A Model Informed Method For The Purpose of Precision Dosing of Isoniazid in Pulmonary Tuberculosis
A Model Informed Method For The Purpose of Precision Dosing of Isoniazid in Pulmonary Tuberculosis
A Model Informed Method For The Purpose of Precision Dosing of Isoniazid in Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Background and Objective This study aimed to develop and evaluate a population pharmacokinetic model and limited
sampling strategy for isoniazid to be used in model-based therapeutic drug monitoring.
Methods A population pharmacokinetic model was developed based on isoniazid and acetyl-isoniazid pharmacokinetic data
from seven studies with in total 466 patients from three continents. Three limited sampling strategies were tested based on
the available sampling times in the dataset and practical considerations. The tested limited sampling strategies sampled at
2, 4, and 6 h, 2 and 4 h, and 2 h after dosing. The model-predicted area under the concentration–time curve from 0 to 24 h
(AUC24) and the peak concentration from the limited sampling strategies were compared to predictions using the full phar-
macokinetic curve. Bias and precision were assessed using the mean error (ME) and the root mean square error (RMSE),
both expressed as a percentage of the mean model-predicted AUC24 or peak concentration on the full pharmacokinetic curve.
Results Performance of the developed model was acceptable and the uncertainty in parameter estimations was generally
low (the highest relative standard error was 39% coefficient of variation). The limited sampling strategy with sampling at 2
and 4 h was determined as most suitable with an ME of 1.1% and RMSE of 23.4% for AUC24 prediction, and ME of 2.7%
and RMSE of 23.8% for peak concentration prediction. For the performance of this strategy, it is important that data on both
isoniazid and acetyl-isoniazid are used. If only data on isoniazid are available, a limited sampling strategy using 2, 4, and
6 h can be employed with an ME of 1.7% and RMSE of 20.9% for AUC24 prediction, and ME of 1.2% and RMSE of 23.8%
for peak concentration prediction.
Conclusions A model-based therapeutic drug monitoring strategy for personalized dosing of isoniazid using sampling at
2 and 4 h after dosing was successfully developed. Prospective evaluation of this strategy will show how it performs in a
clinical therapeutic drug monitoring setting.
944 S. W. van Beek et al.
BLQ below limit of quantification, h hour, INH isoniazid, LC-MS or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, PK pharmacokinetics, TDM
therapeutic drug monitoring, UPLC ultra-performance liquid chromatography
While the patients from these studies were treated in The Netherlands, the TB population in The Netherlands is very heterogenous with many
different ethnical backgrounds
assays was externally evaluated by participation in an the acetyl-INH data were added to the model. One- and two-
international proficiency testing program [30]. compartment disposition models were explored to describe
the pharmacokinetics of INH and acetyl-INH. A well-stirred
2.2 Software liver model was tested instead of first-order elimination to
describe the first-pass effect of INH. The molecular weight
R version 3.4.3 was used for data management, statistics, of INH and acetyl-INH was used to transform drug con-
and plotting [31]. Model development was performed using centrations to molar concentrations to model the formation
the nonlinear mixed-effects modeling program, NONMEM of acetyl-INH from INH. The bioavailability of INH was
version 7.4 with Pirana as an interface [32, 33]. The first- assumed to be 100% and all estimated PK parameters should
order conditional estimation method with interaction was be interpreted as apparent oral PK parameters. All volume
used for estimation. PsN version 4.7 was used as an aid for and clearance parameters were allometrically scaled with
advanced functionalities [33]. The Xpose4 R package ver- total body weight using an exponent of 1 or 0.75, respec-
sion 4.6.1 was used for graphical visualization of the visual tively [35]. Allometric scaling based on fat-free mass was
predictive checks (VPCs) [33]. not considered because height is not always readily avail-
able in TDM practice. NAT2 genotypic data were not deter-
2.3 Pharmacokinetic Model Development mined in the included studies. A mixture model to distin-
guish between different groups of NAT2 metabolizers in
The PK model was developed with a stepwise approach [34]. the absence of genotypic data was applied [36]. It is known
The INH concentration data were included one study at a that the distribution of NAT2 metabolic function is trimodal
time, starting with the studies that had the most informative [8]. The mixture model was tested with two as well as three
