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Brigandine From Polish Museum Warsaw

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Polish museum collections do not possess a lot brigandine was placed on a shaped steel sheet (fixed
of extant examples of late medieval armour, there- in place with several screws!), and covered with a
fore each of them deserves special attention. The thin mesh overlapped and glued to the bottom side of
brigandine from the Museum of the Polish Army in the base (Figs. 1–9). Because of this we are not able
Warsaw has not been given a lot of attention so far to measure all of the plates, check for any marks on
in Polish literature on the history of arms and armour. their surfaces or take a larger sample of the textile
There is only a scant note about this armour in the covering for analysis.
catalogue of the collections of the Museum of the Based on the pattern of rivet heads on the fabric
Polish Army by Zofia Stefańska (Stefańska 1960, p. and the photos made before 1960 we can conclude
20; 1964, fig. 32: a, b). that the brigandine consists of a large chestplate and
The brigandine in question is catalogued as inv. over 200 oblong, rectangular, horizontally aligned
No. 107 and was brought into the Polish museum small plates of roughly uniform size (Fig. 10). The
collection after WWII.1 There are indications that large chestplate has straight, horizontal upper and
it formerly belonged to Berlin’s Zeughaus, which lower edges and almost vertical side edges with
is corroborated by a comparative analysis of photos prominent, curved openings for arms. It is not very
published in some older studies (cf. i.e, Thordeman convex, but it was obviously shaped for close and
1939, figs. 349, 350). Considering the shape of indi- comfortable fit. We can gather some information
vidual plates, the pattern of rivets, the condition and about the exact arrangement of the smaller plates
the extent of damage of the covering cloth, and the from archival photos (Thordeman 1939, figs. 349,
outline of the present edges of the brigandine we can 350; Post 1942, fig. 1, 2; Stefańska 1960, p. 21;
be almost certain that the piece belonging presently Žákovský 2009, fig. 6: 2). Most of them are rec-
to the Museum of the Polish Army in Warsaw is the tangular, rhomboidal or trapezoidal, with rounded
same one which is shown on the pages of Thorde- points, curved along the longer side (Fig. 10). Such
man’s “Armour from the battle of Wisby.” shape was of course supposed to follow the natural
Only the front half of the armour has survived, curves of the human torso. The plates in the sin-
probably incomplete in its upper part, as proven by gle, horizontal row at the waist-height are shaped
an analogy (discussed below). Conservation work somewhat differently. They are shaped and curved
done after 1960 to protect the brigandine from fur- as others but additionally they were bent along the
ther damage makes a detailed analysis difficult. The horizontal axis of symmetry so that they resemble
the letter V in cross-section with the ridge pointing
1 The author would like to thank The Management of the Mu- towards the body of the wearer. This was probably
seum of the Polish Army in Warsaw for permission to publish done to accentuate the waist and for a better fit. It is
this brigandine and Wojciech Krajewski from the Museum of
worth mentioning that the civilian fashion of the late
the Polish Army in Warsaw for his help during making the
documentation. 14th – early 15th cent. favoured close fitting garments


Fig. 2. The brigandine from Polish Army Museum in Warsaw.

Photo by T. Rajtar

see an isosceles cross made of the same rivets. In the

lower part of the textile covering, along its vertical
axis of symmetry, there is a rectangular opening (“a
slit”) which could facilitate walking and mounting a
horse while wearing the armour. It is worth mention-
ing that the smaller plates were fixed to the covering
in two different ways. Those below the chestplate
Fig. 1. The brigandine from Polish Army Museum in Warsaw. were riveted along their lower edges, while those
Front view. Photo by T. Rajtar below the waist are riveted along their upper edges.
In its present condition the brigandine weighs
with a pronounced waistline (see i.e. Gutkowska- 4137 g, however this includes the 1.4 mm thick steel
Rychlewska 1968, pp. 148–157). plate the armour was screwed to during the afore-
Individual metal elements of the discussed brig- mentioned conservation works. The total height of
andine are not joined together in any way. The only the breastplate is 52 cm. The large chestplate is 22.5
element that holds them together is the textile cover- cm high, while its width is2: 24 cm (upper edge),
ing, to which the chestplate and smaller plates were 47.5 cm (between the points under the “armpits” of
riveted with steel rivets with flat, round heads (the
chestplate around its circumference, every smaller 2 All measurements of the width and height of the brigandine
plate with 3 or 4 rivets in a row along the upper or and its individual plates were made along the arcs of their
lower edge). In the middle of the chestplate we can curves.

