Kahiga, Ngumo - The Influence of Customer Behaviour On Adoption of Alternative Banking Channels at The Co-Operative Bank of Kenya, Nairobi County
Kahiga, Ngumo - The Influence of Customer Behaviour On Adoption of Alternative Banking Channels at The Co-Operative Bank of Kenya, Nairobi County
Kahiga, Ngumo - The Influence of Customer Behaviour On Adoption of Alternative Banking Channels at The Co-Operative Bank of Kenya, Nairobi County
This research project is my original work and has never been presented to any other University
for the award of degree/diploma/certificate
This research project has been submitted for examination with our approval as the University
Signed_______________________ Date__________________________
I dedicate this project to the memory of my late father, Mzee John Kahiga Ngumo, Hsc a great
man of honour whose love for education and service knew no boundaries
First, I thank the University of Nairobi lecturers in the department of Business Administration for
facilitating and supporting my studies at the university, you taught me well. Most of all, I am very
grateful to my supervisor, Victor Ndambuki for his strict guidance throughout the project
development. I thank my family and particularly my wife Dr. Ruth Wangui Mugo for being a
Table of Contents
DEDICATION ..........................................................................................................3
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................4
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................10
3.3 Target Population ........................................................................................................................ 28
Table 4.8 Channels Least Frequently Used ......................................................................................... 39
4.11 Channel one was most often likely to use in the future .............................................................. 42
Table 4.10 Channel one was most often likely to use in the future ..................................................... 42
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................46
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................50
Table 4.10 Channel one was most often likely to use in the future .......................................... 42
Since the advent of the internet, intelligent telephony and e-logistics, there have been rapid and
substantive changes in channels of distribution of goods and services in the world and significantly
in developing economies. The main objective of the survey was to study the influence of customer
behaviour on adoption of alternative banking channels at the co-operative bank of Kenya, Nairobi
County. This study employed a cross-sectional survey design. This study involved a systematic
collection and analysis of data in order to examine the influence of consumer behaviour on
adoption of alternative banking channels in Co-operative Bank of Kenya in Nairobi County. This
study involved all Co-operative Bank branches in Nairobi County. The total number of branches
studied was 40, as established from the Banks’ website. The study targeted individual customers
of the Nairobi branches. The data for this study was collected using questionnaires. Findings from
the study established that mobile banking channels from telecommunication companies are more
popular for financial transactions with co-operative bank customers than the bank own mobile
banking channel. The survey also established that those channels that are consistent with the
consumer behaviour needs for security, recognition by peers, cost containment and ease of use, are
adopted better. Customer preference for low cost transactional channels supersedes channel
convenience as a criteria for selection and adoption. The study also established that although the
banks’ customers are familiar with alternative channels like the internet banking channels and
agent banking outlets and the services offered there, this familiarity is not a key driver for adoption.
The study establishes that the consumer behaviour of doing banking and financial transaction at
the eleventh hour determines the selection and the consequent adoption of various alternative
channels. Internet banking at Co-operative Bank has not been adopted by the customers
interviewed. The study establishes that internet banking as an alternative channel doesn’t meet the
customer behaviour desire for ease of use and trust in relation to security. Channels that don’t
deliver a clear relative advantage as perceived by the customer, like the internet banking, have not
been adopted. The consumer behaviour of avoiding complex service delivery channels and
avoiding risk makes Automated teller machines (ATMS) remain the most adopted alternative
channels after banking in the physical branches. There is no discernible gender disparity noted in
the selection and adoption of alternative channels as both men and women, across income levels
demonstrated similar channel adoption behaviour patterns. The study established that desire for
privacy of transaction, ease of use and security are key drivers for alternative channels. Alternative
channel unreliability is the single biggest reason why customers at Co-operative Bank avoid
Internet and agent banking. Branch banking was the most preferred mode of banking by the
respondents. Recommendations are made that Cooperative bank should run marketing programs
that sell alternative channels not a convenient alternative to branches, but as cost saving
alternatives useful for emergency transactions. Secondly the marketing strategies should be
developed to reassure consumer that the alternative channels are not only physically secure, but
that the consumer transactions are protected from external interference even inside independent
agents. The bank should demonstrate to customers that it supervises and monitors the transaction
that happen in all its outlets and the same security standards that exist inside a physical branch also
exist in the alternative channels
Since the advent of the internet, intelligent telephony and e-logistics, there have been rapid and
substantive changes in channels of distribution of goods and services in the world and significantly
in developing economies. The mobile phone has particularly challenged the traditional role of the
intermediary and presented consumers with a real choice in terms of service access channels to be
used. Consumers now face not only a choice between indirect and direct channels, but also a choice
between different types of direct channels (Jo Black, Lockett, Ennew, Winklhofer&McKaechnie,
2002). With the increase of these access channels, reliance on a single channel is likely to be the
Consumers today are not only using the conventional channels of branches in the financial sector
but are also consolidating their transactions around alternative channels like Mobile Phones,
Agencies, Automated teller machines, Internet banking and Point of Sale terminals (POS). In the
presence of this consolidation, there is a growing need to understand how consumer behaviour
