Holiday Homework - Class 12
Holiday Homework - Class 12
Holiday Homework - Class 12
Complete the project work as per CBSE guidelines.
a. PART 1 - Comprehensive Project of Class XI to be included as Part 1. Students must copy
over the work from Class XI neatly in the project files. Comprehensive project will include
journal entries, their ledgering, and preparation of Trial balance, followed by Trading and
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet. Expenses, incomes and profit (loss), assets
and liabilities are to be depicted using pie chart / bar diagram. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL
b. PART 2 – Financial Statement Analysis using Accounting Ratios. Group leaders to pick a
company, download their published financial statements and analyse them through
Accounting Ratios. The students may choose any 10 accounting ratios.
c. PART 3 – Financial Statement Analysis using Cash Flow Statement. The Cash flow
statement of the same company must be downloaded and all three activities of the firm,
Operating Activities, Investing Activities and Financing Activities, to be analyzed by the
1. Complete the worksheet on the Unit Reproduction (Chapter 2, 3 and 4) uploaded on the MS
2. Complete your practical files for all the practical done and spots observed during the practical
3. CBSE Investigatory Project: Start performing / collecting data/ conduct survey as discussed in
the class and records your observations along with the pictures. Submit your observations and
investigations after summer break.
4. Worksheet on three chapters have been shared through MS Teams. Please write answers to
these questions in your class registers.
Complete the project work as per CBSE guidelines.
Students should select one unit out of the following four and make ONE project from the selected
a. Elements of Business Environment
b. Principles of Management
c. Stock Exchange
d. Marketing
Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for the preparation and submission.
1. The total length of the project will be 25 to 30 pages.
2. The project should be handwritten.
3. The project should be presented in a neat folder.
4. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-
● Cover page - Include the title of the Project, student information, school and year.
● List of contents.
● Acknowledgements and preface (acknowledging the institution, the places visited and the
persons who have helped).
● Introduction.
● Topic with suitable heading.
● Planning and activities done during the project, if any.
● Observations and findings of the visit.
● Conclusions (summarized suggestions or findings, future scope of study).
● Photographs (if any).
● Appendix
● Teacher’s Observation.
● Practical files and project to be completed. Necessary material has been uploaded in MS
● NCERT PART 1 -Unit 2, NCERT PART 2 -Unit 10 -All questions given in the exercise to be
solved in a separate note book.
a. Kindly take a print out of the assignment and paste in the Computer Science notebook.
b. The following programs need to be written in the Computer Science notebook
c. The work needs to be submitted immediately after the summer holidays.
A. Project Work: Identify a topic of your project which should use CRUD analysis: C –
Create, R- Run, U – Update and D : Delete. Making a game is NOT allowed. Project
should be an innovative one, only up to two students will be allowed for a group
B. Questions for file:
1. Write a program to input two numbers m and n and display first m multiples of n.
2. Write a menu driven program to calculate the volume of a cube, cuboid, or cylinder
on the user’s choice.
3. Write a program to read a string and print out the following :
a. No. of uppercase alphabets,
b. No. of lowercase alphabets,
c. No. of non-alphabets
d. Print it after changing the case of each alphabet.
e. To count the number of times the words “to” and “are” are present.
f. Display frequency of each alphabet present in the list.
4. Write a program to input 10 elements in a List and then
a. Display each element in reverse order.
b. Swap each pair of consecutive numbers and display the new list
c. Swap first half of the list elements with second half, then display the list.
5. Write a program to using functions to input and display following details of a student:
Name, Roll Number, Percentage, Stream
Also write a function to assign stream on the basis of the table given below:
Percentage Stream
96% or more Computer Science
91% - 95% Electronics
86% - 90% Mechanical
81% - 85% Electrical
75% - 80% Chemical
71% - 75% Civil
6. Write a program to create a list and sort the list in ascending order using
a. Selection sort
b. Bubble sort
c. Insertion sort
Display the list before and after sorting.
7. Write a program to create a list and check whether a given element is present in the
list or not, also display the index on which the element was found.
8. Write a program to create a dictionary containing names and telephone numbers. The
program should have functions to perform the following:
● To add records in the dictionary.
● Display the name for a given telephone number. If the telephone number does
not exist then display error message "record not found".
● Display the telephone number(s) for a given name. If the name does not exist
then display error message "record not found".
1. ASSIGNMENTS to be completed
PROJECT BRIEF: Visit an Architectural monument of national repute/ recognition and
create a two-page report on it. Share your experiences on Built-up, spaces in and around
it, look and feel, history, requirements, material specification, special features (if any).
Group work- Create the presentation on A3 size sheets sharing the information on Gestalt laws
and principles, geometrical analysis.
Individual work – Create a brochure on the same monument.
