Patente Bostik 1989
Patente Bostik 1989
Patente Bostik 1989
4,999,407 4.
also be used for polyurethane prepolymers with high the product, which had a glass transition at 34' C., is
u.v. stability. The prepolymer should be prepared with filled in moisture-proof containers or directly mixed
a NCO:OH ratio of 1.1 to 6.0, preferably 2.0 to 3.5 and with the prepolymer of lower tg.
at temperatures above the tig of the polyol, preferably The two prepolymers were melted and mixed to
between 80' and 130' C. 5 gether at 120° C. with 0.05 parts dibutyl tin dilaurate
The polyurethane prepolymer with the lower glass dissolved in 0.15 parts "Mesamoll' (RTM) plasticiser.
transition temperature is also prepared from a polyol After stirring for 30 minutes at 120° C. this mixture was
and a polyisocyanate. The polyol may be a linear or degassed under reduced pressure at 130 C. for 30 min
slightly branched polyester, a polyether or another utes and filled into aluminium cartridges which were
OH-terminated polymer. Particular polyesters such as 10 then sealed.
polycaprolactones or polycarbonates may also be used. At 130 C. (application temperature), the viscosity of
Preferably polyesterdiols are used have a molecular the product was measured to be 32 Pas. Differential
weight greater than 1000, preferably above 2000. Their Scanning Calorimetry (disc) measurement of this prod
glass transition temperature is preferably lower than uct showed glass transitions at -30 C., +7 C. and
room temperature, more preferably below -30°C. The 5 --34 C. The upper and lower transitions are due to the
polyisocyanate is preferably an aromatic diisocyanate respective prepolymers whereas the intermediate transi
such as 4.4 diphenyl methane diisocyanate or 2.4 tolu tion is due to the formation of some copolymer of the
ene diisocyanate but aliphatic diisocyanates may also be prepolymers.
used. The prepolymer is prepared with a NCO:OH ratio This adhesive composition sets quickly. Bonds with
higher than 1 to 6.0, preferably at 1.5-2.0, at tempera 20 this adhesive have a good bond strength at lower and
tures between room temperature and 160° C., prefera higher temperatures as is illustrated in Table 2. They
bly between 60 and 100° C. have an improved hydrolytic resistance which is shown
The mixture may also contain usual adjuncts such as by fulfilling the stringent requirements of the German
fillers, tackifying resins, catalysts and/or plasticisers. furniture industry (B4/10 test according to DIN 68603;
The mixture is usually an opaque solid at room tempera 25 after storage of beechwood bonds 6 hours in boiling
ture. It is applied at temperatures above the higher tg, water and 2 hours drying at ambient conditions, tensile
preferably between 100 and 140 C. strength must be higher than 8 N/mm2). (For detailed
results see Table 3).
In order that the present invention be better under A adhesive according to the invention was prepared
stood, it will now be described in greater detail with as a one-part formulation.
reference to preferred Examples and a Comparative 9.1 parts per weight of 4.4 diphenyl methane diisocy
Adhesive. anate and 0.2 parts tosyl isocyanate were melted at 60'
35 C. for 30 minutes under dry nitrogen. 65.5 parts of the
EXAMPLE 1. molten polyester with a glass transition point of 34 C.
An adhesive according to the present invention was same as used in Example 1 were added whilst stirring to
prepared from a mixture of two separately-prepared provide a NCO/OH ratio of 2.7.
polyurethane prepolymers having different glass transi The polyester with the higher tig was a hydroxyl-ter
tion points. minated, substantially linear polyester diol prepared
A prepolymer with a lower glass transition point was from a mixture of ethylene glycol, neopentylglycol and
synthesised from a hydroxyl-terminated, substantially 1.6. hexane diol with a mixture of terephthalic and iso
linear polyester from 1.6 hexane diol and a mixture of phthalic acid and had a molecular weight of 5600 (OH
adipic acid and isophthalic acid with a molecular number 20 and acid number 0.8). After stirring this
weight of 3.500 (OH number 33 and acid number 0.4) 45 mixture for 30 minutes at 120' C., 3.2 parts of 4.4" di
and 4.4 diphenyl methane diisocyanate in a molar ratio phenyl methane diisocyanate were added. Stirring was
to provide a NCO/OH ratio of 2.0, 86.0 parts by weight continued for 30 minutes. Then 21.8 parts of a polyester
of this poiyester was melted at 100 C. in a reactor, with a lower glass transition point are added to provide
equipped with an efficient stirrer, 0.25 parts tosyl isocy a NCO/OH ratio of 2.4. This polyester with the lower
anate and 13.75 parts di: henyl methane diisocyanate 50 tg was a hydroxyl-terminated, substantially linear poly
were added to the polyester whilst stirring. After stir ester prepared from 1.6 hexane diol and a mixture of
ring this mixture for 1 hour at 100 C., the product was adipic acid and isophthalic acid and had a molecular
filled into moisture-proof containers. The prepolymer weight of 3500 (OH number 33 and acid number 0.4).
had a viscosity of 18 Pas at 100 C. and a glass transition After 30 minutes stirring at 120' C., the mixture v. is
point of -39 C. 55 completed by addition of 0.05 parts dibutyl tin dilaurate
A prepolymer with a higher tig was prepared from dissolved in 0.15 parts "Mesamoll' (RTM) plasticiser.
another hydroxyl-terminat: , substantially linear poly This mixture was stirred for 30 minutes at 120' C. and
ester having a molecular weight of 5600 (OH number 20 then degassed under vacuum at 130 C. for 30 minutes.
and acid number 0.8) made from a mixture of ethylene The product was filled into aluminium cartridges which
glycol, neopentyl glycol and 1.6 hexane diol with a 60 were then sealed.
mixture of terephthaic and isophthalic acid. This poly This product has a viscosity of 91 Pas at 130' C. and
ester is reacted wit. 4,4'-diphenyl methane diisocya of 47 Pas at 150' C. The disc measurement of this prod
nate, in a molar rati o provide a NCO/OH ratio of 3.5. uct shows glass transitions at - 17 C. and +32 C.
