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DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v9i3.25199
Accepted: July 3rd 2020. Approved: September 28th 2020. Published: September 30th 2020
This study attempts to explore teachers’ and students’ needs on the development of electrolysis cell teaching
materials assisted by a learning video. Data were obtained through open question questionnaires and close-ended
questions given to 15 teachers and 15 students of senior high school in East Java province. What teachers need of
interactive learning media is both in knowledge and thinking skills and adds insight to students’ conceptual un-
derstanding. Besides, it can apply 4C skills (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving,
Creativity, and Innovation). Chemistry learning materials that students want are interactive instructional video
media integrated with information technology. The level of teacher and student confidence in learning chemis-
try in schools on the topic of voltaic cells was carried out based on STEM-PjBL education assisted by learning
videos of 78.6 and 89.2. Therefore, it is necessary to develop teaching materials with appropriate approaches and
methods that can support chemistry learning on the topic of electrolysis cells in the form of STEM-PjBL-based
textbooks assisted by learning videos featuring triple representative.
some significant experiments and a related high facts, realities, symptoms, and events that want
financial burden (Pellas et al., 2017). We can to be raised appropriately (Raco, 2010). We rec-
utilize the advance in digital technology to over- ruited 15 chemistry teachers and 15 senior high
come the obstacles so that it can configure activi- school students in East Java Province, Indonesia.
ties with the expected goals. One tool that can be The research procedures carried out are il-
used is a learning video. lustrated in Figure 1.
Besides, learning also influences attenti-
on to the student psychologist. At the beginning
of the learning, the educator creates a sense of
comfort by playing music so that the students feel
relaxed. After that, educators can give positive
suggestions that can bring up the confidence of
students in participating in learning. Learning
video tools have a unique strength compared to
ineffective texts. The video can visualize concepts
to students more efficiently and interactively (Go-
wasa et al., 2019; Rokhim et al., 2020). This vi-
deo was developed to overcome time constraints
because it can be watched anywhere and anytime.
Students are convenient, and there is a synergy to
trigger their enthusiasm for learning (Degeng et
al., 2017).
The application of the STEM-PjBL appro- Figure 1. Research Procedure
ach in chemistry learning is to provide the know-
ledge and skills needed in this era of globalization. They were asked to fill in an online open
The characteristics of an electrochemical cell are and close-ended questionnaire that seeks to const-
1) each half cell consists of a metal rod dipped in rue what aspects are necessary for the teaching of
a solution of its ion; 2) the half-cell reaction that electrolysis cell topics in chemistry classes as well
occurs at the anode is called the half-cell oxidati- as the implementation of learning electrolysis cell
on reaction, while what occurs at the cathode is a material by teachers and students in their classes.
half-cell reduction reaction; 3) two half-reactions Open questionnaire in the form of questions for
always coincide; 4) the anode captures electrons teachers consisting of 7 questions and questions
so that it is negatively charged, while the cathode for students consists of 6 questions, while for clo-
loses electrons so that it is positively charged; 5) sed questionnaire for teachers consists of 3 ques-
Electrons flow from anode to cathode and current tions and for students consists of 3 questions. The
flows from cathode to anode. The technique deals instruments used were questions in the form of
directly with real-world problems. It provides a explanatory answer questions and multiple choi-
useful context for illustrating other concepts that ce answer questions.
may be difficult for students to visualize. Likewi- The data collected were then analyzed
se, the integration of the STEM-PjBL approach using descriptive statistical analysis techniques.
in this student book becomes more meaningful. Descriptive statistics are statistics to describe or
Education is not just memorizing numbers and give an idea of the
object to be examined through
formulas but can be implemented in everyday life. data samples or populations as they are in this
Technological aspects can be used to overcome descriptive statistic without conducting analysis
various existing problems. Also, the need for mul- and making conclusions that apply to the public.
tidisciplinary knowledge will complement each There are several data prescriptions in descrip-
other and make it more tangible to be widely used tive statistics that can be used, such as ordinary
by the community. The purpose of this study was Tables, frequency distributions, graphs, and data
to analyze the need for teaching materials based group explanations through mode, median, ave-
on the STEM-PjBL approach on the topic of vi- rage values, group variations, and standard devi-
deo learning assisted electrolysis cells. ations.