influences how consumers choose between channels and the reasons for which one channel is
In an attempt to optimize services and minimize costs, banks are migrating towards 24-7 service
using technology and are expecting customers to enjoy the greater sense of freedom and
convenience and therefore reward them with more business. This sector in Kenya has been
revolutionized over the past 10 to 20 years by an onslaught of new technologies and a widespread
change in the regulations governing the use of this technology. As a result, many banks have started
adapting their distribution channels and shifting from frontal personal service to direct sales and
Alternative channels at Co-operative Bank include ATMs, Telebanking, Internet banking, Agent
banking, mobile phone banking, website banking, and social media banking. These are alternative
Consumer behaviour has been defined as the totality of consumers’ decision with respect to the
acquisition, consumption, and disposition of goods and services, over time (Hoyer & MacInnis,
2010). According to Kotler (1999), consumer behaviour includes mental, emotional and physical
activity that people use during selection, purchase, use and disposal of products and services that
satisfy their needs and desires. The implication here is that consumer behaviour is the entirety of
physical, mental and emotional influences that a customer goes through in the making of a
transaction and the consequent relations between the consumer and the service. The second critical
Behaviour is not a one-off activity but rather a repeated exhibition of an activity or practice whether
physical, mental or emotional. The definition formed by Solomon et al (1995) describes consumer
buying behaviour as a process of choosing, purchasing, using and disposing of products or services
by the individuals and groups in order to satisfy their needs and wants. Similar definition of
consumer buying behaviour is offered by Schiffman and Kanuk (2000) in which they describe it
as the behaviour that consumers express when they select and purchase the products or services
using their available resources in order to satisfy their needs and desires.
Consumer buying behaviour is defined by Stallworth (2008) as a set of activities which involves
the purchase and use of goods and services which result from the customers’ emotional and mental
needs and behavioural responses. It is further stated by Gabbot and Hogg (1998) that the process
may contain different activities and stages. Consumer behaviour researchers agree that consumer
behaviour is neither static nor an easy subject. According to Blackwell et al (2006), consumer
buying behaviour is itself a complex, dynamic issue which cannot be defined easily and
Although the definitions given above vary, they all lead to a common view that consumer buying
behaviour is a process of selecting, purchasing and disposing of goods and services according to
the needs and wants of the consumers using their available resources in order to satisfy their needs
and desires. However, there is a general consensus among the researchers and academics that this
process is subject to continual change over time as the purchase characteristics of the customers
change due to their physical and psychological needs. It is therefore important that the processes,
physical, psychological and emotional that consumers utilize while selecting a distribution channel
in the purchase of financial services are taken into account in any consideration of consumer
Vadim (2008) defines innovation as the process of creating a product or service that delivers
significant new customer value. Leonard (1999) on his part defines innovation as the creation of
something that improves the way we live our lives. These two definitions while capturing the
essence of innovation as the process of creating or the end effect of creating something that
Rogers (1962) conceived innovation as “an idea perceived as new by the individual.” It doesn’t
matter whether the idea is objectively new as measured by the amount of time elapsed since its
first discovery. Innovation can be classified into four broad areas, architectural and component
innovation, competence enhancing innovation, radical and incremental innovations and product
The service channels innovation in the financial sector in Kenya demonstrates various aspects of
these innovation approaches. Architectural innovations is where a changes of the product system
has happened without significantly affecting the overall service design. In the loan application
process for example, loans application takes place on phone but the approval process is still
manually done by human intervention. Radical innovation is evident on the other hand where the
traditional deposit and withdrawal services previously stringently provided by bank owned
infrastructure of branches has now been opened up to third party agents who include privately
Adoption has been defined as the acceptance and the continued use of an innovation (Robertson
1971:56). Alternatively, Rogers (1962) views adoption as a decision to continue full-scale use of
an innovation. According to Klonglan and Coward (1970), adoption refers to the incorporation of
an innovation into the behaviour pattern. Rogers and Shoemaker (1971) defines adoption as
"making full use of a new idea as the best course of action available" and also as “a decision to
These definitions agree that adoption of innovation involves acceptance, decision to act, continuity
in acting and the final step of incorporation of that repeated action into the behaviour pattern.
Rogers (1969) identifies the following generalizations about adoption; adoption depends on (a) the
nature of the innovation, (b) the method of communication used (c) the social environment in
which the adoption takes place (d) the time dimension. He observed that adoption and
Adoption of innovation becomes easier where a relative advantage is clear and the innovation is
compatible with the consumer social practices and expectations. It also gets adopted in relative
ease if it is not complex, can be tried out without undue risk to the consumer and is easily
Decisions about distribution channels are very important because they affect all other marketing
organizations that help make a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer
According to the economic distribution channel theory, the ideal distribution system is determined
by exploring what the consumers want in terms of service outputs from the distribution channel,
how much they are willing to pay for a given service level, how service can be provided to them
and what the costs of the alternative distribution channels are (Stern et al.2006).The distribution
channel strategy decision is usually based on finding the most profitable way to reach a market
(Ford &Mottner, 2003) . Successful channel strategy selection, implementation and management
cannot only help to meet the shopping needs and habits of target customers under the cost
constraints of the seller; they must also mitigate the disadvantages caused by distribution channel
Multi-channel service access within the financial sector in Kenya is a relatively new phenomenon.