and dense sampling. After finishing the base INH model,
946 S. W. van Beek et al.
metabolizer groups as it can be difficult to distinguish the at 2 and 6 h was not included as it does not offer any benefit
three mixture groups as is seen in other models [4, 17]. In over sampling at 2 and 4 h, which is more feasible to perform
case two, metabolizer groups were used, the fast and inter- in clinical practice. For each LSS, the performance of AUC24
mediate metabolizers were grouped, as metabolization rates and Cmax prediction was determined using the patients who
of these groups are closer together than those of the slow had a full PK curve including samples at 2, 4, and 6 h after
metabolizers, which have more deviant metabolization rates. dosing (169 patients from five studies) [14, 24–27]. The per-
Inter-individual variability in the pharmacokinetics of formance of the LSSs was also compared to the performance
INH was assumed to be log-normally distributed. Inter- of the model without any sampling to assess the added value
occasion variability was not assessed because the number of sampling in TDM. The most suitable LSS was selected
of individuals who were sampled on multiple occasions was based on predictive performance and clinical practicality.
limited. For residual variability, additive, proportional, and The performance of predicting the AUC24 was regarded as
combined models were tested for both INH and acetyl-INH. more important than that of the Cmax. In these assessments,
Below the limit of quantification data were handled using the mean error (ME) and root mean square error (RMSE)
the M6 method as described by Beal [37]. The M3 method and their 95% CIs of the prediction of AUC24 and Cmax were
was tested but did not perform better than the M6 method calculated as measures of bias and precision [43, 44]. The
and increased numerical instability. Using this method, in ME and RMSE were expressed as a percentage of the mean
the elimination phase, the first datapoint BLQ is replaced of the corresponding model-estimated parameter using the
by the lower limit of quantification/2, and subsequent BLQ full PK curve.
points are ignored. In the absorption phase, it is the last The most suitable LSS was used to perform a fit-for-pur-
datapoint BLQ that is replaced and all previous BLQ points pose analysis, meaning that it was investigated how well the
that are ignored. The minimum additive error for data BLQ pharmacokinetics of INH could be predicted from a previ-
was fixed to 50% of the lower limit of quantification values. ous measurement [45]. The patients including data of a sec-
The number of potential covariates tested was kept low ond occasion and the sampling times for the selected LSS
because of the purpose of our model; the covariates available were used for this. Apart from the most suitable LSS, ‘no
in TDM practice are generally quite limited. It was opted to sampling’ was tested as well to evaluate the amount of vari-
include only the allometric scaling with total body weight to ability explained by the most suitable LSS. Suitable data for
not hamper a general implementation of the model in routine this analysis were available from 13 patients from only one
TDM. Although we did test the impact of formulation dif- study [28]. The performance of predicting the AUC24 for the
ferences, but no effect could be identified. second occasion was determined using the ME and RMSE.
Pharmacokinetic parameter uncertainty was assessed
using sampling importance resampling [38, 39]. Sampling 2.5 Importance of Acetyl‑INH Data and Mixture
importance resampling is a fast method to determine param- Component for the Predictive Performance
eter uncertainty which is free of distributional assumptions,
a good alternative to the bootstrap. The initial estimates The added value of both the acetyl-INH metabolite data and
for the SIR were based on a successful covariance step and inclusion of a mixture model accounting for the polymorphic
inflated by factor 1.5. The samples per iteration were 1000, NAT2 clearance was assessed for the most suitable LSS.
1000, 1000, 2000, and 2000, the re-samples per iteration The selected LSS was used to provide AUC24 predictions
were 200, 400, 500, 1000, and 1000. Parameter precision using only the INH data. These predictions were compared
was presented using the calculated 95% confidence intervals to model predictions using the full dataset, including the
(CIs). The predictive performance of the final model was acetyl-INH data. To determine the added benefit of a mixture
assessed using VPCs and goodness-of-fit plots. The VPCs model to the performance of predicting the AUC24, the mix-
were prediction corrected and the PsN mixture option was ture component was removed, and model parameters were
used [40, 41]. re-estimated. The performance was again compared using
the ME and RMSE.
