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International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

Khan MN et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016 Dec;4(12):5165-5171

www.msjonline.org pISSN 2320-6071 | eISSN 2320-6012

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20163985
Original Research Article

A clinical study of deviated nasal septum with special reference to

conventional and endoscopic septoplasty
Mohammad Nizamuddin Khan*, Kripamoy Nath, Shams Uddin

Department of ENT, Silchar Medical College, Silchar, Assam, India

Received: 17 October 2016

Accepted: 21 October 2016

Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin Khan,
E-mail: drnizam.khan10@gmail.com

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Deviated nasal septum is a very common condition. It causes nasal obstruction, epistaxis, sinusitis,
headache and obstructive sleep apnea. Septoplasty is one of the most common procedures performed for correction of
deviated nasal septum. The aim of our study was to determine the incidence of DNS with respect to age, sex, type of
septal deviation and presenting complaints and compare if endoscopic septoplasty is better than conventional
Methods: The present study was conducted among 115 cases of DNS for a period of one year. While detailed clinical
study was done in 115 cases, surgery was performed in 60 cases. They were divided into group A and group B with
30 cases in each group. Conventional septoplasty was performed in group A while endoscopic septoplasty in group B.
Results: The male to female ratio was found to be 2.19:1. Majority (37.18%) patients were of age group 11-20 years
with deviation to the left (54.78%). Nasal obstruction (58.26%) was the commonest presenting complaint.
Postoperatively, a significant relief of symptoms were observed in endoscopic septoplasty in terms of nasal
obstruction (93.33%) and hyposmia (87.5%). Post-operative complications were higher in conventional septoplasty
with significant rate of residual deviation.
Conclusions: Our study showed that functional outcome was better and post-operative complications were less in
endoscopic septoplasty. Endoscopic septoplasty provides better illumination which helps to identify septal deviation
accurately while reducing the postoperative complications due to limited dissection and lesser trauma to septal

Keywords: Conventional septoplasty, Deviated nasal septum, Endoscopic septoplasty

INTRODUCTION cause nasal obstruction and predispose to various inter-

related ailments like sinusitis, epistaxis, dysfunction of
Beauty of the face is related to the balance and symmetry the Eustachian tube, otitis media, and respiratory tract
of different parts of the face which includes the nose. The infections both upper and lower, dental mal-alignments
face loses its beauty if the balanced nose is not in and in turn poor general health.3 Deviation of the septum
harmony with the other components of the face.1 was classified by Cottle into four different groups:
Deviated nasal septum (DNS) is a rule rather than an subluxation, large spurs, caudal deflection and tension
exception and is considered to arise out of consequence septum.4 Septoplasty is one of the surgical procedures for
of trauma either during intra-uterine life or thereafter.2 the correction of a deviated nasal septum. First described
by Cottle in 1947, conventional septoplasty is a
Though majority of human beings have deviated nasal conservative surgery in which only the deviated part is
septum, most of them are asymptomatic and cause little if removed leaving behind as much cartilage and bone as
any discomfort. However, deviated nasal septum may possible.5 Conventional septoplasty has increased

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | December 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 12 Page 5165
Khan MN et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016 Dec;4(12):5165-5171

