The Hydration of and H Dicalcium Sil
The Hydration of and H Dicalcium Sil
The Hydration of and H Dicalcium Sil
S Supporting Information
Figure 2. Hydrated β-C2S at 17 days: (A) Transmission image of the ROI taken at 349 eV; (B) selected regions in the Ca element map for the
XANES spectra; (C) Ca L2,3-edge XANES spectra extracted from different regions specified in (B).
aXis2000 software.48 At each age, at least two RGB maps were taken Ca−O bond lengths for Ca2 range from 2.400 to 2.676 Å with
to obtain statistically reliable results, and at least 10 spectroscopic an average of 2.503 Å. The complex coordination of Ca1 and
measurements were taken from different particles on each Si3N4 Ca2 in β-C2S produces weak cubic-like crystal field splitting
Ptychographic images were collected at 800 eV at beamline
Full details of the imaging technique are given in ref 44. The spatial To avoid X-ray absorption saturation at low energy, only
resolution of these transmission images is ∼10 nm. The images were particles with a size of ∼1 μm (Figure 2A, B) were measured at
reconstructed by the Nanosurveyor package.49 The width of C-S-H Ca L2,3-edge. The 17-day hydrated β-C2S grains at the Ca L2,3-
fibers of hydrated samples in the ptychographic images was quantified edge show mostly identical peak positions and an equivalent
using ImageJ with F3D plugin developed at LBNL.50 splitting energy in each grain, indicating that the Ca in each
grain exhibits a similar environment. Peaks a2 and b2 in the
■ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION selected areas are 0.1 eV lower than anhydrous β-C2S,
Ca Coordination of Anhydrous β-C2S and Hydrated β- suggesting a lower bond strength of Ca−O. The splitting
C2S for 17 days. The Ca L2,3-edge XANES spectra (Figure 2) energies in the selected areas are 1.1 eV, suggesting a distorted
consist of two major peaks, L3 2P3/2 (a2) and L2 2P1/2 (b2), octahedral-like symmetry for Ca.52 The X-ray absorption
which are due to the loss of degeneracy of 2p orbitals by spin− features (i.e., splitting energy and peak positions) are similar to
orbital interactions,51 along with a number of minor leading 14 Å tobermorite (calcium silicate hydrate mineral, [Ca4Si6-
peaks, a0, a1, and b1, in order of increasing energy. The peak O16(OH)2·2H2O]·(Ca·5H2O)),57,58 suggesting the C-S-H
energy difference of a2−a1 and b2−b1 (ΔL3 and ΔL2, termed as formed in this hydration system is structurally analogous to
splitting energy) and the intensity of the minor peaks are tobermorite. The relative intensity ratios of peak a1-to-a2
relevant to the coordination symmetry of Ca in the first shell (I(a1)/I(a2)) and b1-to-b2 (I(b1)/I(b2)) of these selected
and its ordering.52−55 areas are 0.021−0.041 and 0.050−0.077, respectively, which
The Ca L2,3-edge XANES spectrum (Figure 2C) of are lower than hydrothermally synthetic C-S-H at 25 °C
anhydrous β-C2S (monoclinic) exhibits a cubic-like symmetry (0.05−0.15 for I(a1)/I(a2) and 0.07−0.15 for I(b1)/I(b2)).38
with peak a1o located between a1 and a2, and the peak energy The details in the calculation of relative intensity of these peaks
differences of a2−a1 and b2−b1 are 1.54 and 1.2 eV, are shown in Figure S2 (Supporting Information). Synthetic C-
respectively. β-C2S contains seven-fold and eight-fold coordi- S-H has a longer range order than C-S-H formed in the β-C2S
nated Ca, denoted as Ca1 and Ca2 (Supporting Information, hydration along the c-axis.59 This suggests a shorter range
Figure S1). The equatorial plane of Ca1 is parallel to (101̅) order for Ca in this hydration system since the Ca/Si molar
with Ca−O bond lengths for Ca1 ranging from 2.273 to 2.892 ratio of C-S-H in hydrated β-C2S ranges from 1.2 to 2.1.60
Å with an average of 2.528 Å.56 The five equatorial O atoms Moreover, no contribution by portlandite (a non-strength-
are not exactly coplanar. The Ca2 is coordinated by eight O giving phase in hydrated C2S) was observed in the spectra,
atoms with a distorted symmetry for the cube, where the two suggesting that C-S-H does not intermix with portlandite at the
trapezoids formed of the top four and bottom four O atoms are 25 nm scale in this ROI, and the interlayer six-fold coordinated
misaligned along each other’s diagonal direction by 55°. The Ca is also distorted. Thus, the Ca of C-S-H in hydrated β-C2S
2318 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b05060
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Figure 3. Hydrated α′H-C2S at 10 days: (A) Transmission image of the ROI taken at 349 eV; (B) selected regions in the Ca element map for the
XANES spectra; (C) Ca L2,3-edge XANES spectra extracted from different regions specified in (B).