1) Complete the personal space development- model and sheets
2) Complete the collage on Jungle theme using geometry and space
3) Complete the collage on jungle theme using adobe illustrator software based
on geometry and space.
PROJECT BRIEF: Research and create a presentation on the Product Development (topic is
already given to individuals) to be shared in the class.
1. Create a full presentation to support your research and study
● Study the need and requirement of the product.
● Study about the history of the product and how it got invented?
● Study about the materials and its limitations
● Study on the innovations of the product with new amendments in material
explorations, technological parts.
● Study on design prototyping and form explorations
● Study on the timeline of the product development
● Study the parts of the product and its usages.
● Study the new product in the market.
● Any new design idea/ sketch or an insight on the technology of the product can
be incorporated in the presentation.
● List all Citation, references and bibliography
2. Create a word document on the above product development in detail with
supportive text and images.
i) Font size: 12 Calibri
ii) Line spacing/ paragraph spacing: 1.15
iii) Add page border
iv) Use Left indent spacing to 1”
v) Use right indent spacing to 0.5”
vi) Top indent spacing to 1”
vii) Bottom indent spacing to 1”
viii) Use hyphenation to organize your line/ paragraph spacing
ix) Include page numbers, headers, footers
x) Include references/ footnote/ citations along with the image and the
text/comment at the bottom of the page
xi) Create a format for the document to follow
xii) Add table of contents page in the beginning of the document
Guidelines for Project Work in Economics (Class XII)
The objectives of the project work are to enable learners to:
● probe deeper into theoretical concepts learnt in classes XI and XII
● analyse and evaluate real world economic scenarios using theoretical constructs and
● demonstrate the learning of economic theory
● follow up aspects of economics in which learners have interest
● develop the communication skills to argue logically
The expectations of the project work are that:
● learners will complete only ONE project in each academic session
● project should be of 3,500-4,000 words (excluding diagrams & graphs), preferably hand-
● it will be an independent, self-directed piece of study.
● Short-term and long-term implications of economic strategies suggested in the course of
● Validity, reliability, appropriateness and relevance of data used for research work and for
presentation in the project file
● Presentation and writing that is succinct and coherent in project file
● Citation of the materials referred to, in the file in footnotes, resources section,
bibliography etc.
3. Presentation Technique 3
4. Viva-voce 8
5. Total 20 Marks
Project Work is an excellent opportunity for research, introspection, reflection, data collection
and analysis of data. Students are encouraged to make the best use of this opportunity during
the summer vacations, be as creative as possible and produce a well-researched project.
The Project Report is a compilation of the work that the students produce during the process of
working on their ALS Project. The Project should include the following:
● Cover page, with the title of the project, school details/details of the student.
● Statement of purpose/objectives/goals.
● Certificate of completion under the guidance of the teacher. (Format provided at the
● Materials such as scripts for the video presentations, questionnaires for interviews,
written assignments, essays, survey reports, parallel literature and other material
evidence of learning progress and academic accomplishment.
● 800-1000 words Essay/ 7-minute video presentation with the hard copy of the script
● Student’s reflections.
● If possible, photographs that capture the positive learning experiences of the
● List of resources/bibliography.
May-June- Orientation, planning and completion of the first draft of the project
July- August-Suggestions and improvements are shared by the teacher
Gaps, if any are filled by the students
October 10- Final submission and evaluation
Content, Creativity, Originality and Presentation
Research on ANY ONE of the following topics:
Threats to safety (natural/man-made)
Role of wars in destruction of the Earth
Resolving conflicts
Sustainable development
Survey/students’ reflections
Rise of nationalism in India
Assessing global trends
Nationalism vs patriotism
Case study/Interview
Student’s reflections
The History curriculum in senior secondary classes enables students to know that History is a
critical discipline, a process of inquiry, a way of knowing about the past rather than just a
collection of facts. The syllabus helps to understand the process, through which a historian
collects, chooses, scrutinizes and assembles different types of evidence to compile history.
Project work will help students:
• To develop the skill to gather data from a variety of sources, investigate diverse viewpoints
and arrive at logical deductions.
• To develop skill to comprehend, analyse, interpret, evaluate historical evidence and
understand the limitation of historical evidence.
• To develop 21st century managerial skills of coordination, self-direction and time
• To learn to work on diverse cultures, races, religions and lifestyles.
• To learn through constructivism-a theory based on observation and scientific study.
• To inculcate a spirit of inquiry and research.
• To communicate data in the most appropriate form using a variety of techniques.
• To provide greater opportunity for interaction and exploration.
• To understand contemporary issues in context to our past.
• To develop a global perspective and an international outlook.
• To grow into caring, sensitive individuals capable of making informed, intelligent and
independent choices.
● Projects will be undertaken individually by each student.
● Themes already discussed and allotted to be taken up for research by students.