Previous to the introduction of the internet and mobile telephony consumers of financial services
were served through bank owned branches where customers visited and transacted over the
counter. There are many studies that have been done on the banking models and a few on the
emerging model that is internet and electronic based. As a result, there are research findings
available on factors influencing consumer choice of bank products and recently, studies have been
done on consumer choice of individual channels like ebanking, internet, ATM teller machines etc.,
However there is little research information to show why consumers, though buying similar
financial products, perhaps from the same bank brand will use one channel against another even
where rational economic logic would expect the consumer to go for the less expensive and more
Humphrey et al (2014) studied Co-operative Bank of Kenya on the Effects of Alternative Banking
channels on profitability of commercial banks which observed that when convenience of accessing
banking services through alternative banking channels increases the profit of the bank increases in
the same direction. Wambui (2012) researched on Distribution Strategies and Competitive
advantages in Kenya Commercial bank and observed that competitive advantage is found in those
innate organizational capabilities that makes its products and services easily available in the
One of these organizational capabilities is its distribution strategies. Schoviah (2012) has also
among commercial banks in Kenya, and concludes that a multiple channel strategy is the most
Muchiri (2012) studied the growth strategies adopted by Co-operative bank as an operational
orientation while Musili (2011) examined the market segmentation practices employed by banks
for competitive advantage in Co-operative bank in Kenya and reported that financial institutions
use segmentation strategies to gain competitive advantage as there is little to differentiate one
bank’s product from another’s. Magero (2012) in a study on the adoption of mobile money
transfers by Co-operative bank to settle international debts reported that adoption of this
This study seeks to answer the following research question: what is the influence of consumer
customers in Nairobi?
The objective of the study is to establish the influence of consumer behaviour on adoption of
This study is important to researchers, the financial sector, scholars and policy makers. To the
researchers, it will enlighten them and offer a practical chance to discover how consumer
behaviours influence selection and adoption of service channels in the banking sector. To the
banker, particularly to channel designers and managers it will inform on what consumers look for
when deciding what service channel to use. The study will inform policy makers to enable decision
making on the basis of on-ground empirical and practical information. To Co-operative Bank, the
study will be of immense value because it will provide specific information on how the banks’
2.1 Introduction
The chapter reviews the available related literature under the following headings; Theoretical
background, the concept of alternative banking channels, Alternative Banking Channels and
Consumer attitude and adoption of alternative banking channels, Consumer security concerns and
The study of consumer behaviour seeks to understand how consumers make decisions on how to
spend their available resources in regard to purchase, usage and disposal of purchased goods and
services (Kotler, 2006). Researchers suggest five typological models of man, and emphasize the
need to examine quite different variables (Foxall 1990); these are Economic Man,
The economic man approach proposes that consumers make choices based on the expected
outcomes of their decisions. They are viewed as rational decision makers who are only concerned
with self-interest (Schiffman and Kanuk 2007,). The stimulus-response model of buyer behaviour
(Kotler, 2006). Shows that marketing and other stimuli enter the consumer’s mind and stimulate
certain responses. Therefore, marketers must figure out what is in the buyer’s Black Box (mind).
The Black Box model assumes that observable behaviour is the only valid object of study and that
psychological constructs are part of an impenetrable box which should not be opened.
Marketing stimuli consists of the product, price, place, and promotion. Other stimuli include major
forces and events in the buyer’s environment such as economic, technological, political and socio-
cultural influences. All these inputs enter the buyer’s black box, where they are turned into a set
of observable buyer responses such as product choice, brand choice, dealer choice, purchase
The marketer wants to understand how the stimuli are changed into responses inside the consumer
black box, which has two parts. The first part includes the buyers’ characteristics that influence
how he/she perceives and reacts to stimuli. The other part includes the buyers’ decision process
(Armstrong, 2006). This research project is concerned with the first part that deals with buyer
behavioural characteristics.