is short-range-ordered and tobermorite-like. Portlandite symmetry (less distorted) than in β-C2S. For Ca1 in β-C2S, its
crystallites were observed elsewhere in these dilute systems coordination number is seven, which is incapable of providing
(Supporting Information, Figure S3). an ideal cubic symmetry.
Hydrated C3S at 17 days also exhibited comparable peak Portlandite was not observed in this region for α′H-C2S
positions, splitting energies, and intensity ratios in XANES at hydrated for 10 days. Mostly identical peak positions and peak
the Ca L2,3-edge,61 indicating that the Ca environment of intensities were observed in each grain. Peaks a2 and b2 in the
hydrated C3S is similar to that of hydrated β-C2S. The selected areas are ∼0.1 eV lower than for α′H-C2S, and the
extended X-ray absorption fine structure study showed that the peak positions are 0.05 eV higher than for hydrated β-C2S. The
Ca-O environment of hydrated β-C2S is similar to that of 11 Å splitting energies in the compounds are ∼0.1 eV lower than for
tobermorite, but the coordination number and Ca−O bond α′H-C2S but ∼0.05 eV higher than for hydrated β-C2S. This
length of C-S-H could not be determined due to the presence suggests that the bond strength of Ca−O of hydrated α′H-C2S
of portlandite.62 An 17O NMR study demonstrated that Ca- is slightly higher than that for hydrated β-C2S; namely, more
OH sites are present in C-S-H of hydrated β-C2S.17 The C-S-H six-fold coordinated Ca is present in the α′H-C2S hydration
structure of hydrated β-C2S proposed by Richardson12 system. The intensity ratios of hydrated α′H-C2S are 0.018−
contains six- and seven-fold coordinated Ca in the interlayer 0.038 and 0.037−0.067, which are also lower than for
and intralayer, respectively. The model proposed by Gartner63
anhydrous but comparable to or slightly lower than hydrated
suggests that the interlayer Ca of C-S-H from hydration of C3S
β-C2S. These absorption features indicate that the coordina-
and β-C2S is six-fold coordinated. In the present work, the
tion symmetry of Ca in hydrated α′H-C2S is also tobermorite-
distorted six-fold Ca in the interlayer of hydrated β-C2S fits
like, but the ordering of Ca is slightly lower than for hydrated
both models.
Ca Coordination of Anhydrous α′H-C2S and α′H-C2S β-C2S.
Hydrated for 10 Days. The Ca L2,3-edge XANES spectra of Si Environment of Anhydrous β-C2S and β-C2S
α′H-C2S (orthorhombic) also exhibits a cubic-like symmetry Hydrated for 17 Days. The major peak of a1 at the Si K-
with peak energy differences of a2−a1 of 1.57 eV and b2−b1 of edge of β-C2S (Figure 4C) is assigned to the electronic
1.25 eV in Figure 3. This indicates a slightly stronger crystal excitation from 1s to the antibonding 3p-like state orbital (t2)
field of Ca for α′H-C2S. α′H-C2S contains nine- and eight-fold of tetrahedral Si.64,65 Pre-edge peak a0 is attributed to the
coordinated Ca at two sites (denoted as Ca1 and Ca2; see dipole-forbidden transition of 1s electrons to the antibonding
Figure S1 in the Supporting Information) with Ca−O bond 3s-like states.66 This forbidden peak appears due to the mixing
lengths for Ca1 ranging from 2.214 to 3.175 Å with an average of s- and p-states when the SiO4 tetrahedra coordination is
of 2.708 Å, and those for Ca2 ranging from 2.292 to 2.927 Å highly distorted. Thus, the intense a0 peak of β-C2S suggests a
with an average of 2.545 Å.56 The superposition of symmetries strong distortion of the silicate tetrahedron. The minor peak of
and complex coordination leads to the cubic-like crystal field a2 is assigned to the multiple-scattering effect from more
splitting of α′H-C2S. The energy difference in α′H-C2S is distant atom shells through a photoelectron interaction; its
slightly larger compared to β-C2S (monoclinic), suggesting energy is governed by the interatomic distance and structural
that Ca-O complexes in α′H-C2S are more similar to cubic-like complexity.67
2319 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b05060
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Figure 4. Hydrated β-C2S at 17 days: (A) Transmission image of the ROI taken at 1849 eV; (B) selected regions in the Si element map from the
XANES spectra; (C) Si K-edge XANES spectra extracted from different regions specified in (B); (D) RGB overlay map using XANES spectra
obtained from the C-S-H (Area 4, green) marked in (B) and reference spectrum of anhydrous β-C2S (red). More RGB over maps can be found in
Figure S4 (Supporting Information).
