Part 5
Part 5
Part 5
Brand Portfolios
Brand Hierarchy
Corporate branding
Brand Portfolios
2. Family brand
A family brand, also called a range brand or umbrella
brand, is used in more than one product category. When
a group of products are given the same brand name.
Radhuni Faluda Mix, Radhuni Halim Mix,
Radhuni Firni Mix, Radhuni Biryani Masala
Brand Hierarchy
A brand hierarchy can include multiple levels, such as:
Lux, Dove, Pepsodent, Pure-it, Close-up,
Brand Hierarchy
A brand hierarchy can include multiple levels, such as:
5. Product descriptor
The product descriptor helps consumers understand
what the product is and does and also helps define the
relevant competition in consumers’ minds.
Descriptor brands communicate a distinct facet of the
parent brand—e.g., class, feature, target segment, or
Brand Hierarchy
Corporate branding
Corporate brand equity is the differential response by
consumers, customers, employees, other firms, or any
relevant constituency to the words, actions, communications,
products, or services provided by an identified corporate
brand entity.
Reinforcing brands
Revitalizing brands
Adjustments to the brand portfolio
Reinforcing Brands
Use marketing actions that consistently convey
the meaning of the brand to consumers in terms
of awareness and image.
Fortify the brand by raising awareness and
building favorable associations - sponsorships,
product placements
Reinforcing Brands
three key issues:
(1) maintaining brand consistency;
(2) protecting sources of brand equity; and
(3) and trade-offs between fortifying and leveraging brands
Maintaining consistency involves two key
(1) consistency of marketing support; and
(2) consistency of brand associations.
Revitalizing Brands
Refresh old sources of brand equity
Create new sources of brand equity
Adjustments to Brand Portfolio
Migration strategies
The brand migration strategy helps consumers understand how
various brands in the portfolio can satisfy their needs as they change
over time, or as the products and brands themselves change over