Linear 01
Linear 01
Linear 01
Assignment # 01
Department of Mathematics
Topic: history of Linear Algbra.
In order to unfold the history of
linear algebra, it is important that we first determine what Linear
Algebra is. As such, this definition is not a complete and
comprehensive answer, but rather a broad definition loosely
wrapping itself around the subject.
First, linear algebra is the study of a certain algebraic
structure called a vector space (BYU). Second, linear algebra is
the study of linear sets of equations and their transformation
properties. Finally, it is the branch of mathematics charged with
investigating the properties of finite dimensional vector spaces
and linear mappings between such spaces. Now discuss the
history of linear algebra as it relates linear sets of equations and
their transformations and vector spaces.
Around 4000 years ago, the people of Babylon knew how to
solve a simple 2X2 system of linear equations with two
unknowns. Around 200 BC, the Chinese published that “Nine
Chapters of the Mathematical Art,” they displayed the ability to
solve a 3X3 system of equations (Perotti). The simple equation
of ax+b=0 is an ancient question worked on by people from all
walks of life. The power and progress in linear algebra did not
come to fruition until the late 17th century. The emergence of
the subject came from determinants, values connected to a
square matrix, studied by the founder of calculus, Leibnitz, in
the late 17th century. Lagrange came out with his work
regarding Lagrange multipliers, a way to “characterize the
maxima and minima multivariate functions.” (Darkwing) More
than fifty years later, Cramer presented his ideas of solving
systems of linear equations based on determinants more than 50
years after Leibnitz (Darkwing). Interestingly enough, Cramer
provided no proof for solving an n x n system. As we see, linear
algebra has become more relevant since the emergence of
calculus even though it’s foundational equation of ax+b=0 dates
back centuries.