The interface between the β-C2S core and the hydrous layer bond length, rather than the polymerization degree, dominates
C-S-H is well distinguished (Figure 4), indicating changes in the Si K-edge shift.
the phase density. The OD of the hydration product layer The energy difference between a1 and a2, Δa2−a1, can be
slightly decreases with increasing distance from the interface, used to evaluate the degree of silicate polymerization.38,43,61,68
which is associated with several small brighter regions. The values of Δa2−a1 for areas 3 and 4 are equivalent,
Compared to the C3S hydration system,61 the C-S-H of suggesting that the degree of polymerization of the C-S-H here
hydrated β-C2S is more dispersed, and fibrils are not present at is comparable. The energy positions of multiple scattering
this age and at this resolution (Figure 4A). peaks (e.g., a2) are affected by the Si interatomic distances,
Peak a1 is not shown at ∼1851.1 eV in areas 3, 4, 6, but a while the intensity and number of resonances are heavily
single a1 peak is at 1848.8 eV in these areas (Figure 4C), dependent on the bond angle, site symmetry, and number of
suggesting that C-S-H is the only silicate phase in these areas. nearest neighboring oxygen atoms (Si in most cement phases
The absorption features of C-S-H in hydrated β-C2S resemble are four-fold coordinated, expect thaumasite, where Si is six-
those of C-S-H in C3S hydration systems.43,61,64 The Si K-edge fold coordinated).70 Two a2 peaks are distinguished in the
(a1 peak) at 1848.8 eV of C-S-H is 2.2 eV lower than that of β- spectra in areas 2 and 5. In these areas, a peak at 1848.8 eV and
C2S due to the longer Si−O bond of the C-S-H relative to β- a broad shoulder/hump at ∼1851.1 eV were observed. The
C2S.56,69 Li64 concluded that, although there is considerable peak is assigned to the a1 peak of C-S-H, and the shoulder/
overlapping for silicate minerals with different polymerization hump is the contribution of the a1 peak (at 1851.0 eV) of
types, the Si K-edge generally shifts to higher energy with anhydrous β-C2S. These absorption features suggest that areas
increased silicate polymerizations. Thus, in this case, the Si−O 2 and 5 are mixtures of C-S-H and anhydrous β-C2S, and the
2320 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b05060
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Figure 5. Hydrated β-C2S at 51 days: (A) Transmission image of the ROI at 1849 eV; (B) selected regions in the Si element map for the XANES
spectra; (C) Si K-edge XANES spectra extracted from different regions specified in (C); (D) ptychographic image of another area at the same age.
Op is indicated by blue arrows, Ip is indicated by red arrows, and portlandite is indicated by yellow arrows.
hydration here is incomplete. Similarly, areas 7 and 8 are mixes 1853−1854 eV73 since the basal layers of C-S-H are separated
of C-S-H and anhydrous β-C2S, implying that small β-C2S by [Ca(H2O)6]2+ or [Ca(OH)(H2O)5]+.63 29Si NMR studies
particles exist in these areas. This fact is consistent with the showed that the mean silicate chain lengths of C-S-H of 7−12
original granulometry result of β-C2S; ∼10% of β-C2S was months hydrated β-C2S are still lower than 3.5.12,74 This
below 1 μm. Note that a weak contribution of C-S-H to the suggests that the proportion of long silicate chains (octamer or
spectrum at ∼1848.8 eV is observed in area 1 since C-S-H longer) in this C-S-H is relatively low. Therefore, the C-S-H at
surrounds the entire grain. Δa2−a1 of area 6 is 0.9 eV lower 17 days is mainly a mixture of dimer and pentamer C-S-Hs.
