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Muslim Law

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rlililillilililiilfliililffii 401 1

Second Semester 3 Yr. LL.B. Examination, March/April 2021

FAMILY tAlJV - ll : Mohammedan Law and lndian Sueeession Aet

Duration : 3 Hours Max. ttllarks : 80

Instructions : 1. Answer all five Units.

2, One essay type question and short note/probiems
is compulsory from each Unit.
Figures to the right indicate marks.
4. Answer should be written either in English or in
Kannada completely.

doC$dd,: : 1. aera aod: $*dil*r*o erugotu"

2. dgrS€.ldaod e-ocb $t^to6a{d gido *ado uod;
$SD r"3q$l Hdr{rt wdaira|a: d*f;sr.
3. {d4dgf o$ ileuoo$O codrl$J -^)rdLgci;sJnd.
4. wdCifddl -qFrar6'an eloiitgodoS:O cdila d{d
eodo$e_ ;-doJ:uedo.

Q. No. 1. a) Explain various schools and sub-schools of Muslim law. Marks : 10

d::1o adoCId aad dod (me3) *rt^ erud do$rldd1
(entdmO) adoxr.
OR/ erd;rb

Q. No. 1. a) "Muslim marriage is essentially a contracf'. Elucidate. Marks : 10

"dllgr aaadd ertdraan uod: do'cd)". adaedo&.
Q. No. 1. b) A Muslim widow is in possession of her husband's land in
lieu of dower money. She is not readyto give possession of
the house to other heirs of her husband unti! her dower
amount is paid. ls her decision justifiable ? Marks : 6
?.%dDftp afrdcb: ddd dqdaobod eoE e&d doard:o*d
dearc*h erdd edratuoc alQedddl doood:, a{ Aoar*:o*a
dm doaao$amrbd ddd riodd aadxbeodori e: ?nloruo$
dqosq dodw e{e%. qido$ PC,Drdd) iab$rOeoJ:de ?
oR/ r*caro
4011 -z- llllllllilllllllllffillllllll

Q. No. 1. b) Pushpa, a hindu woman, embraces islam and marries

Rizwan, a muslim. Later she re-embraces hinduism and
marries Rajesh, a hindu , without divorcing Flizwan.
Rizwan wants to proseeute Pushpa for bigamy. Advice
him. Marks . 6

d;{ aoa; &odo d)s"dctu tffi-o ddJr{ aioodd d'eoo

oeodor ilozJ dr::gCrddl aaadaad:aoS. dodd etdodr:
dd: bodo A'd>rd* d:oodoriood:, oqd0ri a%edddd)
& edde, otded a ozu &ododdq aaad;oo.irq$. *d oesldd>

d{d d:eeJ Ededdd aadmd C>eeJ $ddea oaa)e.:: dndu:

"aryq$. erdnri ie.:d Cea.

Q. No. 2. a) What is acknowledgement of paternity ? Explain the

conditions of valid acknowledgement. hllarlrc

udrdod e:Q1qs aodded: ? af:framd e01e{0od:

euoddrlddl adon.
ORI u$aa
Q. No. 2. a) Discuss the right of a muslim woman to claim
maintenance. Marks : 10
dDx# drbqso$ dedoaodddl desbd dd-q ddr&o.
Q. No. 2. b) Write a short note on Khula. Marks : 6
al:erod zorln'oJsdu uJdsd udooo.
ORi uS;n
Q. No. 2. b) Write a shorl note on de facto guardian. Marks : 6
am{ad dodd$d ,{ "#o
$dS udouo.
Q. No. 3. a) Discuss the testamentary powers of a muslim and the
limits on such powers. Marks : 10
d::xp ddoJ, d:dramid eQaaddd: marLo u eQada,
"add tuedqj$.t Casrno.
OH/ qrdil"
Q. No. 3. a) Define "Wakf". Explain the essentials of a valid Wakf. Marks : 10

cJ * doeJD&,q,. uod> ail.d d{F enbgoddddl

"a5t" d.
I tilil il1il ill!l liilt ilti llll -J- 401 1

Q. No. 3. b) Write a short note on loss of right of pre-emption. Marks : 6

dBdr$cn6aadddl dsc>dodgd)d:.
OF/ erCaa

Q. No. 3. b) Write a note on revocation of gift. Marks : 6

eodd ddgo$
uri p,3ded udobo.

