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Tangled Scriptnew

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*Intro vid starts*

(Scene 1)
Flynn is seen hanging on a rope above the crown.
Flynn notices the crowd and starts talking while hanging from the roof.

"Ah, didn't see you there.
You probably wonder how i got in this situation.
But before that, the name's Flynn Rider.
This here,
*points at the crown*
Is the crown of the lost princess. Which is supposedly guarded by these guards, heh. They really should
be fired from their jobs.
Anyways, it all started a long, long time ago.
The queen was expected to give birth to the princess when she fell ill.
Her life was in danger, so the king ordered his men to find the best doctor in the kingdom. The only
solution was the powerful sundrop flower.
The flower that heals everything!
And that is why... A lot of people want it for themselves.."

Before the guards were able to find the sundrop flower, someone found it first.
The mysterious person with a dark shadow sung, making the magical flower glow.

Mother Gothel:
"Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine.
What once was mine."

The mysterious person removes their hood and reveals an old woman.
After the song was done, the flower no longer glowed and the old woman became a young beautiful

The guards finally arrived at the location of the flower, making the woman scurry in panic.
The guards spotted the flower and immediately took it back to the kingdom to save their queen.

"The guards were able to arrive safely with the flower, and the queen was asked by the doctor to drink
the extract of magical flower. Therefore, saving the queen and successfully giving birth to the princess.
Everyone celebrated the birth of the princess. They adored her gorgeous appearance and her luscious
gold hair."

*Insert 30 sec song here

* Villagers starts dancing and singing with glee*
"One night, when the princess was just a few day's old, she disappeared from her chamber as she was

The mysterious woman appeared in her chamber and sang the song once again and the princess's hair
The woman tries to grab a strand of hair from the princess by cutting it with a pair of scissors, but the
strand of hair immediately stopped glowing and the strand of hair lost its power.
The woman had no choice but to steal the princess herself to acquire the power her hair had possessed.

"So, long story, short. i'm stealing the lost princess's crown."

Flynn opens the case where the crown was placed and steals it while the guards aren't looking.
Flynn cuts the rope that he is hanging from, and flees betraying the two brothers that were holding the
rope, helping him steal the crown with the promise of getting a percentage of its sales.

*Back drop changes*

(Scene 2)
*Rapunzel enters the scene*

Rapunzel: (Aria)
Just 24 hours ‘til my birthday, one day ‘til the day I’m eighteen. A day which I guess will be spent, more
or less. Like the other six thousand I’ve see.

*insert song here*

(‘When will my life begin’ 1:45 min)
*Rapunzel’s singing would be interrupted by mother gothel’s call*

Mother Gothel:
Rapunzel! Rupunzel! Let down your hair!
Coming mother!
Mother Gothel:
I’m not getting younger down here!
This is it! I’m finally gonna do it. I’m finally gonna ask her!
Welcome home mother!
Mother Gothel:
Goodness, Rapunzel. How you manage to do that every single day, without fail. It must be absolutely,
Oh, it’s nothing!
Mother Gothel:
Well then, I don’t know why it take so long! Oh, darling. I’m just teasing.
Oh, so. Mother, as you know, tomorrow is a very impor-
Mother Gothel:
Rapunzel, dear. Look In the mirror. You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful, young lady.
*looks at Rapunzel*
Oh, look! You’re here too! HAHAHA!
I’m just teasing. Stop taking everything so seriously.
So, mother. As I was sayi-
Mother Gothel:
Rapunzel, dear. Mother’s feeling a bit rundown. Would you sing to me?
Oh! O-ofcourse, mother!

*Rapunzel and Mother Gothel sits down*

Flower gleam and glow, make your power shine. MaKE tHe cLoCk REvErSE bRinG BaCk wHAt oNcE WaS
Mother Gothel:
Mother, so! Tommorrow’s my birthday! I’m 18 years old! CRAZY right? And- What I really want for this
birthday- Actually, what I’ve wanted for a few years now-
Mother Gothel:
Rapunzel, stop with the mumbling. Bla, b-bla, bla-bla. It’s very annoying. I’m just teasing, I love you so
I wanna go see the floating lights!!
Mother Gothel:
Uhh, I mean, I was hoping, you, would take me to see the floating- uhh, lights.
Mother Gothel:
You, want to go outside?
Why Rapunzel?

