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Grade 7 - English Q3 - W02

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GRADE 7 – ENGLISH A. For items 1-6.

Read the statements below and

Q3 – W02 write T if the statement is True and F if it is
Use correct and appropriate multi-media resources False.
when orally giving information, and instructions,
_____1. More and more young people are watching TV
making explanations, and narrating events in
factual and personal recounts. EN7OL-IV-e3.10 _____2. It was a surprise that young people watch little
TV news.
DAY 1 _____3. The youth prefer to get news from a newspaper.
_____4. Young people spent roughly 5 hours daily on
ACTIVITY 1 social media.
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write _____5. Young people use the radio as a primary news
your answer on a separate sheet of source.
paper. _____6. There has been a decline in the use of social
1. Multimedia means the use of more than media as the primary source of news.
one_________ in communication or
presentation. B. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
A. number C. media ______1) What is the main idea of the reading text?
B. file D. sound A. Filipino youth are using multimedia.
2. The multimedia element that makes object move is B. Filipino youth are getting addicted to social
called: media.
A. audio C. graphic C. More and more Filipino youth are watching
B. video D. animation the news on TV.
3. There are _______ elements in multimedia. D. The Filipino youth are watching not as much
A. four C. seven news on TV.
B. five D. eight ______2. What is the main source of news among
4. Nowadays, most business companies make Filipino youth?
multimedia _____ to promote their A. Facebook newsfeeds
products. B. YouTube videos
A. signs C. catalogues C. News on TV
B. letters D. encyclopedia D. Social Media Apps
5. The multimedia which is delivered through Web pages ______3. How many were social media users there in
is called _____ multimedia. January 2020?
A. Radio-based C. TV-based A. 800 million C. 58 million
B. Newspaper-based D. Web-base B. 5.8 million D. 73 million
6. Music can be stored in the computer as _____ files. _____4. The youth get their daily news about the world
A. Audio C. Text from?
B. Video D. Graphics A. TV C. Facebook
7. Bringing to life or applying movements to illustrations B. YouTube D. Instagram
and images is called _____.
A. Audio C. Video Advantages of Using Multimedia
B. Graphics D. Animation 1. User-friendly. It doesn’t take much energy out of the
user in the sense that you can sit and watch the
ACTIVITY 2: presentation, read the text, and hear the audio.
Directions: Read the reading passage and complete the 2. Multisensorial. It uses a lot of the user’s senses while
tasks below. making use of multimedia. For example, hearing, seeing,
and talking.
Do Young People Still Watch News on TV? 3. Integrated and Interactive. All the different mediums
are integrated through the digitization process.
Young people in the Philippines are watching less and Interactivity is heightened by the possibility of easy
less news on television. This comes as no surprise as feedback.
young people become increasingly addicted to their 4. Flexible. Being digital, this media can easily be
smartphones. Youth opt for online sources like YouTube changed to fit different situations and audiences.
videos, social media, and games rather than switch on a 5. Used for a wide variety of audiences. It can be used
TV and watch a news program. The country's youth are by various audiences ranging from one person to a
more likely to get their day's news about the world from whole group
social media, particularly from Facebook newsfeeds.
According to Datareportal, there were 73 million social Disadvantages of Using Multimedia
media users in the Philippines in January 2020. The 1. Information overload. Because it is so easy to use, it
number of social media users in the Philippines can contain too much information at once.
increased by 5.8 million (+8.6%) between April 2019 and 2. It takes time to compile. Even though it is flexible, it
January 2020. takes time to put the original draft together.
3. It can be expensive. Multimedia makes use of a wide
It has been observed that young people are increasingly range of resources, which can cost you a large amount
using social media as their primary news source. As of of money.
the third quarter of 2019, Facebook and YouTube were 4. Too much makes it impractical. Large files like video
the most popular social media platforms in the and audio need large storage. Adding too much can
Philippines. Within the same period, Filipinos mean that you have to use a computer with huge
spent nearly four hours each day on social media. storage capacity to store the files.
In 2020, Facebook's user population was over 800
million in Asia. Furthermore, it held nearly 93 percent of DAY 2
the country's social media market share as of 2020. With
this the figure of social media users, Filipinos rely on Multimedia has five major components such as text,
social media apps as a primary source of news and graphics, sound, video, and animation.
other platforms.
1. Text- Text is the most common multimedia element.
All multimedia productions contain some amount of text. ACTIVITY 4: TRUE or FALSE
The text can have various types of fonts and sizes. Text Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and