than those of areas 3 and 4 (∼15.7 eV), suggesting a lower It is well-known that the degree of silicate polymerization of
degree of polymerization of C-S-H in the area. The difference synthetic C-S-H increases as Ca/Si decreases.26,27 Although
in local polymerization degree can be explained by the different the degree of polymerization of hydrated β-C2S progressively
dissolution rates on the crystal faces and by different numbers increases over time,17,75 there is no significant variation in the
of surface defects of β-C2S;71 multiple crystal faces with low mean Ca/Si of Op (excluding intermixed portlandite) with
hydraulic reactivity occur in area 6. Note that, hydraulic age.37 Thus, it is difficult to estimate the local degree of
reactivity of all faces of pure β-Ca2SiO4 is similar; the dopant polymerization based on Ca/Si ratio. STXM is a more reliable
changes the local reactivity of β-C2S crystals.72 Similarly, the technique to locally probe the variation in silicate polymer-
value of Δa2−a1 for C-S-H in area 9 is 0.7 eV lower than that ization of the C-S-H without considering intermixed micro-
for C-S-H in the unconstrained space. The RGB overlay map crystalline portlandite in the hydrous regions12 and unreacted
(Figure 4D) shows that the C-S-H surrounds the unreacted β-C2S.
core, which is consistent with the analysis above. The values of Si Environment of Hydrated β-C2S for 51 Days. Two
Δa2−a1 for C-S-H among different grains (Areas A−D) are distinct optical densities were observed at 51 days (Figure 5A).
15.6−16.1 eV, indicating a distinction in silicate polymer- Double a1 peaks are not observed in Figure 5B, and only a
ization due to the interference of other grains and the single a1 peak at 1848.9−1849.1 eV occurs. Peak a0 at 1847.9
hydration rate. In addition, the contribution of cross-linking eV was not observed, suggesting a fully hydrated grain (see
sites to the spectra is not observed in the typical range at Supporting Information, Figure S5). The peak difference of
2321 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b05060
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ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Research Article
Figure 6. Hydrated α′H-C2S at 10 days: (A) Transmission image of the ROI taken at 1849 eV; (B) selected regions in the Si element map for the
XANES spectra; (C) Si K-edge XANES spectra extracted from different regions specified in (B); (D) RGB overlay map using XANES spectra
obtained from the C-S-H (Area 7, green) marked in (B) and reference spectrum of anhydrous α′H-C2S (red).
Δa2−a1 for areas 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and B is 16.7−17.0 eV, and 15.8− partial replacement of divalent Ca by monovalent K from the
16.2 eV for areas 1, 2, 3, and 4; two distinct ranges of Δa2−a1 dopant.76 Future study will focus on the coordination
are observed in Figure 5C. Thus, the two distinct ODs indicate environment of K in this system and the electron density
the existence of Ip (dark region) and Op (light region) in around these atoms.