Q. No. 4. a) What is "domicile" ? Explain the important provisions of
lndian Succession Act relating to Marks : 10
eQasod aodded: ? erQaDid u{ UsdEeoS: w$oaqaod
e6oo$d>dO_ glcdedaan&d dlra) wduo$rldd1 ado,t.
OR/ esdil-a

Q. No. 4. a) Who are the sharers under Sunni law ? Explain the doctrine
of Aul and Fludd. Marks : 10
xbq uadn0de)_ unu:eodd: aodd olncb ? Eer d:d: dr
aoaroddd: ado*.

Q. No. 4. b) Advi, a Parsi dies leaving behind him his wife, father,
mother and two sisters. Distribute his property. Marks : 6
cq oou dDturc1:) d{ dode, dod, sJoD aarto ud:
doedoos:dd1 ale.u, errlo6D6. udd uloJrdl dodo.
OF/ ufiaso
Q. No. 4" b) executor appointed by'Y', paid the legacies created
by'Y' in his willfirst. Afterthat the assets of 'Y'were found
insufficient to pay the debts incurred by 'Y'. Advise
aggrieved creditors. Marks: 6
'd' aoerld0od deabdrtood 'afl *ou 6"o$r&6"rddd:
'{' dzitd a3:deaendd cndrfddl aadednad$. dd dodd
eruqd' dJ oJ, s&oa:od'
{ oJx dnad xae.:d:d:amdeo3:q
dndel xaaorl0s. alood ;oOriorl ie.rd &ec.
401 1 -4- iililttiiltiltlllffitIilffit


Q. No. 5. a) Define privileged will. Explain the rules relating to the

execution and revocation of a privileged will. Marks : 10
"aded erquod "q&d d:deamdo'' ootJ ddddl doqaax,o.
aded erQacdad:d abdeomidddl dndramri aado
&odrtcbdodcoaad erd:doiDd Oc$d#S$4 edo&.
OR/ eeCara

Q. No. 5. a) Explain the provisions of the lndian Succession Act, 1925

regarding protection of property of deceased. Marks: 10
qddCod, e:1q1; dtdri douoQ:;dod qnd8eo$ w$oaprad
ee&oiai,1925 dO_ dedod Oocabrldq adoxr.

Q. No. 5. b) Write short note on jurisdiction of Family court. Lila.rks : 6

&o^i:ozrd otrCne,:o3:d eQaod mr*o$ ,{ ,rd, 0^3{t6

OH/ erfiesa

Q. No. 5. b) Raju bequeathes to his son Manu the gold chain presented
to him by his uncle. Raju converts this chain into a bracelet.
Manu claims this bracelet after the death of Raju. ls his
claim valid ? Marks : 6
orao aou dgc)) ddri dq dDd$ err:d:riodc>A &ecd
?sqd ,ddq dq d>d *$ari aideomdd zrodamfl cede::
drd* dnaesa$ . e:dd mrcd er ddddl 6 dddaan
dndrandoodd:. oatrad d,:dmadodd *$d dr {, ddnq
d{ oH:*-od droa&crn$. dr mtsgeood aqu{de ?
lfliiiiitiillliilfllllilllifiirflllrl!liiiifiliilllllllllllll 401 11507016030/7030
Second Semester 3 Year LL.B.A/| Semester 5 Year B.A.,LL.B. (Mai.-Min.
system)/B. 8.A., LL. B./B.Com., LL. B. Exam ination, oct./Nov, 2421
Duration : 3 Hours Max' Marks : 80

lnstructions : 'l " Answer any five Questions frorn group (a) each
question carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any five Questions from group (b) each
question carries 6 marks.
3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada

Q. No. 1. (a) Discuss briefly the sources of Mohammadan Law. Marks : 10

*ddgreo$ rodepd d:,ooddd1 iot$aan zizsrl.

Q. No. 1. (b) Write a note on Muta marriage. Marks : 6

dr:o aaadd z^:riri uoc: [Jdtd trdor.:o.

Q. No. 2. (a) When does a Muslim marriage become irregular and what
are its effects ? Marks : 10

e.oC> $dd3:eol: naad c>aad $*u{*qa aaadaarbdd:

d.:d: edd dorao$ddc c>dd ?
Q. No. 2. (b) Consequences of colourable conversion. Marks : 6

*r9":, d.:aooddd domad:rld;.

Q. No. 3. (a) Explain the grounds for divorce under lndian Divorce
Act - 1869. Marks : 10

epdeec: E?*dd aoc{ - 1869 d eEoJ:O- e$dd ddo$s:

.a&d rodrarlddl cdol.