*Insert song here*

(‘Mother knows best’ 1:21 min)

Mother Gothel:
I know what would make such a nice present! That white paint you like so much, if I leave now, I could
get all the ingredients and be back on time for your big day tomorrow!
That sounds… nice.
Mother Gothel:
I love you very much, dear.
I… Love you more.
Mother Gothel:
I love you, most!
Ta-ta, my flower! I will see you soon.
Yes, mother. I’ll be here.

(Scene 3)
*Flynn re-enters the scene while being chased by the Stabbington brothers*

The Stabbington Brothers were chasing after Flynn Rider after being betrayed by him.
Being wanted as a criminal, The royal guards are tasked to look for him.
The royal guards was never able to stop him, but now, with a secret weapon under their sleeves, their
chances are higher.
Maximus the human tracker horse.

Commander of the Guards:


*Maximus appears and neighs*

Commander of the Guards:

Can you catch his trail?

Maximus sniffs the ground and runs off. The royal guards immediately, ran after him.

Commander of the Guards:

This way!

*points his sword at the direction Maximus is heading off to*

Now, Flynn is getting chased by the Stabbington brothers, and the royal guards.
As Flynn Rider was running away, he manages to hide from the royal guards.
But not for long, women around him start screaming from excitement as they see him, giving away his
spot to the guards.
He runs away, and now, Flynn is getting chased by the Stabbington brothers, the royal guards, and the
fanatic women.

Flynn was able to get ahead the swarm of people chasing after him, and that was when he stumbles
upon a tall tower.
He decides to hide inside the tower until the storm dies down.

Flynn successfully, climbed the tower. And to his surprise, he was struck in the head with a large pan.
He immediately blacked out, only to regain consciousness already tied to a chair with a…

Wha- What is this, hair??
Where am i?
I know what you want!
And I am not afraid of you!
Is someone there?!
Who are you!?
And, how did you find me?!
Listen! I know not, who you are, or how I came to find you. But let me just say, i-
Hey, how ya doin’.
The name’s Flynn Rider.
How’s your day goin?
Who else, knows my location? fLyNn RiDeR.
Listen, blondie-
Eh. Here’s the deal. I was in a situation, and I ended up in the forest-
Oh- no, no-no-no-no-no!
Where is my sachel!?
Heh. I’ve hidden it! Where? You’ll never find it.
Uh, it’s behind your back isn’t it?
Rapunzel smacks Flynn in the head with the frying pan once more.
Knocking him out.
Rapunzel opens the sachel and found the stolen crown inside.
She tried It on in front of the mirror before she hid it in a drawer while Flynn was still out.

Flynn regains his consciousness once more, and Rapunzel was ready to hit him again if he doesn’t
answer her questions.

Now! I’ve hidden it, where you’ll never find it.
So! What do you want to do with my hair?!
To cut it?!
Sell it?!
NO! The only thing I want to do with your hair is to get out of it!
Wait, you don’t want my hair…
I was being chased, I saw this tower, then I decided to hide in it. End of story.
FlYNn RiDeR.
I’m prepared to offer you a deal.
*shows her painting*
Do you know what these are?
You mean, the lanterns?
Yes! Yes, ofcourse. That Is what they are called! See, I knew that.
So! Tomorrow, they are going to fill the sky with these LaNTerNs.
And YOU,will act as my guide.
Take me to see the lanterns, AND return me home safely.
Ehehe, no can do.
You see, the people there aren’t exactly my friends.
Then, you will never see your sachel again!
And when I promise something, I NEVER BREAK THAT PROMISE.
A-alright. Fine.
I didn’t wanna have to do this, but.
Here it is.
The smolder.

*Flynn smolders*

This- usually works, wait- let me try again.

*Rapunzel gets ready to hit him again*

Ok,ok,ok,ok,ok,ok! I’lltakeyoutoseethelanterns!

Rapunzel shouts and twirls with joy.

She removes the hair surrounding Flynn that was making him unable to move, and finally frees him.

So, how do we get down from here?
What do you think?
*shows her hair*
Oh, this day just keep getting weirder and weirder…

Flynn helps Rapunzel let down her hair. They soon both used her hair to climb down the tower.

