IEF Leaves220915
IEF Leaves220915
IEF Leaves220915
This newsletter is an opportunity for IEF members to share their experiences, activities, and initiatives that are taking
place at the community level on environment, climate change, and sustainability. All members are welcome to contribute
information about related activities, upcoming conferences, news from like-minded organizations, recommended websites,
book reviews, etc. Please send information to
Please share the Leaves newsletter and IEF membership information with family, friends, and associates and encourage
interested persons to consider becoming a member of the IEF.
Members Corner
IEF General Assembly, 25 September 2022
The 26th IEF General Assembly will be held on Sunday, 25 September 2022 at 1pm EDT / 19:00
CEST. The election of the IEF Governing Board for 2022-2023 will take place by e-mail.
All members should have received an email invitation with detailed information about registering for
the General Assembly and with voting instructions.
If you are a member and have not received an email invitation, please, contact the IEF Secretariat at Please, note that associates do not participate in the election of the IEF board.
We hope that many of you will be able to attend!
The IEF warmly welcomes the following new members and associates:
Members Associates
Andreas Galsterer, Portugal Oluwagbeminiyi Olaonipekun, Nigeria
Kate Gieger, USA Jahangir Cyrus, USA
Steve Bosserman, USA Jos Hazebroek, The Netherlands
Leslie Cole, Canada Ezekiel Tosin Babatunde, Nigeria
Rajendra Prasad N.R., India
Santosh Kumar Mishra, India
IEF Webinars
The next two IEF webinars will contribute to the topics of the upcoming UN conferences:
Nov. 5 – Climate Change and COP27, with Halldór Thorgeirsson
Dec. 3 – CBD COP15: Countries are preparing new global goals to protect Nature – what do they mean
and what is our role in achieving them? with Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen
IEF Endorsement of the Open Letter to World Leaders by Action for Sustainable Development
The IEF Board decided to endorse the open letter to world leaders by Action for Sustainable Development for
the Global Week of Action to Act4SDGs (16-25 September). The text of the letter is printed further below and is
available here.
One of the fundamental principles of the Baha’i Faith is that science and religion are in harmony, meaning that
they do not contradict each other and present complementary aspects of creation. There are two kinds of
science: material and spiritual. The former discovers material realities; the latter discovers spiritual realities.
Both are necessary. ‘Abdu’l-Baha defines both religion and science as “...consisting of the necessary
relationships deriving from the realities of things.” Thus the Baha’i teachings are concerned with how the
different aspects of creation relate to each other.
There is a hierarchy of levels of creation: the first is the Primal Will or Logos or Word, which emanates from
God and from which all of spiritual and material creation proceeds. The next levels are spiritual reality (the
heavenly spirit), the rational soul (the human spirit), the animal spirit, vegetable spirit, and mineral spirit. Each
lower level of spirit contains fewer of the attributes of God than the one above it, and exhibits a lesser degree
of consciousness. The mineral, vegetable, and animal levels are the object of study of material science, while
religion addresses the human spirit, heavenly spirit, and the Word. A level of spirit can discover the realities of
lower levels, but cannot fully comprehend the realities of higher levels. Hence the domain of science is the
material world, and the domain of religion is the spiritual worlds.
Both science and religion share the conviction that the world is orderly, and provide explanations based on that
belief. They differ in that science is concerned with the causes of things, while religion is concerned with the
meaning and purpose of those things. Holmes Ralston III, Professor of Philosophy at Colorado State
University, states that “Science holds that causality runs deep in the nature of things; religion holds that what is
highest in value runs deepest in the nature of things." One might say then that material science is concerned
with how things happen, and religion is concerned with why things happen. In order to most fully understand a
thing, we need to know what its material and efficient causes are (the scientific aspect), and also to understand
what its final and formal causes are (the religious aspect). Both are necessary, but either one alone without the
other is not sufficient.
Considering evolution, for example, material science can tell us how biological entities evolve, but not whether
evolution is meaningful and purposeful. Religion, on the other hand, can tell us whether evolution has meaning
and purpose, but cannot tell us about the mechanisms by which evolution happens. The same comments
apply to the universe as a whole: cosmology can tell us how the universe develops, but it can’t answer
questions of its meaning and purpose. Religion can address meaning and purpose, but not how the universe
evolved from its initial beginning.
From these considerations, it is clear that science and religion, properly understood, are complementary and
This is a shortened version of this article. To read the full three pages, go here:
Open Letter to World Leaders by Action for Sustainable Development
Progress on the 2030 agenda is under threat. In Salvador and others. All lives affected by conflict
2022, the world is not working for most people and are of equal value. Wars and conflicts are one of
our planet. Human rights are being ignored and the major factors leading to increasing poverty in
millions of people are being left behind, while a few the world.
become ever richer and more powerful.