Q. No. 3. (b) Write a note on law on maintenance under Muslim law. Marks : 6
drryo mdo0d eaobe)- dedmodd* ioz^loQ,ldod 'a$d
uadod:rld urinoJu^:ded a:dou:o.
4011tsa70/6030/7030 .2. Illlllllllllllllllllllllilillllilllllililtilil1ilililtililiililililililffiltilIililil

Q" No. 4. (a) who can be a guardianof Minor's property under

Mohammadan Law ? What are their powers ? Marks : 10
abddSAeoJ: radloDd erGo$O_ ee.rdoc:o$ iod{d:
ol:a& errlzod:C ? erdd eeu'oddvadd ?
Q. No. 4. (b) Modes of Talak. Marks : 6
densDd adridc.

Q. No. 5. (a) Explain the essentials of a valid gift under Mohammadan

Law. Marks : 10
d:dCareo:: rado&dad:O_ aCfrand aadd uddrddrlddl

Q. No. 5. (b) Powers and duties of Mutawalli. Marks : 6

Cr:odOoJ: eerod d:d; ddrddrl$.

Q. No. 6. (a) Define pre-emption ? who can claim it ? Explain the

formalities to be observed for the assertion of the right of
pre-emption ? Marks: 10
dpdrlcnqaEdddl aa,ran,e& ? o$a& +i dd_q
aJsoor:dz,.r*cb f
dyaCrgoh6aadddl z3enor:icucri
er$ioiajetad gizsaod eo$"brld$ .)do,x.
Q. No. 6. (b) Wakf. Marks : 6

Q. No. 7. (a) what is the significance of succession certificate ?

State the procedure to obtain it. Marks : 10
w$oprad dgd Bz,sdrde$ ? erd$ dd$)d dgo3ro$q

Q. No. 7. (b) A Hanafi Muslim dies reaving behind father, mother,

2 daughters. Determine their shares. Marks : 6
uz^1doo+ abddg:ecr$ d{ dod, 6rob *e rrgd:
dea: abd,d$ errl0 aj:d;orbaad.
u{ errl0
ddd) {d;nrbqd. eeJri ocu:rldQ rz*
erdd mrer)rlei;h &drol. 4
Q. No. 8. (a) Define probate ? Explain the procedure for obtaining
probate. Marks: 10
d>dead$ oa$ei erdan {gdeus"d1 q,a4,Oe. *deod$
cnaDe3 ddobd
dgolro$q edo$.
Q. No. 8. (b) Doctrine of Aul. Marks : 6
Eef rreaod.

O. No. 9. (a) Define unprivileged will. Explain the rules for execution of
unprivileged will. Marks : 10
od eaa %d ab d eaadddq arDdeDd CI:J. Od eaa era dd%d
Quo dd
d:deamdddq dndw .a&d eo$abrlddl adoxr.
Q. No. 9. (b) specific legacy and demonstrative legacy. Marks :6
eor{ eruddaad abdJ Odrod, wddoad.

Q. No. '10. (a) Discuss the need for uniform civil code. Marks : 10
addod asarloed dobdodr erddrddoJ:d1 r3z,Sr,rr.

' O. No. 10. (b) Write a note on Curator. Marks : 6

oqnd uri uod>

dddd o^3dsd udou:o.

inirr l[il illll ilili ilil lltl
ll]ll iltlt 1ilil tilll il!i Eii 401 1

Il Sennester 3 Year LL.B. Examination, April/May 2022 (Dec. 2A21')


Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

lnstructions : 't. Answer any five questions frorn group (a) each
question carries 10 marks.

2. Answer anyfive questionsfrom group (b) each

question carries 6 marks.

3. Answers should be written either in English or

Kannada completely.

Q. No. 1. a) Explain the origin and development of Muslim law. Marks : 10

d::tu0 aadncd d:og:ad
drd) dddtdrio$dJ &dotu.

Q. No. 1. b) Write a short note on Shariat Act, 1937. Marks : 6

doeoS:d E:Q&o$d;, 1937d ud odu Q,34,e6 udcuo.

Q. No. 2. a) Explain the various sources of Mohammaden law. Marks : 10

d.:dd.:roeC: tado&d aed d:nsrldd: .)do:r.

Q. No. 2. b) Write a short note on Muta marriage. Marks : 6

{..- e.:-?l r=P r g-il a,{ c r*aq rA
c^I .igc' c^Jc^JelqJ(, aqJr I ar-+{rr
LJgp\-, c^Jc^rcJao (r\J\,\lJi-.