I can’t believe I did it!
Just smell the grass and earth, just like how I’d dream they’d be!
Just feel that summer breeze, the way it’s calling me!
For the first time EVER!
I’m completely free!

*cricketing noises from the forests*

Did you hear that?!
Is it, Ruffians? Thugs?!
Have the come for me?!
We call them, squirrels.
Stay close, they can smell fear.
Sorry, I guess I am just a little jumpy.
Yeah, probably best to stay away from ruffians and thugs then, huh?
Heh, yeah. That would probably be best, hehe.
*an idea rises*
Cause, I know a great place for lunch.
If it’s on the way to the kingdom, sure.
Oh-hoho, Follow me!

(Scene 4)
Guards stumbles upon mother Gothel as they look for Flynn, the wanted man.

Commander of the Guards:

Hello, there! Beautiful lady!
Have you seen this man right here?
*shows a picture of the wanted poster of Flynn*
This man had stolen something very important to the King and Queen.
Mother Gothel:
Commander of the Guards:
I’m, sorry?
Mother Gothel:

Mother Gothel runs back to the tower to find Rapunzel.

(Scene 5)
Flynn and Rapunzel arrives at the tavern filled with all sorts of thugs.

Welcome, to the Snuggly Duckling!
The nicest, safest, tavern around town.
We wouldn’t want you getting scared, and giving up on this whole journey, would we?
HEY! That’s a lotta hair!
She’s growing it out!

Flynn laughed and looked at two men fighting.

Oh, look! Is that blood on your mustache?
Look, goldie! Look at all the blood, in this man’s mustache!

Rapunzel gags in horror.

Hey, you don’t look so good. Maybe we should get you home?
Oi! Is this ya?
*shows the wanted poster of Flynn*
Hook hand thug:
Oh! That’s him alright!
That reward is gonna buy me a new hook!
No, no, no!

The whole tavern suddenly became chaotic, and the thugs starts pushing Flynn around.
Hook hand thug was about to swing his axe onto Flynn but Rapunzel manages to fling the axe off of his
hand using her long hair.

Put! Hand! Down!

The thugs stopped and all looked at Rapunzel in confusion.

Thugs all in sync:

Look. I don’t know where I am, and I need him to take me to see the lanterns!
I’ve been dreaming about them my entire life!
Find your humanity!
Haven’t any of you, ever had a dream?
Hook hand thug:
I’ve had a dream.
*raises his hand*
*insert song here*
(I’ve got a dream)

The singing was interrupted by the royal guards after finding the tavern, along with Maximus.
Rapunzel and Flynn panicked as well as all the thugs in the tavern.

The palace guards are up the hill!
Please! Help us!

Attila pulls down a lever and a secret tunnel was revealed under the tavern.

Thank you!
*hugs Hookhand thug*
Is it safe?
Hook hand thug:
Oh, yes! Sure!
The booby trap! The booby trap!
Hook hand thug:
Oh! As long as you don’t accidentally set off the booby traps that causes the tunnel to flood, you’re

Rapunzel jumps down the tunnel along with Flynn to flee the tavern.
The guards rushes inside the tavern to find Flynn, following the trail that Maximus had sniffed.

Commander of the guards:

Where is Flynn Rider?! The trail leads here!
Hook hand thug:
I’ve never seen him before!
Never set foot in this place!
Nope, haven’t seen him.
Thugs all in sync:
No! We didn’t see him!

(Scene 6)
Flynn and Rapunzel accidentally sat off a trap while scurrying in panic, which made the tunnel flood with
Flynn tries to find a way out as the water slowly starts to fill up the tunnel, leaving only little room to

It’s no use. I– I tried to dig through the rocks but it's pitch black out there! I can't see a thing! If only we
had some sort of light!
Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine.

Rapunzel starts to swim towards the rocks and they used her hair to dig through the rocks.
With Flynn’s help, they were able to remove the blockage and successfully got out of the tunnel.

We made it!
Oh! Your hair glows!
We’re alive!
I didn’t see that coming! It really glows!
It doesn't just glows— Your hands are bleeding!
I can help, just don't freak out, okay?

Rapunzel held Flynn’s hand and sings.