Our study lies in the framework of descrip- The development of electrolysis cell book
tive research, which aims to capture and present as teaching material aims to help improve the
312 H. R. Widarti, D. A. Rokhim, A. B. Syafruddin / JPII 9 (3) (2020) 309-318
quality of learning resources available at school, or abbreviated as STEM-PjBL. In this study, our
facilitate students in obtaining lessons, improve need analysis serves as a preliminary investigati-
critical and creative thinking, and add learning on.
media for teachers in conducting learning ac-
tivities in the classroom and strive to increase Open-Ended Questionnaire
knowledge and students’ understanding of che- Based on questions from the open questi-
mistry subjects on the topic of electrolysis cells onnaire by the teacher and students obtained ans-
with the approach of Science, Technology, En- wers related to the need for teaching materials on
gineering, Mathematics-Project Based Learning the topic of electrolysis cells. These results can be
seen in table 1.
6. What is your opinion if the elec- All respondents answered with a good response because it
trolysis cell topic is developed can support the process of teaching and learning activities
with interactive teaching materi- in school in a fun and more comfortable way for students
als? to understand the concept of the electrolysis cell.
7. In your opinion, can the devel- All respondents gave answers that could add insight and
opment of interactive teaching of students’ understanding of concepts.
materials on the electrolysis cells
increase insight into students’ un-
derstanding of concepts?
Table 1 of questions 1 and 2 presents the rials employed were textbooks, practical tools,
teachers' views as respondents regarding the need worksheets, modules, flash media, power points,
for teaching materials on electrolysis cell topics. worksheets, articles, and the internet. Strategies
Based on Table 1, students encounter difficul- and teaching materials are used to support inte-
ties in understanding the reactions that occur at ractive and exciting teaching and learning ena-
the anode and cathode, which are unseen for its ctment. These results are supported by previous
displacement. The type of cathode and anode studies contending that instructional media are
mainly influences the difficulty in determining well-responded by the students since these media
the elements of anions and cations, and in the can improve their learning outcomes (Arsanti,
case of electrolysis cell faraday calculation, the 2018; Pangesti et al., 2017; Salampessy & Suparr-
use of inert and non-inert electrodes is presented. man, 2019). On another report, Riswanto et al.
It occurs since the teaching material used is less (2018) found that students' problems include dif-
supportive. Besides, students' numerical ability ficulties in understanding chemical materials, es-
becomes an obstacle, as well as the visualizing pecially in the electrolysis cell topic due to the use
submicroscopic performance. This finding cor- of ineffective instructional. Teaching materials
responds to the research carried out by (Asih et should be as intriguing as independent learning
al., 2018), revealing that submicroscopic repre- resources to facilitate the learning process.
sentation of submicroscopic visualization that On point 5, this study captures that the
occurs in electrolysis cells can facilitate students' application of 4C (Communication, Collabora-
understanding of the electrochemical phenome- tion, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Crea-
na. Also, it is easier to provide a picture of the tivity, and Innovation) integrated into teaching
flow of electrons in the electrolyte solution mi- materials is beneficial for students in teaching-
grating from the anode to the cathode through learning processes. The application of 4C is
a closed-circuit (cable). In this context, students also to increase students' creativity, insight, and
cannot differentiate and understand electrolysis mindset. Students are required to have various
cells based on the use of electrodes. In line with competencies in supporting their personal lives
the two studies conducted by Haryati et al. (2019) and professionalism (Bezanilla et al., 2019). It is
and Fani et al. (2016), students also experience in line with research done by Dinis et al. (Dinis-
difficulties with the type of electrolysis, the use Carvalho et al., 2019), arguing that teachers who
of electrolysis, and Faraday's Law. The reason is apply critical thinking to students' daily practice
that students understand the reactions to the vol- and integrate with a variety of skills help them
taic cell process that occurs in practicum, and the better understand the world in the context of the
low ability to think formally causes difficulties subjects. It can increase students' conceptual un-
in understanding the submicroscopic aspects, so derstanding and interests (Loyola et al., 2020).
there is potential for misunderstanding. So that On points 6 and 7, the finding suggests
it can be improved by using learning media that that the use of interactive teaching materials can
displays visual and auditory; students can learn add insight and understanding of concepts and
lessons quickly. learning motivation on the topic of the electro-
Table 1 (points 3 and 4) also indicates that lysis cell. These results are in line with research
the learning models used by the teachers inclu- carried out by (Santana et al., 2019), uncovering
ded cooperative, environment-based learning, that interactive teaching material tends to emp-
induction learning, guided inquiry, experiments, loy the most of information technology. This
lectures, informative discussions, and practice- teaching material provides positive responses to
based exercises. Meanwhile, the teaching mate- student understanding. According to Jahnke and
314 H. R. Widarti, D. A. Rokhim, A. B. Syafruddin / JPII 9 (3) (2020) 309-318
Liebsher (Goodsett, 2020), develop information- Aside from presenting teachers' responses,
based virtual literacy learning practices that can we also document students' answers (Table 2).
