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Bengali: Paper 3204/01 Composition

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Cambridge Ordinary Level

3204 Bengali June 2022

Principal Examiner Report for Teachers


Paper 3204/01

Key messages

• It is important that candidates carefully identify the key points required to answer each question and
then provide a range of well-developed responses relevant to the chosen item.

• It is expected that candidates write accurately following correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar

• A range of sophisticated language that draws interest to the reader with well-linked sentences as
well as the successful reference to different time phrases will assist candidates to excel.

• Candidates should proofread their responses.

General comments

In general, this year candidates have performed reasonably well. Almost all candidates answered both
sections of the paper as required regardless of their ability. To score in higher bands in Section A, reference
to all bullet points with good vocabulary, correct spelling, varied sentence structures, and tenses are
required, and most candidates were able to present their ideas correctly addressing these questions. Weaker
answers in this section were characterised by a lack of good presentation, missing reference to bullet points,
spelling errors, dialectical language, and improper use of tenses or idioms.

In Section B, responses that showed a consistent reference to the essay title across their work, with a clear
and sophisticated style and ability to establish their thoughts with appropriate vocabulary, logic, correct
spelling, idiomatic language, varied sentence structures, and tenses were credited with higher marks.
Sometimes by a small number of candidates, the essay theme was not adequately addressed, or they wrote
answers that were too long or too short, parts of the response were digressed or deviated from the original
theme and inconsistent spellings were used which led to lower marks. This could have been avoided by
drafting a plan before writing the piece.

Comments on specific questions

Section A

Question 1

In Section A, Question 1 was the most popular one and approximately 97 per cent of candidates responded
to this question. In Question 1, candidates were required to write a letter to their friend describing the
experience of spending a summer holiday at another friend’s village. All those who attempted this question
wrote a very realistic answer from their experience. Some of the descriptions were indicating their real-life
unforgettable enjoyment, expressing their excitement linked to the description of the rising of the morning
sun or their experience of enjoying the full moon or boat rowing, fishing, etc. These references appropriately
vivified their feelings. A very insignificant number of candidates referred to visiting their own village, and
some linked to a different season such as winter. Some candidates also omitted to answer certain parts of
the bullet points, hence they could not achieve good scores. It is therefore recommended that the candidates

© 2022
Cambridge Ordinary Level
3204 Bengali June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

should read all parts of the question and provide an accurate account of the specific event as demanded in
the question.

Question 2

In this section, for Question 2, candidates need to write a leaflet or flyer on healthy regulations for kids.
Interestingly, those who attempted this question, tended to be well articulated and addressed confidently with
appropriate vocabulary and varied sentence structure referring to all bullet points. Only a few candidates,
approximately 3 per cent of candidates, chose this question. To reiterate, candidates would benefit by
preparing for a variety of responses for Section A, such as a letter, report, dialogue, or speech.

© 2022
Cambridge Ordinary Level
3204 Bengali June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Section B

Question 3

In Question 3, candidates are required to write an essay describing ‘A whole day zoo experience with
family’. Approximately 68 per cent of candidates had chosen this question and hence, it was the most
chosen essay title this year. The overall quality of this response was quite good. For most candidates, it was
a realistic narration of their personal experiences. It was pleasant to see evidence that candidates had taken
a great interest in narrating their outdoor experience which helped them to bring originality to their work,
although there were some occasional slips. Some of the candidates tried to deliver a creative piece of writing
by using imagery, similes, a wide range of adjectives, and in some cases idioms and proverbs as well. A
small number of candidates could improve their writing by avoiding deviation, inconsistency, spelling, and
other grammatical errors.

Question 4

In this question candidates are expected to evaluate their perspective on ‘Arts, culture and sports are equally
important as education in building our character’. Approximately 11 per cent of candidates had chosen this
question and hence, it was the least chosen essay title this year. The best answers integrated formal
description with a convincing discussion of the context and concepts. The very best essays were extremely
well argued and logically organised. A few candidates were unable to identify a clear impact of arts, culture,
and sports on shaping human character. To achieve high marks candidates must read carefully every word
of the essay title to address the question’s demand.

Question 5

In Question 5, candidates are required to write an essay about ‘Humans have caused natural disasters by
destroying the environment’. Approximately 21 per cent of candidates had chosen this question which stands
out as the second most popular essay topic this year. It was pleasing to see evidence that candidates had
devoted their awareness to environmental pollution. The best responses addressed with the scientific
terminology considered significant aspects of pollution and human influence as well as supporting with
justified examples. A few candidates wrote from their memorised language. Candidates need to answer the
question set; those who had provided an answer for a question they had prepared for, rather than for the
question on the question paper, were limited to low band marks. Candidates also need to be mindful of the
word limit, accuracy of spelling, and appropriate use of idioms to achieve higher marks.

© 2022
Cambridge Ordinary Level
3204 Bengali June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers


Paper 3204/02
Language Usage and Comprehension

Key messages

• It is important that candidates carefully identify the key points required to answer each question.

• It is expected that candidates write accurately following correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar

• Candidates should proofread their responses.

General comments

This paper comprises use and comprehension of Bengali which is comparable to last year’s question paper.
Candidates were tested on their knowledge of grammar, manipulation of sentences and comprehension
skills through a variety of tasks. It was pleasing to note that most candidates had completed the paper within
the time allowed. There were very few examples of unfinished or partially answered questions. The
performances of several candidates were outstanding, though there were examples of candidates who could
have achieved better by providing adequate and relevant exam techniques for this examination. Most
candidates coped well with basic grammar tasks and the comprehension questions though at a varied level.
The quality of the Bengali in answers was very wide. Some candidates demonstrated the ability to
manipulate the language very skilfully. There were also instances where candidates were unable to write
answers in their own words, even at a very simple level. It should be noted that candidates who rely too
heavily on the text cannot gain access to the higher marks for the quality of their language. On the other
hand, attempts to write answers which make the effort to manipulate language are rewarded more
generously, even when this results in increased inaccuracy, if it does not interfere with comprehension.