Heal what has been hurt. Change the face desire...
Don't freak out!
I'm not freaking out! I'm just interested with your hair and the magical glow it possesses. How long
you've been doing that exactly?
Uhm... Forever, I guess?
You know, Mother said someone tried to take me when I was a baby and tried to cut my hair.
But it turns brown and looses its power.
A gift like that should be... protected.
That's why mother never let me leave!
That's why you never left that tower and you're still going to go back?
No... Yes! It's complicated!
Complicated! Haha yeah!
Of course you will never understand!
I knew you will never understand.
Life is so easy for the great Flynn Rider!
My real name is Eugene Fitzherbert.

Rapunzel laughs.

I'll spare you a story of the orphan Eugene.
It’s long and boring...
There was this book at the orphanage, “The tale of Flinigan Rider”.
Swashbuckling rouge, richest man alive!
Is he a thief too?
No. He had a lot of money to do whatever.
And for a kid who had nothing...
That's—that's— Okay listen you can't tell anyone about this.
This could ruin my reputation!
We wouldn't want that!
Anyways, I should get some firewoods.
But you know what?
I like Eugene Fitzherbert more than Flynn Rider.

Flynn smiled and went away to find some firewood.

Mother Gothel appears from the woods.

Mother Gothel:
Well! I thought he'd never leave!
Mother! How did you find me?
Mother Gothel:
Easy really, I just listened for the sound of complete and utter betrayal.
We are going home Rapunzel!
No! Mother!
Mother Gothel:
We are going NOW.
You dont understand!
I've been in this incredible journey!
I've seen and done so much!
I even met someone...
Mother Gothel:
Oh, the wanted thief?
I am so proud...
Mother, I think he likes me.
Mother Gothel:
He likes you?
Oh, darling you're so naive.

*Insert song here*

(Mother knows best reprise)

Mother Gothel leaves and Eugene comes back with the firewood.

Everything all right, blondie?

Rapunzel and Flynn were about to leave to head to the center of the town to finally see the lights when,
Maximus appeared from the woods, and was charging forward Eugene.
Rapunzel got in between and managed to stop Maximus before he even got to Eugene.

Woah— Whoa! There, buddy! NOW SIT!

Maximus halts and immediately sat down.

Rapunzel was able to tame Maximus and asked the horse to be their ride on the way to the center of the

(Scene 7)
Eugene and Rapunzel arrived at the town and sees all the town’s people getting ready for the festival.

*Insert song here*

(When She Returns)

Where are we going?
Best day of your life!
I thought you should have a decent seat!
Are you ready?
So ready!

Eugene and Rapunzel arrived at the dock.
Eugene was going to take Rapunzel to see the floating lanterns on a boat.
The both of them got on board and starts heading in the middle of the lake.

Are you okay?
I’ve been looking out the window for 18 years...
Dreaming about what it might feel like as the lights rise in the sky.
But what if, they were not everything i dreamed they would be?
It will be.
Then what if it is?
What will I do then?
That’s a good one, I guess.
You get to find a new dream.

Floating lights starts to appear in the sky.

Rapunzel’s eye glowed with excitement.
*Insert song here*
(I See The Light)

Eugene saw the Stabbington Brothers looking from afar.

He went off the boat, to approach them.

Everything is fine.
There’s just something I need to take care of.

(Scene 9)
Rapunzel follows Eugene to the dark forest.


The Stabbington brothers appeared from behind and pushed Rapunzel.

Stabbington 1:
A crown for the girl with a magic hair.
How much do you think someone would pay to stay young and healthy forever?

The brothers about to kidnap Rapunzel but, Mother Gothel picks up a paddle from the boat and hit both
guys in the head.

Mother Gothel:
Rapunzel! Rapunzel!
Mother! Mother
Are you alright?
Are you hurt?
How did you—
Mother Gothel:
I was so worried about you so I followed you.
Let’s go before they see us!

Rapunzel hugs Mother Gothel.

You were right, Mother.
You were right about everything!
Rapunzel and Mother Gothel arrived back at the tower.
Mother Gothel promised to cook Rapunzel her favorite dish to lift her mood up, and went straight to the

Mother Gothel:
Ooh! I know what could bring you up!
I’ll quickly go to the kitchen to see if I could whip up your favorite dish.