gather creative ideas and make students think cri-
Based on table 2, the results obtained re- ced by (Gan et al., 2015), who stated that the use
lated to the need for teaching materials from the of ICT could increase student learning interest so
student's perspective that learning resources for that it has an impact on learning outcomes and
the topic of voltaic cells have been using work- student achievement. Besides, it can foster stu-
sheets, modules, internet media, youtube, on- dent creativity and interaction between teachers
line education applications. Students' learning and students to add insight (Jahnke & Liebscher,
strategies and approaches are still in the form 2020). The digital media can enhance the quali-
of practice-based questions, practice, using don- ty of learning by utilizing online sites. This lear-
key bridges (abbreviations), and independent ning supports students to learn collaboratively
learning. One respondent contended that the te- and conveniently. Active learning can facilitate
aching materials used were not integrated with students to construct concepts and increase lear-
specific learning models but only used as hand- ning retention. Besides, students can gain new
books and explanations from the teacher. Also, learning experiences. In line with that, according
other respondents shared that the need for ICT to (Rahayu et al., 2019), online chemistry lear-
integration to facilitate visualizing the electrolytic ning remains to improve learning outcomes be-
concept is necessary. These findings are reinfor- cause student motivation increases. It can be an
H. R. Widarti, D. A. Rokhim, A. B. Syafruddin / JPII 9 (3) (2020) 309-318
The average results of the closed question- books with the STEM-PjBL approach assisted
naire are interpreted as the discussion refers to with learning videos. Teaching materials develo-
the requirements analysis requirements according ped are tailored to the needs and characteristics
to the rules of educational and cultural standards. of students. Teaching material is vital to support
The value provisions obtained are 88 <N≤100 the teaching and learning process. The preparati-
and are categorized as very good, for the value on of ideal teaching materials to optimize student
of 76 <N≤88 is categorized as good, for the va- involvement and knowledge transfer is based on
lue of 65 <N ≤76 is categorized as sufficient, and understanding student needs (Cloonan & Finge-
value of <65 is categorized as insufficient. Based ret, 2020). Teaching materials are useful for te-
on Table 3, the results of teacher and student ana- achers and students in carrying out teaching and
lysis showed that the level of confidence in how learning activities so that students more easily
to integrate learning with technology, informati- understand the concept of the material. Teaching
on, and communication was in both categories of materials become a significant part in terms of
88.2 for teachers and 87 by students. It means, meeting the demands of standards in the fulfill-
aspects of integrating learning using technology ment of advice and infrastructure in schools. One
generally take place well. Meanwhile, the level of the teaching materials that can support lear-
of implementation of the use of teaching mate- ning is the student handbook. Student handbooks
rials based on technology, information, and com- are books that contain material and are compiled
munication for learning chemistry in schools is with the needs of the existing curriculum. Besi-
categorized as less than 54.9 by teachers and 61 des, this book can be used to study independently
by students. It is possible because of the lack of at home. In addition to the use of teaching mate-
facilities to support the availability of learning rials, educators are also required to use specific
technology and the lack of teaching skills to use approaches that are following the current mate-
learning technology. However, the results of the rial needs. One of the approaches that are suitab-
analysis on the level of confidence in chemistry le for the era of globalization and welcome the
learning in schools on the topic of electrolysis cell industrial revolution 4.0 is STEM-based learning.
carried out based on the STEM-PjBL assisted ap- STEM is learning that can train students’ ability
proach to learning videos are categorized both in to solve problems in a project that integrates va-
the implementation of 77.5 by teachers and 85.3 rious disciplines.
by students, meaning that the respondents’ prefer Thus, providing real-life based learning
the learning process based on the STEM-PjBL experiences (Li et al., 2020). Many developed
approach aided with learning videos. countries have applied the application of this
The results of this study serve as a referen- learning model (Pellas et al., 2017). STEM can
ce in developing teaching materials with approa- be adopted and integrated with project-based
ches that can support the process of learning che- learning. This approach is suitable for use in the
mistry in the classroom, in the form of student topic of electrolysis cells. This project will pro-
316 H. R. Widarti, D. A. Rokhim, A. B. Syafruddin / JPII 9 (3) (2020) 309-318
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