Industrial Final Exam
Industrial Final Exam
Industrial Final Exam
22.) Peter and other team members begin to acknowledge the reality of having 31.) The transition period that briefly follows after the merger of two top
been part of the team, thus accepting their leader and working directly with financial institutions of the country led to some disorganized set-up among
other members to address difficulties. At what developmental phase this team supervisory and mid-level managers which has also affected the rank and file
is at this juncture? employees.. According to a certain leadership theory, the best behavioral
a. Forming stage style a leader should utilize in this kind of organizational climate is
b. Storming stage a. Magnetic style
c. Norming stage b. Position style
d. Performing stage c. Coercive style
d. Tactical style
23.) Nelson, Elsie, Jennie and Mercy make up the souvenir program
committee for 30th founding anniversary of WeLoveOurJobs Outsourcing 32.) At least some violent acts can be understood as reactions against a
Agency. They manage themselves, assign tasks, plan and schedule work, perceived injustice by an employee. When the perceived injustice relates to
make work-related decisions, and solve related problems. This is an example actual outcomes, such as layoffs, and that a particular individual believes he
of a doesn't deserve getting laid off prompting him to create violent acts, such case
a. Parallel team is viewed as violence resulting against
b. Management team a. Interpersonal justice
c. Groupthink b. Distributive justice
d. Work team c. Procedural justice
d. Employee rights
24.) The following are some methods to facilitate downward communication,
EXCEPT 33.) A research by McClelland comes up with the leadership motive pattern
a. Bulletin boards that high-performance managers have
b. Exit interviews a. High need for power and high need for achievement
c. Policy manuals b. High need for power and low need for affiliation
d. Newsletters c. High need for affiliation and high need for power
d. High need for achievement and low need for affiliation
25.) This group is created by the organization to accomplish specific goals
within an unspecified time frame. The group remains in existence after 34.) In path-goal theory, what behavioral leadership style is applied when a
achievement of current goals and objectives. leader sets challenging goals and rewards increases in performance?
a. formal group a. Instrumental
b. functional group b. Supportive
c. task group c. Participative
d. command group d. Achievement-oriented
26.) It can happen that even though the manager knows what he wants to say 35.) One behavioral style under path-goal theory is that when the leader calls
and says it the way he wants, and even though his supervisors properly for planning, organizing and controlling the activities of the employees during
received the intended message, still a lapse in communication may occur those situations when employees show the lack of ability in performing their
depending on how each supervisor picks up the meaning of the message. This task.
problem area in communication falls under a. Instrumental style
a. Message received versus message interpreted b. Supportive style
b. Message interpreted versus message relayed c. Participative style
c. Message sent versus message received d. Achievement-oriented style
d. Intended message versus message sent
36.) These leaders see their employees as lazy, extrinsically motivated and
27.) According to this theory, frustration leads to a stress reaction and that the thus shall lead by directing their employees and setting goals for them.
employee expends energy to relieve this stress, often in the form of a. Person-oriented leaders
destructive or counterproductive behavior. b. Team leaders
a. Frustration-aggression Hypothesis c. Theory Y leaders
b. Justice Hypothesis d. Theory X leaders
c. Stress Reaction Feedback Model
d. Energy-Dumping Reaction 37.) This theory states that leaders develop different roles and relationships
with the people under them and thus act differently with different subordinates
28.) Peoples’ temple cult leader, Reverend Jim Jones, persuaded his followers as categorized into two: the in-group and the out-group.
to feed a poison-laced drink to their children and then drink in themselves, and a. IMPACT theory
nearly 1,000 people died. This is an example of the negative influence of b. Situational leadership theory
a. Social roles c. Leader-member exchange (LMX)
b. Transactional leadership d. Fielder’s Contingency Model
c. Transformational leadership
d. Hawthorne effect 37.) A problem area in interpersonal communication occurs when the message
you sent is not the message you intended to send. This can be solved by
29.) This leadership principle expresses that individual leadership style is not a. Thinking about what you want to communicate
easily changed. So, leadership training should concentrate on helping leaders b. Practice what you want to communicate
c. Learn better communication skills with her tasks but also to advance in the organization. This training
d. All of these method is
a. Coaching
38.) Which among the choices does not characterize a group?
b. Apprentice training
a. 2 or more persons
b. shared goals c. Mentoring
c. Interdependence d. Modeling
d. independence
5.) Internal recruitment or promoting someone from within the
39.) In Fielder’s contingency model, the favorableness of the situation that organization will likely
determines the effectiveness of a leader include the following, EXCEPT a. Runs the risk of having a workforce devoid of fresh job-related
a. Task structuredness ideas.
b. Organizational climate b. Enhance employee morale and motivation.
c. Leader-member relations
c. Facilitate smooth transition of workload.
d. Leader position power
d. All of the above.