Figure 5A. Areas 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are Ip dominant, while the The ptychographic image (Figure 5D) shows the fibrillar Op
areas 1, 2, 3, and 4 are Op dominant. The Si K-edge (a1) and of another hydrated β-C2S particle at 51 days; the width of
Δa2−a1 of Ip are both lower compared to those of Op, fibers has a distribution of 11−25 nm, which is smaller than the
indicating a lower silicate polymerization and a slightly longer Op of C3S.77 The Ip of β-C2S exhibits a dense aggregated
Si−O bond for Ip. The Δa2−a1 and Si K-edge for Op at 51 structure, and the Ip of C3S with the same w/s exhibits a less
days are slightly higher than at 17 days, revealing that the Op dense structure with aggregates of globules.77 The morpho-
polymerizes over time. The lower Δa2−a1 for areas 10 and A logical difference between the two Ip’s can be explained by the
may be explained by impingement from adjacent grains. lower reactivity of β-C2S. Geng68 reported that the Ip and Op
Similarly, contribution of cross-linking sites to the spectra was of hydrated C3S exhibit an identical Si K-edge with a higher
also not observed due to the abundant interlayer Ca between energy for the a2 peaks of Op, showing that Ip has a lower
basal layers of C-S-H.63 Thus, both Op and Ip are likely degree of silicate polymerization. Portlandite microcrystallites
mixtures of dimer and pentamer C-S-Hs with very small intermixed with Op is observed, which is consistent with TEM
amounts of octamer and longer chains. The values of Δa2−a1 study of Richardson.11
for Op and Ip are larger compared to those of synthetic C-S-H Si Environment of Anhydrous and Hydrated α′H-C2S
with a bulk Ca/Si molar ratio of 1.4,38 suggesting that the for 10 Days. Similar to β-C2S, pre-edge peak a0 was also
electron shielding on Si from cations in hydration product C-S- observed in α′H-C2S (Figure 6C), suggesting a slight distortion
Hs is weaker. This can be explained by the highly distorted Ca of the silicate tetrahedron of α′H-C2S. The Si K-edge of α′H-
of [Ca(OH)(H2O)5]+ in the interlayer of C-S-Hs, and the C2S is 0.2 eV higher than for β-C2S, suggesting a slightly
2322 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b05060
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Figure 7. Hydrated α′H-C2S at 40 days: (A) Transmission image of the ROI taken at 1849 eV; (B) selected regions in the Si element map for the
XANES spectra; (C) Si K-edge XANES spectra extracted from different regions specified in (B); (D) ptychographic image.
shorter Si−O bond for α′H-C2S compared with β-C2S, which is between different grains suggests that the polymerization is not
consistent with XRD refinement.56 obviously interfered by adjacent grains. Additionally, the C-S-
Similar to β-C2S hydration, the interface between non- Hs are mainly mixtures of dimer and pentamer units, and a
fibrillar Op and α′H-C2S was observed at 10 days (Figure 6). cross-linking effect was not observed on the spectra. Compared
The Si K-edge and Δa2−a1 of hydrated α′H-C2S at 10 days are to the Op of β-C2S at 51 days, hydrated α′H-C2S at 40 days
equivalent to or 0.2−0.3 eV larger than that for hydrated β-C2S
exhibited a comparable polymerization degree at an earlier age.
at 17 days. Thus, the chemical environment of Si in hydrated
This confirms the higher reactivity of α′H-C2S compared with
α′H-C2S is similar to that in β-C2S hydration at 17 days with a
comparable degree of polymerization at an earlier age. The β-C2S.
polymerization degree of the Op is more homogeneous since The ptychographic image (Figure 7D) shows the fibrillar C-
the Δa2−a1 values of all C-S-Hs here are ∼15.9 eV. Again, Op S-H with a width of 15−30 nm, which is larger than hydrated
cross-linking sites are not present, suggesting that the Op is still β-C2S but smaller than hydrated C3S (41−59 nm),77 and the
mainly a mixture of dimer and pentamer units.18 Thus, α′H- inner C-S-H exhibits a looser aggregated structure with ∼17
C2S exhibits a higher reactivity relative to β-C2S. This work is nm voids compared to the Ip of hydrated β-C2S. The Ip’s of
consistent with experimental and simulation studies on the hydrated β-C2S, C3S, and PC with a practical w/s (i.e., <0.6)
reactivity32,47,78 but provides new details on the rate of appear to be small and globular.79 The larger void of the Ip
polymerization of α′H-C2S hydration. relative to the Ip of hydrated C3S79 could be induced by the w/
Si Environment of Hydrated α′H-C2S for 40 Days. The s of 10 used in this study, which provides sufficient space for
C-S-H of α′H-C2S at 40 days is fibrillar in Figure 7. There was
nanocrystallite growth during the fast hydration. The micro-
no Ip/Op interface in the fully hydrated grain (see Supporting
Information, Figure S6) observed. The values of Δa2−a1 for all structure of hydrated α′H-C2S is similar to that of hydrated C3S
the areas range from 16.7 to 17.0 eV, suggesting a relatively with the same w/s77 instead of the hydrated β-C2S mentioned
homogeneous polymerization. This is a primary difference above. Thus, the morphological difference among the silicates
compared to β-C2S. The Si K-edge (a1) of all areas is in these diluted systems may be relevant to their hydration
comparable, suggesting similar Si coordination in these areas. reactivity. More ptychographic images can be found in Figure
The comparable degree of polymerization of the interfaces S7 (Supporting Information).
2323 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b05060
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