Relation of Education With Society
Relation of Education With Society
Relation of Education With Society
Education has a very close relationship with society and culture. They are both dependent
on one another. The international commission on the development of education (1972)
summarized the relationship between education and society as follows: "In our view, there is a
close correlation between changes in the socio-economic environment and the structures and
forms of action of education, which we believe makes a functional contribution to historical
movement. Moreover, it seems to us that through the knowledge it provides of the environment
in which it operates, education makes a functional contribution to historical movement.
A tool for social and cultural change is education. It can teach young people new
concepts and attitudes as well as impart knowledge, training, and skills. However, it is in the
context of culture and society that education blossoms. The culture is another factor that
education influences positively.
Socialization is the main purpose of education. Everyone is ignorant of their society's
culture. They need to understand them, as well as how their society operates. Therefore, it is
important to expose kids to the culture they will encounter as they grow up.
Therefore, society intentionally designs its educational programs to meet individual and
societal needs rather than leaving learning up to chance. Education offers a deliberate teaching
program to instill values, social norms, and social skills that are appropriate for each person's
adult role in society. To carry out specific tasks in achieving this broad goal, society creates
educational institutions like schools and colleges.
According to Samuel Koening, education may also be defined as the process by which
the social heritage of a group is passed on from one generation to the next as well as the process
by which the child becomes socialised, i.e. learns the rules of behavior of the group into which
he is born. Man only becomes a "human being" as a member of society because by nature he
cannot live alone.
A group of people who live together in society do so in a structured way. The word
"social" describes the interactions and relationships that people have with one another.
Therefore, to live within society is to be social. All aspects of life that people choose to share are
considered to be a part of society, including work, home, life, religion, school, and politics.
Communities are groups of people who plan their activities around these things and may be
exclusive societies or a part of a larger society.