STRESS-RELIEF HEAT TREATING is used to relieve stresses that remain
locked in a structure as a consequence of a manufacturing sequence. This
definition separates stress-relief heat treating from postweld heat treating in that
the goal of postweld heat treating is to provide, in addition to the relief of residual
stresses, some preferred metallurgical structure or properties (Ref 1, 2). For
example, most ferritic weldments are given postweld heat treatment to improve the
fracture toughness of the heat-affected zones (HAZ). Moreover, austenitic and
nonferrous alloys are frequently postweld heat treated to improve resistance to
environmental damage.
Stress-relief heat treating is the uniform heating of a structure, or portion thereof,
to a suitable temperature below the transformation range (Ac1 for ferritic steels),
holding at this temperature for a predetermined period of time, followed by
uniform cooling (Ref 2, 3). Care must be taken to ensure uniform cooling,
particularly when a component is composed of variable section sizes. If the rate of
cooling is not constant and uniform, new residual stresses can result that are equal
to or greater than those that the heat-treating process was intended to relieve.
Stress-relief heat treating can reduce distortion and high stresses from welding that
can affect service performance. The presence of residual stresses can lead to stress-
corrosion cracking (SCC) near welds and in regions of a component that has been
cold strained during processing. Furthermore, cold strain per se can produce a
reduction in creep strength at elevated temperatures.
Residual stresses in a ferritic steel cause significant reduction in resistance to
brittle fracture. In a material that is not prone to brittle fracture, such as an
austenitic stainless steel, residual stresses can be sufficient to provide the stress
necessary to promote SCC even in environments that appear to be benign (Ref 4).
Welding. The cause of residual stresses that has received the most attention in the
open literature is welding. The residual stresses associated with the steep thermal
gradient of welding can occur on a macroscale over relatively long distances
(reaction stresses) or can be highly localized (microscale) (Fig. 1). Welding usually
results in localized residual stresses that approach levels equal to or greater than
the yield strength of the material at room temperature.