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Niu Et Al 2021

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Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

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Environmental Pollution
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Identification of heavy metal pollution in estuarine sediments under

long-term reclamation: Ecological toxicity, sources and implications for
estuary management☆
Lixia Niu a, b, Jiayi Li c, Xiangxin Luo a, b, *, Tao Fu a, Ou Chen a, Qingshu Yang a, b
School of Marine Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou)/Southern Laboratory of Ocean Science and Engineering, Zhuhai, China
Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Research, Guangdong Provincial Engineering Research Center of Coasts, Islands and Reefs, Guangzhou, China
School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China


Keywords: Sediment samples were collected to clarify the effect of changing sedimentary environment under long-term
Heavy metals reclamation on heavy metals (Cr, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, and Ni) in a partially mixed estuary (Modaomen) of the
Sedimentary environment Pearl River Delta. The ecological toxicity and source apportionment of these metals were discussed as well. The
Ecological toxicity
metal species during the 2010s (as 2015, 2018) was more enriched than that during the 2000s (as 2003) and
Source apportionment
1990s (as 1991). This estuary overall suffered from a “moderate-to-high” pollution status. The element Cd was a
major concern for the ecosystem’s health because of its high toxicity. Sediment quality guidelines suggested that
adverse biological effects were likely to be caused by Cu and Cd in the early adjustment stage, while the threats
to marine organisms caused by the elements of Cu, Cr, Zn, and Ni were elevated during the 2010s. Two receptor
models of PCA-MLR and PMF quantified the source types and contributions of these heavy metals. Strong in­
tensity of industrial activities coupling with agricultural applications and import of adjacent seas were respon­
sible for the enriched accumulation of heavy metals in sediments. Metal source apportionment would help to
control the metal input into the estuary; identifying the role of sedimentary environment on heavy metals can
inform the sediment quality management in the estuary.

1. Introduction suspended particulate matter is a main carrier for heavy metals (Yao
et al., 2016; Zeng et al., 2020). Sediment has a large capacity to store
Estuary is a transitional zone between river and ocean, providing heavy metals, often acting as a reservoir/sink; and also, potentially re­
many important ecosystem functions and services (Boicourt, 1983; Guen leases the heavy metals into the water column, causing a secondary
et al., 2019). The estuarine zones tend to be receptors and sinks of pollution to environment (Pekey, 2006; Yi et al., 2011; Ahmad et al.,
anthropogenic pollutants such as nutrients, PAHs, and heavy metals 2020; Xiao et al., 2021). The distribution characteristics of sediment
(Kumar et al., 2015; Guo et al., 2020; Bantan et al., 2020). In which, metal species are highly correlated with sediment properties because of
heavy metal pollution has become a prime focus for environmental absorption capacity and hydrological connectivity as a external forcing
scientists due to their environmental characteristics of abundance, (Bantan et al., 2020; Li et al., 2020; Jia et al., 2021). The role of sedi­
persistence, bio-accumulation, ecological toxicity, and mentary environment should be considered for a better understanding of
non-biodegradation (Papagiannis et al., 2004; Machado et al., 2016; the heavy metal accumulation in the estuarine sediments (Krupadam
Truchet et al., 2020). Heavy metals exist in various environmental et al., 2007; Ye et al., 2012; Bi et al., 2017). However, a knowledge gap
media such as soil, suspended particulate matter, water, organism, and of how sedimentary environment influences the characteristics of heavy
sediment. The levels of heavy metals dissolved in water are relatively metals in estuary is still developing. And more studies are needed to
low (Wang et al., 2012; Kumar et al., 2020; Xie and Wang, 2020), while reveal the transportation of heavy metal pollution in sediments from an

This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Dr Hefa Cheng.

* Corresponding author. School of Marine Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou)/Southern Laboratory of Ocean Science and Engi­
neering, Zhuhai, China.
E-mail address: luoxx6@mail.sysu.edu.cn (X. Luo).

Received 13 June 2021; Received in revised form 30 July 2021; Accepted 5 September 2021
Available online 7 September 2021
0269-7491/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Niu et al. Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

estuarine environment to a marine coastal zone. Moreover, long-term monitoring of metal pollution provides an useful
The potential sources of heavy metals are both from the natural indicator of evaluating anthropogenic input and predicts the ecological
geochemical weathering of soil and rocks and human-induced sources toxicity to the estuarine ecosystems.
such as agricultural fertilization, mineral mining, and industrial pro­ For this purpose, the objectives of this study are designed to: (1)
duction (Pekey, 2006; Jia et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2020). There are examine the spatiotemporal trends of heavy metals (Cr, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd,
several commonly used methods to identify the source origins of heavy and Ni) in the estuarine sediments under the long-term reclamation; (2)
metals in the environment, for example, positive matrix factorization analyze the effect of changing sedimentary environment on the heavy
(PMF; (Comero et al., 2014; Deng et al., 2018)), principal component metals; (3) evaluate the ecological toxicity using the compared pollution
analysis (PCA; (Wang et al., 2018; Salim et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2021; indices; and (4) quantify the source contributions of heavy metals using
Xiao et al., 2021)). In the present work, the applications of multivariate PCA-MLR and PMF and provide effective implications for estuary
statistical techniques (e.g., PMF, PCA, enrichment factor) are introduced management. These systematic investigations will gain an in-depth
to identify the natural and anthropogenic sources of heavy metals in understanding of the pollution status and anthropogenic pressures on
sediments of a partially mixed estuary (Modaomen) of the Pearl River metal species.
Delta (PRD; Fig. 1).
The Modaomen Estuary contributes a lot of sediments from the West 2. Study site and data collection
River to the shape and formation of the PRD. The widely known huge
projects implemented in the Modaomen Estuary are the reclamation 2.1. Site description
development since 1980s. These projects have changed the coastlines,
sedimentary environment, and biogeochemical cycles in that area. The Pearl River (Zhujiang) deliveries the waters into the South China
Heavy metals in this estuarine mixing zone are dynamic because of Sea via eight river mouths (as Humen, Jiaomen, Hongqimen, Hengmen,
intense anthropogenic perturbations from surrounding urban areas. Modaomen, Jitimen, Hutiaomen, and Yamen) (Fig. 1). In which, the
Previous studies have discussed the distribution characteristics of heavy discharge at the Modaomen is the largest, accounting for 80% of the
metals in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary (Chen et al., 2012; Zhao total. The estuary is a typical ecological environment fragile area and is
et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2020); researcher have approximately divided into two zones according to the 5 m isobath line,
assessed the metal pollution in sediments/soils of the PRD (Bai et al., inner and outer estuary. Both sides of the Modaomen Estuary are located
2011; Gu et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2018; Lu et al., 2020); while limited in the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone and close to Macau. The aquatic
reports on heavy metal pollution in this typical Modaomen Estuary are environment in that area has been threatened with the heavy metal
found (Huang, 1993; Liu et al., 2019; Jia et al., 2021) and no reports pollution as a consequence of the rapid population growth (Pan and
have discussed the metal pollution under the long-term reclamation in Wang, 2012; Zhao et al., 2017). Many industrial and agricultural areas
this estuary. The impact of changing sedimentary environment on the are distributed along the Modaomen channel (Fig. 1b), which would
characteristics of sediment heavy metal pollution is firstly documented. contribute much to the metal sources.