morbidity due to poor visualization, relative  Patients with other nasal pathology requiring
inaccessibility, poor illumination, difficulty in evaluation extensive surgery.
of the exact pathology, need for nasal packing,  Patients with any systemic diseases leading to
unnecessary manipulation, resection and overexposure of surgical contraindication
the septal framework reducing the scope for a revision
surgery.6 It was in 1991 Lanza et al and Stammberger Ethical clearance was obtained from ethical committee of
described endoscopic correction of septal deformity.7,8 Silchar Medical College and Hospital, Silchar and
informed consent was taken from each patient. Proforma
Endoscopic septoplasty is a minimally invasive technique which included patient’s name, age, sex, occupation,
that helps us to correct the deformity of the septum under chief complaint, present history, past history, nose
direct visualization using an endoscope.8 The overall examination, anterior rhinoscopy, nasal endoscopy and
functional improvement is judged on the basis of relief of radiological examination was used to collect the patient’s
pre-operative signs and symptoms, post-operative information. Statistical Package of Social Science was
cosmetic improvement. However, there is a relative used for Statistical analysis and Z-test was applied.
paucity of literature in this regard.
The aim of this study was to find out the incidence of
deviated nasal septum with respect to age, sex and The incidence of DNS was found to be 19.79%. Most of
presenting complaints, and to compare the effectiveness the patients in this study were in the age group of 11-20
of endoscopic septoplasty and conventional septoplasty in years (37.18%), followed by age group 21-30 years
terms of correction of deviation of septum, operative time (26.44%). While 68.70% were males, 31.30% were
taken and post-operative morbidity. females. Majority of the patients presented with deviation
to the left (54.78%) followed by 36.52% of the cases
METHODS having deviation to the right and 8.70% presented with
bilateral deviation. In present study majority had a C
A total of 581 cases, attended the Department of deviation (59.09%). Among rest, 25.76% had dislocation
Otorhinolaryngology, Silchar Medical College & and 15.15% had S deviation. 28.79% had spurs and they
Hospital, Silchar with nasal complaints during the study were found in combination with other type of DNS.
period. Of these, 115 cases of were diagnosed with
deviated nasal septum. The present study was a Table 1: Gender distribution of patients with deviated
prospective study conducted for a period of 12 months nasal septum.
between June 2014 to May 2015. While a detailed
clinical study was done in all these cases, surgical Gender No. of Cases Percentage
management was done in 60 cases. They were divided Male 79 68.70%
into group A and group B with 30 cases in each group. Female 36 31.30%
Conventional septoplasty was performed in group A
Total 115 100%
while endoscopic septoplasty was performed in group B.
A comparison was drawn between the two procedures
with regard to intra-operative time, post-operative Table 2: Distribution of patients according to side of
complications and relief of symptoms. The patients were septal deviation.
called for first follow up on fifteenth post-operative day.
Thereafter follow up was done after three months and six Septal deviation No of cases Percentage
months of the surgery respectively. Patients were Right 42 36.52%
assessed for subjective improvement of symptoms i.e Left 63 54.78%
nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, headache, bleeding per Bilateral 10 8.70%
nose and hyposmia. Nasal endoscopy was done for Total 115 100%
objective assessment.
Table 3: Distribution of 115 cases of DNS according to
Inclusion criteria symptoms at presentation.

 Patients presenting with complaints due to deviated Symptoms No of cases Percentage

nasal septum and diagnosed clinically, radiologically Nasal obstruction 67 58.26%
and/or endoscopically Nasal discharge 38 33.04%
 Patients of 17 years of age or more for surgical Headache 38 33.04%
management Bleeding per nose 19 16.52%
Loss of smell 12 10.43%
Exclusion criteria A patient may have multiple presenting symptoms. Therefore,
total count maybe higher than the sample size.
 Patients less than 17 years of age
 Patients with acute upper respiratory tract infection.

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | December 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 12 Page 5166
Khan MN et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016 Dec;4(12):5165-5171

The aetiological factor was unknown in majority of the Table 4: Distribution of cases according to mean
cases (58.33%). However, 14 cases (23.33%) had history intraoperative time.
of early childhood trauma/birth trauma followed by 11
cases (18.33%) with history of trauma of recent Surgery No. of Mean time Standard
origin/recent past in adult life. Cases taken deviation
Conventional 30 36.35 mins ±5.33
Of the total 115 cases diagnosed with DNS, the most Septoplasty
common presenting symptom was nasal obstruction Endoscopic 30 38.7 mins ±4.77
(58.26%) followed by nasal discharge (33.04%), Septoplasty
headache (33.04%), bleeding per nose (16.52%). Loss of
smell was detected in 10.43% of cases.

Table 5: Comparision of late post-operative complications of conventional septoplasty

versus endoscopic septoplasty.