Rapunzel sat by the window, sadly.

She saw the remaining lanterns floating from afar and starts to recall everything that happened on her
She suddenly remembered the sun logo from the banners of the kingdom and saw it all in her paintings.
She gets a sudden rush of memories.
She remembered herself in a crib, while the King and Queen was standing above her.
The Queen had put a crown on her head, the same crown Eugene had that belonged to the long, lost

I’m— I’m the lost princess!

Rapunzel stood up feeling a bit of anger.

Mother Gothel soon comes out of the kitchen.
Rapunzel decided to confront Mother Gothel to see if she remembers correctly.

I— I’m the lost princess….
Mother Gothel:
Rapunzel, my dear—
You know I hate it when you mumble like that.
I’m the lost princess.
Aren’t I?
Did I mumble, mother?
Or should I even call you that?

Mother Gothel’s eyes widened in shock.

Mother Gothel:
Come on! Do you hear yourself, Rapunzel?
Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?
You! It was all you!
Mother Gothel:
Everything I did, was to protect YOU.

Mother Gothel was about to touch Rapunzel’s hair to comfort her.

But before she could even reach out, Rapunzel grabs her hand stopping mother Gothel from touching

You were wrong about the world.
You were wrong about ME!
I will NEVER! Let you use my hair again!

Rapunzel harshly let go of mother Gothel’s hand, slightly pushing her.

Mother Gothel took a step back and accidentally pushed over a mirror, breaking it.

Mother Gothel:
You want me to be the bad guy?
Fine, I’ll be the bad guy.

Rapunzel was about to leave the tower when mother Gothel hit her with a pan in the head, knocking
Rapunzel out.
Rapunzel woke up, tied to a chair with a tape on her mouth.
Unable to move, she feels helpless as mother Gothel plans to keep her in the tower forever.

(Scene 10)
Eugene was able to go to the tower again, now with the help of Maximus.
Eugene climbed up the tower, the same way he did the day before.
Mother Gothel heard Eugene as he climbed, and planned to kill him while hiding in the dark side of the

I thought I will never see you again!

Eugene shockingly saw Rapunzel’s state. Her hands were tied and her mouth was taped.
As glad as she was to see Eugene again, Rapunzel was shaking her head, hoping that Eugene would look
behind him and stop mother Gothel.
Eugene didn’t notice as Mother Gothel slowly crept up behind and stabbed Eugene.

Mother Gothel:
Now look what you've done, darling.
But don’t worry dear, we are going where no one will ever find you again!
Rapunzel struggles to remove the cover on her mouth but after a couple tries, she successfully removed
the cover on her mouth.

Mother Gothel:
Rapunzel! Enough already! Stop fighting me!
I won’t stop every minute for the rest of my life, I will fight!
I will never stop trying to get away from you!
But... If you let me save him, I will go with you.
Just let me heal him...
Mother Gothel:
I’ll let you heal him, in exchange of you never leaving this tower forever.
All right! Okay! Just--- please…

Mother Gothel removes Rapunzel from the restriction of her hair, and immediately went to Eugene.

Eugene! You’ll be okay, I promise you.
You have to trust me.
No... I can’t let you do this.
Well I can’t let you die...

Flynn removes the knife from his back and uses it to cut Rapunzel's hair to stop her from healing him.

Mother Gothel:
What have you done! No! No!

Mother Gothel covers herself quickly as she tripped and fell outside the window of the tower.

Eugene! No! No! Stay with me!
Flower gleam and glow.
Let your power shine.
*sings quickly*
I love you...

Rapunzel cries as Flynn closed his eyes.

As she cries, her tears fell into Flynn’s cheeks and magically healed him.

Did I ever told you I’ve got a thing for brunettes?

Rapunzel laughs.


Eugene sat up fully healed and alive and hugged Rapunzel.

(Scene 11)
After leaving the tower, Eugene took Rapunzel to see the King and Queen after finding out that Rapunzel
was the lost princess.
The Queen held Rapunzel's face and stared at her.
They then hugged each other with a smile on their faces.
King joined and the reunited family hugged.

-The End-
The Opera

Script written by: Jhaida and Chrystal

Casts: 9 Ruby
Based from: The movie “Tangled”

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