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Great Americans

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IT’s America

Great Americans It is not surprising that a country

the size of the USA has produced
many great people. However you may be surprised to know that
in a recent BBC survey people voted a cartoon character as the
Greatest American. He polled 47% of the vote. Who do you think
the character was? Read on to find out if you were correct.
In second place, and quite a long way behind, with 9% was Abraham
Lincoln. I wonder what he would think about being beaten by a
cartoon character. He had got quite a sense of humour so he would
probably shrug1 his shoulders and laugh it off. So who was this famous
Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 to poor parents on a small farm.
He loved to read and walked many miles in order to borrow2 book. In
1836 he became a lawyer. He became very well known for his honesty and fairness3. Lincoln married
Mary Todd and they had four children. Sadly two of the boys died in childhood. Many people, particularly
in the southern states of the US, had slaves4 but Lincoln thought this was wrong. He became President
in March 1861 and after his election many of the southern states left the union. They wanted to continue
to own slaves because they were very important workers on the big cotton and tobacco plantations. This
division led to a civil war between Lincoln’s Union army and the Southern Confederate armies. In 1863
Lincoln declared that all slaves were free forever and in 1864 Lincoln won the war. Sadly on April 14th
1865 Lincoln was killed, assassinated5, at a theatre by John Wilkes Booth, an actor. Today the Lincoln
memorial in Washington DC is a “must see” tourist attraction.

Now let’s see if you were correct with your guess about who
was the Greatest American. If you said Homer Simpson give
yourself a pat on the back6. “Homer Simpson – who is he?” I
hear many of you say. Well Homer Simpson is the star of one
Who do you think are Great
of the most popular TV shows in the world. Homer is the dad of
the Simpson family. He works as a safety inspector at a Nuclear
Power factory. He loves sitting on the sofa while watching TV
Is it true or false? T F
and drinking beer. He also loves to eat doughnuts7. He is a
1. Lincoln had a wife
bit stupid and lazy. And why do people love Homer so much?
called Mary.
Perhaps because he is just a normal family man! By the way,
2. They had three children.
the creator of The Simpsons based Homer on his own Dad!
3. Lincoln loved to read books.
4. Abraham Lincoln was
born into a rich family.
5. Lincoln became an engineer.
6. He believed that it was
OK to keep slaves.
7. Lincoln became
President of the US.
8. Homer Simpson is a famous
cartoon character.
9. Homer works at a
chocolate factory.
1 šrag – pokrčiť ramenami/po- 10. Homer spends most of his
krčit rameny; 2 bor u – vypo- time working in the garden.
žičať/vypůjčit; 3 onistli ænd
fe nis – čestnosť a slušnosť/
e 11. The creator of the Simpsons
čestnost a slušnost; 4 sleivs based the character of Homer
– otroci; 5 e ,sæsi´neitid
– úkladne zavraždený/úkladně on his next door neighbour.
zavražděn; 6 pæt on ð bæk
– poklepať po ramenách, po-
vzbudiť/povzbudit; 7 d unats
e Write correct answers for those
– šišky/koblihy that are incorrect.


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