Comments on specific questions

Section A

Question A1: Separation of words (1–5)

This question comprises the task to separate 5 compound words. This task was quite straightforward, though
the responses varied due to not knowing the grammatical process of separation appropriately. Some
candidates answered Question 1 incorrectly. Here the word is দু ষ্টামী and the answer is দু ষ্ট + আিম. But
candidates came up with various wrong answers such as দু ঃ + টািম, দু + অষ্টমী, দু ষ্ট + অিম।. For Question 2, a
large number of candidates answered শীত + আতর্ instead of শীত + ঋত. Some weaker candidates also found
Question 4 difficult. Instead of the correct answer ষট + যন্তৰ্ they wrote ষড় + যন্তৰ্. However, many candidates
answered Question 5 correctly with occasional mistakes such as সণ + চয় or সঞ্চ + অয় correctly. The average
score recorded was 6.

Question A2 Idioms, Proverbs and words in Pairs (6–10):

This question comprises a gap filling task followed by idioms, proverbs and words in pairs to be lifted in the
appropriate gaps in five set sentences. It was pleasing to see the majority candidates were able to answer
this question correctly, though there were instances where a number of candidates struggled to lift the

© 2022
Cambridge Ordinary Level
3204 Bengali June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

correct idioms / proverbs / words in pairs. In 2(a) (6), some candidates picked a wrong proverb (9) েতলা মাথায়
েতল েদওয়া instead of বসেন্তর েকািকল (7). Similarly, some candidates misplaced (6) with (2). However, more able
candidates scored full marks. The average score on this question recorded was 8 marks.

Question A3 (11–15)

The task comprises the transformation of sentences based on clues either at the beginning or at the end of
the sentence. This question was responded well by more able learners. However, less able candidates
responded poorly particularly on Question 12 and Question 13. Weaker candidates often struggled to
manipulate particularly the essence of A3(11), A12 and A3(13) appropriately and so scored less than
expected. Most candidates answered Question 11 correctly although some came up with odd answers like
সব্াস্থয্ ভাল রাখেত হেল অিনয়িমত বয্ায়াম করেত হেব না।. In answering Question 12 some candidates just reshuffled the
words without manipulating the language such as জািতর উন্নিত সম্ভব না পৰ্কৃত িশক্ষা ছাড়া।. Candidates found
answering Question 14 the most challenging. Very few answered it correctly. Some have just made the
sentence negative or inquisitive. For example, they have written িবল েগইটস েয একজন দানবীর েসটা েকউ জােন না
িবল or েগইটস কী একজন দানবীর নয়?, etc. Question 14 was very well answered. Most candidates understood
what was required to do to correctly answering this question which was changing a direct speech to indirect
speech. Although correct transformation was changing আিম to তুিম and গতকাল to আেগরিদন।. The majority of
candidates did so, but some wrote গতকাল which was accepted as a correct answer. But a handful of
candidates wrote আগািমকাল which was obviously the wrong answer. There was a lot of evidence of syntax
errors such as তুিম আেসিন, আিম আেসািন।. The average score recorded on this question was 8 marks.

Question A4: Cloze Test (16–25)

This is a gap filling exercise where candidates had to choose the 10 correct words from the word list
provided. This question proved quite accessible to most candidates as the candidates’ performance in this
section was very good. However, weaker candidates often struggled to lift and match correct words for gaps
17 and 20 where candidates wrote লমব্া instead of আকাশচুমব্ী. Question 20 posed a difficult challenge for many
candidates as they picked up either ৈতির or পৰ্বািহত instead of িনগর্ত which in fact is the correct answer. The
average score for this question was 16.

Section B5: Multiple Choice Question comprehension (26–32)

Although the questions were quite challenging, most candidates answered them correctly. However, some
candidates struggled particularly on Question 29 and Question 30 to choose the most appropriate answer.
The average mark scored was 10.

Section C6: OE comprehension (33–38)

This question comprises of OE comprehension followed by a set questionnaire. Many candidates performed
well on this question particularly on 33, 34, 37 and 38. However, Questions 33 and 34 proved confusing to
several candidates as they made mistakes for Question 33 and put them for Question 34 which resulted in
these candidates scoring fewer marks than expected. Performances in Question 36 were not as good as
expected. Many candidates confused the geographical location and the history of the Santorini Island which
resulted in them scoring fewer marks. The average score for this question was 32.

Section C7: Vocabulary (39–43)

This was the most challenging section. On the whole performance was poorer than previous years and very
few candidates scored full marks in this section. In answering Question 39, candidates wrote words such as
সাবধােন, সু রিক্ষতভােব, িঠকভােব, সিঠক, etc. For Question 40, Quite a few candidates used words like দশর্নীয়, সু দশর্ন,
সু ন্দর, etc. Few candidates gave the opposite meaning, such as যাহা েদখা যায় না; many candidates used words
like পৰ্চিলত, মেনামুগ্ধকর, চলমান. Many mistakes were made in answering Question 42 where incorrect words like
যায়গায়, িদক, সীমান্ত, েকাণ were used. A similar pattern was evident in the answers to Question 43. Candidates

© 2022
Cambridge Ordinary Level
3204 Bengali June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

have come up with irrelevant synonyms such as েদখার মেতা, শািন্তপূ ণর্, মন েভালােনা, নানা রকম, etc. The average
mark scored was 4.

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