The other models include economic view, passive view, cognitive view, and emotional view. The
economic view model is the where consumer is seen as a rational decision maker. It’s the classical
economic model of how individuals make decisions. The criticisms of the view are that: for one to
be rational, he should have all the information on the available products. Secondly, one has to be
Passive View Model depicts that consumers are basically submissive to the self-interests and
promotional efforts of marketers. Consumers are perceived as impulsive and irrational purchasers
However, this view fails to recognize that the consumer plays an equal, if not dominant, role in
buying situations. Consumers sometimes seek information about product or service that satisfies
the mood or emotion of the moment. Also motivation, perception, and learning serves to support
Cognitive View Model portrays a consumer as a thinking problem solver. Here consumers are
depicted as either receptive to or actively searching for products and services that fulfill their needs
and enrich their lives. It focuses on the process by which consumers seek and evaluate information
about selected brands in retail outlets. Consumers are also seen as information processors who then
Marketers often prefer to think of consumers in terms of either economic or passive models. In
reality, consumers relate deep feelings or emotions such as joy, fear, hope, and love with certain
purchases. For example a person who misplaces a favorite fountain pen may go to great lengths to
look for another despite the fact that he may have six others at hand. Consumer moods are also
important to decision making because impact of where, when and whether to shop along with
Consumer behaviour is of importance to the marketers as it helps them understand why and how
individuals make decisions so that they can make better marketing decisions to have a great
competitive advantage at the market place (Armstrong, 2006). The critical question for marketers
is: How do consumers respond to various marketing efforts the bank might use? The starting point
Increasing market and technological complexity has placed unprecedented pressure on financial
institutions. The demand for a digital lifestyle and the technological revolution it brings, coupled
with significant demographic shift and new regulatory framework, are subjecting the finance sector
To address these challenges provision of services to customers is now supported by a network of
interactive technologies, such as the internet, mobile applications, or interactive online systems,
leading to the emergence of multichannel or multi- interface service systems (Patrício et al, 2009).
According to Shrotriya (2007) and Kumbhar(2009), customers are now looking for multiple
delivery channels and flexible as well as convenient working hours. Therefore, commercial banks
Alternative channels are also defined as the newer method of carrying on banking operations. It
includes all non-traditional means of financial services access (World Retail Banking Report,
2008, Ogilvie, 2008; Shrotryiya, 2007; Mohan, 2002; Sathye, 1999) such as Automated Teller
Machines, internet banking, bank automation, core banking, credit cards, debit cards, mobile
Alternative banking has also been described as branchless banking; a distribution channel strategy
used for delivering financial services without relying on bank branches. While the strategy may
complement an existing bank branch network for giving customers a broader range of channels it
can also be used as a separate channel strategy that entirely forgoes bank branches (Kumbhar,
Alternative banking is also known as e-banking or electronic banking, online banking, virtual
banking, direct banking and high tech-banking. This is contrasted with traditional banking system
where customers need to visit branches to make transactions and getting information about banking
services and account information, (Kumbhar, 2009). According to Howcroft (1993) alternative
distribution channels provides convenient alternatives to branch banking. IBM Global Services
have defined alternative banking as a set of alternatives improving competitiveness, but also with
ability to retain the existing customer as well as to attract new customers (Kimball &Gregor, 1995).
The alternatives include personal computer banking, internet banking, own managed network, TV
banking, Telephone banking and mobile phone banking. This type of access to banking services
is also known as quasi-banking, alternative remittance systems, and parallel banking. According
to Devlin et al (2003), direct banking is the generic term that has been adopted to encompass
telephone and Internet banking, as well as interactive television and most recently m-banking.
Authors vary with respect to their conceptualization of this new age banking. Some call it internet
banking (Dalia, 2009; Sujana, 2009; Serkan, 2004), while some refer to it as online banking
(Tommi& Mika, 2008). Despite these conceptual discrepancies in the literature, the most important
thing about alternative banking is that it is a banking system fostered via the new market space.
On this note, the researchers seem to have ignored the controversy surrounding its nomenclature
and to interchangeably use any of the aforementioned terms to mean the same thing as alternative-
banking since each of the term in one way or the other makes an input that comes under the
The financial sector has an established multi-channel heritage compared to other sectors in the
market. According to Jo Black et al (2002) the financial services sector, has a long history in multi-
opposed to the dominant single channel model of distribution in consumer goods market where
different types of consumer goods require different types of channels. Wendy et al. (2005) studied
customers' adoption of banking channels in Hong Kong. Their study covers four major banking
channels of automated teller machines,branches, telephone banking and internet banking and it
segments customers based on demographic variables and psychological beliefs about the positive
attributes possessed by the channels. The psychological factors they consider are ease of use,
transaction security, transaction accuracy, speed, convenience, time utility, provision of different
personal services, social desirability, usefulness, economic benefits and user involvement. The
study concluded that social desirability is significant in the adoption of alternative banking
A study conducted in Thailand examining customers' discernment of using mobile banking found
that a significant number of customers are either not aware of the mobile banking services or do
not trust the mobile banking as a channel to conduct their banking transactions, and have found
that customers may adopt the mobile banking technology only if they perceive the technology to
With bank customers becoming more technology savvy and aware in recent years, their usage of
Tommi and Mika (2008) examined how mobile banking innovators and early adopters differ from
other users of online banking services in Australia. The results indicate that only age and gender
differentiate these two groups of customers, while education, income, occupation and size of the
household were found to be insignificant in differentiating the groups in usage of mobile banking.
