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Syifa Fauzia1*, Muhammad Abdul Haq Ashiddiqi1, Alfiatun Wa’is Khusnul Khotimah2
Physics Department, 2Biology Education Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel. + 62-274-540971, Fax. + 62-274-519739
Email: syifafz1@gmail.com
Abstract. From the total municipal organic waste, around 60% are vegetables and 40% are leaves, fruit peels and leftovers. In fruits
contain substances such as ascorbic acid, citric acid and NADH (Nicotinamide Adenosine Dinucleotide Hydrogen, that produces cell
energy), which under certain conditions these chemicals act as electrolytes. From the electrical properties that contain a lot of electrolytes
from fruit and vegetable waste can be used as a renewable alternative energy source in the form of bio-batteries as a substitute for
conventional batteries. The development of waste fruits and vegetables as bio-batteries will contribute greatly to the world of science in
particular, and society in general. Data collection from previous studies was carried out and then analyzed based on existing parameters.
There are various parameters related to the electrical properties of fruits and vegetables. Different types of fruits and vegetables produce
different currents and voltages. Fruits and vegetables have different pH (acidity), where pH is inversely proportional to current and
voltage. In addition, the type of electrode used also affects the electrical properties. The distance between electrodes is inversely
proportional to current and voltage in fruit and vegetable waste. Installing bio-batteries in series and parallel can increase current and
voltage. Bio-batteries with a higher voltage will produce longer LED flash times.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Table 3. Results of voltage measurement banana peel mali (Muhlisin,
This writing method is by looking for literature about No Weight (gr) Electrolyte Voltage Current
fruits and vegetables as a source of electrical energy. Mass (gr) (V) (mA)
Data collection from previous studies was carried out 1 34 18 0,52 0,5
and then analyzed based on existing parameters. Data 2 34 19 0,55 0,55
collection and analysis is carried out on 29 November 3 34 120 0,62 0,65
to 11 December 2017. 4 34 20 0,62 0,98
5 34 22 0,69 1,02
7 34 24 0,74 1,8
Electrical Properties by Various Kinds of Fruits and 8 34 25 0,8 2,9
Vegetables 9 34 25 0,98 4,3
Fruits and vegetables have various electrical properties.
10 34 25 1,05 6,5
Research conducted by Muhlisin et al (2015) compared
banana peels and durian peel as a battery stone paste.
The resulting voltage shows the electrical properties of
Table 4. Results of voltage measurement durian peel (Muhlisin, 2015).
each. The maximum stress value obtained from banana
peel paste is greater than durian peel, namely 1.12 volt No Weight (gr) Electrolyte Voltage Current
banana peel and 0.99 volt durian peel. And ambon Mass (gr) (V) (mA)
bananas are the best bananas used in this experiment as 1 34 18 0,45 0,23
a substitute for battery stone paste. 2 34 21 0,55 0,24
3 34 22 0,56 0,37
Table 1. Results of voltage measurement banana peel ambon (Muhlisin,
2015). 4 34 23 0,63 0,4
5 34 23 0,8 0,72
No Weight (gr) Electrolyte Voltage Current
Mass (gr) (V) (mA) 6 34 23 0,82 1,5
1 34 19 0,62 0,12 7 34 24 0,88 1,7
2 34 19 0,68 1 8 34 24 0,94 2,84
3 34 20 0,85 2,7 9 34 25 0,95 7
4 34 20 0,89 2,85 10 34 25 0,99 10
5 34 21 0,95 4
6 34 22 1 5 The difference in electrical properties is because
7 34 22 1 5,5 each substance is contained therein. Various kinds of
8 34 22 1,09 7,8 fruits and vegetables have varying levels of acidity.
This also affects the voltage generated, as the research
9 34 22 1,09 9,5
conducted by Jauharah (2013). The relationship
10 34 25 1,2 10 between pH and voltage generated is inversely
Elec- Graphs of electrical current with variations in distance Graph of voltage values with variations in distance
Al –
Figure 8. Electric current and voltage graph with variations distance electrodes (Imamah, 2013).
Syifa Fauzia, et.al. – Fruit and Vegetables as a Potential Source of Alternative Electrical Energy 165
Based on research obtained the distance between conducted by Jauharah (2013) where the distance
electrodes is inversely proportional to current and between electrodes is inversely proportional to the
voltage. The smaller the electrode distance, the greater current and voltage strength for each variation of bio-
the voltage and current values generated at each pair of battery.
electrodes used. This is consistent with research
Bio Graph of the relationship of electric current and resistance Graph of voltage relationships and resistance with
Battery with variation of distance between electrodes distance between electrodes
Figure 9. Graph of the relationship between electric current and voltage with distance variations between electrodes for various bio-batteries (Jauharah,
166 2: 161-167, 2019
Similarly, in the experiments conducted by Imamah parameters that are known in this study are pH (acidity
(2013), where the variation of electrodes with a higher level), type of electrode used, distance between
voltage results in a longer LED flame time. Bio-battery electrodes, how to install bio-batteries in series or
pairing of Cu-Fe electrodes arranged in parallel series parallel, and the voltage generated by bio-batteries.
produces the highest voltage and the longest LED Based on the research that has been done shows that
flame is 1.58 volts and turns on for 18.14 hours. pH is inversely proportional to current and voltage. In
Whereas for other electrode pairs such as Al-brass, addition, the type of electrode used also affects the
Brass-Cu and Cu-Al cannot turn on the LED. This is electrical properties. The distance between electrodes
because the resulting voltage is very low, which is will be inversely proportional to the current and voltage
equal to 0.43 volt, 0.33 volt and 0.67 volts. in fruit and vegetable waste. While installing bio-
batteries in series and parallel can increase current and
voltage. Bio-batteries with a higher voltage will
produce longer LED flash times.
Through research that has been done, fruits and
vegetables have the potential to be used as an
alternative source of electrical energy.