40.) Counterproductive or violent behaviors aimed at individuals include the
following, EXCEPT
6.) In determining training needs, this process identifies the things to
a. Gossip
b. Bullying
do specific to the job for which employees need to be trained.
c. Sabotage
d. Harassment a. Person analysis
b. Task analysis
c. Organizational analysis
d. Job analysis
Performance, Training and Development, Motivation 9.) Evaluating an employee performance by counting the number of
job behaviors such as a sales-person’s performance by the number of
1.) The process of determining how much a job must be paid is units sold for the month is an example of
a. Job elements inventory a. Employee comparison
b. Pay negotiation b. Objective measures
c. Job evaluation c. Rating
d. Pay equity d. Ranking
2.) Of all faculty members under his supervision, Dr. Joe thinks that 10.) An employee finds that getting promoted ceases to become more
Dr. Jessie shows the most potential as his success or as head of the important need to satisfy since he finds that the salary increase and
department. A month before his retirement Dr. Joe submits Dr. added benefits are already enough for him to settle with his current
Jessie’s name. This is best referred to as position. This is exemplified in
a. Direct application a. ERG Theory
b. Advertisement b. Hierarchy of Needs Theory
c. Word of mouth c. Need for Achievement Theory
d. Supervisory recommendation d. Bi-Factor Theory
3.) Which among the following is one best way to evaluate 11.) The topmost reason for evaluating employee performance is
effectiveness of recruiting strategies? a. To determine the difference in compensation among employees
a. Comparing which source of recruitment yields the highest number within the same job
of applicant b. To determine which employees will be promoted
b. Computing the cost spent for each recruiting strategy with the c. To conduct personnel research
number of applicants d. To improve employee performance by providing feedback about
c. Determining the cost of the strategy per qualified applicant what they are doing
d. Looking into the number of successful employee generated by 12.) This is a planned effort by an organization to facilitate the
each recruitment source learning of the employees’ behavior necessary for increased job
4.) Martha is a department head who has been with the organization a. Organizational analysis
for some time. She helps a new employee not only to perform well b. Training
c. Performance appraisal who is paid well and has control and responsibility is greatly
d. Motivation motivated. This is expressed in
a. ERG Theory
13.) It is generally thought that Industrial Psychology has started b. Hierarchy of Needs Theory
when The Theory of Advertising was published in 1903 written by c. Need for Achievement Theory
a. Hugo Munsterberg d. Bi-Factor Theory
b. Walter Dill Scott
c. Bruce Moore 22.) Employees who feel good about themselves are motivated to
d. Marion Bills perform better at work than those who do not feel themselves worthy.
This positive correlation between self-esteem and performance is
14.) On Mondays, Peter is in charge of the griller, on Tuesdays he is expressed in
in the pantry station, on Wednesdays he works as the product a. Job characteristics theory
controller, on Thursdays he is in the cashier’s desk, and on Fridays he b. ERG theory
is in charge of the dining area. His employer is using c. Need for achievement theory
a. Job enrichment d. Consistency theory
b. Job analysis
c. Job specification 23.) Having been observed and given much attention, the employees
d. Job rotation show a change in behavior at work. This condition is called
a. Halo effect
15.) Which is NOT considered as a type of information typically b. Observational learning
taken from a job analysis? c. Hawthorne effect
a. General work activity d. Transfer of training
b. Job context
c. Social context 24.) These are some reasons for using references and
d. company’s history recommendations during employee selection, except
a. Confirming details on a resume
16.) Ability tests that include finger dexterity, manual dexterity, b. Discovering new information about the applicant
control precision and multi-limb coordination are categorized under c. Creating network and linkages for future referrals
a. Physical ability d. Predicting future performance
b. perceptual ability
c. psychomotor ability 25.) Bert loves his job because it allows him to interact with others. It
d. cognitive ability gives him the chance to help his colleagues and work with other
people. With his job he meets his
17.) This is the extent to which behavior learned in training will be a. Need for self-actualization
performed on the job. b. Need for power
a. Learning c. Need for affiliation
b. Quality of training d. Need for achievement
c. Transfer of training
d. Overlearning 26.) Jess is driven by some force from within him as well as some
external factors such as the bonus he receives from his exceptional
18.) One of the salient points in the job characteristic theory performance at work and the friendly work environment. These
expresses that employee desire for a job that provides them with the things that move him into action is referred to as
opportunity to be personally responsible for the outcome of their a. Self-esteem
work. This refers to b. Motivation
a. Meaning c. Self-efficacy
b. Autonomy d. value
c. Affiliation
d. Feedback 27.) The most powerful research method is that which determine
cause-and-effect relationships of the variables being studied. The
19.) This distribution error in evaluating employee performance same is true to researches in industrial/organizational settings. So, if
occurs when the rater tends to rate the employee at the upper end of the research objective is to know whether one variable produces or
the scale regardless of the actual performance. causes another variable to change, the research method to be utilized
a. Leniency error is
b. Central tendency error a. Correlational Studies
c. Strictness error b. Meta-analysis
d. Contrast error c. Experimental studies
d. Phenomenological studies
20.) What I need is a pay raise in my current job rather than the
promotion you offer in as much as I want to satisfy my basic need
first. This is best described in 28.) A priority to include in the job description of the computer
a. Job characteristics theory
b. Hierarchy of Needs theory programmer should be
c. Consistency theory a. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science
d. ERG theory b. Knowledge in COBOL
c. Writing programs to run network process on the mainframe
21.) Jenny who is paid a lot of money but has no control or d. Proficiency in basic computer language
responsibility over her job is neither motivated nor unmotivated.
