Policy Document
Policy Document
Policy Document
Reliance General
Insurance Company
SID040 Limited
Date: 2023.04.04
Insured Name :MRS.ANREDDY . Period of Insurance: From 00:00 Hrs on 11-Apr-2023 to Midnight of10-Apr-
https://rgi 2024
Communication Address & Place of Supply ::11-182/2 BALAJI Policy Issuing Branch : 6TH FLOOR, OBEROI COMMERZ, INTERNATIONAL
Mobile No :9985768177 Tax Invoice No. & Date :R31032365488 & 04 Apr 2023 10:33
Premium Summary
"As per the GST regulations, the amount of GST will not be refunded if the policy / endorsement is cancelled after 30th September of the next financial year"
Add-on for Total Cover : Provides cover for registration charges, road tax and insurance premium (Total Cover Sum Insured - ` 0.0 )
Consolidated Stamp duty Paid vide Letter of Authorisation "NO.LOA/CSD/562/2023/(Validity Period Dt.10/01/2023 to Dt.01/12/2023)/117 DT.9 JAN 2023" at
General Stamp Office, Mumbai.** Not Applicable for the State of Jammu & Kashmir
21M90478 / Sai Durga Autocraft accts.saidurgahondahyd@gmail.
Private Limited com
Intermediary Code/Name Intermediary Contact No. Intermediary E-mail ID POS UID Aadhaar No. / PAN No.
Existing TP Policy Details
Existing TP Policy No Existing TP Policy Company Name Existing TP Policy Period :
180122223750028619 Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd. From: 11/04/2022 to 10/04/2027
Special Conditions : .
Policy has been issued with reference to vehicle inspection report, reference lead no. & special conditions. The inspection
report remarks can be viewed on company's website by the lead no.
Limitations as to use : The Policy covers use for any purpose other than: (a) Hire or Reward other than for the purpose of driving tuition, (b) Carriage
of goods (other than samples or personal luggage), (c) Organized racing, (d) Pace making, (e) Speed testing, (f) Reliability
trials, (g) Any Purpose in connection with Motor Trade .
Reliance General Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Registration No. 103. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
Registered & Corporate Office: Reliance General Insurance Company Limited, 6th Floor, Oberoi Commerz, International Business Park, Oberoi Garden City, Off
Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063.
Corporate Identity No. U66603MH2000PLC128300. UIN: IRDAN103RP0002V01201920. Trade Logo displayed above belongs to Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Ventures
Private Limited and used by Reliance General Insurance Company Limited under License. RGI/MCOM/CO/MOT-02/PVT-CAR-TWO-WHELLER-PF/Ver.1.3/300117.
Persons/Classes of persons : Any person including insured:
entitled to drive Provided that a person driving holds a valid driving license at the time of the accident and is not disqualified from holding or
obtaining such a license. Provided that the person holding a valid learner’s license may drive the vehicle when not used for
the transport of goods at the time of the accident and that such a person satisfies the requirements of Rule 3 of the Central
Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989.
Deductible under Section-I : (i) Compulsory deductible `100.0 /- (ii) Additional compulsory deductible `0 /- (iii) Voluntary deductible `0.0 /-
In the unfortunate event of a claim, please call quoting your Policy No. 022 48903009(Paid) on and register your claim immediately within 7days from the
date of loss.
In the absence of any communication from you within a period of 15 days of receipt of this letter, we will consider that the issued policy is in order and as per your
For Reliance General Insurance Co. Ltd.
Authorised Signatory
Reliance General Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Registration No. 103. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
Registered & Corporate Office: Reliance General Insurance Company Limited, 6th Floor, Oberoi Commerz, International Business Park, Oberoi Garden City, Off
Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063.
Corporate Identity No. U66603MH2000PLC128300. UIN: IRDAN103RP0002V01201920. Trade Logo displayed above belongs to Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Ventures
Private Limited and used by Reliance General Insurance Company Limited under License. RGI/MCOM/CO/MOT-02/PVT-CAR-TWO-WHELLER-PF/Ver.1.3/300117.
Proposal Form For Reliance Two Wheeler Policy-Stand-alone Own Damage
Is the vehicle made in India? Yes No Type of vehicle: Two Wheeler Three Wheeler Four Wheeler
5. Monthly Income Upto ` 20,000 ` 20,001 to ` 50,000 ` 50,001 to ` 1,00,000 ` 1,00,001 and above
6. UID Aadhaar No. 7. PAN
8. Do you have a GST Registration Number Yes No
If Yes, please specify
9. Related Party Yes No
Reliance General Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Registration No. 103. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
Registered & Corporate Office: Reliance General Insurance Company Limited, 6th Floor, Oberoi Commerz, International Business Park, Oberoi Garden City, Off
Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063.
