Job 1 - 20-22 Sermon
Job 1 - 20-22 Sermon
Job 1 - 20-22 Sermon
Some days get fixed in your mind and you can never forget them. For me one
of those days is May 27, 2002. Rose and I were staying with her parents. At
about 2:30 in the morning, Rose’s dad knocked on the door. “Wes, your dad is
on the phone.” I got out of bed and I knew that it couldn’t be anything good.
My dad just told me, “Wes, your mom is gone.” Suddenly, just like that. The
news knocked the wind out of me. I couldn’t stand. After getting off the
phone, Rose’s mom and dad and Rose were all sitting in the living room. They
knew what I’d just heard. I grabbed a Bible and without even thinking about it
I turned to Job 1:21 and read it with them. We prayed together and then I
drove away in the darkness to go be with my dad.
Our text was written in the context of a sudden, tragic loss. It makes sense to
go to a passage like this when we experience the same in our lives. God is
teaching us here how to deal with our grief in a way that honours him.
That’s really what this passage in Job all about. It’s about God and his glory.
It’s about God and how he enables believers to deal with sudden loss. Satan
expected Job to deal with his sudden loss by cursing God to his face. That’s
what Satan wanted. We saw last time that Satan was cynical about God and
about what he’d done in Job’s life. Satan thought that Job just believed in God
because of what he could get out of it. But take everything away and Job
would show a different face. In our passage, God proves Satan wrong. The
Almighty God has the power to help a believer grieve sudden loss in faith. So I
preach to you God’s Word this morning: Trust God’s victorious power to help
you grieve in faith
1. Deep grief
2. Deeper faith
The way we think about emotions is shaped by different factors. Those factors
include our culture, our gender, our upbringing, and our personality. But there
is someone who shows us what it means to be truly human also in terms of our
emotions. There is someone who validates the expression of our emotions.
That someone is our Lord Jesus. Jesus was and is a true human being and as
such he experienced the full range of human emotions. That includes grief.
Think of Jesus at the tomb of Lazarus, how he wept. When Christ weeps, we
see his true humanity. But we also see God. We see how God understands
true human grief. In Christ, he validates our experience of grief in this broken
world. God is not indifferent to our grief. He certainly doesn’t condemn our
grief or tell us just to get over it.
We see that in our passage for this morning as well. We can begin with God’s
evaluation of Job’s response in verse 22: “In all this Job did not sin…” So what
we read in verse 20 has to be seen in the light of that. God says that Job’s grief
in verse 20 is not sinful. That doesn’t mean that it’s then neutral or morally
indifferent. When God says that Job didn’t sin in his grief, he means that Job
acted rightly. God validates Job’s grief. He validates the grief of this believer,
and in Christ the grief of all believers.
But let’s back up and look for a moment at what led to Job’s grief. It was a
horrible day of loss. There are several things to note about what led to Job’s
profound grief.
First, notice how comprehensive his loss was. He lost his oxen, donkeys, and
servants. He lost his sheep and camels. Then his seven sons and three
daughters were all killed in a house collapse. He was left with his own health
and with his wife. But now he was bankrupt and childless. Job had nothing left
to his name. This was a far-reaching loss.
Second, you ought to notice how sudden the loss happened. When you read
verses 13-19, it’s just like a rapid-fire succession of tragedies, all on the same
day, brought to Job all at about the same time, one after another. It’s like not
just one punch in the gut, but several in a row. Job doesn’t even have time to
respond to one tragedy when another gets laid on him.
Finally, let’s notice that Job has no idea why this is happening to him. We
know because we’ve read the backstory at the beginning of chapter 1. We
know that there’s an argument between God and Satan. God is allowing this
to prove his power in Job’s life. God is showing that Satan’s cynicism is
misplaced, irrational, and evil. But Job knows none of that. He has no idea. As
a result, in the following chapters, he’s going to ask “why?” repeatedly.
So Job’s loss was nearly comprehensive, sudden, and bewildering. That gives
us the background to his deep grief.
At the beginning, he outwardly grieves much the same as anyone else in his
day and age. He’d been sitting down as he heard all the reports of his losses.
But now he stands. He tears his robe. This robe was worn by the wealthy – it’s
not appropriate for Job anymore. He’s lost everything. Then he shaves his
head, again symbolic of loss. His hair loss reflects his loss of everything.