Complications Conventional septoplasty Endoscopic septoplasty p value*

Bleeding 2/30 (6.67%) 0/30 (0%) NS
Residual deviation/deformity (RD) 11/30 (36.67%) 2/30 (6.67%) S (p<0.05); P= 0.0024
Synechae 5/30 (16.67%) 2/30 (6.67%) NS
Septal perforation (SP) 2/30 (6.67%) 0/30 (0%) NS
*Z test

Table 6: Comparision of post-operative symptoms relief of conventional septoplasty versus endoscopic septoplasty.

Complaints Conventional septoplasty % of Endoscopic % of p value*

benefit septoplasty Benefit
Pre-op Post-op Pre-op Post-op
Nasal obstruction 30 9 70% 30 2 93.33% S (<0.05)
P= 0.00964
Nasal discharge 20 4 80% 21 3 85.71% NS
Headache 25 7 72% 21 4 80.95% NS
Bleeding per nose 10 2 80% 7 0 100% NS
Hyposmia/loss of smell 4 4 0% 8 1 87.5% S (<0.05)
P= 0.00187
*Z test

(68.33%), bleeding per nose (28.33%). Loss of smell was

detected in 20% of the cases.

Figure 1: DNS right with caudal dislocation.

Keeping the inclusion and exclusion criteria in view, of

the total 60 patients with DNS who underwent surgery in Figure 2: Intraoperative picture of same patient
this study group, nasal obstruction was the commonest during conventional septoplasty.
symptom being present in all the 60 cases. This was
followed by headache (76.67%), nasal discharge The mean intra-operative time taken during conventional
septoplasty was 36.35 min. with a standard deviation of

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | December 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 12 Page 5167
Khan MN et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016 Dec;4(12):5165-5171

±5.33min. During endoscopic septoplasty, the mean intra- nasal discharge and bleeding per nose was relieved in
operative time was marginally more being 38.7 min with 80% of the cases. There was no relief of hyposmia. The
a standard deviation of ±4.77min. percentage of patients who were relieved of their
symptoms in group B were 93.33% in case of nasal
obstruction, 85.71% for nasal discharge and 80.95% for
headache. Hyposmia was relieved in 87.5% of the cases.
Bleeding per nose or epistaxis was relieved in 100% of
the cases. The difference between the two operative
procedures was statistically significant considering nasal
obstruction and hyposmia as parameters.

Figure 3: Post-operative picture of same patient after

conventional septoplasty.

The incidence of post-operative bleeding, residual

deviation, synechae and septal perforation were 6.67%,
36.67%, 16.67% and 6.67% respectively in group A.
Incidence of various post-operative complications in case
of group B were 6.67% each in case of residual deviation Figure 6: Post-operative picture of same patient after
and synechae with no incidence of any significant endoscopic septoplasty.
bleeding and septal perforation.

The incidence of DNS in present study was 19.79%

which is similar to the study by Min et al where overall
the incidence of deviated nasal septum was 22.38%.9
Most of the patients diagnosed with DNS in this study
were in the age group of 11-20years (37.18%) followed
by 21-30 years (26.44%) with 68.70% being males and
31.30% being females with an approximate ratio of
2.19:1. The findings were in concordance with a study by
Sinha SN et al.10

Majority of the patients presented with deviation to the

left (54.78%), followed by 36.52% of the cases having
Figure 4: DNS left pre-operatively.
deviation to the right. Only 8.70% of the patients had
bilateral deviation. This was similar to the observation
made by Daghistani KJ who reported that incidence of
DNS was more the left side (55.6%).11

In the current study the aetiological factor was unknown

in majority of the cases (58.33%). However, 23.33% (14
cases) had history of early childhood trauma/ birth trauma
followed by 11 cases (18.33%) with history of trauma of
recent origin/recent past in adult life. In the observation
made by Olphen AFV, almost all deformities were
caused by developmental disturbances and some kind of
trauma.12 Other authors like Fischer, Sessions RB and
Toost T and Kamal also supported the hypothesis that
Figure 5: Intraoperative picture of endoscopic trauma to the nose can lead to septal deviation.11,13,14 Of
septoplasty. the total 115 cases diagnosed with DNS, the most
common presenting symptom was nasal obstruction
In group A percentage of relief from nasal obstruction (58.26%) followed by nasal discharge and headache with
was 70%. Headache was relieved in 72% of cases while 33.04% of the cases each, and bleeding per nose
(16.52%). Loss of smell was detected in 10.43% of cases.

