Abe 2020
Abe 2020
Abe 2020
Background: Malignant phyllodes tumors (PTs) of the breast occur infrequently and are difficult to treat with adju-
vant therapy. Here, we present a case of a female patient with a huge malignant PT with rapid progression in a short
Case presentation: A 44-year-old woman presented to our hospital with a rapid growth mass in her right breast,
measuring 20 cm. She was initially diagnosed as having a borderline phyllodes tumor by core needle biopsy and
underwent total mastectomy and artificial dermis was grafted, 20 days later, latissimus dorsi muscle flap and free skin
grafting were performed. Two courses of doxorubicin–ifosfamide therapy were administered because of recurrence,
but the patient died 4 months after the mastectomy.
Conclusions: A standard therapeutic strategy for malignant PTs is needed in urgently to reduce the risk of tumor
Keywords: Malignant phyllodes tumor, Breast, Mastectomy, Chemotherapy, Doxorubicin–ifosfamide
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Abe et al. surg case rep (2020) 6:308 Page 2 of 5
Fig. 2 Computed tomography showed a 20 cm heterogeneous mass in the right breast and axillary and supraclavicular lymph nodes swelling
Abe et al. surg case rep (2020) 6:308 Page 3 of 5
Malignant PT is rare lesion of the breast that can mimic
benign masses such as fibroadenomas, on clinical diag-
nosis, but is characterized by a typical rapid growth. PTs
usually occur in middle-aged women ranging in age from
35 to 55 years, with an average presentation at 45 years
[4]. PTs are composed of epithelial elements and a con-
nective tissue stroma with higher stromal cellularity. A
malignant PT is distinguished from a benign/borderline
PT by the presence of marked stromal cellularity, cellular
atypia and mitotic activity in at least 10/10 high-power
fields [10].
The clinical presentation and the radiographic findings
of malignant PT are strikingly similar to those of benign
lesions, such as fibroadenoma, or even benign PT, thus,
making it quite challenging for clinicians to diagnose or
even to suspect the disease at an early stage. Although
routine breast biopsy may not be warranted, it is crucial
for clinicians to consider and include PT in their differen-
tial diagnosis. Moreover, it is also evident that clinicians
cannot rely completely on radiographic findings.
According to the National Comprehensive Cancer
Network (NCCN) guidelines for breast cancer, the man-
agement of PTs with a size > 3.0 cm is surgical excision
with clean margins (≥ 1.0 cm) without axillary staging,
regardless of whether the tumor is benign, borderline, or
Fig. 4 The histopathological findings revealed atypical
malignant [11]. Many other studies have supported the spindle-shaped cells with enlarged nuclei and exhibited a
contention that margins that are ≤ 1.0 cm are associated fibrosarcoma-like morphology (a) (HE stain, × 2). Numerous mitoses
with a higher recurrence rate, ranging from 16.7 to 40% were noted (b) (HE stain, × 40). A degenerated leaf-like structure was
[4, 12]. found in the center of the lesion (c) (HE stain, × 10)
The prognosis of PTs is variable, with local recur-
rence rates ranging from 10 to 40% (average 15%) and
distant metastases occurring in 10% of all PTs and up to survival ranging from 4 to 17 months, with large vari-
20% of malignant PTs [13]. Survival after metastatic dis- ability based on the site of the metastatic disease [14].
ease is poor, with various case series reporting a median Other large prospective studies have reported 5-year
Abe et al. surg case rep (2020) 6:308 Page 4 of 5
In conclusion, malignant PTs are rare entities with dis-
tinct clinicopathological features. These tumors should
be accurately recognized and effectively treated at first
diagnosis, as they have a high risk of recurrence. There
is no established consensus regarding the optimal type of
surgery and indications for radiotherapy and chemother-
apy regimens in these cases. The establishment of stand-
Fig. 7 Computed tomography showed a rapid increase in right chest ard therapeutic strategy for malignant PTs is needed
wall tumors and pleural dissemination
urgently to reduce the risk of tumor recurrence.
Abe et al. surg case rep (2020) 6:308 Page 5 of 5
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