How To Write A Movie Review
How To Write A Movie Review
How To Write A Movie Review
The first thing you do after watching a movie is to go online and write a comment about it. Comments
about movies are usually posted on social media profiles or public pages, review sites, blogs, among other
platforms. You can make the process easier with tools available online.
Writing a movie review is a common assignment that students have to do in high school and college. Even
though it may seem simple, movie reviews require time and proper organization. It’s not just about writing what
happens on the screen, the review goes deeper than that.
Mistakes to Avoid
Not focusing on the film – while connecting the plot to some specific historical event is a good idea
(when applicable), strive to avoid writing about unnecessary details or introducing irrelevant
information such as the history of cinematography or that particular genre, snacks, among other
Inserting yourself – you’re the one who’s writing the review. The paper reflects your understanding
and opinion of the motion picture you’ve seen and there is no need to write in first person all the
time: I noticed this, I saw that I liked this, I disliked that
Failing to check facts about movie background and release date, director, casting etc.
Giving out your opinion without mentioning any reason why you think that way
Talking about irrelevancies
Writing a review without a structure
Writing generalities such as great acting, cool effects, a good movie, it was badetc.
Writing a review without substance or analysis of the feature