Fig. 3. The brigandine from Polish Army Museum in Warsaw. Fig. 4. The brigandine from Polish Army Museum in Warsaw.
The right side. Photo by T. Rajtar The left side. Photo by T. Rajtar


Fig. 5. The brigandine from Polish Army Museum in Warsaw. Fig. 6. The brigandine from Polish Army Museum in Warsaw.
Chestplate. Photo by T. Rajtar Photo by T. Rajtar

Fig. 8. The brigandine from Polish Army Museum in Warsaw.

Photo by T. Rajtar

Fig. 7. The brigandine from Polish Army Museum in Warsaw.

Photo by T. Rajtar

the wearer) and 45 cm (lower edge). The smaller,

rectangular plates are ca. 7.59×2.94 cm, however this
is an approximation based on their outline showing
from beneath the textile covering. The width of the Fig. 9. The brigandine from Polish Army Museum in Warsaw.
Profile of the brigandine. Photo by T. Rajtar
brigandine in its probable “waistline” is 40.5 cm,
while its lower edge is 45.5 cm wide. Flat, round
rivet heads fixing the chestplate and smaller plates and we can see two horizontal seams in the lower
to the textile covering are very similar in shape and part and one vertical seam in the middle, running
measure 4.81–5.64 mm in diameter. from the lower edge of the chestplate to the lower
The textile covering of the Warsaw brigandine is edge of the whole breastplate. While the horizontal
damaged in many places, but it still retains its origi- seams were obviously supposed to make up for the
nal function of covering and holding together all the lack of the fabric in its length, the vertical one could
elements constituting the protection of the wearer’s provide a better fit of the covering to the curve of the
torso. It is not made from a single piece of fabric, chestplate, which in turn was fitted to the contours


Fig. 10. The brigandine from Berlin’s Zeughaus (probably the same that brigandine from PAM in Warsaw).
After B. Thordeman 1939, fig. 349, 350

of the human body. At present the textile covering The closest analogy to the brigandine from the
is brown, but it is rather impossible to say what the MPA in Warsaw is the armour from Castello Sforzes-
original colour of the fabric was. co in Milan - inventory No. 161 (Figs. 11–20).3 Con-
A small fragment of the covering, obtained trary to the Polish armour, the Italian one is preserved
through a hole in the protective mesh covering the intact. We can see a more complex breastplate with
armour was analysed in the Institute of Archaeology
and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 3 The author would like to thank Valentina Ricetti from Castello
Lódź. The results of this analysis are presented in the Sforzesco in Milan for information about the brigandine
addendum to this article. mentioned in this article.

Fig. 11. The brigandine from Castello Sforzesco in Milan. The right side. Photo by T. Capwell.
Civiche Raccolte d’Arte Applicata del Castello Sforzesco, Milano, all rights reserved


Fig. 12. The brigandine from Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Front view. Photo by T. Capwell.
Civiche Raccolte d’Arte Applicata del Castello Sforzesco, Milano, all rights reserved

rectangular plates covering shoulders and collarbones large, square plate and two rows of rectangular plates
of the wearer above the chestplate (Fig. 16). The at its sides (Figs. 13, 17). It is worth pointing out
Milanese armour has also a backplate consisting of a that wherever there are no plates, the textile cover-

Fig. 13. The brigandine from Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Backplate. Photo by T. Capwell.
Civiche Raccolte d’Arte Applicata del Castello Sforzesco, Milano, all rights reserved


Fig. 14. The brigandine from Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Rivet heads on breastplate.
Photo by T. Capwell. Civiche Raccolte d’Arte Applicata del Castello Sforzesco, Milano,
all rights reserved

ing is lined with mail, providing a full protection of shoulders and sides with a string or a leather strap
the torso and neck of the wearer (Figs. 15, 18). The tied through holes in the covering and some metal
breastplate and the backplate were fastened on the rings sewn to it (Figs. 16, 18). Analogically to the

