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Ieee Research Paper

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Gajanan Shejal Sahil Gothe Atharva Kawathe
Final Year, Mechanical Final Year, Mechanical Final Year, Mechanical
Engineering, Government College Engineering, Government College Engineering, Government College
Of Engineering, Amravati - 444604 Of Engineering, Amravati - 444604 Of Engineering, Amravati - 444604
gajananshejal@gmail.com | sahilgothe21@gmail.com | atharva.m.kawathe@gmail.com |
7218397620 9823929693 7218397620

Pratik Talokar Sayali Mangate

Final Year, Mechanical Final Year, Mechanical
Engineering, Government College Engineering, Government College
Of Engineering, Amravati - 444604 Of Engineering, Amravati - 444604
pratiktalokar1999@gmail.com | sayali.mangate@gmail.com |
8857099326 9404375811

ABSTRACT: which a force is applied to a piece of sheet metal

causing it to bend at
In order to keep pace with increasing Farm
Mechanization as well as Farmers needs Agrowsure
Products LPP felt the need to design Hydraulic operated an angle and forming a desired shape. Bending
Plate bending machines. Hydraulic systems are machine is used to bend a metal plate and pipe. The
extensively used in a wide range of industries and aim of this project is to develop a portable metal
factories. Also they are suitable for fast and rapid
bending machine. This machine is used to bend
production eventually decreasing human efforts and
sheets at desired angles. The size of the machine is
increasing precision.
small compared to other machines. And it is
The purpose of this project is to therefore design and convenient for portable work. It is fully made of MS
analyse Hydraulic operated plate bending machines to and hence it is easy to be carried and used any time
increase the production and enhance the and any place.
competitiveness of the sector. As well as to allow Hydraulic bending machines have many advantages
customization of the products. Since, using
over other bending machines; 1) It may cost less
than an equivalent mechanical press. 2) Vertical
mathematical methods this study presents the design and
bending machine uses a small area so it can avoid
development of the hydraulic bending machine.
indentation. 3) It possesses simple structure, reliable
However, the design and analysis result indicates that
operation and easy maintenance.
significant improvements were observed in the In hydraulic bending machines hydraulic cylinders
productivity performance of using Hydraulic Plate generate input force for driving the mechanism and
bending machines in terms of cost, production bending the plate. The hydraulic cylinder is a device
efficiency, production time, production capacity. The used to convert fluid power to mechanical power by
study also attempts to analyse the deflection, material pascal principle. The Pascal principle states that
types, the effects of stresses, wear resistance, ultimate pressure exerted anywhere in a compressible fluid is
strength of the machine, thermal effect of natural transmitted equally in all directions through the
frequencies under subjected load using mathematical fluid. In a hydraulic cylinder a confined
analysis. In conclusion, the study investigates incompressible fluid pressure is exerted on three
productivity analysis. surfaces.
Bending of sheet metal is a common and vital
Keywords— Hydraulic, Agrowsure Products LLP, bending process in the manufacturing industry. Sheet metal
machine, customization, productivity analysis. bending is the plastic deformation of the work over
an axis, creating a change in the part's geometry.
After bending the sheet, the thickness of the sheet
may change a little. But in majority cases bending
Due to increasing globalization, it is very will produce essentially no change in the thickness
essential for the manufacturer to produce goods of the sheet metal.
having highest reliability. Metal bending is generally Bending is also used to impart strength and stiffness
used as an alternative method for casting or forging to sheet metal. Metal bending enacts both tension
operations. Bending is a metal forming process in and compression within the material.
II. PROBLEM STATEMENT of these parameters further designs are dependent
hence they are highly important.
The motivation to outline a bending machine for
plate bending is that there is no such a small scale Data Collection:
bending machine. The bending machine found in the
market comes with too many varieties. There are The exact data needs to be collected from the
bending machines such as roll bending machines, Agrowsure Products LLP about other affecting
press brake bending machines and folding machines. conditions on project, knowledge and approach
In addition, the plan for the bending machine for practices to be collected from research journals,
plate bending is to bend a metal plate. It produces papers and public domain knowledge, books etc.
sheet metal bending with a desired level of bending This is quite a crucial stage in project development.
aside from 90°. In regards to the bending machine
plan, the bending machine in the market comes with Calculation of Bending Force:
an enormous size and it is very costly. The current
bending machine in the market is made for huge The other primary stage is the calculation of bending
capacity for bending a metal plate. With the limit of force that is required to bend the plate at desired
bending machines that exists in the market, the angle. For that calculation process needs to be
current bending machine isn't satisfying the necessity followed. After the theoretical calculations are done
of the use. The prerequisite of the task of a bending they must be verified. For this purpose, Ansys 21 R1
machine is basic. In this manner it isn't appropriate software is used. The plate is analyzed with
to buy an existing bending machine to be utilized for theoretical tonnage capacity that is calculated and the
straightforward bending activity. Besides, the results can be verified and validated.
machine is so heavy and it also requires some more
space. Design and Selection of Primary components:

III. METHODOLOGY These are major components which need to be

designed and selected by producing proper
This chapter will cover the detailed explanation of calculation and checking availability in industry. It is
methodology that is being used to make this project an important characteristic to select components that
complete. Many methodology or findings from this are OEM products. This is an effective technique to
field mainly generated into journals for others to take reduce the cost of the final product. This set of
advantage of and improve as upcoming studies. For components includes hydraulic pump, hydraulic
selecting the proper approach sufficient scope of cylinder assembly, electric motor, and reservoir.
literature was studied. The methodology flow
diagram which was followed for the project is as The components primarily used for hydraulic circuit
follows. of the model are as follows:

1. Problem Analysis (1) Reservoir (2) Pump (3) Hydraulic cylinder

2. Data Collection (4) Control Valves

3. Calculating Bending Force a) Direction control valve

4. Design and Selection of Primary components. b) Flow control valve

5. Design and Selection of Secondary Components. c) Relief valve

6. Final Design. (5) Hydraulic adaptors, hose & oils.

Problem Analysis: Design and selection of secondary components:

For efficient design it's very important to analyse the This set includes components that are dependent on
problem statement accurately. For these proper the primary components specifications and
actual conditions of the problem statement were dimensions. It includes hoses, adapters, control
taken into consideration. First of all, actual boundary valves, etc. whose selection depends on availability
conditions were examined. In this case, parameters of OEM products.
like thickness of the plate, bending angle of the plate,
piston velocity were critically focused. On the basis All of these pieces combine to create a fully
functioning component. 1. Cylinder base connection
2. Cushions 3. Internal Threaded Ductile Heads 4. a. Pump Output Flow = 0.5032 GPM = 0.5032
Head Glands 5. Polypak Pistons 6. Cylinder Head × 63.09= 31.74 cm3/sec.
Caps 7. Butt Plates 8. Eye Brackets /Clevis Brackets
9.MP Detachable Mounts 10. Rod Eyes /Rod Clevis b. Piston Velocity = 0.63 cm/ sec
11. Pivot Pins 12. Spherical Ball Bushings 13.
Spherical Rod Eye 14. Alignment Coupler 15. Ports c. specifications of electric motor for ideal
and Fittings performance of the pump are 1hp and 1500
rpm However, a single phase motor of 1hp at
Calculations 1450 rpm is available .Thus; it is selected in
the circuit.
We have considered safety factor of 1.5 So, Bending
force (F) = 8 Ton. d. Reservoir volume Vc = 5.04 litres

a. Pump Selection:

Considering the performance data of pump type Final Design

3003, we get the
After eliminating possible failures and finding
Pressure = 3000psi, solutions over it, the final design of the bending
machine can be drawn. For the design CATIA is
At rpm=1500,Pump displacement =1.27cc/rev = CAD Software that is used however for the analysis
0.075 inch3/ rev. of components ANSYS software is used.

b. Hydraulic Cylinder B. DESIGN OF SPECIAL PURPOSE

A double acting hydraulic cylinder is to be MACHINE:
used. The calculations are as follows:
CATIA an acronym of computer-aided three
Area= Force / Pressure -dimensional interactive application is a
multi-platform software suite for computer-aided
π * D2/4 = 80000(N)/ 3000 Psi design (CAD), computer - aided
manufacturing (CAM), computer-aided
D = Bore Diameter = 7.01 cm engineering (CAE), PLM and 3D, developed by the
French company Dassault Systèmes.
The nearest hydraulic cylinder having bore
diameter 8 cm is available and it’s having
stroke length of 45cm and piston rod
diameter of 5.5 cm 2. SELECTION OF MATERIAL

Now, buckling load capacity of the piston rod is AISI 1018 carbon steel is a free machining grade
to be calculated. If this buckling load is greater that is the most commonly available grade around
than 8 T force then the hydraulic cylinder is safe the world. It can be easily formed, machined,
and thus it needs to be selected. The buckling welded and fabricated.
load on the piston rod can be calculated by As it is most commonly available at hardware
Euler’s formula
shops and due to its machining grade we selected
the AISI1018.
Fb = π2 E I / Le2
Properties of AISI 1018
We found that with this formula, the buckling
load which can be sustained by the model is 28.7 Properties Metric
Ton. Thus, this hydraulic cylinder having rod Density 7.87 gram/cm3
diameter 5.5 cm and stroke length of 45 cm is Tensile strength 440 MPa
safe and thus selected for the machine. Yield strength 370 MPa
Shear modulus 80 GPa
With several other calculations we derived other (typical for
important values that are stated as follows: steel)
Bulk Modulus 104 GPa
Modulus of 205 GPa With the help of the software we were able to
Elasticity find that the stress in the frame of the bending
Poisson’s ratio 0.29 machine can be easily sustained while applying a
Hardness, 126 load of 80,000N.
Brinell Also, to be more certain, we did analysis for the
check of Factor of Safety and as a result of the
simulation; we got FOS as 6.5 and was within the
Green region which is a perfect sign of safety of a
part or device.

(Fig. Static structural analysis for equivalent stress)

(Fig. Final circuit diagram)

(Fig. Static structural analysis for Factor of Safety)

(Fig. Isometric view)

Figure below shows the isometric view of the

Special purpose hydraulic bending machine.

This research focused on the design of hydraulically
operated bending machine.
As compared to the manually operated plate bending
machine, the hydraulic power operated one is good
For static structural analysis of the hydraulic to go with. The productivity of hydraulic power
bending frame which contains all the components, operated machine is higher. The time required to
we used ANSYS finite element software. complete the bending operation is less and the
Ansys Mechanical finite element requirement of workers is also reduced. It is less
analysis software is used to simulate computer time consuming process with high productivity
models of structures, or machine components for On the basis of results obtained after static structural
analyzing strength, toughness, elasticity, temperature analysis of the model of frame of the hydraulic
distribution, electromagnetism, fluid flow, and other bending machine, we came to a conclusion that the
attributes. machine frame on which the components are to be
mounted are safe to be used.
Due to its easy to use features, the machine can be
operated by a used comfortably and due to its cost
efficient design the making and operating is

[1] Evaldas Narvydas ,Buckling strength of
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