• We call for an immediate end to the war in
The war in Ukraine together with other ongoing Ukraine – a ceasefire and a withdrawal of
conflicts has led to a massive increase in the Russian forces, and the phased removal of
number of people facing acute food insecurity, with all sanctions according to an agreed
rising food prices making life even harder for timeline.
billions of people. • We call on third parties to prevent a further
At the same time, climate change presents a long- military escalation of the conflict and help in
term threat to our shared home on this earth, with facilitating peace negotiations.
temperatures continuing to rise and extreme • We call for the same level of support to end
weather events devastating communities at the all conflicts – and ensure financial support
frontlines. for displaced peoples and refugees.
The Covid-19 pandemic pushed humanity’s • We further call for a global commitment
resilience to the limit and continues to have vast from states to reduce military expenditures
impacts on the lives of people and the wider social, and to shift these funds to address the
economic and environmental fabric of our world. shortfall in financing for the achievement of
Hundreds of millions of people lost their jobs and Agenda 2030 commitments, such as on
income and were pushed into poverty. social protection and clean energy.
These events have shone a glaring light on the
persistent and underlying injustices and inequalities Climate
of our societies. We call for an end to the fossil fuel era – stop
We need to transform a system that is no longer fit financing of coal by the end of 2022 and shift
for purpose, flip the script and re-imagine our planet funding towards clean and green R&D, fully
as our shared home, respecting the rights of all address loss and damages from climate impacts,
people and the natural world. and solutions that provide quality jobs to power the
future ethically and sustainably.
The recovery must leave no one behind… there is
still time to deliver sustainable development within • Deliver on the Paris Agreement goal to limit
the Decade of Action… if leaders in each country mean global temperature rise to 1.5C.
act for Peace, Climate & Justice. • Commit to science-based national targets
and a net-zero emissions economy by 2050
Peace with ambitious climate action plans in place
in each country.
Now is the time to step back from armed conflicts,
militarism must be reduced around the world: • Deliver the funding promised with non-debt
creating climate finance for adaptation,
The war in Ukraine comes in a human context mitigation and loss and damage, including
where armed conflict, violence in all its forms, the unmet $100 billion/year pledge.
authoritarianism, corruption and indiscriminate
• Protect the ecosystems on which all life
repression affects the lives of millions of people
depends by strengthening international
around the globe and violates the human rights of
environmental law and reversing
people – young and old – in countries including
biodiversity loss by 2030; and develop
Myanmar, Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Afghanistan,
ecological strategy policies aligning with
South Sudan, Central African Republic, Ethiopia,
poverty alleviation, human rights, and fair
Colombia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El
economic policies.
Social Justice Economic Justice
Poverty and inequality are once again on the rise in We call for an end of austerity and a major
the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. In many economic stimulus that radically reduces inequality,
countries, people are being pushed back into gender inequalities and lays the foundations for a
increasingly fragile situations, with the critical gaps just, equal and sustainable economy.
in healthcare and loss of livelihoods being
• Keep your promises to finance a more just
compounded by the lack of sufficient support from
and sustainable future with clear
governments and international partners.
commitments to 0.7% of GDP for
• Put in place a ‘Vaccines for all global development cooperation including at least
roadmap’, donor countries must agree to $50 billion/year for health and social
finalise a temporary waiver of intellectual protection
property protections on all Covid-19 • Deliver extensive debt cancellations and
technologies in 2022. create a sovereign debt workout mechanism
• We call on all governments to ensure at the UN; increase access to capital for low
universal social protection for all including and middle income countries by re-
provision of free universal healthcare to allocating new Special Drawing Rights.
ensure everyone on earth has access to • Ensure everyone contributes by taxing
free, public, high quality health care across companies and individuals fairly with
the life course and promote wellbeing for all progressive tax systems and ending illicit
ages. financial flows and tax evasion.
• We further call for respect for fundamental • Target financial support to reach those who
rights as set out in the Universal Declaration most need it, by prioritising funds for
of Human Rights. women, disadvantaged minorities, young
• Stop persecution of civil society activists people, persons with disabilities, older
and guarantee people’s fundamental persons, migrants and other most affected
freedoms to speak out and assemble. groups.
Climate Change and Human Rights
A new Report by the United Nations
You can download the report directly here.