84.45 parts by weigii of the polyester, being melted at This adhesive composition sets quickly. Bonds with
130° C. in a reactor equipped with an efficient stirrer. 65 this adhesive exhibit a good bond strength at lower and
0.25 parts tosyl isocyanate and 15.30 parts diphenyl higher temperatures as is again illustrated in Table 2.
methane diisocyanate were added to the polyester while They have an improved hydrolytic resistance and again
stirring. After stirring this mixture for 1 hour at 120' C., were able to meet requirements set down by the Ger
4,999,407 6
man furniture industry (for results of the B 4/10 test water and then seven days drying at 23' C./50% rh. (B
according to DIN 68 603 see Table 3). 4/10 test according to DIN 68603)
COMPARATIVE ADHESIVE Hydrolysis resistance
For purposes of comparison, a polyurethane prepoly Tensile shear strength of beechwood bonds after 6 hours in
boiling water followed by 2 hours in cold water and then
mer hot-melt adhesive was prepared in accordance with seven days drying at 23' C./50% r.h. (B 4/10 test according
DOS 2 609266. This adhesive is based on a crystallising to DIN 68603)
polyester having a crystalline melting point of 60 C. Comparative pu Adhesive 6.6 N/mm.
but showing a single glass transition at -35 C. The 10 EXAMPLE 1 8.1 N/mm2
properties of initial and final bond strength of the Com EXAMPLE 2 9.5 N/mm2
parative Adhesive are compared with those of the two
Examples of the present invention. I claim:
Tests were made with beechwood samples (bonding 1. A quick setting, hot-melt polyurethane adhesive
area 12X25 mm) for tensile shear strength measure 15 composition comprising:
ments and canvas samples (bonding area 80x25mm2) a mixture of at least two amorphous polyurethane
for peel strength measurements. The data are collated in prepolymers, wherein at least one polyurethane
Tables 1-3. prepolymer has a glass transition point above room
Application temperature was 100° C. for the compar temperature and at least one polyurethane prepoly
ative adhesive and for the two adhesives according to 20 mer has a glass transition point below room tem
the Examples was 130° C. perature.
2. A polyurethane adhesive composition according to
TABLE 1. claim 1, wherein the two polyols used to prepare the
Initial Bond Strength (Peel strength as N/cm) two prepolymers have different chemical structures.
25 3. A polyurethane adhesive composition according to
TABLE 1. claim 1 wherein the prepolymers used have molecular
initial Bond Strength (Peel strength as N/cm) weights greater than 1500.
(a) (b) (c) 4. A polyurethane adhesive composition according to
after 30 sec after 1 min after 5 min claim 1 wherein the prepolymers are prepared from
Comparative Adhesive 0 0 2 30 polyols and polyisocyanates at a NCO:OH ratio of
EXAMPLE 1. 17 23 30 about 1.1 to 6.0 at a temperature above the tig of the
EXAMPLE 2 32 47 5 polyol.
5. A polyurethane adhesive composition according to
claim 4 comprising polyols having a molecular weight
TABLE 2 35 of greater than about 1000 and a glass transition point
above 20' C.
Final Bond Strength (fully cured after 24 hours at 6. A polyurethane adhesive composition according to
Room Temperature) claim 4 wherein the glass transition point of the polyols
TABLE 2 is below about 120.
Final Bond Strength 40 7. A polyurethane adhesive composition according to
(fully cured after 24 hours at Room Temperature) claim 4 wherein the prepolymers are prepared at a tem
Tensile Shear Strength perature of between about 80 and 130 C.
(N/mm) 8. A polyurethane adhesive composition according to
(a) claim 1 wherein the prepolymers are prepared from
Peel at Toon 45 polyols and polyisocyanates at a NCO:OH ratio of
Strength tempera- (b) (c) (d) about 2.0 to 3.5 at a temperature about the tg of the
(N/cm) tre -20 C. 100 C. 150' C. polyol.
Comparative 53 10 13 mb. 1.0 0.1 9. A polyurethane adhesive composition according to
EXAMPLE 54 9 12 Inb 2.8 0.8
claim 8 wherein the prepolymers are prepared at a tem
EXAMPLE 2 72 10 12 mb. 2.5 0.7 50 perature of between about 80' and 130 C.
10. A polyurethane adhesive composition according
mb - material breakdown to claim 4 comprising polyols having a molecular
weight of greater than about 2000 and a glass transition
TABLE 3 point about 20 C.
55 11. A polyurethane adhesive composition acocording
Hydrolysis resistance to claim 4 wherein the glass transition point of the poly
Tensile shear strength of beechwood bonds after 6 ols is less than about 80s C.k k
hours in boiling water followed by 2 hours in cold