Q. No. 3. a) Discuss the different modes of talak. Marks : 10

eOd -q1radrld 6enerl$d.: adz^3rx,o.

dr^ll'i i ll!fliltill t!1il ilIli lIIr tfli

Q. No. 3. b) 'A'a Mohammedan acknowledges'B'as his legitirnate son.

Later he intends to revoke it. Can he do so ? Marks : 6
'e' .loil d.:dC>"Oeo$il 't,l' aoeodddl dd das:rx
d.:ddodc aQ,PI€d.9Crdl dodoaod. dodd edd,: e,

erQxledr8C:d.:o ddrdGdex ue3foqd. erddc aarf

dndstdtde t
Q. No. 4. a) Discuss the right of a Muslim woman to claim maintenance. Marks : 10
d::ao d:bdo3; Seiloaodddl de$:t d{$4 zJz3rruo.

Q. No. 4" b) A Muslim father performs the marriage of his daughter

before she attains the age of puberty. The girl intends to
revoke the marriage after attaining the age of pubefiy.
Can she do so ? Marks : 6
d::im"d dodo3, qdq acdrea, do$ryi rtdd d:i19
emdddl dddeod:aad. e: CtdS; md:ea, dCr1ri
r^:od dodd aaaddd{ dd>adaie.t} .a?"fi$eei. ert$o 66arl

dndz"ld:de t

Q. No. 5. a) Define "Hiba" (Gift). Explain the essential requriements of

a valid gift under Muslim law. Marks : 10
"to?DE" (a-od)dd1 do4ro.tn. aadd eril6d"cdrl#&
aad.o&d0_ {,rdedaan&dcd tdoxr.

Q. No. 5. b) Write a short note on Mutawalli. Marks : 5

d)rdd0_o$ r^:{ ofru t^:d$ e"rdouo.

Q. No. 6. a) Define 'Wakt'. Explain the essentials of a valid Wakf. Marks : 10

dE6$ doryc*;,. z"oC: edorgdqd silsc^odilSaiJ edo&.
llillllfllllllllllllllltllllll -3- 4CI11

Q. No. 6. b) Write a short note on revocation of gift. Marks : 6

esadd dqec: ,{ ,rilo E^3iltd z,rdou:0.

Q. No. 7. a) Define Domicile. What are the modes oI acquiring

domicile under lndian Succession Act, 1925 ? Marks : 10
erQil"dddl mrssretu. qnd8ed.: erudenqaad eQ&Crd.:,
1 925 d a o$ O- e QtsDid$ ddcbdo$oz^; d: oad o eg rlsDd)d ?

Q. No. 7. b) Advi, a parsi dies leaving behind him his wife, father,
mother and two sisters. Distribute his property. Marks : 6

eE ao?J atJtuFC, dq dodB, dod, soou: atrln "a?JdJ

doedooS;dq su$" errloerood. eJdd utsrCrdl doxo.

Q. No. 8. a) Define probate. Explain the procedure for obtaining

probate. Marks: 10

dg zJ e o,l d.:o ffi, sra, e tu o . -d,Ig zJ e t"i doo d d dc do doe.l: "a d: d

Ego3roirdtr adox,o.

Q. No. 8. b) 'A'having domicile in lndia, dies in France, leaving movable

property in England and property both movable and
immovable in lndia. State the law by which succession
to his properties is regulated ? Marks : 6
qraddd0- eQ6"d doood 'e' d) eo{ocfdO- z3en&
arri.o qradddO_ doal tr& qoaln*Q zDe^l* ilEq
CDd aadn&d {md edd
dedde)- d-;rdoarbad. er:toJ)

wdoaqmo errlziedoodq g9&o.

4o1I -4- llillllllllllllillllllffiill

Q. No. 9. a) Explain briefly the different kinds of bequests. Marks : 10

eed {,aadd t:dcoyc$d dodcrirf$dco doEdanfl

Q. No. 9. b) Write a note on unprivileged wills. Marks : 6

.)deor-aQmde%d dcdraryoddd uriri uodo e,si sd

Q. No. 10. a) Who is a curator ? When he shall be appointed ? What are

his powers and duties ? Marks : 10
ddd aodd oJDd) ? edddi ohaarl dea:iz3e$ t etdd
erQtad d:d: ddrdrrlded: ?

Q. No. 10. b) Write a note on functions of family courts. Marks : 6

#ur:ozgd inroJne-:oi:rid @ao3:rd* udri z-od:
134,ed udoo:0.

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