Steve Jonathan H. Keith, Colin McComb, Steven E. Schend,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © Townshend. Leandra Christine Schneider, and Amber E. Scott.
2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Horror Adventures © 2016, Pathfinder Companion: Taldor, Echoes of Glory. © 2009,
Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Bennett, Clinton J. Boomer, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Joshua J. Frost.
Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Logan Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology © 2016,
Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor. Byers, Jim Groves, Steven Helt, Thurston Hillman, Eric Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Steven T. Helt,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment © Hindley, Brandon Hodge, Mikko Kallio, Jason Nelson, and David N. Ross.
2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Alistair
Pathfinder Player Companion: Black Markets  © 2015,
Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Rigg, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, F. Wesley Schneider,
Paizo Inc.; Authors: Ron Lundeen, Jason Nelson, David
Cortijo, Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
N. Ross, and David Schwartz.

Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Night © 2012, A Family Affair © 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Peterson, James M. Ward, Bill Webb, Skip Williams, and
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Tork Shaw. Author: Carla Harker Steven Winter.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Balance © Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia © 2003, Necromancer Quests of Doom 4: A Midnight Council of Quail © 2017,
2014, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Matt Goodall, Games, Inc.; Authors: Clark Peterson, Casey Frog God Games, LLC; Author: Lance Hawvermale.
Ron Lundeen, Philip Minchin, Patrick Renie, Jason Christofferson and Shane Glodoski, based on original Quests of Doom 4: The Covered Bridge © 2017, Frog
Ridler, and David Schwartz. material created by Clark Peterson and Bill Webb. God Games, LLC; Author: Kevin Wright
Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Corruption © Bard’s Gate © 2003, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Book of Lost Spells © 2015, Frog God Games, LLC
2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Paris Crewnshaw, Jim Groves, Nathan Douglas Paul.
Sean McGowen, and Philip Minchin. The Lost Lands: Stoneheart Valley © 2013, Frog God
Bonegarden © 2004, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Games, LLC.; Authors: Clark Peterson and Bill Webb.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Dungeoneer’s Handbook © Lance Hawvermale and Rob Mason.
2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Amanda Hamon, The Lost Lands: The Lost City of Barakus, © 2003 2014
The Book of Taverns © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc; Frog God Games & Necromancer Games.; Authors
Gareth Hanrahan, David Ross, and Jerome Virnich. Author Chris Jones. W.D.B. Kenower, Bill Webb.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Elemental Master’s The Eamonvale Incursion © 2007, Necromancer Games,
Handbook © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Sword of Air, © 2014, Frog God Games, LLC; Authors:
Inc.; Author: Nathan Douglas Paul, with Jack Barger. Bill Webb, Casey Christofferson, Greg Ragland, and
Eleanor Ferron, Mikko Kallio, Jason Keeley, Isabella
Lee, and Christopher Wasko. Elemental Moon © 2007, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Vicki Potter.
Author: Lance Hawvermale. The Lost Lands: Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms ©
Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Street  ©
2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Mikko Kallio, Fane of the Witch King © 2004, Necromancer Games, 2015, Frog God Games LLC: Authors: David Brohman,
Nicolas Logue, Michael McCarthy, Mike Myler, and Inc.; Author: Steve Montano. Casey W. Christofferson, Patrick Lawinger, and Greg A.
David N. Ross. The Grey Citadel © 2003, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Vaughan.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Merchant’s Manifest  © Author: Nathan Douglas Paul. Borderland Provinces © 2015, Frog God Games, LLC;
2018, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Compton, Eleanor Rappan Athuk—The Dungeon of Graves: The Upper Authors: Matthew J. Finch, Greg A. Vaughan, and Bill
Ferron, Thurston Hillman, Nathan King, Isabelle Lee, Levels © 200, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Bill Webb.
Jacob W. Michaels, Adrian Ng, David N. Ross, and Mike Webb and Clark Peterson. The Lost Lands: The Northlands Saga Complete © 2015,
Welham. Frog God Games, LLC; Authors: Kenneth Spencer, Greg
The Siege of Durgam’s Folly © 2001, Necromancer
Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner’s Games, Inc.; Author: Mike Mearls. A. Vaughan, and Kevin Wright.
Handbook © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander The Blight: Richard Pett’s Crooked City, © 2016, Frog
The Tomb of Abysthor © 2001, Necromancer Games,
Augunas, Tyler Beck, Anthony Li, Luis Loza, David N. God Games, LLC; Authors: Richard Pett, Pete Pollard,
Inc.; Authors: Clark Peterson and Bill Webb.
Ross, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Linda Zayas-Palmer. Alistair Rigg, and Greg A. Vaughan.
Tome of Artifacts © 2003, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Stars  © TB2: Horror in the Sinks, © 2016, Frog God Games, LLC;
Authors: Keith Baker, Rich Burlew, C. Robert Cargill,
2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Ethan Day-Jones, Jim Groves, Author: Alistair Rigg.
Michael Gill, George Hollochwost, Khaldoun Khelil,
Jonathan H. Keith, Andrew Romine, David N. Ross, and
Patrick Lawinger, Rhiannon Louve, Ari Marmell, The Lost Lands: Bard’s Gate © 2016, Frog God Games,
James L. Sutter.
