Secrecy of Bank Deposits
Secrecy of Bank Deposits
Secrecy of Bank Deposits
i. Foreign currency deposits, which are It is conceded that while the fundamental law
governed by the Foreign Currency has not bothered with the triviality of specifically
Deposit Act addressing privacy rights relative to banking
ii. Funds placed in a bank not in the accounts, there, nevertheless, exists in our
nature of a deposit by private jurisdiction a legitimate expectation of privacy
individuals or entities. These may also governing such accounts. The source of this
not be disclosed, under Subsec. 55.1 of right of expectation is statutory, and it is found
the General Banking Law of 2000. in R.A. No. 1405, otherwise known as the Bank
Secrecy Act of 1955. [BSB Group, Inc., v. Go,
G.R. No. 168644 (2010)]
Trust Accounts
Any violation of this law will subject offender Universal Bank (UB)
upon conviction, to an imprisonment of not As the name implies, a universal bank has the
more than five years or a fine of not more than most banking power, as it has the same powers
twenty thousand pesos or both, in the as a commercial bank, plus the powers:
discretion of the court. [Sec.5] To operate an investment house, whether
as an integral unit or as a subsidiary.
C. GENERAL BANKING In turn, an investment house underwrites
LAW OF 2000 (GBL) securities either on firm underwriting (good
The section numbers hereinafter generally as sold) or best efforts (excess to be
pertain to RA 8791, unless otherwise indicated. returned to the issuer)
To invest in non-allied enterprises
1. Definition and classification
Commercial Bank (KB)
of banks Has the powers defined in Secs. 29. and 53,
a. Definition of Banks
"Banks" shall refer to entities engaged in the Thrift Bank
lending of funds obtained in the form of Thrift banks are banks that focus on basic
deposits. [Subsec. 3.1] banking services for their clients, with an
emphasis on individuals and small businesses.
How Banks are Structured Thrift banks are primarily governed by RA
Generally, banks are stock corporations. 7906, the Thrift Banks Act.
However, cooperative banks may also be
formed under the Cooperative Code. Thrift banks include:
Savings and mortgage banks;
N.B. Note that under RA 10641, qualified Savings and loan associations; and
foreign banks, with MB approval, may now Private development banks.
enter the local banking system, through any of
the following modes: Rural Banks
1. Acquiring, purchasing, or owning up to These are banks that are formed for the
100% of the voting stock of an existing purpose of providing adequate credit facilities
domestic bank; to farmers and merchants, or to cooperatives
2. Investing in up to 100% of the voting of such farmers and merchants and in general,
stock of a new banking subsidiary the people of the rural communities.
incorporated under the laws of the
Philippines; or They are primarily governed by RA 7353 (Rural
3. Establishing branches with full banking Banks Act).
Cooperative Banks
However, the foreign bank must be These are banks organized as cooperatives
established, reputable, and financially sound. under RA 6938, the Cooperative Code.