Foreword by Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director
Climate change is one of the greatest threats to human rights of our generation, posing a serious risk to the
fundamental rights to life, health, food and an adequate standard of living of individuals and communities
across the world. This report aims to support government and private decision makers by assessing the
relationship between climate change and human rights law.
While the United Nations and national governments acknowledge that climate change and the responses to it
can impact on human rights, there is less agreement on the corresponding obligations of governments and
private actors to address this problem. The relationship between human rights and the environment has been
much debated over the past few decades, supported by UNEP, OHCHR and the Human Rights Council-
appointed Special Rapporteur, specifically the identification of positive, mutually reinforcing links between the
fields of law and policy.
This UNEP report sheds light on the human rights obligations of both governments and private actors in
responding to climate change, including those relating to rights to information, public participation in decision-
making and access to justice, as well as obligations relating to adaption and mitigation.
The report makes a number of recommendations on how governments and other actors may address climate
change. These include the need to recognize the link between climate change and human rights in climate-
related processes and activities. The report also highlights the need for greater ambition with regard to
mitigation, human rights safeguards for international climate finance mechanisms, financial assistance for
developing countries faced with adaptation, and the development of an international mechanism on climate-
induced displacement and migration. In addition, the report proposes a number of new human rights-related
mechanisms for international coordination and accountability in delivering these outcomes.
The Paris agreement is a stepping stone rather than the end objective for climate change action. So I hope
that, whatever the outcome, this report will become a central reference for anybody involved in making climate
or environmental related decisions in the crucial years ahead.
“We’re doing so much. We’re not waiting… for Source: Baha’i World News Service
somebody to come and save us,” said Musonda
Mumba, Director for the Rome Centre for
"Young people have helped reshape the global climate debate because they know that they'll be the ones that
could inherit a broken planet," said Sam Barratt, Chief of the Youth, Education and Advocacy unit in UNEP
Many young activists have highlighted that all too often, policymakers and government officials publicly support
youth leaders and give them a seat at the table at prestigious international conferences, says Barratt. But away
from the cameras, when important policies that affect young people are being made, their voices and interests
are often not taken into account.
Youth activists say that they want more than lip service from global leaders. They want more inclusive
policymaking processes and a seat at the decision-making table.
At the recent Stockholm+50 Youth Assembly, young people called for the mainstreaming of youth engagement
in environmental and multilateral processes on the road to the UN Climate Change Conference in Egypt (COP
“Change is coming,” said UN Youth Envoy Jayathma Wickramanayake. “We will continue to fight for our [youth]
voices to be heard at the decision-making table.”
Over the years, multiple international declarations and covenants have called for inclusive policymaking,
including recommendations for accelerating action towards a healthy planet for the prosperity of all, as set out
in Stockholm+50 Agenda for Action, Renewal and Trust – Outputs and outcomes.
Recognizing intergenerational responsibility is a cornerstone of sound policymaking and puts front and center
the critical role of young people in climate action and the need to build the capacity of young people to engage
with global leaders and financial institutions.
To promote intergenerational solidarity, among other activities, UNEP has been working with the World
Bank’s Connect4Climate initiative to launch a series of YouTube videos that foster intergenerational dialogue.
The videos feature advocates of climate action of all ages and backgrounds to exchange ideas and
experiences and build solidarity.
The last episode, to be broadcast on International Youth Day, features Aldo Manos, 89, a former senior staff
member of the UN, and Emmanuela Shinta, 29, an environmental film-maker and indigenous people’s
representative from Kalimantan, Indonesia. They discuss the climate crisis, sustainable lifestyles, the value of
nature, environmental education, and the need for a shift in global mindset to protect and restore the web of
60 million jobs that will be created by the green economy in 30 years do not even exist yet.
UNEP and partners are also working with higher education and youth networks from around the world, by
mainstreaming environmental education and awareness across curricula to equip young people with the tools
and skills they need today, for the jobs of the future green economy we want.
“Intergenerational responsibility is ultimately about ethical and moral fairness,” said Barratt.
“Future generations who are likely to face more frequent and intense extreme weather events have come into
focus due to the fierce and effective advocacy of young climate activists. It’s now time to meaningfully engage
our youth – providing them with not only a seat at decision-making tables, but also the skills and capacity to
effectively operate at these tables."
International Youth Day is commemorated every year on 12 August, bringing youth issues to the attention of
the international community and celebrating the potential of youth as partners in today's global society. Youth
are central in achieving a more sustainable and healthier planet. UNEP is committed to promoting the work of
young people around the globe for the environment and providing safe and open platforms to support
interaction with decision-makers.
Source: UN Environment