Fig. 15. The brigandine from Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Backplate, mail lining the textile covering.
Photo by T. Capwell. Civiche Raccolte d’Arte Applicata del Castello Sforzesco, Milano,
all rights reserved


Fig. 16. The brigandine from Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Breastplate, plates above the chestplate
and holes for fastening on the shoulders. Photo by T. Capwell. Civiche Raccolte d’Arte Applicata
del Castello Sforzesco, Milano, all rights reserved

armour from the MPA in Warsaw the brigandine from backplate. On small plates from the Italian brigandine
Milan is covered with linen fabric and has identical, there is an armourer’s mark (a cross above the letter
isosceles crosses made with rivets on its chest- and I, surrounded by letters Z and O), associated with

Fig. 17. The brigandine from Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Backplate. Photo by T. Capwell.
Civiche Raccolte d’Arte Applicata del Castello Sforzesco, Milano, all rights reserved


Fig. 18. The brigandine from Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Backplate, metal rings for fastening.
Photo by T. Capwell. Civiche Raccolte d’Arte Applicata del Castello Sforzesco, Milano,
all rights reserved

an unspecified Milanese workshop (Fig. 21). The 1370s to the 1450s (Scalini 2003, pp. 382–396). The
punched mark is repeated two times on the side rows discussed armour from Milan is dated to 1380–1410
of plates and once in the central one of the breastplate (Allevi 1998, p. 25).
each small plate on backplate has only one mark too. Such dating of textile-covered body defenses
The plates around the waist, those of the left and right with large chest- and backplates, supplemented with
shoulder plates, those under the neck opening and the smaller ones, is confirmed by Italian iconography of
great breast- and backplate are not marked. the late 14th century. As an example we can give a
In Italian literature on medieval arms and armour poem “Lancelot du Lac” dated to ca. 1380, where
such defenses of the torso, consisting of large, shaped we can see a full body defense with densely spaced
plates, smaller plates and pieces of mail, covered rivet heads on the covering. In the chest area we can
with linen fabric, silk velvet or leather are called see an empty space with no rivet heads, from which
“corazzinas.” Italian researchers distinguish between we can conclude the existence of a large chestplate
corazzinas and brigandines – the latter being sup- (Fig. 22). In the same poem it is worth pointing out a
posedly very similar but consisting of small plates kneeling knight’s figure wearing a corazzina covered
only. Corazzinas were very popular in Italy from the with red fabric, with a fragment of the cross (prob-

Fig. 19. The brigandine from Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Drawing from the restoring report


Fig. 21. Armourer’s mark from the Milanese

Fig. 20. The brigandine from Castello Sforzesco in Milan. brigandine. Drawing from the restoring
Breast- and backplate. After P. Allevi 1998, fig. 25 report

ably isosceles) visible on the breastplate, similar in Discussing the brigandine from the MPA in War-
shape to the crosses on the armours from Milan and saw is a good opportunity for a short summary of
Warsaw (Fig. 23). the development of textile/leather-covered body
Another proof, from Italy, of widespread use of defenses.
torso defenses made of great chest- and backplates The first certain example of such armour is the
supplemented with smaller plates and covered by sculpture of St Maurice in Magdeburg Cathedral,
fabric or leather in different colours are the frescoes dated to ca. 1250. The figure of this holy warrior
from the chapel of St George in Padova by Altichiero wears a long surcoat lined with rectangular, vertical
da Zevio, finished about 1384 (Figs. 24–28) (Baggio, plates (Thordeman 1939, pp. 285–286, figs. 288,
Colalucci, Bartoletti 1999). 289). A similar reinforcement of a surcoat can be
observed on a sleeping knight’s figure on the altar in
the monastery in Wienhausen from ca. 1280 (Edge,

Fig. 22. Italian poem “Lancelot du Lac” Fig. 23. Italian poem “Lancelot du Lac”


Fig. 24. The frescoes from the chapel Fig. 25. The frescoes from the chapel Fig. 26. The frescoes from the chapel
of St George in Padova by Altichiero da Zevio of St George in Padova by Altichiero of St George in Padova by Altichiero
da Zevio da Zevio