2.4 Comparison of Limited Sampling Strategies
The performance of three LSSs was tested. These LSSs had 3 Results
sampling times at 2 h, 2 and 4 h, and 2, 4, and 6 h after dos-
ing. These LSSs were chosen considering that sampling at 3.1 Pharmacokinetic Model
2 and 6 h, introduced by Peloquin et al., is common for TB
drugs, and we have added a 4-h sampling point in our TDM The final model is depicted in Fig. 1. It included four transit
service [2, 42]. In addition, samples with these sampling absorption compartments going into a well-stirred liver model
times were available within most of the datasets. Sampling [46]. The pharmacokinetics of INH was best described by
A Model-Informed Method for Dosing of Isoniazid 947
a two-compartment disposition model. Acetyl-INH pharma- from this figure. The model does not describe the median
cokinetics was characterized using a single compartment and observed peak perfectly. Furthermore, the model simulates
first-order elimination. Metabolization in the liver compart- concentrations that are slightly too high on the upper end of
ment could either clear INH or transform it into acetyl-INH. the concentration range for acetyl-INH at timepoints after
It was not possible to estimate INH clearance as a trimodal 8 h. The VPCs of the model were deemed satisfactory for
distribution using a mixture model and thus a bimodal mix- TDM using the AUC24. The performance of the model for
ture model was included. The volume of the liver compart- TDM using the Cmax should be explored further. Other good-
ment and hepatic plasma flow were fixed to 1 L and 49.5 L/h, ness-of-fit plots are shown in Fig. 3 and do not show any
respectively, and allometrically scaled on total body weight obvious misspecifications. The full code of the final model is
like other volume and clearance parameters. included in the Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM).
The final model parameter estimates and their uncertainty
are shown in Table 2. Uncertainty in the parameter estimates 3.2 Comparison of Limited Sampling Strategies
was generally low (relative standard error, RSE < 12%CV),
except for the IIV of the central volume of acetyl-INH (RSE = The AUC24 and Cmax predicted by the LSSs were compared
40%CV) and the correlation between the IIV of the clearances to the AUC24 and Cmax predicted by the model based on full
(RSE = 71%CV). The absorption processes were variable PK curves. Scatterplots of this are shown in ESM 1. The bias
between individuals with an IIV estimated at 83.2%CV (95% and precision of these strategies are shown in Table 3. The
CI 78.1–91.7). The proportion of fast NAT2 acetylators in LSS using only one sample performed substantially worse
the studies was estimated at 43.4% (95% CI 38.4–48.9). Slow in both bias and precision than the strategies with two or
acetylators typically had 13% of the intrinsic NAT2 clearance three sampling points. The strategies employing sampling
of fast acetylators. The second clearance pathway, not through at 2 and 4, and 2, 4, and 6 hours after dosing have a similar
NAT2, typically made up 74% of the total clearance for slow performance. Based on bias, precision, clinical practical-
acetylators and 27% of the clearance for fast acetylators. A ity, and conformity with a previously developed strategy for
correlation was found between the clearance through acetyla- rifampicin [28], the strategy using sampling at 2 and 4 hours
tion and through other pathways, but the uncertainty of this after dosing was selected as the most suitable.
