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Topic 5

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Systems Development Tools

 Modelling
 Prototyping
 CASE Tools
Systems Development Tools

 Modeling produces a graphical representation of a concept or

process that systems developers can analyze, test, and modify. A
system analyst can describe and simplify an information system by
using a set of business, data, object, network, and process models.
 Business model, or requirements model, describes the information
that a system must provide.
 Data model describes data structure and design.
 Object model describes objects, which combine data and
 Network model describes the design and protocols of
telecommunications links.
 Process model describes the logic that programmers use to write
code modules. Although the models might appear to overlap, they
actually work together to describe the same environment from
different points of view.
Systems Development Tools

 Prototyping tests system concepts and provides an

opportunity to examine input, output, and user
interfaces before final decisions are made.
 A prototype is an early working version of an
information system. A prototype can serve as an
initial model that is used as benchmark to evaluate
the finished system, or the prototype itself can
develop into the final version of the system.
 A possible disadvantage of prototyping is that
important decisions might be made too early,
before business or IT issues are understood
Systems Development Tools (CASE

 Computer-aided systems engineering (CASE), also

called computer-aided software engineering, is a
technique that uses powerful software to help systems
analyst’s develop and maintain information systems.
 CASE tools provide an over all framework for systems
development and support a wide variety of design
methodologies, including structured analysis and
object-oriented analysis.
 Because CASE tools make it easier to build an
information system, they boost it productivity and
improved the quality of the finished product.
 CASE tools such as Microsoft Project, and Microsoft
The codding process

 coding is an analytical process in which data,

in both quantitative form (such as
questionnaires results) or qualitative form (such
as interview transcripts) are categorized to
facilitate analysis.
 One purpose of coding is to transform the data
into a form suitable for computer-aided
Type of software testing (unit

 unit testing
 Integration testing
 System testing
Type of software testing (unit
Unit testing is the testing of an
individual unit or group of
related units. It falls under the
class of white box testing. It is
often done by the programmer
to test that the unit he/she has
implemented is producing
expected output against given
Type of software testing
(Integration testing)

 Integration testing is testing in which a group of

components are combined to produce output.
Also, the interaction between software and
hardware is tested in integration testing if software
and hardware components have any relation. It
may fall under both white box testing and black box
Type of software testing
(system testing)

 System testing is the testing to ensure that by putting

the software in different environments (e.g.,
Operating Systems) it still works. System testing is
done with full system implementation and
environment. It falls under the class of black box
Differentiate between program, system,
operations and user documentation

Program System Operations user

documentation documentation documentation documentation
• Describes the • Describes the Describe • Consists of
inputs, outputs, system’s functions information system instructions and
and processing and how they are environment information to
logic for all implemented. involves a users who will
program • System minicomputer, a interact with the
modules. documentation mainframe, or system and
includes data
• This centralized servers, includes user
dictionary entries,
documentation the analyst must manuals, Help,
data flow
guides diagrams, object prepare screens, and
programmers, models, screen documentation for tutorials.
who construct layouts, source the IT group that • Designed to assist
modules that can documents, and supports end users to use
be understood the systems centralized the product or
and maintained request that operations. service.
easily. initiated the
The main steps in system

 Keep Vendors Accountable With a Detailed Needs

 Control Your Scope—Or It Will Control You
 Assign Realistic Teams to Drive Software
Implementation Plan
 Generate User Adoption With a Proactive, Engaging
 Focus on Continuous Improvement
System installation and
Systems support and security

 The systems support and security phase begins

when a system becomes operational and continues
until the system reaches the end of its useful life
 After delivering the system, the IT team focuses on
support and maintenance tasks
Systems support and security cont..

User Training Help Desk

• Train people in groups, with • Enhance productivity and

separate training programs improve utilization of a
for distinct groups company’s information
• Select the most effective resources
place to conduct the • The help desk is a central
training contact point for all IT
Provide for learning by maintenance
hearing, seeing, and doing
• Prepare effective training
materials, including
interactive tutorials
• Rely on previous trainees
Various Types Of Maintenance

 Corrective maintenance
 Adaptive maintenance
 Perfective maintenance
 Preventive maintenance
Various Types Of Maintenance
(Corrective maintenance)

 Diagnoses and corrects errors in an operational

 Respond to errors in various ways, depending on
 Worst-case situation is a system failure
 When the system is operational again, the
maintenance team determines the cause, analyzes
the problem, and designs a permanent solution
Various Types Of Maintenance
(Adaptive maintenance)

 Adds enhancement to operational system and

makes the system easier to use
 More difficult than new system development
because enhancement must work within the
constraints of an existing system
Various Types Of Maintenance
(Perfective maintenance)

 Modification of a software product after delivery to

improve performance or maintainability.
Various Types Of Maintenance
(Preventive maintenance)

 that is regularly performed on a piece of equipment

to lessen the likelihood of it failing. It is performed
while the equipment is still working so that it does
not break down unexpectedly.
System security and backup

 System security refers to the processes and methodologies involved

with keeping information confidential, available, and assuring its
integrity. It also refers to: Access controls, which prevent unauthorized
personnel from entering or accessing a system.
 Backup is the last defense against data loss, providing a way to
restore original data.
Three (3) elements of system
security (CIA)

- The correct level of access should be given to only
those people and processes that need it to complete
their duties. If no access is required then none
should be given.
- Ensure the integrity of the information is
maintained at all times and that any information
provided is an accurate and unchanged
representation of the original.
- Ensure all information is readily accessible to all
authorised users at all times.

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