English 3: Unit 13: Recycling Online Session 1
English 3: Unit 13: Recycling Online Session 1
English 3: Unit 13: Recycling Online Session 1
Unit 13: Recycling
•By the end of this session, you will be able to talk about recycling.
• Share your answers to these questions.
1. What is recycling?
2. Is recycling important? Why?
3. What things are recyclable? Which are unrecyclable?
4. Do you know what the “The Rs” mean? Explain.
3-5 minutes
Warm up
whole class 3
Recycling tips for your city
For example:
Language bank
Tip 1:You should separate plastic, glass, metal and paper from organic garbage. • recyclable
• non-recyclable
Get involved with your local recycling program. • container
• recycling bin
• label
Identify recyclable items around the house. • landfill
• plastic
• glass
You should label the containers in your home and • metal
separate glass, metal and paper. • paper
• donate
• reduce
Wash and dry the containers that you are going to recycle • reuse
6 minutes • upcycle
• downcycle
whole class
Recycling tips for your city
• Work in pairs.
• Share and discuss your recycling tips.
Production 1 • Then, agree on the top 3 recycling tips for your city.
• Be ready to present the tips and explain why you chose them.
10' 5
Recycling tips for your city
5 minutes
whole class
Facts about plastic pollution 3
8 minutes
whole class
Up to 12.7 million tonnes of
plastic enters the oceans every
Scientists have documented 700 Up to 9 of 10 seabirds, 1 in 3 sea year.
marine species affected by ocean turtles and more than half of whale and
plastic. dolphin species have ingested plastic. 7
Facts about plastic pollution 3
• Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions below.
Explain your answers based on facts. Ask follow-up Language bank
Production 2 questions. because
1. Which of the facts is the most shocking to you? due to
2. What should people do to stop using plastic at home thanks to
/at university/ at work/etc.?
Plastics have been found in
3. Are there recycling centers in your town/city? Do so Antarctic sea ice and in the guts of
you use them? therefore animals living in the deep ocean.
4. Would you like to be part of an organization that thus
helps to clean the beaches and oceans? consequently
5. Do you think recycling is enough to stop pollution in for this reason 4
the oceans? that’s why
1 2
14 minutes
Up to 12.7 million tonnes of
pairwork plastic enters the oceans every
Scientists have documented 700 Up to 9 of 10 seabirds, 1 in 3 sea
marine species affected by ocean turtles and more than half of whale and
plastic. dolphin species have ingested plastic. 8
Facts about plastic pollution
Why is recycling important? Share a final conclusion.
5 minutes
whole class
Now I can…
√talk about recycling.
Preparation for
next class
ReinforceUnit 13.
Do Grammar Practice component exercises.
Work on the Enrichment Practice component.