National Leprosy Eradication Programme
National Leprosy Eradication Programme
National Leprosy Eradication Programme
India achieved the goal set by the National Health Policy, 2002 of elimination of
leprosy as a public health problem, defined as less than 1 case per 10,000
population, at the National level in December 2005.
The NLEP’s mission is to provide quality leprosy services free of cost to all
sections of the population, with easy accessibility, through the integrated healthcare
system, including care for disability after cure of the disease.
⮚ To reduce Prevalence rate less than 1/10,000 population at sub national and
district level.
⮚ To reduce Grade II disability % < 1 among new cases at National level
⮚ To reduce Grade II disability cases < 1 case per million population at National
⮚ Zero disabilities among new Child cases.
⮚ Zero stigma and discrimination against persons affected by leprosy.
To achieve the aforementioned objectives, the main strategies to be followed are:
1) Integrated anti-leprosy services through General Health Care system.
2) Early detection and complete treatment of new leprosy cases.
3) Carrying out household contact survey for early detection of cases.
4) Involvement of Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) in the
detection and completion of treatment of Leprosy cases on time.
5) Strengthening of Disability Prevention and Medical Rehabilitation
(DPMR) services.
6) Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities in the
community to improve self-reporting to Primary Health Centre (PHC) and
reduction of stigma.
7) Intensive monitoring and supervision at Health and Wellness Centers and
Block Primary Health Centre/Community Health Centre.
Following are the programme components:
o Case Detection and Management
o Disability Prevention and Medical Rehabilitation (DPMR).
o Information, Education and Communication (IEC) including Behavior
Change Communication (BCC)
o Human Resource and Capacity building
o Programme Management
Salient features of the National Leprosy Eradication Programme are:
1. Leprosy Eradication programme is a centrally sponsored scheme of Government
of India.
2. NLEP functions under the umbrella of National Health Mission (NHM).
3. NLEP follows decentralized health planning and funds are sent to the states
through State Health Societies.
4. Quality of services and sustainability is the main focus.
5. Disability Prevention & Medical Rehabilitation (DPMR) is a priority
Various leprosy endemicity maps from 1981 to 2020, showing the prevalence of
leprosy at different points of time, which evidently show that the burden of leprosy
is shrinking in India.
Milestones of NLEP:
Geometric mean for ten years of each of the data element was considered more
appropriately representing the situation in the country. Weightages were applied for
new case detection, number of new cases with G2D, number of child cases and
registered prevalence and used for categorizing districts according to endemicity.
The weightages for each of the cases was as follows:
Details of endemicity
State Of Total High Moderate Low Districts
Union Districts endemic endemic endemic with
Territory districts districts districts sporadic
cases only
Total Country 708 118 206 260 124
Total Country 100% 17% 29% 37% 17%
Percentage of 100% 24% 39% 30% 7%
• Child cases percentage has reduced from 7.67% as on 31st March 2019 to
6.86 % as on 31st March 2020.
1) Enhanced active & early case detection strategy has been introduced through
ACD&RS (Active Case Detection and Regular Surveillance strategy throughout
the year).
3) Timely referral and follow up for treatment completion on time through Multi
Drug Therapy (MDT) available free of cost in all public health facilities