At the end of verse 20 we see Job doing something quite unexpected. It’s
certainly not what Satan expected to see Job doing. Satan expected Job to
shake his fist at heaven and let loose with a string of curses directed at God.
Instead, he falls to the ground and worships. You have to picture this. You
have to picture Job lying face down on the ground, his whole body prostrate.
This outward posture reflects his inner attitude of godly submission to what
God has done. He worships God even in his pain and grief. His heart honours
God even though it’s broken. It’s a remarkable picture of a godly man who’s
experienced some of the worst tragedies imaginable. The question we ought
to be asking is: how is this possible? Is Job even a normal human being? I
mean, he’s worshipping God after hearing that all his children have been killed.
All his hopes and dreams of grandchildren have been dashed. And he worships
God? How is this possible? How would it be possible for us to react in a
similar way if we were to experience sudden, tragic loss?
Before answering that, let’s look closer at what happens next with Job. Not
only does he have an outward posture of submission and worship before God,
his words show the same. This is verse 21, some of the most famous words of
the Old Testament. Here we see clearly how Job’s faith runs deeper than his
He says that he came naked from his mother’s womb, just like we all do. We
come into the world with absolutely nothing. And when we leave this world,
it’s the same way. It’s like what God says in 1 Timothy 6:7, “…for we brought
nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.” Our
earthly possessions are ours only for the time that we’re living and breathing.
Once we die, all of that matters for nothing. And, unless Christ returns first,
that’s something all of us can count on. One hundred percent of us sitting here
this morning are going to die. And all your earthly wealth, your money, and
your possessions, you’ll leave it all behind. That’s the reality of being human.
Job goes on. All that Job has is a gift from God. It’s the LORD who gives. He
entrusted Job with his oxen, donkeys, sheep, camels, and servants. God gave
Job his children, he entrusted Job with them. Job was a steward of these good
gifts from God. Similarly, everything good we have in our lives is a gift from
God. God entrusts us with blessings from his hand. Even in his deep grief, Job
acknowledges that God is the fountain of all good. God is the good giver.
If you’re a Christian, there’s not too much trouble in confessing that God gives.
Because it obviously benefits us, it’s not hard to look at God’s giving as a
positive thing. But what about when God takes? That can be hard. It can be
tough to look at God’s taking as a positive thing.
One of the saddest songs I know is called Casimir Pulaski Day, by the American
singer-songwriter Sufjan Stevens. The song is about his friend who’s dying
from bone cancer. Stevens writes about going to a Bible study and praying for
healing for his friend, “but nothing ever happens.” At the end of the song he
hears about his friend’s death as a bird flies into a window. The last verse of
the song is quite moving:
That song expresses a real struggle with God taking away. And it’s not
Now to say that God takes away can be hard enough on its own. Yet the Bible
teaches it. The Bible teaches that God sends both prosperity and adversity.
He gives and takes. It’s in many places. I’ll just mention Deuteronomy 32:39.
God says, “See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god beside me; I kill
and I make alive; I wound and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of
my hand.” So yes, God gives and God takes away. Even though in this case,
God worked through Satan’s activity, Job is still right. God was still sovereign
over what happened to him. God took away Job’s animals, his servants, and his
The surprising thing here is that Job doesn’t look at this as a reason to blame
God. When he acknowledges that God has taken away, he doesn’t look at it as
a reason to curse God – which is what Satan thought he’d for sure do. Verse
22 tells us that Job did not “charge God with wrong.” Job didn’t express any
contempt for God. He didn’t speak irreverently about God. And he didn’t say
that God’s ways were anything less than perfectly wise and good. And all of
that despite his deep grief.
Despite his deep grief, Job could say, “Blessed be the name of the LORD.” Job
praises God because he knows what he is doing in giving and taking away. Job
says that everyone else should praise God too, because he is good and wise in
how he ordains everything. Job is making a confession of trust in God in which
he invites others to share. He calls us to share the same confession of trust in
the good and wise God.
