• Informative tool
• Communicative tool
• Productivity tool
• Situating tool
• Presentation tool
• Word processing
• Addiction
• Fake News
• Laziness
• Defamation – LIBEL – CYBER LIBEL
• Bullying
• Cybercrime
• Identity theft
• Books
• Magazines
• Newspapers
• Radio
• Television
• Internet
1. Fixative
2. Distributive
3. Manipulative
1. Management
2. Design
3. Development
4. Utilization
5. Evaluation
1. Direct
2. Contrived
3. Dramatized
4. Demonstrations
5. Study trips
6. Exhibits
7. Television and motion pictures
8. Still pictures, recordings, radio
9. Visual Symbols
10. Verbal Symbols
2 Types of E-Learning
1. Synchronous
2. Asynchronous
• Supercomputer
• Mainframe
• Minicomputer
• Microcomputer
• Desktop computer
• Laptop
• Notebook
• Palmtop
Pre-Pandemic SEAMEO has prioritized revitalizing teacher education as one of its priority agenda
from 2015-2035, hoping for teaching to become a profession of first choice in the region
GURO21 Course
• Gearing Up Responsible and Outstanding Teachers in Southeast Asia for the 21st Century, or
GURO21, is a competency-based, multi-modal learning course designed to enhance the
capabilities of Southeast Asian teachers in addressing the teaching-learning requirements of the
21st century.
• The course focuses on competencies essential for teachers in the 21st century. Teachers will
gain knowledge on new learning perspectives in the light of the changes and challenges in the
21st century.
• The course also promotes the professional and personal readiness of teachers so that, in turn,
they would be able to help their students become 21st century-ready, too.
1. Knowing and understanding what to teach is the ability of teachers to deepen and broaden
their knowledge on what to teach, understand education trends, policies, and curricula and
be updated on local, national, regional, and global developments.
2. Helping students learn is the ability to know their students, use the most effective teaching
and learning strategy and assess and give feedback on how students learn.
3. Engaging the community is the ability to partner with parents and caregivers, involve the
community to help students learn, and encourage respect and diversity.
4. Becoming a better teacher every day is the ability to know oneself and others, practice
human goodness and then master the teaching practice.
Students work in teams tackling projects dealing with real local and global problems Teachers help
students ask tough questions and work through problems, but not provide all the answers Students
apply their knowledge and prove what they know by presenting to classmates and their community
Parents support students and schools by participating, supporting, and connecting at home and in
the community.
Get hands-on with at-home and local activities Explore the world through maps Immerse your family
in world culture cuisines, books, music, and language Choose a community project to join with your
kids Share what you’re doing with other parents Encourage teens to share their technology skills
Philippine Setting
The DepEd Commons educational platform continues to improve and grow in resources. It has
become an important tool for both teachers and learners. Recently, the DepEd EdTech Unit has
announced the availability of PowerPoint Presentations alongside its videos.A simple steps was
shared by the DepEd EdTech Unit team on how to download the PowerPoint materials.
Utilization of Appropriate Technology in Teaching Educational Technology
The Educational Technology has paved the way for the learners to
• be aware,
• appreciate
• be equipped
In using tools ranging from traditional to modern educational media.
The learner should also be oriented towards averting the dangers of dehumanization which
technology brings into societies, such as through:
o ideological propaganda
o pornography
o financial fraud
o other exploitative use of technology
These dangers continue to affect people and cultures while widening the gap between rich
and poor countries.
Progressive countries in the Asia Pacific Region have formulated state policies and strategies
to infuse technology in schools. The five progressive states/city imposing ICT policies and
strategies in schools are:
• New Zealand
• Australia
• Malaysia
• Singapore
•Hong Kong.
Focus areas
• Infrastructure for increasing schools' access to ICTs to enhance education
• Professional development so that school managers and teachers can increase their
capacity to use ICT Initiatives
• ICT professional development schools
• An on-line resource center with centrally managed website
A D E M recycling
I C S A Nscheme
• A planning and implementation guide for schools
• Media resources to schools
EdTech in Australia
EdTech in Malaysia
1. Teaching-and-Learning includes:
2. Classroom with multi-media, presentation facilities, e-mail and groupware for
collaborative work
3. Library media center with database for multimedia courseware and network access to
the internet
4. Computer laboratory for teaching, readily accessible multimedia and audiovisual
5. Multimedia development center
6. Studio/theatre with control room
7. Teachers' room with on-line access to courseware catalogues and databases,
information and resource management systems and professional networking tools,
such as e-mail and groupware
8. Administration offices capable of accessing the network
EdTech in Singapore
1. Development of a wide range of educational software for instruction
2. Use relevant internet resources for teaching- and-learning
3. Convenient and timely procurement of software materials Teacher development
4. Training on purposeful use of IT for teaching
5. Equipping each trainee teacher with core skills in teaching with IT
6. Tie-ups with institutions for higher learning and industry partners EdTech in Singapore
7. Physical and technological infrastructure • Pupil computer ratio 2:1
8. Access to IT in all learning areas in the school
9. School wide network and school linkages through wide area network (WAN),
eventually connected to Singapore ONE - Universal Access to Broadband (Singapore)
1. Computer rooms for the use of students after normal school hours
2. Review of school curriculum to incorporate IT elements
3. Development of appropriate software in collaboration with government, the private
sector, tertiary institutions and schools
4. Exploring feasibility of setting up an education- specific Intranet
EdTech in the Philippines
2. DepEd is committed to integrate ICT in public schools. The DepED ICT4E Strategic Plan: It
identifies the following as the role of ICT in Philippine education: • revitalize our schools to
make them into dynamic, collaborative and innovative learning institutions where students
can become more motivated, inquisitive and creative learners. • link up our students with the
vast networked world of knowledge and information to enable them to acquire a broad
knowledge base and a global outlook and provide them with the resources for the
development of a creative mind;
Initiatives • develop in our students skills and capabilities to critically and intelligently seek,
absorb, analyse, manage and present information; • create new knowledge and products;
and • develop in our students habits of self-learning to nurture the attitude and capability for
lifelong learning.
Initiatives Achieving the vision of ICT in Philippine education in the next five years, DepEd
commits to: • completely integrate ICT into the curriculum, which includes the development
of multimedia instructional materials, and ICT enabled assessment; • intensify competency
based professional development programs; • establish the necessary ICT infrastructure and
applications. • develop processes and systems that ensure efficient, transparent and effective
Current Trends:
MOBILE PHONES Mobile learning is hardly a new trend, but we have now reached the point
with near ubiquitous cellphone ownership among adults, and growing ownership among
children. More than three-quarters of teens own a cellphone, and about 40% own a
smartphone. As such, these mobile devices will help unlock some of the promise of “anytime,
anywhere” learning opportunities. BYOD (BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE) A related trend to
mobile learning. More schools will grapple with their policies surrounding students bringing
their own devices to school. They do so already, of course, although cellphones in particular
are often required to be turned off or stowed in backpacks or lockers. It isn’t just cellphones
that are brought from home now either. There are iPod Touches, tablets, laptops, e- readers,
and netbooks, and schools will weigh whether or not students will be permitted or even
encouraged to bring their own devices to school. Current Trends in EdTech
Game-based learning has been on the cusp of being “the next big thing” in learning for a
while now.