Corporate Identity No. U66603MH2000PLC128300. UIN: IRDAN103RP0002V01201920. Trade Logo displayed above belongs to Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Ventures
Private Limited and used by Reliance General Insurance Company Limited under License. RGI/MCOM/CO/MOT-02/PVT-CAR-TWO-WHELLER-PF/Ver.1.3/300117.
Details of the Vehicle Type and Use
20. a. Whether the Vehicle is driven by Non-conventional source of power? Yes No If yes Bi Fuel CNG LPG
Non-electrical Electrical & Electronics
Insured declared value Side Car(Two_wheeler)
(IDV) of the Vehicle
Accessories fited to the Accessories fited to the
Value of CNG/ LPG Kit Total Value
Vehicle Vehicle
67079 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 67079.00
b. Do you have a valid PUC? Yes No
(Note-Warranted that the insured named herein/owner of the vehicle holds a valid Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate and/or valid fitness
certificate, as applicable, on the date of commencement of the Policy and undertakes to renew and maintain a valid and effective PUC and/or fitness
Certificate, as applicable, during the subsistence of the Policy. Further, the Company reserves the right to take appropriate action in case of any
discrepancy in the PUC or fitness certificate.
21. Age of Owner Driver 22. D.O.B
23. Add On Covers (Subject to availability and eligibility)
a. Nil Depreciation Cover NO
Reliance General Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Registration No. 103. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
Registered & Corporate Office: Reliance General Insurance Company Limited, 6th Floor, Oberoi Commerz, International Business Park, Oberoi Garden City, Off
Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063.
Corporate Identity No. U66603MH2000PLC128300. UIN: IRDAN103RP0002V01201920. Trade Logo displayed above belongs to Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Ventures
Private Limited and used by Reliance General Insurance Company Limited under License. RGI/MCOM/CO/MOT-02/PVT-CAR-TWO-WHELLER-PF/Ver.1.3/300117.
27. Whether the Vehicle is used for Driving Tuitions ? Yes No
28. Whether use of Vehicle is limited to Own Premises ? Yes No
29. Whether the Vehicle is fitted with Fibre Glass Tank ? Yes No
Whether the Vehicle belongs to the Embassy/Consulate of a Foreign Country ?
30. Yes No
If so,is the duty element included in the IDV ?
31. Whether the Vehicle is design for the use of Blind/Handicapped/Mentally Challenged Person ? Yes No
32. Date of purchase of the Vehicle by the Proposer 11-Apr-2022
33. Whether the Vehicle at the time of purchase was New Second Hand
Risk Inclusions
34. Please select the higher deductible if you wish to opt for over and above the compulsory deductible
Two wheeler
35 Liability to third parties : The policy provides Third Party Property Damage (TPPD) of ` 1 lakh (Two wheelers) and ` 7.5 lakhs (Private car)
0.0 Do you wish to restrict the above limits to the statutory TPPD Liability limit of ` 6000/- only ? Yes No
Legal Liability No. of Persons
36. Personal Accident Cover for Owner Driver. Please give details of nomination
Name of Appointee (if
Name Name of Nominee Age of Nominee Relationship Address
Nominee is Minor)
(Note: 1. Personal Accident cover for owner driver is compulsory for Sum Insured of `15,00,000/- for Two Wheeler, Private Car, GCV, PCV and Misc-D
2. Compulsory PA cover for owner driver cannot be granted where a vehicle is owned by a company, a partnership firm or a similar body corporate or
where the owner-driver does not hold an effective driving license)
37. Extension of Geographical Area:
INDIA Whether extension of Geographical Area to the following countries required?
1. Bangladesh 2. Bhutan 3. Maldives 4. Nepal 5. Pakistan 6. Sri Lanka
38. Please state if the vehicle is under Hire purchase Lease Agreement Hypothecation Agreement
ed If so, give name and address of concerned parties.
39. Full Name M/s L&T FINANCE LTD
49. Address HYD
Details of Previous Insurance
41. Full Name of previous insurer Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd.
42. Address SAGAR PLAZA, 4-1-327 TO 337, IV FLOOR, ABIDS ROAD,
43. Policy Number 180122223750028619 Previous policy Expiry 10-Apr-2023
44. Type of cover: Package Policy Liability Only Other (To be describe)
Reliance General Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Registration No. 103. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
Registered & Corporate Office: Reliance General Insurance Company Limited, 6th Floor, Oberoi Commerz, International Business Park, Oberoi Garden City, Off
Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063.