Fig. 1. Location of the Pearl River Delta in China (a) and sketch map of the Modaomen Estuary and distributions of functional water areas (b), and sampling sites (c).
The inner and outer zones of the estuary are approximately divided by the 5-m isobath line, which corresponds to the dominated roles of river discharge and marine
current, respectively.

L. Niu et al. Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

The high intensity of human perturbations has been detected over used to explore the correlations between heavy metals and sediment
the past decades, such as the typical extensive reclamation projects properties. The pollution assessment indices (contamination index, po­
implemented in the Modaomen Estuary (Fig. S1a, Supplementary Ma­ tential ecological risk, geo-accumulation index, enrichment factor, and
terial). The long-term variations of water and sediment between 1971 sediment quality guidelines) are introduced to quantify the degree of
and 2019 also reflected the degree of human interference (Fig. S1c). The heavy metal contamination in sediments and their ecological toxicity to
sediment load showed a sharp decline. Three periods were then divided the marine organisms. Principal component analysis (PCA) is used to
according to the sediment trend, stable period (1971–1982), mutation examine the correlations among heavy metals and to identify their po­
period (1983–2000), and adjustment period (2001-present). These pe­ tential sources (Ip et al., 2007; Gu et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2014; Zhao
riods were corresponded to the extensive reclamation projects in the et al., 2017, 2020). The related factor scores of PCA, calculated by
Modaomen Estuary. regression method, help to understand the associations of environmental
variables. The PCA uses the principal factor scores to identify source
2.2. Sample collection, instrumental analysis, and quality assurance/ types while multiple linear regression (MLR) identifies the contribution
quality control rate of each source (Li et al., 2015; Deng et al., 2018; Salim et al., 2019;
Zhang et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2021). Each variable is standardized for
Our research group (Institute of Coastal and Estuarine Research, Sun units prior to the PCA-MLR analysis. Data preparations for PCA-MLR are
Yat-sen University) conducted two field surveys in the Modaomen Es­ performed using the statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics 26 for
tuary in September 2003 and March 2015, combining the limited data in Windows. The calculation of PCA-MLR is as following:
1991 (Huang, 1993), 2008 (Xie et al., 2012), and 2018 (Liu et al., 2019; ∑

Jia et al., 2021). Sampling sites were displayed in Fig. 1 and spanned y= ai xi + a0 (1)
from 21.958◦ to 22.160◦ N and 113.367◦ -113.557◦ E. Surface sediment

samples (0–5 cm) were densely collected from the inner and outer where y indicates the concentration of heavy metal i (as Ci); m is the
Modaomen Estuary using a grab sampler, 37 samples in 2003 and 76 in number of influencing factors; ai is the normalized regression coeffi­
2015. Samples were stored into the pre-cleaned polyethylene bags and cient; xi is the factor score; and a0 indicates the regression constant. The
were shipped to the laboratory for further analysis. contribution rate (ci) of each source is derived as follows:
Sediment properties were analyzed using a Mastersizer 2000 laser
diffraction particle size analyser (size range 0.02–2000 μm; Malvern, ai
ci (%) = ∑ × 100 (2)
United Kingdom). Digestion of sediments, with an acid mixture (HCl- ai
HClO4-HNO3), was conducted in a heating block. The grain sizes were Another receptor model of positive matrix factorization (PMF)
grouped as follows: >0.06 mm (sand), 0.004–0.06 mm (silt), and quantifies the contributions of pollution sources (Comero et al., 2014;
<0.004 mm (clay). The measurement of the heavy metals was deter­ Zhang et al., 2018). The PCA-MLR explains less than 100% of the in­
mined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry formation, while the PMF can represent 100% of all the information. The
(ICP-OES, PE Optima 5300DV, America) (Liang et al., 2018). PMF analysis is performed using the PMF 5.0 model from the United
The heavy metal recovery process followed a strict quality assur­ States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to the user
ance/quality control. A standard material of Guangdong water system guide, the PMF calculation is as follows:
sediment composition GBW07312 (GSD-12) was used to guarantee

analytical accuracy and precision. The recovery rates were between 95% xij = gik fkj + eij , (i = 1, 2, …, m; j = 1, 2, …, n) (3)
and 110%. All of the experimental reagents were at an analytical grade k=1
or higher. Duplicates and blank samples were used for quality control.
The method detection limit was 0.055 mg kg− 1 for Cu, 0.01 mg kg− 1 for where xij is the concentration of metal species j measured in sample i and
Cd, 0.246 mg kg− 1 for Zn, 0.006 mg kg− 1 for Pb, 0.003 mg kg− 1 for Ni, eij is the residual for each sample. The sample data are divided into two
and 0.028 mg kg− 1 for Cr. Relative standard deviations of less than 10% matrices: factor contribution matrix (gik) and factor profile matrix (fkj).
for multiple measurements were acceptable. The summary of heavy The PMF uses the least squares method to obtain the optimal matrices gik
metal contents and sediment properties was shown in Table 1. and fkj. The sample concentration and uncertainty are both involved in
the PMF. The uncertainty values are defined as:
3. Methodology Unc = (5/6) × MDL, (Ci < MDL)
Unc = (errorfraction × concentration)2 + (0.5 × MDL)2 , (Ci > MDL)
In this study, multivariate statistical techniques are applied to
investigate the characteristics of heavy metal pollution in sediments of (4)
the Modaomen Estuary. Spatial distributions of variables are plotted The optimal matrices gik and fkj are obtained until a minimum value
with Golden Software surfer 13.0. The coefficient of variance (Cv) is of objective function (Q) is found. Q is defined as:
used to describe the spatial variability. Pearson’s correlation analysis is