A gender psychographic study of banking customers in Karnataka, India found that men and
women customers exhibit different behaviour in their preferences of banking channels. Women
prioritize on channel convenience and savings, whereas men prefer safety and convenience of
electronic channels when it comes to bank selection. Internet banking finds favour with women
whereas men are branch banking loyalists. Women seek value from a credit card usage whereas
men value the value of a loan product (Srivatsa & Srinivasan, 2007).
Malaysia. Ten attributes were tested namely convenience of usage, accessibility, features
availability, bank management and image, security, privacy, design, content, speed, and fees and
charges. Results indicated that all elements for the ten identified factors are significant with respect
to the users' adoption of e-banking services. Privacy and security are the major sources of
dissatisfaction. These results also reveal that privacy; security and convenience are factors that
play an important role in determining the users' acceptance of e-banking services with respect to
An empirical study investigating adoption of e-banking in Nigeria, identified the major inhibiting
factors to internet banking adoption as, insecurity, inadequate operational facilities including
telecommunications facilities and electricity supply (Chiemeke et al, 2006).In Kenya, Munyoki
and Eva (2011) study on the challenges of e-banking adoption among the commercial banks in
Kenya established that banks had only partially adopted e-banking as a strategy. They agreed with
Wai-Ching (2007) on security stating that security was found to be the most critical factor
2.8 Consumer attitude and adoption of alternative channels
Dalia (2009) research aimed at understanding and explaining customers continued intention to use
Internet banking in Egypt established that perceived ease-of-use was found to be the strongest
predictor of intentions to continued usage of Internet banking services. Findings equally show that
demographic variables had no significant effect on continued usage of Internet banking services.
Munyoki and Eva (2014) observed that Customer driven factors such as customer intention drivers,
customer attitude, ease of usage by customer, usefulness of e-service to customer and customer
Studies demonstrate that there are two fundamental reasons underlying electronic banking
development and diffusion; cost saving and customer service necessity. Sathye, 1999; Robinson,
2000,state that it has been proved that electronic banking channel is the cheapest delivery channel
for banking products once established. According to Karjaluoto et al (2003) banks have reduced
their branch networks and downsized the number of service staff, which has paved the way to self-
service channels as many customers felt that branch banking took too much time and effort.
Therefore, time and cost savings and freedom from place have been found to be the main reasons
Where research has focused attention on consumers instead of actions of institutions, the patterns
that emerge broadly indicate that convenience, flexibility and control tend to encourage adoption
of new channels, and concerns about security and channel complexity discourage adoption. (Cazier
et al, 2006). According to Ahmad (2008) Electronic banking minimizes the cost of transactions,
efficiency, reduces HR requirements, facilitates quick responses, improves service quality and
minimizes the risk of carrying cash. Mukhongo et al (2014) study on the effects of alternative
banking channels on the profitability of commercial banks, a case study of the Co-operative Bank
of Kenya, concluded that banks should ensure that Alternative Banking channels services are
designed in a way that customers can easily use them and that they should use modern technology
There is a lot of research information on the factors influencing consumer adoption of various
areas of e-banking but nothing, on why the adoption of alternative banking channels is low despite
demonstrable advantages of e-banking over traditional banking. There is a need to study how
consumer behaviour influences channel selection between traditional branch banking and
3.1 Introduction
This section deals with the methods and procedures which were used in carrying out this study.
These include; research design, target population, sample size and sampling procedures, research
This study employed a cross-sectional survey design. According to Kothari (2004) a cross-
sectional study is a one-time research or a study confined to a single time-period. This research
design is appropriate for this study as it involves collecting data at one point in time and the
researcher does not manipulate the variables or arrange the events that follow. This study involves
a systematic collection and analysis of data in order to examine the influence of consumer
Target population or universe of a study is all the members or objects involved in the study
(Kothari, 2004). This study involved all Co-operative Bank branches in Nairobi County. The total
number of branches in Nairobi County is 40, as established from the Banks’ website. The study
Simple random sampling was used to obtain a sample of 10 customers per branch Co-operative
Bank branches for this study. According to Best and Khan (2010) simple random sampling allows
individuals to be chosen in such a way that each has an equal and independent chance of being
selected. Fraenkel and Wallen (2002) recommend a minimum of 100 subjects and a maximum of
1,000 for descriptive studies. This recommendation was used as a guide for the respondents sample
size of 400 people, split equally between female and male. According to Mugenda and Mugenda
(2003), a sample size of between 100 and 1000 is a good representative of the target population
The data for this study was collected using questionnaires. The customer questionnaire (Appendix
I) was constructed by the researcher and it had open-ended and close-ended items. It was structured
to attract the information required to examine the influence of consumer behaviour on adoption of
alternative banking channels. The questionnaire was divided into two sections: Section A captured
the demographic information of the customers; the customers’ gender, age, academic background,
professional training, etc., Section B addressed attitude towards alternative channels on the areas
of security, convenience and performance. It also measured awareness, reasons of usage and none
4.1 Introduction
This chapter is a presentation of results and findings obtained from field responses and data, broken
into two parts. The first section deals with the background information, while the other section
presents findings of the analysis, based on the objectives of the study as explored by the
questionnaires where both descriptive and inferential statistics have been employed.