● Project file should be hand written only.
● Please adhere to the following order in the process of compilation of the project :
o Outer Cover (Title Page)
o Certificate of authenticity ( will be provided by the teacher)
o Index with page numbers
o Acknowledgment
o Introduction to the topic
o Sheets of the main content
o Conclusion
o Bibliography
o Assessment Rubric ( will be provided by the teacher)
● Referencing, either through footnotes or endnotes, is important so as to avoid
● In normal circumstances, students are required to use primary sources available in city
archives. But under the restrictions imposed by the ongoing pandemic, students should
explore digital archives like, South Asia Archive, digital archives made
available to the public by National Archives of India, British Library, Gokhale Institute
● Primary sources can also include newspapers, photographs, film footage and recorded
written/speeches and oral sources. Secondary sources may also be used after proper
● Only credible web sources to be used.
● Apart from the project report (compulsory), students can also take up other mediums
for engaging with their topics like powerpoint presentations/models/skits/videos/song
and dance or culture show /story telling/debate/panel discussion, paper presentation
and so on.
● The students are required to submit their projects for the first review on 5 th July, 2022.
The marks will be allocated under the following heads:
1. Project Synopsis (2 marks)
2. Timeline/explanation and interpretation /Map work (5 marks)
3. Visual/overall presentation (4 marks)
4. Analysis/ Data/Statistical analysis (4 marks)
5. Bibliography (1 mark)
6. Viva (4 marks)
Total - 20 Marks
a. Kindly take a print out of the assignment and paste in the Computer Science notebook.
b. The following programs need to be written in the Computer science notebook
c. The work needs to be submitted on the day of joining back after the summer holidays.
A. Project Work: Identify a topic of your project which should use Graphical
representation of data. Making a game is NOT allowed. Project should be an innovative
one, not more than 2 students will be allowed.
B. Questions for file:
1. Write a program to input two numbers m and n and display the larger number.
2. Write a program to input 3 numbers and display the largest number.
3. Write a program to read a string and print out the following :
i. No. of uppercase alphabets,
ii. No. of lowercase alphabets,
iii. No. of non-alphabets
iv. Print it after changing the case of each alphabet.
v. To count the number of times the words “he” and “she” are present.
4. Write a program to input 10 elements in a List and then
i. Display the maximum and minimum number, sum and average of
all numbers.
ii. Display all numbers divisible by 3 or 5
5. Write a program to input and display following details of a student:
Name and Percentage and then display Stream.
Percentage Stream
96% or more Computer Science
91% - 95% Electronics
86% - 90% Mechanical
81% - 85% Electrical
75% - 80% Chemical
71% - 75% Civil
6. Write a program to create a list and check whether a given element is present in
the list or not, if present display the frequency.
7. Write a program to create a dictionary containing names and telephone
numbers. The program should have functions to perform the following:
● To add records in the dictionary.
● Display the name for a given telephone number. If the telephone number
does not exist then display error message "record not found".
● Display the telephone number(s) for a given name. If the name does not exist
then display error message "record not found".
1. The student is required to do a project on ‘Understanding Case Laws’.
2. Legal Sources are to be utilised for research, and websites such as India kanoon, The
Wire, Bar & Bench etc. are encouraged over sources such as Wikipedia or any other
unverified/casual sources.
3. Refrain from using casual or colloquial language and partake in legal writing and
terminology. Reference to different articles and judgments can be made for better
understanding of this style.
4. All cases, quotations etc. are to be attributed to, and can be mentioned as footnotes.
5. The Project should be aesthetically pleasing, and can extend up to 20-25 pages with
minimal cutting and bold headings. A cover page should be included.
The project work aims to enable students to:
∙ identify a legal problem and provide its remedy
∙ select relevant legal sources and conduct research
∙ analyse and distinguish between types of cases
∙ apply case laws and relevant statutory laws
1. The student is required to select any 3 decided cases related to the curriculum where one
must be civil in nature, one criminal and one constitutional in character.
2. The research on the cases must include the following points:
a) Name of the case
b) Parties to the case
c) Citation
d) Bench
e) Nature of the case (Civil, Criminal or Constitutional)
f) Facts of the case and issues involved
g) Arguments of the parties
h) Decision of the case- This should have legal analysis, with analogies (similarities &
from other prominent cases
i) Trace the historical journey of the case in a concise manner
j) Reflections- Inconsistencies in the case, the evidence and the judgment can be
highlighted, Pros and Cons of the judgment given can be provided with arguments
and analysis, Look at Alternative solutions
k) Bibliography
● Worksheets of the following chapters have been uploaded on MS Teams:
- Matrices & Determinants
- Relations & Functions of
Complete the two worksheets in a separate register, as per the instructions given.
● 3 Activities have also been uploaded on MS Teams.