Table 1
Summary of heavy metal pollution and sediment properties in the estuary.
Variable Abbreviation Unit 2003 2015 Sample analysis

mean SD Cv mean SD Cv
Copper Cu mg kg− 85.51 34.62 40% 40.08 13.25 33% Inductively coupled plasma mass
Zinc Zn mg kg− 130.44 108.8 83% 254.68 154.99 61% spectrometry
Nickel Ni mg kg− 7.97 2.34 29% 29.68 6.77 23%
Lead Pb mg kg− 15.23 17.42 114% 38.8 10.12 26%
Chromium Cr mg kg− 24.62 15.89 65% 84.59 22.64 27%
Cadmium Cd mg kg− 1.7 1.24 73% 0.88 0.48 54%
Median diameter Md – 5.93 1.72 29% 5.37 1.61 30% Mastersizer 2000
Clay – % 32.22 13.54 42% 20.09 9.78 49%
Silt – % 31.4 29.58 94% 46.53 21.11 45%
Sand – % 42.23 14 33% 33.37 29.58 89%

L. Niu et al. Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

∑m ∑ n (
)2 values. The maximum concentrations of Zn, Cr, Pb, and Ni observed in
Q= (5) 2015 were higher than in 2003 by 96% (Zn), 272% (Cr), 155% (Pb), and
244% (Ni). Cu, Zn, and Cd varied significantly over the estuary, with Cv
i=1 j=1

values of 33% (Cu), 61% (Zn), and 54% (Cd). The Cv values of Ni (23%),
4. Results
Pb (26%), and Cr (27%) were non-significant, demonstrating that these
metals may have different sources. Heavy metals collected in the Mod­
4.1. Characteristics of heavy metals in the estuarine sediments
aomen Estuary in 2018, a period of current adjustment, had the pattern
Zn (171.90 ± 37.72 mg kg− 1) >Cr (126.78 ± 28.41 mg kg− 1) >Pb
The mean concentrations of heavy metals in sediments of the Mod­
(56.22 ± 10.64 mg kg− 1) >Cu (37.78 ± 7.69 mg kg− 1) >Ni (37.11 ±
aomen Estuary under the long-term reclamation are shown in Fig. 2. In
6.83 mg kg− 1) >Cd (1.12 ± 1.04 mg kg− 1). In 2018, the mean concen­
the early adjustment period of 2003, significant differences in the spatial
trations of all heavy metals exceeded their background values.
distributions of heavy metals were detected between the sampling sites
Heavy metal concentrations in sediments of the Modaomen Estuary
(Table S1, Supplementary Material). The mean concentration of heavy
were comparable with those reported in the Pearl River Estuary (Ip
metal pollution followed the order of Zn (mean ± SD, 130.44 ± 108.8
et al., 2007; Ye et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2012; Zhao et al., 2017), the
mg kg− 1) >Cu (85.51 ± 34.62 mg kg− 1) >Cr (24.62 ± 15.89 mg kg− 1)
Yellow River Estuary (Bi et al., 2017), the Changjiang River Estuary (Bi
>Pb (15.24 ± 17.42 mg kg− 1) >Ni (7.97 ± 2.34 mg kg− 1) >Cd (1.70 ±
et al., 2017), and other estuarine systems in the world (Coxon et al.,
1.24 mg kg− 1). The metal levels in that period varied from 7.03 to
2016; Jahan and Strezov, 2018; Islam et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2021;
388.29 mg kg− 1 for Zn, 29.24–140.51 mg kg− 1 for Cu, 2.36–64.36 mg
Jeong et al., 2021; Ota et al., 2021). The comparisons are shown in
kg− 1 for Cr, 1.29–80.65 mg kg− 1 for Pb, 4.09–13.93 mg kg− 1 for Ni, and
Table S3, Supplementary Material.
0.14–4.58 mg kg− 1 for Cd. The mean concentrations of Zn, Cu, and Cd
Using the 5 m isobath line, the estuary displayed different charac­
exceeded their background values (CNEMC, 1990), and Pb, Ni, and Cr
teristics between the inner and outer zones, the inner zone under the
were within their background values. Heavy metal distributions showed
influence of riverine input and the outer zone under the influence of
different degrees of spatial variability regarding to the coefficient of
marine forcing. In 2003, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd were higher in the outer
variance of each variable. The Cv values ranged from 29% to 114%
estuary than that in the inner estuary. Cr showed higher values in the
(mean 68%), indicating significant variability in the estuary.
inner estuary, indicating that Cr could be largely attributed to riverine
A different pattern of heavy metal pollution was detected during the
input. The concentration of Ni in the two zones was similar, implying
middle adaptive adjustment period of 2015. The concentrations of
that river discharge and marine currents equally influenced Ni. In 2015,
heavy metals at the sampling sites are provided in Table S2 and Fig. S2,
Zn and Pb were higher in the inner estuary than the outer estuary, but
Supplementary Material. The sequenced of trace metals was Zn (254.68
the other elements showed the reverse trend. In 2018, all of the metal
± 154.99 mg kg− 1) >Cr (84.59 ± 22.64 mg kg− 1) >Cu (40.08 ± 13.25
elements had higher concentrations in the inner estuary than the outer
mg kg− 1) >Pb (38.80 ± 10.12 mg kg− 1) >Ni (29.68 ± 6.77 mg kg− 1)
zone. These findings indicated that heavy metal contamination in the
>Cd (0.88 ± 0.48 mg kg− 1). The concentrations of Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, and Cr
estuary at different periods was a reflection of the interactions of the
were far higher than Cd, ranging from 15.78 to 62.96 mg kg− 1 Cu,
sedimentary environment, geographical factors, river discharge, marine
95.78–819.46 mg kg− 1 Zn, 16.73–42.55 mg kg− 1 Ni, 22.04–75.99 mg
current, and anthropogenic influences. Urban activities coupled with
kg− 1 Pb, 45.50–133.88 mg kg− 1 Cr, and 0.28–2.77 mg kg− 1 Cd. In 2015,
agricultural chemicals can increase the amounts of heavy metals in the
the mean concentrations of all heavy metals exceeded their background

Fig. 2. Box diagrams of heavy metal concentrations in sediment of the Modaomen Estuary in the early (a, 2003, n = 37), middle (b, 2015, n = 76), and present
adjustment stage (c, 2018, n = 10), in which, the data was fitted by the symmetric log-normal distributions.