From the data collected, out of the 400 questionnaires administered, 368 were filled and returned.
This represented a 92% response rate, which is considered satisfactory to make conclusions for the
study. According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003) a 50% response rate is adequate, 60% good
and above 70% rated very good. This also collaborates Bailey (2000) assertion that a response rate
of 50% is adequate, while a response rate greater than 70% is very good. Based on this assertion;
The high response rate was attributed to the data collection procedures, where the researchers
physically administered the questionnaires to the Cooperative bank customers inside the branch as
they seated waiting to be served or immediately after service while exiting the branch.
Table 4.1: Response Rate
Frequency Percentage
Uncompleted questionnaires 32 8%
To establish validity, the research tools were given to specialists who were experienced to assess
the relevance and validity of each item in the tool in regard to the study variables. The same were
rated on the scale of 1 (very relevant) to 4 (not very relevant). The most trusted method to
determine the validity is by use of content validity index (CVI). CVI was obtained by adding up
the items rated 3 and 4 and dividing this sum by the total number of items in the questionnaire. A
CVI of 0.759 was obtained. In this reference to Oso and Onen (2009), state that a validity
coefficient of at least 0.70 is acceptable as a valid research hence the adoption of the research
The questionnaires used had Likert scale items that were to be responded to. For reliability analysis
Cronbach’s alpha was calculated by application of SPSS. The value of the alpha coefficient ranges
from 0 to 1 and may be used to describe the reliability of factors extracted from dichotomous (that
is, questions with two possible answers) and/or multi-point formatted questionnaires or scales (i.e.,
rating scale: 1 = poor, 4 = excellent). A higher value shows a more reliable generated scale. Cooper
& Schindler (2008) indicated 0.7 to be an acceptable reliability coefficient. Since, the alpha
coefficients were all greater than 0.7, a conclusion was drawn that the instruments had an
4.3.0 Demographic Information
The study sought to find out the demographic information of the respondents which included;
The study sought to determine the gender disparity between the male and female respondents
From the findings, majority (72%) were male respondents with (28%) being female respondents.
This implies there were more male than female among the respondent taken onto account.
However, both genders were well represented to effectively carry out the study.
20 38
5 7
Primary Secondary College University
The figure above shows that 38%of the respondents had primary education, 31% had secondary,
24% had college education while the minority had a university degree at 7%.
The respondents could therefore read and interpret the questionnaire effectively as they all have
The figure below indicates the Monthly income range of the respondents.
30 24
25 20
15 17
20 12
The analysis study above shows that 20% of the respondents had a monthly income of between 1-
5,000, 29% had income of 5,000 and 10,000, 24% had between 10,000 to 20,000, 15% had a
monthly income of 20,000 to 50,000, 17% had an income of 50,000-100,000 while 12% had an
Each respondent is therefore capable of using any of the available banking channels
4.6 The channel used frequently
The researcher had to establish the channel used frequently. The results are recorded below.
Automated Teller Machine 17 40 16 9 0 2.11 1.01
Branch 5 47 36 0 0 2.13 0.634
Mobile banking 0 7 0 57 23 4.26 0.494
Internet banking 0 57 16 18 0 2.12 0.601
Agent banking 11 41 15 8 0 2.20 1.00
Source: Research Findings
The study above indicates that respondents that used Automated Teller Machine were represented
by a mean of 2.11 and standard deviation of 1.01. On the other hand, those directly banking at the
cooperative bank branches were represented by a mean of 2.13 and standard deviation of 0.634.
Mobile banking with a mean of 4.26 and standard deviation of 0.494. Internet banking with a mean
of 2.12 and standard deviation of 0.601. Agent banking with a mean of 2.20 and standard deviation
of 1.00.
The study above shows that majority of the respondents highly adopted mobile banking as shown
with the highest mean of 4.26 and standard deviation of 0.494. These results were in line with
Wai-Ching (2007) who posits that access to financial services on the mobile phone will certainly
lower the cost of transfer of remittances, improving the safety and security of cash and make
payments more convenient. With the transfer of electronic value from Safaricom’s M-Pesa money
deposit mobilization for the bank while the customers benefit in building up their savings for future
4.7 Services used frequently
The researcher had to establish the services used frequently. The results are recorded below.
Deposits 0 4 0 47 33 4.00 0.591
The study shows that deposits was the service that was most frequently used with a mean of 4.00
and standard deviation of 0.591. Followed by withdrawal with a mean of 3.11 and standard
deviation of 0.591. Loan application with a mean of 2.20 and standard deviation of 1.00. Bill pay
ment with a mean of 2.12 and standard deviation of 0.601. While Account query with a mean of 2
.20 and standard deviation of 1.00. Account query came last with a mean of 1.20 and standard de
viation of 1.00.
4.8 Frequency of using Banking services
The researcher had to establish the frequency of usage of banking services. The results are recorded
Once a month 3 45 34 0 0 2.03 0.534
The study above indicates that the banking service was used once a month with a mean of 2.03
and standard deviation of 0.534. Once a week with a mean of 2.10 and standard deviation of 0.500.