correlation was quite high (0.143, 95% CI − 0.0620, 0.325). To assess if the model and LSS is fit for purpose, the
Additionally, a correlation between the proportional residual AUC24 of a second sampling occasion was predicted using
errors of INH and acetyl-INH was found. data from a first sampling occasion. The fit-for-purpose
The VPCs, shown in Fig. 2, generally describe the model analysis of the model using the 2- and 4-h sampling strategy
well. Some limitations of the model can be discerned resulted in an ME of 25.7% and an RMSE of 37.2%. Without
Fig. 1 Schematic overview of the final isoniazid (INH) population two-compartment disposition model and AcINH pharmacokinetic
pharmacokinetic model. The dose enters the well-stirred liver com- by a one-compartment disposition model. CL clearance into acetyl-
partment via a four-compartmental transit model. Absorption con- isoniazid, CL other clearance into other metabolites than acetyl-iso-
stant (KA) is defined as the number of transit compartments plus 1, niazid, CLM clearance of the acetyl-isoniazid metabolite, EH hepatic
divided by the mean transit time (MTT). From the liver compartment, extraction ratio, Q inter-compartmental clearance, QH hepatic plasma
the drug can be distributed to the central INH compartment or be flow, V central volume of isoniazid, VH hepatic volume, VM central
metabolized into acetyl-isoniazid (AcINH) or other metabolites. From volume of the acetyl-isoniazid metabolite, VP peripheral volume of
the central AcINH compartment, the drug is cleared through first- isoniazid
order elimination. Isoniazid pharmacokinetics are described using a
948 S. W. van Beek et al.
CI confidence interval, CV coefficient of variation, h hour, IIV inter-individual variability, L liter, RSE rela-
tive standard error
The clearances for fast and slow acetylators shared one estimated IIV
sampling in the first occasion, the ME was 82.7% and the The re-estimated model without a mixture component
RMSE 117.9%. using the 2- and 4-hour LSS had an ME of − 1.1% and
RMSE of 24.6% for AUC24 estimation, and an ME of 7.7%
and RMSE of 23.3% for estimation of the Cmax, meaning that
3.3 Importance of Acetyl‑INH Data and Mixture the mixture component was not essential for the predictive
Component for the Predictive Performance performance of the model. The estimated PK parameters
for the model without a mixture component were similar
The final model using the 2- and 4-h LSS without the acetyl- to those of the final model, except for the clearance repre-
INH data had an ME of − 1.8% and an RMSE of 28.9% senting both metabolization groups and their IIV. The new
for estimating the AUC24. For estimation of the Cmax, the clearance has a value of 9.12 L/h and lies in between the
ME was 0.1% and the RMSE 23.5%. Comparison to data clearances of the slow and fast metabolizers as estimated
in Table 3 shows that the prediction of the model without by the final model. The estimated IIV of this clearance has
acetyl-INH data is less precise compared to the predictions increased drastically by more than two-fold to 115.8%CV.
including acetyl-INH for the 2- and 4-h sampling strategy. ESM 2b shows the effect of removing the mixture model on
For the 2-, 4-, and 6-h strategy without acetyl-INH data, the the performance of predicting the AUC24.
estimation of the AUC24 had an ME of 1.7% and an RMSE
of 20.9%. For estimation of the Cmax, the ME was 1.2% and
the RMSE 23.8%. This is comparable to the performances 4 Discussion
of the 2-, 4-, and 6-h and 2- and 4-h strategies including
acetyl-INH data. ESM 2a shows the effect of removing the In this project, we have developed a model describing the
acetyl-INH data on the performance of predicting the AUC pharmacokinetics of INH based on a large and diverse data-
24 for the 2- and 4-h sampling strategy. set. The model should have a wider applicability and be
A Model-Informed Method for Dosing of Isoniazid 949
Fig. 2 Basic goodness-of-fit plots for the final isoniazid population The solid lines are the y = 0 lines, and the dashed lines define the
pharmacokinetic model. a, b The observed concentrations plotted range between which you want the majority of the observations to lie.
against the model-predicted concentrations or the individual model- d The normalised prediction distribution errors plotted against the
predicted concentrations. The black lines represent the line of unity, time after dose. The solid lines are the y = 0 lines and the blue lines
and the blue lines represent the local polynomial regression fit. c The are the means per time bin
conditionally weighted residuals plotted against the time after dose.
