[British Dental Journal 2014-may 23 vol. 216 iss. 10] Ngo, H._ Opsahl-Vital, S. - Minimal intervention dentistry II_ part 7. Minimal intervention in cariology_ the role of glass-ionomer cements in the preservat (201
[British Dental Journal 2014-may 23 vol. 216 iss. 10] Ngo, H._ Opsahl-Vital, S. - Minimal intervention dentistry II_ part 7. Minimal intervention in cariology_ the role of glass-ionomer cements in the preservat (201
[British Dental Journal 2014-may 23 vol. 216 iss. 10] Ngo, H._ Opsahl-Vital, S. - Minimal intervention dentistry II_ part 7. Minimal intervention in cariology_ the role of glass-ionomer cements in the preservat (201
invasive restorative techniques and
as a therapeutic coating in preventive
Glass-ionomer cements (GICs) are essential materials in clinical practice because of their versatility, self-adhesion to
enamel and dentine, and good biocompatibility. In addition, being chemically cured, with no shrinkage stress, makes them
well suited for minimally invasive restorative techniques. This article looks at some of the clinical situations where the
chemical adhesion and high biocompatibility of GIC are important for clinical success: excavation of deep carious lesions,
fissure sealing and protection of root surfaces against caries.
The philosophy of minimal intervention (MI) unbalanced oral environment. MI is supported interface7 and the ensuing seal is both tech-
dentistry is gaining popularity around the by the following four pillars: individual risk nique tolerant and long lasting, even under
world; it recognises that caries is a multifac- assessment, detection and management of challenging clinical environment.
torial, life-style associated condition, which non-cavitated lesions, effective preventive They have been described as bioactive
is driven by an unhealthy oral biofilm and an care and minimally invasive restorative tech- materials due to the exchange of ions with
niques. At every stage in the management tooth structures8 and can be thought of as
of caries clinicians should aim for maximum a reservoir for fluoride and other ions in
MINIMAL INTERVENTION preservation of tooth structures. the oral cavity.9 This exchange is only pos-
DENTISTRY II This article will focus on the use of glass- sible because GICs contain both tightly and
1. Contribution of the operating microscope to ionomer cement (GIC) in minimally invasive loosely bound water in its matrix, the set
dentistry restorative techniques and as a therapeutic cement still contains between 11% to 24% of
2. Management of caries and periodontal risks coating in preventive dentistry. As a group bound water.2 The liquid contains approxi-
in general dental practice of materials, GIC is very versatile; examples mately 60% water by weight.
3. Management of non-cavitated (initial) can be found as restorative materials, cavity
occlusal caries lesions – non-invasive
liners, luting cements, fissure sealants and THE SETTING REACTION
approaches through remineralisation and
therapeutic sealants therapeutic coatings.1–3 This last terminology The setting of GICs involves complex chemi-
4. Minimal intervention techniques of is used to describe a material that can be cal reactions; in brief it can be separated into
preparation and adhesive restorations. The painted on susceptible tooth surfaces to form two distinct stages. Immediately after mixing,
contribution of the sono-abrasive techniques
a long lasting coat and provide both physical there is cross-linking of the poly-acid chains
5. Ultra-conservative approach to the treatment
of erosive and abrasive lesions and chemical protection against caries. by either free calcium or strontium ions. The
6. Microscope and microsurgical techniques in cross-linking during this stage is not stable
BIOCOMPATIBILITY OF and can be easily affected by excessive water
7. Minimal intervention in cariology: the
GLASS-IONOMER CEMENT loss or too much moisture contamination, due
role of glass-ionomer cements in the GIC was developed in England by Wilson to poor isolation technique, during placement.
preservation of tooth structures against
and Kent in 19724 and introduced to the During the second stage, the chains of poly-
dental profession in 1988.5 The first genera- acid are further cross-linked by trivalent alu-
8. Biotherapies for the dental pulp
This paper is adapted from: Ngo H, Opsahl-Vital S. Intervention
tion of GIC includes water-based cements minium ions. This later stage brings both an
minimale. La place des ciments verre ionomère. Réalités Cliniques that were formed by an acid-base reaction increase in mechanical properties, a reduction
2012; 23: 235-242.