Paddock 1988, p. 59). Implementation of metal plates It seems that from this point on the process of
was probably caused by the growing force of impact development of textile-covered body defenses may
of the lance-wielding heavy cavalry and much more have been bilinear (Nadolski, Kosiorek 1986, p. 36,
effective ranged weapons. Coat of mail with a pad- footnote 2; Nowakowski 1990, pp. 66–67).
ded gambeson beneath it alone were not enough to The first line could consist in dividing individual
withstand a thrust by a lancehead. It seems safe to plates into further smaller pieces, a final product of
assume that such solution was borrowed from the this process being the classic brigandine known from
Islamic culture via the workshops of Northern Italy. museum collections and iconographical sources from
It is also possible that a certain role in introducing the 14th to the 17th century (Blair 1958, p. 59). Such
such armour to European armourers and warriors an armour, thanks to employing a large number of
was played by nomadic Mongols, who appeared in small plates, was more elastic and could be better
the European history in the 13th century (Thordeman fitted to the wearer’s body following the dictates of
1939, pp. 288–290; Nicolle 2002, pp. 213, 216, current civilian fashion. While such arrangement
220–221). could be more comfortable and efficient for light
This design quickly became very popular and cavalrymen and infantry, it seems that heavy cavalry
was commonly called coat of plates throughout were more interested in making the body defenses
all Europe. The popularity of such refined textile more stiff and resistant, especially in the most vital
“vest” lined with riveted metal plates is proven by chest area. Using a solid, large chestplate4 gave bet-
the famous archaeological find from the battlefield ter chances of surviving the contact with a massive
of Wisby, 1361. Coats of plates from Gotland present
some variety of design, but they are still all based 4 In several examples chestplates of brigandies consist of two,
on rectangular plates of various sizes and various symmetrical pieces – left and right (Ffoulkes 1911, Plate LIV;
numbers in a given piece, aligned horizontally or Angermann, Poyer 2004, figs. 1, 3, 6; Beaufort-Spontin 2004,
vertically (Thordeman 1939; 1940). fig. 1; Marek, Konczewski 2010, fig. 6: 3)


Fig. 26. The frescoes from the chapel of St George in Padova Fig. 28. The frescoes from the chapel
by Altichiero da Zevio of St George in Padova by Altichiero
da Zevio

lancehead of the charging mounted opponent of a such armour is the piece from the National Museum
considerable mass. in Munich, dated to ca. 1400 (Peine 2004, p. 54, fig.
Therefore it seems obvious that the second line of 9). It is undoubtedly an introduction to full-plate
development of covered body defenses was focused alwite breastplates.
on fusing the plates together (Blair 1958, p. 56). In Polish studies on arms and armour there is a
Perhaps at first it was achieved by riveting several clear distinction in terminology of textile covered
neighbouring plates together; the next step could be armours: the defenses with large chestplates and
forging a single chestplate that protected the wearer’s backplates are called “textile-covered cuirasses,”
chest around the heart. The rest of such armour was as opposed to armour made exclusively of smaller
still made of rectangular, most often horizontally plates, which is called “coat of plates” (plates be-
aligned plates. It seems that a perfect example of ing rather large) or “brigandine” (plates being very
such armour is the one from Hirschstein Castle in small and numerous), (Nowakowski 1990, pp. 64,
Passau, dated to ca. 1350 (Herman et. al. 2007, pp. 66–67).
436–437), and numerous tombstones from that time The last thing to consider is the origin of the ar-
for example: the effigy of Otto von Orlamünde ca. mour from the Museum of the Polish Army. As it was
1340; Rudolf von Hürnheim ca. 1350–1360 or Walter already mentioned, it does not come from Poland, and
von Bopfinger ca. 1359 (see i.e. Thordeman 1939, available analogies suggest to look for the place of its
figs. 324–329). This kind of armour evolved towards origin in Italy. The piece from Milan is almost identi-
enlarging the chestplate until it protected the whole cal, but until we are not able to find any armourer’s
torso (from collarbones to waist). The underbelly marks on the one from Warsaw it will not be possible
and hips were protected by a skirt of lames made of to answer this question beyond doubt.
long, horizontal plates. The whole armour was still One could wonder if cloth-covered armour of
covered with fabric, linen or something more decora- this type may have been used by warriors from the
tive like silk velvet. An example of the pinnacle of Kingdom of Poland in the late 14th and the beginning