L. Niu et al. Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

inner estuary (Bai et al., 2011); more heavy metals might be released 4.2.1. Assessment of potential ecological risk
into the water from the sediments when the marine current strongly The contamination index (CI) and comprehensive ecological risk
interacted with the riverine inflow (Huang, 1993; Feng et al., 2017). index (RI) are widely applied for evaluating the marine sediment
The transport route of Cd exhibited a different trend, indicating that pollution and ecological toxicity of heavy metals (Hakanson, 1980; Yi
it was from a different source. As a priority pollutant, Cd would pose a et al., 2011; Li et al., 2014). These pollution indices are expressed as
high toxicity even at a low concentration. The highest concentration of follows:
Cd was concentrated in the middle estuary. It showed a relative decrease
CI = Ci /Bi (6)
in 2015 and 2018 compared to its level in 2003. The locations with the
highest Cd varied due to the changing location of the central sandbars of
Ei = Ti × CI (7)
the Modaomen Estuary.


4.2. Heavy metal pollution and ecological toxicity RI = Ei (8)


The pollution assessment results of heavy metals in sediments be­

where Ci indicates the measured concentration of heavy metal i; Bi
tween 2003 and 2018 are presented in Fig. 3 and Table S4-S6 (Supple­
means the background value of heavy metal i (Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd, and Cr
mentary Material).
as 47.3 mg kg− 1, 17 mg kg− 1, 36 mg kg− 1, 18.2 mg kg− 1, 0.056 mg kg− 1,
and 50.5 mg kg− 1, respectively; (CNEMC, 1990)); Ei means the potential
ecological index of heavy metal i; and Ti indicates the toxicity coefficient

Fig. 3. Pollution assessment of heavy metals in the estuarine sediments in 2003 (a, d, g, j), 2015 (b, e, h, k), and 2018 (c, f, i, l).

L. Niu et al. Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

(Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd, and Cr as 1, 5, 5, 5, 30, and 2, respectively). The detected in the early adjustment period. The highest Igeo values for Cd
pollution levels of CI are classified as: no pollution if CI < 1; slight and Cu appeared in 2003, for Zn and Pb in 2015, and for Cr and Ni in
pollution if CI at a range of 1–3; moderate pollution if at 3–5; and serious 2018. The Igeo sequence in 2003 was Cd > Cu > Zn > Pb > Cr > Ni. In
pollution if CI > 5 (Li et al., 2014). For RI, four pollution levels are 2015 it was Cd > Zn > Cu > Pb > Cr > Ni. In 2018 it was Cd > Pb > Cu
classified: low contamination where RI < 95, moderate contamination > Zn > Cr > Ni.
where larger than 95 and less than 190, considerable contamination Ni and Cr were mostly categorized as “unpolluted” because of Igeo <0.
when RI at a range of 190–380, and very high contamination where Cu Igeo values corresponded with “moderate to strong pollution” status in
larger than 380 (Hakanson, 1980). 2003, “slight to moderate pollution” status in 2015, and “slightly
Overall, the values of CI for Ni, Pb, and Cr were all lower than 4, polluted” status in 2018. Moderate to more severe Cu pollution (Igeo >1)
indicating a low toxic risk to ecosystem’s health. Cd showed a high occurred in 84% of the sampling sites in 2003 and 32% in 2015.
toxicity to marine organisms. In the early adjustment period of 2003 Therefore, Cu pollution decreased during the adjustment period in the
(Fig. 3a and Table S4), the sequence of mean CI followed the order Cd > Modaomen Estuary. The Igeo value for Zn correlated with a “slight to
Cu > Zn > Pb > Cr > Ni. The highest CI was Cd and the lowest was Ni. moderately polluted” status in 2003, “slight to moderately strong
The CI values for “moderate to high pollution” for Cu accounted for polluted” status in 2015, and “unpolluted to slightly polluted” status in
81%. Correspondingly, some of the Ei values for Cu indicated moderate 2018, with the corresponding percentages of 11%, 31%, and 0% for a
pollution (16%). For the comprehensive ecological index (RI) of these moderate pollution status. As with Cu, the pollution level of Zn
heavy metals, shown in Fig. 3d, “moderate to very high pollution” decreased from the early adjustment period to present time. The Pb Igeo
accounted for 81%. The RI represented the sensitivity of marine or­ value corresponded to an “unpolluted to slightly polluted” status at most
ganisms to toxic pollutants and illustrated the potential ecological risk of the sampling sites in the early and middle adjustment period. How­
caused by heavy metals in sediments. The RI values of heavy metals were ever, Pb was at “slightly to moderately polluted” levels in 2018. Overall,
clearly associated with the degree of anthropogenic disturbance (Lu the sampled sediments were heavily contaminated by Cd, which was
et al., 2020). consistent with the CI and Ei results. These Cd Igeo values indicated
In 2015 (Fig. 3b and Table S5), the order of the mean CI was Cd > Zn “moderate or higher pollution” status for 68% of the sampling sites in
> Cu > Pb > Cr > Ni. The CI values for moderate pollution (larger than 2003, 68% in 2015, and 60% in 2018. Strong Cd pollution occurred at
3) were 32% (Cu), 31% (Zn), 1% (Pb), and 70% (Cd). The Ei suggested 54% of the sampling sites in 2003, 14% in 2015, and 30% in 2018. Based
that the ecological severity of heavy metal contamination decreased in on the Igeo quantitative statistical analysis, Cd accumulated in sediments
the sequence Cd > Cu > Pb > Ni > Zn > Cr (Fig. 3e). All the Ei values of of the Modaomen Estuary to a high degree after the reclamation/man­
Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, and Cr were lower than 40, indicating slight pollution. agement projects, which had a significant adverse effect on the aquatic
However, all the Ei values for Cd were larger than 40, indicating mod­ organisms. Cu and Zn contaminated the sedimentary environment only
erate to severe pollution. With respect to the RI index for all heavy moderately, and Cr and Ni showed low toxicity in this estuary.
metals, 92% indicated moderate to very high pollution.
In 2018 (Fig. 3c and Table S6), the CI value for Cd at “moderate to 4.2.3. Assessment of enrichment factor
very high” pollution accounted for 60% of the results. For Pb, moderate The enrichment factor (EF) is introduced to assess the pollution
and higher pollution accounted for 20%. The metal species Cu, Zn, Ni, levels and to determine whether the sediment metals are of natural or
and Cr were at low and very low pollution levels. All the Ei values for Cd anthropogenic input (Jahan and Strezov, 2018; Liu et al., 2019; Lu et al.,
were larger than 40 (Fig. 3f), indicating that the Cd contamination in the 2020). The EF value larger than 1 indicates anthropogenic factor, and
estuary poses a toxic threat to the marine organism and ecosystem’s the EF value less than or close to 1 is treated as mainly of a natural origin
health. Based on the RI, this estuary was moderately to highly polluted (Sutherland, 2000; Hu et al., 2013; Lu et al., 2020). The calculation of EF
at 90% of the sampling sites and the remainder of the sampling sites is described as:
(10%) were at very high pollution levels. /
(Ci Cref )in− situ
Comparing these periods, the ecological toxicity of Cu decreased EF = / (10)
over time while the risks for the other elements increased. The lowest (Bi Cref )reference
(53.68) and highest (740.06) values of RI appeared in 2003, which was
consistent with the CI and Ei values for Cd. The potential ecological risk where Cref means the reference concentration of heavy metal for
of surface sediments in the Modaomen Estuary was mainly caused by Cd. normalization purposes. The element Al is mostly used for marine
Therefore, Cd should be used as a priority pollutant for environmental sediment normalization since it represents aluminosilicates (Yang et al.,
pollution control in this estuary. This estuarine zone is a catchment area 2014; Liu et al., 2019). Al is supposed to behave conservatively in
for land-based pollutants. The medium to strong ecological risk level normal marine environments. The background value of Al is 85.9 mg
might reflect the impact of human activities on the estuary ecosystem. kg− 1 (CNEMC, 1990). The classification of EF values is suggested as
(Sakan et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2019): no enrichment where EF < 1; minor
4.2.2. Assessment of geo-accumulation index enrichment if 1 <EF < 3; moderate enrichment if 3 <EF < 5; moderately
The geo-accumulation index (Igeo) is used to evaluate the marine severe enrichment if 5 <EF < 10; severe enrichment if 10 <EF < 25; very
sediment pollution (Muller, 1969; Bai et al., 2011; Li et al., 2014; Lu severe enrichment where 25 <EF < 50; and extremely severe enrich­
et al., 2020). This pollution index is expressed as following: ment where EF > 50.
Most of the EF values for Cr (89%), Ni (100%), and Pb (92%) in the
Igeo = log2 [Ci / (K × Bi )] (9) early adjustment period of 2003 were less than 1 (a minor enrichment
level; Fig. 3j), indicating these metals were of natural origins. Cu showed
where K indicates the background matrix correction factor (taken 1.5). a “moderate to severe enrichment” level in 2003, occurred in 75% of the
The classification of Igeo is recognized at six contamination grades (Bai sampling sites. At more than a half of the sampling sites (62%) Zn was
et al., 2011): no contamination where Igeo less than 0, slight contami­ categorized as having minor to slight enrichment and at the remainder
nation where larger than 0 and less than 1, moderate contamination of the sampling sites it was “moderate to severe enrichment”. Cd was the
where Igeo larger than 1 and less than 2, moderate to strong contami­ most enriched element, categorized as “moderate to extreme severe
nation when larger than 2 and less than 3, strong contamination when enrichment”, occurred in 97% of the sampling sites.
larger than 3 and less than 4, strong to extreme contamination where In the middle and current adaptive adjustment periods of 2015 and
larger than 4 and less than 5, and extreme contamination where Igeo >5. 2018, the EF values for Cr, Ni, Pb, and Cu showed “minor to slight
All of the lowest Igeo values for heavy metals excluding Cu were enrichment” at most sites in the estuary, depicted in Fig. 3k-l. Moderate