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | December 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 12 Page 5168
Khan MN et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016 Dec;4(12):5165-5171

A similar pattern of presenting complaints was also The mean intraoperative time taken during conventional
present in the 60 patients with DNS who underwent septoplasty was 36.35 mins with a standard deviation of
surgery in this study group. Nasal obstruction was present ±5.33mins. During endoscopic septoplasty, the mean
in all 60 cases (100%). This was followed by headache intraoperative time taken during was 38.7 mins with a
(76.67%), nasal discharge (68.33%), bleeding per nose standard deviation of ±4.77min. Thus the time taken was
(28.33%). Loss of smell was detected in 20% of cases put highest in case of endoscopic septoplasty. Soo Kweon
up for surgery. So in our study it was seen that maximum Koo et al, in their study reported the intraoperative time
number of patients had nasal obstruction followed by during endoscopic septoplasty was 32.48±2.76 minutes.18
headache, nasal discharge and bleeding per nose. Paradis J, Rotenberg BW in their study comparing
conventional versus endoscopic septoplasty found that
In a study by Iqbal SM et al, they found that majority of operative time (p<0.001) significantly favoured the
the patients presented with the nasal obstruction (90%) endoscopic group.19 However, no such significant
followed by the nasal discharge (20%) and headache difference was found in this study.
(40%). Hyposmia was present in 6.4% of the patients.15
These findings were similar to those of this study. In the Various studies were conducted by many authors to study
study by Low WK, Willat DJ symptom seen in patients the incidence of late post-operative complications of
were of snoring (57.3%), headache (48.0%), rhinorrhoea conventional septoplasty and endoscopic septoplasty. In
(38.7%), sneezing (30.7%), hyposmia (30.7%) and the present study, considering conventional septoplasty
epistaxis (21.3%).16 the incidence of post-operative bleeding following was
6.67%. Residual deviation was found to be 36.67%,
In present study majority had a C deviation (59.09%). synechae was 16.67% while incidence of septal
Among rest, 25.76% had dislocation and 15.15% had S perforation was 6.67%. The above findings were similar
deviation. 28.79% had spurs and they were found in to those of other studies.
combination with other type of DNS. In study by
Moorthy PNS, the incidence of type of nasal septal The incidences of various post-operative complications in
deviation was found to be as follows: C shaped deviation case of endoscopic septoplasty in this study were 6.67%
(40%), spur (20%), caudal deviation or dislocation each in case of residual deviation and synechae. There
(16%), and S shaped deviation (30%).17 The findings was no incidence of any significant bleeding and septal
were not different from present study. perforation. The above findings were similar to those of
other studies.

Table 7: Comparison of post-operative complications of conventional septoplasty in present

study with various previous studies.

Leena jain DC Satyaki SS Suligavi Kamran Manjunath et Present

et al6 et al20 et al21 et al22 al23 study
Bleeding - 24% 26% 3% 4% 6.67%
Residual Deviation/deformity 36% - 14% 2% - 36.67%
Synechae 20% 16% 20% 1% 4% 16.67%
Septal Perforation - - - 2% 0% 6.67%

Table 8: Comparison of post-operative complications of endoscopic septoplasty in present study

with various previous studies.