While Gina who has tremendous control and responsibility over her 29.) You are commissioned to conduct a research on the performance
job but is not paid enough is unmotivated. On the other hand, Gemma of the insurance agents of San Telmo Burial Plans. As a researcher
you randomly assign 20 agents to receive funeral pre-arrangement
life training and 20 agents to receive no training. After the training
program, you look at the change in the clients’ burial plan spending. Halo effect
In this example, the dependent variable is
a. The agents who receive no training at all 37.) A fast food chain is looking for a crew who is outgoing and
b. The funeral pre-arrangement life training friendly with the costumers. Which basic criterion should the
c. The agents who undergo training manager look for?
d. The clients’ burial plan spending a. Competencies
b. Skills
30.) A theory developed by McClelland suggests that those c. Personal characteristics
employees who are strongly motivated by jobs that are challenging d. Abilities
and over which they have some control are those who are strong in
their need for 38.) Which among the statements below best describes public
a. Control employment agencies such as the Public Employment Service Office
b. power (PESO) initiated by the LGU?
c. affiliation a. Charge the requesting company when the applicant takes the job.
d. achievement b. Charge the applicant with a fraction of the salary when the
applicant takes the job
31.) This refers to the selection technique using multiple assessment c. Primarily provide help to the unemployed find work
methods that allow multiple assessors to actually observe applicants d. Represent applicants applying for executive positions
perform simulated job tasks.
39.) According to Aldefer, which need is satisfied when an employee
a. Simulation desires to have the control to influence other employees in the
b. work sample department?
c. business game a. Power
d. assessment center b. Control
c. Affiliation
32.) These are the ones knowledgeable and who can give more d. Achievement
information about the job during the conduct of job analysis.
a. Subject matter experts (SMEs) 40.) This documents the tasks performed in a job, the conditions
b. Change agents under which the job is performed and the requirements needed to
c. I/O consultants perform the job.
d. Supervisors a. Job description
b. Job analysis
33.) Professors are often asked to provide recommendations for c. Job characteristics
students whom they know only from one or two classes. Such d. Job evaluation
recommendations are not likely accurate as only a fraction of
behavior is mentioned. This becomes a problem in the use of 41.) This method of evaluating employee performance involves
references and letters of recommendation due to comparing each possible pair of employees and choosing which one
a. unreliability of the source of of each pair is the better employee.
b. poor knowledge of the applicant a. Paired comparison
c. extraneous factors b. Ranking method
d. leniency c. Rating
d. Forced-distribution
34.) This is designed to simulate the types of daily information that
appear on a manager’s or employee’s desk. During the assessment 42.) What serves as the cornerstone of personnel selection is the
center, examples of job-related paperwork are stacked in a pile, and complete and accurate picture of a job. This is achieved through
the job applicant is asked to go through those papers and assess the a. Job analysis
issues as if he were actually on the job. This could include feedback b. Job classification
from other applicants. c. Job evaluation
a. Work sample d. Job design
b. business game
c. in-basket technique 43.) An error in rating performance occurs when the rater allows
d. simulation either a single attribute or an overall impression of an individual to
affect the ratings he makes on each relevant dimension.
35.) On the classified ads, “ to qualify for Police Officer, you must be a. Distribution error
a Filipino citizen, at least 21 years old but not older than 36 years old, b. Proximity error
a 20/20 vision, excellent health and physical condition and a c. Contrast error
NAPOLCOM Exam passer. “ This is the is referred to as d. Halo error
a. Job Context
b. Job Specification 44.) When the rating made on one dimension affects the rating made
c. Job Analysis on the dimension that immediately follows it on the rating scale is a
d. Job Application rating error called
a. Distribution error
36.) Studies indicate that physically attractive applicants have an b. Proximity error
advantage in interviews over the less attractive ones and applicants c. Contrast error
who dress professionally receive higher interview scores than those d. Halo error
poorly dressed. This is one problem with the unstructured interviews
under 45.) The field of I/O Psychology that concentrates on workplace
a. Lack of relatedness design, human-machine interaction, physical fatigue and stress is
b. contrast effect Organizational Psychology
c. interviewee appearance Industrial Psychology
Human Factor/Ergonomics
Personnel Psychology
49.) Instead of telling the applicant how much fun she will have
working on the assembly line, the recruiter honestly tells her that
although the pay is well above the minimum, the work is often boring
and there is little chance for advancement. This is one example of the
recruitment process known as
a. Person-task matching
b. realistic performance details
c. Realistic job preview
d. leveling off expectations