L. Niu et al. Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

or higher Zn pollution occurred in 78% of the sampling sites in 2015 and 2015, Pb and Cd were likely to pose no risk of harm to aquatic envi­
70% in 2018. The enrichment level of Cd was much higher than other ronment. Cu, Cr, Zn, and Ni were likely to occasionally show adverse
metal species. It was totally classified as moderate to severe enrichment biological effects at most sites. Finally, 17% of the Zn levels were
in 2015 (4.88–47.62) and 2018 (6.89–67.14). Severe Cd pollution frequently associated with adverse biological effects. In 2018, all of the
occurred in 73% of the sampling sites in 2015 and in 80% in 2018. Ni and most of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr levels occasionally caused toxic responses
In summary, these findings indicated that the EF values for Cu and Cd in marine organisms. Cd showed rare harmful to marine organisms in
in the early adjustment period implied an anthropogenic origin, Ni this estuary, accounted for 67%. Overall, Cu and Cd were likely to show
showed a natural forcing, whereas other heavy metal species were adverse biological effects in 2003, Cu, Cr, Zn, and Ni were the factors of
controlled mainly by a mixed source. For the middle adjustment period, concern in 2015, and Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb might be the threats to
the EF values implied anthropogenic sources for Zn and Cd and mixed marine organisms in 2018.
sources for Cu, Pb, Ni and Cr. For the current Modaomen Estuary
adjustment period, the EF values suggested that the anthropogenic 5. Discussion
sources for these metals were the dominant.
5.1. Effects of sedimentary environment on the heavy metals
4.2.4. Assessment of sediment quality guidelines
Sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) provides two target values: ef­ The Modaomen reclamation/management projects were an effective
fects range low (ERL, 10th percentile of the data) and effects range way of relieving population pressure in the surrounding urban zones.
median (ERM, 50th percentile) (Liu et al., 2019; Tian et al., 2020; Zhang However, population growth resulted in increased concentrations of
et al., 2021). The values of ERL and ERM are used to assess sediment heavy metals due to the urban activities (Bai et al., 2011). The recla­
quality with respect to adverse biological effects. Their values provide mation projects in the estuary have significantly changed the sedimen­
qualitative guidelines on identifying the sediments as toxic or non-toxic tary and aquatic environments. These changes influenced the
to aquatic organisms. The levels of heavy metals less than ERL are accumulation process of heavy metals in sediments (Zhang et al., 2017).
treated as non-harmful, concentrations larger than ERM are viewed as The West River carried the sediment to the Modaomen Estuary. The
frequently harmful, and concentrations in the range of ERL–ERM are flow rate dropped sharply due to the horizontal diffusion at the river
considered to be occasionally harmful (Long et al., 1995; MacDonald mouth. The coarse particles settled and formed the Modaomen sandbar.
et al., 1996, 2000). Fig. 4 shows the change in sedimentary environment during the
Table S7 (Supplementary Material) shows the toxicity assessment for adjustment phases that began after the extensive reclamation projects in
heavy metals in sediment and SQGs from published literature on this the Modaomen Estuary. In the early adjustment period, the surface
highly anthropogenically influenced Modaomen Estuary. Specifically, in sediments were mainly composed of clay (13.6–75.4%, mean 42%), silt
2003, Cu occasionally posed a threat to aquatic organisms at most (95%) (6.6–61.3%, mean 32%), and sand (1.3–98.2%, mean 31%). The fine
sampling stations. The concentrations of Ni, Pb, and Cr were mostly sand was distributed mainly in the shoal of the Modaomen sandbar. In
lower than the ERL, which implied that adverse biological effects from 2015, surface sediments consisted mainly of sandy clay (47%). Sand
Ni, Pb, and Cr rarely occurred. Almost one half (46%) of the Cd levels accounted for 33% of the material and silt accounted for 20%. The grain
were less than the ERL, and the remaining half (54%) were larger than size near the sandbar was the coarsest, and the sediment size gradually
the ERL but lower than the ERM. In the middle adjustment period of became finer to the sea. The median diameter of sediment near the

