Application For Free Patent
Application For Free Patent
Application For Free Patent
Name of Applicant:
Application No.
Lot No. Area: _________ SQ.M.
Region: 3
Application Fee:
Documentary stamp( All legal documents)
Affidavit of Landholding
Joint affidavit of two disinterested persons
Notice of applications
Proof of payment of Taxes
Tax declarations ( indicated classification of land )
Approved Plan or Form V-37
Investigation Report
Certification from LRA/RTC
Certification on the classification of the land
LC No. and date
Transfer of Rights,Deed of Absolute Sale/Deed of Quitclaim/
Deed of Donation or Waiver of Rights
Survey Claimant
TD Verification
ORDER: Approval of Application and issuance of Patent
A title= Acomp.= Acor.=
eL = eD =
SPA (When applied by Heirs)
Note: If Classified as A & D ag\fter April 16, 1960, not qualified under RA 6940 Team No.
Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office
San Fernaqndo, Pampanga
I hereby make application for Free patent to the following described tract of
agriculture public land under the provision of Chapter VII on Commonwealth Act No.
141, as amended to wit: Give as accurate description as possible showing the boundaries
of land having reference to national objects appearing on the ground and permanent
monuments, if any. If the Lot corresponds to a tract, give information on what plans the
lot maybe identified:
Evidence of ownership is hereto attached and consists of
____________________________________ etc.
The following are the names and address of the heirs of my ancestors:
7. Since the death of my said ancestors, I have cultivated said land, and
improvements now on the land consisting of the following viz:____________________
8. The land has continuously occupied and cultivated by me/us, or said ancestors,
since the date of entry thereon as above–stated, except during the following named,
period when the land was not occupied for the reason stated____________________
9. The land applied for now occupied and cultivated by me/us and to the best of
my knowledge, information and belief. It is otherwise unreserved and non appropriated
and is non-mineral agricultural public land containing no valuable deposits of guano,
coals, or salt and is more valuable agricultural than for forestry or other purposes.
10. That I am not a CARP beneficiary and equally the land applied for is neither
mortgaged to any banking/financial institution nor involved in any civil administrative
11. The following named witnesses will testify that the allegation on this
application are true:
_____________________ ____________________________
(Officer authorized to administer Oath)
Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office
San Fernando, Pampanga
Land Inspector/DPLI
Date: _________
The PENR Officer
DENR,PENRO Guagua, Pampanga
Thru: The Land Mgnt. Officer III
I have the honor to certify that on ___________________I was on and had examined the land
applied by _________________ ___married to ______________________under Free Patent
Application No. _______ situated in______________, Municipality of ___________,
Province of Pampanga and in conformity with Circular No. 30 reports the following:
1. That the occupation and cultivation of the applicant as far as I have been able to ascertain
dated from __________ and her occupation and cultivation have been continuous, open,
notorious and exclusively;
2. That the said land was first occupied and cultivated by __________________in ______ and
the occupation and cultivation were continued by the applicant who occupied thereto through
_________________________ from his/her_______ who was his/her immediate
3. That the applicant is still living/died on _________________and survived by his
_____________who was his/her n/a
4. That the land is being claimed by ______whose post office address is ______________
5. That of the ________ hectares applied for ______ ___________ are under actual
cultivation none hectares are cleared but not cultivated and none hectares are still
6. That improvements on the land consist of the following : __________________
7. That the land applied for is entirely inside alienable and disposable agricultural zone under LC
Map No._______ Project No. __________ dated Nov. 21, 1927
8. That the said land has been surveyed and it corresponds as Lot NO. _15214_______ Cad.
_____________, which was ___ ___________by the Regional Trial court of
9. That the applicant is not the owner of more than 12 hectares;
10. REMARKS: _____________________________________________________________
11. That I made a thorough ocular inspection of the land applied for, the sketch is reproduced
herein below or attached the dimensions and area thereof and the improvement thereon.
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, it is respectfully recommended that the patent be now granted to
the applicant.
____________________ ________________
PENR Officer
1. That the applicant is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines and otherwise qualified to
acquire public land through free patent;
2. That the land applied for has been classified as alienable and disposable and is subject
to disposition under the public law;
3. That upon investigation conducted by __DPLI _____ whose report was duly examined
and reviewed by _____________ it was found out that the land applied for has been
occupied and cultivated by the applicant himself and/or through his predecessors in
interest since ______________ or prior thereto;
4. That the notice for the acquisition of the land by the applicant under this application has
been published in accordance with law, and that no other person has prove a better right
to the applied for;
5. That there is no adverse claim involving the land still pending determination in the Office;
6. That the claim of the applicants is in all other respects, complete and there is no record in
this Office for any obstacle to the issuance of the patent.
WHEREFORE, the occupation and cultivation of the Land applied for as described in the
caption hereof is hereby confirmed and this application is hereby in the records of this Office
As the applicant has already complied with all the requirements of the law for the issuance of the
corresponding patent to the land, it also hereby ordered that the necessary patent be prepared for the
issuance in favor of the applicant.
Copy furnished:
No pending claims/conflicts as per
Records to date.____________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
I declare, under penalties of perjury, that my total land holdings are not more than
12 hectares and that this application has been made in good faith and to the best of my
knowledge all information contained herein are true and correct.
Applicant’s Name and Signature
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____________________ day of
Officer Authorized to Administer
Lot __________________
________LEDUINA S. CO ____
Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Officer
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
San Fernando, Pampanga
_________ _______________________
Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Officer