of the 15th century. Unfortunately Polish iconography more work and precision. The price could also be
from this period does not show us any unquestionable raised by covering plates with fabric more expensive
examples of cloth-covered armour. Some evidence of than simple linen, for example silk velvet, and using
its existence can be found in written sources, where bronze or copper rivets with decorative heads. Of
one finds elements of armour called “duae ioppe” course it is but a hypothesis that requires scientific
and “plathae” (similar to medieval names from other verification. Nonetheless it remains a fact that during
countries, such as English “plates,” French “pair de numerous excavations in late medieval castles and
plattes,” German “plate” and Czech “pláty”) (Nowa- small strongholds (“motte”) in Poland archaeologists
kowski 1990, pp. 64–65). Interestingly, the prices of found armour plates of different size and shape that
those “duae ioppe” and “plathae” are several times confirm the use of covered armour in the Kingdom
higher than the prices of “brostblechs,” appearing in of Poland.5
the same timeframe and being probably early ver-
sions of breastplates (Szymczak 1989, pp. 114–115). 5 It is worth to mention finds of plates from: Siedlątków (Nad-
Perhaps this difference tells us that the “brostblechs” olski 1963, pp. 91–92, figs. 7–10; Nadolski 1969, pp. 12–18,
were a simple form of a covered or alwite breastplate, figs. IV-IX); Plemięta (Nadolski, Grabarczykowa 1985, pp.
without the skirt of lames or any other supplementing 87–91, figs. 21–24); Borówek (Nadolski, Kosiorek 1986,
protection, and “plathae” from this time is a torso pp. 33–41; Kosiorek 2002, p. 230); Nowe Miasto (Grygiel,
Jurek 1996, pp. 84–90, figs. 73–99, 102–103); Popów (Dudak
protection similar to the armour from Warsaw and 2004–2005, pp. 205–216); Czchów (Szpunar, Glinianowicz
Milan, fitted to the wearer’s body and requiring much 2006, pp. 142–153).


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The technological analysis of the fragment of well. The warp threads are ca. 0.2 mm thick, while the
textile covering of the brigandine from the Museum weft threads are ca. 0.4 mm thick. The warp-thickness
of the Polish Army in Warsaw of the fabric in the analysed fragment is ca. 10 threads
The research was conducted in the Institute of per 1 cm, while the weft-thickness is 7–8 threads per
Archeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of 1 cm (because of the small size of the fragment the
Sciences in Lódź. The researched object was a small, data is given approximately per 1 cm).
well preserved fragment of fabric measuring 0.4×0.5 To sum up, this is a fragment of a simple fabric.
cm in size. The observations allowed to conclude that Linen fabric was good at absorbing moisture, which
it was a vegetable material, most likely flax. was surely a very important factor considering its
The fabric was tabby-woven, which means that role. Textile finds of similar technological properties
there is 1 thread of the warp for each 1 thread of the are known from archaeological research conducted
weft. Such weave is commonly employed in textile in whole Poland (see: Jabłońska 2009; Maik 1997;
weaving from Neolithic times until today. The yarn Turnau 1987).
used for weaving was Z-spun in weft and warp as

Jabłońska J. Maik J.
2009 Tkaniny z badań archeologicznych na Wyspie Spi- 1997 Wstępne wyniki badań średniowiecznych i nowożyt-
chrzów w Gdańsku w latach 2004–2006, (in:) H. nych tekstyliów z wykopalisk w Elblągu, Archaeolo-
Paner, M. Fudziński, Z. Borcowski (eds.), Stan gia Elbingensis, Vol. 2, pp. 155–170.
badań archeologicznych miast w Polsce, Gdańsk, Turnau I.
pp. 201–214. 1987 Historia europejskiego włókiennictwa odzieżowego
od XIII do XVIII w., Wrocław.


Marcin Glinianowicz, MA
The Museum of Folk Architecture in Sanok
3 Traugutta St.
38–500 Sanok

Łukasz Antosik, MA
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology
of Polish Academy of Sciences in Lódź
1 Tylna St.
90–364 Łódź


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