better suited for TDM in various populations compared to that the model performs well for the purpose of TDM. As
previously published models, which were all based on stud- such, we do not see the instability as a sign of an underlying
ies from a single country [4, 5, 17–22]. We also introduced problem. We opted to have a limited inclusion of covariates
and evaluated a model-based TDM approach for personal- in view of the purpose of this model. For other purposes,
ized dosing of INH using sampling at 2 and 4 h or 2, 4, the model could probably be improved by the inclusion of
and 6 h after dosing. These approaches will allow for dose additional covariates. While inter-occasion variability is
adjustments of INH in programmatic TB treatment. known to be present for INH, we were unable to identify it in
The structure of the final PK model is comparable to our model [4, 17]. It has been described that inter-occasion
those previously described [5, 17, 21]. The estimated clear- variability may impact the predictive performance of model-
ances and proportion of fast NAT2 acetylators described in based dosing algorithms [48]. Despite this, we showed in the
this model are very similar to those previously described fit-for-purpose evaluation using multiple occasions that the
[17]. As in other published INH models, our model could model performed well.
only separate two of the three acetylator subgroups [17, 18]. The LSS with sampling at 2 and 4 h after dosing was
We did not differentiate between acetylator proportions for selected as the most suitable strategy. Previously, we
different ethnicities, which are known to vary [47]. The other introduced a model-based TDM approach for rifampicin,
model parameters are also mostly similar to those described just like INH a pillar within the TB treatment [28]. This
previously [5, 17]. The estimates for the peripheral volume approach also uses a LSS with sampling at 2 and 4 h after
and intercompartmental clearance for INH vary between the dosing, which means that the method described here and for
different models. During the model building process, we rifampicin are compatible in clinical practice. In this study,
encountered instability problems, making it difficult to esti- we decided to develop a new PK model rather than evaluate
mate some of the model parameters. Explanations for this existing models like we did for the model-based approach
could be the large number of different data sources included for rifampicin. This decision was based on the added value
in the model building dataset and the model complexity. The of a model built on a large and diverse dataset. A better LSS
VPCs of the model are acceptable and it has been shown could potentially have been found using an optimal design
950 S. W. van Beek et al.
Fig. 3 Visual predictive checks of the final isoniazid population phar- [36]. The solid lines represent the mean of the observed concentra-
macokinetic model for a slow metabolizers and b fast metabolizers. tions and the dashed lines represent the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles.
The visual predictive checks are based on 1000 simulations and pre- The shaded areas represent the 95% confidence interval of the 2.5th,
diction corrected. The PsN mixture option was used and the plots are 50th, and 97.5th percentiles of the simulated concentrations
based on the individual probability for belonging to a subpopulation
No data No sampling 73.7 (4.0) 55.8 (48.5, 63.1) 44.1 (2.4) 25.3 (19.9, 30.8)
INH + AcINH 2, 4, and 6 h 21.8 (1.2) 1.6 (−1.7, 4.8) 24.2 (1.3) 4.2 (0.6, 7.8)
2 and 4 h 23.4 (1.3) −1.1 (−4.6, 2.4) 23.8 (1.3) 2.7 (−0.9, 6.3)
2h 34.0 (1.8) 10.0 (5.1, 14.9) 26.5 (1.4) 6.0 (2.1, 9.9)
INH 2, 4, and 6 h 20.9 (1.1) 1.7 (−1.5, 4.8) 23.8 (1.3) 1.2 (−2.4, 4.8)
2 and 4 h 28.9 (1.6) −1.8 (−6.2, 2.6) 23.5 (1.3) 0.1 (−3.5, 3.7)
2h 59.1 (3.2) 36.1 (29.1, 43.2) 27.0 (1.5) 11.7 (8.0, 15.4)
Both the ME and RMSE are depicted as a percentage of the mean of the corresponding model-estimated parameter using the full pharmacoki-
netic curve
AcINH acetyl-isoniazid, AUC0–24 area under the concentration–time curve from 0 to 24 h, CI confidence interval, Cmax peak concentration, INH
isoniazid, ME mean error, RMSE root mean square error, SD standard deviation
A Model-Informed Method for Dosing of Isoniazid 951
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