between a calcium-based fluoroalumino- in solubility and improved aesthetic. Even at
silicate glass powder and a polyalkenoic this stage the maintenance of water balance is
Faculty of Dentistry, Kuwait University, PO Box 24923 acid liquid. In later versions, calcium was still critical for the long-term clinical perfor-
Safat, 13110 Kuwait; 2EA2496 Pathologies, Imaging and
Biotherapies of the Tooth, Dental School, University
replaced with strontium to impart radio- mance of the restoration. Indeed, the presence
Paris Descartes PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, 92120 Mon- opacity.6 It is interesting to note that because of some loosely bound water molecules in the
trouge, France; 3AP-HP Service Odontologie HUPNVS of their similarity in polarity and atomic size, solidified matrix is essential for ion exchange
*Correspondence to: Professor Hien C Ngo
Email: hien.ngo@hsc.edu.kw these two elements are interchangeable in and recharging of fluoride ions.10–12
the composition of GIC as well as hydroxya- Fluoride is an essential part of the glass
Refereed Paper patite (HAP). The major attraction of GIC because it is used to control the fusion tem-
Accepted 15 November 2013
DOI: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.398 is its ability to chemically bond to dentine perature and it is also a good oxide scavenger
© British Dental Journal 2014; 216: 561-565 and enamel and to form an acid resistant during the manufacturing of the glass. In the
Fig. 2a Initial situation: the patient presented Fig. 2d A high fluoride-releasing GIC liner
with a large proximal lesion and reported mild (Fuji Triage®, GC Corporation) was applied over
symptoms over a brief period the discoloured dentine as a liner for internal
remineralisation. A high-strength GIC was laid
down, in particular over the dentinal margin
(Fuji IX Extra, GC Corporation) as a base in
preparation for the composite resin restoration
of GIC can increase by 39% over 40-day of softened dentine left at the base of the
exposure to saliva.17 cavity; it is important to create a margin
A major advantage of GIC is its ability to on sound dentin and enamel to ensure that
act as a fluoride reservoir in the oral cavity. a seal is achievable with the final restora-
The release of fluoride is characterised by a tion (Figs 1a–c). In the early version of this
high initial peak, which decreases rapidly technique, step-wise excavation, a tempo-
to maintain a sustained level over several rary restoration was placed and a time period
months.18,19 However, there is a topping- of approximately six months was allowed
up effect where GIC can be recharged with for the deposition of tertiary dentine before
fluoride ions from external sources such as replacing the temporary restoration with a
toothpastes, gels and varnishes.20 GIC res- final one.29 The current literature suggests
torations can be viewed as slow fluoride that for most clinical cases the re-entry step Fig. 3a Initial situation: erupting first
permanent molar. Pre-fissure-sealant with GIC
releasing devices.21 The caries preventive can be eliminated, so a final restoration can
was recommended, because the tooth has not
effect of GIC is restricted to its immediate be placed at the initial visit then the vital- yet been fully erupted and moisture control is
vicinity, this protection has been observed ity of the tooth monitored.27,37,38 The use of difficult to achieve
not only along the margin of the restoration GIC is essential in this technique, because
but also on proximal surface of the adjacent there is a suggestion that the demineralised
tooth.22,23 dentine can be remineralised through an
When GIC is placed in direct contact with ion exchange process with GIC. This process
caries affected dentine, the migration of apa- was described as ‘internal remineralisation’
tite forming elements F and Sr from the GIC (Figs 2a‑g).8,10 In addition, GIC can provide
to carious dentine can be extensive.8 a long lasting seal through chemical adhe-
sion that deprives the remaining bacteria of
DEEP CARIES externally sourced nutrients.10 As GIC can
GIC is an essential tool in the management be placed in proximity to the pulp without
of deep caries lesions in permanent teeth the risk of inducing inflammation, there
(codes 5 and 6 ICDAS II). Traditionally, we is no need for the placement of any liner
were taught that all soft and discoloured unless there is direct pulp exposure.38 It has