Leena jain SS Suligavi et Manjunath et Chung et Present

et al6 al21 al23 al24 study
Bleeding - 14% 4% 0.9% 0%
Residual Deviation/ Deformity(RD) 13% 16% - 0.9% 6.67%
Synechae 0% 6% 4% 2.6% 6.67%
Septal Perforation (SP) - - 0% 3.4% 0%

To summarise, in this study, out of the 60 operated cases, comparision of conventional septoplasty and endoscopic
the difference between Conventional and Endoscopic septoplasty.6
Septoplasty was found to be significant with respect to
residual deviation. In the study by Leena Jain et al., Out of the 30 cases that underwent conventional
similar statistically significant difference was found on septoplasty in this study, nasal obstruction persisted in

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | December 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 12 Page 5169
Khan MN et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016 Dec;4(12):5165-5171

only 9 out of the initially presenting 30 cases with relieved in 80% of the cases. There was no relief of
percentage of relief being 70%. Headache was present in hyposmia. Nasal discharge continued in 4 out of initial 20
7 out of 25 cases and bleeding per nose continued in 2 out cases. The percentage of relief of pre-operative symptoms
of the initial 10 cases at presentation. Thus headache was was 80% for nasal discharge. The above findings were
relieved in 72% of cases while bleeding per nose was similar to those of other studies.

Table 9: Comparison of percentage of symptom relief of conventional septoplasty in present

study with various previous studies.

Suligavi et al21 Gupta et al25 Leena Jain et al6 DC Sathyaki et al20 Present study
Nasal obstruction 80% 84% 38% 88% 70%
Nasal discharge 90% 76% 36% 100% 80%
Headache 85.71% 92% 50% 80% 72%
Bleeding per nose - - - 100% 80%
Hyposmia 66.6% - 0% 100% 0%

Among the 30 cases which underwent endoscopic percentage of patients who were relieved of their
septoplasty in this study even after surgery, nasal symptoms was thus: 93.33% in case of nasal obstruction,
obstruction was present in 2 out of 30 cases and headache 85.71% for nasal discharge and 80.95% for headache.
persisted in 4 out of the initially presenting 21 cases. 3 Hyposmia was relieved in 87.5% of the cases. Bleeding
out of 21 and 1 out of 8 patients had nasal discharge and per nose or epistaxis was relieved in 100% of the cases.
hyposmia respectively in the post-operative follow up. The findings of the aforementioned studies were found to
There was complete relief of bleeding per nose. The be similar to those of the present study.

Table 10: Comparison of percentage of symptom relief of endoscopic septoplasty in present

study with various previous studies.

Suligavi et al21 Gupta et al25 Leena Jain et al6 DC Sathyaki et al20 Present study
Nasal obstruction 96% 96% 96% 96% 93.33%
Nasal discharge 100% 88% 30% 100% 85.71%
Headache 94.4% 100% 54% 100% 80.95%
Bleeding per nose - - - - 100%
Hyposmia 100% - 10% 100% 87.5%

In this study, as compared to conventional septoplasty, Endoscopic septoplasty on the other hand, as the name
post-operative percentage benefits were better in case of suggests employs the nasal endoscope for correction of
endoscopic septoplasty considering all parameters i.e septal deviation.
nasal obstruction, headache, nasal discharge, bleeding per
nose and hyposmia. The advantage of endoscopic In this study, as compared to conventional septoplasty,
septoplasty as a method of surgical management of DNS post-operative percentage benefits were better in case of
was found to be statistically significant (p value <0.05) endoscopic septoplasty in all parameters like nasal
considering nasal obstruction and hyposmia as obstruction, headache, nasal discharge, bleeding per nose
parameters. and hyposmia. The advantage of endoscopic septoplasty
as a method of surgical management of DNS was
In the study by Jain L et al, similar statistically significant however found to be statistically significant (p value <
difference was found on comparision of conventional 0.05) considering nasal obstruction and hyposmia as
septoplasty and endoscopic septoplasty. In another study parameters.
by Sulligavi et al, the difference was significant similar to
this study.6,21 In addition, the incidence of post-operative complications
was comparatively less in case of endoscopic septoplasty
As stated earlier, conventional septoplasty employ especially residual deviation which was found to be
conventional technique using head light for surgery. significantly higher in conventional septoplasty. Thus

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International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | December 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 12 Page 5171

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