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Psychosocial Development

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PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT walking, grasping, and muscular control.

PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT THEORY IS The child learns self-control but may

BASED ON EIGHT STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT develop shame, doubt, impulsivity, or
compulsion if not handled well.
Age: Birth to 1 year  STAGE 3 – LOCOMOTOR
Conflict: Trust vs. Mistrust Age: 3 to 6 years 
Event: feeding  Conflict: Initiative vs. Guilt
Relationship: Mother Event: Independence
Resolution: Hope Relationship: Family
Resolution: Purpose
 This stage is all about fulfilling needs.
 The baby needs to trust the world  In this stage, children want to
around them to take care of their understand the world and they ask too
needs. If they are hungry, they need to many darn questions!!!!
develop trust that they will be fed. If  If their initiative in questioning the
they are not fed, or their diaper is left world is encouraged, then they will feel
dirty, they may develop a mistrust of comfortable with expressing their
the outside world. This sense of trust or curiosity throughout the rest of their
mistrust can affect us throughout the life.
rest of our lives.  If we discourage them and tell them to
 The infant must develop a loving, shut up, then they will feel guilty about
trusting relationship with the their questioning and avoid being
mother/caregiver through feeding, inquisitive later.
teething and comforting failure to  The child may show too much force in
resolve this conflict can lead to sensory this stage causing feelings of
distortion and withdrawal. guilt failure to resolve this conflict can
lead to ruthlessness and inhibition. The
STAGE 2 – MUSCULAR-ANAL child continues to become more
Age: 1 to 3 years  assertive in exploration, discovery,
Conflict: Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt adventure, and play.
Event: toilet training 
Relationship: Parents STAGE 4 – LATENCY
Resolution: Will Age:6 to 12 years:
Conflict: Industry vs. Inferiority
 Autonomy means being your own boss. Event: school 
Here a toddler tries to control their own Relationships: teachers, friends, and
bodies by toilet training and their neighborhood
environment, by always saying "NO!!!!". Resolution: Competency
 Sometimes they do poopy in their pants
or get yelled at by their parents, causing  This is where most children begin
shame and doubt in their own abilities. formal education (what we call the
If we learn how to control ourselves in school).
reasonable ways, we develop a healthy  For the first time, children are being
will. We are then able to face the later formally evaluated.
challenges of life.  If a child raises their hand in class and
 The child’s energy is directed towards answers a question correctly, then
mastering physical skills such as
he/she will feel industrious Relationships: lovers, friends, and work
(competent). connections
 If he/she tries to answer a question but Resolution: Love
stutters to get out the wrong answer,
and other students all start making fun  Young adults (early 20s into early 30s)
of his/her speech impediment, then the are trying to balance their career efforts
child will feel inferior. (work, school, or self-improvement)
 The child must learn to deal with new with the need to be in an intimate
skills and develop a sense of relationship with another person.
achievement and accomplishment  How much time should I spend looking
failure to do so can create a sense of for a relationship? What if I don't find
inferiority, failure, and incompetence anybody? What if I am all alone for the
rest of my life? In this stage, the
STAGE 5 – ADOLESCENCE individual must develop intimate
Age: 12 to 20 years  relationships through work and social
Conflict: Identity vs. Role confusion life failure to make such connections
Event: development of peer relationships  can lead to promiscuity, exclusivity, and
Relationships: peers, groups, and social isolation.
Resolution: Fidelity STAGE 7 – MIDDLE ADULTHOOD
Age: 40 to 65 years
 In adolescence, Erikson believed that a Conflict: generativity vs. stagnation 
teenager’s main social need is to Event: parenting 
discover his or her social identity. Relationships: children and the community
 While searching for your identity, you Resolution: Care
may try out different roles, like trying to
fit into various social groups,  Erikson believed that by the time we
experimenting with drugs or sex, or just reach our mid-30s to mid-50s we start
changing your wardrobe. to really examine our lives and see if it
 You should be trying to find a stable is going the way we planned it or did
sense of self now, or Erikson believed they take a drastic turn.
you may have an identity crisis later.  This is where some people take drastic
 The teenager must achieve a sense of steps and change their lives.
identity in occupation, sex roles,  You could see a lot of late divorces or
politics, and religion. In addition, they extreme changes in clothes or cars- we
must resolve their identity and call this experience a mid-life crisis this
direction. stage is based on the idea that each
 Failure to make these resolutions can adult must find a way to satisfy,
lead to the repression of aspects of the support, and contribute to the next
individual for the sake of others generation; it is often thought of as
(fanaticism). giving back failure to resolve this stage
  can lead to overextension or objectivity.
Conflict: Intimacy vs. Isolation Age: +65 years
Event: parenting  Conflict: Ego Integrity vs. Despair
An event is a reflection on and acceptance of
the individual’s life
Relationship: All humans
Resolution: Wisdom

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