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32877310-Pdm Med Ext Offer

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Dear Valued Policyholder,

Thank you for choosing Prudential as your preferred insurer. At Prudential, we are committed to providing
you with financial freedom and peace of mind with the necessary coverage to better suit your protection
We are excited to announce the launch of Medical Extension Campaign! This campaign is offered to our loyal
customers and is in line with our continuous efforts to ensure that your medical protection is taken care of.
Under this campaign, we will be extending your medical plan expiry date with no question asked. All you need
to do is return the duly completed Medical Extension Campaign Reply Slip before 31-05-2022. Please check
out the attached letter for more details.
Thank you for your support and trust in Prudential. We remain committed to serving your long-term
protection needs to help you get the most out of life.

Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad 198301012262 (107655-U) Level 20, Menara Prudential, Persiaran TRX Barat, 55188 Tun Razak Exchange, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. P.O. Box 10025, 50700 Kuala Lumpur. Tel (603) 2778 3888 www.prudential.com.my
Customer Service Tel (603) 2771 0228 Email: customer.mys@prudential.com.my

Part of Prudential plc (United Kingdom)

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NO 9 JALAN 2/38H

Date : 20-01-2022 Restricted

Ref : ILPSPDM_0001_001

Dear Sir/Madam,
Policy Number : 32877310
Life Assured : TAN PEI YOONG
Subject : Medical Extension Campaign

In line with our continuous effort to ensure that your medical protection is taken care of, we are pleased to
offer you the option to extend the expiry date of your PRUHealth benefit to the policy anniversary when the
Life Assured attains age next birthday of 100, or the expiry date of the Death Benefit as specified in Schedule 2
of your Policy, whichever is earlier (“extended expiry date”), with no further underwriting. This offer includes
your existing sub-rider(s) of PRUHealth, if any.
If you decide to accept this offer, any loading and exclusion terms that currently apply to your PRUHealth
benefit and its sub-rider(s) (“Medical Plan”) will also continue to apply until the extended expiry date, except
when your Policy specifies an earlier end date for the loading or exclusion terms. As for insurance charges that
apply to your Medical Plan, you can refer to the attached Appendix: PRUHealth for Projected Insurance
Charges for details on the projected annual insurance charges until age next birthday of 100. You will continue
paying the amount of premium as mentioned currently in your Policy, till the end of its premium payment
term/ period.
As this is an investment-linked plan, do ensure that there are sufficient units for us to deduct for the insurance
charges and other charges. You may increase the units in your policy either by adding a regular investment
rider with additional premium amount or performing a single premium top-up to your Policy.
We wish to advise you that by extending the expiry date of your Medical Plan, it will reduce the expected
duration of your insurance coverage, as shown in the next paragraph. This is because the relevant charges,
fees and taxes will continue to be deducted from your policy account throughout the Policy Term as long as
the policy is in force.
*Based on sustainability evaluation as at 14-01-2022, your Policy is projected to sustain until 84 age next
birthday as long as your Policy remains in force and assuming future premiums due are paid on time,
investment-linked funds are earning the expected return, and bonuses / rewards (if applicable) are credited to
your Policy in full.
To restore the policy sustainability to its Policy Term (after this extension), we recommend you taking one of
the following actions: 
Options   Amount (RM)  Allocation Rate1 (%)  Commission Rate2 (%) 

Regular Premium Top-up   56.00 Monthly 95.00   3.00  


Single Premium Top-up   9,123.00  95.00   3.00 

The additional Regular Premium or Single Premium Top-Up amount recommended (if any) is in addition to
your instalment premium after this extension takes effect. Subject to your Policy, you may be required to
increase the amount of benefit for the Payor rider (if any) upon increased in Regular Premium Top-Up and
may be subject to underwriting.
If you are keen to accept this offer, kindly respond to us by returning the reply slip as attached before
31-05-2022. You may consult your Prudential Wealth Planner or Bank Representative, CHONG FUI FAN at
0178836483 for more information.

Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad 198301012262 (107655-U) Level 20, Menara Prudential, Persiaran TRX Barat, 55188 Tun Razak Exchange, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. P.O. Box 10025, 50700 Kuala Lumpur. Tel (603) 2778 3888 www.prudential.com.my
Customer Service Tel (603) 2771 0228 Email: customer.mys@prudential.com.my

Part of Prudential plc (United Kingdom)

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Kindly ignore this letter if your Medical Plan is lapsed or cancelled. Should you require further clarification,
please contact our Customer Service Representatives at this dedicated phone number 03-2771 2450.
Once again, thank you for your support and trust in Prudential. We look forward to continuing to serve you in
the future.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Wong Wai Yuen

Chief Customer and Marketing Officer
Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad
c.c. : PB100004 CHONG FUI FAN
                 15TH FLR, DAMANSARA INTAN
Note: The content of this offer letter does not consider any alteration made to this policy after 14-01-2022.
Important Notes:
*Please note that the sustainability of the Policy might vary depending on factors such as actual investment return, premium payments
(if any), actual crediting of bonuses / rewards (if applicable) and alterations to your Policy (if any). As such, we recommend regular policy
reviews to be conducted to ensure your coverage remains effective. Please refer to the policy contract for more details.
Allocation Rate: Percentage of premium used to purchase units in the fund(s).
Commission Rate: Percentage of premium that will be paid to the sales representative.

Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad 198301012262 (107655-U) Level 20, Menara Prudential, Persiaran TRX Barat, 55188 Tun Razak Exchange, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia. P.O. Box 10025, 50700 Kuala Lumpur. Tel (603) 2778 3888 www.prudential.com.my
Customer Service Tel (603) 2771 0228 Email: customer.mys@prudential.com.my

Part of Prudential plc (United Kingdom)

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Summary of Projected Insurance Charges of PRUHealth / Ringkasan Unjuran Caj Insurans untuk PRUHealth
The annual Insurance Charges (COI) of PRUHealth stated below are only applicable to Occupational Class 1 & 2.
The COI of Occupational Class 3 & 4 are 1.25 & 1.5 times the COI for Occupation Class 1 & 2.

With coinsurance
ANB PRUHealth 100 PRUHealth 150 PRUHealth 200 PRUHealth 300 PRUHealth 400
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
70 4,219 3,330 4,709 3,745 5,315 4,168 7,109 5,610 9,236 7,380
71 4,505 3,552 5,074 4,031 5,718 4,490 7,780 6,137 10,116 8,051
72 4,795 3,777 5,442 4,320 6,124 4,814 8,457 6,669 11,006 8,729
73 5,087 4,003 5,813 4,612 6,533 5,140 9,139 7,204 11,902 9,411
74 5,381 4,232 6,187 4,905 6,943 5,465 9,823 7,740 12,803 10,096
75 5,677 4,461 6,563 5,199 7,351 5,789 10,508 8,273 13,706 10,779
76 5,950 4,684 6,875 5,451 7,705 6,074 11,021 8,683 14,399 11,323
77 6,226 4,910 7,191 5,705 8,059 6,359 11,535 9,090 15,095 11,867
78 6,507 5,140 7,511 5,962 8,415 6,644 12,053 9,498 15,798 12,415
79 6,795 5,376 7,840 6,226 8,781 6,937 12,585 9,919 16,521 12,979
80 7,094 5,621 8,182 6,502 9,168 7,249 13,147 10,366 17,279 13,574
81 7,405 5,877 8,540 6,793 9,581 7,586 13,746 10,848 18,082 14,210
82 7,727 6,142 8,912 7,096 10,015 7,942 14,375 11,358 18,920 14,878
83 8,057 6,414 9,294 7,407 10,461 8,309 15,022 11,882 19,781 15,566
84 8,394 6,692 9,684 7,725 10,918 8,684 15,683 12,419 20,661 16,268
85 8,737 6,976 10,081 8,049 11,383 9,067 16,358 12,966 21,559 16,985
86 9,111 7,282 10,513 8,402 11,871 9,465 17,058 13,535 22,482 17,731
87 9,491 7,592 10,951 8,760 12,365 9,868 17,768 14,112 23,418 18,486
88 9,875 7,906 11,394 9,122 12,865 10,276 18,487 14,694 24,367 19,250
89 10,263 8,222 11,842 9,487 13,372 10,688 19,215 15,283 25,326 20,021
90 10,656 8,542 12,296 9,856 13,884 11,103 19,951 15,877 26,295 20,799
91 11,053 8,864 12,753 10,228 14,400 11,521 20,693 16,476 27,273 21,583
92 11,453 9,188 13,215 10,602 14,921 11,943 21,442 17,078 28,260 22,372
93 11,856 9,514 13,680 10,978 15,446 12,366 22,196 17,684 29,255 23,166
94 12,261 9,841 14,148 11,355 15,975 12,792 22,956 18,292 30,255 23,963
95 12,669 10,170 14,618 11,734 16,506 13,219 23,719 18,902 31,262 24,762
96 13,079 10,499 15,091 12,114 17,040 13,646 24,486 19,514 32,273 25,564
97 13,490 10,829 15,566 12,494 17,576 14,075 25,256 20,127 33,288 26,366
98 13,903 11,158 16,042 12,875 18,113 14,503 26,029 20,740 34,306 27,169
99 14,316 11,488 16,519 13,255 18,652 14,932 26,803 21,353 35,326 27,972
100 14,730 11,817 16,996 13,635 19,191 15,360 27,578 21,964 36,347 28,773

Note / Nota:
1. The projected Insurance Charges shown above are based on our current scales of charges and we shall deduct them from your Policy in future when the Life Assured reaches that
age on the Life Assured’s next birthday, until the expiry of this benefit. / Caj Insurans yang diunjurkan di atas adalah berdasarkan pada skala caj semasa kami dan akan ditolak
daripada Polisi anda pada masa hadapan apabila Hayat Yang Diinsuranskan mencapai umur tersebut pada hari jadi Hayat Yang Diinsuranskan yang akan datang, sehingga
tamat tempoh manfaat.
2. These rates are annual rates and based on standard risk (“Annual Insurance Rate”). We will deduct Insurance Charges, amongst others based on any underwriting-based loading
imposed for sub-standard risk. / Kadar-kadar ini adalah kadar tahunan dan berdasarkan risiko standard (“Kadar Tahunan Insurans”). Kami akan menolak Caj Insurans, antara
lain berdasarkan sebarang loading tambahan yang dikenakan mengikut dasar pengunderaitan untuk risiko sub-standard.
Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad (107655-U) Level 20, Menara Prudential, Persiaran TRX Barat, 55188 Tun Razak Exchange, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. P.O. Box 10025, 50700 Kuala Lumpur. Tel (603) 2778
3888 www.prudential.com.my
Customer Service Tel (603) 2116 0228 Email: customer.mys@prudential.com.my

Part of Prudential plc (United Kingdom)

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