Twice a week with a mean of 4.33 and standard deviation of 0.23. Three times a week with a mean
of 3.98 and standard deviation of 0.29. While those that used the banking services on daily basis
The study above shows that the respondents mostly used the bank service once in a month as
4.9 Familiarity with Channel
The researcher also established the banking service channels the respondents were familiar with.
ATM 3 45 34 0 0 2.03 0.534
The study above shows that respondents were familiar with ATM with a mean of 2.03 and standard
deviation of 0.534.Internet banking with a mean of 2.10 and standard deviation of 0.500.Branch
with a mean of 4.33 and standard deviation of 0.23.Agent banking with a mean of 3.98 and
standard deviation of 0.29. While Mobile banking with a mean of 2.23 and standard deviation of
1.02. The respondents are quite familiar with the alternative banking channels of Agent Banking.
Figure 4.3 Familiarity
5 4.33
3 2.1 2.23
2.03 Mean
1.02 Std deviation
1 0.534 0.5 0.29
ATM Internet Branch Agent Mobile
banking banking banking
The researcher sought to establish why the respondents used the above named channels as
indicated in table 4.4 below.
Strongly Strongly
agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree
Convenient 6% 49% 0% 29% 16%
Affordable 17% 55.5% 2.5% 11% 16 %
Reliable 6% 16% 34% 20% 26%
Good for urgent transactions 11% 39 32% 14% 6%
My friends also use 34% 36% 22% 12% 0%
Available 41% 51% 5% 5% 0%
Easy to use 15% 53.5% 2.5% 8% 20 %
Source: Research Findings
The study above indicates that 92% of the respondents either agree or strongly agree that
availability of banking channels is a strong driver of usage. 55% of the respondents either strongly
agreed or agreed with convenience as the reason for usage, while 72% agreed or strongly agreed
that affordability is an important driver of usage. 70% of the respondents agreed or strongly agreed
that friends or social pressure is a strong reason for selecting a banking service channels
4.10 Channels Least Frequently Used
The researcher had to establish the channels least frequently used. The results are recorded below.
ATM 3 35 32 0 3 3.01 0.500
The study above indicated that Internet Banking and Agent banking channels were the two
alternative banking channels that were least frequently used by the respondents with a mean a
score of 4.20 and a standard deviation of 0.19 and a mean of 3.93 and a standard deviation of 0.02
respectively. ATM was more frequently used with a mean of 3.01 and standard deviation of
0.500.Mobile banking with a mean of 1.10 and standard deviation of 0.401 was the most frequently
used channel. The branch was used at a higher frequency with a mean of 2.23 and standard
deviation of 1.06.
The researcher sought to establish the reason why the respondents least used the channels as
indicated in table 4.6 below for interpretation purposes.
Difficult to use 1 56 15 19 0 2.10 0.500
Unpopular 0.0 7.1 14.2 16 27.5 4.33 0.23
Expensive 7.1 14. 18 14.2 14.2 3.98 0.29
Not good for emergencies 0.0 7.1 21.4 42.8 28.5 2.23 1.02
I don’t know 7.14 7.14 7.14 57.1 21.4 4.34 0.22
Not secure
About it 0.00 14.2 21.4 42.8 21.4 4.33 0.23
Source: Research Findings
The table above indicates that respondents pointed at unreliability as the reason to why they least
frequently used the channels above with a mean of 2.03 and standard deviation of 0.534. Difficult
to use is the second reason for low usage with a mean of 2.10 and standard deviation of 0.500.
Unpopular with a mean of 4.33 and standard deviation of 0.23. Expensive with a mean of 3.98 and
standard deviation of 0.23. Not good for emergencies with a mean of 2.23 and standard deviation
of 1.02. Those with no idea with a mean of 4.34 and standard deviation of 0.22. Not secure with a
mean of 4.33 and standard deviation of 0.23. This analysis indicates that the biggest reason for low
usage of the channels used least frequently is respondents feeling that the channels are not popular
or with other users or are expensive and other consumer behaviour concerns summarized as “I
Figure 4.4 Channels Least Frequently Used
The researcher had to establish the criteria used by the clients when deciding which banking
channel to use and what they consider most. The results are recorded below.
Convenience 6 34 24 0 0 2.03 0.534
Availability 1 56 15 19 0 2.10 0.500
Cost 0.0 7.1 14.2 16 27.5 4.33 0.23
Popularity among my friends 7.1 14. 18 14.2 14.2 3.98 0.29
Security 0.0 7.1 21.4 42.8 28.5 2.23 1.02
Urgency of transaction 7.14 7.14 7.14 57.1 21.4 4.34 0.22
The study above indicates that convenience with a mean of 2.03 and standard deviation of
0.534.Availabilitywith a mean of 2.10 and standard deviation of 0.500.Cost with a mean of 4.33 and
standard deviation of 023.Popularity among my friends with a mean of 3.98 and standard deviation
of 0.29.Securitywith a mean of 2.23 and standard deviation of 1.02. While urgency of transaction
with a mean of 4.34 and standard deviation of 0.22.Popularity among friends of the respondents
and urgency of transactions are critical determinants of the service channel usage.
