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cD Seinnl of Computer Science Sl me whecsiotte UeD 12/0823 To Whom it May Concern | wish to highly recommend Vikram Kumar for an Advantage Award. Vikram ‘was a student in my Enterprise, Innovation and Entrepreneurship module in Computer Science in the Autumn semester 2022. The module was assessed ‘on research that students had conducted on a chosen business, and a crtical ‘assessment of @ business textbook that they had read. They vver2 requirad to present thelr analysis and conclusions in twe reports, anc two class Presentations. Apart from the content and defence oftheir conclusions outined in their reports, students were marked on the competencies they displayed against soft-skil benchmarks, claity of communication, erica thinking, time management and adaplabiity. Vikram's exceptional performance inthe module «gave him first place in the class with an At grade. Overall, bis curent GPA grade is 3.4 | would also lke to highlight his activites and fulent ofthe other ertetia for the Advantage award Extracurricular activities: Class representative of Computer ci programme, jance Mesters Community service: Active in the Computer Network sosiaty, and UCD Health Society concerned with raising issues in physical and menial healtn, Leadership: Leader ofa five member team and runner-up in the Indian national Vikeam is very dlligent in his studies, articulate, has a very engaging and pleasant personaly, and displays a community-soirt and commiinent io the ‘wellbeing of society in UCD and beyond. In my opinion is very deserving of this award 1 | can be of further assistance in this matter, please don't hestete to contact me. Yours sincerely SL Secleb® ‘School of Computer Sctence maildamian datton@ucd ie smob:-343-87 9221156

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