If you know Job’s story, you know how his suffering is about to get worse in
chapter 2. When we think about suffering in the Bible, we may be tempted to
think that Job copped it worse than anyone else. But hold on, that’s not really
true, is it? Our Saviour Jesus experienced physical suffering that may have
been similar to what Job experienced. Dying on a cross was physical torture
and pain. But our Lord Jesus also experienced spiritual suffering. God’s wrath
against our sin was poured out on him. There were three hours of darkness
while Jesus hung on the cross at Golgotha. During those three hours Jesus
experienced hell. Our sins were laid on him and he felt the full weight of God’s
infinite wrath against those sins. That was a suffering no other human being
on earth has ever experienced. Take the worst suffering you’ve ever
experienced and multiply it by a million. Take the worst of Job’s suffering and
multiply it by a billion. And you still wouldn’t come close to what Jesus
experienced on the cross. It’s literally unimaginable suffering.
But then hear our Saviour’s words when the darkness lifts. He says, “My God,
my God, why have you forsaken me?” Now many times we jump to the
“forsaken” part of those words. But we also ought to note that he says, “My
God.” God may have forsaken him by pouring out his wrath against our sins on
him, but Jesus has not forsaken God. God is still his God. Even though the
LORD took away the light. Even though the LORD took away his clothes and
he’s about to leave the world literally naked. Even though the LORD gave his
wrath, his hell upon Jesus in our place. Jesus still says, “My God.”
Loved ones, if we are in Christ, if we are united to him through faith, God can
help us to hold the same confession when we suffer and grieve. Through the
power of the Holy Spirit, God can help us to grieve in faith too. We too can
say, “My God.” We too can say, “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken
away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”
Look at the example of the Apostle Paul. As he wrote his letter to the
Philippians, he was in prison. Prison wasn’t pleasant – prison involved a
measure of suffering. Yet, what’s the theme that comes out again and again in
this letter? It’s rejoicing. We read from chapter 1 and Paul speaks about how
That represented God’s victory over Satan. Remember: Satan said the
opposite would happen. God proved him wrong. God won the argument.
God had the power to help Job grieve in faith, in a way that honoured him and
brought glory to his name. Even though Job was suffering, he could still praise
God as being good and wise, even though he didn’t understand his
circumstances. Loved ones, you can trust God to do the same for you.
Right now perhaps none of us are experiencing the grief associated with a
tragic and sudden loss. But some day you may be. Some day in God’s wise
ordaining, you may find yourself in the kind of situation I was in on May 27,
2002. That phone call that knocks you over. That can be hard. It is hard. But
right now, while we’re sitting here, we can prepare ourselves for those kinds of
moments where God sends trials to test and purify our faith. We can ask God
now to work in our hearts with his Holy Spirit so our union with Christ bears
fruit. We can pray now and ask God to help us with his Spirit so we always
trust in his power. We can plead with God now to prepare us so that when
grief comes, whether it’s sudden or expected, we can deal with it in faith and
in a way that honours God. It pleases God to hear such prayers and he
answers them.
Really what our text is about is what Scripture says in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in
the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In
all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Job
acknowledged God in all his ways. Job acknowledged God in prosperity. He
acknowledged God in adversity. Let’s trust that God can do the same for us.
When I acknowledged God early on that morning of May 27, 2002, I know I
didn’t do that on my own. That was God working in me with his Holy Spirit to
acknowledge him in adversity. Exactly one year later, we could acknowledge
God in prosperity too. On the exact day my mother died one year later, our
middle daughter was born. On that day in the hospital we read Job 1:21 again,
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD
gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” I pray
that for each one of you too, whether in prosperity or adversity, that you too
will be able to say that God should be praised for his goodness and wisdom.
Our life here is so often a vale of tears. We all have to deal with grief at some
time or other. Thank you for how you validate our grief in Jesus Christ. Thank
you for the tears he wept. Father, thank you that you understand the sorrows
we have in our hearts at times. But thank you even more that you give us
grace to bear those sorrows in faith. Please help us to trust you, to trust that
you can help us with the Holy Spirit to still bless your Name even we’re
grieving. In the future, when we grieve, please help us with your Holy Spirit to
be able to praise your name like Job did. When we grieve, please help us to
say, “My God,” like our Lord Jesus did. When we suffer or grieve, help us to
rejoice in our Lord Jesus always, like the apostle Paul did. Help us with your
Holy Spirit in all our ways to acknowledge you.