is seen as probably one of the most frequently combined False if it is not.
mediums in the colorful world of multimedia. It is usually 1. The combination of text, audio, still images,
combined with photographs and video presentations to animation, and video are called multimedia.
augment these other forms of communication and give a 2. GFIS is an abbreviation for Graphics Internet
detailed multimedia description. Files.
2. Graphics- Graphics make the multimedia application 3. A multimedia presentation is a presentation file
attractive. Graphics represent nontext information, such that is not limited to just text in terms of content.
as drawings, photographs, charts, tables, graphs, etc. 4. Even without the aid of multimedia, an
Graphics are used more often than text to explain a explanation about a certain subject can be still
concept and to present background information, etc. lively and animated.
The graphic medium can be combined with the text 5. Video presents moving pictures and typically
medium. combines images and sound for a compelling
There are two types of Graphics: multimedia experience.
o Bitmap images- Bitmap images are real images that
can be captured from devices such as digital cameras or ACTIVITY 5:
scanners. Generally, bitmap images are not
editable. Bitmap images require a large amount of
o Vector Graphics- Vector graphics are drawn on the
computer and only require a small amount of memory.
These graphics are editable.
3. Audio- A multimedia application may require the use
of speech, music, and sound effects. These are called
audio or sound element of multimedia. Audios are
sounds that can be added and combined with all other
media types in so many ways. Audio can function as a
musical background to images and photographs, and
even texts. Audio can either be analog or digital types.
Analog audio or sound refers to the original sound
signal. The computer stores the sound in digital form.
Therefore, the sound used in the multimedia application
is digital audio.
4. Video- The term video refers to a moving picture,
accompanied by a sound like a television picture. The
video element of multimedia applications gives a lot of
information in a small duration of time. Digital video is
useful in multimedia applications for showing real-life
objects. Videos have the highest performance demand
on computer memory and bandwidth if placed on the
internet. Digital video files can be stored like any other
files on the computer, and the quality of the video can
still be maintained. Digital video files can be transferred
within a computer network. Digital video clips can be
edited easily.
5. Animation- Animation is the process of making a
static image look like it is moving. The animation is just a
continuous series of still images that are displayed in a DAY 3
sequence. The place where images and photographs
meet video material is where animation begins. The Common File Types of Multimedia Resources:
animation can be used effectively to attract attention. Multimedia Common File Types
Animation also makes a presentation light and attractive. Resources
Animation is very popular in multimedia applications. 1. text – TXT
Animation files are small, compact, and easily text with other
transferable, which is one reason why they dominate the elements DOC, DOX, PDF
world of the Internet today.
2. PowerPoint PPT. PPTX, PPTM, POT,
slides POTX
ACTIVITY 3: Classifying Multimedia
3. Images JPG, PNG, TIF, BMP
Directions: Classify each multimedia as text,
audio/sound, photograph/graphics, video, or animation. 4. Audio MP3, WAV, WMA
Write your answer in the space provided. 5. Video AVI, WMV, FLV, MOV,
____________________ 1. Hypertext MP4
____________________ 2. Podcast 6. Animation GIF, FLV
____________________ 3. Painting
____________________ 4. Song
____________________ 5. Slideshow/Power Point
____________________ 6. Documentary Film
____________________ 7. Radio Program
____________________ 8. Paper Document
____________________ 9. 2D and 3D
____________________ 10. Diagrams
Activity 6: Creating Procedures DAY 4
Directions: Choose one topic from the list of topics
below and create procedures (or instructions). As your ACTIVITY 7: Giving Information Through
output, make a video presentation of the procedures you Narratives
have created. Send your output to your group leader.
Topics: Directions: Answer the question given in the
a. Getting Ready for School graphic organizer. Write a narrative that
b. cooking crispy fried chicken tells about your unforgettable moment with the
c. fixing your bed. members of your family. Copy the graphic
d. tips about good study habits organizer and the question on a sheet of paper.
e. proper way of washing clothes
What is the most unforgettable moment you
Rubric in giving instructions through video have experienced with the members of
presentation your family?

Directions: Complete the table below by writing the
most appropriate multimedia resources to be used under
a particular text type.


PDF about coronavirus symptoms

Expedition footage
Digital photos
Recording of an important event
Baking video
Vlog about T’nalak Festival
Documentary films
Pictures from movie scenes
Cooking videos
COVID-19 Report PowerPoint slides
Travel log
Beauty Makeup tutorial video




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