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фразові дієслова

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Англійська мова

phrasal verbs

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To act out розігрувати, зображати

The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus.

To act on діяти згідно

Police say they acted on information.


To act up барахлити, пустувати

My car always acts up in cold weather.

To ask around розпитувати

If you ask around I’m sure someone there can give you directions
to the museum.

To ask out запросити на побачення

She’s asked Steve out to the cinema this evening.

To back up підтримати, підкріпити

These theories have not been backed up by research.

To break up розлучатися

We broke up two months ago

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To break out спалахувати, вибухати

Those house has just broken out

To break away вириватися

On the other hand, rising interest rates rendered the country unable to "break
away" from the debt.


To break down зламати, розбити

Molecules break down, but the atoms remain.

To be fed up бути ситим по горло

Residents are fed up with the disturbance caused by the nightclub.

To be up не спати

Are the kids still up?

To call off відмінити

The game was called off because of bad weather.

To calm down заспокоїтися

S he sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

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To carry on продовжувати

You’ll have an accident if you carry on driving like that.

To cheer up підбадьорювати

I wrote that song just to cheer myself up.


To check out зацінити

They packed and checked out of the hotel.

To clean up прибратися

We really ought to make a start on getting this place cleaned up.

To dress up вирядитися

You do not need to dress up for dinner.

To feel up to відчути себе у змозі робити щось

While I was sick, I didn’t feel up to doing much besides napping

and watching TV.

To find out дізнатися

I'm trying to find out the truth about what happened.

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To get over пережити щось складне

She was only just getting over the flu when she got a stomach bug.

To give away кинути (звичку), здатися

Never give up.


To hold on зачекати

Hold on a minute! Isn’t that your brother’s car over there?

To keep around тримати поблизу

He doesn’t work very hard, but we keep him around anyway.

To kick out вигнати

I just hope they don’t kick us out when they realize who we are.

To let down підвести

I don’t want to let down myself in the exam.

To log in/on увійти, підключитися до системи

Customers are often unable to log in to the system.

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To log off/out вийти з системи

Make sure all users have logged off before shutting the system down.

To look up подивитися (напр. у словнику)

Look the word up in your dictionary.


To mess about валяти дурня

He spent the day with friends, just messing about.

To move into в'їхати

Now that the company is hiring a few more people, we decided to move into a
bigger office.

To pass by проходити повз

Will you be passing by the supermarket on your way home?

To pile up накопичуватись

The work was piling up, and I decided I had to go in to the office on the weekend.

To plug in підключити

He plugged in the iron and waited for it to get hot.

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To point out вказати

He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.

To polish up поліпшити

I’ve been polishing my Japanese up before I go to Tokyo next month.


To pop in заскочити

Why don’t you pop in and see us this afternoon?

To pull ahead випередити

I need to follow behind you to know where we’re going, so please don’t pull
too far ahead of us in traffic.

To pull out виїхати

I knocked over the mailbox when I was pulling out of the drive way.

To put on вдягнути

She decided to put on her best dress.

To run into випадково зустріти, натрапити, зіткнутися

While taking a walk, I unexpectedly ran into an old friend from college.

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кінчатися, вичерпуватися, використовувати

To run out
повністю, покинути

I need to go to the grocery store because I have run out of milk.

To stand by бути на боці когось, допомагати, підтримувати

I'll stand by and wait for your decision.


To switch on вмикати, з’єднувати

I'll switch on the TV so we can watch the game.

To take away прибирати, забирати, відводити

Take away the plate after you finish eating.

To take over приймати, брати

Take over the project from your colleague who is on vacation.

To think over обдумати

Take over the project from your colleague who is on vacation.

To walk away піти, покинути

W alk away from toxic relationships that do not serve you.


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