dentine at the base of these deep caries been shown that this conservative approach Fig. 3b A high fluoride-releasing GIC was
lesions should be completely removed in is much kinder to the tooth, reducing the chosen (Fuji Triage®, GC Corporation)
order to eradicate bacteria and to provide incidence of pulp exposure and ensuring a
good supports for the overlying restoration. better prognosis.26,27,39,40 as Fuji Triage (GC Corporation), to protect
This approach often leads to the unneces- the occlusal surface of erupting permanent
sary removal of tooth tissue and mechanical THE SANDWICH TECHNIQUE molars (Figs 3a and b).44,48,49
pulp exposures. It was reported that in young Sandwich technique is a term that has been
patients the rate of pulp exposure can be as used to describe the use of GIC as a den- PROTECTION OF ROOT SURFACES
high as 40%.24 In addition, it is now proven tine replacement material or as a base in IN ELDERLY PATIENTS
that the elimination of all microorganisms large posterior composite restorations. This Root caries lesions are commonly found on
in the lesion is not at all possible.25 technique can be further divided into either exposed root surfaces in the elderly. These
It is now well accepted that, when dealing ‘closed-sandwich’, when the GIC is entirely lesions are difficult to diagnose at an early
with deep caries lesions on teeth, without enclosed within the composite restoration, stage because, unlike enamel lesions, the first
any symptom of irreversible pulpitis, dentists or ‘open-sandwich’, when GIC is used as a changes are softening and surface rough-
should only selectively remove the infected base that is exposed to the oral cavity.41 The ening of the affected area, well before dis-
layer and to leave the affected layer behind, rationale for using a GIC base is to provide colouration sets in. In addition, these early
so to avoid pulp exposure and to preserve a seal at the gingival dentinal margin when lesions are frequently masked by plaque and
pulp vitality.26,27 This approach is based on enamel is missing and to reduce the depth of swelling of surrounding soft tissues and once
the work of Fusayama28 and Massler,29 which the proximal box so that light curing can be established they often spread subgingivally.
described the histology of these two layers reliably achieved. It also reduces the number Bacteria can penetrate through the thin
of carious dentine. However, under clinical of increments of composite resin.42,43 cementum into the underlying dentine very
conditions, the differentiation of infected quickly.50 Root caries can be arrested with
and affected dentine can be difficult, even PIT AND FISSURE SEALANT AND high fluoride and good oral hygiene; often
with the aid of caries detector dyes.30,31 In PRE-FISSURE SEALANT it is difficult to satisfactorily restore these
1992, Mertz-Fairhurst et al. confirmed, in a GIC can be used as a pit and fissure sealant, due to lack of access and adequate moisture
ten-year clinical trial, that any demineral- the key advantage is that it offers a dual, control. GIC can be used to cover and protect
ised dentine left at the base of restorations mechanical and chemical protection with the exposed root surfaces or to restore sub-
did not continue to progress nor contribute long-term fluoride release. However, it has gingival root caries lesion. Figure 4 presents
significantly to the failure of the coronal been reported that its retention rate is lower a case of a patient with an original caries
restorations, as long as a seal was estab- than those achieved with resin based seal- lesion that had been arrested for many years.
lished and maintained.32 More recently, sys- ants.44–46 It is recommended where the tooth This had been achieved with a combination
tematic reviews have confirmed the above has not yet been fully erupted and moisture of good oral hygiene, use of a high fluoride-
findings.33–36 control is still difficult to achieve.47 The term containing toothpaste, and daily application
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Letter (BDJ 2014; 216: 488–489)
‘Oral surgery: ARONJ masterclass’
In the above letter, the author list should have read as follows:
A. Moore, S. Ruggiero, S. Rogers, T. Taylor, S. Popat, R. Coleman, S. Leyland, R. Popat, K. Sivardeen, I. Fogelman, A. Hawkesford
and T. Renton
In the original letter the first author A. Moore was omitted in error.
We apologise for any confusion caused.