Fig. 4. Particle property and median grain size of the surface sediments in 2003 (a, d), 2015 (b, e), and 2018 (c, f).

L. Niu et al. Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

sandbar (below the 5 m isobath) was far greater than in the outer es­ particles were mined for the reclamation projects. Therefore, fine par­
tuary. High levels of heavy metals (e.g., Cu, Ni, and Pb) appeared at the ticles were observed in the central estuary, which became coarser to the
5–8 m isobath of the Modaomen estuary (Fig. S2, Supplementary Ma­ sea. Clay was the main sediment component in the early and middle
terial). In 2018, the sediment had a high proportion of silt (54%). This adjustment periods and silt was the dominant material in the present
study of sedimentary environments reflects the impacts of anthropo­ adjustment period. Other environmental factors (e.g., hydrodynamics,
genic and natural processes on depositional processes (Li et al., 2000; pH, and organic matter) as well as binding capacity could also affect the
Yang et al., 2014). distribution of heavy metals in sediment (Yu et al., 2001; Krupadam
In general, fine particles were important carriers of trace metals (Ip et al., 2007; Kumar et al., 2015; Machado et al., 2016; Li et al., 2020).
et al., 2007; Hu et al., 2013; Yao et al., 2016). Fig. 5 shows the PCA The adsorption capacity of heavy metals was positively correlated with
correlations between the content of heavy metals and sediment prop­ the surface area of particles, making the finer particles (e.g., silt and
erties in the Modaomen Estuary. In 2003, three components were clay) the leading materials for metal elements (Coxon et al., 2016). The
extracted and explained 80% of the total variance. PC1 (accounting for pollution patterns of accumulating metal species were regulated jointly
36%) was dominated by the sediment texture, PC2 (28%) was highly by the interactions of the sedimentary environment, riverine input,
influenced by Cu, Cd, Ni, and Zn, and PC3 (16%) was associated with Pb marine forcing, and human activities (Feng et al., 2017; Xie and Wang,
and Cr. The Pearson’s correlations (p < 0.05) indicated that Cu was 2020; Jia et al., 2021). The adaptive adjustment of the estuary stability
significantly correlated with clay and Cr was closely correlated with under the long-term reclamation is still developing.
sand and silt (Table S8, Supplementary Material). However, the corre­
lations between other elements and sediment properties were not
significant. 5.2. Source apportionment using PCA-MLR and PMF
In 2015, three components were extracted and explained 84% of
total variance. In PC1, Cu, Ni, and sediment texture were the contribu­ 5.2.1. PCA-MLR
tors, accounting for 54% of the total variance. PC2 was influenced Heavy metals in the superficial sediments of the Modaomen Estuary
mainly by Cd and Pb, and accounted for 16% of the total variance. In have been shown to pose some threat to aquatic organisms and eco­
PC3, Zn and Cr contributed the most. The Pearson’s correlation results system’s health. Therefore, it is very important to identify the pollution
showed that Cu, Pb, Cr, and Ni were significantly correlated with the sources. In this estuary, heavy metals were imported through two main
sediment texture. Zn and Cd behaved differently in that their distribu­ pathways (Huang, 1993; Huang et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019): (1) the
tions had relatively weak correlations with sediment texture. In 2018, pollutants were transported through the main tributaries and river
two factors were extracted and explained 95% of total variance. Sedi­ networks; and (2) they were imported from the adjacent seas (e.g., Pearl
ment properties and metal species were the main contributors in PC1 River Estuary, South China Sea). PCA-MLR determined the most com­
(49%) and PC2 (46%), respectively. The amount of Cu, Cr, and Ni had mon pollution sources and contribution rates of heavy metals in the
significant correlations with sediment properties. Modaomen Estuary (Table 2; and Fig. S3, Supplementary Material). The
In summary, a change in the sedimentary environment of the Mod­ PCA-MLR generated two factors for the three adjustment periods (2003,
aomen Estuary was detected under the long-term reclamation. Coarse 2015, and 2018), with eigenvalues >1.0. These factors captured the
most important information in the raw data.

Fig. 5. Factor analysis results between sediment properties and heavy metals in the estuary (a, 2003; b, 2015; c, 2018).