4.11 Channel one was most often likely to use in the future
The researcher had to establish the channel they thought they will be using in the future most often.
The results were recorded in the table below for interpretation purposes.
Table 4.10 Channel one was most often likely to use in the future
Std devia
Partially lik
Least like
Most likely
ATM 6 34 24 0 0 4.03 0.534
Branch 1 56 15 19 0 3.98 0.500
Agency banking 0.0 7.1 14.2 16 27.5 3.59 0.23
Mobile banking 7.1 14. 18 14.2 14.2 3.18 0.29
Internet banking 0.0 7.1 21.4 42.8 28.5 2.23 1.02
The results above indicate that respondents were likely to use ATM with a mean of 4.03 and
standard deviation of 0.534. Branch with a mean of 3.98 and standard deviation of 0.500. Agency
banking with a mean of 3.59 and standard deviation of 0.23. Mobile banking with a mean of 3.18
and standard deviation of 0.29. While internet banking with a mean of 2.23 and standard deviation
of 1.02.
The results in the table above indicate that ATM is the most popular choice for future banking as
shown by the majority of the respondents. This can be attributed to the fact that respondents find
5.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the summary of the findings, discussions of the findings, conclusions,
5.2 Summary
The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of customer behaviour on adoption of
alternative banking channels at the co-operative bank of Kenya, Nairobi County. There were more
male than female among the respondents, however, both genders were well represented to
effectively carry out the study. All respondents had a minimum of primary education and were
It is noted from the study that the respondents have highly adopted mobile banking as shown with
the highest mean of 4.26. However Mobile banking usage frequency has a low mean score of 1.1
with a standard deviation of 0.4. It is likely that respondents have adopted Safaricom Mpesa
services and therefore the high adoption scores. Safaricom may have met their primarily need for
Mobile banking services and therefore they don’t use the banks mobile banking services as much
The respondents uses banking services most often at one (1) time a month. This low usage provides
an explanation for low adoption of alternative channels. Since they use banking services only once
a month they have no propensity or opportunity to experiment with various alternative banking
Although respondents are familiarity with the channels like Bank Agents this familiarity doesn’t
translate to usage. Other consumer behaviour concerns of security, costs avoidance override
familiarity. Alternative banking channels are positioned as convenient outlets for banking services
when the bank is selling them to the consumers. However this research indicates that respondent
concerns for cost and security of their transaction overrides their desire for convenience and
therefore the low usage of alternative channels proposed by the bank as convenient.
The respondents pointed at unreliability as the reason to why they least frequently used the
alternative channels with a mean of 2.03. Reliability of services is the most frequent determining
factor of choice of a particular channel. Respondents select channels that are good for emergency
payment. The consumer behaviour of waiting to make transaction last minute determines the
channel they will select for late payments. The more reliable a channel is for late payments the
Popularity of banking channel among friends and peers of the respondents is a key driver of usage.
The more socially popular a channel is the higher the frequency of usage. Popularity among friends
only comes third as a reason for channel selection after urgency of transaction and cost. Social
5.3 Conclusion
The researcher concludes that consumer behaviour factors have a high contribution to selection
and adoption of alternative banking channels. Those channels that are consistent with the consumer
behaviour needs for security, cost containment, social recognition and convenience are used and
adopted more frequently than those inconsistent with the respondent’s behaviour.
5.4 Recommendations
Recommendations are made that Cooperative bank should prepare strategies to marketing
alternative channels not as convenient alternative to branches, but as cost saving alternative useful
consumers that the alternative channels are not only physically secure, but that consumer
transactions are protected from external interference even in inside independent agents.
The bank should demonstrate to consumers that it is in charge of the transactions that happen in
all its outlets and that the same security and customer experience standards in the branches are
Co-operative Bank should also should seek to use independent peer influencers to get them to
advocate for alternative channels since the respondents rely on these social networks for
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1. Rank the following channels in terms of frequency of usage from1-5., where 5 is for the c
hannel used most frequently and 1 for the channel used least Frequently
1 2 3 4 5
2 Rank the following services in terms of frequency of usage from1-5., where 5 is for the s
ervice used most frequently and 1 for the channel used least Frequently
1 2 3 4 5
4 Which banking service channels are you familiar with? Rank your answer from 1-5
, Where 5 is most familiar and 1 is least familiar
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
6. What comes to your mind when you hear the following terms; ATM Branch
Mobile banking Internet Banking Others____________________
7. Which ones of these Channels do you use least frequently? Rank your answer 1 – 5 w
here 5means rarely used and 1 means frequently used
1 2 3 4 5
9. When you are deciding which banking channel to use, what do you consider most? R
1 2 3 4 5
10. Which channel do you think you will be using in the future most often? RANK YOUR A
1 2 3 4 5