Anthony Pryor, C.A. Suleiman. LLC; Authors: Casey W. Christofferson, Matt Finch,
Pathfinder Player Companion: Magic Tactics Toolbox  © Skeeter Green, and Greg A. Vaughan with additional
Trouble at Durbenford © 2004 Necromancer Games,
2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Steven T. new material by James M. Spahn; Based on original
Inc.; Author: Robert J Schwalb.
Helt, Thurston Hillman, and Ron Lundeen. content from Necromancer Games.
Vampires & Liches, © 2003, Necromancer Games, Inc.;
Pathfinder 13: Shadow in the Sky © 2008, Paizo Adventures in the Borderland Provinces © 2015, Frog
Authors: Casey Christofferson and Bill Webb.
Publishing, LLC; Author: Greg A. Vaughan. God Games, LLC; Authors: Eytan Bernstein, Scott
Dead Man’s Chest © 2013, Frog God Games LLC; Authors: Fitzgerald Gray, Gwendolyn Kestrel, Rhiannon Louve,
Pathfinder 15: The Armageddon Echo © 2008, Paizo
Lance Hawvermale, Rob Mason, Robert Hunter, Patrick Ari Marmell, Anthony Pryor, and C.A. Suleiman.
Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.
Goulah, Greg Ragland, Matt McGee, Chris Bernhardt,
Pathfinder Adventure Path volume #31: Tide of Honor © Casey W. Christofferson, Chad Coulter, Skeeter Green, The Tome of Horrors Complete, © 2011, Necromancer
2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Tim Hitchcock. and Travis Hawvermale, with additional contributions Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
by Erica Balsley, Lindsey Barrentine, Jay Decker, Rachel Games; Author Scott Green.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #48: Shadows of Gallowspire.
© 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Brandon Mason, and Nadine Oatmeyer. Tome of Horrors 4, Copyright 2013, Frog God Games,
Hodge. Fields of Blood © 2015, Frog God Games LLC; Author: LLC; Authors: Erica Balsley, Casey Christofferson, Jim
Tom Knauss. Collura, Lance Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, Phillip
Pathfinder Adventure Path #61: Shards of Sin © 2012, Larwood, Greg A. Vaughan, and Bill Webb, based on
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Greg A. Vaughan. Mountains of Madness © 2017, Frog God Games LLC; material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip
Pathfinder Adventure Path #84: Pyramid of the Sky Author: Tom Knauss. Williams.
Pharaoh © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Mike Shel, with Marshes of Malice © 2017, Frog God Games LLC; AE1: The Book in the Old House © 2020, Legendary
Tyler Beck, Adam Daigle, F. Wesley Schneider, and Author: Tom Knauss. Games; Authors: Alistair J. Rigg and Greg A. Vaughan.
Amber E. Scott.
Fane of the Fallen © 2010, Author William Loran AE2: The Ebon Soul, © 2020 Legendary Games; Authors:
Pathfinder Adventure Path #86: Lords of Rust © 2014, Christensen. Jeffrey Swank and Greg A. Vaughan.
Paizo Inc.; Authors: Nicolas Logue, with Adam Daigle,
Strange Bedfellows © 2010 Frog God Games, Author AE3: When Comes the Moon © 2020, Legendary Games;
Jim Groves, James Jacobs, Sean K Reynolds, and Amber
Carla Harker. Authors: Matthew Goodall and Greg A. Vaughan.
E. Scott.
The Black Monastery © 2011, Bill Webb and Mark R. AE4: Legend of the Burning Star © 2020, Legendary
Pathfinder Adventure Path #110: The Thrushmoor Terror
Shipley, Frog God Games Games; Authors: Steven Helt and Greg A. Vaughan.
© 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Tito Leati, with James
Jacobs, Michelle Jones, and Christopher Rowe. The Slumbering Tsar Saga © 2012, Frog God Game: AE5: Race for Shataakh-Uulm © 2020, Legendary
Author: Greg A. Vaughan. Games; Authors: Tom Knauss and Greg A. Vaughan.
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords
Anniversary Edition © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Rappan Athuk © 2012 Bill Webb, Frog God Games AE6: Knight Fall in Old Curgantium © 2021, Anthony
Authors: Wolfgang Baur, Stephen S. Greer, James Jacobs, Razor Coast © 2013, Frog God Games, LLC; Authors: Pryor and Greg A. Vaughan.
Nicolas Logue, Richard Pett, and Greg A. Vaughan. Lou Agresta, Tim Hitchcock, John Ling, and Nicolas Aegis of Empires Adventure Path © 2021, Legendary
Creature Collection III: Savage Bestiary © 2003, White Logue. Games; Authors: Greg A. Vaughan, Matt Goodall, Steve
Wolf Publishing, Inc. Freebooter’s Guide © 2013 Frog God Games, LLC; Helt, Tom Knauss, Anthony Pryor, Alistair J. Rigg, and
Advanced Bestiary © 2014, Green Ronin Publishing, Authors: Lou Agresta, Tim Hitchcock, Tom Knauss, Jeffrey Swank; based on original material by Greg A.
LLC; Author Jeff Hersh, Developer Owen K.C. Stephens. John Ling, RA McReynolds, and Greg Vaughan. Vaughan.
Pathways Bestiary © 2017, Rite Publishing LLC.; Author: Quests of Doom © 2015, Frog God Games, LLC;
Steven D. Russell. Authors: Casey W. Christopherson, J. Collura, Michael
Curtis, Matt Finch, Scott Greene, Ed Greenwood, Clark


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