Drug Study Template 1
Drug Study Template 1
Drug Study Template 1
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES
Generic Name: Dosage: - Dryness of the mouth, with CNC: Dizziness,anaphylactic Dx: Dx: Dx:
Hyoscine 20 mg Buscopan Tablets are difficulty in swallowing reactions, anaphylactic shock,
N-Butylbromide indicated for the relief of - Thirst increased ICP, disorientation, - Determine the patient’s - Before giving the medication, - Assess knowledge/teach
Route: spasm of genito-urinary - Dilation of the pupils with restlessness, irritability, name for IV administration. double-check the patient’s patients the appropriate use,
tract or gastrointestinal tract loss of accommodation and drowsiness, headache, name. interventions to reduce side
Brand Name: 1 ampoule and for the symptomatic photophobia confusion, hallucination, - Check for any allergies in effects, and adverse
Buscopan (20 mg) IV relief of irritable Bowel - Increased intra-ocular delirium, impaired memory the patient. - When providing medication, symptoms to report.
Syndrome pressure keep a close eye on the patient
Frequency: - Spasm in the military tract - Flushing and dryness of the CV: Hypotension, - If particle material or to verify that the drug was - Monitor for effectiveness as
Local Market Once - Spasm in the skin tachycardia, discoloration is found in the consumed and not hoarded or exhibited by decrease in
Price: ₱29.25 genitourinary tract - Bradycardia followed by palpitations, flushing vial, do not use it. cheeked. symptoms.
- Spasm in the tachycardia, with
gastrointestinal palpitations and arrhythmias GI: Dry mouth, constipation, - Measure the patient’s - Assess for urinary hesitancy - Monitor side effects.
trac - Urinary urgency with the nausea, epigastric distress weight before and after - Assess constipation
- Colic inability to do so, as well as starting Hyoscine N- - Monitor cervical effacement - Monitor blood pressure for
reduction in the tone and DERM: Flushing, butylbromide treatment to and dilation. possible hypertension.
CONTRAINDICATIONS motility of the dyshidrosis keep track of fluid loss.
gastrointestinal tract, leading
Buscopan Tablets should to constipation. GU: Urinary retention, Tx: Tx: Tx:
not be administered to - Occasionally vomiting, urinary Hesitancy
patients with myasthenia dizziness and staggering - Introduce yourself and - Examine the patient’s mouth - Remember that a lot of these
gravis, megacolon prostate may Occur RESP: Dyspnea, bronchial establish a good rapport to ensure that the medicine was drugs can cause dizziness in
hypertrophy with urinary - Retrosternal pain may plugging, depressed within the patient. ingested. the first few weeks of taking,
retention, narrow angle occur due to increased respiration - Stay with the patient to so take safe precautions.
glaucoma mechanical gastric re-flux - Before delivering the observe whether the medication - Provide safety measures (e.g.
stenosis in the GI tract, and - Trouble breathing, EENT: Mydriasis, dilated medication, do a has any acute side effects. adequate lighting, raised side
tachycardia. In addition, increased pulse. pupils, blurred vision, comprehensive physical - Before and often throughout rails etc.) to prevent injuries.
they should not be given to - Diarrhea photophobia, increased examination to collect dosage adjustment, blood - Provide comfort measures
patients with a known - Vision problems, eye pain. intraocular pressure, difficulty baseline data and analyze any pressure (sitting, standing, and (e.g. voiding before dosing.
hypersensitivity to of swallowing. potential side effects. laying), ECG, pulse, and Takingfood with drugs, etc.) to
hyoscine-N-butylbromide respiration rate were all help patients tolerate drug
or any other component of monitored. effects.
the product.