L. Niu et al. Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

Table 2 Pb (Lin et al., 2018; Zeng et al., 2020). Atmospheric deposition and soil
Source identification of heavy metals in the estuarine sediments using PCA-MLR erosion are also potential sources of Pb (Ip et al., 2007). Prior studies
and PMF. have reported that Cr originated mainly from natural sources in the PRD
PCs Eigenvalue Variance PCA- PMF (Huang, 1993; Hu et al., 2013) but that agricultural pollution also
MLR contributed to Cr (Wuana and Okieimen, 2011). Moreover, Cr was
2003 PC1 2.88 45% Cu, Zn, 2003 Factor Zn significantly correlated with other heavy metals (i.e., Cu and Cd) (Li
Ni, Cd 1 et al., 2020). PC2 thus portrayed a mixed source and accumulation in the
PC2 1.49 28% Pb, Cr Factor Pb estuarine sediments, heavily correlated with industrial wastewater, fuel
combustion, and the transport from the Pearl River Estuary.
Factor Cu, Cd
3 In 2015, PC1 (48% of the total variance) had high positive loading of
Factor Cr, Ni Cu, Ni, Cd, and Pb. These four elements contributed 84.3% (Cu), 82.7%
4 (Ni), 84.8% (Cd), and 75.8% (Pb) of the pollution sources. PC2 (25% of
2015 PC1 3.13 48% Cu, Ni, 2015 Factor Cd total variance) demonstrated a strong positive loading for Zn and Cr,
Cd, Pb 1
PC2 1.21 25% Zn, Cr Factor Cu, Pb,
with corresponding contribution rates of 93.1% and 70.5%. These two
2 Cr, Ni elements closely correlated with each other. The EF results showed that
Factor Zn Zn and Cd were mainly from anthropogenic input; Cu, Pb, Ni and Cr
3 originated from a mixed natural and anthropogenic source. In 2018, PC1
2018 PC1 3.32 53% Cu, Ni, 2018 Factor Pb
(53% of total variance) demonstrated a strong positive loading for Cu,
Cd, Cr 1
PC2 1.66 30% Zn, Pb Factor Cd Ni, Cr, and Cd, with the source contributions of 79.1% (Cu), 84.8% (Ni),
2 97.7% (Cr), and 75.5% (Cd). PC2 (30% of total variance) had a positive
Factor Cu, Zn, loading for Pb and a negative loading for Zn, with contribution rates of
3 Cr, Ni 63.9% (Pb) and 81.9% (Zn).
Overall, the source types of heavy metal pollution (except Cd) were
In the early adjustment period of the estuary, the first two principal different at these periods due to characteristics of each element and the
components accounted for 73% of the total variance. PC1 (45% of the sedimentary environment. The element Cd showed an anthropogenic
total variance) was highly correlated with Cu, Zn, Ni, and Cd, with the factor under the long-term reclamation. Cu implied “anthropogenic-
contribution rates of 77.6%, 82.4%, 91.1%, and 62.8%, respectively. mixed-anthropogenic” forcing during three stages; Ni had “natural-
Significant correlations were exhibited by the paired elements of Cu, Zn, mixed-anthropogenic” source; Zn showed “mixed-anthropogenic-
Cd, and Ni (R = 0.47–0.87), indicating that this group had similar anthropogenic” input; Cr and Pb suggested “mixed-mixed-anthropo­
contamination levels and/or similar pollution sources. Previous studies genic” input during those periods.
have suggested that Cu, Cd, and Zn were typically associated with (Huang, 1993) reported potential sources of heavy metal pollution in
anthropogenic input (Li et al., 2000; Zhou et al., 2004; Bai et al., 2011; 1991 in the Modaomen Estuary during the Modaomen reclama­
Hu and Cheng, 2013). Both EF and Igeo results suggested that Cd and Cu tion/management project based on PCA results (Table S9, Supplemen­
were influenced by anthropogenic input, Zn was a mixed source, and Ni tary Material). In that study, Cr was associated with transport from the
was mainly from a natural source. The city of Jiangmen, located in the Pearl River Estuary; Cd and Pb were mainly from the river basin; and Cu
lower reach of the West River, is one of the largest industrial cities along and Zn originated from industrial wastewater and transported within
the river. Some industrial and agricultural areas were also detected the river channels.
along the Modaomen channel (Fig. 1). Heavy metals in industrial
waste-water were adsorbed on the suspended solids (e.g., fine sand) and 5.2.2. PMF
were migrated to the estuary. Cu and Zn were the dominant. Addition­ The positive matrix factorization (PMF) model was also used to
ally, the use of chemical fertilizer in agricultural production and sewage quantify the potential sources of heavy metals in this estuary. PMF,
irrigation could markedly dedicate to heavy metal contamination such combined with Pearson’s correlation results, determined the number of
as Zn, Cu, and Cd (Mamat et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2017). (Huang et al., factors. Twenty iterations were performed to improve the accuracy,
2018) have reported that Zn, Cu, and Cr were mainly from industrial considering the concentration and uncertainty data. Fig. 6 and Table 2
wastewater and agricultural pollution in the Pearl River Delta. Parent show the factor profiles of heavy metals achieved by PMF in the Mod­
rocks and emissions from vehicles have increased the concentration of aomen Estuary. Four factors were detected in the early adjustment
Ni (Hu et al., 2013; Antoniadis et al., 2017). Other related investigations period. The first factor showed high loading of Zn with a contribution
also reported that Ni was abundant in mining wastewater (Li et al., rate of 83.6%. Zn has been linked to industrial wastewater. Therefore,
2014). Therefore, PC1 could be interpreted as a mixed source mainly the first factor was designated as industrial source. The second factor
distributed to industrial wastewater, agricultural pollution, and parent was characterized by Pb with a contribution rate of 89.5%. According to
material. the EF value, 92% of the Pb was of natural origin in 2003. Therefore, the
The second principal component (PC2, accounting for 28% of the second factor was designated as atmospheric deposition. The third fac­
total variance) in 2003 included the high loading of Pb and Cr, with the tor, which was highly correlated with Cu and Cd, was considered to be
contribution rates of 92.4% Pb and 87.4% Cr. Pb and Cr negatively agricultural application and traffic. The fourth factor, characterized by
correlated with each other (R = − 0.35). Non-significant correlations Cr and Ni, was distributed to transportation of the adjacent seas and
between Pb and other elements were detected, demonstrating a different lithogenic control. Therefore, the fourth factor was associated with a
pollution source. This data implied that these two elements had a similar mixed source of marine transportation and parent material.
contamination level but might originate from different sources. The EF Three factors were detected in 2015. The first factor was character­
values indicated that Cr and Pb were from a mixed source influenced by ized by Cd and designated as the traffic source. The second factor had a
anthropogenic and natural input. The wastewater from lead high loading of Cu, Pb, Cr, and Ni, and was treated as a mixed source of
manufacturing and electroplating industries had some amount of Pb. fuel/oil combustion and marine source. The third factor included a high
Water transportation facilities (e.g., ship pollution) also contributed a load of Zn, linked to industrial source.
significant amount of Pb. (Ip et al., 2007) suggested that Pb in the coastal Three factors were observed in 2018. The first factor was charac­
area came mainly from the PRE and the main tributaries. Human ac­ terized by Pb, indicating a fuel combustion source. The second factor
tivities such as fuel and oil combustion could lead to a massive release of had a high load of Cd, associated with a traffic source. The third factor
was characterized by Cu, Cr, Zn, and Ni. This pollution was associated

L. Niu et al. Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

Fig. 6. Factor profiles achieved by the PMF model in 2003 (Panel A), 2015 (Panel B), and 2018 (Panel C).

with a mixed source of industrial and marine transportation. gradually.