In the Activity / Lab Notebook, complete these 3 Activities as per the instructions given
● In case of any query or clarification, contact your subject teacher.
Holidays are here for you to relax, read, think and express!
Show creativity in drawing and painting recalling all experiments done in the past one year.
Make Compositions on each of the given topics:
1) Father reads the news from the newspaper and shares it with the family.
2) A car passes too fast and is close to a road-side vendor.
Sheet size: Half imperial, cartridge sheet.
Medium: Oil pastels or water colours.
Draw and paint a plant with a planter, in water colours.
Sheet size: Half imperial, cartridge sheet.
Medium: Oil pastels or water colours.
Using only colour pencils, draw two artworks from the Rajasthani miniature paintings from the
course of your syllabus. Both the drawings will be done on 1/8th size of cartridge sheet.
Select paintings from the following: The Rajasthani Paintings, class 12 course
1. Plan an Investigatory project/model/experiment on any topic of Physics (Class 11 level or
above) as discussed in the class. This can be done individually or in groups of two students.
Suggested topics for Project :
● Any phenomenon in Optics
● Electrical circuits
● Electronics
● Energy conservation
● Fluids
● New technology
● As approved by the teacher
2. Completion of Practical file work according to the format given in the class.
3. Practice the worksheet that has been uploaded on MS Teams..
I. Project file to be prepared by the students.
Guidelines for Project:
1. The Project work will be implemented for 20 Marks.
2. Any topic related to the curriculum can be taken up by the students.
3. Out of 20 marks, 10 marks are to be allotted to viva voce and 10 marks for project work.
4. The project can be individual/pair/group of 4-5 each.
5. Students are expected to conduct research work and show evidence for their research
For example, they can conduct surveys, interviews, group discussions etc., and show
recordings as evidence in the project.
6. Data related to topics should not be just taken from Google& Wikipedia. Students are
requested to read relevant books, journals, magazines, and newspapers related to their
7. The suggestive list of activities for project work apart from project file is as follows: - Role
Play, Skit, Presentation, Model, Field Survey, Mock Drills/Mock Event etc.
8. Project has to be handwritten (approximately 25-30 pages)
9. Use only one side of the page for content writing.
10. The other side of the page should be used for visuals (pictures, clippings, cartoons,
illustrations, statistics, maps etc) You may even incorporate lesser known interesting facts
by inserting ' Fact Cards'
11. Use coloured A4 size sheets.
12. Number all the pages.
13. Leave a broad left margin to allow binding.
14. Please adhere to the following order in the process of compilation of the project :
● Outer Cover ( Title Page )
● Certificate of authenticity
● Index with page numbers
● Acknowledgments
● Introduction to the topic
● Sheets of the main content
● Conclusion
● Bibliography
● Assessment of Project Work:
Project Work has broadly the following phases:
Synopsis/ Initiation, Data Collection, Data Analysis and Interpretation,
15. Some Suggested Topics for the Project Work are:
● End of Bipolar World
● Niti Aayog
● Partition Of India
● Global Islamic Terrorism
● Operation Bluestar
● Integration of Kashmir
● Indian Politics – Trends and Development
● Integration of Princely States of India
● Rise and Downfall of Congress
● Rise of BJP- With special reference to NDA
● South Asia and Contemporary world order
● New Centres of Power
● India as new centre of power
● Revival of Post-Communist Nations- With special reference to Russia
● Split of Congress – 1969
● Democratic Resurgence in India
● Emergency in India -1975
● Separatist groups of India – Maoist, Naxalist, Khalistan
II. Map file to be prepared by the students on all the maps given in the books.
The students are required to complete the practical files according to the following details. The
required content is being shared in class.
Introduction to Psychological Testing
RSPM entire practical to be written
SCAT Entire Practical to be written
GAS Basic concepts to be written
SCQ Basic concepts to be written
Case Study
Introduction to Case Study
Demographic information
Rapport Building/ Exploratory session
Project work to be undertaken during the summer break:
A. Using the given research project guidelines, complete the following sections of the practical
1) Data Analysis (graphical representation of the data collected through questionnaire)
2) List of figures
3) Separators (optional)
4) Picture collage
5) Cover Page
6) Interview Reporting
7) Conclusion
8) Appendix 3 (Interview Questions)
B. Frame 5 personal semi-structured interview questions relating to your topic of research.
Conduct telephonic/zoom call/personal interviews after the questions have been approved and
Note- The sections of the file requiring improvement/correction has already been shared with
each student. Kindly utilize this time fruitfully to work on the presentation of the file and
correction work.
C. Complete Question Bank booklet on Chapter- Social Institutions: Continuity and Change
D. YouTube link for two documentaries has been attached. Write an article of 700 words
providing your analysis. You can supplement your argument using other literary
sources. (Typed- Cite references)