Corporate Identity No. U66603MH2000PLC128300. UIN: IRDAN103RP0002V01201920. Trade Logo displayed above belongs to Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Ventures
Private Limited and used by Reliance General Insurance Company Limited under License. RGI/MCOM/CO/MOT-02/PVT-CAR-TWO-WHELLER-PF/Ver.1.3/300117.
54. IFSC Code (11 character code appearing on your cheque leaf)
I understand that any refund due on the premium payment / any payment / claims to be directly credited to my aforesaid Bank Account.*
*As per IRDAI, its mandatory that all payments made to the insured are only through electronic mode.
AML Guidelines
"I/ We herby confirm that all premiums have been/ will be paid from bonafide sources and no premium have been/ will be paid out of the proceeds of crime related
to any of the offence listed in Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002. I understand that the company has the right to call for the documents to establish source of
funds. The insurance company has the right to cancel the insurance contract in case I am/ have been found guilty by any competent court of law under any of the
statues, directly/ indirectly governing the prevention of Money Laundering in India.
Nationality: Indian Non- Indian, If Non Indian please specify the country
Type of
Corporations Government Non Government Organizations Society Trust
Organization :
Partnership International Organization Cooperatives Section 25 companies
Declaration by Proposer
I/We hereby declare that the statements made by me/us in this Proposal Form are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and I/We hereby agree that this
declaration shall form the basis of the contract between me/us and RELIANCE General Insurance Company Limited. I/We also declare that, if any additions or
alterations are carried out after the submission of this proposal form, then the same would be conveyed to the insurers immediately. I/We hereby declare that the
contents of the form and documents have been fully explained to me/us and that I/We have fully understood the significance of the proposed contract. I/We agree to
accept a policy subject to the condition prescribed by the company. • I have read and understood the brochure, prospectus, sales literature & Policy wordings and
confirm to abide by the same. • I/We declare that the rate of NCB stated above by me/us is correct and that no claim has arisen in the expiring policy (copy of the
policy enclosed). • I/We further undertake that, if this declaration is found to be incorrect, all benefits under the policy in respect of section I of the policy will stand
forfeited. • I/We further understand and agree that RELIANCE General Insurance will seek confirmation of above stated details from my/our previous insurers.
Pending receipt of necessary confirmation, I/We agree that, though coverage under the policy will be available to me/us, RELIANCE General Insurance will be liable
to release the payment towards any claims under section I of the policy only after a confirmation in this regard is received. In the event this declaration is found to be
incorrect, any and all coverage available under section I of the policy from the date of commencement of the policy shall stand automatically forfeited. Further, any
survey arranged/allowed by RELIANCE General Insurance of the motor vehicle, pending confirmation of the declaration from my/our previous insurers, shall be
without prejudice to any of the rights and remedies available to RELIANCE General Insurance as contained herein and under the relevant laws and regulations. •
I/We acknowledge and agree that, Pending receipt of confirmation of the declaration from my/our previous insurers, the "cash-less repair facility" provided by
RELIANCE General Insurance shall stand suspended. • I/We also shall endeavour to procure the renewal notice and pass on the same to RELIANCE General
Insurance immediately upon the receipt of such renewal notice. Mode of Payment: Secure your payment by cheque/DD favouring Reliance General Insurance
CO.Ltd. This policy shall be voidable at the option of the Company in the event of mis-representation, mis-description of nondisclosure of any material particulars by
the Proposer. Any person who, knowingly and with intent to defraud the Insurance Company or other persons, files a proposal fo insurance containing any false
information, or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information, information concerning any fact material thereto, commits a fraudulent act which will render the
policy voidable at the company's sole discretion and result in a denial of insurance benefits.• I/We here by state that the above mentioned address shall be taken as
address on record for the purpose of GST. • I/We hereby confirm that the contents of the proposal form and connected documents have been fully explained to
me/us and I/We have fully understood the significance of the proposed contract.
This proposal form was completed by
Name Place :
Date : 04 Apr 2023 10:33 Date : 04 Apr 2023 10:33
Reliance General Insurance Company Limited. IRDAI Registration No. 103. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
Registered & Corporate Office: Reliance General Insurance Company Limited, 6th Floor, Oberoi Commerz, International Business Park, Oberoi Garden City, Off
Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063.
Corporate Identity No. U66603MH2000PLC128300. UIN: IRDAN103RP0002V01201920. Trade Logo displayed above belongs to Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Ventures
Private Limited and used by Reliance General Insurance Company Limited under License. RGI/MCOM/CO/MOT-02/PVT-CAR-TWO-WHELLER-PF/Ver.1.3/300117.