Source classifications obtained by the PCA-MLR and PMF are pre­
sented in Fig. 7. Overall, the results of these two models have some in
common. Compared with the PCA-MLR, PMF provided more details of 5.3. Implications for estuary management
source apportionment. The PCA explained most of the raw information
(<100%), while the PMF represented all the information (100%). The heavy metals in the estuarine sediments were transported and
Various sources were intended to industrial productions, import from transformed because of the strong influences of hydrodynamics and
the Pearl River Estuary, traffic pollution, fuel combustion, and agricul­ aquatic environment (Xie and Wang, 2020). The Modaomen Estuary
tural applications. Among these pollution sources of heavy metals, in­ acted as a major sink of contaminants in the surrounding ecosystems and
dustrial activity was the main contributor. In 1991, 2003, Cr and Ni co-influenced by river inflows and waves. Generally, riverine input of
were mainly imported from the Pearl River Estuary. The Pearl River land-based pollutants migrated from the West River to the southwest
Estuary collected the suspended particulate solids in several waterways estuary, largely influenced by the Coriolis and coastal currents. The east
of the East River, North River, and West River. These suspended par­ estuary, connecting to the Pearl River Estuary, was heavily contami­
ticulate solids were likely transported to the Modaomen Estuary because nated by the metal species of Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Cr, which implied that
of the influence of southwestern coastal currents. These suspended the Pearl River Estuary would contribute to these heavy metals. The
solids might adsorb a large amount of heavy metals released from cities outer estuary received a large amount of petroleum leakages from ship
such as Dongguan and Guangzhou, of which Cr was the most prominent transportation, which induced the storage and fixation of heavy metal
(Huang, 1993). However, in 2015 and 2018, the sources for Cr and Ni accumulation. Additionally, the saltwater intruded into the estuary or
were of mixed natural and anthropogenic input. The contribution rates the upper channels (>50 km during 1992–2012) might induce toxic
of Cu, Zn, Cr, and Cd increased between 2003 and 2018, indicating that conditions. More toxic conditions of the sedimentary environment due
the role of human activities in heavy metal pollution increased to the changes in hydrodynamics and anthropogenic pressures may have
resulted in the enrichment of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd (Ota et al., 2021).

L. Niu et al. Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

Fig. 7. Source classifications of heavy metals in the estuarine sediments with two receptor models of PCA-MLR (a, 2003; b, 2015; c, 2018) and PMF (d, 2003; e, 2015;
f, 2018).

The identification of heavy metal diffusion and transportation can identified the source contributions of heavy metals. Various sources in
inform the water quality management in the estuary; the source this estuary were distributed among industrial productions, import from
apportionment of metal elements helps to manage the source input. This the Pearl River Estuary, traffic pollution, fuel/oil combustion, and
may allow financial bodies, such as government and estuary manage­ agricultural applications. Among these pollution sources of heavy
ment groups, to identify that the sediments would have a greater adverse metals, industrial activity was the major contributor of heavy metals,
effect on marine organisms or human health. The stability of the Mod­ accounting for 29% in 2003, 28%, in 2015, and 38% in 2018, using PMF.
aomen Estuary is still developing under the long-term reclamation. Overall, the principal acting mechanisms of heavy metal contami­
Seasonal fertilizer applications in agricultural productions carry a large nation in sediments are different under the long-term reclamation. The
number of heavy metals into the river basin. The river-tide-wave in­ sedimentary environment has important ecological functions that in­
teractions encourage/discourage the diffusion and transportation of fluence the metal distributions. The accumulation of heavy metals and
heavy metals. Urban activities (e.g., industrial application, domestic their ecological toxicity to ecosystems’ health are the key aspects of
sewage, fuel combustion) contribute more to metal accumulation in the concern in that area. Limited discussion are focused on the effect of
estuarine sediments. sedimentary environment on the metal species of Cr, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, and
With the continuous development of manufacturing industry in the Ni. However, studies related to more metal elements and other influ­
south China, the metal productions still resulted in heavy metal pollu­ encing processes (i.e., sea level rise, saltwater intrusion, atmospheric
tion (Wang et al., 2020). Accordingly, management practices, such as deposition) should be explored for a better understanding of the dy­
ordered and standardized human activities may help to control the namic mechanisms of heavy metals in the highly anthropogenically
metal pollution. Additionally, the estuarine-specific management that influenced estuary. It is also necessary to formulate countermeasures for
accounts for spatiotemporal variation in sedimentary environment is protecting the estuarine ecosystems of the Pearl River Delta.
required for the management of trace metal input. Therefore, extensive
monitoring of heavy metal pollution in the aquatic environment should Funding
be continued for a better understanding of source apportionment. Clean
production processes should be developed for the sustainable develop­ This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China
ment of the ecosystems’ health in the Pearl River Delta. (grant number 2016YFC0402601) and the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (grant number 51709289).
6. Conclusions
CRediT author statement
Heavy metal contamination were evaluated in the Modaomen Estu­
ary of the Pearl River Delta. Heavy metals varied significantly in the Lixia Niu, Writing-Original Draft, Conceptualization, Formal anal­
estuary (p < 0.05) with sites and times, largely influenced by the sedi­ ysis; Jiayi Li, Investigation; Xiangxin Luo, Writing-Original Draft, Soft­
mentary environment and the geochemical properties of the metals. The ware, Visualization; Tao Fu, Data Curation; Ou Chen, Formal analysis;
mean concentrations of Cu and Cd in 2018 showed a decreasing trend Qingshu Yang, Supervision, Project administration.
with respect to 2003. The elements Zn, Pb, Cr, and Ni increased 32%,
269%, 415%, and 366%, respectively. All the concentrations of Zn, Cu, Declaration of competing interest
and Cd exceeded their background values. The multivariate analysis
procedures were useful tools for the classification of the pollution levels. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Both EF and Ei showed moderate to very severe Cd contamination, and interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the values of CI and Igeo displayed high ecological toxicity of Cu and Cd the work reported in this paper.
in the estuary. The risk assessment results revealed that heavy metals
were accumulated to a high pollution level. PCA-MLR and PMF

L. Niu et al. Environmental Pollution 290 (2021) 118126

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