Brainy 7 Unit 5 Test
Brainy 7 Unit 5 Test
Brainy 7 Unit 5 Test
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki, stosując je 3 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: A, B albo C
w odpowiedniej formie (czasownikowej lub i zakreśl ją.
rzeczownikowej). Dwa wyrazy zostały podane
dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego zdania. 1 These things ___ produced in a factory.
A didn’t B weren’t
improve • discover • install • invent • create •
2 How often is the machine ___ by
exhibit • design • produce
a technician?
1 They’ve bought some new machines to
A checked B checking
enable the factory to ______________ more
3 The picture was painted ___ my sister’s
goods in a shorter time.
2 I’d like to see the new ______________ of
A by B from
modern art that’s on at the local art gallery.
4 Nowadays, millions of emails ___ written
3 There has been a great ______________
every day.
in water quality since the factory in our city
A are B were
closed down last year.
5 No one ___ that building any more.
4 To be a fashion ______________, you need
A is used B uses
to be creative and determined to work hard.
6 When ___ the portrait painted?
5 We’re planning to ______________ a new
A was B did
satellite dish on our house next week.
__ / 6
6 The ______________ of gravity by Isaac
Newton was a major step in understanding
space. 4 Uzupełnij zdania, tak aby zachować znaczenie
zdania wyjściowego. Użyj strony biernej
__ / 6
w odpowiednim czasie. W każdą lukę możesz
wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
2 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami,
korzystając z ich definicji podanych 1 They painted the room white.
w nawiasach. The room _______________ white.
1 Michelangelo was a famous (an artist who 2 How do they make it?
creates sculptures) _______________. How _______________ made?
2 In the main square there’s a large stone 3 Who invented it?
(a big sculpture of a person) Who was it _______________?
_______________ of Nicolaus Copernicus. 4 No one uses those devices anymore.
3 Poppy Fields near Argenteuil is the title of Those devices _______________ anymore.
an impressionist (a painting representing 5 They didn’t install those screens all that long
nature) _______________ by Claude Monet. ago.
4 The (a thing that has been produced for the Those screens _______________ all that long
first time) _______________ of the steam ago.
engine marked the beginning of the Industrial 6 How often do they check these machines?
Revolution. How often are _______________?
__ / 4 __ / 6
UNIT 5 TEST A Imię i nazwisko: __________________________ Klasa: ______
7 Przeczytaj poniższe teksty. W zadaniach 1–4
This photo was _______________ in an art
napisz obok poprawną odpowiedź: A, B albo C.
gallery. It shows several 2 _______________
Text 1
hanging on the walls and two young people,
There are plenty of old electric guitars around that
a woman and a man, who are could tell us some amazing stories about the
3 _______________ at one of them. musicians they belonged to or the concerts and tours
The 4 _______________ of art in front of them they did if only they could speak. If you happen to
have a guitar with an interesting history, why not
looks like an example of modern art, but we share it with us? Next month, our magazine is holding
can’t tell from the photograph who it was painted a story contest, with lots of attractive prizes for the
5 _______________. most exciting stories. Follow the link below to read
the competition rules.
__ / 5
Functions 1 Text 1 is
6 Uzupełnij luki w dialogach, tak aby były one A a report from a music event.
spójne i logiczne. B an advert for a competition.
C an article about old electric guitars.
X: Look! These models _______________ of
Text 2
recycled paper.
Electric guitar – timeline
Y: That’s interesting, isn’t it?
2 • 1931 The first prototype of the electric guitar was built
X: Look at this photo. It shows some sick on a kitchen table at home by George Beauchamp
• 1952 The famous Gibson Les Paul model was 8 Zapisz obok nr wyrazu, który poprawnie
launched. Production and sales of this model have uzupełnia poniższe zdania.
continued to the present day.
1 Nowadays, most of the products we buy ¹aren’t
2 Text 2 gives information about / ²don’t handmade.
A different types of modern electric guitars. They ¹produced / ²are produced in factories on
B one famous model of electric guitar. production lines.
C the invention and development of electric 2 The Internet ¹didn’t / ²wasn’t invented until
guitars. after World War II. The first networks ¹installed
3 According to Text 2, the guitar invented by Les / ²were installed in the 1960s and 70s.
Paul 3 Home computers ¹aren’t / ²weren’t sold in
A was liked by guitar makers. large numbers in the 1980s. Nowadays,
B is still popular nowadays. however, a computer or a laptop ¹buys / ²is
C soon became known as the Gibson Les bought by someone every day!
Paul. 4 The Internet ¹didn’t invent / ²wasn’t invented
all that long ago, but nowadays it ¹used / ²is
Text 3
used all over the world.
How does an electric guitar work? 5 These pictures ¹painted / ²were painted by my
Have you ever wondered how you can hear
grandfather many years ago. Also, you’ll see
the sound of an electric guitar? Unlike
that some of the rooms in the house ¹are
classical or acoustic guitars, which have
decorated / ²decorate with his sculptures.
a wooden box that amplifies the sound,
an electric guitar has a solid body. So, when 6 Nowadays, most household jobs ¹don’t /
you hit the metal strings on an electric ²aren’t done by hand. Devices like vacuum
guitar, their vibrations are picked by small cleaners or dishwashers ¹buy / ²are bought to
electrical devices called ‘pickups’. These are make these jobs less exhausting.
made of one or more magnets. When the __ / 12
strings vibrate, electricity is created and
sent to an amplifier, a device that turns the
electrical signal into sound. 9 Uzupełnij pytania wyrazami podanymi w ramce.
Total: __ / 52